#also probably already my favourite procedural generation game
captainhoers · 1 year
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so shadows of doubt is really good here’s something that happened to me yesterday
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wishfishy · 1 month
When I first heard that a new Endless Ocean was going to be released, I was incredibly excited. Just absolutely over-the-moon excited. You see, Endless Ocean 2: Blue World (also called Endless Ocean 2: Adventures of the Deep) is one of my favourite games of all time. Scratch that: it is my favourite game. It was far from perfect, but I loved it dearly and happily sank hundreds if not thousands of hours into it.
EO2 is a diving game for the wii that was released in 2010, and I have never been able to find a game quite like it. The main story was a bit cheesy, but charming and engaging, with a bevy of likeable if occasionally one-note characters, and the game itself had surprising depths (diving pun fully intended). The game had 12 different diving maps in 6 locations and while the specific areas were fictitious, they were based on very real places (the South Pacific, Mediterranean Sea, Red Sea, Arctic and Antarctic Oceans, as well as a freshwater river in the Amazon) and this was reflected in the species found in each area, with a few exceptions here and there.  You could explore shallow coral reefs, a sunken castle, ancient temples, abyssal depths, a kelp forest, sandy beaches, riverbanks, hidden coves with murals, and much more. You also had a small private island as a hub location, a personal reef you could decorate, and a public aquarium which you could fill with any of the non-legendary species you discovered.
Speaking of which, the game featured 340 different species of marine and freshwater fish, sharks, rays, marine mammals, penguins, shore birds, reptiles, crustaceans, cephalopods and other invertebrates. Some of these also had different models for young or different genders. You could find truly miniscule species that most other diving games overlook entirely in zoom-spots (such as gobies and nudibranchs), and you could interact with most by feeding, touching or even riding in the case of large marine life. And on top of this you could also find legendary creatures, which could be individuals of extant species with unusual colouring or size, or even extinct species, and could be exceedingly hard to find but entirely rewarding.
This is already getting to be much too long but on top of all this you could customize your diver character, buy things for your island hub, decorate and populate a private reef to propagate and release fish, create various aquarium exhibits, discover a great many side-quests, upgrade equipment, take and sell photographs, heal sick animals, search for and sell salvage, find collectable coins, train dolphin partners, take requests for guided tours, dolphin shows, salvage and photos, dodge or placate aggressive sharks, and more that I am probably forgetting. It’s been a while since I’ve played the game, as I no longer have a wii and don’t have the first clue on how to emulate games on my PC. All this is to say that this game was something special, and I have never been able to find anything remotely close to it. And seeing as how the last one was released almost 15 years ago, I had long given up hope for an Endless Ocean 3.
And then lo and behold, a trailer dropped from out of nowhere for Endless Ocean Luminous! And it was releasing in a month! Holy Shit! What!? Yes!
But alas, the more information came out about the game, the more that excitement started to wane. A focus on multiplayer? Procedural generation? Only one map? The only character being an AI that sounded like all those awful tiktok voices? To be clear, I wasn’t expecting Luminous to be the next GoTY. I wasn’t even expecting it to be an exact replica of EO2, or continue the storyline. If it had even a fraction of what I liked about the previous game I was going to be one happy camper. I assumed that the marketing was focusing on the multiplayer aspect instead of the single-player story, that hopefully the procedurally generated map was exclusive to that multiplayer. Surely the single player mode would extend past what little was shown in the trailers. Some things seemed promising, such as an advertised 500+ species, and even more prehistoric marine life. But again, alas, what I have seen since the release is the barest and palest reflection of what I enjoyed about the previous game. I could understand cutting some content, such as the dolphin training and shows, considering the controversy of cetaceans in captivity. But it seems like there is no aquarium, no central hub of any type, no characters beyond the aforementioned AI and a single faceless diver, salvage reduced to a single click, an incredibly reduced story consisting mostly of scanning fish, no ability to feed or interact with fish and fish behaviour also seems to be quite reduced. At least photography still appears to be in the game, though its unclear to what point. Are there still photo requests? The ability for some critters to swim along with or attach to your diver looks cute at least. But everything I’ve watched so far just feels so… lifeless. Empty. As if the whole game was AI generated, which I’m at least %75 sure isn’t the case.
But I’m left kind of baffled by the direction that this game was taken in. I’ve been trying to find any information about it’s development with little to no success. Why the focus on multiplayer to the exclusion of a single player story beyond the bare minimum? What lead to the choice to have a single, procedurally generated map instead of separate, smaller, but more scientifically accurate maps? Or even a single smaller but purposefully designed map? Was this game more like the previous games at any point in its conception or development or was it always intended to be such a departure?
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kokomiin · 10 months
loose thoughts on persona 4 golden finally (I always say this and then the post ends up being super long)
I'm really glad this is the version I played first, being able to do Adachi's social link, the cast's pair attacks, the updated artwork, and Marie were all wonderful. I was especially surprised by how much I ended up liking Marie, if I didn't know Golden was a rerelease I would barely have realised she was a new character. She fit in with the themes of the game well, especially in the ending.
My biggest gripe, and what probably made me take so long to really get into the game, was the dungeon gameplay... when I first played it was like "oh, nice, it's just persona 3 again" but the enemy balancing and monotonous procedurally generated dungeon style was legit painful at times, in natural persona fashion it got much easier to deal with once I had a stronger team later in the game (Kanji + Yukiko + Naoto sweep) but I would love a remake someday if only for them to improve on the dungeons. there is a lot more they could do with them if they implemented a more P5 palace style to them as well, since they're representing the minds of certain characters. Even though Tartarus is also a procedurally generated dungeon, that can get repetitive, the gameplay cycle (at least in portable) felt better for progression and the enemy balancing was definitely completely different - maybe the way they had multiple minibosses along the way to the end of each block is what made it feel better? idk
I heard that some people disliked Marie's dungeon, but I honestly didn't mind it at all. I thought the gimmick shook things up in a way that was necessary since at that point I was just destroying everybody, I liked it more than Izanami's dungeon.
For the story, I had already been spoiled on the culprit as you all know, but I still thoroughly enjoyed the writing and the way everything unfolded really caught me off guard at times and had me still wondering what was really going on. Mitsuo, Namatame and Adachi were all great antagonists and each of their chapters of the game were memorable to me, especially the kidnapping of Nanako. The game was great at making me feel uneasy.
By the end of it, I felt super satisfied. I didn't get to finish a lot of the social links - some of them I didn't know existed - but I finished the whole investigation team and Nanako and Dojima, and really loved how all of their arcs progressed through the game. I went through a real rollercoaster with Yosuke, thinking he was cool, then thinking he was annoying and gross, and then being like yeah wow I really like the journey he's had as a person. The epilogue ending for Golden was really perfect, and I wish P5R had gotten something like that instead of what they did to the last cutscene...
I might have forgotten some stuff, but basically game good! Great even! I think it is right behind P5 as my favourite persona game so far. Now for the character tier list...
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see you next time when i finally finish tears of the kingdom
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scope-dogg · 3 years
Long post about Mass Effect below
I noticed that there’s a big mass effect trilogy remaster coming out and it just made me think back on how badly the ball was dropped with that series. When the first game came out it immediately became perhaps my favourite game of all time, it was the kind of game where I was tearing up at the ending and then immediately started up a new playthrough the instant the credits got done rolling. The game was extremely jank and rough around the edges and it ran like total shit on the 360, but I loved it anyway because I fell in love with the lore of the universe, the characters and the story. It was one of those games where I’d play it in the most obsessively completionist manner possible, doing every singe sidequest possible, talking to every character on the ship after every mission, browsing the ingame codex for hours on end and dosing up on lore. When it was confirmed that Mass Effect 2 was in development I had such high hopes, of course I wanted to see the gameplay tightened up and the technical side of things improved, but more than that I just wanted to see more of the universe, get more of the universe to explore and learn more about it, and I was especially excited at the possibility that the choices I’d made, especially the massive ones in regards to the council at the end of ME1, would carry forward and really shake up the way the fate of the universe would pan out in the long term.
When the game finally came out, I enjoyed it, but it wasn’t really what I was hoping for. While the combat was much improved over ME1, I couldn’t help but feel like everything else was pared back too much - like, levelling and loot in ME1 weren’t all that well done but I was still really disappointed to see how they were all but stripped out in the sequel. I especially hated how crap sidequests on uncharted worlds were, they were basically just short combat sections with almost nothing in the way of meaningful dialogue or choices to make. Like, don’t get me wrong, uncharted worlds in ME1 felt like the maps were procedurally generated and the Mako had wacky controls, but they still managed to pull off the right atmosphere of going to these dangerous and remote places on alien worlds, and there was some legitimately intriguing stuff going on in some of those sidequests, and it was honestly a little infuriating to see all that basically get the axe entirely instead of getting some polish. I also just felt like the additions to the lore and story were disappointing. I was excited to find out about how society in the Terminus systems was different from Citadel space and meet some new alien races, but that didn’t really happen - I guess they tried with Omega, but that just felt like a mildly edgier version of the Citadel. The only new alien race aside from the Collectors they introduced were the Vorcha and I guess the Batarians if you didn’t play the DLC for ME1, but neither ended up being all that interesting. People remember ME2′s story fondly because of the characters, and I agree that the characters are great, Legion and Mordin especially stand out though all of your squadmates and major supporting characters on the ship are great (except maybe Jacob I guess) as are each of their accompanying stories that get resolved through their loyalty missions, but I think that the actual core plot of ME2 isn’t good at all. The whole thing about you dying and coming back to life seems like it was done just to have the excuse of having a timeskip happen, and I never felt particularly compelled by the Illusive Man or Cerberus as a faction - they were in a sidequest chain in ME1 technically but I still felt like they kind of came out of nowhere and never really fit into the grand scheme of things properly - there’s nothing that they really enable Shepard to do differently that wouldn’t have already been justified by you being a Spectre. The revelations about the Collectors and ultimately what they were doing with the colonists they were kidnapping felt really stupid and pointless apart from giving you an excuse to have a really cheesy and out-of-place final boss. The final mission was only exciting because of the tension of potentially losing one or more of your squadmates than because of what the actual consquences of failure for the galaxy were if you failed. There was no compelling antagonist to square off against like Saren in ME1, and ultimately the whole thing felt kind of pointless - it wasn’t until later after the trilogy was done that I realised that you could take ME2 out of the equation entirely and it wouldn’t make that much difference, but even in those moments as the credits were rolling after I beat the game for the first time, I was struggling to make up my mind about whether I’d actually enjoyed the game or not. I mean, it wasn’t like the game was bad or anything but I was thinking more about the opportunities that they missed rather than the good things they added. I was really missing that sense of discovery and exploring an alien galaxy that the first game had and got left by the wayside for the second. I did start up a new playthrough after that like I did with ME1 but IIRC I didn’t bother finishing that playthrough.
Then along came ME3. Everything about that game is depressing. The whole path of the plot and just the unrelenting apocalyptic tone of the game in general feels like it’s actively punishing you if you actually like the setting, characters, lore and so on and so forth. I know a lot of people like the Citadel DLC that they released because it lightened the tone a bit, but even with that I find it hard to set aside the fact that the universe is literally ending while you’re trying to take a break from it all with how hard the rest of the game beats you over the head with it. How bad the endings were even with the “fix” DLC that got added is a horse that’s been thoroughly beaten to death by now, but it’s not just the endings either. I already didn’t like the Illusive Man or Cerberus and had a hard time buying them as an organisation with the kind of reach and pull they had as portrayed in ME2, but seeing them turn into the Hellghast in ME3 not only betrays that portrayal of them as an org that works through subterfuge but also stretches my disbelief beyond breaking point, plus it brings you into contact with Kai Leng who has to be up there as one of the most obnoxious rival characters in any videogame ever. Otherwise, it did a few things that ME2 did slightly better and some things slightly worse, and didn’t really do anything to recapture the stuff that made ME1 so memorable to me that ME2 skipped out on. And then there was the way that Javik, the game’s most interesting new squadmate by far, was preorder DLC, and then there was the multiplayer that you were kinda forced into playing if you wanted the best ending in the singleplayer (for all the difference that made) and was riddled with lootbox microtransactions (the first major implementation of that in a AAA game IIRC.) The coup de grace for me was when dipshit vidya journalists circled the wagons around Bioware and were taking a dump on angry and disappointed fans who were demanding a change to the ending. Like, looking back I think there was a lot of histrionics involved with that from the fanbase, and let’s just say that the Bioware fanbase has earned a reputation for being particularly turbulent, but even so I really couldn’t stand the attitude that they were taking and it made me hate the game itself by proxy that much more. (I honestly think that entire saga set the stage for Gamergate two years later.)
Eventually when ME Andromeda ended up being a stillborn flop, it didn’t even really move the needle for me that much because ME3 had already set the bar so low. Worse though is that the first game was retrospectively ruined for me. Like I said earlier, I was a hyperfan for that game when it came out, but now I can’t go back to it without thinking about the disappointments that followed it, and its flaws stand out extra hard now. After I beat it for the first time it was my number 1, now I’m not sure it’s in the top 10. There’s probably the added factor that I played it to death and know it almost off by heart which takes the shine away, but that’s also the case for some of my other all-time favourites like Metroid Prime 1 and 2, Ace Combat 2, or Command and Conquer Red Alert 2, but those never really dropped in my estimation the way Mass Effect did. Honestly to this day I’m still waiting for someone to do another star-hopping sci-fi RPG in the same vein as Mass Effect and to pull it off well, because at this point I’m all but certain that it’s not going to be Bioware that does it, not with the new one they’ve got coming in the works or the trilogy remaster.
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purplesurveys · 4 years
Another quarantine survey for y’alls.
How are you coping? I enjoyed the lockdown in its first few weeks because back then it really felt like a nice break from how hectic January and February were. By now it just feels like it has overstayed its welcome and my anxiety is back to growing by the day, except this time it’s worse because I can’t actually go anywhere or do anything to get rid of it temporarily. Tl;dr I’m doing less and less well. How have things changed for you? School, mostly. The situation in the Philippines isn’t conducive to online learning, so we’ve had to cancel schooling altogether because it was the most humane option to make sure no student gets left behind. Some schools opted to mass-promote (read: pass) all their students, while the schools that selfishly chose to continue holding online classes face online backlash everyday. 
On that note, my graduation ceremony is indefinitely postponed and Andrew and I have had to give up a lot of the usual procedures for thesis, like doing fieldwork or having a required number of respondents for our questionnaire. What are three positives to being Isolated or in Quarantine? I get to stay with Kimi all day, my dad cooks amazing food for us daily, and I have so much free time on my hands which I use to watch videos or movies. What are three negatives? I haven’t seen my friends in months, being ordered to stay at home still feels different than voluntarily staying at home, and I have so much free time on my hands which leaves me to overthink and be paranoid.
Have you taken on a new hobby? Not really. I wanted to get into cooking/baking, but my dad always wants to be in control of his kitchen so I’ve barely had any chance to help out. Have you kicked any bad habits? Drinking coffee everyday. I stopped when I noticed I was getting a headache every night, which was my original schedule for making a cup. Have you watched a lot more television or movies? I’ve watched more YouTube but I generally find it hard to start on new shows or movies so no, not really. I’ve always preferred rewatching my favorites. I did revisit Descendants of the Sun starting the other night though; I hadn’t gone back to it since December but I’m glad I did now because it’s such a good show(!!!!!) Have you been separated from someone you love? Tons of people that I love, from orgmates to close friends to best friends to my girlfriend. Discovered any new bands? Nah, I’ve stuck to my faves. With Hayley hyping up her first album for the last five months and finally releasing it a week ago, my eyes and ears were only on her lol Have you shopped more online? Nope, no money these days ha. Have you cooked more? I’ve tried helping my dad more like I mentioned but ugh, he’s so possessive in the kitchen. Have you baked more? Same thing. Have you learned to knit or sew? Nope. Did you end up in Isolation or Quarantine? Just quarantine. I never showed any symptoms and neither did my family, so we’ve all bee in quarantine from the very beginning. Did the stores all close? Save for groceries, they were all closed in the first few days/weeks. But through April, more and more businesses (mostly restaurants) started to come back and offer delivery or pickup services. 
In the Philippines where the government has been hugely incompetent, they lifted the lockdown for nearly the entire country yesterday despite the number of cases not showing any signs of slowing down and DESPITE NO MASS TESTING BEING PUT IN PLACE SINCE MARCH. That means this whole quarantine has been fucking useless. And now that people have been crowding highways and malls again, a second wave is just waiting around the corner.
What kind of restrictions did your government put into place? It’s different per province but in my case, we had a ban on liquors, mass gatherings, and non-essential travel; an 8 PM-5 AM curfew; and checkpoints everywhere. For a brief time, homeowners in our village couldn’t even jog outside but I think they’ve loosened up on that rule now. Has this affected any travel, events or plans for you? Hasn’t it, for all of us? An year-end college party that my orgmates and I usually go to was obviously cancelled; I still don’t know what’s happening to our graduation; and plans to volunteer for an animal welfare NGO have been cut off. I was also supposed to go to Thailand and Vietnam this year, but I’ve had to forget about those plans. What is the first thing you will do when you get the chance? Drive up to Gabie, for sure. With all the crazy in the world, we forget how much we take for granted. Is there anything you feel you had taken for granted? Time with my loved ones. I’ve definitely thought about the times I declined on Angela’s offers to go out, or flaked on my blockmates, or opted to skip out on dinner with my orgmates so I could go home. Let's finish off with some nicer things! What is your favourite thing about life? I dunno if I’ve found a favorite thing about it yet. I find it pretty unfair for the most part. What is your favourite thing about nature? How peaceful it can be. Nature has always served me well when I’m in distress, and I will never forget the time I was in Sagada, and I had just gotten out of a breakup and was still reeling over my lolo’s death, and when I reached the top of a hill, I allowed myself to cry while in front of this view.
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Favourite place in the world? Sagada, Baguio, and Palawan. Favourite animal? Dogs, if you don’t know me well enough already. Favourite Colour? I personally like pastel pink, and ~aesthetically~ I like black or white. Favourite Foods? My favorite food ever is burgers, but I also like sushi, chicken wings, and steak. Favourite Holiday destination? We don’t have an established destination. My family likes going to new places every time we have the chance to travel. Have you been on a cruise ship? Yes. Have you flown to a travel destination? Sure, several. Have you ever been on a bus or train to a holiday destination? I don’t remember anymore but we probably were. Ever been on a helicopter? I have not. Ever been in a submarine? Smaller chance of that happening cause there’s little opportunity for it, but it sounds like an awesome experience. Thoughts on Theme Parks? I will go there for the theme park food, but I’m fine with not going on any rides. Thoughts on Carnivals? Like a fair? They’re great fun, and I prefer them more than theme parks because they’re more lowkey. I also just go for the food hahahaha I don’t go on rides. Thoughts on Island Life? I’m technically living one because I live in a giant group of islands... but I wouldn’t want to live my whole life in just an island per se. I like being in the city, and I like living in a noisy environment where everyone and everything is busy. Ever taken a ferry to a destination? Eh, not really. We’ve taken smaller boats to get to certain island provinces, but not a ferry. What is the best thing about travelling? Learning new things, seeing new sights, meeting new people, getting to know new cultures.
Who would you like to travel with next time you go on a trip? I’d love to travel with Gabie. I’ve never done it with her before. Randoms.. Favourite television series on Stan? I’ve never heard of that. Favourite television series on Netflix? I don’t watch any shows produced by Netflix. My current favorite show to watch there is Descendants of the Sun, but my other favorites are there too, like Friends, Breaking Bad, and Brooklyn Nine-Nine. What movie are you keen to see? Right now, none of the upcoming ones, or at least the upcoming ones that were meant to be released by the summer. None of them seem appealing to me. Do you study or work or both? I study, but I’m so fucking close to the finish line. If you could have any career, what would it be? I’d love to be in PR. I’d still be in media which is my strong suit, but none of the journalism bullshit I’ve grown sick of in the last four years. Do you play Animal Crossing on Nintendo Switch? No, I’ve never really been a fan of the series so I’ve never felt the need to get the game. I’m happy with Mario Kart 8 haha. What gaming console do you like best? Either the Wii or PS2 as I had a lot of memories with them. Speaking of gaming, name your top 5 games? Pass. Have you ever been to a convention like Comic Con? Nope. Life gets tough, how do you cope? I take a nap, I go to a café somewhere for a few hours to be alone, I take a survey, or I drown myself in work to keep me preoccupied. Do you like housework? If I’m not forced to do it. Are you afraid of the dark? If the dark was meant to be scary, like if I was in a haunted house or if I’m in the woods in the middle of nowhere at midnight. Otherwise it doesn’t bother me. Do you have pets? Yeah, I have the best dog.
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dxmedstudent · 5 years
Weird Asks that Say a Lot  Meme...
My friend the wonderful @meanwhileonwednesday suggested I fill out Every even number for the 'weird asks that say a lot', so here I am. Thanks, friend! XD
2. chocolate bars or lollipops?
4. how did your elementary school teachers describe you?
At my first school? Artistically talented and perceptive (one teacher was very vividly impressed by my grasp of duck anatomy at like 5 years old). Then there’s the teacher at my new school who thought I had special needs because I was withdrawn (I was being bullied by most of the class, really); she was a new teacher and not really equipped to deal with that. By the end of primary school, I went back to being commended on my work ethic and smarts and artistic ability.
6. pastel, boho, tomboy, preppy, goth, grunge, formal or sportswear?
Hmmm I think my work clothes are mostly a formal/preppy mix. With a little bit of boho thrown in, particularly when I’m at home.
8. movies or tv shows?
I prefer movies, because they represent a lot less commitment (America, please stop giving everything like 17 seasons, I beg of you!), however TV show episodes are shorter and easier to slot into your life than a full movie.
10. game you were best at in p.e.?
I was generally awful in PE. I liked benchball, can’t say that I was good in it, being yet another game where being short doesn’t do you any favours.
12. name of your favorite playlist?
Either my Kickass playlist, or my Reflective playlist.
14. favorite non-chocolate candy?
16. most comfortable position to sit in?
Curled up, on my side, in a nice big armchair with my legs hanging off the side. Surrounded by pillows, and probably a cat or two.
18. ideal weather?
Picture this: it’s a sunny day; warm but not too hot. Maybe around 24 degrees celsius. There’s a warm breeze; it’s not stifling, and it’s not cold enough to make you shiver. The trees rustle with the sound of the wind; change is in the air. You can go out in short sleeves, perhaps with the thinnest of cardigans if like me your metabolism basically died 300 years ago.
20. preferred place to write (i.e., in a note book, on your laptop, sketchpad, post-it notes, etc.)?
Depends on what I’m writing. I am the kind of ineffectual person who starts to write tings in a notebook, but also a couple of word docs. I have post- it notes for important things. I document ideas for my comic in a note/sketch book. I love doodling in my sketchbooks.
22. role model?
I never really had one, growing up. I guess the closest I’d get is David Attenborough.
24. favorite crystal?
My birthstone is ruby (which is red; my favourite colour!) however I also love opals; I love their irdescent (OK, opalescent, technically) sparkliness and the way they shimmer with lots of colours. I don’t see why everyone prefers massive diamonds when opals are like... so much cooler. I I don’t actually own any, but maybe one day I’ll be able to buy myself a nice one.
26. favorite activity to do in warm weather?
Go for a nice long walk, take lots of pictures, have a picnic in the park. No, I lie, my favourite activity is roping someone I care about into doing it all with me, and having even more fun. 
28. five songs to describe you?
Home - Ellie Goulding Fight Song - Rachel Platten Working Woman’s Blues - Valerie June Alive - Bird Set Free My Medea - Vienna Teng
30. places that you find sacred?
Already been answered.
32. top five favorite vines?
Alas, hard to name off the top of my head. I mainly know vines from various compilations.
34. advertisements you have stuck in your head?
Right now? Thankfully none of them.
36. what is the first meme you remember ever seeing?
That’s impossible to say! Memes were a thing before internet memes became a thing. I’d say that ‘S’ shape we all drew in primary school? Nursery rhymes? Who knows.
38. lemonade or tea?
They don’t usually compete for my love, but i have tea more often than lemonade, purely due to availability reasons.
40. weirdest thing to ever happen at your school?
Some students climbed onto the roof.
42. jacket pockets or pants pockets?
Honestly? Skirt pockets. But being a woman, jacket pockets are usually woefully ineffectual and small. Trouser pockets are a bit better, but again usually small. Whereas if someone puts pockets on a skirt, they make sure they are actually proper pockets!
44. favorite scent for soap?
Maybe honey, or roses, or jasmine.
46. most comfortable outfit to sleep in?
A baggy pair of PJs; I’m a dress for comfort kind of girl. Particularly since the places I’ve lived haven’t always been great in the heating department. I’ve been known to sleep in a hoodie when it gets cold.
48. if you were a fruit, what kind would you be?
I would like to be a berry, or maybe an apple. Something pinkish red. Sweet, and a little sharp.
50. what made you laugh the hardest you ever have?
Probably my little brother astounding me with how grown-up he is about things. He’s pretty awesome. Or my mum just saying something wildly, hilariously inappropriate XD
52. favorite font?
I love the Komika font family for my comic. I used to use Bookman Old Style, Book Antiqa, Georgia or classic Arial for essays and things like that, when they didn’t specify Times New Roman.
54. what did you learn from your first job?
Always call the med reg if you are stuck, be nice to the nurses and always help each other. OK, I did lots of volunteering in hospital before FY1. In which case my
56. favorite tradition?
My family/culture have a specific tradition on the morning of an exam/interview/life event where you fill a cup with water and a couple of plant leaves (Slavs love putting greenery into everything). You place it at the threshold,  and give it a good kick it with your dominant foot. It symbolises your knowledge flowing, and I guess it’s a good luck charm.. You also aren’t meant to look back (literally); because you should be focusing on the task at hand. As a kid it was a comforting good luck ritual, and I don’t think I ever really grew out of it.
58. four talents you’re proud of having?
I’m proud of my artistic skills, modest though they are. I enjoy creating, and I enjoy that I can make things to cheer up my friends, or things that people here can relate to.
By extension, I’m good with my hands, and that usually translates to picking up procedures and things like that pretty quickly at work. And yes, I love being able to get that cannula in (especially if it’s on the first go!)  when nobody else can. It’s a tiny, tiny thing, but it sparks a little joy. I can develop good rapports with people; which means I can help them to confide their problems, and can help them to feel better or to address things that are bothering them. It’s really mostly about listening and not being judgemental. I am proud that I can sometimes make people feel better, and feel listened to. I’m proud that I learned to try to work through my feelings. As a young person who was really quite stressed, I somehow learned how to apply what’s basically CBT to keep myself relatively sane, and I think it’s helped me a lot. It was only much later that I realised it was basically CBT when I was comparing notes with friends actually going through those kinds of therapies. I’m not perfect at it, and my mind tests me on a regular basis, but it helps.
60. if you were a character in an anime, what kind of anime would you want it to be?
I don’t know what I’d like to be in? Maybe a Ghibli film. I think I’d like that.  When I was at school, a close friend of mine just turned around and said “OMG, you’re just like an anime character”, to fervent agreement from my peers. I guess they meant one of those chirpy, ditzy shojo anime characters. I can still see myself as some shojo series heroine; frantically trying to keep it together under the pressures of magical girldom, being romantically inept, trying to fight off the baddie of the week whilst learning lessons about getting along with each other, being helpful and not being mean.
62. seven characters you relate to?
Right now? Sophie from Howl’s moving castle, Princess Carolyn from Bojack Horseman, Miranda Otto from D. Gray-Man, Elinor Dashwood from Sense and Sensibility, The Red Blood Cell from Cells at Work, Kiki from Kiki’s delivery service, and Aggressive Retsuko.
64. favorite website from your childhood?
I used to love looking at other people’s art on Elfwood or Deviantart.
66. favorite flower(s)?
Today I’m feeling the answer is lilacs.
68. worst flavor of any food or drink you’ve ever tried?
Ugh anything bitter.
70. left or right handed?
I’m ridiculously right handed, but I’ve learned to use my left hand more effectively because of procedures etc. I’m really good with my hands, but my right hand takes over like 80% of the work.
72. worst subject?
PE in school, biochemistry at university.
74. at what pain level out of ten (1 through 10) do you have to be at before you take an advil or ibuprofen?
At home, maybe a 3, because I don’t see the point in suffering needlessly. However at work I’ll do whatever it takes to keep functional including taking pain relief before it gets bad because I don’t want to have to deal with pain and an on-call. I’m not sure if the scale is logarithmic? I’d rate the worst pain that I’ve had 5 ot a 6, and that made me vomit and curl up into a ball and basically unable to do anything. But I can imagine pain that’s much, much worse than that was, so perhaps I just can’t thin
76. what’s your favorite potato food (i.e. tater tots, baked potatoes, fries, chips, etc.)?
This kind of new potato salad my mum makes with onions. Raw onions are totally a trigger food for my IBS, and any time my mum feeds me anything full of onions, she’ll tell me I can take them out if they upset my tummy. And every single time I’ll pile even more onions into my plate because there’s no way I’m letting my gut dictate my life. Turns out, I’m even more stubborn than my IBS; I just don’t want to give up some of the foods that set things off. My GP once recommended a FODMAP diet, and having had a look at all the stuff I’d have to cut, I resolved I’d only start cutting things if my symptoms got really bad.
78. coffee from a gas station or sushi from a grocery store?
Honestly, I have no pretentions to snobbery. The best coffee is the one you get when you are about to collapse on a night shift, even if much, much better coffee exists in the world. And the best sushi is the plain supermarket one you get between on-calls to treat yourself, even if the one from a good restaurat is so much nicer.
80. earth tones or jewel tones?
I wear a lot of jewel tones, but I also wear a lot of earth tones, and I don’t really see them as being in competition. Rock all the colours!
82. pc or console?
Phone. XD I don’t play much on either, mainly due to time. Phone has the benefit of being in my pocket when I’m at a loose end on the bus, or at my parents’. I don’t sit down and make time to play, I play games in the stolen minutes here and there when I don’t have much to do.
84. podcasts or talk radio?
Classical music radio in the office (because it’s the most neutral), retro stations in the car (or whatever your guests would like), and podcasts at home when you are by yourself.
84. barbie or polly pocket?
I didn’t have a real Barbie (fairly sure ours were knockoff dolls) but I do have fond memories of making outfits for our toys. Though our favourites were always various little animal models who got into all sorts of adventures.
86. cookies or cupcakes?
Cookies, but it’s a close call. Really, I’d have to say biscuits, since I eat those more often than either of the above.
88. your greatest wish?
For myself? To be happy. For others? Ditto. 
90. luckiest mistake?
Getting into my first degree. Feels like I fell into it, but it set me off on a great path, and I don’t regret that my initial path was far from straightforward.
92. lamps, overhead lights, sunlight or fairy lights?
All of the above.
94. favorite season?
That kind of Spring-Summer interface when all the plants are in bloom, and the weather is warm but not too hot, and the days are long.
96. desktop background?
Arietty’s bedroom from the Ghibli Borrowers film adaptation. I’m a sucker for ghibli aesthetic; usually because my rooms end up similarly haphazardly adorned with cool things. 
98. favorite historical era?
Every era has its own awesomeness. I feel very fondly for the regency period because of all the books I’ve read set in it, likewise the Victorian period. Though both aren’t without their problems. I realised that I style my hair like a Victorian; centrally parted with a neat, low bun at the nape of the neck. XD
I think that might be all the questions! Phew!
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onemanbandwagon · 6 years
So here we are...
Hi! So here’s a little side blog (Secondary blog? Does anybody even use these on tumblr anymore? Heck guess I do.) to just post here and there about a side project I’ve been wanting to start poking at for a while. I’m not normally one for keeping track of things well with personal projects so hopefully this’ll motivate some better behaviour on that.
So to kick things off, here’s the pitch: There’s some sort of subtle magical excitement to travelling for the sake of travelling. What if there was a way to capture that in game media?
A game where you have a world, a backpack and your eyes on the horizon; what strange and mysterious things might you find on your journey?
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(Can you tell I’m a programmer not an artist? :’D)
A rough vision: Of course, all this is still very early and is more just musings on how I could go about this, but here’s a couple ideas on how this could turn out:
My favourite idea so far has been to generate a world every time you start a new game. Towns and how they connect are all randomly decided and the lands in between too. When you’re in a town you can explore and see what there is to see, maybe spend some money, eat some good food, take some photos. This is the main part of the project, the whole reason I wanted to start seriously thinking about putting it together.
Further on, if I get that far, I imagine I’d like to consider character creation. Travelling is fun, but if it’s not you then it’s not really your journey, now is it. It also makes some other ideas more interesting...
Such as a camera! Some people may chose not to take pictures when they travel, but for those of you that do, you may as well have some fun with it. I’d like to be able to implement a camera, perhaps as a smart phone, so you can take pictures of landscapes, people and places, or even snap a selfie (with any willing participants too!) to really make it special. Obviously you’d have to watch out for photo-bombers in the background of your pictures...
I’d like for the world to have a day night cycle, maybe even a season cycle. Certain towns might have events on at certain times, and you obviously will need to sleep at points on your journey, as well as eat. I wouldn’t want to make any of these mechanics high stress, and would probably have an option to turn them off for a more relaxed time. The day night cycle would obviously continue despite this.
Transport! Perhaps the most intriguing thing to consider is how transport links between towns would generate. You obviously can’t walk everywhere so sometimes a bus route, or a railway should appear between towns. Not a quick travel option exactly, though it could be. The journey is just as much as the destination, so relax on the train, see what you can see out the window, or spend the time posting your pictures onto social media on your phone.
Things to research for now:
3D would probably suit how I’d like this project to end up, so I need to decide on an engine to use. I’m familiar with Unity somewhat already, but I’m open to researching into other engines.
I need to research a little more into procedural generation and consider how best to populate a game world without compromising performance. A good exercise rather than just pumping everything I can into generation.
Less important but still on the list is art. I don’t have to have perfect assets since it’s more to prove the concept to myself, but it would be nice to be able to make a nice looking product.
First post, success! This project is a bit of a pipe dream, but something I hope to poke at every now and then, both out of personal interest and as a portfolio piece. If this becomes interesting to anyone, feel free to follow along, and though I may not reply in good time, feel free to send a message in about this! It’s only at the ideas phase right now, so it’s still fun to think about. :D
Until next time (whenever that might be haha).
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eldritchsurveys · 4 years
survey by ashleybayle
Has anyone ever told you that you looked like a celebrity?  >> Yeah, I’ve gotten Grace Jones and Harold Perrineau. I happen to think both of those people are beautiful so that’s cool. 
When was the last time you got something done to your hair? >> I don’t get things done to my hair, I just buzz it every couple of weeks.
Do you have any change on you right now?  >> I don’t have anything on me right now. I also don’t keep change around because I usually don’t use cash.
What color is the pillowcase(s) on your bed?  >> One is a mid-range grey and the other one is a charcoal grey (the latter comes from a different sheet set).
Do you have a favorite day of the week? >> I do not.
Cutting your hair extremely short, would you do it?  >> As previously stated, I do it all the time.
Have you ever been in an art show? >> I’ve been in an exhibit, if that’s the same thing.
Would you considered yourself to be well-exposed to life or sheltered? >> I’ve been well-exposed to life now. When I first left home, I was dangerously sheltered, but the circumstances I got into taught me a lot really fast.
How high is your pain tolerance?  >> I can take certain kinds of physical pain pretty well, but not things like toothaches or muscle cramps. But in certain situations my pain tolerance is lowered by my intolerance for the rest of the situation -- like at the dentist. The pain is technically tolerable, but the whole circumstance of being at the dentist, with all the touching and weird procedures and medical stuff around... that significantly hampers my ability to deal with the pain the way I usually would.
Have you ever played the game Halo? >> I have never.
Are you wearing any jewelry at the moment?  >> Just the jewelry in my piercings.
Is there a sport that you love to play?  >> There is not.
Has anything made you sad in the past 48 hours? >> Absolutely.
Have you ever had to learn lines for a play/skit/movie?  >> Not really. I was in one play in my school years but I was an extra so I had like, one line. I was so bored that I ended up just memorising the whole play for the hell of it and reciting it to myself in bed at night. (Sure wish I had those memorisation powers now...)
Do you like your nose?  >> I don’t think about my nose.
Is there a hair color you prefer on the opposite sex?  >> ---
Kissing someone with facial hair, do you mind?  >> ---
Would you ever like to be a stunt person?  >> Absolutely not.
Are you a pyromaniac?  >> No.
How soon is your birthday?  >> A little over seven months.
Are you one of those people who listen to songs on repeat?  >> I don’t usually do that. When I do, it becomes apparent that that song has made one hell of an impact on me.
Can any of your friends sing very well?  >> I don’t know.
Would you ever enter any kind of pageant?  >> No.
Do you have piano fingers?  >> I was told as much when I was young, but I don’t know if that still applies or if my fingers just look normal now.
What is your preferred curse word?  >> I don’t think I have a preferred one, since I use them all pretty regularly.
When someone's drunk, the truth comes spilling out, correct?  >> Not necessarily. People assume that whatever they first think is the truth, and therefore assume that the lack of social filter that drunken people tend to have means they’re “speaking the real truth”. But I don’t think of it that way at all. 
Have you ever shouted something random at someone out a car window? >> I don’t think so. I think the most random thing I’d shout at someone out of a car window would be something like “I LIKE YOUR DOG!” or, you know, something like that.
Have you ever slept on a beach? >> Surprisingly not. I was rarely street-homeless in the summer, unfortunately (ain’t that just the way).
Would you like to be taller?  >> No, I really don’t care about my height. I’d probably care if I was either way shorter or way taller than I am now, but since I’m average height, it hasn’t been a concern.
Are you a fan of piercings on the opposite sex?  >> ---
Have you ever listened to Celtic music?  >> Yeah.
Do you enjoy making up words?  >> I don’t usually do that.
Have you ever been attacked by an animal?  >> No.
Who did you dance with last?  >> ---
When holding hands, do you intertwine fingers?  >> ---
Is there a movie that makes you cry every single time you watch it?  >> Requiem for a Dream is like that.
Do you ever talk to the TV? >> Yeah.
What's your opinion on Johnny Depp? >> Instinctively I feel like fame fucked him up, as it does a lot of people. That may or may not be true, but that’s the impression I’ve gotten. I hate how the Amber Heard situation polarised people, and I hate that we were even made privy to the details of that whole debacle, because it feels exploitative as fuck to watch shit like that happen and all the media outlets pounce on it the way they do. I don’t really much care for many of his movies, but there are a few enduring favourites (like Edward Scissorhands <3).
Have you ever watched the Tudors?  >> No, but I had a friend who was obsessed with it and sometimes I think about watching it just to see, but my I think pseudo-historical drama of choice will always be The Borgias, lol.
Can you speak in different accents? >> No.
Who was the last person you mocked/mimicked?  >> I don’t remember.
If you write, isn't writer's block the most horrible thing? >> It is, it makes me feel even more worthless than I already feel.
Can you sew or knit?  >> I can do a basic stitch in both. 
Do you have a favorite pair of jeans?  >> I have one pair of jeans, is what I have.
What size shirt do you normally wear?  >> Medium or Large, depending on the fit.
Are you good with money?  >> I suppose. I mean, I also don’t have much of it to manage, so...
Has anyone ever aimed a gun at you?  >> No.
What is the first letter of the person's name you last kissed?  >> C.
Do you use myspace for following celebrities, and facebook for friends?  >> I mean, I don’t use MySpace at all, now. Generally I use Facebook for in-person friends, and a certain few groups I like to follow.
Have you ever written a song?  >> When I was a kid, yeah.
Do you believe there is life on other planets?  >> I think it’s a reasonable conclusion to come to.
If you think about the universe long enough, it's baffling isn't it?  >> Yeah, it’s fucking... inconceivable, is what it is. I love it.
When was the last time you fell?  >> I really don’t remember.
Are you a fan of Christian Bale?  >> I mean, mildly? Same friend who was into The Tudors was also a big fan of Christian Bale, incidentally. I do like the things I’ve seen him in.
Do you have any sort of debt?  >> No.
Is there an accent you prefer?  >> No.
Have you spoken to the person you love today?  >> I’ve spoken to one of them.
Would you ever travel to Los Angeles? >> Sure, I’m really curious about what it’s like over there, and how it compares to its twin metropolis on the East Coast.
Have you ever been through a natural disaster? >> Not really.
Is there a specific time period that interests you? >> No.
Do any of your friends own an expensive car?  >> No.
Have you ever been on a train? >> I’ve been on many a train.
Is there a memory that embarasses you to think about? >> Sure.
Have you ever used different colored paper clips?  >> Maybe a long time ago.
Where exactly are you right now?  >> On my bed in my room.
Don't you admire those people who know exactly what they want to do? >> I think it’s fascinating that people can have such a clear concept of what they want to do in life. I have never experienced that. I don’t know what it’s like to have a singular passion that overrides all else, or a sense of Purpose(tm) or anything like that.
Is there a guy you can talk to about anything?  >> I mean, I guess that’d be Can Calah.
Have you ever been in a parade? >> Yeah.
Would you ever consider being a news reporter?  >> No.
Are you, or anyone you know, an atheist?  >> I am not an atheist, but I know at least a few of them.
Has anyone ever told you to "get a grip"?  >> Probably.
Do people say you look your age? Or younger or older?  >> People tend to assume I am younger than I am.
Have you ever sent a celebrity fan mail?  >> No.
Are you ashamed of how you acted when you were younger? >> Kind of, yeah. I understand that the way I behaved was directly informed by the trauma I’d suffered, and I try to forgive myself for it, but still.
Do you ever have those days where you feel you're the ugliest person ever?  >> That’s most days.
Beauty is both external and internal, correct? >> It’s wherever you want it to be, I guess. The shit is entirely subjective.
Have you ever been in a musical? >> Yeah, that one play I was in that I mentioned earlier. It was Annie.
When was the last time you swam in a pool?  >> I don’t remember the last time I was in a pool.
Is there a friend's family that makes you feel like you're family too? >> No.
How do you know someone is your best friend?  >> I don’t know, I have no experience with that. I don’t think I’ll ever know what that feels like.
When was the last time you used a highlighter?  >> ---
Has a flashlight ever ran out batteries on you in the dark? >> No.
0 notes
Day 7: Crypt of the NecroDancer [Game]
As you may have noticed, this Tumblr is about my favourite things. {My favourite things} happens to be a finite yet good-sized set, which objects include “banana bread”, “Brave new world by Aldous Huxley” or “that brilliant guitar tune that will probably get stuck in your head if you listen to it but who cares, it’s awesome anyway” as well as “shower scrubs that smell good and leave your skin soft and smooth”. But as variable as my favourite things can be, they include two pretty big subsets: {Cool games possibly involving dungeons, magic and just the right amount of frustration} and {Catchy music that makes you want to move the hell out of your body}. And guess what? Crypt of the NecroDancer happens to be the perfect intersection of these two sets.
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Crypt of the NecroDancer is a dungeon crawler in which you do the usual dungeon crawling stuff such as fighting dragons, zombies, bats and evil mushrooms (yup) in procedurally-generated levels, collecting items and making judicious character improvement choices. Except your actions have to be performed on the beat of a catchy, energetic soundtrack that seems to have become an instant favourite work soundtrack to me as well. If you miss the beat, the action won’t be performed (which may get you harmed), and the scoring multiplier that makes the ground look like a damn disco ball will be reset. In addition, music also serves as a timer: When the song is over, your time is up and you are instantaneously sent to the next level through a trapdoor.
Gameplay video of the early levels, by a non-lazy person who puts some effort into making videos while playing and uploading them after this. You can even play using a dance mat if you like ! And yes, metal music actually plays at the end. You don’t wanna miss it.
Monsters move and attack rhythmically according to predetermined patterns that you have to learn in order to attack them at the right moment and avoid getting harmed. This predictability may make the game sound easy, but when you enter a room full of monsters, it’s actually rather hard to puzzle out how to make your way through it and joyfully slaughter all the slimes and goblins without taking too much damage. Especially given that the beat matching constraint will not leave you much time to make up your strategy. The music also increases in tempo and rhythmic complexity as you progress through the game – or accidentally step on a trap – turning the music into an explosion of electronic craziness, and the gameplay into an outright challenge.
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What opening the door of a challenging room feels like. Except they definitely don’t run to the beat of the song. If they were in the dungeon, they’d be REALLY screwed.
I haven’t completed Crypt of the NecroDancer at all – quite the contrary, as I discovered it less than 48 hours ago and had plenty of walks to take, conversations to have and scripts to run since then – but a game that already makes me look forward to be back from work so I can play definitely deserves a post here, and I can’t wait to see what the upcoming levels will bring. The concept is brilliant, so is the execution; and despite controls being theoretically simple it’s definitely difficult enough for me to spend quite a long time learning how to truly dance my way through all of the creative, mysterious dungeons. In addition, it has a cooperative mode and nothing strengthens friendships like sighing at your buddy because they stupidly stepped on a trap, died and left you alone with the damn dragon, condemning you to a terribly humiliating dance with death.
And also: Mr. Matt probably doesn’t deserve a post on its own, but I’m still glad I had a “Oh wait, that cool game that I haven’t played for literally fifteen years and hadn’t even crossed my mind for almost as long probably still exists” moment yesterday because I had a pretty nice nostalgia-filled moment with it. Plus, it’s much harder than I remember, which is quite an ego boost because it makes me think that seven-year-old me was actually smart. Even though she probably didn’t finish it, as I don’t recall her doing so – and if she did, the event would probably have held a special place in my {Things I’m still damn proud of even though I did them a long ass fuckin’ time ago} set, somewhere along “That time I won a laser tag game against an army of 10-year-old boys who thought I would rank last because I was the only girl”.
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Now that’s a lot of apples.
You play as Mr Matt, a yellow dude with a huge appetite for apples and a terribly annoying voice (you may want to turn the volume down before playing, because if you lose you’ll get to hear the most cringe-worthy “Oh no” ever), who wants to eat all the fruit in a weird garden where apples were mostly placed under stones for unknown reasons. When you step on grass or eat an apple, you empty the cell. And guess what happens when stones are over empty cases? Yeah… They fall. And if they happen to fall on your head, well, you lose.
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Oh, and did I mention the possibility to change graphics? You can turn apples into pumpkins, and boring rocks into fancy gemstones. Just thought this was worth mentioning.
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sanerontheinside · 7 years
political horror stories from the frankenAU
- because apparently now that’s a thing that I do
I’m going to preface this particular snippet with an explanation and strong warnings. This is part of a backstory for one of my OCs, who appears in the frankenAU, which I haven’t been particularly open on the details of. I don’t know how these snippets fit overall into the arc, but they occur in the same AU, so I’m posting this separately in several parts as I go. 
Alternatively, this part can be read as a standalone. Actually, I may even keep it that way, post the full form on ao3 later. 
Warnings for current snippet: discrimination against an LGBT character, politics that may strike close to home, manipulation. (Particularly for any followers who experienced the grand experiment of communism, but current events will sting enough.)
Alik raised her arms over her head and stretched, letting her spine click. It didn’t dispel the tightness below her shoulder blades, but it was better than nothing.
In the soft yellow light of her desk lamp, she eyed the blue digits on the chrono and snorted. Well past time for sleeping, but she was already long trapped in the pleasant hum of wakefulness, and craving caff again. Time is a lie, she thought, rising and sighing heavily. Certainly after her return from the neighbouring system, where she’d covered the famine that was beginning to affect their shipments, Time could say whatever it liked about its own progression. Alik’s mind and body were awake and that was that.
Careful not to wake the other few stragglers in their offices that night, Alik gingerly picked up her mug and slipped off her shoes, padded barefoot to the kitchen, and sealed the door behind her with a soft snick to set the kettle.
She could still hear her father’s voice in her head, though they hadn’t spoken a civil word to each other in a very long time – journalism is a thankless job, it never pays enough and no one wants the truth! Well, he was right, of course. Alik worked for one of the best papers in the capital city, but she’d just had the great honor of watching her latest report be quietly suppressed and shuffled down in the ranking.
Oh, it got the proper opening burst of viewership, and even now a few enterprising young souls were probably circulating the link on the HoloNet. It wasn’t news. It wasn’t interesting. The licks and hints and tantalising bites that the local correspondents had had dangled under their noses by a few of the high generals, though, those were interesting.
Alik ground back against a weary, frustrated sigh. They did this every year, or every few months, whenever things got boring. They’d dangle hints and nice little tidbits, but nothing would really come of it. She was almost convinced nobody even believed it anymore, this possibility of a military coup. People were so weary of the tense back-and-forth between the military and the Minister – who seemed to be a public favourite – that they’d relaxed, like an elastic band stretched too many times.
Then again, she thought, throwing the vidstream a crooked glance as she poured a generous measure of cream in her burnt bitter caff, now would be the perfect time to strike, at that. Their main trading partner was struggling with a governmental meltdown, and a number of the neighbouring planets they had dealings with were also showing signs of instability. Things hadn’t been this bad in years, maybe even decades.
Alik hummed softly to herself, pursing her lips at the vidstream in some concern.
3 months later:
“No, I’m trying to tell you –"Alik pressed the heel of her hand against her eye, where the headache was now a constant dull throb. “Maysun, listen to me: Lor assigned coverage of the protests to me. I was there, so was Gaspar. We’ve been arrested.”
The comm crackled. “Where are you?”
“The Intendant’s offices.”
“Why the Inten- you were in the Square?”
“Maysun,” Alik held back a sigh and swallowed her sarcasm, though she couldn’t quite take the edge out of her voice. “Yes, we were in the Square. They asked us to report on the protests in the city centre.”
“Alright. I’ll talk to our legal aid, see if they can get you out. Should I tell Edi?”
Alik snorted. “Has he asked where we are and what he’s paying us for?”
“Of course.”
Alik could hear Maysun’s smile, and it warmed her, just a little. “Then do tell him. He may be lucky, this time,” she added, eyeing the door apprehensively. “I don’t think the Intendant is particularly concerned with legalities.”
“What do you mean?”
The sharp thrum of worry in Maysun’s voice was also reassuring, but not quite enough to settle Alik’s stomach. “My friend, he hasn’t told us why we were arrested,” Alik said quietly. “We’ve been held here without questioning, and I haven’t seen Gaspar since they brought us into the building. This is not normal procedure.”
A beat of silence met her from the other end. Then, “I see.” Alik shivered at the schooled tone, held her breath through the long, unsettling pause. “We’ll do everything to get you out, Alik, I promise you,” Maysun said, far more gently.
“I remember what this means.”
“I know you do, Alik, but maybe it’s not come to that just yet. You only get one comm transmission, right?”
“Right. Five minutes.”
“Right. I see. Is there anyone you want me to call?”
Alik hesitated. “You said – you said it may not be that.”
“Nevertheless. Alik, your instincts have been right more often than not. Please. You’re the one who always tells me to prepare for the worst.”
Logical, that. Alik wanted to groan, wanted to drop her head onto crossed forearms. She’d long since lost all the family that would give half a damn about her, but maybe – “Tell Gaiane.”
“All right. No one else?”
Alik shrugged. “Well, you know. You can tell our lot. Gaiane will tell everyone I care for outside of work.”
“Good. I’ll start with Edi, then tell the others. He’ll be glad to take you off the books, so please come back.”
Alik laughed – a mirthless bark, but it left her feeling lighter. “Thank you, my friend.”
“Blessings, Alik. Hold on.”
The connection cut off. Alik dropped the comm to the table and looked up at the door, staring at it as though a determined, flat glare could show her the other side. The Intendant would come in, he would either apologise and let them go, and then that would be all, or she would be charged with disturbing the peace. Legal counsel would argue that she had been covering a nonviolent protest, and –
The door slid open. The Intendant strode in with a brisk, clipped step, not once looking her way, before he stopped at the edge of the table where she sat.
“Alek im-Norayr?”
Alik blinked up at him. “Alik, and it’s am-Norayr,” she corrected, with a strict emphasis.
The Intendant looked at her, a piercing, predatory gaze, and a sharp sweep from the crown of her head to her feet. “Quite so.” He stepped around her, behind her, passing far too close not to raise the hair on the nape of her neck. “Tell me, Alik – may I call you ‘Alik’? Or is there a more formal, complete form you would prefer?”
“‘Alik’ is the name I wish to be called,” she said firmly, back too straight, shoulders far too tense.
“Very well, Alik. What were you doing in the Square, six hours ago?”
“I will not speak without my company’s legal counsel present,” Alik replied steadily.
The Intendant smiled. “You are not here under arrest, Alik. No charges have been filed against you.”
Yet, her mind added ominously. “Yet I’ve been kept here for six hours, though I have not been charged with anything.”
“A bureaucratic error, I assure you,” he said, waving the issue out of the air like a passing nuisance. “I only have a few questions – I need to clear up a bit of confusion, compare testimonies of the protestors against other accounts. You work for – which company?”
“I work for the Daily Inquiry,” Alik answered levelly.
“The Daily Inquiry, very good – you’re one of their best correspondents. You know how important the facts are to us.”
Alik shrugged. “Then I see even less reason to ask a journalist.”
The Intendant chuckled amiably. “Ah, good, you’ve a fine sense of humour, Alik. You and I will get along very well, I think. Now: you were covering the protests?”
“My superior assigned coverage of the protest to me and Gaspar im-Suf-”
“Oh, yes, I know about your friend, Gaspar,” the Intendant interrupted lightly. “We have already spoken to him. He says you were responsible for the fighting that broke out in the crowd.”
Alik opened her mouth, then closed it again. No he didn’t, she thought, with a taste in her mouth like burnt metal. “The crowd was not violent, where we were -”
“My officers say it was violent,” the Intendant cut across her smoothly, and this time his voice was harder, cooler. “Are you calling them liars?”
Alik stared. Her mouth snapped shut.
“I thought not. Let’s try again. Your companion claims that you threw the first punch. Did you do this?”
Alik schooled her expression to pleasant blankness. “I am sure there has been a mistake. Now, if you don’t mind, I’d like to speak no further without legal counsel.”
“As is your right,” the Intendant nodded, agreeing. “But you know it will be held against you, of course.”
“But you say I have not been charged.” Alik dared a slight surprised widening of the eyes, an innocent blink.
The Intendant’s expression sharpened, and he looked up at her again, reevaluating his opponent. “Oh, come now, Alik. We know you started the riot.”
Oh gods, gods all. She knew this game. She knew it so well, she’d grown up with these stories braided into her hair, wound tight against her skull. She kept that knowledge out of her face, the fear that quaked within her trapped behind the mask of sudden blankness that slammed up over her expression. That was a tell like any other, she knew, but she didn’t care. She didn’t care, so long as it wasn’t her fear.
“You realise, of course, I don’t need to charge you with anything.”
Of course you don’t. “That would be illegal.” Not that anyone would care.
“There are certain – exceptions,” the Intendant smiled with his teeth alone, “for dealing with dangerous elements, enemies of the State.”
Right. Horrible-sounding laughter rang in her ears, a low voice of despair that had seen this coming, knew this was going to happen, it was only a matter of time, you chose journalism for this, didn’t you, Alik? She ignored it. “You know that will never hold in the courts. My company's lawyers –"
“Will not defend a traitor,” the Intendant cut in. “You have taken advantage of your position at the Daily Inquiry to corrupt the minds of the people with your fear mongering and your perversions of the truth. I’m sure they’ll even thank us for taking you off their hands,” he added with a twisted smirk, “after all, they have a responsibility to their readers.”
Now would be the time to show fear, Alik thought. Now would be the time to beg and scream and cry out, even though no one would come. More than anything else, though, she kept thinking that it didn’t make sense, that these threats hadn’t been made in decades. Of course they never died, but – why now?
Old methods of control and terror never died, and there was still no way to win against them. If anything, Alik should have known, from the moment they separated her from Gaspar, that she wasn’t going to walk out of here on her own two feet.
She wasn’t about to let the knowledge cow her.
The change in her – the acknowledgement of that finality – must have been evident. Her face smoothed, her voice dropped to a lower, more confident register. “You seem certain of these allegations,” Alik said, the tension in her body flowing out, replaced with readiness and an air of challenge.
“Are you going to deny them?” the Intendant asked, almost as though the spectacle before him were amusing.
“You don’t need a confession from an enemy of the State.” She must have looked weary, her eyes sliding aside to the dirty window and the dark wall. And the floor, she noticed, was dark. She wondered how scrupulously clean the Intendant kept his offices.
“No, I don’t. But it would make things so much easier for you.”
The corners of her mouth twitched in the very slightest of resigned smiles. No, not at all. Confessions are only meant to break you. To gauge how weak you are.
She turned her head back to him, and grinned – a wide, toothy, sickly grin.
You can’t have me yet.
*Note: yes, he deadnamed her. 
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rationalisms · 7 years
do you have, say, an all-time favorite poi episode? i really, really love 1.04. it's before shaw and root and reese and finch's relationship really developing, but i just love it. the case itself, and especially the scene at the end and john's monologue. sorry this isn't really related to anything; i just wanted to share.
i really liked 1.04 too! i tend to cringe when rape comes up in procedural type shows because it’s so often handled badly but i think this episode did it well; it was refreshing that reese and finch never once questioned the guilt status of the rapist despite the lack of proof in the beginning.
i also think it was really great that they showed a whole bunch of different reasons for why someone would not want to report their rape and never shamed those women for their decision, and that the moral wasn’t “megan shouldn’t kill her sister’s rapist because he ~doesn’t deserve to die~” but “megan shouldn’t kill her sister’s rapist because she doesn’t deserve to live with the guilt for the rest of her life, let someone else take care of it” was refreshing too.
i think my all time favourite episode is probably 4.11 if-then-else. i know it’s a popular choice but for a reason! i love the way it’s framed and it has so much great character stuff happening in it, including my favourite rootshaw moment (”maybe someday”) and my favourite harold & TM moment (his monologue at the end of their chess game).
i also love 3.12 aletheia (root and control! bb harold flashbacks! harold’s conversation about TM with arthur!), 4.05 prophets (one of my all time favourite episodes when it comes to harold & root and harold & TM), 2.13 dead reckoning (i still can’t watch the rooftop scene without wanting to eat my fist whole), 1.17 baby blue (because come on), 3.14 provenance (it’s so unabashedly silly and i love heist episodes in general and it helps that it’s super gay too), 5.01 b.s.o.d. (funnily enough considering i don’t care much for the rest of the season, the harold & tm flashbacks were just… really good) and 3.17 / path (i love root so much and the pivotal scene she has with harold in this episode is probably my favourite scene between them ever). also 2.01 the contingency and 2.02 bad code are probably my favourite season opener out of all of them.
ugh i am having to like… physically stop myself from typing out even more this is long enough already. basically any ep that’s either really gay or harold or root or TM centric or ideally all of those things is gonna be my fave.
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aurelliocheek · 4 years
The Artificial Intelligence of Shadow Fight 3
Banzai Games’ Producer Mikhail Dragovalovskiy writes about his experiences in creating the AI for the popular mobile fighting game.
Game Designers regularly face the challenge of creating a ­credible AI. This process can be either ­relatively simple or extremely complex, depending on the requirements of the project and the goals that you pursue.
Every genre has certain principles on which the game mechanics are based on. You first need to understand these ­principles for your game to develop a good bot. For example, in platformers, this is the height of the jump relative to the height of the character, as well as the interaction of the character with the environment, such as platforms and vertical obstacles.
Fighting, on the other hand, is based on frame data – a markup of animation that ­defines its parameters.
Here are three main phases of an attacking animation in a typical fighting game:
Starter – the time from the start of playing the animation until the ­striking surface (e.g. the blade of a sword) ­appears. During this period, the player is vulnerable.
Attack interval – the time interval of the animation where there is a striking ­surface. In the event of a collision between the striking surface and the enemy’s character model, it will cause damage and a hit reaction.
Recovery – the period of time after an attack interval or after a hit reaction. At this point, the player does not have control over the character and may also be vulnerable.
The key to creating a good AI in a fighting game is to teach the bot to interpret the frame data and choose actions that cause the enemy’s HP decreases faster than the bot’s HP.
The action game series Shadow Fight is developed by Banzai Games and published by Nekki. Part 3 has already been installed on over 50 million Android and iOS devices.
Differences between SF3 and most other fighting games The Shadow Fight series was designed with a number of unique features that distinguish it from many other fighting games:
The use of autoblocks: If the player’s character simply moves but does not attack, he automatically blocks any regular attack of the enemy.
A slower pace and smooth animations as a tactical component: the player must have enough time to recognize what kind of blow the enemy strikes and which technique he should choose for a successful counter-attack. This intentional slowdown of combat speed also allowed us to make the animations as beautiful and physically realistic as possible.
Real collisions: This leads to very cool scenes in which one character dodges the attack of the opponent and immediately strikes back in response. Thanks to the smooth animations the player has the time to notice these details very well.
Shadow form: When a special energy bar gets completely filled, the player can enter the shadow form and perform several spectacular tricks that penetrate his opponent’s block.
We already used AI logic to control the opponents in our previous fighting game Shadow Fight 2. But due to the transition to 3D graphics, the use of real character collisions and the introduction of the ­shadow form, we could only reuse a part of the existing AI ​​logic. The rest had to be reinvented from scratch.
Where to start working on AI? If you don’t want to use a bot that is ­powered by machine learning algorithms, there are two main other approaches:
1. Use a weak bot, then strengthen it to the desired level with new features. 2. Use an invincible bot and then weaken it.
The second option sounds very attractive: you create a cool AI that beats the players first, and then you mercifully reduce the difficulty of the bot. From a developers point of view, this may be more convenient, because you can pre-design all the features of the bot’s behaviour and have a full idea of its final performance in the fights.
Of course, we chose this option first, although we later realized that it wasn’t so simple: with our balance of animations, automatic blocks and the variety of special skills, a highly skilled player can almost always find out the necessary tactics and tricks that allow him to defeat the AI. We did not understand this right away, but after measuring the winrate of the players at different stages of the game, it became obvious. This, by the way, contradicted the fact that for many people, judging by their feedback on the game, the bot was almost invincible.
Since truly lag-free PvP was not yet possible on mobile devices, PvP in Shadow Fight 3 is simulated by an AI-controlled bot.
So how does our AI work? Triggers or rules of conduct: The system of rules under which the bot performs random actions is called triggers. Here is an example of this set of rules:
The bot evaluates the distance between itself and the player and generates a list of those attacks that could reach its opponent. Then it chooses a random attack from this list.
The bot does not spam the player with throwing weapons.
After being hit by a throwing weapon, the bot has a guaranteed chance to dodge the attack for a certain amount of time.
A bunch of other things that a bot should or should not do.
If you release such a bot against a beginner of an equal level, the result will depend on the armed weapons of the opponents. The one with the faster animation will win. Because, in fact, both just hectically push all buttons, except that the bot does it in a more meaningful way.
Decision-making The logical step to improve the AI is to reduce this randomness and add a ­decision-making system that will guide the bot to victory. To do this, you need to understand which decisions are right in which situation. For fighting games, two ­situations happen all the time:
1. The enemy is waiting. 2. The enemy is attacking.
There are two solutions, too:
1. You need to attack when there is a high probability to hit. 2. You need to block when you’re attacked and can’t counter-attack.
It turns out that for victory, the AI ​​must interrupt enemy attacks with its counter-­attacks, or block if it cannot interrupt them.
We distinguish two groups of decisions that the bot has to make: first – when the player is standing, and second – when the player is attacking. In order for the AI to know exactly how to counter, we came up with collision tables.
At the right moment, the AI starts a special attack.
Collision Tables This is where the principles of fighting games come in handy – the animation ­stages mentioned above.
Remember how Doctor Strange looked through all the possible outcomes of the battle with Thanos? The collision tables work similarly: a computer calculates the outcomes for each attacking animation at every possible distance in advance.
In more detail: we simulate a strike with a sword and at the same time a strike with a katana, and then we look who will hit whom. We do this procedure for all ­ attacks in the game, at all distances and with ­delays of a different number of frames. Example: “I launch a blow with a sword, and my opponent starts a katana strike after N frames”.
All results are recorded in tables. We ­repeat this elaborate procedure before each game update and store the resulting tables in compressed format inside the game build, so the calculations don’t eat up the device’s resources in runtime. This way the player’s client already has a complete list of all the outcomes for any possible attack combination. The AI can see in these tables which action can counter any attack of the player at a specific distance, or understand that it’s best to block the attack.
As a result, the AI effectively responds to the player’s actions with the optimal counter-attacks. Next, we need to teach the bot to attack in the optimal way, rather than using only random strikes.
Wrong decisions and erroneous behaviour are important ­characteristics of a credible AI.
The choice of distance and the right strike An attentive and intelligent reader could say: “Stop! Why even attack by yourself if the enemy is in the autoblock mode most of the time? We simply have to wait for the player’s action and punish him with a quick blow that will interrupt his attack!” Yes, this is true, but a bot that does not move and does not attack without the player taking the initiative looks at least strange. A ­credible AI ​​must also be able to choose effective attacks, even if the optimal ­strategy is to play just with counter-attacks. To do this, we have developed a system for choosing the best distance and strikes. We know that most players have a ­repertoire of several favourite punches. For us, this means that our bot should specifically choose such attacks that cannot be interrupted by these typical player punches (at a given distance).
To do this,
we gather statistics of all strikes of the player.
we calculate the optimal distance for the most effective counter-attacks against his favourite strikes.
we feed this value to the bot and make it stay on this distance throughout the battle.
In theory, it sounds cool, but in practice, it has proved to be unsuitable: players rarely stand idle – they almost always press buttons and attack the bot. Too often, the bot was busy only reacting to the player’s actions, instead of taking the initiative. So, the choice of the right strike only works against passive players. But at least the choice of the right distance improved the effectiveness of our counter-attacks – they’ve become more diverse because the bot has more choices. At this stage, the bot is already quite effective: it recognizes the best moment for an attack, it knows when to counter-attack and when to block. Next, we will talk about the systems that allowed us to set the required level of complexity and weaken or strengthen the bot.
Resentment and forgiveness This is an interesting concept in our balance system. Through this, we create a sufficient level of complexity for beginners and professionals, as well as motivate the player to use different strikes, which increases the interest and fun of the game.
The essence of this concept already lies in the name: the bot takes offence at the player’s attacks if the player uses the same ones too often. Resentment is an internal variable in the game that reduces the AI’s chance of making a bad decision and increases the chance that the AI ​​will conduct a perfect counter-attack.
On the other side of the scale lies forgiveness. This variable increases the bot’s chance of choosing non-optimal solutions and reduces the chance of a counter-­attack, when the player stops spamming and switches to using different attacks more ­often. If we want a challenging bot, we reduce the speed of forgiveness and set a high starting level of resentment. If we want to make a weak bot, the opposite is true.
The emphasis in Banzai Games‘ next project, Shadow Fight Arena, lies on synchronous PvP battles.
The interaction of collision tables, ­aggression and forgiveness Obviously, under certain conditions, some actions cannot be performed: the bot cannot hit the player while he is on the other end of the location, for example. He must first approach. To do this, the bot’s behaviour is configured through logical chains – if you can’t execute the first element, go to another. If you can’t carry it out, again – go to the next one, and so on. It could even be that the whole chain cannot be completed.
There are two general types of such chains in a fighting game, and it’s easy to guess them:
1. Aggression – is activated when the player moves or stands and does not attack. 2. Counter-attack – is activated when a player attacks.
To make the bot’s behaviour more diverse, each chain has its own weight. If the player is standing, there are certain chances that the bot will approach the player for a strike, use long-range weapons, or enter the shadow form. The same applies to counter-attacks – ­accurate punches that will 100% hit a player are not realistic. Therefore, there are chains of erroneous behaviour, and there are chains in which the bot simply dodges the attack, which is also an effective move but creates a different experience for the player.
We set up the chances of triggering the chains ourselves during the development process, but they are also modified during the battle by a system of resentment and forgiveness so that the bot is behaving in the context of the actual events in the fight.
The resentment system works differently for aggression and counter-attacks. The forgiveness system works only for counter-attacks.
Aggression case: The bot attacks the player, but the player outsmarts the bot and interrupts his attack. In this case, the bot will get offended, and all the chains from the aggression section will change their weights. This way, the chain with the long-range attack will get more weight, for example, because the bot will become more cautious.
Counter-attack case: Because a counter-­attack is a reaction to a player’s action, we can store the weight of counter-attack chains separately for each player’s strike. This way, the bot will perform more ­effective actions against spam attacks.
On the other hand, we have a forgiveness system to ensure that the bot is not offended by all the player’s strikes and doesn’t counter-attack them with 100% effectiveness. This system will reduce the weight of some counter-attack chains.
Example: the player attacks the bot, the bot selects a chain that is ineffective against the player’s actions, and the bot gets hit.
In this case, the weights increase only for the counter-attack chains that are effective against the blow that the player used. So if the player chooses this blow again, the bot has a greater chance to counter-attack him. At the same time, the bot forgives all the previous blows, and the corresponding chains for these blows get lower weights. So if the player alternates his types of ­attack, the bot will forgive him from time to time and will have lower chances to counter-attack effectively.
Additional AI systems Delay: Every bot in SF3 has a delay in making a decision. This parameter causes the bot to pause N frames before choosing an action option. It’s useful because it creates an illusion that the bot is thinking. The simpler the bot we want to make, the higher the delay we set for it.
Checking conditions: In order to make some parts of the game more vivid, more emotional, we are constantly monitoring the states and relations of various game variables. For example, we can force the bot not to use throwing weapons at certain distances. We can reduce the speed of forgiveness if a player has more hit points than a bot, or make the AI more aggressive if the player has fewer hit points.
In general, this is an add-on that we use to generate situations in which the bot dramatically changes its behaviour and effectiveness. If necessary, we restrict some actions of the bot in certain situations. For example, we made it more difficult for a bot to make a throw than for a player. ­Otherwise, the player would never be able to throw a bot. Since the distances for a throw are the same for both fighters, the bot would always be the first to start the throwing animation.
Based on all of the mechanisms described above, we have created nine basic AI presets that we use in different situations and sections of the game. This approach ­allows us to change the balance step by step and track the effecting changes.
Asynchronous PvP Presets Having many AI presets allows us not only to fine-tune the complexity of PvE but also to simulate PvP realistically.
Now we are working on the next game in the series – Shadow Fight Arena, where the emphasis lies on synchronous PvP battles. But the goals of SF3 were different, and all fights against other players were implemented asynchronously – meaning the bot completely controlled the opponent’s character, but with the actual equipment of a real player. This is, by the way, a typical approach for most mobile games.
Players who play successfully in this mode rise higher in the PvP-rank even with poor equipment. When the matchmaker picks them as a PvP opponent, we use more complex bot presets to simulate the playstyle of these gamers. At the same time, average players are simulated by a bot of medium complexity. This gives the impression that the tactics of the bot are different as if you are playing with different people whose skills vary and that victory doesn’t depend on the equipment.
Result The process of developing our bot tactics was a long one. We introduced these ­features gradually, so sometimes our players suffered, and then we suffered ­reading their complaints and curses. When we released the latest iterations of AI modifications, the flow of negative reviews regarding the behaviour of opponents stopped, which made us proud of our work. Our latest experience shows that the current approach to bot improvements will not give a noticeable further increase in quality. Therefore, we started working on a neural network that will simulate the ­actions of a player.
There are several reasons for this decision:
1. We are developing a new PvP fighting game – Shadow Fight Arena. Its special feature fights between heroes with very different tactics, different abilities, and mechanics. Creating a realistic bot under these conditions is many times more difficult than in the case of SF3.
2. We already have a positive experience using neural networks to solve animation tasks in our new product Cascadeur. This is a software for creating realistic animations that we use for all our games.
3. We want to assemble a team of competent ML specialists in order to increase our expertise in this area further and use it to improve Cascadeur and our games.
Mikhail Dragovalovskiy Producer
Mikhail has been in the in­dus­try for 6 years and joined Banzai Games two years ago. He started his Game Designer career at Wargaming and Social Quantum. As a Senior Game Designer at Banzai, Mikhail has been responsible for meta-gameplay and improving the bot AI of SF3. Lately he was promoted to producer of Banzai‘s new PvP game Shadow Fight Arena.
The post The Artificial Intelligence of Shadow Fight 3 appeared first on Making Games.
The Artificial Intelligence of Shadow Fight 3 published first on https://leolarsonblog.tumblr.com/
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ciathyzareposts · 4 years
Priority CRPG 2: Rogue: Exploring the Dungeons of Doom (1980)
In the history of gaming, there are plenty of games that are important milestones.  Games that changed the direction of the medium, or set a benchmark for their genre going forward.  There are only a handful of games, however, that are so significant and set such a precedent that an entire genre will be named after them.  They’re not necessarily the most famous games out there, but they are the ones that defined their play-style so much that their genre can’t be separated from them afterwards. I’ve played a couple of those for the blog already: Adventure and MUD1 gave their names to the adventure game genre and MUDs, respectively.  Now I come to the third such milestone: Rogue.
I have an ambivalent history with roguelikes.  The first one that I remember playing for any significant length of time was Diablo, which is only tangentially related to the genre.  I bounced off it hard in the late 90s, when everyone was raving about it.  Why would I want to play a game with random dungeons when I could play something crafted by a human?  The random dungeons were just one aspect of a game that was – at the time – everything I didn’t want CRPGs to become.
I played Rogue a time or two in the years after that, when I was making an effort to go back to a bunch of classics I’d missed.  I bounced off of Rogue in much the same way that I did with Diablo: random dungeons and a lack of story didn’t appeal to me, and I really didn’t get the permadeath thing.  I also kind of hated its dumb monsters.  Kestrels and ostriches?  No thanks.  (I was playing the  commercial DOS port, which excised a lot of the Dungeons & Dragons flavour of the original for legal purposes, even though a bazillion games had already nicked it without any repercussions.)
The commercial version of Rogue for DOS.  I’d mock the presence of an emu, but those things are no joke.
It wasn’t until around the  early 2010s that I was able to come to grips with it, mostly due to getting a smartphone.  I was looking for games to play on it, and I stumbled across an Android port of Rogue.  That’s when the game clicked for me, as it’s great for mobile devices.  Got ten minutes to waste standing in line?  That’s the perfect time to knock out a few levels of Rogue.  Playing it on the go put me in a different head-space, where I wasn’t looking for a substantial gaming experience, or settling in to explore a virtual world for hours on end.  I was looking for a challenge that I could kill time with in bite-sized chunks, and with Rogue I’d found it.  Sure, the touchscreen interface sucked, but for a turn-based game that didn’t matter so much.
I never finished it on Android, and eventually I switched phones and couldn’t find it for download any more.  The best I ever did was to make it to level 22, where I was probably killed by an Umber Hulk or something.  What can I say, it’s a hard game.  I’ve played a few genuine roguelikes here and there since, but the only one I ever knuckled down with and beat was Pixel Dungeon.
Since then I started the blog, and have beaten a number of games that I’d consider proto-roguelikes: The Dungeon, The Game of Dungeons (versions 5.4 and 8), Orthanc and Beneath Apple Manor all share elements that define the genre: random dungeon layouts, a quest to retrieve an item from deep within the dungeon, and permadeath.  None of those put all three elements together, although Beneath Apple Manor comes the closest.
It’s odd that, of the three genres I mentioned at the start of the post, roguelikes seem to be thriving more now than at any other point in their history.  Adventure games peaked in the 80s and 90s, and haven’t really returned to the prominence they had.  MUDs were big amongst a niche crowd in the 80s and 90s, but I suppose their turf got taken over by MMOs.  Roguelikes, on the other hand, seem to have only gotten big in the last decade.  I wonder if my experience is indicative of the trend, and if perhaps the rise of mobile gaming has anything to do with that?  Hard to say, but I’d love for someone with a stronger grasp of the genre’s history to chime in with their opinion.
I’m not really here to write about the genre as a whole however, but the game that started it.  The history of Rogue began in the late 1970s, with two students at the University of California in Santa Cruz: Michael Toy and Glenn Wichman.  Toy had had some opportunities to play the mainframe-based Star Trek game in his youth, and became fascinated with computer games.  While at college he discovered Colossal Cave Adventure, which impressed him enough that he started writing his own.  Wichman had spent some time playing Dungeons & Dragons, and enrolled in UCSC to learn game design and become a board game developer.  The two became close friends, and started writing adventure games to challenge each other, but soon they realised that the genre provided little in the way of replayability.
Around 1980, with UNIX starting to take over as the primary operating system at UCSC, Toy and Wichman discovered a program called curses, written by Ken Arnold.  Curses allowed for the positioning of characters at any point on a terminal, and using that crude graphics could be developed.  That was the final inspiration that Toy and Wichman needed, and together they came up with a D&D-based game that would satisfy their desire for replayability.
I’m not sure when exactly Rogue was first playable; 1980 is the usual date given so I’ll go with that.  By 1982, Michael Toy was so wrapped up in the game’s development that he was kicked out of UCSC for poor grades.  He took the code with him and continued working on it; Wichman tried to keep up, but found it unworkable, and turned development fully over to Toy.  Toy eventually got in touch with Ken Arnold, intending to get some insight into how curses worked, and the two of them improved the interface, display, and procedural generation of the game.
Around 1984, Rogue was turned into a commercial product distributed by Epyx, but I won’t be dealing with that version of the game just yet.  For now I’m playing a DOS port of version 3.6, which is based on the UNIX code as it existed in 1981.  No doubt it’s inauthentic in some way, but as far as I’m aware it’s the closest approximation out there to the game in its original form.
The backstory of Rogue has you playing as a student of the local fighter’s guild.  As a kind of final entry exam, the guildmasters have tasked you with entering the Dungeons of Doom and coming back alive with the Amulet of Yendor.  (I’ve always assumed that this was supposed to be “Rodney” backwards, and intended to represent one of the creators in much the same manner that Werdna and Trebor represented the creators of Wizardry; today I’ve discovered that nobody who created Rogue had that name, so my theory is shot down.)  Outfitted with elf-made armour and an enchanted sword, you journey to the ancient ruins that mark the entrance to the Dungeons of Doom, and your quest begins.  (There’s a bit of a disconnect between the backstory and the game here, as you actually start with an enchanted mace and a bow.)
The amulet is said to be somewhere below level 20.  In all the games of Rogue that I’ve ever played, I’ve never seen it.  As I said above, the lowest level I’ve ever reached is level 22, and I probably only hit level 20 a handful of other times.  A Rogue expert I ain’t, but I intend to become one.  My intention is to beat this game legitimately, without save-scumming.  It’s going to take a while, but thankfully I have a small leg-up in that I don’t have to learn things from scratch.  I know some of the tactics already.  And you know, I beat The Game of Dungeons v8.  I beat Moria.  I can beat Rogue too.
Beginning a game of Rogue.  This time I’ll win for sure.
So the goal of the game is to ascend through at least 20 dungeon levels, find the Amulet of Yendor, and get back to the surface.  Those levels are procedurally generated, and drawn using ASCII characters, but they’re not completely random.  Each one has around nine rooms, laid out in a 3×3 grid, with passages connecting them.  Sometimes rooms are hidden, and can only be uncovered by searching for secret doors, but the 3×3 layout makes it pretty easy to figure out where those doors might be.
The player (represented by an @ symbol, to let you know “where you’re at”) is moved around using the number pad, so you can move in eight directions.  I think the original UNIX version used a cluster of letters for movement, but thankfully whoever converted it to DOS made this concession to user-friendliness.  The rest of the commands are executed via keyboard: t for throw, q to quaff a potion, r to read a scroll, that sort of thing.  The most confusing thing is that some commands use the same key in upper and lower case.  For example, lower case t is for throw, but upper case T is for taking off your armour.  Lower case w is to wield a weapon, and upper case W is to wear armour.  When I first started playing I needed a text file with all of the commands listed open at all times, but now that I’ve got a dozen games or so under my belt it’s become second nature, and I hardly need to refer to it at all.
The player has very little in the way of stats: there’s a Strength score, starting at 16, which I gather determines how much damage you do in combat.  Hit points work like they always do, and you always begin with 12 (which in D&D terms would be the equivalent of a 1st level fighter with maximum hit points and a decent Constitution score).  Armour Class determines how hard you are to hit, with a lower score being better as it was in old-school D&D.  You earn experience points by killing monsters, and gain levels that increase your hit points.  It’s all very standard CRPG stuff.  You can customise your game slightly, by using the options command: this lets you rename your character and set their favourite fruit.  The latter merely changes the name of some items you can find, and has no real bearing on mechanics.  It’s set on “slime-mold” as a default, but I usually change it to mushroom,which is a little more palatable but also something that could conceivably grow in a dungeon.  (If I change it to “amulet of yendor” can I get an easy win?)
The monsters are represented with upper case ASCII characters, and are very much drawn from the D&D Monster Manual.  On the first few levels you fight Snakes, Bats, Kobolds and Hobgoblins, but they get stronger as you descend: Zombies, Centaurs, Trolls, Invisible Stalkers, and even the incredibly D&D-specific Xorn.  I recall that on the deepest levels there were Umber Hulks, Vampires and Dragons, but I haven’t managed to make it that far yet.
Traps are also a danger, although a minor one.  There are arrows that shoot from the wall, and poison darts that can reduce your Strength.  The most troublesome are those that dump you on the next lower dungeon level, as sometimes that can mean you have to fight some monsters that you’re not quite ready for.  On my first game I had an irritating placement of a teleport trap, which was situated right in front of the door to the room where the stairs down were located.  There was nothing I could do except keep running into it until it put me where I needed to go.  It was just a quirk of the random generation, and not a fatal one, but it sure was annoying.
I need to get into the room in the upper left, but that teleport trap won’t let me.
There’s plenty of gold to be found, but it’s a little pointless: you can’t buy anything, and it’s really just there as a kind of scoring system.  Also scattered around the dungeon are weapons, armour, potions, scrolls, rings, and magic staves/wands.  The weapons and armour are sometimes magical, granting a bonus to combat or defense, but they can also be cursed.  Cursed items can’t be removed until you find a scroll of remove curse, but there’s often no way of knowing how good an item is until you start using it (unless you find a scroll of identify).  Putting on an item without identifying it first is always a gamble.
The potions, scrolls, rings and staves/wands are uniquely identified, but those identifiers change for every game.  For example, potions are differentiated by colour.  In one game a potion of healing might be red, but in the next game it might be silver. Rings and staves/wands are differentiated by the material they are made out of, and the scrolls use gibberish words.  Some items are identified once you use them; if you use a scroll of identify, the next such scroll you find will be clearly marked.  Some items don’t identify, though, so it can be a good idea to take notes unless you have a good memory.  Just don’t expect those notes to be helpful on your next game.
Food is also a factor.  You begin with one meal, but there is food to be found throughout the dungeon if you’re lucky.  If you don’t eat, you’ll eventually grow hungry, and then weak.  Once you’re weak, eventually you’ll start falling unconscious every few moves.  I don’t know if you can genuinely starve to death, but once you start passing out the monsters will probably make short work of you.  Hunger is the main reason that you can’t linger on the easier levels and grind for experience: you need to keep descending, as that’s the only way to find food.
At this point, I should probably address permadeath.  Rogue has it, and is infamous for it.  You can save your game, but the file will be deleted as soon as you reload, so you can’t just save your game and keep trying from the same point over and over again.  I used to think that was unfair bullshit, but now I recognise it as a completely valid element for this kind of game.  A complete game doesn’t take all that long, and the progress you make isn’t by getting further through the game but by learning its systems.  I like the phrase that Toy and Wichman used to describe it: “consequence permanence”.
So far I’ve played thirteen games, with varying levels of success, and some genuinely heart-breaking moments.  I’ll quickly run through my experiences below:
Nobody (the default character name) was my first character, and made it all the way to dungeon level 16.  I was pretty heartened by this, and started to entertain the delusion that I could beat Rogue on my first shot.  Alas, I got cornered between a Rust Monster and an Invisible Stalker, the latter of which made short work of me.
Nobody II got down to level 8, but had a pretty low hit point total.  He got killed in his first fight with a Centaur.
Gideon made it down to level 16, but got killed by an Invisible Stalker.  I find that for a lot of characters who make it past the initial stages, Invisible Stalkers are among the most common stumbling blocks.
Mideon died on level 8.  My run of bad luck started when I accidentally threw my mace at a kobold.  Throwing items at foes when they are far away is a standard tactic to avoid melee, but if you throw a weapon and hit with it, that weapon disappears.  I lost my mace this way, and had to fight with my bare hands. It didn’t matter all that much, until I tried to fight a floating Eye, which paralysed me.  A Centaur rolled up while I was paralysed and killed me.
Jonn Greywood made it to level 11, but lost his mace along the way by throwing it at a floating Eye.  Then he put on cursed plate armor, which got further reduced in effectiveness by a Rust Monster (which have the ability to worsen your AC by 1 with every hit if you’re wearing metallic armour).  I couldn’t remove the cursed armour, and ended up fighting a Centaur with no weapon and an AC of 9.  It didn’t end well.
Saskar got into a fight with a Wraith on dungeon level 16.  Wraiths drain your experience points, and I dropped from level 9 to level 7.  I escaped by using a teleport scroll, only to land right next to a Troll which killed me with one blow.
Nobody III put on a cursed ring that occasionally made him teleport to a random location in the dungeon, which was pretty distracting.  I threw my mace away, and eventually got killed by a Hobgoblin (which is pretty uncommon for a character that deep in the dungeon; I must have been softened up by something else first).
Myrio Immyrio Velaasa was my most promising character.  She had a strength of 18, a two-handed sword, and numerous healing potions.  The two-handed sword is really the key item to doing well at Rogue, it makes killing monsters much more efficient.  Unfortunately, it all went wrong when I found a staff of lightning bolts.  The lightning bolts that it casts bounce around the walls until they hit something.  I tried to hit a Wraith with one, but the bolt ended up bouncing around the room in an endless loop that I couldn’t break out of.  I sat there holding the spacebar through a whole episode of The Goodies, but it was still stuck in that loop by the end.  I had to abandon Myrio, who I think actually had a good shot at descending past level 20.
Nobody IV got killed by a Bat on level 1.  This is the most embarrassing way to die in Rogue, because Bats don’t even target you, they just sort of move about at random and occasionally attack if you’re next to them.  Nobody IV, I disavow you.
Sir Gareth did really well, making it all the way down to level 17 before getting cornered by a Xorn with no way out.  You don’t want to engage a Xorn in straight up combat unless you’re incredibly hard, but I had no other choice.
Krago got killed by a Snake on level 1.  It’s not quite as bad as being killed by a Bat, but it’s not far off.
Artis got killed on level 1 by a Hobgoblin.  Hobgoblins are the biggest danger to starting characters, until they gain some extra hit points.
Nobody V had a really bad run of luck with some giant Ants, which can drain your Strength with their stings.  I got my Strength drained all the way down to 3, and it would have gone lower if that was possible.  (Strength ranges between 3 and 18, another of this game’s many D&Disms.) I got cornered between an Ant and an Orc, and couldn’t do enough damage to beat  either of them.
Myrio got stuck in a loop, and I forgot to screenshot one of the Nobodies, but this is an otherwise comprehensive graveyard.
So that’s my tale of woe and ignominy.  But I’m building up my knowledge of the game, how the various monsters behave, and how to counter them.  I’ve learned to take off my armour when I see a Rust Monster, or to try to find some magic leather armour.  I’ve learned to keep a potion of restore strength in reserve, to use around level 10 when the giant Ants stop appearing.  I’ve learned not to read scrolls until I have an item worth identifying, like a ring or a two-handed sword.  Even with that knowledge, a lot of Rogue is down to luck: if you don’t find the right items, or enough food, you’re not going to survive.  For the moment I’m having fun in the attempt, and struggling to avoid playing “just one more game” before bed.
source http://reposts.ciathyza.com/priority-crpg-2-rogue-exploring-the-dungeons-of-doom-1980/
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