#also tell me if i should finish (color) any of these sketches please
eruden-writes · 1 year
Scent Match - Part 8 (Augustine + Amber)
Summary: When Amber Dyer decided to attend a Creator Con, she never expected to run into Of Wolf and Blood lycan heartthrob, Augustine Prime.
But, there he was, stooping over her table, asking to buy the unflattering drawing of his character. Valuing integrity over taking money from a celebrity and running (though she was sorely tempted,) Amber finishes the sketch and delivers it to Augustine.
However, he continues to doggedly pursue her and entwine their lives.
All because of her scent.
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First Part - Master List - Previous Part
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Quietly, the two headed to Augustine’s bedroom. Amber noted he hadn’t even bothered to turn off any lights, but that could have been excitement making him careless. If he even wanted her, she thought. Glancing sidelong at the man, he seemed rather calm. As if this occurrence wasn’t actually some long desired outcome.
In reality, elated prickles danced along his back and through his skin. It was only thanks to years of acting that Augustine didn’t grab Amber and drag her back into the bedroom. He actively fought his imagination as other images of tossing her directly onto his bed, climbing over her, letting his mouth taste her threatened to break his cool exterior.
As they made it into his room, Augustine barely kept from looking back at Amber to see how her watchful eyes took in the area as he turned on the light. The elegant navy blue and heather grey decor wasn’t really his own taste. It was meant to be pleasing and lush, while equally being easy to clean between guests.
The colorations were the last thing on Amber’s mind, however. No amount of preparation could have steeled her against a hotel bedroom. It was so surreal. Another full wall of windows that led to another balcony. Curtains open, overlooking the city skyline and the streets below as the night sky spilled overhead. As she walked further in, her shoes sunk into the soft carpet. Thicker than even what she had at home.
Her eyes gleaned over the bed, noting its size, but anxiety had her turning her attention elsewhere. A full-sized dresser with a large mirror sat near a plump cushy chair. With doors cracked open, Amber also noticed a walk-in closet and an en suite bathroom. There was evidence of Augustine’s stay, as well. Previously worn clothes, a pile of business cards on the bedside table, a book beneath the lamp, an empty soda bottle. Not exactly a mess, but certainly not pristine.
“Should I add a little zhuzh to the show?” Augustine winked as Amber turned a curious look to him. She realized she hadn't even noticed his clothing earlier. Augustine had already slid off his suit jacket, draping it atop the dresser, leaving his button-up and trousers on. for the moment. His hands were poised at the neck of his shirt, fingering the buttons teasingly.
Briefly, Amber Wondered exactly how he thought to zhuzh up his strip show. Probably with theatrics and gyration.
“Only if you want me laughing the entire time.” At Augustine’s curious sound, Amber elaborated with a helpless shrug, “I’ve had partners in the past try to sexily strip for me. It just makes me giggle. I don't know.”
“Well, thank you for telling me and saving my ego.” Augustine chuckled and gave a nod as he pulled his shirt up and over his head. Like the jacket, he laid it atop the dresser and kicked off his shoes and socks. All the while, he felt Amber’s eyes watching him, waiting for the last articles of clothing to drop. He could antagonize her a little, he knew. If he waited to divest himself of his trousers, he could force her to ask or initiate the last bit of stripping.
“Don’t make me regret being nice," she mumbled, shooting him a warning look while trying not to stare as he disrobed. But it was hard not to. The contours  and planes of his body drew the eye, making Amber think of all those masterfully chiseled statues in art museums. Her hand raised, but stopped short of touching him. “So, I should just touch you?”
“Yep, however and wherever you want. I’m pretty sturdy.” He thumped himself on his bare chest in demonstration. “Just, with you touching me, some things might, ah, rise to attention. Y’know?”
Amber raised a hand again, but it paused as she tilted her gaze back to his face. "Are you seriously okay with this?”
“Most definitely. I want you to want to marry me, so anything that’ll ease your worries is something I want to do.” Augustine gave a nod, exemplifying his own agreement to the circumstances. When his nodding paused, his expression turned curious. “Although, I’m kinda surprised you jumped to this instead of dates.”
Amber remained silent. She didn’t actually believe he’d want to go on any dates, if she was being honest. Amber was still fairly certain once the weekend was over, that was it. Sure, Augustine had given her his contact information and she’d even spoken to his manager, but once they were apart, that was it. It would be so easy for him to pretend it never happened.
“You can still back out of this at any time, Mr. Prime,” she answered softly as she reached out and brushed her palm gingerly down his chest.
His body heat bled from him, through Amber’s hand, and up her arm. From the edge of her vision, she watched Augustine tense and saw how his gaze intensely followed her hand as it skimmed down his torso. Absentminded, her fingers followed the edge of his chest hair, down over his abdomen. “And I know so many people would jump at the chance to marry you. Hell, so many would jump at getting you into bed.”
Before Augustine could ask her where she was going, Amber finished softly, “So I just… I don’t know why I have so much trouble with the thought.”
“What?” He still couldn’t follow her words or reasoning. Especially with her fingers touching him so lightly. Part of him wanted to grasp her by the wrist and press her palm flush to his chest, just to feel more of her.
“Other people can just jump into bed with strangers without thinking about it. It’s so easy for them. I guess I’m kinda using this as an opportunity to figure out what's-" Wrong with me. "-different about me."
Something in her scent turned sour, Sad. He didn't like that. He really didn’t like that if he was related to the cause.
Before he could even consider if it'd be a good move, Augustine carefully caught Amber by her wrist. When she turned a questioning look to him, his other hand gently cupped the side of her face. "I like the way you are, Amber. Don't push yourself if you don't want to."
The moment was getting too tender. This was supposed to be dirty and quick. Amber had been fully prepared to be rejected or even coolly let go after they did whatever she had the nerve to do. She wasn't prepared for this. The warm expression in his eyes, his palm softly on her cheek, her own heart traitorously thrumming.
“You’re surprisingly hairy." Amber dragged her attention from him, cheeks burning. She needed a distraction from the moment. “I thought Follywood types waxed everything.”
Augustine let his hand slip from her cheek as she turned her face subtly away. He shook off his disappointment with a shrug and a half-laugh, “Hard to wax when you’re prone to growing patches of hair or fur when excited.”
Amber hummed noncommittally, not ready to address his admission at being excited. “How was the charity date?”
“It was fine. A married couple won me.” He watched Amber as she fiddled with his trouser button and zipper. With her face turned away from his line of sight, she obviously cuy trying to gain some emotional distance. Or maybe she was embarrassed with how red her cheeks had grown.
Taking her time with fasteners, if only to disguise her trembling fingers, Amber continued, “What were they like?”
“Nice enough. One of them, Asher, owns a bookstore in Portland and their spouse, Trin, does IT for some big company. We chatted about the series, both books and the show, and they tried to get information about the new season from me.” Augustine let the words amble over his lips as he watched Amber. She succeeded in loosening his trousers, letting them fall.
Her refusal to look at him shifted away from shame and toward attentive curiosity. The outline of his dick beneath the fabric of his boxer briefs teased at her thoughts. With as tightly his excitement strained at the material, she didn’t need much imagination to figure out his girth and length. However, she still couldn’t bring herself to touch him there. No, her hands dawdled at his thighs, teasing the wisps of hair - slowly becoming thicker - that dotted his legs.
Frustrated with the lack of touch and the lack of Amber looking at him, Augustine narrowed his eyes, deciding to prod at her. “They were both pretty flirty too.”
Without thinking, Amber firmly palmed at his erection as she rolled her eyes. “I’m not going to get jealous.”
He couldn't stop the roguish grin that split his lips, hips rising to meet her palm. “Obviously. You’re the one here with your hand on my dick and not them.”
Both the heat and hardness in her hand brought a flush to Amber’s face. She couldn’t very well pull away, though. Especially not with his damned smug grin on his face.
Forcing her actions to be fluid and smooth, she kneaded at him through the fabric. “Why didn’t you end the night with them? Sounds like they’d have been down for it.”
Though firmer, her touch still wasn’t enough for him. The craving for more scraped along his insides. He barely stopped himself from grinding against her touch, silently begging for more. “They weren’t you, Amber.”
“You say that so easily, but I guess you’ve probably had tons of relationships and, like, bacchanal-level orgies, huh?” Amber found herself rolling her eyes, yet again, as her tone inched toward sarcastic. It was easier to grasp onto her image of him than admit his words had any effect on her.
Likewise, it was easier just to let her hands move than to think about what she was doing. Unthinking instincts guided her actions. Her thumbs hooked into the waistband of his boxer briefs, yanking them down. His cock bounced out eagerly, bobbing under her gaze. Veins strained under the skin, complexion dark and ruddy compared to the rest of him.
On a conscious-level, Amber absolutely ignored her curious thought of his taste or how her mouth watered in preparation. Even as she knelt before him, hands braced on his hips, her cognitive dissonance kept her mouth running. “Missing out on a potential threesome isn't such a bummer for you.”
“Mhmn…” Sharp excitement sliced through Augustine as Amber lowered to her knees, her breath ghosting over his member with the closer proximity. Involuntarily, his cock flexed, an ache burning for more attention.
“Oh my gods, you have.” Finally, she turned her gaze to his face again. She’d see how full his beard had grown, how thick the hair on his chest and arms had become in such a short amount of time.
Something in his stomach flipped, seeing surprise and a hint of curiosity swimming in her eyes. Excitement lurched further as she - seemingly absentmindedly - dragged her parted lips against the side of his shaft, her hand stroking the neglected side.
“There’s been some.” He shrugged, throat tightening as he silently choked down a groan. Despite his restraint, his body was too tempted by the heat of her mouth and leaned toward her. He wanted to do more. So. Much. More. “They’re not my favorite thing. They’re pretty smelly with all those sweaty bodies.”
She could imagine Augustine, an obnoxious enrobed Dionysus-Adonis hybrid with a crowd of people flocking to him as he lazily drank a decanter of wine with a smug grin. Heat flared down Amber imagining the sight. Suddenly, she also realized what exactly her mouth was doing as his dick throbbed against her lips.
Masking her shame, Amber pulled away from Augustine, sitting back on her heels. Craning her neck to look up at him, once more very aware of their size difference, she clamped down on her fluttering heart.
A flicker of disappointment passed his features at her sudden distance, but it quickly upended at her words. “Alright, I’m done with this form. It’s pretty basic. Shift.”
Giving an unimpressed wave of her hand, she waited for Augustine to comply or refuse.
The bright smile gave away his answer as he straightened from a slight slouch. “Yes, ma’am.”
Augustine didn’t even take a step back before focusing on the change. Amber watched as his hair thickened - creeping along his entire body in a ripple - into a pelt of fur the same color as Augustine’s regular hair color. The previously pointed ears grew larger, extending the curvature of his jaw until they angled near the crest of his head. His nose and jaw elongated, becoming something between a wolf’s snout and a human’s face. Similar growth happened to his feet and hands, she realized, as a toe claw nudged against her knee. She swallowed, dutifully trying to ignore the images that tickled her thoughts at the size of Augustine’s hands. He was certainly more canine than she’d seen of him in-person, so far.
She let herself glean over his entire body, though she did keep his dick in her peripheral. Already hard, his member appeared to grow larger, likely in proportion to his own everything getting bigger, and turned from ruddy to bright red. Even the head narrowed at the tip, flaring a little before the shaft to take a more arrowhead-esque appearance.
Again, stray thoughts bombarded Amber's head. How did he taste? How hot and solid would his cock feel on her tongue? Or better yet, inside her? Amber's insides clenched at the idea and she abruptly remembered she wore a dress thanks to imaginative 'easy access' scenarios blooming in her mind.
In this form, Amber’s scent became fuller-bodied in his nose, weighing down on his tongue. His very tastebuds buzzed. It made Augustine want to drag his tongue along every inch of Amber, taste her fully and completely.
"You're very large." She critically eyed Augustine, trying to determine just how much bigger he had grown. Though his fur made him appear larger than he was, she thought.
"Thank you."
It took Amber a beat to realize why Augustine sounded so delighted and smug. He thought she was talking about his cock! A blush seared over her face as she glared up at him. "That's not what I meant!"
Amber's glower only made Augustine's grin grow. "It's ok. I know I pack an … intimidating package."
She didn't know what prompted her retaliation. Maybe her curiosity just won out. Maybe she wanted to knock that smirk off Augustine's lips. Either way, Amber found her hand wrapping and the base of his cock, beneath the bulbous knot. With little preamble, she took him in her mouth. Under her tongue, Augustine tensed, surprised by the sudden tactic.
Closing her eyes, Amber focused on taking more and more of his dick with every bob of her head. She listened as his breathing hitched, heard how his clawed toes dug into the carpet, felt how his muscles twitched and tightened. She even thought she could feel a breeze from a wagging tail, but that may have been ham imagination.
Each reaction ignited a long forgotten feeling. Something she rarely felt herself. Smugness.
It wasn't until her lips met his pubus, thick fur tickling her nose, that Amber stilled and peered up at Augustine. Against her tongue, his member weighed heavy and hot. She held back a smile as his cock twitched excitedly when their eyes met.
"Fuck, Amber," Augustine gasped, gold eyes wide and wolf ears pricked forward. She had him entirely buried in her mouth, her throat. A challenging glint in her eyes as she stared up at him. Amber's expression and the very sight of her looking so confident made his heart pound. He had to focus to not let his tongue loll out of his maw in an obscene pant. "That's… You're impressive."
"Or maybe you're not as intimidating as you think," she returned after she eased off him, wearing a pointed expression. Amber forced herself to not stare at his now slickened, shiny red member still bobbling for her attention.
"Point made," he chuckled, now realizing how tight his hands balled into fists. It had been that or grabbing Amber by the head, threading clawed fingers through her hair as his hips worked against that talented mouth. Even just thinking it made his arousal jolt. He needed to find something else to grip onto lest he forget himself. "Can we move over to the bed?"
She shot a dubious look to the king-sized bed. He was about to assure her that it didn’t mean he had expectations, he just needed something to grab onto that wasn’t her head or hair or… well, her. Amber cut him off before he could even soothe her worries. "Alright, but there's no guarantee we'll fuck, got it? I'm getting comfortable with you. That's it."
Hypocrisy tilted through her mind, knowing full well her words clashed against the fact she had his dick in her mouth moments earlier. Whatever. Her boundaries could ebb and flow.
When Amber got to her feet, Augustine backed away to the bed, flopping back on his elbows once the back of his legs hit the mattress. As the bed creaked under his sudden weight, he offered up a grin to Amber. "I'm just happy with whatever you want to do."
Approaching him, Amber rolled her eyes at his words. A small part of her echoed how strange it was that she felt so comfortable around him, a veritable stranger. A different part of her - more curious to see how this all would end - focused more on exploring him again.
Ignoring Augustine’s splayed legs, Amber leaned over him with one hand going to the ruff of fur around his neck. As her hand sunk into the dense fur, she gave him an experimental scratch.
Unprepared for the new turn of events, a strangled sound left Augustine as Amber’s other hand drew to his ear. His eyes fluttered shut, leaning his ear into her touch. Heat churned inside him as his head nuzzled into her touch, an indecent whine leaving his throat.
The reaction tickled Amber’s senses. In that moment, her suspicions eased, seeing him openly tilting toward her attentions with a genuine need. It was still ridiculous, all the same. But it was genuine ridiculousness, she realized.
It was her amused snort that made Augustine’s eyes crack back open. His clawed fingers dug into the blanket beneath him as realization struck. In his efforts to get more touch on his ear, he had unwittingly bared his throat to her. A mark of extreme vulnerability among lycans. Though Augustine doubted that’s what held her attention.
No, Amber had her head tilted to the side and a considering smile on her lips. The warmth in her eyes nearly struck the air from Augustine’s lungs, having not been subjected to such a tender look from her before. He held his breath, too afraid to break whatever spell she had woven.
Something in Augustine’s expression shocked Amber out of her momentary affection. Painfully aware of the gentleness in the air, she tore her gaze from his face. She needed a distraction. As her attention fell, it caught onto his red arousal. That would be distraction enough.
Amber’s hands trailed down Augustine’s front, carding through the shorter fur that spread down his torso as she lowered herself to the floor between his legs. He was still under her touch, his eyes watching her hands travel further southward.
Then her caresses bypassed the one place he was most eager to feel her touch. Augustine only barely swallowed down a frustrated whine as her fingers worked through the thicker fur of his legs, down to his ankles before beginning to traverse back upward. The return trek, however, was remarkably slow. Slower than before.
“Amber, please, you’re torturing me,” Augustine groaned, head lolling backward. Heat throbbed between his legs, impatient and edging toward painful. All the while, her fingers continued to toy up his legs, fingers digging through the fur to scratch lightly against his skin.
“Am I?” Her tone was too amused to be completely innocent or unaware of what she was doing. Leaning closer to her dick, she puffed warm breaths over his shaft, but didn’t touch him yet.
Augustine gave an affirmative grunt, eyes glued to her.
Her lips quirked into a wry smile, tilting her eyes to Augustine, though she couldn’t see his face at the moment. “I did say this was about me getting comfortable, didn’t I?”
“I didn’t say I didn’t like it.” She’d probably shirk away with his next words, but he couldn’t help it. He watched her carefully, a lazy grin on his lips, as he said,  “I like you feeling comfortable enough to torment me.”
Amber only gave a momentary pause. Barely a hiccup in her actions as she gathered up her nonchalance. Nosing along his furry thigh, she sighed, “Ah, so you’re a masochist.”
“Only if you want to be a sadis–” A sharp exhale interrupted Augustine’s retort. He groaned, curving forward as Amber’s mouth once more enveloped his cock.
Well, that was one way to silence him, Amber supposed as she slowly inched down his shaft. He tasted heady and salty on her tongue, the throb of his pulse taunted her. Her tongue writhed curved around the underside of his member, flexing against him. With every movement of her lips, every flex of her tongue, Augustine twitched or groaned. Such small movements evoking such grand displays of pleasure.
After one pass downward and back up, she lifted her mouth from him. Though she lingered close enough so her lips would tease his tip as she spoke. “I don’t want a partner that does everything I want. I’ve been in that position and it’s not fun.”
The look in Amber’s eyes was earnest and sincere and serious. Augustine found curiosity rousing in his thoughts, along with a dose of faint anger. Had she meant the unspoken meaning? That someone had forced her to be someone she wasn’t? Or was it just a life experience?
Augustine shelved the thought for the moment. Tonight was about her comfort, her exploration. Not him getting personal answers. If he had his way, there’d be time for that later. He reached for her hair, threading his clawed fingers through her hair gently. Imperceptibly, she leaned into the touch, only the slight pressure of her against his fingers any indication of her movement.
“I’m fine with being a masochist to your sadist, but–” A wolfishness stole across Augustine’s maw as his fingers tightened in her hair and he leaned over her. He gave a tug, experimental and light, enough to get his point across and was rewarded with a surprised, sinful little squeak from Amber. “Turnabout is fair play, Amber. Wouldn’t you agree?”
For a beat, she stared up at Augustine. His mouth full of sharp teeth and eyes that nearly glowed in the dark and razor claws, of which one set was currently lightly grazing her scalp. His slouch over her just made the size difference between them all the more prominent. Shameful excitement thrummed through Amber, burning hotter as his grin broadened toothily.
It was that grin that kicked Amber’s thoughts back into action.
“I suppose that’s true,” she replied airily, her lips still hovering close to his dick. Moving slowly, her hand drew to his knot, fingers coiling around the bulbous bit of anatomy. Augustine’s gaze slid from Amber’s face to her hand, air caught in his lungs. A thrill pulsed through him, throbbing against her touch. He completely forgot about his hold on her hair, fingers falling lax, as she shook him off.
“But I’m pretty sure I still have the upper hand,” Amber added, the corner of her lips tilting in a grin of her own. A bit of wryness crept into her voice as she asked, “Can I keep going now? Or are you going to interrupt me again?”
This was not the Amber he had met in Artist Alley. Her half-lidded gaze and that smile that made it clear she knew she was in control made that clear. Though he thoroughly enjoyed the shy Amber, he was curious to see where this one led. Augustine had a feeling this wasn’t a part of her she showed to just anyone. Or, hell, maybe it was something long-buried.
Either way, excitement crept up his spine, his tail wagging against the bed, as he nodded. “By all means, please continue.”
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Next Part | Masterlist
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rraakkee · 2 years
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hey i'm doing PWYW icon commissions for a bit while i try t get peepo to the vet 🥲✌️
icons, bc i dont have much time t do more complex pieces for money (MIGHT accept them on a case by case basis, ask). Minimum is US$15, which would get ya smn like a transparent headshot. obviously the more you pay the more you get (ie. more complex BGs, shading, alts??? feel free tell me what ya want). I'm capping it at US$40
takin' p4ypal n v3nmo. dm me if inch rested and/or reblog t spread da word 😎
here's my ko-fi as well if that's more your thing ! I offer doodles
will/wont draw n TOS under the cut
I can draw pretty much anything (humans/humanoids, animals/furries, object heads, fan art/characters, robots/mechs, etc.). but here's my list of no's:
× Strong Violence/Gore
Heavy injuries I can do, I just can't do blood/gut baths, it's not my strong suit
× Depictions of birds, bugs, or children in distress/pain
Anthro birds/bugs are fine, feral ones no
× Real People Fiction (RPF) 
Real, established relationships are fine. Shit like Slushmello isn't
× Any sole piece with more than four characters
× Pedophilic/Incestual/Non-con relationships in any context
I don't care for your technicalities or whatever stupid arguments you have to justify these things. This is nonnegotiable.
× Overly complex subjects
I love drawing things like weaponry n mechs, however by overly complex I mean things with extensive color palettes and/or very intricate detail. If you're unsure if your design(s) is/are too complex, feel free to show it to me so I can gauge it myself
× Anything offensive or bigoted 
this include N*zis or characters that look like they're inspired by them. I can't believe I have to say this
× Anything political 
I don't consider LGBTQ+ stuff n human rights in general "political" so those are fine
× Fan art of certain fandoms/people as well as fan characters of said fandoms (ask)
This is not a fully comprehensive list, merely a list of exclusions based on topics that are popular or relevant to me. Just because something isn't on it doesn't mean I can't reject your commission. Please respect my boundaries.
× If you want to ask about something not specifically mentioned here or have other inquiries, don't hesitate to ask! ×
• If I approve your commission(s), communications will be done via DM or email; I'll give you the necessary information depending on your preferences.
• Payments will ONLY be accepted via P4yPal or V3nmo. Payments will be made via P4yPal invoice or V3nmo link*. You must pay everything upfront before any work can be done.
          □ I do not offer discounts of any kind, nor do I allow clients to haggle. All prices are firm unless otherwise stated.
          □ *I will admit that I am new to Venmo and am referencing an online guide on how to use it. Please excuse any goofs!
• I send WIPs in three to four stages: sketch, linework, color, and, if applicable, shading. You can request up to three changes in sketch or linework phases for free. After that, I will charge a 20% fee per change.
          □ If changes are requested due to my own mistake, that is forgetting/misinterpreting something shown on the references given, the fee will not apply.
• Major alterations will not be permitted after approving linework without a fee that is 20% of the commission's price including extras. Examples of major alterations include but are not limited to: drastic change in character's pose or expression, extras (you will be charged appropriately), and basically anything that will vastly change how the finished product looks.
          □ Slight tweaks such as altering colors, mild changes in position/expression, and minor anatomy/line art fixes will not require a fee unless they are constant in which case the 20% fee will also be applied.
• I will set up a separate document that details my commission queue; you will also see the status of your commission there.
• ETA should be no more than two weeks; of course, it can vary based on how life treats me. I have depression and hypotension, so that also affects how quickly I can work.
          □  I'm iffy about deadlines, but if it's reasonable, I'll do it. Note that commissions with deadlines may be subject to a rush fee depending on how quick you want it and how big my queue is.
• I will update everyone if a situation arises where commissions may be delayed. In extreme cases, you may be liable for a refund.
• If I am unable to complete a commission or you decide not to go with it before I send a sketch, you are entitled to a full refund. For any other circumstance, refunds will be partial, except in the case where the commission is complete, where which you will not be given one. This is non-negotiable.
□ You will not be allowed to use the art you ordered under any circumstance if you decide to go with the refund.
• ONLY THE CLIENT has the right to use the finished piece as they like non-commercially, but they must credit me. 
          □ If you wish to repost the full piece to personal accounts, it must be the watermarked version, and, of course, there must be credit somewhere in the image description. This is to deter potential art theft.
          □ We can discuss commercial usage if desired; note that this will come with a 100%-300% price increase depending on how you want to use it.
□ I do not permit the use of any art I make for the creation of non-fungible tokens (NFTs), regardless of whether or not credit or royalties are given to me.
• I reserve the right to deny a commission for any reason even if it may follow the guidelines. Note that I do not have to explain the exact reasons why I do not wish to do business with you, and any misconduct that arises from this can and will get you blacklisted.
• If I feel as though you have breached the terms in any way and/or have failed to cooperate with me in a professional manner, I reserve the right to blacklist you from further transactions.
By commissioning me, you hereby agree that you have read and comprehended the terms that were just listed. If you find an issue with any part of these terms, do not commission me.
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zahanh · 1 year
Terms of service for my commissions!
Thanks for showing interest in my commissions! Here are the TOS for them:
Please do not forget the fact that I am a person who has a life apart from being an artist, so when it comes to drawing, I usually make them in the weekends or in days I have free.
There are NO refunds.
You can tell me how to draw your OC in any way (pose, emotion, etc.) the more description you give me about them, the better the work will be!
I do not work with companies.
It is prohibited to put the art you commissioned into AI.
I can upload the art you commissioned on my social media, but it will contain a commission watermark.
I may cancel your request if I feel like it is too complicated for me or if it meets any of the terms I do not do.
You can repost the art you commissioned, but you must give me credit.
You can ask me to change little things if I already have the drawing advanced, but you cannot change the whole character of change the pose if I am almost finished with the drawing.
You cannot trace any of my artwork/art that you commissioned, even if used as a “base”.
You can use the commissioned art as a profile picture, but you must credit me.
What I do: -Slugcats -Iterators -Humans -Hollow knight creatures -Anything not “too complicated” -Emotes -Kemonomimi
What I do not do: -Nsfw -Gore -Backgrounds -Animals that are not listed -Mechas -Monsters Prices: (USD) Top body pieces: Sketch: $2         Flat color: $3      Rendered: $4
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Half body pieces: sketch: $3         Flat color: $5       Rendered: 7$
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Full body pieces (humans, kemonomimi): Sketch: $4         Flat color: $8       Rendered:$10.89
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Full body pieces (slugcats, iterators, hollow knight creatures): Sketch: $2         Flat color: $4      Rendered: $8
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Add Ons: Another character: Small: 10% Medium: 50% Big: 100%
You can specify how you want it to be! Price: $1.30 Example:
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To contact me, you can use my tumblr Dms, twitter Dms, discord Dms and instagram Dms!
While I’m doing the start sketches, I will be asking if you like how it looks or if I should change anything.
You can also ask if you want the colors to be more warm or cold, it is up to you!
As I have already stated, I cannot change big parts of the drawing (poses, characters, etc...) while I’m almost finished with the product, so that’s why I’m going to ask a lot in the sketch phase. Payment:
I only use PayPal; you must pay first so that I can start working on the drawing, and remember that there are no refunds.
When the drawing is ready, I will send it to you via Email as two pngs, one with the color of the background, and one with a transparent png with just the character. (Both will not have my signature)
PayPal account: zahanh Email address: [email protected] Twitter account: zahanh Instagram account: zahanh_ Discord account: zahanh_
User agreement by commissioning me, you have read, understand and agree to all the terms I have stated.
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heard-nsfw-is-back · 1 year
In the same vein. Eddie giving Steve a tattoo.
Steve was ok with fake tattoos or those really shitty fake sleeves but after everything he's been through with everyone, he wanted an art piece to remember it by. He sat and drew an outline and brought it to Eddie's place. "Hey I need an artist recommendation. Who did your tattoos?" Eddie stared at Steve. "Hi to you welcome over, no I'm not busy or anything." Steve huffed and shifted his weight. "Sorry I.. it was rude to just show up. I had an idea for a tattoo I want." Eddie grinned almost manic. "And I was hoping you could tell me who did your tattoos." Steve continued, sentence drifting off confused. "You ok? Why are you looking at me like that?" Eddie pulled Steve inside. "You're looking at my artist. I'm good with both my hands pretty boy." Flourishing his arms, he winked and Steve's cheeks got hot. "I'll do your tattoo for you. What did you have in mind?" Steve held up a few sketches. "I kind of want to put them all together. A blend of them all." Eddie took the papers a little impressed. "I didn't know you could draw!" This time Steve grinned. "I'm good with my hands pretty boy." Eddie felt the world shift under him. What did he need to do to get him to say that again?! "I'll uh get started." Several hours later, papers crumpled all over the floor and a basic outline on Steve's back, Eddie sat up. "Ok I'm tapping out. My neck is killing me and I can always color it and add to it later. You should also take a break." Eddie slid off Steve's back, already missing the phenomenal view. Steve slowly sat up, muscles aching in protest. Eddie picked up a mirror and kind of angles it to another one to show off his work. "What do you think?" Steve sighed heavenly. "It's really really good! Exactly what I pictured" Eddie preens and bows dramatically. "Anything for my king." Eddie cleans his back up taking way longer than necessary and Steve knows it. He wraps it up and Steve pulls his shirt back on and Eddie debates on ripping it the fuck back off. How dare it exist? "I'll be back to have you finish it in a few weeks. I'll be busy for a while." Eddie nods and shrugs. "What ever you need big boy." Steve grins. "Kind of like that." He slides closer. "Kind of liked your hands on my back." Eddie is SURE he's dreaming. Did he fall and hit his head? He's gonna wake up sticky and awkward any second now. Steve pulls him closer. "I liked being on my stomach for you but I think I'll like you better on your back." "Can I uh, keep my hands on your back?" Steve laughs. "With a face this pretty you can have your hands wherever you want."
This isn't my finest work but please forgive me I'm eating a burrito bowl in my car let me LIVE
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felixora · 1 year
Sorry if this is weird or bad form or something but how do you do the hair shine/highlights in you works? I I use an airbrush tool slightly lighter than the hair color but it ruins the definition and then I have to do darker outlines which don’t look as clean to me. I’m kinda new to digital drawing if you can’t tell lol.
Hey, I'm glad to be of help! I spend the least amount of time on hair, so the process is quite simple, you just need to get a hang of it. I usually work with Soft Round Pressure brush and a custom brush of mine, but I'll show the process using only Soft Round Pressure Brush and Hard Round Pressure Brush (SRP and HRP for short) (both are standard brushes that come with any graphic editor, be it Photoshop, Procreate etc.) (Please ignore the face, it's far from finished ahah) So, let's say you have this shape filled with one or two colours. I usually start with the main colour of the hair, and then sketch out the hairline and some directions of hair with the darker shade, using HRP (I recommend lowering the overall brush opacity to 35% when drawing, that way you can get different depth on your shape)
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After that, I choose a slightly lighter and warmer shade of colour (emphasis on "slightly") and with SRP brush I just outline where the highlight will be. For "glossier" effect I might add even lighter colour on top of it, but in smaller amount.
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Once that's done, I switch to Smudge tool (once again, choose SRP brush) set the Strength to 50%, and start smudging the highlight part in zigzag motion
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That gives both smooth and directional blend and in most cases I might slightly erase some parts with really small brush and call it a day. In other cases, I might also add additional light over this highlight. Once again, take that same lighter and warmer shade of colour, SRP brush, add colour over the part that should be highlighted, but this time set the layer blending mode to Colour Dodge (in next to screenshots I used this last step 2 times in a row - first with smaller Colour Dodge addition and then over the part hair where it has most volume)
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And that's kinda the whole logic behind it. Just repeat the same for any strands of hair, that would have highlight on them, and voila!
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rosescries · 2 years
Hey Rosey, how are you? I hope I'm not interrupting but I really, really, need help. One of the people that I love and admire is you, and knowing that you do art is a relief.
See, I have this problem regarding my art style. I just started a week ago and during that time, it's been tiring but surprisingly rewarding and fulfilling. I haven't done art before, and the only part of art that I amateurly mastered were the eyes, now, the way I draw eyes is just plain and chibi.
To further explain, I'll tell you the whole timeline.
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I started making this on Nov. 6, this was my very first digital art, this is also when I was oblivious to art in general. I finished it in Nov. 7 and while bad and just plain ugly, I was happy with it so I continued.
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Here is my second digital art. I started this from Nov. 8-11. To be honest, I was surprised by what I made. I honestly though I was going to get something ugly but....it was surprisingly decent. I showed it to my friends and peers, and they expressed positive reviews. That gave me the motivation to further enhance my amateur skills.
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Now, this was made during Nov. 12-13. I wanted to focus on drawing the head, I also wanted to properly color and blur, add highlights and all that. And well, I was Really happy. I could actually see my progress. And I've never been happier. I showed this to my friends and they told me that I was progressing at an outstanding rate. I was ecstatic, and well, it gave me even more motivation.
Now, here's where the problem arises. On Nov. 14, I wanted to start focusing on the body, however, when i was ready to start drawing, it was like....I forgot how to draw.
I tried to draw eyes. But somehow, a simple, straight line appeared to be ugly. I kept erasing and deleting layers and just kept starting over, but whenever I finish a simple sketch. It was just plain UGLY. I never seemed to be satisfied with anything.
I changed direction, I tried drawing circles with IbisPaint X's ruler, but the shape seemed to be at the wrong position despite being on the center. I also had this perception where the circle seemed wonky. And I was using a ruler. A RULER, IT WAS SUPPOSED TO BE A PERFECT CIRCLE.
Im got frustrated, and kept trying for the past few days. I asked my friends if loosing your art style or just forgetting how to draw is normal, that it's fine, and they told me it it, they say they get it all the time. But it never seemed to make my panic settle.
I searched online and it said that I have art block. It said that I was getting used to using the same style for so long despite only drawing for a week.
With you being an artist, I wanted to ask.
*Is this really normal? Is it normal to suddenly forget how to draw? How everything you draw seemed to be ugly?
*Do you have any advice on how I should handle this?
With every day that passes, I get more and more discouraged. I'm borderline hysterical, I want to cry and scream.
I need help. Please....
I'm so sorry that this post is so long, but you are someone who I can trust in this. I apologize if I'm disturbing you, and you are free to delete this. Just know that I am giving you a choice.
Again. Thank you, and Goodbye.
Firstly, I want to say your art is absolutely lovely. All three of them are wonderful.
Secondly, yeah it's normal. I get that sometimes where I'm just not happy with what I draw and it happens a lot with my writing even. I think it's just something that happens with all creative things, it's okay.
I don't know if I'm really the person to ask about what to do about it though. Because when I get that way I just... don't draw. Don't write, don't really do anything until I get the will to pick up the pencil again. That usually helps me, especially when I get frustrated with a drawing. I'll sometimes just abandon that drawing too and do/draw something else. And there's nothing wrong with that, it's a part of the creative process really.
I guess I'd just suggest taking a break from it. If you really want to draw, you could try something else? Drawing humans are hard, I will say. Even chibi humans. You could try something more abstract, I like drawing butterflies, flowers (these are hard too though), and decorative hearts. Just low effort doodles that can look really nice once finished.
Don't give yourself too much of a hard time about this. Art is hard, it can be a real pain in the ass sometimes. Plus you're still learning! It's the time to make "bad art" and mistakes. Try things out and learn what you like and what you don't. All artists are their own worst critic. If you're frustrated and not having fun, just try take a step back and relax. It'll still be there to come back to and try again later. It's okay.
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instaquarius · 2 months
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Remade my Commission Info Sheet cuz some of the examples used in the old one are kind of old/outdated, plus wanted to add a few more options and get rid of some sooo yeah.
What you can do with your art once finished:
After getting your commission from me there are few thing you should know:
1. You can (should) upload the art to your gallery though pls credit me if you do so. Otherwise do whatever you like with it<3 It is made FOR you after all, therefore you're allowed to repost as the customer.
2. You can use the art anywhere you want. On forum, sites etc. You can reupload it anywhere.
3. You can add details or text. I know that especially on RP sites your character may change - eye color, scars etc. You can change them of course! It is yours after all. (Just again, remember to credit me as the original artist though if anyone asks) It helps get more recognition etc.
4. Do not remove my Watermark. If you do, then please remember to add a different one and to write me in description of the work. That's all I ask - It's easier to see who made the art.
Information form:
Comment below if you're interested, send me a note, or contact me through my socials: discord (same username instaquarius), twitter, tumblr, or here on deviantArt and I will respond as soon as I'm able.
Type of commission: (Sketch, Lined, Single Shading, Deluxe, Etc.)
Info about character: (What are they like, Personality, basically any basic info so I can get a feel of how to draw your character)
References: (Send multiple, I'll ask for more if I need it!)
Poses/What's happening: (What do you want them doing? Sitting, jumping, emotions showing, etc. Make sure to give enough info so I won't have to change much in the drafts.) Of course, if you don't have any and want to leave it for me to take care of, then just say so.
I'll start a basic sketch and send it to you. Tell me what you want adjusted, changed, etc during this phase. (NOTE: I will NOT be able to edit anymore once I've started the Lineart process/coloring.)
You can pay half first, before I start the sketch. After the sketch is done then I WILL require the rest of the pay before I start the coloring/lineart if you asked for any of the higher tiered commission options I am offering.
I always send WIPs (even sometimes spam them in my personal server on discord for progress, especially if I'm just REALLY happy with how an art project is turning out so be warned. lol) But also sometimes I will not respond right away, possibly because I am busy with work, or just simply stressed and need some me/down time but please do not be rude about it if I take forever on a drawing.
Thank you very much for considering buying a commission from me!~ Love you all and hope you all have a great day
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hana-a-cha · 5 months
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Hi, I'm a digital artist open for commission! I like drawing people in soft, kinda watercolor-like style and children's books vibe.
>> MY PORTFOLIO << (YCH commissions)
What I can draw for you:
Character art according to the reference image(s) you provided.
SFW art only. All private parts should be covered.
I mostly draw humanoid characters and don't have much experience drawing anthro, but you can give it a shot.
Multiple characters and couples (the price indicated is for one character, total = price x character number).
Additional fee:
Animated art: I can make the character blink, give you a smile or add movement to a small body part (fingers, animal ears etc)/surroundings
Highly detailed: the character design is very complicated and will take more time to draw; think Genshin Impact characters, as an example
Background: as proxy, just add some blurry colours, gradients or patterns, but this option is for those who want background art (please note that highly detailed environment art is out of my skillset, the background will be simpler/less detailed than the character(s))
The fee will be calculated based on the difficulty of the work. It can cost up to $50 for each option.
Urgent commission: if you need the piece to be finished fast or before a particular date, please tell me that, and I'll see if I can do that. It is possible, but not always a requirement, that I'll ask for an additional payment, if your deadline will require me to make significant changes to my schedule.
How I work:
I'll start working on your piece after I receive the full payment. (Payment process is described, again, here)
I will show you a rough sketch first and wait for your confirmation of the pose and composition. Then the flat-colored lineart or sketch, and wait for you to check if I got the character design right. After that, you'll receive the finished artwork. There'll be additional steps in case your commission includes animation or background. Corrections to what you've already confirmed, as in, changing the pose after I've sent you the lineart, will only be made for additional fee.
I will try to provide you with a decent estimation of when I'll finish your commission based on my schedule and the difficulty of the work, but generally, it will take 2 weeks/14 days ~ 3 month/90 days.
If, for some reason, I am unavailable to deliver your commission, you'll be provided with full refund regardless of whether I started working on the piece or not. Also feel free to ask for a refund yourself if you haven't received your piece in 90 days after you made the payment. However, in any other situation, trying to get refunded through the service after I started working on your piece without trying to contact me will get you blacklisted.
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frankhightower · 1 year
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Commission Prices 2023 (and FAQ)
I'm open for commissions! I'm only taking full body sketches at this time. I intend to revise my prices annually.
So now I can make you draw anything I want? Not exactly. There's several things I won't draw under any circumstances (mainly: genitals, nipples, death or gore; I'll go into more detail later. If you're unsure, please ask!) What does “price per character prop, or background element” mean? It means each character in the piece costs that amount. Two characters costs twice as much, but a character with an object also costs that much (thus Microfan with his flag costs the same as two people hugging or indeed a guy sitting under a tree). Whether a prop counts or not depends on if it’s an indispensable part of the outfit (for instance, Copper’s pocket watch is part of his conductor uniform, but his clipboard is not). This also means you can request one character in color and the other in black and white or indeed the prop in color and the character in black and white. What counts as a background element? It’ll be judged on a case-by-case basis. For instance, the locomotive and its tender count as a single element, with the boxcar counting as a second element; however a multiple-unit train such as the Acela Express would count as a single element. Why do some things cost the same as others? Price is based on effort – that is, how hard and time consuming it is for me – and I consider the two equally-priced things to require about the same effort. This may change in the future, but I promise to always have something available for $5. Then why does lineless cost more if you literally do less? Because, when coloring, the thickness of the line allows me a certain margin of error that disappears when we go lineless. Why do you only offer lineless with color and shading? I don’t think lineless looks good in black and white or with flat colors, so I don’t do ’em. Why do you call them sketches if you color and shade them? Because I’m doing these entirely freehanded: minimal use of guidelines, references and revisions. Wait, there’s no revisions?! What if I don’t like something?! There’s revisions, they’re just limited in scope. For instance, I originally drew Ty as gray fox, not a silver fox (i.e. no white tailtip), despite having references telling me otherwise; I assumed responsibility for the error and corrected the drawing. However, corrections of the type “Ian’s shovel looks crooked, do it again” I will not do because those kind of “errors” are intrinsic to the freehanded nature of the sketch (I may attempt to digitally scale the shovel to make it look less crooked, but I won’t redraw it). What if I want you to do those things? Then it wouldn’t be a sketch; you’ll have to wait until I can do commissions that aren’t sketch quality, which will happen when I feel I have the time available from my dayjob and family life. What if I don’t want a full body? What if I only want a headshot? I don’t do just headshots because I always end up putting effort into the parts that don’t get drawn (i.e. I inevitably think about and plan out what the shoulders and arms should be doing and don’t like that time going to waste). You are free to crop the picture after the fact if you want to focus on just the head, though. And besides, my prices are pretty low already. Why the complexity charge? Why is texture harder than extra limbs? I’ve discovered that the mental effort of swapping to a different texture adds a lot of time to the artistic process. If you have, say, a bird and a lion, you only need to swap once when you finish one character and start the next, but if you’re doing a griffin, you need to be doing that constantly. Extra limbs don’t create this problem for me; I instinctively understand they’re as much part of the character as the tail is. I have a character with both fur and feathers but I can’t afford the complexity charge I’ll be more than happy to draw them with just fur or just feathers all over. Do bat wings on a [insert mammal here] count as a different texture? No, bat wings have fur. Do bat wings on a scaley dragon count as a different texture? No, because I draw them covered in scales like the rest of the dragon unless otherwise specified. How does the “no reference” option work? I’ll ask you for a detailed description of your character and probably some clarification questions. Can I give you an AI-generated image as a reference? Oh God, please no! I'd much rather you give me the "prompt" text and work from there! I’ve never heard of an artist working without references before I do it because I’ve been there. All-too often, I need art of a character, but don’t have the time or money to make reference (and indeed, half the reason I buy art from other artists is because I’m too busy to do it myself). Can I just get a refsheet? Not as a sketch, no. A refsheet cannot contain freehanding errors. Please wait until I open commissions for refsheets (which I will do eventually). Can I use the resulting sketch to get a refsheet from another artist? Yes, that’s part of the reason I do it. Can I get a black-and-white sketch from you and then color it myself like a coloring book page? Yes! That’s also part of the reason I do it. In fact, it’s what inspired the “black and white shaded” options. Can I put it on a background to make it look like my ’sona was there? Yes, that is why I always deliver with transparent background when possible. Can I print it and hang it on my wall? Yes, once delivered, you can do whatever you want with it. Whatever I want? So I can post it online? Of course. I do ask that you link back to me for that, though. This sounds too good to be true Well, I’m still learning. I charge cheaply not only to remain accessible, but because I never went to art school nor paid for art classes (my only formal art training was the mandatory art class in middle school). I feel like the difference between what I charge and what I “should” charge is what I should pay for the art class that teaches me what I’ll learn by drawing the piece (i.e. I don’t expect it to be perfect so I don’t charge it as such) and besides, since this is something I do in my “free” time, I know I probably won’t deliver it as quickly as I should. Do you have a sample? Please refer to the full version for each of the "strips", and try to imagine that "but better"
Black-and-white version ($5/char)
Flat color version ($20/char)
Gradient-shaded version ($25/char)
Lineless Gradient-shaded version ($30/char)
Cell-shaded version ($40/char)
Lineless Cell-shaded version ($45/char)
Who are the characters in this picture? This picture features, from left to right (as identified by their FA username)
Microfan the tiger as the black-and-white Flagman waiting for his cue from the stationmaster
Morticia981 the pig as the flat-colored Station Hand loading water into the boiler
CopperM the black-and-white-shaded ferret as the Stationmaster checking his pocket watch
IantheGecko (gecko) as the gradient-shaded Fireman shoveling coal
Angel the wolf as the lineless Porter guiding the special passenger
HollieHyena (hyena) as the cell-shaded Yard Worker watching from the roof of macro car #17 waiting for her cue to close the door
TyVulpine, the silver fox taur in all the other styles, as the Special Passenger requiring macro-sized accommodation
Can I share this on other socials? Yes, please. I'll have the links to this pricesheet elsewhere, here Yes, please. here are the links to this pricesheet:
Deviant Art
Fur Affinity
Posted using PostyBirb
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mysandwichranaway · 2 years
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more hxh sketches :) everyone please ignore leorio's hair, i'm still trying to figure out how the fuck to draw it. Also another gon with a cat for the two people who encouraged me to draw more 💕❤ and also gon with a bunny, as a treat.
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Miraculous Ladybug - Instalment 1 - Costume Change
Am I the only one that doesn't like Ladybug's costume? She's what? Thirteen? Fourteen? Fifteen? And she's perfectly fine wearing the costume that looks like it was stitched onto her skin? I would have quit then and there if that was supposed to be my superhero costume. I think a young teenager like Marinette should have had a problem with wearing the magic spandex suit to fight superpowered villains with.
Marinette deserves a kickass suit and a kickass personality as Ladybug. Also, a better hero name. Most definitely a better hero name. She was put on the spot and most unprepared for what was happening, as well as terrified that she would get the new girl in her class hurt if she wasn't careful because the idiot couldn't just follow orders from the superhero.
Marinette is going to be kickass in any Miraculous Ladybug Fanfiction I write, because I believe that she could be so much more and I hate how badly I was robbed of her potential.
Don't tell me that all the past users had to wear that suit, because there's no way that would have been an acceptable costume back in the Victorian Era.
The past users had different costumes. If you disagree, then you can meet me over the Pit.
Marinette felt her heart sink into her stomach as she stared at herself in the mirror. Oh god, she wasn't wearing clothes. That wasn't clothes, that couldn't possibly be clothes.
Her skin was red with black spots. She wasn't fighting crime in this. She was fourteen, in no way old enough to wear this bullshit.
She was under no circumstances leaving this room dressed like this. The giant monster had better not make too much damage before she sorts this out.
This was not - in any way, shape, or form - acceptable for a young teenager like herself to wear.
Nah, nope, na da, no way, sorry, certainly not, by no means, not likely, no thanks, unfortunately not, not possible, afraid she can't, rather not, not now, not this time, pass, not interested.
Not this lifetime, Satan.
"Tikki, spots off." She managed to say, sitting down and pulling on her jacket to hide her chest. "I'm not leaving my room wearing that. That wasn't clothes, that's was my skin."
Marinette distantly noticed that her head was starting to feel light as black spots started spawning in her vision.
"Marinette, you need to breathe! We can change the design! That was just the under-suit! We can change the design! Deep breaths, Marinette. In... out... in... out." Tikki rushed to reassure her new chosen.
She sat Marinette down and started explaining everything in as much depth as she could, as quickly as she could, with it still making sense. Marinette nodded, relieved she wouldn't have to wear that again.
Ladybugs are poisonous. Tikki reminded her as they sketched out everything the suit would need.
From clothes, to different pockets, to weapons and supplies. They pushed the boundaries of magic to the limit, Tikki proud of her new bug's creativity.
"What should I be called?" Marinette paused, worried.
"It's entirely up to you, Marinette." Tikki said, hovering in front of Marinette's face after finishing observing the sketches.
"It's your power making this possible, Tikki." She paused, confused. "You should have a say in what we're going to be known as... is there a way for us to stay in contact whilst I'm transformed, or is that a Shelf Thought?"
"Shelf Thought. Please choose a name that sounds deadly, but also relates to ladybugs somehow." Tikki decided. "I promise I'll explain everything better once the akuma is taken care of. The instructions should have something to help if you need more help mid-battle."
"E34234?" Marinette offered, mulling it over. "It's the color pigment originally made of a powdered mineral cinnabar, which is poisonous."
"It's perfect! You're going to do great, Marinette!" The Kwami said, looking determined. "Show them all who's boss."
"Tikki, Spots on."
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eruden-writes · 1 year
Scent Match - Part 8 PREVIEW
lycan x human celebrity x non-celebrity contemporary fantasy
Summary: When Amber Dyer decided to attend a Creator Con, she never expected to run into Of Wolf and Blood lycan heartthrob, Augustine Prime.
But, there he was, stooping over her table, asking to buy the unflattering drawing of his character. Valuing integrity over taking money from a celebrity and running (though she was sorely tempted,) Amber finishes the sketch and delivers it to Augustine.
However, he continues to doggedly pursue her and entwine their lives.
All because of her scent.
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Read the full Part 8 now on my Patreon!
🎥 Part 1 🎥 Master List 🎥 Part 7 🎥
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Quietly, the two headed to Augustine’s bedroom. Amber noted he hadn’t even bothered to turn off any lights, but that could have been excitement making him careless. If he even wanted her, she thought. Glancing sidelong at the man, he seemed rather calm. As if this occurrence wasn’t actually some long desired outcome.
In reality, elated prickles danced along his back and through his skin. It was only thanks to years of acting that Augustine didn’t grab Amber and drag her back into the bedroom. He actively fought his imagination as other images of tossing her directly onto his bed, climbing over her, letting his mouth taste her threatened to break his cool exterior.
As they made it into his room, Augustine barely kept from looking back at Amber, to see how her watchful eyes took in the area as he turned on the light. The elegant navy blue and heather grey decor wasn’t really his own taste. It was meant to be pleasing and lush, while equally being easy to clean between guests. 
The colorations were the last thing on Amber’s mind, however. No amount of preparation could have steeled her against a hotel bedroom. It was so surreal. Another full wall of windows that led to another balcony. Curtains open, overlooking the city skyline and the streets below as the night sky spilled overhead. As she walked further in, her shoes sunk into the soft carpet. Thicker than even what she had at home. 
Her eyes gleaned over the bed, noting its size, but anxiety had her turning her attention elsewhere. A full-sized dresser with a large mirror sat near a plump cushy chair. With doors cracked open, Amber also noticed a walk-in closet and an en suite bathroom. There was evidence of Augustine’s stay, as well. Previously worn clothes, a pile of business cards on the bedside table, a book beneath the lamp, an empty soda bottle. Not exactly a mess, but certainly not pristine. 
“Should I add a little zhuzh to the show?” Augustine winked as Amber turned a curious look to him. She realized she hadn't even noticed his clothing earlier. Augustine had already slid off his suit jacket, draping it atop the dresser, leaving his button-up and trousers on. for the moment. His hands were poised at the neck of his shirt, fingering the buttons teasingly. 
Briefly, Amber Wondered exactly how he thought to zhuzh up his strip show. Probably with theatrics and gyration.
“Only if you want me laughing the entire time.” At Augustine’s curious sound, Amber elaborated with a helpless shrug, “I’ve had partners in the past try to sexily strip for me. It just makes me giggle. I don't know.” 
“Well, thank you for telling me and saving my ego.” Augustine chuckled and gave a nod as he pulled his shirt up and over his head. Like the jacket, he laid it atop the dresser and kicked off his shoes and socks. All the while, he felt Amber’s eyes watching him, waiting for the last articles of clothing to drop. He could antagonize her a little, he knew. If he waited to divest himself of his trousers, he could force her to ask or initiate the last bit of stripping. 
“Don’t make me regret being nice," she mumbled, shooting him a warning look while trying not to stare as he disrobed. But it was hard not to. The contours  and planes of his body drew the eye, making Amber think of all those masterfully chiseled statues in art museums. Her hand raised, but stopped short of touching him. “So, I should just touch you?” 
“Yep, however and wherever you want. I’m pretty sturdy.” He thumped himself on his bare chest in demonstration. “Just, with you touching me, some things might, ah, rise to attention. Y’know?”
Amber raised a hand again, but it paused as she tilted her gaze back to his face. “Are you seriously okay with this?”
“Most definitely. I want you to want to marry me, so anything that’ll ease your worries is something I want to do.” Augustine gave a nod, exemplifying his own agreement to the circumstances. When his nodding paused, his expression turned curious. “Although, I’m kinda surprised you jumped to this instead of dates.” 
Amber remained silent. She didn’t actually believe he’d want to go on any dates, if she was being honest. Amber was still fairly certain once the weekend was over, that was it. Sure, Augustine had given her his contact information and she’d even spoken to his manager, but once they were apart, that was it. It would be so easy for him to pretend it never happened. 
“You can still back out of this at any time, Mr. Prime,” she answered softly as she reached out and brushed her palm gingerly down his chest.
His body heat bled from him, through Amber’s hand, and up her arm. From the edge of her vision, she watched Augustine tense and saw how his gaze intensely followed her hand as it skimmed down his torso. Absentminded, her fingers followed the edge of his chest hair, down over his abdomen. “And I know so many people would jump at the chance to marry you. Hell, so many would jump at getting you into bed.” 
Before Augustine could ask her where she was going, Amber finished softly, “So I just… I don’t know why I have so much trouble with the thought.” 
“What?” He still couldn’t follow her words or reasoning. Especially with her fingers touching him so lightly. Part of him wanted to grasp her by the wrist and press her palm flush to his chest, just to feel more of her. “Other people can just jump into bed with strangers without thinking about it. It’s so easy for them. I guess I’m kinda using this as an opportunity to figure out what's-" Wrong with me. "-different about me."
☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
Read the full Part 8 now on my Patreon!
🎥 Part 1 🎥 Master List 🎥 Part 7 🎥
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bestiesenpai · 4 years
tattoo artist sukuna
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I am way overdo to get my sleeve finished and I’m already itching to get a full back piece, so this is right up my alley. Gender neutral reader, and if you’d like to see the tattoo style i reference please go to @/novchild.jpg on instagram :)
It was a spur of the moment decision that led you to drive downtown with your friends at nearly midnight, drunk off each other's energy and eager to do something reckless. Speeding down the motorway, you scrolled through Instagram in search of a tattoo artist.
“Are you guys sure about this?” Your nerves had finally caught up to you as the car was parked in front of the studio you all chose. It was a typical brick and mortar building with a large skull painted on the only window to the outside world. There were a few bald men smoking cigarettes right outside the door, scrawling ink covering their exposed hands and faces.
“Yeah, c’mon!” No one waited for you, everyone climbing out of the car in excitement. Slowly, you got out of the car as well, head down as you walked past the men and into the shop.
Loud, blaring metal music met your ears, jarring you upright and tense. There wasn’t anyone you could see at the front desk, the only workers were huddled in a back corner leaning over something and laughing.
“Which one should I get?” Your attention was drawn away from the men in the corner and to the art hanging on the wall, all different flash sheets from various artists. Some were more gory, clearly drawing inspiration from horror movies while other pieces were bright and colorful, like bubblegum pop come to life.
“Hey.” A gruff voice cut through the loud music, and a man was now leaning against the front desk, spiky black hair in a ponytail with a bored look on his face and several piercings in both ears. He was clearly sizing you up, the black bar going across his nose moving as he did.
Unprepared to speak to him, you were happy when someone else stepped in and started chatting about prices. The man at the counter had on a hoodie with the sleeves rolled up, exposing one full arm and hand that was completely blacked out.
“Choso, any customers?” Another shouted, a man wide in stature with long hair. He sauntered up to the counter, tight black t-shirt showing off the traditional Japanese work covering every inch of skin.
“Getou, can’t you see?” Choso rolled his eyes and gestured to your little group.
“I can’t make conversation?” Pulling a face at Choso, Getou leaned his elbows on the counter and flashed a wide grin at all of you. “So, who’s the first to get some ink?” His narrowed eyes looked over your bare skin and you could see the wheels turning in his head.
“I am! I want that one!” One of your friends pointed at the wall, making Getou hum and nod.
“That’s Gojo’s work, he loves to draw the cute shit. I’ll call him over.” As a white haired man walked over at Geto’s call, one by one your friends made their decisions and were paired with artists.
“What did you choose, (Y/N)?” A friend asked, seeing you still stuck staring at the wall.
“I don’t know!” Throwing your head back, you were beginning to regret even tagging along. There were simply too many options and the task of picking something was daunting.
“Having a hard time choosing?” A flash of white crosses your vision and soon Gojo is leaning down into your field of vision, piercing blue eyes staring at you curiously.
“U-uh yeah.” Stumbling back from how close his face is, you realize how tall he is when he stands up straight, hands shoved into his pockets.
“Me and another guy just got done making a new flash sheet, lemme show you.” It takes him only a couple seconds to go back to his station and come back with a piece of thick paper with drawings on it.
Taking the paper, the drawings were unexpectedly cute. A lot of them looked like rough sketches or crayon drawings, simple in concept but intricate in detail.
“I’ll take this one.” Pointing at a mid-sized crayon drawing, your mouth ticked up in a smile as Gojo took the paper from you with sparkling eyes.
“That one is so cute, good choice! One sec!” Tossing the paper down, he dashes away shouting nonsensical words towards the back of the shop where they’d all been huddled up. “Sukuna! Someones here for ya!”
Rising straight up from a chair with a loud groan, a shirtless pink haired man glared sharply at Gojo. Even from a distance you can see the sharp black lines tattooed across his face and down his body, circles on each shoulder, dashed lines across his chest down his stomach and around his wrists as well.
“Geez you can really yell, you know that?” Running a hand through his hair roughly, Sukuna stands up, flexing his muscles and unknowingly giving the whole shop a show of his chiseled physique.
“There’s a client here to get a piece we made together earlier.” Shoving the paper in his face, Gojo points to the piece you selected. Sukuna mumbles a few words and sets his eyes on you, walking over with a swagger that makes you nervous.
“Alright, where do you want it?” Leaning close to you, Sukuna quirks a brow.
“I don’t know.” You sigh softly, looking down at your arms and legs. “I don’t-”
“Your arm, right here.” Grabbing onto your arm, Sukuna turns it outward to expose the flesh of your inner arm. “It would look good right here, about the size of my palm.”
“O-oh okay.” Nodding quickly, your face is burning when he lets go. His touch still lingered on your skin, the edge of his black painted fingernails digging in briefly as they squeezed you.
“I’ll be ready in ten minutes, go sign the paperwork.” Sukuna speaks with his back to you, already walking to the station he had been sleeping at and setting up. Rushing to fill in the proper papers, you wait nervously at the front of the shop for your turn.
The rest of your friends are already getting started, the whir of the tattoo machines adding to the ambience of the shop. With a wave Sukuna calls you over to his corner, still shirtless with a pair of gloves on.
“Hold out your arm.” Grabbing you once again, Sukuna angles your arm in front of a mirror by the table. Rubbing ointment on your skin, he sticks the stencil on and rubs firmly, making you squirm from the tickle of his hand getting close to your armpit.
“What do you think?” Stepping to the side, he looks at you in the mirror. “Little to the left? Right?”
“No, it’s perfect.” The longer you look at it, the longer you love it. Giving you a pat on the shoulder, Sukuna led you to the table, having you lay down and stick your arm out.
“This your first one, I can tell.” He said, adjusting your body how he seemed fit and rubbing more ointment on you.
“It’s that obvious?”
“Oh yeah, only a first timer would get something like this from me.” A cocky grin spread across his face and he gestured to the wall behind your head, covered in realistic black and white portraits. “This is normally my speciality.”
“You drew yourself?” Pointing up at one of the pictures that looked exactly like him minus the face tattoos, you chuckled.
“Nah, that’s my twin.” Your brows rose in surprise and you looked between Sukuna and the picture.
“Does he have-?” You waved over your face and body.
“He’s too scared to get a tattoo, says he’ll get ink poisoning and die.” Sukuna laughed, pouring out the various colored ink into little cups. “Won’t even let me do a tiny dot on him!”
“Safe to say you two are pretty different then.” You found yourself laughing a little as well, eased at Sukunas laid back nature.
“Mhmm, he’s busy going on the straight and narrow while I’m here ‘ruining my body’ as our grandpa likes to say.” Flashing quick air quotes, Sukuna revs up the machine and fiddles with the buttons. “Alright, you ready for this? Won’t have virgin skin anymore after this.”
“Yes!” Clenching and unclenching your fist, you pushed a deep breath through your mouth.
“If you start to cry, I won’t stop. And if you pass out, I’ll just wake you up.” That was his final warning before he leaned forward, using one large gloved hand to spread the skin of your arm taut.
The first prick of the needle against your skin made you jolt, sucking in a sharp breath and making your eyes fly open. Sukuna snorted, wiped your arm with a towel and kept going. Honing in on the marks and exposed pipes in the ceiling, you tried not to twitch from the needle anymore.
“You’re doing pretty well.” Sukuna mumbled, briefly sitting up and dipping in for more ink.
“Really?” Taking a look at the tattoo, you were surprised to see only one line had been done. It felt like at least three were placed into you.
“Yeah, don’t screw it up.” Sticking his tongue out at you, Sukuna went back to work. Transfixed on watching him, you saw the lines go into your skin, overflowing with ink and being wiped away repeatedly. You were also watching the way Sukuna’s arms flexed, the muscles in his body all on display right in front of you.
“Tell me about yourself while you stare at me.” Sukuna said, not looking up from your arm. Immediately, your head whipped away from him and a deep burn ran over your face. Sukuna laughed at your embarrassment, patting your arm with the paper towel a few times.
“It’s okay, you’re not the first one to do it.” That didn’t make it any better. Slapping a hand over your face, you let out an unintelligible noise from the back of your throat.
“Just great.”
“It’s okay to say you have a crush on me, a lot of people that come to the shop do.”
“Sukuna!” Laughing through the shame, you glanced over at him.
“Hey, it’s the truth.” He shrugged nonchalantly.
“Well can you blame them when you’re built like that?” Feeling emboldened by the late night hour, you took a rather obvious look at Sukuna’s body. With only a pair of sweatpants on, you could see nearly all the tattoos he had.
“Aw thanks doll, I work out.” Sukuna shot a wink at you, briefly flexing both arms and making you blush again. “But enough about me, what about you? What made you come here so late at night?”
“My friends and I wanted to do something spontaneous.” Returning your gaze to the ceiling, the ache from the tattoo gun was beginning to settle into your skin. “And what better way to be spontaneous than to get a tattoo?”
“Ha, I hear that.”
“Why’d you get the ones on your face and stuff?”
“Thought they’d make me look cool, and I was right.” Giggling at his honesty, you quickly nodded in agreement.
“The ones on your face, did they hurt really bad?”
“The ones near my eyes yeah, those hurt the most. But thankfully Choso has a steady hand, so it didn’t last too long.”
Absentmindedly, you ran your fingers over your own face, drawing along the edge of your jaw and eye socket. There was no way you could get your face tattooed as heavily as Sukuna had, if at all ever. You had only just now gotten used to the pain of the needle on your arm and you were still twitching every so often.
“How’re you holding up so far?” Sukuna whispers close to your ear ten quiet minutes later. He’s completely focused on tattooing you yet his face is close enough that if you leaned up a little, you could graze his hair with your nose.
“Fine.” You whisper back, suddenly feeling awkward with the low tone of his voice.
“That’s good doll, real good.” His voice dropped even lower, overcompensating for the song ending over the stereo speakers. Trying not to stare at his serious expression, you look over at the other stations. Gojo is chatting up your friend excitedly, and there’s a number of colorful inks laid out before him. Choso and Geto are hard at work as well, with Choso pointedly not speaking, and a blonde man you’d noticed drinking a large mug of black coffee earlier with his button up sleeve rolled up to reveal two dragons on his forearms.
Just as the pain in your arm was starting to truly burn, the tattoo was over. Sukuna washed it down gently, patting your arm and humming to the song playing. Sitting up with a short grunt, he flicked his head to the mirror.
“Go ahead and take a look.”
Sliding slowly off the table, you held your arm out awkwardly and stood in front of the mirror. Your arm was slightly swollen and stinging, shoulder stiff from being in the same position for so long, but a smile spread on your cheeks.
“I love it.” It looked exactly like the picture: a crayon style drawing of a brown haired girl in a giant green frog, a big pout on her lips while the frog sat on a lily pad.
“Lemme snap a couple quick photos before I wrap you up.” Already with his phone out, Sukuna was quick at taking pictures, posing you like when he’d put the stencil on. “I’ll run down the aftercare stuff with you, also give you a card in case you forget any of it.”
You didn’t hear a thing he said about aftercare. Standing nearly chest to chest with Sukuna while he rubbed ointment on your skin and wrapped your tattoo up, the way his arms nearly wrapped around you to put the cover on, the gentle touch of his fingers pressing medical tape to your skin, even the way he was breathing softly and looking at you - it all had you distracted.
“Alright, you’re all done.” Sukuna patted your arm, breaking you from your trance.
“Thank you so much!” Looking down at your tightly bandaged arm, you could feel the intense heat radiating out of it. You quickly snapped your own picture of the bandage as Sukuna dug around in a drawer.
“And since I could tell you were zoning the fuck out just now, I wrote my number down on the aftercare sheet, so text me if you have any questions.” Holding the paper out to you, Sukuna had indeed scribbled his phone number on the paper in thick black marker.
“Can I really just text you?” Taking the paper hesitantly, you fiddled with it in your hands.
“Of course! I want your tattoo to heal well!” Sukuna nodded, throwing his arms out dramatically. Waiting for you to gather your stuff, he walked you to the front of the shop. “Text me anytime doll, I stay up late.” He whispered right before you got to the front counter, making your jaw drop and ears burn.
“(Y/N), you really got a girl in a frog?” A friend laughed, a bandage wrapped around their thigh.
“It’s cute!” You defended it, holding your arm close to your body.
“The cutest fucking one.” Sukuna added on, slapping the counter and pointing at everyone.
“Aren’t you cold without a shirt on?” Choso mumbled, typing away on his phone in the corner.
“No ‘cause I’m not anemic like you are.”
“It’s still cold outside.”
“Doesn’t mean it’s cold in here!” The two of them quickly devolved into petty squabble, giving each other light hearted shoves in the shoulder while Geto collected the money from everyone.
“Bye, thank you so much!” You all called out as you left, waving goodbye and shrugging your jackets back on.
“I’ll be waiting for that text, doll!” Sukuna shouted right as you stepped out, blowing you a kiss when you whipped your head over your shoulder in shock.
“Text? Were you flirting with him?” A slew of curious looks were thrown your way, making your shock even worse.
“N-no!” You stuttered and immediately grimaced at it, face getting warmer as you climbed into the car. “We were just talking while he tattooed me, he just wants to make sure it heals right.”
“Mhmm, whatever you say. Let’s go to the drive through now, Geto told me to eat something after getting tattooed!”
“Hey check Sukuna’s Instagram story, he already posted your tattoo (Y/N)!”
“Really?” Rushing to pull out your phone, it was indeed true. Sukuna had posted one of the pictures he took of your arm, a few silly frog gifs surrounding it, with the caption ‘painted a pretty doll with a pretty frog, hope they come back for more xx’.
“You two were definitely flirting!” Shouts resounded in the car, everyone giggling wildly at the caption. Giggling along with them, you quickly typed a message to Sukuna.
(Y/N): hey Sukuna this is (Y/N). Thanks again for the frog! And the picture you posted on your story looks really good :)
(Sukuna): no problem doll
(Sukuna): next time you want a tattoo, text me and i’ll draw up whatever you want
“Sukuna said he wanted to tattoo me again!” You announced to your friends, all of them oohing and crowding around your phone. “What should I say?”
“I’ll do it!” Someone snatched your phone before you could say anything, rapidly shooting off a message and tossing the device back to you.
(Y/N): are you free tomorrow?
“He’s not gonna-” Right as you were beginning to shake your head and type another message, he replied.
(Sukuna): for you? of course
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ronoken · 3 years
Commission Art Request
I have a finished* complete really-real first draft for a book. It’s a YA book. It has superheroes. Mostly girls. It’s fun. Lotta action. Lotta character interaction. A love triangle. Questionable levels of plagiarism from my fanfictions. The standard author stuff.
I’m toying with the idea of adding illustrations to the book. Black and white stuff, because color is expensive to publish and might limit release options. I realize this is not the finished product and things are, of course, subject to change. However, I want to know how this would feel with illustrations. So with that in mind, I’m willing to pay for some test illustrations based on the current draft. I will happily discuss what is considered fair by the artist for the work requested and as long as we are both in agreement on scope of work, time involved, medium, and amount of requested work, I will provide a written commitment and an upfront payment (or a half now/half on delivery if that’s where you’re more morally comfortable).
If you have examples online you can point me towards so I know what your style is like, I’d be obliged. It would help me to get a feel for your style and if it’s a good fit. To be clear, I don’t want any free samples on this project and I will not ask for them. I’m content to look at work you’ve already produced to get a baseline for your style. If I do ask for a test sketch, I’ll pay for it.
Some questions you may have in advance:
How many drawings are you looking for?
Ideally, I’d like to do one a chapter, but, like, this book has a lot of micro chapters, so that’s probably not feasible. Let’s set a baseline of 10 and feel out if that’s too much or totally doable. I reserve the right to request more if everyone is cool with it.
To confirm, black and white?
Yes. Right now, I’m looking for interior illustrations only, so black and white. I may request a color illustration down the line as a separate commission for the front/back cover, but that is not official at this time.
How much do you pay?
Well, how much do you charge? Also, what do I get for what amount? I imagine you probably have different rates relating to time involved, work, revisions, etc. You’re the artist. I don’t tell a restaurant how much a burger should be. All I ask is that we clearly lay out the cost for initial work and how much edits/requested changes/revisions would run.
When do you need this by?
Eh. Soon? I’m on draft one right now. From experience, I’ve got a good couple of months bare minimum before this is ready for paying customers. Right now it’s, um… It’s rough. We’ve got time.
What specifically do you need drawn?
I have some scenes I think would look cool, but I would provide you with a copy of the draft to read over so you can get a feel for characters, scenes, etc. I’d then want to compare notes on what scenes would be best to sketch.
Will I get credit?
Hell yes you will. Look, this is exposure. I’ve sold tens of tens of books, people. I’ve made thousands of pennies. THOUSANDS. Your work could be seen by as many as ten people. Maybe more.
In all seriousness, I will credit you as the illustrator on this project when it goes to print. And you get money. This is a job and you should be paid.
What am I drawing, exactly?
Realistic teenage girls with weapons and neat costumes doing cool things with said weapons. Also, realistic teenagers doing teenager things. No pinups- this isn’t that kind of story. Skill with drawing vehicles being destroyed and robots shooting things all pew-pew style is a plus. Can you draw a cowboy hat? What about archery stuff? Are you comfortable drawing a moped? Ghosts?
This draft is admittedly all over the place.
Tell me what I didn’t ask for. This is the first time I’ve put out a request like this and I’m really curious about how it goes.
Also, please feel free to share this. Once I’ve landed on someone and everything is settled, I’ll close out this post.
Thanks, everyone.
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yostresswritinggirl · 4 years
Hello, may I request for Albedo hcs for an s/o who is inattentive? For example, the reader has difficulty reading long sentences or paying attention for a short time span, and ends up zoning out a lot? (If you're comfortable with this request of course, since it comes from me having inattentive adhd, or if you aren't too busy...) (But other than that please take care of yourself (. ❛ ᴗ ❛.)) Thank you ( ╹▽╹ )
Somehow these requests are pulling out my Psychology teachings ahahha- this is honestly such a nice prompt cuz I miss my college roomie, I love her so much and she has adhd. I might be projecting but I'll be using her techniques in this too! This was so cute and fun to work on awwwwwwwwww thank you anon!
The Curious Case of S/O
Albedo with a Reader that has a hard time focusing
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I saw someone hc Albedo as an autistic character and I actually agree with it, so some of that aspect will seep in to this answer eheh-
When it comes to things Albedo is passionate about, he keeps himself grounded and focused on it for an unhealthy period
So when Albedo found out about your curious case, safe to say he was intrigued too, and sometimes frustrated
You’re all over the place and it kind of irks him when you can’t stay put and just- keep moving to different stuff?
But Albedo knew this before you got together and he took it upon himself to make sure you’re taken care of whenever such episodes happen, he’s your lover and a genius, he can and will find a way
Reading: Albedo loves reading literature and will offer to read out the text for you if you get frustrated enough over it. He may not have all the time in the world, but if it’s important that you understand this text he will make sure you do so
His voice is really nice and calming, but sometimes- you get so lost in them that you ended up just focusing on his voice instead of uhhh paying attention to what he was saying
big sigh
If that approach doesn’t work then he’s got another trick up his sleeves!
Doodles, sketches, all that cute artistic stuff!
There’s a chance you already do this but he’s gonna make this 95% more effective!
When taking notes for big texts, he’s gonna draw little doodles to the side so you can get a good grasp of what it means just by looking over it.
If the text is especially long, he’ll give it a quick once over, and then rewrite it just to highlight the most important parts you need to remember
He’ll take it up a notch and use different colored pens to write over it so you would know what you need to read without going through the whole chapter
If he wills it, Albedo would find himself incorporating such techniques on his notes as well and he’ll just chuckle at his antics (smiling every time he remembers you through his lil notes)
Being inattentive also makes it so you forget or not take note of important stuff
Chief Alchemist also has a good remedy for this!
Given, this was established after numerous trials and errors of finding the best route
F I N G E R  R I N G  B A N D S
This boyo had this genius enlightenment of an idea one day and prepared the necessary materials
Ngl you actually thought he was gonna propose when he offered that golden ring, you were about to cry
until you see him bring out ten more rings, multi-colored
w h a t
And so he explains as he grasps your non-dominant hand:
“Your thumb represents the early morning, from when you wake up after the sun.
Your index finger signifies the period of 12PM, the moments the busy-ness starts, never forget to eat lunch always, darling.
Your middle finger is the longest and busiest hour, the middle of the afternoon where the sun is high up in the sky. You’ll find yourself running around a lot during this period, and I won’t always be there to remind you.
Your ring finger,” he pauses to give it a gentle kiss, “someday. But anyways, this is the period when the darkness starts to devour the sky in place of the sun. You should be cleaning up and finishing all other tasks at this period.
And finally your pinky finger, almost at the dead hours of the night, god knows what you’ll be doing at this time when you should be ready for rest. I don’t want to see a lot or any rings here, for you should be in my arms by this time.”
After that heart-warming, proposal-like dialogue, he’ll offer the rings and explain as best he can
The red ring represents deadlines; blue stands for commissions; white is for meet-ups; pink is for self-care or routines
He holds up the gold rings with a soft smile, placing one in each finger as he explains, “This one stands for me. Make sure that on every finger I am there, to remind you that I wish to know how you are, to accompany me so that I can remind you that I love you every day of the year.”
If you’re still alive after this, good for you
OTherwise I’m dead, this man is so cheesy and hnghhh-
After all that, Albedo wakes up with you and helps you organize your rings for the day <3
It looks nice and glamorous on your hand, and even if you get distracted by it, you’ll find yourself being reminded of what you need to do
Genuis boyo
But that’s not even 100% of his power
nononono he has another solution and this was something he picked up after spending time with you
His pretty t e a l eyes (just look at that damn banner)
You seem to stop everything when he focuses his eyes on you, eye contact, like you’re grounded or crystallized
Somehow when you see eye-to-eye it gives him enough time to remind you that you’re focusing on the wrong thing, go back to your notes
It’s just- so pretty :((
Works 99% of the time!
The rare 1% it doesn’t work tho, you get this very rare moment: before you can even move away from your task, finding yourself not caring about it again, he’ll just wrap his arms around you from behind. They’re comfortably tight, grounding your feet to the floor as he whines against your hair, scolding you and telling you to finish your stuff first
You couldn’t say no to a cute whiney Albedo
You can’t
//brings out knife// You better not-
Bonus: Albedo likes to focus on the important things, but he’s easily intrigued by curious things too
And with your tendency to lose focus and notice other things, this becomes a chaotic series of events
You’re both silently sitting in his laboratory, him sketching a diagram of his current research
You look up from the papers you were reading as you lose focus and the movement would easily catch Albedo’s attention, ready to move his lips to call you back-
“Oh, is that Crystalfly changing colors out there?”
You’re both rushing to the window where you saw the phenomenon
And then you’re both running out to investigate further <3
All of Mond watches you two’s antics and finds you just to be the cutest couple in existence. Albedo has two Klee’s to take care of, is what it would look like sometimes.
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PS. This is not an Albedo Blog
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sparkling-moonbeam · 3 years
Xiao x Reader (Genshin Impact)                 🍀A Subject🍀
A/N: It’s been a while since I posted something so here’s a Xiao one. Sorry, it took a while but I’ll try me best to write more since vacation is now here. Reader is gender-neutral. Hope you enjoy reading!
Black smokes and a pair of golden eyes. It’s the first thing that caught your eye as you arrived in the rooftop of the Wangshu Inn, a place that the traveler recommended on you as you told them you’re planning to go to Liyue, looking for a subject to sketch. The traveler warned you on the dangers you might encounter, making sure to remind you to call a friend of theirs in times of great danger and when you try to questioned it:
“He knows what to do. He’s an adeptus, a protector of Liyue,” they stated.
“Like a Knight of Favonious?” you questioned.
“You can say that…except the fact he works directly for their archon and really held great responsibility for the duties that the Geo archon laid upon him,” they explained further. “Oh and, please don’t forget to call him in case of danger. His name is-”
You uttered, staring into his golden eyes. You notice the black smokes surrounding him, you don’t know if it’s the effect of the teleportation he used or something else. You also take note of the spear he’s holding, the color same with the tips of his upfront hair. The once peaceful feeling on the terrace suddenly disappearing as the intense tension in the air completely evaporated it.
“How do you know my name?” He questioned, eyes squinting in suspicion. “You don’t seem like a citizen here. State your business.”
You blinked, “I-I’m from Mondstadt, I’m a friend of the traveler that-”
“The traveler, you say?”
As soon as he heard that, his whole demeanor changed. The black smokes slowly disappearing into thin air, clearing the whole tension that build up earlier. His grip on the spear relaxing a bit as he continues to inspect you.
“Did they send you here?”
His eyes remained looking at you carefully, maybe taking notes of your actions and what you might be up to. If not for mentioning the traveler, you might be in great danger now. Thank the Archons, the traveler warned you and lend you their knowledge for this trip.
“Not…exactly.” You answered, smiling slightly as you try to explain your reason. “You see, I came here because I need a new subject-”
“For what?”
“…Sketching an art. The traveler just assisted me on the things I should know before going here. They told me about you and to call you if ever I face something..really dangerous?”
He didn’t move an inch after your explanation. His lips remained in a straight line as he stared at you, processing your words before flipping his spear into the air which quickly disappeared in a blink. The movement making you flinch a little.
“The traveler’s right. In any case that you face something dangerous ahead, call my name. I’ll take care of it.”
He turned his back at you, looking at the view on the terrace as if scrutinizing every place around the inn. You watched as the wind blew, his hair dancing with it as the leaves on the tree fell into the terrace. You gently tiptoed to the side, not really going near him as it might put you in a bad situation. The sun reflecting half of his face add effects on what you were witnessing just right now. His gold eyes looking seriously but also faraway. You notice how the tips of his hair and his eyes seems to glow, you thought it might be because of the shade of the tree and the sun. His pale lips never moving an inch, remaining still like before.
You were too busy taking notes of everything you’re seeing. It’s perfect, way too perfect, in all honestly. The timing, the lighting and him, it’s pretty. A beautiful sight that you’re actually witnessing right now. A smile escaped your lips as you were taken in by the view. Fascinating.
“What are you still doing here?”
You blinked as he took a glance at you. All of your thoughts moving away for a second. Your smile turning into an awkward one as you thought he caught you looking too intensely at him.
“N-Nothing.” You tried to laugh, fixing your gaze into his gold orbs. “I just…really wanted to stay for a while. I mean, the scenery here is breathe taking like really breathe taking.”
He blinked slightly, confusion filling his eyes as he continued to look at you. You’re being weird in his eyes; your actions are too baffling for him. “You should go somewhere. Liyue has more places to offer with breath taking views. Don’t come near me as it might bring you in danger.”
Your head tilted in confusion, looking at him with a blank stare. “I don’t get it.”
“I mean, you told me to call you whenever there’s danger and yet you threat yourself as a danger too. Aren’t you the protector of this city, Liyue?”
He scoffed. “You know there’s different kind of protectors, right?”
“Oh, so you mean like a vigilant or something. You’re like that?” you questioned; your voice fills with curiosity.
“Yes. Now, stay away-”
“But still, you’re just doing your duty right?” You cut him off unexpectedly. “Regardless of how evil or dangerous your actions are in your eyes, at the end of the day, it’s for the safety of the people here.”
He looked away, “You don’t get it, it’s much more complicated than that.”
You smiled, sitting down as you grab your sketching materials from your bag. “Can you explain it to me then?”
He sighed, “It’s something hard to-”
He stopped as soon as he saw you sitting down, a brush and a piece of paper in front of you as you were surrounded by brushes. At first, he was confused at what you were doing then it hits him.
“Are you secretly just keeping me distracted by talking to me?”
You hummed, glancing at him. “Not really, I’m curious too but I won’t pass any opportunity to sketch something…remarkable.”
“You’re wasting your time. Like what I said, there’s a whole lot of places than-”
“Say, can I…interest you into something?”
He looked at you in confusion. His eyes eyeing your brushes and other materials on the floor. You’re cutting his words, usually it was him that always cut someone off. It’s amusing, he thought but you’re being bizarre on your actions as time goes by. It’s not unusual for him to find a really determined and hard-headed mortals and you give off the same aura, except that you’re not begging him to give you wealth or something.
“Hello?” He snapped to reality as he heard your voice. You smiled as his eyes meet yours. “Are you okay?”
He closed his eyes; you should be no exception still. A mere mortal like you can’t get close too much to him or you’ll suffer, sooner and later.
“Get all of your stuff and leave.”
You lean back to the railings of the terrace, a sad smile forming your lips as you sighed. “Don’t I really stand a chance?”
“I told you, no.”
“Even if you’re the subject?”
His eyebrows knitted. “What? Do you really think that would make a difference?”
You chuckled. “Look, I’m trying. I’m not a good persuader like the traveler.”
He sighed, “You’re hopeless.”
A laughter escaped your lips on his remark. He looked at you as you laugh. He was never one for jokes, that meant to be an insult, he thought. Why are you laughing so light-heartedly? He wanted to ask you but you seem like you’re really having your time laughing and for some reason, he don’t want to disturb you. It’s the first time someone laughed at his comment with no any sign of malicious intent or hurt.
“Alright, I’m fine.” You fix yourself, fixing your throat for a second to stop yourself from laughing. “But seriously, don’t you wanted to see yourself in-”
“I’m not interested. A common behaviour of mortals like you was to always look for something priceable. I assumed you’re just going to sell it in high price anyway.”
You gasped in exaggeration, clutching your heart in a jokingly manner as you look at him. “That’s a very harmful stereotype to the people out there!”
“It was a normal act for mortals,” he deadpanned.
You hummed, “I mean, you’re not entirely wrong…”
“Because it’s what they are.”
You looked at the sky, thinking about what he said. “Say, do you have some deep grudge against these mortals?”
“Don’t call them like you’re not a part of them,” he stated.
You pouted. “I’m just asking.”
“Stop asking then.”
A sigh escaped your lips. “I don’t really sell some of my works, I only sell paintings or sketches of sceneries. It’s different when it’s personal.”
“Something that really caught my eye, you know. Like what they said, beauty is in the eye of the beholder. Whenever I see those moments, I keep them or sometimes I gave them to the people I shared the memories with. So…”
You looked at him, a warm smile on your lips. “I’ll give it to you once I’m done.”
He turned to you with a puzzled look, “What benefit is there for you then?”
“Connection with different people.”
“You should get close too much-”
“I know. Just let me sketch you and the scenery, then we’re finished,” you stated.
“Will you keep-”
“It’s a deal. I will keep those words.”
He looked at you intently as he tried to decipher your mind but no matter how he tried to looked at you, his curiosity just eats him more. You’re a weird one, he wanted to tell you but instead he kept it in his mind. He has a feeling you’ll just laugh again anyways.
He looked away. “Fine, just do it quickly.”
You cheered before picking up your brush again. “If I do it quickly, I won’t caught it perfectly.”
“You’re the one who wanted this,” he stated.
You pursed your lips. “It’s not my fault if I found my subject earlier than I anticipated.”
He glanced at you for a second before returning his gaze to the scenery ahead of him. He took note of the orange hue of the sky and the cold breeze of the wind. He closed his eyes as a thought entered his mind.
Maybe he can let this one slide.
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