#also this is very much not an exhaustive answer but if you wanna dm me i can direct you to some better resources written by trans women!
growsagain · 1 year
Before you follow or message me (updated Sept ‘24)
💙 Tummy kink blog (no minors) run by a gaining 40-something, bi, autistic, demisexual, transmasc feedee belly model who’s played a stomach fetish character called Gurgle Goddess for the past ten years 🍟🍔
💜 👉 Looking for feeders! 👈 Gaining is my serious focus right now! Gaining for almost 11 years.  SW: 6 stone (84lb/38kg) ✨ CW: 17 stone (238lb/107.9kg) ✨ GW: 300lb (21.4 stone/136kg)
🩷 My health limits the amount I can work. Updating Patreon and OF is my priority but I share samples, preview pics and bonus clips on social media as much as I’m able!
🤍 SORRY, I DON’T DM! Especially not if you just send ‘hi’ or ‘hey’. Anything else, I’ll maybe check once in a blue moon and ask you to send me an ask or an email instead!
🩵 My posts are often filtered by tumblr so feel free to check my blog occasionally for the things you may have missed!
Before you message me:
Gurgle Goddess is just a character I play - I’m a real person (hi! 🤗) you can also find me here where I’m just being myself: @imthemiddleman
‼️ NO TRIBUTES ‼️ Enjoy my content however you like! I just don’t wanna see or hear about it!
🔸Please Don’t:🔸 Flirt, use familiar, cute or feminine nicknames or terms, or talk about touching/doing things to any part of my body, that makes me really uncomfortable
✨💛 Happily taken 💛✨ very devoted to my lovely partner Luce! 🥰 💍 been together over 10 years 🥰
Please don’t send pics/vids - I really appreciate the thought! It just makes me uncomfortable, I’m sorry! the only tummy I’m into is my lovely partner’s 🥵 and a possible exception of maybe two fictional characters (yeah, you know who one of those is 😑😑😑)
I’d rather be complimented than teased/degraded - I’m proud of my body, belly & gains 🩵 I only like the other stuff from Luce 😈
Sorry, I don’t IM, but I love asks!!! especially anons I can post 🤗
Sorry, I can’t do small talk! I’m autistic, exhausted and extremely socially awkward, I’m always happy to answer questions in asks but that’s about my limit 🤯
🩷 My favourite parts of the kink (in current approx order!):
Weight gain (not into unrealistic or excessive/immobility)
Belly noises
Upset tummy
Internal Gas
Object vore (marbles etc)
💜 Lesser parts of my kink (often only of interest in specific circumstances):
Hunger noises (I HATE being hungry so growls are way less exciting to me but are more interesting now I’m fatter and they give my greed away so much more than they used to 🤫!)
Stretch marks
Full bladder/desperation
🖤 On Hold: Farting
Please leave farts WELL alone right now. in addition to the severe health issues that make this impossible rn the way some members of the community have bombarded me about this over the years have at this point destroyed the tiny part of it I found enjoyable. If I‘m ever to enjoy this in *any* way again or have any inclination to make fart content in future it’s really important that I find my *own* way into enjoying this again to even a small degree. Time and space are the best way for that to happen - thank you for understanding 💕
🩶 Personally not into:
Being hungry/starving
Farts (right now)
💔 Turn-Offs:
Vomiting (actually phobic, can only tolerate in written form)
More extreme farting stuff (face sitting etc, big turn off)
Unrealistic weight gain/eating
💚 And if anyone’s interested, here are some of my Non Belly kinks:
Mind control
False memory
Drag (obviously :P)
Body transformation? I mean, weight gain comes under that umbrella too obvs but things like (not extreme) muscle building, body mods, other body changes
I also have a lot of non-con/survival kinks that serve as trauma processing.
Romance/yearning/jealousy/tragic love (I have issues ok??? :P T has done a number on my emotions!!!) (and yes it is a kink, as i’ve come to resentfully admit, much to my chagrin and Lucy’s amusement!!! 😫😅)
Captain Jack fucking Harkness 😑😑😑 I think he counts 😫
Aside from belly stuff I’m total fandom trash, talk to me about Torchwood and I’m putty in your hands :P
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abysscronica · 1 year
I hope it's ok to ask, I noticed you don't interact with many blogs or fandom discourse in general. Is there a reason?
Okay, I've received a couple of asks and DMs more or less revolving around this topic, so I'm going to address it here.
My blog's main goal is to interact with my existing readers, since all my stories are on AO3 and Wattpad (I've only posted a couple here). I use it to answer your questions on my writings, the characters, and whatever you guys want to ask me, and I love it. Of course I'm happy if I get some more readers from Tumblr, but that's not my primary aim here, at least for now.
It would be great to use this page to expand my followers, but I barely have time to actually write these days, so unfortunately, at the moment, I can't afford to spend any to curate this space... except for answering your asks. (on this regard, I know I'm months late for some, please don't lose hope, everything is there and will be worked on eventually!)
That said, even if I do get time to dedicate to my tumblr at some point, it'll probably be ordering my posts and posting my other stories, not much more. Before I go into more details on my thoughts on fandom discourse and fics/headcanons, let me repeat the usual disclaimer...
The ones below represent my very personal views. They are not right or wrong, and it absolutely does not mean I disapprove of different views. I encourage you all to enjoy the fandom experience and community in the way you see fit, as long as it's not damaging you or anyone else.
Fandom discourse. I... simply don't really care about it. I'm talking mainly about One Piece, but this can apply to any content I enjoy. Here's how my experience goes: I read the manga, the SBS, watch the anime, consume basically any content available. I follow a couple of OP youtubers talking about every little thing, from chapter reviews to any kind of news (Tekking101 and Sawyer7mage). Then I write fanfictions based on all the knowledge accumulated, of course expanding into my personal headcanons. This pretty much satiates my thirst for content and need for sources.
Obviously I enjoy talking about OP with other fans, especially like-minded ones such as Kid Pirates fans. Buuuut being an active part of the community can also be exhausting. I'm sure you know there's a lot of Kid dissing going on for example, and Kid fans are often caught in battles to defend him. I honestly don't want to take part into it, because I don't think other people's feelings about a character should influence my experience of the show anyway, so I don't care about changing their mind either. I just... wanna do my own thing and share it with my mutuals & readers.
Analyses, meta, theories. Honestly, the two OP youtubers I follow (plus Arthur's posts on Twitter) fulfill this need in a very comprehensive way. I've yet to see a single tumblr post that comes even close to their insights (but if you know some, feel free to point me in that direction, I'll be happy to check them out). They often even contain inaccurate information. I do reblog whatever I deem interesting though, and I'll gladly answer to anything if you wanna know about my thoughts.
Fics & headcanons. Once again, I'll always be super happy to share my content with you guys. I cannot accept fic requests but feel free to ask for any headcanon you may be interested in!
As for other people's stuff. I said this before, unfortunately I'm a terribly picky reader (this does not only apply to fics, but to literature in general). The slightest hint of "unjustified" OC, a Mary Sue trait on a MC, too many cliches, a writing style that does not catch me... I'll scroll ahead. I know many will roll their eyes at this, and they are right, but I just won't impose something I don't fully enjoy to myself, not with my limited spare time. But writers should write whatever they want and I'll never be unsupportive of that, even if it's not my jazz! The stuff I read and enjoyed, I reblog.
This should be all I have to say on the matter. If you have any further question, feel free to send and ask.
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zeynatura · 1 year
My DND character missenterpreted by my friends
an essay by Zey
I'll start by giving a small sumary of my character.
His name is Helel ben Sahar, he's an eladrin elf, 120-150 years old, he/they, masc nonbinary, pansexual, tall, androgynous, long hair, long nails, loves to dress feminine and be fabulous.
He's a storm sorcerer, youngest prince of a Kingdom in the Feywild, his hair colour changes based on the season he's attuned in (this is one of my fav characteristics of all time), he's chaotic evil and the second dnd character i ever made, also the first one to have a detailed backstory and even family npcs with their own description.
(I love this family so much askfhbafin)
He's a very spoiled prince, very flirty and charismatic ofc the complete opposite of my party ie my friend's characters.
Under all that he's a lonely sheltered child who just wants to find his own place in life, you know, because he's the youngest (big sis and big bro) he aint gonna be the next heir and his parents just let him do his own thing, that's why he leaves in search of adventure.
Now to the missinterpretation by my friends.
They think of my sorcerer as a whore, even more so than how he actually is like... i don't mind you thinking that but at least get your facts straight (heh)
So across our campaign there were 3 npcs that caught the attention of Sahar, 2 of them were actually married to each other, it was a couple of two husbands one of them asked our party to save the other and that's how we met.
Ofc one of the first things i ask when meeting an npc is "are they cute tho?" and my DM friend loved answering that ok, so when we meet the first husband my sorcerer was like "for someone as cute as you i'll be willing to do it" but in the middle of the quest, my character was dying of exhaustion so he was like "the 2nd husband better be hot to be worth all this"... turns out he was, so ... i flirted here and there with both of the npcs and even offered them a night of passion, but they weren't into polyamory so i left it at that.
"I'm not a monster Jake", Sahar respects people's sexual and romantic boundaries, in anything else he doesn't care.
For some reason my friends didn't get that... they tought i wanted to break them apart and kept joking about it, and i was "eh whatever" till i realized they actually meant it which made me so confused cause if i wanted to i would, that's the whole personality of my Sorcerer, he gets what he wants if not heads roll.
And that's how he was in any other aspect of the campaign just no on the romance part, our DM makes us write and sign a consent sheet of the content we are comfortable and not in having presented in the campaign, and all of us wrote off any kind of sexual violence cause nah, we don't want that...
So tell me, why did 3 of my 5 friends thought Sahar wanted to force himself into the npcs marital relationship!? Cause I have no idea
The 3rd npc was a pirate captain lady and actually one of my friend's character and my own did have some fun with her, all consensual, and she got pregnant o: so there was 50/50 chance the kid was mine, cause ofc she had to be a freaking dragon in disguise (dragons are literally free for all when it comes to interspecies reproduction lol)
After some dice were rolled turned out it was mine, and cause she aint a girl that wanted to settled down, she free she a pirate, and Sahar didn't want to live their life on a ship they decided she would keep the child, he would pay child support and visit here and there, and she was happy with that arrangment.
And once again my friends were like: you are an absent father, you just mess around and leave cause you don't wanna settle down, "eres como todo papá de latinoamérica"... bruh
Literally family is the most important thing for Sahar, he loves his family, what are you talking about!?
Also my Sorcerer ended up marrying a Fey lord, to save one of their friend's ass cause by that point in the story he felt endearment towards the party they weren't strangers anymore so he was willing to take one for the team, and so he did.
They formed a fey contract, Sahar was to marry him and he would give us the weapon we needed to progress the story.
So they married even after my friends did everything to crash and stop the wedding Shrek style, what they didn't know was what Sahar planned on doing right after the wedding...
Let's be honest if the Fey lord asked my Sorcerer's hand in marriage in any other fashion, maybe just maybe he would have said yes, cause he was a cute floral wolf but because he did it with a fey contract Sahar felt used... and he didn't like that, he's the one that uses other people, never the one to be used so ofc he killed his husband.
My Sorcerer went from single, to married, to widowed all in the same day asjhffgkjsgjns it was great.
Oh and he also had a collection of dildos he found throughout the story pfft i'm not kidding, in my inventory there were so many dildos, of different shapes, sizes, based on different species.... i even rolled a NAT 20 and found the rarest of them all or so my DM said... a Basilisk dildo xD
By the end of the campain Sahar went back to his family, to the Feywild, having matured and with a lot of stories to tell, he literally killed a God so he's ready to boast about it and receive all the praise they deserve.
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blxetsi · 3 years
HIIIII!! can i get a pieck finger dating headcanons if that’s alright with you of course? your stuff makes me soft, stay safe!
yuh ‼️ tysm for your request
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pieck finger dating headcanons (modern au)
pieck finger x gn!reader
warnings: literal fluff, no angst or anything i love pieck
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- bc pieck is assumed to be like 23-26 this wont be a uni au or anything
- idk i rlly think you guys wouldve met in a mundane way
- like you bump into her on the sidewalk and try to the really awkward "oh im so sorry i didnt see you there- no really it was my fault- are you sure youre okay ?- okay great- no im not hurt- yeah- okay have a good day and again im so sorry !!" thing with her
- and then maybe you guys see each other again at a coffee place, youre there with your friends and shes there with hers, and you dont wanna talk to her obv bc that would be awkward
- then ur friend makes u go and order another coffee for them, and while youre waiting for your order pieck comes and stands beside you
- and shes very observant yknow ?? if she sees a face its very hard for her to forget it
- so she immediately recognizes you and blurts out "its you !"
- and you have to be like "oh yeah ! it is me ! its you too"
- she finds it quite cute and giggles about it
- a very laidback person but also a very blunt person
- she doesnt find any harm in asking "can i get your instagram @" look she doesnt wanna be a creep and ask for ur number right at the start
- and it gives her a chance to find out what kind of person you are
- it would absolutely suck for her if such a cute face was posting fishing pictures and alt right propaganda yknow ??
- so you two do and then both of your orders come so you two give awkward goodbyes before going back to your groups
- her instagram is very pretty, nice themes
- she posted a couple of hours ago, with her and her friends in a park, taking a couple of posed photos while some looking like they were natural
- shes adorable and you cant help but feel your cheeks go warm as you basically stalk her page
- she dms you and says "are you too busy looking at my feed that you havent followed me yet ?" and you see this mf staring at you across the room like 👁️👁️
- okay nosy lets calm down now 🙄🤚
- you try to defend urself but ur typing so quick you keep making errors in your writing, she ends up saying something else
"you know, i was doing the exact same thing. youre beautiful you know"
- thank you pieck 🥰
- over the next couple of weeks thats how you two communicate. she'll send you instagram memes and edits of her favourite shows, movies, games etc. and you find yourself having a lot in common w her
- you check her story so frequently it becomes one of the first accounts on the top of your homepage
- and FINALLY, when she feels she can see you as a friend and not just some pretty stranger she met on the street she asks you out
- it was a simple thing, just to the movies, and she even let you pick which one !! (imagine its pre covid idfk)
- you two go and its an awkward hug before you both head inside
- you pay for your tickets and she gets an extra large popcorn and a drink
- you assume shes just v hungry but before you can order yourself something shes like "what are you doing i got this for us !!"
- rlly cute bitch omfg
- during the movies, after she eats literally most of the fucking popcorn, she pulls your hand out of your lap and holds it with her buttery one 🥰🤚
- this bitch had crumbs and didnt even think to wipe them off
- you still held her hand tho anyways
- after that night you parted ways in front of the theater after making sure you two would be getting home safe
- and that became routine for a couple of weeks, not going to the movies obviously bc thats expensive but watching movies together !! youd go over to her apartment or she would come over to yours
- one thing about pieck is that shes very touchy
- one way or another she will end up cuddled with you on the couch
- it doesnt matter if its you being forcefully pulled on top of her body or her draping herself over you like shes a blanket, you two WILL be cuddling and you WILL enjoy it
- but finally, as if the gods gave you mercy, she finally kissed you
- it felt so nice, her lips were soft and sticky from her lip gloss and she tasted like the swedish berries you had gotten for her to munch on
- and the rest of the movie you two just sat there, kissing each other and giggling like teens
- she ended up staying the night, and complimented your bedsheets
- your relationship moved pretty fast after that
- she had already told all of her friends about you, they werent very surprised
- when you got officially introduced her friends zeke and porco tried to do that whole "if you hurt her.." speech before she slapped them and had marcel pull you away to safety
- other than that the night was very fun, you got to talking about your career, why you moved to the city, and other mundane topics
- pieck is actually a graphic designer, and everytime she comes to sleep over she just HAS to bring her laptop with her
- its basically just her laying in between your legs while she types away, youll pet her hair and lay soft kisses on her neck, and occasionally ask what shes doing
- she likes to tell you, has no problem in answering the questions you have, even if you think theyre stupid ones, shes very soft with you
- also a bit of a trickster
- for your first april fools together she slept over, you didnt have anything planned for her bc youre a good person and wont hurt the ones you love
- she stuffed your breakfast muffin with mustard 😁👍
- you gave her the cold shoulder for the rest of the day until she apologized by getting you a new muffin
- now she always dropped the l bomb to you, but she never needed you to say it
- thats why, when you were helping her cook dinner at her place you softly said "see ? and thats why i love you" she kind of,,, stopped what she was doing
- you realized why she wasnt washing the knife she used to cut your vegetables and tried to backtrack, but it was too late, she was already tackling you into a hug and taking you down onto the floor
- she just gave you kisses while repeating "i love you i love you i love you" over and over again
- bc of her you burnt ur fucking chicken smh
- you spent that night eating junk food and watching movies
- piecks a very observant person, so she always knows when youre sad too
- when you give that little huff when you come home to your (new !) shared apartment she knows something is up
- she'll slowly trail behind you as you walk to your bedroom, stripping to your underwear and changing into your pajamas
- you crawl into bed just wanting a nap to forget about the day, and she'll crawl in with you and hold you
- you never like to cry but youre so frustrated and upset at your coworkers, at that rude customer, at those deadlines, that you just breakdown
- and she lets you, she lets you almost suffocate yourself in her chest with how much your pushing your head into it, she strokes your hair while you choke on your own cries and hands you tissues when you need to blow your nose
- "what do you need my love ?" "i just need you" "okay baby"
- communication is a big thing in the relationship, and because shes been so open and honest from the beginning, talking about how you feel has never been easier
- in fact, you like talking about how you feel about your relationship, or how you didnt like what pieck said to your friends the other day, this and that, you feel comfortable and safe with pieck no matter what, which makes talking about even the most hardest things seem so simple and natural
- all in all, even when she wakes you up with spontaneous ice cream dates or asks that you put raisins in the popcorn during movie night, even with the fights and the crying and the exhaustion the next day, life would be much duller without her, and you only have to thank your clumsy self
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uhh i feel like this is very short but yeah ❤️ requests are open so go crazy mfs ‼️
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ashtcnirwin · 3 years
2021 Writing Self-Evaluation
thanks for the tags @lifewasradical, @burstingsunrise & @daydadahlias🧡
1. Number of stories posted to AO3
2. Word count posted for the year
3. Fandoms I wrote for
5sos & all time low
4. Pairings
lashton, cashton, malum, muke, cake, mashton, ot4, jalex
5. Story with the most Kudos/Bookmarks/Comments
the answer to this one is quite dull cos it’s tidal wave for all three but tie that binds is catching up very quickly when it comes to kudos and bookmarks
6. Work I’m most proud of (and why)
is it weird if i say stage lights? it’s such a silly concept but i quite like the way it turned out. and stay as well, it’s short and it’s relatively pointless but it turned out more or less exactly the way i wanted it to, which doesn’t happen very often.
then there’s also the plot structure, pacing and character development in tidal wave. the writing itself, the word choices i made and the syntaxes and all that crap could do with a solid round of editing and when i read parts of it now, it’s clear that my writing has improved in the year or so that has passed since i completed it, but i am happy with the structure of the fic and the pacing and the way luke and ashton’s relationship developed
7. Work I’m least proud of (and why)
oof... i’m gonna have to go with i don’t ever wanna wait for this. it’s not that i think it’s bad, necessarily, but the structure and the pacing is very sloppy and i wish i’d given it some more love when i wrote it, it could have done with a couple of more k to round it out properly
8. Share or describe a favorite review you received:
i know i’ve gotten a solid handful of comments/asks/DMs that have left me in actual tears but at the top of my head, two specific ones come to mind:
1) someone on ao3 commented on a chapter of tidal wave that something about a scene had given them the courage to post a video of themself singing & playing guitar, and that was just...i didn’t even know what to say, because being told that something i wrote had a direct positive impact on someone’s life??? what do you even say to that????
2) taylor @squishmichael sent me an absolutely incredible message regarding tie that binds, it left me speechless and i will admit that i reread it on a semi-regular basis if i need a little confidence boost about my writing
on a more general basis, i have to give a shoutout to every single comment jess left on tidal wave. they were absolutely incredible and they were all so long and she left them on every goddamned chapter
9. A time when writing was really, really hard
the entire process of writing tie that binds. it damn near wiped me out, i got frustrated and exhausted and angry at myself so many times, and i left the docs for several weeks at the time cos the thought of opening them made me genuinely nauseous. there were a couple of times where i was uncertain about whether or not i’d be able to complete it at all, and the only reason i was able to do it was that i so desperately wanted to have it completed for jess’ birthday, it was literally my only motivation for a long time
10. A scene or character you wrote that surprised you
the only thing i can think of at the top of my head is a character in my exchange fic but i can’t really talk about that yet so....
or, ig cards are dealt-luke had me going “why are you like this?!!” a solid handful of times lmao
11. A favorite excerpt of your writing
this one was hard cos i don’t remember a whole lot of my own stuff at the top of my head but i quite like this passage from part 4 of cards are dealt:
Ashton gave Luke a taste of something real, only to toss the rest of the meal in the trash before Luke could catch as much as a second glimpse of it. Now the leftovers are far away, rotting, and Luke is starving.
12. How did you grow as a writer this year
i didn’t
lmao no uhmm... i find it really hard to point out something specific. like, i took a look at some of the stuff i posted early-ish in 2021 just now and i can see that my writing has improved since then, it flows a lot better, but i’m not sure exactly what it is that has improved
13. How do you hope to grow next year
i was just saying to amanda earlier that one of my fic-related resolutions for 2022 is that i wanna write more shorter works (like, <5k), i wanna write more t- and m-rated stuff and i wanna be more diverse with the pairings i write. so, i basically wanna diversify my fic catalogue! if we’re talking more specific writing things, i wanna work on my descriptions and i wanna try and be more intentional with each sentence i write, cos i feel like i often fall into the trap of being too wordy, which just isn’t good
14. Who was your greatest positive influence this year as a writer (could be another writer or beta or cheerleader or muse etc etc)
every single fic i’ve read & liked this year has had a positive influence on my own writing, sometimes through small things (like teaching me a new word), sometimes through inspiring me to get working on something i’ve been struggling with, and so on, so shoutout to all the incredible writers in the 5sos fandom🧡
on a more specific note, i gotta give shoutouts to @daydadahlias and @lifewasradical
jess has been an incredible influence simply by existing in my texts. getting to hear about her ideas and writing processes is always inspiring and fascinating and occasionally terrifying, and i just love getting to see her ideas go from concepts to actual fics on ao3. i remember getting the biggest kick out of seeing take notes in particular develop from concept to fic, it was f’ing insane and inspirational af. i also love chatting with jess about fic-related things on a more general scale too cos her thoughts are always so interesting and thought provoking, and they quite often give me ideas for stuff to include in fics. and she gets a little too hype about some of my fics which makes me yell but i also appreciate it a lot
amanda is such an amazing person to have around, and i can’t believe it’s been almost a full fucking year since we started talking and she offered to take a look at my tidal wave docs. having amanda in my docs, first for tidal wave and more recently for tie that binds, was incredible, it was such a motivation factor both times and in the case of tidal wave, her comments and enthusiasm was what enabled me to complete the fic in a timely manner. she’s always so damn supportive of my writing endeavours, even when said endeavours might be questionable. and i remember when she was writing home is wherever you are tonight cos...it went from concept to fic in such a short timespan??? i can’t remember how much time it was but it was not much, and it was just insane to get progress updates along the way, it was inspiring and terrifying
15. Anything from your real life show up in your writing this year
definitely lmao, you’ll find bits inspired by or taken directly from real life in most of my fics
16. Any new wisdom you can share with other writers
allow yourself to fail without feeling bad about it. not everything you write is gonna be great right away and that’s totally fine, what matters is that you write
17. Any projects you’re looking forward to starting (or finishing) in the new year
yessss, i’m very excited to start writing this long-ish (it’s gonna be somewhere around 140k i think) fake dating ft actor ashton lashton fic that i’ve been planning since september! the planning doc is at over 10k at this point and it’s by far the longest i’ve gone with a fic idea in my head without actually writing anything, it’s just been marinating in my head for what feels like three decades and if i can pull it off the way i wanna, it’s gonna be my best fic yet
18. Tag some writers whose answers you’d like to read
is there anyone who hasn’t done this yet??? uhhh let’s try @clumsyclifford @squishmichael @igarbagecannoteven & @kaleidoscopeminds
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heresathreebee · 3 years
Brackish And Briny Waters (three)
[Ralph Lamont X Female Reader]
Summary: Spend the weekend painting the house with your husband. Previous Masterlist Next
Tags: 17+ | 1.6k words | Painting a house together, aka domestic stuff, oral sex (female receiving), unprotected sex, pulling out, vague mention of rats.
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AN: part 4 is gonna get angsty I just finished it
Anything involving greens was a heavy battle between you two, as Ralph seemed to have some kind of vendetta against them. The more blue you got, the less you fought and you eventually settled on a cool tone to use for the laundry room with a compromise to paint floral accents in a forest green tone along the edges of the back wall. You did find an exact replica of one of the original wallpapers in your second bedroom which you wanted to move to the living room. 
Colors selected and purchased, you went home starving and managed to scrape together some left overs with a side of rice to fuel you to start on the real work. You also bought brown paper to cover the solar room window holes until you can finish that room as its own project. 
Ralph rolls up his sleeves and puts on his bleach stained lounge pants to help. You lay down tarp and use up 3 rolls of tape to cover the kitchen and the dining room. Every window and door is wide open as you set your record player to play some 'whistle while you work' type of albums. And whistle he does that husband of yours, enjoying your company and shaking his hips dramatically to make you laugh. You two haven't had this much fun in so long it feels like. 
The summer citrus color you chose for the kitchen was really working for you. Ralph intended to put the wallpaper up in the other room to get 'double the work done' but still you find him working the same wall just to be close to you. You talk about missing that classic NYC pizza and dinner tomorrow and Ralph promises to ask his colleagues about any music shops in the area. 
You take a nap on the porch swing to get away from the paint fumes, an iced tea almost slipping from your hand. When dinner time comes, you cook while he details the removal of the old wallpaper from the dining room to work tomorrow. He's rambling about using a third coat on the living room paint and you don't think it's necessary but you know he'll agree with you come morning. 
"Come eat Ralph Vincent," you scold him for getting paint on the door frame but all is forgiven when he sweeps you into a hungry kiss. 
"I'd rather eat you right now." 
Ralph's flirtations are interrupted by his own ractious growling stomach and you laugh at him as you shove a plate into his hand. You eat together by the window in the living room. While it hasn't been painted yet, you have moved the furniture to the middle of the room and the fumes from the kitchen and dining room are still very strong. You hope it doesn't affect your sleep tonight (or hope it puts you down like a dose of melatonin). 
"Floyd's got a boat," Ralph tells you. "Says he takes it out on the water almost every day. Asked if I wanted to join him." 
"And are you?" You spin another forkful of angel hair spaghetti on your plate. 
Ralph slurps his like a child. "Am I what." 
"Are you going to join him on his boat?" You speak slowly and patronizingly. Ralph pinches your breast and almost makes you drop your plate. "No. I hate boats. I hate water. I don't want to be trapped for hours out there listening to him talk about paintings and philosophers, at least at work I can walk away." 
You chuckle. "I think Floyd sounds very interesting. What do you have against him?" 
"Nothing," he protests, "he talks too much. He's loquacious– that's what Justine calls him, and she's one to talk. If you must know, he's actually my favorite– he knows when to keep his nose out of my business." 
Dishes are made slightly more difficult with Ralph hanging off your shoulders. He peppers kisses up and down your neck, even finds a hickey from the morning that's started to fade and he remarks you. You dig your dripping fingers into his hair when he finds that spot on your neck and gives it some much needed attention. 
"Ralphie, baby, please," you whisper, "I could use your help with these." 
Dishes are done in record time and suddenly you're being whisked away to your bedroom (not that you were complaining). This room has the wallpaper that you had no intention to change aside from a fresh upgrade. Ralph takes your hand to spin you around and back you into your shared room all the way to the edge of the bed. Along the way he plants kisses from your hairline to your collarbone before he lets you fall atop the thick quilted bedspread. 
He gazes at you with a warm expression. The soft "my girl" he whisperes makes your heart swell. 
You expect him to pick up your legs and pull you by your knees to the outside of his hips (want him to even), but Ralph has other ideas it seems. It's not until his head is between your legs that you realize what he's up to (or rather down to). You gasp a lung full of air and grab him by the hair of his head. 
"Jesus," you sigh. 
Your husband's rumbling laughter causes your thighs to twitch. "Say my name, I'm the one doing all the work." 
"Yeah but you love– aha!" His beard brushes your inner thighs and leaves a delightful burning sensation in the deepest part of your soul. "Fuck…" 
You pull his hair harder and feel the soft locks stretch in your bloodless grasp. You can feel that immortal coil wind tighter and tighter inside you as Ralph devours you. You start chanting his name, the pitch of your voice beginning to crescendo the closer you get to that fire cracker ending. Ralph doubles his efforts, eager to have you fall apart on his tongue and fingers. 
He's more than making it up to you tonight. 
When you come, your body curls in on itself and your thighs lock around his head, effectively deafening him. You have no idea if he can hear the scream that rips from your body but you can't either as your eyes rolls back in ecstasy. 
You relax onto the bed and feel it dip with an additional weight to your side. You slide into Ralph's easy embrace, his dry hand coming up to hold you to him and just rest for a bit. 
"Fuck," you say huskily, "you're really good at that…" 
Ralph kisses you in answer, trying to deepen the connection but you have to twist away to catch your breath. Instead he plants lingering, sweet kisses on your neck, your cheek, your hair. His hand caresses your back in circles until you're nearly asleep from the motion. 
You flinch when you feel his nose brush against yours. "Baby… don't fall asleep." He sounds so sweet until his voice darkens and he says, "I'm not done with you yet." 
You lose track of time and all you can feel is Ralph Lamont. You're both covered in a sheen of sweat and his hips rock leisurely into yours. You don't know who grabbed who but your hands are tangled together and refuse to let go. Ralph's breath dusts over your neck, cool in contrast to the fire of his physical form pressed against you. You want to come again but you let him draw it out, let him love you tonight. 
"Ralph." You whisper in his ear, begging with no pressure to change pace. You're happy if he's happy and he is very content to keep thrusting into you to his peak and slow down, never stopping but always making you want more. Your man kisses you flush on the mouth and adjusts his position. His thrusts change. They grow from hypotonic and shallow to a little hard and more purposeful. You moan at the feeling, your legs locking around his hips to draw him deeper despite your exhaustion. 
Your orgasm washes over you nice and gentle, nothing like the force of the first time. You're conscious enough to lock your ankles around Ralph's hips, but it still doesn't prevent him from slipping his flushed and reddened cock out and finishing on your stomach as he always intended. You feel a strange tickle of disappointment as you come down from your high but push it to the back of your mind for later. 
Some way, somehow, Ralph still has enough strength to clean you both up and tuck you into bed. He curls around your body despite the near unbearable heat and falls fast asleep, his soft snores right behind your ear lulling you under the tide of sleep. 
Your Saturday is awash of more painting and moving furniture with Ralph. He made coffee and eggs and brought it to you in bed, then dragged you down to look at the frayed wires on the clothes dryer machine. 
"Might be rodents," you muse. "I'll get some traps on Monday and find my soldering iron." 
"We'll get traps tonight," your husband countered, scratching his chin, "the sooner the better." 
You finish removing the old wallpaper in the living room and carefully put up the new one with little fuss. The kitchen still smells of paint but it's dry (it had better be, you left the windows open all night and it's freezing in here) so you put the kitchen utensils and appliances back and remove the protective tape and brown paper. Ralph is proud of the precision work done in the corners and edges, patting himself on the back and yours. 
"We did good babe," he said, "by this time next week, we'll have the whole house done!" 
You laugh at his optimism. There were still cobwebs to dust, cracks to spackle, floors to polish, windows to replace. This was the very reason he picked this place… 
To keep you busy. To keep your mind from wandering to those dark places that linger in your past. 
At least it was working.
Tagging people who might like to know: @werwulfy @hoodoo12 @escape-your-grape @go-commander-kim @fundamentally-lazy @mimiscappinisideblog do y'all wanna be here? If not lemme know please 😅 DM me
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Monster (Draco Malfoy x Reader)
Author’s Note: Hey guys! The overwhelming amount of love that my last post is getting is insane, so I decided to post this short little Draco drabble to say thank you. I’m not sure how it turned out, so let me know if you like it at all haha. I wanted to kinda take a twist with the classic dark mark trope. This is also kinda open-ended for a part 2 if y’all want :) But anyway, thank you for all of my new followers and I’m so happy that each and every one of you are here! My requests are open, my DMs are open, and my asks are open if you just wanna know anything about me! I love having mutuals on here, too, so let me know if you want to be mutuals. Thank you!! <3
Summary: Taking the dark mark is never a good decision, so how will it affect you and Draco’s relationship?
Draco Malfoy x Reader
Word Count: 1,662 (quite a bit shorter than the last one lol)
Warnings: angst. a lot of angst. sorry
It wasn’t supposed to be like this. The two of you were supposed to be normal for just a little bit longer. You had to go and ruin things.
“Draco...I need to tell you something,” You whisper, running your hands through his hand. He hums, turning his head to gaze into your eyes. You smile sadly down at him.
“What’s wrong, darling?” He muses, reaching a hand up to brush your cheek. You sigh into his hand subconsciously, knowing this moment can’t last much longer.
“You’re going to be upset with me,” You murmur, opening your eyes again to stare into his piercing silver ones. They stare back questioningly.
“You know I can never stay mad at you for very long,” He reassures you, sitting up to be face-to-face with you. He senses the seriousness in your tone.
“My...my family gave me a decision a couple weeks ago,” You start, taking a deep breath to keep your voice even, “it happened earlier today.”
“What happened, love?” Draco looks concerned now, sitting up even more to search your face for any possible answers.
“I took the mark.” You whisper, looking down to avoid seeing his reaction. He stills in front of you.
“You took it?” You hear the forcing of his words, almost like he’s choking them out. You look up at him and see the absolute hurt in his eyes. The brokenness.
“They didn’t give me much of a choice, it was either that or--”
“You took the dark mark?” He asks, reaching for your wrist. You shy away from his grasp, bringing your tender wrist to your chest. He looks even more betrayed by your gesture.
“Draco, they...they threatened my family... I-- I didn’t have a choice.” You stutter out.
“There’s always a choice, (Y/n),” Draco stares at your wrist, not you.
“There wasn’t. Voldemort said he’d kill them all if I didn’t step up. I had to, you don’t understand...my parents, my sister. I couldn’t do that to them.” Your lower lip starts to tremble at the memory.
“You could’ve asked for more time or- or asked your sister to step up instead. Why you? Why now? What about our promise to each other?” He asks, clenching his jaw as he asks questions that you don’t know the answer to.
“I don’t know why me...I don’t know why now. But our promise--”
“Is broken.” Draco finishes for you, his eyes finding yours again. You feel like you’re staring into fractals of his soul, shattered into pieces by you and your impulsive decisions.
“No, no we can still be normal, Draco. We can still be together. I-I mean it’s only a matter of time until you have to take it, too. We’ll be in this together at that point. There’s a choice we’ve made in this war--”
“No, there’s a choice that you made in this war. And you made that choice earlier today. After we had promised...that we’d make the opposite choice. We were going to run away together, (Y/n/n)...what happened to that? What happened to us?” He murmurs, and you see his eyes gloss over. Tears prick at your own eyes.
“We’re not gone, baby, we’re still here. Once this war is over, then we can run away together as we planned. I promise.”
“Your promises are starting to sound like a broken record.”
The breath gets knocked out of your lungs at these few words and tears start to spill down your cheeks. He doesn’t believe you.
You’ve lost his trust entirely.
“Don’t say that, Draco. Don’t say that.” You plead, grasping for his hands. He lets you take them, clutching them close to you.
“I’m not sure I can do this, (Y/n)...I never wanted to choose this side. You know that more than anyone,” He mutters, tracing your hands. You sob, unable to wipe away the tears streaming down your cheeks. You know you look like a mess right now, but that couldn’t be further from your mind as you beg for Draco to stay with you.
“Please...for me? We always promised that we’d be there for each other through thick and thin...through everything, right?” You cry, starting to shake furiously throughout your entire body. Draco’s oddly still for a moment.
Then, he rips back your sleeve to reveal the mark in all of its hideous glory. You try to wrench your wrist out of his grasp, but he’s much stronger.
“That was before you became one of them. Before you took this dreaded mark….this dreaded oath. To serve the dark lord.” Draco spits with venom in his voice. You stop struggling against his grip, staring at the mark with him.
Something in you shifts at his cold words, causing you to still and the tears to slow.
“You think I’m a monster,” You let out lowly, face stoic and turned cold as you look up from the mark to your boyfriend.
“I never said that…” He trails off, meeting your eyes. He looks… scared. Of you. 
“I can see it in your eyes, Malfoy. You’re afraid of me. Of my power. You’re afraid of what I’ve become because you thought that the sobbing girl in front of you was capable of something terrible. Tell me, Draco, do you think I’m capable of terrifying things?” You ask him harshly, clenching your jaw to prepare for the answer.
“This (Y/n) is not the same one that I fell in love with,” He lets out, face turning from cold to confused again. He knows he’s struck a chord, and now he’s trying to figure his way out.
“Maybe you just didn’t know who you were falling in love with if you think me capable of such horrid things….” You muse in a low tone, rising to your feet slowly. Draco remains seated as you tower over him for once.
“(Y/n)...what’s happening?” He asks, and you see him switch to defensive mode. He starts to reach for his wand in his inner pocket. You’re quicker than him, though, and you quickly whip out your wand.
“Expelliarmus.” You murmur, watching the wand fly across the room. Draco stands but makes no move to retrieve the wand.
“(Y/n). This isn’t you. What are you doing? What changed?” He asks, reaching out to cup your face. You brush his hand aside, your face remaining stone cold.
“You made your choice. You don’t get to reverse that and try to trick me back into your arms. What changed, you ask? I saw my boyfriend...my ex-boyfriend...look into my eyes with fear. I saw him think of me as a monster, as a murderer. I’ve done nothing wrong, yet, Draco! Don’t you see that! I’m trying to remain blameless! I tried to stay with you.” Your stoic facade starts to crack at the edges, showing some of the anger and sadness you’re feeling deep inside.
“You don’t know what you’re saying. This is the mark speaking or something. Please, (Y/n/n), fight the darkness. I...I’m going to try my best and do the same. We’ll make it through this together,” He promises, reaching out another hand. You take a step back.
“You’re just using your smooth words to trick me. You’re still afraid. This is a defense tactic….I’m scaring you. You still think I’m going to hurt you.” A tear slips down your cheek and you look away.
“No, (Y/n/n), you would never hurt me. I know that,” He whispers, taking a cautious step toward you. You look up at him, rage now evident on your face.
“Says the man taking his steps toward me with caution. Says the man who’s still using the same defense tactic I’ve already called you out for! You’re...you’re scared of me. Admit it. I...I’m a monster to you. You’ve already made up your mind,” Your words get softer as your sentence goes on, the rage leaving you as devastation and exhaustion sweeps in behind it. You slump against a table, setting your wand down.
You would never hurt Draco, would you?
Would you?
“You’re upset. You’re in a frenzy. You just need to calm down, (Y/n). Please, we’ll talk about this once you’re no longer upset, okay?” He murmurs, and you’re too tired all of the sudden to stop him from picking you up and setting you down softly on his bed.
“...’m sorry,” You cry softly into his sheets.
“Shh, I know. I know.” He strokes your hair as you drift into a fitful sleep.
You wake up to rays shining through Draco’s large window. You rub your eyes and look around the room, not seeing Draco. He must be downstairs.
You swing your feet over the edge of the bed, hissing as you feel a stinging pain in your wrist. You lift your sleeve to see the taunting mark on your skin. You itch at it for a moment, only to realize that it won’t ever help. You sigh and stand up, spotting a small piece of paper on the bedside table. You pick it up and start to read the writing on it.
I’m sorry. And I know you are, too. But I had to go. Maybe we can make up in the future after the war sometime, but right now we’re on opposite sides. And you’re right. I was scared of you. So I left. I won’t be back, not for a long time, at least. Not unless it’s against my will. I hope things get better in the future because I do love you. This is the hardest thing I’ve had to do in a long time. If you can find it in yourself to love me, too, after everything...wait for me. I’ll do the same.
You feel your heart rip to pieces in your chest, the events of last night dawning on you. You had almost hurt him. And now, because of your stupidity in the entirety of yesterday, he left you.
And you have no one left to turn to. 
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sophielovesbarnes · 4 years
All or nothing, chapter two.
Pairing: Spencer Reid x Winchester!reader
Warnings: Fluff, pregnancy and cursing.
Author note: Alright, here we are, hot out of the oven! Sorry if it took long, I got stuck on a scene but I finally broke the writer’s block and was able to finish this chapter, we will get to see a bit more of SPN on this chapter.
I hope you enjoy it, please let me know what do you think, dm me if you want to be tagged and remember requests are open.
Chapter one
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Chapter two
“Come on ladies! They are not called suicide running drills for nothing!” Your coach screams, you are beyond exhausted, your legs feel like they will give in, in any second now, you are covered in sweat from head to toe and your lungs feel like they are on fire. With the National competition getting closer every day your coach gets more demanding and the training sessions become more intense.
“So.” You manage to get out. “I don’t know if calling him is too straight forward.”
“Well.” Ingrid answers with her chest heaving. “It’s not like you have cared about that before.”
“Winchester! Fritz! If you are able to speak then you are not doing it right!” 
Ingrid smiles at you and then you both get back to running, an hour; that feels like an eternity later, you are under the shower letting the water wash away your exhaustion, you still have two classes left and you need to mentally prepare yourself for them. 
When you are changing into a pink dress Ingrid returns to the topic.
“So what are you going to do?” She asks while brushing her hair. “Are you gonna call the hot FBI agent?”
“I think I will.” You tie your hair up and close your locker. “There’s something really special about him, I just can’t put my finger in what.” 
“Aww little Y/N has a crush.”
“Shut it Ingrid, at least I’m doing something about mine.” You say teasingly.
“Hey I’m your base, you don’t wanna bother me.” You both look at each other with serious looks in your face and then burst into laughter. “No but seriously, tell me how it goes.” 
“Will do, bye babes.” You kiss her cheek and then leave the locker room. 
During class you are barely able to pay attention, when your psychodynamic teacher is talking about the five stages of psychosexual development and the fixations in the oral stage your mind is traveling far away, focused on soft brunet locks and shy smiles.
After school you go back to your apartment, you order chinese for dinner and when the food comes and you are so distracted you are almost sure you gave the delivery guy a 50 dollar bill and told him to keep the change, you eat absentmindedly and then head to your bathroom toying with your phone, after taking a bath you are on your bed, dressed with clean pajamas and your hair wrapped up with a towel, then you finally gather enough courage to make the call. 
The phone rings three times before he answers.
“Hello?” Your heart flutters at the sound of his voice. 
“Doctor Reid?”
“Who is this?” He asks, you can hear the nervousness in his voice.
“It’s Y/N Winchester.” You answer calmly .”You gave me your card at the FBI lecture at Louisville.” 
“Right, how- how may I help you?” He replies.
“I have a lot of questions, and you told me to call if I had them.” You take a deep breath and then say with a wide smile on your face. “But I thought it would be unfair to just ask without giving something in return, so what do you say about me buying you coffee tomorrow? If you’re still in town.” 
You mentally slap yourself for being too straightforward, what made you think that he wants to go out with you? He most likely has a girlfriend and here you are throwing yourself to him? God, you are so stupid.
“I-I yeah, that would be…” You listen to him taking a deep breath and then he continues. “That would be nice.”
“Great! We should go to Quills, they make this mean peach- lavender lattes.”
“Sounds good.”
“Does four o’clock work for you?”
“Yeah, that’s okay.” 
“Hey pretty boy, who are you talking to?” Says a voice on the back, then the call ends.
You are smiling so hard your cheeks hurt, you have a date; well, meeting with doctor Reid, and you can barely hold your emotion. What are you gonna wear? What are you gonna say? Maybe this was a rash idea. 
The ring of your phone snaps your mind out of it, when you pick up you see your brother’s face and on the back you hear the sound of vomiting.
“I’m guessing Jo hasn’t passed the throwing up all the time fase.”
“At this point I am pretty sure she kind of hates me.” Says your Adam.
“I don’t kind of hate you Adam, I hate you, hate you.” You hear Jo say, then the sound of vomiting returns.
Jo’s pregnancy had caught everyone off guard, she and Adam were always fighting or calling each other names, but then at the New Year’s Eve party Ellen threw on the Roadhouse they both had too much to drink and the next thing you knew was that you were going to have another nephew or niece in nine months, there was a lot of crying and at some point Ellen threatened to cut your brother’s balls off, now she was just happy with the idea of having a grandchild. 
After the initial shock you were happy as well, this wasn’t your first nephew/niece though, Sam and Jessica had two beautiful daughters you adored, Dean had Ben; who was only a couple years younger than you, which was weird; and with Castiel, Dean had applied to be a foster parent, they now had a little boy; Leo, and were hoping to get another child.
You had such a beautiful family and were so grateful for it. 
“How are you baby sis?” Adam asks, ignoring Jo’s comment.
“I’m good, very tired, our coach is killing us, and I have a duckton of homework, but in general things are going great, what about you, how are things going on Kansas?”
“Things are good, the workshop is getting a lot of cars, Sam, Jess and the girls visit us every now and then, and Dean and Cas are all about Leo.”
“That’s gonna be you in a couple months you know? Have you thought of any names?”
“Jo likes William or Genevieve, I like Magnolia or Jebediah, Jo doesn’t like them so we have reached an impasse.” You see Jo exiting the bathroom and standing next to your brother.
“Those are old people’s names, tell him Y/N.” Jo says. “Tell him they are horrible names and we are not naming my child like an old person.”
“Our child” He corrects, “And they are good names Joanna.”
“I hate to not be on your side bro, but Jo is right, they are horrible.” You say.
“Thank you Y/N at least one Winchester is using her brain.” Adam rolls his eyes and you laugh.
“They are good names!” Adam insists.
“No they are not.”  You and Jo say at the same time, she was your best friend and somehow you were always in synchrony. 
“Now if you can’t reach an agreement Y/N is always a good option, it has character, it’s pretty, and let's be honest, the world could use another Y/N Winchester.”
“We don’t need another traitor.” Adam answers with false hurt. 
“Ugh, stop being such a drama queen Adam, you know what? Your baby wants an Oreo McFlurry.” 
“Five minutes ago you were throwing up and now you want a McFlurry?” 
“Yes, so better get on the road because they are going to close, don't do this for me Adam, do it for your baby.”
“So now it’s my baby?” They both start bickering and you swear they already act like a married couple, eventually Jo wins the discussion, because being honest there is no better argument than “I am carrying your baby” so Adam says his goodbyes and leaves grudgingly.  You and Jo stay talking for hours, it’s almost 3 am when you hang up, and you fall asleep right after.
When you wake up you feel well rested and you feel like you slept for so long, the sun comes bright through the window and your whole body feels relaxed, which is weird because you went to sleep really late last night, which gets you thinking that you never heard your alarm.
You take your phone and press the side button, but the screen doesn’t turn on. 
“Shit! Shit! Shit!” You didn’t charge your phone, so the battery is dead which means that you are probably very late, you look up at the watch that’s on the wall, which indicates that it is already 12:15 in the morning, you are definitely very late. 
You jump out of the bed and run to the bathroom, no time for showering, you brush your teeth and get dressed with a pair of jeans, plain white t-shirt and sneakers, you tie your hair on a high ponytail, take your bag and run to the kitchen, you grab a banana and a bottle of water and run out of your house. 
You race on the road and make it to school on record time, at this time of the day it is barely impossible to find a parking space that is empty, when you manage to park it’s almost one, you mentally curse, get out of the car and run to the classroom, this promises to be a hell of a day. 
Spencer has never liked this kind of conferences, they bring him back to his college years, which are not something he likes to think about, he didn’t have the standar university experience, most of the time he was made fun of, being the target of stupid pranks or being just ignored by his classmates, so yeah, college wasn’t something he remembered fondly.
He was on edge until yesterday, when he saw you on the lecture; he had already seen you on the football field being thrown into the air and then landing perfectly with a magazine worthy smile, of course he thought you were pretty, because you were one of the prettiest girls he had ever landed eyes on, but you were also most likely the type of girl that only cared about vain things and would have never noticed him if you had been one of his classmates; he was proved wrong during the lecture.
You weren’t only pretty, you were also smart, probably the smartest girl in that classroom, you were informed and you clearly cared about the topic, and when the lecture ended you went to him, when all the girls went with Morgan or Rossi, you decided to go with him; he was in such a rush he even had the bravery to give you his card.
And then the impossible happened, you called him, and not only that, you asked him out and he hasn’t felt this nervous in ages.
“Reid, Reid.” Morgan’s voice brings him back to the room, he and Rossi are looking at him with worry. “Everything alright pretty boy? You have been acting weirder than usual since yesterday.” 
“I am fine.” He answers almost automatically.
“Are you sure?” Rossi asks with an eyebrow raised. “We are worried about you kid.”
“Yeah.” He says. “Colleges just bring me to the edge.”
“Well, don’t worry about it pretty boy, we are just going to be here three more days and we are back to Quantico.”
“I know.” 
The whole day you feel like you are running, you are late for class which gets you a reprimand from your teacher, which gets you late to your next class, which ends up getting you late to cheerleading practice. Your coach is so mad she has you running suicides and practicing toe touches until your legs feel like jello. 
“Point your toes Winchester! And smile, you have to sell it!”  She screams at you, everytime you jump you feel your muscles pull and your empty stomach hurls, you are almost sure that if you keep jumping you might throw up. 
When your coach finally lets you go it’s already 4:20, you mentally do the math, if you go to the locker rooms and shower you will be in the coffee shop at almost five o’clock, and agent Reid is probably already waiting for you, so you just grab your bag and run to your car mentally cursing yourself for not charging your phone. 
Spencer manages to escape Morgan and Rossi, avoiding their questions and he makes it to the coffee shop you indicated by 3:45, minutes go by tortuously, he sees people coming in and out from the coffee with cups on their hands, he sees people laughing and students dragging their feet, the exhaustion of exams and projects reflecting clearly on them, he gets a lot of looks and he starts to grow desperate, he calls you over and over but the calls go straight to voicemail.
By 4:30 he decides you stood him up, this was most likely a prank, how did he not notice? He was a grown ass man, an FBI agent, he was a profiler and still he fell for it. He feels terrible, how could he believe such a beautiful woman would ask him out and actually show up? He takes his bag and gets up from the chair, when he is leaving he sees a car parking and a y/h/c haired girl wearing a Cardinals hoodie and grey yoga pants getting down and running to the coffee shop. 
It was you, you didn’t stand him up, you were actually there, he can barely hold his emotion. 
“Doctor Reid.” You say, your forehead is covered in sweat and your chest is going up and down rapidly. “I am so, so, so, sorry, did I make you wait too long? I’m sorry, my phone died, and my alarm never went off, and I’ve been late everywhere, and my practice lasted too long, and i didn’t have your card so I couldn’t call you from another phone, and I came here right out of my training, so I must smell like a monster and I am so sorry.”
“It’s okay, I didn’t wait for long.” He lies, and you smile at him, and he can swear it is the most beautiful smile he has ever seen. “Should we order?” 
“Yeah, yeah.” You lead the way and stop at the bar. “Hey Lindsey.”
The redhead barista smiles at you and then you look at him and he notices how your y/e/c sparkle with the white lights of the coffee shop. 
“What do you want?” You ask.
“You said something about peach lattes?”
“Peach-lavender lattes, it sounds weird but they are great.” You reply, and by this point he’s sure he would believe if you said the moon was made of tofu. 
“I’ll have one.”
“Great, two large peach-lavender lattes and a bagel please, can I also borrow your charger?” Lindsay marks your order on the cash register and tells you the total, when Spencer takes out his wallet you stop him. “No, I said I was buying.”
“No, I insist.” 
“Doctor Reid, put your wallet down, I was terribly late and I said I was buying, you can pay the next time.” The fact that you imply that there might be a next time makes his heart flutter. 
“Alright.” He agrees, when you get your orders you sit on the table he was waiting on and there’s a moment of awkward silence he is not sure how to break. “So, so you said you had questions?”
“Yes, I do.” You take a sip from your coffee and then look at him, he is expecting questions about the FBI, but that’s not where you go. “You have three PhDs, three BAs and you are only thirty-four, how is that even possible? Are you like a genius?”
“I, I don’t believe intelligence can be accurately quantified, but I do have an IQ of 187, eidetic memory and can read 20,000 words per minute.” You stare at him with your eyes wide open and a smile on your lips. “...yes, I’m a genius.”
“That’s… wow.” The conversation flows after that, he talks about some of the most interesting cases he has had, you intervene every now and then making questions or comments that always seem to go to the correct point, and he feels like he can speak freely with you.
“Well, the vast majority of unsubs with a similar MO aren’t driven by the killing, they are merely fascinated by the body parts, it’s like they psychologically exist in a realm where fantasy meets delusion, it’s basically like the blueprint to create the perfect serial killer… I’m rambling aren’t I?”
“It’s okay, it’s fascinating, please go on.” You are one of the only persons he has ever met that reacts that way, most of the time he gets interrupted, he is about to start again when your phone rings, you take a look at the screen and then say. “Sorry I have to take this, it will be just a sec.”
He smiles and nods and you slide to answer. 
“What is the point of having an expensive phone if you never answer? Do you know how worried I was?”
“Hi Dean.” You reply, internally laughing at the overprotectiveness of your brother. 
“Don’t “hi Dean” me, where have you been? Why haven’t you been answering your texts?”
“I’m in a coffee shop, and my phone died last night and I couldn’t charge it until now.” 
“Who are you with?”
“I’m with a… friend.”
“Friend? Are you out with a boy? Who is he? Let me talk to him.”
“Stop being so jealous Dean.” 
“So you are with a boy.”
“I’m sorry I have to go, love you, bye.” You say and you don’t even give him time to protest before you hang up. “Sorry about that.”
“No problem.” He must have guessed you wouldn’t be single, he feels jealousy invading him, and he fiddled with his empty cup. “Was that your boyfriend?”
“Gross, no.” There’s a wave of relief when you answer that, and he probably shouldn’t feel it, he’s leaving in a few days, it’s not like there’s the possibility of a relationship. “It was my brother, he can get all Mama Bear when he is worried.”
“Oh, is he your only brother?”
“No, I have three, Dean, Sam and Adam, I am the youngest, like by far, Dean is 19 years older, Sam is 15 years older and Adam beats me by 8 years.”
“That’s a big difference.”
“Yeah, Dean and Sam are my half-brothers, from dad’s first marriage, their mother died when they were very young and dad took it very hard and started to move them around the country, that’s how he met my mom, he went to Minnesota they had a one night stand and she got pregnant, but she didn’t tell him about Adam until he was like six, then he went back to Windom, they fell in love, dad moved them to Kansas, he married my mom and then they had me, hence the age gap.” You explain. “What about you? Any brothers or sisters?”
“No, I’m an only child, I grew up with Doctor Who and Star Trek as my companions.”
“Doctor Who?”
“Yeah, it’s, it’s good.”
“I know, I’m not gonna act like I didn’t mourn for a week when Ten left Rose on the beach.”
“You like it?”
“I may look like your stereotype cheerleader, but I’m a huge geek, Dean and his best friend Charlie made sure of that.”
The conversation flows as freely as water after that, for some reason you find it easy to talk to him, you tell him so many things you haven’t even told Jo, you talk about everything, favorite holidays; yours is Christmas, his is Halloween; tv shows, characters. You delite with his rambling and pay attention to every word he says, when you finally realize it, the sky has turned dark and you are the last people in the coffee shop.
“I think we should probably let them close.” 
“Yeah, we should.” You both take your bags and stand up. “Hey, when are you leaving town?”
“On friday.”
“Let me make you dinner, I make a killer lasagna.” You look at him expecting an answer but he can barely say anything, he just had an amazing evening with a gorgeous girl who is now inviting him to her house, he should probably pinch himself to make sure he is not dreaming. “Spencer?”
“Yeah, that sounds good.”
“It’s a date then.”
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emilycollins00 · 4 years
A3 actors! Art in bloom
Type: One shot
Pairing: Miyoshi Kazunari x Reader
Theme: Passion / Art / Clash
Contrary to what many people and even classmates of yours thought, being an art student was not something you should chose to do lightly.
Sure, it seemed enjoyable, cute even. But no one ever talked about how many hours you would spend with a single portrait, drafting about abstract concepts or trying to discern at two in the morning whether a sculpture should turn more sideways or look at the ground to create a deeper perspective. 
Art was wild.
But you loved it and, why not admit it, you took it pretty seriously. Maybe a tiny bit more than most people.
That’s why you had always liked how Kazunari Miyoshi, although being the loud person he was, frequently went on and on with you discussing ideas when there was some debate in class. That brain of his was something else. His works and usual approach when mixing modern and traditional Japanese culture fascinated you. It really did.
But that had been changing lately, and it angered you.
Up until this year you hadn't really cared about it. Everyone had their right to live however they wanted after all.
However, without being able to tell when it began, you started casually observing him. You watched him talk to your other classmates as soon as the lecture, frowned as he concentrated on the draft they had one hour and a half to finish or taking selfies and live videos of the works you all were demanded to do. You even discovered yourself staring and how the sun caressed his profile first hour in the morning.
He had a nice profile.
By that point, something inside you was getting frustrated. He participated in class and attended to the lectures, but at the same time…? you felt he was starting prioritising social media over art, or looking for people for one of his popular mixers, like so many of your other classmates, who had most likely entered this major without much thought, did.
You would understand if he would have a part-time job, but the thought of him being able to do so much more and deciding to stop midway left you speechless.
You wished for him to take more things seriously. 
“Miyoshi, were you able to clean all the supplies from last class?" you called him out between the break. Everyone in class traded places to carry the main boxes with brushes, paints and whatever main source they had to work with each week "Our teacher told me to take some clay from there. I'm planning to use them for my final project, but I can't seem to find the key in the secretary office”
The university student lifted his head from his mobile and tipped on his chin, trying to remember "Supplies from...? Oh man, THAT is why I had them in my working space!” He palped his jeans looking for it “My bad, I was totes in a hurry and just closed as soon as we were done!” 
You contained an exasperated groan “Why would you get the key unless it was to clean the practice room?” 
Kazunari laughed nervously under your intimidating glare “True, true! It's just that I was talking with some friends over the phone and they were in a hurry so…” he showed you the key taking it out of his pocket, maybe to show that at least he hadn’t lost it “Do you need them now? I could go clean for you” 
The vein you had tried so hard to maintain calm popped altogether. Not wanting to keep talking, you rapidly grabbed the key from his hand and headed to take the supplies. God grief how you hated that carefree attitude. 
“No prob, dude! Next time just hit me up with a DM and I’ll come running to your uni here! In exchange, I’ll need your help to finish the flyers so…” 
Recognizing the flashy voice, you slowly looked behind, witnessing the blond with another person. Was he meeting with people to play around here too? 
You couldn’t believe it. You all had your final projects deadlines almost spitting in your faces! That’s why you had to come to this other university to ask for permission to use a kiln for your final, as you didn’t have lectures prepared today and your university didn’t have any. Didn’t look like it was Kazunari’s case. 
“Uh? No way, Y/N-pyon!” he waved at you with both hands, confirming it was you indeed, as he got closer “Looking fleek today too! What are you doing here in Yosei?” the person walking next to him whispered something “They’re a friend from my major Tsuzuroon, I told you about them, dude!” 
You mentally scoffed. Without returning his greet and turning on your heels, you headed for the teacher’s office.
 “You said friend but…” Tsuzuru squinted his eyes, watching you leave “…It doesn't look like they like you very much” 
“No worries! Nowadays they are always like that. But their works are so lit! Y/N-pyon is the ultimate remix of you, Ten-ten and Yukki!” 
“That’s… not a good thing, Miyoshi-san”
“Y/N-pyon, about-”
“Miyoshi, sorry. I am on my way to Yosei University to finish my work and unlike your usual approach of work to play, I actually don’t have time to waste”
“Uh? My works are…”
“Are what? I’ve been seeing you doing half-assed things all over the semester. This last week you didn’t even come at the afternoon lectures” you were pretty sure this was just you venting at this point “You’re amazing Miyoshi, I honestly think that, so why? If… If you only put more of yourself into it, your art would be even more unbelievable!”
He went quiet, a rare sight.
“Art it’s not something you just do for laughs; I thought you were one of the few people here that felt the same and-” the phone in your bag started ringing. Head  teacher. Inhaling deeply, you answered it “Yes?”
“Y/N-san? I am so sorry. Could you come to Josey university?” 
Losing the eye contact you had been maintaining with the blond boy, your heart sank as you heard the words ‘kiln’ and ‘malfunction’. “…Please tell me my final project is ok” 
You stood in silence, looking at the mess when you heard a knock at the door.
“I know I shouldn’t have followed and am expecting you throw me out the door but…” you didn’t move an inch so Kazunari took that as a free pass.
Just as the teacher told you, the electricity in the small building had had an issue and there had been a combustion, meaning, the sculpture you had kept here while working for weeks was now cracked and in shreds. You sniffed, brushing away the tears that were trying to come out from your eyes. All your hard work. All the time spent, had been for nothing.
“The Kiln is burnt. I don’t have anything good to save” you felt emotionally exhausted “Damn, I should have used air dry clay since the beginning… or not tried to sculpt anything” your vision became blurry again “I don’t know why do I make everything more difficult that it is”
Kazunari contemplated the situation, studying the seemingly full cracked sculpture from afar.
“Teach probably told you she would wait for you to turn on the work, right?” He saw you vaguely nodding you head “You got this!” he put his hand on your shoulder, you barely glancing at him “Look, If you still wanna use this base I’ll go ask for some moisturize and clean water to mix. Then I will maintain the upper part as you work down there, not bad idea right?”
You stared at him, finally grasping that he had come all the way here and was now trying to help “Why are you here? I… was being a busybody telling you how to work in our major” you had realized you had crossed the line back then.
Kazunari laughed, shaking his head “You were not saying anything that was a lie though, I don't want to admit it, but it’s true I've been a mess for a while”
“I guess parties require a lot of work” you bite your tongue hard. He was being a decent person trying to help and you couldn’t stop for two seconds to pick on him? You wanted to punch yourself.
“Mmm? Ah, our theatre troupe is almost opening for performance and the next troupe is on practices so flyers and scripts are running at full gas”
You stopped looking at your sculpture. What did he just say about a theatre?
“You’ve never come, Y/N-pyon? Mankai company is the best theatre in Veludo way! You totes should come, I’ll even send you the tickets for our new performance!” before you knew it, he had already DM you what you imagined was all the background information.
The moment you unlocked it, you almost dropped the phone. The photos and drawings of the posters were amazing, and you just knew who it had done “You… never said you had a job”
Kazunari considered what you pointed out. Mankai had managed to recover from what they needed to pay but they still didn't have enough founds “I’ve never thought about our acts as a job thought”
Your mind was a mess. Being an actor and doing publicity didn’t count for him as he studied? No wonder he usually left early! Now you felt even worst. You had behaved like a… “Uh, are these original templates?” you browsed over the performances’ posters, each one more astonishing than the other “This is… wow and this one?” 
He blinked, noticing how the tone of your voice was now more soothing. You had somewhat calm down. He would high-key enjoy hearing you talk to him like that more often “Hey, enough about me. We have work to do”
You agreed, putting away your phone “You’re right but again I… I am sorry, Miyoshi. And thanks, for staying” 
“No prob, Y/N-pyon!” 
“Would you tell me what I could do so you stopped calling me that?” 
“Eeeeeeh why? I think it fits! It's super-duper cute, like you!” 
No. You told yourself.
Coming back to your senses you told yourself the warm you felt in your cheeks was due to summer starting earlier. It definitely wasn’t because of Kazunari smile directed at you, helped you or how the sun reflected on his perfect profile as you both started working on your work. 
Art was wild… but it was also an evocative of feelings.
This one has been a difficult one! I wanted Reader to kind of clash with his mindset
Hope you guys enjoy it. Have a wonderful day! 💕
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rosy-wooyoung · 4 years
thank you, really.
this is my equivalent of “reblog if you’ve made a friend on tumblr”, because I’ve made a lot of them actually!
since the end of the year is approaching, i wanted to express my gratitude to my lovely mutuals and my followers. I know, 2020 has been hard for all of us, I had some thoughts at some point that I wouldn’t be able to survive this hell of a year. but here i am, sad, exhausted and still healing, but at least i’m here. i’m alive. i’m as healthy as my body allows me to be. 
it’s hard for all of us, the virus forcing us to stay at home, not caring if our household is toxic. alongside my health issues, i also have my entire family who seems to be against me, so i’m fighting on my own against the world. against them, my acquaintances, my relatives, and other people who think it’s funny to point out one’s mental / physical issues. fortunately, thanks to tumblr, i’ve found a safe place to go to and be myself. thanks to tumblr, i managed to find for a few months people that appreciate me, despite the hateful anons. 
those people, i wanna thank them. i’ve mentioned them already in my account anniversary, but i think they deserve a little bit more appreciation than just a mention. you guys, no matter how exaggerating you think i might sound, you kept me sane and on track. i’ll try my hardest to be the one to reach out first and communicate more, i really want to keep on talking with all of you. i wish everyone reading this to be happy and healthy, as well as a better year ❤
i promise to come back here, but for now, i have to many serious things going on in my personal life that I don’t feel like existing. but hopefully it’s temporary, maybe see you soon!
kind words are below the cut 💕🦋
@atbzkingdom : dee, oh my dee. i don’t know for how long we’ve been talking, but thank god i found you. i still remember when you commented on my pirate captain! hongjoong story, i was so happy and giggly, and i was even happier when we started talking. you listened to me, allowed me to vent, and you don’t know how relieved i felt whenever i talked with you. you’re so caring and understanding, i felt like i could tell you anything and you wouldn’t judge me. thank you for that, i love you very much!
@closer-stars stars! i can’t remember how we started talking, but i’m glad we did! again, your support and reassurance made me feel valid, and i felt like i received words from the older sister i’ll never have. i also absolutely adore the posts and the links you send me, they always manage to put a smile on my face. i love when you rant about your games and different characters, you sound so passionate, i love it. you write beautifully, i love reading what you do, it deserves way more recognition than you currently do. i love you stars!
@ateez-little-star jas. i don’t even have words to correctly express how i truly feel. you’re always here to defend me, support me, reblog and interact with everything i post on here. you’re so mature and precious, i was actually surprised when you told me you were younger than me. nothing changed regarding our friendship, i just love you even more. i started having this feeling of protecting you, as an older sister would do. what you do is beautiful for the writing community, you don’t realise how your actions have such an impact on creators. please ignore the haters, and don’t hesitate to reach out to me if they annoy you again, okay? love you bub. i promise to come back here happier and healthier.
@chrryhwa you little bub, i love you. we can talk about everything and nothing, you’ll always find a way to make me smile and somehow laugh, like you have some kind of power on me. i always smile when i see you in my dms or comments, you are extremely easy to talk to and talking to you feels nothing but right! please never change and let’s keep on chatting!
@trashlord-007 love! i can’t remember when we started talking (looks like my surgeries made be forget a lot of things) BUT despite our inconsistent interaction, i feel like we’re really close. we never had a proper conversation in dms or whatever, - until now, please don’t worry about me! - only by asks or reblogs, but you’re one of my moots that i feel the closest to. i love when you tag me in different games, it’s true that i might not answer them right away, but tbh i tend to forget about it and come back to it when you tag me in another one lol. thank you for acting like an older sister, you’re an amazing human being! i love you!
@barsformars rin!! i kind of feel bad for not talking with you more often, you’re really easy to talk to and i love when we message each other! you have the words to calm me down and make me think in a positive way, i can only thank you for that. you’re so caring and sweet, i wish my friends irl were more like you! as i’ve said many times before, your works are like Stars’, they need way more recognition because they’re hecking good!! way better than mine actually!! thank you for being an amazing moot and i promise to talk to you more in the future!
@tinkerbellwoo baby!! thank you, for everything. you were here when i really needed it, especially when my grandfather died. you were a good shoulder for me to cry onto and you really pushed me back up on my feet when i wasn’t doing great. then i started getting a bit better, but you helped me stay on track when i was about to relapse. you’re really caring and understanding, it felt like a bubble of oxygen to tell you about my issues. so thank you so so much, and i hope we’ll get to talk about happier events in 2021!
@hauuks ollie! i know we are moots but we don’t really interact, and that’s completely okay! i just wanted to say that i love you and your personality, as well as your cats!! they make me really happy and warm when i see them, i would have adopted a cat like creme or toma if my brother and dad weren’t allergic... when i see them on my dash, my day is automatically better, so thank you for sharing them with us!! i also love what you reblog, i’ve found tons of great content thanks to you! so thank you and i love you!!
@jeongyunhoed hi love! I know we didn’t really interact a lot but I really wanted to say thank you for mentioning me in your recommendation, it warms my heart all the time when i see you in my notifications! I wish you a beautiful, healthy year! 
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connorlovesrats · 3 years
I don't really have anyone to talk about being a system with irl, at least not anyone I'm comfortable with, so I made this blog to be 100% honest about my experiences and open up anonymously so that I can get more comfortable with opening up in my personal life, most importantly with my therapist. First off I wanna say I DO have actual childhood trauma, and I don't think I'm a system because I think it's cool or anything. I figured out I was a system after doing a lot of research about it and finding things that frankly made TOO much sense. It's kinda scary how many questions being a system actually answers 😅 unfortunately the other alters, specifically Spencer didn't even want ME to know they were independent identities, so every time I try to talk about it in detail with a therapist I'm immediately forced out. Last time I tried Spencer forced me out and essentially told my current therapist that I saw a few tik toks and decided 'that sounds cool so I am that now'. So we might need to find a new therapist because I'm not sure I can really come back from that.
Anyway I wanted to start my first post off by listing my alters! At least the ones I'm currently aware of, apparently there's more but they don't all want to come out and say anything to me yet. So I'll tell you about the ones I actually know anything about first.
Spencer is currently a gatekeeper and trauma holder, he used to be the caregiver, gatekeeper, protector AND trauma holder but he's gotten exhausted and finally decided to allow other alters to take on some of his roles. He is also an iCarly fictive 😅.
Ranboo is an interject of the content creator and currently the primary caregiver. They're very self conscious about the fact that the body doesn't yknow, look like them. It's almost a dysphoria kind of feeling that he gets, they're really tall and thin but the body is short and fat (I'm not self deprecating, I'm very proud of my status as the fat little gremlin man lmao). Our ranboo also happens to be nonbinary and a pothead (I am also a major pothead but shh). I guess it just goes to show introjects aren't complete copies of their sources ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Lilith is one of our 2 (as far as I know) littles. She's 7, absolutely covered in pink and glitter and is frustrated because me and Spencer won't let her front because I'm currently uncomfortable with it (all that ddlg stuff freaked me about having littles in the first place, it's something I'm still working on and I love her regardless. I just need time before I let her front)
Kotaro is a school babysitters fictive and also a toddler, he's very close to his source in behavior but he also happens to like cooking. He's a trauma holder, specifically he holds the memories of being neglected when I was young young.
Tommy is a dsmp fictive, based off of the character and not the content creator. He's 14, very excitable and loud. I don't know him very well yet.
Shinso is an mha fictive, he takes care of social situations on days where I just have too much anxiety to interact with people and is also the reason everything I own is purple and/or black.
Deku is also an mha fictive and is also a caregiver (we have a lot of those thanks to the copious amounts of child neglect. Spencer only started letting him do his job very recently). Deku also handles a lot of our social interaction, typically working with ranboo since him and shinso are so vastly different.
Fluttershy is a mlp fictive (I really hope people aren't too judgemental about alters sources) she doesn't speak to me often but occasionally fronts
Rarity is another mlp fictive, essentially she makes sure I stay clean and helps me look nice when I don't feel like putting effort in. She is the main reason I shower regularly
Phil is another introject of a content creator, he's also a caregiver but he's incredibly chaotic so Spencer doesn't actually allow him to do much of anything. He'll help out socially once in a while.
Jason, like Lilith has no source and is anxiety incarnate. His anxiety is just about everything and anything as opposed to fluttershys whos anxiety is social. However Jason will not speak to me directly. He just doesn't want to I guess
Pinkie pie is another mlp fictive and she's almost exactly like her source but shes also a caregiver. Honestly it surprised me too when I found out
Jack 1 is a jacksepticeye introject. He played a much bigger role in middle school but how he just kinda chills. He'll join in on conversations but he hardly fronts anymore
There are others but I don't know if they're actually there or not since the others seem hesitant about confirming it or not. And they seem to not wanna talk to me either :/ but please feel free to DM me because I need friends
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justwritingscibbles · 5 years
Get Well
A commission with Antisepticeye x NateMare x Reader. 
Thank you so much for Commissioning.  If you’d like a Commission, please read the rules and costs post. Then DM me and we can discuss your Commission.
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Sleep was never an option. Its already way past a decent time for sleep; and you were already so far into your studies. You might as well keep going. You could sleep the rest of the day off tomorrow after work.  You glanced at the time… oh, it’s already tomorrow. Oh well.
You roll your neck to stretch out any stiffness and begin tapping away at your computer. Taking notes from the courses you had up on screen. And reading through the paragraphs with a little difficulty. Your eyes were getting heavy and its long since passed the time your mind actually took information in. Your glasses weren’t even helping at the moment, and that was an indicator that is was VERY late. So, you decided to write everything down. You’d remember this…right? Surely if you wrote stuff down and also read a little bit, you’d be able to remember it.
But before you could make a decision, your screen crackled with static. Your screen darkened slowly until it was completely black. The computer’s engine ceased its gentle whirring and the light around it dimmed into its sleep mode.
“Babe, its time for bed.” You heard Antisepticeye say behind you. Approaching the back of the chair to place his hands on your shoulders. Squeezing gently, rubbing along your arms and leaning down to give you a soft kiss. “And I mean now.” The last few words were through a static growl. You could hear the irritation in Anti’s voice. And it was understandable. He’s been trying to get you to go to bed since early afternoon. You were sick after all, and Anti was getting restless with you. Watching you rub your eyes raw and sniffle constantly. You’ve barely eaten. Not that Anti hasn’t tried feeding you. Your illness just caused more nausea whenever food came near you. But also caused you to be more ill when you didn’t eat. You were stubborn in every possible irritating way right now. But you were too tired to argue with him…much.
“I just have half a chapter more, Anti. And then I’ll go to bed.” You tried to muffle the yawn that threatened to spill through your words. But the yawn wasn’t what Anti was set on. His gaze was like small electric green daggers. Arms crossed and frown curling into a sneer; you sighed and stood from your chair. Moving around your desk chair to approach Anti and wrap your arms around his waist. Despite his very annoyed expression, Anti uncrossed his arms and circled them around your waist. Despite his sneer, he rested his forehead against yours. Close enough now that you could feel his nose barely touch your own. And despite his exasperation with you, he gently leaned down and placed a flutter like kiss against your lips. You smiled sweetly. Tucking your face against the crook of his neck, nuzzling against the scratchy whiskers along his jawline. He had that static smell about him. The metallic but not really metallic smell. You could never place it. But you know that static from TVs smelled like it.
“You cannot cute your way out of this, (Y/N).” Anti mumbled against your hair. Making you chuckle as you pecked his neck with a small kiss.
“It was worth a shot.” You said. Pulling away so you could look up at him. “Why are you up so late?”
“Because I was waiting for you.” Anti replied. His scowl had softened but was still enough to make you feel a little stab of guilt for making him wait for so long.
“You could have gone to bed.” You stated and Anti huffed. Squeezing your waist and leaning closer. Teeth bared in a snarl.
“You should have gone to bed.” The anger in his voice was small. But enough to cause a glitch to run through him. You sighed. Immune to any sort of reaction to his anger when he was like this. It was over your sleep schedule, as usual, so it was nothing new to you.
“Not to mention you’re sick.” Anti continued. “Even more reason for you to get some shut-eye before your shift tomorrow.”
You dreaded work. You really didn’t want to go, but the money would be nice. And it gets you out of the house. Fresh air, despite it being within a restricted workplace; would be good for you.
“Alright, alright.” You said. Stepping back from Anti to move around him to your bathroom. “I’ll brush my teeth and go to bed. Happy?”
“Absolutely excited.” Anti bit back. The relief was there at least. Relief that you weren’t going to fight him on this. He decided to wait for you in the bedroom. He’s been ready for bed for hours and even tried to sleep; but sleeping while you were up and probably doing more harm than good to yourself wasn’t a fit subject for Anti. As he passed by the bathroom door, he glanced in to see if you had kept your promise of cleaning your teeth. You were, thankfully. You were just putting the paste on the brush when suddenly your face paled of colour and your eyes fluttered. Anti was by your side in a flurry of glitches. Catching you as you swayed back while you clung to the side of the sink.
It passed as quickly as it came. You blinked rapidly, groaning softly as you leaned against Anti. “That… I think I almost fainted.” You mumbled. And Anti found himself holding you more securely against his chest.
His voice was another snarl as he spoke, “Its no good being sick, but you have to exhaust yourself into fainting? That’s it. You’re going to bed.” In one fluid movement Anti had scooped you up into his arms and the world buzzed around you in a flash of back and green. The lights in your bedroom flickered and sparked as Anti glitched into the centre of the room and walked over to the bed. The covers were already thrown back over the mattress and Anti laid you, very carefully, against the pillows. He was quiet as he tucked your legs under the blanket and then pulled the material up around your shoulders.
“I need to get into my pyjama’s.” You mumbled. And Anti gave you a stern, almost glare like, look before his eyes flashed green and your body tickled with soft tingling sensations. You raised the covers to see that your clothes were replaced with your favourite set of sleep wear.
“Thank you.” You said, stifling a yawn as you curled up against the pillows. Resting on your side as you felt Anti crawl up behind you. His arms wrapped around your waist, his fingers idling playing with the seam of your clothes.
“Are you ok?” He asked softly. The warmth of his breath tickled your ear, but you nodded. Tilting your head back to give Anti a soft kiss on the lips.
“I’m ok. Just got a little dizzy.” Your answer didn’t seem to please Anti. But he let it go. Cuddling up behind you as you let your eyes close for the first time today. Almost immediately, you were washed away into slumber.
At this point, being tired was just who you were now. Not in a “Sir, I don’t care about anything, I just wanna go home” type of tired. But actually, tired enough you’ve been staring at the same book for the past 10 mins. Trying to read the cover title. But with the artwork and the weird font, you could barely get a few syllables in before your exhausted mind clocked out. Forcing you to start over.
Giving up, you turned the book over to read the code that allowed you to put the book on the shelf in the right order. Sometimes you liked to challenge yourself and guess where a book would go. Going off the author’s name, its genre and how old it is. But right now, it was just easier to use the code on the books to place them correctly.
The library was quiet today. As were normally most libraries, but today there were maybe three people tucked away into the corners of the building. Two you could make out were students of some kind. The other was a very bored looking man, slouched over a book with his cheek tucked onto his palm. Idling flipping through the pages. Barely seeming to register that he was actually reading a very political book. But NateMare usually wasn’t one to read, he liked the pieces of artwork. And from what you remember, that particular book had some very gruesome pieces. Displaying historical battles or displays of authority being sentenced out in front of a large crowd.
You pushed your trolly of books out of the aisle and towards the sulking ego. He looked up as you approached. Snapping the book shut and placing it on the trolley as you stopped beside him. His smile was warm and gentle.
“Shift finished yet?” He asked, for probably the hundredth time this morning.
You sighed and picked up the book he was reading. Turning it this way and that, checking for soot smudges that he may have left behind. NateMare never meant to do it, but sometimes his fingers were blackened from the smoke that sometimes trickled out of his fingertips.
“You know the answer. And you know the time I finish, you don’t have to keep sticking around, Mare.” You tucked the book into the small row of books, ready to be placed back on the shelves once you get moving again. Mare pouted. Tucking out his bottom lip as far as it could go and widening his eyes in a way that was similar to a pug pup. His joking puppy dog stare usually got a chuckle out of you. But, damn, you were just too tired for his shenanigans right now.
“Mare, please go home. You’re going to get me in trouble…again.” Despite your words, you flopped down onto the chair beside Mare. Fighting with yourself to not lay your head on the table. The moment your head lays horizontally, you’d be out like a light.
Mare released the puppy face and smiled gently. Crossing his arms on the table and tilting his head to look at you in that teasing way of his. “I’m just making sure you don’t pass out while working. You weren’t doing so hot last night. Or, so I heard from Anti.”
“I’ve taken a truck load of medicine. I’ll be fine. No more headaches.” You tried to give NateMare a reassuring smile. But the ego could see through it. Sure, you’ve taken a lot of medicine. But it’s fogging up your brain as much as your lack of sleep. And within your shift, no doubt the effects would wear off and you’d be back to square one with horrible head-aches and harsh nausea.
NateMare replied with a soft “Mmhmm,”. His eyes glazing over you as you stretched a little, yawning quietly and rubbing your eyes.
“I should get these books back on the shelf. Go home, Mare. Stop stalking me.” You couldn’t help but tease a little as you stood. He was here for you after-all, but it was unnecessary. You could get through today and when you get home, you’d be able to relax a little before doing your online courses.
“Have you eaten today?” Mare asked. Shifting his posture to give you a look that clearly said, “I know you haven’t eaten today but I’m giving you a chance to tell the truth and give in.”
You sighed heavily. Like it burdened you to look back at Mare and give him a soft glare. “No.” The grumble was soft enough that you hoped Mare didn’t hear it and would let you scurry away.
But instead, Mare stood and approached you to wrap his arm around your waist and kiss the top of your head. “I will only leave if you first have something to eat. Then, and only then, will I leave you alone for the rest of your work shift.”
Why did he have to be so damn cute? Why couldn’t he just let you suffer in silence and fight through the day and then do all this when you got home? You sighed and rested your cheek against his chest. Refusing to close your eyes, cause yet again, you’d probably fall asleep with the softest flutter of your eyes. “Fine, I’ll go on my lunch-break and I’ll meet you outside.”
You could feel Mare’s smug little grin without having to look up at him. Another kiss was placed against the top of your head and Mare gently rocked you back and forth. “What would you like to eat? I can get some leftover soup from back home.” His suggestion sounded nice. You didn’t feel hungry, but you could tell that this amount of time without food would be very bad. Especially since the medicine you took advises you to eat before consumption of said medicine.
“That sounds nice. Could you warm it up for me as well?” You asked, and Mare made a soft grunt.
“Of course, cold soup is a big no-no right now. You need as much goodness in you. At least to help with any nausea you’re currently feeling.”
“I told you I don’t feel sick in my stomach.” You tried to retort, but Mare disappeared in a puff of black smoke. That slowly drifted down into the carpet of the library, leaving a small grey stain at your feet. You sighed and quickly walked away with your cart of books. Mare would have to take his time to get back, since he cannot use his smoke ability while carrying food. It would turn the soup ashy and grey. And it would taste even worse than smoked food. The last time Mare brought you food like that, it had made you sick all day. And the taste of it stayed in your mouth for just as long. It hadn’t been enjoyable. And since then, Mare has taken the precaution of bringing you food the long way. Driving all the way from home, carefully cradling the food in his hand to bring to you.
After finishing up the cart, and making sure everything was in order; you asked to take your lunch-break. You went outside to sit and wait for Mare. Distracting yourself with your phone, idling running through the apps you frequent. Until your phone vibrated violently and static sizzled your screen, displaying green and black lines until Anti’s voice crackled through the speaker.
“Heya Doll-Face. You feelin’ alright? Smoke-Alarm just left the house with some soup. Need me to zap you back home?” You smiled and shook your head. Resting your chin on your free hand, you sighed.
“No thanks, Anti. Mare is just bringing me some food to keep me going through the day. How’s your morning going?” You asked. Hoping Anti had something juicy to help keep you awake. Now you’ve sat down for a little bit, without having to think about what you needed to do for work. Your mind was beginning to meld into sleepy-time mode.
“The other Septics wanted a meeting held over at their place. Something about the Ipliers… I don’t know, I was thinking about you too much to listen.” You chuckled softly and rolled your eyes. Despite Anti’s obvious tease, you knew he was being genuine. Everyone always thought Anti was brooding, maybe a little psychotic, but in truth? He was just a love bug. Romantic at times, in his own way, and he was truly always thinking about you. Especially when you were sick or something was bothering you. If he couldn’t help via stabbing someone, or cuddling you into a better mood, he would sulk until everything was better.
“You should probably listen to them. The Ipliers aren’t exactly the nicest people when it comes to you, Babe.” You said and Anti gave a huff.
“I don’t care about that. Are you sure you don’t want me to bring you home? I can make you something fresher than that soup Smoked-Ham is bringing you.”
Just as you were about to say no for the second time, Mare appeared from around the side of the building. Cradling the warm soup and setting it down in front of you as he sat beside you at the small table. You gave Mare a wide smile, thanking him as you took the spoon he handed you.
“Anti, really, I promise I’m ok. I’ll have something to eat and then I’ll be right at rain.” You tried your best to sound enthusiastic. But as ever, Anti wasn’t having it. But he also knew there was no way to convince you. Anti gave a near growl like sound. Thick with static as he mumbled something and your phone disconnected the call with a loud zap. Mare sighed and opened up the container of soup for you. It was warm to touch, and the smell made your stomach give a small ache of hunger.
“Don’t mind him, doll.” Mare tried to sooth you. You didn’t mean to make Anti mad, but you were starting to get real sick of the two of them constantly nagging you. You just wanted to finish today and then go home.
“Why’s he in such a bad mood? I understand the meeting probably irritated him, but he doesn’t have to be a dick.” You mumbled as you began to pick the soup with your spoon. You felt your stomach groan again, but another side of you was also feeling a little nauseous. You haven’t eaten in a while so you needed this food. But a bigger side of you just wanted to place the lid back on the container and ignore it.
“Because you scared him last night, (Y/N).” Mare replied. His voice softer, more sincere than when he had been speaking to Anti. “You literally almost fainted in front of him while going to bed. Lack of sleep, being sick and not eating is bad enough. But I think Anti realized just how bad it was when you almost hit the ground. He doesn’t like the fact that you’re pushing yourself so hard after that. You need rest, and he’s angry that you won’t do that.”
Guilt pulsed through you. You didn’t realize you had scared Anti. Enough so, that it was the reason Mare was here. No doubt to keep an eye on you because Anti was worried. They liked each other, but Anti was usually pretty reserved around Mare. So, knowing he had shared his concerns with NateMare about last night was something that surprised, and worried, you.
“He told you about that?” It was a stupid question. You knew Mare was aware of it, but how much did the two share?
“He did.” Mare said. Crossing his arms over the table. His expression serious. “He asked me to try and get you to come home early. To get some rest and actually let us look after you. You would have chained us to the bed and stuffed hot soup down our throats if our positions were swapped.”
You sighed and stirred the contents of the soup. You really didn’t feel like eating now. Anti was mad at you. Mare was giving you a serious talk. And the migraine from before was starting to come back. How could you even begin to fight them now?
“Alright.” You finally caved. Slouching a little in your defeat. You couldn’t do this anymore. They were right; and there was no winning against the two of them. “I’ll go speak to my boss and get the rest of the day off.”
Mare’s furrowed eyebrows lifted with a relieved smile. “Thank you. But just so you know; I had an entire 4 page argument ready to try and get you to come home. It was either I convinced you, or annoyed you enough to say yes.”
You chuckled softly and placed the lid back onto the container. Handing it to Mare as you started to walk back inside the library. You paused to press a kiss to Mare’s cheek. Who grinned gleefully at the affection. Reaching over to pull you closer and give you a sweeter, more proper, kiss. As you pulled away, his eyes smoked over and he grinned wickedly. “You cannot cute your way out of eating, babe. You’re going to eat this when we get home. I’ll even funnel it down your throat if I have too.”
You sighed, rolling your eyes in a half-hearted attempt to seem annoyed. But you knew you couldn’t have gotten away with not eating. But doesn’t mean you wouldn’t try.
 Your manager was a more than happy to let you leave early. Their soft smile and concerned glances were more than enough to tell you that they were in the same boat as Mare and Anti. And the small comment of; “Get some rest and don’t come back until you’re better.” Was enough to let you know they were probably going to send you home early anyway. You gathered your things and headed outside to get in the car with Mare. His vehicle was classy and also one of those high-tech sporty cars. Borrowed from Phantom. Who, Mare had explained, loved this car to pieces. And also owed Mare a favour. So, in return for Mare’s help in something, Phantom had to give his ego-brother the beloved car for him to use at any convenience. Which was all the time.
“Still burning the roads with Phantom’s favourite?” You asked as you walked over to the car-park. Mare’s grin was smug. Nodding as he opened the door for you with a flourish of his hands and a small, dramatic bow. However, he quickly stood up to press a kiss to your hair as you passed and got into the leather seat.
“He regrets his decision every day. And I love it.” Mare replied. Closing the door with a soft click and a cheeky wink. You relaxed against the leather seat. You loved and hated that Mare drove you around in this car. So many accidents could happen and you did not want to be blamed for any of it. Spilled food or drink? Mare’s ashy touch? Anti’s left over influence on the computer system in the car? Literally anything, and Phantom would blame you because:
“They’re your boyfriends. Leash them or I will.”
It wasn’t one of Phantom’s smoothest threats, but you got an idea of what would happen. And you didn’t like the other egos threatening your lovers. It was just annoying. However, your thoughts were brushed away as Mare slid into the car. Revving the engine with the twist of the keys and smiling gleefully as he pulled out of the parking lot and on the road.
“Is Anti going to be mad when we get home?” You ask, and Mare shook his head. Having to stop his little fast joyride at a red-light. It relieved you that Mare was at least compliant with the road rules when you were in the car.
“No. I think he’d be overjoyed that you’ve caved and come home early. Don’t think too hard on it, Doll. He’s only worried for you. He doesn’t mean to sound cruel or nothing.” Mare reached over and gave your hand a squeeze briefly before having to pull away and focus on the road.
You remained quiet the rest of the way home. Sitting down in a comfortable seat, plus the dull roar of the car was making you twice as drowsy. And it was already difficult to keep up a conversation. But before you could fall asleep, unwillingly but no doubt it was going to happen, Mare drove up the driveway to your home and parked the car. You were drowsy and sluggish, so it took some time to unbuckle yourself. But before you could even open the car door, Mare was right there. He opened the car up for you and then scooped you into his arms. You gave a defiant grumble, but didn’t do much about the situation. Mare bumped the car door close with his hip and carried up into the house. Anti was in the lounge room, watching something on the tv. But he was on his feet and at your side the moment he noticed Mare carrying you through the door.
“(Y/N)! Are you ok? Did something happen-” Mare cut him off with a dramatic roll of his eyes. You chuckled softly and wriggled until Mare set you down on the ground.
“I’m fine, Anti. Mare just decided to bride-carry me home.” You said and Mare shrugged, taking off his jacket to throw it over the back of the couch.
“You looked like you were turning Zombie in the car. It would have taken you a year to get inside.” Mare teased. Moving away from you and Anti to throw himself onto the couch. Lounging amongst the cushions and snatching up the remote to change the channel. You didn’t miss Anti’s once over, his blazing green eyes searching for any possible injury. But you distracted him by leaning up and pressing a kiss to his lips. He grunted, but returned the touch. However, the moment was broken by Mare coughing very loudly.
You and Anti turned to stare at him. And the ego pretended to smack his chest and cough a little more, feigning like he was in pain. “I’m fine. Just got something stuck in my throat.” He said.
“It’ll be my fist in a second if you try that again.” Anti hissed, and Mare cooed softly. His smile something short of smug.
“Don’t threaten me with a good time, Glitch-Boy.”
You sighed and pulled Anti towards the couch before this escalated further. Mare made room for you, letting you sit down and tuck yourself up against his side. Anti took his position beside you and you kicked off your shoes to lay your legs over his lap. “Either of you wake me up with some sort of bickering and we’re going to have problems.” You warned them both before closing your eyes. Almost immediately, the tension in the room seemed to simmer down to nothing. You felt Anti’s fingers caress over your thighs and lower back. While Mare started to hum a soft lullaby, pulling you deeper into your drowsiness. It was a moment of sweet bliss as your body relaxed and started to drift away. You yawned once, feeling Mare kiss the top of your head and Anti give a small squeeze to your slack hand before you fell asleep. Finally, and hopefully for the rest of the afternoon.
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curry-planet · 4 years
Painting Flowers | Tsumugi Tsukioka
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in which [name] [last name] painted tsumugi tsukioka’s favorite flowers until that day where one of them suddenly left. (song used.) 
warning: angst
Tsumugi Tsukioka buried himself under a pile of blankets when he heard the news that [Name] [Last Name] is back in town. His roommate, Tasuku was getting slightly annoyed.
"You're worrying the kids." Tasuku said from his bunk bed.
Tsumugi tossed and turned trying to find a comfortable hiding place under his blankets.
"Please tell them I'm not feeling well. Also please DM Itaru-san to take over for tonight." Tsumugi uncharacteristically grumbled under his breath, groaning as he turned over again on his bed.
"She's in town, isn't she?" Tasuku asked as he fiddled with his phone, opening the messaging app.
"Yeah. She almost saw me in the cafe earlier..." Tsumugi groaned and buried his face into his pillow.
"Just apologize." Tasuku said with a shrug as he climbed down his bunk bed. Exasperated, Tsumugi gasped.
"I-I can't just do that!" he exclaimed as he sat up and accidentally hit his head on the ceiling.
"A sorry isn't going to fix my mistakes." Tsumugi added, caressing the bump on his forehead. Was he always this clumsy?
"You could at least try." Tasuku said as he hung a towel around his neck and left the room, possibly going on another afternoon run with Sakuya.
Tsumugi stared into the painting of a narcissus flower that was hung up on his wall.
Is she still painting flowers for him?
Strange maze, what is this place? I hear voices over my shoulder,
[Name] [Last Name] looked around cafes and flower shops around Veludo Way. To no avail she couldn't find her ex-boyfriend. Tsumugi Tsukioka, to be precise.
Nothing's making sense at all
It has been months since he suddenly disappeared and left her. He didn't even return her messages or calls. Not even an explanation on why.
Wonder, why do we race? When everyday we're runnin' in circles
Now she's in Veludo Way, the town where Tsumugi would most probably be at. He grew up around here after all. All she wants for now is closure.
Such a funny way to fall
Clutching her heavy satchel in her hand, she took another step forward. All she wants is to find Tsumugi and maybe even talk to him, for the last time.
Tried to open up my eyes, I'm hopin' for a chance to make it alright
Tsumugi Tsukioka finally gathered himself enough to go outside of his dorm room and into the kitchen.
"Eh? Tsumugi-kun? How are you feeling?" Muku asked the winter troupe leader.
"Tasuku-san DM'd us, saying that you weren't feeling well." Muku added.
"Ahahah... I just hit my head." Tsumugi said as he pointed to the bump on his head.
"Good luck on studying, Muku-kun." Tsumugi said and walked to the fridge. He filled up the ice bag with ice and placed it on his forehead.
"Ah, is that so? Get well soon, Tsumugi-kun!" Muku said as he took his leave.
When I wake up, the dream isn't done I wanna see your face and know I've made it home.
[Name] [Last Name] felt like an idiot. Her mind is telling her to 'Give it up! He left you, remember?' yet her heart seems to scream the opposite.
She just can't give it up. She knew Tsumugi was someone special in her life when she met him at a cafe. Tsumugi brought back her will to continue painting.
The days they spent together lounging in her apartment. She just can't throw them out of the window no matter how much they hurt.
If nothing is true, what more can I do? I am still painting flowers for you
[Name] clenched her fists. She'll find him no matter what. She'll find him and give him the last painting she did.
Shown my cards, give you my heart wish we could start all over
There was nothing [Name] loved more than sunny afternoons with Tsumugi in her apartment. Sunlight illuminated his face as he tended to [Name]'s dying houseplants. His tongue stuck out of his mouth in sheer concentration.
"...Even I don't understand how they lasted this long." Tsumugi commented.
The plants were watered seldom, never even given appropriate portions of fertilizers or good quality soils.
"Hah, Tsumu give me a break. Even i don't tend to myself when I paint." [Name] responded as she dipped her brush in the cup that. She whirled it around a couple of times, cleaning it from paint.
"...Tsumu?" Tsumugi asked.
"Huh? Is there a problem?" [Name] asked as she pried her eyes off of the canvas for a second.
Tsumu... Tachan- er, Tasuku used to call him Tsumu when they were younger. How is he right now? Tsumugi hopes he's doing well. He hopes Tasuku isn't too mad at him for quitting theater and leaving town. But who is he kidding? of course he would be mad-
"Tsumugi?" [Name] asked snapping him out of his internal conflict.
"Oh, yeah. You can call me Tsumu, it's... cute, I guess?" Tsumugi said with a smile. Unfortunately for him, [Name] wasn't fooled with his smile despite being an actor.
Nothing's making sense at all Try to open up my eyes I'm hoping for a chance to make it all right
"Excuse me, miss?" Someone tapped on her shoulder, getting her attention.
"Uh, me?" [Name] asked as she turned around.
A tall man around 6'0 feet with dark hair gave her a slip of paper and then quickly took his leave. He was with a much shorter teen with red hair, both clad in sportwear. The note read "If you're looking for Tsumugi, find him at xx xxxxxx road, Veludo Way. xx:xx this evening."
...To come and think of it, that man oddly resembles the 'Tachan' Tsumugi has talked about.
"You're sure it's her right?" Tasuku asked Sakuya.
"Yeah!" Sakuya huffed. "She's the girl in the picture you showed me." Sakuya added in between breaths.
Tasuku knows Tsumugi too well, he knows that the latter needs a push when it comes to things like this. As his closest friend, it is his duty.
When I wake up the dream isn't done I wanna see your face and know I've made it home
After a long, exhausting day, [Name] was at her last resort. She stared up at the building in front of her. On her way here, she heard that this was the dorm the actors of Mankai Company live in. Actors, huh? She must be at the right place after all.
She rang the doorbell once. She can hear the ruckus inside the building. The sun was starting to set too. She rang the doorbell twice this time. Within a minute a girl around her age was at the front door.
"Uhm, hi. What can I do for you?" A girl with chocolate colored hair and pinkish eyes asked her.
"My name is Izumi Tachibana, the director of the company." She introduced herself. [Name] cleared her throat. Go big or go home it is. This is the moment she has worked hard for.
"Ah, yes. I'm [Name] [Last Name]. I'm actually looking for Tsumugi Tsukioka. Is he here?" [Name] asked.
"Ah! Tsumugi-san? Please follow me inside. I will tell him you're here to see him." Izumi said as she let [Name] inside the dorm.
"Ahahah... That would be very nice. Thank you. I feel bad but, can I ask a favor? Please don't tell him my name..." The girl with [Eye Color] eyes trailed off.
"So, kinda like a surprise for him? Got it." Izumi said then smiled mischievously.
"Ahahah, kinda like that." [Name]laughed nervously. It may be a surprise but not a pleasant one.
"Tsumugi-san laughs like that too..." Izumi said to herself without realizing she spoke out loud, making [Name]'s face flush.
"Please wait here on the lounge." Izumi said as she left to find Tsumugi.
On the lounge were a group of teenagers sitting on a circle with another man around her age. He has brown hair that were dyed with blonde highlights. It seems like he was helping the kids while he was fumbling with his phone. [Name] spotted a familiar shade of red hair among the teens that the man was tutoring.
"Ano,, excuse me?" [Name] poked Sakuya on his shoulder.
"Ah! You're here! Tasuku-san would be glad to know you're here. Unfortunately he had to go on a quick errand." Sakuya informed her.
"Eh? Who is she?" Yuki asked.
"It's the girl Tasuku-san was looking for!" Sakuya answered with his usual enthusiasm.
"Oooh! Man, even Tasuku-san has found someone!" Taichi-said. "I'll be popular with the ladies too!" He exclaimed.
"Er, does this Tasuku happen to be Tachan? Or like Takato if I recall correctly?" [Name] asked.
"Ehh? You don't know Tasuku-kun?" Muku asked, confused.
'And so the plot thickens. It's like an otome game.' Itaru thinks to himself.
"I think I heard Tsumugi-san call Tasuku-san 'Tachan' sometimes." Tenma comments.
"Ah, that's right. I'm actually here for Tsumugi." [Name] said with a smile.
If nothing is true, what more can I do? I am still painting flowers for you
"[NAME]?!" Tsumugi exclaimed.
The group in the lounge was quite in shock. They didn't know how or why but the timid, subtle and gentle Tsumugi they came to know could be loud. They could practically feel Tsumugi's shock. If this was a cartoon, Muku was sure Tsumugi's eyeballs would've fallen off by now.
"Uh, hi Tsuki-chan. Surprise?" [Name] said with a smile that didn't quite reached her eyes.
They were now both on the courtyard of the dorm, viewing the flower beds Tsumugi religiously takes care of.
"This is a nice place to paint." [Name] comments as she opened her bag to take out her sketch book.
"...I'm sorry." Tsumugi apologized, not daring to lift his head to see her expression.
Is she mad? Perhaps she's hurt. Very hurt. What he did could never be justified. He left her in the middle of their relationship just because he felt the need to go back to Veludo Way to act again. He didn't leave her anything. Not even a message. Tsumugi knows that he should at least contact her yet he couldn't. He felt like a coward. Ever since he left he put it off for tomorrow, until it turned to days, weeks and months.
"I'm not mad anymore." [Name] confessed.
"I'm very hurt, still. I hate how you just left everything." She added.
"I hate what you did, really really hate it. I despise what you did. Somehow, I can't tell hate you. Even after you pulled that. Even after you hurt me." [Name] said.
Tsumugi felt his heart break into a million pieces. Of course he hurt her. There wasn't a day that passed where she didn't cross his mind. He couldn't count the days where he longingly gazed at the flowers she painted for him.
"I can't hate you because I love you too much to do that! E-even after you left..." [Name] felt her voice crack. She was holding back tears she didn't know she had. She choked back a sob as she said.
"Even after you left, I am still painting flowers for you." She whispered, loud enough for Tsumugi to hear.
I heard everything you said, I don't wanna lose my head,
"I kept the painting you gave me for my birthday..." Tsumugi said truthfully.
"I wanted to reach out to you but I was so scared." He continued.
"You could've just told me. I would've supported you along the way..." [Name] replied,
"[Name]...:" Tsumugi said. He felt so much worse after hearing those words. If he just told her, everything would be much easier. If only he did...
"I wanted to give this to you." [Name] said as she pulled out a framed painting from her satchel.
"Sagiso, meaning my thoughts will reach you in your dreams." Tsumugi said once he laid his eyes on the artwork.
"I'll always think of you, even if you don't love me in the same way." [Name] said before closing her eyes and embracing Tsumugi in a hug.
Tsumugi froze up as he felt tears through his clothes and unto his shoulders.
"Who said I don't feel the same as you do?" Tsumugi replied. He felt tears prick his eyes.
"I'm sorry." He said. "I'm sorry, love. I'm sorry." He repeated through his tears.
When I wake up, the dream isn't done,
Tsumugi wiped his tears on the sleeves of his coat, to no avail, tears flowed freely from his eyes again.
The room was littered in paintings, paintings made by [Name]. They were mostly paintings of flowers both she and Tsumugi loved.
Today, there was nothing Tsumugi hated more than waking up in the morning. He felt very contented in his dreams, thank you very much.
Tsumugi hated it but he has to face the truth. When he woke up, the dream was indeed, done.
I wanna see your face and know I've made it home
He only truly felt home when he saw you. A picture could never replicate those feelings, specially the picture in front of the room.
If nothing is true what more can I do?
Tsumugi has one thing to do. That one thing is to accept the truth, yet he can't do it. This isn't true. It must be one of his extreme dreams. Like the one where the scene of him leaving you was on repeat.
Deep down, he knows he has to face the truth. He has to face [Name] in her casket. He has to say his speech for her eulogy. He has to face the truth that she's gone.
There's nothing he can do when her heart stopped beating. What can he do now?
There was nothing he can do to stop the incoming car that hit her. What can he do now? Wipe his tears?
Tsumugi closed his eyes, in an attempt to sleep. Maybe if he did, he'll dream again.
Maybe he'll dream again of that time you looked for him and gave him a painting of sagiso flowers.
"I am still painting flowers for you."
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jq37 · 5 years
The Report Card – Fantasy High Sophomore Year Ep 15
Love Wins!
Welcome to an insanely chaotic episode of Fantasy High--even by the very high standards of this show.  How chaotic you may ask? Well, the first thing that happens is that Bill Seacaster point blank shoots Gilear to death for being in a relationship with Hilariel. Full dead. He is full dead. Strangely, his plan to bring him back as a janky devil does not do much to comfort Fig. Imagine that.
Bill’s pirates are looting the Bottomless Pit (Gorthalax’s domain in Hell) and Vraz orders Fig to make them stop. When she instead orders Vraz to eat her ass, Vraz nullifies all warlock deals Gorthalax made and brings none other than Johnny Spells (and his greaser pals) to join the fight!
Really, this fight is insane and it’s better served by a highlight real than a play by play so I’m just gonna give you some bullets:
All the PCs rolled super low initiative this fight which really kinda screwed them. Like Fabian was down to 16 HP one point and it was like, “Lol, this is the end of round 1.” YIKES.
A big part of this fight was just surviving long enough to get to the second level of hell and rescue Riz’s dad which I think was probably good for morale because the thought of this fight dragging on for more than a couple of rounds exhausts me. 
Fabian rolls off against Johnny right off the bat for the Hangman’s loyalty and Fabian wins with a 25 (and by coming out the gate with the word ENSLAVED which isn’t the word *I* would have used but a 25 is a 25 I guess).
He also has to contend with fighting Allistair who has a massive hole in his head filled with fire from Wicklaw eating his brain. It seems like Chungledown Bim is in hell too based on how Allistair keeps saying he’s gonna get him so he can shit in Fabian’s mouth. Of course, Fabian gets the better of him, but not before he deals out a fair bit of damage. 
Adaine uses an Arcane Hand plus her portent roll to just whole-ass throw Johnny off the ship. Like, he gets back up but it’s so funny to instead of fighting an enemy to just throw him off a set piece (see eg: Bloodkeep ep2).
Kristen Revivifies Gilear and Bill, the mercurial sunuvabitch is like, “We love the same woman! I just want her happy!” and gives him a gun. Kristen immediately is like, “Bro, you need to hide,” and Gorgug protects him while he does so (in a sarcophagus that has a 50/50 shot of being launched as ammo). 
Penelope shows up to the fight, eyes all black, wearing a shredded prom dress, and with shards of silver embedded in her forehead like a crown. Dayne and Daybreak also join the fight as messed up Harvestmen! It’s a veritable Smash Bros lineup of people the Bad Kids have killed!
Adaine and Fabian are christened the “Posh Squad” which is important to me, not to the fight. 
Adaine gets to counterspell a counterspell from Penelope, one of the sexiest things you can do in D&D.
Fabian declares toxic masculinity dead. Shortly afterward, he makes Brennan eat a die when Daybreak tries to Frighten Fabian, a condition he is immune to due to his eyepatch I gather based on the table reaction. 
Daybreak’s punishment in hell is a complete lack of self-awareness of why he’s there. He still thinks he should be sipping Mai-Tai’s in corn heaven with Helio while Kristen and Ragh are attacking him with gay spit (their words, not mine). Gay spit and, also, a ton of radiant and thunder damage.
Ragh gets some emotional catharsis by getting to body Dayne before Gorgug decapitates him. Very important step in the stages of grief. Decapitating the source of said grief. 
Penelope gets Sparta-kicked off the edge of the boat by Fabian after Ayda dispels her protective globe and Riz shoots Daybreak again for old times sake. Unfortunately, Penelope Misty Steps back up and Daybreak is hurt but not killed. Ayda does a cool Dr. Strange teleportation thing and does a bunch of damage to both of them. Fabian finishes off Penelope with a sheet/sword combo and between Booming Blade and a Psionic Blast (does she have this ability as a Bard or as a Warlock? Relatedly, when she felt something leave her was that her Warlock deal being nullified or was she feeling the deals leave her since she is sort of the temporary Gorthalax?) Fig destroys Daybreak. Johnny just falls off the ship with no PC intervention because he sucks. 
Bill also falls off the ship but Fig (with an assist from Gorgug) saves him and steals a scroll from Vraz on the way back up. By the by, earlier in the fight, she also had Baby Invisbly steal a random item from her. 
Anyway, as they reach the end of the end of the fight, Bill loads Riz into a canon (!) and shoots him into the city, hopefully towards his dad (to the distress of his party). He crashes through the window in a familiar looking building and, when he finds a hallway that he’s pretty sure leads to his dad, he goes towards it. 
He sees a familiar light coming out of a doorway (the interrogation room light) and a doorway next to it that is slightly open with steel thrones in it. There’s a two-way mirror between the two rooms and if he goes into the open one, he can see who is in with his dad. After checking for illusions and finding none, he stealthily walks in and sees, in the other room, his dad with a hulking pit fiend (30 ft tall, winged, almost dragon-y devil).
The pit fiend is questioning Pok about any regrets he had in life and Pok answers very uncharacteristically from the man we saw in the video saying he had nothing but high hopes for baby Riz. He says he had no regrets, his job was just a job, and that he only had a kid because Sklonda wanted one before going into a snarling goblin rage. The pit fiend smiles at that and says that Pok has promise so they won’t create a lemure out of him (a lemure is a weak, blobby devil). Two devils in the room with them whip him unconscious and then leave the room to go send more people to deal with Bill.
Riz Misty Steps into the room and does a self-imposed Wisdom check to steady himself after what he just heard--Nat 20 baby. Then, he opens his Briefcase of Holding, ready to scoop his dad into it when, the two lesser devils open the door and catch him in the act. But Riz persists in the scooping. They try to grapple him and he rolls a Nat 1 to avoid it. He *still* tries to get him dad. But then he notices, his gun is missing.
BLAM. The devils heads are blown clean off. He turns and he sees his dad has taken the gun--his gun originally--and shot the devils. Pok, who is amazed that Riz is there and no longer feigning apathy for the situation asks for an extraction into an earpiece, causing a halo to appear over his head and a beam of holy light to come down like a tractor beam.
“Wait,” says Riz. “You’re an undercover angel?”
“You got it, kid.”
Murph goes feral. The table goes feral. I go feral. What a way to end an episode!  
And now for an all-Dad round of superlatives:
Bill Seacaster for KILLING GILEAR 
I feel like I shouldn’t have to explain myself here. 
Honor Roll
Pok Gukgak for Officially Joining the Fantasy Fathers of the Year Club
Here either. 
I will, however, add a Hell Yeah!
Random Thoughts
If you haven’t seen it yet, the trailer for S5 of Dimension 20 just dropped and I won’t spoil it but, from the looks of it, it is gonna be a doozy.  
“Do not metagame with my freaking Dad!” Oh to have the support of an NPC Emily Axford has decided to imprint upon.
Gorgug: It’s been one year. We’re sophomores. 
“We support you as a DM and as your friend but also you’re our enemy.”
I think it’s very interesting that with just a little space and time from his dad, Fabian is finally having the proper reactions to his dad doing what I will charitably call shenanigans.
The level of distress and outrage from Emily when Gilear got shot was just *chef’s kiss*. I aspire to create an NPC that provokes that level of reaction from one of my players. Similar energy in a different direction from Ally when Daybreak attacked Tracker.    
“Adaine, the jocks are being feisty! Get out of there!”
Vraz calls Fig “the Faithless” as her devil title and she insists on instead being called, “the InFaethable”. I wanna know how long Emily’s been sitting on that one or whether she came up with it on the spot. 
Fabian upon seeing Johnny: Fuck off dude. I have too much going on right now. 
Brennan being the eternal DM mood: How do I get out of this?
Very wild how little time has passed since Leviathan. Like, Fabian’s had this whole arc and grown so much but, like, OF COURSE Allistair still wants to murder him! It’s been like two days. 
“I want to crumple up Gilear like a wrapper.”
A seven is a Murph 10.
The very specific way Brennan does foley for sword fighting (“Clang! Cling! Clang!”) is so funny to me. 
Cannot overstate how much of a power move it was for Kristen to go, “I’ve been PRAYING FOR YOU,” at Daybreak and knock him on his ass. 
I feel like I bring this up all the time but I love when Brennan is counting dice for a ton of damage and all the PCs are BSing reasons that it’s not a big deal like, “He’s just getting D4s,” or “Well I should get advantage for the reason just made up,” with everyone else fully playing along. ”
Allistair Ash, man. He is fascinating to me. I am so curious about what Brennan had planned for him originally because I feel like we barely scratched the surface before things took a TURN. He had two little moments in this ep that made my heart break for him a little: (1) When he says to Fabian, “If I die, I just come back a little bit worse but, if you die, you’re stuck down here with me.” and (2) when Fabian kills him and Bill grabs his soul and is like, “You know it’s gonna cost you X gold to revive you,” and he sighs and says, “Put it on my tab I suppose.” Like, I know he spent all ep trying to kill Fabian but I can’t help but be like, poor guy. He just has this pathos in his haplessness. I’m surprised Fabian didn’t make more of an effort to connect with him instead of being like, kind of like, “I will throw hands if I must.” Talking is a free action my dude. Anyway, I would love to see Brennan’s DM notes for this guy.   
Lou was really doing some expert D&D with all the second winding and bonus actioning and burning spell slots for extra damage he was doing. He was like, “My initiative is trash so I have to do approximately a million damage per turn.”
Lol at Ayda asking if it’s weird to talk about sex stuff in front of friends in a group that involves both Kristen and Adaine. 
Fig wishing she could do something cool in front of Ayda as if Ayda didn’t try to flood Hell on her behalf last week. My girl. You’ve already locked that down.
Not really an issue that’s we’ll run across during the run of FH but tieflings live 20-40 years longer than humans according to the official D&D lore. So lets say Fig lives to be 120 years old. And let’s say she sticks with her high school girlfriend and marries her. It’s possible they die at around the same time and then Ayda has to Deal With That in her next life but that’s not what I’m interested in. What happens if you’re a full elderly woman and your partner phoenixes into a child? What are the ethics of that? How do you deal with that? Chronomancy?
The horrified, “Love wins!” from Daybreak.
 Is there a reason the viewing room Riz was in had thrones in it or is Hell just very about the ~aesthetic~
Every time a DM asks for a HP total, my entire being clenches in prep for a Power Word Kill. 
“I’m gonna need a Dexter--”/”Counterspell.”
“You guys murdered me too but we hashed it out.”
I totally forgot that the Bad Kids lied that Ragh had shat his pants until the moment Adaine was saying it this episode. Freshman Year was WILD.
Also, just wanna take a second to talk about the elevation of Ragh from this side-note bully to a fully fledged, likeable character with depth and and an arc and gay spit. D&D is crazy. 
Summoning Boggy via Bloody Mary is such a delightful image. 
So, Kalina is the one that led Riz down the path that led to him finding out Pok is an Undercover Angel (!!!), which means one of three things: (1) She knew but miscalculated hard, (2) she didn’t know and made a different but also big miscalculation, (3) she did know and she’s doing some kind of 4-D chess thing we don’t know about yet. 
Ayda hitting Fabian with a portent and then swooping in and saving Adaine. So clutch. What a good NPC to befriend.
Speaking of, I think we all kinda figured, but Brennan officially said on Twitter or the Discord (I don’t remember which) that Ayda is autistic. Like, I was pretty sure but I didn’t wanna assume.
Lol at the absolute lack of respect Kalvaxus got in this episode. 
Pok as an Undercover Angel is SO GOOD. Like, I didn’t think he was really bad for a second but I never could have guessed he was an UNDERCOVER ANGEL. That’s such a dope combination of words. Undercover Angel (which my computer keeps trying to correct to undercover agent which isn’t wrong to be fair). Man. I love this. I love this for me and I love this for Riz. Riz deserves this. After so much crap in his life and so many mind games from Kalina and all this turmoil, he deserves to know that not only is his dad a good person who loved/loves him, he’s SO good that he’s an ANGEL and he was such a good spy in life he still is a secret agent in death. God, what a reveal. I can’t believe Riz got Spy Kids-ed TWICE by the same parent. Can’t wait to hear what exactly is going on with him.
Wait, what’s goblin heaven like? Which god is sanctioning this? Who is he working for exactly?
This episode, Kristen and Gorgug rolled 1 Nat 20 each, while Riz, Fabian, and Brennan each got 2. On the flipside, Adaine got 2 Nat 1’s, Fig and Fabian each rolled 1 that was cancelled, and Riz rolled 1 (in addition, Murph rolled two more which were lair actions and one of which was cancelled by a luck point so they don’t really count but it was very funny so I wanted to note it).
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soft-stormcloud · 4 years
Panic Cord: Please Don’t Say You Love Me [2/3]
Synopsis: When Virgil and his fiancé, Logan, take in Virgil’s ex boyfriend Roman and his boyfriend, Patton, Virgil’s forced to come face to face with his guilt. 
Genre: Hurt/Comfort, Prinxiety, Analogical, LAMP, background logicality
Word count: 3580 out of 8823
Trigger warnings: Implied abusive parents, very heavy guilt, financial problems, potentially unsympathetic Virgil? It’s complicated, everyone makes mistakes.
Part One
    Logan was, of course, okay with it. 
    Virgil dared say he was excited. He took a day off work (he had a lot of personal days saved up) to spend making sure the apartment was clean and inviting, and his office was cleared out for Roman and Patton to move in. Virgil had to move his vanity to make room for Logan’s desk, but he didn’t complain. 
    When they arrived, Logan pulled Patton into a tight hug while Virgil took Roman’s luggage to carry it inside. 
    “Is this all you have?” He asked, frowning. 
    Roman shrugged and followed Virgil into the apartment. He was sort of dazed as he looked around. “Well, I had a few of Patton’s things over at my place, but when he was evicted, his landlord sold his things. I had to be fast to leave so I just filled up whatever I could in this suitcase and we left.” 
    “I’m surprised you let Patton in your house,” he said as he pushed open the door to what was previously Logan’s study, now Roman and Patton’s room. 
    “What?” He frowned. “I didn’t.” 
    Virgil set his suitcase down in the bare room and looked at him in confusion. “You said you had some of his things?” 
    Roman blushed and looked away. “Just, like, sweaters and stuff.” 
    He couldn’t hide a grin. “You’re still so sappy.”
    “It’s not exactly a bad thing!” Roma pouted. 
    “I didn’t say it was.” He didn’t bother unpacking the suitcase, leading Roman right back out. “Logan and I called in a favour with our parents- Come with us, we’re getting you some furniture.” 
    “What?” Roman smiled nervously. “You don’t-” 
    “You’re at least getting a bed.” Virgil gave him a flat look. “Besides, my mom was way too happy to help. She and Dad actually want to have dinner with you and meet Patton, whenever you’re up for that.” 
    Roman only blushed brighter. He was embarrassed, but in a good way.
    When they went back into the living room, Logan was explaining to Patton how they could afford such a nice apartment. 
    “Virgil’s and my parents got together and wrote us a cheque for our Christmas present,” he was saying. Virgil stepped beside him and wrapped his arms around Logan’s waist. “They covered half the costs. We’re also pretty lucky with our jobs, they pay us well, and we’ve been saving up for a while.” 
    As they walked out the door and headed for the apartment’s elevator, Patton looked at Logan curiously and asked, “What do you guys do?” 
    Virgil hid a smile as Logan lit up, launching into an excited ramble about his job. Logan loved his job, and he wasn’t quiet about it. He didn’t even do anything super exciting or that he’s passionate about; It was just convenient, and well-paying, and easy. He said he mostly enjoyed it because he got to put all of his energy into his studies, and his relationship with Virgil, not having to waste any to pay for basic living expenses. 
    The four of them went out to a few of the surrounding furniture stores, somehow managing to fit a nightstand, the parts of a dresser and a bed, and a shit ton of hangers inside Logan’s tiny car. They went ahead and used the leftover money to buy Patton new clothes, and a little for Roman, as well. 
    When Roman and Patton were distracted with the clothes, Logan pulled Virgil aside. “Are you doing okay?”
    Virgil frowned in confusion. “Yeah? Why?” 
    “I just… Know this isn’t exactly what you wanted.” Logan took his hand. “I’m sorry.”
    He shrugged and ran his thumb across Logan’s palm. “It’s not what they wanted either. It’s not a big deal.”
    Logan watched him carefully. Virgil seemed… Truly unbothered. 
    “Verge, you know you don’t have to answer this, but… Why did you two break up?” He laughed a little and shook his head. “I’m so confused about your relationship.”
    Guilt flooded Virgil’s system. He squeezed his eyes shut and shook his head. “No, it’s… I don’t want to talk about it.” He did want to tell Logan, both because Logan deserved to know and because Virgil thought he may feel better after getting it out. 
    But there was always the possibility that Logan would leave him, would find his actions so disgusting and mistrustful that he decided to go. 
    “It’s okay,” Logan whispered, pulling him into his arms. “Don’t panic, it’s fine. It clearly doesn’t matter anymore, whatever happened. He doesn’t seem mad at you.”
    “That’s not what I’m worried about,” Virgil mumbled. 
    The next few weeks living with Patton and Roman were… Interesting. For Virgil, most of it consisted of not ever letting himself be in a room with Roman alone, while also making sure Roman and Logan were never in the same room alone. It was pretty exhausting- Not just the act itself, but the guilt that came with it. Was it wrong of him to be stunting Roman and Logan’s relationship so badly? Was he proving that he hadn’t changed at all in he and Roman’s time apart, by doing pretty much the exact same thing? Was his reasoning justified in meddling with the ecosystem of their apartment? 
    Logan, someone who was always straightforward and blunt with him, didn’t seem to care. Or even notice. He and Patton were growing closer and closer by the day, and if they were a ‘normal’ couple, Virgil would be frightened every time he found Logan and Patton tangled up on the couch, asleep together, or walked in on them talking quietly and holding hands. 
For once, it was not because of the guilt. Most things Virgil did in his life was because he felt guilty. But, truly, it was because he would do anything to keep that dopey smile on his fiance’s face, and he wasn’t bothered that he wasn’t the only one to cause it. He and Logan simply had too much love to give that could be dropped onto one person. 
One day, Logan, Patton, and Virgil were in the living room, Virgil doing his makeup before work and Patton and Logan doing a puzzle, when Roman burst through the front door with sunshine in his face. 
“Love?” Patton stood and smiled, coming over to hug him. Roman picked him up and tossed him a bit, spinning him around and holding him tightly. Logan snickered as Patton squealed. “Woah- What’s going on?!”
“They’re doing auditions for Dear Evan Hansen down at the Carnation, and I got an audition!” Roman set his pink-faced boyfriend down and smiled so wide it changed the way Logan and Virgil saw him. 
Virgil had missed that smile. 
“I’m auditioning for the role of Connor!” He reached into his messenger bag, a large hole in the side patched up with the scraps of a thin red scarf, and pulled out a clean, new script. It was thin and unlaminated. “They gave me a few scenes to practice for, I need to go right now!”
Patton wasted no time following Roman into their room. Virgil was embarrassed, because half of him tried to get up, too. For a split second, he had fallen back into his old life, his old self, and as terrifying as that was, he still felt ecstatic when Roman poked his head out and said, “Hey, Verge? You wanna come, too? Patton wants to read for Zoe, but you can play Evan!” 
Virgil desperately wanted things to go back to how they were, and he desperately wanted to never go back. He was terrified that Roman being here would put him back into old habits, that all the work he had done to change and be better and build a life with Logan would vanish. But he was also so, incredibly, ridiculously happy to have Roman back, and achingly sad in a way that you only feel when you just now realized how much you’ve missed a person. He wanted to be able to pick and choose, to reach back and pluck certain elements out of his old life and drop them into his new one, and forget about the remnants. 
But life didn’t work that way. 
So as he and Patton helped Roman prepare for his audition, with Logan sitting on the bed with a book, he kind of wanted to cry. 
“I want to be a halfling!” Patton cried in excitement. 
They were all crowded around the living room table, Virgil and Logan’s D&D Player’s Handbooks laid out in front of Roman and Patton. 
“Okay,” Logan chuckled. He was sitting next to Patton, hand planted beside his hip, so his arm was almost around him but not quite. “Then, here, these are the stats you get, you put those here.” 
When Roman and Virgil were still dating, Virgil mentioned a few times how he always wanted to get into D&D. Roman agreed, and they always said they would play together, once they had time and enough friends to make a party. The day Virgil and Logan met, Logan was wearing a Critical Role t-shirt and was buying supplies for his weekly session, a few days out. He offered to take Virgil with him, and the plan was just to watch and hang out but he got along with their party so well and already had an idea for a character, they insisted he started right away. 
It didn’t escape Roman’s attention that Virgil ended up doing something they always planned on doing together, with Logan. He was sad about it even though he knew he shouldn’t have been. How could he expect Virgil to have put his life on hold, for a reunion that neither of them thought would happen? 
There was still a part of him that felt betrayed. Roman often felt betrayed when thinking of Virgil, and it was so frustrating because he didn’t want to be mad at Virgil, especially seeing him now, seeing how much he’s changed. He was engaged, and happy about it- Excited, even. Every time someone brought up their upcoming wedding, Virgil positively lit up and couldn’t stop himself from attaching himself to Logan’s side. 
Although… As betrayed as he’s felt these last two years, as sad and as angry as he’s been… It faded as the four of them spent the night playing D&D, sinking six hours into it, making a clumsy team with Logan as their ruthless DM. It faded away for very familiar feelings to take its place. 
That morning, after Patton went to bed and Logan went to work, Roman found himself wandering towards Virgil’s room. He was so confused, and surprised, and he didn’t think he could wait any longer- He had to talk to Virgil. During their relationship, nobody could calm him down and make him see clearly the way Virgil could. He hoped they hadn’t lost that, that all this time apart hadn’t made them strangers. 
Virgil called him in after knocking, looking a little wary. He knew it couldn’t have been Logan, so it was either Patton to chew him out about all he did to Roman, or Roman himself, which had its own problems attached. 
“Hey,” Virgil said haltingly. “You need something?”
“Not really.” Roman shrugged one shoulder, not able to meet his eyes. “Just, uh…”
Virgil scooted over and Roman took the silent invitation to sit next to him, pulling the covers over his lap. “What is it?” Virgil actually looked concerned, and Roman hated that that surprised him. 
“Does it feel… Weird to you?” He risked peeking at Virgil, risked noticing the way his faded purple fell in his eyes and the way he still looked so, so tired. “Being back together?”
Virgil fell silent, and Roman was patient. He knew the face Virgil made when he was thinking, when he was choosing his words very carefully to both say what he meant and spare feelings. His eyebrows scrunched up and he chewed on his upper lip and he looked, just faintly, defeated. 
“It does,” Virgil said. “But it’s not… All bad. I just don’t think we were expecting it.” 
Roman was relieved to hear that, but it also scared him, because that meant they were thinking the same thing, and that could be dangerous. He thought of Patton, Roman’s ray of sunshine. For a short amount of time, Patton was the only reason Roman stayed alive. He loved Patton fiercely, but that kind of love was familiar to him, and he had been feeling it double lately. 
“I bet you got rid of everything.” Roman didn’t mean it as an insult, but he could acknowledge that it definitely sounded like one. 
“Actually,” Virgil said, annoyed, “I still have all of it.”
Roman’s eyes widened in surprise. “Really?” 
“Yeah. I was going to get rid of it during the move here, but… I don’t know.” 
He crawled over Roman to get out of bed, and went over to the closet in the corner of the room. He disappeared inside for a minute, clothes being moved on racks sounding out into the room, and came back with a scrapbook and a shoebox. 
The shoebox was unassuming, nothing like the one Roman had spent hours decorating, that still sat somewhere inside his parents’ house, or maybe the garbage at this point. The scrapbook was a lot more exuberant- They made it together. Somehow Virgil ended up with it. 
He got back into bed and set the scrapbook into Roman’s lap. 
But then they didn’t move. 
They both wanted to open it, and they knew that, but something about it felt wrong. Were they making a mistake? 
Just as Roman started to contemplate, Virgil took off the shoebox’s lid and tossed it aside. All of Roman’s concerns disappeared at the sight inside. 
At the very top, there was a brown leaf that looked like it would crumble with a single touch. On their one month anniversary, Roman took Virgil for a walk, which was really a disguise for a secluded, romantic picnic. He took Virgil down a dirt path with overarching trees, blooming all vibrant shades of green in the summer sun. Virgil wanted to stop, to check out a little alcove of trees off the path, and they ended up staying there for longer than planned. As they made their way out, Virgil plucked a leaf off one of the trees and stuffed it in his pocket. 
Now, Virgil reached down to pick it up, and under the weight of the wind it shattered, all over a card Virgil had made for Roman’s 19th birthday. 
They both snickered, and Virgil dropped his head back, frustrated and happy. Roman flipped open the cover of the scrapbook. The first picture was from Roman’s 19th birthday, about two months into their relationship. They both had writing and scribbles all over their arms, Roman’s in purple, Virgil’s in red. Virgil squinted to try and read some of it. 
In red, Don’t Forget Your Meds!! <3  
In purple, audition at 2:30. see you there 
There were drawings, random scribbles in red and little icons and comics in purple. Their arms were like that in most pictures, and in a picture they had taken at the park, where Roman had Virgil picked up with one arm, a little ink peeked out under his raised shirt, on his tummy. 
Looking at these pictures, Virgil had never felt so dumb. 
After they finished looking at the pictures, neither of them felt like letting Roman go back to his room. Guilt gnawed at Virgil’s insides as he and Roman scooted close to the wall, leaving enough room for Logan when he got back from work. They fell asleep with their legs tangled and their bangs brushing together. 
When Virgil woke up, it was like he had never gone to sleep. A blink of time passed and he peeked over Roman’s shoulder, worried Logan had gotten home and gotten angry, left to sleep somewhere else, and was only mildly relaxed to find him there in his usual spot. He had actually scooted closer than he had to in order not to fall off the bed, almost spooning Roman. 
Virgil laid there until Logan woke up. The morning was one of Virgil’s favourite times to spend with Logan, because Logan was sleepy and affectionate like a cat, and they often spent the mornings drinking coffee in silence. Just being in the same room was often enough for Virgil. 
It wasn’t like that this time. Virgil could barely look at him. Was he angry? Was he going to accuse Virgil of cheating, or wanting to leave him? 
He knew Logan would never have this conversation without at least a cup of coffee, so he stayed quiet. Logan prided himself on being able to articulate himself, and he couldn’t do that when he was tired. 
After a little bit of Virgil stewing, and cooking breakfast for four, Logan finally turned to him and said, “What’s going on? You’re freaking out.” 
“Was that inappropriate? Are you mad?” 
Logan hummed and turned off the stove, putting the pan on a different burner. “I think for normal couples, the answer would definitely be yes, and we would need to have a talk.” He opened up his arms and Virgil sunk into them, resting his head on Logan’s shoulder. “But we’re not normal. Does he make you happy?”
That wasn’t a question Virgil was prepared for. Maybe that was stupid, but it wasn’t that he didn’t know the answer, it was that he wasn’t sure if he earned the right to say it. 
But this was Logan. He was always safe with Logan. 
“Do I still make you happy?” 
“Yes!” Virgil pulled back, looking at Logan in concern and panic. “What kind of question is that?!” 
Logan cupped Virgil’s face in his hands and kissed him, just firm enough to keep him grounded, to remember where he was. Virgil rested his hands on Logan’s waist and sighed into it, kissing him back. 
“We tell each other before we do things,” Logan mumbled. 
“Right. And the other has to be okay with it.”
“And I’m okay with it. And the other has to know the new person. Don’t I?”
Virgil swallowed and nodded. “Yes. And it goes both ways.” 
“You’re not doing anything wrong,” Logan whispered. “But if you really can’t shake that feeling, then we should have a different conversation.”
Virgil and Logan had put their polygamy into practice before, but never for anything serious or long-term. Virgil felt guilty about a lot of things, it pretty much ruled his life, but this had never been one of them. 
“Morning, guys,” Patton said as he wandered into the room. Virgil and Logan pulled away so Virgil could make Patton a plate while Logan greeted him. 
Patton and Logan ate their breakfast and then headed into Patton and Roman’s room, because Logan promised to help Patton prepare for his job interview and then drive him there. While Virgil was making his own plate after finally getting hungry, Roman came into the kitchen. 
“Hey,” he said nervously. 
Virgil glanced back at him and then forward. “Hey. Are you hungry?” 
They sat next to each other with their plates of food, and ate in awkward silence. When Virgil went to reach for his drink, Roman set his hand over Virgil’s. He didn’t remember the last time his heart had jumped so high, or so much excitement flooded his system. 
“I have my audition today,” Roman said quietly. “Are you busy?” 
Virgil was walking on eggshells. Everything lately felt like a decision, like one way or another his life was changing, and he had to make the decisions without knowing what it would lead to. 
“I’m not busy,” he settled on, because it was the truth. 
Roman linked their fingers together, and Virgil squeezed his hand. Virgil thought of what Logan said, that he was okay with it- And suddenly Virgil realized that he himself might not be. As Roman leaned closer, Virgil jumped out of the chair and scrambled to grab his half empty plate and head into the kitchen. 
“Actually, I just remembered that I, uh, have a lot of stuff to get done today,” he stuttered, fumbling for a tupperware to put his leftover food into. “Sorry, I, uh, can’t make it. Sorry.”
“Virgil.” Roman frowned and stood, coming over to him. “What’s going on?”
“Nothing, I just- I can’t make it.” Virgil slid his food into the fridge and put his dishes in the dishwasher. He tried leaving, but Roman was blocking the way out of the kitchen. “I can’t make it, okay?”
Roman looked at him in frustration, and hurt. Virgil hated how familiar that was. Of all the things Virgil wanted to see again now that Roman was back in his life, that was last on the list. “Do you think- Maybe we should talk about what happened? Because you’re acting-”
“No!” Virgil’s eyes widened. “No, what? What are you- There’s nothing to talk about. How would that help?” 
“Virgil, if you don’t want to be with me, that’s fine, but-” 
“I don’t want to talk about this,” Virgil insisted, and he kind of felt like crying. 
Roman stared at him for a moment, as if waiting for him to change his mind or say he was kidding. Then Roman grabbed his keys and his jacket, and walked out the door.
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angryteapot · 5 years
Take Your Shot
Pairing: Steve Rogers x Avenger!Reader
Summary: You and Steve are always bickering, but after a mission goes awry, you both take stock of your tangled thoughts. It’s a shot in the dark, and you hope your decision won’t ruin everything. 
Warnings: Cursing, slight angst, mentions of violence and injury
Word Count: 2083
A/N: This is for @barnesrogersvstheworld ’s 4k “Challenge” Challenge! The prompt is in bold. 
To be added to the taglist, send me an ask or dm! My inbox is always open if you want to chat or rant! <3 
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"Contact left! Hostages in play, dozen gunmen, suspected sniper. Request backup!" Steve threw his shield, knocking out more of the charging Hydra goons.
You vaulted over the explosion debris on the opposite side of the building, two throwing knives now embedded in the enemy's chests. God, they were everywhere. You sprinted to retrieve the knives, wiping the blood off on your sleeve as you stepped over the bodies.
"Backup imminent, Cap. Location?" You took a minute to breathe as you waited to hear his location.
"Southeast corner, it'd be nice if you hurry!" The location was accompanied by the grunts and hard breaths of hand to hand combat.
Grumbling to yourself, you ran through the remains of the building, on your way to assist the idiot. You mocked his earlier assessment of the situation during the morning's briefing meeting -
"Abandoned building, my ass. 'A few guards with hostage analysts,' he said. 'In and out job,' he said. Bullshit! It was supposed to be easy, but noooo, the idiot just had to trip the alarm and summon half of Hydra," you huffed, annoyed as you came up on the southeast side. Why did the damn building have to be so expansive?
"You know I can hear you, right?" Steve grunted and you could hear the sound of fist meeting flesh, then someone's bones crunching. "Any ETA on that backup?"
"Oops. Yeah yeah, gimme a second."
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Scaling your way up the wall onto the roof, you reached over your shoulder to grab the sniper rifle that was slung across your back. You settled in and started picking off Hydra agents one by one, but more kept pouring out of the tree line.
You growled in frustration as you ran out of ammo, "Why won't these bastards just die?"
"Y/N, I appreciate the expert sniping, I really do, but when the hell is our backup getting here?"
"Cap, I am the backup. Are you going senile already? You'd said it would be an easy job, so it's only me, you, and Falcon. And he's currently occupied with evacuating hostages, so you're stuck with me."
You rolled your eyes at Steve's frustrated cursing.
"Honestly, it's like you don't know me at all, not gonna lie I'm a little insulted," you sighed and discarded the rifle you had "borrowed" from Bucky.
Unsheathing your katanas, a gift from your friend Wade a lifetime ago, you gave them a twirl and jumped off the roof breathing out, "Maximum effort."
Hydra didn't stand a chance after that. You may not have been enhanced, but you were well-trained and ruthless. Your katanas swung like lightning, taking down countless Hydra goons as you made your way closer to Steve.
You had nearly reached him when you saw him getting ambushed from behind. Pushing yourself to run harder, you were mere feet away from him when, out of the corner of your eye, you saw a sniper a little ways off taking aim at Steve. Jump-tackling him, you pulled out a pulse grenade and shouted, "Shield!"
Confused but already complying, Steve pulled you to him and covered the both of you with his shield as you lay on the ground. Tossing the grenade into the air, it released an energy pulse that sent all the surrounding Hydra assholes back about ten feet, each one knocked out cold.
Both of you groaning, Steve helped you up, gritting his teeth and saying, "C'mon Y/N, we've got another wave coming."
Right when you stood you heard the discharge of a bullet and blindly pushed Steve away, gasping in burning pain as the bullet clipped you in the side, going clean through and leaving you with a large bloody gash.
"Y/N!" Steve's palpable concern was touching, but now you were pissed off.
Shouting in anger, you charged at the incoming Hydra group with renewed vigor, pain and bleeding be damned. By the time Sam arrived to help, you were covered in more enemy blood than even the Captain. A few stragglers remained, but Sam picked them off from above.
"That was stupid," Steve admonished as he helped you up from where you were now sprawled on the ground.
You tried not to flinch from the anger in his voice as you spat back, "Yeah well, I saved your life. And I do stupid shit all the time, so I don't know why you're so surpri- mother fucker!"
You hissed as he put pressure on your side, right where the bullet had clipped you, as he threw your arm over his shoulder to help you walk.
As he flew overhead, Sam's voice came over the comms, "Cap, Y/N, jet's ready for takeoff. You guys all good?"
"Yeah Sam, we're good. A little injured, but I'll make it 'til we get to med bay. Hostages taken care of?"
"Yes ma'am, they're in the cargo hold. I'm heading to the jet, see you both there."
Steve remained stoic, you could practically feel the pissy energy he was emitting. Choosing to also remain silent, you continued to the jet, keeping the tense silence until the hostages were dropped at S.H.I.E.L.D. and you were back at the compound.
After landing, you gave Sam a friendly slap on the back on your way off the jet. Next stop - med bay.
Dr. Cho tried to convince you to use the regeneration cradle, but the thing gave you the heebie-jeebies, you'd rather have a scar than simulacrum "skin." Blech.
Freshly stitched up, you trudged back to your room to shower all the blood and exhaustion off. You took your time under the hot spray, letting it wash away your frustrations. As the water beat against your back, your thoughts turned to Steve - the cause of your frustrations. His silence and contempt on the earlier mission was maddening.
Sure, what you did might have been stupid, but you all made stupid decisions when a teammate's life was on the line. He may not have approved, but saving Steve's life was something you wouldn't compromise in a million years. He was too precious to you, but of course the big idiot didn't know that. To be fair, nobody else knew either; you hid it a little too well behind sarcasm and anger.
Sighing and shutting off the water, you stepped out and toweled off, cursing as you saw the seepage on your bandage. You dried off and slathered on some lotion, getting dressed in your underwear and low-slung sleep short, opting to put on a sports bra only so as not to agitate your wound any further.
"Barely out of med bay, and you've already managed to re-injure yourself?"
You looked up to see Steve leaning against your desk, arms crossed and muscles bulging from his smedium shirt.
Feeling a little flustered and defensive, you drawled, "Come to ogle a girl, Rogers? I thought you 40’s boys were more polite."
"Not ogle, berate," he corrected as he reached behind him and pulled out a first-aid kit. He gestured for you to sit on the bed, and you did, albeit reluctantly.
"I was going to do that myself, y'know. I'm not a child that needs to be coddled by mommy dearest,' you sneered as he knelt in front of you.
"Really Y/N? Because you'd have a hell of a time trying to patch yourself up, judging from the location of the bleeding."
"Ow! Gently, you asshole! Or if you're gonna be medieval about it, at least give me a damn bottle of whiskey to numb the pain." You winced as he tore off the seeping bandage.
"I thought you went to med bay for this. Didn't Dr. Cho fix it for you?" Steve looked equal parts concerned and aggravated.
"I don't want to be made of plastic, I'd rather have a scar. So yeah, if by 'fixed me,' you mean 'stitched up,'  then she did indeed fix me."
You heard him mumble something about 'stupid girl,' and tried very hard to not unleash your full fury.
"I'm sorry, what was that? You wanna talk about stupidity? That's rich coming from the guy who jumps 30,000 feet out of a plane without a parachute!"
He raised his voice right back as he cleaned the wound with antiseptic, "I'm enhanced! You are not. You could've died, and that would have been on me."
"If I hadn't pushed you out of the way, the bullet would have pierced your heart. Try walking that off, asshole. See how much your enhancements help you then. Besides, better me get killed than you, I’m less important than Captain America."
"Not to me! I can't lose you, dammit Y/N, don't you understand that?" He angrily, yet still so gently, tended to your wound and placed a new bandage over it as he berated you.
You were stunned. Since when did Steve care if you lived or died? All you ever did was fight. Granted, you bickered to cover your true feelings, but he always seemed genuinely frustrated with you. You took in his slightly elevated breathing, his steady hands as he picked up the dirty cloth, and his unwavering glance when he looked back at you.
"I don't want to fight anymore," you said quietly, more meaning to the words than he knew. You were so tired of hiding your feelings. You glanced at him again, seeing something soft in his eyes as he sighed in agreement, you hoped you weren’t imagining it. His warm, gentle fingers skated over your side, checking his handiwork as he knelt in front of you again. You decided to throw caution to the wind. If this bombed, then at least you'd have your answer instead of this stupid pining.
"Hey Steve?"
"Yeah?" He looked up at you, still kneeling before you, with his stupidly blue eyes and gorgeous lashes.
"I'm about to do something stupid."
"Well we've established you're always doing something stupid, so how is this any different?"
"Right. You'll probably ignore it anyway."
You look at him for a second longer before grabbing his face, taking a moment to look into his shocked and confused eyes, and then you kiss him fiercely.
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Go big or go home, right? Well you certainly went big. Not just a peck or hesitant kiss, oh no, you put everything you had into that kiss, all the feelings you'd been holding back for so long. After a beat, he'd started to kiss you back, albeit hesitantly.
You pulled away, blushing and breathless. Steve was struck speechless and blushing, lips now a pretty shade of red to match his flushed cheeks. His expression, however, was very closed off.
"Yep. Okay. Sorry, message received, it won't happen again. You can sweep it under the rug like everything else."
Well you were thoroughly embarrassed now, and slightly heartbroken, yep it was time for an escape. As you tried to get up, Steve - still kneeling in front of you on the bed - snapped into action and moved his arms to cage you in.
"What if," he licked his lips and cleared his throat. Well damn, if he was going to reject you, could he do it a little less seductively?
"What if I don’t want to sweep it under the rug? What if I want… What if I want you to do that again?"
Steve readjusted his hands, thumbs now caressing the bare skin of your hips as he spoke, oh so softly.
"What if I want a redo? A chance to kiss you back properly? What would you say to that, hm Y/N?"
His voice was gravelly and sinfully low, causing a shiver to run up your spine, and the soft caress of his thumbs on your hips had your mind in a tizzy.
"I'd say," a deep breath and you continued, "I'd say that whenever you want to yell at me, you should kiss me instead.”
He leaned in closer to you, whispering against your lips, "Then I guess we'll be kissing more often than not."
"Asshole. At least you'll finally be putting that pretty mouth to good use," you smiled against his lips.
"Mmm, that's not very nice," he murmured, silencing your next words with a very thorough kiss.
If he kissed you like that every time you fought, you’re brain would be too mushy to form words, so you supposed there would indeed be more kissing than bickering in the future. But you were entirely okay with that, and you were sure Steve would be too.
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