#also user change but very slightly hi hello
nyukyusnz · 4 months
monthly reminder <3
all of you are beautiful people and i hope you all have been well, i know youre all trying and you guys will all push through !! im always supporting you with you all in my mind and heart, i love you all so dearly and i miss you<3.
#tagz! ; @jellizers @yourbeomiebear @itz-yerin @ox1-lovesick @seungminnows @sleepysnk @new-ninjago @justasillyoldfox @kaixserzz @beomsun @muilkyu @aestherin @seungkwan-s @softsan @isiah--v @tamagotji @lvieee @carat-withastick @borntodoll @jenaisnte @yunolic @spookybias
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coral-melon · 10 months
Heya!! CM! (Get it your user!)
Its 🍓 again :3
Would you be able to write imagine/hc thingys how they would react to seeing your human form for the first time when you go to the human world with them! Im thinking along the flustered fluff/ possibility suggestive thoughts about mc =^=
Any of the brothers/dateables u want! But if your looking for specific just mammon & levi as personal preference :3
(AFAB preferred but No description of gender js cool too :3 )
Aghhh sorry this is worded so weird I’m not the best leaving suggestions i feel too askyy ;^;
Your writing is lovely and i can’t wait to see more!!
- 🍓
Hello again -🍓! Love the ‘CM’ nickname! And by all means, ask whatever you want and however much you want! I’ll always make the time to write any requests~
Also sorry for taking so long; I really wasn’t too sure how to write this, and I’m sorry but I kinda tweaked it and lil bit.. ^^’ I was going to make everyone but I ended up only doing Mammon cuz I thought it would’ve been a very long post. BUT! I can most definitely make separate posts for each of the brothers if that’s something you and others want!
A and as always, if it sucks just lemme know! Constructive criticism is always welcome >;)
Cotton Surprise
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Obey me! Mammon x Sheep!MC
Genre: Fluff, crack/shenanigans, slightly suggestive
What’s it about?: Seeing your human form for the first time!
Not that many but They/them pronounce; mainly AFAB
A throwback to Lesson 19 from the original game but tweaked it as well
Edit: ((There were minor changes cuz someone made a comment that pointed out to me how maybe some people didn’t understand what I was telling. Totally my fault ^^’🙏))
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None of them ever understood why you turned into a sheep. It happened as soon as you first arrived to Devildom. But the more time they spent with you, they got used to it — some even forgetting you’re a human all together.
One day, most of the Brothers were sitting together in the living room. It was mostly quiet until Asmo brought the question: “Hey, What do you guys think MC looks like if they weren’t a sheep?”
It left them a bit dumbfounded that they hadn’t even thought about it. They got so used to you being a sheep so it kinda just slipped their mind. It also got them to start bickering a ton of what they thought you’d look like.
— “What’s with all the commotion?” A voice interrupts their conversation. Lucifer walks in with you in his hand, talk about perfect timing!
— “We were just talking about what MC looks like if they were in their human form.” Beel explains.
— “Oh right.. none of you have seen them.” Lucifer remarked, chuckling softly under his breath.
— “What does that mean?” Satan says with already irritation in his voice.
— “Well, it’s only right that I know what MC looks like. I was the one who picked them, after all.”
This got many of them heated! Jealous that Lucifer was pretty much the only one that knows. Mammon, Levi and Asmo were whining about how that’s not fair, Satan was gritting his teeth, and Beel along with Belphie just sat quietly watching the scene. They quieted down once you said, “I could just describe what I look like, y’know.”
All of them gathered around like a bunch of kindergartners getting ready to listen to a story book. They payed such close attention to every detail you said and tried to visualize it in their head to the best of their ability. It only made them even more eager to see you for themselves.
And it didn’t happen until the very last moments before you had to go back to the human realm..
… With a true loves kiss! >;D
Cliché, I know. - -’
After dipping the House of Lamentation, he ends up in who knows where but more importantly, away from Levi. After he was done huffing for air, both of you start laughing from the absolute fun of stupidity you guys had. You couldn’t help but think about how odd it must’ve look from someone else’s perspective.
You two eventually eased off and took the time to catch your breaths. And then realize the beautiful view you guys have of Devildom. He sits you down gently on the thick stone fences while he rests his body on it. There was a short, soothing silence between the both of you — a soft, cool breeze blowing while you watching the city lights together. Mammon eventually brakes the silence and says,
“Y’know what? It’s always fun whenever you’re around.. I’m always smilin’ and laughin’ when we’re together. There’s never a dull moment..” he says softly; when you look up at him, he’s not looking at you but can tell he has a blush decorating his cheeks.
You smile at him warmly, before looking down at your tiny trotters. You were a sheep till the very end.. you had fun, but you can’t help but get a little sad thinking about it. Like just now, you would’ve been able to run away with him instead of being carried like a pillow.
“W-Who needs the human world, eh? You don’t gotta go back! I want you right here in Devildom, I want you here with me, all the time..!” Mammon looked straight at you, you perked up at him once he said that. He looked at you as if you were the greatest treasure he’s ever had. He wasn’t kidding around, such an unusually serious and determined face…, you felt butterflies in your stomach.
There was a silence again, you looked at him with in awe eyes. He slowly leans in, you leaning slightly forward.. letting whatever was going to happen, happen. Until finally, his lips reached you.
☁︎ —Poof— ☁︎
Light clouds suddenly surrounds you, Mammon was completely taken aback; and then he just freezes. When the clouds disperse, it revealed you.
You felt.. different. Blinked a couple of times before you looked down again. And to you completely surprise, the troopers you looked at but merely a few seconds ago were replaced with hands! You touched your face, your hair, your legs.. they were all back! You give a yell for joy, your curse has been broken! But then you also realize how you didn’t have any clothes on… you looked at mammon — who had his face completely red and eyes glued on you, completely frozen in place. Which made you freeze for a moment.
(Him)→ ╭( ⸝⸝๐_๐)╮ (○□○) ←(you)
You tried to cover yourself to the best of your ability; but first of all, you can’t really cover much. Second, he already saw everything! Both of you were very flustered, embarrassed, and still shocked by what just happened. You weren’t a sheep anymore! What’s up with that?!
Thankfully, Mammon at some point finally snaps out of it and covers you with his uniform’s blazer. You grip onto it tightly and covering yourself to the best of you ability. You mutter him a ‘Thank you’ under your breath. But both of you were still quite frantic, looking at each other with wide eyes while huffing to calm you nerves.
“Aha! …Found you!” A voice suddenly says from a short distance. It was Levi!
“Oh shit..”
“Mammon, Give me back my moneeey!!”
“Yikes! Time to go!” He says, lifting you up into his arms and making a run for it. And man did he run! He probably ran faster than when he was being chased by Lucifer. Levi didn’t see it coming’.
You were in a daze, you’ve been carried by him countless times.. but today you felt like a princess that’s been swooped by Prince Charming — a very peculiar one, but still charming.
He — at some point — stops running and hid in whatever corner he thought was good enough so that Levi wouldn’t find you two. With his back to the wall, he collapses to the ground. With you still in his arms but making sure you didn’t fall. You can’t help but laugh and pull him into a tight hug.
Mammon felt like his face was going to explode any second now, he just couldn’t believe that he was holding the actual you — and naked at that! But whatever was going through his head completely perished once he heard your lovely laugh. You were so happy.. embracing him with all your new found excitement. It felt like it was only the two of you in the whole word, so nothing else mattered.
“You broke my curse, Mammon!” You say. When I say this guy’s ego got inflated, I mean it. He felt like nothing could stop him now. That’s right! The great Mammon just did that! No one else!
He takes a closer look at you face; he always kept in mind all of the details you said that day, but you looked way better than what he had imagined. He couldn’t believe his eyes…
You suddenly pull him in and give him a passionate kiss; and oof, was he over the moon! After that one, he starts feeling greedy. Just one kiss isn’t enough..!
Later on, he bought you a few clothes since, of course, you didn’t have any. And decide to go back home.
When he went back to the House of Lamentation, he wanted nothing more than to just sneak in without his brothers knowing. But much to his dismay, Levi was already waiting for him at the gates. And when he realizes that the person he’s holding is you, he goes hysterical and now the rest of his brothers know..
“Oi, that’s enough! Step aside! Can’t ya see MC needs to get to their room??”
He’s always looked out for you.. from beginning to end. You felt like you were falling in love with him all over again. It was hard to believe that life here was coming to an end.. You want to make the most of it before having to go back home. But at the moment, you just wanted time to stay still, just for a moment..
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I had a lot of fun writing this! So tysm for requesting it -🍓. Tho again, I’m sorry for not really completing what you asked for.. I still hope I was able to put a smile on your face! Take care~
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mintsuwu · 2 months
Midnight Mysteries AU Q&A!
Hello! I´ve been opening asks on Twitter recently and a bunch of people asked stuff about the AU. So I thought it would be fair to share the information here as well to keep everynyan updated! I´ll also take the chance to reply to asks that I have pending in my inbox as well.
Which Midnight Mysteries characters would be magical fellas, like "madoka magica, smile precure"?
Probably Poppy or CraftyCorn, the latter was a unicorn after all 👀
Detective Bubbaphant looks like he needs serious therapy /aff
Every single Critter in that AU needs therapy. That´s partly the reason why Rosie (Bobby) became a psychologist /hj
Can I give Officer Kicks a hug?
Sure you can!! Don´t approach him when he´s angry though.
Do you allow OCs/Fanfics or such for your AU?
Yeah, I absolutely do and it makes me so happy that people would like my AU that much! 😭🙏💖
Does CatNap have a tragic backstory or personal goal or is he bad just for funsies? :00
He sort of has a tragic backstory, not too much, but he definitely has his motives... And even though his intentions could be sort of good, his ways are not the right ones (?
Chat, what happens if Officer Kicks is angry?
Dear user, I pray that you never encounter an angry rooster in your life because one nearly attacked me when I was little and it was... Quite the experience-
That aside though, he has an awful temper and can even get violent at times. Kickin´s character development simply hasn´t kicked in yet.
Are LoolaLamb and CatNap dating or does he just like messing with her?
They have been engaged for years. They married out of convenience and their relationship isn´t fully romantic, but CatNap actually cares about her in a way and is kind of possesive of her.
How did you come up with the Midnight Mysteries AU?
Funny enough, the idea simply came to me one day in which I was listening to the Spy X Family openings, and since my previous hyperfixation was The Great Mouse Detective my mind suddenly thought "What if I made an AU inspired on both things?" That added to the fact that I always kinda imagined Bubba as a detective and knew I had to draw it sometime.
Does CatNap just manipulate or make deals with the Sugary Scoundrels to cause trouble?
Sort of! As those two grew up in the orphanage that he runs, it´s more or less their way to repay him the favor, even though they spend most of their days out on the streets roaming around. But they are also lowkey intimidated by Catnap... Though, Bunzo has it worse with Mistress LongLegs in comparison. PD: The girls, specially CatBee, really admire Loola! And the latter is quite fond of them too.
Will the Midnight Mysteries AU have a similar story to Poppy Playtime, or does it only have the characters in common with the original source?
It will most likely have a slightly different route as PPT´s story is not done yet, but there will be events of the AU based on it! For example, The Hour Of Joy took place as well, but the motives behind it will be different.
What year does the Midnight Mysteries AU take place in?
Historically wise, it would take place around 1930-50, I don´t have an exact year but I know it would hace to end in 5 given how Poppy Playtime takes place in 2005.
What was MM Catnap´s childhood like?
I still have to think better on it, but he was a wondering performer! Perhaps specialized in acribatics.
What sort of things did Huggy and his siblings do before working for the railroad? What were their parents like, were they even around?
Their parents died when they were still yound, so Huggy had to raise his siblings by himself. They were later taken into a circus, but things weren´t very nice in there... After leaving the circus he took part on several crimes, being the brute force of the villanous gang while his siblings were unaware of their brother´s felonies. But when he took part in The Hour Of Joy, Huggy decided to change his ways from then on and did his best to leave the past behind along with his family.
What are Angel´s pronouns in the AU?
Is Angel close or affiliated to any of the characters from the AU (DogDay for example?)
Yeah! He is allies with Poppy, Kissy and DogDay. Angel shares a parent-son relationship with the latter as they practically raised the poor dog after he had gone through a negative moment in his life.
Is CraftyCorn in the MM AU, or does she have yet to be revealed?
... She used to be(?
Is Billie actually a boy looking for his dad, or a kid playing innocent to help CatNap?
He´s mainly looking for his dad! But I love that twist ngl...
Did DogDay get that scratch from CatNap or something else?
Yes, he got it from CatNap in a fight.
Is Billy´s mom, by any chance, Mistress Long Legs? Does she know?
Yes, she does know but perhaps she wouldn´t recognize him at first as she didn´t raise him and Billie wouldn´t even know how she looks like. Darwin tried not to tell him much about her and her deeds, or at least he wanted to wait and tell him until he was old enough.
How did Darwin go missing, did Billie witness it?
He got kidnapped, and Billie did witness it. He caught sight of the kidnapper but couldn´t catch up to them when he tried to go after his dad.
What happened to Angel?
Many things...
Does Angel have the ability to die and revive in the past before they died? The Angels from the other universes are able to do that too.
No... Or at least, they haven´t tried out yet, so who knows!
"Traitor"? Did Angel used to work for the Prototype before rebelling against them?
Indeed, Angel betrayed their comrades in a very critical moment and since then they all have been searching for him... CatNap mostly. Which is why they usually remain hidden, outcasted and only keeping contact with selective people.
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sassy-man-apocalypse · 3 months
HELLO TUMBLR USER SODAA-ENBY of course I will! Here's some stuff about Goreclan and its surrounding territory as well as the Fangs and the Ravens :)
Goreclan isn't really appreciated by the other clans ( think Shadowclan in the main series ). They're kind of known to train their apprentices to kill instead of wound, and they're not all that pleasant to deal with, but they usually don't trespass on other clans' territories — it happens sometimes though, obviously, because have you seen their fucking leader...
Goreclan's social structure is one of the most interesting things about it. It's a very big clan, so a majority of cats stay in groups inside camp, almost like tinier, less poweful clans. This method was set way before Shiningstar ( Edward. Booo 🍅 ) took the role of leader.
Speaking of Shiningstar, after gaining his 9 lives from the Wishing Pond, he seems to have tried his very best to cut off every Goreclan cat's contact with Starclan. Not cool of him if you ask me
Then we've got the Fangs and the Ravens! Those guys are like two tinier Bloodclans. They lurk in the streets of the twoleg place and are very often rumoured about across the forest as bloodthirsty rogues, and not many clan cats dare to step on their territory.
Goreclan is very close to the twoleg place. It's only separated by a thunderpath, which makes access mostly easy. Ferretfang ( emizel ) and Soda ( a cat named Soda is hilarious so we didn't change it ) often cross it.
Goreclan's camp is built slightly into the ground, surrounded by thorn walls at the top. In the middle of it stands a tall rotting tree trunk, which is used by Shiningstar to announce clan meetings and ceremonies. There's not much else to say about camp, though the Goreclan territory is very muddy and swampy in some places, and while the Goreclan cats are trained to fight and maneuver in these conditions, most other clan cats aren't, which gives them an advantage while they're in their own territory.
Also just for fun here's some of the cast because I barely mentioned them and I feel bad
Ferretfang — Emizel
Rosefeather — Shilo
Stagshadow — Arthur
Bravehowl — Grefgor
Suntrot — Deacon
Soda — Soda. Duh
Meat & Tooth — Vex & Viv
Shiningstar — Edward Twilight
Keep sending me asks don't be shy this is fun and it makes me really happy :D
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icedragonlizard · 4 months
I've made major headcanon changes!
Hello everyone. I'm unsure as to how often people in the Kirby fandom change their headcanons to be different from what they used to be, but I've decided to update some of my headcanons.
Some of them are pretty big changes! Different from what I used to think before. I suppose it's just happened as time goes on and I come up with new ideas. I've only been active in this fandom for about a year, which ends up having my mind actively develop ideas over time.
But anyways! Here are some of my major headcanon changes:
-I now headcanon Dark Meta Knight and Shadow Kirby to be friends. Back then, I had them not getting along, but it's changed now. I'm also changing the personality of my Skirby a lot, so I'm now rendering this post to be obsolete. I do however still interpret DMK to not be a good person as he's temperamental and assholish, but now he's slightly more reigned in because Skirby is a friend of his that's able to occasionally keep him in line. Skirby is one of DMK's closest friends alongside Daroach. I'll talk more about these concepts in a later post, but now let's go on to the next big changes down below.
-Shadow Kirby is now effectively added to the Wave 2 friend group. As I have him being friends with DMK, he's also now good friends with the rest of Wave 2.... Daroach, Adeleine and Ribbon. Can elaborate more on this later, but at this point my verse considers Skirby to be an "honorary wave 2er" in a similar way to how Nago, ChuChu and Pitch are "honorary wave 1ers".
-Dark Meta Knight and Flamberge are now friends in my verse. Something I hadn't really done before, but am doing it now. They're distant friends, as DMK is closer to Daroach and Skirby than he is to Flamberge, but these two sword users are sparring pals! They like to beat each other up with their weapons for fun and enrichment. DMK still doesn't do much of anything with the other two mage sisters, though. Zan in particular doesn't really even seem to be a big fan of him.
-Francisca is now the mage sister that Susie is closest to. I used to have Zan Partizanne hold that title, but now it's Francisca. In fact, Zan is actually now the mage that Susie gets along with the LEAST, hahahaha... they're still ultimately friends, but they like to butt heads a whole bunch, as they're basically firm rivals. Francisca on the other hand is a very close buddy to Susie in my headcanons now, she might be Susie's third or even second closest friend. I can elaborate more about this in a later post!
I still have Zan being the mage sister that Taranza is closest to, and Flamberge being the mage sister that Magolor is closest to. Now I've got a perfect double-trifecta with now having Francisca be the mage sister that Susie is closest to!
-King Dedede is now a big Marx hater. I suppose this one might not be as drastic of a change as some of the others, though? I say this because I already had Dedede not liking Marx, but now it's turned up a notch. Dedede is legitimately ticked off about being a top favorite prank target for Marx, as it threatens his reputation and he also clearly doesn't appreciate Marx for additionally messing with his waddle dees a lot. If you asked my verse's Dedede who is his least favorite fellow dream friend, it's absolutely Marx. But don't worry about the jester too much, because it gets better for him in the next big change down below. Consider it an exchange of haters.
-I'm now all in favor of Wave 3 + Marx being a friend group. This is a big change from what I used to headcanon, I would say. I've ALWAYS had Magolor be pals with Marx, but back then I used to talk a lot about how I interpreted both Taranza and Susie hating him. That has now changed. I'm now doing a 180 and considering them to be friends with Marx. They'll still "butt heads" with him as they both have cain instinct relationships with him, but ultimately Taranza and Susie are now friends with Marx in my verse. Congrats to my Marx for being friends with them now, congrats to my Magolor for now having his three besties get along! I'd be more than glad to elaborate on this in later posts as I can talk more about Marx's individual dynamics with Susie and Taranza, but yeah I'm now on the train of having these 4 lunatics be a friend group. I guess we can call the group the "Magogang" because I bet Magolor would want to call it that.
Even though the "Marx and Taranza ought to bite each other" and "Marx and Susie would get into arguments about clockwork stars" posts I did a while back are still very much plausible to happen in my verse. Like I said: cain instinct is what the jester has going on with those two! He's still a devious little shit even when he's friends with someone. Top kek.
It's like Dedede is simultaneously taking Taranza's and Susie's places for being a big Marx hater. Lol. Still a net positive for the jester though, he's losing 2 haters and gaining 1 hater from someone that already didn't like him before. He'll take it!
-Wave 1 + Magolor also now exists in my verse, to go along with Wave 3 + Marx. This one might not be such a huge change because I already had Magolor getting along with Gooey and the animal friends, but now he's closer friends with them than he was before. And that's in no small part thanks to Marx. I still have Marx being pals with the rest of Wave 1, and now Magolor is too! Gooey and the animal friends get to experience the fun of the chaos duo. Magolor and Marx, being the besties they are, are interactive with each other's respective dream friend waves! Magolor interacts with Marx's buds in Wave 1 while Marx interacts with Magolor's buds in Wave 3. This technically makes a connection between Wave 1 and Wave 3. Even though Taranza and Susie still aren't very interactive with Gooey and the animal friends, they're all the extended friends of Magolor and Marx.
Not to do Wave 2 dirty. At least I've given them Shadow Kirby to add to their group. And I mean, Adeleine and Ribbon are good buddies with the animal friends and Gooey, so there's some connection between those two waves there. Daroach is, additionally, decent friends with Rick, Kine, Coo, Marx and Magolor.
-I am now planning to introduce individuals of Helper species, such as a Chilly and a Vividria. This is something I need to expand on more, but I'm planning to have a Chilly individual be a friend of Magolor's to reference Magochilly. LMAO. I don't actually ship Magochilly but the idea here is to have a Chilly individual be hanging out with Magolor and Marx inside their 3 AM slumber parties in the Lor Starcutter. And I'm thinking up a Vividria individual that's a big fan of Susie as she has designed a goddess statue based on her, the one you see in Star Allies. Will converse more on these ideas later!
Those are all the big changes I've made, more or less!
And if you might be wondering, I'll update my google doc of Kirby dynamics at some point. Before the end of the month, I'll rework it to be in compliance with my updated headcanons and I'll reblog that original post to remind you all when it's updated as I'll update the google doc at the time.
That won't stop me from elaborating more on the updated concepts above in tumblr posts beforehand, though! After all, the google doc merely just summarizes dynamics, I can go into much greater detail in tumblr posts! Feel free to ask away in my inbox what you're curious about in any of these concepts.
A lot of the headcanons I've had before these updates are still the same, so this doesn't invalidate ALL my headcanon posts before this. It's not that simple. If you need more specific clarification, feel free to ask me.
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Hello Ms.Tamayo and Mr.Yushiro, I would be glad for you both to answer my questions.
Yushiro: Was your hair always a mint green? Or did your hair color change after you became a demon?
Ms.Tamayo: Have you ever found it strange that, demons go through physical changes like hair, eye, skin color and even have completely different bodies, yet even humans have abnormal colors for their eyes and hair? Like take Kamado Tanjiro for example, he has natural red/pink toned eyes, which goes the same for his sister Kamado Nezuko or for Kochō Shinobu, who you’ve worked with before, has black hair that faded to purple along with purple eyes?
Yushiro: I see that when you met Kamado Tanjiro and Kamado Nezuko, you seemed to show no remorse to the two of them and continuously berated and insulted them, all just because you think they had insulted Ms.Tamayo? Do you do this with every person? Men, Women and everyone in between? Or is this more of a Demon vs. Demon Slayer thing?
Ms.Tamayo: Have you ever taken notice of Yushiro’s feelings for you? Or do you choose to ignore them on purpose? Though I doubt your that oblivious, you seem (and are) a smart woman, so would you ever pursue a relationship with said demon?
Thank you both for your time sincerely,
{P.S to Yushiro, I am the same user that asked Ms.Tamayo if she knew of your feelings for her! Fufu, try not to shred this letter to pieces! Say hi to Chachamaru for me!}
Hello again. We’d be glad to answer your questions.
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I’ll answer this first question, since Yushiro doesn’t remember much about his own past. Before he was turned, his hair was completely jet black. After he became a demon, however, it changed to the mint green it is now.
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While I do find it… odd… that some humans’ physical features differ so much from the norm, I’ve lived long enough to know not to ask questions about it or see them differently for it. After all, genetics have always been a strange thing in my mind. Mutations can happen, which could be the cause of the “unnatrual” eye and hair colours. I once met a person whose skin and hair were all white, and their eyes were red. However they were human, not a demon.
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Yushiro, it’s your turn to answer a question.
Alright then, my lady.
Yes, the majority of the reason why I berated Tanjiro and his sister was due to the fact he showed a lack of respect towards lady Tamayo. He and his sister both need to learn some manners, I swear to god.
But I also typically just don’t like people. They’re often slightly annoying to talk to, especially when they could potentially be a threat to lady Tamayo. I don’t think I’ve ever been much of a social person. From what I can remember of my past, I almost never went out, never saw anybody, and-
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Yushiro? Are you alright?
I’m fine. Just… my head hurts.
I’ll be leaving now.
Ah. Alright, I guess. The answer to the next question is complicated, I suppose.
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I am well aware of Yushiro’s feelings towards me and how he views me. However, due to some… well, a lot of things, I’ve chosen not to accept his feelings. I don’t feel the same way towards him, I see him more as a very good friend and companion. Besides, I… even now, I don’t think I’m quite ready for a relationship. What if something were to happen between him and I? Or what if-
Well, there are too many what if’s. I’d rather remain as his friend than persue romance with him. That way, nothing too complicated can happen. Yushiro is aware I’m not ready for a relationship. He’s chosen to remain by my side even with it and stay with me. For that, I’m forever thankful. Truly I couldn’t ask for a better friend.
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silverior968 · 9 months
Hi Silver!!
I was kinda interested in your swap au of Skulduggery and wanted to ask if you have anymore ideas or info about it? Like how are the other Dead Men's stories swapped and how the events changed? If you don't, that's ok.
Hope you have a nice Christmas!!
Hello! And thank you so much for the ask, I love getting asks!!
The Swap AU was inspired by the Undertale swap AU I was obsessed with as a kid. Basically, I take two characters who have some connection to each other, and flip most of their personalities and circumstances around. But in SP there's a twist: The disciplines don't get swapped! Ghastly and Skulduggery swap places: Ghastly's parents were killed along with him, and he returns from the dead. Skulduggery's family lives (at least for most of the story).While most of their personalities are swapped, some things stay the same. Ghastly isn't as angry, and by extension Vile is altered. Skulduggery keeps his eccentricity, but he is a pretty calm family man still, like Ghastly would have been. Dexter and Saracen also swap places but not disciplines: Dexter is sort of Larrikin's adoptive younger sibling, like how I imagine Saracen was for Anton. Saracen and Anton only meet during the war and become besties. Dexter and Saracen's stories honestly don't change all that much. Erskine and Hopeless also swap places. Erskine was quiet, had some sort of romantic relationship with Hopeless. Then he dies during the war. Hopeless is the theatre kid, but in a more poetic way than canon Erskine. They are the man with the golden eyes, and they pull it off better because they're a shapeshifter. And finally. Larrikin and Anton. Larrikin was one of the rare vitakinetics that used their discipline mostly as a weapon, and was an original member of the Dead Men. They're pretty melancholic, but slightly more vocal than canon Anton. Their family died tragically. Anton is, on the surface a really, really bubbly person, but a lot of that is him overcompensating for his gist. He masks all his negative emotions with happiness instead. Then, during the war he and Larrikin get into a relationship, and just as things start to work out Anton dies by fighting Scapegrace (who takes Serpine's place in this AU because why the hell not. And is a gist user). It's a mutual destruction thing but Scapegrace becomes undead so you know. Only one of them stays dead. This messes Larrikin up really badly, and he builds a traveling hospital. You know that one post about a healer desperately trying every spell in their books to bring a loved one back but all they do is grow plants everywhere because the person is too dead already? That's him. That's everything I've thought up so far! Oh yeah, Skulduggery probably gets killed by Hopeless, but I'm not sure that would work on Larrikin, since he's such a powerful vitakinetic. The only person who could 100% kill them is Serpine, who in this AU is more like Scapegrace. So whatever happens happens.
Oh and!! I hope you have a very nice christmas to you too if you celebrate, otherwise happy holidays! :D
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melora-ii · 5 days
Lunar Expedition 24509
Flight Day 44
When I wake in the morning, I am covered in sweat. My pillow and sheets feel damp to the touch.
I look in the small face mirror in my Decontamination Stall, and I notice that I appear flushed and my pupils are dilated slightly more than usual. Only slightly.
I don’t remember any dreams from this cycle. I feel certain I had them anyway.
I decide to look back over the messages between Michael and myself from the previous evening before getting ready for my breakfast in the mess hall.
I think a thought.
InteractiveAI, Please open the Text Communication application to my first message with the user Michael_Crozie.
A nearly transparent hologram of a digital screen displays a scrollable conversation between two users: M_Crozie and M_Maesunn. Michael is in orange font, I am in blue.
I use my eye-gaze to follow the conversation, and the application scrolls upward automatically as I read.
Flight Day 43
-Hello, Michael. It is I, Melora Maesunn.
-Hello, Melora. I know it’s you. Your name is right there in the display box.
-Oh, yes.
-Let’s start from the beginning. I want you to introduce yourself as if I were a random person you wanted to share your dissertation theory with.
-Hi, I’m Melora. I study Diplomacy. If you were in my physical presence, I would be smiling at you.
-That’s definitely helpful in setting the tone, I suppose.
-What did you study in Diplomacy School?
-I focused mostly on language acquisition. I can fluently speak 8 alien languages, as well as the Universal Verbal Utterances Lexicon. Which is basically a collection of grunts, grumbles, and gutteral noises that can easily be made by any creature with a simple vocal chord system to communicate basic concepts. Very diverse, even if clumsy.
-That’s…actually fascinating.
-What made you decide to focus on language acquisition in your studies, specifically?
-I was an only child. My parents were not approved for the second government-issued child. I’m not entirely sure why, but it’s not uncommon enough to warrant concern. Anyway, I had a lot of imaginary playmates as a child. And I was always interested in extraterrestrial life.
-I had entire conversations with characters in my head. I would imagine new species on new planets. Then I would make a new language for each of them. I guess I’ve always just enjoyed the idea of language and what it does, and how we use it to project ideas into each other’s minds.
-I was also an only child. I didn’t have imaginary friends. I did have similar fantasies, except I used simulation software. I designed civilizations to develop using specific code I wrote. Then I would alter the code slightly here and there, and then run it again to see what changed. Sometimes the people would starve. Or an asteroid would hit them going 2 thousand miles per hour.
-I see.
-Anyway, continue please. So you had a vivid imagination as a kid. Why did you decide to go the military route for your Diplomacy degree? You could have just as easily taken a local political position with your qualifications. I daresay you could go global eventually.
-I’m not interested in local politics, to be honest. I do love the people in my home city. And of course my parents. But I don’t care to be in the public eye. I don’t desire notoriety. The military route offered me something nothing else ever could: the opportunity to be hands-on. In the trenches. I want to work with extraterrestrial life directly. I want to get my hands on as much of the universe as I can before some greedy corporation tries to take over the venture.
-Haha, that’s fair.
-I need to ask you an important question, Melora.
-If we entered the first stage of First Contact with a new planet and our survey data showed us that the alien life there is aggressive, invasive, and possibly dangerous for the universe as a whole if they were to achieve space-flight (assuming they already haven’t) what is your plan? How do you proceed?
-I haven’t considered that far into my hypothetical scenario yet. Military defense strategy is not my expertise. I’m the offense. And I have never had a real case to implement my theory on. I try to presume for the best in all situations.
-Yes. I know you do, Melora.
-Do you have a plan, Michael? Do you know what you will do in that scenario?
-I do.
-It is getting late. I am afraid I must enter my Decontamination Stall and then prepare for sleep.
-It’s only 23:16.
-My alarm is set for 05:00. I do not function well on little sleep.
-What happens?
-I’m really mean and not very polite.
-I find that hard to believe or imagine.
-Good night, Melora.
-Good Standard Sun Downing, Michael.
I use my eye-gaze to close the Text Communication application and then silently command the program to disappear back into my brain. I have fifteen minutes until breakfast.
I rush through my care-routine and dress in a freshly laundered red jumpsuit. My name is sewn on a patch near the left lapel. It says
Melora Maesunn
Diplomacy Officer
in black stiching.
I am no longer a just Stasis Pod Person. Yes.
My headset gives its typical two bzt bzt sounds followed by the 06:00 message.
I head to the mess hall. It’s a short walk from my Pod’s cabin area. As I close my door behind me, I notice one of my Pod Group members exiting his own cabin.
“Good Standard Sun Rising, Vinkat.” I greet him politely from where I stand.
Vinkat smiles warmly and approach me. We walk together in the same direction, towards the mess hall.
“Good Standard Sun Rising to you as well, Melora. How was your sleep cycle?”
I suspect that Vinkat is just asking me this question because it’s customary, but I also believe that he is very pleasant to be around most days. He is an alien biologist, and one of the most highly-decorated in his field. He was also one of the first members of our Pod Group to graduate from Cryo-Sleep Transition.
This is his fifth mission. He doesn’t appear to be much older than me, regardless. His eyes are a violent yellow, his short hair a shocking orange.
I am never not entertained by the Appearance Filters we all use.
“My sleep cycle was satisfactory to my energy needs. Thank you for asking, Vinkat. I hope yours was also well.”
Sensing an end to both the conversation and the hallway, Vinkat begins to disengage.
I wave a polite goodbye as we depart from each other.
The mess hall doorway is open and provides a view of a bustle of human activity. People in red jumpsuits each take a metal tray from a stack on the line, put it on the conveyor belt, and then a very complicated mix of android/computer technology scans each person’s headset frequency and deposits a breakfast on a plate that is tailored specifically to that person’s dietary needs and flavor preferences.
The man ahead of me receives an egg white omelet with three sausage links.
I receive a breakfast burrito with cheese, peppers, onions, sausage, and egg. There is a small container of mild tomato salsa on the side.
The lady behind me gets a bowl of bran cereal with pale milk colored liquid. Probably almond milk, if I had to guess.
It wouldn’t matter if we all chose a different meal for each day. The food isn’t real.
A large machine in the back grinds up a mixture of vitamins and minerals with artificial high protein filler. Then it molds this glob of food-product into whatever shape you want and injects flavors in it via the highly efficient no-waste cooking process.
I press a button on the drink machine and out pours French-pressed coffee into a temperature safe cup with three sugars, cream, and hazelnut syrup. The caffeine isn’t real either.
I set my tray down at a random stool at the long dining table and take a huge bite of my breakfast burrito.
Mmmmm. Burrito.
It’s actually really delicious. The GoodFood Company who designed the technology completely revitalized and restructured the food-distribution system on New Earth.
People no longer starve in the streets. And the food doesn’t taste like cardboard crap. That’s a plus.
A tray settles gently beside me. Attached to it is a person holding it, as often happens.
“Good Standard Sun Rising, Gratze.” I politely declare as she sits at the table. We regularly eat together at the mess hall.
Gratze is eating an assortment of fruit drizzled with honey. There is also a slice of thick, crusty bread smeared with soft cheese and a glass of ice water on the tray.
“How was your sleep cycle?” I ask, genuinely curious. My dreams have been increasingly strange. Last night was the first time I had one that I could not recall.
“Satisfactory, thanks for asking.”
We eat our breakfast in comfortable silence. I have the feeling that if it weren’t considered impolite, Gratze would ask me about my meeting with Michael.
“Can I ask you a question, Gratze?” I ask, sipping my coffee.
Gratze finishes chewing her fruit and responds.
“Okay. Well, when I met with…The Colonel yesterday morning…he told me to call him just Michael. He said that he isn’t even in the military and that-“
“Melora. Don’t be silly. He’s pulling your leg. Colonel Crozie is a decorated war-hero and a very accomplished military strategist.” She says this gently and quietly, as if afraid to speak too loudly. She doesn’t even look up from her food.
I wrinkle my nose in confusion.
“But he said-“
She snaps her eyes to mine suddenly.
“He’s having you on. Go look him up in The Archives if you would like. I’m sure it will list his accomplishments in order of occurrence.”
Her expression is serious, but still friendly.
“You’re so right, Gratze! Thank you for the idea!”
We complete our meal, put away our dishes, and then two short bzt bzt sounds emit from my headset.
It is now 07:00. Please proceed to your designated Assignment post. If you need information about your current assignment post, you can find this in the Assignment tab on your InteractiveAI Headset Menu.
A blinking red alarm symbol appears above my Assignment tab. So I press the button with my eye-gaze.
My Assignment today is different from all previous days. Even yesterday’s, after meeting with Michael in his office.
While I would typically spend the day in Diplomacy simulations with other officers currently awake from their pods onboard, today I am directed to the Ansible Room.
The Ansible Room is the hub for all communication for the entire ship, as well as all outgoing communications back to Command on New Earth, and with other ships on various contracted missions that we may encounter.
Or perhaps even alien fleets.
When I arrive at the Ansible Room, I am surprised to find a large, domed area practically glittering with the blinking of lights on hundreds of monitors. In the middle stands none other than Michael Crozie himself.
“I should have known you’d be behind this.” I gesture casually as I approach him. He’s turned away, looking at a monitor.
“Good morning, Melora.” He greets politely, and then turns to look at me. I suppose he recognized my voice.
He pauses only a moment to look into my eyes intentionally, but it’s enough for me to notice.
“I asked you to meet me here today because I need you to start practicing your theory in real-life situations. A hundred peaceful First Contacts mean nothing if we end up dead in that one, single scenario where we encounter a hostile alien life.”
“Good Standard Sun Rising, Michael. I agree. I think we should have a trial run to work out possible kinks. Is there a reason we need this room for this?”
“Yeah, so. This domed area can display very sophisticated holograms. It also projects programmable character skins onto our bodies so that we can use them avatars. We use this technology when communicating with a species who may not understand or relate to us in a human form. We adjust to one more compatible.”
Michael snaps his fingers and suddenly he appears to be a seven foot tall Orinthian from the neighboring Rejivoir galaxy. He’s a monstrous black woolen-furred creature with sixteen beady eyes and a gaping maw.
Orinthian’s communicate solely with a series of growls, but far more complex than anything I learned using the Universal Verbal Utterances Lexicon.
“We can role-play difficult scenarios using the skins. And we can also communicate telepathically while in the hologram while making auditory simulations that appear to be the chosen alien language. It works by projecting thoughts as specific symbols in the subconscious layer of the brain. The hologram sounds just allow us to pretend to be speaking verbally.”
I am hearing Michael’s voice in my head, but a humongous drooling alien creature is standing in front of me.
I give him a thumbs up and a grin.
“Sounds good.”
We used similar AI holograms at Diplomacy School, although they were far less sophisticated. We couldn’t wear skins as avatars, or interact with the hologram beyond its programmed script.
Michael sets to work using the hologram software and a digital wand to measure my body for my skins. He then asks me to speak a series of basic phrases into the wand so that the program can replicate my voice later in his head.
We spend several hours doing this, and Michael uses the monitors to adjust certain specifications to tweak the program so that it feels as seamless and real as possible. He walks me through what each monitor measures and what the data means, as well as what to adjust in specific scenarios as basic troubleshooting.
Towards Standard Mid Day, Michael stops and asks if I want to eat lunch.
“Yes, I’m so hungry. You’ve been talking a long time. I missed my mid-morning snack.”
Micheal bursts into one of his curious laughing fits, but manages to stay calm enough to not appear insane.
“Next time, just tell me to shut up so you can get some food. I get on a roll and I just don’t know when to stop.”
Michael gestures for us to leave the Ansible Room, and we walk together headed towards the nearest mess hall, I presume.
“I don’t spend a lot of time with other…humans. Very often.” He says this in an apologetic tone.
“No, it’s fine. I actually enjoyed your explanations. They are interesting. We used InsertAI at Diplomacy School. It’s not nearly as integrative. ”
His face breaks out in a grin.
“I developed the code for the InsertAI. The bones of it is still somewhere beneath all of this new stuff. I have been adding new lines of code as I go. This is AdvancedInsertAI.”
“How much of this ship have you programmed, exactly?”
Michael laughs.
“A lot.”
We continue walking down the hallway in companionable silence for a few minutes, until a thought pops into my head.
“Although, I do have to wonder…if you disappeared, could anyone run this ship like you?”
Michael nearly stops dead in his tracks.
“You know what, Melora. I forgot I have something I need to work on. You’re free to have lunch in the mess hall and then do whatever you want for the remainder of the day.”
I turn to look at him, confused.
“But…my assignment says we continue until oh-seventeen-hundred on today’s schedule.”
Michael laughs a little harshly. “Yeah, it does, doesn’t it? Well, hold on just a minute. Let me fix that.”
He does an about face and returns to the Ansible Room. I don’t follow.
Moments later, I get a bzt bzt bzt sound from my Headset.
Officer Melora Maesunn, your remaining Assignments and Duties for today have been cancelled. Please proceed to your designated cabin after lunch, and do something fun with your time off.
My Headset has never spoken so causally to me. Nor has it ever cared about whether I had any fun or not.
Michael leaves the Ansible Room, but walks the opposite direction. Away from me.
“Good Standard Mid Day to you too, Michael Crozie!” I practically yell down the hallway. He raises his hand in a goodbye gesture, but doesn’t turn around.
I spend the rest of the day drafting a request to the Digital Library Collective back on New Earth for permission to access the onboard Archives as soon as I possibly can.
Who really is Michael Crozie?
0 notes
cicada-candy · 10 months
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Hi, hello, welcome to hell, hope you enjoy your stay :]
You can call me Cy, Cada, Cicada, Tumblr-user-Cicada-Candy-why-are-you-like-this. I answer to all.
I'm Aroace, Agender, & use any and all pronouns indiscriminately
I'm ✨Irish✨ so my time zone is GMT/BST [UTC+0/+1], I am also an insomniac, and chronically online, and am therefore regularly up & active past 5am so mostly disregard that I guess
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This is technically a multi-fandom blog, but like. 90% of my art posts are Ghost Rider and I don't see this changing anytime soon. They Plague My Brain. Be Warned.
(Also in The Mechanisms hell atm so. Yk lmao)
Feel free to use my art as pfps, headers, etc :]
Please do not repost
Occasionally slightly nsfw
My Inbox, Asks, DMs etc are open!! Feel free to shoot me a message, I am always SO Down to shout about fandom stuff.
Ghost Rider/ANGR art is tagged in the main tags, and also "#Hyper-Hellfire" which includes textposts/random thoughts, AU, and eventually oc stuff.
Mechs-posting is "#the-aurora-strikes-again"
Everything else is just "#my art"
Rambling/textposts is "#thecicadasbuzz."
"#cool art tag" is for cool art reblogs
Go look at "#mutuals art!!!". Do it they're very cool
"#cy does real art for once wow" is for IRL projects etc
i tag stuff as cw [trigger] or tw [trigger] usually. Please lmk if you think i've missed a tag for something!
#Ghost Rider Pacific Rim AU - @/moosemonstrous
#Swap AU - @/battlevann
#Haunt Riders AU - @/fleaearred [ghost AU]
#Camp Crossroads - @/fleaearred [GR/PJO crossovers]
#ghost rider magical girls AU -@/moosemonstrous made the rb that started the madness, @/fleaearred put it on my dash, i made it @/wazzappp's and @/rokhal's problem, group project success.
Tumblr is my main social but:
peruse my linktree
[pt: peruse my linktree]
✨️art examples under the cut because the post is already too long lmao✨️
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evelxtus · 3 years
Hello! I'm new here but I really like your work!!! I want to make a request that I've made on Celiliafior's (idk if I spelt that right) account a while ago (but they're on hiatus and I wanna see other people's ideas on this) about a moth hybrid reader who has a elemental sight that randomly activates so when it activates she usually walks to the strongest/nearest elemental source (which is often a talented vision user or someone who can bend the elements without a vision) and they often just touches the source (maybe for non vision users they touches something like their hair or an item they have on them often?). Some might be intrigued by their situation to become their friend or they don't care until they just keep on meeting them over and over till they accept friendship lol. Can you do hc with Scaramouche, Diluc, and Albedo? Also, can i be 🐇 anon? Have a great day or night and make sure to have a full meal and stay hydrated!!
of course 🐇 anon, welcome!! i really like the idea. the fact is that i love writing for hybrid readers hsshshs.
pairing─ ⸝⸝ scaramouche, diluc, albedo x moth!gn!reader.
tags─ ⸝⸝ @kaeyasplsmarryme.
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They're not just a few times when that instinct lights up in you. You are fully aware of everything, but you cannot control that desire to go to any nearby energy source because of your situation as a moth hybrid. It's kind of annoying in the long run but... you always meet new people, curious about yourself! In this case, you find yourself attracted by the energy that they emanate...
Suddenly you find yourself in front of Scaramouche, making him startle slightly by your unexpected appearance, a few centimeters separating you from him. “Who the hell are you? Back off.” But obviously you weren't going anywhere. On the contrary, your hand rested unconsciously on his chest, right where the electro symbol is painted on it. There was not as much warmth as in a vision itself, but something faint you could feel. Maybe it was his own warm, you didn't know, all you knew was that it's comforting.
“What are you doing? Are you deaf?” Despite his own words, he didn't move from his position. He was quite intrigued by your actions, you caused him great interest. And his curiosity is what saved you from him knocking yourself out right there.
“Moth.” you muttered, your gaze never left his chest and your hands seemed glued to it. He grunted in confusion, until he could see little antennae sticking out of your head. He found that situation amusing, as well as strange.
You moved your hands to reach for his hair, but he grabbed your wrists and shook his head, no matter how close you were, he still looked you straight in the eye. “Don't even think about it, moth.” he snapped right into your face, placing your hand on his chest again.
But the words are carried away by the wind, and with the passage of this and seeing you many more times for the same reason, his attitude changed a little. One day when your hands went back up to his purple locks, he fell silent, watching what you would do next.
“Warm. It feels… very warm.” you murmured holding a strand of his hair with each hand. You pressed lightly, but he held his ground, grunting from time to time if you pulled harder than normal.
Well... at least there has been a breakthrough.
“Careful damn it, or you'll have to find another warm source somewhere else.”
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Diluc's vision exudes a warmth that is too pleasant and alluring, impossible to resist for you. He does notice your presence, and although he is puzzled by your unusual behavior, he remains silent.
He really likes to enjoy the night breeze, sitting on some lonely bench outside the Dawn Winery building. He usually enjoys solitude, but now that a new company has appeared... he will have to be more cautious.
When your hands go down to his thigh, where the vision that hooks from his belt rests, you feel his leg tenses a little, as if he was going to get up and leave you there alone.
“Oh, I see. You were looking for a heat source, weren't you? I guess I can provide you with what you need for a while.”
That's what he says when he sees that you're not an ordinary human. He has no right to treat you disparagingly like he does to other people, and he has no complaints about you either. Besides... over time he will find your company rather comforting.
“The usual? I see that you are really drawn to my vision. It's not a big deal, really.”
Your gaze rises, tilting your head slightly, expressing doubt. “Hm? I also like your company, Master Diluc…”
He never told you his name, perhaps you heard it from one of the maids. No matter what, those words made Diluc feel a wave of warmth in his chest.
I guess he's not the only one proving warmth!
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You don't know how it happened, but you ended up lost in Dragonspine. If you spent one more second exposed to such a low temperature, your end would soon come. But by fate, Albedo was passing by, heading for his camp!
You couldn't miss such a good opportunity to hold on to your life one more day. You caught his attention by making a noise with some branches, and soon he was walking in your direction. Seeing your situation and what you were, he would leave the questions for later. He knew perfectly well that you need heat as soon as possible.
When he carries you to the camp and you manage to wake up from your slumber, the first thing you did was bring both hands to the vision of him. Warmth seeped through your skin, and you just sighed quietly.
“Are you feeling better? Would you mind if I asked you a few questions?”
His voice catches you by surprise, but it doesn't take long for you to nod, and as if it were an improvised formulary, he began to investigate you instantly. Such was his curiosity about you and your hybrid moth form that he also began to investigate alchemical devices that could help you deal with any difficulties this fact caused you.
He satisfies his endless curiosity about you, and you get shelter in the warmest part of those snowy mountains. You all win!
“Thanks to all the new information you have provided me, I can proudly say that I got a potion that can help you... This doesn't mean that this is a goodbye, of course. Although that is your decision. Now that you don't need the warmth of my vision, will you do without me?”
He asks as if he didn't care, but let me assure you that he will look forward to your visits.
160 notes · View notes
xxsycamore · 3 years
Hello, if no one took it yet can I ask for Feb 2nd, fluff with Clavis?
This prompt just screamed Clavis! Thank you for the great pick and I hope you enjoy!💓
Disaster Zone [ Clavis x Reader fluff ]
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Rating: G
Word count:  1,766
Tags: Very slightly suggestive!; Baking; Humor; Fluff and Humor; Teasing; Blushing; Clavis's cake monster
Check my masterlist here! You can also find all my works on AO3 under user xsycamore.  In my profile you can find my Ko-fi if you would like to support me!
DAY 2 - Chocolate baking date goes wrong
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"There you are Belle, I have been waiting for you."
You yelp, almost jumping on your spot with hands still on the door handle. It's so much like your eccentric lover to announce his presence in the room only after a few seconds of silence. And it's always when you're entering a room you don't expect him to be into. Though, he is everywhere. You should've known better.
"Clavis!! I thought you were busy for the rest of the day-"
"I cleared my schedule. You surely didn't expect me to forget what day is it today?"
Now fully turned towards the inside of the spacious kitchen, you see Clavis standing there, an apron held up in front of him promptly. He gives it a little shake as if inviting you to come closer so he can place it on you. You can see he's already secured one on himself as well.
One step into the kitchen and things are already not going according to the plan! This had to be just you, only you, in this kitchen, making chocolates for your boyfriend.
On the other hand, you shouldn't be mad about it. You knew that about everyone in your position would benefit from spending time with their beloved. But they aren't dating Clavis.
"Ahaha! Your hesitating face is amusing. Why, isn't my darling looking forward to having some fun in the kitchen? It's not every day that we have the chance."
His choice of wording things is…interesting. You sigh under your breath and dash to his side, throwing yourself headfirst into the adventure that baking with Clavis would be. After all, you are excited to spend time with him. Disaster zone or not.
There is a faint blush on your cheeks as you trail your gaze to the floor, patiently waiting for him to assist you into tying the apron. His deft fingers brush against the back of your neck, making you shiver as the babyhairs on the base of it are gently brushed aside by Clavis. Some part of you wish for the tie to come undone at some point by accident, just so that he could redo it…
Yes, while washing your hands, you patted on your cheeks with cold water. Hopefully Clavis wouldn't comment on that.
"I already have all the necessary ingredients here. I'll let you ponder by yourself about which lovely brother of mine we should thank for the recipe. I also gathered additional ingredients to my liking."
"Alright, let's see…"
The basics are here, you double check, however, you're not sure what to make of the so-called additions he introduced to this baking session. You're already on board with him changing the recipe from chocolates to a cake, seeing that he already prepared everything for it. Also, if you're connecting the dots right, it means that he got it from (pried it out from) Yves - meaning that it would undoubtedly turn out to be good.
"Uh…where do these… chocolatey sticks come in? And these jellybeans? And why the bananas, this is not a fruit cake if I understand right-"
"My, always the worrywart, aren’t you? It will all come perfectly together in the end. I had the recipe memorized thoroughly before coming here."
You can hear Yves's dignity shattering like glass, and you make the mental note to finish the cake before he can steal a glance at it somehow. By the end of this, this will be but a mere distant relative to what once was Yves's recipe, and you're sure the 5th prince wouldn't like the two to be associated with each other…The cakes, of course. Not him and Clavis.
And thus, your baking date with Clavis starts. The soft afternoon light shines a strip of sun from behind the long kitchen curtains, right where the two of you are hard at work. You can see the specks of flour dancing in the air as your boyfriend messily opens the bag. You're thrown between scolding him for wearing his formal clothes under the apron, or carelessly giggling at him because you're the same.
Little by little, the Clavis syndrome gets to you, infectious at it is, and you start genuinely having fun. When you first started dating your jester of a boyfriend, you knew you were in for aiding him in his doings sooner or later. You actually laughed at his reply as you asked him"That's vanilla extract in this small vial, right?" "It's either that, or slow poison. I always mix them up". The small shake of his head voicing out a "silly me" doesn't make the situation any better, as you fight really hard not to find an humoristic undertone in the horrible scenario he suggested.
Having you do most of the work up until now, it would only be fair if he did the icing at the end. Clavis almost talked you into running off with him to "see what his beloved brothers are up to at this time of the day", thankfully you managed to turn him down, reminding him that it would end up in burning down the kitchen if you two get distracted.
"Oh, but, my sweet, distractions are all around us. You can't guarantee we won't get roped into something at any given moment."
His honeyed glare is making you question how such things can leave his mouth with his mien keeping its grace. This is a date, after all, and you're no stranger to him stealing kisses whenever he gets the opportunity. His lips graze against your cheekbone, placing a feather-light peck.
The thin line of your own pair of lips begin crooking into a smile, and you have to summon your strength to push him away.
"I think the cake is ready!"
"Oh, bring it over to me then. I already have a picture in my mind as to how to decorate it."
You carefully bring the freshly baked cake on the counter in front of him, placing it on the round glass stand. Shifting your gaze to your lover, you see him bringing out a wide silky ribbon from god-knows-where. You raise an eyebrow, already familiar with the usage of such items when in his hands.
"I forgot to mention darling, but this part is my surprise to you. I would like to ensure you're not looking while I'm working."
"Clavis is this…necessary-"
Hands on your shoulders, gently as ever, he leads you to have you seated at the table nearby, sweeping your hair out of the way. Darkness conquers your vision as you're left only with the sensation of him tying off the blindfold. At the end you did get to enjoy him tying something on you again, as unpredictable as that was. It's always the same with him.
You relax back into the chair, waiting for him to get ready while he talks about various things to keep your attention. He multitasks brilliantly, his speech not curtailing a bit despite the evident noise of his unstopping doings on the cake. There is a hint of self-satisfaction in his chuckle as his footsteps come closer, along with the sound of something being placed in the table in front of you.
"I'm done."
"Can I take it off now?"
"Let me."
He comes behind you, bending to the level of your ear to whisper something in it.
"You know I always carry the thought of you in everything I do."
Even in the bad, borderline criminal things that you do?You thought to yourself.
"I made it look like a little animal that reminds me of my little darling. I hope you can appreciate the gesture, haha. I assure you, it's coming from my heart."
Intrigued and touched in advance, you stir in your chair, eager for the blindfold to fall off. Clavis is already on it, untying it with the same gentleness he got it secured on place earlier.
You open your eyes with enthusiasm, only for your facial muscles to twitch and then freeze.
"Oh, that's … that's…"
"Do you like it? Do you love it?"
"It's very...interesting, Clavis…"
What is this thing anyway? Round, pink, messily put into shape, it has…eyes, and other creature-defining traits, yet it's the most puzzling creature you've seen.
"Is that supposed to be how you see me…?"
Clavis leans down, still standing behind you to get from your viewpoint, and plants a kiss on your forehead.
"You're my little bunny."
Oh, so it's a bunny! You were betting on maybe a kitten, which honestly isn't a far cry from this.
"Oh, Clavis…"
The more seconds pass, the more you accept the cake monster into your heart. It's cute in a very Clavis way, and you aren't his lover if you couldn't appreciate the efforts he put into it.
"I suggest we dig in. I bet it tastes as sweet as you do, too."
Clavis curls the last part of his sentence in that typical for him subtle flirty way, holding your gaze while taking the seat opposite from you. You reach out for the little golden fork and he does the same, but he stops you right as you're about to lift the monstrous bite towards your mouth.
"Hold on, Belle. We have an occasion to do things a little more special today, so we shall get the best of it."
You barely tilt your head to question before Clavis shows you what he means by this - by resting his elbow on the table and bringing the fork to your lips.
Ah, so this is what this is about. Your poor heart barely gets a second of beating steady since you entered this kitchen. You already know what he expects in return, and you bring your own fork towards his lips.
"Ahahaha! How adorable your face looks, all flustered like so. If eating cake does such things to you, then how are you going to bear the rest of our day together?"
"The rest of- what, you have more planned?!"
Clavis only chuckles again, giving you a look that means he is not willing to spoil the surprises he has in store. He promptly feeds you more of the cake, leaving you wondering just how you're going to take more of this. You're not sure if he can read you that well, but after this baking date you're already considering your first Valentine's day as a couple a total success. Making him chocolates could always wait for another time, when you get as good as surprising him as he is at surprising you.
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Taglist: @arsnovacadenza @ale-teodora @kimi00twin @leonardoism @otomelady @privilegedpancake @g-kleran  @thehappycat123 @pumpumnnnp @thesirenwashere @theuwuisunreal @ravenarld @kyokirigiri-22 @kimmy-banana @devonares @animeworldsposts @randomanimatedhusbandoseeker @galaxyprison @trishtori @sadshaxk @starshards26 @pro-cat-stination @acethephoenix256 @ikevamp-shrine-2 @nad-zeta @crystal13unny @keen19thcenturygoatsstudent @lordsister @ikemen-banshou @ikemenlover24 @themysticalbeing @canaria-blackwell @otome-scribbles @rhodolitesrose @fun-ghoul-neela @salty-fed-up-bitch  @coornn @cilokgoang​ @kpop-and-otome @queen-dahlia @kisara-16 @chaosangel767 @ikemenlibrary @queengiuliettafirstlady @aurora-morning @aquagirl1978​ let me know if you want to be tagged/untagged!
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makeste · 4 years
BnHA Chapter 305: Worst Intervention Ever
Previously on BnHA: Shinomori, whose name took me an entire week to memorize, was all, “nice to meet you Deku, I’m ten feet tall, do you want to know how I died?” and without waiting for an answer explained that he kicked it from old age at forty thanks to good ol’ OFA. Deku was all “wait a minute, then how come All Might, who’s fifty-five and is definitely dyeing his gray hair, is still alive?” First and Shino were all, “we really have no fucking clue but we think it’s cuz he’s quirkless, JUST LIKE YOU!” So basically, since quirkless people don’t exactly grow on trees these days, Deku is probably going to be the last user of OFA. The chapter ended with Nana being all, “psst, Deku, about my grandson. Uh, can you kill him?” which is sure to lead to a very interesting conversation this week.
Today on BnHA: Nana And The Gang are all “so, Deku, how can we put this delicately. The thing is, we’re pretty sure that AFO really fucked my grandson up, so on the off chance you can’t save him, how would you feel about, you know... [throat slitting gesture].” Deku is all “idk you guys, I kinda feel like he’s really just a traumatized child at heart and he’s in a lot of pain and stuff and so I should try to help him.” The Vestiges are all “BUT WHAT IF YOU CAN’T” and Deku is all “BUT I WANT TO TRY, DAMMIT” and the Vestiges are all “well when you put it that way, we, uh, were just testing you, so congrats, you passed!” The chapter ends with First being all, “ANYWAY SO WHY DON’T YOU TWO SHY BOYS STANDING OVER THERE IN THE SHADOWS COME SAY HELLO” before we CUT AWAY FOR ANOTHER WEEK, goddammit.
seriously, Nana
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just... have you met Deku?? look, if you really want Tomura dead, just sic him on the U.A. first years and tell Shouto and Honenuki that it’s a training exercise
oh my god lmao
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we’re too far away to see Nana’s face here so I will just assume that she turned and is staring DIRECTLY INTO THE CAMERA for this one line lmao. “I just wanted to clarify in case anyone felt inclined to take my dialogue out of context and spend an entire week complaining about it”
oh my god?! are you all purposely trying to make me sad??
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someone stop me before I launch into an impromptu rant about all my Tomura feels. WHY IS NOBODY STOPPING ME. oh my god but yes, exactly. he’s just in pain all the time. this is exactly why I think Tomura has such high redemption potential even though so far he seems to lack so many of the redemption arc essentials such as feeling remorse, wanting to change, and taking responsibility for his actions. the reason why I’m willing to overlook all that in his case is because Tomura has essentially had zero agency his entire life. AFO molded him into a killer by making sure he was in constant mental agony, and making it so that the only thing that even slightly relieved that agony was killing peeps. like, please don’t think I’m making excuses for him or anything, but if you take a child and manipulate their existence to make it virtually impossible for that child to grow up as anything other than a killer, and basically never give him the chance to be anything else, then no shit he’s gonna be a killer?? he’s basically never had the choice not to be. it’s never been an option for him. anyways I feel like I am EXPLAINING MYSELF SO BADLY but nonetheless I am prepared to die on this hill
anyway so now Nana is all “that’s a rhetorical question btw because Our Hearts And Minds Are One so we can feel everything you feel bro.” so yeah, that’s interesting
now Banjou is getting started on the “let’s try and talk Deku out of wanting to save Tomura because it’s insane” part of their OFA Mystical Space Void Reunion agenda
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look, Banjou, I feel you, I really do. you guys don’t think it’s realistic that Deku can defeat Tomura without killing him. so if it’s a choice between killing Tomura vs letting Deku and everyone else in the entire world die, then duh, you think Deku should kill him. I get it! and if this were a real life mass murderer I’d totally agree with you. but the problem is that this isn’t real life, this is a sympathetic shounen villain with a tragic past who might as well have FUTURE REDEMPTION ARC RECEIPIENT stamped on his forehead at this point
so First is all “look, there’s absolutely no doubt my brother has fucked this kid up good and proper by now”, which, again, fair
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though, that’s kind of exactly my point though. everything that Tomura is, everything he’s done, he’s done because of AFO. AFO has so effectively shaped his personality and his worldview by this point that it’s all but impossible to penetrate that. he’s AFO’s puppet. but the problem is that rather than treating him like a victim, you all are treating him like a casualty. like he’s already a lost cause. but good luck trying to convince Deku of that
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way to still not reveal Sixth’s name, btw. THE PEOPLE WANT TO KNOW, DAMMIT. but also so this confirms something we basically already knew already, which is that not even AFO can steal OFA. it literally can’t be taken away by anyone unless the owner wills it. SO SUCK ON THAT AFO YOU EGG
(ETA: so I have no idea why this was omitted from this translation, but apparently the Sixth’s name was revealed as “En”, which is obviously not his full name but at least it’s something. also he most likely has a fire or smoke-related quirk based on the kanji used, 煙.)
so Banjou is saying that Deku’s “lack of an iron will” could be a disadvantage against AFO. hahaha what?? Midoriya “I’ll break all of my bones without blinking an eye just to protect someone” Izuku lacks an iron will? do tell
he says this is going to be a test of Deku’s determination. well yeah, no shit. but just not in the way you guys think
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darker hair again here! but I don’t trust the contrast in these scans at all after last week. his coveralls are way darker than they looked before too, and you can clearly see he’s standing in the shadows now
(ETA: yep, once again the raw shows that his hair is considerably lighter than what’s shown in these scans here. although there’s no mistaking now that his hair is consistently being colored in this slightly darker shade, and it’s not just the lighting.)
anyways lol First was saying something about how AFO can’t steal OFA, and they’ve spent all this time cultivating it as the ultimate weapon against AFO, and blah blah blah. go on then, keep lecturing
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girl what?? you did everything in your power to protect your family, and AFO, fucked up man that he is, targeted them anyway. there is one person and one person only to blame for what’s happened to Tomura, and that potato-faced asshole needs a good kick in the balls
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so now Nana is all “I’m just going to call my grandson a Thing to ensure that fandom has only the freshest, grass-fed no-hormones-added discourse this week”
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I don’t even need to drop into the tags to know exactly which specific people are going to respond to this, and what kind of posts they are going to write lmao. everyone’s all caught up in the “that thing”, and meanwhile I’m over here completely hung up on this “nay” that’s appeared out of NOWHERE you guys. look at that. she really said “NAY”
Nana, my love, my dearest, I feel you girl I really do. but he’s not an unforgivable manifestation of pure evil, Deku is exactly right actually, he’s a boy in pain. you guys need to stop questioning Deku’s shounen protagonist instincts here and just let him work his sparkly magic. “let’s try and convince Midoriya Fucking Izuku that he can’t save someone” is a plan that is NEVER going to turn out well you guys
“DEKU GODDAMMIT WHAT IF WE CAN’T SAVE HIM” lmao it’s like an intervention
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(ETA: I was too distracted with freaking out about Two and Three to really appreciate how ridiculously handsome First looks in this panel. but on my second readthrough it stood out so much that I had to go back and add an extra bullet point just to talk about how hot he is. look at him. wtf.)
so now Deku is launching into what will undoubtedly be a “saving people problems require SAVING PEOPLE SOLUTIONS” heroic counter-speech!
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I mean, they can already feel the “lol nah I’m gonna try and save him” feelings running through him lol. ~OuR hEaRtS aNd MiNdS aRe CoNnEcTeD~ and all that. this is just a formality, but that doesn’t mean I don’t love a good shounen protag speech
oh wait hold up, do you mean to tell me that the whole “hearts and minds are connected” thing I was just mocking just a paragraph ago actually allowed Deku to feel what Tomura was feeling?? like literally feel it??
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YET AGAIN these Tomura feels are pounding on my front door you guys?? they just will not quit?? people my house is already full of feels, does it look like I need you to sell me any more of them?? -- what do you mean, they’re free??
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I appreciate the contrast here between the Douchebag Triumvirate of Overhaul, Muscular, and Stain versus the Misguided Twosome of Gentle and La Brava. never let it be said that Deku doesn’t know the difference between a redeemable villain and an unredeemable one
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someone please help me I need directions to the OFA Spooky Galactic Nebula Realm in this fictional Japanese manga land. it’s not on google maps. I need to give these two babies a big hug and wrap them up in a blanket and treat them to some McDonalds Happy Meals please help
I just randomly remembered that Deku is still saying all of this in his muffled “FMMPHHMMPHMM” voice and I’m somehow cracking up lol. so actually it’s a very good thing Their Hearts And Minds Are Connected, otherwise they’d no doubt be all, “...what?”
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(ETA: so I completely missed this on account of it literally not being visible in the scan at all, but in the raw you can clearly see Baby Kacchan and Baby Shouto fanboying over All Might in two of these panels, and excuse me, ma’am??
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thank you very much Deku for including them in your montage, particularly since you’ve never seen Baby Shouto before lol. amazingly accurate image you managed to conjure up, all things considered.)
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HE’S SO ADORABLE HELP?? Trippy Space All Might looks like he’s about to cry, and First is all “don’t crack a smile... you have to be Firm and Serious here... dammit, don’t smile” omg
anyways! YOU GO DEKU. “MY QUIRK MY RULES, BITCHES” damn, son
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Deku is literally all “sure, maybe I’ll have to kill him, but have you guys also considered, MAYBE NOT??” it’s no use Nana he’s too powerful
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“like I’ve been saying this whole time, you should definitely try saving Shigaraki Tomura.” “but, uh... First, didn’t you just -- ” “shut up”
(ETA: clearly it’s not just his brother who inherited those smooth-talking genes.)
so now Deku has turned back into a sixteen year old and his clothes have gone missing again. just OFA things
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yes... sure... “testing” you...
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(ETA: and two-to-one odds that we cut away to some other scene once they finally start to turn around next week. I’M CALLING IT NOW. giving myself a week to brace myself for the rage.)
fucking hell. well if anyone needs me I will be adding Horikoshi fucking Kouhei to the list of irredeemable villains, peace
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thebadbatch · 3 years
Hii, I have a request.
Could you, pretty please write reader being to the Bad Batch, during the Bad Batch what Omega is to them (I still don’t know how to define that ksksks), but when order 66 happens and they take Omega she is super jealous and such (and could you please also do your writer magick to include Crosshair with them)? Thank you so so much, you’re a very sweet person
A/N: I really hope that this is okay! If there's anything you want changed or added then DM me! :3 Enjoy!
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The Bad Batch x Fem!Reader
Plot: You are apart of Clone Force 99 but had been captured by the Empire and seperated from your brothers who had no idea you existed. Upon escape they find you and it's your goal to get your little sister back too.
Warnings: None, just a little intense with the Empire and a little violence.
Rapidly running through the halls you finally shut yourself into a room, panting heavily within an attempt to capture your breath. You were currently stuck on an imperial ship, the plan you had been trying to muster up for months was finally in place but storm troopers were hot on your tail. You were a clone, a young one a part of some experimental unit but you were said to be the first female one. The empire had gotten you when order 66 commenced and nobody cared, everybody watched as they took you to experiment on and nobody was there to help or assist you. Sighing softly you turned toward the hallway you were supposed to go down beginning to pull yourself towards it. 
"Escape pods…" You whispered to nobody in particular, beginning to pull it open and activate it. 
"Halt! Step away from the escape pod, kid." The storm troopers voice muffled out, a blaster pointed in your direction. Staring at him you just ran into the pod, slamming the door shut behind you which thankfully prevented any blaster shots hitting you. What button were you supposed to press? They all looked different and you couldn't mess up, not now at least. You could already hear the footsteps of the reinforcements coming toward your location, so within a final attempt you pressed one of the buttons which thankfully freed you into the space before you - guiding you throughout nowhere. You were free, but at what cost? Nobody was there, no planets were nearby and you were lost in the middle of space. A small child alone, nowhere - this was it. At least you weren't in imperial hands anymore and you were free on your own terms. Gazing around at the newly found controls, you clicked a square button that blinked rapidly. A communications device? You've seen these briefly before, perhaps some other people would find you? 
"Hello?" You spoke softly, voice echoing in the small escape pod as the cold began to finally get to you. "I'm y/n, I'm a part of experimental unit 99 and I'm lost. Please help." You whispered out, praying to the stars somebody could hear you and could save you. If the empire arrived before somebody else could then that would be it. Back to square one. But there was definitely a spark of hope, one in which you were going to dream of as your eyes shut allowing you to fall into a much needed cold slumber. Perhaps when you woke up things would be better? 
"Hello?" The ship's communication device lit up before 5 men who rushed into the cockpit, Tech accepting the signal and listening. "I'm y/n, I'm part of experimental unit 99 and I'm lost. Please help." The men turned to one another questioning the words that were spoken by an unknown user. 
"Experimental unit 99?" Hunter repeated, keeping his eyes trained on Tech who looked equally as confused as his brother. 
"That's our unit!" Wrecker interjected, confused but still rather excited at the message they had received. 
"Don't be stupid, Wrecker." Crosshair grumbled, moving over toward his brothers - a toothpick lingering between his lips. "Are we supposed to actually believe they're a part of our unit?" Echo nodded lightly, gazing at them all as Tech took a soft breath in allowing the confusion to lift. 
"Well, it's still highly possible they could have created others before us and lingered us all a part of the same batch." Hunter sat in the Co pilot's chair, beginning to press certain things on the control panel. "But it could still be a trap, we can't be certain they made others before us-" Hunter's voice soon pushed Techs aside, abruptly stopping him mid sentence. 
"We'll take our chances." The other three brothers strapped themselves into the spare chairs, watching as Hunter set some orders. "Tech, get the coordinates that the signal sent out." He simply nodded, typing in a few things before locking onto the signal. 
"They seem to be situated in the middle of nowhere, but the closest planet seems to be Jakku. I suggest we hurry if we're going to get ourselves into some mess." The others nodded as hyperspace soon commenced, blurring stars filling the window as they travelled toward the lonely signal silently hoping there was another one of them - perhaps even another brother. 
Once the ship pulled out of hyperspace, their eyes fell upon a lonely escape pod floating with no destination and a single person inside. They couldn't make out the person using the escape pod due to the distance. Tech soon moved the attack shuttle closer to allow the escape pod to lock onto their beloved ship. 
"I'm locking on the escape pod, the user seems unconscious." Hunter simply nodded and stood, walking toward the airlock and awaiting the escape pod to lock on. 
"I'll retrieve the person. After this we need to get out of here just in case, prepare hyperspace for Ord Mantell." The others simply nodded as the doors to the escape pod opened, Hunter disappearing momentarily. As he walked in, he noticed a young girl curled up in the seat, hiding her face for any sort of warmth she could muster. He crouched down, gently placing his hand against her shoulder in an attempt to wake her up - she didn't. Hesitantly he picked her up and rushed out of the pod to his brothers, 
"She won't wake up!" He seemed rather panicked as Tech disengaged the escape pod and activated hyperspace before he stood. Once Hunter placed her against the Med table, Tech ran a med scan over her as the others came to see what was going on. 
"She's cold and beyond exhausted, her health is otherwise fine. I suggest she borrow somebody's bunk until she wakes." Echo was the first to step forward, 
"She can borrow mine for now, is she really a part of the experimental unit?" Tech sighed softly as Hunter lifted her back up, carrying her to the bunks. 
"It's possible, we can't know more until she wakes up." Wrecker had followed Hunter as he placed her into bed, ensuring the blankets were wrapped around her and placing Lula into her arms. 
You awoke slowly, blinking rapidly as you took in your surroundings. You felt warm but why? Moving slowly, you felt the blankets soft texture against your hands finally being able to open your eyes fully enough to realize where you were. Was this another imperial ship? Did the empire find you first? Surely it couldn't be them, they had never let you sleep in a bed before. Turning to your side you saw a soft looking plush coloured in black and red, your childlike curiosity took over as you held it in your hands squishing it gently. Who saved you? What was this place? 
"You're up then?" A voice spoke, a large gun against his back - it seemed to be a sniper rifle. You gasped and stood up quickly, preparing to run. "Woah woah there kid, I'm not going to hurt you." He took in a breath as he examined your shocked face, "We saved you from that escape pod." Nodding slowly you backed up instead, realising there wouldn't be anywhere to go. 
"We?" You asked before a different man arrived with a bandanna around his head, nodding softly toward his brother who left the room. 
"Hey kid, you're up. I'm Hunter, we just rescued you from that pod." You sat back against the bed, gazing around the room for whatever you could use as a weapon. "I need to ask, are you actually a part of clone batch 99?" You just nodded slightly at his words, fiddling with your hands in thought. Was this just another group of people who were going to experiment on you? 
"Yes. I'm sick of the experiments - please just leave me alone, I'm sure you can find credits elsewhere." Your hands automatically clung to the plush which made Hunter smile and slowly sit beside you which made you flinch. 
"I'm a part of the same batch, so is everybody else aboard this ship." It took a moment or two to process his words. Your brothers had found you? These were your brothers and they had come back for you? Rescued you? 
"You're my big brother?" You breathed out slowly, eyes meeting his own. He nodded slowly at your words, gently smiling to give you some comfort. 
"All of us are." He slowly stood and offered you his hand, "Would you like to meet them?" Hesitantly you took his hand all whilst clinging to the plush, everything felt scary but you had finally found your brothers, so maybe everything would be alright again. Upon walking into the cockpit, you saw your other four brothers turn toward you, smiles on some of their faces. 
"Hey kid, I'm Echo." He spoke, crouching before you. "These are the others, Wrecker, Crosshair and Tech - you've met Hunter already." You nodded gently and gazed lightly at them all. Wrecker soon stood forward, a big smile against his face.
"You enjoyin' Lulas company?" He asked, gesturing toward the plush held tightly in your arms. "She's always helped me when I start feelin' scared so I thought she'd help you too!" You couldn't help but smile softly at his kind gesture, softly passing her back over to him.
"Thanks for letting me borrow her... She helped." Yeah soon interrupted the conversation, a datapad held tightly in his hands.
"Y/n, I believe that you said you were a part of our clone unit. Is this true?" You simply nodded, recalling the time you had spent on Kamino. It wasn't particularly good or bad, but it was your home nonetheless.
"Yes, I was there when you were all created along with another." Tech paused, typing rapidly into the datapad.
"Another?" Crosshair asked, eyes wide." I thought it was just us five?" Shaking your head you rubbed your hands together, it was a nervous habit of yours.
"Her name is Omega. I was created first then she was, then we watched them create all of you but you all got accelerated healing." Hunter moved forward toward Tech,
"Omega? She's our sister?" He turned toward everybody, "We left her on Kamino!" Echo stood and placed a hand against his shoulder,
"It's safe for her there, we had no choice." He sighed in response to Echos words,
"What about y/n? It's not safe for her here either." You crossed your arms softly and stared at them,
"I'm a clone too you know, I was created with war in mind."
When you had told them that you had been created with war in mind, they decided to make you a permanent part of their team. It had been a year since they saved you from the escape pod and from the Empire. You were now pretty much a fully trained soldier with incredible blasting skills, senses and some skills behind technology. There were many new memories with your brothers and you had all created an unbreakable bond. However, lately things were difficult due to Order 66 being implemented across the galaxy and you only had one goal and that was to rescue your sister Omega from Kamino. You were currently on course for the planet, prepared to try and get away with this rescue mission as quickly as possible.
"How far off are we from landing?" You asked, preparing your blaster and adjusting the custom made armour they had prepared for you. Turning toward Tech who was currently piloting the ship you felt the attack shuttle judder. 
"Any moment now." Hunter moved everybody toward the door, glancing between each sibling.
"Set your blasters to stun, we aren't looking to kill any of our brothers." He grabbed onto the side and placed a hand upon your shoulder as the ship took a rather rough landing. "Y/n, are you certain you know where Omega will be?" Nodding you watched as Tech joined you all, switching his blaster to stun.
"I am, we were always there together - She never left." The ramp opened up which allowed you all to rush down, stunning any and every clone that had their blasters pointed toward you.
"Go and get Omega! We'll keep you covered." Rushing frantically down the hall with Wrecker and Tech following for cover, you reached the lab that you were certain she'd be in. Due to the facility on lockdown, Tech had overridden the systems and managed to get the door open much to your relief.
"Omega?" You called out, gazing around until your eyes fell on her placed upon the medtable. "Come on, we're getting you out of here - I found our brothers!" She recognised you as soon as you removed your helmet, rushing into your arms and allowing you to pick her up. You were young, but old enough to take care of your little sister and shoot a blaster. They had given you certain aspects of accelerated aging but not enough to bring you to your brother's ages.
"Y/n, I wanna go. The clones have chips and-" You hushed her lightly, placing your helmet over her for at least some protection until you reached the Marauder. 
" I know, order 66." She hid against you which allowed you to rush away with your brothers, running into the ship and allowing Tech to fly you all away. A quick in and out with everything going how it needed to go. Omega removed her helmet, passing it back with a mumbled thanks.
"Omega, hey kid." Hunter spoke, crouching down and hugging her. She stayed silent against him though which definitely wasn't the welcome back he hoped he'd get. "What's wrong?" He asked, voice gentle in tone.
"You all left me but took y/n - I was terrified and you had all left me." Her eyes soon filled with tears, voice gentle with hints of anger. Crouching down beside her you pulled her into a gentle hug.
"I never stopped trying to get to you, the Empire took me and our brothers found me after I escaped." You paused for a moment as she clung onto you. "We couldn't come and get you until it was safe to do so, now order 66 has happened, it's safer for you to stay with us." Hunter smiled warmly as she pulled away, smiling lightly. "You never stopped being my Ad'ika." The others soon walked in, greeting Omega with a long awaited hug. In all honesty you couldn't wait to create new memories with your family now you were all together, memories of your own.
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iovnyu · 4 years
content: very in love boyfriend! sunghoon
a/n: hello!! this is my first writing with my new username! i found myself getting bored with the other user so i decided a change would be nice! also i’m sorry but these pictures of sunghoon omg ,,, remember to look at the request guide here before you ask for one !!
although you loved to watch the members during practice, there was something about today that was just exhausting. you were laid fast asleep on three (uncomfortable) chairs, covered up from head to toe with the sweatshirts that you found around the practice room.
during practice, the members knew that you were a deep sleeper so they didn’t care if they were loud or not -- they are pretty sure that you can even sleep through an earthquake.
they had finished practice a while ago and began getting ready to go out to eat. sunghoon walked towards your body that was within the heap of clothes and gently shook you.
it did take a while for you to actually open you eyes, but when you did you were greeted with sunghoon smiling down on you. “we are done with practice and the rest of the guys are going to eat. did you want to head back to the dorms?” he asked, while helping you stand up.
“___ you look drunk,” niki said, laughing at how your hair was sticking up in different directions. throwing him a glare you patted down your hair, looking at yourself in the mirror to make sure you looked a little presentable.
“can we head back to the dorms?” you asked sunghoon, sensing that he was putting back on his sweater. nodding, he grabbed your hands and led you to the door.
“can you carry me?” you mumbled and went behind him, trying to get onto his back. he chuckled and bent down to help you get on his back easily.
the members watched from afar, admiring their friend as sunghoon managed to carry you on his back while also holding your guys bags to the car. 
he had struggled for a bit before deciding to wake you up. “baby, can you stand up for a quick second.” he whispered. you nodded and got off his back, waiting for him to load the bags into the backseat of the van. he slightly adjusted the backseat to go lower to make sure you were comfortable.
“wow. he must be really in love with her, huh?” heeseung said as the others agreed with him and awed at how cute you guys were.
sunghoon sat down and signaled you to get in the van. you quickly hopped in and crawled in his lap and wrapped your arms around his waist, snuggling into his neck. as you fell asleep in his embrace, sunghoon could not stop smiling at how you looked. 
it was amazing how fast his heart beats whenever he is around you. he realizes that at times like this, he has totally fallen for you.
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dystopiandilfs · 3 years
Rating/roasting DreamSMP members donations (and chat.) I recently have been lurking in chats I don't normally watch so I can rate chats and dono's so obviously I might have watched on a day where the dono's are super shit so sorry if that happened.
Punz's chat is the best by far mainly because they know how to use bttv and will roast mobile users. It's a very chill and fun vibe. His dono's tend to be normal, they'll inform him of things at the start of stream and remind him to blink and drink water. If someone in Sapnap is in call he might get a few weirdos but they get bullied by his chat so it's fine. His tts is either off or super quiet which is great, we love a mute tts. 10/10
Dream my "streamer" his chat is awful as it's always a mix of 💙💚, "chat stop" and then antis thinking their hot shit by spamming "cheater" and "hacks" but his mods are trying their best and I appreciate it. Dream's chat is bad but it's definitely not the worst. He tends to have donations off because he wants to read them all and took the better approach of just not allowing them. His chat during MCC tends to be full of support so I sometimes have it open then. Dream's chat is 4/10 his dono's are a 10/10 when off and a 6/10 when on. His mods are a 10/10.
George. I hate his chat. I hate his donations. I hate how he tries to read them all out like either do it at the end of stream or only do ones you see at that moment. I lose a bit of sanity everytime I see a donation that contains either "Happy Birthday to" "can you say hi to" "you missed my last donation" -10/100. Love George. Hate his chat.
Sapnap's is slightly better than George's especially Sapnap's alt. For some reason everyone in his donations just so happens to be called Clay. Weird coincidence huh?! My only issue with Sapnap is that his mic is so quiet and his tts is so loud. I don't mind the text popping up on screen but when some obnoxious loud voice reads out "Hello my little Sappy Nappy it's my birthday and my mother just killed my cat anyways here's £25" Sapnap's been getting better at openly hating his chat which is a good thing, weed out the weak. 1/10
Philza's donations are constantly like 3 months behind which is mildly irritating. His donations tend to be decent until someone decides to trauma dump because then it turns into a competition of who's been abused more. That is not only a stupid "flex" but is also awkward for the streamer and their chat along with it potentially triggering traumatic events from people who are just trying to watch a guy play Minecraft. 6/10
Tubbo's donations are pretty much silent so I live in ignorant bliss of what they say. Like Sapnap his alt chat has a lot of bttv users which just automatically makes it better. I have seen a few gross ones that break Tubbo's boundaries like using his real name or sexualising him. I also see the ones where people are like "When's Tommy streaming?" Like go fuck yourself you little weirdo. 8.5/10
Captain Puffy's donations and chat are either super chill or incredibly chaotic. Her donations take advantage of being able to change names on donations which is always a fun time. Sometimes a bunch of "do this" "react to this" donations appear and they're annoying as hell but compared to other chats it's very chill. 8.5/10
Unpopular opinion but I hate Ranboo's donations. They're so boring and repetitive. Like okay you're part of the LGBTQ+ community cool, you don't have to tell everyone. It's like the people who constantly mention that they dye their hair. Like being LGBTQ+ isn't a personality trait but you've tried to make it one since it's the only thing that you mention. Spend money on buying art supplies to have a hobby or something. Don't make being part of the LGBTQ+ your only personality trait at least get a hobby you can talk about. They're sometimes funny but they get very repetitive and unfunny very fast, like someone sends a donation that Ranboo laughs at then it gets sent 39 more times. It was funny the first time but now you've killed it. However to give credit if someone doesn't get noticed they don't then send another donation with a "you missed my last dono" so a nice middle ground 5/10.
Quackity donations are very telling. You can tell who's an older viewer and who's newer based on what the donation says. His donations aren't super visible which is great and his tts is quiet which is a blessing so most weird ones won't get noticed. However I have this very suspicious feeling that a lot of the Spanish donations aren't by Spanish people based on the spelling and are very clearly part of the stereotyping and low-key high-key racist copypastas that his chat gets spammed with. Recently Quackity's chat has been incredibly racist whether they mean to be or people are just incredibly ignorant but it's not a good vibe. So his chat from a month ago is a 8/10 but recently it's a solid 5.5/10
Ponk's chat and donations are the best. You rarely get weirdos and the vibe is always chill. Also his donation sound is just better than everyone's so it automatically gains points for that. Eventhough he has tts on it's not obnoxious so 10/10
Hbomb's chat is chill however it's difficult for new viewers as there's a lot of inside mature jokes that might make younger viewers uncomfortable. His donations tend to be mostly okay however a few weird ones end up happening but they will be called out. I noticed that there's this group of people who on the exact same day almost every week come into his chat and ask shit like "Can you give me the DreamSMP IP" and "What time is Tommy streaming" which is just cringe but mods are good at deleting them same with people going into his chat to call him a cheater and pedo which is just fucking gross. But his normal chat is fine he just often gets some gross children trying to harass him or people who can't follow basic twitch etiquette so it's a solid 8/10
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sweetwriter · 3 years
My Queen
Sukuna x Reader (also named Akari)
A/N: 👋🏾 yo😛. I had this idea of sukuna reuniting with his queen. And uhh I think this is part 1. I might do a part 2 if you’d like. I really wanted to do this idea. And it’s been sitting in my notes on my phone for- months💀
Warnings: none
‘Sensei, Why do they constantly send us on missions when it’s dark? I can’t see’ Nobara whined. She is not wrong,the stars are evident. Man made light is almost nonnone existent, where they-Gojo Sensei, Megumi, Itadori, and Nobara-are positioned. The 3 teens and the teacher were told to find a certain cursed spirit that snatched the attention of the principal and the elders. The journey to Sukuna’s temple at night was not the best idea. And then, STOP. Gojo’s hand went up to stop the others, they halted. Everyone’s eyes were lookingwe looking around to catch a glimpse of the thing they were to be aware of. There it was-
He can sense it, Gojo knows that there is something there. “Hello, come out, I’d like to talk to you.” keeping his words light, he didn’t want to scare his students. Why should they be scared? He’s the strongest.
And that’s when he saw her. Her eyes, the smell of Camellia flowers from her hair. Everyone was taken aback, was this the cursed spirit? Or was it a strange womanwomen wandering in darkness by Ryomen Sukuna’s temple late at night? The 3 students looked at each other and nodded, “good looking cursed spirit” Yuji whispered to himself.
“Who are you exactly?” Gojo questioned the spirit. She had a soft smile. Staring back to the blind folded man, “Akari. That’s my name.” She said softly, “I do not want to hurt any of you. I know saying that won’t change much, but harming you is not my intention, I’m just wandering, looking for my husband.” Gojo was curious about this one—a cursed spirit that didn’t want to harm anyone- that’s a new one. His muscles tensed slightly. His fight or flight is on. She'sShes oozing with strong cursed energy. An incredibly strong being, indeed. He doesn’t trust her, not even a little bit. Curses spend their every foul breath to hurt, harm, manipulate, and destroy. That is their nature.
“Whowho is your husband?“ Megumi interrogated.
Akari POV
You contemplated tellingcontemplated on telling This white haired man and the children. It’s not a very good idea, especially with the name your cocky ass husband gave himself. Just waking up from a nap and trying to fight don’t work well together. You re-tried to think of a plan, honestly you didn’t want to fight ( I mean you did just wake up from aup a 1,000 year nap, being groggy is a given). And explaining who your husband was, everyone would know she’s the ‘Queen of all Curses’, and then the lovely bunch would definitely exercise you :). Either or, this is going to end up being a brawl that Sukuna would love.
“If I told you, you would cause a fuss and I’d never-“ you stopped your sentence, your pupils blew, taking in a deep breath. his presence. You can feel him and sense his energy.
“Where is he?” The rubatosis, waited thousands of years for his voice, his smirk, the look he gave you.
“I have many gifts, but I am not a mind reader? Where is who?” Ryomen Sukuna, where my husband isis my husband ” dumbfounded. Everyone stopped thinking (*windows computer shuts down)
“No, Sukuna loves no know one, no thing. “ Gojo tried to figure out what’s going on.
“Exactly my thoughts as well beforehandbefore hand. But he is my love, and I wish to see him, I know he is here.”
“ItThat is not possible he is not here.” You gave him a knowing smile, taking a few steps towards him.
“Gojo Satoru, you should know better than to lie to an old cursed spirit, especiallyespecally strong ones.” You finished saying, looking over at the three first years.
‘I neveri never told you my name.’
‘It’s impossible to not know the famous Gojo Satoru, in the world of cursed users, spirits and jujustu sorcerersorceres. Known to be the strongest,
Blah blah blah “ rolling your eyes. Gojo watched your eyes, looking for something, a lie, a joke, anything. But he had to test this out- see if it’s true or not. Gojo turned his headit head half way to Yuji, to keep an eye on you. He sighed.
“Alright, Yuji-kun, switch out with Sukuna.”
“I don’t think that is a good idea, . Sensei” MegumiSensei” megumi chimed in.
“It’s ok, I’m here, and I’m the strongest.’ Giving his signature smile of reassurance, but in all honesty, he too thought this was a stupid idea. That smile was hiding some agitation. Gojo also knew, if it were possible, thatpossible that this could be good for keeping Sukuna at bay. Until they, yk, exercise him. Sukuna isn’t at full strength. The power of Sukuna at the moment is nowhereno where near his ultimate power, but he has no idea about Akari and the power that you have.
The black tattoo marks began to arise from the skin. And when he opened his eyes, Sukuna opened his eyes to the woman in front of him. The one who’s feet he worshipped.
Sukuna stalking over to the cursed spirit. He stopped. Everyone was waitingEveryone waiting to see what his next move would be. He got on one knee, and bowed his head in the most submissive position, showing how much power you havehas over the King of Curses.
“My king, it'sits been too long.” You went on your knees and pressed your head onto his. To be frank, they were distraught. KIng of all curses, the myth, themyth the legend, cockier than the word cocky itself, put himself in a submissive position? If that wasn’t the queen of all curses i don'tdont know what would be if imma be honest.
Hey if you have any ideas for me to write just go ahead and let me know 😚
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