#also when i talk to friends with our talking voices we all pronounce things differently
pirate-poet · 2 years
for literal years i thought it was crewcase cryptics instead of crawcase and also soothe & copper instead of soothe & cooper
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ashspecter · 6 months
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The Little Phintom
@duchi-nesten's prompt: Danny’s been enjoying spending time with Nocturn lately, even with the unfortunate side effect of his skin being replaced by stars. That’s… probably fine, right?
Summary: Danny becomes what he’s always wanted to be.
TW: Mild Body Horror (If you count Danny turning into a reflection of space), Body Modification
Words: 1,712
Story also posted below the cut.
It’s no surprise that Danny loves space. Between his NASA t-shirts, star-patterned socks, and space-themed doodles on his homework, anyone paying attention would know. Which, surprisingly, isn’t a lot of people despite everything.
So when Danny began drifting closer and closer to a ghost with the universe as his skin, it shouldn’t have come as such a surprise. Anyone who knew about his love and obsession with space should have expected it. Space makes up a part of the half-ghost’s Core Type after all. It only makes sense. Plus, who could have known that the ghost of dreams would reflect one’s deepest desires? Danny sure as hell didn’t. And it isn’t like Nocturn had a choice either.
As the days slipped into weeks, Nocturn quickly found himself wrapped around Danny’s little finger. He began to speak of the stars, distant galaxies, and the dreams he’d collected from them far more often than ever. Together, they would hover at the edge of the ghost zone, talking about nebulae and supernovas, or floating through the darker corners of dreams that spanned across galaxies. And Danny found himself growing more and more comfortable around Nocturn. The boy always listened, entranced, as Nocturn spoke of cosmic winds and starlit shadows with a voice that echoed the ancient light of distant stars.
Somehow, Nocturn ended up being stuck with Clockwork’s chaos child.
And somehow, Nocturn didn’t mind.
But then things began to change. Not in Nocturn’s lair. No, but in the ghost boy who had been following him around.
The transformation started subtly enough, with a glimmer here, a shimmer there, much like the first stars appearing at dusk. At first, it was just his fingertips, which seemed to have absorbed the night sky. Then, his arms began to show the faint glimmer of a distant galaxy, spiraling gently down to his elbows. The boy still had yet to notice this, but Nocturn knew it was only a matter of time. The faint twinkling on the black of the boy’s suit was becoming far too noticeable to ignore now.
The effect was enchanting, and as days turned into nights and back into days, Danny’s transformation became more pronounced. Now it wasn't just his arms, but his face began to show signs too; his eyes twinkled with the light of twin stars, and his smile seemed to curve with the elegance of a lunar crescent. As they sat one evening, floating amidst the dreamy expanse of the universe, Nocturn finally decided to address it.
“Child, do you notice anything… different about yourself lately?”
Danny turned to him, his starry eyes blinking in innocent curiosity. "Different? Like what?" he asked, his voice tinged with a nebulous echo that hadn’t been there before.
"Your skin," Nocturn pointed out gently, "it’s becoming like... well, like mine."
Danny glanced down at his hands, truly noticing for the first time the cosmic dance playing across his skin. Instead of shock or fear, a wide grin spread across his face, “That’s awesome!” He exclaimed, his excitement causing a small shower of stardust to drift from his fingertips, “It’s like I’m becoming part of the universe!”
Nocturn, however, wasn’t quite as enthused. “It is fascinating, yes, but have you considered the implications?”
Danny’s smile faltered slightly.
“This transformation… it could mean you’re losing your humanity.”
“Losing my humanity?” He echoed, the twinkle in his eyes dimming a little, “But I thought it was just because I’m hanging out with you. Because we’re friends.”
“We are friends, Danny,” Nocturn assured him quickly, “And nothing could change that. But the essence of my being is tied to dreams and the cosmos. Your close connection to me may be altering you more fundamentally than you realize.”
A silence settled between them, filled only by the whisper of solar winds and the distant hum of starlight. Danny looked thoughtful, his gaze drifting off into the swirling galaxies around them.
“Maybe it’s not such a bad thing,” Danny finally said, more to himself than to Nocturn, “Maybe this is just part of who I am supposed to be.”
To be adorned in the cosmos, to feel the pulse of the universe beneath his skin— Nocturn knew it would be a dream come true for the boy, but the ghost worries that he will lose parts of himself to the vastness of the universe. A shimmer here, a twinkle there. What was the cost of becoming this beautifully decorated?
Nocturn watched him carefully, admiration mingling with a tinge of worry, “Just make sure, Danny, that this is what you truly want. Being like me… it’s not just about bearing the universe on your shoulders. It’s about being forever bound to the intangible, to dreams and starlight.”
Danny nodded, understanding the weight of his friend’s words. "I'll think about it, Nocturn. But for now, can we just keep exploring? I've never felt more... alive."
“Of course,” Nocturn replied, a slight smile breaking through his usual stoic demeanor. As they resumed their journey through the dreamscape of the universe, Nocturn made a silent vow to keep a close watch on Danny’s transformation.
In the following weeks, Danny’s transformation grew even more profound, his once human features now glimmering with an ethereal light that seemed to illuminate the darkest recesses of the ghost zone. They continued their adventures, drifting through the cosmic realms of dreamscapes and nebulae, but the change in Danny was not lost on Nocturn.
One evening, as they floated through a dream resembling a vast ocean reflecting the night sky above, Nocturn decided it was time to revisit their earlier conversation. The serene sounds of imaginary waves gently lapping against the shore provided a soothing backdrop to their dialogue.
“Have you given any more thought to what’s happening to you?” Nocturn asked, his tone gentle yet filled with an undercurrent of concern.
Danny paused, his gaze fixed on the shimmering water below them. He dipped his hand into the dream-sea, watching as the waters turned to stardust at his touch, “I have,” He finally said, his voice calm, “And I think... I think I’m okay with it. It’s like I’m becoming more myself than ever.”
Nocturn floated closer, his own cosmic form reflecting in the starlit sea, “Your soul resonates with the cosmos, Danny. The more time you spend with me, the more you become a part of what you love. You are merging with the dreamscape of the universe, embracing your deepest desire to connect with the vastness of space.”
“What will I become?” Danny asked, finally voicing his worries despite his initial wonder, “Am I still going to be me?”
“You will always be you, just a different version,” Nocturn assured him, his tone soothing but cryptic, “A version that lives in the dream of the stars.”
Danny nodded slowly, his starry eyes reflecting a complex mix of emotions. “That sounds... incredible,” He murmured, almost breathlessly, as the cosmic winds of the dream-sea whipped around them, “What if I lose touch with… everything?”
“That’s a valid fear,” Nocturn conceded, his voice echoing softly across the dream waves, “Transformation of any kind comes with its risks. You might find that some parts of your old life no longer fit with what you are becoming.”
Danny’s expression grew distant, pensive, “Like my family and friends?”
“Possibly,” Nocturn replied gently, “You may find that as you drift further into the universe, the connections to your earthly existence might stretch thin.”
The weight of his friend’s words pressed heavily on Danny, the enormity of his journey making his heart pulse with a nebulous mix of excitement and fear.
“But that doesn't mean you have to choose now, or ever fully decide,” Nocturn added, sensing Danny’s internal struggle. “Life, like the universe, isn't about absolute states. It’s about evolution, exploration, and sometimes, finding a balance between worlds.”
Danny looked up, his face lit by the ethereal glow of the stars within him. “Balance, huh?” He said with a small smile, trying to wrap his mind around the enormity of his situation, “I guess I’ve always been about that, haven’t I? Half ghost, half human... now maybe part cosmic.”
Nocturn chuckled softly, the sound like the distant twinkling of celestial bodies. “Indeed, you have always been caught between realms.”
Danny felt a resurgence of his earlier enthusiasm. “Then let’s keep going. I want to see everything—every galaxy, every star!” His voice grew stronger, more confident. “And I’ll figure out my place in all of it as I go.”
Nocturn nodded, pleased with Danny’s resolve but still bearing the silent promise to protect and guide him as much as possible, “Very well, then. There are dreams out there waiting to be discovered. Let’s not keep them waiting.”
Together, they resumed their exploration, delving deeper into the dreamscape of the universe. With each new vista and every unexplored dream, Danny’s connection to the cosmos grew stronger. His body shimmered with stardust, and the echoes of nebulae hummed through his veins. The universe wasn’t just around him; it was within him, part of his very essence.
As they moved through swirling galaxies and past shimmering auroras, Nocturn watched Danny with a mix of pride and apprehension. The boy who loved space was becoming a creature of it, embodying the wonder and vastness he had always adored. Yet, the ghost knew the journey they were on was unprecedented, the path uncharted. Danny was transforming into something new, something neither entirely ghost nor human, nor purely cosmic, but a unique fusion of all three.
The dreamscapes they visited became more surreal, shaped by the dreams of beings from countless worlds—dreams of peace, of exploration, of fears, and hopes. Each dream added layers to Danny’s transformation, coloring his perceptions and deepening his connection to the universe.
One evening, as they paused to watch a supernova bloom in the distance, casting radiant waves of light across the dreamscape, Nocturn spoke up, his voice soft yet clear.
“You have embraced your new role admirably,” He said, “But remember, no matter how far you go or how much you change, you are never alone.”
Danny looked at Nocturn, gratitude filling his twinkling eyes, “Thank you, Nocturn. And thank you for showing me this path, for being my friend through all of it.”
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podfeels · 6 days
Podfeels Adapt8ion Notes: Episode 4
hello, dare again! just as a reminder for how these posts work, stagelights will be covering the notes as a whole, and if i ever have to pitch in it will be with purple text like this! with that said, lets get back into it!
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this episode was sort of the first one we ever did, as the original demo for the project way back when (i think it was like 3 years ago now? how time flies) (yeah... its so crazy to look back on) was this episode. we did however make a few new adaptational changes, as well as re-recorded everything, as basically all of us have grown as actors since then. so before we get into the episode proper, we have an adaptational addition already!
at the beginning of each episode, we hear jess (as Narration and then june) saying the quote from the description of godfeels on ao3
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these fuckers.
but since june has come out, we can’t just use the godfeels 2.1 one, and the godfeels 2.2 doesn’t necessarily fit. so we (actually i got sarah to do it!) wrote our own specifically for this episode. “My name is June Eg8ert, and now I know I’m human… but will my friends see it the same way?”
ok time for the actual episode
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some fairly minor changes. i’m pretty sure the ellipses were meant to be there to help with direction for the actors but we kept them in in the scriptlog because i think they help add to the vibe of roses skepticism
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this change was added to help sort of bring this in line with the epilogues. giving off the vibes she’s experiencing the symptoms she talks about in there. this part of the story takes place several months before the epilogues would have happened, so obviously it’s not as severe but its still present. 
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line cut for pacing. id say less PACING and more just... sometimes narration things like this, her snapping her head, can be more cleanly conveyed in audio by just having it be incorporated into the performance. the narration described terse body language, so we nix that and deliver a terse performance!
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more cut narration. at this point its kind of just routine lol
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not necessarily a change but a very fun thing where junes voice and vriskas voice are layered for this line. this was actually also done with the call during the previous episode but i forgot to mention it.
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more narration cuts. honestly though i have listened to this episode more than i’ve read the original version so i honestly didn’t even parse the “honestly rose” bit as a change until literally just now lmao. it flows so well that i genuinely thought it was there in the original
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self explanatory. im running out of things to say.
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the narration is replaced by door slam and party horn sound effects. champagne was specifically mentioned in the notes in the original google doc to be pronounced “sham-pag-in” which is probably a reference to a thing i dont get. YOU HAVENT WATCHED FUTURAMA!?!?!?
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lotta cut narration. u kno the deal by now
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another not-a-change but a line that gains a completely new context when combined with the actor swap. she quite literally does sound different. i think thats fun. according to sarah, that line was written back in the day with direct plans on it being in reference to her her, having played both john and june, taking a different performance when playing june. its just also taken on an even more stark meaning with having them be different actors, which i think is goddamn beautiful
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just more instances of turning narration into stage directions and sound and emoticons into words and vocalizations
so thats it covered! thank you to stagelights for doing the breakdowns for these episodes! check back tomorrow for episode 5's breakdown!
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homosapiennns · 2 years
Sadık is an unique name. I never met a Sadık in my life. It means loyal. Adnan is usually a name, not a surname. It’s an old name, people don’t name their sons Adnan anymore. Both names are pretty masculine sounding. “Sadık” is pronounced S, A in dark, Dı is read the same as the word “the”, K is normal. Adnan is pretty easy, all As in our language are the same.
Sadiq is not a real name, we don’t have q in our alphabet. But I understand that people don’t know this so I forgive u guys 😙
Do I like his name? Tbh the first time I’ve seen it I didn’t, but I like it now. I can’t imagine him having a different name.
I have a few headcanons of him!!!
First of all, this man is LOUD. Like he is not shouting obv, but he talks loudly, energetically, and a little fast paced. He is extroverted, he can carry a conversation easily, and I can see him being “the dominant one” in a convo if it makes sense. Like u don’t have to worry about finding a topic bc Sadık naturally finds it.
His voice is deep.
He is friendly, but he doesn’t share his romantic life if it’s not a close friend. I can see him being close w Balkan countries, Bulgaria especially. A lot of Turks came to Turkey from Bulgaria in 50s and 90s (bc yk Ottoman Empire was there) But I think his personal relationship with Balkans doesn’t get affected by foreign policies. Bc fuck governments and politics. Anyways LOL. He is friends with Russia too. I read some RusTur fanfics? I don’t even know the name of the ship but it was fucking hot. He likes Europeans, Germany is his fave, but he isn’t close with them. Greece will have his own section 😉
He lives in Istanbul, in Anatolia side. He just can’t escape this city he loves it so much even tho it’s overpopulated.
He likes fishing like every uncle ever. He falls asleep in front of his TV like every dad. He loves drinking rakı and eating the fish he caught w it. He loves to eat, he has a dad bod. When he’s drinking he prepares the table like this n people go insane for it, also he always pays the meal’s bills. His hospitality has no limits like this man can die of hypothermia if it means his guests are warm and tucked in bed.
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He has ZERO drip 😔 he has a beard n a hairy body. Idk why but I can’t rlly imagine him with abs. Maybe Osmanlı (Im gonna use Turkish bc Ottoman Empire is so long bro) had an athletic body, but Mr. Turkey just doesn’t care.
He loveeees cooking. Ok so Turks hate takeouts unless u live alone. If u go to a Turkish household and suggest that u want to order a pizza they will act like u just cursed their entire family. Sadık is the same unless he eats kebap outside bc mmm kebap is yummy.
He is a Muslim, not a hardcore tho, he only practices it in Fridays the same way Christians go to church in Sundays.
LETS TALK ABOUT OSMANLI OMG. So yk Mr. Adnan is friendly softie etc etc. But Osmanlı was different! I think his personality changed after the Turkish War of Independence and the Republic has founded. He had to change himself, we the people had to change ourselves to fit the modern Western world.
But at it’s prime Sadık was crueler, focused on wars and fighting and conquering, making his Empire bigger. He has seen many things. Had to betray, manipulate. He was impatient, cunning, cynical. He was never cold though. I think he was always sincere, like yeah his words hurt but he was telling the truth. I don’t like portraying him evil, like a villain. He doesn’t have a bad heart. He knows how to have a good time if u are his friend.
I think he got THE drip bro. Like his clothes were the most expensive fabrics, sewn by the best tailors.
His sexuality hmmm well 🤔 I think he likes woman but Osmanlı was really gay at that time. Lots of gossips about bisexual Sultans. So I hc him as bi leaning to woman. He loves woman but he bedded many manyyyyy men yk. Especially when he was younger and sexier and he fucked some Sultans with their wives. Like casual not-so-secret threesomes in Has Oda, yeniçeri’s blushing listening outside of their door (Sultan’s main bedroom 😉) he probably wanted to sleep w women in harem too but he couldn’t 😔 no men were allowed inside.
I don’t ship TurGre. I’ve read fics, some I really like, but when I think about it I feel weird and uncomfortable. I like their dynamic as complicated frenemies. Sadık was never a parent to Hera. I think their dynamic was like Romano-Spain. Boss and ??? Child??? I think Hera never did housework though. Humans already did that. When Hera was little, he hated Sadık. But as he spent time w him, he liked him a little bit. Sadık taught him many things, but he never saw him as his “son” or “student” it’s just. It was a land under Osmanlı, and Sadık wanted to know him. He looked after him of course, and he enjoyed his company. Telling him stories, traveling Istanbul, talking philosophy. We all know Hera loves philosophy. I also think they didn’t spend a lot of time anyway, Sadık was too busy.
Today, they pretend to hate each other but they don’t actually hate each other?? Wowneifnifj. It’s like Turkey vs Greece memes. Like they make fun of each other but it’s teasing, it’s not mean, both went through so many things. They both suffered n they understand each other.
AND TURKEY TOUCHES PEOPLE. A LOT. He hugs n slaps n pokes. Hera is used to it. Turks are touchy in general, including men. No boundaries at all. I’m glad Hima put this in the comic :D
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That’s all about the Istanbul gentleman 😙✨
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shatcey · 7 months
Yoichi (part 2)
I finished the romantic ending of Yoichi and decided to combine my thoughts about his story and about the man himself, just to be completely fair. My previous impression wasn't quite right, there were still a lot of things that I hadn't considered at the time (just didn't know yet).
But before I start talking about Yoichi (I prefer to pronounce his name with a soft "chi" at the end… the closest to Korean 치)… It's just a whim of mine. I'm weak to soft diction and hissing sounds… And if it's both… Now I have an idea why I like some voices so much…
This was my first route in IkeGen. And I involuntarily compare it with another Cyber game - Ikemen Sengoku, also historical. So, the most significant differences between these games are (magic aside):
1. MC from IkeGen is local, she has lived all her life in the city ruled by…. I'm ashamed, I still don't remember his name. Yorimoto, I guess… so… She accepts him as the ruler. And for her… the rebels are the enemy. It plays a huge part in her perception. All her actions are based on a strict friend/foe separation. She just cannot detached herself from it the way Mai (IkeSen MC) does.
2. In IkeSen, the warlords are so noble, and the war is shown to be honest and somewhat naively primitive. They fight according to some rules, don't use dirty tricks, and so on. Yes, there is a third party and even a fourth, which is not so noble, but the two main armies are definitely are. In Ikegen it's a f*** nightmare. Each side is doing its best to win. There is always fire, sword fighting, bows, magic on the battlefield… They trick, threaten, or kill… they stop at nothing at all. And probably because there's more sincerity in their actions, more determination to go to the very end it's really scary. I've never felt like this in Sengoku… Sengoku is just a child's play compared to Genjiden.
So… based on these two simple facts… Dating a guy from the rebels doesn't just seem difficult, it's impossible.
And here we are… stuck with Yoichi, who is undoubtedly trying to trick her and using her… She is aware and very cautious at first. And it would have stayed that way if it hadn't been a couple of things. Yoichi doesn't always pretend. She surprises him by telling him what she really thinks, and his mask disappears. She acts selflessly, and he undoubtedly feels very conflicted. And when she finds herself in death/life situations, he always comes to save her. And looking at all this it's really hard to believe that he's the bad person he claims to be.
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I would like to ask… what is your definition of a "good person"? Because I don't really see anything wrong with you. Yes, I don't know Japanese, and there were probably some descriptions of your "terrible" behavior outside of a relationship with our girl. But I don't remember any of that. And yes, I understand that the fact that you are incognito in enemy territory means that there is a reason for that… and probably not just spying… But… I still can't say that it makes you a bad person.… It's just a job…
I got distracted defending him. I'm aggressively defensive, as always.
The more time they spend together, the closer they get. She knows him probably even better than his allies. And he feels more at ease with her than with any other person. In fact, she described him quite accurately.…
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At that time, we didn't have the opportunity to check this on our own… But we will later.
In the middle of this so Shakespearean impossible love romance, they both already realize that it won't end well. But only Yoichi understands his feelings.
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This slow and calm story suddenly collapses when Morinaga (fluffy haired) detect these two. Yoichi doesn't deny that he tried to use her. He wasn't trying to lure her to his side… And he could do it… he could easily sweet talked her. But he just let her go because it's safer for her… And don't tell me it wasn't noble…
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At this very moment, she finally realized her feelings… As they say… you don't appreciate it until it's too late…
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They are both heartbroken, but continue to live their lives as if nothing had happened. They have returned to their armies and are fulfilling their duties. But everyone around can see that something is off. They've both changed, and it's hard to ignore.
And then suddenly the war started. On the sea. It was very loud, with fire and smoke, arrows and fights… with a lot of small effects, visual and sound… With a big announcement of Yoshitsune and Yoichi… To be honest, it looked like a very expensive advertisement.
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And again their lives collided (how strangely correctly I posted the previous screenshot). Yoichi with MC and small parts of both armies find themselves on some island. And our couple had a very long conversation…
Yoichi tells that it was Yoshitsune who believed in him…
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He was always unnecessary, unwanted for his family. He meant so little to everyone around him. And finally, someone believed in him, gave him a new name and with it a purpose. Yoshitsune has changes his life so significantly… And it hurts Yoichi that this particular person was betrayed… and killed…
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And he couldn't save him at that time. So now… he dedicates himself to his lord. He doesn't think his life has any other value…
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A smart, reliable, brave, very talented person in various fields does not see value in himself… It's actually very sad. And reminds of Hideyoshi for some reason…
They only have this last night before the war starts again, so they finally confess their feelings to each other… Because they were absolutely sure that there would be no other chance.
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He asks her to stay away from the war, he doesn't want to be her enemy, he doesn't want to be forced to kill her. But she disagrees…
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There is some logic in this… If I stay on the battlefield, we'll be together… even if we're on the opposite sides. And again… their love seems so tragic and, undoubtedly, doomed to death...
But we wouldn't be here if there wasn't a third party… They have gone too far, so the two armies must join forces to destroy a common enemy.
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They meet again and again… indeed, how not to believe in fate.
And as a result of the victory, something like a truce was concluded and to strengthen ties… let's just say they sold her out. Of course, after asking her opinion on this matter. Which is strange... at that time, women didn't have voice…
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That's so sweet...
And finally… finally we found ourselves with the rebels. Jeez… Why did it take so long? Two chapters. They only give us two damn chapters with them (including the epilogue). And there wasn't much interaction with them, and that just makes me want more… It's not enough!!!
And in the epilogue, there was a very sweet meeting with family and a friend, and I almost burst into tears. It was really touching…
In addition
The translator calls Yoichi "give" or "gifts". Then Yoichi talked about the meaning of his name, he said that this is a person who provides. Who gives people what they need. And, in my opinion, his hobby is quite suited to his name. He's a potter. There is a translation of this route to 8ch. I started with this, and because of it the auto translated text began to make at least some sense.
Yoichi doesn't like how young he looks. Baby face (reminds of someone). When he's not wearing armor, he always wears loose clothes. Like show off: "Look, I'm really an adult, I can demonstrate my breast". It's hilarious.
He only lets his hair down in the last CG's. Even when he sleeps, his hair is tied in his usual ponytail.
On this route, the love rival was Morinaga (fluffy haired). I figured it out somewhere in the middle, there was too much of him.At the very end, he confirms his feelings to the red-gloved guy. But he assured that if he noticed any gap between Yoichi and MC, he would use this opportunity to win her over. Actually this is the first time the rival doesn't give up… I'm quite suprised. And despite how cute he is… fluffy hair, green eyes, very friendly behavior… I don't really like him. To be honest, I don't really like anyone from the Yorimoto's gang. And it's strange, because on this route there were plenty opportunities to get to know them better… I guess the ginger stolen all my attention.
So… After Yoichi's route, these nicknames (first mentioned in the prologue) were changed…
Without a doubt, the name of ginger cutie is Yoichi. But he's still ginger and still a cutie, so maybe I'll call him that when I'm in the mood.
Not-long-haired guy is now Strange magician. Sorry... he is strange and he is magician.
Zombie is completely forgotten, but I will occasionally called his creepy look as "zombie mode". But aside from that, he's a sweet, adorable Yoshitsune.
And black-tits demon… Yes, I know his name is Kurama, but the translator calls him War Horse… and for some reason I like that. It suits him well.
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eatnightmares · 1 month
1.13 bellwethers time...haha...yay... 🥲
at least it seems like they had a few days travel...slaps car roof you can fit plenty of bonding in there
and good lird when the dual narration hits!!! they have completely different goals and yet they've never been more in sync...and the descriptions are Soooooo evocative...
carpenter stans will hear the words willow tree and jump 3 feet in the air
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nevermind i hate it here. "not a throne, nothing like that" :)))))) "because i know her now...i know she's already changing her mind about leaving our faith" HE DOESN'T KNOW HER AT ALL HE DOESN'T KNOW PAIGE EITHER. HE WANTS THEM BOTH WITH HIM BUT CAN ONLY IMAGINE IT WITHIN THE CONFINES OF HIS OWN NARRATIVE. ONLY IF THEY'LL PLAY THE ROLES HE DEIGNS TO GIVE THEM. AND THEN LITERALLY CONGRATULATING HIMSELF ON "MAKING ROOM" FOR THEM faulkner you are so so annoying and i love you so much. i need to bite you in half
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god there is so much here. "this is extraordinary, this is beautiful" her bit in late s3 about how his miracles Are beautiful and something she dreamed of so why did he let her feelings turn to horror and disgust...
"so long as we're willing to shape it like this" faulkner just now!! we can reshape the world, we can stay be each others' side, but only if it looks exactly like this!!!!
"if it was just you and i" making me fucking crazyyyyyyy how she doesn't elaborate on Who else is there that's making it so she can't make excuses. i think it's both the sainted citizens around her and her ongoing struggle to empathize with strangers but also...
last ep "but you're not alone" "yeah, i know" gwaaoaosoggugghhhh. it's faulkner. it's this stupid fucking kid who's following her lead. following her into the jaws. "without hope or sense for either of us" if it was just her giving herself to the thing that will eat her that'd be one thing. but here's this kid, too young for this to be something he can't come back from. she won't be responsible for it. just. him being part of the reason she had the courage to leave!!!! even if he won't go with her!!!!!
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let's kill ourselves. something about faulkner claiming half the crutch when he doesn't need it. you're not turning me into an allegory faulkner...she's not a metaphor she's not a story. she literally is. gruh.
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anathema first appearance and she pronounces it an entirely different way <3 so fun how she suggests they both just fuck off and live alone...she rejoined the faith bc she couldn't bear to be alone anymore but the community was never what her faith was about to her...
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"this thing doesn't come with a face you or i can strike at" a thesis statement of the show and yet...they'll all still go on desperately trying...
it really is so fucked that as soon as he learns more about her history he tries to use it against her :( and of course it goes deeper for him than she makes out but she's not wrong either!!
"most convenient vessel" something something promised bride...
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anyway. roake as a parallel to faulkner, carpenter shattering his corpse and that being what spurs him to attacking her. shattering his ego/self made image. yayyyyyyy.
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i love you faulkner hypocrisy moments in script. <3 also "you think...i'll fall in line with your way of seeing things if you raise your voice just enough" broooo you're being a cringe youngest sibling you're making the rest of us look bad
i've already talked about it but "you'll take that boy and you'll eat him up" monologue. ahahahahahahaha. hahahahahah. ha. kms. (i barely have the capacity to think about it with the Everything about this part but i must mention. carp having so so much empathy for this kid. but never mentioning herself and what's been done to her. or maybe she is talking about herself...)
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oh he pushes her out of the way...they really are besties from the start...
faulkner rescue scene is really funny tbh. (skitters out of the mist) FUCK OFF!!!!!!!!!! (skitters back into the mist)
officer down 🎉🎉
"I’m not so sure I’m willing to be a sacrifice after all." rip sid wright you would've loved the many below
good lird...such an episode...my siblings of all time...she knows she needs to leave and she wants him to go with her. he thinks he needs to stay and wants her to stay with him. the beginning is the end is the beginning.
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xivanxiety · 4 months
The First & Worst FC (Approx June 2019 - May 2020)
As previously mentioned in my last blog entry, a long time RP friend reached out to me mentioning that he'd started playing XIV and had started an FC. And by started an FC, they'd just started. I was the fifth person to join this FC, so I was officially the first member. This FC eventually grew to consist of people from two different RP communities from two different platforms, so there was a lot of familiar and new faces for everyone. I will need to use names, so I will be naming some of the people in this story after the cast of Mean Girls. Anyway, back to the beginning:
I'm typically pretty shy with groups at first, I like to sit and observe and get a feel for the vibes, I'm also just a quiet person in group settings as other people tend to dominate the conversation. So making friends doesn't come quick for me... typically. However, it didn't take long for Janis to befriend me. I'd say we were pretty attached at the hip. She found a lot of joy in witnessing me go through the MSQ and hearing my reactions to all of the major plot points. She also helped me through a lot of dungeons, trials, etc.
One thing I will note is that Janis did warn me about one of the members in our FC, Regina. She told me that Regina was Aaron's (our FC lead, and my friend from Tumblr) best friend, she had feelings for him, and their characters from their RP community were in a romantic relationship, so she was quite protective of him (I think she meant possessive).
One day, our small group decided to go hang out in Mordona. It was me, Janis, Aaron, Regina, and Glen. We were just shooting the shit and taking screenshots while hanging out in voice. And then as we were sharing the shots we took, Regina blurts out "Katy, why are you staring at Aaron??" I was caught off guard by this, so I simply responded, "I'm... not?" She then hissed at me and said "You're looking at him in all of your screenshots!" I was actually targeting Janis who was standing behind me, so it looked like I was targeting Aaron. I told her "I don't know what to say, I wasn't targeting him." She then let out a deep breath and said "You know what? I just need to chill the fuck out." And left the voice chat. It would appear that either she caught herself in the moment, or someone privately DM'd her telling her to stop which wouldn't have surprised me given future incidents. However, I do believe from that moment on, I was Regina's public enemy #1.
I don't recall a single civil interaction between the two of us and I maintain to this day, I was definitely not an instigator.
Example #1: One day in voice chat, I was helping Janis with pronouncing Korean foods and words. I was talking to Janis but at some point Regina griped, "I know, Katy! I already study Korean so I don't need you teaching me!" Girl, I wasn't even talking to you!
Example 2: She was quick to assume or claim I was being antagonistic in Discord when I was simply engaging in discussion, she'd tell me to calm down and drop it. She was quick to disagree with me in any group chat and treated me like I was being aggressive and antagonistic. ie. I was stating that I wished the Valentione dresses came with petticoat layers in the design because otherwise, it makes no sense why they'd be so poofy. She got on me about complaining over nothing and said they looked fine the way they were. What is wrong with a little critique? I swear, I wasn't allowed to be critical of this game and Yoshi P even in the slightest.
Example 3: One day, another sprout in the FC asked in FC chat what materia they should use for SCH. Regina chimed in telling them not to worry about it, they're not at level cap, much less ready for raids. I asked if she could hypothetically answer the question because I was curious how similar it was to WoW, because a lot of the stats were quite similar and I was a healer main in WoW. Also, Regina was a SCH main at the time. She repeated, "I said not to worry about it!" I then went to Google and looked it up myself and repeated what a few sources online were saying. She responds with "LOL no!" and logged out. The other sprout thanked me for speaking up and answering their question because Regina was starting to scare them.
The final incident (for some time) occurred when I logged into the game one day and dove right into working on the MSQ. I was finally in Shadowbringers and I was eating up the story. Mind you, I was still very much so a sprout. I'd been doing almost nothing but MSQ since I started playing. I do believe this was about... August-ish after SHB came out. We had a new member in the FC, someone who wasn't from either RP communities so we especially wanted to make him feel welcomed. I was running into an issue where I couldn't get past a fight with a few NPCs and was playfully teasing myself in the FC chat. I then quickly realized it was because I hadn't repaired my gear in some time and some of it was broken. Rookie mistake, I know. Regina sees me talking in FC chat and tells me to just go buy some gear off of the market board. I tell her that's too expensive. She then barks back telling me "No it isn't" I then explain I am still leveling so I don't want to waste gil on gear I am going to either replace quickly or can get for free through the MSQ. She then appeared to get fed up and told me to just buy the damn armor. I then went onto explain that it wasn't for a need of armor, I just forgot to repair and now everything is fine. She took it as an opportunity to crack jokes at me and shame me for forgetting to repair my gear. I think she then went and looked me up on the Lodestone or something because then she continued, "WTF are you doing in lvl 82 armor when you're lvl 88?? Go buy higher level gear!" and once again the back and forth about her telling me to go buy armor continued, I told her that even though I'm lvl 88, I am in lvl 82 content (I started SHB at about lvl 86ish, the exact numbers are fuzzy). She continued essentially yelling at me in FC chat but then grew silent and then eventually logged off.
I was then informed by Janis that Regina has been complaining to her and Aaron about me in DMs and they were getting tired of it. Janis told Regina to stop coming to her with her complaints about me as we were friends. And apparently, Aaron had gotten onto her for making a scene in front of our new member and told her she needed to give me a chance or leave. She logged out, and wouldn't log back in for a long time.
The thing is, this character in the FC wasn't Regina's main. She had a main on a completely different DC and tbh, she hardly ever did any content with anyone in the FC except for when Aaron needed help. Otherwise, she'd log in, seemingly check if Aaron was online, maybe say a few things in FC chat, and then log out. She was mostly active in the Discord server.
And for some time, there was peace. We were building structure within the FC. I had become the 'HR' of the FC so to speak and I was also one of the house decorators, having used my own gil to furnish and decorate the place. I felt quite liked by the community. I helped run events and people often confided in me and seemed to feel comfortable coming to me with their issues with the FC. I genuinely liked being there for everyone and playing my part. That was not going to last and it all changed overnight.
I woke up one morning to find that Janis had stepped down as co-FC lead and had promoted Regina to co-lead. And Regina had gone through all of the roles and changed their permissions, and which one received the most lockouts? Mine. I was essentially demoted to just being a member. I couldn't do jack shit, I even lost the ability to drop furnishing items into the FC house. I was not happy and reached out to the admin chat in Discord stating that I couldn't even drop furniture when I was the one who was investing their gil in the furniture. Aaron wasn't happy as he hadn't authorized those changes, to which Regina replied "How was I supposed to know?? I've been gone for months!" Yes! Exactly! You weren't even active with us to begin with. You used your gil you got from your MSQ and level boosts to help pay for the FC, and that was that. She didn't know a damn thing about the community other than when she'd pop into the Discord server and boast about her achievements on her main.
Meanwhile, Janis had started to avoid me. I knew that running the FC was beginning to take a toll on her. She didn't like running an FC, she just wanted to play with her friends. I never got to confirm what her issue was with me, but she never spoke to me again. I do believe Regina had something to do with it because the timing was too coincidental. It became painfully awkward and uncomfortable for me being in the FC. Regina was on a power trip, Janis wasn't talking to me, and Aaron wasn't doing a damn thing to help. Janis and Aaron had been my closest friends. I was quite vocal to Aaron about my dislike for the changes to the FC and I was often the voice for other members who were too afraid to speak out because they too were afraid they'd become Regina's punching bag. We had these farming plots placed in the FC yard, but only Regina was allowed to use them. We were told not to mess with them. One day, one of the members saw that her crystals were ready to harvest, so they gathered them and mailed them to Regina. Her response? She threw a fit in FC chat, told us "Don't touch my stuff!" and removed all members abilities to harvest from the plots.
Meanwhile, Regina continued bullying me, always making passive remarks about me. Anytime I shared a screenshot, she would post 2-3, bumping my screenshot out of view. She always had snide remarks in response to anything I said. I once mentioned that my partner at the time had ordered us Jimmy Johns for dinner, and Regina proceeded to shame me in voice chat claiming I support a man who hunts wildlife in Africa... just because my partner bought me some Jimmy Johns. I had to set myself to DND and turn off notifications on my phone because just any sound related to Discord was giving me anxiety.
Then the Valentiones event came around, the one with the obstacle course you have to run with a partner. A friend of mine, Karen, joked that she and Aaron should run it together. Their characters canonically did not get along, so she thought it would be amusing, besides... it was a joke. Regina did not like this. She pitched yet another fit telling Karen absolutely not, and asked her how would she like it if Regina approached Karen's partner and asked him to run it with her? Regina was constantly forgetting one of the major rules (at that times). Our character's canons did not exist in the FC. There was too much overlappage and we didn't want to deal with petty jealousy. Basically, Aaron's character was actually in a romance with a few characters in the FC. Funny enough, my character was not one of them, and yet for some reason Regina was Hell bent on pushing me out. And this rule apparently did not apply to Regina because she just assumed that Aaron and her character were going to get married and assumed she was his partner in the game. However, over on Tumblr, Aaron's character was starting to eye mine in their story. So it kind of came to no surprise when Aaron decided, due to how Regina was behaving, he was not going to run the event first with her, and instead, asked me to run it with him. I saw no big deal in it, Regina already hated my guts, so I may as well, I otherwise didn't have anyone to run it with. In the moment, I hoped maybe he decided to run it with me because I was not behaving like a brat, but I kind of wonder if he did it to ruffle Regina's panties. Funny enough, Regina didn't have a damn thing to say about it. I assume Aaron had a word with her in private.
But things continued going downhill from there. I had extended an olive branch to Janis asking if we could just talk about why she wasn't talking to me. It was becoming painfully awkward and uncomfortable being in an FC where 2/3 of the people on top did not like me. People I considered friends were beginning to become questionable. Gretchen had once upon a time confided in me because she too felt Regina was on a power trip and she didn't like seeing someone who was so inactive suddenly in control of the FC, meanwhile, she too had been making all efforts to help the FC and felt like she wasn't appreciated. But even Gretchen was starting to hang out with Janis more and speaking to me less. My only two friends left were Karen and Damian, or so, that's how it felt at the time (there were definitely more people on my side in the end). They'd even arrange FC events in secret, definitely without my knowing. I'd be logged in only to check the FC roster to see that most of them were in a group together running maps or FATEs. No mention of it in FC chat or the Discord. But seeing as Janis was often involved in these runs, I was clearly being purposefully excluded, Karen as well. We found comradery in each other as the rejects of the FC. When Karen first joined the FC, Janis asked me to not RP with her as all she liked to do was ERP. She made it a point to say this to everyone she saw getting close to Karen. I took her suggestion with a grain of salt. Yeah, Karen had her flaws, but she was by far the least problematic in the end. This was when I began to wonder "Why the fuck am I still in this FC??"
That was when Karen, Damian, and I discovered it... Balmung. People in the FC had always badmouthed the server, stating it was filled with degenerates. And you definitely don't go to the Quicksands. Well, we wanted to see it for ourselves, so together we went to Balmung. We took a liking to people-watching in the Quicksands. Karen had a thing for a certain race, so she liked to try to chat them up, flatter them, etc etc, never anything serious. One day she spotted a fellow in the distance whose character design she really liked, like... really liked, but she was too shy to say anything. So, I offered to talk to him for her. I sent him a tell letting him know that my friend next to me liked his character design. He took the compliment in stride, but did not appear to take any interest in talking to Karen, but instead chose to talk to me. No, he didn't start hitting on me or anything creepy. In fact, he too was just there to people watch and see who sends him tells.
My time on Balmung encouraged me to start considering diving into RP in XIV. I was beginning to feel more comfortable with just going out on my own and expanding my social circle outside of the FC. Meanwhile, every time Karen and I were spotted on Balmung, people in the FC had things to say, there was a lot of slut shaming going on. I'd swiftly call people out on their hypocrisy because there's no way in Hell some of these people hadn't ERP'd. Aaron especially had art of his character and other people's characters in the act. So what is wrong with Karen, Damian, and I hanging out on Balmung??
Another mutual on Tumblr reached out to me and said I should make a character on their DC and join their FC. They were an RP FC and there was no pressure to make the character my main. So I started a second life on this other DC. It was there that I made one crucial change to my character: Her race. I'd kind of sped my way through character creation the first time around and wasn't 100% happy with her initial design. However, the race and clan I really wanted to be was the exact same as Regina. And I just knew if I changed my character, I'd never hear the end of it. But when I finally made her into what I truly wanted her to be, it was hard to go back to her original design. She was just so cute and my other FC absolutely adored her. They encouraged me to just bite the bullet and fantasia my main, who cares what Regina thought? That FC clearly no longer gave any shits about me. So I did. And sure enough, as soon as I posted a screenshot of my character in the Discord server, Regina had things to say. "Looks like I need to fantasia, one too many (race/clan) in this FC."
The more time went on, the less fucks I gave, and the more I distanced from this FC. I finally decided to have a talk with Aaron. I asked him if there was some issue that people had with me. He tried spinning it onto me and said "I don't know, it sounds more like it's you who has a problem with other people." I asked him to clarify what he meant by that. He then told me I need to be more careful about talking about others behind their backs. To this day I don't know what the fuck he was talking about, because everything I complained about in private to others I told to Aaron himself. I had no qualms about expressing my concerns to him. But I also posed the question, wouldn't that mean there's a great deal of hypocrisy going on then? I never vented to anyone who didn't verbally agree with me. I'm not the type to just dump onto someone without mutual expression of feeling the same way and without valid complaints. I never have problems with people unprovoked. I genuinely never had any issues with Regina in the beginning, it was she who had problems with me and I was beginning to believe that Regina had somehow flipped the narrative. So either way, he was allying with someone who had no issue acting two-faced, and does anyone really want to be friends with someone like that? I later learned that Gretchen had been repeating things I said to Aaron and Regina. I was officially done with this FC. I just needed to wait for a good opportunity and for Balmung to open up.
Meanwhile, I just spent most of my time on Balmung. One fateful day, I was sitting in the Quicksands when some guy started sending me tells. It quickly escalated (on his end) and the dude was asking desperately for my attention and was not taking no for an answer. The guy I'd spoken to for Karen noticed me and asked if I was having any issues. I told him that the other guy wouldn't leave me the fuck alone. He then told me to tell the guy that I needed to go meet with my friends. He then lead me to a different part of Ul'dah where there was a little group of people just sitting and chilling. They were friends and FC mates of his. They weren't RPers, just long time Balmung residents. They were the chillest group of people I'd ever met, and still to this day, remain some of the chillest people I know. They took me in and I began hanging out with them every day. My birthday came around and they showered me with gifts and celebrated with me.
I finally made the move not long after my birthday. Over night I abandoned my house, exited my FC room, said goodbye to anyone who happened to be online at the time, and transferred to Balmung.
Balmung was such a silly place, I don't think it's as bad as a lot of people make it out to be. Upon logging in after transferring, a little lalafell walked up and gave me a hug. I then stepped away from the aetheryte and stumbled upon two people who were in character. One of the characters appeared to be mute and was acting bashful toward my character, like he thought she was really cute, meanwhile his friend was expressing disapproval in me, shaking her head no at him and gesturing that he stop before approaching me and pointing as if telling me to walk away. They didn't really speak to me after that so I assume they were just goofing around. But it was quite the welcome to Balmung.
Aarson of course DM'd me the next day expressing his disappointment in me. He said he wasn't bothered by the fact that I left the FC, but why did I have to go to Balmung?
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Years of friendship, dedicated writing partners, invested so much time and energy and gil into your FC, and that's what you have a problem with?
Thank you, next.
The Aftermath
So, I had another character in the FC who I forgot I'd left in there. And I logged in on that alt the day after I left to remove her and also say my goodbyes to people who I didn't get to say goodbye to. Regina was not aware of this. While I was logged into said character, Regina logged in and said in FC chat "Finally, I can breathe in my own FC!" Bitch please.
I'd learn over time that I had more allies in the FC than I initially thought. A number of people reached out and stayed in touch with me, including Gretchen who I ended up softblocking. Another member of the FC tipped me off and told me she was likely just in contact with me to give the FC leaders tea on what I was up to, probably hoping I'd be miserable on my own. I wasn't.
Sometime later, Damian and Karen ended up getting pulled into a voice call and was yelled at by Regina for continuing to associate with me, treating them as though they were guilty of some crime for fraternizing with the enemy. Aaron also sided with Regina on this matter. They then left the FC and went off and started their own.
I was also told that Regina was never physically active within the FC ever again, only in Discord. And Janis eventually took over her position as co-lead again.
Basically, anyone who was a friend of mine in the FC ended up leaving. Besides Gretchen. I named her Gretchen because of the pick-me nature of both individuals. Even Janis left the FC recently. Honestly, I feel as though Aaron was far more antagonist than most would've given him credit for. I think he found joy in how much Regina adored him and how possessive she was and how quick she was to bow down to him. He liked stirring the pot. The RP community that they all came from (I was in the minority from Tumblr) was almost cult like in my eyes. They all placed him on a pedestal and a lot of people develop crushes on him. I'm told he ended up getting together with someone else and married them in-game and of course everyone attended but Regina.
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adudelol-reblogs · 5 months
undertale oc that i've never heard of before????
tell me NOW
LMAOO yeah rye :)
oh wow this got long putting this below a . read more <3
so. okay ive been an undertale fan since the game first came out right like i remember looking at the trailers for a new game releasing (2015) and so me and a friend, @scooky2 made ocs together! (Oh my gods scooky sun n rye are nine years old.)
but yes we've had them around for forever, snr (the oc group, stands for Sun aNd Rye, or Sun N Rye), are our ocs. Sun created by Scooky and Rye created by me. They've changed a lot over the past few years, but yknow, as all ocs do <3
So, rye is my beloved baby ray of sunlight . she's a trans gal (she/it/[redacted]), and lives near sun. she's adopted by a poly family, the smiths, and her social worker, stacy, is suns mom!
so thats how sun n rye met when they were. 13ish? Something like that
pretty much they've always been close friends, and sun has punched several transphobes whove been mean to rye LMAO
OH a note here: rye is pronounced like "Ray". She named herself to match Sun (Sunray, a ray of sun, etc) and i just find that so wholesome i love them your honour
Um. Pretty much when they're like,,, 19? 20? I don't exactly remember, but one day when they were walking on a trail they fell into mt ebbott into the underground
sun has a bravery? soul? I think? bravery yeah the orange one, and rye has the typical determination red soul. they kinda go through the underground like normal, until theeee undyne fight, where sun dies. rye freaks out and panics, causing her to also die BUT!
as the DT soul, she is sent to this voidlike place for a moment. in the distance, she can hear a voice talking to her, and it tells her to just believe in herself. and she comes back to her last save point!
rye loves her honorary sister, and so she leaves without sun and fights undyne. during this, rye feels like the only thing she can do here is to kill undyne to save sun so yeah . rip o7
throughout the story rye dies a bunch more times, and each time she finds herself in the void place, the voice getting louder and louder until one time she sees its some weird, melted goopy skeleton monster (gaster!)
i dont exactly remember everything said, but the point is during the first run, gaster built up his trust with rye, and when she fights asgore, gaster convinces her to reset (aren't you curious? find out what else could happen?) (you promised you would save me. how can you do that without learning more information?) (do what i tell you. don't you trust me? im showing you how to use your soul. your determination) all that kinda stuff
so rye agrees, resets and resets and resets doing dozens and dozens of different things -- genocide, killing everyone besides one specific monster, only kill this one, seeing how everything reacts. but the one thing, the one thing rye would never do was hurt sun
(don't you trust me, rye? killing sun might be the one thing that can unlock this information. trust me, she won't even remember it. she wont know it even happened)
the one thing rye would never was hurt sun, before.
sun.... it was always a quick, painless death. at least, rye hoped it was. rye still loved her sister, but... she needed to know after all, right?
eventually sans manages to convince rye that he remembers everything blah blah and that rye is being manipulated by gaster, that she doesnt have to do this
and rye, tired of the resets, tired of killing sun or hurting sun over and over and over stops. she fights against gaster, telling him to leave her alone and that she's not playing his game anymore
so, she finally gets to her pacifist route. she finally did it, but... there isn't enough human souls to break the barrier. so both rye and sun are stuck down here until frisk (who in our oc would is not a DT soul, since we have the lore that only one DT soul can exsist at once) comes down and the barrier is broken by frisk
thats the overall story done!
oh i totally forgot to mention this. but both sun n rye are humans at the start of this story. sun is part phoenix (oc monster race we have), and part giant (also oc monster race). she looks human though, and game-wise, is human with human stats in everything until around sometime in waterfall, where she falls off a cliff or something and nearly dies -- but the monster part of her soul unlocks and she transforms into her monster form (which is birdlike -- wings on her back, eyes change, feathers, etc).
rye, on the other hand, is human. but remember stacy? suns mom, rye's social worker?
stacy is part giant, and has been around since before the monsters were locked into mt ebbott. stacy had gotten away, just looking like a tall lady to most of the world, and every couple decades she has to move to get a new ID+keep up the act of being human since, after 50 years, how do you still look 20 LMAO
but yes, stacy is a monster. and she had given rye this one magical item -- that if rye was ever in serious trouble, yes, use this.
well, in the underground, rye went through several life or death serious situations, and had used the device -- it unlocks even more of the DT in her soul, transforming her into her monster form.
Rye becomes a medusa like creature, legs shifting into one long snake tail, and hair turning into a mass amount of snakes. when she was being manipulated by gaster, she learned that her human form did more damage to monsters, so she never used it often.
but once she realized she was stuck down here, she found out that the snake form felt more comfortable as long as she wasn't outside in snowdin (due to the cold). so she ends up spending most of her time in her medusa form, because well
i should say . snr are oc x canon. we made them when we were younger and idk that its cringe now cringe is dead etc etc but
but yes, oc x canon, and the canon characters? ...sans and papyrus. though sun and sans is romantic, rye and papyrus are a qpr :D
but yeah like i was saying . rye spends most of her time in her snake form because it also just makes sans feel idk like safer? that when she was being manipulated, when she was killing monsters, she did so in her human form and her snake form was her willing to be weaker yknow
anyways uh . wow this is long i just rambled
sorry if like none of this makes sense LMAO i didnt realized how long this is oh my gods
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s1ep25 kung food
making a list again so i don't get too off track. bc this one is somehow worse than rogercop
racism: marinette's uncle, the bad chinese, his broken english
racism part two electric boogaloo: chloe's racism, the fact that adrien speaks better chinese than marinette
racism part three electric boogalee: kung food's design
the problem with the creator's infatuation with japanese media and choosing to make marinette half-chinese
marinette's voice actor voicing characters from japense media
english instead of french
the fact that all of kung food's weapons are western instead of chinese
marinette having to learn a lesson about not aggravating chloe rather than chloe learning not to be a racist piece of shit
racism part one: like do i even need to say it? the fact that he speaks in broken english. the fact that they just assumed he didn't speak any english (or french, as it were). the fact that, for some inextricable reason (not really i know the reason), marinette called alya instead of her mom??? her mom who is, presumably, fully chinese. her mom, who is chef cheng's neice??? hello???
i can handle ppl mispronouncing marinette's chinese last name. like i'm just used to it. but the fact that they put absolutely no effort into even trying to pronounce the chinese right is aggravating. like it's okay if marinette's sounds like shit, tho we're going to get to speaking about diaspora, and i'm getting ahead of myself but adrien is supposed to know chinese fluently enough to translate. and his pronunciation also sounds like absolute dogshit.
racism part two electric boogaloo: i mean do i even need to go over this one, either? the fact that she asks why chef cheng doesn't just make sushi, even though he's chinese. the fact that after sabotaging his soup, and he speaks to her in perfectly find english she says, "sorry no speak japanese." the fact that when marinette suspects chloe of sabotaging chef cheng's soup, adrien is just like "sounds like her, yeah." the fact that at the end when chloe storms off when it's pointed out she was kicked off the panel, adrien just sheepishly rubs his head and laughs, despite her racism toward his supposed friend and her family member. the fact that the only punishment chloe really gets is that she's kicked off the judging panel is furstrating. bc yknow what her takeaway is? she can get someone akumatized and still be rescued by ladybug bc "it's the right thing to do." frankly, i think anyone as blatantly racist as she is should be turned into soup.
i don't want to talk about having adrien's chinese be better than marinette's is wrong on so many levels bc it pains me on a very deep level, but it ties into me being diaspora, so i'll talk about it a little insofar as i don't think any white person should ever* write a mixed and/or diaspora character bc they will never understand the immense and deep pain we feel when we don't have a connection to our culture that we feel we should. and language is a very, very big link.
(*at the very least get sensitivity readers who are mixed and/or disapora, for the love of fucking god)
racism part three electric boogalee: do i really have to talk about why his akuma design is racist?
the creator's infatuation with japanese media: for one, i don't think he respects japenese media, i think he just consumes it. for two, i think it's an issue bc it informs his decision on things, when marinette is very specifically half-chinese. like maybe it's too subtle for most westerners, but the differences in culture are very distinct, and so if the creator is taking inspiration from japanese media and anime,,,why not just have marinette be half-japenese? it's very clear that he feels a lot more comfortable in area either bc he just consumes a ton of japanese media and/or he's done more research into japanese culture than chinese culture.
marinette's english va: this is a bit nitpicky, and this is by no means meant to be a slight to her or the fact that she voice acts for anime. i really like her voice acting, and i love anime lol. what i mean by this point is that it's clear that she's used to pronouncing things in japanese from when she's had to for anime. like it's probably not a lot or common, but it's clear that she feels more comfortable pronouncing japense words and names. and idk i just kinda wish they had taken more care and she'd learned how to at least attempt at a chinese pronunciation.
english v french: i just found it funny they say english, like they didn't think chef cheng spoke english, when they're in france. don't be a coward. just say french, even tho you're speaking english lol. it's like not changing the pronouns in songs when you're doing a cover.
kung food's weapons: interesting choice that all his weapons are distinctly western when he's a chinese chef. smoked sausages aren't served with hot pot???
marinette's lesson: marinette ends up thinking the takeaway is that she shouldn't have provoked chloe, which does nothing for the narrative. and also teachers the kids the wrong thing. that if you just don't provoke the racist person, they won't commit acts of racism. hello??? chloe would've sabotaged chef cheng's soup regardless of if marinette had defended him or not. bc that's what racist people do! they're going to be racist, regardless of whether or not you're nice to them, so there's not point in being nice to them!!!
my one and only consolation is that they at least used the correct character for meal in mandarin chinese. and that the english va for chef cheng sounds like he knows a little chinese. but we are in the pits of hell. so i find no comfort in them.
and honestly there's so much more i want to say; i could go on forever about this fucking episode. the fact that they greenlit this episode drives me to the brink of insanity. when i was younger and watched this, i was filled with so much righteous rage. now that i'm older, i'm just filled with a deep sadness and aching pain.
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fl5793 · 2 years
This sounds stupid but like what if ‘Euphoria’ met ‘After’ with a police investigation, crime scene, violent killer…. But what if the baby of ‘Euphoria’ and ‘After’ also met with MHA and you get a tv- 14 but would’ve been better if it was tv-MA
You’d get my book
Amiss: The Murder Mystery - FoxLover
Chapter 1: Pilot
Welcome to Amiss
Special guest star Hope Rodriguez as Catalina Garcia and Nathan Black as Jake Paton (It Is pronounced Pat-on)
It's a sunny day at Evergreen high which isn't weird since it's springtime
Inside the high school, you see the outcasts and party animal Rebecca Ring walking with her on her right is popular miss lovely Erika Smith
The two were walking together out of the school
"Hey, Rebel listen we can't be friends anymore," Erika says standing in front of her
"What?" Rebecca says confused by her sudden words
"Your dumb, ugly, and definitely not good enough for me, I also heard you tried to act like the bitch you are and steal my boyfriend," Erika says with attitude
"Excuse me, Erika you know I would never do that to you and I have my boyfriend," Rebecca says
"Whatchu do pay them? cause we all know the only guy who would want to sleep with you is your imaginary boyfriend." Erika says in a calm but sassy voice
Rebecca was the type to not talk back because she was a person who was too herself
Erika was walking away from Rebecca standing still with her head down
"Well guess what I do have a boyfriend and at least we don't need to have sex to hide the fact that's the only good thing in our relationship."Rebecca claps back and she regrets it so much
"Rebel we both know damn well you shouldn't be talkin- I mean every time a guy comes to you they have to remember what's in the front when they see your back," Erika says getting angry but trying her best to control it
"Erika you are such a slit that I bet you if you go on the hub she would remind you of one of those porn stars since she's so horny 3.6.5," Rebecca says and claws come out of her hands
"Hey everyone Party girl and Erika are about to fight." A guy shouts and gets others to rally up
"Speaking of horns I see them growing all over your face no wonder you wear makeup and I have true beauty unlike you," Erika says with a smirk and that was it
Rebecca pounced on Erika and a fight broke out
Erika swung her around and pinned Rebecca on the floor and started punching her
Rebecca scratched Erika's right eye
Soon teachers came and separated the two
They both landed in detention
"I expected better from you two. You were nominated as best friends of the year and have great academics which has caused this to happen." The principal asks
"We're not friends just enemies and why the hell are we nominated we never allowed this?" Rebecca says and the two face away from each other
"Rebecca you damaged Erika's eyesight affecting her ability to blink through her right eyelid and Erika you almost broke her jaw just know you two are getting detention for a week." The principal said
From then on they were enemies until the school year was over and college started
Rebecca got into an expensive college recommended by the school while and that was the same for Erika
Now they are each second year and hate each other
But this is a little different
Erika had an online friend named badboiforlife in a game she played in high school
As soon as College started Erika met badboiforlife who turned out to be Zachary a guy who dresses up as if he's in a gang
Zachary has tattoos black hair blue eyes and a leather jacket but yet such a kind soul
Zachary didn't like to talk to people because he was discriminated against for being a part werewolf
Erika didn't care cause she was head over heels for him
Present day~
Erika was in her dorm room making out with her boyfriend Zachary
"Why do hate Rebecca so much did you two have a past?" Zachary asked stopping their make-out sessions
"Obviously I always talked about how much of an ass she was," Erika says rolling her eyes
"But we're second years now please don't continue this stupid rivalry. What happened she talked to your ex? It's in the past." Zachary says
Erika starts scratching the back of his ear
"Maybe you're right I should stop but once she says she's sorry," Erika says
Zachary's eyes roll to the back of his head
"Can you pet my head too?" Zachary asks and Erika obliges
"I just don't want you to think i'm gonna go soft on her we are not friends but not enemies but… Uh- something." Erika says
Erika took her hand away and Zachary whimpered like a sad dog
Erika's heart fluttered
"Aw~ why are you so adorable," Erika says and smothers him with hugs and kisses
"Look at the time I have to go remember I have homework," Zachary says now it's Emily's turn to whimper
"You know I have that tutor session will Erick have to go there or else that special Ed professor will fail me," Zachary says and gets from under her
Zachary would actually keep his opinion to himself because again he doesn't want to start trouble
"You sure the professor is the Ed one or is it, my brother," Emily says
"He's smarter than you think," Zachary says walking to the door and leaving
Rebecca had a heated moment with her current boyfriend Jake Paton
"Wow that was amazing," Jake says under the covers
"Yeah it was but I have to go," Rebecca says and puts her clothes on under the covers
"Wait where are you going?" Jake asks
"Well I have a friend date with Catalina since it's her birthday and I hope I get to see Erika today," Rebecca says under the covers
So you two finally stopped this stupid rivalry and became friends
"Nope, I have planned a way to embarrass her at Catalina's birthday party," Rebecca says teleporting out from under the covers
Jake groans
Rebecca's quirk is Cheshire cat so she can do whatever a Cheshire cat does
"You're becoming the bully that Erika was," Jake says and Rebecca rolls her eyes and put on makeup
"You know I always wanted things to change but she would constantly keep things going," Rebecca says
"This problem between you two was over me and I left Erika for you. Plus you know what they say if you a change to happen you have to do it your-" Jake was interrupted
"Yeah dont need a lecture, you can keep talking about how you want to solve this "problem" while I solve it my own damn way," Rebecca says with an attitude and leaves
"I wonder if it was such a good idea to break up with Erika for Rebel," Jake says while sighing on the bed
Rebecca leaves the college and meets up with Catalina
Rebecca goes to a café and sits on one of the tables outside waiting for Catalina
Rebecca goes on her phone to text Catalina
"Hey, bestie where are u I'm at the café?" Rebecca texts
"Hi I'm still at the college there are so many teachers trying to tell me happy birthday gonna be late." Catalina texts and Rebecca sighs putting her head down
Catalina was still at the college doing something else entirely
Catalina used her quirk flotation and then went into the storage room
Inside she met up with Zachary who she kissed on the lips
"Come on now strip I don't go on that stupid birthday meeting with Rebecca," Rebecca says kissing his lips harder
Zachary grabs onto her arms and pushes her away softly making Catalina annoyed
"I don't know if this should keep going on I don't like messing with Erika," Zachary says in an unsure voice
"Who cares Erika is probably only using you for the sex and then will leave when she finds another guy," Catalina says rolling her eyes
"Yeah- but I told her I was a virgin so I was scared to have sex," Zachary says
"Exactly you were a virgin until you met me. I just want to get payback so I get to have you for myself." Catalina says and kisses him
Catalina knew there was a camera in there because there was some kid who vandalizes the school
Catalina wanted to get this on video and then send this to the whole school
'Erika will go down for sure just because I can't date her brother doesn't mean I won't steal your boyfriend.' Catalina thinks while kissing him
10 mins later
"Finally your here I've been waiting for what feels like forever I didn't know your short-ass self needed a lift," Rebecca says
"I know but I guess life doesn't want me to have one birthday- wait a minute what do you mean by a lift?" Catalina says
"You know a lift for example the big guy right there who looks like Dwayne Johnson to pick you up and take you places since your too short to reach a car door," Rebecca says and laughs
"I'm only 5'2 and your 5'5 that's not too far away in inches," Catalina says
"But still far away from shoulders," Rebecca says and chuckles to herself
"Someday girl… your gonna miss me," Catalina says
"Anyway, we have to plan the party. I heard you were gonna send the whole college some embarrassing video to get rid of Erika for good." Rebecca says holding her hands together
"Yes indeed. I have video evidence and it's gonna be crazy it's all about the past, the present, but I just can't wait for how she's gonna react in the future." Catalina says with excitement
"If it's this crazy I must find out what it's about," Rebecca says kind've in a demanding voice
"Nah ah you have to wait till the party everyone is gonna get a fair chance to see the surprise." Catalina teases
"Now that is so unfair I'm like an amazing friend I definitely need to see this video." Rebecca whines
"Fine but I'll show you a sneak peek," Catalina says and shows Rebecca the video
"Hello everyone my name is Catalina Garcia also known as a hot shot because I reveal to you the hottest gossip that will feel like it's shot right at you," Rebecca says in her video
"Erika Smith also known as Erika S online for her stupid videos has been keeping a secret from all of you," Rebecca says
When Rebecca was watching the video oh my god she was so shocked because of the secret she was hiding
"Is it really true?" Rebecca asks
"Yes, it is. Who what's ever thought that this could be true." Catalina says
"That's just what makes you incredible- for finding out the truth of course nothing else at all," Rebecca says starting to blush
Catalina nods as she understands her
At the birthday party
This birthday party would be held on the entire floor Catalina was on
"Zoë you should really calm down on the drinks. You act crazy when your drunk." Alison says
"I WaS dArEd ThIs SiNcE tHeY sAiD I cOuLdn't PrOvE mY love to you," Zoë says drunk
"You love me?" Alison asks
"Mmhm EvEry moment I'm WiTh YoU i'M happy because your amazing and beautiful, and hot, and Love the way you flinch to almost everything," Zoë confesses sobering up
"I love you too Zoë, you are an amazing girlfriend and I'm lucky to be with you," Alison says and kisses Zoë on the lips but then backs off
"Okay, you first need to stop with alcohol," Alison says with a small smile on her face
"I also need to throw up i'll see you upstairs," Zoë says and runs upstairs
While she's throwing up there is a room a few doors away from the bathroom
Once Zoë was done she was still pretty drunk
Zoë left the bathroom and walking past Catalina's bedroom when suddenly she heard
"Zachary come on please you can't end this all now," Catalina says
Zoë went to the door and watched everything through the crease of the door
"No Catalina I can't your bullshit anymore I love Erika, I want to be with her, have sex with her, and stay with her not you," Zachary says
"But baby if you stop this now just know you will never get with me again," Catalina says
"I rather stop this fake relationship than ruin the one I already have," Zachary says angrily and leaves the room noticing Zoë there
A guy was walking by with multiple shots and Zoë takes all of them
Zoë chugs them down one by one so she can forget everything she just saw
"Okay, NoW I'm BeTteR." Zoë says
Zachary left Catalina in her room
Catalina wasn't even sad she was just pissed off
Catalina threw her lamp on the floor
"Fine if you won't love me then I'll make sure you don't love Erika," Catalina says
Catalina was about to walk out of her dorm room when she had a notification on her phone
"Do you want to play a game? Catalina?" The phone says and Catalina just stayed in her room
"Aw hell man I ain't doin this jigsaw shit I'm staying here," Catalina says and stays in her bedroom
"Catalina you are in your bedroom right now I can see you through your window." A text says okay now that made her terrified
Catalina looks through her window and sees no one
"What the hell?" Catalina says confused
"The game I want to play is called hide and seek where you hide and I seek for you. You have ten seconds to hide or else you'll die." The text read
Catalina looks out on her dorm floor and sees no one there
"Where the hell did they go?" Catalina asks walking outside her dorm door
"10" The text was sent and that terrified Catalina
Catalina was running away but for some reason, all doors to leave the floor were locked
"HELP SOMEONE HELP ME!!!" Catalina screams in fear and slams her hand against the doors leading outside
"Hey, Catalina is that you?" Jake says on the other side
"OPEN THE DAMN DOOR!!" Catalina screams
Jake unlocks the door
Jake opens the door and hears screams
Catalina was gone and Jake sees her phone on the ground
It was counting down from 10 to 0
Jake was confused and a little creeped out
"Hey, Catalina where are you?" Jake asked looking around
Bing comes from Catalina's phone
Jake looks at it and is even more confused
"I found you." The text says
Jake couldn't react cause he was shot multiple times in the back
Jake was on the floor dead with blood oozing out and was on the floor
A body then falls from an open dorm room
It was Catalina's
Catalina's neck was sliced as she tried to reach for her phone
Catalina knew she wouldn't be able to call anyone in time so she hit the emergency S.O.S button and let the call go through
"911 what's your emergency." the call taker says
Catalina couldn't speak but Was shot in her head multiple times
"Were those gunshots? Hello? Are you still there." The call taker asks
A guy in a cloak and mask picks up the phone
"Hello, my name is Charles Banquet I'm also known as the Slaughterer you can call me either one. I've just killed two college students come now or else more people will be next." The Slaughterer says and hangs up
Little did he know there was someone else watching
Rebecca was inside her dorm
'Holy shit holy shit HOLY SHIT THERE BOTH DEAD.' Rebecca curses in her head
Rebecca backs away from the door when she knocked something over
"Damn it," Rebecca says out loud
The slaughterer turns to the dorm door and shoots bullets through the door
One of them goes through Rebecca's arm and she uses her quirk to teleport away
"Hey, Zachary you came to my room to tell me something," Erika says happy
Zachary sits on her bed
"Yeah I need to tell you the truth I was-" Zachary says when Erika screams
Zachary turns around to see Rebecca teleport into her room with a bloody arm
"Hey y'all there's a masked serial killer who killed two people and I might be next so can I get some help," Rebecca says drowsy
"REBEL WHAT THE FU-" Erika shouts
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nicka-nell · 2 years
Request: @multi-fandom-fanfic here’s the third part for Suna x reader angst. Or also Osamu x reader I guess :D I hope you like it  💚
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Pairing: Suna Rintarou x reader, Miya Osamu x reader
Genre: Angst/Fluff 
Warning: Angst (Suna), Angst/Fluff (Osamu)
Words: 3.343
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It’s already dark, cold, as Suna and you walk next to each other. The night is amazingly quiet, different from usual. Only your footsteps echo through the air. 
From the corner of your eye, you can see Suna looking at you, thinking about what to say. His hand swings over to yours recently, but he does not dare to touch you. “It’s getting pretty cold, hasn’t it?” Says Suna in an unfamiliar nervous voice, and looks forward, as if he is afraid that you are now turning in his direction. 
“Rintarou... I don’t know if I really can do that. Not the thing with the paparazzi… I’m talking about us. So much has happened… I-... You really hurt me.” 
“I see… Yeah, well… I’m sorry… I don’t know why I thought it would be better to decide on our relationship alone. I made a mistake, I know that now. And if you need time, I want to give you that and… If you think there’s no way for us as a couple… I can understand.” 
Again you fall silent. You are happy to hear Suna’s voice so close again, to touch his skin, but somehow it feels different. So unreal, unnatural and somehow... strange. You’ve been waiting for this moment for so long. Didn’t wish for anything more than, that all this mess was just a silly joke and Suna and you could become the old couple you used to be, so why can’t you just smile? 
Why do you think of Osamu, his dark friendly eyes, his calm smile and his charming voice? Why do you have to think of him, and his gaze earlier, which looked fulfilled on the outside, but had a touch of sadness in it? He just doesn’t get out of your head… not out of your heart. What spell did he cast on you? 
In front of your door you stand now, face to face and look into each other’s eyes. Suna breathes deeply as he overcomes the fear and reaches for your hands, drives his thumb over the back of your hand. Bright green eyes, beautiful as a cat, look at you sadly. His smile is bitter, only a cheerful facade through which you can look through. 
“All right, here we are.”
“Yes… here we are…” 
“Well… Good night and please call me… when you’re ready to meet me again. I would be glad. So, see you… Y/n…” His words sound as sad as for a farewell. As if he knows that he will never hold you like this again, if he may let you go now. 
“Yes. I will. Good night O- Rintarou…” 
Suna didn’t have to listen carefully to understand your slip of the tongue. He knows exactly that you just had Osamu in mind, because you wanted to pronounce his name. But he can’t blame you or Osamu. Osamu must have been a better friend to you than anyone else in the last few weeks. He would certainly be a great partner for you. Someone who listens and talks to you. One that is there for you, no matter how hard the times may be. You deserve the best. And after all these years, he also wishes Osamu to finally find his happiness. Even if it’s with you. Because Suna didn’t deserve you, he knows it. 
Slowly, he lets go of your hands, trying to enjoy the last bit of warmth before his fingertips touch the cold air. Suna knows it, he sees it in your gaze, you and he, you were once. Nothing more than a memory. So much more if Suna had not acted so selfishly. Loud beats of his heart numb his ears. It is heavy and painful when he turns around, does not glance at you again because he knows exactly that he would not bear it. 
Maybe, just maybe, there’s a chance that at some point you’ll go back hand in hand to Osamu’s shop together. That you decide to be together with him again, and give him one last chance. That you fall asleep on his chest and wake him in the morning with your tender kisses. Just maybe, there’s still hope. 
But only time can help him now or take away the woman he loves. Because time can also lead you more and more to Osamu. He knows it. Osamu has long put control of his feelings in your hands. It’s just a matter of time that you give him back the control, or give him your own control over your heart. Suna can only hope…
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Actually, Osamu should be happy, because it looks like you will soon get back together with Suna. A couple that has existed since the beginning of your friendship. Nevertheless, it somehow feels like a harsh slap in the face. He can’t deny that the last few weeks have been really nice with you. But whatever, as long as Suna doesn’t hurt you again… It should be fine… right?
Shrugging his shoulders, he goes into the dark kitchen, to the fridge to open a can of beer. The TV is still running, but now only the replay of the game is shown. Sighing, Osamu sits down on the couch, his arms leaning against the back of the sofa. The can with the beer dangles in his hand, and knocks on the leather couch. He glances over to the place where you were sitting before before he shakes his head and tilts it backwards. 
“Eh you ass! Didn’t ya watch the game earlier? Were ya flirtin’ with Suna’s ex?” 
Osamu didn’t hear Atsumu come into the apartment. With fake annoyance, he stands with his sports bag in the door frame, turns the apartment key around his finger and looks at his brother. 
“What are ya doing here?”
“Eh? How about a cool Tsumu! I’m glad ya won!” 
Like a small child, Atsumu pouts as he goes to Osamu, steals the beer from his hand and settles down on the couch to then enjoys a big sip of the beer. 
“Hey, that was my beer!”
“Ya didn’t wanna drink that stuff anyway, did you? Why are ya pulling that shitty face? Was Suna here and stole yer girl from you?” 
Osamu can’t help but roll with his eyes. He no longer looks at his brother, but at the TV again. His girl… What kind of nonsense...
“She’s not my girl.” 
“Sure, sure. Suna and her won’t work. Only goulash tastes good when warmed up, no relationship.”
“What are ya trying to tell me?” Says Osamu annoyed, somehow disgusted by his comparison. What does goulash have to do with a relationship? And besides, several things warmed up still taste good. It’s not just goulash. 
“That you should get yer ass up and go after her. You’ve been in love with her for years, and now that she’s single and you both see each other so often, ya take the chance and help her get back together with Suna? The hell, I always knew I was the smarter of both of us, but I didn’t think ya were that stupid.”
“Idiot! I am not stupid! Just not tactless like you! Suna is still in love with her. And if she loves him, then it is all the better when the two come together again. Besides, I don’t have a crush on her..” 
“Suna also said he had no problem with you dating her. Believe me, he really only wants her to be happy and if that is with you, it is certainly more preferable to him than with any stranger... Also… did anyone shit in yer brain? Who are you gonna tell? Everyone, even Suna, checked early that you’re in love with his sweetie.”
“That… That’s not true…” He murmurs quietly, and has to admit to himself that this was just a lie. Eye-rolling, Atsumu clicks his tongue before putting down his beer and slapping a pillow in his brother’s face. 
“The fuck? What’s wrong with you? You’re trying to dig yer grave?” 
“Ya really can’t fool anyone except yerself, Samu. So stop pulling that stupid long face and lift your ass up and go to her.” 
“Yeah, and then what? Should I say, hey Y/n you know I said that I want to help you get Suna back, but I fell in love with ya, no actually I’ve been in love with you for years somehow? And yes, you know that we didn’t kiss earlier, it makes me crazy, because I wanted this kiss.” 
“The… The kiss? Hell, what are ya talkin about? You almost kissed each other?” As shocked as Atsumu looks at his brother, Osamu looks at him. Because his open words surprise him because the sentence with the kiss just slipped out of his mouth. He’s probably not coming out of this easily now that his brother is looking at him with huge questioning eyes. But luckily for him, his phone vibrates on the table, directing both men to look at the display when Osamu reads your name. Immediately Atsumu grins at him and moves next to his brother to read the message. 
Hey, Osamu, I hope I don’t wake you. Are you in your bed yet?
Again and again Osamu tries to think if he should tell you that he is sitting with Atsumu in the living room or if he should write you that he is alone, hoping that you might want to come over again. But the one moment he’s not paying attention, Atsumu grabs his phone and gets up to run away from his brother with the device in his hand as he responds to your message. 
Hey, pretty, I’m not in bed yet. Why, do you need someone to talk to? 
Oh hi Atsumu, Can you give Osamu the phone back, please? Thank you, xoxo. 
After your message, he stops running as if caught, as Osamu runs into his back because he can not slow down fast enough. Sulking, Atsumu hands him the phone over, like an offended child who is now stubborn because he can not play with his favorite toy anymore.
“Idiot…” Osamu curses as he settles down on the stool in the kitchen. Because the two men ran from the living room, through the hallway around the kitchen island in the kitchen, until Atsumu had stopped. 
Hey, sorry Tsumu grabbed my phone. My bad!
No problem, it was easy to recognize that it was Atsumu.
Heh, yes, I guess. Anyway, I’m still awake to answer your question. 
But I’m interrupting, right? I hope I don’t ruin your evening. 
What? Nah, nonsense. Atsumu wanted to leave anyway. Did you forget something here?
No… Well… I thought… Well I don’t know. I’m back home, and somehow… Can you come by? 
Again and again he reads the last sentence of your message, thinks if he understands it somehow wrong but it is clear. You tell him to come to you. You would like to have him with you now… To probably talk about Suna. Briefly he looks to his brother in the living room, who has changed from the offended child back into a cheerful idiot mode, when he had seen one of his points on the TV, which he had scored with a serve. 
I’ll be right over.
He only responds quickly before sneaking quietly out of his own apartment, only wearing a thin jacket, and making his way to you. 
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It doesn’t take long when the doorbell rings and you hear Osamu’s voice from outside. Directly you feel a strange tingling in your stomach. One you had with Suna back then. Back then… not anymore… Is it really the same? Actually, you already know the answer, but you don’t want to accept it. 
A little nervous, you open the door as you look up and the warm smile of Osamu greets you.
“Long time no see, huh?”
“Hehe, yeah. Well yeah. Come in, please.” You invite him in and put some slippers in front of him before you go into your living room together. It’s been a while since he was last here in your apartment, but much has not changed. Just the walls, however, are more bare than then.
You already have your sleeping clothes on, a cute nightgown and these cuddly plush socks. Osamu does not know if he should regret being here because it is somehow a bitter feeling, or if he should be happy because he can spend some time with you. 
At the same time you sit down, Osamu watches you as you put one of your pillows in the lap, play with the tip and look a bit restless. Is it uncomfortable for you that he is here? Or did things go badly with Suna? Was he mean to you again? No, Osamu had seen it in his eyes, heard it in his voice. Suna still loves you. 
“How’d it go with Suna?” 
“Yeah, so you know…” For a moment you wonder if you should tell him the truth, tell him that you had to think of him, not Suna, when you went home. Think about telling him that you almost said his when you said goodbye to Suna. But isn’t it kind of sloppy when you’ve suddenly developed too much interest in Osamu? What would he think? Probably that you’re a stupid, cock-drunk whore. No, you have to lie to him. But it does not come to your lie, because Osamu reaches for your hands, which play with the pillow, bends further forward to sit nose to nose in front of you, far too close for normal friends. 
Osamu doesn’t know what he’s doing, but he can’t stand to see your desperate gaze. Maybe he was wrong, and something happened between you and Suna. Something ugly. That he is suddenly so close to you, he does not realize at first. 
“What happened? What’s on yer mind? Did he say something stupid again?” 
Your heart pumps wildly, and you notice how the heat rises to your head. You have to dodge his look or Osamu will notice something. But he has already noticed your reddened cheeks, your shy look. Osamu himself only noticed a few seconds before how close the two of you are now, but you didn’t shy away. On the contrary.
Your gaze, your calm that you radiate, you are not uncomfortable that Osamu is so close to you. What if…  What if Suna loves you after all that happened, but you don’t want to have a relationship with him anymore? Was that what Atsumu meant? That after all that happened between you and Suna, it would be weird to put the relationship back where it ended? He should ask you… 
Carefully, Osamu grabs your chin with his hand, preventing you from looking away from him. He has such a feeling that he should not let go, not to give you the chance to turn around. But with every second he gets more nervous, notices how his hand gets weaker, he is more restless inside. 
You really are beautiful. Suna was really an idiot… If he had been in his place, he would never have left you. He would have tried to find a way to solve it with you. 
“O- Osamu?” 
“What is it that bothers ya? Is it Suna? Or does it maybe have something… something to do with me?” 
He tries to get something out of you step by step, gently touches you. At his last question he sees your eyes looking into his briefly frightened, before you return to your usual expression. 
A beautiful expression, pretty just like you. His fingers go around your cheekbones, walking up to your ears, down to your neck. He doesn’t hold your chin anymore, but he also doesn’t have to. Because he has already captivated you. 
“What if it has something to do with you?”
“Then tell me…” 
Still, you two are so close that only one of you has to lose balance, so your lips meet. But none of you back off. Somehow you both dress magically and both of you feel it. 
“What if I can’t…” 
“I’m sure you can. I know it.” Osamu whispers as his tongue hungrily moves over his lips. His eyes no longer look at yours, wander further down where your mouth is, as if he wants to tell you that he feels the same way you do. 
Just for now, you’d like to turn your head off, push yourself forward, press your lips on Osamu’s, and not think about any consequences. You two have done so much in the last few weeks. You have come so close that you have always forgotten that the reason for your meetings was not being together, but getting together with Suna. Osamu wanted to help you win Suna back, but he pulled your heart further and further away from Suna. Only, it’s not possible. Osamu would never feel the same way about you as you do about him. It just can’t be. Why would he help you with Suna otherwise? 
Although it hurts, you try to keep your voice stable when you ask Osamu if you don’t want to watch a series, suddenly release yourself from your position and reach for the remote control behind him. You have to change the subject. But Osamu grabs you by your wrist, prevents you from leaning back again. He pulls you back in his direction. To himself and on his lap, is again only a few inches away from you. 
“I don’t want to watch a show now.” He almost groans when you carefully ask him what he wants instead, hoping that he will respond with something very specific. 
All or nothing, Osamu thinks. Like Atsumu said, he had a crush on you for a long time. If you hadn’t been with Suna, he would have asked you to go on a date with him. But he couldn’t do that. But now, what prevents him if the chemistry between the two of you seems more than right, if Suna, even if it would be difficult for him at first, had actually already given him his blessing? What’s stopping him? Nothing… Because either he will be the happiest man on earth, or you will kick him out of your place, probably won’t see you again afterwards. But he just has to risk it. You are too irresistible. 
“What I want? You…” He breathes with fire in his eyes, observes your reddish cheeks before he puts his hand around the back of your head, pushing you to him and presses his lips on yours. 
You can’t believe what’s happening. Your heart goes crazy, your whole body is wild. You don’t understand what’s going on here, and yet you don’t want him to stop. His words made you melt. They made you happy. The kiss… it’s driving you crazy. He is so tender, so loving. As his tongue meets yours, the kiss becomes more and more intimate and wilder. It feels so right. So beautiful. 
You don’t think about Suna anymore, just Osamu, his soft lips, his gentle hands that touch your body so delicately. None of you want to let go of this kiss when you finally split apart out of breath, looking deep into each other’s eyes. 
I guess that makes the mission to bring you back with Suna a little more difficult, doesn’t it?” Tease Osamu with a mischievous yet loving grin as he locks a strand behind your ear. 
“Yeah, quite difficult. But I guess… that is okay. The mission can be impossible to solve.”
“Good, because I’m bad at solving such impossible missions..”
“Good, me too.” You answer him giggling before silencing his words with another kiss. You two share as many kisses with each other, no longer pay attention to the clock, or your cell phones that vibrate. 
Messages from Suna, who can guess what is happening, only writes you that you should be happy, no matter how, no matter with whom. Messages from Atsumu, who asks Osamu where he has been hiding or if he has gone to you. Messages you don’t care about right now. 
“Maybe ya can imagine it already, but… You know, I really have more than a little crush on you.” Says Osamu, out of breath, caress your collarbone and listen to your shy giggle. 
“Hehe, yes, yes, I think I also kind of have more than a crush on you, too, Osamu.”
“Well, then, let’s have more than just a little crush on each other together.”
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cinnamon-roll-seth · 3 years
Meant To Be (Part Two) || Nick Goode
- Part One
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Request- Can you write an imagine of Nick Goode from 1978 where y/n is a redhead and is the sister of Ziggy and Cindy. Her and Nick were dating before y/n left camp and Nick dumped her. After a year she comes back with her sisters and they meet again and y/n tries to talk to him but he doesn't want to. And there is a fight like Deena and Sam at the beginning of the movie because Nick was also mad at her because she was kissing a boy and he squeezed her ass and he knows she didn't feel comfortable with it just like Sam and Deena’s fight. And after the fight he ignores her, still loving her, and always thinking about her after years. And then after years they reconcile and stay together for years, until death do them part. (there is no curse in the imagine)
“No, no, no.” You groaned, looking in your rearview mirror as a pair of red and blue lights flashed behind you.
You pulled over and sighed, running a hand through your hair while mumbling out a few curses. Cindy was going to kill you.
You reluctantly rolled your window down as the officer approached your car and bent down, “Ma’am did you know- Y/N?”
Of course it would be Nick Goode, of all people, to have pulled you over.
It had been 7 years since that night at camp where the two of you had fought. After that you avoided him at all cost and only spoke to him when necessary.
As the years went by and you’d grown and matured your negative feelings toward Nick had disappeared. You no longer held any hatred for the man. He was simply an old fling to you now, a silly teenage relationship that didn’t work out.
That still didn’t make him pulling you over any less embarrassing.
“Um, hey Nick. Look I’m sorry if I was speeding, I didn’t even realize. I’m late for my nephews birthday party and if I’m any later my sister is going to literally kill me.” You ramble, reaching into your wallet for your license to give to him.
“You weren’t speeding Y/N. I pulled you over to ask if you knew you had a taillight out.” He reassures you awkwardly.
“Really? The left one? Damn I just replaced that one a few weeks ago.” You mutter, “I guess you have to give me a ticket now, huh? Alright, get it over with.”
“Well technically I don’t have to give you a ticket. I’ll settle for your number instead?” He answers smoothly causing your cheeks to heat up.
Nick cuts off your stuttering, “Look Y/N. I’m going to go out on a limb here and tell you the truth. These past few years I haven’t been able to stop thinking about you. About what it would be like if we’d stayed together. You were one of the best things that has ever happened to me and I was a dumbass and went and fucked it up and I’ve never been able to forgive myself for hurting you. Even if you don’t feel the same way please just give me the chance to properly apologize. The way we left things just doesn’t sit right with me.”
You weren’t sure what to say. You’d be lying if you hadn’t also caught yourself often thinking about what would’ve happened if you and Nick were together still. Would you be married and have kids of your own? Would you have that dog the two of you always talked about?
Yes the two of you had left off on bad terms but that was years ago. You were both older now, more mature. Maybe if you gave Nick another chance things would go different this time. Or maybe you’d get the chance to put the past behind you and be at least friends.
Finally you reached over into the passenger seat into your purse for the pen and notepad you kept inside.
You scribbled your phone number down and ripped the piece of paper off before handing it to Nick, “Call me tonight and we can talk.”
He nodded and smiled before thanking you and sending you on your way. You hoped you wouldn’t regret this.
And you didn’t.
“I now pronounce you husband and wife. You may kiss the bride.”
Your family and friends cheered and clapped their hands as Nick gently placed his hands on either side of your face and brought you in for a kiss.
“Ladies and gentlemen I introduce to you: Mr. and Mrs. Goode!”
You’d dreamed about this day that summer at camp when the two of you were together. After your breakup you’d thought bitterly about how this day would never happen. And now the day had arrived after all and it was even more perfect then your sixteen-year-old self could’ve ever imagined.
You were finally married to the love of your life. You were Nick Goode’s wife. All because of an out taillight two years ago.
5 Years Later
“Lunch is done!” You called out to your husband and children from the your back porch.
“Mommy come see our leaf pile!” Your daughter yells excitedly. You make your way down the steps and across the yard to where your husband, daughter, and twin sons are standing around a large pile of leaves.
“Wow that is a big leaf pile,” You tell her enthusiastically.
“Daddy was throwing us in it,” She beams happily.
“Guys I think Mommy wants to play in our leaf pile too, what do you think?” Nick asks mischievously.
“Yeah!” All three of your children reply excitedly.
“Let’s all tackle Mommy on the count of three,” Your husband tells them.
“You better not,” You fake warn them.
“1…2….3! Get her!” The four of them come running at you and tackle you down into the pile of leaves.
The five of you all fall into the leaf pile giggling and laughing.
“You little devils! I’ll get you for this!” You yell playfully, grabbing one of your sons and tickling him while he shrieks and tries to wiggle away.
Finally the little one escapes and the three kids jump up and run into the house to escape your playful vengeance.
You turn to your husband and grin, putting a hand on his chest, “We’d better go before those little monsters destroy the kitchen.”
You go to get up but Nick pulls you back down and you let out a surprised gasp as you fall back into his chest.
“Let’s just stay here for a minute,” He mumbles, before pulling your lips into his.
You gladly kiss him back, putting your hand on his chest as he has his on your face.
“EWW!” You hear a chorus of little voices, breaking your kiss as you turn and see all three of your kids on the porch staring at the two of you.
“Alright now you’re gonna get it,” Your husband jumps up and runs after the kids, who run into the house yelling and giggling as their father chases them.
You laugh to yourself and stand up, walking towards the house while yelling out, “Let’s go Maisie!”
The german shepherd stops sniffing the bush she was inspecting and chases after you into the house.
You’d finally gotten your happy ever after with Nick and you couldn’t be happier. The two of you truly were meant to be.
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mzjmesa · 3 years
Out Loud | Chloe Decker
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She was a good detective. Is. The pride of the office, the officer praised here and there. Your partner. Your bestfriend. Detective Chloe Decker. It wasn't because of her smart, genius mind that attracted you to her, no. Well, sometimes, anyway. But it could've been alot of reasons, loving Chloe Decker. And you would've loved any other reasons— to make this easier, to make the feelings disappear sooner. Because whatever the attraction was, it was unprofessional— Chloe never did unprofessional. And you fear if you couldn't hold it any longer, she'd run away from you.
You can't bear that.
But you loved Chloe either way. You loved her eyes, her kindness, that bright and knowing smile that goes with her eyes, you loved the way her lips part when she's about to say something defensive— you loved her. You loved her the most when she knocks at your door and asks how you're doing. You loved the late night talks and laughs about freshmen days which was rare, because she never spent so much time in highschool, she got unending stories about it anyway. You loved the way she listens. You loved her. You loved Chloe Decker. And as she passes by your desk, to the man she likes, you reminded yourself that it was wrong. Wrong because you were supposed to be happy for her.
A knock on your desk drifted your thoughts away, Dan. “How are we doing?” he asked, if he'd caught you staring enviously at Chloe and Lucifer, he hadn't mind.
“How are we doing?” You repeated stupidly, still hungover from yesterday. Which by the way was Chloe's fault, you just wouldn't admit it to yourself.
Dan shrugs, “Yeah? I sent you files to look at, remember?”
You shake your head as though it would help you focus on the present and tried to remember where you had placed the papers. You checked your drawers, trying hard to block out Chloe and Lucifer's voices. You busied your hand flipping through dozens of papers, vividly remembering the file's name.
Jonathan Flinn's. Ahh. Case closed for 2 months, there wasn't much evidence of the murder, but the majority linked to him, and eventually the court pronounced him guilty. There had been questions left unsolved, and if Espinoza wasn't up to anything, it would've been left at that.
You sighed, “Have you talked to Chloe about this?”
“Yeah,” He looked past your shoulder to where Chloe was, then back to you. “she thinks it's a bad idea.”
Of course she did. You did, too. That was a thing between you two, something about your guts always telling you the same what's what. That's why you were partnered with her, and you would've loved to continue being one (although truth be told, you still were in papers anyway) but she'd found a consultant, a batshit crazy one at that. Lucifer Morningstar. Always telling himself he's the devil, going on and about his everyday life like anyone gives a damn, and always making everything about himself. If he wasn't charming, and a ‘friend’ of Chloe's, you would've hated him. Most times you did. But times when Chloe was down, he was always the first to cheer her up. You used to be the one doing that, until he came.
“You should listen to her, Dan.”
“Oh c'mon! I would've agreed with Chloe and wouldn't have come to you if it weren't so important. His mother is my god—”
“—mother. Yes, yes, I know that, Dan. I know you think this is a good idea to pay her back, too. But it's not, trust me. Trust Chloe.” You exhaled, feeling the weight of her stare on your back. “It could go worst anyway, what when we can't find any evidence or if we do, worst case scenario is it'll only lead to him. Again. We'll just worsen his situation.”
Dan sighed, massaging his jaw with exasperation because he knew you were right. And also because as much as he pretends not to care too much, he does. You loved that about him.
As you heard footsteps behind, you handed back the files to Dan who hid it behind his back, masking his irritation with a smile to Chloe.
You ignored her, lingering your eyes on the missing button of Dan's shirt.
“Ella found some prints, we haven't identified it yet but it's likely our lead.” Chloe started just behind you, and you knew Lucifer was beside her as much as you hated it. “In the meantime, Dan? I'd like to discuss to you about the Flinn case, Lucifer and I went back to the crime scene yesterday. We found nothing.”
Dan frowned. “I thought you said it was a bad idea.”
“I know, I know. I... ugh... well I went over it again, anyway.”
A small smile creeped on his face, and you were almost sure his eyes were watering when Lucifer jumped on the conversation about his father, bla bla bla. You couldn't care less. Chloe did, and that should be enough for Lucifer. She'd always been enough for you. You bit your lips, wishing you could busy your hands with something. Anything. But your desk was on your back, and oh, Chloe, too.
It felt immature and all, but you were hurting just knowing they were together, seeing them would break you.
“I'll check in on with Ella.” Chloe announced, “(Y/N)?”
“Are you having a stroke Miss (L/N)? Staying still like a trained robot, you're scarying me— and believe when I say I rarely get scared.” Lucifer added.
Oh you believe alright. And robots are trained?! Trying to hide your feelings with a forced smile, you turned around, making sure you weren't going to make an eye contact with a certain detective, and immediately grabbed a random paper and pen you can hold— scribbling anything. Anything at all.
“I'm alright.” You answered after a beat or two, still unbothered to look. Who would want to, honestly.
Chloe cleared her throat, whispered something to Lucifer, and then bid goodbye. It was then when you looked at them walking away. Lucifer's hand on her back, Chloe looking small beside him— your chest aching the same, if not, more.
You're definitely not gonna look again.
You had a week off work, and you'd almost fell to your knees thanking God when the lieutenant told you. You needed it more than you needed Chloe, which proves just how important it was— Chloe had been. Still is, by the way.
It was 8 am, by now Chloe would be at her desk, examining or making reports, or on a crime scene with Ella and, Lucifer. You snapped out of your mind, reminding yourself you'd needed the vacation because work and particularly Chloe had been stressing you out and very much so hurting you.
You'd hit the beach, go to the mountains for the view,— you didn't wanna hike though, you needed rest not making sweats— visit your sister and niece, and then finally bake while blasting Taylor Swift because admit it or not, you're much broken than your grandmother's vase.
When the water was hot enough, you took a bath and dressed. A peach-colored tank top that comes along with a brown mini skirt and a coat was your outfit for the day. Only, the coat reminded you too much of Chloe's. She liked coats. And that coat, back then warning you that she'd steal it eventually. So you changed with other coats, just didn't fit well with the shirt and skirt, so you gave in and left your hair untouched and untied. Grabbing your pouch and your gun— a licensed one, just in case. And opened your door. You would've preferred the bright sky and fresh air of the morning in LA. But Chloe Decker was standing there, fist on air as if she'd been ready to knock.
You froze.
Were you having a stroke? Most likely.
Wasn't she supposed to be at work? You didn't mind either way, but it surprised you still, she hadn't been visiting much since... Lucifer. Everything's just been different since he arrived, not in a good way for you.
You stepped aside, not saying anything since you figured out a human wouldn't understand any word that comes out of your mouth. She went in, instead of sitting on your couch like the old days, she lingered on the living room, standing and looking at you.
Most times you hadn't mind.
She started, “How are you?”
“I'm good.”
“No, (Y/N). How are you?”
You didn't know what to say. Or why she'd ask a question as that. “I'm not—”
“Do you like me?”
Your face must've given the shock, because she answered your unasked question. “Dan said some things. I'm-I'm not— you're not transferring, are you?”
Oh you're definitely gonna choke the life out of Dan. But knowing him, he wouldn't have spit it out too easily. He was probably drunk and didn't mean it. Still, you wished you said it to Chloe yourself. About the liking and transferring.
You remained silent, reading the expression on Chloe's face. Was she sad? Upset? After years of knowing her, you would've known right away. But now you couldn't. And you fear you might've forgotten the every detail of her face, too.
“(Y/N)...” Her voice gave out, carrying every sadness within. “Why didn't you tell me?”
“About what?” You answered stupidly in a whisper, fearing that if you came into your senses everything would feel too real.
“About everything! About— about your feelings for me. About Seatte. About why you've been so far from me!”
“You have been far from me, Chloe.”
She frowns, and you knew millions and billions and gazillions of questions where popping in her mind.
Tears in your eyes were forming, and you hated it, all of this. She wasn't supposed to know at all. She wasn't supposed to know you had immature feelings for her. Wasn't supposed to know you were transferring atleast 'till next month. But Chloe wasn't dumb, and you should've known that.
Chloe swallowed the lump in her throat, her breathing heavy. “We could've talked about it.”
“We haven't talked much at all these days because of—” you cut yourself off, rolling your eyes at how sick it feels. You hated yourself for it, but you continued anyway. “Because of Lucifer.”
She exhaled. “Lucifer and I are complicated.”
“I know that, Chloe.” You said firmly, meeting her gaze pitying you. Of course she pities you. “I also know you like him so much. I know you've been crying when he fake married that Candy. I know you've been sick worrying when he can't answer your texts or calls. I know you've gone lengths trying to understand him. I know. I know so much so that I didn't wanna be so selfish and tell you things you didn't wanna hear because it'll make your complicated relationship with Lucifer even more complicated. I fucking know. And I loved you too much.”
Chloe's tears were beginning to fall, one by one, slowly. And it hurts you to see her like this. Especially because you know you caused it.
“It was never my intention to push you away. You're my friend— can't we just stay like this?” She asked in a soft, breaking voice. And if it wasn't Chloe you would've said yes because people are easy to move on from. But it was indeed Chloe and she was... not like anyone you know. She was a missing piece of your puzzle. Only, you have never been a piece of hers.
“I love you, Chloe.”
It was weird, saying it out loud, to her. You never thought you could, knowing you were a coward than every cowards combined.
You did though, and that must've pulled something. Because Chloe approached you, side hugged, and then left.
So much for a vacation.
You spent the night crying.
Chloe Decker spent hers with the man she loved. And you were never that man.
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bemylord · 3 years
ʀᴇᴀᴅᴇʀ ʜᴀᴠᴇ ᴛʀᴀɴꜱᴘᴏʀᴛᴇᴅ ᴛᴏ ᴀᴏᴛ ᴡᴏʀʟᴅ
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characters: probably all in the aot world.
warnings: au, modern to aot, superpower, action, curse words, might be spoilers, deviation from the canon, my broken sence of humor, open final.
synopsis: you have woke up in the cellar, feeling a terrible headache as you opened eyes, you could barely see faces in front of you - it's all a blur. the next thing you heard is: 'kill her?' and 'no, we need her alive'
butler's remark: i hope you're doing well, today i made @gipumar request but! it's not over yet. i'll, i guess, write four and final [final would be a drabble] parts. i started from the first season and to the last one. [i'm watching last season rn]. reader is a titan! i also watched 1st season and second a couple of months ago, so i may have forgotten smth, but it's my au, and there will be a slight deviation from the canon. + reader and levi having their attitude.
➝ back to the main master list.
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you couldn't see anything - you've got a headache, tinnitus, you also can't move, as you couldn't feel your body - you wanted to open eyes, but again, every slightest movements causes unbearable pain all over the body. your overhear someone voice, or voices, or it's your imagination is playing with you. you mumbled, not being able to mutter out half a word.
'what's wrong? i've had drink a lot yesterday, jesus christ.'
the five human senses begin to activate, as if after a long time in a disconnected mode. you tossed your head back as you feel your muscles, barely feel the rest of the body as if is a closed location where you need access.
'kill her?'
'no, we need her alive'
as you overhear unknown voices, that aren't belong to your family or friends, you did a step forwards, as handcuffs are holding you from escaping. from under your open eyelids, you could barely see anything: some kind of light on the left side and two men in front of you, standing behind .. jail grate?
throat ached as you pronounce the word, close eyes. the clarity is starting to appear as you could feel your fingers and arms being handcuffed. slowly turned head to the right side to see the room you are, noticing some kind of anciety? the walls are made of brick, the floor also, incomprehensible handcuffs. you weren't a criminal, but the general knowledge of what a prison cell looks like you knew from movies and shows.
'where.. am i..'
you heard a slight giggle, turning head to the sound, noticing two man: one is tall and well-built, the blond one. the next one is smaller, he's leaning against the wall, not even peek at you.
'stupid bitch, you better be talking right now. who are you and what you were planning to do, br-'
'levi! we had talked about it, calm down.'
as they quarrel, you've got an opportunity to scrutinize their state: the blond guy is clearly the captain or leader - the way he sits and his way of speaking, significantly different from the other guy.
the short one is obviously mad or annoyed, maybe you ain't good at reading people but he isn't looking at you, shows his irritation by gesture: arms crossed over his chest as he scows and half-mutter under his breath.
'who are you?' you suddenly asked, unawares them. 'why.. where? the fuc-'
'i told you, erwin, that pathetic bitch doesn't.. fine, i'll be quiet'
erwin. levi. who are they? what are you doing here? lots of questions - any answers.
you find yourself being on your knees as your wrists in the handcuffs. you wear ridiculous and funny clothes - a long linen shirt, probably for man, but you could feel you're wearing the only shirt.
your eyes widened at the of thought what they did to you while you were sleeping, moved hands forward as the chance to break the shackles. you failed, feeling pain in your shoulders.
'who are you? what happened? i'll call the police you're perverts!'
'the court wants to kill you, you'd better not move.'
the court? kill? girl, you have troubles. a big-big one.
'please, what happened? did i kill someone? did i.. what? i'll call to my lawyer'
erwin, as you might remember right, sigh, rubbing his forehead with his fingers. the guy next to him giggled, holding himself from offensive phrases.
'you are a titan, girl. yes, you saved us and our town from the titan whilst eren was plugging the hole in the wall.'
'titan? how did i end up here?'
'a bright flash appeared in the sky and then we saw you - in a titan guise.'
you raise one eyebrow, pondering over words the blond said. titan? your knowledge on the theme 'titan' is poor. in the modern world, not many people are interested or being keen on that theme. vampires, werewolves, witches, sorcerers [jjk, lol] - is favorite theme for fantasy movies.
you smiled, to which the boys frowned. you smirked first, before you burst out laughing out loud. titan? did you saved a town? nice prank it was.
'come on, nice prank it was. but i have a headache and also i want to rest 'cause tomorrow i have a math test and my teacher will kill me if i won't be there.'
levi smiles as he heard you.
'do what you've planned, i won't interfere.'
levi opened the door grate with a foot, immediately make a fist of your hair, tossed your head back.
'i don't care you're woman or man, you'll take your punishment. prank? lawyer? you make up new words, you trashy girl.'
the way he looks into your eyes, practically choking you, as you're hard to swallow your saliva either take a deep breath. first, you thought he's the weak one, not having force at all. just being a regular soldier who's following someone's orders.
'listen, you will walk with us and we will show you the wall, maybe you'd remember the action if not - prepare your pretty face'
he took the shackles off you, letting his hands carelessly fall onto your knees as you feel his hands on your wrists with an order: i didn't tell you i give you the recovery time.
the hallway they are leading you is full of soldiers with a weapon in their arms who're following you with their eyes on you, whispering each other.
you turned right and left a few times before finding yourself on a small ledge where the town was spread out like the palm of your hand.
where is your city? where are you?
you are scared to ask 'the weak' one, contemplate on the unknowing town. small houses, without any skyscrapers, without cars, roads, without anything familiar to your world.
prank's out of control.
'it can't be true, i don't understand..' you make a step forward, as if to verify if it's accurate. 'i've transported into another world, it can't be true, where is.. police? explain me something, captain, huh?'
'stohess. the city you are in now. perhaps you're as much help from another world as you're a mighty titan.'
stohess. europe? america? maybe it's a small town somewhere in the... somewhere in the world. your world.
'do you remember something?'
he turned his head to your face, waiting for the negative answer. yes, you noded. you couldn't remember anything from what and who you were, how you ended up being here. but you told him something about the country you live. well, you had been leaving.
'someone must have sent you to save our city, girl.'
'y/n. my name is y/n.'
he stares at you like you're an idiot whilst you still examine the view. in front of you, far beyond in the center you noticed a huge figure - titan, - you wanted to ask, but levi was the first.
'right, titan. if it weren't for you, he would have killed half the city, crushing everything in his path. don't waste our time, girl.'
'it's hard to think when i'm under the pressure'
he turned around to leave.
'then, it means i need to kill you today. breathe fresh air while your head is on your shoulders.'
(≧◡≦) love leaving people guessing what will next. i'm sorry for this short part. i need to go out of town for a few days, so i'll leave the next part for later. tomorrow or the day after tomorrow i want to write a little drabble about yaoi, it'll kenma x kuroo, just sfw.
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rowanaelinn · 3 years
Fire on Fire - chapter four
chapter three // chapter five
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Aelin slammed her car door harder than necessary, sighing once she was comfortably sitting in her seat. She buckled her seatbelt and turned her head to the man sitting next to her in the passenger seat. "I'm not going to buckle your seatbelt for you, you're an adult, not a child."
Arobynn just chuckled and did it himself. “Always a delight to deal with you, darling.”
Aelin had to take a deep breath or she would snap. Getting mad at him wouldn’t work, it never did. It would just make him mad at her, and it wasn’t worth it. “Call someone else next time, then.” She said as she started driving. Aelin wished she had drunk a coffee before or taken anything that could help her stay awake. Arobynn lived one hour away from this bar, the night was going to be very long. “I forgot, you have no one else.”
“Be careful how you speak to me, Aelin.” His words were harsh even if they were slurred by the alcohol. Aelin hated the part of herself that was scared at his threat. So she didn’t answer, focused on the road, and put on some music to try to distract herself.
Aelin thought about last night, how bad her night of work was until she danced with Elide. Aelin had always loved to dance, she remembered all the times she forced her parents to sit for an hour so she could show them everything she learned that week at the dance studio.
When she turned eight, Aelin started doing dance competitions and she was good, very good, actually. She went to nationals twice, the first time she ended up in fourth place, not good enough. The second time she was in second place, it was better but still not good enough. Aelin Ashryver Galathynius was born with the need to be the best at everything she did, she didn’t understand why. Maybe it was because her parents had always been first in their own way and Aelin wanted to be like them.
After an injury at fifteen, she had to stop dancing. She still remembered crying in Aedion’s arms for an entire night. If Aelin thought about it, she would realize that’s the moment everything started to go downhill in her life. But she tried to avoid thinking about it, if she didn’t think about the problems, they didn’t exist.
“Why are you dressed like a whore, anyway?” Arobynn broke the silence and Aelin’s heart clenched. She hadn’t been hurt when Rowan made comments on her outfit because as much as she hated him, she knew he respected women and just wanted to hurt her. Arobynn never had an ounce of respect for women, he had proven it multiple times, that’s what made his comment horrible. “Not that I’m complaining in any way.” Aelin’s eyes left the road for two seconds to see him with a disgusting smile on his lips and his eyes fixed on her thighs. It took all her self-control not to vomit right there.
“I was working,” she simply said. She didn’t have to justify herself but Arobynn didn’t like to be ignored.
“You work at a strip club now?” He snorted. “Why do you even want to work? I told you I could pay for everything you need.”
He did, and it had been generous. Too generous from Arobynn to come without a price. “And I told you I could do it on my own.”
“Well, you don’t seem to earn a lot of money wherever you work since I’m still the one paying for your college tuition.” He said with a light tone but Aelin caught what he really meant. You’re only here thanks to me, be grateful.
“How many times do I have to thank you for it?” She asked with a sharp tone. Aelin had never been very good at staying calm. “I told you I would pay you back-”
“Bullshit,” he tapped his foot on the floor of the car, almost screaming. Unusual for him to lose his temper. When Arobynn was mad he favored hurting people with words. It was very rare for him to be physically violent. She jumped in spite of herself. “Do I look like I care about the money?” No, of course not. The money he used to pay for her college was like pocket money for a ten-year-old child, he didn’t see the difference in his bank account before and after paying for it. “I don’t understand why you want to work and live in a shitty apartment when you could be cared for and live in a manor.”
“ Your manor.” She said coldly.
“Yes, mine. How is that a problem?” He was angry, Aelin could see it at the way his hands clenched on his tights, the way his right leg kept fidgeting, or at the way he pronounced every word that came out of his mouth as if they were full of venom.
“You are my professor, Arobynn. I am your fucking student and not only this but I am also your teaching assistant. Do I really need to explain how wrong it is?”
“I am trying to take care of you, Aelin. I would expect you to be nicer.”
“Right now I am the one taking care of you!” She screamed, done with his bullshit. If someone had told Aelin five years ago that her favorite author was like this, she wouldn’t have believed them. “Even if I don’t want to.”
“I’m waiting for the day you crawl for my help, Aelin.”
She didn’t answer, instead, she kept her eyes on the road. She thought about her favorite books and how happy they made her. Maybe she would read one when she gets back home, it was too late to sleep anyway. Twenty minutes later, she parked her car right in front of his house. It was big, too big for a single man.
Aelin looked at her professor as he unbuckled his belt. “Have you graded the papers we gave you last month? Students will need them this week.” She asked but knew the answer. He just smirked at her and winked.
“You know me better than this, sweetheart.”
Aelin sighed and got out of her car, following Arobynn. He wasn’t walking straight and somewhere in the back of her mind she hoped he wouldn’t get hurt. Aelin knew Arobynn wasn’t a good man, he was a real piece of shit. But he had been there for her when she was at her worst, he didn’t do a lot but he had been there. He gave her opportunities she would never have had alone. And even if his interest in her was bad, he believed in her. He read every single one of her stories, gave her advice to become the best writer she could be. He let her access his contacts. If she ever made it on the best-seller list, it would be a little bit thanks to this man.
He opened his door and Aelin didn’t wait before going to his study, not caring about what he did. She quickly found the folder full of papers. She went through all of them and left hers and Lysandra’s on Arobynn’s desk. She couldn’t grade them, even if she wished she could grade Lysandra’s, but Arobynn didn’t want her to play favorites.
She turned but found Arobynn watching her at the entrance of the study. He had a glass of whiskey in his hand, of course, he would start drinking again the minute he got home. He walked towards her and she was struck by the size difference between the two of them. He pinned her with this lover’s gaze. She looked at the face she once found beautiful and swallowed. She wanted to move but couldn’t.
“What would I do without you, sweet Aelin?” He purred, letting one of his knuckles caress her cheek and before he could brush her lips she turned her head to the side. This gave him just more room to lean in and place a kiss on her cheekbone, his lips were soft and warm. Slowly, Aelin pulled back. “Tell me what I have to do for you to let me lay the world at your feet.”
Aelin said nothing as she walked away from him.
The moment Aelin entered her bathroom she fell on her knees and threw her guts up in the toilet. She could still feel Arobynn’s hand brushing her thigh in the car, could still feel his eyes on her or his hot breath on her ear.
When she closed her eyes she could remember the first time she saw these grey eyes four years ago and how different it felt to have them on her.
Aelin couldn’t hear the music over her friends’ laugh and her own.
When a waiter passed her she took the opportunity to take another glass of champagne and give him her empty glass. Her head was already spinning in the most delicious way.
"Ten bucks says he goes back with him tonight," Nehemia said, her eyes fixed on Aedion and the handsome blond man he was talking to. They were at a charity event, Aelin had agreed to accompany her parents only if she could bring her friends. Her three friends practically lived at home, so they agreed.
“Ten bucks?” Aelin asked as she took a sip of her drink. “How boring you are. Five hundred says they make out in a cupboard here.”
“You’re the only rich girl here, you know that?” Sam asked as he took her under his arm, forcing her head to rest on his chest. Aelin laughed loudly as she pushed him away, trying not to spill her drink on either of them.
“You are so loud, Aelin,” Lysandra complained but she wasn’t better. If anyone drank as much as Aelin did it was her best friend.
“I think our little Aelin,” Sam said, his voice full of fake seriousness, as he took her head in both hands, Aelin giggled at his fake frown. “Is slightly drunk.” Sam finished, and before Aelin could say anything he bent to kiss her. She lost herself in him, putting her arms around his neck. After a few seconds, they pulled apart but Aelin rested her head in his neck, breathing deeply in his lavender scent. She would kick his ass later for using her soap.
“Fireheart?” Aelin heard her mother call, she turned around but tripped on her long dress. Sam caught her before she could fall and the group of four friends exploded with laughter. They had all had a little too much to drink if they needed so little to laugh.
Aelin hid her glass behind her back, remembering that her parents had forbidden her to drink. They didn’t want their sixteen years old daughter to be seen doing inappropriate things. Sam took the glass discreetly and she knew he would get rid of it as soon as possible. Aelin's parents would never suspect Aelin's perfect boyfriend of helping her disobey her parents.
What her parents didn't know was that her three friends were her partners in crime, especially Sam.
“Aelin, honey.” Her mother said as she stopped in front of her. Sam’s hand rested quietly on her hip, a silent reminder that no matter how the conversation turned out, Aelin was not to get upset.
But Evalin was not alone. "My dear, I'm sure you know Mister Hamel?" She asked, knowing full well that Aelin knew him. She had dozens of copies of all his books all over her room, his writing was just amazing.
Aelin turned her head to admire her idol's face. He was handsome, for a thirty-seven years old man. If Aelin was honest, she had always had a thing for men older than her.
When her eyes met his gray ones, Aelin tensed. Absolutely everything about this man screamed power. From the way he stood to the little smile on his face as he held out his hand for Aelin to place hers in. His hand was warm but not soft, she could feel several scars. He placed a kiss on the back of her hand before saying softly, "It is a pleasure to meet you, Miss Galathynius."
The memory of that night made her throw up a second time as she fought against tears. Everything about this memory was painful. She had worked so hard to keep these emotions locked inside of her for years, she couldn’t break now. Not after everything she did to forget.
“You got drunk?” A deep voice asked and Aelin whipped her head toward that voice only to find a shirtless Rowan, arms crossed, watching her from his doorframe. She didn’t secretly marvel at his muscles like she usually did whenever he was shirtless, tonight, another proof of how bad she was feeling. “Is that why you’re so late?” His voice was hard, the same voice he usually used whenever she was around.
“Were you worried?” She asked, sarcastically. She didn’t have the strength to fight now, and yet… She couldn’t help when he was around.
“Your cousin and best friend were worried sick. Are you so selfish that you don’t care?”
“I’ll talk about that with them, then. I don’t need you here.” Her voice was as hard as his, while she usually was more teasing. Aelin saw him frown at her tone but she didn’t give a shit, she needed to be left alone. “But if you want to know, I wasn’t getting drunk, no.”
“Then what were you doing?” He snapped and Aelin didn’t understand him. Why did he want to know that? Shouldn’t he have been happy she wasn’t here? Why did he even come into the bathroom? Aelin supposed he heard her throw up, it’s not like she was a very discreet person. Did he come here just to mock her? “What has put you in such a pathetic state?”
“Get the out,” her voice was weak, trying not to think about one of the worst nights of her life. You look pathetic , Arobynn had told her two years ago. But Aelin couldn’t help it, everything about that night disgusted her. When she looked up at Rowan she thought she saw concern in his eyes but she probably was hallucinating because a second later, his eyes were cold as ice.
He laughed, even if his laugh didn’t have any humor in it. “You know what, Aelin? Keep throwing up all you want. You’re worthless.”
“Tell me something I don’t know.”
There was a long pause and when Aelin thought he wouldn’t say anything else, he opened his mouth. “I understand why your parents cut you off. Who would want a disappointment like you as their daughter?”
“Don’t ever talk to me again.” She said silently, and when he closed the door, Aelin let the tears run down her face. For the first time in his life, Rowan hurt Aelin.
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tuiccim · 4 years
TikTok Trend: #ItsSettled
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Pairing: Bucky Barnes x Reader, Billy Russo x Reader
Word Count: 1653
Warnings: Angst, language
Summary: Work at Anvil yields results and dangerous temptation.
A/N: Divider by @whimsicalrogers
TikTok Trend Series Masterlist
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You sit across from Billy in his office and prop your feet on his desk while giving him a shit eating grin. 
“So, what’s this offer, Mr. Russo?” 
“Consulting on an as needed basis for training, security, so on.” Billy’s dark eyes stare into your own. 
Despite feeling insulted, you keep your expression benign. You had expected a job offer and had planned to counter with consulting. “I told you, my consulting fee is hefty.”
“That’s not a problem. Plus, I don’t think it's the right time for you to be leaving the Avengers and I think you feel the same.” 
“Mind reader now, are we?” You smirk.
“Not usually. There are so many things going on here and with the Avengers. I think you’d like to keep a finger in both pies for the time being.” Billy returns your smirk. 
“I don’t fuck my employers. Mixing business and pleasure only causes trouble.” You counter. 
“That’s disappointing but, as much as I’d like to take you to bed, you’re worth more to me as an asset.”
“Then it’s settled.” You stand and shake Billy’s hand. This was going to be fun. 
A few weeks into your consulting position and you had already improved several of Anvil’s procedures. Billy was quite pleased with your progress. You had earned his trust, proven your loyalty, and was now a trusted member of his team. He had fed your disdain for Steve and Tony, as well as the entire situation with Bucky. He hated the Avengers and was glad to bring you into the fold. 
Finished with running a training exercise that day, you had just dismissed the team you were working with when you felt a breath fan across your neck. 
“Watching you take down men twice your size almost makes me regret employing you.” Billy says. He often flirts this way. 
You lean back into him and look over your shoulder, “But then your business wouldn’t be running so damn smooth.”
“And my cock wouldn’t be so achingly hard all the time.” Billy whispers in your ear. 
“Mmmm,” you release a small moan and rub your hips against him, “then may I suggest a cold shower?” You laugh as you pull away and finish stowing gear. 
“Fucking tease.” Billy chuckles. 
“Absolutely.” You smile as you unzip your tac suit just enough to give a peek of your breasts. 
“I have a job for you.” Billy’s voice is gravelly. 
“What would that be?” You hop up on a crate to sit. Billy immediately positions himself between your legs and cages you with his arms. 
“I need some intel.” Billy states while bringing his lips to your neck. 
“On?” You lean your head to give him access. 
“Carl Creel.” 
“And who is he?” You whisper as Billy’s lips travel up and down your neck as he speaks. 
“A bad guy. I just need some info on him. Stark and SHIELD have dealt with him in the past. I believe Stark even ran some tests on his abilities.” Billy’s teeth scrape against your skin deliciously. 
“And how, mmmm, how am I supposed to get that to you? Everything is encrypted and shielded from leaving the Tower.”
“Put it on this thumb drive and hand it off to Benjamin Poindexter in R&D. He works for Stark and can get it out of the building undetected.” Billy says. 
You pull back and look at Billy, “Will it piss Tony off if you apprehend this guy?”
“Consider it done.” You grin. 
You head to a meeting with the Avengers team, but when you get to the meeting room, a different one than normal, the door is locked. 
“No electronics. All devices must be checked.” FRIDAY announces. A drawer pops out of the wall. You place your phone and tablet in it and turn expectantly to the console. “Your watch also, Agent.” Friday pronounces. You roll your eyes before removing the watch and dropping it in as well. The door buzzes and you are finally allowed entry. 
“Good, we’re all here.” Steve says from inside the room. 
“What is this room?” You ask as you look around at Tony, Steve, Natasha, Bucky, Sharon, Sam, and Artie. 
“It’s entirely shielded. Nothing electronic can get in or out. No cameras, no audio, nothing.” Tony smirks. “Since we know who our mole is now we can’t have this meeting in the conference room.” 
“So, we can say or do anything in here without it getting out?” You ask to be sure.
“Exactly.” Tony says. “We need to make plans.”
“Yeah, yeah. One minute.” You say as you walk to Bucky. Jumping into his arms, you crash your lips into his.
Bucky’s chest rumbles with a chuckle and once you pull back he grins, saying “Hi Doll.”
“Hey baby.” You whisper against his lips. 
Steve clears his throat loudly causing you and Bucky to laugh. 
“Shut it, Punk. We haven’t been able to even be in the same room for weeks. Give us two minutes.” Bucky grouses at his best friend. 
“Yeah, yeah, I know. Sorry.” Steve says. 
“I still don’t think the two of you dating is the best idea.” Artie pipes in. You and Bucky both flip him off while sharing another kiss. 
When you finally separate, you turn to Sharon, “Hey, friend, how are you doing?”
“Good. Been dating a really sweet guy, but I think he’s interested in someone else.” Sharon winks at you. 
“Thanks for doing this. I know the publicity wasn’t really what you wanted.” You say. 
“Just one of those things. I don't mind you owing me a favor.” Sharon smirks. 
“Actually, the polling on you two dating is extremely favorable, Agent Carter.” Artie announces. 
“Artie, shut up.” Steve says as he puts an arm around Sharon. “Hi Beautiful.”
“Hi.” Sharon whispers sweetly to Steve. 
Artie groans, “Oh, this is going to be a nightmare.”
You laugh, “No wonder you weren’t so keen when I suggested Sharon date Bucky, Captain.”
Steve looks at you with a little pink tinging his cheeks and shrugs. 
You remember the meeting that started this all:
“How bad is this?” Bucky asks. 
“I don’t-” your phone ringing cuts you off. Looking down at it, the dreaded name appears, Tony Stark. You look at Bucky as you bring the phone to your ear. “Tony?”
“Both of you, conference room, now!” Tony demands before hanging up abruptly. 
“It’s bad. Conference room.” As you make your way to the door, Bucky interlaces his hand with yours, pulls you back for one last kiss, and then leads you out. As soon as the conference room door closes, you eye Tony and Artie Pithins, Director of Public Relations. 
Artie looks disdainfully at your joined hands and says, “This ends now.”
“Cam down, Artie. I know this looks bad but we can fix it.” You say. 
“Friday, black out mode. You’re supposed to be single. We needed to release the story and make you look bad for this to work.” Tony throws at you. 
“This can work out to be even better. Hear me out.” You insist. 
“Doll, what the hell is going on? What are you talking about?” Bucy says.
“A mission.” You say.
“We believe we may have a mole and very few people know the specifics of this mission.” Artie says with arms crossed. 
“And why would you be in on it?” Bucky asks Artie.
“Necessary optics for it.” Steve says as he enters the room. 
“Look, bare minimum, we believe there is a mole working for Billy Russo, owner of Anvil. I was supposed to have some bad PR leaked about me and make it look like I was on the outs with the team in order to get him to try to recruit me.” You turn to the rest of the group, “This can work out even better, I think. Instead of me causing trouble, I could be heartbroken. Hell hath no fury, right? It would make sense that I’d be willing to turn against the team over that and I throw in a few anecdotes about the tightass and the playboy running the team and I’ll have him.”
“Tightass?” Steve grouses.
Tony rolls his eyes at Steve before turning to you, “How does Bucky break your heart?” 
“That video will go viral,” Artie chimes in. “It’s bound to, with her popularity and people’s curiosity about Sergeant Barnes. But if, that same week, we see him out with another woman. Say, Natasha? It would play all over the tabloids.”
“Natasha won’t work, Artie. Everyone knows she’s my friend and they’ll see it as a publicity stunt. I think there is only one person that could raise the profile enough.” You look at Steve.
“No.” Steve shakes his head. 
“Sharon is perfect. A few dates, some PDA, and then an appearance at the party. It’ll be sold.” You argue. 
“I agree.” Artie says.
“Wait, you two actually agreed on something?” Tony looks between you and Artie, the animosity between the two of you well established. 
“First time for everything.” You say. 
“Why does it have to be Sharon?” Steve says again. 
“Because it’ll cause an uproar.” You nearly shout. 
“What is happening right now?” Bucky puts his head in his hands. 
You look at Bucky and cups his face, “I’m so sorry. I couldn’t tell you about this mission. It was very hush hush. I need to be single to get Billy’s attention. I’m his type and as the newest member of the team he’ll see me as being vulnerable to being turned.”
“This is bullshit.” Bucky says.
The next hour is spent making plans. Bucky is furious at the thought of you dating someone else, but understands the mission comes first. Everyone leaves the conference room worse for wear but with the mission intact.
Now that the mission is nearly complete, you look to your team.  “Well, now that we know who the mole is, how are we handling it?”
Part 6 
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