#also the song for this day is the way i walk by the cramps <3
art--harridan · 8 months
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[Image description: A digital painting of Jack Goodman from An American Werewolf in London. It shows his face and the top of his shoulders. He's staring off into the distance with a slight smile. His neck is ripped ragged, comprised solely of exposed viscera. The wounds stretch up onto his face, mostly destroying his left cheek. It travels up in two raw lines across his face. Some of his jacket is torn and bloodied too. Jack is mostly drawn with greens and yellows with reds primarily coming from the gore. There's a light blue shirt shoulder in the bottom left corner. Over it, in a dark yellow, there's silhouettes of Jack and David walking. The shoulder looks like a path behind them. The background is mauve, coloured in with scratchy lines.]
Inktober - Day 3 (Path)
Movie - An American Werewolf in London (John Landis, 1981)
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xxzlushiez · 1 year
My American dream
“You’re so Art Deco out on the floor, shining like gunmetal, cold and unsure”
Bill Kaulitz x f!reader
Synopsis: I’m in such a mood right now I just want to write everything that comes to mind. Basically, bill takes a liking to a teen singer that came from America to Germany
Tags: 18+, implied smut, Name is from America, Tom being Tom, kissing, bill is a tease but means well, making fun of American accents, language barrier (this is based before the members spoke fluent English), confusion, reader smokes weed
German in bold
English in italics
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- it started with your tour manager saying you should consider going to another country to gain more popularity
- you believed it was a good idea and could benefit your career so you agreed, easy enough right?
- you were wrong…so so wrong😭
- Communication was ROUGH
- Your team had to rent out a whole car because talking with transportation workers was too difficult for everyone without a translator
- Your managers were definitely getting gray hairs because of you
- When the day of the interview came, your manager surprised you last minute saying you would be collaborating with a popular German band in the interview
- It was a good idea essentially
- Rising teen artists from two different countries hanging out would cause some attention
- But both parties couldn’t even speak to each other so it was a wreck for everyone up until the interview finally started
- you rambled about how excited you were to your makeup artist and you swear he pressed down on your eye extra hard while applying the makeup just to get you to shut up
- When the interview started and you settled into your seat you took time to look at all 4 of the members
- You looked for who your manager had described as the main vocalist of the group and he easily caught your eye
- The same could be said about you
- Bill noticed when you walked out that your styles were similar and he was mesmerized
- you saw the way he was eyeing you up and down while the other band members were answering questions
- “he’s definitely judging me rn”
- In a way…but he was just checking you out don't worry
- the interviewer decided you should all play a game of charades between languages and see who wins
- And with his luck he had gotten partnered up with you
- While you were so excited to be partnered up with another lead singer, he was shaking in his skinny jeans💀
- he was also very happy he just got a little nervous because he had to speak English which he wasn’t completely confident in
- He sat with you on the cramped sofa and tried to introduce himself to you
- “I'm Bill, it’s nice to finally meet you! I’ve heard some of your songs”
- You stared at him with the stupidest look of your face
- Bill:😊 you:😁
- “Oh I didn’t know the game started already”
- It was so awkward for the first few minutes that the translator had to come help you guys out out of her own secondhand embarrassment
- But once you properly introduced yourselves you were able to “talk” with each other so easily
- the convos flowed so naturally between you two that fans started to get jealous🤭
- half way through the game he was trying to help you understand a German word and saw you had gotten extremely close to him
- When he noticed he went dead silent and went as still as a statue, fans swore he turned into concrete and you were just 3 inches away from his face like-
- “Why’d you stop? I almost had it.☹️”
- there was so many urges he was holding back on when he was near you
- was staring at your lips the whole time but played it off as learning the pronunciation of the word you were saying when you asked him
- everyone noticed how he was looking at you, and how he touched you even when there was no need
- You guys both had undeniable chemistry with one another
- the band teased bill on how quick he cozied up next to you during the game
- Tom dry humping the air and George pretending to make out with Gustav to embarrass Bill and he’s just there like…
- 🧍”and that’s why I’m leaving”
- He would go off to find you and complain abt how annoying they were as you both munched on some snacks until the break ended
- He would always giggle when you spoke and you thought he was making fun of you
- He kinda was in his mind but he mostly just loved the way you sounded and when you tried to speak German it made him all giddy for some reason
- couldn’t contain himself around you he was always laughing at your jokes and smiling so hard when you talked to him and he himself didn’t even know why
- wouldn’t stop complimenting you because he loved how happy you got when he did
- always positioned himself so he was touching you in someway be it your thighs being smushed against his when sitting down or his arm slung over the sofa to play with you hair
- sat with you even after the game was over not caring how his band mates were snickering at him
- he loves your accent it’s his new favorite thing
- you always caught him staring into your soul while you were speaking with the interviewer (he doesn’t know how mean he looks pls forgive him)
- fans got butterflies on how he would just randomly stare at you for a few minutes before looking back at whoever was talking
- Tom said you looked like a tomato the whole time and wouldn’t stop making fun of you and bill had to smack some sense into him (literally) to get him to stop
- during the middle of the interview some random questions were asked and he saw how quick you got weirded out
- was annoyed the rest of the time, he was sitting there giving the interviewer the biggest stank eye ever while talking to you
- He’s good at making ppl look stupid I just know it
- The interviewer would ask him something and he’d be like “Idk, what do you think?😐”
- his manager had to tell him to get his act together bc ppl were starting to notice💀
- when the interview ended you made your way out to the balcony to relax before you had to leave to the hotel
- You didn’t notice Bill had rushed off to follow you until you heard the emergency exit door being pushed open
- he looked around the small balcony until he spotted you
- His face lit up when he saw you 😕 to -> 😃
- he waved as he jogged over to you
- he tried to apologize for the questions but it came out more in German than English but you understood
- You smiled and looked up at him with heavy eyes before puffing some smoke out of your nose and telling him it was “whatever”
- He was practically drooling over you he thought you looked so pretty
- the way your eyes looked with that lazy smile on your face was doing something for him
- But he just smiled like he understood what you said before grabbing the blunt from you and taking a drag
- He coughed
- so much
- it was nighttime and dark so he thought it was a cigarette and quickly found out it wasn’t
- “you, okay?”
- “Ja! 😊” (He’s not okay)
- it was fine though you both laughed and made fun of the incident after
- he was basically caging you between the chain fence with his body (I’m going crazy) without noticing
- When he finally did the blunt was dying down and you were gazing at the stars while he gazed down at you
- “I wanna kiss you so bad right now”
- you just stared at him with the sweetest smile he’s ever seen because you didn’t understand what he was saying
- if you knew the things you did to him oh my god
- before you put out the joint you shot gunned some smoke into his lips and that seemed to finally pushed him over the edge
- when he kissed you he tried to be slow n soft but it escalated quickly bc he has no self control with you
- he’s a lightweight and was so out of it, eyes droopy and everything
- so noisy with it to, gasping into your lips the whole time when your fingers even slightly grazed his skin
- had his hands tangled in the fence and his knee pushed up inbetween your legs to rub against you
- rutting himself into your thigh while making out (dude’s starved)
- since he was so much taller he was basically hunching over to reach you
- everywhere you touched all you could feel was him and it made you so dizzy
- whined into you neck the whole time, he couldn’t get enough of you, wanted all his senses to be filled up with you
- “Want you, need…need you. Need to feel all of you”
“Name please- need you now, please I’ll be good”
- makes his brain all fuzzy and he can’t think when you kiss him
- gets out of breath so fast bc he’s so overstimulated but doesn’t wanna stop so it leads to him panting like a dog in heat
- he’s never had it so bad for someone like he had it for you
- grins into the kiss when you notice his tongue piercing
- you had your arms around his neck to bring him down to your level and played with a hair for a second and his eyes rolled back and he let out the most pornographic moan you’ve ever heard and had no shame abt it
- kept doing it when he noticed how heated you got from it
- forgets how to function when making out w/ you
- got a little to frisky and you had to stop him before you went to far and risked being caught
- your manager was so frustrated with you both when he found out but you both just giggled and ran off to go do it again
- if you googled ‘dumb teens in love’ you two would show up as the definition
- you hung out with him and the other three the rest of the time you were in Germany
- you and Tom scare him all the time and he’s so extra abt it
- Screams, then gasps for air, and then pats down his body to make sure he didn’t ascend before glaring at you both and throwing whatever’s nearest to him at you
- the media loves you guys together
- some thought the relationship was fake because you guys were just that couple
- He helps you learn German and you help him learn English
- literally started bawling into your neck when you had to leave a few weeks later
- whined abt how you should “just move in with him bc it’d be easier”
- travels to America lots but mostly pays for you to come out to Germany because he thinks it’s easier
- always calling and texting each other when your both free
- go to each others concerts to support one another (so cute!)
- so many pictures of one of you at the others concerts cheering for them in the crowd
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flamingo-writes · 11 months
What would you think if Hobie asks reader to cut the ends of his hair that bother him because of the mask and while she was doing it, she sang a nice song to him, meanwhile some little flowers began to bloom around them.
Really like the last post and this came to my mind immediately.
Listen, I’ve been daydreaming of this the entire day. I think this idea was very cute!
Also, little disclaimer: I was born and raised in Mexico, so, I’m very unfamiliar with how black people’s hair works. I know culturally it has a lot of importance, but other than that I knew very little of the different types of hair and ofc the insane variety of treatments and proper care as well as the different ways to give maintenance to different kinds of dreads. Also, as someone who has had very short hair for 2/3 of my life, as well as shaving my own head for the better part of the last 4 (5?) years, in general hair care and routines are something I’m wildly unfamiliar with, the longest I had my hair in the latest years was a 6 inch or so Mohawk I grew two years ago. Hobie has been a very good opportunity for me to educate myself a lot in hair (especially black people’s hair) and I spent a good portion of my evening watching videos/TikTok’s and reading on dreadlocks and their maintenance. If I wrote something inaccurate or wrong, please let me know, help me see my mistake, and I will fix it as soon as I can.
This came from this other request, I’m thinking of turning into a series.
Flower Bed — Hobie x Reader
Also, you said little flowers, but my brain decided to go for a full flower bed 😭 I hope you like this!
Warnings: none.
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“Oí, luv…” Hobie said walking out of the bedroom, looking around you.
“Bathroom!” You shouted as he followed your voice, noticing the bathroom door opened and you kneeling by the shower.
Plants cramped in the shower as you watered them.
“Oh, never mind, you’re busy” He said.
“I’m almost done. I just need to water the ones in the kitchen sink and the monsteras…” You said as you’d todo up and stretched your back. “I’ll be done in ten minutes, what’s up?”
“I wanted to ask you if you could help me trim my hair, it’s starting to get long and gets stuck in the mask and, you know…” He asked softly. “But I can’t see the back of my head,”
“Sure, I’ll help you,” You said giving Hobie a kind smile.
He smiled back, walking up to you and kissing your forehead.
“Need help with the plants?”
“As you wish,” You replied happily. “You were asleep earlier and didn’t want to wake you, so I started watering them on my own…”
“I’m awake now,” He said. “I’ll water the monsteras,”
“Thank you, babe,” You purred.
By the time you were done with the plants, you went ahead and started helping Hobie out. You sat on the edge of your bed, as he sat on the floor. Since Hobie was tall, this was the most comfortable arrangement. It wasn’t also the first time you trimmed his wicks. He asked you to help him every few months.
As you put some soft music in the background, you got started, trimming dread by dread. Taking care to cut the hair while keeping the end of the dread rounded. Cutting just across each wick was already hard as they were thick, but you also wanted to keep them looking nice and rounded. Which was also a reason why Hobie asked you for help. You did a much better job at it than him.
Even when he didn’t admit it, or didn’t look like it, every single detail in his appearance was planned. Especially his hair. He liked taking care of it, and over all treated his hair like this very intimate thing, he hated having other people touching his hair. Except you. He actually loved it when you touched his hair, ran your hands through it, your fingers disappearing between the dreads. And the particular care and dedication which which you seemed to tend to every wick.
Deep in your concentration, watching over the little details, you were unconsciously singing. Something you also did quite a lot. When you were deeply focused on something, you’d start humming and eventually singing. Which only added to the relaxing time Hobie was having.
Between your gentle hands running through his hair, and now the soft sound of your voice singing in a low voice, going along with the music. Hobie lived for these little peaceful moments, making him feel absolutely contempt with his life. These little moments were everything to him.
As he had his eyes closed, focusing on every brought of your touch against him, he didn’t notice at first the plants growing around you.
It wasn’t plain on obvious. In fact, Hobie didn’t notice until he felt something tickling his elbows. He opened his eyes and saw flowers growing out of the floor, tiny plants growing buds and flowering. All in a matter of several seconds. And you continue to sing, concentrated. He blinked several times, wondering if you were aware of what you were doing, as he kept staring at the flowers growing and multiplying, coming out of the wooden floor tiles.
“Uh, luv?” Hobie asked in a low deep voice.
“Hm?” You hummed, answering Hobie’s question, sounding way too focused in your job as you were rounding one of the last wicks.
“Are you aware of the fact that you pretty much brought spring into our bedroom?”
“Huh?” You asked confused, breaking your hyper focus and looked around, noticing the flowers covering almost the entirety of your floor. White, red, lilac, and pink flowers, extending across your small bedroom. “Fuck,”
Hobie laughed softly.
“You didn’t notice?”
“N-no…” You whispered softly.
“That’s amazing…” Hobie sighed. “It’s beautiful, by the way…”
“The thing is I don’t know how to…un-grow them…And they’re a lot…” You said softly, the concern building in your voice, making Hobie chuckle. “What are we going to do with all of them?”
“We can always collect them and sell them or whatever, you know?” Hobie chuckled.
“Yeah, I guess you’re right…”
“In the meantime, we can always enjoy this beautiful scene, what do you say?”
“You’re way too calm for someone who has his bedroom full of flowers…”
“You made them. They’re beautiful. I don’t see the issue, basically a work of art,” He said looking at you over his shoulder, as you rolled your eyes playfully at him.
“Hobie, pollen give you allergies,”
“Sleeping on a flower bed one night isn’t going to kill me,” He pointed out. “Besides, ever since the spider thing, I get less allergies from flowers,” He said lifting a finger up, making you chuckle.
“Fine! You win this argument!” You chuckled.
“You know I love you, right?”
“Yeah, I love you too”
“That’s why I don’t mind the flowers. Because you made them,”
You leaned forward and pressed a kiss on Hobie’s cheek before you continued tending to the last two wicks.
“Thank you,” You said.
“For what?”
“Being you,” You sighed. “I’m not precisely fascinated with all the flowers in the bedroom, but the fact that you are, makes me feel better”
“Why, you’re welcome, sweet’eart. Thank you for helping me with my hair,” He said looking at you and giving you a cheeky smirk.
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xaeethebaee · 1 year
random nsfw hcs part 3? 👀 (i’m tryna see sum about baji)
Random NSFW Headcanons Part Three
You asked, so I am delivering. Just like the first two times, these are random sexual headcanons about the characters of Tokyo Revengers.
Warnings: Implied violence, mentions of vomit, implied food play, VERY awkward dirty talk, and rim jobs
A/n: Please keep in mind that every single character is over 18!
Hanma thought it would be funny to blow cigarette smoke into your pussy. He has a broken nose now. (Off to a great start lol)
Sanzu often thinks about whether or not he has a bigger dick than Mikey
Shion's favorite sex position is reverse cowgirl because of how fast it makes him cum. He also cums so hard that he quickly gets overstimulated
Speaking of Shion's love for overstimulation, he'll stay in that position until he's sobbing and shooting blanks
Izana has a peculiar habit of lifting your skirt and smacking your ass no matter the location
Yuzuha's favorite place to sit is on your face (as the Queen should!)
Rindou has an entire playlist for sex. These are all songs that he has mixed himself
Don't complain about period cramps around Benkei because he will definitely love to fuck the cramps out of you
Kisaki's favorite method of punishing you is by handcuffing your hands to the bed and edging you with toys for hours
Wrap a fruit roll up around Nahoya's dick and suck it until the candy dissolves will cause him to propose on the spot
Mitsuya secretly taught Inupi the trick of getting girls to squirt with just his fingers
The slow and romantic love-making types are SHINICHIRO, KAKUCHO, HAKKAI, MITSUYA, Kokonoi, Souya, Benkei, Peh, Rindou, Chifuyu, Sanzu, South, and Mucho
Baji has volunteered you to model for Mitsuya's newest and sexiest lingerie set
One day, Rindou accidentally walked in on Ran holding a cucumber. He quickly left before he could witness what could happen next.
Kokonoi writes erotica novels using sexual experiences told by members of Toman and Black Dragons
Takemichi made Hinata cum by just sucking on her nipples
Wakasa once sprayed whipped cream all over your pussy and proceeded to lick it completely clean
Who lives for fucking while being recorded? (wannabe pornstars lol) HANMA, SOUTH, RAN, Sanzu, and Shion.
Ran has MANY sex tapes with his ex-girlfriends
Surprisingly, Hanma has a low body count (less than 10 people)
Mitsuya never had a threesome until Baji randomly showed up at his studio with you - his girlfriend
These dudes LOVE to have their faces to be sat on. SHION, HANMA, SOUTH, Kokonoi, Shinichiro, Takeomi, Mikey, and Mucho
Kisaki likes head more than sex because it makes him feel more dominant
South gets so filthy when he is eating your pussy, so prepare for him to also give your ass some attention too. Honestly, he'll worship your entire body with his tongue
Inupi is actually really self-conscious when it comes to sex so please reassure him
Pah-chin and his wife are members of the Mile-High club
Draken's dirty talk NEEDS improvement. "You wanna be fucked, bitch?" he asks in a monotone voice, completely destroying the mood
On the flip side, the king of Dirty Talk is hands down WAKASA IMAUSHI. The things he'll whisper in your ear will have you feeling your heartbeat in your clit
Taiju loves fucking missionary since he gets to watch your face contort with pleasure under him
Speaking of Taiju, he has MAJOR breeding kink energy
Smiley once stuck his fingers so deep down your throat that it caused you to vomit. It turned him on more
The day Kazutora was given a boobjob was the day he shot boatloads of cum all over your chest. It was so much that he could've impregnated an entire village
Chifuyu went through a phase where he would roleplay cheesy porn plots with you (ex: wife fucking the pool cleaner guy)
The rough-fucking types (bye bye your ability to walk for a day): HANMA, BAJI, SMILEY, Kisaki, Mocchi, Ran, Izana, Senju, and Taiju
Hakkai forgets that he has a big dick way too often so he'll try fucking without properly prepping you. Please remind him unless you like the pain
Senju LOVES boobplay - whether it be receiving or giving
These are just some more that I can think of. Don't expect a part 4 any time soon lol
Just a quick announcement, my next big project is centered around members of the Tokyo Manji Gang. They will be sharing their wildest sex stories. If you want to be on the taglist for that, let me know. (If you're wandering, the Reader x Draken x Hanma threesome is included in that)
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mylovenox · 4 months
hey! how are u?? sorry if i'm bothering but could u do headcanons of Vance Hopper x Male reader who is like very sweet, kind but also very insecure and sensitive? love your writing!!
have a good day/night<3
Yes sir I gotchu :3
I’m honestly sooo in love with Vance Hopper dude it’s not even funny- Also like- IM SO SORRY FOR IT TAKING SO DAMN LIKE FOR YOU TO GET THIS-😭 I’ve been struggling a lot so I haven’t had the energy to write but please request as my as you want because it will ALWAYS. Get done :3
TW kissing, fighting, cussing- I’m dumb ash so tell me if there’s more
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Vance Hopper x male reader headcanons <3
⋆Vance adores how sweet you are, he loves that you’re still sweet and kind even when he’s upset about something. (When’s he not?🥰)
⋆If anyone and I mean anyone. Says anything that even the slightest bit upset you or makes you feel bad about yourself we all already know that persons gonna have a trip to the hospital.
⋆because your his boyfriend? He’s not gonna let anyone make his partner feel bad in any sense.
⋆if he’s ever done/said smth that made you get all sensitive he’d feel really bad. Tho Vance is rude and violent in the movie he still would put his whole life into making sure he never did something to get you in a state like that.
⋆he loves you a lot! You’re the best boyfriend he could ask for!
⋆you guys listen to music all the time together whether it’s blondie, the runaways, kizz, weezer, Joan Jett, The Cramps.
⋆i think his fav song is Cherry Bomb by the runaways. Because who could blame him? It’s an amazing ass song!
⋆Vance definitely likes caramel candy- just had to say that-
⋆again Vance loves how sweet you are. A lot of the time he’ll go to you when upset just to hear your soft voice tell him that everything is okay
⋆he loves seeing your sweet adorable smile.
⋆he loves seeing how sweet and kind you are to others
⋆and ya a lot of people do think your relationship is “weird” because Vance is loud, aggressive and rude and your quiet, soft and sweet
⋆opposites attract 🤷🏻 I don’t make the rules.
⋆if he ever says something that makes you feel insecure he’d feel horrible. He’d be all over you, kiss you everywhere especially where he made you feel insecure and if it’s nothing with your body then he’d kiss your head as a way to “kiss away the thought”
⋆you guys definitely go on walks in the forest.
⋆he buys those bags of gummy’s that have gummy rings in them and he’d take all the gummy rings and purpose to you with them all and put every single one on your fingers.
“My beloved Y/N..will you make me the happiest guy alive and be my husband forever?”
⋆he’d say teasingly and kiss your check/lips after
⋆Vance obviously LOVES dogs. Tiny dogs- big dogs- he loves them!
⋆I can’t really see him as a cat person but at the same time I do….maybe it’s just if the cat is resting on his lap while he does whatever.
⋆one time you and Vance went to the grab ‘n’ go and were getting slushies and someone had randomly pointed at you and laughed an oh boy. They knew what they had coming. Vance set his slushie down and kissed your nose and told you to look away or don’t get close and then went up to the boy and proceeded to beat the ever loving shit out of him and you had to drag Vance out (leaving your slushies behind😔🤙🏻) and run off to hide because the cashier called the cops.
⋆for Valentine’s Day he got you a teddy bear and took you to grab ‘n’ go to get a bunch of snacks you wanted and then you guys would go home and watch movies all night.
⋆for Valentine’s Day one of the things you got him was matching pj pants which he loved-!!
⋆I see you guys baking to together even if he smashes and egg on your head just for the fun of it🥰🤙🏻 but if that upset you in anyway and made you sad he’d apologize and help you clean it out of your hair before giving you a gentle kiss on the hand
⋆gives you lots of piggy back rides and I mean a lot- he also does the thing where he pretends drop you but doesn’t actually, but he’ll stop if you don’t like that
⋆just cuz he loves you sm :)
⋆he sneaks through your window a lot and stays that night, your caregiver wasn’t to happy at first but saw how happy you were and you guys were also so cute sleeping together. They definitely took photos and there’s some around the house in frames.
⋆whenever he doesn’t come over you guys call alllll night!
OMGG!! This was so cute to make:) lmk if I should do more because I so will 🤗
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matcha-kathrin · 1 year
STRANGERS - Chapter 3
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Summary: You meet the stranger. Again. Two times was silly, but now three times? And of all places, you really had to meet in a laundromat in the dead of night. Although, something is changing, You fear you might no longer be strangers, after all. 
Pairing: Pedro Pascal x reader. 
Notes/Warnings: Eyyyy no warnings, just a lot of deep talks and slight fluff. I say fluff but these two have basically just touched hands like ONCE so. I did put a bit of characterization onto the reader I hope ya’ll don’t mind, it’s for story sake. Also by now im fully convinced the reader is just blind cuz there is no way you wouldn’t recognize Pedro right away. Humor me though.
Word Count: 3.5k
Please read Part One and Part Two before proceeding.
STRANGERS - Chapter Three
 The one thing you hated about living in New York was how hard it was for apartments to come with washers and driers. Now you weren’t picky, a washer by itself would’ve been enough, but not having either? It was hell. Mostly because you had to walk down the street from your apartment to the closest laundromat there was, pray that not all the machines were occupied, and that by some miracle your clothes didn’t get ruined halfway through the wash. You hated laundry day.
Or more like night. You were hauling your big plastic grocery bag filled with all of your dirty clothes over your shoulders, the slightly chilly air making you see your breath clearly in front of you. You didn’t mean to lose track of time but as soon as you clocked out from your day job the sun was nowhere to be seen and dinner time had passed. And if you didn’t wash your clothes before the day was well and gone…you’d be ruined. Your fate may very well be hanging in the balance.
It was quite funny actually, as you made your way clumsily through the street you saw the yellow sign of your usual laundromat and you were filled with comfort. Your mom used to tell you how laundromats were a place where you were destined to meet people. Other people just like you, who were broke or had no washer, who were just trying to get by in such a big, lively city as this. Or maybe it was a place where you were destined to waste two hours of your time waiting for your clothes to get washed, only for them to freeze in the night air on your way back home.
Maybe she was right, you had always thought that the most mundane places held beauty within them, that any story could begin in a dull, brightly lit laundromat. Maybe it was the hour and maybe you were a bit sentimental but there was something magical about how the blinding light shone out of the windows and onto the damp street as you approached. The empty benches inside making you ease up, at least you didn’t have to deal with spending two hours meeting people as your mom romanticized you would. There was something about the contrast from the windows and the dark streets that held a suspense in the air. As if once you’d click on the machine time would stop, the songs playing in your headphones the only proof of time passing. And for a moment, a brief, eternal moment you’d be the only person in the world. Alone. Sitting in a laundromat.
As you opened the door, struggling to get in with the huge bag on your shoulders the bell that hung above you rung, signaling your entrance. Why a self-service laundromat even had a bell was beyond you.
Unfortunately, the sound was ultimately what ruined your expectations for the night. Because for some crazy reason you weren’t alone. And as soon as the bell had rung the head you saw peaking from behind one of the rows of washing machines looked up. You had to double take.
“No fucking way.” You spoke, the silence that had engulfed the small self-service store broken by your disbelief “Are you stalking me?” You asked as you looked at the all too familiar stranger with concern.
He looked at you from under his…again his sunglasses and squinted, as if he couldn’t make out your face from the other side of the cramped room. Once he did realize who you were his brows lifted, also looking completely and utterly dumbfounded.
“Are you stalking me?” he countered.
“This is my laundromat!”
“I don’t see your name on it.”
“Ha. Ha. Very funny.” You sighed, dragging your overflowing bag until you reached one of the tables, lifting it up in a huff and letting it fall with a low thud. “What are you even doing here at this hour?”
“My washer broke, what are you doing here at this hour?” The way he repeated your questions with a small smirk irked you, but then again you were glad it was him and not some other strange man. Of course, the one standing in front of you in what looked like his pajamas wearing those godforsaken glasses was looking stranger by the second. But even with his ridiculous clothing and his even messier hair you couldn’t help the feeling that settled in your stomach when you locked eyes.
There had to be something wrong with you. You thought the second time you spoke not even a week ago was just a silly coincidence. A beautiful silly coincidence in which you wished you had stayed longer, but as you recalled it a small feeling of anxiety settled in you. If you had stayed then the night would have ended differently. Very differently. The mere thought of it making you shudder.
These coincidences were getting a bit too numerous for it not to be weird. Then again he did look like a man who’s washer had broken.
“I happen to not own a washer, thank you very much.” You answered finally, looking at him with suspicion, as if he had planned this whole encounter all along.
“Don’t look at me like that my washer really did break! In the middle of a cycle too, I couldn’t just leave dirty wet clothes laying around the house.” He laughed nervously; he was probably worried you actually thought him to be a stalker. Little did he know you were very good at reading people, you knew he wasn’t ill intentioned. You could tell by his absolute puzzled look he had on his face when you walked it. That or maybe because you noticed the slight glee that came afterwards when he realized it was you.
He watched you pull out your clothes and stuff them in what seemed to be the cleanest washer there was, as you hummed, unconvinced by his plea. “I suppose. But I’m keeping my eye on you.”
“No complaints from me.” He smiled, but when you sent him a look it just dropped, and he averted his gaze.
You really didn’t mean to be so defensive, but it was really late, and the whole situation was really weird.
“What about you?” he asked after a moment, and you sighed again.
“I told you I don’t have a washer.”
“And you had to wash your clothes tonight did you?” He arched his brow, this time he was the one who was unconvinced. You pursed your lips, if only he knew why you so desperately needed to get this done. The reason for your nightly adventure happened into your hand then, a beautiful dress, one that was gifted to you. He noticed the way you hesitated when you pulled it out and saw how fast you threw it in the washer with the rest of your clothes.
“That looks pretty, is that why you need to wash your clothes so desperately?” He chuckled, you hadn’t noticed he had gotten closer until he sat on the bench next to you, looking up at you in interest.
“No.” You replied quickly, then huffed “Yes I – I don’t know. It’s stupid.”
“What is?”
“Me. Being here at this hour, trying to wash a stupid dress I probably won’t even get to wear.” You didn’t realize just how much the whole thing disturbed you, and your dear stranger was looking at you so utterly confused. If he could’ve chosen the worst moment to come to your laundromat, it was this. You were probably on the verge of breakdown; but you’d be damned if you’d let anyone, let alone him, see.
“When were you going to wear it?” His voice was soft, not amused by your little fit of emotions but almost…concerned? It was warm as it rung low, and somehow you had instantly felt better. Or worse, you couldn’t decide.
“Tomorrow night. I have…” You hesitated, looking at him as if choosing your next words carefully “an event to attend. I was going to get it washed properly but I lost track of time, knowing my luck it’ll probably get ruined halfway through the wash.” You placed the rest of the clothing inside the machine and shut it well, inserting the coins and detergent it needed and then pressed the button to start it up.
Then you plopped down next to him, not caring if you were sitting a tad bit too close to the stranger, a distance no two strangers would ever sit at. He just watched you as you did.
“I’ll just wear something else. It’s not that important.”
“It sounds important.” He nudged, his words letting you know you could find solace in speaking with him. You smiled tiredly.
“It’s just a hobby. I shouldn’t even get so worked up about it.”
“A hobby can still be important.” He mused.
“Not if you’re like me. Not if you need to have infinite things to do or else you feel completely meaningless.” You exaggerated, even though it was mostly true. He just chuckled, looking at your frustrated expression with affection.
“All my life they told me I had to pick one thing. One thing to do the rest of my life and be satisfied with it. Concentrate on one thing if you want to be successful.” You continued, his smile slowly fading as he heard the bitter tone you had.
“Who told you?”
“Anyone. Everyone. But did I listen? Of course not, I just had to move here and believe I could have it all, work on anything I desired and somehow be good at all of it. The best even.”
He hummed, his shoulder slightly brushing against yours as you let your head rest on the back of the window looking out to the street, the red bench was worn and uncomfortable under you. You could even see the paint chipping at its edges. Although somehow with him by your side, it felt like the most comfortable place on earth.
“Sounds like you’re ambitious. That’s one more thing I know of you now.”
“That and that I don’t own a washer. Or a drier.” You scoffed.
“Well at least you know mines broken. That makes us even.”
“I feel better already.” You quipped sarcastically, he nudged your shoulder playfully when you did, making you smile.
“I don’t think it’s wrong you know, doing many different things. I- I’ve done a lot of different things too.” He added almost shyly, and you turned your head to look at him, surprised by his sudden bashfulness.
“Are you any good at them?” You asked almost by default. He didn’t seem like the type to be ambitious, then again you didn’t really know what he seemed like.
“I- yeah. I am.” He sounded unsure, his words truthful but as his eyes met yours he squinted slightly, as if he couldn’t quite understand something. You just frowned. Choosing to ignore the exceedingly small distance between you.
“Well at least one of us is.” You sighed.
“Do you really not know who I am?” The question falling from his lips even before he could catch himself, your brows furrowed. And you remembered once again just how familiar he looked.
“I don’t think so, am I supposed to?”
“Not necessarily.” It was his turn to sigh, his shades dropped loosely on his nose couldn’t hide the fact he seemed almost…disappointed?
“Do you know who I am?” You asked, still unsure if he might be stalking you or not. But your very sincere question was met with a bark of laughter.
“I wish. But no, I don’t.” His answer made your heart skip a slight bit faster, he wished he knew you? Or maybe he wished you were exactly as you appeared to be. Expectations could be a dangerous thing.
“So, what is this hobby that’s got you so down? Doesn’t sound like a good one.”
“It’s not the hobby that is the problem,” You chuckled finally, feeling the heat that had rose to your cheeks slightly subside “it’s the fact I can’t dedicate as much time to it as I’d want.”
He waited patiently for you to continue, even though you had hoped he’d let the question drop. For strangers’ sake and all that. But you were too tired and, just as you suspected, time seemed to stand still in the brightly lit laundromat. If you sat still enough you could hear the light buzz of the lamps illuminating the both of you. They never flickered but the sound made you think that at any moment the light would just go out. And you’d be there, in the dark, sitting awfully close to the stranger until your shoulders touched. Feeling the heat emanating from him pass on to you. The line you both had chosen not to cross the only thing keeping you both in your place. But you wondered if in the dark you’d risk it all, maybe in the darkness you’d feel less accountable, less exposed. Maybe you had already crossed the line a while ago, you weren’t really sure when.
“I- it’s a student film screening. It’s some sort of small film festival that’s gonna be held tomorrow night.”
“You study film?” He seemed surprised, you laughed nervously at his question.
“No…I actually- am in it.” You admitted shyly, your hands rubbing on your knees as you pulled them to your chest, you don’t know why but every time you admitted you acted on the side it sounded so stupid. But you loved it, even if it was just a hobby you dedicated little to no time in.
“You’re in the film? You act?” He sounded so astonished you had to lift your head from its resting position and look at him curiously.
“Yeah? I mean, I just dabble in it.” You shrugged, “Stupid isn’t it?”
“No, of course not! It’s good to have hobbies like that.” He reassured, you felt the small knot in your stomach loosen as he did, you don’t know why but his approval seemed important to you. Even if you didn’t know his name. It was comforting, that much you knew.
“I guess,” you lulled, not convinced but much more at ease that he didn’t laugh at you “I guess I just…feel like if I don’t do things I won’t matter. I’m terrified that if I try my hardest I still won’t be good enough. I’m terrified that if- that if I don’t give my life a meaning then there’s no point to all of-” You stopped, looking around yourself, word failing to meet your thoughts “this.”
“And maybe I’m wrong, maybe I’m wrong to think I can be satisfied only by pursuing whatever fool-hardy thing that pops into my head, but what should I do? Not try?” You continued after a moment. And you worried you said too much. You worried that no matter how you twisted the words around your sentiment you would never get it across. The feeling in itself was not something you could explain, it was nothing and everything. It was an overwhelming desire for everything and nothing. You weren’t even sure what you wanted in the first place.
His gaze had softened as you rambled, he didn’t see you as the type to get so lost in questions of meaning or importance. In fact, when he had met you in the two separate bars you seemed like the only person who knew your place, enjoying the vibrance of the lives all around you. Yet here you were, spilling so much uncertainty he couldn’t help but look at you with sullen eyes. How he wished he could comfort you, but to you he was no one, and he liked that he meant nothing to you, but hated it at the same time.
“To live a creative life, we must lose our fear of being wrong.” He cited, and you hummed. Your thoughts dying down and blurring with the sounds of the machines. “Who said that?”
“Can’t remember. But it’s true. If you’re afraid that what you’re doing is wrong you’ll never get to where you need to go. I think it’s amazing when someone can wake up each day and reinvent themselves, and who said you can’t? Whomever it was only knows what they have lived, and if they’ve lived a life doing one thing then good for them, but that doesn’t mean you have to.” You looked at him as he finished, as if you couldn’t really believe he was there. He was the first person who told you anything of the sort. The first to say you didn’t have to do what everyone else was doing if you didn’t want to. It made you want to keep him there, with you. You wanted to hear his low voice whisper into your ear all night. Feel his hands feverishly caress your skin.
But you pushed the feeling aside.
“The world is your oyster.” You snorted, and he huffed out a laugh alongside you, nodding. It was funny, but you didn’t really know when you had reached the point where you two could joke after spilling intense thoughts about life. But maybe that’s what it had always been from the start. Just two strangers contemplating notions they would rather share then keep to themselves, only to tease and joke about it after. Maybe it was a way to cope with the fact that you’ll never have the answers. You’ll never know if what your doing is right or wrong, and maybe that was okay. Maybe you didn’t need to know. Maybe just existing, in this space as time seem suspended, next to a stranger in an empty laundromat was enough. For the first time, you felt okay simply existing.
“Can I come?” He asked finally, his voice so low you almost didn’t hear him over the sound of the machines. You had gotten lost in your thoughts, your eyes following the swirling of the washer in front of you, until he spoke, and they snapped to his.
“Can I come- to the event. Tomorrow night.”
You looked at him incredulously, this was uncharted territory, and it was making your heart pick up in your chest. “I don’t even know if I’m going. My dress will probably still be drying by tomorrow night.”
“I bet you it’ll dry in time.” He smirked, and you couldn’t help but narrow your eyes in amusement.
“Oh yeah? What’re we betting then?” You whispered, leaning in slightly. You could’ve sworn his eyes had lowered for a moment to your lips. But when you blinked they were looking straight into your eyes again. You must’ve imagined it.
“Hmm…” He clearly pretended to think about it for a moment, turning his head and placing a finger on his chin in thought. For some reason you knew already what he was going to say.
“If your dress is dry by tomorrow nights’ event- you’ll tell me your name.”
You froze. You knew it was coming yet you did nothing to stop it. Maybe you didn’t want to, because the way he gazed at you while your brain processed the bet was enough to convince you. Maybe it would be different, this time. Maybe you didn’t have to play a game just to keep things interesting. Not everything had to be, and certainly not with him. He was always there in the perfect moments, the perfect encounters. It was like meeting someone that had nothing to do with you and talk as if you had known each other forever. Granted you did most of the talking, he tended to just sit there and tease.
You didn’t mind. And you didn’t think he did either.
“Fine. But if my dress is not dry by then I win, and you’ll have to tell me yours.”  
He didn’t answer, just shrugged, and extended his hand for you to shake. You lifted yours and clasped it gently around his, once again relishing in the feeling of his skin against yours. You’d never figure out why he had that effect on you. He just did.
After you shook hands gently, competing in one of your many staring contests, you both shared a moment of comfortable silence looking at the two washers moving out of sync in front of you, one with his clothes, one with yours.
“You’d really come to see my film?” The way you asked, your voice full of disbelief, made his heart break a little.
“Of course.” He answered, never meaning something so much as he did then. You weren’t looking at him, and he wasn’t looking at you, but he could see the small smile that had formed on your lips from the corner of his eyes. No matter what it took he was going to that event, and if he could, he’d win the bet.
Even if it was utterly out of his control.
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italianlobster · 4 months
Love Him Madly
Matías Recalt x Gender Neutral reader
Summary: You're a musician, and you write a song about your boyfriend, Matías Recalt.
(It's originally written by The Doors, but I changed the gender and it's set in modern times).
I wrote 3 fics todayy, I'm so proud of myself qq
3:00 AM
12 hours you have spent locked in your room. The only times you went out were to get food and use the bathroom. Crumbled paper filled with scribbled lyrics that didn't even make sense was scattered across your room as well as your own vinyls. You were busy writing down songs for your sixth album. It was called L.A. Woman. You were in desperate need of a shower along with a good night's sleep. You haven't slept all day and night. But you couldn't rest now, you had work to do. You promised the band you would be finished by the next day. Well, today, actually, it's early in the morning, and you have to be at the studio by 6:00 AM to present what you have written so far to the band. It had to be good and something that would catch their eye. Something that would hit the charts.
Your back was hunched due to looking down at the empty paper, and your hand began to cramp from holding that damn pencil all day and night. There was nothing good to write about. You have given your all in the last few albums. Your droopy eyes were going to give up any moment now. You looked through all your books and pictures for inspiration, from greek poetry to your graduation photos. All physical media was on the floor now except for your box dedicated to the love of your life, Matías Recalt.
Matías had been your boyfriend for 5 years now. You both met through friends, and the rest is history. You hadn't seen him in a while because just like you, he was busy with his celebrity status. He was an actor and spent the last few months filming for his newest movie, Society of the Snow, so you couldn't see him until he was done filming. You sighed as you opened the box, which revealed pictures of him as a baby to a teenager and finally an adult. There were also pictures of him and you. Your favorite photo included him asleep in a garden during one of your picnic dates. You placed little flowers you had picked in the garden on his hair while he slept peacefully and took the picture. He looked so beautiful. The real sleeping beauty.
4:00 AM
An hour had passed. You had spent one hour reliving the past with your boyfriend. It was worth it, though. You really needed something to cheer you up. So, you happily picked up that pencil again and began to write in the blank paper.
Don't ya love him madly?
Don't ya need him badly?
Don't ya love his ways?
Tell me what you say
The first few lyrics you had written in hours that you actually liked. You really loved him madly. Anyone would, too. You would do anything for that man. But you wanted to be his lover, not his devoted slave so you erased a lyric of wanting to do anything for him. Now, you were left with only 4 lines so far. Thoughts of Matías danced in your mind. His lovely smile, voice, and personality. You really needed him badly now. His touch and his words. You needed to hear him say, "I love you," again. You needed to hug him and feel his warmth. You thought about the both of you sleeping together, him being the little spoon and you being the big spoon. Your arms around his waist and your legs tangled with his. The scent of his shampoo still lingering in his hair, which filled your nostrils. It was one of your favorite scents, along with his natural aroma. The only place you needed to be in right now was in his arms. So, you grabbed a nearby blanket and rolled it. You hugged it tightly with your eyes closed, imagining that you were hugging him.
You loved his ways. The way he walked. The way he dressed. His way of living and just his lifestyle in general. Weirdly enough, you even fell in love with the way he slept. So peaceful and calm, with no worries in the world and you at his side. He was a kind and healthy soul, and you aspired to be like him. You wanted him to teach you his ways. He could tell you anything, and you'd be interested in whatever. He can make anything interesting. You also never got bored of looking at him. You could stare at him forever. If you had the talent, you would build a sculpture of him and show it off to everyone that this gorgeous man is yours only.
Let me tell you what, this man is an angel sent by God himself. You were alone before you met him, and he saved your life on multiple occasions. When you met him for the first time, it was like a fairytale.
Now, tell me,
Don't ya love him madly?
Wanna be his mommy? (Or daddy or other)
Don't ya love his face?
God bless the parents that raised him, you thought.
Again, you loved him madly. Your love for him was so strong that you would've been locked up in the old days for being so crazy in love. "They'd have to lock us both up, not just you." Matías would always say. You giggled. You remembered the first time Matías said I love you. It was in a note he had sent you along with a silver, diamond, heart-shaped ring. You gasped when you opened the box.
Dear Y/N,
Hi, I hope you love your gift. I had it made specifically for you, with your initials engraved on top of the heart. It's special. I remember the first time we've met, how pretty you looked when I talked to you for the first time. So cute, I'll never forget that face. I'll come back to you as soon as I'm done filming. I promise. I know you or me haven't said I love you yet, but I'll be the first, I love you. I hope that didn't make you mad or anything. I really love you so much. I mean it.
Love, Matías Recalt
You couldn't wait to see the look on Matías' face when you tell him for the first time, I love you. How his eyes would widened and he would blush. How he would be shocked that someone else actually loves him. Not for his looks or his money, just for him as a person. You loved his face. His pale skin, pink lips, and dark eyes. His face had "flaws" like acne, but you loved his acne. It made look more cuter, and you always told him not to be insecure about it. His dark eyes were small. You loved how his eyes shrunk whenever he laughed or smiled. Your heart would melt.
Don't ya love him as he's walkin' out the door?
Like he did one thousand times before
Don't ya love his ways?
Tell me what you say?
Don't ya love him as he's walkin' out the door?
Since Matías is a famous actor, he is always on the move and busy. You both go months without seeing each other physically. He has walked out the door one thousand times before. You loved the way he walked out. A specific time where he walked out was when he had a ton of luggage, sunglasses on, a white blouse that was unbuttoned with his chest revealed, and tight black jeans. The weather was blazing that day. You could see droplets of sweat on his neck and chest. His hair was starting to go frizzy from the humdity. He looked down at his watch to see the time. His side profile was like a work of art. Unfortunately, you couldn't admire him for much longer and he had to leave. Matías gave you a kiss on the lips, and he walked out the door for the one thousandth time.
All your love
All your love
All your love
All your love
All your love is gone
So sing a lonely song
Of a deep blue dream
Seven horses seem to be on the mark
Yeah, don't you love him?
Don't you love him as he's walkin' out the door?
When you and Matías were separated, all your love was gone. So was his. You couldn't visit each other for even a short time due to your and his busy schedule. The both of you were lonely. There was nothing you could do. While it was your passion to become a musician, you sometimes felt like quitting just to be by Matías' side. He also thought the same. Life meant nothing without Matías.
All your love
All your love
All your love
Yeah, all your love is gone
So sing a lonely song
Of a deep blue dream
Seven horses seem to be on the mark
Well, don't ya love him madly?
Don't ya love him madly?
Don't ya love him madly?
You wrote the same lyrics again because it was your favorite part of the song. Suddenly, the doorbell rang. You yawned and went up to show who it was. Probably one of your band mates. Your hand grasped the doorknob and twisted it. When the door sprung open, there was Matías. With his hands on his hips and a smile on his face.
You really loved him madly.
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jj-nhlgirly · 1 year
Summer of Love:- Mother Nature
Jack Hughes x F!Reader
AN:- This was requested so thank you anon for submitting!! I have a few requests in my inbox and I promise I’m getting around to them so thank you for all being so patient with me!! 🫶🏼 I decided to change the request slightly and made it into a prank.
I have also received another request for a Kenzie x Jack period fic so I will write a follow up to this 🫶🏼
I have also added the song I had in mind for Kenzie’s favourite song which just so happens to be my favourite song 😂
TW:- swearing, cramps, mentions of contraception, periods and I think that’s it.
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(Not my gif, credits to whoever made this)
Mackenzie awoke to hushed whispers and a cold bed, peaking one eye open she saw the back of Jack and Kaylee standing on Jack's side of the bed.
“Jack she’ll be fine if you leave to work out with the boys” Kaylee whispered, Jack sighed “I’m just worried about her.”
“I know you are but I promise she’ll be fine, I’ll be here with her” Kaylee tried to hide her smile but failed. “Why are you smiling like that?” Jack tilted his head as he asked. “It’s cute how much you care about her” Kaylee shook her head, before patting Jack's shoulder and climbing into bed with Kenzie, pulling her into a cuddle.
Jack smiled before leaving the room, Kaylee looked down at Mackenzie, “you can stop pretending to be asleep now” Kaylee teased, Mackenzie sighed.
“What’s up chicken butt?” Kaylee pulled Kenzie gently towards her more, “nothin’ just feeling a little shitty today” Mackenzie groaned as she felt a slight cramp. Kaylee frowned “what’s going on?”
“I think Mother Nature is making her presence known soon” Mackenzie sighed, “but you’re on the pill, is this your week off it?” Kaylee asked confused, yeah, I stopped taking it 4 days ago, so I should start my period either tomorrow or the day after” Mackenzie replied.
“How about I go get you a hot water bottle and we can spend the morning in bed hmm?” Kaylee suggested feeling Mackenzie nod.
Climbing out of bed Kaylee made her way downstairs, she greeted the boys sitting at the dining room table as she walked into the kitchen “Morning boys.”
“Morning again Kay” Jack laughed out, “how’s kenz?” Kaylee rolled her eyes jokingly, “Jack she’s fine just feeling a little shitty this morning.” Jack’s head shot up at that, “shitty? What’s wrong?”
“Mother Nature is making her presence known” Kaylee quoted Kenzie, some of the boys visibly cringed at that making Kaylee laugh. “But she’ll be fine, I’m making her a hot water bottle and we’ll probably spend the morning watching movies” Kaylee tried to reassure Jack. Jack hummed still not looking convinced but carried on eating his breakfast, after making the bottle and waving the boys off Kaylee headed back upstairs.
Pushing the door open slowly, Kaylee saw Kenzie walking around brushing her hair. “Hey bestie, I see you’ve shopped at Jack’s outlet again” Kaylee teased, noticing the change of clothes to a baggy hoodie and boxer shorts Kenzie was sporting.
Mackenzie laughed out “oh do you want a runway of the summer collection? It’s a very exclusive launch” "mmm maybe later, it’s not the right lighting for a good photoshoot” Kaylee shot back, the girls laughed before climbing back into bed. Kaylee resting the heating pad on Kenzie’s stomach, as Kenzie scrolled through Netflix on Jacks TV.
“Hmm what do you wanna watch?” Kenzie mumbled, “gossip girl?” Kaylee suggested. Mackenzie clicked on the show loading it up as the girls cuddled in bed. After watching 3 episodes it was clear both girls were bored.
Kaylee reached for her phone opening tik tok and stretching her arms out so Kenzie could see the screen as well. The girls laughed as they scrolled through Kaylee’s for you page, but stopped as they came across a video of a girl in her bathroom pranking her boyfriend into thinking her tampon was stuck.
It was at that moment both girls seemed to have the same idea, “oh we are so pranking Jacky boy with this” Kaylee laughed out as Kenzie nodded, “oh yeah we are” Mackenzie agreed.
Jumping out of bed, Kenzie walked over to her suitcase pulling out the tampons she had packed, putting them in the bathroom to make it a bit more believable.
After she’d done that Mackenzie walked back into the bedroom and climbed back into bed to cuddle Kaylee. “I’m gonna text Jack and ask him if he’ll stop by Target to get me some dark chocolate” Mackenzie explained to Kaylee.
To Jack❤️:- hey babe, I know you’re working out atm, but could you stop by Target and get me some dark chocolate? ❤️
Kenzie received a text back 5 minutes later.
From Jack❤️:- hey baby, yeah course I can. Do you need anything else?❤️
To Jack❤️:- just cuddles 🥺, when will you be home?
From Jack❤️:- erm in half hour? I’ll give you so many cuddles, and a stomach massage when I’m back ❤️
Mackenzie chose not to respond instead liking the message, “he should be back in a half hour” Mackenzie summarised to Kaylee. “Mhm perfect amount of time to scheme” Kaylee laughed.
Mackenzie laughed, “what do you think he’ll do?” Kaylee wondered aloud, “knowing Jack? He’ll probably dive straight in to help” Mackenzie laughed, Kaylee laughed along. “He probably will, he’s so sweet though. Why can’t I find a girl like him?” Kaylee pouted.
“Erm excuse me? What am I chopped liver?” Kenzie faked being offended, “you know what I mean, plus I have to share you” Kaylee huffed out. “My boy’s one of a kind so sucks to be you” Mackenzie added.
“He really is, we must protect all 5”11 of him at all costs” Kaylee saluted, “mhm I’ll beat anyone’s ass that hurts him. I don’t care if they’re a NHL player and twice the size of me” Mackenzie laughed out.
The girls carried on chatting and joking around, until they heard the front door opening. The house filled with more noise than before, and the sound of shoes being kicked off and thrown on the floor could be heard.
Footsteps pounding up the stairs could be heard, judging by the way they sounded Mackenzie deemed it as Jack. Mackenzie was correct as 2 minutes later Jack's head popped through their bedroom door, his hand covering his eyes. “Babe, what are you doing?” Mackenzie laughed out. “Is it safe?” Jack laughed, “yes it’s safe” Kaylee laughed.
Jack walked into the room, a plastic Target bag hanging from his wrist. “Oh give us a haul Jacky boy” Kaylee said. “Alright, first we have a bar of dark chocolate as requested, next we have some m&m’s, and finally we have a bottle of cherry cola” Jack said, pulling each item out as he said what it was.
“That’s one odd ass haul, where’s the spice?” Kaylee asked as she climbed out of bed, “anyways I’ll leave you to it” Kaylee winked at Kenzie as she left.
Jack looked at Mackenzie lifting his eyebrow, “what was that about?” He asked. “Nothin’ you know what Kaylee’s like” Mackenzie bluffed, trying not to give anything away.
Jack shrugged before climbing into the space beside Kenzie on the bed, wrapping an arm around her to pull her into his side. “How you feeling now bubs?” Jack asked as he leant down to kiss her head.
Mackenzie groaned as another cramp hit her, giving Jack his answer. Jack frowned as he watched Mackenzie furrowed her eyebrows, “oh baby” Jack sighed out, lifting up her his hoodie gently massaging her stomach and rubbing her hip bone.
As soon as Jack began massaging he noted the way her face relaxed. Mackenzie sighed, “I’ve been needing this all day” she said looking up at Jack. “I thought Kaylee was giving you cuddles?” Jack asked.
“Mm but it’s not the same as you, I swear you have magic hands” Kenzie hummed, “oh really?” Jack hummed back. “Mm in more than one department” Mackenzie winked as Jack laughed.
After cuddling and talking for half an hour, Kenzie decided it was time to put the prank into action. Mackenzie sighed before climbing out of Jack's arms, “where you going baby?” Jack asked.
“To the bathroom bubs” Mackenzie leaned down to kiss him before walking away. Mackenzie walked into the bathroom, pulling her phone out to text Kaylee.
To Kay😚:- ok, I’m in the bathroom x
From Kay😚:- oooo is it prank time? 👀 x
To Kay😚:- it is indeed prank time 😂 x
From Kay😚:- I can’t wait 😂, do you know what your gonna do? x
To Kay😚:- I don’t know… 💀😂 x
From Kay😚:- hmm i mean you’re usually pretty chill about these kinda situations 😂 x
To Kay😚:- true 😂 x
After texting back and forth coming up with a plan, Mackenzie realised she’d been in here for 10 minutes, longer than she should have taken.
Meanwhile Jack laid on the bed scrolling through Instagram as he waited for Kenzie to come back. Jack frowned when he realised that Kenzie had been gone awhile, climbing out of bed Jack made his way to the bathroom door knocking softly on it.
“Kenz babe are you ok in there?” Jack called out, waiting for an answer. “Urmm yeah?” Kenzie replied in more of a question. “What's up? Do you need anything?” Jack called out again. “Erm Jack, can you come here?” Kenzie asked.
Jack pushed the door open, slowly walking into the room, he found Mackenzie sitting on the closed toilet seat bent over with the head in her hands.
“Kenz? What’s wrong?” Jack crouched down in front of her placing his hands on her knees. “Nothin’” Kenzie mumbled, “it’s not nothing bubs, tell me so I can help” Jack cooed.
Mackenzie sighed out “it’s embarrassing and gross”, “you don’t have to be embarrassed around me bubs, I’ve seen you at your best and I’ve seen you at your worst, I just wanna help you baby” Jack spoke gently.
“My tampon is stuck, I can’t find the string” Mackenzie mumbled quietly. “What was that bubs?” Jack questioned.
“My tampon is stuck and I can’t find the string”, Mackenzie sighed out slightly louder. Jack frowned, “oh” is all he said. Mackenzie laughed “oh?”
“Right what do I do?” Jack asked standing up and walking out the bathroom, “oh right leave me here then” Mackenzie laughed. “I’m grabbing my phone, gimme a sec” Jack mumbled, grabbing his phone and turning the torch on.
Jack came back, setting his phone on the counter before picking Kenzie up and placing her next to it. Jack went to pull her sweats down before Mackenzie placed her hands on his. “Woah woah baby, it’s a prank” Mackenzie laughed out, Jack frowned for a moment before laughing as well.
“Oh really? I think it’s only fair I get my revenge” Jack wiggled his fingers, Mackenzie’s face dropped. “No” she deadpanned, sliding off the counter. “Oh yes” Jack laughed as Kenzie ran out of the room, Jack following her as she ran down the hallway, straight to Ethan and Luca’s room. “EEE-TEE-WEE-TEE, LULU SAVE MEEEEE” Mackenzie shouted whilst laughing.
Mackenzie opened their door startling both boys as she ran behind Ethan. “What’s going on?” Luca asked, “HIDE ME!!” Mackenzie exclaimed. Ethan and Luca exchanged a confused look, before Jack opened the door.
“Come ‘ere Kenz, accept your fate” Jack wiggled his fingers again, as Mackenzie cling to Ethan’s back. “What’s going on?” Luca asked again, “Miss prankster over here thought she’d get me. I gave her a massage and everything” Jack pouted dramatically.
“Ok whilst the last part was a prank, I have been feeling shitty and cramping that wasn’t a lie” Kenzie defended. “You still pranked me missy” Jack pointed a finger at her.
Mackenzie let go of Ethan, moving over to Jack, “I’m sorry I pranked you bubs” she pouted. Jack laughed, shaking his head “mhm it’s ok, it was funny” Jack held his arms out pulling her into a hug. Kenzie nuzzled her head into the crook of his neck, before she felt wiggling fingers again.
“Jack” she warned, Jack hummed in acknowledgement. “Don’t you dare” Mackenzie threatened, before Jack was tickling her. Mackenzie squealed before laughing, “s-s-stop.”
“Who’s the best boyfriend? Hmm” Jack teased, “not you” Luca laughed out, Mackenzie nodding in agreement. “Oh really? Then looks like I’m not stopping” Jack laughed out before Mackenzie wiggled free running out of the room down the hallway. “QUINNNNN HELP MEEE” Mackenzie laughed running for his room.
Eventually Jack had stopped trying to tickle her, “are you feeling up for going out on the boat?” Jack asked as he helped Mackenzie put some shorts on, “why, so you can push me in?” Mackenzie teased.
“It did cross my mind, but you can’t get your cast wet so that’s out the window, but the sun will be setting soon” Jack hummed out, “oh look at Mr Romantic over here” Mackenzie laughed before adding “sounds perfect Rowdy.”
Jack leaned down to kiss her, Mackenzie placing an arm around the back of his neck, playing with the hairs at the nape of it. Jack pulled away resting his forehead on hers, “I love you Kenz.”
“I love you Rowdy” Mackenzie spoke back without missing a beat. Jack grabbed Kenzie’s hand before leading her out the house down to the boat. Jack climbed on first before helping Kenzie on, “thank you bubs” Mackenzie leaned up to kiss the underside of his jaw.
After starting the boat and sailing for a while, Jack threw the anchor in as Kenzie set up some blankets on the bed area at the back of the boat. Jack connected to Quinn’s speaker, playing their playlist, Mackenzie’s favourite song came on.
Jack watched as her head shot up, smiling brightly at him, “come dance with me lover boy” Mackenzie beckoned him over. Jack laughed before making his way over to her, both of them dancing to the music, laughing at each other's moves.
After the song ended both of them climbed onto the blankets, Mackenzie laying half on Jack. Jack grabbed a spare blanket to cover them before playing with Kenzie’s hair. “I wish we could stay like this forever” Kenzie mumbled against his chest, “me too bubs, but we’ll be leaving for the world friendlies soon” Jack mumbled back.
Mackenzie sighed out “I’ll miss you, but I’m coming to one of them, I know you’ll do amazing though.” “Mhm I’ll miss you too, gonna score for my number one cheerleader” Jack hummed.
“I love you so much Rowdy, I can’t wait to marry you one day” Mackenzie mumbled looking up at him. Jack looked down “I love you so much more Kenz, can’t wait to spend forever with you” Jack spoke back leaning down to kiss her head before they both looked back out over the water watching the sunset.
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Liked by jackhughes, Kay.Johnson, _quinnhughes, 187,570 others
Kenzie.Havener one very lucky girl right here 🫶🏼❤️
Tagged:- jackhughes Kay.Johnson
jackhughes I’m the lucky one bubs, I love you so much ❤️
Kenzie.Havener agree to disagree on that one baby, I love you so much more ❤️
Kay.Johnson I’ll always be your cuddle buddy when jackhughes isn’t around 🫶🏼❤️
jackhughes you’re her cuddle buddy even when I’m around 😩
trevorzegras oh and I’m not yours when kenz is around? 🤨
Kenzie.Havener busted💀
Frey.Lodge cuddle sessions without me? 😨
Kay.Johnson they’ll be plenty on girls trip 😏❤️
Maddy.Elizabeth oh absolutely, cuddle bundles again ☺️
Olivia.Autumn as long as Kenz isn’t on the bottom this time, we nearly squished her 😙😂
Kenzie.Havener not my fault I’m tiny 🙄
_quinnhughes I have so many questions about this comment section 👀
Edwards.73 no but same 🧐
Skylar.Grace you get used to it… trust me 😑😂
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thrakaboom · 6 months
Inspired by @askaniritual here is my Spotify Wrapped top ten with director's commentary
1. Cicada Days by Will Wood
It's on @abstracted-psychopomp's Rick Jones Jukebox musical playlist AND the collective Rick Jones: Live in Concert playlist. The line "let all my red flags fade to white, now I give up!" slaps severely.
2. Get Your Shoes On by The Rough & Tumble
Probably would have been my number 1 if I had known about The Rough & Tumble before randomly going to see them because they were in town in June. My favorite happy song. On the collective Rick Jones: Live in Concert playlist and "kinda like being in love" my Rick Jones and Genis-Vell qpps playlist. THE Greater Reno Polycule song of time.
3. On the Railroad by the Longest Johns
My favorite "walking" song. Good song to walk to places while listening to. On my Shatterstar playlist not for lyrical sense but because I think that that kind of work song would have the song he would have been most familiar with on Mojoworld. 100% my most embrassing song on my wrapped.
4. Country Girl (Shake It For Me) by Luke Combs
I just think its fun. It's on my playlist "Three Beer Sam!" which is my slutty country playlist I made with @thequiver that's Sam Guthrie themed.
5. Green Door by the Cramps
On the Rick Jones Jukebox Musical playlist, @abstracted-psychopomp's Bruce Banner playlist and I believe Rick Jones: Live in Concert. I love how they say "when I said Joe sent me". My cousin's little toddlers liked it.
6. 500 Miles Away From Home by Bobby Bare
I listen to it a lot when I'm homesick for Sidleterra. It's also in my playlist Jay Guthrie on Vinyl.
7. Freight Train by Alan Jackson
Another good walking song. Also on "Three Beer Sam!".
8. We All Lift Together (From "Warframe") by Keith Power
It's also on my Shatterstar playlist. It's unironically a good song. I do not play Warframe.
9. Way of the Triune God - Hallelujah Version by Tyler Childers
I did not realize I listened to it so many times. It might be on "Jay Guthrie on Vinyl" but I don't remember.
10. No Children - Ska by Sad Snack
SONG OF TIME!!! Found it, of course, from the Rick Jones Jukebox Musical. Very fun to jump around to.
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erigold13261 · 2 years
how does everyone in nsr stim
Ooooh, been a bit since I thought about something like this! I don't think I have an answer for everyone, but I'll do my best! I'll just put their main stim, but they most likely do more than one type!
Mayday: Definitely waves her hands around, uses her hands to talk, just does anything to keep her hands moving. When her hands are still for too long she feels cramped and kinda like itchy or uncomfortable. Even just drumming her hands like Zuke does helps her when she can't wave her hands around.
Zuke: Mainly does repetitive things like clapping and drumming his fingers. Will also bounce his leg at times but his back might end up hurting if he does that too much so he usually stays with using his hands.
DJSS: As a kid I can see him making his arms go spaghetti mode and twirling around or jumping up and down, but as they grew older I see him more as biting onto things. Mostly cold things, like ice cream or just straight up ice, but also things like pens, pencils, and probably other stuff that should never be in someone's mouth, but since he isn't fully human, they don't have to fully worry about the dangers.
Sayu: As a robot/mermaid, ze will just swim around in circles and loops or twirl mer trident around like a baton or even hit digital rocks with it. As a android/human, depending on if ze can walk with a cane or needs a wheelchair that day, ze will wiggle mer cane around when standing still or sitting, or will tap mer fingers on mer chair or roll back and forth or spin a little in mer chair.
Remi: Doodler. He will draw on himself if he has to. As long as he has some kind of way to draw or create, he will use that as a stim. Very much loves to create patterns so when he and Eve hang out, sometimes she will let him draw henna art on her extra arms.
Tila: Most of her stims would be vocal, like singing or making random noises. Her and Dodo will whistle together sometimes. Also she hums a lot to herself. Repeating songs is a very common thing for her along with making up songs as she is doing stuff.
Sofa: They definitely have a whole stim board that lights up and makes sounds. It absolutely has the most clicky sounding buttons and knobs that they can play with. They bit it themselves and made sure it was super durable so they could throw it a round and then go back to pressing all the buttons and knobs and stuff. When they don't have the board though, they click their pen or take apart their pen a lot.
Dodo: He's a whistler. Whistling and tapping his feet. He gets a lot of his energy out using sign language or practicing dance moves with/for Sayu, so he only really whistles or taps his feet when he needs to stim.
Yinu: I feel like she would pull out her flowers and pick the petals off. If she does it right then there is no pain like pulling out hair, and she will just regrow the flowers back in like a week. Though Mama tries to get her to do other stims so Yinu will also make paper stars or other little origami things that are easy to make while listening in on a meeting or whatever.
Mama: I don't feel like she would stim all that much, but I can see her running her hand down her hair/head tail thing when she might be nervous, though she doesn't get nervous all that much. She seems like a person who bottles things up and doesn't try to let her feelings out ever since Papa passed.
Neon J: Before becoming a cyborg he would crack his knuckles and joints along with pulling out his hair (or when it was very long he would bit his hair and try to like cut it with his teeth but also suck on it). After he became a cyborg he just worked on all kinds of machinery to fidget with. Also keeps those fidget car gear shift with him when out so he can play with in his pocket.
Rin: I feel like it would be someone who randomly flings its arms for a moment and then stop. Like sudden bursts of energy that happen and cause Rin to hit one of its fist into its palm or would stomp one of its feet for a like 3 very loud stomps and then stop. When out in public it probably clasps its hands together and then squeezes its hands very tightly to try and not stomp or fling its arms out and possibly hit someone.
Purl-Hew: Makes weird noises and growls. Will also hit things, like their own head at times, though they only do their more violent stims when alone so others don't judge them. Mainly will make more animalistic sounds along with biting things, mainly writing utensils (has broken a pen in their mouth before)
Zimelu: She walks on her tiptoes around the house and will play with her hair when it's down. Just fidgets a lot. Will sometimes steal Neon J's fidget toys and play with them so her hands are moving. Will destroy pens by taking them apart and then straightening the spring.
Haym: If he can he will just cook, especially things like bread that needs kneading or something that needs to be stirred for a long time. If he can't cook then he will instead play with his own hair making braids.
Eloni: Plays with her hair mainly. But he also plays a lot of games, both keyboard and controller, so those are great stims being able to press buttons a lot.
Eve: Use to be a big nail biter, especially when she was a teen, but tries not to do that because she wants her nails to look good. Changed to playing with her hair but once she started styling it into her outfits she had to give that up as well. Now she will make extra limbs and either rub her arms or will fidget with her finger/bracelets while working with her main arms.
Tatiana: Use to strum her fingers as if she is playing an air guitar, but stopped after becoming the CEO of NSR and now will click her tongue with her mouth closed repeatedly.
Kliff: I see him as a chewer. Biting styluses or chewing gum. Probably also likes to rub different textures which is why he seems to where a bunch of different textured clothes and accessories. Also fidgets with the ends of his scarf, hair, or beard a lot.
DK West: Like Zuke he prefers more rhythmic stims, but he will definitely clap a lot. Sometimes he will just continuously clap for a solid few minutes very loudly until he feels better.
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wisteriannotes · 1 year
January 3, 2023
A lot has happened. Awful, and well, exciting stuff too. I finished most of my schoolwork back in the 21st of December, and everything from there was such a blur. I honestly don't know how to start studying again but I have no choice.
December 21, I was trying to write my essay for The Husband Stich for the whole day but I didn't know where to start, or how to start, and I wanted to ask guidance from my professor yet I don't even know which questions to ask and I'm constantly in fear of asking the wrong questions. I think my cousin's wedding was on this day as well, Monique's, and I didn't attend because I'm meant to be writing my essay. I ended up showering for way too long, and that was the only remarkable thing I did. (I just checked my Letterboxd diary, and it turns out this turn of events actually happened last December 20 because it was the same day I watched a movie called Die Beautiful. I don't remember anything from December 21 apart from folding some clothes while attending our last Ethics meeting. I also wrapped some gifts and I remember listening to the entirety of Folklore in my room.)
December 22... I remember waking up and taking the time to eat my breakfast, a comforting cup of Sopas (it was a bit bland), and re-watched Little Women. I also wrapped some last-minute gifts and tried writing my essay as well, to no luck of course. Maybe I dozed off in the afternoon as well, I can't remember.
December 23 is probably the start of the pinnacle of my holidays. I had a plan with a friend and I woke up early to supposedly write a few words for my essay but my mom asked me to do the laundry so I only ended up doing that. My dad helped me, so I just hung the clothes while he did the laundry. I was listening to may "casey and izzie" playlist and I wondered whether when they try to make sense of the songs, whether they figured I was gay through the music I was listening to. After hanging the clothes, I dressed up and got ready while listening to this album by Daisy the Great called All You Need is Time. It's a great album to bop to and it fits my mood most of the time. It was my first time actually wearing my hoop earrings outside and at first, I felt weird and shy about them but over time, I felt like they suit me and when that feeling came I felt a little confident. I spent a good amount of time dressing up and I remember choosing over a pair of black socks or blue socks to match my shirt but I ended up using the black ones. The ride to the meeting place was as usual and I just listened to some nice music I found a couple days prior. I got there 3 minutes early, and a barker of the jeepneys in the place asked me three times about where I was going and whether I was getting into a jeepney yet. I repeatedly told him I was waiting for someone and at some point, I had to walk towards the entrance of the mall before I saw my friend. He was seven minutes late. The first thing I told him was that he was late; honestly, I felt a sense of dominance by being early. I hated being late. Anyway, we got into our first jeepney of the meeting and it was too crowded so we didn't sit together, or beside each other. We didn't even talk, and I just closed my eyes for the sake of it. I wasn't really sleeping. When time came for us to reach our destination, I struggled on my way out because my shoes were too big and bulky to fit in the cramped space. We went to the cafe that we always go to, and I jokingly said "What if it was closed" and alas! It was closed. We had to think of a backup plan because we didn't have a backup plan. I went to Google Maps to try and look for somewhere cozy but they were all unfamiliar, so we ended up going somewhere familiar. The ambiance in the new cafe was amazing but the drink tasted like bad liquor, which was such a disappointment because it was twice as expensive as the good drink I was eager to order from the original cafe we used to go to. The conversation was really nice but I think I really have to work on my listening skills. I remember my friend pointing out my tattoo I got on the 20th. It was a crystal ball, and I prepared a whole speech about its meaning if someone asked even though I only ever chose it because it looked cute. I didn't tell the speech to anyone, and my tattoo faded before I got to do that. Our conversation was really interesting: we talked about art for art's sake, fight club, Wednesday, politics, how law school basically corrupts weak people, his cousin, his cousin's cat, my writing, my ethics class and how capitalists make us feel guilty for not doing enough for the environment when the truth is they're the ones who do the most damage, I also managed to talk about realism somehow and how I feel guilty writing this piece called Balintuna because I feel like I'm not the right person to shed light on the matter. What really bothers me though, is our conversation about abortion.
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tacticalhimbo · 3 months
tagged by @rolangf to fill this fun ass meme out <3
brain hurt so if you see this i’m automatically tagging you to do this for your blorbos ♡
since i was tagged twice.. i think? i lost count-- i'll just cramp two characters into this post. they're also both work in progress god of war ocs, but we don't talk about that <3
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CHARACTER: Equinox; Sun Witch / Devotee of Freyr
ANIMAL: Barn Owl
COLORS: Gold, Green, Orange
MONTH: August
SONGS: City of Ashes // Jhariah | Dancing Queen // ABBA
NUMBER: 444 (Protection; Yes I'm assigning them angel numbers)
PLANTS: Starblush (GOW-canon plant), Osteospermum (irl-equivalent), Sunflowers
SMELLS: Warm Spices (Vanilla, Myrrh, Anise), Touches of Vetiver and Sandalwood
GEMSTONE: Amber, Carnelian, Jasper
TIME OF DAY: High Noon
SEASON: Peak Summer
PLACES: Vanaheim Forrests, Field of Flowers during High Noon, Edges of Cliffs as the Sun Settles
FOOD: Kale and White Bean Stew, Fresh Baked Bread, Oven-Braised Veal
DRINKS: Pink Grapefruit Punch, Fresh Orange Juice
ELEMENT: Light / Fire
SEASONINGS: Star Anise, Allspice, and Cubeb
SKY: High Noon and Golden Hour
WEATHER: Clear Skies
MAGICAL POWER: Aethimancy (Aether Magic / Pure Elemental Magic), Solar Magic, Soul Guidance / Empathetic Casting
WEAPONS: None; If I had to choose… Some sort of spear. Something like Draupnir, but less… important? Notable.
SOCIAL MEDIA: Instagram. I just know his ass is making boomerang-style stories and posting OOTDs and has his feed all curated and pretty with divider posts and all (and that format is plant photo, selfie, matching plant photo; he coordinates the plants to his outfit)
CANDY: Honey-Flavored Hard Candy (Made with organic honey, ofc)
ART STYLE: Fauvism, Rococo
FEAR: Isolation, Disappointment
MYTHOLOGICAL CREATURE: Centaur (different mythos, but the Norse equivalent ain't quite right. But I can so see him being a horse-type)
PIECE OF STATIONARY: Ribbon / Twine (Do they count? I'm saying they do)
CELESTIAL BODY: The Sun, of course
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CHARACTER: Hrebjorg the Kind; Seeress / Prophetic Witch / Devotee of Freya
ANIMAL: Alexandria's Birdwing Butterfly
COLORS: Green, Turquoise, Gold
SONGS: The Painted Bird // Billy Vicente | Poet, Soldier, King // The Oh Hellos
NUMBER: 222 (Alignment)
PLANTS: Soulblossom (GOW-canon plant), Cuckoo Flower, Lotus
SMELLS: Floral Scents (Orange Blossoms, Jasmine), with touches of Warmer Spices (Vanilla, Myrrh)
GEMSTONE: Amazonite, Emerald, Moss Agate
TIME OF DAY: Daybreak / First Light
SEASON: Late Spring / Early Summer
PLACES: Vanaheim Forests, On the Edges of the Denser Jungle, Tucked away under the shade of a large, weeping tree as the sun rises overhead
FOOD: Strawberry Pancakes, Peach Salad, Mushroom Risotto
DRINKS: Mint Lemonade, Raspberry Juice
ELEMENT: Earth / Time
SEASONINGS: Basil, Cloves, Cinnamon
SKY: Clear Skies
WEATHER: Sun Shower (Raining while Sunny), or those moments after an intense storm where the sun begins to shine through the clouds and illuminate the very wet, very green grass
MAGICAL POWER: Organic Plant Magic, Animancy, Prophetic Divination
WEAPONS: Bow and Arrow
SOCIAL MEDIA: Pinterest, but also? Twitch. She's the type to do longer 'Just Chatting' streams that's just her going about her daily chores and such because it's a social activity (and she'd love helping younger seeress...es…? Find safe ways to practice)
CANDY: Sugared Berries
ART STYLE: Art Deco, Art Nouveau
FEAR: Imperfection, Failure, Ridicule
MYTHOLOGICAL CREATURE: Skogvættir / Huldufólk (Hidden people, with a particular emphasis on the Skogvættir demanding respect for the forest)
PIECE OF STATIONARY: Handmade Paper (eg., Plantable Seed Paper)
CELESTIAL BODY: Crab Nebula <3
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paulisded · 1 year
The Ledge #555: This And That
Once again we have a show devoted primarily to material I've been listening to around the house. Honestly, since it was announced that Television's Tom Verlaine had passed away on January 28, 2023, I have wanted to do a little tribute to him on The Ledge. So tonight you can hear a handful of his classic Television and solo tunes. RIP.
There's also a wide variety of tunes that comprise almost 60 years of rock and roll. There's a handful of garage rock classics from the acclaimed Pebbles series. There's a track from one of Robert Gordon's collaborations with guitarist Link Wray. There's also a sort of tribute to Burt Bachrach in the form of a Stranglers cover that somehow caught my ear a day or so before the announcement of his death.
And there's also a couple of sets of new tunes, primarily songs that were cut from last week's new release episode, along with more cuts from recent Rum Bar Records releases. I've also premiered the newly reissued single from Popsicko on Big Stir Records, which was officially released today. (Look for a full album later this spring).
Don't think that I've forgotten about my yearlong sub-theme, "52 Weeks of Teenage Kicks". This week's submission is from a great friend who has not only been a Ledge listener for over a decade but he's a bigtime supporter of RealPunkRadio in general. Kingbubbatruck, aka Brent Dowell, sent the show a fabulous, slowed-down version that is perfection. Thank you, Brent.
Speaking of the Teenage Kicks theme, I was given the opportunity to be a guest writer on S.W. Lauden's Remember the Lightning substack. The piece was publsihed this past Thursday, so please go give it a read here! Thank you, sir, for the opportunity!
1. kingbubbatruck, Teenage Kicks
2. Television, See No Evil
3. Television, Marquee Moon
4. Television, (I Can't Get No) Satisfaction
5. Tom Verlaine, The Grip Of Love
6. Tom Verlaine, Always
7. R.E.M., 1,000,000
8. Loose Rails, Dontcha Come Around
9. The Stranglers, Walk on By
10. Stiff Little Fingers, 78 Rpm
11. The Cramps, Psychotic Reaction (Live)
12. The Raincoats, Fairytale in the Supermarket
13. Popsicko, Same Old Me
14. The Hollywood Stars, Still Around
15. Johnny and the Rotten, I Wanna Hold Your Hand
16. The Beatpack, Footsteps, Echo
17. The Tambles, Got Me Going
18. The Shang Hi Los, Monsieur Valentine
19. The Laissez Fairs, Real Good Time In 1969
20. Screeching Weasel, Falling Apart
21. The Heavy Sixers, Soft Soap Solution
22. Robert Gordon with Link Wray, Red Hot
23. Bobby Fuller, Wine Wine Wine
24. The Satans, Makin Deals
25. Nobody's Children, Good Times
26. The Sons Of Adam, Mr Sun (Live)
27. The Fender IV, Malibu Run
28. Trashmen, New Generation
29. The Road, You Rub Me the Wrong Way
30. Little Boy Blues, I Can Only Give You Everything
31. Quasi, Shitty Is Pretty
0 notes
Woke up around noon today - ママ and パパ were both home when I woke up while 拓 was out on a date with his girlfriend. I slowly started the day - for about an hour after waking up I was half watching the Japanese marathon that always is airing around New Years with ママ and then I headed out to go to the 大曽根 Starbucks to do some work. I hate that Starbucks because it’s so cramped yet busy, so I walked out after about an hour or so. 
I decided to walk home to ママ’s from 大曽根 and stopped by UNIQLO on the way there and picked up 3 shirts. I sat in 矢田 park in the evening/twilight and just sat by the river and watched the moon as I listened to SZA’s SOS. In her song “Fall” it opens with SZA saying: How do I deal with rejection? I'm dealing with a lot of rejection right now. It makes me feel very small” to which a guy responds “Oh, that's great. If nobody wants you, you're free”. I feel like between Circe clipping me over Galsti and Andy not responding to me after I’ve been falling back to old habits and wanting his attention / calling him and texting him that rejection feels like a common theme around me as I start this year. It’s not making me distraught or anything, but it is making me realize how your circle becomes smaller as you get older and that just makes the people that are around in your life that much more important. There also is a sense of freedom in not worrying about having to be with everyone and picking and choosing carefully who you are with in your life.
I realized that, again, how important it is to be around family when you can and how much it fills your cup. パパ sent a group LINE chat to ママ and 拓 about how he was making 鍋 for dinner and for everyone to be home by 7pm to eat. Realizing that ころん would be greeting me when I came home and dinner would be made to eat with family is a feeling I realized I don’t have a lot back home in New York, so I was cognizant to appreciate that feeling and that I want to be able to create that feeling in my family as I get older too. 
We watched 格付け, the show where you guess the low-end items from the high-end items, all together and I was able to get the most correct ($flex$).      ママ, 拓, and I all did a crossword together afterwards. 
I logged on to work afterwards as everyone else was logging on back in New York - I talked to Alyssa, Sam, Bhanika, and Adam. Wished them all Happy New Years and how their break was. Adam said that he started dating a new girl named Maggie and their anniversary is on New Years Day. I told him congrats but new years day is a corny holiday to which he replied he tries to make his anniversaries always fall on a holiday so that he can remember them. The more I grow up the more it seems like men just love to be manipulators lol.
Even as I type this ママ, 拓, ころん, and I are all sat around the こたつ - I feel very grateful to have ママ in my life, and to have family here that really cares for me and I feel love from. 
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darling-i-read-it · 3 years
Steve Harrington x fem!reader
Word Count: 1.2k
Warnings: injuries, blood
Author’s Note: i’ll never get sick of him <3
Requested: by anon, Hey! I was wondering if I could request a Steve Harrington X Reader imagine, where the reader and Steve drop off all the kids and then go back to his place and band-aid up his face. And then he realises that he's iN lOVe with the reader, and then they end up staying over? (Sorry, Pretty descriptive!)
Summary: the request
Genre: fluff
I don’t own these characters. They belong to author/director/creator
(not my gif)
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It had been a very long couple of days. Not only did you have school but you were also dealing with the Upside Down. You had helped the kids the first time around and were roped back in when the problems returned.
The kids were sitting in the back of Billy’s car, exhausted. Steve had been pretty banged up from the fight and even worse so from the demodogs. You were driving. It was late at night, the only thing showing your way being the headlights. You had turned off Billy’s loud music system. No song seemed to fit the mood.
Steve sat in the passenger seat, his elbow propped against the door and his head in his hand. In the backseat Dustin, Max, Lucas, and Mike were cramped in the back seat. You pulled up to Mike’s house.
“You guys wanna sleep over?” he asked as he got out of the car. Lucas nodded.
“Can I use your shower?” Dustin asked.
“Yeah,” Mike replied.
“Count me in.” He got out of the car too. The kids followed suit. Max leaned over Steve’s window and you leaned over him to roll it down.
“You can just take my brother's car home and drop it off tomorrow. I think he’ll be out for the whole night.” You nodded.
“Will do. Hey kids!” They turned around at you, holding their goggles and scarves. They were dirty, tired, and ready for a good night's sleep. “You guys did good.” Steve nodded.
“Gold star to all of you,” he said. “Even if you kinda disobeyed me.” They scoffed and nodded, turning back to Mike’s house. You waited until they were all inside before driving off.
You and Steve drove in silence to his house. You stopped outside of it, leaving the car running. You had always liked Steve. A lot. But so did half the school. He hadn’t even really talked to you before all this Upside Down thing. Hell, you were mutual friends through Dustin.
But friends or not, you were glad it was him you had done this fight with.
Steve went to open the door but stopped, turning to you.
“You wanna sleep over?” he asked, mimicking Mike. You laughed dryly.
“Can I use your shower?”
“Why of course.”
“Alright Harrington count me in.” You parked Billy's car in the driveway and got out. He led you inside. His dad was sitting at the table. He stood up when the door opened.
“Steve Harrington, where the hell have you...who’s this? Why are you both so dirty?
“This is Y/N. It’s been a long day. We’re not going to sleep together but she’s gonna stay over. I’ll explain in the morning.”
“Why the hell is your face all messed up Steve?”
“Tomorrow,” he said. You wrapped your arms around yourself and shifted awkwardly. Mr. Harrington pursed his lips and let out an annoyed sigh.
“First thing tomorrow.” Steve gave him a thumbs up and walked up the stairs.
You waited on Steve’s bed for him to get out of the shower. His walls were littered with different posters. Sports teams, bands, hot girls. He had lent you some of his clothes to wear. They smelled like him. It was a comforting feeling.
The bedroom door opened and he walked in, drying his hair with a towel. You gave him a gentle smile. His face was still bleeding, despite the shower. It caught your attention right away.
“You’re staring,” he said, blushing lightly.
“You’re bleeding.” You got up and put your hands on his face, showing him the blood on your fingers. His eyes went wide.
“Fucking Hargrove,” he muttered.
“Where’s your first aid kit?”
“The bathroom cabinet, behind the mirror.” You nodded and walked out of his room to the bathroom, grabbing the small first aid kit. You opened it as you walked back, noting the bandaids and other larger bandages. He was sitting on the bed waiting for you when you came back in.
You put the open box on the bed beside him and took out some napkins and alcohol.
“This is gonna sting a bit,” you warned. He hummed in annoyance but that didn’t stop you from cleaning up the cuts on his face. He winced at the pain and put his hand on your arm instinctively.
You put down the napkins and got out the bandaids. You started to put them on for him, careful to cover the worst of it with them.
Steve looked up at you as you did so, his eyes wide. No one had ever really cared for him like this before. Even with Nancy, he had loved her more than she loved him. It always felt more like pity.
You never felt like you were doing things out of pity. You just liked him.
As you looked down at him, your hands working wonders to make sure his pretty face remained pretty, he wondered if maybe his dream person had been in front of him this whole time.
As he thought it he knew it was true. His heart went warm, his cheeks flushed.
“Are you hot?” you asked gently.
“Yes. Smoking.” You scoffed and rolled your eyes.
“Your cheeks are red.”
“I’m losing a lot of blood.” You nodded and closed the first aid kit. You put it on his desk.
“Well you’re all done. Hopefully it helps a bit. Do you have a blanket for me to use down here?” you asked, clearing out a space on his floor. He scoffed.
“You think I’m gonna let you sleep on the floor?”
“I mean I can take the living room couch.” He shook his head and patted the bed.
“You take the bed. I can take the floor.” “Absolutely not. You look worse than I do.”
“Why don’t we just share?” you offered.
“Alright,” he concluded. You nodded once.
He got into the bed and you followed suit, crawling under the covers. The comforter felt like heaven. Your eyelids were drooping the second your head hit the pillow. You and Steve looked at each other, soft smiles on your face.
“Goodnight Harrington.” He leaned forward and kissed you. You were so tired you almost didn’t register what had happened.
“Probably shouldn’t have kissed you when you got into bed with me,” he said, laughing. You giggled.
“Just say goodnight Steve.”
“Goodnight Steve.” You laughed and scooted closer to him, putting your head on his side. He wrapped an arm around you. For the first time in 48 hours, you felt safe.
Stranger Things Tag List: @dpaccione, @karasong, @elisaa-shelby, @purple-flamingo, @trinswhimsys
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meltwonu · 3 years
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✦ 👻  𝕸𝖔𝖓𝖘𝖙𝖊𝖗 𝕸𝖆𝖘𝖍 SEASON 2 👻 ✦
this chapter pairing; yandere!scoups x reader
genre&warnings; university!au, yandere!scoups, dom!scoups, forced orgasms, dirty talk, daddy!kink, panty sniffing, drinking/intoxication, stealing/theft, intimate photos, oral[fem receiving], cum eating, overstimulation, character death, drugging, ‼️manipulation‼️.
✖ That being said, I do NOT condone yandere-like/obsessive/possessive behaviour in real life. this is a work of fiction therefore I will indulge in it. If you do NOT like this kind of content, please just ignore it.
notes; Is it sinful to post a yandere fic on a Sunday... 🤔 Well, I guess this entire blog is really just that so welcome to the first yandere fic of this mini-series! 🥴🤣 Also I don’t know how many of you have heard this song before but it used to be one of my favorites when I was in middle school 😗 I didn’t learn of the lyrics until I got older HAHA but it’s def darker than I ever thought it’d be! Also I was imagining seungcheol with like yknow.... slicked back hair... sunglasses... cockily raising his brow... 🤤 Yum. Hehe 💕 Also! Only one week left! I feel like this is going so fast 😭😭💕 Thank you for your support as always~ Enjoy ch 6! I’ll see you tomorrow my loves~! 💕☠️😵‍💫
word count; ~3500
chapters; 1 - 2 - 3 - 4 - 5 - 6 - x - x - x - x - x - x - x
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our fateful meeting has resulted in a red thread tying us together
opening my diary again, I make up today, and tomorrow, always!
you always give kind smiles to everyone around you;
i can’t hate you for something like that.
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The first time Seungcheol sees you on campus, he approaches you shyly.
‘Sorry, can I take your picture for my art project? I’m taking pictures of other university students on campus and their outfits for a street snap kinda thing…’ He’d mumbled - hands fiddling with the DSLR he’d painstakingly saved up all his money for.
‘Oh, are you in Professor Kim’s class too? I have a friend doing a similar project!’ You beamed in return - only for Seungcheol to feel his chest tighten at the way you smiled at him.
‘Y-yeah, I am! I just need a couple more photos and I thought you looked cool so…’
‘No worries! Where do you want me?’
He’d smiled gratefully and that small encounter had been enough for Seungcheol to fixate on for days.
Hours spent trying to find out more info on you and kicking himself mentally for being in such a panicked state that he’d forgotten to even ask for your name before you said your goodbyes and parted ways.
But Seungcheol is smart and has a lot of connections and quickly finds out your name and that you’re living in the same apartment block near campus - only one floor down from his own.
‘How have I never seen her before? I’ll have to say hi to her sometime.’
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“Hey, hyung, you going to that party tomorrow?”
Seungcheol closes all the tabs on his computer before he spins his computer chair to look at Soonyoung - cheeks a pale pink as he coughs and furrows his brows.
“What party? This is the first time I’m hearing about it.”
His other roommate, Jun, walks into his room as well, plopping onto the once clean bed as Seungcheol rolls his eyes.
“Yeah, just make yourselves at home. I apparently don’t mind.”
The two laugh as they settle in; both immediately taking their phones out as soon as they get comfortable.
“It’s just some party that the dude in the penthouse here is throwing. Apparently, the whole building is invited and there’s an open bar so… We should go, at least for a little bit.” Soonyoung mutters.
Seungcheol bites the inside of his cheek - maybe you’d be there since you lived in the building too?
“Sure, I--I’ll go.”
And Seungcheol hates the crowd but he finds himself in the very cramped penthouse the very next night; too nervous to even drink or move from his spot near the window as he waits for you to, hopefully, show up.
“You okay? You look like you’ve seen a ghost in here.” Jun comments teasingly.
“I’m cool, I’m just… this isn’t really my crowd, y’know? I need to finish my project for Professor Kim’s class so I’m just… stressed.” Seungcheol shoots Jun a half-hearted smile before his eyes are darting to the door when he sees a figure walking in.
It’s the second time Seungcheol ever sees you.
And he finally gets your name.
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“Seungcheol! Over here!”
You wave him down by the big tree; the picnic mat shifting underneath you as you giggle and make space for him.
“I thought you said you were going to be late!” You pout - watching as the blush creeps up his neck. “I’m glad you had time though...”
“M-me too… T-thanks for going on this date with me and I’m sorry I was a little late. I thought it’d be much worse but I finished up what I was working on quicker than I anticipated!” He smiles at you sheepishly before presenting you a bouquet of flowers. “I also stopped by to get these~”
They’re your favourite kind and your favorite colour and you wonder just how on earth Seungcheol manages to get it right.
Did you tell him? No, but maybe it was just a coincidence.
“Thank you! That’s so sweet of you!” You beam and Seungcheol feels his entire body threatening to burst with the small gesture.
“Of course! I--I really want to get to know you…” Seungcheol whispers; eyes downcast for a moment before he’s smiling and looking up into your gentle eyes.
“I think I’m really starting to like you.”
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You date Seungcheol for two months before anything weird starts to happen.
And when it starts, it’s only a few things here and there.
“‘Cheol, I don’t know… I mean I left the window open but…” You hold his hand tightly, still scared that someone had apparently snuck into your apartment and stolen a few of your articles of clothing and photos of you from your photo albums. “S-should I call the police?”
Seungcheol furrows his brows and wraps an arm around your waist to pull you in closer as you melt into his protective touch.
“Let’s hold off on that for right now… You said no money or anything super valuable was taken right? I’m not too sure if they’d even be able to do anything right now since it was just small things...” He sighs softly and pats your hair before kissing the crown of your head.
“How about you sleep at my place tonight, hmm? I’ll make sure the other two are quiet so you can get some rest.”
You agree and end up spending three nights at Seungcheol’s apartment; tucked into his warm sheets and cuddled up next to his chest while he holds you close.
But what you don’t know is that Seungcheol takes a box out from under his bed when you leave - shaky fingertips taking your stolen panties from the box as he brings it up to his face and inhales deeply.
‘It’s okay, it’s just a few things,’ he tells himself; hand wrapped around his cock as he jerks off alone in the dark to your scent, ‘I’ll just have to be more careful next time. Take less obvious things.’
He cums twice that night.
Images of you underneath him as he fucked you into his silk sheets making him moan into the fabric of your panties when he’d cum the second time.
‘Just be more careful, Seungcheol.’
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It’s the third month that you start to feel off - not about Seungcheol but about everything else.
“It’s weird, Wonwoo’s been avoiding me and stopped coming to class too? I tried to contact him but… I dunno, he hasn’t been responding. His phone is off too. It’s just so weird.” You complain to Seungcheol.
Wonwoo is a good friend of yours and also in one of Professor Kim’s class and you thought that he and Seungcheol would make good friends since they had the same interests.
But oddly enough, Wonwoo had stopped responding to your messages last week and his phone had been off every single time you tried contacting him - not to mention he’d been missing from all of his classes since then.
“Maybe he’s just busy…? I think if people block your number that’s kinda what happens too but… I dunno, do you think there’d be a reason for him to do that?” Seungcheol inquires gently.
You shake your head ‘no’ in response before you crawl up to Seungcheol on his bed - eyes filled with need as you softly tug on the hem of his shirt.
“Can we… do something? Just wanna take my mind off of it.”
Seungcheol gives in to you always - head between your thighs as he eats you out until you’re crying and begging him to stop after your fourth orgasm.
And when you’re fast asleep after the fact, Seungcheol watches you with a gleam in his eyes and his lips pressed into a firm line.
He’s sorry he had to get rid of Wonwoo but it was the only option.
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“Hey man! Great project!”
Wonwoo grins at Seungcheol when he steps up to the other male’s display that’s up in the atrium along with his own.
“Do you know her?”
He points to your photo as Seungcheol goes rigid.
“Y-yeah, kinda…? Why?”
Wonwoo gestures to Seungcheol to follow him to his project and Seungcheol grits his teeth as soon as he sees your photos in Wonwoo’s projects.
Mental images of you getting fucked by Wonwoo making his stomach churn as the other male rambles on about his project.
“I went a little over the top with this one, I think. But she fit really well with my goddess theme so I asked her to take a few photos with me. She’s a really good friend of mine! And your photos are sick, man! We should hang out sometime!”
Seungcheol smiles and agrees. 
Because he knows the first time they hang out will be the last and he’s right.
Poor Wonwoo had slumped over cold in the passenger’s seat of Seungcheol’s car that night while Seungcheol had buried the bottle of rat poison in the dirt - only a few feet away from his car.
He wishes you wouldn’t be so kind to everyone when they didn’t deserve it.
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“Hey Seungcheol, you wanna go to that Halloween party tonight? It’s in the penthouse again! Where we met~”
This time it’s you suggesting to go and not Soonyoung and despite the urge to say no, he nods his head ‘yes’ as you excitedly bounce around his room.
“It’s an open bar and I miiiiiight’ve gotten us costumes~”
“What if I said no, baby? You know I don’t really like getting all dressed up.” He teases back.
You run out of his room for a second before skipping back in - costumes in hand as he looks them up and down.
“I guess we could also spend the night roleplaying while we fuck in these Harley and Joker costumes?”
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Seungcheol would’ve rather the two of you stayed in and he doesn’t like how revealing your costume is, but he lets it slide for now.
“Come take a shot with me, Mistah J!”
You wink at him as he jokingly rolls his eyes and saunters up to you to take the small shot glass from your hand. Downing it quicker than you do your own before he sets the glass down onto the countertop.
“How many drinks have you had, baby?”
“Mm.. just a few! You need to catch up!” You pout up at him; smeared makeup making the thoughts in his head run a mile a minute with ideas.
He leans down until his lips are ghosting against the shell of your ear - a shiver rolling down your spine when he licks it.
“Let’s just have a few more drinks and then dip… I have some other ideas I wanna hash out before the night is over~”
The suggestion alone has you rushing through the rest of the night as the two of you drink and dance for about an hour before Seungcheol is tugging you towards the door; tripping on yourself as you giggle drunkenly.
“Mmmmmistah J, can you carry m-me?” You slur out to Seungcheol who nods and hooks an arm under your knees and back.
“You okay though, princess?”
You nod just as Seungcheol manages to get the two of you into the elevator.
“‘M just really horny now, ‘Cheol…”
“Oh? Why’s that?” The elevator dings for his floor and he all but power walks back to the apartment.
Mentally glad that Soonyoung and Jun would be at the party upstairs for at least a few more hours.
“You just l-look so hot in that costume… I really wanna ride you so b-bad…”
Seungcheol doesn’t say any more as he struggles to get the door unlocked before flinging it open and shutting it as quickly as possible.
“Weird, I was just thinking the exact same thing.”
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When you slide onto his lap, he smiles appreciatively at you.
“You look so cute in your costume, baby. Even cuter now that you’re gonna be a good girl and fuck yourself on my cock.”
You let out a whimper as you position yourself over his cock; moaning when the head of it prods your entrance.
“F-fuck, Seungcheol… Can I-I?”
“Go ahead, baby. I wanna see you using my cock how you want.”
You slowly sink down onto his length, simultaneously throwing your head back at the delicious way he stretches you open.
“O-oh… Seungcheol… You’re s-so big… Mmnh…”
He bottoms out inside of you as your toes curl; the head of his cock snug against your cervix as you whine.
“You’re already so d-deep… I c-could cum just like t-this...”
You start off slow - bouncing and swiveling in his lap as he watches you with focused eyes.
“You’re soaking my cock so much, baby~ What were you thinking about, hmm?”
“Ngh… W-wanted you to f-fuck me up there at, ah, the--the party… You look s-so hot in your costume I--I couldn’t stop thinkin’ about it…”
“Yeah? You wanted me to take you to one of the rooms? Get my fingers in that tight ‘lil cunt of yours before I fucked you hard in a stranger’s bed?”
You nod feverishly as you clamp down onto his cock in a vice grip. “Y-yeah… I was, ngh, a-already so wet just t-thinking about it…”
Seungcheol places his hands on your waist as he guides your body - his hips thrusting up as you mewl.
“Mm, can’t you hear how wet you are, baby?”
The two of you are quiet for a second as your cheeks burn with the sound of skin slapping and your wetness making everything ten times louder.
“Don’t apologize, baby~ It’s fucking hot that your cute ‘lil cunt got this wet just thinking about me fucking you in your ‘lil costume… Maybe we should do it more often, hmm?”
Seungcheol starts to see your legs tremble from the tiredness of bouncing on his lap, so he gently holds you still before reversing your positions on the bed with your back against the warmed sheets.
“Let me take over, okay, baby? Let daddy make you feel good.”
You let out a guttural moan as soon as he starts a harsh pace - cries of 'Seungcheol’ and ‘daddy’ rolling off of your tongue as your nails dig into the  silk sheets.
“Fuck, r-right there! Fuck me h-harder right there, daddy! Mmnh, it feels s-so goooood…”
He spreads your legs as far as they’ll go - smirking down at your blissed out face.
“So fuckin’ pretty for me, baby. You’re so pretty when you’re getting fucked by me~”
Your toes curl and your body buzzes with electricity and the alcohol still in your system - body sensitive when he alternates between thrusting into you and grinding against you.
“You like it when I fuck you this deep, hmm? You’re so good at taking all of daddy’s cock inside your pretty cunt~ All the way up to the base~”
“S’cause d-daddy fucks m-me good… M-my, mmh, p-pussy is--is only made to take y-your cock…”
A sinister grin etches itself onto his features as he nods, “That’s right, baby~ This pussy belongs to daddy, right? So let everyone know it - I wanna hear you screaming for daddy while he fucks this tight ‘lil cunt.”
“Ngh, S-Seungcheol!”
Your back arches off of the sheets, too lost in the pleasure to realize you were already cumming around his cock - your walls fluttering around him as he fucks you through your high.
“Mm, can daddy take pictures of you, baby? You’re so beautiful just like this~”
You nod as he reaches for his phone discarded off to the side and the sounds of the shutter go off not a second later as you peer up at him through hazy eyes.
“Mmnh… Seungcheol… P-please… M-more…”
He’s taking a few more pictures of your fucked out expression before he takes a few of his cock inside your pussy - smirking as he tosses the phone back off to the side.
“Gonna be a good girl and let daddy cum inside you, baby?”
“P-please, I--I wanna feel you…”
He grunts in response as he chases his high - the need to see his cum spilling out of your spent pussy urging him closer and closer to an orgasm.
“Fuck, b-baby, I’m s-so close…”
“Give it to m-me, daddy… F-fill me up with, a-ah, y-your cum…”
Seungcheol sees red as his orgasm finally crests after a few more skillful snaps of his hips; his pace never faltering as he fucks his cum deeper inside of you to make it stick.
You work him through it, clenching around his cock as you moan out his name - the warm, sated feeling making your entire body and mind feel hazy even when he starts to slow down.
“You--you feel s-so hot cumming i-inside of me, daddy…”
“Yeah? Daddy’s filthy ‘lil princess likes it, huh? I wish you could see it, baby… It’s already pushing out of you when I thrust my cock in… There’s so much of it… Should daddy clean you up with his tongue?”
You let out a shocked gasp as Seungcheol pulls out of you - his cock covered in a mixture of your wetness and his cum as he slowly sinks down onto his elbows and knees between your trembling thighs.
“Oh, d-daddy, I--mmph!”
He doesn’t give you a second to rest as he glides his tongue through your soaked folds, collecting his cum and your wetness on his tongue before swallowing it all down.
“Your cunt is still wanting more, hmm? So needy down here, baby… Does daddy need to fuck you again? Cum inside you a second time?”
You cry out and tug on his hair as he leans back in; tongue on your overly sensitive clit as your hips buck up to ride the feeling.
“S--Seungcheol, I, a-ah, ‘m so--so sensitive, I c-can’t…! It’s t-too, mmnh, much!”
Your head thrashes against his pillows but he doesn’t let up - instead forcing another orgasm out of you as you grind against his tongue and sob quietly.
He smirks as he feels your entire body quiver and shake underneath him - hands keeping your body firm against the sheets as he continues to tease you relentlessly.
“Ngh, p-please… n-no more…” You whine; gently tugging on his mussed hair as he sucks on your clit one last time before he’s shaking your hands from his hair.
“Aww, my cute ‘lil baby looks even prettier now that you’ve ruined all your makeup~ Daddy fucks you that good, huh?”
Seungcheol runs a hand through his sweaty hair - pushing it back as you clench around emptiness at the visual.
A glob of cum drips from your spent hole and onto the sheets as he cackles. 
“You’re so easy, baby.”
He reaches down to collect the cum on his fingers before he brings the soaked digits to your lips.
And you part them for him as he sinks his fingers into your mouth; moaning softly at the salty substance that coats your tongue as you suck on his fingers.
“That’s my good girl~ Now, why don’t you stay here and I’ll go get a bath ready for you, okay? You’re dripping cum all over the bed, baby. I’ll need to clean the sheets too.”
You nod tiredly as he withdraws his fingers and slips off of the bed - trying to fight the sleep that’s threatening to take you as you watch him leave the room.
And when Seungcheol is gone for longer than you expect, the slight chill in the bedroom has you shivering now that he wasn’t there to keep you warm.
So you slide off of the bed, tiptoeing to his closet to grab a shirt or sweater to keep yourself warm while he was somewhere else in the apartment.
The fresh cum that starts to drip out of you when you walk has you reaching a hand between your legs as you push it back into your needy cunt.
“J-just need a--a shirt...”
You can’t seem to find a lightswitch on the wall so instead, you knee and fish around for a shirt in his walk-in closet - your brows furrowing when you feel shreds of paper lining the wall when you reach in too deep.
Pushing some of the clothes aside, the confusion continues to mount when the glint of glossy paper catches your eye in the dark. Multiple pieces of it overlapping as you run your hand over them.
 “What is this…?”
This time, you actually take a moment to find the light switch as you flick it on - your eyes wide as saucers when you see photos of yourself lining the entirety of the back of Seungcheol’s closet wall.
Photos of you sleeping in bed, photos of you walking around campus, and even the photos of you that had been stolen from your apartment were all there. Some digitalized and some on film - indicating he’d taken extra time to have them processed before he’d pasted them together on the wall.
You freeze as your eyes quickly flit from photo to photo - barely having a second to register the stolen pile of panties sitting close by on a smaller shelf lining the wall.
“Yes. Sweetheart?”
Your breath stops when you hear his gravelly voice behind you; his shadow looming over your body as you refuse to turn around and look at him.
But all you hear is a disappointed sigh.
“Well, I was hoping it’d look much prettier than this when I finally showed you. After all, I haven’t even added those new pictures of you I’d taken earlier.”
“W-what... What is t-this, Seungcheol?”
He smirks at your back as he leans up against the doorframe. 
“I just love you so much, sweetheart. Can’t you see I just appreciate you so much?”
The words are caught in your throat as you stay unmoving. 
“I--b-but... W-why like this? I--are those my--my panties that I...”
He ‘tsk’s and takes a step towards your back, kneeling right behind you as he nuzzles your neck. The gesture would’ve normally made your heart flutter but instead, it only makes you whimper out of fear. 
“We can pretend you didn’t see this and go take your warm bath, sweetheart. It’s already warmed up just for you... I even got you a plate of strawberries and whipped cream... Or... Well, I mean, I wouldn’t want to you to join Wonwoo.” 
Realization hits all at once as you connect the dots. 
Surely Seungcheol didn’t...?
But you gulp harshly - eyes staring straight at the wall unfocused when he starts to gently massage your stomach.
“I--y-yes let’s... Let’s go take that shower, I-I’m... I’m--my legs are so--so sticky and--and dirty...”
He kisses your shoulder and helps you up, turning you to face him as you stare up into his crazed, loving eyes. 
“I’m glad you saw it my way, sweetheart. Now let’s get you all cleaned up.”
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