#also the thing about how molly is at the heart of both the beginning and end of the campaign
dent-de-leon · 1 year
help i am once again thinking of ways the animated nein could avoid killing molly off so early--
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jrow · 6 days
May Prompts (19)
Day 18 here. Start from the beginning here.
They are talking about the bloody weather.
Sure, he is legitimately thrilled to be outside for the first time in days (even if he is stuck in a wheelchair) and it is unseasonably warm. But still, the weather hardly warrants 10 minutes of conversation. He knows that he and Molly are both avoiding having what might be a slightly uncomfortable conversation. It is so very British.
He sighs and looks at Molly, who is still talking about how Toby loves lying in the sun. Enough is enough.
“Molly,” he interrupts, “do you know if I gave Sherlock his birthday gift? Do you know if he opened it?” There is no point in beating around the bush.
Her shoulders tighten a bit but she lets out a sigh. It’s like she’s both relieved and anxious that they are having this conversation. “You definitely gave it to him. I guess you don’t remember but you were … determined when you went over there that night.” She smiles sadly. “It was about time, if you ask me.”
He takes a deep breath. “I don’t remember getting to Baker Street but … yeah, determined is the right word. I remember feeling that.” He closes his eyes. “Sherlock hasn’t said anything.”
Molly scooches down the bench so she’s closer to him. “He hasn’t opened it,” she stage whispers. She looks around the hospital garden as if making sure no one’s listening. “I popped by Baker Street yesterday—Mrs. Hudson let me in. I wasn’t snooping, I swear! Sherlock borrowed a few files from me last week and I needed them back. I didn’t have the heart to ask him to get them so I just did it myself.” She leans closer. “And your gift was still unwrapped on the coffee table.”
He rubs his hand over his face. “Okay, that answers one question. But why hasn’t he mentioned it at least? Even in his recounting of what happened that night?”
“John,” she says, reaching out and touching his leg. “He’s terrified. And, quite frankly, he has other things on his mind.”
“He feels guilty. It’s obvious.”
“Yes. Incredibly obvious.” She chuckles. “He feels guilty about your fall. You know how he can be. Somehow his silly little brain has decided it’s his fault. I suppose he thinks he should have caught you.”
She makes a good point, but he can’t help but worry it’s something else. “It could be about the gift, though. What if he deduced what’s in the box and feels guilty that he doesn’t want the same.”
She looks to the sky and sighs. “Boys,” she says quietly as if to herself before turning her gaze back towards him. “That’s stupid, John,” she says bluntly.
John leans back, a bit offended. “Come on, you know Sherlock can deduce anything.”
“Not about you!” she says, raising her hands in the air. “You’re his blindspot.” She puts her hands down and takes a deep breath. “And do you really think he’d spend time deducing a birthday gift while you were lying in a hospital bed? I saw him that morning, John. He was a mess. Kept it together on all things Rosie but all in all a mess. He’s not feeling guilty because he thinks he needs to let you down easy.”
John feels slightly chastised but also better. Molly isn’t lying about this. She believes what she’s saying. That’s the best he can hope for.
“Thanks, Molly,” he says, leaning forward to put a hand on her shoulder. “For everything.”
“I’m happy to help. I keep offering to do more with Rosie, but Sherlock refuses. At some point I do want to actually see her when she’s awake!”
He laughs. That all sounds about right.
She shrugs. “You know, I’m not sure Sherlock will get it anyways. When he opens the gift, I mean. You are trusting that present to explain quite a lot. Most people would just see it for what it is. A bit extravagant maybe, but that’s it.”
“He’ll take one look and put the pieces together.”
“Blind spot, John. And then you’ll be forced to use your words. Heaven forbid.”
“He’ll know, Molly.” He takes a breath. “I was determined. I am trying to get that determination back. And … I’m not good with words.”
“You two are a pair in that regard.” She shakes her head and then stands up. “Come on, let’s get back.”
@keirgreeneyes @raina-at @totallysilvergirl @meetinginsamarra @jolieblack @phoenix27884 @friday411 @calaisreno @quimerasyutopias @lisbeth-kk @safedistancefrombeingsmart @momma2boys @helloliriels @dapetty
Let me know if you want to be added or removed 😊
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terapsina · 6 months
Kathryn Janeway/Chakotay. Post-Voyager, return home. (If you’ve seen Prodigy pre-Prodigy before Chakotay receives his commission as Captain. If you’re up to it, lightly touching on the Chakotay and Seven of it all? Seven might have left for the Rangers at this point. It’s alright if that’s too much of a prompt!)
(okay, this will take place closer to Post-Voyager era than Pre-Prodigy era but does take place inside that frame of time. Also, I couldn't find any specific dates about when exactly Seven joined the Rangers so let's just assume here that it happened pretty soon after they returned home (for various reasons but mostly because I think Seven would have grown restless pretty quickly and also because I just can't imagine she and Chakotay lasted very long at all)).
Chakotay and Kathryn were fine.
Completely fine. In comparison to the seven years aboard Voyager where they stayed at the constant edge of destruction, with the threat of losing all the souls aboard the ship that they were responsible for constantly biting at their heels, they were more than fine now.
They met for weekly dinners. They no longer argued because of the stress of their positions; because all they'd sacrificed of themselves had hollowed them out into a Captain and a First Officer and very little else. The frost that had grown in the cracks of their friendship had thawed during this past year home. They were sharing jokes again and enjoyed perfectly pleasant conversations in each other's company.
They discussed how their weeks had gone; and how Kathryn and him were adjusting to being home again. They talked about their sisters and shared whatever news they'd heard from the crew lately. Talked about the latest antics of Kathryn's two dogs - both the grand-pups of the Irish Setter she'd left behind on Earth when she'd been ordered to capture Chakotay an eternity ago. Mollie herself had lived only two months past the Voyager's return, Chakotay's heart still twinged remembering the way Kathryn had tried to keep up a strong face when she'd told him about the dog's passing.
They were fine. Really, they were better than they'd been in a really long time now.
Chakotay should have been happy about it, - and admittedly there was the relief that he hadn't lost Kathryn entirely. Their return to the Alpha Quadrant had given him his best friend back and...
...and Chakotay was miserable.
"You remember I told you how the voice reader for the replicator broke last week and I had to put it on manual? Well, Faba figured out this morning how to make the cursed thing spit out the last meal programmed in there, when I got home from Starfleet Command the entire kitchen floor was covered in dog food. You can't imagine the guilty looks on her and Capulus when they saw me." Kathryn's eyes danced with amusement as she took a sip of wine from her glass.
Chakotay's own lips pulled up at the corners, the initial moment entirely genuine because when Kathryn Janeway smiled the entire room brightened.
But the smile fell away a moment too quickly and ever observant, Kathryn noticed. "I'm sorry, Chakotay, I'm hogging the conversation this evening. You seem to have something on your mind?"
"No," he said, forcing forward another smile, hoping this one would better disguise his melancholy mood. "It's simply been a long week, I'm just tired, I think."
He saw Kathryn's eyes go to the timepiece hanging on the wall behind him and cursed himself for the chosen excuse. He didn't intend to make her think he was too tired for her company.
"It is getting late, I suppose I'll see you next week. Same time? Or do you have plans?" At the beginning of their post-return dinners, Chakotay had tried to read some kind of tightness in Kathryn's voice when she asked about his plans. Selfishly hoping for a sign that their implied existence might bother her, that there still existed traces of the feelings that years ago he'd been certain were there. But there was never anything except polite curiosity.
He was starting to suspect that whatever potential had been there had been destroyed by his stupidity and the very badly timed mid-life crisis that had tripped him just before the finish line.
"No plans," he told her and did his very best not to inquire after her own. He knew his question would be full of the unvoiced things lacking in hers.
"Speaking of, have you heard from Seven recently? She's been hard to get a hold of since she joined the Fenris Rangers."
"No," he said, avoiding Kathryn's eyes as he always did whenever she mentioned Seven of Nine now. He wished she'd stop. Or that she'd finally address the splinter he'd seen her ignoring for eleven months now. When Chakotay had told her that he and Seven had parted ways barely weeks after landing on Earth, she'd inquired if he was okay and revealed not a hint of emotion more. Not anger. Not relief. Not disappointment. Nothing. He might as well have been Harry Kim telling her how he'd broken up with one of the Delaney twins again. "But B'Elanna mentioned receiving a subspace message from her a few weeks ago so I wouldn't send out any alarms yet."
"Good." Kathryn smiled again, swallowing another deeper mouthful of the wine Chakotay had brought over earlier, and finishing the glass.
She wasn't as careful as usual though - being out of uniform and off the deck of the Voyager had made her freer in a number of tiny ways - and his eyes trailed a tiny spill of red as it escaped the corner of Kathryn's mouth and slid over her chin before gliding slowly down her neck.
Heat sliced clean through his lower stomach as he hastily averted his eyes, this time to hide the hunger that had no doubt visibly flashed across his face. Chakotay sent a silent thank you to the spirits of his ancestors for her eyes having remained closed while she enjoyed the last sip.
Maybe he really should start getting ready to leave.
Candlelight, wine, and Kathryn were not a combination that inspired all that much sanity in Chakotay. He'd thought he'd developed at least a partial immunity in the later years of their journey, as that brightly burning hope he'd cradled in his heart had eventually begun to be smothered by the innumerable trials and tribulations; by the thousand small cuts and steadily growing walls.
Of course, he'd pretty much found out exactly how wrong he was on that point the first time he'd seen her after the former members of the Maquis had received their official pardons from the Federation. When the entire crew had shown up to celebrate and he'd looked across the ballroom someone - probably Paris - had reserved for the event, when for the first time in years had seen Kathryn instead of Captain Janeway.
She'd been wearing a dark red dress that had hugged her front nearly like a second skin and let only air touch half her back. The dress had been tasteful and elegant of course, as anything Kathryn wore always was but Chakotay had known he was fucked the moment his eyes had landed on her. The feeling was yet to leave.
"Next week, then." He confirmed.
"Goodnight, Chakotay," Kathryn said and walked around the dinner table to give him a brief hug and a kiss on his cheek. His eyes slid closed at the singing sensation of her lips against his skin.
Right, that. If ever someone tried to convince him this woman didn't have a cruel bone in her body he might just have to point and laugh. Hysterically.
He opened his mouth to return the goodnight when something that had been steadily straining and stretching for months and months finally snapped.
"Are you ever going to forgive me, Kathryn?" he asked, exhaustion heavy in his voice and eyes still closed. He wasn't sure he could bear seeing her face if he was really starting this conversation.
"I promised something to you once, and broke it just before it would have finally been time to fulfill it."
"You never promised me anything." And finally, he heard the tightness in Kathryn's voice he'd been looking for.
He opened his eyes and looked at her, letting her see all the things he'd shielded from her in the Delta Quadrant when showing them would have left his Captain bleeding.
"I did and you know I did, Kathryn. Never aloud because it would have hurt you to hear it. But we both knew."
And finally, finally, anger flashed like lightning in Kathryn's eyes.
"Why did it have to be Seven, Chakotay?"
"I don't know." And he didn't know. He'd asked himself that question a hundred times and never found a good answer. Not one that put him in any kind of good light anyway.
Male ego. Because a part of him had known that it would be the one way he'd actually be able to hurt Kathryn the way she'd been hurting him for years by then. Because he thought he couldn't hurt Kathryn at all and had to finally prove it to himself somehow. Because Seven had shown interest, and he'd been so very tired, and it could have been anyone at all. Because he'd been losing hope.
He didn't know.
"We were supposed to return to Earth together. You were supposed to be right beside me. It was supposed to--"
"I know. I'm sorry, Kathryn," Chakotay whispered and dared to wipe an angry tear from her face.
"And it's not like I had any right to feel--"
He smiled thinly. "And when I found you on Quarra I had no right to want to cave in Jaffen's face. Or that Irish hologram's. Or Q's."
And oh, how Chakotay had wanted to.
"I--" she looked startled like she hadn't suspected any of that. There was something nearly impressive about that, the crew certainly seemed to have steered clear of Chakotay for a solid week after every event where their captain had gotten courted by one alien or another.
Well, steered clear by everyone except Paris and Tuvok. And B'Elanna. But Paris had long since proven himself to be just a bit suicidal to a degree that had eventually earned him Chakotay's respect. And Tuvok was... well, Tuvok.
And B'Elanna just didn't count.
"I had no right. You had no right. But it hurt me, and then I hurt you. And I need to know if you're going to forgive me. Because it still hurts, Kathryn." He cupped the side of her face, barely letting his fingers graze her skin. "You're my best friend. And my partner for eight years now. And you're always going to be the love of my life. I will accept whatever answer you give me, even if you tell me that there's a part of you that's going to hate me forever. But please, Kathryn, I need to know."
Finished, Chakotay fell silent.
Kathryn stared at him with angry, anguished eyes. Then she closed them and Chakotay had to force himself not to shudder.
He could take whatever blow she threw. He'd survive it. Not entirely whole, maybe, but he would survive.
"There is an ancient legend among my people," she said, nearly entirely under her breath but Chakotay still felt the universe come to a stop; could feel the Earth itself halt in its spin. "It is about a Lonely Sea Captain who had lost her way in a storm, and to bring her people home she made a deal with the gods. She locked her heart in a wooden chest and promised them she would not open it until they reached shore. But there was a Brave Warrior aboard her ship too, who worried that without any heart at all the Lonely Sea Captain would be lost - and he was right, she would have been - so he gave her his heart to carry while her own was locked away. She wasn't always kind to that gifted heart, wasn't always careful with it, - and sometimes, sometimes she was afraid she'd lost it - but it gave her strength, and it gave her hope, and it brought her home."
"Is there really an ancient legend?" he whispered, barely daring to breathe. Caught in her gaze like a fly in a spider-silk web.
"No." Another tear began to slide down Kathryn's cheek. "But that made it easier to say."
Chakotay leaned forward and kissed that precious pearl of salt from her cheek.
"The Captain never lost her Warrior's heart," he assured her softly and waited patiently with his lips pressed into her cheek until she moved her head and kissed him.
(fun fact: Capulus is Latin for Coffee and Faba is Latin for Bean).
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Hia~ this is Jane speaking.
I've decided the Phoenica time loop is a fun idea,so please share what you've thought of so far it's fun to see what other people thought of.
Of course if your okay with me writing it.
Yeah sure, go nuts! I might write about it when I can, but it’s also fun to see how others carry out the idea! Thankfully, apparently all I needed was to sleep on it to brainstorm more about the idea.
The premise is that in the middle of chapter 7, Phoenica sneaks away to follow Molly as she confronts Lorelai. Before Lorelai can send Molly to the dumbwaiter, Phoenica intervenes and argues with Lorelai. That only fuels Lorelai’s already boiling anger, which leads to her firing a blast with all of her rage aimed at Phoenica. Molly tries to protect Phoenica by dumbing down the attack, but it pierces straight through her defenses, does some harm to Molly, and hits Phoenica square in the heart, killing her.
Moments later before Lorelai gets a chance to undo her mistake, Phoenica dies
…Kind of?
Upon Phoenica’s own death, the entire day resets to when she wakes up, only with one key difference:
A Rabbit summon is standing where her alarm clock should be.
The rabbit introduces itself to Phoenica as a being created from Lorelei’s magic and Phoenicia’s heart. While the rabbit itself doesn’t know much more than Phoenica does, it tells her that she’s looping the day. At first, Phoenica just thinks she unlocked her magical powers and tries to show her dad the summon, but it becomes apparent that only Phoenica can see them. The summon tells Phoenica to call it “Fluffy”.
She assumes (again) that the summon is just there to help her get accustomed to her powers. Eager to show others, she runs to the same alleyway she encountered the wolf. But because she comes by much sooner than the first time, Molly isn’t there to help her…
So Phoenica, for a second time, dies
She now gains some understanding that her power to rewind time activities when she dies. While dying was traumatic, she eagerly goes about her day for the third loop to meet up with Molly and Trixie full of joy about her new power…
not knowing that her newfound ability wasn’t a gift, but her new prison. A prison that would serve to break her.
So that’s basically the premise. After playing “ISAT”, I became obsessed with yeeting Phoenica into a time-loop to watch the bapy go through existential horror. It died for a bit, but came back full force yesterday for me. Lorelai’s spell is causing the time-loop, but it wasn’t something she did on purpose. Her spell was filled by anger and her subconscious thoughts.
Some extra things I might include:
In one of the later loops after Trixie scares off the wolf, Phoenica doesn’t comfort them, zoning out completely until Molly pulls them both into a hug.
Molly in every loop notices that something is off with Feenie, but can’t precisely pinpoint it. She only subconsciously remembers the loops like Lorelai, but instead she will gain a massive sense of Deja-vu. Her subconscious memories will build off each other.
Lorelai doesn’t have any memories of the loops, but they do affect her subconsciously. Anytime she sees Phoenica, she gets a small feeling of guilt, but she doesn’t know why
During the fight where Graham’s tendril is meant to cut Molly’s check, Phoenica tries to get Molly out of the way, but accidentally ends up getting killed by the same tendril
Despite Naven not being aware of the loops, he always does something different in each one as soon as he sees Phoenica. She has no idea why this happens and it unnerves her
Every time Phoenica makes it to the final chapter, the world around her turns to ivory and before she can do anything, it loops back to the very beginning of the day
In one of the loops, Phoenica decides to begrudgingly accept Giovanni’s offer for villainy
Once the loop count starts getting to higher numbers, Phoenica distances herself from her friends. She already know so much about them that they don’t know, and she feels as though she’s manipulating them and treating them like NCPs.
In desperation, Phoenica tells Naven everything and begs for his help, anything to help her be free of this prison…only to hear the most terrifying words an adult can say: “I don’t know”
Fluffy convinces Phoenica to stay home in one loop to see what happens. The entire day goes on as it would in PoP, except faster. Upon learning this from a text from Trixie. Fluffy comes to the conclusion that Phoenica contributed nothing and even held the group back.
Sorry for giving you a full page of info lol. I might have more ideas, but I’m currently unsure of how I want to connect the existing ones or which ones I’ll get rid of. So for now, I’ll stop here, but I’ll probably post more about it
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f1rewalk3r · 4 months
okay so i was trying to do pact book club with my roommate b4 we had a falling out (unrelated) and i have cool Pact Motorcycle Analysis from rereading chapter one. (see below)
PMT “set [their bike] on the lawn, leaning against the inside of the fence.” leaning is the key word here. why are they leaning the bike on the fence? does it not have a kickstand? most street bikes have kickstands. the only ones that don’t are for extreme motorcross, not street legal, and built solely for dirt. So it would look something like this:
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worth noting that this is a KTM 300 which is really nice and PMT's bike is "...about the shittiest, smallest, cheapest bike ever, and it’s used..." so assume much smaller and shittier then this one. But also, please note: No kick stand, and especially nothing that makes it street legal (plates, headlight, taillight, signals, mirrors) Okay, so what? Well, PMT then begins "...Unlocking and lifting the seat of the motorcycle, [to] retrieve the shirt [they] had stowed away..." These hardcore enduros, and even most sport, naked, and cruisers Do Not have under seat storage, especially locking under seat storage. The only thing that does? Scooters.
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Eat your heart out, taylor hebert.
Brief Side Notes here: While our protaganist is referred to as Blake in this chapter, we can assume this is world-editing fuckery, given the snip doesn't happen until 4mo later with Molly's death. Also, we do see them mention a helmet. However, they are also wearing paint covered "...jeans, the lap striped with narrow streaks in various colors." This means that either PMT doesn't wear gear (squid status confirmed) or they wear armored jeans around regularly to the point of getting paint on them from the Toronto artists/dykes.
Later on in the chapter, though, the bike has been "Tipped over in a way that had scraped it hard against the stone wall. Headlight and taillight broken." So it does have lights, and is thus street legal. In conclusion: Given the text in this chapter, we can assume the PMT/Blake's bike is either 1) a plated, street-legal converted dirtbike with no kickstand (It is mentioned as leaning against the fence twice, proving "Leaning" is a deliberate choice) and the seat thing is a continuity error. or 2) the bike is a shitty scooter with no kickstand. or 3) the kickstand AND seat are both continuity errors and blake rides an older model cruiser (my personal HC given. Everything about PMT)
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See the storage saddlebags BESIDES the seat, not below. So yeah. Either the bike is a magic fiction model macguffin that doesn't exist and just does whatever it needs for narrative purposes. OR (more likely) Wildbow just doesn't know how to write bikes.
Thanks for reading. Follow for more Pact Motorcycle Analysis.
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thetimemoves · 6 months
20 questions for fic writers
I was tagged by @raina-at @discordantwords and @totallysilvergirl, thank you!
1. How many works do you have on AO3?
2. What's your total A03 word count?
57, 682. Not a lot for 20 works, but 10 of them are 221b ficlets. I only have one fic over 10k (it's just over 11.3k).
3. What fandoms do you write for?
BBC Sherlock
4. What are your top five fics by kudos?
Never Trust to General Impressions
Feel My Heart Banging Like a Gun
Out of Every Nowhere
Forth They Went Together
5. Do you respond to comments? Why or why not?
Yes, I do. I'm so thrilled to get them and appreciate it when someone takes the time to leave a comment. It makes me giddy, it does!
6. What's the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
I like to end on a happy, or at least hopeful, note but occasionally angst comes out on top. I think it's probably a tie between these two: Paperweight, which is Sherlock's POV when Molly gives him John's letter at the end of TST; and With Regrets, which is John's POV as he says goodbye to Sherlock in the hospital after the beating in TLD.
Both are 221b ficlets, so at least it's a sharp punch of angst and not an extended bout? Not kidding about that punch, though (sorry not sorry).
7. What's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
This is a tough one, but I think these are probably the happiest:
bitter, sweet
Feel My Heart Banging Like a Gun
8. Do you get hate on fics?
No, thankfully. Hopefully that continues.
9. Do you write smut?
I love me some good smut, but I don't write it (yet). Certain bits in Feel My Heart Banging Like a Gun and Steady as They Go are the closest I've come so far, but they're not smutty.
10. Do you write crossovers?
No. I don't. One of my WIPs is a Stand By Me/The Body (Stephen King) fusion, but I'm not interested in writing any crossovers right now.
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Not that I'm aware of.
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
Yes, which amazes me! Two have been translated into Russian.
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
@splix71 and I began to plot out a Sherlock bounty hunter AU I had initially come up with back in 2019. We had so much fun coming up with names and theories and plot points, so much fun. Unfortunately, she had to step back due to health reasons (FUCK CANCER) and afterwards I couldn't bring myself to go back to it. I doubt I ever will, as clever as I think some of the things we came up with were. I don't know that there is a place anymore for Baker Street Bonds, Yarders Bail Service, or Reichenbach Bail, but I will always treasure the time we spent on it together (that she, a most amazing writer, wanted to write something with me, still blows my mind).
14. What's your all-time favourite ship?
Mulder/Scully and Sherlock/John.
15. What's the WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
I have a Sherlock/John hunt the Bogeyman fic I've been poking at for YEARS. I love a lot of what I've written, but I wrote myself into a corner and haven't quite figured out how to get out. At this point I despair of ever finishing it, but never say never.
16. What are your writing strengths?
221b ficlets. I think I've done well with these in conveying lots of emotion in little moments.
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
Clever case fic and complicated plots. I can also get a bit wordy in my beginnings sometimes (ironic, considering my ability to write a strong 221b ficlet) and need a gentle nudge to cut to the action.
Also, if I'm going to be brutally honest, I tend to walk away too quickly when I get stuck and don't make myself work out the problem right then. Hence my many languishing WIPs.
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language for a fic?
I've not done it yet and don't see it happening down the road either.
19. First fandom you wrote for?
For published fic, BBC Sherlock. There might be some self-insert stories with River Phoenix in my very distant past.
20. Favourite fic you've ever written?
Ooof, this is a hard one because every finished fic is a victory for me. That said, I'll always have a soft spot for Abditory. I had been in love with Sherlock since 2011 and devoured fic at an unholy rate, but was never dared write my own until 2017, after the last series. Better late than never, right? I also really loved writing Never Trust to General Impressions, with its slice-of-life looks at Sherlock and John's evolving relationship in relation to canon (with a not-so-canon twist on TRF). Funnily enough, both are 5+1 fics.
This was fun! I have loved reading all of these from everyone too. I'm going to be That Person and tag everyone who wants to do this but hasn't been tagged yet. Please do share!
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spenglersglasses · 4 months
Hey there Ghostbuster lovers!!!!!
It's me again back for the season of LOVE with the next chapter of my Egon x OC Molly fic!
I hope you all enjoy!
Commissions are OPEN, please see pinned post for Carrd info on my main blog @copiousloverofcopia
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Things have fallen on hard times for the members of the Ghostbusters when the memory of saving the world from the threat of supernatural destruction fades in the minds of the city. Now, with each of them going their separate ways, Egon joins up with another scientist to share a lab so he can continue his experiments. When an innocent mistake by his lab mate leads to a mix up that could mean big consequences for Egon, he must choose whether or not to reveal the truth to Molly, the test subject or keep it secret forever.
Observations in Love
Chapter 3: The Party
Also available HERE on AO3! Haven't started yet? Start from the beginning HERE!
Read Below the Cut!
The words were something that Egon never thought he would have to say. Though, whoever thinks to themselves that they have to tell someone they might be carrying his child without at least a night of passion to show for it. Egon placed his hands on Molly’s shoulders, ready to stabilize her if the news came as a shock. Molly waited with bated breath, staring into Egon’s eyes. Hoping he was about to kiss her. 
“There was a mix up at the lab.” he began. Molly opened up her eyes, looking more confused than ever. 
“Mix up? What do you mean?” she asked him. Egon felt his heart sink knowing what he was about to tell her. Deciding to help the two of them sit down on the stoop of her building. Prepared to confess it all. 
“During the procedure, you were not inseminated with the correct donor sperm.” he said plainly. Molly's face went beet red, embarrassed to even be discussing it with him. The realization, only hitting her afterwards that she might be having some stranger's baby.
“Oh no… you mean… oh god.” she said, a bit stunned. Her hands, holding her either side of head as she took it all in. Egon took in a deep breath—he wasn’t finished just yet. He watched as she tried her best to contain herself. Holding back evidence of the panic she felt inside. 
“That’s not all…Molly. I—I have to tell you, the donor sperm you received…it was mine.” he confessed. Suddenly Molly felt as though she might faint. Her head was spinning, and a loud ringing started becoming louder and louder in her ears. Frazzled and unsure if what she heard was truly what Egon was trying to say. Did he actually tell her that he, the man she had been slowly falling for, was possibly the father of her child? It was so much to take in.
“So if I’m pregnant, then…”
“Then I am the father.” Egon confirmed, “Molly if…if it happens then we will figure it out. I just needed to tell you. I couldn’t allow for things to continue on between us and… I am sure we have nothing to be concerned about. The likelihood of a successful first-time intrauterine insemination procedure is relatively low, about 13%.” he continued, trying his best to diffuse the situation. 
“Oh…” she murmured, all the while growing quieter. A swirl of chaotic and undefined emotions, filling her up inside. The whole thing had become so damn bittersweet. On one hand she had a moment of hope. Unplanned as it was, she felt excited at the prospect to think she'd actually get to have a child with a man she…loved? But did he want that? 
Egon continued, spouting off the low odds of conception, leaving her thin optimism in a dulled and blunt sense of doubt. “I guess you're right, there's no reason to get worked up.” She began, playing it off as if she were fine. Both her and Egon, however, knew the truth. “We will just have to wait and see.” she finished, the upset in her voice unable to be hidden as it cracked and trembled. 
Egon sat quietly there beside her, unsure of how to make things better between them. While he could practically master every branch of science imaginable, the concept of relationships was not something he had ever excelled in. His history with the likes of Janine being a prime example. He wasn’t sure what to make of Molly’s reaction. He was even less sure how to comfort her.
“How are you feeling?” he asked, staring down at the steps. His eyes focused on the spot between his shoes. The worn-down concrete, catching his attention as he felt Molly turn to face him. The tears were now undeniable in her eyes as he looked into them. Instantly feeling the pain she was going through when she spoke.
“I want you to know something.” She began, wringing her hands on the hem of her sweater. 
“Go on.” He said, leaning closer to her. Waiting for a full breakdown to come into fruition, but instead Molly wiped the tears away from her eyes. Beginning to laugh softly.
“I really want this baby Egon. I have wanted one for so long. This… this doesn’t change that.”
“I know… I know.” he said with a smile. Allowing her to rest her head on his chest. “Molly… there's something else.” Egon began, pulling her up to look at him. Molly’s eyes widening as she sat back up. Facing him head on.
“Oh god Egon, I don’t think I can take anything else.” she said half joking, half serious.
“I wanted to tell you that, I have developed feelings for you as well.” he smiled, his gorgeous brown eyes sending Molly’s heart racing inside her chest. Wanting so badly to kiss him.    
A week had passed since Egon’s confession. Molly and him, ecstatic to find that they shared feelings for one another. Deciding to give a relationship between them a shot. Molly’s first order of business was to invite Egon to a Halloween party hosted by Sam and a few of her roadie friends. 
She was excited to share the love of the season with him as they counted down the days until they would know if she had conceived. They began learning more about more about one another. Molly, fascinated by Egon’s time as a Ghostbuster and Egon just as equally intrigued by her “normal childhood”. The two of them, quickly growing closer with each passing day.
Molly was doing her best to pretend nothing had changed when she made a routine trip to the lab. She was due for some follow up blood tests and a few rounds of questions. Careful not to look Egon’s way and smiling over to Connie as she entered. Her scientist friend, still completely unaware of their budding romance. 
Constance, too, was playing things close to the chest. Still under the assumption Molly was ignorant about the mix up, she continued on with business as usual. Egon finding other things to be conveniently busy with during the visit. Excusing himself to the storage room, leaving the two of them alone. 
“How are you feeling Mol?” Connie asked her, giving her back her arm as she finished collecting the blood samples. Molly, feeling a bit lightheaded from seeing just how many tubes Connie had managed to fill.   
“I’m doing well actually… Maybe I'm a little dizzy now.” she laughed, “But seriously no symptoms or anything… not sure if that's good or bad.” she explained as she held the cotton ball to the puncture in her arm. Connie quickly turned back with a band aid and a cautious smile on her face as she began placing it down.
“Well it may be too soon for anything. We will know in another few days.” she replied. Molly nodded in response. More excited than ever to get on her way, ready to get going to the party. 
“I understand. Was there anything else I needed to do before I leave?” she asked, hopping off the exam table and grabbing her coat. Connie quickly flipped through her collection of papers on her clipboard and replied.
“Nope, it seems we are good here. Next time I see you we will be ready to test!” she beamed. Molly smiled back at her, noticing Egon slipping out of the lab to meet with her outside. Molly made her way to the street walking a bit down the sidewalk until she reached the corner—Egon waiting for her along the side of the building. 
“Not sure how I feel about all this sneaking around.” he said, looking to see if Constance had followed her out. 
“I mean we can tell her if you want. I think it might help her relax a bit. I can tell she’s on edge. Maybe she’d feel better too if she knew.” Molly said.
“Sure. Next time.” Egon smiled, taking Molly's hand and walking with her down the street. 
“Do we need to stop over at your place to get your costume?” she asked him. Cuddling up close as they walked. The cold chill in the wind was beginning to settle in. Molly, taking it as the perfect excuse to get closer to him. 
“What do you mean? I’m wearing it right now.” Egon explained, the two of them stopping in stride so he could present himself. Still dressed in his normal lab coat and suit. 
“What is it?” he asked her.
“That's not a costume.” Molly laughed. 
“It is actually, you see I am going to the part as a research scientist.”
“Uh huh…” Molly hummed. The look of skepticism was plain on her face. “Maybe try something else ok.” she laughed. Egon nodded, figuring that it was a long shot, but he had to try.
“I will figure something out. Why don’t you head back and I will meet up with you tonight before the party.” he told her, wondering what he could find to wear.
“Sounds good.” Molly told him lifting up on her toes to kiss his cheek before taking off down the block. “I will see you tonight!” 
“See you then!” he called back to her. Turning to head into the lab and grab his things before making his way to his apartment.
It was a few hours later as Egon paced his apartment. Wondering if he could make up some excuse to come sans costume. As enticing as it was, he couldn’t bring himself to disappoint her. Suddenly deciding he had just the right thing—though he was nervous to put it on.
He threw his costume in a duffel bag, bringing it with him as he readied to leave for Molly’s. Hoping to let her give it the final approval, when he heard the phone ring. Egon let out a sigh, hastily making his way back into the living room and picking up the receiver. A familiar voice heard on the other end. 
“Egon, it’s Constance. Are you sitting down?” she asked him. Immediately he was put on edge. He hated when people started out conversations in that way. 
“No… Do I need to be?” he asked her.
“Uh… I would.” she advised. Her voice filled with sheer anxious energy. The feeling was palpable even over the phone. Egon took a seat, as suggested, on the sofa next to the table. Loosening the fit of his tie and taking a deep breath before he spoke again. 
“Ok, I’m sitting.” 
“She’s pregnant.” Constance told him, blurting out the words. Egon, feeling as if the wind was knocked out of him. 
“Are you sure?” he asked her. Rubbing his eyes beneath his glasses as he was convinced his vision had begun to blur.  
“I’m positive. I just finished running her tests. There’s no doubt.  We have to tell her.” Constance explained, freaking out on the other end. Despite his initial reaction, suddenly, Egon became as cool as a cucumber. This wasn’t a bad thing, right? Molly would be thrilled, wouldn’t she? Was he—thrilled?
“It’s alright… I will handle it.” he told Constance as he hung up the phone. Grabbing the duffle bag and heading out to meet Molly. 
“Come on, I wanna see it already.” Molly laughed. Waiting on her sofa for Egon to emerge from the bedroom. He had been in there a while putting on his outfit for the party. Molly, growing ever more impatient to see what he had come up with. 
On the other side of the door, Egon was sitting down on the edge of Molly’s bed. He had been dressed for some time, but hadn’t yet been able to bring himself to leave the room. Every moment of them spent together drawing closer to the time he would have to tell her. Full of more anxiety than he had never experienced before.
When he arrived at her apartment that evening, he couldn’t help but zero in on her lower abdomen. Knowing that beneath her sweater, cradled inconspicuously within her pelvis was his child—their child. Right now, what was a small bunch of cells, would continue to rapidly divide and multiply over and over. His DNA and her’s, forever combined in what would become a little person. 
It took everything in him not to shout it at her right there and then. Choosing instead to wait until the time felt right to reveal it. Hoping that they'd get some more time alone. Egon finally shook off his apprehension enough to leave the room. Molly's eyes lit up with an almost childlike wonder when she saw him. 
“Oh Egon! It's perfect!” She cheered, jumping up and down as she approached him. Marveling at the fit of a very familiar flight suit. His name in stark red lettering against the black patch. 
“Do you like it? It's really all I could think of.” He asked her, trying to stop himself from smiling too much at her delight.
“I love it! I get to bring an actual Ghostbuster with me to a Halloween party…and a handsome one at that. What's not to love!” She smiled, looking so beautiful in her Flashdance costume. Egon was particularly fond of the way her glutei maximi were accentuated in the tight black shorts. Her legs, that seemed to go on for days, were accented in black warmers and perfectly pink heels. Enticed by the fall of her baggy sweatshirt, peeking her bare shoulder to him. 
He was proud of himself for being so restrained as he looked at her. Wishing he had the strength to press his lips against hers. To forgo the party and take her once and for all in the bed. Claim her the way he should have before they had managed to make a child. For now, he knew it would have to wait. They had a party to attend—and he still needed to tell her. 
Monster Mash was playing over the loudspeakers as they arrived. The semi-small studio apartment, packed like sardines with people. The crowd, a bit overwhelming for Egon as they traversed the room. Though he would take it in stride, knowing how much the event meant to Molly. 
It wasn’t long before they bumped into Sam and Elaine. The two of them dressed as Madonna and a wicked witch respectively. Molly, all too happy to introduce Egon to them as her boyfriend with the sweetest of smiles on her face. Thrilled to be on her handsome gentlemen’s arm for the evening. 
“Ghostbusters…I think I remember that from a while back. How crazy was all that?” Sam laughed trying to make conversation. 
“It was quite exceptional and dangerous. A thing of the past now.” he responded, leaving his answer short, but still rather encompassing. 
“Egon now studies more lively things, like human emotions.” laughed Molly. It became quickly apparent to them that Egon wasn’t like most men. Wanting very little to talk about himself and more happy to enjoy watching Molly having a good time. Elaine and Sam, thrilled to see just how happy he was making Molly.
“Sounds good to me. If he wants some good subjects I know where he can find some toddlers for it.” Elaine laughed, choking up a bit at the end when she suddenly remembered the situation with Molly, “Oh Mol… any word on the…'' she finished looking down at Molly's belly. Wondering how her new ghost busting beau would fit into the mix.
“Nothing yet.” she said, a hint of nervous laughter escaping her. Egon, swallowing back hard the knot in his throat, knowing that there was indeed something yet. 
“Not to alarm you, but Seth is here tonight so he may ask about it.” Sam warned her. 
“Oh…that's ok…ah Egon actually knows about Seth and the um…” Molly began just as the man in question appeared from behind Elaine’s shoulder. 
“Talking about me behind my back?” Seth laughed as he approached. Immediately Egon was on edge. This was the man who was supposed to be the baby’s father. Long brown hair, broad shouldered, and conventionally attractive. He couldn’t help but think to himself, no wonder she had chosen him. Though his brawn did not seem matched by his brains. 
“Of course not.” Sam said, rolling her eyes. Suddenly Seth’s attention was drawn to Molly. Looking her over up and down as she stood there. His gesturing, clearly showing how much he appreciated the fit of her costume. 
“So Mol any word on if I knocked you up y—” he asked as Sam’s hand came hard across his chest, “What?”
“Jeez, Seth have some class.” she told him. Molly, looking horrified at how he had asked her. All the while, Egon was beginning to feel a bit unsettled hearing him talk to her in such a way.
“No Seth, as a matter of fact I have changed my mind about all that.” she explained. Her words sent a feeling of warmth throughout Egon’s chest. Feeling as if he had somehow managed to accomplish something without even trying.
“Oh really… that's a shame. We’d make some cute kiddos.” Seth laughed, the alcohol on his breath becoming more and more apparent.  
“Seth, this is Molly’s boyfriend. Dr. Egon Spengler.” Elaine said, hoping he would get the point. 
“Well I’ll be damned. An actual Ghostbuster. Boo!” he laughed, making a fool of himself in front of them. It was clear to Egon and everyone else that Seth was already inebriated. 
“Why don’t we go sit down Seth.” Sam suggested, leading him off to the sofa as she mouthed an ‘I’m sorry’ to Molly. It was upsetting for her to see him like that and Egon could tell it was getting to her. 
“Are you alright?” he asked her. Molly, pressing her lips into a smile.
“Yeah…just not used to seeing him so wasted.” she explained. Egon tried to brush it off, stuffing down the jealousy he felt creeping up inside. 
“I am sure he’ll be fine.” Egon assured her. The rest of the night was going well. They mingled with a few of Molly’s friends from work and Egon was coaxed into talking about the glory days of ghost hunting when he heard a familiar voice in the crowd calling out his name.
“Yes?” he said, turning around to come face to face with Janine Melnitz. It had been years since he’d seen her and in that time it seemed so much had changed. She was now sporting a hipper contemporary aesthetic. Her now bright red hair, styled into a bob and her black-rimmed circle spectacles a statement on her eyes. She was dressed in a lime green flapper girl costume, still wearing her leopard print coat as if he had only just arrived. 
“Janine.” he said.
“Egon, it's been a long time.” she smiled, looking him over. “Though it looks like it was just yesterday.” she laughed seeing him in his flight suit. 
“Do you all know each other?” Molly asked. 
“Once upon a time. Right Egon. How do you all know each other?” Janine asked them. 
“Oh from volunteering at a research clinic.” Molly laughed nervously. “Egon is my boyfriend.” 
“Is that so? Well now Dr. Spengler seems you are doing well for yourself. You know Molly, a few years ago we almost got married.” Janine explained, the words instantly putting Molly on edge. Janine had been someone she met a while back. Hanging out with a group of Sam’s roadie friends and a bunch of artsy people they hung out with. Never in a million years did she think someone like Janine and Egon would have ever been an item.
“That was a long time ago.” Egon assured Molly, sensing her unease at the turn of the conversation. “How have you been Janine?” he asked, trying to maintain civil conversation, though he felt like he was stuck in quicksand. Unable to move from the awkward interaction without finding an appropriate out.  
“Oh I’ve been around. Doing some secretarial work for the local community college, but nothing too serious. How have you been? Are the boys getting back together?” Janine smiled. Her eyes lighting up in Egon’s presence. 
“Hardly. Peter is more interested in cable television than researching actual paranormal phenomena.” Egon explained.
“A shame.” Janine responded. Molly kept quiet while watching the two of them interact. At one point she was no longer hearing what was being said, but finding herself paying close attention to the way Janine would brush her hair behind one ear. Laughing as she placed her palm against Egon’s chest. It seemed like obvious flirting to Molly, but did Egon even notice? 
It was clear now that whatever torch had been lit all those years ago, for Janine it was still burning. Molly, wondering if it was the same for Egon. As they stood there suddenly Molly felt someone poking her. A finger, tapping over and over into her shoulder before she turned around to see Seth once again. Two beers in hand and looking even more sloshed than he had before. 
“Here Mol have a beer with me.” he told her trying to hand her the open bottle. Molly, politely refusing him as he carried on. 
“No thanks, I’m good.” she said, once again trying to get him to back off. Her protests, catching Egon and Janine’s attention. 
“Ah come on, it's just a beer. It’s Halloween, lighten up a bit will yah.” he insisted, shoving the bottle again in her face. Egon was overcome with anger. Watching the way Seth was treating Molly had his blood boiling. A feeling he had hardly ever felt before. He was unable to control himself as the beer bottle spilled over onto Molly’s sweatshirt. Molly, going to grab it from Seth if only to stop him from insisting she take a drink, when Egon finally lost it.   
“Back off you oaf, she’s pregnant.” Egon snapped.
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A movie you put on to cry to?
How about 3?
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"A Dog's Way Home" isn't really part of the other two movies, although it's adapted from a story by the same author as the Bailey Duology.
"A Dog's Way Home" is about a pitbull-mix, Bella, who is separated from her family during an attempt to relocate themselves to keep her out of jurisdiction of the "No Pitbulls" law of the town, which is not displayed in the trailer here.
In fact, the trailer only shows about 40% of the actual plot, and the way she gets into her journey is not shown here, nor is the the way she actually gets back home, both scenes implied in the trailer are actually part of an unrelated shinanagan with the squirrel, lol.
Bella is somewhat of an emotional support dog that is beloved by Lucas' mom and her fellow veterans at the hospital, which is part of why the conflict begins, because an animal control guy wants her out of town because of his prejudice against Stafford Terriers, which is honestly a very real thing that happens in many places. Along the journey, Bella makes many friends along the way, including an orphaned puma cub that she mistakes for a "Big Kitten" ((Bella's origin is that she was fostered by a "Mama Cat", and equates cats to family)). She also saves a guy in an avalanche, brings peace of mind to an old homeless man, and so on as she runs across the country to find her Lucas and Mom. It's a very wholesome story, and Scarlett Johansson's narration is really nice ((no talking animals in the movie, the narration is like how they did in "Spirit: Stallion of the Cimarron"))
"A Dog's Purpose" and "A Dog's Journey" tells the tale of Bailey, a special dog that's been granted the ability to live multiple lives, after having come back the first time as a puppy in a hot car.
He keeps reincarnating as he tries to reunite with his boy, Ethan. Along the way, Bailey lives other lives and touches the hearts of others in need ((such as an officer with PTSD, a college student in need of a friend, or a woman in an abusive relationship who needs to drive to escape)), until he finds Ethan again in his old age, having become a bit of a recluse due to a rough life and rotten luck. Because of certain quirks Bailey had in his second life, leading Ethan to realize that this strange dog that's found his way to his porch is his childhood dog come back. Thanks to Bailey, Ethan is able to reconnect with people and is able to life to the fullest again.
Part two of the story picks up with Bailey settled in as Ethan is now married and watching over his step-granddaughter, CJ. Due to a chain of events, CJ and her mother leave the old farmhouse and it kickstarts a new purpose for Bailey as he succumbs to old age and cancer shortly after, coming back again as a puppy about the time CJ is of school age.
He gets adopted by her as the dog "Molly" and is able to stay with her until a tragic accident ((CJ's crazy ex runs them off the road and Bailey is a casualty)) takes Bailey's life again and he comes back as another dog, crossing paths with CJ again briefly before dying of a broken heart when she doesn't recognize him. He comes back again as a dog in New York years later, and hears her from the sound her charm bracelet makes and runs off from the adoption event to reunite, with her just thinking that this is a silly little scruffy dog that chose her as his new owner.
It doesn't take long for Bailey, now as "Max" to start giving off quirks that she finds strange and confusing, until she is finally able to visit her grandfather, Ethan and he's able to give her the scoop on what makes this dog so special. The story ends with the family finally being reunited one last time before Ethan's passing and Bailey follows him shortly after to join him across the Rainbow Bridge to be together in the afterlife.
There's A LOT more in the store I glossed over that is worth seeing despite my extensive summary, such as a few side plots and additional backstory for Bailey, but you just gotta watch them yourself and see. And yes, YOU WILL CRY.
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roosterforme · 16 days
I think something I admire about each of your characters, both reader insert and OC, is that they're all wildly different.
You can't imagine Baby Girl and Princess reacting to the same situation the same way because they wouldn't. Same with Sugar and Anna. Same with Molly and Anna even. All these characters have distinct personalities, backgrounds, ticks, ways they show their love, etc, etc. That's what makes it so fun to read. Realistically, no two people would act the exact same way in a certain situation.
I love that Anna is complicated and that she doesn't quite have everything figured out. I feel like in one way or another, all of your reader inserts/OCs have been like that at one point. It's human to be a bit of a mess.
And it seems kind of presumptuous for people to write her off when we don't even know the full extent of why she is the way she is yet. We've seen up to this point that she's insecure about a lot and that something led her to leave New Jersey. Her freaking out and running could be a response to something we don't know yet. I don't inherently think Anna is a bad person, but someone who has had a lot happen to her that shapes how she responds to things like intimacy and relationships. This doesn't completely absolve her from things such as playing with Bob's feelings in a way, but it also looks at the situation through an understanding lens.
I've had friends react in ways that I didn't agree with or think were right and I've reacted in ways that my friends haven't agreed with or think is right. Doesn't make either of our responses right or wrong, but just shows that not everyone is the same.
This entire rant is to say that even though Anna is a bit frustrating, she's also human, and that frustration shows it. People are allowed to have opinions but when those opinions start coming after the writer, that's when the issues start. And at the end of the day, it's all fiction and there's no use being angry/upset at a fictional character. Good vibes only!
Em, I hope nothing stops you from continuing this story because these characters and this universe (amongst your others) are so well-written. You really know how to capture heart of every character you write.
There's no room for rude or hateful anons on your page, my page, this fandom, or just Tumblr in general ❤️‍🩹
(sorry for the long message)
You are an absolute delight @perfectprettypisces
If you are frustrated by Anna, then you are probably also a frustrating person, and I'm putting myself in that category as well. I really love that you can feel the differences between the silly characters I made up, because I think you're right. BG and Princess would never react the same way in most circumstances, but they also wouldn't even end up in the same circumstance as each other to begin with! And no need to apologize for the length of the message. You can be as wordy as you like.
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whiskeynwriting · 2 years
My Best Friend's Dad - Ch. 7: Sweet to Me
Dave York x Female Reader
Word Count: 16.9k
Warnings: 18+ (minors DNI)
mentions of separation and divorce, mentions of infidelity, domestic arguments, alcohol use, dirty talk, male masturbation, oral (f receiving), age gap, reader descriptions (long hair, fit body), panty kink, olfactophilia, marking, daddy kink, vaginal sex. We also get some creepy/obsessive/possessive Dave in here which I LOVE
A/N: ladies and gents this is the moment you’ve waited for.
My Best Friend’s Dad Series Masterlist
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Shameful awkwardness runs white-hot through your veins when you hear him repeat the word back to you. You gulp heavily, the saliva sliding slowly down your throat. And David stares up at you as you begin to squirm slightly on his lap.
“Do you consider me to be your boyfriend?” he asks you, fully voicing the question currently running rampant in his mind. His eyebrows raise slightly as he looks into your eyes, curiosity and near bewilderment crossing his expression.
He’s baffled, completely caught off guard. He wasn’t sure what this was, he hasn’t been sure this entire time. The only thing he’s been sure of is his ability to soak up every single moment he gets with you. That, and how incredibly new this entire circumstance is. When you were near him, he always focused on you, whether others were around or not. And now that you’re alone together, his undivided attention is entirely yours, his concentration only increasing when he hears these words.
“Oh, well, I um… I kind of, I mean, you’re here and well, no one’s ever really been here before and –”
You’d been looking away, anxiety filling your gut while the blood drained slightly from your face. But as soon as you truly begin to babble, David’s hand comes up to your face. Immediately, he turns you to look at him, bringing you in for a searing kiss.
“Mm!” you murmur, your eyes wide open until you fully register his reaction. And when you do, you smile against him, your own hand coming up to brush softly over his cheek. His own grin widens against you, chuckling quietly while his free hand holds you tightly against him.
“Baby, I really like you, I like this. I want that.” it comes out in two quick pants before his lips return, and the expression of them makes your heart jolt inside. “I’m sorry I can’t be with you more but baby, I want to be with you.”
“Dave,” you smile kindheartedly, his fervent kisses trailing to your chin and cheek.
“I would love to be your boyfriend, baby.”
This is so incredibly strange for him. He hasn’t been someone’s boyfriend in years, decades even. Any uncertainty he felt about the situation you’d been describing between you and Molly at the mall completely melts away, the internal feeling similar to the physical one he feels as you begin to rest in his arms.
“Yeah,” he nods, kissing your lips once more. He then leans back slightly, looking up into your eyes with his hand still on your face. “Do you want to be with me? Like that? You want that?”
Your teeth tug on the bottom corner of your lip, doing your best to keep your rapidly forming grin at bay, your explosive internal emotions doing little to help. A few seconds pass, filled with nothing but your giddy grin and David’s delightful expression as your eyes flicker between both of his. And then, you nod, the feeling of his strong arms quickly tightening around you as he pulls you to his chest.
There’s something about being here with you that makes him feel more… alive. It makes him feel like he’s been missing something all his life. Are relationships always supposed to feel this way? Exciting and unexpected and like you’re falling but you’re hoping you’ll be caught? And that right there is probably the scariest part about this, he thinks, because he doesn’t know if he’ll land softly when this is over. But he does think it’ll be worth it. So far, you’ve been worth it.
It's almost like every single thing you give him, every little tidbit about yourself, every little habit you show, every little piece of kindness or sass or wit inside your heart, it makes him fall that much harder for you. Is there anything about you that he won’t like? Because right now, you’re everything he could ever want.
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“I know it’s kind of a cheesy movie, but… would you want to watch it?”
You ask him this as he comes out of the hallway, having just gotten out of the bathroom. By now his clothes have been washed and dried, only needing a quick wash due to the few garments he had. And once they were done, he slipped on a pair of dark gray sweatpants to make himself cozier. And just above the hem of his pants, the bright lilac hue peaks out. It’s covered by his shirt, but it’d only take one slight movement to expose it. He smiles to himself at just the thought of it, glancing down at his new attire and then checking the time on his watch.
When he gets closer to the couch, he glances up, expecting to see a movie similar to Twilight or The Notebook, something he’ll likely just sit through. But when he does, he’s surprised to see something unexpected. Something he actually likes.
“Can’t Buy Me Love?” he asks, looking from the screen to you. “Are you serious?”
There’s a wide grin breaking across his face, one eyebrow raised as he expresses his doubt in your statement.
“You thought I wouldn’t like this movie?”
You ponder your response, turning in your seat with a smirk. But then, you look back at him, your heart stuttering over a few beats from what you see. His hair is still slightly damp on the ends from the shower he’d had just over an hour ago, giving him an almost boyish look. He has his watch on and the t-shirt, and… sweatpants. You’ve never seen him in sweatpants before. You’ve never seen him in anything other than his business attire before. It offers a different mood to the surrounding atmosphere, one that feels light and comfortable.
“Baby, I love this movie. I haven’t seen it in forever, but it’s one of my favorites.”
He laughs, rounding the couch to sit next to you. Dave leans back on it, that same charming smile lingering on his face. Internally, he considers his response, wondering if it’ll come off too harsh. With his grin unwavering, he lays his right arm over the back of the couch, just behind you, and sighs.
“Were you even alive when this movie came out?” he then asks, turning his head to face you.
Immediately, your jaw drops, your open mouth displaying a shocked yet amused grin. When he sees your response, he laughs again, hearing your own giggle begin to pour out.
“Oh, come on.” He replies playfully, rolling his eyes as he slings his arm around your neck to pull you close. Those still-smiling lips press against your forehead, and while the force behind his tug isn’t aggressive, the ease in which he is able to move you makes you flutter inside. “I’m just playing with you.”
Dave hasn’t exactly come off as the softest man, at least, not when others were around. He seems stern and hard on the outside, that impression solidifying itself even further when you found out he was a military man. But knowing that this cheesy 80’s flick is one of his favorite movies makes you feel like you’re finally seeing the layers underneath. Although, you’ve already seen a peak of David’s tender side through your text messages and more intimate moments. And all of this makes you think… after everything he’s been through in life, he’s choosing you to open up to? You?
“You’re cute,” you coo when he finally pulls back, lifting a hand and stroking your fingers along his jaw. “You’re so handsome.”
“Yeah?” he asks, tilting his head and lowering himself a bit.
Naturally, softly, your eyes close, nodding and whispering a small yes before your lips meet. He easily moves you backward, laying you down on your couch as his hands begin exploring once again.
“David,” you giggle, feeling those broad palms now pawing at you.
“I can’t help it,” he mumbles, his voice now muffled by the smooth skin of your neck. “I want more of you.”
“Mm…” your head tilts back a bit for him, your knees widening so he can slot himself right between your thighs. And he mirrors your quiet delight when your fingers slowly card through his hair, your core burning bright when his right palm slides around to cup the curves of your backside in hand.
But before much else can happen, your doorbell rings, and Dave’s head pops up. He looks to the door, then back to you.
“You expecting someone?”
“Yeah, I decided to order some pizza.” You tell him, watching as his eyes trail slowly down your form. “Would you be able to get the door?”
Something about you asking him to answer the door for you makes the entire situation feel domestic and calm, so he smiles, happily agreeing to. You make him feel so welcomed in your home, like it’s natural, like he’s meant to be here.
“Thanks,” Dave nods, handing the kid a few bills.
“Oh, do you want –”
Dave just waves at him, cutting the younger teen off while setting the soda you’d ordered on the table beside your entryway.
“Keep the change.”
“Oh, I thought I already paid for that online.” You frown, hearing his short conversation.
As if he’d been here many times before, David walks over into your kitchen to set down the boxes and drink. You walk over behind him, choosing to sit on a stool beside your countertop.  
“I guess not.” He shrugs, glancing up at you. “Where are your plates?”
“Up there,” you reply, pointing to the cabinet behind him. “Well, how much was it again? I can pay you back for it.”
“You don’t have to do that, sweetheart.” Dave chuckles, pulling two plates out and setting them on the stone surface.
Your face twists slightly in both confusion and doubt. “Are you sure? I mean, I meant to in the first place.”
“Honey, I don’t mind. Trust me.” He reassures you, offering a kind smile. “Now, how many slices do you want?”
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On the inside, he’s practically buzzing. Would this be considered a date? Honestly, he’s not sure, but it’s the closest he’s come to one in years. Right now, your head is in his lap, and he has to work to keep his breathing calm. He’s seated on the end of your couch with you lying down, the two of you snuggled up while the movie plays.
When each of you had grabbed your cups and plates and finally sat down, he’d told you that he doesn’t usually watch these movies anymore. When you asked why, he said it was because he had no one to watch them with. And it’s not like he couldn’t watch them alone, he just didn’t want to. You’ve quickly come to find out that while Dave can be an incredibly strong and confident man, if he had a partner in his life, he didn’t want to do much without them. He liked being in a relationship, at least, when it was a fair and healthy one.
No matter how many times he thinks about how strange this is, he can’t bring himself to act differently. He doesn’t want to act differently, not with you. There were so many times throughout Dave’s life where he had to conceal his emotions and bring other ones to the surface. His job and marriage being two main examples. It got to the point where it was easy for him. But with you, it killed him. It was remarkably difficult to hide the feelings you so naturally brought out in him.
And while he continues to think, the movie continues to play, each of you paying attention to every scene. You can feel his breathing, the rise and fall of his stomach and chest behind you. You can also feel the soft stroke of his fingers as they begin to pet your hair, his knuckles occasionally brushed over your cheeks.
“This is my favorite scene,” you coo from below, smiling to yourself.
At this point in the movie, the two main characters had begun their fake relationship. She was more popular than him, and he just wanted to fit in. Amidst their difficulties, they decided to stage a breakup. And upon revealing your likeliness for the specific scene, David asks why.
“You can see they don’t mean it, not really.” You begin, “Neither of them. They’re both faking.”
He looks back up at the screen, having glanced down at you while you spoke.
“She’s falling for him; it’s all he’s ever wanted, and he doesn’t even see it.”
It’s cheesy, but that’s what you love about it. To you, these movies were the epitome of love. Writing poems for your crush, romantic confessions, opposites attracting each other. And that last bit… well, that makes you think.
“Dave?” you ask, rolling over onto your back. You stare up at him, and sensing the beginnings of a conversation, he grabs the remote and pauses the movie.
“Do you think we’re opposites?”
The question catches him off-guard; he’d never thought about it before.
“I, um…” he starts, crinkling his brows together. “I don’t know. Maybe, why?”
“Was just thinking about it. I feel like we’re different.”
“Is that a bad thing?” he asks, wondering where this sudden line of questing is coming from. Are you rethinking things?
You shrug, still looking up at him. “I don’t think so, not always.”
“Well, what do you think is different?”
“I’m small,” is the first thing that comes to mind. “And you’re… big.” He smiles at this, giving you a small chuckle. “You’re usually so serious but right now, you seem so sweet.”
“Are there times when I’m not sweet? To you?”
“No,” you grin, still speaking quietly. “You’re always sweet to me.”
Laying like this allows you to stare directly into his eyes, your own expressions now moving to mirror his. After he receives your answer, he goes back to brushing his palm and fingers over your hair and the side of your face, his skin moving gently over your silky strands.
He’s happy with your answer, elated, actually. Because you’re right, after all, he isn’t a sweet man. Dave can think of few things that make him good, even nice. His entire career made him into a man he never thought he’d be, those feelings only growing worse when he ‘retired’. But when he saw you, something inside him shined. Something new bloomed inside, something that made him feel lighter and new.
“I like you being here.” You then murmur to him, watching as he releases a restful breath.
By now, the sun has begun to set, the dimness of its light changing the atmosphere in your living room. It was already calm and happy, but the sunset is forming the tone in the air to be even softer than you thought it could be. The gentle hue of those golden oranges and yellows slip through the peaks between your shades, creating small shadows on your face that Dave begins to trace.
“I like being here.” He reciprocates, his hand stalling as he holds your cheek, his thumb sweeping briefly over your bottom lip. All too quickly, he gets lost in the expression you give simply through your eyes. “You’re so pretty.”
“You think so?”
Dave almost scoffs. “Of course I do. Haven’t been able to look away since I met you.”  
This is so weird, you suddenly think to yourself. And you’re not necessarily turned off by the intrusive thought; it only fills you with wonder. To be doing this – with her dad, of all people. But I just… I love this. I really love this.
Something about David makes you feel whole, makes you feel comforted while simultaneously feeling as though you’d just flung yourself off a cliff. What makes it so comforting though, is knowing that he’s there to catch you. And you trust that thought so much because he’s never shown you otherwise.
“Come up here,” he coos to you, giving you a single nod.
Without question, you do, smiling as you move to crawl onto his lap once again. It seems like this is the position the two of you find yourselves most often in, having accomplished many firsts within your relationship in this exact same spot. And when you’re finally settled over his lap again, straddling his hips, he holds you, looping those strong arms around your back.
“Mm…” he groans, leaning in to press a heated kiss to your cheek. “You’re so beautiful, baby. You’re so fucking pretty.”
Without a word, you turn your head, capturing his lips in a passionate kiss. And he meets you move for move, stride for stride, easily parting your lips with his. His tongue strokes inside, your hands lifting to either side of his face as you relax above him.  
“I’ve never seen or met anyone like you before.” he confesses to you, his kisses becoming more hurried as his left hand travels lower. “This is so different,” he mumbles over your mouth. “So different for me.”
“Baby,” you quietly whine, feeling him grip your backside and knead the flesh of it in his hands. “I like that… it’s new for me, too.”
Those comfy sweatpants give Dave little room to hide his rapidly rising erection, feeling you shuffle slightly over his lap. And while you keen from his affectionate words and praise, you also think back to your moments of jealousy while he had been gone. Being jealous that while Carol didn’t sleep with him anymore or get much of his attention at all, she still had him every day, every day and night. But it shouldn’t be a problem for you, it shouldn’t bother you because it’s so obvious that he doesn’t want her, he clearly wants you.
“Can you take this off again?” he asks against your parted lips. “Please?”
“You take it off this time, baby.” You grin, and the words alone give him confidence.
Without missing a beat both hands fall to the edges of your shirt, easily lifting it up and over your head. You raise your arms for him, allowing him to remove it fully and toss your shirt to the ground. You hadn’t been wearing anything beneath it, and the sight makes him groan. Now becoming more and more comfortable with you, he dives down, his mouth immediately sucking a mark on the swell of your left breast. You gasp when he does it, your hands flying to the back of his head. But he doesn’t let up, he just suctions his mouth that much harder against you. You can feel his teeth and tongue as they focus on this particular spot, giving your chest a single discoloration before moving onto the next. And when he’s done with that, he moves barely a centimeter down, lazily wrapping his lips around your nipple.
“Oh, baby, yes…”
“You like when I play with your tits?” he asks, his voice gruff and breathy.
“You know I love it,” you respond, sighing out shakily as you hold onto him, your nails already digging into his skin.
“Baby, I wanna taste more of you.”
You don’t have to think hard to become aware of what he’s talking about. He’d had his mouth on you only a few mere hours ago, and he already wants more?
“Really, baby? You liked it that much?” you ask him, entirely surprised.
“You know how long it’s been since I’ve made a woman cum?” he returns, lifting his head to look at you. And you grin.
“A few hours.”
“Before that.” he smirks, amused by your humorous remark. He then leans in, nudging your nose with his. “Years, baby. And the fact that it was with you? Some sexy, pretty, tiny college girl? Fuck, you feel how hard I am for you?”
Both of David’s hands fly down to your ass, giving you a firm shove over his lap.
“Just some college girl, huh?” you ignore his other words, your attitude getting the better of you. But you can’t help the moan that slips from your lips when you feel yourself slide over his length.
“I wasn’t searching for this sweetheart, but Jesus did you grab my attention. And as soon as you had it, I couldn’t take my eyes off of you.”
If you’re being honest, you can’t really get mad at that. Neither of you were searching for this; neither of you had been in a relationship with such a large age gap before, either. And besides, even if the two of you were looking for companionship, the last place he’d willingly look was his daughter’s cheer team. And the last place you’d look was your best friend’s family.
“It felt so amazing making you cum on my fingers.” He confesses while mouthing at your earlobe. It sends shivers down your spine, feeling his passion boil over with eager delight. “Can I try to do it with just my tongue?”
“Ugh,” you groan out, rolling your eyes back into your head. “Yes.”
“Lay back for me,” he immediately responds, already rolling the two of you over.
You let him move you, feeling as light as a feather in his arms. David lays you down on your couch, the movie now completely forgotten. His fingers are already on the waistband of your shorts, tugging them down as he whispers sweet things into your ear.
“Love feeling you down here, holy fuck.”
Both your panties and shorts come down in one swipe, his body quickly returning to yours after discarding the last of your clothes onto the floor. The large expanse of his hands slide beneath your thighs, eyes zeroing in on your now naked sex when you spread your legs.
“Baby,” he exasperates, briefly shaking his head.
With gentle excitement, his hands loop around your hips, parting your legs and snuggling himself even further into you. He ushers your thighs up over his shoulders with ease, almost like he’s done it a million times before. You wish he has. But you don’t worry, you know you’ll get there.
You almost can’t help how quick you prop yourself up on your forearms, watching as his handsome face quickly disappears between your legs. Immediately, your jaw drops open, eyebrows folding in the center as he attaches his mouth to your glistening lips. His tongue easily swipes through, those mesmerizingly warm eyes falling closed.
“Oh,” you breathe out, the sound ending in a moan.
The scruff that’s slowly been blooming along David’s jawline rubs over your smooth, sensitive skin, your body already buzzing with excitement. He continues to mouth at you, licking into you fervently as he holds onto your hips, keeping you seated on his mouth. What really does it for you is the sensation, the reverberation, of David’s moans. They shiver through your core, your eyes rolling back in response.
“Baby…” you sigh, dropping yourself back on the couch, reaching your hand down and running your fingers through his hair.
He moans happily when you do this, his eyes closed while he savors your taste. And while he continues to lick inside your channel, his fingers grip the sweet flesh of your thighs, massaging you in hand and pressing you further onto his face. When he does this, you shuffle forward with his motions, rotating your hips up against him.
“That feels good, just – just like that… David…” he rubs his tongue against you, drawing half circles over your clit with the tip of his nose.
His pace changes from hungry to sensual, licking slowly yet firmly over every inch of your sex. You can’t help but thrust up into his mouth, swirling your hips over his face. But still, it’s as if he can’t get enough, continuing to shuffle closer to you as he quickly brings you toward your high. And the gentleness in which he licks you, it makes your mouth hang open in a silent cry.
“Baby, lay your tongue out, love it when you do that. Please do that…”
Immediately, he does what you ask, eyes opening to stare up at your beautiful form. He can see your chest rising and falling with vigor, can see the muscles tightening in your stomach. You’re still combing through his hair, occasionally tugging and making his cock fucking throb.
He drags the roughness of his tastebuds over your small, pulsing bundle of nerves. He focuses here now, wanting to make you cum so he can taste it, all of it. The small samples you’ve given him twice now have made him ravenous. He needs to have more.
“I need you to cum for me, baby,” he grunts out against you, hot breath fanning over your sex. He’s panting, too. “Please give it to me, Jesus fuck, I wanna feel you shake for me.”
His words send you over the edge, head tilting back as you cry out a passionate moan. David’s strong body holds you down without even placing his hands over your lower belly. Just by hanging onto your hips, he keeps you in place, and it surprises you just how much he can control you this way. With powerful motions you thrust upwards, feeling the rapid drags and flicks of his tongue over your clit. He can feel the wet rush of your juices land on his lower lip and chin, but he waits to drink you up, wanting to ride out your high for as long as possible. He keeps his tongue over your most delicate part, applying just the right amount of pressure for you. Toward the end of it, as you begin to come down, his head moves languidly with your hips, gently rotating as you revel in the euphoria he’s brought you.
“Ugh,” he heavily groans, dropping his mouth down to your fluttering hole once your hips have stilled.  
Dave releases you of his hold, hands sliding down to the space between your legs. His palms hold the underneath of your cheeks and thighs, both thumbs spreading your lips open, allowing himself the very best access to your center. And he smiles, seeing your pussy entirely, so closely, easily sliding his tongue inside. You gasp loudly, back arching and pushing your chest up into the air. You feel so sensitive, having just come down, and you’ve never even experienced this before. You’ve never had a man be so adamant in tasting you, and when he smells you? Dear fucking god.
“Oh, fuck,” he sighs out quietly, resting his mouth against your center as he inhales a deep breath. It makes you tingle, the filthiness of it.
“You like how I smell?” you ask with a small giggle of disbelief.
“Sweetheart,” he huffs out, “It makes me so hard.”
“Yes.” he answers, his face burning red. He’s embarrassed, he knows it’s strange, but he’s indulging in you as much as he can, for as long as he can.
He’s lost inside his head, lost in your feel and scent. The thoughts he conjures are ones that make his insides burn, with both lust and guilt. He’s absolutely in love with your kindness, your sweetness, adoring the matching underwear you bought for him. But what he would love even more, is to take them home after you’ve worn them. He’d smell and lick them, lay them in his palm and rub himself with them. It makes his muscles tighten, his heart racing inside his chest from just imagining it.
Almost every interaction you have with Dave is new for you, and you’re more than aware that he feels the same way. You’ve never experienced this before, someone fully immersing themselves in your taste and even your smell. Most of your exes treated oral like a chore, rarely ever making you cum. But Dave… he enjoys it, really enjoys it.
“Oh…” He sighs, open-mouthed against you.
His tongue is completely laid out, thumbs still holing your lips as he keeps you spread for him. Slowly, sensually, he drags his tongue over your still-fluttering hole. His eyes are closed, his touch is gentle, and he seems… different, this way. He’s softer than you’ve ever seen him before.
“Baby,” you say again, your voice sweet as you reach down.
He feels your hand cup his cheek, thumb stroking him gently. And he leans into your touch, into your open palm, but he doesn’t stop licking.
“Can I keep going?” he asks pleadingly. Even though you’ve come down from your high, and he’s not actively ushering you toward another one, he’s enjoying himself thoroughly. But are you?
“You – you want to?”
You lean up slightly, glancing down at him. What you’re met with are soft, pleading eyes, his tongue poking out to swipe across his lower lip. He nods.
“But… what about you?”
“What about me?” he asks sweetly, cooing to you as he presses his lips to your inner thigh.
“Want you to feel good, baby.”
“I feel so good like this honey, I love this…” he feels himself getting lost again; he needs to see how you feel. “Is it, is this okay?”
His eyes return to yours, slight worry now swirling within them. He hadn’t done this with Carol in the entire time that they’d been together. He’d watch porn in similar fashion, but he never wanted to actually do it with her. But with you, it’s like he has a need to.
“Yes,” you whisper in response, nodding just barely.
“Really? It’s not, it’s not weird for you?”
You can see his cheeks turning red, the flush falling to his neck, as well. And it makes you smile. He doesn’t have to worry about anything; he’s safe with you.
“It’s different,” you admit openly. “But I like it.”
Upon hearing your words, he drops his head, keeping your gaze. Experimentally, he presses his nose over your sex, inhaling a full breath. He doesn’t expect your reaction, doesn’t expect the helpless moan that floats out of your mouth, the roll of your eyes and sudden drop of your head. Huh, you really do seem to like this.
By the time he’s finished licking you clean, his senses finally satisfied, night has completely fallen. And when he is entirely done, he cuddles up to you. Without leaving the space between your legs, he shuffles further up, wrapping his arms around you again and laying his head on your belly.
“Baby,” you coo, fingers running through his hair. His eyes are closed, and he murmurs a questioning hm? against you. “Do you wanna go to bed?”
“What about the movie?” he asks, lifting his head. You giggle, seeing his droopy eyelids.
“We’ve clearly forgotten about the movie.” You laugh, moving to sit up. “You wanna lay in my bed with me?”
“I wanna do lots of things in your bed with you.” he grins, eyes closing again as he cuddles into your lap.
It takes some convincing for him to move; he’s so comfy here. But you promise he’ll be even comfier in your bed, so he agrees. Before heading to your room, you make sure the doors are locked, and the lights are off.
“That’s all you have?” Dave suddenly asks.
You turn to look at him. “What do you mean?”
“One lock? Not even a deadbolt on your front door.” All you do is shrug. “I don’t like that.”
“What do you mean?” you say again, giving him a small laugh.
“It’s not safe.”
“Awe,” you tease, “Do you worry about me?” Walking over, you place both palms on his broad chest.
“I do.” He grins, looping his arms around you and pulling you in closer to him. Then, he kisses your head, whispering, “You’re precious to me.
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“I need a shave,” He sighs, looking in the mirror. He runs his fingers over his jawline, assessing the stubble that’s grown far too much for his usual look.
“I don’t think so,” you practically sing, tying your hair up as you stand in the bathroom beside him. “I like when you’re scruffy.”
That makes him smile; how could it not?
“Well, maybe I’ll keep it that way.”
“Really?” you ask, hearing his firm footsteps as he follows you out to the kitchen.
He sits down at your dining table, shrugging playfully. “Maybe.”
You don’t have much, the options for breakfast being cereal or pancakes. You choose the ladder, bringing the stack to the table along with the orange juice. Dave watches you scurry around the kitchen, smiling to himself as you dote on him. You don’t have to, of course, but you don’t really give him a choice to help or not. You bring everything to the table before he can even offer.
“C’mere,” he says to you, not even looking at the food. It makes him happy to see you so giddily stroll over to him, plopping down on his lap and looping your arms around his neck. After last night, the two of you have grown even closer. And you don’t just mean the multiple sexual acts you engaged in together. When you went to bed last night, he was so incredibly sweet with you. He’d cuddled right up to you, holding you even closer than he did when you’d slept in his bed the one time. He’d nuzzled into your neck, breathing in the sweet scent of your hair. You suppose the two of you have a thing for that, for stroking and pulling on the other’s hair. So, while he rested beside you, you pet his, running your hands gently over his head. You could feel the weight of him relax against you, both of you on your sides and facing each other, your limbs tangled together. His soft snores did you in, along with the soft thump of his heart.
And while David enjoyed snuggling with you in your bed last night just as much as you did, he also enjoyed the thoughts that formulated in his head. He hadn’t expected to have such an erotic dream about you, and with scenes much more intense than anything you’ve done yet.
“You sick of me yet?” he jokes, smiling up at you.
You twist your face up at this, unwilling to stop your next words. “Well, if I was, you think you’d still be here?”
Dave certainly doesn’t expect that, but he just laughs. While you sit on his one thigh, his hand had snaked around to your lower back, the other holding your leg. The hand on your lower back slides down, lightly tapping your ass. And immediately, your face turns beet red; he hasn’t done that yet.
“You have a lot of sass, don’t you?” he asks, leaning in slightly.
Inside, you shiver, your cheeks heating up under his gaze.
“Oh, nothing to say now?” he teases in return, and Jesus it’s too early for this. Well, maybe not too early, you’d both slept in till noon. But lord, give a girl time to wake up.
“I like when you look all nervous like that,” he mumbles to you, analyzing the expression on your face. Damn, this dream really got to him. “You like when I put my hands on your ass?”
He’s got you entirely flustered, quite the turnaround from your early, slightly grumpy mood. And he’s right, you don’t have the words. So, you just nod.
“You’re cute, baby.” He says to you in that low voice, a sinister smirk crawling over his face. He reaches up, cupping your cheek as his thumb slides across your lower lip.
He wants you to be his; he can’t stop thinking about that. But it’s too soon, he knows that. But honestly, he just loves how you make him feel. Not only is he extremely attracted to you, but just being with you makes him feel so happy and carefree.
All of a sudden, your phone rings, both of you jumping slightly. You look across the table to see who it is, and it’s Molly. Quickly, you look back over at Dave, who just smiles and gives you a nod.
“Answer it honey, I’ll be quiet.”
How is he so confident with this? You’re damn near shaking as you reach for your phone, greeting Molly as you lean back in her dad’s lap.
“Hey! What’re you doing today?”
The hand David hand on your ass rises to your face, brushing some hair away before he lightly kisses your cheek. Your entire being feels like it was just electrocuted, the entire situation striking your every nerve.
“Um, not – not much. Why?”
“Are you okay?”
“Yeah, I’m fine.” You clear your throat, seeing Dave’s smirk from the corner of your eye. “What’s up, Goof?”
“Theta Chi is having a party tonight, did you wanna go?”
Because of your proximity, Dave can hear every word that is said. And when he hears this, he frowns. He doesn’t like the idea of that, for either of you.
“Oh, man,” you sigh, “I’d really love to, but I have so much homework to do.” So much Dave to do, but same-same.
“I thought you just said you weren’t doing anything today?”
“I thought you meant like, plan-wise.” You immediately, nervously reply, feeling her father’s hand return to the curve of your ass.
Dave sighs quietly beside you, squeezing you gently in his hand. Next to your thigh, you can feel him hardening. Does he like this?
“Oh,” Molly says on the other end, sounding a bit let down.
“I’ll come with you to the next one, I promise.” And you will, no matter what. “I’ll talk to you later, okay?”
“Okay,” she returns. “Love you.”
“I love you too,” you smile to yourself, loving how close the two of you have become. “Bye.”
Once you hang up, Dave surges forward, lips magnetizing to your neck. A stifled gasp shoots out of your throat, feeling his tongue as he begins to lick. The hand he has on your thigh creeps up higher, tightening its grasp.
“You liked that?” you ask breathily, chuckling lightly. “Knowing we could get caught?”
He lifts himself from your neck, looking deeply into your eyes. It’s a look you’ve never seen on him before.
“I like knowing that I’m in control.” He nearly growls, squeezing your ass in his strong hand. “I know we’re not gonna get caught; I won’t let that happen.”
Your lips part at not only his words but his actions as well, tilting your head to the side for him as his lips return to your neck. He mouths at your throat, giving you sloppy kisses that you utterly love.
Part of his dream floats back into his mind, a very specific word that both of you have touched on before. It makes the muscles in his chest tighten, makes his erection rise fully.
“I guess I know the reason behind your Only Fans tag.” He mumbles over your skin, and the mere mention of it makes your eyes go slightly wide. Neither of you have talked about your Only Fans account since you’ve seen each other in person.
“You are a sassy cheer girl, huh?” he asks, rising from your neck to begin kissing your jawline and cheek. “Is everything you say on there true?”
You swallow thickly at his questioning, his words catching you completely off guard. He continues touching and kissing and licking your body, and you think you’ll never tire of feeling his tongue on your skin.
“Baby,” he says calmly, turning you to face him as he softly commands, “Answer me.”
“Yes,” you finally breathe out, staring directly into his eyes, almost mesmerized by his look and tone of voice. “Everything I say is true.”
“Yeah?” he asks in a voice far too sweet. “Even your kinks?”
Your heart feels like its on fire, your insides churning with adrenaline. No one knows about your Only Fans but him, so naturally, no one’s ever talked to you about it before. Desperately, you try to think back on different kinks you’ve discussed on your page. There aren’t really any you’re particularly attracted to, other than – oh.
“You can tell me, baby.” David coos to you, his hand still on your cheek. “Do you have a daddy kink?”
With everything you can muster, you manage to squeak out a tiny, “Yes.”
“Let’s test that out, shall we?”
“Wha – oh,” before you can even fully get the word out, David’s fingers are rubbing over your covered sex. You’d only slept in a t-shirt and panties last night, and you haven’t yet changed. But before the fun can even begin, another phone call interrupts your moment. This time, it’s Dave’s phone.
He frowns, reaching into his pocket when he feels the buzz. When he looks at the screen, his eyebrows nearly life from his forehead. It makes you concerned, and you instantly ask him if something is wrong.
“Um, it’s Carol.”
“Answer it. It’s okay, just answer it, you don’t want to come off shady.”
Dave looks over at you, giving you an amused and doubtful look.
“How many times do I have to tell you that I have this handled, baby?” and in the same breath, he answers the call, “Hello?”
“Where the fuck have you been?! I’ve been calling and texting and you haven’t been responding for more than a day!”
“Carol, I told you, my flight got changed.” Obviously a lie, but she doesn’t have to know that.
“Oh really.” She responds. “Then why did Resnik message me asking if you’re okay?”
“Yeah, he said you weren’t answering your phone and wanted to know if you made it home okay.”
“Carol,” he sighs, “Can you blame me?”
“I didn’t want to come home, okay? I booked a hotel room for a day. I just needed a breather.”
How the hell did he come up with that on the spot?
“You couldn’t have told me that?! And a breather from what? Your family?”
“Yes.” he answers simply, and you have to admit, the authority in his voice is making you hot.
“You’re ridiculous. And you need to come home. The girls know you’re back in town and are wondering why you didn’t come home, too.”
“Why would you tell them that?!” he shouts, now enraged. Still, he doesn’t gesture for you to move away. “What goes on between me and you is none of their business.”
“Actually, it is. I think we should tell them, Dave.”
“You know what? You’re right. We fucking should. Because this needs to start being finalized. I am so sick of your backstabbing shit.”
You’re surprised he’s being so blunt in front of you, but you admire it. He doesn’t put on a front, not for anyone. He is who he is.
“Baby,” he says, abruptly ending the call. “I’ve gotta go.”
Immediately, you frown. “Really?”
“Yeah honey, I have to go sort this out.” He tells you reluctantly. “I’m sorry, I really wanted to spend the weekend with you.”
“I know.”
It’s foolish, but you pout. You really wanted him to stay the entire time; you’d been having so much fun together. This feels so nice, all of it, every second of it.
“I’m sorry, baby.”
“I’m gonna miss you!” you express, leaning your head on his shoulder.
You cuddle into him, and he returns your affections, wrapping both arms around you.
“I’ll miss you too, sweetheart. I really will. But we can still text, maybe even call, okay?”
“But I won’t get to see your face for a while.”
“You like it that much, huh?”
“Stop teasing me,” you pout again, lifting your head to look into those lovingly warm eyes. “You know I like you.”
For a moment, he holds your gaze, enjoying the girlish nature in you.
“Tell you what,” he then says, reaching for his phone again. “You want to take a picture?”
“Really?” this makes you perk up.
“Yeah,” he smiles, pulling up the camera on his phone. “Give us something to look at while we’re away.”
“Okay,” you respond, nodding enthusiastically.
The first thing that you move to do is kiss his cheek, and while it’s unexpected, it makes him smile. He snaps a picture like that, then one of you smiling with him, leaning your head on his shoulder. Lastly, he decides its his turn to give you a small kiss, turning and pressing his lips to the side of your head.
“I’ll send them to you,” he promises, doing so as he says it.
You can’t help but snatch your phone from the table, immediately pulling up the three photos. The smile on your face is undeniable, so bright it burns your own cheeks. And when Dave sees this, he smiles, too.
“Better, baby?” he asks, kissing your cheek.
You nod your head, smile remaining as you pull him in for a firm kiss. “I love them.”
After a moment of happiness passes, a thought pops into your mind. He can see your expression change, now tilting his head.
“You know… we could snap each other.”
“What?” he asks, eyebrows furrowing deep. “What does that mean?”
“Dang, I guess you really are old.” You roll your eyes sarcastically, pulling up the app on your phone. “Look, it’s called Snapchat.”
“Ohh, I think I’ve heard of this. The girls use it.”
“Yeah,” you laugh, finding his lack of knowledge on the subject quite cute. “They do. I use it, too. Maybe you could make an account, and just have me on there. That way we could see each other whenever we want.”
He ponders the idea for a moment. How easily could this be tracked? He doesn’t have social media for a reason, and maybe he should stick to that. But, if he keeps his location off and uses an entirely different name, maybe he can squeeze in this one account.
It obviously doesn’t take much convincing for him to let you set up his account. Your mind is already reeling with the possibilities of what you could send him. What would he think of you teasing him through the app? What if you made him short videos similar to the ones on your Only Fans? And then you wonder… has he ever been sent a nude before? You’d definitely like to pop that cherry.
Reluctantly, he packs, zipping up the stayover kit you’d made him and putting it on the bathroom counter. You’re so cute and thoughtful, making this for him, washing his clothes, making him breakfast. It makes him want to do things for you, make you feel just as cared for as you’ve made him feel.
But while Dave is in the bathroom thinking about how hard he’s falling for you, you’re in your bedroom on a completely different train of thought. You’d pondered it during breakfast, wondering if he’d actually like it. This specific liking of his is one you’re not well-versed in. Maybe you can take a leap, and just offer them to him.
“Baby, I gotta go.” He calls out to you, and you can hear his heavy sigh.
With a deep breath and a few reassuring words, you make your way out into the living room to say goodbye. When you step into the hallway, you see him standing near the front door. He’s in his business suit again, with everything packet in his backpack and duffle bag.  He’s checking his watch when you approach, glancing up when you get close. He gives you a sympathetic smile, feeling his mood go down. But your expression… it stays relatively blank, almost innocent. He watches as you look down, lifting the edges of your shirt and exposing the periwinkle panties that match his boxers. The mere sight of it makes him tighten inside.
When you look up, you see that his eyes are still glued to your hips, smirking as you analyze his expression. Slowly, you hook your fingers into the waistband, sliding the delicate fabric down your legs.
Holy shit – what is she doing?
When they’re completely off, you drop your shirt back down, just barely covering your now naked lower half. You step even closer to him, lifting your hand in a silent offer. And finally, he realizes what you’re doing. His eyes shoot up to yours, and then back down to the pretty panties in your hand. He inhales a deep breath, his chest rising before his lungs push the air back out. Once again, he meets your gaze, lust clouding his vision entirely. It’s almost intimidating, ravenous, the look on his face.
“Do you want them, baby?”
He just stares at you, gulping when he realizes his mouth has suddenly gone dry.
“I figured,” you step even closer to him, only inches apart. “You liked the way I smelled so much… maybe you’d wanna take me with you.”
“Baby,” he finally breathes out, choking in a breath. His voice is rough, almost shaky. “Really?”
“Uh-huh,” you reply, moving your head up and down as you stare up at him. “I want you to have them. Is that… something you’d like?”
“I don’t, I…” he does his best to gain his bearings, shaking his head a little bit. “I don’t know if you’d be okay with what I’d do to them.”
“What would you do to them?”
“Honey, I have to g –”
“Tell me,” Comes your quiet interruption. “Please?”
David’s eyes shut, tongue poking out to lick his lower lip. He gains the courage to look into your eyes as he tells you, figuring it’s now or never.
“I’d lick them.” he says lowly, and your heart nearly stops. “Put them on my face and sniff them.”
“Really?” your response comes out in such a hushed tone you’re not entirely sure you actually said it. You’re so taken aback by his words, but not in a bad way. No, not in a bad way at all.
“I want to put them on my cock,” he continues. “And use them to jerk myself off.”
“I told you,” He quickly says, the words firm. “You wouldn’t like it.”
“I want you to do that.”
“Video it for me?”
“Wait, really?” he asks, narrowing his eyebrows in disbelief. Are you just fucking with him?
“Baby…” you place your hands on his chest, sliding them down slightly, watching as they glide over his crisp suit. “That’s so hot to me. I want you to do it.”
Unintentionally, your panties are placed directly over his chest when you brought your hands up. Of course, this didn’t go unnoticed by him. He glances down at them, now so close to his face. He wants them on his face, wants every intimate area you have to be touched by his mouth.
“Will you do it for me? Please, baby?”
Jesus fuck, are you really asking him to do this?
“Yeah,” he eventually croaks out, clearing his throat. “Baby, I’d fucking love to. I want to so bad.” He reaches out for you, having kept his hands at his sides to try and keep himself at bay.
“Use them, baby.” You coo to him, smiling when you feel his warm hands fall to your hips, easily sliding down to your ass. “Use them until you can come back and use me.”
Because he has to come back, he has to.
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“Really?” he grumbles, checking the time on his watch.
Carol isn’t even home yet, and that pisses him off beyond belief. That means he could have spent more time with you. But at this point, he might as well go upstairs and unpack. For some reason, the entire house is empty. And that’s strange to him; he’s not sure where everyone is, nor when they’ll get back. He texts Carol, asking her these questions, but to no avail. She, of course, does not respond. But maybe he can use this to his advantage.
Haphazardly, he tosses his backpack and duffle bag to the side, closing the door to his bedroom just in case anyone comes home. Instead of unpacking, he plops down on his bed, quickly fumbling with his belt. He’s definitely still half-hard from the conversation you’d had only half an hour ago, and he’s sure he’ll be able to cum quick with your panties wrapped around him. Fuck, he’s never done this before, never been able to experience his desires to the fullest like this.
“Snapchat,” he mumbles to himself, remembering what you’d asked him for. “Gotta get to Snapchat.”
Fumbling through his pocket, he pulls his phone out and quickly locates the app. When he does, he sets his phone aside, reaching down to pull himself fully out of his boxers and pants. He also reaches to the side, unzipping the main compartment in his backpack and pulling your used panties out.
“Oh, god…” he groans, immediately lifting them to his face. “Oh god…”
He can feel himself throbbing, moving to wrap a fist around his shaft while he keeps your panties on his face. He uses his left hand to maneuver them how he wants, to place the center of them near his nose. The tip of his length is already leaking, his thumb swirling over the wet head and smearing the clear liquid down his shaft. Knowing there’s quite a bit of uncertainty revolving around his family’s arrival, he keeps his sounds to a minimum, but in all honesty, it’s hard for him. Before he can even think about it, he thrusts up into his hand, gasping out shakily at the sensation while the smell of your cunt fills his nose. It brings him back to last night, back to when he was tongue-deep in your pussy.
“Yeah…” Dave whimpers out, eyes pinching shut as he strokes himself faster and faster.
Already, his balls are tightening, unable to hold himself back from the arousal coursing through his veins. As the sensation continues to heighten, his tongue lays out, rubbing directly over the center of your panties. He can taste you, fuck, he can taste you on them. It feels so dirty, doing this, but that’s what makes it so exciting for him. With a few more rapid licks, he’s forced to remind himself of what he’s supposed to do. So, he brings the pretty fabric down to his length, wrapping it around himself as he tugs harder and faster. Already, his precum is soaking the fabric, running down his curved head and mixing with your feminine slick. With a shaky hand, he grabs his phone again, quickly unlocking it and sighing out a breath of relief when he realizes he never closed the app. It opens right on the camera, immediately seeing himself on the other side. You’d briefly taught him how to use it before he left, but all he knows is how to take a picture, and how to record. But that’s okay, that’s all he needs.
“Oh…” his moans are more than audible as he begins to record, the slap of his hand on his pelvis becoming louder and louder.
“Baby,” he speaks to you, “I love this – thank you.” Overcome with passion, he tosses his head back, pushing it into the pillows. But he doesn’t stop.
“I licked them, baby, smelled them too, just like I said I would.” He says it as if you’d be proud to hear it, and honestly, you will be. He’s a man of his word, and you’ll be more than happy to receive this short clip in the coming moments.
“Smelled so good, just like you…” David groans deeply, the camera capturing every squeeze his fist gives, every droplet that leaks from the slit of his tip. “Fuck, I miss your lips, miss your mouth.”
Dave can feel the soft fabric of your thong rubbing across his sensitive foreskin, and it only increases his pleasure. They’re still wet with you, too, making it seem like he’s still able to experience you.
“I can’t believe you blew me, baby.” He expresses to you through the camera’s audio and lens. “Can’t believe you liked my foreskin and my c – cum, ngh. I love it, I love being with you, sweetheart.”
The words come out before he even realizes it, but he doesn’t care, not in the slightest. He’s too caught up in how amazing this feels, too caught up in the dream he’s found himself in.
“I’m gonna cum,” he nods, as if you were really there. “I’m gonna, gonna cum all over your pretty panties, baby.”
The muscles in his lower stomach convulse, his scrotum tightening as his shaft begins to throb. He works his tip and foreskin the most, rubbing your panties and his palm over the sensitive skin. What sends him over the edge is the fact that he can still taste you on his tongue from when he’d just licked your used underwear, can still taste the exact same flavor he was immersed in last night.
“Mm… fuck!” he chokes out, grunting harshly as he finally releases his load.
The sight of David’s orgasm is captured by his phone beautifully, the forceful spurts oozing down his tip after they’ve shot an inch or so into the air. It’s so thick, almost creamy, his entire body tensing and shivering. He shoves his hips up into the air over and over again, chasing that euphoric cloud. His mouth hangs open as his fist begins to slow, emptying the last of himself onto your intimate clothing.
Still panting, he opens his eyes to look down, and what he’s met with makes him moan all over again. He’s softening, his foreskin sagging slightly with your panties still wrapped entirely around him. The light purple fabric is drenched in him, white globs covering at least half of the garment.
The video ends, and without a second thought, he sends it to you. Before he cleans himself up though, he snaps a picture of his messy crotch, wanting to be able to look back on the erotic sight. Though he hopes he’ll get the opportunity to do this more often in the future.
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“Oh my god,” you sigh, glancing at your phone while getting ready.
As soon as Dave had left, you hopped on your homework right away. Since you weren’t seeing him tonight anymore, you decided to go to that party after all. Because of this, you also decided to clean up your home. You like coming back to a clean space whenever you go out, especially if there’s a high likelihood of you getting drunk. But apparently, you’d been so busy that you forgot to check your phone.
“Baby,” you whisper to yourself, a shocked smirk covering half your face.
He’d sent you a video on Snapchat for the very first time, and you feel awful that you hadn’t seen it sooner. You start to worry if it concerned him that you hadn’t opened it for so long, but you have to admit, it’s difficult to think about anything else other than the images on your screen. And he’s talking, dear lord, he’s talking a lot.
“I licked them, baby, smelled them too, just like I said I would.”
Your jaw hands open even further, eyes going wide. You can see his hand speeding up.
“Smelled so good, just like you…”
Oh, good god, and then he groans. You wish so badly that he was here right now, you already miss him so much. Why the fuck did Carol have to call and ruin everything? But amidst your side-tracked thoughts, you hear him say something that makes your heart stop.
“I love it, I love being with you, sweetheart.”
Certainly not a confession of love, no, not at all. But… it’s the closest thing either of you have come to it. He loves being with you? Really? You knew he enjoyed your company, and in a multitude of ways, but you never expected it to truly go deeper. Surely a man of his age wasn’t interested in sharing his life with a twenty-something year old college girl. That just didn’t make sense. And still, he said it.
The thoughts in the back of your head were right though, he was nervous that you didn’t like it. He didn’t know how to tell whether or not you’d seen the video, all he knows is that you haven’t replied. Did you not like it? Motherfucker, he knew it. He knew it was weird – Carol never understood it either.
He wasn’t sure what to do with himself afterwards. No one was home and he wasn’t hungry enough to make dinner yet, so he decided to go out back. The lawn needed to be cut and some weeds needed to be pulled. He figured he’d busy himself with that. But the buzzing in his pocket prompts him to take a break.
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He intends to say more, but the sliding of the back glass door demands his attention, first. It’s his daughters, both of them stepping outside to come say hello.
“Hey dad!” Molly says, trotting over to him.
Alice closes the door, following behind her older sister, and he’s honestly surprised to see them like this. He turns toward them, locking his phone and putting it in his pocket.
“Hey,” he smiles, accepting the hug Molly graces him with. Alice comes up, too, holding onto his side.
Inside and out, he’s beaming. He can’t remember the last time he got a hug so tight from them. With one arm on each of the people he calls his pride and joy, he hugs them back, smiling ear to ear.
“We missed you,” Molly mumbles, resting her head on his chest. “You were gone really long, this time.”
And she’s right, he hasn’t taken a trip like that in a while. Her words make him choke up inside. They missed him.
“I missed you guys, too.” He returns, “I always miss you when I’m gone.”
“Are you staying for long this time? Or will you be gone again soon?” Alice says, breaking the hug.
“Honestly honey, I’m not sure. I can’t really control that.” he gives her a sympathetic smile, reaching out to rub her shoulder. He looks to her, and then to his other daughter. “I love you both, you know that, right?”
“We know that dad.” Molly grins, “What’s for dinner?”
“Not sure, did your mom have any plans?” he asks, wiping his hands over his jeans.
“No idea,” Molly replies, all three of them walking over to the patio table to take a seat. “We don’t even know when she’ll be home.”
“Is she working?”
“No, she just said she would be out.”
“Oh, well, where were you guys? The house was empty when I got home.”
“Cheer practice.”
Huh, you hadn’t mentioned anything about cheer practice today.
“I was at Anna’s.” Alice replies, relaxing back in her seat. “She’s having a birthday party tonight; I was helping her set up.”
“Oh, okay, are you going back over later?” Dave wonders aloud. He was hoping to be able to spend some time with them today.
“Yeah, it’s a sleepover.” When Alice sees the apprehensive look on her father’s face, she adds, “Is that okay?”
“Yeah,” he sighs, glancing down at his hands. “That’s fine, honey.”
He should be more understanding; he wasn’t even planning on coming home today. Why would they have cleared their schedules for him when they hadn’t even known?
“You got any plans tonight?” he then asks, looking to Molly.
“Oh, um…” shit, she hadn’t made up an excuse for tonight. He hasn’t let her attend a single frat party since she’d started her first semester. But she’s gone to a few since then, with your help, of course. You were her connection to all of them, and you helped come up with the best lies, too. But she forgot to ask you when you were on the phone earlier.
Dave narrows his eyes slightly; why is she acting so suspicious?
“I’m leaving – in a little bit.”
“Okay,” he nods, eyes still focused directly on her. She knows he’s interrogated people before, and she can feel the change in his attitude, even his posture. “To where?”
“I’m going to a friend’s house.”
“Molly May.” Dave firmly says, expression growing stern. “Where are you going?”
“One of my teammates’ houses.” She says, rolling her eyes with a huff. She’s trying to act annoyed so she can buy more time. Damn, how are you so good at this?
“Whose house?”
“Um, Katrina’s.”
“Have I met Katrina?”
“No, dad, but can I please just go? She lives near campus.” She continues explaining to him that she’ll be safe, that it’s right around the block from your apartment.
“Okay,” he says, feeling soft inside at the mention of you. “Okay, fine.”
“Thanks dad,” Molly smiles, getting up to kiss him on the cheek. “I’m gonna go get ready, okay?”
“Okay, baby.” He sighs, unable to stop his smile. He’s just happy to see her now that he’s home.
“Me too,” Alice chimes in. “I still have to wrap Anna’s present.”
“Okay, sweetheart. I love you.” Dave tells her, heart beating at his youngest daughter’s smile and return of verbal affection before she goes back inside.
Great, he thinks, just me and Carol tonight.
With that, he gets back up, returning to the stubborn weeds that have taken over the flowerbed since he’s been gone. But since he heard your name, he hasn’t been able to stop thinking of you. So, he pulls his phone out, still at the patio table, and brings up Snapchat again. You sent him a picture, and he opens it right away. It’s of you in his marine shirt again, and it makes him inhale a deep breath. Quickly, he gives his head a single shake, turning the camera on to take a picture of the semi in his pants that you’d immediately made.
She can be so fucking hot, he thinks to himself, and he says ‘can be’ because you aren’t always hot. Sometimes you’re cute and sweet, sometimes you’re specifically pretty, and sometimes you’re downright, unbelievably sexy.
While waiting for your response, he decides to explore the app. With a couple of swipes, he finds out that people can post “stories”, pictures or videos that everyone on their friends list can see. You posted one about half an hour ago, and he clicks on it to see. You’d taken a picture of your pile of notes and books before cleaning up, captioning it, ‘When will this be over?’. The comment makes him chuckle, but then, for the first time yet, he thinks about what will happen when you graduate. Will you leave? Will you go on to get your master’s? And shit, that’s right around the corner for you, too.
Thinking this only makes him want to see you more, and the longer it takes for Carol to come back, the more pissed off he gets. Again, this is all time he could have been spending with you. But it’s not all bad, at least he got to see his girls. He thinks that after he’s done with the yard, he’ll come in and spend time with them, but before he knows it, an hour and half has passed.
“Alright dad, I’m leaving.” Molly shouts from the door, sliding it open and leaning out.
“Wait, what?”
“Yeah, me too.” Alice joins in, waving at him as she walks past her sister in the background.
“Yeah,” Molly shrugs. “Sorry.”
“It’s fine, honey. Be safe, both of you.”
“We will!”
“I love you!”
But Molly is already in the process of shutting the door; maybe she just didn’t hear him. Either way, it makes him sad. And that sadness turns into a feeling of defeat, having finally gotten done with the yard just to return to an empty house yet again.
He waits to unpack his things until after his shower, having gotten quite sweaty and dirty while working. As always, he closes his bedroom door, stripping so he can get in a quick shower. What he doesn’t know is what will be waiting for him on the other side of this short break.
Carol already has a plan; while he was gone, she did some digging. Well, as much as she could, anyway. Dave was a private man in general but tie that in with working for the Department of Defense, she’s lucky if she ever finds out anything without it coming directly from him. But all it took was a brief once-over of his room to find your hair tie and scrunchie. She wasn’t sure exactly what it was she was looking for, but damn did she find more than she expected. There’s absolutely no reason something like that should be in his room; it’s not like the girls know he’s in there, and Carol most certainly doesn’t spend time in there.
“Jesus Christ Carol!”
He hadn’t closed his bathroom door, walking out with his towel wrapped around his waist. She’s standing in the middle of his room, arms crossed, and weight shifted to the side. She doesn’t look happier, either; why would she be?
“Care to start explaining?” she responds, her voice calm and cool.
“Can I get some fucking clothes on first?”
He moves over to his closet, securing the towel on his waist as he does it. He then grabs a clean pair of boxers, sweatpants, and a shirt. To dry off and get fully dressed though, he goes into the bathroom to do it.
“Why are you wearing sweatpants?” she asks, her face twisting up. “You never wear sweatpants.”
Usually, he opted for jeans. But after spending a day or so with you while wearing them, he just felt cozy in them. He once thought they looked sloppy but now, they’re a mini reminder of you. And after all, they aren’t sloppy, they’re comfortable. Plus, he’s in his own home, he can wear whatever he wants.
“Felt like wearing them today.” He answers with a low sigh, stepping out of the bathroom as the shirt falls over his head and then torso. “What do you need me to explain?” he then asks, wanting to get to the point.
“Well, I was going to ask why there were hair ties and scrunchies in your bedroom.” She begins, and David’s face is already red. “But I’m more interested in the purple thong sitting on your bed.”
Immediately, his head shoots to the side. Motherfucker, he left them out.
“Did you have a fucking woman in here, David?!” she then shouts, “In the same home where our children sleep?!”
“No! I didn’t have a fucking woman in here!”
“Then where the hell are the hair ties from? Huh? And what about the fucking panties on your bed?!”
David deeply sighs, eyes closing as his right hand rises to stroke the bridge of his nose, just below his eyes.
“Don’t fucking lie to me Da –”
“Don’t,” he shouts over her, cutting her off as he stands. “Fucking talk to me that way.”
Carol’s eyes widen, but her face remains stern.
“I have a right to know.” she says to him lowly. “Are you seeing someone?”
As quickly as he can, he contemplates his reaction. Should he tell her? There’s not really any way of avoiding this right now, though, she’s seen the evidence clear as day.
“Yeah, I am.”
He laughs. “That is absolutely none of your business Carol. And besides, what the hell were you doing going through my room? I moved out of the master to have space from you.”
“It’s my house, I should be able to walk into any room I want.”
“No, not rooms that are specifically someone else’s. Do we go through Molly and Alice’s rooms? No, we don’t. Because that’s a violation of privacy, Carol.”
“What makes you think you have the right to see another woman when we aren’t even divorced yet?”
“Oh, I’m sorry. Should I wait however many years the finalizing of the divorce is going to take?”
“I just, I didn’t expect you’d move on so quickly.” She sounds a bit somber, but her rage returns in the blink of an eye. “And to bring her here…”
“I didn’t bring her here!” Technically, that’s not a lie. You were originally here for other reasons, originally.
“You’re such a liar.” She scoffs, crossing her arms again and looking to the side. And when she does this, she sees the panties again, and her jaw drops. “And you’re fucking disgusting.”
She strides over to the side of the bed, pointing at the light purple garment.
“Is that your goddamn cum on them?!”
For some reason, this makes him smile, a sly smirk lifting on one side of his lips. “Yeah,” he nods, staring directly at her.
“Does this woman even know who you really are?”
“She does, actually. She really likes it, too.”
This makes Carol scoff again. “She must be as deranged as you are, then.”
“She’s everything you could never be.” It comes out quicker than he realizes, and he feels like he should’ve watched his tongue.
Her mouth drops open, a look of complete shock on her face. “How dare you…”
“Look, can we just drop the fucking act?” David finally asks, rolling his eyes. But Carol’s next words catch him by surprise.
“Do you love her?”
“You heard what I said.” She doesn’t know the extent of things, honestly, no one does. No one but him. Because every incredibly intimate thought he has about you, he’s kept in his head.
“Carol, this shouldn’t matter to you anymore, I –”
“Do you love her?”
“It’s not, I just…”
“That doesn’t answer my question.” Her voice drops again, and he looks down, trying to formulate a response.
“I really don’t know right now.” he eventually breathes out, sitting down on the edge of the bed. He feel so vulnerable in this moment, and just as expected, Carol takes advantage of that.
“You’re pathetic.” She scoffs, shaking her head.
Without missing a beat, Dave mumbles, “I’m so done with this.” Before standing to his full height once again.
The woman he’s unfortunately still tied to by law says something from behind him, her words becoming louder as he leaves the room. But he can’t really hear them, doesn’t really care to, either. He walks downstairs, turning at the bottom step and slowly making his way into the kitchen. It’s a mixture of depression and rage, the emotions he’s feeling inside. And Jesus, he wants you, he just wants you to hold him right now. The closest thing he can get to you right now are through text, looking at the pictures you’d taken, or Snapchat. He wonders if you’ve posted anything more on your story, so, he goes with Snapchat.
What he sees first is a house, one he hasn’t seen before. It’s not your apartment, and he quickly realizes it’s a video. Frowning, he narrows his eyes, trying to get better look. Where are you? When he hears your laugh, he perks up, but who he sees next isn’t you. A man comes into a view, a few, actually. They’re younger, and as your camera continues panning around the room, he quickly comes to realize that what he’s looking at is a frat house. It takes him aback; you hadn’t said anything about going out tonight, let alone with other men. Not that you can’t be out with guys, it’s just, you’re… you’re his.
“What…” he whispers, watching as the video continues on.
The camera flips around, now showing your beautiful face. He barely has time to appreciate it though before some guy is slinging his arm around you. Seeing that makes him burn inside. While sitting at the island in the kitchen, David’s jaw clicks to the side, his expression growing stern. He sees as you and these men take a shot together, and then you and a woman doing the same. More women can be heard, and he assumes they’re some of your teammates, and then, wait – is Molly there?
The next person to come into view is indeed his oldest, giving you a side-armed hug. Just before the video ends, he sees another man pull you away from her and into his arms with you giggling the entire time. Fuck no, fuck that. They think they can touch you like that?
“What are you watching?” Carol asks, shooting down the stairs. “We’re not done talking!”
He doesn’t even look at her as he stands up, locking his phone and shoving it into his pocket. Dave turns toward the hallway, grabbing his keys off the credenza near the front door.
“Where are you going?! David!”
She pushes the door open as he tries to close it behind him, following him out into the front yard.
“What are you doing?!”
“I gotta go.” He grumbles in return, expression full of anger, his insides boiling with jealousy.
“What, you –”
The door to his Tesla slams in her face, quickly backing out of the driveway after making sure she wasn’t in his way. She’s left absolutely gobsmacked and standing on the front lawn as she watches him turn and drive off down the street.
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He doesn’t even think before sending the messages, he doesn’t feel like he has to. All he knows in this moment is that he doesn’t like you being here, and he doesn’t like being at home. He wants to be near you again, he needs to feel you again, wants to wrap you in his arms and touch every inch of your skin that he can.
Dave’s next thoughts are about Molly, and honestly how fucking pissed he is that she lied to him. But there’s no way he cold get her out of there without her knowing how he found out. He knows she’s safe, knows she’s with other teammates. He doesn’t want you out of there because he’s worried about your safety, he wants you out of there because seeing you around other men convinced him fully that what Carol accused him of is true.
His messages worry you, very obviously. What could be going on that he needs you to come home? Nothing like that has ever happened before. He’s also never texted you so seriously before, never come off so demanding. You wonder what’s wrong, and while you want to stay, you also desperately want to be by him, with him. So, you decide to leave.
“What? Why?”
“I, um…” you’re only two shots deep and they haven’t even flooded your system yet, and still, you’re having a hard time coming up with an excuse. “I’m getting this… crazy headache.”
“A headache?” Molly asks doubtfully, eyebrow raised.
“Yeah, I haven’t been getting good sleep lately. Haven’t…” you melt under your best friend’s skeptical gaze, doing your best to try and keep it together. “Haven’t been sleeping well, lately…”
Hesitantly, Molly pulls you to the side. She makes sure everyone else is out of earshot before she says, “Are you sure you’re okay? It’s only nine, the party doesn’t start for another hour. Why do you want to leave?”
“I’m fine,” you nod, gulping heavily. This is probably the worst you’ve ever felt in your whole entire life. You’re outright lying to her face. But something is going on with Dave, it’s not like you’re leaving for no reason. “I just have a headache.”
What neither of you know in this current moment is that Dave can see both of you exactly as you are in this present moment. It was far too easy for him to scan the area and find out exactly which frat house you were in. After all, you did have your Snapchat location on. And being the time of year that it is, it’s gotten dark out quite quick. Across the street from what is likely a fifty-year-old house, he sits in his car. He has the lights turned off and is hidden slightly by the underbrush of a tree. Narrowing his eyes, he can see the two of you in the kitchen off to the side, your profiles just barely visible through the window near the sink. He can see the apprehension in both of your faces as you continue to talk, but you’re going back home. He knows you will. And when he sees you nod, he starts up the car, and drives off.
It takes only a few minutes to reach your apartment, deciding to park off to the side there, as well. God forbid Molly came over just to see his car there. It’s not often that college kids park Teslas on or near campus.
Before he makes his way to your door, he steps over to his trunk. The deadbolt you had on your door was squeaky, loose. He knows he can break it. He doesn’t feel like waiting for you and doesn’t want to risk others seeing the two of you. So, he reaches in, retrieving a small bag before shutting the trunk. A few trots up the stairs and he’s at your door, sliding out his tension wrench and lock pick. He thinks he’ll only need one of the tools. Honestly, how hard could this be? He’s broken through much more complicated mechanisms before.
He decides on the simpler option, the pick. With both quiet and gentle motions, he inserts the tip of it into your keyhole, feeling for the outline of the pins. Easily, he identifies the binding pin, feeling its much higher resistance. He lifts it up until it’s set in place, continuing forward to do so with the remaining ones inside the lock. In under a minute, all of the pins are set, and he can hear the click of the lock on the other side. Smoothly, he removes the device, shoving it back inside the back and glancing over his shoulder before going in.
Your place is dark, obviously, and it feels strange being her. Strange but… at the same time, comfortable. Only weird because you’re not here. But he knows he belongs here, he belongs with you. He decides not to flick on any lights, not disturb a single thing you’d put in place, and sits on the couch to wait.
It doesn’t take long. After you’d convinced Molly to let you go, you did so promptly. She’d carpooled with another teammate on her way here, which made you feel better about leaving her. You’d text her throughout the night to make sure she was okay too, of course. You barely said bye to any of the guys, let alone your teammates. You didn’t want to draw anyone else’s attention, so you decided to slip out quietly. If Molly was skeptical of you, surely other people would be, too.
“Where are you?” he asks, becoming impatient. “Are you okay?”
“What? Of course I’m okay.” You glance around you, now walking through the parking lot, before whispering, “Baby, what’s wrong?”
“I want to be with you.”
“What? Aren’t we, aren’t we already together?”
“I need to be with you right now.” he says anxiously, running a hand over his thigh before it turns into a fist.
And then, upon hearing the slight jingle on the other side of your door, his head snaps to the side. He doesn’t hang up though, he’s too busy focusing on where you’re now entering. With a quick push, you’re walking through the door, the phone still pressed to your ear.
“Oh! My god!” you squeak, jolting back when you see him in the darkness. “David?”
“Baby,” he sighs, throwing down his phone while rising to his feet. “It’s me.”
In three large steps, he’s right before your very eyes. Both of his hands lift to your face, bringing your closer to him. He leans down, pressing his forehead to yours.
“How did, how did you, why are you –”
Your heart is racing inside your chest; how did he get inside? You anticipated him being here, but not before you – it’s not like he had a key or anything.
“Baby, I’m here,” he whispers, pulling you in for a hug. “I’m here; do you want me here?”
He doesn’t wait for your response; he just tilts your head up so he can get a better look at you. He’s moving and speak so quickly that you barely have time to comprehend it.
“You’re beautiful, and you’re mine. You know that, right?”
“Dave, I…”
“You,” he says firmly, passionately to you, “Are mine.”
You gulp, eyes flickering back and forth between his. You’d barely gotten the chance to close the door behind you before his hands reached out, but it didn’t scare you. He’s never scared you.  
“They can’t touch you.” he shakes his head, dropping his hands to your shoulders, running his palms down your outer arms.
All of a sudden, it clicks. He must have seen your Snapchat story.
“Baby, I didn’t, they didn’t,”
“It’s okay,” he interrupts, smiling a bit as he holds you tighter. “I’m here.”
“I’m… I’m happy that you’re here.” You tell him, something in your heart beginning to bloom.
You’re not sure how he got inside, but he did tell you that you needed better locks. And besides, it’s not like he’s here to hurt you. In a strange way, something about this attracts you; he wants to make sure you’re safe. But that’s not what him being here right now is about, right now, he’s making a statement.
“I missed you.” he suddenly expresses with a heated breath, surging forward to kiss you. “I’m sorry I came in like this, I – I didn’t want anyone to see me.”
You nod, only an inch from his lips. “It’s, it’s okay, Dave.”
Without realizing it, he’d back you up against your front door. He reaches to the side, locking the deadbolt he’d gotten past less than ten minutes ago. But when he does realize it, he leans down, hooking either hand around the backs of your thighs and lifting you into the air. You squeal quietly, your back sliding up against the door as he pushes his body weight into you.
“Baby,” he enthusiastically moans, fixing his hips right up against yours as his mouth falls to your neck. “Say my name again.”
One of the things he’s grown to absolutely love about you is the way you say his name. The only time he ever hears the full name of David is when he’s being scolded or screamed at, most often by Carol. But the with you… the way you say it makes him love his name all over again. And you’ve noticed on your end how nicely he reacts to it, too, especially alongside any sort of praise.
“You like that, baby?” you grin, tilting your head to the side for him. There’s a low rumble that washes across his chest, his lips now suctioning to your next. “David, that feels so good…”
“Mm,” he moans against you, eyes shut as he rolls his hips into you.
It makes you gasp; he’s never held you in this way before.
“I know they can’t touch me,” you continue on, clinging to him tightly, your fingers raking through his brunette hair. “Not like you.”
You have no idea how incredibly happy it makes him to hear you say that. With Carol, when he found out she’d cheated on him, he felt like she was never really his. After that, he felt like their relationship was ruined; it was a fraud. He needs to know you’re his, he needs to know that you know you’re his.
David then moans your name, his tongue rolling over the mark he bit into your neck. And knowing that he bruised you somewhere visible makes you tingle inside. You’ll be able to show it off, but no one will know that it’s from him.
“Will you give me more?”
“More what?” he grunts out against you, rolling his hips forward and reveling in your small gasps.
“More hickeys,” you tell him, breathing quietly even though you know if you moan no one will hear. “Please give me more.”
“You want me to mark you?” he asks, then digging his teeth sharply into your skin.
“Oh!” you cry out, having not expected such a harsh bite. Your fingers curl, pulling firmly on his hair. “Yes,”
Once he’s discolored you twice, he lifts himself to your face, brushing tender kisses along your cheekbone. His breaths are fervent, not heavy but excited. And when you open your eyes, you’re met with his heated gaze, those brown orbs looking deeply into your own as he sighs. Suddenly, his right hand slides up to your back, holding you against him as he lifts you from your door.
“Baby, what –”
And then he’s kissing you again, spinning around and walking in the opposite direction within your home. He’d only spent a day and a night there but already he’s memorized it, making his way to your bedroom without even opening his eyes.
You’re flustered beyond belief, but you keep holding onto him. Your arms and legs wrap around his sturdy frame, much sturdier than you ever would have thought upon first meeting him. He’s in his sweatpants again and you could feel how hard he was from the moment he lifted you up. But now, you can feel a slight dampness growing, the realization making your insides tingle. His overt arousal is always such a turn on for you, you’ve never met a man that gets as excited as him.
Your bedroom door had already been open, and he wastes no time getting inside. But once in, he kicks it shut. Something about the extra privacy just gets him; makes him feel like he can do anything he wants.
Even when he lays you down on your bed, his body doesn’t leave. His lips trail down your neck, running sloppily over your skin while his hands get to work. He feels like he can’t stop himself, can’t even slow down. Thick fingers hook into the waistband of your yogas and intimate garments, sliding both down your legs in one go. And you lift your hips slightly for him, allowing him to do so. Once they’re tossed onto the ground near the foot of your bed, David reaches out, catching your left calf before you lay it back down. While tenderly holding your stare, he turns his head, kissing the soft flesh of your lower leg while doing so.
“Can I?” his lips mumble over your skin.
You feel breathless but sure, very sure of your next moves. Reaching forward, you bring him to you, and he allows you to. He crawls up the bed and over you, seemingly slower than before. Your eyes haven’t left one another’s, not until your lips connect. You can still feel the slight scruff growing along his jawline and cheeks, even some on his neck. And he notices when your fingers stroke the course hairs.
“You like it, huh?” he asks, leaning up to his knees.
He kneels between your spread thighs, quickly removing his shirt and dropping it at his side. He then dives back down, fingers immediately moving to your top. As you lean up for him, lifting your arms, your hands instantly return to his cheek and neck, forcefully bringing him back down.
“Baby, I love it,” you giggle, smiling over his lips. “You look so cute.”
“Cute, huh?” he asks, grinding himself in between your now naked legs. He’s still wearing his sweatpants, though; he’ll have to change that.
“David,” you chuckle once more, fingers caressing his cheeks and then his lower lip. “It’s so fucking sexy.”
When his mouth covers yours once more, he arches his back, fingers lowering to fumble with the strings on his pants. You assume he’ll step away to fully rid himself of his clothes, but he doesn’t. He side-steps out of them, a little clumsily, while remaining on top of you. The hot breaths of his hurried lungs fan over your face from his open mouth, his completely bare body now resting over yours.
“I like that better.” He tells you gruffly, lowering himself to your ear. David’s teeth nibble on your earlobe, nose running up the cuff. And the slightly sensual act makes your skin rise with goosebumps, making you release a shaky breath.
“You didn’t answer me before,” he continues, one hand steadying near the side of your head, the other leaving you completely. Dave drops his head to your chest, resting his forehead between your breasts. He then turns his head to the side, mouthing at your curves briefly before whispering, “Can I?”
The hand that had disappeared finds a home briefly between his thighs, grabbing himself and running a fist over his length. It’s not hard to, either; he’s not dry. His boxers were definitely damp when he removed them and honestly, he wants to see you lick the precum off.
Your hands guide him to your nipple, missing the feel of his hot mouth on your tender peaks. He moves with you willingly, and while he knows you’re enjoying every second of this, this still isn’t a clear answer.
“Baby,” you finally return, chest pushing up against him. He groans when you do this, biting into you when he finally runs his head up through your sex. It’s an unexpected sensation but not unwelcome, your blissful gasp immediately hitting the air. “Yes.”
As much as he loves to have his mouth on your tits, he shoots his head up, looking directly into your eyes. His pupils shift back and forth, flickering between the mesmerizing windows to your soul.
“I want you,”
“You have me,” you tell him with certainty. “You have me.”
Inside, his heart soars; he loves to hear you say it. It also gives him the confidence to move forward, shifting himself to your very center.
“Please,” you beg, hands lowering to his neck, fingers curling around and pulling him close.
Once again, his forehead rests over yours, a deep breath sucked into his lungs before closing his eyes. Slowly he breathes out, moving forward ever so slightly. But he doesn’t stop, he continues, the head of him just barely brushing through your folds.
Something about this feels incredibly monumental. Being sexual together was one thing, but actually having sex seemed to solidify this, seemed to scream this is real.
“D – David,” you whine, pressing your head back into your pillow.
He surrounds you, enters you, fully consuming you as his mouth moves to muffle your small cries. Your fingernails dig into his shoulders as he completely enters you, sliding inside your velvety warmth. And while he’d been trying to keep his composure, he can’t help but groan into your mouth. Every single inch he explores while diving deeper inside sends an incredible wave of euphoria through his body, feeling your muscles quiver beneath him. His own flex with the sensation of it, his chest tightening and releasing an almost pained groan when he’s entirely inside.
“Holy fuck,” he huffs out, pressing his body weight into you. He needs to feel closer to you, needs to be as close as he possibly fucking can to you. “This, you feel…”
“I love this,” you suddenly whimper out, tightening around him. The sudden clench of your heated walls makes his jaw drop, along with your words. They give him the confidence to speak his mind.
He says your name in the semi-darkness of your room, all of the lights in your apartment still off as you experience each other in this way. David’s skin is warm and taught above you, smelling of pine and tasting exactly like himself, exactly like that unique sensation you’ve come to crave.
And then, he says it again, alongside the motion of his hips. He’s gentle, the first few sways making you moan and gasp. You feel like you’re floating through air, feel like none of this could actually be real.
“I love you,” he then says, heightening the fantasy feeling of it all. “I want to take care of you.” he expresses to you, the steady rocking of his hips making your head swim with bliss.
“Baby,” you look up, lifting your head. Did he really just say that to you? “You…”
He uses his right hand to cup your face, breaths quickening above you. “I love you.” he tells you before you can even ask, brows folding in the center when he feels your legs begin to loop around him. He loves the feeling of that, loves to know, even without you saying it, how much you want him.
“You don’t have to say it back, I know, I know it’s a lot.” He tells you, picking up his pace.
The thick drag of his cock along your walls makes your eyes roll back, makes your hips shudder each time he thrusts back in.
“But I want this, I want you so bad, sweetheart. Want to take care of you,” he tells you again. And then he thinks back to those he has cared for in his life, and due to his line of work, his next words come naturally. “I want to protect you.”
“David,” you whine, lifting your hips to meet his thrusts, causing a stuttered groan to float from his throat. “I love you, baby. You need to know that I love you, too. I love everything about you.”
Right now, he’s not anyone else to you. He’s not Molly’s dad, he’s not Carol’s husband, he only exists as what he is to you; he’s yours, he belongs with you.
“You, you feel so… fuck…” your head drops back, and he takes it upon himself to slide his tongue up the column of your neck.
Your reciprocation makes his heart leap inside, making his entire body light up even more, if that were even possible. He can feel himself throb inside you, can feel the liquid leaking from his tip which is caused directly by you. Your muscles move below him, the ones in your stomach and sides and legs. He loves feeling this, along with your smooth skin, as both rub against him. He likes the feeling of your tits pressed against him, likes feeling your plush curves move and slide below him, right against his chest.
“I knew you’d feel this good.” He says with a laugh of disbelief, picking up on your unfinished words. “I always knew it. You’re the most beautiful fucking thing I’ve ever seen, in my whole entire life, baby. Will you let me take care of you, baby girl?”
“Yes, baby, I want that. I want that, yes please.” You cling to him desperately, fully hooking your legs around his lower back.
“Fuck, I fucking love it when you do that.” he growls against you, baring his teeth briefly as he hammers himself down into you.
“David?” he asks, and you become confused. “Or something else?”
This makes you laugh briefly, airily. You of course know what he’s referring to.
“Say it, baby.” He says, almost cockily. “Say it to me.”
“D… Da…”
He leans in, smiling next to your ear, his hips now snapping into you. “Call me daddy.”
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Detailed Chapter Summary
After confirming your relationship with him, the two of you have a movie night, David taking the liberty to pay for the food. While laying on the couch together, you share a few intimate conversations, with David eventually finding himself between your legs again.
A call from Carol cuts his weekend visit short. When he gets home, she tells him that she found your hair ties and panties in David's room, but she obviously doesn't know they're yours.
You and Molly decide to go to a frat party, which David finds out about when he looks at your Snapchat story. Seeing you surrounded by men sparks a rage of jealousy inside him. He texts you to go home, breaking into your apartment by picking your lock so he's there when you get back. This is when he takes you to your bed, finally making you his.
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One-Shot: Obsessed
(Preceding Chapter Eight)
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Just Another Cooking Session (Obey Me!) fic
summary: The kitchen is filled with cooking and chatter. Mostly of the human exchange student talking with Lucifer and Beelzebub. Casual, fluff, romance.
Molly was currently in the kitchen of the House of Lamentation. Making the meal for the demons she dearly loves. A few pots on the stove steaming as they cook various items. While Molly took the time to finish a plate of sub sandwiches to then hand the whole plate over to a very hungry Beelzebub. Who gladly took the plate to kiss her on the cheek and begin munching away. Making Molly smile as she started chopping fruits for a fruit salad.
It was at this point Lucifer walked into the kitchen to look very irate. His steps taking him to sit next to Beelzebub and sigh. So Molly moved to pour the now whistling tea kettle. A steaming mug of green tea soon in Lucifer's hands for the demon to smile in gratitude. His words warm and only hinting at his fatigue. "It would seem you expected my arrival. Or were you going to ask me to join you?"
Molly sighed to nod as Beelzebub nudged half a chicken sub over to Lucifer for him to eat as they talked. Which Lucifer took without question to nibble on as Molly kept chopping fruit. Her words sullen and soft. "I've been having a hard time with a specific want. Namely how I feel about a certain someone." Beelzebub kept munching as Lucifer raised an eyebrow. The Avatar of Pride soon sipping at the tea to then muse a little. "Here I figured you would go to Asmodeus for this kind of discussion. But I take it you already did?" Molly nodded to then huff. "Spent all day doing a spa treatment therapy session with him over things. Which also led to him crying over the fact he isn't the one I fell in love with and ended up as number three." Lucifer flinched as Beelzebub paused mid bite. The Avatar of Gluttony asking, "Do I get to know where I am on the list, Molly?" This had Molly smile sadly to tap Beel on the nose. "Number two is you, my beloved teddy bear." Beelzebub blushed to then hum as he finished his current sandwich. While Lucifer sighed to note, "I already know I am not in the top five. Which stings a bit when it comes to this... Situation."
Molly chuckled to then tap Lucifer on the nose. "You place fourth, actually. But it's mostly a tie between you and Mammon. Do not let that out of the kitchen." Lucifer thought on this to then grin with a fiendish glint to his eyes. "Number one has been apparent for a good long while to myself and to Lord Diavolo. Despite the fact that said number one is completely unable to fathom such. Yet it suits both of you so very well that your heart belong to Leviathan." Beelzebub hummed to then lick his fingers free of sauce. "Right. Both of you love anime and video games. Both of you tend to be really shy. Passionate and tactful. Like two peas in a pod." Molly looked to her hands as a blush roared over her face. Making Lucifer chuckle as he sipped his tea. "I remember when Leviathan fell asleep with you in the living room after the both of you had challenged a tournament group online. Mammon and Satan had also joined the tournament and fell to your combined might. But then you both took second place. Leviathan looked heartbroken for you to openly throw your arms around him and say how fantastic he had done. He'd been about to cry for you both losing. yet you praised him and looked like you had won first place in all three realms."
Beelzebub grinned to openly chuckle. "I still have that photo. It's my favorite of you two together. Levi never expected you to be so happy over losing. But then you made it clear it was his skill and effort that mattered. He told me later how stunned he was. So I told him what you tell me." Molly smiled to recount her manta out loud. "Do your best and celebrate how far you get. That is what really matters in the end." Lucifer nods to finish his tea and smile. "Leviathan will always struggle with his sin. But when he is with you... That emptiness is filled for him to savor the now. I could not ask for more for any of you." Beelzebub stills when Lucifer turns to him to place a hand on Beelzebub's shoulder and hum a warm notation of affection. "This family is the most priceless treasure in all of existence. So we need to be glad for what we have. But I vote we do a special something for Molly and Levi. What say you, Beel?"
Beelzebub nods to then grin. "I want to do that. In fact, I may have an idea on what we should do. There's supposed to be this big concert in the Human World next month that Leviathan mentioned." Molly blinks to then squeak. "Oh! The concert is for the Final Fantasy series! All the best music from the games are going to be played by a live orchestra! It happens once a year and tickets can be extremely hard to get!" Lucifer grins to note, "Would the music include that one album of piano music you gave me as a surprise?" Molly nods for Lucifer to pour himself another cup of tea. "Then we should get tickets. For all of us. But then we get you and Leviathan a special after concert gift. Namely a reservation at a fine restaurant to have an evening to yourselves." Molly soon rushed over to tackle hug Lucifer and Beelzebub for both demons to hug her back. The human giving happy squeaks of sheer excitement. "Thank you so much, Luce!"
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dent-de-leon · 1 year
hey I need to share my widomauk brainrot with someone
if you go back to episode 111 and watch Caleb’s face when Jester talks about bringing Molly back he looks so stunned but so hopeful like he could really get someone back and not even just someone but Molly of all people
anyway I’m fine
YES, I LOVE THAT LITTLE CONVERSATION!! It's such a heartwarming moment. There's so much to this one little exchange. The way Caleb hesitates at first, tries to cushion his expectations and not let himself get swept up in some foolish hope that'll only break his heart, "I have a foolish question, perhaps...Well, it's not possible. But if he still lies at rest where we left him, is it possible?" Hardly daring to let himself believe it, but wanting to so badly.
Also YES Caleb's soft voice here and the moments where he just breaks off and Liam's expressions!! The way he has to stop and just take a breath for a moment when Jester says, "I can bring him back"--it kills me.
And then, when Jester confirms his suspicions, gives him that one thread of hope he needs to hold onto, he wants nothing more than to chase after it right now. "Who wants to go visit Mollymauk?" And the rest of the Nein, as much as they love Molly--many of them are so very hesitant, understandably so. Resurrection can be messy, painful, dredge up too many aching memories.
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What if it isn't Molly? What if he doesn't want to come back? And if it's really him, can they face him? How do they look him in the eye after everything, knowing they couldn't save him? They're scared. Hurt. Yasha just looks so pained at the thought of revisiting the grave. And then there's Caleb, who's just caught up in the moment, ready to run right back to Molly and finally bring him home.
Jester pulling him aside, gently trying to tell him why the others are holding back, but still offering him comfort. "I think--I think one of the reasons why some of us are a little hesitant to go visit Molly is, you know, because it is a little painful to do that. Just so you know...But it's important." And the soft, very hopeful way Caleb says, "I think so." Because this really does matter to him, and Jester understands that. They're both the most excited at the thought of reviving Molly, both just want to be with him again. Regardless of how much the past might hurt.
And because I love how Caleb is the one most driven to resurrect Molly when they first visit the grave--I also think the context of that original conversation is so heart-wrenching. Because, the thing is, Jester initially offered to bring his parents back. "I mean, between Caduceus and I...we could bring them back."
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We also get just about one of the biggest lies Caleb's ever told: "I have not looked into it." But of course he has, of course every waking moment since his memories came back in the sanitarium--in his grief and guilt and regret, he's been agonizing over this. Obsessed with going back in time and fixing the past. "I want to bend reality to my will."
He's wanted nothing else more than this, for as long as he's been Caleb Widogast, ever since the boy who was once Bren lost everything. And he wants it so badly, that for a time, he's willing to use just about anyone to further his goals, to get one step closer to unravelling the secrets of the most powerful arcane feats. In the beginning, that was always the plan. To just stay with the rest of the Nein until they were no longer useful, and then move on when it was time.
Mollymauk himself is no exception. And in fact, the very night before he died, Caleb was frustrated at himself for even traveling with someone like him. For spending time around a ridiculous Circus Man who couldn't possibly be of any use to him. “Look at this one. He’s like a walking rainbow, what is this? Why are you with him? It makes no sense. He’s a circus performer, he’s not going to help you—”
How ironic, how poetic, that Caleb scoffed at the thought of staying with Mollymauk when he had "nothing" to offer. How tragic, that it's the loss of this happily foolish, recklessly protective Circus Man that makes Caleb realize he wants so badly to stay. That he can't bear to lose anyone anymore.
And the grief and pain he feels over Molly's death is still so raw and gutting, it haunts him for the entire campaign, another regret he can't let go of. Burying Molly with a letter, telling him to come and find them. Convincing himself this isn't forever. Going after Lucien because he only ever wanted to bring Mollymauk back.
So it's not just Jester offering to resurrect Molly for Caleb. It's that Jester offered to bring back his parents, that one thing he's always wanted more than anything, and yet Caleb asks for her to resurrect Mollymauk instead. He justifies it to them, to himself, unwilling to entertain the false hope, even when his dream could be so close: "There is a very good chance that the...Scourgers collected their remains, but maybe. Scourgers collected their remains, but maybe." "Jester, you only just asked about bringing back my mother and father. While not possible because we have no--well, it's not possible."
And maybe he's right, and his parents were already beyond their reach. But even still, Caleb is willing to push aside his greatest desire, the thing he's tirelessly worked toward for years, just on the faint hope that he might get to see Molly again. It's so heartbreaking and sweet, so touching that Caleb still lets himself hold onto that hope, that fairytale dream. "This could be a conversation, or it can be a reunion." That's love.
And it's the kind of fondness and longing that reminds me of how Molly sees Caleb in the Lucien book, that moment where his thoughts drift back to the forehead kiss. "Caleb. Softness and light." I just hope he knows his Magician felt that way about him too.
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emilycollins00 · 10 months
Act 1 re-read! The show must go on!
. To be honest the show being next month is really insane given that they at this point didn’t even have a script
. And oh wow I didn’t expect that shout from Sakyo, it spooked me a bit
. 10 million yens I had to make the change and it’s like 63,602 euros holy molly no wonder Tsuzuru’s like fuck and Izumi like double fuck
. Question nº1 Why did Sakyo act like bad guy? Do we know what response he hoped to get? Trying to scare Izumi? 
. Enjoyed the slap. That was stepping WAY over the line with the tricks.
. Also this game might have been just a tiny bit funnier funny had they been allowed to swear ksdhk
. Last condition being Izumi as the director now I’m like ok but what if she you know, had a job?? Did Sakyo expect her to leave it?
. Izumi is too good for Yukio there I said it
. Sakuya’s situation again tho oof, the fact he didn’t even tell their relatives?? And the FACT that he was already 2 days in right? My heart. The "thank you for calling for me” felt devastating. Feels like Sakuya reeeally didn’t want to even try to take any chances with them (ALSO crashing with friends?!! DIDN’T REMEMBER THAT!! Oh that’s a lot to take in)
. First time having his own room, I might really cry
. Masumi mentioning dating at this point wow, his vision is so… narrow I really feel conflicted, how lonely must you be to reach this point with someone you met on the same day
. In another universe where Masumi got paper kdhkfh  Tsuzuru and Citron roomies waaah, I think it’d have worked but yeah, who better than to learn to take care of others for masu than tsuzuru
. LEGEND OF CURRY. Gotta love Izumi’s “what can I possibly with these leftover….?? Mmm I don’k know… oh wait?? CURRY!” <- has if that wasn’t your only option ma’am/j
. Can I just mention that this might have possibly been the first dinner both Masumi and Sakuya might have spent with others feeling this content? I cry
. “Our scriptwriter-“ misumi grandpa right? I love already knowing stuff
. “Paying my own rent on (place) is just scary” aint that true when you first begin to live alone
. “With all due respect, are you nut” kissing location again
. Honestly they were lucky Citron and Itaru where there on their 1st day
. Tsuzuru my BELOVED, still I’d be with Izumi here, they took their chances but that was better than nothing. Making a 2-hour-play is A LOT in week what the- He’s so amazing pls
. ACTOR WHO WAS EXCELLENT WITH FEMALE ROLESGHJ KAZUMI (I still have to read about the story but-) I LOVE U
. Itaru felt scary talking so… like that and unlike him now that we know him more. I would have run away sdnk poor izumi
. “Tsuzu became one with his pc” help I can’t imagine the pressureee. Question nº2 I can’t help but think if he had done stuff like this before?? Or was this the start of him overworking himself?
. The script is done awwwiieee!! A LOVED hearing him so happy!! His VA did such a good job seeming so relieved/happy for real
. This part was SO scary, somehow, his way of talking as well
. Did itaru just try to (I don’t know if I’m using the word correctly) gaslight izumi??
. Masumi was reaaally not having it with Sakuya, again you can see somehow the only-child/big bro in a huge family differences
. Sakuya knowing all that from Masumi it’s wow. He truly remembers stuff
. I’m curious that for all that Itaru seemed to be hiding, he didn’t seem that surprised when the rest found out he was a gamer. Or maybe he didn’t really hide but just, went on his business?
. Someone let Sakuya in the manzai duo, these 3 are hilarious (I had absolutely forgot that Yuzo was from the spring troupe?? Oh WOW that was something. Also he really went hard, it was needed tho)
. That situation felt like an asmr with little snoring noises ghjkl
. That the first thing Yuki does when he appears is to give each of them a nickname while taking note for the costumes is sending me
. OH citron, and this scene. Him being honest with his feelings about him probably not being the best choice broke me a bit.. and Izumi being like, “then ill protect you” SOB, first breathing moment for citron maybe in that aspect since he came to japan. I love their friendship so freaking much
. “When did this goofball start acting like a prince?” MMMM I don’t think he’s acting Izumi
. OH again bc the drama when Itaru says he’s leaving was skdjn. Izumi “WHAT, WHY??” (also me in my room knowing it was gonna happen: WHAT, WHY??”)
. Question nº 3 Itaru says something along the lines of wanting to say it now so they had plenty of time to change it before it was late but like, how far could they be? They had 1 month so 4 weeks, 1st week was for the script, let’s say this is somewhat by the end of the 2nd is when Yuzo comes and they sleep in the stage, in less than 2 weeks you want someone to change? A bit all over the place for my taste
. But also he’s just over the place himself look at him? And then the iconic family play kauhsdkjk this was the beginning. (I COULD STAND TRUSTING SOMEONE AGAIN I CRY)
. Related to Q3 I’m still so confused with chapter 20 bc they say they only have five weeks to go?? I need help understanding
. I have to say, have we ever seen Sakuya speaking like this later on? I feel there was so much at risk here too so maybe its bc of that but wow Sakuya so… raw, hit me more than I expected
. Chap 23 broke my heart, fav out of the episode so far I think. Sakuya is SO strong as a character. ALSO feeling the need to be loved in a place? Masumi can relate this time and citron as well with the family stuff
. SDFGHJK their fight with godza I was like, “Just u wait just u wait just u waiiiit”
. Tsuzuru is so freaking relatable, not just bc we all have our circumstances that sometime stop us from doing things but like, time passes by so so fast and I was told so many time as I grew up but like, it’s so true. More true than I think I understood. Each year passes by even faster and I blink and we are already in August oof
. KAZUNARI APPEARS AWW I loved his enthusiasm since the beginning (“He’s annoying” “Masumi I know. Quiet” FGHJKL)
. No but I have to say Kazunari saved half the spring play somehow. Aside from Itaru talking in his gameplays, because the fact that he informed this many people, helped with the TV… I love him
. I also loved Yuki buying one, he definitely saw how much the spring troupe put themselves out there
. I don’t really get what brought Masumi to suddenly act like that after hearing “don’t act for me” from Izumi… I mean I kinda do but mmm felt forced to bring up his situation?
. The fanclub always felt all over the place and toxic honestly
. Anyway I loved how they all gave their opinion on how they react with love to make Masumi see it’s not the end of the world.
. Ok I really, really liked how Masumi told her that it didn’t matter if her acting wasn’t good. It was about putting yourself out there and how much passion and work you gave. Good boy Masumi (also good for Izumi for mentioning a later talk about boundaries)
. First play IM SO EXCITED!! I also love that the main thing despite what’s at risk that Izumi wants them to have a good first experience above everything. I love her so so much for real. (Also Matsukawa sounds so pro on the intercom!) this is it
. “we can ditch this town and travel the world!” we’ve heard this 93849 times and I don’t say this in a bad way bc VA did an amazing job, you can truly see the differences up until the finale oof/pos
. Oh my GOD they did it oh my god im so freaking proud, I swear im so happy I got to experience this again they worked so freaking hard good job everyone!! (I forgot Masumi being speechless and it made me even more emotional if that’s possible bc I already sobbed when they thanked the audience)
. More asmr <3
. Now I forgot Itaru was hurt what a reality check. For someone who wanted to leave, hiding an injury to keep going is a lot. Also I adored Citron intervention and his tone of voice. He can see the change in Itaru but doesn’t want him to overdo it, I love him <3
. Sakyo you tsundereee
. Man chapter 34 is a sea of tears in here I don’t have the strength to talk about it.
. Sakyo yakuza with a heart of gold indeed!! And Muku and Tenma (snott-looking boy ajshkhdk) aw
This was a perfect 1sr episode!!💕💕💕
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glossolali · 2 years
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part 2 of m9 origins yasha spoilers / photos of pages and some thoughts at the end
(part 1 here)
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this is so lovely and their relationship is 🥺💕💕🥺💕
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sobbing (also their dresses are so pretty)
[very bad things happen here]
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i'm so sad y'all
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in the campaign when she went and did this and got into a fight to forget... i didn't know she had done this before.... i didn't knowwww 🥺😭💦💦🥺🥺😭💦
did i mention i'm gay
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and LOOK!!!! LOOK AT THEM 💕💕💕💕💕 HE HERE!!!
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lies down because circus kids feelings always..... they were both lost and they were there for each other 🥺🥺😭😭
and PLEASE look at molly my dearly beloved.. cradles this photo in my heart 💜💜💜
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HE TINY and omg ZOOMSSS IN HE HAD LONG HAIR............. Fuck
a very very sweet alternate first panel for this page aaaaaahhhh yasha deserves all the kisses in fields of flowers
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that's it 😔💜
but ugh... gosh thinking about who we meet at the beginning of the campaign.. it makes so much sense how quiet and hurt she was...
and then FUCK like... being taken over and brainwashed so many times in campaign hits so much fucking harder now since her whole life she's had someone else deciding her fate for her and her having to break through that again and again... it hurtssss
and with this new understanding of her seeing her suffering losing molly after losing zuala and seeing how that broke her fucks me up.......
but what also ruins me is then thinking of the positive healing interactions yasha has with everyone in tm9
she must have been so surprised.....
jester painting her that wall... the silly playful bonding moments she had with them... learning how to live by her own rules... allowing herself to be soft again..... healing and falling in love and getting herself back finally.
she's just so much..... i am a puddle.............
yashaaaaaaaaaaa 💕💕💕💕💕💕
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awlimagines · 3 months
Day Seven - Gustafa
“You can’t be serious,” Molly’s interruption was laced with displeasure. 
Gustafa’s eyes flicked from sharing his Starry Night plans with Griffin to the frowning blonde. When he invited you, you seemed excited about caroling with his friends in Mineral Town. At the men’s confused silence, Molly sighed and explained in greater detail, “Starry Night is supposed to be ro-man-tic. Traipsing through the mountain to sing with strangers in a different town isn’t romantic!” 
“Ah, well, I’m not sure Y/N would like to spend that kind of evening with-” 
“The reason they agreed was to spend time with you!” Molly composed herself from the outburst before gently adding, “C’mon, you have to have a better idea of what you’d like to do with Y/N. Caroling, and then what?” 
Gustafa spent the night second-guessing himself. Did you only agree to spend time with him? It was a battle to convince himself that what Molly said might be true. He almost found it easier to believe you didn’t have plans, but that couldn’t be right. You had befriended the whole valley in nearly a year. Surely, you had choices for Starry Night and still chose him. He finally decided he would try to extend your evening together. Gustafa just needed to find the perfect moment, and if he was wrong about your feelings… Well, it was probably time to move on elsewhere with his yurt. 
“Hey! You, uh- You look nice,” he faltered, admiring your winter ensemble. You didn't say anything if you noticed his words lacked easy eloquence. He felt like an awkward teenager with a crush all over again. His mind struggled to maintain a conversation with you and also plan how to confess his feelings to spend longer than caroling with a group of others. All too soon, you joined the rest of the group on the outskirts of Mineral Town. 
“Oooooh, is this Gustafa’s partner?” one of his friends called in greeting. 
“Um, no! We’re not like that,” you immediately responded. 
Was Gustafa mistaken in hearing disappointment in your voice with that answer? You kept your face carefully hidden from his, making his attempts to confirm unobtainable. It was better this way, he convinced himself. You deserved a better confession than in response to some light teasing from his friends. His attention soon diverted completely to straining to hear your voice amongst the others as the group traveled from house to house. 
“That was fun!” you gushed, stepping in his footprints in the snow falling on the mountain path back to Forget-Me-Not Valley. 
“Yeah! You should sing with me more. I loved getting to hear you tonight,” he warmly smiled.
Your face flushed at his words as you watched his back before you. He probably wasn’t blushing like you. It frustrated you that he could say such things nonchalantly. You missed him pausing as Gustafa turned to warn you of an icy patch the exact moment your foot hit it. His arms wrapped around you, pulling you close to steady you both on the slippery trail. Unsure if the thumping was his heart or yours as you clung to his chest, frozen in time. He wanted to stay suspended in time like this forever, but you were pulling away and muttering thanks all too soon. 
In the distance, the lights of houses in Forget-Me-Not valley twinkled through the early evening. Everyone’s evenings were just beginning, while his was ending with you. Gustafa felt disappointed at the thought, the cold night biting more. He began to feel desperate as the silence between you grew heavy, your steps changing from crunching gravel to echoing on the wooden bridge. 
“Do you want to-?”
“Would you like-?” 
Your words spilled out, tripping over each other as you spoke at the same time. Gustafa felt giddy, knowing you were also trying to extend your night together. It made it much easier to know you didn’t want things to stop. His fingers interlaced with your own as he gently pulled you toward him and his yurt, already confident in your answer.
“Would you like to come over? There are some songs I’d really enjoy singing to you.”
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badassbiburgerbob · 1 year
Okay, I keep seeing Chicago Fire stuff on my dash and I'm becoming increasingly intrigued despite myself... is it like the police procedural genre but for the fire department? or something completely different? That last gifset says it's from 2012 and I've never even heard of it??? I'd assumed it was a new show??? If you're at all inclined, I'd love to hear a rant about What This Show Is because I had no idea it existed until I started seeing stuff reblogged and now my curiosity is piqued
Oh my lord where do I begin?
Tldr: It's a drama about a firefighters. It started I think in 2012, I only started watching it last year but I've gotten all caught up. They're in the middle of season 11 now.
But it's so freaking good. Something is always going wrong (hence drama) and each season usually has one overarching problem and then a few small ones. They do cooperate with the pd sometimes though the first season not as much, as a dirty cop tries to kill one of the lieutenants. But they're usually helpful with the pd.
There's a few character deaths that suck which just sort of rip your heart out. It gives kinda a good insight to what firefighters do in a busy urban area tho. It's fiction obviously but they do work with actual firefighters to get things right and one of them ,Tony Ferris, is an actual firefighter with the Chicago fire department. He's not a main main character, but its still cool.
But it's a drama, so shit happens. Like all the time. And sometimes it absolutely sucks (like what the assholes have done to Cindy this season). At one point the chief gets framed for murder and arrested. Another lieutenant, severide, has had people try to kill him a few times, and had his ass kicked. Herrmann (my personal fave) is such a good guy but sparky as fuck and makes multiple bad decisions. He also has the best wife in the whole world, Cindy (I love them so much). He also sets a couch on fire in front of the company's CEO to get him to increase safety standards of his furniture, and it works!
But then it also touches on important issues, like the increased risk of cancer firefighters face, which promts new protocols of equipment and gear cleaning. Mental illness associated with the stuff they see and do, and the death of colleagues that they have to grieve and move on from. And how people in lower income areas struggle and get into trouble. There's a season where Dawson and Casey try to adopt a little boy and end up giving him back to the father and its breaks my heart. They touch briefly on how hard it is for women to get high up in the department because of politics. Although they don't focus at all really on politics, there is an episode where Herrmann screams at his sone for knealing during the anthem but then Herrmann defends his kid to the principal which is super cool. He's got 5 kids and is a pretty good dad, usually. There is one season or two when Casey, one of the fire lieutenants, becomes an alderman so there's some politics in that. There's also a few episodes on substance abuse, and how it affects the people around you.
One episode they get locked in a jail. Another episode they rescue people froma crashes helicopter stuck on a roof. They open a bar and name it Molly's and have to chase off a mob type guy who tries to burn it down at one point. Herrmann beats the crap out of guy who's Crack habit killed his kid. There's an episode where the paramedics get abducted. But everything turns out fine. And then there's episodes where they get married, there's three or four of those and its precious. They have a bbq where there's a surprise promotion. One paramedic Brett, starts a paramdicine van, that goes around helping g people with medicine and stuff, like a visiting nurse type thing kinda. Severide gets married in Vegas, which turns out ok although ots doesn't last. They also get a firehouse dog named pouch who they give away later, for very touching reasons. And then they get another one, a dalmation named Tuesday. Both of which are precious. Some of them have kids, which never fails to make a smile.
There's just so much. But it's such a good show.
It's about the hardships they face and how they deal with the shit that happens in life. And then the joy of what they do and the relationships they have and make. And how they touch snd change peoples lives.
And they absolutely drag eachother through the mud. Sometimes ruthlessly. It's hilarious and I love them for it. There so much sass. God so much sass. It's a really really good show. There's a lot of kinda dark stuff but it's broken up by some positivity and/or comedy and some poignant moments. It shows really good relationships or how to deal with really bad ones.
They're idiots in different ways but also all very lovely. I love them.
They have a few gay characters, too. Right now it's just the one, and he's not doing so good in the dating department. But he's fantastic.
I'm hoping this was at least somewhat coherent. It's kinda late and I'm a bit tired. But I love this show so very much. Easily one of my favorite shows ever. 1000/10 definitely would recommend to everyone. It's on NBC or their streaming platform: peacock (i don't have that one tbh). They usually have a chicago one (which is med fire and pd, three shows) Wednesday at 7pm EST. It's also on ion (I think?), which for anyone in the US with Verizon is channel 31, every Tuesday from like 12pm to about 2 or 3 am the next day, and usually in order. I think that channel is on season 3 rn.
Please ask if you need/want more details. I tried not to spoil anything. But I will rant in more detail if you'd like! I also have gifs but I didn't want to make this too long
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