#also now im turning anon off so if you want to be passionate about this topic in my askbox you can atleast show your icon
how does it hurt lesbianism......? butch are femme even have other uses as terms outside of lesbian culture. i get it's your blog, i'm saying it's dumb to act surprised about the asks and reblogs when it's all you talk about lately. and i guarantee you don't know who i am.
how does it not hurt lesbians to have women that are attracted to men call themselves lesbian exclusive terms… hm im going to let you figure that one out because it’s not very hard to. yes im aware of the other definitions of butch and femme and you seem to be too so i assume you are aware that none of the other meanings mean bi women. i wasn’t surprised homophobic bisexuals and their bootlickers always have something to say when i criticize the bi community and call out their homophobia issue. once again if you are bothered by me focus on this topic unfollow me i really want you to because i won’t stop talking about anytime soon. also i wouldn’t be so sure about me not knowing who you are im pretty confident in my guess.
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blackhairedjjun · 5 months
staying afloat - k.th
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pairing: kang taehyun x gn reader | genre / tropes: angst, argument -> makeup, implied friends to lovers, office worker!taehyun, the subtlest of love confessions | word count: 899 | warnings: burnout and exhaustion from overwork
part of my 300 followers event (event masterlist)
prompt - HEAT: while engaged in a passionate argument with one another, sender, in the heat of the moment, blurts out “i love you!” to the receiver. think of like, that glorious trope where people have a huge argument and then suddenly sb drops the mic with “because i’m in love with you!” and silences the other person. u know the trope! (requested by anon)
author's notes: HI ANON im sorry this took sooooo long. as i said, this was hard for me to write bc i already did the heat prompt twice before and i didn't want to be too repetitive with the arguments... the argument here is a bit calmer and more one-sided on yn's part but i hope it still works!
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“you are running yourself into the ground, taehyun!” you grab his shoulders and give him a little shake. taehyun watches you closely, and you can see the darkening circles under his eyes. 
he’s still standing before the threshold of your home, right in front of the door. with just one step he could walk in if you weren’t blocking his way. outside, the night air is so cold that you shivered instantly upon opening the door for him. the sky is dark, with neither moon nor stars, and the only light comes from the fluorescent bulb at the doorway.
“y/n, you’re up working too,” he says. his voice is steady but firm. “you can’t tell me what not to do when you’re also working like this.”
“i’m doing overtime for just one night, for god’s sake. but you 一 you’ve been so busy and tired for what, two weeks? you forget to answer my texts. forget!” you throw your hands up. “and you’ve never forgotten before, not in all the years that i’ve known you.”
taehyun stuffs his hands into his pockets and his gaze flickers away from yours for a second before it returns. though he tries to stand his ground, you notice the soft look in his eyes, laying bare the tiredness and worries weighing down on him.
“well, i’m here now. why won’t you let me make it up to you?”
“because it’s one in the morning and you’ve been staying up late for overtime and extra projects for what, two weeks now? you go home late and you wake up early, your boss dumps all this work on you, and you barely get any time off!” you take a step closer, now fully exiting the warmth of your home, to stand so close to him. “please, taehyun. it’s not that i don’t want to see you, but you’re so, so tired. i can see it in your face.”
you reach out to touch his face, but his expression goes taut and your hand hovers just inches away. he turns away from you before you can scan his eyes for the tired look you saw; a cold breeze blows by, causing both of you to shiver and pushing the bangs away from taehyun’s forehead.
he looks... sadder than what you remember. you remember how easily his face would light up before he took on his new position at his job; he would smile at the smallest of your remarks, his big eyes sparkling like jewels. you thought of the steady stream of texts from him day after day, reminding you to eat or commenting on a silly photo you took, and how that stream soon turned into a trickle. the memories make your body feel heavy.
taehyun says nothing for a few moments and just lets out a sigh. when he looks back at you there’s a pained look that wasn’t there before, and you feel an ache in your chest at the sight.
 “y/n, i... i don’t want you to worry about me like this. i can’t... i can take care of myself. please, please just trust me. i hate watching you worry like this.”
“oh, you hate watching me worry?” your tone rises before you even realize it. “and i hate watching you turn into this! you’re exhausted, taehyun. you’re not yourself anymore. i can’t even remember the last time i saw you smile! do you know how much it hurts to see the person you love lose himself like this?”
you tremble in your spot and your words start to trip over themselves. your emotions pile onto each other, keeping you from speaking straight: some anger, yes, but mostly disappointment, worry, loneliness, fear. “i ha一 i hate seeing you like this, taehyunie. i can’t一 i can’t watch一 i love you too much to see this一”
taehyun cuts you off to pull you into a hug. he holds onto you so tightly, as if trying to wrestle you away from the emotions gripping you. one of his hands makes his way through your hair. angry tears prick at your eyes but you relax in his hold, finally letting out a sob.
“i’m sorry,” he says, his hand combing through your hair then rubbing your back. “i know you’re just looking out for me... and you’re right. i am exhausted...”
something shifts and now you feel his full weight on you. now you’re the one holding him, his head moving to rest in the crook of your neck, his shoulders fully slumped. the weeks of exhaustion have finally caught up to him, and you wrap your arms around his waist to prop him up.
“i’m sorry, y/n,” he repeats. “for not... listening to you... for forgetting...”
your hold on him tightens and tears stream down your face, but you manage to speak. “i just don’t want you to hurt yourself...”
neither of you say anything more. taehyun doesn’t let go of you and sinks fully into your touch; despite the chill night air, he’s still warm in your arms. you let your tears fall freely as you keep a firm hold on the friend you love, as if letting go of him means he will sink and drown.
the night is so quiet that the murmur he lets out against your neck still comes out loud and clear.
“i love you too.”
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ivysangel · 8 months
Im fk drunk with wine, in horny too soooo
I can only imagine a night of reading with Jason and two glasses of wine finishing with him between my legs
Can I be the 🐝 anon?
wishing i was wine drunk and horny, but unfortunately, i'm completely sober and just finishing up homework which is truly the biggest turn-off ever, boo. (also, yes ofc, u can be bee anon)
book club with jason!! like wine mom book club with a little charcuterie board, and it has uncured meats, cheese, crackers, fruits, and stuff. it was a surprise for him, an attempt to relax him after such a stressful week. it was so innocent??? yeah, there were some warmly scented candles lit, and the lights were dimmed, and half of the charcuterie board was made up of aphrodisiacs, but it really was sooooooo innocent. you didn't mean to turn him on with your critical thinking skills, or with the way your lipstick left stains on the wine glass, or with the way your legs were crossed as you sat on the couch and discussed the prose. you literally meant for it all to be so…innocent!!
but somehow, you end up cockwarming him, dregs of wine collected on the sides of the glass, previously cold cheeses now unappetizingly warm. he's between your legs, stretching you out so good, asking you to keep talking about the book just like you had been before, but you can't, not when you want him so carnally, like one of those passionate scenes in your favorite novella. you want him to take you to bed and ravage you like you were his enemy, who he was undeniably attracted to but also wanted to kill.
you couldn't think with him splitting you in half like that but not moving, but you knew better than anyone that you wouldn't get what you wanted if you didn't answer his questions. he got kinda sick like that sometimes, weirdly sadistic for him, like he took some kind of twisted pleasure in holding out on you when you knew he wanted it just as badly, worst part is no amount of squirming or teasing would make him relent, you'd have to sit there and hold a conversation like normal if you wanted to cum, and god did you want to cum. so you'll entertain his questions knowing he's not listening for answers but watching your reactions as he shifts ever so slightly. he's gonna ask them all again in the morning like he always does; the first round is always just for his amusement.
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bulletsxlattes · 3 months
Do you have any headcanons of Jay and Tim? Together or separetedly, doesn't matter
Oh boy, honestly whenever anyone asks me this question I ALWAYS without fail: blank. Im positive I have plenty. Like Jason being the romantic in the relationship. But anytime I answer this question I always forget 90% of them. I also am guilty of not fully committing to my own HCs. Like I think of one and then ignore it in my art HAHA but off the top of my head, I do like to think of both of them as being differing degrees of Demisexual & Demiromantic. Like I see Jason strongly in both. He feels absolutely nothing for anyone until he feels that emotional attachment. But he's also longing and starving for That Romance from his Novels(TM). So, when he starts falling he falls HARD. While in contrast, Tim is very demisexual and the type to compartmentalize his emotions for later. Or just someone very uncomfortable with affection. The kind of person to squirm from a hug or crack a joke to make it less intimate. But he's low key starving for it as well. He's more uncomfortable in his longing for that while Jason wants to drown in affection the moment he gets a little taste. Hence my art where he's on his knees with Tim. Also, I do head canon on the side that Jason, yes is a book nerd, but he never actually understood the books he read? He was just so passionate about them and his own nonsensical interpretations to them. For instance, in his early childhood he wouldn't really have anyone to help him understand these grand classics he's reading and would ask around to random people what X or Y means. In turn, they would tell him something random and he would believe it. In example, his interpretation of star crossed, might be so literal that he would think stars formed an X in the sky and that meant not even the stars wanted them together, lol. And even as an adult he would sit people down to explain, in long impassioned rants, this wild interpretation of a book that while it is incorrect, he still gets to the same general area? He's definitely on the right track. and there is still a huge childlike wonder and essence to his observations. He's deeply creative.
Anyway, that's all I can think of at the top of my head for now. Thank you for the question, Anon! I hope you have a nice weekend. :)))
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cloudcountry · 3 months
I wanted to ask why you hated Idia so much back then and the reason you adore him?
im gonna start telling people to pay me whenever they ask why i hate(d) idia because ive got this question easily 20 different times and frankly i'm losing money by not accepting payment
im not writing all that again i'm so tired of explaining it over and over ughhhh its not your fault min its just i seem to be a skipping record with how often i've had to repeat the same thing over and over and over for a YEAR and people just KEEP ASKING like ok you want to know about my relationship with idia shroud PAY UP!!!!!
anyways...i havent written about the things i adore about him yet so...
first first first!! the thing that made me gasp the softest gasp i have ever gasped in my life when i first saw it...his pink hair. its a bit superficial i guess but now that i like idia i think he's stunning. he's so hauntingly beautiful, especially when he's just a little bit flustered and the tips of his hair turn pink. what i would do to see his whole head turn pink PLEASE.
i also think his smile is so silly, even though it's usually accompanied by his smug ass voice "should'a leveled up more!" SHUT UP!!!!! i love his sharp teeth theyre so goofy nd silly but in a cute way. honestly i think his scowl is cute too, idk maybe i just like his lips but watching them twist up in annoyance when he rolls his eyes is attractive to me dont ask i dont know either. does that say something about me? maybe. i'm content with not knowing.
onto less superficial things...i just finished reading book six yesterday and it struck me how idia's heart is genuinely so beautiful. he loves so gently and fully, but with devotion that would destroy the world if he let it loose. being loved and treasured by idia is a privilege, because once he lets you in he would do anything for you (just dont fuck it up or i will beat you up im being so serious LEAVE HIM ALONE)
the extent to which he cares for ortho is so beautiful and so heartbreaking. "leave it to your big bro" im dead. everything he does is for ortho to have a safe and fulfilling life and honestly...it kind of seems like idia is trying to pay ortho back in a sense? like you died (because of me), now i will spend the rest of my life mourning you as punishment. he wants to give him the best life possible and thats just so ourgourgouhgohou,,,, his grieving is so complex and yet its so simple. heartbreaking i tell you.
on a lighter note, he's very passionate about the things he's into as well. one thing about figuring our how to like idia was turning my reaction to his condescending jabs from "oh he's such a know it all bitch what the hell people are literally just indulging in his interests what is wrong with him?" TO "oh he's just excited and getting an adrenaline rush, it's going to his head. he's happy. :)" and that was absolutely growth on my part because. ok AUBURN LORE TIME but i used to have a friend who was very condescending and a HUGE know it all (irl IRL IRL) and i think they definitely impacted how i saw idia because i saw bits of them in him. and since they hurt me so much i projected my experiences with them onto idia, so the first time i met him in game i wrote him off immediately and hated him after i saw what he said to others and how he acted.
but one of the many problems with that approach was that i missed the gentler sides of him. the way he goes back to school for ortho. the way he powers through the masquerade social for ortho. his idea of yuu being "valuable emotional support." his love of cats, regardless of how bad he scared grim. his love of star rogue and the way he made the sequel actually happen, albiet unintentionally. i spent so much time resenting him because "of course he's just another one of those." that i didn't stop to notice anything about him except for those bad moments. and of course, i'm not ignoring them now, i just see them differently. i see him differently.
of course i love that he's relatable, and that he's smart, and i love how when he's comfortable he loses his filter and becomes idia shroud instead of just being Scared of them, but i think that's just. social anxiety. and yk what ive said this before but even when i hated him i would NOT stand for anyone coming for his anxiety. like yeah i hate idia shroud but BITCH GET AWAY FROM HIM. YOU DONT KNOW WHAT ANXIETY IS LIKE!!! put me in nrc right now idia shroud needs someone who will yell at people for him and thats going to be ME. i dont care who you are you say shit you are earning my IRE. trey clover got yelled at. no one is safe.
can i just say i love how you said "reason" like there's only one JDSJSDJSD LMAO IDK IT WAS JUST FUNNY TO ME when i love someone i have multiple reasons and i love every part of them, even the bad annoying icky parts (in fact, if you can't love their bad parts too is it even love...? i dont know, we all have different definitions anyway. some might think tolerating their bad parts is love too and we'd both be right.) theres no one reason i just think he's lovely inside and out now. he's an angel, basically.
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weeping-statue · 21 hours
i need .. i need ... ithaqua smut .... temperature play ... with his wind ... idk if thats fine by you im hust really thirsty for ithaqua smut rn AUGH AUGHA UGAHUG UAGH YGAHHSG
Ithaqua the feral you are 😞 he’s such a cutie <3 as well as all my anons! Love you guys so much!
An: I’ve kinda been picking and choosing which ones I’m interested in first and finishing those until I find passion for the other ones. So if yours isn’t out yet I’m sorry! It will be done.. soon? Idk😭 also if this is buns it’s cause i wrote this during sad hours.. so.. yeah.
A Cool Breeze In The Heat Of The Moment!
Warning: smut, a short smut, and temp play obvi! Also this slowly turned into a breeding kink.. I’m so sorry.. it’s my fav😞
Crappy title brought to you by me-
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Cold air brushes against your hot and overstimulated core. Arousal dripping from your sensitive and used hole. Ithaqua has been doing this all night, claiming this is apart of his mating ritual, what ever that meant.
The breeze tangles through your hair, messing it about. Ithaqua’s mask had been set aside neatly on his handmade nightstand. His golden irises staring down at you with a serious look. Ingraining the image of you spread out, ruined, and nestled beautifully in his furs. Long nimble fingers tracing over the bruises and bites of your collar bone leading down to your stomach.
You didn’t know what you were getting into when he came back today huffing and grunting about something. You assumed it was because he lost a match or one of the survivors said something particularly snarky to him. You also assumed he’d want to lay down and just hold you like he always did. Having your fingers run through his hair to comfort and calm him. But no, he had used his wind to pull you into him. Nimble arms snaking around your body to grip onto your hips, ‘gently’ slamming his own into yours. Grinding into you. Muttering something about “mating” and “mine.” So, you could deduce whatever happened definitely made him.. possessive, and extremely horny. Great!/j
He hadn’t entered you yet, no, not yet. It was too soon. He wanted to bring you to the brink and back over and over again. Scissoring your tired cunt and lapping your essence. But now, after what seemed like hours, it was time. To take you and claim you.
He scooped up your trembling legs, knees pressed to either side of your head as he plunged in. Not being gentle either. His words and actions were possessive and lust ridden. Your body’s slick with sweat and cum, hot and sticky. It didn’t help his freezing wind would blow on your sensitive neck or aching core. It just made you wetter and all the more pliant.
Hips smacked into yours, as he grunted and growled. Wet obscene noises echoed off of you both. All those hours of prepping you definitely took a toll on him, making him needy as he edged himself, so he didn’t last long. Fucking his cum into you as he moaned his words, “Mine.. My mate.. mph~ perfect and so soft.. you’ll be a wonderful mother.. they’ll have your eyes.. I know it.. ahh~”
His thrusts slowed down a bit as he was trying to catch his breath. Taking a few minutes to lower your legs back down and squeeze them gently. A careful hand came to caress your cheek, as he leaned in and whispered, “Ready for another round..?”
He wasn’t asking.
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Alright guys that’s it😞 pls lemme know if you liked this cause I Lowkey hate it :((
But you know how it goes😔
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rubyreduji · 2 years
hehe i am actually the teacher jihoon anon and also the ceo jihoon anon!!! i guess i am career woozi anon now 🤔 but i just wanted to say thank you for making my thoughts come into reality!! thank you for writing them and i’m glad i could help you get out of a lil writing rut with the teacher idea <3
but 👀 since we are on the topic of jihoon… i recently got his fts carat vers album and in the pcs there is one of him with one of his feet on like something a little bit smaller than a table… if that makes sense, ever since i got it i can’t stop thinking about ceo jihoon or just jihoon fucking you in a similar position 😵‍💫 after you purposely make him jealous too or wear something revealing… phew. i hope i described the position well enough? but i’m sure u can look at the pcs! hehe just some jihoon brainrot i hope i can dump my thoughts in ur inbox 🤲🏻
first off hi im so sorry this took so long (im always saying that but i do feel bad that im such a mess) but i didn't realize you're the same anon haha! i love it sm thank you for all of your requests <<33
secondly so i actually can't find the pc you're talking about 😭😭 i feel so bad and i can't tell if im imagining the position well but i love the idea of jealous ceo jihoon so i hope this suffices (if not maybe send me an ask with the pc and i'll see what i can do?)
pt. 1
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[minors dni]
it's been a few weeks since the encounter between you and jihoon in his office and thought it seems like jihoon has stopped his mistreatment towards you, he hasn't alluded to that day at all
he's nothing but proper around you; formal greetings in the morning, considering your ideas in meetings, praising the work you turn in. it's strange and you almost wish he would go back to degrading you every second, at least then you knew he acknowledged you, it's almost like you don't exist anymore
you tell yourself he probably regrets it. he's your ceo for goodness sakes, of course he regrets it. you hate yourself for caring so much because you know jihoon is nothing but a up tight, rude man who thinks of only himself first. the thing is you thought that just maybe it meant something, the other day in his office. he literally called you his favorite how can that not mean something?
well if he's not going to care about you, then you're not going to care about him. it's not like it would have gone anywhere anyways, jihoon isn't worth your worries
"y/n!" you look at the call of your voice to see kwon soonyoung approaching your desk. you like soonyoung, he's upbeat and nice and has always backed you when jihoon was too harsh
"hi soonyoung. how can i help you?"
"would you mind if i ate lunch with you today? it just feels like it's been a while since we've caught up"
"no i wouldn't mind at all" you smile up at the man and he grins happily back at you
soonyoung takes a seat at your desk and pulls his lunch out. you two start a conversation about your lives outside of work. you listen to soonyoung talk about his secondary job as an afternoon choreographer at a dance studio and you can't help but get lost in his stories about his students. you can tell he has a passion for what he does and loves the students he works with
eventually the conversation switches over to you and you're telling soonyoung your own stories when you hear your name shouted across the office
"y/n l/n! my office. now." you look over to see jihoon standing by the elevator, an angry look on his face. soonyoung gives you a worried glance and you quietly excuse yourself before scurrying over to the elevator
jihoon doesn't speak as you two ride up to his office. he doesn't say a single thing until you two are inside his office, the doors shut and locked
"you really do know how to get someone's attention, don't you?"
"i don't know what you're talking about, sir"
"you and kwon soonyoung. don't think i didn't notice the way he was all over you"
"he was just being friendly"
"is that what wanting to get into someone's pants is called these days?"
"jihoon i don't understand what the problem is here. soonyoung and i are friends. it was just lunch"
"the problem is you belong to me" jihoon grabs your face and forces you to look directly at him "you got that?"
you're feeling bold so you spit out "you've barely acknowledge me for the past two weeks"
"so you go and throw yourself at someone else? i didn't take you for a slut, mx. l/n"
"i- that's not- jihoon-"
"do you not want to belong to me?" he's asking permission. in his own fucked up, power hungry way, he's asking permission
you take a big gulp before answering "i- i do, sir"
"that's what i thought. be good now"
with a hand still cupping your face jihoon pulls you into a rough kiss. your lips are messy as they press against each other, desire running through your body
jihoon's hand slides down your neck and to your shirt where he starts to unbutton your shirt. his fingers are nimble and soon your bare skin is exposed to the room. his hands run over your torso, his fingers cold against your warm skin, and you shiver. you feel jihoon smirk at that before his fingers breech the waistband of your pants
his fingers trail against your skin and you gasp into his mouth when his hand plunges deep and cups you over your most sensitive parts. you whine a bit and buck into his hand
"so needy" jihoon tuts
his fingers push back further until his digits trace around your entrance, teasing you
"jihoon please" you beg
"please what?"
"please fuck me. i need it. i need you"
"that's what i like to hear"
jihoon pulls his hands out of your pants and quickly unbuttons them and pulls them down along with your underwear. there's a coffee table sitting in the corner of his office and he points to it
"bend over"
you quickly follow orders, rushing to bend over the table for him, not wanting to prolong him not being inside of you any longer. you feel a big embarassed with your whole ass exposed to the room, wantonly waiting as jihoon takes his time to walk over to you
you hear his own pants drop to the floor before he squirts some lube onto his fingers and shoves them inside of you. you jolt and moan as he fingers you open. he doesn't keep his fingers inside of you for long though, because soon he's pulling them up and grabing your hips to pull them up to meet his cock
without much warning he thrusts into you and you have to bite down on your lower lip to keep your screams in. you breathing gets choppy as jihoon pistons into you, pounding into you fast and hard
his cock is heavy and large and feels even better than his fingers did the last time jihoon touched you
it doesn't take long for you body to start to feel heavy with pleasure, your mind fuzzy with the only thought floating through you head being jihoon jihoon jihoon
jihoon props his leg up onto the table and pulls yours hips into his and you whine at the way his cock digs into your sweet spot at this angle
"only i get you like this, got it? you're my pretty little thing and no one else's. especially not kwon soonyoung's"
"fuck jihoon, only you. no one else makes me feel this good. promise"
"say it again"
"only you jihoon. i'm yours"
"yes, that's it. so good for me"
one of jihoon's hands reaches around to rub at where you ache the most for his touch
"so tight y/n" jihoon grunts "not gonna last much longer"
"sir please cum in me, please"
your words and the breathlessness of your tone is all it takes for jihoon to spill over, filling you full of his seed
your own release comes quickly after as jihoon presses a kiss to your neck, the press of his warm lips against your neck sending you over the edge. you shake in jihoon's grip as your insides pulse around jihoon's cock
you're panting as jihoon pulls out of you. he grabs a tissue off of the coffee table to wipe you both off
you both get dressed again and for a second you're both awkwardly standing around until you turn to leave
"y/n wait" jihoon grabs your arm "i- uhm, i'm sorry...if i came off too strong earlier. i've uh, never done something like this before so-"
"it's okay jihoon, i get it. don't worry. i won't tell anyone either, if that's what you're worried about"
"no! that's not it i just-" you don't think you've ever seen your boss so distressed before "would you like to have dinner with me tonight?"
oh. that's not what you were expecting at all
"oh! uhm. y-yes, i'd like that a lot" you can feel your face heat up with your fluster
"good. well uhm. i'll see you tonight" jihoon stands there for a moment like he doesn't know what to do before he quickly leans in to press a kiss to your cheek and then he turns and walks over to his desk like he didn't just do that
you smile to yourself as you head out of jihoon's office, giddy for what's to come later
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lestappenforever · 1 year
im sorry i literally just read through all your prompt fics and i would kill for a 44 and 45 if you havent done it yet. love your work so much mwa mwa (its okay if ur not taking prompts)
My lovely anon! Thank you so much for this — my brain kind of spiralled and ran away from me with this, so you're getting 11. "Come to bed." and 13. "Hold me?" as well.
Also, I wrote this on my phone while being a passenger princess in the car on my way across the country, so please forgive any typos.
I love you! ❤️
44. "I do love you, you know. Even if I'm shit at showing it.", 45. "Don't say anything. Just... Just lay here with me.", 11. "Come to bed.", and 13. "Hold me?"
It's not an uncommon occurrence, Charles and Max having a disagreement. In fact, it has been the baseline of their rivalry, then their friendship, and now, their relationship. 
They have passionate discussions. Heated debates. They bicker and press each other's buttons. When one pulls, the other pushes, again and again and again. 
But, most of the time, it’s fun. Harmless. A disagreement that will pass within a few minutes once they've both had a chance to cool down.
It usually doesn’t turn into a full-blown fight. Not one that leaves Charles looking at Max like he doesn’t know him anymore before storming off into the bedroom and slamming the door shut behind him.
He doesn’t even remember how it started. Something minor, no doubt, but Max cannot for the life of him remember what. All he knows is that whatever they'd been talking about turned into a conversation about Ferrari and Charles' outright refusal to accept that maybe it’s not the right team for him when they still haven't been able to give him what he needs to win a championship after so many years. 
It's something Charles is passionate about, for obvious reasons. But Max is passionate about it too, because he knows what Charles is capable of. Knows that had he only just been in a different team — a team that listened and learned — then he'd already have a championship under his belt.
Because all Max wants in this world is to give Charles everything. But a championship is the one thing he can’t give him. And it’s infuriating, because nobody deserves a world championship more than Charles. 
So yeah, when Charles had told him that he still believed Ferrari could help him achieve his life-long dream, Max had snapped. 
Because when Max was this passionate about something, his passion could sometimes cross the line to anger. Not at Charles — never at Charles — but at the situation. At Charles deserving so much better than what he was getting. 
That, on the other hand, wasn’t always obvious to others.
He overstepped, he knew that much. But he also knew there was no point in trying to fix this now because that would be poking the bear. And right now, the bear needs to breathe. 
So Max lets him breathe, and he busies himself playing with Jimmy and Sassy. And when they get sick of him, he sits on the balcony and watches the city below. 
He watches the boats, the cars, the people, and has to use every bit of strength to resist the urge to go to Charles. 
Once two hours have passed and the Monégasque still hasn't emerged from the bedroom, Max can't take it any more.
Trudging back into the apartment, Max makes his way down the hallway to the bedroom. He lingers outside the closed door, hesitating. Two hours should be enough time, but it’s never a sure thing with Charles. Sometimes, two hours isn’t even close to being enough.
As he opens the door, Max hopes to God it's enough this time.
Charles is lying on the bed on his back, staring at the ceiling. But he'd left the door unlocked, which Max will take as a good sign.
(He won’t entertain the possibility that Charles simply may have forgotten.)
"I'm sorry," Max says as he sits on the edge of the bed next to Charles.
The Monégasque doesn’t look at him. Doesn’t answer. Just keeps staring at the ceiling.
Should have waited another hour, Max thinks to himself.
Well. Too late now.
"I didn't mean anything I said the way it probably sounded. I just — I think you deserve so much more. I'm sorry I didn't manage to articulate that."
Charles still doesn’t look at him or speak. But the tightness of his jaw eases slightly.
Max will fucking take that and run with it.
"I do love you, you know. Even if I'm shit at showing it," he goes on, reaching out tentatively to brush his fingers over Charles' thigh through the duvet.
He sees the Monégasque struggle with his resolve. Can tell Charles wants to hold on to his anger, just for a little while longer. 
"You're only shit at showing it sometimes," Charles tells him with a sigh, before finally looking at Max. His eyes look puffy and tired, but still stunning. "Come to bed?"
It’s not forgiveness. Not yet. But it’s a start. 
Max wastes no time, stripping out of his shirt and pants and climbing into bed next to Charles. He's about to keep apologizing — plead with Charles to forgive him, but the Ferrari driver beats him to the punch.
"Don't say anything, just — just lay here with me."
It's a simple request. One that Max is eager to comply with. 
Hell, he'd launch himself off the fucking balcony with the biggest smile on his face if Charles had asked him to in that voice.
So they lay there next to each other. Not touching. Not speaking. Just existing in the same space. Breathing the same air. It's enough.
Until it isn’t. 
Charles turns onto his side, facing Max, and looks up at him through his eyelashes. It’s a look that turns Max's very soul into a puddle.
"Hold me?"
"Always," Max's response is immediate as he shifts closer and pulls Charles against his chest, wrapping both arms around the other man and holding him as if his very life depends on it.
Charles sighs — a soft, pleased sound — as he nuzzles against Max, tucking his face against Max's neck and inhaling deeply. Letting the familiar scent of Max, of home, wash over him. Letting it soothe his soul.
Max lets it soothe his, too.
They don’t speak for the rest of the evening, but they don’t need to. Because as Charles holds on to Max and falls asleep in his arms, Max knows they'll be alright. 
They always are, in the end.
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actualbird · 1 year
do you think once giann returns/is saved he would take over as the pax ceo or he would ask marius to keep running it? bc i get the vibe that under any other circumstance he would not want marius to endure that stress and he knows how much he dislikes it (i mean marius literally does everything in giann’s name and says he wants out once giann is back!). But I can also see that mhy would throw that whole thing at us where giann is like “bro… you’ve run it so well. better than i ever could… you should continue as the ceo…”. obviously we Don’t Know what will happen in canon so in terms of your personal headcanon, what do you think?
oh my gosh anon, the “bro… you’ve run it so well. better than i ever could… you should continue as the ceo…” is something i never thought about and hATE SO MUCH NOW THAT U MENTIONED IT AJHFVJKDS I NOW HAVE ONE FEAR!!! hyv for the love of god do NOT go that route. i'd rather hyv just kill giann instead of that.......KIDDING
but oh gosh i really hate that scenario because my personal headcanon and ideal hope for if giann ever returns is that he takes up CEO mantle again, i agree with you!
though my personal hc differs though in the sense that....i also think giann kinda liked his job before he went missing. he didnt like how itd take too much time away from time he couldve spent with marius, he didnt like the very slimy environment of corporate backstabbing, but he liked heading Pax. he liked making it better than it already was.
i think this because:
1) i just think its neat!
2) austin has noted that giann is different from himself and from marius (said in a scene in marius' sweet chapter 4). he and marius tend to be more closed off, keep more of their cards close to their chest, are less trusting. meanwhile, giann was described by him as somebody more emotional and even naive.
and yet in spite of that, canon has showed us giann did a tremendous job heading Pax during his run and was wildly praised by the public for his leadership. so he was different. but different worked. he was dang good at whatever he was doing. i think giann's Difference in how he operates in the business world is a fitting change to the cycle of wariness and endless distrust that made austin and then marius The Way They Are because of the business world, itd mean a more open and transparent future for Pax
....and also because giann would wanna relieve marius of the role that hes been carrying for years
like i know that in a sense, giann taking pax back isnt as ~subversive~ as marius continuing to head it. but idk.....from what i know of giann—both his immense love and protectiveness over marius and his own objective success at being CEO—i would quite dislike it for him to go “bro… you’ve run it so well. better than i ever could… you should continue as the ceo…”
i see him more going like.... "bro....youve run it so well and im so proud of you. you ran it better than i ever could, and thats given me one hell of a standard to live up to. but you can rest now. thank you for helping me. now, it's my turn to help you."
and then marius goes for a phd in art history and becomes an art professor able to pursue his passions and teach it to likeminded individuals while also still moonlighting as "Z" because wouldnt that be such a fun secret identity for an art professor to have HAHA. THATS WHAT MY HEART WANTS!!!!
so yea thats my personal headcanon for this!
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Number 20 with mase please 🥺
Love your work! 😘
Almost yours
A/n hey Anon!!! Thank you for your request, I LOVED writing this, so I really hope you enjoy!! Also if anyone wants a part two to this?? Then let me know❤️‍🔥❤️‍🔥
Warning: cheating
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Can you come over? we need to talk
The words had been typed out for hours, never quite bringing yourself to press send. You felt sick, wether it was the nerves or fear, you weren’t sure. Guilt, probably, you thought to yourself. The guilt of having a three month affair, whilst your boyfriend went about life completely oblivious.
On my way Xx
Unable to even think of a response, you threw your phone down to the side of you, trying to figure out how you were going to break the news to him, and in turn, probably break his heart.
Memories of the past three months raced through your head; the first time you met, the first kiss, the first time you had the most mind blowing sex of your life. But it wasn’t just the sex, maybe it started that way, Mason filling the role of your actual boyfriend who didn’t seem to be able to satisfy you, and definitely didn’t care enough to even try, but it had soon turned into long, heated, passionate nights filled with careful touches and long conversations about anything and everything. You could argue it was perfect, if you forgot about the man waiting at home for you, of course.
Im outside xx
You were snapped out of your thoughts when you heard your phone go off. Letting out a heavy sigh, you stood from the sofa, making your way towards the door. The sight of Masons car in your driveway was a sight you’d seen countless times, but the butterflies that usually erupted in your stomach didn’t feel so strong this time, now all you felt was sick as you stepped out into the cold.
You could see him looking at you from the drivers seat, clearly trying to read you, unsure what was to come following your cryptic text.
Wordlessly, you sat in the passenger seat, something that once felt so familiar, made you feel so uneasy.
“Hi” he spoke gently, confusion laced within his voice.
“Hey” you replied, trying your best to smile at him.
He reached for your hands which rested in your lap, his neck craned to try and read your face as your eyes remained firmly trained on your fingers as you anxiously picked at the skin around your nails. You’d planned this conversation so many times in your head, yet now, your mind went completely blank as silence filled the car.
“Y/n? Are you-”
“I can’t do this anymore” you blurted out, trying to keep your voice from wavering.
The silence that followed was painful, your teeth bit harshly into your bottom lip, eyes clamped tightly shut as you tried desperately not to cry; again.
He let go of your hands, the warmth of his skin no longer providing you any comfort as he sat back in his seat, yet his eyes never left you once. You heard him let out a shaky breath, neither of you quite knowing what to say.
“I said I can’t-”
“I know what you said, y/n” he snapped, and if you didn’t know him so well, you’d think he was angry, but the sadness in his eyes broke your heart more than you thought possible.
“I’m sorry, Mase, I’m so sorry” your words cracked as tears began to spill down your cheeks. “I just can’t do this anymore” you cried desperately. “God- this isn’t me, Mase, I’m not the sort of girl who cheats!”
But you were.
“I hate this! I hate what I’m doing to you, and I hate what I’m doing to him” words poured from your lips after months of being trapped in your mind, desperate to make him not hate you. He never could, of course, but it didn’t feel like that.
“Leave him then” he stated blankly,
“Mason” you warned “you know I can’t”
“Please” tears were now spilling down his own skin, those eyes that had completely captivated you pleading with you not to let him go.
“Please, y/n” his voice was almost silent, almost hopeless as he pulled you closer, his forehead coming to rest against your own. “Please don’t push me away.” he spoke through broken sobs. “We can make this work, I promise. Leave him and come live with me, I don’t care what anyone else thinks… I just want you”
“Mason-” you tried to pull away as you pleaded with him to not make this any harder, but before you could, he pulled you close, holding your cheeks as he pulled you into the most passionate kiss he could manage. And as always, he made you feel alive again, the undeniable spark you shared present, even now. You couldn’t help but kiss him back, your hands coming up to hold his arms, as if if you let go, he’d slip away completely, both of you pouring everything you had into the kiss.
“I love you”
You breath caught in your throat when you heard his words, but somehow it wasn’t a shock. You were both doubtlessly head over heels for each other, it was a bittersweet feeling hearing those words. But you couldn’t help but shake your head,
“I’m sorry” you apologize, for what felt like the one hundredth time, trying your best to stay set on your decision. You felt like you needed to go before you would give into him, so before he could protest, you pulled away, opening the door, but not before taking one last look at him,
“I do” you nodded, looking deep into those eyes that could hold your heart forever,
“love you” you confirmed “but I can’t do this Mase”
And with that, you left the car, walking back to your front door as you realized that he would only ever be almost yours.
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baby--b4t · 7 days
Could I get a comfort minific of cg!ajax, cg!Zhongli, and their super clingy little one who is feeling sick due to allergy season?
-Anon Dimi
hey again!! im not suuuper confident in my ability to write for ajax and zhongli but i love this idea sm ≧0≦ soory if its not too accurate!
(also i made a new dni banner for my jellyfish/fremi theme! i might tweak it a little in the future but this is what it looks like for right now :D)
Spring time was a beautiful time to be outside. The plants would be covered in a thin layer of water droplets from the rain, the sun starting to shine afterwards. If you were lucky, you could see a rainbow or two! But with every spring season also came allergies.
Childe had been going about his normal business in Liyue, chatting with others without a problem. That was, until you had found him on the street. You whined softly as you clung onto his arm. One look at you and Ajax knew you were miserable.
“Oh dear.” Childe said, turning to face you a bit more. “Whats wrong, kiddo? You look very under the weather.” A gentle hand came up to move some stray hairs out of your face. You sniffled, barely able to get air into your nose with how congested you were.
Hearing how sick you were made Childes heart melt. All he wanted to do was make you feel better, so without a second thought, he lifted you off of your feet and pulled you against his chest.
“Lets go see if we cant do something about that, hm?” Ajax cooed, beginning his way towards the funeral parlor. He had seen his fair share of illnesses and had a good idea of how to treat them, but that was usually with his siblings. Most of them were small children. What worked for them might not work for you.
Childe walked into the funeral parlor, smiling at the composed man behind the counter. Zhongli gave a small smile in return, the smile soon fading into an expression of concern.
“What brings you two here?” Zhongli asked, being quickly briefed on your condition. As if on cue, you sneezed and the two men watched as you whined from the discomfort.
“Oh, sweetheart.” Zhongli knelt down to where Ajax had set you. He had grabbed a tissue from the counter and brought it to your face, gently wiping away the mess. “How long have you been feeling like this?” He was just met with upset whining. A sigh escaped him as he stood back up.
“I wasnt sure what kind of medicine to get for them.” Childe chimed in, feeling a bit restless. He didnt know how exactly to help you with this.
“It may just be from the changing seasons. Some cold remedies would help just fine.” Zhongli answered as he walked back to the reception desk. He wrote down a small list and handed it to Childe. “Could you go and get these from BuBu pharmacy? This is all we should need.”
Childe took the list and nodded, quickly leaving the funeral parlor with passion. Zhongli had turned back to where you sat, kneeling down next to you again.
“Why dont we get you comfortable, hm?” The man said as he helped you to your feet. Your protesting whines didnt stop him. If anything, it made him chuckle. “Now, now. Theres no need to work yourself up, dear. Lets go sit down in the back.”
Zhongli couldve easily carried you, but he knew giving into small demands like that now would only fuel the irritation you had. That didnt mean he didnt help you, however. He made sure to hold you up by your elbows and walk with you towards the back room.
Your body soon laid on a plush couch you had been on many times before, the aches in your body slowly disappearing as your muscles relaxed. Zhongli sighed with a smile as he saw your face soften. He knew how bad allergies could be.
The faint smell of mint began to fill the air. You sniffed, or at least tried to, and looked around. Zhongli was preparing some tea, likely one that would help with your congestion. He saw you staring and smiled at you.
“Peppermint tea is good for aches and congestion. It helps soothe some of your muscles as well as thinning out the mucus stuck in in your head.” Zhongli explained, setting up a teapot for the tea to soak in. “It might help you take a nap as well.” He laughed softly.
Childe soon rushed back into the funeral parlor, ingredients in hand. It was clear he was worrying more than he needed to. And as if it was second nature to the man, Zhongli had a small bowl of medicine mixed together. He prepared a cup of tea for you and held out a spoonful of the medicine.
You promptly refused the medicine, turning your head away. Ajax was sitting on the couch with you at this point, gently rubbing your back.
“Come on, bud. Just a quick bite of medicine and then youll start feeling better! It sounds almost too good to be true, if Im being honest.” He tried to convince you, tone playful as usual. His small comments about the medicine finally got you to be brave and just power through it.
The medicine was confusing at first. It was cold, almost biting, then it made your mouth feel warm. The whining let Zhongli know that you had swallowed it. He gently held the cup of tea for you, being careful to make sure you didnt burn yourself.
“Slowly, little crystal.” The man said, knowing you wanted to get the weird taste out of your mouth. The peppermint helped cover up the taste a bit, but it still lingered. You eventually pulled back from the cup and took a breath. Ajax wiped your nose, being careful not to irritate the skin.
“Youre pretty thirtsy, arent you?” He teased, booping your nose before setting the tissue down. “You were drinking that tea like there would be no tomorrow!” Ajax helped you lay down again yet kept you comfortable. His hand mindlessly rubbed up and down your back, helping with some of the achy feeling.
It didnt take long before you felt your eyelids growing heavy. It was too hard to try and hold them up anymore. Zhongli was right when he said it would likely help you nap. Hopefully you would feel better when you woke up.
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josephtrohman · 2 months
Thank you so much for bumping some bottom!Joe Joetrick god bless 🙏🏼🫡 It’s wild, you’d think the pairing with self-described needy love bug Joe with the biggest, wettest sad European eyes and that cute short control freak would pop off and write itself (I’m well aware sex is infinitely more nuanced than this but for these (horny) purposes (sweet sweet bottom!Joe) normally it doesn’t take much for a fandom to run away with things, lol. But then Joetrick is criminally small anyway ☹️)
ANYWAYS. Your writing style is so sweet, I love domestic married husbands who bicker and still find each other hot as fuck, as they absolutely should <3 I’d say Patrick, ah, expressed, his desire all over those gorgeous back dimples in just the right way 😊 Thank you for your service you are literally the savior of us all (the clamoring army of the DOZENS of Joetrickers online) 🫡
my lovely anon, this message is such a beautiful message to receive and i was like. kicking my feet and blushing just reading, especially bc i think this marks my first anon about a fic of mine so very special in that regard :-3 thank you in general for your kind words, and i agree with what you say and Also had a lot to say here beyond just saying thank you so i put my thoughts under the cut LMAO (warning: some parts veer into insane)
i totally agree about bottom joe joetrick just making so much sense given what we know about the individuals involved, for exactly the reasons you said (patrick, who needs control, and joe, who just wants to be told he's doing a good job and etc). and Yes as you said, there's nuance in sex dynamics, so i think there's somehting to be said for the compelling nature of really any way you could write them tho too, and the push and pull between the dynamics. like joe both is soft and schmoopy and wants to be wanted and has a real submissive-ness to his personality, but Also has a steely exterior and like you know. his bdsm-ladden tumblr likes LMAO. and then there's patrick who has also said that he likes to be needed etc in addition to the control thing lol. this kind of push and pull is a reason why in this day and age i maintain that i will thoroughly enjoy either dynamic of those two fucking, and in my head they Would be the type that likes to switch off to fulfill these different needs and stuff (and i usually have this notion in my fics but anyways)
as an aside but i think of. well. dynamics more than just personality to of like...dick size discussions too like...no i dont believe joe is packing a micro or a "tuna-can dick" or whatever other silly things he says but you know. i do bet that patrick packs more than joe does cuz i can Visually SEE IT so another factor to like. more bottom joe in the world (especially playing into this, and playing into clear insecurity, something almost like sph, of like SORRY EXPLICIT BUT "oh that's it? clearly you were made to take cock then" 😵‍💫)
i think that though my focus is so on joe, the aspects of what goes into preferences for patrick is also very interesting. i used to be more opinionated about this, so much so that i was a part of "bottom patrick net" in 2015 (embarrassing i know) and i would often nope out of a fic for being top patrick in this era, which is so weird idk why i cared so much but yeah. lmao. i think that yes patrick does act very innocent, and there was a lot of patrick uwu smol bean driving this, but idk it just has me thinking a lot about it all but i dont really have coherent thoughts. peterick i think is a fascinating case study because the fandom at large Has made the shift from this heavy emphasis/preference of bottom patrick where it was virtually impossible to find top patrick peterick, but NOW if you even THINK about making pete top people will be very angry at you (im just kidding but people take it very very seriously lol which is all good. people have their passions and i do love that for them). i can hope that the tides can turn for joetrick too, to at least be Slightly more equal--like i dont expect a total bottom joe revolution or anything, especially bc i have contributed to top joe joetrick as well and have a fic idea here and there that i will still probably write more and contribute more to top joe. also one thing i almost forgot to say is that i bet part of the reason of the former intense prevalence of top pete (beyond the smol bean patrick) thing is like how outspoken pete was about like thinking dicks are nasty but joe is always saying things about dicks that is kinda fruity like even if jokes this mf wont stop talking about sucking dick!!!! (largely on the real life sci fi podcast lolol)
i also just want to say another thing about bottom patrick specifically, and it's that i find it very interesting the overlap of the fandom as it was with the bottom patrick preference, because Most of the fandom is made up of patrickgirls, and obviously this is like oversimplifying it bc not everyone who is a patrickgirl wants him inside of them but walk with me for a moment, but like Personally part of the reason that i still like to cling onto top joe is that theres something sexy about picturing him Fucking rather than being Fucked cuz it's like i want him. badly. and sometimes my collab fic with my friend of top joe still has me like 😵‍💫 AND I WROTE IT!!!! anyways sorry.
i also find it compelling to play into these ideas and dynamics in different ways too, because there's something kind of fun and sexy and stuff about the idea of like a useless top joe, or a bottoming from the top kind of joe (and people love playing into the power bottom patrick VERYYYY heavily like sometimes too much where it's like why is he literally a bitch but). like being instructed exactly how to use his dick, and he gets off on it extra because he wants so badly to be a good boy, to be told he's doing a good job. cough hack wheeze. i have brain worms.
this is all to say i have a few other bottom joe wips and the world needs more bottom joe…someone please give that man an earth-shattering prostrate orgasm (i didn’t have that in this fic, but in some of my wips this will happen do not worry).
sorry for typing an essay about top/bottom dynamics on your ask for no reason anon LMFAO but i will respond to the rest of your message and say: yes for the bickering/hot as fuck thing!!! idk how to phrase this without it sounding condescending but i do Not mean it that way, but i really am into pulling from your own experiences for realism in a fic. i have been with my partner for 7 years now and so much about long term relationships are that dynamic of Yes you have so much love and attraction for the other person but also you've gotta bicker sometimes, you gotta make jokes at their expense, sometimes the things they do annoy you...but all of these things do Not take away the fact that they're still your person that you desire carnally!!!! lolol i remember there being a tweet where it said “fuck marry kill but it’s all one person” and this is just being in a long term relationship and i always try to bring aspects of this into any established relationship fic lolol
AND HELP ME the phrasing of expressing his desire all over them well. yup 🫡 i can’t even think of something funny to say cuz there’s nothing more to say other than that i am obsessed with your brain anon
joetrick nation may be teeny tiny but i aim to serve...there really are Dozens of us but we must rise up…happy to champion for joetrick nation and bottom joe joetrick and also i love you my fellow joetricker brother in arms 🫡💖
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im curious, whats the longest/most passionate submission youve gotten?
i know i've made some light-hearted jokes about some of the unhinged submissions i've received, but i do honestly want to say that my favourite thing about running this tournament is learning about all the different things people are passionate about - no matter what they turn out to be
i've received over 150 submissions and i've genuinely loved reading every single one
some of the longest have been pushing 1200 words, and that's not even counting the people who have posted links to their own posts where they go into even more detail (i've read those too)
some of you have sent me takes about insanely niche things that i've literally never heard of, but i still love the energy you guys have when you talk about them (both the people talking about things they love, and the people who woke up and chose violence)
others have sent takes about everyday things that just completely piss them off, and the sheer unadulterated rage that radiates through the screen makes the mundane seem wonderful
that includes the takes so wild they left me near catatonic (i won't reveal any of them here, in case they do get chosen - i want you all to feel the same insane whiplash and immediate terror that i've been subjected to every single day) but just know i still genuinely respect just how passionately you guys feel about your deranged opinions, to the point where it almost makes me question whether maybe you could be right - almost
and yeah, even the people who looked at the question "can you justify it" and answered it with stuff like "because i don't like him", ''sorry no" and "just eat some you bitch" still made me snort-laugh on public transport
so sincerely, from the bottom of my heart, thank you so much to everyone who has submitted something already! <3
submissions will stay open a little longer, so keep submitting whatever's important to you, even if you think no one else agrees - remember that the winner of the tournament, no matter how much people might hate it, becomes CORRECT FOREVER and no one will be able to question you ever again
also, two more things i want to add:
if you did send me a link to one of your own posts that argues for a theory or headcanon and your submission isn't chosen for the final bracket if you still want to share it just send me an ask specifying which was one was yours and that you specifically want it to be shared i'd be more than happy make a separate post that link so people can still read it
also, to the people who sent anon asks adding justification to their takes that they forgot to put originally, i won't post them now, but i do read all of them
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torawro · 2 years
after several days im finally getting to this thirst 🥲 anon PLEASEE please forgive me and accept my sincerest apologies i feel awful. but LETS GET INTO THIS !!!
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we all love how stoic and cryptic and closed off / reserved uryū can be, and we love it even more when we discover that under that layer of his personality is a part he seldom shows to anyone, except you: how touch and affection deprived he is ( which ultimately makes sense bc look at his father 🧍🏾‍♀️ and his grandfather + mom aren’t with them anymore ).
you felt your pussy jump and pulsate against the fabric of your leggings when you heard the dragged out, desperate noise that escaped from the prison that was uryū’s throat. it shocked you because you never heard something so. . . high pitched and whiny come from him before and your mind began to wonder if you could elicit that noise from him again.
you found it extremely attractive when your boyfriend was so vocal. “p…please…sweetheart…” he gritted out a plea for you—for what, you weren’t really sure— as his hands found their home at the fleshy skin of your waist. the dull pain of his grip sparked something within you that made you want to completely devour him.
your hum in reply was muffled when you continued your work on his neck, placing a flurry of kisses, varying from soft to rough, from wet and sloppy to passionate and deliberate— you even glided your tongue across the canvas of his skin. in one particular kiss however, you let your teeth grab of hold of his skin, slightly biting down on the flesh before smoothing over the pain with your warm tongue and a chaste peck. and then, your raven haired boyfriend made that noise again.
that needy little mewl from before.
briefly you paused, before doing the action again, only this time your target area was a little closer to his throat. your hypothesis turned out to be correct when that same whimpering sound erupted from his lips, except it was much louder to the point it sounded more like a moan. you didn’t even have time to stop the smirk that tugged at your pretty lips, nor couldn’t you stop the roll of your hips on his toned thigh. you needed uryū, and you needed him now.
“mmm . . . my handsome man , you’re so cute when you make little noises like that. it makes me more confident in how i show how much i love you. i wonder if you’re the type to ramble and moan too.”
uryū’s eyebrows furrowed in irritation and was about to say something, but all that came out was another one of those pretty sounds when you let your teeth sink into his skin a little deeper, while also gliding your hand across his stiff crotch.
damn, you were going to be the death of him one day.
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i want to start writing on my account but i’m scared, i’ve had people tell me im an amazing writer but i suffer from the typical wirters self doubt.
i guess i’m asking how you do it? you’re writing and account is amazing. and i love reading your stuff.
(maybe one day i’ll turn off anonymous)
Alright baby, I'm gonna be honest with you. Regardless of what people think, you should write if you enjoy it. If the stories come to your mind and then you write them out and it makes you happy, that's actually more than enough.
I've noticed that the only time when my writing flows smoothly and that I am satisfied with my work is when I'm motivated. Not pressured to write, not hurried, but motivated. When I truly feel that passion for creating a story, it makes everything easy and fun.
Also, never feel like you have to write like others do. We each have a unique style, and that's what your readers will enjoy. Your writing should be yours. If you're happy with the way it turns out, then it's perfect. Don't listen to people who critizise your work in a non-constructive manner.
So, just as another little detail, I suggest you look for inspiration in things you enjoy. For example, I listen to music when I write. Sometimes, I need to listen to rap, other times, lana del rey. And there are times when only one song fits the mood, and I'll listen to it on repeat for hours if necessary. Just don't be afraid to do whatever you need in order to find inspiration!
Finally, and I think this is one of the most important ones to keep in mind, write about topics you like and topics you're comfortable with. Now, I get that the idea of appealing to everyone's requests is tempting, but if it's not your thing, it's just not. It's always preferable to write about things you enjoy writing, otherwise, you'll feel forced and you won't have fun.
Oh, another thing, actually, if you implement your feelings/experiences/beliefs, etc., into your work, the words will just flow. If you can somehow empathize or relate to your characters or the plot or any other element in the story, it makes everything smoother and gives it a touch of reality.
And last thing: don't overwork yourself. If one week you write a billion one shots and the next week you can only manage one story, that's fine. Your writing depends on your moods, on your energy levels, on everything that goes on around you. If you can't find it in you to write sometimes, you don't have to write at all! Take your time, let the writing flow, relax and enjoy it!
The whole idea of writing revolves around the fact that you should enjoy it! That's the most important aspect when you work on anything!!!
I hope this helped!!! And if you turn off anon, I can't wait to read your works baby!!
Ilyyy!!! 💚💚💚
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Not a request just a question out of curiosity. How did you feel when you first started out writing fanfics for a particular fandom? Have you always been passionate about writing? What is your method to know a character better so as to make your works seem close to their original personality?
I love your works, they genuinely make my day and would love to write for lookism one day as well and you're my biggest inspiration ❤️ hope you have a wonderful day :)
[Don't have to reply if you don't feel like it]
i got REALLY wordy so things are under a cut!
anyways can i just say this is such a sweet message 😭😭💓💕💓💕💞💖💞💕💓💖💞💘
thank u so much for sending this ask !! it always means the world to me when ppl express care and curiosity about other's creativity journeys :'] 💖
this goes for u, too, anon; if ur comfortable sharing, i'd love to hear ur own answers to ur questions! <33
how did you feel when you first started out writing fanfics for a particular fandom?
i started when i was around 9 and was very excited to share so thats what i did :] but over time i grew insecure and felt my old stuff was stupid lmao so i deleted it all off the web and then writing became a private thing for me for a very, very long time (writing like 40k, 38 chapters worth of stuff just for me 😭). i've wanted to share during my last few fandoms but never got the courage to until i got into lookism/viral hit !
(well, actually, i did share some writing during my "obey me!" phase but it was just text convos lol)
naturally, i was nervous putting my writing out in the world again esp bc the last time i did was when i like 11-12, and i was 16 when i wanted go public with my writing again 😔 im very glad i pushed myself to tho, bc its basically been a year now and i've had a blast!
i never imagined so many people would like my silly writing, enough to send in requests T_T 💕💖
have you always been passionate about writing?
kind of,,? i really only got into it because of fanfiction lol but i did consider becoming an author for like. a week of my life sjdhwhdj so really it's just a hobby i do since im the walking definition of "speaks little but thinks a lot"
gotta put thoughts down somewhere yknow? and at the end of the day, writing to me is just what art is to me; it's for fun and to express myself. sure, i wanna get better at both, but if my stuff turns out "objectively" bad, at least i know i had fun with it :'D
(that's my philosophy with art in general; make "bad" art!! have fun!!! enjoy life!!! i hate comparison/competitive things!!!! lets all just have a nice time being kind to each other!!!!!)
creative writing is very cool tho and i have a bunch of ocs i'd love to write stories for, but the artist in me is saying i want to do them webtoon style ;_;
what is your method to know a character better so as to make your works seem close to their original personality?
going to be honest, im not the best person to ask for this 😭 im the world's most casual writer and i take my "just have fun with ur art" thing very seriously;;
i.e. i just keep note of how a character acts throughout a story, characterize them along the way, and then use that as my base for any writing i do of them 😭
um. i also (re)read fandomwiki pages of them, if any, to double check for stuff 😭😭😭 occasionally i rewatch/reread moments of them in their stories when i want to look for something specific but otherwise it's just me going "hm would this character do this?", comparing it to my base, and reacting accordingly!
other times i straight up go "yeah they probably wouldnt do this BUT it would be cute so im going to do it 😍"
so, if nothing works, just let urself be self indulgent <3 unless u do want to take ur writing more seriously than i do, then uh yeah it would be much better for u to look up advice from people who take their writing more seriously ^_^"
final notes
thank u for liking my stuff, im very happy to hear they make ur day ;__; 💖💕💓💞 plus saying im ur biggest inspiration too is so,, ueueuueu,,,, ;;__;; 💞💘💞💞💘💕💖💘
i really hope u get around to writing for lookism or any other fandoms/original works!!! i wish u the absolute best with you and your writing journey, and feel free to tag/dm me with anything u write!! i'd be happy to support :]
hope you're having a wonderful day, too 💖💖
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