#also wangxian in that line where wwx is like if i were killed i want it to be by your hand
aunnokokyuu · 11 months
i have a disease called i think that killing or wanting to be killed by the person you love most is the most romantic trope in fictional media especially when it involves a character who has become a twisted fragmented hopeless shell of the person they once were hoping desperately to be killed by the person who’s loved them all these years who has been forced to watch helplessly as their lover deteriorates into something unrecognisable. and unfortunately it’s terminal
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pieridae-art · 4 months
Special Lan Xichen analysis post
As I’ve previously said, Lan Xichen is a very flawed person and that’s okay! I want to examine him at several parts of the story and pick apart some of the criticism he gets. So let’s talk Lan Xichen!
Siege of the Burial Mounds: I really like this one shot from the donghua where the Sect Leaders of each sect (NMJ, JGS, and JC) are shown at the siege and beside them representing the Lan sect is… Lan Qiren. Not LXC. Setting aside the perfect storm JGS set up for the siege to occur (I don’t care who led it; JGS is the problem post-Sunshot Campaign about 99% of the time), I think this is because LXC stayed back in the Cloud Recesses with LWJ tending to his wounds post-whipping. Not assuming LXC’s absence, however, the siege was led by JC and orchestrated (because separating the twin prides of Yunmeng and artificially creating tension within the jianghu was a deliberate action) by JGS. Not saying LXC’s participation is okay just because he wasn’t the driving force behind it but imagine if the Lan sect stood against the other sect’s wishes. Standing up for WWX would have been the right thing to do but were the Lans in any position to oppose the siege with their sect in the process of rebuilding? Going along with the siege, to me, is an act of cowardice, not malice. Extra note: we see his capability of defending the Wen remnants when JGS is talking shit about them and WWX but he is shut down immediately and does not speak up any further. This is not a matter of hypocrisy; it’s a matter of fearing the consequences.
NMJ’s death: this is rocky territory. It was a bad idea full stop to force proximity between them hoping everything would sort itself out. But you simply cannot blame him for NMJ’s death because he couldn’t have known. One could argue that he endangered JGY by forcing him to be near someone who tried to kill him several times. I think that’s an oversimplification of the situation. To me, this was a gesture of trust. Trust that NMJ will make an attempt to restrain himself/get better and trust that JGY will aid him in doing so. As we know, this trust is misguided. He’s rather naive to think this would work. But he is humored anyway by two people with bad intentions toward each other. LXC is not at fault for this going south when it was at a certain point inevitable. But he did enable it.
That one line about WWX being LWJ’s only mistake: I get so defensive because honestly I’d have said much worse in his position! Think about what he knows about Wangxian’s relationship leading up to it. He saw his brother devastated that the man he loved was being corrupted and harmed by his cultivation, watched as LWJ despaired over him and fought the elders and got whipped for him. He’s only seen his brother suffer due to his love for WWX. Was saying this okay? No. Consider the circumstances surrounding this line, however. Also criticizing him for this is just plain nit-picky to me lol there’s plenty this man has actually done wrong to criticize him for.
And another thing: stop saying he favored JGY over LWJ!! The entire point of his denial surrounding JGY is that there was no solid, tangible proof that was damning enough for him to outright condemn JGY without some level of unfair assumption! He was trying to be fair about the investigation! Might I add: WWX was the only one who saw NMJ’s head in Jinlintai. Had it been LWJ to see it and approach him I think the story would’ve gone differently! But it wasn’t. And he wanted to have faith in his friend from an underprivileged background constantly facing slander and mistreatment despite doing good things for the world against the jianghu’s wishes because isn’t that what LWJ did with WWX? LXC learned his lesson from WWX’s death, he just practiced it on the wrong person.
What have we learned? Lan Xichen was complicit in and enabled a lot of Bad Things if he was not an active participant, most of it willingly and some of it unknowingly. He’s unfair sometimes. He’s weak willed and lacks the strength to actually stand up for anyone in a meaningful way. He’s naive. In my opinion, he was in denial for a large portion of his story about the harmful effects of his actions.
And I adore him! He’s got the capacity for so much good and he fails to live up to it! He wants to be righteous and he doesn’t know how without putting the people he is responsible for at risk! He thinks he can do conflict resolution and he just can’t! By the end of the story, he is painfully aware of all of this and he lives knowing he did the wrong thing over and over and over again. He got the only outcome he could ever have. I don’t think he deserved his ending but I do think he might have earned it.
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wangxianficfinder · 2 years
Fics Still Missing part 3
These fics are still missing!
1. Hello, looking for a fic where LWJ comes to Burial Mounds and WWX & he get into a fight. It’s pretty brutal, and at some point A-Yuan arrives and is in danger so LWJ protects him getting stabbed in the progress. I think it was a fix-it au.The fic is during burial mounds settlement days. I think during the fight WWX doesn’t fight LWJ personally but calls many many corpses to do it for him. #2 of post
2. Hi! I’m looking for a fic where wangxian are both bored with their (separate) sex lives and decide to have roleplay sex with each other to liven things up. The first time they do this they pretend to be strangers in a bar. There was also one that time that was god/worshipper roleplay. It was multi chapter with each roleplay in separate chapters. Thank you so much for the help! #6 of post
3. Hey! I was looking for a LXC x Oc, the oc was a jin who is like what people say dumb and the summer is something along the lines “The new madam Lan got pregnant and is craving for the bunny” I forgot the whole summery but it was like that. Anyways turns out she was actually quite smart. #17 of post
4. Hey! Can anyone please help me find the fic on ao3 where Lwj and wwx went to catch water ghouls and when lwj carried him out he performed a mouth to mouth on wwx which wwx he performed on other disciples too and wwx gets jealoused. And I guess they were betrothed so Can anyone please help? I lost it when I was reading. #11 of post
5. There is a fic where the spirit/ghost/memories of one of the Lan sect founders possess each sect leader in turn through a ritual, and Lan Qiren and Lan Wanji figure it out because they don’t want to lose Lan Xichen. I can’t find it, please help! It was dark and angsty and probably AO3. @/artemisdax  #13 of post
6. Hello! I don’t remember much of the fic, but I do remember that it was a “watching the series” fic and that it featured CQL’s interpretation of Nightless City, wherein the cultivators were killing each other, and Sizhui was Very Not Happy. Sorry it’s so vague! #17 of post
FOUND? Song of Joy and Regrets by HelloKitten (Not Rated, 134k, wangxian, hualian, WIP, TGCF, Angst, Self-Harm, Child Abuse, characters watching their series, Time Travel Fix-it) The relevant passage is part of chapter 6, but it's a fairly brief mention and shows reactions from the entire junior quartet
7. Hello! Please help in finding this fic. I don’t remember if I read it on ao3 or Twitter. But it was a fic where wwx came back into mxy body and he immediately was getting married to lwj. It was abo I think. And I distinctly remember that there was some ritual which required jin zixuan and lan xichen to approach wwx and lwj kept growling and getting worked up about it? He ended up calming down when wwx touched him. I think wwx was wearing a long veil. #14 of post
hi this is the anon from the most recent ficfinder #14. unfortunately it isn’t that fic. I remember that it is in canon setting so no modern au. also idk if this is helpful but wwx woke in mxy body literally moments before the weeding. jzx was approaching as mxy brother and lxc as lwjs brother for a part during the wedding ceremony and it made lwj growl and they were all trying to cover it up cause it was a loss of control for lwj and wasn’t supposed to happen. idk it the extra details will help
NOT FOUND! Write It on My Neck by diamondbruise
8. Hi! Hope you’re doing well. I was searching for a fic where most of the characters got engaged at a young age and one of the pairings is huaisang/wen xu? WRH agreed for amusement at first and like later tries to reverse it during their Cloud Recesses years. I think most of  their parents were alive also? Thanks <3 #2 of post
9. Hi! I’m not sure if I am doing this right…so I apologize if I am not. I am asking about a fic that people on reddit are looking for. I KNOW I read it and enjoyed it but I cannot seem to find it again. I told everyone I would try to track it down for them! Here are the detailsLWJ works for a company who’s trying to reach WWX. He has to drive out there to try to get his help, but oh no! There’s a storm, so LWJ has to spend the night, and there’s only one bed.LWJ is a specialist called in by the company when they couldn’t figure it out themselves, and he knew this code, he recognized the touch. But he wasn’t going to tell them, since some of it skirted legality and he knew that his old schoolmate WWX still had enemies who would love to blame him for any flaws in the system, so he had to go find him himself @/deeper-ground #4 of post
10. Hallo! I’m looking for a fic in which the juniors are told a suger-coated version of the past and then in some way find out about the truth. (Unsure if this was a fic finder or ITMF, please let me know if I am wrong and I will move it ^^ - Mod C) #12 of post
11. Hello, I’m looking for a fic where wwx does not want to date guys who are not wealthy; lwj is his roomate and is in love with wwx but he thinks he doesn’t have a chance because he is hiding he’s very rich and fakes being almost poor (he even hides his credit card for emergencies). I think wwx also liked him but didn’t want to try anything because he thinks lwj is poor. Thank for your help! #1 on post
12. I’ve been looking for this fic I read in passing, which isn’t my normal taste or pairing, and still can’t find it even after limiting the search options. The pairing is JC/LWJ and happens during the 13 years WWX is dead and I only remember two specifically key events that happened in said story. One was that a demonic cultivator who was really young was taken into Lan custody but took a nail from the barn he was being held in to kill himself. The other was LWJ pushed JC hard enough to hit his head on the floor and daze him?  The fic is definitely on Ao3. Any help would be nice~ @/youkaimeimi  #13 on post
13. Hi, I’m looking for a fic where the sword goes through both JYL and JC at Nightless City. WWX takes them both back to Lotus Pier and   essentially locks the place behind a barrier, but the sect itself doesn’t really mind. I think it was one chapter in a collection but I can’t be sure. #10 on post
FOUND? Chapter 2 of Cosmic by apathyinreverie (T, 10k, wangxian, JC & WWX & JYL, everyone lives au, yunmeng sibling dynamics, protective yunmeng Jiang sect, romance, smitten LWJ, oblivious WWX, powerful WWX, possessive LWJ, soft WWX, streetkid WWX, time travel fix-it, modern setting)
14. I’ve got another Fic Finder that, if answered, will fulfill a Mood/Compilation request—specifically Disabled Wangxian. This was a modern AU where we meet WWX as a young child with cerebral palsy; he had his canonical high intelligence and cheerful outgoing disposition; he signed, used a wheelchair, and loved Kirby. #4 on post
15. hi <3 i lost a fic that im pretty sure is quite popular, but i have no idea how to go about looking for it. all i remember is that a small thing changes, and then in the scene where teen lwj kneels beside wwx so they can both be punished, wwx jumps to cover him bodily, yelling something like 'no you wont hurt my lan zhan it wasnt his fault’ (?) possibly maybe it was lxc pov?? it maaaay have had something to do with time travel?? (not wwx tho).. i really dont know :D thank you!! #5 on post
16. Hiii sorry I don’t know how this works. But I am looking for this one specific fic I believe it was more than a one-shot. From what I remember was  that LWJ was obsessive and WWX was oblivious LWJ killed I think a friend of WWX at midnight at school and tried to cover up the body. A girl who WWX flirted with constantly and who LWJ threaten to stay away from WWX found him and the body at the bathroom of the school and LWJ threaten her to help him cover the body. The next thing I remember is he is stalking WWX and I believe WWX somehow ended up in LWJ’s house there is banging from the basement and LWJ is acting suspicious then he cooks food for WWX then makes a joke about the food being JC and throughout WWX stay he hears banging in the basement and he tells LWJ and he lies about it and he goes to the basement to find out that I believe it was JC who was tied up and they tried to escape but WWX stayed behind that all I can remember. thank you @/kawaiiskeletonlamphero  #17 on post
17. Hi all, sorry I have just one more request! There’s a fic I think I read at some point that had the cliff crumble as LWJ was trying to pull WWX up, and all three (inc. JC) went over, then there was potentially bickering and shenanigans in the afterlife? Any help would be greatly appreciated, thank you! @/katonahottinroof #2 on post
18. Hello! Thank you very much for all your hard work! I’ve been trying to find this fic for a while now. LXC comes to NMJ asking to do the whole sworn brotherhood and NMJ refuses. I believe NMJ shows LXC all the people JGY tortured and asked him how NMJ could agree to it when even his own people were hurt. Yeah, something approximately like this. The fic wasn’t too big - I believe it was a one-shot. #3 on post
19. Hi! I saw this on Twitter- it seems everyone is looking for it! It was just posted on wangxian ficfinder on Reddit- let’s see who finds it first! 😈 There was this mdzs fanfic with this plotline of : Wei Wuxian actually dies at hands of Jin Guangyao in Guanyin Temple after confessing and Lan Wangji follows, and both of them gets reincarnated as their younger selves prior to the destruction in Lotus Pier. And Lan Wangji decides to switch fate with Wei Wuxian and tries to act accordingly. Reborn Wei Wuxian who doesn’t yet know LWJ is also reborn gets confused when he was not kissed blindly this time in Phoenix Mountain and wonders why…
Things slowly start to follow a different route this time and Wei Wuxian has a guess but he is not able to find anything yet. Yiling Laozu who has his demonic cultivation methods this time without losing his core, actually ends up being sneakily possessive of the young Wangji and gets jealous to see him around all others but not himself this time! Reborn Wangji who also isn’t aware of wwx’s reincarnation vows he must not let him(wwx) go in the demonic path this time and so tries to control the Tiger seal himself, consequently having to act out of his own character and more like Wei Wuxian.
Karma runs and now it’s time for our flirty twink to drink vinegar jar regularly. I lost the fic and can’t even remember the name. Wasn’t on my device to can’t go check via history either! If anyone knows of this fic, please, please let me know!Here’s the twitter thread / 👀 Twitter thread for a fic finder! @/revellingfate / Can you help me find this fic? (Repeat of above)  No idea whether it’s a thread fic, on ao3 or whatnot but if anyone recognises it please share! A bunch of birdies are waiting for it on twitter, please and thank you @/trashbin-is-home  #4 on post
20. Hey! So can I request for a fic which is lan jingyi centric? Like I don’t remember completely but it’s like jingyi does not know that he is adopted by WangXian and like the trio go to yunmeng where Yu ziyuan and Fengmian are still alive as well as jiang Yanli and Zixuan. And like Xuanli or Fengmian teach some lantern making or stuff like that. Thank You!!! @/dazaiosamu2308  #13 on post
21. Hello!! For the next fic finder I’m looking for a single dad WY fic(?) In which during the cloud recesses study a woman suddenly declared that her child was WWXs ( I think this is baby Yuan but I’m not sure) please help me find it T-T.  @/cucumber-brooo  #16 on post
22. Hey, I’m looking for a fic on ao3, where JGY is very reluctant to discard people who might be useful to his plans, so he has WQ&WN&WW captured instead of killed. He has some of the Hu shunts to the same place, once of the Hu gives WW his core. XY and WQ work together to restore WN’s more precise functions. WW is told to craft a curse to kill JGS. It was more along the lines of a meta fic @/any-mouse  #20 on post
23.   I think this is part of a series, it’s about a dark yunmeng triad and  lan zhan is forced to marry wei ying. it’s from xichen’s pov and there’s  a particular scene where wwx plays this terrifying song that he says he  got from madam lan’s ghost(?) and in the end I think xichen prays at  his parents’ tablets and breaks down in tears. even if it’s deleted i  save everything, I just can’t figure out where I put it. help! @/onlyegret #7 on post  
24.  Hi! Looking for a fic for a friend, actually, but she doesn’t have   spoons to ask around. She said it’s a fic where the Jiangs take wwx in   basically as spare parts for a Jiang Yanli with a chronic illness. She   assumes it was a modern AU, given the premise of organ donation and   such. She can’t remember if it was a twitter threadfic or on AO3. Thanks  for your help! @/math-is-magic  #9 on post
NOT FOUND! Step by step by apathyinreverie  
25.  Hey ho mods! I’m looking for this fic I barely remember anything about  and you are my last bit of hope. It’s pretty angst and ends soon after  LWJ fights against Lan elders infront of the cave, defending WWX. After  LWJ is defeated, the elders seal WWX inside the cave while he is still  alive. That’s all the details I have. I think it might be a reference to  Greek mythology? Or smth? The sealing bit. Thanks    #12 on post  
26. hi, I’m looking for a fic that I think was part of a series.  basically dark!yunmeng triad with Sect Leader(?) Jiang Yanli forcibly   negotiating a betrothal with Lan Xichen. He can’t risk angering them but  LWJ isn’t on board until WWX plays him a very cursed song and says   something about “your mother told me” so ghost madam lan is in the   building? and at the end lan xichen breaks down in tears before his   parents'ancestral tablets. oh also, jiang cheng might have intimated he murdered lqr but I’m not 100% on that.does this still exist? and if not, does anyone know what it was called at least. @/onlyegret  #20 on post  
27. ahh helloo. i would be really grateful if you could help me. i remember reading this fic where in CR after wwx punched jzx he was upset and lwj went to talk to him but he said something really hurtful to lwj. ive been trying to find this fic for so long and havent had any luck :(( #10 on post
28. Hello I’m sorry if this is very vague but there was this fic i read that was along the lines of Genius WWX where he fought the Lan’s swordmaster in a spar in Cloud Recesses Arc and ended up getting severely injured but when he woke up in the infirmary, he was told that he was the closest to ever actually beat the man because no one has ever fought against him for so long. Thank you very much and have a nice day! #14 on post
29. Hi! Please help me find this fic. It’s premise is that the lan head ribbon can only be unknotted by their fated person. WY unties lz’s ribbon accidentally and they are made to marry each other. Accidental marriage, i guess. I think xicheng was also said to be a pairing but I’m not too sure. That’s all i can remember. #15 on post
Hi, i’m the anon who requested #15 here. Sadly “the world passes by but for me there is only you” by beeswaxing is not the fic that i was looking for. Other details i could remember now is that they are made to marry by the lan sect itself and that it is canon divergence before core removal.
30. Hi! I remember a fic I read at least a year ago, if not two. I remember these few things about it.
- It is not a modern au. Pretty sure it was still the “period” verse.
- Lan Wangji falls to a coma for some reason, and Wei Wuxian and Wen Qing (only 80% her it was her and not some other random doctor) work on bringing him back.
- Lan Wangji keeps dreaming of him meeting WWX at a dreamscape lotus pier, and WWX keeps getting away or smth like that
- The most memorable part is it mentioning how WWX cares for the body of a comatose patient and all the not so pleasant things that entail the task. Not graphically so but it does mention and I immediately took note because very rarely do fanfics details things like that when writing about a bedridden character.Do you guys have any recollection about having ever seen this? 🥺 Thank you for your time! Really appreciate your hard work! 🥰#12 on post
not FOUND I Will Not Go Gentle into the Quiet Night by TriviasFolly
31. Good Morning/Afternoon/Evening to Mods! I’m not sure if it’s appropriate to ask a fic I’m looking for right now but if so, I’m looking for this fic that I’ve been halting to read for years now 😭 and it’s about an AU where WWX was saved from being thrown in the Burial Mounds, to be specific. I believe it’s either both LWJ and JC or just LWJ who saved him and the fanfic starts in WWX waking up at the Yiling Supervisory Office feeling bad then that’s it… And as far as I also remember in the tags, the author mentioned that the “Self-Harm” tag was about WWX not wanting to be help, hopefully this detailed description helps since I know there’s another famous fanfic is similar to the fanfic I’m looking for. Thank you! #11 on post
32. I read a fix about wangxian in modern times where they were in the same college and the gang was going to a camp and lwj wanted to confess to wwx and was prepared to be rejected. It was a one shot I can’t find it now 😭 #10 on post
33. hi! i was wondering if you know the ao3 fic where wei wuxian is a ghost at ends up at xie lian’s shrine? and he’s stuck there at first with no memory but then decides to stay? #3 on post
FOUND? Slumbering Soul by animewriter (M, 26k, wangxian, JC/NHS, SL/XXC, JYL/JZX, LXC/NMJ, reincarnation, ABO, dark LWJ, sick WWX, non-con drug use, comatose, coma, dark JGY, sleeping beauty elements, WIP)
34. Hi! I hope everyone is doing ok!! I’m here asking for your help to find a fic, please. I remember it waa time travel, JC got back and found kid!WWC in Yiling, and somehow left him at BM. Then WQ, who also got back (JC doesn’t know that yet) takes him to her parents, and I think he grows up as a Wen. They both visit him through the years, and I think even LWJ shows up at some point. JC sees himself die, because he fell from the boat after the attack to LP. Do you know it? Thanks, happy holidays! #16 on post
35. Hi! Thank you for all your work :) I’m looking for a fic where in the past JYL drowned bc she got caught in a net of some sort and WWX and JC tried to save her, and JC blamed her death on WWX. In the future something similar happens and JC realises it wasn’t really WWX’s fault and they sort of reconcile I think? #2 on post
36. Hello Mood, I’m looking for a fic in which during study time in Gusu, Lan Zhan hurts his eyes to protect Wei Ying. I don’t remember anything else from the fic but only that about Lan Zhan’s injury. Please help me find it, I think it was in ao3 #4 on post
37. Hi! I’m looking for a canon divergence fic where the ending is LZ and WY is dual cultivating at the battlefield (not sex, just using their energy to purge out resentful energy from wy’s body, guqin and flute) and this in turn results in wy developing a core - both their energies after joining together comes down powerfully to settle down in wy’s body.
The ending para of the fic says about a long lost poem about lan an (? Or some other lan ancester) and his partner cultivating a new core through the same method wangxian did. It says no one knows this method.
 Before this dual cultivation (not sex) wy suffers a memory loss and lan zhan calls out to him “wei ying” to tether/ground him and bring him back. It took a while for him to succeed. The fic was very angsty. #2 on post
FOUND? If I Could Go Back in Time by Runningbarefoot (M, 122k, WangXian, Canon Divergence, Role Reversal, Somebody Lives/Not Everyone Dies, Pining, Angst with a Happy Ending, Grief/Mourning, YLLZ WWX, Eventual Happy Ending, The Twin Jade Brotherhood, Hurt/Comfort, Healing, Character Study, Twin Prides of Yúnmèng Dynamics, Slow Burn) what was described happened specifically the last 2 chapters Wwx didn’t have memory lost tho, just an overwhelmingly resentful energy that he couldn’t recognise anyone while using resentful energy but lwj was able to call and ground him back, lwj did some lwj things and wwx ended up getting ‘cleaned’ with spiritual energy of his own. The fic ends with some lines from a book that was burned before.
38. Hello, I’m looking for a Wangxian fic that I’m pretty sure I have saved somewhere. It was a pretty short fic on ao3. From what I remember it was set in a dystopian future where magic was fading from the world. Wangxian knew each other but not well and they were not together. LWJ was a shifter, possibly a huli jing and could no longer shift into animal form. WWX had a workshop where he worked with androids and helps give LWJ his animal form back. It seemed like this was very dangerous for them.  #9 on post
For #9, this is super random but it caught my eye - this is almost the exact plot of a Ken Liu short story called “Good Hunting”. I’m wondering if the fic in question was sort of a re-telling of that story with Wangxian as the characters? Maybe that gives this person an idea of tags or keywords to search - hope that helps someone track it down!
39. I was on Reddit and found this fanfic someone mentioned and I wanted to send it here to see if I could get any luck! “with WWX as Gordon Ramsay and LWJ as single dad who brings his son, reluctantly, to the kids cooking session. But he doesn’t like WWX because on TV he’s always mean and then later he sees how good he’s with kids and stuff.” #19 on post
40. Hi, first of all thank you for your amazing work! This is not a WX request so feel free to ignore it but I have been looking for this fic for so long that I thought I take a chance here. I read it quite some time ago and I think it was Meng Yao/ LXC but it might also have been   JWY/ LXC. MY or JWY (whoever became LXC’s partner) was a succubus who had been together with one of the Wens. He was used for his magic but also starved because because never got enough affection etc. to fill his succubus magic reservoir. He only realizes this when he gets together with LXC and recovers. WX are together in the background. I also remember a scene in which Su She comes to bother LXC after having established his own small sect at the edge of Gusu Lan territory. MY (or JWY) encourage LXC to be more assertive towards Su She by telling him to remain half-dressed and talking to Su She at the kitchen table. If I remember correctly there was also a second part in which MY or WWX used their power to make their enemies kneel in a showdown. Might have been ABO on top of succubus magic. This fic has haunted me for a long time now and I would be super grateful if anyone remembered it! #12 on post
Hi! Thanks for trying to find my fic (no.12)! Unfortunately, it is  not the suggested one. Maybe the author deleted it because god knows I  have searched high and low for it… 
not FOUND i could whet your appetite by beizhaan
41. Hi! I’m trying to find a fic where on post-canon Lwj and Wwx are going through Lwj’s mother’s things and find out a letter (or a diary, I don’t remember what it was) where she reveals that she loved Lxc, but actually hated Lwj, and it absolutely breaks Lwj’s heart, since he loved her so much.  #16 on post
42. Hi I love this blog and I really need help finding a fic. It was a nsfw fic on AO3 where I think WWX was like an explorer or something and finds a snake(?) Or at least a creature of some kind which bites him and infects his with like some close to sex pollen. But the creature turns into LWJ  who I think was a naga. I can’t find it at all and none of the searches I’ve done seem to bring up either. Thank you for the help (I just home Tumblr doesn’t eat this ask )
18 on the fic finder. Yea the one described sounds exactly like it! Slither pleasure didn’t look the same but I’m happy to read it anyway. It’s suck if the one I’m looking for got deleted so fast. Thanks y'all for the help!
know that I’ve read #18 on the latest fic finder before and it’s not Slithering Pleasure but think it may have been deleted because I can’t find it anywhere 😭 lwj was the snake and kind of intersex. Wwx was a certified monster fucker and thought a lot about past sexual encounters he’d had with other creatures. It ended with lwj declaring wwx as his mate and wwx more than happy to be so. I really can’t find it anywhere so hopefully someone else can!
43. Hi! Hope you are doing well. Although this is my second time requesting this fic, i  hope you are able to find it for me. Lwj in this fic is a celebrity and wwx is a reporter/paparazzi. Wangxian are in a secret relationship, initially all the reporters think that lwj and lqy are in the relationship. This is all the informationthat I can remember. Hope you are able to find it for me @/mayavsworld #13 on post
44. Hi again! I have an ask for the next FicFinder that this falls into. There was this one fic I read maybe back in 2021, where wangxian had had more than just Sizhui as a kid (i think it was two) and their youngest kid got lost and everybody was going crazy searching for him. The kid is eventually found by Wen Ning, thinking he was about to find wwx, because the kid was whistling like he’d seen wwx do and after all is said and done, the kid had to promise not to do it again. I think in this fic wwx was referred to as “mama” and it could possibly be an abo verse? I’m unsure as it has been a while, but if anyone can find anything, I’m super grateful! Thanks in advance 😁💜 #2 on post
45. Hello! I don’t remember much of the fic, but I recall there was a specific part of madam Yu getting whipped by zidian. And this was a time travel fic; lan zhan went back to the past a bit before wei ying arrived at gusu lan. Last I remember reading this fic was in 2021, and thank you so much for your help! :) @/suriaster  #3 on post
46. Hello! I want to find a fic which had post canon (?)wangxian at a family banquet. It was all about them being happily married. The specific scene I remember is that at the banquet, Wei Wuxian knew that lwj liked a specific kind of shrimp, and peeled a lot for him and nudged it his way. Then he looked up and saw everyone was blushing over the romance and lwj looking smug. I hope someone remembers which fic this is. Thank you so much! #18 on post
47. Hello I am looking for a specific fic where WWX and LWJ get into a fight. WWX comes back from needing some to find LWJ crying because he thought they were done after the fight. The rest of the fic is them making up after the fight. I hope I gave you enough info to go on. #2 on post
It’s Post cannon, hurt/comfort and not in modern setting. Sorry for the vague description.
NOT FOUND! this is me trying by queen_gee
48. Hi! I’m looking for a fic where Wei Wuxian wakes up in Lotus Pier after being injured on a nighthunt (?) that he went on with Lan Wangji and he finds out from Jiang Cheng and Jiang Yanli that Lan Wangji has died.
However, we later on find out that Lan Wangji is not actually dead but instead someone sent false letters to Jiang Cheng and Lan Xichen. The letter Jiang Cheng received had said that Lan Wangji had died and the letter Lan Xichen had received had said that Wei Wuxian had died. So somebody purposefully made Wei Wuxian and Lan Wangji think that the other was dead.
I believe there was also a part in the fic where some guy at Lotus Pier kept calling Wei Wuxian ‘Wei Ying’ and Wei Wuxian kept telling him to stop because only Lan Wangji was allowed to call him that but the guy did it again and Wei Wuxian snapped. Thank you for your help! #6 on post
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hei-shu · 2 years
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I posted 1,275 times in 2022
That's 1,253 more posts than 2021!
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#mdzs - 448 posts
#wei wuxian - 169 posts
#wangxian - 146 posts
#lan wangji - 83 posts
#mdzs fanart - 57 posts
#canon jiang cheng - 47 posts
#cql - 32 posts
#lmao - 28 posts
#cats - 27 posts
#asexuality - 15 posts
Longest Tag: 135 characters
#this concept of loving a person 'because' they're good and not 'despite' them being evil is so important to me in this mess of a fandom
My Top Posts in 2022:
I was surfing through Twitter (not a good decision, I know) and saw some JC stan bullshit again.
You know how they like to say something along the lines of 'JC didn't really hate WWX actually, it's complicated' and then use the scene where JC yelled at WWX to apologise to his parents tablets at the inn as an example? They'll use that scene to say that JC doesn't actually want to kill WWX, and then conveniently not mention the fact that he used Fairy, a creature that he knows that WWX is terrified of, to purposefully threaten him. It's very clear, through his own words and the narrative, that JC doesn't just want WWX dead, he wants him to suffer first, just like all the other so-called 'demonic cultivators' that he captured. Just because he never got the chance to doesn't excuse that.
Also, I'm pretty sure that using someone's phobia against them is very not okay. But hey, apparently to JC stans torture threats (which are very likely to be followed through if JC got the chance) are fine as long as you did not kill that person :)
JC stans will also conveniently forget that when he suspected that MXY was possessed by WWX, his first instinct was to whip him with Zidian. It doesn't matter whether or not Zidian will destroy the soul or just force them out of a possessed body. The fact that he doesn't even hesitate to do so is very telling. He very much wants WWX gone, alright.
It doesn't matter whether JC actually loved WWX or not bc his actions towards WWX is extremely abusive. If you think that scaring a loved one with their phobia while relishing in their suffering is okay, then your standards must be concerningly low.
27 notes - Posted March 11, 2022
In some MDZS fanfics;
JC to WWX: LWJ hates you.
Also JC, after wx got together: Took you long enough.
Me: ???
28 notes - Posted April 26, 2022
Fanon JC is like — ah yes let me just adopt this feverish child whose family and protector was massacred by a siege led by me :)
(p.s. I also once suggested the protector to send this child and his family of the old and weak back to the cruel labor camps btw 🥰🥰)
30 notes - Posted September 5, 2022
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"the yunmeng trio are a family" lmao, let's see JC's perspective 👇
JC to WWX: YoU WeRE SuPpoSEd tO Be My SuBOrdiNatE-
If JC & WWX really are a family (which they are not), then it's very toxic. Every time JC opens his mouth it's about things like 'you owe a debt to my sect' and 'my father favours you' and 'you are the cause of my sect's destruction' and 'my mother was right about you'. This kind of power dynamic is better off not called a familial relationship.
In contrast, yiling trio won't kill each other and they also deeply respect one another, so it's a healthier relationship. There's no superior-inferior dynamic going on between them. They are more 'family' than yunmeng trio could ever be.
I guess JYL could be WWX's family, she isn't malicious, loves WWX enough to sacrifice her life for him, but not powerful enough to do much either. As for JC? I don't think he would be happy if WWX is considered as a part of his family, unless a servant is also considered family. After all, the only advantage JC has over WWX all his life is his gentry status, how could a classist like JC ever be willing to see WWX, the 'son of a servant', in the same social class as himself?
43 notes - Posted May 28, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
Everyday I think about the irony that while everyone praises the virtuous HGJ and regards him as the role model for the future generations, they curse the name of the wicked YLLZ and use him as the epitome of evil to warn the younger generation, all the while oblivious to the fact that this 'evil' YLLZ is actually someone HGJ treasures the most.
I remember a fanfic where LSZ wondered about someone HGJ admires and it really stuck with me bc it feels so ironic. Since HGJ is already so good and respected by many, then the person he looked up to must be very great too, right? Well, that's true, you see, the man HGJ admires and loves the most was so righteous that he was condemned and criminalised by the cultivation world and died for it and yet the cultivation world still curses his name and wants his soul destroyed. That man is the fucking YLLZ, and HGJ is very willing to cut off people's arms for him.
119 notes - Posted April 20, 2022
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drwcn · 3 years
follow up to [post] exploring the crack au if lwj was a girl 
〒▽〒 ps im not trying to erase canon lwj representation, not at all, wangxian is mm in all my other fics, this is just stupid fun
in a ceteris paribus situation aka all other things staying equal: 
1) Lan Wangji 100% still has a resting bitch face, which probably would get her a couple of “Lan-er-guniang 美若天仙 (beautiful as an immortal/goddess) but would benefit from smiling more” comments but nobody is that desperate to die yet so, she’s spared. But damn... imagine the sheer number of thirsty boys who’d try to secure a marriage with LWJ. None of them is good enough for Wangji as far as Lan Xichen is concerned. Okay - maybe in Lan Xichen’s opinion, Nie Mingjue is good enough, but he couldn’t be less interested. I see her as I see Huaisang, Xichen please. 
2) Everything interaction between Lan Wangji and Wei Wuxian in Wei Wuxian’s first life is now 500% more scandalous. 
Exhibit A) Their first meeting at the gates; Jiang Cheng immediately felt his spidey senses tingling.  —“You’d sooner have immortals flying out of your ass than get with someone like her. The second jade of Gusu? The pearl in old man Lan’s eyes? C’mon.”  —“Shut up, A-Cheng.” —“Uh-huh.”  —“Also, she’s not that pretty. Her brother Zewu-jun is much better. There’s a reason he’s ranked first.” WWX is still a disaster bi.  — “LMAO, you? Zewu-jun? Please.” 
Exhibit B) Just because LWJ is a girl does not mean WWX grew more brain cells. 
WWX, straight up to Lan Qiren’s face, “Lan-meimei and I - we’re zhiji.” (he means it like we’re kindred spirits, peas of a pod, etc)  LWJ: *does not deny* Lan Xichen: ⚆_⚆ Lan Qiren: ಠ╭╮ಠ
Exhibit C) Lan Wangji getting drunk the first time. Wei Wuxian knew he crossed a line the minute he invited Lan-er-guniang for a drink. Really, WWX, even for you, this is inappropriate. When Lan Wangji fell face first onto the table, Wei Wuxian knew, he fucked up. “Hey....hey...Lan....Lan...-er-guniang,” He poked her. “Don’t...don’t sleep here! You can’t sleep here! If your Uncle finds out or if Jiang-shushu finds out...they’ll skin me alive and then...and then they’ll make me marry you! I don’t want to marry you; you don’t talk and I’m too young!” 
WWX, being a dipshit, “Hey Lan Zhan, call me Wei-gege.”  LWJ, drunk as fuck, “Wei..gege.”  WWX *((( heart )))* ??? 
Exhibit D) The Cold Pond. Okay, so I don’t think Zewu-jun would sabotage his sister’s virtue by sending a stupid teenage boy her way while she’s bathing, but doesn’t mean Su She is above all that. Wei “I didn’t see anything I swear!” Wuxian. Lan “I will gouge out your eyes.” Wangji. Somehow they still end up in the cave. Maybe WWX got in the water after LWJ got out and got sucked into the vortex and LWJ heard the commotion, turned around, saw WWX had disappeared. “Wei Ying?!” A panicked LWJ jumps back into the pond, “Stop fooling around, come out!” 
Jiang Cheng and Wen Qing 👀👀 when LWJ and WWX fall out of the cave together. Also the fact that Lan-er-guniang and Wei-gongzi went missing, together, for two days. Who knows what could’ve happened. I mean anything really. I mean... that’s gotta stir the pot a little were it not for the Yin Iron stealing everyone’s attention away from this bit of juicy scandal. 
Oh the whole story... so much to work with, so little time. 
3) Because Lan Wangji is a girl, now suddenly there’s a high ranking member of the Lan Clan who can host the girls at Cloud Recesses. I mean, Mianmian, Jiang Yanli, Wen Qing, Lan Wangji - SISTERLY FRIENDSHIP. Other than Mianmian, none of the girls are really talkers which suits Lan Wangji perfectly. Even Mianmian’s chatter is endearing.
4) Lan Wangji is absolutely still a powerhouse during the Sunshot Campaign. The inherent aesthetics of fem!lwj telling the Wen goons to “kneel” - no one will deprive me of this.  Also she will still cut off your arm if you cross her - Xue Yang and Jin Guangyao ya better watch out still. 
I am TORN between two options: Lan Wangji tol and kickass or Lan Wangji smol and kickass. On one hand, the aesthetics of willowy elf-like LWJ, on the other hand, 5′2′’ of whoop ass who can and will throw an unconscious wwx over her shoulder firewoman-style and toll him to safety.  
And amongst other things: 
A) Lan Wangji still becomes Chief Cultivator, because excuse me who else is left to clean up this mess? Jiang “Short-fuse” Wanyin? Nie “I won’t do what I’m not intended to do” Huaisang? Jin “13 year-old” Ling? Or Sect Leader Yao?  Technically, being a woman means that she was never Lan Xichen’s heir, but at the end of it, it’s not like Gusu Lan is left with a lot of choices.  Just the poetic justice of Gusu Lan pleading for Lan Wangji to come back when she fully intends to 隐居山野 (retreat into the mountains) with the resurrected WWX.
Lan Wangji being Chief Cultivator would echo Lan Yi’s tenure and rectify the fact that Gusu Lan’s only female head of family “failed”. Lan Yi had to face a mountain of prejudice because she was woman; someone has to say “up yours” to that. A woman as not only the sect master of Gusu Lan but the Chief Cultivator? Love that for Gusu Lans. (⌐■_■) ☞ ☞
B) Because of ~ sexism ~ I wonder if Lan Wangji would get titled “Hanguang” at all even after the Sunshot Campaign. Even Lan Yi, the SL Lan of her time didn’t have a title. Chances are LWJ won’t either. (Note: Violet Spider is not a title, it’s a moniker). So — say after the way Lan Wangji is still just “Lan-er-guniang”, and she does not obtain the title “Han Guang” until after she leaves Cloud Recesses and become rogue. (srsly how did they come up with these titles in canon, did gusu lan just look at 21 year old lwj and be like yah he’s lord light bearer *cue trevor noah stand up joke* why do you call yourself “great” britain? isn’t that a bit presumptuous? shouldn’t you go around doing good things and then let other people come to the conclusion: oh britain look how great you are? same logic with lwj.) 
Lan Wangji, a Jade of Gusu or a nameless rogue, still goes where trouble is, helping those who need it. After laying low for a year or two to heal, Lan Wangji began night hunting. Donned neck to ankle in white silk and tulle, and a weimao (wide brimmed veil hat) obscuring her face, she became known to the people as Hanguang Sanren, the lightbearing wanderer. Gusu’s highest power probably has some idea who she is - or at least they can guess - but the vast majority of people don’t. 
C) Lan Sizhui raised by rogue Lan Wangji as his mum would be different. Still cultured, respectful, but definitely with an air of keeping others at arm’s length. 
For instance, grown-up Sizhui running interference and saving a cohort of gentry disciples on joint hunts.
Jingyi: 这人谁呀?Who is this guy? Zizhen: 多谢兄台搭救之恩,小可看您眼生,敢问兄台尊姓大名,何门何派,改日当登门拜访. Many thanks for saving us. I don’t believe we’ve met, pray tell what is your name and sect, so we may visit at a later time to thank you for tonight. Sizhui: 在下无门无姓 ,单名思追 。举手之劳不足挂齿 ,怎敢劳烦各位名门子弟答谢。My name is Sizhui, belonging to no family and to no sect. As for tonight - I only did what anyone would; it bears no mentioning and requires no thanks. Jin Ling: 你这人,看你工力不凡,想和你交个朋友,可你怎么遮遮掩掩的。Hey you, we see you’re a talented cultivator and want to make your acquaintance. Why are you so dodge-y? Zizhen:金陵 — Jing Ling - Sizhui: 若是有缘,还会相见。告辞。If it’s fated, we will meet again. Farewell.  
Later:  Jingyi: 思。追。 思追谁?Si. Zhui. To recollect and long for whom?  Sizhui: 母亲的一位故人. Someone from Mother’s past.  Jingyi: 你父亲?...Your father?  Sizhui: 我不知。I don’t know. 
I thought about how cute it would be if sizhui and jin ling knew each other but guys...Jiang Cheng literally thinks he killed Sizhui’s biological father. Like he literally thinks he orphaned Sizhui before Sizhui is even born. And Lan Wangji would never accept anything from Jiang Wanyin, not that it would stop Jiang Wanyin from trying. 
A package of books here, a new robe for Sizhui there. Lan Wangji doesn’t know how Jiang Cheng keeps finding her. She and Sizhui are nomadic.  
D) The inevitable conversation after wwx is revived. 
You know what would be funnier than Jiang Cheng thinking Sizhui is a wangxian baby is if Lan Qiren thinks Sizhui is a wangxian baby. 
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ouyangzizhensdad · 3 years
Hi! I don't know if you have already talked about this before, but what are your thoughts on the scene in CQL where WWX says something along the lines of "If I have to be killed by them in the end, I prefer to die by your hands" to LWJ? It is considered one of the best and most significant moments between CQL!WangXian, but I personally don't see novel!WWX saying something like that. What do you think? (I love your blog, btw!)
Hi anon,
The line, as I understand it, is meant to convey: "if people hunt me down, it does not necessarily mean I deserve it; but, knowing you, if you end up hunting me down, it would mean I deserve it and so I would accept it". I am not sure that I would call that inherently romantic as some people do since it is a line that makes as much sense in the context of a platonic relationship, simply demonstrating a strong sense of trust and connection and understanding (which I guess is why it fits with zhiji which is itself not an inherently romantic word). It also speaks to wwx's perception of lwj as a righteous person, and his own desire to be righteous.
Out of context, thus, I have no issue with that line and it could be very effective and powerful within the narrative! That being said, I find that it is muddied by the context before and after since it creates a certain sense of confusion in regards to lwj's motivations during that portion of the story: until then, when lwj does not step in to offer more proactive assistance to the man he called his "zhiji", is it because he thought wwx was not being righteous? Moreover, it makes the situation at Buyetian more confusing; if wwx said he trusted that if lwj wanted to stop him it would be for the right reasons, why does he get so upset thinking that lwj is there to stop him? In cql he says: "Lan Zhan, I knew it. That one day we would have a real fight" which is a line that is partially in the novel, since there it is followed by "You’ve always found me disagreeable no matter what". Even the production realised it did not work with the new narrative they had created, although they failed to see how much the first sentence depended on the second to make sense from wwx's perspective. In the novel, wwx thinking lz and him would clash makes sense; in cql, especially after that declaration at Qiongqi Dao.... it doesn't. If he trusts that lwj would only stop him if he were going down a wrong path, why did he expect a fight? Why is he not listening to lwj? Why is he fighting him? And the short answer is.... because the fight happens in the novel and they seemingly did not stop and think whether it still made sense with the stuff they changed in the adaptation, or whether they needed to add more to the story to make it make sense.
I also want to expand on the former point. In the novel, it is made very clear that one of the reasons lwj does not do more until buyetian to help wwx is because it is 'not his place'. Having pushed away wwx at many points during his youth, when he finds wwx using modao and wants to proactively understand and help him, a line ends up being clearly drawn by wwx and jc, something which obviously upsets him but which he can only accept:
“It is not that I want to denounce him,” replied Lan Wangji.
“Then why do you want him to go back to Gusu with you?” Jiang Cheng asked. “Lan-er-gongzi, why is it that, at such a point in time, GusuLanShi is not working with the other sects to kill the Wen-gao and is instead still hanging onto its inflexible ways?”
[...] Seeing how unconcerned he seemed to be, Lan Wangji lowered his voice. “The path will affect not only your body but your heart as well (此道损身,更损心性。)”
“Damage or not, or how much damage, I am the one most aware of its cost,” replied Wei Wuxian. “As for my heart, it’s my heart after all. I know what I’m doing.”
Lan Wangji stepped closer. He seemed to be about to speak again when Wei Wuxian closed his eyes.
“After all, on the topic of my heart, what could other people know about it? Why should other people care about it?”
Lan Wangji paused.
“……魏无羡 [Wei Wuxian]!” he yelled, suddenly angered.
“蓝忘机 [Lan Wangji]!” Wei Wuxian had been angered as well. “Do you really have to make things difficult at such a point in time? You want me to go to the Cloud Recesses to be confined and punished by GusuLanShi? Who do you think you are? What right does GusuLanShi have?! You really believe that I won’t refuse?!”
Hostile energy formed between the two of them. Over Bichen’s hilt, Lan Wangji’s knuckles turned white.
“Lan-er-gongzi, right now, the chaos with the Wen sect hasn’t been stopped yet.” Jiang Cheng’s voice was cold. “We desperately need forces on our side. People do not even have the time to care for themselves, why would GusuLanShi be concerned about a matter so removed from their sect’s? Wei Wuxian is on our side. Do you want to punish our people?”
“Apologies for saying something so blunt, but even if we get to the bottom of this, Wei Wuxian is not from your sect. It’s not in GusuLanShi’s place to punish him. No matter whom he goes back with, it wouldn’t be you.”
Hearing this, Lan Wangji’s expression froze. He looked up at Wei Wuxian, his adam apple fluttering.
I have seen people point out that lwj had his own sect matters to attend to during that period which meant that he was not free to just up and leave his life to help wwx, which is of course not untrue, but I think that saying that without considering the importance of this exchange we will end up missing the point. From the first time he realises wwx is using different methods, lwj wants to bring him to the CR to figure out what happened and offer him help. We also know from little details such as during empathy with nmj that he did go out of his way during the sunshot campaign to offer support to wwx in his on way, within the line that had been drawn. And, on his end, wwx continued to draw this distance between them such as with his 'thank you and sorry'. It is not coincidental that the two chapters where lwj is in yiling are called "汉广". Literally, "the han river is wide" it is translated by ExR as "Distance" to capture in one word the metaphorical/literary meaning of it; that there is a distance so vast between them that it cannot be crossed. In short, the novel goes out of its way to reinforce this sense of distance between them at this point of their lives.
As the tide of public opinion starts to turn on wwx, lwj also clearly wants to hide him away from the dangers of the world, to protect him. He wants to bring wwx back to the CR; but wwx is not willing. He wants to protect wwx; but it is not his place. It is only at Buyetian, where the stakes and risks are so high, that he disregards this distance, and does something more drastic to try and protect wwx--although, in the end, seeing how vehemently wwx refuses his help, he brings him back to Mass Grave Hill and goes back to his own sect to receive punishment, alone.
However, in cql, this idea that wwx thinks no one knows his heart sort of falls apart since he volunteers that he thinks of lwj as his "zhiji", setting the ground for that later line about being fine dying by his hand. Moreover, does this admission that they are zhiji not knock down this sense of distance, this idea that it is not lwj's place to care and worry for wwx? Does it not negate everything wwx told him when he first discovered him after he started using modao and make them start afresh? Is wwx saying that he'd be fine dying by lwj's hand not implicitly bringing him as a agentive presence in his life?
Moreover, in the novel, their past interactions make it easy for wwx, especially a wwx surrounded by resentful energies, to mistake lwj’s intentions, thinking he only seeks wwx for judgement and condemnation. This is why the fight between them at Buyetian makes sense, why wwx's perception that they would always end up in a real fight and that lwj always found him disagreeable holds up even though there are plenty of proof to the contrary. Yet, after his rebirth, we are shown that wwx would have been open to receiving lwj's help if he had only understood him better, something that happens only after they get to spend more time together. After all, just after the flashback quoted above, an half-awake wwx urgently grabs onto lwj and tells him: "“I’ll go with you, take me back to your sect! (我跟你走, 快把我带回你家去!)”. We can wonder of course if wwx would actually have risked putting lwj in danger or in trouble by acting on this desire, but it is clear that he would have wanted lwj to be by his side just as he does after he is reborn, now that he has had the chance to spend more time with lwj which allows him to understand him better--something however cql!wwx gets to do in his first life enough to consider lwj a zhiji by then.
If cql!wwx considered lwj a zhiji, and lwj confirmed they were, why encourage this sense of distance between them and keep pushing him away? Of course, if the script had provided us with new context to bridge this line at Qiongqi Dao and the distance that continues to linger between them, it would have been fine--after all, characters can act in contradictory ways, can have multiple and conflicting motivations, can act irrationally for a number of reasons. But instead we only have this sort of vague emptiness, that of course most cql viewers are more than happy to fill with extrapolations that are hardly supported by the 'text' of cql, but which help them believe that the series is extremely deep and intentional.
In short; the cql production team is able to think of good lines and ideas but really suck at keeping all the balls in the air and connecting all the dots especially when it comes to what it takes from the novel in the context of the changes it made, which ultimately makes the story weak because a story is always more than just the sum of its parts.
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plan-d-to-i · 3 years
Honestly first I have to thank you for bringing sound meta and thinking into the mdzs fandom. And also I have to ask do you think that yzy doing what she did was culturally appropriate? Cos I saw this one meta saying it was and the person was of chinese origin, it looked sound enough but... They said that only wei wuxian was abused but...I honestly felt everyone in the Jiang household was abused by her. So ur thoughts?
This was discussed more at length here, here, and this awesome parallel w NIF2.
I've seen several metas like that. They usually pull from cql and the donghua too where YZY is softened... Like they use the cql invention of YZY getting migraine medicine for JFM lmao- NOT in the novel. Or the donghua idea that she didn't whip WWX that hard when WLJ came -no. Culture can enrich your reading of a story, but in this fandom culture is often repurposed to try to excuse someone's shitty fav. w arguments along the lines of : taking your rage out on ppl is totally ok and killing the war refugees was actually righteous. So yk they're largely playing on their expected audience's fear of not seeming woke in order to discourage rational, LOGICAL disagreement.
But the answers are already in the novel. WWX is the moral ideal. The story and author do NOT actually want you to think that leading a siege against the Wens - against a granny and little A Yuan - is the cool thing to do. Similarly no matter how much ppl try to project their mothers on YZY, she's not their mother. She a fictional character who whips an orphan under her care and makes everyone around her the victim of her messed up temper.
"There was resentment within her heart. She simply wanted to let out the rage, even if it made no sense. All the rest were quiet as they endured her temper." (Chapter 51)
Her parenting may have recognizable aspects but it's by no means framed as positive. To drive the point home we're presented with a clear parallel in jiang cheng's parenting of Jin Ling, to which he brings the exact same energy as YZY. It's shown how this makes Jin Ling a horrible, emotionally maladjusted wreck of a kid, w terrible attitude towards others, rage issues and zero friends. Not to mention how it drives him to repeatedly put himself in situations that would have proven fatal for him were it not for the intervention of WangXian. In contrast the discipline WWX and LWJ bring, while still strict, is balanced by understanding and affection, and almost immediately results in a hugely positive change in him. Seems pretty clear.
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xiyao-feels · 3 years
☕ possibly unpopular opinion, but I don't think lxc survives his seclusion. I think his world view is too badly shattered and he either wastes away slowly or outright kills himself.
I like—one-quarter agree with this, I think?
On the one hand, as I've said before, I do think CQL LXC kills himself. The man is just... really completely broken. And also just tried to die with JGY. I mean, I don't even think he goes into seclusion first, necessarily.
On the other hand, while MDZS LXC is also very much broken, I don't think he does die; even aside from anything else, JGY is still sealed in the coffin, and dying would be leaving him behind in a way it wouldn't in CQL—so in MDZS I don't think he does.
The part where I totally disagree with you is—I don't think it's about his worldview. It's about JGY being dead. I—think people very much want it to be about something other than that (including his grief for JGY /and NMJ/, which, still no) , and I am as ever prepared to look at a textual argument in favour if someone wants to assemble one, but honestly I think the text is pretty clear here. Throughout the temple, he's reacting and processing pretty normally—to borrow from my own previous work, here's an overview of some of his reactions to things and people other than JGY:
Obviously we see [LXC] react when he’s telling LWJ about WWX’s feelings, but even beyond that, even when he’s occupying a more background role in the narrative, we’re given his reaction quite a few times. He sighs when LWJ seals his spiritual powers (ch 100); he tends to NHS, covering with his outer robe (ch 102), comforting him when he’s disturbed at the sight of the coffin (ch 103), protecting him from SMS (after NHS frames him for stabbing him, ch. 107) and from NMJ (ch 107), and comforting him and giving him pain medicine about the wound in his leg (ch 108); along with LWJ, he’s distressed by the sound of JC’s sword-scraping technique against JGY’s music (ch 101); he tries to warn JC a couple of times when JC is fighting JGY (ch 101), cautions JL (ch 101) and later JC (ch 102) about worsening JC’s injuries, and along with JL, WWX, and LWJ freezes when JC slaps JL to the ground (ch 102); he asks Minshan why he’s being rude to LWJ, and a little later, with SMS and JL, pauses in astonishment when LWJ laughs (ch 100); he averts his gaze from and seems perhaps embarassed by the ghosts that WWX summons (ch 104); he calls out to WWX to remind him that his current body is closely related to JGY, and will therefore attract NMJ’s fierce corpse (ch 107). He actually has a couple of entertaining reactions to Wangxian being Wangxian: he coughs and tells WWX it is maybe not the best time and place for this when WWX is about to repeat “I really wanted to sleep with you,” and then later he and Jin Ling inexplicably! move their sitting cushions far away from Wangxian’s and gaze into the distance (ch 100).
And of course he reacts to JGY again and again, and—again!—is engaging and processing. Again pulling from my previous post—
And more than anything else—in what I think is a very instructive contrast—he reacts to JGY, in a way that reflects an ongoing continual emotional investment. He is, quite notably, consistently worried about JGY and unable to stand the sight of him in pain, even when he thinks he shouldn’t be. When the coffin trap goes off, and they overhear Jin cultivators wailing and a pungent smoke emerges, there’s worry in LXC’s eyes; after JGY and Minshan make it out, and JGY takes some medicine against the poison, LXC hesitates for a moment and then asks what happened (ch 103). After LWJ cuts JGY’s hand off—which means /after/ he’s taken JL hostage, note—LXC “seemed as though he wanted to help him for an instant,” though “in the end he dared not” (ch 106). When Minshan asks him for medicine for JGY, seeing how terrible JGY looks, he hesitates slightly before they’re interrupted by NMJ’s success fighting the Jin cultivators (ch 107). After they’ve defeated NMJ, he treats JGY’s wrist; moreover, “Seeing that Jin GuangYao almost passed out from the pain, Lan XiChen, who in the beginning wanted to use this to punish him, still didn’t have the heart to bear it,” and goes for the pain-relief medicine from NHS. And this is all not even accounting for his reactions to JGY either during his questioning of JGY or post-stabbing!
For the first, he calls out Sect Leader Jin when JGY starts in on JC after JC calls him the son of a prostitute (ch 104), although notably he does not do the same in their earlier confrontation when JGY is distracting JC in order to defeat him, only warning JC (ch 101); when JGY confesses to having burned down the brothel, he’s distressed when JGY says that it wasn’t entirely to remove the traces (ch 105); he becomes /less/ angry about the second siege and about QS when it turns out that he was operating under constraint in those conditions (ch 106); and of course, the thing he’s angriest about is JGY killing his father, “and even in such a way” (ch 106). In ch 103, looking down at the coffin he is shocked that JGY buried something that caused such horror to its surroundings, but without further information about JGY’s reasons this does not metamorphose into anger.
And there's even more! I don't want to quote all of that section because it's really long, but you get the point: before JGY dies, he's distressed, sure, but he's still processing.
And then after JGY dies, it's—
Lan XiChen staggered a few steps back from the push. He hadn’t realized what happened yet.
Lan XiChen stared at the coffin enveloped in seven guqin strings. He was still lost in thought. Nie HuaiSang extended a hand and waved it before his eyes, terrified, “… B-Brother XiChen, are you alright?”
Lan XiChen, “HuaiSang, just now, was he really trying to catch me off guard with an attack?”
Nie HuaiSang, “I think I saw it…”
Hearing his hesitation, Lan XiChen pressed, “Think it over some more.”
Nie HuaiSang, “If you ask me like that, I can’t be sure either… It really did seem like…”
Lan XiChen, “Cut out the ‘seem like’! Did it happen or not?!”
Nie HuaiSang answered with difficulty, “… I don’t know, I really don’t know!”
This was the only thing Nie HuaiSang knew to say when he was desperate. Lan XiChen buried his forehead in his palm. He seemed as if his head was about to split, unwilling to speak again.
Lan XiChen was startled, “Induce? Induce what?”
Lan WangJi’s voice was low, “Jin GuangYao’s killing intent.”
If it were the usual ZeWu-Jun, he couldn’t have failed to fathom this. But right now, it was likely he had no more space in his mind to think.
(ch 109)
Veins suddenly lined the back of the hand in which Lan XiChen placed on his forehead. His voice sounded muffled, “… Just what does he want to do? I once thought I knew him well, and then I realized I did not. Before tonight, I thought I knew him well once more, but now I do not.” Nobody could give him an answer. Lan XiChen repeated in frustration, “Just what does he want to do?”
Of the people here, some were cleaning up the scene, some were solidifying the seal on the coffin, some were thinking about how to move it safely, and some were feeling angry. Lan QiRen raged, “XiChen, what in the world is wrong with you?!”
As his hand pressed the corner of his forehead, Lan XiChen’s face was full of an unspeakable grief. He seemed tired, “… Uncle, I am begging you. Ask no further. Really. Right now, I really wish to say nothing.”
Lan QiRen had never seen Lan XiChen, a child he single-handedly brought up, look so agitated and discomposed. He looked at him, then looked at Lan WangJi, surrounded by disciples alongside Wei WuXian, and felt more irritated the more he looked. He felt that of these two of his proudest disciples who had been absolutely perfect, neither listened to him anymore and both gave him much worry.
Lan QiRen watched Lan XiChen who followed behind him sluggishly, still absent-minded, and sighed forcefully before he left with a flip of his sleeves.
(ch 110)
And then in the banquet extras, three months later:
Wei WuXian still clung to Lan WangJi’s chest, face buried at his neck as he felt the sandalwood aroma on Lan WangJi’s body grow even richer. He felt lazy all over, eyes closed, “Is your brother alright?”
Lan WangJi embraced his naked back, stroking again and again. After a while of a silence, he answered, “Not really.”
Both of the two were sticky with sweat. Wei WuXian felt an itch crawl from his skin all the way to the bottom of his heart as Lan WangJi stroked him. He twisted somewhat uncomfortably, swallowing Lan WangJi even deeper.
Lan WangJi lowered his voice, “In the years when I was in secluded meditation, Brother had always been the one to comfort me.”
Yet now the situation was the exact opposite.
Likely because Lan QiRen got a heart attack whenever he saw Wei WuXian, he simply decided not to look at him, staring straight forward. Lan XiChen was pleasant as always, holding the hint of a smile at his lips that always seemed like spring wind. Yet, perhaps because of the secluded meditation, Wei WuXian felt that ZeWu-Jun looked a bit frail.
(ch 115)
After the tasteless meal, the servants took away the plates and tables. As usual, Lan XiChen started to summarize the recent plans for the sect. But after listening for just a few sentences, Wei WuXian began to feel that he was a bit absent-minded. He even remembered two night-hunting locations wrong and didn’t realize after he spoke, causing Lan QiRen to throw a couple of sideway looks at him and puff his goatee into the air. A while later, he finally couldn’t help but interrupt him. Fortunately, the sect banquet finally ended, although somewhat hastily.
(ch 116)
So to recap—before JGY dies, he's distressed but he's still processing and reacting to things basically normally, he's got his head in the game. And then after JGY dies, he is very much /not/ processing things, he's not reacting normally, the things he's preoccupied with are entirely about JGY, LQR is like 'I've never seen him this way before.' And when we see him three months later, failing at very basic tasks he's long performed perfectly, it's the same kind of symptom—just as it was in ch 109, he seems to have no more space in his mind to think.
There's also the explicitly-drawn parallels between him and LWJ—by LQR, and by LWJ himself, paralleling LXC's current state with his own time in seclusion. And what would LWJ have needed comforting about while he was in seclusion? It's not the shattering of his worldview—it's Wei Ying.
I'm not going to go and rewatch and cap CQL temple, but the same basic pattern shows. Before JGY's death, he's functional and processing: afterwards, he's broken. I do think CQL LXC is more emotionally agitated before JGY's death than MDZS LXC is, but he's also even less functional afterwards so it evens out. If you go to 18:40ish in ep 50 (on YT, might be a different timestamp in Netflix) you can watch LXC stand frozen and stare into space and totally fail to react to anything including the conversation right next to him about his brother and WWX having run off.
I mean, I think it's also about the manner of JGY's death, if JGY had, idk, died heroically saving JL's life or something a year earlier he'd still have broken but probably not as badly? But it really is about JGY.
Tldr: I do think he kills himself in CQL; I don't think he does, even passively, in MDZS; but either way, his state at the end of canon isn't about his shattered worldview, it's about JGY being dead.
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scarletjedi · 3 years
untitled Untamed time travel au but make it Mingcheng PART 2A
Part 1: The Setup
Part 2A: GUSU REVISITED (part 1)
EDIT: Part 2B now up!
y'all...I tried to do one part, but this notefic is quickly becoming fic, and I need to keep it small enough to fit on tumblr, lol. The second half of this should be up in the next day or two!
Okay, the next day they arrive in Gusu, have the run in with Zixuan, which....almost goes the same? Zixuan still buys out the inn, but WWX saw this dude, who made Yanli happy, die (and while JC says it wasn’t him, he still feels that guilt) and JC looks at him and sees Jin Ling’s father, and they just... leave. Do not engage. Perhaps with a look at each other like - we need him to see her for herself, but we don’t want to put her through the pain of losing him.
...okay, JC can’t leave without saying something along the lines of “we’re in Gusu to learn, but also to form alliances. Open your damn eyes, and you might actually make a friend” - Zixuan is shook, but Mianmian looks at JC assessingly. I am here for “isolated and therefore socially awkward Zixuan” and I think it’d be hilarious if he takes this as a sign that JC wants to be friends. So, he will kind of randomly show up where JC is, like a cat trying to signal that they’re friends by mirroring you? Luckily, JC speaks “stray animal” and eventually figures out that Zixuan isn’t trying to spy on him but trying to make friends. It eventually leads to a conversation where JC turns to him and just asks “Why don’t you like my sister?” ...but i’ll get to that.
So, they leave, and this time they double check that WWX has the invitation. He does, but they’re still delayed just a bit going up the mountain, so when they reach the top, Lan Wangji is waiting.
The party stops when they see him, mostly because it looks like he’s barring entry, but JC sees the way LWJ looks at WWX and *knows* that somehow, LWJ is back too.
Now, in The Untamed canon (which we’re in) I fully believe that WWX was in love with (and knew it) LWJ before he died, but either felt that his love was not returned, or that LWJ’s love would end if he knew, the time was never right, etc - so, he’s looking at this like and opportunity to present the side of himself that he thinks LWJ wants.
But when JC announces themselves and WWX pulls out the invitation, LWJ says “Wei Ying” in that WAY of his and WWX freezes because a) he realizes that LWJ is also back b) this doesn’t fit into his plan and c) stall. So he does that awkward laugh, flicking his nose, like “Ahaha, Lan Zhan. It’s me.”
And LWJ *SMILES* “It is good to see Wei Ying.”
And WWX *melts* because he is weak, and JC is like “kill me now” (JYL is confused but thinks its sweet) and everyone else is just *confused*.
Not taking his eyes off WWX, LWJ gestures for Yunmeng Jiang to follow him, and leads them (well, WWX and by proxy everyone else) to the student dorms where they will be staying. (WWX walks next to LWJ, and there is something about the way they fit together that makes JC *feel things* all over again, because here was one more thing WWX lost because of *him* and—
When they arrive at the dorms, the other disciples and Yanli all retire, but JC stays because if LWJ is back then they need to talk before JC leaves those two to “count each others eyelashes or whatever they do when they’re alone together” and the absolute bitchy-ass angry *look* that LWJ sends him has JC standing taller and WWX stepping between them.
“Ayia, Lan Zhan, there’s no need for that. Jiang Cheng and I talked it out. We’re good.”
Lan Zhan looks over at WWX, softening for a moment, before bringing the heat back for JC. “He killed you.”
“You-!” JC clenches his fist, and is thrown because there *aren’t* sparks because Zidian is on his *mother’s* wrist, and it’s enough to make him settle, enough for WWX to step in again and say:
“That fall wouldn’t have killed me if— If I hadn’t lied to him, then Jiang Cheng wouldn’t have had every reason to believe I would survive that fall.”
*That* causes a reaction, a widening of his eyes that would be subtle on any other face, at the implication that Jiang Cheng hadn’t been trying to kill him. But, it doesn’t make the frown disappear. “He did not stand with you.”
“Neither did you!” Jiang Cheng snaps, going for the *jugular* without even realizing, and LWJ just fucking *wilts*
“That...is my regret.”
But before he could say anything else, WWX spoke again.
“Look, there’s no reason to rehash the past. I’m alive! And I know what I need to do to not be bad again, but I would really appreciate it if my brother and my soulmate” and didn’t THAT cause JC’s eyebrows to rise “didn’t hate each other.” Suddenly, several things about the last few years made a lot more sense.
��I don’t hate him,” Jiang Cheng said, as Lan Wangji said “Wei Ying is always good.”
When *that* caused the three of them to stare at each other again, Jiang Cheng rolled his eyes. “Look, we need to talk soon about this whole time travel... thing, but I want nothing to do with whatever this” and gestures between them “is. So, I’m going to bed because I have been awake for two days straight and I would like to sleep. Figure it out!” and Jiang Cheng turned and went to find his bedroom (which he shared with WWX. Considering the way they were looking at each other, JC was pretty sure he’d be spending the first night without a roommate. Again).
MEANWHILE, outside, Lan Zhan and Wei Ying are left staring at each other. (Well, WWX stares after JC for a minute, mouth open, but that fades quickly when he sees Lan Zhan staring at him, all intent.)
Wei Ying would normally begin to fidget, but he’s transfixed, heart in his throat, without a clue as to what to do next and—
“A-Yuan.” Lan Zhan said, and Wei Ying’s focus sharpens.
Lan Zhan nodded. “I found him, after. He was sick. I brought him here, gave him the name Lan to hide him.” He opened his mouth as if to say more, but fell silent.
Wei Ying was staring with shining eyes. “He lived? My little radish...” he trailed off, staring into the distance. He frowned, shaking his head. “But Lan Zhan, why would you—”
“I should have been there,” Lan Zhan interrupts *interrupts* angrier than he had ever sounded, but even Wei Ying can tell that it’s not directed at him. He cools quickly. “I will not make the same mistake.”
He catches Lan Zhan’s eye again and falls silent. “Oh.”
And Lan Zhan steps back, like he hadn’t intended to let that slip. “If Wei Ying does not feel the same—”
“I do!” Wei Ying bursts out, stepping forward and reaching out, not quite touching. “I do. Feel the same,” he said, quieter this time, for the two of them. Lan Zhan’s expression doesn’t change, but something shifts and Wei Ying knows him well enough to know it as *joy*
And, Lan Zhan reaches out and takes his hand.
(Yes, they use the next several months to actually talk though their relationship, but this is effectively a speed run from the way they feel in Episode 1 to the steps of jinlintai, bypassing all the *plot* that gets in the way of their romance, but whatever, it’s my fic. If this was a wangxian fic first, then I might do the “WWX needs to get a clue” thing he has going in the book, but.... Honestly, I *adore* the idea of *gremlin couple wangxian* on what is essentially their honeymoon in gusu. Like - pre-sunshot Gusu is not *prepared* for post-Yiling Laozu LWJ.)
The next morning, JC arrives to classes with the rest of the Jiangs, not at all surprised to see Wei Ying standing with LWJ (though everyone else seems to be weirded out by it, which may be because they’re standing far too close). LWJ nods at JC, who nods back, grimly pleased to see that there was no longer an open front of hostility. JC wasn’t foolish enough to think it was gone completely, but at least they should be able to discuss business when necessary. (And some part of his mind absolutely began planning the wedding. WWX was Yunmeng Jiang, and if JC had anything to say about it, he would REMAIN YMJ until he was damn sure to remember that he can’t get rid of Jiang Cheng that easily... and JC would be DAMNED if he let Lan Xichen steamroll the wedding prep, which he absolutely would, hopeless romantic that he was).
They enter and settle into their usual spots, though LWJ hesitates when he realizes that his seat would not let him watch WWX. JC continues on to sit in his old seat, determined to see *as little of this as possible* and turns to look at Nie Huaisang, who—
Oh, sonofabitch, Nie Huaisang was back too. How the fuck did their ritual have enough power to drag *four souls* back in time, especially one from *wherever the hell WWX was* JC widened his eyes at him, clearly saying *WTF* which had Nie Huaisang giving him a *look* from behind his fan, which fluttered, agitated. JC rolled his eyes, cutting them over to WWX, who was blatantly staring at Lan Wangji, chin propped on his palm. (And if LWJ had his head tilted so he could look back, well, *most* of the class probably couldn’t tell). Incredible. Jiang Cheng turned to look at JYL, who was hiding a smile behind her sleeve, when movement behind NHS caught his eye.
Meng Yao. Oh, that wasn’t awkward at all. Nie Huaisang flicked the corner of his fan, and JC turned back aground, knowing they would talk later, and then they were all standing as Lan Qiren walked into the room.
Which was when it dawned on Jiang Cheng that he would have to take these classes again. Judging by the soft whimper behind him, Nie Huaisang realized it, too.
The class runs the same, as clear as Jiang Cheng can remember, even if the recitation of the rules seems occasionally pointed at Lan Wangji, which is odd. He doesn’t dwell on it, however. He’s gotten good at looking like he was paying attention while thinking of other things, and Jiang Cheng had a lot to think about.
Like before, WWX invites NHS to go fishing (and JC isn’t sure if he realizes that NHS has also come back yet - in fact, he’s pretty sure he doesn’t), only this time, JC agrees to go with them and WWX pulls LWJ along, leading the group far enough ahead that JC and NHS end up waking behind. NHS keeps up with looked wide-eyed and confused until they leave the main areas for the backwoods.
“So,” Jiang Cheng starts. “Something went wrong.”
“Obviously,” Nie Huaisang hisses, snapping his fan closed. “I woke up in the same room as him.”
JC winces, because yeah, awkward. “I’m a little surprised he’s still alive, actually.”
NHS’s jaw clenched, and JC was reminded very strongly of NMJ. “No one would support flat out murder, even if they don’t really care about the victim.”
“And it’s messy,” JC offered, dry. NHS looked at him from the corner of his eye.
“It’s so hard to get blood out of white fabric,” he agreed and JC laughed.
THAT gets WWX to spin around. “You laughed!” he accuses, pointing a finger at JC.
“So I haven’t heard you laugh in years, Jiang Cheng!” he pouts. “Why do you laugh at his jokes and not mine.”
“You are an *actual child*--”
Then, of course, NHS gasps, his fan falling from his hand. JC, catches it, reflexively, startled at the horror he sees on NHS’s face as the show drops. “Wei-xiong, you— but you—”
WWX laughs awkwardly. “No need to worry, I’m —” probably going to say something about not being evil anymore, or not following the demonic path, but NHS cuts him off.
“Back from the dead!?”
Which is when JC remembers that they used Baxia in the ritual, and if his core was enough to bring back WWX, then maybe...
MEANWHILE, in Qinghe, Nie Mingjue wakes up, which is odd, considering the last thing he remembered was dying. Perhaps he didn’t die? Unless the doctors had some new pain medications, he didn’t feel as if he had just had a near-fatal qi-deviation.
Tentatively, he opens his eyes and sees...his bedroom ceiling. How long was he sleeping that they brought him from Lanling to Qinghe? His door opens and he’s reaching for Baxia before he can think — and stops when he recognizes Nie Zonghui (though not before Zonghui notices the aborted movement). “Sect Leader....troubled night?”
Nie Mingjue snorts. “That’s one way to put it.” There’s something rattling around the back of his mind, some detail that doesn’t quite add up as Nie Zonghui helps get him ready for the day. It’s not just that Zonghui doesn’t seem surprised (or relieved) to see him up and awake, it’s the names that Zonghui mentions in is reports — names of disciples who are, like Zonghui himself, long dead.
It’s when Zonghui mentions that a messenger bird had arrived from Gusu that morning, carrying word that Huaisang had arrived safely and that Meng Yao would be leaving tomorrow to return to his duties that the other shoe dropped.
“Zonghui, there’s something I forgot to tell Huaisang. I need to send him a message, the faster the better.”
Zonghui gave a short bow. “Consider it done.”
Nie Huaisang was pacing atop a long, flat rock on the river’s edge. It wasn’t a very long boulder, maybe 5 or 6 steps at most, but it was dry so Jiang Cheng wasn’t too worried about him slipping. Besides, Lan Wangji was sitting only a few stones away, playing a soft melody on his guqin.
Jiang Cheng and Wei Wuxian were both in the stream, robes and pants hiked up to keep them from getting too wet, as they waited to catch their dinner. Jiang Cheng remembered getting upset about WWX fishing their second night there, blatantly flaunting the “no killing” rule, but if LWJ felt like indulging his soulmate, what the fuck, then who was Jiang Cheng to complain.
On the rock, Huaisang was plotting out loud, starting ideas and rejecting them just as quickly. “You know, if you put this much effort into your studies this time, you might not have to come back again,” JC called over. Nie Huaisand didn’t even break his stride, just flapped his fan irritably in Jiang Cheng’s direction.
WWX darted forward, pulling a wriggling fish into the air in triumph. “Jiang Cheng, catch!” He tossed the fish, and Jiang Cheng caught it with ease. He considered, for a moment, throwing it at Nie Huaisang, but he was getting hungry. He tossed the fish into the bank, where it wouldn’t flop back into the water. Lan Wangji side-eyed it, warily.
“You know, he’s not actually done anything wrong yet,” Wei Wuxian said. “Can you really hold him accountable for actions he hasn’t taken?”
That made Huaisang stop. “To a certain extent, yes, I can.” That got him a *look* from both LWJ and WWX. “Look, all the decisions we make are influenced by the lives we live. And no, as far as I can tell, Meng Yao didn’t come back with the rest of us - and I still don't’ know why you came back too, Lan Wangji,” LWJ makes a gesture that is far too elegant to be, and yet totally is, a shrug, “but so far, Meng Yao’s life is *exactly the same* as the Meng Yao who committed those acts. That means Meng Yao is the same man who WILL make those choices, barring a MAJOR shift in the way he views the world.”
“Can we cause that shift, then?” Wei Wuxian asked. “I just don’t know if ‘kill him dead’ is always the best course of action.”
Nie Huaisang’s eyes narrowed, a fraction of the coldness Jiang Cheng had seen that day seeping through, before his expression cleared a bit. “It would be a touchy subject for you, yes, but Meng Yao is not Wen Ning.” Wei Wuxian flinched, and, surprisingly, it was Lan Wangji that spoke.
“One cannot change another’s mind,” he said, vanishing his guqin and rising to his feet, one hand behind his back. “One can only show the path; only they can choose to walk.”
“And we have the path to show him,” Wei Wuxian argued. “Don’t we have a responsibility to try, knowing the damage he can do? If we know we have the opportunity to change things and save lives, are we not bound to try? Is that not why Jiang Cheng was sent back in the first place?”
“I’m fine with killing him,” Jiang Cheng said. “He deliberately uses his own weakness to learn the vulnerabilities of others, and then uses that as leverage to get what he wants and then discard them once his objective has been met. He uses Jin Zixuan’s better nature against him. He used Mingjue’s sense of fair play against him and then used his biggest fear to kill him, and he used Zewu-jun’s kindness as a shield.” He looked up at Nie Huaisang. “Though, if you’re right and he’s back too, Meng Yao might not live long enough for us to do anything about it.”
“Oh no,” Huaisang said, voice dryer than dust. “What a tragedy.”
“His information was key in winning the war,” Lan Wangji said. “Can we win against the Wens again without him?”
“Hey, yeah,” Wei Wuxian added. “Speaking of - am I going to have to...” he trailed off, miming playing a dizi.
“You better not!” Jiang Cheng snapped. Wei Wuxian looked at him in surprise, then smiled sadly.
“No, you said not to, and I won’t refuse a direct order from my sect leader,” he said. “But that doesn’t change the fact that I know how.”
“Meng Yao wasn’t actually that good a spy,” Nie Huaisang said, a faint frown between his brows that Jiang Cheng didn’t trust at all. It meant he had noticed something and was putting pieces together that Jiang Cheng wasn’t sure he wanted known. “More than once his information was either wrong or outdated. A lot of the correspondence was kept for our records, and I went back to check once I had my suspicions about him.”
“You think he was playing both sides?” Jiang Cheng asked. Nie Huaisang fluttered his fan and didn’t disagree.
Between them, Jiang Cheng and Wei Wuxian caught more than enough fish to feed Huaisang as well, and he and Lan Wangji were both invited back to the Yunmeng dorms to eat with them and their sister. Yanli was surprised, of course, but rolled with it well enough. Luckily, she had chosen to make a soup that was in line with Gusu Lan’s dietary restrictions, so Lan Wangji was able to join them. WWX and JC exchanged smug looks when Lan Wangji blinked down at his soup in surprise, and began to eat more quickly.
Later that night, while WWX was walking LWJ back to his rooms, Yanli poked her head into JC’s room. “Second Young Master Lan seems to have taken quite a liking to A-Xian,” she said.
JC nodded, because that was certainly one way to put it.
“Which makes sense, A-Xian can be very charming,” she continued. “But from what the other female disciples tell me, Second Young Master Lan is ...” he paused, and Jiang Cheng filled in:
“A giant stick in the mud?”
“A-Cheng!” Yanli scolded, but there was laughter behind her voice. “...essentially, yes.”
Jiang Cheng sighed. He had no idea what to say here. He was never good at lies, never LIKED lies, preferring to neither confirm nor deny another’s suppositions when the need for secrecy was necessary...and he had never been able to lie to Yanli. Never wanted to. And besides, Nie Huaisang hadn’t covered this possibility with him.
“A-Jie,” he said, “There’s something I want to tell you, but it’s going to sound like a lie even though it’s the truth. I need you to hear me out, and to believe me, and I will do whatever I can to convince you that it’s real and true.”
And...he tells her. Flat out, just tells her about living the next ten years of his life - the end of her engagement, the indoctrination in Qishan, the burning of Cloud Recesses and Lotus Pier, the death of their parents, losing his core, gaining his core but losing Wei Wuxian, the War, her marriage to Zixuan, A-Ling, Nightless City, Nie Mingjue, death after death after death — and Nie Huaisang, like vengeance made flesh, with a crazy, desperate plan.
“So, yeah. They’re close because they’re, like, in love or whatever.”
“Because they’ve known each other for ten years.”
“Seven,” Jiang Cheng corrected. “They only had seven.”
Yanli looks a little stunned wild-eyed. She had looked sad yet resigned when she had heard about her engagement ending, hopeful when she heard about their wedding. Her eyes had shone suspiciously when she heard about Jin Ling...a few tears falling when she heard about Qongyi pass and Nightless City.
“Do...” he began. “Do you believe me?” he asked, voice small and hating it, but he couldn’t stand it if Yanli thought he would make this up.
Slowly, she nodded her head. “It sounds...wild,” she said. “But I know my A-Cheng. He is honest, and would not make up wild stories like this. So, if A-Cheng says it, it must be true.”
“A-jie,” He said, and had to stop, his voice choked off, and when Yanli leaned in to hug him, his tears were sweet with relief.
The next complication came the next day, at the presentation ceremony, when, once again, Wen Cho showed up to interrupt Yunmeng Jiang’s gifting. It took everything in him not to punch Wen Chao in his smug face with Sandu unsheathed, and Wei Wuxian was a dark, simmering presence next to him. Somehow, the steps played out like they had before - a brief exchange lead to swords drawn, lead to Xichen stepping in and Wen Qing soothing tempers with quick words.
Jiang Cheng wasn’t prepared to see her again. Her, or Wen Ning, who was a remarkably still shadow behind her. When they left, his eyes stayed lowered towards the ground. There was nothing to make Jiang Cheng think that there was something different, except the long running knowledge that he had the worst possible luck.
WWX was strangely unwilling to approach Wen Ning first, though he clearly wanted to. Some misplaced guilt, perhaps. He still clung to LWJ’s side, which was in no way avoidant behavior, WWX, but Jiang Cheng was surprised when Wen Ning found him first.
“I knew it!” Jiang Cheng cried out, to everyone’s surprise, even Wen Ning. He gestured at Wen Ning. “WWX’s here because he’s tied to me, and Wen Ning here is tied to Wei Wuxian.”
“That still doesn’t explain Lan Wangji,” Nie Huaisang said, tapping his fan against his cheek.
“Nothing explains Lan Wangji.”
“Aiya, Jiang Cheng, so mean!”
None of this has much of an effect on the present moment, however, save that it causes Nie Huaisang to adjust his plans *again*. “No one else has better come back!” he demanded. “All of these calculations are hard, and I am *delicate,* Jiang Cheng.”
“Yeah, a real wilting flower.”
Later that night, just before curfew, a missive arrived to Nie Huaisang from his brother. Huaisang walked as fast as he could manage from the Nie Quarters to the Jiang, bursting into Jiang Cheng and Wei Wuxian’s room, holding the letter aloft, speaking as soon as he’s through the door: “It’s him! He’s alive! Da-ge’s back!”
Huaisang slammed the letter on the table, reaching for the nearby inkbrush, quickly grinding some ink to circle letters on the page. There, written in an otherwise standard letter reminding Huaisang to mind his studies and practice his saber, was the phrase: Do Not Trust Meng Yao.
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canary3d-obsessed · 4 years
Restless Rewatch: The Untamed Episode 09 second part
(Masterpost) (Other Canary Blather)
Warning: Spoilers for All 50 Episodes!
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Wen Chao’s Weird Bird, Redux
Wei Wuxian and Lan Wangji walk away after killing the dire bird, and then Wen Chao, who was standing like 2 feet away, comes to collect its resentful little corpse. He totally heard Wei Wuxian and Lan Wangji talking about him.  
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Wen Memorial
Now we visit the Wen memorial, which Wei Wuxian 2.0 won’t remember when he sees it again. Everyone who isn’t a Wen is confused and awkward while the Wens have an impromptu family conference. Agenda: 1. weeping 2. apologizing to ancestors for involuntarily being turned into temporary zombies. 3. getting the fuck out of dodge before it happens again
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This is a burial place, and the non-Wen cultivators are deferential and tentative where before they were bossy. Wei Wuxian’s affect is particularly different from his normal swagger and decisiveness. 
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Look how gently he asks Wen Qing about this place, thinking carefully and making his expression conciliatory before he opens his mouth to speak. 
(more after the cut)
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The others react to this revelation by becoming even more awkward and uncomfortable...
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But Wei Wuxian responds with shock and sympathy, once again showing why he makes friends wherever he goes, and why he is so vulnerable despite his many strengths. There is no “not my problem” setting in Wei Wuxian’s heart.
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It occurs to me, in watching his reaction, that Wei Wuxian doesn’t have a single living blood relation, as far as he or we know, and at this point he has never met a single member of his own clan. Yes yes, he has an adoptive family, and that’s lovely; I’m an adoptive parent myself. But genetic family is also super important, particularly in the ancestor-revering culture we see depicted in The Untamed. 
In any case, this moment of standing before the grave of Wen Qing’s people, with these few remaining members of her family--people who he will later get to know so well--seems to resonate with him.  
Baby Wen 
The scene at the shrine includes our first look at random cute kid massively important character Wen Yuan. 
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Let’s pretend Wen Yuan is a different age from however old he will be at the end of the Sunshot campaign, since the actor did not magically change ages. Here the character is probably two years old. 
Rich Gege Lan Wangji in this scene is wearing the same gorgeous blue color he will be wearing years later when Wen Yuan grabs him and won’t let go. Maybe A-Yuan’s pre-fever memory was super good, and he remembered that Lan Wangji and Wei Wuxian belonged together. 
Chicken Hunting
Wei Wuxian seems to be all in on this chicken hunt, making sure Jiang Cheng and Nie Huaisang join him, but then he circles back to talk privately with Wen Qing and Lan Wangji. This was a ruse to distract Jiang Cheng. 
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Wei Wuxian is very good at manipulating Jiang Cheng and he does it frequently. He takes this ability way, way, way too far when he concocts the whole golden-core plan, which I’ll get into in the relevant episode. But this sibling dynamic is not great in either direction. 
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Incidentally, nobody asks about the giant chain mark on Wei Wuxian’s throat after he and Lan Wangji come back from their time in the woods together. What kind of rep does he have, exactly?
Having cornered Wen Qing, Wei Wuxian starts to question her seriously, but can’t resist an opportunity to flirt with Lan Wangji like an embarrassing dumbass. 
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Lan Wangji’s communication skills continue to improve, as he angrily tells Wei Wuxian "bì zuǐ! “ instead of storming off or shanking him with Bichen. [Chinese vocab OP has learned from watching CDramas: bì zuǐ (shut up),  duì bù qǐ (sorry), nú cái zuì gāi wàn sǐ  (your servant deserves to die for her offense)]
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Wei Wuxian makes a visible effort to drag himself back over the line into propriety.
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While Wei Wuxian apologizes to Lan Wangji with his eyes, Wen Qing wonders what she ever did to deserve being stuck in the middle of this crap.
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Eventually the boys get the whole Wen backstory, and Wen Qing hits the road.  
In what will become a repeating motif, Jiang Cheng asks Wen Qing to forget her family, abandon her clan, and bail on her little brother. 
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What the fuck, dude. You wouldn’t do that to Wei Wuxian and he’s your shige, not your didi. You are on this very road trip out of a sense of concern for him. As a female orphan who is the elder to her male sibling, Wen Qing’s obligation to Wen Ning is enormous even if she didn’t love him to bits. Not to mention she seems to be the clan leader for the Dafan Mountain Wens at this point. Jiang Cheng should understand her, but doesn’t.  
Club Ruohan
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God I’m boring 
 At some point in the episode we stop by Club Ruohan. Yawn. WRH tells Wen Chao he’s a dumbass for targeting Wen Qing’s people, and to get back to his fucking project already. Wen Chao talks about wanting to get “Wei Wuxian” and his homies - he doesn’t namecheck Lan Wangji, the ringbearer Yin Iron having person. Just bird-killer Wei Wuxian. That doesn’t bode well for Lotus Pier.
Wen Ruohan is actually fairly reasonable, for a power-hungry megalomaniac who’s busily corrupting himself with dark energies. Most of the atrocities in the “fuck all of the other clans” campaign were Wen Chao’s idea. 
The gang goes to Qiting and Lan Wangji gets ready to go doorknocking to find out where the next hunk of Iron is. Wei Wuxian stops him and says that his plan is stupid and it sucks. 
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In a truly amazing display of his developing trust in Wei Wuxian, socially awkward Lan Wangji asks WWX for advice on how to proceed. 
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Wei Wuxian’s answer is to go drinking. But...he’s not wrong. And he explains his reasoning to Jiang Cheng and Lan Wangji before the grabbing and dragging part. Lan Wangji seems to be getting used to that part. 
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In fact Lan Wangji has already become a lot more comfortable with Wei Wuxian’s extroversion and high spirits than Jiang Cheng is, even though Jiang Cheng isn’t nearly as introverted as Lan Wangji. That’s love for ya.
Tavern Talk
Wei Wuxian slaps a heap of coins down on the table and proceeds to extravagantly order...three jugs of wine. That seems pretty moderate, but they all react like he’s a big spender. 
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Wei Wuxian: No worries, Rich Gege's got me covered 
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Wangxian’s old-married-couple dynamic appears on the scene fully formed, as Wei Wuxian slowly undresses a bottle of wine and Lan Wangji tells him to stop dawdling. 
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Chatting with the guy at the Inn works exactly as well as Wei Wuxian said it would, as he tells them about creepy doings at the old Chang place. 
Lan Wangji’s bag of holding, which was definitely not tucked into his perfectly smooth chest placket a second ago....
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bursts forth like the xenomorph in Alien, startling everyone and causing Lan Wangji a lot of pain and brow furrowing.
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Wei Wuxian leaps over and puts a steadying hand on his shoulder, and tells him to relax and concentrate, in a bit of a role reversal from earlier. Lan Wangji doesn’t shake him off. 
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Once the Yin Iron settles down again, they dash off to investigate the creepy doings, leaving Nie Huaisang behind to meet up with Meng Yao. I’m sure everyone will be glad some day that they created an opportunity for Meng Yao to join them and the new enemy they are about to capture. 
Cheng Compound
At the Cheng compound, the door is shut and there are creepy noises. Time for a talisman! 
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It’s sweet how when anything fucked-up and necromantic happens, these guys immediately look to Wei Wuxian for the right way to deal with it. 
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The outfits here form a nice a nice contrast, with the two clan lineal descendants dressed in near-matching blue with silver crowns, while Wei Wuxian has changed out of his blue and red robes and into his future signature black. The leather hair band is as fancy as he gets - he wears his outsider status pretty proudly, even at this early age. 
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The boys open the doors on a scene so grotesque, even gravity has become meaningless. 
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Lan Wangji: This is horrifying, so extremely untidy
Jiang Cheng: Do I know any of these people? No? Ok, this is fine then
Wei Wuxian: I wonder if I could kill this many people all by myself. That would be epic.
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midnyghtmadnes · 3 years
So... I finished SVSSS. Gonna just stream out my thoughts. Will be long cause I wanna cover all my final opinions. Then I’ll shut up about it lol.
So, all in all, the novel was enjoyable and fun. Definitely can't say I have the same emotional investment in the characters as I do in MDZS though, except SY, he's my favorite.
To start, I guess this is where fanfics will come into play, but I want more SY and Airplane interactions. They're the only two that can truly understand the other's situation and I think that’d make for a lot of interesting and fun interactions. Though at the same time it's also funny how they have that understanding but their current relationship is basically just like, not a love-hate relationship. But a.. somewhat camaraderie I'll help ya out maybe if you need it-but I also don't particularly like you, relationship. Still, I am falling onto the Cucumberplane wagon (not in a shippy way though).
As for MBJ and Airplane.. I just wish the novel went into the status of their relationship after everything that happened. SQH was constantly stressed out by him and seemed to have had his share of beatings from MBJ. I saw shipping stuff with them as I was reading it and I was like.. ehhhh? At that point the only connection I knew was that MBJ was the one who was supposed to kill him, so I was like ?? Where did that come from. By the end of the extras, I wanna say I'm on board with it lol, but I just wish we saw more.
Tianlang-Jun and Zhuzhi-Lang... :( I love them and am really sad for them. And yes, I do constantly forget that ZZL killed Gongyi Xiao (who I liked a lot), but come on. He's snek Wen Ning and you can't tell me otherwise. I also actually like Shen Jiu's character. Which is kinda funny thinking about it, cause for example I know many ppl find JGY to be a sympathetic villain, and while I can understand, I still hate him lol. But SJ, who feels very similar to JGY in some ways, I find him really interesting and want to explore him more (that's what fanfics are for ayyy). Funny how all the antagonists of this story caught my eye lol. I didn't care for any of the villains in MDZS in terms of nuance (not that they were poorly written, but they just weren't the Type™ I fall for). But SV managed to get me to want to know more about all of them.
Bingqiu final assessment.... complete indifference. It wasn't as terrible as it could've been, and the extras did make it better, but idk. I flipped flopped a lot as I was reading regarding whether I was okay with it. The 50s chapters, no. Then it got better. Then chapter 80 happened and I was just.... it was genuinely painful getting through that chapter lol. I was constantly pausing and just.. collecting myself. Then the extras and I was like, hmmm it seems.. ok I guess. But I still think it's not the healthiest relationship. You can’t tell me his spiel in chapter 79 isn’t still a total guilt trip. Xin Mo exacerbates his negative emotions, it doesn’t make them up. He’s also constantly jealous even in the extras, making comments of suspicion on the slightest things and just wanting SQQ’s attention for himself. His whole world revolves around SY, and that’s just not a healthy thing for any relationship. It’s undeniably obsessive, and while I don’t see LBH acting on his jealousy, I think that’s only because “it’d make Shizun sad” and not because it goes against his morality. I think LBM is just as capable of doing messed up stuff (murder, torture, etc.) as LBG.
I also just feel like there's something that just doesn't connect between SY in the whole novel, and SY in the extras. By chapter 78 he still did not seem particularly reciprocative of LBH's advances. And even within the extras he's very no-touchy and anti-PDA. He tends to refuse LBH’s requests for intimate moments (until the crocodile tears guilt him into doing what LBH wants) and overall is easily embarrassed, like he's not confident in this relationship. I think at the least more lines of buildup should’ve been added, particularly in moments where it was just the two of them.
And you know what also kinda bugs me about it? I dislike how much the story pushed on that SY was confidently straight since birth. If you want to convince me that the initially ‘straight’/uninterested character ends up falling for another guy, just don’t push it so hard in my face contradicting that. Wei Ying flirted with girls, cool yeah. But the novel never gave the impression he was completely closed off to the idea. With how WY is written, I can totally see him being bi. But SY is more like, well I somehow ended up raising the ML as gay but hey that’s not so bad I guess, at the last minute. I can't say I ship LiuShen either, but I can definitely see the appeal when the canon alternative may easily not float your boat. Nothing beats Wangxian in my heart though 💕
As I expected, am sad with how the relationship with Cang Qiong Mountain ended up. I mean I guess it wasn't necessarily on bad terms, but basically his other disciples are left without their shizun and the sect's whole familial relationship is scattered. I guess it's because I appreciate Wangxian staying in the Cloud Recesses, having this space of theirs and the Jingshi that they can call home. I read the fanfics that have LWJ making WY a lotus pond out front and just their beautiful domestic post-canon life. I love that they can go out night hunting with the juniors. They can go out and travel, just the two of them, when they want. They could retire one day if they wanted. But they'll also always have a family to come back to. LQR begrudgingly accepting WY in time. The bread and butter that is Yunmeng bros reconciliation. Bingqiu.. doesn't really have anything like that. For instance, Liu Qingge and LBH are on terms that I don't feel could ever be recuperated the way WWX and JC could. I don't think Bingqiu could ever stay at CQM in complete comfort. So that's just a little sad.
Also is it just me who, when reading, would always imagine TLJ with short hair, even tho nobody ever has short hair in these novels lol.
Anyway lol, I think that about covers everything I can think of. If you got this far, you the real one ✌🏼
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fincalinde · 3 years
weakness 3, 4, 11
3: What’s your favorite line of narration?
I'm too lazy to pick out only one sentence, so have a short paragraph I like:
Jin Guangyao's mother had told him once, the only time he asked, how she managed to keep going. She had touched his face and kissed his brow and her eyes had been distant as the heavens as she gave him the answer: I pretend to myself that I am not my body. With practice, I believe it.
4: What’s your favorite line of dialogue?
For a single sentence I'm fond of this little knife:
"And you have the house ready and waiting," says Jin Guangyao, then raises a hand to his mouth in horrified dismay.
If I'm allowed a bit more... I was quite pleased with how I managed to convey LXC's stance at the end when he's explaining to JGY why he's continuing to support and trust him:
"Not because it does not matter to me whether you are right or wrong, but because I believe you are right. If I believed otherwise I hope I would have found the strength to do what was necessary. I think I would."
... mostly because it not only encapsulates LXC's position, but also alludes to canon. I specifically had him word it as 'if I believed otherwise' not 'if it were otherwise' as a nod to the fact that it is actually not otherwise in canon*—LXC simply believes it is otherwise in canon due to getting incomplete information from Wangxian, which casts everything in its worst possible light prior to JGY's explanations and puts him in a frame of mind where he's vulnerable to being tricked by NHS.
* Yes yes, the method of murder for JGS, I know. It was certainly gratuitous and JGY knows it's the only thing he cannot justify, hence why he wants to explain it last. For me it's like... look, man, they're fictional, everyone seems really het up about these women used to kill JGS** in a way I don't really see applied to the 'worst' (I am also not mad keen on ranking) acts committed by other characters. While it does get mentioned, I don't really see 'well WWX is good/not evil except that one unforgivable thing he did to Wen Chao's mistress!' cropping up in any and all meta about him. I also don't see handwringing over the children of the Tingshan He, for example. So my eyebrow goes up that these women always get an asterisk when JGY is being defended. Call me when every defence of WWX includes an asterisk about Wang Lingjiao, cheers.
11: What do you like best about this fic?
m8 i'm just relieved it's over.
Really though, I wanted to write a fix in which JGY gets what he wants in a realistic manner: in short, I wanted JGY to win. It was @fairylantern who suggested the divergence point to me and I immediately got a very clear vision of how that single change could set off the type of cascade I wanted. While I originally thought it could be done as a shorter piece in a style that was more of an overview, on starting to write it I realised my error and did a full outline. And then even during the writing of the draft, every scene kept on being longer than I expected in order to hit all my bullet points. There was a lot of anguished wailing at this stage.
Anyway, I always write to an outline, beginning to end, and while a couple of subplots did end up changing during the writing of the first draft, it wasn't anything crucial. The editing process was really about refining what I'd produced to align with my copious and occasionally incoherent notes. I took ages to edit because [redacted irl situation] and not because it needed a lot of work done. But regardless of the fact that it was situational and not a problem with the draft, it was a fight and a half to get it to a point where the later chapters were in a good enough state to post.
I certainly don't think it's a flawless work and there are things I would fix up now if I could, but as a thesis on Xiyao I stand by it. So yeah, I like that feeling of by and large having achieved what I wanted to achieve. I do have those two oneshots I need to finish, and then I will close the door on that AU feeling positive overall about the experience.
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silverflame2724 · 3 years
Have you ever how MDZS would've turned out if either JYL was also a demonic cultivator?
For this to make sense, I would like to say that I’m under the impression that resentful energy suppresses, not heals, wounds so taking it away would open all wounds up. 
Now then, because of how this question is formatted, I have three different takes:
If JYL was a demonic cultivator alongside WWX but had her core:
So, in this scenario, JYL might have wanted to help during the war but her core wasn’t strong enough to support her. She saw how helpful WWX’s demonic cultivation was but also how it had hurt him and wanted to take some of the burden off of him. 
So WWX tries to refine it for her in a way that won’t harm her core. JYL, of course, notices how different the method WWX taught her was in comparison to what he was doing. She also noticed that WWX did not code any of his notes and had heard the whispers of those jealous of his power. So she made him code his notes into something that only JC, her, and WWX would know how to read. She helps with the war effort and calms WWX when the resentful energy gets too much. 
JYL realizes how irritated she is getting and gets LWJ or some Lan to help play for her after every battle she uses resentful energy in. And then she gets confused. Why does WWX not do the same thing? Something must be up. She confronts WWX who avoids the question like there’s no tomorrow. Of course, JYL stares him down for a few days and then WWX finally gives. He tells her to keep it a secret that he has no core and that the resentful energy is the only thing keeping his body together. JYL is extremely protective™, afterwards and keeps her promise to say nothing to anyone. 
LWJ’s “come back to gusu” now sounds like a threat whereas before she thought it was worry. She tells LWJ to stop/what his intentions are because she knows that LWJ helped search for WWX desperately for 3 months. LWJ struggles for words and she understands how difficult voicing out your true feelings is as she has dealt with WWX and JC. She waits patiently until LWJ says something along the lines of “I am worried about him” or “I want to protect him.” So JYL asks if that isn’t what WWX wants, will he still continue this. LWJ says a hesitant “no.”
JYL then drags - maybe in a more polite way - LWJ over and says to WWX, “this one wants to protect you,” and LWJ nods, embarrassed. WWX is confused. 
The war continues and then ends and while JYL stops demonic cultivation, she understands that WWX can’t and also understands the Seal cannot be destroyed without WWX dying. So when JGS asks about the Seal, with JC’s explicit permission, JYL says that they’ll destroy it but not now. WWX is nervous about that because he needs to protect the Jiang sect. JYL calmly talks him out of it and says he can still use demonic cultivation with her to protect the sect; he’s not alone. 
WWX agrees and manages to come up with something (with LWJ’s help) to destroy the seal, which he does, later, in public. Afterwards, the Wen thing happens but WWX decides to talk it out with JYL who decides that the better course of action is to talk to a drunken Jin Zixun and find out the location of the Wen Remnants. After which, JYL tells WWX to go at night with LWJ to free the Wens and take them to a secure location in Yunmeng. WWX is skeptical about letting LWJ come along but JYL says “you need someone you trust to help you get there faster, right?” So WWX reluctantly agrees and LWJ nods along and helps WWX to get to Qiongqi Path and leads the Wens away secretly to the safehouse that JYL pointed out. After the banquet, JYL helps get clothes so that the Wens aren’t recognized and slowly integrates them into the town nearby.
Afterwards, JYL pushes WWX together with LWJ after several long painful months of them skirting around each other before focusing on her own relationship where Jin Zixuan is trying his damn hardest to court her. JGS is still a creep and a power-hungry bastard though and Jin Guangyao still wants to please his father. JYL is not stupid and while she is distracted by how cute Jin Zixuan is, she can recognize the greed at which JGS stares at her. She doesn’t do anything though, even if JGS has been subtly (not so subtly) implying to share demonic cultivation techniques. There isn’t much she could do until a strange attack leaves JGS near-death. JYL had nothing to do with it, of course. Nothing at all. JGS had stolen some of her A’ Xian’s talismans that attracted evil, so he only had himself to blame. No one saw those talismans though since they had burned to a crisp, so all’s well that ends well!
If JYL lost her core and became a demonic cultivator with WWX:
In this scenario, JYL lost her core because WZL got her too somehow. WWX would still try to find a way to lessen the effects even if it wouldn’t be too effective. JYL still realizes something’s up and feels herself getting more irritated but when she tells WWX about getting a Lan to lessen the effects, WWX panics and says no! JYL then asks why and WWX will have to tell her because removing the resentful energy will kill them. And then JYL is like “us?” and WWX realized what he just said. So now JYL knows he’s without a core but she also knows that WWX wasn’t caught by WZL like she and JC were and demands answers. Which WWX is veryy, very reluctant to give. But he does so anyway.
JYL hugs her brother and says that they’ll figure something out. WWX cries too and nods. LWJ still tries to help WWX but JYL, under the same ill effects of resentful energy, finds it more difficult to find the worry in LWJ’s words. But nevertheless asks him what his deal is. LWJ is unable to formate words and JYL’s temper is cut short so she yells “you’re planning on punishing my brother, right?” because she remembers Gusu Lan rules as well. LWJ is like, “no.” But he finds it difficult to speak and says, “not punishment”. JYL feels how the resentful energy is getting to her but tries to calm down. LWJ wants to help WWX and JYL very calmly says, “if you try to purify the resentful energy, you’ll kill us, understand?” LWJ then panics because he did not know that, sees WWX, apologizes and says he’d like to help.
WWX is very stubborn about not needing help but JYL is not and accepts on their behalf because they do need the help. The war continues and both JYL and WWX try to help as much as they can but the resentful energy is bad and even worse for WWX who’s using the Seal. Luckily, the war ends.
But both JYL and WWX are in horrible shape and JC is very worried and very mad (at WWX, for teaching her, and at JYL, for pushing herself). LWJ manages to use his music in a way that doesn’t harm them, though, so they’re both fine but JGS is still a horrible person who wants JYL to marry Jin Zixuan and well, JYL is a woman. She has to get married. But she can see the greed in JGS’s eyes and decides that no matter how much she likes Jin Zixuan, it wouldn’t be good to go to the Jins. Not until JGS is dead, of course.
Normally, she wouldn’t be so prone to murder but resentful energy does wonders in that regard. She gets rid of JGS in a way that wouldn’t make any blame fall onto her or WWX. With the threat out of the way, she allows a relationship with Jin Zixuan and helps WWX get together with LWJ. The Seal still gets destroyed somewhere along the line.
If JYL was the only demonic cultivator:
In this scenario, JYL found out about the golden core transfer and offered hers instead because WWX is an asset and it wouldn’t make a difference if she had no core or not. She’s thrown into Burial Mounds but survives because of her love for siblings or something like that. Also, because WWX always told her of his crazy idea which included the resentful energy manipulation. WWX would still try to help lessen the effects but not much can be done unless he goes on the path too, which he does because he’s not letting his sister do this alone. It’s more difficult for him though cause he has to be wary of not corrupting his core which he is able to do with help from LWJ. 
JYL cannot handle the resentful energy very well and it shows. WWX tries to help but it doesn’t go very well. He still creates the Seal which lessens the burden on JYL’s shoulders but still doesn’t lessen the effect of resentful energy on her. At the end of the war, she’s at the end of her line and she’s very close to death. LWJ offers purification to help and WWX refuses. He understands her situation and it will kill her to remove the resentful energy. JC blames WWX for JYL’s condition and WWX is so guilty, he throws himself into finding a solution, uncaring of his health. He’s eventually able to refine demonic cultivation to a manageable point and JYL wakes up not long later. He gives her his notes and she follows the instructions, finding herself not to be so irritable anymore.
Despite all this, JYL is still a woman and now even more desirable because of demonic cultivation. JGS will do anything to let her come into the family so that he can learn about her cultivation. JYL has a very short temper now though. And Jin Zixuan’s attempts at courting aren’t making her heart skip a beat. Then Wen Qing comes along, but it’s WWX who finds her, so he’s able to get to Koi Tower, trick (read: threaten) Jin Zixun into spilling the location, brings LWJ and NMJ along (because he doesn’t want to offend anyone with how fragile the Jiang sect is) and they free the Wens. 
Seal is somehow destroyed, WangXian gets together, but Jin Zixuan and JYL’s relationship takes a loooong while to bud, if at all.
Phew. This took a while to write.
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wangxianficrecs · 3 years
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Sweeties, it’s time for
I’m In The Mood For A Fic Where…
1.  Ahhh mojo your blog makes my world go round and back and around again.  [You’re so sweet!] I was wondering if you could help me out with your next "I'm in the mood for a fic where".. I'm looking for two types of fics
A) fics in which WWX regains his core somehow (either by working on it, divine intervention, core sharing, anything!!) I so desperately want my boy to have his precious and favourite sword back (◡ ω ◡)
B) fics where WWX (or LWJ) *almost* marries someone else.
Thank you for your help!!! (~ ̄³ ̄)~❤️ ~ @akyra-talanoa​
nothing gold can stay by rikke (M, 10k, wangxian, my post)
❤️Ghosts Shouldn't by ShanaStoryteller (not rated [G], 15k, wangxian, my post)
the path to heaven / immortal wangxian by lightningalwaysreturns (E, 51k, wangxian)
Chimera by nirejseki (T, 18k, wangxian)
Righteous at a Cost by thunderwear (G, 21k, wangxian, my bookmark)
Different Paths to the Same Route by JustAWanderingBabbit (T, 184k, 3zun)
24 Hours by tailor31415 (E, 6k, wangxian)
Core-Thieving Hand by x_los (T, 5k, wangxian)
Field Trips with Wei Wuxian by antebunny (G, 43k, wangxian)
to swim through the fires by littledust (M, 37k, wangxian)
❤️Neatly Arranged by thunderwear (T, 46k, wangxian, my post)
Rebound Betrothal by mondengel (not rated (G), 2k, wangxian, my post)
History Will Call Us Wives by silvermarie (E, 17k, wangxian)
today was a smoking sky by typefortydeductions (E, 38k, wangxian)
2.  hello! any recs wangxian modern au/mpreg? please and thank you!
Here’s my mpreg post (mostly current) and also
Brilliant Mistake by brooklinegirl (E, 54k, wangxian, my bookmark)
Winter Moon, White Rabbit by nachttour (E, 62k, wangxian, WIP)
Stale Spice, Sandalwood, and Nests by Tyongslips (M, 18k, wangxian, WIP)
3.  Hello!! This might not be specific enough to find anything, but I was looking for modern wangxian fics that have a very distinct italicized 'oh' moments together? Like both of them or either of the pair doing something that makes them suddenly realize
every time we kiss i swear i could fly by sarahyyy (T, 3k, wangxian, my post)
【那夏天的我們】a stroke of fate by puddingcatbeans (G, 60k, wangxian)
not in so many words by jaws_3 (T, 18k, wangxian, my post)
4.  In the mood for fics where WWX is genuinely afraid of LWJ, believing that he will kill him/hurt him/cast him out/haul him back to Gusu for punishment; with emphasis on LWJ's reaction when he realizes and it hits him like a sack of bricks, and ideally on his efforts to regain WWX's trust. Not looking for something where LWJ really does wish WWX significant harm, but it's ok if he has well-intended ideas that he doesn't realize would hurt him. Any time period, canon version, or AU is good. Example: decay by antebunny.
5.  Hi there! First of all thank you for making such a helpful blog. I have been reading tons of great stories due to you.  [I’m so glad!] Secondly I would love to read a fic (a) where lwj is a single dad and then meets wwx (b) Best modern au fics with lots of angst. Thanks!!! ~ @pastashouldbeeatenwithafork​
❤️A Flower That Blooms In Adversity by thunderwear (M, 62k, wangxian, WIP, my post)
like wildflowers (we grow) by moonsteps (T, 80k, wangxian)
say it's here where our pieces fall in place by Lirelyn (E, 69k, wangxian)
plant a little happiness (let the roots run deep) by fleurdeliser (E, 48k, wangxian)
tear out the thread one by one from your skin (’til your bones feel embarrassed by all the attention) by lightningalwaysreturns (E, 41k, wangxian)
paint smears on sunny days by SnowshadowAO3 (E, 54k, wangxian)
love thy neighbor by wincechesters (M, 7k, wangxian)
No Need to Change a Tune by yeolinski (T, 10k, wangxian)
Tempo Rubato by Spodumene (E, 108, wangxian, my post)
A Sequence of Coming Outs by kippalittlefox (M, 24k, wangxian)
new york, i love you by Anonymous (T, 7k, wangxian)
leading tone by silencemostofall (G, 32, wangxian)
An Ocean Between Us by feenwitch (E, 11k, wangxian)
总有一天; a place to hide (can’t find one near) by yiqie (E, 76k, wangxian, *mind the tags!*)
me and you, always and forever by fyredancer (E, 150k, wangxian)
Momentum Deferred by DisasterBiAlert (T, 13k, wangxian, my post)
After the Final Rose by azurewaxwing (E, 55k, wangxian)
there's no promised goodbye here by Anonymous (T, 54k, wangxian)
defective requiems by Misila (M, 9k, wangxian)
❤️Common love isn't for us by feyburner (M, 8k, wangxian, my post)
twice by Misila (T, 8k, wangxian)
one good thing by Yuu_chi (T, 27k, wangxian, my post)
6.  Hey! Can you rec some fics with wangxian being in cloud recesses or modern au of college?? Thanks!
I have tags for #students at cloud recesses and #college/university au
7.  Would you happen to know any fics where lqr and wwx actually get along and have a good relationship? Lqr the scholar he is and wwx the inventor/genious ???? There are a lot of possibilities there.  Thank you so much have a great day and stay hydrated!!!
❤️To have and to hold by Moominmammashandbag (M, 79k, wangxian, my post)
❤️to arrive late is better than not to arrive at all by Moominmammashandbag (M, 35k, wangxian, my post)
Just Say Yes by edenwolfie (M, 312k, wangxian)
Post-war baby! by like_a_bird_that_flew (E, 23k, wangxian, WIP)
Righteous at a Cost by thunderwear (G, 21k, wangxian, my bookmark)
8.  Hello! I love your fic recs and the hard work you do! I've discovered so many new favourites thanks to you! [Yay!] I was wondering if you know of any fics where they're shapeshifters or some such? Animals or wing-fics or something similar? ❤
I have an official tag for #animal transformation, and on my AO3 wangxian collection (which returns more search results than tumblr) here is the search for shapeshifter, and wingfic
over forests and mountains by beechtree (T, 9k, wangxian, WIP)
9.  hii do you know any fics that focus on lwj and lxc and their relation?? thanks <33
❤️Begotten by ecorie (G, 37k, wangxian, my post)
Brotherly Concern by Ibijau (G, 11k, wangxian, my post)
10.  hellooo! do you know any fics where jiang cheng finds a-yuan instead of lwj? thank you for all your recs btw, they're super helpful!!! [Thank you!]
grieve the living by Misila (M, 161k, wangxian)
Overflow the autumn pools by Mhalachai (T, 74k, jiang cheng & lan wangji)
11.  I love your blog! Thank you so much for all the wonderful recs! [Thank you!]  I don't suppose you know of any fics where WWX is a non-human entity of some sort, but presents or is disguised as a human? (Or maybe he even thinks he is human?)
Cruise the tags mentioned above in #8, too.
❤️Spellbound by Latios (T, 37k, wangxian, my post)
When fish soar by mondengel (G, 2k, wangxian, my post)
Breathing Firestorm by ladyshadowdrake (M, 111k, wangxian)
flame and rust by cl410 (M, 29k, wangxian, WIP)
❤️The Tiger has Destroyed his Cage by updatebug (G, 55k, wangxian, my bookmark)
Magical Marriage Ribbons by starandrea (M, 376k, wangxian)
Ever Distant Shores by fuddy_duddy (rainier_day) (T, 69k wangxian, WIP)
12.  Hiii do you know any fics where wwx or lwj OR wangxian leave the cultivation world/retire/grow old together away from cultivation drama? Something like And They Have Escaped The Weight of Darkness by cosmicmilktea , All that is solid melts into air by huxiyi , and that fic where post resurrection wwx just decides to not bother with dafan mountain and opens a flower shop:  focal, filler, and line by bosbie.
Dan Tian / Heaven by ArchiveWriter (T, 20k, wangxian, WIP)
The Slow Regard of Silent Things by Moonpuddles (T, 3k, wangxian)
Pair of Swallows, you and I~ by Moonpuddles (T, 13k, wangxian, series in progress)
13.  Hello! Do you know any fics where wangxian has some incompatibility issues/dysfunctional relationship that isnt because of canon typical one braincell wwx, but because of more structural things like their mental age gaps, how wwx will prolly hate cloud recesses after the honeymoon bliss is over etc. Generally fics that show wangxian having to work to build the relationship
14.  Hi! Any wangxian onlyfans au fics? I read For a Good Time, Call by ScarlettStorm and the ongoing sequel KILF (Knits I'd Like To Fuck in) and those were so good!!! I'd like to find more similar fics!
Temptation's Mask by threerings (E, 58k, wangxian, camboy wwx)
A ghost by the light of the phone by shibrogane (E, 10k, wangxian)
15.  Hey, do you have any fics where lxc doesn't like (or outright despises) wwx?
❤️to arrive late is better than not to arrive at all by Moominmammashandbag (M, 35k, wangxian, my post)
I don't like your boyfriend by lazulisong (G, 3k, wangxian, my post)
16.  Do you know of any fics where the Lan Elders (unsuccessfully) try to make Lan Zhan marry someone other than Wei Ying?
Lie Open To One Another by levament (M, 41k, wangxian, WIP)
17.  Hii! Do you know any fics that similar to Ardent Desires by crestre / Baby Of Mine by pupeez4eva ? I've been searching for it and want to read fics that similar to those so bad. I hope you and your followers can help me! Thankyouuu
The Trouble with Talismans: a Treatise on Time-Travel by Young Master Lan Xiaohui (Age 6) by stiltonbasket (G, 17k, wangxian, WIP)
18.  Do you know any wangxian fics where either one or both of them are models/actors/musicians/famous in some way?
The Fault in Our Stars by Vamillepudding (T, 18k, wangxian, my post)
Patient came so hard from prostate exam he kicked me in the dick by Hades_the_Blingking (e, 17k, wangxian, my post)
An ocean in a drop (not a drop in the ocean) by dea_liberty (E, 10k, RPF, yizhan, my post)
how to fall in love with a catfish: a guide by wei wuxian (disaster rat) by Anonymous (T, 55k, wangxian, my post)
Make It Count by wearing_tearing (E, 47k, wangxian, my bookmark)
❤️Love wakes me by dea_liberty (e, 46k, wangxian, my post)
life, drama and action by Akai__hana (G, 13k, wangxian)
call me, beep me by myung (T, 39k, wangxian)
Rest by sassybluee (T, 115k, wangxian)
19.  hello, i'm searching for a fic where wwx like... transmigrates into mdzs/cql? like i think there were a couple of them and but i can't find them for some reason?
Untitled. by c11to (M, 61k, wangxian, WIP)
223 notes · View notes
chrisemrysfics · 3 years
After my post on Wangxian and unconditional love, among other things, I realized I forgot all about a source of unconditional love for Wei Wuxian: the Wen siblings and remnants.
Here is the thing: first, Wei Wuxian had a few years with his parents, he barely has memories, yet he remember the sense of happiness, joy, and the love of his parents, both for each other, and for him.
Then, he lose them, and faces the streets. And then he’s picked by Jiang Fengmian, and brought “home”... and right away there’s an issue with Jiang Cheng and puppies. Yu Ziyuan also shows displeasure.
Jiang Yanli shows care for him, while Jiang Cheng and Wei Wuxian make peace, however, from here on, Wei Wuxian is under constant disapproval by Yu Ziyuan.
And I believe Wei Wuxian is not blind to Jiang Cheng being hurt by what his mother says, and the apparent not-care his father shows. But he says it and I believe he’s right: Jiang Fengmian is lenient toward Wei Wuxian because Wei Wuxian is not his son. What appears as indulgence, is simply that he doesn’t care all that much past what Wei Wuxian is bringing to the clan.
He doesn’t seek his safety: he could have chosen to make Wei Wuxian stay to Lotus Pier rather than let him go to Nightless City, but he didn’t. He even said “he can choose”, which make him wash his hands of responsibility and make Wei Wuxian own up to his own fate. And his last words to me nailed the confirmation: he doesn’t give any word of care, he only echo what Yu Ziyuan said: protect my children.
Wei Wuxian grew up knowing he’ll be scorned by Yu Ziyuan regardless of whether or not he’s truly at fault, and knowing Jiang Fengmian doesn’t really care, as long as he’s around, he let him do what we want, knowing Wei Wuxian is loyal to the Jiang and to his children. Jiang Cheng express it awkwardly, but his attempts at “taming” Wei Wuxian “hero complex” is that he recognizes no one else is trying to stop him from harming himself (including his father). However, because Jiang Cheng let himself be influenced, he doesn’t show unconditional love, Wei Wuxian knows he cares, but Wei Wuxian also recognize Jiang Cheng doesn’t understand him.
This leave only Jiang Yanli that he can be himself with. We understand he feels safe with her, to show his true self, that he know he’ll be love without condition, because it is to her, and only her, he asked such a thing as “why does someone like someone else”. And that’s why his hesitancy to tell her anything about the three months disappearance is so heart-breaking, and she can be seen being worried still: for the first time, he doesn’t tell her.
And this shows how he views himself. For the first time, he thinks there is finally something that might be the one think Jiang Yanli won’t accept. That he’s become something that finally is where she draws the line. No one else before her truly showed any unconditional love, and he’s terrified what will happen if he let her see who he has become.
And it explain why he push away Lan Wangji: he knows Lan Wangji values are righteous, to Wei Wuxian, if Lan Wangji disapprove of him, it means he’s something that cannot approved of. Which then reinforce the idea that he cannot show Jiang Yanli what he’s become.
In the end, he’s traumatized, and scared to be rejected by the two people he cared for the most. He knew he felt pulled to Lan Wangji, he cared for him, he knew in his heart he valued him, just like he values Jiang Yanli. If he allowed himself to be vulnerable, and he got rejected, it would break him. So he didn’t take the risk.
All of that to arrive to the Wen siblings.
And the important thing I realized is that it never was a question of owing each other anything.
Wei Wuxian met Wen Ning, and showed kindness to him, which is pretty clear Wen Ning rarely, if ever, received, outside of his sister and the branch of their family. Its enough for Wen Ning to want to come when he hears about Lotus Pier, and willing to help them.
When Wen Qing enters the scene, she knows the risks, but there is a vital factor that made her decide to let them stay hidden and recover: her brother. Yes, she is a healer, however, it was risky to allow this, except, this was someone who inspired loyalty in her brother, someone who treated her brother well. Someone with a brother that was hurt.
Then, Wei Wuxian asks her to do the surgery, and she refuses. She knows what this will mean, and the thing is, I do end up thinking he’s not blind to how he’s been treated. He had to develop his own moral compass because either he’s scorned no matter if he’s at fault or not, or he’s “indulged”, or he’s not understood. He cares, and he sees himself as owing everything to the Jiang, but I feel like he knows how it can sound like. Wen Qing refuses because she isn’t certain he truly realize what he is asking, or she questions how willing he is, past any conditioning. But he insists, and she sees something that let her know that he does know what he is asking for.
Ultimately, Wei Wuxian is still misunderstood when people think his choice is because he’s been conditioned: yes, of course, we can understand someone shouldn’t have to sacrifice himself, that they shouldn’t have to “pay back” in such a manner... except no one asked. No one forced him to do this. He looked at his brother, and decided he didn’t want to see him like this. Wen Qing refusing meant he had the occasion to rethink his choice. He still chose.
That’s why they also speak of not owing anything to each other: Wen Qing chose to help them, and Wei Wuxian chose to go through the transplant. They understand the risks they took for each other, they had each other life in the other hands (if WWX and JC are seen, its death for WQ, if WQ fails, its death for WWX).
And that’s why they don’t seek each other, they owe nothing to each other, understand where they stand in the war, and trust each other has continued to follow the path of their heart. Wen Qing didn’t betray her values as a healer, nor did Wei Wuxian betray his own values.
However, Wen Qing ended up desperate, and there was only one person she knew had values she could trust: Wei Wuxian. She knows what she is asking out of him, but just like she didn’t leave Wei Wuxian and his brother to their own fate, Wei Wuxian would not leave her and her brother to their own fate. Just like he chose for the transplant, she knew Wei Wuxian would choose what is true to his heart.
And so they end up in Burial Mounds, Wei Wuxian once more doing a sacrifice, yet it is done out of his own choice, the refusal to betray his own values (be it that it was the care for his brother back then, or the protection of innocent now). And here is the thing: Wen Qing knows about Wei Wuxian’s core.
And the Wen Remnants are well placed to fear him, distrust him, be unkind to him, but they don’t. More than that, they welcome him as family. He becomes family to them, and they become family to him. No one judges him, they all see him, and none of them disapprove of him, and they care for him.
To me, Wei Wuxian only ever had two things that were truly his: his demonic cultivation, and the Wen Remnants as family.
He says it himself: he owes spiritual cultivation to the Jiang. But demonic cultivation? He chose to not die, to resist, to survive, to return, to continue following his own values, and developed his own tools for it. He saw the scorn of others, but knew his heart, and stayed true to it. Everything “bad” about him was his trauma, not his cultivation (proven as to how he is, after his death and return).
And the Wen Remnants, they became his family. The Jiang siblings are his family of adoption, but the Wens were the family he, himself, adopted. They were to him what the Jiang Clan was to JC: the people he would protect, the one he placed first.
If JC and/or JYL had no one else to turn to, WWX would have protected them too. But JC had a whole sect, and JYL was part of it. More than that, the best protection was to distance himself, the Wens already had a tainted reputation, like his own, but not his siblings (and same for LWJ). He couldn’t take that risk.
And the strength of his heart and values show when everything goes extremely bad: he accidentally kills JZX, he doesn’t manage to protect/save the Wen Siblings, and still he doesn’t outright slaughter everyone, he attacks after being provoked. He also stop when JYL show up, but because someone else tried to kill him, he sees her protect him and die to protect him... just like the Wen Siblings.
And he just effectively lost the last, and first, sibling who has loved him unconditionally. The Wen Siblings knew all about his lost core, while JYL knew about him in many ways. Loosing all three of them, effectively meant he lost the three people who knew him best and loved him without condition.
Is it so surprising that his psyche broke there? He went mad with grief, the trauma catching up to him. Then he finds himself conscious again, away from Nightless City, not knowing there is still one person who loves him.
And what does he decide to do? Break the seal. Now, I realized a thing: he didn’t die from breaking the first half. The accounts are confusing on purpose, but he himself is seen thinking about how he broke half of it, but didn’t have time to break the second before the Siege happened.
This means he knows how to do it without dying... or he was already half dead.
Then he looses the Wen Remnants, he’s Sieged by the whole cultivation world, including his own brother. There’s no Lan Wangji in sight, leaving him uncertain whether he doesn’t deserve to die in Lan Wangji eyes, or if he’s not even worthy of Lan Wangji being present. Or if its a last kindness, to not be part of the people who attack him.
But Wei Wuxian has lost everything, everyone, his own brother is here with hate and grief in his eyes, Wei Wuxian knows there is greed behind the Siege, and so he finishes what he started: he destroys the seal.
And to this day, I am still convinced there was no backlash, but rather, a last command, either conscious, or one he didn’t realize he made but born of how he was feeling.
However, because he never returned as a vengeful ghost, this make me consider that, for all his death was violent, he died with a peaceful heart.
He knew his own heart and values, and he followed them to his last breath. He knew the greed and blindness of the cultivation world, but what would he do? Kill them all? Be what they claimed he was? No. And then, to him, he caused the deaths of people he never wanted to: JZX and JYL. To someone who gave his core because he considered he owed it to the Jiang, what will he give, if he consider he owed to repay the deaths he caused?
He chose, died with peace in his heart because he followed it to his last breath.
And I wonder if the corpses “eating him” weren’t eating the resentment within him. That’s a whole other headcanon to develop.
But yes, all of this to say: the Wen Remnants were WWX family, the Wen Siblings became his siblings, and WWX remained true to his heart up until the end.
That’s why he didn’t return as a vengeful ghost, and why he was calm and level-headed when he returned. It also strongly imply his temper and so-called “lack of control” were due to his trauma. Yet, this just goes to show how strong willed he is, to both survive the Burial Mounds, and never loose himself, and show that he is truly the Grandmaster of Demonic Cultivation, because he never lost himself through it, and still mastered it.
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tonyglowheart · 3 years
some people REALLY love to argue that novel lwj doesn’t have a life outside of wwx? esp in contrast to cql lwj? When.... actually cql lwj is the one they tweaked so his whole everything is like, centered around wwx?
in novel canon, lwj’s “wherever the chaos is” is a trait intrinsic to lwj, and he has been this way since his youth. But cql reframed a lot of lwj towards a “13 years of inquiry” fanon trope, with the whole “he was waiting for wwx, he was pining away” with buwang, and notably (and egregiously to me) that throwaway line they give wwx when lwj is drunk, about how “so all these years.. you were looking for me..”
that literally narratively reframe’s lwj’s “being where the chaos is” reputation as “he was out looking for wwx,” even if it was from wwx’s mouth and not lwj’s.
Plus their tweaks to First Siege...
I remember getting an ask way long ago that,,, I think I forgot to respond to when I was talking about this too, where they said they thought the punishment in the novel was more about wwx vs cql, I forget what the argument was and I’m too afraid to dig it back out of my inbox lmao,
but like.. in mdzs: lwj’s transgression at the first siege was defending a LIVING wwx even though wwx was delirious and telling him to get lost. In the course of doing so, he went against the cultivation world & notably, 33 elders of his own clan/sect. And so he was taken back to Gusu Lan and disciplined for this transgression.
In CQL... they made wwx suicidal for some reason & already killed him off, so LWJ being at the Mass Graves was already more about sentiment than principle compared to the novel, and they also demure on why he got punished and made LQR harsher on the whole “consorting with Evil” element. I think ppl frame it as “oh but WWX isn’t Evil he’s Good so ofc LWJ is Right and him aligning himself with WWX is more about principle than sentiment.” But that argument doesn’t sit right with me, I think because like.. what the novel was going for was more of a “right/wrong are a lot more situational and contextual vs Universal Truths and also are false dichotomies, the reality of situations tends to have many shades as well as differing points of view that aren’t necessarily mutually exclusive and sometimes can and do coexist.” Whereas CQL’s more flattened moral of the story tended to go for more of a “oh the thing you thought was Right and Wrong actually are reversed ✌ #subvertingexpectations”
Anyway I do think CQL tweaked the character arcs to be about each other more than original canon has to like, get the romantic undertones in where they could, and like I get why they did. But like, last tangent - this is why I think CQL wangxian needed their time apart though, bc their story had been so much about each other, and why I don’t have an issue with Chief Cultivator LWJ (and it. doesn’t make him a fckn cop lmao..). Whereas novel wangxian, it makes sense for them to not want to split up, bc they’d spent so much time apart & learning to come together & learning to understand each other together in the course of the story. There ARE in fact marked differences in the way each handled the character arcs which is what accounts for these differences making sense in the respective canons, and also why like... if someone is trying ot argue a sort of universality of canon it falls apart imo when it comes to equating CQL with MDZS.
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