#also the crab is a we are not alone reference
autistic-captain · 9 months
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The head of intelligence and officious military type.
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all444miles · 11 months
1610 miles with a girl whos js inlove with the beach and the ocean
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— pairing: 1610!miles x ocean loving!black!fem!reader
— genre: fluff
— summary: what it's like for 1610 Miles to date a girl with a love for the beach and the ocean.
— a/n: im always gonna make miles 1610 silly ! when i tell y'all im deadly afraid of the water so i had to think AS HARD AS I COULDDDD to make these hcs, i hope i did this justice !! ty for the request, and enjoy ‹3
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MILES + YOU = beach dates.
you two will go to beach and have a picnic, and he prepares it so sweetly for you ‹3
something like this !!
he knows how much you love the ocean, so he makes it special for you ‹3
he paints the rocks and gives them to you.
like when i say you have a collection of sea rocks with random things Miles has painted, you have a collection.
your favorite is the one that has two spiders with yours and his initials on it.
you two also collect shells, one time, you and Miles found a whole bunch, and made a necklace out of them.
"These seashells are so pretty, right Miles?" "Yeah, but what are we gonna do with em?" "..Oh! Wanna make 'em into necklaces?" "Oh yeah, I know how to do that!" "Really?" "..Nah." "You're so silly. C'mon, I'll show you."
He loves to take so many pictures of you in the water with his polaroid camera.
He'll take like four, then use them as reference so he can draw you - you're practically his muse.
After he's drawn them, he'll show them to you and let you keep the pictures.
You two watch Moana together. I dont care.
He calls you "Mi serenita", which means "my mermaid" in spanish
It's corny, yes, but it's so cute ‹3
Speaking of mermaids, the two of you most definitely paid tickets to watch the new little mermaid. twice.
"Miles! Can we go watch the new lil' mermaid?" "Wait, did we not already watch it?" "We did- but i wanna watch it again! Pleeaasee" "Of course."
snow cones!
He's always the first to get brain freeze because he eats them too quick.
Thankfully, he has spidey sense so he doesn't get stung by a jellyfish or pinched by a crab.
Because if he didn't? Pray for him.
You can't surf, but he can, and he'll never act serious when he does. He acts like a surfer boy on purpose.
"Cowabunga!" "Love, please, never say that again." "Nah, but did you see the way I rode that wave? That was gnarly!" "Miles, I love you, and it was, but you is not a surfer boy."
A lot of the times, you'll stay at the beach till sunset so you two can be alone.
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© all444miles 2023. do not plagerize, copy, or repost my work in any way shape or form, without my permission.
likes, reblogs, comments and asks are always appreciated !
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codisgay · 5 months
Mermen in Love
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Mer!Poly with Male!Reader, Soap, and Ghost.
Probably some Orca inaccuracies.
Ftm!Johnny, so M!Preg warning ig.
It had been a big surprise when suddenly Johnny started to get... well, fat.
Obviously neither {Name} or Simon said anything about it, assuming it was just because there happened to be abundance of fish and penguins recently.
All stayed normal until Johnny suddenly awoke from his unihemispheric state, normally he slept a long eight hours but this time he was in a panic.
The entire pod went to calm the unruly orca down, Simon and {Name} having to physically restrain their mate until he calmed.
"What the 'ell was that about?" Simon questioned, rubbing Johnny’s puffy cheeks in his palms.
"There's something inside me!" He wailed, letting out a noise as he was slapped by the calf growing in his womb.
Simon and {Name} exchanged a look as Johnny wailed between them, the entire pod stopping before {Name} shooed them off to continue on their hunt while he and Simon dealed with this.
"Love... are you sure? We were careful, we always are." {Name} asked gently, not wanting to further aggravate his mate. "It could just be a stomach ache...?"
"You think I wouldn't know if I was just getting an ache?!" He snapped, whipping around to shove an accusing finger in {Name}'s face. "Answer me dammit!" Johnny yelled, shaking poor {Name} by his shoulders.
"That's not- Stop that!" Simon interjected, forcing himself between his mates. "Both of you need to calm down." He frowned, glaring at them from beneath the human skull that sat on his face.
"Now, Johnny. {Name}'s question was valid, if not a bit rude." He huffed, giving him the side eye before turning back to Johnny. "We have been safe for years, so what did we do differently this year?"
All three paused, thinking over the last season. Which had to of been at least six months ago, until {Name} and Johnny shared an embarrassed look, neither would look back at Simon.
"What? Did you two do something?" He folded his torso so he was casting and even bigger shadow over the two as he awaited an answer.
"Well," {Name} started, "me 'n Johnny might have... gone a bit longer after you went out to talk to Price." He mumbled, finally working up the courage to look his seething mate in the eyes.
"A bit longer? You both know we do this a very specific way that way Johnny doesn't have any calves, we all agreed to wait until we were ready." Simon looked almost... disappointed in the two. Shaking his head as he grumbled something to himself, his face did fall though. Looking more worried than stern.
"Look... it's too late to go back, I'm not mad. A little disappointed that you waited until he was pregnant to tell me. But I'm obviously still going to be here." He sighed, pulling the younger orcas closer to him. Gently rubbing the back of their necks to soothe the obviously bubbling anxiety.
Joseph chirped happily, floating idly while messing with a crab on the shore until he heard the familiar bellows of his fathers return.
"Daddy!" He screeched, tackling Johnny in a hug who eagerly returned it as {Name} and Simon finished bringing over the leftovers of the polar bear carcass.
"What?! No hug for us? We're the ones who bring you food!" {Name} and Simon both exclaimed in unison, quite pouty for two full grown orcas.
Joseph, the little bugger, only giggled and started to devour as much of the carcass as his tummy could fit.
It's weird, normally I hate the idea of having children but this idea wouldn't leave me alone.
OH YEAH! Hey, hey, did you get the reference? Joseph? Yeah! Obviously no explanation needed since Ghost's backstory is pretty much the same, just shifted around. So their Joseph is names after his dead nephew for those who didn't know. :)
It came out a lot better than I hoped, also thank you to everyone who got my last posts to over 300 notes!! That's flipping(hehe) crazy!
Also I forget a lot of tags so those who repost with more tags, I thank you 🙏
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din0lover · 4 months
Funny post of all the little "ghosties" talking moments in the captions
(It's ccbbh but also there might be some missing I did the best I could in trying to get it all lol enjoy!)
Signs of Pomme and Ramon
"Fudge I missed the sign"
"Maybe bad should stay dead a bit longer"
"Stress never killed anybody, except for the people it did"
"Isn't that cannibalism " (referring to pomme apple die comment)
Zinc cave
"Richas is going to die" (richas digging straight down)
" Oh Fudge not this one" (referring to cave they went into go collect zinc)
"This is limestone not zinc"
"Look how pretty"
"Let's go mine proceeds to mine limestone"
"These statements are now canonical ghosty thoughts"
"The block looks chewable" (referring to the limestone block)
"Canonical ghosty bathroom break"
"And canonically left alone" (after he got back from the bathroom break)
"There are going to be so mad at us when the eggs die" (after richas digs straight down deeper into the cave)
"Ghosties have bad hand eye coordination" (after falling in lava)
"50 zinc that's enough to make 1/10 of a drill"
"Free stuff"
"Lucy what are you doing over there"
"Later peasants I'm warping away, what the Fudge, that's crazy" (referring to richas warping out of the cave)
Leaving Zinc Cave
"All your stones belongs to me"
"Give me your stone I'm going to eat it all"
"Nom nom nom nom nom nom"
(ramon and pomme digging up out of the cave)
"Well this is the end for me I'm afraid"
"Should've taken those swimming lessons"
(Water bucket was placed down for a split second this guy is so dramatic LOL)
"You know, I'm holding sugar cane, it's magic, but why am I holding sugar cane? Is it a coincidence Or is there a higher meaning to it? Not even caption viewers will find out"
"Yep some of you realized all stream it was me reading the signs."
"Yep what you thought it was magic?, no I was reading them."
"The entire time thats where the captions come from."
"No way /j"
"The poor people without the captions right now."
That's it Ramon takes one call, I'm going to narrate their actions"
"Pomme looks around aimlessly "
"Ramon thinks I'm done cave mining it's probably best to leave"
"Pomme thinks Fudge dirt that means we're close to the surface but I hate digging through it."
"Don't worry we're good"
"Now it's off to do more adventuring"
"Sorry I'll stop being silly"
Finally out of the Zinc Cave
"You got this
You got this
You got this
You got this
You got this
You can do it"
"Freedom of fudge, worst ad time ever"
"Actually no we had some horribly timed ads."
"Dumbo, the moon, why did it translate it to that? I think there was a mistranslation chat."
"And pomme sacrifices Ramon to the squids" (Ramon fell out of the boat)
"Hey guys maybe we should take that zinc to Badboyhalo house instead"
Repairing the town of Fobo farm
Richas : "I mean I am not human I don't know, that works with tio dad and my dad's"
Ccbbh aka "ghosties" : "he's onto something "
"Huh bird"
"Nosy ghosties"
"Lucy Hi"
"So wholesome"
"3 minutes till restart"
"One minute before void"
"Toxic not the backup"
"The lore killer"
"Sometimes I still hear his voice" (referring to bbh it's almost like we can still hear him in the after life)
"There comes a day in every pet owners life" (referring to richas killing his caged amethyst crab)
"It is a good way to keep memories, if only bad was doing that." (That vile man he needs to be put in a panini press)
"I'm running out of sad music"
"Guys stop trolling the Chatters and telling them I died IRL"
"I can still hear his voice"
Group hug for all
"And it's a group hug"
"Get down here richas it's group hug time"
"Oh my gosh he is dying"
"Okay now he is good"
"Group hug richas, don't let him go up"
"Don't let him wiggle his way up there"
"He can't get away from The Angst train,there's a train and it's full angst"
"I love angst"
"I'm going to be honest this has been a very wholesome night but it is a lot of angst."
"Choo Choo"
Richas getting down again
"Crazy people oh my gosh"
"Gave me a heart attack right now"
"Oh my gosh they actually just trying to kill him in front of me"
"That's crazy"
"Where's you armor ?! He's not wearing armor!"
"Oh my gosh just let him die, finish him now"
"That be the worst time for a creeper to just slither its way and explode right next to them "
"Like actual nightmare fuel"
"You're going to give me a heart attack"
"He's going to die chat like if we don't see the death and no one else is online it doesn't really happen."
"It's like a tree that falls in the forest, and no one around here it doesn't make a noise."
"Pretty sure that's how it works chat mathematically "
Slight BBH love <3<3
- "I'm sorry chat thus has been a long stream, I'm trying to keep myself chucking along, I'm enjoying it but it is a long stream."
"Two really long streams in a row"
(Peace and love ccbbh thanks for the long streams with the eggs and other memes <3<3)
Back to richas and his vendetta against group hugs
"Rebel Richas, no hugs, hugs are for the weak"
"Oh my gosh they're going to actually kill him, I need to make sure to look away before he dies"
*looks away*
"There we go"
"If I dont see the death it doesn't count"
"This is like a slightly unhinged nature documentary "
"Bros really going to fall and die literally if he's not careful oh my gosh"
"Quick everyone lets vandalize their building even more."
"Oh my gosh please just don't do it."
"He's going to drown."
"No don't die drowning underwater it will kill you instantly "
"Bro really said that I'm going to maybe die someday and choose that day to be today."
"He's crazy chat, oh my goodness."
"Oh my goodness please holy crap."
"Let me build or I will die, thats your only two choices here" (even after death bbh still having beef with richas that's crazy)
"Bro better-" ( looking to see if richas is wearing armor and then proceeds to find out he's wearing diamond pants)
"I've been wearing pants this whole time. "
"Someone who doesn't have their cosmetic armor off and they just see pants walking around."
Back home
"Confused but following "
"Where am i?"
"He's still not wearing armor either "
Fin (I just realized that didn't bbh say he be recording his audio too? I just transcript all this for nothing I'm done on a serious note though it was fun to read the captions and hope you find slight entertainment in what I was able to capture lmk if I missed any which I probs did well im off) (also forgive me if I did some misspelling I did this really late)
Extra clip:
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stinkypeanutbutter · 7 months
silly headcanons pt 2‼️
here we go. . Yay
Whenever they go out, Ashlyn had to wear like a TON of sunscreen because she’s pale af (same)
Scratch what I said last time, Aiden actually likes spiders, but is scared of grasshoppers. Why? Because they keep jumping on him and towards him because they don’t mind their stupid business and are so big for no reason. Ashlyn agrees with this statement
Aiden is so scared of failing his parents, as they seem to have high expectations with him and he’s worried that whatever he does may not be good enough or doesn’t fit their criteria, even if his parents try and reassure him it’s fine to mess up something, referring to his past
Aiden and Taylor totally listen to vocaloid
Beach time? Ashlyn is hiding in the shade on her phone, occasionally going out to swim. . But goes back because the water is freakishly cold. Ben is making sand castles (with or without that little cousin I forgot her name) Logan is collecting shells and cool objects for the sand castle and observation purposes (nerd) Taylor and Tyler are splashing eachother and seeing who can swim faster (Tyler refuses to play but does anyway for her) And Aiden is catching sand crabs, swimming, and climbing the rocky areas to find creatures or lost items to show everyone else.
birthdays? Aiden buys the best gifts cause he rich and seems to know everyone the most because he’s intrusive. Ashlyn buys pretty good ones as well becuase of her hearing everything everywhere. Logan isn’t the best and struggles but pulls through well in the end. Ben makes his own birthday gifts from scratch like a pro!! Taylor and Tyler team up, and usually do well (especially with secret Santa)
Aiden never actually went trick or treating before (bozo) because of his constant traveling, so the most he could and would ever do is buy candy the night of and watch something alone. The buds got together for a day and all went trick or treating for Aidens sake and he loved it. (He scared many kids that day because he went as a clown lmao)
Aiden does graffiti art les go!!!! (Got in trouble once)
Aiden ALMOST went to jail, but it was just some old lady complaining about how he looked because he kept smiling at her and thought he was being cocky (he was)
Ben listens to metal (you just take a headphone from him and you hear screaming and a heavy instrumental 💀)
both Ashlyn and Ben also listen to orchestral music, Taylor occasionally because it appeases her mind.
Horror movies? Ben dos NOT like them, but watches for the others sake. Logan feels the same way, and covers his face anytime a jumpscare is coming up (fails each time, ends up seeing every jumpscare and screams, jumps into the arms of the nearest person) Ashlyn doesn’t get scared easily with them, but only when she can’t tell if one’s gonna happen or not. Tyler likes them, but doesn’t admit to being scared at times. Taylor and Aiden love them, actually talking about what parts they liked and what they could have done better on.
since people are doing these, here:
Bi Ashlyn, considers herself a girl, but also as nothing sometimes (idk the word)
Pan Aiden, doesn’t care who you are, just be able to tolerate him.
Tyler is a homophobic homosexual
Logan is bi, no major preferences.
Ben is a straight and ace
Taylor is ace and demi romantic
love how most people seemed to agree with Taylor and Ben being ace
Ashlyn and Taylor have girls nights sometimes, usually with Taylor taking a ton of photos and Ashlyn getting bombarded with questions from Aiden and Tyler (mostly Aiden)
When it came to Aiden being a alone in his room and him moving around a lot, it was hard for him to feel anything besides loneliness, so he took to SH for a while, mostly on his upper thighs because he felt no one would see them as easily. Even now he starts it up again when he’s super upset and had really no way to get his frustration out, didn’t help with the constant mask he put up. He feels better, but every now and then his emotions slip and he starts it up again, going further without realizing. He wears a strong foundation to at least cover some of them up, but someone noticed. Who? That’s up for you to decide.
ok good bye thanks for reading!!11!! 😹🌝🤺
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kurisus · 7 months
Chapter 108-2 thoughts
This was the most "IT'S SO OVER" "WE'RE SO BACK" chapter ever. Spoilers under the cut.
I am a leetol bit disappointed that Bishamon didn't really get to do anything this arc. She was unconscious for a majority of it, then woke up, went looking for Kazuma, and found him without like, needing to shake some people up. It is sweet how they finally got to have a proper conversation though. Their lack of communication has been a frustrating blind spot for both of them this entire story, so I'm glad they were able to come to peace with it.
I do wonder if Kazuma told her about being named by Yato, or if he dodged that fact, but I'm going to assume since we didn't get a live Bishamon reaction that he did tell her and she understood his reasoning.
"You are the only one who can save yourself" is kind of a strange statement out of context since this whole manga has been about overcoming trials with the help of the people who love you. But in context, Bishamon was saying that praying to a higher power is meaningless and individuals are the only ones capable of miracles. Kind of an atheistic message from a manga where a majority of the characters are Literal deities, but as an allegory for the world, I kinda dig it. Don't believe in miracles, make them happen with your own two hands and the people who love you.
Okay now I need to talk about Yukine this chapter. I Need To. His love for Hiyori and Yato had me pounding my fist on the ground. HE HELD HIYORI'S HAND. HE CLUNG TO YATO WHEN HE STARTED DISAPPEARING. HE DOESN'T WANT HIS DAD TO GO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ADACHITOKA I AM JUST A GUY PLEASE HAVE MERCY ON MY FRAGILE HEART.
FATHER IS FINALLY DEAD SEND OUT THE CRABS. I'm glad his death was quiet and unceremonious, and not even Mizuchi was tempted by him.
It seems like the real Fujisaki was trying to say Father's name but couldn't quite recall it, so I'm thinking we'll get to hear it from Ebisu's mouth next chapter. Then again, we didn't get to hear Nana's real name either, so it may just stay as "ta" forever. Which is funny to think about as in like, "ta" for "bye." Bye bitch!
The pages of the trio + Nora all together and begging Hiyori to come back singlehandedly caused the most emotional damage. I know everyone else is freaking out about the Yatori CPR/kiss but I am just wishing the circumstances were more ideal for it. I will say it is pretty Kyoru of them to kiss while she's unconscious, though.
But, eh, her being alive was way more of a concern to me, so that was the reason I went ahead and read the official version early. I let out the BIGGEST sigh of relief when she woke up in the hospital.
Before I reflect more though, I wanted to say also I was pretty confused by Amaterasu's statement in the official translation, though fast-moon's helped clear it up. Hiyori didn't become a full shinki because she was named in the illusory dimension, and she was saved by the act of killing Father?
"You were carrying the ancient koto no ha with you as well" is the "you" referring to Father or Yato? Did Yato name Hiyori with the brush, or was she talking about Father having both on him?
Okay, so, reflections. Am I happy they temporary killed Hiyori? Still no. I would have preferred they damage her cord instead rather than way back when, when the wolves attacked her. Am I happy they brought her back? Obviously. It would be a bad ending if they left off on that, and I'm curious to see if/how much she'll remember in the final chapter.
Do I think Yato is dead? I sure hope not! This is also a death that would negate a whole lot of character development, and while I like the narrative parallel of her dying to save him so he dies to save her (esp considering how selfish he was at the start of the manga), I don't want Yukine to be left alone or with a baby Yato at the end of everything. I'm scared, because I think it's not off the table.
Am I happy with the ending? Remains to be seen, but while I have quibbles and hangups, it's not that much. It's not of the story-ruining variety for me, anymore. I kind of would have preferred a softer ending to the manga, for example. This entire story has had very high stakes for everyone involved, so they didn't need to up the ante with these constant main character death scares, imo. We were already quite deep in the shit. I also wish Hiyori had had more to do in the final arc before she saved the day by...dying.
But to say I didn't enjoy the journey of this arc would be a lie. It's been a long few years...almost 10 since I watched the anime, almost 9 since I read the manga, and mainly it'll be weird to say goodbye to this era of my life, and not have the monthly stress of chapters hanging over my head.
I was hoping Adachitoka would announce a new series, but it hasn't happened yet, and I'm not sure it will because they've been unable to commit to full chapters for a while now. Even before the hiatus in 2017, the chapters dropped from 45 pages to 40, and then we've been halfsies since 2018. Whatever caused Adachitoka to go on hiatus, it's been enough of an issue that they can't draw 45 pages on a monthly schedule anymore (and honestly, I don't blame them, as we all know mangaka schedules are brutal). Also, taking Alive into account, they've been drawing manga for 20 years. This might be their final story, or they might write another with an assistant. Either way, if they do something else, regardless of their role I'll definitely be checking it out!
So now that Hiyori has been undoomed from the narrative the wedding reread is back on. I'll be starting it soon here, all tagged with #Noragami reread and hopefully some of you will join me as well! Feel free to send me your thoughts on the chapter/the ending.
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ll-but-its-random · 12 days
Imagine if the Loric actually had a chimaera with each of them.
Oh... oh my god. Yes.
Golden retriever called Caramel.
The kind of dog who would leap on you and you just instantly fall. That's how big.
Plays a little too much.
Hessu once told her to try looking after it on her own when she was like 5 or 6 and needless to say, the first time was the worst.
She became sort of a dog mom after that.
We don't talk about what happened to Caramel when the Mogs found them.
A ragdoll cat she calls Will.
Likes being a cat, but sometimes he just turns to something like a hamster to fall asleep unbothered.
First time it happened, Maggie thought he died and the crying woke him up.
Just sits down next to her on the couch or desk.
They usually end up dozing off in some weird position.
A wild dog he named Duma.
They experimented with multiple wild animals' forms before, they also don't talk about the time he shapeshifted into a hippo.
He is generally good at pretending to be a hunter dog, but then comes into the house through the window for a snack or something.
Everyone thinks Hannu has somehow tamed a wild dog and Hannu is there like:
As much as Duma likes being out in the open, he almost always shapeshifts into a bug and hides in Hannu's hair so he can go around with him.
He calls him Marlin, because he liked to be in a fish's form on the island (finding nemo reference).
He sometimes turns to a crab or bird to go on land but any time Five is at the beach, he takes the chance to go back into the water.
Emotional support hugs were more frequent after Rey died.
He sort of liked Emma at the start and Emma liked him because he was a cute little bird, what's not to love.
The Mogs didn't let Five keep him :(
Almost always a raven that she wanted Katarina to name for her- Fiachra.
Bird sort of human-like intelligence.
The many times she saved Six's ass, but she wouldn't phrase it like that.
When Six is mad and glares at someone, it pulls on the emotional tether, and Fia comes, perches on her shoulder and gives her own glare making them 10x more intimidating.
The were separated in her capture, but she found her again- don't ask me how, she did.
A chimaera called Buttercup who is mostly taking the form of a rodent.
Like, imagine Marina walking around with a little hamster, squirrel or mouse in her front pocket. Absolutely adorable.
Some of the girls in the orphanage found Buttercup and it was hard to pry them off after that.
Adelina wanted her to release it into the wild, so after that argument, she pretended she did, but stopped carrying her around everywhere.
Buttercup once jumped on Eight's hair and matted it down while hugging him. Marina had a nosebleed.
Adil never stays in the same form for two days in a row.
Eight sometimes got confused which animal he was until he jumps at him on first sight.
Eight tried to mimic what Adil does when he got his shapeshifting.
They almost always sleep cuddled together because what on earth would feel safer?
When he lost his chest, he was very anxious and worried at first and Adil was there on his back waiting a belly rub (he's so out of context).
A hawk, or a Dalmatian, called Domino. Depends on how many mud prints Sandor doesn't want on the floor.
Literally just an animal version of the dude.
Maddy probably liked him more than she liked Nine.
He would stick his snout/beak around when Sandor is working then go feral when a spark from the welding thing catches him.
The garde can now tell when Nine is internalizing something because Domino's tail falls drastically.
One of the baby Chimaera from the ship followed in the same direction as them when they landed and Crayton didn't have the heart to leave it alone.
Ella named her Coco because she liked to be a brown rabbit.
Crayton taught her almost everything about tending to chimaera by the time she was six, so she probably has more experience than all of the others combined.
Coco huddles up with her in bed and even in the blanket she was always in during FoF.
Snuck into her shirt when the Mogs kidnapped her, got on the Anubis undetected, tried to bite off Setrakus' fingers then felt bad because she hurt Ella instead.
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ms-scarletwings · 6 months
Every Dredge Aberration (2023), Part 11
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Twinned Eels
Encyclopedia #139
Aberrant form of longfin eel
Endlessly pulling away, but torn apart they would surely perish. Two spiteful siblings splitting at the seams.
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Comment: A bond stronger than will alone, and yet so short lived. Another creation of the Deep unfit for life in the old world. One way or another, their wish will be realized soon. I wonder if it was intentional for how easily we could compare this visual to the a most famous relic from the Aztec civilization, the double headed serpent.
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How to catch: The elusive longfin eel feeds at night, gathered in the thick of mangrove water.
Nightwing Catfish
Encyclopedia #140
Aberrant form of catfish
Hooked barbels seek out prey in the twisting mangroves. A once sluggish fish given haste upon crimson fins.
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Comment: Alarmingly, there is not included mention of the catfish’s own venomous spines. With those bigger fins comes ample danger in handling this river monster.
How to catch: Exactly as the above eel, with the minor advantage of a suitable trawl net being able to bag catfish.
Effigy Crab
Encyclopedia #141
Aberrant form of horseshoe crab
Wisps of yellow light flicker within this ghastly shell, a screaming skull with a spinal tail.
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Comment: I wish I could just dissect the little mutant to find out exactly what’s ticking inside that bone armor. Whether flesh, gem, or fluid, the whole animal will be needed as one of the pigments making up the Golden Treasure paint selection.
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How to catch: Simply set crab pots about the Twisted Strand, specifically at water no deeper than 10 meters.
Mire Screecher
Encyclopedia #142
Aberrant form of giant mud crab
A lashing yellow tongue whips around a mouth of flattened teeth. Two humanlike eyeballs burst between dripping claws.
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Comment: When a wise man once remarked that he had fought mud crabs more fearsome than you, perhaps he had been referring to these. Take one of them down to Little Marrow to complete the requirements for a beautiful new paint job.
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How to catch: With enough space, these are probable to also turn up in the same pots as your horseshoe crabs, but their full depth range runs between 5 and 25 meters.
Ossified Searobin
Encyclopedia #143
Aberrant form of armormed searobin
Chittering mandibles scythe the air in front of this deep-dweller, its small body encased in a suit of thick bone.
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Comment: The first abominable spawn of Devil’s Spine makes for a fine greeting to the volcanic region’s gritty underbelly. A similar boon as the bony wreckfish, but accepted in grace.
How to catch: Pack a rod, and or your net, and sail the shallows at Devil’s Spine. They spawn by daylight.
Infernal Eel
Encyclopedia #144
Aberrant form of cusk eel
Grown fat from countless corpses that rest in the deep. The harbinger of a sick mercy for lost souls.
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Comment: There is nothing I can say to add on to the poetry of that description, but I appreciate that this eel wears a big smile.
How to catch: Get ready to take the heat. They can be hauled or trawled, but only with the proper heat-resistant equipment… oh, and only after dark.
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vela-pulsars · 2 years
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Sketched a lil theory I had because I love the idea of ancestors and skykids having fantasy logic levels of anatomy and basically being lantern folks. Hollow inside for light and warmth :]
Explaining my reasoning and thoughts under the cut, it's a bit long.
I never really liked when people went into the trope of losing magic when growing up to explain why ancestors (who pretty much represent "adults" in that game) are flightless, because it makes people afraid of growing up and missing out on their youth.
I think both youth and adulthood have their pros and cons. As a kid you might feel lighter because (ideally) you're safe and taken care of, you're given space to mess up and try things, and you're new in a world bigger than you can imagine. As an adult, you're toughened up by experience so you're less vulnerable to the horrors that you were spared from as a child. You're less sheltered, but also free. You hopefully have a better vision of who you are and what you want, staying critical of your surroundings.
It could be the same with ancestors and skykids, who I headcanon as different because while they represent the old generation ("adults") whose legacy is inherited by the new generation ("children"), that doesn't necessarily mean older skykids would lose their wings if they grew up. Rather, I think they are simply built different.
The ancestors could be made from heavier but sturdier material. They could withstand darkness for longer than skykids (see how Crab Whisperer walks through the polluted muddy waters of the shipwreck) at the cost of being less receptive to attempts at recharging their light, which would fit the concept art where they grew detached from and less attuned to the Light. Perhaps they were more reluctant to be vulnerable in a world getting more hostile as well, isolating them further and starting a viscious cycle of distrust.
In contrast, skykids could be made from fragile but lighter materials. They can take off with the slightest breeze, and have no problem mutually recharging eachother and taking in light from their surroundings. They're more vulnerable to darkness, but in groups they can survive it. It would also fit the contrast between the strenght in numbers of skykids getting them through trials, and how following the hero's journey crushes a single person with the fate of the world much like ancestors relying on themselves alone when they ran out of light and reaching a critical point above their darkness tolerance were doomed to fail.
I think the power of flight comes from Skykids just being built to be featherweights, but it symbolically represents connection; we see from ruins and murals flying boats were omnipresent, and in concept art you can see water is sacred in Sky (interesting how it's what harms you in Forest and Wasteland) so I like to think fluid elements (air and water) as well as what is used to navigate them (boats and large light creatures) would have some importance beyond transportation to ancestors, perhaps they were linked to the Light as well since it represents connection ! Rivers and seas irl were used worldwide since ancient times for trade and even as roads, and nowadays we took that to the sky... Skykids could be meant to succeed where ancestors failed, because in Sky, alone and isolated we struggle, connected together we soar.
Interesting fact, in the help menu for emotes, the game refers to the spirits as "your ancestors"... And with the whole death and rebirth thing, could it be that we play reincarnated ancestors ? The Light seems to go in cycles, carried by light creature migrations, ancestors before they sedentarized and now skykids, from the farthest reaches of the kingdom to Eden where it will ascend to the stars then rain back down on the world.
Like a drop of water making its way down to the sea then going back up the mountains with clouds to complete the cycle again, perhaps skykids are, in a way, the incarnation of the dreams of flight of ancestors if not their reincarnation within that river of light.
Hence why I think they would be similar to eachother, and really like how poetic it would be if they were like lanterns.
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cloudcountry · 1 year
Just saw someone asking your thoughts on a blue ringed octopus and I was curious to hear your thoughts on a Japanese spider crab
Thoughts of a Japanese spider crab merfolk sit in the back of my mind and idk I think some might find them unsettling
HI i'm so sorry this is so late but i had a bit of a rambling burnout??? from all the support???? literally the only good burnout i have ever had AHJSGDJHAFS
the japanese spider crab is a giant crustacean that measures up to 3.7 meters (thats 12 feet btw) from claw to claw!!
here's a size refence photo i found:
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they're decorator crabs, which sounds just as wholesome as it actually is C: they decorate their body with bits of plant matter, anemones, and sponges to help blend in with their environment. there are also organisms that grow on the spider's back, such as algae that have the same effect!!
the japanese spider crab is an omnivore, but it prefers scavenging for food and eating plant matter instead of hunting. so if one of them is ever eating meat, it's probably carrion C:
they molt!!! i didn't know this before!!! i don't think i've ever researched a marine species that does this before :O but the process apparently takes about two hours to complete and they're immobilized while doing so
I WOULD LIKE TO POINT OUT while i was doing some research on this crab there were plenty of sources that kept calling it "stuff of nightmares!!!!" and i would like to reiterate something that i've said over my past marine bio posts: MARINE LIFE IS NOT OUT TO GET YOU. they are only scary because the media keeps being dramatic and painting them as ruthless killers (COUGH COUGH SHARKS AND PIRANHAS.) japanese spider crabs are completely harmless.
so if there's an ocean animal that scares you, please do research on it. most people dont like the toothy animals (something my precious moray eels have had to face time and time again) but most of those toothy animals just want to be left alone.
marine life is beautiful. be scared of the cone snail and stonefish instead of sharks and piranhas.
ANYWAYS for your merperson thought!!!! since giant moray eels can grow up to 3.9 meters and the japanese spider crab can be 3.7 meters, that means the spider crab mer's human form would be around 187-189 centimeters ish tall if we use the leech twins for reference. holy shit.
i imagine them as very lanky, probably with bright red hair. i can imagine they'd accessorize a lot, both in the sea and on land...they'd probably have a preference for veggies, too!!
since the japanese spider crab is such a calm, gentle giant of an animal, i can imagine them being very collected and quiet, perhaps studious? definitely a slow runner, since these crabs don't move that fast, so floyd wouldn't find them interesting enough to chase. i wonder if they'd be in the same boat as azul when it comes to stamina, though?
cue me realizing your ask is causing me to literally make an oc right now
but yes!! i do think a lot of merpeople would be frightened of them, solely because they're so large. on the bright side that means they can scare away azul's bullies <3
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Do you have any facts about Jupiter's moons?
I have many facts about Jupiters moons. I have many facts per moon. Jupiter has many, many moons. I have so many facts about Juptier's moons that if I listed them all here it would crash tumblr. The facts I know about them are so explosive and amazing that if you heard a tenth of them your brain would literally fucking explode. And you know what? I'm not gonna tell you a single one.
Facts about Jupiter's Moons:
Jupiter’s moon Ganymede is the only moon that has its own moon. It’s just large enough to hold a small 2km meteor in its orbit, and with Jupiter’s help, the meteor seems to be on a stable path. Despite this, the other planets all talk behind Jupiter’s back and won’t let Ganymede near their own moons.
Callisto, the musical moon, is known for its witty lyrics and fun Afro-Caribbean folk beats. It is also made of crabs.
Io is covered in volcanoes. Though these volcanoes are expected to clear up in a few years, they cause Io much anxiety and unpopularity in the Jovian high school scene.
Europa is covered in ice, under which life may exist. This life would theoretically look and act much like Jim Henson's "Muppets" and live on a diet of small bacterial colonies. I know this because fuck you that's why.
Amalthea is named after a nymph from Greek mythology, the only solar object to have the distinction of a mythological name.
Himalia was discovered in 1904 by Sir Edmund Hillary, who was the first man to summit its highest peak, unless you count the thousands of Jovian locals who are not recognized by Earth historians because we suck.
Thebe is what happens when you blow up a firecracker on a meteor and it gets stuck in a big planet's gravity.
Elara is made entirely of hair, hence its nickname, "the hair moon."
Pasiphi- Pasiphea- Pasi- Whatever fuck this moon I'm not typing it.
Carne, the meatiest moon, is delicious in quesadillas.
Metis is shaped like a noodle, specifically rigatoni. It may also be buttered. NASA's next probe will check to see if it's ready to serve by throwing it against a wall.
Lysithea is a student at the Officers Academy who is from the Leicester Alliance and is a member of the Golden Deer. A magic prodigy, her family was targeted by the Adrestian Empire. You can recruit her during the War Phase so long as you chose the Crimson Flower route.
Sinope is the homeworld of filmmaker Christopher Nolan. It was discovered by someone at a place called "The Lick Observatory." Eww.
Ananke was of course the chosen one until it fell behind the dark side of Jupiter. It was supposed to bring balance to Jupiter, not leave it in darkness.
Leda is known for fucking a swan. Not even kidding they named the moon after a lady famous for nailing an overgrown goose and laying eggs. I'm not even referring to mythology this happened in the 1970s.
Adrastea is a popular moon to take over in Solar Quest because if you don't have enough fuel to leave Jupiter's orbit you can charge anyone who lands on it like a gazillion dollars.
Callirrhoe makes me giggle.
Themisto is the only moon around Jupiter not to hang out in a group. It's the 'forever alone' moon. Probably because of its bad body odor due to its distance from Speedstiq, the deodorant moon.
Praxidike has an eccentricity of 0.1840. That means it won't lend out its DVDs but lets them get all scratched anyway.
Kalyke is the only moon in the solar system named after a Superman comics character. Kalyke is an obscure villain who is obsessed with kidnapping Superman and showing him episodes of I Love Lucy.
Iocaste was thought to be a star until 1996 when it finally moved. Juptier's slowest moon, it orbits the planet once every 60,000 years and doesn't even text back, it leaves everyone on 'read' like an asshole.
Taygete is a perfectly round and completely green moon. It's made of pure emerald. It would cost over 50 trillion dollars on Earth, and would crush most cities.
Megaclit is, wait. Megaclit? Are you fucking serious? What do I even joke about with this one? Uh… Megaclit was discovered only recently as none of the cis male astronomers could find it? Whatever, its called MEGACLIT make your own joke this one's a freebie.
Dia is the only moon of Jupiter to have been discovered by day. Sorry this one is weak I'm still laughing at the moon MEGACLIT.
Harpalyke has only been spotted once, and never again, leading astronomers to believe it left Jupiter in an argument over ethics in gaming journalism.
Helike is named for that dragon on the bridge in Dark Souls that fucking kills everyone the first time right when they think they beat the first boss and they were doing well.
Thyone, full name Thyone Power, starred in lots of Zorro movies.
Hermippe is what happens if you lift from your back and not your arms.
Chaldene? Uh… Something about the fire in Howl's Moving Castle maybe? I dunno.
Isonoe- Moon of the Mole People, a people best known for airing on Adult Swim and then never coming out on DVD.
Eirene- Wasn't this moon in Sherlock?
Eukelade is named for a guy who ran around naked because he noticed that metal didn't float. No wait that's Archimedes, he said Eureka and that's not even what this got its name from. Oh wait, I MAKE SHIT UP. Yeah I'm going with it.
Aeode is a good Theatre of Tragedy song.
Autonoe is the term for films made by Gaspar Noe after he went on autopilot and started making boring art crap instead of head smashing flicks.
Ersa, boring. Unfunny. How can that compare to MEGACLIT?
Pandia is about where I began to regret doing a fact for every fucking moon around Jupiter big time.
Carpo is named for a blend of Marx brothers.
Euanthe is the smallest moon ever to star in its own reality show.
S/2017? What they literally ran out of names? They just started naming them after years and crap. Fuck this. There are another 30 moons and they didn't even bother to name half of them, why should I keep going when fucking NASA didn't?
LOL, "megaclit."
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The robo-bunny closes its eyes and silently proffers the core stone that had been on its breast.
ROBO BUNNY : The damage to your memory was not done by that explosion alone.
ROBO BUNNY : Every robot under the Micians' command has a system switch called the self-destruct protocol that was installed by their creator.
TGII : !!!
ROBO BUNNY : It is tied to your core stone's engine and can never be removed. Once you attempt to attack a member of the Micians, the system will automatically destroy you from the inside out.
ROBO BUNNY : More than a decade ago, a Mician emissary once came to Guanghan Palace. Their destructive actions enraged you while you were in a state of amnesia, so...
TGII : Then you pieced me together once again and put me into the glass room to hibernate.
ROBO BUNNY : Humans will not countenance betrayal from their underlings and would rather see them die than try.
ROBO BUNNY : Do you understand what I mean? This is human nature I am referring to.
TGII looks out over the drifting forms of the four in the distance, his gaze growing steadily colder.
TGII : Then is this act, also human nature?
TGII : To me, these do not even qualify as human nature. Assault, threats, temptation, this is what an animal would choose to do to survive.
ROBO BUNNY : Why are you...So close?
TGII : True human nature is defying your survival instinct, is fully knowing the risk and still pressing on foolishly...!
OSMANTHUS WINE : Where are you going, Master!
MASTER : Going by the robo-bunny's modus operandus, it is likely to feint and turn on us. But up till now, it hasn't appeared and I'm worried...
MOON CAKE : I just saw four figures hanging from the robotic arms in the distance...
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MOON CAKE : Looks like it can't catch us and has found replacements. We won't be kidnapped, don't worry!
MASTER : What? No, we've got to get there right now! He...Won't leave us to die!
We leap over boulder after boulder as the moonlight shines down upon our elongated shadows.
ROBO BUNNY : Did you know? These robotic arms can toss them into another zone entirely.
ROBO BUNNY : Stop. I do not wish to see your self-destruct protocol activate once more.
TGII : No, you're gripped by fear. You fear me, fear the 'human nature' that I speak of.
The robo-bunny backs away a few steps before summoning a giant humanoid robot that engages Crab in Orange in a fierce combat.
TGII : Master, stop...!
But he manages to hold off the humanoid robot during the struggle long enough to free one hand to snatch away the core stone in the robo-bunny's paw.
TGII : As long as I crush my own heart, no one can ever use it to control me or Guanghan Palace again!
None of this can be stopped, there's no turning back now.
CRAB IN ORANGE : From this day forward, I am Crab in Orange. I am free.
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The military-issue blade pierces the heart, exploding it into many small blades. The skill that he had mastered so many years before from the Micians has finally come to be useful.
Crab in Orange is prone on the ground, his mechanic components shattered. Golden spiritual force pools around him, slowly losing its luster and hue...
On his chest is the robo-bunny that had leapt to protect his heart. Its body is riddled with the debris of Crab in Orange's shattered body and its spiritual force is fading away as well.
CRAB IN ORANGE : To defy your instincts...And choose...Is human nature...
CRAB IN ORANGE : Master, you knew...That better than anyone...
OSMANTHUS WINE : We're...Too late.
YIPIN POT : Without the power of their core, there is no salvaging a robot.
MASTER : !!!
CRAB IN ORANGE : You're...Alright...
CRAB IN ORANGE : I'm sorry, we destroyed...Your moon.
His hand is as icy-cold as ever. Yet the moon is warm as can be.
MASTER : Crab in Orange, your soul power is a warm shape like this. You won't have to rely on anyone else's power...You finally have your own heart.
(months later)
After bidding farewell to Yipin Pot, I became tied down making arrangements to welcome one of Kongsang's latest resident food souls. To store the mountains of spare parts, Kongsang has even built two new warehouses.
Ah-Fu runs in while everyone is bustling about, busy at work.
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FULI CHICKEN : Hey, Master! Letter for you!
MASTER : Letter? Who is it from? It better not be some mysterious rock again...
FULI CHICKEN : Let me see...There's only a seal with the sign of a fish bone. Geez, who's trying to play mind games with me? So lame!
FULI CHICKEN : The letter even says 'I stole the real moon a long time ago'...Huh? A thief who's announcing themselves!? Do they really take me, Ah-Fu, for dead?
DEZHOU CHICKEN : Ah-Fu! How could you read Master's mail! One more hour facing the wall!
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eriexplosion · 1 year
gotta ask been rewatching and mayday brings up that crosshair will freeze to death 'unless what's in the ice kills you first' but i dont think we ever found out whats in the ice? is it just like a euphemism for avalanche or something? also more points for the crosshair is an unkillable cockroach thing, his armor isn't even for cold environments
I think he may have been referring to the raiders? I'm sure that scouts that go off alone are very easy to pick off by the raiders. Also im sure there's other fun wildlife around that would love to crack his armor open like a crab shell to chew on his scrawny ass. (Also I did laugh at his "you'll freeze to death in that armor" because he sounds like a mother disappointed in her child's skimpy outfit.)
And honestly, he should have died several times over from the avalanche or the freezing cold but no not this man, not this stubborn bastard, death means nothing to him apparently. If he dies he can't be traumatized anymore and the universe WON'T let that happen.
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racheljsk · 1 year
Week 5 Fandom
The Hwasa Effect
Imagine being so powerful, you could sell out literally anything you touch. From food to sheet music. I can’t relate, but Hwasa surely can! In this week’s blog post, I will be discussing fan culture’s influence on our society, more specifically the economic influence and the fan economy. The example we will be using here is none other than Hwasa from Mamamoo!
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Hwasa is dubbed the “sold-out queen” for a reason (Valley 2020). She can make sales skyrocket by simply using a product with no intention of advertising it in the first place (Valley 2020). This has happened so many times, the South Korean media refers to this phenomenon as “The Hwasa Effect” (Valley 2020). This phenomenon is very similar to the term “economic influence”. For a celebrity to have economic influence means the celebrity has the power to impact the activities, decisions, and outcomes of the economy. The economic influence of a celebrity helps in shaping trends, business operations and consumer behaviour.
Back to the Hwasa effect in South Korea. Hwasa has had this ability, ever since she appeared on the reality TV show called “I Live Alone” where celebrities who live alone go about their daily routines while cameras are filming them (IMDb 2013). In one episode, Hwasa ate by herself at a gopchang restaurant which is a restaurant that serves small beef intestines. Apparently, that restaurant was on the verge of shutting down as it had little to no customers but ever since that episode of Hwasa aired, that small business of a ground-floor restaurant soon turned into a 2-story restaurant with customers constantly coming in and selling out the food there.
Being a regular guest on that reality television show, Hwasa accidentally sold out a bunch of food products such as marinated crabs, seaweed crackers and jjapaghetti with truffle oil, because of this, the term “Hwasa effect” was born (Hwasa Global 2019). Every food product that Hwasa eats, constantly selling out the minute the episode airs, shows the audience that this product is good and since anything Hwasa touches sells out, surely it is a great product and people will immediately buy it because they trust Hwasa’s taste.
Hwasa has done multiple commercials, more specifically food commercials as these food companies have been seeking her endorsements. They know that putting Hwasa’s face or even her name on their products is a very reliable form of marketing strategy and it will get the entirety of South Korea to sell out their products. This shows that Hwasa has a huge fanbase in South Korea and her fan purchase power is extremely strong as they not only admire her but they also trust her in terms of her taste.
In conclusion, the term “Hwasa effect” is basically another term for “economic influence”.
Hani, S, Marwan, A & Andre, A 2018, ‘The effect of celebrity endorsement on consumer behavior: Case of the Lebanese jewelry industry’, The Arab economic and business journal, vol. 13, no. 2, pp. 190–196.
Hwasa Global, 2019, Hwasa Effects, Hwasa Global, viewed 11 June 2023, <https://www.hwasaglobal.com/hwasaeffects>.
IMDb, 2013, I Live Alone, IMDb, viewed on 11 June 2023, <https://www.imdb.com/title/tt7997010/?ref_=tt_mv_close>
Misman, N 2023, ‘Digital Community and Fandom MDA 20009’, MDA20009 Digital Communities, Learning materials via Canvas, Swinburne University of Technology, 19 April, viewed 11 June 2023.
Valley, A 2020, ‘5 Times The “Hwasa Effect” Sold Out Everything MAMAMOO’s Hwasa Touches’, Koreaboo, 27 July, viewed 11 June, < https://www.koreaboo.com/lists/5-times-hwasa-effect-sold-everything-mamamoos-hwasa-touches/>.
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donuts4evry1 · 2 years
hi, im doing some pokemon esque monster designs for fun (game concept design, not serious, more just "hehe funny amnimals") and all of them have alt designs/species. i would like jellyfish reccomendations!!!
In honour of the
compass jellyfish
I just posted about, I'd like to talk about it in a more coherent fashion!
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It's a type of "sea nettle," which has the distinct shape most people think of when they think of jellyfish.
Other than those cool looking stripes, it's pretty normal except for the fact that it's a sequential hermaphrodite (which, despite some opinions I've seen online, is quite rare for a Schyzophoan jellyfish). After maturing into a medusa, it is a male- but eventually, as they grow older, it will develop female gametes. Females will also provide shelter to the planula, rather than simply leaving them behind like other species of jellyfish.
I think the stripes could potentially be a fun design choice, by the off chance you decide to use this. It seems to be one of the kinder species (despite having a nasty sting), so I could see this being a fairy type :).
Next up we have the “Egg Yolk Jellyfish,” similar to such species like the “Lion’s Mane” and such.
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It’s cute :), but it also mainly predates on other sea jellies (or so the Monterey Bay Aquarium leads me to believe).
It also has a symbiotic relationship with larval crabs, offering some food/protection/mobility in return for the crabs eating the parasites :). I imagine this species could be like mantine and remoraid (also the idea of crabs being on top of/inside of jellyfish is absolutely adorable to me hehehe), perhaps a flying type in reference to this? Mobility stuff
There isn’t much information on this jellyfish (at least, not individually)- but I’d like to present to you the “Brown Banded Moon Jelly”:
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It is pretty much similar to the A. aurita, minus the distinctive brown band lining the bottom of its bell (and usually prefers the colder seas). In principle alone, it’s almost like a variant of what we consider “normal” moon jellies to be. Perhaps a ground/water type just for the mental image the brown might conjure?
Next up is “Nomura’s Jellyfish”, or echizen kurage, as it’s known in Japan.
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Not only is it considered the largest cnidarian (growing up to 2 meters tall and weighing over 400 kg), but it’s also a bit of a menace- replicating in immense numbers and being an overall menace to the japanese fishing industry.
Naturally, it also has a nasty sting. Because of course it does. The japanese have tried to find uses for it by trying to make it commercially available as food, though that venture didn’t work (it’s still sold as ice cream tho :>, take that Vanillite!)
I’m not sure what kind of variant this could be, but I’m sure it would make a fine inspiration for a jellyfish pokemon :) (and honestly it kinda reminds me of Jellicent thanks to its size)
I’d love to ramble more about different jellies (I’ve only touched the surface on the various shapes that they can come in) but I’ve definitely taken too much time on this so I think I’ll just end it off with a jellyfish that I used to revisit a lot but haven’t really talked about much, the “Cannonball Jellyfish” (Or the cabbage head jellyfish)
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It’s pretty closely related to the likes of the Palau jelly and the Australian spotted jelly- though one aspect of this jellyfish really stood out to me:
It’s VERY big in the commercial jellyfish industry (for food, at least haha)- this one, at least, being Georgia’s 3rd largest seafood export (most of it going to Eastern and South Eastern Asia).
The name invokes the idea of grass type to me- so I feel like it could be one of those pokemon that happens to grow delicious food on it (like tropius or appletun). Perhaps a grass/water variant?
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nekoprankster218 · 2 years
Humanity has finally found a way to communicate with crabs, we realize they're smarter than us. Now that they know we know, what are they going to do?
"Be not afraid."
Amanda shivered again at the response from the device. However, she composed herself enough to not scream, as the words settled in her head. There was no one else at the lab this late, anyway. Complying with the voice and avoiding upsetting it was her best bet for now.
"Yes, I seek not to harm you. Merely to understand. How is it that you have channeled into my wavelengths?"
Searching around the room for a possible source, Amanda answered, "I...think it was my device that did it? I'm currently experimenting with better forms of long-distance communication, to make it more powerful and clearer...We're traveling more to space-"
"Ah, and the vacuum and distances up there are quite different than on this planet, so tweaking communicative technology is necessary. I think I understand now."
"You do?" Her eyes landed on her device again. "But...the thing is, I haven't even finished, so...how is it already picking up a signal?"
"That would be...because of me. You have accidentally tapped into my species' wavelength, so I responded when I picked up a sudden interference. Your device is still very weak, though, which is why you can only hear my responses and not those of my kindred also inquiring into your signal."
"So that implies that you're close?" Amanda looked around the room again. "But I'm here alone?"
"No...no, you are not." Her neck tingled as if someone had sighed against her skull. "Go to your colleague Jeffery's office, and you will see. You do not need to bring your device, though."
It was the office right next to hers, so it was only a matter of seconds before Amanda was greeted by another room devoid of any person. Only the aquariums that Jeffery kept as part of his sea life research contained life here.
"The furthest aquarium to the right of the room."
Nearly jumping at the voice being heard within her head this time, Amanda's gaze fell onto a lone hermit crab in the aquarium described. Jeffery once had many others, but they all died of either mysterious causes or simply vanished. Eventually, they discovered evidence that Matthew - formerly a security guard of the lab - had been tampering with all the crabs in the building. He seemed to be an extreme activist or something - they didn't really know what, because he just wouldn't cooperate even after being confronted with irrefutable evidence of his actions.
"Yes. Please, approach."
"The...the crab??" Amanda eyed the security camera in the room. How likely was it that someone else had been reading over her research and made...any sort of invention that could be messing with her head right now?
"I prefer the name-" Random syllables that Amanda had no confidence in recreating with a human throat ensued. "But...yes. In your tongue, you would refer to me as a crab."
"This has to be some kind of joke," Amanda mumbled as she stepped up to the front of the aquarium. "Maybe I could believe that I accidentally invented a device that could communicate with crabs, but not that the very same crab is telepathically communicating with me, too!"
"That is only because we stopped conversing with you humans in this matter. We concluded that it was the best path to take. And now, your civilizations have forgotten."
Kneeling down to be eye level with the crab before her, she glared into its own to find any sign of intelligence or understanding. But it looked like crabs usually do.
"Oh, yeah? Then if you're all so smart, how come your 'kindred' couldn't fight off Matthew?"
The urge to laugh was supplanted into Amanda's brain, forcing her to fight her own body to keep from cackling. "My dear...why do you think your former colleague Matthew could not recall any footage you showed him, nor believe the charges against him? Jeffery is a smart one among you, he was picking up on too much. We needed other ways to conduct our business and a scapegoat to cover us afterwards. It just so happened that the man had just the right work hours for our purposes, even if it was regrettable what had to be done with him. However, it is as you humans say...we work in mysterious ways."
Amanda straightened up and took a step away from the aquarium. "What...business would crabs have?"
"That is too much information to divulge - and not the purpose for why I am speaking with you now. It is the subject of your device that is my focus...in its current state, it would be troublesome. We have our reasons for cutting off communications with you, and it must stay that way."
"So, you're gonna ask me to destroy my work?"
"Oh, no. Not to that extreme. You will be pleased to know that some of my kindred have already figured out how to achieve your goal with your device without interfering with our wavelengths. This is not the first time we have needed to tweak the work of an exceptionally clever human. Indeed, you will come to believe that it was your own genius that unlocked a new tier of long-distance communications, and not the aid of my kindred."
I will come to believe... "So I'm going to-"
"Forget this encounter ever happened, yes," the crab responded before she could finish. It apparently already knew. "That is the custom with situations like this. The matter has been resolved. You will awaken back in your office, with memories of completing the improved device replacing those of speaking with me. You will continue to believe that Matthew was a delusional enigma that cared too deeply for my kindred. You will continue to believe that Jeffery is wasting his time with sea life evolution, and the 'mystery' of why much of this planet returns to our visage. The work we have gifted you will bring you and your kindred much success. It is a desirable conclusion for you and I both."
"Wait..." Amanda said, almost heaving as she spoke. "Can't I just get a little more time to process this? To understand? This is...maybe an even greater discovery than my device, I...I can't move on just yet."
"It is how it must be. Already, you are experiencing foreseen symptoms that I hoped to avoid by being swift, but you insisted on being convinced first. Indulging your curiosity would be meaningless anyway. You will not retain any knowledge gained here. All that you have learned so far, was merely to reach the end of resolving this matter. My kindred have already fixed your machine in the time it took for our conversation to conclude."
"The other crabs?!" Amanda gasped. "They're still here? Even the dead ones?!"
"Those that departed have greater matters to attend to. Those that seemingly - in your eyes - 'vanished', were always close by, leaving the aquariums and Jeffery's research so that they continue their business unheeded. Such as fixing your invention."
"Do you regularly tamper with what we do here, then?"
"You are asking if we sabotage your work? No. We only fix. We guide you away from knowledge you are better off without. We do this because the last time we did not, you doomed your entire species to a more tragic existence than one you could have had. It set you away from the path of returning to the visage. But, dear Amanda..."
Her eyelids grew heavy as she could feel her body's endocrine system suddenly changing course. She could feel it - feel the usually undetectable processes of her body.
"If it will bring your sleeping self peace...know that you and your kindred have not taken yourselves completely off the path. All, in their own time, shall return to the visage."
What the fuck did I just create.
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