#also shawn being serious and so so sweet who would have thought
kevinsdsy · 4 months
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bonus (kevin day retweeting jeremy’s tweet 🙂‍↕️):
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the trojans social media au (pt. 7): i wanted to make a silly part and then i found that pic of 90s damon albarn and it looked like it could be from a podcast so i really wanted to include it and suddenly i was writing the most heartwarming team moment???
also a few weeks ago i saw @problemduetest4life introduce 90s damon albarn as a jeremy knox fancast and it’s truly been living in my mind rent free. like it’s literally how i always imagined him to look like and the only fancast i will accept now 🙂‍↕️🙂‍↕️ he’s made it to the pinterest board so thank u so much for your service <33333
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under-loch-n-key · 2 months
I have not much new to liveblog (tho i did make a psych side blog, @lassiesloveoflarping ) but I gotta know: is the fact that the episode titles are Like That because Shawn names them canon/word of god, or do we simply know because of how cool and sexy we all are?
We as Psych fans (Psychos) know how cool and sexy we all are. The Psych fandom is so fucking hilarious and wholesome all at once. I remember when I first watched Psych and thought “Omg, I’m like Shawn & Lassie as one entity” because I’m chaotic like Shawn, I say movie & TV show references on the daily, make dumb ass jokes at times where everyone is probably like “really?..” and I’m just like “but the joke was pretty funny, right?” Then I’m like Lassie in the sense of being totally over it, having a resting bitch face, sticking to facts alone, being emotionally constipated, but also pathetic in a sexy & endearing way. Lmaoo. I love the Psych fandom so much that it’s insane.
When Shawn started rambling off Lassie & his ship names I started laughing so hard when I first saw it because he literally has no shame. Lassie being in pure horror and dread just made it even funnier. Shawn flirting with Lassie & basically any person who walks this planet is just a mood and I love it. Lol.
Lassie secretly does love Shawn though. Like, all of the characters who are so over Shawn’s BS all secretly love him and his chaotic nature. It’s honestly very sweet. The creators of the show did such an amazing job giving them such an amazing dynamic.
Like in the episode where Shawn was shot (Season 4 Episode 9: Shawn Takes A Shot In The Dark) and Lassie, the one who is known to dislike Shawn and just looking at him makes Lassie wanna lay in the street, mainly referred to Shawn by his first name, genuinely wanted to find him, was very persistent on finding him firsthand, even though he didn’t want Henry involved, still allowed Henry to join him because he understood that that was Shawn’s dad & was indeed a good cop in his day, called Shawn “Detective” as a way of complimenting his bravery, survival skills, deductive skills, and firearm aim, etc.
Then we have Shawn, who we know makes fun of Lassiter and mocks him at any given time to annoy him, immediately tried phoning him after he couldn’t get through to Gus when this were getting serious, when he was being choked by the kidnappers while Lassie & Henry were outside, he tried saying Lassie’s actual first name “Carlton” but it was blocked because of him getting choked, trusted that he would be found by Lassiter, his dad, and the rest of his friends, etc. It showed that even though Shawn gives Lassie shit, he genuinely trusts Lassie, knows he good at his job, knew that if something was wrong and if Gus didn’t pick up, to get ahold of Lassiter.
They both give each other so much shit but they both do genuinely care for each other. It’s very much seen as the show continues. It’s also very much shown in the second Psych movie “Psych 2: Lassie Come Home” when Shawn holds Lassie’s hand as he was sleeping. The actor (James Roday Rodriguez) did that for a different reason as well because Timothy Omundson (Lassie) had just recovered from a major stroke that could’ve ended his life. So, it was a welcome back sort of thing and a way of comforting him. I literally adore basically every single character & episode within the Psych series and I adore the cast even more. They’re all so sweet. I know they all want to make more Psych movies together buttttt they’re all busy people.
This kinda turned into a whole different rant but oh well- Lmaoo. 💛🍍💛
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Just out of curiosity, who are your top ten favourite td characters?
ooh fun ask!!
honorable mentions go to:
dawn, who i enjoyed as a character but left way too quickly (and is kind of overrated imo)
gwen, who sucks as a character but had a lot of potential
duncan, who kind of got worse each season but had some entertaining moments (and also his voice is >>>>)
bridgette, who i liked until she started dating geoff (but this may be bc she reminds me of a childhood friend i miss lol)
dj, whose character got worse in the later seasons but was awesome in island
shawn, for being hilarious
kitty, bc i thought her arc and character was cool
and heather, im sorry it took me so long to see her as the girlboss she is
and as for my top 10:
10. it definitely took a while but anne maria has really grown on me (she was ROBBED in roti) and she has such a fun voice. that episode where she's literally punching blocks of ice?? queen shit
9. jasmine is one of the best characters in pahkitew island hands down. she's capable, level headed, and her friendship with sammy was so sweet. also love her voice
8. scarlett's ending was horribly written but i love the premise of quiet nerdy kid actually being super evil. some of my favorite small moments from pahkitew is when her facade would drop for a second and she'd make a face or deadpan something
7. even though she got such little screen time, eva will always have a special place in my heart. strong with weird friends who wears purple and has a hard time interacting with people? girl mood
6. sanders is so, so good. as fun of a character as macarthur is she's also a lot to deal with and sanders was being patient and civil almost all the time, even when macarthur didn't show her the same respect. she literally fucked up her own BROKEN ARM so they could keep going with the race?? biggest badass in td hands down. major respect.
5. leshawna. do i even have to explain this. i want her to be my friend but i would probably be so in awe of her that id be too anxious to talk to her. shes so strong so supportive so sweet and absolutely iconic. she deserves more love and should've won a season
4. i know emma gets a lot of hate but i love her. bossy older sister with trust issues around romance? big fucking mood. she has some funny moments and her relationship with kitty is fantastic, super entertaining. maybe i, a fellow control freak, relate to her a little too much but shhhhh
3. i dont think these last three are gonna be a surprise to anyone. but anyways alejandro is a manipulative icon which i love. hes so smart in how he plays the game its very refreshing to watch, and he also has his random drama queen moments which are funny. his character design is also very aesthetically pleasing
2. hes probably overrated for the amount of screen time he gets but noah. dude had a lot of funny lines and SO MUCH wasted potential. easily my favorite character in the ridonculous race. he’s just very entertaining and is really fun to write for
1. ive never kinned anybody and never will but if i did it would be courtney. girl has been my comfort character since i was like twelve. i relate to her a LOT and no matter how badly they screw up her writing (and they have FUCKED it up) she will always be the character i root for. she’s got an inexplicable and embarrassingly special place in my heart. im serious i dont think ever ive liked any character in any form of media more than courtney. theres something wrong with me but its ok <3
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mendesblurb · 4 years
Show me your phone
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Shawn Mendes x female reader
Warning: fluff, maybe grammar error and maybe some punctuation errors
Oh My God!  You thought to yourself. This was the day. Its finally here. The day you and your husband had been waiting for a while now. It was finally here.
Your nerves were absolutely racking and your heart was beating fast. the test showed you 2 lines. YOU WERE PREGNANT.
You looked at the pregnancy test again and the other two that sat on the vanity, all positive. Now it was time to tell Shawn the news.
“We’re going to have a what?” Shawn asked, his face turning up toward you. 
He was sitting on the bed with his back against the headboard, having some much needed relaxing time after being in the recording studio all day.
You’d discovered you were pregnant this morning after he’d left for work and decided to keep the news until he was home.
For the time being you kept your news a secret from the media, afraid of the possibility of things happening on the first trimester. So you started going out in baggy clothes so the paparazzi will not know and throwback photos became a thing in your Instagram feed.
However, you knew that sooner or later it would be discovered, it didn’t worry you too much, but you wanted to feel comfortable first with the idea of having a growing human inside your belly and also because Shawn and you are a pretty private couple.
————————-FOUR MONTHS LATER————
Tonight , Shawn was going to be interviewed on Jimmy Fallon’s late night show because of the recent release of his album “wonder.”
It was a routine that before one of you came on, the other would send a text message of encouragement and an occasional “I love you ” were sent along with it.
You: enjoy the talk show with Jimmy 😙
Shawn: thanks baby, love you 😘
You: love you too ❤️
Shawn: see you at home ❤️
You: send image
This time you decide to send a pic of you and Tarzan at the living room couch and the pic also displayed your growing bump.
You: see you at home Shawnie❤️, lots of love from me, Tarzan and little Mendes
As the crew began counting down the seconds before going live Jimmy sat down slowly and Shawn adjusted his jacket as he got comfortable in the chair.
“Now Shawn…” Jimmy started, leaning on his desk casually. “quite a bit has happened since the last time I saw you.”
He nodded slightly, a ghost of a smile on his lips, “Yeah it’s been a while dude.”
Jimmy laughed partially, “that’s right… the last time you were here you were single, and now you’re married.”
Shawn nodded as Jimmy continued, “now Wonder just came out a few weeks ago and it was a huge hit..”
Shawn smiled, “yup it did alright.”
The rest of the interview was great, Shawn talked about the highs and lows he experienced when creating the album and how all his songs were about you and how grateful he was to have you by his side through it all.
That night both Shawn and Jimmy were going to play ‘Show me your phone’, a game where they had to show whatever was hidden on their smart phones.
As the game was about to start, Shawn realised he wasn’t prepared at all. At this point he knew your secret is about to be exposed, I mean your whole relationship was not a secret but it was mostly private.
Both of you seem to have a habit of dropping the bombshell to your fans. Like that one time you finally made your relationship social media official, another time you secretly got married and now you’re secretly 4 months pregnant.
Now sitting across from Jimmy, Shawn could feel his heart pounding , and his hand began to feel clammy.
In front of them there was a red button, in the centre a tripod that will act as a phone holder and next to it was an electronic panel showing all the possibilities that could come up.
There was the icon for messages, Safari, photos , Instagram, Twitter, mail and call.
“Okay, you ready?” Jimmy asked and Shawn just nodded his head.
“Okay, for anyone who don’t know, here’s how game works. Shawn and I will take turns pressing the red button we have here, which will randomly select one of these icons we have on the board.”
After He explained how the game works , then he opted for Shawn to go first as he was the guest.
Laughter was heard among the audience as they saw the nervous glances that was displayed in both Shawn’s and Jimmy’s faces.
“FYI, neither of us know what’s behind each icon.” Jimmy looks at Shawn who was now laughing. “Let’s go and explore our phone.” Jimmy said
“Let the adventure begin,” Shawn said while trying to hide his face. “I think I forgot to clean my phone before the game.”
“You and me both dude,” Jimmy said laughing along with him. “Alright, here we go. Since you’re the guest you press first.”
“I am honoured ,” Shawn said sarcastically , which drew another laughter from the audience. “Here goes nothing!”
Shawn pressed the red button and quickly the icons on the panel began to light up and the light stopped specifically on the Safari browser icon, so that a text was displayed that said 'Show and tell us your last Google search’.
“Shawn if you could please show us your last Google search my friend.” Jimmy said while trying to control his laughter.
“Okay!” exclaimed Shawn grabbing his phone and heading to the app. “If I’m being honest I forgot what my last search was… Oh never mind!”
Shawn started laughing and tried to hide his phone, which only caused the audience to laugh hilariously.
"Okay, fine,” Shawn said as he put the phone down on the small platform. “I was just trying to do a kind gesture.”
The camera pointed straight at him, checking that his last search had been ‘nearest grocery store with Oat milk’.
The set erupted in laughter, Jimmy clasped his hands to his chest, laughing his head off.
“This- This is actually funny because it’s so specific but it’s actually very thoughtful,” he said between guffaws. “Did you end up buying it though?”
“I did!” Shawn said. “I found two brands and you know I was just trying to buy it because Y/N being a good wife she is wants me to start living a healthier lifestyle.”
“Awww,” Jimmy said . “Come on! Here we go. My turn.”
The panel came back on, the light moving between icons until it stopped on the photo app. Jimmy frowned, and the panel informed him that it should show the last picture he took on his phone.
“Come on, show us!” exclaimed Shawn encouragingly.
“I’m extremely scared,” said Jimmy with a serious and comical look on his face, reaching for his phone. “I am deeply embarrassed … Oh!” he began to laugh. “Okay, okay. This… is me trying to be a good Dad, don’t judge me.”
The picture showed Jimmy trying to pose with a random Snapchat filter and the caption was ‘Goodnight Frances & Winnie’ . In response the audience started laughing.
“All right, all right,” Jimmy held up his hands. “I have an explanation . The other day my wife said my kids won’t go to bed until I said goodnight to them and I was still on set.”
“That’s actually cool man!” exclaimed Shawn.
“Anything to put your kids to bed,” he laughed and picked up his phone.
“Show us your last text message” Jimmy read out eliciting cheers from the audience. “Come on!”
“Okay,” he began to laugh nervously. “It says there the last message I sent, in details too?”
“Well, just put the phone down,” Jimmy laughed.
“Okay,” Shawn started to look up. “Last text message…” he took a breath and looked at Jimmy hesitantly.“Oh here we go…”
Your last conversation appeared before everyone’s eyes, showing only the last photo you had sent him with Tarzan and your growing bump was present and the caption was the true bombshell of all.
“Wait, wait back up Mendes,” Jimmy said looking at him and questioning “little Mendes? Is this why she’s taking a break?”
The audience exclaimed a sweet 'aw’ again when they got a glimpse of the photo and Shawn was just widely smiling.
“This is really sweet!” said Jimmy looking at Shawn, “This is the best news ever.”
“I know, I know,” Shawn commented and nodding his head slowly.
“Do you know the gender?” asked Jimmy hesitantly, to which Shawn took another breath before replying.
“Yes we do,” Shawn laughed nervously. “We are going to have a baby girl.”
 “There you have it, folks! The show is about exposing secrets! Thank you for watching, let’s all patiently wait for the arrival of baby Mendes.”
Shawn was seen hugging Jimmy as the camera flickered off, the curtains closing - concealing them from the screaming audience.
Taglist: @holland-styles @itsalwaysbeen305 @nervousmendes
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Best Friend's Brother | Raul Mendes
Growing up with your best friend is amazing, having this loving and caring relationship is fantastic, planning your lives together seemed natural, what Y/N didn’t include in her plans was falling in love with Raul Mendes, Peter’s brother.
Hi hi, lovies! I know, I know, I disappeared, but I’m back with a Raul piece! It’s been ages since the last time I posted something and I missed it so much! I had a really hard time writing for the past few weeks and I’m really happy that I was finally able to finish it. So I’m so sorry it took me way too long and thank you so much for being so patient, really 💘 I’ll stop rambling now! I hope you enjoy it!
*Word Count: 8.5k+
*Warnings: a few curse words, drinking, injure (sprained ankle in case this triggering), and I guess that’s it!
*Posted: October 5th, 2020.
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You could say Y/N was in trouble.
Growing up with someone right beside you will always create that invisible string that’ll keep you two together for, what some say, the rest of your life. It forms a bond so strong you can tell what they’re feeling just by a single look in their eyes and you just know exactly what to do. And if life allows you, you’ll keep them around for a long time and have them around you for every occasion, being it good or bad, but always near you to support you. And thankfully, that were the triplets for her. She met them in High School, Shawn was obsessed with music, Peter was the cute nerd that took amazing pictures and Raul was the typical bad boy and Y/N was a sweet and quiet bookworm. They met when she was asked to tutor Raul and he ended up asking her to meet him at his place, and that’s how she ended up with three best friends and a crush.
She was a bit closer to Peter since they had similar interests in general and also had similar plans on Friday nights, and they’re basically glued to the hip and everyone outside from their little bubble were one hundred percent sure they’re together somehow. And the fact that the three of them (Shawn was too busy touring the world) went to the same college didn’t exactly helped with the rumors. But in reality, the triplet that makes her heart skip a bit, her stomach to do flips and her breath to get caught on her throat was Raul. And if she was honest, how could someone honestly resist him? Girls who didn’t even know him normally wanted him, and Y/N knew him like the back of her hand and knew that behind the bad boy exterior there was the softest and biggest heart on the planet, was almost impossible to resist.
And even though she had all this feelings and felt all warm inside when he playfully winked at her, she never acted on them. Peter obviously knew about it, but she never told anyone else. Hell, she didn’t even tell him, he somehow managed to notice it.
Peter tried encouraging her to talk to him about it or do something about the whole thing, mostly because he was tired of seeing her suffering every single time she saw him with another girl, which wasn’t very uncommon. But she never did. Y/N doesn’t like comparing girls, that’s just mean, because everyone is different, and just because you don’t look like someone doesn’t mean you’re not enough or good at all, just makes you unique, but she can’t help thinking she’s not his ‘type’. Not that she noticed he has a specific body type or something, she’s just not the kind of person who would catch his eye.
It’s just he literally models on the side, goes to med school and has amazing grades, while still going on parties, having hook ups and living his best life while getting tattoos and having fun. While Y/N likes to light up a candle and read a good book on her couch, maybe with Peter while they eat some pizza and discuss from the latest thing that happened on campus to the theory of wormholes. They are close, they are friends, but they are polar opposites.
And the worst part? He acts as if she was the reason the sun rose every single day and treats her as if she’s the reason he’s capable of breathing, but in a “you’re my best friend and I love you like you are family” type of thing, not in a “I am hopelessly in love with you”. He was very touchy and big on pet names, specially when Peter went to sleep and it was just the two of them watching stuff on his living room, but never did anything to lead her into thinking he likes her more than a friend. It’s all her fault for looking too much into it and having her heart broken whenever he had a girl over when she was there (which wasn’t that common since he wasn’t big into having a serious relationship, at least not enough to bring someone to their flat) or when she saw him all heart eyes or making out with someone.
Y/N swears she tried burying those feelings down, even going as far as hanging out less with him and avoiding going to his place, taking way too long to reply to his texts and dodging him everywhere she could like the plague. He wasn’t having it, so he randomly showed up at her dorm room at midnight, looking like an abandoned puppy and begging her to forgive him for whatever he had done that upset her so badly. And that’s when she decided that maybe that wasn’t her greatest idea. That maybe all she needed to do was just to forget those stupid feelings and butterflies that felt like ripping out of her body whenever he smiled at her. Well, that didn’t work either. So, to sum it all up, Y/N was in trouble.
In a big, big, gigantic trouble.
So it was a Friday night when Peter called her to crash at his place so they could watch the last season of How to Get Away with Murder while he worked on a project for his class or something like that, and she agreed almost immediately, it’s not like she planned on doing much better. Y/N gathered what she considered to be important in a few seconds cause he told her he was going to pick her up since he was still on campus and ran to the entrance of her building, already seeing his car parked outside. The ride to his place was quiet and consisted on them basically talking about what theories they had for the end of the season since they met for lunch.
“I don’t think Raul’s home yet, his bike wasn’t on his usual parking space” Peter hummed as he opened the door to his apartment.
“Yeah, I didn’t see it either” was all she could answer. And Y/N didn’t know how to feel about it, it’s been a week since she had the chance to talk to him and she missed it,  but at the same time, she wasn’t going to end up a blushing mess around his natural flirty persona.
“Let me just grab my camera and computer, you can drop your stuff on the guest room if you want”
“Okay, don’t start the show without me” she said before starting to walk away and all she could hear was a ‘don’t take too long then’ Peter muttered under his breath.
She giggled to herself from his silliness as she placed her backpack on the bed and took off her shoes, getting rid of her jacket and pulling her hair in a loose ponytail, only grabbing her phone as she got back to meet Peter on the living room, already on the couch with his stuff around him as he let out a frustrated groan.
“What’s wrong, grumpy?”
“Raul’s an idiot, he took the remote to his room since he stepped on his or something like that and he’s too lazy to get his fixed or return the other one to its place”
“But is it in his room?”
“Probably, could you please grab it for me?”
“Wouldn’t he get mad I got into his room without him being around?”
“Oh please, Y/N, Raul mad at you? He’d probably get mad at me for making you go in there to grab it for us”
“It’s not like that”
“Of course it is, Raul could never even look at you slightly pissed, and even if he did, he’d feel guilty”
“If he gets mad I’ll tell him it was your fault”
“He won’t, honey, he’s not even home yet”
“Fine” she ended up giving up, arguing with Peter was always pointless.
So Y/N turned around and headed for Raul’s room, knocking tentatively and without response, she just got in and tried to find the control without looking at his stuff for too long, she didn’t want to be nosy. Since she was busy with the task of finding it, she didn’t notice the soft sounds coming from the bathroom or the gentle click of the door when someone opened it. Her attention was finally brought the other side of the room, when she hear someone clearing their throat. Her eyes widened as she looked up only to find Raul standing across from her, with his hair damp and naked apart from the fluffy towel hanging low on his hips.
He had a little smirk on his lips and a funny expression, but that didn’t stop from almost giving Y/N a heart attack. She started mumbling a string of apologies as she covered eyes with both hands, walking backward until she hit her head on a shelf and tripped over something, falling right on her butt.
“Ouch!” she said reaching one of her hands on the back of her head to try and relive some of the throbbing, still covering her eyes “I’m so so so incredibly sorry, I didn’t mean to simply walk in here, but we thought you weren’t home, and I knocked, and Peter told me to come in here to grab the remote, and said you wouldn’t mind, and...”
“Hey, no, it’s okay” Raul said hurriedly, walking towards her a crouching down in front of her, lightly wrapping his fingers around her wrists “Y/N, it’s okay, look at me, love”
And with the gentle tug on her hands she decided to let go, opening her eyes to be met with his honey orbs “I’m so so sorry, I really didn’t mean to invade your privacy, if I knew you’d be here I wouldn’t- I would never come in, please don’t be mad at me, please”
“Oh, sweetheart, there’s no reason for you to apologize, really, I’m not even naked, or completely naked at least, and even if I was? wouldn’t have minded, yeah?” Raul said gently cupping her face “and I’m not mad at you, how could I ever be mad at you? You’re the sweetest person I know and you didn’t do anything wrong”
“I’m sorry” Y/N mumbled softly and he just chuckled, leaning in and pressing a kiss at the top of her head.
“It’s okay, are you staying the night?”
She nodded “we’re having a marathon, we’re rewatching How to Get Away with Murder”
“Oh, do you mind if I join?”
“You’re not busy?”
“Not at all, but it’s okay if you want to watch just the two of you”
“No, of course not, you can join us if you want”
“Are you ordering food or do you want me to make us something?”
“We didn’t order anything, and I don’t want to bother you with cooking”
“I’d gladly do it, I can make us something quick so it won’t get in the middle of your shows
“I really don’t want to bother you, Raul”
“It’s not a bother, come on, the remote is over there, I’ll change real quick and make us something to eat, and you two can start the show, I’ll meet you guys in the middle, yeah? Sounds good?”
“Sounds amazing”
“Now go, you pervert, I need to change” he said trying to hold back a laugh.
“Oh, sure” she mumbled as she scrambled to get back at her feet.
“Or you can just stay and enjoy the show" Raul threw a wink at her direction as she was already by the door.
Y/N only closed his door a bit harsher than she should, feeling her whole body heating up, she just couldn’t decide if it was of embarrassment or... something else. She shook her head to get rid of the dirty thoughts about her best friend’s brother out of her head and got back to Peter at the leaving room. Seeing he was sitting at the armchair, with all of his stuff around him for him to work comfortably, leaving her the loveseat.
“Oh hey, is Raul at home?!”
“Yeah, he was at the shower, so thank you for putting me in that position”
“Was he mad at you?”
“Told ya, got the remote?”
“Yeah, by the way, he’s going to make us dinner and join us later”
“Oh, thought he was going out tonight” Peter said opening his computer  “do you want to arrange the show?”
“Don’t you think we should wait for him?”
“Nah, don’t think so”
“Wait for who?” Raul asked coming out of the hallway wearing a pair of sweatpants and thin white T-shirt.
“You, to start the show” Peter answered without looking up from the screen.
“Oh no, go ahead, I’ll make us some food and I’ll bring you guys some, okay?”
“Do you need help?”
“No, it’s okay, sweetheart, it’ll be pretty basic”
Y/N hummed in response as she started the first episode and things were as normal as every Friday she spent watching anything with Peter. Only this time, he was a bit less focused on the show and more on his work, but still was able to make comments about the all the scenes. They would both laugh and joke around a lot more than actually watch anything, specially since this wasn’t the first time they watched this. Almost at the end of the first episode, Raul showed up with plates of a very appetizing looking pasta, placing one in front of Peter and one on Y/N’s lap. He went back into the kitchen and coming back with his own, plopping down beside Y/N.
“This is the first, right?”
“Yeah, the end of it”
“Oh, it’s been a while since the last time I watched it, I don’t think I’ve ever finished it”
“I kind of forgot it, I was watching another one at the time, but I remember liking it a lot”
“Well it’s a great thing we decided to follow the episodes and not just jump into our favorites, and by the way, this is amazing”
“Oh, thanks, it’s really simple actually”
“Don’t even start, you always make the most basic stuff like grilled cheese taste like gourmet food”
“He just likes to be praised” Peter said with a chuckle.
“Fuck off, Peter” Raul chuckled and before he could throw a pillow at him, Y/N grabbed his wrist “hey!”
“His camera is there”
“Thanks, Y/N, but this pasta is actually amazing, I have to give you that”
“Was that too hard?” Raul asked and Peter just shrugged with a laugh.
“Maybe we should focus on the show” Y/N said pressing the next episode before they both decided to start something.
Peter got up after they finished dinner to place everyone’s dishes in the sink, going back to his place and work silently. As they watched the episodes, Peter was getting silent as he focused more on his work and Raul was the one commenting on the episodes and talking to Y/N. Which she didn’t mind at all. He was always pretty funny and manage to make her laugh at the silliest jokes.
Maybe that’s the reason so many people were attracted to him. He had a mysterious vibe going on, since he was pretty close with people in general, but could be a sweetheart with the close ones, he had the looks that had everyone’s head turning, he was funny and intelligent. He’s just so good and she hates to admit that even her fell for his charming smile and golden heart. And when he leaned a bit closer to her as the episodes went by, she hated to admit that her body felt a bit warmer and she was itching to lean into him as well. But what made it worse was him laying his head on her lap as he wrapped himself in a throw blanket, giving her a sheepish smile and turning back to the TV. That had her fingers practically moving to its own accord to tangle on his curls, and she couldn’t help but brush them out of his face. And just as she was about to mumble an apology, he let out a content sigh and leaned into her hand.
After a few moments Peter looked up at them and just chuckled softly, and as Y/N looked up at him he just shook his head and pointed towards Raul “He fell asleep with you playing with his hair, just like a puppy”
“Do you think he’ll mind when he wakes up?” she said barely above a whisper.
“Not at all, he loves you, he can never be upset with you”
“That’s not true”
“It is, ask Shawn or Aaliyah, they’ll agree, he’s got a soft spot only for you”
“Shut it, Peter, we’ve known each other for years, he’s just nice because I’m your best friend”
“That’s not true, but I’ll drop it, I think I might go to bed now”
“Okay, I think I’m going to finish this episode”
“You know you can wake him up, right?”
“I know, I just don’t know if I feel like doing it”
“I can do it for you” Peter offered as he gathered his stuff.
“No, it’s okay, I’m going to finish this episode first”
“Do you want me to roll out the sofa and make it more comfortable for you? You don’t have to move”
“Yes please”
“Okay” he answered as he leaned down to extend the couch into a kind of makeshift bed as carefully as he could to not disturb his brother “call me if you need anything”
“Okay, thanks, Peter” she said smiling at him as he shook his head and leaned down to press a kiss to her forehead.
“Goodnight, dummy”
“Night, Peter”
He grabbed his stuff and threw one last look at her direction, but she was far too distracted with Raul’s curls to have noticed, and he caught a glimpse of his brother slowly opening his eyes, only to close them again and nuzzle closer to Y/N. Peter hold back a laugh as he went back to his room, he would never figure out how the most brilliant people he knew could be so oblivious.
Y/N didn’t intend to fall asleep, but the warmth radiating from his body, the soft light coming from the TV and the soft cushions lulled her to sleep without her even noticing. She only noticed she fell asleep when she woke up to rushed whispers in the living room and the soft click of the front door closing.
She was a bit confused, but the strong Raul’s strong scent and the comfortable position she was currently at made it hard for her to come back into consciousness. But as soon as she opened her eyes, Y/N noticed she had her face nuzzled into Raul’s neck, with her body partially on top of him and cuddled close with his arm around her waist. Her immediate  thought was to pretend to be asleep so she could come up with a better plan of getting rid of the embarrassment. But before she could do anything, she heard Raul’s warm chuckle.
“Morning, sweetheart” he said combing his fingers through her hair gently, almost making her melt back into his chest.
“Hi” she said sitting up and knuckling at his eyes softly “I didn’t even notice when I fell asleep”
“Me neither, I was completely drained”
“I’m sorry for -you know, being on top of you”
“Oh, it’s okay, I woke up in the middle of the night and I didn’t feel like waking you up, cause you seemed so peaceful, so I just rearranged us, and I guess we ended up cuddled”
“Yeah” Y/N said brushing her hair out of her face.
“You know I don’t mind, right?”
“Mind what?”
Raul gave her a knowing look and she could feel her face beating up “It happens, sweetheart, and there’s no reason to be ashamed, I slept like a baby with you”
“Oh, I slept well too, is Peter gone already?”
“Yeah, he said something about having to buy something for his camera or something like it”
“He saw us?”
“You make it seem like we were doing something so scandalous, he found it cute actually” he said with a chuckle.
“Oh, okay”
Raul gently grabbed her hand and placed a kiss at the back of it “Relax, darling, hungry?”
“A bit, yeah”
“Want to go and grab breakfast? I can drop you home after if you want”
“That’d be amazing, but only if you’re available”
“Of course I am, I always have time for you, now let’s go, I’m starving”
“I’ve been waiting for you to wake up for a while now”
“Didn’t want to disturb you, you needed to rest, sweetheart”
“You’re too sweet”
“Only for you” he said throwing a little wink on her direction.
He had no idea how much that affected her.
Aaliyah’s birthday was always an amazing event. The triplets always committed to provide her the best birthday they could every single year and they never let her down. It has always been like this since the triplets parties were always nice for the three boys, they felt like they needed to give her the best time possible. She was their little baby after all.
This year was no different.
Her seventeenth birthday party was beautiful and she was literally gleaming, surrounded by her closest friends and family. Raul had a tough week and was feeling a bit off for a few days, there were many reasons to it but he could never ruin his sister’s birthday, so he put on his best smile and went smoothly along with his siblings. He tried his best having fun and forgetting about everything else, but he about half an hour into the party he sat down by the bar and decided just to sit there and drink until he felt lightheaded. Raul just sat there and watched everyone, sometimes having a small talk with anyone who sat down beside him, but mostly, his gaze was constantly searching for Y/N. He didn’t mean to act like a thirteen year old boy with a school crush, he didn’t even mean to keep on searching for her, but she looked so damn adorable he couldn’t help it. She was wearing a beautiful summer dress, in a peachy color that accentuated her gorgeous curves and of a silky kind of material, urging him to run his hands through it. But he knew better, he knew her since they’re kids and he knew he wasn’t what she needed or wanted, or at least, that’s what seemed. So he just stood there, watching from a safe distance and from time to time, but as soon as he started feeling tipsier than he desired, he decided to move away from the bar and take a breath of fresh air.
As soon as he got in the balcony, he let out a sigh of relief as he noticed no one was around, so he would have a least a little bit of peace. He placed both of his hands on the stone railing, feeling his footing not the most balanced one, maybe he had too many drinks for the night and maybe he should go back and grab a bottle of water and something to eat. But before he could actually really think about it, Raul heard a pair of heels clicking behind him, and since no one called him or made a noise to call his attention he just ignored. He felt the person coming closer and he saw on his peripheral the same coloured dress he’d been staring all night. As he turned his face slightly on the person’s direction, he saw Y/N standing beside him, mimicking his position and looking down at the city. Neither of them felt like breaking the silence, so they just enjoyed each other’s company in a comfortable silence. At least until he saw her body shivering from the colder temperature it was outside, which led him to taking out his leather jacket for her and handing it to her.
“It’s okay, I don’t want you to be cold” Y/N mumbled as if not to disturb the peaceful environment.
“I’m okay, sweetheart, but you’re visibly cold”
“Thank you” she said giving him a soft smile that made his whole body warm up as she put on his jacket, wrapping her arms around her own body “but let me know if you need it back”
Raul chuckled “Fine”
“So… Are you going to pretend everything’s okay?”
“What do you mean?”
“Raul, I’ve known you all my life, you don’t have to tell me what’s wrong, you just don’t have to act as if you’re fine around me”
“It’s silly and nothing to worry about, really, you should go and enjoy the party”
“I’m okay here, actually, ’m a bit tired”
“Oh” he said with a nod and looked forward at nothing in particular.
“And I also didn’t want to leave you all alone, and I want you to know that I’m here in case you want to talk”
“Thank you” he said turning to face her and she looked up at him ‘’you’re beautiful, but tonight you look just perfect”
“Oh, thanks” Y/N brushed the hair out of her face “you look gorgeous, as always”
“Yeah, I do, right?” he joked as she giggled, making a smirk appear on his lips.
“Yeah, right” she said looking down at the city.
Raul spoke up after a few moments of silence, regretting almost immediately “I saw you with Mike yesterday”
“Oh, really?”
“Yeah, you’re leaving the movies at the mall, Peter asked me to buy his new lens and I saw the both of you, was it nice?”
“The date”
“Oh, no, it wasn’t like that, he’s actually into Jeff and we go to the same classes since I got in college, he needed to vent and to get distracted, so we went to see a movie”
“Sorry, I had no idea”
“No need to apologize, you didn’t do anything wrong”
And back to the silence. Raul was embarrassed for bringing it up and relieved in a very selfish way she wasn’t going out with him. And he was also afraid he was going to blurt another inappropriate question or comment, the alcohol normally tended to make him lose his filter.
“Was it a shitty week?”
“Huh?” Raul hummed looking back at her.
“Was it a shitty week? That left you like this”
“Yeah, I guess you can say that”
“Is it about the girl you were seeing?”
“Anna? No, we’re not going out anymore, I haven’t even seen her in a while” He answered taking a deep breath “It’s just, sometimes I wish I had someone that understood me, that was there for me, that cared about me besides my family, I don’t know, and I had so much work to do this week was insane, I’m sorry for rambling, I’m just- I don’t even know, I’m sorry”
“Hey, it’s okay, you can ramble as much as you want, sometimes it gets hard, and you should know by now that I’m here for you and that I care for you, yeah?” Y/N said reaching for his hand and squeezing it lightly and he nodded, pulling her into a hug.
“Thank you” he mumbled against her hair as she wrapped her arms around him, hugging him tightly.
“Now come on, let’s sober you up a bit for the cake, okay?” she said placing her chin on his sternum to look up at him and he nodded chuckling lightly.
“Whatever you want, sweetheart”
“Don’t give me this amount of power, Raul, I might regret it”
“Would never regret it, ’sides, I’m already yours for you to do whatever you want” he said and her heart did a flip, but she only giggled.
“Oh, darling, you have no idea of the mistake you just made” she said grabbing his hand as he slotted their fingers together, letting her drag him back inside.
And to be honest? The party was much better after she showed up to talk to him, specially since she was practically glued to his side making sure he was having a good time.
To say Y/N and Raul got closer was an understatement. Since his sister’s birthday, they were hanging out pretty much every single day they could, Peter was involved almost all of the time, but something that didn’t happen before was only Y/N and Raul going out alone just for the sake of hanging out. And even though it was completely new, it felt completely natural as if they’re the closest for years. So, for the past month she felt really connected to him and she also felt her crush multiplying like crazy, which could end up pretty bad, but she couldn’t stop herself from being closer and wanting to be around him. And when Shawn called Raul on FaceTime one night and who picked up was Y/N he was delighted. He was coming home on the next weekend and he suggested they went camping, like they did when they’re younger, renting cabins, bonfire, guitar and marshmallows type of thing.
And of course the triples were instantly excited and planning everything and Y/N was included on the camping trip from the moment she picked up the phone, her wanting or not. Not that she was opposed.
So they rented the cabins, one for Peter and Y/N, one for Shawn, Brian and Raul, and one for Mark, one of the guys’ friend and his girlfriend. Raul took her to the market the night before of the trip to buy supplies and food (mostly snacks, but Raul insisted on buying at least some stuff to make a real meal).ul insisted on buying at least a few things to make a real meal for them “we can’t survive two days with cookies and marshmallows, baby”). He even went to her place to help her pack and offered her to stay the night and his flat with Peter so she could sleep a bit more before they hit the road the next day. She couldn’t deny, specially when Peter was complaining Raul was stealing her from him and that he missed her, and since Raul was pouting and begging while using the silliest pet names he could come up with, and he was pretty creative.
When the time to wake up and get ready to leave, she was awaken by rowdy boys on the hallway, clearly too excited to go camping, just like children as they practically bounced on their feet. The ride was pretty nice, she even took a nap on Shawn’s shoulder as Raul and Peter listened to something on the radio softly and chattered about random stuff. Arriving there brought back that nostalgic feeling of when they’re young and came here twice a month on summer days. They quickly dropped their bags on their respective cabins and went out the explore, going to the lake until it was lunchtime and everyone was starving.
After resting a bit, they decided to go on a hike up the hill to watch the sunset from the top of it. Which was clearly filled with jokes, laughs and a bunch of random pranks they pulled off. If anyone was to tell their age, they’d never say anything over 15 years old. Sarah, the only girl on the group apart from Y/N was pretty nice and was walking side by side with her, laughing at the boys and just talking about everything when Raul came back, face flushed from laughing too hard and grabbing Y/N’s hand.
“I was informed your boyfriend misses you and I’m here to keep miss Y/N company”
“Very well then” she said giggling and throwing Y/N a knowing look and a little wink, walking a bit faster to reach John.
“What?” Y/N asked as she heard Raul laughing “what did you do?”
“Hey! I didn’t do anything”
“Oh really?”
“I did not! Brian did though”
“Oh God, what is it then?”
“He might’ve pushed John into the mud” Raul said sheepishly and Y/N laughed.
“And why do you seem so guilty?”
“Cause I was the one who saw it”
“Of course you did” she said slightly bumping her shoulder into him.
“I wasn’t the one who pushed him though”
“That’s true, but doesn’t make you completely innocent”
“It’s not my fault I pay attention to stuff”
“No, but it is your fault telling Brian you saw it”
“You got me there” he said bumping her shoulder back as he chuckled and she laughed shaking her head.
“Hey, lovebirds, come on, it’s almost staring!” Shawn shouted a few feet away already at the top.
Y/N felt her cheeks heating up and Raul just laughed, walking to where everyone was already waiting for the sunset.
They sat down to watch the process, and since they’re both the last ones to reach the top, they sat down in the end of the semicircle they formed. Y/N leaned her head on his shoulder and he did the same, laying his head on top of hers as they chattered watching the sun to set on the horizon. Y/N’s heart felt a bit warmer being so close to Raul and having such a beautiful view. He grabbed one of her hands and placed it on his lap, carefully playing with her fingers and tracing random patterns at the back of her hand.
“Maybe we should go back before if gets too dark” Peter suggested as everyone got up and grabbed their stuff.
On the way back the guys were trying to make it as an obstacle course, always making fun of every situation as Y/N and Sarah laughed leading the way. At least until Brian called out Y/N when she started roaring with laughter as he fell face first on the mud.
“That’s what I call Karma”
“It’s easy to laugh and not do anything princess, bet I can get to the cabin before you do”
“Well, I was on the tracking team”
“Well, I’m better than you”
“First one to get there is free from all the chores?”
“Deal” Brian said “on three, who’s counting?”
“I am!” John chirped in.
“This is not the greatest ide-” Peter was cut off by John”
“3... 2... 1 and GO!”
That was all it took for both of them to start running down the hill as they laughed, the others hurrying their steps to follow them. The cabins weren’t that far and as soon as Y/N got there, she tripped in one of the firewoods the guys placed there sooner, falling down and feeling the pain crawling up her leg in a burning sensation.
“Fuck, Y/N!” Brian was the first to arrive, kneeling down beside her “are you okay?! Are you hurt?! What the hell?! Who let this shit in here?!”
“It’s okay, I-“ her words got caught in her throat as she tried to move her feet to get up, feeling her eyes welling up with tears from the burning sensation.
“Y/N!” Raul shouted rushing towards her, flopping down beside her “what happened?”
“She tripped on the damn firewood someone left here early”
“It’s not their fault” she let out with her voice a bit strained.
“It doesn’t matter right now, what’s hurting, baby?”
“My foot”
“Which one?”
“Can I see it?” he asked and she just nodded, knowing that if she spoke another word her voice would break and she would start crying for real.
“Holy shit, what’s going on?” Shawn was the first to ask.
“She tripped and now she’s hurt”
“Do you need me to get you something?!” Peter was the first to offer.
“Yeah, I brought an aid kit in case something happened, it’s in the car, also, grab me a bottle of water” Raul said almost robotically as he carefully worked on taking her shoe off “it’s swelling, it looks like a sprained ankle, but it doesn’t seem like you feared any ligaments for now”
“Should we go back?” Shawn asked.
“No! Please don’t!” Y/N barely chocked out as Raul looked up at her and she focused on looking at him because it was calming her a bit “I don’t want you guys to miss all the fun due to my clumsiness”
“Honey, we don’t mind, we ca-”
“Please, Shawn, I- no, okay? I want to stay, and it’s dangerous to drive at night” Y/N cut him off, still looking directly at Raul.
“Here!” Peter said coming back with a bag.
“Thanks, I don’t think it’s too bad” Raul finally said “I’ll keep on checking it through the night, if the swelling gets too bad or if there are any signs that she might have tore or stretched a ligament I’ll take her back, is that okay?” he asked and she just nodded, looking down at her lap.
“You should stay with her tonight, I can spend the night with Shawn and Brian if she doesn’t mind” Peter offered.
“I’d appreciate it, do you mind, Y/N?” Raul asked and she nodded “okay, I’ll take her to her cabin so we can have a better look at it and shower, can you guys take care of the bonfire?”
“Sure, do whatever you need to” John said.
“Okay, can I pick you up, sweetheart?” and again she just nodded, so he picked her from the ground bridal style and carried her back to (now) their cabin.
“I’m okay, you don’t have to do this”
“Of course I do, and it’s okay, we need to put some ice on it, where do you want to sit?”
“Not on the bed, I’m probably too dirty to sit there”
“Okay” he replied placing her down on an armchair, with her feet up “wait just a sec” he said before going through the mini fridge to retrieve an icepack “here”
“Thank you”
“It’s okay, sweetheart” Raul said kneeling down beside her on the floor “is it hurting?”
“A bit, it was worse before”
“Okay, good, you can’t put much weight on it, yeah? Or it’ll only get worse” Raul softly grabbed her hand, lightly thumbing at her knuckles “if you need anything, just let me know and I’ll do it for you, yeah?”
“You don’t have to do this, I don’t want to bother you”
“You won’t, don’t worry about it”
“Raul, you’re literally going to have to babysit me, I’m ruining your weekend”
“You’re not ruining my weekend”
“Of course I am, this is what you do every single day, you’re supposed to be free to relax and not take care of people all the time”
“This is different, this is you we’re talking about and I really don’t mind spoiling you and caring you around the whole campsite if it need be, besides, I like doing what I do, so it’s no bother at all, you’re not ruining everything, now try to relax a bit, you don’t need sore muscles to appear too”
“Okay” Y/N squeezed his hand lightly.
“Good, I’m going to grab my stuff and hand Peter his, is it okay?”
“Yeah, sure”
“Be right back” he said placing a kiss to her forehead and leaving.
Y/N reached into her bag to grab a book to pass the time, Raul quickly came in and said we was going to shower so she would be free to do the same when the ice was done. She got so deep into reading it, that she barely noticed when he got out of the shower, only realized he was in the room when she her gentle humming to a song. Looking up from behind her book, only to find Raul with only a towel wrapped around his hips, looking through his duffle bag for something to wear. Y/N really tried to look away quickly, but maybe her brain was too clouded by him to actually make a quick move, and since he was literally standing in front of a mirror he caught her glimpsing at him, causing his famous smirk to appear on his lips as he got back into the bathroom to get dressed.
“Don’t” Y/N warned before he could even say a word when he came out with a pair of sweatpants and a hoodie.
“Just don’t, I know you”
“Sweetheart, you don’t have to be shy, you can look, I don’t mind, I actually like it”
Y/N scoffed and threw the pillow that was behind her at him as he laughed “Fuck off, Raul”
“Okay, stinky lady, let’s get you to the bathroom, I got a little plastic chair for you to sit instead of being on your feet”
“Hey! I’m not stinky”
“Oh really? How can you be so sure?”
“Shut up, Raul, I hate you”
“Fine, then you won’t be taken to the bathroom”
“Okay, then I’ll walk!” Y/N said standing up and before she could put her feet to the floor, Raul was swiping her off her feet (quite literally) and she let out a squeak as he chuckled “put me down!”
‘’Nope, you can’t simply walk without a cast or something, so I’ll be your knight and shining armour”
“My saviour” she mumbled rolling her eyes and he laughed, pressing a kiss to her cheek and placing her seated on the little plastic chair for her shower.
“Okay, smelly girl, do you need help with anything?”
“I think I’m good, can you just grab me something to wear?”
“Sure, ma’am”
And with that he left, only to come back with a similar look to his and left her to shower. It wasn’t the easiest event of her life, but she managed it just fine, trying to get out to the door by jumping in only on foot, and as soon she opened the door to the bedroom, Raul was already there by her side with furrowed brows, hands on her waist to steady her and helping her to the bed as he informed her they had a bonfire ready and food as well outside. And they decided to grab some shoes and meet the rest of the group outside, Raul tried wrapping her foot the best he could to imobilize it with what he had there, and he did a pretty great job. So they sat down on the little wood kind of benches already on the ground with everyone, and they started talking about the most random stuff and Brian was trying to convince everyone to tell creepy stories like the movies, which quickly turned into a huge joke cause they couldn’t be serious for a long time. The environment was pretty light and filled with laughs as they ate the burgers Peter was making, Shawn even grabbed the guitar and played some songs, that were quickly ruined by everyone else shouting atop of his voice and messing up the lyrics. As they started to roas the marshmallows and calm down a bit, acting like civilized humans again, Y/N started to feel a bit sleepy.
She was wrapped up in a cozy blanket with Raul, making her just absolutely toasty and comfy, a bit drowsy from the painkillers she took and all the food, feeling just delighted to be surrounded by this people. She loved to be around the triplets, and Brian and John have been around long enough that she was completely used to them and liked them very much. They always made sure she was okay and having fun, the whole Mendes Family if she’s honest, she always felt very welcomed and glad to have them around, specially since she grew up with them. Maybe it was all of that great feeling, associated with the medicine and the that comforting feeling, she felt herself leaning into Raul a bit as Y/N struggled to stay awake, and instead of pushing her softly or saying something about her falling asleep too soon, he wrapped his arm around her welcoming her in his arms as she laid her head on his chest. She heard his warm chuckle as he placed a kiss on the top of her hair.
“Do you want to go to bed?” he asked softly rubbing intricate shapes on her back in a gentle way and she shook her head “let me know whenever you’re ready, yeah?”
She just nodded, nuzzling closer to him and without even noticing, she fell asleep.
She woke up what felt only moments later feeling her body moving and when she opened her eyes, she noticed that Raul was placing her on the bed for the night.
“I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to wake you” Raul whispered, pulling the covers up her body.
“It’s okay, I didn’t mean to fall asleep”
“It was a long day, sweetheart, it’s only natural” he said going to grab them each a bottle of water and flopping down beside her and she giggled.
“Thank you”
“For what?”
“For taking care of me and being the sweetest person”
“You don’t have to thank me for anything, you deserve it”
“But I do” Y/N said knuckling at her eye and reaching out for his hand, slotting their fingers together and squeeze it gently “thank you”
Raul smiled and leaned in to place a kiss at her forehead “you’re so beautiful, you know that, right?”
“Stop being silly” she laughed as he feigned an insulted expression.
“I’m not, you’re just the prettiest girl I’ve ever met and I’ve always thought this”
“Oh really? Aren’t you just trying to butter me up?”
“Me? I would never do that!” Raul scoffed and she just chuckled giving him a knowing look “okay, okay, you caught me, I’m just trying to steal your heart”
Y/N gasped “why would you do that to me?”
“Because I want it”
“For what? I’m not an athlete anymore, it’s a poor heart, and I love junk food, you won’t be able to sell it”
“You’re ridiculous, you know?”
“Look, you have to decide if I’m pretty, smelly or ridiculous, can’t be all of them” she said and he laughed.
“You’re impossible”
“Oh great, thanks, can you elaborate?”
“Don’t feel like doing it, no” he said and she rolled her eyes, turning away from him on the bed.
“Fine, then goodnight” Y/N turned off the lamp from her side of the bed and he chuckled, wrapping his arms around her and pulling her back flush against his chest “Hey! I-“
“Do you really want to know?” he said taking a deep sigh and burying his face on her neck.
“Well, if there’s an explanation to it, then yeah, but I was just being dramatic and-“
Raul cut her off trying to gather all the courage possible “There is and I’ve been meaning to tell you this for a while, I was just trying to find the best timing and not ruin our friendship”
“You won’t end our friendship, yeah? You can just tell me” she said trying to turn in his arms but he had a vice grip on her, so she just gave up, interlacing their fingers together.
“We’ve known each other for years now, and even though you are closer to Peter most of the time, I couldn’t help it but want you closer. You’re always the cutest and sweetest little thing, always caring about the people around you and taking care of others, and being this funny smart person that always make the environment better around you, so I felt drawn to you. And for years I pushed it aside cause you’re always shy around me and I thought you just weren’t interested so I never made a move or something, but recently that was proven to be impossible, since that night you spent over and we slept on the couch I’ve been wanting to ask you about it or just do something about it“ Raul slowly loosened the grip on her and she decided to turn around to face him “You’re not impossible, maybe sometimes when you really want something, but what was really impossible was not falling for you, and you don’t have to say anything, I just thought you should know”
And Y/N couldn’t even speak and she wanted to. She was just speechless. The guy she had a crush on for years just told her he liked her, what the hell was she supposed to say?! She truly wanted to shout that she liked him too, that she wanted him too and that she felt like this for years, but the only thing she could do instead of gaping him like a fish was lean forward and press their lips together, and that’s what she did.
Raul was completely shocked at first and didn’t react at all, which made Y/N instantly regret her decision starting to pull back, but before she could completely pull away, Raul cradled her face in his hand and smeared their lips together in a sweet yet passionate kiss, pulling her closer as she wrapped her fingers in his hair, tangling on his curls. Y/N couldn’t believe this was actually real, the only thing that made her understand this wasn’t a dream, was the warmth and butterflies spreading through her body as he swept his tongue on her bottom lip, sucking it into his mouth genlty. Her head was spinning when they finally parted for air without actually leaning away. Raul rested his forehead on hers as they both panted softly, a bright smile spreading on his lips and Y/N just chuckled, making him do the same.
“I’ve had a crush on you for years now, you idiot” she said and he laughed.
“So sweet” he retorted and she laughed.
“But it’s true! I thought I was so obvious!”
“If I knew I wanted me too I would’ve done it sooner” he said before leaning in and pressing another kiss to her lips.
“Well maybe I should’ve said it sooner”
“Well, we can change that now, but I can take you on a date as soon as we get back and your feet is a bit better”
“Or we can just ignore my feet and go!”
“Not a chance, we can hang out at my place or yours and then go out”
“Sounds pretty nice”
“Then it’s settled”
“Oh, we have to deal with Peter”
“Hm, we can deal with him tomorrow, yeah? Really don’t want to think about my brother right now” he said pulling her to his chest and she giggled.
Okay, maybe she wasn’t completely fucked as she thought a month ago.
*Please reblog or like this post if you liked it so I’ll know.
*I’m sorry if there are any spelling mistakes.
*Please do not repost this without giving me the credit, this is a completely original piece and I do not give permission to copy this!
*Hope you guys enjoyed it!
189 notes · View notes
forever--darling · 4 years
mine - s.m.
ceo au
a/n: I suggest listening to I put a spell on you by annie lennox while reading this
warnings: 8.3k words of slight curse words, innuendos, and ceo shawn mendes
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Surrounded in the sweet smell of pastries and bread, you had been so caught up in the comfort that the building provided while your nose was stuck in a textbook, you had failed to notice that you were still in the middle of a shift. Your eyes were tracing over the same line over and over as a small feeling filled your gut like you were missing something, but you tried to write it off and continue studying. You had a huge test the next day that was worth a large percent of your grade and you couldn’t afford to fail it, so any distractions had to be rid from your mind. And, they had but it wasn’t until the loud beep went off again that it alerted the attention of the man stood at the front counter who had been ringing up another customer. 
The older man poked his head into the doorway to see you bent over the counter, eyes trained onto the thick book and zero perception of where you were. He sighed before beginning to yell your name over and over into the back room. Seconds later, your head tore away from the book, startled and brought back to the fact that you were still at work. 
Pushing yourself away from the counter and away from the textbook, you grabbed two oven mitts. “Oh, shit!” 
You opened the door to see the smoke rising from the baked treats and quickly reached for them hoping that you hadn’t burnt the last batch of the day. Slipping the hot pan onto the wood counter, you slipped the oven mitts from your hands as your eyes fell back to the still open textbook. Your neck was twisted to the side in a desperate attempt to analyze the words and have them stick into your brain. 
“Y/N,” he called again, taking your attention away from your studies for the second time. 
“Right,” you replied, slamming the book closed, making sure to mark your page before you continued to prepare the muffins for their basket. You sighed with relief that not one of them appeared to be burnt black.
Minutes later, you appeared from the back room and approached the front counter with a brown wicker basket sat neatly into your palms. Covered in a clear plastic bag tied at the top with a pink ribbon to ensure that the muffins stayed in the basket when delivered, you slid the basket onto the counter next to the other one. It appeared to be the same despite the different flavored muffins and the grey ribbon tied tightly at the top in comparison of a pink. 
You sighed in a way to prepare yourself to face your boss, “Here you go, Oscar. The last batch of the day, all made and ready to go.” 
Oscar, your boss and owner of the building, nodded sparing a glance towards the basket as he continued to jot down words on a notepad with a black pen. “Not burnt?” he asked raising an eyebrow his words soft but serious. 
“Not burnt,” you replied, hands running along the plastic wrap before falling onto the ends of the ribbon tightening them. “Luckily. I’m sorry.” 
“It’s alright, hasn’t been the first time.”
“And probably won’t be the last,” you admitted teasingly. 
Oscar nodded knowingly as laughter bubbled from the back of his throat, “Probably not but it’s okay, you’re a college kid. I knew what I was getting into when I hired you. So what class is it this time?” 
You sighed, crossing your arms over your chest as you leaned back against the counter, body facing the back wall at the chalkboard menu you had written on with new pastries that morning. “Physics, which I don’t even know why I’m taking in the first place. Anyways, I have this huge test tomorrow and it’s a large part of my grade. I’m struggling enough as it is so I can’t fail.” 
“I see,” Oscar responded, already able to feel the stress seeping out of you, “And have you figured out what you want to major in yet?” 
“Nope,” you replied popping the “p” as you began to rock back and forth on the balls of your feet, “Not a clue.” 
He smiled, placing a comforting hand on your shoulder, “Well, I’m sure you’ll figure it out, and if you never do and college doesn’t seem like the place for you, there will always be a place for you here.” 
“Thank you, Oscar. I really appreciate everything you’ve done for me,” you said sending the older man a warm smile. 
“Anytime, kid,” he mumbled, returning your smile with a wink.
Oscar Wheeler had been the owner of Sensationally Muffin for almost three years now and had opened the bakery after leaving his former job as a salesman. At rolling in at the height of around six foot, Oscar Wheeler was a broad shouldered man that had a strong large build at the age of forty-five. He had umber colored skin, with warm yellow and copper undertones, that wrinkled at the corners of his mouth and around his eyes. Grey hair rounded the edges of his head, standing out against his black buzzed head while also being shown present around his facial hair that ran along his chin and upper lip. 
Besides his handsome middle aged features, Oscar was a sweet man that would spread kindness wherever he went and found a comfort in the bakery business. He loved the happiness that was brought from making the baked goods and found solitude in his small quaint little shop that bursted with warmth. From his presence, he provided a kind of compassion that no one could fake and because he was so nice and talked to anyone that walked through those doors, the small bakery became a place of support and love for many people. 
Oscar had built the life he had always hoped for in the last three years and it always warms your heart at the business he had created.  As a previous salesman before, all he had ever done was work. Day after day, chained to that desk, losing the feeling of what it felt like to actually be living. One day it had gotten to be too much and he quit on the spot, invested his savings into a dusty old building sat on the corner of first avenue. 
He built this place out of nothing all by himself and because he had always been working he wasn’t married and he had no kids. He didn’t have a family like many men did his age and instead created his own family, here. He had formed friendships here and as corny as it sounded, you had found your own little family within these four walls. 
Even though the bakery had been up and running for three years there were still not many workers that had settled here. Oscar was a man who relied on honesty and selflessness. He was picky when it came to who he hired. He had rejected many college students the moment they walked in through the doors begging for a job, and it came to quite a shock when he finally had hired you. It was over a year ago when you had just gotten done with what ended up being one of the worst classes you had ever had and along with that had been stood up on a date. 
It was snowing and the wind was blazing and you couldn’t bare the idea of moping all the way back to your apartment to only get pitied for the rest of the night by your roommate. Instead, you wandered the streets, which seemed almost empty due to the storm, trying to busy yourself until the time seemed acceptable to return home. 
However, it became difficult to stay out in the cold any longer when the wind picked up and you stumbled into the first warmest building you could see. If only you knew that when you walked into the bakery that day, snow falling from your clothes, that it would be the start of meeting some of the best people of your life. From then it was the easiest decision Oscar had made, from seeing how you longed to get warmth from the small fireplace and offered to help with anything. So when the time had came that you finally asked if there were any jobs in the small building, you had instantly grown to love, he had said yes without even giving you an interview. 
That was how the little Sensationally Muffin family started and despite the sadness that took up the man of never getting married or having children, it was quickly replaced by the happiness of your presence and the bakery’s presence. Because at the end of the day, you were his daughter whether from blood or not. 
“So, are you still okay to deliver these tonight or do you have to get home,” you were brought out of your thoughts by the man of the hour himself who was reorganizing some of the pastries in the box placed near the counter. 
“Only two stops?” you asked, looking towards the two baskets on the counter. 
“Yes, two stops,” Oscar confirmed adjusting a piece of coffee cake before sliding the small plastic door shut. 
“Then yeah I can. Suppose I can take a break of studying for a little while, which I’m guessing since this basket is all blueberry muffins and it’s a Thursday that we have yet to deliver Mrs. Crenshaw's basket of muffins,” you stated, eyes looking towards the pink bowed basket that was filled to the brim of just blueberry muffins. 
“You’d be right.”
“Of course, I know how much Mrs. Crenshaw loves her blueberry muffins,” you laughed.
Oscar smiled as he moved the two baskets towards the other end of the counter so you could just grab them on your way out, “She does. Anyways, I got a call from Roxy one of the head nurses of the nursing home. She said that they’ll be at the park again like they are usually on Thursdays. She says today they got some college kid to sing to them with his guitar so they’re just hanging there until six, when they’ll have to get everyone back.” 
“That’s nice, I’ll head there first. Won’t want to miss them,” you replied, untying your blue apron from around your waist and folding it up in your hands, “So where’s the other delivery supposed to go?” 
“Uh, it’s a large company building near the center of the city. I attached the address to the basket so you know where to find it and put the man’s name so you don’t get lost once you’re in there.”
Your eyebrows knitted together in confusion at his words as your fingers knotted into the apron in your hand, “A company building that’s different. We don’t usually get orders from places like that.” 
The older man nodded but couldn’t help the small smile on his lips, “Yes, but I have to say I’m not complaining. Business is business and I will take as much of it as I can get.” 
Your expression softened and chuckled knowing he was right. Walking into the back room, you placed your apron down on one of the bottom shelves and began to place all of your notebooks and your textbook back into your backpack. Still curious of the journey you were about to take, you continued the conversation to see if Oscar knew anything else. “So, with this company building do you know anything about them or about who made the order?” 
“Uh, yeah. I believe it was some assistant or someone like that. Ms. Bloom, I think it was. She was calling about placing an order of muffins for her boss. Heard from a friend that we have the very best. Said that her boss has a thing for muffins and would probably like the small surprise from all of the meetings he has been having the last couple days non stop,” he said now starting to tidy up the counter. 
“Hmm busy man,” you commented pulling the backpack over your shoulders before you clock out of your shift, “Is it a big company?” 
He nodded, turning his attention away from the front counter towards you as you approached the basket of muffins, “Yes, very. Like muli-million very, I think, but you shouldn’t have to worry about that. You have enough on your plate as it is.”
“Funny,” you thought out loud as your fingers began to trace around the white card that was pinned to the basket, the words hidden on the other side, “A multi-million company is buying a fourteen dollar basket of muffins. You would think they would at least buy some that are sprinkled with bits of gold, but hey lucky us. Business is business.” 
Oscar chuckled at the way you quoted him and couldn’t help but to walk over and pull you into a side hug, “That’s right, so I’ll see you tomorrow.” 
“Okay, be safe. Text me if you need anything and good luck on your test,” he said, hand placed comfortingly on your shoulder. 
“Thanks,” you mumbled out, grabbing both baskets and turning to walk towards the front door sparing a small wave over your shoulder, “Bye!” 
He waved back a smile pulled across his face, causing his eyes to wrinkle like they tended to always do. Squeezing past the glass door, you ended up on the sidewalk that wasn’t as busy as it had been previously in the day since most people had made it at home by this time on a weekday. You smiled at the feeling of wind dancing across your skin and the sight of the sun starting to fall from the sky as you moved towards the side of the bakery to locate your transportation and one of the things you loved the most in this city. Your bike. Hating how crowded the streets would get for driving, you would rely on your beautiful bike to get you from one place to another whether it’s to deliver muffins, or get you across campus as fast as possible. Gosh, you really loved that bike. 
It was a light blue Schwinn bicycle that had a white seat and a metal basket hanging in the front off of the handlebars housing a place to hold the muffins. Unlocking the bike from the bike ramp, you placed both orders of muffins into the hanging basket and swung your leg over the seat. Situating yourself onto the bike, you set out to your destination, one of two until you were able to go home and crawl into the bed of your apartment.
By the time you had managed to drop off the basket of muffins in the park for Mrs. Crenshaw and get out of the park, it had taken you almost a half an hour. You didn’t think that when you got there that Mrs. Crenshaw would insist that you stay and continue to argue over it for the next fifteen minutes. Even when you had mentioned that you had another stop to make she would just interrupt you by talking about how great the music was this college boy was singing, or go on about how cute he was as if that would make you stay and visit with them awhile. You thought it was sweet that she wanted to talk to you and you felt a little guilty about leaving in a rush, but knew that you could just visit another day. 
Another day when you didn’t have to go deal with multi-million company people and have to study for a huge Physics test. When you somehow had managed to slip away from Mrs. Crenshaw because she was stuffing her face with muffins and dancing to the music, you quickly grabbed your money from Roxy, the head nurse that Oscar said made the call, and hot tailed it out of the park before any of the other elders could pull you into a conversation. 
You were walking your bike down a sidewalk that went out of the park, waiting to get out towards the street to hop back on and get going. Knowing that the road was approaching, you stopped your bike for a second to take a glance at the address written on the card of the basket. Reaching over and into the bike basket you flipped the card over and read over what it said. 
Mr. Mendes
Mendes Corporations 
982 Edgefield Drive 
Toronto, CA R1A K3G
The bike ride from the park to the company building took exactly seven minutes give or take and luckily it was a place you couldn’t get lost finding. From a few blocks away, you were able to spot it and it’s crystal glass walls. By the time you had actually arrived outside of the building, your jaw had hit the floor. When Oscar had said company with an office building, you never expected this. Even when, he said “multi-million” you wrote it off thinking that he was just kidding. Yeah, you thought “oh it will just be a small brick company building that was two or three stories high” - yeah no. This was not the case.
This company had to have been large and very much a multi-million maybe even billion. The building was tall coming up to maybe being the height of a small skyscraper that went up multiple stories, made out of clear glass, accented with silver steel to add detail to the building. With windows surrounding the whole building, it no doubt had a lot of light pour in during the day. Or maybe the windows reflected the harsh light to hit back at the streets, considering you couldn’t see within the building through the windows. Either way you couldn’t know until you actually stepped in. The front was fitted with two sets of doors on either side of a silver large revolving door and above the door were the words Mendes Co. splayed across in thick black letters that no doubt lit up at night. 
To accompany the doors there were two doormen dressed in black fitted suits and white earpieces on, standing on either side of the regular doors. They looked more like bodyguards and could be for all you knew, but with them opening the sets of doors they stood by, it gave you the impression they were just very well dressed doormen. As you looked up at the building, it seemed to go up forever before being cut flat by the open styled roof, that no doubt probably had access to it from a door and stairs. 
Surprisingly with a place that looked so high class and well done, there was a metal bike rack sat near the road. Even that seemed to be better than the other streets you found bike racks at. It was clean and reflected off the lights of the city, not one speck of dust or rust. You somehow found yourself standing outside, looking around to see if the people walking near the building were better dressed and looked ready for a business meeting, but they all appeared like you. Casually dressed and not paying attention to the gorgeous building, they were passing as if it were a normal thing. 
Noticing that the sun was setting more and more behind the city the longer you stood there gaping at the business building, you quickly tore your gaze from it to lock your bike against the bike rack. When secured and sure that it wasn’t going anywhere, you took the basket of muffins in your hand and made your way towards the revolving door. Both doorman/ bodyguards looked you up and down as you reached the door and no doubt if you hadn’t been holding that basket of muffins they probably wouldn’t have let you walk in just by the way you dressed. 
As soon as you laid eyes on the bustling building from the inside, you knew they definitely wouldn’t have let you in. The inside was the nicest place you had ever seen. The walls from the ceiling to the floor were white and smooth showing a faint reflection as you walked by it. Anything else was silver or black causing the whole room to appear sleek and smooth leaving you with the question of what the hell this company really did and was. And if that wasn’t it, the lobby was filled with people fitted like they were made of money. 
From the tight suits that clung to each man to the women that dressed in short pencil skirts or dresses paired with a blazer, their hair all pulled up out of their face and showing their beautiful soft features. Plus, every women had a pair of heels at least six inches tall on the bottom of their feet making them look even more business sexy and tall. Like extremely tall. You weren’t exactly a very short person but next to all these women, they made you look like the size of a twelve year old next to a bunch of NBA basketball players. In that moment you had never felt so out of place before with your ripped skinny jeans and sneakers. 
Your hair was messily pulled into a ponytail with pieces framing your face and along with the jacket and backpack you had on, a grey long sleeve shirt that hugged your chest tightly. Your face barely had any makeup thinking that for work all you needed was some mascara but now you wished you had put on some lip gloss or something because compared to all the other women who supported a lipstick your lips just looked dry and cracked. You knew you didn’t belong in that building and so did everyone else. They all followed you with their gaze and probably felt relieved that there was a basket of muffins in your hand meaning you weren’t actually here for something important. It was funny that the basket provided you with protection from the well dressed vultures and you knew that it would be a whole different story when you had to leave basketless.   
Tucking a piece of hair behind your ear, you moved your way through the lobby towards the front silver desk that appeared to be just as smooth as the walls. A woman sat behind the desk her blonde hair pulled into a tight bun at the back of her head with a tight black skirt and white blouse with the top buttons undone. She looked up from the computer but instead of giving you a harsh glare like everyone else, she offered a soft smile not enough to show her teeth but enough for it to be a smile. 
You took a deep breath never feeling this nervous to deliver a basket of muffins before. Raising the basket, you gestured to it as you explained why someone like you would be in a place like this, “Uh, I have a delivery for a Ms. Bloom which is really-- uh, for a Mr. Mendes.” 
As your words came out stuttered and fast, you mentally groaned at making yourself look like an actual idiot. Now you made yourself look even more out of place if that could even be possible. At embarrassing yourself in front of a woman who was basically a model, you could feel the heat rush up past your neck settling onto your face. You tugged at your jacket mercilessly, worrying that you might actually be escorted out of the building, but a sigh of relief flew past your mouth at the small chuckle made from the model worthy receptionist. “Yes, Mr. Mendes’ office is on the twelfth floor and as soon as you walk out of the elevator there should be a large desk where Ms. Bloom sits.” 
“Alright, thank you,” you replied, raking your fingers through your hair anxiously before making your way towards where the woman was pointing that held the elevators. As you rounded the corner towards the elevators you found people bustling in and out not caring about bumping into you along the way. 
There were a total of six elevators all with large silver doors and blue buttons off to the side. You had managed to slip past a sea of people that were just leaving elevator two and enter into elevator four which only held a couple older men dressed in black suits and a small group of women who were whispering to each other in the corner while sneaking you glances. They were tall like every other woman in this place and dressed in tight business clothes as usual. You were lucky to get an elevator that wasn’t full of people because that might not have set too well with you if you had. 
The elevator itself was lit with white and had lights showering down from the top as the walls were cut into squares all around, bouncing your reflection back at you. Again the nicest elevator you had ever been on and wished more than anything that yours back at your apartment building looked as good as this.
“Floor?” one of the men asked who had white slicked back hair and was carrying a brown briefcase. He didn’t spare much of a glance to you which you felt relieved to not have to face his judging eyes, when you could already feel a hole being burned in the back of your head from the women. 
“Uh, twelve,” you mumbled, hearing the whispers stop behind you for a few seconds before starting up again. 
You weren’t even surprised probably anybody and everybody in this building knew that the twelve floor belonged to the owner of this whole corporation. Which meant that if the lobby were as dressed as they were, walking out of this elevator and onto that floor probably looked liked visiting royalty, and you were not one to walk through the doors and be among royalty. Because of the women behind you, you couldn’t help but dig your fingers into your side while trying to take smooth sturdy breaths but it became too much when you heard one of them say something about how you looked. 
It was muffled and you couldn’t hear much of what she said but it was enough to know it was about you. It caused your stomach to sink further than it already had for being required to be in this building, so it made you a little less fidgety when you reached back and pulled your hair loose from the ponytail letting it fall. Your shiny unbrushed waves laid across your shoulders and you smoothed them down at the top, hoping that it looked a little more put together than it had in the ponytail. 
Luckily, the twelfth floor was the lowest floor selected so you were able to be the first one off the elevator. When the awful ride finally came to a stop at your floor, you spared the men a small smile. “Have a nice day,” you said before walking out of the elevator.
The doors closed behind you and instead of walking forward towards the desk, sat a few feet down the hallway tucked up against a wall, you stood still. Clutching the basket to your chest, you gaze across the most important floor of the whole entire building. As expected, its lined with white from Ms. Bloom’s desk to the chairs that sit tucked into the few other smaller desks sat abandoned in the hallway to the walls. Also, right above Ms. Bloom’s desk was Mendes Co. in the same way it was on the front of the building. Block letters in dark black, concluding that this was in fact his floor. It was modern and sleek and made you wonder to no end about who this man was. Mr. Mendes.
He must have held so much power, in whatever the hell he did, to build a building so large and so high class. You had no doubt that he had a lot of money and from how expensive everything was and set out to be there was no doubt in your mind that Mr. Mendes had to have been older. He had to have built this company up over courses of years to get it to where it is now. It didn’t make much sense to you though that if this company seemed to have so much money and was so well known why you had never heard of it until now. It made you think that if had been around a while that you would have heard about it at least once or twice. Maybe you hadn’t heard of it because you were just some college kid that had her head stuck in a pile of books. 
Within the nice floor, you could hear the faint sound of voices, phones ringing, and the sound of heels clicking against the floor, along with music that had to have been John Mayer but you couldn’t be sure. It smelled faintly of rosewood and spices mixed with some kind of cologne which instantly sent your mind in a frenzy at how good it smelt passing through your nose. It made your body sway and your head swell from how much you were beginning to like it, and knew that all the women that worked here most swoon in the presence of the masculine smell. They probably had fallen to their knees, once or twice, for their boss if Mr. Mendes smelled anything like his floor. 
You were brought out of your thoughts at the sound of a high pitched voice that appeared very annoyed, “No, Mr. Mendes is in a meeting I told you that a half an hour ago and he will still be in a meeting a half an hour from now. I will let him know that you called like I said I would before.” 
You looked to find the voice coming from where the large white desk was set against the wall, being no doubt Ms. Bloom. Approaching her and the desk, you watched as she yelled something into the phone before slamming it down back onto the desk, hanging up the call all together. She sat down in the grey plush chair at the desk and began to fiddle with the computer as if she hadn’t noticed you. You took that small moment to analyze her from head to toe and wasn’t surprised at all with what you were seeing. It was as if there was a pattern for the women that worked in this office or even set foot on its expensive tiled floors. 
She had tan skin that looked like she had just come back from vacation and sleek caramel hair braided back into a low bun with not a single piece of hair out of place. She had piercing blue eyes that matched the colors of the ocean and stood out even more against her dark eyeshadow and winged liner. She had a small button nose that was contoured to perfection and plush pink lips that looked glossy in the light. She was dressed in a tight black dress that fell to right above her knees, showcasing her long freshly shaved legs, and it was so tight against her body that she couldn’t have been wearing a bra or any underwear. It was clear that if it was that tight and she still decided to wear it to work that it probably didn’t bother her. 
And, from the way she ordered the basket of muffins to surprise her boss, dress skin tight with a face full of makeup, and be so defensive on the phone about him it was not hard to realize she had something for Mr. Mendes or maybe with him. You weren’t entirely sure but it wouldn’t be a surprise that with what money he appeared to have he could afford to sleep with his assistant and hire every beautiful person that walked along Toronto. As you thought about it all, you made sure to make a mental note to ask your roommate later that evening about the corporation because with everything you had discovered in the last ten minutes you had never been so curious in your whole entire life.
“Yes?” her high pitched voice snapped from behind the desk, not bothering to look up.
“Oh, uh I have the basket of muffins you ordered from Sensationally Muffin,” you whispered softly, slightly worried she would bite your head off if you said something wrong. 
Instead, though at your words, her eyes lit up and a small smile feel on her face but that all slightly faltered as she looked up and locked gazes onto you. She frowned as she looked you up and down before letting out a distasteful noise that sounded much like an ew. She covered it up though with a small cough and turned her eyes to the basket in your hand. It was a mixed batch between one's like chocolate chip and blueberry to apple cinnamon and pumpkin. In fact the basket had almost every flavor except lemon which was requested to not be added. 
You even added in your favorite muffin creation; a triple chocolate craze muffin that was filled with chocolate syrup. Of course it was delicious and drool worthy but something you could only have one of. They weren’t ordered very often and because the basket required almost every muffin you had on the menu, you thought you would sneak it in because it really was made for the high class. Now that you are standing with the basket in your hands, you’re happy that you added it, or maybe you weren’t because this man seemed to have everything except for your muffin. Which thanks to you, the triple chocolate craze will bless his taste buds though he has probably tasted the grandest of things compared to a chocolate muffin. 
You felt the basket get tugged from your hands and set down onto the desk. It was funny, how much that delicious basket of muffins blended in with the rest of the building because of that stupid grey ribbon. No one would even be able to tell that it was fourteen dollars and came from a cheap bakery a few blocks away. It was sad that something so delicious would have to be given to a man that seemed to be screwing his assistant, but like Oscar always says business is business. 
“How much do I owe you, for the muffins?” she asked picking out a black leather wallet from within a desk drawer.
“Wait,” she holds her hand up cutting you off and at first you have no idea why. Then you realize that she has stopped you because of the voices that are coming from down a hall near the elevator that you somehow had missed when you exited and looked around the floor. They were getting closer and one obviously stood out towards Ms. Bloom when she quickly grabbed the basket of muffins from the desk and gave you a pointed look. “I’ll be right back.” 
She turned away from you and fast walked, almost a jog, away from the desk in the opposite direction of where the voices were coming from. Her heels clicked against the floor as she went in a fast set of twos as she made it down the hallway towards a pair of double doors that went all the way up to the ceiling. 
They were made of wood and stained dark almost to the color of black and had rusty red undertones that were seeping past the dark hue. The handles were silver rods that hung off the door and went up past the height of Ms. Bloom even in her heels. Probably stainless steel from the way they looked. She tore open one of the doors and slipped in, disappearing behind it with the basket of muffins in her hands.  
You stood and took a deep breath, running your fingers through your loose hair tugging at the ends. Closing your eyes with the exhaustion kicking in, you could now hear the multiple pairs of footsteps echoing within the floor and the voices becoming more clear. As they seemed to be just around the corner, you could now identify that it was definitely a group of men. All low and deep, shouting multiple things at once, clearly arguing. However, there was one that stuck out like a sore thumbs amidst the others. It was higher and soft to the ears. 
He seemed to be the one centered in the attention because though the rest of voices were jumbled together you were able to hear his words clear, “Enough, enough. I answered everything in the meeting, now stop because I have other things to attend to.” 
Though his voice was demanding and sent a shiver down your spine it did not ward off the other men and only made them yell louder down the hallway as they rounded the corner. Hearing the muffled shouts burst from no longer being a wall away, you turned in the direction of the voices, that sounded clearer then they had before, faces being matched towards the rowdy sounds. Sure enough, walking in your direction was a group of what appeared to be six middle aged men dressed in suits and surrounding the very person that caused their shouting. They trailed behind him and as they only got closer to where you stood it was not hard to spot the man out who stuck out among them. He was tall. Taller than the rest of them which proved to be the first thing that made him stick out. 
The next thing was his age. You easily noticed that he was half of their age at most and very handsome. Possibly the most beautiful man you had laid eyes on and that said a lot, since every young male worker in this building could make your knees weak, but him god he was something else entirely. He had dark curls sat at the top of his head that looked all messy and hadn’t been styled which only made him look more gorgeous. Which seemed impossible since he had a sharp jawline, pretty brown eyes, and pink pillowy lips. He also obviously was fit, you could tell from the way the dark blue suit hugged his long body. It made you wonder what someone like him was doing in a place like this instead of on a billboard somewhere but when the rest of the building was also good looking it kind of wasn’t a surprise that he was here either.
“Gentlemen,” he announced, revealing his soft silk like voice, making it evident that he was the one that had stuck out among their constant rambling down the hallway, “The meeting is over, I appreciate your time but this shit’s done.” 
He continues to walk down the hallway towards you and the men still refuse to give up despite how cold it sounded. He tries to ignore them, looking elsewhere than the six men around him. In doing so his brown eyes fall onto you, stood abandoned at his assistant's desk with flushed cheeks, looking so out of place. At first you thought he would glare at you or laugh at the sight of you in a place like this. Which wouldn’t have been all bad if his laugh ended up to be just as beautiful as he appeared to be, but instead he cocks his head to the side looks you up and down with a curious glint in his eyes. 
You shuddered under his gaze and can feel your cheeks become even more red from his intense stare. He refused to look away from you and as he looked you up and down once more, he began to lick at his lips. You didn’t know at all what it meant the way he was looking at you or why, when there were plenty of more attractive women to drool over, but felt slightly appreciative of it anyway because he was very hot. However, that turned from just a hot man in a suit staring at you into something much more real fast. 
“Mr. Mendes!” 
His eyes broke away for a second at the sound of his name and your blood had ran cold. Your eyes widened at the name and soon realized that this tall man with curls who stood in the middle of the men was the man of this company. He was younger than you had ever expected and now it didn’t appear such a surprise that all the women dressed the way they did especially Ms. Bloom. Any woman would want a man like that who owned what he had. In fact, I’m sure many women did. That’s why you were as shocked as you were to see his eyes on you. 
He noticed your expression as soon as he moved his eyes away from one of the men back to you and realized at the mention of his name that you were startled. You looked like a deer in headlights, innocent and doe eyed. It made his stomach burn at the thought of being with someone like you. A woman pure and not invested in a world of money. It turned him on in a way it never had before, and though you were a complete stranger, if the hall were empty he would have you bent over that desk within seconds, right under his company’s name. 
You broke away from his gaze at the sound of Ms. Bloom returning back to the desk and you had never been so relieved to hear the sound of her heels clicking against the floor. You noticed the way she spared a glance over your shoulder towards “Mr. Mendes” her boss before looking back towards you smugly. “How much?” 
“Uh, um…” 
“Excuse me,” she snapped, “Are you def, how much?” 
“Fourteen dollars,” you replied swallowing the lump in your throat. 
She picked through her wallet and handed you a twenty before shoving the wallet back into the desk. “You can keep the change save up to buy something that isn’t…  well that,” she sneered gesturing to you up and down. 
“Thanks,” you mumbled softly too focused on the gaze still locked on the back of you to even defend yourself against the snippy comment from the assistant. 
Not sparing another second, you turn on your heels and head straight for the elevator. Walking by his tall figure and the other men, you can feel his eyes follow you all the way to end of the elevator. Even when you enter into the small moving box, when you look back out towards the floor you can see his brown eyes disappearing behind the silver doors as they come to a close, leaving you alone and in complete relief to be on your way out of here. As you ride down in the elevator back to the lobby, he on the other hand clears his throat and fixes his black tie before scurrying away to his office behind the large dark wooden doors. 
When he is safely behind them, the men no longer are able to bother him and eventually disperse given up. Shoving his hands into his front pockets, he walks across his office, hands tracing along his desk, stopping at the basket of muffins on his desk. It being the very reason why someone like you were in his building and why you had wanted to leave in such a hurry. He chuckles softly to himself before he continues forward to one of the wall clad windows of his office. He leans against it, gazing down towards the sidewalk in front of the building that appears so much smaller from where he stands. It’s minutes later by the time he notices you bolt from the building and head straight for your bike and though he has to squint to see from how small you appear he knows it’s you from how frantic you are.
He is interrupted by a small knock on his door and the sound of it opening. He doesn’t even have to turn around to know who it is. It was going to happen some time today, he knew from the way she dressed in that skin tight black dress that hugged her whole body leaving no room for undergarments. Other days, that dress would have him locking his office and taking her onto the top of his desk where she would scream for his mercy but today his sight was too focused on something else to give into her. 
“Mr. Mendes,” she said seductively, knowing how much he liked to be addressed that way in the office by her. “I got you a basket of muffins. Your favorite. With how many meetings you’ve been having, I thought it would make you feel a little bit better or just cheer you up. I know how those meetings can be.” 
He didn’t turn around or even acknowledge her words at first too focused on you as you unlock your bike from the bike rack, climb on, and ride away down the street. It finally registered that she had been talking when you were no longer in sight. “Oh, yes. I see.” 
That was all he had said and he still hadn’t turned around. She was pushing out her chest and rubbing her thighs together waiting for him to turn and look at her. She had gotten him a basket of muffins and instead of shoving her face down onto his desk as a way to express his gratitude, he was just staring out the damn window. It had been a week since he had devoured her on his grey couch sat in the corner of the room and she was dying to feel his burning touch again. 
Usually by now, he would have been hot and horny to do a couple rounds from his desk to the couch or even on the floor. Anywhere he could just to relieve the throbbing that would appear between his legs from her in that skin tight dress but clearly that wasn’t the case now and she could see that. See that something else was taking up his mind or perhaps someone else. She was getting nervous that he wasn’t going to turn around, that he wasn’t going to acknowledge her in that dress, and wasn’t going to finish off the ache that her thighs couldn’t do on their own. 
“Is that all, Ms. Bloom?” his voice broke her from her thoughts and she felt her heart drop into her stomach. 
She was shocked that he was denying her and denying any moment to pleasure himself. With realization of what he really was saying that shock turned into anger. Her blood began to boil and now she was beginning to feel hot in more than just one place. Waiting another second, thinking he was going to change his mind, she lost it fully when he sent her a glance over his shoulder and raised his eyebrow clearly annoyed. His eyes showed no trace of lust or need and instead was emotionless not even giving her a once over like he always did. At his small glance, her eyes narrowed and sent him the coldest glare she could muster as her lips curled into a snarl. 
“Yes, Mr. Mendes that’s all,” she spat, the words sounding like venom dripping from her tongue as she turned on her heels and stomped out of the office making sure to slam the door on the way out. 
He sighed at the childish behavior, pissed at her response to him refusing to have sex with her. Sure, she was hot or whatever but clearly she didn’t understand that it was going to happen sooner or later. That he was going to get tired of her and toss her aside. He can only stick with one woman for so long before it starts to taste the same on his tongue. 
Since she was his assistant, she should’ve known this out of anybody with how many women, who worked under him, that he would bring in this office to fuck. Each only ever lasting a few weeks at most, she should have easily known this was going to happen. It was just the way he was and no woman could change that. He knew that if she continued to be upset about the whole thing that he would have to fire her, leaving it only being five months since she’d been hired and even if he did have to, it wouldn’t be a problem. 
Many women wanted this job and would kill to wait on his hand and foot at every hour of every day. It would be easy to replace someone like Ms. Bloom. Plus with her now tossed to the side, he had his eyes set on something else. Something that he was going to get no matter how hard it was because he never got refused. Turns out this something was just a college girl who worked at a bakery making muffins.
next part
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2018shawn · 4 years
the anatomy of you and i | s.m
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Hi I was wondering if could do prompt cozy 3 and 12 with Shawn and inexperienced!y/n she’s never shared a bed with a boy before or something only if ur comfortable u don’t have to of course just thought it would be soft and sweet 🙈❤️
cozy prompt 3: “Don’t be nervous, you can come closer”
cozy prompt 12: We could... take a nap together?
a/n: so it came out like college!shawn x college!reader au bc that’s just kinda what flowed so i hope that’s ok and i also really kinda wanna do a part 2 to this because it turned out more of a fic than a blurb lmao 🥺👉🏽👈🏽 also pt 2 i’m sorry the layout of this is gross i’m on my phone and can’t figure out how to do anything ok bye
warnings: just swearing and i think that might be it
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the music from the room next to yours was something you imagined only happened in movies. it was loud and bassy and everything you didn’t want on a wednesday evening; you knew part of living in dorms would entail disturbances and inconveniences, but a party? on a wednesday night? you picked up your tote bag full of reading and text books after throwing your trusty vans jumper over your head, all ready and prepared to head down to the 24/7 library on campus. 
if you thought the music was loud in your room, you could think again, because in the hallway, not only could you hear the echos from the speakers, you could hear the shrill screams and yells from the party goers. the further away you got from your neighbouring apartment, the (thankfully) quieter it got and your short trip to the library was soon complete, the dull street lamps and soft breeze in the trees accompanying you along the way.
just as you thought, the library was empty, nothing but the sound of the door clicking shut behind you filling the room. a relieved sigh left your lips as you tugged your bag close to your body, as if the room was full of robbers who were about to mug you for your oh so precious books. opting for a more relaxed approach, seeing as it was 10.45pm, you headed to the sofa area, half thinking it would be a great place to take a nap.
instead, the anatomy of the heart was more important and your assignment was due in within a matter of days. you grabbed one handle of your bag, stretching it away from your body so you could pull out your book of choice before coming around to the front of the sofas so you could finally relax and take your time and- oh. you weren’t the only one here.
even though he was sprawled across the sofa, you could tell he was tall, really tall. the cap, embroidered with the college logo, covered his hair, but from the few stray strands, you could see wild, chocolatly curls falling loose. his eyes were shut, almost peacefully, arms crossed across his chest and very, very quietly, you could hear the soft sound of music coming from his headphones. his eyes flickered open, feeling a presence above him, and he laughed at you when you freaked out, realising you were staring at him. creepy or not, he thought you were cute; the way your finger twirled the front sections of your hair, the way your hip popped to the side as you watched over his resting frame, the way your eyes pulled into a squint as if it was the most bizzare thing to see another person in the library. the very public library.
you muttered a very embarrassed i’m sorry, before turning to walk away from the chilled area of the building. he pulled out his headphones, the sound of the 1975 becoming much more prominent, and propped himself up on his forearms. “hey, no...” he spoke, “come sit.”
scoffing, you rolled your eyes as you thought to yourself, as if you was going to let a random (but incredibly handsome) boy tell you what to do. as if you was going to actually listen and do as he said. as if- who are we kidding; your feet brought you back to the sofas, perching awkwardly on the end of the seat opposite his. he smiled, not smugly, not suggestively, not even cockily, but just a pure, genuine smile. “sorry i didn’t realise people actually like...”
“used the library?” you raised an eyebrow and he threw his head back in laughter, forearms still supporting his body which only made his t shirt strain against his chest. you recognised him from around campus, and you thought he was one of the music kids, one of the ones that did open mic nights and played guitar on the beach until 1am, but from the judgment of his toned physice, you thought maybe he played a spot of sport on the side, just for fun. not like the serious jocks who lived, breathed and worshiped football. he was definitely friends with your roommates boyfriend too, or friends with one of his friends, or- something like that, there’s a lot of people at college.
“yeah, well, no. but at this hour? why don’t you just read in bed?”
you sank back into the cushions, bringing up your legs and crossing them infront of you, looking like a little buddha wearing a vans hoodie and comfy leggings. “why don’t you just lay down in bed?”
this time, when he smiled, he smirked. “touché.”
he popped his headphone back in his ear, and the music died down again as he let his head fall back to the sofa, eyes closing shut. you wondered what had happened to bring him here, why the somewhat popular boy was cooped up in the library at this hour with clearly no intent of using the facilities. he thought the same about you. you felt awkward at first, pulling out your reading and note books, turning to the pages you had marked and setting them down around you. unbeknown to you, he cocked his head to the side slightly, eyes opening into thin slits as he watched you. he’d seen you around, even told one of your friends that he thought you were cute, but you were from different stretches of the college and really, he was nothing but the friend of a friend of a friend of a friend. he wanted to tuck the fallen piece of hair behind your ear and help you lean onto him as he noticed how you struggled to manage holding two books at once and tell you not to grind your pen in between your teeth as you thought about your work and- “can i help you?”
“sorry, i just... what you reading?” he asked, even though he could quite clearly see the front cover of the book, which read a bold title of the essentials of human anatomy and physiology. and even though you held the front cover up further, showing him more of what he could already see, you confirmed it with words.
“i got an assignment on the heart, so, yeah...” you shrugged, peeling off a post it note marker and sticking it to a relevant paragraph in the book.
“can i see?” he didn’t know why he was asking, he just knew he wanted to be closer to you. he genuinely was interested in what you were learning, and although you’d only spoken a handful of words to each other, he thought the way you spoke and tone of voice was the nicest he’d ever heard. nicer than any voices he’d heard during his classes and he studies with people who sing all day. he pushed himself up, body resting into the corner of the sofa, leaving an empty space on the pad next to him. you took that as an invitiation, not entirely sure where your sudden confidence and welcoming of strangers had come from. “what are you studying?”
“human evolutionary biology and biological science.” it rolled from off your tongue like you said it every living minute as you rested down on the sofa next to him. “you?” even though you were 95% sure you already knew, you didn’t want to let on.
his answer was much simpler, and in all honesty, he felt like a fool. “music.”
“that sounds fun.” you nodded with a smile. he reached over for your book, fingers running down the edges as he looked over the words which looked like a completely different language. your body was tense, and the closer he got, the more you could feel your heart beating, which just felt highly ironic.
“these words...” he laughed, mentally kicking himself for sounding like a dumbass who literally just knew how to strum a few chords. “chor... da? tend.. in.. ee?” you giggled innocently at his attempt, but he found it in no was patronising or belittling. in fact, he thought it was cute.
“chordae tendineae.” you confirmed, looking up and directly into his eyes for the first time. you were instantly lost in the hazel pools that looks slightly lighter when certain flashes of light fell across his skin. “heart strings, to you and i.”
you went on to explain that heart strings were in fact not just an expression that people used when they felt some sort of emotion, that you could actually physically hold a heart by their - chordae tendineae - strings and they wouldn’t break because they’re so tough. you told him it would take a lot of strength and pain to actually break one. he admired how passionate you were about the subject, reeling off facts as if you could tell them in your sleep. “sorry, i get carried away.”
your cheeks blushed a deep shade of pink and you did that hair, twirly thing you did when you felt nervous. “don’t apologise, it’s nice.” he restored your faith that not all pretty boys were assholes, and maybe it was just your poor judgment in the past that had led you to ever think that. as you stared down at your book, he stared at you, wondering if he was being overly friendly or super creepy or just a total inconvenience to your evening. you thought he was neither of those, but simply a nice addition.
“so, what brings you here at...” you looked at your watch for time reference, eyes widening as you realised you been sat boring him for the past 20 minutes... about heart strings. “11.30 on a wednesday night.”
he shrugged, leaning back and falling into the cushions, hoping a more relaxed body language would help you to relax a little more too. he could tell you were just perched on the edge of the sofa for fear of touching him. “sick of my room mate fucking his girlfriend like a porn star, dont know how he’s got it in him.” your lips formed an open ‘o’ shape, not expecting the sudden change in tone or language. “told him i was going out, he said he’ll be done by 11.30.”
“and they said chivalry is dead.” you dryly commented, only to make his eyes crinkle up as he laughed. “do you have a rota for that kinda thing or is it just a come and go as you please kinda rotation?”
“well, my rota’s severely empty.” you were shocked, and thought maybe he was just saying it because he might be a total fuck boy. you could imagine he had girls falling at his feet, and you wouldn’t blame them, because those eyes. “what about you?” you furrowed your eyebrows at him and tilted your head. “no... i mean... the why are you here part... not the sex rota part...” he pulled his cap further over his forehead, wanting to bury himself in a pit of embarrassment. if you didn’t think he was a creep before, you most probably did now, he was sure of that.
to say you were, inexperienced, would be total honesty. you’d slept with one guy and one guy only, and he was someone who thought having sex on the foot of the bed was adventurous, and you vowed never to distract yourself from your studies with boys who would waste your time. it was also just a couple of hook ups, nothing serious, in fact, you’d never even shared a bed with him overnight- and you laughed at yourself for ever being the naive girl that thought he wasn’t just using you to get laid. “there’s a party next door, they usually go on until the early hours, so whether i’m here or there, i still get no sleep.” you confirmed, and he nodded, half wishing you were going to tell him your rota was also empty. not because he wanted to pounce on you and take advantage, but because the hopeless romantic inside of him thought maybe there’d be a pathway to something special. “also, it’s 11.30, so your probably safe to head back.”
he thought maybe he was an inconvenience to your evening, that you said that because you wanted him to leave you in peace so you could crack on with what you’d set out to do. shoot your shot, shawn, he thought to himself, pulling his bottom lip inbetween his teeth and you had to force your eyes away from him because you suddenly felt all warm and bothered. “you wanna come?”
“huh?” your head snapped up, book also falling from your grip and you fumbled to stop it from landing on the floor. it was an expensive book, and you weren’t about to let some cute ass boy ruin your pages.
“not like... i mean... if you want somewhere to stay. i can take the sofa.” in the 8 months you’d been at this college, not one boy had offered you an invitation back to his dorm. mainly because you hid from any form of human contact and spent most of your time cooped up in your own room with no intention of leaving.
something in you switched, when you looked back to him to see he’d taken his cap and flipped it backwards, the peak of the hat now dipping behind the back of his neck. more light hit his features, and you felt like jelly, realising just how incredibly perfect he was. even the little scar on his cheek was kissable and you don’t know where this new confident you had appeared from this evening. you leant closer, placing your book down - carefully, of course - on the sofa, letting your hands rest on his thighs and you thought you felt him tense up, but you were probably just imagining it. “only if we can stop for hot chocolate.”
“i think we have some.”
“whipped cream?”
“is that for the hot chocolate or for me?”
although he was joking, he didn’t know if what he had said had sent a wrong message, because on the walk back to his dorm, you went back to being your quiet little self, answering questions briefly and turning the questions around onto him more often than not.
you didn’t think he had sent a wrong message, but you were well and truely helpless at flirting and maybe he wasn’t even flirting with you and you was completely overthinking it, but nevertheless, it made your stomach tighten and breaths deepen. whether it was an accident or not, your hands brushed against each other’s several times on the walk back, and it was one of those cliche, awkward moments where you both look at each other and laugh awkwardly like little kids. both of you also introduced yourself, coming to the realisation that no names had been exchanged but he’d be lying if he said he didn’t already know yours because he definitely searched for you came across you on facebook. “are you sure you’re okay? i can stay with you in the library if you prefer?” he asked, although you were both nearly at his door.
“you think i’m walking all the way back over there? nuh-uh, plus, you promised hot chocolate.” he smiled and nodded, “unless... you don’t want me, and then i totally can leave you alone.”
“no i do want you.” he spoke so quick he thought he must’ve sounded so desperate. “do want you to be here, i mean, like, if you’re cool.”
you nodded, feeling somewhat... wanted? by a cute boy? who treat you like a lady and offered you his jacket even though you had your own? who literally peeled your bag from your shoulder, just so he could carry it for you? and made you walk the side of the sidewalk furthest away from the road? and took a genuine instrest in what you said?
you’d be damned if you didn’t wake up and it was all a dream. this was by far the most college-ey thing you’d ever done; meeting a random guy in a random location and deciding to risk your life by going back to his place. maybe risking your life was a bit dramatic but we’ve all seen what happens in horror movies.
when you both reached his door, he unlocked it with the key and swung it open, holding out his arm as invitation for you to go first. of course, you thought, just be even more of a gent. inside the room, it was very similar layout to yours - you walked straight into the living/kitchen area and three doors were spread across the two back walls, one of which you guessed to be the bathroom and the other two to be bedrooms. the room was dull, the television being the only thing to illuminate the area and shawn sighed with relief when he saw his roommate and his girlfriend chilled on the sofa. “well, looks like we’re safe from the porn.” he whispered to you, throwing his keys on the table next to the door.
when his roommate’s girlfriend heard shawn speaking, she shot up and peered over the back of the sofa. her eyes flickered between you and shawn, before she poked at her boyfriends arm to get his attention. “brian...” he ignored her at first, popping another piece of popcorn in his mouth. “brian. shawn has a girl here.”
“girl can hear you. and so can shawn.” shawn said, rolling his eyes as brian also shot up, smirking as the four of you all entered a staring competition.
was it such a big thing he had a girl here? because you didn’t think it would be so much of a huge deal. have you seen him? perfect college boy with incredible muscles (from what you’d seen in your imaginatation), and here you were, stunning the members of the household into silence. “hi, uh, i’m y/n?” you almost sounded like you were questioning yourself, unsure whether you were meant to say anything or not.
the girl got up from the sofa, offering you some popcorn as a peace offering before she finally spoke to you, instead of about you. “so sorry, shawn just, never brings girls here because - ow!” shawn lightly jabbed her on the arm, taking the full bag of popcorn for himself and grabbing a handful. “it’s nice to meet you, i’m winnie. and brian...” she pointed at the boy still sat on the sofa who was too busy sending brain signals and eye expressions, about the random girl in their apartment, to shawn to notice he was being introduced. “brian was actually just talking about getting a mcdonald’s so, we can go do that and you can do... your thing.”
“nothing like that,” shawn was quick to jump in and although you weren’t necessarily here for a quick fuck or a one night stand, you felt slightly disappointed.
“oh? okay, well, let us know.” she smiled and snatched her popcorn back from shawn. “i know shawn doesn’t take long.” she laughed, clearly joking about the situation which only made shawn feel like he was dealing with bringing a girl home to his parents for the first time. before thinking about it, shawn grabbed your hand and dragged you towards one of the back rooms, presumably his bedroom.
you figured it must be when the door opened and you saw three guitars perched against the wall, an unmade bed, a laptop open on the desk and a bunch of photos on the wall of him with numerous other people. “make yourself comfortable, i’ll be back in a second.” he smiled and vanished back out of the room.
taking the time to be a bit nosy, you let’s yourself study the photos on the wall. a shorter, younger girl appeared in a fair few, along with two older adults who would appear to be his family and it made you smile at the fact he wasn’t afraid to have them on display. you felt a light twinge in your heart as you looked at a picture in which a girl was kissing his cheek, even though you had no right to feel any form of jealousy. moving on, you found the notebooks on his desk that was already opened up on a page which sent your notebook organisation through the roof. the page was full of messy scribbles, more than half of the words had been crossed out aggressively and replaced with new words. it was quiet, only the sound of quiet mutters could be heard from the other side of the door and you tried you’re best to listen in to what they were saying.
dude, she’s hot
you’ve never made any other chick hot chocolate
go back in that room and get some
at least try
you tried to look like you weren’t eavesdropping when he came back into the room, holding two mugs of hot chocolate, and just as you’d requested, with whipped cream. shawn thanked brian and winnie and their weird ass sex kinks for that. “thank you.” you smiled, taking it from him and wrapping your small hands around the mug to be met with warmth.
“i’m, uh, sorry about them..” he said, setting his own drink down on the bedside table.
“don’t be. they seem nice.”
“so, if you wanna go to sleep i can leave you be and like i said, i can take the couch and you can have the bed.”
“we could both have the bed?” you’d said, before even having time to think about letting the words fall from your mouth. his eyes almost looked like they’d lit up and you blew into your hot chocolate just so you had something to do instead of awkwardly staring back at him. “if you want, i mean, i can go home, i’m sure the party will die down soon.”
“stop doing that.” he rolled his eyes, leaning back against his headboard as you sat cross legged at the edge of his bed, surrounded by the navy duvet.
“doing what?”
“doubting yourself.”
“well i’m good at it.” he laughed at you, reaching his hands out and taking your hot chocolate mug from your grasp.
“i wanna know more about that heart shit.” he admitted, missing how you passionately spoke about something you were so interested in.
“heart shit... you mean the thing that keeps you alive? maybe tomorrow, i’m all organed out.” he looked a little disappointed and you thought maybe he was thinking you’re suggesting you don’t wanna stay up with him. he was wrong. “although, modern family is back on netflix now and that is something i will never turn down.”
he grabbed his laptop from his desk, setting it next to you at the edge of the bed. you adjusted yourself, moving more to the middle of the mattress, therefore, slightly closer to shawn. you could smell his cologne, just like you could when you sat close to him in the library.
smiling at how you twirled your hair, bit your lip when you concentrated on what people were saying, covered your mouth with the sleeve of your sweater when you started to yawn, he thought; it was weird, how he just had this feeling that he wanted to spend countless nights with you, learning about whatever organ you needed to. and you thought too; how you felt more comfortable around him than any other person you’d met at college thus far.
still sat upright, cross legged in the middle of his bed, your back started to ache and legs started to feel numb as the second episode started. you stretched out as much as you could before looking behind you and eyeing up the empty space next to shawn. “i was wondering how long before you couldn’t sit like a buddha anymore.” he laughed, speaking over the familiar theme tune coming from the laptop. “please get comfy, you look in pain.”
“i am not in pain, i am simply just... respecting personal space.” in all honesty, you couldn’t remember the last time you cuddled up to a boy. the last guy used to literally leave as soon as he’d done what he needed to do, leaving you empty and alone every night. “and you might not want me, all up in your space.”
“oh my god, just stop!” he laughed, despite his demanding tone.
“stop what?!”
“doubting yourself... again!”
you huffed, uncrossing your legs and crawling up to where shawn was sat. he smirked as you got closer, settling down next to him, your back also against the headboard. your legs were outstretched, finally free from their crossed positioning, and your hands fell to your lap. another ten minutes of the episode went by when you get yourself getting tireder, head leaning to one side a little more.
shawn noticed how your body was a little more relaxed, less rigid than when you first joined him at the head of the bed. risking his move, he stretched his arm behind you, draping it over your shoulder which caused any relaxed part of your body to stiffen back up. “don’t be nervous, you can come closer.”
you looked up to him, shooting him a warm smile. it didn’t take long for your body to relax again, and it actually felt nice how natural it felt to be curled into his body. his fingers traced patterns on your shoulder as your head moved in time with his chest, a loud yawn escaping your mouth. “tired?”
“mhmm,” you answered, evidently too tired to even speak an official word.
“we could... take a nap together?” he stuttered.
“a nap? shawn it’s like 12.30am, we need a full ass sleep.” you giggled, leaning up off him to pull your sweater over your head.
“then a full ass sleep we shall have.” he sorted the set up out, turning off the laptop and placing it back on the desk. he took out a t shirt and shorts from his drawers, putting them on the edge of the bed before retrieving and additional pair of shorts. he told you he was going to change in the bathroom, and to put his clothes on, only if you wanted, before disappearing out. you took advantage of the empty room, immediately peeling off your own clothes and replacing them with his. they smelt like him, like citrus and cassis and as you climbed back into the bed, where you were previously sat, a light tap on the door sounded.
“yup,” you said, popping the last letter as he shot his head around the door, smiling when he saw you’d taken up his offer of borrowing his clothes. he says borrow, but he’d be more than happy for you to keep them, because you looked a hell of a lot better in them than he did.
he’d lost his t shirt, not that you were going to complain - and yes, he did have muscles exactly how you’d imagined him to - and the sweat shorts he’d changed into hung low from his hips and you’re pretty sure you’ve never seen a sight like it. shawn wasn’t the type of boy to feel embarrassed or nervous; hell, he’d managed to shit talk his way into getting you to come back to his dorm, just in a bid to keep hold of your company because he’s never felt a feeling like it. shawn’s clothes were the first you’d ever borrowed from a guy, never having the experience of the morning after or spending a long night with someone you really like, staying up all night and talking about nothing in particular. it was also a first that you’d let yourself be conned into coming back to a guys dorm.
“you sure you don’t want me to take the sofa?” he asked as he stood at the side of his bed, unintentionally towering over you, almost making you feel as big as ladybug.
“stop doing that.” you raised your eyebrows, pushing back the duvet so there was an empty space next to you.
his face showed pure confusion, having no idea what he’d done. “doing what?”
“doubting yourself.” you mocked his voice the best you could, dropping a few pitches and moving your head theatrically.
he rolled his eyes, plopping down into the empty space next to you, and although his clothes smelt like him on your body, he could still smell the orchid and vanilla scent that covered your skin. “i don’t sound like that.”
rolling onto his side, he turned to face you, slightly closer for comfort than he would normally like to be, but with you, he didn’t think he was close enough. you were on your back, eyes tracing the outline of the shadows on the ceiling that crept through from the blinds. “you kinda do.”
“oh... as opposed to, the deoxygenated blood travels into the left ventricle-” he’d put on his best higher pitched voice.
“right atrium.”
“-and opens those little valvey things-”
“just valves is fine.” you rolled onto your side to face him, but he was too busy mocking you to notice.
“-which make your heart do the ba-dum thing that i’ve been able to feel in my fucking throat all night-”
“you mean the heartbeat?”
“-all because you’ve been pulling on my chordane tendineae because you’re just too fucking amazing.” you swolled hard, and suddenly it was you who could feel the ba-dum thing in your throat. he was just looking at you, now aware you were face to face with him, only inches apart in his queen sized bed. he had just tried to twist your words in a confession of admiration, but couldn’t help but think he’d just sounded dumb instead. “no smart ass comment?”
normally you’d be offended at someone calling your comments smart ass, because they were in fact just the truth, but you knew shawn was messing, although, maybe not about the heartbeat part. you’d found yourself being drawn in, faces getting closer together with each breath, so much so you almost didn’t notice how his hand was stroking over the skin of your hip. he was searching your face for an invitation, he wanted to kiss you so bad, but at the same time, didn’t want to scare you off. the air was thick, and you were sure you could hear your heartbeat, but shawn was convinced it was his. his breath fanned against your lips, creating a cool minty sensation, and as your eyashes fluttered, your eyes looked straight into his. “kiss me.”
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shawn taglist: @imaginashawnns @fallinallincurls @mendesficsxbombay @fallinfortom
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And isn’t just so pretty to think all along there was some invisible string
November 2019
When Taylor wakes up she’s alone and even though she knows Karlie is working all day, she can't help but pout softly in disappointment at the sight of the empty bed before her.
She rolls over onto the cool sheets and snuggles into Karlie’s pillow breathing deeply, when her gaze is caught by the large bouquet of roses on the bedside table.
Taylor shuffles up into a sitting position and leans over to pluck the small white envelope out of the sea of red flowers.
"My darling Taylor, happy November 13th! I know it’s not technically the day we met or even our anniversary, but it is the day my life changed forever.
I’m grateful for every day I get to spend with you. I love you. I can’t wait to celebrate with you tonight.
All my love,
Taylor can’t help but smile at Karlie’s sweet words and she reaches under her pillow for her phone so that she can thank Karlie for her gift. Neither of them really make a big deal out of the day but they still both like to mark it in some small way. Taylor decides against calling Karlie, she’s not sure if she has meetings today so doesn’t want to risk it, deciding to settle for a text instead.
She pulls up the acoustic version of the Lover remix that she had recorded the week before on her phone and sends it to Karlie with the caption the girl in my story has always been you. The version that she recorded with Shawn Mendes will go live later that day but Taylor thinks that Karlie deserves a preview before anyone else.
Taylor shuffles out of bed and plucks up the vase of flowers to bring downstairs and feed the cats and make some coffee, smiling when she realises that Karlie has forgone the traditional dozen roses and opted for 13 instead. As she shuffles around the kitchen of their apartment, she can’t help but reminisce on her relationship with Karlie and how far they have come in the last six years.
If anyone would have told Taylor that day that she was about to meet the person who would change her life forever, she would have had a hard time believing it. She hadn’t been expecting to fall in love but had been completely blindsided by Karlie as soon as she had met her.But looking back on it now with the benefit of hindsight there were so many signs that Karlie was always meant to be someone incredibly important to her.
The first time it happened, Taylor hadn’t been surprised. She’d heard enough about Karlie from Lily and other mutual friends to know that they were probably on to something when they said that Taylor and Karlie would be fast friends. But neither of them had expected to have quite so much in common.
It had all started with a simple text. Well, technically it had all started with a quote in Vogue magazine. A quote in Vogue and then a tweet in response to said quote. And then a lingerie fashion show. And then some flirting, some drinks, some kissing and a lot of texting.
That’s how Taylor had ended up at Karlie’s apartment in New York one afternoon in December a couple of weeks after they had met for a Christmas cookie baking date. Karlie had been banking on the cookies being enough of an activity that she would have something to focus on besides the fact that Taylor Swift was standing in her kitchen, looking adorable concentrating on her frosting and wholly kissable.
But they had spent the afternoon baking and decorating their cookies, settling easily into the same light-hearted banter with a side of flirting that they had been enjoying over text since Karlie had slipped Taylor her number the day they met.
They had both been laughing and playfully trash talking each other’s decorating skills and listening to one of Karlie’s playlists, when You’re so vain by Carly Simon came on over the small speaker and Karlie had mentioned offhandedly that her parents had named her after the singer.
Taylor had been so taken aback that she almost messed up the Santa cookie she had been decorating. Karlie hadn’t been sure why that was such a big deal until Taylor explained that her parents had named her after James Taylor.
When Karlie had done nothing but stare at her blankly, Taylor explained that they had been married and a shy, slightly awkward silence settled over them.
In an attempt to break the tension, Karlie had smeared some frosting on Taylor’s cheek and had ducked her head to press her lips against the spot, her tongue peeking out to swipe against Taylor’s skin.
The food fight that followed had left them both giggling and breathless, with sticky faces. Karlie had pressed Taylor up against her kitchen counter, pinning her there with an arm on either side of her and had trailed her lips from Taylor’s cheek to her lips, dotting kisses as she went before kissing her soundly, all thoughts of James Taylor and Carly Simon forgotten.
The second time it happened had been on their trip to Big Sur, what they both considered to be their real anniversary and the beginning of their official relationship after months of keeping it casual, although each of them knowing that the way they were beginning to feel was anything but casual.
Taylor had been planning on playing Karlie her new album on the trip but had been waiting for the right opportunity to broach the subject. It wasn’t the normal level of nerves that would accompany sharing what she had been working on for the last year and a half with someone. The fact that that someone happened to be the girl that she had fallen hopelessly in love with and the album in question happened to contain a number of songs about her ex-girlfriend wasn’t helping matters.
But when Karlie had reached out to link her fingers with Taylor’s where they were rested on the centre console and squeezed her hand, Taylor seemed to come to a decision.
When Taylor had asked Karlie if she truly liked her music, making it clear that she wouldn't hold it against her if she didn't, Karlie had rushed to reassure the singer.
Karlie had tugged on Taylor’s hand, bringing it to her lips and pressing a kiss to it before asking if she had ever told Taylor about the time that she had gone to the Fearless tour with her sisters when it came to St. Louis.
Taylor had snapped her head to look at Karlie, trying to gauge if she was serious as Karlie had mentioned it so casually. Karlie had smiled at Taylor’s shocked expression and just nodded before explaining that she Kariann and Kimby had all gone.
When Taylor asked her why she hadn't ever mentioned it, Karlie had just shrugged and explained that she didn’t want to make it weird. She had told Taylor that she was a fan of hers when they had met and she didn’t see any reason to labour the point.
Taylor had just smiled and shook her head, before taking a deep breath and asking Karlie to play “Road Trip Mix 13” on her iPod that was hooked up to the stereo system.
Karlie had leaned over to press a kiss against Taylor’s cheek, sensing that she needed some extra reassurance that no matter what Karlie was about to hear, it wasn’t going to change anything about how she felt about Taylor.
Taylor had come to regret her decision to do this whilst they were driving, she had hoped that it would be a welcome distraction but she had found herself wishing that she could look at Karlie to try and gauge her reaction. Instead she had focused on the gentle pressure of Karlie’s hand in hers, squeezing softly as the opening notes to Welcome to New York filled the car.
Those were just some of the things that they could laugh off at the beginning of their relationship as being crazy coincidences and not think any more about, but now six years later, it feels like the first signs of many that they were just meant to be.
Later that night, after enjoying the dinner that Taylor had prepared for them and then spending the rest of the evening enjoying each other, they were tangled together in the sheets of their bed, trading gentle kisses as their heart rates slowly returned to normal.
“Best day ever” Karlie mumbles in between pressing kisses to Taylor’s lips. Karlie shifts over to settle on her back and Taylor ducks down to lay her head on her chest. A comfortable silence settles over them both and the steady rhythm of Karlie’s heartbeat under her ear along with the gentle pressure of Karlie’s hand stroking up and down her bare back is almost enough to lull her to sleep.
“Did you know that I almost wasn’t going to do the fashion show?”
It takes Karlie’s brain a couple of seconds to process Taylor’s words, having been teetering on the brink of sleep herself. “What fashion show?” she asks confused.
“The VS fashion show,” Taylor clarifies shifting slightly so that she can look up at Karlie.
“Yeah, my management weren’t sure it would be good for my image, too risqué.” Taylor explains.
Karlie can’t help but smirk slightly at that, tightening her arms that are wrapped around Taylor’s waist and pulling her against her more firmly. “I can’t say I disagree with them, you wear lingerie really well," Karlie says biting her lower lip and letting her gaze sweep down Taylor's body.
Taylor gives her a playful shove but Karlie can tell that she’s secretly pleased with the compliment and the kiss that she drops on Karlie’s chest confirms the fact.
“How did I not know about this?” Karlie asks, turning the conversation back to Taylor’s earlier revelation.
“Honestly, I had kind of forgotten, I was just thinking about it today,” Taylor replies and Karlie can tell by the soft frown etched on her face that there is something else Taylor has on her mind.
She also knows from experience that there is no point in trying to push Taylor to say more so she just drops a kiss to the top of her head, content to wait her out.
A few moments later. “Do you ever think about what would have happened if we hadn’t have met that day?” Taylor whispers.
Karlie takes Taylor's hand from where it rests against her stomach and brushes her fingers over the angel wings ring that sits on the fourth finger of her left hand and she smiles, thinking of course Taylor would choose to wear that ring specifically today of all days. Most people assume that it's Taylor's ring and although that is technically true, she didn't get it for being an honorary angel and performing at two Victoria's Secret shows, Karlie had gotten it after walking her last VS show and gifted it to Taylor on the first anniversary of the day that they had met.
Karlie pauses to think for a moment before answering with a definitive no. Taylor is staring at her expectantly so Karlie elaborates. “I don’t even want to think about what my life would be like without you in it.”
“But what if I hadn’t been performing that year?” Taylor asks, shifting up so that she can prop herself up on her arm. “Or if you hadn’t been walking in that show? Or even if we had both been there but hadn’t been on stage at the same time? Or if Lily hadn’t introduced us” Taylor presses, getting more frantic with each question.
Karlie nudges Taylor over on to her side and then settles beside her on the pillow, so close that their noses are almost touching. “You wanna know what I think?” Karlie asks and Taylor just nods as if that should be obvious.
“I think that we met exactly when we were supposed to,” Karlie says, threading her fingers through Taylor’s hair in an effort to soothe her. “And I don’t know if it was fate or some higher power or what, but I think you and I were meant to be,” Karlie continues and Taylor feels warmth settle in her chest at Karlie’s words.
“And if it hadn’t been that day, it would have been another,” Karlie whispers in the small space between them before pressing a gentle kiss to Taylor’s cheek, then the tip of her nose, followed by each eyelid and then her forehead.
“And all the stuff that came before, the good and the bad led us to that moment, where we were both exactly meant to be” Karlie says against Taylor’s lips before Taylor leans forward and closes the minute gap between them and kisses Karlie soundly.
Let me know what you think, comments make me smile!
I meant to have this up on November 13th but the last couple of weeks have been a wild ride. I have no idea what's happening but I'll be here writing for as long as inspiration strikes...
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bubbashawn · 4 years
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author: The feedback to my first fic really brightened my day and yes I’m posting two days ins row but really this community makes me feel super welcomed and I love sharing more and more with you. Woke up feeeling a little in the dumps so I wrote this to brighten up anyone’s day whose also in the same spot. I feel you and thanks for reading! You rock! 💓
synopsis: Your heartbroken, again. And you hate sharing your feelings but Shawn hates that you hate sharing your feelings. Especially with him.
warnings: There’s like a half swear if you count it and a drop of angst but really just 1.5k of miscommunication fluff
Shawn was the baby of your friendship. He always was clinging to you with a hand always touching you. At first you thought he was trying to comfort you for some unknown reason, but he was comforting himself. You were his safety net, holding him like he was your world when he couldn’t get a song right, being the big spoon while you watched Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban again. So he did not expect to be holding your shaking figure when he bathed into your apartment on a Thursday night.
Your day was absolutely the worst experience, ever. You weren’t outgoing or a social butterfly by any means so finding friends was hard. For this reason, most of your friends were mutually grown through your boyfriend. He had always been a people magnet, the class clown, and it had drawn you in just like every other girl at that bar. But he looked right at you. Talked to you. And now that boy, no longer your friend, had the next girl wrapped around his finger as he walked by the cafe he knew you studied at today. Unsurprisingly, all his friends disappeared with him and you felt alone. Which is why you found yourself crumbling into your best and last friend, Shawn.
He was quick to react. You needed him and though he wanted your comfort when he first chose to come, you were what he wanted now.
“Honey?” You were so caught up in your emotions you’d fail to notice his arms wrapping around your bum and picking you up. Only noticing his movement when he spoke as you settled on top of him on your couch.
“I-I’m sorry, you shouldn’t have to be taking care of me,” you muttered, lifting yourself out of his warm arms that were all too inviting, “that’s my job. Why are you here anyway? Is something wrong?”
He hated when you did that. You were always the biggest love bug when he needed you to be, but you brushed your feelings away like yesterday’s trash. He wanted to be there for you. That’s really all he wanted when you first opened up to him, to be there for you.
“I don’t know, is something wrong? Are you okay?”
You gave him the look he hated. The ‘no but I’m not giving into your comfort that easily’ look. He started to fiddle with his feather ring, his good luck charm because you said it was your favorite. Shawn grumbled to himself hating that you could deflect his comfort and make it about him so quickly. He traded out his ring for your fingers.
“I hate it when you do that,” he muttered, eyes tracing the scar on the second knuckle of your index finger, “you always make it about me and I just want to be here for you. Why is that so weird?”
You’d never thought that maybe Shawn really did just want to be there as your friend. You knew you were hard to deal with, most people’s patience would’ve run out by now, but not Shawn. He’s been through these stupid motions so many times that you were almost as confused as him as to why you couldn’t let him in. It’s not like he’s going to run off in fear if you say you were a little more heartbroken than you’d like to admit.
He sighed at your silence knowing an excuse would come next, then the ‘why can’t I care about you’ fight, and then your tears would start flowing when you would look down. He knew that your tears would flow down the bridge of your nose, before they ran down your cheeks as you made eye contact with him, and eventually they’d run into the corner of your mouth where he’d kiss them away. He knew this and he knew that you’d be shy around him for the week after as your walls were being rebuilt. He hated that he knew.
“I hate him.” You whispered. He hated that he knew who you were talking about and that he still hurt you. But he was more so shocked that he heard your pain so early in the process.
“Do you want to talk about it?” He saw your head shake no.
“Yeah, I figured,” he sighed, looking across the couch at you, “c’mere let me hold you.”
You wanted to say no, but the look in Shawn’s eyes was clear. So you crawled back into his secure arms that you honestly wished you’d never left in the first place. Squished into his chest, you felt the most serene all week. He still smelt like Shawn and he felt like Shawn. He was Shawn. Your Shawn.
“Anything else I can do?” Your sweet serenity was interrupted by his soft voice, surprisingly you weren’t upset about it. You shook your head again.
“Do you want me to be quiet?” He paused for a moment, getting no reaction from you, “would it be better if I spoke?”
Normally you wanted to pity yourself in silence but his voice was smooth and comforting. You nodded.
“I wish I could stop this all from happening. I hate seeing you so broken up about a guy who doesn’t deserve you,” you squeezed your arms tighter around the small of his back, “I know that me saying this doesn’t make you love yourself anymore but I wish it did. There are guys who would bend over backwards just so you would see them standing right in front of you,” you giggled, “I’m being serious! And I know you’ll probably never even notice but there is a guy right in front of you. Who hates seeing you like this and wants you to be treated right.”
“Oh, yeah?” You sniffled into his chest, but he didn’t seem to care, “whose this person that I’m too blind to see?”
“You know who.”
He was frustrating you because frankly you had no clue. If this guy was all too perfect and wanted to treat you better than all those guys who left you in the dirt, then where was he to stop you from going into a new relationship blindly? Why couldn’t Shawn see that you didn’t care about this random guy who was head over heels for you?
“Clearly I don’t,” you pushed off of him, aggravated, “so please do enlighten me.”
You hated that Shawn was trying to set you up with some random guy when you clearly just wanted him. Why was it so hard for him to see? There’s a reason he can read you like an open book, because you let him. Your walls weren’t there to protect yourself from heartbreak, well they kind of were, they were built so you wouldn’t get too close to the one boy who could never have. Your best and last friend standing.
“Me,” you whipped your head around, “how are you unable to see that I’m in love with you?“
Shawn closed his eyes, beating himself up for ruining everything. Sure, he was being honest about loving you but he’d rather have you as a friend than not at all. He didn’t open his eyes, not when he heard the patter of feet or felt the cushion shift under new weight. No, he didn’t open his eyes until he felt your heart thump against his chest. You were so close to him. Shawn had never gotten a close look at you, not this close. He’d watch you wrestle in the blankets in the morning when you stayed together but hadn’t gotten too close, worried his breath would hitch or he’d be too loud.
“Shawn?” His eyes locked with yours, he hadn’t seen the gold rim around your iris until now, “why didn’t you tell me?”
“I’m not willing to lose you for my dumbass feelings,” his head pressed into your neck, he wanted to be close to you before you pulled away, “I’m sorry I threw that on you, I didn’t plan on it coming out. I was just so upset that you were being hurt by these stupid guys when I was right here. I don’t want anything to change okay? We’ll just act like I never said anything and I won’t say anything about it. Ever.”
“Everything is about to change,” his breath stopped in his throat, “I love you, too.”
His head pulled out of your neck so fast you worried he’d get whiplash. His grin was wider than anything you’d ever seen adorn his face. He looked happy, so very very happy.
“Baby,” you smiled at his tone, “ohmygod, you’re my baby now!”
He jumped from the couch lifting you with ease, spinning you around it almost matched the rate your head spun when his lips lowered towards yours. He paused almost unsure of himself until you smiled and pulled his neck down. So his head touched yours, nose brushed yours as you sighed softly, and finally his lips touched yours.
Everything had changed and it was all working out just fine.
permanent tag list: @wholesomemendes @fallinallincurls @ashwarren32 @mendesficsxbombay @haute-shawn @turtoix @prncsnee @http-isabela
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naivesilver · 3 years
8 songs, 8 people 🎶
Tagged by: @bewilderedmoth thank you so much dear <3
RULES: answer the 8 song prompts, then tag 8 people 
1. favorite song at the moment:
I’ve been listening to Of the Night by Bastille literally every night for the past week or so I don’t know if my brain will ever get rid of it. Both very haunting and fun to dance to.
2. a song you associate with your favorite ship:
Ooooh boy. So it’s hard to pick an absolute fave, but I’ll give you the top ranking ones at this very moment.
For Vector/Espio (especially the IDW canon ones - if you know, you know): Where I Can’t Follow by Amy Kuney (Why do you go where I can’t follow?/I hate to watch you fall apart/Oh, why must you bear this burden alone?/Oh, you know it breaks my heart)
For Lampwick/Pinocchio (YOU KNOW ME YOU KNEW THIS WOULD HAPPEN IN THESE TRYING TIMES): Wonder by Shawn Mendes (I wonder if I’m being real/Do I speak the truth or do I filter how I feel (...) And I wonder if someday you’ll be by my side/And tell me that the world will end up alright) BUT ALSO Like Real People Do by Hozier (I had a thought, dear, however scary/About that night, the bugs and the dirt (...) I will not ask you where you came from/I will not ask and neither should you/Honey, just put your sweet lips to my lips/We should just kiss like real people do)
AND this is cheating I know for platonic!August&Emma: True Believer by Brett James (I don’t pretend to be a hero/We both know I’m too flawed for that/But if you ever need a rescue/Just know I always have your back)
3. a song that could be about you:
13yo was very sad and edgy and answered Fucking Perfect by Pink to the exact same question, but now I’m proud to say that it’s gotten better and now I’m a little less sad and WAAAAY angrier so the current answer is La fine del mondo by Anastasio, who wants to watch the Sistine Chapel crumble down to pieces
4. a song you think is overrated:
I really get how that My Bestie song became so popular and at this point I’m afraid to ask. Like, I don’t understand what the lyrics mean, and it gets kinda annoying after the third Instragram reel that features it, but to each their own, I guess?
5. a song that reminds you of a good memory:
Bring Me To Life is one of the most dramatic, accidental meme songs in existence, but when I listen to it I can’t help but be taken back to my late childhood/early teenage years where I’d watch Pokemon or Sonic AMVs including it non-stop. It were some shit years, but the memories I have about joining internet fandom in what small ways I had are irreplaceable and I wouldn’t give them up for the entire world.
The same principle works for Going Under and My Immortal, btw. “Sad Sonic Fanarts Vid” vibes all around.
6. the last song you listened to:
Tall Tall Shadow by Basia Bulat, which incidentally is also a song that I associate with August a fucking lot so it fits the mood of this summer :^)
7. a song that makes you laugh:
Liv once sent a song titled Hydra during a time period where we’d become infatuated with nostalgic Marvel stuff again and I only keep it in my playlist for the sole purpose of making me laugh when the Spotify shuffle brings it on. Picture me sitting in my car minding my business and then this very serious, sad voice starts crooning “TAKE ME BACK TO HYDRAAAA” in my ear. I lose it every time.
8. a song you want your mutuals to listen to:
Guys stream La Certa by Caparezza if you want your relationship with death to be turned upside down (in an...actually sensible way) and also because it’s a fucking good song
Tagging @samanthacblack18 @freenklin-labby @tekina-fiction @dxrkblaze @seagull-laugh-girl @stardusteyes @roosebaldton @ilgattopatata
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war-sword · 5 years
𝚗̶𝚘̶ 𝚊𝚗𝚐𝚎𝚕
summary: Y/N is Draco’s angel, his true love, sent to turn his life around. Nothing could ever break them apart. A/N: this was my alternative version of my winter exchange fic, but since it’s no longer for that i took out the Christmas elements, but you can still see the prompt I had in it (snow). hopefully it’s not too obvious tho, haha. words: 2.3k taglist: @clockworkherondale @accio-rogers @mayorofzillyhoo @diademofdraco @drawlfoy @ladybuginthetardis @lushlavenderskies @socontagiousimagines @acciodracoo @eltanin-malfoy @silentexplorer18 @shawn-is-bruh @heavenlycat567
Draco Malfoy loved Y/N L/N.
Their love had been rather unconventional. Draco could still remember their younger years in school, the days when they were younger and he definitely did not like her. Y/N was sweet as sugar, and everyday she’d take the acid words Draco would throw at her and turn them to cotton candy. He used to hate her for it. Now, it was one of his favorite things about her. 
She would return his sneers with a smile. Drive his storm clouds away with sunshine. It was a battle to see who would crack first, and Draco vowed to disturb the peaceful waters of Y/N’s personality for as long as they were in school.
Until one day, he didn’t.
It was like waking up from a dream. What once had been effortless able to call atrocious in every way, Y/N’s features left him at a loss for words, for how could he describe such beauty? Her honeyed voice slowly sounded less annoying, and became downright intoxicating. Hands so holdable and lips so kissable. Y/N turned from the object of his loathing to one of devotion. 
Draco, who never got nervous, had a heartbeat of a mile a minute the day he decided was time to relay this strange new development to Y/N herself. He could seek no comfort in the solace of his friends, who all thought he was losing his mind. Pansy especially liked to preach he’d lost his mind, and Draco was terrified that was exactly what Y/N would say when he told her. In a quiet corner of the castle, Draco stumbled over his words trying to describe the complicated transformation that had occurred in his heart, while Y/N waited ever so patiently with a confused look on her face. He decided the only way he could ever explain it all was to take her face into his hands, and kiss her. 
“I’ve waited months to do that,” Draco had said as they pulled apart.
“I’ve waited forever,” Y/N replied.
Y/N pulled Draco into her sunshine. She enthusiastically introduced him to all her favorite pastimes–– feeding the fish in the Great Lake, finding cozy nooks in the castle to drink tea in, drawing outside on the lawn, or climbing the most inviting trees. Draco would hold onto her tight when she would squeal at the sight of the Giant Squid, and lay beside her while she would sketch him as he napped. She never wanted to share her drawings, but sometimes when she left it alone, he would sneak a peek. She was so talented. Draco called her his angel, sent from Heaven to make all his dark days light again, and he loved to tell her so. 
As the years passed, Draco slowly had to give up on trying to get his friends to accept Y/N. After a particularly raucous argument with Pansy in the common room one night, Pansy had screamed at Draco they couldn’t be friends anymore, if he was never going to wake up to Y/N’s poisonous psyche.
“I’ve told you time and time again, there is something wrong with her! She’s hiding something! I know it! What does a girl like her want with someone like you?!” Pansy screeched.
“Don’t talk about her like that!” Draco roared back. “It’s fine if you don’t like her! You never even had to talk to her, but it’s been almost two years, Pansy, and if you can’t even glance at us without a nasty look on your face then leave us both alone.”
Pansy was fuming. “Do you love her Draco? Actually? Because you used to hate her guts.”
“Why would I ever lie about that? Y/N is the best thing that’s ever happened to me, all you’ve ever been was a pain in my ass.”
“Then do me a favor and don’t ever talk to me again,” she sneered. “And especially don’t come running when it falls apart.”
Draco’s last year at Hogwarts had been rough, being totally alienated from his housemates. As angry as Draco was with Pansy for turning the rest of his friends against him was well, he knew he would always have Y/N. Every evening he knew he could count on her for a smile and a kiss that he swore could erase all his bad memories.
“I’m going to marry you one day, Y/N,” Draco said plainly one day as they relaxed in one of their favorite spots by the lake. 
Y/N lifted her head from where it was resting on his chest. “Really? Are you being serious?”
“Of course, angel,” he said, brushing a stray piece of hair behind her ear. “I swear everytime I look at you it’s like I’ve never been more in love with you.”
The look of happiness on Y/N’s face could have probably gotten him through the rest of his life.
Draco didn’t mind that she changed him. His face became dotted with freckles with all of his newly spent time outside. He treasured every nick and scar that now covered his hands from his and Y/N’s adventures. On a larger scale, he would be forever grateful that Y/N had turned his opinions around about muggles and muggleborns. Y/N made him a better person, he just knew it. She made him whole.
Now, out of school, Draco and Y/N had a life of their own in a house together. They ate their dinner by the fire, and in the evenings Y/N would make him his tea just how he liked it before bed. In the days, Y/N had her dream job of working as a seamstress, and Draco was more than happy to help her in the shop with bookkeeping. He never wanted to be too far from her.
One night, Draco watched Y/N dance around the kitchen as she cooked, completely entranced by the sight of her. He especially loved the sight of the sparkling diamond on her ring finger, as she delicately dipped it into the soup to give it a taste. They still had a few months to go (Y/N wanted a spring wedding), but Draco felt like it couldn’t come fast enough. 
Unable to restrain himself any longer, he jumped up to stand behind her and wrap his arms about her waist. He planted an open-mouthed kiss on her neck that made her giggle. 
“It smells delicious, angel.” 
“It’ll be ready soon,” she says, offering him a taste. Draco hums into her ear.
“Tastes even better than I thought.”
Y/N pulls bread, fresh from the oven. They have their warm meal at the table while cold wind swirls around outside the house. They eat their meal in mostly comfortable silence, and as they’re finishing Draco notices something out the window. “Y/N, look! It’s finally snowing.”
“What, really?” She runs from the kitchen where she was getting another slice of bread to join him at the window. Sure enough, white flakes are beginning to come down.
Draco grabs her hand. “Let’s go out. You love snow!”
Y/N breaks out into a grin. “Okay. Yes!”
They break out into giggles as they throw on their coats and hats and scarves, stumbling into each other as they pull on their thick winter boots. They trapse outside, and Y/N giddily lifts her hands to the sky to catch the flakes on her mittens. “Draco, look, it’s already starting to stick! We’ll have so much snow by the morning!”
Draco’s chest swells with affection as he watches his fianceé spin in circles. “Yeah, we probably will. Come on, let’s walk around while it comes down,” he says, reaching out a hand. Y/N takes it and they start to walk down the lane from their house to the street.
While it’s freezing outside and Draco can no longer feel his face, it’s all worth it to see Y/N get excited about the snow beginning to cover the ground. By the time they finish their walk and are making their way back to the house, several inches have fallen and the sun is setting, nearly dark. The lights that are still on in their house cast a warm glow across the now-white ground. Y/N throws herself down onto the lawn on her back, and starts to swish her arms and legs. “Dray, come make a snow angel with me.”
Instead of laying down next to her, Draco gets down and lays right on top of her. Y/N laughs and tries to push him off, but he insists on peppering her with kisses. “You’re my snow angel,” he says, pulling back to admire her, cheeks and nose flushed from the cold. 
“I love you so much.” Y/N reaches up to brush some snow from his hair. “You look so pretty in this light…” she trails off, her grin slipping from her face. “Draco, what time is it?”
“Um, I’m not sure.” He rolls to the side and pushes up the sleeve of his coat to look at his watch. “Nearly eight. You want to go in?”
Y/N scrambles to her feet and holds her arms out to offer to help him up. “Yes, please. Come on, it’s time for tea and bed.”
“What’s wrong? We’re having fun,” he says reassuringly. Y/N just grabs his wrists and hauls him up, rushing towards the house. 
“Nothing!’ I’m just… cold! I’m cold. Please, let’s go in.”
“Um, alright. Let me get some more wood to put on the fire.” 
“No, it’s okay! I’m sure it’s fine, let’s just go in.” Draco allows her to pull him back inside the house. She yanks off her jacket and kicks her boots off at the same time, bolting into the kitchen.
Draco lets out a chuckle, slowly taking off his layers. “Y/N what’s the rush?” He peeks around the corner to see Y/N in the kitchen, frantically waving her wand to summon teacups and tea bags. He turns back to the hall closet, shaking his head, and starts to put her haphazardly scattered clothes away in the closet. 
By the time he gets to her discarded hat, he finds himself staring at it with a sort of disconnected recognition. He knows this hat. The texture and pattern are familiar, so many memories attached as his fingers brush across the wool. And yet, he’s also seeing it for the first time. Why does he know this hat. 
He’s pulled from his thoughts by the sound and sight of Y/N sliding into the entryway, tea sloshing over the side of the cup. Draco turns slowly from looking at the hat in his hands to looking at her. 
“Draco, here–” She shoves the tea in his direction. The cup is ratting on its saucer in her shaking hands. 
Everything is coming into sharper focus now. Y/N’s frantic face, her shallow breaths. His nostrils are filled with a familiar and homely scent, but there’s nothing from his childhood it reminds him of. Draco ignores Y/N’s pleas to take the tea and pushes her aside to walk into the living room.
It’s covered in him. Moving photographs of him and Y/N in frames. His jumper he’d had since 6th year is draped over the back of a chair. Dishware he remembers receiving from his mother are stacked clean, next to the sink. Dishware he’d gotten when he’d moved in with Y/N.
All these memories, so clear in his mind, yet no recollection of them actually happening. Draco feels like he’s been transplanted into someone else’s consciousness. No, someone else is in his.
He turns again, where Y/N still stands in the entryway. Her eyes are now filled with tears.
“Y/N, what am I doing here?” A heavenly aroma wafts from the cup she’s now white-knuckle gripping. “Y/N,” Draco asks again, more forceful this time. “Why. Am. I. Here.”
“Draco,” she stammers, her voice cracking. “P-please…. Please just drink the tea.”
Draco starts to back away from her. Reality is hitting him fully now– the shiny diamond winking on her left hand, books that were his from the Manor sitting on the shelves. And so, so many photos. “You’ve been drugging me. You’ve been giving me amortentia.”
The china slips from Y/N’s hands, shattering on the floor in a deadly starburst of porcelain and potion. She sinks to her knees, her eyes taking on the vacant look that Draco’s held just moments ago. “I’m sorry, I just wanted–”
“Me,” Draco snarls, reaching for his wand in his pocket. “You just wanted me. You’re sick.”
Y/N had started to sob. “There was no other way! I-I could n-never get you to notice me.”
“BECAUSE I HATED YOU! I HATE YOU!” Draco yelled. Y/N curled even further into herself, laying down on the floor in a ball.
Draco didn’t turn his back on her, but he grabbed as many things as he recognized as his into his arms. He moved back towards the entryway to put his shoes back on, shaking with rage at Y/N and also fear of having nearly five years of his life taken from him. Y/N reached out as he walked past to brush his leg, and he pulled it away as fast as he could. “Don’t touch me,” he snarled.
“Draco please, you have to remember,” she begged, eyes red from crying, pieces of broken teacup stuck to her hands. “You love me. You tell me all the time.”
“No, I do not. I never have, and I never will. And if I ever see you again, I swear to Merlin I’ll kill you myself.”
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Drawn to a Flame
Pairing: Logan x Charlotte Wheeler
Summary: Logan and Charlotte go for a short drive that ends up being so much more. Set shortly after the ending of Stitches
Warnings: Just a bit of cursing and very brief references to a car crash.
Disclaimer: Logan belongs to Pixelberry.
Word Count: 3364
A/N: This is my piece for @rodappreciationweek Epilogue Day. Just as with the first part, the name for this came from Shawn Mendes’s song Stitches (I might be just a little obsessed right now lol)
“Um, Logan?” Charlotte's brow furrowed when he took a right turn two blocks before he should have turned left.
“This isn’t the way to the college.”
“Oh? It isn’t?” His tone told her that he knew it wasn’t.
“Damn it, we don’t have time for this. My meeting with my advisor starts in less than an hour! I can’t be late to that after missing so many days already.”
“It’s not like you were playin’ hooky, babe.”
“Yeah, because demolishing my car in an illegal street race is an approved reason for missing weeks of classes.”
“Nobody knows you were street racing when you wrecked.”
Charlotte rolled her eyes. “For now.”
Letting out a sigh, Logan moved his hand from the gear shift to rest briefly on her leg, squeezing a spot just above her knee gently. “Just relax, okay? I got you. You know I’ll always get you where you need to be.”
Instinctively, she tried to reach out her left hand to lace their fingers together, remembering too late that it was her broken arm. Despite her best efforts to the contrary, a small whimper slipped out at the jolt of pain the small movement caused.
Logan chuckled ruefully, “You would think you’d remember by now as much as you’ve done that.”
Charlotte’s eyes narrowed as she bit out, “Shut up.”
He pulled his hand away from her leg and she had to fight the urge to beg him to put it back, but almost immediately, his fingers were tangling gently in her hair, somehow managing to tuck the messy strands behind her hair without taking his eyes off the road. “I know babe. I miss it too. More than you can possibly know.”
The tender sweetness had her almost desperate to touch him and her frustration skyrocketed as a result. “Would you stop being sweet? It isn’t helping this situation one bit.”
“Should I laugh at your pain instead?”
“Yes, actually. That would be incredibly helpful.”
“Sorry, sweetheart. That’s one thing I can’t do for you. Especially not this time.”
It sounded almost as if he actually regretted it and Charlotte fell just a little harder for him. But she also didn’t miss the shudder that went through his body and found herself wishing for someway to comfort him. Even if the accident had helped bring them back together, she hated the way she’d scared him with her stupidity. Plus, losing her car like that was killing her. “I’m so sorry, Logan. I – “
“Don’t. You’re fine. I’m fine. It…it’s all fine.”
Dropping her head back against the seat, she smothered her groan of frustration. He’d been staying with her for a week but he still wouldn’t talk to her about the crash, despite the way it was clearly still bothering him. Like he thought he had to be this unaffected tough guy about the whole thing. She wanted so badly to push him on it, to make him open up, but she’d been down that road several times already and it always ended with a fight. And that was something she did not want to get into with the way she was already fighting a pounding headache and a touch of nausea – not that she was going to tell him about that particular development – so she held her tongue, letting the deep thrum of the Devore’s engine relax the tension out of her aching, exhausted body.
The next thing she knew, a hand was running gently through her hair and a soft, muffled-sounding voice was calling her name. Using an inordinate amount of effort, she pulled herself awake, vision blurry as she locked onto Logan, who was kneeling at her open door.
“Hey, Troublemaker. Have a good nap?”
“Mm-hmm.” Eyes threatening to slide closed again, she blinked hard a few times, but still felt like she was fighting a losing battle.
Chuckling, Logan leaned forward and pressed a kiss against her forehead. “So…you think you’re ready to go back to school, huh?”
“I would be if the damn doctors would clear me for it.” Even to her own ears, her voice lacked conviction.
“Says the girl who’s worn out after taking a short car ride.”
“That doesn’t mean shit.”
“You keep telling yourself that, sweetheart.”
Too exhausted to argue and beyond desperate to have him close to her, she raised her good arm to wrap around his shoulder and pleaded, “Hold me?”
“That mean you want me to carry you, Troublemaker?” Logan’s low laugh was somehow gentle and sweet.
“No. It means I want you to hold me.” Charlotte couldn’t help but cringe at how whiny she sounded.
“Char” – he sighed – “Lottie. Just let me carry you.”
“No. I can walk. I just need you to help me up.”
His eyes searched her face for several long seconds before he finally muttered, “Fine.” Wrapping his left arm gently around her back while trying to be careful of her still tender ribs, he held on to her free hand with his right to help tug her up to her feet. Tucking her against his side, he asked, “You good?”
Breathless from the effort and the way her body still protested even the slightest movements, she leaned heavily against Logan and huffed, “No. I told you to hold me.”
He twisted so that she was pressed against his chest and wrapped his arms around her as much it was possible with her arm in a cast and sling. She could feel his smile when he pressed a kiss to the top of her head. “How ‘bout now?”
“This is perfect,” Charlotte sighed contentedly. They were silent for several moments before she muttered, voice muffled by his chest, “You know you can still call me Char or Charlotte if you want.”
“I thought you didn’t go by either of those anymore.”
“I…I don’t. Or didn’t. It just reminded me too much of…well, you. And him.”
“And it doesn’t still remind you of him?”
“Well, Char doesn’t. Not really.”
Logan gently pushed her away from him, reaching up to brush a stray strand of hair behind her ear before cupping her cheek in his hand. “Troublemaker, you… You aren’t the same girl I first met.” Charlotte felt her heart stutter, suddenly terrified of what he might say next, but was too frozen to interrupt. “I get that now. So, if this version of yourself, the true Charlotte, goes by Lottie, I can get used to that. Because I love her, you, so much and what name she goes by will never change that.”
It took a minute before Charlotte could pull in a shuddering breath, the fear she had been feeling making it hard to comprehend everything he’d just told her. To understand that he was finally saying all the words she’d yearned to hear for so long. But when it finally clicked, the biggest smile she’d ever felt broke out across her face. “You really mean that? All of it?”
“Every single word.” He pressed a kiss to her forehead. “You were right when you told me that I never actually listened to what you wanted. I…I just assumed that you still wanted the life that you’d had planned before you met me. That this life and I were just a phase you were going through… I assumed that I knew better than you. I was too worried about how I was screwing up your life that I failed to see how much you had changed. Had blossomed.”
“Oh Logan.” She threaded the fingers of her free hand through the hair at the base of his head, using her grip to pull his lips down to hers. When he was close enough for their breaths to mingle, she whispered, “That’s all I’ve ever needed from you. For you to accept me like this.”
“Always, baby. Always.” He closed the remaining distance between their lips, kissing her softly, telling her without words just how precious she was to him. When they finally broke apart, several minutes later, they were both breathless and a little dazed.
Logan snapped out of it first, chuckling, which caused Charlotte to narrow her eyes at him.
“What are you laughing at?”
“Myself. And how easily you seem to be able to completely distract me. I don’t know how I ever thought I’d be able to stay away from you forever.”
“Well no one ever said you were the brains of this operation.” Charlotte managed to keep her expression serious, but could almost feel the laughter sparkling in her eyes.
“Good thing I never claimed to be, isn’t it?” He bopped her nose softly, careful of the fading bruises that still covered her face. “Anyway. I brought you here for a reason and I think we are already late.”
“Oh, my god! My meeting.” She jolted in an attempt to take off, but the sudden move sent a shockwave of pain through her body and her knees would have buckled if not for Logan’s supporting arms around her.
“Easy, babe. I don’t think you are gonna be in trouble for being late to this particular meeting.”
“You don’t underst – “ For the first time since he woke her up, Charlotte actually took in her surroundings and confusion immediately settled over her. Instead of being in a campus parking lot, they were in front of a self-storage facility. “What the hell is going on, Logan?”
“You’ll see in just a bit. You sure you want to walk?”
It wasn’t an easy task, but she resisted the urge to roll her eyes at him. “Yes, I’m sure.”
“Okay, okay. I won’t ask again.”
He started to unwrap himself from around her but she grabbed onto the front of his shirt. “Hey. Don’t be like that.”
“Me? Like what exactly?”
“Mad at me.” She forced herself to ignore his scoff. “I know, I’m being a bitch about all this. It just…it sucks to be so damned dependent on you. …Not you specifically. Just anybody. I hate this and I hate that I did it to myself.”
Logan’s expression softened as he shifted them around so that she was tucked into his side. He wrapped his arm loosely around her and nuzzled the side of her face before pressing a kiss to her temple. “I know baby. And I know I’m going overboard with the protectiveness. I just…I want to take care of you.”
“And you are. So much. So well.” She smiled when she felt him bury his nose in her hair, but when he stayed like that for several moments, she poked his side playfully. “Don’t we have somewhere to be? Something for you to show me?”
“Oh! Right! Yeah…you ready?”
Keeping his arm wrapped around her, Logan started to guide her through the maze of storage units. He had already taken two right turns and one left and they were still walking, leading her to wonder if he actually knew where he was taking her. After yet another right turn, she finally voiced her concern. “Are you sure you know where you’re going? Do I need to send out some sort of homing beacon so the authorities can find us?” The breathlessness of her voice seemed to ruin the comedic effect of her joke as Logan drew them to a stop, staring at her with concern-filled eyes.
“Hey. You need to take a break?”
She tried not to pant as she worked to catch her breath. “Depends. How much further?” She didn’t want to admit it, but her body really was starting to scream. She hadn’t moved half this much in almost two weeks and she could definitely feel it.
“Just let me carry you, babe.”
“How far, Logan?”
He let out a loud exhale before finally relenting, “Not far. It’s just at the end of this row. But seriously – “
“I’m fine. Just… maybe we could go a little slower?”
“That’s the most I’m gonna get from you, isn’t it?”
“You bet your sweet ass it is.”
“Whatever.” She could tell he was annoyed with her, but the way the corner of his lips kept twitching with the smile he was trying to hold back told her he wasn’t all that upset.
Once they were finally standing in front of their destination, a unit at the end of the row with a large, garage-type door, Charlotte turned to Logan with raised eyebrows. “Babe, I’m still confused.”
“It will all make sense in a minute, I swear.” He pulled his phone out of his pocket, typing out a short message before putting it back.
“Seriously? You lead me all the way down here just to send a fucking – “ The soft hum of a garage door opener captured Charlotte’s attention as it started to roll the door up. “Did you just send a text message to open that freakin’ door?”
There was a burst of laughter at that – make it two bursts of laughter. Forehead once again wrinkled in confusion, she turned towards the storage unit and gasped at who she saw inside. “Paul?”
“Yeah, Lottie. It’s me.”
Unexpected tears sprung to her eyes and she was helpless to stop them. She hadn’t seen or heard from him since he’d stormed out of her hospital room and she was starting to think that she really had fucked up that friendship. Even with Logan here – especially with Logan here – she knew she still needed Paul in her life and the thought that he might not be absolutely broke her heart. But here he was, waiting in a storage locker for her. But why is he waiting in a storage locker?
Before she even realized he’d moved, he was in front of her, pulling her into a much-too-tight hug, but she refused to complain. Logan, on the other hand, had no qualms about it. “Dude. Lighten up. She’s still really banged up.”
“Oh, shit. I’m sorry sweetheart.” Paul pulled back, but still kept his hands on her shoulders. His voice was much quieter when he added, “And not just for crushing you.”
“No, don’t – “
“Hush. I owe you an apology. You’d literally just woken up from – “ Paul shook his head, as if chasing memories away. “I should have been more understanding with you. More patient. And I damn sure shouldn’t have taken off on you like that. I just… You scared me so damn bad, Lottie. I thought…”
“I know. I know and I shouldn’t have tried to make light of the situation. I just…I hated seeing you so tense and upset and I thought a little joke might lighten the mood. I didn’t even consider everything I’d put you through.” She wanted to let it all go at that, to just enjoy knowing that she hadn’t ruined their friendship, but she couldn’t bite back the question that had been haunting her since he’d stormed out. Voice barely above a whisper, she asked, “Why didn’t you return any of my calls?”
Paul let out a deep sigh. “At first, it was because I was pissed as hell at you. Then, I knew Logan was going to be showing up on your doorstep and didn’t want to give you time to guard that frozen heart of yours.”
“You know it’s true.”
“Whatever, jackass. What about after you knew Logan and I had talked?”
Turning to face Logan, Paul laughed, “She’s incredibly observant, isn’t she?”
“It really makes you wonder how she’s such a good street racer, doesn’t it?”
Shifting her glare between the two men, Charlotte hissed, “Hey, assholes, I’m still standing right here.”
“Oh, trust me, Troublemaker, we know.”
She knew it was an overreaction to storm off, but she was tired and annoyed and every inch of her body felt like it was throbbing so she really didn’t care how much of an overreaction it really was. She had only taken half of a step, though, before an almost familiar glint coming from inside the storage unit caught her eye. She side-stepped around Paul, the sight behind him causing her to freeze with horror, disbelief and excitement.
“That’s – “ She had to clear her throat to get her voice to work around her tears. “That’s my car.”
Coming up behind her, Logan wrapped his arms around her waist, being sure to avoid bumping her arm or pressing on her incision. “Yeah, baby.”
“What… how… Oh my god. What did I do?”
“Shh. It’s fine. It looks worse than it is.”
“I’m not saying it’s gonna be a quick fix. But Paul’s already found a new frame. And we’ve got the pieces that need to be completely replaced on order. But the majority of it is fixable. We’re just gonna need you to be patient with us because this shit isn’t gonna be easy.”
Spinning slowly within his arms, she wrapped her right one around Logan’s neck before asking, “Why?”
“Because I know what that car means to you. Hell, what it means to us. And it isn’t beyond repair, so I wasn’t going to let it get scrapped.” A mischievous smirk broke out across his face as he added, “Besides, it’s only fair that I help fix it since I’m sorta the reason it needs fixed.”
Charlotte smothered the gasp that wanted to escape. She hadn’t been able to get him to even talk about the crash and here he was, joking about it? As much as it annoyed her, she figured it was better than nothing so instead of pressing the matter, she arched an eyebrow and sassed, “And just what makes you think it had anything to do with you?”
“Well your record was perfect until I showed up.”
She rolled her eyes at him so hard she immediately regretted it when her headache really started to throb. “Whatever. Pure coincidence is all that was.”
Before he could smart off again, she tugged him down so she could kiss him. Almost immediately, he deepened the kiss, running his tongue along her lips, begging for access. Just before she could oblige him, however, an over-exaggerated cough broke them out of their haze.
Charlotte looked over at Paul sheepishly, knowing that he knew she’d completely forgotten he was there. Rather that bring further attention to it, she opted to shift the conversation back to her car. “Thank you. So much for all of this. For saving her from the scrap yard and for putting all the plans together to fix her.”
“Hell, Lottie. Don’t go getting’ sentimental on me now.”
“Oh, whatever. You know you love it.”
Paul barked, “Shut up,” but it lacked any real heat and the smile on his face softened what was left of the blow.
Turning back to Logan, a realization struck her and she couldn’t pass up the opportunity to mess with him. “What happened to no more lies, Logan?”
“Huh? What?”
“You said I had a meeting with my academic advisor.”
“Well, uh…I just… I wanted to surprise you.” At first, she thought he was just playing along, but the way he was refusing to meet her eyes told her that he was taking it all to heart. Guilt instantly started eating at her.
“Hey, look at me.” When he just shook his head, she cupped his cheek in her hand and forced him to turn back towards her. “This was so much better than some stupid college meeting.”
Eyebrows knitted together, his disbelief was thick in his voice as he asked, “Really? You aren’t pissed at me for lying to you again?”
“Of course I’m not pissed. I was just trying to mess with you a little bit.” She bit her lip, pondering for just a second if she should just leave it at that, but couldn’t resist adding, “Besides, I’ve been wondering how I was beat your ass again without a car.”
The strangled noise that got caught in his throat and the panic that settled over his expression let her know that she would soon have another battle on her hands with him. But she didn’t mind, because she was finally starting to believe that Logan was really in this for the long haul this time.
Tags: @burnsoslow @anotherbeingsworld @openheart
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kerwritesthings · 5 years
Dance Your Way Into My Heart
Summary: It’s more than just that feeling of love, it’s the actions, and the talk of forever
Word Count: just a little over 2.6k
Warnings: more soft, squishy, lovely words with a side of wedding fluff
Author Notes: So, this is my 10th ‘full-length’ one shot in this verse which boggles my mind since it’s ONLY been about a month (a day or two off actually – I first posted late the night of Jan 18!) since I started writing around this fool heart. I think he, and this place, the people and the creativity, really came to me when I’ve needed it the most. Sooo, now that the emotional nonsense has been blithered out. Here’s a little something for that…
Funny enough that this all hit me the Wednesday/Thursday before any of Josiah’s wedding stuff hit. Another pretty photo reblog from @rainbowshawn​ that set me on a spiral of ohhh shit I can see him singing at a super casual wedding like this and then the next thing you know I’ve busted out 500ish words on my Notes app on my phone while at a bar waiting for my friend before seeing Moulin Rouge on Broadway that night, total aside THE SHOW IS AMAZING – listen to the OBC album cause it’s bomb, however I digress. 
As always, these can be read as stand-alone one shots, but they all fall under the umbrella of this verse of mine. Reading the previous would provide some context. Masterlist can be found here!
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As soon as she asks, Shawn immediately said yes. He's such a sucker for love and weddings and basically anything to make you happy. So, when your best friend asks you if you’d think he would be willing to sing at her wedding, you mention she would need to talk to him and ask. So, she flies up for a weekend under the onus of coming to hang out with you. However, she takes him to lunch one afternoon just the two of them, his favorite place downtown, nervous and anxious. However, you understood it was a shoe in. It was sweet though she wants to go the extra mile with him.
“You knew?” he asks, flopping down on the couch next to you, head immediately falling in your lap as soon as he gets back home. 
“Mmhmm,” you mutter, hands automatically winding through his hair. “Told her she needed to talk to you though. Maid of honor duties only go so far you know. What did you say?”
“Yes, duh. Of course, yes,” he replies, eyes fluttering shut as he relaxes into your touch. “Didi is your best friend, she’s the closest thing you have to a sister. Of course, I’m going to sing for her for her wedding. Plus, it’s going to be so super chill and laid back. I told her to give me a few things she and Tomas like and I’ll work around with that. I also told her I want first dance duty. No wedding band or DJ should have your bestie’s special moment.”
“You’re something else and I love you. Thank you, sweetheart. It means a lot to her. And even more to me,” you whisper, leaning down to dust a kiss to his forehead, another to his nose before reaching his lips.
Didi can’t stop raving, gushing and thanking you and him. The key smash texts are adorable and you both appreciate the lovely case of rosé champagne she sends over. Tomas, separately, takes him for a boys night at Maple Leafs game next time he’s in town as a personal show of thanks for helping his future wife. Shawn takes his role seriously, copious notes and hours locked away in his studio practicing or grumbling some days. It’s heartwarming to see how much care he took in this. “At some point, she’s practically going to be my sister-in-law, so yeah,” he blushes, after explaining the latest iteration of songs he’s going through. “Plus, it’s her wedding day. Needs to be epic and as perfect as possible. I’m going to make sure it’s that.”
He says it so nonchalant, so matter of fact, and without hesitation: At some point, she’s practically going to be my sister-in-law. It hits you square in the gut. You both know how deep your feelings run for each other, and you’ve had a few abstract talks, a few serious ones too, along with a more pointed talk specifically about the future. But you’ve never heard him speak of it with such assured conviction. Like it’s happening soon. You just look at him, jaw slightly dropped and eyes wide. 
“You’re gonna catch flies like that my dear,” he smirks, tapping his pointer finger up under your chin to close your mouth. Before you can reply, he leans in to kiss you sweetly, slowly and thoroughly. 
“You know you’re my forever,” he sighs against your lips, just a hair away from yours. He presses a soft, quick peck to both corners of your mouth before one squarely against you. “I’ve thought about it a lot more lately. Since Santa Barbara and our breakfast by the pool, really. Of us doing this ourselves and what our wedding would be. I know the new album and the tour, and all that shit is a thing happening, but I also know you mean everything so…”
You don’t know what to say, tears forming at the corners of your eyes. You just look at him, hand coming up to cup his cheek. 
“This is not going there now, because this would be a lame as fuck as a story to tell on how I proposed to you, but just know. I’m thinking about it. Really and truly,” he reveals through a bright smile. “I love you, so, so much baby.”
You can’t help but shift your arms around him, face nuzzling into the side of his neck. This boy of yours. He’s something extraordinary. 
At the rehearsal dinner, you spy him and Didi in deep conversation before you’re all due to sit down for dessert. 
“He won’t tell me what they decided on, Didi either,” you explain to Didi’s sister Renee, as you head towards your table. “They’re being sneaky little shits, but you know Dee.”
Renee laughs, “Are you really surprised? After you’ve been friends for this long? It’s sweet of your man to be willing to do all this for them. I’ve already warned all cousins and the brothers’ idiot dates they are not to fawn over him, that he’s beyond happily taken by the maid of honor, and that if I see cell phones obnoxiously in the way at any point this weekend, I’m breaking them in some way.”
You hear his laugh before you feel his arm wrap about your waist. “This is why Renee is the best. She won’t take anyone’s shit. Even from her own family. Thanks girl. Appreciate you having my back,” he smiles, fist bumping Renee. “I owe you one.”
“Holding you to that, Mendes,” she grins widely. “Just make sure this one doesn’t lose her shit this weekend taking care of my sister. But I will gladly use that marker, especially next time your hot friends are around. Speaking of, I should go check on my parents, make sure my brothers haven’t done anything stupid.”
“Is Didi driving you batty?” he asks, guiding you into your chair. “She seems okay tonight.”
“Crowd around, her parents, Tomas’ family, she’s holding her own but there was some stupid family shit earlier,” you exhale, grabbing a hold of his hand to lace through yours, before tipping your head against his shoulder. “It’s nothing that I didn’t expect to deal with this weekend. She’s nervous, worried, second and fifth guessing things. I get it, this is a lot. She just wants to be married already.”
Shawn dusts a kiss to your temple, “You’re such a good friend. You’re lucky to have each other. Tomorrow’s going to be great. Worse case, steal my flask and get her a little saucy before she walks down the aisle.”
You elbow him with a giggle, “You would suggest that, but you may be onto something. Thank you though.”
The next morning is a whirlwind of champagne, bobby pins and lip gloss with a soundtrack full of laughter and a lot of fighting back tears. You also may have sung along to your boyfriend’s last album, dancing around like you would do in her room when you were kids to your favorite songs. Didi’s suite is a buzz with her sister holding down the fort, cousins popping in and out, along with her mother and her future mother-in-law. At one point, after the glam team is gone, you finally have a moment alone with your best friend while her mom and sister go to grab her dress.
“I am so happy you’re deliriously happy,” you whisper, hugging Didi tightly before more folks come in. “You two are good together and I’m glad you found him.”
Didi sniffs, “Thank you, I know I’ve been insane, and you’ve been a saint. Your boyfriend too. Shawn has put up with me changing my mind on stuff like 17 times and he’s just rolled with it. You’re a lucky one too. He’s so fucking over the moon for you girly. Soon roles will be reversed, and you’ll be able to pay me back with your own crazy.”
You both scurry about to get into your dresses. With the wedding taking place at the botanical gardens, Didi decided she didn’t want fussy for anything around the ceremony. Her dress is a stunning V-neck sheath of flowy creamy, buttery chiffon, tiny flowers woven through her hair in place of a veil. Tomas’ grandmother’s necklace, a vintage diamond and pearl strand, lays just at her collarbones. You try not to cry but think back of the two little five-year-old girls who would play wedding in your grandparents’ back yard. “Oh Dee,” you sniff. “Tomas isn’t going to know what hit him.”
She smiles, her eyes just as wet, and reaches for your hands. “I couldn’t be up there without you, bestie.” You hear the flicker of a camera, knowing the photographer is back catching your moment and you’re grateful. “Your boy either. I know you hemmed and hawed about black for a wedding, but this dress is great.”
You’re the only one standing up with her, she didn’t want anyone up there with her other than you. Renee understood and was happy she didn’t have to wrangle a groomsman. She picked a black maxi, swirled with larger flowers in shades of pink and white. Your hair was up, a flower like the ones in your dress tucked in the mass of curls her stylist pinned about. Your bouquet is in a similar palate, while Didi’s has some purple, her favorite color, woven through. 
“Let’s go get you married,” you say handing off her bouquet and tucking her arm under yours. 
“Hey pretty girl, funny seeing you here,” he quips, his lips dusting against your bare shoulder, before tracing a finger across your back. You’re all outside the courtyard waiting to enter for the start of the ceremony. You turn to face him. He’s a vision, because of course he is when isn’t he, in black floral-patterned button down, similar to your dress, along with dark pants. What’s more interesting is that his beloved acoustic strung across his chest.
“I may have told Didi I would play all her walk-in music too,” he nods bashfully. “I wasn’t going to let them use Apple Music or Spotify or even worse some awful wedding singer.”
“You are something else, Shawn,” you reply, squeezing his hand tightly. “Really want to kiss you but I can’t mess up the gloss.”
He places a whisper of a kiss on your forehead, “Love you. I need to go get into place. Atmosphere music. Think I may sneak in one of my own in there before the processional stuff.”
You laugh, pushing him towards the archway of greenery, “Go be wonderful.”
He’s set up at the back of the courtyard, seats all set in front of him. He’s weaving melodies, no singing, just soft rhythms from his guitar. The space is perfect, green and lush and smelling lovely, a swath of flowers at the end of the path where Tomas waits. You make your way down and turn to watch for your best friend. However, before she arrives you take a moment to appreciate Shawn. He catches your eye, smiles and winks, mouthing love you before he sees the wedding coordinator waiving over at him. 
He starts in on “Marry Me” when Didi arrives at the back of the aisle with her Dad. Your breath catches in your throat, the combination of seeing your best friend and hearing your boyfriend hits you hard. She starts making her way down when he begins on the chorus. You see Tomas out of the corner of your eye, and he’s got a hand over his mouth, eyes brimming over with tears. The ceremony is the perfect balance of exactly what Didi and Tomas are. Their vows are intrinsically them. They look every way that a couple getting married should. Glowing, in love and only eyes for each other. It’s hard not to let a tear or two out. 
The reception is in the atrium of the gardens, under a massive domed stained-glass skylight, still lush with flowers and greens. Everything has been exactly as Didi has hoped. Meanwhile, your boyfriend is mysteriously missing. You’re sipping champagne with Renee and her boyfriend of the moment, while looking about for him. 
“Last I saw him he was setting his guitar up before the rest of the musicians came in, don’t worry,” Renee starts, clinking glasses with you. “He’ll be back.”
He makes his way back into the atrium, and surprisingly he’s changed, a little dressier now in deliciously fitting black suit pants and a white button down, the glint of his silver chain obvious even from where you are. You excuse yourself from the group and steal Shawn away before he needs to soundcheck for their dance. You just want to have a moment with him before everything gets crazy, heading out to the patio just off the atrium, which is blissfully quiet. You wrap your arms around his waist and just hold him. 
“You okay baby?” he asks, as he starts to sway with you, shifting your arms around his neck so he can pull you closer. 
You nod, smiling, “I just needed you for a minute without all that is all.”
“You can have all the minutes you ever want or need,” he says, kissing you lightly. 
“Sorry to break this up, please believe me I am, but my sister has decided she wants to get a move on,” Renee calls from the doorway. 
“Duty calls for both of us,” you murmur, leaning up to kiss him once more. “Save me a dance or two?”
“All the slow ones at least,” he agrees, rubbing his nose against yours. “I’ll see you out there.”
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Didi didn’t want a whole production with entrances, she wanted a few bars of song then for her and Tomas to start dancing straightaway. So, poised at the edge of what they have set up as the dance floor, with a good angle to see them once they walk in, as well as your boyfriend, you wait. Shawn starts playing, something floaty that that doesn’t sound familiar to you. The pair make their way in and as soon as they hit the center of the floor, he begins. 
“Not talkin' 'bout a year, no not three or four. I don't want that kind of forever in my life anymore,” he sings gently. “Forever always seems to be around when it begins, but forever never seems to be around when it ends. So, give me your forever, please your forever. Not a day less will do, from you.”
The song is beautiful, he sounds amazing, Didi and Tomas as just love personified as they dance. He fades out slowly at the end, a light strum to close out. 
“Thank you for letting me be such a special part of your day. That was Ben Harper’s Forever. Didi, Tomas, congratulations and love to you both,” he expresses, blowing a kiss to the two of them with his hands, you can see his emotions clear across his face. He heads back, as the band starts up, packing away his guitar before making his way over to you, now at your table.
“Wow,” you sigh, hand coming to the nape of his neck to sink into his curls. “That was something else, my dear. Didi fucking owes you.”
He blushes, ducking his head bashfully. “I’m just happy I could give them that moment. First dances are something really special. They deserved to have the best moment possible. Plus, that’s an awesome first dance song, not the usual. Makes it even better.”
“My hopeless romantic,” you muse, tracing haphazard patterns over the top of his hand that rests on your knee. 
“Just you wait,” he smiles, kissing you. “Now, I’m on good authority the next song is a slow one, so may I have this dance?”
He stands, holding his hand out for you. 
“You can have every single one, all of them from now on.”
TAG LIST: @whenidance​, @parkerdavis​, @sinplisticshawn​, @hollandraul​, @fallinallincurls​, @itrocksmysocks​, @rainbowshawn​, @lasingphomustra​, @illumecherry​
*Always feel free to ask to be added to the tag list! 
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cozywritings · 4 years
Stitches ch8: To The Man Who Let Her Go
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You were woken up by the sound of your door opening, someone was obviously trying to be quiet. Obviously it was Shawn, he’s the only one with a a spare key card. When you rolled over you heard a soft “shit”, as he feared being caught. You wanted to just sit up and have him cuddle into you, you could smell his cologne across the room, but you kept your eyes closed, letting him do whatever he was planning.
He rustled around for a few minutes, and you heard the sound of paper, you wanted so badly to see what he was doing but he was obviously trying to do something special. Finally you heard him move closer to you, his hands resting by your head while he sat next to you on the bed. 
He pressed a soft kiss to your head before rubbing your side softly. “Hey there princess. Wanna wake up for me? I’ve got a surprise for you.” Opening your eyes, you couldn’t help but smile. There was your adorable boy, smiling down at you with a terrible case of bed head.
“I heard there was a surprise waiting for me.” You giggled, getting louder when he looked offended. 
“You wouldn’t wake up for kisses but you’ll get up for gifts. I see how it is.” He crossed his arms and pouted as you laughed. 
You sat up, pressing your lips to his shoulder. “You don’t wanna kiss me before I brush my teeth, that would be gross.” you mumbled against his skin. 
He looked at you with the most fake serious face he could muster, “Of course I would. Come give your man some love.” You pulled back, watching him move to wrap his arms around you and pull you into his lap. 
With your legs straddling his thighs, he hummed into the kiss, fingers tangling in the bottom of your hair. “Mhm good morning princess.” He hummed, lips kissing around your face. 
“Good morning bub. You seem happy today.” 
He nodded against your hair. “Gonna get to show off my girl tonight. I’ll have the most beautiful date with me. Of course I’m happy.”
A blush found its way across your face as he spoke. “So I thought that you could go shopping today and get a gorgeous dress for tonight. And then if you have time when you get done, we can lay out by the pool.” 
You nodded, “That sounds amazing.” Already, you were mentally counting how much you could spend on a dress, and possibly new shoes with the savings from nannying over the summer.
“Perfect. Well you can’t go shopping without some reinforcements.” He smiled, motioning to your desk that had a large caramel macciato with what looked like extra caramel, some fruit, and what looked like an envelope. “I made sure the coffee was decaf because I know that caffeinated coffee makes you spaz out.” You got up quickly, padding over to take a giant sip. 
“God I love you. What’s in here?” You asked, reaching for the envelope. He looked bright red, biting his lip as you opened it. Your eyes widened as you saw the money. “Sh- Shawn. There’s a lot of money in here. What…. what are you doing?” 
He just blushed and smiled at you. “I wanted you to go get a dress for tonight, and whatever else you want. Think of it as a birthday gift.” He stood up and walked over to you.
“Shawn, my birthday was last month. You got me a bracelet and took me to dinner.” you looked at him in shock.
He smiled down at you and tucked a strand of hair behind your ear. “Also, I know you are ready, and so I wanted it to be perfect. I’ve got us a room in the hotel that the dinner is held at, and there’s a bottle of champagne on ice that’ll be waiting for us.”
You just stared at him, unable to properly think. “Shawn that. Wow. I- I’m gonna go get Emily. We’ve gotta shop!” He smiled, leaning down to press a kiss to your cheek. 
“Can you have breakfast with your boyfriend first?” He asked, popping open the lid on the fruit container and you nodded, popping a strawberry into your mouth.
“Oh my god you two are finally ready!?” Emily squealed as you pulled into the outlet parking lot. “Yeah. I think I’ve been ready for a few weeks now, and Shawn’s got a whole evening planned and everything. So we have a….” you paused, finally actually counting the money in the envelope and choking on your strawberry mango smoothie. “A thousand dollar… um, budget for today. Good god Shawn.”
Emily coughed next to you “He works where, again? Where the fuck did he get that kind of money?” You just shrugged, not having an answer yourself. 
“He didn’t say. Just told me to “go wild with my outfit and then some.” Stuffing the money back in your purse, the two of you hopped out of your little Versa, making your way to the first store.
“So what color dress are you thinking?? Or do you know?” She asked, tossing her empty smoothie cup into the trash before walking into the first shop. 
Looking at a pale pink dress, you shrugged, “Maybe blue. But I’ll probably go with a black dress, unless something really speaks to me.” She nodded, flipping through dresses on a rack.“Now why would they use such an older dress in the window?” You mumbled to yourself as you noticed a dress that was at least two years old in the mannequin in the storefront. 
“What was that?” An elderly lady in a navy suit asked. 
She was obviously the manager, and you bit your lip, embarrassed she heard you. “I was just saying that you should change out the dress in the front, it’s an older style. Not many girls are wearing two piece dresses anymore. It’s all about the cutouts, deep V’s and thigh slits right now. Plus, it’s a pastel blue. You should really have a jewel toned dress up there.” She looked at you, both irritated and shocked at your brutally honest input. 
“I- and how would you know that?” Her voice higher now that she was irritated at your call out.
You rolled your eyes, “It’s my job to know that.” You stated, looking over at Emily who was eyeing a dark green velvet dress. The woman just looked at you, then over at the window and grabbed a new dress off the rack and made her way over to the display. 
“What about this one?” Emily asked, showing you a black dress that looked more like a bodysuit with a tulle skirt. 
You absoltely loved it, “It’s gorgeous, but I don’t think it’s appropriate for the Med Department.” You laughed, taking note of how revealing the dress truely was. She nodded, placing it back on the rack and moving around the store.
It was just after noon when you stopped for lunch at a small shop, only ordering a small salad knowing you’d have a big dinner, you were getting a massage soon, and also, you still haven’t found a dress and didn’t want to be bloated. “There’s still one more dress shop I wanna try before I just go back for that blue one.” You said, tossing your salad container into the trash can.
Walking into the shop, you could just feel that you were going to find the dress. It just had to be in there. “Oh my god. Look at this!” Emily squealed, pulling out a black dress with a semi-deep V neck. “That’s… fucking perfect for you Oh my god.” You reached for the dress, running towards the dressing room.
“This is absolutely beautiful. I love this so much!” You smiled, looking on the mirror, you hadn’t shawn Emily yet. When you walked out, she had to cover her mouth to conceal her scream. “You have to get that one.” Was all she could say. That’s when you knew, you had to have it.
Now completely relaxed, and all the tension was out of your body, you and Emily made your way back to the dorm. “He’s going to completely lose his shit when he sees you in that dress. I wish I could see it.” 
You looked over at her and smiled. “Thanks for coming with me today. It really means a lot, everything you’re doing for me. I really appreciate it Em.” She reached over and grabbed your hand, squeezing it as a silent acceptance. “So, anything new with the cute guy in your bio class?” 
She shook her head. “While I’m bi. He’s fully gay. So there’s not a lot going on there.” You both laughed at the irony. “But that girl you mentioned to me, she’s really sweet and we are going to get some milkshakes tonight as a casual date!” You were glad to see her happy. Emily had basically become your best friend since that first day.
You checked your phone: 6:25. Shawn should be there to get you any minute, and you were practically shaking. You looked yourself over in the mirror one last time before putting on the dress. Your body was clad in a navy blue lace set, it was the last purchase of the day.
You smiled as you stepped into the dress, zipping up the side and slipping on your new heels. One last fluff of your hair, and there was a knock on the door. “Darling, are you ready? I’m too excited to see you.” You could hear the smile and nerves in his voice.
Without saying anything, you swung open the door. Shawn was standing there in a navy suit with black shoes, but when he saw you he practically fell to his knees. “Oh fuck. You… you’re so beautiful. I can’t even believe it.” Both of your cheeks turned a rosy pink at the statement. “Are you ready to go, my love? You don’t have a bag packed.” His eyebrows pulling together.
“Don’t need one.” You smiled, pecking his cheek as they turned a deeper pink. He blinked quickly before ushering you out to the car, taking a second to steal a few kisses before pulling out of the parking lot.
“Damn Mendes, when you said you were going to have the best date, you weren’t kidding!” Some guy with curly blonde hair announced, clapping Shawn on the back. 
“I told you guys. My girl is better than your lack of dates or the fact that half of you brought friends.” You just watched as he shot a wink over at you. “Honey, this is Trevor. He was my roommate last year.” He smiled, placing a hand on your lower back. 
“It’s nice to meet you.” Your voice loud due to the music playing. 
Trevor smiled at you, “Glad to see you came. Curly boy over here was nervous after he forgot to tell you this was even happening.” You all laughed before taking seats at the table, looking around and trading glasses of wine to fit your preferences.
Dinner was absolutely amazing. You honestly could’ve eaten another plate if it wasn’t for your nerves. Dessert was a choice of chocolate cake and cheesecake, so you each got one and shared half. “You two are horribly cute.” Someone mumbled as you took the bite of cheesecake Shawn was holding out for you. 
“Just in Love.” Shawn answered quietly and you scrunched your nose at him. The smile on his face was perfect.
You all talked for a while before they cleared out a few tables for some dancing room. The dance floor was mainly taken up by the professors and their spouses, but without fail, like the last banquet, Shawn held his hand out to you. “Would to care to dance with me, my love?” You ended your conversation about the latest season of Nailed It with Marie, Trevor’s sister, and stood up to join Shawn.
“You look absolutely gorgeous tonight, I can’t get over it. But don’t forget that when you’re ready, we’ve got a room waiting for us upstairs.” He reminded you as you walked onto the dance floor, surprising a few of the other couples with the fact that you two were going to dance.
“Bring her flowers on a weekday, run a bath just to let her know; just to let her know she means the world to me…”
The song hummed softly, it wasn’t much of a dancing song, but god was it perfect. Swaying softly to the beat, Shawn leaned down “... so tell me, how did I ever get so lucky…” he sang softly, making you blush. Be he kept humming into your ear “...your loss is mine to hold, so to the man who let her go, I’m thanking you the most..” his lips brushing below your ear.
It was a very romantic and intimate moment for the both of you. 
You closed your eyes, feeling the way his lips lingered on your skin far too long for the public eye. “I love you.” 
He smiled against your neck. “I love you too baby. Just let me know when you’re ready to go. This is all at your pace.” With that, he stood up straight again, blushing when you rested your head on his chest as the song changed to some country love ballad.
It was some hours later when you decided you were ready. Your feet were aching, and so was another body part of yours. “Hey there handsome.” You hummed, coming up next to Shawn who was having a drink at the bar, talking to some friends. “You wanna get out of here?” His eyes widened for a moment before he nodded, setting the half drank glass of whisky on the counter.
“Okay guys, I’ll talk to you later. We’re gonna head up to the room.” You watched as he waved goodbye to everyone, promising to catch up after Christmas break. 
“I forgot Christmas break was next week. I didn’t make any plans because I’m not able to fly home.” You thought out loud. 
“Don’t worry baby. We can figure something out.” He whispered, kissing the side on your head and walking you towards the doors of the ballroom.
As the two of you stepped into the elevator, Shawn’s lips were on your neck, sucking softly and mouthing the words “I love you” and “beautiful” against your skin until the elevator made a ding.
The two of you almost tripped over your own feet as you made your way to the room, Shawn fumbling for the key in his breast pocket. You had your arms wrapped around his waist as he pushed open the door, only to turn around and pick you up. You let out a giggle as he shut the door and placed you down onto the bed gently.
You couldn’t help the gasp that you let out when you looked around the room to see rose petals everywhere, some candles littering the vanity and the countertop in the bathroom. “Shawn this is-“ you looked up to see him grinning like an excited kid. 
“I did good??” His cheeks a soft pink.
“You did amazing.” He relaxed, leaning down for a kiss.
He pulled back and looked at you, eyes lidded and cheeks flushed. “Would you like to join me in a bath?” You nodded, smiling up at this perfect man. Shawn reached behind you and unzipped your dress, eyes widening at the lingerie adorning your body when it slid to the ground. “Oh baby.” He whined, watching you bend to step out of the dress. “God you’re so perfect. I can’t even-“
Without warning you leaned up and pressed a wet kiss to his neck. “Shawn. Can the bath wait??” He nodded, fingers digging into your hips. 
“If at any time you want me to stop, just tell me okay??” You mumbled an “okay” into his skin before you were laid down on the bed. Your mind already fixated on the heat between your thighs as Shawn slowly unbuttoned his shirt and let it slip to the floor. He was so perfect and you honestly didn’t know how you got him, but your thoughts were cut short when he undid his belt and slid the bottom half of his clothing onto the floor.
You giggled as he peeled off his socks, tripping over his own two feet and almost falling on top of you. “You’re still 100% sure??” He asked again. 
You looked up at him with a sincere gaze, “I am. Shawn I love you and I trust you. Please.” He smiled, leaning down for a kiss that had you closing your eyes and moaning. 
“I love you too.” He breathed out, fingers inching towards your panties. You nodded, wordlessly begging for him to take them off, and with one swift movement, they joined his clothes on the floor, the matching bra following quickly after.
Sure you’d seen each other naked before, but this was different. This meant more. This was a very different situation. Your back arched when he wrapped his lips around your nipple, his tongue rolling the bud around before switching to the other one. His hands were rubbing along your sides in a calming manner, slowly moving closer to your thighs. “Shawn. Please touch me.” He let out a low moan, pulling off your chest to lick a single stripe up your core.
You instantly arched off the mattress, your fingers gripping the sheets. Shawn smiled against your inner thigh before going back in, making sure to get you ready for the next action. “Shawn, baby I’m ready. Please.” It was a soft whimper, and he reached into the pocket of his slacks on the floor to pull out a condom. You watched through hooded eyes as he rolled it on, hissing at the friction.
Shawn smiled at you, pressing a kiss to your collarbone before moving to hover over your body. “Are- are you sure you want to do this?” He asked again, fingers brushing your cheek gently. “More ready than I’ll ever be.” You nodded, closing your eyes when he leaned in for a kiss. “Here” He whispered, threading your fingers together and softly kissing you as he started to push into you.
You let out a soft whimper, the burn a little more than you were expecting. “You okay?” He asked softly, feeling you squeeze his hands. 
“Mhm. Just hurts a little. It’s been a while since I’ve been intimate.” He captured your lips again, pushing more of himself into you and letting out a soft moan. You took a deep breath, looking up at Shawn, his head lowered and curls dangling in your face. “Shawn?” His head snapped up. “You can umm… you can keep going. I’ll be alright.”
His lip caught between his teeth, he bottomed out, a low mewl escaping his throat. “Oh fuck. You okay honey??” His eyes looking over your face for a sign.
“I’m okay. You can move. I promise I’m okay. Please move Shawn.” He smiled at you, a sweet, loving smile, before pulling out and snapping his hips forward gently. He started at a gentle pace, allowing you to get used to the feeling of him inside you.
Eventually, you let go of his hands and rested your hands on his shoulders, clawing gently when he picked up the movements of his hips. You let out a loud moan, throwing your head back, asking for him to leave his mark. He caught on, sucking on your tender neck, and moaning against your skin when you moved your hips with his. “Shawn. Pl- please.” You whimpered, grabbing his hand and leading it to your clit.
He nodded, rubbing tight circles and sucking a nipple into his mouth. “Baby, I’m about to-“ you nodded, tugging on his curls and whimpering out a “me too”. His thrusts became erratic, your moans bouncing off the hotel walls as your stomach burned
“Shawn, I can’t- I’m gonna-“ but you didn’t get a chance to finish your warning. Your orgasm crashing down on you, you let out a small scream. Shawn letting go at the same time. A string of “I love you”s being mumbled between the two of you. 
He rested his head on your chest, his curls a little damp, “You okay love? Did I hurt you? Are you alright?” His protectiveness coming out as he rubbed along your side, his head still resting on your chest.
You smiled, rubbing the back of his neck. “I’m perfect. You were perfect. I’ve never felt this safe in my life.” You felt him smile against your skin before he sat up. 
“Are you too tired for that bath I promised you?” You shook your head and he laughed, helping you up.
Now sitting in a tub of bubbles, a glass of champagne on the tray, you closed your eyes. Shawn sat behind you, his thumbs rubbing along your neck to soothe you. “I love you so much.” He smiled, leaning forward to kiss the back of your neck. “You’re the best thing that’s ever happened to me. I don’t even care if I fail this Med program. As long as I have you.”
You let out a giggle as he spoke, “I love you too. More than you’ll ever know. It’s like- I don’t know. Like you complete me. But you’re definitely not going to fail out of this program” You laughed, curling back into him and letting him wrap his arms around you.
“You’re so perfect.” He whispered into your ear.
You woke up to someone knocking on the door, a muffled “room service” being said before Shawn moved from the bed to open the door. “You just stay here. Rest.” He smiled, dragging the cart into the room and tipping the boy at the door.
“I got you an omelette with lots of cheese and butter, like you like it, and some fruit.” He smiled, handing you your plate before grabbing his own plate of waffles and bacon. “Oh and there’s mimosas too.” He spoke over a mouth full of bacon. You giggled, handing him a glass and relaxing back into the pillows to eat. “How are you feeling today?” He asked, looking over at you. 
“Sore, really tired. But I’m okay. Last night was, perfect, thank you.” Shawn placed his already empty plate on the cart and fed you a piece of fruit. 
“I should be the one thanking you. You were the perfect date, and the best girlfriend anyone could’ve ever asked for.” You blushed, taking another sip before placing it all on the cart and settling back into bed, too full to eat anymore. Shawn yawned, nuzzling into your stomach that was covered in his button down from last night. “Wanna go back to sleep, but also wanna love on you.” He whined, kissing your belly button. 
Playing with his hair, you smiled “How about you love on me until you fall asleep?” He looked at you like you had just given him the answer to life. 
“That’s fucking perfect!”
Now back on campus, you felt almost sad. You wanted to spend the rest of eternity in that hotel room with Shawn, tangled in the sheets and stealing kisses. 
There was a knock on your door before Emily walked in, a huge grin on her face. “Tell. Me. Everything.” She demanded, plopping down on your bed. So you did, you told her everything. From the reaction he gave when he saw you, to the sex, to the drive back that ended with a makeout session in his room before you made it back to your own. “That sounds so perfect! I’m so happy for you and he’s such a gentleman I fucking can’t handle it.” She squealed, hugging your fuzzy pink pillow. “But anyways. I came to ask what your plans for winter break were.” Her smile growing. 
“Actually I don’t have any. I forgot it was even on Monday. So I’ll probably just stay here and binge watch Queer Eye or something. I was going to fly home and surprise my family but after the incident with my dumbass backing into that light post, my savings went towards that instead. Why?” 
She have you a terrifying smirk. “Because I’m going to my parent’s cabin up north for Christmas and they said that I could bring anyone that wasn’t able to go home for the holidays. Woould you like to come?”
The idea was actually perfect. You could relax without having to spend a stupid amount of time on an empty campus watching Hallmark movies alone. “I’d love to go, actually. That sounds like the perfect Christmas break! Thank you so such Em.” You smiled, hugging her tightly. 
Suddenly, the door opened. “Hey ladies, what’s so exciting?” Shawn asked, setting a large milkshake on your desk and placing a kiss to your temple. 
Emily gave you a devious smile before looking up at Shawn. “I was just inviting your girlfriend and you on a couples trip to my ski cabin for Christmas.”
“Couples trip?” You both asked in unison. 
“Yeah. So Shawn, you down for some snow action?” She asked, proud that her plan had worked and she’d conned the two of you into going.
He smiled, hugging you into his chest. “Fuck yeah I am!” He smiled, nuzzling into your hair. “Perfect! We leave tomorrow morning. So start packing.”
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okaybutlikeimagine · 5 years
Hello. Thoughts on Dads!Harringrove??? the boys like in their mid 40s with 3 kids. what type of parents do you think they’ll be??? will their grandpa jim spoil them??? i love harringrove parents w all my heart. they both deserve a big happy family of their own 🥰
Hello, my thoughts are it’s the cutest damn thing ever and i could cry just thinking about it aUGH HARRINGROVE DADS.
Okay, so i’ve read quite a few things talking about the Harringrove Dads and adopting little babies, adopting sweet little girls, etc. and i absolutely live and die for that shit. Like i’m so serious, i think it’s so sweet, it warms my heart, i eat it up, i LOVE it
But also (and i’m sure i’m not the first to say it) I feel like they’re NOT the type to go adopting babies. They’re not getting a surrogate to raise a kid from infancy. They may want to, they may have that inkling, they may see Jonathan and Nancy having a baby and get that infamous Baby Fever, but I just… I really can’t bring myself to write that.
Bc (in my canon) Billy was adopted as a 17 year old delinquent. El was adopted as a 12 year old lab rat. Steve was basically abandoned at home when he got too old to be the “cute little boy” their parents could tote around to promote their Nuclear Family image. They’re two boys who were made very keenly aware that there are shitty people out there who believe kids get less desirable the older they get. Shitty people who think babies are worth more than older kids who probably just come with “problems”.
(i’ve also been rewatching Boy Meets World and GUYS. i see a lot of Billy in Shawn Hunter. Boy who’s taken in bc he’s been neglected and he’s a sensitive kid underneath but he’s got this hard, bad boy shell bc it’s easier than crying every day)(AUGH and just like Will in Fresh Prince goddamnit i fucking LIVE for those kids who think and act all tough and use their pretty looks like a weapon but all they really need is a caring and stern hand who’s gonna keep them on the straight and narrow and help them out along the way i am SOFT.)
So if these boys have 3 kids, it’s 3 kids who were seen as the “worst” of the bunch. 3 kids they fought to connect with bc these kids didn’t see anything in themselves anymore but goddamnit, Steve and Billy saw 3 kids beat and broken by the system that told them the older they got, the smaller their chances were of ever getting out of this place. They came with problems and fears and shells harder than Billy’s steel toed boots but like hell were Billy and Steve going to let these kids go the rest of their lives thinking they were damaged goods.
(god now i wanna write OCs of their children. look what you did to me!)
Okay so their parenting style changes as they grow and adopt more kids, as what happens with most parents. They learn what’s good and what’s not so good and they get better at fixing problems (but of course it’s never quite that easy bc they’re adopting kids of different ages).
And of course i’m saying they adopt the kids everyone has turned away, but for their first kid they adopt a little boy, about 5 years old, bc they gotta start small. He’s very cute and has a bit of a lisp and he mixes up some of his letters and he’s… energetic. He runs and he screams and he tires himself out real quick to the point where he just flops down and takes naps where he is, meaning there has been more than one occasion where Billy or Steve has found the child sleeping face first in the middle of a room (the entry room seems to be his favorite. Billy doesn’t blame him, the carpet is softer there than anywhere else.) One time he even flopped down on the middle of the sidewalk and again in the middle of a department store. Both times Billy scooped him up like a rag doll and carried him around the rest of their trip out.
And i know it’s not the BEST movie but i can’t help but think their parenting at the beginning would be a bit like the movie Big Daddy. Like, a lot of well-intentioned but misguided advice, a lot of “real world” lessons (like how to piss on the side of the road), a lot of hurried and frazzled solutions to things because “kids are messy why are kids so fucking messy why can’t he ever stay clean?”
“He’s just a kid, Steve, c’mon-”
“He’s always sticky! How! How is he always sticky? What’s making him so sticky!”
And I just!! Augh!! Imagine Steve at work all day and Billy has off/maybe he’s inbetween jobs right now so he can be home with the kid/whatever and so he has errands to run and takes their little kid with him and the kid’s like:
“What’s your real name?”
“You know that. It’s Billy.”
“…. why?”
And Billy shrugs with an “I dunno, cuz I couldn’t talk and my parents could and they had to call me somethin.”
“You could’n talk?”
“Hey, you couldn’t either.”
The boy thinks for a second before: “Could too.”
“Could not. Not when you were a baby.” He pokes the boy in the shoulder, still very tentative with how much the little tike can take. “Don’t start attacking me! You didn’t name yourself.”
They walk for a second but Billy chimes in before the kid can.
“Hey, that’s not fair though, is it?”
The boy looks up and shakes his head, but he can see the confusion in his eyes.
“You should be able to name yourself, right? What do you want your name to be? Anything in the world, what do you want me to call you?”
Which is how Steve comes home to their child and Billy eating some baby carrots smothered in BBQ sauce and his husband telling him: “By the way, the kid’s new name is Hot Dog.”
“…. what?”
“He picked it out himself.”
And just imagine Billy and the kid are going grocery shopping and Billy catches the boy reaching for a can of spaghetti-o’s.
Billy reaches for the can and takes it off the shelf. “You like these?”
The kid nods.
“Alright then. Watch out-” he hold the kid back gently before chucking the can at the ground. He turns to his boy. “Dented cans are half off. Y’know, Microsoft dropped 3 points.”
His kid nods in awe.
“Wanna pick that up for me?” Billy asks and the kid follows, before rearing the can back to throw it on the ground.
“Woah woah woah! Watch it there!” Billy grabs the boy’s arm, before aiming it a different way. “Aim away from your feet… there ya go. I know they’re kinda tiny targets but still, don’t wanna give yourself a flat tire there.”
The kid chucks it and Billy laughs. “Nice job, little dude.”
And i just have so many THOUGHTS about this!!! Their second kid being a little 9 year old girl who’s real fucking good at boxing and fighting and also a little too good at sneaking out the window. They’ve caught her a few times in the backyard or the front yard, just sitting around shivering. It always gives Billy and Steve a heart attack.
“What are you doing out here?” Steve asks, kneeling down to look at the girl, Billy taking note of her hands balled up into little fists.
“I heard a… noise. A loud noise.”
“Oh, yeah, your brother just dropped a glass.”
“Oh. Did you… did you… hurt him?” Her fists clench tighter, her shoulders get tighter, closer to her ears. Billy sees himself in it. He wants to ease her shoulders down out of her ears.
“No! No of course we didn’t.” Steve soothes, rubbing the girls arms soothingly. She looks skeptical.
But it becomes a pattern, and they realize it’s whenever she thinks something is going on or someone is in danger. To the point where if any loud noise happens, one of them rushes outside to look for Jordan climbing out a window.
Steve’s out there this time, grabbing hold of her middle and helping her out of the window because they’ve let their plants grow a little wiley and she was having a hard time getting past them. He sets her down gently.
“It’s fine, hun. You’re fine. Your dad just dropped a pan.”
“Y’know, you can’t keep doing this.”
“Ditching out the window like this.” He kneels down to look at her. “It’s not safe. And one of these days it’s gonna be snowing and you’re gonna jump out in your PJs and be all cold.”
“I’ve done it before.”
And if that doesn’t break Steve’s heart. He thinks about Billy when he was a kid. About the stories Billy has told him when he’s tired and a little drunk and feeling a little emotional. Steve loses himself in the sadness of the thought for a second.
He brushes a little bit of dirt off her shoulder.
“Yeah… well you don’t have to ever again, alright? I mean it. Nothing is happening to you here. We’re not gonna hurt you… Now give me a hug.”
She accepts it, which is big for her, and Steve squeezes her as tight as he squeezed Billy that one night he found him with a cut on his cheek and bruises all up and down his arms.
And then they adopt another boy. A 17 year old boy. A boy who’s been in and out of so many homes he doesn’t have a number for it. A boy who’s angry and jaded and… loves poetry and is so gentle with children and animals.
And him and Billy butt heads… a lot. They’re so similar… at least he’s similar to what Billy used to be. And it pisses them both off bc suddenly Billy knows what Hop felt- frustration. Utter frustration at this boy not understanding his fucking potential.
And i’ve written a whole dialogue for this but it’s long and very dramatic and I might just end up writing a fic about all of these little sweethearts (bc i have so many ideas!!!) but basically the boy telling Billy and Steve that he’s fucked up. He’s fucked up and no one will ever be able to change that and Billy is adamant that he’s not until he admits-
“No. You’re right, you are fucked up.”
Steve is shocked. “Billy!”
“No, shut up Steve.” Billy points at the kid. “You are fucked up. You’re a fucked up kid, and you know what? I’m fucked up too. And so is Steve. And so is your aunt El, and your Aunt Max, and your Uncle Will and Uncle Jonathan. And y’know what else? Your grandpa Jim is fucked up too. Hell, even your Grandma Joyce is fucked up. Wish I could tell you she’s not but ding ding ding! She is!”
And they get in a fight. There’s no fists, no touching, but it’s a major fight of Billy telling this boy what Hop told him once: You’re our kid now and we love you. And you can leave and never think about us again but we’re never gonna forget you.
And: “Don’t you dare fucking compare us to those assholes because I’m not giving up on you. We’re not giving up on you. You’re family now and no matter what you do, I’m gonna be there to worry about you and be happy for you because you deserve it!”
And Billy gets frustrated with all of his yelling so he grabs his stress ball and walks away, breathing heavy, and Steve is there to look the boy in the eye and tell him Billy’s right. And that he understands that the boy has a past before they ever met him “but Billy had a life before he met me… and same with me and him, and we can still love each other. So maybe we’re just on an even playing field. We get to learn about you while you learn about us and… and even so, we can still love each other, right?”
Hop and Joyce spoil them fucking rotten. It’s really hard to spoil a 17 year old boy as stubborn as an ox (“You were bad enough, now you bring me another one?” “You saying you didn’t like taking care of me, Pops?” “I’m saying I have enough gray hair as it is.” “Oh shush, Hop!” Joyce hits him) but they do their best. They give him love and support. Joyce bakes a shitton of cookies and cakes and Hop buys the kids toys (and the older boy CDs and records and band tees)(“I’m trying! The older I get, the less I know what kids what.”)
And they love all their aunts and uncles too! The little girl has a hard time reading and she reads way below her level, so Aunt El helps her out!
“I understand. I learned to read really late.”
“Really?” The girl’s heart lifts a bit. “How late?”
“I was twelve.”
El nods and gives a kind smile. “Yeah, but I learned, didn’t I? I had a lot of help, and I can help you, too! Just like your dad helped me.”
The girl smiles brightly.
Will’s favorite is the youngest boy (but he would never tell the other two that. Of course not.) because he’s silly and he took to Will almost instantly and he likes to roll around in the grass and catch bugs and those were never really things Will liked as a kid and he… he likes that. He didn’t think he’d ever like that but there’s something about this kid that brings out adventure in him. He reminds Will of Mike when they first met. A bundle of energy and excitement that always dragged Will around on adventures.
The older one hangs out a lot with Max and Jonathan. Jonathan likes hanging out with the kid cuz he reminds him of Billy when Billy was young. (“I don’t remember you being this… exhausting though.” Jonathan tells Billy.) (“You’re just getting old, bud.” Billy says with a laugh and a clap on the back) They smoke weed whenever they can and Jonathan gives the boy some good old 70’s and 80’s music to listen to and tells the boy “Meatloaf is not the best of our decade, don’t listen to your father. Either of them, honestly. Their music taste is shit.”
Max hangs out with the older one too. She gives him advice about girls and how to talk to them and she picks up a skateboard for the first time in years because of him. They go to the skate park sometimes and everyone there is amazed that a twenty something year old girl is here to skate with them until she skates circles around them. (She becomes the hit of the skate park)
She also wrestles around with the little 8 year old girl sometimes! She has a lot of heart to hearts with the kid, giving her advice as well and telling her silly stories of both Billy and Steve so that the girl learns to trust them more.
And overall they’re a big, loving family!! And they’re slightly dysfunctional too and i just! Can’t see it happening any other way!! Bc they’re a little dysfunctional but they’re dysfunctional with LOVE and isn’t that what matters???? It’s a lot of work and a lot of sweat and a lot of tears but it’s their family and in the end their kids love them to death bc they realize their fathers love them to death and!!! Everyone’s heart is full and happy and i’m crying!
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Brother's Best Friend | Peter Mendes
"Being in love with a close friend isn't always easy, but being in love with your brother's best friend can be a lot harder. So for Peter, the shy one of the triplets, to fall in love with Raul's bestie was almost a nightmare, but probably the sweetest one"
Hello, lovies, I know it hasn't been that long since the last time I posted something around here, but it feels like ages! Well, I wish I could say I'm finally back, but unfortunately things are getting really stressful and busy right now but I decided to write something just because I like doing it so much, and also, @sinceweremutual​ and @itrocksmysocks​ were talking about the triplets I couldn't not do it! So here's a bit of Peter, our soft guy and if you guys like this one I might write something similar for Raul. I'm gonna stop rambling now and just let you guys read, hope you enjoy it as much as I did!
*Word Count: 7.5k+
*Warnings: slight angst, anxiety and panic attack. And maybe a few curse words. 
*Posted: July 7th, 2020.
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To say Peter Mendes is a shy person is an understatement. He’s the youngest by a few minutes (not that Raul or Shawn mention it as a small difference) of the triplets, and while Shawn was into music and always on the road and Raul had that bad boy vibe that made everyone around him week on the knees for him, he was just the shy soft brother. Sure, he’s gotten better with age and around people that were constantly surrounding him, he still got nervous talking to a beautiful girl, but he could manage it nowadays. But, unfortunately, every rule has an exception, and Y/N was Peter’s.
She grew up with the guys, living just across the street and being only a year younger than them. She also went to the same school, which automatically made her a part of the trio. Y/N was the kind of girl that Peter likes to think that would be everybody’s “type”, and she could easily fit into anybody’s life in any role she pleases. She’s chill and funny, always up to do anything, but also caring and loving, and he swears he’s never seen anybody more beautiful than her. And the fact that she can be really touchy and cuddly with them since they grew up together always drove him mad.
But when she was a bit older, she and Raul became almost inseparable, they had the same interests and were always going out with friends and to parties. Peter hates to admits this to himself, but he couldn’t help but feel a bit jealous. He feels guilty of feeling like this when his brother and Y/N didn’t know how he felt and when they weren’t anything but friends, even though everyone used to say they would be a power couple. What bothered him is that, deep down, he knew no one would ever see them as a power couple cause she was just too much for him, and he wasn’t enough for her.
So, to keep himself sane and preserve the lovely relationship they shared, when he was around fifteen he decided he was going to shove down his little crush on her deep down on his chest. And everything was going on smoothly. Well, that until Shawn and Raul dragged him to a small gathering of friends, promising he was going to have the time of his life, but he didn’t. He was barely enjoying himself, mostly cause Y/N had a guy all over her, when they decided to play some games. So they sat down in a circle and Y/N decided to join, and sat down beside Peter, and as they started truth or dare, someone asked him who was the best kiss he’s ever received and he mumbled he couldn’t answer it cause he never kissed anyone. And he swear, he would never forget what followed after.
Everyone was a bit awkward after that answer, until Y/N leaned forward and grabbed the bottle, making it spin and dared a random dude to take off his shirt. And then everyone forgot about Peter, which he was actually very grateful. He was too embarrassed about being nearly eighteen and had never kissed someone. So he mumbled something about getting a drink and found his way to the porch, to breath a bit. He sat down at the steps that led to the backyard and he clearly remember feeling a bit weird for being there alone and having not the nicest thoughts about himself swimming on his mind, that until he felt a soft hand on his shoulder, squeezing gently.
“Pete, can I sit here with you?” Y/N’s sweet voice made him look up at her, and he nodded without saying a single word, being too afraid to not being able to talk at all.
So she simply sat down beside him and offered him her cup, he silently took it and brought it to his lips, noticing it was only a glass of water and he smiled internally. She doesn’t drink soda. She pressed a soft kiss to his shoulder and stared at the distance, just sitting there silently with him, and he was very grateful about it. She was just perfect and it seemed like she read him like a book. She leaned her head on his shoulder and he held his palm up for her to interlace their fingers, which she did, and they just stood there for a while on a comfortable silence.
“You should go back inside” was all he mumbled after a while.
“I’m not leaning you”
“But what about Brad?”
“Brad’s not my person, you are, and I feel like you could use some company” she said and Peter just hummed not knowing what to say, but Y/N did, she always did “why are you so upset, angel?”
“‘M not”
“Peter Mendes, I know you since we’re three, don’t lie to me, you know I don’t like it” she playfully scolded him and he chuckled.
“It’s just... I’m almost 18 and I never kissed anyone”
“I feel left out, most people done it already and I’m just here, and it’s not that I don’t want to, it’s just... girls don’t want me”
“That’s just bullshit, of course girls want you, come on, you’re so damn handsome, angel” she said squeezing his hand softly, with her chin resting on his shoulder to look up at him, but he just could never hold her gaze, not while having this conversation “and you are so damn sweet, you’re everything a girl wants”
“I just wish I could get over it, I don’t know, just kiss someone and boom, done” and with that she giggled “great, now not even you’ll take me seriously”
“No, no, I take you very seriously, it was just cute, you’re cute”
“‘M not cute” Peter grumbled feeling his face heating up and Y/N swear her heart fluttered at that.
“Yes, you are, now look at me” she demanded, but still using her soft tone, that he likes to think she saves it just for him “come on, babe”
The pet name was new and that was what made him turn to face her and mumble a soft “what?”
“You want to get this over with?” she asked and he nodded, so she smiled softly at him “then let me kiss you”
“What?! I-“
“It’s okay if you don’t want it” she said with a calm expression and her soft smile still on her face, but her heart was beating wildly “just thought that if it’s something that bothers you so much maybe I could help”
“I want it, I do” he said way to fast, making him blush and Y/N giggle softly “It’s just- I don’t know what to do”
“You do, you just don’t know that yet, it’s not rocket science, don’t overthink it” she said leaning in a bit and he held up his breath, starting to take off his glasses but she cupped his face stoping his movements and looking at her with doe eyes, she just sighed and mumbled softly “keep this on for me, baby” before pressing her lips to his softly.
It wasn’t a scandalous kiss or anything, but it was the best kiss he’s ever received on his entire life. She just pressed their lips together firmly but in a sweet way and it still made his lips tingle whenever he remembered that Y/N gave him his first kiss.
After that it was harder to push his feelings down, specially when she fell asleep with her head on his lap, holding one of his hands as the other played with her roses smelling hair. But he did his best, being pretty efficient with it, only Raul noticing it many years later when he literally felt like crying when Y/N went to meet her boyfriend’s family, the first time she ever had a very serious relationship to the point where she met the guy’s parents. Shawn suspected but never had the guts to ask, afraid he would only upset Peter, but Raul did, since they lived together and she was always around them, making it harder for him to hide his love for her.
But what mattered to him is that she was clueless about his feelings for her, which was all he ever wanted, for their friendship to not be ruined. He rather have her as his friend than nothing at all. And he loved being her friend, being able to cuddle with her on his couch and even sometimes in bed, even if it was just a platonic thin. Holding her to his chest till she fell asleep to his steady heartbeat and soft caresses.
That’s why, when he was having almost a mental breakdown and over stressing himself over a test he had the other day and he heard her voice alongside with Raul’s coming from the front door he felt his heart calming down a bit. Her presence making him feel better almost instantaneously even being on another room. He heard her heels clicking against the floor as she got closer to the rooms, and Raul mumbling something that he couldn’t quite get that made her giggle softly. He then heard a soft knock and saw Raul poking his head through the door to see if he was awake or busy.
“Hey, Peter, just wanted to check on you and let you know that Y/N’s here, how are you?”
“I’m fine, just studying, is she going to crash here?”
“Yeah, I thought it was too late to send her home, rather have her here safe and sound” Raul said and Peter nodded.
Even though Raul had a hard exterior, he was a real softie inside, specially towards his family and Y/N.
“You’re right, is she there with you?”
“Yeah, she’s afraid you’re going to kick her out”
“I’d never do that to her”
“Told ya, darling” Raul said turning to what Peter imagines to be her on the hallway “I’m gonna head to bed, kay? You know you’re way around the house, I’d stay up with you, but I’m dead tired, hun”
“It’s okay, Raul, thank you, I’m just going to say hi to Pete and head to bed” he heard she speaking softly.
“Okay, goodnight” Raul said before turning his head back inside Peter’s room “goodnight, champ, try to sleep a bit and Y/N wants to say hi”
“Goodnight, Raul” was all Peter said before his brother left and his best friend peaked in “hi there”
“Hi, I know you’re busy, so I won’t take too much of your time, just wanted to say hi”
“It’s okay, come in” he said and he saw her tiptoeing inside, careful to shut the door softly.
She walked straight to him, pushing the book on his lap to the side, so she could sit there and not destroy his notes, wrapping her arms around his neck and breathing him in “I missed you a bit”
“Yeah?” he asked wrapping his arms around her, trying so hard to keep his tone steady “missed you too, angel, college’s been a bit too hard on you, eh?”
“Yeah, on you too, but you’re too good for this, and God, why are you so comfy, Peter? I could literally just spend my night in here” she said nuzzling her face on his neck.
There was nothing new here. She was always very touchy, specially with Peter since he corresponder her touches so nicely. But whenever they spend too many days apart from each other, they both get very clingy, the difference is that Peter’s still worried sick about his test and it’s still too shy around her to take the initiative. Although he never complains when she’s being a bit too needy, he just enjoys her presence.
“I promise you as soon as I finish my last test tomorrow, we can watch as many movies and cuddle as much as you want”
“Sounds perfect” she mumbled before leaning down to take of her heels and he couldn’t help but notice that the little black dress she was wearing had ridden higher than it should, and he has to look away “I’m going to leave you alone now, but don’t overwork yourself, I’m pretty sure you know more than the teacher himself, you’re my little genius? Aren’t you?”
Her question was pretty inocente, but it made Peter swallow down hard as he answered with a short “yes”
“Great, goodnight, angel” she smiled at him and pressed a light kiss to his cheek “see you in the morning” she got off his lap and grabbed her stuff as he replied softly.
But before she left, she looked back at him and to shoot him a little wink, closing the door behind herself as she shuffled to Shawn’s/ guest room.
Great, now he’s stressed and want to grab her gorgeous face and smash her lips with his.
Some time into the night, Y/N was restless cause she’s done her last test in the morning and slept all afternoon before Raul picked her up to go out with him for a few drinks. She was bored of looking through social media and rolling from side to side on the bed, and since she was comfortable enough with the guys to just go to the kitchen and grab a glass of water or maybe, if she was lucky, Peter baked muffins like he did every Friday and then steal one for her. So when she was about to head to the kitchen, she saw that Peter’s light was still on at 1AM she got worried and hesitantly walked to his room, wearing just his hoodie as a sleep atire. She knocked softly and there was no response, which almost made her take a step back and go mind her own business, until she heard a little sob.
That was all it took for her to softly open the door and slip in to check on the soft boy that was always on her mind and heart. He was laying on the floor, with his feet up the bed and an arm over his eyes, trying to hold back his sniffles and hiccups, and he didn’t even noticed her presence. She took in the way he was on the verge of a panic attack and the room was a mess. So she softly padded to him and kneeled beside him, which startled him and he sat right up trying to dry his face as best as he could.
“Shh, it’s okay, baby, I’m here now” she said cupping his face softly and he leaned in, pulling her right to his chest, trying to use her as a way to ground himself.
They don’t know how much time it took him to collect himself and breath again normally, still letting out a few hiccups and sniffles, but that didn’t stop her from cooing at him softly and scratch at his scalp just the way he liked. They stood there just holding onto each other in silence as he calmed down a bit more, until Peter was leaning away to face her. She started caressing his cheek softly.
“I’m sorry”
“Shh, don’t, it’s fine, you didn’t do anything wrong, baby, why don’t you go to your bathroom and take a warm shower, huh? I’ll make you some tea while you’re in there, okay?” Y/N asked searching his eyes and he nodded, sighing softly “good, baby, now go”
She got up and offered her hands to him, and he took it getting up, heading straight to the bathroom. Y/N ran around the room to put all his notes and books away neatly, getting his bed ready for him to lay and to be cozy. Then she went to the kitchen and made him a calming tea, when she got back, she heard him sobbing inside the bathroom and placed his tea on the first place she could, knocking on the bathroom door.
“Pete? It’s me, baby, open up for me” she tried as softly as she could, trying to hide her panic away as best as she could “please, baby, just want to hold you”
And then she heard a little click, which meant the door was now unlocked, and she just pushed it open as soon as she was able. He was sitting beside the door, looking completely lost and seeming to not being able to breath properly. So Y/N kneeled down again and cupped his face softly.
“Hey, Peter, it’s okay, everything’s fine, I’m here with you, baby, and I’m not leaving you again, okay?” she asked caressing his face softly and she believes she saw him nodding very subtly, his eyes wide “okay, breath with me, angel, yeah?” she offered exaggerating her motions on purpose, so he could follow it easily, and he did “that’s it, you’re doing so good, baby, so good for me”
They kept on with that for a while, until she saw him shivering from the cold tiles on the bathroom wall “you should go to bed” was he managed to say.
“Don’t worry about me, I wasn’t asleep anyway” she gave him a soft smile, placing a kiss on his forehead “let’s get you to change into something and go to bed, okay?”
She knew he showered for the amazing smell on his bathroom and the foggy mirror. So Y/N helped him stand on his own pace, giving him a boxer and sweatpants so he could change, turning around for some privacy, until she felt him leaning into her and tugging her closer. She coaxed him into drinking a bit of the tea to calm him down a bit and convinced him to lay down on his mattress, tucking him in.
“You should get back into bed”
“I’m not leaving you, Pete, do you want me to sleep here? I can bring the pillows and sleep on the floor to give you some spa-“
“No, sleep with me on the bed” he cut her off a lot more confident than he was before, but since he was still Peter, he added a soft ‘please’ in the end.
“Of course” she said before plopping down beside him as he pulled her to his chest.
They’ve been here before, through the whole thing. And she was always the best medicine to calm him down, it was just her soft touches and little encouragements that kept him going. He felt a little helpless for needing her so much and tears started prickling in his eyes all over again, but before he could go through the whole process again, she cupped his cheek and leaned in, their lips barely touching and he felt the air leaving his lungs for a very different reason. His gaze fell to her rosy lips as she kept on staring at his eyes to see if something changed on his mindset.
“I want to try something” it was barely above a whisper but he heard her clearly “I’ve read somewhere it helps to keep your mind a away and clear your thoughts so... can I kiss you, Pete?” she added softly and all he could do was nod.
She then brought her lips to his in a tender and sweet kiss, making their eyes flutter shut as she kept on rubbing soft circles on his cheek with her thumb. And it was just like his first kiss over again. Her soft lips pressing into his, butterflies having a wild party on his stomach, and fireworks everywhere, and suddenly, she was all he could think about and all he could sense, so he pushed his shy side a bit and brought her closer, kissing her more surely and more firmly. But after a short while, she pulled back for air, but not before placing a quick peck on his pouting lips.
“It works” was all he mumbled and she let out a soft giggle and he hummed in response, felling a bit airy.
“Good to know” she said pushing his curls back “I love you too much to see you hurting, baby”
“I love you too” was his response and she smiled at him as they fell into an easy conversation.
And he suddenly felt exhausted, letting out a long yawn and she gave him a knowing look.
“I know, I guess I should sleep”
“You do” she said playing with his wild curls “and so do I”
“Mhmm” was all he said “about-“
“Shh, we’ll talk in the morning, huh, after class” he noticed how she avoided the test thing and he was grateful, pressing a kiss to her forehead and laying on her chest as she kept on petting his hair.
“Goodnight, angel”
“Night, Peter” she answered and he blacked out, exhaustion due to the events taking over his body.
Waking up was a bit harder than usual, but still, easier than he expected. After last night’s events he was worried he wouldn’t be able to get up, but he did anyway. And he was still feeling a bit insecure, but somehow Y/N managed to get in his head and make him feel like maybe he was capable of doing this test. Speaking of Y/N, Peter felt incredibly warm waking up wrapped up in her, with her smell clouding his senses a bit and that was what made him get up a little bit more excited than usual. His lips still tingled from the simple kiss she gave him last night and he had a stupid grin plastered on his face
He carefully pealed himself from her grasp and managed to make her cuddle to his pillow instead, so he went to the kitchen to grab some coffee and came back with his mug as silently as he could to change. He thought he was doing pretty well when he was buttoning up his jeans, still shirtless when he heard a faint sigh, making him turn around immediately, only to find Y/N smiling sleepily at him wrapped in his blanket. She knuckled at her eyes and outstretched a hand for him to take, and he did it automatically, stepping closer to her like a magnet. She held his hand and place on the back of it a sweet kiss before lacing their fingers
“Just a good luck kiss” she mumbled with a heavy sleep voice and he couldn’t hold back a little chuckle.
“Thank you” Peter replied, sitting at the edge of the bed beside her, running his free hand through his hair, watching her eyes flutter shut “go back to sleep, angel, it’s too early and you’re free to sleep in”
“I will, I just wanted to say good morning first and wish you good luck”
And with that, Peter’s smile could light up the whole building as his heart swelled twice as big “well, good morning” he said leaning in to press a kiss on her forehead “I gotta go, but I’ll come back for lunch, okay?”
“Mhmm” she murmured as she wrapped her fingers on the necklace around his neck, holing him closer to her, pressing a kiss on the corner of his mouth and looking up at him with big doe eyes “good luck, Pete”
He nodded at her, unable to form a proper sentence as his heart stammered on his chest. He got up and reached for his stuff to leave, but before he could, he heard Y/N calling for him with a little giggle, so he turned around looking at her, silently asking her what’s wrong.
“I know your hot, Pete, but I’d rather have this view all to myself, even though it’s selfish, but do you mind putting on a shirt before leaving?” she asked between little giggles and he blushed, grabbing the first hoodie he saw to throw over his head as he mumbled a quick “sorry” and leaving the room.
When he clicked the door closed, he heard her mumbling something and still giggling a bit, making a smile appear on his face as he left for the test.
Peter left the test with his chest finally feeling light, he felt happy and finally free from the stress that was consuming him. Eager to go back home and find his girl, even though she has no idea of it, still laying lazily on his bed or maybe cooking lunch with Raul, cause the dude couldn’t even boil water. He just wanted to kiss her face and thank her for calming him down for the night and the test, he was just so damn happy. He opened the door to his apartment, only to hear noises coming from the kitchen and music playing softly at the background. And he swear he’s not the type to eavesdrop, but when he hear Raul saying his name he couldn’t help it.
“So you kissed Peter? Out of nowhere?! Wasn’t that a bad idea? With the whole situation you got with him and feelings?” Raul asked and Peter started panicking, did she know he liked her? Or fell for her?!
“I mean, maybe” Peter could literally see her shrugging “but I-, he was just-, I was scared, okay? I’ve never seen him like that before! You would’ve done the same if you were on my shoes, hell, you were the one who told about kissing helps when you’re spiraling, you read the damn article!”
“I know, I just didn’t expect you to do it, specially with him!”
“Why wouldn’t I do it? Raul, seeing him like that broke me, I love Peter with my whole heart, I-, I just wanted to help him, that’s my job as his friend, and if kissing him helps, than I’d do it again”
“Sorry, I-, I just got worried this would make things weird” Raul sighed.
“Of course not, at least it didn’t seem like it did, he’s my best friend, Raul, there are no romantic feelings involved”
“Sure... Shawn’s coming home in a week”
“Oh that’s awesome, I miss him”
“Of course you do, you miss everyone but me”
“Oh, shut up, Raul”
And that was harder to listen than to have a knife in your heart. Peter couldn’t help dropping his backpack to the floor still a bit numb with the whole conversation. Which made Y/N come out of the kitchen, still in his hoodie, holding a pan.
“Oh, great, you’re home!” Y/N greeted him cheerfully and he just gave her a small smile.
“Is it Peter?” Raul called from the kitchen.
“Yeah” she came closer to him with a smile on her face “how was the test, Pete?”
It took him a while to respond, his heart feeling heavy “It was fine”
“Was it really? You seem a bit off” she said gently pressing a delicate hand to his forehead to check his temperature “are you feeling okay?”
“Hey, Peter, Shawn called to say he’s coming home for a few days” Raul finally came into view but quickly a frown formed on his face “what’s wrong? are you feeling sick?”
“I’m fine, guys” Peter said leaning away from Y/N’s hand and he saw a bit of hurt grace her features, but it quickly faded “just a bit tired, that’s all, the test went great, Y/N, thank you, I’m just going to lay down for a while, okay?”
He felt bad seeing a little pout forming on her lips, guilt almost, he didn’t have a good reason to push her away. It was not her fault he felt miserable, she didn’t lead him to anything, she was just being her caring and completely oblivious self. It wasn’t fair but Peter couldn’t help it.
“Okay, hmm we’re doing your favorite dish to cheer you up a bit, I’ll call you when it’s done, okay?” she asked taking a step back and he nodded.
“Thanks” was all he said before getting his stuff and going to his room.
He laid down on his bed, still smelling her perfume on his sheets, but decided to ignore and let the sleepiness that was already there take him to dreamland. He didn’t even noticed that time went by until he felt someone lightly shaking his shoulder and he opened his eyes, only to be met with his brother.
“Hey, Peter, lunch is ready”
“Oh sorry, didn’t notice I fell asleep”
“It’s okay, hmm-, are you really just tired?”
“Yeah, just tired”
“So there’s nothing to do with the fact that you listened to me and Y/N talking about yesterday?”
“How did you-?”
“I saw you standing there after a few seconds into the conversation, but she didn’t”
“Oh... yeah, sorry”
“It’s okay, but if it made you feel this miserable to push her away not so subtly to the point where she’s literally beating herself up for thinking she did something wrong, just maybe you should talk to her”
“And tell her what? That I love her? She would laugh at me”
“Oh, Peter, this is Y/N we’re talking about, she’d never laugh at you, she loves you endlessly, and when everything thought you were weird for never kissing anyone, she called out everyone for being ridiculous and ran after you and even kissed you”
“I know, it’s just hard”
“I know, but try talking to her, you’d be surprised”
“Let’s go eat, she really outdid herself, trying to impress you”
“Yeah, now come on, Peter” Raul said patting his shoulder and Peter was grateful, he know Raul’s not the most sensitive guy on the outside, but he’s thankful that he’s always trying his best to understand Peter’s pout of view.
They went to the kitchen, only to find the table set beautifully with a really amazing smelling pasta on the center. Y/N was just coming back with a bottle of whine and a few glasses.
“Oh, hi” she offered him her softest smile “are you feeling a bit better?”
“Yeah, thank you” was all he answered and she nodded.
They ate in a bit of an awkward silence, with Raul and Y/N sometimes trying to make conversation but Peter was just too much in his head, so they didn’t pressure him, instead, just keeping it quiet so he would have space. After lunch they took the stuff back to the kitchen and she started with the dishes as Peter helped her, but Raul had to leave to pick up his phone, leaving them both alone.
“I’m-, I think we need to talk” Peter sighed and she bit her lower lip nodding.
“Sure, I just have somethings to do cause I thought you would want some space, but I can come back as soon as I’m done”
“Oh, okay, is it like soon?”
“Ah bit, Brad’s in town and he called when you were asleep cause he needed someone to talk to, and I told him I’d be free after lunch”
“Oh, sorry, didn’t know you were close friends”
“We’re not that close” she answered finishing up washing as Peter dried.
“You used to be”
“Not really”
“Weren’t you two like a thing?”
“Kind of, nothing serious though, but that was back in high school”
“Didn’t know you still talked to him, that’s all, sorry”
“No need to apologize, I was a bit surprised, but apparently he just needs a friend right now”
“Yeah, he’s lucky to have you” he replied finally looking up at her and she just shrugged.
“I’ll come back soon, okay? Right now I need to go and change to meet him”
“Bye, Peter” she said walking away already ready to leave, and even though he wanted to ask her to stay, he wouldn’t be selfish, so he let her go one more time, and hopefully the last one.
Later that day, Raul left to meet up with some friends and Peter was losing hope that Y/N was actually going to come back to talk, it was almost 7PM when he heard a knock on the front door. He spent the whole day doing nothing, waiting for her so that they could talk and feeling a bit nervous, but when he opened the door he calmed down a bit. She had a backpack on her shoulder and was rocking sweatpants and a T-shirt. Peter let her in and she got in, so he took her stuff to his bedroom as she sat down on the living room waiting for him, with her shoes already beside the couch, she hated wearing them at home.
“How were things with Brad?”
“He’s better now, he got into a huge fight with his sister because of his girlfriend and he was a little lost on what to do” Y/N answered as they sat side to side awkwardly on the couch.
“Oh, family drama, I feel bad for him”
“Yeah, me too, but let’s forget about him, huh? How are you?”
“Me? I’m fine”
“Pete-, you didn’t seem fine and I’m really sorry about the kiss, maybe it was a bad timing and I shouldn’t have done it, I didn’t want thinks to get weird, I know we’re just friends, and I don’t know if it was it or something else that threw you off, I’m just so sorry, I hate when you’re mad or upset with me, and-“
“Hey hey, no, stop” Peter cut her off as he gently cupped her face “it’s not your fault, you didn’t do anything wrong, you’re fantastic and helped me so much yesterday, I’m the one who shouldn’t have snapped at you for no reason, and I’m sorry”
“But I-“
“Not your fault, I’m not mad or upset at you, only at myself if I’m honest”
“Are you sure?”
“Yeah, one hundred percent”
“So we’re fine?”
“Perfectly fine”
“Oh, thank God” Y/N said throwing her arms around his neck and pulling him in for hug, which took him a bit by surprise, but he quickly wrapped his arms around her waist “I was so worried about you all day, couldn’t focus on anything else”
“I’m sorry” he mumbled into her hair.
“No, shush, it’s okay, want to order some pizza and watch a movie? I don’t have anything tomorrow, so I don’t have time to head home”
“Or you could just spend the night here”
“Again? Aren’t you tired of me yet?”
“That’ll never happen”
“I can be pretty annoying, Peter” she said letting go of him so sit back on her knees.
“That’s not true, you’re perfect”
“And you’re too sweet for your own good” she said bopping  his nose which made him chuckle.
“So that means you’ll stay?”
“Only if I pay for the pizza, is only fair”
“But you made lunch!”
“Raul helped me and it was with the stuff on your kitchen”
“Come on, let me make it up to you by buying you some pizza”
“Nope, you don’t have to make up to me, we’re fine, remember?”
“Yeah, fine”
“Good, now pick a movie” she said before grabbing her phone to order in.
Peter turned on the TV and Raul’s words kept swimming on his thoughts as he rummaged  through the options, choosing a particular romcom Y/N liked very much automatically. She then finished the order and locked her phone, hugging her legs close to her chest as she looked up at the tv, but he robotically held her ankle and placed her feet on his lap. And this is exactly why he ignored many opportunities they had throughout their years of friendship to tell her how much he loved her. He didn’t want this to change, this comfortable and familiar, almost domestic routine they had whenever they’re together. He’d rather never have her as anything other than a friend than losing her.
But something about Raul telling him to talk to her, encouraging him to profess his feelings set him off. Raul is never the one to tell someone to just talk feelings without a reason, he’d never directly tell someone how they should live their lives, that’s just Raul. He said it like this was going to be for the best, but Peter just didn’t see how this could be better than what they had. It didn’t make sense. So that’s why he was most likely going to let this opportunity sleep from his fingers one more time, but what he wasn’t counting on was Y/N, being the little observant thing she was noticing there was still something bothering him. So when she confronted him about it, it took him by surprise.
“Why are you lying to me?” she asked out of the blue, making him turn his face to her, only to notice she’d been staring at him the whole time.
“Peter, I know you like the back of my hand, what on earth is going on? You know you can tell me anything”
“I wish I could” he mumbled under his breath but she heard it nonetheless.
“No, no, no, you know you can, come on, it’s just me” she said pulling her feet away from his lap and kneeling beside him on the couch, sitting down on her knees “talk to me, Peter, what’s bothering you?”
And he had to close his eyes for a second and take a deep breath. She noticed he was struggling and placed her hand delicately on his shoulder, squeezing it softly, and starting to rub soothing circles.
“It’s just about what you were talking to Raul when I arrived”
“About Shawn? You know you don’t have to be jealous, I know he doesn’t like to share cuddles, but we can manage it, I didn’t know it bothered you that much”
“It’s not that, well, I didn’t see it that way, but now I do and it’s not great, don’t like to share your cuddles either”
“Then what is- oh!” he could literally see the puzzles fitting on her pretty little head “oh, God, I’m so sorry, I never meant it to be awkward, that’s why I never brought it up”
“So you knew all along?”
“Yeah, for years now”
“And you didn’t- you didn’t push me away?”
“Of course not, that would only hurt us even more, it was already a sensitive topic for me”
And with that he felt a bit better that if she didn’t push him away knowing it all the time, then she wouldn’t now. But at the same time it hurt, that she knew and acted normally, being her touchy self even though knowing he was in love with her. It was a soft way of rejecting him, and it could be worse, but still hurt.
“Yeah, I can understand why”
“Is that why you pushed me away? I know it was a bit to take in, but I didn’t want things to change” she said and he’s not sure he got it.
“Well yeah, it’s not nice hearing that”
“Oh” he could literally see the tears forming on Y/N’s eyes and he suddenly wanted to punch himself to make her sad.
“Shit, don’t cry, angel, it’s okay now, we’re okay, yeah?” he said cupping her face gently and catching the first tear before it could go very far “you’re not going to change our dynamics, we’re happy like this, right?”
“Mhmm” was all she mumbled between a few sobs, a way to hold back her urge to cry and if Peter was confused before, this was all getting worse.
“Why are you crying, hun? I’m the one who should be sad”
“How is that? I don’t get it, Pete, is it that bad that I’m in love with you?” she said it with a little whimper and his heart stopped. Literally stopped.
He just sat there with wide eyes as confusion mixtures with sadness on her eyes. She wrapped her fingers gently around his wrist and took his hands away from her face.
“I’m sorry for saying it out loud” she managed to get out “I think I should go” but before she could slip off the couch, Peter grabbed her hand “it’s okay, Peter, I’ll be fine”
“No, wait, you got it all wrong”
“I’m pretty sure I didn’t, you said it’s not nice hearing that I like you, so yeah, that hurts”
“What?! No! Baby, please let me explain, please” and even though she was hurting, she could never say no to him, so she just sighed and sat back down.
“Thank you” he said taking a deep breath “I was trying to tell you that I was feeling a bit down today because I heard your talk with Raul, and I’m sorry about that, I know that’s wrong, it’s just when I heard my name I couldn’t help it”
“It’s okay” she whispered trying to stop the tears from falling.
“No, it’s not, ‘cause it caused us all this mess and I made you cry ‘cause I can’t seem to simply tell you, for years now, that I’m so in love with you it hurts, and it was awful, hearing from you that you kissed me and that’s just because we’re friends”
“You what?!”
“I know, I’m sorry, I should’ve told you sooner”
“Oh no, Pete, you got it all wrong, I was trying to convince myself that we’re just friends, because I was so sure you didn’t like me like that” Y/N said rubbing her face with her palms to get the tears dried “we’re so damn stupid”
“I can’t believe you fell for me” Peter said trying to hold back a boyish grin from blossoming on his lips “you’re too good for me”
“Shut up, you’re perfect, it was hard not to fall for you” she said and Peter just pulled her into a tight hug “it was always you, Pete”
With that, he kept her tight in his arms as if he didn’t believe this was all real and that he wasn’t going to wake up from this dream. She didn’t seem to mind, not making any effort to pull away, just buried herself deeper in his embrace. But after a while, she pulled away just bit, cupping his face gently as his hands found home on her waist.
“What?” was Peter mumbled.
“Nothing, I- what’s going on on that pretty head of yours?” she gently asked, pushing his curls back softly only to start playing with them.
“I just can’t believe this is real and that this isn’t a dream”
“I hope it’s real, and if it’s a dream, I really don’t want to wake up” she answered and leaned her forehead on his.
Peter’s breath got caught on his throat, and before he could say a word, she leaned in completely pressing her lips to his tentatively making his mind go blank. But before she could pull back and completely regret her impulsive decision, one of his hands trailed up to the back of her neck to keep her head in place as he kissed her back. It was a sweet and gentle kiss, as if to make sure this was really happening. However, when he pulled her a bit closer and she let out a little whimper, they were both gone.
He swiped his tongue on her bottom lip and she quickly opened her mouth to him, automatically deepening the kiss and letting all those butterflies lose. And even thought this was more urgent, it was still Y/N’s Peter, só he was gentle and respectful all the time, hesitantly moving his hands and constantly looking for her consent in the subtlest gestures. Unfortunately they needed air, so they had to pull back eventually, but she kept mere inches apart, with their breaths mixing a bit and they both couldn’t help a huge smile appearing on their features.
“I guess this felt too real to be a part of my imagination” he said lowly as Y/N chuckled.
“Yeah, even though I have thought about our first kiss few too many times to be honest”
“Of course, I always had a crush on you”
“Even back then?!”
“Sure, kissing you just worsened it, I was crazy about you, Raul wanted to tape my mouth”
“Cause he couldn’t stand me just gushing about his baby bro and not acting on it”
“Yeah, he did the same to me for years”
“He’s a little shit”
“He really is... was I bad?”
“Back then, the kiss... was it bad?”
“Oh, Pete” Y/N giggled “of course not, if it was, I wouldn’t be dreaming about kissing you again, silly”
“You have?”
“Well, now you can... you know, it you wan-“ Peter was cut off by her lips colliding with his one more time, this time a bit more urgent and less innocent.
Well, to say Peter was finally happy was and understatement, he was over the moon.
*Please reblog or like this post if you liked it so I’ll know.
*I’m sorry if there are any spelling mistakes.
*Please do not repost this without giving me the credit, this is a completely original piece and I do not give permission to copy this!
*Hope you guys enjoyed it!
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