#also that is literally the coolest character name ever
okay so the penumbra podcast slaps hard
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aperfecta-rt · 3 months
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messy sloppy "Fairies from Little Red" sketches (Little Red is a fanfic I wrote that was so wildly au and distant from any source material that I made it an original story) ramblin oc info below cut
Fairies are small feline bipedal creatures (usually two or two-and-a-half feet tall, tho they can get up to three!) They're similar to the average house cat in appearance but they generally have bigger ears and a "lion's tail". These guys are defo not drawn to scale
up at the top left having a sit is POPPY!! Arguably the main character of Little Red, tho his two older brothers are equally as "main". He's still a lil kid so he scrapes one and a half feet tall- a baby. His fur is all white, and he's missing his left eye and ear from what appears to be a burn scar
middle t-poser is Max (short for Maximum Power- name he picked himself) who is a BIG BEEFY BOY at juuust shy of 3 feet tall. He is very active and works out a lot. He's about as grown up as a 20 year old human would be, but he's still a silly goober that likes to climb trees (usually fails) and annoy his sister. He's got an orange tabby-ish pattern!
rightmost t-poser is Max's adopted sister Jade. I drew her with eyelashes bc I think she'd want me to draw her with eyelashes like that. She's a bit younger than Max and not quite an "adult" but she's pretty average sized- lil over 2 feet tall. She is not average in having long fur tho- most fairies don't. She doesn't like it bc she can't wear tight-fitting clothes or it smushes all her hair down, which is uncomfortable. She's into anime and likes to draw, currently in her emotionally withdrawn teenage phase. She's short-tempered but very kind and caring once she warms up. Her fur is mottled silver with a bit of a tabby pattern- it's very pretty and unique.
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stem-sister-scuffle · 2 months
Jade Harley (Homestuck) vs Entrapta Princess of Dryl (Netflix She-Ra and the Princesses of Power)
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Jade Harley is a Nuclear Physicist, Roboticist, Ectobiologist, and Cosmic Manipulator (warping space and planets)!
Entrapta Princess of Dryl is a Roboticist, Programmer and First Ones' Tech Historian/Archaeologist!
Why you should vote for each contestant:
Jade Harley:
"She's soo fun and silly and her symbol is literally an atom. she regularly irradiates steak to feed her weird dog"
"She and her nuclear powered dog creating a new universe. she's cool"
"Built a modded bass guitar that's only playable when she's in her robot form and has extra arms. Became a doggirl. She also plays the flute :)"
"i think you have enough ramblings about her already but i couldnt NOT submit her, she is so dear to me <3"
"bbg has THREE scientific specialties!! she genetically modifies plants and makes them grow beautifully high just because she can and loves science. in her alpha timeline she’s a tech mogul and creates technology that challenges the evil empress that brought earth to ruin. AND she’s a furry"
"She plays a silly flute refrain. She's a furry. Literally, she's a doggirl. She's also a god and created the universe. JADE BEST GIRLIE!!!!"
Entrapta Princess of Dryl:
"She builds robots!!! She's curious and inquisitive!! She loves her robots!! She has the coolest hair and also I want to be her bestie. She's an absolute love"
"autism :)"
"Builds robots and computers for fun and companionship. Can take apart and understand almost any tech she is presented with. Autism lever set to max and I love her. Mandatory boob window in all her outfits and I've never related harder to a character."
"autistic icon, amazing inventor and app round excellent character"
"she has prehensile hair it’s literally the best thing i’ve ever seen in my life, it’s never once acknowledged by any of the characters as abnormal or explained in any way i’m literally obsessed with it. also autism queen"
"PIGTAILS!!!! autism"
"Entrapta is very bubbly and positive. She never lets anything like losing her friends or going to the bad side or getting put on a death-sentence island stop her from scientific pursuits! She actually drives a lot of the conflict in the story, as she explains the technological backstory of the world, and helps both sides be better at fighting. She loves data, doing experiments, and the scientific method. She's also in love with space. She is an autistic queen <3"
"phenomenal canon autism representation without being weird & shitty. also she’s so strange & wonderful & relatable in so so many ways. my computer is named Darla bc that’s what she named the AI for the spaceship in s5"
"She is THE science queen because she loves science so much and her love of it is INFECTIOUS. I don’t know anything about science but Entrapta makes it seem like the coolest thing in the universe. I love her"
"She ourple. I luv her"
"She's so passionate about her work. Takes through notes! Figured out how to hack her home planet!!! She's autistic as hell and I like her overalls."
"You won’t get autism like this anywhere else bestie"
"amoral mad scientist who flips between the good guys and bad guys, loves building so many inventions, ends up converting the head bad guy (for most of the series) to good through the power of love"
"She has outfitted her entire castle to be a maze, and installed electronic locks on some. Her staff seems to be mostly robots she has built herself. In good part reverse engineering or adapting ancient tech found on the planet. She's incredible at what she does and personally fixes, invents and builds a wide range of stuff from space ships to portals to a prosthetic exoskeleton to trackers to war machines. She can do it all. Autism win! Girlie has been criticised for being treated childlike or being unable to understand those around her to a ridiculous degree, but I'm honestly just glad she's not a Sheldon Cooper. Her favorite bots have personalities and therefore implied AI (but not the shitty kind), which means she's pretty fucking good at software too. She likes tiny foods."
"So very autistic about technology. Initially believes robots are way better than people, eventually makes human friends but also very much still has robot friends (I love Emily so much). Gets so excited about finding new First One's tech. Also her happy spinning around in a space suit in that one season 5 episode heals my heart every time I watch it"
"She's the planet's leading expert on ancient tech (sci-fi/fantasy universe) and develops most of the tech in the show and is very autistic about it. i love her"
"She is fun and funky. Chaotic neutral. Definitely some autism coding going on, which is very charming. She has a pet robot? It is cute"
"Bc she is ENTRAPTA!! No srsly she is such a well-written character. At times kinda morally grey but always lovable and great and she is truly amazing at what she does!! I'm pretty sure she's already been submitted but I wanted to make sure :)"
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hubristicassholefight · 8 months
Swordswoman Showdown Round 4/Quarterfinal
Kikunojo (One Piece) vs Brienne of Tarth (A Song Of Ice and Fire)
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(Better here in a "preferred character" sense, not "who would win in a fight")
Propaganda below cut
She is a samurai and a retainer for the Kozuki Family, serving as one of the Nine Red Scabbards, a group of samurai that protect the Kozuki family and their country. She's a very skillful samurai, and she and her group managed to delay and hold off the main villain of the arc, (which was an almost insurmountable task for even the main character) and survived the experience despite her horrible injuries; She's canonically and openly trans! And she's gorgeous. And huge... She's 287 cm tall, which for the USAmericans in the audience is 9' 5". She's simply the coolest.
She’s a samurai and fights with a sword; tall trans woman <3
Legendary devoted samurai!; She's 2.87m tall, a time traveler, and not even losing an arm in the middle of the fight stopped her- she had it imediately cauterized and went back to the fight.
She's a lady samurai! Pretty and very skillful with her katana!
She is a samurai who was sent 20 years into the future to avenge the death of her lord; She’s so tall and canonically trans and I love her
She’s a badass samurai who fights for what she believes in and to help people. She is known as Kiku of lingering snow. She’s also canonically trans
She's a time traveling trans samurai, the only woman in a group of 9 legendary samurais; Her arm was chopped off by the biggest baddie so far and she continued fighting, isn't that badass?
One of the strongest samurai in her country; She's a trans icon
#kiku the greatest of all time#🐐#tall and gorgeous samurai lady#who is a trans icon#love that she is so tall that she doesn't fit in the image display#gets recognized as strong by the main character multiple times and proves it by being the most resilient badass of the entire arc#stands up to tyrants and abusers of class privilege#also helps break said main character out of the enemies prison and takes part in a rebellion against the corrupt prison staff#one piece#okiku#kiku
#kiku is canonically trans
gets gifted a sword made with the rarest metal ever because she’s THAT good; she’s simply the best
Brienne is one of the top sword users alive in her day. She's descended from a man who's catchphrase was "I'm better with a sword." Better than what? You. Jaime Lannister. Loras Tyrell. Any five given guys at once. She has a fantastic sword that might be magic or cursed and is named Oathkeeper because that's what she does; I love her
Beat like 20 guys in a tournament when she was 19. Was given a magic sword. Won a sword fight against the premier swordsman in the realm. Very swordly; Very tall and strong. Holds her sword in high esteem. Accomplished with other weapons as well!
She's defeated multiple of the top knights in the series in duels. One such knight gifts her the fabergé egg of swords and she uses it to defend orphans and stuff. Got out of a bad betrothal by dueling him and beating his ass so bad she broke multiple bones. Honestly there's so much more she is the swordswoman of all time. to me; She's buff and ugly and 6' 5" and so honorable and kind that she inspires the guy who fucks his sister to yknow. stop doing that. literally gets mauled for the sake of protecting a bunch of orphans (with her sword). also she's 20 she should be at the club ‼️
One of the best sword wielders in Westeros, the author says he would pick her to defend him. Has a cool sword called Oathkeeper. Manages to go up against 7 fighters and take out most of them,. The only true knight; First off, talking about book brienne, they massacred show brienne, the show runners simply didn’t understand what she’s about.“ She had no chance against seven, she knew. No chance, and no choice” brienne had plenty of choice but she couldn’t leave people to die. The chivalric paradigm is rotten and corrupted, but here is Brienne, the one true knight, who isn’t even a actual knight! “knights are for killing”, but here is a knight who risks her life again and again to protect innocents! Bri IS hope, she is the light in the dark that shows that things can be better, things must be better. Fundamentally an idealist: “Winter will never come for the likes of us. Should we die in battle, they will surely sing of us, and it's always summer in the songs. In the songs all knights are gallant, all maids are beautiful, and the sun is always shining”
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m4lexxx67 · 3 months
I did it, I'm done!!! I finished what is probably one the coolest projects I have ever done and it turned out SO COOL, I'm so excited!!! Everyone come look at it cause I made a fucking killjoys shirt collection!!!
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Everyone of the Fab Four got their own type of shirt that I think fits them and they're all the same concept (logo on the back, name in the front, most of the design in their color plus some smaller detail in another color that's kind of in their pallet (taken from their ray guns), words associated with the character) but the font and placement of the writing changes and all that and I really love that they obviously belong together but still look so different!
Also fun fact it took fucking FOREVER to paint Ghoul cause it's sooo many lines and painting lines takes so much time cause you can't just carefully draw a sharp edge and then quickly fill in the rest (like for example Jet's logo) because basically everything is edge! And the design for Kobra's name? Such a pain in the ass, there's so many sketches that were all scrapped. Like in total it took me maybe one and a half to two hours to come up with all of the designs, except for Kobra's stupid fucking name, I kept going back to it for literal weeks!! But honestly so worth it, it turned out exactly as I wanted and just all in all feels very Kobra to me
(As for the different shades of blue/green on Jet's and Ghoul's shirts... The shirts have been done for a while and were lying around my room without being folded or anything, so that's just folds and light reflections, the colors are actually very even)
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coeluvr · 25 days
So I just read the demo for the first time and… are you okay? Like do you need to talk to someone? Cuz holy shit, that was depressing. Don’t get me wrong, it was great, but I am just mentally, emotionally, and physically drained now (don’t ask me about that last part). All in all, I really enjoyed it, but I do have some thoughts.
Firstly, I don’t understand how anyone from Rosea (except for Hunter, Fadiya and her mom, and maybe Helios) has any fans. Like did they just forget that everyone else (including Lancelot) contributed to the total destruction of our family? Everyone’s over here shipping Lancelot and Luceris, and to be fair, if this was a different story I would too, but like… they’re the enemy? Speaking of Luceris…
Dude is on some shit. Like I get it’s the point, but everything about our relationship with him just feels weird and wrong, and I’m counting the days til we can kill him. Until then, I guess I’ll have to make do with disrespecting the memory of his dead wife at every opportunity. Also side note, but as a Straight Male tm it does feel a little weird having to fake a romance with another guy, especially a guy that’s like fifty years older than me lol (Luceris really isn’t beating the Catholic Priest allegations)
The rest of the cast are a lot of fun, and I’m glad they all at least have sympathy towards MC. I think Hunter is the coolest character ever and I want to be them, and Fadiya can do no wrong in my eyes. Vincent sucks, but I haven’t really spent much time with him so maybe that’ll change. Helios I feel sorry for. He’s a nice guy and I do like him a lot, but he’s unfortunately collateral damage in my crusade against Father Luceris. I hate that we have to hurt him to get revenge, but it feels very realistic and gives your decisions a lot more weight.
On the flip side, Soarine is perfect and has never done anything wrong in her life ever. If Soarine has a million fans, then I am one of them. If Soarine has ten fans, then I am one of them. If Soarine has only one fan then that is me. If Soarine has no fans, then that means I am no longer on earth. If the world is against Soarine, then I am against the world.
All in all, I love what you’re doing with this game, even if I do have to take a twenty minute break after each playthrough just to decompress lol. I can’t wait to see where this goes and am gonna stare at a wall until the next update drops. Thanks for making such an interesting story and give Soarine my love 💚
Lol hi, anon!
First of all, I'm fine 😭 I'm like that one happy guy that writes horror whose name I keep forgetting but I bet someone knows who I mean.
Regarding the characters from Rosea that are not all that great having fans, I don't know why that's unexpected to you if I am being honest lmao. In every fandom I've ever been in, there have always been people that like the antagonists. I enjoy Lancelot and Luceris' dynamic but I feel like that's to be expected since I literally created them. 💀 The day I write in all of the side couples you'll combust. /j
But also you don't have to fake a "romance" with Luceris? 😥💀 I can only think of the husband comments MC can make and those are entirely optional so...
I'm glad you like the other characters! Soarine is indeed everything. 🙇‍♀️
Thank you for your kind words! 💗
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oryoucouldhavemine · 1 year
TOH Headcanon Dump Post
(Mostly the De-lights because i write them the most lmao)
surprisingly tall but like in a lanky "towers over everyone" way except he has terrible posture
gets overwhelmed with sound, light, people, basically everything if it was unexpected he's probably overwhelmed
Darius is his dad but Raine and Eberwolf are like, honorary parents at this time. Eda and Camila are more like the really close aunts he always visits to me, idk i dont see Eda being a parental figure that works for him (Luz however that is her daughter fr fr)
has lots of scars from Belos trying to "teach him a lesson" about bravery and such and Hunter doesnt think anything about it until hes like changing and Darius does a drama queen dramamgic gasp, hand over chest while leaning against a wall for support
HATES tight clothing, its too restricting he enjoys oversized and loose clothes. in the human world, luz introduces him to skirts and hunter is like "WHY WOULD ANYONE NOT WEAR A SKIRT THEYRE AMAZING"
he also likes purses he thinks theyve gotta be magical or something
touch-starved but has loving friends and family who are here to help him through it
discovers fire trucks and engines in the human world and despises the boiling isles for NOT HAVING THEN WHY DONT THEY HAVE THEM THEYRE SO COOL????
ADHD + genderqueer (p sure both are canon)
SHE WOULD LOVE NEO/XENO PRONOUNS theyd have sm fun with chosing ones
Loves to dress masc and fem and soemtimes combine them in asburd ways but she always surprisingly makes the outfit work
wants a guinea pig farm. no, NEEDS a guinea pig farm. She wants to name them all after her favourite book characters and sew them tiny outfits to match she would KILL a man for a guinea pig farm
considera hunter her older brother and looks up to him a lot
LOVES her gf would also kill a man for her she is the light of her life. luz tries to do grand romantic cheesy gestures like writing amity poems or getting her a massive bouquet of flowers but something ALWAYS goes wrong (amity loves all the gestures regardless)
luz's favourite colour is purple (because of amity ofc)
she HAS to sleep either sprawled out taking up every inch of the bed possible or curled up and swadled like a little baby there is no inbetween
very tactile if luz isnt hugging someone there might me something wrong
im cutting this short i could make fifty posts about luz hcs alone
autistic + sapphic
npw that shes free from her mom, she LOVES to be imperfect, she gets happy whenever she fails a test or a spell because shes ALOWED to be imperfect now
she and hunter did NOT get along at first like even post-s3 they didnt mesh well but they both care for Luz they had to get over it (and now theyre practically ever apart)
admired lillith even more now, she thinks lillith is like, THE COOLEST person in the world but feels akward telling her
has poor circulation so she gets cold really easily
whenever shes stressed or worried, shell pull at two strands of her hair next to her face and like twirl or pull on them to ground herself
unlabelled he/they
brags about having gone to the human realm to anyone who will listen
considers himself an expert on human things despite barely actually knowing anything human
loves playing pranks but is literally terrible at them but everyone humors him and acts surprised (he knows theyre acting)
once took a human SAT just to see if he could and got a higher score than Camila got on hers and she calls him Boy Genius for it
like in Flyer Derby, hes really good at a lot of sports but he plays untraditionally. hes always underestimated by the other team but then ends up scoring all the winning points
hes a silly little guy love him
her comfort person is hunter, she feels strong all the time but it weighs on her and hunter makes her feel strong even at her weakest moments
she likes to knot and crochet! she picked it up in the human world and she finds it so calming and fun except it took her a bit before she actually got the hang of it (she made like five sweaters that had three arms but in her defense!!! she knows a lot of creatures and beings with three arms!!!)
works out! not necessarily to get strong but because working out makes her feel accomplished
amity has been trying out new hairstyles and Willow loves being Amity's pracitce head. You can barely ever find willow without some sort of fancy braid or bun hairstyle nowadays
she wants a horse. shes not actually sure what a horse IS but she wants one
super sweet to every new person she meets until they mess with her friends then she is the scariest person alive
OCD + gay
he discovers what drag queens are and becomes obsessed
"a place for everything and everything in its place" hehas harsh rules about what does where and gets easily upset if his system is ruined
he DESPISES "if you hate messes so much whyd you pick the messiest magic to learn" comments because how DARE you insinuate that abomination matter (PART OF WHAT HE IS!) is ANYTHING like mud its actually very disrespectful of you to think so he says
he and alador had a falling out in their later years of school and to cover up the hurt, darius will argue and tease him but deep down he really just misses him
at the start of him trying to care for hunter, he refuses to admit that he is like a father to him. anytime eda or raine call him a dad, he'll go out of his way to try and prove hes NOT (cut to five months layer when hes legally adopted hunter and they meecilessly tesse him)
acts like eberwolf is the biggest inconvience hes ever met but would kill anyone who tries to harm them (and hed rather die than tell them that)
does things in threes, he doesnt even notice he does it at this point but he'll like rub his hands together three times, tie his hair up with three twists, eat three waffles for breakfast, and when smth isnt in threes it feels verry OFF to him
queer + autistic
very fixated on his work, he needs to be constantly creating and if he isnt creating then hes falling behind and if hes falling behind its the end of the world
doesnt know how to properly show affection, his parents had been pretty strict and neglectful so he doesnt know how to properly show his kids that he loves and cares for them
NOT a tactile person at all. don't touch him and DEFINTELY dont touch him without permission. he has very few people who are exceptions (his kids and Darius) and even then there are limits
hates the feeling of showering so hes a bigger bath person despite darius telling him thats not an effective way to get clean
he has like eighty pairs of the exact same outfit because its the only texture he can stand
darius and his falling out was due to his parents telling him darius was dragging him down and he itched him in an attempt to make his parents proud. he deeply regrets his choice everyday (they fix their shit eventually)
he DOES have a favourite kid but he refuses to tell them such
bisexual + autistic + transmasc
this man gets NO BITCHES none zero trying to find a partner is borderline IMPOSSIBLE for some unknown reason
he runs on a schedule and if something breaks the schedule no matter how small it can ruin his whole day
vrry open with his emotions. he will tell you right away if youre bothering him or did something to upset him
WHY THE HELL IS SCHOOL SO HARD he despises english because why are all answers right and wrong he loves math because there is only one right answer but its still a tricky subject for him
his biggest fear is dying alone he hates being alone its the worst thing ever
WHY IS MAGIC TRICKY AS WELL WHY IS EVERYTHING SO HARD? hes getting better though and hes really good at beastkeeping
clingy emotionally and physically he needs the constant reassurance that people are there and care for him and hes close to his sister and tends to stick to her like glue
bisexual + AuDHD + transfem
when she and edric were younger and realised they were both trans they just switched names and clothes and it took ten years for their parents to notice the switch
RSD [Rejection Senstive Dysphoria] she hates that she has it because someone can say smth as simple as "sorry i cant make it my grandma died" and she'll start thinking of a million different reasons why that person actually just hates her (shes communicated this with her siblings though and they do their best to commincate clearly back with her that no they dont hate her at all)
SO MANY BITCHES people fall at her feet they swoon when she walks by but NONE of them are her type its terrible!!!!
loves her little sister but doesnt know how to show her love through any other way outside merciless teasing
she loves her brother, she does, she just wants to be her own person outside him, to be able to turn around and not see him two feet behind her
loves english and the fact you can make any wrong answer right with enough arguing and debate. math is her least favourite subject WHY THE HELL IS IT SO HARD
has years of detention stacked up but has not attended a single day (she got suspended for a week because of it and was just like YAYYY FREE VACATION!)
will sometimes just sit in her dads workshop while he works and watch in silence because she likes hanging out with people but knows alador cant focus with sound. its both of their favourite times
lesbian + nonbinary
post-s3 runs a music therapy group where they teach people how to play instruments or how listening to music can greatly help their mental health
has been in love with eda since their breakup, they never stopped loving her and would watch from the sidelines with terror as wanted signs got hung up around the BI for years
doesnt mind dressing fem or masc but prefers the more androgynous outfits
has watched hunter from the sidelines and tried to protect them from a distance but could only do so much. post-HM raine goes out of their way to make sure hunter is safe
sees luz as a sort of step daughter and then promptly panics over that realisation for a whole day
gets flustered really easily like why is everything so embarrassing what the hell
very agile, can do backflips and stuff
Unlabelled + he/they
COULD JOT STAND DARIUS AT FIRST darius and eber did NOT get along in their early years of being covenheads but then eventually learned they were both rebels and got closer now theyre kind of like begruding brothers
could kill a man in their sleep and has
loves being dirty, mud is so much fun why doesnt everyone roll around in the mud more?
has also watched hunter from afar for years, hunter used to be sent out on overnight missions into the woods and stuff and eber would follow along and protect hunter so he could focus on his mission and not random forest creatures trying to kill him
Most of these are based on my dadrius series and stuff so if you enjoyed these hcs uou should go read my fics (KaztielCS118 on ao3!!! used to be Im_Basically_Shakespeare but i changed it recently)
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marvelbeingmarvelous · 4 months
Loki Season 2 Ending Thoughts Aka Immediate Reaction and Midnight Ramblings
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The score? The costume design? The fulfilling emotional devastation?
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Like I 100% get people being sad/mad about Loki ending up alone on a throne he never wanted but like…Loki was always a tragic character. Iirc Tom has likened Thor 1 to a space opera/tragedy particularly in regards to Loki’s character, but this does him infinitely better than falling into a void, alone, misunderstood, friendless.
This time he doesn’t let go because he has no purpose—he chooses to walk forward to meet his fate because he’s found it. Both purpose, and friends, and love, even understanding, and dang if that don’t just sit so right with me. I thought it was a beautiful ending that did him much more justice than the last ditch hopeless kind of what-were-you-even-thinking-would-happen sacrifice/death in Infinity War. We actually get to see the fruits of his character development in what immediately became the coolest scene in recent Marvel history.
Sue me, but I love the tragedy and angst of it all. The sacrifice. The love and friendship he found and was willing to give up—and the thing is you guys, he found it. That’s not something we ever thought we’d get to see, not after Thor 1, nor after Thor 2, nor 3, certainly not after Avengers and obviously not after Infinity War.
I still think season 1 of Loki just…was not doing a great job understanding his character, but heck if season 2 didn’t come in clutch and amend some of that.
Can we also talk about how much I love time travel? How much I adore time loops? How dang good one looked on Loki? I go absolutely feral for a time looper knowing absolutely everything because they’ve lived through it a million times.
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I have too many thoughts and feelings about this much like UGH YOU GUYS this was such an improvement over season 1 you don’t even know and high key I’d be fine if this is where they left Loki’s character for good and was our final goodbye. He’s legit the most powerful character in the MCU to date now, 1000% lived up to his god of chaos name while even being a hero doing it, giving everyone free will and all variants a chance to live as they choose and sacrificing himself to make sure they have a choice and yes it’s tragic but it’s also beautiful and gosh darn it that character arc that ending Loki finally figuring out what he wants after having had it and then giving it all up for the sake of everyone else—AAAA YOU GUYS ITS SO GOOD
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altocat · 7 months
i saw that you also said you love to talk about other characters, not just sephiroth, so i thought i'd ask: what are your favorite things/traits/moments etc of all of the playable characters we've had across the compilation of 7? i feel like i can talk about all the characters forever :)
Ooh yeah! This will be fun. Okay!
Cloud: Cloud is the most relatable character to me, and probably my favorite if we're being honest. I relate strongly to his identity issues, and I love when he tries to act tough while concealing a softer nature. My personal favorite scene with him is the flashback where he realizes that he was stronger than Sephiroth this whole time, throwing Sephiroth down the pit. It's a powerful moment, probably Cloud's single greatest moment in the entire series.
Tifa: Tifa is literal perfection. She looks like a tough tomboy and yet she's also one of the kindest people ever. She's maternal, loyal, supportive, and devoted to a fault. The team would be lost without her. She's the glue that holds everyone together. An absolute queen. My favorite moment with her is Under the Highwind, regardless of her relationship with Cloud being romantic or platonic.
Barret: Barret's got a heart of gold. He's always part of my main party when playing the OG. A great comrade and an even GREATER father. His relationship with Marlene is beautiful and so warm and wholesome. Barret also spits some iconic quotes over the course of the game, as well as some hard truths. My favorite scene with him, naturally, is his encounter with Dyne. The line "my hands are too stained to carry her anymore" gets me to cry no matter how many times I play.
Aerith: Aerith is the biggest hero of FFVII next to Cloud. She's the one who ultimately saves the day, and all through her sacrifice. I'm not even gonna talk about my favorite moment with her because...you guys already know the scene. It's the single most famous scene in gaming history. Aerith has a playful, occasionally chaotic edge to her personality that she hides behind a sweet smile. I absolutely adore that about her. She's so full of love and so full of selflessness, but she also loves to tease people. Also an absolute queen.
Red XIII: Nanaki is a cat btw. I have always seen him as a cat. That's my controversial opinion on him lmao. Also him howling for Seto makes me ugly cry every single time without fail. I appreciate that Nanaki seems occasionally stoic and serious, but then has kind of a childlike or immature fear or insecurity about something. There's that duality to him that ties to the other characters in a sense. Anyway, I love him. He is a very good boy.
Cid: Cid took a while to grow on me initially. He's pretty rough around the edges. But my favorite moment with him happens in the last third where he sorta becomes the de facto leader of the group with Cloud gone. And I like that he seems to have reconciled with Shera as well. Honestly, he's just kind of a badass and really cool at what he does. Also he gets to go to space. Good for him tbh.
Cait Sith: This one is hard because there's always a debate as to how much of a character Cait Sith actually IS. It's Reed puppeting a machine/doll basically. How much of Cait Sith has a mind of his own? Regardless, Cait Sith isn't my fave. He's a spy, after all. But he makes up for it in the end, even if he kinda fades into the background. Reed is honestly more of an interesting character overall. I can't name any specific favorite moments with Cait Sith specifically. But also he's a small Scottish cat. And that's rad.
Vincent: This edgy boi. Also not one of my faves, but he's grown a lot more on me over time. He wins for always having the coolest voice in the entire group. And I really like the scene where he reunites with Lucrecia. Vincent is kind of gruff and understated at times compared to the rest of the cast. But he has a gentle side as well, and one hell of a cool backstory. Also I love monsters and gothic imagery in general.
Yuffie: Yuffie is...my least favorite main character. I don't hate her. I've just never been a fan of the "spunky loudmouth child" trope. With that said, I'm sure the Remake trilogy will breathe new life into her and add some extra appeal for me. I like what I've seen so far. And Yuffie's bluntness and playfulness can be cute from time to time.
Zack: Counting him because of Crisis Core. He's probably my third favorite character. His death is the saddest scene in the entire compilation imo. He's a character who is wholly encompassed by love, who deals with a LOT of pain, and who proves to be better and worthier than most people put together. Like Aerith, he sacrifices everything. And also like Aerith, his legacy will live on forever.
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creoastra · 5 months
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I know no one follows me to see my ocs, but I just recently remade one of my favorite characters reference sheet! The old one was from the summer of 2021 so it's been a few years since it was made
Their name is Ada (as you can tell) and they were the traitor of the kg I first played them in! Each time I draw them their back hair gets shorter and the front hair gets longer lolol
They are chronically online and literally the coolest ever 💪
Also yes, I have Danganronpa ocs and yes, I roleplay with them online. I am that level of cringe.
I do have more ocs if anyone is interested in seeing them though!
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zabala0z · 7 months
Warning: rant ahead
Be More Chill: currently what I’m obsessed with at the moment. I get why people don’t like it but it’s just very charming to me okay 😭 I just think the characters are fun, the concept is interesting and the songs are just bangers. And maybe I slightly relate to it okay. The costumes are…questionable. But I think it’s super colorful which I love. My dream role is Christine. She is literally me.
Beetlejuice: this is what me and my oldest sister bonded over when she was always hiding in her room cause she was so introverted. We used to watch the animatics and we would sing “say my name”. So I only have good memories! We even planned to see it on Broadway except COVID happened abd it closed so :( but I love Beetlejuice and the songs!
Into The Woods: THIS IS WHAT GOT ME INTO MUSICALS. I remember I would rewatch the 2014 version constantly and sing the songs. Little red riding hood is my fav and always will be and “Your Fault” is just *chefs kiss* yes.
Sound of Music: I performed in this in 3rd grade at my older sisters high school. Now this was fun. I didn’t really get the concept of nazis so I was just like “why is Leisels boyfriend now evil :(“ so uh yeah- but really good musical!!
Hairspray: the songs are a bop and seaweed was my favorite.
Heathers: I’ve never watched the original movie but I have seen clips. Songs are great!! I always liked the costumes, even if they are stagnant throughout the whole show. My friend got into it so now I’m getting back into it. I remember I loved the animatics, even though I didn’t know what was going on half the time.
Dear Evan Hansen: ….okay. I remember I was super into the animatics. But then I learned the plot and was like: 😨 so
Hamilton: my oldest sister was super into it and I remember 6 year old me asked her “so what’s it about?” While we were driving to nyc and got a very long summary. I also used to watch many animatics and szinn was my fav. I do actually like it. I think it’s a bold concept that somehow worked and LMM did a great job at utilizing RAP and THE FOUNDING FATHERS.
Wicked: so I actually saw this on Broadway when I was 6 and I completely forgot everything. But I do remember when Glinda came down in those bubbles and I thought that was the coolest thing ever.
Theory Of Relativity: a modern musical that my school actually did a production of. Super fun! It’s a song cycle which I’m not super into but I liked the songs.
The Guy Who Didn’t Like Musicals: not Broadway but god DID I LOVE THIS. The characters are super interesting, I love the idea of a musical apocalypse. The fact every song was a “villain song” was so cool and the jokes killed me.
Nerdy Prudes Must Die: I love a good ol underdogs rise up story. Until the underdogs commit a felony <3 i feel like there would be no songs I would skip except “dirty girl” just cause…yeah. But I absolutely loved the characters! I thought Ruth and Richie deserved better. Grace is crazy but girl really was all, “It was an act of god!! 😇” NO IT WASNT.
Anyways. That’s everything. I love musicals. I think they’re very nice and I seriously wanna act in more
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your-local-hoemie · 11 months
ꕥ Genshin Impact ꕥ boyfriend headcanons, Inazuma edition~ part two.
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Firstly, why is Itto so pretty in this gif???
Who gave this man the right?????
Secondly, thank you all for 100 followers!!! I honestly didn’t think anyone would really like my writing but knowing that you do makes it even more fun! And ya’ll are all so nice too like I don’t deserve this what T-T
Summary: literally the title.
Warnings: fluff, maybe a lil’ suggestive??, swearing, established relationship, Gn!reader, not proof-read.
Characters: Itto, Ayato, Gorou. (I’m classing scara (aka, wanderer) as a Sumeru citizen now since he’s a new, good boy! What i still wouldn’t give for him to crush me)
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God bless this man.
He’s so precious.
He openly adores everything you do.
Walked up a bunch of stairs without dying?
You can bet your sweet buns that this man is going to be awe struck.
He’s very strong and even though he acts like a himbo, he’s still got his head in a good place (kinda)
(He’s a complete fucking idiot)
But he is the definition of a golden retriever boyfriend!
Give him head pats and tell him he’s a good boy and he’s mush in your arms!
Boy will go all out on dates hsiduxid
Most of the time they don’t go as planned but you can’t even get mad when he still somehow manages to pull a successful “plan numero two-o” out of nowhere.
Kuki has become his go-to advisor for romance!
She doesn’t know much bless her but she knows more than him jdjdjdhdurj
Man doesn’t get jealous.
He’s too oblivious-
If someone starts flirting with you he’ll probably just join in.
“You think they’re great too?? What am I saying, of course you do! How could you not think that they’re the coolest, most awesomest partner ever!”
Bless his heart I love him T-T
He lets you polish his horns-
He lets you polish his horns.
It might not seem like much but he’s so proud of them that it’s a literal honour-
Loves it when you pet them too or put little jewellery around them!
Honestly I think he’s a really good kisser.
Don’t ask why but he just gives off that vibe.
He’s also been roping you into beetle fights.
Which he totally wins every time!
He doesn’t. You let him win occasionally.
He once found a super cool looking beetle and named it after you!!
He always makes sure to take extra good care of it just because of that.
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Imma be honest, if I see this man pull boba out of his arm one more time and make that slurp I might lose it-
I’m not too familiar with his character but my best friend has a intense crush on him so i will get scolded if I make this is too inaccurate.
I know this sounds absurd but istg I will bet everything that this man has social anxiety.
I can smell my people.
He’s just really good at hiding it with his duties!
And you’re the only one who gets to see that side of him because he trusts you more than anyone T-T
Man is extremely busy so dates are rare but he still somehow manages to make time!
A privilege that’s only shared with Ayaka who absolutely adores you!!
She also absolutely wasn’t a little jealous of her brother hdbfhdj
He adores the little things you do!
Like, absolutely worships them!
If you decided to make him the ugliest drawing known to man kind he will frame it and look at it at least twice a day.
He taught you to play chess and much to thoma’s dismay, he taught you extremely well.
Poor boy hasn’t won in months.
Always offers you a taste of his magical sleeve boba!
How it stays fresh, no one knows.
He’s an absolute gentleman!
Hand kisses whenever he greets you, without fail!
Always insist on getting you little trinkets or jewellery!
He thinks you deserve it ok, just accept it-
Always talks about you to thoma and Ayaka!
He wants to make sure you know how much he loves you!!
He is a little possessive over you-
He means no harm by it but he can’t help his sly, mischievous side show a little bit.
“Come now, is that really any way to talk to my future spouse? Hm? Yes I did call you that, do you object, dearest~?”
Just cuts into the conversation with the offending person and grabs you by the waist with zero shame-
Do it back-
It’ll shut him up really quick~
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Just like Ayato, I’m not super familiar with his personality hngggg.
Let’s get it out the way, shall we?
And lucky you!
You get to pet him!!
Yes he allows you to touch the ears.
Maybe be careful with the tail though cough cough
He whimpers
Beach dates aaaAAAA!
He’s constantly in work mode but he does his best to relax!
He loves making seashell necklaces with you and just taking walks together while talking!
Poor boy gets very flustered very easily.
He knows his tail gives off his emotions way too easily and you’re always super quick to tease him about it.
He’s a thigh person and you can’t convince me otherwise.
Let him lay in your lap, please.
He’s also super ticklish-
Don’t ask, he just looks the type.
He can’t help but melt into a flustered mess whenever you’re around!
Which of course he gets teased for mercilessly by the rest of the soldiers.
But saying that, he will never be embarrassed by admitting he loves you!
He believes strongly in being open about how you feel.
Always brings you freshly picked flowers whenever you meet up!
He is really strong though, don’t be fooled by his fluff.
One of the reasons he loves you so much is because you never see him as just a pet.
He also asks you to study with him when kokomi lets him read her books!
You’d be amazed by how focused this man can get when in serious mode istg not even a earthquake could shake him.
“Huh? I love you but come on, do I really have to remind you again? It’s vital that we always keep our minds sharp even if there’s no visible threat! Leave the poor lizards alone-”
His patience with you is incredible.
He doesn’t get jealous easily but he does get a little insecure sometimes!
He’ll never cause a scene with it but he will be open with how he feels.
He hates the idea of arguing so he’ll always bring it up in a polite way!
He’s always super respectful of you and will quickly scold anyone who acts differently~
He’s a very good and very precious baby~
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IM ALIVE!!! Well, kinda. I’m back at home but I got a lot of recovery to do and when I tell ya’ll that it is frUSTRATING! So writing is a good distraction!
I’m still gonna be taking my time though since my energy is completely gone not to mention I’m not allowed to get too excited since it raises my heart rate so the genshin men might actually end up killing me gdjsgHDJSH
Not that I’d mind either-
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stem-sister-scuffle · 4 months
Raphella La Cognizi (The Mechanisms) vs Entrapta Princess of Dryl (Netflix She-Ra and the Princesses of Power)
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Raphella La Cognizi is an... Everything Scientist! (people said "all sciences"... also she loves magnets)
Entrapta Princess of Dryl is a Roboticist, Programmer and First Ones' Tech Historian/Archaeologist!
Why you should vote for each contestant:
Raphella La Cognizi:
"All of them, probably, focused on chemistry and biology if I had to guess. She's the science officer of the Mechanisms, a band of immortal space pirates. They regularly blow up planets for fun. Raphaella designs them better bombs, tortures poor captives, tortures and vivisects her crewmates, etc. I love her also"
"it's unclear--she's a mad scientist archetype more than anything! she does, however, really like magnets. she's an immortal space pirate. she possibly made herself immortal. she's autistic To me. i love her so much. as cruel and brutal as she is... science!"
"everything? the more unethical the better, although she does really like magnets. Immortal space pirate! so she's got all the time in the universe to do science. until she dies, of course, which happens when (spoilers) she decides to fly beyond the event horizon of a black hole to find out what's on the other side. She's the science officer on her starship, which is just a badass job in general, and she's got WINGS. the wings are mechanical and the reason she's immortal. we don't know for certain if she was born with wings and they were replaced, or if she just went "wings sound fun!" and built some, or much of anything about her backstory. But! speculation is rife and there is a nonzero chance she's immortal because she experimented on herself, which is fun. Also she's just *really pretty*, ok, and has the voice of an angel. She is as cruel and brutal as she is science."
"shes immortal she has time to do all the sciences. well. she does die after like 10 millennia but even that is a final science project! she throws herself into a black hole, maybe to die, maybe to learn something new :) your honor i love her"
Entrapta Princess of Dryl:
"She builds robots!!! She's curious and inquisitive!! She loves her robots!! She has the coolest hair and also I want to be her bestie. She's an absolute love"
"autism :)"
"Builds robots and computers for fun and companionship. Can take apart and understand almost any tech she is presented with. Autism lever set to max and I love her. Mandatory boob window in all her outfits and I've never related harder to a character."
"autistic icon, amazing inventor and app round excellent character"
"she has prehensile hair it’s literally the best thing i’ve ever seen in my life, it’s never once acknowledged by any of the characters as abnormal or explained in any way i’m literally obsessed with it. also autism queen"
"PIGTAILS!!!! autism"
"Entrapta is very bubbly and positive. She never lets anything like losing her friends or going to the bad side or getting put on a death-sentence island stop her from scientific pursuits! She actually drives a lot of the conflict in the story, as she explains the technological backstory of the world, and helps both sides be better at fighting. She loves data, doing experiments, and the scientific method. She's also in love with space. She is an autistic queen <3"
"phenomenal canon autism representation without being weird & shitty. also she’s so strange & wonderful & relatable in so so many ways. my computer is named Darla bc that’s what she named the AI for the spaceship in s5"
"She is THE science queen because she loves science so much and her love of it is INFECTIOUS. I don’t know anything about science but Entrapta makes it seem like the coolest thing in the universe. I love her"
"She ourple. I luv her"
"She's so passionate about her work. Takes through notes! Figured out how to hack her home planet!!! She's autistic as hell and I like her overalls."
"You won’t get autism like this anywhere else bestie"
"amoral mad scientist who flips between the good guys and bad guys, loves building so many inventions, ends up converting the head bad guy (for most of the series) to good through the power of love"
"She has outfitted her entire castle to be a maze, and installed electronic locks on some. Her staff seems to be mostly robots she has built herself. In good part reverse engineering or adapting ancient tech found on the planet. She's incredible at what she does and personally fixes, invents and builds a wide range of stuff from space ships to portals to a prosthetic exoskeleton to trackers to war machines. She can do it all. Autism win! Girlie has been criticised for being treated childlike or being unable to understand those around her to a ridiculous degree, but I'm honestly just glad she's not a Sheldon Cooper. Her favorite bots have personalities and therefore implied AI (but not the shitty kind), which means she's pretty fucking good at software too. She likes tiny foods."
"So very autistic about technology. Initially believes robots are way better than people, eventually makes human friends but also very much still has robot friends (I love Emily so much). Gets so excited about finding new First One's tech. Also her happy spinning around in a space suit in that one season 5 episode heals my heart every time I watch it"
"She's the planet's leading expert on ancient tech (sci-fi/fantasy universe) and develops most of the tech in the show and is very autistic about it. i love her"
"She is fun and funky. Chaotic neutral. Definitely some autism coding going on, which is very charming. She has a pet robot? It is cute"
"Bc she is ENTRAPTA!! No srsly she is such a well-written character. At times kinda morally grey but always lovable and great and she is truly amazing at what she does!! I'm pretty sure she's already been submitted but I wanted to make sure :)"
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gemini526sdumptruck · 5 months
And now here's a proper introduction for the Emobjects!
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I'm gonna be honest, I only still call them that because I don't have a better name xD.
I made these backgrounds, featuring little character symbols I made for each of them! These actually took longer than I anticipated! I didn't feel like making alternate poses for them after that so I decided to just make their bio post now lol.
Let's meet them!
Heartbreaker (She/Her): Heartbreaker is a dark angel who was sent down to Earth by the leader of the dark angels, Timekiller, to deal with some dark creatures (still deciding what) who planned on invading Earth. Realizing she was probably going to be here long term, she figured she needed somewhere to stay and something to do. So she set up a home for herself and decided to somehow enroll into the local high school, everyone would hopefully think she's just a regular teenager. This is where she would meet the rest of the group, who would slowly but surely consider her one of their bunch. Heartbreaker tends to take things extremely seriously, especially her mission. She was also hesitant to warm up to the others, because making friends was absolutely not her goal. But just how the others grew to like her, she came to like them as well. Hearbreaker can be snippy, is very straight to the point, and doesn't take anything from anyone. Her mallet is her primary weapon. It packs a powerful punch, but it's very heavy. Yet you will never catch her without it. Despite her unapproachableness, she is very loyal to the people she can tolerate.
Shady (She/Her): Shady isn't exactly the social type. Unless if she's around her friends or her sister, Shady's first instinct when it comes to conversations is to try and end it as soon as possible. She's a little deadpan and pretty blunt in her speech, too. However, Shady has a passion for creating and writing. Shady likes to sketch things in her sketchbook, writes short poems, and when she's really feeling it, whole stories. She was the first to meet Heartbreaker, and Shady thought she was the coolest object she's every seen. Like she's not imagining things, that girl actually has wings! Shady still isn't the most talkative, but when you get her going on something she's pretty nice to talk to.
Fang (He/Him): Fang is a half vampire, only half because he was turned rather than born that way. However he fully embraces that. Fang is probably the most social of the group. He talks...a lot. One of his favorite things to do is scare people for fun, whether it be pretending to bite them or just generally freaking them out by describing how he lives his unlife. He hangs from ceilings sometimes, he sleeps in coffins (which is how he prefers to sleep), and he even drinks blood (from frogs but he still counts it as blood, blood isn't easy to come by in the object world).
Deathcap (He/Him): Deathcap is snarky and tough. He's generally closed off from other people, and the rest of the group are really the only other people he interacts with genuinely. He can also get pretty aggressive, especially if someone else is dissing him or the rest of the group. If somebody takes a swing at him, he'll likely swing back with an insult of his own. Deathcap is a bit of a metalhead, and if you see him with earbuds, he's probably listening to metal on full volume.
Pinz (He/Him): Pinz is a bit of a strange one. He was found by Fang one day while he was walking through the graveyard. Pinz is a zombie doll thing who before joining the group was just wandering the graveyard aimlessly every night. After Fang befriended Pinz, Pinz got attached to Fang pretty quickly, and started following him everywhere. Fang decided to just introduce Pinz to the rest of the crew, and Pinz has stuck with them ever since. Pinz doesn't have a lot going on in his head, and he doesn't say much. All he's really able to say is his own name, "Pinz". Despite being a literal zombie, Pinz is harmless. He's actually quite friendly, but not a lot of people wanna be around him because of how scary he looks.
Acute (They/She): Acute was a mutual friend of Shady before joining the group. Acute sticks out in comparison to the others, but that doesn't bother them! They're just happy to be included in the group. Acute is excitable and could also be described as hyper. Acute generally just loves to have fun. They find fun in going online and posting whatever random thought is on their mind, visiting the arcade and maybe getting a burger along with it, and they especially like to dance to music on their playlist. (I also still desperately need to give them their own accessory xD)
Radiax (He/Him): Radiax has a passion for science, he's always had one. He definitely teeters on the line of "mad scientist", and he wears that label like a badge of honor. Debatably the smartest of the bunch, Radiax has his own secret lab in the basement of his house. His parents think he's just playing around, but they have no clue just how serious Radiax is about this science stuff. Weird sludge, probably toxic goop, and slime that seems to move all on its own, Radiax knows it all. Classic monster movies and creature features are some of his favorite media, the freakier the better! Radiax himself is intelligent, eccentric, and at times pretty smug, but often has the most "out there" solutions to things (almost all of them involve some kind of weird liquid he made).
I love these guys so so much. I hope they feel more like actual characters now, that was my primary goal here lol.
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What makes Woo Young-Woo from Extraordinary Attorney Woo the autistic girlie ever of all time? Here's what the people have to say:
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Young-Woo-related asks/reblogs: x This post will be updated after each round!
Image ID in alt text and under the readmore.
[Image ID. White slide with a screenshot of Woo Young-Woo, portrayed by Park Eun-bin, wearing her headphones while on the train. She is surrounded by text boxes which read,
"She's canonically autistic, she's one of the only autistic characters on Korean television (possibly THE only, I don't want to speak for all of Korean TV but I know she's a big deal in terms of autistic rep in SK - in-universe she's the first openly autistic lawyer in SK), she's a lawyer and her neurodivergence is frequently presented as a positive in that it means she approaches cases differently than NT people, she has a lot of vocal and movement stims and wears ear protectors on transit, she loves to infodump about whales, her dad makes her the same thing for breakfast every day because he loves and supports her, she has a great love interest who she infodumps to (and they negotiate stuff! like he loves to hear her infodump but he wants to be able to talk to her too and they figure out an amount of infodumping that they're both happy with, which is such a real conversation people need to have sometimes!), SHE HAS A WHOLE MONOLOGUE ABOUT HOW SHITTY ASPERGER WAS, she's just so!!! She doesn't pass as NT at all and I feel like that's so rare for humanized autistic characters, to be recognizable as autistic just immediately, and it's so real for me and I love her so much, Young-Woo's so important to me and I just want everyone to know about her"
"She is literally canonically autistic. I binge watched this show after seeing a few gif sets from my mutuals on Tumblr and I fell in love with her. She's an attorney (as it says in the show title) and even though she isn't very good at talking to people, she's really good at winning her cases because of how observant she is (and her secret autism powers). She didn't speak until she was like 5 or something, and even then, the first thing she said was straight out of her dad's lawbook she had memorized. Her special interest is whales and they somehow help her in literally all of her cases, so good for her. The way her dad treats her sometimes makes me a bit sad, but I guess he's trying his best. He just didn't get any advice on how to treat autistic children, but oh well. At least he tries to be supportive. Like he cooks her safe food for her every day and is so proud of all her accomplishments. She has her daily routines that must not be crossed and she's so real for that. She's also obsessed with palindromes (including her name! :D)"
"Canon autistic queen! Not only is she canonically autistic, but her autism isn't shown to be a deficit or burden! She's also a kickass attorney! She's honestly one of the best representations of an autistic person I've ever seen"
"It's cannon. I almost cried when watching certain moments so... yeah it's pretty nice."
"it's canon. So canon. Like the whole point of the show is that she is on the spectrum. basically everything she does makes me feel like she is exactly who she was written to be."
"Canonically autistic. Special interests are law and whales. Memorised this entire book of law at her home before she had ever even uttered a word. Her room is filled with whale related stuff from her alarm to random decor etc etc such her room is the coolest tbh. Wears headphones that play whale sounds instead to avoid sensory overload, echolalia, same breakfast everyday and memorised her route to the office cus routine etc." End ID.]
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random-autie-fangirl · 6 months
Hey, Do you have any Chara headcanons?
So technically I already have a reblogged post of Chara headcanons. Right here, within the tags. (99+) Chara neutralist squad on Tumblr
However, I most certainly have not run out of things to talk about and so...
I now present Chara Dreemurr headcanons 2: Electric Boogaloo
1. Yes, so as I said before, they have been spotted reading the dictionary cover to cover multiple times and reads english grammar books for fun. It is like they have to use one word literally nobody understands at least once a day or they will figuratively die. And of course, they would be the one to say figuratively every single time they use a metaphor or hyperbole or turn of phrase and they would get genuinely annoyed with anyone who says literally when they don't literally mean literally. Chara is the kind of kid who if someone says "can I", they will say "I don't know, can you?" like an english teacher because it's supposed to be "may I" for allowances. And, Azzy, it's supposed to be "Chara and I" not "me and Chara" ...no-one cares.
2. Something vocabulary related is that Chara absolutely, categorically refuses to swear! Apparently, contradictory to popular belief given that they're an "edgy" character, they think they are far too intelligent, high-class and mature for such gauche and vulgar words (did I mention they're a loser yet?), you see, and they would definitely consider using words that mean almost nothing to be a grave insult to their extensive vocabulary.
This doesn't mean they don't have certain stock phrases they use as exclamations or insults, though, of course. "asshole" or "bitch" becomes "you complete and utter ingrate", "what the fuck/hell?" becomes "What on this good earth/What in the Angel's name?" and "fuck you" becomes "may the angel smite you dead" or "may you burn in hell forevermore" (except that since Chara Dreemurr has proved themselves able to dish out much, much worse insults than "may the angel..." (stuff like "you look horrible, why are you even alive" for example) this might just be more annoyance than genuine hatred.)
So basically, while a normal person might say "Ow! Fuck!" when they stub their toe on something, Chara "Sesquipedalian loquaciousness" Dreemurr starts up an anime villain speech at nothing in particular while Asriel giggles and possibly records in the background. (Because of Asriel's apparent love for anime, he'd probably find his sibling's way of speaking to be the coolest thing ever as well as thinking it makes Chara some sort of uber-genius (note: it does not))
3. Okay so, since they tend to fixate on being impeccable in every way, even for the smallest of things, they can get embarrassed very easily and...very dramatically. Not finding the best word for every situation (particularly if they end up saying something wrong), not getting a perfect score on the test, anyone (who isn't the Dreemurrs) seeing them when their appearance is anything less than completely spotless.
They shall freeze and go completely blood red, they shall squeal and run off to their room. They will lie face down, not making a sound, and stay there for...hours. They will not respond, they will not be consoled. They have recently learnt they're not literally the best at everything ever and no, nothing will ever be okay again.
...They'll be back to normal within a day, though, boastful and eager to impress as ever. I think at some point they do learn that maybe not being perfect isn't the end of the world...eventually. Anyway, heard someone saying that hell exists for Flowey and it is minor inconveniences and that is true but hell also exists for Chara and it is minor embarrassments.
(Yes, I am aware this is very exaggerated, it's just more fun that way)
They have an equally dramatic, though positive, reaction to praise and compliments. Giddily skipping around and smiling ear to ear for hours, they tend to preen and straighten up, and it turns out they were lying and can cry, (a lot) just not out of sadness or fear. Though, they do get somewhat good at downplaying how much they care in front of acquaintances or strangers (even if they are nice and polite about it). Technically, only the Dreemurrs are allowed to know that Chara feels emotions.
(Also they have the same reaction to realising they are in fact the prophesied angel in the murder run, despite not being a praiseworthy accomplishment in any way, they're just happy to be, well...special. They always knew the prophecy was about them! Of course they were the angel, they're the best person in the world after all, finally they have the title they always deserved! Oh dear...)
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