#also my brother did some custom art for one of them and i love it dearly but he doesn't intend to post it himself so didn't include it here
raziraphale · 2 years
risking the mortifying ordeal of being known here but this is just too cool not to share. my younger brother is a print student (training to be a professional printer) and one of his tasks this term was to design and print a paperback book. the content wasn't important to the prof, just the formatting and printing, so my brother decided to make an anthology of some of my fanfic for me and it's so just so ahhhhhhhh
it's broken up by fandom and each section is colour-coded with coloured edges to have this rainbow effect
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there are even some images scattered throughout for flavour, as well as some funny formatting choices like colouring all of Zer0's emoticons red and doing a different font for Venom's lines lmao (click to see the full images I didn't want to arrange them to take up a lot of space)
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it's nearly 300 pages ??? and it's not even all the stuff I've written, just the stuff I'm still fond of from the past 5 years or so. I am just very overwhelmed that it exists 🥺💜
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arrowhawkart · 27 days
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Alright what's up everyone! If you do not follow my personal blog fair warning: I have become very suddenly obsessed with Dragon Age and have been playing thru the games for the first time ever- so expect the next chunk of art from me to be very Dragon Age-centric
So Anyways here's Cedric Hawke, the fun little guy I made for my DA2 playthrough and became incredibly attached to much faster than I expected.
More incoherent rambles and thoughts on my Hawke under the cut- it's very stream of consciousness under there and also very very long you've been warned
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Just like.... wow.... okay so I've now played through Inquisition and finished Trespasser and I've gotta say DA2 really took the cake for me, like by far my favorite of the 3. (Like please don't get me wrong it absolutely had it's issues I'm not saying it was a perfect game or that all the writing choices were amazing) But I just really enjoyed the smaller more personal scale of the conflicts in DA2, I liked that Hawke was even more Just Some Guy, and like yeah the Warden and the Inquisitor aren't like special chosen ones or anything, but they are both tasked with these gigantic world-saving country-spanning quests, and Hawke? Hawke is just a guy trying to do right by his family. Like he doesn't have any world saving mission. He is just trying to Get By and that really made this game hit home more for me than the other two.
I said I was gonna ramble about my Hawke and I just ended up rambling about DA2 itself... whoops. ANYWAYS- Cedric- My Boy Cedric- I recognize that a purple mage Hawke is the most common route people go and I am by no means unique or original, but this game series is very new to me, personally, and I'm having fun anyways. (From here on out I will be talking about my Custom Hawke and not like, Hawke the player character in general)
And gosh I'm such a sucker for complicated and messy family dynamics, and DA2 does that so well. Like the Hawke family is Fucked Up. Bethany gets killed by that ogre while they're fleeing Lothering when she tries to save their mom from said ogre, and Leandra immediately turns and blames Cedric for Bethany's death- and then later in Act 1, Carver, best baby brother Carver, also throws Bethany's death in his face while they're having their own stupid argument which started because Cedric was trying to cheer Carver up and boy did that fail dramatically.
Like Cedric is witty and charming and sarcastic and kind of an asshole sometimes, and comes of as incredibly over confident and cocksure and that's because he's very much been shoved into the role of 'okay you've gotta take care of everything and if you don't everything bad is Your Fault, and since you're in charge of taking care of everything, everything bad is automatically Your Fault No Matter What Anyways.' So he's gotta playact like he has everything all together and under control, because what the fuck is his family gonna do if he doesn't? And underneath all of that he's an incredibly stressed out guy, who does not feel like he can ever let on that he's stressed and making everything up as he goes and just hoping that things work out well.
And like he tries to do the right thing- by god does this man try. He brings Carver with him on the deep roads mission because he and Carver work well together! Carver wants to go! He loves his little brother, there is no one he would rather have by his side than his little brother! There is no one he trusts more than Carver to have his back! Carver and Cedric are incredibly close, (yes in the game's friendship/rivalry system Carver was locked in at full rivalry but that absolutely does not mean they weren't still very close and also friends). Like Carver is the one person who actually recognizes that the way Leandra projects all of her own issues onto them, but like mostly Cedric, is really shitty! He acknowledges that after apologizing for his part in the argument I mentioned above. And then of course Carver ends up getting the Blight during the deep roads mission, because nothing can every go right for them. Thankfully Cedric brought Anders along, so Carver is able to become a Grey Warden instead of DYING, but he has to leave, and Cedric doesn't even find out whether or not Carver survived his joining for months. And of course Leandra blames Cedric for this, she begged him not to bring Carver along with him, and he did anyways and now she's never going to see her youngest son again and it's all Cedric's fault. And that's how Act 1 ends and I just.... Auaghghghghhhh-
And then we've got Act 2, and like mid-way through Act 2 is probably the high point for Cedric. Things peak for him here and then it's all one big snowball downhill from there. So like, Cedric romanced Fenris, because this man is addicted to difficulty, and of course was going to immediately be infatuated with the guy that makes hating mages half his personality. (I mean it wasn't immediate, it was more of a slow build, mutual-trust, to friendship(and yes once again Fenris was at full rivalry but I stand by what I said about the friendship rivalry system earlier), to lovers thing, especially considering three years pass between Acts 1 and 2) And yeah, Cedric doesn't hide the fact that he's very into Fenris, and Fenris definitely hasn't seemed opposed to this. So after Fenris kills Hadriana and then they have that fun little argument that ends with Fenris pinning Cedric to the wall and kissing him 😳- Cedric is like, riding the high of what was probably the first positive physical affection he's gotten since Carver let for the Grey Wardens three years ago. And then of course the following morning Fenris immediately breaks things off with Cedric, so what Cedric thought was going to be the start to a romantic relationship, just ends up being an ill-fated one night stand. And like! Cedric does not begrudge Fenris this! He completely understands Fenris's reasons, he is not upset with Fenris at all! He is still just completely crushed though. So yeah, things peaked for Cedric for like one very short night and then start speeding downhill. Because not long after that is when his mom is killed by a fucking serial killer. As if things weren't already fucked enough for Cedric, already having lost his twin younger siblings.
Also side note- I love the fact that DA2 is portrayed as Varric telling the story of Hawke's life to Cassandra, and that we know Varric is an unreliable narrator. Because like Leandra's last words to Hawke being that she's so proud of her strong boy- at least with how Cedric's relationship was with Leandra up to this point- felt so so out of character for Leandra, and I love the headcanon that that's Varric giving his bestie some closure narratively that he never actually got in reality. So like that's canon for Cedric. Because that was Leandra's decapitated head frankensteined onto another woman's body- and magicked into a reanimated corpse that absolutely did not seem like it had any conscious thought- like she was already dead before Cedric showed up. There were no final words. There was no nice narratively satisfying ending to that one. And I like it better that way tbh........
We're just gonna like skip over the whole qunari invasion subplot because I am. Not a fan of how that was handled. Writing wise. Like what the fuck was that. Like I have THOUGHTS about it but they're not gonna go on tumblr. Anyways. Moving on.
Champion of Kirkwall! Yay! Meredith knows he's an apostate mage and is just Waiting for any half-decent excuse to either bring him to the circle, make him tranquil, or kill him? Not yay! Cedric is absolutely good friends with Anders, and has been helping with the mage underground every chance he has. People in the city have been whispering about making him of all people Viscount and he has no idea how to feel about that, like he'd rather not, but who else is gonna do it? And who else would do it and actually give a shit about mages and elves and just like lower class people in general? Like this incredibly stressed out guy does not need more added to his plate, he really doesn't. But he's definitely thinking about it. I mean hey! It's not like he's got any family around to take care of at this point right? Why not just take that eldest daughter syndrome thing he's got going on and use it to fix the city?
The one bright spot for him here is that hey, at least he and Fenris get back together. That one's nice. They both deserve something positive and comforting after all the shit they've been through.
And then Meredith is trying to invoke the right of annulment and Anders blows up the fucking Chantry. And Cedric can't even blame him for it. After 6 or 7 years of painstakingly working to try to find peaceful ways to improve the lives of mages and getting blocked at every turn, with the knowledge that Meredith has been getting worse and worse and worse, and has been actively looking for any excuse to invoke the right of annulment and just kill every single mage in Kirkwall? And Grand Cleric Elthina has been absolutely no help, and has absolutely been subtly on Meredith's side the entire time. Like at a certain point, violence really does feel like the only option left. When you've been backed this far into a corner.
So obviously Cedric takes the side of the mages, doesn't kill Anders, is honestly like 'my dude, my buddy, my guy, my best pal(aside from Varric, and my boyfriend Fenris) why didn't you tell me? I would've helped you on purpose.' He's elated when Carver shows up during that final push to the Gallows, like the whole situation is absolutely shit, and it'd definitely be better if his beloved brother was no where near danger, but he's a Grey Warden now so that's not even an option anyways. So it's just nice to have him around even during such an intensely stressful moment. Honestly everything is so unbelievably fucked at this point that Cedric isn't even stressed anymore. Like things literally cannot get worse. He's kind of riding the high of things not being able to get worse. Or maybe that's just adrenaline. Who knows. Aveline and Sebastian both leave, Cedric is unbothered. Doesn't even try to convince Aveline to side with him later either, like he's never really gotten along with her, and he did not like how she treated Carver. Fenris and everyone else stick around, and that's what matters to Cedric, like all the people he was actually close friends with stick with him in this moment (Fenris, Varric, Isabella, Merrill, Anders, & Carver)
And then yeah, they save the mages, defeat Meredith, leave Kirkwall with the renegade mages. Everyone goes their separate ways due to one reason or another, except Fenris. At least Cedric does get to keep one positive close relationship around.
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pequenaotaku · 2 months
With nothing else to do, I ended up editing Colette's late brother. Why? Just felt like it. Plus, as I delve deeper into her story, her brother will be mentioned more often. For emotional reasons, I thought it would be nice to start introducing him.
Later on, I also plan to introduce other secondary characters that I planned offline for New Gen even before the game was released. To summarize, they are family and friends of my three girls. Creating OCs is delightful and everyone loves it.
Without further ado...
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This was Dante Lebarde, Colette's older brother, the reason she is passionate about astronomy and hot chocolate. Besides enjoying the vastness of space and all its mysteries, he was a very calm guy, the famous mediator, who tries to make everyone's life lighter and simpler. He had a degree in gastronomy and worked as a sous-chef* in a 3-star restaurant.
Going back to the past, shortly after little Colette was born, their parents had a colossal fight and not only did they divorce, but they also didn't want to know about their two children anymore, so they left them to be raised by their paternal grandfather, Charles Lebarde (yes, the professor of Ancient and Medieval Art at Anteros Academy). Feeling obviously abandoned, he didn't want his little sister to have to deal with the same heavy emotional burden that he had to deal with as she grew up, so, with a little help from their grandfather, he always made sure to be around and take care of Colette. They grew up very close.
Dante died at the age of 27, being hit by a bullet in a robbery that took place at the restaurant where he worked. One of the customers that day had a baby and went into a complete panic when the robbers entered, threatening everyone. Dante tried to help her calm down so as not to attract trouble, but it was too late, he ended up being shot in her place.
Additional information (that I was too incompetent to fit into the text):
Dante was 8 years older than Colette.
He was engaged and was going to get married at the end of that same year to his girlfriend who had been with him since high school. (She still hasn't recovered from the whole thing and ended up getting closer to Colette during the mourning period. The two still treat each other as sisters-in-law. I plan to make a post introducing this girl in the future too, I'm just not sure whether to redo her design, update it to match New Candy's base, or keep it as it is.)
He was pansexual.
As already mentioned, he had a special passion for astronomy, and this hobby was passed on to him by his mother. He was very sad that they had lost contact but believed in catharsis. He hoped that one day the stars would align and they could at least become close again. Unfortunately, it didn't happen.
His favorite type of food was seafood.
Although he was a very skilled chef, he was terrible with artistic notions in terms of the harmony of a well-presented dish. Interior decoration as well, consequently, but that's another story. So, when he created a new dish, he focused more on the taste; it was the chef's job to make it look good, ironically. Colette didn't care about this; she found it very fun to cook with her brother and joke about who decorated the cupcake the worst.
He loved listening to the sounds his sister produced. It was he who gave her the nudge to take it seriously as a profession.
For some reason, he was obsessed with reptiles. He liked them more than furry animals. In fact, he had two pet snakes, a Ball Python* named Nova and a Boa Constrictor Imperator* named Nebula.
The base and most of Dante's clothes I got from this VK group. As for the hair and facial details, I found them in the Castiel base Drive that @candysweetposts made.
Sous-chef*: Of French origin, sous-chef literally means under-chef. He is the second in command of a professional kitchen and, therefore, answers only to the chef. Thus, this figure also represents an authority to the other team members.
Ball Python*: Also known as a royal python, it is a popular species due to its relatively small size and docile temperament.
Boa Constrictor Imperator*: A subspecies of the boa constrictor, generally bred in captivity and appreciated for its relatively docile nature.
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inkabelledesigns · 2 months
I built a shelf?!
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Hi, I'm Kat Alyst, your resident fae that has never felt like she should be trusted with power tools, and GUESS WHAT I USED TODAY! So here is my tale of how this came to be:
My grandparents are both incredibly handy people. They've both taken on so many projects to build furniture for as long as I can remember. This summer, Grandpa's big project was building a new dresser for their bedroom, and it is an impressive feat! It's almost done and looking fantastic! But along the way, some mistakes were made, and he ended up with some drawer fronts that didn't quite fit. So instead of getting rid of them, I asked if we could upcycle them into something new. My brother in law has been helping out a lot this summer, he's so eager to learn how to do stuff like this, and Grandpa took both of us into the workshop for this project. The three of us together built this shelf!
I was so nervous. I may customize dolls regularly and work with some scary/dangerous materials, but this is a whole other league from what I do. But with some guidance and teamwork, it turned out great! For anyone curious, this is made of pine, so it's very hard and easy to break your tools on. We only lost one drill bit in the process! I also got to use an orbital sander for the first time! I hate sanding dolls, but this was a lot of fun, and the result is so nice and smooth. I drilled holes, I measured, and I feel more confident than ever about it. It gives me some hope that when I'm ready to do my heavy doll mods that require cutting into plastic, I can handle it better.
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But now for the test: can my dolls fit here? I didn't pack any of my customs with me to see how they fit, and suspect it'll be a little tight given the shelves are 11 and 5/8 inches tall. But I'm okay with that, this still works. Not to mention I can put them on the top. I did have Drac here though, since I need a mannequin for a sewing project, so I have a better idea of what I'm looking at than having no doll. I'm still deciding how the display will work, but my thought for now is to have this on top of my desk against the wall. That way, I can display my dolls in it and keep a few materials stored. I could potentially include some plushies here too, and figures, I've got some of those now. X'''D I've got some puck lights and fairy lights I can use to brighten it up too. I don't know what color to paint it yet. My space is a light pink, I could do more pink, or white, or blue, or maybe mint green. I know I want to keep it light, but I'm undecided. Maybe I'll abandon all of that and make it neon pink, who knows? XD My mom suggested I should take my bedspread and match it to that. My grandma thinks it should be striped. We'll see what happens!
I've wanted to have a shelf for my dolls for a long time now, and to say I have one that was built with love like this? That means everything. I forget if I've shared it here, but my current display spot features a lamp made by my great grandfather, and it's so special to me to have my art alongside his. Now I get to say that about another piece, and that means so much. I'll try to remember to update you when I know where it's going. This is so exciting, oh I'm so looking forward to this!
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ateez-himari · 3 months
[240707] A TO Z CLOSING
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[PM 11:01] I had so much fun meeting this many of our precious Tiny at once, thank you for making both days so wonderful!
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[PM 11:02] Don't worry the costume wasn't as heavy as it looked ㅋㅋ It was really hot inside though so I had to wipe my skin after we changed out of them, but it was fun being a real tiger for a while!
[PM 11:02] I knew the child I carried don't worry, she's my niece! Apparently she kept asking my brother if they could go see 'Ma-i' (me) soon and since there were free seats management gave it to them. I heard she loved our aniteez so much that she made her mom buy a plush at the exit 🥹
[PM 11:03] Hmm...I wouldn't say it was hard preparing for the fanmeet but since there were other schedules that we needed to fly to it was definitely tiring. For the first time in a while I felt nervous about forgetting choreography
[PM 11:04] Oh yeah! I definitely didn't expect I would get the Maestro challenge, especially not the footwork...so I was shaking a little. I'm glad I got to do the normal chorus too because I really like the choreography
[PM 11:05] Deja vu, Guilty and Midas Touch were really fun as well, but I liked all of them! I wish I could have done all of the girl group ones, I knew them all ㅜㅅㅜ
[PM 11:05] I bet you guys were surprised by the cover stages too! I was kind of sad that none of the members wanted to do Accendio with me so I had to sing it by myself, but Feel So Good was so fun! Yongguk Sunbaenim sent me a message about it after because he saw it on social media ㅋㅋ
[PM 11:06] Also there was a very nice Tiny who let me take home an Arimyang plush with a really cute custom outfit! I think they said their name was Mikah. It's on my shelf now
[PM 11:07] After the amount of times we've done it you guys are still surprised when Mingi oppa and I kiss? ㅋㅋ We did it on the side stage so we didn't think you'd see
[PM 11:07] I was crying yes ㅜㅅㅜ It's just that seeing so many people here just to meet us made me a little emotional. It's hard to believe every time you know, but it's all thanks to you that we're able to do this ♡
[PM 11:07] Yeah Hongjoong oppa and I got emotional together. We were the first two trainees at KQ and he's the reason I'm here, so our hug was a little nostalgic
[PM 11:08] I'm glad to hear you all enjoyed yourselves! I hope we can meet like this again another time...I didn't really want to leave either
[PM 11:08] But I do have to go now, our dorm is going out to get some street food and the place is half an hour walk away
[PM 11:08] We could but walking is so much better in this weather, especially since we might see the others around after. The two other dorms are also going out and to places pretty close to ours
[PM 11:09] We said if we met up then we'd go shopping at those little street shop thingies. I'm running out of art supplies and they usually have what I need so I hope we go. We might also drink a bit but don't tell anyone!
[PM 11:09] Anyway my lovely Tinys I'll see you soon ♡ Love you so much, kisses!
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ryuichirou · 3 months
Some replies!
Also, a reminder: since we haven’t watched ch7 yet, I can’t comment on the events or characters related to it in any way deeper than “I love this character’s design”.  Sorry! I’ll keep your asks until we actually watch it.
I’ll also try to write some longer replies tomorrow, so please bear with me.
Anonymous asked:
Sinful. Sinful. Sinful. Sinful. Sinful. Shame. Shame. Shame. Shame.
We are so excited about his club card, let’s fucking go.
Anonymous asked:
Small question... Did a lot of your older art get deleted from Twitter...? I was scrolling down looking for some of your old Azul/Idia works, and it stops at an illustration of Azul and Jamil?
I don’t think it did (from Katsu’s account everything is still in place on the desktop version), but twitter has been very weird with scrolling in general; sometimes the older posts just don’t load as if you’ve reached the first posts. Sometimes doing an advanced search helps (i.e. searching the posts from this specific account during this specific time period).
Unfortunately, other than that I can only suggest looking through my pixiv, it should be easier to find our older stuff there…
Anonymous asked:
your new twitter header!! i actually gasped when i saw it, absolutely gorgeous and of course, the only fitting true love's kiss for our sleeping beauty <3
You noticed! Thank you, Anon <3 I’m glad you like it.
Unfortunately, we had to let go of our previous header (the last kiss one) because of all the blood (someone finally reported it), but no one is going to stop us from having a Lilisil header hehehe
You’ll see the full image soon! I’m going to post it today. You've guessed the caption as well...
Anonymous asked:
I just saw your female Silver art and it got me curious; would a male Lilia still sleep with a female Silver if there was a chance of pregnancy? Likewise, would he still let a male Sebek sleep with her?
You know, Anon, it’s hard to say. I think I can picture Lilia managing to somehow sit his tiny butt on two chairs at the same time: he would have sex with her, he would train her body well in that regard and teach her all kinds of endurances, but the possibility of her getting pregnant would sound horrible because this is his little girl, that’s just wrong. As if doing all this other stuff isn’t… and you’re still risking it, Lilia…
(But honestly who knows, maybe Lilia is the daughter-breeder)
When it comes to Sebek, I think Lilia would be stricter than usual and mostly because he would really enjoy acting like a tough father of a beautiful young lady with a lot of suitors. This is such a ridiculous spectacle, and such a fun way to tease Sebek who is already super overwhelmed and confused about how he should treat Silver, who would still be his brother in arms even if it is fem!Silver…
In general though, I don’t think Lilia would mind these two having sex and unfortunately would probably tease them endlessly for that. And instead of saying anything about protection, he would sigh and complain about how he isn’t ready to become a grandpa, which would work even better: now they don’t want to have sex at all.
Anonymous asked:
I love Kokichi Ouma too, he and Nagito Komaeda are my favorite DR characters, I even have their figurines. But now Im imagining both working for Azul and driving him insane with Jade and Floyd enjoying/encouraging them.
Oh no, Kokichi and Komaeda working for Azul is an absolute nightmare, please, we don’t want Azul to overblot again..!
Komaeda is going to start ruining every dish because then the customers would be filled with hope that the dish they got isn’t as shitty as the other ones… isn’t hope beautiful?
Anonymous asked:
Okay so, in Vil's Playful Land vignette, i find it so funny how Jade kept making excuses not to ride the rollercoaster and then when they did he was just 🧍 frozen. Given how Jade is, it's interesting how it's implied that he's uncomfortable with heights- in flight lessons, Azul and him are kinda bad at it + Jade in shaking voice says: At least i'm better then Azul, right? HDNSGENS Does Jade Leech have a weakness-??
ANOOOON THIS VIGNETTE! It should be studied under the microscope, this is such a good example of Jade being Jade in such an unusual situation for him…
Jade being invincible is a great concept, but this teeny tiny little sprinkle of fear or uncomfortableness makes him so much better. He really is a fish out of water when it comes to heights…
What I also loved is that one of his voice lines when he basically does the “at least I’m better than Azul, right?” thing AGAIN. I guess this is his reaction to discomfort: to throw Azul under the bus ASAP…
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I am so happy Vil got to experience this side of Jade. He deserved it…
blackbutlerfandomnerddomain asked:
Since now you've seen Playful Land, I can share some opinions/headcanons:
Fellow Honest for certain did some sexy stuff to get by for him and Gidel. Prostitution, stripping, adult videos, whatever he did it and we don't judge him for it.
In the live action Pinocchio it's implied in a carving on Giddy's mallet he and John are lovers so that's something!
I know you're set on tops and bottoms but I personally see Gidel and Fellow Honest are switches who do some fun play
I am 85% sure none of those rides were safe from sexy times even if you want to excuse any of them as sexy video calls on the farries wheel or Fellow and Gidel having fun before hand.
The first one is pretty much a fact, yes, absolutely agree.
Oh god you are right about Giddy’s malled, I had no idea… they really Richie+Eddie’d him, huh.
Can’t comment much on the third one, but when it comes to fun play, they have a lot of fun…
And the last one is also 100% true. They rode every ride in more ways than one. Even the crazier ones that Fellow wasn’t very sure about, but Gidel was so stubborn that he just couldn’t say no; he spoils him rotten after all…
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erika-xero · 1 year
REPOSTOBER, DAY 12: Inwilis (2018-2023) LONG POST!
I started working on illustrations for @inwilis in early 2018 and since then we've become friends! I have made DOZENS of artworks of her beautiful characters over the past five years and I absolutely love each one of them. Starting with Isil, the center character of the BIGGEST, the MOST AMBITIOUS piece I did four years after this one!
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The second commission was of Uriel! He is a guard and, more importantly, a charming fellow:
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Araal (I'd vote for him in the Inwilis sexyman poll, but actually I'd vote for ALL of them if I could):
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The next two were of Uriel and Gogram, @bitemerogers's elf boy!
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And a solo pic of Gogram I did for @bitemerogers back then, as a bonus!
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The next ones were in my mixed media art style! Sirgris de Heurteloup, majestic and dangerous:
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Neldoranthir of House Vaennyre, war mage and politician:
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Meadharan, God King of Cyriaca. He was a powerful God who chose to descend and live in the mortal realm with Eire, his mortal lover:
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And Eire herself!
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Malganth and Sherilyn Haleus, the infernal brother and sister!
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Princess Blaithin, a child saved from the corpse of her mother:
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Sibri Haelus:
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The Wolf King Parthalan and Iseabel in the Helmet Hall.
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Galadan, lord of the Andains, the semi-gods of the lands of Inwilis!
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Isil, turning into her Ishvari Kalavar self!
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2021-2022 THE TRIPTYCH
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Pre-war part. Isil, Valora, Eire, Basha, Zian, Mazatecli, Meadharan and Syrège belong to @inwilis, Nill belongs to @bitemerogers. And some of the background characters are my own designs, hehe (the blue lady, the green-haired lady and the lynx girl!).
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The fall of Meadharan! This one was stylized to look like a tapestry or fresco.
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And the post war piece depicting Isil in the ruins:
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Soft, warm and nice commission of the MacFragan Inn (also, say hello to Bunny, @bitemerogers's beautiful fae boy):
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And a solo-sketch of Aeon (I LOVE HIM SO MUCH) as a bonus!
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There's also a couple commission I did for @inwilis and @bitemerogers featuring their boys Rhis and Fin, but it's too hot to be shown on Tumblr :P so here is the BED:
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And a bit of Rhys:
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Thallys (@bitemerogers) and Galadan (@Inwilis) in their secret garden (and very in love). I literally CRIED WHEN I READ THEIR STORY and almost had a heart attack TWICE.
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Inwilis is not just a regular customer to me: she is a dear friend of mine and I love her stories and characters from the bottom of my heart. I hope that SOME DAY she will release some of her stories for general public and if she will shoose me as an illustrator for the cover for her book it would be an honor to me. Thank you for putting your faith in me and trusting me with your beautiful and complex characters!
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katerinaaqu · 3 months
High Fantasy consept art inspired by Iliad and Odyssey (a small analysis of a forgotten character)
So let me be a bit annoying and call your attention for one second for an amazing artist and a great friend whom you can find here in Tumblr as well with the alias @artsofmetamoor. Her work is always a great dedication to detail, paying more attention to quality over quantity and, quite frankly, gaining inspiration of various sources.
She began getting more and more annoying talk from me XD regarding my passion for the classics like Iliad and Odyssey and the talk brought about the armors of Mycenaean Greece and she came up with a masterful piece of art:
Quite frankly we rarely ever see high fantasy armors or clothing inspired by anything else but western europe clothing (mixture between medieval Europe and 18th century details) and we rarely ever see high fantasy concepts inspired by ancient art and much less bronze age Greece that has some amazing pieces not many people know. My friend came up with an amazing concept design of a light armor that was heavily inspired by Iliad descriptions particularly Odysseus's helmet.
As you can see we were heavily inspired by Boar Tusk Helmets
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The armor is essentially consisted by a light thorax and a boar-tusk or a horned helmet. Alternatives can be seen here:
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Our character seems to be heavily linked to Odysseus. This is Caleb, from the comic series W.I.T.C.H and the animated adaptation but both her and I took a different route on the character creating our own original concepts of him
So why is he like Odysseus?
Caleb in the comic is a Whisperer, a type of plant-looking creature that was created as a soulless servant to a cruel magician Prince named Phobos who ruled with a Tyranical way the kingdom of Meridian. Caleb broke free from his control by seer will and became the leader of Rebellion against his creator to restore justice (much like Odysseus who couldn't avoid the war but did his best in it, Caleb struggles every day for the greater good)
Intelligent and clever. Caleb comes up with the craziest of plans in a second and he can in fact make his risky tactics to work. Much like Odysseus he is a master of survival and can guide his people in the toughest of situations
Team spirit that exceeds expectations. The rebel leader is capable of throwing himself to the fire for his comrades coming forward to save them if necessary
Family man like Odysseus, later in our story after a great ordeal that lasts almost 10 years in total, Caleb manages to return to the love of his life and start a family. He has an only son, whose name is Kai and Caleb will always return to them
Death fears him. No, honestly, Caleb escapes like some crazy situations in his lifetime! Hahaha He and Odysseus have a lot to discuss!
Notorious and Famous. His friends love him his enemies hate him. What more can one say?
Trained by a "goddess"
Well technically a bit of a stretch but Caleb is trained by a huge and powerful woman who also protects his every step. The woman named Dilla, is a warrior of a special Tribe of people (one can say she was inspired by Amazons and Viking warriors among others). She is tall, big and powerful but she has a golden heart and she makes it a goal of her life to protect him at any cost
Dilla teaches Caleb many things from her people including combat and customs and she protects him as his bodyguard. She is also "bright eyed" as you see (gosh Athena vibes being strong!) since she is blind but has hightened senses. She has also a very strong sense of justice and she is often the voice of reason among the crazy adult kid rebels! XD
Second in Command and Opposition
Caleb has also a brother who was adopted by his very adopted father by the name Diego and yup he is our "Eurylochus" in this case. He is loyal to death to Caleb but his often nasty attitude disrupts the team. That however comes from his own unresolved psychological issues, his complicated feelings and his complex personality.
Please consider checking her art out and we are both open to questions! ^_^
She has also created millions of AUs one can use as inspiration back for their own ideas! Trust me! She's awesome!
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spawnofdeath · 1 year
As promised, since the overwhelming majority voted for wanting to see it, here is my Empires AU main post with all my current notes and thoughts:
Two Sons of Rivendell
(Title borrowed from the poem written for the ending of Empires season 1 by the wonderful @fishy-strawberries on their art blog floweroflaurelin)
AKA me realizing there's two plot relevant reveals of two characters being siblings in Empires 1 and thinking what if I switched them, so Scott and Xornoth get "Hold on now, we're siblings? How did we forget that?" And Lizzie gets "Wait, the demon is my brother?"
Scott and Xornoth, rulers of neighboring elven kingdoms Rivendell and Erewyn, rediscover the tales of their people's old gods, Aeor and Exor. What memories have they lost along with the connection to their past?
Meanwhile, in the nearby Grimlands, salmon loving engineer fWhip starts having troubles involving a demonic cod creature. Who is this malicious stranger, and is he connected to Ocean Queen Lizzie?
In no particular order, some notes:
There aren't really just straight forward role swaps exclusively between two characters each, it's all a bit all over the place
I only watched six out of twelve perspectives (Jimmy, Joel, Lizzie, Pearl, Scott and Sausage) so I don't know if I'm missing anything but also it's not meant to be canon-compliant (but also means I don't know how to write the other characters)
This AU is fully falling into the trend of making fanon Jimmy much cooler than he is in canon, but I just think he deserves a proper villain arc (not counting the one he thoroughly failed at in season 2)
Actual story notes:
Xornoth identifies and presents as broadly male-adjacent, and uses he/they
Because there's no possible pun on "siblings" that could work as well as "Seablings" for the purposes of this AU, Scott and Xornoth will be collectively known as "The Twin Kings"
Xornoth's Empire Erewyn (name might be subject to change) is slightly down the mountainside from Rivendell, where it's a bit warmer than on the snow covered peaks (even without their gods, Scott prefers the winter and Xornoth the summer), and has shared borders with Rivendell, Crystal Cliffs, and the Lost Empire (small parts taken off each of those three, but mostly extends into the spawn area, I looked up a map for this so hopefully you get what I mean)
Erewyn exports enchanted books and offers services of custom enchanting for armour and weapons
The Ocean Queen, of course, cherishes all Ocean dwellers, which certainly includes, for most of their life cycle, salmon
Featuring Scott both as one of the Lost Siblings pair and as the guy who falls in love with the demon
Those two plot lines actually might interfere with each other, I cannot imagine Xornoth would be very fond of the idea of his friend/brother trying to date a demon and Scott probably wouldn't take it very well if Xornoth tried to talk him out of it, so it might put a strain on their friendship, but I don't care, it can't be anyone but Scott, I can't make it work with anyone but Scott (the only other option I can think of would be Sausage, and he's already allied with the demon in canon, I don't want him to be in this AU as well)
I'm gonna say Jimmy is also at least somewhat interested in Scott, because, well, he is kind of cute, for someone without any fins or scales, and why not? Some fun on the side, why shouldn't he? There should be more to life than just terrorising people, even for a demon
Farmer (and Fighter) Queen Pearl is far too exited about her new demonic sparring partner and the powers he's willing to share (just to make their matches more interesting, right? This surely won't corrupt her, nooo, how would it?) (Unlike with Sausage, here I actually do like the idea of Pearl still being in a somewhat similar to canon role, except cranked up to eleven to become the role of demon protégé)
Pearl is also involved in this AU's equivalent of the hostage exchange, the other side being Xornoth (Pearl started it by stealing one of Xornoth's owls, but I cannot think of who or what they would have taken from her in return)
Pix as the assassin in that storyline, I think, because it's really funny to me to think that the person who in canon is tracking people's deaths in this AU is causing people's deaths
Lady Katherine of House Blossom, Flower Mage Queen of the Overgrown, tends to what is known as the Memorial Garden
Lord Sausage of Mythland really just wants to be friends with everyone and is always advocating for peace
Xornoth and Shrub have this AU's equivalent of the Cod War (what would that be though? I'd appreciate any ideas)
Joey and Xornoth are the happy couple who had the big royal wedding, with Scott as Xornoth's best man, and officiated by Pearl
Joey also gets the role of the one who's in complete denial of anything demonic going on. Joey cares about two things, his beautiful builds and his beautiful husband, and that's it. Demon? What demon? There's no demon, why would there be a demon? The sudden surplus of cod make good food for the raptors, as such their unusual aggression goes almost entirely unnoticed, piles of slime are buried under dirt to form nice rounded little hills. He can't even see Jimmy during the big arena fight, just Pearl going mad for no apparent reason, like, what's up with her then? (Keep in mind that I have never in my life watched any of Joey's videos, I have not the first clue how to write him)
Who did Pearl build the arena with, by the way? Probably Gem, who starts out being somewhat complacent about the whole demon issue ("Oh I'm sure he's not that dangerous, he's hardly managed to hurt me, and anyways, he's got some very interesting abilities I'd love to study"), but after the big massacre finally realizes it's actually quite serious and also Pearl is clearly not herself and definitely needs help
Random thought, you know how manta rays swim like they're flying through the water? Jimmy flies like he's swimming through the air
Jimmy is short for Jimahinjao, although he doesn't go by that name anymore, and definitely only Scott is allowed to call him Jimmy
Lizzie is short for Lizmoa, which is already one of the shortest merfolk names, but she's always gone by Lizzie, except in situations calling for truly formal adress
I don't know if "something old, something new, something borrowed, something blue" would necessarily apply to a gay wedding, but I kind of want it to in this case because:
I imagine Scott and Xornoth would have similar styles in terms of clothing and accessories, because it's a traditional elven style or because they're unknowingly brothers, who knows. The point here is Joey coming to Scott for 'something borrowed' and Scott going "Ohhh I can make your outfits match, that's gonna be so cute!"
Thus, the four items: an enchanted golden apple found with the help of Joel (because I didn't know what else he could provide), a pendant made of pixandrian copper (paralleling my interpretation of the amethyst Lizzie got from Gem as a necklace), an elven crown borrowed from Scott (matching Xornoth's), and a bouquet of blue orchids from the swamp outside of Mythland (paralleling the fact that in canon, the warped fungus came from the same place as the corruption)
Speaking of the swamp outside of Mythland, it is regarded as a dangerous and possibly haunted place and thus uninhabited (except for Jimmy, who is the reason people think it's haunted)
The crown Scott receives from Jimmy is a flower crown (as a nod to the for this AU rather unfitting official ship name of "Flower Husbands"). It's made from water lilies and has, beyond the mind control, two rather obvious magical properties. One: it doesn't wilt. Two: it's always slightly dripping. Mostly water, sometimes mud, rarely a bit of slime, but it's always dripping something. Scott still wears it anyways
Lizzie and Katherine get kidnapped by Pearl and Scott, and rescued by Joel, prompting that particular romance
As it will eventually turn out, Scott and Xornoth are twins (Xornoth being older by an hour, though there's no real way for them to find it out that exactly)
Xornoth reads in the library about an artifact he's pretty sure is related to the old religion he and Scott are continuing to learn about. The artifact in question is a black iron crown in the shape of a pair of antlers, to be worn by the royal representative of one of the two gods. They resolve to find this artifact.
Meanwhile, Lizzie, in a treasure chest she unearthed, finds what she thinks is probably an interestingly shaped piece of scrap metal. Maybe she can trade it to some fool for something else. Maybe for a channeling trident. She's been wanting one of those. Calling lightning at will sounds amazing.
The Crown™ is still forged by fWhip, and makes the rounds from Joel, who gets killed for it by Lizzie, who, while trying to give it to Shrub, gets it yoinked away by Joey, who gives it away via a treasure hunt which is then won by Xornoth, who gets it stolen by Gem, who creates a quiz for it that's won by fWhip, who gives it to Sausage, who puts on a contest in which Shrub then cheats and kills him to get it
The Ocean Queen gets storm powers that she needs to learn to control, she probably strikes Katherine with lightning by accident and subsequently flees to a deserted island to not hurt anyone else
While Lizzie is gone, fWhip steals the nautilus shell "Jimmy" has been sealed in, prompting her to return when one of her axolotls comes to tell her about it
More notes to possibly come in the future via reblogs
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mcufan72 · 2 years
Cold winter days, a lonely woman on a bench, a stranger in the park...
An Encounter in Winter ❄️
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Loki and female reader
Chapter 3
Chapter 1 / Chapter 2
18+/adult themes/talking/flirting/slow burn/fluff/angst/smut (eventually)
Warnings: none but lots of flirting, some lusting for each other and getting more physical, Thor being a nice big brother and some angst in the end
Sitting in the lovely café in the afternoons became a part of your daily meetings, too. One week later, as you and Loki had planned, you visited the art gallery. There were not many people visiting the exhibition today but it was a nice location with interesting and impressive pieces of art.
When you two stood in front of another impressive art object you felt Loki looking intensely at you again.
Most of the time Loki's attention was dedicated to you. His gazes lingered more on you than on the pictures and art objects. You felt him looking at you all the time but you didn't find it unpleasant. Truth be told, you loved it. It was balm to your soul…and you liked that he was so distracted by you. It was cute and he was adorable.
"Something else caught your attention, Mr.Laufeyson?" You teased him, mischievously grinning and still staring at the object.
"Oh..ahhmm..no..yes, I'm..ahhm sorry, I didn't want to stare but you…you are …a piece of art too…a very beautiful one." he stammered and complimented you with reddening cheeks.
His pathetic tries to flirt with you were awkward. He wasn't good at it. Seducing a woman was much easier for him.
You laughed lightly and faced him. You found it quite adorable how he tried to flirt with you.
"I'm absolutely not, Mr.Laufeyson but thank you for that wonderful compliment. Shall we see the next room?"
"Yes, let us go to the next room..and you are beautiful, Lady y/n."
"Stop that, otherwise I'm starting to believe it!" you whispered smiling at him and you hooked your arm with his and went together to the next room.
After visiting the art gallery you two went straight to the café. You were the only guests today and Loki wondered why.
"It's December 24th, the people are busy with Christmas preparations and getting everything ready for Christmas Day tomorrow," you explained to him.
"Oh, okay. I'm just wondering because I'm not very familiar with midga–...with some traditions."
"You don't celebrate Christmas with your family?"
"No…not really and I'm not really into it to celebrate such things. My brother and his friends do. But I wasn't aware that's a general thing here."
"Yes, I get that. I loved Christmas when I was a child. And when I lived in Norway I loved celebrating Christmas together with my then-fiancé and our lovely neighbours. I loved the Norwegian traditions and customs. Especially the tradition on 'Jul Aften' when brooms and mops were hidden to prevent the night trips of the crazy ghosts and evil witches who wreak havoc on Christmas night."
"That sounds awesome and funny, I love me some mischief and havoc-wreaking too," Loki said.
"Yessss, it can be really fun sometimes," and you laughed.
"Are you familiar with such traditions and customs Mr.Laufeyson?"
"I am…no…not really." He tried hard to avoid sounding suspicious.
"I also heard something about Norse mythology when I lived in Norway but didn't delve deeper into the details. I have always been too busy with work. But I found it quite interesting …god of thunder, all-father Odin, the only Norse gods I've heard about…did you know that there are days of the week which are named after them?"
"I…don't know that much about it, no… but it sounds interesting, indeed."
You saw Loki tensing and squirming on his chair and you wondered why. Did you say something wrong? Loki hoped you wouldn't dwell deeper on the subject. Of course, he knew everything about it.
"And nowadays you prefer to be here together with me instead of preparing everything for tomorrow?" Loki asked you, carefully changing the subject.
He tried to relax again. He didn't want to ruin this wonderful date with you.
"There's nothing to celebrate for me and I'm alone as you know. I definitely prefer to sit here with you, it's so much nicer than being alone at home and I enjoy your company so much."
"I like to sit here with you too, Lady y/n and you are absolutely right, it's better than being alone at home," and he smiled and winked at you.
"Good afternoon Madam, Sir, the same drinks as every day?"
The waiter came to your table and wanted to take your orders.
You smiled brightly at Loki and then you looked at the waiter.
"No, today we would like to have two hot chocolates and to be precise two hot chocolates with whipped cream, marshmallows and strawberry-cinnamon syrup please."
"Some time ago you said you would like to taste hot chocolate later on…and I decided today is 'later' ," you said to Loki, brightly smiling at him and he couldn't hide his own very bright smile while he looked down at the table and he sucked the lowerlipbetweenhis teeth.
"Two hot chocolate with whipped cream, marshmallows and strawberry-cinnamon syrup, our Christmas edition, a very good choice, thank you, Madam," the waiter repeated and off he went to prepare your order.
"I can't argue with that," and he approved it with a helpless gesture of his hands, looking at you with puppy eyes.
He was kind of devoted to you already and he loved it. You held a tiny bit of power over him already. Something he would never have expected. Something he would never have allowed anyone else to have over him.
When the waiter had served your hot chocolates, you both took your mugs in your hands, ready to enjoy the sweet liquid.
"Gød Jul, Mr.Laufeyson."
"Gød Jul, Lady y/n."
"You're …pronouncing it perfectly " you wondered and frowned.
"I just …repeated what you said," he answered.
There was something about it, you felt it clearly.
After drinking some sips of the cocoa you both had a seam of whipped cream on your upper lips and you two laughed about it.
Loki looked at you, lovingly, unsure what to do and then within a millisecond without further hesitation he slowly stretched his arm out over the table. He put his angled index finger under your chin and rubbed his thumb tip gently, almost tenderly over your lips, collecting the rest of the cream from your upper lip. His blue eyes were fixed on yours.
Why was he so handsome, so desirable? His touch wandered like a warm wave through your body and it made you shiver. You nearly sucked his thumb into your mouth to lick it clean. Of course, you didn't, you wouldn't dare do it. He was your acquaintance, not your lover.
Your velvety lips felt so soft and warm. It must feel like being in Valhalla to kiss them or to be kissed by you. How much he wanted you to suck his thumb into your mouth and feel your warm tongue licking it clean. Filthy thoughts came to his mind while he licked the gathered cream off his thumb tip and it demanded a certain self-control to suppress these thoughts and the upcoming feeling in his stomach and his crotch.
He should stop thinking about you like that. You were his acquaintance, not his lover.
When he thought he had gained his composure back, you did the same with him. Now you rubbed your thumb tip gently over his lips, gathering the cream off his upper lip, your fingers gently placed at his cheek. His lips were so soft, so kissable and you licked the cream you had collected from his lips off your thumb, your eyes never leaving his.
You thought about how it must feel to be kissed by him, his soft lips on yours, grazing further over your cheeks down to your neck, to your clavicle …you should stop daydreaming, immediately because it would never happen.
You two didn't know what to do now. Was that too physical? Too intimate? Did you overstep the private boundaries of the other? To touch each other like this felt good for both of you and yet you felt shy and you didn't know what to say. What you two just had done was exciting and embarrassing at the same time.
"Do you like it?" You asked him to break the silence.
"What do I like?" Loki was still lost in thoughts about you.
"Hot Chocolate? Do you like it?" You asked him with a quizzical look in your eyes and softly smiling.
"Oh! Yes, yes it's delicious. It's sweet and creamy and warms the soul."
"Yes, indeed, it does. That's why I love it so much," you smiled warmingly at him.
Why did he affect you so much? You were afraid one day you would be completely devoted to him and deeply in love with him. But does it really exist, the deep, genuine, reciprocated and unwavering love?
With Loki it seems possible for you but it would never happen. He would never reciprocate your growing feelings for him. He remained guarded.
After some more chit-chat, time had come to go home. You paid the drinks this time, said your goodbye to Loki and as every day he helped you into your coat and passed you your beanie and your scarf.
"It was a wonderful afternoon, Mr.Laufeyson. Thank you so much!" and you wrapped your scarf around your neck.
"My pleasure, Lady y/n."
You crinkled up your nose and smiled, he was so adorable. Loki got you whenever he called you a Lady.
Today you were extremely adorable for him, every cell of his body seemed to tingle.
"Will we meet again tomorrow? I mean …it's Christmas. Maybe you have other plans?"
"Maybe we can have supper together, too?" he asked cautiously.
"I assure you I don't have other plans. Of course, we will meet tomorrow, Mr.Laufeyson. There's nothing better than spending tomorrow's afternoon together with you again."
"Maybe!" You nodded promisingly at him.
"See you tomorrow, Lady y/n. Same time, same place?"
"Same time, same place, Mr. Laufeyson."
His charming smile enchanted you and made it hard for you to leave.
On your way back home shortly after you had left Loki and the café you got a phone call. It was your colleague from work. Actually, the next two days would be your days off but they needed you to come and help them because two colleagues got sick.
"Yes, of course, I can come. A double shift? No, no problem, you know that I won't celebrate Christmas. The day after tomorrow, too…the early shift? Hmmh, yes okay, no problem either. Okay! See you tomorrow, bye," and you ended the call.
And then it hit you. Damn, you were on a date with Loki tomorrow again, in the afternoon as usual and for the first time in the evening, too! But you couldn't let your colleague down either. You should tell him, you had to, he would wait for you tomorrow. You turned around on your heels and you ran hurriedly back to the café.
But Loki was already gone and the café had already closed. What should you do now? You neither knew where he lived nor did you have his phone number. And also there was no one you could ask. He wasn't meeting other people here except…you sighed sadly.
You didn't want to think about him meeting other women to dispel the darkness of the night with amorous activities. But who could blame him, he was extremely handsome, sexy, extraordinarily charming and incredibly hot.
You would try to get away from work tomorrow for just half an hour or so, so you could explain to him why you won't have time to meet him and how much you feel sorry about that. But maybe he wouldn't even care if you came or not. You weren't that important to him, were you?
Loki didn't want to go home yet after you had left the café. His brother and colleagues were knee-deep in final Christmas preparations and he wasn't interested in getting involved. To spend the day tomorrow with you was a completely different thing because it was about spending time with you.
He decided to go to his favourite bar, but unlike before he wasn't in the mood today to take a woman home into his bed to sweeten up his night. He definitely didn't want to.
Two days. You didn't come for two days. Loki was concerned beyond belief. On Christmas day he waited for you in the park like every day. He waited for one hour, two hours, he went to the café but you weren't there either. He was not only concerned, but he was also sad. Didn't you want to see him anymore? Did something change your mind?
Was he too distant and guarded all the time? Or did you feel offended by his touch of your lips the last time you two met? It was quite intimate, wasn't it? Maybe too intimate. But to just not come wouldn't be your style to let him know about that. You would tell him the truth. You would always say what you think, what you like or dislike.
When you didn't come the second day, he nearly panicked. That wasn't you. Something must have happened to you. He decided to go back home after waiting for you for more than three hours and he would look for you tomorrow. He must find you, how was he supposed to not care about you, how was he supposed to be without you ever again? But where should he start to look for you? He neither knew where you lived nor where your working place was.
"Loki, are you okay?"
"Are you okay? You seem concerned. Something happened?" Thor asked his brother, while Loki got rid of his coat and his jacket after he returned to Stark Tower and tossed it both on a chair. His scarf followed.
"No..yes…I don't know," and he traced his fingers over his head through his hair and shoved his hands finally into the pockets of his trousers.
Thor furrowed his eyebrows. He hadn't seen his brother like this for a very long time.
"Is it about a girl? Did one of your bedmates become too affectionate?"
"What? No! You know that I know how to avoid that!" Loki snapped.
"So what is it? You seemed happier recently. Youuu… smile more often when you think nobody sees you."
"Don't mock me!" said Loki slightly indignant and walked a few steps towards Thor who took a few steps backwards.
"Okay, okay calm down brother," and he raised his hands reassuringly.
"Tell me. What is it that keeps your mind busy?"
"You're right. It's a woman," Loki started hesitantly to tell his brother.
"We…have been meeting for several weeks now. Daily…every afternoon in a park."
"Daily? Really every day? Are you courting her? I mean, you still meet ladies who mess up your bed sheets …"
"She's none of them. She is…different, and so adorable. She's not that kind of woman who looks for a one-night-stand…"
"But you want to bed her, let her warm you under your sheets?" Thor asked teasingly.
"No…Yes…I…I don't know to be honest."
"So she's not your type?"
"She definitely is my type, she's beautiful and warmhearted and lovable…but as I said, she's different. But… I'm not her type I guess and… she's too good for me. After spending some time in the park we always visit a nice café to talk and drink something. She loves hot chocolate with whipped cream and marshmallows… It's wonderful to spend time with her. It's comforting to have her around me."
Loki smiled with dreamy eyes. He could rhapsodize about you the whole day.
"Ahhh you like her, I mean, you really like her and stuff like flirting with her, holding her hands, smitten looks…" Thor said knowingly and a wide grin appeared on his face.
"Hi, guys! Who loves hot chocolate with whipped cream and marshmallows?" Peter asked while he went past them.
"The girl Loki dates and is in love with." Thor grinned.
"Ah, cool. Is she nice, Mr. Loki? Bring her here though, Nat, Wanda and Pepper could use some female field assistance!" Peter said carefree while walking backwards to the kitchen.
"Stop that, both of you, I'm not courting her and I'm not in love with her. She is…just a good acquaintance," Loki growled angrily.
"Calm down, Loki. But why are you so concerned then?"
"Okay, okay Mr. Loki," said Peter apologizing and vanishing quickly towards the compound's kitchen.
"She didn't come, Thor. For two days now. Neither to the park nor to the café. She lives alone, Thor. I…I'm concerned something may have happened to her. I don't know what to do. If she still doesn't show up tomorrow I'll be looking for her in the whole city, no matter how long or what it takes!"
"So you don't know where she lives? Don't you have her phone number?"
"No, she never let me escort her to her home and we never exchanged phone numbers. Only Hel knows why we didn't. And she doesn't know where I live. I never told her…I didn't dare to tell her…I lacked the courage."
"Try to calm down a bit, there will be a reason for her absence, Loki. She will be there tomorrow. I'm sure." Thor said, convinced.
"I fervently hope you're right, brother!"
Jul Aften - Christmas Eve
Gød Jul - Merry Christmas
@lokisprettygirl @wheredafandomat @lokixryss @fictive-sl0th @huntress-artemiss
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lunas-otome-blog · 6 months
Luna's Review: Jack Jeanne
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Official Summary:
Kisa is about to give up her dream of becoming an actor when she is given the opportunity to enroll at the prestigious all boys Univeil Drama School that she has always admired and dreamed of attending. She is granted admission with two rigid conditions: be chosen as the lead in the final performance and hide her identity as a girl!
Competition at the school is fierce and the rivalry is real! Will Kisa be able to forge powerful bonds with her all-male classmates while competing against them?
Will she be cast as the lead in the final performance at the end of the year all while keeping her secret?
Luna's Thoughts (Spoiler Free)
I don't particularly like rhythm games or stat building games — I'm more of a straightforward visual novel kinda girl. But I chose to play Jack Jeanne because I read a glowing recommendation on another game blog.
I admit, I struggled with this game at the beginning. The impetus for the protagonist joining an all-boys school was, in my opinion, too fast, poorly explained and lazily written, and I feared the whole game would feel that way.
But I was pleasantly surprised as the plot unfolded. Subtly charming, Jack Jeanne is a rare otoge that doesn't feel the need for epic events or contrived details. The straightforward plot follows the protagonist through a full school year during which she become confident in her skills as an actor, charms her fellow classmates and works toward her ultimate goal of catching up to her brother.
Once I got used to a few things, I found myself enjoying this game immensely. The character development is slow, natural and gorgeous. Every main character gets at least one satisfying arc, including the protagonist. The cast is complex and enjoyable — even the side characters are pretty well fleshed out. And I cannot believe how many side characters get full sprites, cgs and sometimes even character arcs themselves. Fitting to a game about theater, Jack Jeanne features a true ensemble cast.
This is a pretty unusual otoge, as the majority of the plot is common route, with some special scenes mixed in depending on who your affection is highest with. You don't get into a "route" until pretty close to the end of the game. When you do, though, the final performance is highly customized based on your love interest character.
The first time I heard the songs in this game, I didn't think much of them. During my second playthrough, I caught myself humming a few. After the third time, I downloaded the whole playlist onto my phone lol. Some of them are absolute BANGERS. I didn't particularly enjoy the rhythm games, but I acknowledge that's just a personal preference. The game does not penalize you for playing on super easy mode — thank god — so that's what I did most of the time. Even hard mode is pretty easy for the most part.
The game arcs are broken up into sections depending on what play/musical is being performed. Jack Jeanne does a great job of showing you rehearsal scenes without completely giving away everything about the story, so you still get to enjoy the play yourself during the performance. And every sprite gets a new, gorgeous costume for EVERY play. It made me genuinely excited to get to that portion of the game each time.
I do want to talk about the art in this game. The cgs are lovely, but tend to feel ethereal as they are painterly and many lack backgrounds, creating the illusion that the characters are floating in space. I liked them but they are a different art style than the sprites, which felt inconsistent. Add to that a rather adorable cel-shade chibi style, which is used for the stat-building scenes, and you have three completely different art styles used for this game. I'd have preferred some consistency.
I also wish Kisa had a sprite on screen, because we don't get to see what she looks like except in cgs. It's a bummer because she's so cute~
Other than that, all my other complaints have to do with the format of the game. Due to the nature of it being a stat builder, the pacing of the relationship pursuit feels off. You get these really lovely occasional heartwarming scenes with the character you're pursuing when they're triggered, but then they're not acknowledged in the next scene. It interrupts the flow of the plot. But if you're used to stat builders, this will probably not be a problem for you.
Gripes aside, Jack Jeanne is a thoughtful, delicate and delightful look into a group of students doing their best to advance their skills and follow their dreams. I highly recommend checking it out.
Here are a few spoiler-free tips of things I wish I knew before I started the game that will help you through it if you decide to play:
As this game is SUPER LONG and mostly common route, you'll be doing a lot of skipping after your first playthrough. Unfortunately, as there are lots of scenes that are gently customized based on your love interest, you can't just leave it skipping for long intervals. I recommend finding something else to do while you're skipping and just keep an eye on the game so you can breeze through the common portion.
You don't have to start at the beginning every time. For the first two performances, try to maintain equal affection and stat levels for each romanceable character before summer break, and then save. You can use this as a flexible save file and pursue your character of choice from here.
When you're ready to aim for a route, only take lessons in that character's stat until you get to level 30. It will take almost the entire rest of the game. Only see that character during days off until you max out affection. If your character isn't available during days off, go to Mona Star School and raise their stat. You need to get to level 30 to unlock a special post-game scene for each character.
"Weekend with Ion" is just a way to get extra rhythm game practice and you don't have to do it.
If you're playing the game right (IE not failing the stats or rhythm games), there aren't any "bad" choices; just choices that give you affection points for certain characters. When you get onto a specific route, choices are just flavor. Feel free to pick different things each time and see what happens.
Please find below my thoughts on the protagonist and each romanceable character in the order I pursued them. Don't read sections marked with spoilers if you want to avoid them!
(Spoilers) Kisa Tachibana (protagonist)
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Kisa Tachibana is one of the best otoge protagonists I've ever played. I have a lot to say on her, so I'll get the bad out of the way first.
I was a little disappointed with Kisa's writing at the beginning. We know she looks up to her brother Tsuki and wants to be an actor like him, but she's given up on even going to high school because she needs to support her family. But the opportunity for her to attend Univeil comes up so quickly that her struggle and longing are not really fleshed out.
We also don't get an explanation on why her brother was allowed to go to a (seemingly expensive) drama school, nor why he isn't using his success to send money back to the family. In fact, the game just casually mentions Tsuki has vanished without a trace, and nobody seems that concerned about it. Kisa is sad but doesn't seem to question where he is or what he's doing, and nobody asks her about it, even after figuring out she's related to him. And no, this is never addressed, even at the end of the game.
Anyway, onto the good.
Kisa is an amazing otoge protagonist. She goes through not just one, but many character arcs, learning from and responding to her classmates (and even other classes) and becoming not just a better actor but also a better friend and teammate. Unlike a lot of otome game protags, Kisa doesn't get a lot of down time to reconcile her thoughts. Instead, you're left to largely understand her thinking and feelings through dialogue, making her feel less like the game's protagonist and more like a regular character. I didn't like this at first but I came to appreciate it as the game went on.
Every character teaches Kisa something about herself and something about acting. She learns how to feel comfortable in the spotlight, but she also learns it's just as important to prop up other actors. And she gets to go through different arcs depending on her romance choice.
She also has to learn how to perform as a Jack (male character) and struggles with this in a way that felt natural. She even ends up overcorrecting and finds it hard to go back to playing a woman.
My absolute favorite arc of hers is when she decides she has to embrace her femininity in order to make a show a success. This, to me, is the culmination of the whole game, as Kisa decides to risk being discovered in order to help her classmates shine. Of course, if you play all the routes, you realize she actually isn't doing a great job of hiding her gender at all lol. But fortunately she's endeared herself to her classmates so much that they don't mind.
Overall, 10/10 otoge protagonist.
(Spoilers) Kai Mutsumi
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I chose to play Kai's route first, because tbh I thought his sprite was ugly and I wanted to get it out of the way lol. I did warm up to it eventually. And I regret playing his route first because Kai is an utter cutie patootie and I fell hard for him.
He tells you really early on that he only sees himself as a way to highlight the Al Jeanne (female lead). So his character arc is about him acknowledging that he also wants the spotlight, and Kisa helps him by highlighting him.
Though Kai is usually quiet, contemplative and reserved, once he and Kisa have acknowledged their feelings for one another, he starts getting jealous, both of Fumi (as a rival) and of Tsuki-nii (as Kisa's inspiration.) It's heartbreaking but really satisfying to learn that Kai feels emotions just as intensely as everyone else but didn't know where to direct them. I love him so much!
Kai also gives you one of the only laugh-out-loud moments of the game during the common route. I won't spoil it but it involves a certain weasel in the forest.
Kai's is one of the more intense routes, so I would perhaps save it for a bit later if you're wanting to get the lighter stuff out of the way first.
(Spoilers) Suzu Orimaki
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Suzu is the genki character of the game, and the senpais make fun of his dancing at the beginning, so I thought the running gag would be that he sucks. But I was pleasantly surprised. Suzu is shown to be committed, a good actor and surprisingly quick with memorizing his lines, though he does make some stupid mistakes throughout. I adored him as the Sleepless King.
Suzu's route is the one I would call the most generic as far as otoges go. A lot of his route is him struggling with his feelings for Kisa. He starts to like her before he's sure she's a girl, and once he knows for sure, he has a really hard time hiding his feelings. To his credit, he also discovers Kisa is a girl on his own, showing he's smarter than we're led to believe.
If you wanted something more nuanced, maybe Suzu's not the character for you, but I really enjoyed it. The more a character struggles with their feelings, the better, imho lol. The cutest scene is after Kisa gives him sweets for valentines day, and he just can't handle how happy is is. You can't help but love Suzu!
You do actually get a lot of character growth as far as acting goes in Suzu's route — just not with Suzu himself. It's Kamiya — one of the side characters, who fanboys over the amazing Tanakamigi, one of Kisa's rivals in a different class — who gets to experience his own arc this time. While it doesn't feel totally resolved in the end, it was nice to see the game highlight some other characters as a result of the decisions Kisa has made.
I also really loved Mare-chan's little arc, as he learns to appreciate standing on stage with his brother. Actually, all the first years are highlighted in this route, which was fun.
Unlike Kai's route, Suzu doesn't confess to Kisa until the very end of his route — but it's very sweet when he does. Overall, Suzu's route felt like a very normal otoge route, but not in a bad way. He's very kind and protective of Kisa. It's hard not to like him.
(Spoilers) Soshiro Yonaga
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Sou shows obvious signs of being into Kisa, even during the common route, so I figured I'd get a nice little bit of angst in his route. I normally play the childhood friend route closer to the end, but while I really enjoyed Sou's role and growth in the common route, he was such a little jealous bitch in Suzu's route (lol) that I decided to play him next. He pissed me off so much haha. I thought it would be over when he punches Suzu after Suzu discovers Kisa is a girl — something like a send-off to his rival, knowing he can't compete. But he proceeds to be whiny and annoying throughout all the rest of Suzu's route, and this made me want to get his route out of the way.
Sou on his own route is a lot better. He actually impressed me with how straightforward he is. He's the first character (that I played) who confirms he is properly dating Kisa on his route, and his confession was really brave, direct and passionate. It's sad to think that he loves Kisa in every route but won't tell her. He even followed Tsuki to Univeil just to see her again T_T
I was very excited to see we'd be getting some Momonashi context in this route, because he's easily the most mysterious character in the game. You never really understand his motivations, and he always hides his thoughts with a smile. It excited me that he was chosen to be Amber's Al Jeanne this time around, and he is every bit as dark and horrifying as I wanted.
This is also the first route (I played) in which Kisa does not get the lead role by default. I nearly had a heart attack and thought I failed the route because it was so different from Kai's and Suzu's routes. Rest assured, this is what's supposed to happen and it all works out ok. Mitsuki's subtle understanding of the things going on around him is also critical in this route.
But back to Sou. He actually goes through a few different arcs in his own route. While I thought it ultimately ended up ok, I would have liked to see the version of Sou infected with Momonshi's darkness for a little longer. He's only there for a little bit before Suzu's anger snaps him out of it. The back-and-forth of Sou's route felt a little disjointed, and in some places too similar to his plot during the common route.
But ultimately I was very proud of him when he pumps up the crowd during the final performance. Sou comes a long way and his route ends with the promise that there's more to come. Good for you, Sou-chan!
(Spoilers) Mitsuki Shirota
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Mitsuki is the standoffish character, so he's the only romanceable character who is outwardly rude to you at the beginning of the game. I sometimes have trouble with this sort of character, so I was a little worried about him. But I didn't need to be — ultimately, he became one of my favorites.
Mitsuki is the most observant character in the game. He notices subtle changes and tells Neji to back off when he's putting too much pressure on people. And he's the first to tell Kisa he'll accept her no matter what. Mitsuki is so important to making this game work.
He knows he's good at singing, but when he's put in a starring role, he crumbles under the pressure. Obviously Kisa helps him stand up again, but it was really gratifying to know his aggression comes from a place of fear.
While learning to enjoy the spotlight is part of his common route arc, doing a Mitsuki playthrough really adds to this, as you learn how much Kisa's secrecy is weighing on him. He knows something's up right away, and as he comes to trust and admire Kisa, he begins feeling sad that she doesn't trust him enough to unload on him. There's a particularly poignant scene where he undresses in front of her — something we know he's afraid to do for anyone else. Mitsuki's cutscenes really emphasize his words to Kisa on stage as Rukiora and Chikachina, roles that parallel their own experiences.
I will say that, like Mitsuki himself, his route is very subtle as he quietly influences those around him. You don't get a lot of Amber students in this one, as his focus is more on the second years of Rhodonite and Onyx. He quietly fires them up, and it's so sweet to see how the second years, previously in the shadow of Tsuki Tachibana, become determined to do their best because of Mitsuki.
My only gripe for this route was that we didn't get any more Mitsuki background. His mother appears in a really intense cutscene toward the beginning of the game, so you know he's got family stuff going on, but we never really get any more elaboration on that.
Anyway, I love this boyee so much and I just want to give him a hug.
(Spoilers) Sarafumi Takashina
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Honestly, I shipped Fumi with Kai more than with Kisa. They had such a nice and supportive relationship.
Fumi is calm, confident and pretty. He tells Kisa he likes her early in the game. He's a mysterious character under a lot of pressure, but you wouldn't know it unless you participate in his cutscenes. If you pay attention, you'll notice he gives nearly everyone nicknames.
Fumi's main game arc involves him growing complacent with the theater because nobody can match him. It's up to Kisa (with help from Sou) to fire him up again.
I tend to have trouble with flirty characters, but Fumi is so confident and kind that I liked him quite a bit. Because he's so aware of his own skills, I was wondering what his next arc would be in his route. I was pleasantly surprised to find that it's Kisa who gets to experience the most growth in Fumi's route as she struggles with the pressure of working alongside Quartz's star.
While perhaps not as dramatic as some of the other routes, Fumi and Kisa work together to understand each other, both on stage and off, and do their best to become suitable partners for one another. Fumi is also grooming Kisa to be the next star of Quartz, so there's a bittersweet dynamic of passing the baton here, too.
There weren't any dramatic twists and turns, but Fumi's route felt natural and gentle. It was a good conclusion for these two. He's also the only character other than Sou who confirms he's dating Kisa by the end of the route, which I appreciated.
(Spoilers) Neji Kokuto
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Neji is the least serious character in the game acting-wise. He's silly and jokes around, and never gives himself a huge role in any of his own plays. But he's ultimately the one pulling the strings, and he seems to have an extremely good grasp on every character's strengths and weaknesses. He's also the only character who doesn't get his own arc in the common route.
However, I was disappointed with some of his cutscenes during the common route. While I appreciate that he deals with the deep trauma of losing his father with humor and spontaneity, I thought it was an oversimplification for him to say he's afraid of women. The resulting scenes don't feel serious enough and it didn't feel natural that Kisa would fall for him.
If he were simply afraid of falling in love, which is what ultimately led his father (allegedly) to losing his creative flow, I could understand that a bit more. But to have him attend an all-boy's school just because he feels like all women are a risk seemed like a strange move for a game that has been really inclusive about gender so far. It felt very off-putting for Neji, who often puts himself into a female role, to fear women.
But once he realizes Kisa is a girl — once he realizes he knew it all along and was trying to block it from his mind — the tone becomes very dark and sad. My heart was pounding as I felt the weeks go by with no script for the final performance. It was thrilling simply because I didn't know what to expect. It's so different from the other routes.
But I wish Neji was able to express his emotions a bit more. In the end, even as he was contemplating throwing himself into the sea, he wasn't able to be completely serious. I would have appreciated a scene where his walls fully break down, in which he's able to fully embrace Kisa as a woman and appreciate the weight of his own feelings.
I also never felt like Crowley, the character Neji plays in the final performance, was suited to be a main character. He never opens up or shows any weakness. He's just a silly guy and didn't feel like the lead at any point.
I did like how Neji ultimately decides to move forward, even being unable to write. But of course, at the end, Neji is suddenly able to write again. I knew it was coming, but it was a rather convenient ending.
Ultimately, I felt Neji's route was the least successful. I wish he got more growth in his own route. I did love him proposing to Kisa at the end though. It felt very in keeping with his character.
(Spoilers) Kisa Route
This is the route you get if you choose not to spend Christmas Eve with anyone, and it's the closest this game gets to a true ending.
Boy, does it deliver. It ties in all the themes from the game into a really strong ending, where every character feels valuable and Kisa gets to lead Quartz to a strong finish. We also finally get an explanation for the title of the game, as Kisa takes on a special role — neither male nor female, just the protagonist who everyone falls in love with.
A fantastic final route for a fantastic game!
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kabukibun · 1 year
i cant believe im typing this i-
since its the tcg patch, heres this: scara teaching kabuki how to play tcg. Kabuki was honored bc usually scara only plays with wanderer (that brought the game to the house from the scholars in the academia) and anytime kabuki asked to join, scara would tell him to go away, that he doesnt know how to play and he will ruin the fun (even tho wanderer tells scara to zip it)
so when they start to play, scara will say the next few rounds will be for learning! He knows kabuki lacks alot of knowledge about humans, game logic included, so even after kabuki will catch the tcg rules, kinda, he could manipulate him.
Kabuki truly enjoys playing with his brother, even if he keeps losing, and he loves staring at the cards! Theyre so shiny and pretty! (Also wanderer made a custom mommy card in an extra art class he had, and since scara told kabuki he can have it, he should have KNOWN something is up. Red flag.)
Kabuki starts to learn, and scara explains the rules in a patient way that doesnt suit him at all. When kabuki wins, he let the pride get to his head (he made some wrong moves on purpose) and lets him relax. Then, he drops the next line:
"y'know, humans bet stuff when they play this game."
Kabuki doesnt understand gambling too well, but he believe his brother. He is quite concerned, and he tells scara he doesnt have any money. (Broke💀) scara tells him its fine, and betting isnt all about money. "For example," he says, "if i win, you stop running naked around the house, (He had enough, just like mommy) For, eh, week.." (he soften the deal)
"And if i win?"
"...you could share the milk time with me, and not have to wait for you and wanderers turn. For a week." (usually scara drinks alone)
Kabuki is excited. He plays, and he loses, and that puts a stop to mommys headaches... from him at least💀
He is ready to stop, he clearly lost, but scara keeps suggesting stuff he knows kabuki is interested in, and stuff kabuki can lose to him, before he says: "now.... if you lose, you give me 20% of your milk time with mommy." Kabuki is stunned! He tells scara thats not a good thing to bet on, because last time they somehow messed with their milk time, they got punished. But scara convince him with these words:
"If i lose, i give you mine."
Kabuki loses. And he loses again. And scara keeps making the milk time% higher and higher. And when his common sense finally sets and he wants to quit, he lost so much of his milk time and he wants to cry to mommy about it, (not snitch! Poor cutie kabuki just wants to cuddle with mommy and tell her he lost "fair and square" to scara.)
Then scara tells him - one more round. This time, he wont take his milk time, he just wants to keep kabuki from telling mommy. And if kabuki wins - he gets all his milk time back.
Of course, kabuki lost. And thats a good time to mention scara didnt explain ALL the rules to him.
Scara smirks, praising himself for this genius plan, while kabuki is sad and about to cry! Little did they both know, that when big bro wanderer came back home and saw scara and kabuki playing, he decided to spy on them and when the game was finished, he went to tell mommy.
Mommy is FURIOUS.
she already told them not to mess with the milk time, but the little stunt scara pulled truly crossed the line. While she is about to give scara the biggest punishment she can think of, AND taking his milk time, kabuki bursts into tears in the corner, begs for mercy from mommy, he truly believes hes as guilty as scara for gamblimg and falling for scaras tricks. Wanderer just rolls his eyes. Scara is now actually really really scared. Just an avarage day for them.
(Im so sorry its so long- i also never sent something to your blog before but i saw it for quite a while. Im sorry if theres any grammar errors english isnt my first language! And i hope you are okay with this stuff?)
such a cute scenario!!! 🫶
i can’t help but imagine scara having such a hard time holding back a smirk as he’s playing with kabuki.. his poker face gradually fading until he’s practically grinning at kabuki’s misery.
big bro wanderer being such a good spy for mommy, letting her know when her boys are up to no good! scara curses him for being a snitch while kabuki looks up to him for looking after them <3
wahhh kabukimono definitely would share at least half of the guilt with scara if he could. tcg match aside, if scara were to get in trouble, kabukimono would run up to mommy when she’s scolding him and tell her it’s his fault too! he should’ve told scara not to do it, or tried harder to stop him! kabuki’s puppy face has softened many punishments for scara…
(don’t worry it’s okay! i appreciate any length of asks sent to me :) thank you for seeing my blog for so long! no worries about your grammar, english isn’t my first language either!)
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itsbaconbits · 10 days
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Some sketch studies with the TNT Twins! Can you tell I’m obsessed? No? That’s alright, you’ll learn.
This is really fun pose practice, and like uh… consistency for the design. If that makes sense. Idk
And lots of Donnie interactions because Donnie is baby and my favorite so he will just be anywhere and everywhere and ya'll just have to deal with it.
Some additional information under the cut if you’re interested! Lots of it is just random train of thought about the characters, so bear with me, haha.
More on Raphael:
Raphael’s mode of invention is typically in mechanics. He really enjoys woodworking and metalworking. Definitely lives the "duct-tape can fix anything" lifestyle. Has a ‘workshop’ instead of a lab. Builds and crafts a lot of destructive things, but he also enjoys making gifts for his brothers. Only when he sees the need for it- and never when asked to. Knows some tech/coding for the bare basics of it, as it relates to mechanical engineering. But doesn’t enjoy the computer stuff as much as he likes the hands-on work part. Also has knowledge of some 3D modeling programs, which he and Donnie bond over 3D forms.
Raph is still very energetic, passionate, and easily angered. Definitely the most sporty out of the four of them. He also loves motorcycles (of course), and is working on his own custom bike. Other projects he is working on include: shield for Donnie’s back, ‘artillery camera’ (he refuses to expand on the meaning of this), lair defense mechanisms/traps, and a custom gaming controller for Leo. All in various stages. It’s hard for him to focus on only one thing at a time. And he enjoys tearing things apart almost more than putting them together, which often causes problems. 
Keeps his Sai on hand and finds them useful for tearing things apart when ‘on the job’. Although he has been reprimanded for doing so. Might also be working on a Swiss-army knife of sorts but with Kunai and Sai. Still a work in progress. If given the opportunity, he will drop the Sai and simply go ham with his fists.
Aside from his personality, I also just want to point out that the edge of his shell is meant to represent a cog-wheel. Because of the type of materials he works with. And I think it's clever. Raph's design is probably my favorite out of the four, which is saying a lot. Because I love all of them. But I'm just really super happy with how Raph's design came out, and like... how well it fits this character. It just turned out better than I could have imagined it. One of those magical moments, you know?
More on Michelangelo:
Mikey is a huge fan of skateboarding, but that’s as sporty as he gets really. Also a huge animal fan. He’s always finding stray creatures to bring home and nurse back to health. He is also a huge prankster, in the best and worst ways. Likes to keep his family guessing. Acts all secretive on purpose just to confuse and or piss people off (Most specifically, Leo). Psychological warfare is the name of the game for Mikey.
He likes throwing tags around the city, but he only really has his own signature perfected. He wouldn’t call himself an artist. He just learns the basics of things to get done what he wants to do. If he did delve into art, he would probably stick with paints and spray. Loves food and eating, although his brothers would say he has terrible taste. (Think shaggy vibes.)
This kid would literally do anything for his brothers. He pretends not to notice, but he can pick up on vibes pretty well. Knows when others are lying, sad, happy, etc. Which is part of what makes him a great leader. He uses those skills to his advantage to persuade people- a true face man. Nothing really gets under his skin but he is insecure about ONE thing: the markings on the back of his head. Which look like eyes or huge warts. Always wears his mask to cover them. Or a beanie if his mask isn’t available. Often finds funny/silly ways to cover his head if in a scenario without his hats. He’s pretty desperate to keep it hidden.
Mikey still uses the Nunchaku as his favored weapon. He is fast on his feet, but very loosey-goosey with everything. It makes his moves extremely hard to predict, which he likes. And, despite his casual demeanor, he has spent a lot of focus and dedication to the craft. So he’s really proud of his skill. Plus, it’s fun to confuse and startle people when he pulls them out and pretends like he doesn’t know what he’s doing.
On Mikey's design, I am in love with the colors. Covering up the spots on his head was very intentional, but it really is kind of a shame. Because I love how the green spots pop. But I used that same green for Donnie's design to keep things cohesive. I really love the pattern for male Baele Four-Eyed turtles. A sick lil' guy, really.
More on the TNT Twins:
I want to make a separate post for their dynamic specifically, since I don't have my ideas drawn out just yet. But my immediately thoughts where "Dan and Arin from GameGrumps". So you can expect that the next post about these two will reference that. Obviously Mikey embodies Dan and Raph embodies Arin. It's going to be fantastic.
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sadcatinapartyhat · 12 days
Dorcas Meadowes headcanons developed (mostly) in the void
Hey Marauders Tumblr! I'm pretty new here, but I've seen people making lists like this of their headcanons, and as somebody who has never really interacted with fanon, I thought it would be interesting to share some of mine to see how they compare to what other people have come up with. I’ve had these for years, and my inspiration for them was literally just a few pieces of art on Pinterest (so, interestingly, the ways in which my headcanons are most similar to popular fanon tend to be in the characters’ appearances), the canon books, and my own overactive imagination. I'm starting with Dorcas, because from what little I've gathered she, Marlene, and Mary seem to be the characters for whom my interpretations are the most different from what's already out there (although it's fascinating how close they actually are sometimes).
Please do lmk what you think!!! I've put the list below the cut so as not to annoy people who just want to scroll ↓↓↓
First things first: like I said, I developed these before interacting with fanon much, so I am a Gryffindor Dorcas truther (I know a lot of people have her in Slytherin now, sorry 🙃)
“The weird and offputting one” (said with love)
One sibling. A brother, two years older, in Ravenclaw
Intelligent and creative. Would have been in Ravenclaw with her brother, but adamantly refused, as at the age of 11 she found him deeply irritating and could not stand to be in his presence
Very emotionally level. Difficult to excite, difficult to anger, difficult to deeply wound
Fatal flaw: stubbornness
Patronus: tiger 🐯
Acquired something of a reputation for casual meanness throughout her school years (though, importantly, not for cruelty). It wasn’t that she didn’t always think before she spoke; rather, it was that she cared more about what she thought than the feelings of those around her
Fashion-adventurous. As a child, enjoyed bright colours, patterns, and loose cuts; as an adult, enjoyed black, jewel tones, and artfully distressed items (would likely have enjoyed the goth subculture, but alas, ‘twas after her time)
Mastered colour-changing spells in third year so she could match the beads in her braids with her outfit, nail polish, and mood
Along with James and Lily, one of the few amongst her friends to have a happy upbringing
Would have done well in art school (mixed-media sculpture)
Did not dream of labour. Worked occasionally as a professional duellist, and won nearly all of her matches when she did, but devoted most of her time to the Order and her portraiture (which she hoped to one day make a living from, though she was unwilling to sacrifice her abstract, vivid style to satisfy her more traditional customers)
Genuinely confident in herself from an early age, including in her sexuality (asexual biromantic) (because gosh darn it this fandom needs some ace rep)
Figured the ace part out when she kissed her first boyfriend and hated it, but still wanted to know his mind and hold his hand; figured the biromantic part out when Marlene went on a date with her first boyfriend (which, in Marlene’s case, was comphet) and Dorcas also hated it
Confessed her feelings to Marlene straight away when she realised, but only to get it off her chest; never expected her feelings to be returned. Proceeded to date around a bit, and was pleasantly surprised a short while later :)
Had one Muggle grandmother, with whom she was very close. Passed away the summer between Dorcas’s fifth and sixth years (just after Dorcas received an ‘O’ on her Muggle Studies O.W.L.)
Took the maximum four out of five supplemental subjects after second year, mostly because a Ravenclaw bet she wouldn’t
Proposed to Marlene the night of James and Lily’s wedding, privately, in a dark corner of the dance floor after the newlyweds had left
Siouxsie and the Banshees #1 fan. Tragically too busy avenging her recently-murdered fiancée to listen to Juju, although she did hear “Spellbound” once or twice on the radio
Also an enjoyer of the B-52s
Anyway...I think about my version of Dorcas a lot (could you tell lol), and I'm pretty invested in these headcanons because they form the basis of her characterisation in the fanfiction I write, so I probably won't be changing my mind anytime soon, but it's always fun to hear what other people think! Seriously, please let me know :)
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shrineheart · 1 year
Man some shit has been going down with my DnD boy Fuck Roger and it has been a blast so far. So that means y'all gotta hear about it because I have brain rot.
So, Fuck Roger is this fella:
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A classic case of "haha funny name joke" that becomes a serious character. Some notes on Roger:
He's a tiefling bard who works as a sex worker.
He's got a thick southern accent.
Fuck is his virtue name. One he chose, in part as a fuck you to his family and in part because it's what he likes to do. His father is Honor and his sister is Charity Faith so you can imagine how THAT went over.
When people ask him about it he likes to tell them "It's instructions."
Anytime someone says "Fuck!" in our game he drawls out "Yeah?" like he's answering to it.
He has an asexual boyfriend named Paul A. Deen (yes, we both went for joke names) who is a chef wizard. The pancake tattoos on his stomach are a tribute to him.
Roger comes from a rich family of philanthropists. His father is a sculptor and his mother's family would purchase art pieces and do auctions for charity etc. Which is how his parents met.
His father survived through a lot of persecution where he's from for being a tiefling. He lost his parents and brother to it. He started out life poor.
Roger is illegitimate. He's not aware of this even though it's kind of painfully obvious (his father is blue, his sister is purple, they have different horns, tails, etc)
He loves his father. His father is a good dude and knows Roger isn't his but loves him anyway.
His mother and sister were absolutely horrible to him throughout his childhood including physical abuse. His mother is a cleric so she would often just heal up wounds caused. It took him ages to convince his father something was happening because his father was often gone.
Roger's sister once tried to kill him over a boy that he wasn't even interested in. That prompted him to leave home.
He kept in contact with his father and lived with Kimora, a dragonborn woman who ran a brothel. He was of age but spent most of this time working as someone who did cleaning and fetching things.
His father sent him to bard's college. Deep down he hopes one day Roger will come to his sense, come home, and be respectable.
He fell in love with a noble's son, not realizing that said boy's sister and mother were two of his other regular customers. He had planned to run away with this boy but that information got out and he was a accused of trying to cause a scandal and blackmail the family. The boy parted ways with him but doing a complete 180 and turning against him. Roger's still not over it.
He met his current boy on a ship while running from home because said nobles would like his head on a pike. Paul was the chef.
Most of Roger's tattoos are ones he gets when marking of "races I have slept with".
He has a large tattoo of a starling on his back.
He has a tramp stamp that says Semen Demon.
Thanks to his time working in the brothel he picked up various small skills such as sign language.
His father taught him and his sister to whittle.
When people find out he's from a rich family they often see him as a kid off on a bender. He's rather quiet about his childhood but makes it clear he doesn't like his sister.
He's a good person. He doesn't like killing if he can help it. He doesn't even want his sister dead he just wants her to leave him alone.
Despite his work and how much he makes raunchy comments and jokes (the Paladin asking what a knot was is still one of my favorite moments) he's good with people. And he tries his best to make people feel comfortable.
Recent events have had him meeting up with his sister again. Their father is sick and she's trying to bring him home and while he wants to go he also doesn't want to leave his boyfriend or the party.
She's already tried fighting with him again and now they're trapped in a place where they can see each others' memories and where they will potentially lose all of their memories.
Roger doesn't want to lose his memory for all the normal reasons. But the most pressing one for him is "If we both lose our memories, I know me and we might end up in bed together and there is no way in hell that is gonna happen."
SO, where we left off last time he was about to either cast Dispel or Dimension Door to escape. The place amplifies your magic though so the results? Who knows. He and his sister flipped a coin for which spell to cast and we left on that cliff hanger last game.
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sparkymalone · 6 months
Time for day 3 for yume session
Archery club...
I was at archery club with my good friend snow yoisaki she was a definition of a perfect student straight A's best at poems, art,math, history everyone loved her she was amazing of course and I'm so lucky she's my friend! She even helps me study for our test and stuff but I'm glad I'm not the type to take advantage of her kindness hehehe during the end archery class me and snow were talking "great job yume! You improved!" She said happily "the others even improved and today was solid evidence!" I love doing archery I was very good at it and I kept improving and this month I finally did every score perfect! However when I was talking to snow right before going home she told me that during her 3rd year she'll become a archery teacher soon enough snow was an year older then me and I can't wait to see her become a teacher "alright then see you tomorrow yume-chan'" her voice was pretty different for what I could tell she went away something about that smile was different for what I usually see on a daily basis...
Knock knock knock
Huh? "Hey yume!" I heard my name it was my older brother Yuki and his lady friend sanka togami "hey oni-chan ddo you need something?" He nod
"Yep sanka and me are taking fashion design over our school and we're not sure what designs we're going to create" my big brother was apart of the senior course meaning I could barely see him only on his break "so do you think you should help us? The one we made was...errr low quality and I'm not wearing those" I suggested them a knight theme since their old customers resembles one when I told them about one that should resembles a knight and their king looking a bit snowy like it reminded me of snow something about that smile she had was off and I didn't felt uneasy when I said that "hm? What's wrong lil sis?" "Oh! I well...my friend she felt a bit off today" my brother stayed quiet but he spoke "don't worry maybe she's just tired from the clubbing" maybe he was right maybe I'm jumping conclusion..."well thanks for helping us make these outfits yume-san" sanka said as she went outside yume's bedroom yuki hesitated but patted yume head "I'll be back after class okay?" He dashed out
2 years ago yume is starting 8th grade she was excited she was apart of the main course with her big bro but he's more older her old childhood friend(and rival) aimee shirogane "aimee! I didn't expect for you to be here!" She laughed at her "of course my mom was a ultimate so it's clear I'll get in" "alrighty let's do our best shall we aimee-chan!"
After class there was a clubbing Program for them to choose a club aimme took the writing club and then there was yume who decided to look at the archery club on her way she saw her brother who was at the foreign language club with 3 friends "hey lil sis where you heading off to?" He asked yume "oh I'm going to the Archery club" she replied "well it's over at the courtyard over there" when yume walked passed the sports club running there she was introduced to the captain of the club and she introduced herself some people there called her 'pretty' her brunette and blonde mixed hair was the most prettiest features about her according to teachers,her family,friends and others "hehe well thank you" the captain asked why she visited "my brother recommend it to me he said I should learn how to aim stuff properly he said I'm terrible at darts and also need to work on my postures As well" the Captain raiseed her eye but nod "okay good" that's not until a girl taller and looking a bit older then yume approach her "you're yume kuzuryuu right? The daughter of fuyuhiko and hajime Hinata kuzuryuu?" She said some of the students muttered a bit "oh yes how did you know?" "You look exactly like the two" she said
"Alright what about you miss.."
"It's snow yoisaki my mom used to be an archery club member but then when I say you handing out flyers for the club I decided to join"
"Eh?! You really did that?!" Snow simply nod "well this is quite embarrassing" snow laughed and just told her it's okay snow and yume become training partners courtesy of the captain it's been 3 weeks since yume joined "you're improving yume" snow said right after yume shoot on the target "thanks but I can't focus properly with the hot air" snow got a tie "maybe this can help?" Snow tied yume's hair into a bun hm maybe" yume aimmed the target and it was better then last time "it was better then the last one! Thanks snow!"
Yume was conflicted for the past few weeks with Aimee who changed agencies for some reason she didn't wanted to talk about it she just left without explaining anything at all and her brother was no help like at all with these type of stuff at archery she sat down her palms were sweaty "hey yume you need to stop worrying just hit-" yume just sighed the retired captain of the club was visiting to make sure the present one was good enough and yume was absolutely anxious with so many things on her mind she couldn't properly think "hey yume?" Snow appeared "you don't look okay" yume sighed "I can't focus properly how do you focus on archery while your mind has more things to focus on?" Snow got her bow and arrow and stretch it "when you do Archery or any thing at all you need to focus the target you should think about those stuff later your target is there your other target is wayyy over there" she said while targeting the bullseye she gave the arrow and gave it to yume,yume got up and stretch the arrow "alright" when she did the arrow reached the bullseye yume eyes widen and hugged snow "thanks snow!" After
When the old captain came along he looked at snow "hey aren't you kanade yoisaki's daughter?" Snow nod "I still remember your mom she still writes song yes?"
"Yes sir she is a good composer" the captain turned to yume "and you're yume kuzuryuu?* Same as snow she nod "your dad hajime always watched your other dad whenever he was at his club at the end you're father kissed him on the cheek after he was done with clubbing y'know?"
"Damn that's kinda homosexual"
"Because that is"
"Oh yea"
Bonus: after clubbing yume was planning to leave early but it was cut short due to the heavy rain, instead she went inside the dojo but she saw snow still doing archery muttering something "I must.." yume couldn't make out on what she was saying but she realized snow was aiming 5 times without missing which surprises her "what is she saying...?"
....(Yume pov)(Present)
I'm still wondering if I'm jumping into conclusion whether or not I'm still wondering what's going on about snow
Bonus 2 (aimee meet) Back when I was ababy my parents and my brother used to play together in the park or even get to play with my old childhood friends I'm pretty mischievous as a kid my father's clan members always hated how mischievous I was my dad needed to take me outside the manor and I ran.one day my dad's let me run a bit I tried pranking people on the streets until....OW! What was that?! I looked seeing a girl my age she was the one I hit "hey!" She saw me and tossed a branch at me, I ran but she was faster and tackle me we both started laughing"I'm Aimee by the way* she put her hand towards me "yume kuzuryuu" I replied
Also I don't know that much about Archery so maybe the things included are inaccurate I tried to research but anyway yea yuki was a brother named yuki
Other kids
Snow yoisaki
Yuki kuzuryuu Hinata
Sanka togami
Aimee shirogane
Maybe next will be a kazusumi (kazuichi x natsumi)backstory and one where yume's brother is the focus instead
Sorry it always takes me a while to get around to posting these. Anyway, you're doing great!
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