#also the people i respond and interact with are LOVELY idk what you’re talking about sorry
lqfiles · 6 months
don’t be friends with reblog accounts, they’re just rude and biased 🙄
this is so ???
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vagueiish · 3 months
i don’t wanna have to be the one to reach out to people i think are cool to maybe try and strike up a friendship
i want people to look at me and be like ‘aw, yeah, that dweeb is pretty rad, actually, i wanna be their friend’ and then actually talk to me and then become friends with me
#it’s about the validation you see#it’s about me being worth something in the eyes of others and them wanting me around for me#not even in a bad mood rn. feeling p okay#just……lonely? i guess?#there are people i wanna be friends with but like….idk. if they actually wanted to be friends with me they’d reach out right?#it doesn’t count t if im the one to do it. then there’s a good chance they’re just humoring me or pitying me too much to be like ‘piss off’#but if they make the first move? that means i’m Somebody#though it’s not like i’d know what to do if anyone *was* like ‘bro you’re rad as hell’#other than nod silently and stare like o_o#so i guess im doomed to be a lonely emo kid forever……#someone once told me i have a skewed perception of myself but idk. if that were true….#i wouldn’t merely be tolerated#people would want me around. right?#i wouldn’t have to be the one to reach out.#but i am. and that’s kinda sad. in a pathetic way. yknow?#though i suppose this is kind of selfish….#im not even gonna entertain the idea that people actually look at me like ‘golly i sure wish they were *my* friend’#and secretly admire me but are too shy or scared or whatever to reach out#my imagination isn’t a bloody contortionist#i know im not so amazing as to have silent admirers#but i also know i kind of suck at talking irl so maybe my inability to respond like a human makes it seem like i despise the interaction#rather than the truth that i suck at talking. maybe people have tried and im just too big a dingus to realize#…#but i doubt it lol#to the void with love
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poltergeistsoup · 7 months
got any headcanons for Noodle (also I really love your rule 63 gorillaz they are such gender to me)
Thank youuuuu I love doing stuff with the genderbends, I do think about them all the time so they’ll keep showing up, don’t worry 🫡
Using this as an excuse to talk about her character cuz I’ve experimented with a few different interpretations of her so here’s my current thoughts:
* Idk if this is canon and retconned or fan theory but my personal view of the events of El Mañana is that she wanted to fake her death to get out of the public eye. It subsequently went horribly wrong, but she essentially wanted to disappear. This feeds into my next point:
* I know that initially, her being very young symbolized the now and future of music and pop culture, so she was supposed to be into technology and easily adapting to changing times. However, I think that now that she’s older and has been in the public eye for so long and with the stress and anxiety that comes with it, she wouldn’t want to be online. She wouldn’t be on tik tok, she would be planning her Gone Girl era. I think she’d be caught between wanting to be in the know of what’s going on but being utterly overwhelmed by growing up with little privacy and seeing how women are treated in the industry would not make her want to play into the roles people expect of her.
* She also didn’t get a lot of socialization with kids her age so she was always praised by adults for how smart she was, but now she comes across as blunt and strange to people talking to her outside of a working environment. Part of it is her unusual upbringing, part of it is autism
* She comes across very well in interviews but she’s not quite as good at navigating one-on-one or casual settings. She doesn’t mean to be rude, she’s just usually around a small group of people who know her well and share her strangeness
* She’s the least approachable of the four when it comes to random fan interactions. She’s not mean but she comes across as standoffish and might throw your phone if she says “no pictures” and gets ignored
Other miscellaneous headcanons
* She’s one of those maniacs who deals with menstrual cramps through exercise
* She burps like a truck driver because when she was a kid 2D or Murdoc would respond with “good one”
* She’s not afraid of much because she liked impressing people with feats of strength and showing off that she was brave. If you’re dating her, she’d be the designated bug killer
* She was very energetic and liked roughhousing, which the other 3 tried to keep up with but she would run them ragged. Even now she gets a burst of energy and subjects 2D to shit like
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* She helps Russel if he happens to be cooking but on the rare occasion she does cook, she will not share with anyone
* Despite being small she will take up as much space as she wants. If someone is sitting on the couch with her she will lay her legs across them and hog 3 blankets
* Guys you don’t wanna hear it but she’s not the meme queen you want her to be, she’s not on Tumblr. If she’s doing anything, she’s sharing cat videos between herself and Russel. She doesn’t know gougar. She doesn’t know Vines either. Her humor is dry and deadpan as well. She says something sarcastically and people will take her at face value
* She hates being spoken down to or treated like a child but will quickly pull the “but I’m the baby” card with the other 3 when it’s convenient
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streaminn · 11 months
UHHH YOU’RE WELCOME FOR THE PLAYLIST ?? Can’t believe that that’s what made me finally make a Spotify account lol also a lot of good songs in here, apart form the ones I already knew (Tear You Apart, Smoke and Mirrors that dug up my nightcore days in middle school.. and The Other Side Of Paradise) I really liked IN MY MOUTH, An Unhealthy Obsession, Kiss Me You Animal, The Dismemberment Song and Brutus. Idk if you’ve talked abt The Hearse Song (I liked it too btw) before but I need to know how it fits t&t
Now that I’m hooked back on t&t, I’ve got more questions. Does Enid interact with her brothers at school ? How’s their relationship ? How do they view her now that she’s part of the elders ? Are/Were they worried ? Has her view of ‘regular’ werewolves been altered by the elders ? Like, "don’t mingle too much with them, they got domesticated". The elders view Enid as family (do they all really ?) but, and even after having been kinda Stockholmed by them, she doesn’t. Her earring is for Wednesday. Does any of them know it ? suspect it ? If (when) she leaves them for good, how will they react ? Will they make her fight for it ?
And now my cents on the Jenna Ortega’s characters love triangle. (I have never seen any of the other shows) You said that Enid was like ‘just a monster’ when Tara asked abt her scars. And like, Tara’s gonna be like ‘How ?? why ?’ and Enid will just look at her and respond ‘had to protect someone’. And she will say it with A Look in her eyes, like she’s looking not at Tara but at that someone. Someone so important that now Enid is covered in scars.
Phoebe and Tara may have a place in her heart (and her bed lol) but Wednesday also has one in her flesh. Forever.
The hearse song fits bc it's this acceptance that you'll die like the rest is how I think Enid's mentality during the winter. Just this morbid mindset as she lived with the elders during her denial stage
Nightcore days is such a mood tho, when I first got into yt that was my jam and how I found most of my music taste before transitioning to actual bands
Enid does not interact with her brothers actually! Like she won't even glance at them. They didn't do the same before so why must she? It doesn't stop them from prodding however because they don't know anything about the situation other than Esther telling them to stay away from Enid.
The last time they saw their sister, there were litter of bruises along her wrist and her teeth was bared as she pushed herself into the house to move out.
I don't think enid really cares about the other werewolves bc again, idt they paid much attention to her since she couldn't wolf out. She does however find them being competitive over things that don't matter irritating. Like which one of them get to sleep with the most girls or smth along those lines, just crude things that don't matter in the end. If they were to brag about how easily they stripped flesh from bone she'd perk up but outside of that, she doesn't really bother with them
Enid can't leave though, as much as she plans too. Sure she can walk away, she can live her life but the elders will always be apart of it whether she wants too or not. Romulus is aware of her intentions but he isn't worried, his daughter is growing and what kind of father is he if he doesn't nurture her independence? He spoils his family yes but his methods of living is simply unorthodox and wrong in alot of people's eyes
Not Tara realizing that she isn't the first girl. Yknow what they say abt first loves, they'll always be remembered even if they don't stay
Do love the mention of how Tara and phoebe may hold space in Enid's heart but the wolf bled first for wednesday, different kind of devotion right there
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Pairings: Hangman x Rooster x Bob x reader
Requested: Hi love! ( Idk I'm allowed to call people that but it's a habit😅)I just wanted to say I absolutely love your work! And I had an amazing idea (or at least I think it is) if it's not to much trouble.Poly Bob x Rooster X Hangman X reader where Rooster suddenly introduced Iceman and Maverick as his parents and the rest of class 86 ( sundown, chipper, slider, wolfman and Hollywood) as his uncles.Suddenly Maverick isn't the chaotic/fun/chill captain anymore but he's all 'so you three think you're good enough to date my son huh'.Then IceMav let the 86 class do some very intimidating and threatening shovel talk and first reader is like 'oh shit' but then she remembers the stories Rooster told them about how sweet and chaotic they are (probably causing chaos with Maverick) and reader starts to respond dryly and sarcastically (totally matching class 86' vibe) and they're like 'yeah she's part of the family now, even if it doesn't work out with Rooster, we're adopting you now' and Bob and Hangman are complete horrified because they are higher ranking officers and Rooster is just laughing his ass off.
A/N: I am going to keep Sundown and Chipper out because I don’t know much about them. Also please like and reblog! I hate to say it but many of us writers don’t want to write anymore because we have no interaction. It feeds the authors.
Warning: Mentions of pregnancy, humor regarding males that were also males at birth not being able to be pregnant.
Don't like it, don't read please
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You stood at the door of the Kazanksy-Mitchell household. “Guys, I promise you it will be fine,” Bradley chuckled, “Its only supposed to be Iceman and Maverick today,” He continued. You looked at him suspiciously, “Then why are there multiple vehicles here Bradley?” You asked, face deadpanned. “I said supposed to, doesn’t mean it is,” he said with a nervous chuckle. He truthfully did not know that his 'uncles' we're supposed to be there as well. Despite being in his thirties, they always have and always will be protective over 'baby goose'.
Just as Bob and Jake went to comment, the door open and there stood Iceman, Maverick, Slider, Hollywood, and Wolfman. “Bradley!” Maverick exclaimed with a big grin, pulling him into a hug before a more serious look took over his face when looking at Jake, Robert, and you, “Lts. Seresin, Floyd, L/n,” He acknowledged with a nod. Gone was the fun loving captain you all saw every day at training, in his place was a protective father figure. “Captain Mitchell,” You said politely, “Admiral Kazansky,” You continued before acknowledging the rest by their proper ranks. They were truthfully impressed that you had taken the time to memorize that without them being in uniform, you had never personally met them before. It also show you actually listened to Bradley when he told you things because they gave him no time to prepare you all for the meeting with them.
“Please, come in,” Iceman said, his whole body stiff as you four entered the house. You all entered the house, backs straight, and heads raised, showing no fear. You all were falling into a military mindset as you began to go to the dinner table after being instructed. It was going to be like you were in the academy again, you had to show no weakness while also being respectful.
You all sat down, tension filling the air that was so thick you could cut it with a knife. At first it was silent, all of you complimenting the food but you three knew better then to speak. When the group wanted to start the conversation, they would.
Maverick suddenly straightened up, “So, you three think you’re good enough to date Rooster, huh?” he asked, looking directly at you three. “Sir-” Robert started but Maverick held up his hand, “We all have a few questions for you and your intentions with him,” Slider said, jaw tight.
Right then and there, you knew exactly what they were doing. It was like a bad romcom, ‘Are you planning to take her purity?’, and in this case, it was Bradley.
"Please, ask away Admiral Kerner," You said easily, a smile falling onto your face. They wanted to play games? You would play back. These men needed to know you could hold your own and for Rooster as well. You also recalled they had a sense of humor and would appreciate that. While you would be extremely respectful towards them, you also had to crack jokes and be yourself, if you couldn't with his most trusted family then you weren't really in it for the long run.
"Let's begin then," Wolfman said, leaning forward arms just resting on the table but not his elbows to show manners still. "Your plans for the future with baby Goose?" He asked. "Well sir, we plan a very long future with him," Jake said, clearing his throat. Anyone you see the twitch in his jaw from his nerves, you also could see Bob shifting as they tried to watch their words.
"Marriage? Kids?" Hollywood pushed, wanting more of an answer from you three. "Well sir, we will all probably get hitched in Vegas," you said dryly, "Elvis officiating the wedding of course," you continued straight faced. Robert stomped on your foot, "Y/n!" He hissed before glancing at the Admirals to apologize for your behavior but stopped short as he saw the reactions. Iceman let out a snort, the others lips were twitching as they tried to not laugh, recalling Goose saying about some of them getting married in Vegas.
"And the children?" Mav asked, trying to not laugh. "Well there is the natural way but I don't think they have the parts to carry," you joked with a shrug, waving your hand to your boyfriends who were very much born male. "But if we were maybe one or two but I don't pressure," you said, tone light and a grin on your face.
They were starting to relax with you, leaning back in their seats. "And your overall intentions?" Iceman asked. "Well sir," you said, folding your hands respectfully, "I have no intention of stealing your son's purity if that is what you're worried about," you grinned, leaving it in the air with the silent 'Though he doesn't have any', "But my intention is to keep him for a very long time. Although I won't be making him into a pretty little housewife," you smirked.
That set them off rolling as Rooster flushed in embarrassment. "Okay okay, we can't break gentlemen!" Hollywood chuckled. "So," he started turning the attention to your other boyfriends.
The rest of the night you continued with joking responses while also showing that you deeply loved Bradley and intended to give him the world. The entire time, Bradley was laughing hysterically as you responded with quick comebacks and humor, you were a little spitfire apparently.
The whole time, Jake and Robert resembled fish and ghosts at the same time. These were Admirals of all high ranking! Not only could they convince Bradley to break up with you three, but they could also make their lives extremely miserable within the military. It honestly freaked them out even more when they all responded positively to your humor.
It was later that night, you were sitting and joking with Hollywood and Wolfman about a ‘hard on’ comment they made back in Top Gun. Slider and Iceman approached Bradley, placing their hands on his shoulders. “We like her definitely,” Iceman grinned, “She is part of this family now even if you break up with her,” Slider chuckled. You turned your head towards them as they called your name, “Y/n, you have officially been adopted by the class of 86!” He continued with a laugh. “Robert, Jake, lighten up. We aren’t that scary... we just needed to test you,” Iceman smiled.
They spent the time getting Jake and Robert to relax, watching as you four interacted the whole night. They knew baby goose found his people.
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sapphic-sex-ed · 4 months
I know this is just a me problem & I need to just suck it up and deal with it but I feel... incredibly guilty about not wanting to have sex with my friends. For one, I've never had a friend actually want to engage in that with me so a part of it might be me feeling bad about "not being good enough", but another part of me feels like the queer community is advancing to new places that gives them more joy, freedom, and love and it feels like since the topic is so triggering to me (for no good reason mind you) that I just don't really belong? I haven't been able to talk to other queer people or go to pride events because I'm in such a small, homophobic town. But I feel like if I showed up to a queer event, I just wouldn't fit in and they just would not like me. Not only for looking overly masculine and kinda yucky (not in way thats celebrated in the queer community) after my transition, but because the accomodations I would need for my triggers would just be too unrealistic to expect them to accomodate to (I've been in therapy for nearly 10 yrs, unfortunately some triggers just dont go away). And also bc I'm a sapphic trans guy and ,, man idk if that would piss people off.
I just want to ask, is it okay if I still view sex as sacred for myself but don't think poorly of people who have casual sex or sex with friends? If anything, I'm envious of them for being able to have such a connection to their friends that I would never be comfortable having.
I’m glad to hear you’re seeing a therapist, it’s very clear from your ask that you’re struggling with very low self-worth and I’ve been there and it sucks.
As for your question itself — sex positivity and sex acceptance are about finding a sexuality that feels good for you and don’t shame those whose sexuality feels good to them but isn’t the same as yours. If sex is something sacred to you that is for you alone or only to share with a select few then that is always valid as long as it feels good to you. At the same time, having sex with friends and having multiple partners is just as valid as long as it’s what the people practicing it wants. Neither one has the right to shame or devalue the other.
I notice a pattern in your ask, where you make claims about how you feel people will respond to you. This is a normal thing our human brains do, but this anxiety seems to be preventing you from going out and trying. You think but you do not know that people wouldn’t accept you. Thou think but you do not know that you wouldn’t fit in. Internet queer discourse is poison basically and people in the irl communities are usually a lot more accepting. Online we kinda forget that we’re interacting with other people, but irl we can’t do that as easily (although dehumanization of minorities is a thing, so not impossible but it takes a lot more organized, structural effort). In Swedish we have this expression “provtänka” which roughly translates to “try-thinking” or “attempting-think” where we sort of say a thought we had to other people, usually friends, to try it out. It can be something beneficial like “wait isn’t it strange that inflation is up 4% but benefits have only increased by 2,6%?” and then we can all curse capitalism together. But it can also be (and this is a real example of a thing I said when I was 16) “there are so many bad parents like shouldn’t the government like make you take tests and and out a license for you to reproduce so no children get harmed” and your friends will rightfully go “no wtf??? That’s such an over-reach of government power what are you on???”. Like you try out a thought that you haven’t thought about that much or aren’t that invested in and you do a vibe check basically. Like that pregnancy thought was whack but I hadn’t really thought about it. Luckily my friends were reasonable people who asked what tf was wrong with me and explained why that was a horrible thing and I haven’t thought that way since. Online, you sorta either get jumped which has the effect of you doubling down on your not even fully formed opinion bc you get defensive, or you find other whack jobs who agree and that’s how radicalization happens.
So to the point bc I lost it bc that who I am as a person: people are a lot more forgiving offline and if someone has doubts initially, they’re less likely to voice them, and if they do they’re likely to get checked, and if they don’t just spending time with you will humanize you (which is why people from bigger cities are usually more open-minded, bc exposure to people different than them).
And a last point to wrap up: you write that you’re “envious of them for being able to have such a connection to their friends that I would never be comfortable having”. Relationships aren’t a hierarchy. Romantic relationships aren’t superior to friendships, and sex with friends isn’t superior to hook-ups or long-term partners, and partnered sex isn’t superior to solo sex. They’re different flavors and not everyone will like the same thing. I can’t stand olives but I love pineapple on pizza. I once dated a girl who despised potatoes. Neither is better than the other. I can’t really understand why she would hate potatoes and most people I believe find it strange, but like that’s just her preference. And I know many people find me strange for my choices in pizza toppings (pineapple, banana and curry).
That is to say: it sucks when you feel left out of some type of relationship you’ll never have — I’m an only child hand have always been envious of people with siblings — but that doesn’t mean that type is “better” or that that type of connection is “deeper” than what’s possible within the types of relationships that would fit you.
-mod liz
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boxofthings · 1 year
anon is back to scream into the void ghostroach thoughts, I just feel like this duo would fit the quality time love language so well, because of the like, forbidden nature of their relationship as superior and subordinate yknow, and also because ghost is a private person probably, but like back to the initial thought, just,,, imagine, it ain’t that noticeable but if you’re aware of their relationship you’ll notice that ghost and roach are often just in the same room as each other, maybe not interacting a lot of the time, maybe they don’t even acknowledge each other, but they’re always together, just, being content with being around each other, and I think it’d be cute to see through soaps eyes how they subtly show affection for each other, maybe not so subtly, idk. Also hands, is this just wish fulfilment on my part, maybe, but like hands??? Do you know what I mean??? I think I’m being too vague, let me expand on the previous spa day suggestion, because I was specifically thinking about taking care of someone’s hands!!! Especially when they use it for like, not so nice deeds, it’s just the thought that maybe ghost isn’t too nice on himself and being vulnerable enough to trust roach and finding a lil self love to allow himself this creature comfort. I just want my boys to be taken care of, ok, they deserve the world dammit. Ah, sorry for uh, the word vomit, ghostroach just makes me feel so many things
YOU ARE SO CORRECT ANON scream your ghostroach thoughts louder into the void
I agree 100% with this and the whole quality time love language would be such a huge element of this pairing considering what Ghost's character is like and how I hc Roach's character.
Ghost is someone who I see struggling with being emotional verbally and being able to express his love for someone through heavier acts of affection (like giving flowers, kissing, PDA, etc..)
And Roach seems like someone that likes people-watching, or appreciating moments quietly (I hc him being a talkative mute, but overall I think he'd be a very chill and emmersive kinda guy that likes to sit on the sidelines and observe).
So when these two are paired together they probably like to sit in silence a lot. Maybe Roach will make a comment and Ghost will respond with a simple grunt of acknowledgement. Roach will write in his journal, Ghost might just be vaguely watching the room or strategizing for their next mission in his head, and the only indication that they even acknowledge the other is a small point of contact (shoulders touching, someone's knee touching the other, etc) just little things that, unless you knew them, you wouldn't catch.
This is probably their favourite leisure activity, not having to deal with the chaos of their military lives, being able to settle down and relax whilst having their loved one safe and next to them. And if they have privacy, they absolutely take care of each other. Just lazy and gentle touches where they don't even speak and just allow themselves to unwind. Probably some body worship lmao and just overall softness.
and the HANDS. absolutely them having a thing for each other's hands. While I don't see them being very PDA (especially since relations between superior and subordinate are prohibited) I do see them playing around with each other's hands when they're alone or just in the rush of the moment, like right before they have to separate on a mission (hooking fingers, tracing shapes in the other's palms, etc).
I actually do have a wip where we observe ghostroach's dynamic through Soap's eyes! I just feel like they'd be a very subtle couple but if you have a keen eye and know them well, every little thing they do with each other means sm more.
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rollercoasterwords · 10 months
hi! i hope you’re well - i don’t want to intrude on your space and whatnot but your post about setting boundaries regarding comments on your writing and it’s pace etc and relate to it massively and am proud of you and just general just happy to see fic writers being clear about their boundaries and what is acceptable and not bc so so many people i know (and i myself) stopped writing completely because we reached a point where he pressured was to much and the only way to get past it was to disappear.
have an amazing day/night (whichever it is where you are whenever you read this) and keep up the good work, fic writers are foundational to fandoms and don’t get nearly enough credit or respect for their tremendously hard work!!
All the love <3
this does not feel intrusive at all it's a v nice message! thank u <3 i'm sorry 2 hear u had 2 take a step back from writing but also good 4 u 4 doing what was best 4 urself. ironically i spent a long time talking 2 another writer friend who also had 2 take a step back from fandom the day before i received that message that i ended up responding to, and i think it's just... yeah idk i'm beginning to think all these conversations and posts etc telling people "hey please don't act entitled" don't really penetrate bc there's this perception that as long as ur well-intentioned of course what ur saying is fine, but that simply is not always the case. most people are well-intentioned in their comments + messages, even the people who are straight-up saying they don't like a fic probably think they're offerring valuable criticism or trying 2 helpfully point out a problem. i think there's just a lot of misunderstanding about how 2 interact w a piece of media that is not being made for your entertainment, but rather for the entertainment of the person writing it, and it's not really easy to correct any of those misunderstandings without sounding like a dick and just going "i literally don't give a fuck what any of you people want from my story" lol
anyway i appreciate the commiseration + support, hope ur also having a good day/night/etc <3
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iamselfmade · 2 years
roleplaying profile meme.
PLEASE REPOST, DO NOT REBLOG!  Feel free to add to any of your answers! The purpose is to tell your partners about the way you write!  For the multiple choice ones, BOLD all that apply and, if you want, italicize if it’s a conditional answer!
tagged by: @jurati​
tagging: @facetedspades idk if you’ve done this and YOU TAG ME BITCH
– b a s i c s –
ARE YOU OVER 18?   Yes / No
IS YOUR MUSE?   Yes / No - Verse dependent, there are verses where he’s about 16
ARE YOU SELECTIVE ABOUT WHO YOU WRITE WITH ON THIS BLOG? No (anyone) / Semi (most people) / Yes / Highly / Private (mutuals only)  
IF YOUR MUSE IS CANON, HOW MUCH TO YOU ADHERE TO CANON? Not at all / A little / Some / Mostly / Strictly / (OC) - Picard is not considered canon to this blog for the most part. He’s fine. The xBs are fine. It’s fine. It’s great. It’s so great. It’s fine. It’s fine. It’s fine. It’s fine.
WHAT POST LENGTHS DO YOU WRITE? One Liners / Single-Para / Multi-Para / Novella - Whatever my partner and I work out
DO YOU USE ICONS AND/OR GIFS? No / Gifs / Icons / Gif icons
WHAT LEVEL OF PLOTS DO YOU WRITE? Unplotted / Open Ended Plots / Semi-Plotted / Fully Plotted Epics
HOW QUICKLY DO YOU USUALLY RESPOND TO THREADS? Very Slow (more than a month) / Slow (3-4 Weeks) / Average (1-2 Weeks) / Fast (Less Than One Week) / Very Fast (Less Than Three Days) - I am to have quick turn around but Hoo Boy has life thought otherwise. I also need to make writing money.
WHAT TYPES OF THEMES DO YOU LIKE? (feel free to add!) Fluff / Angst / Smut / Action / Tragedy / Domestic / Family / Conversational / Hurt-Comfort
WHAT GENRES DO YOU LIKE? (feel free to add!) High Fantasy / Supernatural / Science Fiction / Historical / Horror / Comedy / Romantic / Drama / Action / Adventure / Espionage / Everything
ARE THERE ANY THEMES YOU’RE UNCOMFORTABLE WRITING ON YOUR BLOG? (not triggers)  No / Yes - But they’re not huge deals in this fandom
DO YOU HAVE ANY TRIGGERS?  No / Yes - I’m super open about this but I do not, under any circumstances, write/interact with things involving sibling death. I’ll talk about her gladly, though. She was amazing.
HOW DO YOU REQUEST IT TAGGED? - Tag everything as ‘sibling death’ ‘sibling death tw’ or ‘sibling death cw’ I have those blocked.
– s h i p p i n g –
WHAT TYPES OF RELATIONSHIPS ARE YOU OPEN TO? Romantic / Platonic / Familial / Physical / Sexual - Under very specific circumstances for the last two (and strictly for verses where he’s an adult) but please more family relationships for Hugh it’s so good. Hugh deserves a family. He deserves to be a brother and a son. And a DAD.
WHAT TYPES OF PRE-ESTABLISHED RELATIONSHIPS ARE YOU OPEN TO? Romantic / Platonic / Familial / Physical / Sexual
DO YOU HAVE OTPS? No / Chemistry only / Yes
DO YOU HAVE NOTPS? No / Yes / I don’t know - I don’t ship him with Geordi or Elnor, those I see as more familial or platonic. He does love them both dearly, though.
ARE YOU COMFORTABLE WRITING SMUT? No / Selectively / Yes - Almost always no. I’d have to REALLY trust you. Like, REALLY REALLY REALLY trust you. 99 times out of 100 no but hey, you never know until you ask.
HOW EARLY IN A RELATIONSHIP DO YOU SHIP ROMANTICALLY? Autoship / During Plotting / After A Couple IC Interactions / Several IC Interactions / Slow Burn / Depends on partner & muse
ARE YOU OPEN TO TOXIC SHIPS? No / Selectively / Yes / Never Tried It - Hugh couldn’t be toxic if he tried
ARE YOU OPEN TO PROBLEMATIC SHIPS? (canon history, age difference, complicated, etc.) No / Selectively / Yes
ARE YOU OPEN TO POLYSHIPPING? No / Selectively / Yes - At this moment no because that’s too much for me to juggle in terms of threads. In the future? Probably still no but who knows?
ARE YOU AN EXCLUSIVE SHIPPER? No / Sometimes / Yes - I don’t even know what that means
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theloveinc · 2 years
Hi caitie :3 💜💜💜
Few thoughts on this here ⤵️
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I never really get tired of hearing about it/seeing it (cus I think it is a beautiful thing to see ppl over the internet get so close n form genuine connections) but at the same time I do be feeling left out sometimes lol.
Like idk, sometimes you just see the relationship/interaction between moots and really admire it. Like you wish you had smth like that too? Not even in a romantic way. Just wanting to have a moot ur so close with and talk with often. One that can read you, one who enjoys your work, one who actually thinks of you outside of tumblr and has somehow made that known, one that reaches out regularly, once that says cute things to or about u, etc etc.
Like literally it can be so cute and sweet to watch, but you also wanna be a part of it but also know there’s no real appropriate way to do so? Cus you’re a separate moot for one (if not both) of them and your relationship is prolly evidently vastly different tho still fond? Feels especially oof if like, the relationship between u and a moot is undoubtedly positive and great but seems they never reach out to you really despite u doing so all the time?
And then it starts you thinking about if you’re material for that kind of mootship or not and if you ever will be. Makes you wonder if ever people will talk to you or think about you the way you do about them? If you’re really worth talking to???? Idk hekdhdkdshs.
I know people have lives outside of tumblr ofc, and maybe it’s easier for some to relate to each other bc of more similar ages/stages of life. I know people probably mean absolutely no harm in such a way, and that they still prolly love u a lot, just not in the ways you wish they would.
And then there’s the amount of interaction they get in general not from just moots, but anons, and people who like their work, n etc. and ur just like “my turn when”
But yeah idk how much of this made sense if any did at all. But this has just been my experience? Not to vaguepost/talk badly of any moots or anyone ofc. It’s just how I end up feeling at times.
Gets lonely. Real lonely sometimes. Especially when u really start mentally struggling with it.
Sorry if this is really depresso :c
Twylaaa, sorry for the delay in getting to this!!! I really wanted to address everything you have here because you bring up such good points. Hopefully I’m able to cover everything in a way that makes sense, isn’t repetitive and is related.
Part of me honestly feels bad because… some of the stuff you mention here, I definitely could be better at doing, like reaching out to moots who reach out to me, and hyping up both posts and responses that friends, close or not, are having conversations on.
It’s strange though, because… I think people (me included) really get caught up in themselves/what applies to them/what they’re working on, rather than uplifting the community as a whole.
And that’s not necessarily a bad thing, you know… no one is a criminal just doing what they do or having a connection with someone over another or even (and I say this as it’s the case for me) just not having the energy or focus to respond to everything that happens around them… but still, I bring it up because I really think that’s where this uhhh… “discrepancy” between big blogs, small blogs, followers and everyone in between… is highlighted. A lot of people really do get left behind as these interactions do or do not flourish.
And like you said, it’s not like you can really hold hard feelings against anyone for participating in this, and esp. those who it seems like they know what they want… but that doesn’t make it feel any better to see it all happening and knowing it… may never be you.
And then alongside like… not getting follower interaction either? Like regular asks and what not. COWABUMMER (sorry lmfao). Though I do think that’s sort of a different issue all together… relating more to people favoriting certain blogs over others, something that could be combatted but… it’s not important enough/we don’t have that type of community/seems unfair to ask/*gestures vaguely* … you know.
BUT ANYWAY. I do think it should it should be brought up more, how unfair and isolating it can be to see connections between people that also really… do not include the people around that help/helped to bring the community alive.
Obvs, people should chat with their friends and love thy moots and shouldn’t feel obligated to reach out to those who they don’t want/remember to, but like… at the same time, there are still ways to strengthen the fandom community altogether that… just aren’t being done.
It’s truly a complex… dilemma. And it probably deserves another ten paragraphs to unpack it all, so I’m not gonna continue bc I don’t want to start vaguing either LOL… but you know, I guess what I really want to agree with here is the fact that… there’s stuff we can ALL do to be more uplifting to everyone… and it really starts with acknowledging the people who acknowledge you. On every single side, especially the side of those who have power.
This was such a thoughtful and honest perspective, so thank you for sharing!!!🙏🏻🖤
I wrote this on the plane and I can’t figure out how to add my tags, so here’s what they were supposed to be:
I guess this is kinda… stupid to unpack, NOT YOU TWLYA, But like… in general… now that I’ve typed it out it seems so useless to say, because nothing will truly change, and i do believe it’s related to the decline in interest in general… and his we will never have what we had in early 2021, but still, sucks to witness and also… grinds my gears lol, how other writers (but also people in general) are just…, so focused on who’s good at writing or who posts a lot or who makes interesting content, to the point where they ignore all others, even the people sending them asks, obvs I don’t hold it against anyone like we discussed, it’s a PERSONAL problem, but I think a lot of ppl on here can unknowingly and unwittingly be f*cking jerks, the mentality that you should curate your dashboard and only write what u wanna write… I mean, it stands but also, at that point… just post on ao3, maybe that’s rude but like, what do u get out of being here otherwise?, just go on Twitter, LMFAO THO that’s another thing I was thinking about… people are all moving to ao3 only and comments aren’t u know. Rare there, but there’s not much more interaction either given that, YOU DONT HAVE AN ASK BOX!!!!!!! so what are u expecting??, anyway. Idk, thats rude bc… everyone wants interaction I know but… feels odd, [redacted] but also that’s where commenters come in blah blah blah, but that’s just what I mean… why am I getting my panties in a twist over this? ppl should do what they wanna do, also if this seems like I’m sh*tting on non writers, absolutely not, I’m talking abt writers LOL., doesn’t apply to everyone tho, not even really my moots but… if the shoe fits or if you think it fits them…… WEAR IT!!!!!!!!!!
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anarcho-sexual · 27 days
hoooollly fuuuuuuck dude
it’s so agonizing
it’s so infuriating being smarter than 99% of the strangers I interact with
It’s miserable
I don’t know how these people come up with such utterly stupid things that make no sense & also aren’t connected in any way to what the topic is
It’s so agonizing & I don’t care if I’m being arrogant I wouldn’t say I’m smarter than someone if I weren’t.
No need to be afraid to interact with me cause I’ll think you’re stupid. I won’t most likely. If you’re just kind I have no issue with you.
But these strangers that I’m arguing with about significant things are so dumb I can hardly handle it
Some guy tried to tell me BLM, yes the entirety of the BLM movement, is dumb because George Floyd was a bad person & we all worship him like a hero. Then after I explained that nobody worships him, we all know he was a shithead, & that the state murdering people isn’t okay just because they’re bad people, this dumb cunt cake back & claimed once more that Americans worship George Floyd. But it wasn’t like refuting my claim. No it was just another statement of the idea that he is worshipped. He just doubled down. We’re all fucking morons for being upset that police murder people for the color of their skin just because George Floyd was a bad person. Like holy fuck. I wouldn’t care at all if another citizen murdered Floyd for being a domestic abuser (if that’s even true). Wouldn’t care & would say he deserved it. But it’s never okay for the police to break the damn law & murder someone. That will never be justice. Besides, the cops couldn’t have known everything about Floyd when they killed him. But it’s okay i guess to murder people for being black if you later find out they were a bad person.
I just can’t stand it. & that guy was from fucking SWEDEN!!!!!!! I thought they had a good education system in european countries ffs!! & he told me that people will break the hands of theives & kill domestic abusers (he kept saying woman abuser cause i guess that’s the only person it’s wrong to abuse idk). Yeah that’s right he fucking compared private citizens hurting “bad” people to agents of the American state murdering people extrajudicially.
Sometimes i think suicide would be better than having to keep interacting with people like this
once again, if you want to interact with me please don’t feel nervous. I won’t think you’re stupid. It’s just these people I argue with & I most likely only argue with right wingers because I have productive discussions with leftists. I won’t judge you unless you’re a bigot & I truly love interacting with kind people as well as making new friends. Just don’t choose to be stupid & we’re good. I’m talking the level of stupid it takes to read something I said & then respond as if I said something completely 100% different & unrelated to the topic at all. If you can comprehend words & sentences at the level of at least a 6 year old we’ll get along just fine I promise.
& like i said stupidity is a choice that’s why it makes me so angry. being ignorant is not always a choice. being uneducated is not always a choice, especially when it comes to lacking a formal education. but stupidity is always a choice. can’t stand it.
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gavinsmg24 · 9 months
You’re so sweet :+) reading every bit! 😖 it makes me happy that enjoy my words and how I feel. Babygirl please don’t feel forced to be here. Or even if you want to be allow yourself time to be away. If you want! I can try making posts like before. Silly. Like this posts so you can interact with me even when you’re not really feeling it. If you want. I’ll throw you a curve ball to see if your really reading close! I’ll be like! (Ex. Don’t! Like this if you want me to kiss and cuddle you!) and we’ll see what you do! I’m bein silly. Main thing is. Let daddy do the talking! And I’ll be thinking of you smiling as you read
My poor princess. I wish I could be yours. Or idk. I still feel for you of course but also I care. I’d love to help you relax. Setting up a hang out sesh at our house. Or. A house 😖. I’d order us some yummy food. The lights would be low with Xmas lights in the back ground. We’d have different colors for holidays. We’d have purple and orange for the Halloween time. Anyways. Relaxing! And smoke from our bong 🙈
Rambles. I’m so happy that your still looking to the positives. It makes me proud. I know life’s hard. And things happen we don’t expect. But! You’re not letting it stop you. I’m cheering you on!
I wish you the best baby. Grr. I know things are really tough. I know I cant do anything. But. I’m here with you every step of the way. You’re gonna make it! 💎 my gem.. 🙈
Oooh! My cute gamer girl again! Oh my gosh 🙈 you have the Xbox app.. and still have me as a friend to where you can see me getting on 🥹. Oh my gosh.. that’s going to make me smile every time I get online now. You being out there. Seeing something showing that I’m bout to play games. And. It makes you smile 🙈 gosh.. sometimes I get self conscious. Like. We haven’t been together in a while. In relationship and just in general. And. Obviously the way you and I have interacted it shouldn’t be weird how I talk or share how I think about you. I’ll be like. Hmph. That’s silly. But then you’ll say cute things I dont expect like the Xbox thing and smiling just seeing something that reminds you of and I’m just like. :,+) even if we do never see each other again. I’m happy to still know how you’re doing. Even if it’s not ideal. I’m happy to know your changing and growing. And still following your path making your decisions. You say things like us being soul mates. ( which can be more than just dating of course) but. Still I agree. Even with our ups and downs. When I think of you. All I can do is smile. I’m high and sleepy bcuz I’ve been doing FedEx and culvers these last few days. Culvers isn’t bad. Make some food. Prep some food. Clean some dishes. Clean often. Leave. The people are chill. Which is what I like about most fast food places. The grill people are chill and accepting of me being new. Also it’s not too hard and McDonald’s isn’t far off. So. I’m kinda able to hold my own while they do their shit. Rambles! Point was. Extra money. Isn’t hateful
Now. I’m done. I hope your good. Remember. Take some time! Read if you want. Don’t respond for bit again. Let daddy’s words soothe! Idk how much I’ll post but. Still! Mwah kisses and cuddles if you want. Goodnight! 💜💎🧡
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dreaminginvelaris · 3 years
A Response to a Feyre Anti
I made a post recently explaining the dread of having to watch Feyre be abused by her sisters and father, in the Tv adaption. And a Feyre anti made a response, to something that should not be criticized at all considering what I said was just the truth? Feyre was abused. Not only that but they went on and completely twisted the narrative to fit their own ideas and in the process made Feyre out to be cruel and Nesta a saint. complete bull.
I will not be tagging the anti bc they have me blocked (shocker), but also I do not want anyone to go after them, if you come across the post, I don't want it to be through me. it's as much respect I can give to them.
I usually do not respond to those who have something to say with a post of mine or are blatantly talking about me on their blog, unless they're just spreading absolute lies about me or what i "said", it's usually a waste of time to do so. but this post attacked Feyre with outrageous lies and a complete backward interpretation of what actually happened in acotar, so as respectful as I can be, I will be analyzing the anti-response and what truly happened in acotar.
"the audience will only see two sisters fighting-not abuse" "it’s not Nesta you need to worry about. It’s audiences calling Feyre a big dumbass and a bitch" -from anti
if the audience has basic human compassion and empathy for humans IRL or fictional, they will see what's obvious from the start. Feyres abuse. how is it going to look, when they see Feyre walking through the woods, shaking from the cold, starving from hunger, and struggling to find food for her family? only to later see Nesta's treatment of Feyre?"
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in the anti's post, they said Feyre was just as "heinous" to Nesta.
is Feyre the one calling Nesta a pig? a smelly pig? ordering her to take her clothes off?
no, it's not, it's dear Nesta. the text goes as "I took my time, swallowing the words I wanted to bark at her" oh yes... how cruel of Feyre. how heinous of Feyre to...stay quiet... at the verbal abuse.
in the same image we see Feyre ask Nesta to do something (kindly might I add) and then inquire why she didn't chop wood like she needs to.
what does Nesta do? acts like a brat and insults Feyre...once again.
considering I'm going off by the story and not the actual screenplay, and assuming they stay true to the story; will the audience not be disgusted by Nesta's behavior? I mean they just saw Feyre struggle to find food and they expect Feyre to go home to a family happy and appreciative of Feyre but instead, they get this familial abuse.
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the anti said Feyre basically tells Nesta this:
"If you keep bitching at everyone like this no one will want to be around you or you can’t marry this guy because you’re a waste of space to me"
but what do we see?
"Believe me... the day you want to marry someone worthy, I'll march up to his house and hand you over. But you're not going to marry Tomas."
the word worthy, did that not catch your eye? Feyre said Nesta will have to marry someone worthy, someone, who will treat Nesta kindly and give her the life Feyre thinks her sisters deserve. bc Feyre does think that IDK why anti feyres think Feyre despised Nesta so much, Feyre loved her sisters.
what the anti fails to realize here is that Nesta marrying Tomas would have been actually pretty great for Feyre. in the sense that, Feyre would no longer carry the burden of her sister. Feyre would not have to worry about feeding one more mouth. or worrying about Nesta's constant stealing of Feyre's money. Feyre does not think Nesta is a "waste of space" to her, if she did, it would have been easy for Feyre to discard Nesta, and allow her to marry Tomas. the anti has that twisted.
but that is not even the worst part of the scene. did you see the shameless slut-shaming that came out of Nesta's mouth? how will the audience take to that? do you think most of the younger generation will take it lightly to see a sister slut-shame a sister? a woman putting down another woman? in this social climate? where the feminism movement is alive and flourishing. will they be okay with it? will they still blame Feyre and be mad at her the way the anti says they will be? I hope not otherwise I'm losing faith in humanity.
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Lovely words Nesta spews at Feyre. I admit Feyre should have told her then and there that Tomas is abusive. but let's think: Feyre is 19 years old, the youngest, has never had any raising by a parental figure, has been neglected by her whole family, where would Feyre learn to calmly talk to an overgrown brat like Nesta? Feyre telling Nesta who Tomas truly is the duty of a parent, not a sister. I will not condemn Feyre for not knowing that was the perfect time to tell Nesta who Tomas is. especially when Feyre is being tormented and verbally/emotionally abused, its kinda hard to think about something else while you're being told all these horrible words. to us its easy to see where Feyre went wrong but unless you're in the exact position Feyre was in. no one has any room to talk. and even then, every person is different in situations like these.
this part was me analyzing the interactions between Feyre and Nesta since anti had reasons to believe Feyre was just as bad to Nesta and that the audience would see that and hate Feyre. I am now going to respond to the second part of the Feyre Anti's response.
"How will an audience of non-fans react to her not reaching out to her family to tell them she was okay after the reconciliation between her and Nesta? Or not inviting them to the wedding?"- from anti
moving onto acomaf now.
Idk maybe the audience will see Feyre, a depressed, lonely, individual in an abusive relationship while being manipulated by other individuals she called friends, and understand and empathize with her. all throughout the beginning and half of acomaf, Feyre is in critical depression. she wholeheartedly believes she should not be alive. that she is not worthy. she doesn't eat, all she does is sleep, self-care is not important to her or others so why would letting a family know she's okay, a family who BARELY ever cared about her, be a priority? it doesn't seem like Nesta or elain or her father was really fazed by Feyre's lack of communication. her father left on a trip, elain got engaged and Nesta, well we didn't see a tearful welcoming to Feyre on Nesta's part did we?
anti, where is the outcry of her "family" not even really caring if Feyre was safe or not, of what happened to her? it's not like they thought she had died, otherwise, where was the mourning or funeral? no, they just didn't care.
see this is where I know when anti is just full of bullshit. why, WHY, would Feyre invite her family to wedding full of fae? the creatures elain and Nesta fear and hate? for all the talk many anti's spew about Feyre being inconsiderate to Nesta, to her family, you would think Feyre maybe just knows a fae wedding would be the last thing they would want? even then, does Feyre owe them an invitation to her wedding? does she owe them an update on her life? nope. Feyre owed them nothing.
"How about her shit-talking Nesta to a bunch of strangers then having the audacity to ask her to get involved in a war. Oh! This is after she comes into her house and insults their hospitality." - from anti
I hardly think Feyre confiding in individuals who she learned to care about and laying out all the trauma Feyre endured with her family is "shit-talking" but for argument's sake, let's say it is. I still don't see what's wrong? after years of pent-up anger and hurt, would you not let go of everything you withheld inside and explain what was done to you? how you felt? Feyre telling the IC her life story, which contains Nesta's abuse and her family's neglect, was a form of therapy for Feyre. I never read a line where Feyre calls Nesta a "cold-hearted bitch" or called elain "a lazy ditz" she just said the truth. no added embellishments. Cassian was the one who shit-talked Nesta during the dinner scene, never Feyre.
I still don't understand why antis are so against Feyre asking her sisters for help? like the war didn't involve them? they're humans, and you know what the war was about? Hybern wanting to take control of the human lands like they once did and turn them into slaves. those humans included Nesta and elain.
"They could have left the continent" correct, except elain was engaged and refused to leave Grayson. which meant Nesta refused to leave elain. but even so, isn't it the duty of humans to band together and work to overthrow a race of people who want to torture and keep them as slaves? the queens certainly weren't doing their jobs. Feyre asked to use "their" house to meet the queens bc where else would they do it? the queens trust the fae less than Nesta or elain did. but even so, Feyre asking to use their house was a courtesy, that house is rightfully Feyre's. she is the one who sacrificed herself to leave with Tamlin. she did it bravely, courageously, and they got that house thanks to her. they owed Feyre everything. and the only one who acknowledged that was Elain.
that war involved elain and Nesta whether they or Feyre or the anti's liked it or not. not even considering that Nesta and elain are Feyre Archerons sisters, yeah, their family name alone puts a target on their back.
How did Feyre or the court insult Elain's and Nesta's hospitality? You mean when Feyre realized human food differed from fae food? something she did not know about bc she's barely been turned to fae and only had eaten fae dishes? Feyre's grimace towards the human food was an involuntary reaction to someone who is still learning their new body. or was it when Cassian called out Nesta for her cold treatment towards Feyre? if that's the case then fuck decency, I would call out a fake bitch in my presence from minute one. you cant call what Nesta did "hospitality" when all she did was insult Feyre when she didn't even care that Feyre had died, or lost her love bc of abuse, or that her body was changed against her will.
hospitality: the friendly and generous reception and entertainment of guests, visitors, or strangers.
did y'all read something different bc this for sure was nothing Nesta gave to her guests?
the rest of the anti post moves towards Rhysand and his actions UTM which I won't go into because I'm mainly just addressing the false interpretations this anti had to say about Feyre and her family.
I'm not sure how to sign off now lol, but I guess just that I hope this was enough to show how this anti's arguments were completely ludicrous and have absolutely no compassion for Feyre, and instead all the compassion for Feyre's abusers. This anti had a real spin on what the actual story was, and I hope the evidence I provided was enough to show that. Anyways yeah my brain is fried, and I'm done arguing with Feyre anti's for a while now, I need to go praise my queen Feyre so I can receive some semblance of peace.
anyways, stan Feyre for clear skin xx
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Heyyy dude (gender neutral) how are you? I love your work!! I was wondering whether you could do a fluff poly pic with dream x reader x George where the reader gets hated on and the boys are protective of them. Original, I know 🙄✋/lh drink water ❤
hello ! here you go bud :)) kinda sucks but oh well
pronouns : they / them
H A T E • dream x georgenotfound x reader fluff
Twitter. Something about the godforsaken app could put a grimace on anyone's face. Twitter stans aren't all bad, but obviously controversial comments will end up being the most interacted with content on the site, just causing more and more people to see it. Was I surprised when I realized I was under attack; specifically by accounts dedicated to my partners and their friends? Not really, but it definitely still hurt. I expected it eventually but not this soon. I had barely appeared on stream w the guys, only coming in and out of Dream's room.
I was laying on the couch in Dream's room, scrolling through the replies to a post asking people what they thought of me. Dream was unknowingly sitting at his desk, editing with his headphones on. I truly didn't think the comments would be that bad, and some of them weren't, but some were.
idek anything ab them but they give me a bad vibe fr /gen
---- no like actually same, like the way they talk to dream is just,,, idk how to explain it
literally not our place to assume things ab them ???? we know NOTHING ab them
---- ^^^ reminder
they interact w [creator] 🚩🚩🚩🚩
I heard Dream talk, snapping me out of my thoughts. "Yeah, they're right here. [Y/n], George wants to say 'hi'!"
"Okay." I sat up and walked over to the computer, him unplugging the headphones. "Hi, George," I said, a slightly forced grin on my face.
"Hey, how are you?" I could tell that was more of a genuinely concerned kind of 'how are you' rather than a casual one. He could tell I wasn't alright.
"Uh..." I looked at Dream, he also seemed a bit concerned. There was no use in lying to them. "I was reading through a Twitter thread that I probably should've just ignored. It brought me down a bit."
Dream hugged me from behind in his seat. "We saw it. Do you wanna talk about it?" He asked.
I nodded. "It's not quite what they said that bothers me, but the fact that they don't even know me and there's nothing I can do to change their opinion."
"Their opinion doesn't matter. Like you said, they don't know you," George said into his mic. "We know you, and we love you." Dream nodded in agreement.
"I love you guys, too."
I woke up the next morning, cute memories of Dream and I's cuddle session last night. I was in Dream's bed and the blonde boy himself was once again sat his desk, talking quietly on call with someone. "Your chat needs to chill," Dream muttered through a clenched jaw. I got up and walked up behind him, looking over his shoulder while I wait for him to notice me. I glance at chat, trying to find what they need to chill about.
He jumped, scrambling to mute himself and close the Twitch tab. "Good morning, angel," He said as he looked up at me.
I didn't know what to say. Of course, even Sapnap's chat was talking about me. I just let the emotions come through, standing there and feeling the insecurity hit.
I assumed Sapnap had noticed Dream's disappearance and tried to get his attention, as I watched Dream quickly unmute and begin talking. "Hey, I'm here, sorry, my mic fucked up." His eyes went back to the stream to see the chat, the discourse still raging. "Chat, please shut up about the people I hang out with in real life." I could tell he wanted it to be as vague as possible. "They're real people and can see the things you say." He paused and looked up at me. "I'm gonna hop off now." He left the call and took off his headphones, pulling me towards him. "You're worth so much to me, I don't like when people talk about you like that."
I sat in his lap and felt my phone buzz, pulling it out of my pocket and seeing George's name on my screen for a video call. I answered it and aimed the camera at Dream and I. "Hi, George... join the cuddle sesh," I offered jokingly.
"Gladly," he chuckled, his smile stunning me. "There's nowhere I'd rather be." Dream gave me a kiss on the cheek, nodding.
I received a Twitter notification for George's account. I opened it, scanning over the text.
Stop tweeting about creators personal friends challenge 2021 99% fail
I chuckled, piquing George's curiosity. "What are you laughing at?" I went back to the video call.
"Your tweet," I replied. Dream chuckled as he looked at it himself. "Thanks, a lot."
"For what? It's our job to stick up for you, we care about you," He insisted. George hummed an 'mhm' in approval.
"Still, thanks. Also, can we watch a movie together tonight?" Dream chuckled and nodded.
"Of course, you can pick the movie," George offered, exciting me further.
"Including Disney Channel Original Movies?" I asked as Dream groaned in a mixture of disgust and annoyance at the thought of watching a Disney Channel movie.
"Yes, including them," George responded before Dream could.
I laughed as the freckled boy before me let out his complaints, "They're all so predictable, the writing's shit."
"Shut up, Dream," George interjected in defense. "It's just one movie."
After all agreeing, the three of us sat on call watching a movie of my choice.
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ootahime · 3 years
analyzing every gojohime moment in the manga p2
part 1 is here :3
this post includes more excruciatingly long paragraphs so grab urself something and enjoy LOL
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chapter 40 
i know they’re not interacting in this panel but i still want to bring it up.  i’m gonna give some context to this scene in case someone needs to jog their memory.  so basically, mei’s ability to command crows is what allows the staff to observe the students from afar.  however, gojo notices that there’s lack of footage where yuuji is and asks mei why that’s so.  she tells him that they’re animals at the end of the day so she can’t control what they look at.  he doesn’t believe her so he asks her whose side she’s on (for yuuji’s execution vs against yuuji’s execution) to which she responds with, “whose side?  i’m on the side with money, of course.  there’s no value in something that can’t be bought since you can’t exchange that for money.”  in other words, she’ll always choose the side that offers her more money because she doesn’t care about how morally “correct” or “incorrect” something is.  it’s not worth fighting for a cause that doesn’t benefit her in the long run which is why she views things that are unable to be bought (friendships, relationships, favors) as useless - they can’t be exchanged for money.  it’s clear that gojo knows she’s not on his side because he replies with, “spoken from experience!” or “i wonder how much!” (translation varies).  he says it out loud to perhaps let gakuganji know that he’s onto him.  i find it interesting how utahime is in the panel as well with a “?” to express her confusion at his words.  let’s overthink dissect that.  why is she there in the first place? if the message was to let gakuganji know that gojo is aware of his ulterior motives then a panel with gakuganji and gojo would have sufficed.  why add utahime with a question mark? 
here’s a personal headcanon of mine that makes no absolute sense, but who cares? it makes me happy LOL.  so let’s examine the panel.  gojo’s face is more simplified and cartoonish with a grey background on top and some sort of white bubble surrounding the three characters.  gakuganji is staring at utahime and gojo.  in the official viz translation, he replies to mei with, “i wonder how much!”  
normal and logical explanation: shading the principal by asking out loud how much mei was paid by him to avoid monitoring yuuji.
gojohime brainrot explanation: 
mei: “there’s no value in something that can’t be bought since you can’t exchange that for money”
gojo: (in response) i wonder how much utahime’s love would cost if it did have a price.
utahime: ?
you’re probably thinking i’m delulu (true) BUT HEAR ME OUT.  IT WOULD SOMEWHAT MAKE SENSE IN THIS CONTEXT...
mei’s saying seems to be what she lives by.  relationships, love, friendships, etc. do not matter to her as this is evident when she ultimately abandons everyone in shibuya to escape to malaysia, selling all her stocks before japan’s economy goes down.  she doesn’t care about anyone else.  she even takes advantage of ui ui’s adoration for her.  she contrasts utahime.  utahime is loved by her students.  children, especially teenagers, are picky when it comes to choosing the adults they admire and respect.  while everyone trusts gojo, they do not respect him because of his childishness and overall absurdity.  it’s refreshing to see how they always call him an idiot or have a -_- face when he’s around.  when akutami says everyone absolutely adores utahime-sensei, it says a lot.  we haven’t seen her interact with her students all that much, but she’s obviously close to them because she’s frequently arguing with momo.  even a closed off person like mechamaru wanted to keep her away from danger.  she most certainly expresses a lot of concern and care for her students, and gojo and her students can pick up on this. 
i’ve talked about this in every post LOLOL but there’s a reason why he went to utahime first to help him investigate.  utahime is a loyal person through and through.  she would never do something that harms the students even if she was offered everything in the world.  she values relationships above everything else.  besides her concern for the students, how else was i able to come to this conclusion about her character?  well, she got shoko to stop smoking because she was worried about how it might damage her friend’s health.  from these two details, it’s obvious that she’s the complete opposite of mei.  
maybe that’s why he calls her weak.  she’s too selfless and compassionate in a world where every sorcerer is for themselves.  the world is cruel as a sorcerer.  no matter how hard you try to fight, in the end, you’ll always die alone.  remember his talk with megumi after the baseball game?  after witnessing megumi pull a sacrificial bunt to help his teammates advance, gojo has a talk with megumi about his attitude and potential.  he says that being selfless and caring about others is not a bad thing, but in a world like this, where people always die alone, he is wasting his potential by being concerned with others.  it’s okay to be selfish.  this is why we see fierce independence in a lot of the sorcerers like mei, nanami, and gojo.  they each have their own reasons as to why they work alone, but it’s still a common characteristic.  i feel like utahime doesn’t have a selfish bone in her body.  i speculate that her selflessness is the exact reason why she is being held back.  during her mission to exorcise a grade 1 spirit by herself, the final task before being promoted to grade 1, she likely got distracted trying to help civilians out of danger and failed her mission.  he’s right when he says she doesn’t have the guts to be the traitor, utahime doesn’t have it in her to do something so boldly solely for her own benefit.  
after this long tangent, how does this relate to your headcanon, ootahime?  
as you know, love is not transactional.  you can’t pay someone to love you.  what if gojo is asking himself how much it would cost to buy her love.  hence, her confusion because she is oblivious to what he really means.  it could be probable because gakuganji is observing not only gojo, but utahime as well.  so what gojo says must involve her too, right?  
or she could just be confused because his words seem out of place because she is unaware of what gakuganji is doing behind everyone’s back.  that explanation makes sense for viz’s official translation but it doesn’t make sense when he says, “spoken from experience!” because his words make sense in that context.  he’s basically saying that mei’s beliefs must be based on her past experiences so he understands why she feels this way.  that’s an appropriate response to mei’s statement so i don’t see why utahime would be confused by this.  unless i’m interpreting this whole scene completely wrong.  in that case, whoopsies!  
let me know if you’re confused because i’m willing to clarify.  idk why but i found this really difficult to explain.  maybe because i’m reaching so hard haha
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chapter 40
he finds any way he can to tease her.  they seem like a married couple watching a movie or something.  does he take pride in being the only person she doesn’t get along with?  i mean, she says it herself so he is aware she thinks he’s annoying, but he keeps picking on her anyway.  he doesn’t even pick on his enemies this much LMAOOO i think the only other person he likes to make fun of is gakuganji but he does so because he doesn’t agree with his views.  with utahime it’s different.  he trusts her a lot and even looks out for her.  
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chapter 44
why are there two separate instances of gakuganji observing utahime and gojo’s interactions from afar?  nah i’m just playing.  he’s just looking because he’s concerned she’ll run into the semi-grade 1 curse he had for yuuji.  OKAY BUT I NOTICED SOMETHING KINDA CUTE?  whenever utahime says something suddenly, he always has those 3 little triangles near his head.  it’s like he’s thinking, “oh!  utahime is speaking, i must listen <3″  look at his face too.  he’s looking at her like :O
this is also an example of her showcasing her concern for the students in front of gojo.  i feel like he questions why she’s so caring because if it were him, he would have left the student to figure it out themselves.  i really wonder how she would react if he answered her truthfully when she asked what he’d do if she were the traitor.  
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chapter 45
there’s not much to say here...they’re just cute.  i know it’ll never happen but i’d like to see them fight side by side one day.  i’m aware that gojo works best alone but i just want to see how they’d work together, okay? 😔
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chapter 45
see the little triangles on his head again?  UGH SO CUTE.  
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chapter 45
IS THIS NOT INTENTIONAL???  they share the same thoughts.  he even finished her thought.  mannnnnnnnnnnnn what is akutami doing?  giving us false hope and stripping it away just for fun?  making them work so well together for what??
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chapter 52
cute how he looks out for her.  i have nothing more to say LOL
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chapter 53
notice how they’re sitting across from each other?  HEHE
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chapter 53
yet another instance of her caring for her students in front of gojo.  in the anime she has the cutest expression when she says she’s glad the students are safe.  i bet gojo saw that too.  i also bet that she looks prettier from his point of view.
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from the manga and light novels, gojo and utahime are the ones that talk about sports the most.  he most definitely chose baseball to cheer her up.  it’s not a coincidence people!  
i feel like i had a lot more to say but i completely lost my train of thought while writing this, especially with chapter 40. i’m once again writing this at 4 in the morning LOL........  please please please add on or share your thoughts!  thank you for reading and sorry for any mistakes.  
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red-doll-face · 3 years
Here is a request for slashers if they're open. My brain does a thing where I am affectionate w a person but if I get nudged away (even if it's just to readjust the position), it goes "oh no. They don't want u to touch them. Do not touch ever again or they will get mad at u. U disgust them." Even tho touch is my love language & it hurts, I just won't touch. If confronted, I will get confused & panicky cuz "u didn't want me to touch? Im respecting ur wishes? Did I miss something?" Its a mess.
Requests are indeed open, I’m sorry I take foreverrr to do these but i hope u enjoy! I don’t know what to call this tho. For simplicity’s sake I’m calling this nervous reader lmao, idk what else to call these.
Slashers x gn nervous Reader
Jason Voorhees:
Jason can very much relate to the feeling. When he first meets you, he’s sure that you’re frightened. He restrains from being too close to avoid coming off as overbearing, doesn't want to touch you because if you flinch he’ll be so hurt. He just assumes he disgusts you. Based on the reaction all of his other victims have when they see him, he’s sure you’ll probably be the same.
Once Jason is sure that you don't feel that way, he’s a cuddle monster. He wants to be close all of the time, holding hands, letting you sit in his lap, you name it. He’s so starved and quickly decides that touch is his love language too. He’s not even sure how he’s lived this long without it.
The only time I can see Jason maybe gently sort of setting you down elsewhere and walking off is when he senses strangers on the property of what once was Crystal Lake. He’s out the door before he can even see your hurt expression, Which is worse because this might lead you to jump to conclusions.
If you distance yourself from Jason, he immediately is thrown off. He can’t directly ask you if he’s done something wrong and when he tries to initiate affection with you and you don’t reciprocate whole heartedly, he’s at a loss.
He’ll get on one knee while you sulk on the couch and give you a silent plea to tell him what's wrong. You can panic and try and avoid it but he is certain there's something going on and he wants so badly to know what he’s done to put you off. You tell him and he immediately is shaking his head no, he could never be mad at you, never be disgusted with you. You’re the most breathtaking person he’s ever had the pleasure of holding, the first, most likely.
Jason nods because he understands how you feel. In the future, he’s persistent about how you feel when he untangles himself from you, making sure you’re ok.
Michael Myers:
In the later stages of your relationship, Michael is insatiable when it comes to being in contact with you. For a long time, towards the start of your relationship, he didn’t like it. It felt weird. All of the touch he's experienced prior was so clinical and sterile that he doesn’t quite know how good touch is supposed to feel. He’s so touch starved that he’s almost positive he doesn't even need it.
Slowly, he builds a tolerance for it, much like one does with alcohol, constantly checking his boundaries and letting him control the situation and he’s all for movie night, huddled up on the couch, or waking up with his head on your chest. His own personal pillow.
There are, however, moments when his need to make someone tremble with fear and then blodgeon them to death with a can opener from their own kitchen becomes too strong, so he tries to keep away from you. In the past, he might have used you to satisfy similar desires of a sexual nature and may have really hurt you but he knows that it’s not always enjoyable to you.
Then, you stop touching him. Much like Jason, he starts to think you’ve become sick of him. Sick of his coldness, his muteness, his withdrawn demeanor. Maybe you’ve moved on and he tries to tell himself he doesn’t care but he doesn't think he can see himself touching anyone but you now.
It gets to the point where he comes home one day and you look heavily troubled, expressions he’s seen on your face before, only in the event that something terrible has happened. You ask to speak to him and he obliges.
You explain that you don’t think this relationship is working, that you’re pretty sure he’s disgusted with you and how difficult this event is because you didn't even want to talk about it but it's been hurting you for too long.
His response is to stand up very slowly, pick you up and lay down with you over him, simply laying there. Hopefully, knowing you’re the one person he would ever allow to participate in this intimacy is enough to show you that you mean more than you think you do to him.
RZ Michael Myers:
This Michael is more perceptive to your touch than his counterpart, your touch sends little shivers down his spine and as soon as he gets pretty used to it, he’s eager for more. This also takes some time but significantly less. He’s enamored with the idea of returning to a somewhat normal life. Your affection grounds him in that fantasy as much as being a murderer might take him out of it.
As he establishes a relationship with you, he may even be the one to start touching you instead of the other way around. He’s read books and always wondered what it might feel like to have someone genuinely touch him without fear in their eyes. Without malice.
An unsuccessful ‘day at work’ might have Michael feeling a little het up though. He can be moody and more rageful. Neither you nor his hobbies can calm him. He seems colder than usual in these states and can come off as very standoffish.
So when you try and touch him and he shrugs your hand off his shoulder, he can’t or isn't in the state of mind to address your frown and worried look. Michael, instead stomps off somewhere to be alone for a while; maybe take his anger out on something else. Some unsuspecting soul or maybe even a poor animal in the wrong place at the wrong time.
After he’s calmed down some, he returns and almost forgot about that sad little gleam in your eye before he left. Michael remembers when he sees you blankly staring at the TV, pointedly avoiding his gaze even as you utter a weak welcome home. It’s not very welcoming. He sits stiffly beside you, watching you from the corner of his eye. You’re closed off from him and he doesn't like it at all.
Migrating towards you slowly, he eases you into a familiar hug, his big bear hugs that are a little tight but inviting all the same. His huge torso and long arms seem to swallow you in his warmth. You hardly reciprocate. You look a little surprised. Though he never addresses it verbally, (which is probably better for you) Michael offers a single glance that communicates everything he needs to say. Don't ever think that again.
Thomas B. Hewitt:
Thomas’ self esteem issues and self image are not good. He honestly doesn’t like to imagine what he looks like to other people unless it can be as a threatening man you don’t fuck with. Meeting you, he realizes that it’s good to protect his family but he’d rather you not see him as someone only capable of harm. Tries his best to get the point across that while Hoyt may be adamant that horrible things happen to you, he’s not going to let them.
Thomas has received affection but always a familial affection. A pat on the back from Monty, proud claps to his shoulders from uncle Charlie, and hugs and kisses from his dear Mother. Nothing so foreign as a strangers touch over his arm or a soft embrace.
Unfortunately, Thomas can get reactive when you attempt to touch him without his mask on. He’s absolutely settled on the false reality that you’ll see his face and immediately decide that you never want to touch him again. Interacting with you with his bare face? That's a no for Thomas.
He puts on his mask that covers the scarred skin over his face and you look dejected. He was preparing for you to pressure him but instead finds himself trying to find out why you won’t touch him now. It’s not his face, is it? You respond with your reasoning. Thomas is so confused. How could you think that you disgust him? That he doesn’t want you to touch him?
He’s quicker than the others and immediately sweeps you up into his arms and holds you as close as humanly possible. Feeling disgusting and like some sort of burden is a feeling he’s so familiar with and if he can take it away from you, he will.
Will aggressively initiate touch with you for the next week or so just to solidify the fact that he cares about you and won't reject you just as you didn’t reject him.
Bubba Sawyer:
Bubba is a great cuddle buddy and partner. Hugs are his favorite and he hugs his brother all the time, lifting both Nubbins and Chop Top into the air for some brotherly love. If you’re smaller than them he’s all about picking you up and perhaps a little rough housing with you. He’s careful though or at least there are attempts made to be careful
Bubba, though he could easily spend the whole day doing nothing and everything with you, has work. Chores, butchering. Cooking, and tending livestock. Plenty to do at the sawyer house and he does most of it. Suffice to say there are times when you want to lather attention all over him yet he has to go back to work.
So caught up in work that he doesn't get what's going on til way later, when you’ve had time to stew in your emotions, firmly telling yourself that Bubba is annoyed by you probably. He’s baffled and confused at your silence, your crossed arms. The little furrow in your brow. He can already tell there’s something upsetting you.
Honestly, Bubba is so affectionate I can’t see him being the kind of person even capable of alluding to the fact he might be disgusted by you. How, if all he wants to do is love you? You may bring it up as a joke that you thought he didn’t like you and he almost seems offended. Not like you?
Bubba can squash any feelings you may have about that and then some. He will not let you drown in insecurities, not on his watch. This man will do everything in his power to make you feel beautiful because you really are.
I’m sorry these are super long but thanks for requesting!
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