#also sorry for the caps in the post i just . i got way too excited hahahaha
spectrearia · 6 months
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lostloveletters · 18 days
Something Borrowed (Michael Corleone x Reader)
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Summary: Michael Corleone is the last person you expect to see at your best friend Connie’s wedding, and the last thing you expect to happen upon seeing him again after so many years is spending the night together. Maybe, it'll turn into something more.
Note: Female reader, but no other descriptors are used. No hate to Kay, she’s my girl, but wedding scene Michael drives me crazy🤭 She’s off living her best life elsewhere in this. Also, it was a lot of fun writing pre-everything Michael. Do not interact if you’re under 18, terf or radfem, or post thinspo/ED content.
Word count: 2.8k
Warnings: Sexually explicit content involving unprotected sex. Light play fighting.
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Champagne and giggles overflowed at Connie Corleone’s wedding to Carlo Rizzi. Plenty of red wine was passed around in pitchers for the old guard, of course. For you and the other women conscious of not staining the rainbow of cocktail dresses and flowing gowns that dotted the backyard, you opted for lighter fare in tall flutes that sparkled in the early autumn sun. 
Perhaps you were a bit too enthusiastic about the drink offerings, having already exchanged three empty champagne glasses for ones filled to the brim with glittering gold when the bride engulfed you in a hug. With a delighted laugh, you returned the gesture, kissing her cheek.
“I wanted to say thank you one more time for coming!” Connie exclaimed, her cheeks flushed pink from the excitement of the day. “God, it breaks my heart we couldn’t have gotten you a bridesmaid dress in time, but you look gorgeous.”
“Me? Connie, you look like a princess.”
“I feel like one,” she giggled.
“When you see your gift from me—I’m sorry it’s not more, I haven’t—”
“Stop it!” she scolded. “You came all the way from Europe just to be at my wedding. I couldn’t ask for a better friend.”
You didn’t bother correcting her. Her version of events sounded much nicer than you just got lucky with when the Red Cross put you on a boat home. “Anything for you.”
“I won’t keep you. This is probably the first time you’re eating real food in years. Mama, Sandra, and Theresa made most of it.”
Connie was right. You tried to savor your plate, packed with pasta drowned in homemade sauce, antipasto and crusty bread, and sandwiches that towered with fresh cold cuts. The Corleones knew a thing or two about good food, and had the means to pull the strings for the unfathomable ration books such a feast required.
A familiar yet unexpected voice startled you when your fork pierced a piece of mozzarella. “Is this seat taken?”
“Michael,” you practically gasped, taken aback by his even attending the wedding in the first place, but also how good he looked in his uniform. Cap tucked under his arm, medals and decorations on his chest, the photos you’d seen in the magazine didn’t do him justice. Finding yourself again, you gestured to the empty seat across from you. “Go ahead.”
“I can’t remember the last time I saw you, but you look great,” he said, his gaze fixed on you as he set his plate and glass down. He took you in, the girl he’d grown up seeing around the house and at school, now, without a doubt, a woman.
“You too, Captain,” you said, nodding toward the double bars on his uniform.
He snickered at your little joke, making you feel a bit more at ease in his presence. “I’m surprised you aren’t in the wedding party.”
“Honestly, I wasn’t even sure I was going to make it until a few days ago. I only just got back to New York on Thursday,” you said.
“You volunteered with the Red Cross, didn’t you?”
You nodded. “I was in England, and then France after the liberation.”
“Clubmobile, right?”
“Did Connie tell you?”
He shook his head, smiling the slightest bit. “All the pretty girls worked the Clubmobile.”
A mortifyingly girlish giggle escaped your lips. You quickly brought your glass to your mouth, though the champagne in it was likely the culprit of your embarrassing reaction to Michael’s compliment. Averting your eyes to the dancing guests, you tried to ignore the warmth that spread across your face.
You allowed yourself to look at him again a few moments later, relieved to find he was still sitting in front of you, amused, maybe even endeared, by you.
“You’re such a jerk, Michael,” you mumbled, only because he was your friend’s older brother, and when you were younger and starry-eyed and figuring out what it meant when your heart wouldn’t quite beat right around a boy, it was him who those tender emotions were kindled in secret toward—until you had your first real boyfriend.
He grinned at your remark, and the two of you ate and caught up in between his various family members stopping by the table to say hello. You weren’t sure what to make of his seeing you before any of them—flattered, a bit confused as well, but he laughed at your jokes and moved his seat closer to yours, so you must have been doing something right when he finally asked, “Do you want to dance?”
“I’d love to,” you said.
The chaos from Johnny Fontaine’s unexpected arrival and impromptu performance subsided when Michael led you out to dance. He held you close, the way soldiers had at the dances the Red Cross put on for servicemen, all to boost morale, or, as the war went on, to offer a break from reality. Among the many rules meant to be followed—and typically broken in one way or another in the haze of war—was to keep some emotional distance from the enlisted men, for your sake and their own, but with bodies so close together, tender touches and soft whispers over songs of twilight and moonbeams, it was tough not to be caught up in romance’s alluring snare.
Even then, with the war behind both of you, something about being in Michael’s arms made you truly understand why some girls risked their assignments for a man. There was something in how he looked at you, different from your childhood together, even from a few minutes prior. You felt breathless despite the slow song you swayed along to.
“Did you like Paris?” he asked quietly, throwing you for a loop.
You furrowed your eyebrows. “Paris?”
“You were in France, weren’t you?”
“Not Paris.”
“Where in France were you slinging doughnuts, then?”
“Little villages a few miles out from the front, mostly. More cows than people, but nice enough once the fighting stopped, and it was finally quiet—as quiet as it could get, anyway,” you said. “When Connie wrote you’d been wounded, I couldn’t help but think the worst. Plenty of guys out there—well, that article sure put me at ease. All the girls were jealous when I said I knew you.” You smiled. “I’m glad you’re alright, Michael.”
He glanced at your lips, and for an aching moment you were sure he was going to kiss you, but instead he gave you a smile, one that was real and made your heart flutter nevertheless, but left you disappointed.
“Where are you staying since you’ve been back?” he asked.
He seemed familiar with the hotel you were staying in when you mentioned it, offering to drive you back after the reception ended, and Connie and Carlo left for their honeymoon. 
“It’s only until I can find a boarding hotel that has space,” you said. “I mean, it doesn’t have to be the Barbizon, but I’m not moving back in with my parents.”
“Here’s to that.”
The rest of the day and into the evening, Michael hung around you, unless he was pulled away by members of his family, each instance an annoyance to him. You knew they weren’t exactly supportive of his enlisting, but the situation couldn’t have been that bad, not since he was home, safe and sound at his sister’s wedding.
The Corleones, though endlessly kind to you, always been an odd family, and you learned through your friendship with Connie not to ask too many questions.
But Genco Abbandando was dying, and Vito insisted Michael go with the rest of the Corleone men to pay his respects to the elder. When you offered to take a cab back to your hotel, Michael promised the visit wouldn’t be long, suggesting you wait at the house with his mother until he returned to drive you into the city.
Your foolish desire to spend more time with him led to your waiting in the Corleones’ kitchen for a little over an hour, when you likely would’ve been showered and in bed in your hotel room by the time he arrived back for you, in one hell of a hurry to get you into his car and presumably get away from his family.
“Do you ever think about leaving New York?” he asked when the house was out of view.
You laughed. “Michael, I only just got back.”
“That’s not what I mean. The war—it wasn’t going to be forever, but it let you see what life could be like away from all of this, didn’t it?”
“Of course it did. I’m honestly not sure what I’m going to do with myself now,” you said. “How about you? Are you going back to school? Dartmouth, I mean.”
He nodded. “I start again the spring semester.” At a red light, he glanced over at you. “New England’s nice. Better than French cow country.”
“And do you suppose I could study in the department of pouring coffee and serving doughnuts?”
“You’re smart. I think you have a real future,” he said, the sincerity in his voice startling you. “All of that back there, that’s not for us. It never has been.”
You were silent for a few moments. “I guess you’re right.”
The city lights twinkling in the distance took the place of the stars they blocked out from the sky, growing larger as Michael crossed the bridge into Manhattan, the center of the universe. You’d never tell a soul how you cried just a few days prior upon seeing it again for the first time in years.
Besides his talk of the future, Michael kept the conversation light, and you could’ve sworn he was flirting with you. Working the Clubmobile, you learned quickly how to pick up on it, some men laying it on thick while others were irresistibly smooth. Michael could’ve easily just been teasing you, the way a friend’s older brother would, but when he pulled up to your hotel, either your ego or curiosity prompted you to invite him up for a drink.
You sobered up on the drive into the city, enough to remember you didn’t have any drinks in your room. The two of you would have to go to the hotel bar for that, but then you and Michael wouldn’t be alone, not how you wanted, anyway.
To your relief, he agreed.
With Michael in uniform, few questions would be asked by hotel staff as to why you suddenly had a man with you when you checked in on your own. It would have been easy to lie, claim he was your fiance who had only just gotten back Stateside. But you supposed you and Michael already looked the part, walking arm-in-arm through the lobby without an issue.
Your confidence soared on the elevator ride up to your modest room, which you let Michael into, knowing he wouldn’t judge the state of your accommodations.
“Mind if I make myself comfortable?” You didn’t wait for his answer, pulling your blouse from where it’d been tucked in your skirt. Slipping out of your heels, you sighed softly in relief.
“It’s your place,” he said, setting his coat over the chair in the corner and loosening his tie.
You grabbed his cap from where he set it down and placed it on your head, tilting the brim over your face a bit and posing in front of him with a hand on your hip. “How do I look?”
He sat down on the edge of the bed, giving you a once over, “I swear I saw you pinned up in some guy’s tent looking just like that.”
You laughed, taking the cap off and flinging it aside. “Oh, I don’t even know why I invited you up here!” Your laughter faded as something in your stomach turned sour, the situation feeling achingly too good to be true. Alone in a hotel room with Michael, the two of you entirely capable of making your own mistakes on the off chance he wanted you too. “Or why you even agreed to come up.”
“I didn’t come up here to drink.”
“No, you did it to be nice, because we’ve known each other for so long…” You sighed, sitting next to him. “I always figured you thought of me as your kid sister’s annoying little friend or something.”
He shook his head, saying your name softly in either protest or reassurance. His hand cupped your face as he turned it toward him, his thumb rubbing soft circles in your cheek. “Not for a long time. Especially not tonight.”
You kissed him, hands gripping his shoulders, closing your eyes as you melted in his embrace. Your skin feverish at his touch, you shuddered when his hand slipped up your untucked blouse until his fingertips reached your bra.
To say you hadn’t fantasized about Michael would have been an unconvincing lie to anyone who dared ask, but even in your wildest dreams, it was never quite like this, so bold and irreverent in the face of the tradition the two of you had just spent the day celebrating.
“I came up here because you’re beautiful,” he confessed against your lips, “because you’re the only familiar face I saw at my sister’s wedding that didn’t make me wish I were somewhere else.”
Silencing him with another kiss, your fingers raked through his soft black hair as your body pressed flush against his, unsure if you could withstand hearing more of his tender words without falling to pieces. You couldn’t, not so early in the night, but his desire grew difficult to ignore when he pulled you onto his lap. The pressure against your pussy made you moan, and with a hasty desperation, you shimmied out of your panties as he unbuckled his belt, freeing his hard cock within a few moments.
You slipped a hand between the two of you, pumping his length, feeling the way it twitched at your touch and gasping when Michael’s hips bucked. His teeth grazed your bottom lip, a whisper of an intent to devour you.
“I need you, sweetheart,” he groaned. “Need to feel you.”
Lifting your hips, you whimpered upon feeling his head brush your clit as you positioned yourself, slowly lowering as he filled you, cock throbbing against your walls that clenched around him. He assuaged the pain of taking all of him with a gentle kiss and soft praises, urging you to take your time, that you had all night together.
All night. The promise he would stay, at least until the morning, sent a teasing wave of pleasure through you. Gripping his shoulders, you tried to keep a steady pace as you rode him, wanted to show him that staying would be worth his while. He’d been right in the car, you wouldn’t be a virginal, wedding white bride. The both of you had seen and experienced too much to be considered innocent any longer, but it was something you shared, that no one else from that day would have understood.
Your thighs ached as you neared your climax, desperately chasing it despite the exhaustion that was creeping up on you. Crying out in frustration, you buried your face in the crook of Michael’s neck.
“I’m close,” you whined. “Michael, I—”
“I’ve got you,” he assured you, his hands making their home on your hips. 
Your eyes fluttered shut as you let him guide your body, his thrusts doing most of the work while you rocked against him, seeking the friction against your clit that would bring you to release. It caught in your throat, a broken groan from your lips to his ears as you came, clenching around him, pleasure rolling through you, rattling your body like thunder. You barely caught your breath when he came, shuddering against you, practically cradling you against him as he filled you.
With a whimper, you lifted yourself off of him and rolled back onto the bed. Placing your hand on your chest, you felt your rapidly beating heart beneath your fingertips, focusing on it as it slowed the following minute or so and ignoring the stickiness between your legs, the evidence you slept with your best friend’s older brother. 
Michael leaned over, brushing back the hair that stuck to your face. “What are your plans tomorrow?”
“Looking through the classifieds for a job,” you said honestly.
“Wanna put it off for a day?”
“With what money, Michael?”
“I’ll give you a line of credit.”
You grabbed one of the pillows from behind you, throwing it at him with a laugh. “Jerk!”
He grinned, pushing it aside to grab for one of your arms. You put up a weak fight, your breathless laughter giving away his almost certain win.
Having pinned you down beneath him, he pressed you for an answer. “So?” He kissed you. “What do you say, sweetheart?”
You rolled your eyes, smiling despite yourself. “I guess I can clear my schedule for a dashing war hero like you.”
“Dashing, I like the sound of that,” he murmured, bringing his lips to yours again, softly, with a tenderness that promised more for tomorrow, and even the day after, if you’d have him. 
You smiled. “Me too.”
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xokohaneazusawa · 3 months
hello pookie i’m the anon who got injured while playing football during PE!! (update on the injury: it doenst hurt as much anymore, but it’s fucking black?? around the corners?? AM I DYING 💀)
ok but anygays i saw someone else comment on the post who also wanted another part so i can now overcome the guilt of potentially asking for too much and ask for that infirmary part 2 anyways 😍😍 (nvm it’s not working. i still feel bad.)
and ofc i was thinking of the bllk boys during PE we were literally playing football and i was thinking about how funny it would be if i pulled a chigiri and broke my leg right then and there because of how bad i was at it (i’m so sorry.)
fr tho i cannot play for shit 😭 these mfs make it look so damn easy but football is too damn difficult 💀(i don’t exercise. if i have the option to stay at home every day of my life with everything in it and unlimited supply of food and other essentials, i would. i also failed my school’s fitness test and struggle to open bottle caps sometimes.) i’m just a girl 🎀
i don’t mean to be greedy or demanding but an infirmary scene would really heal my soul (and hopefully my nose. i still dk why it’s turning a bit black. 💀 maybe it’s bruising idk 💀)
p.s. i think my nose is fine but idk. it doesn’t feel pain or anything, and the wound is quite inconspicuous. like i have to squint to see it and the weird black parts (haha 400 eye degree 😍)
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You never have to feel bad about asking for anything from me, I'm happy to really do whatever lol! I'm actually so excited to write this, I mean it's such a cute idea!!
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Chigiri Hyoma
-> Bro fought with the nurses to stay with you, so that man is not leaving your side the whole time you are there. I mean he's sitting next to your bed, or next to you if you're in a chair, and not leaving for anything.. well unless you asked for something, but that's not the point here
✮ - He sighed and watched as they started to take some tissues making sure that the bleeding was stopping, and applying an ice pack on your nose. He laughed slightly when he saw you flinch due to the cold, but made sure to squeeze your hand slightly to show that it would be fine. Once the ice was applied they made you sit and wait for a little, just to help with the healing, and came by every couple minutes at first to make sure that everything was okay and that you weren't getting freezer burn by any chance. The nurses were all really sweet, and Chigiri was making sure you were following what they said, no matter how cold that ice pack was, your ass, was not taking it off around him. Man already has a good track record of listening to what the doctors say, he trusts them, so in due turn you're following everything that they say as well. He sighs when you finally can take off the ice pack and he can already see the bruise forming under the red from the cold.
"Next time make sure you're not in dream land, because I'm gonna be way worse then these people when taking care of your stupid ass."
Rin Itoshi -> He might have left because the nurses told him to go back, but he also might have accidently put somebody else in the infirmary because he wasn't paying attention and went a little too hard on one of the newbies, so he ended up being back after only a couple minutes. Though the second he got back he was sitting next to you and making sure that you were okay, more with his actions then his words
✮ - This man hurried back over to the infirmary, he was almost asked by a couple teachers to slow down on the way there but when they saw he also looked pissed off (It's really just his rbf) they decided to just leave him alone. Assumed he was gonna like murder then if they had said something. The second he got back he rushed over to where you were, immediately asking if you were okay. Though it might not have sounded like he cared, the way that he almost plowed through like 3 teachers on the way here made up for it. The nurses were hella confused but once they saw him sitting right next to you and slightly holding onto your hand making sure they you didn't remove the ice pack, no matter how cold it was, they kinda just aww-ed and continued their work, checking up on you making sure that you didn't accidently get freezer burn and checking for bruising and things like that. He stayed holding your hand the whole time, letting you squeeze his hand whenever they tried to mess with your nose, pushing it around. He sighed when they finally walked away, looking up at you.
"I hope you know that I almost sent another lukewarm player from your team to the infirmary.. never do that shit again."
Nagi Seishiro
-> He will stay with you the whole time, mostly because he was too lazy to go back to class, and the fact that he was really only trying to impress you and since you're not there anymore it didn't matter to him. Though he will make sure to ask every couple minutes if you're okay, even if he looks like he's falling asleep against your shoulder
✮ - Was actually half falling asleep against your shoulder before you had to move him slightly when the nurse gave you an ice pack, which woke him up and that’s when he realized what was actually happening, to which he did end up staying awake to make sure that you were okay. Checking on you every couple minutes with a quick “You good?” or “You’re not dying. Right?”. He’s trying his best, but normally Reo takes care of him, he’s never been on the other side of this. The nurses will always slightly laugh at him, because he looks kinda worried but actually has no idea on what to do to help you. Is the only one who will actually take the ice pack off of you, not because he was trying to prevent healing, but you said your nose was cold and bro just fixed the problem, well that was until you laughed at him and he was hella confused. (please explain to this man about the great thing to athletes and injuries that is an Ice pack). Though he was super sweet other than that and did try to learn a bit and pay attention when the nurse finally let you leave with just some instructions on how to take care of it.
“Next time, just pay attention.. So we don’t have to go through all of this again. How I wished first aid kids that just auto healed worked in real life..”
Bachira Meguru
-> Stayed with you, but he laughed. The whole time. Man has almost been in tears twice sitting next to you, thinking about the way the ball came right in the center of your face and now it's all bruised. The nurses at this point also wanna give him a bruised nose so he can finally shut up
✮ - He was trying to contain his laugh the whole time he walked you there, plus in the office when the nurses were trying to help you, by getting tissues, an ice pack, and possibly some sort of pain medication. You probably have already given this man so many dirty looks and glares, but he just doesn’t seem to care whatsoever. Now, not to get this confused. He is concerned for your safety, but the fact that you got smack dabbed hit in the center of your face with a football is just so freaking funny to him and he’s just watching it over and over in his head. Had it been a whole different injury, one that didn’t look so funny, he would probably be more serious about it, but come on, it was pretty funny. Though, he’s probably also gotten hit a couple times with a ball so he does at least know the basics of making sure that you’re okay. So another one that makes sure that you keep that ice pack on the whole goddamn time, unless obviously, freezer burn. (I’ve had it, it sucks.) Though again, everytime he sees your nose, all red and starting to get bruised he will indeed laugh. But at the end of the day he’ll also be pretty helpful in making sure that it gets better, since his past experiences, if you can deal with the constant teasing.
“Oh come onnnn, It’s pretty funny! I mean how far out were you to get hit in the middle of the god damn face- Oh wait, here I have some bandaids so you can compress it”
Isagi Yoichi
-> Always making sure that you're okay. You move? He's asking. You made a funny face of pain? He's asking. You even looked at him? he's asking. He's really just worried and wants to make sure that you're okay and that it won't be all that bad or anything
✮ - This man has not left your side the whole time you’ve been sitting there. He’s constantly asking and making sure you’re okay and don’t need anything. Not to mention, he’s also been holding your hand the whole time, just in case. The only time he ever lets go is when the nurses come to make sure you’re okay. He’s just being cautious, hey, maybe you’ll need two hands to hold something or whatever. The only time he will keep his hold on you is when they come to move it around to make sure it’s not like broken or anything, then he’ll keep it there so you can squeeze it to deal with the pain, hey, hurt noses are nothing to sneeze at (please somebody laugh at that). Whenever your hand gets tired (or just cold) of holding your ice pack, he’ll take over. He’s just so freaking helpful and all the nurses love him for that. Though being an athlete himself does help a lot, he’s pretty good at knowing how all this stuff works. Checking to make sure that you’re following what the nurses said and making sure that it’s not getting too bad. Though once he sees that it’s all red and stuff he will chuckle a little, as worried as he is.
“Maybe next time you keep your attention on the field and not in whatever world you were in, okay?”
Reo Mikage
-> He was still laughing a little bit, and chuckled when he was reminded of the event, but for the most part was pretty worried about you and made sure that you didn't touch it too much so you didn't accidently hurt it anymore. Like Isagi, he also made sure to ask if you were okay every couple minutes, he just really wants to make sure that it won't cause anything long term.
✮ - He was sitting in the nurse's office with you, making sure that you were okay, asking if you needed anything. Water? To take off the ice pack for a second? Another tissue? He’s got it all covered. I mean he’s been taking care of Nagi for how long, this isn’t all that different. Well besides the fact he also gets a laugh or two out of it. (he won’t actually let out a laugh until you’re leaving the nurse’s office, and when he’s sure that it’s starting to get better). He just thinks it’s a little funny, watching the scene replay in his head of you getting hit in the face with the football. He knows that he shouldn’t laugh at your demise, but you can’t blame him. Though he’ll make sure that you always have everything you need for the next couple weeks, or at least until it’s healed. After the initial injury he might be a little more easy to make laugh, and by that I mean every time he sees your slightly bruised nose he’s letting out a chuckle. Was he worried at first? Yeah. But now he just sees it as a memory of you spacing out at the worst time.
“I know that I look good on the field, but next time pay attention to the flying ball and not at your amazing boyfriend~”
Sae Itoshi
-> Staying with you. No matter what. The nurses most likely hate him at this point, he's silent and he really isn't doing anything besides being next to you. Though, what they don't know is that fact every time he sees you twist with discomfort or make a face he's reaching over to ask if you're okay or you need anything
✮ - The nurses have come over a couple times at this point, once to give you an ice pack, once just to double check that you were okay, and once to give you some pain medication and water. Though on the right side of you, Sae has just been looking over at some of the other patients, and nurses walking around the office. After everytime one of the nurses walks up to you or does anything he will turn his attention back over to you and ask you a quick “you okay.” slightly looking at either your face or body language. If he ever can see that you’re lying to him, good luck to you. He’s an athlete, man has most likely gotten hurt in his career, and he knows lying and saying you’re fine isn’t doing anything, it’s actually most likely making it worse. So in turn he will glare at you until you finally say that you’re not okay. He just wants you to be honest, especially if it hurts and it’s something that can be fixed. Though also with his background he knows how to take care of things like that, and might possibly be the best one to have in this scenario, well if you can deal with him constantly not (facial) showing that he cares.
“You’re stupid, I hope you know that. And now you’re being even more stupid, don’t touch it.”
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taeraeszn · 1 year
hii! how r u :) i hope your requests are open and if they are could you maybe do something about zb1 realizing they missed a date with their partner and try to make it up to them?? its fine if you cant!
when zb1 misses a date with their partner
hey luv! thank you for requesting! just to let you guys know, my schedule is much more busier these days so i will be releasing out request slowly <3
anywho, i'm kinda excited to be doing the opposite of my last post?? obv it's not good that they stood their partner up but how the turn tables
also some of these probably don't even count but i thought some of the scenarios were so cute - sorry!!
warnings: mentions of food but i don't think there is any more?? (ik i say this ALL the time but i really try to avoid any touchy subjects/topics). but pls lmk if there are any!!
kim jiwoong
you were at the place you always met up with jiwoong, a simple park nestled in the heart of your city
jiwoong told you that he would be there in around 30 minutes but that thirty minutes turned up to be almost two hours of you waiting there
you were a bit hurt by your boyfriend's actions and decided to head home as it was reaching the two hour mark
the park was incredibly silent too, it seemed that you were the only person there
but just as you turned to begin walking home, a loud shout of your name came from behind you
"(NAME)!" you heard jiwoong call, he was running with a cap on as well as a black mask, clearly to hide his identity
"jiwoong??" your brows furrowed. when he finally came towards you, he was out of breath
"i-i'm so sorry! i was suddenly called in for practice and i couldn't just leave-"
you immediately shut him up with a hug, he was puzzled but softened into your embrace
"it's ok jiwoong. i understand that practice can hold you up. just please message me beforehand."
he was so thankful that you were understanding and held your hand
"thank you love. now what do you want to do?"
"i just want to relax with you, at home."
"okay then, lead the way my love."
rest of the members are under the cut!
zhang hao
zhang hao didn't technically miss your date, he actually showed up
but he did end up missing it because he ran into an old friend halfway through. the friend was clearly not happy to see you two with your hands interlinked together and decided to make up an excuse that they had no ride home as it was raining
zhang hao being the kind soul that he is didn't hesitate to step up and help, he told you he would be back in a few minutes
well that few minutes didn't happen as you had sat there in silence following his leave that was for nearly any hour. it was very awkward to say the least with everyone sending remorseful looks towards you
you sighed and got up to leave, you know that his friend did that purely to separate you two which pissed you off even more
as you were at the bus stop, you saw zhang hao's figure running towards you
"wait! baobei!" he shouted. you were still bothered by what happened but still gave your boyfriend a smile when he returned
"what are you doing here?" he asked, you gave him a slight smile, "i'm heading home."
"but my car is there." you sighed
"hao, i understand that you wanted to take them home but why did it take so long? i was sitting there by myself for an hour."
he noticed your disappointment and rubbed your shoulder, "i'm sorry. they just began talking with to catch up and i got ahead of time. please forgive me love. i promise i will make it up to you."
you put up your pinky finger to him, "promise?" he connected his pinky with yours, "promise." his warm smile reassured you
he then gently tugged your arm, "c'mon, let's go to my car. it's much better than the bus."
"let's go!" you held his hand and began walking to the parking lot
sung hanbin
for your 6 year anniversary, you two had planned a romantic date together. you were so happy to be with hanbin as he always made you feel special
but your excitement slowly faded away as hanbin had no sign of showing up, causing you sit there alone for nearly an hour
you had called and texted him but to no avail. at this point you were worried. maybe it was traffic? well yeah this was downtown so there must've been...or maybe something abruptly came up?
just then in the midst of your thoughts, there came hanbin an hour later with roses and something else small in his other hand
"happy anniversary love." he handed you the flowers and sat down with you. everyone in the restaurant was giving you smiles and happy looks to hanbin's appearance
"where have you been?" he smirked, "i've been planning something. actually, i've been planning it since we met that faithful day in class."
he got up from his seat and opened the small box that was in his hand to reveal a shiny ring, you gasped and then realized what he was doing
hanbin then got on one knee, causing everyone in the restaurant to share the same surprised expression
"(name), i love you and i want to spend the rest of my life with you, till death do us apart. you are my entire world and i can't imagine spending my future life without you as my partner. will you marry me?"
you were already tearing up and quickly nodded, "yes, yes, yes! a billion times yes! i will marry you hanbin!"
he then got up to spin you in his arms as everyone in the room clapped and congratulated you, hanbin slyly slid the ring down your finger as it shined
"it fit's perfectly." he sighed in relief, "oh thank god, i was worried it wouldn't because i didn't know your ring size."
you embraced him again, "thank you hanbin for choosing me."
"you know i'll always choose you love."
(this actually made me emo hELP ok moving on)
seok matthew
funny enough, matthew wasn't even supposed to miss your date, you two had it all planned out with what time you would go as well as getting your tickets early
but he got sick and had let you know beforehand, but you were incredibly sad as you were going to watch the movie that you both wanted to see together alone
though matthew told you to enjoy it, you couldn't help but feel a teensy bit guilty as matthew was telling you how much he wanted to see the movie
you wished he could've been beside you holding your hand or resting his head on your shoulder, also vice versa
you could barely focus on the film itself as you worried for your boyfriend's health
the credits finally rolled and you immediately made your way to matthew's place
as you opened the door, you heard the sounds of coughing and sneezing coming from his room. you rushed to his cabinet to get some medicine and walked into his room
"matt!" you said, he seemed relieved seeing you but you noticed how he was curled up into his blanket and the tissue box placed on his side table
"(name)! how was the movie?" you pulled him into a hug, not caring if you would get sick, "i missed you. it didn't feel the same without you."
he grinned, "so does that means i have an effect on you?"
you playfully rolled your eyes and you sat next to matthew in the cozy blanket, "yeah, yeah. a huge effect."
"but you didn't answer my question." he said, you shrugged, "it was good but i spaced out for most of the film. i just needed you with me."
he put your head gently on his shoulder, rubbing it. "you have me now for as long as you want."
kim taerae
(taerae is a businessman in this scenario)
you and taerae had been planning a romantic date night ever since he got the promotion at the company he was working for
it was a huge deal and you wanted to congratulate him in some way and give him something to relax with
but this promotion also meant that taerae would get more work that made him stay overtime at the building
you were worried that he would have to stay late on your date night, but taerae continuously reassured you that everything would work out fine
but of course the world isn't that perfect. your worries became reality as you were left alone at the chosen restaurant
you already knew something like this would occur and weren't even shocked when it happened
and then you got the text with taerae apologizing and stating that he would be coming home late. without thinking twice, you left the restaurant without ordering anything
you were up that night watching a tv show in your pj's when the door opened to your shared place, there you saw taerae in his suit. "your still up?" you hummed in response
he then came towards you and suddenly wrapped his arms around you, "i'm sorry. i know how much you wanted to go on that date."
you sighed, "this isn't about me taerae. i wanted you to have a night to relax so you could treat yourself. i'm happy you got your promotion but i wish you could have more time for yourself."
he pressed his lips on your forehead, "i know and i'll try my best to get my work done quicker so i don't worry you. i just want us to have a good life together. i'll do better."
you nuzzled your face in his chest as you hugged him, "thank you taerae. i know how hard you work."
shen ricky
you were waiting for ricky at the downtown aquarium that was well known in your city. you didn't realize how much you were checking the time on your phone waiting for him
"where is he?" you mumbled to yourself. standing by the door made it even more awkward as everyone was staring at you while walking into the front doors
you sighed as it was approaching the one hour mark and there was no sign of ricky arriving. did you do something? what would cause him to not come when he always came to your dates?
you decided to give up on waiting for him and took the train home in disappointment. not even a call or message, nothing, you were bitter to how your night went and just curled up in bed
a few minutes later, you heard frantic knocking at your door. it didn't take a genius to know who it was. when you opened it, you saw ricky holding a bouquet of roses as he handed it to you
"(name), i'm so sorry. it's a long story but i can explain."
you sighed, not knowing how to react to the situation you were faced with, "i don't know ricky. i just feel really let down."
"please, just let me in and we can talk. trust me, i would never leave you hanging on purpose."
you had no choice but to let him in, as you two were sitting on your couch, he handed you the bouquet
"i can assure you that i purposely didn't miss the date. the road i was usually go on got closed and i had to go the other route which took me longer than the regular route i take. by the time i got there, you were already gone."
everything finally made sense and now you felt kinda bad for feeling bitter before
"trust me (name). i love you so much. i'll do anything to make it up-" you quickly shut him up with a kiss on the lips. ricky paused for a second before naturally resting his hand on your side as he returned the favour
"it's okay ricky. just call me next time this happens so i'm not worried."
"next time, i promise i will."
kim gyuvin
"gyuvin where are you??" you asked, looking around the mall for any sight of him
"uh...it's a... long story." he said, pausing in between his words. you were confused to say the least as gyuvin promised to meet up with you at the nearby mall to grab some food and go shopping
"i have lots of time." you replied, just then you heard some people shouting in the background of his call
"gyu, who is that?" you asked, you waited for him to compose an answer as the call went silent for a while
"i'll call you back! i'm sorry something came up! i love you!"
the call then ended, causing you to be left with mixed feelings, what was even going on in that call? it was so random and unlike how gyuvin usually acts
a few hours passed and you were sitting at your dining table at home, devouring on some pasta you had just finished making when you got a facetime call from non other than kim gyuvin himself
you were reluctant to answer but did nonetheless. the first thing you saw was gyuvin running outside, seemingly out of breath. "gyuvin? what are you doing?"
he gave you a slight smile, "i want to talk to so i'm running to your house right now. i'm pretty sure i could win a marathon right now."
you faintly chuckled, "okay...but why?"
just then it cut and a few minutes later you were met with him at your door
"care to explain to me why i was left at the mall alone?" you questioned, he plopped down on your bed, making himself at home
"blame hanbin hyung, not me!" he put his hands up, "i had to stay at practice since i wasn't able to master the dance! i tried to run away but hanbin forced me to stay!"
it finally made sense, "oh...well i guess that explains it."
"yeah so stop being mad at me!" he exclaimed, "i won't! also you should be at the dorms right now."
he seemed unaffected and shrugged, "they can try and catch me but i just want to be with your right now."
park gunwook
there was a small place to grab food near where you and gunwook both lived and he kept begging you to go with him one day
you agreed and though you came at the right time, gunwook had seemed the forget about the date, leaving you by yourself
the owner of the shop, an older woman, noticed you and frowned, "what are you doing here alone?"
"oh well, i was supposed to meet with someone but they haven't showed up."
the owner was kind enough to offer you some free food due to your situation but it didn't get rid of the feeling you had inside of you
gunwook was someone who'd always remember important events or days so this caught you off guard
you ended your visit earlier than expected and began walking home when you felt someone grab your wrist
it was park gunwook, he had a guilty expression on his face, clearly feeling bad for what happened
"i know there's no excuses for missing our date but i promise you it wasn't intentional." he began, "i'm really sorry and if you want we can still go somewhere else to make up for it."
you were still wondering what had caused him to not show up in the first place
so you asked, "gunwook i know you have never missed our dates, what happened today?"
he sighed, "we set the fire alarm off in our dorm while cooking, i should've informed you beforehand."
your eyes widened, "WHAT? is everyone okay?!" he nodded, "yeah but it was mainly my fault."
you hit his chest, "you cooked didn't you?"
he shyly looked down, "i wanted to impress the members but i guess that didn't work out."
you poked his cheek, "you always impress me gunwook. you don't need to prove anything."
he grabbed your hand and began taking you somewhere, "let's go, i have to make up for what i did."
han yujin
well technically an indoor date, yujin had promised you that he'd come over to your house since you were home alone and wanted to watch the drama that you were both binge watching on your projector
so as you prepped the food and drinks, the minutes passed by and yujin hadn't shown up
this was concerning but your brushed it off as something came up. but then another hour passed and he still wasn't here
now it was becoming worrying and you called yujin, only for it to go to voicemail right away
deep down you felt upset that you prepared all of this only for your boyfriend to never show up, and as the night got darker, you began putting the food away and wrapping up for bedtime
your parents had also returned home from their day out so you weren't even home alone anymore
you didn't get an answer to any of this until yujin called you himself
"(name), please don't be mad. i really couldn't leave."
"what do you mean yujin? i prepared everything for us and yet you didn't show up." your tone was obviously very unpleased
"i know, and i'm sorry. i ended up running into a friend while heading to your house and we hung out, i didn't realize how quickly time went by and completely forgot about our date."
though his explanation did tell you why he didn't show up, you were still conflicted with if you should forgive him or not
"then...it's okay. if you want to hang out with your other friends too then that's fine with me."
"no, i want to be with you more than anyone. let's hang out tomorrow, my place. we can watch our drama together then to make up for today." he seemed very firm on wanting to be with you which caused you to grin
"okay, i'll see you tomorrow then. you better show up!" you exclaimed. he chuckled on the other end
"if i don't then you won't ever have to see me again." he joked, reminding you of how much he loved you
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zerobasekazuha · 4 months
Pizza delivery person Venture x reader (Amab venture x GN reader)
This is more of a modern AU
For Sloane working at a pizza place was one of the easiest side jobs they’ve had yet. Besides working on archeology whenever they could, during the week they spent a majority of their time working at a pizza place. Granted it got the bills paid but it wasn’t as exciting as digging and finding rocks.
They worked specifically in pizza delivery. It wasn’t what they applied for, but it paid more than the kitchen staff and they received tips on top of the regular pay. One particular Tuesday it the temperature was quite high for this time of year. They sat inside the restaurant fanning themself with one of the plastic menus they kept inside. They hoped to have gotten a chance to deliver an order so they can sit in their car with AC and relax.
Eventually they received their first order on their shift. It was two large pizza’s, two sodas some breadsticks and the stores cookie dough. They waited around communicating with their coworkers as per usual when it came to orders they had to deliver. They didn’t want to receive the heat of the blame if something were to have been messed up. There have been very hard shifts for them. After the staff finished the food, Sloane packed everything up into the bright red pizza bag to keep everything warm and up to temperature. And they were out the door.
It was beautiful outside, the sky was a bright blue and the clouds almost looked dreamlike in the sky. They opened their car door sitting inside and turning on the AC almost immediately. They then began to drive to the address on the GPS. The trip wasn’t far, only around 10 minutes away from the restaurant. They knocked on the door and tried to present themselves as nice as possible.
Sloane had messy brown hair and this bright red cap that sat on top of it. The uniform they wore was a red button up with the logo on the left pocket. They were required to either wear black or khaki pants. They chose the khaki. They also wore a nonbinary pin on the hat just to remind people what they went by without them having to say it.
The order didn’t take long and they received a $20 tip. Making their way back to their car they received a call from the kitchen staff that they have another order. They picked it up and it was pretty simple. A personal pan pizza, a sprite and some breadsticks. They followed the GPS and ended up at an apartment complex.
Once they got there and knocked on the door they looked at the person who came. They were attractive beyond means. They began to blush and stammer over their words. “I uh, I have a pizza for you!” How embarrassing.
“Thank you, how much do I owe?” Y/n asked as they grabbed their wallet. Sloane grabbed their phone to look at the price. It was only $20. “20 dollars.” They said trying to avoid looking at the person inside the home too intently.
“Oh shoot I don’t think I can pay..” Y/n said looking down at the ground before at them. They gave a smirk before an idea formed in their mind. “How else could I pay you pizza delivery person?” Y/n asked coming a little closer to them. Sloane didn’t think this was real. Their mind short circuited and they had the bright idea to use their tips to pay for it.
“Nah don’t worry about it I can use my tips, I mean pause not like that, unless-“ Sloane had to stop themselves. But it seemed to have amused Y/n. Hearing them laugh sparked something within them. They wanted to be the one to make them laugh all the time. “That’s sweet of you.” Y/n would peck their cheek making their cheeks as red as a crayola marker.
On the way back to the pizza place Sloane didn’t care that they had to use their tips to pay for the pizza, they had a newfound obsession in which they hoped they would see Y/n again as a more dominant pizza delivery person.
(Sorry if this isn’t the greatest, I seen a post on Twitter about pizza delivery Venture and had to write something about it. I considered making it smut however I’m not sure if I should. Maybe I could make a part 2 that is.)
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dearly-somber · 9 months
coffee dates and christmas carols
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-> pairing. non-idol!jisung x female reader
-> genre. Christmas!fic, fluff, s2l (strangers-to-lovers)
-> rating. 13+
-> w/c. 1542
-> warnings. Ji’s a little nervous but otherwise the only warning you need is “tooth rotting fluff” ㅠㅠ
-> a/n. First (posted) SKZ fic yay! This was inspired by the EXchange SKZ Code, bc Hannie’s just too fucking adorable, n I wanna eat him ;(
-> skz drabble, oneshot & series m.list
-> started. Sun, Dec. 24th, 2023 @ 01:15
-> fin. Mon., Dec. 25th, 2023 @ 13:43
-> edited. Mon., Dec. 25th, 2023 @ 16:52
-> divider credit. @saradika-graphics
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“Han.” Minho grabs onto Jisung’s shoulders and laughs at the panicked roundness of his boba-brown eyes. “You look fine. You’re cute and approachable and if she agreed to go on a date with you in the first place, I’m sure she likes you at least a little bit.”
Jisung nods slowly, though he finds himself still worrying his lower lip as Minho fixes the light brown cap he threw on randomly. He pulls at the sleeves of his sweater, but Minho swats his hands, so he shoves his hands into the pockets of his sleeveless puffer jacket instead.
It’s Christmas Day, and Jisung—miraculously—has a date, and with the prettiest girl he’s seen, no less. He didn’t know how he did it, but after some stuttered blubbering (“Hey, I’m sorry, I saw you across the st-store and I thought you were really—really pretty, and I was wondering if-if it would be okay if, maybe, you wanted to g-go out some time? With me? But, only if you’re free!”), he’d managed to get your number, and also a date for when you’d be free.
Which happened to be on the busiest day of December, but whatever.
“Where are you meeting her, again?” Chan asks from somewhere in the living room—Jisung can’t turn to check because he’s too busy looking at himself in the mirror, trying to internalize Minho’s assurances. Does he really look cute? Cute is always good…
“Beans & Biscuits. It’s a café somewhere close to where the Christmas lights are gonna go off later tonight.”
“Oh, that’s so cute! Did she suggest it?”
Han smiles, a little bashful as he recalls the short text conversation. “Yeah… Messaged me the day after I got her number. She said it’s really cute and cozy and kind of unknown by the greater majority of people, and that it’s kind of a mix between a café and a painting studio, or something like that. She seemed really excited about it in the voice notes she sent,” he couldn’t help but laugh fondly at the memory of your excited ramblings about your “favorite place on planet earth other than your bed”.
“Alright, well. Let us know if we need to pick you up or something.”
“Thanks, hyung.”
“Blah blah blah,” Minho snarks as he ushers Jisung out of the front door of their apartment, reminding him of those cliche moms you see in animated movies. “You’re gonna be late!”
“I—fuck, you’re right!—“
“Just be yourself!” Minho gives Jisung’s ass a firm slap, cackling at the loud yelp that leaves his lips.
Jisung mutters curses under his breath as he goes down the stairs two at a time, rubbing the sting out of his ass. The air outside is cold enough to make him shiver as he exits the apartment lobby, his teeth chattering as he tucks his hands further into the pockets of his puffer jacket, subconsciously lifting his shoulders into his ears in an effort to fend of the cold trying to clamber its way down his sweater collar. His sneakers shuck-shuck-shuck against the growing layer of snow on the sidewalks, eyes honed in on the cute frost-covered sign hanging above the café’s door.
He steps inside with a little jingle (courtesy of the bell hanging above the entrance), puffing out a breath of cold air as he rubs his hands together, blowing into them to bring back some of the severely lacking warmth in his fingers. His eyes search for you, trying to spot you among the surprising number of patrons waiting for take-aways or tables, a few small groups or couples already seated around the modernly furnished estate.
His head snaps in your direction mere seconds before you’re standing on the tips of your toes, inches in front of him. Your arms wrap around his neck and bring him down in a hug that sends a bolt of electricity through his nervous system. With his arms slung loosely around your waist and his nose tucked into your shoulder, he notices that you smell like freshly baked Christmas cookies and machine-made cappuccino—it’s sweet and invades his senses so wholly, he half forgets to pull away.
“You look nice,” he says dumbly, admiring your coffee-date-appropriate outfit: white button up, brown tie, green sweater (crocheted, Jisung thinks), brown pants, white sneakers, and a cute little beige satchel-type baggie slung across your chest.
With the most blinding grin Jisung thinks he’s ever seen, you tuck a strand of hair behind your hair. “You too,” you say. “You look really cute, actually.” You pinch the hem of his sweater sleeve between your fingers. “I really like your sweater.”
Jisung doesn’t bother feeling self conscious about the heat in his cheeks. “Thank you,” he says.
You nod as an answer, clearing your throat before taking hold of his wrist and pulling you to the back of the café. “I found us a table!”
It’s right in the back, in a small nook sequestered away from everyone else, where the soft sound of Christmas carols can be heard clearer than anywhere else in the shop. “It’s my favorite,” you say. “It’s a really nice spot for reading. I sit here all the time.”
Jisung slides into the seat across from you with excitement bubbling beneath his fingertips, a soft smile on his face. “The place feels magical,” he admits.
“It is,” you sigh dreamily, looking up at the ceiling with an intensely fond smile. “I wanted to wait before I ordered a drink, since it’ll get cold without you, but I went ahead and ordered us two mini-easels and some paint…I hope you don’t mind. I chose brown since it kind of fits with the vibe of the shop, so I hope you don’t mind—“
“You’re fine, Y/N. I’m not much of an artist anyway, so it doesn’t matter,” Jisung assures with a brave pat to your hand, finding comfort in your rambling; you’re just as nervous as he is, so there’s no reason for him to be such a live-wire.
You exhale in a chuckle, “Right, sorry. I’m just so excited. I’ve been looking forward to this, actually.”
Jisung’s eyebrows lift. “Really?”
“Yeah.” You grin shyly, fiddling with your sleeves. “I think you’re really cute, you know?”
Jisung feels himself blush. “Me too,” he says dreamily.
“You think you’re cute?” You smirk.
“No! No, I meant I—you’re cute, also! You’re very cute! Adorable even!”
You burst out laughing, and Jisung can’t help but smile and laugh along, feeling his heart swell in his chest when you look at him again, this time with sparkling snowflakes in your eyes.
You and Jisung order your drinks—Jisung an americano, you a hot chocolate—before setting to work on your little easels, laughing and chatting as the two of you talk.
You paint a little portrait of Jisung as he works, not at all bad looking, and Jisung promises to treasure it forever.
“Don’t be disappointed if it’s bad,” Jisung warns, biting his lip as he turns his easel over, showing you the little teddy bear he painted, little hearts in the background.
“Oh, but it’s so cute,” you sigh, reaching out to bring his paining closer. “This is amazing!”
“No,” Jisung denies shyly, trying to hide his grin as he sips at the last of his americano. He wonders if you want another round.
You gasp loud enough to have him jumping in his seat. “The Christmas lights!”
Jisung’s eyes widen. “Shit, are we late?”
“No! Not if we hurry!”
Jisung reaches for his wallet but yelps when you grab his hand and start yanking him out of the store. “Wait, we haven’t pay—“
“It’s fine! Put it on my account!” You call over your shoulder, pushing past the doors and intertwining your fingers with Jisung’s as you run down the street.
By the time you make it to the city square, you’re standing far enough back in the busy streets to see the big-ass Christmas tree in the center, it’s lights still dimmed.
Jisung turns to you with a heaving chest, and the two of you laugh with your entire chests, nearly keeling over.
He exhales with another chuckle, letting his eyes glance down at your intertwined hands. Your hands are smaller than his are—softer, too. They fit perfectly between his own, and it brings a smile to his face—
“O-oh, I’m sorry, I—“ You try to pull away, but Jisung’s eyes widen as he holds your hand tighter, pulling you closer to his chest.
“No, I” —he clears his throat— “I don’t mind. I…” He clears his throat; whispers, “…really like holding your hand, actually.”
“I like holding your hand, too,” you whisper back, your eyes drifting to his lips. Jisung licks them, swallowing the excited lump in his throat as you take a step closer, your hand on his shoulder. “I really want to kiss you,” you confess.
Jisung nods dazedly, hoping you don’t notice the sweat collecting on his palms, the nervous excitement with which he stares at your lips. “Me, too.”
And even as people around him yell excitedly, and the background erupts into a myriad of Christmas-coded colors and sparks, the only thing Jisung can focus on is the taste of sweetener on your pillow-soft lips.
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babydollmarauders · 2 years
quinn hughes x fem!reader
part of the Midnights Fic List
summary: in which Quinn asked y/n to marry him when they graduated high school but she breaks the news that she got signed to a record label and is moving to California. 5 years later, they meet again and rekindle their romance.
notes: taylor swift does not exist in this universe… you’ll understand why. also, i think i genuinely very much dislike this one, but that may also just be me being hypercritical of my own writing. not proofread.
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“congratulations graduating class of 2017. you did it!”
i grin, standing and joining the rest of my class and tossing my cap in the air. i’m finally free.
family and friends pile onto the football field that held our graduation and i scan the crowds of newly graduated students, looking for my boyfriend. i finally spot him over with his family, whispering with his brothers. i walk over with a wide smile on my face, and watch as his brother, Luke, nudges him, pointing my way. Quinn looks over and smiles back.
“we did it, Quinny!” i cheer when i arrive at his side. he pulls me in by the waist, dipping me into a kiss.
“we did it, pretty girl.” he whispers when we pull away.
“i have amazing news, bubs!” i can’t wait any longer, i’ve kept my secret for the past two months, not wanting to jinx it. but now that my contract is signed and i’m officially moving next month, it’s finally time that i can share the news; i signed a recording contract. Quinn has always been supportive of my dreams, and when i started posting my songs online, he was the one who predicted that i would get signed to a record label. so i know he’ll be excited when he finds out he was right.
“i can’t wait to hear it, babe. but, i have a question first.” Quinn looks towards his family. his brothers bounce on their feet and his parents are talking with mine, but both sets of parents have their eyes on us. when i see them go quiet and smile, my brows furrow in confusion and i tilt my head. but when i look back at Quinn, i understand why.
my boyfriend of three years, since the summer before sophomore year, is bent down on one knee. my eyes grow wide and i watch as he reaches into his pants pocket, pulling out a ring box.
“y/n, these last three years have been the best years of my life. you make me feel like the happiest man in the world when i’m with you.” i tear up. “you’ve been my biggest supporter since the day we met, and i’m so grateful that i get to call you mine. but now, i’d love it if i could call you my wife. will you marry me?”
tears roll down my cheeks and i’m at a loss for words. i can’t say yes. i want to say yes. i want to say yes, so badly. but i’m moving to California next month, and he’ll be staying in Michigan to go play hockey for University of Michigan.
“Quinn. i- i can’t.” his face drops and my heart feels like it’s been shattered into a million little pieces. “i got signed to a record label. i leave for L.A. next month.”
Quinn stands, nodding his head in embarrassment.
“yeah, no, yeah i probably should’ve let you tell me your news first.” he frowns.
“i’m so sorry, Quinny. i- i don’t know what to say. i would say yes, you know if the circumstances were different, i would say yes.” tears still blur my vision, but i can still see him nod.
“yeah, i know.”
Quinn and i tried to make it work after that, but our dynamic was off. and i know i bruised his ego a bit too hard for us to make it through. by the time i left for Los Angeles, we were broken up.
now it’s been five years since we broke up, and i still can’t help but think back on our relationship. sure, i’ve gone on dates and had one short-term boyfriend in the past few years, but no one has measured up to Quinn. he was my soulmate and the one who got away. lately, it seems like all i can do is write songs about him and our relationship, and my fans have definitely taken a notice. even now, i’m in my studio, recording a new song and it’s about him.
“he wanted it comfortable, i wanted that pain. he wanted a bride, i was making my own name. chasing that fame. he stayed the same. all of me changed like midnight.”
i finish off the intro and i can hear my producers voice through the speaker in the recording booth.
“that was great, y/n. i think that was the last take that we needed for that one. let’s move onto the first verse.” she says. i nod and hear the beat pick up again.
“my town was a wasteland. full of cages, full of fences. pageant queens and big pretenders. but for some, it was paradise. my boy was a montage. a slow-motion, love potion. jumping off things in the ocean. i broke his heart ‘cause he was nice. he was sunshine, i was midnight rain.”
tears gather in my eyes, pushing to fall, and i attempt to blink them away, but all the blinking does is make them spill over, rolling down my cheeks. the door to the recording booth opens and my producer, Ashley, steps through.
“hey, are you okay?” she asks sweetly, rubbing a hand on my back as i wipe away my tears.
“yeah, it’s just still really hard.” i let out a weak laugh at how pathetic i am. crying over a guy i dated five years ago. “god, i’m so stupid.”
“you’re not stupid, y/n. you made the decision that you thought was best for you at the time. looking back, would you have made the same decision?” in addition to being my producer, Ashley is also my best friend. we’ve actually been friends since eighth grade, and when she graduated college a year ago with her bachelor’s degree in music production, i hired her.
“i- i don’t know. i mean, i love where i ended up, career wise. but i miss him so much, Ash.” i reply. my tears have started to ease, but now i’m stuffed up from crying and can’t record at the moment, so i hang up my headphones on the microphone.
“then, maybe you’re a little stupid.” she jokes. i shake my head, letting out another weak laugh.
“i know what will cheer you up.” she sing-songs. “i have tickets to the Ducks game tonight. let’s go cheer for some hot hockey guys. maybe we’ll even get to embarrass Trevor.”
i smile and nod in agreement. Trevor is another close friend of mine. he’s actually the best friend of Quinn’s brother, Jack. i never met him when he lived in Michigan for USNTDP, but the hockey world is small, so i was only a little surprised when i met him last year at an Anaheim Ducks event and found out he knew the Hughes family.
“okay. let’s go embarrass Trevor.” i tell Ashley. she cheers and we leave the studio, heading back to our apartment to get ready.
Ashley and i arrived to the Honda Center about fifteen minutes before warmups started, finding our glass seats and settling in. when the Ducks skate onto the ice and we see Trevor, we jump up and cheer.
“WOOO! GO TREVY!” i scream as he hits the puck in the net for a practice shot, catching his attention. he looks over and laughs, skating over to the glass and banging in front of my face. i laugh and joke- “fancy seeing you here!”
“you guys can try and embarrass me all you want. i’m a shameless man. i’m fueled on your shouts and cheers.” he says, a wide grin on his face.
“who you chirping at tonight?” i ask. Ashley never actually told me who they’re playing against. it’s at that moment that the opposing team skates onto the ice, and i’m frozen in place when i see the Canucks.
“your ex.” Trevor wags his eyebrows before skating off to finish his warmups.
“what the hell, Ashley?” i’m angry, you can tell as much by my voice, and i know she knows why.
“it’s just watching a game, y/n/n. you still love him, it’s not like you don’t watch his games on tv.” she replies, shrugging her shoulders.
“that’s different. he can’t tell i’m watching through the tv. what if he sees me?” i spot him on the ice, talking to one of his team members, and immediately turn to face Ashley, hoping he won’t recognize me. i don’t want him to think i’m pathetic and still in love with him. it’s the truth, but it’s embarrassing enough without him knowing. i’m sure he’s moved on by now.
i’m able to make it through warmups without him noticing me, but i’m not so lucky when the game actually starts. it’s only halfway through the first period when Quinn scores the first goal of the game, and before i can think twice, i’m up on my feet clapping and celebrating.
“WOOO!” i yell, and Ashley laughs at me, teasing me about how i’ll always be an internal WAG. but i let her comments roll of my back and continue to cheer, watching as he stops not far from the glass in front of us, getting hugged by his teammates. “GO QUINNY!”
it’s then that he turns, eyes wide, and i realize i’ve made a grave mistake. my voice plus the nickname has tipped him off. he spots me, and i freeze, my hands mid-clap. i let my hands fall to my sides, and Ashley pulls me back down to my seat by the back of my jacket. Quinn’s gaze stays focused on me, and i give a small wave in return. he raises his hand back at me, and i can tell he’s still shocked to see me but one of his teammates pulls his attention back to the game.
throughout the rest of the game, Quinn continues to glance over towards me, and i regret letting Ash rope me into attending this game. it ends with 4-2, Canucks winning, and i feel bad for Trevor, but i can’t help feeling proud of Quinn. Ashley and i stay in our seats, talking after the teams leave the ice, and i get a text from a number i never thought i would hear from again.
From: Huggy Bear 🧸🤍
meet me outside the visitors dressing room please. i think we should talk.
the text makes me nervous. is he mad that i was here? did i upset him by being here? by cheering for him? i show the text to Ash and she says she’ll grab an uber home so that she doesn’t impose on our conversation.
i find my way to the visitors dressing room, giving my name to the security to find that Quinn had already informed them i would be coming. i stand in the hallway waiting, looking over every time the dressing room door opens. i sign a few autographs and take some pictures with a few of the players for their girlfriends or sisters while i wait.
it feels like the entire team has left when Quinn finally comes out. i watch him as he steps out, dressed back in his arrival suit.
he looks so good, it’s unfair.
“hey.” he says, walking over to me. “you were at the game.”
“i was.” i tell him, my voice cracking with my emotion. “i’m sorry, i didn’t mean to upset you by coming. i didn’t even-”
“you didn’t upset me.” he cuts me off. i study his face, trying to gauge how he feels. i used to be able to read him easily, and it seems like that talent hasn’t left me. “i was surprised to see you. i’ve never seen you at any of my other games, i kinda just assumed you didn’t care now that we’re… not together.”
“i watch all your games, Quinny.” my voice is barely above a whisper. soft and anxiety ridden.
“you do?” he questions, his voice full of hope.
“yeah. well, every one i can. i’ve even missed events just to stay home and watch. i never stopped caring about you, Q. just because we aren’t together anymore, doesn’t mean i don’t think about you.” i tell him. “a lot.”
“you think about me a lot? you ever write a song about me then?” he teases, but now i’m wondering if he’s ever even listened to any of my songs.
“all of my songs are about you, Quinny.” i confess. “even my new ones.”
“you can’t- you can’t just say that, y/n. i’ll start thinking things that i know aren’t true.” he shakes his head, running a hand through his hair.
“like what?” i look at him with doe eyes, the exact ones i know he loved five years ago.
“like that i might still have a chance with you.” he says lowly. i might regret my next words, but i need to get them off my chest.
“can i confess something?” i ask.
“yeah, of course.” he replies
“if you asked me again, i would say yes.” i tell him. “if i could go back to that day, i would’ve said yes.”
Quinn’s response comes in the form of his lips against mine. his hands hold my face and i press my body closer to his. my reaction is immediate, my lips moving with his. the kiss is slow and sweet, a reconnection of two lovers. he sucks on my bottom lip before his tongue pushes past my lips, slipping against my own. i pull away before the kiss can get too heated.
“will you go to dinner with me?” he asks.
“i’d love to.”
“Q! your bridezilla wants you!”
“Jack Rowden Hughes, i am not a bridezilla!” i scold. the audacity that this boy holds. calling me a bridezilla on my wedding day.
“leave my wife alone, Jack.” Quinn sighs, walking over from across the reception hall.
“yeah. leave his wife alone, Jack.” i tease. sticking my tongue out at him over Quinn’s shoulder. Quinn looks over at me, catching me pulling my tongue back into my mouth.
“you’re such a child.” he sighs, shaking his head at me.
“what does that make you? you just married me.” i ask him.
“i’m not even gonna dignify that with a response.” he replies. i’m laughing when his mom comes over.
“is everything okay, honey? i heard you and Jack arguing.” she says.
“i think everyone in here heard them arguing.” Quinn sighs again.
“hey, at least you know she’s part of the family.” Ellen laughs.
“i’m fine, momma E. Jack was just being annoying. it’s his specialty.” i shrug. Ellen laughs, kissing my cheek before walking away. Quinn takes hold of my hand, pulling me back over to our table, taking a seat and pulling me into his lap.
“what did you want me for, pretty girl?” he asks, wrapping an arm around my waist to hold me steady.
“i just missed you.” i whisper, leaning my forehead against his. he chuckles.
“i was gone for five minutes.” he reminds me.
“i know. but you left me all alone with Jack.” i complain.
“well technically, i left you with Luke. but i feel like i should be apologizing for leaving you with either of them.”
“yes. you should.” i smile.
“how about i apologize to you later? when we get home. i can apologize to you several times.”
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runnning-outof-time · 2 years
‘Note’ from the ‘I love you prompts’ for Tommy Shelby MBE, Horse Girl pls?
Thank you for sending this in, anon! 🥰❤️ I’m sorry it took so long for it to be posted. For anyone who is curious, this is the prompt: on their way out of the house, sender leaves a small note for the receiver to read when they wake up, reading “i love you” … also this is my final blurb request for my 2K follower celebration - thanks so much for sending so many prompts in!!
Thank you for helping me celebrate hitting 2K followers! Want to read more blurbs from this celebration? Check out this post!
Just So You Don’t Forget
Tommy Shelby
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Warnings: none
Tommy gets reminded of (Y/N)’s love for him before he’s about to leave for work.
“Good morning, Mrs. Shelby,” Frances greeted (Y/N) from her normal spot at the bottom of the stairs as the woman of the house came down them, “you’re awake early,” she pointed out then.
“I know,” (Y/N) sighed as she met the older woman at the bottom of the steps. “I couldn’t sleep much longer…the thought of Tommy going back to work today is worrying me too much,” she explained, a flat smile on her face. She wasn’t particularly excited about Tommy going back to work today, but nothing she could say or do would change his mind. So she just had to accept it at this point.
“Do you want me to start on breakfast?” Frances asked, her hands clasped in front of her.
“No thank you, Frances. I think I’m just going to go sit in the front room for now,” (Y/N) declined the offer, making the other woman nod before she walked into the sitting room. Frances came to stand in the doorway so that she’d be ready if (Y/N) called for anything.
After sitting for some time, (Y/N) thought up an idea. “Frances,” she called for the other woman, hoping she hadn’t left in the meantime.
“Yes, Mrs. Shelby?” Frances was at the side of the couch within seconds.
“Can you please get me some note paper and a pen?” she asked, a smile on her face.
“I can,” Frances nodded before she promptly left (Y/N)’s side to fetch what she asked for. “Here you are, Mrs. Shelby,” she announced as she came back into the room.
“Thank you, Frances,” (Y/N) smiled, accepting the personal writing desk that had what she’d asked for on top of it.
She tapped the pen against her chin as she tried to think of what she’d write for Tommy. After realizing she was overthinking it, she decided on two simple sentences. She then drew a heart next to her words after writing them down, a smile on her face a she capped the pen again.
“Can you make sure that Tommy sees this before he leaves?…even though I wish he wouldnt go back to work just yet,” (Y/N) asked Frances, who nodded her head.
“I will, Mrs. Shelby,” Frances assured the other woman as she accepted the small piece of paper. “You have an appointment with Marshall in town in a half hour,” she informed (Y/N) then.
“Oh yes. Thank you for reminding me,” (Y/N) nodded, “can you get me a driver please while I get ready?”
Frances nodded at the ask and set off to do just that while (Y/N) got herself ready for the day.
“Mr. Shelby,” Frances called out with surprise present in her voice as she watched him walk into the foyer, “you’re meant to be resting.” Nevertheless, she still rushed to grab his overcoat, cap, and briefcase as he came to a stop in front of her.
“I’ve learned something, Frances,” Tommy started in response as he turned and allowed the older woman to help him put his coat on, “there is no rest for me in this world,” he paused again, setting his cap atop his head, “perhaps in the next,” he finished as he took hold of the briefcase that Frances had offered him.
He began to walk to the door of the home, but Frances’ voice stopped him before he could grab the handle and open it. “Wait, I’ve got something for you, Mr. Shelby,” she called to him.
“What is it, Frances?” Tommy asked as he turned around to find the woman walking up to him.
“It’s from Mrs. Shelby,” she explained, holding a small piece of paper out in between them, “she wanted me to make sure you saw it before you left.”
Tommy hummed as he took the note from Frances. He then flipped it over so that he could read what his wife had written him:
Just so you don’t forget…I love you.
He couldn’t help but chuckle at the sweet sentiment that her short note held. He then read over it again, smiling softly before stuffing it into one of his suit jacket’s inner pockets. “Thank you for giving this to me, Frances,” he said to the woman, who was still standing in front of him.
“You’re welcome, Mr. Shelby,” she smiled at him, having a slight notion of what the note entailed. Only his wife could get him to smile like that.
“I have to leave now,” he told her, tugging on his peaked cap once more to make sure that it was sitting properly on his head.
“Be safe,” she told him, bidding him goodbye after he nodded in response to her statement.
“Back so soon, Tommy?” Lizzie asked as she watched Tommy walk into the company office, surprised etched into her face. “You should be resting,” she added, standing up at attention anyway for whatever he may need her to do.
“I’ve have enough rest…needed to get back to work,” he dismissed her statements as he walked past her to the doors of his office. He opened them then and shrugged off his coat, hanging it on the coat hook before he moved to shut the door. “Oh Lizzie…” he started, thinking of something before he shut himself into his office.
“Yes, Tommy?” she asked, waiting intently for what he’d say next.
“I’m going to need you to run to the post shortly…I have a letter to send out,” he informed her, and she nodded before he shut the door and moved over to his desk. There, he got out a sheet of his official Shelby Company Ltd. paper and a pen so that he could write something back to his wife.
Tagged: @mgcllovdrms @the-anxious-youth @cloudofdisney @look-at-the-soul @elenavampire21 @peaky-cillian @mrsalwayswrite @julkaamazing @evita-shelby @lilyrachelcassidy @notyour-valentine @shelbydelrey @december16-1991 @onlydeadcells @peakyswritings @just-a-blackhole @watercolorskyy @strayrockette @peakyduchesss @alexxavicry @captivatedbycillianmurphy @yummycastiel @dark-academia-slut @tommystargirl @stevie75 @lyarr24 @signorellisantichrist @zablife @anotherblinder @midnightmagpiemama @cillmequick @rangerelik @lovemissyhoneybee @dandelionprints @letal-y-poetica @raincoffeeandfandoms @itscheybaby @gypsy-girl-08
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appeypie · 1 year
Did you ever post that Komalink essay that was in your head
I saw you're one post and how you said Zora royalty crush on Link and I might be converted to that ship now 🤭
sorry this took me so much time to answer anon but I WILL GLADLY SHARE IT!!!!
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my long awaited KOMALINK TRUTHER ESSAY!!
To start, I adore the parallels between these two... they're both coming of age in their respective cultures! and having a rough time of it, it seems..
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They're both very close with their grandmas, though sadly Komali's has passed away... they both have sisters, too!! (or, for Komali, a sister figure. Medli acts very maternal and caring towards him throughout the game, even commenting on watching him grow up saying something to the effect of, "he's grown into a fine young rito, is this how a mother feels?")
Between the coming of age stories, the alive and deceased grandmas, the little and big sisters... they both mirror each other perfectly!!
Of course Komali is going through some major anxiety issues, understandably. link is able to help him through it, which is very sweet to see :)
Before and after finishing dragon roost cavern. I just love the insight this NPC gives us! after Link inspires the confidence in him, he gets so happy!!
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At first it's easy to see it as him just simply looking up to link, and I'm sure it started that way, but it starts leaning into crush territory...!
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.. EVERY conversation?!?!
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Komali's name comes from "hikikomori" in Japanese, which refers to severe social reclusiveness. he seems to be a very sheltered boy who wouldn't have very many friends off island... so who could he be talking about hmm ??? who's the one guy we know he likes off island...? who he wont shut up about....????
There's also this dialogue from a random Rito NPC (sadly I don't have the game caps, but here's it from a text dump):
(If it's too hard to read, it says:
"We used to have such nice breezes blowing through here... Now the air is crazy. I'm positive the strange winds are a result of the wind god's anger. See, there's an important shrine below here that got broken...and now we're paying the price. What cursed luck...
We Rito cannot live without the wind. Before we take to the skies, we always go down and visit the wind god's shrine. That's the way it's always been.")
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The Rito and the wind are intertwined... very fitting that the prince would fall for someone who could control it 🥺
And Yes !! LOZ has a pattern of having the Zora princesses fall in love with link...
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Since the Zora evolved into the Rito in WW, they decided to mix it up and make it the prince!
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We're at the point of this post where I'm out of Ship 'Evidence' and I'm now just throwing images from my files at you. I love this one at the end of the game where Komali is the first one to greet them coming back from what was left of Hyrule (also very exciting for baby me, who was a huge Komali fan)
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Link just stares at him...
I also adore how this is the only ship I know where you get TWO!! Height differences. Hard to get a pic of them standing next to each other pre-Valoo scale, but you get the idea
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Of course we don't fully know how Link feels about him, but I like to think he was a bit annoyed with him at first (as Komali was with him)... Like why couldn't this guy just suck it up and do what had to be done? It's what Link had to do for his family. But he realized Komali had gone through a huge loss, and his Dad was a little absent. He has this huge sense of duty placed over him, and not much support. Then once he got his confidence back, he was able to really shine! Link could see that!
I feel like I might be missing something, but that's the gist of why I love them so much! Foils that grow to deeply appreciate each other :) cute little themes like royalty falling for Link & the Rito's ties to the wind. they make me so happy. they don't get the attention they deserve tbh
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starsunderwaterr · 2 years
Sleeping with the Idols + Agent 8 + Cap’n 3! (pt. 4)
Hey hey hey we on the final part!! 
Cap’n’s part was super long because I love my little shy muffin and the 4 AM creative juices were flowing 
This was so much fun, feel free to leave requests!
(Y/N) — your name
(N/N) — nickname
All characters involved are 18+
Minors DNI
Warnings: PTSD episode, mentions of death, mentions of depression
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Cap’n 3!
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Had to save the best for last <3....and btw this one is super long, so I’m gonna split it into mini chunks 
Also using she/they pronouns for our Cap’n :>
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Getting the Cap’n to trust you took...awhile to say the least
Years actually, but y’all can read about that when I post ab it AHAH-
Sleeping with them started out separately, as they weren’t ready for that much excitement yet, but you also lived in two different apartments, so it was just easier
The rare times you would have sleepovers, the two of you would sit next to each other and pass out on the couch next to each other watching a movie <3
If Three was feelin’ extra affectionate, they’d lean their head on your shoulder or slump into you a little more than usual
Since Three doesn’t really talk much, you read her well through her body language (and she loves that you pick up on this too)
You can really tell when they like something by how much they’ll look at you or how bright their eyes will get
and it’s sooooo cute bro omg
Sleepovers heal their inner child that never got to be a child
As time went on, and you guys got closer, she would start to use her words more with you, because they knew you were a safe space
You guys were talking about plans, and the possibility of a sleepover when you suddenly remembered you couldn’t go :(
Three looked up at you from their cap, “Sleepover tonight?” By her eyes, you could tell they really wanted to
You smiled, “Sure!” But right as you said it, you facepalmed, sighing.
“Oh wait! Cod...I’m sorry, Three...I forgot that tonight is my friend’s birthday party...” Three didn’t look phased, but their eyes dropped. 
“It’s okay.” Don’t get alarmed, Three wasn’t mad, they’re just very blunt! (they’re a very healthy person <3)
Buuuuuttt, to make up for it, you surprised them, and omgggggg BRO
You left the party early, explaining that you had something important to do
Being the cool partner you were, you decided to surprise your love by knocking on her door
and dude omgggg-
The look on their face when they saw it was you at the door?????
You knocked on the familiar apartment door, waiting patiently as you could hear shuffling from inside
A glimpse of their eye came into the peephole before the door opened a lightning speed and with godly force, Three standing there shocked in their pjs
“Hey.” You smiled, watching a smile come onto their face (and man were they trying so hard to hide it too)
“Hey...” Three mumbled, about to internally explode
Literally couldn’t hide their smile as much as they wanted to, and eventually just let it out <3
When Three got comfortable with physical affection, they got even more adorable
Will text you ab coming over a lot more bc they seriously miss being next to you when they sleep
Congratulations, you have been bestowed the Medal of the Safe Space!
She just gets so calm around you, and she can be pretty affectionate when she wants to be
The first time sleeping with Three was definitely one for the books
You let them come to you, and they did
They didn’t speak, but they spoke with their eyes, but you honestly were so tired that you didn’t get it shdhdefhhdhd—
You guys were on your sides facing each other, and Three kept looking from your eyes to your hand, which was laying right next to your face
You furrowed your brows, seeing her face heat up before she grabbed your hand and connected it with their own
You smiled in response, mumbling an apology before giving their forehead a soft kiss
Immediately hid their face- (IN A GOOD WAY I SWEAR)
If you guys are watching something, shoulders and legs are touching, I don’t make the rules
Likes kisses on the forehead and cheek (they make her smile :> )
One day Three sat you down and talked about possibly moving in together
You said yes in a heartbeat
Sleepin’ w/ Three is honestly pretty normal at first, kinda just sticking to each other’s sides but enjoying the warmth
But,,,,as time goes on, they start letting you know that they want a lil more love
Will hug your torso from behind and sleep like that a lot (does it unconsciously too)
Loves holding hands when you go to bed, or at least having a limb touch one of hers
She likes to know that you’re there and safe when they go to sleep because they worry ab you man
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Nightmares and Comfort
Bruh I ain’t gonna lie to you they have nightmares about hurting you or losing you a lot
If they’re not that bad (like once every 2 weeks or so) they usually wake up a little startled, but not enough to cause a disturbance
But, if they’re really stressed from their work as Captain or from other things, they happen more frequently, which causes a lot of insomnia
The worst part is that Three is always trapped in her sanitized self with no way out
So not only is it extremely debilitating for themselves, it’s debilitating to have the thoughts of not wanting to hurt the one you love but literally having no power over it
These kinda nightmares definitely wake you up, because it’s one of the only times Three either gasps loudly or lets out a small scream
The first time it happened, she was so hesitant to let you in
They actually ran into the bathroom and wouldn’t come out because they were so afraid to let you see them like this
But also, looking at you hurt too much
She never wanted to or wants to hurt you, even in arguments
The next time it happened, you were right there again, and as to not overwhelm her, you held their hand and helped to calm them down
Three jolted awake, a loud gasp leaving their throat as they clutched their chest
You sat up, your heart pounding as you recognized the situation right away, “Hey, it’s okay.” 
With tears in their eyes, they took a breath, nodding as they tried to catch onto a calmer rhythm 
You have to be very matter-of-fact with them; don’t sugarcoat it
But man, that look of pure fear in their eyes...it really pains you to see that
Sometimes it’s more severe than other times, and usually when that happens she’ll cling onto you in a hug that practically kills you
Eventually opened up to you about the nightmare, and explained why it makes her feel so on edge
Has cried about it, almost had panic attacks, but what they greatly appreciate (and I mean really appreciate) is that you are always there
Will pass out in your arms listening to your heartbeat afterwards (knowing you are in fact alive comforts her)
If they’re going through the insomnia, you’ll hold them on your chest and rub their back to help them hopefully relax into sleep
Even if it doesn’t work, she’s so comfy and content
Now, if the roles are reversed, and you wake up upset or crying, Three kinda does the same
They’ll instantly shove you into a hug and hold your head with the back of their hand as you cry
Quietly asks you what’s wrong, and if you’re going through it, you might even feel the lump forming in their throat, because it truly pains her to know that you’re suffering too
Will definitely cry with you and will wipe away your tears
Three really loves you, and they’ll do anything to make sure you’re okay
Will kiss you goodnight every.single.night on the cheek, and every time they do, they kinda hesitate before they do and it’s so goddamn cute bro omg
The two of you have had many late night deep talks about your lives and who you both are, and it’s been an honor to have her open up that much to you and talk to you that much
You never told them, and they’ll similarly never tell you, but the two of you both check up on each other in the middle of the night when you’re sleeping to make sure you’re okay
Sometimes you’ll both feel a little smooch on your head or cheek in the middle of the night and can’t help but smile after settling down
Overall, a more serious post, but one of the best slow burn smooch piles ever <3
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wildpeachfarm · 6 months
You said you're willing to talk about writing and I know you can't contribute as much (fair, I'm an author and earlier someone asked you about pastels and I was like, well duh they like pastels look at their tumblr layouts only to keep reading asks and realized they were talking about the other kinds of pastels 😭)
But right now I just feel so excited as a writer cause I've got some really exciting plans coming up soon. With my current WIP (beloved sex worker au) I'm dabbing into very different character dynamics and really mature themes that I never let myself explore before
And either after that's done or before I finish it as a little break I'm planning on something that's gonna be really short and sweet. It'll be a nice change of pace from the sex worker au and its gonna be shorter so less thinking needed. I hesitate to call it low-effort cause it's not really, but that's probably gonna cap out between 3k-5k which is bite-sized for me as a writer to work on (I know for some writers that's pretty long and no shame to them, just for my personal averages that's very much on the short end of the spectrum)
I'm just excited to create honest 🫶
And the reception of the SW!AU has been so lovely it makes me want to write more 🥰
How about your art? Any exciting pieces on the way? A new setting you want to put them in?
I really don't know how to ask artists about their progress sorry 😅
I imagine you guys aren't all that different but for writers we can all speak in tropes and while artists can do that to, you guys also go outside the bounds of tropes a fair bit lol
(wait omg this makes me wonder if I also misinterpreted that ask as meaning the wrong type of pastels HAHA)
OOOOH this sounds so interesting I love seeing people explore new dynamics with characters and their interpretations of unique scenarios and such. Also I'm a sucker for sweet stuff too so needless to say i will be SAT for anything you post!
I've been working on art slowly but surely! I've got a few ideas on the back burner but the next two weeks are still stressful exam season for me so I haven't had a /ton/ of time to whip out drawings like i usually can haha. Hopefully soon™️ tho
oh yeah I never thought about it like that but I definitely see it! I wish the fanbase did more bigbang events with artists and writers together because I always love to see collaborations within one trope/genre/prompt/etc. because it can still be so varied :0
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b4nana-spl1t · 3 months
" Seems like you've stumbled upon our 'Tumblr' account.. "
{ Heya! Welcome to my first ever ask blog, this being for the Split siblings!! I don't see any of the three getting very much recognition, sooo I thought I'd step in! }
{ This blog is run by @bunniirusttxx! I don't post on there however, but you can stop by if you'd like! }
{ Since there is three characters running this blog, they will each have different text colors/styles. OOC messages will typically end with // or )) with no specific color. The different characters' texts will look like this: }
{ Banry: " Like this! " }
{ Dennis: " Like this. " }
{ Nan: " LIKE THIS! " (messages will not always be in full caps, I just think it fits her personality!) }
{ Please note that these are MY INTERPRETATION of the characters! Since we don't know too much about them, I'm going to (hopefully) each interperet them in different ways that might be accurate. (split's creator if you are reading this I am so sorry if I got their personalities wrong, spare me please--) }
{ Banry uses he/him, I assume Dennis is also he/him, and Nan uses she/her. The creator of this blog uses she/any! }
{ Basic DNI criteria, you know.. please note I AM a minor. I won't go into shipping or anything like that, as I personally don't see myself shipping any of these characters with anyone. Sorry if you do! }
{ Regarding asks, please just ask normal things. You know how to do that. (Normal as in no weird questions such as inappropriate things etc.) I am open to anything! Just note that responses may not be entirely accurate.. as I stated above, we don't know much about these characters! And this is my first ever ask blog (and first time ever posting on tumblr) so bare with me! }
{ Now with that out of the way... ask away!! You may ask any of the three characters, but you might get a response from an entirely different character.. (I'm talking about you, Nan.) } " OH COME ON! I DIDN'T DO ANYTHING! "
(Split ask blogs interact please...... stares with my big silly eyes /nf)
" Uhuh.. I think so. Just try not to scare off any of the askers please? "
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darkthingshappen · 17 days
Hey! So I’m really excited about the King of The Road story and I may or may not want to try drawing your characters… not that they’ll be amazing, but just for fun. I wanted to know how you picture them in your head. Like, based on reading I’m guessing Danny is the one with red hair, green eyes, and slightly pale. George has oliveish skin and I’m assuming maybe dark hair or dark eyes? Danny is on the smaller, slim side in guessing and George sounds like he’s a little fuller? I think you also mentioned that Danny was taller, like 5’11 and Georgie was 5’9. That’s all I really came up with, but like do you have preferences for hair cuts or maybe blemishes like birthmarks, moles, freckles, etc. Or other things like nose or eye shape.
I know the Trucker isn’t fully fledged out or described in the story yet, but if you’d like to describe him too then that would be fun.
Thanks! -🪻
You’ve got the basics of Danny and George correct. :-) Let me have a think on this. I might try to find face-claims for them. The Trucker wears a trucker cap and has longish dirty blond hair. He’s rough around edges and rarely clean shaven. He’s lean and wiry, like all muscle, no fat, but sort of lanky. I don’t know. I can see him. In my head. He’s not posh , but he can be charming. Don’t know if that helps. Sorry for the very very very long delay. I’ll start looking for face-claims for my boys and if I find any good one’s I’ll do a King of the Road face-claim post. Also, please always feel free to message. Me. I promise I won’t bite. LOL! I have attendance to swoon over any art that drifts my way. ;-)
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stoneworldimagines · 10 months
Good morning world!!!!!!!!!!!
Hey, I'm Eli!
I'm not a pro or anything, I'm just a hobbyist writer who's super into Dr. Stone! I thought it'd be cool to start up an imagines blog to flex those writing muscles and maybe connect with fellow Dr. Stone enthusiasts along the way
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Let's establish some RULES!
No NSFW! Suggestions are anonymous, so don't expect any of that spicy stuff. But I'm cool with a bit of playful, suggestive content. I'll say no to a request if it doesn't sit right with me.
This is an imagines blog. No full-length novels or fanfiction please. Keep your requests to headcanons, scenarios, and drabbles. If something really grabs my attention, I might dive a bit deeper into it. Requesting multiple characters is fine, but let's cap it at three per post.
Can't promise how fast I'll crank stuff out. It's all about what grabs my attention. I'm up for writing about most characters, but I'm playing favorites. (Sorry not sorry)
I'm cool with shipping, but I'm more into individual headcanons. I've got some no-go pairings, but I'm keeping those under wraps for now. And naturally, I have no tolerance for problematic stuff.
Include your preferred pronouns in your request. Otherwise, I'll keep it gender-neutral!
About me:
I'm up to date with Dr. Stone, so nothing's off the table!!! :D
Also a huge AU enthusiast—writing about them is like my favorite thing. Feel free to add a dash of humor to your request as long as it isn't anything too vulgar.
My Favorite characters include Ryusui, Senku, and Gen, but honestly, I'm a fan of almost every character. I get that Gen and Senku have a MASSIVE fan following, but how about tossing some requests my way for the underdog characters?
Apart from writing, I'm a bit of an introvert. Plus, being a full-time student doesn't exactly leave much time for social media.
Hope this gives you an idea of what to expect from me! After hitting post, I'll probably remember something I left out and end up feeling embarrassed about it. I'm excited about any requests that might come my way. Thanks again for checking me out!
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vinceaddams · 2 years
top five clothing items you wish you'd wear more often, please! and the five you do wear the most, please!
Oh heck! I still have asks from that ask meme thingy I reblogged 2 weeks ago, sorry for taking so long!
Hmm, tough to choose specific things I wish I wore more often. I do have a bunch of fancy 18th century things that sit in my closet most of the time, but usually when I leave the house I'm either going to work or to the grocery store, and I don't feel like being super fancy for that. Cuff ruffles would get in the way of all the hand washing and such, and breeches would be annoying at work because I use machines with knee levers.
I guess I wish I wore my nice shoes a bit more often than just for photos, but they were expensive and I don't want to wear out the leather soles. Maybe I ought to get little rubber soles added.
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Oh, and my embroidered monster waistcoat! I wish I wore that more, but it's from an older pattern that doesn't fit me very well. The embroidery is also a bit worn out in places, alas.
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It's a bit difficult to know which things I wear most frequently, but here are my best guesses for right now. (My summer answers would of course be different.)
1. This brown wool waistcoat from early 2019. I wear it all the time in the cold half of the year.
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Just like the monster waistcoat, it's made from a pattern I drafted before top surgery, so it really doesn't fit me anymore. It's also getting pretty shabby. I've been meaning to make some new everyday plain wool waistcoats for a while now.
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(I wear that green shirt pretty often too.)
2. This cap. It's just two pieces of linen, and I made it in 2018. I like wearing caps indoors when it's cold, and also under my wool hat outdoors. It adds an extra layer of warmth, is softer than the wool hat, and protects it from my very oily scalp.
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I have 3 of these caps, but this one is my favourite. It's also something I ought to make more of.
3. These pants. They're just plain black cotton fall front pants.
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I could pretend I'm wearing them the most because they're fully lined and therefore warmer than my other pairs, but the fact is I've got 3 other pairs of pants with holes worn in them that I need to patch and have been avoiding for a shamefully long time. It's a pretty easy thing to fix, and I will likely put it off for several more weeks, if not more.
I feel the need to point out that not all of my wardrobe is in such a miserable state, I at least have a good amount of shirts!
4. I don't think I have any pictures of it, but my winter coat is just a plain medium grey modern (by which I mean at least a couple decades old) wool one. Here's an image I found on google of approximately the same coat.
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It was my grandfather's, and is a bit too big for me, and the lining is getting pretty worn out. Someday I want to completely pick it apart, recut it, and re-sew it with a new lining, but I can't do that until I have a backup winter coat.
5. This poor flannel nightgown which has finally worn out! Just a few days ago it developed a huge hole in the back panel, and a small one by the button placket, so it's destined to be cleaning rags and/or firestarters.
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The buttons might end up on another nightgown though. So I guess this is no longer a thing I can wear frequently :( In the linked post I actually made 3 nightgowns from the same pattern, and that was the medium weight one, so now I'm down to the very heavy fish print flannel one and the light rayon one, and need to make more. (A very common theme with my wardrobe things, alas. I am slow.)
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But I did just finish a new nightgown this week, made from a completely different pattern that I'm quite excited about! I'll get some pictures soon!
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ana-chronista · 6 months
1, 3, 6, 22 and 24 please
Thanks for the questions and sorry for the delay! These ones took some thinking...
1. what are 3 things you’d say shaped you into who you are? In no particular order:
Learning to like reading. I used to hate reading as a kid. I was getting on OK with it but it was boring and difficult and too much effort. One of my parents (actually not the one who is also into reading!) decided that wasn’t going to work, so kept trying me out with different books until suddenly they found one I clicked with. Suddenly I wanted to read ahead and find out what happened next, because when you only get to hear a chapter a night, it gets frustrating. So yes, I was basically tricked into liking reading by a parent who isn’t a big reader but was determined I would be!
Having quite a strong regional accent*. I can’t shake it, even when speaking my second language, and by now I wouldn’t really want to – it’s a part of who I am. It does make people look at me in a certain way in my job, and has made me very aware of how people make assumptions according to how others sound. My accent is often stereotyped in-country as being stupid or superficial, so it’s quite entertaining to see peoples’ reactions when they find out I’m neither. * (For those of you not from the same country as me, it’s probably the accent you’re thinking of; for those of you who are from the same country, you’re probably all thinking of about ten different possibilities!)
Living abroad for a bit. This came with plenty of ups and downs at the time, but I can’t begin to tell you how much more confident it made me, even in everyday life. I’d definitely recommend it to anyone who gets the opportunity.
3. 3 films you could watch for the rest of your life and not get bored of?
The Lord of the Rings trilogy. Seeing Fellowship on the big screen was a huge moment for me.
Airplane and The Naked Gun. Two separate movies but along very similar lines and I love them both. If anyone ever wants to come quote either of these at me, feel free!
And because I feel like the former two are so similar they count as one, I’ll also mention Captain America: The Winter Soldier, which has been doing the rounds on tumblr lately. As someone who didn’t really get into the first Cap movie, this one surprised me, but I really enjoy how it explores Steve’s ties to the world, both past and present. I was always disappointed that the Avengers never ended up feeling more like a group of friends, but those sort of bonds and trust aren’t as lacking in The Winter Soldier – in fact it’s a huge focus.
6. what’s the best and worst part of being online/a creator? I absolutely love being able to share my work, collaborate with others, and be part of a community around a common interest. When something clicks about a fandom it feels like you’re just chilling with friends and getting excited about the same things, and that’s definitely what I’ve found on the JO/Kӓӓrijӓ community. As for the worst part, I originally wrote a much longer explanation, but on reflection I think it comes down to the opposite of the above, which is when people can become cliquey and entitled within a fandom. I’ve been involved in many different fandoms over several years and had a huge range of experiences. One of the last before I quit fandom for about seven years was within a much larger fandom than JO/Kӓӓrijӓ. I’d been involved in a community project that left me pretty burnt out and disheartened, but led to me posting a fic on AO3 as my contribution. It got some decent reviews. One person in particular loved it. In fact, they loved it so much that in their final review they threatened me with very specific physical mutilation if I didn’t update soon. It was their final review because I logged out and never went back to post the rest. Obviously they could never find me, they weren’t even serious, and I’ve had questionable or downright bad reviews before, but it was a huge WTF moment and I was just done with it all. 22. say 3 things about someone you love They try not to let little things phase them, they’re compassionate without being a pushover, and they share my weird sense of humour, which is lovely. 24. what’s one thing you’re proud of yourself for? Trying to become happier. For a long time I accepted it when people would tell me that “life is just like this” and “most people are unhappy in some way”, until eventually I realised that, actually, I didn’t have to. It’s taken a lot of time and effort, but it’s been worthwhile, and while there’s still work to do (and probably always will be), I feel like I’m in such a more positive place than I was ten years ago.
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