#also sugar I hope ur knee gets better
rodolfoparras · 10 months
Sprained my knee due to sliding on ice and GOOODD i need old man price to take care of me so badlyyyy *grips the table with my molars*
Pairing: John Price x Male Reader
Cw: suggestive, 18+
Price would never admit it but he’s genuinely scared of losing you. All his life he’s spent fighting without a real cause and when you came into his life he found a solid reason to stick around. Losing you would send him spiraling
So every injury you get, every cold you endure, he’s glued to your hip, attentive to your every need. especially when you waddle through the door, knee bandaged up with crutches supporting your form.
“What happened?” He says, pale in the face while wrapping a strong arm around your waist.
“Just a small accident, nothing too serious” you say, trying to ignore the throbbing pain as to not worry him any further.
“Nothing serious huh?” He scoffs in response, as helps you sit down on the couch.
“John I really mean it”
“Who patched you up?” He ignores your words, and kneels on the ground to get a better look at the wound.
“Hm? Oh Vincet did”
“Did he use anti septic?” He says calloused thumb carefully brushing over your bandaged knee.
“John it didn’t bleed”
“Doesn’t matter” he grunts out, still carefully gauging your knee “It’s swollen. Did he ice it before he wrapped it up?”
“Yes” you say with a fond smile on your face, eyes rolling slightly at his dramatic behavior.
“Fuck me I knew I should’ve gone with you,”
“Nothing you could’ve done about it” you say with a shrug, fingers fondly carding through his hair.
Price mutters something under his breath, eyes still glued to your injured leg.
“You worry too much you know?”
“How could I not? Didn’t you almost spend 4 days in medevac last week and before that your arm was in a sling and didn’t you and gaz -“
“Okay I get it” you say, swiftly cutting him off in his rant.
“Point is I have plenty reasons to worry kid, “
“Alright you got a point, but really I’m fine,just a small sprain, nothing serious,”
A scoff in response is all you get from him before he’s placing a kiss on your leg “going to give me a head full of grays,”
“Don’t you already have that?” You say playfully but he doesn’t respond. Instead he continues to place kisses on your leg, working his way from the top of your injured knee down to the sole of your foot.
“John” you croak out, feeling blood pool to your lower half.
“Hm?” Is all he says, looking at you with eyes half lidded as he continues to place kisses along your leg.
“Get over here” you croak out, leaning back onto the sofa to make room for the older man.
“But your knee-“
“Fuck, don’t care just come here please”
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mrsackermannx · 7 months
Thank you for your reply. You are really kind ily 🥹🥹
Pcos is really hard to deal with. It has fucked me up so bad. From facial hair to hyperpigmented private parts, it has given me everything. I'm so fucking insecure. It's hard not to be😭 I wanna look pretty. My doc gave me heavy meds I was nauseous the whole time I took the tablet. It was hell. Besides i had severse foodpipe ulcers. Now I'm off tablet. I'm just so much so worried about my hair only. I also had to have dandruff!!! Just my life ugh. I had hair down upto my knees. I had to cut it short as it got tangled all the time and it made extra hairloss. Im jsut 18. Haven't even joined university yet. Other girls are pretty ugh. Sorry I jsut ranted. I'm tempted to just shave my head at times. I cry every night lmao.
It is kinda good to know that I'm not alone (although I hope none of us have to grow through this) and thanks for the "don't"s 🫶🫶
Do you have any scalp washing tips btw?
If I touch my head, there's no hair..it's just touching my scalp directly lol bald me
BEAUTIFUL GIRL OF COURSE! I never want my pcos girlies to feel silenced???😚😚 first of all….Oh the facial hair has been kicking my ass since i was 15 and im 21 girl 😭😭 but i will say, at 19-20 it peaked for me, i hit rock bottom and i do think that the external stress of uni pushed it but i also thing it’s a genuine like canon event for us pcos girlies, i truly believe that until ur pcos really gets you down, you can’t rise up from it. i was the biggest id ever been, lost all my hair, facial hair was insane!!
i mean this in the best way, because I’ve been there girl, i still am there, i get laser on my face and neck, i wash my hair and like it gives me anxiety just washing my hair and seeing the loss, feeling the loss of density, like you i had hair down my back my whole life and i cut it over a year ago and now it has grown back thicker at least bc mine was all straggly at the worst point😭 i KNOW your pain.
BUT everybody always told me that the older i get it will level out and trust me it does!! and it did. im 21 and things have settled, we can only go through this process. i promise you, it gets better. my hair is still thinner but it shines and i put love into it!! i oil my scalp every time i wash it, I’ve been doing it for 8 months religiously.
and girl you are pretty!! i used to read the r/pcos thread a lot bc it made me feel less alone and like, i saw a post once venting about how hard it is having so much maintenance, to wake up and have to shave your face, to be conscious, to have to cover hair loss. that constant weight of having to get up and do all these steps that you feel other women don’t. i know the frustration, i have bumps and marks and body hair that makes me sob if I don’t shave it and then I look down in the shower and it hits me. but it’s also okay to pay for the things like laser or waxing, or learning how to wax etc, we have to manage in any way, we are allowed to prioritise and do things that make us feel beautiful bc we deserve it. we have to adapt rather than hoping it might just disappear, and we have to accept it🥺🩷
but diet is huge!! at least try and have a protein heavy breakfast!! 30g of protein is such an important aim, I promise that makes such a difference. definitely try not to have a lot of sugar in the morning. i only drink water or spearmint tea. matcha tea can be good bc it’s better then coffee, but I never drink caffeine because it’s so bad for us pcos girls especially on an empty stomach!! try and eat good fats!! and also integrating exercise!! and also MANAGE STRESS BABE I MEAN IT
but you are still beautiful, effortlessly and with your ways of coping. there is nothing wrong with us!! don’t be sorry for ranting at all, i also wanted to shave my head at the height of my weight loss i had a huge bald spot and it’s still kinda there 😭 i know this shit is REAL
but definitely check in with a doctor if you can get any advice/meds that could help, maybe a birth control pill could help you but again I don’t recommend that due to my own experiences bc it gave me severe acne, migraines and other things but tbf my hair was lucious😜, pcos is a lot of trial and error and seeing what might work for you.
as far as tips go!! look into Indian/arab/ayuverdic routines on TikTok/youtube!!! look up ways to massage your scalp!!!
here are my fave creators !!
@golabbeauty on tiktok for hair loss, hair oiling, diet, she has pcos herself!
@zoeantonia_ tiktok + instagram!! pcos positivity for facial hair, bloating, skin!! she also gives great diet and workout advice and she’s amazing!!
@mila.magnani on tiktok! pcos creator amazing!!!!!!
but i want you to know that you don’t have to start everything now, that you can eat something one creator says not to!! you will find your rhythm with this! steal, twist, tailor everything you hear and see creators doing !! whether it’s making your own mixture of oils for oiling or making some kind of nightly mock tail for your hormones you’ve found!! either way i believe in you and im always here <3333 educate yourself but don’t overwhelm yourself! time is your biggest ally, my heart goes out to you angel <3
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desertgremlin · 1 year
Oh man, I hope you feel better! Do you normally get headaches or is this a random thing? Do you get migraines? I know how awful those are, so I hope you can get some rest and hopefully it passes soon.
And you totally made sense! "100% agree with you about The Look. It is there. It is undeniable!!! It gets me weak in the freaking knees. Carmy and Sydney just Get each other and those are my fave types of relationships. Ones where there’s a synergy, a shorthand. And that doesn’t mean they get along 24/7 - because lol just look at season one - but there’s always an understanding there at the bottom of it all and I live for it. So I agree, whatever way the writers go with it - there is def a soulmate type bond there. I can’t waitttt to see more of it in s2." Completely spot on. I love those kinds of relationships too. It shows that relationships will always take work and effort. Even if you have something with someone where it's just an instant click, it doesn't mean you are mind readers and that you will agree on everything. Like you said, in season 1, Carmy fucked up and so did Syd. But they have a foundation of understanding. It's like puzzle pieces: you aren't the same, and you may have to work at finding how to fit, but ultimately, you do fit and precisely because you are different, that's what allows you to fit together. That first time they meet, when Carmy sees her....he just looked so....I don't know...like, he looked awake. Like he could finally see things clearly for the first time. I think some people would say that that is love at first sight and I don't know if that exists, but if that's what it was, it was there! And I am totally for having more ace characters in shows. So glad you brought that up. But I also think that like, asexuality is not the same as being aromantic, and maybe Carmy is both, but he hasn't given us any indication that he isn't. He is so like, soft around Sydney, they way he isn't around other people. Even with other characters, like with Tina and Sugar and Marcus, he obviously trusts and likes them, but there is like this....sense of responsibility that he gives off. Like, I don't wanna say he has his guard up, but with Sydney, he is vulnerable. I feel like he is completely himself and he doesn't even have to think about doing that. He just does it in her presence. Like, he was quick to tell her that he went to Al-Anon, when it took him a while to tell Sugar (and she had been begging him to go). Doesn't that say something?
Thanks bestiee, I don't get bad headaches or migraines frequently but sometimes the computer + the lights at work get to me and when it does it's the WORST 💀 It was gone when I woke up this morning though, thankfully.
He looked awake; like he could finally see things clearly for the first time. I love describing it like that! Sydney was like a breath of fresh air coming into the restaurant & his life.
Yep, I should've specified between aro/ace, my bad! But you're right, whatever's happening there between those two is leagues different from the other relationships Carmy has - so that is definitely Significant™ and you can't ignore it. It'll be interesting to see his dynamic with Molly Gordon's character whether she's an ex/love interest/friend from the past. Like, could it also serve to show that Carmy and Sydney's bond is unique and, like, special? Let's see.
anyway when is it MY turn to get someone to look at me like Carmy looks at Sydney, I'm waiting 👉⌚︎ 😂
also bestie totally up to you obviously but if you wanna hit me up on messages please feel free! I feel bad that my replies aren't as long and detailed as yours but I'm like, so conscious of everyone else reading what I think of shows and being like... girl ur so wrong 😩 lmaoo. but if you wanna stay anon that's so so fine <3 <3
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asphalt-cocktail · 5 years
For the Sake of Content- Chapter 3
Chapter 3: Live Music is Boring
Summary: After walking in on your long-term boyfriend, Harrison, cheating on you and then losing your job the following day; your find yourself broke, jobless, and single for the first time in a long while. In order to make ends meet, your best friend since college, Freddie, suggests you start soliciting explicit photos of yourself, not only to help boost your confidence but to help pay the rent for his band mate’s apartment you just moved into.
A/N: Hi lil cuties! Back at it again with a new chapter for FSC. I know I said a new chapter was coming tomorrow, but I wanted to post it tonight because I can. Anyways, it’s starting to pick up from here on out! I’m hoping to build a lot of sexual tension over the next few chapters for what I have planned. Like always I really appreciate all of your lovely comments, likes, and reblogs! Seeing your interest is what helps motivate me to write! Also if you would like to be tagged please send me an ask, the comments get lost and then I feel bad when i cant find everyone :/
Pairing: Roger Taylor x F!Reader
Warnings: Language, mentions of sex work, masturbation, sexual tension, some friendly banter between roger and reader, really corny dirty talk, it makes sense when you read it, not proof read, short chapter but don’t worry it gets better.
Word Count: 1.9k
18+ if you are a minor do NOT interact with this post. This is fictitious content and I own nothing.
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Roger sat in the kitchen eating a bowl of cereal, dressed only in a tasseled vest and leather straight legged pants while you shuffled out in your old worn college sweatshirt and a pair of sleep shorts, “Are those my Golden Grahams?” You asked, stopping at the entrance of the kitchen.
Roger glanced up at you, his under eyes were always slightly droopy and puffy, a stark contrast to his surprisingly wide blue eyes that glared up at you, “Yeah, what about it.” He answered confidently.
“Stop eating my shit, I barely have enough money to support myself let alone you.” You said grabbing the box from the counter and shoving it into the cupboard that held your food.
Roger shrugged, loudly slurping up his spoonful of milk, “Maybe you should get a job then.” He leaned back in his chair “How do you even afford rent anyways?”
You froze, your back still facing Roger. For the last few weeks you had made a decent sum of money camming and selling photos, not that you would tell Roger of all people. “It’s none of your business.” You reminded him while you walked over and pulled out your leftovers from your dinner with Freddie and popped them into the microwave.
“How did you even meet Fred,” He asked suspicious that his friend, Freddie, would dare to have other friends.
You turned towards Roger and leaned against the counter, “College,” you answered pointedly, “We had a digital design class together and he liked the shirt I was wearing.” You answered, you might still have that shirt buried in your closet somewhere, “Where did you meet him?”
Roger continued eating your cereal, “We used to live together, went to different universities, but he needed a roommate.” You had been to Freddie’s home during college, but never met Roger. It was a nice place, but always a cluttered mess, “Now we run the shop and play together.” That’s right, Roger helped sell clothes at the second-hand store.
“What do you play? The guitar?” You scoffed momentarily, “God, I hope you can play something other than Wonderwall.” You joked.
A small smile graced Roger’s features, if you hadn’t had been looking you wouldn’t have seen it, “No, I’m a drummer.” He gave you a confident smirk, the kind that would have caused a girl’s knees to go weak, “But I do play guitar,” He quickly followed with.
You nodded your head, “Ah, a drummer,” You said pulling your food out from the microwave and stabbed your fork into the left-over chicken breast.
“You’ve never been to any of our shows, have you?” Roger pressed.
You shrugged your shoulders, “Nope,” you answered, popping the ‘p’ at the end of your short statement.
“Why not?”
“I don’t know, I don’t really like bar concerts I guess.”
Roger scoffed and made a skeptic face, “Where do you see concerts then? The back room of a coffee shop? Some of the best concerts I’ve been to have been in the back of shoddy bars.” He sounded defensive now.
“I just don’t get the point of concerts, I can listen to music on vinyl or Spotify so why should I go to a concert!” You answered back, just as defensive.
“I’m going to call Fred and tell him that you think our music is too boring to see live.” He said reaching for his phone.
You felt your blood run cold, Christ Fred would have your head on a stick if he heard you said that; which you didn’t. You lurched forward, gripping Roger’s wrist, “No!” You shouted, “Don’t call, Fred.” You struggled against his grip
Roger used his free hand to jab his finger into your side, causing you to squeal with laughter and jerk against him “Let go!” He couldn’t hide his own laughter.
You clutched his hand against your chest with your back to him “Promise you won’t tell Fred?” You said, not aware that your shorts had been pulled taut against you and hugged your skin while the crease between your ass and thigh threatened to pop from underneath them.
Roger swallowed thickly, maintaining eye contact with your upper thighs, “Promise you’ll come to our show tonight?” He asked, his voice sounded husky and sent an involuntary shudder through your body.
“Fine, I promise.” You said frowning and feeling your stomach clench at his tone. You quickly released his hand and turned to face him.
Roger’s pouty lips hung slightly ajar and his face was lightly dusted pink, you assumed it was from the struggle prior. “Promise.” He agreed, “But I’m going to tell Fred you’re going.” You groaned knowing Fred would want to doll you up for the occasion.
Thankfully you still had several hours before their 10pm show, so with plenty of time to kill you found yourself seated in front of your computer starting your live stream for the day.
You were dressed in a blue baby doll lingerie that had black lace trim, it was simple and not too revealing; just what you liked. Your colored lights lit up your room and the backdrop you had hung up disguised it for the sake of safety and the camera was perfectly positioned to only show your chest on down. By now you were regular professional.
The red light of your camera blinked and your computer screen loaded before you finally went live. Your regulars were alerted of your stream and soon people began to trickle in and soon your room was filled with a generous number of people. The tips flowed as you interacted with your regulars,
Tank3939 tipped you 50 tokens!
You smiled a sickeningly sweet smile “Thank you tank, you know these tips get me nice and wet.” You sensually said, rubbing your breasts and pushing them together. Tank was a regular, often generously tipping you, “If we reach 1,000 tokens in the next hour, I’ll let you watch me fuck myself on this fat cock.” You said holding up a decently sized dildo, you tried to ignore how much the fake sensuality in your tone caused you to cringe. The way you had to act in order to score tips was perhaps the most annoying part of the gig.
Bigboy64: shit baby how much I got to tip u to do that to me
Tank3939: beautiful sugar
Mojo_Man tipped you 1,000 tokens!
You stopped, doing a double take on at the little red mark on the screen, “Th… thank you, Mojo. I don’t think I’ve seen you in here before.” You gave the camera a wink, “Always nice to see that men know what women want.” You said leaning back and spreading your legs, quickly swiping your fingers through your wet folds and letting out a breathy moan.
The tip bell continued to ring, and your moans threatened to get louder before you stopped, a sultry laugh left your lips “I got to be careful guys, my roommate is in the room next door… wouldn’t want him to hear me,” You gave a naughty giggle, “Or would I?”
Mojo_Man tipped you 500 tokens!
Bigboy64: u ever fuck ur roommate?
Bigboy64: Id fuck u if u were mine
You couldn’t help but grin at the comment, “No, I couldn’t do it, don’t think he likes me very much.” You answered honestly. “Thank you again Mojo, I guess I better get started now that you’ve got me all warmed up. I’ll be right back.” You said, blocking the screen so you could get set up, suctioning the dildo onto the hardwood floor beneath you. You turned around, exposing your ass to the camera and twisted to take the little post-it-note off the camera, “Remember, that little bell makes my tight little pussy wet.” You said once your screen came back into focus.
You sighed, lowering yourself onto the thick cock and sat for a moment allowing it to generously stretch your walls. God, even this fake dick filled you better than Harrison ever could. You leaned forward, sticking your ass out and arching your back and rotated your hips around the dildo, whimpering as you did so.
You readjusted your legs, spreading wider and leaning further forward. Your cheeks spread and put your pussy on display for all 523 people in your live stream. You moaned, pistoning your hips on the plastic cock. Your wet pussy easily glided up and down while your hands reached forward, gripping onto your bed in front of you for balance. Your hips burned while pornographic moans left your lips and your ass bounced with your thrusts. The tip bell rang, one after another, ensuring that you would be able to not only pay rent, but also buy another box of golden grahams for yourself.
Once you finished you gave your signing of speech, “Thank you so much my lovelies!” You said slightly out of breath, “I had so much fun with you all tonight especially my biggest donor for the might Mojo_Man,” you moaned his username out and for good measure kneaded your breasts in your hand before you continued, “Remember to subscribe to my OnlyFans and Snapchat for more content on days I don’t stream! I’ll see you again next Sin Saturday!”
You leaned back against your bed after you sighed off and looked through your stats for the night, 2500 tokens tipped by this Mojo_man, wow he must have really liked your work. You scoffed a bit, poor sap, you thought before you dressed yourself in normal clothes and left to shower and clean yourself off.
A knock on the door alerted you from your shower, your peaceful alone time, “What!” You shouted over the white noise the running water provided.
Without warning, the door opened,“Fred’s going to be over with an outfit for you!” It was Roger.
You rolled your eyes and slicked your hair back and out of your face “Couldn’t you tell me once I got out?” You frowned.
The door quickly shut, “No!” You could hear Roger’s voice growing more distant as he walked further away from the door and sure enough within minutes of your shower ending Freddie was knocking at your bedroom door and soon letting himself in.
“Fred,” You whined, “I look like a slut in this!” You shouted.
“I know!” He countered, “It’s my favorite look on you, you know that!” He straightened out the fabric of your shirt and skirt he had picked out for you.
You looked in the mirror, feeling stupid, “It’s just a bar, Fred. I don’t know why I can’t just go in some jeans!” you protested looking in the mirror.
You could see Roger’s reflection in the mirror, he once again changed his outfit. This time he was wearing an open floral print button down and tight black pants with flared legs, “I think it’s a nice change from that old jumper.” Roger always had to add his own two cents in.
You rolled your eyes, “Why’d you change again? Was your ‘lounge around’ tassel vest not sufficient enough for the show?”
Roger looked at you through narrow eyes, “’Course not, unlike you I care how people see me.”
“All right you two, that’s enough. We have to go over to John’s for the pregame.”
“Wait-” you protested, “You didn’t tell me I was going to meet everyone.”
Freddie scoffed at you, “Of course you have to, you’re a regular Queen groupie now!”
You groaned as Freddie wrapped his arm around your waist and pulled you through the apartment, “Why can’t I be a roadie? I can lift stuff.”
“Not dressed like this!” Fred countered, “Enough, come on now we have to get dinner. It’s the most important meal before we go out!”
You tugged the leather miniskirt Freddie had dressed you in down and frowned, reminding yourself that you were only doing this to get a break from your mundane routine.
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taekookrecs · 5 years
All my favourite fics ♥
 A crow will not pull out the eye of another crow
Author:  taetaeggukie
Chapters: 1/1
“If you killed me you’d let go of the only chance you’ve ever had to find your soulmate.” That smirk was annoying Jeongguk to no end, he was close to pulling the trigger, but the man deserved something worse than a bullet to his head.
“By now you’re only spitting out lies in hopes to be able to save yourself.” Jeongguk was the one smirking now. “You know nothing.”
“You’d let Kim Taehyung just slip through your fingers like that?”
#soulmates #pirates #bit angst #kidnapping #enemies to lovers #bottom kook #pirate tae #crew bangtan #13k #ao3
As You Are
Author: taekover
Chapters: 1/1
Jeon Jungkook, the youngest private investigator in Seoul at 23 years old, with over a hundred solved cases under his belt, does not do favours.
Well. That’s what he says.
#fluff #funny #private investigator #5k #ao3
Bubblegum Bitch
Author:  snowmoney
Chapters: 3/3
SOOOOOOO GOOOOOD!!! Taehyung works for a fashion magazine and orders someone from the Muscle Pig Services to get him a coffee. One thing leads to another and they start (fake) dating.
#fake relationship #tae in heels #model tae #falling in love #misunderstandings #bottom tae #dislike to love #33k #ao3
Cage Match
Author: golden(SlimeQueen)
Chapters: 1/1
Taehyung knows he likes the rush of adrenaline that comes from fighting. He likes his knuckles split and stinging, heart pounding in his ribcage, the rush of blood in his ears. Jungkook is new to it all but all he knows is that he likes Taehyung.
#fight club au #hate to love #bottom kook #pining jk #choking #kinky smut #violence #20k #ao3
Camerman, Swing The Focus
Author: augustdarling
Chapters: 1/1
“I thought you were into landscapes recently. Why does it have to be me? More importantly, why does it have to be me naked?”
“Because artists want to capture beautiful things, baby,” Taehyung murmured, leaning down to nibble on his ear. “And you’re the most beautiful thing I know.”
Taehyung combines his two hobbies: photography and Jungkook. The results are even better than expected.
#basically pwp #bottom kook #dom tae #canon #exhibitionism #humiliation #2k #ao3
Catch Me Faling (and we will find love)
Author:  Malingshu
Chapters: 2/2
Jungkook was trying to find a roof to sleep under when he met Taehyung.
#Jungkook has another boyfriend in the beginning #falling in love #Tae is a nice person #top!Tae #13k #ao3
Comeback Kids
Author: rix
Chapters: 1/1
Taehyung is infuriating and Jungkook’s always been easy to rile up. Which isn’t the best combination, but also isn’t the worst, either.
(or: Taekook as hockey fuckboy rivals)
#icehockey players kook and tae #rivals #enemies to lovers #bottom kook #fluff and smut #34k  ao3
dark blue (this night’s a perfect shade of)
Author: memetaehyung (21cg)
Chapters: 2/2
jungkook has never seen the world and taehyung is determined to show him it
#blind jk #fluff #bit smut #bit angst #bottom kook #8k #ao3
Don't Let Your Love Go To Waste
Author:  krscnl
Chapters: 2/2
This au is so perfect. The boys meet on omegle, share some secrets, but then they meet in reallife. Their lives go on, Taehyung getting famous, some shit going down, you know, the usual <3
#college au #actor tae #writer kook #life through the years #at one point established taekook #41k #ao3
Author:  Bangtanbananas
Chapters: 17/17
After the tragic death of his parents, Jeon Jeongguk hated werewolves.
The last thing he ever expected was to fall in love with one.
#werewolf tae #werewolf hunter jk #slow burn #bottom kook #fluff #mating #big fight in the end #ot7 #91k #ao3
fellas is it gay to want ur hot roommate to dick u down?
Author:  hunnydews
Chapters: 2/2
Jeongguk comes to the realization that he’s def not as straight as he thought and he starts to explore that realization with himself and with his hot dormmate/best bro, Taehyung.
#college #coming out #excessive use of the word bro #friends to lovers #bottom kook #cuties #19k #ao3
got a kiss (with your name on it)
Author:  marienadine
Chapters: 1/1
“I just—I just thought, like. Maybe I wouldn’t be so horrible if someone more experienced than me taught me what to do.”
#inexperienced kookie #college #roommates #bros #friends to lovers #first kiss #practicing #bottom kook #11k #ao3
He Tells Me, “Stay If You Can” 
Author: vestals
Chapters: 1/1
It takes Jungkook three years to realise two things: 1. He certainly is not straight 2. He is very much in love with Kim Taehyung
#friends to lovers #canon/non au #coming of age #bottom kook #experimenting #8k #ao3
I’d flex, but I like this shirt
Author:  RNA
Chapters: 2/2
Gym au because I'm basic.
Jeongguk is a rigorous trainer at a pretentious gym. Taehyung is a lazy, moderately successful painter with a Burger King addiction who decides he should probably hire Jeongguk to, you know, help him get fit or whatever. Jimin is a delivery guy.
#top! kookles #trainer Jk #artist Tae #kinda crack #but cute #25k #ao3
i forget to breathe (when i'm with you)
Author:  locks
Chapters: 14/14
“Do we have a deal, angel,” Taehyung repeats, and Jeongguk can hear that he’s losing his patience, hands resting on his hips.
Jeongguk lifts his head, snapping the lid closed. “Pleasure doing business with you, daddy,” he nods, sending a grin up to Taehyung who just narrows his eyes at him.
“You’re lucky I like you,” Taehyung mutters, sounding mildly threatening as he steps over to him and tilts Jeongguk’s chin up, leaning down to press a kiss against his lips.
#non sexual daddy kink #sugar daddy tae #tattooed kook #aged-up #tae in heels #soft nicknames #praise kink #fluff and smut #bottom tae #sub top jungkook #fashionista tae #realistic description of a relationship #111k #ao3
Just Two Dudes Being Bros 
Author: micmicbunjin
Chapters: 1/1
“So you two aren’t dating?”
“Nah, man, we’re just best bros. I mean like, if I was gay, and that’s a very big if, then I would be on my knees right now sucking his dick. But I am very straight, so Jeon’s dick is nowhere near my mouth.”
Jeongguk nods convicingly. “I like pussy.”
Namjoon puts his face in his hands and screams.
#gay panic #bros to lovers #denial #college #bottom kook #excessive use of the word bro #7k #ao3
Love and Other Potions
Author:  JKDoYouLoveMe
Chapters: 1/1
#hogwarts au #bottom Kookie #enemies to lovers #working together #panic attack, kinda # it’s cute #potion making gone wrong (also gone sexual) #14k #ao3
Love Scarred 
Author: gjungkook
Chapters: 2/2
“You are unbelievable,” scoffed Jeongguk while shaking his head. “I’ve never met anyone who pisses me off as much as you do.”
Taehyung had licked his lips before he smirked, with his hand still around Jeongguk’s wrist, he stepped forward closing the distance between them. “Let me tell you why, it’s simple really…”
“You feel threatened. You know I’m better than you.”
(Jeongguk wants to win against Taehyung at everything. Win their matches in quidditch, win their spontaneous sparring sessions, win his heart— But one day, Jeongguk takes it a little too far with a single curse.)
#enemies to lovers #hogwarts au #angsty #gryffindor jk #slytherin tae #secret fuckbuddies relationship #bottom kook #denial #26k #ao3
make this feel like home 
Author: aeterisks
Chapters: 1/1
Taehyung has spent his whole life looking for excitement, but instead, he ends up finding Jeongguk; somehow, that seems to be even better.
#motorcyclist jk #fluff and smut #bottom tae #44k #ao3
Man in the Mirror
Author:  Gee_Gee
Chapters: 1/1
Moving cities was hard; moving cities and not knowing anyone is even harder. Jeongguk up and moves his whole life to Seoul to follow his dream job, in a little apartment with the most beautiful antique mirror.
What was he supposed to do when the gorgeous blue haired man in his mirror keeps calling him pretty, if not fall head over heels for him?
#Mirror Magic #phone sex #dom!Tae #Top!Tae #Praise Kink #innocent JK
Mileage May Vary
Author:  rix
Chapters: 8/8
Jeongguk is a stripper with a penchant for trouble. Taehyung is curious.
#stripper kook #age difference #bottom kook #smut #falling in love #80k #ao3
Mischief Managed
Author:  Vanteblack
Chapters: 19/19
Basically a Hate to Love Uni AU but at Hogwarts because I’m a slut for Harry Potter lmao. Also you start at Hogwarts at age 15 instead of 11 so everyone in the story is over age.
#hogwarts au #secret relationship #hate to love #slytherin kook #hufflepuff tae #rated #fluff and smut #20k #ao3
My Daughters Teacher
Author: Staerrykookah
Chapters: 51/51
Jungkook is the single father of a 5 year old named Asami. Taehyung is her kindergarten teacher who thinks the little girl is cute but her dad is cuter.
#kindergarten teacher tae #father jungkook #top kook #falling in love #aged up #5 year old daughter #cute #wattpad
my guy pretty like a girl (and he got fight stories to tell)
Author:  hunnydews
Chapters: 9/9
It’s sooo cute and also realistic. Jungkook is wearing ‘girly’ things, but that doesn’t mean that he isn’t a strong person. He is smart and talented and fits perfectly with Taehyung, who just wants him to see what love is supposed to be like.
#bamf jk #crossdressing kook #tattooed tae #tae’s in a band #past abusive relationship #mostly bottom kookie #fluff and smut #healthy relationship #artist jk #falling in love #69k #ao3
New (Newer) Rules
Author: jvante
Chapters: 6/6
Step #1: Don’t get involved with the guy your girlfriend cheats with.
Failed step 1.
#bottom sub kook #sub/dom #kinda pwp #humiliation #lingerie #cock stepping #hate to fuckbuddies to lovers #hurt jungkook #108k #ao3
Of cigarette smoke and alcohol
Author: fluffy-lychee
Chapters: 1/1
Taehyung likes to dye his hair.
Jungkook struggles with the opinion of Taehyungs mother about their relationship.
#no real fluff #nor real smut #but always close enough #2k #aff
oh, you’re gonna take me home tonight
Author:  amirantina
Chapters: 1/1
Jungkook doesn't know what good sex is and he's very disappointed in his first time, and Taehyung takes on the job to show him a few things.
#roommates #bottom!Jungoo #Virgin!Kooks #Jungkook has another boyfriend first #but the dude is bad at doing the do #praise kink 
Our Omega Leadernim!
Author:  .MIJIN.
Chapters: 30/?
(BL - Omegaverse) Choi Jinsoo, the fearsome gang leader, is actually an omega in disguise! For 3 years, he faked his identity as an alpha for reputation. When a particular alpha catches his attention, will he succumb to his instinct?
It’s a webtoon, but I still wanted to recommend it, because it’s sooo amazing. It’s also not ‘really’ Tae and Kooks, but they look like them. You should just check it out for yourself, it’s really is good!!
pick me up, buttercup
Author: vppa
Chapters: 2/2
AU where your soulmate’s first words to you will be tattooed on your wrist when you meet.
Which freakin sucks, because Jungkook’s forearm will now forever read “Hey baby, if you were a booger, I’d pick you first.”
What the fuck, universe.
#fluff #soulmates #crack au #9k #ao3
pulling shapes just for your eyes
Author:  aeterisks
Chapters: 13/13
The number one rule when you’re a producer on a show like Miss Right, Taehyung thinks, should be do not fall for the bachelor.
It’s such a shame Taehyung has never been good at following rules.
#reality show #producer tae #bachelor kook #secret relationship #switch tae and kook #hot #110k #ao3
Read All About It
Author: jvante
Chapters: 1/1
A star football player and an aspiring journalist fall in love, and make headlines everywhere.
#college au #life through the years #football star tae #writer jungkookie #established relationship #bit angst in between #happy end #bottom kook #realistic description of a relationship #40k #ao3
Realms Between Us
Author: JKDoYouLoveMe
Chapters: 8/8
Jeongguk doesn’t know how spirit magic or Ouija boards work. He assumes it takes something a lot more complicated than a drunk man asking for a sex demon to show up for it to actually happen. Something like cutting your hand and letting your blood drip onto the petals of a rare flower. Or saying something religious into a mirror while doing the Macarena.
#demon!Tae #virginKooks #bottom!Kooks #switching at one point #Tae teaching Kookie some sexy things #innocnent Kookie #Dirty Talk
Author:  rix
Chapters: 1/1
Jungkook wonders if the fact that soul-focused battle techniques make people horny as hell is just something the professors politely ignore. Or maybe he's just weird.
#Tae is a weapon? #friends to lovers #because we love it #jk is insecure #gay panic #soul eater au #30k #ao3
Rumor Has It 
Author: buttstrife
Chapter: 1/1
Contrary to popular belief and multiple eyewitnesses, Taehyung did not make out with Jungkook in the pool. And no, they absolutely did not fuck in the shower rooms. Seriously.
#college #baseball player kook #swimmer tae #sut #enemies to friends to lovers #exhibitionism #manhandling #8k #ao3
say you’ll stay
Author: ChocolateKookie
Chapters: 45/45
Jungkook and Taehyung meet at the beach and they spend the summer holidays falling for each other, but they both know that their romance has an expiry date.
At the end of August, Jungkook is supposed to have gone back home, halfway across the country, so Taehyung expects to go back to school and continue pretending to be straight, as if nothing’s changed; playing up to his role as the jerk who’s never had a serious relationship. He doesn’t know what to do when Jungkook turns up at his school and expects them to pick up from where they left off.
or: the BTS Grease AU that no one asked for! in which Jungkook is Sandy and Taehyung is Danny and they just want to be able to be together but Taehyung is still in the closet which makes things complicated.
#grease au #sandy jk #danny tae #secret relationship #bit homophobia #tae’s deep in the closet #cute cute cute #300k #ao3
Sing me to sleep (I can’t fall without you) 
Author: HesterAntonialDracolas
Chapters: 1/1
They call him demon child and think him a monster. He must be, they say, to have survived down there.
Jungkook thinks it’s because the demon actually likes him.
And maybe if you asked him, just maybe, he would admit that he likes him too
#demon tae? #jk is afraid of tae first #falling in love #sweet #8k #ao3
Author: IRNIEL
Chapters: 5/5
Taehyung falls in love for the first time, right when the first Snowflake kisses the ground. As, a Single father, Drown in responsibilities & pressure, he finds his strength in a pair of Doe eyes, exactly a week before Christmas Eve. In a pair of Doe eyes, belonging to a simple country boy - named Jungkook.
#aged up tae #aged down jk #age difference #jimin is taes kid #he’s the cutest #bottom kook #orphan kookie #christmas #fluff #angsty #happy ending #slow burn #27k #ao3
So, pancakes?
Author:  Captainotp
Chapters: 2/2
„He thought I was a top.“ Jungkook all but whined, hiding his head in Taehyung’s chest. „Well what else is new?“
Jungkook struggles to, like, get it, because everyone thinks he’s a top, and his roomate Taehyung is more than willing to help. That’s it that’s the story.
#friends to lovers #bottom kook #roommates # fluff and smut #soft kook #4k #ao3
Spy On Me
Author:  C_Stress
Chapters: 1/1
Jungkooks dad gets killed by a mercenary and he swears to get revenge. What he didn’t plan though, was falling in love with said murderer.
When you find out you not only moved in, but fell also in love with your mortal enemy.
#mercenary tae #hitmen au #fluff and smut #flatmates #bottom kook #cute kookie #violence #friends to enemies to lovers #17k #ao3
Sugar and Spice 
Author: kkozumes
Chapters: 1/1
Jeongguk can’t deny that he’s attracted to Taehyung. No, he realised he was attracted to him as soon as his car pulled up by the side of the road. Jeongguk appreciated a handsome face and Kim Taehyung was beautiful to him. What he didn’t expect however was for the beautiful man with the expensive car to take him back to an equally as expensive apartment away from home, give him new clothes, allow him to stay and then ask if Jeongguk wanted a sugar daddy.
#sugar daddy taehyung #daddy kink #fluff and smut #poor jk #sub kook #bottom kook #23k #ao3
Author: whatspoppin-yoongi.tumblr
Chapters: 80/80
Jokingly but also totally not jokingly putting an ad out to find a sugar daddy seemed simple enough. He never expected people to respond though…
Being rich was all he knew, and so help him god, he wasn’t going to turn out like all the selfish people that surrounded him.
#social media #pictures #texting# sugar daddy jungkook #side yoomin #tumblr
Suit & Tie 
Author: Wontonz
Chapters: 11/11
Taehyung and Jeongguk really shouldn’t have been partnered together.
#CEO jungkook #CEO taehyung #bottom kook #both are the best in their job #rivals to lovers #25k #ao3
Suspenders, Daddy Issues & Miracles of Halloween
Author:  chimscharli
Chapters: 1/1
It’s nearly Halloween when Jungkook can’t stop stealing glances at Taehyung during practice, and wonders when exactly everything went so wrong. It’s nearly Halloween when Jungkook is in a coma, and doesn’t want to see Taehyung when he wakes. It’s nearly Halloween when Taehyung walks in on Jungkook moaning his name.
It’s nearly Halloween, and maybe it’s time Jungkook stopped being so afraid. Maybe it’s time a miracle happened.
#real daddy issues #and daddy kink #smut #sub jungkook #lots of kissing #happy ending #hate to love #violence #angst #both are football players #17k #ao3
take an inch (I’ll give you a mile)
Author:  thestarsabove
Chapters: 1/1
In which Taehyung has to put his post-graduate identity crisis on hold because he keeps getting distracted by the hot, sweaty guy installing a pool in his parents’ backyard.
Or: a fluffy, horny summer starring Taehyung and Jeongguk.
#summer love #making out #the struggle of moving away for college #taekook are in love #44k #ao3
Author: Deaths_Impala
Chapters: 2/2
“Jeon Jeongguk, hear me out.” Taehyung says with a grin. “I feel inspired, and I want to work with you, so how about this: let me tattoo you in any way I want, free of charge – with your input of course.”
#tattoo artist tae #tattooed jungkook #aged up #life through years #smut #bottom kook #cute af #12k #ao3
tenacious d in the dick of destiny
Author: jhopeg
Chapters: 1/1
In the midst of struggling with debts and empty plastic packets of instant ramyeon, Taehyung and Jeongguk joined forces to put the phrase “sex sells” to good use.
#social media #use of pictures #college au #bottom tae #pornblogger #41k #ao3
The Blood Donor
Author:  IncubusRose
Chapters: 22/22
A series of kidnappings and killings has led the world to the astonishing discovery that vampires have been living alongside humans for centuries.
Soon Jungkook finds himself the victim of a kidnapping.
Now he’s been roped into helping a sick, red-haired vampire against his will. But the more he explores and discovers in this new world, the faster and harder he falls into Wonderland.
#vampire tae #human kook #kidnapping #no stockholm syndrome though #bottom kook #fluff #violence #ot7 #hate to love #97k #ao3
The Give and the Take
Author:  JKDoYouLoveMe
Chapters: 7/7
Young and inexperienced college student Jeongguk thinks he is a dom. His older and considerably more experienced roommate Taehyung is quite determined to show him that he is, in fact, not a dom. Drama ensues.
So funny and amazing. It’s so realistic. I really really highly recommend this one!!
#sub kook #dom tae #college #roommates #friends to lovers #more like friends to fuckbuddies to lovers #degradation #humiliation #jk is a brat #subspace #tried rape at one point from another character #57k #ao3
The musical
Author:  RedRelle6
Chapters: 11/11
“Can you sing?” Taehyung asked. “Um, I’m okay I guess. I don’t sing very often though.” “I’ve got a duet with the lead girl, it’s like one of the main songs in the whole thing...” “You want me to help you with that?” “Would you?” Taehyung moved to sit on the edge of his bed, eyes bright and a genuine smile spreading across his face. Jungkook’s heart pounded seeing him transform back into his happy self, and knowing he was the one who did it made him smile back. “Sure.” The word left Jungkook's mouth before his brain could process the question. What the fuck was he thinking.
#roommates #college #sporty Jk #theater kid Tae #or well, theater kid #secret relationship #first kiss
(They Long to Be) Close to You
Author:  vantoa
Chapters: 1/1
Kim Taehyung is a sassy and talented KBS World Sports reporter. Jeon Jeongguk the most outstanding speed skater in South Korea. They meet, hate each other and then, one eventful day, they like each other, a lot.
#speed skater jungkook #reproter/journalist taehyung #enemies to lovers #bottom tae #misunderstandings #11k #ao3
War of Hormones
Author:  C_Stress
Chapters: 1/1
When Jungkook left the house that day, he just wanted to dance for a bit, not getting it on with some (hot) stranger…
#basically pwp #tattooed tae #virgin jk #bottom kook #one night stand? #3k #ao3
We All Have Our Reasons
Author:  C_Stress
Chapters: 1/1
Jungkook gets pulled backwards until he finds himself settled on Taehyung's lap once again, his back pressed to the others chest. One of Taehyung's large hands comes crawling up his body, slowly touching his abs and sliding over his nipples, taking one in between two fingers, playing with it lightly. “Your name is even better fitting now, isn't it, bun?”
Jungkook might die from embarrassment. Never thought of that way to go before, huh.
Or That Mercenary AU no one asked for.
#mercenary #kinda subby kooks #stripper #but fake #undercover mission #mafia au #ot7 as the gang #dirty talk #tae is a pervert #kookie a brat #18k .ao3
whatta man (good man)
Author: aeterisks
Chapters: 1/1
Out of all the kinds of blogs Jeon Jeongguk could have run, never in a million years Taehyung would have expected him to have a porn blog.
(Or, Jeongguk runs a porn blog and Taehyung not so accidentally finds it.)
#college #social media #fluff and smut #crack fic #friend to lovers #bottom kook #7k #ao3
When a Bunny Pets a Tiger
Author:  Talesofwar
Chapters: 5/5
Kim Taehyung is the most laid back alpha Jeon Jungkook knows. He's also sweet, friendly, eccentric and the love of Jeon Jungkook's life.
#omega!Jungkook #alpha!Tae #domesticlife #mpeg #married life #heat #established #bottom!Jungoo #sub!Jungoo
whisper me all your secrets
Author:  noekkin
Chapters: It’s a series of three parts (so far?)
Series of prostitute Jungkook and rich man Tae who just likes caring for the younger. It’s cute af
#cute af #prostitute kook #bottom kook #caring tae #26k #ao3
Working Conviction 
Author: rix
Chapters: 1/1
How their trust evolves to go from from Jungkook pointing a loaded gun in Taehyung’s face to Taehyung binding Jungkook down and fucking him till he can’t see straight.
#mercenary kook #mercenary tae # enemies to fuckbuddies to lovers #smut #guns and violence #bottom kook #9k #ao3
You Are My Chosen One
Author: C_Stress
Chapter: 35/35
Jungkook starts his first year at Hogwarts..what could possibly go wrong?
#hogwarts au #slytherin jk #gryffindor tae #bottom kook #fluff and smut #secrets #falling in love #45k #a03
you’re the closest to heaven that I’ll ever be 
Author: aeterisks
Chapters: 1/1
He has seen Taehyung smirk, smile seductively, smile cheekily, grin lazily, but nothing like this. This, Jeongguk thinks, is what happiness must look in Taehyung.
(He tries to ignore the way his chest pumps when he sees it, and the urge to see it again once it’s gone.)
#club owner tae #dj kook #rich tae #fwb #fuckbuddies to lovers #misunderstandings #tae has issues #bottom tae #27k #ao3
you the one that i dream about all day
Author:  locks
Chapters: 1/1
Taehyung finally convinces Jeongguk to do the boyfriend tag/boyfriend does my make up tag.
#soft boyfriends #established relationship #youtuber tae #boyfriend does my make up #domestic fluff #shy kook #nicknames #5k #ao3
Author: saranghaengbok
Chapters: 1/1
When Taehyung had announced that he would steal Yoonji from him, Jungkook had not expected that he would be the one falling for Taehyung, in the end.
#heir jungkook #prince jk #prince tae #enemies to lovers #falling in love #bottom kook #12k #ao3
10 notes · View notes
Hello! It's amazingjemma from ao3 ;) I am not sure if you accept prompts, but if you do, could you possibly write fitzsimmons fluff with their kid (maybe au even)? Like, maybe Fitz being the best dad ever and teaching their girl to talk/walk/just-toddler-things? Thank you! :)
Hi! Thank you so so much for your prompt - it was really fun to write! I hope this is okay!
(Read on Ao3)
“Come on, Sarah. You can do it.”
“She’ll do it on her own time, Fitz,” Jemma teasessoftly from her place on the couch where she’s flicking through a paper onmodifying the biochemistry of the brain.
Fitz, from his own place on the floor, doesn’t look backto her, but instead keeps the camera trained on Sarah, who sits a few feet awayfrom him, eyeing him suspiciously. “I swear she’s gonna do it when I’m notlooking, though. I don’t want to miss her first steps.”
“You won’t miss her first steps if you just leave herto it. She’ll walk when she’s ready.”
He huffs, looking back to his wife but keeping thecamera trained on his daughter. Jemma rolls her eyes but smiles anyway. “She’salready pulling herself up onto the furniture. That means walking isn’t faraway.”
“I know. I’vealso done all of the research.”
Of course she has. Jemma Simmons always has and willcontinue to excel at preparation. He wonders if she knows something he doesn’t,why she isn’t as excited as him to see their daughter take her first steps.
“However,” she puts her paper to the side and slidesdown onto the floor beside him. “I also know that she isn’t going to walk justbecause you want her to. She’s very stubborn that way. If you keep pointing thecamera at her she deliberately won’t walkjust because she knows it’ll annoy you.”
Sarah is definitely a daddy’s girl. From the momentshe entered the world she’s had him hook, line and sinker. Fitz simply cannotbelieve that his little angel would ever be as devious as this, especially at amere nine months old.
“No,” he says, shaking his head, watching his daughterinnocently play with her toys in front of him. “She wouldn’t do that.”
“If that makes you feel better,” Jemma laughs, givinghim a quick kiss before getting up. “I’m going to start making pancakes forbreakfast. Would you like some?”
“Of course,” he says distractedly, too focussed on hisdaughter.
Sarah watchesher mother walk off, giving absolutely no indication that she’d like to get upand follow.
“See, it’s like this. That’s all you’ve got to do.”
Fit holds his daughters two arms above her head,helping her to ‘walk’. She takes shaky steps across the living room rug, gigglingall the way.
“Yeah, that’s it! Clever girl!” He feels himself beginto grin, the corners of his mouth pulling up of their own accord.
When they get the couch, Fitz lets go of her, lettingher grab on to the edge. She grins at him but holds her arms out, clearly wantingto continue the fun.
“How about,” he begins in a sing-song voice, “you tryit yourself this time? Show daddy what a clever girl you are.”
It’s the practice but he has his phone out and set torecord this historic moment in mere milliseconds. Sarah still holds her armsout, shaking her hips too, uncomprehending.
“Come on, just like you did with me.” His daughterstill shows no sign of wanting to walk herself. In fact, her arms drop and herbottom lip juts out and she makes her blue eyes as wide as they can go.Sighing, he puts the phone down, chastising himself for being a too pushy. “Is itthe camera, hm? Do you not like it in your face? Okay then, that’s fine, I’lljust put it over here, see?”
Fitz sets the camera to record and puts it on the coffeetable, trying to make it look as discreet as possible. “There we go. How aboutwe try that walking thing again?”
Sarah’s face lights up, and she wiggles her hips andholds out her hands, clearly wanting to have another shot of the fun game.
Her enthusiasm is infectious. “Okay,” he relents. “We’lldo it one more time.”
They end up walking across the rug for another half anhour, and at the end there is a video full of him smiling at Sarah’s adorablegiggles but still no sign that she would ever consider walking by herself.
“I think we should set up cameras around the house.”
“What? Whyon earth would we do that?”
Jemma’ s incredulous voice makes Fitz spin around fromwhere he is cooking pasta, wooden spoon in one hand ready to defend his argument.
“I swear she’sabout to walk, Jemma. I just know it.”
Jemma is sitting at the kitchen table, their daughteron her knee with a stuffed teddy version of penicillin in her hands. She rollsher eyes. “Oh, Fitz.”
“No, don’t oh,Fitz me. She’s about to walk and we’re going to miss it and I swear shewants us to because she’s always acting like she’s gonna walk and then as soonas the camera’s out she acts like she doesn’t even know how to crawl.”
The pasta is beginning to overboil to he has to turnback to the pot, meaning he misses an epic Jemma Simmons eye roll. He does notmiss the tone in her voice, which is just the verbal embodiment of the eye rollanyway.
“Sarah is nine months old. She is not scheming up away to make you feel like a bad parent. How utterly preposterous.”
Pasta crisis averted, he turns back to his wife and child.Sarah is gurgling away to her toy, giggling occasionally. She catches his eyes andher smile melts his heart. He must admit that she doesn’t appear to be schemingagainst him. However, to save face he mumbles, “Well she has the genes for it,”though it lacks any of the defensiveness of his earlier statements.
“She’ll crawl when she’s ready, won’t you?” Jemma askstheir daughter, tickling her belly.
Sarah looks straight at him, wide eyes blue and unblinking,and barks a laugh.
At Jemma’s shout, he races in from where he was outworking in the garden. “What is it? What’s wrong?” He yells, unable to hearhimself over the blood pounding in his ears, his heart beating ever so fast. “What’shappened?”
Jemma is sitting on the floor of the living room, Sarahon the floor beside her. “I’m sorry. Fitz,” she says softly. “I didn’t mean toscare you.”
“No, it’s fine,” he breathes, trying to get his breathback. Eventually he’ll grow out of this panic. “What was it?”
Jemma looks even more apologetic. “I thought she wasgoing to walk.”
Now he is breathless but for a different reason. “What?Really?”
“Yes. She had pulled herself up and had only one handon the table. I truly thought she was going to do it.” She pulls a face. “Sorry.”
He looks at Sarah, and the grin on her face, thesparkle in her eyes, and decides that while her mother might be, his daughterdoesn’t seem very sorry at all.
The false walking incident happens three more times.
Each time Sarah grins at his antics, and (he thinkspurposefully) crawls towards him on all fours.
“It’s like the boy who cried wolf,” he tells her oneday after another incident. “One day your mum’s going to say you’re about towalk and I’m just not going to come.”
She just smiles at him ever so innocently, knowing aswell as he does that there will never not be a time when his daughter needs himthat he won’t come running.
“Are you absolutely sure we can’t get the cameras? Just a few and-”
“Ugh, Fitz!”
One day Jemma comes back from shopping and finds Fitzsitting at the kitchen table, Sarah on his knee, laptop in front of them playinga video.
“What on earth is that?” Jemma asks, coming around tolook at the video.
“Eh,” he flounders, scratching at his head with onehand. He feels his cheeks begin to flame with embarrassment. “It’s…”
“’How to walkcorrectly’,” Jemma reads the title of the video, squinting at it in confusionfor a second before turning to him. “Fitz! Why are you even-” Then she stops,pinching the bridge of her nose. “You know? I don’t even want to be a part of it.”
She sighs, grabbing her shopping bags from the kitchentable and disappearing through the house, but not before calling over hershoulder, “I’ll just leave you two to do your thing!”
It comes to a head when Jemma finds him trying tobribe their daughter with chocolate before her dinner.
“No,” she says firmly, taking the bowl of maltesersout of his hand. “Absolutely not, Fitz. This is ludicrous.”
She says it like he hadn’t thought of everything. Thereis only around four the in the bowl (the others having fallen victim to hisimpatient stomach) and he’s cut them into small enough pieces so she won’tchoke on them (though he did cut his finger while trying to quarter the bloodythings) and he has her baby toothpaste and baby toothbrush with the monkeys onit right there to gently wash thetiny pearls of milk teeth free from the sugar.
“No, it’s not,” he counters. “Jemma, I figured it out.The only reason she doesn’t want to walk is because she isn’t getting anythingfrom it. Maybe giving her tiny pieces of chocolate will change her mind.”
“You realise how ridiculous you sound right now, don’tyou?” She sighs, setting down the bowl and picking up Sarah who covers hermother in kisses. “We’d clearly been with Shield too long if you’re even seeingour own daughter as an evil genius.”
“Hey, I didn’t say she was evil. Wouldn’t discreditthe ‘genius’ part of it, though. I mean look at her parents.”
At that, Jemma gives him a soft smile, but it’s nottoo long before she rolls her eyes again. She sets Sarah down on the floor,before joining him on the couch.
Taking one of her hands in his, she asks, “What’sgoing on, Fitz?”
He’s confused at this sudden change. “What do you mean?”
“I mean it must be more than wanting Sarah to walk.You know she’ll do it in her own time, eventually. After all,” the corners ofher mouth quirk up in the precursor of a smile, “the steps she takes don’t needto be big, they just need to be in the right direction.”
Fitz does know she’ll do it in her own time,eventually, knows that he shouldn’t be pressuring her about it. He sighs,thumbing Jemma’s ring. She’s always been able to see right through him.
“It’s just… don’t want to miss them, you know? Herfirst steps are a big deal.”
“They are,” Jemma says. “But they aren’t such a bigdeal that you need to be obsessive of seeing it.”
“I know, I know. I just,” and he swallows because theadmission is one he never thought would spill from his mouth. “It’s just good dads don’t miss their kid’s firststeps.”
“Oh, Fitz, no, listen to me: good fathers aren’t theones who are there to see their children’s first steps. Good fathers are theones who are there for all the steps that come next.”
She says this firmly, as if there aren’t any otheralternatives to her truth, as if she believes this whole-heartedly.
She continues on. “After her first steps there will beher second, and then her third, and then once she starts walking you’ll almostwish she had never began.” She smiles but he feels her grip his hand moretightly, feeling how hard she needs him to believe.“If you miss them it does not make you a bad father.”
Somewhere, deep down, he knew that. His own father hadbeen there for his first steps, after all. Fitz has seen the videotape of hisown shaky steps, the camera held by his grandmother. He’s seen the man thathaunts his nightmares in the corner, looking as proud as anything next to hismother. Alistair Fitz had been there in the beginning, there for one briefmoment before leaving and being absent for all of the other big steps that hisown son had taken in an effort to prove his father wrong.
“Still really want to see them, though,” Fitz mumbles,looking down towards their joined hands.
“Well,” and Jemma laughs an almost disbelieving butundeniably happy laugh. “I don’t think you’ll have to worry about it anymore.”
He looks up to see Sarah, one hand on the coffeetable, begin place her unsteady baby feet one in front of the other. Lookingstraight into her father’s eyes, she lets go of the table.
Fitz’s arms are open in a moment. “Come here,” heencourages. “Come on, you can do it! Walk to me!”
Her arms outstretched, mouth ready to smile. Sarahmanages the ten steps to her father with both of her parents cheering her on.
As soon as Fitz feels her in his arms he closes themgently around her, lifting her into the air. “You did it!”
“Oh, what a clever girl,” Jemma grins, ruffling herhair.
Sarah giggles, eyes sparkling as her gaze locks withher father’s. He swears he see some kind of understanding within the universe thatresides in the blue. He brings her close, feeling so grateful in this momentthat it’s hard to comprehend.
“My genius,” he whispers into the softness of her baby hair, unbelievably happy at being able to witness the first,and ready to be there for all the steps going to come next.
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christophersymes · 5 years
Celebrity Status
Celebrity Status, an ongoing L(G)B(T)+ story also on Wattpad and Quotev.
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Chapter Two
masonfucker1000: hey! i cannot fucking sleep for the life of me
masonfucker1000: nosam show's today, isn't it?
familyjules: hell yes it is! im too excited to sleep too do u wanna talk for a while while i get ready
masonfucker1000: uh, yeah, arent we talking now?
familyjules: shut up i'm sleep deprived and playing bass my mind is off
masonfucker1000: playing bass? are you reallyyy playing bass? or are u playing around w ur secret bass-stripping software, wannabe christo?
familyjules: fuck you i'm actually playing, masonfucker! u want proof go here: rabb.it/familyjules
masonfucker1000: uh huh
Mason's heart was suddenly beating out of his chest as he sat up in his bunk and plugged in earphones. Was Jules gonna turn on her camera? He was already freaking out that he was in the same city as Jules, he might even see her in the crowd! The boys had already teased him plenty in the past week for being so excited for it. He took a deep breath and clicked on the link.
Elias: Show me the proof!
Jules clicked on the camera and stuck his tongue out, smiling. "Hey, dumbass," he said, internally cringing at his voice. He lifted the bass. "Proof. Right here." He started to play one of Nosam's songs, smiling while he did.
Mason had to take a deep breath as soon as Jules turned the camera on. He blushed for no reason at all as he looked down at his bare chest and SpongeBob boxers, even though she couldn't see him. Jules' voice was awesome. The first thing he noticed were her blue eyes. Mason had seen a lot of blue eyes, but these were... wow. It was as if Mason had been searching for a certain shade of blue and had just found the perfect ones.
Her hair was an absolute mess down to her shoulders, and there was glitter all over her face, and she had tattoos. Blackwork flowers covered her shoulders down to her elbows. Those flowers were framed by a thin black line that went across her collarbone and shoulders, down to the end of the flowers. He could also see a moth and red and blue outlines of a skull on her thighs. She looked good. Really good. And then she showed him the bass and started playing, and Mason was pretty sure he'd nut right there.
Elias: holy fuck. holy fuck
Elias: Jules you're gorgeous
Elias: Sorry i mean your bass playing is amazing, it is, my mind is blown
Elias: but ive heard that before. right now im looking at
Elias: your face and
Elias: you look so good
Jules continued playing a few chords while he leaned forward to see the screen. He blushed, shaking his head and rolling his eyes. "You're an idiot. My hair is a fuckin' mess right now, dude." He leaned back again, the bass just barely hiding the fact that he was in a pair of boxers and a tank top and nothing else. "I'm gonna respect you not turning on your cam or mic, but damn, I wish I could see you." He laughed a little at how weird that sounded. "You're making me think you're someone famous."
Mason grinned. Jules' voice was soothing and light enough to severely tone down the dangerous words coming out of her mouth, the fact that she had casually— jokingly— guessed who he was. Sort of.
Elias: aw!! youre blushing! thats a blush!! youre cute
Elias: you're gonna make me blush. are u really that desperate to see me?
Elias: im sure u wish i was some1 famous
Jules laughed again. "Asshole. Maybe I do, you could get me a record deal or some shit. I don't sing much but my sister sure as hell can and I can harmonize okay." He plucked a string. "Also I'm not desperate. Just curious."
Elias: i would in a heartbeat
Elias: SING
Elias: you gotta sing
Elias: oh im sure its a burning curiosity
Jules blushed again, but obliged. He started singing a Nosam song. He blushed through it, then coughed a little. "I'm really not that good. Better with other people."
Mason smiled wide when Jules started singing. It was similar to Chris' range— which was really good. And her voice was different. Or maybe he was just... crushing extremely hard on her.
Elias: you're a solid Chris! and better than you think!
Elias: your voice is super smooth but it also has a nice rough edge to it and its fucking rad
Elias: you're a 1000% band material all the way, jules, I swear
Jules laughed nervously, grinning. "You're biased. Definitely just saying it." He shrugged a little. "Ugh. An hour 'til I go stand in line all day for good views."
Elias: youre good!
Elias: it'll be worth it
Elias: I hope youre at the front of the stage
Elias: ha! is that what ur gonna wear? what are those, boxers?
Elias: they are!
"Hell no!" Jules laughed. "It's way too fuckin' cold for that. And yes. They are boxers— Spongebob ones to be specific." He set his bass on the bed next to him and leaned up on his knees, so Elias could see. "I should probably get dressed actually. Turning off my camera for a minute." He turned it off and started to get dressed, keeping the mic on.
Elias: FUCK
Elias: wow u have killer thighs
Elias: now im left to imagine
Jules stopped for a second to read the messages. "Twins! And boo for you. The thighs and ass are the result of a lifetime of hockey, my friend." Jules shrugged on a flannel and started buttoning it over his tank top. "I've got a killer ass too."
Mason bit his lip at that, significantly affected by imagining Jules' killer ass.
Elias: thank fuck for hockey
Elias: oh, I believe it
Elias: i have a lacrosse bod
Mason froze after he sent it. Sure, it was in hidden corners of the internet, but it was a little-known fact he played lacrosse in high school.
Jules grinned. "Lacrosse, huh? No wonder you like Mason. He was a lacrosse player."
Elias: oh yeah? bet he wasnt as good as me
Jules pressed the camera button again after he had his jeans on, stepping back as he buttoned them. "Better? Warmer." He grinned, turning in front of the camera. He was wearing a too big flannel since he couldn't wear his binder, and ripped black jeans. "With boots. It's kinda too pop punk for Nosam but y'know."
Mason swallowed as he fixated on Jules' ass. He blushed at the screen and looked up at the bottom of the top bunk. This was ridiculous.
Elias: hotter, definitely, yes
Elias: Pop punk is rad
Elias: and you rock it
Jules sat down again and grinned. "Thanks, man." He pulled the hair tie out of his hair and started to fix it, pulling half back again. "How are Nosam concerts? I mean, I've seen videos, but I haven't ever thought about asking about like... the fans? How did people act?"
Elias: lots of hype. really loud. lots of glitter, merch, posters. as u know, nosam fans are dedicated. altho some people won't even know who they are and pretend they know the songs, which is hilarious. lots of shirtless ppl after T-Shirt Song. might be some shoving around so be careful. theres some younger teenage fans too, they might get a bit much but theyre definitely passionate. older fans are adorable
Jules took a second to read it, playing with a pillow in his lap. "Sounds fun. I— nah, I'll just take off the tank when T-Shirt Song is played. Fuck, I'm so excited. That just made me even more excited. Fuck!"
Mason grinned as he watched Jules get gradually more restless in excitement.
Elias: youre adorable
Elias: hey are u in a relationship? i cant imagine not
Jules was still shifting around a little when he rolled his eyes, plucking a string out of the pillow. He looked up at the other message sound, blushing again. "Damn, you like making me blush. No, I'm not. Haven't been in many, either, if you're gonna ask that next."
Mason pursed his lips, silencing an excited yell. He fist-pumped quietly.
Elias: you're really cute when you blush
Elias: and you're
Elias: into guys?
Jules blushed more, rolling his eyes again. He was silent for a second as he struggled to force the words out. "Yeah. I'm bi, if that helps." He focused his gaze on the pillow again, smiling a little. Elias definitely was interested. "You're more flirty than usual right now."
Elias: can't help it looking at you
Elias: i just think you're really cool
Elias: hot, too
Elias: gotta include both ends of the temperature spectrum
Jules snorted. "I think you're really cool yourself. And probably hot as hell. Can't see your face though, so I'm relying on the idea that you're not some sixty year old mouth breather flirting with me through the internet, like my parents warned me about. And if you are, you're rich, so be my sugar daddy, please and thank you."
Elias: it means shit, i know, but i swear im not 60. ur right, im definitely hot. and young. v muscular. probably the guy of ur dreams. and i would happily be your sugar daddy, baby
Jules blushed, unable to hide his grin. He blew a kiss at the camera, laughing. Being called baby had definitely felt... weird. Maybe it was the nerves. "Thanks, daddy," he teased, blushing harder when he said it. God, his face was going to be the color of an apple soon.
Mason's eyes widened at that, and he cursed himself for actually not minding being called daddy. But, hey, if it works, it works.
Elias: oh, you're into that? ;)
Elias: record for blushing goes to Jules!
Jules huffed. "Asshole. Shut up." He wanted to hide his face in the pillow, but that would get glitter everywhere. "Fuck. I should go soon."
Elias: pretty sure you like when im an asshole
Mason frowned as their alarms rang at that moment. Andrew whined loudly as he dropped himself to the floor from the top bunk. He snorted. Nice timing, Jules.
Elias: :(
Elias: you should i guess :(
Elias: its gonna be good!!
Jules sighed. As much as he loved and adored Nosam... He didn't want to go. He wanted to keep talking to Elias. "I'll message from my phone when I get there, though! And I'll take lots of pictures and videos for the site. My sister is coming with me, too, I'm so excited." He grinned, his excitement returning. "I'll talk to you later, Elías! Have a good day!"
Elias: you better
Elias: i might not answer for a bit tho ill be p busy today
Elias: talk to you later! have a good day, jules x
Mason sighed as he left Jules' room, but grinned as he thought about seeing her in the crowd. It was gonna be awesome.
Hours later, the place was packed and Mason urged the guys along, getting hyped by all the noise. "Guys, c'mon! Let's say hi to some people."
Once they reached the lines, Mason grinned, touching hands and greeting people from the other side of the cord.
"Dude! You look hardcore!" he gasped as he saw a guy with glitter, lipstick, fishnets, and a ripped Nosam tank. A fucking killer concert outfit. God, he loved fans. The guy's eyes widened, and he grinned wide as Mason gave his hand a squeeze. He scanned the crowds, looking for Jules. She had to be there somewhere.
Andrew came up behind him, muttering in his ear. "You're fucking whipped before even meeting her."
Mason smacked his back and flipped Andrew's hood up over his face to annoy him. Andrew flipped him off as he pushed it back down.
Jules stood in line with Rosaline, bouncing a little as he messaged Elías.
familyjules: in line! we're way at the front but some assholes camped overnight and froze their asses off so they deserve being here first
"Oh my God, oh my God, Jules— Jullian! Look up, holy shit, they're right there," Rosaline said, yanking at Jules' arm. He looked up, gasping a little and bouncing even more.
"Holy fuck, that's them, in person, holy fuck— Fuck, look at Austin, he's so hot- And Chris looks so good—" Jules breathed, grinning.
Andrew blinked, impressed as he noticed a girl wearing a dress that... was made of Nosam shirts? Shit. And next to her was— Andrew stopped, almost barreling into a fan, who did not seem to mind very much. According to the few pictures of Jules that Mason had shown him, the person next to that girl was either Jules or a convincing look-alike. Andrew looked to Mason, who was scanning in the opposite direction, and rolled his eyes. He elbowed Mason, "Dude, check out that dress."
Mason whipped his head in the direction Andrew was pointing, and his jaw dropped. It was a cool dress— very cool— but holy shit, it was Jules. Fuck. He started to move behind Andrew until he remembered Jules didn't know it was him. Right. Duh. His heart beat unnaturally loud in his ears as he stepped towards them. What if he was wrong and he wanted it to be Jules so badly that he'd convinced himself that's who he was looking at? Maybe Jules didn't even exist. No person could look that good.
They were coming their way. "Holy fuck and they're looking right at us aren't they? It's the glitter and your Nosam dress, you funky little designer!" Jules breathed it all, grinning wide and shaking Rosaline's shoulders.
Mason pulled Andrew along with him and puffed out a breath as he walked towards them, smiling, looking to the girl beside Jules, eyeing her dress in awe. "Hey, guys! You both look amazing. I think this is the most impressive gig outfit I've ever seen. How long did it take you to make that?"
Rosaline grinned, shrugging off her jacket so they could see it all. "Around twelve hours. It was hard as hell to put all of it together and cut the shirts. Totally worth it, though!"
Jules grinned, taking her hand and twirling her. "And the bottom is rainbow and glitter cause she's definitely not gay but an ally and as campy as a drag queen." Jules laughed a little, meeting Mason's eyes, then Andrew's. Mason's breath caught.
"Shut up, Jules," Rosaline said, shoving Jules jokingly. He lifted his hands by his shoulders.
Mason smiled happily as the smallest sliver of doubt dissipated when she said Jules. "I'm impressed. Really impressed. Right, Drew?"
Andrew had been distracted by another fan he was taking a picture with, but he turned, glancing at Jules and Rosaline a little awkwardly and nodding, smiling a bit.
Mason laughed at her words and at her sister shoving her. He took a couple of meet-and-greet passes from his pocket and offered them, grinning. "That dress is the best thing I've seen all tour, so I hope I'll see you at the meet and greet."
Jules's jaw dropped. "Holy fuck, no way!" He laughed, looking up at Mason in shock. "You're kidding me, right? Meet and greets?" He grinned, taking one when Rosaline took the other, too shocked to speak.
"Yes way!" Mason grinned wide at them.
"Holy fuck, you funky little designer!" Jules said, latching onto Rosaline and lifting her the way he always did to annoy her. "I knew that dress was good luck. You didn't fuckin' nick your finger once while making it."
He turned back to Mason after putting her down when she threatened to punch him, grinning still. "Thank you. Holy fuck, thank you. Y— We'll definitely be there. It's not like we have anything better to do than meet you guys."
Mason's cheeks hurt from smiling as Jules laughed and lifted the girl. "Don't sweat it. Completely understandable if you find something better to do. Although, I don't know what people in Michigan do. Skate on Lake Mich? Hockey?" he teased. "Just give them to someone else so they don't go to waste. Although I'll be bummed if I don't see you there," he said, meeting Jules' eyes for a second.
Jules froze a little at the hockey comment, blinking and forcing himself to breathe. He suddenly felt a lot colder than he was. Tugging his jacket tighter around him, he forced a smile and nodded. "Don't worry. We'll be there." He felt himself shaking a little and found it kind of hard to breathe. His hand found Rosaline's after a second.
"We'll definitely be there," Rosaline said, grinning at Mason. She squeezed Jules's hand, knowing exactly what was going on. It had happened before. She took the pass from Jules and stuffed it in her bag with her own, one hand still in Jules'.
Mason's smile disappeared for a moment at Jules' reaction. Oh, fuck. Did he say something wrong? He grinned again, turning to Jules' sister. "So, I hope you don't mind, but I just need a picture with you...?" he trailed off, hoping for a name.
"Rosaline," she said, grinning.
"Beautiful name," Mason smiled. Jules' twin sister seemed extremely cool.
"I—" Rosaline looked back at Jules, who nodded and let go of her hand. "Okay. Jules, do you wanna take it?"
Jules looked for a second, then nodded, taking out his phone. He still had the convo with Elías open. That gave him an idea. "Uh— this is kind of a weird question, but could you message my friend too after the picture? He'll lose his shit if he knows I met you." He grinned again at the thought of Elías's reaction.
Mason watched Jules fiddle around with the camera. He was maybe freaking out a little. He definitely said something wrong. Was it the flirting? Or did he offend her with the hockey jab?
His eyebrows rose in surprise as Jules mentioned her friend, and he nodded enthusiastically. "Of course."
Jules lifted his phone after opening the camera, taking a picture of Mason and Rosaline together. "Oh— oh, do you need it on your phone? Is it for security or something?"
"Uh, yeah," Mason took out his phone. "Actually, you should get in this too," he motioned for both of them to take a selfie with him and made a silly face, and then took another one with a smile.
Jules blushed a little at the way Mason looked at him. He stood behind Rosaline, crossing his eyes and opening his mouth, then simply grinning.
He handed his phone over to Mason afterward, then explained a little bit where the text was and everything. "Oh, his name is Elías. Accent on the 'I'. Please, for the love of all things holy, mention the username and embarrass the shit out of him. He deserves it for that."
"Gotcha," Mason took the phone carefully, wanting to laugh at how ridiculous this situation was. God, how was this gonna end? He pushed the thought aside and managed to laugh at the username.
familyjules: hey Elías! its nosam's Mason! i met your friend Jules today, im flattered you wanna fuck me, maybe we can meet up sometime? ;) x
He smiled in amusement as he showed Jules the message. "How's that?"
Jules took back the phone and grinned. "Perfect." He looked up and met Mason's eyes again. His smile was better, just still a bit forced. "Thank you. You're awesome."
"Anytime, Jules," he gave her a silly, lopsided grin eyes bright. "It was awesome to meet you guys."
He saw Austin walking by and waved him over, hopping a little. "Hey, Austin, check out this rad dress and these rad people."
Austin smiled over at them, although he was surrounded by people. "Very rad dress! Thanks for coming, guys," he gave them a thumbs up.
Jules froze again when Austin came over, for a completely different reason. He grinned, unable to speak.
Rosaline snapped in front of his face. "I— God, sorry. Jules is a mess right now." She elbowed him, but he was just staring at Austin. "Thank you for coming all the way up here. It's the only reason we could come. We tried to go to Detroit once, but our parents wouldn't let us go that far alone in just one day and night." She grinned at Austin.
"Y— You're Austin," Jules breathed.
"No problem," Austin smiled, "That's me. Jules, yeah? Would it be okay if I hugged you?" he glanced at Mason for a split second. Mason glared at him for the same amount of time. Asshole.
Austin's smile grew.
Jules nodded enthusiastically, holding up his arms and hugging Austin tight. Holy fuck, he was hugging Austin Salinas. And Mason Hill was right there. And he'd meet Chris later, and Andrew had smiled at him. This was the best day of his life. He closed his eyes and buried his face against Austin's shoulder, then realized that was weird and he was hugging too long and pulled away.
Austin grinned, laughing and hugging Jules just as tight for a second longer. "You're a good hugger."
Jules laughed. "So are you," he said after they pulled away.
That was an unnecessarily long hug.
Mason pouted, glancing at Rosaline. "Now I want a hug. Rosaline?" he grinned, holding out his arms.
Rosaline hugged him, grinning. She hugged him just a bit too long too, wishing she could have hugged Andrew but beyond happy to hug Mason.
Jules paused for a second, then hugged Mason, face against his chest. "Thank you."
Mason was surprised at the hug, frozen in place for a second before taking a deep breath and relaxing into it. He wrapped his arms around Jules and smiled contentedly. This is what a hug is, fuck every other one I've ever had.
Jules was a little too relaxed into the hug. It felt right for some reason. While Austin's hug was awesome, Mason's was warm and soft and felt incredible. Jules didn't want to let go.
Mason hugged Jules as long as he could without it being weird, and then let her go. "Alright, we should go set up. See you guys later!" he smiled. Austin said goodbye, giving Mason a mocking look, sighing wistfully at him.
"Shut up, Austin," Mason shoved at him, hands on his shoulders as they walked away.
"I didn't speak, Mason," Austin grinned, "She's really cute. I get why you've been annoying the shit out of us this whole time."
"Don't you have a girlfriend already, Sally?"
Jules smiled at them as they left, waving, then turned to Rosaline, tears in his eyes. "We just— Holy fuck, we just met Nosam and got meet and greet passes, Rosa."
Mason loved performing. He'd happily do it for the rest of his life, and that was the plan. He was addicted to the roar of the crowd, to the sound of thousands of people singing along with him, to their songs. It was always surreal, always like being in another world. It was a high. But this concert, he had been especially happy that he could see Jules at the front of the crowd the whole time, just as excited as everyone else was. Jules' proximity was especially wonderful after T-Shirt Song, because fuck, was Jules even hotter without a shirt. Who needed shirts? Nobody. That's what T-Shirt Song was all about (not really, but roll with it).
After the concert, Jules had a newfound love for Mason Hill. He'd loved him before, but not like this. On stage, he was hilarious and bounced around and was so theatrical... it was exactly how Jules wanted to be on stage. He demanded a presence, and made sure he got what he wanted. There was no doubt in anything he did, even if he did make a fool of himself at times and absolutely roasted himself. It was astounding. Mason had delivered everything Jules had hoped for and then some.
At Mason's insistence that everyone in the crowd had to, Jules had stripped off his shirt during T-Shirt Song, then threw it on stage after. Mason had made eye contact with him... a lot, actually, after that, especially during flirty songs. It was like he wanted to fuck or something, and Jules had informed Elías of this. But Elías wasn't replying, which made sense, since he'd said he'd be busy, but it made Jules a little sad.
They were in the back of the line for the meet-and-greet, sadly, but would definitely get to see them because of the passes. Jules wiped some glitter off his forehead while they waited, closer to the front now that the event was almost over, humming to himself. He was sweating after all the moving around, so he was just wearing a bra and his open flannel, bouncing on the balls of his feet next to an exhausted Rosaline. His throat hurt, and it was the best experience of his life. Rosa's throat hurt, and it was the worst experience of her life.
"Wimp," he teased, grinning at her. He coughed a little. "Oh. We're up."
When they were reaching the end of the meet & greet line, Mason grinned as he saw Jules and Rosaline. All of Nosam was shirtless, even Chris, who was rocking scars from his top surgery, still looking fairly pink after over a year. It was incredible how it had gone from cold as hell to hot as shit with all the moving around.
"Hey, Jules! Rosaline!" Mason shouted, waving them forward when the twins had gotten to the front of the meet & greet line.
"Good to see you guys again," Austin smiled at them as he ran his hand through sweaty, wavy hair and pushed his glasses up.
Andrew shot them an awkward smile through the Twizzler in his mouth. His hair was sticking to his forehead as he saluted the pair.
"How're you guys doing? You weren't kidding, that dress is wonderful," Chris stared at the dress, leaning against the table to get a closer look at the detail.
Jules grinned, dragging a tired and stunned Rosaline with him. He still had some post-concert adrenaline rushing through his veins.
"That was the best concert of my life," Jules said. "You guys are fucking awesome up there. Better than the videos I've seen online."
"Glad we made such a lasting impression," Mason teased, smirking at Jules.
"The best concert of my life was probably All Time Low," Austin muttered absentmindedly, yawning. Andrew snorted as he stuck a Twizzler in his open mouth. Austin choked on it, yanking it out of his mouth and tossing it back at him. Andrew laughed, catching it and putting it in his mouth.
Rosaline coughed before she spoke. "Thank you about the dress. And for the passes. This is amazing."
"Thank you!" Chris grinned big, "It was a long time coming. Was definitely a weight off my chest." He winked and finger-gunned them. "You're the amazing ones."
Jules laughed softly, then took a deep breath and looked at Chris. "I— Uh— Can I get a picture? Please?"
"Hell yeah," Chris got up and put an arm around Jules' shoulder for the picture, smiling.
Rosa did the same with Andrew, a little nervous. "Can—" She stopped for a second, taking a deep breath, then smiled sheepishly. "Can I get a picture with you, Andrew?"
"Yeah," Andrew replied, almost inaudible. He immediately got up, taking a picture with her and hugging her.
Rosaline hugged Andrew back happily, on the verge of tears. This was the best day of her life. He spoke to her. He actually spoke to her.
After they got their pictures, Jules grinned at Mason. "And can I get another picture with you? I don't have one on my phone of us, and no one will ever believe me if I don't get one." He handed his phone off to Rosaline, who took it gladly. "Also— Uh— Could you kiss my cheek? I've seen a lot of those online—"
Mason grinned happily as he took the pic with Jules, hand on her back. He smiled, laughing warmly when she asked for a cheek kiss. He kissed her cheek, pausing a moment with his lips on her face for the picture. He hugged her again afterwards, almost picking her up off the ground.
Jules grinned, hugging him back. He squeezed tight, then thanked Mason and took a picture with Austin.
After a few more minutes of awkward conversation about the concert and Rosaline's dress, it was announced that the meet & greet was over and they had to go. Jules pouted a little, but said bye, waving. He turned around only after a few backward steps, trying to come to terms with the fact that he'd just met Nosam twice in one day.
Mason watched Jules walk away, biting his lip and slowly leaning back in his chair, sighing in abject sadness. He was sad, and he was staring at Jules' ass, and he was thinking that it was completely unfair that even though, yes, he finally got to meet Jules, it was for such a short amount of time, and she didn't even know who he was. And, yeah, maybe he had also been staring at her ass the whole time she was walking away.
Austin thumped him on the head. "I can practically hear your thoughts right now and they're gross, Mason."
Mason only smirked.
When Mason had finally showered and eaten, he fell onto his bed. He hadn't been able to stop thinking about Jules. Which wasn't exactly new, honestly, but now it was like, multiplied times a thousand. He eagerly took out his phone.
masonfucker1000: holy shit !!! holy shit
masonfucker1000: i got a message from mason hill. you met him!
There was a knot forming in his stomach as he sent the message. The concert had affected this whole situation way too much. Mason had been stuck. It was a catch-22. He had to see Jules, but now that he'd met her everything was suddenly real, and horrifying and he was even more aware of how he was sort of catfishing, but like, next-level celebrity catfishing (that should totally be a show). And if he hadn't met her, he'd still be suffering dramatically and daydreaming about it, but at least it would have been simpler and he would have been ignorant.
Jules had passed out as soon as he got home, but woke up to messages from Elías. He grinned, rolling over in bed and rubbing at his eyes.
familyjules: FUCK YES I DID hold on i'll post the pics in the concert thread
Seven Photo Attachments
masonfucker1000: YOU GOT A CHEEK KISS? that is one hot man. and by that i mean mason. mason is one hot man. tell me the truth. who was the better hugger?
familyjules: okay look you know i love austin but mason's hug was so warm and soft i loved it. i made him hug me to compare for you and i preferred his (but don't tell austin i'm betraying him)
Mason kicked his legs, hollering. "In your face, Austin! I'm the better hugger!"
Austin rolled his eyes. "Jules is biased and doesn't even know it."
masonfucker1000: fuck yeah!!!! mason is the superior hugger! dude did u say earlier that he looked like he wanted to fuck
Mason could not fucking believe he had no self-control. She noticed that he was staring like a fucking idiot.
familyjules: yes i did he kept staring at me and he was singing all the flirty songs and looking directly at me and even kissed my hand once during one of them. i was shook. he's a flirt i knew that but it felt different. like he was trying to woo me
masonfucker1000: uhhhhh lucky bastard!!!!! you got a hand kiss and a cheek kiss! 2 hugs! lemme know when u guys fuck!!
Mason yawned, grinning as he posted the pictures with Jules and Rosaline on his Instagram. He cropped the one with him and Jules sticking out their tongues and made it his background, blushing as he stared at it.
Jules laughed again, yawning. He really wanted some more sleep.
familyjules: shut up that's not gonna happen and even if it did it would require us meeting again. i did find a new love for mason hill tonight, tho i'm not gonna nut for him all over the internet like you!
familyjules: i'm gonna get some more sleep, btw. my legs feel like they're jello
masonfucker1000: lies!!! youre definitely gonna nut for him!
masonfucker1000: aw, get some more sleep, darling jules! x
Jules smiled at the message, even though there was something a little weird about it.
familyjules: have a good day, darling elías 💙
Mason wanted to be happy about the message and the heart, but she'd called him Elias. He sighed, putting his phone aside and shutting his eyes in an attempt to sleep and not think about it, even though he suspected it wouldn't work.
0 notes
katrinawritesthings · 7 years
Jonghyun/Taemin; relatable; PG
when ur talking to an old kinda friend nd u find out that u both go to the same mental institution
“Oh,” Jonghyun says quietly. His cheeks are slowly heating up darker and he’s not meeting Taemin’s eyes, teeth pressing into his bottom lip. Taemin bites his own lip. Hmm. He always forgets that other people aren’t as open about being fucked up as he is.
“Hey, um,” he says. “I can pretend I don’t know, if you want,” he offers.
also hey guess who’s cross-posting to ao3 it’s me
Taemin swirls his mini m&ms around his strawberry ice cream slowly, watching the way they leave darker red streaks in the pink. Glancing up, he checks that his dad is still a few steps in front of him and hasn’t wandered off into some other store without telling him like he usually does. He’s tired of being lost in the mall. Once he’s sure that he’s not, he takes in more of his surroundings. Starbucks up ahead, Gamestop next to it, some shoe store across, the sweet factory sadly downstairs, someone sitting on a lonely bench in the corner next to the music store….
Taemin slows a beat, doing a doubletake at the human he just saw. They look like--he is Jonghyun sitting there with his nose buried in his phone, trademark undercut and sleeveless shirt and everything. Huh. Neat. He makes a snap decision and jogs up a little bit to tug on his dad’s sleeve.
“Hey,” he says. “Hey--I just saw a friend from school.” He points vaguely in Jonghyun’s area with his spoon when his father looks over. “I’m gonna go sit with him, yeah?” Friend might be a bit of a stretch but he just tagged along here for free ice cream and some notebooks and shit for when school starts again in a few weeks, both of which they’ve already gotten. Whatever his dad needs to do here he can do on his own. He nibbles on his spoon as his dad squints at Jonghyun and then shrugs.
“Sure,” he says. “Stay there,” he adds, waving Taemin off. Taemin hisses in victory and steps off immediately, making a beeline for Jonghyun. It occurs to him halfway there that Jonghyun might not want to talk to him or even really remember who he is, but it’s too late now.
As he approaches, Jonghyun glances up from his phone, looks away, and then does a doubletake not unlike the one Taemin just did a minute ago. Taemin waves, reminding himself to smile at least for a moment, and breathes a soft sigh of relief when Jonghyun smiles and waves back. He’s welcome. Nice.
“Hey,” he says, sitting down next to Jonghyun but a comfortable distance away. “Nice seeing you.”
“Yeah, uh, you too,” Jonghyun says. “New piercings?” he asks. He nods at Taemin’s ears with a curious little look; Taemin lifts his hand to gently touch the three rings in his lobe.
“I mean, kind of,” he shrugs. “I got them before junior year but we didn’t really see each other a lot last year, so.” he shrugs again and Jonghyun nods, an accepting little thing. They were more “pass each other in the halls and smile” friends last year than “we share a class” friends like they were their first two years of high school. “Are you just here alone?” he asks. Solitude would sound nice if Taemin wasn’t lowkey terrified of getting lost. Jonghyun shakes his head, though, gesturing towards the music store.
“With my mom and sis,” he says. “They exiled me out here so they could get me a late birthday present.” A tiny smile tugs up his lips as he says it. Taemin feels a smile on the inside that he doesn’t really bother transferring to his face.
“Cool,” he says. “I came here for the free ice cream.” He holds up his cup and spoon and wiggles his eyebrows as Jonghyun laughs softly. He watches Jonghyun turn to squint down at the end of the mall where the ice cream parlor is with a little hum. He bets he knows where he’s gonna take his mom and sis next.
“So how’s you summer been?” Jonghyun asks as he turns around. Taemin blinks with a spoon of ice cream in his mouth, kind of caught off guard at the sudden extra smalltalk.
“Um,” he says, and swallows thickly. “Okay,” he shrugs. “Mostly videogames inside and Jinki making me play videogames outside.” Honestly Jinki is the best neighbor friend he could ask for. Letting him do what he wants but making sure he doesn’t get all pale or whatever. Good shit. “You?” he asks. Jonghyun shrugs as well.
“The same, pretty much,” he says. “More guitar, less outside. I did spend a week up at Northern North Meadows, though,” he adds. He cocks a brow and gives Taemin a winning smile like Taemin is supposed to be impressed and jealous of a rad campground vacation, but the name Jonghyun said brings a different thought to his mind entirely.
“The mental institution?” he asks. Jonghyun’s smile falters; he looks away and then looks back quickly, insecurity obvious in his eyes even as he tries to smile again way too late to be believable.
“Uh,” he says, “no, uh, the. Like, the campground, you know, with the--how did you know?” His fingers curl nervously in his shirt collar, but the little pout on his lips is resigned and ashamed. Taemin stirs his melting ice cream slowly, not really seeing what the problem is.
“I’ve been in and out of there for years,” he says. “I know that North Meadows is the campground and Northern North Meadows is what people at the hospital call it as an inside joke.” The actual institution has a different name but it and the campground are right next to each other and it’s been a little thing between all of the patients as long as Taemin can remember.
“Oh,” Jonghyun says quietly. His cheeks are slowly heating up darker and he’s not meeting Taemin’s eyes, teeth pressing into his bottom lip. Taemin bites his own lip. Hmm. He always forgets that other people aren’t as open about being fucked up as he is.
“Hey, um,” he says. “I can pretend I don’t know, if you want,” he offers. Jonghyun looks up at him with big, wide eyes, but before long he sighs and lowers them again.
“No, it’s… fine, since you’ve been there too, I guess,” he mumbles. “At least you know what it’s like.” He leans back against the bench, staring at his knees, his fingers twiddling inside of his hoodie pocket. Taemin sucks an m&m off of his spoon and thinks. He’s not feeling awkward at all but he’s sure that Jonghyun is. Maybe he fucked up. He should say something about the place to make Jonghyun feel less bad about it.
“Did you meet Yunie?” he asks. He loves Yunie.
“Who?” Jonghyun asks. His eyebrows have a cute little scrunch in them when he looks up.
“Yunho,” Taemin clarifies. “One of the orderlies. He’s kinda tall, dark hair, really soothing voice.”
“Oh, yeah, yeah,” Jonghyun says. Now he’s smiling, nodding and looking fond of whatever memories he’s having. Taemin smiles a quick second of a smile himself, proud that his plan worked. “He helped me a lot with just… believing myself,” he says. “Taking myself seriously and knowing that I’m not faking, you know.”
“Mmhmm,” Taemin hums. He’s super good at validation. “Every time I come back he sits and talks with me for a little bit at least.” It’s what he appreciates the most about the whole institution. Jonghyun nods, one hand out of his pocket and resting on the back of the bench.
“It’s a good place to go back to if you need to?” he asks. His fingers tap on the plastic and his bottom lip is between his teeth again.
“Yeah,” Taemin says. “I’m--well, I’m a lot of things,” he mumbles. A whole cocktail of disorders. “But I usually just go there when I get super low in my depression,” he says. Usually it’s a safety thing, other times it’s just to decompress before he gets that low. “I’m sure there are better places but it’s the best one I’ve been to, so.” He shrugs. His parents aren’t gonna pay for some super high quality, five-star hospital for him to spend days or weeks or months at, so he settles with the three-and-three-quarter star place. It works for him.
“Mmm,” Jonghyun hums. He lifts his other hand to twiddle his fingers together again. “Because, um. I’m new to the whole thing, because I finally turned eighteen a few months ago and can actually admit myself, so.” He shrugs more and Taemin pauses for a moment, thinking, before he suddenly remembers.
“Oh, right,” he says, pointing at Jonghyun with his spoon. “Has your shitty dad fucked off yet?” He remembers Jonghyun complaining at him one time a few years ago about his father not letting him go to the doctor for anything physical; of course that extended to mental shit as well. It’s good that Jonghyun can finally get the help he needs. After a few moments of him digging in his ice cream for another m&m he realizes Jonghyun hasn’t replied yet; looking up, he sees Jonghyun kind of just looking at him, eyes a little wide.
“Oh,” he says. He rubs his nose with the back of his hand. There he goes, being all blunt again. “Sorry, uh, should I have not said that?” he asks. He never knows why he’s supposed to avoid obvious things, but at least usually he remembers to not do it anyway. He doesn’t know why he’s fucked up twice today. Jonghyun looks at him for another moment before he shakes his head and shrugs.
“No, that’s fine too,” he says. “He hasn’t,” he adds with a grumble. “Mom’s been, like, talking about divorce more lately, though,” he says next. He nods an eager little nod with a tiny smile. “So maybe soon.”
“Here’s hoping,” Taemin says, lifting his ice cream in a little half-assed toast. Jonghyun chuckles softly and nods.
“Anyway,” he says. “You would recommend it?” he asks.
“Mmhmm,” Taemin says. “Unless you can try some of the more expensive ones,” he shrugs. “I hear Misty Hills is really good.” He hears they get jello that isn’t sugar-free. And, like, better psychiatrists and softer beds and more staff and whatever, but the jello is what’s important to him. Jonghyun scoffs lightly, shaking his head.
“I can’t afford that shit,” he grins. “I had to pay to admit myself.”
“Oh, yikes,” Taemin says. Add another point to Jonghyun’s dad being shit.
“Mmhmm,” Jonghyun says. “Mom helped a little and sis drove me there and back, but. Still.” He shrugs, one hand rubbing over the back of his head where his undercut is buzzed in. Taemin hums in understanding. He knows that Jonghyun’s family isn't that well-off to begin with. It’s sweet that they helped him. And, speaking of them, he sees the two of them walking out of the music store behind Jonghyun. They’re both as cute and similar to Jonghyun as he remembers. Jonghyun turns around too after a moment; he must have noticed Taemin looking over his shoulder. “Oh,” he says.
“We’re back,” Jonghyun’s mom says. She jiggles a bag from the store in her hand and Jonghyun smiles at it, obviously giddy and excited for whatever present is inside of it.
“Hey,” his sister says. She’s looking at Taemin with a fond little smile. “You’re. That one kid. That came over that one time.”
“Oh my god,” Jonghyun whispers. He puts his face in his hands, but Taemin laughs, muffling it into his sleeve. He knew he liked her for a reason.
“Taemin,” he reminds her. He doesn’t remember her name either so it’s not like they’re any different.
“Right,” she says. “Nice to see you.”
“Mmhmm,” Taemin hums.
“Mom, can we get ice cream?” Jonghyun asks quickly. Taemin keeps smiling, amused at the little blushies that have returned to his cheeks. He stands up, but faces Taemin as he straightens out his hoodie.
“Yeah, sure,” his mom says. She fixes his hair out of his eyes, then turns to Taemin when Jonghyun lifts his hands to fix it himself. “Do you want to come with us, Taemin?” she asks. “We don’t mind.”
“Oh, uh,” Taemin says. Honestly he wants to, but he kind of can’t. “My dad told me to stay here,” he says. He should’ve told him that they should meet up in the food court later or something. Damn it.
“Oh, well, okay,” Jonghyun’s mom says. “You have a nice day then.”
“You too,” Taemin says. “Bye Jonghyun.”
“Bye,” Jonghyun says, voice and smile and wave all small. Taemin waves lazily back.   
“See you in school, or, like, wherever else,” he says. Jonghyun hesitates, then nods back, giving him a bigger smile of understanding. They leave him then to head to the other side of the mall and Taemin pulls out his phone to see if he still has Jonghyun’s number. He thinks he’d like if if both of them were at the institution at the same time. They could be fucked up together.
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biscottibitches · 7 years
1 year
U may or may not remember posting this but whatever here we go. It's 3:49 am and u r sitting in Claire's house (2116 main) in her bed with her. She is ptfo no surprise but u should be asleep too but lol!! Ur not bc u suck and took an addy from Jared he gave u a few weeks ago when u were drunk idk why he did that. But cool Jared thanks. Also u like rly like Jared a lot. He's hella cute n adorable and u wanna bone him hard lol. U have class tomorrow at 9:25 (culture and mental health with sutha) that will be fun I guess. Lol. U get to become a citizen this week!!! U go to Milwaukee Thursday with Garrett Jones awww he's the best. But yeah ur life is decent rn u r getting ur hair done Thursday too so hopefully that'll look nice omg. First bayalage. Uh so ur still kinda hung up on Mitch mills but like he is 4 sure with Nicole n u r just sad lol so get over it lidia even tho u kno he belongs with u n not her n he knows it too but he just needs more time and Nicole will realize he sucks and she deserves better and yah. But rly. U fucked scott hunter (your assistant manager at bros) the other night for the 4th time. Lidia stop it. U need to stop. Lol that shit is so bad. U will get fired and cry. HOW ELSE WILL U PAY 4 POT??!!!! Quinn Murphy is Claire's love and he is shitty dude to her n that makes u so mad. He wants to become friends with ppl so he's working on that yay!!! It'll help him b happier finally😌 u love all music rn. Ur fav song is arigato and probs bounce back by big Sean lol u suck. Uh yeah bizz is still the shit. U r planning on going to odesza at red rocks in may with claire so hopefully that'll be lit as heck. It is almost 4 am now and u still haven't gone to sleep yet bc ur garbage and took that addy for no reason bc u did like 10 mins of homework U stupid fuck get it together. U better run 3 miles tomorrow lazy pos. The weather should b v pretty so let's hope k cool. I hope ur life is so fucking great right now and that u r so damn happy with a dope ass boyfriend. I hope Phil and mother are still around. Same with grandparents n that ur mother is especially happy. Just touched Claire's knee with booty accidentally lol sorry clur. You're trying to work out more bc u wanna b hella in shape for bikini season bc u want a HOT ASS MAN BC LOL U R HOT SO GET A HOT SUGAR DADDI MAMI hope u r still eating fruit roll ups superstar😘😘😘😘 xoxo lidz09 aka mclidz aka mami aka lid dawg
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