#also sorry if this looks a bit lazy
mak1lol · 2 years
A late birthday gift for @bruhstation
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Happy belated birthday indo bestie :)
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constarlations · 4 months
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Pokémon Timeskip Series: Battle Legend Lyra 🍒🍂
One of the two Johto-Kanto champions, Lyra is best known for her bright and cheery down to earth attitude both on and off the battle field! She likes to travel ALOT you can find her in coffee shops in Kalos or surfing the waves in Alola or just about anywhere with her Fiancé, Silver by her side and never turns down a challenge to a good battle (even if she accidentally sweeps the other person’s team whoops) Her favorite drink is boba tea, her birthday is March 4th, she has a crippling gatcha AND otome addiction, and is 165 cm tall but that’s all for text no one is gonna read aaaaaa-
Drew out my timeskip Lyra due to me wanting to update a few things in regards to her design (can’t believe it’s been almost two years since my timeskip designs HELP) but I hope you enjoy!
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littleplantfreak · 3 months
For good luck
Two leaders leave their partners to go to battle - not without a token of their love though
or to put it less dramatically, you give Choji and Ume something for good luck before a fight (separately)
SFW anddddd no other warnings ig
Characters: Umemiya Hajime, Choji Tomiyama
Tomiyama Choji
You're holding two cards left in this UNO match and one happens to be a draw 4. Just as you're about to put in down on the pile, Togame walks into the room carrying Choji's jacket.
"Sorry to interrupt, but it's about time for that fight, Choji." He looks to you apologetically and your boyfriend looks at the clock on the wall.
"Uno," you place your second to last card down and he looks back to the pile.
"Again?" Choji whines drawing four into his now ten card pile. It isn't the first time this round you had him drawing stacks of cards. You think he might just be incredibly bad at the game given how often you win.
"When you get back, the color's green," you say faking grumpiness at the fact that he's leaving right before you secure victory.
"If I win can it be red?" he pouts and furrows his brow. It's his equivalent of puppy dog eyes that he pulls out at least once a day, so although he looks adorable, nose all scrunched in upset, you're used to this ploy. There is no mercy in UNO and he knows that.
"You know you're going to win, and no, it's green." His cheeks are puffed out like a hamster as he puts his jacket on, but his mood switches up and suddenly he's the trusted leader of Shishitoren, ready to lead his guys into their next brawl. He still silly and excited, your little lionheart, as he gets pumped up to fight, but he's a little more serious too. "Choji." Never one to want to interrupt when he's about to go all out, but knowing it wouldn't feel right to let him leave like this, you're standing, waiting for him to remember the small tradition you two began in the beginning of your relationship.
The first time you ever sent him off to a fight, you were so nervous even Choji could tell. He'd said you were really lucky, so if you squeezed him as hard as you could the luck would rub off on him like a charm. You weren't really lucky, but you knew he was practically unbeatable if what Togame told you was to be believed. It did also calm your nerves, so you elected to always send him off this way just in case.
"I almost forgot my hug!" He spins and runs into you, grabbing you in an embrace.
"Big squeeze!"
"Even bigger squeeeeze!" Stretching your words to prolong the hug, you both release the insanely tight holds you had on each other. He's out of the door before you can say anything else, Togame close behind.
Leaving the cards on the stage of the Ori you were playing on earlier, you decide to make a quick trip to the store for snacks. Surely they were gonna be hungry when they got back, right?
Umemiya Hajime
"I'll hold down the fort while you guys are gone," you say, not looking up from the song book. Your boyfriend is the last to leave after hearing there's a fight outside the Karaoke Bar on Keisei Street. Nakamura and his gang were surely already there taking care of whatever troublemakers showed up, but your Furin boys couldn't hear the word fight without running towards it.
"Babe," his voice is strained as he's ready to head out. "can you...y'know?"
"Can I what, Hajime?" You put on an unaffected act, but it's not one you can hold for long. He taps his cheek as he bends towards you, a little bashful now that you're actually looking his way. "What do I get in return for giving you all my hard-earned luck hm?"
"My everlasting love and affection princess," he says bending his knee in front of you in an equally regal display. He places a small kiss on your hand and sees you crack a smile despite your initial play of indifference.
"How could anyone pass up an offer like that," you giggle, giving your prince a good luck kiss on the corner of his mouth as by accident. "You'll get a full one after you're back and in one piece," a hint of warning in your voice as you send him off. You hate when he comes back hurt, even if he says it's not that bad and that you really should see the other guy. A heavy sigh leaves you as you're left alone for whatever amount of time it takes for your boys to return from battle.
Once they're back, more people than had initially left showed up. It seems some of the Roppo-ichiza group heard there was karaoke and decided to tag along dragging some new faces into the room, not that you mind. Umemiya pops in while everyone is saying their hellos and takes his seat next to you again.
"You're back from war huh?"
"Yes ma'am! Can I collect my kisses now?" He's extra clingy, feeling bad that he left you alone for even a short while.  You can see no one is really hurt from the fight save for a few bloody knuckles and swollen cheeks. Ume himself only has a small bruise on his jaw and small cuts on his hands. "Gotta heal you first," you say putting your lips to his knuckles, your intention to kiss every injury being made clearer the farther along you progress. What he doesn't know as you're distracting him is that you've queue'd up 'baby shark' on the karaoke tablet about 20 times as payback for leaving you by yourself.
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@girlymatsu ive been unable to stop thinking about these three being friends since you mentioned it, so i hope you dont mind that i drew out a few ideas ^^;!!
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poqu · 2 years
What's your process for drawing backgrounds? i am in love with the way you draw them, it all feels so cohesive! Do you draw in grayscale first, jump to colors directly, paint it all in one layer, use layer blending modes?
Hi!! I may not be the best at explaining, but I saved some screenshots of wips for my process of my recent art:
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I usually do a few little thumbnails to plan things out (but sometimes I just roll with one right away with some changes, like here haha).
I try my best to keep in mind where I want shadows (but I sometimes neglect that too ToT I've been trying to do it more recently because I want to improve in lighting)
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A lot of times I plan out colors and shadows more specifically with the art shrunk down. I already had and idea of the color scheme here, but sometimes I will play with wildly different colors at this stage.
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Then I take my time with the rest : ) I separate major areas on different layers, like the forground that I had shaded in since the beginning, and some smaller parts whose colors I might want to change individually later on. I color mostly with 2 brushes-- a hard circle brush, and a softer round-ish brush with opacity. And I play around with some airbrushing in other blend modes towards the end.
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kukekakuningaskris · 3 months
this might be too niche of a post but the swiss football coach looks kind of what older bojan might look like (it's mostly the hair)
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tsukasalover · 3 months
wah .. wonderlands x showtime…
the niccori pins i was waiting for finally arrived today so i wanted to show some of the merch ive gotten recently :D i ordered the knightkasa keychain from castorbear and everything else was from aliexpress!!
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shinehyuk · 7 months
thought you were smart? | jay+jungwon
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> genre : yandere
tw/cw : implied torture, obsession, stalking, very toxic relationships, kidnapping, heavy themes overall, murder etc. read at your own wish.
request : just a question, i actually kind of went through your old post and read that one jay + jungwon fanfiction where they allowed the mc to be free only to reveal they put a tracker on them. what if mc was smart enough, and realises they have tracker on them, and remove it. what jaywon still find them or lose them forever.
a/n : i adore this request. this may have just broken me free from the shackles of the infamous writer's block lol </3 i apologize in advance if this is bad because it seems i forgot how to write haha
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when they saw that you had suddenly stopped moving when you were running for your life to get as far away as possible just a second ago, the tracker staying completely still in one place, at first they feared the worst. what if you were so blinded by the hope for freedom that you carelessly let yourself get hurt, or worse? and it was all their fault; letting you roam around freely, like mothers letting their baby birds fly out of the nest for the first time - only for the birds to overestimate their flying abilities, failing miserably and meeting with the cruel reality, breaking every single bone in their fragile bodies, and coming to the end of their short life in the span of such a quick moment.
once they arrived at the tracker's place, not finding you, instead finding the device disposed of in the blades of grass, they had mixed feelings; anger, betrayal, amusement.
so this is how you want to play? so be it.
jay, having a much bigger temper than jungwon, was more on the angry side; seeing red before his eyes, thinking of all the things that he'll do once they find you.
jungwon, on the other hand, was focused more on the present, already having come up with a plan on what to do to lure you back. you may rest assured that they will not bother themselves with useless searching; if you do not play by their rules, then there shall be no rules at all. sure, they did once promise not to hurt your family, but that promise did not matter much when you were gone now, did it?
they figured that you'd turn to your family for protection, knowing that trying to escape alone wouldn't get you anywhere; you knew what they were capable of, and you couldn't be sure there weren't more trackers on you. contacting your family was your best chance of survival. police was out of the question; you've tried once, stealing jay's phone when he was occupied, but the two just portrayed you as a lunatic when questioned; jungwon had a way of making everyone believe him no matter how absurd it was.
first, they'll send out a small warning; the oh so sudden disappearance of your dear aunt. you know where to find them; if you don't show, they'll go after people more and more important to you the next time they strike.
they'll wait two days between each victim to see if you'll finally break and show up, sobbing and begging at their feet not to kill anyone else. however, if you're actually so heartless to just let them wipe out your entire family, trading them for your freedom, don't worry; jungwon may not really enjoy getting his hands dirty, but jay on the other hand, managed to get your exact location almost too quickly from one of your beloved family members that didn't even hesitate to betray you in the face of death.
did you really think you could escape them? poor, stupid thing. you had it coming to you.
and when they finally get to you, you may forget about seeing the sun ever again.
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ask-opsys · 5 months
Here's an easy one to start: what's your favourite colour? And another, what's your least favourite colour, if you have one!
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storytellering · 7 months
if it's okay, would you mind sharing your art process? your style is SO gorgeous dude. keep it up spardacest nation!!!
Thank you so much anon, and of course! I kinda posted about it on twitter a while ago, but for anyone not also on there, here's a paraphrasing of what I said there! (under a cut bc it's gonna get a bit long)
(speedpaint video from procreate mostly bc like I also said in that post, it's one of the few pieces I've done entirely on procreate and thus entirely recorded kdfjhdk I usually don't do the sketching + painting parts on there but every now and then I get lazy and want to get it all done quick in one program lol! It's not as good as it would look if I were using krita to render (which is what I normally use) but it gets the idea across decently of what it is that I do)
The short version of my process is: sketch, clean up sketch for lineart, then flat colors, then paint over the flats (i make the flats my shadows and paint on the light), then a multiply layer for skin details (like lips, eyebags, etc), then an overlay layer for skin transparency details (red over the ears/nose/fingertips etc), then i do hair over the lineart, then a multiply layer with the contact shadows in a light beige/grey/neutral tone on top of everything else, and then i unify layers, paint over the details, and color correct the HELL out of it The longer version is: SO, first of all, I will say, my entire process for a finished/fully redered piece is pretty scattered and uses a lot of different apps, because after many years of trying out different drawing apps I found that I just worked better when I could incorporate the parts I liked best from each individual one rather than having to adapt to another app entirely! In total, what I use is: autodesk sketchbook and procreate for the first half I do on my ipad, then krita and photoshop on my computer when I'm actually rendering (but any photo editing app instead of ps will do, I'm just used to photoshop bc that's what I learned as my first drawing app WAAAY back in the day lol), and then meitu on my phone for color filters (also any phone editing app with filters in it will do), AND also optional just for references: blender and daz3d on computer + magicposer on my phone The actual step by step of what I do: First of all, if I want to do a detailed, well rendered piece I will start by getting my references ready. That means either just grabbing a screenshot from the game if it's like, a simple portrait, or a photo reference, taking a picture of myself in the right pose/lighting, and if it's something more complex I will recreate the scene in Daz3D to simulate a realistic lighting, OR even just blender (i have the game models for the dmc characters downloaded, so I can just pop them in, pose them and change the lighting to get a realistic idea of what shadows their faces will cast in that specific angle/lighting.) Note: references are pretty essential to me, and there's nothing to be ashamed about for using them! Personally I don't struggle a lot with the drawing/sketching part of art, but my tiny little pea brain cannot fathom how to make an object 3D in my mind, and how to visualize shadows realistically... thus the reliance on 3D programs to do that for me, and then all I have to do is draw what I'm seeing lol. My art improved significantly ever since I started making 3D refs so I could get /exactly/ what I needed - there's still a lot of leeway you need to learn though, because as realistic as the lighting will be in a rendering program, you'll never really get a fully natural looking image, as far as stuff like the body stretching/squishing/pulling when it's in movement, facial expressions, folds in clothing/fabric, etc... so really it's more a guide than something meant to be followed 1:1.
Then, once I'm confident I know exactly what I'm gonna draw/have the idea in my head, I start sketching it in sketchbook. Not really getting very in depth, just blocking out rough shapes - I like sketchbook and to be on my ipad for that because it feels very reminiscent of traditional sketching on paper to me, which while I'm not super confident on my traditional art abilities, I do get the most natural/fluid/non-stiff figures out that way. Then when I think I have the general idea ready, I export the sketch layer as a png and import it into procreate - which is where I kinda start picking at the sketch and polishing it like i'm carving it out haha. Lots of liquify tool, flipping the canvas to check if it's even, blending out some of the lineart to help out with the rendering later, and then polishing up what was once the sketch into serviceable lineart. I usually reimport it back into sketchbook at this stage - while I like procreate for drawing I don't love the brushes I can use for lineart there, and so I usually only draw the "base" naked figure in there - when I'm in sketchbook I use a hard pencil to refine the details, then on a separate layer add all the things "on top" like hair, clothing, etc - usually I can get it pretty easily in one go, and once I'm satisfied I erase the naked body under the clothes and unify the lineart layers. Then I will just do the flats with a hard brush, turning the lineart layer into an overlay layer and coloring things in with the shadow colors. At this point, I export the file as a psd and import it on my computer - I give it a once over in photoshop first to see if there needs to be any adjusting (like whether any layer that has an effect needs to have a different effect, if all the colors look right since the ipad screen isn't the most faithful, if i wanna change the background color, etc), and once I think it's ready enough, I open it up in krita, where I do the actual bulk of the painting/rendering (as to why specifically krita: it's because I've gotten very comfortable with the brush/painting brush dynamics there and cannot seem to get as good results anywhere else, it's just the goldilocks spot of a brush for me haha.) If anyone's curious, here's the brushes I usually use for painting:
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The one in the middle is my go to painting brush, left one for tinier/more refined details, right one for blending out soft shadows (though I learned the hard way to not overuse it, or it will look like I went ham with an airbrush tool lol). (I don't change any of the settings on these brushes, so if you wanna try out the exact ones I use! Just fresh off how they come out the app haha) I paint on the lights on top of the shadows, and just focus on that for the time being - once I'm done with the basic painting, I'll make a separate multiply layer for details like lip color, eye waterlines, makeup if there is any, eyebags, etc, and then adjust the opacity until it feels right - then I'll make an overlay layer with skin translucency details (like, when you hold your hands in front of a light and see the tips of your fingers become bright orange - many parts of your body are always a bit translucent to the blood underneath, specifically parts where the skin is thin like noses, cheeks, joints, knuckles, etc, and I found it makes the character look a lot more alive to add that subtle coloring in) - then usually I do hair on a separate layer on top of the lineart (because that way I can add small flyaways, more details, etc, and just use the lineart as a guide) After that, I'll usually make a multiply layer on top of everything where I'll add contact shadows in a neutral color (usually pretty pale, it'll be darker anyway since it's multiply), and once I feel like I've rendered everything out properly, I save the psd and re-open it on photoshop.
In photoshop, I'll mess around with the layers a little bit more (changing hue/saturation, opacity, etc), fuck around with the background to make it look pleasing, and once I'm happy with it, I'll unify the layers and start color correcting - usually by duplicating the unified layer and messing with the curve/hsl of the image and then changing the opacity of that edited layer until it's as strong or muted as I want it to be - then I also edit the RGB curves individually and adjust the opacity of that also (because I just really like how it ends up looking if I give a bit of a red/warm tint to the shadows lol), and at that point often I will reimport the finished image into procreate for some finalizing touches! Like, blending out shadows that came out too harshly, painting over anything that came out not the way I wanted it, redefining the lineart if it got messy during painting, and adding any extra small detail that might have gotten lost like catchlights, hair shines, hair flyaways, tears, etc. I also do one last round of flipping the canvas and liquify if needed! At this point, I export the finished image both to my computer and my phone - on my phone I open it up on the photo editing app, and add a bunch of different color filters - I don't hesitate from going completely balls to the walls here, and just kinda applying as many filters as will make an image look pleasing to my eye. Once I think it looks good, I'll export the edited image to my computer - and then open both the version without filters and the one with them on photoshop, and use the filtered version as an opacity layer, and adjust it until it doesn't look as crazy anymore lol. One last step I recently started incorporating was also changing the image to grayscale after I'm done, and doing one last round of curves in greyscale to make sure the values look right, and nothing is getting too lost because the values are too similar (because i know i get a bit swept up in getting repulsed by harsh contrasting lighting and can end up washing out all of rendering if I don't check myself kjdfgk) AND that's it! Yes it's a pretty long and chaotic process, but it's coming from years of trial and error and realizing I can just let myself fo whatever makes me happier with the results, and I don't have to stay constrained to one program if I don't like every tool it has to offer/don't have to accept the final image fresh off the painting app as the "finished" image with no adjustments allowed after, lol. I don't find it takes a lot more time than if I didn't do it this way, but YMMV. Hope this was helpful and sorry for taking so long to explain! I just wanted to give a thorough explanation dfhdkhkx
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absenthearted · 2 years
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🌼  [insp.]
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occasionaltouhou · 1 year
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regular touhou #27: iku swimming in the clouds...
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boyfridged · 1 year
Do you agree that Jason, as written by Winnick in UTRH and Lost Days, acts out of character post-resurrection if we take into account his post-crisis robin days? If yes, how would you have him act/react to stuff after he comes back from the dead?
tldr: i definitely agree. moreover, classism plays a huge role in it, and i don’t think that at this point the storyline could lose these implications, which makes trying to conceive what an “in character” (for robin jay) version of these events would be quite difficult. 
let’s just start from saying that i don't think it's a secret that i don't really like winick in general. despite his work being mad interesting on a conceptual level (and style-wise, genuinely well written!), he has no love for the characters he writes about. 
imo utrh shouldn't even ever make it into the mainstream batman timeline. i am aware that this is a radical opinion, but my take is that it would do best as an elseworld story (and in this version too it would need some tweaks here and there), because it made damage both to the mythos of batman and jason's legacy that can never be undone. the very premise of the story is so deeply disconnected from jay's original place in the narrative, and so classist at its roots, that there's not much room to truly fix it. 
(i want to say, preemptively, that i am aware that there are people who read utrh as a story of a revolutionary and a victim – and they have the right to do so, but ngl, my view has always been that it was never written as that. utrh reinforces so many stereotypes that it overshadows the revenge tragedy spirit of it all.) 
another disclaimer is that, to be honest, jay doesn't have a very consistent characterization even in his 80s run, and it also has some classist implications that ideally should be either erased or addressed in the text (that winick instead exaggerated and put at the very front of his storytelling.) starlin's writing is, at the end of the day and very much ironically, more sympathetic and gentler in evaluating jay (simply because at the time he would not get away with changes too blatant) but details such as jay saying that "all life is game" and his random nonchalant behaviour that has its origin in the very beginning of starlin’s run are already signs of it. some readers will trace jason's arrogance prevalent in his red hood era to these issues and say that his actions post-res are therefore a logical extension of his robin days, but i don't buy it. even if you want to lean into starlin-esque characterisation, if you consider the core problem of the garzonas plotline – which is power, jay shouldn’t look into the solution of anything in climbing to the top. and if he did, it would have to be written as a “becoming what you feared/hated most” kind of story, which i can see a certain appeal in (and which would at least acknowledge that it was not his initial personality), but which would go back to its classist assumption of cycles of violence and doomed fates.
so – how to make his post-res era more accurate to his post-crisis robin days (and least classist in the process)?
if we were to follow my fav iterations of his characterisation (barr’s detective comics and the ntt appearances) tbh I don’t think a lot would happen, because his personality is quite mild, and just so hopeful there that i wouldn’t expect any extreme actions from him – but then again, the circumstances that he finds himself in post-res, the trauma, and his sensitivity do warrant grief that should become a driving force in his life from now on. the question is, what to do with this grief as a plot device?
i know that plenty of jason fans hate this take but I actually think the concept of jason trying to be detached and cruel but being bad at it might be one of the least offensive to his 80s characterisation. it’s def not accurate to pre-52 canon (apart from countdown perhaps) but imo for jay to be authentic and nuanced he should be conflicted about his own actions. his overconfident behaviour should be a pose – just as his frantic acts in his origin story as robin were. (again, something that many readers don't take notice of – but reading the rest of collins' writing wherein jay quickly settles into being easy-going and even a bit shy is proof of it.)
these two points lead to the “no good deed” narrative that I often talk about - the reading that jason saw his intuitive and self-sacrificial kind tendencies as something that brought him pain and that never was quite efficient, and that post-res he intentionally tried training himself out of. there are some flashes of it here and there throughout the years of the red hood publishing history, but it never got a true spotlight. and if i were to write lost days, jason flinching at his own violence would be a focal point of the story. 
moving on to utrh; i have spoken about it at length before but I think if he were written 1. with more political sensitivity 2. to have retained the same maturity re: the social order 3. to have the same idea of morality, he should have followed more of actual revolutionary tracks and the whole “drug lord” authoritarian figure schtick along with the idiotic idea of “controlling crime” would have to be thrown out of the window. 
and, later on, forgiveness should play a big role in his story. he's so quick to forgive and justify everyone in his robin run – this is also why i reckon his team up with harvey in tfz was a wasted opportunity.
so, in conclusion – perhaps not that much would have to change re: his actions but definitely a lot should change regarding his emotional journey and his position. i would def throw out a lot of mindless violence and power posturing out of it though. and perhaps make him a bit more polite just for the sake of more consistency (this is not me taking a moral stance btw nor tone policing a fictional character. i just think it would be more faithful to his 80s writing unless you want to make him explicitly scared. and it would be funnier tbh.)
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thrifthi · 10 months
feeling a bit unmotivated with tumblr these days, i might post less because im trying to focus on doing art when i still have the time to
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shvdowsdrowned · 2 years
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You just can't get enough of me, can you?
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heroicallynude · 1 year
Its a bit goofy of Pinkett Smith to pick the one ruler who definitely was not black for her documentary. Not only that, but it is stated in the docu that "Cleopatra was def black" and similar statements. I hope she chooses to portray more African queens and rulers in future documentaries. I also hope that filmmakers in general explore more stories outside of the European context instead of raceswapping historical figures such as Anne Boelyn. Its just very Eurocentric. But then again, its probably done because well known names pull bigger audiences, and therefore more money etc etc
I agree, it's definitely goofy. I think it was stated that she wanted to make a docu about strong African female rulers, and i guuuuess since Cleopatra was technically ruler of a country located on the African continent, she figured that counted, despite Cleopatra being way more Greek than Egyptian?
I think this might be why i can't bring myself to take it all that serious, because it's clearly not made by someone who knows enough about the subject for me to really respect them in like a scholarly fashion. I can only assume she must've had some scholars involved, but if the docu feels confident claiming Cleo was DEFINITELY a black woman, then it's clear that Pinkett Smith chose scholars that would support the worldview she needed for her vision to work. So then, the docu was made by unqualified people with a flawed premise, and some wrong choices were made along the way because her narrative took presidence over actual facts.
I hope that the rest of the episodes about other Africans queens are more historically accurate and respectful, but the issue is that her Ethos is already lost since we all know the documentary hasn't bothered with accuracy. It was a noble endeavor, and i think my fear is that others will be discouraged from making similar stories that amplify often unheard voices, because the backlash over this one, stupid, choice overshadowed everything else
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