#also maybe it's not helping that today was shit and that we recently increased m
running-in-the-dark · 8 months
wondering how you know if the weight of everything is actually too much and if maybe the future just isn't worth it.
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reidingandwriting · 4 years
5 Times Tony Wasn’t There for You, and 1 Time He Was
Word Count: ~3200 words
Ship: Tony Stark x Daughter!Reader, Peter Parker x Stark!Daughter (Platonic), Lots of IronFam ft. the Parkers 
Warnings: Probably some swearing, not completely movie compliant but follows the general timeline ❤ Kinda unrelated gif (kind of related if you pay attention) but look how CUTE Morgan and Tony are
✨ Masterlist ✨
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As the young daughter of Tony Stark, you were used to your dad being busy with work. Meetings across the country, dinners with royal dignitaries across the globe, or simply just endless hours spent locked in his office. All of this before he went missing for three months and came back as Iron Man. 
It was your sixth birthday and Tony had planned the perfect birthday party for you, with Pepper’s and Happy’s help of course. You had recently developed an intense fascination with marine life, so what better way for you and your family to celebrate your birthday then spending the day at the aquarium? He even splurged a little extra to convince the owners of the aquarium for you to have a sleepover under the sea. But the night before your party, Tony told you he had to leave for a little while. “It’s okay, Daddy.” You said, with the most innocent smile on your face. “Can we have some of my birthday cake tonight?” And how could Tony say no to that? After birthday cake and being tucked into bed, Tony flew off in his suit for one of the first of many times. 
“Pepper, Pepper, Pepper!” You ran down the hall of your Malibu mansion, Happy trailing behind you. You launched yourself at Pepper, your little arms wrapping around her legs. “Is it time to see the fish?” Pepper scooped you into her arms and you settled on her hip, your face nuzzled into the crook of her neck. 
“It’s almost time! Are all the bags packed?” Pepper looked up at Happy, who nodded. 
“And in the car, ready whenever we leave.” Pepper smiled gratefully at Happy. 
“Wait! Forgot something, down please.” Pepper set you down and you ran off towards your room. 
“Thank you again, Happy. You know you don’t have to stay with us-“
“I want to.” Happy interjected. “What can I say? The kid’s grown on me.” The sound of your footsteps grew louder as you entered the living room a minute later, your stuffed bear and wad of black fabric in your arms.
“What’s that, Y/N?” Pepper tilted her head as you held out the material. 
“You know Teddy, and this is Daddy’s favorite shirt. He’s not here, so Teddy can wear his shirt. Almost like he is there!” Pepper bit her lip and plastered on a smile she hoped looked half as happy as yours. 
“Just like he’s there, huh? Come on, let’s go to the car. I bet the fish are so excited to see you.” 
After Tony had taken down Obadiah, who you totally never trusted by the way, and had the press conference where he announced he was Iron Man, things started to go back to normal. Well, as normal as anything involving Tony Stark can be. You spent time with your dad in the garage as he worked on suit upgrades, and DUM-E seemed extra chipper (and klutzy) while you were around. Your Uncle Rhodey visited more frequently and everything was good. Life was good, until recently. 
For the last few weeks, your dad had been acting different. “Your dad’s under a lot of stress right now, Y/N. He’s okay.” Pepper would repeat this to you every time you asked. Natalie’s addition to Stark Industries provided a distraction for you, and you found yourself growing close to the red head. 
Your dad, Pepper, Happy, and Natalie were in Monaco and you were left at home  with Rhodey. You stood in the dark hall of your house, your Uncle Rhodey seated on the couch in the living room. The television lit up the room, and you slowly tip-toed to the couch. The blanket you held in your hand dragged against the floor as you climbed onto the couch. 
“Hey, kiddo. What are you doing up so late?” Rhodey wrapped his arm around you and covered your body with your blanket.
“Lonely. Miss everyone.” You nestled into Rhodey’s side and your eyes glued to the television. “Boring movie, Uncle Rhodey.” Rhodey laughed and looked at you. 
“And what do you want to watch, little miss? Let me guess, Tangled?” You nodded quickly and sent a dimpled smile up at your uncle. 
“Please?” Rhodey groaned dramatically before he started the movie, and you giggled happily. And if Rhodey sang the songs with you, that was no one’s business but yours. 
You had hoped after the events in New York, with the team called the Avengers and their battle with Loki, things would go back to normal. Boy, were you wrong. You were on a plane with Pepper when you saw the footage of your dad flying into a wormhole, and it wasn’t until you were back in Malibu before you saw him again. Tears were shed and an endless amount of hugs were given when you were reunited. 
The changes in your dad’s behavior were subtle in the beginning. Loud noises would startle him much easier than before, and he spent less time sleeping and double the amount of time in the garage working on his suits. When he did sleep, his dreams were plagued with nightmares. On those nights, he’d check on you multiple times before morning came. “Have to make sure my best girl’s okay.” Tony would say on the rare chance you were awake before he went back to the garage to work for hours until sunrise, where he’d repeat the cycle again. Work with Stark Industries, work at home, and maybe get a few hours of sleep. 
Your dad’s PTSD got worse with each day that passed; throw in Happy being hospitalized, your Uncle Rhodey’s Iron Patriot makeover, and Pepper’s meeting with Aldrich Killian, Tony was a mess. And the threat of the Mandarin was the breaking point. “Come and find me. 10880 Malibu Point, 90265.” When Pepper heard the news, she told you to pack a bag, Christmas was going to take place as far from Malibu as possible. You stood in your bedroom, JARVIS playing Christmas music as you finished packing when you heard your dad, Pepper, and another woman yelling. You walked to the door and outstretched your hand, your fingertips brushing the handle when the first explosion went off. You went flying into your bedroom wall, and your world went dark. 
When you woke up again, you were hit with the news. The only home you had known was reduced to rubble, your dad was missing, presumed to be dead by the media, and your life as you knew it was over. You and Pepper had joined the unknown woman, known as Maya, to get the hell out of there. 
On Christmas Eve, you sat on your hotel bed, soft Christmas music playing in the room. You held your dad’s helmet in your lap, it being the closest it could be to having your dad with you. Pepper took a seat beside you, and you kept your gaze down, eyes glued to the helmet rested in your lap. 
“How are you holding up?” Pepper’s voice was quiet, hesitant. She was especially cautious with you for the last few days, afraid to further upset you. You couldn’t even count how many times you burst into tears out of nowhere, but you always had Pepper to lean on. Like now, as you leaned your head on her shoulder. 
“I just want my dad home.” Your voice cracked as the familiar sting in your eyes returned. You blinked rapidly as you tried not to cry again today. You picked up the helmet and hugged it to your chest. “I want to be on the couch, watching Home Alone, drinking hot chocolate. I want to be home. I miss him, Pepper.” Pepper’s shoulders shook as she tried not to cry, and she hugged you close. 
‘Me too, kid. I miss him too.’ 
After everything died down with the Mandarin, your dad returned to the Stark Tower you now called home. It took a while to settle in, even longer with the Avengers frequenting the space, but you had your family- your dad, Pepper, Happy, and Rhodey. Even JARVIS in his own special way was an important part of your life and family. But history has a way of repeating itself. Right as you developed a new routine and sense of normalcy, shit hits the fan. This time it was Ultron. 
You were seated beside Maria as you and the team were on the balcony after one of your dad’s parties. You watched in amusement as Clint, your father, Rhodey, and Steve attempted to lift Mjolnir to no avail. The group talked and laughed, until the battle with Ultron started. 
“Hill! Get Y/N out of here, now!” Tony yelled. 
“Dad, no!” You started to go after your dad, and Maria grabbed your arm. 
“Y/N. You can’t fight with them. I need to get you out of here, please don’t make me carry you.” You paused before nodding, and you followed Maria to safety. Hours later, you were on the phone with your dad. 
“I’m sorry, kid. I only have a minute until I have to go off the grid.” Your eyes burned as you blinked away tears. “I’ll be home as soon as I can.”
“You promise? All in one piece?” You asked
“Maybe two.” You choked out a tearful laugh at your dad’s answer and took a deep breath. 
“I love you, Dad. Please, be safe.”
“I promise.”
You woke up with a gasp and clutched at your chest as you caught your breath. You flipped your phone over, three in the morning. 
“Miss Stark?” FRIDAY, your dad’s new AI, asked. Before the first fight with Ultron, JARVIS had been pretty much destroyed. Then FRIDAY was born. “Your heart rate has greatly increased and your oxygen levels have slightly decreased. Shall I call Ms. Potts for medical attention?”
“No, no, no. No, please. I’m okay, just... a bad dream is all. Nothing new.” You grabbed your cup of water that sat on the nightstand and took a large gulp, and tried to calm yourself down. You also turned on your lamp, the small bulb casting a warm glow around you. 
“Do you frequently have nightmares, Miss Stark?” 
“Y/N, please. Sometimes. Usually my dad is here and he helps me calm down. He’d sit with me; sometimes we’d watch the TV for a while, or he’d read to me until I fell asleep again.“ You pulled your blanket closer to you, a wave of sadness hitting you. “I wish he was here.”
“I’m positive Mr. Stark will be home as soon as he can, Y/N.” A pause. “What did Mr. Stark read to you when you couldn’t sleep?”
“We’ve been reading the Percy Jackson books lately. We just finished the second book the other night.” You laid back in bed and let your eyes close, and you willed yourself to fall back asleep. 
“‘The Friday before winter break, my mom-’” FRIDAY started to speak and your eyes snapped open. 
“What are you doing, Fri?”
“Reading book three, The Titan’s Curse.” FRIDAY answered as if it was the obvious answer. 
“But... why?” 
“You said your father would read to you whenever you had nightmares. Mr. Stark can’t be here, so I thought I could start reading the book to you. Hopefully he won’t be too upset that you started without him.” You smiled at how genuine and caring FRIDAY sounded and closed your eyes again. 
“That can be our little secret. Sorry for interrupting, FRIDAY. You can keep reading if you’d like.” 
“Certainly. ‘The Friday before winter break, my mom packed me an overnight bag and a few deadly weapons and took me to a new boarding school. We picked up my friends Annabeth and Thalia on the way.’” FRIDAY continued to read and you shortly fell asleep, a smile on your face. “Goodnight, Y/N.” 
You knew things would change after the battle with Ultron in Sokovia. You had just greatly underestimated how different things would be. One change was the new additions to the team- Vision and Wanda. While you got along well with them, not even your friendships could blind you to the tensions between your unconventional family. The already seldom group meals became even more rare the silence would be unsettling. If it wasn’t silent, there was arguing that you couldn’t escape. 
Another change was the lack of Pepper in Tony’s life and subsequently your life. Pepper always tried to be there for you, even called you often and invited you to her office for lunch, but it wasn’t the same at home without her. Your dad was suffering from the loss more than he was letting on, and you had to be there for him as well. 
“I’m a grown man, Y/N. I can take care of myself.” Tony said as he looked at you, and you set a plate and a glass of water down on his workshop table. 
“I know you can, but will you?” Tony scowled at you, but you could see the gratitude in his eyes.
“Don’t know what I’d do without you, kid.” You smiled and hugged your dad tight. 
“Probably fall apart.” You said with a playful smile. “Good thing you’ll never have to find out.” You let go of Tony and walked towards the exit. “Finish up soon, or I’ll have FRIDAY shut the power off.” 
Things got worse when the Sokovia Accords were brought into play. Your family was torn apart by the decision whether or not to sign, with your dad being one of the few to sign and Cap being one of the few against the Accords. Throw in Clint’s retirement and the team you knew was no more. Tony knew this, and he made a trip to Queens for recruitment. 
“Where are you going?” You sat up from your spot on the couch. 
“Queens.” Tony walked over and took a seat beside you. “I’ve had FRIDAY tracking crime statistics, pair that with trending searches after these crimes, and I think we may have found someone in Queens that could be helpful.” Tony pulled his phone out of his pocket and projected a video for you. You tilted your head as you watched the person (definitely my age, you thought) in their makeshift suit swinging around the city, and your jaw dropped when you saw them catch a car with their bare hands. 
“And how exactly did you find out who they are? Under the suit?” 
“Classified.” Tony tapped the tip of your nose, and you swatted his hand away with a playful glare. 
“Hope you have a way to convince his guardians to speak with him, let alone go with you to fight against the rogues.” You laid back down and cuddled your blanket.
“Have we met? I always have a plan.” Tony stood up. “You’ll be okay on your own?”
“Have we met?” You copied him and Tony rolled his eyes. 
“Old man.”
“I’m running away!” Tony called out as he walked to the elevator. 
“See you in a few hours.” You closed your eyes, and let sleep take over. 
“I wish I could go with you. We haven’t been to Germany in so long.” You sat on a workshop bench as your dad finished tweaking the web shooters for Spider-Man’s new suit. 
“As soon as everything is calm again, we’ll have a vacation wherever you want. Just us, I promise. It has been too long since we’ve spent time together without work getting in the way.” You could hear the guilt in your dad’s voice and you smiled sympathetically at him. 
“I know you’ll make it right, Dad. You always do.”
Before you knew it, your dad and the remaining team members were off to Germany for the fight against the rogues. Happy stayed behind, which you said was completely unnecessary, per your dad’s request. Just in case, he had said. He’ll only be a call away. And it’s a good thing he did. 
“Happy?” You groaned and held your phone to your ear. “I think I need the hospital.” That was nearly an hour ago. Now, you laid in a stretcher, being wheeled to the operating room, as Happy waited in the lobby the emergency room. Your stomach had been aching all day and it got worse as the day progressed. 
“Sounds like appendicitis. We’ll need to remove her appendix as soon as possible.” The rest of the conversation faded into the background, as did the preparation for your surgery. 
“Alright, Miss Stark.” The surgeon spoke as she administered the anesthesia. “Count down from five for me. Can you do that?”
“Five...” Your eyes closed. “Four... three...” And you slipped into darkness again. 
(In the waiting room...)
“Guess it’s a good thing you stayed behind.” Happy held his phone against his ear, Pepper speaking on the other end of the line. “How is she?”
“Surgery should be finishing up soon. I’ll call you again when I’ve seen her. I’m sure she’d appreciate seeing you when she’s home.” Happy glanced at the door, anxious to see your surgeon again. 
“The minute she’s ready for visitors, I’ll be there.” Muffled voices in the background. “Keep me posted, please? I have to go.”
“I will. Bye, Pepper.” The two exchanged goodbyes just in time for the surgeon to walk over. 
“Mr. Hogan? Miss Stark is waking up. I’ll walk you to her room.”
“Hey, kid.” Happy spoke quietly and took a seat in the chair beside your bed. 
“Happy...” You smiled and struggled to keep your eyes half open. “You’re here.”
“Where else would I be?” Happy could see the gears in your brain working after the question. 
“Dunno. Just happy you’re here.” You giggled tiredly. “Happy that Happy’s here. Happy, happy, happy.” Your voice trailed to a whisper and you were quiet for a minute. “Happy?”
“Yes, Y/N?” You turned to face Happy, and his eyes met yours. 
“Thank you. For always being here for me.” 
“Always will be, Y/N/N.“ Happy watched as your eyes closed, the smile still on your face. 
“Like a family. You’re my family, Hap. And I love you.” It was Happy’s turn to smile, and he leaned down and pressed a chaste kiss to your forehead. 
“I love you too, kid.” He hoped you heard him before you fell asleep. 
-One Time He Was There-
“Peter!” You laughed as the brunette led (dragged) you through the hall of his apartment building, and you looked at the doors you passed on the way to his. “Slow down, I’m going to trip!”
“I’ll catch you.” Peter replied but slowed down. “Sorry, I’m just excited.”
“For pizza at your aunt’s?” You stopped walking and Peter nodded. The slight twitch of Peter’s eye didn’t go unnoticed- his nervous tic. What can you say? Natasha trained you well. 
Happy had dropped you off at the Parker’s apartment last night, giving you an excuse about some business trip him, Pepper, and your dad had planned over the weekend. You insisted you could stay home alone, but when Tony mentioned staying with Peter, you couldn’t pass up the opportunity to spend time with your best friend. You two had spent all of the day together, Peter showing you around the city Spider-Man style. Holding onto Peter while he swung across the city was your favorite way to travel now. 
After the battle in Germany, the team had all gone separate ways. The loss was hard on both you and your father, and the addition of Peter to your life (and Pepper rejoining) made everything easier. You quickly became friends with the teen, grateful to have someone your age to spend time with. And he was ridiculously attractive, not that you’d say it out loud. After all the time you two had talked and spent together, you grew close to Peter and him to you. And for him right now, that was a curse. 
“Are you hiding something from me, Peter?” You asked. 
“Absolutely not. I wouldn’t hide anything from you. I’m a horrible liar, you know that. I start talking a lot, talking really fast-“ 
“Like you’re doing right now?” Peter scoffed at your question. 
“You have no faith in me. Come on, we don’t want to be late.” Peter continued walking and led you to his apartment door. 
“It’s okay if we’re late, I doubt May ate all of our dinner by herself.” You walked into the apartment with Peter, confused why the lights were off. You turned the lights on and...
“Surprise!” You jumped from the cheers and grinned at the sight. Your dad, Pepper, Happy, and May stood in the living room wearing party hats. A homemade “Happy Birthday” banner hung in the living room, and there were containers of your favorite takeout and a birthday cake on the coffee table. 
“Oh, my God.” You looked around the room. “Guys.” You whispered and your eyes watered as you turned to Peter. “This is why we spent the day in the city?”
“Had to keep you outside so they could get everything set up.” You hugged Peter tight, and Peter gladly returned the hug. “It was all your dad’s idea. He wanted to surprise you for your birthday.” Peter spoke softly as he rubbed your back. You pulled away after a moment and walked to your dad. 
“You did all this for me?” Your bottom lip trembled as you blinked back tears. 
“Of course I did, Y/N. You’re my daughter, my heart. You deserve the best, this is the least I could do.” Your dad opened his arms and you flung yourself into his arms. “I don’t have the best track record of being here when you need me. But I promise I’ll do better. Be the dad you deserve.” You let out a muffled sob, your face buried in your dad’s shirt. 
“Please, just more days like today.” You whispered and Tony nodded, pressing a tender kiss to the top of your head. You stepped away after a minute and wiped your eyes. “Thank you all so much. I’ll cry all over the rest of you later.” Laughter sounded through the room as you stood by your dad’s side. 
“We have plenty of time, Y/N. Now, let’s eat dinner. I nearly had to lock Tony outside to keep him from eating the cake.” Pepper said and walked to the living room, everyone but your dad following. 
“Dad? Come on.” Your dad looked nervous and you started to question him, until Pepper yelled. 
“Anthony Edward Stark, did you-?!”
“Gotta run!” You laughed as Pepper reprimanded Tony, and you sat on the couch with Peter and May. Maybe your family wasn’t conventional, and maybe your dad was busier than most. But when he was there, you were the happiest you could be, and you wouldn’t trade him for the world. Even when he stole a slice of your birthday cake before you could. Punk.
Taglist: @daughter-of-stark @agent-barnes40 @spideygirl2003 @ditttiii @missmulti @5aftermidnight ❤ Taglist and requests are open! Hope you guys enjoyed this because I loved it
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godsporncollection · 4 years
Sunday GC Sessions Summary
(long version) (personal commentary in parenthesis)
M Russell Ballard
List of how the second coming is described followed by a huge list of the very obvious things wrong with the world right now. 
We pray for you. 
Remember to pray. Pray lots, and for lots of people, because the leaders of the world need divine inspiration. 
Quotes the lord's prayer. 
Pray for everyone, even people you don't like. 
(Do deaf people sign their prayers, when praying alone? What about when they pray in small, maybe family, groups?) 
Prayer will help us by making feel better. 
Pray everywhere you go. 
Personal story of being in pain from a surgery on the hand; prayer helped the pain.
Lisa L Harkness
Story of a child jumping into a lake and feeling she needed help, even though she was safe. Sometimes we do this too, because we can't see that we are safe with god. 
Biblical story of JC falling asleep in the boat that entered a storm and the disciples got scared and asked him to save them. 
Recent events can leave us feeling lost and afraid, but we should have faith in god.
Ulisses Soares
Seek JC in every thought and follow him with all our heart. 
Metaphor of magnet + metal object. Magnetic force holds objects tightly, but looses that power when the object is far away. 
Temptation will fade when we continue to resist it. 
JC told JS when in prison "let thy bowels also be full of charity towards all men and women, and to the household of faith, and let virtue garnish thy thoughths unceasingly; then shall thy confidence wax strong in the presence of god. The holy ghost shall be thy constant companion, and thy scepter an unchanging scepter of righteousness and truth." 
If you fall into temptation, there is hope. 
Story of friend who fell into temptation. He was sad. 
Prodigal son story.
Carlos A Godoy
I believe in angels. They're important. Some are here on earth. I'm gonna talk about those. 
I converted at 16, after two angels (sister missionaries) introduced me to the gospel at a church activity. 
I met another angel at youth conference. Her squad became my squad. 
Then I met two other angels; my seminary teacher and young men president. 
"Thanks to all these angels and many others I encountered during those important early years, I received enough srength to remain on the covenant path as I gained a spiritual witness of the truth." 
"Please, please do not give up on your efforts to be part of this big family. It is the true church of JC. When it comes to your happiness and salvation, it is always worth the effort to keep trying. It is worth the effort to adjust your lifestyle and traditions. The lord is aware of the challenges you face. He knows you, he loves you, and I promise he will send angels to help you."
Neil L Andersen
Jc's resume. 
"A recent study revealed that in the last 10 years, 30 million people in the US have stepped away from believing in the divinity of JC. Looking worldwide, another study predicts that in the decades ahead, more than twice as many will leave christianity than those who will embrace it." 
Use the correct name of the church and talk about JC more. We have to talk more about JC because the world is talking about him less.
Russell M Nelson
'Israel' means 'let god prevail'. 
Israel's descendants stoned the prophets. (...) 
My grandkid's wife was sad that her father was dying, but I told her she was being near-sighted. She felt better after looking at the big picture of god's plan. 
I greive for black people. 
(I can't listen to any more of this asshole, sorry.)
Henry B Eyring
"My hope is to give encouragement when life seems especially difficult and uncertain. For some of you, that time is now. If not, such a time will come." 
Personal story of pulling weeds as a child and the frustration of the weeds breaking instead of coming out. Mother said "oh, Hal, of course it's hard; it's supposed to be. Life is a test." 
Story of us choosing to come to earth and satan disagreeing and getting followers. "Now, he tries to cause as many as he can to turn away from god during this mortal life." In the spirit world, we must have decided that whatever hardships we were going to face, "the forces of good would be overwhelmingly greater." 
Two quotes that say that god will be with us, and will help us, even in our darkest hours. 
God occasionally shows me the next couple of steps, but never a glimpse of the far future. 
Also, we need to help others. 
Another story of mother, who "all her life, she felt effects of the trials of illness. In her last 10 years of life, she required multiple operations. But through all, she proved faithful to the lord." "The last speaker [at her funeral] was elder Spencer W Kimball. After saying something of her trials and her faithfulness, he said essentially this: 'some of you may wonder why Mildred had to suffer so much and so long. I will tell you why. It was because the lord wanted to polish her a little more."
Jeremy R Jaggi
My youngest brother died two years ago. "We found comfort in the words of elder Neil L Anderson in general conference the week before Chad died: 'In the crucible of earthly trials, patiently move forward, and the savior's healing power will bring you light, understanding, peace, and hope.'" We'll be with him again, but losing him hurt. 
James 1:2. 
We thought 2020 would be all joy. Shit happened, but we're determined to see joy in this year anyway. 
Chapter 6 of 'Preach My Gospel'. 
"Blessed are the meek (etc)". 
Many unsourced quotes saying that the more you seek/follow/believe in JC, the happier you will be. 
Daughter, Emma, is a missionary. "[Emma] asked us to connect [online] with friends she was teaching [in the Netherlands]... We invited them to join our weekly online... study... All have become our friends." They've all converted. 
Nelson recently said "Voluntary fast offerings from our members have increased, as well as voluntary contributions to our humanitarian funds." 
"My brother Chad's passing came just a few months after our release from presiding over the Utah Ogden mission... Of all the 417 missions we could have been assigned to, we were assigned to... a 30-minute drive to Chad's home. Chad's cancer was diagnosed after we received our mission assignment. Even in the most trying circumstance, we knew that our heavenly father was mindful of us."
Gary E Stevenson
I was serving a mission in Japan. Kimball was speaking in Tokyo. I wanted to go. It was a long commute, so the mission president said no, but the rest of the branch went, so we were alone. Kimball announced a temple in Tokyo. I was disappointed to miss it. 
This is like the even deeper disappointment people today experience due to covid. 
How do we move forward? Consider the first verse of the BoM. 
Wife and I met online with many missionaries who still managed to do lots of ministering, despite covid restrictions. 
Think of "JS, languishing in Liberty Jail, feeling abandoned and forsaken, then hearing the words of the lord: 'these things shall be for thy good' and 'god shall be with you forever.'" 
"We, too, can draw parallels, as individual members and as a church, in the way in which we have been highly favored of the lord during the challenging times we have encountered during the past several months." 
"Let [these examples] strengthen your testimony of the seership of our living prophet, who prepared us with adjustments before any hint of a pandemic, enabling us to endure the challenges that have come." 
List of ways that we have been told to prepare. 
Story of a young woman who was just barely able to go to the temple right before leaving for her mission.
Milton Da Rocha Camargo
Gave his entire backstory before getting around to the topic: prayer. 
"An important part of heavenly father's plan is the opportunity to communicate with him anytime we want." 
"Every one that asketh, receiveth (etc)." 
"Recording our impressions is an important part of receiving. It helps us recall, review, and re-feel what the lord is teaching us." 
I like it when I have strong feelings after praying, but, more often, we're likely to hear the "still, small voice of the lord whispering to our mind and heart, 'I am here. I love you.'" 
"Revelation often comes when we are in the act of doing good."
Dale G Renlund
Can I be a better person? 
And "how can I, as a flawed person, qualify to 'dwell with god in a state of never-ending happiness'?" 
"Good deeds are not sufficient. Salvation is not earned... Left to our own devices, the prospect of returning to live in god's presence is hopeless. Without the blessings that come from heavenly father and JC, we can never do enough or be enough by ourselves... Because of and through JC, we can become enough." 
"We can be redeemed and stand clean and pure before god" by the ordinances of the gospel. 
"Do justly, love mercy, and walk humbly with thy god." 
*Jewish appropriation* 
Story of someone who had to remind someone "Dr. Jones, you became a physician to care for people and work to heal them. You didn't become a physician to judge them [on a self-infilcted wound]. If you don't understand the difference, you have no right to train at [Johns Hopkins Hospital, Baltimore, MD]." 
Don't think you're above others. 
"To be christlike, a person loves mercy... gracious, kind and honorable. These individuals treat everyone with love and understanding, regardless of characteristics such as race, gender, religious affiliation, sexual orientation, socioeconomic status, and tribal, clan, or national differences."
Kelly R Johnson
Story of daughter who set the microwave to cook [instead of timer] for 30 min. It caught on fire. This is because microwaves need something in them to absorb the energy. 
"Our entire microwave went up in flames and burned because there was nothing on the inside. Likewise, those who have faith and the word of god deep in their hearts will be able to absorb and overcome the fiery darts which the adversary will surely send to destroy us." 
(As someone raised with a fire extiniguisher in the kichen, I feel the sudden urge to suggest this to anyone with children) 
(I have no idea what else he said because he used the word 'power' 34 times in his short talk, and it lost all meaning)
Jeffrey R Holland
Covid sucks and it's going on too long. 
We want to know when our struggles will be over. 
I'm now speaking about "those who would like to be married and aren't or who are married and with their marriage were a little more celestial. I speak of those who have to deal with the unwanted appearance of a serious medical condition, perhaps an uncurable one. Or face a life long battle with a genetic defect that has no remedy. I speak of the continuing struggle with emotional and mental health challenges that weigh heavily on the souls of so many who suffer with them and on the hearts of those who suffer with them. I speak of the poor, whom the savior told us never to forget. I speak of you, waiting for the return of a child no matter what the age, who has chosen a path different from the one you prayed he or she would take." Plus economic, political,and social concerns. 
Your prayers "are heard and they are answered, though perhaps not at the time or in the way that we wanted." They'll be answered when and how god thinks they should be. 
We shouldn't ask for a stress-free life; struggles make us worthy to live with god.
Russell M Nelson
"We live in a glorious age, foreseen by prophets for centuries... Despite the world's commotion, the lord would have us look toward the future with joyful anticipation... The gathering of Israel moves forward. The lord JC directs the affairs of his church and it will achieve it's divine objectives. The challenge for you and me is to make certain that each of us will achieve his or her divine potential." 
Let JC be your 'new normal' by "repenting daily. Seek to be increasingly pure in thought, word, and deed. Minister to others. Keep an eternal perspective. Magnify your callings. And... live each day so that you are more prepared to meet your maker." 
Six new temples: Tarawa, Kiribati; Port Vila, Vanuato; Lindon, Utah; Greater Guatamala; Sao Paulo East, Brazil; and Santa Cruz, Bolivia.
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sundialhunter-a · 4 years
"Um...King of Hearts?"
"...Wow." The young Inscribed in uniform flips over one of his playing cards--it was indeed the King of Hearts. He brushes his black hair aside as he sets it down back into the rest of the pile. His deck was almost completely gone now.
"I'm...impressed. You've gotten every guess right. I guess that's why you're the boss, huh?"
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"Oh...I suppose you could say that."
Knock knock knock.
"Ah, there she is."
The young man turns around to find the double doors to the meeting room being SWUNG open with enough force to make the hinges creek. Ace winces, instinctively grabbing his deck from the table as bootsteps echo forward.
"U-Uh...h-hello, Miss Salazar..."
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She takes a seat. It's nowhere near Ace at all.
"I'd like to thank both of you for coming on such short notice. I know that you two have been working very hard lately, and--"
"Cut t' the chase, Boss." Says Zora, kicking up her boots on the table. They're dirty as hell, absolutely caked with mud. Faintly, the screen flickers, and you could almost see the shadowy figure on the screen narrow their swirling eyes. Zora goes on. "And what's this greenhorn doin' here?"
She jerks a thumb in Ace's direction, giving the young adult a rather cruel side glance. Ace meekly looks away in response, muttering an apology. It looks like Miss Salazar wasn't in a good mood today...
"He is here because I have an assignment for both of you."
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"...Both? Ah' work alone, yew know that." It was requested and agreed upon--why the change? "And even IF this is somethin' Ah' can't solo, wai not another Corps Officer?" She'd definitely take Yooms over this grunt if anything.
"The others are...occupied, unfortunately. Please don't take it the wrong way, Zora--I fully believe in your abilites, but I also don't want to send you alone if I can help it, this time. This requires...a careful approach. And besides--I wouldn't send you out with someone who can't keep up. Ace is Orbit now, after all."
That makes her blink a bit. She turns her head towards the meek, pale young man, who couldn't be older than 25. "...Yer Class 2?"
"...Um...yeah." He shuffles his deck rapidly, a nervous look on his face. "Last week, I...yeah. I didn't really expect that either, so...I'm still getting used to breaking in the new deck, so to speak..."
"...Is it just me, or are people hittin' Class 2 a lot EARLIER than they should be?" Zora voices aloud, turning to her boss as if expecting an answer. The figure on the screen only shrugs.
"Maybe. That will be for our research department to unravel, perhaps. In any case...allow me to explain your assignment."
The screen glitches. A heart-shaped symbol replaces the figure.
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"You are both aware of the flux of Inscribed related crimes, yes? Our sources have informed us that these aren't just due to the increased number of Inscribed within the population in recent years. A few of the incidents in the last few months have grown from less chaotic and more...planned."
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"...Yew think there's someone behind them?"
"More than one, perhaps. Maybe even a collective. We've identified one particular Inscribed that could be involved--One Simon Quakes. A few nights ago, there was a...well...see for yourself."
[The screen switches to a street video feed. The footage was rather shakey and uneven...but when the camera finally crashed to the ground, it gave a nice view of what was clearly a familiar, rat-faced conman and fair-skinned blond cop.]
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"Oh sh--M-Miss Salazar! Please--"
"I figured you would want to know...they're both fine, by the way. Quite the capable ones...although I do worry for that young woman. Doesn't look like she has a lot of stamina..."
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"No shit." Zora hisses. "So...yew want me t' deal with this kid? Because I'll GLADLY fuckin' put one in him. Damn lil' shit thinkin' he can steal MAH bounties b'fore we settle th' score..."
"Unfortunately, we need him alive--him and any other allies he might know. However...you are allowed to use whatever means to get them to talk. This is where Ace comes in."
"I, uh...I can...make people show their hand...in a way...? I--I can also heal, like...really well. If you need it."
"I think he could learn a lot from you, Zora. As a...ah... potential disciple, maybe?"
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"Yeah, a potential deadbeat disciple. Listen, kid. Ah' don't DO the fucking teamwork thing. You either keep up or git left behind. And ah' don't think ah' need t' explain what'll happen if yew git in mah way, ri'te?"
"I....I heard you can turn people to dust, M-Ma'am, so...yeah."
"No. None o' this Ma'am or Miss Salazar business. Zora or Aurora. Take yer pick an' STICK with it."
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"Luckily, we have a small lead from one of our inside informants in the Sweet Jazz Police Force. I will be sending you the coordinates shortly. Good luck, you two. Stay safe."
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"...this gon' be a loooooong night..."
(( @percival-queen @goldbricker-ramsey ))
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holland-stan-posts · 6 years
Don't honk at Me! - Chris Evans
Summary: you weren't a Pacific driver per se, but Chris loves to see you drive...and maybe turn him on too?
Word count: 1.701
A/N: i am getting comfortable writing smut hehe. This is something I had on mind today, also I might or not might be inspired by @kiramotherofsnails 's masterpiece with Seb you can find it here (gonna add the keep reading button when I'm on the web)
M a s t e r l i s t
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*credits pics to daily.evans on instagram!*
It's the third time you're dropping your coffee in the morning, the first time was because you were distracted by watching your phone that you step on Dodgers little paw, making him cry and you jump, dropping your coffee on the floor. The second time you dropped because you heard a noise outside scaring you, you walked and found a squirrel running away, and this time, you dropped because you saw your handsome boyfriend walking towards you.
“shit” you mutter taking a cloth to clean the counter.
“someone's distracted” he teases and came upon the coffee machine taking his mug out of the machine.
“it's been a hell of day” you sighed
“sweetheart. Is almost 9 am” he hides his smile when he saw you rolling your eyes.
“can it be over already?” You fake cried.
“oh shush you. C'mon we got loads of things to do” he grabs his backpack and with a quick pet in Dodgers head he left the house. Again, you sigh and wave a slight goodbye to Dodger and left.
You saw him already in the passenger side. “oh no Chris. I am in the mood to kill somebody” you protest.
“Love, I'd drive but I'm not feeling good right now” he smirks cockily and put his seatbelt on.
“bullshits Chris, you're full of bullshit” you spat
“You love this big bullshit though” he says and you only nod in agreement and walk towards the drivers seat.
You drove in calm out of the neighbourhood, jamming along the radio's songs, Chris typing hard on his phone.  
“Damn I have a meeting today” he sighs in annoyance.
“What is about?” You ask turning to the left and trying to speed up.
“I don't know, maybe something related to a new movie, you know, locations, dates. Boring” he yawn and stretches out to change the song.
You're getting nervous somehow, in front of you there's a car who's driving in probably 40 kmph in a route of 80.
“What the hell dude? Press the damn accelerator pedal” you sigh and check on both your mirrors to try and pass him.
Once you find a clear road you put your car signalman. And speed passing the slow car, not before throwing a annoying glance to the driver.  
“can you fucking believe it? This is a 80 fucking speed road and he's driving at 40 if its not less” you yell at no one in particular.
Chris is amused by your ways of driving, clearly you're not a Pacific driver, unless you have cops in the way, if the way is clear, you found yourself speeding out of the limit sometimes, always slowing down right at the others cars backs, that gained you a lot of fights between you and the others drivers. Your middle finger is your best way to avoid any more fights, a few swearings and you're back at your thing again. Chris would stay mostly quiet or when the thing is very intense he would intervene, you wonder sometimes why he doesn't drive to avoid these situations but he just says that driving stress him out.
But secretly, he's very turn on whenever you pass any slow driver and show them your middle finger as sign of annoyance. His favourites behaviours of you are when you're just mumbling and looking furiously on your mirrors and cursing out whoever is in front of you. You look so damn sexy to him that he cant help the bulge on his pants.
“GODDAMN YOU OLD GRANDPA IS GREEN FOR FUCKS SAKE” you state yelling and honking.
“I'm getting old here” you said, turning at Chris that he's just smiling caressly of the world outside.
“What?” You said making him go out of his trance.
“Did I ever told you how damn sexy are you driving?” he said and keep the glance.
“No, not that I know anyways” you said smiling at his cuteness.
“Well, believe it or not, you do look sexy while you're yelling at others” he said as the finally grandpa starts to drive and he leans to kiss your cheek.
“don't say those things while I'm driving Chris”
“Why not?” the confused look is one of the better faces that he has.
“because it kills me being here and not being able to rip that damn shirt out of your body” you say through your teeths.
“What stops you?” he says teasingly moving his eyebrows
“Actually, the traffic.” you motion to the queue of cars.
“then pull over and we can take care of that thing you mentioned before” you slow down a bit looking at his now dark lustful eyes.
You didn't need to be told twice. You pull over next to the road, somehow being grateful for the curtains of the Windows in the backseat. Taking your seatbelt off you quickly jump behind.
Chris's big body almost covering half of the place, however, he manages to place your body comfortable up of him, his pants already in the floor, your pants being pulled out as you take a breath.  
“we'd need to be quick babe. Someone can catch us” he whispers and without further notice he thrusts himself inside you, letting out a long hoarse at the sudden contact, you try to catch breath as his sudden intrusion, starting to move your hips along his, your hands flying to his broader shoulders, holding yourself there, one of his hands flies to your clit, adding extra pleasure to your upcoming orgasm, with close eyes you search for his lips and bite his lips when he touches you once again. Holding a moan.
“let yourself go baby” he mutters in your ear, his right hand going to your waist, helping you to steady yourself as you keep riding him, when both of your breaths increase irregularly, you're aware of his orgam coming too, so you jump a bit more, spinning your hips around his cock, driving him insane. “C'mon baby come with me” he yells as you feel the familiar hot liquid filling you, that giving you the release you need, you start to slow down and he puts his head in the crook of your neck, trying to desperately catch his breath.
“That was fast” you whisper, not wanting to break out the calm atmosphere.
“hell yes, we've been out of the league for so long. We should back at our old manners”
“Well, I won't be against if you keep wearing that damn shirt” you said smiling.
“and I won't if you keep yelling at others in the road” he kisses your forehead and you burst out laughing.
After getting yourselves more decent, you're back on road.  You were totally starstruck by how good your boyfriend looks recently fucked, hair everywhere and a special shine on his eyes.
So when a car honk at you, you only see red. Breaking away the beautiful view you had before you just yell
“Don't fucking honk at me you dumbass!” and Chris only laughs and reminisce the past statement you did before.
Permanent taglist: @kiramotherofsnails @lauravalentinasblog @hollanderwritings
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roobarrtrashmouth · 6 years
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Moodboard wonderfully created by @reddiesetrichie. Thank you so much for your lending me talent.
Enjoy this music while reading.
Or read it on AO3.
1627 words
M/M and language
A dreary winter led into an ugly Spring, that rolled into a blazing hot and humid summer. They would be “celebrating” Pennywise’s 3 year deadaversary at the end of this summer. But Richie was having none of it. He was in Eddie’s room, as usual, and the two of them laid there listening to Richie’s most recent mix tape and reading the latest X-men and X-Factor comics. Thankfully Sonia was out shopping and would be gone most of the day. Eddie had convinced her to let him stay behind. She obviously didn’t know Richie was there.
Richie stands at the window staring out at the sky, “Are you fucking serious. Again today? Shit I’m tired of this fucking rain.”
Eddie grunts disgustedly, “‘You mean you would rather have that humid, hot shit like last week? Thank you, no. I can’t tell you how many showers I took.”
Without missing a beat Richie cuts in, “9... I counted.”
“Wow Rich, I don’t know if I should be disturbed, honored, or impressed. You really counted the number of showers I took?” Eddie looks at Richie with a mixture of awe and concern.
It was 1991, sophomore year was ahead for the Losers and Richie and Eddie had been avoiding a worrying subject, dating. Since the Losers had killed Pennywise pairings had been taking place amongst the other Losers. Right off the bat Bev and Bill flirted hard but it just didn’t feel right. Then Bev realized that Ben was”the one” for her. Elfrida and Bev were making a go of it on their own, ever since Alvin’s death. It was hard to be sure, but Alvin’s insurance and pension helped.  Elfrida knew Bev needed the stability of staying in the same town, school, and keeping the same friends. She also knew of Bev’s relationship with the Hanscomb boy and approved. He was just what she needed.
After licking his wounds and honestly congratulating Bev and Ben, Bill flew solo for a while. Then after winter break of their freshman year Eddie introduced him to a friend who was moving to the area, Audra. They hit it off instantly. Wisely no one said how much Audra and Bev looked alike. Being the supportive family they were, the other Losers just took it in and moved on.
The surprise to everyone had been earlier this summer when Stan and Mike had begun to spend more time with each other, than with the other Losers. Then one day the two of them showed up to the quarry for the usual Saturday night swim/campfire, holding each other’s hand. Stan simply said, “What, like any of you didn’t think I would end up with Mikey. He was there when I needed him the most.”
That leads to Richie’s shitty mood. He knew that his voices and attitude covered up a very severe case of insecurity. He was self-aware after all. He was just constantly surprised the Losers still wanted to associate with him. He knew he could be an annoying ass, but beyond the beeping nothing really came of it, he was basically harmless. More bark and bite. The Losers loved him, he just couldn’t believe it, and that their patience would last.
But whenever he was just feeling like shit, there was Eddie to cheer him up, or more frequently just lending an ear and quietly listening to him. Eddie was the only Loser Richie really opened up to. He had cried on Eddie more than once and vice versa. Richie’s stable and loving home life was countered by just how bad Eddie’s was. Eddie had spent many a night at the Tozier’s to get away from Sonia’s crushing brand of love. Also Richie was harboring a secret he couldn’t share with Eddie or anyone. How do you tell your best friend that you love them? How do you tell the guy that you’ve confessed your darkest fears to that you find his lips kissable. That when he gets mad, you find it adorable in a Tasmanian devil kind of way. How do you fuck that up?
“God dammit Eds we haven’t been to the quarry or Barrens in 2 weeks. We haven’t seen the other Losers in 3. What if they’ve finally had it with me?” Richie says with panic creeping into his voice.
Eddie gets up from the bed and puts an arm around Richie, “Rich, we talked to them earlier by phone. No one has had it with you, well except for maybe Stanley. He may give you shit, but he loves you as much as the rest of us.” He says patting Richie’s shoulder. “Now come on stop. Come tell me exactly why Jean and Scott’s son, Nate, is destined for great things.”
Richie turns and looks at Eddie, smiles and thinks to himself, “stopstopstopstop you are letting your imagination get away from you, they won’t leave. Wait is Eds looking at me differently?”
Eddie was also hiding the same secret, but for entirely different reasons. While Richie’s was due to insecurity and the fear of being forgotten, or discarded. Eddie’s was more concrete. He couldn’t expose precious, fragile Richie to his mom. Richie’s tough front didn’t fool Eddie. He knew that prolonged exposure to his mom would do some kind of harm to Rich. He couldn’t live with that, he loved him too much. Eddie who had been raised with it was mentally much tougher than people gave him credit for. Sonia’s programming simply had stopped working three years back. That is the only thing Eddie could thank that god damned clown for. He was able to shake off his mom’s programming and finally begin to be himself. The Losers, Richie especially, were to thank for that as well. He couldn’t have shaken it off without their constant unconditional support and love.
There was a sudden flash, followed almost immediately by a huge crack of thunder and then the skies opened up and the rain poured down. Normally in this shitty town rain seems to signal bad times. Georgie was taken in the rain and his disappearance kicked off the whole mess with that fucking clown. Well not this fucking time.
Richie had enough, “I refuse to let that clown, it’s stupid magic, and the fucking weather bring me down today. Do you hear me? I refuse to dance to your string pulling. Fuck you!” Richie said shaking his fist at the cloud filled sky, like a stark raving mad lunatic. “Eds I’m going outside.”
“Rich are you fucking insane? That lightning was right outside. Stop.” Eddie plead as Richie just marched out the door and headed downstairs.
“I’m tired Spagheds. I’m tired of hiding, being afraid, secrets and most of all I’m tired of being alone” Richie shouted as he opened the back door.
“You aren’t alone you fuckwad. I’m here. I’ve always been here.” Eddie shouted at him getting angry.
Richie didn’t really hear Eddie. He was too lost in his head. “Bev has Ben, Bill has Audra. FUCK even Stanislaus has Mikey.” Richie said out loud. Now he stopped and turned to the back of Eddie’s house to see Eddie standing on the porch looking at him standing in the rain. “What did you say?”
“I said you aren’t alone, I’m here. I’ve always been here.” Eddie said around a lump in his throat.
“You have always been there for me haven’t you?” Richie said slowly getting soaked standing in the rain. “Eds what are you saying? I don’t want to fuck up what we have.” He admitted.
Smiling at Richie Eddie says, “You idiot. We won’t fuck it up, I hope if we work at it, it will change it. Hopefully for the better. But I can’t ask you to date me because I worry what my mom will do to you. I can’t have her crush your spirit. I won’t be responsible for that.”
Richie still standing in the rain, “Eds did you just NOT ask me out?”
Eddie, “Yeah I guess I did.” A slow smile forms on his face. “So what’s your answer? You wet dog?”
“Come out here and I’ll tell you.” Richie reaches out with his hand inviting Eddie to take a hold of it.  He wonders where this sudden confidence is coming from.
Eddie takes his socks off, places them on the chair on the porch and takes a step off into the rain. He walks over to Richie and takes his hand. Richie pulls him in close and hugs him tight. “Eddie it would be my greatest honor to be your boyfriend. Don’t worry about me and Mrs. K, with you as my boyfriend I’m sure your will protect me from her worst.”
Eddie himself is now getting soaked from the rain, he says, “Richie I will protect you from her. I will always be there to tell you that you are valued, and needed... by me. So you will be my boyfriend?”
“I just said it Eddie Spaghetti. I’d love to be your boyfriend.” Richie beams.
Richie switches from a hug and takes Eddies face into both his hands. “Can I kiss you?”
Eddie, “Yes you may.”
They kiss gently at first, but that slowly turns more passionate. The rain increases a bit and there is another flash and boom this time from further away. Both boys jump and run for the porch. They turn and look at the rain falling in the backyard. Richie is standing behind Eddie and is hugging him from behind resting his head on Eddie shoulder. “Thanks Eds.” Richie says.
“Thanks Rich.” Eddie responds taking hold of his boyfriend’s arms that are wrapped around him.
“Yah now Spagheds. I think I could get to like the rain.” Richie tells his boyfriend.
@reddie-to-go @reddieaddict @starspace @agrimny @stormypasta88 @losers-or-lovers @richiefuckfacetozier 
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parker-1962 · 7 years
What the Fuck Peter-Peter Parker/Spider-Man
Sorry I haven’t posted anything in a while, I was seriously struggling to write and didn’t want to post some random crap, but here is a fic anyway. I have no clue where I got the idea for this one from Hope you like it anyway.
 The Building was burning like the fires in hell, it was an arson attack and you responded quickly. Everyone had been evacuated and you had to do one final lap of the building just to be sure. You flew around the perimeter dodging the flames that the building spat out attempting to tame the fire as you shot water from your palms. The building seemed to be empty and with only a few injured, you thought you had done a good job at saving everyone. Well, everything seemed great until…
A scream.
It pierced your ears and your heart plummeted out your chest. You scanned the entire building until your eyes fell on a little girl, no older than six, clutching a teddy bear. She let out another scream then followed it with,
“Help! I can’t find my mommy!”
You flew over to her, tears streamed down her face and her cheeks were red and puffy.
“It’s Okay” you said trying to convince yourself more than the girl, “Your mummy is safe”
The walls around her started to fall, and her whole body shook with them, you shot water at the fire around her attempting to keep her safe.
“N-N-No, I can’t find her. She disap-p-peared”
You put your hand as close toward the girl as you could, you still stayed a distance away. If you got too close, the building would crumble and you can’t shoot any water if It got to hot, which wouldn’t end well for anyone, “Grab my hand sweetie, I can take you to your mommy, Now what’s your name?”
“E-Emily, b-but you need to save my mommy, s-she is t-this way” and with those last word the young girl disappeared into the smoke. You flew in behind her as fast as possible, the smoke filled your lungs and it blinded you. You screamed out her name and the building grumbled at you in response. Then with a cough and a splutter you heard a soft, “Help”
“Emily!” you screamed in the direction of the noise.
The little girl was still clutching the teddy, and the tears were vanishing from her eyes into the black air.
You Flew towards her, arms open, ready to drown her in them. Then the walls quaked and the ground crumbled. She disappeared into the hole that was where she once stood. You breathed in deeply, filling your lungs with the black smog.
You had to get out, she was gone and you couldn’t save her, you had failed. You tried so hard to do your best, be as great a superhero as you could be. Whilst you didn’t know how to control all your powers or what they were. You still tried to do your best. But your best wasn’t good enough. You let a little girl die.
You killed her.
You shot out the building like a rocket not caring to talk to the Police officers swarming on the ground. You didn’t want to explain what had happen, you didn’t want to have to tell her mother and father that you killed their daughter. You couldn’t face it.
 “Greenfeld Tower arson attack” Flashed across the screen, then it was swiftly followed by two news casters with the fakest smiles you had ever seen plastered onto their face.
A tall Blonde woman spoke, “Sadly, today in the recent tragedy a young girl has lost her life despite our mystery hero’s best effort, the hero has been given the name ’BlackSea’ after her trade mark black suit and water powers” The news caster began to get into the gory details of the incident, all of which you lived through so you tuned it out. You stared down into the cartoon of noodles sat in your lap, trying to deal with the fact you killed that poor girl, you were pulled out of your thoughts by your mother’s voice.
“I still can believe what happened to that building, and that poor little girl” Your mom said as shook her head disappointingly whilst she put another fork of noodles in her mouth. She continued to babble on about the attack, you slowly lifted your head up to the flashing television staring at it blankly, all they talked about was that tower…and Emily. It was your fault, you hadn’t touched your food, you only focused on keeping the tears at bay within your eyes.
“Hello!? Earth to Y/N?” your mom shoots you a concerned look, “Is everything okay with you? You seem different”
You gave her an unconvincing nod, looking at her reminded you of the night your father died and how depressed you were. You had done that to Emily’s parents. You nodded again as your mom’s concern grew more. Then the tears spilled, they swam down your face, pouring out your eyes like a dam had just burst.
“Oh Sweetie, What’s wrong?” She threw the take-out onto the coffee table carelessly and surrounded you in her arms. You listened to her increasing heartbeat, as she gently let out a soft “shhhh” like you were a baby she was attempting to soothe. It miraculously worked and the tears subsided.
“I-I just m-miss dad” you manage to splutter out, she softly combed her hands through your hair.
“I do too Sweetie, I miss him every day” She broke away from you, giving you a quick kiss on the forehead and an encouraging smile.
“I love you Mom, I should start on my homework”
“I love you too Honey”
You headed into your bed room. The walls were painted a deep purple not that you could see them as they were covered in books, you had cushions and pillows everywhere. Sitting in your room was like having your own private library, your personal safe-haven. But tonight, you weren’t going to do homework, nor were you reading any of your books.
You adorned the tight black suit, placed the tiny mask over your face and adjusted the weaponry in your belt, then flipped out your window and flew off into the night sky.
You came to a sudden halt; your body was incased in a strange white webbing with two supports attached to the buildings at either side of you.
“What the hell?!” you exclaimed, this had never happened before. The webbing was tight, but you could easily reach your knives attached to your belt and could escape, but you didn’t. You were curious and wanted to see who had captured you, so you stayed still.
“Gotcha, Mr. Stark is gonna be so happy about this!” A boy or a man, well it was Spider-Man really, was hanging upside down right in front.
“Alright Spider-Boy, what do you want?!” You said this impatiently, Y/N would have totally freaked out that she was talking to Spider-Man but you weren’t Y/N. You were the confident Hero of Queens: BlackSea. Spider-Man had approached you many times trying to convince you to join the Avengers or at least talk to Mr. Stark about them.
“You know what I want, Come talk to Mr. Stark. He really wants to know more about you”
“No, I’m not Going, He only cares about my powers, and what I can do with them. He only cares about himself not me, not you, so let me go” and with that you grabbed your knife and with a quick swift motion freed yourself from Spider-Man’s webbing, you tried to fly away again, you wanted to do your job.
 Spider-Man shot a web onto your wrist, “Don’t talk about Mr. Stark like that, he’s done greater things than you ever will, he does care. So, don’t make him out to be a self-centered asshole, he isn’t”
“Oh really, try tell that to my dead father, he was killed by your precious ‘Mr. Stark’ or maybe the thousands of other innocent people that have died for his silly fights over the years. Don’t make him out to be an innocent man, he’s killed more people than you could even imagine” you sneered at Spider-Man, you understood why he idolized him, but he never once thought of the pain that man has caused for the Avengers. You were hot with anger, you felt it boil inside you and the tears that were streaming out your eyes hissed against your hot skin.
“All he wants to do is help, he has done better than you. You let that girl die, what was her name? Emily, is it? Or rather ‘was’ it?” He nodded his head challenging you, and that’s when you lost it, he is not going to talk about that little girl like she was nothing and just dismiss you father’s death like he had no importance. Before you could stop yourself a hot burst of fire shoot from your hand, then followed by another and with each attack Spider-Man swiftly dodged.
“Holy Shit, I didn’t know you could do that?!”
‘Yeah neither did I”, you thought, well once this fight was over you would head to the warehouse-Basically it’s an abandoned Industrial estate, the perfect place to mess about with your powers.
You shoot at Spider-Man again, this time with water, but he coated both your hands in his webbing and before you know it he had knocked you out.
White, it pierced into your eyes and it was all you could see.
“Ah, Miss L/N you have woken up” you squeezed your eyes shut, readjusting yourself to the light and this voice, It was Tony Stark’s. ‘that is not Tony Stark’s Voice, that is not Tony Stark’s voice’ you screamed it loudly in your head.
“Hey Y/N” you opened your eyes, the overly familiar mop of curly brown hair and deep chocolate eyes appeared before you, ‘The fuck Is Peter Parker doing here’. Peter was your friend but you didn’t think you were that close that he would visit you in…Where were you?
“Em, can someone tell me what’s happening?”
“Oh, my apologies Y/N, or should I say BlackSea, our friend Spidey over here caught you and since you had a few injuries we thought we would patch you up” Tony said wiggling his eye brows at you.
“I didn’t agree to come her but what do you mean? Spider-Man isn’t here”
“Heh, well you see Y/N I have something to tell you…” Peter spoke up but began to trail off.
“Oh My God, Peter You’re Spider-Man” Peter flashed an awkward smile accompanied with an equally awkward laugh as he rubbed the back of his neck. You connected the dots, it all made sense but it also made no sense. Peter Parker Is Spider-Man, it sounds crazy.
“What the Fuck Peter?!”
“Hey! Language!” Steve appeared in the room now.
‘What the Fuck is going on?!’
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sunnysidewrites · 7 years
Street musician!Woozi
Requested by anon: hello! May I please request a Jihoon scenario where he’s a street musician across the street from where you work? Can be angst or fluff, I’ll leave that up to you. Thank you!
here you go anon!!! i chose fluff bc i think ppl need a break from that zombie apocalypse hwiyoung au…. LMAO i hope it was fulfilling to read happy reading from your fav mom!!!
warnings: fluff, the kind where u wanna punch them :))) woozi is a lil shit but what’s new
You’re a waitress at this cozy little restaurant on a fairly busy street
So you have quite a number of customers coming in frequently and have a handful of regulars
The restaurant has picked up popularity as of recent and unfortunately you guys are a little understaffed
So you and just a few other employees are constantly on your toes running back and forth from order to order
It’s a literal workout sigh
And you’re always extremely exhausted and ready to KO after every shift
One day you’re feeling more irritable because of difficult customers and restlessness
You’re bundled up in your lil warm coat while the winter wind chills you down to the bone
“Just a little more until you reach home y/n” you muttered yourself and continued trudging home
When you got to the end of the street your ears perked at a melodious sound
A crowd was increasing by the second and you’re trying to push your way to the front to get a good view bc wOW MUSIC!!1!!
Perched on a bench was a guy and his trusty guitar don’t hurt soonyoung
His slender fingers were picking at the strings and he was so effortlessly hitting high notes
You could have sworn you saw a light shining down on him bc is he an angel
His guitar case is opened wide for people to toss in change
the amount of money sitting in his case was probably just the amount of tips alone you receive in a day already
This guy is going places and you showed that when you threw in a $10 bill
He was busy concentrating on his singing and playing that he was closing his eyes
But right after you tossed in the bill he opened them and caught your gaze
He was starstruck for 0.00001 seconds but he had to quickly end the song
He got whistles and cheers from the gigantic audience but he was blUSHING AND SMILING RIP @ ME
You were also really happy and reenergized after hearing his soothing voice and you looked like :DDD while you clapped
His heart stopped
“Who is this cute girl i’m weak”
You continued walking down to your home right when he mustered up the courage to talk to you
His outstretched hand slowly went back down to his side
:((( he was only a second late sigh
He’s determined to play at that exact spot at the exact same time he did that night
He usually bounces to different areas but maybe he’ll make an exception ;););)
Over the next week or so you take notice of his extended stay in what you call “his little corner”
Not that you minded ofc
He always seems to gaze at you longer than he does at the rest of the crowd but you think you’re just imagining things and you’re getting your hopes up a little too much
He’s always singing cute love songs
Sometimes he would do heartbroken ballads or upbeat renditions
But it would always be related to love!!11!
Lovestruck woozi is a concept
When he finishes his latest cover, he forces himself to catch you before you’re headed off
As per usual you’re wrapping your scarf closer to yourself and start walking further down but he’s like wAIT
You turn around anD IT’S HIM!111! THE COOL STREET MUSICIAN!1!!
He’s like o crap i didn’t expect to get this far lMAO WHAt do i DO
“Thanks,,,, for coming,,,, i recognize you as a familiar face for the past few shows,,,,”
Ofc he has he’s been ogling you
You’re like oh!! Well you’re talented ofc i’ll watch!!
And he’s like oHMYGOSH CAN I HIDE
“ahah thank you” he’s blushing while hiding his smile behind his hand wHAT A PURE
You can’t help but notice he’s clearing his throat a little and you’re like hmm??
“Would you like a drink? You sound like you could use it”
He’s like oH WeLL that would be nice but don’t worry about me
“It’s fine1!1!!! I work down at the restaurant and we still have time before we close”
He’s like omg but u just got off work it’s o k a y
Woozi: well isn’t she insistent
Woozi: i like it
And so you drag him back to the restaurant and your coworker is like y/n??? Aren’t you supposed to be at home????
You walk over to them and whisper
“Can you do me a favor and put a drink on the house for him??? He’s been playing out in the cold all week” and you muster your best puppy dog eyes
“I’m telling our boss you broke the mug his mom gave him”
“:))) what drink would you like sir?? :)) it’s on the house :))) totally completely free of charge :)))”
“O h you don’t have to do that!!!”
“See y/n he says–”
You: “m u g.”
“I inSIST IT’S FREE SIR!!! :))) pLEASE!!! TAKE THE OFFER!!! :))))”
“O-oh okay,,,,, I’ll just have some warm tea,,,, thank you,,,,”
“I’ll be back shortly” and right before they leave they glare at you
You: :-) what’s wrong? :-) certainly not his mug right? :-)
You join him back at the booth and you’re trying to make some small talk by complimenting his performances
Despite how well known he is around the block he’s still a humble little bee get it instead of bumblebee
“Ah.. … .. i’m not that great … ….. ..”
“Wtf you got like $50+?????”
“What n O,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, $40”
Jesus christ woozi
You’re just laughing and shaking your head in disbelief like ok mr music prodigy
You both talk and get to know each other until closing time which is roughly 15 minutes
Your coworker kicks you out and you’re back out on the chilly night streets
“Well,,,, it was nice talking but i should,,,, really head home”
“Yeah i should head back too,,,,,, you’’ll still be here to watch tomorrow right?”
You’re like uH O F C I W I L L
And he’s like ahah ok just,,, checking,,, and he seems to be stalling as he does the smile hiding again pls protect this smol bean
So you linger there with him and it’s just like u have n o i de a what’s going on but it feels like you should also stay with him
You see him closing his eyes and taking a quick breath before exhaling and muttering “just do it woozi”
Before you have a n y time to register it he opens his eyes and kiSS E S YOUR CHEEK AND SCREAMS “ U- UH I’LL SEE YOU T O MORR O W B Y E” AND SCURRIES OFF
It ended as fast as it happened and so you’re like ? ???? ?? what just happened
But you’re like i’m demanding answers tomorrow night
Tomorrow night rolls around and he’s out there in his little corner again
This time he’s like “ok yall today’s song will be ‘20’ by seventeen”
He notices you in the crowd the second your face popped up and not once did his eyes leave yours
You’re a blushing mess throughout his song and you combusted 10 times
When he’s done you cheer the loudest and wait for everyone to disperse before engulfing him in a hug
“Is that a proposal” you say when you break away and look at him
He smiles thoughtfully and tugs your waist
“Only if you want it to be ;););)”
And his hand is gently on the back of your neck
Oh my god yall im fucKEN SOFT
“I didn’t see you give me any change today”
“sHUT UP WAS THE KISS NOT GOOD ENOUGH i withdraw from being your s/o smh”
“wAIT NO I WAS KIDDIng!!11!! Kisses are perfectly acceptable payment!!!11”
Damn right they better be
“As they should be :)))” you say before pulling him back in aW YOU GUYS ARE SO CUTE
And there begins a sweet relationship full of serenades and free drinks!!!
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curtdubya · 7 years
The official teaser for the next installment of the Skywalker Saga – Star Wars: Episode VIII – The Last Jedi – came out today, and it is awesome.
There are three primary reasons why I'm excited about this:
Another Star Wars Movie!
Having been born in The Year of the Force (1977), I've loved Star Wars for as long as I can remember. I don't remember when I first watched the original movie or even Empire, but I do recall seeing Return of the Jedi in the theater as an almost-six-year-old, and at that point I had definitely seen the other two films already. As a kid I watched the Droids cartoon and the Ewok TV movies, and of course a number of Star Wars toys. I was a teenager just entering high school when Timothy Zahn's Thrawn trilogy came out, and that started me on a decade-long journey through the Expanded Universe (now "Legends"). Of course, I was the first one at my small liberal arts college to get tickets for the Special Edition theatrical re-release, and I even saw all three prequels in the theater despite my increasing disappointment. More recently, I have been enjoying the Clone Wars and Rebels animated series, as well as some of the new canon novels.
But what has me most excited is the two most recent live-action films: Episode VII: The Force Awakens and Rogue One. I was a fan of Episode VII, even despite some of its story flaws and deliberate (but, I still think, perfectly fine) imitations of the original movie. But I am an even bigger fan of Rogue One, which was about as perfect a Star Wars story as you can get, in my humble opinion.
So, the very first thing I'm excited about is simply getting to see what comes next. J.J. Abrams and the LucasFilm team showed that the sequels are truly the anti-prequels, and I'm hoping they'll continue the momentum of both the previous Skywalker Saga story and the first anthology film by pushing boundaries even further with The Last Jedi.
Which brings me to the second thing I'm excited about:
Darkness Upon Darkness
If nothing else, Rogue One proved that the new Disney-owned LucasFilm is willing to push the franchise into levels of darkness that it has never reached before, even taking Empire into consideration. Sure, in Empire Luke loses a hand, finds out he's the spawn of the second-most evil being in the galaxy, and Han gets frozen in carbonite. The ending is bleak and leaves viewers hanging – by one hand, as it were. However, in Rogue One EVERYBODY FREAKIN' DIES! I did not see that coming. In fact, the first inkling I had that some serious shit was going down was when Cassian was shot and fell down the archive shaft. Yeah, sure, there's a eucatastrophic moment when he comes back and helps Jyn – and then THEY STILL BOTH DIE! Not to mention that the Rebel Fleet is decimated in the attack just as the ships are about to jump to hyperspace. Couple those facts with the images of Darth Vader slicing his way through Rebel troops mere steps behind the stolen Death Star plans, and it makes for a wonderfully dreary film that completely reshapes the original movie by showing you exactly what the stakes were and how tenuous the Rebel Alliance truly was.
All this darkness, in addition to the new teaser, gives me hope that Episode VIII will truly be something original, while still building organically from the original series. In the new teaser, an aged Luke says, "I only know one truth... it's time for the Jedi to end." Of course, the teaser itself is incomplete, making it impossible to know what the finished product is going to look like. But given how much Episode VII followed the original film, and one can hope that DisneyLucasFilm is using the same overall pattern as the original trilogy, which means Episode VIII will be the second act of a play — in which everything goes to shit for Rey and the Resistance. (Note to Self: "Rey and the Resistance" is a great name for a female-fronted Star Wars filk band.)
A lot of people consider Episode V to have been the best movie of the original trilogy (and, really, of any Star Wars movie to date, with the possible exception now of Rogue One). If the pattern holds true, and if DisneyLucasFilm is willing to keep pushing boundaries, then Episode VIII could supplant that. It's kind of an astounding thought, when you consider it like that.
That Poster
The teaser's exciting and all, but what I wasn't expecting was the new poster. I'm not the greatest at visual analysis, but a few thoughts after the jump:
The Last Jedi poster
One thing that stands out immediately to me: Rey has a very Solo-ish look, no? Vest, white shirt, low-slung holster… Are Rey and Ren-Ben the new Leia and Luke? Siblings separated at a young age? The Expanded Universe had Force-sensitive Jaina and Jacen, in which the latter turned to the Dark Side as Darth Caedus. Might the creative team be building off that idea here? Also, Han Solo seems (or seemed) to give Rey a few knowing looks in Episode VII, and given that the Millennium Falcon is on Jakku, there is already at least some kind of link between the two of them, albeit tenuous as we know it now. But hey, maybe I'm reading too much into things.
The other thing that jumps out to me is the gradient of the lightsaber from blue to red. Does this imply a balancing of the Force? Could Rey be the catalyst that combines the Light and Dark Sides and ultimately fulfills the prophecy that Qui-Gon believed was Anakin's role? Given that the blade cuts between Luke and Ren, that could be another indication of Rey as a balancing Force, so to speak. Again, this is all speculation on my part, but those are the things that jump out at me.
Check Out the Teaser
Haven't seen the teaser yet? Check it out below and let me know your thoughts about it or anything I've written above.
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