#also the winchesters talked about their feelings too much for the target audience
ryoko-akari · 5 months
I'm feeling empowered so extra fuel to the fire of "Fuck you CW for being Homophobic" from little old me.
Specifically in Winchesters and Gotham Knights. Look at me, I know both of these shows were not A tier quality content, but damnit the fact they tried to give us canonically queer characters and got scrapped before either could even finish airing because of the overhaul CW went through recently still kills me.
With Winchesters, we got Carlos Cervantez, a nonbinary (he/him) and bisexual hunter in the 1970s just trying to get by. With teasers we knew from the start he was going to be bisexual in canon, and I remember genuinely feeling so happy and tearing up in the episodes where we had Carlos explicitly going through what is best described as Gay Panic™️ and it feeling genuine and well written. It irks me so much that there's still nobody talking about this, I know we all love Destiel, I do too, BUT CAN WE PLEASE ALSO SPARE SOME LOVE FOR MY BOY CARLOS HES ABSOLUTELY SLAYING WITH A HOLY WATER HAIR WHIP PLEASE LOOK AT THE ICON I BEG-
* ahem * sorry composure was lost for a second. Moving on.
Gotham Knights. As a batman and batfam fan, yeah I wasn't super stoked on this initially because it seemed like such an odd premise, I initially only watched it because Misha was in it as Dent and I was really excited to see how he portrayed him (absolutely fantastic job btw) and then I got gut punched by the reveal that Cullen Row was transmasc (and played by transmasc actor Tyler DiChiara!). I literally started the show for Misha and stuck it through for Tyler and Cullen and it was worth it. He wasn't treated any differently than any of the other guys just because he was trans, he's written beautifully and with genuine care for his character. I agree that the show wasn't the greatest or most entertaining to watch at points but it's targeted towards younger teen audiences of course its not going to be all that interesting to college students and adults, but the fact they spent the time to carefully craft a well written trans character that feels authentic to the experience as a transmasc person myself in a medium where there is still a lot of aggressive back and forth debate on allowing queer characters in, and waiting multiple episodes prior to revealing this to make it feel realistic to the characters and the viewer is beautiful and should be talked about and cherished more.
So that fact that both shows were canceled prior to finishing their runs and not given much of a fighting chance despite the loud outcries from the fans to continue running them, absolutely destroys me. And this isn't all of it too, I could go into a whole other rant about Ava Sharp and Sara Lance's relationship in Legends of Tomorrow along with John Constantine being on that show and how the show was basically run into the ground by making it so convoluted the only option was to completely cancel it after they collected most of the queer arrowverse characters into it to kill off in one fell swoop.
I just. CWs history of pretending it's queer friendly and then canceling shows with canon queer characters with the only explanation being "budget restraints" kills me constantly to think about.
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autisticandroids · 3 years
BOBBY: You stupid, stupid son of a bitch! Well, boo hoo, I am so sorry your feelings are hurt, princess! Are you under the impression that family's supposed to make you feel good?! Bake you an apple pie, maybe? They're supposed to make you miserable! That's why they're family!
like. i’ve posted about cas learning not to want things in the godstiel arc but like. that’s the basic throughline of supernatural, isn’t it. doing things that make you happy is bad. suffering is good.
like i was talking to @saunzguerdon​ the other day and like, at one point they said that the show thinks it’s teaching cas a little lesson about hedonism. like it’s punishing him for being power hungry. but he explicitly like..... doesn’t want to be fighting the war. he’s not doing it because it’s fun. he’s doing it because he cares.
CASTIEL: There isn’t. I wish circumstances were different. Much of the time I’d rather be here.
like, one thing that spn is right about wrt cas is that he is by nature a hedonistic creature. but his hedonistic tendency would be to stay out of the war and hang out with his friends.
like, you could argue about why he wants to stop the apocalypse: because he wants to protect humanity, because he thinks all creatures (humans and angels) have a right to self determination, because he wants to continue on the winchesters’ legacy, because he wants to save dean, personally, from being used as a vessel, and protect his retirement... some of these are more selfish and hedonistic than others, and it’s probably a combination of several or even all. but the war still isn’t something he wants to be doing. it doesn’t make sense that the show is trying to teach him a lesson about hedonism.
now, i post a lot about how cas wasn’t actually like, doing anything wrong in 6x20 really. certainly it doesn’t make sense that dean is angry with him. and even in the show dean’s anger seems more like irrationality and miscommunication than righteous fury that makes sense, i think.
but 6x20 still carries this sense that cas has done something wrong. and it’s not what dean thinks is wrong. like, 6x20, especially remembering that crowley has been a useful ally before in season five, makes a pretty coherent case that going after purgatory with crowley was probably cas’ best choice if he wanted to stop raphael. the problem isn’t a consequentialist one. it’s a problem of virtue.
unlike in previous episodes, in 6x20 cas takes pleasure in fighting the war. it’s still not what he wants to be doing, it’s still unpleasant and the hard choice he has to make, but there’s satisfaction in it. cas’ intent is unvirtuous because he enjoys making a show of power against raphael after crowley lends him souls, just as he will soon enjoy playing god. it doesn’t matter if you’re making the right choices. if you’re also enjoying it, it’s wrong.
and then certainly in 6x22/7x01, he enjoys himself a great deal. it’s not the violence that cas does that is meant to unsettle us, certainly not until the campaign office. the first human we see him kill is the definition of an acceptable target. other humans are killed offscreen, often as jokes (the motivational speakers, dean saying “can’t argue with that one” after hearing that cas killed kkk members). even the angel killing fields. like, that shot is supposed to unsettle us, yes, but angels aren’t human, and on supernatural, killing nonhumans is generally fine it doesn’t count. like, we the audience are not supposed to consider nonhumans worth caring about. with angels it’s more complicated but they can still be written off. and we’re imo meant to be more unsettled by the erotic satisfaction cas is clearly taking in giving that speech than the dead angels he backs it up with. like the problem with godstiel is not what he does to his victims. it’s how he feels while doing it. this is what the text of spn believes is wrong with cas’ behavior in the godstiel arc: he enjoys himself.
and like this is why dean is always right. why he’s a good man. because dean takes no pleasure in anything. dean’s entire life revolves around performing normativity and meeting obligations, he never seeks pleasure for himself. even when he does seek non-normative erotic satisfaction it’s a shameful, dark urge that needs to be controlled and harnessed in the service of normativity and society, and can’t be enjoyed too much. and this is what makes dean the perfect man: he has no pleasure. he only suffers. this is what the show tries to and in the end kind of succeeds in teaching cas: pleasure is bad and shameful, wanting things is bad and shameful, happiness is bad and shameful. suffering is good.
like, on supernatural, morality isn’t determined by your actions. it’s determined by whether you’re selfishly doing things you enjoy, or, like a Good Man, only doing things that make you suffer.
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wincestation · 3 years
Wincest in the Pilot (aka my final paper)
2k of academic rambling. I got plenty of help and inspiration from this post and this blog review. Also huge thanks to @s2e11playthings for helping me find the latter. It is me! Essay-anon came out of the shadows!
The first interaction between the two brothers as adults occurs when Dean sneaks into Sam's apartment in the middle of the night. Sam fights the intruder before the latter pins him to the floor, making him realize it's his brother. The first words Dean tells him after not seeing him for two years are, "Easy, tiger." Dean's hand grabs Sam's neck and he smiles broadly at his little brother. As stated in the subsequent dialogue, the reason Dean appears this way is because he knows Sam would not have answered the phone if he had called. Why? the only reason Dean would call (which is also the reason he showed up) is that something happened to their father. Sam knows this, and maybe he didn't care if something really did happen to John. But what if John was the one who called? Maybe then Sam would answer, because he knows that this phone call has a different meaning: something happened to Dean.
Sam and Dean step outside to talk. Sam initially refuses to come with his brother, saying he is done with hunting, with the life that Dean and their father lead. Dean mocks Sam's aspiration for a normal life, perhaps as part of an attempt to persuade Sam to come with him, and return to the life they always shared together. After an argument between the two, involving emotional manipulations on both sides ("It wasn't easy, but it wasn't so bad", Dean dismisses Sam's words; "Do you think Mom would've wanted this for us?" Sam touches on a sensitive point), Dean understands that his brother is not about to give up, and finally reveals the real reason for his arrival:
Dean: I can't do this alone.
Sam: Yes, you can.
Dean: Well, I don't want to.
Dean completely contradicts everything he had said up to this point. In this sentence he expresses an emotional need for Sam, not a practical need. He could have sought out their father alone but chose not to; Maybe he saw the danger to his father's life as a good enough reason for Sam to come back to their lives again. Sam can not remain indifferent to this emotional vulnerability, and agrees to come with him - not because he cares what happens to their father, but because he too, like Dean, needs his brother and does not want to say goodbye to him again.
Sam agrees on one condition: he has an interview on Monday and he must get back on time. Dean agrees. Sam could have offered Dean to sleep on the couch and drive in the morning, or even go after the interview. But he does none of these things, and travels with him at that moment, in the middle of the night, without providing explanations to his girlfriend and without even kissing her goodbye. "At least tell me where you're going?" She calls after him as he leaves, with no answer. This urgency can be interpreted as a concern for the safety of Winchester Sr. but given the relationship between him and Sam, this is probably not the case. Why then is Sam in such a hurry to abandon the life he, allegedly, wants so much? In light of the dialogue between the two brothers the answer seems simple. He missed his brother, and now that he knows this feeling is mutual, he feels he has a good enough reason to leave the "normal" life behind - even if only for one weekend. This confirmation is the real reason he's arguing with his brother. The dialogue between them, according to this interpretation, is full of subtext:
Dean: I will not go until you come with me, or kick me out of your life forever.
Sam: If you want me to come, you need to tell me what I need to hear.
Dean: Don't make me say it out loud.
The two set out to find their father. After research, Sam and Dean discover that the monster of the week is a "woman in white" - a ghost that kills unfaithful men. Later in the episode, the ghost tries to attack Sam, who tells her she can't hurt him, because "I'm not unfaithful, I never was." She replies, "You will be." The hegemonic interpretation, presumably meant by the creators of the series, is that Sam is about to cheat on Jessica with the murderous ghost (with or without his consent). But Sam being targeted can be interpreted in another way. Is he going to betray his girlfriend by wanting to return to the life he shared with Dean and their father? Or even, can it be said that he did not betray her, but his brother, by leaving the family and trying to live a "normal" life with a woman?
The scene on the bridge, in which another confrontation takes place between Sam and Dean, can also be interpreted in two ways. Sam says, half in mockery and half in pity, "Mom is dead, and nothing will bring her back." Dean, in a fit of rage, grabs his brother and slams him at one of the bridge poles. "Don't you dare talk about her like that." This is of course one meaning of things. Another meaning could be, "Dean, I moved on, and nothing will bring me back." To this Dean responds in the only way he knows, "don't you dare not give up on me like that." Throughout the episode, and in this scene in particular, Dean repeatedly mocks Sam's choice to leave college - "Do you really think you're going to become a lawyer? Marry your girl?" - And this ridicule can stem from jealousy over the seemingly perfect and normal life that Sam managed to achieve, but at its core is another jealousy: Sam chose this life over a life with him.
The series hit screens in 2005. About two months after the premiere of the first episode, a blog review titled "Supermatural is Supergay" was published. The author described the series as follows:
It’s like the Hardy Boys, only gayer. I love the awkward sexual tension between the brothers. […] So Dean is the super control freak “top”. He has to be driving at all times. […] Sam rides in the passenger seat. He’s the soft spoken bottom boy, always staring out the window in this deep, dreamy state of mind. No idea what the hell he’s thinking about, but I suspect he is wondering where this relationship is going, and if Dean will ever say “I love you”.
Wait a minute… don’t get me wrong, I’m not talking about incest here. See, that's the backstory. They are not really brothers. They are secret lovers, hiding their dirty affair. So they pretend to be brothers so nobody questions why they are together 24/7, why they share a bed. […] Throughout the episodes, they give each other hot glances. It’s never part of the dialogue, they just look like they will rip each other’s clothes off at any given moment. […]
UPDATE: On last Tuesday's episode, "Bugs", they were mistaken for a gay couple and then pretended to be a gay couple in the next scene. See, I told you they are gay guys pretending to be brothers. You heard it here first.
Although the writer was wrong in his assumption - Sam and Dean are indeed brothers - he makes a claim that will receive many reinforcements from the fans. There is a certain tension between the two characters, a codependence bordering on desperation that often later in the show will cause them to take extreme steps to keep each other safe. The brothers' love borders on obsession, which caused many fans to agree with the blogger's opinion - just a week after the first episode was aired, the first online community dedicated to the romantic relationship between the two brothers already opened (sn_slash, or Supernatural Slash, "for all your brotherly needs"). It is difficult to say whether the homoerotic clues came from the creators and were picked up by the audience, or whether the audience interpreted the show as he wished and the creators decided to satisfy their desires, but throughout the series there is recognition of the two's special relationship: In "Bugs" [1x08], everyone is convinced they are a couple and they continue the pretense; In later seasons, the brothers discover that books are being written about their lives, and that many fans of these books are convinced they are a couple (in "The Real Ghostbusters" [5x09] in the Supernatural convention, there is a panel called "The Homoerotic Undertones in Supernatural"); And many of the characters in the series, even those who know about the two being brothers, describe their relationship as one of codependence, blind and absolute love, for which they often sacrifice the entire world ("Sam and Dean Winchester are psychotically, irrationally, erotically codependent on each other", [5x19] "The point of no return").
Did the creators not understand that this is the message they are transmitting? It is hard to believe that they were unanimous on the subject, especially in light of all the reflexive references they themselves have planted in the show. If so, what could be their reason for engaging in a relationship that is fundamentally unnatural, perverse and forbidden, socially and often legally? This can be explained with the help of another issue - that of the exclusion of LGBTQ+ relationships from the public sphere and the lack of legitimacy for their visibility. Supernatural hit the screens in 2005, a time that may not seem so long ago, but its gay visibility is still lacking, and in which there was still no legitimacy to present a proud couple in popular culture. Maybe, as the blogger suggested in his review, the creators genuinely wanted to create a series that would center around love between two men, but felt that the world was not ready to see that content explicitly. After all, it was only a few decades ago that homosexuality was also perceived as unnatural, perverse and forbidden. Maybe acknowledging that, the creators chose to turn Sam and Dean into brothers, as if to reassure the conservatives: of course they are not just two men who are together at any given moment, staring at each other longingly and willing to sacrifice the whole world just so they won't be left without each other. That could be interpreted as homosexuality - and beyond the harsh criticism, such TV series simply wouldn't survive (or at least, that is how the creators may have felt at the time). And if some of the fans understood the true meaning in which the creators wanted engage, well, that was not in their hands.
To sum up, it is difficult to argue that this relationship is characterized as purely platonic. Even if the creators did not intend to create such an impression already in the first episode, they were aware of this impression and included explicit references to this unusual relationship. Although only an analysis of the first episode was conducted here, throughout the entire series there are unequivocal statements that support this assumption (some of which I mentioned above, but most of which have been omitted). And perhaps there is no need for many words beyond those uttered by the brothers themselves, for the first time in the pilot, and for the last time in the finale ("Carry on" [15x20]), before they said goodbye to each other for the last time: "I can't do this alone. I don't want to."
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darringtonshorthalt · 3 years
1.1 Pilot
like a complete psycho, I'm rewatching spn (yes, again) and this time I'm taking notes.
I'm keeping track of a variety of things, most a Dean-related, and no, I will not leave a comprehensive list anywhere because it's probably going to grow every couple of episodes.
Full disclosure, I'm a dean-girl, a heller, and I have not enough free time on my hands, so these may be sporadic as hell, but I'll try to post one a day until I get to the end. I will not be rewatching Carry On.
Here goes
Queer/Fem-coded Dean Winchester: Dean is assigned as the caretaker of Sam from the words “take your brother and go outside”. This sets the stage for the season and the series as a whole, as it’s a role that never goes away. This role is typically (but not always) applied to female characters.
Queer/Fem-coded Dean Winchester: Dean probably enjoyed being bent over the hood of the car by the cop. Interpret this how you will.
Performative Masculinity (sorta): “I love the smurfs” of course this is a comment on Jess’ boobs; their whole conversation here is a little skeevy, what with her being Sam’s gf, and Dean just being kind of gross. However, in defense of the character (but not the writing), this is in fact, a performance; Dean is a flirt, especially this early in the game, and it’s fairly unlikely that he’s trying to go after his brother’s girlfriend. He’s just doing what’s expected: flirt with girls, comment on their boobs.
John Winchester is a piss-ass hunter (and Dean just actually cares about saving people): here is a snippet from the brother's conversation: Sam: “But we still haven’t found the damn thing. So we kill everything we can find.” Dean: “Save a lot of people doing it, too”
Follow up on a point I’ve made before I think, but John caught wind of this case a MONTH ago, a went to investigate 3 weeks ago. John has been working on this case/missing for three weeks. We don’t know when he stopped communicating with Dean, but it’s pretty likely that Dean waited over a week, tried to figure something out on his own, before contacting Sam. John did do a lot of research during that time, and basically had the case solved before he ‘disappeared’. He solved it, but didn’t actually stop the Woman In White. She killed someone else after he left. That death is fully on him.
Mary, killed immediately after introduction as the driving force behind John Winchester’s vendetta (and, by extension, Sam and Dean’s)
Jess, killed at the end of the episodes to push Sam back into hunting
There are three noteworthy female characters introduced in this episode. None of them survive to the end of the ep.
Noteworthy parallels (Destiel): Dean pulls Sam away from Jess as she burns in much the same way Sam pulls Dean away from Cas rushing into the fight Lucifer in All Along The Watchtower (12x13)
Other stuff: Dean says “I haven’t asked you for anything in two years” has me really wondering what happened two years ago. Sam is 22, left for college (presumably) four years ago. As far as we know, John and Sam haven’t talked in that time. What happened two years ago?
Final thoughts: Its fairly clear here that the target audience for the series was men; Jess is scantily clad in most (if not all) of her scenes and the overall ‘sexiness’ of Constance Welch. Its truly baffling that they thought a series could successfully draw in a massive male audience when the only recurring characters are male.
Also, I dislike Sam a lot here. More than I used it. Is it because I was super annoyed with his character by the end of Carry On? Maybe. Am I a Dean-girl through and through? Absolutely, and I always have been, so there is a definite bias. But mostly Sam just seems really winey here, and while it’s pretty clear that he’s supposed to be the focal character, it doesn’t feel like he is.
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coplins · 4 years
(1/3) Thanks for responding. I totally see the queerbaiting/kill your gays criticism - it's clear from Misha's comments after the fact that he really thought he was doing something supportive and didn't get how it was the opposite. I wasn't upset with ignoring Eileen because that whole plot was so badly written, and I didn't mind blurry wife because that was a story they'd never have time to tell, so leaving it to be your choice of wife/co-parent (Jared's words) worked for me.
(2/3) I don't see Dean's lack of reciprocation as a problem because Jensen and the showrunners have continuously said that is not their intent in writing/acting that character, so anything folks read into it is subtext. Again, Misha thought it would be better rep than it was. It was a bad call. John isn't canonically a child abuser, just a lousy parent. Both Dean and Sam have done so many crappy things as well that honestly, they shouldn't be there by that metric either. 3/4) But I don't think the finale (awkwardly written as it was) cancels out their character development at all. They are different people - back at the starting point, but not the men they were when they started. Dean is emotionally open; he's dropped acting tough and can talk about his emotions. He can be alone and be okay. Sam is no longer afraid of his blood or turning into John; he can be a good dad. I wish we'd seen Jack and Cas, or heard them at least wish them well, even just a prayer. (4/4) But even though that was crappy to leave out, I don't think it negates the show or the characters. 19 added Cas and Jack's names to the table, and I can be happy with that as the final episode. I was prepared to pretend it didn't exist before it even aired. I AM really glad you're anti-harassment. The shit that even folks like Kripke have been getting on their pages has made me so sad. Dabb posted something about baboons and folks even thought it was about them, not his new show! (Also, sorry to dump like a huge text thing in your inbox. It's totally fine that we disagree on things. I've just seen so many crazy things like people blaming Jared and saying the episode was an ad for Walker and to boycott Walker - a ton of Jared hate in general, really. Or saying Jensen "Destiel Isn't Real" Ackles is secretly a heller who's been viciously silenced by the powers that be for years. And now Misha's getting dogpiled for trying to interact and understand how he fucked up.)
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It's fine, Nonnie. :)
Okay, so, just to make one thing clear. If you enjoyed the finale, then I think it's great. For everyone who didn't get their joy sucked out of them, that's awesome! I got to see the Wincest side of my Tumblr dash go apeshit from happiness and I'm happy for them. I've since had to unfollow some of those blogs when they turned bitter and hateful towards those of us who didn't like the ending. I curate my Tumblr (internet in general) experience to avoid seeing hate thrown at ships, actors, characters, fans, or people in general. I unfollow people if they post too much toxic stuff no matter if they're Destiel shippers, angel fans, or whatever part of fandom they're in.
I try not to reblog too much angry/bitter crap either. There are a lot of posts on my dash that I wholeheartedly agree with but don't belong on my blog. And I've written my share of wank and rants over the years but seldom hit post because I don't want to ruin someone else's positivity. When I do hit post I tag it "spn wank" so it can be avoided. If I need to angry-rant I do so in chat. Sometimes I mess up. There are undoubtedly some less than nice posts in the Buckleming wank category on my blog.
Generally speaking, my M.O. is disengaging and/or vote with my wallet. I will never condone cyberbullying. No matter how famous the person, or how nasty they are, harassment isn't okay. Actions have consequences and I try to think of what they are before I act. If I vent hurtful opinions about an actor, it'll be kept in chat, with someone who understands that particular frustration. (Not related to the current situation.)
When it comes to canon, it doesn't matter what showrunners or actors tell us about how it's meant to be interpreted or how they meant to act it. Canon is what's shown on screen, period. As curious as I am about what the actors have to say about things, it isn't important regarding canon at all. I'll stan my boys no matter what their characters get up to on-screen. <3
Yeah, I've seen the theories and the dogpiling. Luckily, I've avoided seeing the Jared hate but I knew it would be there because the internet is a cesspool of people lashing out aimlessly or misdirecting their anger. Even IF they wrote the finale in a way that they thought would put a spotlight on Jared's upcoming series, HE was nowhere near a position of power to make that decision and should be left out of it. I just figured, if it was true that that's what they thought, then the Wincest bunch was their target audience for the new show. *shrug*
Interesting to hear your take on the finale. If I follow people who have your take, they're not vocal about it, or I'm simply missing it because I don't stalk Tumblr. All it takes for me to stop scrolling and go back to my writing is 3 unknown anime posts in a row or one reader-insert fic and I'm nope-ing the hell out of here. X)
I'm not going to argue against any of your points. It's great that you saw it that way. Fuck, I wish I did too.
I kinda feel like I need to address the child abuse comment I made, though. Some separate neglect and abuse like those aren't the same, some only count physical abuse, others include verbal abuse. Too many of my loved ones (both close friends and family) have experienced all three of those categories and the one who was left alone to care for her little sister as a child, definitely has a lot of mental scarring from it, so I'm counting neglect as abuse. That said, I fucking love John Winchester. So it might be Jeffrey Dean Morgan's charisma, so sue me. But John canonically neglected the hell out of his sons. We got proof of that even in this season when John drops his son off for days in a town where kids have gone missing recently. So, yeah... But, on the other hand, of course both he and Mary should end up in Heaven. Like, that wasn't even a question.
I think my strong reaction against it was how every part of the found family the Winchesters had gathered over the years was erased from the narrative as soon as Dean died. The only one who is shown as important is Bobby, a found-family member that initially was connected with John, not someone the brothers had found and connected with on their own. Bobby is also the only non-Winchester in the photos Sam has over his bed when he's dying. I don't know, man, "Everyone's here," simply doesn't do it for me.
"Family ends with blood" like the finale implied, only works if the greatest monsters in life haven't been family members, and my best friends (twins) growing up, just like my mother, were abused, mentally, physically, and sexually, by parents. I've seen the aftermath of those hellfires, how long it takes to assemble the fractures of your being and become, if not whole, at least functional and happy. For them, it was the friends they made along the way, those who loved them when they couldn't, who really mattered.
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And that was one thing I really loved about SPN (and still do). Team Free Will. Wayward Sisters. All the people that they met along the way and connected with. I've loved to see Sam and Dean develop their bond by taking it from unhealthy, destructive co-dependency to step by step with several setbacks become their own individuals with lives outside of each other, yet still having the strong bond full of brotherly feels where the love they had for each other was rooted in respect for each other's differences and not who they "were supposed to be for each other". And unlike you, I can't see anything but regression in how the finale played out.
Okay, I gotta stop talking now. ^^ I have one scene my betas told me I need to rewrite in my next chapter, and another chapter half done, and I'm itching to post so I need to get on with it.
I hope I didn't put too much of a dampener on your enjoyment of the finale. My opinions don't matter. We all come from different life experiences and therefore find different things compelling and important. I don't begrudge anyone their happiness. <3
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sammyhale · 5 years
J2 ChiCon 2019 Main Panel
J2 jump onstage!
The Chicago weather is at fault of HBO because of the Game of Thrones premiere. Jensen: Winter is here. Jared: They're trying to upstage us AND the Star Wars convention  
Jared: Anyone running the Boston Marathon at 6 am tomorrow? Jensen: NOPE. * indicates audience and himself* SMART PEOPLE. Then he teases Jared that with all the canceled flights and snow in Chicago, he might also not be running it.
Jensen is going to direct in Season 15 and imagined there will probably be a lot of behind the scenes carries, though they don't know what it'll look like. 
Apparently, everyone who has ever been on Supernatural has been reaching out to Jared like "So! Last season! Can I come back?" He's like THERE HAVE BEEN SO MANY EPISODES, WE COULD DO A PERSON EVERY DAY FOR A YEAR AND NOT RUN OUT OF PEOPLE TO BRING BACK
Fan: Will Cas’s initials ever be carved into the table? Jared: No, he’s not a Winchester Jensen: Who are we talking about?
Trolling fan asking when Cas will sign the table. Jensen says eventually the table will be like a guest book and everyone who walks by signs in. Jensen gets to the heart of the issue saying that it loses its meaning if everyone carves their initials on there.  
Jared jokes that Cas should sign the underside of the table. Jensen says he should sign a chair or something easily removable, then they can easily be like "SAM, CAS IS HERE. BRING BACK THE CHAIR." 
Jensen on the carved initials in the bunker: It’s an iconic image that was messed with and it's conflicting, I expect there to be more of the same in the next season. I always loved what that initially stood for and now it’s been added to. The addition of Mary's initials changed that iconic image but it's also a memory of her. 
J2: We're constantly inspired and humbled by the fandom.     
Advice for someone about to do theatre? Jared: You've done theatre way more recently than me. Jensen: DON'T ACTUALLY BREAK YOUR LEG. "You're gonna be nervous. Use it." Jared adds that things will go off plan. Be ready for that moment and embrace it. 
Asked about pranks, they talk about how Jared was recently kicked off set for making Misha laugh too much. But he army crawled back. Everyone could see Jared on the floor except Misha who was looking away. Jensen directed the camera down to Jared. Then suddenly Misha yells because Jared snuck up and grabbed him.
Jensen: They both had bruises...like they went to some odd bondage party. Jared: We did that later... :P 
Their pranks are more opportunistic than the planned stunts people want to believe they get into. Jensen: It's more target practice than anything. *pointing to Jared* But he's committed though.
Jensen keeps patting Jared’s leg.
They got asked what they would ask a super fan after being asked what question they wish someone would ask. Jared: I've never been asked so many questions about what questions I want. Jensen: They've run out of things to ask us. Don't you see what's happening??
Fan: “I’m a born and raised Chicago girl” Jared: “Me too” *waves with a smile*
Favorite parts of Chicago? Jared: rock & roll McDonalds Jensen: River Park Area, Big Star
A few years ago Jensen, kids, Danneel and Misha ate at a restaurant in Chicago. Danneel ate a super hot pepper and was having a meltdown but Misha didn’t wait to see how it turned out and also at one. They were pouring water on their faces and Jensen was laughing at them. 
Jared came to Chicago in high school. He'd never encountered someone asking for $ so when asked for change he said, "Sorry, I only have large bills." Jared: I could see in his face he was thinking "I should rob this kid probably? He's too dumb. He'll need that to get home." 
“We’ve aged but not grown up.” Jared: I went from a wannabe to a has been in one show!
Jensen: This has been the journey of a lifetime playing this character and alongside these great friends being able to play this alongside friends, but who will be friends for a lifetime, like Jared and Misha. 
Jensen: Playing Dean has been a bit of an escape at times.
Jared: I've learned to forgive myself just as Sam and Dean have learned to forgive
Jared: Misha and I have this conversation, life had all this promise and now it feels like we are past our prime. If anything we are able to provide for our friends and family.
Earliest memory? Jared jokes: Swimming in a race against millions. Jensen: Congratulations you won, how does it feel to be a winner?
Jared: I remember learning how to ride a bike!
When he was a kid, Jensen would get up, sheriffs hat and vest on, his entire ensemble, and play cowboys, that’s how he got his bowlegs lol
J2 cracking each other up :)
Jared mentions laundry. People cheer. He goes, "Lot of laundry fans! Shout out Gain!" Jensen: Are you a Gain man? Jared: I am a proud Gain man. Also softener! Jensen: You use SOFTENER. Jared: No? WHAT DO YOU LIKE TO WEAR CARDBOARD *touches his sweater*oh Jensen: I'M SOFT ENOUGH.
Jared likes seeing Sam and Cas on a case together. 
Someone recently gave JJ a gift & she just looked at it and was like, "There's no pink on it." Jensen: So I had to give her a daddy lecture about how it doesn't matter what you get, you say thank you. JJ: But what if there's no pink on it? 
Recently Tom got in trouble for saying Fuck at school. Jensen: I WONDER WHERE HE LEARNED THAT. Both boys laugh and then Jensen whispers, "Me." Then Jared and Gen had to ask him what he said and grab each other's legs like DON'T LAUGH.
Jared: We don't do baby talk around the kids. Jensen: C L E A R L Y.
Fan: If you two were hunters in real life what would you drive? Jared: Tank! Jensen: a James bond kinda car that can go invisible when you go underwater.   
Young fan: How did you get so tall? Jared: I drink a lot of milk. I eat a lot. Jensen: If you're looking to get tall, just do what Jared does. He has a contraption in his home that stretches him. Eat a lot and then just stretch out. 
Fun on set? Jennsen: Between filming, he and I have always filled that time with a lot of fun things. 
Most fun they've had on set?: Jared answers broadly: falling in love with his wife, meeting life-long friends. Jensen talks about moments they've gone out of their way to create: ping pong competitions, the first day of autumn when they play baseball, etc.
Last question: How often do they eat on set? Jensen said he used to just shove food in his mouth in early seasons, but now he takes maybe one bite. That one scene where Dean put spaghetti in a taco? It was Jensen’s idea. “The things we do for art.” 
During a scene, Jensen takes one bite and interrupts all other bites with dialogue. Jared is very impressed with how good he's gotten at fitting his mouth into bite marks he already made lol. 
Info via: Fangasm, Cherie, Amy, #SPNChi
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katsidhe · 5 years
Re: your post about Sam and Lucifer, how did he keep Sam sane at all? I mean normally, humans tend to go batshit from much less trauma (not like, millenias), and I know the Winchesters are extraordinary, but still. Plus, I can't believe that the whole 'Cas lifting Sam's Hell-burden in 7x17' solved all the shit he's been dealing with before, after the Wall crumbled. While I loved Crazy!Cas, for me, it seemed like a cheap way for the writers to never have to address it again.
There are two main questions here: one is how did Lucifer keep Sam sane, and the other is how did Sam manage to be sane on Earth. These are distinct questions not only because of the change in scenery, but also because the value of “sane” changes dramatically! I’ll answer part 1 here, and part 2 in another post because this got long.
Here there be Cage talk! Discussion of abuse, torture, and dubious psychiatric practices to follow. 
Before I dive in, let’s define insanity for Lucifer’s purposes: insanity arrives at whatever level of irretrievable non-functionality that Sam becomes ~no fun~. It’s a...flexible metric to say the least, but I think it’s got clear boundaries. Lucifer doesn’t need Sam mentally healthy, but he doesn’t want Sam to forget who he is or why they’re here. Nor does he want Sam to forget his life on earth—not only is it such a rich playground for psychological torment, but it’s an important part of Lucifer’s beef with him. What’s the point of punishing Sam for crimes he can’t remember or no longer has the capacity to grasp? Where’s the poetry there?
But it’s not just about the fun in punishment. Lucifer’s motivations aren’t nearly as one-dimensional as pure revenge. He knows exactly what thousands and thousands of years of solitary feel like; he’s beyond relieved he’s got companionship this time. Lucifer is keenly aware that his real enemy is boredom: the creeping insanity of facing down eternity alone in a tiny box. That’s a fate he fears like nothing else. 
Luckily, Sam’s just about perfect for the job of keeping Lucifer entertained! (Yaaaay.) Here’s the guy who was promised to him, here’s his downfall, here’s one of the vanishingly few humans he’s ever wanted any kind of connection with, here’s his chosen disciple, here’s his Judas… Sam really checks all the boxes as a target of both Lucifer’s sadism and his fascination. He’s the most interesting fellow prisoner Lucifer could have asked for!
So, yeah, he wants to make Sam suffer. He also wants a captive audience who will "willingly” engage with him intellectually (so, Michael’s not a great candidate). Lucifer wants to skin Sam alive and he also wants to, I dunno, play Parcheesi and talk philosophy. No point in trying that with a sack of meat.
Okay, so those are Lucifer’s priorities. How does he keep Sam from utterly losing himself? The answer is: carefully, and with a several-pronged approach. (I think he enjoys the challenge.)
Firstly, Lucifer’s got no shortage of incentives and disincentives. Lucifer can make it abundantly clear to Sam that insanity is no escape, and the only way he’s going to get any type of reward for good behavior is if he actively stays lucid and plays his part. Otherwise, Sam’s going to try to go mad as quickly as possible, in the hope of losing touch with reality or getting too boring to bother with. 
Plus, Lucifer puts a premium on interaction and conversation, making sure Sam stays alert and in the moment. In s7, Hallucifer is constantly demanding Sam’s attention and active engagement. Sam’s in the habit of talking to Lucifer. Conversation is a pretty good way to keep someone functional.
But even highly motivating threats and treats won’t solve everything. Which is why I’m pretty sure Lucifer also gave Sam time for supervised recovery—that one is heavily implied by canon; we know from 7.02 that Lucifer likes giving Sam things he can take away.
I think Lucifer also provided some form of, basically, acute psychiatric treatment. Much in the same way that Lucifer surely repaired Sam physically, he’d be diligent in providing…. fucked-up involuntary therapy. Which has a whole different set of attendant psychological problems, of course, and I’m no doctor, but those are more entertaining issues than, say, an inability to do anything other than huddle in a corner and sob. Whenever Lucifer pushed Sam too far, he was capable of talking him back into functionality, by virtue of the pattern of conversation and give-and-take that he’s maintained.
Finally, and maybe most importantly, is that Sam’s convinced that Lucifer knows exactly how far he can take him while keeping him “sane”, and Lucifer cultivates that assumption carefully…because it’s rather self-fulfilling. If Sam assumes he’s never going to go insane and cooperates with Lucifer’s efforts to keep him functioning, Lucifer’s job gets a lot easier. As I mentioned in my other post, Sam overestimates Lucifer’s skill in this regard; I’m sure Lucifer’s pushed him past the brink of functionality plenty of times when he didn’t necessarily intend to (and the opposite is true too, where Sam’s more resilient in a particular moment than Lucifer expects). Sam’s cooperation is crucial, so Lucifer makes sure he doesn’t lose that cooperation.  
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poorreputation · 5 years
SPN 1X01 Pilot Retrospective Meta
Tag list for old episodes meta! (let me know if you wanna be tagged):
@emblue-sparks @metafest @verobatto-angelxhunter @evvvissticante @dea-stiel @sudo-apt-get-destiel @wildligia (tumbler’s not letting me tag you, sorry)
Pre re-watch notes/things to touch on:
Comparing the Woman in White to John, Sam and Mary/hindsight notes.
S1 motivations vs. S14/15 endgame.
Episode Notes:
Written by: Eric Kripke
Directed by: David Nutter
A long post, so I will put it behind the cut.
Lawrence, Kansas
22 years ago
We begin our tale with Mary bringing Dean into Sam's nursery to say goodnight. John enters the room, and in a nice bit of short-hand, he's wearing a USMC (United States Marine Corps) shirt, showing John was a soldier.
There's a shot of Mary and John in a picture. We already know they're married, so why is it here?
Mary thinks it's John in the nursery, only to find him asleep in the living room in front of the TV. (again, a connection to John's past, he's fallen asleep watching a war movie)
Something that'll become a continuity issue, later in the show: Mary's many years of experience being a Hunter, only to not recognize the flickering of lights as a sign of trouble.
Of course, Mary's wearing a white gown, (white is usually seen as a pure color/ of purity, but in this instance a connection to the Woman in White/see Jess later)
Mary's dead, and everyone involved is scarred for life.
The look on John's face, as we finish the Lawrence sequence, is that of a broken man, who's seen something that will eat away at his mind.
Stanford University Present Day (2005)
Okay, the first image we see of Jess is her in a nurse's costume, white with red trimming. Jess also has medium length curly blond hair. Guys, she looks like Mary, especially in Mary's death scene (white gown, covered in blood). 
We focus in on the picture of Mary and John for visual shorthand, confirming this is a grown-up Sam.
We establish Sam is "scary" smart, has aspirations of becoming a lawyer, and has a job interview on Monday.
Jess: "Knock 'em dead on Monday." laying it on thick, Kripke.
Sam: "What would I do without you?"
Jess: "Crash and burn."
Damn you, Kripke.
Night scene, and holy shit, why do Sam and Jess have so many plants? Why doesn't future Sam have plants in the bunker, you know, something low maintenance?
Dean, why the fuck can't you use the door? Or a phone?
From the get-go, Dean's cocky, suffers from eldest sibling syndrome, and is a shameless horn-dog.
Sam: "He's on a Miller time shift." See, when I first watched the pilot, years ago, I didn't realize this was Sam implying John was a drunk. These things would just fly over my head.
Sam wants to make a point of including Jess in the conversation, of being honest. And yet, the moment Dean says John is on a hunt and hasn't returned, that honesty goes right out the window. More on that later.
Sam and Dean's exposition dump in the hallway, a part of me feels it's an odd way to catch the audience up to speed, while the other part of me knows this is how families argue when they spend most of their time biting their tongues. Sam especially seems the type to mull over his thoughts, storing away comebacks for the perfect moment when they'll be most effective (like later in the episode). Also, it's been years since the brothers have seen each other (we're told later it's been at least 2 years since Dean bothered Sam), they're so icy towards one another.
Sam: "You think Mom would've wanted this for us?" we'd find this out later in S4, but, no. Funny enough, maybe if Mary shared her knowledge of Hunting, something more could've been done (foreshadowing).
Dean: "What're you gonna do? Just live some normal, apple pie life?" Dean, if you'd only taken your own advice, we could've avoided S6.
Sam, paraphrasing John: "If you're gonna go, stay gone." Well, that's only very emotionally manipulative.It does, however, remind me of the U.S. military’s views on those dishonorably discharged, and since John raised them as "warriors", it's not a stretch to think, in a time of crisis, John treated his sons as soldiers.
Dean: "I can't do this alone."
Sam: "Yes, you can."
Dean: "Yeah, well, I don't want to."
This exchange, this vulnerability from Dean, after his initial introduction of being a cocky asshole who hits on his brother's girlfriend, shows just how much of a facade Dean's attitude is. In the end, he's a kid scared of losing his Dad.
It's this vulnerability that convinces Sam to listen.
Come the fuck on, "I can never go home." after we establish Sam left John and Dean, left Hunting behind, and was told to never come back (home). KRIPKE. YOU'RE *not* SUBTLE.
2 years, Dean says, since they last talked. Either Sam entered college late, (20 rather than 18) or Sam and Dean kept in touch even after Sam and John's blow-out fight.
Again, Jess pries for more info, and Sam changes the subject. Nope, that’s not gonna bite him in the ass, at all.
Jericho, California
(insert biblical/wrestling reference here)
We meet monster fodder, I mean, some random dude, who tells his girlfriend Amy over the phone he can't see her that night. He slows down to a stop and picks up the Woman in White.
Anyway, another example of a young woman with curly, medium length hair in a white gown/dress. I mean, her house even looks a bit like John and Mary's old place.
We get a brief, blurry shot of the Woman in White and her kids. Sorry, but if you're familiar with the legend of her/La Llorona, it's easy to see where this is going.
Oh, and whatshisface is dead.
Chips and soda. Breakfast of champions.
Sam's being a real sassy bitch about how Dean and John get their funds. I get it, world-building for the audience, bit it shows just how passive aggressive Sam is in these early seasons; Dean's clearly playing moderator between Sam and an absent John.
Sam: "Black Sabbath, Motorhead, Metalica? It's the greatest hits of mullet rock." Sam, it's not Dean's fault you have poor taste. Shut your cakehole.
Sam: "Sammy's a chubby 12 year old." or, it's what a big brother says to his infant sibling to calm him down, oh wait.
Monster bait's name is Troy. Yeah, I don't care.
Dean sassing the officer and Sam stomping Dean's foot. Yep, they're brothers. This interaction is where their chemistry really starts to shine through.
Amy and her friend are peak mid-2000's goths/emos, good lord.
Dean's "I told you so" smart-ass look as the friend shares the rumors in town, he's such an older sibling.
They... they never tell Amy what happened to her asshole boyfriend, huh? Well. Sucks for Amy.
Researching on a public library computer, fucking hell. (nothing wrong with that, I’ve worked in a public library, but they’re doing super-secret Hunter’s stuff in such a public place)
Have it paused on a photo of Constance Welch, the Woman in White, and the article mentions her husband's exact line of work; associate manager who works the graveyard shift at Frontier auto salvage. Gives me shades of Bobby, who also lost his wife under tragic circumstances.
A mother leaves her child unattended, comes back to check on them, tragedy strikes. Or, so the story goes.
Dean confronts Sam about living a life of willful ignorance, and even asks if Jess knows the truth. Sam makes it clear she doesn't and he intends it to stay that way, as Dean sarcastically quips, "That's healthy".
Really, the more I think about it, the more S6 feels like the inverse of S1; Dean tries to live a normal life, Sam comes stomping in to rain on his parade. Lisa is kept largely in the dark about Dean's past, and gets hurt because of it.
Dean: "You can pretend all you want, Sammy, but sooner or later, you're gonna have to face up to who you are."
Sam: "And who's that?"
Dean: "One of us."
Sam: "No. I'm not like you. This is not going to be my life."
Sam thinks Dean's just talking about Hunting, but Dean means more than that, he means family. One of us, Dad and me, a Hunter and a Winchester.
Sam: "Mom's not coming back." and so on about how he doesn’t even remember Mary, doesn’t share John’s obsession. 
Dean: "No chick flick moments." Dean, dude, bro, you're the one who started this by breaking into Sam's place like a dramatic bitch, and then proceeded to give life/relationship advice. It's already a chick flick.
John's room being covered head-to-toe in case notes, only to come to the obvious conclusion it's the Woman in White. But, Sam said, because of the salt line, John was worried. Now, as far as I can remember, John was never a target of this spirit, so, I think he was paranoid about Yellow Eyes. After all, John had notes on devils/demons up, too, so maybe. I could be wrong.
There's something amusing about Sam and Dean's first duo Hunt, one without John, includes one of them getting arrested. Just, how rare that happens in the rest of the show, compared to how many laws they break daily.
Sam talks to Joseph Welch, who seems to wear the same clothes as Bobby. Also, Sam looks like a giant standing next to him.
Joseph lies to Sam's face about his and Constance's marriage, and it takes Sam a moment to work up the nerve to call him out on it. Or, it's Sam losing his temper. They're dealing with a murderous ghost, after all, and this guy wants to hide the truth.
Sam's done with lying witnesses, and now he's making fake calls to the cops. Gloves are OFF.
So, it's revealed John's purposefully leaving Sam and Dean clues, the journal, and the coordinates, but won't outright tell the truth.
Sam: "I'm not unfaithful. I've never been." See, Sam, that's only in the cheating department. You are, however, keeping Jess in the dark about dangerous stuff. Can any relationship with such big lies every be a faithful one?
Again, the imagery of the flickering lights. A standard in the show later for when a ghost's around, but considering all the visual parallels between the Woman in White and Mary, I think it's intentional.
That CGI of the ghosts vanishing was kinda shit, though. So is the sound of water swirling down a drain, I'm now just thinking of a toilet.
Dean: "I'll take you home." and there, in an episode where the ghost is afraid to go home and face the consequences of their actions, Sam too must go back to Jess.
Sam discovering Jess' body on the ceiling, as the room's engulfed in flames, never fails to give me chills. Hot damn.
Post Episode Notes:
While the pilot is a treasure trove of world building, plotting of character arcs, and chemistry between Jared and Jensen, it still doesn't make up for the fact it's bookended with 2 women getting fridged. Mary and Jess don't get to be characters, only fuel for man-pain, and argue with me all you want, but Mary's send-off in S14 is far superior to what she got in the pilot.
I remember seeing Kripke discuss how many drafts they went through while writing the pilot, and it feels like that at quite a few points. Like maybe the sheriff was to get more time, or Troy's father, who I believe is a cop, would've been more vital to the plot. And Amy, who'll spend who knows how many weeks and months putting up missing person posters for Troy.
I believe Kripke also said they'd considered killing John at the end, rather than Jess. I think, and this is pure speculation, the more they went into the lore for the Woman in White, the more they knew Jess had to die. I don't like it, wish they could've done it different, but it fits the story they wanted to tell.
The Woman in White, John, Mary and Sam, in hindsight
It's a retcon from S4, but if Mary was honest with John about her past as a Hunter, maybe they'd have a better chance with fighting Azazel. It's tragically paralleled to Sam not telling Jess about his own past, which may have prevented her death. And while you could say Heaven and Hell would still have their way, and shape Sam and Dean the way they want to, I'd like to think, given the chance, free will could prevail, And, look at how often keeping secrets is framed as one of the worst things the characters could do to each other?
Additionally, if John had been honest with Sam and Dean about what he wanted them to do, and what kind of danger they were really in, maybe Sam wouldn't have left Jess alone.
Thank you for reading this monstrosity of a meta, I hope you enjoyed/found it interesting!
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OC Profile!
So, this being my first post, i reckon I should introduce my character. This will probably be reblogged further down the line and updated a bit as I go along; but here is the profile of Paris Grey!
Name: Paris Willow Grey
Age: 19
Race: White (Caucasoid)
Gender: Female
Height: 5'2
Weight: 118lbs
Eye Color: Blue-green
Hair: Long, usually braided, and dark brown.
General Appearance: Braided hair, and a red jumper. She wears denim shorts, knee high socks and smaller, black boots. Sometimes she wears a flower in her hair, but only if her hair is down.
Facial appearance: Freckled. Very freckled. They become much more visible in the sun; though. She doesn't wear makeup, and has dimples.
Skin color and appearance: Her skin is pale. It isn't quite tanned enough to be considered tan, but it is more tanned than quite a few people she talks to.
General body build/type/figure: Petite/small, and skinny. Not a model body type, mind you.
Characteristic Gestures: When confident in herself or in what she's saying, she stands straight with her shoulders back, or sits with her fingertips touching. When nervous, she locks her ankles, and plays with her hair. Her usual stance is one hand on her hip while standing straight, or resting her chin on her hand if sitting down.
Family Background/Lineage: Her father was a respected journalist before he had her, and her mother died during childbirth. She was put up for adoption at 3 years old, and taken in by another foster family.
General relationships, past or present: Her foster mother was kind and caring, and would knowingly take her own life if it meant her children could keep theirs. Her foster father was almost never around; and in hindsight, was very obviously a cheater. Her foster sister was sassy and a little bit bossy, but cared about her family. Even if they weren't blood related. She can't remember anything about her relationship with her real father.
Involvement with any associations, guilds, or militias: She was put into a training association at the age of 13, and stayed there until she was moving out. After moving out, she needed money, and found a job at an assassin organization which she was practically forced into.
Any enemies, villains, or rivals, and how did this come to be: The owner of the assassin organization, who wants her back. He goes by the name of Joan Balmer. This came to be when she was taken into questioning by the Avengers, and was recruited to work for them eventually. He found out that she ratted them out, and moved the organization to another location, to plan their revenge on her. She can hardly go outside without feeling extreme anxiety about that place.
General happiness, 1-10: 7/10. It gets ruined pretty easily.
Social level 1-10: 9/10. She doesn't trust people too easily.
Distinctive personality traits: She's outgoing and a little over-the-top. She's dramatic, too.
Defining flaws/quirks: She is a little egotistical, and not the brightest. She's smart when it comes to some subjects though.
Likes: Dogs, cats, animals in general. She also loves anything theatre related, hence her overly dramatic personality.
Dislikes: She hates not having the upper-hand in any situation. It's not like she'll hold a grudge or anything after it, she just doesn't like it in general. She also hates being told what to do; which comes as a problem when something is important. Just don't act bossy around her; she won't listen to you at all.
General Personality Type: Entertainer, always cheerful and will happily take an audience anytime.
Introvert/Extrovert: Extrovert, 100%.
Method of Handling Anger or Rage (Repress, throw things, etc): They try to vent, or write it out on paper. When something really pisses her off, though, she sometimes cries.
Admirable Traits: Confident, and kind to almost everybody. She's able to stand up for herself easily; and forgives people who deserve a second chance. She's great at telling if people deserve a second chance or not, too.
Negative Traits: Her ego is a little high. She also becomes judgmental easily. If a person judges her, or gives her a nasty look, she'll return the behaviour anyday.
Things That Make Uncomfortable or Embarrassed: If people are in her personal space, she becomes very uncomfortable. She becomes embarrassed easily. If something embarrasses you, it'll probably embarrass her.
Hobbies: Writing, and even performing sometimes. She also likes fantasising about anything at all. Anything.
History (Paragraph, chart, timeline, etc): Was born in the UK, Winchester into a family of medium income. Her mother died during childbirth, due to issues with her pre-existing conditions which she never found out about. She can't remember much about her real father, other than that he was a respected journalist, but was forced to quit due to his wife being pregnant. He was struggling with finances, and eventually had to put her into a foster home when she was 3 to keep her safe. Her foster mother was the best person she'd ever known. She was the most uplifting part of her entire life; and kept supporting her for the longest time. Her foster father was never around. He said that he was at "work". Her foster sister was a little cautious around her at first, but eventually settled into a new life with her. When she turned 18, she moved into an apartment of her own in another country. She needed money to keep up with her rent charges, and got offered a job at the previously mentioned assassin association. She worked there for almost a year, and regrets every moment of it. She was found by the Avengers and taken into questioning when she had a breakdown during one of her missions. They decided she'd be useful, and took her in, to work for them.
Most Painful Things To Witness in One's Life: The innocent people who just happened to not have enough money to stop the organization from putting them on the target list, and how their life met their untimely end.
Traumas/Psychological Scars from the Past: She's now a little uneasy at the sight of extreme bleeding, but other than that, just can't bring herself to use a gun anymore. She also has a few phobias from working there.
-Atychiphobia (fear of failure)
-Claustrophobia (fear of small or confined spaces)
-Pyrophobia (fear of fire)
Ler: She's a big fan of teasing the Lee, since it makes the tickling worse sometimes. Her favorite kind are anticipation teases. She just wiggles her fingers over the skin before digging in. This is why safe words are a thing. If you say the safe word (you may have to say it about 3 times), then she'll stop and get you water, or whatever you want for about 5 minutes until you've recovered. She takes time into aftercare, too. It's important to her that the Lee fully recovers.
Lee: She isn't one to admit that she's ticklish. At all. She'll lie, but if you start making threats to tickle her, it becomes more obvious than ever. She hates being teased. It's torture. She squirms around, and if that doesn't work out, curls up into a ball, and is unable to do anything else after that. She doesn't say stop until she means it, though.
Worst spots: Belly or navel, underarms and feet.
Any tools: She uses feathers sometimes, but other than that, hairbrushes. She'd die if you use any of those on her, though.
And that's it! Hopefully this covered everything that needs to be talked about. Ill take any constructive criticism on her; and I'll fix/add anything that needs to be fixed or added.
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go-diane-winchester · 6 years
Dear Misha Collins
I don't think you know how to handle your career.  There are mistakes that you are making to your own detriment.  I am doing the decent thing here by pointing them out to you.  When you are an actor, you are the salesman and the product.  These two elements are a benefit to an actor when he manages these two things cleverly, which you have not done.  These two elements are symbiotic.  You need them both.  And the dominant element is the salesman.  If the product is good, but the salesman sucks, the product is not appreciated. 
Take Sam and Dean Winchester as a good example.  Sam is a flawed hero.  He is also, to an extent in the earlier seasons, something of an anti-hero although not a full blown villain.  Dean wasn't as flawed and his swashbuckling gung-ho nature was easier to enjoy than Sam's pensiveness.  Those who didn't know much about the BTS of the show in the early season, latched on to the lead characters.  At that time they didn't know the actors.  For many of them, Sam appeared kind of self-righteous and grumpy.  Yes, he was handsome, but so was Dean who are the more funnier, showier character, so it was easy to latch onto him.  Dean also bonds with other characters faster than Sam does. 
When the first cons were held, people were enthusiastic about meeting the actors who play Sam and Dean expecting the actors to be exactly like their characters.  When they realized that Jared is absolutely nothing like his character and was, by nature, quite a loveable and happy young man, they loved him back enthusiastically.  But they encountered Jensen's reserved nature, some thought he was shy whilst others thought he was a snob.  Because Jared was such an awesome salesman, his product [Sam] became more palatable to the audience.  Jensen realized that as a salesman, he had a little work to do.  Being construed as shy is not bad, but being seen as a snob is definitely not a good look.  So he started trying to change his public image, despite his reserved nature.
So you have to examine your audience and make necessary changes to your salesman pitch, so as to not put off your target market.  Then people started to see meaningfulness in the friendship that J2 share.  Some liked the chemistry their character's shared.  The actors acknowledged that these ideas existed but didn't shoot them down.  Jensen said that he understood it was a ''hot fantasy'', which is very accurate.  They just requested that fans not ask them questions on the subject, which makes sense, because why would you want my opinion on your fantasy.  That is ridiculous.  These two groups, Tinhat fans and wincest fans, have been around for 13 years, without making a peep.  You don't hear about them, unless you go looking for them.  And unlike a few nasty people on Twitter, the majority has since the beginning, respected J2.
Part of the credit for this goes to the actors themselves.  They didn't overindulge this subsection, because that would be an idiotic sales pitch.  I don't think you understand why.  Why is it that Sam and Dean's popularity hasn't waned?  They have shouldered the burden of a show that is now in its fourteenth season.  They are getting more popular and mass media has an eye on them, which is why they are invited on talk shows, sporadically.  You were invited on Larry King, but it was not because of your work on the show, it was for your charity project.  And your charity project is not your livelihood.  Your acting job is, and it isn't looking very good.  You weren't even a series regular last year, and most people didn't seem to mind. 
Here is where your sales pitch is going wrong.
You fragment the total viewing population of the show
You do this by your con etiquette.  The fans who buy tickets to watch your panel are a heterogeneous group of people.  The problem with having this type of audience, is that you have to curb your language around them, because children attend cons too.  You use vulgar language.  You also speak about sexually explicit things like shipping.  The parents and older siblings sitting in the audience might be offended, and that never occurred to you.  That is very baffling.  The parents who are not offended stay on and those who are, won't watch a Misha panel again with their kids.  Fragmentation.  You have broken your total con audience in two. 
When people ask you about shipping, you don't politely acknowledge it and move on.  You ''lay it on thick'' as they say.  There is a lot that is wrong with that. 
Any straight male fan who genuinely admires your character is not likely going to sit through something he doesn't care about.  Especially since you become very explicit.  He will feel kind of grossed out, as he should, not because he's homophobic but because this is not his jam.  By overdoing the shipping thing, you have forced a decision out of this fan as to whether he wants to pay good money to sit through this nonsense again.  The next time he attends con, he is going to spend his money elsewhere.  That also goes for straight female fans who don't like shipping.  Because not all women like slash.  And they will try not to attend you panel again because it didn't entertain them.  Second fragmentation.
There are other ships in the fandom.  That is the natural progression of things went one ship appears on a show or movie.  That initial pairing pulls all the other characters in.  So almost everyone of the well known actors on Supernatural have been slashed with another actor.  All except Tahmoh Penikett and Alexander Calvert, to the best of my knowledge.  I am not sure why Tahmoh is ignored but it might have something to do with his character killing Kevin.  I think Alex is not slashed because every other man is a father figure on the show, and Alex plays a baby.  You tend to indulge mostly the destiel fanbase, and destiel is discussed in almost all your panels.  What is wrong with that?  You isolate people who don't like destiel for whatever reason.  If they don't like a pairing, they are not going to sit through a panel where that pairing is sporadically discussed.  That is not what they paid for.  In a convention, where audience members have been asked not to ask shipping questions, and every other guest honors the rule except you, it makes you look unprofessional and a rule breaker.  That is not a good look for a salesman.  Third fragmentation. 
So what if you speak about destiel?  You have fans.  They love you.  How is that detrimental to your popularity?  I will explain that further down. 
You bite the hand that feeds you
If you have been employed on a show for ten years, you cant badmouth that show.  Especially when you are incorrect.  In 2013, you said that the show was 'gratuitously misogynistic', during one of your panels.  Since then, the show has been bringing in unnecessary female characters.  This is aggravating for fans who were watching the show since before you got casted.  They didn't like most of the female characters, and yes the non-approving fans were all female. Ratings were still good and the show was popular.  There were female characters whom the fans had no problem with, for example, Missouri Mosley, Ellen Harvelle, Pamela Barnes and to a certain extent even Ava. 
Ever since your statement, CW and associated twitter pages blew up with accusation from  ''concerned fans'' who were now asking for ''representation'' on a show that was already nine years old, despite managing to be misogynistic.  So now, we have characters are extremely unpopular like Claire Novak, Jody Mills, Donna Whatshername and even Mary Winchester.  The spinoff for these inadequate females bombed due to lack of ratings.  The show invested time, resources, money and effort into a spin-off that failed, because you said something stupid that made them look bad.  The day they figure it out, you will leave the show with a reputation of being problematic.  And word travels in Hollywood. 
You overestimate your knowledge
You tend to speak up for a lot of different people.  Usually I would admire that, because it is a sign of inclusiveness - not a bad trait to have.  You, however, are very heavy handed with it.  And you speak about subjects like you know them.  You have an inadequate knowledge of slash fiction and yet you speak about it and you speak wrong.  I have already done an article on that subject.  You speak about feminism and misogyny and women's rights which makes me livid, because as I previously pointed out, you say the wrong things.  And as a women, I would prefer to speak up for myself.  I don't need a voice box speaking incorrectly for me. 
You also speak about LGBT issues.  LGBT teens who make up a small part of your already small fanbase, like that.  After all, they are kids and they don't know any better.  Grown ups, are generally, getting irritated.  Because if you wanted these people to have rights, you will let them speak instead of speaking for them.  Right now, only you and your destiel fans have a voice on the subject of LGBT, and collectively, you do a lot of damage to that community.  Non-destiel fans are constantly fighting off destiel fans because of their ''deep'', stereotypical and damaging analysis of Dean's sexuality.  They are becoming dissatisfied, but because you are not a mainstream actor and a household name, you fly just under the radar.  The day GLAAD releases an official statement about you and your fans, you are not going to like it.  Neither is CW.
You don't control your termites
In the past year and a half, your destiel fans have:
verbally bashed Jensen Ackles on Twitter
sent him a death threat
threatened to burn down his house
threatened to poison his beer so his brewery will shut down
smeared J2's reputation over a harmless joke they made at Nolacon [yep, those were your fans - their profile pictures and names gave them away]
were planning to hire a plane so that they could fly the words ''Pedowitz sucks'' outside Mark Pedowitz's office
threatened to kidnap Jared's children
slandered Jared by saying that Jared abuses his wife, whilst pretending to be her number one fan on Instagram 
They only have one motivation for doing this:  YOU. 
And its not because they love you so much.  Its because you overindulged something that was essentially a harmless pastime, you have turned them into junkies and you are their only dealer.  The day you switch off their juice with finality, you will see a very ugly side of these termites, who are eating away at the foundations of Supernatural.  
Because you over spoke about destiel, these troublemakers are now the majority of your fans.  Outside of destiel, they have no interest in you.  The Misha-led con recently didn't do very well, did it?  Due to fragmentation you have lost many fans, and mishandling of your product caused you to use all the others.  How many fans do you have left?  Less that 80 000.  That is my estimation.  Those are the majority of the fans who petitioned for Wayward Daughters.  The standard audience didn't give a hoot about that stupid project.  Why did the shippers care so much?  Because Wayward Daughters was a fan-backed project.  The fans made it happen.  They assumed that if they could succeed in that, then maybe they could make destiel canon too.  For them, destiel is endgame.   
Supernatural as a total audience of 3 million.  Less that 80 000, is not an impressive number.  Unfortunately 80 000 are still inaccurate, because this was not a ''landlocked'' survey.  It was done via the Internet, which means that fans from all over the world could vote.  So they don't fall under the category of the 3 million viewers who tune into Supernatural in America, every week.  You fans are not Supernatural's core audience.  You did that to yourself.  These fans are also mostly teens.  That is why they are so loud compared to other fan subsections.  They have no mortgages to pay.  They don't have to face rush hour traffic and they can fixate on destiel without much interruption.  And since they are kids, they understand social media better than you and I.  So they know how to use their resources. 
I want to point out though, that not all destiel fans are problematic.  Some are civil and level headed.  I feel sorry for them because their reputation is tarnished due to the majority.  And an ok ship, that they enjoy, is ruined.
The only thing that is your saving grace, for many fragmented fans is your anti-Trump stance.  I hate him too, but I also hate Hillary.  She is no better than him.  However, even that is baffling because if you are brave enough to tweet and irritate Trump, who is unfortunately your President, why don't you have the courage to deal with your fans, in defense of your co-stars and the show that has employed you for ten years.  Especially when these fans are mostly children.  So you are not afraid of President Trump, but little girls scare you?  Because my vantage point, I can see that this doesn't make you look good. 
You used to be one of my favorites amongst the additional cast, until I got fragmented out of your circle.  I even liked destiel, until it turned into a vile beast.  You are now one person, that I cant write a slash story for.  Because you have made it difficult for me to like you. 
I thank you for your time, Mr Collins, and I hope some of what I said, gets through to you. 
An ex-Misha Fan
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sternchenstories · 6 years
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Title: Pour Some Sugar On Me
Pairing: Destiel | Rating: Explicit | Word Count: 2910 
Inspired by art from: @cas-watches-over-you ->LOOK!<-
Beta read by: @jemariel
Summary: Castiel has a new job as a waiter in a strip club, but it’s hard to concentrate on work when Dean sex-on-legs Winchester is dancing on stage.
Castiel loves his new job as a waiter. Two months ago, when he applied for it, he didn’t think he would, but now he gladly sleeps at odd hours to make it through his late shifts at the strip club. The staff is friendly and welcoming and due to their strict policies, most of the customers are nice and respectful as well; no drunks and no hands on his ass.
Everything could be perfect, but two weeks ago, things changed. Two weeks ago, Castiel saw him for the first time. Green eyes, a dazzling smile, a face to be painted and showcased in a museum, and a body to die for. That is Dean Winchester. When Castiel started working, Dean was on vacation to visit his brother, but now he’s back, ruining Castiel’s life.
Their shifts align perfectly, so Dean is always there when Castiel is working, and every time, he’s the main attraction, and with good reason. Castiel doesn’t mind the dancing going on in the background and just focuses on his work. After all, he’s no stranger to the sight of naked men. But Dean Winchester is different. The first time he performed, Castiel stopped dead in his tracks and stared at Dean for solid five minutes before he came got back to his senses. Nobody noticed, but Castiel feels his cheeks go red everytime he thinks about it.
Today is a particularly awful day because the club is almost empty. Some of the regulars sit at the bar, and the few tables that need serving don’t take much time, which gives Castiel a lot of room to watch the dancers, including Dean. As soon as “she’s my cherry pie” starts playing, Castiel knows he’s in trouble. The lights change and dip the room in different shades of red with their focus on the main stage.
Dean comes out, dressed in a sexy nurse costume, complete with red thigh highs and a stethoscope. Castiel didn’t even know that a guy in a tight dress might do it for him, but here he is, unable to tear his eyes away. Although there aren’t many guests, Dean’s performance doesn’t lack enthusiasm. He mouths the words of the song and makes sure to draw everybody in, from the guys at the bar to the one tipsy fella in the far corner of the room. Castiel might not be his target audience, but he stares like the rest of them. When the show is over, one guy at the front puts some bills in Dean’s tiny panties, and for a brief moment Castiel wishes he could trade places with him.
But then Dean disappears and Castiel becomes aware that he still has a job to do. He makes another round through the club, checking if people need something to quench their thirst, at least the one Castiel can help them with, and soon he ends up back at the bar. Attempting to keep busy, he fills up the snacks until he feels a presence next to himself. “Heya, Cas.”
“Hello, Dean,” Castiel says, his throat suddenly dry. Over the last week, Dean had made it a habit to talk to him when there’s time. It doesn’t help Castiel’s crush on Dean because on top of being a godlike sexbomb, he’s also nice and funny.
“You mind getting me a beer?” Dean asks. “Benny doesn’t like it when I infiltrate his bar.” He rolls his eyes with the words, but he’s still the kind of guy who respects his co-worker’s wishes.
“Sure,” Castiel says and hurries behind the bar. He opens a bottle and hands it to Dean, getting one of his beautiful smiles.
“Thanks,” Dean says and downs half the bottle in one go with Castiel staring at him, thinking that it should be illegal to wrap your lips around anything the way Dean does. It gives Castiel way too many ideas, all of which could get him fired.
To keep himself from crawling into Dean’s lap, Castiel does another round and hopes that Dean will go home like he usually does. Not tonight though. When Castiel gets back, Dean is still sitting there, nursing a second bottle of beer between his hands while he watches another dancer. Castiel puts down his tray and stacks the dirty glasses into the basket for their dishwasher.
Dean turns to him and gives him an acknowledging smile, so Castiel feels the need to say something. “New girl?” he asks, nodding to the stage.
“Yeah, her name is Bella,” Dean says. “She’s good; very intriguing.”
“I wouldn’t know,” Castiel says, the words just slipping out.
“Oh come on, you’re not a priest. Don’t tell me you don’t enjoy the show.”
Castiel clears his throat, thinking about how much he actually enjoys it. “I do look, but I was talking about the intriguing part. She might be good, but I’m not interested in women.”
There’s no reason to tell Dean about that either, but Dean just shrugs and winks at Castiel. “I like both,” he says, like they’re talking about ice cream flavors. When Castiel doesn’t reply, Dean leans over the bar. “Can I ask you something?”
“Um, sure.”
“Why aren’t you up there?”
Dean nods to the stage and Castiel almost laughs. “Me? I’m-,” Castiel gestures down on himself as if that’s explanation enough and adds, “and I can’t dance to save my life.”
“Really? You have the posture, though, and the confidence when you walk. Totally took you for a dancer. Maybe not stripping, but something.”
Castiel shakes his head, rendered silent by Dean’s words and Dean continues, “And don’t give me that crap.” He imitates Castiel’s hand gestures. “You’re a hottie with a body if I might say so. I mean, you stand there like a brick house stud. If that shirt would come off-”
He doesn’t specify what would happen, but his face is pretty telling and Castiel blushes. “No, I’m not- That’s not me.”
Dean chuckles. “You know what you are? Lightning in a bottle. You just need somebody to screw the lid off.”
He throws the money for his drinks on the bar and winks at Castiel again before he gets up and leaves. Castiel stares after him with a prickling feeling washing over his entire body. “Lightning in a bottle,” he whispers to himself. He has no idea what it’s supposed to mean, but something just happened, and it’s not over yet.
Castiel yawns until his jaw cracks and runs his hands over his face while walking up to the bar. He woke up from a dream that might have had Dean in it and he wished he could have gone back to sleep. Instead, he had to go to work. He still loves his job, but over the last month, his situation had not improved. Instead, it had gotten worse.
Aside from being a walking temptation, Dean also stayed at the club after his show numerous times, and always sat at the bar and talked to him. They shared some stories of their past, discussed likes and dislikes, and the more Castiel got to know Dean the more he wished he could do something about his crush on him. Sometimes it even felt like Dean was flirting with him, but Castiel couldn’t bring himself to return the favor.
Castiel sighs and grabs an apron from the basket of fresh laundry, but then someone walks in from behind the stage. “Cas?”
Of course, it has to be Dean. “Hello, Dean,” Cas says and does his best not to stare but it isn’t easy. Dean is wearing a new costume with a pinstripe suit, a long coat, and even a hat. He looks like a fifties gangster and Cas wouldn’t mind being held at gunpoint.
Dean watches him with a raised brow. “Why are you here so early?”
“I’m always here at-” Castiel checks his watch and realizes that he’s over an hour early. “I’m- How?”
“Misread the time, huh?”
Castiel blushes and wishes he could disappear. Dean chuckles and slaps him on the shoulder. “Don’t feel bad. Happens to me all the time. Sometimes the late nights take their toll.”
“This is unfortunate. I don’t have time to go back home, but wouldn’t know what to do here either. There isn’t that much to prepare.”
“You could help me,” Dean suggests and a lump forms in Castiel’s throat.
“Just watch me. I have a new routine and wanted to try it out,” Dean explains. “You know, if my movements line up with the music, if I use the whole stage, things like that. You think you can handle that?”
Castiel knows that Dean is teasing him, but saying no would be pretty suspicious. “Sure, why not?”
“Great, just give me a second to get backstage and then hit the music.”
Dean disappears and Castiel takes a few deep breaths to prepare himself. Then he walks over to the sound system and hits play before taking a seat directly in front of the stage. When the first notes fill the room, the light switches to different shades of blue, almost like sitting outside on a clear night. Castiel leans back in his chair and tries his best to appear relaxed, but when the artist sings the first line of “pour some sugar on me,” it feels as if Castiel’s heart might jump out of his chest any second.
A few seconds later, the curtains part and Dean steps outside. He walks right up to the front, immediately losing the coat, and Castiel hates himself because he even finds Dean’s bowlegs extremely attractive. When Dean reaches the end of the stage, he winks at Castiel before turning around, and soon after, Castiel loses any sense of time. The music becomes background noise, only there to keep his blood pumping, and his whole body focuses on watching Dean.
He moves perfectly to the music and not only does he use the whole stage, but he also involves the two poles on each side. At first, it seems like his usual gig, but his behavior changes with every piece of clothing he takes off. Dean always flirts with the audience, but usually his movements are suggestive at best, and not as overly sexualized as they are now.
Castiel wishes he could be up there with him and peel him out of his shirt, but instead, Dean rips it off and leaves the collar and cuffs behind which makes him look like a Chippendale. He takes more time with the pants, but since the music isn’t nearly done, he has lots of time to present his almost naked body to Castiel. At one point, he reaches for his hat and stays in that position like a statue, the imagine perfect to be etched into Castiel’s brain. Then Dean falls to his knees and crawls over to him, his eyes boring into Castiel’s.
All Castiel can do is stare back, and finally Dean gets back up on his knees and stretches out his arms when the song ends. He’s breathing heavily, and Castiel gets out of his chair and walks up to him. Dean only opens his eyes when Castiel pulls at his panties to stick a bill in it. He smiles down at Castiel who can’t help but voice his suspicion. “This wasn’t a new routine, was it?”
Dean’s arms drop to his side and he takes a deep breath. “No, this one was just for you.”
Heat shoots through Castiel’s body and he knows he should take his hand away from Dean, but it still rests on his hip. “You’re a demon.”
“And you act like an angel when we both know that’s not all that you are,” Dean says and he looks down at Castiel’s hand. “Told you I wanted to screw the lid off.”
“What else do you want?” Castiel barely manages to say the words and Dean shakes his head.
“I think it’s pretty clear what I want,” Dean says and he takes Castiel’s hand and puts it on his naked chest. When Castiel doesn’t move, Dean does it for him and runs Castiel’s fingers down his body to his stomach. “Tell me what you want, angel.”
With Dean’s smooth and warm skin under his fingertips and his rough voice in his ears, Castiel is too mesmerized to answer. Dean stretches out his other arm and carefully cups Castiel’s face, his thumb ghosting over his lips. “What do you want, Cas?”
Every fiber in Castiel’s body screams to finally let this happen and the one word rushes out of him. “You.”
Dean’s eyes sparkle with mischief and he grins smugly as if he knew the answer all along. Castiel growls and takes control of his own body again. Now that he said it, he might as well act on it and Dean has toyed with him long enough. He grabs Dean’s arm and pulls him down to kiss him. At first, Dean is surprised, but then he takes part, as eager as Castiel. They breathe each other in with their tongues rubbing against each other and their lips never apart for more than a few seconds.
Castiel held it together the whole time Dean was dancing, but now that they’re making out, his pants grow uncomfortably tight and he urges Dean on to move. “Come down here.”
Dean pulls his legs out from under himself to sit on the stage and Castiel lifts him off the stage before pushing him up against it. “Someone is excited,” Dean says with a grin, but when Castiel only growls, Dean is the one who tears at Castiel’s clothes.
He tries to loosen Castiel’s tie but when it doesn’t budge, he moves on to the buttons of his shirt and marvels at Castiel’s chest. “Damn, I was right about the shirt coming off.”
“Shut up,” Castiel says when his cheeks turn red.
Dean grins. “You’re not blushing, are you?”
Castiel kisses him again to keep him quiet and Dean lets his hands wander to open Castiel’s pants. For a moment, Castiel wishes they could do this under different circumstances, but Dean tastes and smells so good and there’s no way Castiel can wait any longer. His hand travels down between Dean’s legs and Dean pushes his hips forward and rubs against him. At least for a moment, then he carefully pushes Castiel away. “Let me get those off; still need ‘em for the show.”
He pushes the panties down and steps out of them to drop them on the stage; without pause, he reaches for Castiel to level the playing field. Dean pushes Castiel’s pants down far enough so he can reach for his cock and they start kissing again. Like horny teenagers, they jerk each other off with the music in the background barely drowning out their grunts and moans.
When Castiel feels that Dean is getting close, he kisses down along his jaw and neck and as soon as his tongue just grazes Dean’s nipple, Dean’s fingers claw into his shoulders and he comes onto his stomach and Castiel’s fingers. In his bliss, he grabs Castiel harder and pumps his cock so eagerly that Castiel can’t hold on any longer either. He comes with his head buried at Dean’s neck and it feels so good that he doesn’t even care about dripping onto the floor.
For a moment they just stand there, their legs weak, and their breathing fast, and Dean is the first to get his shit back together. “Um, anybody could come in here, like any second.”
Castiel doesn’t want to move, but then he steps away from Dean. “You get dressed,” he says, and tries to pull his pants back up, “I’ll clean up the mess.”
“Alright,” Dean says and wants to get back up on the stage, but Castiel holds on to him to give him another kiss. Dean smiles. “Cas, you sap.”
“Shut up and move!”
Dean follows Castiel’s order, but before he disappears behind the stage, he throws Castiel a kiss and mouths something that looks a lot like “love you.”
In his whole life, Castiel never smiled so big while cleaning up come.
Dean fidgets on his chair. Cas told him to sit down because he has a surprise, but that was ten minutes ago. “How much longer?” he shouts into the direction of the other room.
He doesn’t get an answer. Instead, Cas walks in, dressed like a cowboy, with a hat, the boots and even a lasso hanging from his hip. He stretches out his arms and looks uncertain. “What do you think?”
“Howdy, sexy cowboy,” Dean says with a smile, but he’s still not sure about the surprise part. “Is that for Halloween?”
“Not exactly,” Cas says. He walks over to Dean, and gets the lasso from his belt. Without warning, he takes Dean’s hands to tie them behind the chair. It’s loose enough that Dean could get out of it, but he stays put, curious about Cas’ behavior. Dean can hear Cas move in the background and he walks back in front of Dean when music starts playing.
“If you tell anybody about this, I will end you,” Cas says and then he starts dancing.
Dean leans back in his chair and enjoys the show. There’s no way in hell he’d tell anybody. While Cas can live with Dean dancing for others, Dean would rather keep his boyfriend all to himself.
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Spn Season 1 Review
First, the live blogs of the last 4 episodes were done in a haze of jetlag depression so were less specific to what was actually happening in the episodes than normal and contained no extraneous information. HOWMEVER. I will get into those episodes more in this recap because:
1. I do not feel like the season really Led Up to this finale. Part of that could be because I took a bit of a break halfway through, but I think also the groundwork for the Sam/John parallel they tell us about was not really set up in previous episodes. 2. I think that the characterization of the brothers and their relationship to John is really Interesting in these episodes and the drama of that is a big part of the show as a whole, so the last several episodes are pretty relevant here.
THEMING The theme of season 1 is more or less: family. How do you handle family trauma and loss? How do you as a parent protect your children vs let them have independent lives (or just suck major ass)? To what extent is your family holding you back? Etc. The two sort of relationship dynamics this plays in is the Sam/Dean dynamic and the John/sons dynamic.
DEAN Dean’s characterization through this theme remains pretty consistent: he wants to be with his family. He showed up to get Sam at the beginning of the season, and he wants to keep them all alive at the end of the season instead of sacrificing John to kill the demon. The irony is that the season ends with them all “dying” (I know they’re not dead, but right now that’s what the show wants us to believe) and Dean’s insistence on family unity is what ends up getting them all killed.
Dean’s story line throughout has been one of responsibility assumed too early. After their mom died, his dad basically made him co-parent. Dean had to give up his ambitions to bend to his dad’s wishes while also trying to protect Sam from John and various monsters. It makes sense for him, given that backstory, that keeping the family together is his highest priority: he has been forced to give up all sense of self to keep his family safe, so if they die then he literally has nothing. I think it’s interesting that Dean is the only one of him or Sam who actually knew their mother, and yet Sam is the one who gets a mother-relevant character arc.
That might be because of the next aspect of Dean’s character we see: he likes to have sex with women. I tend to be pretty sensitive to misogyny/mistreatment of women on screen, so either I’ve lost my mind or I’m already watching this show through a very queer lens because Dean’s treatment of women throughout the season Did Not Bother Me. The only thing that really rang sour was at the beginning of Provenance when Dean is lying to women about his job to get into bed with them, but even then, like, eh? The whole scene (and all the other such scenes) are depicted with a lightheartedness that is hard to read malice into, and Jackles plays that part with such a wide-eyed “Wow! I get to have sex now!” that it’s hard not to feel anything but happy for the guy. I do suspect that Dean is supposed to be characterized as “treating women like whores/expendable” and so does not have an attachment to his mother in this season because he’s not allowed to have a complex relationship with a woman.
SAM Uh boy. So Sam’s arc begins with his girlfriend getting immolated - we learn later that Sam wanted to propose to her and so she was getting in the way of the demon’s plans for “kids like him.” Whatever that means - the show does not communicate its stakes to us AT ALL, more on that later. Sam gets some episodes of characterization throughout. The only two I can remember are the one with the abused psychic and the one where a woman decides she’s in love with him within seconds of meeting him. In neither episode to I really feel like I understand Sam as a character. We are told at various points that he really loved Jessica and her death has affected him greatly. At the beginning of the season, he dreams about it often, but these dreams end up being psychic in nature (I think?) and fall off by mid season. He doesn’t have a keepsake of hers to gaze at longingly or any other way of showing he’s having trouble letting go. Dean basically lets him off the leash to go kiss Sarah in Provenance, which he seems pretty happy to do and has no real guilt over after. Sam’s characterization is carried out very directly - we are told what he is feeling or had felt, instead of some combination of saying it via dialogue and reading it from his actions. I’ve mentioned that I don’t think Jarp is especially strong as an actor, but I have to chalk this up to both weaknesses in writing and acting because scenes that communicate Sam’s internal world are largely nonexistent IMO.
We are told that the connection between their mother’s death and Jess’s death has had a great impact on Sam. He believes that he is cursed so that the “people he loves” (read, women) will die. While in a broad sense this might be true as the demon does admit to have targeted Sam, the supposed “curse” is not really dealt with by Sam except as a barrier in his journey to move on from lost love. Jess’s death served as Sam’s call to adventure at the beginning of the season and should give some emotional connection to Sam’s continued commitment to hunting, but until the final episodes Sam’s involvement in the monster world is continually explained as “wants to find dad” and not “wants to break curse.” In these episodes, Sam’s Jess backstory comes back and we are told that his desire to kill the demon makes him “like John.” Which. Is. Stupid. Let me explain.
In terms of the theming, Sam’s wanting to kill the demon even though it might cost the lives of any number of the Winchesters makes sense because of his established relationship with his family. He wanted to have a normal life which alienated him from Dean and John. Sam has very negative memories of John, and has little brother blindness to the stuff Dean did for him growing up and is largely unhappy with Dean as well. Thus it is not surprising that to Sam, a Winchester dying is not as large a price to pay if it means that Sam gets to have a normal life.
HOWEVER. I am giving the show a LOT of credit here because they DO NOT make that connection, instead going for the stupid “Sam is like John” parallel which is treated almost like a surprise reveal. John’s reasons for killing the demon are NOT Sam’s reasons for killing the demon. John is motivated by revenge to an insane degree: it has consumed his life and the lives of both of his sons. Sam is not revenge motivated. He moves on from Jess’s death in literally THE EPISODE before the finale run starts. Sam is motivated by what he has always been motivated by: his desire for a normal life, including a wife who wont burst into flames. So on a thematic level, short-handing these character conflicts as “Sam is like John” (which is explicitly stated multiple times throughout these episodes) does not work because these characters are approaching family from a very different place even if they end up with the same goal.
I do want to mention that I think Sam’s backstory of wanting a normal life could have been set up better; the show does a good job with Dean’s “too much responsibility too young” child stand-in, but Sam does not get a “I just wanted to go to prom” child stand-in. Which I miss because that would be HILARIOUS. I think the issue the show has here with Sam is, in short, that Sam wanting to be normal is Very Boring, whereas the world of monsters and how Tortured and Jaded everyone is is much Sexier.
JOHN The text of the show is pretty unabashed about telling us things that John did that a reasonable audience member could interpret as being Very Bad. In the brief moments he has on the show, the dynamic between him and his sons is mixed. There are plenty of heartfelt family moments, and there are plenty of fights. I think the show is definitely weakest when it is following John by himself. I do not care about John except as he relates to Sam and Dean, and really if he is in any sort of danger I just want him to die based on how awful he is as a person, so the suspense does not swing the way the writers maybe wanted it to. 
I think the twist at the end, where Dean realizes the demon has possessed their dad because he’s acting nicer, just b a r e l y works based on what they’ve set up. Honestly, I think the real problem is that John Winchester’s actor does not, to me, read as having any onscreen charisma. In the altercations that he has with Sam, I don’t really feel a threat from him. There isn’t any explosive or destructive energy, just sort of “your mom is mad you ate the last of her ice cream” energy. I’ve literally BEEN a more intimidating fake drill sergeant than John Winchester and I’m 5 feet tall and 110 lbs. John has big sad wet dog energy. He can get mad, but not in a way that’s actually intimidating. Thus, him telling Dean that he’s proud is sort of like “yeah, I bet this milksop is proud or whatever” and not “wow I would have expected that character to be a lot more upset right now.” I get that family dynamics can be complicated and a parent can cause you Bone Pain with just a look that to anyone else would seem harmless, but this is a television show where things have to read on screen. One Look Bone Pain is a lot more nuanced to construct. I think John being Big Mean Drill Sergeant is what they’re trying for, but in my opinion he's mostly just annoying.
Anyway John sucks.
WHAT’S NOT THERE The above talks a lot about what *is* in the show vis. the family theme. But Emily, this is a monster show. What about the monsters? Well. What about them indeed.
This first season of Supernatural is very clearly referencing the tradition of The X-Files and Buffy the Vampire Slayer. A lot of former X-Files people are credited on the season and they mention BTVS by name in an episode that is clearly themed around season 6 Buffy villains. Howmever. Both TXF and BTVS have a very important thing that Supernatural does not. STAKES. And not just ones meant for vamps that then get ignored by SPNs stupid vamp lore voice over.
Both BTVS and TXF handle their monsters very differently. BTVS is a universe where the main character has been fully initiated into the world of monsters so that, throughout the course of the episode, it is reasonable for her to detail pretty specifically what the monster is and what it is capable of. On the other hand, the characters in TXF must always be kept on the edge of the monster world, getting faint glimpses here and there. Usually, Mulder has an expository scene giving information on “what is known” at the beginning of the episode and then further monstrosity is communicated to the audience via interstitial scenes that tell the audience what the monster is and where it’s going, introducing dramatic tension: AA NO SCULLY DON’T TOUCH THAT IT’S SUPER GROSS. Both avenues successfully communicate to the audience what the monsters are (approximately), what they can do, and what their motivations are. This means that in the climactic scene, the audience knows what the STAKES are. They know what might be lost of the main characters fail, they know what the characters need to overcome to succeed, and they know what the monster is trying to accomplish.
Now. Some of the MOTW episodes in Supernatural do communicate what the monster is and what it wants. Scarecrow and Bugs are two that come to mind that both do this. Tellingly, both of these episodes also seem very modeled on TXF (compare/contrast Bugs with the trash golem episode of TXF where Mulder hip thrusts after sticking a flamingo in the yard, essay for another time).
Home is the first Supernatural episode that I identified as being extremely plot-oriented after the pilot. It’s also the first episode after the pilot to give sole writing credit to Kripke. There are interstitial scenes wherein the audience sees spooky stuff happening. However, these scenes do not further the audience’s understanding of the monster - we already know the house is evil and trying to kill people, and that’s pretty much all those scenes show. Moreover, Sam and Dean do not learn more about the monster in the house during this episode; their arc is basically just “Wow, isn’t it strange that the house is spooky now? Our mom died here!” The resolution at the end is borderline incomprehensible and their mother just sort of. Appears. Out of nowhere and then vanishes again with very little emotional weight given to this occurrence later in the episode or in the next episode. My summary of Home was pretty much “I did not like this and don’t want to be mean.” I talked about how I like monsters in monster shows, whereas Supernatural is more of a soap opera.
And yeah, the finale of Supernatural (written by Kripke) basically follows that track as well. I don’t know what these demons are or what they want. I don’t know what they can do besides possess people. When Meg confronts people and talks all big it’s hard for me to take seriously because I don’t know what she wants or what she is capable of, except in that one scene where she wanted to fuck Sam which. gross!
This is what I mean by saying that Supernatural does not have stakes. When the choice between losing a family member verses not defeating the monster is posited, the only reason I as an audience member feel engaged is the family conflict that has been established. There is no tension about the monster because I just have to assume that it will do whatever the writers decide it should do. I’m not weighing the odds of the Winchesters winning, I’m just watching them point guns at each other and hoping for the best.
CONCLUSION Jensen Ackles does a good job of playing Dean and he should get an award especially for his performances in the last two episodes of the show. IMO, he basically carried the emotional weight of the conflict and really made us root for Sam to not shoot his dad which is HARD because of how badly John sucks. I’m going to keep watching this show because of Jensen Ackles playing Dean Winchester. Fight me about it.
I think season 1 of Supernatural felt like watching two different shows with the same main characters. On the one hand, you have the MOTW episodes which invariably begin with “Here’s why we’re not tracking down our dad, even though that’s our stated motivation” and then tell a nice monster mystery with some good character beats. On the other hand, you have the series arc episodes, which are soap operas with demonic elements. I’m fine with it - because of Jensen Ackles as Dean Winchester. I’m interested to see what season 2 is like.
0 notes
sunlightdances · 7 years
Love Laid Down (Part Four)
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Pairing: Dean Winchester x Reader Words: 1792 (this part) Rating: PG (this part) Summary: You and the Winchesters finally prepare to put your plan into action to stop whoever is kidnapping married couples in Indiana.  Author’s Note: Full disclosure, I have the worst head cold while I’m posting this. I really wanted to get this part up though, so please excuse any typos you encounter. This is also the shortest part of the series - sorry! My brain got a little stuck on this chapter. This is the second to last part! Thank you everyone for sticking with me.
Get caught up... Part One // Part Two // Part Three
The next day, you come downstairs and startle when you see Sam dressed at the table, his shirt and tie wrinkle-free. “What are you doing?” He asks when he sees you, and you glare at him.
“Excuse you?”
“We have to leave in a half hour!” Sam stands up and turns you around by your shoulders, sending you back upstairs. “You can’t possibly have forgot about church.”
“I’m sorry… are we not killing a monster today?” You ask because getting dressed in real clothes is the last thing you want to do today. “Didn’t Dean tell you what happened last night?”
“He did,” Sam says, huffing, “And that’s why we have to keep up appearances. Someone already knows what we’re up to, but we have to get the drop on them.”
“Fine,” you groan, heading back upstairs. You almost run into Dean in the hallway, and he doesn’t meet your eyes as he apologizes for not looking where he’s going and brushes past you to get to the other bedroom to get dressed.
You stare after him, feeling like you’re missing something.
When you come back downstairs, both boys are waiting for you impatiently, tapping their feet as they stand at the bottom of the stairs. Rolling your eyes, you reach for your shoes once you get to the bottom of the steps. “Calm down.”
“Do we need to go over this again? You guys have to act your parts. If whoever’s doing this knows we suspect them--”
“I chased someone out of the house last night.” Dean says, dryly. “They already know we suspect them.”
“Just play cool, alright? For the next two hours, you guys need to be the epitome of a happy, married couple.”
You sneak a look at Dean, and he’s already glancing at you, brows furrowed. You can’t help but feel self conscious. He was… different, last night. He’s been acting different. You don’t really know what to do about it. It was all just an act. All you have to do is pretend to be in love for a few hours.
It can’t be that hard to be convincing.
The three of you decide to drive to church that morning in the event you have to make a quick getaway back to the house, and you stare out the window as Dean drives slowly down Main Street, looking for a place to park in front of the church.
When you get out of the car, you straighten out the skirt on your dress and frown when you look up to see Melissa and another woman you don’t recognize staring at you as people file inside. They look away when you make eye contact, and you start to wonder if you’ve overlooked the most obvious suspect.
You turn to say something to Sam, but stop when Dean walks up to you, arm outstretched, fingers wiggling.
“We’ve got an audience,” he murmurs, lacing his fingers with yours. He gives your hand a squeeze, and you’re struggling to understand why you feel a little dazed. “Come on.”
He walks slowly with you, making a crack to Sam about his suit, but you’re barely paying attention. Dean’s thumb is stroking over your palm lightly, and you have to fight back the shiver that wants to roll through your body.
You kind of hate yourself for getting caught up in this act you’re playing with Dean. You know nothing will come of it, and even if… no. You don’t even let yourself be entertained with “what if” thoughts. You’re hunters. And even if you weren’t… Dean’s too closed off right now (and for good reason) to let you in. You’re the same way. Both of you with walls so high it’s impossible for anyone else to get in.
Besides, Dean’s your best friend, the person you trust most in the world, and you could never do anything to jeopardize that. Especially when you’re not sure that he returns whatever burgeoning feels you might be developing for him.
You’re jolted out of your thoughts by the booming voice of Pastor Williams as you reach the front steps of the church.
“The Winchesters! It’s good to see you three.” He smiles, shaking Dean and Sam’s hands. “Pick any seat you’d like. It’ll be good to have some fresh faces today.”
You sit down with Dean and Sam, and are forced into small talk with an older woman sitting to your left. Dean’s fingers are still loosely tangled with yours, almost like he’s forgotten he was even holding your hand to begin with. You need to clear your head, so you excuse yourself to find the restroom in the lobby.
Dean watches you go out of the corner of his eye, feeling on edge. He doesn’t know what’s wrong with him. He’s never had this problem before, and he’s annoyed because they’re in the middle of a hunt. This is not the time for some friggin’ existential crisis.
“Dude, she’ll be fine.” Sam says, and Dean glares.
“I know. I’m just-- you said it yourself. Someone already knows what we’re planning, or at least that we’re not who we say we are. I don’t like waiting.”
“We just have to play our parts until the end of the service, and then we can do the summoning and get this over with.” Sam says, eyes darting around.
Dean looks around as well, and notices the other townspeople in their seats looking around too. They’re fidgety, and it sets Dean’s teeth on edge. “Something’s not right.” He murmurs to Sam. “The service should have started by now.”
Whispers are starting up around the room, and when the Pastor enters the room looking frazzled, Dean’s senses are on high alert, especially because you’re still not back yet.
“Pastor,” he whispers, and watches as the Pastor, looking distracted, can barely make eye contact with him. “You didn’t see my lovely wife out there, did you?”
“Ah… no, no I don’t think so. She’s probably just freshening up. Don’t worry, I don’t mind small interruptions to the service.” He says, heading to the front of the room before Dean or Sam can say anything else.
“Stay here.” Dean whispers, his gut feeling telling him to get out of there and go find you before something happens. He just hopes he isn’t too late.
You start cursing in the bathroom when the only overhead light shuts off for no good reason. You haven’t been in there long enough for any motion sensor lights to turn off, so you’re almost rolling your eyes with the predictability of it.
Of course you’re being targeted as soon as you separate from the boys. Obviously this would happen when you don’t have your gun. You at least take solace in the fact that you were right thinking someone from the church is behind this whole thing, but you’re not sure how good that makes you feel, considering you could be dead in an hour.
Dean. You hope he doesn’t come looking for you. This thing goes after couples, so maybe there’s still some hope if it only gets to you first. You could distract whoever’s doing its bidding long enough for Sam and Dean to do the summoning. That could work, right?
You hear muffled voices outside the door and take a step back, trying to figure out an escape route. One of the voices you hear is definitely Pastor Williams, and you frown, wondering if his wife was really right about him. He sounds frustrated, however, and you press your ear against the door to try to hear more.
“.... weren’t supposed to….. Both of them, or it won’t work.”
“This isn’t a good idea.” Pastor Williams says, responding to the woman’s voice that you can’t pin down.
“He’ll try to rescue her, like he always does, and we’ll have them both.”
“I’m not sure about this. They’re just--”
“They’re not just anyone!” The woman says, fierce. “They’re here for a reason. Somehow, they know.” A beat. “Look, do you want it to take someone else? Someone else you actually care about? This is the perfect solution. They’re strangers.”
“It’s not like you to be so uncaring.”
“Well, we do what we have to. Now, I’m going to finish this. You should start the service before people get suspicious.”
Scrambling backwards, you only have a few seconds to berate yourself for leaving your phone in Dean’s jacket pocket before the door flies open, hitting you in the head, leaving you seeing spots before everything turns black.
Dean’s tiptoeing through the darkened corridors of the church, gun in hand, and his jaw clenches when he hears the sounds of a struggle. Turning the corner, his pulse quickens when he sees a woman he doesn’t recognize going down a stairwell, right before the door at the top of the steps shuts and seals itself.
He curses, yanking on the handle, even though he already knows it won’t open. He considers shooting it open, but figures that’s probably not a good idea when there’s a church full of people ten feet to his right.
He knows you can hold your own, so as much as he hates to, he heads out to the Impala, texting Sam to meet him, feeling the weight of your phone still in his pocket.
“How am I supposed to carry this around in this dress? Please?” You’d said as you got dressed this morning, going on for five minutes about how purses were just invented as ways for women to get robbed and to slow them down. Despite his worries, Dean smiles remembering it.
“Hey.” Sam slides into the passenger seat. “Where is she?”
“They got her.” Dean says, jaw clenched. “We need to do the summoning.”
“The timing-- we don’t have everything we need--”
“Well too fucking bad. We’re not going to sit here and wait until she’s-- until she…” He trails off, unable to even finish the thought.
“It takes couples, Dean.” Sam says quietly. “We have time. As long as neither one of us get taken, we have leverage. If this is the same thing we fought a few years ago, then the ritual can’t be completed with just one person. We have time.”
Dean starts the Impala. “We better be right about this.” He mutters. “We can’t-- we can’t lose someone else.” The last part comes out quiet, Dean allowing himself this one moment of vulnerability.
“I know, Dean.” Sam says. “We’ll get her back.”
Dean floors it to the house, hoping against all hope that they can scrounge up whatever they need for this summoning and kill whoever’s causing the disappearances before they hurt you. He doesn’t think he’ll ever forgive himself if something happens to you.
Part Five
Tags:  @pickupthatamulet, @tardis-full-of-fallen-angels, @martraidor, @castianityislife02, @blue-eyed-devil, @whatareyousearchingfordean, @pureawesomeness001, @letsgetyourdeanon, @littlemexicanscorpion, @angelicc-bliss, @carryonmywaywardcaptain, @mecca814, @shipinthedesert, @ashrey95, @deanssweetheart23, @nerdwholikesword, @wise-words-of-a-dumb-brunette, @graceis-lost-at-last, @kmt03010, @jnhforlife, @ultrafandomcat, @emmazach, @ginasellsbooks, @blackcherrywhiskey, @sylverminx, @faithfullpanicmoon, @nrx7, @cassburger215, @kbl1313, @abmariexo, @sneaky-midnight-adventures, @dramaqueenrolf
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fangirlf · 7 years
Prompt #16 Chuck Shurley
A/N: sorry that this is absolute garbage but yeah here’s the first fic I’ve written in two years
Pairing: Chuck/Reader
Request: Prompt #16 with Chuck
Word Count: 2215
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         When you first met Chuck, the prophet of the lord as he once had called himself, you felt something. You felt something for the alcoholic author, even within the first seconds of meeting him, and it scared you. Emotions weren’t really your strong suit. Of course you had them, but you did your damnest to hide them from anyone near you. You had too many emotions, and you knew how easily you could be manipulated if enemies were to find out. So, your primary instinct was to block the prophet out, ignore him until it became rude. Of course, you’d answer his questions and reply when he wanted to talk, but you always kept your responses short and sweet. You knew he had a thing for you, a soft spot even, and that just made it worse.
        It was easier for you to block people out when they didn’t like you to begin with, but you couldn’t deny Fate’s pull between you and Chuck. The night you met was one of the worse nights in your life, mainly because it was the best. You knew what love did to hunters, and of course to those they loved. He was already dealing with throbbing headaches and visions of the world’s end, being a target for literally every monster you’ve come in contact with didn’t seem like a positive addition to his life.
But, Fate’s a bitch and apparently had it out for you. Almost every other case had you meeting up with Chuck, whether it be in New York or California. Your paths would cross quite frequently, much to your dismay. You had even started dreaming about him, nothing too spicy, your dreams mainly consisted of the two of you talking over coffee or brunch. You never remembered the conversations when you awoke in the morning, but it always left you feeling warm, the image of his crystal blue eyes looking kindly into yours as if you were baring your soul for him, branded permanently in your mind’s eye.
Chuck wasn’t an idiot, you knew that. You also knew that he had caught onto what you were doing, why you elected to ignore him. Did that make you stop? No. Of course, you really wanted to. If you hadn’t been brought into this life, maybe you would have explored the relationship, welcomed the sparks that caused your stomach to do backflips with open arms. But, woe is you, as that was not the case.
You were currently at a Supernatural convention, tricked into attending by Becky sending a fake red alert text to Dean through Chuck’s phone. You vaguely wondered how she got her hands on his phone, but quickly let the thought slip past your mind. There was no need to feel jealous over somebody you weren’t even going to chase after. Still, you felt a small twinge of dislike for the girl, and you weren’t too disappointed when she shifted her focus on Sam once more.
“You’re kidding me- there are people who actually want to be us?” Dean asks in his usual, overly-dramatic tone.
“Hey, I’m just as surprised as you are,” Chuck defends himself before a man walks up to him and says “5 minutes Mr. Edlund” before walking off. Chuck gives the three of you an apologetic look before turning around and making his way to the stage for Q and A, which, of course, went as well as you would expect. You weren’t sure how he was able to stay up on that stage without a bathroom break with as much water as he had been chugging. You definitely did not want to switch places with him, you’d be as nervous a wreck as he was.
And, now, he needed to be up there longer than he expected as the three of you found an actual case amidst the conventions ‘hunt’, and guess who got to go tell him while the other two went to collect the others? You, of course. Inwardly groaning, you walked up to the stage, Chuck’s eyes immediately falling onto you, curiosity evident in his expression but a delighted grin on his face nonetheless. You bit down the warm sensation you felt in your pit as you motioned for him to come closer.
“We have a problem,” you whispered hurriedly in his ear. His brows furrowed at your tone.
“What? What is it?” he asked, making sure to speak away from the mic.
“Turns out there’s an actual case here. You need to keep everyone in here until we give you the all clear,” you say, trying not to eye the audience that was completely silent, curious as to what you were talking about. God, you hated crowds.
“I-I have to be up here longer? Yeah, sure, no sweat,” he said, obviously not believing himself. You gave him an apologetic smile.
“Good luck,” you pat his shoulder and hopped off the stage.
“(y/n), wait!” he whisper-yelled. You turned back to him, standing in front of the first row of the audience. He gave you a desperate look, one he would always give you when you had to go back to hunting. You inhaled slowly and responded in a whisper that only he could hear.
“Look, I have to go do this, Chuck. So unless you have anything to tell me about the thing we’re dealing with, save it.”
You knew you were being rude, but the only other option would be to fall into the old lover’s quarrel over whether or not you should be doing something dangerous that could help others. So, biting back an “I’m sorry,” you turned on your heel and made your way back to the brothers.
The rest of the night wasn’t so bad, compared to other cases you’d been on. The three of you were able to burn the remains of the three boys, with help from two LARPing convention-goers. With the dangers lifted, everyone started making their way out of the hotel. Dean was talking with the fake Dean and Sam that burned the boys’ bones, while Sam was stuck listening to Becky gush over him. You were making your way back to the impala, wanting to get out of there, when you saw Chuck walking in your direction. You picked up your pace, not wanting to have to shield your emotions for much longer. It wasn’t everyday that you spent an entire day with the man you were almost certain was your soulmate, only to have to cram those feelings back inside yourself. You needed a break.
“(Y/n), stop, please!”
You sighed, knowing that he knew you heard him say your name and not having the heart to ignore him. You stopped in your tracks, waiting for him to catch up to you. When he did, you kept your eyes to the ground. He was silent for awhile, all you heard from him was breathing. It took you a minute to realize that he wanted you to look at him, which turned out to be a bad idea. His ocean blue eyes held so many emotions in them as they stared into yours. You faintly remembered the first time you locked eyes, feeling like you could get lost in them for days on end, with no regard for the world around you. That was almost always what it was like, staring into his eyes. You felt like the world melted away around you, leaving nothing but you and Chuck, together. Of course, this feeling scared you from the beginning. Getting lost in something, even if it’s the eyes of the person you loved, wasn’t the smartest thing to do when you’re a hunter.
Chuck gently held your hands in his, breaking you from your thoughts. “(y/n), don’t you see? The harder you push me away, the more I want to know you.”
You looked away, opting to stare at the trees surrounding the hotel’s parking lot, processing what he said. Though simple those words are separately, they almost brought tears to your eyes.
“Chuck,” you say, your voice nearly inaudible, tears threatening to spill. You cursed inwardly, knowing that this would happen sooner or later. See, you were great at bottling things up, but you weren’t so good at keeping those things from exploding.
He squeezed your hands gently, causing you to meet his eyes once more. “How long are you going to fight this, to fight me?” he asks, his voice cracking. “You know there’s something here.”
“Chuck, I can’t. You know the life I live, I can’t have all the bad guys coming after you, using you as leverage.”
“(y/n), I’m protected by an archangel, I don’t think they’d let anything happen to me.”
“Yeah well, angels are dicks. Yeah, they need you alive, but they don’t care if you’re hurt, or if you’re tortured to death. They’ll just bring you back,” you shake your head, adding a “Maybe,” at the end.
“So what? Is that any different than what you and the Winchesters go through? Trust me when I say, I can handle myself,” he reassures you, and for a moment, the insecure, paranoid prophet you knew was gone and replaced by someone more… confident, someone who you would relate with the phrase ‘old and wise’. You weren’t exactly sure why, but you believed him when he said he could handle himself, even if he wasn’t a hunter.
“Are you sure about that?” you asked, although you already knew the answer, and by the expression on Chuck’s face, he knew that you did.
“Look, all I’m asking for is a chance,” his eyes search yours desperately, hands holding yours as if you’d let go at any moment. You knew you should have tore your gaze from his, but you couldn’t deny the bond between the two of you. You wanted nothing more than to be with him, have an ‘apple pie life’ as Sam once called it, but no one really gets out of the life. Shit catches up to you when you settle down, hitting you when you least expect it. With all this information, the logical choice would be to turn on your heel and run, never looking back.
You sighed, for what seemed like the umpteenth time today, and gave his hands a squeeze. You thought about being logical but figured, screw it, when has being logical ever worked out in your favor? Maybe half the time, maybe more. You’d take your chances.
Instead of giving him a verbal response - something you were not so great at when it came to emotions - you tugged his hands, pulling him closer to you before pressing your lips against his in a gentle, sweet kiss. His arms immediately found their way to your waist, pulling your body flush against his as he deepened the kiss, surprising you a little seeing as Chuck wasn’t very pro-risk.
You faintly heard whooping near you, although you weren’t quite where it came from when the fact hit you that you were still in public, the center of attention for the rest of the convention-goers who hadn’t left as soon as the doors were open. You had the decency to pull away, your cheeks tinted with the lightest shade of pink. Chuck smiled at you, a genuinely happy expression on his face for once, and you couldn’t deny being just a little bit proud of being the person who caused it.
“So I-I take it that’s a yes?” he asks, eyes seeming a shade lighter than before.
“No, I just wanted to kiss you before I inevitably run away and don’t come back,” you reply like the smartass you are. You could tell by his expression that he wasn’t completely sure if you were joking or not. You roll your eyes, playfully hitting his shoulder. “Of course it’s a yes.”
“Fuckin’ finally,” You heard Dean curse behind you. You shook your head, a small smile on your lips, and as you looked at the prophet, you knew things would be okay. Of course, there would be pain and suffering like always, but things would be… relatively okay. You hadn’t realized it, but you had been carrying so much anxiety and fear with you - about hunting, about your emotions, everything - and when you finally let him in, you felt as if your fears had been washed clean, like a blank slate.
You’ve heard stories of people meeting their so-called ‘soulmates’, and how the feeling was like being reset, giving you a blank slate to work with once more and allowing you to learn from your past mistakes and not hold guilt for the things you couldn’t control. You’d never really believed the whole ‘soulmate’ thing, it’d seemed too far fetched for your taste. Only having one person to truly be yours, falling for them before even getting to know them, that didn’t seem likely. But, as you stood here, in Chuck’s embrace, staring up into his kind eyes, you started to think that maybe the idea of a ‘soulmate’ wasn’t so bad. That maybe, just maybe, Chuck was your soulmate and you were his.
The small smile that rested on your face turned into a grin.
I’d be okay with that, you told yourself.
And Chuck agreed.
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itsmajel · 7 years
Majel Reads - July 2017
[What is this?]
Supernatural - Destiel
Ultraviolet by MittenWraith
The world seemed to be settling back into a somewhat regular pattern of supernatural activity after Sam officially rescinded the British Men of Letters American visa and Cas had moved into the bunker as a full-time Winchester. What seemed like a milk run hunt goes pear-shaped when Dean becomes the latest victim of a soul-devouring curse. Breaking the curse and saving his life only lead to a bigger mystery when someone unexpected steps out of the Impala and walks right into the middle of their case.
[Mature] [44919 Words] [Read on AO3 here]
What We Ache For by almaasi
Working as a prostitute (that’s ‘sex worker’ to the decent folks), Castiel has heard more than his fair share of odd requests. When he’s paid to spend a night with Dean Winchester (handsome, dork of all dorks, has a nice car... secretly a cop), the last thing Castiel expects to hear are the words “I wanna make love.” That's the one thing he’s never done before – so Dean is going to show him how to do it. But then, barely a month after that night is over, Castiel finds himself in a difficult situation, and Dean is mistakenly summoned to help. They begin to share again: Dean’s apartment, the spare bed, their deepest secrets. Over time, with the support of Dean’s brother Sam, a mystery dog, and lots of cuddles, kisses, comfort, and tea, maybe Cas can finally be loved the way he deserves.
[Explicit] [ 93,115 Words] [Read on AO3 here]
Night Exhibition by almaasi
Welcome to the world's most generic museum. In the café, you'll find Dean, putting dinosaur cut-outs on his award-winning apple pies. In the gift shop, you'll find his snarky yet devastatingly handsome friend Castiel, folding t-shirts for a living. But Castiel has a second job as a night watchman, patrolling the marble halls and protecting the museum exhibits after dark. One night, Dean asks to tag along. He could never resist a crisp blue uniform, and he'll take any opportunity to have his friend show it off. It might take all night, one dance, and a playful sex act (or five) in a few unusual places around the museum before either of them realise... maybe Dean's interest was never about the uniform. And maybe their friendship was already something else.
[Explicit] [26996 Words] [Read on AO3 here]
Dean and the Doula by whichstiel                                        
Castiel is Eileen's doula. FOR REASONS, you guys.
[Explicit] [8432 Words] [Read on AO3 here]
True as It Can Be by whelvenwings                          
Growing up in a small town in Kansas, Dean learned from a young age that there was only one rule that couldn’t be broken, one place he couldn’t go - through the forest, to the long-abandoned Angel’s Hollow. But when Sam disappears, Dean’s left with no choice but to follow his brother's tracks through the dangers of the wood; little does he know that the most dangerous creature of all lurks not among the trees, but in the Hollow itself. Dean sets Sam free, at the cost of his own liberty - and, bound by magic, resigns himself to living out the rest of his days in the Hollow, at the mercy of the being within. The angel of Angel’s Hollow, however, has a story - is a prisoner, too, as much as Dean is. Only one thing can free them both - but it is impossible. For, after all: who could ever learn to love a beast?
[Explicit] [71953 Words] [Read on AO3 here]
With Sure Certainty by andimeantittosting (Saylee)                
His first thought: "Who are you?"
It's the morning after his brother’s spur of the moment bachelor party in Vegas and Dean Winchester wakes up with the mother of all hangovers. Even worse, he's in a stranger's penthouse having woken up with something else as well - a weird, dorky, oddly charming, dashingly handsome… husband!
Up until now, marriage had always been off the table- Dean wasn’t relationship material, his life was in shambles, and he’d sworn off love for good. Then a night of terrible surprises, a few (okay, a lot) of martinis with Castle... no, Castiel Novak, and he's gone from first meet to marriage in one night.
Dean wants a lawyer. But Castiel’s shocking bombshell?
"I don't want a divorce."
[ Mature ] [16004 Words] [Read on AO3 here]
A Marriage of Misadventure by noxlee                              
At seventeen, Castiel Shurley fell madly in love with Dean Winchester, the steward's apprentice on his brother's estate. When they were caught together, Dean was dismissed, and Castiel was sent to war, told to bring honour to the family name or die trying. With peacetime finally upon them, Castiel is shocked to discover that Milton Park's new neighbour is none other than his erstwhile lover.
Dean, now Captain Singer, has spent the better part of a decade believing that Castiel betrayed him. When he learns that Castiel is at Milton Park, recovering from his battle wounds, he embarks on an ill-advised plan for revenge. When the man he finds is nothing like the villain he has imagined him, he must learn to put aside his anger, and trust, once again, in love.
[Explicit] [26,863 Words] [Read on AO3 here]
Hear You Me by through_shadows_falling
At seventeen, Castiel Shurley fell madly in love with Dean Winchester, the steward's apprentice on his brother's estate. When they were caught together, Dean was dismissed, and Castiel was sent to war, told to bring honour to the family name or die trying. With peacetime finally upon them, Castiel is shocked to discover that Milton Park's new neighbour is none other than his erstwhile lover.
Dean, now Captain Singer, has spent the better part of a decade believing that Castiel betrayed him. When he learns that Castiel is at Milton Park, recovering from his battle wounds, he embarks on an ill-advised plan for revenge. When the man he finds is nothing like the villain he has imagined him, he must learn to put aside his anger, and trust, once again, in love.
[Mature] [ 84,459 Words] [Read on AO3 here]
Arrested by Love by teacass (Fushigi)                
Running away from an affair gone wrong, famous musician and media darling Dean Winchester flees to the only place small enough to offer him security: his hometown of Madison, West Virginia.
Holing up in his father’s old cabin, he plans to wait out the storm in relative peace. Until he meets the new sheriff, Castiel Novak, who seems to be the only person in town immune to Dean’s (many) charms. Several maddening encounters and one completely unjustified arrest later, Dean is sure of one thing: his time at home will be anything but boring.
[Explicit] [42,287 Words] [Read on AO3 here]
When I See You Again by noxsoulmate [Re-Read]
It has been ten years since Dean Winchester left his hometown and moved to L.A. Ten years since Castiel Novak, his best friend and the love of his life, ended the relationship and set Dean free, so they could both follow their dreams. Now they’re both where they wanted to be in their careers, but what about their hearts? What will happen when Dean Winchester comes home after ten years for the concert of his life?
[Mature] [41,415 Words] [Read on AO3 here]
Love Lab by youaresunlight
When Dean sees the flyer for a research study offering $75 to participants, he doesn’t think twice before signing him and Cas up. The problem, of course, is that it’s a romantic couples study and while Cas is his roommate and best friend, they are very much not in a relationship.
[Mature] [5,385 Words] [Read on AO3 here]
Captain America / Marvel CMU - Stucky
live for the way that you cheer and scream for me by oh_la_fraise   *      
“Jesus, you're buff.” He snatched his hand back again, blushing. “Christ, I can't keep my mouth shut. Sorry. It's just, you could be Cap himself with those arms.”
Aka the one where Bucky is dressed like Captain America at a Captain America convention and doesn't realize he's talking to Captain America.
[General Audiences] [1,236 Words] [Read on AO3 here]
broken people (living under loaded gun) by obsessivereader, Slaughter_Me  
“It’s him, Nat.”
“He may look like Steve, but that’s not Steve.” Distress mars her calm, professional mask, a sign of how shaken she is. “You saw how many men he killed, the way he did it. That’s not Steve.”
Bucky knows what she means. The man in the cell was merciless and ruthless, and he killed with such brutal grace that Bucky hadn’t been able to look away. But strip Steve of his higher ideals, and that’s how he’d fight; smart, efficient, lethal; leaving dead bodies in his wake, instead of just broken bones and contusions.
So the question is, what had Hydra done to Steve, and who did Bucky have to kill in recompense.
[Teen And Up Audiences] [ 5,855 Words] [Read on AO3 here]
Comin' in on a Wing and a Prayer by boopboop
This wasn't Steve's plan for tonight.
Part of the plan, maybe. The part where he goes to a club, anonymous and dark; that's been part of the plan from the start. The part where he finds some... company; also part of the plan. He's self-aware enough to know how pathetically lonely he's feeling right now. The rest of the plan had been...less detailed, more just a collection abstract ideas. None of which he'd imagined would lead him here, his palms sweaty as they fish handfuls of cash out of his pockets, one arm anchored around the waist of a man who is very enthusiastically nibbling on his earlobe.
Steve tries and fails to master the whole 'one-night stand' thing, lies snowball in a truly epic fashion, the supervillains of New York are all out of control, Tony is the worst best friend and mediator in the history of ever, and Bucky has the patience of a saint. Guest starring: Augustus the houseplant, projectile pineapples, and Target superhero costumes.
[Explicit] [18,609 Words] [Read on AO3 here]
Itinerant by  realmythology  
Maybe flowers’ll grow from me, pulling everything else out of my flesh until I’m nothing but those bones, nothing but all the love I got for you. That’ll last forever, I know it.
Got me all twisted-up, honey. Always did.
Steve Rogers tries to carve out a place for himself in a world where he isn't Captain America. Bucky Barnes tries to reclaim himself while paying back a debt that he can't shake.
Somehow, they manage to meet in the middle.
[Mature] [42,637 Words] [Read on AO3 here]
One Way Or Another by Chiyume  
When Steve volunteers to help Tony launch Stark Tech’s new Military Prosthetics Project, the last person he expects to see as he walks into the lab is the same guy who had him shoved up against a wall in the back of a club the weekend before.
Back then he had just been Steve Rogers; a civilian looking for a good time just like everyone. Here, he’s Captain America; hero, justice, and patriotism personified. Bucky, however, is still the flirtatious devil he had been back at the club, and he’s obviously not going to let something as trivial as Steve’s occupation get in the way of what he wants.
[Explicit] [22,374 Words] [Read on AO3 here]
Wingman by Hopeless--Geek (wuzzy90), shanology
All Steve wants to do is finish his ridiculous assignment as a cupid quickly so he can take on the job he’s been working towards for decades: guardian angel. But somehow, every match he tries to make for Bucky Barnes ends up in disaster. It’s like the man doesn’t even want to find his true love. In fact, he seems far more interested in getting his cupid into bed…
[Explicit] [33,118 Words] [Read on AO3 here]
Treasured by Dira Sudis (dsudis), Sealcat 
When everyone in town became convinced that a dragon really had come again to the Old Lair, and that the town would have to offer it tribute, they all looked at Steve.
 Honestly, he was relieved
[Mature] [24,609 Words] [Read on AO3 here]
We've been making shades of purple out of red and blue by                     Artisblue, Boyfriendsziam 
When Bucky Barnes comes back to school, Steve can't believe how he just seems to have forgotten about how they used to flirt with each other. Steve wants to hate him, he really does, but after Miss Potts pairs them up for an art project, the truth about Bucky's missing memories and limb comes out and maybe, there's a chance to rebuild what seemed to be lost.
[Mature] [27,144 Words] [Read on AO3 here]
Bring It On Home To Me by mambo
Steve's students don't believe him when he says he's dating international rockstar and heartthrob Bucky Barnes, but he is, and has been since they were sixteen.
(A Captain America Reverse Big Bang 2017 collaboration between mambo and ellebeesknees.)
[Teen And Up Audiences] [10,808 Words] [Read on AO3 here]
Where You Lead by mambo
“That was before I saw that you were on a date,” she says. “Date?” Steve asks, confused. "The man you were holding hands with,” Peggy says. Steve shakes his head. “No, no, that’s not a date. That’s just… Bucky. He’s Bucky.”
Steve is a single dad who manages the local inn. Bucky runs the local diner. Steve loves Bucky's coffee, but definitely not Bucky. Except, maybe that's not so true. Well, it's true about the coffee. Steve definitely loves Bucky's coffee.
(A Gilmore Girls-inspired AU that doesn't require background knowledge of Gilmore Girls to enjoy, and a Captain America Reverse Big Bang offering from mambo and tuntekorpp.)
[Teen And Up Audiences] [11,297 Words] [Read on AO3 here]
sarah castellanos: unofficial super soldier matchmaker by Ookami_Hime
@unicornweenie: momma was diagnosed with #breastcancer. running 4 her in a marathon but in desperate need of training buddy. :( hey @steverogers u down? ;) @jamesbarnes: time and place and i'll make sure he shows @unicornweenie: wtf omg @jamesbarnes r u for real? @jamesbarnes: @unicornweenie last i checked i'm real. hold up. lemme message you. don't need the paparazzi breathing down our necks ;P
[Teen And Up Audiences] [6,414 Words] [Read on AO3 here]
I Just Want to Love You in My Own Language by agetwellcard, inediblesushi
Bucky Barnes is Captain America and uses terrible pickup lines. Steve Rogers is Captain America's nurse and is not impressed by the aforementioned terrible pickup lines.
[Explicit] [ 22,436 Words] [Read on AO3 here]
Like a Bruise by Shaish                
Ten years is a long time to hate someone, especially when you loved them first.
[Teen And Up Audiences] [24,724 Words] [Read on AO3 here]
A Soft Blur by agetwellcard
After recovering from his time in the army, Bucky is a successful photographer who is trying to forget his past. Two weeks after Steve's return, he accidentally spills his champagne on Bucky at a charity event. It brings them together at a time when the two of them need each other the most.
[Explicit] [28,079 Words] [Read on AO3 here]
No Diamonds on This Chain by brideofquiet
Now, Steve is no prude. In fact, he is very much the opposite of a prude, but that’s mostly behind closed doors or when it’ll earn him better tips. But he feels the blush rising on his cheeks anyway, because who really expects to pull a string of anal beads from the lost and found at their restaurant job on a Thursday morning?
No one should ever expect that. That’d be fucking weird as hell to expect that.
[Explicit] [15,766 Words] [Read on AO3 here]
Once More to See You by brideofquiet
Treadmill Guy is a problem. Not a problem to be solved, but a problem to be steadily ignored until it shrinks into nothingness and stops being a bother. Unfortunately for Bucky, people don’t come to the gym because they’re trying to shrink away into nothingness. People generally come to the gym to get bigger, which is what he was doing until Treadmill Guy walked in one day and ruined all of his (fitness-related) hopes and dreams.
Or: what to do when an unusually handsome cardio enthusiast named Steve starts coming to your gym, the Bucky Barnes how-to.
[General Audiences] [7,054 Words] [Read on AO3 here]
This Side by brideofquiet
Bucky Barnes restores antiques for a living. Steve Rogers saves the world. Bucky has no reason to believe their paths will ever cross, right up until they do.
Or: the Notting Hill AU.
[Teen And Up Audiences] [35,321 Words] [Read on AO3 here]
Send Nudes! by DizzyRedhead, TrishArgh
When Steve decided to cosplay Captain America, one of his favorite TV characters, at a convention, he didn't expect to meet a Winter Soldier cosplayer who looks like he stepped right off the screen (and has a great ass). He didn't expect to hook up with Bucky, or to find out that they live in the same part of Brooklyn. He definitely didn't expect the sexting, or the continued hooking up, or the dinner dates.
Steve didn't expect any of this. Especially not the feelings.
[Explicit] [21,847 Words] [Read on AO3 here]
Local Raccoon Befriends Angry Chihuahua by charlesdk
Rogers was a tiny man. Bucky was sure he easily disappeared in a crowd and became invisible. He was tiny and short and skinny and didn't look like much. But his fists were clenched to his sides in anger, his jaw was jutted out, his boney shoulders were square, and his voice held more power than his body looked like it did.
Screaming and yelling and swearing like a damn sailor and asking for a fight, Bucky found him breathtakingly gorgeous. Like a tiny ball of energy and rage and justice that shined brighter than the fucking sun, punching his way through the evil and disgusting trash of the world.
Bucky never believed in love at first sight and the way his heart warmed and pounded at the mere sound of Rogers didn't really change his mind. But it did make him stop and stare, desperately reaching out for the feeling he felt when he looked at him because it was good and Bucky hadn't had good in his life in years.
OR – in which one armed veteran, suffering insomniac, and grump extraordinaire Bucky Barnes gets turned into a puddle of goo by the tiniest, angriest, most wonderful guy in the entire universe.
[Teen And Up Audiences] [15,314 Words] [Read on AO3 here]
6:13 AM by charlesdk
It was routine, getting on the train that early in the morning, and Steve had it down to a damn tee. It was tiring, waking up that early to catch a train to work, but it wasn't so bad.
Especially not after he started showing up.
He was the man with murder eyes and shockingly good looks despite the whole hobo vibe but with a soft center. Steve liked to call him the Human Impersonation of the Grumpy Cat in his head; Grumpy Cat for short when he whined about him to either Natasha or Sam.
OR – in which Steve falls in love with a stranger.
[Teen And Up Audiences] [5,885 Words] [Read on AO3 here]
An Open Heart Is An Open Wound by Kinthinia                
“Soul-bonding is very special,” his mother had said. “You can only do it once in your life so if you do it, make sure it’s with someone special.”   “But what if they don’t choose me back?” Steve had asked, thinking about his scrawny body and the way girls didn’t look at him.
“You would be tied to them forever,” his mother said gently. “That’s why it’s so important you make sure they’re the one. Because they don’t have to choose you too. And for some people, that’s more than enough. To just simply be tied to one person.”
“It should be special shouldn’t it, like what you and Dad had?”
Sarah smiled tiredly. “Yes. But it doesn’t always happen that way, for everyone.” She ruffled Steve’s hair affectionately. “Just make sure you’re prepared, when you choose someone.”
Steve laughed. “I will, Ma.”
Of course, three days later, Steve made his choice. Considering his history of relationships, he probably should have known it wouldn’t be reciprocated.
[Mature] [78,553 Words] [Read on AO3 here]
Laughter Lines by gammadolphin
Bucky Barnes is a rising Hollywood star with a tragic past and a reputation for driving his bodyguards away. Steve Rogers is a veteran with the same tragic past and the need to get back out in the world. The two of them have been estranged since they were teenagers, so when Steve joins SHIELD as a bodyguard, he is less than thrilled when he finds out that Bucky is his first assignment. But how bad can it be? They're both professional adults, right?
[Mature] [100,248 Words] [Read on AO3 here]
Captain America in Supernatural World - Stucky
Deal of a Lifetime by TwistedFate108 
Steve Rogers was small, sick, and frail, but when he runs across a book that promises him the assistance of the supernatural, it's impossible to resist. However, what he ends up with is a demon and more than he can handle. It especially sucks when said demon repeatedly refuses to take his soul, and when he ends up caring more than he should.
[Mature] [16,732 Words] [Read on AO3 here]
Star Trek - James T. Kirk/Spock
Souls Lost at Sea by deesaster
Two weeks have passed since the launch of the USS Enterprise-A, and Jim feels like a stranger on board his own ship. He can tell this is not his Enterprise, even though everything looks exactly the same. However, it's good to be back after spending the past six months stranded on a starbase in deep space, away from his chair and the stars.
It would have been manageable if the only different things had been the ship and a part of his crew. On top of his uneasiness and guilt in the aftermath of the Yorktown incident, Spock has been avoiding him and Jim can't for the life of him figure out why. Even though he has come to terms with his unrequited feelings for Spock long ago, he pines for his First Officer's company more than ever, and hopes he can somehow bring their friendship back to life.
[Mature] [25115 Words] [Read on AO3 here]
Among The Stars by yaoichan12                
I'm not good with summaries, but here is the best I could come up with: When Jim is accidentally abducted as a kid he discovers that humans are not alone in the universe.  No one believes him in his small town and thinks he's crazy. He looks to the stars, grows up and becomes an astronaut. After being overlooked for the first manned mission to Mars, Jim is sent to work in a secret R&D department. There, Jim meets his new boss, a weird guy that wears beanies all the time and doesn't like to be touched or to touch anyone.  Jim swears the guy looks familiar but he just can't figure out where he knows him from. Jim then discovers that there are others that know the truth and even work to keep Earth safe.
[Not Rated] [81,246 Words] [Read on AO3 here]
Dangerous Territory, Part II of the Field of Evermore Series by Tiger Tyger (Southern_Comfort)
How could it be possible for Kirk, Spock, and McCoy to find any trouble during their Earth-based assignments? After all, Jim is only a lowly admiral working under the irascible leadership of Steven Stearns in Fleet Operations; Spock acts as a new teacher for Science and Technology at Star Fleet Academy; and Bones is a new administrator at Medical Operations. More importantly, the three men are working their way around new relationships, adapting to different professional positions, new demands . . . as well as spiritual visitations, aggressive colleagues, jealousy, academic politics, and sudden violence. Come along and watch the next stage in the development of the legends of Star Trek: The Original Series!
[Explicit] [55,802 Words] [Read on AO3 here]
Freely Given by Jenna Hilary Sinclair (JennaHilary)
As Kirk, Spock, and McCoy make a diplomatic visit to a planet where ritual kisses are common exchanges, McCoy urges Spock to consider the nature of gift giving.
[Explicit] [22,587 Words] [Read on AO3 here]
Combien de Temps by rabidchild67
Sometimes, things start a little backwards. Or, five times Jim and Spock screwed before they admitted it really meant something.
[Explicit] [22,909 Words] [Read on AO3 here]
Next Best Destiny by rabidchild67
AU in which Spock is Captain and Jim the (geeky) new officer in Sciences.
Science Officer!Kirk - it had to be written
[Teen And Up Audiences] [58,224 Words] [Read on AO3 here]
First by rabidchild67
It’s Jim’s first mission as Enterprise’s first officer and, well, he and Captain Spock have an important “first” of their own to get to.
Sequel to Next Best Destiny
[Explicit] [25,678 Words] [Read on AO3 here]
Sea Change by jouissant
As the five-year mission gets underway, Kirk and Spock are on course to develop a friendship--or something--that will define them both. Then, a poorly-timed away mission changes everything. Before they can begin to deal with the fallout, Jim disappears. With his captain presumed dead, Spock has no choice but to accept a promotion and try to move on. But when he starts experiencing disturbing visions, he gradually begins to suspect that Jim may be alive after all. (A canon-divergent AU assuming they began the 5-year mission following STXI.)
[Explicit] [35,218 Words] [Read on AO3 here]
Last Request by AshayaTReldai
Life is messy. One moment they were celebrating Christmas: Captain James T Kirk, his First Officer Spock, his wife Commander Nyota Uhura, and their new baby daughter. The next, a heart-breaking funeral, leaving Jim to pick up the pieces. Sworn to be friends, he’d buried his love deep; the Vulcan was happily married to somebody Jim respected greatly, and contrary to popular belief he’s not that kind of guy. Yet a last request to care for Nyota’s husband and child leaves him with a dilemma, a dilemma that can only be solved by a Christmas miracle.
Written for the K/S Advent Challenge 2014, for a prompt by Misscar (see end notes for prompt).
Inspired by the Dear Spock Universe.
[Explicit] [106,277 Words] [Read on AO3 here]
The Hobbit - Bagginshield - Bilbo Baggins/Thorin Oakenshield
An Early Start by HiddenKitty
Everyone knows they were doing it all along, right?
My first-born or a kidney, as preferred, to HSavinien and Maybetwice, two excellent betas who deserve better than such an anxious, needy writer. Thank you guys, so much. :3
[Explicit] [44,436 Words] [Read on AO3 here]
through miles of clouded hell by yaseanne                
for the prompt: "Thorin tries to woo Bilbo... but fails miserably at it. In fact, he only manages to scare the living shit out of the hobbit." 
He believed, for a moment, in this King, and thought that this was what Balin must have meant that day in the wilderness, that this was the King he saw in Moria, noble and unbroken.
[Explicit] [13,773 Words] [Read on AO3 here]
(All summaries are the official summaries of the author. Stats and infos as according to hosting site or information given by the author)
Looking for more reading inspiration? Check out my fic rec tag  here on tumblr, my reading list masterpost or just check out my AO3 bookmarks.
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