#also yes calling a gay man a bitch because he's gay is in fact a homophobic slur
You know what. I said this in the comments but I'm gonna say it out here because I think people need to see it. I've seen a lot of bitching from Izzy stans when I come across them that people are getting "harassed" (read: criticized) for liking Izzy. And then they go off on this big tangent about how dare you say x y z when I relate to Izzy. I think what those people are missing is that when people talk about homophobia or racism in the show, they're doing the exact same thing that you are doing, which is to say, relating the show back to their lived experiences.
I'm gonna use the homophobia here because I can only really speak for myself, but I'm sure the same applies to when black and brown fans talk about racism.
I'm a flamboyant gay man (I'm also trans and disabled, which informs some of the things I'm about to say but I'm focusing on the homophobia). I have been called a bitch more times than I can count, I have been told I'm lazy and good for nothing, I've been called a monster, a freak, a dyke, a tranny, you name it I've been called it. The characters I happen to relate to most in Our Flag Means Death are Lucius and Ed, for reasons unrelated to all of that. So for me watching the show and Izzy walks up to Lucius right after he's just gotten done fucking Black Pete and says "you're a bitch now get back to work" I can be forgiven for looking at Lucius and saying "Damn I've been there, girl." But for some fucking reason when I make a post saying, essentially that Izzy is giving off homophobic vibes, and I personally as someone who has been through that shit find it weird that some people didn't pick up on that but whatever" for some reason Izzy stans take that as a personal fucking attack, and then they attack back and then I have to block a bunch of people and it's a whole thing.
And then I'll see them complaining about "Older queers and closet cases relate to him so you can't talk shit about him" and I'm like good for you but I'm also a queer and I relate to Ed as a queer and Izzy objectively screamed at him about how he was pathetic and soft because he was sad about his boyfriend. I've been yelled at for being pathetic because of being with my partner. Why is it that when I talk about that I get lambasted for it.
So Izzy stans, I genuinely want to know. Why for thee and not for me, huh? Why is it that when I relate this show back to my personal experiences you perceive it as an attack, but when you relate to this character no one is ever allowed to say anything mean about him. And if you talk about main tagging even once you're getting blocked because some of the shit you guys put in the Ed Teach tag is unhinged so that's another layer of hypocrisy.
Final thing. None of what I've said here means you can't like Izzy. I love Calico Jack and he's gay and homophobic. None of this is an attack. I'm just talking about my experiences. And yeah. I know I'm opening myself up to harassment by putting this in the Izzy tag. but I'm hoping that we can all have a mature conversation about it. And I'm not gonna tag this izzy critical. I've only said things that are objectively true and it's not really about him it's about why you guys are always crying so damn loud that I somehow hear it.
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adamsrcnan · 5 months
OKAY OKAY here we goooo an annoyingly long-ish post about all my thoughts on The Sunshine Court
Spoilers Spoilers Spoilersss you've been warned
First things first it is so interesting to see Nora writing from not one but TWO new people's perspective. Jean's perspective is just devastating being inside his head is heartbreaking the constant fear and panic and how much of his energy is used on just pushing down every memory of what was done to him. His coping mechanisms are terrifying and i truly do hope by the end of book 2 he has a healthier way of dealing with it bc baby boy stop hurting yourself :( Every sentence was so painful to read. But also his resilience the entire time to get through it no matter what, god i fucking love him!!! He is a fighter.
Jeremy's perspective is sooooo refreshing. He is such a little sweetheart i could cry. The fact that he sends hand written letters and he's so caring and genuine but he can also be so stern. When he dropped that "i asked you a question" to Lucas fkehdjdfjdh OK SIR. I'M SAT. His relationship with the family butler is so endearing as well i need more background on that for sure! My only one criticism is that he didn't have enough pov chapters and i'm hoping we'll learn more in the second book of course because there's still so much about him and his (dysfunctional? toxic?) family dynamic that we don't know yet but also i'm greedy and i wanna know EVEYTHING about him !!!
Kevin and Jean are so just tragic it actually breaks my fucking heart like "you didn't have to slit my throat on the way out" JEAN??? and "promise me you won't try again. I can't lose you." KEVIN??? And the fact that Jean to this day is still keeping that promise. Also Jean's obvious but secret long term crush on Kevin the way it's subtly dropped every time Jean has to stamp down on his desire's and "temptations" GOD PLEASE I CAN'T STAND IT
Neil and Jean oh my God like where do i even start?? The guilt Jean feels at what happened to Neil in the Nest and him finally calling him by his name after Riko's death and telling him his game was good. And Neil seriously needs to give himself more credit for how much of a caring person he is because the way he indirectly told Jean that he thinks he is worth saving and didn't even hesitate before asking Stuart to send someone after That Guy after what Jean told him. Neil Josten the man that you are!!!
Jean's little sister Elodie what a beautiful name. Them being so close and him reading to her. The way he found out about her death jolted me differently. It was so awful and i'm so sorry Jean didn't get to see her grow up and meet her again.
Renee and Jean oh my god. Jean thinking she's beautiful (bitch me toooo) And the whole right person wrong time ugh i can't stand it. Him wearing her necklace all the time, enough that Jeremy always notices it. And unabashedly stealing her picture from the foxes lounge. Like he did not give a fuck. He said this one is mine. One good reason to stay alive being rainbows i'm gonna FKSJSKDHDH. Theirs would be such a soft love.
Speaking of soft loves Laila and Cat are EVERYTHINGGGG. God they are so cute with their little domestic life and their rich gay boy son who crashes on their couch with his cardboard cut out dog. That whole friendship dynamic is beautiful. Their fierce protectiveness and care over Jean as well and the patience they have with him even after the little kitchen incident. When Cat took Jean out for a drive on her motorcycle god that was such a heart warming moment and Jean helping them cook as well and becoming the girls' little sous chef it's so cute so endearing !!!
Jeremy being the one who told Jean that Riko was dead i don't even know what to begin with THAT like hhhhhhh. The way they're both stupidly attracted to each other but won't/can't do anything about it. THE WHOLE "say yes Jeremy" SCENE WTF WAS THATTT I WAS GOING INSANEEEE. Both of them having to stop mid sentence when they catch the other looking FINE as hell. Jean being so obvious that even Lucas picks up on the way he looks at Jeremy. Jeremy being there to ground Jean in a Moment and helping him come down from it. Grabbing his face and telling him he's okay. Moving into the room with him to make him feel more comfortable !! The way Jean grabs Jeremy's chin (boiiiii). Jeremy constantly reminding Jean that he is NOT A RAVEN ANYMORE no matter how many times he has to say it. Jeremy saying he'll wait as long as it takes until Jean speaks to him. JEREMY GIVING HIM A HUG AND JEAN CLUTCHING DESPERATELY TO HIS SHIRT FUUCUFHDHSJHSSUHDH and then the "will you help me?" And the "Anything you need" AND THEY'RE GOING TO TAKE A CERAMICS CLASS TOGETHER?!?!?!!!! i can't i can't i can't i caaan'ttt
There's so much more to say but i'm gonna leave it at this for now because i need to go re-read it again and take my time with it this time round but i really could not have asked for anything better Nora truly outdid herself here !!! I'm forever grateful she blessed us with this after so long.
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cobragardens · 1 year
CORRECTED & UPDATED! Clothes + Equivocation = Romance:
The Husbands in 1793
EDIT: I made a significant error when I wrote this. As @goodjomans kindly points out in the comments to Part 2 of this essay (massive shoutout for this, goodjomans! also I love your name!), Aziraphale is the one who dresses the executioner in clothing like Aziraphale's original ensemble, not Crowley. This changes my conclusions about the meaning we can take from this scene!
On the one hand, mea culpa, y'all. I shall get on with eating my crow. On the other hand, I had to go through this frame-by-frame to catch which of the ineffable spouses puts Jean-Claude in his new togs, and the answer only lasts three frames. Here it is:
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After Aziraphale changes his clothes, but before Crowley snaps his fingers and unfreezes time, there's a shot of the executioner over Crowley's shoulder, and he is now wearing a light coat with gold embroidery on the shoulders like Aziraphale's. Aziraphale arranges the executioner's death, not Crowley. So I feel like an idiot for missing it, but not a total idiot.
Let's discuss how this information changes what we can read from this scene! I'm going to leave my original text in place and edit with bold green. I can still stand by most of this essay, but this detail changes how I read the meaning of the husbands' communication at the end of this scene.
So we're all clear on the fact that the universe of Good Omens is an inescapable nightmare dystopia in which either of the husbands' merciless authoritarian regimes could be watching or listening to them at any time, yes? And that if either are caught 'fraternizing' with the other that means discorporation, torture, memory wipe, and/or death for either or both of them, yes?
Which means Crowley and Aziraphale can never speak or do anything openly to each other about their friendship or attraction or love. Everything they say and do has to have an innocuous meaning they can point to in case anybody ever sees or hears something Team Azcrow can't explain away. Walls (and ducks) have ears, and the price of slipping up--as we see in 1827--is heavy.
When a character says or does something that has two distinct meanings because they need to disguise what they really mean from one party but make their meaning plain to another, lit-nerds (and lit nerds🍃) call this equivocation. Equivocation is a kind of coded communication meant to pass hostile ears and eyes in plain sight but reach its intended recipient with its true meaning. The 1793 scene is jammed with it.
A lot of that coded messaging revolves around the clothes Crowley and Aziraphale choose in this scene, so--THESIS PARAGRAPH, BITCHES--we're going going to talk about how their clothes read to the people of this time period and location, what their clothes tell us about their characters, how their clothes help them equivocate, and what they're really saying with that equivocation. And Spoiler A-fucking-lert, it is ROMANTIC AF PRETTY GD ROMANTIC. Let's get nerdy!
We start with Aziraphale's beautiful champagne-gold and powder-pink ensemble.
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This outfit would tell people of this time period 3 things about Aziraphale:
That he's insanely wealthy--These clothes would be silk, hand-embroidered with thread made with actual gold. Each individual garment could cost years' or even decades' worth of working-class wages and take a team of skilled artisans dozens to hundreds of hours to make.
That he's a fop--i.e., a man who loves fine clothes and dressing up and looking fancy. By the 1790s in England, once-fashionable foppishness was giving way to the Neoclassical 'Corinthian' style, and was considered effete. (Fun note: During this time period, effete did not automatically indicate gay, and pink was considered a masculine color, so while Az. is queering it up to the audience here, his clothes would not have read as gay or overtly effeminate to the other characters around him.)
Even though he's insanely wealthy, Aziraphale wears clothes that are decades out of fashion.
According to the Victoria & Albert Museum, "As the [18th] century progressed, the male silhouette slowly changed.[...] Coat skirts gradually became less full and the front was cut in a curved line towards the back. Waistcoats became shorter. The upper leg began to show more and more[...]. Shoes became low-heeled with pointed toes and were fastened with a detachable buckle and straps or ribbon[.]
That description is not what Aziraphale's wearing. Judging by his heel height and the length of his waistcoat, Aziraphale is wearing a style that's at least a decade older than this:
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And this is from 1765. The great crepes caper happens in 1793, almost 30 years later.
My inference: Just as he has in the modern period, Aziraphale has settled into a style he really likes and refused to let go of it long after it's gone out of fashion.
We'll come back to this set of Aziraphale's clothes in a bit, but we need to talk about Crowley's first, because Crowley's clothes in this scene help render a line he says later about this outfit very flirtatious and darkly romantic.
First, some background: What was considered acceptable attire for wealthy people in France changed pretty much overnight during the French Revolution after the storming of the Bastille in 1789 and the fall of the French monarchy. Instead of advertising wealth, clothes now had to advertise political allegiance, and they had to do so loud and clear. And if you didn't want to be murdered by the French First Republic, that political allegiance had fucking better be to the Revolution.
People started wearing a looooooot of super patriotic shit. And I mean it was like little kids on the 4th of July; clothes were red, white, and blue in any hue and garish combination and print. The cockade, a fabric rosette in the colors of the French flag, was required by law to be worn by men, and despite that was just as popular among women. To show solidarity with the laboring classes, the fabrics the wealthy wore went from embroidered silk in light Rococo colors (what Aziraphale is wearing) to sober neutrals without decoration in wool, cotton, and linen.
Now, the script note for Crowley's clothing in this scene is this:
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But clearly there were some changes made between script and filming, because Crowley does not appear standing behind Aziraphale; he appears lounging.
And he's not dressed as a French peasant.
Here's how French peasants dressed in 1790:
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Peasants at this time wore styles that distinguished them from the styles of the upper classes not just in materials, colors, or patterns, but in shapes. Full trousers and cropped boxy jackets in French flag colors were the marks of the laboring-class Revolutionary, and both styles were huge changes from hundreds of years of French fashion up to that point.
And that's not what Crowley shows up wearing. Crowley is wearing the knee breeches, stockings, waistcoat, and frock coat of a wealthy man, and in fact his clothes reference a very specific type of wealthy man.
In the 1790s, if you were an aristocrat who wasn't happy about the Revolution and you were so sure of your privilege that you would risk your life showing it, you wore black in mourning for the monarchy and in protest of the violence of its deposition. If you were an aristocrat who wanted to protest and you didn't want to be immediately murdered by the French First Republic, you wore a style called half-mourning, which was black with a colored coat.
Here's a picture from a 1790 fashion magazine of an aristocrat in half-mourning:
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"The text accompanying the plate describes his ensemble as 'half-mourning,' referring to the aristocrats who lamented 'the diminished powers of the monarchy and [signaled] their willingness to die for the royal cause'" [emph. added]. [Source]
Notice: the shoes, stockings, breeches, waistcoat, and cravat are all black. You with me?
Because here's Crowley in 1793:
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I've turned up the brightness and exposure in this image so he's more clearly visible against the stone, but I haven't warmed it up. He's wearing a coat that's a dark blackish red. Everything else, even his cravat, even his shirt, is black. (The black shirt is anachronistic, a lovely little nod to Crowley's refusal to wear angelic white.)
This is 179fuckin'3, y'all. Marie Antoinette is executed in 1793. It's 3 full years after that fashion plate up there in his bright red jacket, and that lil dude was already risking his neck way back in 1790. As we can see from the fact that the government are apparently now grabbing random wealthy-looking Englishmen off the street to murder without trial, the time for a man demon to be sauntering around Paris dressed in all black or even nearly all black is well past.
Crowley's also wearing a whole assload of huge silver buttons, which would have been flashy and tacky and frankly pretty weird in 1793 but very definitely an eccentric Rich Person Thing to do, bc regular buttons at this time were horn or wood and covered with the garment's fabric. The only man in France who could get away with this fancy aristo shit anymore was Robespierre himself, and only "devotion to the cause[...] excused Robespierre’s showy dress since he was perceived as a bridge between the politically empowered bourgeois deputies and the ardently antimonarchical unenfranchised classes." [Source]
So when Crowley teases Aziraphale--
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--both of them are perfectly well aware that Crowley's outfit would get him just as killed as Aziraphale's.
And that's why Aziraphale's expression is annoyed when he has abandon his "standards" and change his clothes. Because Aziraphale's the one who needs the favor, Crowley makes him take one for the team and wear the goofy hat.
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The clothes Az. changes into here still tell people that he's rich, but they also say he's a hardcore Revolutionary. The red jacket in a current cutaway style, the cockade and sash, and the bonnet phrygien (the red garden-gnome cap) all announce this guy is a huge supporter of the Revolution. His clothes are all still aristocratic in shape and materials (and he keeps his now-unfashionably frilly lace cravat), but he's no longer flaunting obscene wealth in a city filled with angry starving people, and the gnome cap says he's in solidarity with the working classes even if he isn't one of them.
Once he restarts time, Crowley is not leaving that prison cell safely without either changing his clothes or taking Aziraphale with him, because Crowley looks like a rich asshole protesting the fall of the monarchy--which is frankly exactly the kind of thing he'd show up wearing to the Bastille during the Reign of Terror (just like he wears athleisure in Heaven). But Aziraphale's new appearance covers for them both: if the rich-looking guy with no cockade and wearing all black under his almost-black coat is in with this other guy who's obviously a Revolution fanatic, then the rich guy's probably okay, right? He just forgot his sash at home or something. Bees.
Something else happens when Az. changes, too. Look at Aziraphale's new dress from a different angle:
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Half-mourning is a white shirt, but a black cravat, so this isn't half-mourning. He's wearing three different badges of the Revolution to make up for the fact that Crowley looks like a Satanic libertine (which tbf he is), but Aziraphale's new ensemble is black and dark red.
Y'all. Aziraphale changes into Crowley's colors.
Now, this is a more fashionable and higher quality version of what the executioner is wearing, so Aziraphale has very plausible deniability here; if anyone ever pulled him up on it, he could say he just copied our man Jean-Claude.
But let me show you what English fashion looks like right now:
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This is a French painting of a wealthy Frenchman, but he's wearing the English 'Corinthian' style. It was painted in 1795, so this would have been the very cutting edge of fashion in England in 1793, and the fabrics and colors look right at home in Revolutionary Paris. (He's wearing the cockade on his hat, btw.)
Look at all that angelic white! The buttery almond of the buckskin breeches, the golden kidskin gloves, the rich tan of the riding boots! The blue of the greatcoat! All colors we know Aziraphale prefers!
And yet this is what Aziraphale chooses:
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We know from the entire rest of the show how very particular about his clothes Aziraphale is. And yet 150 years before he (accidentally) admits in words that he's Crowley's friend, Aziraphale wears Crowley's colors to take him to lunch to say thank you for a rescue.
When we decide whether a character's speech or action is equivocation, one of the things we check is whether equivocation (and deception generally) is something that character does elsewhere in the text, which, with Aziraphale, hahahahaha, DUH. He's already using equivocation in this scene.
The lunch date itself is equivocation on Aziraphale's part. Aziraphale tries to thank Crowley for the rescue, but Crowley says,
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So Aziraphale says,
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No more words like "thanks" or "rescue" used, but a couple hours of good food and drink and conversation, Aziraphale hopes, will express the gratitude toward Crowley it's not safe to speak aloud. With this, Crowley and Aziraphale explicitly establish that they are equivocating for each other's safety and using coded communication--immediately before Aziraphale changes into Crowley's colors.
So yes, Aziraphale may well copy the executioner's clothes. But consider: When a character who can't speak or act openly says or does something that has two or more possible meanings, this can be read as equivocation.
We don't get a face reaction from Crowley about Aziraphale's new 'fit, so we can't be sure how he feels about this. But this whole scene is, even on its surface, about 1) the meaning clothes transmit to a viewer ("Oh good Lord," says Aziraphale when he sees what Crowley's wearing) and 2) how to show gratitude and appreciation when you can't speak of them openly. And we know Crowley notices clothing and clothing colors, because look at what he wears, like, ever. So it's very reasonable to presume he notices Aziraphale wearing his colors, and it fits well with both the rest of Crowley's actions in this scene and with his being very hurt and angry when Aziraphale later characterizes their interactions as "fraternizing."
Right, so we've covered what's going on with the husbands' clothes, and we've looked at two examples of equivocation on Aziraphale's part, viz., lunch and his change of colors. (Here's an example of equivocation on Crowley's part as well.) Now let's look at that super interesting thing Crowley says about Aziraphale's first outfit.
Here's the line:
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Crowley follows up here on earlier lines in which he teases Aziraphale for coming to Reign-of-Terror Paris for crepes: "Dressed like that?" meaning Aziraphale was guaranteed to get arrested dressed like an aristocrat. The top layer of equivocation is always an innocuous meaning: the plausible deniability meant for the hostile/unsafe listeners. That's Meaning 1.
But "Dressed like that, s/he's asking for trouble" means two other things, too. It's a veeerrrrry familiar phrase, isn't it? We've all heard that arrangement of words in that order before. It's used when people think someone (usually but not always a woman) is dressed to invite sexual attention.
How do we know we're supposed to take this modern meaning from this phrase? This is how:
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We have learned in literally the previous sentence to this one that rain has not been invented yet. The only two humans in existence have just left the Garden. Balloons definitely do not exist yet, humans couldn't tell you what lead is, and yet this is a phrase Crowley uses and Aziraphale understands. This tells us, the audience, in the very first line of the very first scene with these characters, that their speech is anachronistic and modern, and that we are to understand their phrasing in its contemporary sense.
So. When Crowley says "Dressed like that, he was asking for trouble" in 1793, we should read that in the context of the scene and in the senses the phrase carries to us today.
And since Crowley is using a phrase that means the executioner is dressed to invite sexual attention, and the executioner is wearing clothes identical to Aziraphale's, then Crowley is necessarily telling Aziraphale that when Aziraphale was wearing those clothes--those frilly, effete, unfashionable-for-decades clothes that nobody else likes and the French now murder people for wearing--that was, in Crowley's view...provocatively sexy. Meaning 2.
"Dressed like that, s/he was asking for trouble" is also what people say to justify violence, especially sexual violence against women and queerphobic attacks against men perceived as gay or just 'insufficiently' 'masculine'. In fact justifying assault is likely the most common way this phrase is used today by a wide margin. Meaning 3.
Crowley's joke isn't even really a joke in this sense; it's a vicious barb. And, because it must, it sounds like it's at Aziraphale's expense: You wore the wrong clothes, you weren't careful enough to guard yourself against the men who want to do you harm, so you deserved the trouble you got. Meaning 1.
Except remember: Crowley is also dressed for trouble. And Aziraphale is aware of this. Crowley's 'fit would be almost as offensive to the Revolutionary French of 1793 as Aziraphale's Rococo pastels, and probably just as likely to get him arrested and murdered by the state if he weren't making letting Aziraphale keep him safe by wearing the cockade and the silly hat. Crowley's not saying anything about Aziraphale here that he's not also saying about himself; and as we know from Aziraphale's initial "Oh good Lord" when he turns around and sees Crowley's black and red half-mourning (with extra black and gobs of silver), Aziraphale knows it.
Then why the rapey joke, Crowley?
This is fucking why:
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Crowley rocks up at the Bastille just in time to witness some grubby fucker assault his friend. Assault the person Crowley will greet 15 seconds after this as angel.
Crowley's first act after freeing Aziraphale is to send this dude to his death. Nope! Aziraphale is the one who arranges to have the executioner killed in the clothes he would have killed Aziraphale for wearing. He takes Jean-Claude's ability to speak (but not to make sounds, interestingly! Jean-Claude can still whimper, Jean-Claude can still cry!) so the executioner can't tell anyone about the 'mixup.' It's unclear which of them blocks the executioner's power of speech. The vicious joke about assault in Meaning 3 isn't at Aziraphale's expense at all. It's not You wore the wrong clothes, so you deserved the trouble you got. It's If this guy thinks you deserve trouble for wearing the wrong clothes, he can eat his own rules.
And that's the other piece of evidence that, along with Crowley's ensemble, shows us the audience and Aziraphale which meanings Crowley intends with his equivocation. Meaning 1 is cancelled out by Crowley's clothes. That leaves Meanings 2 and 3.
Crowley and Aziraphale share clothes as a common interest. They don't have the same style, but they're both aware of current fashions, and Heaven and Hell aren't. You can't tell me Hastur or Uriel would recognize the significance of Crowley saying "Dressed like that, he's asking for trouble" about someone else while wearing black stockings and cravat and waistcoat himself. And that means Anything the husbands communicate to each other through clothing choices goes undetected by their masters.
SO. With all this in mind, let's go through the 1793 scene again and look at what their clothes help them say without words.
Concluded in Part 2!
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prettynice8 · 7 months
Happy Birthday Bitch
Min Yoongi or Suga or Agust D x male reader, haters to lovers
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The birthday boy
Stuff: Swearing, bottom reader, top Suga, sub reader, dom Suga, homophobic Suga but it's ok it's internalized, kissing but like aggressive, hate fucking, doggystyle, male reader, dick sucking (Suga receiving), creampie, kinda gay ngl, non-idol au, college au.
Word Count: 1,509
Summary: You and Min really hate each other. Anyway, he is having a birthday party and your friend invited you. Then the birthday boy demands his present from you or something.
Notes: sorry I haven't posted anything in a while, I just didn't really want to. Also fun fact, Suga used to be my least favorite member, I just thought that he was kind of boring compared to the other ones, but then I saw him rap in the Butter music video and had an epiphany of biblical proportion. Oh and Happy Birthday Suga.
It is moments like these that make you really hate your friends. Not only are they attending HIS party, but those butt sluts also invited you to come along. Those bitches were fully aware of your utter disdain for that fucking shit eating brainless fucking fucker, and yet they asked if you wanted to go. You said yes nonetheless but that is not the point.
You could never say no to a fun party, and the prospect of getting railed tonight was admittedly very pleasant sounding. You were aware that even though you hated the guy, he was very popular for some reason that you could never grasp.
He was just another dude who had nearly no personality or substance. A dumb look on his face that makes all the stupid bitches fawn over for some reason. Like he is not even that hot, sure he has an ab or two but that is it.
These thoughts kept swimming through your mind as you opened the door to the party that you could hear from miles away. As you walked in the smell of alcohol and the sight of random flashing lights was almost enough for you to pass out, the parties should be, which is almost even more angering that it came from HIM.
You were a little late because you only decided a few minutes ago that you were actually going. You made your way to the previously mentioned asshole friends that were invited to this place, but you were stopped by the man of the hour himself, Min Yoongi.
"I thought I had a no fags allowed rule." Yoongi stated, laughing at his own lazy "joke" if you can even call it that. The sudden appearance makes you jump, causing him to laugh more.
"Ew why are you talking to me!" You remarked disgustingly. "Don't you have other people to bother?"
"None as fun as you." He said, the shit eating smirk already on his face.
"Get a life." You snap at him, growing angrier every second you are in his presence. Almost walking away until he walks right in front of you, stopping your escape.
"Why are you even here?" He asked, arms crossed over his chest.
"You invited the whole school you stupid bitch." You responded aggressively, wanting this fucker gone.
"Fucking cock sucker." He exclaimed, laughing once again.
"Was that supposed to be an insult because you're just stating the obvious." You responded matter-of-factly, causing his laugh to stop and his face to solidify. "Or are you trying to start something?" You then winked at him, enjoying the uncomfortable silence he is giving you.
"Do you ever shut the fuck up?" He questioned back, his frustration growing as he stared daggers at you.
"Are you ever enjoyable to be around?" You asked, already knowing the answer being no. You try to walk away again but he grabs my arm and whispers in your ear.
"Why don't I make you." He started calmly. His voice actually sounded hot? Whatever it was, it did something to you. Confusion stirs inside of you as your mind races, though the inner turmoil is cut short when you feel something poking into your ass, already aware of what it is.
You let out a quick gasp, Min Yoongi, the man who hates you the most out of anyone you have ever known, is it hard for you? and you are getting turned by it? This must be a dream. Pinch me now.
"I'm going to do way worse." Yoongi stated. Wait, did he hear you, did you let that slip. What the fuck is happening. These thoughts spread through your mind, all of the noises and people all around you die down, Yoongi being the only thing on your mind.
"Let's go somewhere more... private." He ordered before taking your arm and leading you to his room
He brings you to his room, locks the door, and slams you into it, desperately kissing you.
His lips feel surprisingly good with your own, soft yet solid enough to leave quite the impact. You kiss him back just as desperately, your hands already going to take his shirt off, which he helps you with. Once it is off his lips crash right back on to yours where they belong.
He starts to become even more needy, diving his tongue into your mouth and exploring every part he can. His hands take your ass in vice grip as yours explore his broad and muscly torso, following each tone of his body.
"I still hate you." He said between tongue entanglements.
"Ditto." You said before diving right back in, but his hand stops you.
You let out muffled wails of confusion and frustration until he finally justifies himself. "I think your mouth can be used for more important things." was the last he said before bringing you to your knees.
Being an experienced little diva, you know exactly what to do. You strip his pants and boxers off in a single swipe. His throbbing member was already begging for your attention, you hated the guy but had to admit that he was packing some serious artillery.
Your hands begin to work on his shaft, pumping it slowly up and down while giving the tip light kisses, but that wasn't enough for him. So he shoves your head straight down onto his massive cock.
You take him so easily, his cock already all the way in. You begin moving your head up and down his length, the tip hitting your throat every time.
"God you're fucking good! I guess you had to be at something." He groaned, you respond by nipping him a little bit, which he responds with by fully fucking your throat.
He grabs your hair tightly and goes to mother fucking town. Thrusting his hips into your mouth, almost making you cum just from this, the thought of this monster going in your ass scares you so much it is sexual.
He finally starts emptying his balls into your throat, taking you off his dick. He doesn't even have to ask you to swallow before you have already done so.
"Fucking whore." He said as he picked you up and threw you onto the bed. Wasting no time with taking off your clothes, literally ripping your shirt in half.
"Hey!" You yell.
"You won't be going anywhere for a while, so shut the fuck up and get on your hands and knees." He demanded unapologetically.
You do exactly as he says, wanting to get fucked by his massive cock so badly it almost hurts.
He wastes no time with foreplay, only giving you one quick kiss which was surprisingly sweet, a spank, and he was off. He plunged is dick into you, bottoming out in one quick thrust.
Tears spilled from your eyes, but you can think about that right now when he is already going full force, fucking your ass like a semi-truck, that actually would be gentler.
He has a death grip on your hips that will absolutely bruise, he also keeps spanking your ass repeatedly leaving it bright red, his teeth also leaving love bites all over your neck, but you cannot thing about any of that when he is pounding into so hard, leaving all other sensations feel like child's play.
You would say that Yoongi is only chasing his own pleasure but then he starts pumping your painfully hard dick. He also occasionally plays with your sensitive nipples, how kind.
The sounds of Yoongi's groans and skin hitting skin is nothing compared to the sound of your moans filling the room and probably the house itself, oh yeah there was a party going on.
The thing on your mind is Yoongi's hand pulling your hair, the other gripping your ass, his lips leaving light kisses and love bits on your neck, his crashing into you, and his ass deeply hitting your ass.
"God fucking dammit, you take me so well pretty boy." He complimented, waited, complemented. Did Min Yoongi himself just give you a compliment, and call you a pretty boy? What the fuck is happening.
"I'm close, I'm going to cum right into you." He stated.
He pulls you back, so your back is touching his chest and pulls you into a deep kiss. Unlike the ones earlier where it was all sexual, this felt almost loving, like the one he gave you before permanently ruining your insides.
That was all you needed before shooting ropes of cum onto the mattress. He follows suit right into you, filling your insides with hot cum.
You crash onto the mattress, completely fucked out of your mind. Yoongi gets off the bed and leaves, good riddance you think.
Until he comes back with a rag to clean you up. He tosses it and gets right into his bed with you. Yoongi pulls you up and lays your head on his chest, giving you one quick kiss on the forehead.
"Best. Present. Ever." He said.
"Happy birthday bitch."
HAPPY BIRTHDAY SUGA 🎂 🥳 🎉 🎈 🎁 🎊 🎂 🥳 🎉 🎈 🎁 🎊 🎂 🥳 🎉 🎈 🎁 🎊 🎂 🥳 🎉 🎈 🎁 🎊 🎂 🥳 🎉 🎈 🎁 🎊 🎂 🥳 🎉 🎈 🎁 🎊 🎂 🥳 🎉 🎈 🎁 🎊 🎂 🥳
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emmedoesntdomath · 1 year
it has occurred to me that this was supposed to be a parkner blog. so here’s some parkner thoughts. 
fun fact- harley’s a little gay boy from tennessee who grew up hearing that the devil came for kids like him who wanted to kiss the wrong person. so when harley moves to new york, he’s not immediately waving a pride flag. instead, he has a beat up leather jacket, an old car, and a smirk that could cut glass. peter is sold and practically swooning because hello, gorgeous. but he’s also like,,, harley’s from tennessee. what if he’s like, homophobic??? and not an ✨ally✨??? and then harley full on outs himself to an asshole who harasses peter on the street with an ‘I’m gay, dickface’ and just. punches him hard enough to break his nose. (peter is THIS close to proposing okay)
harley forgets everything. out of sight, out of mind. keys? gone. phone? poof. jacket? who? and peter’s memory is kind of shit, too, honestly, but karen’s memory is fucking golden (perks of being a computer) and she’ll remind peter to remind harley to grab his stuff. harley still doesn’t know peter has karen do it, so he just thinks his boyfriend’s awesome. peter’s not gonna correct him. 
peter doesn’t wear nail polish that often, but when harley casually (definitely not feeling casual internally, but that’s fine) mentioned that he was considering sometimes wearing it, peter went ALL OUT. like, he added color, he added glitter, he made his nails the biggest and brightest part of his being. harley called him an idiot, but he would always grin when he saw them, so peter considered it a win. 
harley likes country music. but only the country music from 70s-90s. the rest is absolute slander to him. 
(yes, I wrote a whole ass fic about that, and no, I’m not sorry.)
peter can’t draw for shit. he just can’t. harley swears by stick figures. (watch the insidious part two promo with ty. you’ll get what I mean.)
peter does unironically call himself biderman. harley calls him homophobic. 
harley’s defining emotion is offense and/or what he calls his ‘bitch, fucking excuse you?’ emotion, and he’s very proud of this fact. 
peter’s favorite color changes pretty consistently, but he’s really attached to his blue and red, especially when they’re together. 
harley’s is dark red (darker than peter’s), and gold. he will deny to his denying breath that it’s tony’s colors, because ‘why would I care about the old man? fuck off’
they aren’t allowed to have a dog, because new york (peter is so sad about this, okay), so harley just brought home a pet lizard one day. no warning. no call. peter asked zero questions and named her mrs. cheeto. 
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scekrex · 5 months
can we get the i bring the ribs I bring the drama 2 where we see male reader going to heaven to try and get lute adopted as their daughter
Fuck yeah you can get that!
Part 1
Call me daddy
pairing: Adam x male!reader
warnings: language
note: not beta read bc fuck you I don't have beta readers
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Sera’s office was quiet, the seraphim tried to pŕocess your very unique and special request. In the entire history of heaven no one had ever made the request to adopt a grown woman. The fact that you were the first did not really surprise her though, she had seen it coming a while ago.
The older seraphim had kept an eye on you as you had brought Adam his much desired food, she had also heard the little conversation Lute and Adam had after you had already left the fancy meeting room in hell. So you stumbling into her office with an official request to adopt Lute had just been a matter of time. To Sera’s disappointment, said time had come sooner than she had liked it. “Y/N, I am truly sorry to deny your request, but I find you and Adam unable to adopt his lieutenant,” the seraphim spoke as she looked down at you. Her hands were folded in front of her belly and she seemed in no mood to discuss this topic any further. You however, saw things differently, “Is it ‘cuz we’re gay?” You raised an eyebrow at the taller angel who sighed at your utterly stupid question - the both of you were very aware that it was not because you and Adam were a homosexual couple. You and him were unable to adopt Lute because she was a grown woman and did not need adoption. “No, Y/N,” the seraphim disagreed, she stepped closer to you, one of her hands came down to rest on your shoulder, “Adam and you are able to adopt, I have told you so before.” Her eyes reflected kindness, she seemed to genuinely be sorry for the fact that adopting Lute was not possible. “Lute is a grown woman though, you can’t adopt her without consent, I-” You were quick to interrupt the seraphim, not really caring how disrespectful that act was towards her, “So what you’re saying is, if Lute agrees, we can adopt her.”
Sera dropped her hand from your shoulder and lowered her head, “Yes, this might be a solution, I assume.” The older seraphim was clearly tired of you and your odd request, she had given up telling you no, there was no point anyway. And who would be harmed by Adam and you adopting Lute? Sera thought it would not harm anyone and it would spare her the time and energy to deal with you.
The doors to the seraphim’s office were busted open by Adam, who had just arrived back in heaven after his meeting with Lilith and Lucifer. “There’s my babe,” he joyfully greeted you as he opened his arms and pulled you in a tight hug. “We’ve been looking for you fucking everywhere, babes,” the first man mumbled as he placed a quick kiss on your head. You leaned into his touch, embracing Adam’s warmth at its fullest. “That little stunt of yours was fucking stupid,” he then changed the topic and you chuckled to yourself, “I had to fucking explain the daughter bullshit to Lute in front of the motherfucking traitor.” And Adam mentioning the daughter topic suddenly reminded you about the conversation you just had with Sera. Sera, who was standing next to you and Adam, watching the both of you carefully. “Sera said we can adopt Lute,” you cheerfully told your boyfriend as you proudly tilted your head upwards, the seraphim was quick to add, “Only if your lieutenant agrees to it.” Adam shot Lute a questioning look and the white haired woman nodded with a straight face.
“Congrats, bitch,” the brunette mumbled before he softly kissed your forehead, “You’re a fucking dad now.” A wicked smile met his soft eyes as you pulled away a little to properly look at your boyfriend, “Means I get to call ya ass daddy now, right?” The first man mimicked your grin and seemingly happy about the situation and your offer he hummed, “Fuck yeah you do.” Sera’s face was scrunched up in disgust, those were details she could have lived without knowing and she had preferred to not know about the sex life of the first man and his boyfriend, what a shame that both Adam and you were quite vocal about that topic. Lute on the other hand had simply ignored the comment of yours, the white haired woman knew that something as simple as adopting her would make you happy and if you were happy so was Adam. And the lieutenant was rather dealing with the first man when he was in a good mood, grumpy Adam was something she did not like at all.
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strangeswift · 2 years
Long rambley byler headcanon ahead but I put a cut <3
Okay yes the Mike and Hopper hostility is very funny, and it's very funny to imagine Hopper thinking he got rid of Mike when he and El break up only to realize Mike is now dating his son.
Imagine Mike suddenly becoming far more respectful to Hopper now that he's dating Will and Hopper being completely baffled by this.
Mike's finally in a relationship that he actually cares about maintaining. He knows he and Will are going to be together for the rest of their lives. Therefore he and Hopper are going to be in each other's lives forever. So they may as well get along, right?
And he knows that Will loves Hopper, and Will finally getting to have a loving and supportive father figure makes him so happy. How could he be a jerk to the man that is giving Will something he's always needed?
(Yes all of this applied to El too, but Mike was never very sensitive to El's feelings. And we know he is very sensitive to Will's.)
So Mike stops insulting Hopper. (For the most part.) He keeps the door open three inches. (When Hopper is home.) And he makes and effort to foster a positive relationship with Hopper.
Sure, he slips up sometimes. Maybe even frequently. Mike is a bitch (affectionate) so some bitchiness is inevitable. But Hopper can see that he's trying.
Also, we all know that Mike and Hopper’s canon relationship isn't just a rivalry. Hopper cares about Mike, a lot. And Hopper is probably more of a father figure to Mike than Ted ever was. So there's a basis of affection and mutual respect there.
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(Cute GIF to make you cry)
So give me Mike calling Hopper 'Sir' and Hopper looking at him like he has three heads. Give me Mike clinging to Will constantly, but separating himself and keeping a respectful distance when Hopper enters the room, until Hopper rolls his eyes and says, 'It's okay, kid.' at which point Mike grins and resumes clinging to Will. Give me Mike awkwardly trying to make small talk with Hopper. Give me Mike getting Hopper a Christmas present. Give me Mike making sure he gets Will home by curfew unless Hopper is covering the night shift and won't be home anyway.
But yes, give me a dash of Hopper and Mike hostility too. Give me Mike holding Will's hand at the dinner table and Hopper asking, 'Wheeler, do you think you're physically able to go more that five seconds without touching Will?' And Mike responding, 'Wow, old man. I didn't know you hated gay people.' And Will has to stifle his laughter as Joyce lightly hits Hopper for teasing them.
Give me the one time Hopper comes home to the door not being open three inches, but in fact being locked. And give me Hopper pounding on the door threatening to take it off the hinges, until Mike opens the door, rolling his eyes and says, 'Relax, old man, we forgot.' And Hopper dubiously responding with 'You forgot you locked the door?' And Mike sheepishly shrugging.
Give me Hopper being so happy that Mike and El figured out what was best for both of them and that Will is finally happy. Will, the son of the woman he loves. Will, the kid he went through hell to find, the kid he never gave up looking for even after finding his body. Will, the kid he watched be possessed by the mindflayer and go through unimaginable pain, while also being there for Joyce as she went through it with him. And now, Will. His son.
Give me Hopper not being able to stay mad at Mike anymore anyway, because he sees just how much he and Will love each other. And he trusts Mike with Will. You don't hurt someone who you love that much. You protect them. He knows Mike will protect Will, just like he has.
Give me Hopper loving Will and Mike so much, but showing it in his own Hoppery way. Give me Mike and Will walking around Hawkins holding hands because if anyone bothers them, the Cheif of Police will be on their ass to cite them for harassment.
Just. Give my boys a father figure. A real one.
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itsdappleagain · 1 year
not giving up on my trademark of being late for csweekly even though i vowed i wouldn't be late on this one. i have an excuse. i was doing audition prep/submission for a musical
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i think if i ever actually visited the belltower i would take damage just from being in the space
notes under the cut as always!
OKAY starting thoughts. this is. literally my favorite episode in the entire show. my favorite. im so fucking stoked you don't even know i love watching my blorbos get beat up. me 🤝rueitae
anyways. biting this episode and shaking it violently
i like that the faculty tie actually makes sense and they have solid motivations. it isnt just a plot device for a tie
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love this shiot/angle of bellum btw so behold her. she is so amazing
okay hi. immediately stopping to go on a rant about the atmosphere in this caper. its. fucking. incredible. the scenery is so perfect. the right balance of beautiful and desolate, and it changes as the mood does. i could do this later but i will do it now because idk i want to its my post
notice as the episode goes on how as the tone gets darker in carmen's plotline, the scenery and mood around her gets colder and literally darker as well.
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ivy's backgrounds, meanwhile, stay pretty light throughout because she has somewhat of a more comedic and hopeful storyline while carmen dies in a ditch somewhere.
also, as soon as carmen calls chief, the snow/light of the hologram/shot composition away from the dark trees shows that there is hope now
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just....hope that is tinted with cop fingerprints all over it. i just GOD i fucking LOVE how you can VISUALLY SEE HOW HER LIFE IS GOING its reflected by the very environment around her. compare any shot after she gets acme in to the very last one i put in that set of five.
no moment is darker for carmen than when she gives up, on the brink of death, and calls for help, submitting herself to prison and interrogation in the hopes that even if vile wins today, she can somehow survive to take them down again another day.
man, i am barely a minute into the actual episode and i have a lot to say. that trend will continue. sorry not sorry. back to the actual liveblogging.
fun fact the first time i watched this episode i did not notice the acme agents on top of the building watching "carmen"
i love the little hints dropped to audience members who arent entirely in the know yet (7 year olds) that its ivy, not carmen, and that something is up here. lack of gigantic poofy brown hair, different stature, ivys little smile as she goes past. of course, if you're obsessive like me, youve memorized every characters outline and can tell even with wigs on
OH hey my favorite acme agent hang on
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its her. she is drop dead gorgeous and has a nose piercing. she also i think gets all of one line in the s4 opener telling crackle to do whatever (or maybe its her partner but anyway i love her)
I have already earned from her
have you been GAY for twenty years chief? julia has
julia slays so hard in this episode. wish devineaux stayed dead longer because she thrives when she's by herself
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episode is literally so gorgeous
i love zari just being like oh my god this bitches gay. bad for them
that soft little "i should have known" smile julia does when carmen puts her hand on her shoulder guts me like an animal
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live acme (ants to classify and monitor evildoers) reaction
hey!! next time ivy gets into a frozen adventure with carmen in germany she gets an earbud upgrade :D
zack too!!
that "but powerful" line is literally gay. happy pride month from ivy "muscles" "milady" "i feel powerful dressing in my girlfriend's clothing" lastname
obsessed with zack's little finger wiggles to emulate typing when he imitates player
i love just how. rrgh casual they are. yes carmen is super serious and focused this caper (for good reason. launch codes) but they get in a little. julia notices something small about carmen and that she's cold and the playful tone in the reply from carmen before everything kind of goes to shit. "had to loan my coat once I spotted your reinforcements!" its just a bit of information but its some that she trusts julia with. she asks julia if chief is listening but if she was. carmen would have already blown ivy's cover. i know she stole the pen for good measure but seriously she TRUSTS her
i love how julia pats her jacket and then does not react in the slightest she was just making sure that was HER pen not someone else's
ivy being horrible in snow gag is the best part of this episode
i love julia showing off. she doesnt get to infodump to anyone else but she knows carmen will appreciate it. and shes trying to be coy about knowing what carmen is there to do (sorry jules. you would have been right any other time)
i also like that as julia is infodumping shes absorbing MORE by walking backwards and gazing around the city hall
fun fact: i always wondered how the hell the acme agents got into/hid in the hall without anyone seeing them but there are doors in between all of those pillars!
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this hallway does in fact exist! i mean considering the cs team probably went there to location scout in person (see below picture of duane and the team in san fran) it makes sense!!
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anyway. should i made an "only vaguely related tangents" tally counter for these things at the end of the post lmao
i love how super serious carmen gets here. this episode is so much more mature in its theming than some other episodes. from the launch codes to the fakeout suicide to the continued death before capture thing carmen has going on. man. i cant tell if ivys comic relief section is good for lightheartedness or tonal whiplash lmao
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she has for a split second the look of a mother who just heard her child say "i frew up"
ARGH and i also love how literally nothing julia can say in that time will help. she tries- oh, she tries- but "its not what you think" mistakenly sounds like she was still in on it. it looks, for the moment, like julia was trying to distract her or this acme agent missed her cue or something. of course later in the ep carmen has plennnty of time
interestingly cs does away with the doors in between the pillars for a more ethereal and sophisticated look but there are doors in my heart
i love how carmen turns to run sideways. girl even if there weren't acme agents there where were you going
i also just fucking love carmen's completely silent analysis once shit gets really serious. she calculates and recalculates what she needs to do to survive here. and she's RUTHLESS about it. i think this is kind of the one time we really see her vile training come out in comparison to someone other than vile itself. she takes those acme agents OUT
part of me wonders if carmen, in that little pause by the door, thought that maybe her chances were better backtracking but she didn't want to have to hurt jules to get out. maybe im just gay and wistful idk BUT okay here's my reasoning!! hang on! stay with me!! carmen equals BAD in tight spaces. saw it in rio, saw it in nz, saw it in poitiers. its everywhere- she does better with more space. however, she does like her high grounds, so honestly this is pure headcanon but like,,, not wanting to hurt julia. send post
also you can see in the background julia TAKING OFF after the other agents....no gun drawn of course
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this fight scene with carmen is so fucking fantastic
she never. NEVER. EVER does full fight scenes where she does a lot of offensive but this situation is so different. she SPRINTS at that bitch she holds him HOSTAGE and while of course she's acting so that she doesn't get caught the fight almost portrays her a little villainously with the trail of bodies she leaves behind her as she goes
ALSO THAT FLIP OFF THE WALL MOVE IS SO DAMN COOL. she tricks the acme agent into gassing herself almost effortlessly and only takes a split second to coldly look behind her to make sure there's no one else coming before she takes off again
and then the other three who didnt get knocked out start going after her again which distracts her just enough to let zari catch her with the shot
the shaky "camera" and blurred vision pov as carmen fades in and out of consciousness while instinct alone keeps her going up the stairs is just ARGH chefs kiss
fun fact zari's "there after her" line gets reused in the series finale
btw carmen falling of the tower scared me so bad when i first watched this at like 13. suicide fakeout <3 scared me so bad
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also how the camera keeps moving even when carmen doesnt even seem to be in the picture anymore before her glider catches up with it. top. tier
and then the stockholm music kicks in. hoo mama the music in this episode is fucking unparalleled. that incessant, chilling, repetitive string instrument motif as carmen's situation begins to get really dire. aurgh.
carmen's continued pov as player starts getting really concerned about her and she fades in and out. carmen weaving all over the sky and crashing into shit grggrgrgr its so good
ivy getting tazed. yeah.
ivy can pass as an....argentinian.. right boys
player and zack when two out of four of their active teammates just went mia in the span of a minute: 👁️👄👁️
man do you think they thought it was an ambush or something. like i mean it was but an organized effort by one team. do you think zack was scared he would be next and that player would be left in the dark. anyway
the way moose picks ivy up by the scruff like a cat kills me
the citizens of stockholm on this day watching a foreign police strike happen at city hall and then a tourist get tazed, mugged, and kidnapped by some locals: 👁️👄👁️
i really enjoy that they show us this desolate, still shot of carmen, completely motionless, trapped in a ravine, miles and miles away from the city. she doesnt wake up. its just the cold, harsh reality. and its starting to snow a lot harder.
julia just snatching the pen gets me every time
i love the emotion dropping out of chiefs tone once she sees the 5'2" pissed off lesbian on the other end
YES julia GO OFF she should have gotten to do so much more. she should have gotten to kill someone.
julia glancing back at zari when she says "chase her away and squander her trust" and zari turning away and balling her first is such a juicy little character moment
the venom in "we had an agreement." fhrjhgfejsjjd step on me
you know how people want that throwback spinoff series for the owl house with the lost moments. that but cs. shadowsan's malaysia mission, how the team operated and the jobs while carmen was recovering, more of black sheep's time at vile/her holdover year, her and player learning together once she tours around after escaping, the shanghai job (not the tsonts one), the cairo job, the swiss bank job. how julia got into law, how chase chose his name, more on carlotta and dexter, the two years after vile's defeat and before their reappearance, more of evil carmen, player's backstory as told in silver lion. there is. so much i want to see. tangent tally.
god. player's decision here is such a hard one. he's like sixteen, and he's potentially juggling the lives of two of his best friends with that line. the decision seems obvious, but in this case it is completely, entirely wrong. player's choice to save ivy instead of carmen damn near kills her, and there's no way he could have known. player guilt angst, please!
once again the music. thank you.
carmen's cry of pure pain as she moves juuust tickles something in my brain. she has no one to put on a brave face for and that crash landing HURT.
also how hoarse her voice is
the more groans of pain as she forces herself off the ground they are so good.
i love this episode for its look into carmen's psyche. so much of her is playing off of others, but in this one she is utterly alone. we see her thought processes in the worst of times with no one to fight but the weather and herself. fantastic shit. never forgiving sarcastic chorus for skimming over this episode and saying nothing happens did you watch it
the puff of breath when carmen says "player"!!!
carmen's tone when she goes "oookay." just is so good. gina did not skimp out on this performance and part of me wonders if she could have done better if she wasnt always trying to play the emotionless, suave hero figure and she let carmen be more human, like in this episode. carmen is seeing that she is injured, acme is trying to reach her, her glider is broken, she has no protection from the cold, and that player and any other help is completely out of range and she is not happy about it
carmen crying out when she slips even more when she's trying to climb its so tangible and delicious
FUN ANECODTE because i havent gone on enough tangents for this post already but the first time i ever saw this episode my dad came to pick me up for his half of the week right here. i had to leave the episode right here, with ivy kidnapped and mia and carmen alone in the frozen ravine, the acme pen blinking. i didnt have access to netflix to finish the episode. for. four. days. let me tell you. um. this episode literally did not let me sleep. that first night i was lying in bed i stayed up until like 3am just staring at the ceiling replaying the scenes and making theories. i was dry in the mouth. when i fell asleep i dreamed about it and kept waking up in the middle of the night. i cornered my dad and recounted the entire episode to him and then reeled off my theories to him. i reeled off my theories to my friends. i was literally consumed by the ending of this episode that i could not see. it was Not Healthy and it impacted me VERY HEAVILY as you can see.
but anyway my one theory was that carmen was going to be forced to call acme for help and be arrested because they kept doing closeups on the pen. good job, thirteen year old me. the foreshadowing worked.
back to the episode
ivys literally so cute in this episode
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look at her.
ottoman has chihuahua vibes
the ice lodge staff watching two guys drag some poor red haired white bitch into the hotel like a sack of potatos: im sure shes fine they probably told them she was drunk lmao
im goosebumping something wicked here is one of the phrases of all time
that raw, desperate "no" and scream from carmen is so good. that fall hurt five thousand times more because it was a failure. and also she probably just broke all the ribs that weren't broken before
it took me a few watches originally to see that carmen hits her glider on the way down. first time around i was like where tf did she get that wack ass blanket
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draw me like one of your moose boys
moose boy unironically seems like a nice guy who got dragged into this by otter
can you imagine if they showed up with ivy and were like HAHA. CARMEN SANDIEGO. what would the faculty do with this poor white girl who is definitely not carmen. probably wipe her memory and boot out otter and moose but can you imagine their reactions
or maybe it was right here that i got cut off with the panning shot of the pen and carmen sitting away from it staring at it. whatever it was but anyway yeah
the sadness and defeat as carmen shivers and tells this imaginary chief that vile is winning today either way just kills me i love it so much. carmen's death before capture ideology (almost. capture wins but it almost doesnt)
also team red. didnt know what was on the data crystal!! they didnt know what the handoff was!!! they just knew it was fucking serious and that makes this all the more scary. had ivy not gotten kidnapped they would have missed it. i mean carmen would have probably tried to drag her foot on deaths doorstep ass over to the ice lodge to try anyway but she would have gotten triple pulverized
someone swinging (insert wieldy object) at a gigantic villain and it doing nothing is my favorite battle trope
more ivy appreciation
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she said NOPE
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ivy is literally so cool in this episode. she's still herself but she's trying to channel carmen and fill her gigantic shoes by making her proud. but she isnt carmen, and thats okay. she ends up doing it with a mix of carmen's help and her own goofy, clumsy style
again. ivy being terrible on ice gag is the best. winters in boston must have been torture
man it doesnt even show all of it but you can see the agonizing that went into carmen's decision to call acme. once she makes it she doesnt hesitate in grabbing and clicking it. she does it seamlessly and with resignation. shes already fought with herself enough in her own head.
carmen: literally in the middle of the woods, shaking like a travelling fair rollercoaster ride, and bleeding from a thousand cuts chief: oh hey! sorry about that
i also like that carmen has to heave herself up from sitting, and that she's only standing as a last display of control when every other ounce of it has been ripped from her. she has to lean on the tree, still, even to manage it. as soon as she pushes off of that tree and starts walking towards chief she collapses.
chief those business negotiations. can you wait
i do appreciate that chief doesnt play dumb or think carmen is dumb. she's been calling that pen for as long as carmens been staring at it. she knows carmen knows what calling her means and doesnt try to hide that theyre coming for her.
haha. where in the world is carmen sandiego reference. get it
MAN AND THEN EVERYTHING GETS SOO BAD. you realize just how serious this is when carmen drops the tough act and just reaches out. she does a quip, but her face is just hopeless and she drops like a STONE. she was barely hanging on. already dumped this onto rueitae's post but i think that as soon as she knew she'd done everything she could do and had exhausted every single option except dying on the spot. well. she didnt have a reason to hang on anymore. she gave up every single ounce of control to chief when she clicked that pen and her body needed to shut down to save her. so so so good
i really really like chief running over and hesitating before she puts her "hand" on carmens shoulder. she knows she cant do anything, but she can pretend and she can hope
i really do think she was concerned about carmen here, not just about the intel she was potentially losing. this scene mirrors her past with wolfe nearly perfectly, and it NEVER gets talked about. once again a call chief made on a person who turned out to have innocent intentions (gun was really car keys, julia going off the grid was really just her and carmen talking it out) gets them killed- or, in carmen's case, almost. chief, this time, has the power to save her and fix this mistake. parallels are also fun because obviously carmen is wolfe's daughter so double angst.
ivy immediately switching to suspicious spy face after she slams into the bar is so funny
YOU HAVE NO IDEA HOW OFTEN I USED TO JUST RANDOMLY SAY "hello, im shady mcshade from some sleazy rogue nation, check out my briefcase full of untraceable cash!" to just RANDOM PEOPLE IN MY LIFE with NO CONTEXT
the bartender is not paid enough for this
the little trill of carmens triumph theme when ivy looks at the grappling hook is so good
girl. ivy. you missed that REALLY BADLY for someone who threw an anchor up three stories with pinpoint accuracy like a couple years ago
poor ivy she was doing so well with the quips and the competence until she announced it to the entire ice lodge
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warrior cats girls on the playground
ivys unhinged scream as she barells towards otter is so fantastic
it would really have super sucked if zack had run ivy over
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again. this episode is so beautiful
i love that otter and moose would normally have never even been glanced at for an episode because they suck so bad but because it was untrained baby ivy (who still kicked their asses) they could be there also who assigned them the nuclear fucking launch codes. who did that
oh man you can see the smile drop off ivys face when zack asks where they can find carmen. she doesnt even think that carmen is still missing. she probably thinks carmens back on track by now, not that it would be HOURS later and shes still missing.
zack getting to ivy on the other side of stockholm: 🐌🐌🐌 zack getting to carmen twice as far away in the middle of the woods: 🦔 (too lazy to find sonic meme. sonic meme.)
julia just giving zari the most disappointed look when zari kicks carmen when shes down
FUN FACT OF THE DAY! in the original storyboards, julia and zari were supposed to get a SHOOKETH reaction shot when chief offers carmen a way out with z and i. they cut it. rude.
the pen lowering down to reveal julia behind it has always felt like such an important shot and i dont know why. like theres some symbolism im majorly missing out on there
ahh, the heartbroken look between friends
AGAIN this episode punches you like an elephant on steroids with that quiet "is she going to make it?" CARMEN IS ON THE BRINK. OF DEATH. AND HER FRIENDS ARENT EVEN CERTAIN SHES GOING TO MAKE IT THROUGH THE NIGHT. MAN. it raises the stakes up so high like obviously she wont die but in a tvy7 kids cartoon this is so fucking serious
carmen, delirious with the cold and pain, wondering if someone made a clone of her:
addressing all groups of people from now on as "student body most vile"
hey vile has a sick waterfall wall
it is really interesting that they do in fact shut down the academy. no one is allowed at the castle anymore once they move there. its also cool that in s4 because bellum doesnt have to be there teaching she can go to the himalayas and tinker full time!
wow. zuko and luz are in that crowd <3
okay. so. best episode ever. i love it so much and ive already gushed about it way too much so i wont keep you much longer.
tangent tally final count: like at least five it depends how specific you are
sorry about how long this is take it up with a brick wall it will be remorseful than me
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akgaereporter · 10 months
txt: soobin catching strays for *checks notes* watching an anime..
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tldr: a pann article(?) was starting shit abt an anime soobin mentioned on a live from MONTHS AGO. the anime (made in abyss) has some disturbing/horror/gore themes. he said he thought it was boring and was hesitant to recomend it to moas in the live. but in another live he had with seungkwan, he said he watched it because woozi mentioned it and then said he recommended it to sk. moas started making it a real issue, saying "if u defend him for this block me" & implying he endorsed the themes in the anime. sigh..
when ur in a meat eating competition and ur opponents are soobin antis who call themselves moas😱😱😱😱😱 yall are annoying as fuck all shade.. leave him ALONE abeg
tonight soobins name is trending on twt dot com for something other than the seunghan live or pannchoa making shit up about him😓 apparently (because i couldnt find it) a REAL kr pann article, not flopchoa, was made resurfacing an old live of him talking about animes he's watched. one of them was made in abyss, a psychological horror anime that is meant to be disturbing.
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in this live he says that its not something he wants to recommend to moas because of the themes in it. after the clip started making rounds on twt however, people brought up the fact that he'd mentioned it before and said he enjoyed it.
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now lets not jump to conclusions like SOME lewsers and realize here that the anime version of made in abyss that's available in korea is highly censored. it reduced the s3xual/problematic scenes that were in the manga, and had a lot of stuff cut out of it that made it bad.
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but even if this wasnt the case, its so silly to suggest that u endorse every piece of media u watch☠️ are u a vehicle if i watch cars 2?? are u a murderer if u watch true crime?? are u gay if u watch heartstopper? well yes but lets please use some critical thinking here friends
the first two screenshots from his live alone should be the end of this discussion because thats obviously how he really feels. but noooo user28247943 on twt.com always has to create some thinkpiece for other no brain having ass kpop stans to like and rt and make blockchains abt.. exhibit a:
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like what the hell r these people yapping about. me when im trying SOOOO HARD im PISSING and CRAPPING MYSELF to make this grown man from south korea who has no idea i am look like a bad person☠️
yeonternet was the person who started all this bs tho. idk if theyre the one who brought the pann article to twt but their tweets abt it are so braindead lord.. this person had over 1k follows trying to police what an adult man watches & saying it makes her uncomfortable that he does.. girl dont watch what he watches then?? and after shitting out that steaming load of crap shawty deactivated without clarification cause she couldnt take the heat ! ikdr never come back
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++apparently the author of made in abyss admitted that they used the show to portray their s3xual fantasies abt children but even hardcore watchers of the show didnt know that like..
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also when he initially said all this in the live the response was fawking normal as it should be..
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bc it isnt just gore and horror and nasty scenes, it has worldbuilding elements, characters, plot, etc that people enjoy it for. its rated highly and its so fucking ridiculous that people were genuinely throwing around the word PEDO for stupid shit like this. when actual pedos show up yall wont even be able to recognize them through the serious justice warrior twitter brainrot thats spreading rn..
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but the bottom line here is that its pretty clear people are trying to start a smear campaign on soobin. the pann article itself was just nasty akgaes and antis adding onto the hate train hes been getting since the sh live thing. and it's just so nasty and horrible to see self proclaimed moas jumping on that the first chance they got like damn bitch ur just a LOSER who never liked sb in the first place. need all of these mfs ran off the app immediately like its concerning to see how many of them have large followings
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uarmyeonjun went priv but she had almost 2.5K FOLLOWS before those twts. genuinely be careful who u call oomf like these people are real hybrids all it takes is an alt/priv and a dream for a normal person to turn into a complete FREAK ASS😓 hell is real and its called moaville
a story in 3 parts:
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maybe 4
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1.3k follows are we not SCARED?
here’s a link to a thread of the clowns in HD ! point and laugh❤️
anyways stay safe in these streets trust nobody stay strapped at all times. kpoptwt gets uglier everyday bye
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sunshinechay · 1 year
Im glad I made you laugh, i've read the tweet like 10 times trying to dissect it. Im assuming this is a love triangle and these are their ship/their names? Info dumping is welcomed
Yes hello, I apologize for how long it took me to answer. I was spending time with friends and completely forgot this was in my inbox.
The show I’m talking about it Only Friends or Only Friends The Series (ofts for short). Which is about a group of messy gays being messy bitches who live for the drama. It’s directed by a man named Jojo Tichakorn, who is an amazing writer/director who is himself gay. It’s been compared to Queer as Folk a lot which I think is fair because it does have some similarities though there are a lot of differences too.
It is and it isn’t a love triangle. That being said, it consists of three characters
Sand my beloved doe eyed boy and resident furious bisexual™️ (also sassy and hiding pain)
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Ray, the resident asshole with a heat of gold and self esteem issue self destructive alcoholic
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And Mew, the only one capable of keeping a plant alive
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To make a very long story short,
Mew and Ray have been friends for a long time (it is not mentioned how long) and 2 years prior to the series beginning, Mew saved Ray from dying by suicide (after Ray calls Mew to leave his suicide note). Ray has been in love with Mew since then while Mew had exactly 0 romantic interest in Ray, which Mew had made very clear to Ray more than once.
At the beginning of the series, Mew is introduced to Top while Ray meets Sand. (Side note, Top and Sand have their own history with each other that is not relevant right now but goes to the messy gays being messy). Top is Mew’s first serious relationship and a good deal of their relationship development revolves around the fact that Mew is a virgin while Top is the “top-tier” aka the Chad. Still they end up dating and falling in love and having sex, only Mew finds out that Top slept with another of his and Ray’s friends, Boston (both before the series starts and again just as Mew and Top are ending the ‘casual seeing each other’ stage of their relationship. Needless to say, Mew breaks up with Top.
Meanwhile Ray meets Sand at the beginning of the series. As stated, Ray is an alcoholic with a bucket load of self esteem and self worth issues that Sand decides to help take care of because he is just like that and also Ray is cute. The two end up forming a sex friends type relationship that is clear to everyone and the moon could very easily turn into a romantic relationship if the two would ever actually talk about their feelings, which they don’t, instead they dance (and fuck) around their growing feelings for each other until their budding relationship gets torpedoed by aforementioned friend Boston (Boston is gay and slutty and bitchy and kind of the worst and I love him so much!) when Boston reveals to Sand that Ray is in love with Mew (while also lying that Ray and Mew have hooked up in the past, which has not happened. They did kiss but that’s it and it was years prior to the start of the series).
This most recent two episodes has Mew finding out about Top and Boston having sex via a secretly recorded audio of them fucking nasty in Boston car (which was recorded by Boston friends with benefits/sex friend Nick which is it’s own can of worms. When I said this show is wild I fucking meant it). Mew ends up getting a bit of revenge against Boston by almost showing a different sex tape featuring Boston to Boston’s dad (who is also a politician). (Side note, this show is really attempting to hammer home the even horrible people don’t deserve to have bad things happening to them as yes you counted right Boston has been recorded without his consent, having sex, twice. One audio, one video. It’s creepy and gross and Boston 100% does not deserve it at all).
By the end of the most recent episode, Ray decides to shoot his shot by confessing to Mew (third times the charm I guess), despite Sand being there. Sand had been taking care of him early in the episode after Ray got into a car accident while driving drunk due to him calling out all of his friends at the end of the previous episode…at Mew’s birthday party no less. Ray has a lot of issues and one of them is that he’s a rich selfish asshole that you love anyway because his actor (Khaotung) is just that charismatic and because you have to feel for Ray because no one (but Sand) really treats him well at all. Mew accepts him this time in a very lack luster fashion that you can tell he is only doing because Mew is upset and angry and just wants to let go.
So the tweet essentially is saying that if Ray and Sand stand a chance at being any kind of couple, Ray has to get with Mew and it has to end badly because Ray needs to actively make the choice to be with Sand instead of being stuck on Mew, which Ray has already proven that he isn’t going to be able to move on any other way.
Ray and Sand as a couple have a hell of a lot more issues to work through but Ray’s love/gratitude towards Mew for saving his life is one of them. (The other being that Ray is, again, a rich asshole who needs to learn that you can’t buy everything and while Sand is poor, he has still a person who has value and is worth of respect, which Ray doesn’t give him much of because again rich selfish asshole. They are the anti Cinderella and I love it and I need Ray to learn this lesson, not because I want Ray and Sand to end up together, I’m on the fence about whether I want any of the couples in ofts to end up together all, but because no matter what it’s a lesson Ray needs to learn anyway).
…Have I mentioned it’s only episode 7 of a 12 episode series? We aren’t even close to being done. Like I said, messy gays being messy. It’s so much fun to watch this toxic af “friends” ruin lives, both their own and each others. Honestly if Top and Sand were smart, they’d be running for the fucking hills but alas, they are not smart.
The show is free to watch on YouTube if you like. It does have a fair amount of sex in it, nothing too explicit though. Jojo have talked repeatedly about how he wants it to be true to life and how it’s not really a romance but rather a drama about gays being young and messy and gay. It’s pretty fun so far and isn’t shying away from the things it wants to focus on, such as sex, addiction (both alcohol and drugs) and friendship.
In conclusion, Only Friends is messy and Ray, Sand and Mew are locked into a love triangle that none of them are even really aware exists. Mew and Ray need to happen for Ray to be able to move on, though most fans are on the fence about whether or not SandRay should end up together or not. I lean towards maybe, but only under highly specific conditions that I doubt the show will meet (which is not a knock nor shade on the show, it would be hard to do even on a drama that is dedicated to it). None of these characters are really actually good people and there is lot of drama I’m leaving out.
…Also this happens
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sanityshorror · 1 year
Another Julius canon info please!!
I'm so sorry, this is all over the place and I'm pretty sure I've already posted all the information over the course of the last 15 months (I can't believe I posted Julius 15 months ago..) I included his ref and some illustrations/doodles/stretches to jazz it up. ANYWAY
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Julius stands at 6'5 inches in his boots, 6'2 without.
Julius is all about deception. Nothing more than a thin veil of beauty to hide the rot beneath – both metaphorically and literally, as Julius is always rotting inside. This leads him to have to regularly replace his internal organs to prevent the rot from consuming him. He has a special rose that decays at the same rate as his body, which lets him know when it's time to change the insides.
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If Julius doesn't keep up with maintaining his body, his false form will eventually completely rot and he'll be left in his true form until he fully rebuilds a new body to be his false form
↑ has never happened, however. Being a perfectionist, Julius always keeps up with self maintenance.
Julius is significantly more messed up than Killian. Deception is a helluva thing. There's a reason he scares the living shit out of Killian.
Killian nearly always calls him 'Jules' (his nickname for him), instead of Julius. (Keep that in mind, it's important for MWTSN)
Julius loves animals, especially cats. He really loves cats. He doesn't own any, to his dismay, because he panics over the idea of cat hair getting everywhere.
Julius is basically a cat in human form. Killian discovered when they were young children, if he dangled a string in front of Julius's face, Julius would watch it swing back and forth silently before eventually pouncing at it with no warning. Julius still does this.
Julius is completely apolitical.
He usually uses straws with his drinks, and has a tendency to deliberately loudly slurp from them.
He's generally just a complete sassy bitch and petty as hell.
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He's not actually stupid and clearly is rather intelligent. His lack of knowledge on many logic 101 things is based on either 1) the lack of education being a product of his time 2) Julius only learns about things he has interest in, if something doesn't interest him, you couldn't pay him to learn.
Still.. He is..a little dumb xD ↓
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Julius was born December 24, 1874 in the outskirts of Dublin, Ireland. He immigrated to Boston shortly after turning 18.
Being a man from the 1800s, he has the expected skill set of one. Meaning, yes, he can hunt, build stuff, ride horses, knows how to survive in the wilderness off the land, so on and so forth.
Julius came from a working class family and came into his money on his own, having a very successful dress shop.
Julius is age locked at exactly 24, he was killed on his 24th birthday.
He was born a human but has been a demon since January of 1899.
He's mob affiliated because of Killian.
His stuffed animal Mr Bear doesn't have any supernatural aspects, Mr Bear is just a regular plushie that Julius is very attached to. He's had Mr Bear since longer than he can remember (fun fact: he was actually gifted Mr Bear by his mother on the day he was born). Mr Bear is very much a comfort item to Julius, he kinda brings it everywhere.
Julius has childish behavior but it's due to mental/emotional stunting, as well as OSDD (I won't elaborate on his OSDD, at least at this time).
Julius is also wise farrrrr beyond his years in other aspects.
He really can't stand being called a Twink lol (he's really not a Twink at all).
Julius is a bit intimidated/made anxious by "fangirls"
He's gay, idk where the bisexual (and straight🗿) rumors began but he's canonically gay and married to Killian Lynch (who is pan)
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source: myself, I created both Julius and Killian xD
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87dvhnk · 3 months
hi while trying to remedy the fact that i have been reading potato quality scans on my phone and could have (should have) been appreciating milfs in bold color and crystal clarity, i read tt convergence and it's so short? but also it sucks. like all around it sucks. horrible writing. extremely heavy-handed handling of themes. cucks kory. joey does nothing but be gay. also his hair is straight? so fuck it. my judgment is in: joey slams pussy (and he can slam dick too).
i'm actually more annoyed about making joey gay and for manifold reasons and below the cut i will bitch with zero organizational skills and only half-coherently at best
1_ what about his fiancee. penelope. penny. that bitch over there. like. he had a whole ass female fiancee and was genuinely moon-eyed over her. and absolutely broken-hearted when she "died." "he got married to satisfy the expectations of society at large and his homophobic mother. he got engaged to a woman because that was what he felt he was supposed to do," you argue. except he was far too young, especially for a man, to be expected to get married by society, and the instigating conflict of joey's spotlight story was the fact that joey getting moon-eyed over her client's daughter was the last thing adeline wanted. adeline's reaction to joey whipping out a diamond was basically, "fuck god damn it shit fuck." 2_ joey hasn't been shown to have sex on the page, but it is implied that he pulls. in two instances, it is heavily implied (all but explicitly stated) that he had sex with two women at least once, but likely multiple times: two of his regular models, including lissa, from those women's dialog (a suggestive answeing machine message and lissa's comment after the fight in which he possesses her). he appears to desire and enjoy having sex with women. there are two instances of which could be read as ambiguous or as supporting the gay-joey agenda: a. joey dropping his date off at her apartment and refusing to stay the night despite his date's pleas for him to stay the night in the joey/raven date fake-out. you could argue that this is just him playing the role of a straight man and weaseling out of sex with women at the last moment whenever possible, but you could also read this is as joey, despite being a man, not being willing to shove his dick into any woman he sees any time of day and being, in fact, more concerned with his friend/romantic interest, raven, than getting his dick wet. b. joey refusing kole's explicit offer of sex, which could be read as him refusing sex with a woman due to being gay, yes, but could also be read as a rare man with compassion and respect for women refusing to take advantage of a vulnerable girl. because. yeah, if he fucked her, that would have been taking advantage of her. considering the dynamics at play, some might even call it rape. she, a victim twice-over of her parents' experimentation and of the gods and who is clearly mentally unwell and has been sobbing off and on since being rescued, is clinging to the first man she sees and trying to pay him back for rescuing her and providing her shelter and protection with sex. furthermore, considering her age when abducted, her being held against her will, and the fact that she implies having participated in the veritable orgies on olympus, she can be considered a victim of sexual abuse. (she sure does act like a victim of sexual abuse.) regardless, the idea is that she, an abused young girl, feels obligated to have sex with him. the pussy is morally reprehensible.
key in the original is kole's acknowledgement of homosexuality (at least witnessing tons of casual fucking on olympus, some of which must have been gay) as a possibility and verifying if joey is into women to his face. to her, joey being is a possibility she has already considered, and one she wants to verify. instead of stating that he's gay, joey seems to shove her into the friend zone. the effect in the original i more along the lines of, "i do 'like girls', but i'm not willing to fuck any girl i see, and i don't want to fuck you." making joey gay makes the point of this scene not that joey is a good man who refuses to take advantage of a vulnerable girl, but that joey is simply not interested. it strips everything special from this scene.
theoretically, if kole were mentally sound and secure, he might not have turned her down. but not only is she very much not that, she gets worse with time. after their trip to her parents' house, joey, despite having refused sex with her and firmly put her in the friend zone, he wakes up with her having snuck into his room, crept into his bed, and fallen asleep curled up next to him, violating all the boundaries he previously established. all while he's having an internal crisis. this is crazy behavior. this is a warning. the pussy is unhinged.
let's review: there are plenty of reasons that joey wouldn't want to fuck kole, supported by the text, that aren't "he's gay."
1_ the pussy is morally reprehensible 2_ the pussy is unhinged 3_ he's literally just not into her p.s. "calling joey taking up kole's offer of sex rape is insane." yeah fuck you buddy. austin powers has more respect for women than you.
that's just inebriation. don't even talk about my boy joe, who's, unlike you, comprehension of consent is on the level of unstated power dynamics.
3. kole implying that joey's entire family must have been homophobic because they are military/loosely-coded conservative. okay. my gaydar scans at adeline classic™ and refuses to accept that she never fucked a woman. so. but even if that weren't the case, i'm not entirely convinced that either she and/or the author are aware that there are actually tons of conservative people who wouldn't blink at you being openly gay if you slot into the wider culture. that is, they won't have a (direct) problem with you until you, say, argue for gun control, and then they hate your ass. bring your gun to the range and they'll be chummy. suggesting liberal families must treat gay kids better than conservative families is goofy. this was published in 2015/6? exceptionally goofy. a lot of liberal families are deeply homophobic and wave rainbow flags in public and claim to not care about gender roles despite homosexuality and gender nonconformity invoking visceral disgust in them. liberal households and families are not havens. ask me how i knowwwwwwwwwwwwwwww w w. what is the point. oh yeah. totally possible for someone to have zero qualms with you being gay and even being strongly gender nonconforming but think you're a stupid little bitch for being afraid of guns and would call you too stupid to live if you would rather die than kill. believe it or not, these people are operating out of love for their lives and the lives of their loves ones. as far as adeline goes, a fuller understanding of her goes like this: she genuinely appreciates his soft, artistic nature (because she does), even if heavily coded as not straight...h o w e v e r, reality begs you know how to defend yourself (and the people you love) to the death. she didn't teach him to fight to teach him to kill. she taught him to fight to defend himself; this is explicit on the page. defending yourself often requires deadly force. therefore, for instance, her anger with him for letting her torturers off instead of killing them is not incompatible with her love of his nature (overlapping with potentially being gay). they grate, clearly, but they are not incompatible. so. so kole needs to get adeline's, at least, name out of her mouth. 4. this is my least complain-y complaint because it's half-true, really. it really isn't that "brave" to make the soft-hearted, emotionally-aware, violence-averse artistic male gay. while there is tremendous overlap between gender non-conforming behavior in kids and homosexuality that you'd have to be stupid to deny, conflating gender non-conformity and homosexuality as mutually inclusive is overkill. i guess there are tons of people who would look at joey's design alone and say, "that's a gay man" just based on how he grooms and dresses himself. this happens in real life. for example, sometimes you meet someone whom you swear at first glance is gay, going by their degree of apparent gender non-conformity, and then you find out that, despite the gender non-conformity, they're straight. while this might be annoying to those individuals, i don't consider this miscalculation in any way immoral or regressive because it is informed by reality. however! it doesn't matter even if joey was originally intended to be gay before a heavy dose of censorship—considering joey's overall behavior on the page in in the original run, declaring him gay in 2015 does seem regressive. sort of, "well, he's a soft-hearted, emotionally-aware, violence-averse artistic male...he must be gay. ignore everything else. he must be. we are so progressive. : )" look. you want the character to be a hard 5, but you have volumes of him doing 0 through 2 shit. you don't have to pretend that none of that happened to make him into men. there's an easy solution. what is that solution, you ask? well, friend.....it's
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higgins5 · 5 months
The sunshine court has finally been released and I am SCREAMING
The amount of joy and trauma this book has given me- we’re really living up to the aftg standards 😭
Spoilers under the cut (honestly if you haven’t read it it probably won’t make sense)
The fact Neil and Jean would have been menaces to society if they were stuck together
Andrew showing up for 2 seconds just to be a bitch in silence
The Jean being a little bitch is the reason they’re called the sunshine court and not because of their sunny disposition
Cody…. Just Cody- I love them and if anything happens to them I’m killing everyone who has ever hurt them
Jean’s “is Cody safe”- god my HEART
Cat and Laila- enough said
“Would you look at me”
Neil casually taking a hit out on someone
I’m so intrigued by Neil and Jeans tentative friendship
Also??? Kevin and Jean interactions?! Yes
We got the beach scene- way more traumatic than planned… but we got our beach scene
The way Jean was concerned about the discovery of andreil by Ichiro and Neil just straight up goes bro doesn’t gaf, be your little bi self man, it might keep you alive longer
The floozies groupchat
The fact that the Trojans are literally just normal ass people and every word that comes out of Jean, Kevin, Neil, et al. Mouths makes them go 👁️👄👁️
The entire interaction with Neil and the FBI, honestly, he’s such a little shit- boy really thought he was a good enough actor in aftg
The fact Neil is actually fucking insane and I love that for him. At least Jean knows he isn’t well adjusted, Neil fooled us all
Kevin being who Kevin is and keep his depressed gay exy players alive through his promises he forces them to keep
The monsters fridge
(Yes I will be editing as I get hit by the memories of Jean coming back to himself in pieces like he had done a thousand times before-)
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lemontartyellow · 1 year
re: the post about “riddler was in love with oswald but ed wasnt” being wrong… write the essay on why bestie. i’m listening.
I suppose I will give the people (and by the people I do mean this one singular person) what they want.
A few notes before we begin:
I'm not going to necessarily call this a wrong take. It's just that I heavily disagree with it, and many things about it make me scratch my head and go hmmmm. You are not wrong if you have it, you are just wrong to me.
As I am writing this, I have not yet finished the show. I am currently in the middle of Season 4. However, I highly highly highly doubt that my opinion will change when I eventually get through the show. With that being said, I will probably add on to this after I finish Season 4.
Alright, now that that's out of the way, let me break it down for you.
First of all, having this take requires you to see Ed and The Riddler as distinct enough that they can have their own personal likes, dislikes, and opinions. Which I, personally, don't think they are. In fact, it's practically canon that they aren't. There was a scene in Season 2 where Riddler asks Ed if he likes magic tricks, where he proceeds to answer his own question by saying something along the lines of "Of course you like them, because I do too." (Probably never would have realized this without this post) So, going by this logic, if The Riddler was in love with Oswald, Ed would most likely have to be as well.
But even if they were able to have their own separate opinions on things, I still wouldn't agree with this take
That aside, TO ME Ed has the gayest moments with Oswald? Yes, Riddler's gonna have the prison break + unneeded face cupping moment + refusing to give Oswald up to Sofia. But like. Ed had Anything For You? Love riddle? Obsession? How The Riddler Got His Name? Homoerotic Hallucination Scene???? Hello???
And I understand that Ed said that he doesn't/didn't love Oswald multiple times + he had multiple girlfriends (but also, isn't Riddler going to get with Lee?). But like. Are we really going to listen to repression + denial + identity issues man? We're going to take his word for it? Really? Are we going to listen to him when he pretends to be a completely normal guy and not a psychopathic murderer too? Just saying.
And, like I said, isn't Riddler gonna get with Lee? Isn't he gonna betray him and kiss Lee right in front of him? And if so, how that any different then how Ed treated him? Throwing a bunch of gay shit on him and then start acting like a little bitch to him afterward? I'm just not sure I get it.
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praxieserver · 2 years
Show us your south park oc!!
why yes i will thank you very much!!!
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meet Avy Alvarez! half filo, half american, and originally my extremely self insert-y oc ive decided to shake up and fuck around with!! they're nonbinary, bi, and they use any pronouns
the guys think she's a guy and just assume she's some kinda femboy and the girls assume he's a girl and thats causes chaos when they think he's getting frisky with their exes when she casually interacts with them like a normal person
since i did say she used to be really self insert-y she is like. a fandom bitch that draws and writes gay shit. yaoi even. and i decided to keep it bc the concept of a serial killer/killer just being a socially awkward fandom kid drawing anime fanart is very funny to me.
that being said, she's socially awkward, but easy-going and goofy as hell. has hot takes that regularly causes discord in the girl's list making committee meetings. she said what she said except when wendy threatens to remove her
does not actually have like a really fucked up backstory to being a serial killer. like she does have some mental health issues but they weren't raised in a family of assasins or something. in fact she was barely raised at all her parents are kind of absent simply because i cannot fathom what they're dynamic could be and kind of always characterized them to be kind of lonely.
she's got a butler/babysitter/housekeeper to keep her in check and handle her meals but they eventually leave when avy gets older. her parents set up a bank account for her where they just send money for her needs and she can deposit/ withdraw whenever she needs. her parents work overseas ig and they're kind loaded so they just send her money when they ask but are also strict with her grades and just in general so like. not very good, and generally very emotionally absent parents.
as for why they are a serial killer? i always imagined that she isnt in like some dark web shit, crap just went down once and then some guy called her for a job and she just decides that like. ight fuck it ig and gets the job done. then that guy knows another who needs someone dead and is like "oh i know a guy" and then it escalates enough that people are passing aroun her job number and calling if they want.
also as the comic says nowadays she just kills people who highkey deserve it and she doesn't really charge as much as other hired killers probably do so alot of people who are like victims of stuff or are like getting blackmailed or smth try their luck and call her for revenge. sometimes she also just accepts jobs from crime guys doing stuff against crime guys. generally chaotic neutral serial killer ig
and since bodies aren't particularly light, she's pretty strong and kinda crafty. just horribly socially awkward and has a few self-esteem issues. there's a voice modulator with the mask and that blonde strand of hair is there bc they think it'll help throw off the cops. whether or not that would actually work i do not know.
also she def has like a one sided rivalry with mysterion bc like. yk serial killer on the loose but also said serial killer does knows mysterion is kenny and doesn't really have anything against them as mysterion or kenny, but man is he a bother when he's trying to stop them from killing ppl and fighting to incapacitate and not kill is kind of difficult when you were killing/planning to kill someone. this also leads to like an arc abt her becoming enemies with freedom pals then frenemies then straight up like an honorary member/local guy they know who kills people and sometimes ask to kill people for them
besties with kyle. he thinks they're weird and they think he's a silly little guy. also pictured above, at one point he finds out abt her being a serial killer and after a whole arc about him coming to terms and choosing to trust that avy does not wish any harm on him and does not wish to manipulate or stalk him and generally has no ulterior motives towards him or his friends and family he just. tags a long in jobs sometimes. mostly to vent or he just wants to hang out with someone. he only tags along like, comes with him when they're going to the place where the deed will be done. he doesnt assist in the murders in anyway, he doesn't really like how gruesome they can be soemtimes and just looks waya while it's happening. he would just walk home once they actually have to start murdering but things can go awry reall quick sometimes so avy doesn't let him out of their sight until he's home. kind protective of kyle but in this case its pretty much warranted.
and that's all the silly goofy stuff about my south park oc. feel free to ask about them bc i have lot of fun playing around with them!!
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ohanny · 2 years
okay, i am starting bed friend and since watching alone makes me stressed you are once again exposed to my initial reactions:
i love how the first minute of this show is uea being all "i am just your average guy... except i am so hot everyone desires me and it makes my life so hard. sigh."
so mark is like fine fine in that grown ass man way. pls someone tell me he is a lead in a show because i need
also like... am i the only one who thinks james is the soft, godly lovechild of yim and nat?
how can you dislike king and his jawline of doom. wait. oh my god. are having enemies to lovers thrown in this too?!?!? are they gonna hit all my fave tropes?!?
oh boy. OH BOY. something happened that night for sure sure
no but as a low voices appreciator this theme song is tickling my ears in a good way
ooh not the shiny shoes. damn, you really don't like the man.
oh this does not sound good but the stubble but OH FUUUUUCK
i have known uea for literally 5 minutes and 16 seconds and i am ready to murder anyone who hurts him
oh no. trauma.
yeah no, murdering anyone who hurts him is not enough. i need to go full vegas in a torture poncho on their ass.
the fuckboy has got the feels already 11/10 look at that face
in the non-creepiest way possible: i need to put these child actors into my pocket and feed them cupcakes
okay so the mom belongs in the bin
oh bitch DON'T YOU DARE call him
give my boy all the fuzzy blankets to cover up his sadness
noooo when do these boys learn pulling someone's metaphorical pigtails as a method of flirting will never work
ksdjfkalsfjasdlfj james since when have you been this PRETTY
king: babe, what can i do to make you like me uea: die
pock rhymes with cock which is exactly what you have to be to mess with my baby. a musty, unwashed, diseased cock.
jade is such a sweet bean and also a mood at the end of the day
i love how their gc is called "domundi"
what in the workplace parking garage showdown is this. also mark, daddy, step on me. respectfully.
okay, free karaoke emergencies are my kind of emergencies.
why does no one want to ride with the boss? I VOLUNTEER AS A TRIBUTE
lol, poor jade being thrown under the bus
is it gay to be unable to go through a single interaction with your workplace nemesis without standing face to face, intensely staring at one another? asking for a friend
ohhh cock is calling. hang up. that's a good boy.
this karaoke makes me miss my early twenties. also noooo, my baby jade letting loose while uea is like "pls god someone save me. end my suffering. existence is pain."
jade: i am about to vomit everyone else: THE FUCK YOU ARE WEAKLING boss: also you still have to work lmfao
butt. hehet.
oh nooo he has a cute lil man purse on top of the confidence to wear white pants? damn.
oooh he is drunk. i can see where this is going and i have conflicting feelings about it :')
i do not have conflicting feelings about these collarbones though. they are very much fire.
piggyback rides T T
okay but do i have to move to thailand to afford these condos on a single income?
one day these bl boys will be this gentle and soft yet also capable of resisting the urge to ravish their drunk crushes
(un)holy spiderman o.o
*distressed noises*
oh if you left snow white in bed all alone i am going to kill you
okay yes that is some tongue
i do love a strategically placed mustard yellow pillow
ooooh, it was king who had to wake up alone. oh my sweet babies. why do i feel so bad for both of them?
seriously, that bathroom is custom made. how much do these average salary men make?
jade: omg what is wrong bestie uea: *war flashbacks to cock* sleep deprivaton
the fact jade is always drinking boba is just so in character. not that we know much all about his character but the point still stands. he is a boba boy.
oh that "mom" needs the bin asap. and you can't add a "we need to talk" text to that, king, you and your jawline need to time things better.
oh no. shit is about to go down in the copy room.
i love the alleged king of one night stands not comprehending one night stand etiquette. boy is down bad.
king: seriously uea: i am avoiding avoiding the subject, that's how deep my avoidance goes
they are just so laskdfjasdklfjsadlkfjaslkjfoierjudfj
why do i feel uea almost running people down with his car is a character trait
ugh, my poor baby is in pain and i don't know how to help (T⌓T)
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