#also the animation is also just kinda ugly and cheap but i feel this should be able to be worked around
okiidokii · 10 months
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How did they manage to de-yassify her doll design to that strong of a degree
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youremyheaven · 4 months
"(Mercurials are unfairly critical of others, have you noticed?) and she frequently took digs at me and was one of those people who make jokes at the expense of others."
on at least 5 separate occasions throughout the years i, with the help of another friend, have had to sit down and explain to my mercurial friend that she has to think before she speaks and how you can't just constantly insult people 💀 she's genuinely one of the most critical people i know, some examples include her walking around every inch of my island in animal crossing and tearing apart everything she saw for like an HOUR. yes it was in a video game, and yes im still salty!! she also would ask to read my creative writing or essays and then annotate it with her criticisms WITHOUT ME ASKING HER TO 😭😭 i remember the first time she graded my short story i wrote for fun an F and i was just staring in utter disbelief
she also would constantly make fun of peoples looks in a joking way (myself included) and when i told her to stop she'd play innocent like it was just a harmless joke, begrudgingly apologize, and do it again like a week later. i've observed this sort of underhanded behaviour in two mercury women so i think they might have a habit of it? i get complimented a lot and yes i'm tooting my own horn here but i am very good looking however she had an OBSESSION with getting unflattering photos of me and then sending them to our friends "as a joke" and then would play the victim when i got mad. like sorry i don't want our whole social circle thinking i look like albino shrek omg
the biggest reason why i cant stand Mercurial women is how theyre sooo deeply insecure that they'll tear apart others just to feel better about themselves
yearsss ago I got a really cute bag for really cheap and i was talking about it with my Mercurial friend and she said "it looks ugly thats why it was cheap" and she was carrying around a tattered, worn out, faded ass bag lmaooo
another mercurial girl who was average looking criticized practically everybody we knew for being ugly. she wore the shittiest clothes and criticized other people's sense of style
an Ashlesha Moon girl i knew never said one nice thing about me but often praised our other friends for no reason and made them sound like the second coming of Cleopatra,, i called her out on it and she told me "i thought you heard enough from others, i didnt know you were desperate for validation from me as well" 💀💀
THE BACKHANDED COMMENTS u mentioned??? bestieee we're all victims here 😭😭
so between 8th and 10th grade, i was in an extremely abusive homoerotic friendship with an Ashlesha Moon,,, she was always putting me down for no reason. i kinda sing,, i am not a brilliant singer but i have won prizes in school for singing so i know i dont suck as a singer. one time she asked me to sing for her on call and then she was silent and said "its not exactly brilliant but its not horrible i guess" 10 yrs later, i wish i couldve reached out through the phone to smack her face,,, i was in my poet era back then and tbh my poetry was pretty good if i say so myself and this girl??? always accused me of plagiarism,, i took it in my stride bc i was like "ok if u think im THAT good then what do i do" lol.
i could go on but ill stop here ,,, i hope i never meet another mercurial again amen
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lex-the-lesbiann · 1 year
Angel Eyes & Basketball by Foot Ox is about Normal and Scary actually
(not in a romantic way, in my mind they are gay-lesbian solidarity)
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Explanation below the cut if you want to listen to me ramble :3
im gonna go a few lines at a time for this to try and organize it better and ill really try to not over explain :]
“There are flowers growing all around a massive animal inside of me”
the way i interpret it, the animal is obviously the Doodler but in the original context of the song i think its interesting that they make a point to say that flowers are growing around the animal, encasing it, maybe in an attempt to hide or shelter it. For my interpretation as it relates to the Doodler, i think it represents the Doodlers good intentions despite the bad outcomes
“And its so ugly And I’m so broken And I’m so ugly and it’s so broken”
the Doodler and Normal have very similar experiences which makes them also have very similar feelings and i think this encapsulates how Normal felt during at the church of the doodler, just this extreme catharsis and recognition being found in an ugly and broken animal
“I am calling all of my friends to pull me out from this hole But they’re so caught up in their own shit And I’m so caught up in my own shit”
I don’t really have much to say for this one because it can kinda be applied to all of the teens, there’s nothing particular Normal Specific here but they’re all just going through it man
“Worlds collapsing all inward And the drones are piercing through it’s own skin But I think we should live together Yeah, I think we should live together”
to me, “i think we should live together” isnt about moving in together but rather, not dying in the face of the world collapsing and not even just that, its about not dying with other people, because you have these other people with you and they’re also not dying if that makes sense? And i think that very much fits with Normals ideology because he’s obviously very big on connecting with the people around him even if everything is going to shit and even if nobody else really wants to be friends with him (not saying that the rest of the teens dont want to be his friend, this was more of an in general thing)
“And you have to believe me when I say I understand That no one around here seems to understand But you have got to make an effort Yeah, you have got to make an effort”
And this is where I can also start talking about Scary because in my mind this is basically Normal talking to her. And like I was saying before, Normal is very motivated to try and make everyone like him (making the effort), so when someone like Scary so outwardly seems to not care (even though she actually does), it would be very frustrating. But i can also see this being Normal talking to himself because pretty much no one else in the group seems to care as much about being friends if that makes sense? not to say the other teens dont care about each other, they do, but Normal cares so outwardly
“Like kids smoking in cemeteries Trying to remember what it’s like to be nothing again So maybe it won’t be so scary When they finally meet the maker at all”
In my mind, “the maker” is Willy and because of how he is, Scary has to try and be nothing when she associates herself with him, even if she doesn’t directly realize it. This is definitely a plate of corn moment but I really appreciate the irony that when Scary was most aligned with Willy, she called everyone else “sheep” even though the rest of the teens had literally just ran away from and disobeyed their fathers while Scary was perfectly content to just follow Willy and went with whatever he said.
“There are flowers growing all around the tiny fish swimming in my blood Begging me for more cheap coffee Begging me for more cheap coffee”
Okay, you’re gonna start to sense a pattern here, but the cheap coffee is also Willy and i can explain. its not so much that it directly represents Willy, but more so the sense of a parental figure that is somewhat, sometimes proud of her, hence the comparison to cheap coffee. But anyway I got ahead of myself, the fish (and btw i love that they’re fish bc get it, stamplers and fishing. you get it) are sort of her anti-conscience if thats a word, basically just something that tells her that she can have what she wants immediately and she doesnt have to work much for it, it’ll just be there and sure it won’t be as good as it could be if you put in more work but do you even really deserve the good one? just take the easy one, it fits you better. i hope that made sense
“Swimming round a kingdom of regrets Slowly building up inside of me”
Pretty much the same as what i was just talking about before but this is the result of choosing the “cheap coffee” and i like to relate this to the scene where Scary asks Willy for a hug and he laughs at her because, if i were to relate that scene to this song, Scary was asking Willy to essentially be more than he is, to be more than “cheap coffee” to give her a reason to stay but he’s an asshole so he just isnt. And then the regrets are obviously just the regret she feels. i really hope that made sense i dont think im explaining myself well.
“But there are things that I believe in Yeah, sacred things that I am keeping for you to see Later when you need them, like a Christmas tree Covered in light blue ornaments”
I think this can represent just how much Scary is a poser and knows it. She knows that she‘s pretending but only reveals these things when she absolutely has to. For example, at the black parade and at the mayors office.
Alright thats it im done, i hope this was at least a little bit coherent lmao :3
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0tivez · 3 years
I feel like to a certain extent I also had that toxic phase of calling people a poser lol and people calling me a poser as well :p in the end we like what we like and fuck people who try and make us feel bad about those things <3
I LOVE R/JUJUTSUSHI!!!! its the best place for spoilers 🥰 jk jk. I could go on an ugly rant it as well. Imagine someone cringe bc they find someone attractive and consume the media around them??? I hate people's logic sometimes; lemme enjoy hot anime 2d men/women fuck off :D
LMFAO I think thats the only downside of talking with strangers about theories and such I think?? sometimes they don't understand or aren't open minded about other povs (and the latter is fine, you don't have to accept something that you dislike but pls don't be mean about it you're gonna hurt my feelings)
I hold haikyuu people to grown up standards but they're literally in 1st year of hs tf TT lets be best friends! I'll be the Yamaguchi to your Tsukishima <3 but fr, I don't know if you've reached this point but the episode where Tsukki's backstory was revealed...I feel nothing but pain. I can also relate to him as well tbh; I like how Haikyuu characters are, as far as I know, very humanly fleshed out!
Ohhhh I love cotton candy! It's been a while since I've eaten it tho :,) ill add it to my watch list! lately ive kinda been fixing my life/schedule so I hope I can start reading csm and jjk and watch more anime!
I...I was watching, you know...I was watching pørñ TT
YOU JUST MADE ME REMEMBER!!! I WANTED TO TELL YOU BUT IT SLIPPED MY MIND ANYWAY WE GOT A RELEASE DATE!!!!!! THE MOVIE IS GONNA BE RELEASED THE 24TH OF MARCH allegedly and I say allegedly bc even though news channels have made comments about the release date, cinemas over haven't said anything?? but ig lets just hope for the best TT my cousin wanted to go to the movies wearing outfits inspired by Gojo and Nanami and it would be fun so imma just hope for the best :,)
I would also watch the shaky version. no doubt, no hesitation. A bookstore over here was selling jjk volume 8 at a discount price and I really wanted to buy it but my dad wouldn't let me TT I need to get a job fr
EYYYY CSM PROPAGANDA >:) I think its more of a Latin American Spanish thing tbh BUT LETS GO
Yuzuru is an ethereal being. There's just so much about him that blows me away I cant- and all his skating outfits :,D I keep thinking about skating aus since the olympics; they're plaguing my mind
I think one of my friends told me that mappa kinda exploited their workers but I wouldn't be 100% sure; I didn't fact check. I also don't know if im using the ; correctly bc I don't English very well as of lately lmfao.
I don't know where I stand with cosplays, I like the ones that aren't a carbon copy of the characters but outfits inspired by them and such. I think those are very neat!
I hope you had a nice weekend!! <3
-🥳 anon
right lmao it's also those same guys that drool over rem and shit too
i don't think i've seen his backstory yet. i DO know that his brother is voiced by geto's va tho 👀 i should really finish it
you were watching PORN in your FAMILY CAR??? you're a menace to society and i don't know if i respect you or hate you for that (jk jk.... unless)
i saw 18th of march but it was for usa :') it's nowhere close to where i am lol i might watch the crappy drive versions. for now, i will be hyped for the batman
AAH ARE YOU KIDDING ME? IVE BEEN SEARCHING FOR VOL8 AND 9 FOR AGES BUT THEYRE BOTH SOLD OUT! they are not translated which means they are so fucking expensive but i was ready to pay for it.... anyways i bought vol 0 and 1 for very cheap, i need to just wait for them to get translated :') they're only at vol 2 but damn i can wait to see getos fat titties and toji traumatizing gojo
mappa most likely does exploit their workers. i did hear tho that they are paid well, better than most other animators, so baby steps ig
lol i don't really look for punctuation either, it's impossible to learn lol so PSA if i ever have weird punctuation, it's cause i do it the way i do in turkish lol
i agree! most cosplays don't work out well for that reason :( hakken is a god tho
have a good one!
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themightyaliendwarf · 4 years
TPN s02e09
Another week, another episode. So, I’m kinda conflicted with this one. On one hand it was alright, but on the other it had a lot of issues (one of them being major). But let’s go step by step. 
1. The first thing that you see: reused scenes. To stay that I was disappointment would be an understatement. 
2. I don’t think I’ve mentioned it before, but I have a lot of issues with anime Norman genocide plan. In the manga, he attacks the capital during the most important holiday. That was he can not only kill a large number of population, but, most importantly, the high nobility. Here he just attacks a random village. How is that helping? What is he achieving? How is that ‘too late to go back’? I know that you can create more drama with that (they didn’t put that child demon for now reason), but why would this “genius” do that. I mean, I understand that it’s because this season is only 11 episodes long and they clearly wanted to cut costs as much as they could... but it just makes no sense. 
3. I’ve really liked Emma calling Norman an ‘arogant coward’. I don’t remember if this line was in the manga, but it’s good regardless. 
4. You know what’s also cool? Ray with more lines. Always happy when they do that. 
5. That scene where Sonju cuts his hand and throws it at the demon? Awful. It’s been a while since I’ve seen an animation that ugly. You can see how they desperately wanted to cut costs. 
6. That moment when Barbra had second thoughts about killing the demons - I’m not sure if I like it. Yeah, they were children and she had that small flashback, but I think it might be slightly out of character. Again, they wanted to show that she is redeemable because apparently you just have to throw children everywhere to add to the drama. Okay, I guess I have more issues with CloverWorks just putting innocent baby demons everywhere to make you feel sad. It’s cheap, guys. You can do better than that. 
7. And then the genocide just ends. Just like that... yeah, in the manga it also kinda just ended, but at least we got a resolution - nobles were killed, the capitol was saved, but later guards arrested everybody with cursed blood and executed them. Let’s not forget that Mujika and Sonju were classified as traitors. Here we have one attacked village that was fixed with magic blood. Which further proofs that Norman’s plan made no sense because he literally achieved nothing. 
8. WOW! Would you look at that, the radio is suddenly useful. Even if the broadcasted announcement is a clear trap. Which kinda makes sense if Isabella is a ‘double agent’ (and I guess she is). But then again, it was better done in the manga because there they go back to Grace Field because Peter kidnapped everybody who stayed in the Paradise Hideout. Here they realised that they SHOULD find usage for that radio. 
9. And now onto my biggest issue with this episode: old demon being the biggest ex machina of this season... so, 15 years ago he found a dying man. That man JUST SO HAPPENED to have a part for the Minerva’s pen. Inside it JUST SO HAPPENS are included the plans for the high quality farms. BUT WAIT, there is more! Within that data (let’s remind that this data is 15 years old), there is the cure for the lambda disease... 15 YEARS AGO. Wasn’t Lambda supposed to be a project that started AFTER Peter’s takeover? HOW IS A CURE THERE? HOW? OH, I KNOW HOW: because you are too scared to kill Norman. I’ve said it man times that CW will not have enough courage to kill him (or leave his future open-ended), so I’m should’t be surprised. I’m just extremely disappointed that it’s an absolute deus ex machina. 
10. Speaking of Norman, I think he suddenly has longer hair in some of the shots. 
11. You know what I was very afraid during this entire episode? Shipping. There were moments where I thought that CW was about to give us the ultimate fan service and just jump to the shipping hole. I’m very happy that they didn’t do it and I hope they won’t do it. The last thing that we need is romance. 
12. Who else thinks that Vincent’s betray is a red-herring? Yeah, I honestly don’t believe that they are serious with it. They might be, but if they do: it’s stupid. Okay, on the other hand because it’s stupid, perhaps we should expect that. 
13. Speaking of Vincent. Did you see how they cut costs by making him to shout with the mask on? Yeah, they clearly didn’t want to animate his angry face. 
14. But the music is still very good. 
So, uhm, I don’t know if I liked this episode or not. It was fun to watch from the beginning to end, the pacing was good, the voice acting was amazing... but it could be better. While I do have strong (or stronger) opinions about the rest of the episodes, this one left me feeling neutral. Even if the old demon ex machina was pretty awful. Well, 2 episodes more to go, let’s see what happens. 
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fmdrohan · 4 years
hello, hi ! 👋🏽  i hope this introduction post finds everyone well. ♡ i’m no one new to these parts, but for those of you who don’t know me, you can call me alé. i’m 21+, use he/him pronouns, and i’m the current typist for aria’s main vocalist, nina seo, & now, i’m bringing you all yet another muse. so, without further delay, i’d love to introduce you to brand-new creation of mine called 𝖞𝖔𝖔 𝖗𝖔𝖍𝖆𝖓. he is knight’s main dancer, sub vocalist, and rapper, as well as their currently marketed “sexy” member. outside of his career, he’s honestly just one big douche-bag skater kid that seeks cheap thrills, and who wants to do nothing more than put a smile on your face... even if causes him trouble sometimes. more info about him is below the cut, so please like this to plot ! ♡ tumblr im’s or discord by request.✨ 
born in seoul, south korea, to a working class, christian family.
mom was a manager at a local restaurant, dad worked at a law firm.
both of them were busy all the time; they lived paycheck-to-paycheck.
he didn’t get much attention at home, so he sought it out at school.
there, he was known as a a huge “class clown” or “class daredevil.”
all he wanted was to put smiles on people’s faces and push limits.
did he end up in the principal’s office a lot? YES, that was his “brand.”
as he got older, his class clownery turned to pranks and thrill-seeking.
he also became HELLA interested in skateboarding and parkour lmao.
rohan felt as if he wasn’t living if he wasn’t on constantly on the edge.
he’s broken a few bones, endured tons of scrapes, but never gives in
this, obviously, didn’t please his mother and father... they were just busy.
too busy to reprimand him and care—rohan got away with a loooot of shit.
he didn’t start receiving discipline until he was scouted by bc entertainment.
despite his messy hair, distinct style, and overall vibe, he fit the bill somehow.
the two years he spent in practice changed him a little as a person; for better.
he found a new love in dancing, and he was naturally pretty great at it tbh.
his background made him extremely coordinated, flexible, and really strong.
his fearlessness made him bold enough to try out new moves or stunts.
two years later, he débuted as a main dancer and kept his impulses at bay.
this isn’t exactly what he saw himself doing in life, but he wasn’t mad at it.
over time, his image began to shift into sexier and “stud-lier” territory.
his outfits became more revealing and he was treated differently in public.
this... fucks him up a lot because it’s the exact opposite of how he is.
he’s just some skater / parkour punk that gives off dumb big bro vibes.
how on earth do they expect him to be portray and convey sexy 24/7?
as this is more of a “job” to him than passion, he does what they tell him to.
so long as his checks get signed and he accumulates wealth, he’s good.
as mentioned above, rohan gives off very douchey “big brother” vibes.
he’ll pick on you, tease you, pull pranks on you, etc. all in the name of fun.
he’ll go too far sometimes, and he’ll feel bad, but has “no regrets.” 😎  lol.
lowkey loooves anime and draws his own bad sketches; also into sci-fi.
underneath the dumb, douchebag exterior is just a big ol’ nerd, that’s all.
if you’re a cute guy, he’ll DEFINITELY flirt with you—taken or not taken lol.
he’s someone that hasn’t really let being an idol ruin his personal life tbh??
he still does whatever the fuck he wants within the constraints of his contract.
though, whenever he gets “bored,” he does things he’s not supposed to.
bc entertainment’s warned him of being careful not to injure himself, but...
i don’t really think he cares at this point in his career; he likes more freedom.
little random, but he loooves underground / indie rock music and rap, too.
one of those assholes that doesn’t really listen to any other idol music lmao.
to be fair though, he’s not really a massive fan of knight’s music either. 😁
he just sings or raps whatever they tell him to and rolls with the punches.
lowkey wants to take up tattooing and graffiti at some point, he’s that guy.
loooves to talk and meet new people, even if they find him a li’l annoying.
whenever he’s stressed, angry, upset, hungry... he shows it with aggression.
it’s never gotten intense much, but he’s not much of a sensitive “crier” yk.
there’s more of him for me to discover as time goes on, so that’s it for rn!
no plots page yet, sry :/// i’ve been a little busy this week rip.
some ideas will be below though so lmk if they appeal to you!
one, he’s definitely known to ghost people, so... maybe your muse is one of ‘em? like, this would be locked to males in the lgbt community, but you know. give him some really awkward encounters to make him feel like shit for ditching you after tons of sweet talk. sad thing is, he’s aware of it, and it’s mostly because of his schedule, but also ??? he’s just having fun, you know. he doesn’t wanna get tied down to anything right now.
two, maybe that ONE GIRL he tried to fuck with at the beginning of his career. while he knows he’s always been attracted to men, i think he would’ve convinced himself to at least try it out with a woman to make sure he wasn’t also interested in them, too. he’s a MASSIVE flirt and sweet talker, definitely made her feel special, but like... it never really went anywhere because... he just wasn’t into it, but didn’t wanna make her mad lmao. clearly ended up in a break-up and it could be both an ugly or pretty ending imo idk.
three, i’d DIE if other muses in famed were super into skating, or anime, or really any of his interests, too, and they’ve formed a “club” of sorts? just your local band o’ dirtbags who get together and fuck shit up a little bit here and there. i feel like this could be open to anyone who shares any of his interests tbh ??? maybe closer to his age is preferred, but honestly, i’m here to discuss whatever! i’m all for compromises and shit tbh.
four, maybe someone’s he’s lowkey seeing ( male, male-presenting lock ) that he’s really vibing with, but he just can’t... feasibly reason why he should have a bf right now. he’s got a lot going on, so he’s kind of a flake, but at the same time, he doesn’t intend to be an asshole to them. they’re maybe one of the only people he’s “softer” with. can end up romantic or platonic depending on how they handle it together, me thinks!
five, a dance partner or two would be pretty cool tbh! he’s not a dancer first, so he likes to dance with other people who are passionate about it to learn from ‘em. he can handle his own with choreography, but doesn’t have his own distinct style, so he’d really appreciate all the help he can get in becoming better ig? all in the name of work!
six, maybe a person who fucking HAAAATES him because they find him really annoying and super douchey, so they just... avoid him at all costs. however, he kinda picks up on the fact that they avoid him, so he pesters them even worse, which doesn’t end well... ever. this is definitely more open to anyone tbh and we can plan as we go!
seven, flipside where it’s someone that he CAN’T stand because he finds them really persnickety, snobby, and rude as fuck. if there’s one thing he hates A LOT, it’s bratty rich kids with silver spoons in their mouths. like, if this was a “the outsiders” verse, he’d be a greaser 1000000%, not a soc. lmao. he’d butt-heads with this person a fuck-ton.
eight, however many guys wanna piece of him, he’s happy to have a catalogue of fwb’s he calls on. he’s definitely not someone who says no to a good time, and he can act like a perfect boyfriend if that’s what you want. sadly, this’ll always be a temporary game. any of these fwb’s can go in many directions and can be plotted out individually!
nine, the age old question... “who’s your ideal type?” under pressure, he said you as a joke ( because of this, it could be male or female ) and now, fans of your respective groups ship you two together all the time. it’s a little awkward, and you two haven’t really talked about it much, but here you are... at a shared event sitting next to each other. how do you handle it? what do you do? is it awkward or all in good fun?
ten, someone who kinda hates that he doesn’t really take being an “idol” all the serious. he’s got a lot of shit on his bucket list he wants to do and he doesn’t let fame fuck with that, so he’s careless. he didn’t go into this business because of passion, it’s just where he ended up. your muse doesn’t like that, and thinks people like him are lazy as fuck.
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nuttyrabbit · 4 years
Sonic Forces Thoughts
The title may seem a bit strange, given that the game is 3 years old already, and I’ve given my thoughts on the story plenty of times before as well as shared those of others, but I wanted to make this post because I decided to actually sit down and play Sonic Forces front to back for the first time since the game was on sale on the Nintendo Switch Eshop for a stupidly cheap price (10 dollars as of the time of this post)
Now that I’ve actually beaten the game and seen pretty much all the game has to offer (outside of Episode Shadow), I might as well give my thoughts on it.
On the whole, the best way to describe Sonic Forces is “mediocre”, because almost everything about it is just mediocre. The story, the  music (which kills me to say), the level design, everything about the game just reeks of unfiltered mediocrity.   It’s not terrible, but it’s not good either, it’s just kinda....there.
Now I could leave it there but I actually want to go into detail, so I’ll break it down into a couple of sections to get my thoughts out in an organized way under the readmore, starting with 
STORY:  As I said at the start of the post, I’ve said my piece about the story many times over and agreed with the thoughts of others on that matter, so I’ll keep this quick. 
The story feels incredibly undercooked and doesn’t even come close to fulfilling its potential, especially when it comes to Infinite. Holy shit I could spend 2 hours ranting about how much wasted potential this fucking character is on a story and gameplay level but at this point it’s beating a dead horse.  
The characters and their characterization is generally fine (except Tails holy shit what did they do to you) but like Infinite, they feel grossly underutilized and feel like they’re there for the sake of it rather than because they contribute anything of meaning. 
I don’t have much else to say other than that the story shares a common problem with the rest of the game in that it is very short. Like, I got Forces yesterday and I beat it in the span of what? 5 or 6 hours? As such, the story feels incredibly rushed because of that.  This segues into my next topic 
Gameplay:  This is a bit of a broad topic but I’ll break it down into something manageable, going from general to specific
Difficulty: Starting with difficulty, Forces is, for the most part, an incredibly easy game. The game defaults to the “hard” difficulty but it should really be called “normal” because nothing in this game will give you too much trouble (at least for reasons of actual difficulty). The boss fights, especially the final one, are pitifully easy and simplistic, especially if you use the Burst Wisp. Seriously, that thing destroys all the Avatar bosses with no issue. As such, the incredibly low difficulty makes the games’ length that much more noticeable, which speaking of
Length: The game, as I’ve said before, is incredibly short. I beat it in 5-6 hours but you could easily beat it in around 3 or 4. There’s 30 stages plus the Episode Shadow stuff and some bonus stages you unlock with Red Rings, but almost all of them are laughably short, the longest of them clocking in at around 4 or 5 minutes and the shortest being barely a minute and a half (the bonus stages are ~45 seconds long).  The only time I spent more than 5 minutes in a level is if I repeatedly died on a certain part, which happened only once or twice and for reasons I will get into.   It somehow feels shorter than Mania, a game that was sold for half the price initially and has less levels.
Controls: Next up is the controls and holy shit this is where the bulk of my complaints lie.  I don’t know how, but Classic and Modern Sonic control noticeably worse than they did in Generations or pretty much any other Classic or Boost game.  
Classic Sonic feels incredibly heavy, making each platforming section feel less I’m controlling Sonic the Hedgehog and more like I’m controlling an immobile brick.  That’s not even getting into how badly they fucked up his physics. The fact that this came out months after Mania is laughable.
Modern Sonic on the other hand, feels way too loose.  Whether it be in 3D or 2D, I feel like I’m barely in control of him when I start to gain speed, and there’s been multiple times where I careened off a cliff despite steering him away from it. It’s made even worse by the fact that for some fucking reason, they took away the drift, something that’s been in I think every 3D boost game since Unleashed.
They also gave Modern a double jump, but the double jump is so worthless and heavy that it’s gotten me killed more times than it’s actually helped me. It feels so stiff and awkward to use and combined with Modern’s loose controls, most of my deaths in this game came from Modern deciding to just randomly plummet into a pit because  I couldn’t correct a jump or he just slid off the edge of a runway for no good reason. Stage 27 is the best example of what I’m talking about because holy shit.
Finally there’ the Avatar, and he probably controls the best of the three, so I don’t have too many complaints on that end other than the fact that his jumps are incredibly slow and floaty.
Level design:  As I said before, most levels are incredibly short, being over pretty much as soon as they begin.  The design in the levels themselves is at best momentarily interesting (The 2nd Modern level for instance), and at worst is absolutely atrocious and terrible (Whoever decided to put an autoscroller in a Sonic level is just awful). and most of the time it just evens out to being incredibly boring and forgettable. This isn’t helped by the fact that most of the levels themselves are either throwbacks to previous games,  generic cityscapes covered in white or on fire, or that ugly, ugly jungle aesthetic.  There’s no levels in this game that really wowed me aesthetically or on a gameplay level. Hell, I can barely remember the names of most of the levels 
Music: The music in this game ranges from forgettable (most of the Modern tracks) to skullfuckingly awful (Every. Single. Classic. Song). Though that being said, I did like a couple of the Avatar themes, and the vocal tracks (Fist Bump, Infinite’s Theme, Light of Hope) were all pretty decent, though not nearly on the same level as prior games.  This is probably the most forgettable soundtrack in all of 3D Sonic. Even Lost World had more memorable and interesting tracks than this. 
Avatar:  I already talked about my grievances and thoughts on Modern and Classic in the control section, but I wanted to give the Avatar his own section because it’s easily the best part of the game.  Getting new gear for your Avatar and customizing them is admittedly really fun,  and I had a good time making my new OC Kick the Dog (do not steal).  The Wispons give a decent amount of variety and replayability to the levels that the other playstyles don’t have (Red Rings do dick in this game other than unlock clothes and EX levels which are so insignificant they ain’t worth it) and their levels are easily the most fleshed out and interesting of the bunch.    If I ever come back to Forces, it’ll probably be to replay Avatar levels
Content:  This game has barebones content, with the most pressing things outside of the main levels being Episode Shadow (which is 3 stages long), the bonus levels (pitifully short), the SOS missions (replay the levels again), and collecting the red rings/ silver moons/ whatever (Only unlocks more clothes and bad bonus levels).  Compared to something like Generations, which was also pretty short but had a lot of side content and unlockables that made it worth coming back to, and something like Mania which is packed to the brim with content and replayability, Forces is just kind of pathetic.  
Graphics:  One thing I’ll give the game is that the pre-rendered cutscenes and even some of the real time cutscenes look really damn good, at least aesthetically. Character animations still leave a lot to be desired though. The in-game graphics look fine. Nothing great but not terrible.  Keep in mind I played it on Switch so that could easily affect things, but generally the game looked....okay.
FINAL THOUGHTS:  As I said before,  Sonic Forces is the definition of “mediocre”. It’s a completely unremarkable game from start to finish, and most of what it does is done better by just about any other competent 2D or 3D Sonic game.  The  Avatar is fun and interesting and I want the playstyle to make a return, but that isn’t enough to save the game from being incredibly mediocre and just plain forgettable.   
If you really want to try Forces out yourself, I’d recommend getting it at a deep, deep discount. I got it at around 10 dollars and I’d say it’s worth between 10 and 20 dollars. Do not pay full price for this game. 
But otherwise, just skip it.
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putschki1969 · 5 years
Hikaru Tsumugu ~ Live Report
Notes: Got a 2-hour train ride ahead of me so I thought I’d use the opportunity to write up a little report. Please note that I was very exhausted during the live so I wasn’t able to pay as much attention as I usually would. Also, I didn’t know 7 out of the 17 performed songs so I had a hard time appreciating them properly. I didn’t cry which kinda surprised me. Maybe I was too tired. Hikaru did get a little teary eyed during the Kalafina section but aside from that, she was mostly happy and excited. Overall I think this live was much more powerful and cheerful in comparison to Hikaru’s birthday event from last year. Maybe that’s why it wasn’t as tearful. Then again, I know quite a lot of people who were sobbing like crazy. Anyways, let’s get this thing started:
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Goods: I didn’t buy much tbh. The pamphlet, the tapioca set, the pen and the badges. The other stuff looked a little cheap if I am being honest. A little disappointed with the quality of the pamphlet. Quite expensive but very thin and it’s made up of some sort of rough paper material. Some pages have ugly printing marks (;_;)
Stage production: Pretty simple I’d say. The musicians were lined up on either side of a small staircase. There were some walls in the back and curtains/fabrics on top. They played the PVs of Hikaru’s songs during each H-el-ical// performance, it was nice to have the lyrics on screen to sing along. and for the other songs they mostly used elaborate lighting.
Hikaru’s look: As you can see from the pictures, she had her hair down for most of the live. It was styled very nicely with big curls. She wore a bold red lipstick. The live started with her wearing the white gown/coat. Pretending to take a drink, she went to her little table and all of a sudden she started stripping XD (it was like the Blue Day “signal” performance). She quickly dropped the coat during her MC before “Fili” and revealed a sexy red dress which was very reminiscent of the old Kalafina days (laces, corset style). After the instrumental she returned with a long blue dress that kinda reminded me of Kalafina’s 9+ONE denim style outfits due to the colour scheme. For her anisong section she surprised us once again by dropping the dress and revealing the sexiest outfit ever!!! Black high waisted leather pants and a black leather bralette. *nosebleed* During the encore she wore a black denim skirt and a long sleeved H-el-ical// shirt. Her hair was up. I wish they would have sold that shirt too since it looked much nicer than the normal t-shirts she was selling. As for shoes, she wore shiny black pumps with white laces. Speaking of laces, laces were definitely the main theme of her outfits that night. The coat, the dresses, her leather outfit and even her pumps had laces everywhere. Guess it all boils down to Tsumugu = Spinning. In her pamphlet you can see all the threads spinning around so I guess she was trying to go for the same vibe regarding her fashion. So glad Hikaru was kind enough to provide pictures of everything!!
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Musicians: Everyone was in such a good mood!!! Gussy (Hikaru’s composer and one of the guitarists) was particularly hyped, he seemed to be really into it. Was a lot of fun to watch them perform.
Overall sound: I think for the most part, the live sounded great. Hikaru was in good shape and sang her songs well. If you don’t like the studio version though you won’t like the live version either. Hikaru pretty much used the same singing style which she used for the recording. The backing vocals were playing in the background to create a little more harmony. I think Hikaru was far more concerned about having fun rather than delivering a technically perfect performance! Hence, she ended up sounding a little off key or frail at times. Nothing that took away from the performance though. With someone as engaging as Hikaru I really don’t mind if the singing is less than flawless. Just seeing her having a blast was making up for any missed notes XD Wasn’t a particularly big fan of her anisong section because I didn’t know the songs and she got quite shouty there but I guess that was on purpose. Apart from some slightly screechy shouts she also did some very powerful shouts!
Random observations: The live was completely sold out! BANZAI!! The goods were also sold out (including the H-el-ical// CD). So happy for Hikaru’s “major debut“. I hope many people will watch the anime so she can have a lot of success as H-el-ical//. As has already been established, Keiko and LiSA were there to support Hikaru. They sat in the first row of the second floor (at the very left). Akihiro Tomita was also there. I think he might have taken up the role of producer. Masayuki Ohashi was also there. He was the one taking the picture of Keiko and LiSA. Then we have Takeshi Kato of course. I am expecting a SPICE live report very soon. When Hikaru did her infamous goods corner she also introduced her CD. Once again she mixed up Kalafina and H-el-ical// when she said that there were eight tracks by Kalafina included (during the SPICE broadcast she also mixed up the two if you can remember). It was super cute. Old habits die hard.
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Amanhecer: Great start for the live, I LOVE this song. She sat on top of the stairs and sang it beautifully. It almost seemed like she was sparkling in her white coat. Like an angel.
Splendore: The pace really picked up here. Hikaru was running around on stage, jumping up and down. It was amazing to see her so happy. You can tell she was born to be a solo performer (something that cannot be said about Wakana XD).
粉雪 (Cover: Remioromen): Didn’t know the song but it was quite beautiful. Hikaru did a great job. Definitely one of the more memorable performances of the night.
WINTER SONG (Cover: Dreams Come True): Another song I didn’t know, unfortunately I didn’t particularly like it. Can’t really remember any details.
Fili:The first unreleased song from the CD. I loved it. Hikaru said it made her think of the earth. Too bad I can’t listen to my CD while I am in Japan.
Avaricia: Probably my second favourite H-el-ical// song. Awesome performance. Her dress was perfect for the more mature and jazz-y vibe of the verses. But of course my favourite part of the song is the chorus!
yolcu: Hands down the best H-el-ical// performance of the night (and my favourite song so far). This is such a good song!! Can’t believe how much I loved it! The way she was pushing her arm in the air, I literally felt power surging through me. Also, damn, Hikaru was so sexy moving to the exotic rhythm in her red dress.
Instrumental: That was kinda all over the place, didn’t really like it. It started with some sort of extension of “yolcu” and then it became very slow with just Hirotaka Sakurada and the violinist. Then the pace suddenly picked up again and everyone was playing. No idea if it was a special song or them just playing random stuff. I didn’t recognise it.
ARIA & blaze & sprinter: The Kalafina section was super special as expected. Hikaru said that she consulted Yuki Kajiura on the matter, about whether or not it would be a good idea to sing Kalafina songs. Everyone agreed that she should sing them if she wanted to, after all, they made these songs together (as long as the songs aren’t released on DVD/BD I am guessing Hikaru is free to sinf as many Kalafina songs as she wants). Only fitting that she should sing them. Also, her live is called “Tsumugu” which means spinning. It’s about the future of H-el-ical// which she is spinning right now but also about everything that has been spun so far and of course that includes Kalafina. It was just Hikaru, Saku-chan and the violinist. They used the acoustic arrangements from past performances. “ARIA” sounded different from her Birthday Event performance though. It was even slower and more dramatic. I LOVED it. Every time I hear a new version of “ARIA” I fall a little more in love with the song and Hikaru. If you have seen that short snippet of “blaze” in the 10th Anniversary Film then you get an idea of what it sounded like. “sprinter” was super emotional. Not as tear-inducing as during the Arena Live or during Hi’s B-Day Event but still, incredibly powerful. I definitely teared up and so did Hikaru!! “ARIA and sprinter” were shortened considerably since Hikaru didn’t sing any Kajiura-go parts. For the most part she also didn’t sing the Wa/Kei lines. I think she sang“blaze” in its entirety though (except for the bridge).
History Maker & Paradise Lost & 青空のナミダ: I have a hard time saying anything about these songs. I knew “History Maker” from the Birthday Event but the other two songs were completely new to me. No idea how the originals sound like but Hikaru certainly knew how to make the songs her own. I just wish she would have chosen songs better suited for her voice. Occasionally her singing sounded quite off. Or maybe I am wrong and the original songs simply sound like that. Most popular anisongs sound quite noisy to my ears. Whenever I am in Akihabara I have to cringe due to the loud not very pleasant sounding music playing in the background (I feel like it’s always something by Ao Eir or LiSA...no idea)...Hikaru was sexy as hell with her leather outfit so I mostly focused on that. Thank God I brought my binoculars. She was really bad-ass during the anime secret so it was a joy to watch.
Existence: I don’t remember anything about this song tbh, except that it had a very rock-ish vibe. I actually thought it was another anisong at first but then I kinda recognised Gussy’s trademark style and concluded that it must be the other unreleased H-el-ical// song. I probably won‘t be relistening to this a lot.
pulsation: Nice powerful ending! Nothing else to say about it.
This is me: I had heard that song before but I couldn’t really place it. Either way, it was a very engaging performance! There are a lot of ooohhh parts in the song, Hikaru would sing one part and the audience would sing the other part. Everyone had a blast!! This was probably the most active song of the night in terms of audience interaction. Otherwise the audience was pretty tame I would say. Everyone remained seated during the entire live.
TSUMUGU: Not as emotional as I had expected, however, the lalala at the end killed me. We didn’t really sing along properly (neither were we asked to) but it was nice to have everyone waving. More teary eyes but no proper tears.
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disneybirdunzel · 5 years
My Frozen Elsa outfit ranking
I’m borrowing picture collages made by @freeze-my-butt​
1. Coronation
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One of my favourite looks on a cartoon character ever. I love teal, dark colors, emroidery, long sleeves, capes, sweetheart neckline and high neckline (which we kinda have both necklines here) - so it’s only expected I would absolutely love this look.
2. Christmas
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This is awesomeeee. The dark blue and the fluff collar. The contrast. Looks awesome 🔥🔥
3. Ice Queen
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It’s really nice looking, no matter how overused over the years. It tends to look a bit tacky in some merchandise and marketing pictures but in the film it’s enchanting. I love the silhouette, neckline, sleeves and even all that sparkle. I may not like Elsa as a character but I fully appreciate her character design. It’s just so pretty.
4. Teenager
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This outfit is cool. I like it.
5. Snow Queen
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Yeah, I guess this is kinda cute. I was so excited to see this animated when I saw the concept art, but I was disappointed. The two part cape looks so cheap because it feels like it was designed just make the dolls easier to make. ALSO I have to say this HER HAIR LOOKS LIKE IT’S MADE OF PLAY-DOH, it just doesn’t look natural. The outfit just a bit too light (as in fabrics, not color) to look regal like I feel it should. Looks bit like a yoga outfit. But it’s pretty anyways, whatever. The bodice is cool.
6. Nightgown
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Way too sexy, but I like the color and silhouette (neckline, sleeves etc). The fabric is just too form-hugging thin and slick looking for Elsa to be running around Arendelle.
7. Travelling
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Boooooriiing. But not ugly. I do love the beach version though (where she takes the over layer off). So this might actually be higher than the nightgown but whatever.
8. Anna’s birthday
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She actually looks pretty cute in this outfit. And I like green anyways.
9. Childhood
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As you know I like Elsa’s jacket style, which is funny ‘cause that’s the symbol of her isolation. The nightgown is cute.
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Boooooriiiiing. I mean it’s okay-ish, kinda cute, but really boring.
So to sum up: I don’t like Elsa but I really like her character design.
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A little fanfiction for Axel's birthday! (Yes I'm always late to everything 😔)
After I missed his birthday, for some reason inspiration hit me and I wrote this to apologize to myself for forgetting. I decided to make Scholar a boy in this one since I feel like there's not enough male Scholar content! (This is also the very first fanfic I have ever shared with other people so don't be surprised if some parts are really clumsy. Beware of possible typos and grammatical errors...) Enjoy!
The day was slowly drawing nearer.
Scholar was checking out multiple social networking sites and Axel's Wikimedia page for a few hours now. The fangirls and fanboys were excited all over the Internet as if it was their own birthday. Comments such as "Axel and I share the same birthday!!" And "I've been following you since the very beginning, HAPPY BIRTHDAY Axel 💖 you really helped me when I was going through tough times." Or "HAPPY B-DAY AXEL❤❤ I LOVE YOU BBY"
Made Scholar wonder how it must feel like to receive happy birthday messages from millions of strangers. Well, he was guessing that it must be really pleasant: why wouldn't it be? Even if Axel doesn't know them it doesn't change the good intentions they have. Anyway! This wasn't the point of Scholar's "research."
He was browsing through a bajillion of interviews, fanblogs and comments to find what Axel liked. Which was, he thought to himself, maybe a little dumb. They may have known eachother only for about 3 months but at least he knew Axel on a personal level, not through a screen. Hell, when they met Scholar had no idea of who that handsome rocker boy was supposed to be. And now here he was trying to find an answer to something he should probably know the answer to better than Axel's fans. Not to throw shade at them or anything.
"Aaaaaghhhh!!" Subconsciously, Scholar let out a loud whine not realizing that his voice was louder than he intended it to be. "Shut up!! We can hear you from here!" It was Karolina in the room nextdoor. "I'm sorry!! ...ugh." Thankfully she didn't hear the "ugh" part not that it would change her opinion about him.
Scholar was just so lost: "what the hell can I gift to a rich handsome talented guy and not look like an idiot?!" Is what was going through his mind the whole day and it was already 11pm. Tomorrow was Axel's birthday and he still didn't find shit. He had never been good at finding gifts, the only person he gave them to was his dad and then again, it was only sometimes. The both of them weren't the type of people to worry about formalities such as Christmas or birthday presents. And when it came to "friends" it was about the same story.
Scholar put the phone down. It was stupid to worry over something like that. Being surrounded with rich, talented and sometimes famous people all day long Scholar swore to himself one thing. Don't be fake. Be sincere with those people. To be treated like anyone else is what they deserve.
And so Scholar searched for a gift idea again, but this time in his mind. He searched for an answer in his memories, through the small amount of time they had spent together. What does Axel like? It's not that hard. He already knew.
Scholar's mind was set: music, dogs and piercings. A hobby, an animal and accessories. Simple, but let's just go from the basics. "It's not like I can buy something expensive anyway..." His muttering was blocked out by his pillow, no matter what he would find, Scholar was just hoping that it would at least make Axel genuinely happy. Even just a little.
The next day went as expected: everyone was wishing Axel a happy birthday. He was getting occasional gifts from people he was close with and from people with whom he had never even talked to, or at least Scholar was pretty sure that he didn't. Even Tadashi went a bit soft on Axel.
"Not giving me detention for my late arrival today, Mister Student Body President?" Axel was over 15 minutes late which meant that he was deserving of a detention slip by usual à la Tadashi rules. "Go away before I change my mind you ugly ear-pierced clown." Axel was nodding and smirking all knowingly. "Uh-huh. Of course Sir, could I consider this lack of strictness towards me as my birthday present?"
Tadashi reached out for the detention form inside of his bag and took a pen in his hand ready to write Axel's name down and the reason why he got a detention slip. Axel backed away immediately. "Alright, alright! I'm sorry! Geez. Could you at least not threaten me with this shit on my birthday??" Tadashi put the pen back into his pencil case and smiled. "There you go. I knew you had some self-awareness behind your 3 kilograms of makeup and your millions of engagement rings you wear."
Axel frowned like a child. "I don't wear *that* many rings! Also, my makeup is super light!"
The rest of the day went on pretty smoothly, though Axel was probably wondering why Scholar didn't wish him a happy birthday. Whenever other people approached him to do so Axel would always peek at Scholar from the corner of his eye,  as if to say: "See?! It's my birthday today..."
Scholar felt secretly super giddy because of that. Axel was totally waiting for it. After the last school hour of the day he even came towards Scholar ""to say hi."" "Hey, Scholar!" "Hey there."
"Um. So. Don't you have anything to tell me?" "Nu-huh." "You sure?" "Yup." Silence again. Axel looked down in such an adorable manner that Scholar felt almost like he was murdering a puppy. "Hm. Okay... See you tomorrow?" Scholar smiled as sweetly as he could to hint to the fact that they would see eachother again today. "Of course. Bye!"
After trying to sound as chill as he could, Scholar hurried himself into town. Blindly looking for a gift might be a bad idea but it's often this way that we find the best ones. Scholar was relying on his luck and intuition, he was storming through every single shop until he came accross something a bit silly that could do the job. It was in a small shop named "lying tiger" with a lot of useless gadgets. It was simple, cheap and adorable. Hopefully Scholar's intuition was right.
Upon seeing the gates of the school getting closer and closer as he was walking towards it, he decided to pull off the fastest sprint of his life. If Murdoc had seen him he'd be impressed.
After a couple of minutes Scholar was standing in front of Axel's room. "Okay.... No wait."
It was 7pm and the sun was already gone from a long time ago since it *is* November. Scholar was sweating as if he just ran a marathon, which... He kinda did. He muttered again. "Ugh. Good job, Scholar. Why did you have the bright idea to make yourself smell like a horse before-"
Voices from the hallway were heard, a couple of girls coming his way. Damn it. Alright. Scholar decided to at least make himself look good before coming back, he changed his clothes into something more casual but also charming. A bit of deodorant here and there, some perfume and done!
This time around he was ready, if it wasn't for his stress kicking in that is. He suddenly didn't feel as confident in his gift as a couple of minutes ago. Well, it was too late to change it anyway. Scholar took a deep breath and knocked. He waited there without moving nor breathing. As if until Axel would get out of his room, time had stopped.
Suddenly, the door flew open. The moment their eyes met Axel mockingly smiled. "Oh? You finally decided to come and wish me a happy birthday? Haha." Scholar had kept his hands behind his back but when Axel said that, he instinctively moved them to his front, revealing the package he was holding. Axel stopped smiling and his eyes widened in surprise. "Oh." Scholar was already happy with that reaction alone, even if he was unsure on whether or not Axel would like the gift. For a second, this felt like it was enough. "Yeah. I couldn't wish you a happy birthday without giving you a present, could I? Happy birthday, birthday boy!"
Axel carefully took the box into his hands, really gently, as if he could break it just by pressing his palms on it. "Thank you! But geez, you didn't have to. I was worried the whole day, you know? I thought that maybe you were mad at me for something."
He said that while pouting, it was so cute and worth the trouble. Scholar didn't regret his sprint and the whole day lost searching for the gift. "Haha! Of course not. Oh but don't shake the box, you might kill it. Also hurry up and open it, the lil guy needs light." Axel blinked a few times before following Scholar's advice, he tried to open the package as quickly as possible without damaging the wrapping. Needless to say that he wasn't being really successful.
"What do you mean?! Don't tell me it's a hamster or something! You know that we can't keep pets in the dorms, right? Tadashi is *so* gonna kill me if-" It wasn't an animal. Not a real one at least. "A... A toy?" It was a little puppy playing an electric guitar.
"Yup. It has buttons on his back, when you push them the doggo plays sick riffs for you. It has also light effects on the guitar." Axel looked at the toy with admiration. As if that dog made of plastic was a real puppy.
"Oh. My god. A puppy. Playing the guitar for me?!? This is the cutest and most precious gift I have gotten today!" "You like it?" "Are you kidding?! I love it! I'm gonna practice the guitar with him from now on! He's gonna be my little guitar buddy!"
Scholar felt so proud. So damn proud. It was a good call. It made him think about the fact that children often receive useful gifts from the adults rather than fun ones. There was always a craving for a new toy in a kid's heart rather than the need to get a new backpack or clothes. Scholar believed that every teenager in the world still had a child inside of them who would always secretly pass in front of a toy store while ogling at it but being too embarrassed to enter and take a look.
"I'm glad, to be honest I was a bit worried about it. I mean, you probably received a lot of pricey and more useful things today." By the time Scholar had said that, Axel already took the plastic puppy out of the box. "Excuse me? You think that there is something greater in the world than a doggo playing a guitar? Pathetic. And like I told you I'm gonna practice with this guy!"
"Uh. Don't you practice in the auditorium? What will you do when other people will see you hanging out with a toy?" Axel let out the loudest gasp of his life. "How *dare* you call my friend a toy?? Have you even heard him play?"
Axel pushed the button and some light effects emerged from the toy along with a guitar riff, so skillfully played that he felt almost ashamed when comparing himself to the dog. "Holy shit. This dog is better at playing the guitar than me..." Scholar laughed cheerfully, his laugh was followed by Axel's adorable giggle. "Well, I'm happy you like it. This way whenever you play the guitar, hopefully you'll think about me for a bit."
Axel tried to pull off the most flirty expression he could, the kind of stare that couldn't be mistaken for anything else. "Bold of you to assume that I don't think about you everyday, sweetheart." He would've been so persuasive... if it wasn't for the doggo made of plastic he was holding. Scholar couldn't keep it in any longer and laughed again. Needless to say that he was surprised when he noticed that Axel looked a bit hurt. "... Axel?" "That's so mean. I'm really trying so hard but it never gets through to you, you know?" Scholar's heart dropped into his stomach. "What?"
He heard that right, didn't he? What Axel said just now. As for Axel, in a matter of milliseconds he was already back to his usual smiling self, regretting what he had said. "Oh, haha! Whoops, that came out really wrong. Don't worry, I'm not upset for real. Um..." The hallway went silent and Scholar was really anxious. He felt as if he effed up big time. He was about to apologize and get it out in the open. The fact that he was actually really mortified at the thought of Axel disliking the gift. The fact that he had a crush on him for a little while now. The fact that he was a dumbass when it came to taking hints because he thought that Axel was like this with everyone. But before he could, Axel spoke again. "Don't make that face, you didn't do anything wrong. Look, let's hang out together soon. Just the two of us. Deal?"
Scholar wasn't so sure about the "you didn't do anything wrong" part, since he just noticed that Axel was in fact trying to flirt with him for a while now and he was constantly brushing it off while thinking that it was just his imagination wanting his feelings to be reciprocated. Scholar gulped, unable to say anything else other than: "Of course! Whenever you want, I'll be there."
Axel slowly closed the door... and immediately felt like the hugest moron of human history.
Because he knew. He knew that Scholar would never play dumb with something like that, he just genuinely did not think that he, Axel, could ever like him in that way. But now he knew. Axel just spelled it out for him loud and clear. Next time they see eachother there won't be any doubts in the way. Axel fondly looked at the puppy in his hands. "If only your previous owner knew how to take hints... Well, there's no going back now."
Axel pushed the button again and listened to the puppy's incredible guitar riffs for a while. Even hours and hours later, before falling asleep, he still couldn't get the image of Scholar's astonished face out of his mind when he finally realized what Axel felt towards him. Axel grinned. This kind of expression had no subtlety to it at all. Axel swore to himself.
The next time they see eachother he'll tell him clearly what he thinks, no hints, no silly pick-up lines. And then they'll kiss for sure.
Here it is! Sorry, the last part was so cheesy 😂. I apologize 🙏🙏 Most of this was written at 3am when I couldn't sleep, because obviously everybody knows that the best moment to write something is when you're supposed to be asleep /s
This has so many plot holes, like for example how is it possible that Karolina didn't beat Scholar's ass the next day for yelling in the middle of the night?? Or how come Tadashi was nice towards Axel for once? That's so OOC, absolutely impossible.
Anyway, Wikimedia is obviously Wikipedia and the "lying tiger" shop is actually "flying tiger" (Not sure if this shop exists in the US.)
Well, thank you for reading!
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saintheartwing · 4 years
Invader Zim: The Pigshit Troll, Part Three
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"So it's coming from Dad's lab?"
Gaz was now very intrigued indeed. She sat across from Dib in the living room as he pulled open his laptop, Gaz pulling open a can of "Mountain Spew" and drinking away. Dib glanced over at the black can, raising an eyebrow. "Yeah…but why are you drinking that new flavor? Aren't you more into the original?"
"Yeah, but I wanna give the new flavor a try and I gotta be honest, it ain't bad for a zero calorie soda. It tastes like the way Mountain Spew used to way back in the day. A LOT better than their diet one, I'll tell ya that." Gaz remarked. "And it ain't given me diarrhea yet, so that's a plus."
Dib did the very best he could to suppress his laughter. When it came to Gaz's diet, her constantly going to Bloaty's Pizza Hog had real consequences. The cheese round the clock was getting her blocked, but when the levee finally broke, well…frankly, so did the toilet. Many, many times. And she would make him clean it.
There had been a positive to this though. Dib was now amazingly good at plumbing and mechanical engineering and he was actually picking up some decent money loaning his services out to the neighborhood as a plumber…provided nobody told the local trade unions about what he was up to, because compared to them, he was real cheap. So now he could afford a VERY nice laptop with all the bells and whistles as he showed it off to Gaz.
"Yeah, the IP address was traced back to Dad's lab. Unfortunately, I can't track it down to the very computer, Dad does have enough security in place to keep me from seeing that and no way am I risking jail time by cracking that open. They almost busted me last month when Dad tried to install the "Parental Controls" on our new television and I don't want Officer Krupke giving me that lecture again."
Indeed, in one of the very few times Dib and Gaz had been bound by common strife and pledged to work together for a common good, Professor Matthew Membrane had installed parental controls on their television because he was concerned about the damage being done to them from exposure to new Netflix series. Especially with all the brand new true crime dramas popping up all the time, it turned out to be something both Dib AND Gaz positively loved, the chase, the investigation, the grisly details, it was so engaging. They would watch together on the couch, eyes glued to the screen, binge-watching for hours and hours and then eagerly chatting about ALL they'd seen at dinner.
Well, Membrane had been determined to stop them from having their minds all twisted up by violence and at first it worked really well.
"C'mon! I wanna watch "The Ken and Barbie Killers!"
"Fat chance. You're gonna watch Cupcake Wars and you're gonna like it."
"Damn it, lemme watch Don't F—k with Cats, it's a classic!"
"No way. You're going to watch "Masterpiece Theatre"."
"Well…if it's got Patrick Stewart in it that might not be so-"
"Featuring Brian Blessed in the star role of Macbeth!"
"Hey, what gives?!"
"That's enough cartoons for you today. You're gonna watch some Animal Planet…no, wait. Better. C-Span. It's good to be involved in politics these days."
"Oh c'mon, it's just hearings on air traffic controllers! You fiend!"
So finally, Gaz had insisted Dib get rid of the thing.
"I'd be risking major jail time!"
"Dib…it's recording the best of Fuller House."
"…I'll go get my screwdriver."
Dib had indeed almost got caught and had to listen to a very irritating lecture from the police. It was rather astounding they got to the house so quick over that, but whenever Dib tried to let them know Zim was up to something, it was "Yeah, we'll get to you when we can".
The good news was the parental controls issue got solved soon enough. Professor Membrane himself decided to get rid of it, saying that though he was worried about the things they were watching, it was his job, not some machine's, to judge and curate what his children saw.
Translation: the parental controls wouldn't let him watch "The Mandalorian" because it was too violent.
"Well can we look up who's working at Dad's laboratory who might have a grudge against you?" Gaz asked as Dib grinned.
"Luckily, that's not protected health information, Dad lists all the employees on the website and under "Contact Us"!" He remarked as his fingers flew across the keyboard and he then turned the laptop to fully show Gaz the list. "Look at who's listed? Keef, of all people is one of the assistants, he's an intern!"
"Hmm. I've always thought there's something off about him…and his stories, well…" Dib cringed.
Keef was definitely, one hundred percent not allowed to write anything even remotely close to sexual. The school had no problem with stories about, say…Zim skinning people alive in one of HIS work. For some reason, that was just fine. Oh, but a bit of soft sex, nakedness? No no no no no! Bad!
But Keef had found a way around that and did stories with lots of innuendo, and a ton…a ton of stories involving Dib, Gaz, Zim…and romance. He called the ones between Zim and Dib "ZADR" and with Gaz and Zim "ZAGR". You could find them cute if you were into that sort of thing, after all, many were astoundingly well written, lovingly detailed, and your heart would begin racing as you kept reading his creative writing tales.
But Dib didn't much like the idea. For one, Zim was over 150, he was waaaaay too old for either him…or Gaz. Two, EW. Three, a lot of the stories had Dib's own personality being ignored just so he could smooch it up with Zim! It didn't come across as a natural evolution or a progression or character development that made sense, it was just "I want this person here, so I'm just going to force them to be there, even if it makes no sense, because the plot is pretty much porn".
Gaz, however, kinda thought it was cute in a funny sort of way. She also knew it wasn't like Dib had never thought about kissing Zim, Dib was still discovering himself, after all, and he had had dreams about…that sort of thing.
"And there's Mr. Elliot!" Dib added. "Wow, why did he decide to work there?"
Gaz smirked and chuckled inwardly. Nobody would EVER know how she got rid of him, and she wasn't gonna tell anyone. And if she wanted you out of your job at the school, it would happen. Now, there were three ways to stop her from doing what she do.
…what? You think imma TELL you?
"He could have finally snapped." Gaz mused aloud. "I mean, when the nice ones snap…they really, really go wild. It's the nice guys you need to watch out for, you can trust a jerk to always be a jerk. But when a decent person goes bad, they go baaaaaad."
"Yeah, that's possible." Dib confessed. "Hmm. Look, our janitor works there too." He murmured. "Johnny."
…Johnny. The one and only Johnny. A slim, slender man, messy black hair that was just downright ugly and grimy. A pale body, sunken eyes, and he smelled strange too, like meat that had been left out on the counter for far too long. He liked making little snappy remarks at people too.
"Did you wash the bathrooms like we asked?"
"I'll wash the walls with your blood!"
"Well before you do that, wash the bathrooms."
On top of that, there were rumors that he caked blood on the walls of his janitorial closet to feed a monster that laid within. He was always seen sinisterly smoking at the very edge of school property at night, an anti-social, creepy figure indeed. Him being the actual troll…it wasn't unreasonable to think of Johnny, curled up in his closet, hunched over his laptop, spewing hate out into the world.
"Wait. Wait, wait, wait, look!" Gaz pointed at one of the names. "…Tassirak. That girl's name's Tassirak Doe."
Dib frowned, and he examined the photo that went with the name. "Doe" was a common name for a dead body you hadn't identified and-wait. Wait. Those eyes. The facial structure. The hair may have been different, the skin tone less pale, but Dib recognized those eyes instantly, and that faint Mona Lisa smile too.
And he knew that name, because Tak, Irken Invader, had divulged that to him.
Dib had gotten really close to Tak when she'd first arrived, the purple-haired British-accented girl had been charming, intelligent and clever, and they'd had similar interests. He'd soon spent weeks with her, the two just…talking. Making fun of Zim, chatting about their favorite books and movies they'd read, sharing stories about adventures out in the wild…
And of course, that Valentine's Day dance. "No, no. One-two-three, swing! One-two-three, swing!" Tak had insisted to him.
"Ouch! Don't drag me!"
Her lessons on dancing were harsh but in truth, that time spent with Tak had probably been the happiest he'd ever been.
And that's how he should have known it was a lie. Because Dib knew he wasn't meant to be happy. He'd known that…for a long time.
She'd revealed her real name. They'd eaten lunches and even a dinner or two together. Seen movies and he'd walked her home. And then, just a few days later, she'd turned out to be an Irken invader.
It had hurt. A lot. He'd lost a friend. And maybe someone more. It had really…really hurt.
"Does SHE have an account on the website?" Dib murmured as he examined the school's creative writing website. "…oh wow, yeah, she does, she's using her old username and password she got when she first enrolled, there's not much, but they're there. Wow." He examined them. "She wields metaphors like blunt instruments. You can feel Tak in every single sentence, so much of it is in first person and there is a lot of really biting, cynical wit in here. It feels almost nihilistic. And it's super petty, too. A lot of really nasty stuff happening to folks she doesn't like."
"Wow, one story has her as the Tallest." Gaz remarked. "…damn, she cooked and ate the last ones. That's hardcore scary."
"It's beautifully written though, I'd like to shake her hand than recommend her to therapy." Dib admitted. "I mean, she's going into really grisly detail on every minute they die. She must be super bitter. I don't even wanna imagine what happens to Zim when she updates this story, she just finished catching him and she's got him tied up in…Japanese rope bondage? She's into BDSM?"
"The safe word is "eine kleine nachtmusik"." Wow, somebody's letting their inner Hannibal Lecter out, alright." Gaz said with a whistle. "…still, I kinda WANT her to update just to see what happens. It's like watching a train wreck, you kinda can't look away."
"It could definitely be here. We need to go to the lab and sneak onto those computers. If they saved their work on them at any point, I could prove they were behind it." Dib reasoned.
"I dunno, Dib. Not sure I wanna help you with this. I mean, don't get me wrong, it's not really fun anymore watching you get dragged again and again for what the troll's doing, but…" She shrugged. "I mean, it's not my problem."
"What if I paid you?" Dib offered as Gaz rubbed her chin.
"…keep talking, Mr. Moneybags."
"My new job is paying me verrrrry well. To plant roses, I've shoveled a lot of manure, as it were." Dib remarked. "So how about it? Is there a new game you want me to buy?" He offered as Gaz thought to herself.
"Hmm. Well…now that you mention it, there is one game that's coming out that I really want. It's Sekiro: Shadows Die Thrice. Comes out in a week. You buy me that, I'll come with you."
"Deal." Dib insisted.
And so, Dib and Gaz made their way to Professor Membrane's lab that weekend as a quilt of dark clouds obscured their stealthy approach. Slinking on inside through the ventilation shaft as Dib temporarily looped the footage of the nearby camera watching the southern side of the laboratory, they crept through the vents and finally deposited themselves in, of all places, Johnny's closet in the lab.
There was a laptop there, hidden by a bucket. Gaz picked it up, gazing through it as she nodded over at Dib. "I'll look over this one, you go look for Keef's. Then we'll meet back here in…half an hour and go look for Mr. Elliot and Tak's."
"Deal." Dib said with a nod, quickly exiting the closet, getting his camera-hacking tool ready as it was clasped tight around his wrist. The lab was almost utterly closed for the moment, most people were heading home, there was just a skeleton crew left over. This meant it was easy for Dib to sneak around, avoiding spots in the security camera's vision and using his hacking tool to loop footage when he couldn't.
At long last, he reached a work station, the same station Keef had been said to be working at, since the website had said he was paired with a "Dr. Jones". Dib looked about, listening intently. No cameras here, and nobody was inside or anywhere nearby. So he slunk over to the computer and booted it up.
Ha! Keef had been the last one to use the PC, his username was on display. And Dib had a feeling he could guess the password.
Yep! Sure enough, it was "ZADRZAGR". "Oh, Keef…ya basic." Dib chuckled as he looked over Keef's internet history and-
"…hoooooo boy."
Well, Keef definitely, one hundred percent was not the one who sent the reviews. But now Dib knew where Keef got so much help in…inspiration…for his work. He had no idea Keef swung that way!...and that way, AND that way and THAT way.
"Well, um…whatever does it for you, Keef." Dib decided, quickly deciding to erase the internet history and log off, shaking his head. Meanwhile, Gaz had finally guessed Johnny's password. She'd had a feeling it was "Mammon" and yep…it was Mammon. Johnny may have been a loyal, devoted Satan-worshipping weirdo…but he wasn't very smart. He'd left a post it note reminding himself to change his last password since it was too easy to guess, and he needed a better one, and to pick a better demon lord. Unluckily for him, not only had he tossed that post it note in the trash can in the very closet Gaz was in, she'd realized the password hint immediately. "Greed is Good". Well, there were a few Demon lords best known for Greed and one of the best had been what she'd picked.
PING! She was in. And my oh my, Johnny had been a naughty boy. He'd taken selfies to share on the Internet of him and the bloody wall he caked gore on, selfies he was sharing on the Dark Web. Nasty stuff indeed. One particularly "funny" one showed him making a kind of macabre "snowman" on the wall with some exposed ribs and a bashed in nose and two eyes burned up like coals!
And then there were his uploads to "Bestgore". Yeccchhh. Gaz was fine with dooming the deserving wretches, but Johnny was just an outright creep about this-
Wait, was that a cat?
He wouldn't.
Gaz's mouth fell open and then she darkly glowered, shutting the video off and going through the rest of the janitor's internet history. No, he wasn't the one leaving those reviews. But he was guilty, alright. Just not of the sin Dib thought he was guilty of.
A few minutes later, Dib knocked on the closet door and she exited it, giving Dib a solemn look. "He's not the one. He's a piece of shit, but he's not the one."
Dib could see something was very, very wrong, Gaz had a look on her face he'd only seen when she'd seen crime specials on killers who hurt animals. He thought it best not to ask about it. "I understand. It isn't Keef, either. He's into a lot…but not into that sort of thing."
So now it came time to check the other computer stations. Luckily for them, both Mr. Elliot and Tak were working in the same wing.
Unluckily for them, they were still there. A fact the two found out when they opened the door…
Just in time to see Mr. Elliot AND Tak currently hunched over a computer screen. "What the?!" Dib gasped out as the two wheeled around, seeing Dib and Gaz, staring in surprise as Dib and Gaz looked behind them and-
…Jackass? They were watching Jackass videos?
"You're into those stupid stunt videos where the guys get, like, basketballs bounced onto their balls after they're launched onto trampolines?" Gaz inquired as Tak and Mr. Elliot deeply blushed, Dib racing over to the computer, gaping at the sight before his eyes. He couldn't believe it.
"But it's so…lowbrow! So…STUPID!" He remarked aloud.
"But it's funny." Mr. Elliot said with a shrug. "I can't help it, I find it funny."
"Yeah, something about it simply clicked with me." Tak admitted. "I mean, I do enjoy watching stupid humans suffering for my amusement."
"Yeah, the Germans have a term for it. Schadenfreude." Mr. Elliot confessed. "Happiness at the misfortune of others." He added as Dib looked through their internet history. Yeah, they'd hadn't left the reviews either. All that work, all that effort for…nothing! Except now he knew stuff about his classmates he really, REALLY wish he could unlearn.
"It's not that funny." Gaz said, though she chuckled as she saw a video of Johnny Knoxville soaring off a motorcycle and into a ball pit, groaning loudly…because he was butt naked when he did it. "Okay, maybe a LITTLE funny."
"Sometimes you just wanna indulge in something nice, simple and a bit stupid. Not everything has to be Shakespeare, after all. It fills a need and it doesn't really harm anyone." Tak remarked. "Well, except them, but they get paid for it, so…" She shrugged.
Dib moaned. "Damn it. Damn it, damn it, damn it. I thought for SURE…"
"You're really not that Pig Shit troll, huh?" Tak wondered aloud. "I thought maybe you were doing some kind of false flag, Dib, but…no, it really isn't you." She commented dryly. "Hmm. Well, best of luck with that. Unless another classmate of yours, like, pees their pants or something in front of everyone in school, nobody's going to forget this anytime soon. The good news is that people have short memories. A month or two passes by, and you'll be fine. Folks are like GOLDFISH. Best and worst thing about them!" She laughed.
"…yeah, maybe if I slip Zim some ex-lax under the guise of it being a candy bar I can trick him into taking from me…" Dib mumbled as he slunk out of the room. "This sucks. This totally sucks."
"Cheer up, tomorrow Dad's going to treat us to breakfast, remember?" Gaz offered. "You always like that." She told him as they headed out the office door and down the hall to exit out of the building.
"Yeah, him making his pancake and eggs combo with bacon always-"
Dib stopped. Wait.
Could it be?
"…I need to check one more computer." He quietly muttered at Gaz, his voice sounding cold and dead.
… "You liking your delicious breakfast, son?" Professor Membrane asked as Gaz stared at Dib, waiting for the other shoe to drop. He'd said absolutely nothing since their Dad had begun making breakfast and now he was halfway through his meal when he slowly finished chewing and looked up.
"…it's really nice." Dib remarked. "Can I ask you something, Dad?" Dib wanted to know, as he put the fork down and folded his hands in his lap.
"Of course, son! Anything!" Professor Membrane said as Dib took in a long, deep breath.
"Why did you do it? Why did you do those reviews?"
Professor Membrane dropped the plate of bacon he had in his black-gloved hands, looking astounded. Dib went on, speaking quietly. Softly. Soft…but with an edge.
"I thought about it, long and hard. I remembered you were the one who encouraged me to come see you if I kept having problems. The IP address was also traced back to your lab. And then I thought about how…ridiculous the reviews were. They were so badly written but…not badly written enough for someone in my class to have done it. I mean, even a 9 year old knows not to write in all caps. It had to be somebody older, trying to be over the top. And then when I checked your computer, just to be sure…I found out…yes. It was you." He remarked. "…so Dad…why'd you do it?"
Professor Membrane sighed as he sat down at the table, and held his head in his hands. "I…I did want to try and…push you into my arms, as it were. That if I put a little pressure on you in your school setting, you'd keep coming back to me to talk about how you felt. It allowed me to feel like I was the only person you could truly trust, and that felt good. But it wasn't just that, I…" He took a deep breath. "It was…funny to write those reviews. Sometimes it just feels good to be…so lowbrow and coarse and nasty." He admitted. "It was like I tapped into some dark, twisted part of me that'd I'd been ignoring for so long, and when I finally got a chance to let it run wild, it felt amazing!"
He rose up a little and went on. "I have the weight of the world on my shoulders. I need ways to unwind myself. I didn't really think I was actually doing any harm. Or maybe…I didn't want to believe it, because I didn't really mean all the things I said, so how could it be anything that bad?" He murmured as Dib took off his glasses, Gaz taking in a short, sharp breath.
Dib never…ever did that. Him doing that meant he must have been really furious.
"…I don't think I want to talk to you for a while, Dad." He quietly muttered.
"…I thought as much." His father sighed as they sat across from one another in silence at the breakfast table, and Gaz quietly sipped on her orange juice.
Come the next day, it was a school day again, and Dib was making his way down the hallway before he overheard a rather familiar accusation.
"I'm telling you, he's writing about your fic in his fic. He's trashing your fic and making fun of it and you as a writer. He's a troll but pretends he isn't and just blames it on another troll when he keeps trolling."
Dib turned around, seeing Zita talking to the Letter M and he frowned a bit as he stared at the girl and the African American boy she was talking to.
"You know, you're just plain wrong." He said aloud, as other kids began to look at him. "It was my dad all this time. Not me. And I don't really care if you don't believe me. I've said my piece. You don't like it, tough." He told her, walking off.
"You think that'll convince us?"
"No. But maybe there's no point in casting pearls before swine." Dib said with a shrug as he walked off. "And people like you who just plug their ears and won't listen to any counterarguments are real pigs indeed." He remarked as he walked off, Gaz walking alongside him.
"Pearls before swine, huh? Nice Bible quote." She remarked. "But I wouldn't be too worried. Tak was right. Just wait a month or so, folks will forget."
"Oh, I don't doubt it. I thought about sneaking Ex-Lax to Zim but…I'm not going to lower myself to that." Dib insisted. "Even if it would be really funny."
"Well, I've got something that'll cheer you up." Gaz offered. "I copied the videos Johnny the Homicidal Maniac did for the dark web and I sent it to the police and now he's in jail! So we're gonna need a new janitor."
Dib stopped in the hall. "…wait, is this because of how good I am at plumbing now? Look, there's no way I can be the new janitor. I'll be a laughingstock! Dib, the janitor!"
"Yeah…but you will get keys to every single room in the school." Gaz added. "And paid twice what those neighbors pay you."
Dib chewed his lip. "…well…when you put it like that…I mean, it would be nice to be able to literally go anywhere I want in the school at any time…and I could use the dough…"
"You could rig the toileeeeets so that they always act uuuuuup whenever Zim goes to use iiiiiit." Gaz added in a faint, singsong voice.
"…I KNEW there was a reason I respected you." Dib said with a big grin.
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cupidsmusings · 5 years
The Affair That Never Happened
Description: It was here third and final and final year at Seishun High School. A year that was coveted by most and looked back on with cherished memories. For this particular student though, she found herself in a peculiar situation that set a catalyst for things to come.
Rating: PG-13
Series: The Affair That Never Happened
Chapter 3: To Pen and Paper and Out the Door
Couples: Eventual reader x Shinichi, unrequited reader x Chiharu
Author’s note: In Japan, some love hotels have age restrictions while others do not. In Tokyo, the legal age is 20, which is why the MC is worried about entering a love hotel. Another thing, most love hotels don’t have your normal front desk workers and instead have a touch screen TV in the front lobby to pick which room you’d like. Most staff working in the love hotel are never seen, which is why none were included in seeing her enter the place.
Chapters: 1, 2
   Fuck. Literally what the fuck. She would be finding the entire situation hysterical if it weren’t for the fact that she was almost about to piss herself from fright. What was she supposed to do? Thank God he looked too concerned with keeping himself from vomiting again to take notice of her.
   “Sorry,” Was all he managed to say and held out his hand to her.
   What did he want? Was he having trouble standing and needed help? Moving to the side of him, she grasped his other arm and threw it over her shoulders so he could properly lean against the side that wasn’t covered in vomit. Wait… This could become an even more troublesome predicament. She couldn’t take him back to the dorms. He was drunk as a skunk and she doubted she could handle a fifteen-minute walk back with a grown man basically leaning atop her. Also, it seemed that he hadn’t noticed her, so if she thrust him into a cheap hotel room for him to sleep everything off, she’d be able to leave quickly and return back to the dorms without trouble.
   “Just hang on okay, I’ll find you a hotel for you to stay at tonight.” She told him gently and started to walk forward.
   He released a noise and made a heavy thrust of his head. What an interesting way to nod, but to each their own. The two of them walked at what felt like a snail’s pace and {Name} found herself more and more agitated as the minutes passed. Where was a damn hotel that wouldn’t suck the life out of her wallet?
   “I’m sorry for taking so long,” she apologized and made sure to keep her face out of view of his gaze as she looked about them. “It seems that I’m having trouble finding you a cheap hotel.”
   Without a word, he tightened his grip on her shoulders and guided them down the streets of Tokyo. Despite not being aware of where she was being taken she let herself be guided to a row of hotels. Love hotels. Oh wow. She looked up at him and was fairly amused by the triumphant smirk on his face.
   “Found some.” He slurred, and she couldn’t hold back her laughter.
   “I can see that.” She hummed and looked at the prices listed outside.
   Indeed, love hotels were cheap. What worried her was that she was underage. What would she do if they asked her for her ID? Well, maybe not? A high-school student wouldn’t be out so late with a drunk man. With forced bravado, she guided the two through the entrance of what she thought to be the cheapest hotel amongst them. And when she went to the front desk, she found herself curious about the “themed” rooms mentioned. Imagining the ever so serious Kagari-sensei waking up in a ludicrous room was far too tempting to pass up.
   “What kind of themed rooms do you have?” She found herself asking with a kittenish smirk.
   She clicked the themed rooms button at the top of the touch screen panel and found herself abuzz with excitement. Which one should she pick? The Princess Room? Carnival Room? Medieval Room? A heavy S&M inspired room?
   “Which room would make you squirm the most?” She asked him with a cock of her head.
   He didn’t say anything, and she didn’t expect him to, but when he pressed a button on the Carnival Room, she stared at him with widened eyes.
   “I can’t believe you’re afraid of Carnivals.” She whispered in slight disbelief.
   “Not scared,” he shrugged, or at least tried to but it honestly just looked like he had gotten a cold chill. “It’s just girls like Carnivals, right?”
   That’s when he was staring down at her and she was so stupefied by his answer she forgot to look away. The key-card popping out for them to retrieve was what broke her attention.
   “Well, whatever, let’s hurry up.” She grumbled, a little saddened that she couldn’t choose the S&M room for him.
   The two made their way to the elevator and once on their respected floor, the black tile lit up, pointing them in the direction they needed to go. That was pretty neat.
   “Love hotels are kinda cool, huh?” She commented as they walked to the door of their room. She rummaged through her purse for her wallet, but the large man that might as well have been a large child moved to go through his own pockets.
   “Calm down, I’m paying for it.” She said and tried to swipe her card, but he shoved her hand away with his own so he could swipe his.
   “A gentleman should pay.” He said.
   What a weirdo. It wasn’t as if she was going to stay the night with him, so he didn’t have to act like he was paying for both of them. It made sense for him to pay for it, she knew this because he would be the one staying the night after all. But her stubbornness roared its ugly head and she was more determined than ever to pay for his stay. She shoved his hand away and went to swipe her card, but he, in retaliation to her retaliation, took her wrist in his free hand and moved it sluggishly away so he could successfully swipe his own card.
   Again, that stupid smug smirk was plastered on his face once more. She rolled her eyes and patted him between his shoulder blades.
   “Good job, you true gentleman you.” She commented dryly as she swiped the key card in the door to open it.
   What greeted her was cotton candy-colored walls with large surgery sweets painted on them. The floor was a sparkly pink with blotches of see-through glass randomly placed atop it. Upon further inspection, she could make out glass confections in the shape of balloons and wrapped candies that were surrounded by a gentle layer of soft stretched cotton that gave the falsehood of it being cotton candy. The bed was king-sized, with the four posters striking upward all the way until it touched the ceiling. It twisted and turned like a unicorn's horn and was painted rainbow with a sparkle finish. Carved into the backdrop of the bed was a carousel with nude women and men having sex atop the different animals. There was a couch to the right of the bed that was an ungodly bright shade of yellow with hot pink trimmings. The ceiling was covered with sheets that gave the impression that they were inside of an outdoor circus tent.
  “Toilet,” he managed to mutter out before wrenching himself from her to clumsily make it to the bathroom in time.
   She watched him with pity and slight curiosity. What made him go out drinking so heavily in the first place? Was it the sorrows of love? Was he in debt? Did he realize he’d never get a woman with his rude attitude? Well, that last one could be a part of the sorrows of love but it was an extra jab she couldn’t help giving him. With one final once over of the impressive room she walked into the bathroom. She crouched down beside him and ran a soothing hand up and down his back.
   “You sure did drink a lot, huh?” She smiled at him, not bothering to hide her amusement. “Did you get dumped?”
   “No,” he managed to say after he heaved a few junks in the toilet. “Just met up with an old school buddy that wouldn’t let me leave until he had me drink my fill.”
   “You’re an adult, right? You had the choice to say no, so don’t blame it on your friend. You’re not young enough to experience pure pressure anymore.” She laughed and restrained herself from playfully smacking him on the back.
   “What an astute answer.” He couldn’t say much more because he was throwing up before he could.
   “Not astute, just true.” She hummed and went to gently comb her fingers through his hair. When her father was dealing with a hangover, he liked her mother doing it, so she unconsciously assumed it would help him.
   She should remove her fingers, she knew this, but his hair was so soft. She had never felt such feather-like hair. To be fair she wasn’t going around delving her fingers into the hair of strangers, but it was an honest comment none the less. Once it looked like he was finished, she went ahead and used her already dirtied cardigan to wipe away the leftover vomit that coated his lips.
   “Feels nice.” He smiled at her, and oh boy if he smiled like that more often he would definitely have more suitors.
   “Glad to hear it, I guess.”
   She helped him to his feet and dragged him over to the plush comforter and what seemed to be a thousand pillows that decorated the bed. She watched him sit up and laughed as he put on a dramatic show of trying to remove his suit jacket. Not wanting to waste any more time there than she already did, she hurried to help him remove his jacket. Once out, he reached out and with a contradictory of unsteady but firm hands he tried to undo the buttons of her cardigan, to what she guessed was in order to remove it from her person. She very much liked it on her person though, so she gently pinched the foreskin of his hand.
   “Quit it,” she said but he looked up at her with a stern expression.
   “We have to get you out of your dirty clothes.” He told her, his tone matching that of someone who was telling another that they were about to go into battle.
   “You should take a bath as well,” he started just as she opened her mouth to protest. “You got some in your hair.”
   “I what?” She almost snapped but was thankful that her voice came out more confused than shrill.
   “Here.” He said and gently cupped a few strands of her hair underneath his fingers.
   “Well, that’s just disgusting.” She grumbled on the verge of hurling herself.
   “But it wasn’t when I threw up on your cardigan or when you cleaned my lips for me?” He asked, sounding rather amused despite being the source of her problem.
   “That was on my clothes, but my hair is part of my body, so it’s grosser that way.”
   “Is it?”
   “Yes! Yes, it is!”
   Why was he the one sounding amused now? With a huff, she walked over to the bathroom door before turning a sharp glare at him.
   “If you peek I’ll do some not very nice things to your baby maker.” She warned him before she shut the bathroom door.
   She gently peeled her cardigan off her and made sure that no aspect of vomit touched her skin. Time passed and though she only meant to wash her hair, she had been too tempted by the jetted tub. She had never been in one before, so it was purely for curiosity reasons. It was definitely not because she felt weird leaving the bath after a shower in front of her teacher. Because that would just be silly. And she was a mature woman that didn’t get embarrassed by such things.
   She had been soaking in the jetted tub for about ten minutes when the door was thrusted open, with Kagari-sensei running in. He did not run to the toilet and instead went over to where she was.
   “What the hell are you doing?” She growled and sunk her shoulders deep into the water.
   Thankfully the bubbles from the jets prevented the intruder of seeing her nude form.
   “There’s a camera in here. I pressed a button on the remote and the bathroom popped up on the screen.” He explained, but that was it.
   “One: When did you do this and how much of my body have you seen? Two: Why did you feel the need to enter the bathroom while I bathed? It would have been easier to just pretend like it never happened.” She sighed and quirked a brow at him.
   She wasn’t embarrassed, not at all. Because she was a mature woman and mature women didn’t grow nervous over such things such as the bizarre situation she found herself in. Screw it. This was so embarrassing. She wanted to die. Thankfully the room was also quite dim, so she doubted he could make out her face, let alone her body. But still, death would be appreciated at that point in time. Or the power to teleport. Or the power to erase memories. Both would be amazing to be quite honest.
   “But that would be lying.” He stated firmly. “And I don’t lie.”
   “Everyone lies.” She found herself arguing.
   Was now the time to be arguing? No, no it was not. But here she was, naked as the day she was born arguing with her teacher.
   “Not me. Lying is wrong.”
   “It’s also wrong to come barging into a bathroom where a lady is busy trying to clean herself. Especially after it was the said male that came barging in that caused it. You might as well be the one bathing me.” She replied soddenly.
   That was when he knelt beside the bathtub, readying himself to bath her. She looked to the wall opposite of him, clearly mortified. But with him so close she couldn’t take the chance of him seeing her face. But he saw her face before this right? Maybe he was too drunk to notice? He had not made the comment of knowing who she was. That wasn’t the point though. The point was that she was being sarcastic.
   “I wasn’t being serious. You can leave.” For the love of God leave.
   “Oh, alright.”
   She listened to him walk to the door and waited a minute or two after he left to sink her entire head into the warm water. What a nightmare the night turned out to be. When she left the bath she hurriedly dried her body and only dried the bare minimum of her hair, because if she did all of it, it would take way longer than she would have liked. She just wanted to leave. When she dressed herself she didn’t bother putting her cardigan on and instead opted to just hold it.
   Once out of the bathroom, she found Kagari-sensei’s shoes, pants, and shirt strewn about the floor. He was neatly tucked underneath the sheets like a child. All peaceful and blissful in his drunken state. Screw him for that.
   “Alright,” she started and made sure to reframe from saying his name. “I’ll be leaving now, do you think you’ll be okay?”
   “You can stay too, it’s late after all.”
   “Can’t do that.”
   If he found out who she was he would get her expelled from school before resigning himself in shame. He was far too serious for his own good. At least he seemed to let loose at some points in his life, which was interesting. It was then that she considered that perhaps her school’s teacher’s actually had their own lives outside of being prude-y and stuck-up.
   “At least leave your cardigan.” He urged and before she could reply he gripped the front of her shirt.
   “Fine,” she let out a troubled sigh. “I’ll leave it with my phone number so text me when you’re finished washing it or whatever.”
   “Or whatever? What else would I be doing with it?” He asked, amused once more.
   “Just go to sleep.” She snapped and gently smacked her palm against his forehead. “Set your phone alarms so you don’t oversleep. Bye.”
   She laid her cardigan out on the armchair of the couch before she quickly wrote down her number on a napkin from the bedroom’s wet-bar. She put the napkin on the bright pink coffee table and made sure it was in plain view for him. When she looked at her phone and, upon seeing the time, let out a curse.
   She turned to glare all her frustration out onto the bastard that caused her such trouble. He was, of course, peacefully asleep. With gentle steps not to wake him, she walked over to the bed. With care, she removed his glasses from his face and placed them quietly on the night-stand before leaving the room. It wasn’t until 2:20 that she got back to her room on campus.
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bohemianrhapsody86 · 5 years
200 Things About Me (originally 200 Things You Can Put In My Ask)
I got this off of @rami-malek-trash - don’t know who the original poster was, sorry if it’s you. I’m bored and cramping and no one usually sends me asks anyway, so I’m just going to answer all of these myself 
200: My crush’s name is: Drew (Now boyfriend, but he was my middle school crush) 199: I was born in: 1986 198: I am really: cool 197: My cellphone company is: T-Mobile 196: My eye color is: green 195: My shoe size is: 9.5/10 194: My ring size is: 9/10 193: My height is: 5′6″ 192: I am allergic to: Nothing 191: My 1st car was: 2001 PT Cruiser 190: My 1st job was: Server at a local pizzeria 189: Last book you read: Startalk: Everything You Ever Need to Know About Space Travel, Sci-Fi, the Human Race, the Universe, and Beyond by Neil DeGrasse Tyson 188: My bed is: Not very comfortable. I need a new mattress, but I need a job first.  187: My pet: A siamese cat named Chico. 186: My best friend: Amanda  185: My favorite shampoo is: I like using Aussie 2-in-1, I also like using Shimmer Lights occasionally so I can keep my gray hairs nice and shiny.  184: Xbox or ps3: PS3 183: Piggy banks are: Cool. I have one that counts my change lol 182: In my pockets: Nothing because they hate putting usable pockets in women’s pants.  181: On my calendar: I marked where I started my period yesterday, and my boyfriends 32nd birthday is next Tuesday.  180: Marriage is: Something I want everyone to have the option for if they want it. 179: Spongebob can: use his imagination 178: My mom: is amazing! 177: The last three songs I bought were? Cool and Sucker by The Jonas Brothers, Don’t really buy many singles, just albums if I’m interested and their cheap.  176: Last YouTube video watched: Brooke Candy - Paper or Plastic 175: How many cousins do you have? Too many to remember 174: Do you have any siblings? Yes, an older brother and older half-sister. 173: Are your parents divorced? Yes, they divorced back in 1999 172: Are you taller than your mom? Yes. We used to be the same height, but gravity has taken a hold of her and squashed her down.  171: Do you play an instrument? I used to play the trombone in middle school, but that was 20 years ago. I’m sure if I ever got my hands on one again, I might remember a scale or two.  170: What did you do yesterday? Went around town job hunting and then bought a maxi dress at a local craft store.  [ I Believe In ] 169: Love at first sight:Yes 168: Luck: Yes 167: Fate: Yes 166: Yourself: Sometimes 165: Aliens: Yes 164: Heaven: Yes and No 163: Hell: We live there now. 162: God: No 161: Horoscopes: Yes 160: Soul mates: Yes 159: Ghosts: Yes 158: Gay Marriage: Yes 157: War: No 156: Orbs: Yes/No 155: Magic: Yes [ This or That ] 154: Hugs or Kisses: Kisses 153: Drunk or High: High  152: Phone or Online: Online 151: Red heads or Black haired: Black haired 150: Blondes or Brunettes: Brunette 149: Hot or cold: Cold 148: Summer or winter: Winter 147: Autumn or Spring: Autumn 146: Chocolate or vanilla:Chocolate 145: Night or Day: Night 144: Oranges or Apples: Apples 143: Curly or Straight hair: Curly 142: McDonalds or Burger King: McDonalds 141: White Chocolate or Milk Chocolate: Milk Chocolate 140: Mac or PC: PC 139: Flip flops or high heals: Flip Flops 138: Ugly and rich OR sweet and poor: Sweet and Poor 137: Coke or Pepsi: Always been a Pepsi girl 136: Hillary or Obama: Obama 135: Burried or cremated: Cremated and turned into a tree or my ashes made into a vinyl 134: Singing or Dancing: Singing 133: Coach or Chanel: Neither 132: Kat McPhee or Taylor Hicks: Katherine McPhee 131: Small town or Big city: Small Town 130: Wal-Mart or Target: Target 129: Ben Stiller or Adam Sandler: Ben Stiller 128: Manicure or Pedicure: Mani 127: East Coast or West Coast: East Coast - never been to the West Coast 126: Your Birthday or Christmas: Birthday because it sometimes falls on Thanksgiving.  125: Chocolate or Flowers: Chocolate 124: Disney or Six Flags: Disney 123: Yankees or Red Sox: Neither, Cubbies til the day I die.  [ Here’s What I Think About ] 122: War: Pointless 121: George Bush: Better than the asshat in office now. 120: Gay Marriage: If I can get married to my boyfriend, the my friend Jerry should be able to get married to his boyfriend, Josh.  119: The presidential election: I hate that orange buffoon.  118: Abortion: I’m pro-choice.  117: MySpace: Always had trouble figuring out my Top 8 and what background I wanted to use.  116: Reality TV: Only thing I really watch are cooking competitions. Those are the only ones that matter. Not a fan of the Kardashians or the Bachelor/ette bullcrap.  115: Parents: My mom is amazing, my ‘dad’ was never really there.  114: Back stabbers: Asshats 113: Ebay: Hardly use it.  112: Facebook: Good to stay in touch with people you want to/some of the groups on there are awesome.  111: Work: Don’t have a job as of yet. *keeps fingers crossed I hear back from someone soon* 110: My Neighbors: Loud AF and nasty. I live in an apartment and the neighbors upstairs have so many kids and animals up there it’s ridiculous. I wish they’d leave.  109: Gas Prices: Ridiculous, but not as bad as I’ve seen it before.  108: Designer Clothes: Meh, not my style unless I find something in my size at Goodwill.  107: College: Been there, done that. Not really for me. Never graduated.  106: Sports: I like watching them, mainly baseball and basketball. The NFL can go fuck themselves.  105: My family: Love my blood relatives and my chosen family.  104: The future: It’s so bright, I gotta wear shades.  [ Last time I ] 103: Hugged someone: last night when my boyfriend came over and brought me my phone charger.  102: Last time you ate: An hour ago. 101: Saw someone I haven’t seen in awhile: At my bestie’s baby shower.  100: Cried in front of someone: Sometime last week 99: Went to a movie theater: When Endgame came out 98: Took a vacation: 2010 97: Swam in a pool: A few summers ago 96: Changed a diaper: 2007? 95: Got my nails done: 2007? 94: Went to a wedding: 1999 93: Broke a bone: Never *keeps fingers crossed* 92: Got a peircing: 2012? 91: Broke the law: I probably broke the speed limit yesterday at some point.  90: Texted: about 2am this morning.  [ MISC ] 89: Who makes you laugh the most: My bestie Amanda and boyfriend Drew 88: Something I will really miss when I leave home is: my cat. 87: The last movie I saw: Ant-Man  86: The thing that I’m looking forward to the most: getting a job 85: The thing im not looking forward to: Interviewing for a job 84: People call me: loyal 83: The most difficult thing to do is: finding a job 82: I have gotten a speeding ticket: Yep, 77 in a 55. 81: My zodiac sign is: Sun - Sagittarius, Moon - Leo
80: The first person i talked to today was: If you count texting my boyfriend at 2am, then him.  79: First time you had a crush: Sometime in Elemetary School.  78: The one person who i can’t hide things from: my mom 77: Last time someone said something you were thinking: yesterday 76: Right now I am talking to: myself 75: What are you going to do when you grow up: I have no clue 74: I have/will get a job: soon 73: Tomorrow: Never Comes 72: Today: Is the day 71: Next Summer: Not here 70: Next Weekend: I have no clue 69: I have these pets: 12 year old 17 lb cat named Striper.  68: The worst sound in the world: My cat hacking up a hairball.  67: The person that makes me cry the most is: myself 66: People that make you happy: my mom, brother, sister-in-law, boyfriend, best friend. 65: Last time I cried: sometime last week 64: My friends are: amazing 63: My computer is: pretty cool and loaded up with Sims stuff.  62: My School: I don’t go to school anymore.  61: My Car: gets me there.  60: I lose all respect for people who: disrespect me or my loved one.  59: The movie I cried at was: Endgame 58: Your hair color is: salt & pepper 57: TV shows you watch: Legends of Tomorrow, Worst Cooks in America, Any cooking show really.  56: Favorite web site: Tumblr 55: Your dream vacation: Somewhere away from my town 54: The worst pain I was ever in was: when I had that ovarian cyst. 53: How do you like your steak cooked: medium 52: My room is: messy 51: My favorite celebrity is: too many to list  50: Where would you like to be: in bed 49: Do you want children: nope 48: Ever been in love: yes 47: Who’s your best friend: Amanda 46: More guy friends or girl friends: About the same.  45: One thing that makes you feel great is: music 44: One person that you wish you could see right now: my grandma 43: Do you have a 5 year plan: I don’t even have a 5 minute plan 42: Have you made a list of things to do before you die: Kinda, not really 41: Have you pre-named your children: Nope 40: Last person I got mad at: The Dump, but that’s a daily thing.  39: I would like to move to: out of the US 38: I wish I was a professional: crocheter/crafter [ My Favorites ] 37: Candy: Butterfinger Cups 36: Vehicle: Don’t really have one 35: President: Barack Obama 34: State visited: Pennsylvania 33: Cellphone provider: Always been with T-Mobile 32: Athlete: Anthony Rizzo 31: Actor: Tom Hanks 30: Actress: Sandra Bullock 29: Singer: Freddie Mercury 28: Band: Queen 27: Clothing store: Lane Bryant 26: Grocery store: Aldi 25: TV show: Don’t really have one 24: Movie: Too many to count 23: Website: This black hole of a site 22: Animal: Cat 21: Theme park: Don’t really have one. I did enjoy Six Flags over Georgia when I went back in 2002. Dollywood is always fun but it’s been even longer than that since I’ve been there.  20: Holiday: Halloween 19: Sport to watch: Baseball 18: Sport to play: Nothing.  17: Magazine: Entertainment Weekly 16: Book: Harry Potter 15: Day of the week: Thursday 14: Beach: Virginia Beach 13: Concert attended: Jonas Brothers in VA Beach 12: Thing to cook: bacon 11: Food: bacon 10: Restaurant: Hmmm....don’t know that one.  9: Radio station: Classic Hits 102.7...hardly any commercials and they tell you the artist and song title after every song. 70s, 80s, and 90s songs.  8: Yankee candle scent: Don’t have one 7: Perfume: The scented oils from a local curiosity shop have some of my fave scents.  6: Flower: Iris 5: Color: Blue 4: Talk show host: Jimmy Fallon 3: Comedian: I’ve got several 2: Dog breed: Corgi 1: Did you answer all these truthfully? Yes.    
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kitto-toberu-sa · 6 years
Sailor Moon The Super Live Report - August 31st (first performance, heart team)
Place: Aiia Theatre Placement: Row 10, Seat 42 (middle, far right)
First, I swore I wasn’t going to buy merch and am SO glad they had so little on offer ;; I bought the pamphlet (which is basically a double sided poster, one of the main image and the other side being info with pics of the different teams) and the light stick.
Second, the show isn’t sold out. Sure, it started a little early (7pm) but it was a Friday night and opening night of a mega popular franchise? Strange for it not to have been sold out, especially since the theatre isn’t that big. (For reference, I was in row 10, seat 42, and the seat next to me was empty, as were others around me). There have been a lot of events and new merch recently though, so I can understand.
They’re also still selling tickets at the door, and are giving out freebies. Little bookmark things of the Inner Senshi with manga art (one of each Senshi, randomly given). They’re quite nice! Another enticement is different events happening after each performance. On opening night they randomly selected about twenty people to have photos with the cast. There is also a high five event on other nights, and it looks like they give out goods on other nights.
The show is VERY dialogue light. As in, there is maybe five minutes worth of dialogue the entire show (not including the live performance part). And that’s incredibly generous. This is understandable – this show is only doing two showings in France, so the effort to translate would be a lot. It’s not cost effective. The audience also more than likely knows the story. The story is the first arc, hugely condensed. I think it worked quite well without a whole lot of dialogue. The cast had to work that much harder on facial expressions and their body language to make up for not speaking.
The show is 80 minutes long. There is no interval. After the play part, there is a song part.
Now, onto the show!
We start off with Queen Beryl and her minions. She’s controlling them and their dancing. Like, SeraMyu is great and I love it, but there is still part of it that’s stuck in years gone by. This is very modern. I don’t really know or care who Takahiro is, but he did a good job! The music and dance throughout the performance is really good! It’s very modern. Perhaps because it was opening night, sometimes the music felt too loud. Not in a good way, but in a it sometimes makes the cast hard to hear way.
Anyway, they’re dancing, kinda like cool zombies? The scenery changes on a screen behind them, showing the battle for earth. Kunzite appears and shows off his sword before taking command of the troops. Unfortunately, the sword was almost dropped… We see a screen of Usagi running – it’s kinda clumsy and ugly, but it reminds me of the live action show, which I’m very fond of, so I can’t be too harsh on it. Beryl then attacks this screen, and we come to earth, present time.
Usagi yells about being late and runs through the audience. Her entrance is GORGEOUS! Why? She’s got glitter in her school bag, so as she runs, glitter is flying everywhere. It’s super shojou and anime. Very simple and cheap, but literally everyone was smiling. I feel bad for the staff who had to clean it up though haha
She stumbles on stage and drops her brooch, and keeps going. Mamoru picks it up, teases her and as she grabs it, they start to remember their old lives. Of course, that’s weird and Usagi’s late, so she grabs her brooch and goes. They part, but then stop, turn to look at each other, and are about to go back to each other when the music starts and sends them on their way. An instrumental version of Moonlight Densetsu plays. As it plays, it shows the characters and gives their names – interestingly, the names are Romanised instead of being in katakana, and the images shown are manga panels. It makes sense not to use the live images, as there are three teams, but I wonder why they choose manga over anime. I honestly think it was a great choice though.
We get a brief scene of Sailor Moon fighting a monster. She’s dodging and crying, but she also fights back. She also cheers for herself when she gets a good hit in, which is super cute. Makes her a very human character. Tuxedo Mask does save her and gives her a chance to fight back, and she runs off after him.
It’s time for school! Miss Haruna makes her appearance~ Honestly her look is iconic (the pink suit) and I love that they brought her back. The students do a dance as they start their daily routine and test results are returned. It’s pretty cute, though too long for me to care about. Usagi rushes in, gets scolded, realises she doesn’t have her textbook, is scolded again, isn’t able to share with her friends, steals Haruna’s book, and joins in on the dance while doing all of this.
Of course, things are going fine until everyone is suddenly infected with Dark Energy (a la Kunzite lurking in the corner). Cue zombie dancing again. This, again, went on slightly too long. It wasn’t particularly good, and the costumes were a little tacky – essentially the stage was mostly dark and certain parts of the zombies/infected people lit up (glow in the dark socks and so on). Usgai basically runs around screaming for a while until Tuxedo Mask comes to save her. Understandable – she doesn’t want to hurt her friends or transform in front of everyone.
Unfortunately, Tuxedo Mask dropped their cane and stepped on it, almost falling. She caught herself really well, so props to the actress there. (I believe it was this scene – could have been the arcade scene)
She fawns over Tuxedo Mask again and after the day is saved, class is over. Everyone leaves as Usagi daydreams with these ridiculous heart eyes. A scene that reminded me of the theme park episode from the 90’s anime – they have a sort of carousel thing going on, and it’s very fairy tale like. It was very nostalgic to see it and remember the old anime.
Afterwards she meets up with everyone who scolds her for being late. They sing about how they met – a very cute and sweet song. Then suddenly we’re in Harajuku!
This part is sort of odd if you live in Japan. Since this production was made for showing Japanese culture abroad, for the Japanese audience, this didn’t have a lot of meaning for the home audience. It was also horribly outdated. The gothic Lolita outfits were ugly and super outdated, and I don’t really associate Harajuku with gothic Lolita. Nowadays it’s a variety of different looks and it would have been super nice to see a variety of styles shown, as well as styles that are from this decade ;; The outfits that the Senshi changed into were ugly clown like outfits and I hate them too.
However, it was a nice attempt in showing off a variety of Japanese things. For example, the girls do a bit of traditional dance (fitting for Bon Odori at this time of year) and also eat fairy floss (cotton candy) and crepes that Harajuku is famous for (at least on Instagram ;p). They also have the dancing with the light sticks, which… isn’t a Harajuku thing ;; More of an Akiba thing, but it’ll slide!
Usagi is separated from the group and ends up the arcade. Mamoru teases her for being so bad, and plays himself. He gets a high score and they high five, before they both remember they’re meant to hate each other. Kunzite is in a mascot outfit, shakes his bottom at Usagi who touches it and shows her a new game to play. I’m… not sure why this was necessary? I mean, it’s low key great, and bizarre, especially because Kunzite initiates it? I just… don’t understand it…
Mamoru is sucked into the Sailor V game, and keeps getting beaten up because Usagi sucks so much. He’s trying to get her attention but she’s too focussed on trying to win ;; She gets better in the second round and Tux is pleasantly surprised. He then promptly dies ;;; On her third attempt, Kunzite throws her into the game too.
The Senshi appear to fight. Their introduction song is honestly a fave of mine. I believe it (and all of the songs) are remixes of old songs (both anime and musical). If I find out which ones they are I’ll edit this post (I currently don’t have internet at home..). This scene is pretty good. Unlike some of the other dance scenes which drag, this scene, through song, tells about the characters and their powers.
Tuxedo Mask is taken away, and everyone is unsure of how to comfort Sailor Moon. I think it’s fitting that Venus is about to step in, but Mercury ends up talking to her first. And by talking, I mean singing Otome Policy. A lot of the performances are predictable in that they go by the order of which the Senshi appeared, so it would have been nice to have that shaken up a bit, but it’s not that big of a deal.
In Beryl’s world, Tuxedo Mask is possessed. Beryl is very pleased and they start to tango. The actress is wonderful – Tux is possessed, but isn’t fully under Beryl’s influence, so there’s point he tries to break free or doesn’t follow along. This was pretty believable! Beryl, on the other hand, is unconcerned – she’s in control and enjoying having the man she wants with her. Meanwhile, Kunzite lurks in the corner.
They teleport to Beryl’s world where they fight Kunzite and his creepy zombies. Honestly if someone aggressively danced their way at me I’d be terrified lol! Kunzite is super strong, and takes down all of the Senshi. Venus gets her sword and fights Kunzite, but they both remember their past. Beryl isn’t impressed and he ends up dead.
This scene was really touching. I felt a lot for her. They show Kunzite’s soul floating away, and her following it briefly, trying to catch it. She realises it’s no use. Everyone goes to comfort her, even though they don’t particularly know what’s going on.
They then have to fight monsters and Mask. Honestly, everyone except Moon and Venus should have been stronger than they were. Venus just got an unwelcomed flashback from her past life and lost her former boyfriend, so it’s understandable when she fails. Moon is fighting the love of her life. Everyone else felt a bit weak.
The Senshi end up dying, and Beryl kills Mask when he responds to Usagi.
Usagi is left with Beryl, and kind of… interpretative dances her feelings out? The start is a little long and messy, but as she starts to go from no confidence, I’ve lost everything, why try?, to I have to do this, I can do this… it’s amazing. She’s taking all of Beryl’s hits and throwing them off and is the strong Sailor Moon we all love.
Beryl tries to suck her up with her darkness, and Sailor Moon walks straight in. She comes back out with her new Moon Stick, glowing brightly. She beats Beryl and dies? But Tuxedo Mask brings her back with a kiss. The other Senshi return as well.
Unfortunately, Mask accidentally turned the Moon Stick back on ;;; I don’t think it really need to be turned off in the first place. (Especially because it looks very ugly and cheap turned off – it’s also silver, when I think pink would be better suited) But that marks the end of all the obvious mistakes. For a first try, it isn’t so bad! I think they could have been fixed easily, with perhaps a bit of design done differently.
From here, there are some quick bows before the song portion.
Song part When it comes to singing, everyone was really good. However, Sailor Venus (Sena) stood out. Perhaps I’m a little bit biased, as Sena is the reason I chose this team over the others, but still. The others faltered a bit at times, or their mics weren’t properly in position, or their voices weren’t loud enough. Sena wasn’t perfect, but out of everyone, her voice was the clearest and most confident.
The songs were all really good choices. There were a few repeats of what was already in the show, most notably Otome Policy in a more pop version rather than the piano version from earlier.
Of course, I’m incredibly biased, but the best song was La Solider~ It’s honestly one of my favourite songs and I’m so so so glad they played it!
They left the stage to come back briefly for a few more songs. In between some of the songs were the dancers getting a bit of stage time, which was nice. Those girls do some really cool stuff, so it’s nice for them to get their dues.
Of course, everything ended with Moonlight Densetsu. Most the characters got solo or duet lines. This is the part where they ran around the audience, giving high fives. I was so close, yet so far T.T Buuuuut Sailor Venus blew me a kiss, so nothing else really matters haha~
We all got a little gift (clear bookmark?) and I got Moon. Some people in the audience were allowed to take pictures with the members. About twenty people I think? How lucky! I waited around with other fans to try and see the actresses as they left, but gave up in the end. It was a good night, and I’m really glad I went!
Summary Enjoyable: 5/5 Worth the ticket price: 5/5 Re-watchable: 4/5 If this was sold on dvd, would I buy it: 3.5/5
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todobita for the ship meme??
HOO boy this got long
Who made the first move;
Up until now, Chibita has thought little about Todomatsu as an individual. For years, he’s merely been another one of those six demons who he fought off or tried to help Iyami scam, nothing more, nothing less. Even as the sextuplets entered high school, and Todomatsu began to stand out the slightest bit by sticking with the color pink and thinking he was hot shit with his Razer flip phone, Chibita still saw him as just another faceless unit in the same collective of assholes.
A few years later, they’re all in their early twenties, and Chibita has established an austere yet fulfilling living as a self-employed oden vendor. While Chibita scoffs at the idea that oden is a seasonal food, he has to admit that he finds himself especially hard-pressed in wintertime. This winter has been his busiest yet, as he’s cultivated a string of regulars, and new customers are still coming all the time. He appreciates the money, and revels in the praise he gets for his expertise, but he’s finding himself with less and less time to care for his needs outside the stand.
Chibita’s in a bind, because he isn’t trusting enough to hire a stand-in. But his apartment is getting dirtier and dirtier, his laundry is piling up, and he pretty much has to run from the grocery store to the stand whenever he gets ingredients.
Complaining offhandedly to the sextuplets about it one night, as they sponge yet another free meal off him, he’s taken by surprise, and instantly suspicious, when Todomatsu offers to run errands for him in return for his share of oden. No pay, just the slightest gratitude beyond the food, and he’ll even use his own allowance to buy what’s needed.
Unable to say no, Chibita takes him up on it, and the sextuplets proceed to berate Todomatsu for claiming a free meal ticket none of them had ever thought up. Chibita by no means trusts Todomatsu, not just because he’s Matsuno but also because he’s heard the others mock his conniving nature. But he knows that if anything of his is stolen or vandalized, he can have no suspects beyond Todomatsu himself or the others should he be working on their behalf.
But, weeks and weeks after giving Todomatsu a spare key to his apartment, nothing’s gone wrong in the slightest. Nothing’s broken or out of place. He finds himself counting all his stashed-away savings night after night, only to find everything adds up just fine. The ingredients Todomatsu brings him aren’t poisoned, ugly or rotten. If anything, he clearly has a good eye when it comes to picking a leek or cut of fish.
Honestly, everything’s as great as it’s ever been. The apartment doesn’t have a speck of dust in it. His clothes have never felt so soft nor smelled so sweet. He’s able to work in a nap here and go for a walk in the park there. And with increasing frequency, he’s finding free parfaits left by Todomatsu for him in the fridge, sometimes even with nice little notes saying “see you tonight” or giving him cute little lines of encouragement.
Chibita muses to himself that maybe Todomatsu deserves more for his troubles besides the free oden and the simplest “Thanks, idjit.” He starts inviting him over after work to just chat and have coffee or tea. They bond over shit-talking the other sextuplets, (Todomatsu’s a bottomless well of embarrassing factoids and stories,) whatever cute animal photos Todomatsu can pull up on his phone, Chibita telling Todomatsu something outrageous a customer did and Todomatsu backing Chibita up for every criticism he makes.
When Totty, as Chibita now calls him, makes to leave for the millionth time, he for whatever reason can’t stop himself from blowing the little man a kiss as he heads for the door. And then, they both freeze. There’s an awkward, “Um… see you later,” and “Yeah… take it easy,” before Totty shuts the door and quite audibly runs down the hall outside.
The next week or so, interactions between them are as brief as they were from the start of the arrangement. Todomatsu comes in to clean, brings him ingredients, and joins his brothers for oden, but there are no more coffee socials after work, no more free parfaits with little notes in the fridge.
Chibita finally traps him to talk when he’s out for ingredients, and ends up running into Chibita at the store, not knowing Chibita hadn’t even opened the stand that day to catch him out like this. They head over to Chibita’s apartment, where he boils them some tea, and demands to know why Todomatsu suddenly went cold over the past week.
The sextuplet explains that he’s afraid Chibita probably thinks of him as some cheap brown-noser looking for a sugar daddy, and why wouldn’t he? He asked for such a flat deal, brought him all the free parfaits and then there was the whole blowing of the kiss. But that’s not what he wants him to think.
He wants Chibita to think, to know, that he actually has a thing for him. He admires how easily he pulls himself up by the bootstraps despite everything. He respects how he doesn’t take shit from anybody. He wishes he could be anywhere near as motivated as Chibita. He finds him cute as a button. And if any of that gets in the way of their business relationship, Todomatsu will gladly put it aside as best as he can.
After being told in many rambling words how blunt he is with other people, Chibita can only try to live up to this and open up about how he himself feels. Not merely in comparison to his brothers, which is a pretty low bar, he finds Todomatsu to be a caring person where caring is warranted. He quickly recognized that Chibita was struggling, and helped him out for nothing new in return. When he has a job, he does it to the best of his ability and beyond. He’s clearly eager to hear how Chibita’s doing, and will listen intently to his most mundane stories. And even when he thought Chibita was disgusted with him, he still did his job to pay for his keep. (It helps that he finds Totty pretty damn cute too.)
With that, the tension is broken, and the two lean across Chibita’s table to share their first kiss of many.
Who said “I love you” first;
It’s been an especially hard day for Totty. He forgot to plug his phone in, so he’s a little late for cleaning Chibita’s apartment when his alarm doesn’t go off, and he already feels shitty enough for that. Then, Chibita’s ancient vacuum cleaner which he got at a flea market finally decides to give up the ghost, so now Totty’s afraid it’ll look like he broke it. He cleans what he can with a sweep and duster, and that would feel inadequate enough already, but now he’s running late to get Chibita his ingredients in time, so now he can’t even try his hardest with that.
The bus shows up late, and by this point Totty’s convinced that the whole world is working against him. He charges into the store, snaps up what vegetables and broth he can, and comes within seconds of missing the next bus, because he was having problems with a self-checkout line.
Sitting on the bus, he only now decides to look at what he picked… and these are some of the ugliest daikon he’s ever seen. They aren’t rotten, but they’re hardly the right shape to be cut properly and are a bit discolored. As he gets off the bus and scrambles into the park where Chibita sets off shop, he’s fighting off tears, and once Chibita himself is in sight, he finally cracks and is crying aloud, practically choking as he hobbles along.
Chibita instantly runs up to him, tries to calm him down and get him to explain what happened. Seeing how worked up Totty is, he’s convinced Totty’s been attacked or something and is ready to fight whoever did it. Totty babbles about running late everywhere, how the vacuum cleaner broke, how the ingredients he picked out are the absolute worst, and Chibita can just barely understand him through all the hyperventilating and hiccuping.
Somehow, Totty is surprised to find that Chibita isn’t upset, and is instead holding him close, patting his back, whispering that it’s fine and none of it was his fault. He insists on not opening the stand for the day, and they head home, where Chibita is suddenly waiting on the sextuplet hand and foot. He makes him tea, gives him some ice for the headache he gave himself, and is just patting his hand and whispering how he’s done nothing wrong.
After Totty has asked for the millionth time whether Chibita’s upset about having to close the stand for his sake, Chibita just says, “Me? Upset over that? Keh, get outta here with that! I’m willin’ to lose a lil’ money to keep ya from driving yerself up the wall! I love ya, Totty!”
“Y… Y-Y-You do?”
And although he’s still sniffling pretty badly, and his head’s still pounding, Totty feels a lot less upset. He holds Chibita’s hand to his cheek, and tells him he loves him too through the sobs.
How often do they fight;
Kinda often, but never to the point that it threatens their relationship.
Generally it’s just things like Chibita being mad at Totty for overusing cellular data, or Totty demanding Chibita explain why he got home two minutes and thirty-eight seconds later from work than usual.
“Oh yeah, Totty, I have a side bitch I managed to run away to Europe with in two minutes and thirty-eight fuckin’ seconds!”
Who is “Big Spoon” and “Little Spoon”;
Chibita is always Big Spoon and Todomatsu is always Little Spoon.
Todomatsu finds the position of Little Spoon to be incredibly validating, and it makes him feel very secure. He hasn’t slept as good as he does with Chibita in a long time. He loves how Chibita kisses the back of his ear just as they get into place, how Chibita nuzzles his head into his back, how Chibita smells after a long day of cooking oden and just finishing washing up with cheap soap.
Chibita meanwhile enjoys knowing that Totty feels so safe in his arms, especially because he himself has spent so many nights cold, alone and afraid. He loves how soft Todomatsu’s pajamas are beneath his arms, how Totty tries to return every nuzzle to the best of his ability, and how clean and silky Totty’s hair feels against his cheek.
But he’d appreciate it if Totty didn’t sometimes turn on his phone in the middle of the night, waking him back up.
What their nicknames for each other are;
“Chimi, Chibi-san, sweet bun, sweetums”
“Totty, sugar, demon, idjit”
Who is the better cook;
They’re both pretty handy in the kitchen, but I’d say Chibita is mostly the one handling the meals, while Todomatsu takes care of things like coffee and desserts.
Chibita’s face just lights up when he gets in the door from work to find a big ol’ plate of brown sugar castella waiting for him, and Todomatsu dusting off his apron before beckoning him to sit.
Todomatsu of course has enjoyed Chibita’s oden for years, but he’ll appreciate anything else Chibita makes for him too. Chibita’s very glad to have found someone who can handle the level of spiciness he likes his tuna rolls to be.
Their song;
Totty gets Chibita hooked on various American dance and bubblegum pop, and they will sing it loud and long whether they’re on the moped or literally just walking through the mall, surrounded by other people.
If it’s by Britney Spears, Kelly Clarkson, Backstreet Boys, etc., they’ve sung it.
But if it has to be one song, it’s probably “Everytime We Touch” by Cascada.
Their whole life is a YouTube AMV, ugh.
Who remembers their anniversaries;
It’ll be like 12:02AM, and Todomatsu will text Chibita, literally six inches away in the futon, “Happy 26 months of moving in together sweetums!!!!”
And Chibita will roll over, and mumble, “Can’tcha just say it with yer mouth like a normal person?”
And Todomatsu will be all, “No, I gotta use my mouth for this!”
And kisses him on the forehead, before skipping into the kitchen to make breakfast… at 12:04AM.
Their favorite thing to do together;
They have a lot of things they like to do together: browsing in and out of pet shops, jogging together, just chilling in a bundle of blankets watching funny internet video after funny internet video, sharing a bubble tea on a park bench for anyone passing by to see.
But their favorite thing to do, by a long shot, is go for long rides on Chibita’s moped, especially when they’re driving close to the beach.
Chibita of course will be driving, the confidence in his eyes not the slightest bit less visible behind his goggles. Totty is sat right up behind him, holding onto Chibita in a way that’s only half not wanting to fall off, and half just holding onto him for the sake of holding onto him.
They’ll hum across the pavement, the warm salty breeze blasting in their faces, Todomatsu resting his chin on Chibita’s shoulder, and Chibita taking one hand off the handles to stroke his cheek at every stop. Occasionally they’ll hit a bump, and they’ll both buckle slightly, and Chibita will never fail to shout out a “Y’arright?!” to his lover, every single time it happens.
Todomatsu’s phone is playing some song from their playlist in his pocket, but neither can hardly hear it unless they come to a stop and aren’t surrounded by cars. They don’t really need to hear it anyway.
After they’ve turned around about five times at the same roundabout by the boardwalk, they’re actually on their way home. They park, lock up the moped, and with the same needy, lovey-dovey voice he used as last time, Todomatsu asks his little big strong man “Will we ever do this again??”
Who “wears the pants” in the relationship;
Chibita is generally the one in charge of important things like their finances.
Todomatsu’s completely fine with this, feeling so secure in Chibita’s hands, and is usually the one responsible for deciding more minor, day by day stuff, like where they’ll go out on their days off and what each should wear for them.
Totty revels in this, and likes to refer to himself as “Minister of Fun.”
How they would get engaged;
The two have been a couple for about three and a half years. Todomatsu has been in Chibita’s apartment for a little while, and has found a job at another coffee shop that isn’t Sutabaa, (we all know why he can never go back.)
It’s a part-time job though, meaning he can bring in a little more money than they had, while still taking care of the apartment and delivering Chibita his ingredients, before eating alongside his brothers at the usual time.
So, it seems like just another night at the stand for the seven of them. There’s the usual banter of who’s the most pathetic, who will be the last one to find a partner, which of them could be rich and why. They all notice on a subconscious level that Chibita and Totty have been unusually quiet tonight. There isn’t the usual overt flirting and dirty talk, but for the most part they think nothing of it and keep on doing their own thing.
Without the slightest warning, Chibita whips up some chopsticks, digs them into his apron, and flings something at Totty, who immediately catches it.
He delicately holds the object in his hands. Whatever it is, it’s very small, cold, and light. The feeling it’s leaving against his palm is pretty suspicious. His heart racing, he slowly opens up to look, not even paying attention to how his brothers have fallen silent and are eagerly leaning over to see.
It’s exactly what he thought: A ring. A simple little ring, with a gold band, (Chibita,) and a small yet very, very sparkly pink stone, (Todomatsu.)
As Chibita runs around to hug and kiss Totty repeatedly, and the sextuplet begins to sob out his acceptance of the proposal, his brothers proceed to roar and stomp and bang on the counter in a way that’s congratulatory enough on its face, but secretly kind of jealous.
What their wedding would be like;
I think initially there’d be a little conflict between the two over how the wedding should go.
Totty would be advocating a big display, with a rented venue, a huge-ass cake, a DJ, all that stuff.
Chibita would push back sharply against this, because he’s canonically frugal after years of living on such tight money or none at all. He’d stress to Totty that at the end of the day, this is all coming out of both their pockets, and it’d be terrible for them to start off a relationship saddled with money problems.
He’d prefer a simple little ceremony in their apartment, where he’s made all the food and the cake, there’s no music because he’d rather everybody talk meaningfully, etc.
The argument doesn’t get too heated. Todomatsu realizes he’s been a bit selfish about the whole thing, and that real love isn’t about massive cakes nobody will be able to finish, or seating arrangements that get in the way of people mingling freely.
In the end, the wedding pretty much follows Chibita’s vision. It’s an undemanding ceremony in their apartment with their loved ones close at hand, the only music is a quiet little instrumental coming out of a bluetooth speaker, and, unlike what Chibita intended, Todomatsu has done half of the work of making the food.
They work like dogs the night before, but it’s all clearly worth it in the satisfaction of everyone’s faces, and they had a fun little flour fight while making the cake.
(They both wore dresses.)
How many kids they’ll have;
None, but I see them adopting a Japanese Chin or some other toy dog, and both essentially treat her like God’s gift to the world.
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g0ldpainted · 7 years
4th December - CtC’17
Chocobros and how they show their love for you/relationship headcanons
Hiya! :D
Today I present you a little headcanon. And on a side note, I really suck at finding names for anything. xD
My original thought came from how people sometimes don’t notice all the little things people do when they love someone. And then I spend time thinking about how the chocobros would change/adapt once they truly love someone and what they’d start doing for them - and only for them. ^^
This is the outcome:
(No spoilers nor tw’s needed - just some kinda fluffy stuff)
Although he could buy you all the expensive things in the world, he refuses to
Doesn't like spending a lot of money on gifts because he fears you'd only be in for the expensive gifts (at least early on in your relationship)
Prefers meaningful gifts
They don't necessarily have to be cheap but he prefers to start off small with gifts
Unlike his father wants him to, he doesn't gift 3000gil bracelets but chocolate and flowers for a one month anniversary
Sometimes even likes to DIY some gifts
And those tend to be a disaster but it's the thought that counts, right?
However, if you tend to have a certain wish he tries his best to grant it
Technically, since he's the prince, he can make anything happen
Wanna ride a horse through the city? Sure thing. 
Wanna travel to Altissia for the weekend? Alright, pack your bags.
Want the most exclusive jewelry? Yeah, that's possible, too.
But he's not only proving his love through gifts
It's the little surprise dates he plans
It's the massages he loves to give you after a stressful day
It’s the way he worries about you to the point he orders the best nurse of Insomnia over to check on you
And the way he cares for you when you go through cramps
He’ll happily be your body pillow and heater anytime
Although he's not a good cook, he'll cook for you, too
You bet Ignis was involved, though - the risk of poisoning you without his help was too high
Noctis will shower you with little gestures
Pecks. All. The. Time.
Very touchy, loves caressing your body
Will do anything for you - that includes brushing your hair when you’re too tired to
Yeah, he's a pretty innocent lover.. Unless he's horny
Giver! He’s a total giver.
Always puts you first.. Even though he sometimes should put his duty as future king first
See's his future in you and doesn't fail to remind you whenever he can
He'll name a street after you to some anniversary once you're married
Also makes sure the garden is always top-notch and full of flowers you like
He's all about you and takes note of everything you seem to show a liking in
When he says he loves you, he really means it.
The moment you two start dating, you become this sunshine's fuel of life
You make him happy with your presence, voice and touches
You make him feel so much better about his own struggles, he wants to give you back somehow
Now he isn't exactly on the rich side, tends to work a lot to provide for himself
Nonetheless, he never fails to surprise you with little gifts
Picks flowers for you whenever he can
He loves traveling and therefore always saves money to be able to afford trips with you 
With Prompto by your side, you'll always have splendid photos of yourself
He loves photographing you
Makes sure you know he loves your beauty 
Wants to portray your character through your photos
It's not about model photos but authentic ones
Prompto just really wants you to love yourself as much as he does
Aside from that, he's a very gentle lover 
Will be your butler 24/7 
You're always his no.1 
Your happiness is his main priority
He'd go to the end of the world if it'd mean you'd be happy
Feeling sad? Give him a call, he'll drop everything and be over in a minute
In case you're sick he'll take the best care of you, you could probably imagine
Gift-wise he really loves plushies and flowers - corny stuff is what he loves to gift
Plushies of chocobos, of course
Sometimes he may be a bit childish in terms of proving this love but doesn't that make him all the more lovable?
Since he's the most creative one out of all the chocobros, he also definitely likes DYI gifts
Want a cool frame for your photo? He's on it.
Or maybe a nice box? Well, he won't craft it but he'll find a nice way to paint it
Another very sensitive topic for Prompto is his body
Showing his body to you used to give him anxiety but now he's all okay with it - but only in front of you
He doesn't mind you seeing him naked, he trusts you won't make fun of any of his stretch marks or other flaws
If he wouldn’t love you with his entire being, he wouldn’t show the part he’s most insecure about to you
He's probably the busiest chocobro 
While he looks after Noctis, he also has to take care of himself and his royal duties
He used to think he would never have time for an S/O but then life happened and he actually fell for you
Money isn't really a big issue with him by your side; he never had enough time and will to spend it on himself
So now he can spend it all on you.. Or so he thought
While he can buy you expensive jewelry or clothes from exclusive brands, it doesn't make either of you happy
“Money can’t buy us happiness”
Sure, gifts are nice but.. They aren't everything
His actual "gift" to you is his time
He absolutely loves spending time with you, yet he's unfortunately incredibly busy
But whenever he can take a day off, he spends it with you
He'll take you out on dates
Breakfast at a café, lunch at a fancy restaurant and dinner at home 
All day long you two go watch a movie, go (ice) skating or just spend a romantic day at the park with a little picnic
Ignis doesn't want to miss a chance to cook for you
Also, candlelight dinner at home is his favorite kind of date night
Although he's busy and hard to reach, you can always call him
If he doesn't pick up, he'll call back
And if it's an urgent matter, he would drop his duty and run to you
You're his main priority and always on his mind
You don’t have to fight for his attention nor battle yourself with anyone, Ignis always puts you first.. it’s just that he can’t neglect his duty
So unfortunately, Noctis has to be right behind you, though
Whenever he can, he includes you in daily his routines
Working out? He'll call you and ask to join.
Grocery shopping? Maybe you wanna join and grab a snack?
You’re his motivation, he relies on you just as much as you rely on him
There’s not a single day passing by without him telling you and showing you how much he loves you
When he's dead busy, he finds time to send a bouquet to you
And when you're sick, he'll try his best to take care of you, too
Massages, tea, grabbing your medicine for you, your favorite movies - he knows all the things to ease your mind
Ignis is a very attentive lover and that shows in his gifts
No matter what he goes for, it's always something he's 100% sure you'll like
He's never been wrong before - not even when it came to clothes and makeup
This guy has a brilliant taste
Besides sending flowers, he also sometimes sends surprise letters pointing out every one of his favorite moments with you, or 100 reasons why he loves you - sugary stuff like that but with a touch of romance
Although Gladio is fairly emotional, it's usually only anger that he releases
He's not the type of guy to continuously say he loves you
Saying it is rare for him because to him it means showing weakness
But he’s a tough guy, believes he shouldn’t do that
So sometimes he has weird ways of showing he cares
One time you gained a little weight and he blatantly pointed it out
While he meant well - loved you regardless of your weight - and really just wanted to point out that he noticed you changed a bit and wondered if something was wrong, it certainly didn't come out that way
There are plenty of fights because of situations like that
He’s just not good with words and this whole loving someone thing confuses him
To make it up, he usually takes you hiking or on some other trips
Gladio loves nature and feels most at ease when he's surrounded by trees and not houses - and you
The only thing improving this trip even more for him is you
It wouldn't be half as fun without you
And he certainly wants you to know
He really opens up when he's with you in the middle of nowhere
That's when he showers you with love and becomes one hell of a gentle teddy bear
No one besides you will see this side of him
He'll pick you flowers, help you fish.. And even teach you some survival tips or knowledge about animals and insects
Whenever he finds a specifically beautiful flower, he puts it behind your ear
He's a little awkward on speaking about how much he loves you, he prefers to show it 
Gentle kisses, soft touches,.. He's a lot more careful with his actions now that you guys are actually a serious thing and not just a fling
His secret talent is back rubs or really just any kind of massage
He knows exactly what spot to press and how to massage it properly, using just enough power to ease all your pain and help you relax
His favorite method of showing how much he cares is between the bedsheets, though
When you first started dating, he was very self centered
Nowadays he's all about you; he genuinely cares
He won't always show it but he knows when you're doing bad 
And he'll do his best to fix it
Running a bath, cleaning the house, cooking some.. More or less good.. Food
In terms of gifts, he's always pretty clueless
No matter how much time passes by, other than flowers and chocolate he never knows what to get you
In all honesty, he did grab pretty ugly accessories clothes once - but it's the thought that counts, right?
Mom-friend Iggy will come to the rescue, though, don’t worry
However, he really pays attention to what you like
If you mention that you want a specific item, you bet he'll remember that
Gladio is just a secretly awkward guy that loves you with all his heart and he'll do everything he possibly can to let you know
2nd December ; 3rd December ; 4th December ; 5th December ; 6th December ; 7th December ; 8th December ; 9th December ; 10th December ; 11th December ; 12th December ; 13th December ; 14th December ; 15th December ; 16th December ; 17th December ; 18th December ; 19th December ; 20th December ; 21st December ; 22nd December ; 23rd December ; 24th December ; 25th December
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