#also the character development was really shit just my onion
zivazivc · 7 months
Sorry if this has already been asked before but why did the band break up? And did they break up on decent terms? Do they still talk to each other sometime?
It has been asked before, I just never answered jshfbdjcbh I'm still piecing everything together and stuff is changing or getting tweaked all the time, so I'm always super hesitant about answering these types of questions, afraid that people will take whatever I say as the final answer. So basically what I'm going to answer now will already contradict what I told some people already. And maybe in the future the story might go a little differently too (although I'm pretty satisfied with the current events)
Uhhh, get ready for a long info dump. I didn't expect I'd write this much...
Floyd basically stayed with the band for 8 years (from 14 till 22) and got pretty messed up in the process. The rest of the guys are all quite older than him so I guess I could say they were more responsible, or at least had a better understanding of their own limits (also they grew up in this kind of environment or grew up aware of it, while Floyd was oblivious and naive about all of it) and while they do get drunk and do drugs often, none of them are really dependent on them. They are also pretty good judges of character and know how to avoid trouble. Floyd on the other hand drove in with no breaks and constantly got himself in trouble that the rest (mostly Les) had to drag him out of. He also developed bipolar during this time (in my story Floyd constantly fluctuates between being saturated and being desaturated because of this) and his manic and depressive episodes started getting out of hand after his teenage years. (None of them are aware it's a mental disorder that's making him act so out of character.)
Floyd was becoming miserable because of this and all of his problems pilling up, and started blaming Les for the way he was. Les never argued this which only fueled Floyd to blame him more. In the end he was getting so frustrated and irritable that Floyd constantly tried starting arguments with him, even putting him down and getting aggressive at times because Les gets very unresponsive and closed off during personal conversations (guy is a giant onion of suppressed trauma that Floyd is hellbent on peeling open).
Eventually there was one fight too many, terrible things were said, some objects flew through the air, and Floyd walked out (or Hed kicked him out, I haven't decided yet) with the promise of going home and never seeing them again.
So, yeah, it was very messy and Floyd was the primary asshole, even though he's not really to blame either...
But Floyd didn't make it home (was too scared to sneak through Bergen Town to get to the tree (i don't think i can judge him for that either)) and he just returned to the reckless lifestyle, this time without anyone being there to keep him safe. So if he was messed up before, this is the time period where he got absolutely fucked up. This is also when he got heavily addicted to sour worms. And when he chronically slept around (half the time just to get offered free worms or have somewhere to sleep, other times because he was having manic episodes and was feeling hypersexual). (This is also potentially the period when he had the two eggs with that techno troll, but I'm still thinking if I want that to be canon to the story or not.) During this time he also grew to become very anxious and his self-confidence went to shit when he was being himself.
Then after about three years of that, he bumped into Les at some party. He wanted to dodge him out of shame but Les grabbed his arm and manhandled him outside to talk. Floyd felt like shit about the way they had split up and tried apologizing for all the stuff he had said and done to Les, but Les wasn't having any of that because he wasn't angry at Floyd, he was just worried about him. Les is also insanely empathetic like Floyd, and he knew that Floyd never really meant any of it, and that he was just looking for an outlet when he was hurting. Also he does think he is to blame for the way Floyd ended up.
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Les wanted to know why he didn't go home like he had said (because that was the only reason Les had even let him walk out in the first place). A few exchanged words later and Floyd broke down telling him all the awful things he'd done, and Les promised to help him, feeling insanely guilty. Floyd wondered if he was allowed back in the band but Les made it clear that the band wasn't good for him and that he was never taking him back. Instead Les helped him go though rehab. I don't think trolls have those institutions (or at least not many are aware of them or how they work (I'm sorry but I refuse to believe the Trolls world has internet and cellphones, Mountrageons can keep that for themselves lol)), so it was more or less just Les finding Floyd a job and his own place to stay in the middle of bumfuck nowhere where he had no option but to detox, and constantly checking up on him to make sure he was doing okay. During this time they grew pretty close again. Or maybe the better term would be that Les slowly started putting his walls down again.
Hed needed a while to warm up to Floyd again. He's almost as protective of Les as Les is of him, and he resented Floyd for the way he had treated him.
Flea is pretty phlegmatic when it comes to any sort of arguing or drama. He was casual about seeing Floyd again, they were never super close anyway.
And Liv, she left the band when she and Hed broke up (haven't decided if that happened before or after Floyd left), so Floyd didn't get to see her again after bumping into Les at the party. And I haven't thought yet if they'd ever meet again somewhere later in life. But if they did, I think they'd both be happy to see each other.
Floyd managed to detox and successfully kept the job for about a year, but then he became manic again and messed it all up. After that he returned to his nomadic lifestyle, but he never fell as hard as those three years again. In my story Floyd's life is a constant cycle of getting his life together and fucking it up and booking to the next place. And he and Les are trapped in a never-ending cat and mouse game where they're both trying to fix each other.
So, uh, Les and Floyd are still very close and see each other somewhat often...
(sometimes monthly, sometimes yearly)
I am so fucking obsessed with them I'm gonna hurl. Please take this song before I combust:
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sapphim · 10 months
speaking of varric's nicknames, doesn't he outright admit in banter with merrill that he only ever calls people by their nicknames to annoy them? or at least, he admits to calling isabela "rivani" to annoy her specifically? i just thought his tendency toward nicknames was merely his love for being the world's most annoying dwarf, or something.
Oh 100% the annoyance factor is real and true and shouldn't be dismissed. Like, what's the explanation for "Junior", besides that Carver is easy to get a rise out of and Varric is, at heart, an obnoxious little troll? But I don't think it's as simple as a broad "he's doing this to be annoying" all the way across the board. Like, conversely, where's the annoyance factor in how he addrresses "Sunshine"?
Hell, Aveline and Hawke both give Varric shit about not being given a cute nickname. Can't win! Also an indication that the annoyance factor of nicknames is specific and/or individual, and not all-inclusive. (Although Aveline is absolutely just complaining to complain. Again, can't win, grass is greener, etc.)
Aveline: Blondie, Sunshine, Daisy, Rivaini… what am I? Varric: Beg your pardon? Aveline: You don’t call anyone by name except for me. Where’s my nickname? ... Varric: Haven’t thought of a good one yet. What do you think of “Red”? Aveline: Too common.
That said, Varric's near obsessive avoidance of given names does prompt open annoyance from certain companions. Notably not Isabela (or even Carver, that I know of, though Carver gets annoyed about pretty much everything else Varric says, so). Fenris probably grouses about it most often, which is fair, considering. Anders, Fenris, and Merrill all get into it with him in some content cut from Varric's romance reaction conversation.
Varric: You and Whatshisname, that mage, seem to be getting pretty close. Anders: You’d think after three years the dwarf would learn my name. And I’m standing right here! Varric: Right, I see you there, Blondie. Don’t worry.
I love pretty much all of those reactions, except, I kind of really personally hate Merrill's bit?
Merrill: For the hundredth time, my name is not “Daisy!” And I’m right here, you oaf! Hawke: You’re just encouraging him, you know. He’s doing it on purpose to make you squirm. Varric: It’s true. I only do it because I love the way the points of your ears turn red when you get mad.
I just don't believe, given the whole sum of their interactions throughout the game, that Merrill has spent the last three years believing that Varric is being an oaf and getting upset about being called Daisy. Some people like this bit too, idk. Me, I don't buy it!
And at this point it's worthwhile to delve into Varric's development as a character. Gaider has said that Varric was originally supposed to be an "untrustworthy," "sleazy, slimeball" kind of guy, but that as development went on they found they "needed a character that stood up for you with all the opposing personalities in the party." He's more recently described Varric as "that 'slimy car salesman' character we'd planned."
Gaider has also said it's the case that, because development time on DAII was so insanely short, that "Everything was going to be a first draft... A lot of what we’re putting out is going to be raw. We’re not going to get the editing we need. We’re not going to get the kind of iteration we need."
So, all right, here's my extremely tagential onion, that was not asked for? I got a bit of a bug up my butt about the exchange above and a related one in Varric's rivalry path where he says "Don't call Daisy an ogre! You'll make her cry." Because they are just, kind of stand-out odd lines, to me. And so I checked to see when various lines of dialogue were written. We can do this! Every line of dialogue, when it's saved to the talktable, is saved with an ID number (the string reference), and they're saved in chronological order. If a line of dialogue is completely rewritten in a later revision, this number won't reflect that, but we also know that DAII did not have development time to allot for major revisions. So.
Here's what was written first, for Varric's dialogue: Act 1, Questions and Answers. Act 1, A Business Discussion. Act 1, his introduction. Act 2, Friendly Concern. And then so on and so forth etc. Mostly chronological order. Both of Anders' "whatshisname, that mage"s are comparatively early lines. But the banter, which is where a lot of defining character interactions take place, were all written fairly late in development, kind of in one big lump, after the vast, vast majority of Varric's general quest dialogue.
And that's interesting, right? You can kind of see echoes of Varric's concept drifting over time away from grimy car salesman toward your friendly neighborhood friendbuddyguy. You could even kind of read it as (not entirely intentional) organic character development over time, if things didn't get kind of muddled between acts which are, after all, supposed to take place three years apart, not that they really had the dev time to really nail that down and make you feel it.
Anyway! Sorry! Tangent! Circling back to the banter in question!
Merrill: Do you ever miss her? Varric: Isabela? Of course I do. Merrill: You called her by her name. I’ve never heard you do that before. Varric: No fun in calling her Rivaini if she’s not here to be annoyed by it.
It's interesting! Because like, first of all, it's wrong. Varric calls Isabela by her given name more regularly than he does any other companion, including Aveline (who he has not even given a nickname to). So, clearly Merrill's not been paying attention. (Not that I expect Kirby to have like kept a tally while writing Varric's dialogue lmao I just think it's funny.)
Secondly, he's deflecting. Because he misses her! He misses herrrrrr. He's a softyyyyyy. The two of them really got on. And, he's deflecting.
(Thirdly, if he is only deflecting, and not both deflecting and lying through his lying teeth: does him calling Isabela by her name fairly regularly mean that he only wants to annoy her sometimes? As opposed to, say, Carver and Fenris and Sebastian, who he is more than happy to needle all of the time constantly? I could see it tbh.)
Although, again, if Isabela is annoyed—and she would not be wrong to be! albeit she is an inveterate nicknamer herself—she's playing it pretty close to her chest.
Isabela: You’ve a nickname for everyone. Varric: That’s true. Rivaini. Isabela: But everyone just calls you Varric. That’s hardly fair.
Which is to say! Yes! Varric is the world's most annoying dwarf, and he loves it. But I think there's ~nuance~ as well as a lot of room for interpretation!
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devilsskettle · 2 years
this has been sitting in my drafts for a while because i didn’t feel like being a hater but now i do so:
with all the talk about the glass onion and the menu and vapid “eat the rich” blockbuster movies, i did finally get around to watching some of them, and i have to say about the menu - people have said that it has nothing to say, but it actually has a very clear message! it asks its viewers point blank, “don’t you want your art to be easily consumable?” it’s this:
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this is the point. why would you want something new and innovative? that’s pretentious. why can’t you just shut up and eat your fucking mcdonalds
to be fair i would totally fuck up that burger but like. it’s not about the food lol
i mean of course this isn’t about food! it isn’t about the food industry at all. there is nothing specific to that in any way. actually, nothing in the film is specific. all of the characters are just there, bodies in chairs, vague ideas of rich people you don’t like.... in theory. on principal. archetypes that are easy to hate and therefore need no development. and who do we have? a food critic who is actually a stand in for any art critic (of course, we hate art critics! so pretentious. ruining lives by doing their jobs of assessing how well other professionals in their field do their jobs. people in the film industry have no stake in making critics look bad, of course, we just hate them for.... being too verbose. yeah totally). her publisher, enabling her by publishing a magazine about food that she writes for. evil just evil. some.... guys? business guys? generic assholes. an actor? for some reason there’s an actor here. and his.... assistant? who went to college which is evil. two random old people. and a guy who is just really enthusiastic. what are we talking about!!! they don’t even know. but what they really want to say is this, not about food, but about art in general:
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“you can’t sit and enjoy something AND think about it. don’t you hate those long boring pretentious intellectual films? everybody is just pretending to like them to make themselves seem smarter. you want the same big blockbuster from a big name studio that you can just turn your mind off while watching and that’s better than anyone trying to do anything different and they’d be happier if they just gave up and succumbed to simple shit with broad appeal” like please. the “let people enjoy things” attitude is so insidious. and do not come over here telling me i’m reading too much into it and it’s not about the film industry! for real, do not be that dense 
anyway. also apparently this guy was soooo much happier being a cook at a fast food place than being a successful chef with total creative control. writers really telling on themselves that they’ve never had a shitty food service job before. you think anybody wants to be there? there are problems across the board in restaurant culture, high and low brow, but come on lmao 
and the last scene..... they were trying so hard to be ready or not. you will never be ready or not 
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katapotato55 · 1 year
a list of things to consider when Deltarune ch 3-5 drops
its almost undertale's anniversary, how about i make a nice little refresher of major things that will more than likely be addressed in the next few chapters shal we? These are kiiiiiinda maybe guaranteed with ch 3-5 but who knows, toby fox might pull a 180 with the writing.
- the hell is going to happen to berdly? is he dead? is he fallen? if he is dead, will he dust like in undertale or are the rules different in this universe? is this just a weird magic coma?
-Noelle's mental state in both snowgrave and pacifist timelines.
- the fact Kris just kinda robbed a public library. as more and more dark worlds will open between chapters, there is going to be more places available. will people notice the little munchkin committing low stakes robbery? -Is Kris going to drag shit from their house to the dark world at the school ? ? ? will Toriel notice???
- Dark worlds at night. there was foreshadowing by Seam. this might get interesting.
- Mettaton asking you to give them something entertaining because it is boring. -whatever the hell Onion San is on about.
- the guy who tells you to practice your knocking.
-the fuck is toriel going to react to ralsei?
-the fact that it is implied that dark worlds are a representation of the struggles of the lightners, ch 3 will absolutely give us a LOT of context about kris and toriel's life. At LEAST Toriel's life at the bare minimum.
-The object inside of Asriel's dresser that depends on what save slot you have. you just turned the house into a dark world, something very very interesting™ is going to happen IF it is possible to go up there. -Toriel's reaction to the magic teas. (possibly) -the next secret boss and egg location. (can't forget!)
-"Mike" and "Tenna". unpopular opinion: i do not care who mike is. Everyone is getting all excited and speculative and i am just like "oh ok neat". If he is a secret boss: neat! why not! I don't have strong opinions on them sorry lol.
-What is the "Weird path" for this chapter and the other two chapters? what the hell is the player going to be able to do to Toriel? what are the implications of the weird paths for Kris? will there even be a weird path for the upcoming chapters?
-"The entirety of Undertale takes place within Toriel's kitchen". (is link to a reddit theory). Undertale? at this time of year at this time of day localized entirely within your kitchen? jokes aside: Ch 3 will more than likely confirm or deny this theory being true. And if this theory IS true i am going. to flip. my shit. a part of me wants it to be dis-proven because I love undertale and I feel like the implications could cheapen the story. Also I hate ANY notion of chara being related to deltarune because I want this to be a unique story on the other hand THE IMPLICATIONS HOLEY SHIT. this is going to be an interesting one.
-Suzie Godzilla. "uh Kat you don't know for sure this is going to- " it's going to happen.
-Confirming or Denying "chess theory". Personally I have no strong opinions on chess theory, the chess theory just kinda seems like a neat easter egg if it were proven true. -Possibly confirming or denying "universal mother theory" or adding onto it. there is a video on you tube about it. A part of me likes the idea that the Antagonists of each dark world can apply to any none, but idk.
Things I want to see but is more than likely not guaranteed to happen
-Ralsei and Kris character development
-more information on Asriel.
-honestly just more information on who Kris is as a person and learning more about them.
-how Kris REALLY feels about berdly.
-and Noelle why not.
-Why Kris (or whoever the fuck is causing kris to act like this) opened a fucking dark fountain. there are many reasons against kris being the knight, the biggest one being how the hell did a dark fountain open while Berdly and Noelle were at the library, while kris was still at school for example. but regardless if Kris is the knight or not, why the hell would Kris start a dark fountain after the snowgrave incident? and if Kris isn't doing that, then who is doing it and why??
-SAN'S FUCKING BROTHER PLEASE LET ME SEE PAPYRUS. the only reason this is in "might not happen" is because i can see toby fox making us wait until the end of the game to see paps or something.
-ANYTHING involving Asgore and what happened in his job and the divorce
-hints about Des? maybe?
-How kris feels about the player (especially if it considers the players past actions to Kris's response. ).
-Or hell more information on if the player is a character in this story. Is the player the soul ? is Kris the soul ? Its unlikely because there are many points proven that you are making Kris do things they do not like, but the "ripping out the soul" shenanigans are also too fishy to make sense.
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polutrope · 10 months
35. Bittersweet memories // for curufin and finrod because i NEED to know about their drama in this universe
Thanks for the prompt! Here's ~800 words of roommates (and cousins-by-adoption) Curufin and Finrod bickering and remembering. Rated T because Curufin has a potty mouth. Posting these to AO3, here. Prompt list (prompts closed). Beleria Cast of Characters
Finrod F. Noldoran, MA [email protected]
Barista Cuppa Joy Café, Beleria November 2022 to Present Develop and deliver quality product and friendly service to build positive community relationships.
Global Relations Specialist Self-employed February to October 2022 Built community partnerships through immersive cultural experiences in the Hither Lands—
“Bullshit,” Curufin muttered to himself, and threw the paper down on the coffee table. “Finrod!” he called. “What the fuck is this?”
“Oh hey you’re home! What’s what?” his roommate called back from the bathroom. A moment later he emerged in his bathrobe and slippers, a towel wrapped around his head.
“Did you just wake up?” Curufin sneered.
“No, actually,” Finrod replied, then said briskly, “I was working on that resume you’ve just tossed aside all morning.”
Curufin huffed. “Global Relations Specialist? Backpacking around the Hither Lands isn’t a job, Fin.”
“Sure it is! Anyway, the resume is only a formality.” Finrod brightened and plopped himself down in the hideous antique armchair he refused to get rid of. “Mayor Singh-Goel — Elu — came by the coffee shop yesterday while I was working. We chatted a bit and got to talking about a new project the City is getting off the ground, to help low-income immigrants get situated in the community. I told Elu about my time in Dorthon with the refugee communities and about my Master’s thesis on the immigrants from east Endor. So!” Finrod slapped the armrests triumphantly. “He thinks I’d be perfect for the Project Coordinator role.”
“You’re kidding?” said Curufin. “You have no professional experience.”
“I have a Master’s degree!”
“In geography. And a Master’s degree doesn’t mean shit in the real world,” Curufin said. The audacity of this guy, he thought. “Also: you can’t lie on your resume.”
Finrod frowned. “It’s not a lie.” He picked up the paper. “I do build positive community relationships. With the community at Cuppa Joy.”
“You make oatmilk vanilla lattés for hipsters.”
“Same difference,” Finrod insisted. “It’s not lying, it’s just… creatively telling the truth. Anyway, I said: it doesn’t matter. The Mayor himself is going to recommend me for the position.”
Curufin rolled his eyes. Of course. Finrod always got what he wanted. Never had to work for a thing in his life, just smiled and asked for it and had the world handed to him on a platter. Meanwhile, Curufin had busted his ass to get where he was, owner of his own brewery at twenty-nine, raising a kid on his own. He was his big brother’s boss for chrissakes! Much to his ongoing annoyance…
“You don’t deserve it,” Curufin said. “Even Celegorm has more work experience than you.”
“Well!” Finrod said, heat rising in his tone. “Why don’t you tell Celegorm to apply!”
“Maybe I will.” Curufin smirked. It was always deeply satisfying to get his mild-mannered roommate riled up.
Rising from the chair, Finrod threw up his hands. “Don’t be ridiculous.” He shut the door to his bedroom a little more soundly than usual.
“You know,” said Finrod, sitting at the table later that day while Curufin was prepping dinner for Celebrimbor. Curufin had to work tonight so his son would be on his own. Well, with Finrod, but it’s not like Curufin was going to ask Finrod to feed him.
“We used to be friends in Valin,” Finrod finished.
“Not really,” Curufin said, and sliced through an onion.
“Yes, we did. In fact, I was just remembering that Yule when you and Alwen finally broke up. You remember? I came over and we watched stupid holiday movies and laughed at the terrible writing.”
Curufin did remember. It was Yule Eve and Celegorm wasn’t answering his texts. But he’d read them, because Aredhel told Turgon who told Finrod… who was the only person who texted him to ask how he was. And he’d abandoned his family’s festivities to come hang out with his sad sack cousin he barely knew.
“Yeah. I remember,” Curufin said, and sniffed.
“Are you crying?” said Finrod
“No.” Curufin brushed his eyes. “It’s the onion.”
“Right. Hey, why don’t you leave that? I’ll make something for Celebrimbor tonight. We could cook together!”
“No, I don’t want you to do that,” said Curufin.
“Why not? I have nothing better to do.”
“Yeah, well, he’s not your responsibility, and—”
“You don’t want to be in my debt,” Finrod supplied.
Curufin didn’t answer.
“Tell you what,” Finrod said cheerfully. “I’ll make dinner with Tyelpë tonight and you can help me with the resume, how about that?”
Curufin chuckled. “So I help you get a job you don’t deserve?”
“Fine,” said Curufin, and scraped the chopped onion into a bowl. “You should start by getting a new email address. I can’t believe you’re still using nomnom13.”
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zhaoly · 1 year
been contemplating some stuff bc of the whole thing with halsin's writing
and this is a thought that I've had for a while since I came from the dragon age games (specifically origins in this case) but... like... I'm just so so over devs using sexual trauma and rape as plot devices
I think more often than not it's handled really poorly, especially if it's a character/companion that you're supposed to interact with a lot and not just a throwaway side lore detail. with DAO it wasn't a major theme in a companion's background but there were some pretty heavy themes of just... rape in general re: broodmothers and some of zevran's background stories.. and i'm just like... i'm! over! it! (and i love that game)
as a disclaimer, i've seen people saying that astarion's story actually deals with this topic in a respectful and meaningful way--i can't speak to that for myself bc i haven't played it yet--and i won't say that it's impossible to write this well into a character's story, but just that my personal opinion in general is that you really. don't need rape and SA to write a meaningful story
i understand that some people might look at halsin's story and say, poor bby he's dealing with trauma from the three years he was used as a sex slave and we need to be able to help him overcome it and i'm like... we don't though. we really DON'T need his character to have been tied up and raped for three fucking years in the name of "character development." we really DON'T need him expressing that it "wasn't all bad" and there were "positives" to it. and we really DON'T need the fans bearing the burden of trying to rationalize this as his coping method since there's no actual rational explanation of both why they wrote this in and how they wrote it.
i honestly don't believe for a second that that drow scene and dialogue was written with the level of nuance and depth that people want to believe. i'm not knocking on people for wanting to believe it, just that i'm taking this at complete face value and think this was treated as a "haha yeah i was a drow rape slave for three years, funny little tidbit about me!" moment (after he fondly chuckles about the drow courtesans remind him of his youth, no less) and nothing more.
i also highly, highly doubt that they would ever have written a female halsin. if they changed nothing but making him a woman, i can guarantee that shit wouldn't have made the final cut. but somehow it's okay for halsin's character to have all of this sexual trauma and be a literal rape slave for three years and then to brush it off as something "not without its positives" like COME on
we can do better with character stories
that's just my onion
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sreegs · 1 year
gonna swing a bat at some hornets nests here but to be fair, i understand why these shows are popular and their merits, i just ended up not liking them
there's some shows out there that ran on a good or funny premise and didn't need a second season, really. some of them could have just been movies and be done with it in 2 hours or less.
like, remember when parks and rec was running and it was inescapable? now it's like it dropped off the face of the earth. because it went on too damn long. it had the feeling like it ran off the runway and then just kept rolling on the ground like, "what the fuck do i do now?". i did not care about the development of those characters nor did i yearn for any more arcs or stories behind the core premise of a dysfunctional local government org in a typical suburb in america
ted lasso, same thing. good premise. i stopped watching like 2 episodes into the second season. it just felt like it wore out its welcome and ran out the premise and the comedy had no longevity. it just turned into a cookie cutter rom com
my most recent series i've abandoned i didnt even make it through the whole season: poker face. i liked knives out (glass onion sucked, imo), and i like murder mysteries. natasha lyonne was great. but the way it was made to show the murder being committed first then how it was solved second just sucked any excitement or anticipation out of it. i just stopped caring about the main thread that ran through the series. the ep about the hippies in the retirement home was the last one i could stand, it also felt like it was starting to lean into the copaganda territory with the FBI shit too
i wish tv shows ran seasons with half as many episodes and took more time to develop a good reason to have more than one season
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flower-boi16 · 1 year
A new era of Disney TVA is upon us...let's talk about that.
So recently the finale to The Owl House titled Watching and Dreaming aired on April 8th, not only is it the end of that show, but was also the end story-driven serialized era of Disney TVA. In this post I'm going to discuss my thoughts on this current era of Disney TVA we're in and my thoughts on each of the shows in it. Note that for most of these shows, this going to be just my first impressions on each of them based on how much of each of them I've seen. So...let's begin.
Big City Greens
In this current era of Disney Channel we've been getting more episodic shows, these shows still have continuity character development and some major status quo changes, but they aren't super story-driven like shows such as The Owl House or Ducktales 2017. Big City Greens is the first of these. Big City Greens follows the misadventures Cricket Green, a mischievous country boy whose family moves into the big city. The main appeal of the show is to see whatever hilarious chaos the green family can unintentionally cause.
The show currently has three seasons with a fourth season coming next month and a movie coming out next year. I've seen a lot of episodes of Big City Greens whenever the show pops up on Disney Channel and this show is pretty great! I like Cricket as a protagonist; he's a mischievous little shit but a little shit that still cares about his friends and family. Most of the other greens family is cool too. This show is also really funny, from the episodes I've watched I laughed a lot while watching it. I'm not saying much about this show because I'm planning on making a review on it, hopefully, I can watch all of the first three seasons before season 4 comes out, but for now, my thoughts on this show are pretty positive so far!
The Ghost and Molly Mcgee
This is the second show of this new era of Disney Channel. The Ghost and Molly Mcgee follows an upbeat and optimistic 13-year old girl named Molly Mcgee, whose family moves into Brighton. However, turns out their house is already a home, a home to a ghost named Scratch, and Molly and Scratch become best friends over the course of season 1. That was probably a bad description of the show's synopsis but ehh whatever. The show has two seasons so far with the second season still airing. This is another show that I'm planning on making a review on so I'm not gonna say much about it here, however, I also quite like this one.
I think Molly is a good protagonist; she's funny she's likable and is always willing to help anybody out and wants to en-happify the word. I always kind of like overly optimistic female characters and Molly is one of them. Scratch is great too, his development is decent and he's just pretty funny. Again, I'm planning on making a review of this show soon so I'm not going to say much about it here, but The Ghost and Molly Mcgee is a fun cute little show.
Hamster and Gretal
So...I don't know if I could have much to say about this show. Created by the same guys who made Phineas and Ferb, Hamster, and Gretal is a show about a superhero girl named Gretal and her superhero animal sidekick Gretal. Oh, and she has an older brother too. I don't really think I have much to say about this one, since I've only seen one episode. It was the episode that had that one villain who can talk to onions. Based on the one episode I've seen...it looks fine. I'm not a huge fan of the voice acting, idk it just sounds weird to me, and the animation doesn't really look that great, but it also doesn't look terrible. The characters seemed ok and the jokes were kinda funny. Hamster and Gretal looks like a fine show, I know it isn't fair to judge something based on one episode, but this is a first impressions kind of post for each show, not a review so ya. Anyway, this show looks fine, but I'm not really interested in reviewing it.
Moon Girl and Devil Dinosaur
I already made an entire review of Moon Girl and Devil Dinosaur before so I'm not going to repeat my thoughts on the show here. So I'm just going to say, I LOVE this series. Moon Girl and Devil Dinosaur follows 13-year-old Lunella Layfatte and her best friend Casey. One day when rebuilding a portal that a scientist left the blue prints for, she opens the portal and a giant dinosaur named Devil comes through the portal, from there they become a superhero crime-fighting duo Moon Girl and Devil Dinosaur. Again, I already made a review of this show before, so just to recap; I absolutely LOVE this show. I love Lunella as a protagonist, I love Casey and Devil, I love the songs, I LOVE the animation, I LOVE the finale, everything about this show is amazing on every single front. This is easily my favorite Disney show of all time and my favorite show to come out from this current era so far. Again, if you want to see my full detailed thoughts on the show, go check out my review of it. Suffice to say this show is AWESOME!
Kiff is a show about an anthropomorphic squirrel named Kiff, and the show revolves around her adventures with her best rabbit friend Barry in their town. Of the few episodes I've seen of Kiff, it looks like a fun show. It's pretty funny and I like the characters and some of the songs. Don't have much to say about Kiff other than it's a pretty fun show.
Haily's On It!
Haily's On It is a show about a girl named Haily who doesn't really like trying out new things. But one day a scientist from the future comes and says that Haily needs to complete every single thing on this list or else the world will end. Haily's On It looks decent based on the episodes of it I've seen. Haily is a likable enough protagonist and Scott is fine, I'm not a huge fan of the art style and animation though...it just looks kinda of stiff. Don't have much to say about this one either, it looks like a decent 7/10 based on what I've seen.
Upcoming shows
There are a few shows that are going to be released soon. First there's...Primos, the show that caused quite a bit of controversy when the theme song dropped due to its racist depictions of Mexicans, and the creator's response to that controversy. I'm not gonna go into much detail about the drama aside from that, but I don't really think I have much interest in this one. The character designs suck and I don't really know if the premise really interests me. Maybe I'll review it when it comes out in 2024, but this still doesn't look that exciting.
I also heard that there's an upcoming Darkwing Duck reboot coming soon so that's cool and Phenias and Ferb is getting a revival for seasons 5&6.
Conclusion & Overall Thoughts
So what are my overall thoughts on this era of Disney TVA? Well, I'd say it's pretty good so far. Sure, most of them are very episodic and slice-of-life but I think that's ok, not every show needs to be story-driven or that stuff. The new shows we've been getting have still been pretty good, I'd say that of all the big three networks (CN and Nickelodeon) Disney Channel is the only one that did remotely well during the 2010s and early 2020s. This channel is still able to create consistently good to great shows to this day, and that's certainly an accomplishment when you look at the current states of CN and Nickelodeon right now. So in conclusion...this era of Disney TVA is pretty good and I'm looking forward to whatever new shows are gonna come out. So...bye.
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ataraxiaspainting · 2 months
Snowflake and bone?
❄️ ⇢ what's your dream theme/plot for a fic, and who would write it best?
oh shit... i feel like i'm being put on the spot lmao. honestly anything with yan chrollo i will eat up. my expectations are nonexistent for everything, including fanfiction. maybe @after-witch or @ddarker-dreams? but i feel like most yan chrollo writers are like experts in their craft...
🦴 ⇢ is there a piece of media that inspires your writing? 
a lot of shows/books/movies in general!
-> shows
monster - one of my favorite things ever. seriously. it's so good! the psychological horror of johan, the push and pull of tenma's morality based on what to do in the situation at hand... i love it all! an absolute masterpiece!
breaking bad - what hasn't been said about it already? it's just that good (and meme worthy also). definitely recommend!
hannibal - ah yes. horror shows with queer themes, my beloved. as someone who's going into work related to criminology, i really enjoyed this one a lot! hannibal was especially interesting, though i love the original silence of the lambs too!
-> books
the collector by john fowles - i actually discovered this book in middle school! i loved it a whole bunch, and my english teachers could never stop me from reading it when they were speaking. shoutout to all my fellow quiet kids who got the "most books read" award in school.
tomie by junji ito - this is actually one of the main things that inspired me to write hier encore! femme fatales always get me. i love my morally grey queens. seeing people just wrapped around their fingers is both interesting and horrific to watch.
the stranger by albert camus - i read this in my final year of high school and now once again during summer break! i just love camus' writing style so much and i love how the main character is so apathetic to the point he doesn't care about himself much. i also really like the religious themes that can come into play, as well as potential neurodiversity.
-> movies
midsommar - another thing dear in my heart. my older sister watched it with me along with my mom, but they were too scared by the gore to they just covered their eyes for like 30% of the movie lmao. not me though, unfortunately. i am still scarred, but the cult/indoctrination themes made it so interesting it's like i didn't have ADHD. i was a neurotypical for like two hours.
sailor moon s: the movie - hearts in ice - i love love loved this movie as a kid. i watched it on repeat along with the lion king movies. i really enjoyed the character development luna went through as she learned the necessity of letting go of people who don't necessarily need you in the way you think they need you.
knives out - this one i also watched with my mom and older sister! they liked this one much more too. i love ransom but also despise him at the same time. i haven't watched glass onion yet but i'm sure it's just as good based on what i have heard! thrillers are the key to my soul.
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koipepo · 1 year
What are all your favourite ships whether they are canon or not, from books, from movies, from tv shows, anything really. And also the reason you like them.
💀ooooo you're enabling me dear. Permission to ramble the hell out:
-Ramsay/Theon from GOT:
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i draw them not as often these days but i still fantasize think of them in daily basis. it's insane how much acid, toxic chemistry these two have. i don't think anything could rival this ship, not in intensity not in fuckery, not in anything. A Phenomenon.
Ramsay is every deep fear and insecurites of Theon personified and realized-seeing him broken, mended and used to the whim of such insidious man is just hrrhghhh *goosebumbs* yet there's also a genuine fucked up intimacy between them. they're like onion man, so many layers and stinky but savory <333
Usually in other ships, there are still possibility of switching between the top and bottom character which i HATE but in thramsay, that's out of window. the complete dominance, the mindfuck + mindgame, the violence (both sexual and psychical), the SHAME and GUILT... there are a lot of feminine/afab fears to be found in thramsay at least in my opinion, and in many ways made it quite cathartic to explore them in male characters . also Ramsay is HOT as shit
-Peter B. Parker x Miles Morales from Spiderverse:
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i had the biggest brainworm of them in secret years ago, but yeah. Super cute ship, with a huge helping of taboo too because mentor/student and underage character ahoy!😂 i always aged Miles up when shipping him with Peter B just bc i don't like the look of underage characters but that doesn't stop antis from raging. Miles is so fucking cute and i love how much he looks up at Peter B... and also how Peter B looks out for Miles so much even when he usually acts like a slob 🥺🥺
-Zuko x Aang from ATLA
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Soulmates™. it's canon that their fates are wholly intertwined and coupled with them being enemies at first, it's super easy to fall in love with this ship. i love that Aang has always put a lot of hope and trust in Zuko even when they are enemies, and i also love that Zuko slowly warms up to the airbender's affection and how that makes him a better person in return. they better each other, you know?
like with Peter B./Miles, i aged up Aang when i ship him with Zuko because Aang looks SO good when he's older and his older-self is underutilized imo. i know fandom's unanimous pretty boy is Zuko but i love Aang's cute, airy vibe much more.
-Ogata x Sugimoto from Golden Kamuy
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this one is a little complicated.
i love them, in my head, alone in my little corner(waiting for Sugimoto to catch Ogata after his bullet-to-the-head shenanigans was a magnificent time) but i couldn't stand how the fandom sees Ogata. i never empathized with his backstory and his murders; in fact i didn't pay attention to his history at all, but to my surprise it was all that the fandom focused on 😅
since i love Sugimoto more than Ogata and that i think he's quite underappreciated in the fandom, it got tiring seeing only Ogata everywhere in my timeline/dashboard. Coupled with having to accidentally seeing SugiOga art all the time, it just got uncomfortable for me... thus i left with heavy heart (;′⌒`)
-Bakugou x Deku from BNHA
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i don't follow BNHA anymore but i still love seeing BakuDeku art pops out from time to time. that said, i don't like Bakugou as much as i used to. i think i got tired of his animosity or at least acrid behavior towards Deku, and his relatively glacier character development compared to anything else made me feel dissatisfied. Buuuut i don't mind seeing noncon-dubcon BakuDeku art at all HAHAHA 🔥 Deku is so cute i wanna hug him but also see him being destroyed
Honorable Mention:
Dante x Vergil from DMC (not the reboot!)
Kaneki x Hide from Tokyo Ghoul
Kazuhira Miller x Big Boss from MGS
Steve x Tony from MCU
Kuroo x Daichi from Haikyuu
Beard x Jacket from Hotline Miami
Thanks for asking! It was a lot of fun answering this and browsing my folders to post my older fanart 😆👍
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sparring-spirals · 2 years
I honestly adoring those episode, it has everything I could have hope for
FCG discovering their soul, that they developed themselves
The group fighting (literally) for Laudna
The interactions between VM and BH where perfect, Percy’s understandable anger towards the thought of being Delilah back, Vex’s guilt because she feel responsible for Laudna’s first death, and Pike just being Pike, the best damn baker
Oh, I am absolutely with you on that. GOD what an episode!!!! So many highlights!!!!!! So many fascinating character interactions and conversations and onion-peeling-layers and smidges of angst and determination and love and- nice. NICE. Im still so excited that everything is kind of coming out in interconnected jumbles, and I am absolutely going to end up writing individual metas about more of these, but suffice it to say:
(i got so excited, this got long, sorry. its basically like 5 different seeds of metas)
- I loved F.C.G's reaction to getting definitive proof they were alive. I love that it was almost less joyous and a little more scared. Because it IS scary! All this time, F.C.G has been living their life for others, divining their purpose from others, they haven't really been living like they were. Alive. Realizing you have a life on your own terms, under your own control, is freeing, and that freedom can be scary! and kind of shitty, sometimes! You have all this space to fuck up. You have all this responsibility if you do. F.C.G realizes they have a life, they are alive, their life matters. and their first reaction is "well, shit." thats SO GOOD. "Well, I have to live." "Unfortunately, true." 👌👌👌👌👌👌👌👌🥳🥳🥳🥳
- I'm a little less confident on my reads of Vox Machina but from what I knew I really liked how those conversations played out. It all made sense to me. which is nice. Percy with his family and hard won peace around him, seeing his worst fears rise up and threaten. Vex with guilt around her shoulders but the chance to help. Pike with that kindness and sincerity and flour on her clothes and being unused to reviving again but so good at helping. And also Keyleth really needing a nap and a few hugs maybe. Someone get that gal some calming tea, stat. The interplay- Vex touching Laudna's ears, Pike watching everyone with entertainment, THE ASHTON AND PERCY CONVERSATION. god that conversation
- I've got so many feelings about Bell's Hells literally fighting for Laudna, fighting through a mindscape comprised of Laudna's personal demons. I've got SO many. Some people have already written excellent posts about it (@c-is-for-circinate's post here, and @mockingmolly s post here, come to mind), and I already waxed poetic about it right after the episode but like. its so good! its symbolic and sweet and weighted and poetic and like. When Pike proposed it, they all said yes, almsot immediately, with almost no hesitation. This party of people who were always so eager to dive into each others problems, to help each other, getting to LITERALLY. Dive in and fight and help and save. And they did it through a weird fucked up slumber party. perf. (and i JUST READ A OSOT ABOUT THIS and need ti add it here and its about how laudna Isnt Getting A Say In It rn as well intentioned as it is which. also makes it. kind of fucked. god this needs its own post but like. yea.)
- you didnt mention this explicitly but the ashton and percy convo and tbh everything about how ashton reacted to these massively powerful people- the unsureness and reservations then just- straight up opening up to Percy, in a way, in their fury. the changes in them moving them to anger, still, but of a different sort. pleading, but angrily, furious, trying to push reason. so offensive their defense dropped. that conversation was SOMETHING.
- Also not mentioned but like. Imogen, my gal. My buddy. my darling. oh boy.
- chet's little kindnesses and reactions through the ep were also Something
- i hope fearne steals something
anyway sorry lost the plot a little here but YES what an EPISODE i am HOLLERING and BLOWING AIRHORNS 🥳
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wendytestabrat · 11 months
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alright let’s do this shit. this is a continuation of the post analyzing the sp character’s big 3 go read that one first. YOUR BIG THREE IS YOUR RISING, SUN, & MOON. THE THREE LAYERS OF AN ONION. YOUR RISING IS HOW YOU APPEAR, YOUR SUN IS WHO YOU ARE, AND YOUR MOON IS YOUR DEEP EMOTIONAL SIDE. and yeah i’m pretty sure all of their sun signs have been confirmed by the show bc their birthdays are all floating around on the internet LOL.
yeah jimmy is a LEO rising. there's no doubt about it. the amount of ego and superiority this one kid has is fucking insane. he's a stubborn shithead who thinks he's always right and wants to lead and be in charge. he has rizz which is why he fools all the citizens of retroville into thinking he's a brave hero even tho all the problems he fixes HE fucking caused. but yeah he's actually a pisces sun bc jimmy is an oversensitive baby who runs on his emotions for fucking everything. his imagination is out of control and he gets all of these wildass ideas to make stupid ass inventions in retaliation bc a girl was picking on him at school without making an effort to actually have the inventions work for real LOL classic piscean nonsense (which is why i hate them). and down to the final layer of the onion the boy is an aquarius moon...i mean come on do i even need to explain why? even tho jimmy is an overly sensitive beta male he still sucks at relating to people emotionally and is way too fucking logical and aloof abt shit. all he cares abt is science. if he had the choice between some pussy and some physics formulas he would choose the latter.
carl is honestly so boring i couldn't give two shits about him bc he has no development outside of being a comic relief. but bro is a cancer rising. carl comes across like a whiny ass baby that's gentle and fragile af but yeah he's actually just double earth. he's a capricorn sun bc carl is like realistic and down to earth af especially compared to jimmy with his retarded delusional ass pisces mind. carl can be the voice of reason sometimes when jimmy wants to do some dumbass shit and he'll caution him abt it & keep him grounded. carl likes to play it safe which is also why he's a taurus moon bc all bro wants to do is stay home and eat and watch the llama channel.
yeah sheen is a gemini rising he talks way too fucking much about random ass shit LOL. he always has something interesting or witty to say and sometimes he'll just reference something out of nowhere. he also has way too much fucking energy and is ADHD af. but sheen is actually a scorpio bc he's rlly passionate and focuses really intensely on his ultra lord and action figure collecting hobby. he's also rlly caring & loyal af to the people he cares abt (like libby or his dad) and brave too and willing to put himself in dangerous situations to help his friends. in my personal experience i've noticed that scorpio sun tends to bring out the more lighthearted, caring, and sensitive side of scorpio while scorpio moons and scorpio mars are the more fucked up and vengeful types LOL. and yeah he's a sag moon bc sheen is SUPER fun, enthusiastic, and optimistic and always up for an adventure. he can be brutally honest too and there are a lot of moments in the show where he roasts the shit out of another character over some dumb shit they're doing. (yeah sheen is actually way smarter than he seems he just sabotaged his brain with cartoons and sugar as he said in that one episode LOL)
yeah cindy is an aries rising which was honestly the easiest fucking rising sign to pick LOL. she comes across EXTREMELY aggressive and physically strong. cindy is competitive af and has to be #1 at everything. but yeah she's a gemini bc that bitch is the world's biggest smartass and likes to be smarter than everyone and she runs her mouth constantly and never shuts the fuck up LOL. she’s a two faced bitch who pretends to hate jimmy to be cool even tho she’s obsessed with him. cindy’s intelligent af and always has something witty and clever to say and she can charm and manipulate the shit out of anyone bc of this. and she’s social af and has like 58389392 interests and hobbies and wants to be good at everything. but yeah cindy is actually a scorpio moon bc she’s sensitive AF and rlly caring deep down in an obsessive scorpio way and the bitch WILL fucking bite back at you if you slight her over something small. she’s possessive AF and gets jealous easily too like a typical scorpio too LOL.
yeah libby is DEF an aqua rising bc the bitch is weird af and she comes across super aloof and in her own little world. i mean the bitch has headphones on like 90% of the time and is always listening to music and then when someone finally does get her attention she just rambles on abt some random shit no one cares about like how she's related to cleopatra or how she loves some random ass hip-hop group LOL (no wonder her and sheen ended up together). but yeah she's actually just a sag sun bc libby is EXTREMELY outgoing, fun & adventerous and she also has a temper if u mess with her and she doesn't have the patience for fake stupid bullshit like how she calls cindy out on her gemini ass for pretending to hate jimmy when she likes him. and then she's a libra moon bc libby is like the voice of reason sometimes in the group and the only sane sensible one LOL. she mediates A LOT of conflicts like when jimmy and cindy are fighting or sheen and carl are fighting.
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moreclaypigeons · 2 years
Tagged by @entguarde !!
1. Three ships: the titanic, SS Hornet, Mayfl- oh shit wrong ships ok. Oksamber (Amber Gris + Oksana Kodira from The Adventure Zone ethersea<3), Lumity (Amity Blight + Luz Noceda from The Owl House), and Fierrochase (Magnus Chase + Alex Fierro from Magnus Chase and the Gods of Asgard)
2. First ship: Percabeth (twinsies ENT!!) <3 absolutely my beloveds I was obsessed with them both as characters and their dynamic together and how it developed cause it was truly just build on trust and respect and time. They're the og blupjeans
3. Last song: Olive Branch by Sophie Holohan
4. Last movie: Glass Onion! I am not a big movie person but holy shit I fell in love w this movie and its whole genre. I really want to watch knives out now.
5. Currently reading: nothing..? I just finished Frankenstein though and have a few more weeks(?) worth of research and analysis etc to do with that one for my class so
6. Currently watching: not a TV person! Guess I'm like rewatching Dan and Phil w one friend and watching Markiplier play FNAF with another? If that counts?
7. Currently consuming: in the middle of an ethersea relisten! Episode 20 baybeee
8. Currently craving: a carnitas tostada. There is never a time when I am not.
9. Currently playing: this was not part of the original tag but I want to see everyones video games. I'm currently playing Sims 4 occasionally. And also Wii sports w my friends. And spore. Yeah okay half the things I've said in this tag make it seem like 2013 tbh but if it's not broken don't fix it
9. Tagging: @interstellar-interloper @boydykedevo @starry--skies @yourlocalvastard
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phrootsnacks · 23 days
haikyuu!!sday: season 1 ep 5-8
woah second week of classes and I already want to drop out and / or evaporate into a pink mist
anyway. at least I can watch haikyuu
episode 5: A Coward's Anxiety
I will say. I feel like it's way harder to enjoy this show because of the mental state im in. I hope I dont ruin haikyuu for myself.
the trials and tribulations of high school volleyball
kageyama and hinata are somehow both the [make each other worse] trope and the [make each other better] trope
awwww they're so cute with their team jackets :3
aoba johsai.............
ah yes. sugawara coaching kageyama how to be nice to people
poor tadashi. I can't wait for his arc where he learns how to hit the ball a really specific way
"the ultimate decoy" sounds like a danganronpa talent what who said that
they really need a libero to pull this sort of thing off..... :)
"some rather interesting first-years" lololol
they r so sillyyyyyy
I relate to hinata. getting so stressed and anxious that you give yourself a stomach ache? thats me like every week
there are so few braincells on this team
episode 6: An Interesting Team
sugawara has the braincells. and maybe daichi too
some of them are better at shittalking than they are at volleyball
tanaka should just. never say anything lol
onion head. turnip head
none of them can make hinata less nervous. same honestly lol
my cat keeps meowing at me to pet her but she only wants to be pet in a different room. she's bossy. like a certain character in this show....... lol
lol. they have a funny way of cheering hinata up by being incredibly scary and / or incredibly mean
character development, out of spite
decoy is so good of a decoy he doesn't even know when hes a decoy
still closing his godda,n eyes when he spikes. what the fuck. thats freak shit
takeda.... how long have you been the teacher managing the volleyball club. what do you mean oh now I get it they rotate position every point. that.s... hw
they are always giving each other so much shit lol
oh boy. oikawa.
episode 7: Versus the Great King
this fucker
yoo-hoo! ugh. I can't not love yoo-hoo are you kidding me
the gall to do the exact same serve twice. and get a service ace on both ?!
hes fuckin runnin. hell yeah epic
senti mental montage spe ech
lol. character growth
oikawas so nice :) and also brutally mean >:(
oikawa feels like one of the characters that knows he's in an anime. like yeah all the characters are anime characters but most of them are unaware of this fact. yknow what I mean
hehehehe *kicking my feet*
episode 8: He Who Is Called "Ace"
I forgot nishinoya was like this
fuck yeah asahi time? I dont really remember asahi that much tbh. is he the one who [spoilers] lol
hehehe HAHAHAHAHAA asdfgjhkl
so much ego in this team
lol. takeda is so pathetic hehehe
but he is persistent! :-]
diversity loss. asahi is no longer ace
lol fuckin LAUNCHED
im sorry I find the emotional beats so funny bc they're like. ugh I guess I will have character growth. if I have to
recurring nightmares. of blockers
they vanish out of sight because you fuckin close your eyes, hinata
they just love to touch the ball
and that's this week's haikyuu!!sday. existential crisis somewhat avoided? well. it's only ever delayed until it's confronted
youre really gonna let me say that?
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cosmcther · 28 days
// For the favorite detail meme: I’m going to second what Brawl and Henri already mentioned earlier, about how I really like how Rosalina isn’t necessarily perfect. She has flaws, she can underestimate others, but she can also learn and grow from her mistakes! I love that, and it just makes me want to see how she’ll continue to evolve. But I think my favorite detail is just… how perfectly you capture her personality as this loving mother figure. I adore how nurturing she is to the Lumas, it’s always very sweet to see. (And Rosalina having that patience of a saint is, of course, also very funny, especially when she’s paired up with a muse who arguably doesn’t deserve that patience. Rosalina, I’m so sorry for everything my Louie muse put you through. Olimar too, actually, he was probably at fault for more than a few gray hairs,) 
But, speaking of motherly muses! Would Rosalina want to adopt a few, because I’ve got Miis with some terrible creators, and –
Thoughts and Onions? || Prompt
     oops this one is a little late sorry reina.
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     But yeah, I really appreciate it, genuinely. I'm sure I've mentioned it before, but I honestly do hold the acknowledgment of her flaws to be very important. No one as powerful as her should be perfect. But despite the fact that she isn't, that doesn't mean she's a horrible person, either. Not by any means. And that's just as important. For every fault, there should be ten moments that show her heart and soul, and I'm glad that that's going recognized.
     It reminds me of Superman. He's supposed to be the perfect individual, but folks got bored of that archetype for a while. So Superman was turned into this uncaring god figure who did as he pleased without the care of the common folk. When it's like... n... nah I still like Superman as a really good guy, I just think he shouldn't be so one-note. It's always the worst when a character tries to be multi-layered and developed, only for their faults to be overblown and now they're suddenly painted as the bad guy because they made mistakes. Y'know, as humans often do.
     All of that is to say... Rosalina is an extremely caring individual. She's space mom! I remember this headcanon I made on the spot for some thread way back that... the Comet Observatory is intentionally modeled like a needle because it's supposed to be a beacon. And that, in lore, this means that the Comet Observatory is basically an unofficial space hospital that anyone can go to whenever they see it. You see its architect and any space-faring character would go "oh! thank goodness! salvation!". It'd be like seeing a water cooler while crawling through the desert.
     That's the kind of imagery that I really love for Rosalina. That she's this open door for you to come toward as you please whenever you need her. She's not always around and she can appear as a quite distant figure for a multitude of reasons, but she'll always be there when you need her most.
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     ...So with that said, I'll take the adoption papers for those weird Mii things Jae won't stop screaming about. Gimme the lore document, I'll speed-read that shit and have a starter out for each one of the little goblins in no time flat.
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kitakami-zorua-kin · 3 months
Ok so text has no Intonation so I'm assuming please correct me if I'm wrong? It Sounds a bit like you'd wish Russet wouldn't let himself go so much and use the skills you seem to think he has more, to try and reach his potential? I know you hate him but have you ever considered helping him? I'm speaking solely of considering. Like imagine he approaches you and asks or something.
On that account what do you reckon would need to happen for you to start forgiving him, like if he was seriously having a change of heart and wanted to make amends, what would need to happen? I'm asking this as a person who once went through something similar and I'm curious for others' perspectives.
Also unrelated to this just for fun, what are your favorite battle, non-battle and general favorite Pokémon? Also favourite legendary?
// no worries for the late replies thing, time zones are a thing, its seven in the morning here right now, I just ask stuff when I'm on.
//man I love this Kieran he such a little shit but he also cares a lot though he would probably set himself aflame before admitting that, GUH I hope you'll do another event where he gets a role, later maybe when Russets story has progressed and our favourite edgy champ has had so character growth, I wanna throw some of the things he said, so I said too, Infront of his feet and see him react to it. Also Russet backreading this is gonna be a field day of emotions for him huh? I mean how can onion boy care so much while not caring at all, as he says, hope Russet gets the context.
... It's just infuriating that he doesn't try at all. There's a reason Carmine insisted he go to BBA. He's got this... infuriating innate talent, same as that stupid Dragon Tamer friend of his. They both just waste it - don't develop it all. When you have to fight for every scrap of power, people like that are enraging.
... forgiving him? can i do that...? ... He'd need to stop lying, first. I don't know if it knows how to do that.
... I like Furret. that... seems to be a constant. ... as for battle pokemon, I really like Crimson - my Incineroar. And... Legendaries... I've always like the Ogre - Ogerpon. but... aside from that... Russet liked the Unovan Dragons, a lot. I liked when he'd talk about Reshiram.
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