#also my mom and dad both have this so i got hit extra extra hard
earth-to-stardust · 2 months
The Outsiders brainrot has been hitting extra hard as of late so picking up from my first meta post, let's talk about religion and how it contributes to the theme of being and feeling like an outsider amongst the people you love.
The most overt example from the text is when Ponyboy thinks back to when he used to go to church when him and Johnny found the church on top of Jay Mountain:
I'd been in church before. I used to go all the time, even after Mom and Dad were gone. Then one Sunday I talked Soda into coming with Johnny and me. He didn't want to come unless Steve did, and Two-Bit decided he might as well come too. Dally was sleeping off a hangover, and Darry was working. When Johnny and I went, we sat in the back, trying to get something out of the sermon and avoiding the people, because we weren't dressed so sharp most of the time. Nobody seemed to mind, and Johnny and I really liked to go. But that day… well, Soda can't sit still long enough to enjoy a movie, much less a sermon. It wasn't long before he and Steve and Two-Bit were throwing paper wads at each other and clowning around, and finally Steve dropped a hymn book with a bang--- accidentally, of course. Everyone in the place turned around to look at us, and Johnny and I nearly crawled under the pews. And then Two-Bit waved at them. I hadn't been to church since.
As comical as this excerpt is, this contributes to the outsider narrative and Ponyboy and Johnny have going for them. Out of everyone in the gang, they were the only two that genuinely enjoyed church and made an active effort to attend. The line about them "trying to get something out of the sermon" sticks out to me because it cements the fact that they went to church out of a genuine need for comfort and meaning, not out of an obligation. Ponyboy mentioning that he used to go even after his parents died is just the perfect lead in to this text too. It adds a lot more meaning to their hiding out in the church and takes this theme to another level.
In my last post, I established that Dally's physical appearance contributed a lot to his status as an outsider but I'd like to believe that him being religious, as evident of his St. Christopher necklace, could also be considered as well. The necklace is exclusive to the movie only and it could've just been a small little accessory that Dally wore that attentive viewers would've noticed, but Johnny has a line that directly brings attention to it when he says, "Hey Dal, you got your Christopher back", making it important. Yes, I know that the necklace was given to Sylvia when her and Dally were going together and that the change was probably made because a necklace would've been more memorable than a ring, but the fact that there's clear intent and symbolism with the inclusion St. Christopher tells me that the necklace was never meant to be a plain old necklace. With that one line, we're able to assume that 1) Dally is/was religious and 2) it's a physical aspect we're supposed to remember.
And I find this so fascinating because while Dally's physical appearance attributed outsider status to him in the book, his religion did that in the movie, linking him with both Ponyboy and Johnny who are the two other "visible" outsiders in the story.
Also not to be a tinfoil hat but Johnny and Dally's queer undertones and their outward faith (moreso in Dally's case though) leads me to think about the implications of them being queer Christians, and how queer Christians are some of the best examples of being outsiders within the communities that you love and are a part of
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sweetbillwriting · 9 months
Love Just Happens
Roxy's Perspective - Additional Chapter
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Description: Roxy has been Aurora Lou's best friend since they were teenagers but when Bill becomes a big part of Aurora's life their friendship changes.
Characters: The future's Bill Skarsgård and others close to him. The rest is my own characters. 
Setting: This story is set in the future but because it's hard to say how the world is then (and it isn't that important for the story) the future is similar to our time now, even with fashion and so on. 
Warnings: 18+, age difference, smut, alcohol, ageism, talk about sex, talk about weight and looks, plastic surgery, cheating, jealousy, bullying, toxic relationships, mentions of abuse.
Notes: this is additional "scenes" to the original stories so scenes from the original story aren't a part of this story.
“A plain but ambitious girl” 
That was probably how Roxy would have explained Aurora Lou, before the nose job. 
They met at their ballet class when they were fifteen. They were the most ambitious girls in the class and of course they became friends, the other didn't seem to understand how serious the dancing was. They tipped on their toes next to each other with squared postures. The sweat ran down their backs because of their teachers' hard drill but the two of them never whined. 
Their teacher, Mrs. Cassidy, looked at them proudly but gave Aurora an extra long look. She had many times said out loud, in front of the whole class that Aurora had the perfect body for the dance. The teacher probably thought the girls would be jealous, trying to lose weight to look more like Aurora but none of them wanted to look like her. She looked like a child compared to them, petite, with a flat chest and no other curves. No guy looked at her, with her messy curls and childlike futures. Roxy thought she was cute and kind though, even if she had understood both the girls in the dance class and at her school thought she was a pain in the ass. She sang all the time. She heard from people that she walked through the corridors singing, sat alone outside, singing and that even the librarian was forced to hush her because she suddenly wanted to try the acoustics in the school's library. Roxy wanted to give her a chance though, even if the time and activities with Aurora were limited. She had an insane curriculum with singing lessons, dance lessons and piano lessons. She didn't drink and seemed to be afraid of guys. 
One day they laid in the May sun by Aurora's parents' pool. They had been friends for a year and big things had happened that year. Roxy met her first boyfriend, Aurora won a singing contest but she also finally got her period. Roxy talked about her summer plans with her boyfriend while Aurora listened and gave her her full attention. Roxy wondered if she was jealous of her, if she understood that not many guys were interested in her but would never ask. It felt like a subject you didn't talk with Aurora about, everything was about her music career for her. 
Roxy looked at Aurora's mom Melinda fascinated where she sat on the opposite side of the pool. She was so beautiful and young. Her own mom said she was a trophy wife, a young wife to a rich plastic surgeon. Roxy thought she was wrong, Aurora's dad was funny and kind and the two grown ups kissed a lot, she had even seen them make out in a way other grown ups didn't. Her father, Paolo, came out to them and sat down by Melinda's side. 
“Have you told Roxy the news, honey?” He shouted to Aurora over the big pool. Roxy gave her a curious look with a small smile. Has she met a guy? 
Aurora laughed embarrassed and played with a knot on her bikini bottom. 
“I have been offered a record deal…” she smiled big but blushed heavily. 
Roxy made an excited scream and hit Aurora playfully on her arm.
“Oh my god! That's awesome! 
“But… They think I must be a bit older and they want to see how I ‘evolve’...” Aurora looked down and shrugged her shoulders. 
“Oh… Is it like… an appearance thing?” Said Roxy carefully. Aurora was such a talented singer and dancer and she could also see Aurora didn't really look like a popstar, even if she slowly had gotten more curves and learned to master her curls. 
Aurora didn't say anything, so the answer was obvious. Roxy wondered what they wanted her to change. Or would they wait for puberty to hit? 
Roxy continued to talk about her boyfriend again when Aurora had been silent a bit too long. Aurora smiled and laughed at the stories. It was hard to read Aurora but Roxy forgot about her news while talking about her boyfriend. 
Aurora had said she had a lot to do over summer but then she continued to be as hard to reach the first part of autumn. Roxy thought she tried to dump her as a friend and got annoyed at her but when she even missed ballet practice she got a feeling something was wrong. 
“Mrs. Cassidy,” she asked after a lesson and walked up to her teacher who wiped off the bar they had been standing by with a wet rag. She looked up at Roxy with a small smile. 
“Eh… Have you heard anything from Aurora? She hasn't been here for so long.” 
Mrs. Cassidy looked down at the wet rag with pursed lips. 
“That girl had so much potential… She called, dropped out. Because of weight gain.” 
Roxy looked uncomfortable with her teacher. It didn't feel okay that she told her that but she didn't say anything. 
“It's always how it starts… Probably a boy. Don't make the same mistake, Roxanne.” 
Roxy wondered what had actually happened. Had she gained so much weight she was at fat camp or something? It sounded weird when Aurora had probably weighed under 100 pounds. 
She didn't have any other option than to visit her even if it felt weird to do so when she didn't answer any of her messages. 
It was Melinda who opened the door, dressed in leggings and a sports bra. She looked so good that it was hard to understand why her daughter had become so plain. 
“Oh! Roxy! Nice to see you,” she said kindly but didn't let her in. Roxy smiled and played with her light brown hair. 
“Is Aurora okay? I haven't heard from her for a very long time.” 
Melinda smiled a little and looked towards the stairs. 
“She's okay, wait a moment so I can see if she's home.” 
Melinda walked into the house while Roxy stood in the doorway looking into the big hallway. She understood Melinda walked to see if Aurora wanted to talk to her and prepared herself for a no. She was surprised for several reasons when she saw Aurora, mostly because of the tape on her nose and bruises under her eyes. It was obvious she had gotten a nose job but it wasn't the only thing that was different with her. Instead of a petite, childish figure she now had hips and curvy thighs and when she walked by the mirror Roxy could also see she had a really nice ass. Even with the tape on her nose Roxy saw her differently, she was hot. It was probably not that much that was different with her in reality but the smaller nose made her big brown eyes become doll-like and her lips inviting. She was beautiful. Roxy looked at her with big eyes and didn't know what to say. This was the same Aurora, but in six months she had become a young woman. She didn't know why she felt pain in her stomach. 
“Hey… Can you come in? I hate to show myself like this…” said Aurora embarrassed and pointed to her nose. Roxy smiled a little uncomfortably and walked into the house. Aurora was dressed as her mother while Roxy came from school, in jeans and a hoodie. 
“Did your dad…?” She asked carefully and nodded to the nose. 
“Yeah… Instead of having his real one, he has given me a new one,” she joked and looked at Roxy take off her shoes. Together they walked into the house. It was as modern and clean as it had always been, only that school books were spread over the dining room table. 
“I'm trying to study from home… I have so many things to do now, I haven't had time to go to school…” said Aurora embarrassed and walked to the kitchen. She gave them each a coke while they sat down next to her books by the table. 
“Oh? The nose job and..?” 
Aurora still looked just as embarrassed. 
“I'm recording now… I've written some of the songs myself…”
Roxy nodded a little but felt the jealousy creep up. She didn't think anything would actually happen with the record deal. 
“Mrs. Cassidy said you had gained weight?” 
Aurora laughed, she didn't seem to care that their teacher talked about her behind her back. 
“Yeah I did… Over the summer. I quit the ballet diet and then it was just like, boom! I gained 20 pounds or something. For me that's a lot, because of my height. But I've lost some of it now but it was quite funny telling Cassidy that…” 
Roxy looked at her carefully with a doubtful smile. If she had been more confident she would have told Aurora how good she looked but she couldn't. Aurora had a record deal, a new nose and rich parents, she didn't need to hear that she looked good also. 
“I’m sorry I haven't answered you… Em… Because you will hate me…” said Aurora and looked down at her hands. Roxy gave her a confused look but understood Aurora was ashamed of something. 
“You know your boyfriend's police report? I was the one filing it…” 
Roxy's boyfriend had been accused of stealing from people on the beach with his friends. They weren't together anymore but she had never believed the accusations. 
“They stole my shoes, weirdly enough. I didn't have anything else to steal but I saw them carry my shoes and also go through some other people's pants pockets…” continued Aurora. “I understand if you don't want to believe me.” 
Roxy nodded slowly. She didn't know what to believe and instead waved it away. She wasn't with him anymore. 
“We're not together any longer and… And I need a new, better boyfriend!” 
Being sixteen was exciting in many different ways. New experiences, new friends, a new sort of freedom. But there were also many negative things about being sixteen. Such a thing was insecurity and the four ballet girls that had made fun of Aurora's body earlier, all felt it when she stood in the hallway together with them at a big New Years Eve party. Aurora had been so plain, boring even but there she stood in high strappy heels and a pink sequin dress. She looked like the pop princess she was about to be and the teenage boys dropped their jaws when they looked at her. The other girls pretended not to notice how much attention she got and that made Aurora believe she had just imagined things. Roxy looked at her friend and felt a bit stupid in her black short dress. She looked not at all as hot as Aurora but tried to tell herself Aurora was more “girl pretty”, guys wouldn't see her as that hot.
“There’s so many people here,” said Aurora with a giggle. Roxy nodded a little and looked at three guys looking towards them, she stretched her back and pouted with her lips but when they walked closer it was obvious all three of them looked at Aurora. Aurora seemed oblivious to what was happening. This was her first real party and both she and Roxy had probably never believed she would be the girl everyone talked about. Two of the guys suddenly took Aurora's hands and pulled her close to them. 
“Where have you been all my life?” Said one of the guys and looked her up and down. 
“That dress is amazing,” said another. Aurora giggled uncomfortably and looked down at her dress. 
“What's your name?”
“Aurora Lou,” she said embarrassed. 
“Aurora Lou!” Exclaimed the boys in choir. 
Roxy and two of her friends looked at them unamused. She probably needed to get used to this now. Aurora wasn't plain anymore, she was the most beautiful girl there and the next Friday her song with a famous DJ would be released. She had the boys and the world in her hands. 
Roxy continued to watch Aurora mingle around. The big eyed boys, the jealous girls but also the ones that just wanted to be close to her light. She didn't feel that jealous until midnight when she saw Aurora get her first kiss from Chase McCarthy. He had graduated last year and was the hottest guy in Roxy's school then. He was the guy every girl wanted. He made out with Aurora Lou, the girl who sang in the corridors and had a folder where she planned her first tour. He probably didn't know that Aurora hadn't been that hot a year ago, and that she didn't have Los Angeles' cutest nose then. When he a month later became Aurora's boyfriend she got used to the thought but wondered if he knew Aurora's nose was fake.
There is a point where all teenage girls learn there is a girl everything seems easier for, a girl who has looks, money and the best sort of life. Roxy learned to accept that Aurora was that girl and also saw that it was probably always the plan. It was easy making fun of a girl like Aurora in their teens, who prepared for her career down to the smallest details and laid all her waking time to just get better at her craft but it was also the kind of person that would succeed. Aurora had already decided she would succeed. 
Roxy learned to stand behind her both figuratively and literally as her background dancer. If she was honest she knew she would never have the energy to do all the hard work Aurora did and that she probably wouldn't have worked as a dancer if it wasn't for Aurora but she was a bit too proud to confess that. 
Roxy put all the time Aurora put on her career to party and find the perfect guy, or so she thought he was. She met him when she was 18 and he was 23. He was tall and handsome and studying to become a surgeon. He was her Dr. Dreamy and only hers. He wasn't interested in Aurora at all and often called her a diva even if she wasn't. He had never wanted to be around her so he didn't know Aurora was the kind of girl who gave up her seat to a stranger just to suddenly be without a seat herself. Roxy loved Aurora and saw her goodness but was glad her boyfriend didn't. 
While her own relationship with her boyfriend evolved smoothly to a grown up relationship she saw her friend struggle. Aurora got together with another young artist, Timmy Laurent and nothing went the way she wanted with him. Roxy hated to see her struggle like that and wished that she would meet a good guy soon but when she finally did… Roxy didn't react as she had thought…
“He's much older than you!” She said, shaking her head. Aurora, her and three other friends sat around a table in an Italian night club. Aurora had walked by some guy in the line she recognized and now wanted to talk to. An older guy she admired and also thought was sexy, he wasn't at all so stereotypical pretty as Timmy. 
“Who cares about that! He just has experience!” said their friend Erica with a pointed look towards Aurora. Aurora smiled with a blush. Roxy could be a bit annoyed at Erica, it was Aurora's friend from the start and she thought she could be too loud and vulgar. Roxy believed Aurora hadn't dared to tell Erica about her story with guys, how they all had broken her heart and left her in crumbles. It started with Chase thinking she was a workaholic and left her for a girl at his gym. Then it was Timmy who was a serial cheater and when they had a break she was with Philip that abused her mentally, so much her father had forbidden him to contact her anymore. 
Roxy believed Aurora wouldn't talk with anyone else than her about it and was irritated that Erica made everything sound so easy. Aurora's lovelife wasn't easy. 
Roxy really believed Aurora would listen to her and let the guy be but when she had walked off from the dance floor she saw Aurora sit on a low couch together with a tall guy dressed in black. He had his hand on her thigh and Aurora looked at him with big eyes, an attribute she and the guy shared. While Aurora had big chestnut eyes framed by long lashes, he had big green eyes that instead were framed by shadows from his prominent eyebrow bone. They had a similar expression on their faces; big curious eyes and a small almost blushing smile. Roxy looked at him intensely. He wasn't her type but she could see he had something and he was probably as tall as her ex, the surgeon, who she had left when she realized he had failed his studies and moved home to his parents. 
“I think they look cute together and I get a good feeling looking at him. His jeans actually fit, his smile is kind and he has good arms…” said Erica with a smirk. She suddenly stood next to Roxy and sipped on a gin & tonic. Roxy looked at her a bit annoyed. 
“Aurora is fragile… She should keep away from men for a while…”
Erica made an amused exhalation.
“She has never even been with a man! Come on, this is good for her!” 
Roxy didn't say anything, just moved to the bar to order something. She looked at Aurora when she left the guy and felt pleased seeing her leave him behind but she got a bad feeling when he stood up and also walked out from the same door. He was taller than her ex and had a swagger in his steps. The people who knew the guy would have understood it was something temporary from a confidence boost by getting attention from Aurora but she saw his confident, laid back steps as a sign on how bad news he was.
Roxy sat in the limo home with the other girls, all of them except Aurora. She had texted Erica and told them she had already gone home with “company”. Roxy felt negative emotions in her chest while looking out from the window of the limo. She couldn't put a finger on if she was just worried for her or if it was something else. It felt weird Aurora had texted Erica instead of her but also that Aurora hadn't taken her advice to let the guy be. Now he was at their (Aurora's) house and she had no idea what they were doing. Aurora wasn't the girl to sleep with a guy the first time she met him and she wondered if he would take a no graciously. She had seen how guys looked at Aurora since they were sixteen and knew it wouldn't be a good idea for her to take a guy home that she didn't know. 
In the house the girls could see some signs of a man being in there but it was quiet and dark so they guessed he was behind Aurora's closed bedroom door. Roxy looked at the whiskey on the coffee table and shook her head. It was typical Aurora to get a bit too comfortable with a guy fast, she was naive and had high thoughts about people. She stopped outside of Aurora's bedroom and listened if she could hear something but it was completely silent. 
“What are you doing?” Whispered one of the other girls that was on her way to her bedroom. Roxy licked her lips and shook her head. 
“I'm just worried…” 
The girl nodded. They knew that Roxy was Aurora's oldest friend and most often seemed to know better than Aurora about what she needed. The girl let Roxy listen outside of Aurora's door but as soon as Roxy was alone her curiosity took over and carefully she pushed down the door handle. 
The scene behind the door was sweet, even if she didn't really want to see it that way. The man laid on his back on the right side of the bed, facing the door. Half way on top of him laid Aurora under the silky cover, her cheek pressed against his chest while both of his big hands laid on her bum over the cover. It looked like they were used to sleeping together. Roxy looked at Aurora's face. She slept relaxed and heavy, even snoring lightly. Roxy then looked at the man. He had several attributes that were similar to Aurora, even if they weren't anything alike. His nose was upturned and his lips full. He had model high cheekbones that the little light in the room reflected on. He was beautiful. Roxy had always liked classic handsome men and this guy was that in some ways but had also attributes that she otherwise would see as unattractive; the deep set eyes, the high forehead, but it just made this man interesting to look at. She looked at him a few seconds too long and maybe he felt it because he moved suddenly, scratching his cheek but then laid his hand on Aurora's bum again. Aurora followed in his motions, like she already knew his moving pattern and rubbed her nose against his chest and smiled a bit in her sleep. 
Roxy closed the door with a beating heart. She stood a moment outside of the door, processing what she had seen. They looked like a couple in love but they had just met that night. Roxy felt the bad feeling in her stomach and interpreted it as a sign that this guy was bad, this guy was nothing for Aurora. 
Bill. Bill Skarsgård. Bill Istvan Günther Skarsgård. 
Roxy knew his whole name now. It wasn't hard to find out. As soon as she found out he was an actor named Bill his name and biography was just a google search away. Aurora had told them he was 40, separated and a father to three girls, she found the same thing online. There wasn't anything of importance answering why he had separated with his kids’ mother, the only thing she could find was that she was a few years older than him and the break up didn't seem to surprise his fans. 
She looked at him while he laid on a sun bed by the pool with them. They were still in Italy together and he had been over almost every day since two weeks back. Aurora had invited him in and changed the dynamic in the group. She was always close to him and acted in ways Roxy hadn't seen before. She had always seemed unsure and eager to please with other guys but with him she dared to be herself with a constant smile on her lips. She laid more or less on top of him in the sun bed while he was reading out of a thick book. It looked like Aurora slept with her nose pressed against the side of his neck but he just continued to read, like it was a small kitten lying on him instead of a woman. 
Roxy stood up and walked towards him. Just like all of them she wore swimwear. Bill looked up at her and smiled a little questioning, he didn't give her that from head to toe look Aurora's exes seemed to give every girl they met. 
“Is she awake?” Roxy asked and pointed to Aurora. Bill laid his book on the ground and looked down at Aurora. 
“I think the light is off completely,” he said with a smirk then looked up at Roxy. Roxy looked at his face for a few seconds but looked away. She wanted to ask him what he wanted with Aurora, if she could trust him but while she stood there it felt silly and if she had understood him correctly he wouldn't want to talk with her about Aurora when Aurora wasn't present in the conversation. Roxy wondered if he was just smarter and better at manipulation than Aurora's exes or if he was a good guy. While looking at him she became more and more sure it was the first option, he made her feel strange. 
“Roxy? Was it something?” He asked kindly while carefully moving Aurora's leg from his hip. Roxy looked at him again. He gave her a friendly smile but not at all as big as the one he always gave Aurora. 
“Ehm… I just wondered if Aurora is okay…” she said and he nodded a little. “Yeah, I will wake her soon. I just want to finish this chapter,” said he with a smirk, like she was his baby. Roxy smiled unsure. For the people around she looked like a worried friend but she had also another worry in her body she pushed away. 
A few minutes later Bill woke Aurora up and she straddled his hips. They didn't notice that Roxy watched them. His big hands dragged down Aurora's back, down to her hips. Aurora teasingly moved her hips and you could instantly see its effect by Bill's expression. He laughed and bit his lip. His face was so different when he looked at Aurora compared to when he looked at her. His eyes were hooded and almost sleepy and when Aurora moved her hips again he looked at her body greedily. His eyes were dark and his expression sexy. For a few seconds Roxy's mind got as dark as Bill's gaze. Perfect Aurora had of course found the perfect guy now… 
Roxy laid wall to wall with Aurora's bedroom in the house's second floor. She and the other girls had been out dancing while Aurora got the house alone for dinner with Bill. It was obvious what Aurora's idea with the night was but Roxy had also overheard her speak with Erica and how a bottle of lube had shifted hands. 
It had been quiet when they came home but after just an hour of sleep a sound woke Roxy up. First she thought it was a cat crying after attention but the cat started to sound more and more like Aurora. It sounded a bit pained but then she giggled and a man chuckled almost mockingly. In the same beat as Aurora's moaning Roxy heard the sound of skin slapping against skin. It sounded gross but Aurora's moaning was also alarming. She had heard her before, with Timmy and it didn't sound anything like this, this was much higher in pitch and some times it was dragged out like she had stepped on a piece of lego while trying to stop herself from cursing. 
Roxy laid her pillow over her head to try to shut the sounds out but then another sound increased. Bill's sounds. First his moans sounded just like a rumble through the wall, so deep it mostly just felt like a vibration but as it got louder, it also became higher in pitch. It sounded sensual and soft, like an ocean breeze. Roxy wanted to pretend as if she didn't want to hear but she really just wanted to listen to those soft moans and his low chuckle. When Aurora's sounds got higher again, together with the hammering from the headboard against the wall Roxy swallowed dryly. She had a pain in her chest that got worse from the beat from the headboard against the wall. She needed to speak with Aurora tomorrow. This was so unlike her, this wasn't the Aurora she knew. 
Kisses and hugs. Sweet smiles and laughter. Him explaining politics and philosophy for her. She was trying to teach him how to play the piano. Everything was so sugar sweet but then it was also the sexual tension, the sneaky hands and the loud moaning. It was just too much. 
Roxy didn't really know why she continued to be close to them. It was painful, especially when she wanted to be close to her best friend's boyfriend while his behavior towards her grew colder every time they met. He was an actor but he was bad at concealing his irritation with her, or he didn't care to hide it anymore. 
He was 40, had three childrens and sometimes was on the line to being rude to her. It wasn't a guy she would fall for in normal cases and not a guy she would think her best friend to be around. She was just worried for her friend, that was what it all was about. Nothing else. 
“No, I think he's weird. And the whole situation… I mean she has been with two rappers and now she's with him. Sure, he's handsome and all that but it will never work. She will get bored of him and then he probably will show his true colors,” said Roxy with a shrug. She had left Aurora's house at the same time as Michelle, Aurora's assistant and they walked to the neighborhood’s gate together. They had talked openly with each other many times, most often about Aurora, that they could be quite annoyed with. 
“Weird?” Asked Michelle carefully and looked down at the ground. 
“You know, one moment he is so silent, the next he's so loud. It's totally psychopath behavior.” 
Michelle laughed a little and looked up at the younger woman. 
“Bill is far from a psychopath, he might play it well but he is really grounded.” 
Roxy furrowed her brows and gave Michelle an examining look.
“How do you know?” 
Michelle smirked and shook her head to herself. 
“We dated for a while. I actually thought it would become something serious but then he met Aurora… But he hasn't told her. He isn't a psychopath but obviously an asshole.” 
Roxy looked at her with big eyes. She couldn't believe it, that the world could be that small. 
“I have photos,” Michelle stressed, she could see Roxy didn't believe her. 
“Let me see.” 
“I don't have them on this phone…” 
Roxy gave her a look, showing clearly she didn't believe her. 
“I do have them! I can send you them!” 
When Roxy was home in her own home she got a message from Michelle. She hadn't lied because there the picture was, the picture of her and Bill in an intimate kiss. She sat down on the couch in shock. He really was an asshole. Aurora must have the worst luck to find the worst guys. Cheater, abusers and liars. This was also the thing that could break Aurora free from the guy, if it was used the right way. If Roxy just showed it to her she knew she must explain how she had gotten the picture and then Aurora would find out Bill just had lied, not been cheating. She needed to use it so it seemed like he was also a cheater, that would make Aurora break up with him, nothing else would, Aurora was too forgiving. She looked at the picture and tried to come up with a plan and at the same time justify what she would do. She just wanted the best for her best friend. Bill wasn't the guy for her. 
Andrew sat with a hand over his mouth with the picture of Bill and Michelle in front of him. He was in his office with Roxy, Aurora's best friend, in front of him. 
“I don't know what to do… He's clearly a cheater but Aurora will never do anything about it…” said Roxy. Andrew stretched in his chair and made a doubtful face. 
“I felt he was bad news as soon as I met him. He is the sort of guy that could just wife her up and then it's over for her.” He was silent a while before adding: “and she doesn't want that.” 
Roxy nodded and waited for him to say something more. 
“There are already rumors about her being pregnant… I can use this too… If she doesn't listen. It feels a bit mean but what should we do? Clearly she doesn't know what’s for her own good. I miss her time with Timmy, he really made her a better artist.” 
Roxy swallowed hard because she didn't think that all. Maybe this was on the line of being a great friend and a bad friend but she wanted her to be happy and she wasn't happy with Timmy, far from it. Roxy just wanted her to be with someone else. Not Bill. He could go back to Sweden and become forgotten, both by Aurora and herself. 
“I’ll fix this Roxy, otherwise we will come up with something else to get that guy out. She doesn't listen anymore. She seems to believe she knows best now. I don't know what she believes, she's still 24 even if her boyfriend is a man.” 
Roxy nodded a little, even if she also was 24. She just agreed so he would do the work and make Bill disappear and make her and Aurora's friendship easy again. 
Andrew used the rumors about pregnancy and cheating as a fuel to make Aurora leave Bill but he didn't even hear that made any difference. Instead she pushed him even further away and it started to feel like she would fire him soon. He really needed to do something. 
Roxy heard from Aurora about the picture and how Aurora spoke like she never believed Bill would cheat. They were too in love. She started to feel powerless and at the same time it got harder and harder to even see Bill, but at the same time she didn't want anything else. Seeing him was the only thing that felt like it mattered. 
One July day she visited Aurora with the excuse she needed help with a guy she was seeing, even if in reality she wasn't dating. She knew it was Bill's birthday in just a bit more than a week and the couple would go to Italy in just a few days. She had the thought of giving him something, something small and thoughtful to make him understand she cared but couldn't come up with anything. She realized she didn't even know what he liked and felt awfully stupid. 
Aurora had no idea she would come, especially because they hadn't had as much contact for a time. As Aurora's best friend she had gained the trust to go into her house with her fingerprint and used that trust that day to let herself in. It was empty in the house and she looked around the big house but didn't meet anyone other than Aurora's dogs, until she looked out towards the pool. Bill laid alone on a sun bed with closed eyes. He had just bathing shorts on, a pair much shorter and tighter she had seen him in before. He was still wet after a swim and his hair was pushed back. He was probably unaware someone else was in the house because he stuffed a hand down the shorts to correct his member. Roxy didn't know what to do or look. She stood there and just stared at him even if all alarms rang in her head. It wasn't okay at all. Suddenly his phone rang on the table next to him and he answered with a bright smile. It was obvious with that smile who was calling. Roxy hid behind a counter so Bill wouldn't accidentally see her. 
“Babe, babe.” He laughed and hummed. “You know that's just bullshit. You're really clever even if you don't have high school grades… No, not as smart as me but that doesn't prove anything.” He laughed and then made a low chuckle, an in love chuckle. “Hit him then. It's okay for me. You know how to do it… And you're really sexy when you fight.” 
Roxy closed off. The conversation was intimate, nothing she should hear. It was proof they were just as in love when they believed no one saw or heard them. 
She snuck out of the house. She should just let them be but instead she fantasized about him talking that sweetly to her. No more weird side eyes and irritated sighs, he should just give her all that love. 
The lie had been the worst thing she had done her whole life. Aurora had been her friend for almost ten years and she had done everything in her power to steal her boyfriend. A boyfriend that had never even liked her and was crazy in love with her friend. It was idiotic, evil and desperate. 
Roxy talked to the press and told a gossip journalist she was sleeping with Bill Skarsgård, Aurora Lou's boyfriend and after that she had tried to kiss him. She was a desperate mess who lost her job, her best friend and many other friends at the same time. 
She retracted the confession and it never became an article but she didn't succeed in saving herself from the fall. After Aurora's new manager had fired her she became an aerobic instructor and lost all the luxury that being a friend to Aurora, had come with. 
She would always regret the things she did but it wasn't Aurora she thought about the most. It was Bill. The day she found out they had gotten married was a day of sorrow.
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meowww-ffxiv · 1 month
Cooking distant Yukinko extra lore for DT. He went back to his village to have that first kid, right, and the Viera hunter who always picked a fight with him and lost all the time was a wood warder now. Came back like, "I challenge you again." (Pokémon voice)
Yukinko said OK. I'll beat your ass again anytime. So they did that. For months.
Until his DAD asked him, "Oh how is the courtship between you and our strongest warrior going?"
"I am our strongest warrior," Yukinko replied, confused. Because just as a general statement, that was true. Then he went back to trying to get the stitching pattern right on the baby blanket before his mom started rolling her eyes at him again.
He then heard some psst psst psst from the woods -- the other wood warders, both his clan and others' in the Skatay Range, had taken to traveling to him in order to spar with him, but they brought gifts so the chieftain said LET THEM COME -- that Childhood Rival was cruuuushed.
Like, under a rock?
No. Childhood Rival was crushed and HAD a crush because yes, he HAD been trying to court Yukinko, and he'd gotten his ass beat concave for his effort, then had his "strongest warrior" thing besmirched by Yukinko's very mouth.
"Do men of our tribe even court one another," Yukinko asked his father.
"Yes, but the offer may only even be uttered should the one pursuing it win in a duel," Dad replied. Then: "Believe me, I told him he wasn't going to win, but that boy had been stubborn since youth."
Not necessarily. Childhood Rival was indeed strong, and he got stronger every time he heckled Yukinko for a duel. There might be a day very soon where he could win, if Yukinko didn't apply real force to his blows -- and he would not. They were kin.
So the possibility of a courtship actually being started was a real possibility.
Yukinko mulled it over in between getting his hair chewed on by Avi, his actual newborn, and being dragged ears-first into the Scions' new foray into the Void.
Childhood Rival actually got it!!! Good for him! Except Yukinko said, "If we have a kid, I will be raising them away from the clan" and the motherfucker was like very well... I shall never leave this mountain for it is my home, but that which had made you strong, may it be the same which is bequeathed on one of our blood.
So dramatic, Yukinko thought. Do you know how hard it is to conceive? I've been hoing up and down the west coast for 30 years and only got got once, and you think you're just going to get it?
But he let him hit. Precisely because Yukinko thought he was dramatic.
This was right before leaving for Tural.
Yukinko was right there with Wuk Lamat feeling nauseous on the voyage, and it didn't exactly abate when he reached Tuliyollal. Krile was like, "Hm." Because didn't Yukinko say he used to stay in a coastal city and had always been very good on boats?
They went up to Urqopacha, and the vertigo got to him too. One of the sympathetic Pelupelu merchants offered Yukinko mate tea since it seemed like altitude sickness, but he asked them if there was a stimulant in it. They said yes, and he declined.
He also declined to sample mezcal, despite being a fan of sake and rum.
Alphinaud and Alisaie were clueless as usual, but Krile was like. Hey. So...
Yukinko & her:
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calypso-finale · 1 year
Fifty Three. Part 2
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I am glad I got Halle with me as a gym partner, she is pushing me so badly like I don’t even be that harsh on myself, but Halle is like no we doing that extra shit, I fear she is holding me hostage at this point “ahem” Halle said, looking over at her “yeah?” she pointed at the can of coke I have in hand “put it back in the fridge, cheat day is when?” she pointed “Saturday” I groaned out “exactly but Rylee, see the progress. You look healthier within yourself; you know you do. Look at your ass girl” she is right, she is actually right, I am not about to do it “good” I chuckled “I didn’t know you was a gym freak like this? You hid it” she sat on the stool, she is watching me make a salad, she watches me a lot because I love to snack “I always have been, but I let myself go and then when you said I am going gym, Lillian is useless so like we both are bad for each other in that department so like when you said it I jumped on it, it’s a good thing. Gym gets all the bad vibes out of you, and you said you feel better” nodding my head “I do, like I feel me. I feel like I am coming back, just a baby changed me so bad. Like I felt my body wasn’t mine anymore because obviously he was baking in there and he made my body change the way he did, I just felt he took that from me but now looking, I am literally going back to the size I was. I was just being lazy” I said “also you was getting yourself into a deep depression, I mean in life we all go through hardships and I think the biggest is men, me and him. We aren’t perfect, oh we had shit going on and I gained weight at that point too. We split up, we got together, we split, got together. He trashed my whole apartment too, we were toxic Rylee, I mean he wasn’t good to me, I wasn’t good to him. When we hit uni, well when I hit uni I tamed somewhat, and now we are at a good place but I think we was in that moment of growing, relationships are hard Rylee, I find it hard now with him. The main cause of fucking heart pain is men” I chuckled “it really is but I think like my mom feels I am obsessing over him, you know him. But I am not, I am just a nosey ex” Halle laughed “bitch tell me, I love playing detective too” pointing at her “I will hold you to do that, let me get the door” drying off my hands, making my way to the door “I will grill the chicken” she said, she can do what she likes. Dragging the door open “Rylee?” a guy peaked around the flowers “yes?” he held them to me “oh” I said “thank you” taking the flowers and he just ran off, kicking the door shut. Looking at the card “mhm” Ti sent me flowers, took her long enough, she was probably thinking.
Halle pointed at the flowers with a mouthful of food “these are nice, she spent up” nodding my head “she did, took her time. She didn’t call me at all though, I think she knows to like poke me from afar but like the fuck you putting that guy before me, just least fucking text me and say sorry I am busy but I am over it, I took it out of the stepper” Halle smiled “exactly” the buzzer went off again “that will be my child” putting my plate down “I am glad I get to see my nephew before I go and thank you Rylee for the food” making my way over to the door “you’re most welcome!” I spat, dragging open the door. My eyes looked down knowing my son will be just stood there “you’re back, late” I said “hi mommy” oh this child has McDonalds, I can smell the fries from here. He ran inside “nephew!” Halle spat, Oakley held out his overnight bag “thanks” taking it from him “this weekend I uhm, I have a performance in Manchester. I want him to be there” clearing my throat “you had had him now until next week” why am I being a bitch “is the erm white girl going to be there? I don’t want another girl near my child” Oakley shook his head “just like you did me? Yeah, boundaries and respect huh. By all means, you can come but I would like him there, I am his dad and I want him there for moments in my career like this so?” nodding my head “fine” Oakley just stared me out “I will text you the address, clearly you not going to let him come alone but fine” nodding my head “take care” closing the door behind him as he left.
Halle has opened his happy meal already, I sniffing those fries already, the smell is hitting “you took one didn’t you?” I pointed at her “no bitch” she is a lie “Aziel, did auntie take your food?” he smiled “mommy look?” he held the toy to me, sitting down on the seat “ok, let mommy look at it” I said “that was intense huh?” Halle said “he has a performance in Manchester, wanted him to be there, I said you had him now but then I felt bad, so I was like he ain’t going there without me, I don’t want that white girl near him, but he didn’t deny it either. So yeah” I shrugged “Rylee, bitch. Now you can’t be a hypocrite because you had that man near him did you not?” looking away from Halle “just let’s not do that, and yeah he has that performance with Amazon, it’s being live streamed. I saw it advertised; I get why he would want that. You getting tickets? Helping sisters out?” waving her off “I wanted tickets but like you know, I was late. Are you going?” I shrugged “so yeah, well we will come too” she grinned “we can go on train, have a little fun” I groaned out “train? How far is the place” Halle pulled a face “maybe not, I think it’s a little far but do it, have fun. Let him have his moment with his son, little miss negative” I groaned out “fine, ok. Whatever, I didn’t say no, I just said I am not letting him go alone, that is all” Halle tiltied her head “you literally just said keep that white bitch away from my son, please. I think it makes it hard having a child with your ex that you once was with and you had feelings for, then they are coming to the door, I am glad we waited it out, I just know I would find it hard, so I get it” nodding my head slowly “he is being a good dad so yeah, I am letting him but I will go with him, those places are busy all the time and I fear his family will be there, I don’t want them near him after the whole holiday business” Halle gasped “Oh yeah! No you go, I get it” I know Oakley is a pushover, he will have his family there for this.
“Mommy look” Aziel held the tablet up “play the next one baby, it’s ok” tapping on the next video “decided to call me back” Aziel waved at the laptop “aww hello baby, TT baby. I miss you so much, how are you?” Aziel smiled at me “auntie is speaking to you, tell auntie. Don’t be shy now” he is being silly “say auntie I’m watching coco melon” he fell into “mommy tell” I chuckled “ok mommy say it, auntie. Aziel is watching coco melon and he got upset that it ended” the way Aziel is just smiling at me “he really loves you Rylee, the way he is smiling at you” smiling at him “hey!” I spat he kissed my lips “give auntie a kiss, blow her a kiss and then you can watch coco melon” I don’t know what was wrong with him there, he was just smiling and staring at me “awww TT baby” he did and then shuffled away “mommy” he whined out, he is getting trapped trying to hold himself and the tablet. Grabbing him and sitting him down “there you go, now watch it” shaking my head “so you get the flowers I guess? Spoilt brat” I shrugged “they are in the trash, but I did. Like it wasn’t hard to just say I’m busy, you fully ignored me, like mom says I have too much time on my hands but then again I don’t, she just made me busy I think anyways. But thanks, for the flowers” Ti grinned “am I forgiven, I just had a whirlwind of a time, you know how Fenty is, it’s always something but not excusing the ignore but you know me, I love Aziel so much I missed him, I didn’t get to actually speak or see him” she has a point “true, how is Taylan? Tell me more, is it all good vibes?” I asked, I hope she had a good time “very, when he left we kissed somewhat” I sniggered “what do you mean somewhat? Is that y’all first kiss then? So would you say he is a prospect?” she nodded her “one hundred percent, he is like so good, he is fine too” I cooed out “how is that going to work? Dubai and Aussie? Who moving?” I mean that is a big difference “I am going to ask mom to come home, not that. Dubai isn’t really where I want to stay forever, I mean the place is nice but forever to be here? Hell no, he is moving to America, but Philli” I gasped “no way, ew” Ti laughed “but I said I will be in New York, mom will say what about work since I am new to the thing” she has really worked this out “well go bitch, why not. As long as he is good to you. Also America is better, I miss America” I am jealous, I hate London somewhat.
“Trust me, I cannot wait to go back to America and just be back to normal things, but I have enjoyed seeing the world like Dubai is wild. Very rich too, it’s just crazy. I mean we went to this business guy’ apartment he has a tiger there, just sitting there. I was scared” I laughed “oh that picture you took! Oh yeah, that is crazy, but you need to have us all meet Taylan at the same time” Ti pulled a face “meet the cray family, he might regret it but when and if we are official it’s still like friends” I was going to say put a title on it ASAP but it’s on her terms, she is doing it the right way “I heard that you was being bullied by the white witch” putting a finger up at her “bitch, well she took Aziel and I was really down about shit, just everything was shit. I mean I am much happier now, positive but I have my moments, mom made a whole schedule for me and has sent Oakley mom papers. Like just today, he asked about taking Aziel Manchester which he just bought him back, and he is hanging with some girl, like minus that. This concert he is doing is like a big thing, even Halle knows, I didn’t so he asked, he wants him there. I said no but like if I am there, he will have that bitch there too, he goes to me like it’s a lot to make her sign that, I said I don’t care she is psycho so I know they will be” Ti groaned out “when is it? The concert?” she asked “Saturday” she let out an oh “I was going to say I will come but nope, that is too soon. But I am proud of you, I mean yes I have been busy but I seen what you doing with young mothers” I chuckled “you mean mom idea of the century, I am enjoying it but like I don’t know, it’s just much but they seem really appreciative bringing this to light, that young mothers don’t get the help and whatever” Ti laughed “but it made me smile, like you seemed so in your zone speaking on it. I feel like you are still leaning and you are still confused on it. You look at Aziel like is he mine” I chuckled “I feel he is my little brother until he says mom” Ti cooed out “let me see TT baby” turning the laptop “TT baby, hey!” Aziel looked up “hey why you shy with auntie” poking him, he is so shy. “You know what Rylee, you can do better in regards to Oakley. The men you can potentially get is so much better than him, I don’t want you to lower yourself when you can get better. Oakley isn’t the best looking and we all know that, I just think you need to not lower yourself because he’s moved on” Ti said “mhm I get what you mean” moving the laptop back to me “but to me it was never to do with looks like I know people said things but to me, he is special but I get it. I’m letting go of men, just about me and my son. I mean ok yeah it upset me to know he’s messing with another, any girl would but I’m not going to be crazy” I laughed “good! But I feel like he’s doing it back at you, I feel like he is but anyways, you just keep doing you and making yourself the better one” smiling at her “and you keep doing the same, I miss home so bad, I just you know. I miss us being teenagers, don’t mind me” I chuckled.
Reaching over and grabbing the milk bottle from the side, placing it on my side table. He sleeps, I sleep just because I know he will be waking me up. Pushing the covers back and getting into bed, my phone screen lit up. Oakley has text me, I’ve changed his name to Oakley now so this the change. Unlocking my phone.
From: Oakley
U coming to Manchester then?
To: Oakley
From: Oakley
Cool, need a ride there?
To: Oakley
Nah also my friends are coming so four extra people but we will make our own way there
From: Oakley
Alright it will be busy
To: Oakley
Your way of saying mommy and daddy will be there
From: Oakley
I know I am right with this, Oakley is a pushover. I mean what do you expect when he’s bought them a house and did it up for them, he’s dumb but I refuse to let my son near that. I rather the white chick he’s with take care of my son, his mother is a psycho and a racist.
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lunahallowell · 2 years
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Saw Beetlejuice the Musical at Playhouse Square tonight in the Connor Palace, and of course I need to share my thoughts about it. It goes without saying, this is probably one of the best, if not THE best musical I have ever seen in person. Everything from the songs, to the choreography, to the special effects had me inwardly freaking out the entire time. Their use of light, flames, and practical effects seriously made it /SO/ good. That’s besides the actors being absolutely incredible, obviously.
As someone who has loved Beetlejuice since she was a little girl, getting to see him come to light in both pop culture, and get his place on stage, made my heart soar. Beetlejuice is a story that has always been so special to me, so this particular musical meant the world to me. I am so happy and privileged to have gotten to see him make a massive comeback, and insert himself back into popular media again!
That’s enough of the sappy stuff I guess. On the other hand, this performance was extra cool because we got the fancy rich people box seats (we are not rich lmfao) because my fiancée’s dad’s company often has access to these awesome tickets for super cheap. So we got really lucky and got to eat Chex Mix and peanut m&ms in the rich people lounge before getting absolutely baller seats. Also I got this green apple martini thing (neon green for Beetlejuice, of course), so the jokes were hitting extra hard. Especially since my future mom-in-law was laughing so hard that she couldn’t breathe. 10/10 experience and day. I needed this before Mortuary School starts up again tomorrow. 😊
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horce-divorce · 5 months
it's very very weird having both sides of my family be affluent. my family is full of people who have never been homeless, some of them even have multiple homes, and yet homeless is all I have ever been in my adult life.
and they just sit around and watch me struggle and then ask why I don't come to Xmas dinner bc they miss me sooOOooOOoOo much. lmfao.
liberals are literally useless. a jackass in a MAGA hat telling me outright that he thinks I should die is honestly doing me more of a service than all of my family members who have sat around and WATCHED me struggle without saying a damn thing, all while singing a song and dance about caring for poor people, disabled people, trans and gay people, about how it SHOULDN'T be like this! Wow! It's just so terrible! :/ SOMEBODY should do something!!! :/ Anywayyyyyyz girls' golf weekend in Florida lol 🤪
at least the MAGATS are honest. it has done something to my brain to grow up in a family that CLAIMS to care about each other, but actually espouses completely conservative ideals when it comes to actually, you know, being human people. A family that raised me not to look away from panhandlers, who shake their heads and say 'everyone should have a home smh... really sucks that you're living in the woods rn... we gotta keep pushing em left.... good thing you like camping, at least! oh, you have to abandon your whole life and the only person who offered to help is in CO? I'm so jealous you get to see the mountains!!!! What? MY house has an extra room? No, thats your dad's office, he's using it. I cant just have people in My Sacred Space, you know.'
gee, what's that like, mom? what's it like having a sacred space. what's it like having a space that belongs to you at all. because I've never had that. growing up, my things were actually her things. she could throw them out if she wanted. she could redecorate if she wanted. she made it abundantly clear that "my stuff" was actually stuff she loaned to me, and her approval was the condition of having any of it. One time I got a .25c sticker from a capsule machine that said "who cut the cheese?!" and she made me get rid of it bc she didn't like fart jokes. One time, she left for a weekend and threatened to divorce my dad bc he bought me a lunchable, and she didnt approve of that sort of junk food.
One time when I was about 10, I told her I hated her for the first time, and she wrote in her journal that if she had known all the love and care she poured into me as a baby would have been for nothing, she'd never have become a parent.
She GAVE me that journal, btw, lmao. I have it now. That's one of the less unhinged things she said in it. The primary purpose of the journal being to prove to me, once and for all, how loved and wanted I've always been.
Until I hit puberty, and until I developed mental health problems, and until I found out I was trans, and until I dropped out of school. And until I was finally 18 and legally no longer her problem.
Then the narrative changed from "we'll always love you and support you unconditionally!" To, 'I know [being homeless] must be hard, but I wouldn't want to rob you of your accomplishments.' (Also something she actually wrote in the journal when I dropped out of college and became homeless due to chronic illness.)
Idk like I grew up with all these big promises about supporting each other, and now my rich aunties with the nice RVs and golf carts for putting around town and the vacation homes and multiple cars and extravagant lifestyles act like they're fucking embarrassed to be around me lmao.
So you admit it? You admit being rich and liberal and having homeless family members makes you look bad? Hmmm???? I wonder why that is????????
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daily-nora · 2 years
Hey baby ❤️
I think it's about time we made an update now that I'm feeling better and you're in a good routine at home!
On Saturday March 4th we began our induction to have you. Dad and I were SO excited. We just couldn't believe the day was finally here. Our nurse came into our room that day and let us know that we would be the first scheduled induction for that day, and wouldn't you know, the second she left the room you broke my water naturally. You seemed to already know it was time.
We got wheeled down from the antenatal ward to labour and delivery, where the process started. They got me all hooked up to the IV, with fluids and oxytocin, a hormone to begin the labour process. They would slowly increase the hormones every 30 minutes and I eventually began contracting. As time went on my contractions didn't seem to do any better, we either went too long with no contractions, or too long with a CONSTANT contraction. Which was really painful 😣
After several hours of the doctors fiddling with the hormones, they checked my dilation and realised I had more waters to break. The doctor went in with a long crochet type hook and broke the rest of my water, and we hoped that would speed the process up a little bit.
However it didn't...not right away. I had something happen called uterine tachysystole, which basically means my contractions were too close together. It was painful and uncomfortable, and went on like this for hours and hours.
Eventually, we tried for an epidural but unfortunately the vertebrae in my spine were too close together. We had two different doctors attempt to put it in with no success. That that point I thought I would have to deliver without one, so we decided to try other methods for pain control. I tried the gas you inhale, which worked for a while, it allowed me to rest and shut my eyes for maybe an hour. Then the pain came back, at which point we decided to try the narcotic drip in my IV, which also only worked for a short period of time. The pain was beginning to get to me and my body was hitting a wall. I needed something to help me get some relief from the pain, at which point our doctors suggested we try another epidural. And surprise! This one worked. Thank god lol. But even though it helped with the contraction pain, I had so much pressure in my pelvis that it almost didn't make any difference. Your dad held my hand the entire time and was so strong for both of us. He advocated and spoke up for me when I couldn't, he was the absolute most amazing support person and I am so blessed to have him as the father of my baby. I can't say enough amazing things about your dad. If you could have seen how compassionate and caring he was during that extremely hard time, you would be so proud of him, too.
After about 45 minutes of getting the epidural, our two amazing nurses (Trish and Sam) checked my dilation, and I had gone up from 4 cm to 10! Just like that it was time to push, and we got to work. It didn't look pretty, but I didn't care, I was getting you out by any means necessary! And in about 30 minutes boom, you arrived.
They placed you on my chest and I just couldn't believe that in that moment, I was officially a mom. It was so overwhelming. This little baby I had sang to and talked to for 9 months was now here, laying on me, breathing, crying and living beside me. The next coming days were such a blessing. Dad is a natural, he loves you so incredibly much and has really stepped up and taken amazing care of both of us.
Your blood sugars were a bit low, so we had to stay in the hospital for an extra day to monitor your levels and make sure they reached where they should, and they did! You have been so impressive both inside and tummy and out so far, and I'm just so proud to have you as my daughter.
After a day and a half stay at the hospital we got to go home for the first time as a threesome! It was a joyous day. You are now 5 days old as I write this, snuggled neatly in your velcro swaddle sack, laying in the bassinet, making little coo's. I love hearing your little sounds, watching your beautiful face and holding your tiny hands. I love you so much Nora. My heart knows no bounds when it comes to you, it's a type of love you really can't explain until you have a child. It still hasn't fully sunken in that you are mine. And everytime I look at you I am reminded of that. It's so special.
You came into the world and into my arms March 5th 2023, at 4:14 AM, weighing 7 pounds 0oz. Let the rest of our lives begin!
Love you forever and always
Mama 💗
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freebooter4ever · 2 years
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Ha, okay i'll bite. @soft-and-exhausted​ Trigger warning for stupidity and...bears...i guess..under the cut
#and my step brother who fought a bear in a cave up in canada once
So keep in mind that i only ever met this step brother once - he was six years older than i was and had long since moved out by the time my mom got together with his dad, so all these stories were told to me second hand by my stepdad (who was the BEST btw) and i'd just sit there listening in teenage awe at the vaguely godlike figure my step brother represented. He was (is?) a quaterback down south somewhere, he was a total asshole with a huge ego that was unfortunately somewhat warrented because he also just was That Cool. One time he got lost in the desert for a few days (because he got angry and went on a ‘walk’) and scared the shit out of his dad, but that's another story.
ANYWAY from time to time he'd go up to the vancouver area of canada to wander the wilderness or whatever it is egotistical manly men do up there (fishing?) because...i dunno...i guess washington's wilderness wasn't wild enough for him. And from what i remember he always did this alone - probably because of the whole asshole thing (he had a ‘difficult’ personality). He also wasn't completely stupid, he and I both grew up in roughly the same area of the northwest and its hard to grow up there and not absorb at least a little bit of hiking skills. At some point in one of his canada trips he found himself in a cave - i can't remember if he was sheltering there overnight or for a storm or what. But as it turns out this cave also had *gasp* a BEAR. Who would have thought!
Yeah the bear was not happy. My step brother did not die, nor was he maimed, but he was hurt. The way his dad tells it, it was a full on battle for the cave, and his son didn't have a gun or anything (bear spray doesn't work just as a fyi for anyone reading this looking for real tips), but he stiILL WON. Which is insane. And did not help with my step brother's ego, I'm sure. We were all obviously very glad that he did not get eaten. But also the whole story smacked of stupidity and easily avoidable dangerous situations.
To contrast, my dad the hiking fanatic who has been over aLL of washington including rainier...has met a bear close up exactly ONCE. Unlike my step brother, my dad hikes alone (or with me) because he is shy and desperately terrified of most conversation. But it is definitely still a choice and not one i would reccommend. My dad didnt even tell me this story till long after it was over and he brought it up on a different hike we were taking together, completely casually as if near-death-experiences were normal. Apparently he'd been hiking alone on either mt defiance or granite (i cant remember which) and he only made it to the fields of bear grass. You must understand, when hiking in the northwest the mountains are literally covered in pine trees so it isn't until you hit a certain elevation that the tree cover starts to thin. And at that elevation you also get this magical beautiful plant ‘bear grass’. I bet you can guess why people call it that.
So my dad is walking along, fully aware that its bear season and the bear grass is high, so he's being extra cautious. And sure enough he sees a small dark lump a few feet away from the trail near a bush. His first reaction was ‘aw cute a baby bear’ but then his intelligence kicked in and he started looking around and sure enough he saw the mama bear...on the opposite side of the trail. In order to continue to the top of the mountain my dad would have had to pass between the mama bear and the baby bear.
Yeah my dad is not stupid, he turned around and went the fuck home lol. Be like my dad, don't fight bears. Live to climb the mountain another day.
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soulmate-game · 3 years
Hawkmoth was a bitch, and Marinette meant that with every fiber of her soul. Fu was also a bitch, and Marinette actually had good memories of the guy. Not many, but she had some. The fact that the guy got two ten-year-olds to become super heroes and fight a supervillain for him kinda soured those memories, though. But with Chat Noir not allowed to leave his house? Yeah, even as young as they were it only took about a year to find out who HawkMoth was and another year to take him down.
Except, that left Marinette alone. The final battle took her mom away, and Chat had to move out of Paris after his dad was arrested. Luckily Jagged allowed her and her papa to move into his house in Gotham, and everything was…
Well, it was okay. For about a month.
Then her dad was gone too, and she had no way to talk to Jagged, and the police were scaring her—
Yeah, that was the basic order of events that led to where she was now. Pushing fourteen years old, ex-superhero, protector of a magical box of gods, stealing the tires off of a very nice motorcycle.
Marinette was tempted to just take the whole thing, she loved bikes and knew she could drive it. But the thing had more security than she knew what to do with, and the fact that it belonged to Red Hood… she didn’t want to deal with trackers today, thanks. So the tires it was.
Should she maybe care more about the fact that she was stealing from a vigilante with a violent streak? Maybe. Did she? Hell no. For all she knew, maybe Red Hood was a bitch too. (Yes, she was still learning English slang. She was fluent by educational standards, but learning how to curse in a foreign language was fun and she still had a little bit to go. Her few street friends were very happy to help).
A shadow dropped down in front of her, and Marinette’s hero instincts kicked in. The tire iron she was using cut through the air, slamming right into the side of Red Hood’s knee.
“Hood,” Batman’s voice grumbled over the comms, instantly grabbing the attention of everyone else who was on the comms. It wasn’t as gruff as he usually sounded, in fact it almost sounded like… he was trying not to laugh?
“Did you get gassed by Joker?” Dick asked before Jason got a chance to respond. “Need backup?”
“No,” Batman responded, sounding a little more composed. “Not a rogue. But Hood, I need you to join me at my location as soon as possible.”
Finally getting the chance to talk, Jason responded a little warily; “Sure, B. Wait,” he blinked at the location that was sent to him. “Isn’t that where my bike is parked?”
Batman didn’t respond at first, only the sound of labored breathing— again, as if he was trying not to laugh. “Just get here, Hood.”
Sighing, but not too mad since the night had been fairly quiet so far, Jason decided to humor the old man and head over. When he could see the cape-clad back of Batman, he easily leapt over the last roof and sauntered over.
“Okay, B,” he had his thumbs tucked in his pockets as he drawled. “What’s the issue?”
Batman was grinning. As in, actually showing amusement. And he just pointed down, straight at Hood’s bike.
Jason rolled his eyes under his helmet, turning to look. At first he didn’t see anything amiss, until he saw movement and looked harder. Oh. Oh, holy shit.
“Is that a kid?”
“Yep,” Batman’s grin grew.
“Is she… stealing my tires?” Hood was so, so glad he wore a helmet that hid his expression. Because… wow.
“Yep,” Batman finally lost his composure, chuckling. “This seems like Karma, don’t you think?”
“And you just watched her so you could rub it in,” Jason groaned, throwing his head back in exasperation. Of course he would. Nobody knew it (except the other heroes who knew him) but Batman was a petty little jerk when he wanted to be. He bought the whole Daily Planet just to spite Clark, for crying out loud.
“Don’t adopt her,” Batman said as he stood up, patting Red Hood’s shoulder. “It looks like she’s almost done.”
“Shit,” Jason hissed, looking down to see that she was, actually, very close to being done. She had already had one tire completely free by the time he had arrived, and now she was only seconds away from getting the other one completely free.
He took a quick assessment— she was tiny, and really thin. Definitely a street kid, he thought, though he didn’t recognize her. He knew most of the street kids that stole to get by, nowadays, which meant she must have been fairly new. But even though she seemed to know what she was doing, her small frame made her take longer unscrewing the tires than it normally would have taken. Sure that she wasn’t a threat by any stretch of the imagination, he jumped down. His plan had been to startle her a little by showing up out of nowhere, but he didn’t want to scare her too badly. Just make her jump a little.
But he had underestimated her, it seemed. Without wasting a second, she jumped up and swung her tire iron at his knee. He cursed, she was a lot faster than her had been expecting. He was able to move so that the weapon only clipped the side of his knee, his knee pad thankfully taking the worst of it. She still hit hard enough to make him stumble and hiss in pain though, which was an accomplishment.
That’s when she abandoned her weapon and her tires, darting to try and escape only for Batman to drop down and block her escape. Though really, it was the grin Batman had that scared the girl most of all, apparently, making her slowly back away from him.
“Please stop smiling,” she begged with a faint French accent to her words. “It is not natural.”
That made Red Hood laugh, already recovered and right behind her. He plopped a gloved hand on her head.
“I know, it’s creepy right?” He joked. “What’cha doin’ stealing my tires, kid? I kinda need them to drive anywhere,” he was careful to keep his voice light and devoid of any anger. He wasn’t really upset, all told. It would be hypocritical of him if he was.
She looked between the two vigilantes for a moment, clear intelligence behind those bright blue eyes as she seemed to consider something. Suddenly she pulled away from Red Hood and stepped away from his reach, straightening up and trying to look tall.
“My name is Marinette Dupain-Cheng,” she said as firmly as she could. “My father was Tom Dupain, he was killed in a mugging three months ago. We were living in a house that our family friend leant to us after my mother’s death six months ago, and we moved here from Paris. I haven’t been able to contact him, and the police… I don’t trust them,” she admitted, clearly seeing this as the chance she had been waiting for. “I have been living on the streets since my father died. I am sorry for trying to steal your tires, Monsieur Red Hood. But it was a risk I had to take.”
“Did you expect us to catch you?” He asked, crossing his arms as he re-evaluated the girl. She was a lot stronger than he had assumed earlier, both physically and mentally. She seesawed her hand to indicate ‘kinda’.
“Even if you didn’t, I could make good money off your tires,” she justified with a shrug. “To me, I would win either way.”
“Who is your family friend? Can he help you now, take you in?” Batman asked, moving forward and kneeling down to be closer to Marinette’s height. Neither he nor Jason had missed the part where she was an orphan, but they had expected that considering what they had caught her doing. And they both knew that she wasn’t likely to take any apologies they tried to offer very well. It was best not to show pity, or she might get angry.
Marinette frowned. “... Our family friend is Jagged Stone. He lets me call him Uncle Jagged,” she told them, clearly expecting the disbelieving grunts they gave. “I mean it! You can call him, he might even be looking for me! I—“
“We know,” Hood assured her, now kneeling down as well. Man, she was short. “Calm down, we know you’re telling the truth. Jagged has made several public announcements about his missing honorary niece, we just didn’t recognize your name right away. And Jagged doesn’t have access to very many pictures of you, those he does have the Mayor isn’t allowing him to show because that spineless jackass—“
“Language, Hood.”
“—Cares more about keeping bad press off the air than finding a kid, even if it’s a world famous rockstar who’s asking. That’s probably why you haven’t heard anything, the mayor’s keeping it off the radio and not many reporters are brave enough to take the story and get on his bad side.”
“Oh…” Marinette took a deep breath, fighting the tears that were threatening to rise up. “He has been looking…” she sniffled, curling in on herself a little. “Can you take me to him?”
“I think we can do that,” Batman agreed, standing up. “I’ll contact him. Red Hood, can you handle everything here until I give you a place to meet up with Jagged Stone?”
Jason nodded. “No problem, B. Come on, little rabid pixie. Step one of gettin’ you back to your uncle is to help me fix my bike back up.”
Marinette sighed, shoulders dropping. “All my hard work, undone…” she playfully complained. But in the end she didn’t argue or fight against it, she just sat down and helped him reattach his tires.
All the while, Jason’s family kept teasing him over the comms. Clearly they were also thoroughly amused by the cosmic display of karma.
“...Monsieur Hood,” Marinette asked once they were done repairing the motorcycle and he had given her his too-big extra helmet. He tilted his head a bit to show he was listening. She squirmed. “Can… can we stop by my hideout? I have something really important I have to get.”
Jason smiles gently under his mask. She might not have been a street kid for very long, but she really did bring back some memories for him. He got on his bike and held a hand out to her.
“Sure thing kid. Wanna grab something to eat after? Can’t have a reunion on an empty stomach.”
She gave him a lopsided smile— not quite overjoyed, but definitely hopeful and thankful. Maybe this was the end of her streak of bad luck, she could only hope.
“Only if you don’t mind, Monsieur Hood,” she agreed before taking his hand and letting him help her onto the bike.
“No skin off my back, pixie,” he assured her. Then they were off. He followed her directions until they got to an abandoned building about three miles away, not in a good part of town at all but at least not in crime alley. Marinette easily led him through the building, skirting around other piles of ratty blankets and up broken stairs until they got to the badly-maintained top floor. She led him over to an almost invisible door in the concrete wall that pulled out to reveal what was probably a broom closet once upon a time. It was crowded with what looked like junk and empty boxes, along with a few blankets and two or three changes of clothes that were clearly her’s. A few belongings scattered around— a book, a small pink purse, and… Marinette came out of the pile of mess holding what had clearly been a very carefully hidden box. She also grabbed the purse and slung it over her shoulder, but didn’t seem worried about anything else.
Jason frowned at the box. It wasn’t that big, but it was clearly made of old wood. There were intricate carvings that were painted pink, in a symbol that was itching at the back of his mind. He recognized that symbol, but from where?
“Ready to go, kid?” He asked as he thought about it, getting a nod from Marinette. Twenty minutes later they were at a Batburger, sitting in a shaded booth that couldn’t be seen from the street.
She never let the box out of her sight. She kept it on the seat next to her, and Jason noticed that she tried to keep one hand on it at all times. But when she spoke, now her French accent stood out to him even more than before. But why—?
And then it clicked. Paris. Hawkmoth. Ladybug, Chat Noir, magic artifacts called Miraculous. Wonder Woman had raised a fuss when the heroes disappeared, declaring that something was wrong but she couldn’t put her finger on what. Then the magic users they trusted were called in, and returned from Paris with the grim news that the former Guardian of those artifacts had activated a failsafe and passed the guardianship on to someone else while erasing his own memories at the same time. But nobody knew who he could have passed it on to, so Batman had been given the green light to do all the research he and his team could into the Miraculous box to try and help track it down.
And here it was. The carvings were in pink now, which might have been the “cosmetic change” that Constantine had mentioned might happen when the box changed guardians. He had found the box full of super powerful magical artifacts… in the hands of a newly orphaned street kid who couldn’t have been older than fourteen at best.
What the hell?
“...” Red hood reached into his pocket and pulled out an old receipt and a sharpie. He scrawled on the back of the receipt and handed to Marinette. The girl was halfway into a bite of her burger when he did, and blinked at him owlishly before swallowing and cautiously reaching out to grab it. She frowned at the numbers scrawled there.
“What’s this?” She asked.
“My contact info,” he explained. “I won’t ask questions about why you have that box,” he watched her instantly stiffen but continued as casually as he could; “but it doesn’t matter. You can call me if you ever need help with anything, kid. Help with that box, help if you get in trouble in Gotham again, or even if you’re having a bad day. You can call me for whatever, got it? I don’t care if you think it’s stupid, if you can’t talk to anyone else in your life you can always call or text me and I’ll do whatever I can. Got it?”
“...” Marinette sniffled for a second and looked down at the table in silence for a second. “... what if I want your motorcycle?” she joked, but the watery tone of her voice gave her away.
Jason laughed, patting her head. “I need my bike, but we can talk about getting you your own once you are old enough to get a license. You almost done? Bats says that Jagged is ready to meet you, I can take you to him right now.”
“Yeah, lets go!” she was newly energized and shoved the last bite of burger into her mouth greedily. “And Red Hood?” She asked as they headed out to where he had parked.
“Yeah, kid?”
Permanent tag list (I remembered it this time!)
@rosalineandrosemary @neakco @justanotherfanficlovinbitch @trippingovermyfeet @certainmuffinbagelcalzone @bigpicklebananatree @fantasylover-92 @prongs-flowers @jumpingjoy82 @prettylittlebutterflie @queenz-z @literaryhiraeth @waffelyunsure @deathssilentapproach-blog @waiting247 @theirlmikan @unoriginalmess
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x-chubby-reader · 4 years
Oh MY GOD what about Bakugou, kirishima, and sero who get hit by a quirk who turns them into a lil toddler or whatever and they’ve got the biggest crush on their chubby/plus size classmate 🥺🥺
A/N - I literally love this idea so much, thanks to @fandom-fander for helping out with this headcannon.
Not Prof Read
Lowercase Intentional
Toddler!Bakugo, Kirishima, and Sero x Plus size reader
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aizawa sure as hell didn't feel like dealing with the angry pomeranian in minature form
he decided to leave the boy with the class and let them decide among themselves on who should watch the little firecracker for the day
extra credit anyone?
everyone immediately pinned the responsibility on you
kirishima, he didn't feel like getting screeched at by a small bakugo and needed to apparently go study
he also knew that bakugo had a fondness for you in his teenage form, so why not see if he still has it
fr little bakugo pretends to hate your guts
somehow this little toddler has the most hurtful insults
“you can't even get a boyfriend? that's pretty sad.”
suddenly choking out a child is okay
do it… no one has to know how it happened
even though he had pretended to hate you, he still kept trying to show off to you 
you decided to take him out on a little bike/tricycle ride? homeboy flipped it trying to show off how fast he could go and then proceeded to complain about scraping his knee
hey at least he got your attention
he is a literal leash kid fight me oh my god
bakugo will simply run away
you expected him to listen? oh you're in for a surprise
the only option that you give him is to either wear the embarrassing monkey pack or to hold your hand
he immediately grabs your hand and is literally so giddy and its adorable my lord-
smiles for days my heart i can’t-
he may seem all happy and nice, but that can flip in a minute
he’s the biggest brat sometimes and you are literally this close to punting him across the room
you don't get him something that he wants? little pomeranian boy will turn into a velociraptor child in an instant
the decimals that that kids voice can reach up to is kind of impressive not going to lie
“no bakugo, you can't have that right now maybe later-”
thankfully he tires himself out quick enough to set him down for a nap
but nothing is ever simple, is it?
he wont go to sleep without you though, claiming that there are monsters and he needs to know where you are so he can protect you
no matter how many times you had explained to him that there weren't any monsters around, you slowly succumbed to his pleas
almost feeling bad for him, he just looked so serious about how you could get hurt that it made you feel bad
you didn't notice how much taking care of a kid took out of you until now
you had made a mental note to apologize to your mom for having to deal with you when you were younger later
As soon as you settled down on the couch with the toddler laying on top of you, you almost instantaneously passed out
oh boy were you in for a surprise when you woke up to a teen bakugo, still curled into your torso
he looked up to you after feeling you stir, he almost had a smirk on his face before burying his head back  into you 
mostly to hide the redness spreading over his face, he wasn’t going to admit that he was blushing
no way in hell
he just mumbled a “later” before his breaths softened into a steady pace
yeah, you may be stuck here for a bit
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you were there for the whole thing
red-top had pushed you out of the way of an incoming quirk blast and suffered the consequences
he became young again, almost too young
you felt bad
and who wouldn’t
so of course you took it upon yourself to watch him until the effects wore off
the thing you learned about him was that he was an even touchy-er child
homeboy just wanted to be held all the time
just climbing up and latching himself onto your calf
it was adorable but hard to walk with
If you pick him up, you’ve basically sworn an oath with the devil himself
you cannot put him down 
he gives the most pitiful looks when you do and drags his feet when you walk
he also wont leave you alone
so curious in whatever your doing at that exact moment
and he is impressed by everything you do
“what are you doing?”
“wow so cool!”
a bug came in through the window and he screamed
you walked in all nonchalant, grabbed your shoe, and smacked that some of a bitch into a next dimension
he lit up omfg
“wow y/n, that was so manly!”
you brought him in to class since it had been a school day and were too afraid to tell aizawa about the incident
the girls were literally all over him
i mean, who wouldn’t be all over an adorable and friendly (looking at you bakugo) kid?
and the pebble boy was lapping up the attention like a thirsty dog on a hot day
you never expected him to act like this
shy maybe, but then again he was pretty outgoing in his teenage form
he was grinning from ear to ear
literally posing like a mini body builder and making little huffing noises
even you couldn’t help it, letting a little aww out like most of the other girls
this had been causing a slight disturbance to the class
so the whole going to school thing was pointless as aizawa sent the two of you home anyways
he is already a tired dad, he dosen’t need to be dealing with a toddler right now
putting the little strongman on your back you began to walk
you had been hoping that the effects would wear off in a few more hours 
but nothing ever goes to plan dose it?
while you had been walking, you noticed a significant weight increase, but just decided to ignore it
hey you were more sturdy and thicc, you wern’t no pussy, why stop all of a sudden because of the extra weight?
the only single thing that had alerted you to kiri being fully back was the whisper in your ear
instead of a sqeaky and mousy voice, you heart a more smooth and even comment
“hey stranger”
girl you dropped him and ran, him having to catch up to you
he has the audacity to give you a heart attack, he better suck it up
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this was the same situation as bakugo, aizawa just didn’t want to deal with the kid
and especially a kid who kept mixing up two languages
he really was just so one
aizawa gave him the option to go to anyone
of course he ran straight to you, clinging onto your calf, as that was as high as he could reach
hey you looked the most inviting and least scary
he was literally terrified of bakugo and almost started to bawl is eyes out when he went near him
though he calm down slightly when he went down to get to a similar height as him. 
why wouldn’t you take the opportunity to watch a cute little kid and skip class
hey, aizawa said whoever watched him got extra credit
but there soon was a slight problem that you noticed
well not really a problem, but more of a hurdle
with sero being raised in a household that spoke both english and spanish, he started to mix the two, not knowing any better
he would be asking for “leche” and you would just stand there trying to understand with your limited vocab
just the loading circle above your head whenever he started to talk
but you managed with google translate and going off of the vast amount of spanish soap operas you watched at 3 am once a week
surprisingly, he was a very artistic kid
at least every ten minutes he would walk over to you and hand you a squiggly picture of a flower, you, or him and you holding hands
and he would just giggle before running away to make another
bro heart go melt 
being pre occupied with some papers that the father teacher had sent home with you, sero couldn’t get your attention
he might of forgotten your name and got stuck in a predicament
then the most rational thing popped into his head
well his dad called his mom “mi amor” and you and his mom were both pretty ladies
it made total sense to him so he went with it
nothing again
“hey... mi amor~”
your head shot up immediately
since he noticed that the name had gotten your attention, he just started using it
when he had shifted to being a teen again, the two of you never mentioned the name again
until a few days later when he was back to normal in class
homeboy was trying to get your attention and the multiple taps on the shoulder weren't cutting it
he got an idea
“hey... mi amor~”
yep that got you immediately
and he still uses that nickname for you
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i-cant-sing · 4 years
You mentioned platonic yandere rei and enji, how would that go?
 Yandere Platonic Enji & Rei Todoroki
I am so glad you asked. Last post of the year, so... enjoy! Check out my MASTERLIST for more!
Yandere Enji & Rei Todoroki:
I think having them as platonic yanderes would be fun. And dangerous, but mostly fun.
So maybe you're from an abusive home, or maybe you just looked liked a helpless or troubled teen that needed help. Both financially and emotionally.
Post redemption Enji has been looking for a second chance at raising a family. Rei has forgiven him, but his relationship with his kids is broken beyond repair.
Rei's also looking for a way to show her maternal love, but her kids have learned to grow up without her and her affection. They may have forgiven her, but they've grown up now and don't need her anymore.
So when they find you, they know they have to have you. You need them and what kind of people would they be if they left you all helpless?
Enji is the no. 1 hero, so he has all the resources he needs to make your family disappear and have you adopted. Of course, they don't want to kidnap you; they want you to have a normal life.
Once they've adopted you, you will be, and this is an understatement, spoiled.
Enji will buy you anything you want. Anything you need, it'll be in your hands before you could even ask for it. He'll give you more pocket money than any other kid, and he'll even give you his black credit card that has no limit.
Rei will be showering you in all of her maternal love. She will be cooking you the most delicious food and all kinds of snacks, but she'll make sure you only get the best organic food that are full of nutrition! If you compliment her cooking skills, she'll kiss your cheeks and ruffle your hair, memorising your favourite dishes.
Rei will also be helping you dress up, even if you're more than capable of doing it yourself. She'll be buying you clothes and accessories, deciding whats appropriate for an event, and pick out your outfits. Just be glad she's not helping you in and out of your clothes.
Although Rei loves doing your hair, even if you insist that she doesn't have to, Enji will also enjoy doing your hair. He's bad at it, never being able to do more than a simple ponytail, but he's willing to learn.
They're both very protective of you, a simple scratch on your knee will send them into overdrive. Rei will be the one to ice your bruises while Enji will be bandaging you up and making sure no serious damage has occurred. And if you ever get sick, they'll be fretting all over you.
You aren't allowed to go to sleepovers, but they're more than happy to host as many as you want. Rei would be the fun cool mom who easily befriends everyone, while Enji will grace you friends with his prescene. He might even tell a heroic story of his.
Any love interests are out of question. And don't bother hiding any relationships; they'll always have some spying on you. They're either threatened or paid off. You don't need anyone besides your family.
They're going to be sending you to the best school in Japan and they will be making sure that they both attend all of your school meetings and extracurricular activities. Even if Enji can't make it, which rarely happens, Rei will always be there to cheer you on. She missed all of this with her kids, she's not going to miss yours.
Enji will be proud of all of your achievements, no matter how small. And he'll even place them on the fridge or boast to Hawks about you. Enji will make sure to tell you how happy he is and if he's extra proud, he'll pat your head.
Quirkless or not, they don't want you to become a hero. Its too dangerous. Why not be a baker or an artist or better yet, don't work at all. They have more than enough money to support you for generations.
Still, if you insist, they'll let you go to UA, but Enji will use his influence to make it difficult for you to get job offers at hero agencies. If you do want to work, why not work at the no. 1 heroes agency? This way, you get to work with the best, and he gets to keep you out of harms way. Plus, now that you're under his wing, Enji has more motivation to not only be the no. 1 hero in Japan, but also no.1 in your eyes.
He will train you himself, but will always make sure not to go hard on you and not let you over exert yourself. If you compliment any of his moves or try to copy them, his heart swell with affection and he'll chuckle as he looks at you with adoration.
Enji will make you his sidekick, fighting off all the villians alone before you even get a chance to. But accidents happen, and so when you get hurt, really badly, by a villian during a fight, Enji will forget all of his principles and incinerate the criminal alive. Then he'll pick your bloody body up and rush you to the hospital and get you treated; he'll even threaten the doctors and the hospital.
Rei will be at the hospital as soon as she hears about your condition. She'll be crying into Enji's arms while he feels guilty that he let you get hurt. Once you wake up, they'll both come into your room and let out a sigh of relief. Rei will be kissing your forehead as she cries tears of joy, while Enji will hold your tiny hand in his large one, looking at your bruises and bandages with worry. They both look at each other and make a silent vow to never let this happen again. Never again.
If you thought they were too overbearing before your incident, think again. Once you've come home, they won't let you have any personal space. They'll be breathing down your neck every second of the day they can. They'll rarely let you out of their sight, and they'll be infantalizing you a lot more. Working as hero was thrown out the window the moment you got hurt. And you'll be rarely let outside of their home, unsupervised especially. Its safer home, princess. We can't afford to let you get hurt again.
If you do manage to sneak out, this is when you'll see their ugly side. Enji will quickly have you brought home, either by himself or by his colleagues. And once you come home, you'll see angry Rei for the first time. Rei would be yelling, screaming at you for being so careless, so stupid. You'll be so scared, you'd be hiding behind Enji. Rei would be more than willing to freeze your legs and break them, just to keep you home. However, Enji will be the more level headed one, simply using his strength to put you into quirk cancelling cuffs.
You will be a whole lot more cautious of Rei now, because you know what triggers off Enji and he always gives you a warning before any sort of punishment. But with Rei, you don't know what sets her off. A simple look outside the window will make you the target of her rage. She'll grab your face, her nails embedded painfully deep in your skin, asking you if she isn't a good mother. "Am I not enough, (Y/n)? Why do you want to leave me? Am I a bad mother? Why do you hate me so much?!" She has hit you with her ice "accidentally" a lot, often knocking you out. Enji would often be the one to your rescue, calming Rei down and reassuring her that you won't leave them, before he comes over to check on you. Once Rei calms down, she'll realise what she's done and will be crying and apologising profusely.
Enji rarely gets mad at you. You're just his small, harmless princess. How could he ever be angry at you? But if he does get mad, he'll give you a pointed look, his turquoise eyes staring you down. And if you don't get the hint, then he'll hold your hand as he slowly warms it up. You always back down before you get burned. Don't worry though, Enji won't ever hurt you. He won't repeat the past.
Rei might return to her previous self, if you behave and reassure her that you won't leave her, but it'll take time. Enji will be wary of letting you out alone, but if you gain his trust back, he'll let you out with a few bodyguards.
Just sit there, be their good little kid, call them mom and dad, and everything will be taken care of.
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There isn't a ship name for rei and enji, right? Renji? Reji? Erei?
Requests are open!
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dragon-of-dreams · 4 years
A Debt to pay
My Masterlist
Pairing: dark!mafia!Bucky x Reader
Warnings: noncon; breading kink; threats, murder, readers parents are dead, reader getting hit across the face, DEAD DOVE DO NOT EAT! Seariously, this is some really dark shit with some astonishingly soft sx... No idea how that happened... 18+!!!
No mentions of y/n, and reader is kinda an off because she has a back-story but no physical descriptors are used.
Summary: Your dad dies unexpectedly and you take over running the family cafè. The costs for your daddy’s funeral bring the head of the Barnes family to your doorstep as you struggle to keep up with the payments for a loan you had no idea your dad had taken out with them. You get “offered” an alternative method of payment.
a/n: this was a request by the lovely @oneoftheprettynerds
I hope I did it justice! Thank you for being the most patient person in the world, when Covid, life, exams, life and so on and so forth got in the way of your wish!
Prompt: Can I please get a dark mafia bucky or peter with noncon and breeding kink? With a side of people hitting on reader
 Wordcount: 2,800
 In all seriousness, you had to consider yourself lucky. Most people in this small city had it worse than you. Most didn’t have their own business, certainly not at your age, and most would never have enough money to even dream about that. Your town had the habit of sucking money out of people faster than they could make it and as of late that was also the case for you.
           After your dad had died unexpectedly in a car crash, money had been tight, really tight. You’d never known how fucking expensive funerals were and his drained all the savings you had, just before you’d managed to scrambled together enough for a community college education in business. Now you were left an orphan in your early twenties running a café on only the knowledge you’d learnt from your dad with no prospects of an education. Now you were as stuck as everybody else in town.
           What made matters even worse was the bill you’d gotten two weeks after the funeral. A bill from the one company in town nobody wanted one from. Rich men running successful businesses on the backs of the honest town’s people by draining their money. The mafia. Sharks in suits.
           According to the bill your dad had borrowed money from them 10 years ago. Your best guess was that he had needed it for your mother’s funeral and had never told you. Be that how it may, you didn’t know how to pay that bill. So you asked for time and put in extra hours, keeping the café open til late at night.
           You hated the extra hours. Not only because you got less sleep and had to work so much more and couldn’t afford to hire more employees but also because the later it got the more aggressively people hit on you.
           You hated them. All those men coming in once the sun set, calling you their sweetheart like you were property and grabbing at you and you having to smile and flirt because you needed their tips. Desperately. And yet it seemed to make no difference. There was just no money to be made in this town.
           Bucky Barnes, the head of the Romanov family had given you two months to come up with the next payment, and you knew that you’d end up dead in a ditch with them ceasing your café if you didn’t make it.
           So you smiled and joked with the moms coming in in the mornings and afternoons and flirted and swayed for their husbands at night. When you were in your little apartment above the café after you finally closed you usually cried yourself to sleep. And all throughout the day you would see him. See Bucky fucking Barnes watching you. At first you thought you were imagining it, but he was driving past your café in way too regular intevals, and would even occasionally take up one of your tables. You always sent other staff to serve him, you couldn’t bare to go to him, but his cold blue eyes never left you.
           Over those two month it became abundantly clear that you would never manage to come up with $2,000. And when one of Bucky’s men came in on the Wednesday before the Friday the payment was due, you thought of the 1,200 bucks you’d managed and wanted to cry.
           You knew the man, you’d gone to school with his younger brother Peter who had been a royal pain in your ass, having provided a glimpse of the harassment by the men you now faced every evening. Still you smiled at him: “Steve, hi, what can I get you?” ignoring that you had already flipped your sign to closed and where moping the floors.
           “Hi y/n, a coffee would be great, if you still got some” Steve answered while inspecting your café like he already owned the place.
           “Sure thing!” You tried to sound chipper, but the strain in you voice was audible, as you went behind the counter and got the machine going.
“Sugar? Milk?” you asked, with your back turned to Steve, hoping to draw out the inevitable.
“Just sugar, thanks.” Steve sounded gruff and distant and you knew you’d lost. He probably already knew that you wouldn’t be able to pay. He had accompanied Bucky a bunch of times, never ordered anything, just watched and listened, as Bucky drank or ate. The men had attracted stares. Not only because they were mafia, but because for personified devils, they sure looked like gods.
As you set his coffee before him he asked: “So what can I tell my boss to expect on Friday?” You stared at Steve in his perfectly tailored suit in harsh contrast to the homey but ultimately grimy café surrounding him as you decided on what to say. He looked amazing, and you hated him for it.
Steve raised an eyebrow at you. He was getting impatient. “I… I have a little over half.” You muttered and looked down at your hands, twisted tightly together. “My daddy’s funeral cost so much money, and I” you were interrupted by Steve’s fist hitting the countertop, making you flinch. His rage was pouring out of him so suddenly, taking over everything else. He seethed: “Safe your excuses, little girl. Just make sure to get the money. Bucky isn’t as lenient as I am.” With that, Steve got up from the bar, drained his coffee in one long gulp and left without giving you the chance to beg. You would have. You would do anything now if it meant saving your life. ‘Lenient’, you thought. How was any of this lenient?
           On Friday morning, you didn’t want to get up, much less open the café, but you did both. You put a notice outside that you would close earlier tonight, so Barnes and his henchmen wouldn’t scare off your customers and then you went to work.
           The entire day felt like molasses. Time didn’t move at all, it left you fidgety and nervous. You screwed up more orders than you were willing to admit and then suddenly time jumped and it was 6 p.m. and the sun was setting and you’d closed the café down, pulled all curtains closed except for the front door and were sitting there, waiting. What for, you didn’t know.
           At 6:30 a black limousine came to a stop before your café and Barnes and Peter got out. Which you decided was a good sign. Surley if they were to kill you, they would’ve brought some muscle, not lanky Peter… Bucky Barnes wouldn’t get his hands dirty with you, would he? Or was that what Peter was for? Did he still have to prove himself in the company?
           As Bucky entered you wished it would just end now. To your sheer horror, Peter stayed outside, blocking the door, leaving you all alone with the man you feared most in this world. He looked just like everytime he’d previously entered your café. His suit fit perfectly and you could see the muscle beneath. He was astonishingly beautiful. If he only were so on the inside as well, you mused.
“Hi sweetheart,” Bucky drawled as he approached you, “Steve told me you don’t have my money.” You shrunk in on yourself, but nodded, as Bucky came to tower over you.
“That’s not good, angel, not at all. Why don’t you come out from behind the counter and we sit down and talk about it, huh?”
All you could do was nod. “What happened? Cat got your tongue?” Bucky teased as he grabbed you by the elbow and led you to a boot in the corner of the café, way out of view from the front door. His touch was startingly kind. You had prepared for pain, but were met with kind support. Your brow furrowed.
“I…” You looked up at him. “I g got $1,300. I know that’s not enough, but”
“Shh.” Bucky murmured and pushed you down onto the bench, took of his suit jacket, hung it carefully over a nearby chair and then caged you in by sitting at your side. You were trapped and you were shaking with fear.
Bucky was so much taller than you and even through his perfectly tailored black dressshirt you could see his muscles bulging. You couldn’t decide weather you wanted to start sobbing into his chest or punch him in the stomach. “Steve already told me all about that, angel, don’t worry, I already came up with a new payment plan.”
“You’re not mad?” you question, to terrified to be hopeful.
“Well, I am not thrilled, but I’ve always had a softspot for this place. My pa used to take me when I was little. I watched you grow up, you know?”
Hope bloomed like desert rose in your heart. He knew you! He had a connection to you! That surely meant he wouldn’t kill you. You’d figure out the money. Suddenly you were certain that you could do it.
“really? That’s – I never knew…” Your voice was fluttering with hope.
“Well, it’s a small town.” Bucky’s voice was calm and soothing. You almost forgot that you were squished between him and the wall.
“And with me seeing you grow up, and seeing all the other women in town I decided that you would give me an heir to take here. To watch people with, so he too could choose his wife. An heir for me and forgiveness for your debt and a happy home life for you.” Your world stopped spinning. It screeched to a halt.
“What? No, Bucky, I…” Bucky wrapped an arm around your shoulders, pulled you close. The arm was tight across you back and stole your words from you as fear spread from every spot he touched throughout your entire body.
“You’re a hard worker, you have a drive for better and higher things. I like that. It’ll make you a diligant mother, you know angel? And that is what I need. A good mother to the boy who will inherit this town, don’t you agree?”
You sit there frozen, unable to reply. Your brain is going a thousand miles an hour trying to find a way, any way, to get away, but before you can do anything Bucky grabs your right hand and presses it to his crotch. He’s hard. The calm demeanour falls off him suddenly as he growls: “Here is how this will go, angel,” he starts to move your hand up and down his crotch, “I will let go of your hand and you will undo my pants and get me ready and then I will have that little pussy of yours on this table. I mean it ain’t romantic, but once you are my little wife I’ll make up for that, sweetheart.”
You swallow hard, press your eyes closed and feel him move his hand over the fine cotton of his suit and his hard length underneath, then you force yourself to nod. It’s a jerking, hurtful motion, but Bucky released you hand, as he leans back on the bench, spreading his legs, opening himself up to you.
You want to thrash out, but instead you shaking hands wander to his belt. “Go on, now. we ain’t got all night, darling.” You are tearing up, but do as you’re told. You lean slightly over him and undo his belt first, then his pants. His cock strains against his boxer briefs and you gulp. Bucky lifts his hips and you push his pants and underwear down.
His cock is beautiful. Long and thick and veined and you can’t help but press your thighs together at the sight. Bucky notices and smirks down at you. “Now that’s a good girl. Keep it up and I make sure you enjoy yourself!” he whispers in your ear as he guides your hands to his dick.
As you jerk him, you realize that you underestimated his size. Your fucked. Literally. There is no way you’re gonna enjoy this. Bucky shoves his left hand up your skirt suddenly and you freeze until he clears his throat and startles you back into action, while his fingers start exloring your sex.
“You know,” Bucky explains, “I find it helps ladies to go down on a guy before actually fucking. Gets them nice and ready, you know?” One of his fingers slides into your tight chanel, “But with you it seems we don’t need that. The sight of my cock alone made you cream. I knew there was something special about you!” He grins and removes his hand. “We might still have to work on your handjob skills though…” he muses, grips your hand and removes it form his dick, as he gets up.
You shrink back but he pulls you out after him. Finally, blessedly, your panic response sets in any you try to struggle, but Bucky’s hold on your arm tightens painfully and his left hand hits you across the face before you even see it coming and it makes your world spin. “Stop it, now!” Bucky barks at you and you freeze. Your feeble attempts forgotten as Bucky lifts you onto the table and rips your panties off. You start sobbing as he bends your right leg to your shoulder and situates himself.
“Sssh,” he cooes at you softly, “I’ll make it better, baby, just one moment.” His suddenly warm voice lulls you into a false sense of security as you stare into his deep blue eyes. They are bewitching you, and you only feel him push in when it’s too late.
He sheethes himself in one agonizingly long stroke. The pain breaks you out of your reverie, you arch your back and groan. It hurts! It hurts so much, and yet you want more, so much more. “Bucky!” you plead, you sob, you whine and once more there it is, the calm voice of the devil now owning your life, rolling in like the tide washing over you, calming you. “I know my sweet pet, I know, just relax now. Just breathe.” And you do. You can’t help yourself.
Bucky lets out a pained moan as you settle around him, and once your clenched eyes flutter back open, once your back comes back down from its painful arch, the god above you starts to move. Every drag and push is better than the last. He hits home every time. His dick lights up a pathway to your pleasure, with every sharp, hard, relentlessy painful thrust, in time with his pubic hair grinding against your clit. A particularly hard thrust shifts his cock so it hits your cervix and you scream with pain and pleasure. Your arms reach up, your hands burying themselves in his thick hair as Bucky leans in closer to you, bending you in half on that table, and nuzzles at your neck as he starts to hammer into you. Every thrust is pure bliss. You want to feel ashamed, you want to push him away, but all you can feel is the drag and glide of his cock, his pelvis against your clit, his tip hitting your cervix. You are on fire and the coil in your core is ready to explode. The intensity of Bucky’s thrusts never wavers, even as you feel him swell even further as his balls draw up and that tiny change breaks you, your orgasm explodes and you cry out in ecstatic pleasure, just as Bucky falters and shoots his cum in thick long strokes into you. His warmth joing yours as he lazily pumps to stop within you.
You only come back to yourself as Bucky pulls out slowly and you can feel your combined, cooling spend trickle down your legs. He eases your leg back down and kisses you softly as you start crying. “Ssh, darling, you’re alright. You’re done. Your debt is paid and you’ll be my wife in no time, the mother to my heir. You did so good, angel!” He coos sweet nothing at you until you can control your crying enough to speak.
“Bucky, I’m not on anything! What if it really takes?” you whimper, emerging from the fantasy he built up in your head.
“That is rather the point!” He snaps harshly. The calm voice gone as quickly as it emerged. You shiver as you realize the extent of what he said before. He really meant it all… Bucky pulls up his pants. “Pack up your things, lovely, tomorrow I’ll pick you up and you are moving in with me, so I can keep an eye on you!” With that Bucky pulls on his suit jacket and heads for the door, as you struggle to sit up, shaking and crying.
At the door Bucky looks back at you, his voice a lot calmer again: “I’m real happy about our new business arrangement as it ensures you will be staying with me, little girl. If only your daddy would have agreed to let me have you, his car wouldn’t have had to end up wrapped around a tree so your little college fund would go away. Sleep tight now, Mama, and I’ll see you tomorrow.”
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iapetusneume · 2 years
So I realize i don't know the last time I made a personal post with an update on All Of The Things. So, here it goes:
Made it to Michigan. We've been spending a ton of time moving stuff around in the basement, which is our new living space. Its a giant game of tetris, and we're temporarily renting a storage unit for overflow.
Dad gets better every day but is still extremely fragile. Both his and Mom's memories are a mess. I don't think its dementia or anything, and there's a good chance its just them getting old. But it is hitting me hard that my parents are Old and... yeah.
I cut my thumb open in the first week. Luckily it didn't need stitches, but its only now getting back to normal.
Armony broke her toe. She doesn't have Healthcare right now, and so we've been wrapping it and keeping a close eye on it, but this means she can't do a lot of the things she was trying to do.
I've been having a lot of fun showing Armony around my hometown. She's never been to Michigan before, and all the previous trips I've gone on since I met her I either went by myself or with Navona. (She usually couldn't get time off of work, or someone would have to watch the pets.)
The heat is so much less than it was in Philly. Its been a nice respite.
This area has gotten a lot more diverse. I'm really happy about that.
A sizeable amount of my family has been very supportive of me being poly, and super welcoming of Armony. At my aunt's memorial, three different people went up to Navona and Armony and said they were glad they were here, and that they make me so happy and they're so glad the three of us found each other.
Our cats and pigs are settling in pretty well. They did extremely well on the drive to Michigan, all things considered. My dad already knew he was going to love the cats, but he also has really taken to the guinea pigs. He loves feeding them veggie scraps after he's done cooking.
Navona and my computers crashed at the same time, shortly before the move. Navona's computer was reparable, mine was not. I was lucky enough to have enough time to get off any important data that wasn't backed up elsewhere.
Luckily, my PS4 still works, and my parents have an extra TV I can play FFXIV on. I've ordered a keyboard and mouse, and when I get them in I'll actually get around to adding my friends on different data centers. I let my sub expire right before the move, and only just re-subbed this week.
I didn't realize how much I liked the Xbox controller for FFXIV until I tried to use a PS4 controller. Wow, that was terrible. I bought a PS4 controller in the shape of an Xbox controller almost immediately.
Finally got my work computer set up where I'd like it to be: I had a temporary solution for two weeks, and then I couldn't find the bag of screws, and then I went to the hardware store to buy more and THEN I lost that bag... but its assembled, now.
The tl;dr is that I'm doing better than I have been in awhile, but because this summer has been so taxing emotionally and physically, I'm still recovering. I'm still at negative spoons, but each day I'm at less than negative spoons than before.
Its exhausting, but I'm healing.
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bubbleteaimagines · 4 years
Eren Jaeger Oneshot
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Summary: After a team win, Eren thanks his good luck charm by fucking her in the Dugout
Parings: Baseball Player!Eren x Fem!Reader
Warnings: Smut, lots of praise, public sex
Authors Note: I know NOTHING! zero, zip, nada, ABOUT BASEBALL! I am sorry but Dogout and homerun are the only words I know
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A final cheer left your lips as Eren hit a homerun, placing the team at 3-2 and bringing home the win.
You could tell that your boyfriend was pumped as he ran around the field, sliding just in time and then yelling out as the empire called it in.
From beside you, Zeke, Grisha, Carla, Armin and Mikasa were all cheering, but Eren only had his focus on you as you hopped around in the stands.
“Baby! I knew you could do it!” You jumped into his arms and gave him a kiss as soon as he was allowed the walk off the field. When you pulled away, he was immediately swooped into Zeke’s arms as he laughed and congratulated his little brother.
“You might just be better than me when I was your age,” Zeke commented, and you could tell the comment meant a lot to Eren, especially because Zeke was already on his way to the pros.
“Well would you look at that-” Eren beamed as his dad pulled him into hug. “Looks like I’ve got two talented ball players as my sons. Nationals- can you believe that honey?”
“Oh, I’m so proud!” Carla leaned down to kiss Eren’s cheek and you giggled at his flustered expression.
“Mom...” He moved away from her, embarrassed, and then zeroed in on Grisha.
“I can’t believe you made it, dad! I thought you had a shift at the hospital!” Eren wondered.
Grisha smiled. “I did. But after hearing how far you’ve come Y/N here showed up and convinced me to come watch. You have her to thank,” The older male said, nodding at you.
Turning towards you, Eren engulfed you in a huge hug and you squealed as he lifted you off the ground.
“You did that? For me?” He questioned, his eyes shining.
“Well...” You rubbed the back of your neck, “I just knew how much it’d mean to you if he did. So I worked some magic and...”
“You’re amazing!” Eren cut you off and kissed you again, causing Zeke to make gagging noise behind you.
“Gross,” He commented, causing Carla to playfully smack his arm.
“Come on. Let’s give him some alone time with Y/N and his friends,” She said softly, guiding Zeke and Grisha away just as Mikasa and Armin came running up.
“Umph-!” Eren grunted as the two tackled him into a hug and grabbed the nearby fence to steady himself.
“Eren that was amazing!” Armin shouted out once they pulled away, Mikasa nodding.
“You scored two out of three points, Eren! You’re definitely going to get drafted some day,” Mikasa said, causing Eren to beam.
“Y-You think?” He mumbled, his cheeks red. You smiled softly and grabbed his hand.
“We know so,” You reassured him. “Zeke was right- you’re a star, more than he was. And I can’t to see you on the big screen one day.”
“Me too!” Armin said, “But first- we better get to the after party! Jean texted and said that Connie and Sasha are gonna eat everything before we can show up!”
“After party?” Eren tilted his in confusion.
“Well,” You smiled shyly. “I just knew you were gonna win so I went ahead and organized it. Everyone’s there- everyone wants to congratulate you.”
Eren was once again stunned and amazed by your support. Was there anything you didn’t do for him?
“Wow. You’re my good luck charm and my biggest supporter. How did I get so lucky?” Eren pulled you into his arms and kissed the top of your head. You smiled.
“I think I should be asking you that,” You tell him, “But come on. Armin’s right- we’d better hurry unless we wanna be starving.”
“You guys can ride with me and my parents,” Mikasa said. “I know it’s a bit weird seeing as we’re all seniors but-”
“That sounds great actually,” Eren smiled, but his grip on your hand tightened. “I’d love that, but actually I think there’s something I left in the dugout. Y/N, you wanna come with me?”
“Oh yeah,” You were oblivious to the look he was giving you, eyes filled with love admiration. Instead you turned to Mikasa and told her you guys would meet her at the car and then you walked off with Eren.
“Baby? What’d you forget? Was it your gloves again?” You wondered, but you were quickly cut off as Eren grabbed you suddenly and pulled you into a deep kiss.
You couldn’t deny- this was the last thing you were expecting but you quickly pushed away your shock and kissed him back, hands going into hair automatically as he situated his on your waist.
“Woah, baby,” You pulled away as you felt him getting a little too frisky, grinding his hips against yours. “What are you doing? We’re in public,” You reminded him, glancing around worriedly.
“But Y/N,” Eren whined, pulling your attention back to him again. “Baby you were so good to me today. Cheering me on, getting my dad to come, throwing me a party! I wanna give you a reward before we’re surrounded by people for the rest of the night,” He told you.
You furrowed your eyebrows. “A reward?” You asked him, “You mean like-”
“I wanna make you feel good, baby,” He clarified. “I wanna take care of you like you’ve been taking care of me.”
“But we- Eren we’re in the middle of the dogout!” You told him. “Anybody could walk by at any moment. Mikasa-”
He smirked. “Guess we’ll have to be quick then, won’t we?” He asked. You could tell that he was anxious to get his hands on you, and you couldn’t even lie- you were anxious to let him.
It had been a while, since Eren was so busy with baseball, and that was ultimately what ended up making you agree, nodding your head.
Eren smiled in satisfaction at your answer, and then he was leaning once more to capture your lips. You felt the passion as you always did, but this was a bit more needy as he slowly backed you up against the fence.
“Can you take this off pretty girl?” He asks, pulling away to tug at the jersey he had loaned you. Nodding, you quickly shed the material and shivered as the air kissed your exposed torso. Smiling, Eren did the same with his shirt and the warmth from his musclar body made it a bit more bareable.
“Eren,” You whined as he leaned in and started sucking on your neck, going immediately for your sweet spot. He had you weak in the knees and he hadn’t even touched your dampening core, instead opting to leave pretty hickey and then pulling away.
“Yes baby?” He looked into your eyes and smiled as you grabbed him and pulled him close. “I need these off,” You pouted and motioned to your shorts, your legs already grinding together.
Understanding what you wanted, Eren quickly got to his knees and yanked the material down, exposing your cute little panties which Eren eventually took off, too.
“You want me to make you cum baby? Right here?” He asks you, looking up at you with those beautiful turquoise eyes.
Your core was throbbing and aching for him as you leaned against the fence to steady yourself.
“Y-Yes,” You nodded eagerly, causing Eren to smile, “Yes baby, please.”
Eren wasted no time in complying with your demands, bringing his calloused fingers to rub over your clit, causing you to let out a moan.
“Fuck- Eren, I-I need-”
His pretty lips were already attached to your pussy before you could even say more, devouring you just like you wanted.
You moaned as his tongue lapped at your velvet walls, hands snaking down to grip his brown hair. Eren help your hips with one hand and then threw your leg over his shoulder to give you more balance.
He then took a break from your pussy in order to slip a finger in, enjoying how you clenched around him.
“You like that pretty girl?” He asks as he curls them deep, adding another finger.
“Y-Yes,” Your fingers are wrapped in his hair and through the gaps of the fence as Eren begins to finger fuck you, stretching you perfectly.
He watches you with admiration as pretty moan escape your lips, your head thrown back and your nipples hard from the cool air.
You gasp as he curls in finger in that one spot, knowing exactly how to get you off. Eren is steady with his pace, making sure to pay attention to you but to also abuse your sweet spot over and over again with his fingers, wanting you to cum.
“Yes pretty girl?” He glanced up at you and raises his eyebrows are your expression. “What do you want? You want me to make you cum all over my fingers?” He asks, and you nod frantically.
“Yes! Yes please, baby I-” The coil in your stomach behind unravel as Eren uses his mouth again. He’s lapping at your walls, teasing your clit and hitting your g-spot all the same time. He’s mastered your body, and soon it doesn’t take much to have you cumming all over his face, Eren lapping up all of your juices.
“Good girl,” He smirks as you moan and let out shaky breaths, your eyes firmly squeezed shut. The grip on his hair looses as you slowly come down from your high, and Eren is able to stand up and pull you close to him to support your shaking legs.
“You taste so good baby,” He whispers, his swollen lips catching yours and pulling you back into a kiss.
The hand that was clutching his hair finds it’s way back and Eren moans, grinding against your bare pussy, rock hard in his uniform.
“Gotta get these off,” He mutters, pulling away to grab messily at his pants. You can tell he’s eager- Erens always eager to by inside of you. But there’s just something about him today that makes him extra needy, and you love it. You love the look for absolute admiration in his eyes as he slips his pants off and pulls down his boxers.
You how soft he is when he intertwines your hands, leaning in whisper sweet praises in your ear before wrapping your legs around him and sinking his thick cock into you.
Both you and Eren as he pushes past your tight walls, burying himself into the crook of your neck and then balancing you on his cock as he bottoms out.
He’s holding you up, fucking into you as his hips moved and then he’s kissing you again right as he sets a pace.
You can feel his love for you in every thrust, whimpering as he makes you feel so good and so full. On top of that, Erens praising you like never before, pounding into your pussy while also telling you what a good girl you were.
“No one else,” Eren grunts, his hips snapping into yours at a bruising pace, your pussy squelching due to how wet you were. “No one else can make me feel like this, you hear me? It’s you. It’s you baby- you make me feel so good.”
“Eren,” You whine his name like a prayer as your lips drop open, your eyes hazy. You can feel him deep inside of your womb, fucking you oh so good and you’re not sure how much longer either of you can last as you clench around him.
“That’s it,” Eren smiles as you cry out again, holding onto him for dear life as he hits that spot again. “Your sweet little pussy is milking me- baby I’m gonna-”
You both cried out as your orgasm hit up, causing Eren to shutter to a stop and you to cry, clawing at his back.
You could feel his warm seed painting your walls, spilling himself deep inside of your womb. Likewise, Eren was relishing in the feeling of your clamping down on him, your pretty little mewls causing him to cum until you were too dizzy to make anymore noise.
“Babygirl,” You whimpered as you looked at Eren, your foreheads pressed together. Your body was shaking, you knew that, but somehow he was still holding you up, still deep inside of you as gripped the fence.
“Eren, that was-” You panted out, your chest rising and falling heavily due to orgasming twice. “Baby, that was-”
“That was for always being my good luck charm,” Eren told you firmly. “You...you’re always there for me. Every game- every practice. I couldn’t ask for someone better, Y/N.”
And he meant it. You knew he did, and you smiled softly as you nodded and nuzzled your head into his neck.
It was rare to ever have Eren so vulnerable like this, so open with his feelings. You knew he sometimes had a hard time opening up, which only made this moment even more special to you.
“I love you,” You whispered to him as Eren pulled out of you and helped you clean up. Thank god you guys were outside- Eren had made a mess between your thighs but the feeling of his seed still inside of you was like nothing you had ever experienced before.
“I love you too,” Eren reassured you before taking your hand and gently guiding your shaking body back to where you were supposed to be.
“God, I hope Mikasa hasn’t taken off yet. I can’t walk home like this,” You grimaced, barely even able to stand up now.
Eren laughed. “Don’t worry. I don’t think we took that long but even if we did- I’d be sure to carry you all the way home.”
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missdawnandherdusk · 4 years
Hufflepuff!Muggleborn Extensive Dating A Malfoy Headcanons:
Okay so this got very long very fast but I apologize for nothing.
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So you’re pretty much terrified of getting your Hogwarts letter because you have no idea what magic is but now you’re a wizard???
You go anyway and see a blond little boy at Diagon Alley with his parents and his mother has the same list as your dad does
So maybe you follow the little boy around and pick out the things he does because he seems to know what he’s doing
Then you heard his father hiss “disgusting mud blood” your way and your face kinda falls because you thought maybe you found someone who could help and we’ll never mind
Your dad takes your hand and snaps at Lucius “what kind of example is that for your son? No, I’m not one of your lot but you shouldn’t take it out on my daughter!”
Draco peeks out from behind his fathers robes and looks at the tears in your eyes and maybe he does feel a little bad
You absolutely adore your wand
At the station a few older years can tell you’re new and very Muggle in your tshirt jeans and converse that they sort of adopt you one of them being Cedric
You’re not so scared anymore because it seems like maybe these people aren’t so bad
Some kid named Fred buys you a Chocolate Frog and his twin warns you about their sentience
You meet a few other first years and Hermione Granger whos also a muggle and you sort of lament about all of it. She’s super excited because there’s so much to learn and you start to adopt her perspective
You see the boy from Diagon Alley sneering and bullying other kids and you go up to him with the same fire in your eyes that you dad had and tell the boy off a-al-Muggle
He just laughs and scoffs but you don’t back down which scares him because everyone always backs down
Big brother Cedric comes over and tells Malfoy off for calling you a mudblood again and ushered you back to a compartment of other Hufflepuffs and someone explains to you the house system
“Well that’s kinda stupid,” you decide “why should we be separated based on what a magical hat thinks we might be?”
Cedric grins at you because you remind him of himself and stands clapping when you’re sorted into Hufflepuff
Momma Sprout helps you so much because she knows that her muggle born kiddos need the extra comfort and encouragement
You have Herbology with the Slytherins and that meant Draco Malfoy his name was rattling around your head since the Sorting Ceremony
You end up partners with him. You’re shy and quiet and he’s dismissive and snappy.
“Draco you shouldn’t—“ “Don’t tell me what to do! Filthy little mudblood.” You sit back and watch the Doxy bite him “well get help!” He demands “I thought you didn’t want a mudbloodas help,” you snap. He gives you a hopeless look and you administer the antidote and produce a Bandaid “stupid muggle bandage”
While he’s sulking you handle the Doxy properly and show him how it’s done without being snotty about it. Maybe you smirk at him when you catch him leaning in and watching closely
It’s not friendship but he doesn’t call you mudblood anymore so... there’s that
Cedric nearly has a heart attack when he asks about your first day and you tell him about Draco
You find your footing at Hogwarts and though you’re not the best in class you can still do magic and it’s SO FRICKIN COOL MOM I MADE A FEATHER FLOAT TODAY
You chat with Draco thoughout the year in class well you talk to him he doesn’t say much. “And my mom was so proud when I told her about the Goblin wars and my dad wants to see me leviosa a feather but I told him I can’t do magic outside of school...”
Then there’s a quiet “your parents are proud of you? And interested in all this stuff?”
You look at him, mystified and “...yes? They’re proud of whatever I do,” Draco looks down and continues to sketch the bowtruckle which is almost life like on how accurate it is
You write to your parents immediately asking them to send a letter to Draco and tell them all about his really good drawings in Herbology
It takes a few days but one morning Draco comes up to you in the Great Hall with a parcel
“I think this is yours, your stupid owl gave it to me” he sulks. “It has your name on it,” you point out. “But why would your parents...?” You shrug and go back to talking to your friends and reading your own letter from your mother. Draco huffs and mutters something under his breath and walks away
In Herbology he has a new set of very Muggle graphite pencils and a proper sketchbook and he’s just sketching the Mandrakes on the desk when you come in. He doesn’t say anything and neither do you. He’s less irritable now
It’s second year and you hug your parents and go say hi to your friends before finding a compartment for the long journey. You swap muggle candy for magic candy with your friends
Draco passes your compartment and you wave. He gives a half smile and keeps walking.
“You like him!” Your friends exclaim. “What? No! I don’t!” You turn very red. “He’s just a friend!!” No one is convinced
This year you have potions with Draco and you’re freaking out inside because you don’t know what you’re doing and Snape seems to have it out for you and you’re just a mess.
Draco volunteers to be your partner “to show this mudblood a little decorum and how things are properly done.” He scoffs
You look down, embarrassed but as soon as Draco is next to you, you hear a quiet apology.
You understand the charade he has to put on but you wished he didn’t and you really wish he’d stop calling you mudblood it was rather annoying
He helps you through potions like you helped him through Herbology. This year you have Herbology with the Ravenclaws and he has it with the Gryffindors. He totally whines to you all the time about Harry
Once he’s complaining and accidentally puts in the wrong ingredient and the entire thing threatens to explode. Before you know it, you’re on the ground under Draco who pulled you and the remnants of the potion is shielded from you because Dracos robes are draped over you
Snape scolds you for being stupid and you start to protest but Draco confesses that it was him mistake, not yours. Snape just eyes the pair of you and walks off.
“Thank you,” you stammer out. He rolls his eyes but there’s a soft smile on his face.
Boy does Draco flip out when he hears about the Chamber of Secrets because you’re in potential danger and he would willingly sacrifice Granger to keep you safe
He mentions that to you in Potions one day and you gap at him. “Draco killing anyone for any reason isn’t right.” You scold. There’s a cold look in his eyes and a fire in yours. “But... thank you... for worrying about me,”
Your friends still pester you because they can obviously see you like Draco and maybe you do... but you know he doesn’t like you so you’ll just ignore your feelings
Third year comes and your heart skips a beat when you see Draco because he grew a lot over the summer and his hair is no longer ridiculously slicked back and oh Merlin you’re in trouble
Unbeknownst to you Dracos heart flutters when he sees you and has to fight the urge to wave or say hi to you in front of his father.
This year you have History of Magic together
He sits down next to you without a second thought. You smile and say hi and ask about his summer and then he returns the question. Your muggle summer and his magic summer are both a bit lost on the other
“Didn’t you wear glasses?” He asks one day. “Oh, my mom let me get contacts,” “contacts?” “Um... like plasticy little doodads that go in my eyes and help me see?” He just stares and you laugh. “Too Muggle?” You ask. “Too Muggle,” he replies.
Now it’s a sort of game. Youll come in with something Muggle—Pens, notebooks, lined paper, Muggle books, a watch—and Draco decides whether it’s “too Muggle” or not for him. He quite likes pens and lined paper but you can keep your Muggle books
You tell your parents again and Draco gets a package filled with green notebooks and black pens and a pencil pouch with a snake on it.
You hear about the Buckbeak incident and you rush off to find Draco. He’s in the infirmary snapping at Pomfrey but softens when he sees you
“She’s just trying to help,” you scold softly. “Are you alright?” “Doesn’t hurts much anymore but it’s numb so...”
Pomfrey wants to keep him a few hours to make sure that his body is reacting to the medicine correctly and you stay with him.
“You know I’ve been thinking,” you start. “That’s scary,” he mutters. You hit him playfully and notice that he flinches so hard you note it and continue “I’ve been thinking that it really doesn’t make sense for you to call me a mudblood,” “and why not?” He snaps. “Well, I mean... I’m technically all muggle. If anyone was really a mudblood wouldn’t it be halfbloods? With a muggle and wizard parent?”
He doesn’t have an answer to that. So he sulks quietly. “Why doesn’t it bother you that I call you that?” He asks quietly. You shrug. “Sometimes I wonder if I really belong here. Your adamant hatred for me is comforting. Like I’m doing something right enough to make you upset about it.”
He doesn’t know what to say to that either. He didn’t know that you were insecure about being a wizard. Of course, you belonged here you were wonderful with magic and your hexes were remarkable.
“I don’t hate you,” he mumbled. “Sure you’re annoying with your cheery disposition and your... Converse trainers... but I don’t hate you.” You laugh and he thinks it’s a wonderful sound
“Well, I don’t hate you either,” you smile back. You don’t think it’s something but it’s definitely not nothing
You hear about what happens between he and Hermione and you’re furious because he’s better than that and you can’t believe he would still call her a mudblood
You refuse to talk to him for a few days. Which is hard because he tries to make small talk with you.
One day in class he slips you a folded piece of parchment and you open it. Begrudgingly. “Im sorry, I was an arse. I shouldn’t have called her that.” You take your pen and scribble quickly “you’re apologizing to the wrong person.” And slide it back to him
Draco did apologize to Hermione before he apologized to you and he’s frustrated because he thinks you’ll think he’s lying if he said he already did
Then Hermione finds you in the hall that day and asks if you put Draco up to apologizing to her and you admit yes you did. And she tells you that he apologized a few days ago. Your heart soars and you hug a confused Hermione before running off to find Draco
He’s in the corner of the library, not reading, but drawing. You accidentally sneak up behind him and see that you’re the sketch on his paper.
“I don’t think my hair is quite that long,” you whisper softly and the boy about jumps out of his skin. You apologize quickly and he quickly covers his sketch book, red faced.
“I um. That wasn’t you.” He stammers turning a darker shade of red. You laugh. “Yes it was!” You reach for his sketchbook but he hugs it to his chest. “Oh come on Draco? What am I gonna do? Laugh?” “You’re laughing right now.” He points out. “And it’s not that good anyway...”
You roll your eyes and sit next to him. You offer to pose for him so that he could take his time to draw you. “Well I’m not busy now,” you grin and he sulks a moment before nodding.
You watch his hands work and sift through the pencils as he props the paper up on his knees and instructs you to look somewhere and not to move.
It’s odd, being drawn. You close your eyes and hum softly knowing he was studying you the way he might a bowtruckle or mandrake and it feels weird. A good weird.
He refuses to let you see the drawing even though you persist. You pout and drop the matter, just glad to have a friend in him.
You begin meeting in the library on a weekly basis, partly so he can draw you partly because you’re both struggling in History of Magic and need more study time
Cedric is not happy about any of this and goes very “protective big brother” on you. You tell him off and huff.
You start going to his quidditch matches and maybe he almost runs into a goal post because you smiled and waved at him and he forgot to pay attention
The summer comes and you wave goodbye knowing as soon as he’s around your father you’re going to lose your fried.
But he surprises you and hands you his sketchbook on the train home then quickly runs away to his father and you just stare at it and him and he’s gone, all you see is two heads of silver blond hair receding in the distance
Your parents usher you into the car and it’s maybe two hours before you get to look at the sketchbook
When you do open it you see a sketch of a bowtruckle and “Steve” written one his careful script underneath. You had forgotten that you named the bowtruckle Steve that day in class
The next few sketches are from Herbology. And little notes about class that day, a lot of them are about you. Then there’s a break in Herbology drawings and there’s a drawing of his mother almost perfectly. Then of a family portrait of the three of them. A few vases of flowers. Then you see your face. And again. And again. It’s you. Smiling, laughing, concentrating on a book, raising an eyebrow at him, gnawing in your lip, asleep in class, then the library drawings that are much more detailed.
Then you’re crying and you want to call him and thank him but you CANT BECAUSE HE DOESNT HAVE A PHONE STUPID WIZARD FAMILY
But you do have an owl. You have no idea what to write. So you go with “thank you” and then send it.
You get a letter a few months later and it’s from Draco. He’s asking if you want to go to the Quidditch World Cup with him. “I know you’re Muggle and don’t like Quidditch much but...”
So you’re going with Draco and it’s weird because he’s on your doorstep with his mother and it is just a clash of worlds. You stammer goodbyes to your parents and you’re quickly ushered into the limo of a car next to Draco. You notice he’s changed his hair again and he looks quite dashing in his blazer. You get a little self conscious about your jeans and sweater.
Narcissa is a doll. She asks you about your summer and time as Hogwarts and keeps polite conversation and you thaw a little.
Though you have no idea what’s going on Draco is very excited about the game and is cheering and you can’t help but smile and maybe you take pictures with a Polaroid camera and he just rolls his eyes and you get a picture of him rolling his eyes
Fourth year comes and he is ushered away from you by his friends before he can say hi.
The kids from the other schools show up and you’re convinced that he like Fleur and he thinks you like Cedric and it’s just a mess
He’s back to being irritable and you’re slipping into depression not just because of him but everything is really weighing on you
You’re alone in the Astronomy Tower, your feet dangling off the edge. You had no intention to jump, but it was sort of thrilling. 
Draco flips the fluff out and nearly drags you from the edge. 
“What the hell are you thinking!?” He exclaims. You gape at him because it’s probably the first thing he said to you in a week. He’s just so scared that he was actually going to lose you that he pulls you close and doesn’t let you go. You start crying and everything just comes out in a word dump. Your brother is getting worse and stronger and it’s not good for you and he keeps putting you down and calling you a freak and that “no one is going to love me because I’m a freak and mom and dad think I’m fine because my grades are still fine but Draco I can’t... I’m slipping and... and I feel like I lost you and you were the only one who really believed in me and...” You’re just sobbing.
And he listens. He holds you and listens. 
“You haven’t lost me,” He whispers softly. “But you like Fleur... and I can’t ever be her... she’s just so perfect and powerful and...” You sniffle, hugging your knees looking at your beat up Converse. 
“She’s my cousin,” He almost laughs but doesn’t because of the look on your face. “And what about you and Cedric?” He raises an eyebrow and you blanch. “He’s like a big brother to me, gross,” You shove his arm and you’re both laughing. 
“There’s only one Hufflepuff out there for me,” He takes your hand and hello butterflies and blushing. “And there’s only one Slytherin for me,” You lay your head on his shoulder and watch the stars. 
You two start dating and Merlin his friends are livid because how dare he date a muggle hufflepuff? But then they watch him with you and it’s hard to deny that Draco is truly happy for once and they don’t want to take that from him
Your friends exchange bet money. 
Weekends filled with more games of “Too Muggle” and trips to Hogsmeade and Draco explaining wizard culture and you try to explain muggle culture but he just does not understand washing machines. You introduce him to muggle music and is thrilled that he loves ABBA. 
He makes everything hurt less. And it’s nice to feel wanted. 
Then Voldemort returns and everything changes and you weren’t ready for it. Draco gets cold and distant again and you try and try to get through to him but he doesn’t let you in. 
You end up screaming at him one night and walk out. He finds you curled up outside the Slytherin portrait, weeping not minutes later and carries you back inside to his dorm and apologizes and hold you and admits that he’s scared and he doesn’t want to lose you or see you get hurt
You both make an effort to find the sunshine in the proverbial dark times that linger through the next year. It means you become a but more calloused and jaded and he becomes a bit more optimistic and grateful. 
Pansy Parkinson doesn’t exist. It’s just you with Polyjuice potion to keep you safe from Draco’s aunt and Voldemort. It’s an easy charade to keep up. There are still quite nights when you’re yourself with Draco and he reminds you how much he adores the real you with his words and touch
If there’s one thing you don’t do, is break a Hufflepuff and that’s what Harry did after his sectumsempra and holy hell do you lose your cool.
Draco’s mother has to step in before you’re expelled for what you did to Harry
You nurse Draco back to health afterwards and never let Harry forget what he did, nor do you let anyone else forget it when they call him the chosen one
And Merlin does Draco love you for it
Draco can’t kill Dumbledore because your words are still in his head from second year “It’s not right to kill someone for any reason” and he just can’t disappoint you like that
You’re still kind. You’re kind to Luna when she’s locked up at the Malfoy Manor. You’re kind to the house-elves that attend to you. You’re kind, and value fairness and hardwork, but you will not put up with bullshit any longer. 
You and Draco stand with Hogwarts when the battle boils down to it. You give Draco your wand when he loses his to Harry.
When you go back eighth year, you advocate for the removal of the House System and write a very convincing argument against it. It takes about ten years, but the system is disbanded after one too many close calls and ruined lives
You also start a Support Group at Hogwarts for those suffering from mental illnesses and for those who have suffered abuse at home. 
You and Draco get married at the Manor. You wear your Converse. 
Want to read a more in depth Hufflepuff!Reader x Draco? Find it Here!!!
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raven-san, can we please have a wedding crashing where jade needs to marry this girl from another crime family to consolidate power and become the next head of the leech mob :)) but floyd's like I'M BORED and annoyed that his brother's being snatched up by a random chick, so he asks basketball bros, and azul, to help save jade?
This one is super long, so I added some extra sections and placed the rest of the wedding crashing below the cut!
***Spoilers for Jamil and Floyd’s Unique Magic!!***
"I object to this wedding...!"
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Pre-Wedding Jitters
A call comes for the twins in the dead of night, without warning. It’s their parents with exciting news: they’re naming Jade as the next Don Leech. The catch? The Leech mob’s in the middle of a merger with the Worm mob, and he’ll have to marry Don Worm’s daughter to secure the deal.
Jade, ever the dutiful son, is honored by his future title and calmly agrees to the arrangement. On the other hand, Floyd’s annoyed by the idea, and can’t keep quiet about his irritation. He calls out to his twin in the darkness.
“... Ne, Jade.”
“Ee, Floyd?”
“Are you really okay with going through with this? You’re just gonna do what they said? Even though you don’t know the Worms at all? Even if you’ve never met that girl before?”
“It is a request coming directly from father and mother. How could I refuse them? And, furthermore... If I do not undertake this task, then it would fall to you, the next choice to inherit the title of Don Leech. I cannot allow that to come to pass--fufu. You do so enjoy your freedom, yes?”
“... Jade, you’re so dumb sometimes. What’ll happen to your freedom, then? Will you get so busy with being the big boss and being married... that you won’t have time to play anymore?”
“... Perhaps. But that is a sacrifice I am willing to make.”
That thought doesn’t sit well with Floyd--not at all.
“I trust that you will make your own fun of the situation,” Jade reassures him. “You always do.”
As the weeks pass, Floyd sees less and less of Jade around, since he has to prepare for the wedding. Jade reassures him that he’s doing just fine, but Floyd can see right through his lies. He can tell that Jade’s more frazzled than usual--there’s a lingering to his words, and a longing in his eyes, savoring every last bit of autonomy he has before his fate is forever sealed.
Floyd hates it. He hates being lied to by his own brother, and he hates feeling powerless to stop the wedding. Floyd’s so angry that he develops this murderous aura in the weeks leading up to the wedding, which makes everyone around him shy away.
One day, he gets sick of being in the water--it’s a reminder of the wedding to come--so Floyd plays basketball on land to vent. He ends up chomping down so hard that he deflates a ball, then dunks another basketball so hard, he breaks the net.
He sprawls out on the ground and angrily shouts at the sky. His basketball bonks him on the head... and that’s when an idea hits him: maybe he can’t stop the wedding alone, but no one said he couldn’t phone some friends.
Assembling the Dream Team
Floyd first dials up Azul, who agrees to help after some whining and signing a contract agreeing to pay Azul handsomely for his services (... although truthfully, the octopus does want to help Jade, but doesn't immediately agree to do it because of his pride as a businessman).
Floyd also calls his old basketball buddies for help! Jamil and Ace are much more adamant than Azul, but Floyd strongarms them into pitching in. ("Umihebi-kun, Kani-chan, if you don't help me rescue Jade, I'll get suuuper mad, you know? I don't think you'll like me when I get mad. Moray eels are strong hunters, so I don’t think it’ll be a problem for me to track you guys down and give you a good squeeze~" "OKAY, OKAY, WE'LL DO IT!!")
Together, the four boys meet up to scheme of a way to disrupt the wedding without jeopardizing the Leech mob's future. Floyd actively leads the discussion, allowing his hidden genius to come to the surface.
Ace doesn’t contribute much to the strategy (laid out by Azul), but he does keep the spirit up with some jokes. Meanwhile, Jamil provides snacks for them when they work late into the night (though he keeps passing semi-glares to Azul whenever the octopus compliments him or tries to be friendly).
In preparation for the crashing, Azul brews some potions to give Jamil and Ace so they can take on temporary merforms. After all, the wedding will be underwater, in the Coral Sea, and they’ll need tail fins.
The date of destiny draws ever closer... and Floyd's never been so excited to cause chaos in his whole life.
The Crashing - Team Azul & Jamil
They split into two pairs on the day of the wedding—Azul and Jamil, and Floyd and Ace. Floyd uses his position as the future son-in-law to Don Worm to arrange a meeting between himself and the don... except Azul and Jamil will show up instead.
Don Worm shows up to the meeting in his finest clothes (which is very little, given that he’s a merman), sounding a bit annoyed the sudden summoning. “Make this quick, I’ve got to go see my baby girl’s big day... Wait. You fellas aren’t the F. Leech boy.”
“No, we aren’t, sir. We are his representatives... Proxies, if you will,” Azul insists, giving his warmest and most welcoming smile. He uses a tentacle to tug on Jamil’s tail, forcing him to smile too. “You see, there is an important business matter we needed to discuss with you on behalf of Floyd.”
“Hoh? And what would that be?”
“I believe my business associate would be better off explaining the matter than myself.” Azul gestures to Jamil, who has his head down.
“Oi, what’s with you? Don’t you know who I am, boy? It’s rude to not look your elders in the eye when they are speaking to you!! Show me the respect I deserve, from one professional to another!!”
“My apologies, sir.” Jamil looks up, locking eyes with the mob boss. “... Is this better?”
“Yes, that’s...”
“Snake Whisper.”
Don Worm suddenly goes glassy-eyed and slack-jawed. Azul claps at the sight, showering his partner with compliments. “As expected of the talented Jamil-san! Even one look from you can bring a mafia lord to his downfall. Truly, your Unique Magic is most impressive!”
“Save your flattery for later.”
Azul’s lips curl into a smirk as he whips out a golden contract from his briefcase and offers it to the don. “Now then, if you wouldn’t mind, sir... sign on the dotted line.”
The Crashing - Team Floyd & Ace
Ace and Floyd rush to the wedding venue, their tails cutting through the water like knives as they swim at a breakneck pace. Ace can barely keep up with Floyd, who surges far ahead.
“H-Hey, should we really be barging in like this?! Don’t mob families have weapons and other dangerous stuff? Is there a backdoor we can take instead? Hello?! Floyd-senpai, are you listening to me?!” (He isn’t.)
The open, underwater comes into view, and Floyd barrels in without any hesitation, tearing right through some decorations and knocking over the wedding cake with his tail. A loud CRASH! echoes through the waters, drawing eyes to him.
Jade stares at his brother from the altar—wide eyed, but a mirthful smile on his lips. Floyd waves to him, and then to his mom and dad in the crowd of guests. “Hiii, Jade! I’m here to pick you up now.”
The Worm girl starts sobbing, wailing something about how her special day’s been ruined, and where is her papa to put an end to this? At her signal, security guards, and some of the rougher looking guests—Worm family associates—lunge at Floyd, claws and teeth out. A few of them have produced wands, and what seem to be guns—loaded with harpoons.
“Bind the Heart!” Objects and stray magic go flying in all directions, hitting both people and wedding decorations. Cloth tears, columns crumble—but it’s one man against many, and he can only bind so many hearts before the blot starts to stack.
Ace makes it just in time, sending their foes and their weapons hurtling through the water with a blast of wind. “This is why I said to be careful, dammit! Your Unique Magic’s such a crapshoot—don’t just use it whenever, or you’ll be sushi!!!”
“Ahahahah! Kani-chan’s being all heroic today! That’s so cute. Don’t worry, I can play my part, too...!!”
Using his tail, Floyd hooks around a drifting merman and chucks him straight into another. They collide with a CRACK!—but Floyd barely registers it. He’s already bolting off, grabbing heads and smashing them together, slicing through others like a knife through butter.
There’s a crazed, frenzied look to him, gleeful laughter cutting through the waters and mixing with the Worm bride’s screeching. I forgot how scary Floyd-senpai can be, Ace realizes. (Jade and Floyd’s parents are cheering for him from their seats.)
Jade looks quite proud of his brother, even laughing along to the brutal slaughterfest. His bride stares at him incredulously. “Stop that brute! He’s ruining MY special day!!”
“No,” Jade replies calmly. “I don’t think I will. This is far too amusing to let it end so soon.”
She lets out a frustrated scream and launches herself at her groom, hands going for his throat. The Worm girl is slammed back with a strong hit to her gut, courtesy of Jade’s tail.
She flies back, slamming into a column—and feels a tail wrapping around her and squeezing tight. Constricting her to the point where it was difficult to breathe. A livid mermaid glares down at her, teeth bared in a snarl.
“No one lays a hand on my children,” Mama Leech declares. “No one.”
From the corner of her eye, the Worm girl can see that Jade has cast off his bow tie and flitted over to Floyd, embracing happily in a battlefield adorned with red ribbons trailing through the water. Her vision is abruptly blocked off by a broad-shouldered merman wearing a grimace.
“Now then, what shall we do with this one?” Papa Leech wonders aloud—though from his tone of voice, he has nothing good in store.
The Aftermath
“You’re all fish bait when daddy hears about this...!” the Worm girl warns, her words raspy. “Th-The merger won’t go through...! There’ll be war between the Leeches and the Worms...!”
A loud throat clearing comes from behind. “Fortunately, that won’t be happening.”
Azul and Jamil make their appearance, the octopus merman smugly showcasing a contract. “Ashengrotto—Azul Ashengrotto, legal and business extraordinaire at your service, Don Leech and Lady Leech.”
Papa Leech grunts. “What’s that you’ve got there?”
“This?” Azul’s smirk widens. “Why, it’s a prenuptial stating that, in the case that an act of violence is enacted by the bride toward the groom, the marriage is considered null and void... and the bride’s family assets are to be claimed by the groom. Signed by Don Worm himself.”
“Wh-What?! Impossible!! How did you get daddy to sign such a stupid deal?!”
“Oh,” Jamil says nonchalantly, “we have our ways.”
“So... Uh, Jade-senpai’s still gonna be the next Don Leech?! And he’s gonna be in charge of an even bigger and richer family... How is that any better than the situation before?! You’re just giving him more resources for committing crimes!”
At that moment, two hands come down on Ace’s shoulders, causing him to freeze up.
“Kani-chaaaaan! Everyone!! Thanks so much for your help~”
“Yes, you have my sincerest thanks, Ace-san, Jamil-san... Azul.”
“It is my pleasure to assist such VIP clients. Ah, but there remains the matter of my promised payment—” (Jamil and Ace internally groan at Azul’s words.)
“Payment?” Don Leech scoffs. “After the ballsy operation you boys pulled off today... I’m more inclined to give you job offers instead of a one time sum. How do you lads feel about being hired as the Leech family’s personal lawyer, interrogator, and... well, whatever the heart one is good at.”
“My, my! Such a generous and lucrative offer—“
“There is no way I’m accepting that, especially if that means working with Azul.”
“Oi, I’ll have you know I’m good at lots of stuff!! I’m the one that saved Floyd’s tail fins, is no one gonna acknowledge that?!”
“You did amazing, sweetie!!” Mama Leech chirps—her tail grip tightening until the Worm girl passes out. Ace leaps back in fright. “As a reward, why don’t you let me give you a hug?”
“Ahahahah! Everyone’s getting along so well, Jade. Isn’t this fun? You wouldn’t be able to enjoy this if you had gone to get hitched.”
“Fufufu. You are correct, Floyd. How sad it would have been if I were to miss out on touching moments such as this. From the bottom of my heart... I thank you for thinking of me, and for rushing to my aid. I could not have asked for a better brother.”
... What Floyd doesn’t know is that this was all according to keikaku Jade’s own machinations. He would never take the order to marry lying down—but he couldn’t outright defy it without immediate consequences, either.
Thank the Great Seven Jade has reliable puppets friends to help him out of a pinch. I’ll be certain to put the additional funds we have gained to good use... Perhaps to start a little mushroom farm.
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