#also some names have two arrows connecting them to the same name like Leo and Chase have two arrows to each other
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I can't get over how Adam came to the conclusion that Chase is his wife meanwhile he has "Wife?" and "Mom?" written under Perry's name
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blacksunscorpio · 4 years
Astro Musings No. 6
Libra Lilith
Makes one have a charm that can be deadly. The type to entice someone effortlessly. They are the types to appear innocent but have a bit of a Machiavellian ace up their sleeves. They can be subtly controlling and hard to resist. If in the 12th House, they can manipulate subconsciously and their prey
the object of their affections might not be able to see what’s going on. This can make this placement even harder to resist than a Lilith in Scorpio Jupiter square Lilith in natally or in synastry will make two people gluttons for sex. Or it will make a native a glutton for sex. Not a bad aspect but just make sure to practice safe sex and wear condoms. Worst that can happen is an STD, pregnancy if you’re not ready for it, or wearing yourself out. Your North Node
Falling into your 7th house makes one’s life direction and goal tied to their relationships. The key in this life is to care for others and be “other” oriented. If it hasn’t appeared in life [yet], you can be sure that it will manifest at some point or another.  This placement calls you to put others' needs before your own. If this happens, the key is to know that in this lifetime, your needs won’t be met until you give selflessly to another.
Don’t rescue others. Don’t be a captain save-a-hoe. However, there’s no need to cut others off either. [Scorpios and Taureans with this placement, I know this might be difficult for you ;) ] Empower others. Listen. Help others/the ones you care for discover their own strength.
Asteroid Apollo
In astrology, is where you can take something for granted, and ignore it to your detriment. So if your Apollo is touching your Mercury for example, you can take your mind for granted. However, when you focus on it, you can become a master. in synastry, it can be the aspect that makes one enthralled with another. Kind of like Lilith or Pluto. Remember, Apollo is master of the Sun. The other person can see Apollo as this vibrant light. There can be a Luciferian light almost. Undeniably beautiful [remember the only thing that kept Lucifer from being God is the fact that he was created. Let that sink in.]  Obsessive energy with that planet/point. If harshly aspected there will be imbalance so there’s a constant need for harmony.
If One Half of Your Natal Chart is Empty... This indicates you most likely have a Bowl Chart Pattern. It typically manifests as an individual who is self-contained, has strong core values, and a strong streak of dependability. Most of their energy is within 180 degrees of their chart.
6th House Stelliums
Bring a strong focus on health and work. This house is ruled by Virgo. Indicated that there can be strong obsessive compulsions in the aforementioned subjects. If Mercury is here, this is particularly apparent. If the Sun lives here within a stellium they can be quite self-conscious. They’ll be forever working on how to be “their best selves” but won’t give themselves much grace. This particular configuration creates an excess of energy coming into the activities and affairs of this house. It generates obsessive energy. These people can throw their all into their work. The types to pull long hours and work overtime even if they don’t need the extra cash. If Mars is within said stellium, they’ll be types to binge eat but then work out for 4 hours just to burn off the calories. Trigger warning: I often see those who’ve suffered from Anorexia or Bulimia with this placement. They can have a hard time relaxing. Hypochondriacs live here as well. Advice? Take a break and get away from work and have private time. Mind your health but don’t leave it up to you alone. Seek a licensed professional to aid with recovery if you sense you might have issues that are hard to overcome. On a positive note, these individuals can become very good health gurus or at their best, be the types to excel at work and/or fitness.
Mercury Conjunct Lilith in Synastry
Indicates two people who will be intrigued or turned on by the other's mind. The Lilith person can act like Pluto [but remember synastry can go both ways] and kind of dig into the depths of Mercury’s mind. It may make Mercury feel quite uncomfortable if there are hard aspects. The Lilith person might make Mercury fantasize about some pretty illicit shit. They might obsess over them mentally. On the other hand, Lilith can find Mercury fascinating [especially in harmonious aspect] and will want to know everything about them. They can share very deep secrets with each other. Be careful about mind-games or mental manipulation. If this were to be a Tarot combination I’d see it as the Magician and the 5 of Swords 100%. Pisces Martians hate to fight and will usually be the first person to call for peace when in a quarrel. Libra Mars’ are actually the types to fight for justice and will be feistier than you think. Though Sagittarius and Gemini are Opposites... Their commonalities are their charm. Gemini’s and Sag’s can be among some of the friendliest in the zodiac. If you’re looking for the life of the party, look out for a Solar archer or twin. In addition, both can be rather detached emotionally. Sag’s are always looking outward. Think the 3 of wands in Tarot. They’re expansive. Looking for the next big adventure. Gemini’s are the social butterflies of the Zodiac, so what they’ll seek is a new friend, acquaintance, or new subject to occupy their time with. Both get bored VERY easily. They need massive amounts of mental stimulation to keep them happy. Sag’s mental stimulation has more to do with the higher mind [travel, languages, philosophy, spirituality], while Gemini’s have to do with the lower mind [numbers, words, basic intellect, etc.] Though Pisces and Virgo are Opposites... Their commonalities lie in the fact that both are introverted by nature. As mentioned above, Virgo rules the 6th house which governs work and routine. Virgos can retreat into themselves while they break things down and organize. The same with Pisceans when they get into reverie-mode. When they get into their creative trances. Pisces’ ancient ruler is Jupiter which rules the mind just like Virgo’s Ruler Mercury does. The mutable quality of their signs will allow them to jump from topic to topic, both of them staying interested in the flow and the outcome of their conversations. Sagittarius and Taurus Though fire and earth, both capitalize in the realm of indulgence. Jupiter can rule addictions just as much as Neptune and Pluto can. Venus can be hedonistic by nature as well. Both can have a tendency to overindulge. Both are quite blunt. Sag has 0 filter and Taurus is master of sarcasm and blunt statements. Both are unable to sugarcoat. Remember to be real but a little tact never hurt anyone, lol.  When You Have two signs in one house... It will also depend upon the degree of cusp both the signs make in the house. So, the energy of one sign diminishes slowly and the energy of the next sign rises slowly. For example with Leo and Virgo will play an equal part in the house and the Sun and Mercury will rule equally. If your Midheaven is in Aquarius You find satisfaction in the unordinary. There is a desire to stand out unusually. Ambition can be based in the intellectual realm since Uranus rules this sign. Uranians have the highest forms of analytical intelligence. They can excel in connecting with people. Their reputation can surprise. Many may have heard of the or speak about them. The quintessential individual whose “reputation precedes them”. They may try to shock others on purpose. However, though their public persona can be known for their charitable works they can be very opinionated and stark in their views. When under-developed they may be too stubborn to entertain other modes of thought. It’s the nature of fixed air to never change [fixed] their minds [air]. Traditional vs. non-traditional is a struggle in how they approach the world, others, and the success they wish to achieve.     1st House Venus will wear their heart on their sleeve. If Venus is in Capricorn, they may a bit slower to move in love. Perhaps take a more serious approach to things. If harmonious, it can bless some natives with life partners who may have well-established professions. Other times they show their love outwardly in practical ways. They’ll SHOW you how they love by making sure you feel secure and taken care of financially. They’ll want to leave a legacy for their children with their partner. They’ll want their kids to have generational wealth to past down. I often see this aspect with people who have a suffix in their name. Like John Doe the 3rd or someone who has a father or mother who is a Jr. People with this placement may name their children after a family member. Remember the 1st house is the house of self. If Venus is in Cancer, they may be shy in love or adversely they can be very clingy or possessive to their partner or their partner can depend on them too much-- there may be a “mommy” thing going on.
If you’re looking for “immediate attraction” in synastry...
It’s not Pluto. Surprised? People mistake that love at first sight thing for Plutonic influence, but Pluto is shy by nature. Hades minds his business. His obsession will grow though the longer he studies and spends time getting to know you. That's when he’ll start netting up the web.
Uranus is who hits you with that out of the blue. Uranus/Venus interaspects
Can make people feel that instant attraction from out of nowhere. Asteroid Cupido can inflict this on two people as well. In mythology, Cupid son of Venus; his job was to "wound" the unwary with his arrows of love; awaken a consuming affection directed towards a particular object of desire. In astrology, the asteroid Cupido itself is associated with initial enthrallment and acts of seduction performed in order to obtain the love object, not the sexual act itself. It’s the “look of love.” Examples of an overactive Cupido can include crushes, cultivating romance for the sake of the game, or putting the object of desire up on a pedestal. In the dark sense, romantic enthrallment can originate out of a love for the chase, only to abandon the prey once it is caught. That can happen with love at first sight if there aren’t stable and grounded aspects to lock two people together. Uranus also represents sudden breaks, so there can be on-again-off-again tendencies in relationships like this.
Common placements found in people who are surgeons and physicians are often:
Strong Virgo aspects or earth placements
Mercury rules the hands. Virgo is dissecting and analytical. The 6th house is also about health and service. They love to take things apart and put them back together.
as well is quite grounded so they often have steady hands- something a surgeon needs if they are to stand for 10 hours straight during an open heart procedure.
tend to be quite good with medical/surgeon/mortician occupations. Blood, the raw parts of humanity, death does not scare these people. They like to know how things work from the inside. I also see many Moon-Pluto
people with surgical prowess. This aspect I often see in gynecologists. Last but not least, Strong Mars is not afraid of gore or blood. Mars is often seen in surgeons. Mars is all about blood and broken bones. As a result, those with Mars in Aquarius is often seen in orthopedic surgeons. Mars in Cancer or Mars touching Chiron can be good rehabilitation or out-patient doctors. Physical therapists as well.
Your Elevated Planet at an Anaretic degree
[last degree in a sign] can make one feel like they have to rush to become successful. To reach the pinnacle of their dreams as soon as possible. They may feel like no matter how much success they have it is never enough. There may be constant transformation to this most elevated. The closer to the MC, the more it will display itself in public life. They may build and rebuild their reputation over and over again. Take Robert Downey Jr. whose most elevated planet is Neptune [like most actors]. It is at 29 degrees and we see him go from drug-addled Hollywood bad boy just for that reputation to die [29 degrees] and then be reborn into Sherlock Holmes and our beloved Tony Stark [RIP].
If you find yourself able to adapt to most kinds of music
Check to see if your Mercury [communication] or Venus [what you appreciate] is in a mutable sign, a water sign. Also check to see if your moon is mutable or in a water sign. Jupiter is also the ancient ruler of Pisces and he rules expansion and joy. Music is often considered a source of joy and higher thinking. Strong Jupiterian influence can make someone like different kinds of music. Uranian placements such as Sun/Moon or Venus too, it can also be processed very much by the subconscious, So look for  Strong Neptunian or 12th House influence. Strong Virgo placements too since music is technically a science. Why? Because it can be measured. 
Gemini Moons 
Especially in the 2nd house will feel most secure in an intellectual environment. They may also excel monetarily by using their minds to make money. Writing books or setting up podcasts to get their thoughts [mercury]  and voices [2nd house] out there.
Sugar Babies... Are usually the Venus in a Venus/Saturn situation, the Moon in a Saturn/Moon connections, or the Moon in a Moon/Pluto connection. Lilith in trine aspect to another planet in synastry brings out the best in Lilith... Yes, they can still be intense but you’ll see less of her “demonic” energy and more of her benevolent yet wild seductress aspect. With Venus, she’ll bring out the erotic side between both people. Borderline Hedonism in both people. She’ll make a more austere planet like Saturn open up. Make him comfortable with his depraved side instead of flogging himself like a penitent monk in private over it.
Dangerous Natal Placements Can Be:
Neptune in the 8th [rules drownings, suicides, death by mysterious means]
Gemini 8th House
[Can rule breathing issues]
Aries 8th House
[Rules violent deaths or those who can be prone to violence. Be it dishing it out or receiving it.]
Saturn square Pluto
Can make someone quite cruel.
3 or more malefic aspects to Jupiter is often found in psychopaths.
Jupiter in the chart is where we show the most benevolence. Forgiveness and Kindness. If Jupiter is having a hard time, a person may be emotionally stunted or out of touch with their spiritual side. 
Dominant Nessus
Can make someone an abuser.
Mercury in hard aspect to Uranus or Neptune
can cause mental imbalances or someone who has sudden breaks of the mind. The native will need to take care to make their mental health a priority.
Excessive malefic placements to Mercury
Can make someone a pathological liar or have a difficult time telling the truth. 
Algol in hard aspect to Pluto, Sado, Nessus, Saturn
Can also indicate cruelty but also someone who gets pleasure from it. Yikes.
Underdeveloped Leo placements:
Can make a native only focused on their ego and their ego alone which can make them into quite self-serving and as a result, they can suffer from megalomania. Same with Underdeveloped Arian/Martian placements. Hitler was an Aries and Benito Mussolini was a Leo/Apollonian. I’ll just leave that there.
5th house synastry
Makes two people have fun together. If the moon is there they will know what makes the other person “feel” good. What that person needs to make them laugh.
Your 12th House Planets
Are the Planets that are either hidden or expressed more in secret. The ones that have a harder time expressing or exposing themselves.
A 12th House Leo Planet
may only feel brave when they alone. These are the types to take part in drama or be thespians in school because they are easily able to express themselves when they feel they have the safety net of a mask.
A 12th House Cancerian
Planet will find it harder to express emotion or be a bit shyer.
12th House Plutonian Placements
may be extremely introverted and perhaps find themselves able to express themselves more online/ in secret. They can be good at covert ops or spying. They can even be quite psychic. 
12th House Venus/ Venusian people can find love to feel dreamy or even goes unexpressed. Dreamy romantics. They can be unconditional in love but sometimes they can get carried away with their fantasies OR they can love the fantasy of love more than the reality which may cause them to either project their fantasies on others or never fully commit because no one will ever live up to the fantasy they’ve created in their minds about someone else. Take care to love who you love because of who they are. Don’t force anyone to fit into a mold they’re not made for. Astro Musings No. 1 Astro Musings No. 2  Astro Musings No. 3 Astro Musings No. 4  Astro Musings No. 5 Astro Musings No. 7 Astro Musings No. 8  Astro Musings No. 9  Astro Musings No. 10
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reverielix · 3 years
Excuse me Sir, Sorry to bother you. But frankly I'm new to this astrology topic but it's very fascinating to say the least.
Friend asked me to do a natal chart? No clue. Have no clue. Saw the previous post, was wondering if you help a stranger out here ? Lol.
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Hi haha!
I’m a Miss but OFC I CAN TELL YOU MORE ABOUT IT! (Can you tell I’m excited? Lol) I’ll be seizing this opportunity to make an...
Astrology basics masterpost
Okay first off, the natal chart is a “snap shot” of the sky when you were born with the earth in the middle. There are 4 compounds that birth charts are made of:
1. The signs
You’ve definitely already heard of zodiac signs. In astrology, the sky is divided into 12 equal parts, each reserved for a sign starting at Aries and ending at Pisces. It goes like this: Aries ♈️, Taurus ♉️, Gemini ♊️, Cancer ♋️, Leo ♌️, Virgo ♍️, Libra ♎️, Scorpio ♏️, Sagittarius ♐️, Capricorn ♑️, Aquarius ♒️, Pisces ♓️
Basically, each sign is associated with certain character traits (which range many more than I or any singular source could encompass in short, I left a few links for gathering information in the end of this post). But it always depends on how evolved the person is. Aquarians CAN be detached if not evolved, but also have many more qualities such as their modality and element (which imply traits such as their innovative nature, intellect, hunger for knowledge, empathy, sociability,...)
So basically there are 4 elements (fire, earth, air and water) in astrology and 3 modalities (cardinal, fixed, mutable) which all carry certain meanings to them. Those elements and modalities are evenly distributed within the zodiac and move along the signs in the order I wrote them up above. So we start with cardinal fire (Aries), then we follow up with fixed earth (Taurus), after that we’ve got mutable air (Gemini), then again a cardinal sign but this time belonging to the water signs (Cancer), and so on. Additionally, all earth and water signs are of negative polarity while fire and air are of positive polarity.
The signs are the outermost circle you see when looking at your birth/natal chart. (On the left, where the arrow points, for instance, was Virgo ♍️ when & where you were born) They represent the way that you express a certain core part (3rd point) of yourself.
2. The houses
The numbers you see around the innermost circle with the lines in it are the houses. Each house is ruled by a sign in modern astrology: Aries is the first sign, so it rules the first house,...). This means that each house is afflicted with one sign and its qualities and traits.
Each house represents an area of life: The 4th house—ruled by Cancer—represents the home, comfort zone, where we crave for stability and emotional support as well as a lot more.
The angular houses ruled by cardinal signs, so: the 1st house (ascendant/rising), the 4th house (ic/ Imum Coeli), the 7th house (descendant), the 10th house (mc/midheaven) show in the picture you sent me with arrows and have a special significance in the chart + also have aspects (4th point) to them shown.
The first 6 houses are afflicted most with yourself and the last 6 houses have to do with your social/public self (e.g.: 2nd house has to do with resources and the 8th with shares resources). This can also be applied to each sign ruling the house.
3. The celestial bodies
When somebody asks what your zodiac sign is, you would answer with Capricorn, when in actuality, it’s just your sun sign (so one of many zodiac signs in your chart).
Each celestial body represents a core part of the human psyche/personality and also rules a/two sign(s) and with that a/two house(s). Another terminology for rulership can be domicile (e.g.: Saturn is in domicile in Capricorn).
Every planet is afflicted with the signs (and houses) in the form of essential dignity (whether in terms of exaltation/fall or detriment/domicile)
The sun rules Leo and the 5th house. These connections are made as to better understand each house/sign/planet and clarify/stress the connections between these three “compounds”. So, ruling Leo and the 5th house, the sun represents how we express ourselves and how we perform along with our egos, overall sense of identity and self-awareness among other things.
Before you say that you (know people who) don’t relate to their zodiac sign or don’t seem to present yourself/themselves like that at all: a placement (celestial body in a sign in a house) always depends on the aspects and also the house that nobody talks about. You’re not only a Capricorn, but a Capricorn sun in the 4th house conjunct Mercury,... (+ other aspects). Your sun in the 12th/7th/8th houses (houses, among others, afflicted with the subconscious) can mean that your way to express yourself is more in the background or not quite figured out yet. (With Leo in the 12th house that may also apply to you:) In the case of the 12th house, you may want to express yourself, but don’t exactly know how to...
Also, all of your chart matters! The sun sign is only a part of it, though one of the 3 most important placements (sun, moon, rising).
For the following paragraph keep in mind: personal/inner celestial bodies/planets (houses and signs matter equally), generational/outer planets/placements (houses matter most because they move slowly along the zodiac. the slower they move, the less the sign matters.)
The celestial bodies used in astrology aren’t limited to a certain amount as asteroids can also be interpreted/also have meanings but the most commonly used and talked about are: the sun, the moon, Mercury, Venus, Mars (Nodes, Vertex — aren’t celestial bodies but fall into the “sign & house are important” category and are a tool that function/are illustrated like celestial bodies), Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, Pluto (Chiron, black moon Lilith)
You can see each celestial body’s name listed with its symbol in the bottom right corner of the screenshot you sent me and can then look at the circle between the signs and house numbers for where they are placed.
Lastly, planets are afflicted with each other as well since generational planets can be higher octaves of personal planets, and “get along” or don’t “get along” just like the signs, whose compatibility is determined by...
4. The aspects
The expression of every planet depends on these! Aspects show the relationship between two placements and how they connect into one whole personality (Additional information about humans in general: our personality integrates at around the ages of 7 to 9. Before that, we have different needs and wants but not one integrated personality that is made of interwoven traits, qualities,...). They point out how many degrees two or more placements are away from each other (e.g. 180deg = opposition). So when you look at your own chart, you can see that Virgo ♍️ and Pisces ♓️ are in opposition to each other. This also means that people born during Pisces season and people born during Virgo season celebrate their birthdays approximately 6 months apart from each other (because the sun needs a year to transit through the signs).
There are major and minor aspects. Major aspects are usually displayed in the innermost space of the circle using different colored lines and are an umbrella term for: the opposition, the square, the conjunction, the trine and the sextile. Minor aspects are usually listed in extended chart selection options (semi-sextiles, quincunxes, quintiles,...)
Those are then divided into hard/challenging (square, opposition,...), neutral (conjunction,...) and soft/harmonious (trine, sextile,...) aspects. Example: your Sagittarius Mercury (communication, (early) education, rationality, speech, day-to-day expression, perfectionism/detail-orientation,...) in the 4th in a trine (same element, a “flow of energy”) with your Aries moon (emotions, empathy, feelings of security, nurture, comfort,...) in the 8th can indicate potential for the verbal expression of your emotions. You may let your emotions out by talking to people who you live with or your immediate family. Moreover, you could have a desire to write about your emotions in a philosophical/educational way to make others think, but decide to keep your writing to yourself or your closest circle nonetheless. One could chat about an aspect for sooo long just because there are so many things associated with the houses, signs, aspects and celestial bodies. There are so many different angles to take and you’re never done learning about astrology.
Whenever you ask somebody what sign is most compatible with yours, you’d look at the aspects between your sign and other signs to determine if your placements are in a harmonious relationship with each other, though synastry (astrology of compatibility between two birth chart) is much more complex then that.
Lastly, aspects don’t go specifically with one sign/house/celestial body, and some placements can also be unaspected. There are also things such as retrogrades, chart shapes, aspect patterns, dominant signs, persona charts, interceptions and much more but that would definitely go beyond the scope. Let me know if you’d like for me to make a post going in depth regarding those things.
How astrology on social media and day-to-day life has been altered to be regarded as something it is not:
The key is to view modern astrology less as a predictive tool or proof for assumption—because frankly it isn’t—but more as a tool to recognize psychological patterns and behavioral tendencies, which ultimately are what astrology illustrates through elements in the sky. So, no, actions cannot be justified because somebody has a certain placement. (As I mentioned above, it is crucial to regard that placements can be evolved or not evolved and therefore can “manifest” (not the candles in a circle for clear skin and money kind lol) differently). Lastly, astrology doesn’t tell you what to do and you alone have the power over your behavior. You can break free from the patterns illustrated and tendencies pointed out. It’s all about who you choose to be.
Please mark that the links for planets, signs and houses don’t encompass everything that the planets/houses/signs illustrate. For more information I recommend Hannah’s Elsewhere, astro-charts, astro.com, cafe.astrology or astrology.com (lmk if you know about more sources).
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thelittlestcheshire · 5 years
Hello! I’m Katie, and this is my muse Ches. If any of you were in Luxor over the summer, you know this pain in the ass so I’m probably gonna do a quick “here’s where this brat was” recap at the bottom, along with anything I’ve changed between that Ches and this Ches! I’m really excited to be back, and I’m really looking forward to roleplaying with everyone.
I also have the habit of writing crazy long bios when I do bother to write them so there’s a tl;dr for that, also some wanted connections at the bottom. I love plotting so if you ever have any ideas, feel free to come excited scream with me here or on Discord! So without further ado ♥
TWs:  Gun Violence / Murder / Death (not by Ches), Blood, Abuse (Relationship), Cheating, Mental Illnesses, Drugs/Alcohol, Overdoses (also not by Ches / did not result in death)
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Is that HAILEY CHESHIRE “CHES” ELSWOOD? Wow, they do look a lot like KATHERINE MCNAMARA. I hear SHE is a SEVENTEEN EIGHTEEN year old SENIOR who originally attended CARNIFEX Academy. Word is they are an ARISTOCRAT student. You should watch out because they can be IMPULSIVE and STUBBORN, but on the bright side they can also be ENERGENIC and LOYAL. Ultimately, you’ll get to see it all for yourself. [KATIE, 23, EST, SHE/HERS]
Last Edit: 8/26/2020
♥ basics; Full Name: Hailey Cheshire “Ches” Elswood Preferred Name: Ches Elswood Age: 18 Birthday: July 19th, 2002 at 03:22 am Sexual Orientation: Biromantic bisexual Relationship Status: It’s complicated ( @ Elliot ) Occupation: Student Nationality: American [with French dual citizenship] Ches’s Car
♥ classes;
Shakespearean Studies
Advanced Sociology
Advanced Psychology
World History
♥ extracurriculars;
National Honor Society
Theater Club (Actor)
Concert Band (Piano)
♥ background; Place of Birth: Paris, France Hometown: Manhattan, New York, New York Health Issues: Borderline Personality Disorder and PTSD, not that she likes to admit to it, however. She’s also highly allergic to the Perciformes family of fish (tuna, mackrel, perch , and bass). While she’s okay with the  salmoniformes (Salmon and Trout), she really doesn’t touch fish outside of... literally salmon she makes herself since that’s all she trusts ok. ((Shellfish is fine though) Traumas: Watching her mother die (mugging gone wrong/shot to death)
♥ physical; Face Claim: Katherine McNamara Eye Color: Green Hair Color: Red Height: 5′3 ½” (not at fc height quick side note) Weight: 115 lbs Tattoos, Birthmarks, Scars, etc: Mole above her belly button, a few moles on her thighs, freckles and face moles. (Face Ref 1, Face Ref 2,  Body Ref 1, Body Ref 2) . She also has a tattoo now.
♥ zodiac;
Sun: Cancer Moon: Scorpio Mercury: Cancer Venus: Virgo Mars: Leo Jupiter: Cancer Saturn: Gemini Uranus:  Aquarius Neptune: Aquarius Pluto: Sagittarius Lilith: Aries N Node: Gemini
Placidus Orb
I ASC: Gemini II: Cancer III: Cancer IV: Leo V: Virgo VI: Libra VII: Sagittarius VIII:  Capricorn IX: Capricorn X MC: Aquarius XI: Pisces XII: Aries
♥ relatives;
Father’s Full Name: Edward Valentine Elswood Father’s Status: Alive Father’s Occupation: CEO/Owner of a multi-billion dollar luxury goods conglomerate  (net worth of 50+ Billion in fact - in turn, Elswood kids do NOT bat an eyelash at prices) Mother’s Full Name: Julia Andrieux Elswood Mother’s Status: Deceased [shot by a mugger on the twin’s 8th birthday] Future Step-Mother: Rebekah Carroll (soon to be Elswood, watch this space lol) Step-Mother’s Occupation:  Siblings: 6 brothers and sisters (family page here) Elswood-Carroll Children Oldest to Youngest:
Logan Elswood (24)
Jamie Elswood (22)
Emmett Elswood (19)
Cade Carroll (19)
Jonah / Ches Elswood (TWINS)
Flynn Carroll (16)
Effie Elswood (14)
Ella Elswood (10)
She also has a niece named Isabella (Belle) who’s now almost 8 months (DOB: 07/10/2019). Belle belongs to her oldest brother, Logan (and Belle’s mother isn’t in the picture).
This is a link to the Elswood family page if you’d like to know more about her family.
♥ relationships; Ex-Significant Other(s): Probably a handful of people tbh, hit me up if you want this as a WC Reason for Separation: Stuff not working out, Ches getting bored before she got attached, so on - she’s a flirt tbh, it takes her wanting to get invested for her to stay Current Significant Other: N/A
♥ misc;
Hobbies and Talents: Ches’s main hobbies are playing piano and archery (she forever misses her bow and arrow while she’s at school), as these are also the two things that are best at calming her down. She has an intense love for acting, so it’s not uncommon for her to be one of the first people to sign up for auditions, and she tends to sing a lot so musicals are truly her shit. It’s not uncommon to see her in the library, reading a book late a night.
However, a talent she doesn’t exactly own up to often is her talent for forgeries and lockpicking. While she doesn’t use these skills as they’re intended for often, she does tend to practice them a lot, so she’s not rusty for when they are actually useful.
Pinterest Section // Musings Tag // Playlist (it’s an in general Ches playlist tho)
Ches speaks English and French fluently, her mother was born and raised in Paris so she learnt them both at the same time
DO NOT CALL HER HAILEY unless you really want to end up on her shit list, it’s her biggest pet peeve, she will glare at you for hours.
She’s the mom friend if your mom friend also goes “I HAVE THE BEST IDEA” and drags you into trouble. Literally, the one who frets over you and proceeds to get you into trouble.
This muse does what she wants, I just write it down I apologize always for her
Doesn’t really... seriously date too much because of past situations (Her older brother slept with the first person she truly loved) and she tries to avoid falling in love
That being said platonic I love yous are her shit, she loves her friends a LOT
Ches is very serious about her studying (and wanting to be among the best of the best because - this girl has Ivy league college dreams and she has no intents on fucking those up), so like expect her to do shit like read an entire textbook at the start of school and study at midnight when her insomnia is kicking her ass.
She’s a bit of a closet nerd - if you look under her bed she has a chest of comic books, she’ll just lie if you ask her about them
Ches left Luxor due to a family emergency in October, it was a really hard decision (and it was a really hard decision to come back). She is just now coming back to school.
She got her tattoo while she was away from school, using a forged note of parental consent in New Jersey.
♥ bio;
TWs: Gun Violence, Murder, Death, Blood, Abuse (Relationship), Cheating, Mental Illnesses
Growing up as an Elswood means two things, you have a lot of siblings and a lot of money. Her parents had decided to raise their children in Manhattan, New York, where they could keep a close eye on their multi-billion dollar conglomerate. Her mother, Julia, would take them on trips constantly too - when she wanted to get the children away from the hustle and bustle of the city they’d go to their vacation home upstate, or their private island, or even to visit their family in Paris. At that point in life, Ches was happy. She had a solid group of friends, she had the best friend she could ever imagine having in the form of her twin brother, she had a loving and warm family, and she had a parent who would tell her no.
When she thinks back to her life before the incident, it feels like a completely different story. A fairytale even, perfect and happy in every way compared to her life now. However, it wouldn’t last, after all, fairy tales didn’t exist and reality was a much crueler mistress. One could say Lin-Manuel Miranda described it best; “life doesn't discriminate between the sinners and the saints. It takes and it takes and it takes.”
Everything changed on her eighth birthday when her mother took her out shopping to get a present for twin brother Jonah at Palisades Mall. A man came up with a gun while they were in the parking lot and asked for all of their money. Julia Elswood compiled but she made one mistake, the simple utterance of “Cours, Ches” as she gave the man her purse.
Ches might have gotten out of the event alive, but not she was not unscathed. Julia Elswood was pronounced dead when medics finally arrived on the scene, her blood coating her daughter’s hands and clothing from Ches’s attempts to stop the bleeding. She might have survived the event without physical harm but she was never the same child she was before after that.
One day she had an intact family, the next day the Elswoods were in ruin. Her father completely shut himself out from the family, only coming out for birthdays and holidays. Her oldest brother stepped up as their parental figure, first starting out with homeschooling before he eventually dropped out to ensure his siblings were getting as much of his time as they possibly could. He tried his hardest to make the loss of their mother easier on the younger girls especially, given how young they were at the time. She helped him with the girls as much as she could (and overtime she slowly started filling the role as their second parent). Because of how busy the younger Elswood children kept him, sometimes Logan didn’t have the time to comfort Ches when she woke up in the middle of the night, haunted by their mother.
That was when Emmett stepped in. It wasn’t uncommon for him to sleep on her floor so he’d be there when she woke up terrified out of her mind, and he was there when she just eventually stopped sleeping like people tended to. Over time she realized that Jonah and her weren’t truly two peas in a pod the way they used to be, that Emmett was the only Elswood who truly got her. He wasn’t perfectly normal either, his thoughts and feelings were flawed like hers.
In a family that made her feel so broken at times, Emmett was a saving grace - a reminder she wasn’t alone.
Going to school in Carnifex was an easy decision when you felt so alone at home, at school she found a close group of people she loved and cared about - she felt less alone and less like her family were judging her, and when the feeling came up - she could always toss herself back into her schoolwork and pretend that maybe, just maybe, she was just a normal kid living a normal boring life. Family issues easily bred vulnerability though, and it was that vulnerability that was exploited not long before she was set to start Carnifex.
Long-distance relationships weren't’ supposed to be easy, but when she fell in love for the first time. At the time, she had thought she was as fucked up as she could ever be, that at this point she was just focused on healing the wounds her mother’s death had left in therapy and after that, everything would be fine. James Ruth quickly showed her how mistaken she had been, even now she doesn’t like thinking about everything he had done to her. She doesn’t discuss everything he had put her through in the time they were together nor does she have any intentions on truly discussing the worst of the abuse she endured while dating him and she was home - even in therapy. It did, however, have an effect on her, it made her terrified of truly falling in love with somebody again.  (Note: James is also a massive reason why she doesn't get along with her brother Jamie, the two Elswood siblings never recovered from Jamie sleeping with Ches’s boyfriend. It causes a good deal of tension in the Elswood home but Ches can’t just forgive him, her brother never even apologized for his actions, she wasn’t going to pretend he didn’t hurt her because her father wanted them to get along for his own sake. They were on the rocks before this and afterward, the tension just got a whole lot worse.)
Going back to Carnifex her sophomore year was a key factor in helping Ches get away from her relationship, and it became as much of a home for her than her actual home was the longer she attended. Sure, she still misses her younger sisters, she misses Emmett and Camellia, and she misses her friends in the city. She also dislikes just how restricted she truly is when it comes to Instagram and trying to grow her influence while she attends Carnifex. Networking had to wait until she was home and sometimes she questions why she decided boarding school was a good idea. And then Ches looks at her friends, at the education she’s receiving, and all the fond memories she’s developing. Carnifex, and now Luxor, was well worth the fear of missing out she feels. 
If you had asked her at the start of this school year, she would have told you nothing could have gotten her to leave school for any amount of time her senior year, she had spent the whole summer at Luxor (even after hearing about her baby niece, that meant a lot) - she finally settled in, she couldn’t imagine anything happening that would cause her to leave the academy. And then, on October 16th at two am in the morning, she got a phone call from Ella. Their oldest brother, Logan, had overdosed. While his drug addiction had never been a secret to the family, his relapse had been a surprise to Ches. Her brother had sworn up and down he was fine, that everything at home was okay. Going back to New York was a no brainer, her family needed her - and she needed them.
Logan, who’d been the closest thing to a parent she had since her mother died, almost died - she almost lost all the parental figures she ever knew. It was hard, getting adjusted back to New York City, she threw herself into her school work and did her best to fill the shoes Logan left open as he went through rehab, and then, adjusted back to being home. While she stayed in touch with the people she had at Luxor, she wouldn’t come back until her brother way okay - until she felt safe about leaving him with his daughter and their siblings without her as a backup. Coming back to school this time was really hard on her, the homesickness is worse than ever and she’s constantly trying to check in on her siblings (because mom!Ches is truly in full force and she’s trying to get it back down) but she’s glad to be back. She’s missed being at Luxor, a lot, so she’s glad to be back.
TLDR / quick important notes bio recap for rereads:
Ches’s mother was murdered on her 8th birthday in front of her
She was raised by her oldest brother, Logan, and is NOT close to her father really. She also helped raise her younger sisters and is very protective of them.
The Elswood she is closest to is Emmett, Jonah and her grew apart after her mother’s death.
Ches’s first real love was James (an NPC), they dated (entire)Freshman-(mid)Sophomore years, it was abusive (much more than Ches will ever discuss unless she gets majorly close to someone and they HAVE to know (cough still hasn’t happened though cough)) and Ches is now terrified of falling in love again. Her messy as fuck relationships & exes all start after this point.
Ches’s history at Luxor is pretty much in-tact, changes will be below in another section!
Ches left Luxor because of her oldest brother, Logan, overdosing. He is alive but she stayed in NYC until he was out of rehab / stabilized in order to take care of her younger siblings and her niece, Belle.
Notable Luxor Notes:
Anything relating to Thomas (for those of you who know what I mean) really hasn’t occurred, so if you mention it she’ll just be like “who?” This seems like the easiest course of action given how things were left off
Other muses of note I’m not going to account for are: Asher (more will be added as needed).
Ches isn’t a member of the Churchill Circle (I’m leaning towards was never one either just because the reasons she joined are no longer a factor so... she probably wouldn’t have ever joined)
If anyone wants to change history and/or keep it intact, feel free to dm me to let me know and I’ll update this accordingly. 
Wanted Connections:
Exes (when Ches dates it’s not for long, but she’s definitely the type to be like “I’ll go out with you” if asked and then... dump you if she thinks she’s getting too attached. So her exes are either on good terms, neutral terms, or they probably dislike her a lot)
Former friends with benefits - while Ches is no longer taking on new ones because of Elliot (and is starting to wean off her current ones), I’m always willing to headcanon past things!
FRIENDSHIPS  (I am weak af for a good friendship plot, never be afraid to be like “hey can our muses be friends” the answer is legit always yes)
Enemies (Ches can... be a lot so it’s not unlikely she’s pissed people off ok)
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astraltwelve · 6 years
Astronomy and Mythology
Since almost 6,000 years ago, our ancestors have made attempts to catalogue the heavens that expanded above us. The Greeks and the Romans made the biggest contribution to most of the world’s view of the stars. The earliest references to a mythological connection to the stars may be in Homer’s Iliad in the 7th century B.C.E.,wherein he described the creation of Achilleus’s shield by Hephaistos, the craftsman God. 
On it he made the earth, and sky, and sea, the weariless sun and the moon waxing full, and all the constellations that crown the heavens, Pleiades and Hyades, the mighty Orion and the Bear, which men also call by the name of Wain: she wheels round in the same place and watches for Orion, and is the only one not to bathe in Ocean  (Iliad XVIII 486-490).
Around Homer’s time, most of the constellations weren’t necessarily connected with any specific myth, but were instead known simply as the animal or object they represented. Lyre was simply the Ram. It wasn’t until around the 5th century B.C.E. that the constellations became connected to certain myths. Eratosthenes in his Catasterismi, completed this evolution and gave each constellation mythological significance. The Lion became specifically the Nemean Lion that was overcome by Hercules. The line between mythology and astronomy became so blurred it was virtually indistinguishable.
The most thorough astronomical catalogue of ancient times was the Roman Ptolemy of Alexandria, who compiled 1022 stars into 48 constellations during the 2nd century C.E. His work didn’t include the constellations only visible in the southern hemisphere, but laid the foundation for the modern list of 88 constellations officially designated by the International Astronomical Union. 
The influence of both Greek and Roman works is quite evident; the myths behind the constellations are still well known, and their Latin names are still in use. 
Aries Mythology
Aries represents the Golden Fleece sought by Jason and the Argonauts. Mercury originally presented the ram to Nephele when her husband took a new wife, Ino, who persecuted Nephele’s children. The Ram flew away to the East with Phrixus and Helle on its back, in an attempted by Nephele to keep the two safe. Helle fell off between the Aegean Sea and the Sea of Marmara, but Phrixus safely made it to the eastern shore of the black sea, where the ram was then sacrificed and its Golden Fleece was offered to King Aeetes.  
Taurus Mythology
Taurus represents the bull form Jupiter assumed when attempting to woo Europa, princess of Phoenicia.
Majesty and love go ill together, nor can they long share one abode. Abandoning the dignity of his sceptre, the father and ruler of the gods, whose hand wields the flaming three-forked bolt, whose nod shakes the universe, adopted the guise of a bull; and mingling with the other bullocks, joined in their lowing and ambled in the tender grass, a fair sight to see. His hide was white as untrodden snow, snow not yet melted by the rainy South wind. The muscles stood out on his neck, and deep folds of skin hung along his flanks. His horns were small, it is true, but so beautifully made that you would swear they were the work of an artist, more polished and shining than any jewel. There was no menace in the set of his head or in his eyes; he looked completely placid. (Metamorphoses II 847-858).
Europa was impressed by the gentle beauty of the bull, and played with it on the beach, eventually climbing on its back. He then swam out to sea with her, taking her to Crete where he revealed his identity. 
Gemini Mythology
Gemini represents Castor and Pollux, twin brothers birthed by Leda and therefore half-brothers to Helen. Leda was impregnated one night by Jupiter in the form of a swan; she was also impregnated by her husband, king Tyndarus of Sparta, the same night. Pollux was Jupiter’s son, and therefore immortal famous for his incredible strength. Meanwhile, human born Castor was famous for his equine skills. They both fought in the Trojan War to bring their sister home to her husband, and therefore are often depicted armed with spears atop matching white horses.
When the mortal Castor died, grief-stricken Pollux begged Jupiter to share the immortality. Jupiter consented and reunited the pair in the heavens. 
Cancer Mythology
While the exact mythological origin of Cancer is uncertain, the most widely accepted story is that Cancer was the crab sent to harass Hercules while he was on his second labor. Juno in her infinite jealousy sent Cancer to nip at the hero’s heels as he battled Hydra, only to watch as the crab eventually became crushed beneath Hercules’s feet. To reward the crab for its faithful service, Juno placed it in the heavens. 
Leo Mythology
Leo represents the Nemean Lion, killed by Hercules during his first labor. The Lion, according to legend, had impenetrable skin, which Hercules got around by wrestling the lion and strangling it to death. He then removed one of its claws, and used it to skin the lion, and Hercules wore the Nemean Lion’s skin as protection from then on. 
Virgo Mythology
According to some ancient poets, Virgo the Virgin is sometimes known as Astraea, who lived on earth during the Golden Age of man.
First a golden race of mortal men were made by the immortals who have Olympian homes. They lived in Kronos’ [Saturn’s] time, when he ruled the sky, they lived like gods, with carefree heart, free and apart from trouble and pain; grim old age did not afflict them, but with arms and legs always strong they played in delight, apart from all evils; They died as if subdued by sleep; and all good things were theirs; the fertile earth produced fruit by itself, abundantly and unforced; willingly and effortlessly they ruled their lands with many goods. But since the earth hid this race below, they are daimones by the plans of great Zeus [Jupiter], benevolent earthly guardians of mortal men, who watch over judgments and cruel deeds, clothed in air and roaming over all the earth  (Hesiod, Works and Days 109-125).
Presumably, Astaea is the daimone (invisible spirits that watch over men) who’s domain is justice. Her emblem was the scales, which we now see next to her as Libra. 
Libra Mythology
Libra represents the balance or scales, representative of the fall equinox – when days and nights are equal, the sun and moon are in balance. 
An alternative interpretation, is that Libra works as a “hinge point” or “center of balance,” between the two. Virgo is the Virgin, and Scorpio tends to be associated with sex. Virgo is analytical, Scorpio is visceral. Libra provides the balance between these two points
Scorpio Mythology
The Scorpion is generally believed to be responsible for the death of the great hunter Orion. As to the reasoning; some myths state that Scorpius stung Orion in response to his boast that he could defeat any beast, while others maintain that the Scorpion was sent by Apollo, who was concerned about his sister Diana’s continued chastity. To avoid further conflict, Scorpio was placed on the opposite side of the sky from Orion. 
Sagittarius Mythology
Sagittarius represents the centaur Chiron (although there is now an asteroid as his namesake). Most mythological centaurs were regarded as bestial, but due to the Greeks immense respect for the horse, they were reluctant to make centaurs wholly “bad.” Chiron was, in fact, renowned for his gentleness; he was an excellent archer, musician, and physician, and even tutored Achilles, Jason, and Hercules.
One fateful day, Hercules accidentally shot and wounded Chiron with an arrow that had been dipped in the poison of the Lernaean Hydra. This greatly inflicted suffering upon Chiron, so severe that his talents as a physician couldn’t cure himself. He was an immortal, so despite his agony he could not find relief in death, so he offered himself as a substitute for Prometheus (who’s punishment for giving fire to man was chaining him to a rock, and having an eagle devour his liver, only to have it regrow to be consumed the next day). Jupiter, at the request of Hercules, agreed to release Prometheus, in exchange for Chiron surrendering his immortality and being sent to Tartarus in place of Prometheus. In recognition of Chiron’s goodness, Jupiter placed him in the stars, where he can be seen laying low in the southern sky during the summer. 
Capricorn Mythology
Bacchus was feasting on the banks of the Nile when suddenly Typhoeus, the earthborn giant appeared. He jumped into the river, and the part of him that was below the water was transformed into a fish, while his upper body became that of a goat. He then saw Typhoeus attempting to dissemble Jupiter, and blew a shrill note on his pipes that frightened Typhoeus, causing him to flee. Grateful Jupiter placed the new shape of Bacchus in the heavens under the new name Capricornus, as a thanks for the rescue. 
Aquarius Mythology
Aquarius represents Ganymede, the lovely young Phygrian son of Tros, king of Troy. Jupiter saw Ganymede tending his father’s flocks, and became enamored with the boy, so he flew down in the form of a large bird, whisking Ganymede away to the heavens, where he became the cupbearer to the gods.
Ovid wrote of Orpheos song that chronicles the tale:
“The king of the gods was once fired with love for Phrygian Ganymede, and when that happened Jupiter found another shape preferable to his own. Wishing to turn himself into a bird, he none the less scorned to change into any save that which can carry his thunderbolts. Then without delay, beating the air on borrowed pinions, he snatched away the shepherd of Ilium, who even now mixes the winecups, and supplies Jove with nectar, to the annoyance of Juno”.
Pisces Mythology
When Typhoeus suddenly appeared (the same instance that caused the transformation of Bacchus into Capricornus), Venus and her son Cupid were bathing on the banks of the Euphrates River. They took on the shapes of a pair of fish to escape the danger. Minerva immortalized their ordeal by placing the figures of two fish among the stars.
In other versions, Venus and Cupid were rescued by two fish who carried them to safety. In a similar Syrian mythology, two fish known as “Ikhthyes" (or “Ichthyes”) were the ones that rescued the gods.
Whatever version, the mythology of Pisces always refers to two fish, never one. Most versions of the Typhon escape legend speak of the tails of the fish being tied together to avoid losing each other. The constellation of Pisces represents two fish with their tails tied together. 
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findingbalancecomic · 7 years
Canon Information about my version of the Zodiac Signs
When they are extremely angry, the Zodiac Signs’ eyes will go completely black. However, they can still see perfectly fine. This is not a mechanism for protecting their eyes in preparation for a battle, it is simply a warning sign to others to back off or they will strike. This also happens if a sign loses their sanity. When attacking, the Signs will bare their teeth and display sharp canines as both an attack and defense mechanism. It is also used as a scare tactic in some instances. The Zodiac Signs have their designated symbol visible on a part of their bodies. No one Zodiac Sign has their symbol in the same place, which is one of the things that make them unique. These symbols glow when the signs are using their abilities.
Abilities Each group of the Zodiac: Air, Water, Fire, and Earth, has their own abilities based on what group they are in. Air Signs are able to fly and hover in the air and run at very fast speeds. Water Signs are able to bend water and use it as a weapon, turn into mermaids in order to swim quickly underwater, and walk on water. Fire Signs are able to conjure fire out of thin air, use it as a weapon or for light or warmth and walk through fire. Earth Signs are able to make flowers, plants and trees grow, but also able to cause earthquakes and control the movement of tectonic plates to their will. All of the Zodiac signs can combine powers with one another to create a different power altogether. For example, Air mixed with Fire would be Flamethrower. Other combinations include Air and Water (Hurricane), Air and Earth (Tornado), Water and Fire (Fire Rain), Water and Earth (Flood), and Fire and Earth (Volcanic Explosion). In addition to their group abilities, each sign has their own personal ability that is unique to them. For example, Libra is a healer, and Sagittarius is able to summon fire arrows for combat. Cancer can see auras and interpret them.
Ruling Planets Each Sign has their own ruling Planet. These Planets have human-like forms just like the Signs. They are considered as parental figures for each Sign, and give the Signs advice and guide them when they are feeling lost. The ruling Planets and Signs are spiritually connected, so when one is troubled or in danger, the other will feel as if they need to help them. Ruling Planets can only appear to the Signs in dreams, they cannot appear to them in a physical form. Some Signs technically have two rulers, one ancient and one modern. This is because some of the more modern Planets were not discovered when the Signs were “born”. Virgo, Taurus, Aquarius, Scorpio, and Pisces each have an ancient and a modern ruler respectively. Virgo’s rulers are Mercury and Chiron, Taurus’ rulers are Venus and Ceres, Aquarius’ rulers are Saturn and Uranus, Scorpio’s rulers are Mars and Pluto, and Pisces’ rulers are Jupiter and Neptune. Taurus’ and Virgo’s modern rulers are very new, so they have not yet been universally accepted. As such, Taurus and Virgo are still attached to their ancient rulers.
Purpose The purpose of the Zodiac Signs is to keep the universe in balance. They do this by acting like a family, keeping each other stable mentally and physically. One sign being unbalanced can negatively affect the whole universe, whether it is a minor or major effect. If a Sign does become unbalanced, they will rely on help from the rest of the Signs, and possibly even their ruling Planet if the situation is too grave for the Signs to handle on their own.
Love All of the Zodiac Signs are capable of feeling love. The love felt can be either platonic or romantic. All of the signs are also polyamorous, so they are fine with each other having multiple partners. Sometimes a relationship will fall apart or lose its spark. When that happens, the Sign(s) involved will feel mild grief for about a day, and proceed to move on with their lives, possibly even finding a new partner in the process. Most of the signs will not yearn to have their previous partner back, as they do not believe in living in the past. All of the Zodiac Signs platonically and respectfully feel love for their ruling planets, similar to the relationship between a parent and a child. 
Age Zodiac Signs have no specific age, as they have been around for a long time and no one truly knows exactly how old each one is. However, in their respective groups (Air, Water, Fire, and Earth), the general ages go as follows from youngest to oldest: Air Signs: Libra, Gemini, Aquarius Fire Signs: Leo, Sagittarius, Aries Earth Signs: Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn Water Signs: Cancer, Pisces, Scorpio
Leaders of the Zodiac These Signs are those who like to take charge or feel comfort in being in control. There is one leader for each elemental group. Capricorn: Earth, Scorpio: Water, Aquarius: Air, Aries: Fire. These Signs are the ones who will stand at the front lines for a battle, and who will, as a group themselves, make important decisions that will affect them and/or the rest of the Signs. 
Hosts Each Zodiac Sign has a “host”. This “host” is a human on Earth that their personality is based on. In a way, it’s like their human counterpart. The Signs call each other by the name of the sign they represent, but they use the name of a Sign’s host on rare occasions such as intimacy. When called by their host’s name, the Sign may have a hologram-like image of their host flicker in front of them, with the same expression and the same position that the Sign is in. (I will post a drawing as an example of this later) If the host of the Sign is feeling a strong emotion, that will affect the Sign’s mood as well. If the host of the Sign passes away, the Sign will feel a sudden and strong sense of loss. Over the next few days, they will appear to be mourning until a connection is made with a new host.
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haruka89 · 8 years
Why the 5x09 Flashbacks were Bullshit
(For convenience I will call the people from the List List-person/List-people. Also, I wrote this before 5x17 aired, in case anyone wants to use arguments from that episode.) When I heard that the villain of season 5 was supposed to be the child of someone the Hood killed in season 1 I thought that would be interesting. Actions having unintended consequences, etc. Not that Oliver doesn't usually think about those, but you can't plan for every possibility, after all. What I expected was the child of one of the men hired by a List-person, since those are the majority of people killed by Oliver. Men who were criminals by choice or because they were down on their luck. Men who might be classified as mercenaries, being payed to do the dirty work, with varying moralities. Men who, ultimately, were small gears in a bigger machine. Unimportant men, who never had a name in the show. That would have made sense. That would have been interesting. That would have been a chance to show that even the criminals are three dimensional people, like they did with Deadshot. It also would have worked without completely ret-conning the Hood's MO. Instead we have the flashbacks we got in 5x09, which I think are utter bullshit created to refit season 1 to season 5, rather than write season 5 to fit in with established canon.
(Because long meta is long the rest is under a cut. Go to the last paragraph for a tl,dr.)
The Hood's MO, to summarize what I wrote in another meta that I can't remember if I posted it already, was to choose a List-person. Chances are that List-person is at that point in time a danger to someone or fucking someone over (Martin Somers; the guy Oliver wanted to target in 1x06 but didn't because Royal Flush Gang). Otherwise it's someone who's been fucking people over without being arrested, taken to court or otherwise face the consequences for their crimes. (Unrelated note, I want to write about getting their just desserts, which brought me to thinking that Oliver and Trickster/Loki/Gabriel from Supernatural might get on like a house on fire. Thank you, brain.) He goes to that List-person and asks them not-so-politely to undo whatever they have done (return stolen money/goods, confess to crime, repair/replace the broken things in apartment buildings, etc). When they don't, which is often but not always, he returns and makes them, or hacks them, or steals from them, or stops them. The Hood is not nice about what he is doing and violence and intimidation are his main tools, but the List-people have been screwing people over, including injury and death, for 5-10 years without consequences. Some of them use violence and intimidation themselves. Asking nicely is not going to do shit. Going to the police likely is not going to do shit either, considering Oliver's version of the List is FIVE FUCKING YEARS OLD. So, yeah, the Hood has hurt and killed people, because that is how you keep yourself alive if you are a vigilante going up against people who hire other people to shoot at you. Especially if you're doing it mostly alone. Still, he mostly resorted to incapacitating his opponents. Incidentally, I'd bet that max 10% of the criminals he encountered as the Hood are dead. I'm guessing it's much lower. (I can count on one hand the number of people Oliver killed in s1 who weren't at that specific time trying to hurt/kill him or someone else. The only ones I can think of right now are the third kidnapper from 1x01 and the not-the-Count psychiatrist in 1x19. Even those were trying to kill him just minutes before and were a potential future danger, considering they didn't flinch from killing. Neither of them was on the List.) You know what the Hood didn't do? Go back the second time, kill all the hired muscle, confront the List-person and kill them while they're defenseless. You know, the thing he supposedly did with Justin Claybourne. To collect some proof I went on the Arrow Wiki, because I do not have the time to re-watch whole seasons for stuff like this, and looked at the article about the List. Of those listed who had an appearance on the show or in the tie-in comics six died during an altercation with the Hood: Guillermo Barrera (1x16, hired to kill Merlyn), Justin Claybourne (wasn't mentioned before s5), Ted Daniels (tie-in comics), Ted Gaynor (1x11, Diggle's army buddy, robbed armored trucks), Leo Müller (1x05, arms dealer), Justin Whicker (tie-in comics). Any other known-to-be-dead List-people (10 if I counted right) died by someone else's hand. Malcolm Merlyn's, for example. So, let's look a bit more closely at those deaths:
We've all recently seen what happened with Justin Claybourne, I'm not going to rehash that.
Leo Müller died off-screen, if he died at all. We only see Oliver aiming at Müller, before it fades to black and we hear Müller scream and the arrow fly. He might kill him, he might only injure him. Until I saw him as deceased in that article I assumed he was still alive in some prison. According to the wiki he isn't mentioned again chronologically after 1x05. Also, the Hood is a pragmatist. An international arms dealer is much more useful alive and in the hands of something like FBI, Interpol, ARGUS, etc. and it's not like Oliver doesn't have the connections.
Guillermo Barrera was an assassin and died in a fight with the Hood. Technically Oliver started that fight, but only after Barrera pulled out his throwing knives. I'm not sure why Oliver wanted to get to him before the police, since I can't remember why Oliver choose to target him. Maybe he only wanted to make sure Barrera wouldn't do his job in Starling City and didn't trust the police to arrest him. (I wouldn't have, personally, with that reputation.) Either way, I doubt that after that fight had started both of them could have come out of it alive.
Ted Gaynor. There's not much to say there. Oliver killed him when he threatened/attempted to kill Diggle and Carly.
Ted Daniels was about to shoot Oliver or the women he was protecting. Not much to say there, either.
Justin Whicker's death was not quite an accident. He attacked Oliver, missed him and fell out of a window with Felicity. There was no real time to save him, if anyone had wanted to do that.
And just for fun I tried to remember anyone killed by Oliver in s1 who wasn't just a nameless hired gun. I couldn't think of many, but here's what I was able to remember:
The 3 kidnappers from 1x01. They were hired by Moira and weren't supposed to hurt Tommy or Oliver, but the boys couldn't know that. What Oliver did know was that they killed that innocent witness, that they had kidnapped him and Tommy and that they had high powered firearms. Also, they tortured Oliver for information. Escape was the only viable option with the available information, which resulted in the deaths of two of the three kidnappers. The last one Oliver followed to protect his secret. But beyond that there was no guarantee that the third kidnapper wouldn't come back to hurt either of them or hurt any innocent bystanders during his escape.
Deadshot. Oliver not-killed him, as it turned out, when Deadshot was trying to kill him and Diggle.
Frank Bertinelli's right hand, whatever his name. He and his men kidnapped Oliver and Helena and tried to kill both of them. Oliver didn't have much choice considering his lack of weapons.
“The Savior”, the guy who kidnapped people, including Roy. He was trying to kill Oliver and/or Roy, when Oliver killed him.
The doctor from the mental hospital, who produced Vertigo. He had just tried to kill Oliver via Vertigo overdose and knew Oliver's secret. Considering that Oliver was literally seeing triple and barely on his feet, shooting the guy was the only safe way to deal with him.
The assassin from 1x20, trying to kill the boy staying at Oliver's. It was very obvious that the assassin was going to eliminate any witnesses. He was also actively trying to kill Oliver, when Oliver managed to kill him.
(If you can think of anyone else, feel free to tell me.)
Now let's play the game 'Which of those things is not like the others?" The answer should be Justin Claybourne. The first flashback sets this between 1x05 and 1x06, since Diggle doesn't seem to know how Oliver does things and he comments on Oliver not ditching him anymore. Oliver has only just started researching Claybourne and Diggle's protest seems to imply that he thinks Oliver is going to kill Claybourne. Which isn't surprising, since the press and the police have created a reputation about the Hood that's not entirely true. But Oliver words seem to imply the same and I can't remember Oliver choosing a target with the intent of killing whoever it is. In the second flashback the Hood explicitly states that the consequences of refusal will be death. That's another thing I can't remember the Hood doing in s1. In the third flashback Diggle and Oliver outright discuss Oliver killing Claybourne, like it's a forgone conclusion. It also more than implies that Oliver regularly kills List-people, which has not actually been the case until then, since at least four of the six people Oliver targeted are still alive. The others are Leo Müller, discussed above, and Warren Patel, killed by Deadshot. (I also resent this most recent implication that Oliver doesn't think about the consequences of his actions. But that's another topic.) The fourth is Oliver going after Claybourne and potentially killing anyone he finds there. (It's not clear in certain parts, but the staged bodies seem to imply that.) That is not how the Hood went about crossing names off his List. It also doesn't make sense from a practical point of view and Oliver is very practical about his plans. After Claybourne's death his company died, too. But that wasn't something Oliver could have predicted. Companies like that do survive their CEOs. That company could have continued their shady practices, which wouldn't help the victims of the epidemic. Killing Claybourne wouldn't have necessarily changed anything. Instead s1 Oliver could have made Claybourne confess to creating the epidemic, like with Martin Somers and Jason Brodeur. He could have hacked Claybourne's bank accounts, stolen the money (see Adam Hunt) and donated it to organizations to buy the TB medication. Or bought the medication himself and donated it. Or he could have stolen the medication and given it to hospitals and clinics. Or he could have hacked the company and leaked that information to the press or police. Or any number of things he's already done or will do. The tl;dr version: s1 Oliver didn't kill any List-people when it wasn't in self defense or defense of others. Most of the people Oliver killed in s1 were actively trying to kill him or others. The MO of the Hood in s1 doesn't fit with what we see in the 5x09 flashbacks. There were a number of more useful things than killing Claybourne s1 Oliver could and would have done. Which means the 5x09 flashback don't make sense for s1 and make Prometheus a far less interesting character. And I want to Gibbs-slap the writers for going the lazy route of ret-conning s1 instead of creating a story that fits into established canon.
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furederiko · 8 years
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The 2nd episode of Kyuranger paves way for an intriguing Duo of Thieves!
- Our episode opens with "The Space Shogunate, Jark Matter has designated the insurgent force Rebellion's Kyurangers..." Wow. Looks like the Shogunate is controlling the media as well, because the news comes up really quick. LOL at that bounty photos. Even Lucky is showing a "For real?" expression on his headshot. Hahaha. - As hinted last week, we get to see two more core characters of this show. Namely, the golden-colored robot(?) Balance (VA: Yuuki Ono, whose image song as Wen Yang in "Dynasty Warriors" series is to-die-for), and the silver-haired humanoid Naga Rei (Taiki Yamazaki) whose name might be derived from 'Nagareboshi' that means 'Shooting Star' in Japanese. Gold and Silver? Yep, that's a bit on-the-nose, eh? Both of them are already introduced in the opening, so not really a surprise. This duo is located in an industrial planet called Planet Jigama, and are inhibiting contrasting personalities. Hmmm... - Hooo... interesting! Raptor is briefing Lucky and Garu about the Jark Matter's... pyramid organizational structure! We actually always had this in past titles, but I think this is the first time it's been charted so... neatly. Above the cannon fodd... er I mean Combatants, there are Malisters (Daikaan in Japanese) who are essentially the MotWs. In higher rank, there are Menasters (Karo) who represents the 88 constellation systems (That's A LOT). And on top is Don Armage himself as the Shogun. I think the more important part would be that top-left part, the "Lecture by Raptor 283", because she IS acting like a lecturer. A strict one at that. I told you last week that her personality would clash with Hammy's, and well... it's happening already. LOL. We need more of this internal conflicts! By the way, Over-Time has changed Dorado Yellow's naming from Sparda into Spada (as well as Planet Jagama into Jigama, and Malicestrate into Menasters), which might be more appropriate. So I'll be following suit in my reviews. - Updated opening sequence! Lucky and Garu are in it now. Judging from the preview and the pattern so far, we're going to get the complete (9 Kyurangers) version come episode 5! Hey, I just noticed the sequence actually includes scenes from this episode too. Hope this trend continues. Oh, and yeah, the Lacerta Kyu Globe (Tokage/Lizard) has also debuted in this episode! During the CM that is (Kyuranger Choco!!!)... LOL. - Dumb Lucky is trusting people TOO easily. I'm considering to call him Dumb-Luck from now on. In case you're wondering why Balance and Naga call themselves as BN Thieves, that's simply their initials put together. All those colored-skinned aliens reminds me of "Guardians of the Galaxy", but this diner scene also easily reminds me of Star Wars' Mos Eisley. Does this mean the BN Thieves are nods to Han Solo (or should I say, Duo)? I used to think that way last week, in that Naga might be serving as a Han-esque figure, while Balance as his Chewbacca. But it seems I might have been inaccurate. In fact, Naga's lack of emotion might be a nod to a particular Marvel's movie character instead: Drax the Destroyer! Then again, he also has that lack of social knowledge, that makes him feels like... a robot? A clone? Okay, hold that thought. Turns out everyone in his silver-haired planet also LOOKS the same. Creepy. Like, "Children of the Corn"-level creepy. By the way, Naga's actor looks so MUCH better without that silver wig. It's amazing the effect of make up to people, right? - Dumb-Luck is also very naive, isn't he? Or perhaps, too... optimistic? But that's why I can't hate him, because he's basically acting like a little brat. Speaking of personality, Balance is VERY lively. And he's sleazy too. I LOVE HIM already LOL. He reminds me of Hondo Ohnaka from "Star Wars REBELS". The fansub might not reflect it, but he has a habit of spouting slang and/or making wordplay in his speech. Like that line "Nice to meetcha!"? In Japanese he actually uses the word 'Shiku-yoro' instead of the spelling-correct 'Yoroshiku'. Perhaps, this is his character's signature style? He makes a fun pair with Naga though. One half who doesn't know how to express emotions (and longs to obtain ones), the other is expressing a little too much (without caring for other's emotions). There's a hint that Balance is just using Naga though, so I can't help but wonder how the two of them get together in the first place? Hmmm... - We have a big cast, and that's a fact. Which is probably why, the transformation and stylish roll calls are incorporated in the battle. I like this approach. Of course, this goes for the Kyurangers who are not taking the spotlight. In this case, it's the other Kyurangers beside Lucky, who plot-wise, are put to the side. That's both the advantage and disadvantage of having a big cast. - Our MotW is Malistrate Gammetsui, who seems to be based on... a turtle? Salamander? He's the boss of Jigama, and he's interested about the Kyuranger's 50 million bounty. But the team is divided into two, so which one will he target? Lucky for him, it's Dumb-Luck's team. What about the other team? Eridron (who shoots arrows, obviously, since he's from Sagittarius) himself deals with Spada and the rest. This is just episode 2, but already a Menaster is on the front line? And forcing our heroes to run for their life? NICE. After all, it's 9 Kyurangers against... the galaxy *sigh*. - Great Gawd, Dumb-Luck triggers the alarm on purpose, and calls it LUCK *smh*. He sees the good in everything, doesn't he? Holy twist, Balance actually SELLS OUT Lucky to Gammetsui. That's 'GOI-SU'!! (FYI, 'Sugoi' means 'Awesome', but you've probably known that already). All for the sake of the blue-colored treasure he's trying to steal. Technically, he's acting like the episode's 2nd MotW, much to Naga's dismay. Hence, the part where Naga chooses to be a 'friend' for Lucky and betrays him, gives Balance the shock of his life. Worse that that, Lucky actually believes that all these are merely Balance's plan? He IS that naive, eh? Wait till he knows the truth... - Which won't happen. LOL. Of course, Balance's conscience wins over him, thus he chooses to rescue Naga. It seems they are connected with a bond that's stronger than... wait a sec?! Why do they remind me of... C3PO and R2D2?!! OvO... Anyways, thanks to this rescue, we get to know who, or WHAT exactly Balance is. He's a machine organism who has the ability to control other machines. Basically, like the antagonists of "Chouriki Sentai Ohranger". Hmm... it'd be great if he is from one, right? Because that would make both series canon. Naga on the other hand, has the ability to freeze enemies just by glaring at them with his glowing green eyes. A neat nod to Greek Myth's Medusa, perhaps? - Balance wants to team up with Lucky to get loots, and also emotions for Naga. So definitely NOT in this to play a hero. He blatantly says this goal outloud, and Lucky's okay with it! I think it's good that these 2 new members have their own 'selfish' goals to be part of the Rebellion. In fact, we need more heroes who function in grey-areas like these. And nothing's wrong with that, because hey, they have awaken their Libra and Ophiucus Kyu Globes JUST because of that. Random trivia: in the recent 13 Zodiacs concept, Ophiucus is also a horoscope sign just like Libra. It's closely aligned after Scorpio, which will have a representation in this show very soon. - Yep, Balance and Naga are the focus characters, so they have the rights for a full transformation and roll call sequence. #4 The Trick-Star Libra Gold and #6 The Silent Star Ophiucus Silver make their debut! Before you complain that Leo Red is tagging along, do remember one thing for the sake of being fair: he hasn't had the chance to do these properly last week! XD. And yes, though many might be annoyed with it, I'm loving Libra Gold's dandy atttitude and attention-seeker poses too. It makes him stands out and... unique. At least audience would be worried that Naga might be in some bad company! Hahaha. Also... LOL at that not-so-subtle Kyu the Weapon's sales promotion. But never mind that, because the cool group finisher "All-Star Crash" is genuinely cool. - First 'earth'-based mecha battle and also first shot of the enlargement method for the show's MotW. Looks like all Jark Matters have the ability to do this, with the help of that weird Empire's symbol. I'm liking how Libra Voyager and Ophiucus Voyager have two forms, the spaceship one and humanoid. And the way the two practically kicks Chamaeleon Green and Dorado Yellow out of Kyuren-Oh? LOL to that. They even have their own finisher, the yo-yo slam "Kyuren-Oh! Trick Break! Super Galaxy". Due to the limb-changing concept, looks like TOEI can't rely on stock footage for the mecha's transformation and final moves this season. I hope this means we'll be getting a variety of new combination every week. - Since they have officially joined the team, Naga wears the Rebellion's uniform, while Balance? He gets a new paint-job. The best part of this closing scene, is already we're seeing personality clashes. The easy friction between Hammy's manner of speech with Balance, or how Balance and Spada seems to be on the same 'dandy' page. Whoops, that's not the closing scene. We get a quick glimpse of the next Kyuranger. This mysterious man (seriously? XD) has an Orange Kyu Globe, but his pendulum looks like a Kyu Globe too, and it's colored... Blue? Hmmm... intriguing! - Ending sequence is obviously updated as well. The BN Thieves are now included, and put center stage. It looks even crowded now, and we still have two more! At least the dance is fun, right?
Overall: This episode introduced two more characters, and more importantly two more different types of personalities. It's going to be interesting to see how they interact with the previous six members (including Raptor). The dynamic of Balance and Naga Rei was more than just intriguing or fun to watch, it evoked questions and mysteries as well. These are great potentials that are prime to be explored in future episodes, and I sincerely hope that will indeed be the case. After all, opportunities to dish out and develop every characters are just too good to ignore. On a side note, we're only in episode 2, and we already have seven Kyurangers. Do you think the plot is moving too fast? I mean, they could've simply made the BN Thieves intro into a 2-parter, right? If the show gathers all its core heroes in just 5 episodes, I wonder how the story will play out in the episodes that follow? Hmmm... Next week: Meet the Dragon Commander! Also, beware the sting of... Dopplegangers?
Episode 02 Score: 8 out of 10
Visit THIS LINK to view a continuously updated listing of the Kyutama / Kyu Globes. Last Updated: February 19th, 2017 - Version 04. (WARNING: It might contain spoilers for future episodes)
All images are screencaptured from the series, provided by the FanSubber Over-Time. "Uchu Sentai Kyuranger" is produced by TOEI, and airs every Sunday on TV-Asahi. Credits and copyrights belong to their respective owners.
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