#also she’s been on the phone w her boyfriend the whole time she been here
makkie-is-screaming · 2 months
she was supposed to come over yesterday but blew me off for her other cousins m then spent most of today w them n her dads picking her up early as hell tomorrow :/
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nanaslutt · 6 months
contains: fem reader, spanking, choking, manhandling, hate fucking, rough sex, dirty talk, cheating, spanking, bathroom sex, angst w/ no comfort, proceed with caution :3
Just thinking about hate sex with ex-boyfriend Geto. You received a video from an unknown number a couple months ago of your boyfriend at the club, big arms slung around two pretty girls as one ground on him under the flashing lights and blaring music of the club. The video was short, but it was all you needed to see. You forwarded the video to Geto, captioned with the words, "fuck you."
The night he went out he told you he was having a guy's night out with Gojo, so imagine your surprise when you woke up to him acting like a whore in public. You still did never find out who sent you that video. Geto spent days blowing up your phone, using your mutual friends to try and talk to you, even going as far to show up to your house, but you rejected all of his advances.
After about a month and a half, when things had calmed down and it was evident to the both of you that your relationship was well over, you finally started going out again. The reason it took you so long? The two of you were in the same friend group. There's a reason they say to date outside of your circle, for situations exactly like this.
Your big debut back into your circle of friends was a night out clubbing. Gojo, Shoko, Utahime, and Nanami were sitting on the plush cushions around you. The only reason you agreed to go out with them tonight was because Shoko had promised Geto wouldn't be there, saying he was stuck at work. Truthfully though, Shoko had missed you so much in the group outings, that she would've found a way to drag you out of the house even if Geto was going to be there.
"This is nice, I'll admit. I missed you guys." You said, working on your second cocktail of the night. Drinks always tasted better when Gojo paid. "Awww~ I don't know how you went so long without seeing me, honestly~" Gojo teased, ruffling your hair in the process. You swatted his hand away, fixing your hair while you shot him a nasty side-eye. "Us, he meant US." Utahime corrected, placing her hand on your knee while also shooting daggers at Gojo.
Gojo stuck out his tongue at Utahime, crossing his legs as he leaned back into the cushions, his arms spreading out behind you and Nanami on the top of the couch. "It's true though, it's nice having you here," Nanami added a light blush dusting on his face from how many drinks he had already downed; he must not have work tomorrow. "Thank you Nanami." you smiled at him before leaning back, crossing your legs over one another, your short black dress riding up your thighs slightly in the process.
"I've been so pent up all month, this feels so good." You giggled, tipping your head over as you directed your words to the girls. "Yeah? I know how you can feel even better." Shoko smirked, sipping on her straight vodka. Utahime smiled giddily, leaning her body forward in interest as she also waited for Shoko to speak. "Blondie over there at the bar has been eyeing you up since we got here, go talk to him." She nudged, wiggling her eyebrows at you.
You have been wound up in more ways than one since you and Geto had broken up. He always dicked you down so good, you would miss that. Who knows though, maybe blondie with the nice jawline and pretty face would give you good pipe in the bathroom. You eye him up, biting your lip as you dragged your eyes over his sturdy frame, only noticing he had been watching you oogle him like a slab of meat the whole time when you went to rake your eyes over his handsome face. He smiled, his dimples showing themselves as they dug into his cheeks, fuck he was hot. This was the perfect guy to use to get over Geto, screw that cheater.
"Oh shitt~ Look at them eye fucking each other~ Haha!" Gojo laughed, sipping on his sweet, non-alcoholic, bright pink drink. You turned your head to smirk at Gojo before you placed your hand on his shoulder and used it to push yourself off the seat. "You're really going for it?" Shoko asked incredulously, giggling behind your hand as you smoothed out your dress. "Why not? I'm horny and single, and a hot man is looking at me like I'm the hottest woman he's ever laid eyes on." You said, smiling down at your friends.
"That's because you are," Shoko added, grabbing your thigh for leverage she spun you around to face the man behind you sitting on the barstools, waiting for you to approach him. "I would be jealous If I liked men, he's a cutie." She laughed to Utahime as she watched you take a deep breath and walk off toward the man.
You walked through the club with confidence, a heartbeat already forming behind your panties as you got closer and closer, watching the way he eyed up your body as you walked. "Friends talked some sense into you, huh?" The man spoke when you got within ear shot. You took the seat next to him, plopping down on the barstool you spun the seat around to face him, your legs slotting together with one another as you placed your heel-clad feet on the bottom of his barstool.
His eyes darted down to your legs, watching you insert yourself into his space with confidence. "Too shy to come up to me yourself?" You asked, placing your hand on his knee as you rubbed circles against his pants, making him swallow the lump in his throat, feeling the heat rise to his face with how bold you were being. "You kidding? Those guys you're with are fucking repellent. Didn't know if you were with one of them or not." He laughed, taking a sip of his drink to ease his nerves.
"But you were watching me anyways?" You teased, keeping your eyes locked onto his. He took in a deep breath, pressing his lips together as before he spoke. "You have no idea what you look like, huh?" He asked, narrowing his eyes at you. "Who wouldn't be able to resist looking at someone like you?" His words sent shivers down your spine, you needed to get him in a bathroom stall with you hours ago. As the two of you continued flirting with one another, eyefucking each other as you sipped on your respective drinks, someone unexpected entered the club.
"Heyy." Geto's voice echoed into your friend's ears. The dark-haired man was half up, half down in his signature bun, one hand tucked into his pocket while his other was held up in front of him, waving to his friends. "Hey troublemaker~" Gojo smiled largely. Shoko groaned along with Utahime. "Thought you couldn't make it?" Nanami asked as he slid in next to him on the couch, spreading his long legs out on the cushions as he took Nanami's drink from him, taking a gulp.
"Got off early, thought I might come by." He responded, laughing when a drunk Nanami snatched his drink back from Geto, muttering to order his own drink. "Come by my ass, you work on the other side of town." Shoko laughed incredulously, adding that you were not going to be very happy. "She's here?" Geto asked, his demeanor immediately perking up. Shoko looked to Utahime knowingly before she looked back to Geto, hissing air in through her teeth.
"Yes cheater~ Of course she's here, and she's about to score by the looks of it." Shoko laughed, making Gojo whistle as he dragged his gaze to you, watching you pull your head back from the whispering something in the mans ear before his lips moved, head moving in tandem as you slid off of the barstool, taking his larger hand in his as you dragged him away from the seat, making him place his drink down on the bar top, abandoning it as you dragged him away to the bathroom.
Geto had just watched the entire scene unfold in front of him that the rest of them had seen. Of course, Geto had come here for you. Shoko was right, he worked almost half an hour away from the club, he was exhausted from work but when he saw you say in the group chat you were going to be here, he knew he had to make a detour. He knew he fucked up when he lied to you about going to the club, but truthfully he had done nothing more than let a couple girls fawn over him, grinding on him while they peppered kisses on his cheeks, never coming close to his mouth.
He still loved you, of course, he did, but you had been adamant about not seeing him at all for almost two months. He hadn't really given up, he would never give up on trying to get you back, he just figured maybe a little break and letting you calm down would lead you back to him. Clearly, he was wrong as he watched you maneuver your way through the crowd, dragging some man you met five minutes prior away to fuck, looking good as all hell.
He grits his teeth, pressing his feet firmly on the floor Geto was on the move in a heartbeat, no one could stop him. "Oh look what you did." Nanami huffed, looking at Shoko. "She's gonna be fucking pissed you know." Shoko's jaw was on the floor. She severely underestimated the amount of balls Suguru Geto had. "How the fuck was I supposed to know he was gonna go chase after her???" She said, looking at him with an expression that almost resembled horror, making Gojo laugh his ass off between them.
Once you made it to the secluded corner of the club just outside the bathrooms, you spun your body around, wrapping your arms around the man. "You wanna fuck me?" You whispered into his ear, feeling his large hands wrap around your waist, his knee sliding between your legs. He groaned at your words, staring between your lips and your pretty eyes as you bit your lip at him, "Fuck yeah, pretty girl." He smiled, shaking his head as he leaned in for a kiss.
You closed your eyes, waiting for a sensation against your lips that never came. Your eyes shot open when he yelled out an exasperated "Hey! What the fuck!" His lips loosened on your waist as he was dragged away from you by a strong grip on his hair. "Geto?!" You yelled, spinning your body to look at him, your body heating up with rage combined with the neglect of pleasure. "Who the fuck are you?!" The blond-haired man yelled, trying to grip Geto's wrist to make him release the hold he had on his hair.
"Her boyfriend." He deadpanned, throwing him in the direction of the club as he reached his hand over your head, pushing the door open behind you, forcing you into the small bathroom with his large frame, leaving you no time to refute. "I didn't know man, fuck!" The man's voice was cut off as the bathroom door shut behind the two of you, Geto's hand coming down to lock the door, leaving you alone in the personal bathroom.
"What the fuck are you doing?" You asked, shoving his chest back, Geto not even moving a muscle as his jaw muscles bulged out under the weight of his clenching teeth, his dark eyes watching you fume. "What the fuck were you doing?" Geto responded, walking toward you slowly, making you step back unconsciously, trying to keep some distance between the two of you. "Why is that any of your fucking business?" You spat, almost laughing at his audacity.
"We never officially broke up." Geto retorted, clenching his fists by his sides. "Oh! Oho!" You laughed, "Excuse me, allow me to make it official for you, we are fucking done." You dug your nail into his chest, squinting your eyes as you looked into his, your tall heels making you feel more confident as your height difference wasn't as dramatic now. "Thought I made it pretty fucking clear when I didn't respond to you for almost two months, but you always were pretty dense." You huffed, backing away from him once you got your point across.
"Were you just trying to get even with me? Huh? Thought fucking some random guy in the club like a slut would make you feel better about yourself?" He yelled, continuing to walk toward you until your back hit the wall, making you jolt, you hadn't even realized you were walking backward. "The fuck did you call me?" You asked, scrunching your eyebrows together. "You're such a fucking hypocrite, acting like that wasn't exactly what you did to me." You laughed again. You felt like you were going crazy, why was he acting like you were the one in the wrong here?
"I never fucked them! Never! Maybe if you answered my fucking calls or looked at my texts you would know that!" He shouted, getting in your face. You shook your head, looking at him with disdain. "Oh, because letting girls dry hump you is so much fucking better, right?" You yelled back, the ghost of a smile gracing your features, you were so done with him.
"God you really are the worst." You spat, your eyes shooting daggers into his own. "How the fuck are you gonna make up for scaring that guy off, huh?" You asked, tilting your head at him, making his eyes lock onto yours once more. Geto cocked his head at you, clearly uncomfortable with you mentioning the blonde stranger, knowing damn well you meant you were going to fuck him, and now you were left dry.
You scoffed, "What? Don't like the thought of me getting off on someone else's cock? Moaning someone else's name? Huh? That shit make you mad?" You got in his face, keeping your squinted eyes on his dark ones. Geto doesn't know what came over him, but he couldn't stand to hear you talk anymore. His lips were on yours, swallowing your surprised moans, immediately slipping his tongue into your mouth, crushing his jaw into yours, your head bumping into the wall behind you.
You were still mad as hell, but his lips felt so familiar, your arousal crept up through the cracks of your irritation and made you kiss him back harder, fighting him for dominance. His hand came to grab your throat, squeezing harshly, his fingers digging into your delicate skin, making you whine into the kiss. He was never this rough with you, and you were loving it.
He pulled back, his free hand coming down to undo his belt quickly, pulling the leather through the loops as he threw it somewhere on the floor of the filthy bathroom floor, "Don't you ever talk about someone else fucking you in front of me." He growled, squeezing your throat to emphasize his words, You smiled through the lack of oxygen, little black dots clouding your vision, but you still felt the need to fight back. "Fuck you." You whispered.
Geto spun you around in one swift movement, making you face the wall, your hands coming to brace against the brick as you felt him lift your skirt over the curve of your ass, your panties being roughly yanked down midway on your thighs. Everything was happening so quickly, the adrenaline pumping through your veins only fueling your arousal. You knew this was not a good idea, but your body was too weak to Geto.
Geto shook his head as his eyes came into contact with your dripping pussy. He bit his lip between his teeth, pulling his cock out through his pants as he gave himself a couple rough strokes, his hand sliding down to your ass as he rubbed his thumb through your folds, spreading them and rubbing your wetness around before he dipped the digit into your hole, slowly pumping in and out. He was absolutely fuming at the thought of you giving this to someone else, he wondered if you had in the time you haven't been talking.
"You this wet from that fucking loser, or from me yelling at you?" Geto asked, pulling his thumb back to leave a rough smirk on your ass, pushing his hips forward as he rubbed his tip along your folds, getting his cock slick with your juices. "You're so full of yourself, shoulda seen the way he was touching me under the table." You giggled, turning your head to the side to look at him. You kept your words vague on purpose to piss Geto off. He had been touching you under the table, but only your thigh.
"You fucking slut." Geto grit through his teeth, his hand coming to grip the back of your neck, his fingers pinching your skin with how hard he was gripping you. "And you still wanna fuck me." You laughed, the noise getting cut short when he pushed his cock into you all at once with zero warning, keeping his balls pressed to your ass as he let his cock throb inside your walls still, his back pressing agaisnt your chest as he leaned into your ear, his deep voice whispering, "That's enough out of you." His voice alone was enough to send shivers down your spine.
"Fuck!" you yelled when he pulled his hips back before he bullied his cock back into your unprepped walls, stretching you open as he meanly fucked you against the wall. "Shit- Think he could fuck you better than me? Huh?" Geto asked, leaning back as he pressed the back of your neck into the wall, his other hand holding under your hip as he held you in an arch, the pace of his hips making your knees squeeze together, bending slightly at the stimulation.
You brought one of your hands down between your thighs to rub little circles into your clit, your eyes crossing at the feeling. Geto must have felt how tight you got because he groaned through his teeth, his hand leaving your hip for a moment to come down to leave a harsh smack on your ass. "Fuck- I don't know, heh- If you didn't interrupt me I w-would've found out. He shook his head, smiling through the malice he felt coursing through his veins. "You're such a fucking brat." Smack, "Just sayin' that shit to get me worked up so I'll fuck you like the whore you are."
You wanted to hit him back every time he slapped your ass. Sure, it felt good, but you knew he was trying to put you in your place, so the action made a vein pop out on your forehead. You were so glad he couldn't see your face right now. Your words might've been sharp and snarky, but your face was flushed red and your eyes were rolling back in your head every time his fat cock thrust right against your sweet spot deep inside you, the one only he could reach. "I-I hate you-" You moaned out between his mean thrusts.
You heard him coo in response, his hand leaning the back of your neck so he could grip your waist with both hands and yank you back on his cock harder, fucking whines from your lips. "Don't talk to me like that baby, hurts my feelings~" Geto retorted, his jaw dropping in a small o when you rubbed your clit harder at his words, making your hole clench around him so tightly it felt like you were trying to milk him of all he was worth.
"Would you really be squeezing me this tight if you hated me? Hmm?" He teased, practically slamming your ass back on his pelvis, loud squelching noises bouncing off the walls. Thank god you were in this loud-ass club or everyone would know exactly what was going on, not like you really cared. "Shut up and fuck m-me." You responded curtly, closing your eyes as you tried to focus on reaching your high, timing your finger rubbing circles against your clit with his thrusts inside you.
"That's what I'm doing, dumb s-slut." Geto groaned, dropping his gaze to where the two of you were connected, feeling a warmth in his stomach bloom at the white ring of cum that had formed around the base of his dick. "Godd pussy is fucking milking me- you cant survive without me, need me- need this dick." Geto spoke between rough thrusts, his own words working himself up as he felt his high creep over him.
You grit your teeth at his words, moans spilling from your lips without your permission. He was fucking the shit out of you, you don't think he's ever been so rough before. His words, his hips, his hands, all of it, so fucking rough, and it was quickly working you up to your orgasm. You were too overwhelmed, tears started forming in your eyes with all of the stimulation and emotion you were feeling. He was hammering into your g-spot, making your legs shake uncontrollably.
"God- fuck- Gonna make me cum inside my pussy, my fucking pussy-" Geto babbled, shaking his head as he tried to get a peek at your face, noticing how you had bitten your lip between your teeth, tears streaming down your face. "Fuck, you crying? Feels that good?" He laughed. You didn't want him to know how good you were feeling, didn't want him to know his words were true; you couldn't live without him or his dick. His cock alone was literally fucking tears out of your eyes, it was so intense.
"Not gonna speak huh? Fine, stay quiet then." Your ex-boyfriend huffed, looking down at your pussy stretched around his girth as he fucked himself to his orgasm, you close behind him. "Shit- shit I'm coming- take it baby fu-ck~" Geto groaned, leaning over your back, burring his face into your neck. You felt his teeth dig into your neck when you felt the first rope of his warm seed shoot inside you, making your orgasm crash over you.
The two of you rode your highs out together, Geto's hips weakly and unceremoniously thrusting into your sopping cunt, working you through your orgasms. Geto jerked against your body, his strong hands wrapping around your torso as he kept you pressed against him, unloading his cum into your abused pussy. You whimpered into the wall, feeling his teeth leave your neck when he started coming down from his high, his face keeping its place in your neck.
The two of you stayed quiet for a while, relishing in the silence save for the dull booming of the club music echoing through the walls of the bathroom. Geto's hands were petting the skin of your hips, and for just a moment, you let yourself think everything was okay, losing yourself in the feeling; until he spoke. "I am sorry you know. So fucking sorry." He whispered into your neck, not daring to move.
You heaved out a sigh, pushing his arms off of you. You reached behind you and pushed his pelvis back, wincing in overstimulation when his softened cock slid out of your walls, his cum chasing after him, making your face scrunch at the uncomfortable feeling. "That wasn't what this was." You responded coldly. Bending down you pulled your panties up, keeping his cum snug inside you.
You turned around to watch him open your mouth, to which you held your hand up, stopping him; amazed when he actually listened. You pushed past him, bumping his shoulder in the process. Without another word, you unlocked the bathroom door and on shaky legs, left the small room and out into the nightclub to find Shoko and Utahime and get the hell out of there. Geto sighed deeply, tipping his head back as he stared at the ceiling before he closed his eyes, feeling the remorse wash over him, "fuck."
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if u think i’m pretty || chris sturniolo
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SMUT. 18+. Minors DNI. tw: hate fucking. lots of it. bickering while fucking? idk you get the gist. finally got around to writing about chris. can you believe i scrapped like 5 fics? 🥴 yeah me either! also, sequel with matt if yall want it ;)
part two w/matt is here :)
“Christopher fucking Sturniolo!”
Your words were laced with venom, the staircase rumbling beneath you as you stomped upstairs. Faintly you could hear Matt call out for you, your mind too filled with rage to hear him properly.
Pornographic moans flooded your eardrums as you reached Chris’s room, your eyes nearly rolling into the back of your head. Your closed fist rattled his door, the dramatic moans coming to a screeching halt.
“Open the fucking door dickwad!” You screamed. Impatiently you tapped your foot, deciding he was taking too long. You grabbed the door handle, (surprised to find it unlocked), and swung the door open.
It was almost comical watching Chris and a girl you didn’t know scramble to get themselves dressed.
“What the fuck are you doing in here? Get the fuck out! Haven’t you ever heard of privacy?” Chris spat, shoving his gray sweatpants on. For a brief moment you felt bad for the girl, her waterline filling with tears. She was just one of many you had seen this week. You grabbed a shirt you presumed to be hers, handing it to her. You took a deep breath, containing your anger as you looked at her.
“Please get dressed and for the love of God, find someone better to fuck,” You sighed. The blonde was gone in a flash, practically sprinting out of Chris’s room. You crossed your arms, shooting lasers out of your eyes as you glared at the brunette across from you. Oh, only if looks could kill.
“I’m not believing my phone magically teleported into the dishwasher of all places,” You snarled. Your phone had been missing for six hours straight, your iphones location still saying it was at the triplets house. You had dragged Matt and Nick all around their house, searching from the ceiling to the floor. When you had finally accepted defeat, you had opened the dishwasher to grab a bowl to make a snack.
And to your displeasure, your phone was sopping wet, sitting in plain sight on the rack.
“You have zero proof I did that, literally zero,” Chris argued. Your eyes briefly flickered to his exposed chest, the amount of skin throwing you off. You shook your head, showing Chris your ruined phone. “Really? Because I can’t recall the last time you did dishes but you magically did them last night,” You snapped. Chris shrugged nonchalantly, a cocky smirk creeping across his lips.
“What can I say? I figured i’d help out the household,”
That’s it.
You chucked your phone at him, the brunette dodging the attack by seconds. It was ruined away, even the rice method was unable to save your phone. It smacked against the wall, the sound making Chris jump. “Maybe your phone wouldn’t be ruined if you weren’t having very LOUD phone sex with your boyfriend!” Chris yelled. You threw your hands up in the air, completely dumbfounded. “What are you talking about? Why would I ever-” You began arguing, before it clicked.
You weren’t having phone sex with anyone, that was for sure. But you stayed over at the Sturniolo household frequently, to the point where you were there more often than you were home. As much as Chris drove you insane, you couldn’t deny how attractive he was. The concept of the attraction being forbidden, soured by years and years of bickering, did something inside of you.
You could feel heat rushing to your cheeks, even though you didn’t want it to. Chris snickered at your loss of words, shooting you a genuine smile. “What’s wrong? Cat got your tongue?” He teased. In a swift motion you dashed across the room, your palm connecting with his cheek. Your tension with Chris had never gone beyond yelling. He had never crawled under your skin so much before, embarrassment seeping over you as you thought about the whole house hearing what he said.
A long pause silenced the room, the sound of the slap echoing through out your ears. Chris took a moment to process what you had just done, before his sharp gaze meant yours. His hand flew to your throat, gripping the sides as he threw you against the nearest wall. The air was knocked out of your lungs, your body in fight or flight mode. He easily towered over you, his sharp blue eyes filled with rage.
“You’re such a fucking whore,” Chris grumbled. He squeezed the sides of your neck harder, a whimper escaping your lips. His grip loosened, his attention fully dedicated to the sound you had made. The brunette tilted his head to the side curiously, as if he hadn’t believed what he just heard. “Did you just whimper?” He questioned. You shook your head no, Chris’s knee spreading your legs apart. Testing the waters, he brought his face closer to yours.
“You know, your little stunt prevented me from finishing earlier. Perhaps you’d like to help me out,” Chris purred, the glint of lust in your eyes telling him everything he needed to know. You rolled your eyes, your heart beginning to race as his body pressed against yours. “If you’re going to kiss me get on with it before I change my mind,” You said plainly. Chris’s grip on your throat tightened, your airway becoming restricted.
“You’ve always been a mouthy one,” He muttered, roughly bringing his lips to yours.
Chris hated how good you tasted, how good you smelled. He hated how your skin always looked so soft, your lips so plump. He despised how confident you were, always charging into everything in your life head first. What Chris actually liked, was that you challenged him. He knew that his infatuation with you wasn’t actually feelings, just raw and untamed lust. But fuck, with your lips against his, it made him want to change his mind.
The two of you clawed off each other’s clothes, discarding the clothing to the floor. Chris’s tongue swiped across your lower lip, before sliding inside. His kisses were rough and sloppy, your body addicted to the electricity he made run down your spine. You pushed him harshly against the bed, his back hitting the soft mattress underneath him.
You straddled him quickly, attempting to take control of the situation. Ever so slowly you grinded your wet cunt against his exposed shaft, a groan escaping his lips. Chris cockily put his hands behind his head, admiring you. “Go ahead, get yourself off just by grinding on me. You can do it pretty girl,” Chris instructed. You felt heat dash across your cheeks at the sound of his praise, your hips moving seemingly on their own.
Curses left your lips as you threw your head back. “Making me get myself off since you can’t do it? Figures,” You managed to say, your movements becoming more desperate. Chris leaned forward on his elbows, watching your cunt slide up and down his shift. “I’d watch your words ma, i’ll overstimulate you until you’re nothing but a cock craving whore,” Chris warned. His warning felt real, the threat in it seeking genuinely true. Even if you didn’t want to believe it.
Chris bit his bottom lip as you shamelessly grinded against him, every little movement providing pleasure to your clit. “You really think i’d fuck as many girls as I do if I couldn’t make them cum? I thought you were supposed to be smart,” Chris said coldly, mockingly tilting his head to the side. Your gaze landed back on the man beneath you, ignoring his cock in between your folds. “Yeah? I thought I was supposed to be overstimulated by now. What happened to that?” You challenged.
He was quick to change positions, your back landing against the mattress before you could think. He roughly spread your thighs apart, shoving two fingers into your cunt. A gasp of surprise was ripped from your throat, his spare hand resuming its place as your personal collar. Chris’s name spilled off of your lips as his fingers curled inside of you, his name becoming a sinful mantra. “What happened? Not so cocky now are we?” Chris taunted, watching you fall apart on his fingers.
The sight of you was enough to make his cock throb, his body craving attention. Chris remained focused, determined to corrupt you. “Open your fucking mouth slut,” Chris ordered. You so without a second thought, flattening your tongue across your bottom lip. He gripped your face harshly, leaning over and spitting into your mouth. “Swallow it,” He growled, watching you intently. You did as you were told, swallowing his saliva. You felt humiliated as it slid down your throat, the feeling euphoric.
“Thats a good girl, now why don’t you cum on my fingers for me? Hmm?” Chris asked. His words of praise made the rope inside of you snap, your orgasm washing over you without warning. Your vision went white, your thighs trembling as Chris removed his fingers from your aching cunt. You watched as he sucked them clean, maintaining eye contact with you as he did so.
Still coming down from your high, you put every last bit of energy into rolling your eyes. “Are you going to fuck me or just stare?” You asked. Chris’s cocky smile fell, replaced with a frown. “Nothings ever good enough for you, is it?” He replied, crawling on top of you. He brushed the tip of his cock up and down your folds teasingly, enjoying hearing you audibly whine for him. “Why’d you destroy my phone?” You asked, your coherent thoughts interrupted by him shoving himself inside of you.
You both moaned in unison, the unholy sounds vibrating off of the walls. “Why’d you decide to have phone sex in my house?” Chris gritted out, sliding himself further into you. He had more girth than you expected, your walls struggling to accommodate his size. “I asked you first dipshit,” You spat, fighting back a groan as he slid in further. Chris could feel your walls spasming around his cock, the sensation enough to make him cum right then and there. But he knew you’d never let him live it down.
“Yeah? Well I asked you second,” Chris replied, bottoming out inside of you. The tip of his shaft brushed against your g spot, the slightest movement of his hips making you whimper. “If you must know I wasn’t having phone sex, dumbass,” You said honestly. Chris pulled his hips back at a teasing rate, entertaining the argument. “Yeah? So what were you doing?” He questioned, doubting what you were saying. His hips bucked back into yours, hitting your g spot purposefully slow. He was drawing his thrust out, enjoying the sight of you squirming beneath him.
“I-I was thinking of you, alright? Now are you going to fuck me or what?” You rambled, embarrassed by your confession. Chris paused for a moment, soaking in your words. He leaned forward, his breath hot against your ear. “Is that so? Well, I destroyed your phone because I got jealous. You belong under me, just like this, taking my cock,” Chris purred, ignoring the embarrassment of his own confession. He pulled back slightly, allowing the two of you to make eye contact.
Out of breath and desperate, both of you panted as you stared into each other’s eyes. “Well, in that case, you better get on with it,” You said weakly. The same cocky smile that you hated plastered across his lips, his hips bucking into yours quickly. Your nails dug into his back as his hips continued to slam into yours, his cock buried inside of your cunt. Chris couldn’t hold back his own groans, your walls milking his cock dry.
With glazed eyes he met your gaze, relishing in the sound of your groans, chanting his name. “Open your mouth for me,” He ordered, his cock abusing your cervix. Chris enjoyed that you didn’t hesitate, obeying him without a second thought. He put two fingers into your mouth, shoving them as far back as he could. “Now fucking suck them slut,” He growled. With each degrading word you squeezed him harder, your body snitching on your hidden desire.
“You look so pretty like this, when you aren’t yapping that mouth of yours,” He huffed. A painful whine came from his lips, your nails purposefully digging deeper into his back. You pathetically bobbed your head up and down on his fingers, concealing your smirk as you heard him in audible pain. Chris slithered his spare hand down to your cunt, drawing fast and sloppy circles around your clit.
“Go on, cum for me. Cum on my cock like the good girl you are for me,” Chris panted. The extra sensation was enough to make you throw your head back, Chris’s fingers still lodged in your mouth. Your warning of your orgasm was muffled, your thighs shaking violently under him. The sight was going to be burned into Chris’s memory forever, the feeling of your cunt spasming around him giving him an undeniable ego boost. He fucked you through your orgasm, becoming preoccupied with chasing his own.
His fingers roughly grabbed your waist, fucking you rougher. “Shit, i’m gonna cum,” He admitted. Chris watched, mesmerized as his cock slid in and out of your cunt. “Where do you want it?” He asked, his hips beginning to stutter. You grabbed him by his throat, dragging him towards you. You put your mouth next to his ear, smirking as you told him, “Inside of me.”
You filthy fuck. For the first time your name fell from Chris’s lips as he came, his warm seed flooding your cunt. In unison you both tried to catch your breath, Chris carefully slipping out of you. The room was silent, besides desperate breathing, a knock came from Chris’s door.
“Your uh, doordash is here dude,” Matt said awkwardly. You could hear him place a bag in front of his bedroom door. “Thanks,” Chris replied, trying to sound as nonchalant as possible.
“Hey Chris?”
“Next time maybe fuck a little quieter, Nicks pretty pissed.”
You exchanged glances with Chris, watching as he shoved on a shirt.
“You heard him, be quiet next time,”
“Next time? There won’t be a next time. Mr.I lasted thirty seconds.”
The sound of you two bickering made Matt roll his eyes, causing him to walk away. He wondered if you both would ever get married, or if you both would hate fuck forever. He shrugged at the idea, heading back downstairs. All Matt knew for sure, was that your moans made him cum the hardest he ever had. And that, was enough for him.
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sl0t4matt · 27 days
smut w marc guiu where some boy is trying to talk to the reader in a party and marc gets jealous and then reader and marc end up doing things in his car please🤭
m. guiu | jealous looks good on you
warnings: smut
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marc annoyed the shit out of you today. he’s been such a bitch, fighting and complaining about any minor thing you did wrong. you know your boyfriend can be sassy at times, but today he’s been extra.
you’re supposed to be the girl in the relationship not him and he’s the one acting bitchier than you. today you got especially tired of it, so you called your friends and brought them to the club, bringing you to now, sitting on a chair beside the bar, waiting for your friends to come back from dancing.
you didn’t join them because your legs gave up on you a few minutes ago when you were dancing, like your life depended on it.
you decide to get on your phone, check a few messages, before they get back, so you get on instagram, immediately noticing that hector posted a story.
you click on it seeing a booth of the club you are exactly in. you keep watching the video scoffing at seeing marc in the corner of it, he’s not alone though. a girl is sat beside him, talking to him. a little too close for any girlfriends liking.
“what the fuck.” you mutter, huffing at him finding a new girl exactly after you fought. pathetic really. she’s not even close to your level.
“hi, i’m diego. i saw you dancing a few minutes ago, you looked stunning, could i buy you a drink?” an attractive man sits down beside you. he looks like he’s in his 19s or maybe 20s, with dark skin and dreadlocks.
if marc can talk to other women, what should stop you to? maybe you could even get him jealous and make him see how much he actually needs you. “yes i would love that, actually.” you smile at him.
“perfect, what would you like?” he grins back, his pearly white teeth peeking through his lips. “i’ll take a negroni, thank you.”
“a negroni for the pretty woman beside me, please.” he winks at you. you innerly cringe at his words but don’t let it show. you get the drink in a heartbeat since it only had three ingredients. you smile at the bartender, taking the drink.
“so, are you new in barcelona?” he asks, leaning closer to you. “i moved here a few years ago, for uni.” you answer, sipping on your drink. “nice, what university do you go to? i go to esade.” your eyes widen. esade is one of of barcelonas elite, also super hard. “you study law? that’s like suicide.”
he laughs at your reference. “yeah, it’s a lot.” he nods, agreeing with you. “oh sorry. i go to the university of barcelona.” you answer his previous question.
“you’re good. did you come alone or with friends?” you look around trying to find your girlfriends, but failing immediately, the crowd in the dance floor being way too big to see them. the nightlife of barcelona really is something else.
“i came with my friends, i can’t find them right now, though. they’re probably dancing.” you answer, giving him a tight lipped smile.
you keep looking for them, when you suddenly meet eyes with a certain brown eyed boy, you call your boyfriend. his brows are furrowed and eyes piercing on the guy beside you. if looks could kill, diego would be five feet under for sure.
he gets up from the spot in between hector and the girl on the video and walks towards you. “oh fuck.” you mutter. diego glances at you. “what’s wrong?” he asks, but marc is already in front of you. diego furrows when he sees him.
“hermano, can i help you?” diego asks him. “yeah, you can get the fuck out of my face.” marc spats, turning to look at him. “who the hell are you?!” diego gets up pushing marc’s chest slightly, you still sitting dumbfound beside the bar.
“i’m her boyfriend, you dumbass.” marc isn’t the one to act nice. you know he could throw a whole fit in here as well as seriously hurt the guy if he really wanted to, so you get up, getting in between both of the boys.
maybe project making marc jealous wasn’t such a good idea, since you know exactly how mad marc can get when jealous.
“marc lets go.” you pull on his hand, making him look down on you, with gritted teeth. he scoffs, taking your hand and dragging you to the exit of the club.
you see hector on the way out, him laughing at marc’s outburst.
he takes his car key out of his pocket, opening it. “get in.” he demands, after opening the door to the passenger seat. you scoff, getting into his car. he turns around to get into the driver seat, walking like a mad kid you think.
“did you want to make me jealous, is that it?” he huffs. you turn to look at him, rolling your eyes. “did you? with that blonde girl?” you ask him back. “what the hell are you talking about?”
“oh please. so you’re telling me you weren’t all up on that girl beside you, taking to her.” you scoff. he can’t deny the fact that she was eye fucking him the entire time.
“fucking hell, i wasn’t all up on her, she was the one flirting with me and i literally told her i have a girlfriend.” you roll your eyes. “she was the one? because i’m sure, i literally saw that you were laughing with her on hectors story.” he scoffs.
“see! you always fucking do that shit. you don’t trust me.” you laugh, sarcastically. wow this just is really hilarious. “oh my god! i don’t trust you? you literally dragged me out of there because i was talking to a guy.” you yell at him, finding it rich coming from him.
his hand makes its way to his forehead, massaging it. “because if i didn’t, you would’ve ended up in that guys bed.” he reasons, shaking his head. “are you even hearing yourself? what the hell are you saying? bro just shut the fuck up, honestly.” you scoff, also shaking your head.
“fuck you.” he spats. “fuck you!” you yell back, turning to look at him, meeting his eyes. his eyes move from yours down to your lips, licking his own. “i hate you.” you mumble, as the both of you lean into each other, meeting your lips in a heated and aggressive kiss, taking out your madness on each other in a kiss.
his hand moves to his thigh, squeezing it. his other grips your neck, clutching around it and pulling you even closer if thats possible. your hand slips into his pants, finding his already hard cock. “fuck.” he moans into your mouth.
you start to jerking him off, collecting his pre cum with your thumb, making him tense at the sudden touch.
he pulls his seat back, mentioning you to straddle him. so you do so, each of your legs in between his lap as you feel his already throbbing cock in between your legs, begging for release. he winces, as you grind on him, while you lock lips again, feeling his stubble slightly tickle your chin.
his hand glides in between your legs, pulling your panties down. you’re already soaking and you’re sure he’s very aware of it, your juices already rolling down onto his pants.
you attempt to open his belt with a rush but fail miserably. he helps you, opening up his belt, following with sliding his pants down his hips. he hurries with taking off your top, his hands instantly gripping your tits.
you hoover over his tip, biting your lip when you feel his tip slightly touching your soaked hole. he rocks his hips upward, making his dick stretch out your cunt. you snake your hand around his neck, clutching onto his sweaty hair.
you whine, when you feel him fully inside of you, collecting all of your juices. “you’re so tight, ma.” he groans, as he takes ahold of your waist, squeezing it.
your lips hoover over his as you roll your hips back onto his, feeling his dick pulsing around you, your breasts bouncing up and down. he groans at the stimulation, panting heavily.
you quicken your movements, thrusting into him more laboriously. “marc.” you breathlessly moan his name, arching your back at the feeling, feeling closer to the edge.
you tremble from above him, clutching onto his shoulders, your nails digging deep into his skin, forming cat like scratches. “fuck. gonna come.“ he groans before filling you up with his warm sperm.
your legs shake around his cock before you come onto him, drenching his thighs in your come.
your head leans onto his shoulder, tiredly. a smirk forms onto his smug face, as he sees your juices all over him. “not a word.” you speak, knowing he was going to make a smart ass mark.
“for a person you hate, i can make you come quite alright, don’t you think?” he winks. “oh my god.” you shake your head.
“what did you say the last time? jealous looks good on me?” he chuckles. you hit his chest before getting back into the passenger seat. it does look good on him. you can’t lie.
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becomingmina · 4 months
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pairing: changbin x female reader genre + warnings: established relationship, fluffy, a little steamy at the end but not too much wc: 1.2k
mad master list here ; other works here ; any comments and thoughts you can drop them here ; ty for reading.
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“Princess!” Changbin brightly greets you as he hops out of his car to help you drag your drunk best friend who is also Han’s girlfriend inside his back seat.
“Hi Binnie. Hi Han,” you shoot them a small smile. “Sorry she drank so much. We couldn’t stop her,” you say timidly standing back now that the two boys got her.
“That’s okay Y/N, thanks for looking out for her,” Han smiles at you before he getting in the car with his girlfriend.
“Did you enjoy your night?” Changbin asked with a smile, pulling you by both your arms into a tight hug.
You hum in respond, hugging him back tightly, feeling guilty.
Changbin had told you at the start of the week that he was finishing up a song and needed some time to perfect it, so you decided it’ll be best to give him some space to do so.
Although you know how much he would miss you, you also know how bad he was at multitasking. A simple “how are you” text will instantly turn to him calling you up and asking you to come over. You have learnt from the past that that’s not the way to go. You rememeber him rushing the last 2 days to fix up his song and boy, was he a mess.
For the week you had sent him only good morning and night messages, with some little I love you thrown in during his winding down time. The lack of interaction with him made you confide in your friends for a little bit of comfort. So when Han’s girlfriend messaged you to go drinking and clubbing with other girlfriends you were quick to say yes.
The night started off great. You and all the girls probably had about 4 shots and a couple of drinks each making everyone tipsy. But you were nearly at the end of your limit though, you could barely steady yourself on the dance floor.
It was midnight when you feel your phone buzzing inside your bag. You pull out your phone and could barely read the caller ID with your blurred vision. When you finally saw it was your boyfriend calling your face instantly lights up.
“You coming over yet Princess?” Changbin cheerfully asks on the other line. The club music was way too loud that you had to excuse yourself from the circle to run to the secluded bathroom to talk.
“Sorry Binnie, what did you say?” You asked and you hear him softly chuckle back.
“I said are you coming over yet?” He repeats himself.
“For?” You slurred on your words, confused at what he was asking.
“It’s our date night, silly,” Changbin giggly replies and instantly you froze.
You had forgotten it was the last Friday of the month and which means it was your designated date night with Changbin. It doesn’t matter what time he gets off work on the last Friday, you would spend your afternoon at his house anyways so you were able to get ready for what ever he had planned. You gasp, putting him on speaker as you search through your phone to visually confirm the date. It was already 12:03 Saturday. You had forgotten. You couldn’t blame anyone but yourself for this mistake.
“Did you forget?” He asks when hears you struggle on the other side.
“YES!!” You say, a hand coming to hit your temple. “I FORGOT I’M SO SORRY,” you cried, squatting on the bathroom floor, trying you best to calm yourself down.
He must’ve been so confused patiently waiting at home for you to come over the whole day.
“I’ll come home now, I’m sorry.”
“No! That’s okay princess, are you out with the girls?” He asked, his voice was still so soft.
“Yeah.. I.. I—” you scrambled to apologise but he doesn’t let you.
“Dont worry Princess. Go and enjoy your night with the girls. Call me when you want to come home and I’ll get you,” he giggles.
That’s one thing you can never understands about Changbin, he never gets mad or show a little bit of annoyance with you, even when you’re in the wrong. He never lets you take the blame for anything.
“I feel bad.”
“Don’t, you silly girl. We’ll talk later.”
“Okay,” you puffed with a pout and he giggles.
“Love you!” He shouted before hanging up.
How could you forget such an important day. You glance at your phone and realised he had send you a couple of messages throughout the night asking when you’ll be over and you hadn’t reply.
“Oh shit!” You quietly beat yourself up again.
The rest of the night you didn’t take anymore drinks and sobered up quickly. Although you still enjoyed the rest of the night with your girlfriends, your boyfriend was on your mind alot of the times.
“Come on, let’s go before she throws up,” Changbin says pulling you both into the car.
The ride home was just Han’s girlfriend drunk whining that she wanted to throw up so you really couldn’t bring yourself to talk to Changbin as your attention was on your friend’s well being.
“You reckon you’ll be okay Ji? Me and Y/N want to go on a drive,” Changbin says looking in his rear view mirror at younger boy. You glance to your side where your boyfriend was sitting, confused, because you never stated you wanted to go for a drive.
“I’ll be okay hyung, she’s just all talk. She’s probably gonna sleep like a baby once she’s get home,” Han giggles, assuring you both.
After dropping them off, Changbin drove around for a bit, sitting with you in silence. He keeps glancing to your side but looks away the second you look up at him. Once he reached the secluded lookout you guys always go to, he parks the car and reaches for your hand.
“Why are you not mad, Bin?” You nervously ask, breaking the silence.
“Why would I be?” He replies back with a smile caressing your hand.
“Tonight was suppose to be our date night and I ditched it to go clubbing,” you say unable to look at him.
“Well, we are on a date right now aren’t we?” He replies, the smirk is still on his face.
“At 2am.”
“Im sorry—”
“Don’t. Don’t feel bad, don’t apologise,”
“But you never get mad at me,” you voiced out your concern with him being so lenient.
“You forgot. You’ve been so cute all week giving me space to finish my song. We didn’t talk all week so you just forgot. It’s not like you planned to ditch me,” his hand comes to cup your cheeks as he looks deep into your eyes, waiting for your reply.
“Right?” He says sounding a bit more serious as you don’t answer him. You giggle in response shaking your head.
He’s right though. You just forgot due to the lack of conversation you guys had all week.
“You okay now?” He leans in to peck the corner of your lips.
“Yes,” you reply, smiling at his kiss.
“Also, you look very sexy though Princess,” he smirked eyeing you up and down. “I couldn’t stop staring at you when I was driving,” he says glancing at the hem of your dress that was riding up your thighs.
“Is the dress new?” You can tell he was still trying to get you to forget about what happened.
“I got it last week,” you reply to him, neatly smoothing over the material by your thighs.
“It’s very sexy. Can I see it up close?” He raises his eyebrow and you giggle knowing what he was referring to. So you climb over the car to straddle him, your dress instantly riding up.
You loved date night.
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hearts4maddison · 2 months
All to much
| Lando Norris x Reader
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Paring: Lando Norris x Fem!reader. warnings: Panic attacks,Mentions of ex, gossip accounts, Angst, Fluff. summary: In which already dealing with the long distance the gossip accounts certainly do not help. word count: 4023
Note: This is probably terrible it was a midnight idea and this rushed so it’s not the best! Again my spelling is bloody horrible! also no hate luisa! love her so much!
You knew The whole Long distance relationship was hard. especially being in a relationship with a Formula 1 driver. You also knew that before getting into a relationship with Lando. And yeah You missed him like crazy even if he’d only been gone for a week. But You told yourself you could do it and that you could handle the time zones.
So everyday at night you found yourself awake at 3o’clock at night Cheering,shouting and jumping up and down every time Lando was about to over take or when he got a podium. And just seeing him enjoying himself was enough.
You found yourself awake curled up in bed scrolling aimlessly through Instagram. Waiting and waiting for a text from Lando or a call from him. The last time you had talked to him was 2days ago he was more likely busy with all the post race interview or the meetings.
You didn’t want to look desperate mostly you didn’t want to look like a “overbearing girlfriend” who keeps blowing her boyfriend’s phone because she’s desperate for atleast one text. Now you just felt kinda ridiculous thinking the whole Long distance and the time zones were easy.
you scrolled and scrolled through people’s story’s until one Particular story had caught your eye Max Fwetrell. It was the normal Clubbing and having fun. Until someone in the back of the video stuck out.
Zooming in closer to the video you realised it was exactly who you thought it was..Lando and clearly by the looks of it he was living his best life drinking. It wasn’t just that he was extremely close to a girl a girl you had seen before but couldn’t exactly remember where.
You tried to shrug it off your really did. It’s not like Lando would just cheat on you without a single care in the world he wouldn’t…would he?
You decided to just leave it alone to just shut your phone and go to bed that would’ve been the best thing to do. But scrolling through multiple gossip accounts Fan accounts who were already posting about it.
| F1DriverGossip!
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Liked by: Landolover, Mclarenforeverr and 14,611 others.
Caption: F1 Lando Norris Spotted in Jimmy’z Monte-Carlo With his ex Girlfriend Luisa oliveira could it be the two possibly getting back together? 👀
View all comments:
| Landolover! : Hoping this is true! Missed seeing them! > User982: agreed. >LN4: I thought i was the only one!
| Mclarenforeverr: I thought Lando had a girlfriend? >Oscarlover: Same? i mean she barley even goes to the paddock with him? Maybe he finally got bored? >User 5: Gurl i am his girlfriend 😛
User10: Didn’t know Lando was a player. 🔥 >Pastry16: Tea is piping hot and i’m here for it.
You couldn’t believe, you didn’t want to believe it. You knew him and luisa stayed good friends after breaking up but this? That look wasn’t the I think of you as a firend it certainly looked like more.
You couldn’t breathe you tried to but you just couldn’t it felt as if a huge weight was suddenly put onto your chest and you couldn’t do anything about it. You felt the hot tears streaming down your cheek as you hugged your knees to your chest.
Did Lando still Love her? how could he just cheat on you in a whole different country!? or did this whole relationship mean nothing?
You hated it,You hated him and you didn’t even think it was possible to hate him. Those stupid gossip accounts! They were so toxic for what? And just because you didn’t go to the paddock all the time? You felt stupid.
You took deep breaths to try and calm down until a low buzzing sound came from next to you picking up the phone.Not bothering to wipe the tears away as you picked up the phone only to be greeted by Lando smiling a face.
“..Hey baby- Hey..hey..what’s going on..” he asked eyes widening taking in your running noes and tear stained cheeks.
“..seriously!…y-you have the audacity..to act clueless..!” You mange to hiccup out breathing.
“..Y/n..Whoa slow down..What’s going on..?” Lando asks his face scrunching up.
“…Slow d-down!? Like..you and Luisa weren’t..cozying up to each other..!” You say breathlessly
“…No..Y/n no..! baby..you have it all wrong..!”
“Really!? Enlighten me then..What were you doing..!” You ask taking deep breathes
“…Luisa came up to me..And we talked! nothing else i swear…We just talked and caught up and she left after that..” he says desperately
“…T-then..how am i supposed to know that..”
“y/n i love you so much..and the thought of even doing that..I can’t even imagine.” he says while sighing.
“..i-i’m..-sorry..” you mange to get out tears welling up.
“..Hey it’s okay..Just breathe my love..breathe” He says taking in deep breathes as you copy his actions finally being able to calm down.
“..You okay?” He says his face softening and the sight of you.
“..yeah” you respond wiping your tears away.
“I love you,You know that..so much?”
“..Love you too..Lando”
| Lando Norris
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Tagged: Yourusername. Liked by: MaxFewtrell,Yourusername and 157,206 others.
Caption: Haters stay mad. I have the best girlfriend i could’ve ever asked in the whole world and i couldn’t have been more happier with with this beautiful girl in my life. I love her so much and for anyone commenting on our relationship or making up lies = Blocked 😘
| Yourusername: Love yah. 💗 >Lando norris: ❤️😍
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sc0tters · 10 months
Just Say Yes | Jack Hughes
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summary: Jack has finally prepared for the big day, he’s going to propose to you.
song: When You’re Ready - Shawn Mendes
request: yes/no
warnings: none.
word count: 2.55k
authors note: finding the picture of Jack was so hard because none of them screamed boyfriend… I’ve finally written this request that I was meant to write, so I hope the wait was worth it. If you want to check out the rest of the celly playlist you can do so here!
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Jack waited for this day for years.
When he was five he first met you as your family purchased the lake house next to the Hughes’ it was a moment that is still engraved in his mind. You were in some pink dress that your mom had dressed you in and the first thing he literally said to you was that you were really pretty.
Naturally after that moment Ellen and your mom waited for the day that you two got together, because it wasn’t a matter of if but rather when.
At fifteen your friendship with the boy had grown even larger, your family had moved to Canada and that meant you were down the road from Jack every day rather than only during the summer.
It was no surprise that within six months of you living there Jack finally mustered up the courage to ask you out. You had said yes and your relationship was pure bliss for the three years that you had it for.
Jack was the perfect boyfriend, he was your date to prom and you two even got to graduate together.
But when you got your acceptance letter from Harvard you knew what you had to do. Jack hadn’t even been drafted yet but with no desire to go to university it meant that he could have been anywhere in North America soon.
That might have been a cop out answer but in fear of holding the boy who was predicted to go first in the draft you decided to break up with him.
Sure it was tough, you both cried but as you walked out of his room both of you knew it was for the best “always thought you’d marry her.” Jim blurted out one day as he sat with his son on the porch of the lake house.
Jim seriously saw you as the daughter he never had so this wasn’t just a break up that was felt by you and Jack it was felt by both of your families.
Luke didn’t know where his uno buddy went and he also didn’t seem to comprehend how you breaking up with Jack meant that nobody else in the family could see you.
Of course Ellen kept in contact with you, making sure that she reached out on your big milestone days that your mom posted on Facebook, moving into your dorm, making the honours list. Ellen was there to congratulate you through it all.
Watching Jack having that rough rookie season broke your heart, it was tough to avoid the mention of him especially as you had befriended the boys on the Harvard hockey team.
There were many moments when you would open his contact details to send him a whole long message wanting to reach out, most times you’d even type out what you wanted to say but each time you’d stop yourself from sending it.
To you there was fear that ran through your body each time you stopped yourself, what if Jack didn’t want to hear from you? What if he had changed his number? What if he had found someone new?
Jack was the big and bright first pick rookie so regardless of what he was doing on the ice, it wasn’t crazy to assume that some pretty girls would be knocking on the door of his dms.
That was why you were so surprised when you came out of class one day to see one of his teammates sat in the coffee shop on campus.
Nico recognised you from the pictures on Jacks phone and that caused him to let out a cheer as he ushered you over to him.
You didn’t want to be rude and that’s why you listened as you sat in the seat in front of him “Jack has been a wreck,” he announced not bothering to do any small talk.
The team had been trying to figure out how to help their rookie teammate because he was completely shutting himself in this bubble. The Swiss man remembered you from a flashback picture that the Devils posted of their rookie so when he asked who you were it gave the older boys on the team the genius idea that involved bringing you back to him “I’ve got class in an hour.” You announced with a sigh, sure you wanted to see Jack but your studies came first.
That didn’t deter Nico though “can you come to the game this Saturday?” He asked as he dug his hand into his bag to pull something out of it “I don’t know Nico,” you were scared that the boy would hate you for breaking up with him.
You two hadn’t spoken to each other since you left his room over six months ago now “just think about it.” The boy pleaded as he left a devils jersey and an all access pass on the table “I know he misses you,” he added as he patted your shoulder before he left you with that decisions hanging over your head.
Even as you walked into the prudential centre you didn’t know if you were doing the right thing, you wanted to turn around and leave but with Nicos words replaying in your head you knew you had to stay. It continued to replay until you got downstairs “we have someone we want you to see,” Miles smiled as he locked eyes with you.
Jack was entirely clueless about what was going on as he furrowed his eyebrows “do I have to?” He groaned as after another poor performance he didn’t want to see anyone.
Nico laughed “I think you’ll want to,” he patted the boys back as he motioned for you to come over “hi Jack,” you awkwardly spoke as the boy looked at you.
The forward swore he was dreaming “y/n?” Before you could let the tears well in your eyes Jack already took three large steps to get over to you as he pulled you into a hug.
You smiled as you wrapped your arms around him “what are you doing here?” He asked as he still couldn’t believe that you were truly there.
It took you two a whole year of trying to reset your friendship to what it was before you dated for you to now ask Jack out.
Jack didn’t even let you finish your sentence before he told you to “shut up and kiss me.”
This time your relationship was built on a much more mature scale showing the growth that you each had when you were apart from each other. Cracks were now obvious in your relationship as there were arguments about the things you didn’t agree on but neither one of you cared about them for long because you two always found a way to work through them.
Now it was clear that the love you two had for each other wasn’t a puppy kind of love but rather the real kind that requires work to be perfect.
The moment you graduated Jack had you move into his apartment, most weeks you were already there so you moving there full time wasn’t going to become a massive shock to your systems.
But little did you know that by the time July came around Jack was a nervous wreck. In May he went ring shopping with Ellen, despite the fact that you were both young Jack didn’t want to be with anyone else.
Nobody was made him feel the way you did and the same thing went for how you felt about him.
Also the idea of being engaged for a while was also a massive possibility too.
The only thing holding him back was the fact that he worried you might not be settled into New Jersey yet.
Ellen though saw how happy you when she came to attend your graduation amongst the rest of her family and that caused her to sit her son down and say “just propose when you’re ready, she’s the happiest I’ve seen her in years!”
And that is how it happened, you had dragged Jack on a sunrise hike whilst you were in Michigan.
When you were looking in awe at the beautiful site of the orange and pinks that graced the skies Jack was too busy focusing on you as he tried to not drop the ring box “baby?” You asked as the boy hadn’t spoken in a while.
You turned around with your eyebrows furrowed but you quickly gasped as you realised what was going on “really?” Shock went through your system.
Jack was always the man you thought you’d marry and you always swore that Jack would be so nervous that you’d know exactly when he was planning on proposing.
But here you were totally oblivious “what do you say to putting up with me for the rest of our lives?” Jack joked as the Devils boys always said that they were responsible for this relationships second run.
Yet the boys also believed that they owed you an apology for bringing you back to your irritating boy.
You got down on one knee too as you were now crying “I’ll say a thousand times over.” You confessed as you pecked his lips.
Maybe Nico did deserve that matchmaker gift basket after all.
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stayteezdreams · 1 year
A Better Ending: Part One
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Plot: Sitting alone at a restaurant, you accept your date has stood you up. But before you can leave, someone else decides to join you.
-Part Two-
Pairing: Choi San x Gn!Reader
Warnings: A teeny bit angsty, with some self-doubting/sad thoughts but only for a moment
-Meet-Cute Masterlist-
Words: ~2k
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Your eyes flashed to your phone screen again as you nervously fiddled with your water glass, your leg tapping impatiently beneath the table.
'I'll wait five more minutes' you thought to yourself as you glanced around the restaurant.
Your date was now nearly thirty minutes late, and you hadn't received a single message or call from him.
You let out a sigh as you saw your waiter look at you as he walked past, pity obvious in his eyes. He had refilled your glass multiple times, asked if you wanted a starter, offered you a drink, but you refused everything each time and you said you were going to wait.
But the waiting felt more pathetic each minute that passed.
Picking up your phone, you re-read your messages.
'Hey! I'm here, are you close?'
'Did you get lost lol?'
'Are you okay?'
'If something came up let me know, we can reschedule.'
'I'm starting to get worried, are you okay?'
You messaged your friend who had set you up on this blind date, telling her what was happening. She said she'd try to reach him, but you hadn't heard anything yet.
Your mind began to go through all of the options again. He forgot tonight was your date. He got lost. He got in an accident. He decided he didnt want to come and has ghosted you. He showed up, saw you and then left.
'Ouch' you almost winced at the last thought, hurting your own feelings with the possibility.
Feeling your phone buzz, you quickly checked it, and felt your heart drop.
'I'm so sorry Y/n. He's not coming, coward. I'll never forgive him for standing you up like that.'
You sighed softly as you began to type out a reply
'I had a feeling he wasn't gonna show, but I waited anyways. Don't feel bad, it wasn't your fault. Thanks anyways.'
San tapped his fingers on his phone as he looked at his texts. He was left on read, again.
He scoffed as he rolled his eyes softly. He really thought she was interested in him, but he was proven wrong it seems.
The first date went well he thought, though, the more he thought about it, the less interested in him she seemed, and more in the fancy date he offered.
He had never been stood up before, and he couldn't help but feel embarrassed. It wasn't like anyone knew, but, a man sitting alone at a dinner table for twenty minutes would probably make it obvious.
Looking around, his eyes cast over the various couples and groups in the restaurant, before landing on someone sitting alone.
You were staring into space, phone under hand. He had noticed you earlier, you were here when he got here. Had you been alone the whole time? Did you also get stood up?
As his waiter walked past, he stopped him "This might be an odd question, but, have they been alone the whole time they've been here?"
The waiter glanced over to where San was referencing and the guy frowned "Yeah, they said they were waiting for someone but I think they got stood up."
San frowned, looking over at you "They're not the only one."
The waiter rose his brow at this and shook his head "Two in one night, wow."
San watched you for a moment, seeing you check your phone, before your face fell. He had a feeling he knew exactly what you were going through in that moment.
How could someone stand you up though? You were gorgeous. Bad boyfriend? Bad friends?
Watching as you texted someone, your face knit with disappointment, San suddenly felt the urge to tell you he knew how you felt. Maybe you could rant about your bad dates together? Or was he just being crazy?
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After setting your phone down, you leaned your head back a bit and let out a sigh. Should you say screw it and order some food and eat alone, or just go home?
Admitting defeat, you reached down to grab your bag, wondering how embarrassing it was going to be to ask for a bill for four glasses of water.
Seeing someone sit down across from you, you looked up startled.
San felt his heart thump heavily in his chest as you looked up and met his eyes. You froze, and San thought that time stopped for a moment.
As one of the most attractive men you've ever seen sat down in front of you and smiled, you felt your whole body freeze.
This was not your blind ate. He looked nothing like your blind date, at least not from the photo your friend sent you.
"Uhm." You managed to let out, obviously uncertain of what was happening.
He lifted his hands and let out a chuckle "I know you're confused, but I'll explain."
You sat up slowly, eyeing him carefully. "Okay?"
He smiled, obviously a bit embarrassed "I've been sitting over there waiting for my date, who decided to never show." You felt your heart jump at this.
"I noticed you when I first showed up, and I also noticed you've been alone the whole time and I was wondering if maybe..the same thing happened to you?"
You nodded your head "Yeah, he ghosted me."
San closed his eyes and let out a hiss "I was left on read."
You winced a bit, feeling the pain, before you suddenly felt a bit amused "So, you saw me, guessed I was going through the same thing and decided to...?"
"Save us both from the embarrassment of eating alone at a romantic restaurant?" He said with a laugh and you couldn't help but smile in return.
The way his eyes wrinkled and his dimples showed when he smiled gave you butterflies.
"Well that was a nice thought." You said softly, your tone shy, yet amused.
Seeing your waiter come up to your table, you wondered what he was going to think, before he smiled over at San.
"I was wondering where you went." He looked over at you and grinned "Would you like to order now?"
"Uh-" you looked at San who met your eyes, rose his brow and smiled "Sure" You gave in and he smile a bit wider.
After you both ordered some food San leaned in a little bit "Do you know why your date ghosted you?"
You shook your head as you sipped on your drink "No idea, he ignored my messages, I had to hear it from the friend who set us up."
His face contorted to anger as he shook his head "Coward."
You giggled "That's what my friend said."
"And they're right."
You tried to ignore the way your heart was beating, and the heat rising up your neck "What about you?"
He shrugged "I don't know. This would have been our second date. I thought the first one went well, but I guess not. I think maybe she was just in it for the fancy dates, and this did not meet her expectations." He said looking around.
You scoffed "This place has great food, shes missing out."
He smiled, his voice rising in agreement "Right?"
You looked around "I wonder if that's why my date didn't show...I picked this place, maybe it wasn't up to his standards either." You shrugged "That's a better reason than the one I was torturing myself with anyways."
San raised his brow and tilted his head "What do you mean?"
You suddenly felt a bit embarrassed as you twirled your glass slowly in your hands "I thought maybe he did show up, but then he saw me, and left."
San felt his gut twist at this. How could you think that? You were one of the most attractive people he'd seen. Exactly his type. He couldn't imagine anyone reacting that way to you.
He shook his head "No way."
You gave him a curious gaze and he smiled softly "There's no way he came. Because if he showed up and saw you, he would have come in, definitley."
You felt your face get hot and you hoped it wasn't noticeable. You looked down at your glass shyly and smile "Thank you, that's nice of you to say."
San smiled amused at the way you reacted to his comment "I'm not just saying it though, I mean it." He said softly, and as sincerely as he could, and the way your eyes looked up to meet his made his heart skip a beat.
You were obviously stunned by his comments and it made him think you weren't used to them. What a shame.
Not wanting you to get too uncomfortable he smiled "I didn't ask your name."
You swallowed, clearly glad of the change of subject, though you were still effected by his comments. "Oh, it's Y/n"
He smiled "I'm San."
"It's nice to meet you San."
"And you Y/n." He said in return, as you both smiled, shy giggles leaving you both as your heart hammered in your chests.
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You had decided, about half way through your dinner with San, that even if your blind date had showed, you wouldn't have felt like this.
It turned out you and San had a great deal in common, similar interests, hobbies, and dreams. If you had met some other way, there was no way you wouldn't be friends.
But there was also a growing attraction, that you were sure you would not have felt with the man who ghosted you. You hoped San was feeling the same things you were. The way he acted, and looked at you said he did, but maybe that's just you being hopeful.
When your waiter finally brought the bill, you reached for it, but San grabbed it faster. You met his eyes with amusement and surprise.
"Allow me."
"No, are you sure? I'm okay with paying for mine." You said as you reached out your hand and he just shook his head.
"Take it as a thank you."
"A thank you?"
"For saving me from eating alone."
"I'm the one who should be thanking you."
"You're welcome." He said with a brazen tone and cheeky smile as he handed the bill and his card to the waiter who had come back over.
You scoffed in amusement before you fully laughed, making him chuckle.
San walked you to your car, and you had the growing realization that you might never see him again. Would he say yes if you asked if you could? Would he decline?
As you stopped by your car and faced him and smiled "I had a great time, thank you."
He grinned and nodded "I did too."
"I hope the girl you were supposed to take out regrets it."
He chuckled "And I hope the guy who stood you up learns just how much he missed out on."
Your ears burned a bit hotter at this, and you giggled under your breath. You wondered again, if he would say yes to seeing you again, but it seemed he had the same thought.
"Would you want to have dinner with me again?" he asked you with a soft voice and a shy, endearing smile.
Your heart skipped a beat as you nodded "I'd love to."
He beamed at you before tilting his head "No standing each other up?"
You shook your head fervently "Definitely not."
He chuckled "Good."
After you exchange phone numbers, San reached out and took your hand and you held your breath. Bringing it up to his face, San pressed a soft kiss to the back of your hand before he smiled shyly at you.
"As mean as it might sound, I'm glad you got stood up."
You laughed, but knew what he meant with his comment. "I can say the same."
He grinned before he slowly let your hand go "Goodnight Y/n. Until next time."
You nodded and smiled softly "Yes, until next time."
Kind of an odd ending, but I always suck at them lol so sorry.
-Part Two-
Taglist: @bubblesreplies, @halesandy, @why-am-i-sad
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ch. 4: A Safe Place to Land- Bradley "Rooster" Bradshaw x nurse!reader
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Summary: 5.6k words. After an unexpected breakup with her long-term boyfriend, y/n had one goal: to keep her head down and finish her travel nursing contract as soon as possible. That was until Bradley “Rooster” Bradshaw derailed her plan entirely. Just as y/n finished picking up the pieces of her broken heart, Rooster came along and showed y/n what it’s like to be loved again–if only she’ll let him in.
Warnings: so much angst, panic attack, not taking care of oneself? related food mention, more angst, sexy time mentions (but no actual smut), alcohol mention, cursing, men are the worst, overuse of italics
a/n: hi y'all! thank u all for the patience & love you've shown this series <3 ngl, this chapter was hard to write bc of the subject matter & all that but i'm really happy w how it turned out! i listened to "Salt In The Wound" from boygenius on repeat while writing this chapter, i HIGHLY recommend giving it a listen. also--my toxic trait is naming my villain-esque original characters after people who’ve done me dirty personally. voila captain ethan was born :)
series master list | master list
On Bob’s birthday, the squadron threw a small party for him on base. It was nothing major–just a small party with his closest friends, quiet and lowkey–just how he liked it. Impromptu party rooms were few and far between on base, so they set up in a Top Gun classroom that wasn’t being used at the moment.
y/n was wandering around the halls in search of the classroom, balancing a cake box in one hand and her phone in the other. Though Rooster texted her specific directions to the room, she felt like she was trapped in a labyrinth. Screw the security system and guards spread throughout the building, the confusing layout was enough to disorient anyone who didn’t belong. 
A stray balloon that escaped from a room at the end of the hall served as y/n’s personal beacon. She was working the night shift at the emergency room that night, so she couldn’t stay long at the party. She at least wanted to say hi to everyone and wish Bob a happy birthday before she left for the hospital.
Halfway down the hall, y/n was stopped in her tracks when a familiar face turned the corner. Tall, dark, and handsome as ever stood Captain Ethan Richards. y/n shuddered at the sight of him, a stark contrast to the attraction she felt just a few months ago. She prayed that her ex would walk in the opposite direction, would turn around, do anything except see her down the hall. There was nowhere for her to hide while he passed, so she stood in the hallway like a sitting duck. As luck would have it, he glanced back in her direction and did a double take.
Whatever the Captain had set out to do in the building was forgotten as he stalked toward y/n like a predator hunting its prey. y/n gulped and tried to school her deer-caught-in-headlights expression. Ethan didn’t deserve to see her so vulnerable. He didn’t deserve to see her at all.
“y/n, what a nice surprise!” Ethan greeted with a grin.
“Ethan.” y/n’s response was curt and accompanied by a tight-lipped frown. Ethan let his eyes drag down y/n’s scrub-clad body. A few months ago, she would’ve felt flattered. Now she just felt dirty. His eyes lingered on the cake box in her hands for a moment.
“You always were so good at baking. Mind if I try a bite, sweetcheeks?” The innuendo and his hungry stare made y/n nauseous. Her frown deepened. Ethan, evidently unsatisfied by her reaction, decided to change tactics. y/n watched his face harden and thought that he could’ve served his country much more effectively in Guantánamo Bay. Never in y/n’s life had anyone been able to get under her skin like this.
Ethan was smart and observant, she had to give him that. Between the lone balloon down the hall, the cake in y/n’s hands that read Happy Birthday Bob! and the distant lively voices of Top Gun’s best squadron, he pieced together what y/n was here for.
“You sleeping through a whole squadron now? I saw you getting cozy with Bradshaw, Machado, and Seresin at The Hard Deck,” Ethan’s voice was low and sinister as he stepped toward her. Everything in y/n screamed at her to take a step back and get away from him, but she stood her ground. His accusation took her aback, there was no denying that, but she refused to be bested by him.
“You would know what that’s like, wouldn’t you?” y/n jabbed, her voice cold. For a fleeting moment, she thought she saw a look of hurt flash across Ethan’s eyes but it was gone a second later. His jaw ticked in frustration. Ethan could always dish it out, but he wasn’t as good at taking it.
A cruel smile overtook his face before he made his next remark. y/n braced herself. She knew his words would seek to cut through her like a knife, but nothing could’ve prepared her for what he said.
“At least I was able to return your engagement ring. That wasn’t cheap, sweetheart. Unlike you, apparently,” Ethan tutted and rocked on his heels. He looked satisfied when y/n’s face dropped. She was certain a punch straight to the gut would’ve hurt less than his revelation. Now that stopped y/n in her tracks. She was at a loss for words. She couldn’t even manage a pathetic sputter as her eyes widened in shock.
He was going to propose? y/n was lost in thought. The worst part was that she knew she would’ve said yes. Before she found him cheating, she thought she was going to spend the rest of her life with Ethan. She made a secret wedding board on Pinterest. She started brainstorming baby names after they celebrated their year-and-a-half anniversary.
Rooster checked his wristwatch. y/n was supposed to arrive 10 minutes ago. It was plausible that she got lost, but something in his gut told him something was wrong. He excused himself from the party and made his way out into the hallway. Rooster was surprised to see Captain Richards facing away from him just down the hall; as far as Bradley knew, the captain had no business being around Top Gun’s section of the base. Bradley couldn’t help the way his eyes narrowed when Richards shifted to the side, his tall frame no longer hiding y/n from Rooster’s view.
Rooster set off towards the two with long deliberate strides. He had no plan of what to say or do when he approached them, but y/n’s color-drained face was enough to have him moving fast. Once Rooster stood just feet away, the sight of y/n’s wide eyes and white-knuckle grip on the cake box had him on the defensive.
“Is everything okay out here?” Rooster asked with as much authority as he could muster. The lieutenant hoped his worry didn’t seep into his tone, but his focus on y/n and y/n alone gave him away. Ethan smirked as he glanced between Bradley and y/n. y/n was doing her best not to cower as she stood in a daze with her lips pressed into a thin line. Bradley, on the other hand, was laser-focused and struggling to hide his bubbling anger.
“Just fine, lieutenant. I was just leaving. Bye, sweetheart,” Ethan delivered a condescending wink and licked his lips before leaving. A moment of silence passed as y/n stared holes into Ethan’s back until he turned down a corridor hidden from her view. Rooster’s wild eyes darted across y/n’s face while she was still trapped in her daze. The aviator had never seen her so shaken in their months of knowing each other.
When Ethan was far out of sight and earshot, y/n slowly turned towards Bradley. She could hardly look him in the eye as she wordlessly handed over the cake. Confusion etched its way across Rooster’s face when y/n took a step back towards the door instead of toward the party.
“Tell Bob I said happy birthday,” y/n voice was quiet as she looked down at the ground and turned to leave. Rooster gently grabbed her wrist before she could walk away.
“y/n, are you okay? Did he say something?” y/n bit her bottom lip to stop it from trembling. Rooster’s worried eyes and delicate touch were enough to have her tearing up as his question went unanswered. y/n cleared her throat and met his eyes, unable to hide the unshed tears in her own.
“I have to go. I’m gonna be late for work,” y/n said flatly. She was honestly surprised that her voice didn’t betray her and let her emotions spill out everywhere. Before Bradley could stop her again, she tugged her arm out of his grip and quickly made her way towards the exit. Rooster stood in the hallway alone with a homemade cake in hand as he watched her go, looking like a lost puppy.
A few twisted turns later, y/n finally saw a red exit sign hanging above an exterior door. This too felt like a beacon, but for an entirely different reason. She haphazardly burst through the doors and made her way towards the parking lot on unsteady legs. Air couldn’t seem to fill her lungs enough as she took shallow heaves, her shoulders shaking from the motion. y/n couldn’t hold in the sobs that wracked through her body once she was in her car. Her uncontrolled breathing punctuated the onset of a panic attack. 
y/n got upset countless times over the past few months about her breakup, but she hadn’t had a panic attack like this since she walked in on Ethan with his mistress in their bed. She suspected that also had to do with the fact that this was the first time she spoke to Ethan face-to-face since before the move. The last time she was within arms reach of her ex was when they broke up. y/n cringed as she remembered how she yelled at him with red-rimmed eyes and a packed duffle bag slung over her shoulder as she shoved their house key against his chest.
After 20 minutes of unsuccessfully trying to clean herself up and regain a semblance of composure, y/n called in sick for work. Her manager didn’t ask questions–y/n’s congested voice and sniffles were enough of an explanation–and y/n didn’t give answers.
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y/n was M.I.A. for two days. No calls, no texts, and a missed work shift. Shitty reality TV played in the background while y/n ate a tub of ice cream, surrounded by tear-stained tissues in her bed. She looked like a mess, but nothing could compare to how she felt inside.
Rooster knew y/n slept through most of the day following her night shifts. As far as he knew, she went to work that night. But it wasn’t like her to go more than a few hours without answering texts. So when a few hours turned into a day and then a day and a half, and his calls went unanswered for the fourth time, Rooster went to visit y/n at her house.
y/n heard muffled knocking at her door from underneath her duvet and several blankets. She wasn’t expecting anyone, and even if she were, she still had no intention of getting out of bed. The turning of the door lock and squeaky hinges had her sitting up straight in bed. No one had a key to her house. Was someone breaking in? y/n frantically searched for her phone amidst her bed covers, her heart nearly beating out of her chest. Heavy footsteps made their way down the hall and y/n’s shaky thumb hovered over Rooster’s phone number before a voice spoke out.
“y/n/n, are you in there? It’s me,” Bradley’s voice was gentle but could be heard clearly through the door. y/n let out a sigh of relief when she recognized the voice. She made a mental note to ask him later about how he managed to unlock the front door. Just as quickly as the relief flooded through her, it was replaced by anxiety. To put it lightly, y/n looked like shit.
“Go away, Roos. I’m fine,” y/n’s words weren’t even slightly believable. She knew Rooster wouldn’t just go away–not after she’d been radio silent for so long and the last time he saw her she practically ran away with tears in her eyes. y/n tried to make herself look as presentable as she could after spending forty-some hours in bed. Her attempts were pretty fruitless; she just barely managed to smooth down her hair, but there wasn’t much she could do about her mascara-tear-stained cheeks.
Rooster gave a soft knock before he opened her bedroom door, letting light from the hallway spill into her darkened room. His eyes adjusted to the light difference while he took in the bags under y/n’s puffy eyes and mascara streaks across her face. His heart broke at her disheveled state.
y/n shied away from his gaze; she didn’t want him to see her so weak. Bradley had never seen her seem so small. As he moved towards her bed, he reminisced on the first day they met, when y/n was taking care of him at his bedside.
When y/n still wouldn’t look at him, Bradley reached out and tilted her chin up to meet his eyes. She felt a pang of guilt in her chest when she saw the worry filling his eyes. The last thing she wanted to do was drag this perfect man into her bullshit. Her life was messy, especially now, and he didn’t deserve that.
y/n tucked herself against Bradley’s body when he outstretched his arms, beckoning her towards him. He rubbed circles against her back and softly smiled when he realized the fabric separating their skin was a shirt of his that went missing a few weeks ago. Her legs were unsteady from lack of use, but Rooster was unfazed (after all, this wasn’t the first time he supported y/n on wobbly legs, especially after certain activities).
“Have you had anything to eat?” The words ‘other than ice cream’ were unspoken, but y/n received the message nonetheless. She shook her head wordlessly against his chest.
y/n couldn’t help but crack a smile when Rooster, ever the Navy man, came up with a plan on the spot. He’d go to the kitchen to make y/n dinner and suggested that she do whatever she needed to make her feel better–stretch her legs, splash some water on her face, or lay back down until dinner was ready. y/n murmured “don’t burn down my kitchen,” and relished in the rumble of Bradley’s chest as he chuckled.
Dinner was quiet. Bradley and y/n didn’t speak much. She muttered a quiet thank you towards the end and Rooster nodded appreciatively. Most of all, he was just happy to see her consuming an actual meal after surviving on Ben and Jerry’s alone for the past 48 hours. After dinner, y/n washed the dishes. Rooster insisted that he do it, but y/n argued that she needed to do something after being dormant for two days. She left out the fact that she mostly just wanted to run her hands under the scalding hot water to feel something.
Neither of them were sure what to do after dinner. y/n stood in front of the sink rigidly and Bradley remained seated hesitantly at the table. The heavy silence was broken when Rooster spoke up after a bout of eye contact.
“I’m here for you,” Bradley cleared his throat before continuing, his eyes never leaving y/n’s. “If you want me to go, I will, but I’ll camp out on the couch all night if you want me to so you’re not alone.” Rooster’s sincere gaze was enough to pull at y/n’s heartstrings. His words even managed to bring a small smile to her face, too.
“This couch is terrible. I’ve ejected from F-18s going warp speed and laying on this sad excuse for a sofa has given me worse back pain,” Rooster groaned during one of their regular movie nights a few weeks ago.
“Maybe you’re just getting old, Brad. Your body can’t bounce back and move the way it used to,” y/n teased with an infectious grin. Rooster scoffed and brought his hand down to slap her ass cheek.
“Last I checked, you weren’t complaining about the way my body moves, Patches,” Bradley quipped back with raised eyebrows. A blush spread across y/n’s cheeks at the insinuation.
“Touché, Bradshaw. Touché.”
y/n bit her lip as she thought. The guilt settled in her chest dissipated at Bradley’s words. The pilot was willing and maybe even wanted to be there for her–that realization both comforted and terrified y/n. Nonetheless, she couldn’t help but think that he didn’t deserve to be caught up in her problems. She strongly considered sending him away–even though she really, really didn’t want to–but it was too late to shut him out now. Plus, whether she was ready to admit it or not, she needed him.
The last thing y/n expected was becoming attached to someone, much less another Navy guy, so soon after her breakup regardless of whether or not she was over it.
At this point she truly was–over her breakup, that is. y/n grieved the loss of the relationship and processed everything within a few weeks of her and Ethan calling it quits. Well, more like y/n telling Ethan to go fuck himself and delete her number.
The real reason y/n went through an entire box of tissues and stayed in bed for two days was that Ethan was able to get under her skin, even now. After everything that happened–the whirlwind romance and the promise of a forever love and a future and then the cheating and the breakup–the person who she trusted most and betrayed her the worst was still able to bother her. y/n hated that Ethan still had power over her. And she was angry at herself for that.
With that clusterfuck in mind, y/n still couldn’t quite pinpoint why she spent so much time crying. It was clear she still had some healing to do because Ethan wasn’t worth her tears, not by a long shot.
So, with bated breath, she nodded and accepted Bradley’s offer to stay. Stay. The concept of Bradley staying by her side felt like warm honey for a sore throat. Maybe this could be her remedy. 
For the first time in days, y/n glanced at her appearance in a nearby mirror. Rooster’s shirt looked good on her–something she always teased him about and Rooster agreed, she did look better in his clothes–but everything else was a bit of a mess. y/n stiffened when she realized Rooster was seeing her like this. She was a total mess and he chose to stay.
“Actually, Roos… I, uh, I need to take a shower. Do you wanna join me?” y/n asked shyly. Rooster’s eyes nearly bugged out of his head at the offer (yes, yes, a thousand times yes) and he stood up faster than he ever had in his life. Rooster knew the last thing on y/n’s mind right then was anything sexual, but she was letting him in. She was letting him close and being vulnerable and that’s something. That’s everything.
The bathroom was dark, illuminated only by the dwindling sunset light streaming through the window and a small night light by the sink. For a while, they stood in silence while Rooster held y/n in his arms and gently swayed them side to side. The warm water and sure beating of Bradley’s heart against her ear soothed y/n, almost enough to make her forget about the past couple of days.
Eventually the shower became productive. y/n’s mascara and salty tear stains washed away with a little bit of soap and the warm water helped ease the pain. Halfway through washing her hair, y/n turned back to look at Rooster. He ceased his massage on her scalp and waited patiently as y/n formed her words.
“Ethan told me he was going to propose. He told me he bought an engagement ring but he returned it after we broke up,” y/n admitted tiredly. Rooster sucked in a breath. Of all the things he might’ve expected y/n to say, that was not one of them. y/n chuckled at Bradley’s reaction. Yeah, that’s how I felt too. After recovering from the initial shock, he searched her face for any indication of how she felt. The limited light made it difficult, so he cautiously asked her how she felt about that. y/n shrugged noncommittally.
“If he had proposed before I found out he cheated, I would’ve said yes. Things were good between us, you know? But there’s no way in hell I’d even think about getting back together with him now. So it’s all kind of pointless to worry about, I guess,” y/n breathed out. It felt good to get that off her chest. Thinking out loud to Bradley for a few minutes in the shower was somehow more productive than the endless thinking she did over the past couple of days. Rooster didn’t push her to say anymore, he just listened intently. He felt a little selfish for the relief that flooded through him when y/n firmly stated she would never get back with Ethan.
The rest of the shower followed a similar pattern: Rooster and y/n worked in tandem to wash her hair and body, they took breaks to let the warm water cascade over her skin, and y/n spoke up every once in a while.
“He basically called me a barrack bunny,” y/n said with a huff. Now that stopped Rooster in his tracks. He ceased the movement of the washcloth against y/n’s back and slowly turned her to face him.
“He said what?” Rooster asked steadily, though a simmering rage began brewing inside him. y/n recognized his anger. Over the past few months, she’d gotten pretty good at picking up on his emotions–he was still a man after all and had a complex relationship with displaying emotions outwardly. It was clear to y/n that his anger wasn’t directed toward her, but rather at Ethan, and she was tired of covering for him.
y/n took a deep breath before explaining that Ethan must have seen how she interacted with the squadron the first night she met everyone at The Hard Deck. y/n and Rooster made no efforts to hide the way they cozied up to each other that night; Coyote frequently referred to y/n by ‘home girl’ and gave her fist bumps; and Hangman even managed to pull y/n into a hug before he left.
Rooster stood lost in thought while y/n rinsed the remaining soap from her body. He scoffed at the thought that someone with Ethan’s track record would judge anyone else’s possible sexual escapades. As Bradley helped y/n wrap a towel around her body, he firmly decided that the next time he saw Captain Ethan Richards off-base, Rooster would give the man a black eye.
Bradley wiped the steam fog from the bathroom mirror so y/n could do her skincare routine. Rooster learned just how important this regimen was to her on two occasions. The first was an impromptu spa night she roped him into. y/n didn’t force Rooster to paint his nails with her, but she did treat him to a sheet mask. Rooster would never admit it to his fellow aviators, but he especially enjoyed the bath she let him join; the soothing warm water ebbing at their skin was complimented by bath oils, a bath fizzy, candles, and some well-deserved glasses of wine.
The second time Rooster found out the value y/n placed in her skincare was during one of their many sleepovers at her house.
Rooster was pulled from his post-nut daze when he felt the mattress shifting beside him. y/n tiptoed to the bathroom and began quietly digging through her cabinets.
“Baby, what are you doing?” Rooster called out and rubbed the sleep from his eyes. His voice was rough and riddled with exhaustion, but his curiosity and desire to have y/n cuddled by his side got the best of him. She knocked over a bottle in surprise when she heard his voice.
“Sorry, Roos! I didn’t mean to wake you up. I’m just doing my skincare routine.”
Rooster scrubbed a hand down his face and pulled his brows together.
“We literally just screwed for almost two hours straight and you’re worried about putting on lotion?” Bradley’s voice came out with an incredulous deadpan.
“If you’re gonna keep me up all night, I need to at least apply my eye cream, Bradshaw.”
Bradley stood with his chest pressed against y/n’s back, his arms linked around her waist. He let her be for the most part and pressed intermittent kisses to her exposed neck. y/n pulled at her skin in between applying serums and creams. Miraculously, her time working in hospitals hadn’t given her too many wrinkles or gray hair, but she felt like her youthful beauty was dwindling. After all, the past few months took quite a toll on her. It was especially easy to get stuck in her head when one of the most handsome men she’d ever seen in her life was standing right behind her, looking absolutely flawless.
The intrusive thoughts kept piling up and tears started to pool in y/n’s eyes. Rooster had seen months worth of tears already that night, so y/n buried her face into her hands. Bradley’s head snapped up at the motion. He kissed her temple and gently pulled at her wrists so he could see her face in the reflection of the mirror. The silent tears streaming down her face broke his heart.
“What’s wrong, y/n/n?” Rooster asked, concern painting his features. y/n wouldn’t meet his eyes while she picked at her nails. Her lips twisted together as she took a shaky breath.
“I just worry that I’m not enough, you know? I mean… I’m not getting any younger and I get exhausted from work so I can't just put out all the time and…” y/n started rambling and got herself worked up. All her insecurities spilled out in a flurry of words. “that’s why Ethan cheated, I guess,” y/n’s voice was small by the end of her rant.
Rooster’s jaw clenched at the pain Richards put y/n through. He squeezed his arms tight around her middle and pressed a kiss to her temple before turning her to face him directly.
“What that asshole did does not define you,” Rooster’s voice was steady and his gaze was serious. “You don’t give yourself nearly enough credit. You work hard and the world is a better place because of you. You’re the most beautiful woman I’ve ever seen, and I’m sure I’ll think the same thing years and years from now.” Bradley paused to let his words sink in. He softly squeezed her hips before continuing.
“He was a damn fool for letting you go. But I’m so glad he did. Maybe that’s selfish but there’s nowhere I’d rather be than with you in my arms right now.” y/n let out a small gasp and Bradley held her gaze for as long as she’d let him. The weight of his words was heavy, but y/n felt lighter than she had in days.
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After that night a few weeks ago, Rooster and y/n were closer than ever. y/n supposed that was bound to happen after Bradley saw her at her lowest. She felt good when she was with Rooster. Really good. y/n was an independent woman and tried not to rely too much on other people, especially after what happened with Ethan, but she couldn’t help the gravitational pull she felt towards Bradley.
The only problem was that her travel nursing contract would be over in just a month.
y/n didn’t have any solid plans of what she’d do after finishing up her time at the base hospital. From the moment she got there, her plan was to leave. Maybe she’d sign a contract in a different city, maybe she’d go stay with friends and family for a while. There was nothing keeping her here. Not until now.
Each day she spent with Rooster she couldn’t help the pang of pain in her chest when she remembered her mental countdown.  She also felt guilty that he didn’t know when her contract was up. She told him on their first date that it was a four-month contract, but they hadn’t really talked about it since then.
When there were just 29 days left in her contract, Rooster went over to y/n’s house with a pizza box in hand. y/n greeted him at the door with a smile, but her face fell when she saw the solemn look on Bradley’s face. She shut the door behind him and cautiously followed him to the kitchen. Standing on the opposite side of the kitchen island, y/n tried to get Rooster’s attention but he busied himself with gathering plates and drinks for them.
“Roos, what’s wrong?” y/n asked hesitantly. Rooster typically didn’t show when he was upset, but y/n saw right through him. He set his jaw with a heavy sigh before turning to face y/n.
“I’m being deployed for 3 weeks. It’s a shorter mission but…,” he trailed off with a shrug. y/n was surprised to see him like this. Normally Rooster was ecstatic and couldn’t help but grin when he talked about his job. There was nothing he loved more than flying, so to see him disappointed about being sent on a mission was strange.
“Why are you upset?” y/n asked carefully. Rooster’s brows scrunched together and his head tilted to the side as if to say Isn’t it obvious?
“I’ll be in the middle of nowhere and you’ll be here. Reception will be shoddy at best, so I don’t know if I’ll even be able to call you.” He looked like someone kicked his puppy. y/n’s heart ached at the thought of being away from Rooster for so long, but her teasing nature got the better of her.
“Are you saying you’re going to miss me, Lieutenant Bradshaw?” y/n wiggled her eyebrows and rounded the island to wrap her arms around his waist. Bradley rolled his eyes and leaned down to peck her lips.
“Yeah, I am, nurse y/n,” Bradley teased, throwing her own professional title back at her.
They ate dinner on the couch while a cheesy rom-com played quietly in the background, though neither of them paid any attention to it. y/n sat with her legs thrown across Rooster’s lap and he used his free hand to massage her exposed skin. They told each other about their days–y/n shared the meal-friendly versions of her interesting cases at the ER and Rooster explained some of the offense maneuvers he worked on in training. The aviator slang still felt like a foreign language to y/n, but she was slowly understanding bits and pieces.
The light-hearted mood dissipated after they finished eating when the conversation drifted back towards Rooster’s upcoming deployment. The mission was classified so there wasn’t much he could tell y/n, but he could at least give her a vague timeline.
Her stomach dropped when Bradley told her he’d be leaving first thing tomorrow morning. If the mission stayed on schedule, there would only be one week left in her contract by the time he got back. But y/n put on a brave face. Rooster was the one being sent into enemy territory, not her. This wasn’t about her. The last thing she or the Navy needed was for him to worry about her while he was flying at warp speed with missiles on his tail.
y/n moved to straddle Rooster’s lap and tossed both of their plates to the side. Her nails gently scratched at the nape of his neck and she brought her lips close to his ear.
“We better make tonight count then, huh?” she whispered. Rooster was done for. Without missing a beat, he shot up from the couch, holding y/n close to him with his hands on the back of her thighs. y/n emitted a squeal when Rooster playfully slapped her ass cheek on the way to her bedroom
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Bradley spent the night at y/n’s house, opting to leave earlier than normal in the morning so he could swing by his house and grab his things. His 4:30 a.m. alarm was nothing short of a rude awakening for y/n, but it was even worse to watch Bradley get ready to leave.
y/n held his hand, trailing behind him to the door in a sleepy stupor. She rubbed the sleep from her eyes and sobered up once they stood next to his bronco in the early morning darkness.
“Be safe out there, Roos. Come back in one piece. And don’t do anything stupid while I’m not there to patch you up,” y/n said with a small smile in between yawns, but she was completely serious. Rooster couldn’t help but chuckle and grin at the sentiment.
“I will, baby. I’ll call you as soon as I get the chance,” Rooster promised with a kiss to the top of her head while y/n hugged him tighter than she ever had before. The kiss they shared was passionate and deep and far too scandalous to be happening out in the street where y/n’s neighbors could see, but neither of them could bring themselves to care.
y/n leaned across the open window of the closed driver's door to press a final peck to Bradley’s lips. After he put his key in the ignition and started up the old car, she poked his chest.
“This isn’t a goodbye, just so you know,” y/n said pointedly. There was a double meaning to her words when her thoughts drifted to the quickly approaching end of her contract. Rooster nodded with a grin, oblivious to her secondary thoughts.
“I’ll see ya later, baby.”
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a/n: rooster is an ass man. you can try to change my mind but you'll probably be unsuccessful. as always, reblogs & comments are much appreciated! i love hearing what you guys think :)
edit: i changed my mind. rooster is a boob man. he just happens to be fond of y/n's ass too.
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starry-blue-echoes · 10 months
In ASBR there's a fight between Yukako and Bucciarati, in which Yukako is aware of the inner workings of Passione, and even Bucciarati is surprised at how she knows. And that made me think "Oh Yukako's definitely part of the mafia" so now I have a Yukako joins the Bucci gang au. Basically after Part 4 Yukako's family moves to Italy and she and Koichi have a long-distance relationship as she keeps him from finding out she just joined a mafia because Koichi would just. Instantly blue screen at that fact. Also because Giorno steals Koichi's bag Yukako finds out and destroys him. As a treat <3 I have a whole fic about this if you're interested in it, plus art of Yukako in the Part 5 style I made.
I'd love to read the fic if you'd like to share, but also I brought this up to an irl friend of mine, he thought it was hilarious, and I hope you don't mind if I ramble to you about some of the Thoughts we came up with for our own spin on the idea-
(also I'm writing this in the "universe" of my Cinderella Rewrite, just so I feel more comfortable with yukakoi just a heads up thanks okay bye)
so sort of a headcanon for me to start things off, but Yukako's parents are both very wealthy but also very VERY absent, and once she hit middle school they stopped hiring babysitters to watch her so she was more or less on her own aside from a handful of incredibly scant visits/phone calls. She never knew exactly where their wealth came from but it wasn't really like she could ask so
but then fast forward to the end of her first year of high school and her parents suddenly drop the bomb that they're moving for "business" reasons and she's going to live in Italy. Naturally she's completely heartbroken because she has a life here. Friends and a boyfriend and people she'd honestly call family, and now her parents are making her leave it all behind without so much as an explanation
it's..... definitely rough, but made a bit easier by how Koichi swears he'll do everything he can to stay in contact. They have calls at minimum four times a week, send each other packages all the time, and just do what they can because they genuinely want this relationship to work out
as for Yukako's decent into Passione Things and joining the Bucci Gang...... I'll admit, I'm not super sure how exactly at the moment. I want to keep it with the theme of how Bucciarati helps her out in some way, and I do have the mental image that she didn't spend a lot of time at home because the house was way too big and empty and it was honestly driving her crazy. He probably saved/helped her somehow and Yukako, who's been honestly starved of any kind of Positive Adult Attention since Morioh, just decides "welp, guess I'll die for him"
I think it would be funny if she didn't actually join the gang at first, she just kinda.... sneakily helps him out from a distance. She knows Stand Magnetism would force her to meet some Stand Users eventually, so at least this way she's doing it on her own terms. Of course she's eventually caught, but she does impress them with her knowledge on Stands and ability to use hers, so New Teammate Obtained
Yukako definitly gives them a different perspective on Stands. She's pretty cagey about the specific details of where she moved from, but they do know it has a pretty big Stand community and she's been in a fair amount of fights. They also know she has a boyfriend whom she loves greatly and if anything happens to him Someone Was Definitly Going To Die
I can see Yukako and Fugo are both Besties and Worsties, bonding over being Rich Kids With Shitty Parents and also the only ones who posses a whole Two(2) braincells all for themselves, but they also have two of the worst tempers and when they fight it's bad. She also manages to get on Abbacchio's Not Bad side somehow and the two like to vibe silently together like a pair of cats
and I had. Such a funy sorta angst idea for a way for canon to go (and everyone lives because Fuck Canon &lt;3)
so like. What if Koichi took the mission because it would be an excuse to visit Yukako. And the trip was supposed to be that week.
so ontop of the general stress of everything, Yukako is At Her Fucking Limit right now because she's supposed to be hanging out with her boyfriend for the first time in nearly 2 years, not going on the Worst Roadtrip Ever, she didn't even get a chance to tell him where she was going because this trip came out of nowhere-
and then by the time everything is over and Yukako gets back to Naples (still a little bit banged up from the last fight) it's unfortunately Koichi's last day here
were Diavolo not stuck in that death loop she would've ripped him to pieces with her bare hands
but then for a bit of fluff, a few months later thanks to the whole "now controlling the entire Italian underground which is a rather lucrative career" they're able to invite Koichi back so the two can hang out together for realsies this time
BUT in true Koichi fashion (for some crack), he accidentally gets ropped into Stand shenanigans and kidnapped again leading to a massive goose chase around the city
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naquey · 5 months
Because of a Chair
Brought to you by Batpat, after hours.
All characters are aged up, so think season 5. Loosely related to episode 20 'Massage Chair'
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Ever since Captain Man had come back to the man cave with the giant, light-up massage chair. Jasper has spent practically almost his entire day just sitting in the chair. His girlfriend is fed up with an upholstered piece of technology taking up his attention.
c/w: explicit content (minors dni), *fem placeholder, reverse cowgirl, semi-protected sex, the pill, accidental creampie, semi-public sex, sex in a massage chair, quickie
*i don't do x reader smut
It wasn't like Jasper to suddenly ghost her like this. He hadn't texted her all day. She'd been asking for some time to hangout because she was finally done with homework and her after school club. Normally, he responded pretty fast and was always happy to spend time with her. It was unlike Jasper.
She didn't want to make a whole thing about it.
He also had a job at that junk store. Junk 'N Stuff. He worked at the counter. He may not be too busy because they barely get customers, but his boss might be the kind of person to dock points of whatever if their employee is on the phone. Even when not actively working.
As much as she didn't enjoy going to Junk 'N Stuff, she just promised herself that she was going to pop in just to look for him.
No one was at the counter when Juliette walked in. That giant dinosaur head on the wall breathed fire at the sound of the doorbell. Flinching away from it the first thing she laid her eyes on was the counter. He wasn't there.
Since no one was upstairs because both Charlotte and Henry were arguing about something in another room, and Schwas and Ray had left to leave the three teenagers to bicker by themselves. Juliette was able to go on back.
She poked her head into the little closet-esque room.
No one was there.
A button on the wall sparked her attention and she pressed it, assuming it was some secret storage or employee breakroom. When the door to an elevator opened she stepped cautiously inside. There were buttons by the door but it had dinged before she could press one of them, sending her down to the mancave.
Jasper, too busy relaxing, only seemed to notice her once he took his headphones off because Henry and Charlotte were being too quiet.
"What are you doing down here?"
He took his headphones off but didn't get up, he just moved his neck so he was looking at her.
"What is this place?"
"You can't be here."
"Why are you sitting in a chair?"
"That's not important, this is really bad." Jasper's eyes widened, he made a move to get up then stopped. "On second thought, I don't really feel like getting up."
"Why are you in a giant cushioned chair?"
"Why are you down here?"
"I was looking for you." Juliette crossed her arms. "You didn't answer my text all day, now I know why."
"I'm so sorry."
"I'm not mad. It's actually pretty funny you didn't text me because of a chair, I thought you were obsessed with backpacks now."
"This is an awesome chair." Jasper hummed and smiled as he leaned his head back.
"Wait, is that the really fancy chair Captain Man and Kid Danger took from that massage chair store?"
"Uh... No."
"Let me try!" Her eyes sparkled and she grinned.
"What? No. It's my turn."
"You have turns?"
"Yeah, Henry, Charlotte and I all want turns on this so we switch them periodically."
"Where are they right now?"
"I don't know, actually."
"Well, now you can have as long on it as you want."
"You have that sultry tone when you're thinking things. What are you going to do?"
There wasn't much room on the massager chair for her to sit on his lap, and it wasn't even comfortable. But she sat on his lap anyway. She'd ditch comfortable for her boyfriend any day.
"Oh, hi." His face turned red and he looked away in embarrassment.
There was a thing about sitting on his lap, he was almost always got turned on whenever they were as much as in the same room together. He's a horny teenager, who can blame him? So he never really let her sit on his lap, even in public.
"Is this okay? I can hear your friends in the other room."
He swallowed thickly when she leaned down and placed a kiss on his cheek.
Any person who wasn't think with their crotch would say this is a bad idea, and refuse to do it under any circumstance. Jasper wasn't one of those people. The blood in his brain had already rushed to between his legs. He practically begged her to have sex with him, and she agreed if he was quiet.
Jasper in the sack? Not quiet at all.
But he would try. After all, the massager chair made him relax so he might not even say a peep.
"Fuck, fuck, fuck, please- "
Near silent please falling past his lips as his girlfriend bounced on his cock. The massager chair only helped because he could hide his face in the little head divot if he felt the need to get louder. They weren't filthy animals of course, a box of tissues was found just lying around. It would be a lot slower and more passionate, but they were on a time crunch. Who even know how long it would take for Henry and Charlotte to come back, same with Ray and Schwas.
Her walls fluttering around him just seemed to bring him closer to his release faster than he thought it would have. The added risk of being caught by their friends was almost enticing. Jasper didn't know he could have ever gotten such a rush from a quick fuck. The massager chairs massaging function just seemed to add that little bit of pleasure he needed.
Her name was repeated on his tongue as he came. She was careful to keep the leather as clean as possible, it would be horrifying if anyone ever found out. Juliette was on the pill so she didn't have to worry about getting pregnant, really just worry about the massager chair.
They took a minute to breathe before they put their pants back on. Juliette squeaked when she realized that his cum was sort of leaking out of her. Face turning a nice red color she covered it with her hands. The tissues were put in the trash and Jasper finally got up out of the massager chair.
"Okay, I'm sorry, but you should leave before they find out you're here." He was ushering her to the tubes.
"What? Why?"
"Jasper, are you still in the chair?"
"Oh no." Jasper ushered her into one of the tube standing spots and then hugged his arms around her. "Up the tube!"
Henry had just gotten back into the main room. No sign of Jasper.
"Sweet, it's mine!"
"I wouldn't think about it." Charlotte stopped him.
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aceontheline · 1 year
Love is in Bloom (Mass x Florida: Pt 8)
C//W: Panic Attacks, Violence (Fighting)
One afternoon after a Table Meeting, Florida got a message from his friend, Louisiana to meet up with him afterward. This was now becoming a pattern and Florida wanted to know why Massachusetts was never invited to these little get-togethers. Mass was important to Florida, seeing how they've been dating for quite some time now. Not to mention how poorly Louisiana spoke of Mass a lot of the time as well. Florida had plenty of ammunition to speak with Loui about and he did just that. He knocked on Loui's door, leaning against the door frame. Loui looked up and saw Florida looking at him with a stern look. One that read "You're in trouble". Loui asked Florida if he was okay and went up to him.
"Why is it that you only want to hang out with me in private now? And so frequently too? Mass is my boyfriend, so he should be allowed here" Florida said in an accusing manner. Loui shook his head.
"You wouldn't get it, Sha. Do ya wanna hang out or not?" Loui asked, getting slightly irritated now.
"Try me. Gov says shit all the time that I don't quite get, but I have to translate it so my head can understand it. Just tell me-"
"I like you! Like... A whole lot, Sha" Loui responded, looking Florida in the eyes.
Florida understood that part. A little too well, in all actuality. He looked at Loui in shock, then calmed down a bit, sighing heavily. "Well, that's a problem" Florida said matter of factly, re-emphasizing that Mass was his boyfriend now. Loui angrily stated that he knew this already, and that he had a feeling that his love was extremely one sided. He explained that he couldn't make sense of his own feelings about Florida, since he wanted the two of them to remain friends, but his feelings had escalated to romantic ones now. Wanting to hold Florida close to him at night, watching movies together and going on dates.
"I don't know what you want me to tell you, Loui. I'm with-"
"I KNOW you are. But since WHEN are YOU loyal?! Remember Caitlin? You cheated on her cuz you wanted an out-"
Florida was immediately seething in anger, as he smacked Louisiana across the face. Loui stepped back in mild shock, then took a swing. His fist connected with Florida's face almost instantly. The two lunged forward and began punching and kicking each other, slamming each other into surfaces. Florida landed a pretty gnarly punch to Loui's face, blackening his eye up and nearly breaking his nose. Louisiana also roughed Florida up pretty bad, blackening an eye as well and nearly busting his cheekbone. Some of the other states saw this going down and were egging on the fight, but two people stepped up to try and separate them.
Gov pulled Louisiana away and immediately dragged him into his room. New York pulled Florida away and slammed the door behind him. He crossed his arms, looking at Florida up and down, asking what the hell happened. Florida explained everything and New York just sighed and shook his head. "Unrequited love. I know how that is" York said, sitting down at the edge of Florida's bed. He explained that he knew someone from his old days that fell for him, but York didn't feel the same way in return. York said that she was fine now, but it took her a while to get over the feelings of rejection. Florida put his phone into "Do Not Disturb" mode and told New York to leave. York agreed to, only after patching Florida up first.
After a few hours of silence and falling asleep for a while, Florida switched his phone back to normal... A huge flood of texts came in from Massachusetts. Some of them were panicked and concerned, asking if he was okay and that he heard about the fight between him and Loui. Then the texts evolved into angry ones: "How long does it take you to answer me?", "Did you fuckin' get concussed or something?", amongst other texts that sounded angry. Concluding with one that Mass wanted to see him and that he was on his way. Right as Florida read that last text and heard Mass knocking on his door...
Shit. The panic was starting. Florida's chest rose in and out way too quickly and breathing was becoming more and more difficult. He was sweating profusely and he felt like the world around him was about to cave in on itself. Florida felt horrifically sick, like he was about to vomit or pass out. Or both. Mass kept pounding on the door and Florida was only spiraling further and further.
"LEAVE ME ALONE, CAITLIN-!" Florida exclaimed, tears in his eyes, legitimately sounding terrified.
Just then, Mass stopped pounding on the door and covered his mouth in shock. He realized what he was doing and sunk to the floor in terror. "Shit shit... What did I do?" Mass asked himself, nearly crying his eyes out. Mass texted Florida saying that he'd give him some space and immensely apologized.
"I know you won't forgive me, and I don't expect you to. But just know that I am SO. Sorry. I will try my damn hardest to make this up to you. I'll be available when you need me" Mass texted. Florida was still calming himself down from the panic attack.
"I'll let you know when I want to see you again" Florida replied.
Mass didn't reply. He knew he didn't need to. Florida calmed himself down by listening to music and watching some T.V later by himself.
-----------------------3 Days Later-----------------------
Mass was practically glued to his phone for 3 days, waiting for Florida to say something. Anything. He held in his panic as best as he could, just stating to himself that Florida needed time to recover after such a fucked up turn of events. Mass, after a few more hours, had gotten his wish. Florida told him to meet up with him in his room. Mass nodded and calmed himself down while walking to Florida's room. The door was already slightly open so Mass let himself in, waving to Florida. Mass sighed heavily and stood at the doorway. Florida cued him in, patting the edge of the bed. Mass slowly made his way into Florida's room, sitting right where Florida wanted him to.
"Start explaining yourself" Florida demanded.
"That's just it. I don't think I can. The only thing I can offer you is context. My ex, Darren... He would go DAYS without so much as even a text back. I found out days later that he cheated on me with someone from his workplace. He wouldn't text me because he was out on dates and fucking this chick behind my back. I guess I got paranoid cuz you weren't answering but... You have NO reason to do that to me. You're super sweet, caring, patient, and loyal. I love you to death, Flo. And I'm so fucking sorry" Mass replied, his head in his hands.
"It'll take me a while, but... For what it's worth, I forgive you" Florida said sternly.
Mass nodded and asked if he could give Florida a hug. Florida shook his head "No" but said that he could hold his hand. Mass nodded and held Florida's hand with the tight grip that he grew to love. It's the same one that made Florida feel safe and sound. Right now, Florida felt conflicted, as Mass's hands also broke down the door because he didn't answer texts right away. Florida looked at his lover, sitting further away and looking away. He couldn't stand this tension anymore, so he pulled Mass in for a light hug. It eventually turned into a firm hug with each other's heads on their shoulders. Florida's head leaned against Mass's broad, somewhat toned shoulder.
"Mass... We both need help, don't we?" Florida asked, sounding despaired.
"Yeah, but who doesn't need help these days?" Mass replied in a semi joking manner. "But seriously, I agree. You wanna look into couple's therapy or something? Individual?" Mass asked, still hugging Florida.
"... Yes. I think we should do both" Florida replied.
Mass agreed and asked Florida to "hang tight" as he ran back to his room and grabbed a small book. In this book contained numbers for past therapists that Mass had dealt with for individual reasons. Mass kept having to switch therapists because he kept moving out before settling into the current Statehouse in D.C. He called the last one he visited and left a message, letting the therapist know that he would need any and all relevant documents, as Mass would be seeing a new therapist soon.
Florida and Mass had a lot of work to do together in therapy, but they felt like both forms would help them edge out their own traumas and work on their relationship so nothing like this would happen again.
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lovedistrict · 8 months
this is a follow-up ask. i was the one who lashed out at her boyfriend and told him "i hate you" out of anger and then regretted it. this is an update here.
so, we talked for a while, i apologized again in person, as sincerely as i could. he said he would forgive me, under 4 conditons:
i promise to never do that again (done)
go see a therapist about why i get angry easily (doing that, have an appointment booked for next week)
prove through my actions that i meant my apology (doing that, will try my best to do it)
get him a FUCK TON of noodles from that restaurant he likes (will hopefully do some time soon)
but, i still can't help but think: i fucking hate myself for it. i should be happy with the fact that he's even forgiven me (i'd expect someone like him to break up w/ me and then block my phone number, given his past experiences).
but i constantly feel like i ruined our relationship and broke his trust. someone said you always remember the bad things over the good ones.
i could say sorry to him 10 more times, i could tell him "i love you" every day, but he'd still probably remember that day. and he'd think "no, she's just pretending. she secretly hates me". but i really don't. not at all. he's the best fucking thing that happened to me. i've still been sad about it. ik there's people who have done worse than me to their partner, but i feel like the worst person on earth even now.
Ok. My opinion on this is firstly that he shouldn’t demand anything in order to forgive you. The only thing that one should actually demand (if so) it’s for the other one to be actually sorry for his/her actions. And ask for forgiveness. Even though sometimes we have to forgive people who don’t recognize their mistakes in order to free ourselves from them. But that’s not the case.
So let’s work on you. You did say I’m sorry a couple of times now. He’s made all these demands which you’re willing to do and you are already doing. The noodle part seemed like a joke, but even that one, you’re willing to make. What else does he want from you? Sorry but you’re being to hard on yourself. It was a mistake, I know, but that’s what we do. Sometimes we fuck things up and to be in a relationship you have to be resilient in a lot of ways. He’s probably frustrated because it reminded him of his last relationships so that shows that he also needs to work on that.
You can’t live your life afraid to messing up again. I’m sure he also messes up things sometimes because no one’s perfect.
And no. We shouldn’t remember the bad things over good ones. That’s such a shitty way of living haha.
So if I was in your shoes I’d have a conversation with him and ask him if he’s truly able to forgive me because I do feel bad about it but I don’t want to live my life as if I’m always on debt with him. You know? When we truly forgive someone, the pain should also be set free and disappear from our hearts. And we shouldn’t hold grudges. Especially in your case which wasn’t a life or death situation or anything really truly serious. So I’d figure out if he’s willing to forgive me or not. And if he wasn’t, I’d have to walk away.
That’s what I’d do.
Maybe this whole situation happened to help you guys. So the both of you can work on yourselves. Do therapy. Maybe since he’s been so hurt in the past, he cant deal with the fact that everybody’s gonna hurt us sometimes. So he pushes away and overreacts.
But that’s just the truth. Intentionally or not. That’s just life.
Hope I was able to help you!
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ino3zi · 1 year
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﹐ ☓ TRIGGER WARNINGS. Beckett finally confessions his feelings!
﹐ ☓ CHARACTERS. Andi Kan
﹐ ☓ SETTING. December 22’
﹐ ☓ W/C. 1.4K
﹐ ☓ note. this was supposed to come out months ago, but here it finally is, so enjoy! 
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It was finally time for Beckett to man up. It had been a whole three months since he got into this whole ordeal with the older male. Three months too long if you ask anyone else. Three months without confessing his feelings for the older male which he had known around the second month and decided to just wait. But Beckett was finally manning up and confessing his feelings. His feelings should've been expressed a long time ago now that he thinks of it.
But Beckett had his reasons for not expressing them. He just wasn't ready. But now he was. He was ready to finally make Andi his boyfriend. Beckett paced the confines of his bedroom as the girl on the other side of the phone watched with a bored expression. Noémie groaned getting her brother’s attention. “One thing I don’t understand is why you always come to me for this type of stuff when I’m only 12. Don't you have any friends?” Noémie jeered at the boy who pinched the bridge of his nose in frustration. “I mean why do you need my help anyway? Don’t you have everything planned out? And if this is about an outfit, then I’m hanging up. Because you’re just staying inside anyway so put on pajamas for all I care.” She exclaimed before yawning as Beckett rolled his eyes but still contemplated what she had said.
In all honesty, Beckett knew that she was right, but didn’t say anything. As earlier in the morning when Andi decided to take Beckett out and treat him for breakfast. He had told him that he just wanted a nice night in with him and that was it. Something Beckett liked, but then grew frustrated over because in his mind he needed it to be perfect. Though Beckett didn't know why he was stressing over everything needing to be perfect when Andi would love it anyway. Beckett sighed going to thank Noémie when he noticed the girl was asleep. Jetlag must've messed her up. He chuckled before hanging up to let her rest. Now it was just Beckett and his thoughts.
He had a few more hours until Andi came over to spend New Year's Eve with him. He thought maybe he should clean up but then again, he remembered that he had stressed cleaned the whole apartment earlier. But then again he had to worry about Ben and October messing it up with their toys. The dogs weren't doing much now but he knew soon enough they would be. The two dogs in question occupying Ben’s bed in the corner, even though the bed itself was too small for the both of them. They both sleep lazily undisturbed by their owner, who was stressing himself out.  
Beckett took a seat on the couch with his head in his hands. It was just supposed to be a simple date. But it was stressing him out. Beckett didn’t know what to do. He laid on the couch, staring up at the ceiling above him. The apartment was quiet since both dogs are asleep, and there was nobody there except for him. He let his mind wander. Wonder so far that eventually he drifted off to sleep. He awoke hours later to find that it was dark outside. The dogs were no longer there and they were groceries on the counter. sometimes he was glad that he had his mom around and also that he gave her a key.
He stood from the couch, stretching his tired body, and rubbing the sleep from his eyes. He didn’t know how much time has passed as he went to put the groceries up. He stared mindlessly at the contents of the fridge before at the clock on the wall. The time reading 8:34 PM which meant Andi would be coming over soon. Beckett sighed closing the fridge grabbing his phone to order something for him to eat. He ended up choosing Dak-bokkeum-tang for delivery which would most likely be delivered after Andi arrived.
Slowly, his stress and nervousness started to come back. He just wanted Andi to show up already. He wanted him to show up so he can reassure him that this evening was going to be perfect. Perfect for both him and himself. Beckett didn’t know how long he had been pacing the living room of his apartment for when someone had knocked on the door. On the other side of the door stood Andi who was wrapped in a bundle of clothes since the weather had seemingly gotten colder over night. His face lit up when Beckett opened the door. Andi pulled the taller boy into his embrace making Beckett sigh.
“Thank god you’re here.” Beckett breathed as Andi chuckled running his hands through the boys hair. Something that made Beckett relax under his touch. Beckett pulled away from the hug finally letting Andi into the apartment as he closed and locked the door behind him. Andi placed bags of groceries on the counter which Beckett frowned at because he hadn’t noticed them earlier. “I told you not to get anything.” Beckett whined as Andi shook his head. “It’s just snacks Beckett. Stop whining.” Andi teased using his hyung voice as Beckett narrowed his eyes at the older. With each item Andi pulled out of the bag Beckett’s stomach growled.
He hadn’t realized he was hungry until Andi pulled out food. “Food is on the way. You can wait.” He thought to himself as he noticed one item Andi had pulled out the bag. Makgeolli. Korean Rice Wine. Something Beckett has been obsessed with lately. “You got Makgeolli?” He questioned grabbing the bottle as Andi nodded before looking at him. “I figured you would want some. Is that alright?” Andi questioned as Beckett nodded making him smile. Beckett went to place the bottle in the fridge as Andi placed all the snacks in the living room so they could start their movie night before Midnight struck.
Andi was quick to pull Beckett by his side before he could sit on the other side of couch. Beckett shook his head before throwing a cover their laps as Andi began to pick a movie for them to watch. He ended up picking The Witch: Part 1 - The Subversion. Though about 30 minutes into watching the movie Beckett had fallen back to sleep as he rested his head on Andi’s shoulder. Andi massaged the boy’s head as he continued to watch the movie.
The movie played in the background as Andi glanced down at Beckett, who had fallen asleep on his shoulder. He couldn't help but smile at the peaceful expression on Beckett's face. Andi gently adjusted his position, making sure Beckett was comfortable before focusing back on the movie.
As the movie reached its climax, Andi's mind began to wander, contemplating the events of the evening. He had noticed Beckett's nervousness earlier, even though he tried his best to hide it. Andi had a feeling something important was on Beckett's mind, but he didn't want to push him. He wanted Beckett to open up when he was ready.
Andi's thoughts drifted to the past few months they had spent together. He had developed strong feelings for Beckett, and he hoped that Beckett felt the same way. They had grown closer, spending more time together, and Andi cherished every moment they shared. He remembered the first time they met, how Beckett's smile had captured his attention and sparked a sense of curiosity. Andi was drawn to Beckett's kind heart, his passion for the things he loved, and the way he made Andi feel at ease. They had become good friends, but Andi wanted something more.
Lost in his thoughts, Andi barely noticed the movie ending. He gently nudged Beckett, trying to wake him up. "Hey, Beckett, the movie's over. You fell asleep," he whispered softly. Beckett stirred and blinked sleepily, gradually realizing that the movie had indeed finished. He sat up straight, rubbing his eyes and yawning. "Sorry, I must have dozed off," he said, sounding slightly embarrassed.
Andi smiled reassuringly. "It's alright. You looked peaceful. Did you sleep well?" Beckett nodded, his gaze shifting slightly. "Yeah, I guess I needed the rest." Andi's curiosity got the better of him, and he decided to take a leap of faith. "Is everything okay, Beckett? You seemed a bit nervous earlier. If there's something on your mind, you can talk to me about it."
Beckett looked at Andi, his eyes filled with a mix of apprehension and hope. He took a deep breath, gathering his thoughts. This was the moment he had been waiting for, and he couldn't let fear hold him back any longer. "I... Andi, there's something I need to tell you," Beckett began, his voice filled with determination. "I've been keeping it to myself for far too long, but I can't hide my feelings anymore. The truth is, I have deep feelings for you, and I've had them for a while now."
Andi's eyes widened, surprise and delight washing over his face. He reached out to hold Beckett's hand, offering him comfort and support. "Beckett, you have no idea how happy that makes me. I've been feeling the same way, but I didn't want to rush you or make you feel pressured. I care about you so much, and I want to be more than just friends." Beckett's face broke into a wide smile, relief flooding his features. The weight that had burdened him for months suddenly lifted, replaced by warmth and joy. He squeezed Andi's hand, unable to contain his happiness.
"I'm so glad you feel the same way, Andi. I was scared of ruining our friendship, but I couldn't ignore my feelings anymore. You mean the world to me, and I want us to be more than just friends too." Andi leaned in closer, their eyes locked with an intensity that spoke volumes. Slowly, he closed the distance between them, his lips meeting Beckett's in a soft, tender kiss. It was a moment filled with hope, passion, and the beginning of something beautiful.
As they pulled away, their foreheads resting against each other, Beckett couldn't help but laugh. "I can't believe I stressed so much about tonight when the perfect ending was right here all along." Andi chuckled, brushing his thumb gently across Beckett's cheek. "Sometimes, the best moments come when we least expect them. And tonight has turned into something more beautiful than I ever imagined."
With their feelings finally confessed and their hearts aligned, Beckett and Andi spent the rest of the evening wrapped in each other's embrace, cherishing their newfound love and the promise of a future together.
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rubyperic-09 · 2 months
In Love
a/n: I wrote a whole ass novel about a year ago and I thought I'd release the first chapter to see if anyone likes it! let me know if you want me to release any more of it or if you have any feedback xoxo summary: idk, this is a preview to the whole book I guess but idk how to sum it up, anyone got any ideas? w/c: 1114 TW: vomit, mentions of alcohol usage, mentions of being drunk, mentions of bullying, hospital, mentions of mental breakdowns. let me know if I've missed anything xx
chapter 1
I wake up lying on the floor of my bedroom. I have no idea why I am there. The last thing I remember is throwing up in a plant pot and being brought home by Henry’s boyfriend Michael. I got drunk at a party last night. So drunk that I passed out and had to be dragged home. I only got drunk because I had a crap week and I wanted to forget about it. But obviously that didn’t work. I get up off the floor and put on a jumper. I have a pounding headache, but that does not stop me from struggling up the stairs and into Henry’s room. Michael was still here. I did not expect him to drive all the way home in the dark, but I also didn’t expect him to be sleeping in my brother’s bed while my parents were under the impression he was on the spare mattress on the floor.
I am Ivy Green. I have a brother named Henry, who came out to my parents around three months ago, but still hadn’t come out to me until about a week ago. Henry was my best friend for about three years. We did everything together. If there was another one of Lilly Scott’s stupid Halloween parties, we went together with corresponding costumes. Henry and I went to the same school for the entire of primary school, and majority of high school. But then we moved. I stayed in Brisbane, Queensland, for the rest of my eleventh year and lived with my girlfriend Lilly. While Henry moved with my parents to Melbourne, Victoria, and was home-schooled for the rest of year nine. This was not something my brother enjoyed, but he didn’t have much choice. It was either be home-schooled or be half a semester behind in his schooling. So, he obviously chose to home-school.
I moved back in with my family about a month ago, so it hasn’t really been that long. It was nothing like I had expected. I don’t know what I had expected but it wasn’t this. The city was so “small” compared to Brisbane, and I didn’t know anyone. In fact, I still barely know anyone. I barely even know my brother at this point. I always got the sense that something was different about my brother; Ever since he was little, he didn’t “fit in” with the other kids at school. He was always spending time with me because no-one in his year liked him very much. This did not turn out very well for my brother. For majority of Henry’s first high school year, he was bullied for hanging out with me. He was always getting into fights and picked last in groups at school, but he knew how to defend himself. Or at least I thought he did.
Last year when we were in Brisbane my mum got a call from the school. She unsuspectingly answered the phone with a happy look on her face, but that changed very quickly. Her expression darkened and her voiced changed from, cheerful to serious and worried. In a matter of seconds, she had dragged me out to the car grabbed a whole lot of random things including, my brother’s favorite book, my laptop, her laptop, a bunch of important paperwork, her phone, and a group of other things you might need to keep yourself sane. She was on the phone to my father at the same time as driving. I had no idea what she was saying, but she sounded worried, which doesn’t happen very often, and that made me worried.
My brother had gotten into a fight with some of the year eleven boys in my class. They were teasing him for hanging out with my friend Lilly and saw the perfect opportunity to hurt someone and they took it. My brother fought back until he was hit in the head with a book and passed out. He would have been fine… If he hadn’t fallen directly into the garden fence. He still has the scars to prove it, but I can’t help thinking that it was all my fault. He is fine now, but he couldn’t breathe properly for months and that’s when my parents decided to move us across the country. We had spent over two hours in the waiting room of that hospital; My brother spent around three weeks in there though, and didn’t go back to school for another couple of months after that. He didn’t go back to school until he was in Melbourne. And even then, he still hadn’t gone back to school. He had just been schooling at home.
Getting back home after nine months was weird. I felt like I’d barely even met the kid I was best friends with. I had felt like a complete outsider in my own home. It didn’t feel like home for about two weeks. But something had changed about my brother’s relationship with my dad. They were always in arguments about stupid unimportant things. Such as whether or not Michael was allowed to sleepover, or if he was allowed to go over to Michael’s, or if he was allowed to go out with his “friend”, things that I had thought were silly because my dad had let me do all the same things with my friends at his age, but something had changed about the way they saw each other, like they didn’t see eye to eye anymore.
My brother had multiple mental breakdowns the week he came out to me. He was at Michael’s a lot and stopped asking my dad if he could go before leaving, he just said, I am going to Michael’s, and you’re not going to stop me, before walking out the door and slamming it shut behind him. I had no idea why my dad got so mad at him for wanting to hang out with a friend. I was completely clueless and had no idea why this was happening, but it all makes sense now. Michael wasn’t just my brother’s best friend; he was his boyfriend. And I had no idea he was gay.
For like 5 years I just thought he was a nerd, but he said he has always known and was simply confused, but that it all made sense to him now. He didn’t want to have to lie to people and pretend he was someone he wasn’t, just because he feared what people would say or do to him. It was only a matter of seconds before I hugged him and told him I will always love him, but he has still been avoiding me since.
a/n: this whole book is based in Australia and uses Australian spelling and grammar because that's where I grew up and currently live, so it's easier for me to base things on environment wise... also, tis was written in my heartstopper era and is probably got somewhat of a similar story line at the beginning of the book, the book does develop later though xoxo -💎
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sarah-dipitous · 8 months
Hellsite Nostalgia Tour 2023 Day 262
Celebrating the Life of Asa Fox
Another day, another night I fucked around to much to watch more than one show before going to bed
“Celebrating the Life of Asa Fox”
Plot Description: an assortment of hunters gather to commemorate a fallen brother, but Sam and Dean soon realize that a demon has come to kill them all
Would I Survive the First Five Minutes??: I don’t know. I don’t even understand when this is supposed to take place. I’m piecing together that it’s before Dean was born but the only thing they did to make Mary look younger is put her hair in braids. I swear there’s a whole other actress who plays young Mary, but….k, so it was about how Mary influenced this kid and he grew up to be a hunter and then died. Yeah. I wouldn’t become a hunter. That is not the life for me
Please let this be a running joke this season. PLEASE let Dean tell EVERYONE “oh, yeah. Just to catch up since the last time we saw each other? I killed Hitler” it WILL hit every time. Omg he’s so proud
(Ok I had to go back a few seconds because I couldn’t believe Sam said what he said to Jody. I’m now gathering that Dean HAS been telling everyone who knows them this so I’m not surprised when) Sam really just aired out his brother’s hentai habits to Jody. Dean’s very grateful that phone rang omg
Ohhhhh, Jody, you LIKED him. You liked Asa
(Weird question, are Cas and Crowley just…hanging around Cleveland still?? Are we gonna hear from them again??)
Here’s the thing. Here’s the thing. Here’s the thing. This guy who’s asking Sam about having been possessed by Lucifer is such obvious “this is the demon who’s here to kill everyone” bait, like it’s TOO obvious. But because this IS supernatural, it actually could be him
And then sometimes…you know, you could be wrong because a hunter just died and that guy was still in the room with everyone else. I did say he was TOO obvious
Oh, Mary’s here now!
Oh…the amount of parental troubles in this house has shot through the roof. Like, on so many fronts. Jody, who’s a bit of a surrogate mom to the boys (even though she’s not that much older than them. Yeah, the actress who plays her is only 9 years older than Jensen) has chastised Dean for not telling her Mary’s back but also is now thinking about if she had the chance to have her husband and son back…at her kind of boyfriend’s wake. Then there’s just the awkwardness between Mary and Dean. Not to mention Mary and Asa’s mom, who’s mad at Mary because she’s the reason Asa didn’t grow up to be an astronaut…but if Mary hadn’t saved him from that werewolf all those years ago, he wouldn’t have grown up at all. It’s not Mary’s fault she left an impression on this kid she saved. She had no idea
Fascinating that they’ll still say w****go but will refer to a First Nations girl as that (this episode takes place in Canada)
Oh, so EVERYBODY’s getting possessed tonight. This demon’s body hopping like there’s no tomorrow. Ah shit, they just killed off the obvious bait guy
Mmmmmmm, not trusting whoever got a hold of the angel blade…this is like watching Clue (1985) but way less funny
The thought to make a large devil’s trap for everyone to stand in is a good TEMPORARY idea, but it’s not a permanent solution unless you all plan to die there
THIS must have been a fun scene for Kim Rhodes. Any time someone gets to play a fun chaotic demon after being a no nonsense character….ooo, I just love that for them. She is just airing EVERYONE’S laundry here.
Wait…Asa’s friend killed him????? (It was an accident, but it’s the coverup that reallyyyyyy sucks about it)
Ohhhhhh nooooooooo, when Billie got Dean back in the house she said he’d owe her one………she meant Maryyyyyyy because Mary’s not supposed to be heeeeeere
Ok, she’s not going yet…but also…she’s not going with Sam and Dean yet either
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