#also the job interview went really well I'll know tomorrow or the next day if i got it
xfindingtrouble · 1 year
I haven't had much time for Stuff or a things this past week but I would love to invade some inboxes. So like this & I'll do precisely that!
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lushsynths · 1 month
This week has been so emotionally taxing for me.
I'm waiting for confirmation of graduation from my university and they're taking their sweet fucking time. I'm supposed to know by tomorrow, but I've been done with summer classes almost two weeks now.
And I feel nervous that I won't be cleared to graduate, but I'm also nervous to find a real job. I'm comfortable at my job and the pay is decent and I'm scared that my new job will suck, or I'll hate it. I don't like interviews, and I HATE talking about myself so I'd have to really up the bullshit in order to come off as someone who they should hire. I'm as hard ass worker and good one but it's hard for me to brag about myself. Plus, change is scary, but I really do want to get a new job at the same time.
An old high school acquaintance came to my workplace, and I wasn't in a particularly good mood to reminisce about life. I planned on playing it cool and just ignoring him, so I didn't have to make small talk. (I sound like a douche when I write this out oh my god, but I promise I'm pretty nice irl, we haven't seen each other in 10 years) Well he went out of his way to say hi and was really happy to see me and I was like surprised because it's not like we were great friends back in high school. We had mutual friends, so we ran into each other throughout the years. But I can't recall a time where we just talked to each other without any other people there. We had a little chat and as I was running around doing stuff we smiled at each other here and there. Anyways, I felt really bad because I could tell he wanted to talk to me, but it was genuinely busy at the time, and I was in charge, so I didn't' have time to chat. Later when I was off work, I messaged him on Instagram and said it was nice to see him and if we run into each other again we should catch up. Well since you can donate plasma twice a week, he came back two days later and then I felt awkward because I really wanted to show him that I appreciated his attention and time. I really did want to say hi, but I worry that I came of as ingenuine.
The next day at work I was working with one of my coworkers who's autistic and an acquired taste to talk to. I personally don't mind him now that I've figured out how to talk to him and keep things chill. But he found out I had cancer at one point in my life and kept bringing it up in front of the donors and I realllyyy don't like having a conversation about myself in front of strangers like whenever my coworkers try to do that I lowkey change the subject bc like...it's my business. Ofc when I can chat with them alone, I'm an open book but like not an open book for random people. So anyways I knew he wouldn't drop it, so I answered his questions about cancer and what not. And that made me uncomfortable to a degree, but what really sent me into a spiral was his comment about my appearance. I have a LOT of self-image issues like a LOOOOT. I haven't gotten on any apps to date or tried to put myself out there because of them. I also don't have any pictures of myself aside from a few my family has taken. My biggest insecurity is my hair loss and I'm not sure if it was genetics or the chemotherapy because my hair didn't grow back the same way as it was before. I think it's a combination of both but anyways it's a huge insecurity of mine and one of MANY. Well, this coworker looked at me dead in the eyes while we were working and was like 'can I make a bald joke?' And I was shocked because OBVIOUSLY I know people can tell I've lost hair for my age (29) but no one has ever mentioned it because I'm sure they're just being nice. And to hear it acknowledged by someone really really hurt my self-esteem and there's not a lot of that within me. Like I already feel ugly and unwanted it really hurt to hear. Plus that day one of my other coworkers came to me because she thought I was in charge and was like "Hey handsome can I go to break later rather than sooner?" and I was like "well I'm not in charge today but I'm sure it would be fine with X" and she was like "well I take back calling you handsome" and it was obviously joking but goddamn that hurt my feelings too.
I actually think I need to see a therapist about my self image issues. I just feel so fucking ugly all the time. I've started to workout semi consistently, but I'm so depressed the past couple of days. I take care of my appearance and practice self-care to like to try and keep my self-esteem normal but it's so fragile it's sad. This is delusion talking but when I went to message my old classmate, I saw he came out as bisexual a while back and thinking about how happy he was to see me and talk to me made me feel good like maybe a man can find me attractive the way I am now, but I just can't bring myself to believe that. Not fully, and I fear that if I ever get into a serious relationship that I won't ever be able to believe my partner actually likes me genuinely so that's another reason I don't pursue dating. God.
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dustvoid · 2 months
feel like im just failing at everything and constantly facing some sort of rejection or criticism. feel like I can't do anything right at this point. being ghosted or friend zoned by guys, rejected by job after job, can't even do this temporary job properly, I don't even know what im doing here. im so homesick but I wish I wasn't, because I was depressed there as well, so I don't think it really matters where I am really, ill always feel this way. im just so tired. I feel like ive been pigeonholed and now im stuck in a career that I never wanted; customer fucking service. I hate it and now it is all I can do because I didn't make the right choices when I was studying. rejected from pr jobs for lack of experience? when I already have a degree and an internship but it is probably because it was so long ago, but I can't help if life gets in the way and we went through a bloody pandemic, sorry if the first thing on my mind wasn't securing a role in fucking PR. huge mistake on my end. I have an interview tomorrow for a customer support role, I really want it so I have a permanent secure job, and I should then be able to find a long term room, but I think part of me hopes that I don't, because I just really don't want to do customer service, and I can't think of anything worse than going into the office 5 days a week. when I did it last week I was basically wrecked by Friday. I know beggars can't be choosers and I will accept if I get it, it will just be a big change but also a step back? or I'll just be flatlining. I really wanted to come here and do something different but it isn't looking like it'll happen anytime soon. I know I just need London on my resume and maybe it'll be easier for the future. I just wish I could do something else. im so scared that I will be in these sorts of roles for a long time now and that will just be awful. maybe I can just see them as jobs for money and nothing else, spend the rest of my time living life. im 28 tomorrow and I just don't know how to feel. its another day really. im away from my family and friends, so im a bit sad. I guess it isn't a milestone age or anything so it's not the end of the world. it would be nice to spend it with them though. the only person I know in London is Pat and I do not feel like messaging him to celebrate with me, talk about tragique. but I have always been confortable with being alone. maybe ill go take myself on a solo date. til next time.
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look-at-the-soul · 1 year
Hi! It's gossip girl!! ❤️First off I'm so sorry it's taken so long for me to respond back! I saw this a bit earlier I was honestly going through a bout of anxiety when I did see it, and then I just haven't had time to sit down and respond to this all at once!! But I hope you're doing well! This is for the first of the responses you posted! I am on summer break now. I have been for a few weeks but I was moving back home and then getting set up at a summer job that keeps me busy most of the day now! It's fun though! I'm really enjoying it! ❤️❤️❤️
And so for that idea we've been talking about I'm definitely finished with it and it sitting in my drafts with about 6 other ideas I need to publish😂 I'm still just waiting for the right time. I think I'm just really nervous about posting it because of the nature in the fic. 😅 And I'm sure that I'll post it and then immediately find three more grammar errors and be unable to fix them because tumblr is stupid😂😅
And I do the same thing with word count or at least I try😂 I'll look at old parts and try to make my word count meet that but then when I'm writing I'll lose track or I will just keep going until I feel like the story is over! And I really like that motto! 🥰🥰🥰
But yeah, the ideas not posted yet, but I have made a few other things I ended up putting ahead for that story😅😅people seem to like them well enough! And I'm happy with them all so...😉
And back to that idea for what reasons could he could have for what he did, I promise if you read it it'll make sense! I think it comes not from a man who's been physically hurt himself, but one who's been hurt through someone else's pain if that makes sense?
And I have written more ideas but I haven't finished half of them😅😅 and yes that's exactly it "focus the main idea over another character" that's honestly what I do with a good number of my ideas, or so I feel like that's how they go! And yes! Thank you for the tip! I have noticed that about not all posts showing up in a dashboard and stuff! I think in my case too I sometimes end up posting right in the middle of when everyone else is posting stuff to so I've noticed things get lost then too. Especially if I haven't been on tumblr all day and there are 67+ new things on my dashboard😅
And yes i think I want to send that story on a possible cliffhanger! So if people do actually like it enough and they maybe want more I can lead in to it, but also it can be read as a stand-alone to! And it think this one I could maybe make into a mini series, but honestly I have like three or four other stories I already need to finish the sequels or next parts too, so I think this actually may be one I see how much people like before I start another part 😅😅
And yeah!! I'm glad the Photoshoot series is going well and Look at the Soul too!🥰🥰🥰 And I hope all your other writing is going well too🥰🥰 Don't worry! I believe you can do it🥰🥰🥰 
"Tommy with a water gun?"" Wait which one was that? I think I missed that one, but I already know that's an idea I'd love to see! I did see your blurb about Tommy when Alfie becomes his daughter's godfather 😂😂😂 I adored that one!
Once again I'm so sorry it took me so long to get back to this! I'm going to try to get to the other one by tonight or tomorrow hopefully!! I have bits of that one started too but still need to do the whole thing!
And ohh I haven't seen Heart of the Sea (it's not super my type of movie😅) but I have seen the interviews with Tom Holland and Cillian and love them😂 I kept seeing the clip where the interviewer asks who they'd eat from the cast if they really were stranded on an island😂
And I hope seeing your friend went well!!🥰🥰🥰
It's good that's it's done now, but now if got my summer job, which isn't too bad but it's still long😅
And YES!!!! I did see those photos 🥰🥰🥰🤭🤭 and they were glorious!!! 
Hope you're having a great week too! ❤️❤️ xoxo GG
Gg! Hello again 😊
No please never apologize for taking long to reply as I’m the worst at it 🙈
Oh no dear, what happened? Is everything better now? I hope it is, you know you can always reach out to my inbox, I know you prefer to keep this under anon, but maybe you can make a side blog if you think a chat could help you ❤️‍🩹
Hope your summer break has been good! Have you had the time to write during your break from school? Either way I hope your time has been amazing! Ah being back home is always great 😊 and hopefully the summer job is going good? Are you having a good time? 💖
Oh I really hope you get to post that story, it was so interesting and eye-catching! Look you can always do this; open your drafts, place the mouse over the post button and close your eyes when you click 🤭 no, just kidding I’m sure you’ll do it at your own time, when you think it’s right… ahh so true about the grammar mistakes it’s like they turn into capital letters in color red once you post it right?
I love it when a part makes me forget about the word count, like I get lost in the chapter and let the words flow freely, it’s a great feeling! 🥰🥰
Oww I wonder if I’ve read your posts! Idk because you’ve been hiding so well GG 🕵🏻‍♀️ you’re like Sherlock! I need to catch up on my reading and sometimes I don’t see a post in my dash but days later someone else reblogs a story and I save it in my ♥️ to read later. But I’m sure you have done a wonderful job!!! And I’m looking forward to see what else you create!
I think you’re leaving little clues 🕵🏻‍♀️ and hints and I honestly would love to see it (are you in some marketing department? You really know how to leaving hanging in there, wanting to know more! But pain really does change people…
I’m happy to hear that! You know sometimes I feel frustrated with the WIP list I have in my drafts, wish I could write faster… but there are days when I simply don’t have the energy to pour my soul and heart into a chapter I’m just so so tired (is it a consequence from covid? The endless tiredness because I’ve never felt it before..) anyways I do try my best but words won’t come out sometimes so I just start reading instead haha yeah!!! It either gets lost between so many posts or for different time zone and people are sleeping so that’s why reblogs are so important! I’ve found some great stories like that.
See? You know how to seek things! I love the idea of the part ending in a cliffhanger! So clever! And that will definitely make us readers want to know more, like: “nooo! And then what?!” 👀
Haha true! It happens you already have ideas but there’s a queue of four others WIP you already started! 🤣 I need to finish my Lenny series because I have an idea for a Tommy series.. it’s an endless cycle haha
Thank you! I honestly adore those two Cillian series, they’re so close to my heart ♥️ and it makes me so happy to imagine new adventures for them… I already have the idea for the next part of the photoshoot and I did a little summary for the next 6-7 parts for Look at the soul(the hardest part is finding the right song that fits the chapter haha) but your lovely words means so much to me! 💕✨
Yes the water gun was a fun idea to write, it was early summer days and the thought of Tommy with one was so tempting it’s this story “ xx” Oww that little story had been in my drafts for so long! Until I found it was so fitting to add to the idea (I have another Tommy x Alfie endless war, I can’t honestly have enough of them and their endless teasing).
No, it should be me apologizing for taking so long to answer, days are going so fast! 🤔
I will try to answer your other message these days but this week is going to be full (I’m catching up with my friends and we’re celebrating an engagement party later) so I will be more likely to type bits here and there and over the weekend send the response so please don’t worry 🥰
Really? I used to think the same so never saw it when it came out, I only watched it because Cillian was in it and I have to admit it was really good! Loved the historical background and of course, Cillian’s character (I will be posting about it in the Photoshoot later).. hahahahahh that video is hilarious! Cillian is so serious when he says he wouldn’t be picky or I think he used the word fussy -and I believed him!) 🤣🤭 did you notice the little earring? I’m obsessed with it!
Oh that was amazing! She’s a great person 🌷
Best of luck on your summer job!!! Hope you have a good time but also have some rest you will need it to go back to study again… 🙂🙂 is it related to your career or something totally different?
Did you see Oppenheimer yet? I loved the promo they did!!! Lots of Cill content!
And a little about my trip: avoid Vegas during the F1 changes, the strip is a mess plus it is so hot! Everything was melting, there are a lot of shows amazing but I do enjoy the free stuff in the hotels like the Wynn and Bellagio season display. We also did the Titanic exhibition (I definitely recommend it), I like it because it’s pet, kids and wheelchair friendly - I saw a couple carrying a dog in a little wagon so cute!), great food for all budgets, bring comfort pair of shoes and you can walk or use the deuce for the entire Strip, would love to take the Great canyon helicopter ride one day, and it’s great you can stay up late and everything is open 😅 Adele show is beyond words, amazing, brilliant, everything I dreamed of! 🥰
I hope your week will be amazing! Sending you a big big hug and I wish you your anxiety will be at bay these days ❤️‍🩹 (and always) remember you’re not alone xx
Lots of love, M.✨
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torotoro0 · 2 years
⟬ Childhood Comrades ⟭
Henry Creel x Reader
•Chapter 6•
[Click this for the chapters]
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Summary: Years has passed after THAT one incident, you've finally learned to let go of the past and continue to stride towards the future, but when a certain odd ball in your place of work gets too familiar in comparison with your 'deceased' best friend, can you really move on? Word Count:1.3k
A/N: Feel free to give me suggestions for the next chap!
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Its been years since the infamous incident, Mr. Creel was accused of murdering his family, but not just murdering them normally, their eyes were said to be plucked out leaving their soggy, bloody eye-sockets empty, while his wife and daughter sadly passed, his son survived for a little while in a coma, but also sadly died not a month after.
What happened to Mr. Creel you say? Well, he was confined in a psychiatric hospital, locked away from human interaction, because it may cause him to go 'feral' they say.
It's quite sad to think that the Hawkins police department would just drop the case like its a fart in the wind.
"Ms. L/N? Ms. L/N? Are you still with us?" An interviewer waved his hands in front of me. After the incident, I felt so alone and incredibly sad by the fact that I had no one now to play with and to you know... Share my snacks, drink tea, joke with, laugh with, or even complain to them.
"Yes, yes, I'm here, sorry" I snap back waving my hand holding a folder. "So as I must REPEAT" making the last word spoken louder. "Why is it that you want to apply to this job Ms. L/N?"
" I.. I want to apply for this job because..."
The stamp's slam echoed around the room, what you may ask the job I just got hired too is?
I know it sounds bullshit, but it's what I call it, it was originally called care taking for children, but who would want to say a whole phrase if you were in a hurry?
"Nice to meet you Ms.L/N I'll be your tour guide today in the facility" A lady hurriedly shook my hand while talking fast. "H-hi thank yo-"
"No time for chit-chat missy, you'll be starting your shift tomorrow" She cuts me off; handing me a pair of white pants with a polo, coming with a black belt and shoes."Since you'll be getting a tutorial today and getting a dorm"she then pulls me along the never ending hallways of white walls.
"What dorm? I was told that I-"
"Honey, all the people here lives in this facility, they get their respective dorms with all the proper things a person would have in their house or apartment" She abruptly stops in front of a room making me bump her back.
"Ah! Here we are, this is your room darling, and here is your keys" She kisses my cheek roughly staining my face with a bright red lipstick of hers. "Change into your uniform and meet me here outside of your dorm okay baby?" She waves goodbye and hurriedly flees.
"Speaking of rowdy" I shrug as I went in the room, I was then met by a plain looking space, a nightstand next to a bed and a door leading to the bathroom, basically, the room contained all the essentials a person would need in a house, but smaller. Walls were painted off-white with flat circular lights attached to the ceiling.
"Better get started now" I chuckle as I began to undress myself.
{Time Skip}
I opened the door leading to endless hallways of white walls. "Hey there missy, Sorry I took long, gotta smack people in the ass for not workin' ya know." She nudges my arm as she laughs. "Ahaha yes.." To be honest I like energetic people, but not the 'too' energetic ones, you get it right?
"Well- let's start now yes?" She fixes her uniform, "Sur-"
"Oh! What a silly question I ask!, of course we need to start now!" snorting loudly, she begins to tour the facility.
"That's all I was told to tell you 'bout, but remember darlin' do not go in anymore rooms that I didn't mention alright?" She then leaves me in front of a door with a small window that's led to a room decorated with a rainbow on the walls.
"Don't you think its a bit too early for day dreaming?" A voice chimes in beside me. "I am not day dreaming." I roll my eyes. It has been 2 years since I applied for the job, turns out it was not a babysitting job, it was about supervising children that's getting experimented on.
At first it flabbergasted me on why would they experiment of children? Even if they have powers, isn't it bad to?
But as time would always do, My worries gradually went away, although, deep down I still have this guts to save the poor children.
"Hm? You've been staring at nothing for the past 6 minutes, you wouldn't expect a person to think that your not just day dreaming" He chuckles as if we were friends.
Before I could even answer him back the speaker interrupted. 'All staffs please proceed to your designated areas, I repeat, All staffs please proceed to your designated areas.'
"Welp, Breaks done, see you later" He waves goodbye jogging to the exit. "Never.." I mumbled; calmly walking to my area. But then I noticed a silhouette passing just not that far in front of me.
"Hm?" curiosity wonders around the cat, I followed the unknown shadow. He was fast roaming around the hallways as if he was being chased by someone, well- not me, I'm not chasing him.
He suddenly stopped and turns to my direction, and of course, I hid behind a wall. I then heard his footsteps fading away, when I turn to his direction, the person was gone. I was now just looking to empty white hallways
"Why aren't you still in your area? Lunch break is over now." A voice chimes in making me slightly jump while turning around. "Oh! Sorry Dr. Brenner, I-I was jus-"
"Its fine, Hurry now, you wouldn't want to be punished by slacking off yes?" He smiles. "Understood, I'll take my leave now." I hanged my head down as I pass him.
The day has ended in just a flash of light. The whole time I was working, I kept thinking about 'him' he was wearing the same uniforms as the others, but I didn't even see him just once during my time being in this building, was he a new recruit? Questions fled my mind when a shadow past by again.
As a very dumb person of me, I followed it once more, But this time he was walking slow, like- like he wants me to follow him. I was zoning out while following him that I didn't notice him stopping making me bump his back.
"Why are you following me?" He calmly enunciated. "I'm not" I cross my arms, brows furrowing.
"Don't lie to me, You also followed me this afternoon" He stated; back still facing. "What do you want?" He then turns to me with a stoic expression.
"I don't want anything"
"Then why do you keep following me?" He leans down to my height. [Man I just know that this guy is very, very tall]
"I.. I have never seen you in this facility before, are you new? or?" I step backwards, he was making me feel so uncomfortable now "I've been working in this hospital for years, maybe you just don't have a knack for remembering people" He lifts his chin to straighten his posture and proceeds to pass by me.
He suddenly stops and glances to his side, "I've seen you here... In fact, many, many times, How come you didn't notice a person who's been working here for a long time?" He then flees.
"rude blondie" I shrug.
"Hey there" A blonde man sits on the opposite side of the table. "Sorry for the rude first impression yesterday" He smiles.
"Yeah, me too, sorry if I made you feel uncomfortable by following you haha" I scratch my name. "Oh, don't worry I didn't feel uncomfortable, I was just wondering why would you follow me around the building." He chuckles.
"My name is Peter" He held his hand out. "Y/N" I shook his hand. "Y/N... Y/N is a very beautiful name" He was so different from yesterday, its like he was possessed now and is trying to lure me just to eat me. [I WILL NOT HEAR ANYONE OUT]
Chapter 7 will be out soon
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kerie-prince · 4 years
the intern
Peter Parker x Reader (college au)
requested: (anon) plz plz plz give me some college aged, super powerful ( think stark ceo powerful ) peter parker shit. idc what the rest of the story is about, i just need a brooding, smoldering, suit wearing, extremely expensive, college aged spiderman. plz and thank you!!!!
warnings: language
summary: When you start a new internship at Stark Industries, you're not only surprised to find Peter working as your boss, but that he's not the shy neighborhood boy you grew up with
a/n: this doesn't follow canon so for this imagine, hammer industries is just a rival company and the snap never happened lol also i don't know anything more than operating a phone so don't expect me to write sciencey, techy stuff lmao
(gif source)
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“Fuck, fuck, fuck,” you were running across the road to jump into a cab that was available. Your phone hadn't been charging all night as you thought it had which caused you to wake up forty-five minutes before the start of the interview. You need this internship before you graduate from Empire State and get your degree in robotics.
On the way there, you nearly got car sick as the driver took sharp turns and nearly ran past intersections seconds before they became red. Once in front of Hammer Industries, your heels clicked loudly as you ran inside the tall building. You checked in with the front desk and took the elevator up to the 10th floor.
Just as you arrived, Justin Hammer was calling your name. “I'm right here!” you nearly tripped on your heels and your breaths were short.
“I've called your name three times, do you understand what that makes you look like, correct?” Justin stood unphased as you stood up straight and tried to steady your breath. “All these people are on time. Some of these folks have been here for hours, even.”
“Yes, sir. I’m so sorry–”
“Shame, I really liked your resume and your report on the expansion of nano-technology. Try again next year, maybe.” Justin started to call out the next participant and when she got up you stepped in front of her, “Please Mr. Hammer, I need this internship or I can't graduate.”
The people in the waiting room had their eyes on the two of you, tension so thick that it was almost hard to breathe. “Then maybe you should have come on time,” he pushed you aside to let the next person in to interview. You quickly ran back out and spoke to no one all the way home. Your eyes and cheeks were aching as you held in the tears during your Uber ride. The driver wanted to ask if you were okay, but if you were to break down in his car he’d probably be stuck having to listen to what happened and if he was honest with himself, he didn't actually care.
Once you got to your apartment, you made a straight line to the kitchen. “Hey, how’d the interview go?” MJ, your roommate, asked while still looking at her computer. You reached into the freezer for your emergency ice cream pint, snatched a spoon and walked into your room without saying anything. “That bad, I guess,” MJ said to herself.
You sat with MJ and Ned in the cafeteria, but had not touched any of the food on your plate. Your head was laid on the steel table and you just continuously groaned. “I’m a failure,” you whined.
“No, what you are is fucking dumb,” MJ commented as she ate.
“Thanks, Michelle, that makes me feel so much better,” you looked up to glare at her before laying her head back down. Ned felt bad that his friend was in despair, “How come you didn't ask Peter for help?”
“Huh?” you lifted your head back up some of your hair falling onto your face.
“Yeah, Peter already works at Stark Industries, why didn't you just ask him to get you in? You could even skip the internship altogether and be in full time,” Ned suggested. You gave it some thought, but something about it didn't sound right.
“No, I don't want to bother Peter. I don’t want him to think that I’m only calling him for a job,” you sighed. Ned texted Peter anyways. Unexpectedly, Peter texted him back immediately.
“He says it’s fine,” Ned showed you his phone to read the text. ‘Yeah man, tell her to come in tomorrow and Ms. Potts will interview her’
You let out a deep breath you didn't know you were holding and pulled out your phone.
‘Thank you so much for helping me out’
‘No problem, anything for a friend’
The Stark Industries building was huge. It almost looked taller than the Empire State Building, and maybe it actually was. Your legs were shaking as you stared up at it. “Here goes nothing,” you assured yourself.
The lobby was bustling with people; workers walking around, a group of kids that seemed to be here on a field trip, and some teens taking pictures in front of one of Mr. Stark's Iron Man suits.
The trip up to the 17th floor was crowded with people as more and more entered in every passing floor. You had to squeeze yourself out and accidentally stepped on someone’s foot in the process.
Looking around, your jaw dropped. It was an open laboratory with groups of people putting together small robots, flying drones, and people laughing and talking. It was such a fun and cool looking environment, you wondered why you didn't just apply here in the first place.
Pepper Potts spotted you walking around and approached you with a tap on your shoulder. “Hi, I’m Pepper. You must be Y/N,” she reached her hand out to shake yours which you accepted. “Hi, nice to meet you.”
“Peter’s told me a lot about you. Come, follow me,” Pepper’s office had glass walls and a view of New York from behind her desk. You weren't particularly fond of heights, but even you would love to have an office view like that. Pepper gestured to the chair in front of her as she smoothed her dress to sit in hers. “So, I see here that you had an interview at Hammer’s. Can I ask why you chose them?” You didn't even know how they got that information. You hadn't seen or spoken to Peter in quite a while, so how Pepper knew that was beyond you. You sat there with your lips moving to say something but nothing was coming out.
Pepper seemed to have caught on what you were thinking and elaborated, “Before I do any interviewing, I do full background checks on everyone.” She had a gentle smile which made you feel better. You thought she would scold you or something considering the question did more than catch you off guard.
“My mother used to work there for a long time and I figured that I would follow,” you explained. Pepper nodded her head and wrote some notes down. She looked onto her computer and looked at everything there was about you. “Well, I see here that you have exceptional grades. 4.7 GPA since you started school and your paper on nano-technology has gotten much praise. I think even Tony read it.” No way. The Tony Stark read my paper? “So tell me, do you see yourself working here at Stark Industries?”
You looked outside and watched everyone in the open lab again. “Yes.”
“Then that’s all I need to hear. We’d love to have you here,” she reached over to shake your hand. You looked at her surprised and hesitantly shook hers. “Welcome to the team, Y/N.”
“Thank you so much!” You cupped her hand with both of yours and shook it a little too quickly, but she didn't seem to mind. You were ecstatic to start your path to your career, and at a dream place at that.
Your alarm rang at the time you set it to, but there was no need for it. You couldn't sleep all night. Today is your first day of your internship and you were feeling so many things at once. Excited, nervous, happy, scared…
You tried to restrain yourself to a light breakfast, but MJ’s pancakes were to die for that you ate two whole stacks. You looked through your closet just about fifteen times; you had already picked an outfit the following night with the help of MJ, but when you put it back on, you hated it. It sucked for your roommate seeing as she had to sit through you changing from eight other outfits.
You tried to picture the lab again to see how other people dressed for a better idea to base it on your outfit choice. From what you remember, it was pretty casual, so that’s what you stuck to.
You were given your pass the day you were hired, so you had no issue walking inside. The elevator was just as packed as it was last time, but you were more composed so there were no toes being stepped on this time. You weren't exactly sure as to where you had to go, so you looked around to see if there were other interns to ask where to start.
“Y/N!” Peter’s voice surprised you from behind. Your shoulders jumped a bit, but relaxed at the view of his face. His face… you actually hadn't seen him for quite a while. Months, maybe. His jawline was more defined, and his once floppy hair was styled neatly. You tried to not look him up and down, but the temptation was definitely there. And the other thing, his voice was deeper than you last remembered. Is this really Peter Parker? “Hey, Peter.”
He gave you a hug that nearly made you lose breath. He was stronger than you remembered. A memory flashed back to when you were in junior high; you, Ned and Peter were hanging around the local park and you beat Peter on rounds on the monkey bars. He gave up after a couple bars, but you went back and forth a couple times. ‘Show off.’ But now, he had muscles that the shirt he was wearing hugged his biceps.
The hug was quick, and you had to pretend that he didn't just squeeze some life out of you. “Do you work on this floor?”
“Yeah, you’re actually assigned to work with my team. Come, I’ll show you around.” He started walking and you noticed how his posture changed. Damn, I know it hasn't been this long since I've seen him. Why does he look so different? He was wearing trousers. Trousers? Peter hates trousers. But his ass is looking great–
“Hey guys, this is Y/N. She’s going to be working with us as an intern. And I'll say this beforehand, no she's not going to be taking coffee or lunch orders,” Peter introduced you. There were various aged people in this group. Some were your age, and one person looked to have been in his thirties. Peter is in charge of this group? They all said ‘hi’ to you and went around introducing themselves.
Once that was finished, Peter pulled a chair for you on the table. “You’ll take notes for me while I give this presentation,” he whispered to you before walking in front of the table and started writing on the clear glass board.
He was talking quickly and didn't stumble over his words like he used to. Everyone was listening to him attentively and you jotted notes down as quickly as you could. Every now and then, you would steal glimpses of him and feel a sort of… well you felt something. Amazement? Inspiration? Adoration?
No doubt was Peter one of the smartest people you've ever met and here he was leading his own team and making potential products for Stark Industries at such a young age. Seeing him at work was so… it was indescribable to you but all you could think of was how different he is now. In a good way, of course.
Peter Parker has been your friend for years and to see him change from a bumbling, shy, adorable nerd into a confident, intelligent working man attracted you.
When you got home, you thought a lot about your first day. Being an intern at Stark Industries was really fun, so far. You weren't expected to do silly things like get coffee or lunch for everyone or pick up someone’s dry cleaning. You actually learned something and even had your opinions heard on some of the things that Peter suggested for his team’s upcoming product presentation.
If this is what it's like to be an intern, you couldn't imagine what it would be like working full time.
“How'd it go?” MJ stuck her head in your room. “It was fun. I'm working with Peter,” you explained your day to her.
“Cool,” was the last thing she said before she went to her own room for the night.
In the past few months, your internship at Stark’s has been going swimmingly. Everyone's been so nice, and the work is so fascinating. You've gotten closer with Peter and along the way, he felt like he was more than a friend and boss to you.
Currently, everyone was getting ready for their final presentations for the upcoming annual Stark Industries Convention. It was going to be Peter’s first year presenting his own project with his team and you were so excited to be a part of it.
The time you’ve spent with Peter was really fun. He was a good mentor and a great friend. The only thing was that you couldn't help but look at him a little too long, and you’ve found yourself thinking about him during your classes or doing your homework. The shy boy from Midtown High was no more, replaced– no, grown into the Peter you know now. But you pushed all feelings aside to focus on your next thesis paper and mock-up of the handout brochures of Peter’s project.
Sometimes, you didn't even feel like an intern as Peter would ask for any ideas you had to make the project better and even let you help with assembly. He stayed true to his words and you’ve never once had to run for coffee or things like that. There’d be times when you would study some of the little parts under a magnifying glass and he’d come up slightly behind you and explain about some of the bits on the working table.
And every time he did that, your breath would be stuck in your throat and you’d have to remind yourself that this was just Peter helping you out and you’re just learning. But it was normal to want more every now and then… right?
The convention was just a few days away and you had trouble finding something to wear. These events were usually black tie events, but did that mean the presenting teams as well? Wouldn't that be uncomfortable?
One of the guys on your team, Richie, sat with you during lunch and talked about how he was probably going to wear the same suit as always. Not because he couldn't afford a new suit, but he was just a simple person and he only wears it once a year for the conventions and that’s all, so it’s still in mint condition.
The girls on your team and some from others were going dress shopping the day before and invited you to join. You were excited mainly because now you don't have to bother MJ for it.
Speaking of MJ, you were going to ask her to come with you. Pepper sent out the electronic invitations to everyone in the company and authorized plus ones to even interns. She’s never been to one – for reasons you were still confused about – but you wanted your best friend to be there for you. And if not MJ, then you bet Ned would still come with you. Wait, what if he’s going with Peter?
On cue, Peter had sat in the chair next to yours in the small break room, “Hey, Y/N.”
“Oh, hey Pete. You excited for Saturday?” Peter quietly stirred his coffee and gave you a small smile, “Uh, yeah. I’m nervous, but I’ve worked really hard on this. And everyone, too. Including you.”
You slightly blushed. I didn't do all that much you thought. You two just sat there taking small sips from the hot, bitter beverage.
“So… I wanted to ask you something,” Peter started.
“Mhm?” The coffee nearly slipped past your lips. You quickly grabbed a napkin to lightly dab some of it off of your lips.
“Well, as you know, we can bring anyone with us to the convention,” he trailed off.
“Yes?” Is he going to…
“And I wanted to know if you were bringing MJ with you.” Oh. You nodded your head and thought you hid your disappointment well but without knowing, Peter actually caught it for a split second. “Good. You can come with me,” he smiled and stood up.
You were in awe; without effort, Peter just asked you to be his date for Saturday.
“Dude, how are you not ready yet? He’s gonna be here any minute,” MJ sat at her computer per usual working. Your music was too loud for her taste playing from your shared bathroom. Peter said he would pick you up at 7, and it was currently 6:50.
You had put on and removed your make-up at least five times. Something was always wrong; one of the wings would either be thicker than the other, the blush would be the wrong shade, or the lipliner kept going out of place. But, alas, you finally nailed it.
Your hair was styled half up with elegant curls and braids. In between some braids were little bits of baby’s breath flowers. Most likely, you were going to have a hard time taking those out but they looked cute and it was too late to take them out.
Your dress was right above your knee and flowed comfortably so you wouldn't have a hard time walking. It was a neutral taupe color and had a V-line that ended just above cleavage and hugged the curve of your waist. You paired it with simple black heels and a small, white handbag.
“He’s here,” MJ informed you.
“Okay,” you took a deep breath, “what do you think?” You spun around and held your arms out. “You look really pretty. Now go get ‘em. I’ll watch it on the live stream.” She gave you a lazy thumbs up and resumed her work.
Outside was Peter in an all-black apparel. His dress shirt had only one button undone, and he had a loose blazer that accentuated the dip of his shoulders. He stood against the limo with his hands at his sides. God, he’s gonna be the death of me.
When he caught sight of you, he had a flirtatious smirk on his lips and held out for your hand. “Peter, where’d this limo come from?”
“Mr. Stark set it up for me,” he stated like it was no big deal. Must be nice being his favorite. He held the door for you to climb in and closed the door behind him. “We’re ready, Happy,” he told the driver. Happy rolled his eyes, closed the window and drove off.
The convention was off to a great start; Tony Stark came in with his suit as he always loved to do and started introductions before everyone else scattered around to look at the projects of the many departments in his company. Some groups of certain departments had large stages, some had small stands, like Peter’s.
There were still large crowds coming to see the smaller presentations, and everyone seemed to be fascinated with Peter's. You stood on the side as his team operated the machine and Peter spoke. He looked confident and it was mesmerizing to watch him.
After the night was over, all employee’s and some guests were brought back to headquarters for the after party. You walked around with Peter and had flutters in your heart every time he held the small of your back. The most exciting part of the night was meeting Tony Stark in person. He greeted Peter warmly, and then his eyes landed on you, “Peter, who’s this?”
“Oh, this is Y/N. She’s a friend of mine,” he gestured for you. You shook Tony’s hand and stood starstruck. “The one you don’t shut up about?” Pepper hit his shoulder and laughed nervously.
“Wait, I’ve heard about you. Buddy of mine works at Empire State and he showed me your paper, it was really good.” You were still shocked that he had even read it and here he was talking to you about it. You went back and forth talking about nano-technology.
On the way home, you and Peter talked and laughed about things you told him as you caught him up to what was happening on campus when he couldn't be there. It was a really fun night, and Peter was more noticeably relaxed now that the hard part was over. “Alright, home sweet home,” Happy announced through the window.
“Well, that’s me,” you smiled sadly, not wanting the night to end. You reached to open the door but Peter climbed out from his side. He walked around to open your door and just like he did earlier, held his hand out for you to grab and assist you out the limo. What was different this time was that he kept his hand in yours as he walked you to the door of the apartments. “I had a great time with you tonight,” Peter confessed.
“Me too,” your voice was soft and low for only him to hear. Peter’s eyes switched from looking into yours to your lips before he grabbed your face with both hands and kissed you. The kiss was needy, passionate, but had a certain gentleness to it. Once he felt you kiss him back with the same fervor, he deepened the kiss and brought one hand to pull your waist closer to him.
You pulled apart to regain your breath and looked to admire his swollen lips and he copied the same notion. He leaned in to give you a gentle kiss and pulled away, “Good night, Y/N.”
“Good night, Peter.” Your cheeks were flushed and your face was warm. You watched him as he left and ran inside. Upstairs in your apartment, you found MJ and Ned sitting on the couch with a bag of chips in each of their hands.
“Good night?” Ned asked. You just nodded and walked slowly to your room.
“We saw the whole thing, by the way,” MJ said nonchalantly. You looked back to glare at your best friends, Ned smiling innocently at you and MJ keeping her straight face.
You changed into your pajamas and laid on your bed on your back, looking up at the ceiling. You couldn't wait to go back to work on Monday.
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annaritastella · 4 years
Saezuru chapter 43: the sink.
While reading Saezuru for the nth, I might have realized something 🤔
We all know that:
in Ch 42, when Doumeki affirms to Kamiya "i wasn't a member to begin with" he reminded about the moment took placed in Ch 22 when Yashiro, while was on top of D's lap (❤️) was telling him exactly the same thing.
In chapter 43, once Doumeki turns his eyes on the left he sees the sink and then he decides to don't leave anymore even if Yashiro finished to use the bathroom.
Reading the analysis of Ch 43 (and still thanks to @kiriharaakira for the translation🙏) they says "our Sensei never put something on hers drawers if it has not a meaning, nothing is casual" indeed they were trying to understand why Sensei wanted us to focus on the sink that Doumeki looked. And this is what I think:
While Yashiro was tell him how he "actually" changed and that Doumeki s dream "to become Yakuza" finally came true (we all know though the reason why...) we see Doumeki looking at the sink:
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In chapter 22, when Yashiro affirmed "you don't have to became one of us (so a Yakuza) ..." Sensei did the same thing: she put many dialogue bubbles to let us focus on the sink. The question is: why the sink?
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(This is my opinion! I don't say this for sure as only our Sensei knows the true that there is behind it)
Anyways, in my opinion, Doumeki, looking at the sink reminded not only when Yashiro was tell him the opposite thing, but when in Ch 6. Doumeki thinks "I don't want him to find out the I can get hard I don't want him throw me away just like a toy that is no longer needed"
And this is exactly what happened:
Yashiro found out, they had sex, Yashiro ran away, and after Hirata s episode, Yashiro ended up saying "I don't remember" (so he thrown Doumeki away)
Still in Ch 6, Doumeki thinks "I want to be by his side/ I'll do anything for that, I'll accept anything/ so I want him to keep me close to him forever "
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Then, in Ch. 13, after Doumeki gives blowjob for the first time to Yashiro, he goes to the toilet washing his mount and not only, he felt kinda sad for doing that because he got high too and he doesn't want his Kashira to find out.
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Coming back to Ch 6---"I'll do anything for that, I'll accept anything"
And he actually did anything to remain in Yakuza s world and we all can confirm what he went through.
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---"so, I want him to keep me close to him forever"
Unfortunately this has not been possible due to Yashiro's decision but, the bright side is that, even if they have been far away for four years, Doumeki was in Yashiro's dream, in his thought, in his every day life so Doumeki actually stayed close to Yashiro in someways.
And the same was for Doumeki: he spent months trying to join Yakuza in order to remain on Yashiro s side, and once he did, he wanted to get information about his affairs (when Doumeki met chestnut guy)
And nowadays, what Doumeki does?
Catches Yashiro while he was falling down asking him twice if he was all right, stayed behind bathroom door "just in case", and still, he opened the door for Yashiro because he notice there is something wrong in him (he thinks is his right arm).
So Doumeki DID anything to stay by his side "I want to stay by your side, I'll do anything for it" even if he has to wear his gloves (that means to not expose his heart from anyone, by Sensei interview), doesn't mean that his feelings are faded away, actually he twisted his life to stay with him.
So, the answer for "why the sink?" might be because the sink has been the place where Doumeki could express his true feelings without showing it to other people around.
It's where he could take a break for a moment from hiding what he endured for trying to suppress his feelings for Yashiro and well, calm down his thing xD
It's like us girls , after crying we hide ourselves in the bathroom from others eyes, we wash our face, get a deep breath and leave acting to the people around us that nothing happended and everything is fine...not? I do that XD
Doumeki did the same thing.. He had been through a lot (as had Yashiro) and for the first time he took a "decision": trying to push Yashiro to confess what he really feels for Doumeki even though it might seems quite sassy but, the sink was the reason why he motivated himself to take a deep breath, have a composing expression and faced Yashiro as he never did before and ready to accept whatever Yashiro s answers is.
I admit that all of this might be a very huge fantasy from my mind but I like to think that maybe It can be the reason to let us focus on the sink...but... Who knows? 🤷
Well , I repeat this is MY opinion, I spent hours writing all of this and tomorrow I'll have to get up early to go to work so what else?
Have a good night! ❤️
Feel free to express your ideas
---Anna Rita
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~~~~~I want to update one last thing and then I can finally put an end to my thoughts about this before I lose my mind 🤣
In Ch 41. The first scene we see is the water coming out from the sink that Yashiro opened for putting the head of that guy and let him "confess"
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Then we can see that in one scene (without the sink xD) there are Doumeki, Nanahara, Kamiya and the guy and the in next image there is Yashiro almost staring at the sink , contemplating (if he want to kiss Doumeki or not 🤔, it's a joke of course) , like he is in a different world from the others.
The sink will be the motive for Doumeki to "start a conversation" with Yashiro.
Yashiro states "don't just watch there Nanahara, help me out here"
So, reading what Yashiro just affirmed he Actually needs an help for doing the "dirty job" but the one who went to aid him was Doumeki but of course Yashiro replied "'preciate the effort but I got this" : Yashiro is acting again but he is able to do it only if he doesn't look at Doumeki straight on the eyes because he knows that Doumeki would never believe him also because, I repeat myself, he did asked for help!
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I "translate" Yashiro s answer as "I do not need you, I can do it without you, I can live without you"
He refused Doumeki. He refused to look at him from the start. He refused to accept the idea that after 4 years trying to give Doumeki the chance to live an honest life, he is there, next to him ready to help his Kashira.
So I think I can end now this post saying that thanks to this sink, they had their second conversation after four years of silence (the first one is in Ch 40), thanks to the sink, Doumeki faced Yashiro once for all and well, I look forward to reading the next chapter to see his answer!
As I said, these are just my thoughts right or wrong. I have been thinking until now about it and it really seems like a film made by my own imagination XD and I realize that 99% of what I said might be entirely wrong.
Thank you for reading this! I appreciate your opinion if you want to leave it in the comments or message me:)
----Anna Rita
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tinyboxxtink · 3 years
"Doppelganger" *Part 24*
Alright I REFUSE to make this story any longer, so the next chapter IS the finale, I swear to you.
This is just one more little loose end I wanted to throw in, maybe it'll come back around the epilogue. Who knows?! I know.
I would have started the "Wedding Day" here but I really wanted it to be it's own chapter, so this is kinda short and I'm not gonna lie if I have to I will make the last chapter 20 pages long to fit the ending in. That being said I have some stuff to do tomorrow night and work the next night so I may or may not split up writing the last chapter between those and post it late Sunday or Monday.
It's worth it I promise! I'll make it worth it.
Part 23
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The next day Rafael asked you to come by his office once again, making you nervous. Especially when you showed up to the Mayor and a Lawyer to greet you along with Rafael.
“Pinguino,” Rafael smiled as he met you at the door with his arms open wide pulling you into a kiss.
“....More interviews?” You whispered as you eyed the two other men.
“Actually, they haven’t told me what they’re doing here yet,” Rafael whispered back as you both walked over to the men sitting at Rafael’s desk. Rafael pulled another chair around to his side so you could sit next to him. He had a feeling this would take a while.
“So...gentlemen,” Rafael cleared his throat. “What’s this about?”
“Well Barba it’s about your wedding,” The mayor replied.
“...Why am I not surprised..?” He shook his head with a laugh.
“Actually Mr. Barba I think you’ll find this visit different from others the mayor here has sprung on you thus far,” His lawyer answered.
“...And that would be because…?” Rafael raised a skeptical eyebrow.
“Because Mr. Fenkell here says that I owe you financial compensation for all you’ve been doing for me,” The mayor replied rather gruffly as he crossed his arms like a petulant child being called into the principal’s office.
“...Excuse me?” Rafael looked at both of them with confusion.
“Well Mr. Barba, I’m surprised you haven’t either realized or brought up the fact that the situation that you’re in is called ‘quid pro quo’,” The lawyer explained.
“Yes I know what ‘quid pro quo’ is counselor, we went to the same law school,” Rafael snarked. “And I graduated with higher honors than you,”
“Barba I’m here trying to help you out, I don’t know why you’re lashing out at me,” The lawyer now crossed his arms.
“Baby,” You put a hand on his. “Just let the man talk,”
“Right,” He nodded reluctantly. “Go on,”
“Like I was saying,” Mr. Fenkell pulled out papers from his briefcase. “I assume you and your fiancée here have been going along with the Mayor’s requests for fear of losing your job, correct?”
“I mean, not mine per say,” Rafael shrugged. “THAT would be illegal,”
“Right,” Mr. Fenkell nodded. “But everything he’s done thus far involving you and your fiancé's likeness entitles you to royalties, and dues for services,”
“Well, that is true,” Rafael nodded. “I’ve been so preoccupied with everything else I haven’t even stopped to think--”
“Which is exactly why I’m here,” Mr. Fenkell cut him off. “I figured a competent lawyer like yourself would realize when all the dust settles, that you were indeed entitled to a sum of money, and would therefore sue the Mayor after the fact,”
“Wow, that’s a lot of assuming on your part sir,” You laughed softly. “You really think Rafael is that shit of a--”
“I mean he is right,” Rafael finished for you.
“...Or I’m just an idiot,” You muttered.
“No, baby you’re not an idiot,” Rafael took your hand. “But we are entitled--YOU are entitled for some kind of compensation for all that you’ve done for the mayor--for me,”
“I thought my compensation was getting to marry you,” You smiled sweetly.
“Aww,” Mr. Fenkell remarked, causing an eye roll from the mayor.
“Right so--” Mr. Fenkell began laying papers filled with legal jargon on the desk in front of you and Rafael.
“This contract states that once we settle on a number, you won’t try and collect more from the mayor with some random claim like ‘emotional distress’ during your wedding, or events thereafter due to all of this,”
“...Trauma?” You couldn’t help but laugh. “You think that after everything I went through, I would classify this as trauma?”
“I mean theoretically you could, Ms. Y/L/N,” He nodded. “The emotional stress of reliving your trauma and trying to plan a wedding while on display for the whole city must be taking a toll on you right now, is it not?”
“...Well it wasn’t until you said it like that,” You muttered.
“Dammit Maxwell I told you, they were perfectly fine with--” The mayor began to pitch a fit.
“Oh no no no,” Rafael wagged a finger at the mayor. “Just because she’s ignorant of the--”
“Excuse you?” You crossed your arms at Rafael’s condescending tone.
“I mean, just because she doesn’t realize or recognize the emotional stress she’s under doesn’t mean that she doesn’t have it, and doesn’t deserve compensation” He looked to you apologetically while he re-worded the statement. You gave him an approving nod.
“Right well this is what this is for--”
“And what kind of price tag have you put on my fiance's feelings, counselor?”
“Well if you’ll peruse the contract, counselor…” Mr. Fenkell pointed to the bottom of the paper.
“This contract blah blah blah, no further seeking monetary blah blah blah…” Rafael spoke out loud as he scanned the document. Then suddenly, his eyes widened and he stopped reading, looking at you then Mr. Fenkell then the Mayor.
“...A million dollars?” He raised his eyebrow, skeptical.
“...What?” You gasped.
“....Each,” He added with a smile as he handed you the paper. You didn’t know a lot of the words, but in plain black and white you read: “...In the form of one million dollars per plaintiff,”
“I’m sorry, WHAT?” You said louder than you intended, but that was insane.
“That’s insane,” You said out loud. “I don’t need that kind--”
“Baby,” Rafael stopped you and pulled you slightly away from the mayor and his lawyer. “I know that you get antsy when good things happen to you, but you deserve this,”
“For what?!” You hissed. “For taking a few photos? For letting a camera crew in a church? Rafael I just--”
“...But think of everything before that, carino,”
“What, Nevada? That--” You shook your head.
“Wasn’t your fault,” Rafael finished.
“...Well it wasn’t the mayor’s fault either, Raffi,” You nodded at the mayor.
“But he is exploiting you for it,” Rafael pointed out.
“....True,” You nodded.
“Excuse you two, but I--” The mayor began to rant again.
“And if I may add,” Mr. Fenkell jumped in. “While Mr. Barba was worried about his job, you also had reason to be worried about it as well. Being as he is your only means of support,”
“Right now,” You quickly added.
“....Right,” Mr. Fenkell gave you a side eye. “Currently,”
Clearly this douchebag thought what everyone else must be thinking. That you were just marrying Rafael for his money. So that you could be a ‘kept’ woman. Well, he was about to learn that was the furthest thing from the truth.
“Alright then,” You finally said. “Then I want my share to go to Rafael, if we’re going to be married it’s his anyway,”
“No no no no, Nuh-uh,” Rafael shook his head. “Your share is your share,”
“...But I don’t want you to think that I’ve got some... ‘escape money’,” You gave him a sad look.
“Escape money?” He laughed. “Baby I told you, I think the last thing I should be worried about is you leaving me,”
“....Also true,” You nodded with a soft smile. You sure as hell had not gotten this far working this hard to ‘get’ Rafael to just give him up. Ever.
“Okay then, do I tell you where I want the money to go or do I do it myself?” You asked Mr. Fenkell.
“...You already have plans for it?” Mr. Fenkell asked you. “...Didn’t you just say you didn’t want it? Why would you--”
“Just answer the question,” You said flatly.
“I mean Mr. Barba could just draw up the contracts and paperwork for you to transfer your funds wherever you--”
“But Mr. Barba is my husband, not my lawyer,” You cut him off. “...And I’d like to keep that way,” You looked over at who Rafael looked at you in confusion.
"Not Mixing business and pleasure," You smirked.
“Right,” Mr. Fenkell nodded as pulled out a legal pad and a pen. “Well I can make a list of where you want to divert the funds and we’ll go from there,”
“Okay,” You took a deep breath. “Well, first of all-- obviously,” You took Rafael’s hand. “I want to pay off the rest of my time at Julliard,”
“That’s unnecessary, carino--”
“Yeah I know you say that Rafael, but I was going there before I met you and it’s not your respon--”
“It’s already paid for, in full,” He spoke over you.
“...What?” You asked him with a breathy voice. When did he have time to do that?! WHY-wait.
“But I’m going to need an extra semester since I’m taking the rest of this one off,” You said softly as you glanced at the other two in shame. You still felt guilty about Rafael having to basically babysit you for the past few weeks.
“Yeah I figured that.” He nodded with a smile, stroking your cheek. “It’s all taken care of, carino,”
“...Alright fine then I want to pay it back,” You insisted.
“No,” He shook his head. “Absolutely not,”
“Rafael come on--”
“NO,” He repeated sternly. “I won’t take it,”
“....Alright, fine,” You rolled your eyes. “Then I want a chunk to go to abuela--”
“No I have them covered too,” He shook his head. “And they are definitely NOT your responsibility. And before you say next that you want it to go to Maria, she will never accept it. We're too proud of a people," He smiled teasingly.
“...Fine,” You sighed in frustration. “THEN I want a chunk of it to go to opening a drama center,” You crossed your arms and looked at Rafael. “Any objections to that, counselor?”
“...A drama center?” He looked at you curiously.
“Look,” You took both of his hands. “I know you couldn’t-- your mom didn’t want you---” You took another breath, trying to figure out exactly what to say. “...You had to give up your dream to take care of your family,”
“Carino…” He took your hand.
“And my parents, they spent all the money we had on dance lessons, acting lessons, all of it. On ME. Just so that I could live my dream,” You continued. “Kids should be able to dream their dreams without their parents having to worry about money to do so,”
“But...your dream, Y/N. You want to be on Broadway. How are you gonna fit--” He started to speak but you were nowhere near done with your speech.
“Baby my dream was selfish,” You shook your head. “I wanted to be famous for the wrong reasons. To be adored by the world, to be loved by everyone. But, now I know the only person’s love I care about, is yours,” You stroked his face.
“If I open this place then I can still use my talents as a teacher, helping kids like us. I told your mom that when I met you, you made me a better person, that you made me want to be better. I want that to be true. I need that to be true,” You finally finished with a small smile, tears lined Rafael’s eyes.
“You are the best person I know, mi amor,” He pushed a strand of hair behind your ear. “I think the center is a great idea,”
“Good,” You smiled. “And….I want to name it the Y/L/N-Barba Drama Center,”
“....Well obviously after you,” He nodded.
“No,” You shook your head. “After you. And my parents. Because if it wasn’t for them I wouldn’t have found you, and you gave me everything I’ve ever wanted,”
“I love you,” He beamed at you as he kissed you deeply.
“...And on that note,” You turned back to Mr. Fenkell who looked wildly uncomfortable by your little cutesy side conversation.
“I want the rest to be split between a savings account for me, and the other half into a trust,”
“A trust?” Mr. Fenkell asked as he wrote down your wishes.
“A trust for our children,” You smiled at Rafael. “My parents spent so much money so that I could live my dream. I think it’s only fair I do the same for them; especially when I have the means to do it,”
“See those redneck shithead Jersians have no idea what they’re talking about,” He pressed his forehead against yours. “You are not selfish, not at all,”
“Thanks to you,” You pressed your own forehead against his like a love head butt.
“....Okay, so is there anywhere else you’d like it to go, Ms. Y/N?” Mr. Fenkell said rather loudly, trying once again to remind you there were other people in the room. People who were not amused with your disgustingly cute conversations.
“Um, no I think that’s good,” You nodded.
“Split up mine the same way, Max,” Rafael added.
“Rafael you don’t need to--” You started to protest but he put a finger to your mouth.
“I have money,” He assured you. “I have enough money to take care of us for the rest of our lives. This money should go somewhere that represents the both of us, and our love,”
“Can we please for the love of God just end this, please?” The mayor groaned. “If I have to sit here and watch you word vomit your love all over this office, I might actually vomit,”
“Right,” Rafael rolled his eyes. “Well gentlemen you know where to find us,” He grabbed the pen and signed one of the contracts then handed it to you and you did the same.
“Now if you’ll excuse us we’re going to ‘love vomit’ all over each other now,” He smirked as he handed back the papers. Mr. Fenkell and The mayor nodded as they walked out.
“Well, what do you want to do now?” Rafael wiggled his eyebrows suggestively.
“As tempting as that sounds, I have another request mi amor,” You played with the hair on the back of his knuckles with a soft voice.
“Anything for you pinguino,”
“Well I mean, you have some pull over there,” You nodded outside towards the courthouse that was attached to the DA's office by a hallway.
“...Why, do you need parking tickets dismissed or something? Did I agree to marry a felon?” He teased you.
“No,” You giggled. “But I would like to skip the ‘name changing’ line,” You pulled him closer as his smile grew bigger.
“I don’t think that’s what they call it, but I appreciate the sentiment,” He kissed you as you both walked towards the door of his office and out into the lobby.
“We’ll be back, Tommy,” He told his assistant.
“Right sir,” He nodded.
“This way to the ‘name changing line’, pinguino,” He smirked as you walked down the hall towards the courthouse.
--An Hour Later--
You and Rafael walked out of the courthouse and down the steps hand in hand as you pulled the two papers from his hands. One was a marriage license, and one was a form that was filled with boring legal jargon but at the bottom was printed: “Legal Name: Mrs. Y/F/N Barba,” with your new signature on the dotted line.
“Mrs. Rafael Barba,” You smiled as you looked at the paper.
“Oh no no no,” Rafael shook his head with a laugh. “That sounds like you’re my property, pinguino,”
“True,” You nodded with a teasing smile.
“...So why the sudden urgency to change your name, carino?” He asked as you walked down the street hand in hand. “Not that I’m complaining. I'd be lying if I said just looking at your name with my last name makes me giddy,”
“Giddy?” You gave him a look.
“Yeah, I said it. Giddy,” He laughed.
“...I don’t know, it was something that my therapist said,” You shrugged.
“...And what did she say?” He asked you skeptically.
“She said,” You sighed and pulled Rafael out of the flow of traffic of people.
“She said that women who don’t take their husband's last names had one foot out the door of the marriage before even going in,” You looked up at him with soft eyes. “And I don’t want you to think that I am any less than 100% sure of my love for you, and the rest of our lives together,”
“Well, first of all I’d like to see her marriage to divorce ratios based on that assumption,” He rolled his eyes. “And second-- I appreciate the sentiment baby, I really do. Just as long as you did it for you, and not because your therapist guilted you into it,”
“She didn’t,” You assured him. “I did this for me. For us,”
“Well then Mrs. Barba,” He took your hand once again with a huge smile. “Let’s grab some dinner, shall we?” He asked in a melodramatic, fancy tone.
“We shall, Mr. Barba,” You answered in the same tone, making both of you giggle like school kids.
Now all that was left to do was actually get married!
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myhockeyworld87 · 4 years
Not So Dangerous Liaison - Sidney Crosby - Part 10
Word Count: 5,487
POV: Reader then changes to Sid
Warnings: Language
Notes: This is fluf again, but I think we’re getting a little closer to the smut...haha. Sorry this chapter is a little long. Happy Reading!!! As always feedback is welcome!
Not So Dangerous Liaison Masterlist
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 It felt like the last twenty-four hours hadn't really existed. One minute you were celebrating with the team that you were going to the Stanley Cup finals and the next, you were waking up laying on top of Sidney. As if that wasn't enough, you'd actually agreed to go out with him. What were you actually thinking? You shouldn't be mixing business and pleasure. There was part of you that was screaming that you were becoming everything that Christian had said that night in DC. Your rational side told you that things with Sid weren't like that, that he genuinely cared about you.
 It was in the way he held you when the elevator stopped and the lights when out. The way he came running after you, after your encounter with Christian, and also the way he talked to you into staying and working for the team. All those things added up and showed you just how much he really cared for you. The problem was you didn't want to be a distraction right now for him. It was your job, to help these guys not make think about bringing you flowers and taking you on a date, especially not at a time when he needed to solely be focusing on hockey.
 Though you couldn't help remembering the feel of his fingers as they ran up and down your arm this morning, or the way he smelled as your head lay on his chest. Just the thought of it all gave you butterflies. Butterflies that you shouldn't be having; you told yourself. You needed to focus on the team, just like Sid needed to focus on hockey. The only thing you could do was immerse yourself in work. Of course, you were at every practice, just like always, but you took extra time making sure the guys had everything they needed. When you weren't at the rink you were planning ahead for when you were in San Jose. Coach Sullivan had approached you that afternoon about doing an outdoor workout again. So, you were busy getting that set up for when you were in California.
 You also took extra time making up care packages for all the teams' families that would be coming in for the game. They weren't staying at the same hotel as you guys, but you did know where the arrangements had been made and you wanted to make sure that they knew they could reach out to you as well. That was the whole point of this job.
 The first home game against the Sharks, the Pens were on fire and while Sid didn't have a goal, he did have an assist. After the game, Sid did a bunch of interviews and was the last one to leave the locker room. You were finishing up a few things in your office when he stood in the doorway. "I thought you'd still be here."
 "Oh, really, and what made you think that?"
 "Because you take this job as seriously as I do." Well, maybe not quite that much. "Come on, I'll walk you to your car." You gathered up a few folders you needed to take home and your coat and headed out the door with Sid. The hallways were somewhat bare, as most of the players had already left. The garage was eerily quiet and you were glad Sid was with you. He walked you down to your car which was parked a lot further away than his, but then he was the star of the team.
 "Nice game tonight." You told him when you finally got to the vehicle.
 "Thanks, I could've been a little better, but at least we got the win." He rubbed the back of his neck and you couldn't tell if it was just sore from a hit that had happened in the second or if he was stalling for more time with you.
 "Your neck ok? I saw that hit. It was kind of jarring."
 "What? Oh…uh ya. It's a little sore." He brought his arm down then and put his hands in his pockets.
 "Can I?" You'd been told you were pretty good at giving massages and you really just wanted to help him out. He turned around then. Thank god you were wearing your heels. You were still a couple inches shorter than Sid, but it made massaging his neck a little easier. You slid your fingers into the chords of his neck muscles and could feel the tension there. "Damn Sid, didn't you have Chris look at this before you left?"
 He sighed as you hit a particular spot and the knot worked out. "I was too busy with interviews." You circled your thumbs down at the base and felt some of the tension leave him. His shoulders could use some work, but it was a little hard to get to them through this suit.
 "Well make sure you get to the rink early tomorrow, so he can squeeze you in before practice."
 He twisted around; your hand falling away as he turned. "If he can't, I'll just come over to your office." He said with a wink. You were starting to wonder how bad his neck actually hurt. Shaking your head, you opened your car door to leave.
 "Thanks for walking me to the car. Now go get some rest."
 "Trying to get me into bed, eh? And we haven't even had our first date." That damn crooked smile of his came out and you wanted nothing more than to kiss him until the sun came up.
 Instead, you told him, "Oh you'll know when I'm trying to get you into bed." For added effect, you went up on your toes and whispered into his ear. "And you may not want to leave once I have you there." You pulled back to a see his jaw go slack. "Goodnight Sidney." With that, you ducked into the car and headed home.
 The next two days were a whirlwind. You were getting everything ready for the game the next night while trying to prep everything for the away trip as well. Coach Sullivan had decided that it would be easier to just fly out to San Jose right after game two; so you also needed to pack as well. Suitcase packed, you threw it in the car and headed to the arena. The Pens fans came out in full support of their team, covering the seats in a sea of gold, towels waving nonstop. The guys played their hearts out and ended up coming away with a win in overtime. Everyone was exhausted as you headed on the plane, and while you normally sat with Beau; you decided to head to the back and get some sleep.
 Horny had the very last seat behind you and was fast asleep before the plane even took off. Your nerves still got the best of you during takeoff, so you waited until the captain stated it was ok to turn on your devices before grabbing your travel blanket and pillow and curling up in the seat. You were just about to close your eyes when you heard. "Is this seat taken?"
 You looked up to see Sid, already sitting down beside you. "No, but then I think you knew that." Sid just simply shrugged. "Why aren't you sitting up there with Flower?"
 "He's sleeping." Funny, you'd plan on doing the same until a moment ago. "And he's not near as pretty to look at when he's asleep as you are."
 "Shhh." You chided him as you looked to see who was seated in front of you. Thankfully it was just Dana Heinze and he was out like a light.
 He leaned over then and whispered in your ear. "Why can't I say how pretty you are when you sleep? I love how your lashes lay against your cheek and you have the cutest little…"
 "Sid," you said, a blush staining your cheeks. "You shouldn't be saying those things. Especially here." That crooked smirk came out again, and you just shook your head at him as he muttered fine. "Now is there something you need help with, or are you just tormenting me since everyone else is sleeping."
 "Well, I wouldn't call it tormenting?" You giggled softly, you wouldn't necessarily call it that either, but you liked making him flustered. "Can you massage my neck again? We didn't really have time after the game." You looked across the aisle and saw a couple of the trainers chatting, and knew he could've asked one of them, but who were you to argue.
 "Turn sideways." He had shed his jacket once you were on the plane, so it was a bit easier to rub his shoulders this time. His neck did feel tight, but not as bad as the other night, so you were pretty sure this was just his way of flirting with you. He slowly relaxed under your hands as you massaged him for a good ten to fifteen minutes. "Better?"
 "Mmm," he hummed out, turning so he could recline in the seat beside you.
 "Anything else you need?"
 "Some of your blanket. It's freezing back here." It was always cold on the plane, so you learned early to bring a small throw.
 "Don't you have a seat, that's missing you? Like I'm pretty sure I heard that you always sit in that seat for luck." It was just another one of his superstitions, but you actually thought they were kind of cute.
 "I did sit in it, and now I'm sitting the rest of the way with you. Now fork over some blanket, so we can get some sleep." You just shook your head at him and spread the blanket between the two. "If you come over this way, we'd both have more." You scooted to his side instead of leaning against the window.
 "There, now go to sleep." You shut your eyes when you felt his knuckles brush across the back of your hand. His fingers lightly caressed your skin, before lacing his hand with yours. It was so incredibly sweet, yet you found yourself asking. "This doesn't seem like business as usual?" referring to the fact that he was not supposed to be pursuing you until after the playoffs were over.
 "Maybe it's going to be from now on. Now be quiet so I can go to sleep." He shut his eyes, but a huge grin was spread across his face. You closed yours as well and tried not to think about the man next to you. You weren't doing anything but holding his hand under a blanket, yet it felt so intimate, and you hoped no one would notice. It took a few minutes before the motion of the plane lulled you to slumber.
 When you woke up, your head was resting on Sidney's shoulder and his was leaning down on yours. You could only imagine the picture that the two of you painted. The plane was still quiet, as it seemed most people were still asleep. His hand was still interlaced into yours and you took a moment to just breathe in his scent and cherish this moment. You knew you couldn't stay like that for fear of someone seeing the two of you. The small pillow you brought was on the other side of you, and you grabbed it to prop Sid's head on as you carefully extracted yourself. Luckily, he slept on.
 A quick check of your phone showed you were only about thirty minutes from landing, so you expected everyone to be waking up soon. You tried to unlace your fingers from Sid's but even in sleep, he wasn't having it. As much as you were trying to keep it business, you couldn't help but smile sitting there holding his hand. You took a moment to just look at him as he slept, even though it was dark and hard to make out some of his features. He looked so peaceful and so carefree in sleep, and you wondered if he ever let go this much when he was awake.
 You weren't sure how long you sat there gazing at Sid, thinking about what it would be like to wake up in his arms again, but all too soon the captain came on and told everyone to fasten their seatbelts as you would be landing shortly. Most of the guys woke up, but Sid just slept on. Gently, you rubbed his bicep, the one that was still holding your hand. "Sid, time to wake up."
 His head tilted over to you, and he whispered low. "Mmm, I know. Just wanted to see if you'd kiss me awake." You shoved his shoulder then.
 "How's that instead?" He just chuckled at you, and you had a feeling he'd been awake a lot longer than he was letting on. "You can go back to your seat anytime now." You teased.
 "Nope. You're stuck with me until we land."
 "Fine, but I'm stealing my blanket back."
 Sid stopped you. "You might not want to do that, as I don't plan on letting go until we land." He squeezed your locked hands.
 "Seriously, what am I going to do with you?"
 "I have a few ideas," he muttered raising his eyebrows suggestively at you, to which you just rolled your eyes. Thankfully, the stewardess came by checking your seatbelts and effectively changing the subject.
 The two of you made small talk the remainder for the flight. Sid did finally let your hand go before heading off the plane.
 The next couple of days were filled with practices and watching films. There was really wasn't any time that you got to spend with (Y/N) alone or even semi-alone for that matter. While the team was off watching endless hours of tapes, she would head over to the hotel where all the families were staying and make sure everyone there was fine. The only reason you knew this was because of your mom. She mentioned that she ran into (Y/N) in the lobby and how she was checking on everyone.
 Your mom also mentioned how (Y/N) had done gift baskets for everyone and how that someone should snatch that girl up. Of course, she was insinuating that someone should be you, to which you simply told her you were trying. That comment led to a whole conversation about what you should be doing to win her over. You took in all her advice but thought you were pretty much on the right track at the moment. You just needed to win the cup and then (Y/N)'s heart. The fact that you lost game three, didn't help your endeavor in either case.
 The following day, coach had you all train at the beach again. Which of course, (Y/N) had made all the arrangements for. It was again the pick me up the team needed and helped you to a game four win. As you headed back to Pittsburgh, you knew everyone had one thing on their mind and that was to win and to do it at home. Tensions were high, the entire flight home and all into game five. You felt the pressure pouring down on you, from everywhere; the team, the fans, the city, even your family, everyone but (Y/N). You'd pass her in the hall and she would always send you a reassuring smile. One time you waited to walk her to her car like you did before. She held your hand the entire time and refused to talk about hockey, trying to take your mind off of everything. Unfortunately, it didn't help and the team lost its chances of winning at home in game 5.
 As you headed back to San Jose, (Y/N) took the seat way in the back again. She must have sensed you needed some time with her. It was a morning flight, so you couldn't really cuddle up with her as you had previously. "Are you doing ok?" She asked.
 "Yeah," you breathed out. "It's a lot but I know we're going to get it this time."
 She smiled over at you, totally agreeing with your statement. "You will." She stated simply. "So, let's focus on something else. I think you have enough hockey on your mind for three seasons at the moment."
 "True. How about we talk about where you want to go on our date?"
 While she shook her head at you, a becoming blush started to creep onto her cheeks. "Sid, we're not supposed to be talking about that until after this is all over."
 "I thought you were going to take my mind off of hockey?" It was a cheap tactic, but one you used to your advantage.
 She side-eyed you before giving her reply. "Point taken. Where would you like to go?"
 "Well, I have a few thoughts." You said with a suggestive raise of your brow.
 "Sid," she whisper yelled at you.
 "What? I was thinking of that cute little restaurant on Mount Washington and then maybe ice cream afterward." You didn't point out that you wanted to lick the ice cream off of her body.
 "Yeah, sure you did." The rest of the way you talked about anything and everything, well except hockey. By the time the plane landed, you were feeling good about the game and your upcoming date. Which hopefully would be taking place soon.
 Game six was intense. Halfway into the first Dumo put you on the board, and you could almost taste the champagne coming out of the cup. The Sharks rallied though in the second as Couture, put one in the back of the net. Not a minute later, you got the puck on a pass from Shears. You weighed your options as you dangled the puck back and forth, finally flipping it over to Tanger who slapped into the net for you guys to take the lead. The rush was amazing, and you couldn't help but wonder if (Y/N) saw that; knowing, of course, she probably did.
 Minutes ticked by and it seemed like the slowest third period you'd ever played in your life, but with every passing one, it put your closer to winning. Finally, you were down to a little over a minute in the third, you were able to steal the puck away from the Sharks and pass it on to Horny who threw it into the empty net, sealing your fate as the new Stanley Cup Champs. The bench erupted and it took everything in Coach Sullivan's power to settle everyone down for the few seconds. You stayed out on the ice and when the buzzer sounded gloves and sticks were thrown in the air. The crowd was somber, nothing like if you'd had been in Pittsburgh, but it didn't matter. Everyone piled on top of each other to celebrate and as you emerged from the pile your eyes scanned the bench looking for (Y/N), yet she wasn't there.
 Handshakes commenced; a tradition long upheld at the end of a playoff series. It was only after, as you still celebrated with your teammates that you saw her, standing in the back, waiting with some of the other staff members to watch you receive the Stanley Cup. Her smile was brighter than the sun and while you knew you had a perma-grin plastered on, yours grew wider just looking at her. You were awarded the Conn-Smythe trophy and you were able to hear her say congratulations when you skated it back for someone to take back to the locker room for you. It wasn't enough, but it would have to do for now.
 The Stanley Cup presentation took place next, and you raised it above your head, cheering and skating around the ice. You passed the trophy off and quickly had microphones shoved in your face, giving a few quick interviews as it was passed from player to player. Finally, it was time for the team photo and you saw Mario drag her out on the ice. You knew she didn't feel as though she should be there, but you were glad she was. As soon as the was over, everyone's families crowd out to congratulate them. Your parents and sister were right there in the front and after a few pictures with the cup and them, you skated around joining in the celebration. Over to your left, Anna had her legs wrapped around Geno, the two sharing a passionate kiss, and to your right, you saw Vero and Flower doing the same. It was then you realized how incomplete the cup win actually was. Oh, you were still thrilled that you'd won your second championship; it just finally hit you that it would've been so much better to celebrate it with (Y/N). You wanted her legs wrapped around you, kissing you senseless, and pictures with just the two of you and the cup. You vowed right then and there that you'd win another one, just so that you could have a moment like that with her.
 You spotted her then. She was standing off to the side with Tanger's son Alex, crouched down low talking to him about everything that was going on. You skated over to him, lowering yourself to his level as well. "Hey bud, are you excited?"
 He shook his little head. "Uncle Sid, Nous avons gagne la coupe!"
 "Yes we did, win the cup, Alex."
 "He was teaching me how to say it in French, weren't you Alex?"
 "Oui." You scooped him up in your arms then, for even as excited as he was, you could see that the late-night was taking a toll on him.
 "I was just watching him for a minute, while Kris and Catherine had an interview or something." Alex rested his little hard on your shoulder and (Y/N) moved closer to the two of you to brush his hair out of his face. "Are you sleepy buddy?" He reached out his hand for (Y/N) to take him.
 "What, Uncle Sid is no good now or what?" You teased the toddler.
 "She sings better than you, Uncle Sid."
 You handed the boy over, and he wiggled around in (Y/N)'s arms trying to get comfortable. The problem was you were all still on the ice, only (Y/N) was still in heels. You reached around to support her more until Alex finally determine what obviously was the place he wanted to rest his little head, her breasts.
 Things winded down on the ice and everyone moved back to the locker room. You waited until almost everyone was back there, then brought the cup in. Everyone was cheering, champagne was flowing everywhere, in the air, in the cup; it was complete chaos in the best sense. You were soaked head to toe in some form of alcohol. After pouring several bottles into Lord Stanley's Cup, you took a drink then held it up for your teammates, coaches, and staff. Eventually, Tanger and Flower coax (Y/N) over to partake as well. You tried to pour as little as possible but of course, it ended up all over her just like it was everyone else. She was just as soaked as everyone else.
 The team partied in the locker room for a couple hours, then headed back to the hotel. As the captain, you were entitled to keep the cup for the night, so you carried it into your room and set down next to all the things (Y/N) had put in your room for this trip. You still really hadn't gotten to celebrate with just her, you'd only had that brief moment with her and Alex. Pulling out your phone, you shot her a quick text. If you have a sec, can you come down here? You didn't have to tell her where for you knew she'd assigned the rooms and would know where you were staying. Be down in a minute. She sent back.
 About five minutes later there was a knock on your door. "Everything ok?"
 You opened the door for her to come in, then shut it behind her. Her hair was slightly damp, probably after the shower she'd just taken to get the alcohol off, and she had an oversized Pens Championship t-shirt, the same as you, and a pair of leggings on. She looked adorable and sexy at the same time, a combination that wreaked havoc on your senses. "Yeah, why wouldn't it be?"
 "When you text me, I thought something happened with the cup and you needed me to find fairies with little metal hammers to take the dents out."
 That caused both of you to laugh. "Fairies, really (Y/N)?"
 She simply lifted her shoulder in a shrug. "With a trophy this old, you never know. Anyway, what did you need?"
 "Oh, well I just realized something."
 When you paused a second, she asked. "What's that?"
 "Just that I haven't got to celebrate the win with you at all tonight." A sweet little smile graced her face.
 "We celebrated in the locker room." She countered.
 "Yeah, that wasn't what I meant." You took a step closer to her, now only inches separating the two of you. "There's been something I've wanted to do all night."
 "And what's that?"
 "This," you stated as you closed the gap between you, capturing her chin between your thumb and index finger, before closing your lips over hers. She was taken back for only a second, and then her hands slid up around your neck and she pressed her body to yours. You took possession of her mouth then, your tongue sweeping in and swirling with hers. Kissing (Y/N) was everything you had dreamed; your only regret was that you hadn't done it sooner. She was soft and pliant under your hands, as you skated them down her back. Her mouth molded to yours, as she returned the kiss.
 When you finally broke apart, you were both breathing heavily. You rested your forehead on hers, cherishing the moment for a minute longer. "That was…" she sighed out, eyes still closed.
 "Perfect," you told her and hoped she felt the same way.
 "So…I was thinking?" You pulled back to look at her.
 "Then we must not have been doing it right." A light laugh escaped your lips.
 "I was thinking of this before we did that." She raised her eyebrows at you. "Stay with me tonight?"
 "Uh…um…" she sputtered out.
 "Hear me out, before you answer." You quickly continued before she could protest. "Tonight has been perfect; everything about it. There's only one thing that could make it better and that's spending it with you in my arms." You felt her sigh before you actually heard it, and you weren't sure if it was one of acquiescence or rejection. "I just want to hold you, like I did that night at my house. Nothing more…not yet at least." She blushed then and you may have as well.
 "But Sid, what if someone sees us?"
 "No one will care (Y/N). Besides, they'll eventually find out, once I officially get to take you on a date."
 She closed her eyes again, shielding you from her thoughts. Your hand rubbed circles on her hip, coaxing her to say yes. "Ok," she softly whispered.
 Her agreement was like winning the Stanley Cup all over again, and you dropped a swift peck to her lips. "By the way, this looks good on you." You tugged at her shirt pulling her towards the bed before she changed her mind.
 "It's a bit big."
 "I have some pants that would go with it." You told her referring to the ones she wore when she was at your house.
 "Oh my god, I still have them." Her face turned a delicious shade of red.
 "Keep them. I have a feeling I might need them for when I stay over at your place."
 "You seem pretty confident, about that happening, Mr. Crosby." She playfully swatted at your chest, before spinning around to turn down the bed, shimming out of her leggings before climbing in.
 "I'd say hopefully optimistic."  She crawled into the bed, scooting over to the other side, while you shucked off your identical t-shirt and shed your sweats so that you were only clad in a pair of boxers. You were under the covers before she even knew you had discarded the clothing.
 "Hmm, maybe I should sleep on top of the covers." You gave her a questioning look. "Can't have you getting overconfident." All you could do was shake your head and pull her close; her head resting on your chest, just as it had days ago. She still fit perfectly in your arms, and you took a moment to appreciate everything you had at that moment. "This is nice, just you, me, and that big silver trophy. You played a hell of a game Sid."
 "Thanks, but it wasn't just me."
 She propped her chin up on her hand to look at you. "There are no cameras at the moment, take the compliment."
 "Only if it comes with a kiss." She leaned over then, her lips hovering above yours for the briefest moment before they gently caressed yours. She sucked on your bottom lip, before sweeping her tongue in and stealing your breath away. You moved your bodies so that you were both laying on your sides, as your hands roamed over her hips and back. You deepened the kiss even more, and she moaned into your mouth, the sound causing your cock to stiffen. It would be so easy to just slide her onto her back, coax her out of her shirt and make love to her. However, you'd all but promised her you wouldn't go that far; so you found yourself pulling away from the kiss earlier than either of you liked. You rolled onto your back, pulling her so that half her body was on top of you. "We should sleep before this goes any further."
 She planted a kiss on your chest and you returned it with one to the top of her head. It wasn't long before both of you were fast asleep. Sunlight stole through the curtains causing you to wake up. (Y/N) still lay sleeping on your chest. It was around eight in the morning and you knew everyone would be getting up soon and meeting for breakfast, before heading back to Pittsburgh. You hated that you had to wake her, yet it couldn't be helped. "(Y/N)," you whispered lightly shaking her, then rubbing your hands across her back. "Baby, it's time to get up."
 She moaned slightly, still in a sleep fog. "Mmm, did you just call me baby?"
 "Um…maybe?" You hadn't realized you'd let the term of endearment fall from your lips. "Is that ok?"
 "Mmm…" Every time the light hum slipped out of her lips it elicited wicked thoughts from you. "Yeah…I kind of like it."
 You kissed her nose then. "Good, because I have a feeling, I'm going to use it more often." Your lips dropped down to hers then, stealing a kiss.
 She pulled back too quickly for your liking. "I should go."
 "I can't wait until you don't have to." She giggled then, before squirming out of your arms and out of bed. "I'll meet you down at breakfast then?"
 "Yeah, I'll be down as soon as I pack." She tossed her leggings back on, before throwing her hair in some type of messy bun. You got up and reached for her, pressing her close to you.
 "Let me make sure no one is in the hall first." You didn't release her though, instead, you kissed her again, letting your mouth worship hers one last time before having to pretend there was nothing going on between you. "You know next season; you're going to have to make our rooms next to each other."
 "Oh really?"
 "Mmmhmm, better yet they should be adjoining. I'll be sure to put it on my paper so you remember." She just laughed and shook her head at you. "Wait, I have an even better idea." She pulled back, to get a better look at your face. "We can just share a room; it would save the team money."
 "You'd be sick of me."
 "Never," you answered before kissing her again.
 "I better go." You released her, before opening the door to check and see if anyone was in the hall.
 "All clear. I'll see you in a bit." She went to leave, and you pulled her back one last time for a quick kiss before she headed down the hall and back to her room. The last twenty-four hour had been the best of your life and you had a feeling they were only going to get better from here on out.
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frogsandfries · 3 years
Today sure was a helluva day
Today marks the ending of my training for this job, for this season. I really was quite certain it was still too soon for me to be taking calls, but for the most part, I'm pretty well ready to rumble. I guess it's fine that the place I went to interview hasn't called me back, and really, my only stumbling blocks are unique situations we never went over in training. I have no problem trying to funnel a call the direction my management wants me to go, and I have no problem being flexible with calls that aren't going to go that direction.
I did bumble one a little bit today, I got a call from someone requesting a specific thing by name and I just willingly assumed they knew what they wanted, even though it was a poor for and I knew it. I'm going to work really hard so that doesn't happen again.
We had pizza, and I worked some more on this produce bag. So far, it's one row of regular chain stitch, then one row of single stitch, one row of treble stitches into each stitch from above, a row of single stitch, and then a row of five chain to five stitches alienating with three stitches. Between the end of class and rushing out the door to the vet appointment, I started, frogged, restarted, and re-restarted a round of alternating treble and chain stitches, creating this open kind of grid, and I even started another round of single stitch.
Using plarn that was cut into rather thin strips (about a quarter to half an inch thick), three hundred base stitches is a length that could probably encompass a cabbage, for example, or several potatoes.
At the vet, the nice tech who helped us checked out our boy. He didn't like having his temp taken, but didn't seem to mind getting weighed. He was also keenly interested in all the shelves he could possible mount. We put him away and brought out our girl. I held her and she permitted the thermometer in her ear and was even well-behaved when I put her on the scale for the tech. I left her out, since the backpack is a softer container than the plastic carrier. She got tons of scritchies while we waited for the vet.
She didn't seem to like that the vet was dressed in blue scrubs, but permitted the inspection. When the vet grabbed the syringes though, she friggin hissed! No fucking way was the vet getting near her with that shit!!! I'll probably ponder over what the hell happened there for a few days. While the vet and the tech puzzled out how to vaccinate her, she fled, so we moved on to our boy.
He was eeeaaaaasssyyyy. He was the center of the attention of not one but three ladies, getting all the pets and yummy treats. Did he get jabbed? Twice? Who knows! Not really sure when he got put back in his carrier, because then the vet was trying to get me to hold our girl who was NOT HAVING IT. So she got the towel and that was a good time for me to stand down. I know what you get for trying to restrain the Keen Queen. They got her jabbed up real quick, she went and his under the bench till her tormentors left. I talked her out real sweet with some treats--they got like, six months worth of yummies, you guys. Spoiled!
So now they're good for the next three years, in case we ever need to board them or anything.
I find it hard to focus on main projects during kind of transition periods, like moving from training to taking calls, which is where it's nice to have something else to break out--like this diamond painting, which honestly, I would like to just finish....
When we got home, I went into the office to work on my poster. I got a good amount done, but I'm just utterly, deeply exhausted. I think I'll at least work on it for some of tomorrow.
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January 3rd or One's Beginning is another's end (Daughters of Darkness)
This passage contains potentially: Explicit Language, Depictions of Violence (including mentions of blood), Smoking, Slang and maybe some bad translations.
Summary: An introduction to the world of the Daughters of Darkness, through the eyes of series protagonist Kirby 'Gluttony' Lucifarian. The first day and night, from her perspective, of them working for the WWF.
Kirby's POV:
Tuesday. The first day of being 'on the job', Tuesday the third of January 1984. Damien got us into the WWF. … Damien, managed to get us into the quickest rising wrestling promotion, popularity wise. To be honest with you, Damien's given us free reign to get to know people, for now. I don't know anyone here. I've heard of people here, such as the most famous giant in the world, and … Hogan.
I'm not here because I earned it, I'm here because I'm a necessity for the team. That's how I view it. That's how I've always viewed it. Vickie needed someone to make fun of and, well, I'm the easiest choice. Then, in the midst of a darker path of thought becoming clearer in my mind...
Both me and the figure I waltzed into thudded to the floor, "Oh, my good lord. I'm so sorry are you o..."
I looked at the figure before me, taking in how much trouble I had created in the last three seconds.
Taller than myself.
Head covered by a wild afro.
Around double my weight.
André the giant.
Flat on his arse … because of me.
Oh … Shit.
"Are you alright, Mademoiselle…"
I could tell he was searching for a name but didn't know it. Too frightened to even speak I glanced away. I noticed his shadow move.
His footsteps came closer, he sounded … worried, as if he didn't want me to get fired for this.
He picked me up, not off the ground, but so I could stand. I whispered out a small 'thank you', or rather 'merci'. His hands still on my shoulders, he smiled sweetly and nodded, as if to beckon forth more words from me.
"I'm Kirby, or rather, Gluttony. I'm new around here."
André grinned, putting his arm around my shoulder, pulling me closer before stopping upon seeing how much taller than every other woman in the company I am.
"Are you, uh …" he searched for the words
"A giant, yes, technically a giantess."
I feel I should summarise the next hour or so, but, André took me on a tour of the backstage area and we talked, about everything. Within an hour I had gained a new friend, a genuine friend, someone who didn't care about my height or looks. I know the only reason he didn't care is because he knows what it's like to be stared at just because you aren't 'normal'.
By the time André's tour had ended it was time for Vickie and Damien's interview with Mean Gene, which I was to attend. I said a goodbye to André and rushed off to perform my usual role.
The Enforcer, or rather, the intimidation device, that's my role in this group, to scare people, that's all I do. Before joining the group I was part of another group back in England, The Celtic Warriors, I was part of a championship winning tag team. Now what am I, a damned intimidation device, a human scare tactic.
The Interview:
Gene's first question for us, actually, Damien and Vickie (whilst I stood behind them and looked 'menacing'), was 'How are you doing so far?'
Damien began, "You know something, Gene, my girls have yet to have a match, but we are doing absolutely fine. In shape, ready to rock, ready to roll. Gene, every one of the Daughters of Darkness are doing fine."
Vickie followed suit, "Just look at us," She gestured to me and then herself, "Don't we look marvellous, Gene."
Gene smirked, "You could say that again, miss?"
"Pride, though you can call me Vickie."
Damien glared at the smaller man, almost as if he was daring him to try and flirt with her.
Gene readjusted and focused in on the prospect of new women in the WWF and the possibility of more matches. "Uh hum, yes, now how soon do you girls think you'll be seeing a match on the cards?"
"Soon, Gene, Soon." Vickie stated, ending the interview by walking off.
The first night after 'work' was surprisingly normal, Damien and Vickie went off in their rental car, taking Holly and Eli with them whilst the rest of us stood around backstage for a while.
Billie brought a pack of cigarettes and a lighter out of her purse, lighting one up and walking over to me, sitting down on a box placed near by and blowing the smoke away from me she spoke up.
"What's up with you, Tall-ass."
"Dangerous pastime hermana."
"I know, hermana"
"You collect phrases, don' cha?"
"They may come in handy, Billie, one day."
"You going to the gym tomorrow?"
"Of course. Gotta train. Gotta … gotta settle in somehow, right?"
"Right, mi hermana, I'll see you around, alright?"
"See ya, Billie."
She waved back at me as she walked away.
Billie was the only person who knew that I 'collected' those little phrases that seem like nothing until spoken. Language isn't my strongest aspect, more often than not I'm silent and I try to avoid other peo-
"Hey! watch where you're walking man!" I yelped out, shocked back into the present moment. Instantly regret flooded my mind as I realised who had barged past me to get out of the building.
Big John Studd.
One of the most disrespectful 'giants' in the world of wrestling. famous for being the one man who pisses André off more than anyone else, including the Iron Sheik.
He sneered back a quick, "Who gives a fuck." and continued to stroll away.
That … that fuckwit. Who does he think he is. I felt a gentle hand place itself on my shoulder. I turned, expecting to see Eli or P.G, I was face to, well, chin with André.
"Forget about him," He started, with that same sweet, friendly smile from earlier, "Damien said you may need a ride back to the hotel. I don't recommend you walk back now, too dark out for a young lady such as yourself."
The way his R sounds turned into faint W's and he missed off or faintly implied H's was calming. Almost in the same way that hearing a parents voice would calm a child after a nightmare.
"Oh, uh, it's okay André, I was going to get a taxi."
He nodded in response, somehow both downhearted and curious, as if he knew that I was either lying to him or if I did get a taxi, the immense pain my back would be in the following day. André sauntered off, leaving me, once again by myself.
I don't mind being alone, in fact most of my life I have been alone, always the outcast, it was only when I got into wrestling that it started to change.
I picked up my bag and started walking, buttoning up my shirt up to the top of my chest, my near-neon orange shirt covering down to my mid-forearm, hiding any noticeable tattoos, except the one on my wrist, when I turned eighteen, I got a small, runic 'R' on my right wrist, in remembrance of my uncle Rory, the tallest of my dad's brothers.
It took about an hour to get to the hotel, an hour of walking through a city I'm not familiar with, when I eventually got to the hotel I went straight to my room and locked myself in. All alone, I could practice or train if I wanted, so I did.
I took off my black shirt, shoes and belt and I stood in the middle of the hotel room and practiced punching, then I switched to doing my warmups and working out, push-ups, planks, squats. By the time I finished it must've been around midnight, maybe one or two am. I got some sleep, waking up at six, getting changed into some fresh workout gear and headed straight to the gym.
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You meet all sorts of characters at a gym, or so I've been told. Back in England I would go to my parents house and use our home-made gym to work out. Not an option that I have anymore, however, the moment I got into the gym, I felt like I was in a whole new world, as if I was just getting into the business all over again. I scanned for any faces that I knew, Mr Fuji, Tonga Kid, Sgt Slaughter, Don Muraco, Lou Albano, Iron Sheik, Freddie Blassie, Tito Santana, Jimmy Snuka, Bob Backlund, Gene and Pat, David Schultz, and … who is that?
I walked over to David and this mystery guy, nodding at David and heading to the heavy bag next to them.
"Mornin' Gluttony, André's been talkin' about ya."
"Oh really, Mr Schultz?" I tried to keep my breath noises to a minimum as I continued to hit the bag.
The mystery guy snickered, quickly shutting up after Schultz glared at him.
"C'mon girl, you know you can call me David. An' yeah," He stopped punching and instead leaned on the heavy bag in front of him, forcing the other guy to hold it still "Giant's been talking about him havin' a new friend and how much he likes ya."
"He's a good man, it's good to have friends in new places. Who's your pal, David?"
He smiled and slung his arm around the shorter man, "This here, this is Roddy Piper. He's like you."
I tilted my head slightly to try and make him explain further.
"You are Scottish, right?"
"I'm a quarter Scottish. Anyway, Piper, Do you speak Gaelic?"
"Uh, no, I can play the bagpipes however." his eyes lit up slightly, a sort of mad fire behind a haze of brown or maybe dark blue.
"Well, I'll see you around I guess, I've gotta warm up for later though."
I tried to block the two men out and focus on my own workout but Piper seemed to stick around a lot longer than David. He was still there when my workout ended.
"What do you want?"
"You're a quarter Scottish, you're also a giant. How do you fight? Show me." He seemed to get more energetic the more he talked.
"Right now?"
He nodded, "Right now, c'mon."
He led me to a ring that some other wrestlers were using to brush up their skills.
From the looks of the ring, it was actually used for boxing.
Roddy entered the ring the same way as most six-foot-two guys did, through the top and middle ropes. I tested the ropes, and seeing that they had just enough slack, used them to jump over the top rope.
"I've never seen a girl do that before."
"Mistake number one, I'm a woman, not a girl. Mistake number two, you expected a giant to be normal."
He scoffed out a laugh and got ready to lock up.
We locked up and Piper hit me with a knee to the stomach.
I got him back with an Irish whip into the corner, accidentally winding him by being too stiff.
"You're gonna pay for that, lass." He snarled out, already getting pissed off.
I sized him up, trying to see how high I would have to get myself in order to dropkick him to the mat.
Piper tried to hit me with a running high knee strike but I countered with a dropkick, taking us both down to the mat and slamming my face into the mat.
The mat was a lot harder than I was used to, it felt like I had rammed my head straight into a cinderblock, I started breathing heavier than before.
I rolled over and put my arms up, making an 'X' with my forearms. Piper stopped and walked over.
"You alright?"
I shook my head.
He knelt down and pulled me up into a sitting position.
I hesitated, knowing I had to take my mask off to see what was wrong but truly not wanting to. Piper managed to unbuckle the straps of my mask and winced as he saw what was underneath. My mind went slightly mad not knowing if he was wincing at the injury I had caused myself or the fact that, compared to the rest of the D.O.D, I'm truly the worst looking, beauty-wise, that is.
Hitting my mouth so hard on the canvas of the mat below us, I had managed to hit my mask in a way that the bottom edge, which curved under my chin, cut into my flesh and made me bleed.
I put my hand up to the cut and Piper quickly held my arm by the wrist and shook his head, "Don't you dare."
By the time I received medical aid, which consisted of cleaning the cut and putting a band-aid on it, Piper had given me back my mask and asked if he could work out with me sometime. Knowing that he was currently on a different show, I said sure and we had split ways.
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Spidey Senses (pt. 6)
Peter Parker x reader
Summary: Having to keep up a lie is hard for Peter when you're trying to help him.
Word Count: 3366
Chapter 1 • Chapter 5
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"What do you mean finally?! This is bad. Really, really bad Ned. I shouldn't be thinking about her like that!"
"Dude, it's your feelings. You're gonna feel whatever way you do. You can't control that stuff."
"But this could ruin our friendship. I don't want that." Peter whined over the phone as he put his hand over his eyes, laying on his bed.
"Or~ maybe this could all work and you could score a girlfriend." Ned suggested, amusement laced in his voice. "I mean, I didn't want to be the first one to say this, but..."
"Let's just put it this way. She's always had a cute heart. Over time, her heart got cuter and went straight to making her face kinda hot."
"Ned." Peter frustratedly said.
Ned gave him a goofy laugh. "You sound like your getting jealous or something."
Peter quickly sat up. "Do you think that'll happen?"
"Probably." He said nonchalantly. "All seriousness Peter, you should go for it. I always thought you two would be good together. There's just something there, trust me. And hey, you two could be the amazing spider couple. That'd be awesome."
"Spider couple." He smiled and laid back down. "You think people would make that, like, a ship name for us?"
"Dude, you could have a super girlfriend. How awesome does that sound?!"
Peter let out a chuckle. "That does sound pretty cool. Okay, thanks for the therapy session. Night Ned."
"No problem. Night." And with that Peter stayed up to think about you some more.
The next week at school went horribly. All Peter wanted to do was spend more time with you, but you kept pushing him towards Liz at gym class and in Mathletes. He felt so jealous whenever he saw you goofing off with Ned. You were a very touchy person, and every warm hug to Ned felt like Peter's arms were getting colder.
When Liz was finally busy, he went over to you and sat a little closer to you than usual. "Hey Peter." You greeted brightly. "Any progress?"
"On what?" He asked dumbly.
"Liz." You said quietly.
"Oh!" He voice cracked and cleared his throat. "Oh. Um, not really. I think I'm done for the day."
"Aw, Peter!" You rubbed his arm. "You shouldn't give up on stuff that's important to you."
He sighed, glancing at Ned's confused face. "Can't I just spend the rest of the day with you?"
You smiled and nodded, patting his cheek gently. Peter's phone buzzed and it was a text message from Ned.
Not Guy in the Chair: Why didn't you tell her how you feel?
He glanced at you working on your notes.
SM: I don't want things to be weird.
Not Guy in the Chair: The truth will set you free 🕊️🕊️
SM: Shhhh
You then took out left over brownies for Peter. He gladly took one as Flash came over, taking one out of the container as well. "Hey babe."
"Don't touch my stuff and never call me that." You closed your container and put it in your backpack. "What do you want Flash?"
"Just making sure you got a hot outfit for the party. Finally gonna show some skin?"
"I do have a costume. Peter was with me when I got it too. We had a lot of fun." Peter looked at you and smiled.
Flash then rolled his eyes. "Really? How could anyone ever have fun with Penis Parker?"
"Well we do." You tugged each boy at your side into a side hug. "Do you have a special trio that would do anything for you?"
He nervously scoffed. "I have more than two friends. Does every friend seem special to you when you're not popular?"
"If you called one of your friends in the middle of the night and told them to come over cause you're sad, would any of them do it?" He was silent as he looked down. "That's a special friend. Now goodbye."
"Good. Bye." You pressed, frowning.
"Dude," MJ interrupted. "Know when you've been beat. Walk away."
He then did so, stomping away. You smiled and looked over to MJ. "Why do we not talk to each other?"
"Cause you're a loser." She said, matter-of-factly.
Though Ned and Peter have her a confused frown, your smile only widened. "What are you?"
"Not anymore!" You exclaimed. The teacher then announced that the club session just ended. "We'll see you at lunch tomorrow then."
She stared at you for a moment. "...Okay, I guess. Bye." You could tell that she held back a smile as you excitedly waved at her before packing up.
You and Peter were walking home, when he asked about MJ. "I don't know." You said, shrugging. "I just feel like she's cool. My spidey senses can feel it."
"You say that about everything." He laughed.
"Because I'm always right about everything. It's a given." He chuckled again. "C'mon, don't you ever have intensified feelings about some things or people?"
He awkwardly smiled and nodded, looking away from you. "More than I should." He mumbled.
"I said I should hope so."
"Well then, see? I'm right again." You grinned.
"Did your spidey senses feel that too?"
"Yup." You both chuckled.
Over the next few days MJ began to directly hang out with you and the boys, and she said that she would be going to the party as well. "I don't believe in stereotyping geeks out of parties, which is why I'm supporting you guys tomorrow." She explained with an almost unnoticeable smile.
"So generous." You teased back, Ned and Peter smiling as well. "What'll you be going as?"
"Oh, I'll be going as part of the impartial generation of today." She gave a sly smile.
"Nice, nice." You nodded contently before Flash came up to your table again. "Holy crap man, are you sure you even have friends? Why do you keep bugging me?"
"Just wanted to see what the new member of the Penis Parker group was like." He then nodded to Mj, to which she didn't respond. He then rudely waved his hand over her face. "Hello?"
She backed her face up as you smacked his hand away. "Leave her alone."
"What? This is probably the most exciting thing to happen to her. It's not like you guys have interesting lives." You and Peter looked at each other. "I'm guessing that's a no?"
"Well Peter and y/n know Spiderman and Spidergirl!" Ned blurted out.
Flash then did a breathy, wheezing laugh. "Are you kidding me? How would they know them?"
"The Stark Internship!"
"Ned, stop talking." You mumbled. Ned nodded and put his head down. "We met them a few times, so we don't really know them or anything, and even if we did were aren't supposed to talk about it."
"Well Peter," he ignored you. "If you're actually cool then why don't you invite them the the party?"
"Cause we wouldn't want to waste their time by having them go to some fanboy's party." You argued, knowing Peter would choke up if he answered.
Flash shrugged it off. "That's what I thought." He said as he left.
The next day you were talking to Linda while in your costume with your mini backpack slung over your shoulder. She was telling you about the job interview she's getting and how she's saving up the money from Tony's watch to rent an apartment in the building you live it. "I'm so happy right now Linda! You could totally be one of those super nosey neighbors, and I would pretend to be okay with it!"
"That would be a dream come true." She said as you both turned your heads to see Peter coming, also dressed up. "Just a few years older, and I would totally go for that."
You sighed. "You're such a creeper Linda."
"And you should loosen up and be more of a creeper." You gave her a look, and she only shrugged. "Just saying. Press on and go for it."
"Hey guys." Peter greeted with a smile. "Everything okay?"
"Yup!" You hopped off the steps you were sitting on. "Let's go."
"Okay. Bye Linda." Peter politely waved.
"Don't acknowledge her Peter, it makes her weirder."
"Don't be jealous that I'm more fun." She called out, smiling.
Peter chuckled and tried to put his hands in his pockets, only for his hands to slip from there being none. He didn't know what to do with his free hand that wasn't carrying the shield. He probably looked so awkward in front of you right now. This was so nerve wracking.
"Peter calm down." You suddenly said, causing him to jump a little. "It's my first party too, but we got each other. And we know Ned's gonna be there to be a dork, and Mj will be there to remind us how stupid we look. It'll be great."
He nervously laughed, scratching his head. "Yeah, I guess." He then became nervous just thinking about what would happen if you discovered this crush, especially at the party with Flash. "Y/n, what do you see in men?"
The question was unexpected, and your face felt like it was in flames. "What would you ask that?"
"Just wondering. I don't think I've ever seen you flirt with someone." He mentally sighed at the save.
"Mm, I guess he has to be nice, for starters. I'd want him to make me laugh, and care about me. I don't know, that's really it."
"Really? Only that?"
"Nothing with looks, or..."
"Peter!" You lightly smacked his arm and giggled. "You know I don't care about that stuff."
"You care about your own looks." He said quietly.
"That's different though." You grinned and tugged on his wrist. "We're here. C'mon."
Ned was waiting on the steps, looking up at you two in major relief. "Guys, tell me you brought the suits."
You both nodded. "Our suits aren't party tricks." You said. "This feels way too wrong."
"Yeah, I'm with y/n. Those suits are worth way too much to use for something like this." Peter added.
"Only for a few minutes. This is our chance for Flash to stop messing with us." Ned whined.
You huffed. "Okay, but only if Flash is being extra annoying."
The three of you walked inside and saw Flash trying to be a DJ, playing some basic techno music. He saw the three of you, and brought out his mic. "Hey Penis Parker, where's your superhero friends? That's not Spiderman, that's Ned in a onesie."
People began laughing, and you pursed your lips. "I'll be right back."
You left and went behind a building, opening your backpack and quickly changing into your hero outfit. You took a deep breath, and was about to swing in when you got a call from Peter.
"Dude, tell me she's doing it." You could hear Ned say.
"I don't know, I'm gonna ask her. Y/n?"
"Yeah?" You laughed out.
"Did you really put it on?"
"Yeah. Are you gonna join me or do you just want me to do it?"
"This doesn't feel right."
"Peter doesn't know what he's saying." Ned called out in a child-like tone.
"Ned's being mean to me." Peter responded in the same tone.
You giggled. "Look guys, I don't feel great about it, but Flash needs to be knocked down a peg. It hurts to see him treat you guys like crap. This is just gonna be a one time thing, right?"
"Right." Peter confirmed.
Ned remained silent, but Peter nudged him. He huffed. "Right."
"Okay, I'll be down in a bit." You then ended the call.
"So, I've been meaning to ask," Ned said. "But why does y/n still think you like Liz? I thought you were gonna tell her yesterday."
"I didn't know how to tell her the truth! I panicked!"
"You're hopeless." Mj said as she walked up to the two boys. "What happened to y/n?"
"She went to go get Spidergirl." Ned nodded for way to long as he said this.
"Wait," She looked genuinely surprised. "So you guys, like, actually know the Spider heros?"
"What was that?" Flash asked over his mic. "Is Penis Parker actually going to bring Spiderman and Spidergirl here?"
"Actually, um, Spiderman couldn't make it." Peter said before clearing his throat awkwardly. "But Spidergirl said she'd make an appearance."
Flash obnoxiously laughes into the mic. "Can anybody believe this guy?"
You then swung in. "I do." You raised your hand playfully as everyone began cheering. "You guys were expecting me, right?"
Everyone cheered again. "Oh my God." Flash said in a high pitched manner.
You grabbed Ned by the shoulders. "It's Ned, right?" You asked over the music, loud enough for everyone to hear. "I've heard good things about you."
"All true." He showed his goofy smile.
You patted his cheek. "I bet!" You turned and walked over to Peter, giving him a big hug. He returned it, finding the hug oddly comforting considering everyone was staring. "Peter! It's been a bit, huh?"
He awkwardly chuckled. "Yeah. Thanks for coming."
"Of course! When I heard from SM that the Peter Parker finally had time for a party, I knew I had to come and see it for myself! Maybe my partner could join in next time, yeah?"
"We... Um..." He kept doing his little pant–laugh thing that he does when he doesn't know what to say. "Yeah."
You moved over to look at Mj. "You go by Mj, right?" She nodded. "Y/n tells me you're super opinionated and awesome."
She smiled and shrugged, tucking back some hair. "I just kinda say whatever comes to mind. I don't really think before I talk sometimes."
You tapped her chin. "I love it. Never change." You then clapped your hands. "Now! Where's Flash Thompson?"
Everyone pointed to Flash, who quickly turned down the music. You swung to him quickly and caused him to back up into a small table, awkwardly steadying it. "H... Hi."
"Hi Flash. I wanted to let you know that me and Spiderman keep tabs on our friends, to make sure they're okay. We're pretty protective, y'know?"
"Yeah, yeah. I totally get that." He kept awkwardly nodding.
You nodded and patted his cheek. "I knew you would, so I need you to keep an eye on Peter and Ned while me and SM can't. Can you do that for me?"
"Yes, yes I can. I could do anything for you."
"Thank you Flash." You patted his arm, to which he looked at his arm in amazement. "Amazing. Okay, I gotta go. But remember, I keep tabs on your school, so I'll be watching!"
You then walked around for a bit taking pictures and talked to some people. You suddenly felt goosebumps all over and excused yourself, flying out and looking around. You saw a small blue explosion in the distance and quickly texted Peter.
He came as soon as he could and you explained the situation. Unbeknownst to the two of you, Mj noticed Peter leave quickly after you did. She also noticed that you weren't in sight while Spidergirl was here.
"Okay, okay. I, I need to change!" He then quickly took off his shirt and started unbuckling his pants, looking up to you dumbly staring at him. "Uh..."
"Sorry!" You quickly turned around and look off your mini backpack, plopping it down next to yourself. It had Peter's suit folded inside. "That was partially not my fault. You gotta warn somebody before you start stripping next time."
"Next time?" He asked teasingly. "You say it like you want it to happen again."
Truth be told, neither of you knew where this new found confidence of Peter came from to tease you like that. It was almost like he was flirting. You liked it though; it was as if he was becoming more confident and mature with himself.
Your face was hot as you grinned at the ground. "Well, you gotta pay for whatever expensive college you're gonna get into somehow. And I'll come visit at the strip club to support my best friend."
He hugged you with one arm from behind. "So supportive. Maybe the reason I'm a stripper is to support the both of us."
You chuckled and rubbed his arm. "My hero."
He turned you around and handed you your backpack. "This is a cool backpack, by the way. I like the mini things of Thor."
"Thank you." You said, awkwardly taking the backpack. "Now let's go."
Neither of you could get some webbing to hold onto any tree in the area, so instead you both ran across a whole field, looking kind of comical. By the time you two got there this one man was showing another some high tech weapons. You were getting closer to listen in, and it sounded like the guy wasn't interested in what the others were trying to sell.
"Why you trying to upsell me man?"
The other two guys didn't like this, and were slowly getting angrier. You tried to get closer, but Peter's phone went off from Ned calling him. You both hid as Peter fumbled to end the call, and the two merchants assumed the buyer was setting them up because of the noice. In an instant there were two guns pointed at the buyer.
"Woah, woah!" You yelled as you and Peter came out, hands up. "C'mon guys, I promise he wasn't turning his back on you two. And I'm a good guy; good guys don't lie."
"Really, if you guys are gonna shoot at anybody, shoot at me." Peter said with seriousness. "I'm the real threat."
The two guys looked at each other and pointed their guns at the both of you. "Okay."
You both dodged their shots and flung their guns away with your webs. You tried to shoot at the wheels of the car but the man with an electric glove shot at you, causing you to fling back. You noticed that the buyer hesitated to go and help you, but decided not to and instead hopped in his car and drove away.
When you got up they were getting in the car so you and Peter shot a web to the door. The door broke off, but Peter shot another web to the car to have you two ride the door.
"Hey, I got a really stupid idea!" You yelled out as the guy in the back of the van was reaching for a gun.
"Go for it!" The van hit a sharp turn, and you took this as chance to let go of the door and leap to a tree, using your strength to push and dive head first into the van.
"Woah, I did it!" The shocker guy tried to punch you with his electric glove, but you dodged it. "Someone's bitter!"
You began to go on a defensive position and dodge his contact hits and fires in the narrow van, until Peter shot a web at him that pinned one of his hands to the side of the van. He used the other hand to shoot at Peter, blasting him into a backyard.
"I'm okay!" You heard him yell out from a distance.
You slammed the shocker guy to the ground and pinned his hands and feet to the ground. You stood and shot web to cover his mouth as well. "That was a pretty rude thing to do, but I guess two v one isn't fair. Then again, you're are a bad guy."
You remembered that you had your backpack on this whole time, and took it off to hug it.
"Mh. Once again, Thor backpack comes in clutch. Odinson, you can me do no wrong." You opened your backpack and put some small weapons in it, zipping it up and putting it back on. You looked outside before turning around to talk to the man pinned on the ground. "I wonder where Spiderman went. It's all good though, I'll stop the car—"
You were cut off by something grabbing you and yanking you back. You yelped as you were whipped into this huge lake. The water hit you painfully and you began to see spots, seeing a flash of a man with mechanical wings. You almost didn't feel something bring you up.
"Thanks ma..." You looked up and winced. What was carrying you was the Iron Man suit. "Uh oh."
"I have some words for you two."
Tag List:
@flawlessapollo6 @them-cute-boys @lunawndrlnd @the-greatt-perhaps @babebenhardy @sofisofi1602 @smilexcaptainx @herondalism @coni-martina @youvebeenlizzed @melanisticroyalty
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soldierallen · 4 years
Married. 13
Tagged @hiddlestonstansworld @lovely-geek @imcalledflorence @misz-adrii @escapistdreamer-wishfulthinker @someplxce @cuddlesforlashton @coffeebooksandfandomsohmy @weasley16 @ilovethewayyourheartbeats @vogueworthy-barnes @xeniarocks @thisismysecrethappyplace @racheo91 @gravedollie666 @inlovewith3 @supernaturaldean67 // if anyone wants to be untagged or tagged please leave a message ty♡ also I do not own any gifs or images of any kind.
Part 12:
Appearances; Alexandra Daddario, Chris Evans, Chase Crawford, Sebastian Stan.
Warnings: sexual themes, a bit smutty, fluff, blood? Idk if that’s a warning
Note: I’ lost the password to this account I lost my god damn mind and I gave up on my favorite story, the one that I’ve been wanting to tell this whole time the second to last chapter starts now❤️
Sebastian Stan x Reader
Christmas had passed so did new years, y/n's job was fantastic she was having the time of her life traveling across the country for interviews and really putting herself out there being a director for the paper it was amazing, oh wait you're wondering what happened to Alex and y/n?... oh right that part...
That night.
"I didn't mean to hit you in the face it was by mistake" Alex yelled, sebastian pulled y/n throughout the house to get her into the kitchen she slowly lifted herself up onto the counter whilst he looked at her nose blood gushing may I add droplets falling into the floor
"Alex what the fuck do you want?" Sebastian opened his freezer looking for something to ice her nose that was bleeding harshly, y/n's head tilted back slightly
"I wanted to talk to you, But she’s always here she’ll always take up your time that letter you wrote that wasn’t for me it was for her you lied to me... you never loved me it was all fake" she was crushed, both Sebastian and y/n rolled their eyes not believing her bullshit, but also y/n thought... what letter?
"how's this, how dare you think that it's okay to barge into someone's house uninvited and unwelcomed hit someone in the face with a door that LIVES here, oh should I also mentioned how you got her fired, broke her mentally and almost made me lose my relationship with her because of some "agreement" with money, Alex we talked about all of this and it never once came CLOSE to you apologzing to her, I never wanna see you again" he handed y/n a small bag of icey broccoli she laughed at the bag and put it on her nose extremely dizzy
"if that's what you want seb, i- I thought we meant more than that" she swallowed "I'll walk myself out", and with that she left
"That was first time I ever heard you defend me from her" her eyes got watery
“I’m sorry I never did, I’m never I never thought about your feelings or even thought about how you felt or what you was going through seeing you with Henry was enough for me to know that I wanted you she wasn’t the one who helped me all these years it’s always been you.." he kissed her head gently as she came off of the counter
"Seb, I love you" her heart stopped in her chest, and sebastian’s heart starting beating so loud I think the neighbors next door were able to hear it, he put his hands in his pocket.. He was spechless not able to configure words
"I didn't expect me to say those words with a broken nose a bloody floor and as your roommate... sebastian stan I love you and if you don’t love me that’s fine I’ll move out I’ll move to Alaska an-" he pulled her body closer to his, his hands leaving his pockets wrapping around her waist as he kissed her his other hand around her neck thumb caressing her cheek she was in awe, he pulled his lips away and her forehead touched his "I'm madly in love with you doll I want this to work let's make this work"
And after that night they went on their first date which was an absolute disaster from start to finish, starting off with y/n’s dress getting soaked from a pitcher of water spilling on her, Sebastian tripping over nothing and taking a bad tumble, to right before they got home the car breaking down it was just a mess.
It's been three months, everyone is friends again I mean y/n and Henry aren't too friendly but they talk when there in the same room together. Tonight should feel no different and it isn't but what y/n doesn't know is that sebastian's hiding something.
Pretty important might I add.
"I'm going to work extremely early tomorrow so I'll be home at like 6pm okay?" She was standing behind the couch as Sebastian was sitting he put both of his arms out behind him he brought her body closer to the back of the couch and himself they kissed upside down "I love you" her heart fluttered at his words "I love you too" he touched his sweatpants pocket and slowly stopped she went in her room closing the door and he groaned loudly into the pillow putting his hand in his pocket pulling out a velvety red box
"Just do it? What’s wrong with you" he looked at the engagement ring box he heard her bedroom door open again QUICKLY shoving it back in his pocket, "hey seb can you come to my bedroom” she yelled out from the other side of the door, he slowly walked to her door, when he pressed on the door revealing her room candles lit, she was sat on the edge of the bed dressed in a silk robe, a bra and panties he flirtatiously smirked at the sight of her "what do I owe the pleasure.." he asked pushing up the sleeves to his crewneck sweater, "I regretted your offering a few nights ago I told you I wasn't ready yet to start getting intimate like that" he nodded remembering crossing his arms over his chest clenching his jaw, "please forgive me" she untied her silk robe letting it fall to the floor seductively his breath hitched in his throat at the sight of her for the first time he was mesmerized by the shape of her body it didn't matter to him what she looked like the curves of her body or her petite figure he didn't care, she was his and he loved her.
"you're forgiven" we're the only words he could let out, he wanted to know every wrinkle, every freckle, every beauty mark, on her body he wanted to be a genius of the anatomy of her body, he got closer his hands finally finding her skin chills circulated all over her body as he got right behind her kissing her neck one arm creeping to her stomach her back pressed up against his front she felt the heat between her legs light a fire
as he gently unclasped her bra taking the shoulders down sensually his lips connecting once again with the skin between her neck and shoulder loving the feeling she reached over behind her touching him through his pants he felt a little hard which turned her on even more, the hand that was on her stomach slowly inching closer and closer toward her heat, she loved this teasing she just knew she would miss work tomorrow, "tell me if I should stop" he whispered so low she barely heard what he said, his hand found her heat rubbing circles teasing her so badly her body pressed up against his she stopped him turning around ripping his shirt off his body revealing his magnificent body his chain dangling her hands gently reached his waistband of his pants pulling them down as he stepped out of them, "this should be fun" he whispered finally their lips connecting the only thing keeping them apart were the underwear between the both of them, the teasing kept going which made things more interesting when finally they had enough with the foreplay.
"So how was I I haven’t been at it in some time” she said with a smirk he traced her skin with his fingertips loving the warmth her skin held
"phenomenal" he said in the lowest voice he sounded cheesy as hell she pushed off him which made the two laugh a lot they cuddled closely to each other a moment they never wanted to forget for as long as they lived..
That morning she got up got ready for work she picked up the clothes off the floor his sweatpants inside out she picked them up to fold them when something fell out of the pocket a red velvet box her eyes widened her skin was getting really hot, he was gonna propose??? Or he is? What- she quickly put the box back in his pants and threw them on the floor
"Y/n, mr Crawford needs to speak with you." His assistant came up to her at office “can’t he just call me men are useles Lucy” the assistant laughed walking out, she got up going to his office "chase if this is about me being late-" she was going to explain herself until he stopped her, "nope I have a job proposal” proposal that word it scared her to say the least... “I'm handing it over to you first if you don't want it I'm giving it to angie. Y/n I want you to take the duchan case." Chase said She was in shock "chase-" "you know how much you mean to me and this company you're the right women to take it I offered it to you first" "what do I tell Sebastian?" "If you take the offer? Well hi honey baby sweetheart I have to leave for the next 5 months to Brazil and I won't be back anytime soon and also I can't have any contact with you or anyone else for that matter just my boss" chase said with a laugh he clicked his pencil once he ended his sentence.
"Haha very funny," she rolled her eyes "listen can you give me two days?" He nodded standing up as did she "I need your answer by morning the second day alright kid" "yes sir" they hugged and she left, her relationship was very friendly with mr Crawford he didn't treat anyone in the company the way he treats y/n I guess because they get along so well. Y/n has a chance to leave the country and figure out a case and be a reporter something she'd never thought she would do, but she would lose seb..maybe even lose the proposal if she leaves
"Hey I'm home" she yelled as she took her keys from the lock, closing the door she felt a strange sensation come upon her like it wasn't sebastian in the house but someone else, her instincts kicked in she grabbed the stick for the fire place walking around the corner it was a women cleaning which startled the women that was cleaning she threw her rag in the air she was filled with fright, "miss I'm so sorry I thought mr stan told you I was coming in today" y/n huffed with relief "it's okay not to be rude but why did he call you to come in today?"
"He said a special occasion" she told y/n, she shrugged her shoulders what was sebastian's special occasion? Is he gonna propose???
"I never got your name?" Y/n said
"Margo" she reached out her hand for y/n to shake it and she did "um I guess carry on sorry for almost beating you to death" she laughed and the women did too she went into her bedroom and laid on the bed “what am I gonna tell him do” she was in panic mode what did she do when she panicked... “CHRIS come over” she said he laughed on the other line “what is it this time” he said “an emergency for your ears only mr Evans I am warning you”
It was an hour later Margo cleaned the entire house it was spotless... why did he ask her to come in?
“He’s gonna WHAT” he said
“YEAH I saw the box”
“did you see the ring?” He whispers
“no I wanted it to be a suprise! Now tell me what to do”
“Don’t take the job offer” Chris said “are you gonna elaborate or that’s it just don’t take the job” she was anxious
“you’ve wanted him your whole life and you have him now and you’re gonna give up on him for a job? There’s more to live than a job” Chris said “you’re right I just this is so good for me I’m scared that.. I’ll lose on this opportunity and I lose out on my seb” she wanted to bang her head into the wall
“Choose Sebastian or the job”
“Than you’ve made up your mind!”
“I want him Chris i always will but will he always want me like he does right now will he change his mind in 5 months will he decide he doesn’t love me after all, I have to think about these things because he makes promises and doesn’t keep them... I just hope I’m making the right choice” she said
“You are” he pulled her in and they hugged while they sat down, their legs up bodies close their heads on top of each other’s, they heard the door open “cheating on me already” Sebastian walked in with a laugh “yes kiss me” she said with her lips puckered he kissed her sweetly “hey Chris” they hugged “I guess I’m gonna go... good luck” he said grabbing his jacket and kissing her cheek “bye text me when you get home”, and he left Sebastian nowhere to be found
“Seb....seb....” she looked in the kitchen in the bathroom in their separate rooms where?.. oh the “backyard” he looked out into the skies some beautiful buildings “I have something to tell you” he said looking at and it at her, “what” she got closer closing the door behind her.. “I got offered a job..and I’m not gonna be here for a while” her heart broke “what...” “my boss told me I have no choice I have to take this job she can’t lose money on my account, baby” he turned towards her “ it’s in another country they want me to run one of our out of country offices for the next 5 months” she laughed, “I got offered a job today that I can take or leave they want me to report a story in Brazil for 5 months and I didn’t know if I should take it because of us..” he was amazed “baby a reporting job that’s amazing I’m so proud of you” he kissed her for a brief moment putting his hands on her shoulders rubbing them “tonight was suppose to go a lot different, this wasn’t suppose to be happening now” he fiddled his pocket pulling out a letter “hi beautiful, I’m writing you this letter cause god I miss you things haven’t been the same without you I haven’t been able to see you remember when we slow danced at dance rehearsal, when you helped me pick out the flowers for the wedding, I just want you to know that I love you and when the right times come they come. Seb x” he said as he read out the letter “she found the letter when she came home after a few days away thinking it was for her, I wrote this letter for you I wrote letters every time I missed you he pulled out three letters from his jacket pocket “I confessed my love for you in all four letters because I thought maybe you’ll reciprocate it one day I hope today is that day” he got down on one knee her heart was racing she pushed her hair out of her face to wipe her tears
“We’re going to be apart for 5 months I don’t think I can wait that long to marry you y/n so for gods sake y/n y/m y/l will you marry me so help me god you stay in my life for the rest of my life” he said with small tears pouring out of his eyes she hugged him so tight she was bawling her eyes out she kissed him a million times it felt like “I knew you didn’t even care about the ring” he laughed she didn’t even put the ring on she knew he loved her a ring didn’t mean anything
“Yes a million times yes” she couldn’t believe she was saying these words to Sebastian of all people she was saying yes to getting married to him she was engaged!
“Sebastian it’s so big!” She was amazed “you deserve it my fiancé” a smirk left his lips she loved hearing that word come out of his mouth “I might just rip your clothes off now” “is it cause I said my fiancé” she nodded kissing him once more “I’ll only be able to call you once a month for the 5 months I’m going to be gone” she said he nodded “me too” they both knew this was going to be a hard task however it’s happening to both them..
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First Date with Siwon
"Hello," you said from the doorway with a small wave.
Siwon turned his attention away from the wall of windows, "Ah hello." he said with a small bow. You bowed as well with a nervous smile.
"Please come in." Siwon moved closer and gestured into the room. You quickly removed your tan-heeled shoes and placed them next to his outside the door. As you entered your eyes scanned the room. Its modern Korean style was accompanied by floor-to-ceiling windows that overlook the city. The lights were dimmed which gave it a cozy yet romantic feeling.
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You felt the nervous and awkward tension fill the air as you both stood in silence for a moment. "You look fantastic," Siwon finally said.
You gave a shy smile and replied, "Thank you... you don't look too bad yourself." You smiled and raised your eyebrows up and down, relieving some of the tension with your humor. Something Siwon loved about you.
He gave a small giggle, "Please sit." He gestured to the floor chair and pulled it out for you. Your heart started to flutter as you took in his appearance. He was wearing black dress pants with a matching tie and a white button-up with rolled sleeves. All that paired with his socked feet made him look incredibly handsome and adorable all at the same time.
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As he pulled the chair out he also grabbed a folded fleece blanket that sat on the floor next to it. He handsedit to you and you both blushed. Your dress was suitable for the day of interviews you had just had, but not so much for sitting on the ground.
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You unfolded the blanket and wrapped it around your waist before you sat while Siwon went to sit on the other side of the table.
"Are these for me?" you asked. There was a nicely wrapped bouquet of roses sitting in front of you on the table. You slowly picked them up to admire them.
"Of course they are," Siwon said sweetly.
"Thank you. You didn't have to do that."
All of a sudden you heard a knock at the door.
"Yes come in," Siwon gestured. The waiter came over with a variety of dishes and set them down on the table between the two of you. You gave a small head nod to the waiter as he left the room.
"These are all traditional Korean dishes," Siwon boasted.
"They look delicious!" Siwon took your glass and filled it with water before filling his own then passed you a small plate. As you each took a small helping of the different dishes Siwon goes on to name and explain each and every one of them.
You can't help but give him a small smile as he speaks. You already knew the names of all the dishes because you grew up with them and had been to Korea many times before. But you didn't want to burst his bubble because he seemed so proud to be able to share his knowledge with you.
As the meal continued you had the usual first date small talk. Where you were born, your family, how your day had been. The conversations flowed effortlessly and the time went by quickly.
"The view is very beautiful," you said as you point to the windows.
"It's one of the best in the city." Siwon stood up and walked over to you. He extended his hand and helped you up. You placed your blanket on the chair and both walked over to the windows. "Over there is the Jamsil arena." Siwon pointed. "And Lotte World is a little to the right."
"Ah I've always wanted to go to Lotte World!" you exclaimed.
"It's fun... if you're five years old." He looked over at you with a grin and small giggle.
"I guess I'm five years old then," you giggled back.
"Maybe we could go together soon," he suggested, looking straight ahead at the window.
"I would like that." You were both quiet for a few seconds.
Your thoughts were interrupted when he said, "That's the Han River. Super popular date spot."
The conversation gets interrupted when the waiter lightly knocked on the door.
"Excuse me sir, but we are getting ready to close."
"Thank you," Siwon said as you both give a small bow. As the waiter left you grabbed your flowers made your way to the door to slip on your shoes. While Siwon tied his dress shoes you called your manager to pick you up.
"My manager will be here in about 10 minutes."
"No worries, we can wait in the garage," Siwon said as he pressed the elevator button. "So what are your plans for tomorrow?"
"I'm shooting an episode of School Attack. Have you been on it?"
"Oh my gosh," Siwon laughed, "Yes we were on that show a few years ago. It was insane."
"I've seen a few episodes. Those students go wild!" You both stepped out of the elevator now on the first floor.
"Do you know what school you're going to?"
"I don't know the name, but it's a military academy."
"Oh wow, they're going to love you. Get ready for a lot of shouting and chanting. Military guys are known for that here." You raised your eyebrows. "Oh and you may or may not be kissing some of the students, so get ready for that."
"What?!" you exclaimed.
"On our episode they had the females choose members they wanted to kiss. It was a bit uncomfortable, but you know fan service is part of the job."
"The price you pay for being an idol, how tough," you sarcastically sighed and gave him a big smile as you stepped into the waiting area in the garage.
"It's rough but I get through it." You both giggled.
"Oh, there's my manager. Would you like to meet him"
"Of course!" As the black minivan pulled up in front of you, you both walked around to the driver's side. Your manager understood what was happening and stepped out of the vehicle.
"Sung-hoon this is Siwon, Siwon this is Sung-hoon. He's been my manager from the very beginning."
"Nice to meet you sir," as Siwon shakes his hand.
"You as well. I better be getting her back now. It's waaayyy past her bed time."
"HaHa very funny!" you said with an eyeroll.
"It was very nice to meet you," Siwon chuckled. Sung-hoon nodded and got back in the drivers seat leaving you to alone to say your goodbyes. Siwon walked you back to the passenger side door.
"Thank you for dinner. I had a really nice time" you said in a shy voice.
"Of course. I'm glad you could fit me into your hectic schedule. Maybe we can see each other again sometime soon?" He said with anticipation in his voice.
"Hmmm I'll have to check my schedule," you said with a smile.
Siwon opened the passenger door for you. "Good luck tomorrow!"
"Ah thanks, I think I'm going to need it!." You both smiled at each other and as you got in the car. Siwon shut the door and gave a small wave as Sung-hoon started to drive. You waved back.
"Well looks like someone likes you," teased Sung-hoon.
"Oh hush," you giggled as you both drove back to the hotel.
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Okay, so um, this is gonna have a couple parts. I don't have a title for this, but it is a Jotaro/Female Reader fic. This first part is SFW but it will get into N*SF*W in later chapters.
*UPDATE: Title is now called "Whirlpool"*
You were starting to lose hope.
Interview after interview and still no call backs.
You had put your resume out at almost anything since moving to the city. Having a few meetings, you thought the interviews were going well. Nope. It always ended with a handshake and a 'We'll call you if you get the job.'
But those calls never came. Your savings were dwindling fast.
Sitting in your apartment, you wondered if you should just take a job at a fast food restaurant in the meantime. Or better, maybe move back home where everything was familiar and comforting.
You had no friends here. Not yet anyways. You had been so wrapped up in finding a job that you didnt feel like going out to bars or clubs; the rejections making you depressed.
One Wednesday afternoon, you got a call from an unknown number.
Usually, you dont answer numbers you didnt know, but you picked it up anyway. "Hello?"
"Good afternoon, is this Y/N?"
The voice was so deep; definatly a male. It sent a chill down your spine. "Y-Yes..." You said cautiously.
"My name is Jotaro Kujo, I am a marine biologist. I saw your resume at one of the places I had visited recently. You are looking for work, yes?"
Your eyes darted around the living room. This was extremely unexpected. "H-How did you see my resume?"
"I had a meeting with one of the places you applied to. Your resume was sitting on top of a stack of papers, I ended up taking it."
"Isn't that wrong?"
"Probably. But I am looking for help and thought maybe to call you. Would you be interested in coming in for an interview?"
Your breath caught in your throat.
You had been on many interviews, but for some reason, this was different. This Jotaro guy swiped your resume from someone else desk and called you. He claimed to be a marine biologist, which intrigue you. You didn't have any background in that field but you knew enough to get by.
When you didn't say anything for a moment, Jotaro asked if you were still there.
Coming back to reality, you agreed to the interview. What else did you have to lose?
"Great. Are you available tomorrow at 4pm?"
Jotaro gave you the address to his office which was down at the local college. You guessed he taught a couple classes there. "See you then." He hung up.
Letting out a breath you didn't realize you were holding, you bounced with excitement.
"I need to find something to wear!"
You shook with nerves as you held onto the door handle. This was the place, since on the door his name was written.
Opening it slowly, you crept inside.
The room looked bare save for the large desk in the corner. There where a couple of bookshelves, but even they were empty. Are you sure this was the place? You looked at the door you came through again.
"You must be Y/N."
That deep voice again.
You turned your head to see a very tall, broad shouldered man in a black, long sleeved turtleneck. He also wore white pants; a white hat sitting atop his head. He came into the room from the other door that you noticed that was off on the side. That must be his real office.
"Y-Yes." You extended your hand in greeting. "Thank you for inquiring about me."
Jotaro seemed to hesitate for a moment before shaking your hand. Maybe he wasn't comfortable touching strangers.
His turquoise eyes looked at you, as if studying you what kind of person you could be. But that only made you blush, making you a little more nervous than you actually were. Finally, he shook your hand.
"Right this way."
He grunted, showing you to his office that was through the door he came.
You thought as you looked around the room. The walls were full of his accomplishments and pictures he had to have taken of sea creatures. The office seemed a little cramped as his large desk took up a lot of space. There was more room in the first room they were in, why choose this as a work space?
"Please, sit." Jotaro waved a hand to the empty chair opposite of him on the other side of his desk.
You did as instructed, taking in his features as you did. He couldn't have been any older than twenty-nine. Your eyes went back to the plaques on his walls. He's done so much at such a young age.
"Tell me about yourself."
Jotaro's voice brought your attention back to him.
"Oh, um. Well, I moved here from my hometown in hope of starting something new. I like to follow though and get my tasks done. I graduated top of my classes in high school and college. I'm very organized with projects, making sure that it exceeds to one's expectations."
Jotaro nodded his head a little and wrote on a piece of paper. He noticed you wringing your hands. "No need to be nervous."
Embarrassed, you tucked your hands under your legs. "I'm sorry. It's just, I've been on a lot of interviews and they all fell through."
Jotaro was silent for a few minutes, shuffling through some papers he had on his left until he found what he was looking for. Your resume.
"You don't have a lot of references here. But I see you took classes in zoology."
"Yeah, sorry about that. I've only really done side jobs while I was in college just to get by and save up for when I moved. I want to work with animals; I loved going to the zoo as a child and since then, I knew I wanted to work with them."
"So you know about marine life, too?"
You shrugged. "Enough to not sound dumb." You chuckled nervously.
Jotaro moved his hand over his mouth, hiding the smirk you had given him with your answer; he didn't want you too see his expression.
Composing himself, he rose from his chair, motioning for you to follow him.
Coming back to the first room, he stopped next to the empty desk.
"I'll give you a chance. This will be your space, you can do with it what you want."
Wait, what?
He just said he was giving you a chance? He was hiring you?
You looked at the desk. Seeing that you were the first thing people would see when they come in, you realized you were being hired as a secretary.
It wasn't something you were thrilled about. But you decided to take it anyways; Jotaro was the first person to offer you a job let alone hire you right on the spot. You accepted, gratefully.
"Thank you, Mr. Kujo! I promise I would do my best!"
"Good. I will see you tomorrow morning."
He shook your hand again and you parted ways.
Back at home, you cried tears of happiness. You finally found a job.
Though you had no idea how to be a secretary, you figured you could just wing it. It would be a learning experience, but just like everything else you've done, you would do your job with dedication.
"Good afternoon, Y/N! Is Professor Kujo in?"
You smiled at one of the other teachers that worked at the facility. "Oh, good afternoon, Mr. Westin, let me see if he's ready to see you." You buzzed Jotaro's phone. "Mr. Kujo, Mr. Westin is here to see you."
There was no answer, but Jotaro's door opened and he emerged, waving him to come in. Mr. Westin followed, shutting the door behind him. "Did you get that report from the lab back?"
Jotaro handed him a folder.
Mr. Westin nodded. "Great work, Jotaro. Are you ready for the field work coming up?"
"I will be." Jotaro grunted. "Y/N has set up hotel and anything else I needed."
"She's a helpful little angel, huh? Since she came around, your work has been flourishing."
Jotaro flicked his eyes toward the door. Just on the other side, you sat at your desk. His work load had gotten lighter in the last six months, thanks to you. He had been able to work and focus on what was important while you took care of the minor things.
Sometimes you had brought him lunch when you knew he was too wrapped up in his work to even stop to eat.
He was to be leaving in a couple days to do field research on ocean life on the coast of California for over two weeks. But something about you not being there nagged at him.
Remembering the other teacher was talking to him, he said, "Yeah. She's been a real big help."
Mr. Westin nodded and said his goodbye to you, leaving the office.
Looking up, you noticed Jotaro leaning against the door frame to his own office with his arms crossed. He was looking at you but not saying anything. That didn't surprise you, he was a quiet man. But his stare made you a little uneasy. "I-Is there something wrong, Mr. Kujo?"
The way you addressed him made his stomach do flips. It was an interesting feeling. One he hadn't felt before. "Did you make the preparations for my trip?"
"Yes, sir. Its all right here, I finished it this morning. Your flight leaves at 7 am Friday morning and your hotel is booked. Food is all taken care of and there was even some money left over if you wanted to do any shopping." You looked back at him. "Is there anything else you need me to do?"
Jotaro strode to your desk in just three steps; those long legs taking him anywhere in a flash.
"There is. Call and change the itineraries to two people."
"Two, sir?"
"You heard me. Call the airline and add another person. Call the hotel and add another room. Make sure everything accommodates for two."
"S-Sure. May I have the name of the second person so I can make sure they get everything they need?"
Jotaro turned back towards his office, saying your own name.
"Wait, what?" Your head shot up at him. "Me? You want me to go? What does a secretary like me have anything to do with this trip?"
Jotaro kept his door open as he sat back down behind his desk. You stood and followed him in. Before you could say anything, Jotaro spoke first.
"You have grown from the nervous girl that walked through here six months ago. During your interview, you said that you strive to get your tasks done and do it with dedication. I've seen that you've proved that."
You blushed. You never really got that kind of praise from your other bosses.
"You wanted to work with animals, correct?"
You nodded.
"Well, then, come with me on the trip. Learn more about marine life."
What an amazing offer! But you couldn't help but think he was really just bringing you along so you can do his minor tasks. "Thank you, Mr. Kujo, but again, why do you want to bring a secretary?"
He interlocked his fingers and brought his hands up to his face; his eyes staring at you intently. "The word 'secretary' for you leaves a bad taste in my mouth. From now on, you are my assistant. You will still have your duties as you've had, but I'm taking you on this trip to help you learn more about marine mammals."
You couldn't find the words. You were thankful for his kindness, truly. But you weren't sure about going. You started wringing your hands again.
"Yare Yare Daze." Jotaro muttered. "If you don't want to go, just say so."
"Huh? No, I mean. Um..." You decided to go for it. What harm could it do? You developed a decent friendship with your boss, and he was offering this paid trip to you. "I-I'll go."
Jotaro did his best to hide his excitement; keeping his expression neutral. "Then get to work on getting yourself on the itineraries and take the day off tomorrow to pack and get some rest. I will see you at the airport."
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imaginecredence · 7 years
"I'll see you again." (part 42)
Summary: A Credence Barebone imagine (Credence x Reader)
Note: This is the 42nd part to this imagine so make sure you check out the others! I hope you like and reblog it. There also will most likely be a grammar mistake so bare with me. Anyway… I hope you enjoy!
Date published: September 5, 2017
Warnings: not really any?? Idk… angst, I guess
Year: February- 1927
Part: forty-two of ?
PLAYLIST _____________________
There was a room, a dark, metal room, with one spotlight on a chair. It was a rectangular room, with one door across from the chair. And in that chair was Credence. His hands were tide behind his back, and he was scared. His eyes were red, like he was sick and he was sweating and, gasping for air. All of a sudden, there was a man coming through the door. Credence looked up and saw that the man was your father. He pulled out a knife and held it up to Credence's chin. "Stay away from her." Your father said, in a half whispered. Tears ran down Credence's face as he spoke, "What?" "Stay away from her." He said, more harshly. "Stay away from Y/N." "No." Credence refused. "N-No, I-I can't. I won't." "You'll kill her. You'll lose control and kill her." He accused. Credence just stared at him, unable to deny that that couldn't happen. He stared up into your father's angry eyes, feeling the cold blade under his chin. "No! No!" You yelled. But you couldn't move, you couldn't defend him. "Jack, you told me you wouldn't tell them! You promised." You cried. You just stood there, watching your father hold a blade at your Credence. You sobbed, yelling at Jack and your father. "Dad, he won't hurt me, he couldn't. Jack, why did you tell him?! Let him go, leave him alone." You blubbered. Then all of a sudden, the door opened. You turned to see who it was, but there wasn't anyone there. You turned back to Credence and your father, but they were gone. "Credence?" Your crying had slowed down, but started back up as you frantically called for him. "Credence? Where are you?" You wailed. "Come back! Come back to me." Your eyes shot open.
"Credence!" You yelled, as you sat up, feeling like were waking up from a dream where you were falling. You breathed heavily, looking around the room. You tried to calm down, moving your sweaty and tear drenched hair from your face. "Credence." You whispered. Covering your face with your hands, you tried to stop thinking about the awful dream you had just endured. After calming down a bit, you laid back down. You tried to go back to sleep, but the sound of Credence's cries and the look on his face haunted you. You slept restlessly the rest of the night, having bits of the dream replay in your mind. When it was finally morning, you got up and went downstairs. Your mother was at the table drinking coffee, when you came down. "Good morning." She smiled. "Morning. Can I have some coffee?" You mumbled. "Sure. Didn't sleep too good last night?" "Not at all." You grumbled, pouring yourself a mug of coffee. "Anything in particular?" She asked. You paused, wondering if you should tell her about the dream. You, of course wouldn't go into too much detail, giving he fact that she didn't know about Credence's abilities. "It was just a bad dream... about Credence." "Aw, I'm sorry." She said. You were just waiting for her to ask about the details, but she didn't. You had coffee together, just waiting to hear the phone ring with news about the interview. Credence woke to the brightness of the sun shining through the window. He blinked, stretching out, and yawning. He stared at the ceiling for a minute, his mind completely blank. But then it all came back. The fact that you weren't here; here to hold him, and he didn't feel safe at all. He let out a big sigh, trying to get all the memories of you hugging him, out of his brain.
It was midway through the morning, and you still hadn't heard from Mr. Elliot. You were sitting on the couch in the living room, resting your head in your palm, gazing out the window. The dream you had, wasn't helping your mood either. It felt like it was haunting you. "Come on!" Your mother clapped her hands, causing you to raise your head. "Let's go do something. You're going crazy just waiting here." "But what if he calls and we aren't here?" You said, in monotone. "Jack will be here, he can answer the phone." You laid your head back down. "Come on, Y/N!" She pleaded. You looked back at her, and she gave this 'please' look. "Fine." You grumbled, but couldn't help but smile. "Great! We can go for lunch, then walk around Portland. Go get ready." After you were both ready, you headed out and went to lunch. You had soup and bread, because it was a cold and rainy day. At first it felt like just the thing you needed, then you stared down at the steaming soup and the only thing you could think of was Credence. You always had soup together, and always cooked it together. You half expected to look up and see Credence sitting across from you. You sighed, wiping away the stupid expectation, and made yourself a spoonful of soup. At home, Credence decided to make soup for lunch. It was a hard decision, because he felt like it was wrong to do it without you, but he thought it would keep him busy for a little while. Anything to make the time go faster. He cut the vegetables and made the broth, of course playing your favorite record. When lunch was finished, you and your mother headed out of the café. "Let's go to the docks." Your mom suggested. "Okay." You agreed The last time you were at the docks, you were with Credence. That time you went out with him in December. Walking there brought back the simplest memory of walking beside him. It made you smile, but also made you sad. When you got there, you looked out at the ocean. You walked the boardwalk down the the docks where the sailboats were. They swayed in the wind, seagulls screaming above you. The wind blew your hair in your face, as you looked out across the ocean. You could feel your mind clearing up. It felt like it was just you and the ocean in front of you. You closed your eyes, breathing in the salty, cool air, making you smirk. "Thank you, mom." You said. "What for?" She looked at you. "This is just really helping clear my head." "Good." She smiled.
As Credence finished up making the soup, he almost got down two bowls. He sighed, lowering his head, hardly baring the thought that you were really gone. He ladled some soup into one bowl for himself, and placed it on the table. Sitting at his place, he ate slowly, again hoping the time would go by quickly. On your way back, you walked fast, wanting to get home to see if Jack had any news. You pushed open the door, looking to see if he was anywhere close. You took off your coat, hung it up, and went to look for him. You found him in the den. "Heard anything?" You asked, excitedly. He looked at you with disappointment. "No, I'm sorry." He said. Your smiled faded as you replied, "Okay." Then the sound of the phone ringing made you all jump out of your skin. Your eyes widened with anticipation and Jack smiled widely. You ran over and answered the phone. "Hello?" Credence washed the dishes, cleaned up the kitchen, and the rest of the apartment. After, he stood there, looking around, wondering what to do. He decided he would draw something, maybe he would be able to focus. After a five minute phone call, you hung up the phone and squealed, jumping up and down. Jack and your mom came over, smiling and cheering as well. "So you got it?" Jack asked. "Yes!" You exclaimed, feeling tears fall down your cheeks. You were so relieved. You would finally be able to leave New York and be happy. And now, you could go home to Credence. "We have to start looking for houses!" You said, excitedly. It was Thursday, and you left Maine on Saturday, so you had to find a house before then. You and your mom got ready right away, so you could head to Massachusetts to hunt for houses. You had decided that Lexington, Massachusetts was the town you wanted to live. It was only a 45 minute train ride to Boston, where the restaurant was. Lexington was a nice town, with nice neighborhoods and houses, it was perfect.
Credence finished his picture. It was a beautiful drawing of the view from your kitchen window. Credence wanted to have it for when you left New York. He had already drawn the whole apartment, now he had the view, and he would be able to remember it forever. Yes, it didn't feel like home right now, but he knew he would miss it when he left. It was a long and strenuous day of searching for the right house. You had looked at over ten houses, but none of them felt right. "Honey, we'll find it." Your mother said in the taxi you were taking to the next house. You were looking out the window, feeling that happiness you felt when you heard you got the job, float away. If you didn't find a house either today, or tomorrow, you would have to stay in New York longer, until you found one. You couldn't bare that. You had to be home with Credence as soon as possible; you had to be home for Valentines Day. When you pulled up to the next house you were looking at, you turned your head, and saw this small, white house. Your lips curved slightly at the sight of the cute house. You got out, not taking your eyes off of it. As you looked through the house, you could feel all your doubts melt away; it was perfect. You could imagine your lives starting to begin as you went through all the rooms. You could see Credence feeling safe here, and at home. You grinned at your mother saying, "This is it." Right away you put an offer on the house and thankfully your offer was accepted. You couldn't stop smiling. Things were finally coming together. By the end of the night the house was yours. Dear Credence, Today was really hard, because I had this dream about you. I won't go into detail, but it was awful, and all I wanted was to turn over and hug you, but I couldn't. My mom and I went to the docks and watched the ships come and go, it was nice. I wish you could have been there. Also, I finally heard back about my interview! I got the job! I was so relieved to hear after three days of waiting. My mom and I went out right away to search for houses and I found the most perfect house, Credence. I can't wait to show it to you. I miss you so very much. It's harder every day. But only one more day until I come home, and we can hug and be together again. But when you read this I'll be coming home that evening! I hope you're okay. I haven't heard from you in a while and it's worrying me. I love you so, so much, my darling. I can't wait to be home with you. With so much love, Y/N To be continued....
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