#also yes i made multiples cause i wanted both the ones you said and legit ones for myself lol
the-kipsabian · 11 months
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@unlikelywrestlingfan elle look what you made me do
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Date bled or demon bros react to mc likes to nap and cuddle throughout the day
I’ll do the brothers! :D
…MC get off of him. He’s in a meeting.
Aaaaaaaaand they’re napping. Wonderful.
At first, Lucifer is annoyed that he’s got another Belphie on his hands, especially during the time when Belphie’s locked in the attic. How dare MC remind him of the brother that he’s holding under house arrest >:c
But once the relationship grows, Lucifer submits to the snuggles. Luci quickly realizes that he’s very not used to cuddling.
As long as MC isn’t napping through their classes, they’re good. Nap whenever you want, MC, just make sure your homework is done.
MC should expect the cuddling to be one sided in public, but behind closed doors? Hoo boy, the man’s attached to MC like a koala to a tree.
MC may have also accidentally fixed his sleep schedule… it’s just… why does he feel sleepy when he sees them nap? *yawn*
He’s just going to rest his eyes for a second, the paperwork can wait.
G-gah! Stupid human! What do they think they’re doin’ cuddling up to him like that!? They do know he’s a demon right?
For the first little while, Mammon tsuderes it up, but he gets so easily flustered whenever MC leans on him that it renders everything he says pretty much meaningless.
The first time MC ever fell asleep on him it was absolutely magical. He slowly patted their head and refused to move until the next day. Sure, his back hurt and he didn’t get any sleep, but MC was just so cute dammit!
Deeper into the relationship, Mammon is the happiest demon alive because he doesn’t need to ask for snuggles! He just plops himself down next to MC and his human just cuddles up next to him!
His absolute favourite thing is when MC falls asleep on his lap. They did it in public once and Mammon took this opportunity to flex. Yeah, he has a cute human that likes to cuddle him, do you?!
Mammon’s only wish is that MC would be more awake when he’s explaining his totally legit business ideas, they always seem to fall asleep once he gets goin’
SISJDJSJSJDJDJSJJAJAKALSKA- PHYSICAL CONTACT?!?!?! WITH HIM?! it’s more likely than you’d think.
First part of the relationship when Levi had just made a pact with MC, he was kind of confused. He had tried to murk this normie just a couple of days ago and now they’re cuddling up next to him? What’s that abou-
Levi.exe has stopped working.
Yeah, Levi blue screening happens a LOT. It takes literal months for MC and Levi to snuggle properly on a regular basis.
As totally Kawaii MC is when they nap on him, they just need to see how this fight scene is animated! MC! MC! Look! Homura and Mami are- WAKE UP AND LOOK AT THIS!
Cuddling in public causes Levi to die a flustered death. Fs in the chat everyone, had a good life, he did.
Though, it makes him feel so much more comfortable whenever MC just holds his hand out in public and doesn’t make a big deal about it. It makes him feel safe ^.^
At first, Satan was taking notes on how this human got so comfortable so quickly that they just started cuddling people and napping everywhere. Hm, humans appear to be quite adaptable… interesting.
They also seem to lack any sense of danger. Well, at least this one does.
Later down the line though, when MC first crawled into Satan’s lap to nap, it rivalled the first time a cat chose him. This was wild.
Snuggles… while reading stories… yes please…
Okay, that part sounded better than it ended up being. MC fell asleep while cuddling and ended up right on Satan’s arm, then in their sleep, MC basically locked Satan’s entire right side into a vice grip and couldn’t be pried off. Basically, Satan had to reread the same page of his book over and over and over again because he didn’t want to wake up MC.
Well, call it a learning experience, and Satan loves to learn, so next time, he was prepared for MC’s death cuddles.
Apparently he wasn’t prepared enough because the exact same thing happened again… multiple times more.
MC is literally a walking relaxant, Satan is significantly less filled with burning rage when they’re around. Notice I said less filled, he will still cut a bitch.
Oh~ how bold! MC just plopped themselves down next to him and cuddled up close to him!
At first, Asmo was amused by all the cuddling MC was doing and made quite a few less than wholesome jokes about it. The Avatar of Lust has a dirty mind! Shocker!
But hark! (The herald angels siiiiing-) Asmo actually… likes platonic snuggles?!?! What is this sorcery?!
If MC and Asmo don’t enter a romantic relationship, my man still needs his cuddle quota met, ASAP.
If they do end up dating, hoo boy, MC and Asmo sure do a lot of snuggling, and “snuggling”.
But overall, Asmo loves being held and cuddled, and sleep is good for one’s skin!
*sniffle* Beeeeeeeeeelllllllllpppppphhhhhiiiiiiiiieeeeeee-
Congratulations MC, they have made Beel more sad about his twin being gone just by existing :D
Once the custard incident happens and MC and Beel grow closer, oh man, oh man oh man, is he in desperate need of cuddles.
If MC ever falls asleep anywhere and needs to get from point A to point B, fret not, Beel is prepared. He will gently pick them up and they will awaken at point B. How nice!
Once Belphie gets his ass out of the attic, MC has competition.
Not really, Beel has enough love to go around. Both his sleepy beans can get carried around and cuddled with. Beel is big and strong for a reason.
Since MC has a vice grip while they cuddle, Beel kind of walks around with them clinging to his arm like a sloth to a tree. Belphie also picks up on this behaviour and starts doing it too.
Someone (*cough* Levi and Mammon *cough*) took a picture and posted it on Devilgram and now it’s kind of a meme template.
Gasp! Whomst- whomst is this human who comes before him and cuddles up close to him? This must be his soulmate! His other half! His destined partner!
…his destined partner was drooling all over his cardigan.
Ah well, two can play that game motherfucker. *SNORE*
Anyway, Belphie and MC? I would say power couple but in reality, the two just do a lot of snuggling and sleeping, it’s like they’re attached at the hip.
The two are always touching in some way, Belphie resting his head on MC’s shoulder, MC attaching themselves to Belphie’s torso like a koala, the two of them trading spit with each other… you get the idea.
It gets weird when the two start legitimately visiting each other in dreams, it gets so frequent it basically becomes a date night thing to just sleep and do weird shit in dreamland.
“Hey MC do you wanna hang out?” “Sorry, can’t, it’s date night. *SNORE*” “Yeah, shoo. *S N O R E*”
On their most recent date, MC and Belphie fought a dragon and then ate a giant cake.
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ninjas-and-coffee · 3 years
WU SUCKS but not the reason you think
I'd like to preface by saying Wu has made a lot of mistakes and should be held accountable. But like the main arguments against Wu be like.
1: Morro
2: Traumatizing kids
3: Keeping secrets
4: Mot treating his nephew like is damn nephew.
5: Flirting with his brothers wife.
And the thing about that needs talked about. 1:Morro. First off getting kids hopes is not cool. It can be detrimental to development depending on the age of the child. BUT. Not a single soul told Morro to train tirelessly for 60+ years after his death to take revenge and be the green ninja. Absolutly no one. Wu had compassion for his failings and wanted to show Morro he could still he great without being the green ninja. But the little brat ran tf off and got trapped and died. And he got cursed, how- we dont know. But its implied that it's either intentional entrapment or you have to be a terrible person, guess which category he probably falls into. Mind you Wu also told our OGs that they could also be the green ninja and none of them went off the rails to settle some invisible score. Morro made his choices and he made shit ones. Wu was an influence but not the problem. Morro is unstable, dramatic, and holds grudges Wu didnt cause that.
2: the traumatic experiences the nina go through are also not exactly his fault. He didnt just pick them off the streets. THERE WAS A PROPHECY. Ok? Yall with me. Fate isnt uncontrolled by anyone the ninja needed to be trained to help Lloyd fight the Overlord. That wasnt his decision. And yall act like the ninja couldn't leave whenever they wanted to. He didnt gaslight them or belittle them in anyway that wasnt for teaching. Please bring me receipts if you think otherwise. I do admit he could help a little more, be more clear, but when has a old magic teacher character ever been straightforward. With that logic fuck Dumbledore, and Gandalf, and any wise old teacher that goes to find chosen one who once again are chosen by fate not the master himself. Yall literally cant blame Wu for Child's Play and you cant blame Wu for their experience with Nadakhan either. The enemies that go out of there way to attack the ninja are not a direct cause if Wu himself. Usually. It be like blaming Garmadon for Chen. Yes they had history but it's still not his fault
3: Secrets. I will admit there is next to no reason for keeping secrets from the ninja. Considering history always has kind of score to settle. But considering his age and the apparent imprisonment or death of his past enemies there no way to predict every problem that comes back to screw him over. The Time Twins for example. Yes they came back for Wu. But he did remove their powers and separated them over 20+ years ago. They were not exactly threats to his new students now were they? Again with Aspheera, who was literally locked in a tomb why take the time to educate the ninja on a problem he had no idea was going to come back for him. Same with Morro to a more confusing degree. MORRO DIED. How was he to prepare the ninja for that? Yes please tell me how they were supposed to prepare for a dead guy. I'll wait.........k. he should be more forthcoming with the ninja, about things he knows could harm them, like the Serpentine after Lloyds released them, Chen, the Overlord, the effects of Travelers Tea, Tomorrow's Tea, Oni, Etc. But most of the time the ninja go and do it first then wonder why Wu didn't warn them.
4: His nephew. Wow his parenting sucks. Morro is not his damn child let's start there. Comparing their relationship is unfair. Wu cared for Morro the way he cares for Kai and Nya. He never accentuates a paternal relationship with then. Cause they are students, students he has to train with he intent to send them out onto dangerous battle fields and mind games. He was alone so yes it looks different but it's also a leap to just assume that Wu viewed Morro as his own despite treating him the exact same way as his 6 other students. Now back to Lloyd. Why didnt he get his nephew from Darkleys where it was known he ran away from multiple times? I DONT KNOW. No one does. That is a bad move I can only theorize about. Maybe Misako said something about staying away, maybe he wasnt kept in the loop about his nephews whereabouts due to idk KICKING HIS FATHER INTO HELL. C'mon yall. Now in the later seasons my best guess is that he doesnt know how to differentiate his nephew from the chosen one side and the goofy child side. Hes never had a child and his early relations with Lloyd were scarce and when Lloyd came to live with him. It's not due to some familial obligation, destiny literally called for it. Putting some definite strain on their relationship. I'm not excusing it he should try better, but he'd have to build a relationship from nothing and most people know their immediate family upon birth or during childhood which is not the case here. Wu treats his nephew more like a vessel of power than a person which isnt cool but knowing that the kid might not come back after every fight is a good damper on happy relationships is it not?
5: Misako. Good lord I don't have to explain this one. No excuse. It shouldn't be happening. BUT. After Garmadons death she was a free woman as gross as it is. It's more a flaw on her than it is him she chose to have a baby with one brother and still try to get with the other. And I know it takes two to tango but dont get mad at the idiot that the cheater is cheating with. Be mad at the cheater. The thing people really dont get about love triangles. The "other guy" brings on the questions/options but the person who cant choose or screws with both parties is the one in the wrong. Lloyd seems ok with it. Because Tommy said so. I dont particular give two shits about his take on the show half the time. If Lloyd were actively against it the Wu would probably stop. If the Fsm family acted like a normal ass family we probably wouldnt be here. But their priorities are a little screwy compared to typical nuclear families. Not an excuse just some perspective
NOW, why he is a bad character despite all of those arguments. he chooses to train soldiers rather than care for impressionable teens. Yes the situation called for it but the pressure could he alleviated if he decided to actually help before the world was on fire. He chooses to teach by experience than be upfront. Which works sometimes but not when actual lives are at stake. His trial by fire teaching works but the possiblity it could go wrong is to big to be brushed aside. His seemingly unreachable vault of empathy is hard to swallow. He rarely actually feels things for other people, his lack of enthusiasm when they pull through something hurts to watch. His lack of empathy about raising his nephew to attempt to kill his father is frightening. The pride he demonstrates by choosing not to disclose his past until it's too late is dangerous. He doesnt directly put down the ninja unless he has to and its more implied than anything and is on his students and this fandom for taking it so harshly. He trusts them a lot because he doesnt see them as kids anymore. They are warriors and it was necesary. He should have more compassion. He should be more straight forward, he should try to act like a person and not some ethereal being of elsewhere that doesn't have time to appease feelings or care about people until after hes wronged them. His values are off kilter sometimes which is whatever until it starts to hurt people
But yall need to stop blaming him for other people actions. Morro was a mess to begin with. His problems are in the past because he took care of them already. Misako came onto him. (He should have resisted but he didnt start shit she did). He needs to try to be an uncle alongside being a teacher. He needs to act like a fucking person more than the infinite cache of wisdom and unforeseen unused power that he acts like. And also it's a kids show. How many children think the way yall do?, we're teens/YAs we're reading into things. A LOT which makes everything more complicated. Comments rebuttals open. There's a collection of little mistakes hes made along the way that dont fit into these categories but these are the main reasons I know people hate him and the little things add fuel to the fire. I will legit talk about anything Except for the morro thing I am so tired of seeing it Morro made his choices hes a fucking Villain Wu didnt make him that way being a bitter asshole did that. Thanks for reading!! :3
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auroracalisto · 4 years
something there—chapter one
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summary: the reader is a part of a great prophecy revealed to geralt and jaskier by an unnamed witch.  the only problem?  well, see, there’s multiple.  she doesn’t believe that it’s her, and she lives in 2020.
pairing: hinted jaskier x geralt, nothing really more than that, future jaskier x reader x geralt
word count: 1.7k words
warnings: mmmmm cussing.  like i probs dropped the f-bomb five times in one sentence.  female reader.  other than that, nothing.
author’s notes: i legit got this idea while driving home after work and it took me forever to figure out what i want to do with this (at least with the first chapter).  i hope to continue this, but i’m not sure how often i’ll be able to pump out parts for this.  i am super excited for this tho.  i cannot tell you how many geralt and jaskier stories i have read....... and we are not going to discuss this here.  i hope you all enjoy!!!  also i’m trying out a different format for my posts?  summary + little snippet of story if it’s a longer one?  and then the pushed out part uh
"Aren't prophecies supposed to rhyme?"
The witch looked at Geralt with an exasperated expression, before she cleared her throat.  "The two of you," she said, looking at both the Witcher and the bard, "need to find a girl with a profound knowledge in music and storytelling. A virgin maiden from lands far, far away, with a heart big enough for two others."
Jaskier looked towards Geralt, a confused look spread across his face.  
"She will help you find what it is you're looking for," she said, pointing towards the Witcher as she spoke.  "When you wake, the two of you will be teleported to her lands.  Her heart is pure enough to help you with your journey.  Her soul as pure as the driven snow.  You will have two weeks to convince her to travel back with you, and you will be able to continue with your own travels.  Or, you will be stuck in her lands until someone from our world goes searching for the lost Witcher and his bard."
"Woah, woah, woah," Jaskier held up his hands, frowning deeply at the woman.  "Teleported?  Her world—pardon?"
The witch just smiled at him.  In just a moment's time, she disappeared from in front of the two and Jaskier and Geralt were left, stewing in the prophecy she left them with.  
[Your name] woke to the soft chirping of birds coming from the outside of her window.  She slowly peeled her eyes open, groaning softly.  She had stayed up until five in the morning, once again, working on a never-ending project.  It was only ten in the morning, but she had to be awake so she could call her boss and figure out what it is that she needed to do next.  The woman slowly got out of bed and placed her feet on the bed.  However, she took one step forward and she went tumbling to the floor after tripping over someone.  
"What the—"
[Your name] quickly turned around and her eyes grew wide at the sight of a man lying in her floor.  He had quickly sat up, knocking his head against her bedside table.  With a groan, he put a hand to his forehead, looking around.  His face grew pale.  "What—"
"Who the fuck are you?" [Your name] quickly asked, scrambling to her feet.  She took a couple of steps back, her heart pounding in her chest.  
The man's eyes widened as he looked over at the woman.  She began to notice how he was dressed—it reminded her of the old historical dramas she used to watch every Sunday with her grandmother.  
"Who the fuck are you?" [Your name] repeated.  
"Okay, Jaskier, why the fuck are you in my bedroom?"
He let out a curt laugh and he leaned himself up against her bed.  "How the hell am I supposed—" he stopped himself, hurriedly getting to his feet.  "Geralt?!"
"What?" [Your name] paled.  There was another man in her apartment?  Not to mention, her quite run down apartment?
White hair became visible in her line of vision and she quickly backed up to her wall.  "What the fuck?" she breathed out.  "Who the fuck are you?  How did you get in my house?  Where's my fucking phone?"
[Your name] quickly rushed to her bedside table, grabbing it off of the charger.  She went to dial 911, only to discover that her phone was completely shut off.  The black screen never lit up.  She looked towards the men, trembling.  
The white haired man, known as Geralt, began to frown.  "We need to talk to you."
"How the fuck did you get in my house?" Geralt frowned even more.  "A witch."
[Your name] blinked a couple of times.  "Excuse me?  Are you fucking dumb?"
Jaskier snorted under his breath as he looked over at the Witcher.  
"No.  I'm not.  We need to talk to you."
[Your name] looked back down on her phone, just to make sure it wasn't just lagging.  It was an old phone, and sometimes, it would do that.  She clenched her jaw and closed her eyes.  She had nothing anymore—no family, a crappy apartment, and an especially crappy job that she was constantly pulling all-nighters for.  [Your name]'s gaze switched from Jaskier to Geralt before she gave a small nod.  
"I... fine," [Your name] said, swallowing thickly.  "Fine.  But," she looked down at her clothes and blushed even more.  "Get out of my room.  I need to at least change my clothes—"
"—that's what you're calling that?" Jaskier smirked at her.
Her eyes widened and she nearly shoved his arm.  "Get out."
Geralt had already left, and Jaskier couldn't help but let out a soft laugh.  He left the room.  [Your name] quickly shut the door and pressed her back up against the wood.  Her heart throbbed in her ears and throughout her body.  Surely, she was just hallucinating and having a heart attack.  A stroke, maybe.  Could it have been a manic episode?  
[Your name] went over to her clothes and quickly pulled out a pair of jeans and an over sized hoodie.  She combed out her hair and ran to the bathroom to brush her teeth before she came out into the hallway.  The men weren't there.  Perhaps it truly was just a bad dream.  She frowned and walked out to her living room/dining room/kitchen—three in one.  She saw the two sitting at the table.  Jaskier had quickly pulled his hand away from Geralt's, who just pulled his hand closer to his body rather than completely pull it off the table.  [Your name] blushed and went towards her kitchen.  
"Do you... do you guys want anything?"
"Being hospitable now, are we?" Jaskier sent her a smile.  
"You're both sitting at my dining room table.  Why wouldn't I?"
Jaskier rose his eyebrow, but he didn't say anything else.  
While she made a pot of coffee, he curiously watched her while Geralt looked around her small home.  He had quite a few comments to make, but his face would never show it.  [Your name] poured herself a cup of coffee and made it just how she liked before she hesitantly came over and sat down across from the two.  She cleared her throat, her finger tips gently tapping at the warmed mug before she spoke.  
"Who are the two of you?"
"Geralt of Rivia.  This is Jaskier."
She rose an eyebrow, slightly nodding.  "My name is [Your name]."
"It's a pleasure to meet you," Jaskier grinned, "[Your name].
"Wish I could say the same," she meekly grinned.  "Can you please tell me how you got in my apartment?"
"Like I said," Geralt cleared his throat.  His voice was deep—part of [Your name] wanted to melt at the sound.  "A witch sent us."
[Your name] fought the urge to roll her eyes, but this did not go unnoticed by the Witcher.  He kept his eyes on her, quiet as he did so.  
"A witch sent you.  To my cheap ass apartment.  Likely story."
"He's not lying," Jaskier said.  "He's telling nothing but the truth."
"Yeah?"  This time, she did roll her eyes.  "Prove it."
"Our clothes are not enough?" Geralt asked.  "You are not from the lands we hail from.."
[Your name] looked at their clothes once more.  She had noticed Jaskier's earlier, but the more she looked, she realized how old fashioned they looked—how worn they seemed.  [Your name] crossed her arms over her chest.  She hesitantly looked towards Geralt and gave a small nod.  
"Alright.  I'm listening."
Geralt looked towards Jaskier.  Jaskier returned his gaze and he pursed his lips.  
"Are you going to tell her?"
Geralt huffed softly.  "Yes.  This witch.  We went to her for guidance.  We've been looking for a way to defeat..." he stopped for a moment, looking at Jaskier again.  "To defeat an enemy for some time.  She sent us... here, with a prophecy."
Geralt looked at her.  
"What's the prophecy?" she asked, sipping at her mug of coffee.  The steam rose and warmed her chilled face.  Only now did she realize how cold it had gotten in her apartment.  Her heating bill must have failed again.  She cleared her throat, looking at Geralt again.  "Well?"
He frowned.  "A virgin—" Just with that, [Your name] choked on her coffee and she began to blush.  "What?"
This caused a small smirk to form on Geralt's face.  Jaskier saw this and he couldn't help from his smile forming.  
"We are to convince a virgin maiden from lands far away to come back with us to defeat our enemy." he said.  They are profound in music and storytelling."
"Definitely not me," [Your name] blushed.  I'm not profound in anything."
"Ah, so you are a virgin?" Jaskier grinned over at her.  
[Your name] just shot him a look as her blush darkened.  "What else?" she asked, looking back at Geralt.  
"They are to have a heart big enough for two others...  I am still not quite sure what that refers to.  Her heart is pure enough to help us." the Witcher spoke.  He looked towards Jaskier once more.  
Something just told [Your name] that there was something going on between the two—the looks they continued to share made her heart melt in a good way.  Every look was filled with love—one that she wasn't familiar with, but one that she would love to learn to expect from someone.
"We have two weeks to convince her to travel back with us.  Her soul is said to be as pure as the driven snow."
"Alright, alright, but," [Your name] sat her mug down, stuffing her hands in her sweatshirt pocket to keep them warm.  "What does this have to do with me and my apartment?"
"Perhaps you are the one to help us find her," Jaskier said.  
Geralt nodded.  "That is what I have come to understand."
[Your name] tilted her head back as she thought, taking in a deep breath.  "Right.  So.  Two totally hot men show up in my house and tell me I'm supposed to help them with some damned prophecy?" [Your name] looked straight at Jaskier.  "Are you sure I'm not having a stroke?"
He stared at you for a moment before he grinned.  "Hot?  Is there a reason to refer to us as hot?"
[Your name] eyes widened a bit and she shook her head.  "Just ignore that I said that.  You don't know what it means, do you?  God," she groaned softly and squeezed her eyes shut.  Clenching her jaw, she spoke one last time before grabbing her coffee mug.  "Fine.  What is it you need me to do?"
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piracytheorist · 3 years
I’m making a list of similarities between Killian Jones and Ethan Winters, cause why the hell not.
Big-ass huge no-coming-back spoilers for Once Upon a Time and Resident Evil 7 & 8. You have been officially warned.
- Missing hands. I mean, I don’t think there’s many like me who are investing in both characters but those who are know this is probably the first thing that would come to mind. I even find it funny (in a twisted way, I admit) that Killian gets his hand back for a very short time and then loses it again, compared to Ethan “Lego Man” Winters, who gets both his hands and his leg cut off in different situations and then just pops them back in place and doesn’t even think twice about how the hell he could do that. He probably thought “Haha magic green juice go brrr” (Granted, he did utter a “What the fuck” when his leg got magically reattached but still, Ethan, THAT SHOULD HAVE BEEN A SIGN OR SOMETHING IDK)
- Fathers of the year. I mean, Killian came back, but I don’t think we talk a lot about how he legit died to save his daughter. Maybe I’ll be a lucky fan and despite the “The father’s story is now done” CAPCOM gave us, Ethan will make a comeback too 🥺
- They make cute sounds to make their children laugh. Like, with Ethan it’s canon, he can pick up Rose’s toy monkey and make cute monkey sounds to her. With Killian it’s such a popular headcanon it’s almost canon, that he would make funny expressions and sounds to make Alice laugh. We don’t see him do it, but we know 100% he would. It’s canon coz I said so, moving on.
- They actually rock their babies to soft sweet music. Killian while singing the lullaby his mother used to sing to him, Ethan with the music from the music box in their house. Just... just leave me here to cry ok.
- The way they inspire protecc feelings for their daughters to me. Alice, precious, protecc. Rose, precious, protecc. But also, you know, it’s not just the way they died for their daughters. It’s how they kept fighting through everything and kept going. Which leads me to...
- Resilience. They both will stop at nothing. They’ll look at monsters, demons, nearly unkillable creatures, and they’ll be like “Okay I got this”. Granted, Ethan will have a cheesy thing or two to say - in contrast to Killian’s wit and charisma - but they’ll both pick up their weapons and go apeshit at them.
- They’re both great artists!
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They didn’t have to go that hard with them. But they did and I’m just... yes. Headcanon food. Thank.
- Super forgiving towards their love interests. Look, don’t @ me. Don’t even try. Yes, Mia wanted to protect Ethan and if you think about it it’s not even directly her fault (In 7, if it wasn’t for her The Connections would still go on with their Eveline project, and realizing how it could affect Ethan she legit warned him to stay away, but Ethan was a himbo so he came to save her anyway, so Ethan getting involved in all this mess was kinda a responsibility he took for himself), but she still made important lapses in her judgement. Emma was the same when she turned Killian into a Dark One, she wanted to protect him, it was all out of love, but when you disregard your significant other’s very specific wishes... there are issues. Yet Ethan and Killian gave them a second chance which the way I see it could only come after a deep, long discussion about everything that had happened. And which we didn’t see but it definitely happened coz I say so. Both Killian and Ethan love and they forgive and they see the best in the people they love.
- Died and came back.
Killian: *dies in the Book* *comes back because it wasn’t real* *almost dies from Excalibur* *comes back changed* *dies for real* *comes back because Zeus shipped Captain Swan* *Wish Hook dies protecting his daughter* *comes back because someone gave up his life for him* *both keep living happily ever after*
Ethan: *dies by a head stomp* *comes back changed* *has his heart ripped out* *comes back* *realizes he’s been dead all along* *dies protecting his daughter*
... *no come back? :( CAPCOM? Please? Pretty please with sugar on top? 🥺*
- Had their heart ripped out. Like what were even the chances of both having had that happen.
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source for where I took this screenshot because it’s just as terrifying watching it from third person, Ethan’s 😐 face notwithstanding (actually, considering this moment is like, super traumatic and shocking, Ethan having a completely neutral face kinda makes it even more terrifying)
Like ok I know Killian's case has the whole magic heart rip thing so he isn’t instantly killed while Ethan just drops “dead” but you know
- A fave of the whumpers. Probably the main reason this post is happening in the first place. Would I love Ethan if he wasn’t such a good whumpee, having shit done to him and screaming in pain? Prolly not.
- Getting covered in ominous black goo
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While experiencing some visions, by the way. Because we can’t have a dude covered in black goo without getting some hallucinations, can we?
- Angst. Angst. Angst galore. Multiple opportunities for angsty fics and headcanons. Having nightmares? Check. Worrying about wife? Check. Worrying about DAUGHTER? Check. Suffering from trauma? Check. FUCKING DYING? Check.
- I love them both. They husband. They son. They boi. And that’s the most important similarity between them, everybody go home and thank you for reading.
Like honestly if you got this far, thank you <3
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seattlesea · 3 years
The Poor Character Developments in the Heroes of Olympus Series
Rick Riordan doesn’t know how to write character arcs ✨
-Percy. What arc did he even have? From The Last Olympian to The Son of Neptune it seems like he just got more arrogant and douchey, and this is never explained or expanded on. The readers don’t know why he suddenly got so arrogant. His pride got out of control and he was doing things he knew he couldn’t do but jumped into anyway like attacking a giant head-on alone. He was reckless in PJO, but every time he always had a plan. In HoO he just turned careless. He even put other demigods’ lives at risk at times and honestly didn’t do much throughout the series. He was just kind of there, not really contributing to anything and only involved when the book needed comedic relief or to remind the readers that ‘Hey, Percy is super cool and powerful’. As for his arc, he didn’t change at all. He just got annoying and way too self-involved and vain. I mean- he was literally in front of Hercules, the man who broke Zoë Nightshade’s heart- the girl who literally sacrificed herself for Percy- and he didn’t even say or do anything? He didn’t even mention Zoë or think about her at all. All he was worried about was how ‘big-shot Jason’ got to meet the all-famous Hercules and he didn’t. And this never changed. Percy’s character arc was completely flat cause he never learned from his lessons or mistakes. Even when in Tartarus and was reminded of all the people that he lost during the Second Titan War, how he forgot about Calypso on her island for over two years, and how he left Bob the Titan alone in the Underworld, he didn’t make any move to change. After that scene, he completely forgot to even mention them again. 
-Annabeth. Same thing with Annabeth, except her realism was ripped from her. She was well-written in PJO with actual flaws and weaknesses, relationships outside of her romantic one with Percy, a very important and crucial role, fighting bravely, etc., but in HoO, she- just like Percy- was pretty much dead weight, and she became extremely weak. The only thing she really accomplished was following the Mark of Athena and getting the Athena Parthenos, but she still had to be saved by everyone else, and honestly any other demigod could’ve done it way faster. Nico literally could’ve just shadow-travelled to the statue then shadow-travelled it back out. The only times she fought (which was very few times) she was always with another demigod, and the two-three times she actually fought she always had to be saved, by a newbie, especially. In the Temple of Fear, Piper ‘toughened’ her up and saved her three times from the giant Mimas, and when caught by the giants, Piper was the one to save Annabeth (again). She couldn’t do anything by herself without others having to save or help her. And she also became very dull. She didn’t have any more of her pride, short temper, care, ferocity, etc. All she was was a Percy fangirl. Everything was about him and him only. This also didn’t change. We didn’t see any improvement or alterations to her personality whatsoever. 
-Jason. The majority of the fandom doesn’t like Jason- which is understandable- but they hate on him for the wrong reasons. They dislike him cause he was ‘boring’ despite him actually having multiple distinct personality traits. They just think he didn’t have any personality cause his traits weren’t directly commented on like the other characters’ were (which is actually bad writing, readers should be able to interpret a character’s personality without it being stated to them by other characters). And he even had a sense of humor. His character arc though...fell short. But! He could’ve had an amazing character arc, Riordan just focused on the wrong parts. Riordan’s take on Jason’s character arc was deciding if he was more ‘Greek or Roman’ and then deciding he was both. But...that makes no sense, cause that’s just stereotyping every single Greek and every single Roman. The fandom says that the Romans are the cruel, harsh, and merciless ones, but what about Hazel? Or Frank? Or Reyna? Or the fact that they immediately accepted Nico while Camp Half-Blood outcasted and even ostracized him? And they say that the Greeks are the fun, cool, relaxed ones, but what about Percy, the only character to canonically torture? Or Annabeth, the unfriendly bossy one? Or Thalia, the merciless, ambitious hunter? Or Piper, the prejudiced manipulator? So really, Jason’s character arc made no sense. It was written to be Jason going from ‘always following the rules and following expectations because of his godly parent’ to ‘doing whatever he wants’, but the fandom forgets that Camp Jupiter is the one who doesn’t care about godly parent, Camp Half-Blood does, cause Camp Jupiter has demigods live in barracks for the sole purpose of demigods without family members not having to live alone while Camp Half-Blood separates cabins and tables by parentage and immediately set Percy to high standards after he was claimed. Besides, does Camp Jupiter have harpies that literally kill demigods if they’re out past curfew? Plus, Jason was breaking multiple rules before his character arc anyways- leaving Camp Jupiter, sailing across the Mediterranean Sea, etc. 
-Piper. Oh boy. Where to start with this one. I’ve already gone over how her horribly-portrayed backstory ruined the chances of a good character arc, but now let’s discuss the character arc she actually had. And the best way to describe it is ‘tell not show’. The main idea for Piper’s character arc was that she felt insecure about herself and useless and that she gained confidence in herself and her powers, but that’s not actually what happened, because starting from The Lost Hero, Piper showed multiple narcissistic tendencies that showed that she had a huge ego and placed herself on a pedestal she did nothing to earn or deserve. This is first shown with femininity- Piper immediately thinks that she’s better and above any girl if they so much as wear lip gloss or a dress, which is a sign of an obvious ego: thinking you’re better than everyone else (or in her case, a certain group of people) before getting to know them first. It’s also shown when her and Annabeth are looking for a weapon for Piper and when suggested that she doesn’t choose a dagger cause she’s a newbie, Piper retaliates with “But you use a dagger”...aka thinking she’s already on Annabeth’s level and that she can do whatever Annabeth can despite being a newbie. It’s not hypocrisy if Annabeth has been training for over nine years. Another example would be in The Mark of Athena-  "Piper's eyes flashed defiantly, like anything Reyna could do, she could do". Like, no, she can’t, cause Reyna has been training her whole life and Piper doesn’t even know her. Piper shows multiple signs of having a very high opinion of herself, including degrading others (especially other women) for her own sake, thinking she can do what anyone else can, thinking she’s better than everyone else, constantly fussing over her appearance, thinking she deserves everything she’s gotten and that she deserves more without earning it, etc., so her entire character arc wasn’t even there. She just went from quiet about her narcissism to openly expressing it. She never grew from her horrible traits and habits, never realized she was wrong by jumping all over Jason while he was amnesiac, etc., and the whole ‘feeling of uselessness’ was brought up once then never expanded on or mentioned ever again, and nor was her internalized misogyny and fiery hatred towards femininity (which wasn’t even explained). Riordan should’ve used the ‘snobby rich girl learns to be kinder and more modest’ or expanded on the fact that Piper almost killed her friends multiple times. In Katoptris, she saw Jason with gold eyes in Kansas then said ‘Let’s go to Kansas!’ She saw her, Jason, and Percy literally drowning and legit said ‘Let’s go drown!’ without telling them about what she actually saw in her dagger. She saw her and Annabeth exploring some ruins and said ‘Let’s go!’ despite knowing the visions were deadly. She put all of her friends in multiple, life-threatening situations and never felt guilty and wasn’t even called out on it, because no one said if the visions in Katoptris were fate- something you can’t avoid- or destiny- something you can choose and change. 
-Frank. Frank’s character arc was clear, but it happened in the wrong way. The main idea of his development was that he was insecure about his appearance then gained confidence from it, but he did only after he magically gained rippling abs and muscle. He only felt good about himself once he lost all his fat as if that’s not obvious lookism, fatphobia, and fat shaming (thanks, Riordan). Frank should’ve learned to love himself despite his flab and appearance and learned that it didn’t matter what he looked like cause he would still be a hero either way. He should’ve shown the readers that ‘Hey, I don’t care what I look like, cause appearance doesn’t matter, whether you choose to do the right thing or not does’, but it was wasted for fat shaming every single reader who was insecure about their weight and didn’t or couldn’t get skinnier and telling them that they should be insecure about themselves because they don’t look like Frank. Is it really so hard for society to believe that a lot of people who aren’t stick-thin are happy and confident about their body? 
-Hazel. Honestly, her character arc was one of the most confusing ones, cause she didn’t have anything to drive or even start one. Her backstory is tragic, yes, but there isn’t anything in it that she has to learn to change from cause all of that was resolved when she took down Alcyoneus and Gaea. The only thing I can think of is learning to break away from toxic people even if they’re your family or friend or cause you don’t want to hurt their feelings, but Hazel didn’t struggle with relationships at all. She wasn’t even introduced to any toxic people besides Octavian, and she already hated him. Her transition from the racist and segregated days to the modern world could’ve been really good material for a character arc along with internalized racism- she of all people (someone born and raised in segregation who was taught to hate herself and her skin tone) would grow up thinking that there was something wrong with her because of her dark skin tone and- especially after meeting so many different people of different ethnic groups and skin colors- could’ve learned to love herself and learn that skin tone doesn’t define you (which also would’ve been a perfect lesson for younger readers). Another thing that puzzled me about her ‘development’ was her powers. Her Mist control powers are cool, but what would’ve been cooler was if she was reluctant to use them because she wouldn’t want to twist the minds of people just like Gaea did to her mom. Her gem and metal control powers could’ve been expanded on but they were barely mentioned after The Son of Neptune. As for her curse, that...made absolutely no sense. Her curse was honestly just dead weight. It wasn’t even that one thing that had a lot of potential, it didn’t even have potential, cause what would she ever use it for? It was just used to make her backstory sadder, but it was never mentioned again or even explained. The only thing it could’ve been used for (and what I was hoping would happen) was if one her friends or allies took one of her cursed jewels and died because of it. The one thing I was really hoping to see in her character arc was from the quote she said to Hecate after Hecate gave her the three paths to choose from- “I’m not choosing one of your paths. I’m making my own.” This really sparked my interest because almost everything Hazel had gone through was forced onto her by others without her consent. She didn’t choose to be born into racism and segregation. She didn’t choose to be cursed. She didn’t choose to be used as a pawn by Gaea through her mother. She didn’t choose to almost raise a giant and nearly bring upon the apocalypse. She didn’t choose to use her curse against others and move to multiple places. She didn’t choose to be brought back to life. She didn’t choose to be brought to Camp Jupiter and thrown into an army. She didn’t choose to be a part of the Seven and face the same woman who used her and had her mother possessed years ago. The only two choices she made herself- destroying the island and Alcyoneus and sacrificing Elysium so her mother wouldn’t go to the Fields of Punishment- and she and her mother died because of it and she went to Asphodel for years. I was really hoping to see Hazel break free from others always making decisions for her and learn to make her own choices, but that never happened. 
-Leo: His character arc was also very confusing, but because it was all over the place. Riordan kept switching up Leo’s internal problems; forgetting about one of them and jumping to another, jumping to three different others, and then going back to the first one a few chapters later. It was so confusing. And then- in the end- he focused on the worst problem Leo had- not finding a love interest. I mean, who exactly focuses on whether or not they have a girlfriend while in the middle of a war and fighting to survive again? I liked Leo’s other problems- guilt over and blaming himself for his mother’s death, seeing his fire powers as a curse instead of a gift, forcing himself to hide his pain with humor instead of opening up to people, running away from all his problems, and his abandonment issues and constant fear of being left out and alone, but they were all replaced with ‘He felt like the seventh wheel’ (cause yes, Riordan, if you don’t have a love interest, you are immediately lesser than anyone who does, obviously). Leo got over his mother’s death in The Lost Hero- which, great- but after that nothing too memorable changed about his character. He never even used or mentioned his fire powers after The Lost Hero, he continued to hide all his pain with humor, hide his emotions from other people, and never learned to open up to others about his pain and trauma, he never learned to stop running away from his powers (shown by when he faked his own death without bothering to talk to the others about feeling left out), and his abandonment issues and fears were never expanded on, he just ran into the arms of a girl who verbally abused and constantly insulted him AKA ran to the person who gave him attention, even if it was the bad kind of attention, as if that’s not something emotionally scarred people and people with abandonment issues do, and he never grew from accepting unfair hate and criticism. 
-Nico. His character development was actually pretty good. From going to an energetic, cheerful, and playful kid to becoming a quiet, closed-off, and independent teen who struggled with depression and feeling alone and like he didn’t belong, to finding comfort in his family and friends (especially Reyna, Hazel, and Will) and learning to accept himself for who he was (as a son of Hades and as gay) and how to confide in others about his struggles, problems, and trauma and finally letting people in after being do dubious of people after Percy broke his promise to protect Bianca, he found out that King Minos was using him, and almost all of Camp Half-Blood excluded and ignored him. After being alone for most of his life, by the end of The Blood of Olympus, he has two homes (as stated by Reyna), is comfortable with people hugging him, allowed people to take care of and help him, decided to stay at Camp Half-Blood and Camp Jupiter instead of isolating himself, made a bunch of new friends that helped him through his struggles, and he even showed multiple signs of healing from his depression and anxiety. His character development was pretty well-written. But, there was one thing wrong with it that kind of ruined the rest- his love life. Nico had an incredible character arc that could’ve taught multiple valuable lessons to younger readers, but most of it was ditched after he came out as gay in The House of Hades. Throughout all of his point of views in The Blood of Olympus, Nico never thought about any of his past trauma or struggles, Bianca, his new family and friends, etc. Pretty much all he thought about was finding out how to come out to the others and Percy. And while mustering the courage to come out is a huge deal and is great material for a character arc, Riordan never actually utilized it. Nico telling Reyna he was gay was really touching (best duo) and telling Percy he had a crush on him was great, but after that, his entire character was about his attraction towards Will (which was way too rushed, but that’s for another rant), and it got pretty annoying cause it made it obvious that Riordan only confirmed him gay for publicity by trying to shove it in the reader’s faces as if every gay person needs to have a boyfriend to validate and prove their sexuality. Riordan should’ve stayed on track with Nico’s original character arc. 
-Reyna. THE BEST CHARACTER ARC. Hers was actually really good. She started off trying to do everything on her own because she believed that she had to be strong enough to do things by herself without help from others to learning that it’s okay to ask for help. She also started off with the (quite serious and traumatizing) problem of bottling all her emotions because she believed that she always had to put on a strong, brave face for others without showing any signs of weakness to learning that it’s okay to express your emotions and confide in others (and again, that it’s okay to ask for help). This was mostly evident after she met Nico, which (in my opinion) kick-started her motivation to change because once she saw how much Nico needed help and giving him that support and comfort, realized that everyone is allowed to ask for help and started confiding in Nico as well. I like how she stayed strict and serious cause she has a formal job- a job that’s equivalent to an American’s president, that is- so she’s supposed to be serious, and she’s only strict cause she wants to protect her people. Though I do hate when people misjudge her as ‘cold-hearted’ or ‘cruel’ because Reyna is actually one of the kindest and most selfless characters in the series. Even Pegasus (the immortal lord of the pegasi) was ‘touched’ by Reyna’s ‘compassion’ towards Scipio (he didn’t even say that to Percy about Blackjack), and it’s pretty obvious she cares deeply about her family, friends, and people. And overall, her character arc was easily the best-written one in HoO. But then Riordan- just like he does with most things in this series- completely trashed her character arc just so he could have the opportunity to make fun of wlw readers who thought Reyna and Thalia would be a good couple by making her leave everything behind for the Hunters of Artemis just cause she ‘couldn’t find a love interest’ as if joining the Hunters is the only option for single female demigods instead of just...living a normal demigod life without a partner without leaving everything they know and love behind for no reason other than their shitty love life. 
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mihrunnisasultans · 4 years
Not the spanish princess making me, an Irish history nerd who dislikes henry Viii, pity henry viii 👁️👄👁️
Frost can always do the unbelievable, right? Like I’m sure that in that time period Henry still cared about his appearance to create positive image on the ladies and whole kingdom, not that of a dishevelled lunatic that is incapable of doing anything than having sex and throwing fits actually.
However, I don’t feel sorry (and I can bet neither you Anon) when he keeps crying and complaining how CoA the wanton whore cast him in Hell and made him a sinner. Frost legit made him believe in what he said because he’d lost his mind and I’m here sitting like what does she want to achieve by that? Maybe not to make him sympathetic, but IDK preserve her “grand love story” - Henry loved Catherine, but then he lost his mind after Francis beat him up & I suppose also Wolsey made use of poor Henry for his schemes (replace beating up with joust and Wolsey with Cromwell and we get a too-well-known narrative spread in some circles. Henry was okay until he got hit in the head and targeted Anne).
EF did not even make him hot and made him absolutely unshippable and yet some people still ship Anne x Henry in TSP when we see him clearly abusing his wife both physically and mentally at the same time? And what if she lied, Henry lied too about having slept with Juana, and CoA was actually informed by her father about this and warned about marrying this man based on that. Catherine simply decided that Juana was lying on purpose to destroy her life. It’s weird how this lie was not mentioned again, of course not by Henry because he’s a self-righteous hypocrite, but by CoA herself, or reminded in any flashback? And NGL even this Anne does not look happy to me to be told by her Dad to court this pig, she has to smile and laugh in front of him, but I don’t see her happy at the prospect at all... There is this idea here that Thomas Boleyn is doing everything to keep his family safe precisely because he knows about Henry’s “humours” and it’s not only ambition, but also fear that makes them want to be in the king’s favour. Same with Maggie. He is so visibly crazy everyone just ass kisses him out of fear. It’s... actually really sad? Like I can’t comprehend how people can ship it, especially in TSP, sorry. 
Despite Frost’s boyfriend’s comments how “witch” Anne destroyed CoA’s happiness with Henry, there was nothing of this in the show because it was clear all the marital mess had nothing to do with Anne. He turned vile before  becoming interested in Anne and yet people still want this gross man, who treats his wife so abominably, for their fave??? I feel sorry for her because she clearly feels obligated to please this asshole for her family’s sake, and if anything we should have all prayed CoA actually killed him in this crazy show when she got the chance and did herself and Anne a favour lol.
CoA was also Henry VIII’s victim and some people (who mostly care about their ship, not fans of AB in general) gloss over the fact that this man dragged through the mud a woman who was a good queen and wife for so many years, conspired behind her back with Great Matter, made a huge drama around her virginity, divulged private information about her and his brother’s private (intimate) lives, humiliated her multiple times, spread rumours about her being “diseased” and being of doubtful reputation etc. etc. and only wake up when he begins to use similar tactics to the other half of their ship (and yes it ended differenly simply because he could not just execute a woman with such powerful connections in Europe). But he got hit in the head and evil Cromwell appeared, I forgot. Poor Henry truly believed in his accusations against Anne and suffered until the end of his days  😭 😭 😭.
IDK some people behave like he just came and politely asked her for a divorce so that he might sire a son with another woman and she simply refused him out of sheer spite because she didn’t want him happy with another. And I won’t even mention people who apparently believe falling out of love with your spouse was enough for divorce in 16th century and I’ve seen takes based on that as well.
And sorry, but I do believe he was well aware of CoA’s virginity or lack thereof when they married and it simply never bothered him until he decided to use this to make himself 100% right and the wronged party in divorce proceedings. He was historically sly enough to do so, unlike his show counterpart. The dispensation definitely covered for such possibility and the English were the party that wanted to have that assurance:
Both sides agreed that a papal dispensation was needed. The couple had become, at least in theory, related in the first degree of affinity when Catherine married Arthur. The issue of Catherine’s sex life raised its head again for, if she had stayed a virgin, there was no real affinity. The marriage treaty  explicitly states that a dispensation was required because ‘her marriage to Prince Arthur was solemnised according to the rites of the Catholic Church and afterwards consummated’. Two months later, however, Ferdinand was telling his ambassador at the Vatican, who had orders to seek the dispensation, that it was all a lie. ‘The truth is that the marriage was not consummated and that the princess our daughter remained as whole as she was before she married,’ he wrote. ‘Even though this is true and known to be so where she is, the mad English ... [believe] that the dispensation should say that the marriage was consummated.’ This, he explained with startling prescience, was ‘in order to get rid of any future doubt over the [rights of] succession of the children that, God willing, will be born of this new matrimony’. The English, he meant, wanted the pope to state clearly he had taken into account the idea of consummation with Arthur when giving Catherine a dispensation to marry and have legitimate children with Henry. Popes in the sixteenth century were, however, smooth political operators. Julius II knew how to hedge his bets. The dispensation he eventually sent to England stated that the marriage had ‘perhaps’ been consummated. That single word meant the matter would be argued over for centuries.
Taken from: Giles Tremlett, Catherine of Aragon: Henry’s Spanish Queen 
Moreover Isabella of Castile asked to make the case even clearer:
Henry and his council, meanwhile, became increasingly obsessed by the brief – a copy of which had already been presented in Rome. Henry’s representative there, Gregorio Casale, confirmed that it seemed to close any loopholes left by the original bull. It widened the reasons Julius gave for allowing her to marry Henry, adding to the primary cause of fostering peace the words ‘certain other reasons’. As these last reasons were not explicit, they were impossible to argue against – even if, confusingly, the document also stated that she and Arthur had consummated their marriage.
Taken from: Giles Tremlett, Catherine of Aragon: Henry’s Spanish Queen
Even if we assume Henry wanted to contest the validity of actual papal dispensation & papal authority and just stick to Scripture literally:
In both cases, after all, ‘carnal knowledge’ existed. Henry was also worried. In this respect extramarital sex was, indeed, legally considered as important as marriage itself. It meant that Anne was related to Henry ‘by affinity’. Henry’s ambassadors in Rome, then, were given a double task. Not only did he want his and Catherine’s marriage annulled, he also needed to clear the way for her rival. That would require a papal dispensation allowing him to marry Anne, despite his previous sexual relationship with her sister. The dispensation, it was suggested, should allow him to marry a woman who might ‘be related ... in the first degree of affinity, arising from whatever licit or illicit intercourse’. The double standard was remarkable. On the one hand the pope was being told it had been wrong for Catherine to win a dispensation to marry her former husband’s brother. On the other hand, he was being asked to write a dispensation for Henry to marry his former lover’s sister.
Taken from: Giles Tremlett, Catherine of Aragon: Henry’s Spanish Queen
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thirsthourdemon · 4 years
Headcanon with them having a delinquent!s/o
Includes: Nishinoya, Asahi, Aran
Warning: swear words??? A bit of violence
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-He meets you through asahi
-You were the type to be the head of the operations really and you were pretty strategic
-Truth be told you scored top ranks in all of your classes
-You could hold yourself in a battle but you werent really upto fucking up your body with scars
-You knew asahi since he was your classmates and rumors that he was also a delinquent
-Asahi has a good build and he could be very useful considering what you’ve heard about him
-Turns out he wasnt all that scary??? Or at least when you got to talk to him he didnt live up to the image he set
-You were supposed to ask him after classes before he would go to the gym like he usually does but he ran away from you so...
-you ran after him to the gym
-Being met with shocked faces from multiple men like...why was this person looking for their coward of an ace and wanting him to be a delinquent????
-A small boy, with the most aggressive BDE you’ve ever felt, came up to you however and told you to leave asahi alone
-Noya really be out here protecting him 😳
-You were smitten
-How could such a small person contain such BIG DICK ENERGY?!
-You were so fascinated by it and he was interested in you as well
-When you met the Karasuno VBC’s “delinquents” though you considered joining as their manager asl well!
-Their burning passion and will power got you excited so as you joined as their manager you tried your best not to involve them with your gang
-Your gang tried attacking noya 😊
-“What are you doing with our boss, huh?! Y/N-sama would never go out with you shorty-“
-“Hey eiko, shut the fuck up” you overheard them and you immiedlty sling your arm over the boy’s shoulders
-“Yuu, I have something to tell you” you looked at him directly and seriously
-“Y-Yes, Y/N?”
-“I like you. Please go out with me! I’ll protect you-“
-“No way, Y/N! Im the man so I should be the one protecting you!”
-“E-Eh?! Yuu! N-no! I-“
-“Boss, we get it you’re both in love with each other!” You hear eiko grunt at the sight of both of you two completely blushing in front of each other
-Both of you are definitely scary when you’re giving the team a good strategy and nishinoya’s coming out of no where with them recieves
-You both simp for each other and boy do you fight anyone who tries to flirt with him
-Overall you added more crackhead energy to the team
-He “saved” you that one time there were guys ganging up on you not knowing that you could have left that situation untouched and those guys would have had broken ankles
-You thanked him after that by making him some lunch
-After a while of talking to him you realized how soft and normal he was despite his looks
-You tried as much as possible to hide the fact that you were really the leader of a big gang
-He found out when someone tried to beat him up outside of school so naturally you had to break some ankles that night
-“Y-Y/N...w!-What was that?!” He panicked only to see you your tearstained cheeks
-“I didnt want you to see me like this...” sobbing you broke down
-Physically and mentally you were strong but he made you so weak all the while giving you the strength to endure everyday
-“Th-they hurted you because of me, azumane-kun” You look at him and you saw how worried he was
-Azumane asahi saw you crying because you knew you were trouble and breaking someone’s ankles yet
-he still looked at you with those loving eyes of his
-“I like you...” he whispered cupping up your face with the palms of his hands drawing you closer
-You couldnt reply and before you knew it your lips were connected
-Tears falling and lips locking onte each other
-“I like all of you” out of breathe and red
-You come to school the next day asking your men to protect asahi if you werent there with him
-The type of Boyfriend to just brings you give you a cup of milk when you’re sleepiing together and he knows you’re up because you’re always thinking of the worst case scenario due to your involvment in a gang.
-You stopped smoking for him 😤
-He introduces you to the team and they got scared of you
-They legit thought you were a bad influence for him
-They started thinking otherwise whenever they saw you look at asahi with nothing but love and loyalty
||Aran Ojiro
-He was a hot boy and no one saw that all because they were looking at atsumu or osamu
-You had a crush on him but your interactions always ended up with you badmouthing him
-He does NOT want to get involved with you once he was told of your involvment in gangs and violence
-Aran wants that sweet wife, okay? A sweet wife for that sweet life AYYY-
-Well not wife but lover so he really doesnt know what to do once you asked him to be friends
-Not one to reject someone being so polite he said yes thinking you might just ne that friend you say hi to at the halls or something
-Surprise Surprise you invite him over at your place at once
-He wasnt scared per say but he...was NERVOUS
-When you came to the door wearing an apron and the scent of sweets greeting him he starts looking at you in another perspective
-“Y/N, I didnt know you baked?” Biting onto the cookie
-“Oh I dont know how to bake but I remember you liked sweets and baking so I started learning over the weekends” your straightforwardness cause him to blush really
-Why would you, a person who obviously was also as busy, make cookies and learn baking just because you remembered that he liked that?
-“I bet you’re thinking why I tried learning to bake and make cookies just cause I remembered you like it?” You interrupted his thougts
-“W-Well yes. Why?” He looks up at you
-“I like you, O. Ji. Ro. Kun~” you whispered into his ears
-NEEDLESS TO SAY HE WAS REALLY SURPRISED though as flattered as it made him you had to work a whole lot more to be his S/O
-You watched his practices a lot and everyone grew suspicious of you when the first time you when you literally pulled up to their practice covered in patches and all that
-No matter how much you told him that you could treat your own wounds properly he would insist on doing it himself
-He be sweet like that 🥺
-You confessed to him again when they won a big match and he didnt realized he caught you in his arms until you kissed the tip of his nose
-Shortly after that both of you got together really and boy was it worth waiting a year and a half for that beautiful yes
-He would kiss the places you got scars at 😳
-My man would tell you that you were still beautiful eventhough you were covered in scars from that
-You eventually stop being in a gang once you entered university with him ❤️
Shoutout to: @oof-she-needs-therapy btw for supplying most aran ojiro fics out there. I will controbute more aran fics cause like-This person comes out with content every few minutes and that is crazy 😤
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Taglist: @my-mass-hysteria @janellion
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handlewithkara · 4 years
Thanks, I hate it
So, I was trying to rewatch season 3 again and wow, I remembered why I hate it (and particularly 3B) so much. Maybe hate is the wrong word. There is good things in there. Things I can appreciate. 
But I feel like my biggest gripe with it, more than shipping, more than characterization is that it is really hard to watch a show when you very fundamentally disagree with a position the show takes. 
And I think I knew that that was going to be the case I think from the moment Mon-El has his revealing conversation with J’onn in 3x13. J’onn is a character we are supposed to like, so it was pretty clear to me, that in this case, the position he took in this conversation was a position the show takes. 
Here is goes: Supergirl Season 3 firmly takes the position that it is the morally right thing for Mon-El to do is to not tell Kara that he has feelings for her. 
(the show also takes the position that it is honorable of Kara not to tell Lena her secret identity, situations that are paralleled on occasion. I think the situations are somewhat different, but still think that in both cases the position of the show is questionable or at least something I really disagree with)
First: What I think they were trying to achieve with this
1.) One of Mon-El's character flaws was arguably lack of restraint. Showing him holding back on telling Kara shows that he has matured. 
In this area I feel like the biggest disagreement is likely one of taste. If one likes Mon-El, one might argue that yes, lack of restraint and consideration was a character trait and flaw of Mon-El's, but "curing" him of this flaw arguably makes him at lost less entertaining as a character. 
The other problem is that Mon-El still has certain moments which the show itself characterizes as lack of consideration. Seems kind of late for him to still be learning this lesson on the fly? Rather than just struggling with it? Still, one can argue the fact that he was struggling with this issue on a relatively high level is a way of showing that he has changed a lot and is in a very different place. 
2.) Telling Kara about his feelings while she is still hurting and confused especially when he is unsure himself, yes would arguably be shitty. 
Now, this I partly get. When Mon-El comes back Kara is in a lot of emotional pain, she is distraught, she is confused, she is dealing with a lot. 
If at this point Mon-El goes to her and tells her that he's still into her (but there is still a chance that he still wants to honor his commitment to Imra more) that would cause her a lot of additional pain. 
Not that I think it would have changed a lot in how Kara would react or how much would have happened between them, but the same decisions would likely have caused her a lot of additional anguish. That would have been jerking her around and playing with her feelings by my defintion of things and in that case, I agree, he shouldn’t tell her.
Getting her hopes up just to leave again would so not be cool. 
3.) Talking to Kara about how he is struggling too might hamper their ability to fight Reign.
Now granted, this is just my personal feelings, as this wasn't really a topic that the show brought up itself. Still, this is something I could at least picture being a concern for these characters, that they want to put their feelings aside till Reign is defeated. (and in a way... that is what happens on the show, Karamel start getting a lot shippier in the time when they mistakenly think Reign has been defeated)
Second: Why I think it's wrong
The show over and over goes over the concept that it is wrong to tell somebody the truth just to make yourself feel better. And I keep thinking... why?
I agree with the concept that it is morally wrong to cause pointless pain to Kara by telling her. The thing is ... is it really pointless?
I fully agree that if Mon-El had fessed up to her at some point late into the season, it would have temporarily made Kara's life more confusing... but .... wouldn't that be worth it? Simply in the interest of things being more honest between and the information being out there?
And why isn't "it would make Mon-El feel better and lift a weight off his shoulders" a totally legit and fair outcome? Why does that have to be cast as "that's selfish and so he should never do that"?
I can maybe get that in the beginning when Kara is still super raw and emotional, but later on? Kara is a strong person, with a great support system. And I get that it's immoral to draw her into messy marriage issues.
But I don't see how just telling Kara what his emotional state is does that. He could just tell her "I'm really struggling too, but I'm trying to hold it together. This is hard for me in particular because I’m dealing with a lot of additional political weight being placed on my shoulders".
And yes I can envision a world where that makes communication between them even harder and it makes fighting Reign harder. But I still think it would be worth it for the benefit of things being more honest between them. And I would have said that both characters are emotionally strong enough that they could handle it.
Third: Why I’m beginning to think that they genuinely believed that
You know, for the longest time I thought, okay, maybe they just disliked Mon-El and wanted to get rid of him, so maybe they gave him a shitty story and that's all there is too it.
But the longer things go on, the more I get the impression. OMG they were actually serious about that?
In season 3, they draw strong parallels between it being honorable of Mon-El not to tell Kara and it being honorable of Kara not to tell Lena her identity. This is most explicit in The Fanatical where Mon-El says exactly that in a traditional "he gives advice about Lena, but he's actually talking about himself" scene.
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Well, if you tell [her] the truth, you'd be doing it to make yourself feel better, not her. So maybe, in this case, it's, uh... Not telling her the truth is the noble thing. It's a sacrifice you're making to protect her.
(Bless Chris Wood, I think he looks entirely unconvinced by his own dialogue here)
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Fast forward to episode 100. The big anniversary episode. The one that celebrates Kara and her influence on people. And this episode is full of people assuring Kara that her motivations were noble AND it ends with Kara embracing this point of view and putting her foot down (and no, I don't think that the writers intend to take that back and portray that as Kara misunderstanding something when this is the big celebration episode)
Executing The Premise
Either way. The whole season consisted of people preaching to Mon-El that he shouldn't tell. So Mon-El tries to do the right thing and keep his feelings mostly close to his vest.
And then it just ends!!!!
I'm sorry, this just feels wrong. It feels like there is something missing. Like either Mon-El should be rewarded for holding back (either by him realizing that loves the future best anyway (instead ... the opposite of that happened) or him actually getting a better chance with Kara somewhere in the future when the circumstances are better). Or in lieu of that, a storyline that makes it explictly clear that Mon-El was being a dumbass, did exactly the wrong thing and that is what costs him his chance with Kara. Except that didn't happen either.
Instead he disappear uncommented into nothingness and the only other glimpse we see of him is till an episode that actually doubles down on the message of 3B.
So my deep, fundamental gripe with season 3 is that I just deeply, deeply disagree with the central thesis the season puts forth (keeping things from people is not just understandable and excusable, but actually morally good) THE SHOW DIDN'T EVEN DELIVER PROPERLY ON THE STAKES AND MORAL STANDARDS THEY BUILT UP.
That's why season 3 was frustrating and hard to get connected to on multiple levels when it comes to these central story tenants. You have these characters discussing and debating and going back and forth and here I’m sitting, watching them and going “Yes, but this moral conundrum is stupid” (I had this reaction during pretty much any Mon-El scenes in regards to telling the truth and during any of the Kara and Lena arguments). I think even if the show had told a "clean" story with their premise, I still would have been sour on it when I just so fundamentally disagree with the premise on a personal level.
And that is in addition to the entertainment level of "I just don't think that it's very entertaining to watch characters who are constantly holding back to be heroic and moral and honorable" (compared to holding back for personal reasons like insecurity, something that is way more interesting because that is compelling characterization a lot of the time and casts telling the truth as characters facing their fears or seeing things weren’t as bad as they imagined it). 
I disliked that honorable holding back in Kara/James and I disliked it again in season 3. [yes I think it’s marginally better set up in season 3 simply because Karamel had an actual relationship as the basis rather than just the potential of a flirtation, Mimra were married and there was a political reason why it had to stay that way rather than Lucy in the end being just a nice girlfriend/boyfriend relationship ... but just because it is a slightly more solid version of that trope doesn’t change that that trope is bad and boring to me]
Look, this isn't about morals. This isn't about me thinking the show would have been better if Kara would have thrown herself at James in season 1. It's just that those stories are (to me) fundamentally boring to watch and there was a reason why I preferred the chaotic back and forth of season 2 Karamel. So in a way, I felt fundamentally betrayed by the story even without the ending, because to me the season betrayed a lot about what I liked about Karamel in season 2 and made them more like Kara/James whose story I often did not care for for a reason. I'm not claiming that season 3 was devoid of good things, outside of Karamel or within (and I will try to make posts on that), but in regards to Karamel, a lot of these things were new areas, new themes or side aspects compared to what their strongest threads were in season 2.(for what it’s worth, I think the normal, “soapy” way to tell this story would have been not that Mon-El tells, but that Mon-El keeps it quiet, but somebody else blabs out the truth and Kara finds out anyway and is initally mad at Mon-El. Would still have been a cop out compared to how I see this conflict, but it would have been a more normal story compared to “everybody tells Mon-El not to tell and he mostly doesn’t”)
But I can put my shipper values aside. I can try to appreciate a story for its craftsmanship or for what it is trying to do even if things don't go my way. But it's really hard to get invested in a show if you just don't see eye to eye with one of the core themes the show proposes.
And that’s why I have a lot of animosity left towards this aspect of season 3. 
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iaintyourbro · 4 years
Shipping Makes Me Question My Sanity
I learned about the FFVII waifu wars after playing the remake. I played the OG many moons ago, replayed it a few years ago, but really got interested in the character dynamics after playing FFVIIR. 
I foolishly looked up “Is the remake pushing Cloud and Tifa more?” I found the shipping wars... That I never knew existed. 
You see, I played the OG and it was pretty clear to me that the story went a certain way. In fact, I didn’t even associate FFVII to romance. 
FFVII was a story about a villain who was pissed off that a grunt killed him, so he finds a way to come back from the dead through clones that his father made to fuck with said grunt and get revenge on all the humans that wronged his Mother. 
(This is my explanation in as few words as possible, because we all know explaining FFVII would take multiple posts). 
So why did I look up my question about Cloud and Tifa? Well, I was shocked at how they presented them. I didn’t remember this from the OG. Like I said, I didn’t associate FFVII to romance like I did with VIII, IX, and X. Those were clear. FFVII didn’t have this as a main theme. FFVIIR created extreme sexual tension between Cloud and Tifa. 
I remember when you finally found out Cloud wasn’t a SOLDIER, that he actually DID kill Sephiroth 5 years ago, and that he did come to save Tifa - he fulfilled his promise. The part when the main theme plays and he takes his helmet off... chills. Even now, I love that part. Still, I associated this with us finally getting answers to some of the weird shit that happens earlier in the game. And I was way too young and dense to understand the Under the Highwind scene. 
Needless to say, I wanted to see if others had the same impression. It seems they did, and those posts were then overpowered by the other side. “Yeah, I used to ship Cloti, but the remake made me see that it’s clearly Aerith.” What? What did I miss? 
So I questioned my sanity a bit. I played every quest - I did both Tifa and Aerith’s discovery quests. Until the point we get back to Tifa in Wall Market, I still was kind of iffy on how they were presenting Aerith and Cloud. They removed a lot of stuff from the OG that was a bit more direct from Cloud’s end. They also removed a lot of the jealousy scenes between Tifa and Aerith. Seems they gave all the jealousy to Cloud in other scenes. 
Cloud clearly is soft with Tifa. He remembers The Promise, he calls her beautiful, you have no choice but to give her the flower. No matter what choices you make with Aerith. He still gives her the flower. He gets jealous whenever he even thinks a guy is talking about her in a romantic/sexual way.
Then I see things like “Cloud was so emotionless and mean until Chapter 8″. HOW? And this goes beyond Tifa. Cloud had a ton of character growth during the first 3 chapters, and it continued on until Chapter 8. This was not something where he suddenly turned nice to Aerith. He had a ton of people help him out before.
Take Biggs, Wedge, and Jessie. Cloud was a dick to them. I mean, he really was. I was sad for Wedge, cuz I think he’s so nice, and Cloud was just mean to him. By the end of Chapter 4, he’s much nicer to them. He’s left out of their celebration, and I think maybe this was a reference to him as a child. He thought he was better than the other kids (except Tifa). He treated everybody like shit (except Tifa) in the first three chapters and Barret told him to gtfo. 
Jessie made sure to let him know she wanted him there. Now, I’m not a fan of how thirsty Jessie is. I mean they REALLY slam it on you how bad she wants to get with Cloud. Cloud then says what I was thinking “Are you seriously that desperate?!” Yes, she is, and it’s obnoxious, but I think it’s a hilarious addition to the story. However, I think it was a light bulb moment that he would be included if he was a bit nicer to people.
Cloud and Barret start getting along more as time goes on as well. This is all before Chapter 8. So I actually have commented on these posts... “Did you play the first 7 chapters? Did you play the rest of the game?” There’s so many points during FFVIIR where Cloud clearly has character development outside of what Tifa and Aerith do. 
They ignore this. That’s my issue. The ignore everything else in the story. They ignore reality, so that makes people like me question themselves.
It reminds me of a personal situation with my job. We had a really bad leader. Like, cruel, mean. And he got away with it for a long time. You can say, “just leave”, but I think anybody with a family knows that’s not as easy as it sounds. Not when you rely on your job for not only income, but benefits, retirement, and stability. Not when changing buildings causes months of legit mental breakdowns (imagine changing companies completely?). So, it wasn’t really an option.
The worst part during all of that was knowing and seeing the reality of what was going on and having people flat out try to tell me that what I was seeing wasn’t true. I had conversations with other co-workers who started to question their sanity. Is it us? Are we the problem? Are we wrong? What are we missing? And that’s tough, especially when it goes on for so long.
In the real life example, there was a resolution earlier this year, where finally the guy was fired. And a lot of people were fighting him. More than you’d think. But they were scared, so they had to be careful. This is real life, not a game, so the stakes were much higher. The truth all comes out after this type of thing, and it was actually worse than we thought. There was a lot we missed, and a lot we just weren’t aware of. We weren’t crazy - there was just a group of his followers trying to brainwash us in to thinking he was great. 
The shipping wars give me the same feelings I had during that. I question my sanity and don’t get what I’m missing. This is beyond how you interpret the LTD. This is legit ignoring parts of the story as it’s presented. SE put these Cloti moments throughout the Remake to make a point. They have Aerith say things to make a point. They even have Aerith stop making moves on Cloud after Tifa comes back and she sees the obvious “thing” between them.
There are tons of analysis on multiple scenes and how Cloud reacts. Facial expressions tell a lot, so does voice acting. There are reasons they put these scenes in. There are reasons they are part of the main story and not part of side quests. There are reasons that the devs responded the way they did in interviews. 
The Ultimania clearly talks about Cloud’s feelings. The OG talks about them. 
So why do I still feel upset when I see these? Well, for one, the posters that say “I was a Cloti until..” in most cases are probably shipping the other side, but this is a great way to make people question themselves. It may make new fans not enjoy the story as much.
Then you have Twitter. And it’s a shame, because there’s some great fanart on Twitter. But, you can’t search for “tifa” without seeing some really bad posts. And it’s the same accounts over and over. There isn’t a large amount. 
The entire goal of these posters is to fight people who don’t agree with them. They also start posting similar complaints about a week after the Cloti side makes them.
The most recent being that Cloti fans are going after Nojima and it’s not going to change anything. What? I saw a similar post about the C////erith side about a week or two ago. Why are Cloti’s going after Nojima? So I went through some of his posts. I found one where he posted about FF7R. The only Cloti posts I saw were thanking him. The C///erith ones were over the top trying to say how it was all C///erith and there was no Cloti in the remake. One even said that “millions of fans want Aerith to survive.” No, I’d say the majority of fans want the original plot points to stay. 
Nojima himself liked a fanart of himself... where they called him the Cloti king.
So where are the Cloti’s going after Nojima? I only saw praise... 
The next new one is that C///eriths aren’t racist and Cloti’s are. I’ve seen this argument in reverse as well. It seems they scope out some things and repost them in the opposite argument. 
I just don’t understand the extreme nature. You can ship who you want, but you can’t erase parts of the story to make it work. Why even bother playing the game? The romance aspect is SO SMALL in the OG. 
In the remake its a bit heavier, but it’s different times. Sex sells. Let’s add some spice to the game, and they did. I felt no sexual tension between Cloud and Aerith. Jessie tried HARD. The only mutual tension felt was between Cloud and Tifa. That deep, dear lord please do something to release this tension, feeling. Cloud and Aerith had cute little moments similar to a Disney movie or a kids movie. Tifa and Cloud had the moments you see in more mature things. 
Some of these moments are optional - the resolution scene you can technically avoid every time you play if you choose to. The Clotiscrew tunnel roll is a bit harder unless you KNOW you can avoid it and/or are terrible at the game. You literally have to try hard to mess up to not get that scene. 
The Clotiscrew tunnel scene is also hilarious to watch people react to. Cuz you do feel like you need to take a quick walk to cool off from that heat. Even my husband who doesn’t give a shit was like “wow, yeah, okay, that’s... intense.” 
It didn’t have to be, it could have been a roll and release, but he holds her and says “You okay?” in that soft af voice THAT HE ONLY USES ON HER. Her response is equally sexy. Then they get up and stare. Once again, not necessary.
All the “unnecessary” touching that goes on is fun to point out. People are still finding moments, I think. During battles, in the background during other scenes. They’re making this a point. They make it a point to show shots of those two during other scenes in the game. They aren’t being subtle anymore. 
So I don’t understand how you can erase all of that. 
The other side has a small group that is completely shitting on Tifa to do it. I don’t see that as much on the Cloti side towards Aerith. I’m not saying it doesn’t exist, I bet it does, but it’s not as easy to find. Almost EVERY shipping fight has something about Tifa’s boobs, Tifa not telling Cloud about his past, something. They make stuff up in some cases.
All of this is a way to recruit people to their side. To “convert” them. I feel bad for the streamers who like Tifa and you see a group come in to try and “correct” that thought. Why do they care so much? 
Maximillian Dood doesn’t seem affected by those opinions - he’s a great supporter of Tifa as a character. He was very happy with the way they handled the remake, and that says a lot. He also has some great reactions to parts of the game. He also is a more experienced streamer, it seems.
My thoughts are... the Remake has blown expectations on how it was supposed to go. Probably a lot of fans assumed they’d make a point to build up Aerith as the love interest... but they didn’t. Tifa is in almost every chapter (2 is the exception). She is referenced multiple times in Wall Market - especially if you actually listen to the lyrics for Midgar Blues. Why place that song in during that part? 
So we go to the attack mode of survival here. They’re going to change as many opinions as possible. They’re going to make people question themselves. Make people feel bad. 
The reality is, there’s a clear cut story - they’re making it that way. There’s multiple hints that there isn’t going to be a love triangle. There’s multiple hints that Zack is going to be a thing in the Remake. They’ve definitely put it on more heavy that Aerith still loves Zack. 
I can only hope that things are made clear. That this can stop. I still say people should ship who they want. Hell, I ship Vincent and Lucrecia (this was my only romantic love in the OG back then...). However, canon is that Hojo and Lucrecia married and had a child. I wanted Vincent to secretly be the father so bad, but he’s not. That doesn’t ruin the game for me, at all. 
It would ruin the game for me, in a sense, if they completely pull a 180 in Part 2 and try to “remove” all of the stuff from Part 1 from a character dynamics perspective. It would feel wrong for Aerith to tell Cloud not to fall in love with her, tell him that everything isn’t real if he does, and also have her back off completely after Tifa is back, and then all of a sudden throw herself at him. It would erase all the friendship scenes between Tifa and Aerith.
And how could you just “turn off” Cloud’s attentive nature to Tifa? It wouldn’t make sense. It would ruin it for me because that is legit trying to erase parts of the story.
I don’t think that will happen. But I still get anxious when I see shit on the internet.
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Please do go on about Doomslayer and his morals. I'm legit fascinated by him since starting the let's play I'm watching and I'd love to hear your take on him (I know literally nothing about the Doom franchise other than lots of blood and violence against demons and also badass music)
You know, a year ago when my friends asked me 'hey do you wanna play minecraft' and i said 'yeah sure' i would have never thought i would one day have a minecraft sideblog where i get questions about the personality of the main character of a shooter fps game (of all things!) that is known for its incredible violence.
But here you go:
(prepare yourself this has gotten way longer than i thought oh god, and also it has nothing to do with hermits whatsoever. warnings for language and descriptions of violence? and i assume the readmore won’t be working the way i want it to)
Ok so, Doom!
First of all, i know nothing about the old games, and i’ve only seen a minimal amount of Doom Eternal Letsplays. Most of this is based on Doom (2016). 
Ok so we all start out thinking Doomguy! It’s the guy you play in Doom. The hand that hold the gun YOU are shooting demons with. And sure, you can go trough the whole game with that mindset, but that’s boring and we are overthinking fictional characters in this house.
ID software actually managed to give Doomguy/Doomslayer a TON of personality despite him never saying a word, barely any cutscenes to show what he does when you don’t control him (at least in Doom 2016), and not a lot of other characters to interact with despite enemy monsters.
The game just leaves you little hints and snippets and that’s what makes Doomslayer so exciting to think about. Just the right levels between ‘cryptid half-god who never shows emotion and is a player-insert’ and ‘this dude’s got an AGENDA. he has PLACES TO BE’. You are him as you play, but sometimes he makes decisions on his own. But personally, i could never find myself to disagree.
First, you got the intro sequence. 
You got a unknown voice telling you: 
“They are rage. Brutal, without mercy. But you. You will be worse. Rip and Tear, until it is done.”
First of all, YO. WOW. HOLY SHIT.
The scene immediately shifts to Doomslayer waking up. He’s naked, he’s chained down somewhere, theresa SHIT TON of scars littering his arms and hands. First thing HE does, on his own behalf, is ripping off the chains by flexing a little (literal iron chains!!!), smashing a zombies head against the sarcophagus he lays in and completely obliterating said head into a bit of blood (mind you, three seconds after he woke up from a thousands of years long coma!! but we only learn that later), and then promptly gets up, picks up a pistol, and now it’s your, the players turn. This takes like 8 seconds in total. This man means BUSINESS. That’s the first thing we learn.
Second thing that strikes me is the interactions with Samuel Hayden. 
Doomslayer is patient when a computer voice tells him the status of the base. He is patient as he looks at the screens to see what is going on. (a demonic invasion, thats what). But then dear Dr. Samuel Hayden calls. 
Dr. Hayden says “Hi, i’m the boss here, i’m sure we can work together in a way that benefits us both uwu”. Doomslayer immediately grabs the PC screen and pushes it aside. His gesture says, i’m done with this. im sick of this dude. this guy is full of shit. And he’s right! And that after barely hearing two sentences from Hayden!
So the second thing we learn is that he has no time for people trying to exploit him. He hears Hayden, he has a gut feeling that this dude is a little fishy, maybe he just plain doesnt like higher ups and heads of facilities. But we learn that he IS. NOT. going to listen to this man, and his body language makes that very clear without being actually violent against the person (he doesnt destroy the Screen either! just pushes it aside very annoyed. He isn’t mindlessly destroying property here.)
This continues. 
Hayden goes ‘hey maybe don’t destroy that energy source!’ in the few seconds you dont control him, Doomslayer listens. He hesitates. He considers. Then he destroys the thing anyways. Hayden keeps telling him to stop, but Doomslayer doesnt listen. He’s got his own mind!
This was mostly about Haydens Company, the UAC, harvesting hell energy, and hurting people in the process. 
There’s a scene where Doomslayer rides an elevator. Hayden, over the comms, tells him that everyone that has died in the demon attack was a nacessary sacrifice that will bring a new future or some shit like that. the camera pans down to show some poor sods corpse at those very words. Doomslayer cracks his knuckles. he is NOT HAPPY about that, so we know he doesnt like it when human lifes are sacrificed. He destroys the communicator, so he doesnt have to listen to Haydens voice telling him lies and trying to sway him anymore. 
(then he takes out his shotgun, the doors open, metal starts playing and the doom logo is shown, but that’s more about making the player feel epic than showing doomslayers personality,,)
Now i would like to talk about VEGA, the AI that controls the mars facility. 
VEGA occasionally talks to us/the Slayer. He is very straightforward, tells us what to do and why to do it, and is generally very polite. In the story, Doomslayer listens to Vega. 
Now why does he listen to VEGA but not Hayden? 
I think it’s because Hayden tries to get him to do things that just benefit him, and Hayden is very manipulative in his words (or tries to be lol), while Vega just says (if you destroy this thing, that door will open. I think Doomslayer appreciates it when people are honest to him.
And in the end, Doomslayer on his own decides to save a backup of VEGA. VEGA didn’t ask him to, Doomslayer did that on his own. It’s not relevant to his mission, he doesnt need VEGA to go to hell to close portals and whatnot. But he does save him. Why? I think it’s because he cares. Because he’s come to like VEGA. Because Vega didn’t try to manipulate him and screw him over. 
Next up is the Slayers Testament. 
These are a bunch of writings/recordings that you find scattered in the hell levels. (i highly recommend listening to them/reading them, they are metal as fuck and give me such an immense feeling of power bc they are talking about me, the doomslayer)
These testaments were written by demons. They were genuinely afraid of the slayer. 
Unbreakable, incorruptible, unyielding, the Doom Slayer sought to end the dominion of the dark realm.
As said, i don’t think these are purely talking about his physical strength. They are talking about his... well, mentality. His Codex. They see him as an unstoppable force. He is incorruptible. Let that sink in. Man walks trough hordes of demons and at no point ever thinks ‘yeah maybe this is a bit much’ or ‘they just keep coming this is pointless’. No. He’s unyielding. (Can you tell how much i love the words in these testaments? It’s just got such a nice ring to it.)
In battle, the Doomslayer is BRUTAL. He tears apart demons, rips their eyes out, all that. He stomps on heads like they’re water balloons and isn’t fazed at all. Nothing stops this man. (except players like me who fall off the map 5 consecutive times, but lets just imagine the doomslayer is actually like he would be if someone played the game perfectly. player skill shouldn’t be considered in my headcanons jahdjhgd) One could even argue he has fun at this, because there are some animations like ripping off a zombies arm and beating the Zombie with it, or feeding a demon it’s own heart.
I feel like that says a lot about his personality as well!
He doesn’t hesitate. He doesn’t doubt himself. He doesn’t question his cause! He fights to get rid of the demons, not just the ones in his way, but every. demon. He will go out of his way to kill more demons. You could either take this as him having fun, or him following his own moral codex to get rid of every demon, or him being a not-quite-human war machine, or wanting to protect humanity from them. 
I would say it’s a healthy mix of all that :D
In older games, there was this whole backstory snippet of him returning to earth, finding that the demons had invaded his planet but also killed his pet rabbit (Daisy), and he then goes onto a 2-game long revenge trip.Take that as you will.
The last thing i would like to mention is this post.
Please watch the video. Doomguy walks trough the rows of random human guards. This is the walk of a man who doesn’t owe them SHIT. Yes, he wants to save humanity. Yes, he cares. But he also knows who he is. He knows what he did, and what he will do. He doesn’t have to justify himself in front of these shady scientists and jerky guards.THEY owe HIM, in fact. This video emits the sheer CONFIDENCE of someone who has walked trough hell multiple times and knows none of these people could even touch him. Yes, he would never kill them. He would not harm humans. But he doesn’t care about making them uncomfortable with his presence, either. He doesnt ask for permission.
(i think by now i am using the exact same words they did in that post. really, its worth the read. i think there’s a lot of repeated things between this post and that post by now but i encourage you to watch that video. its worth it.)
Also, the impact he has on the people in this room! they trip. they walk backwards. they go quiet, stutter. they are intimidated. They know he’s technically here to help and save them, but now, standing in front of them.... just wow. it really puts things into perspective. it tells the player that all the demons that he’s killed, all that the doomslayer has done... its noted. it has an impact. 
I’m not really sure where i’m going with this anymore, but watching those NPCs react to the slayers presence just adds so much more to his character. it tells us how people see him, and boy.... do they see him. 
i think it also ties a lot into how the player is made feel, controlling doomguy. all these head stomping and limp tearing animations, the guns, people being scared, watching doomslayer destroy important equipment from first pirson or pushing open doors or whatever... it just gives me such an immense feeling of power! i can’t even describe it. (...it also has nothing to do anymore with the original question but holy shit did i love playing doom for the sheer atmosphere of it. despite me being horrible at playing.)
(at the end of this i’m realizing that all of this never addressed if doomslayer is happy and content murdering demons, or if he just wants his peace and quiet but can’t help himself every time he sees a demon. i would propose to leave that up to headcanons. mine is a mix of both but in a way that makes it not angsty. like he loves to have his calm moments, but is just as happy to rip some demon’s spine out. probably gets a little itchy and impatient if he hasn’t fought in a while.)
also if you’re interested in game design and way more professional people talking about why doom 2016 is great i reccomend this documentary
...anyways it’s past 1am and this has gotten way out of hand but
tl;dr: the doomslayer is metal as fuck, he has a lot of agenda he is following, and i love him so much
#amber talks#doom#where do i even begin with this?#i wanted to answer this in the morning but that was over an hour ago now#jdakjsdhasdjh i can't help myself theres so much to say about doom!!!!#you asked for this anon#it's just so... *clenches fist*#i forgot of course that the music is pretty much the best thing ever and i've been listening to it SO MUCH while writing litve#everything about this game is designed to make you feel powerful and HOLY SHIT is it working#id software did a great job#i watched a whole documentary on this it was great#...yeah i study 3d stuff this is pretty much in m#my field haha#i've just had all these feelings in me for months and now that someone showed the slightest hint of interest it's all coming out#sorry its so unorganized i tried to at least take one point after the other#now to write another essay on why the slayer and the mandalorian are very alike in some parts but mando is so much softer#(its because slayer has been trough hell and back while mando still has hope in the world)#(i mean mando is a jaded and tough bounty hunter but all that he is doomslayer is cranked up to eleven)#(shush now i said in another essay! go to bed)#(....its not gonna be an essay its gonna be a fanfic and its gonna be great)#(mando is such a softie......)#*pushes my mando/slayer agenda on my side blog as well* ah i see#long post#...very long post#hey i've hit 2k words with this!#....i've written litve chapters that are shorter#EDIT: WAIT FUCK I THINK I MIXED UP THE SECURITY GUARDS LINES WITH A FIC I READ ONCE#or did i gave EX that line in the last ask i answered????#i'm??? im gonna go to sleep lol
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kyunsies · 3 years
hello hello mädchen <3 i hope you're doing good today and it is lovely where you are
i am slowly feeling better thank you - i'm still have trouble with sleep but i hope that it gets better soon. 😢😢😢 your words. you are super amazing too and so kind. i feel we have very similar tendencies too and it's a really good thing sometimes but can also be a not so good thing. idk if you've tried this but i'm trying to try less hard? not that like i don't want to work hard but it feels like sometimes i cross that line where it's too much and it actually makes it worse? like to let go enough to be able to appreciate my work as opposed to try and kill myself over it? idk i don't know if it will work but i want to try? i've just moved to a new agent/rep that will hopefully be better for my mental health just cause they seem nicer and will stress me out less.
your job sounds really thorough though. do you enjoy it? i 100% agree with you though! i like to buy good quality clothes too, but that's probably because i really don't buy loads either so each piece feels like an investment? what did you get? is it warm where you are? or have you been investing in more wintry stuff? i so so rarely get multiple versions of albums! i always really to but then i wonder if i;m going overboard and if i end up looking at the photobooks? i got the comma and xiesta photobooks last year and now i'm not sure if i wanna sell them on to a monbebe that will appreciate them more? hmm just me overthinking probably? leather platform shoes sound AMAZING. hahah i do the same though if i know i want to spend some money so i usually wait for the following month sometimes even though i know i'm gonna get the thing anyway? haha.
i'm back to heaven as my fave now!! i'm so so so looking forward to mx eng2 but i agree with you. like these careers are so so so short i'm sure they're aware of this and just want to live their career to their full.
ahhhhh 😢😢😢i love you lots and honestly i was so scared my last year of uni too. i don't think older generations get how much harder it is for people our age when we leave uni and stuff to just start a live that is nice and happy and fulfilling. so you're not alone and honestly even now i feel the same way just after i left uni. BUT you know you have the ability and that means you'll always be able to find a way. i was gonna buy five versions of an album today so i am deffo not the most responsible haha XD but thank you and also know that being insecure means that you're human and not an asshole because honestly all the people that were so overconfident that i've ever known (and i don't mean like - putting it on to help them get through stuff or performing but legit thought they were all that) have all been assholes. so it means you have a good heart and you will always find a way. i don't deserve being looked up to honestly but i'm honored you think i am <3 i'll always keep working hard - i wish i could give you a hug in person and let you know that things will be okay! please always feel ok to tell me your troubles and anything as well. am always here for anything you need too <3
love you lots and lots and lots xxxxx 🦢
babe i am finallyyyyyyyyyy answering this now ;___; i'm so sorry i kept u waiting but i wanted to answer this with all of my attention and not when i was busy bc that wouldn't have been fair to u :( so i hope u have been well and thank u so much for being patient !!! also u used my full name ........ what if i loved u with my whole heart <3
have u finally been able to get the rest you need ? i know work can keep our anxieties on high alert, which makes us even more inclined to burn out :( i hope u are able to rest well soon and not worry too much about work in the future ;____; but like i always say i'm really proud of u for pushing thru anything bubbie like u could easily just give up or have a mental block but if there's one thing i know both of us pride ourselves in it's always finding a way to handle stress no matter what the cost it does to our mental heath etc ....... which could be a bad thing but also there's lots to be said about how our work ethic is right ?? also LDSKFJS not trying hard .......... i think u mean like not stressing myself over every little thing right? there's a saying "don't cry over spilled milk" like CHILL it's okay it's just a mistake just clean it up and move on :') i really wish i can learn this mentality in the future ...... i just don't have those types of ppl around me in nursing school bc all of us are always on edge so i think i'm missing ppl like that in my life (besides my family but to an extent they can be classified as type A personalities too skjflfj) but anyways; u said u moved onto a new agency?? i hope that works well for u and they are able to allow u to grow and create things freely <3 good luck !!!
my job is just okay !! i won't be doing this in the future but it's nice to know that for a fact i don't think i could work in an office setting like this for the rest of my life HHH but it's okay, i don't mind organizing things for other ppl esp if it will help the company in the long run !!! and about my clothes SLKDFJ i totally agree !!! like we said we don't like our bank account hitting below a certain number so everything i buy is like an "investment" like u said hehe so most of the things i buy for example jeans are over $70 for me but i know i'll probably go a whole year not buying another pair and wearing those most likely everyday lol u know ? it's very warm where i am (most days lol) so i've been buying some light weight clothing !!! i don't like wearing jean shorts or anything like that, my fav material to wear in the summer is linen and cotton so i've been buying a lot of flowy linen pants <3 i got a pair from the store madewell, and bc i was on holiday this week i went to this one swimsuit store called everything but water and they sell pricier swimwear but i get so fed up trying to go to cheaper stores to look for swim tops bc i have bigger boobs hhhh and nothing makes me feel comfortable in my own skin so i don't mind spending money on something i feel comfortable in !! anyways i bought a bathing suit from there and then i think that's it ?? i was going to buy some jo malone perfume but it's so expensive so i didn't ;____;
U ARE BACK ON THE HEAVEN TRAIN WOO HOO <3 lol it is such a good song ....... i told u it's in my top 3 comfort songs <3 and about the eng album !!! yes i totally agree, i think they're aware of how much they're doing and honestly i think they should take advantage at every opportunity that comes their way as long as they feel that have control of the situation :)
and ALL OF THIS LAST MESSAGE MADE ME CRY WHEN I READ THIS :((( i tell my mom about all my anons lololol and she knows about u and ur work and i read this last part to her and she thought it was so sweet of u to say ;_____; it's kinda comforting knowing i am not the only one who has these doubts about the last year of uni :( i don't get much feedback from my family (besides my mom and grandparents) about if they're proud of me or not , i don't think they really get how hard it is for me being a nursing student but i just want to do well at whatever i do :( i want to be able to look at myself and go "hey u know what ur doing and ur doing really well".... i just hope i get there someday ;____; i have so many anxieties and maybe i need to talk to someone about them bc i think they hinder my nursing performance rather than help me but just knowing someone like u cares out there ........ i mean u know me but we have never met and u are so sure about my abilities and i can't tell u how thankful i am for someone like u <3 truly brings tears to me eyes <3 i want to give u a hug too :( thank u for ur kind words always i could cry right now ;_____;
0 notes
goggles-mcgee · 4 years
So, I just read through your rewrites, and the last one I saw was for "Reflekdoll" -- except you covered "Reflekta" from season 1 instead. So, bearing in mind the "Reflekta" you've already done, how would "Reflekdoll" from season 3 proceed? Bonus for Lady Noire having the legit hots for M. Bug, please. (Sorry if this sent multiple times, I was getting Gateway Timeouts from Tumblr!)
Ah see I didn't catch that, thank you for telling me I did the wrong episode. Anyways let's get into Reflekdoll!
First and foremost let's talk about Juleka, I totally love her as a character and all but they use her shyness somewhat as comic relief. Examples being Dark Blade,Gigantitan, and of coure, Reflekta. As someone who suffers from social anxiety it kind of made me mad, it still does but that's besides the point. This episode was supposed to be her trying to overcome that shyness to do something that she dreams of doing. This episode gets some kudos from me for showing the sibling relationship between Juleka and Luka. Juleka has a little pressure on her to begin with though because of it.
Some may disagree with me on that, Luka didn't intentionally place pressure on her but Juleka is taking his advice and she tries to through with the whole model thing because it's not just her dream, she doesn't want to disappoint Luka. We all now he wouldn't be disappointed in her, and Juleka probably knows it too, but anxiety is like that folks. For the sake of the episode this will all be the same but I do want to change something(s) or there to be actual effects of causes on this gosh darn show.
Enter in my problem number 2 (as Juleka's portrayal being 1) Alya, Adrien, and the All Timr Betrayal. Am I being dramatic? Yes! But I'm a dramatic person! I flourish in it. Anyways, Alya, I get she's just trying to be helpful but the reality is she wasn't, and this was another example of an instance where she shouldn't have forced Marinette into something she showed clear disinterest in. This photoshoot wasn't just for shits and giggles. It was for Marinette's future website. Alya knew that. Yet she still tried to make it into a matchmaking session. Adrien should have said no. I know shoppers may be mad at me saying that but Adrien is a professional model, and what do professional models have? Contracts. Gabriel doesn't seem the type to just let Adrien model for anyone and we've only seen Adrien model for Gabriel brand things. It's safe to assume that it's in his contract. He may be an Agreste but Gabriel is professional and would absolutely have Adrien on a contract. I imagine in the contract is states he is only to model the Gabriel brand or any brand Gabriel approved of as he is a minor. Marinette could have been sued if Adrien did model for her and the pictures were used. You can say they're friends all you want and point out that it would be immature of Gabriel to do so but I argue that Gabriel is that immature and it's not a matter of Adrien modeling it's about his Brand and his brand is the second most important thing to him besides the miraculi (I refuse. REFUSE. To say miraculouses. It's dumb and I hate it)
So Adrien should have said no, which could have resulted in Alya trying to get him to do it despite him saying he can't and maybe it takes the a while to the point where they can't do the shoot anymore resulting in Juleka's akumatization. The Miraculous mix up could still be accomplished let's say Adrien gave in last minute, the only thing he takes off is the ring, Marinette took off the earrings and boom Reflekdoll happens they run out without thinking, leaving their Miraculous behind. Same situation happens where Mari and Adrien get shot by the ray and Plagg and Tikki go off with their Miraculous to find their holders. The mix up happens and we still get Mister Bug (hate the name) and Lady Noire. Now the other option is it starts off the same as the actual episode, Adrien agrees because he wants to help out his good friend Marinette. But Marinette resists and is mad at Alya because she told Alya to not involve Adrien, not only because that is super messed up to Juleka but because Marinette actually wanted to get work done and Alya knows how she is around Adrien. Marinette giving in because of Alya and everything else and she doesn't want another friend hurt and the mix up happens again.
Fight is basically the same for each version. Except Adrien is called either Lady Beetle or Red Beetle. SOMETHING OTHER THAN MISTER BUG! That sounds like a name a kid would give a superhero. ("Hey Manon what would you call Ladybug is she was a boy?" "Weird question mom, but I shall answer and his name shall be Mister Bug." "Thank you for your time Manon." "Always a pleasure mom.") His design was legit though, that was a great suit! (So why couldn't they do that for Ladybug?????????????) Lady Noire is cute I like the name, it makes sense and doesn't make me want to rip my hair out, i would have also been okay with Kitty Noire, Kitten Nuit etc. BUT THAT SUIT!? it was nice I guess but simple, and I love Mari but that green did not work well with her, they should have given the outfit Blue highlights and such! And maybe made it not as simple??? Like they give Adrien armor, they couldn't have given Marinette some flare????? The suit for Mari is my only complaint switch wise. I loved the fact that Marinette got to relax somewhat during the fight and actually have fun with it, which is why I don't understand why so many people were mad at her and being mean, like she was just doing what Chat Noir does! But because she does it she's suddenly unprofessional and mean?? Huh, cause that makes sense. Adrien getting frustrated? Thank you for giving the boy some emotions other than Happy or fondly annoyed or lovesick. It was great that they both got a feel of what the other has to do in a fight and it shows that they have the wrong Miraculous but are trying. It shows us that they are the right people for their given Miraculous.
Now I know you wanted shippy stuff but honestly that's one thing I would change for the episode, it being less focused on them and more on Juleka as this was supposed to be about her, give me her mom seeing the giant doll and knowing it's her baby and rushing over along with Luka. Luka asking what happened and Rose telling him what happened. I'm not saying this just because I love Luka, but because, this started out with him and Juleka. Maybe have him think it's his fault and try to apologize to her and that's what makes her hesitate and that's what helps Adrien and Mari get inside the doll and what not. Maybe her shooting her mom with the ray and pausing because she didn't want to do that to her mom. Maybe Juleka is the one who breaks free from Mayura and when she does Mari and Adrien get to her akumatized object. Also give me shorter time limits after they each use their special power because they are not using the right Miraculous and the Miraculous knows that. Maybe they can't hold the transformation as long as they would normally be able to. I can see Mari looking at "Chat" and the changes he made to her suit and being like "That's actually super cool" and complementing him on it and next time we see her, we get a suit upgrade.
And finally the end of the episode. Instead of Juleka and Adrien modeling, which I have nothing against but again the whole model contract thing and the fact he has to go, I want to change. Adrien does leave and he feels super bad for it but maybe this is the thing that makes him asl his dad to maybe help out Marinette or give him pointers to give to her, or maybe even him asking his dad if he could work with other designers like with the hat competition. End of with either Juleka and Luka, Juleka and Rose, or Juleka and Marinette. The Juleka and Luka would be cute because the episode started with the siblings and it can end with the siblings and it would still show off Marinette's designs on both females and males. Juleka and Rose because it would be nice to see the couple look on them and it would show a same sex couple which would be super cool and cute as i think they could totally pull it off. And Juleka and Marinette would be cool because it would show people that Marinette wears her designs herself and is proud of them and the added bonus of Marinette and Juleka having a heart to heart while changing or after the shoot and Marinette asling Juleka to model more for her. And maybe an apology from Alya to Marinette or Juleka or both after Marinette apologizes to Juleka. Maybe a group apology? Idk just...an apology please. Kids need to know that some actions have consequences and it's okay to admit you were wrong and friends do apologize to one another.
But yeah! I did like the episode overall though! I think we were all looking forward to the swap I just think they could have handled it better.
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raguna-blade · 4 years
Revolutionary Girl Utena 34-39 And The Adolescence of Utena
So hot diggity damn, I finally finished the Series and it’s Sequel movie. (Perhaps it’s not truly a sequel. I will be graceful and acknowledge this as a possibility as I gleefully ignore it because hot damn that movie makes Negative Sense if You haven’t seen the series before (Which I know factually because I’ve watched it multiple times without having seen the series in full proper. That dance scene man) but makes immense amounts of sense if viewed as a sequel. I’m gonna get around to it sooner or later I think, probably sooner since the subject is on my mind, but still) Shit went down. So much has gone down, but the one thing that I can say is that it I am so glad to see that Akio got dunked on in the most pleasing way by the Lady who consistently spat hot fire the entire series.
Proper Essays and the like to come as I Do a run through thoughts and such, since I got a bunch of them.
Episodes 35-39
Episode 35
Oh Boy prince time again. Oh god. Oh god they changed it again.
I find it interesting that Dios is Still framed pretty sympathetically. He's a solid A plus good guy, but shit goes so horribly wrong that he just...stops. Hm. Wonder if there's a reason WHY he warped so? It doesn't excuse anything but...
Wait, did Utena start recalling everything? Hell of a way to regain your memories.
I do not appreciate the crotch shot here following that last ep.
This whole scene feels awkward.
Oh damn her face flattened out like whoa. She mad.
Was it Eternity? That warped him...?
What's with the car...?
Also, ….Ok, toga. Car Pyramid too.
Also, is Akio...hm. Oddly Passive? Hm.
Give her a present, say it's from me, and god damnit akio please stop being weird for like 10 seconds.
What's with the carrot in his pocket.
Earrings? Jessu wakaba.
...Wait, was this to tilt TOGA? But why would that do it?
Prince Mystique. I think this shit was actually supposed to til him.
I think Akio actually fucking played Touga. HE THOUGHT THEY WERE PARTNERS AND YOU GOT PLAYED!
Yeah, Touga is fucking TILTED.
He looks so put off right now. Like he's...off. He's off in a way the others haven't been.
Saionji here reading him like a book. Jesus Saionji is tearing him a new one.
Used people like tools and it made you strong IN THE PAST.
Shadow Girls? Feels super early, but it's the second half of the episode. But what's the deal with fish...Oh, fish in the sea. Girls exist to be exploited? Huh...Toga I guess....A Mermaid? Oh, a fish and a personality
LEFT THE BED. OH NO. The earrings. Also, I dislike the soft lovely lovey dovey shading here. Just feels...like liesssssssssssss
He thinks he won the game. He wants her to be a princess.
A princess who will revolutionze the world.
Oh Shit the elevator! It's been too long.
Is it the bros time?
Never come out of this coffin. Is everyone dead here?
TOUGA: Uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
Final Letter? Hm..Why the play? But I'm making this call. Akio's not actually end of the world?
But for real dudes, why you strippin.
...Oh is chuchu a familiar? Or some part of anthy?
Honestly, all of this is half making me wonder about the black rose arc cause it feels...mad out of place? It got excised from canon but...hm.
Episode 36
This yinyang shit is increasingly worrisome.
Elevator again? Also, how long has it been since we've seen the rest of the student council. And why does Touga think he needs to beat her to save her?
Is the coffin (Coffins) Ohotori? Is this some weird purgatory? Would explain shadow seminar guy.
You sound sincere when you say that. IMPLYING HE DOESN”T THE REST OF THE TIME.
Oh Stuco? Please be the heroes we need.
Miki: WELL SHEIS A GIRL BUT...Uh...I mean that's good? Right? Something is off.
Oh Boy. Revolution TIME.
….What...what are they doing. What's with the  Bike...? Also, the metaphor shit makes me uh..Hm.
Saionji tries to copy akio, and immediately shot down, shits dumb.
Shirt open utena? Copying princly(???) manners there.
Night Dueling...?
So...what's up Touga?
And it shows the castle? Hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm.
Man, touga realizing he fucked up but big.
I'm not sure if he's fucking around or for real right now. This is a cute as hell moment i'll grant, but suspect. Touga's got a history.
So he does care. Oh...So that's why he has to win. To keep her away from Akio? But...what's up with that.
...So is Saionji to Anthy as Touga is to Utena? Huh...?
Shadow Time...? Prince of the Horse and the Prince...uh...Hm.
Apocalypse time Hoo boy.
Huh. The Roses growing in anthy's clothes....I wonder if they're supposed to be sorta like...Swords? Analagous to Swords.
Touga and Saionji...Yeah I think that's a HARD ass confirm there. Wait oh my god really?????
That no budget though.
….Touga said he'd protect her and....EVERYTHING GOT REALLY FUCKING WEIRD. THE CARS. ANTHY
Oh man the cars are getting HOT wrecked.
Are the cars the dudes/princes familiars...?
Is it over for us?
hoo boy. That's...a long ass pause there. And whispering akios name and YEESH SWORDS
oh god is it happening? Oh god it might be happening.
Utena is...uh...not here right now.
Utena don't you know how much i've despised you? HOLY SHIT
Episode 37
DON'T TAKE THE RING OFF OH FUCK. She remembers. Oh boy. Ohhhhhhhhboy.
Only realizing how many fake ass stars are in the apartment.
Anthy is acting more robotic than usual.
Forgive Me! Chuchu.
Oh, the Rose bundle has the whole set of colors don't it. Yep. Orange, green, blue, yellow, red.
End of the World doesn't want things to change?
You two just gonna...just gonna admit how close you are. Touga. Saionji.
Anthy can hear the car noises. If you can still hear it.
Anthy on her mind.
No star mention huh. Stars don't interest him....Hm.
Only place you can see stars are in Anthy and Utena's room.
Is this the first time we've seen utena in red?
….I JUST realized how immensely creepy this picture taking thing is from Akio. Somehow.
Anthy: My brother loves you as well miss utena.
Oh she's fucking up the ball game.
I love this life, I hope our feelings stay the same between the three of us.
Well fucking up the ballgame is off. But falling out the pattern. Never a good sign.
Juri and Miki to the rescue?
Utena is chosen to bring the world revolution. And she doesn't...want it. Been playing prince..So you could make yourself a prince.
Juri: What're you gonna do about anthy. You love her right. You...You know that right?
Nanami is a good girl, if a bit of a bitch..
Kozue watching like a hawk.
Miki: Hey I'm a bit in love with you.
Duel for her huh. HUH?
Shadow Girls...Why aliens crashing into the tower?
Utena's the Actress here. Shadow Girls OTP. Only one girl can be chosen at the audition.
So, a taste of the princess life?
Hoo boy...Why does he look so fucking angry. Also Anthy with the uh...weirdly sexual pains there.
What do you wanna do in the future Anthy?
Cantarella. A Deadly Poison. Why...are you just bringing that up. Poisoned Tea and cookies...huh?
What's with the record skip.
BOTH OF US TOGETHER 10 YEARS FROM NOW. Yes it would be nice. Just...Just ask her out utena. Please.
...Why are you on the ledge Anthy. uh...Is this a suicide HO SHIT.
I just can't go on. Anthy just...legit tried to kill herself? She just tried to kill herself.
Devoted to true friendship? A gullible fool?
Anthy. You can still turn back huh. Ring On. Prince Mode Engaged. Let's just fucking go.
Episode 38
Last two eps, now is the time I guess.
Hold Hands in the face of the End of the World. Let's goooooo
So...That's Dios. And Akio in front. So they're not the same person. For sure.
The Castle where a prince and princess will live together happily
Rose Bride Utena.Make her into a rose bride. Hit him utena.
Yes, what does happen to Anthy. Rose Bride forever. Swords for ever.
Oh are they building on the suicide thing? Please and thanks.
Oh anthy REALLY wants to die. Like she is not even trying to stay alive.
The Rose Bride, a doll with no heart, to be abused and used huh.
Anthy and Utena finally having a heart to heart.
...Kinda feel like they're talking past each other though?
Dios on her side.
The Prince and Castle are illusions. So that include the school...?
Uh...Uh...the star gazing room? Planeterium, that's the word.
Akio's room is the tip top. Casts Illusions.
Is it so wrong? YES FUCKER JESUS.
You never tried to understand anthy. Huh...
They are throwing so much here. Like god damn.
Akio claims
He's trying so hard to get that sword from Utena.
Nanami too!?
Smash the Worlds shell....oh the end of the world.
The Revolution Duel Has Begun huh.
Akio with his off brand Utena Outfit.
Real Combat huh?
Akio is REFUSING to explain himself. Which is markedly different since he's the only adult here.
I'm Gonna be a Prince...Oh shit is this the duel opening shot. Illusory construct. Oh boy. Oh boy that shit was literal wasn't it.
Anthy...? She looks uh...Not Ok.
Akio isn't though. He's looking uh...Bad too.
uh...pattern breaking again. Where's the opening. Last time to break a pattern I guess. Chance to.
You remind me of Dios. But you can never be my prince cause you're a girl.
The Duel Named Revolution. Utena is...Her Their Representative.? She's their Rep.
A boy saved juri's sister, and died. They can't recall his name. Uh...hm.
Y'all just gonna have corn cookin though.
Do you hate what i've become? Why is he crying?
Y'all just gonna leave Utena dying.
His knowledge is absolute. He chose this path. Claims to love her. FUCK HIM UP.
He couldn't win with his sword, so he stole utenas.
Stubborn and reckless hero. A taste of true friendship.
Shine with with human hatred. Summoned and deflected by Utena's sword?
Takes the sword in place of the prince. Destiny of the Rose bride huh. And he's sitting here saying she chose this? YOU TALKED HER INTO IT ASSHOLE.
So...Dios...Again. Through the door eternity, and the power to change things. Well damn fuck dios too.
It's interesting that Dios is presented as a powerful figure, but is ultimately pretty impotent here. He holds absolute power but cannot act? HUH.
Broke her sword huh.
Oh, friend pointed it out. Roses are all her color.
No power, you can't do anything. Just be dependent.
And the swords stopped.
Just realized how childish the prince is...
Oh hey a coffin. And her hands are bloody.
Oh...I think HES gonna have to deal with these swords now.
It's anthy in the coffin. Of course. Tracks.
Don't be afraid of the world says baby Utena. Word.
AT LAST WE MEET!? Yeah that tracks. That. Yeah. She's not being the rose bride. She's being Anthy.
While i'm thinking, the whole edifice of end of the worlds power broke down.
Someday together. Uh. Uhhhhhh. Hey. Hey wait a minute.
HEY NO THATS NOT COOL. In the end I couldn't be a prince. Forgive me.
The Swords are...Uh...Utena. UTENA! oh..oh shit.
Wakaba. Hero.
Shadow Girls gonna be an actress. 10 year reunion.
Who was Utena again...? uh.. Utena Hopitalized? Uh...Hey wait a second.
Everyone seems to be..going on.
They're all forgetting she ever existed.
He really doesn't realize what happened.
She vanished from your world. Huh.
Oh hey she's in utena's colors. Well maybe her colors.
Hey Final frame Utena and Anthy. ALRIGHT.
Revolutionary Girl Utena The Adolescence of Utena
Ok, so this isn't the movie proper, just the dvd thing, but Man Anthy looks super. She looks actually kinda confident and active and alive I guess?
Anyway, I'm going into this assuming it's some kind of sequel. I'm looking for that anyway. Whether it's true uh..We'll see.
Anthy and Akio on the tower? And now Just Anthy. At the toppest point where things were controlled right?
….what the fuck is this geometry.
Music still slaps.
I'm sure those pictures were supposed to mean something but fuck if I know what.
...What the hell.
Wakaba! Utena being the charmingest though.
On Air? Shadow Girl Radio! Listen Carefully!
This academy is castelvania.
Shadow girls: Dumped again? Rain on her parade? Huh.
Utena's Pavlor Instincts: PRINCE?! PRINCE WHERE!?
Budget yo. Miki and Juri though man. Juri's not a bad choice for prince.
Juri has like 8 times as much hair. Like Damn. Your Rival
Hey it's Touga! Utena is SHOOK
...The Rose Thing is BUSTED.  Just straight wrecked. The Garden. That's the word.
Hey touga what's with the spooky ghost bullshit.
I didn't come here looking for you. Surprised you're here.
I'll live with high goals.
More of a pink rose really. Unfurls to reveal...the ring? Huh. Rose Rain now.
Oh...That's DEFFINITELY the highest place in the academy. Structurally uh...uh.......
The Rose Gate looks fucked up. Oh that's a lot of roses. Didn't anthy say something about tending roses...?
Are you not afraid? Anthy looks...really happy. Her hair is down.
I'm the only one captive to the roses. Why'd you come here?
Why'd you come to this academy? And Anthy stopped when she saw the ring. And kinda freaked out.
How do you know about that. Heyyyyyyyyyyy. Saionji.
Rose brides symbol. She's holding that pink/white flower pretty tight though.
Anthy just...kinda went back into robo mode there. And she's not...precisely feeling the ring thing.
Meanwhile, that gate effect.
Do you have a sword? (you know nothing. Last chance to take it off please.)
Utena. A broom ain't a sword, but yeah fuck him up. Ain't worse than what you.
Anthy slap count. But she's active here. She's being a person here unlike before which is.
Anthy is covering her ears.
You're the one who doesn't understand. Is there any girl who's happy to be treated like a possession.
Anthy looking hopeful there. DIVE. YOU're NOT ALLOWED TO DUEL WITHOUT A SWORD.
And...Is this song from the original but better but....
Anthy and utena got back into the swing asap. Long Hair Utena returns. Prince Utena rather I guess.
GG Saionji.
Touga and Utena are cute as kids. Look at em.
Anthy just...asserted herself.
I don't usually invite people to my room. And then you pull her onto your bed.
Mark of the rose, you know it don't you?
Uh...uh damn Anthy. She's just....straight up feeling up Utena. Looked shocked then certain.
Dreaming of the castle with the prince.
Kozue what are ...what's up with this room. Her prince drowned huh?
Probably the closest we'll get to duelist wakaba here.
Also trying to win her. Well I guess you could say he's here for the dueling.
Hey, Touga don't kiss and tell.
These two are...oddly friendly.
Touga, don't talk to Akio. It's never good.
Calling her a witch.
Prince was a lord of the flies. The witch turned them into a prince.
Wait, not Kozue, that was shiori.
KOZUE, just put a knife to her brothers throat. OK.
Uh...Sold to your father...? Where's nanami though. Calling him a customer makes this uh...infinitely skeeziesr.
Wow Shiori seems a bit uh...
Oh yeah, that's no good. Goddamn poor touga.
Touga: I will win. But I can't be cruel to Juri. High goals man.
This darkness leads to the end of the world....And Dios being a goddamn Cryptid.
The Revolution will begin soon.
Miki: My wish is to obtain more power.
Juri: I want power to be free. To be unconstrained.
Touchy Juri is cool. Big Big Sister Energy there.
Shiori being MAD damicky right now. Trifling. Just absorb Nanami or something?
Miki: Free from Constraints. I get it. Yeeeeeee.
Anthy Please step away from the edge. And you just flash stepped to the center. ok.
Utena is WAY more expressive here too.
“There is no prince” That's...pretty chilling coming from utena actually. And Anthy is so damn touchy feely.
Uh. Uhhhhhhh. ok. Axe antics.
But not in utena which is a step up.
Ooh the ground is mad pretty.
Anthy! Looking mad gentle and sweet here. Duelist Utena! And Rose Bride Anthy!
Oh shit. This dance scene is...And it's their reflections .
Oh it's the oninon boy.
Draw Each Other huh! eyebrow waggle
Anthy where the hell are you going.What the. And it's the tower huh.
It's just an obvservation room now though huh. Or in this version.
Anthy, smiles when she takes off the ring. SEQUEL VIBE INCREASES.
Anthy, is unquestionably the one in charge this movie. Compared to before. She's way more impish.
Like...How the hell did you talk her into posing nude exactly?
Utena. Utena are you asking her to strip- ANTHY!
Uh what's that sound. WHAT ARE THESE PICTURES? Uh...Uh...wait what's up with the anthy here.
Ok, so Akio/dios being a weirdo again....and there is a fucking hole in her chest. A big honking hole.
Is...Is that nanmi. There's Chuchu and nanami yep, ok. OK. Oh it's the three dudes too.
You had limitless budget and you put this shit in.
...What the fuck was that though. Crocodile kun.
Hey Akio looking...Cool as usual. But is he still awful?
Record skips. Great.
Did he roofie his sister.
Hey fuck that noise WE DUEL NOW
...People can SEE them dueling?
What's with Shiori though.
Juri once again, being a boss. Also, I just noticed that all of their outfits have gotten an upgrade.
...Miki what do you mean who is Touga.
Juri is...WAY madder about her pretending to princedom than before.
Dios Overlay. And Anthy seemed shocked.
…....A Dead Akio. And he was buried under the ground. And Anthy looked...kinda...pissed.
Anthy killed Akio. And Shiori? Out here pulling shit?
...Oh Akio thought she was asleep when he pulled his shit. Hoooooboy.
Oh the interview room. Shadow room?
Akio freaking the fuck out and he killed her.
And he's dead. Pretty pathetically actually.
Deffo the shadow seminar. Hellavator!
So castle showed up when she killed her brother.
Is...Touga dead.
They keep going back to this drowning kid.
Hero Touga. The Touga we deserve.
Well he died in water and not fire, so...Go him. Seemed pretty chill about it.
I finally found you utena. Power of miracles as long as you stay here.
Pull the sword out and just put that shit back in.
Let's get the fuck out of here-CARRED
Best version of the Apocalypse song, but why a fucking carwwash. Who thought this made sense. It's DOPE to look at but like damn man.
Utena makes a DOPE car though. Like that shit looks awesome. SHES RUSTING  ANTHY. PUT THE KEY IN HER.
Shadow Radio! Hot Damn, Kage OS looks DOPE.
They're all pink haired shadow gals. Which is neat.
Wacky Races Yo.
Only one who escapes this world. The only one who deserves it is beautiful me. Well...Rip Shiori.
Ok, this makes CONSIDERABLY more sense if you think of it as a sequel I think.
Needs help? Stuco Squad is there for youuuuuuuuu.
Or at least those who remain.
Saionji: I have your back. And when we get to the outside world, I will be there to seduce. The fucking dork.
Oh hey it's the castle making what I must assume is it's last appearance....Oh that's ominous. Das big.
Still freaking weird, but Shadow Girls got your back..
Oh hey, it's everyone's favorite dickhead.
Where you can be a living corpse.
You can only be a prince in that world.
Goodbye brother, you are no longer my prince.
Hey Akio, how is it you're still the worst.
The balancing act there is crazy like damn you two.
Shadow Girls no more! But we'll miss you.
Anthy Himemiya and Utena Tenjou as the Shadow Girls huh.
Man, the real world looks like shit. (?real World?)
The logistics of it aside, that's a hell of a cool shot.
Return to the outside world we're from. Explore and make the world bigger. Ok. Ok. I get you.
Also. That made LESS sense with context.
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sillyfudgemonkeys · 5 years
My stance on P5 (cause apparently I need to explain myself :/)
So someone just told me someone was vagueing about me on the confessions blog (can’t say my name cause it’s against the rules but they’ll try to get as specific as they can 🙃 if you have issues just be a real anon hater and send to my inbox directly you coward). And I’m not going to do a reblog to that post, because I’m pretty sure that person must be on my blog. Because the post they were vagueing me about was......not tagged.....in the P5 tagged (I did not tag it as P5 nor Persona 5), it was just a post that was on my blog (now if it showed up in the tag or search I dunno why but I didn’t tag it for P5 for a gd reason cause I keep it to my blog). The post was me pointing out how P5 when they first enter Futaba’s dungeon they didn’t have shoes on, but after the cutscene they DID. The post was more comical (with me getting salty in the tags, but then you’d have to go out of your way to read my tags). And tbh, I’m half and half, yeah I know it’s a nitpick, and I’d just chalk it up to an animation error and let it go usually, but it’s P5 and that game is already inconsistent with it’s plot/world building/characters/anything important that I’m like “nah I’mma rag on it cause it’s just one more thing they screwed up” so I’m like half let it go and half rag on it (fun fact, when I saw they didn’t have shoes on I was gonna make a post saying “hey look this is cool, nice attention to detail” and then they messed it up literally 2 seconds later so dklsjf;afa yeah). (oh and btw, it wasn’t just “one” character, it was the whole PT cast at the time 8U” at least get it right 8U)
But the thing is......that was just a post on my blog, I’m not me berating the P5 tag. So that means you, person who vagued me, tend to go on my PERSONAL BLOG. So like....why are you on here? No, don’t ask me about me and P5, I will answer that, but you answer why are you bothering looking at my personal blog? Is it cause of certain content I post? Then just blacklist certain tags (like my “silly plays” tag cause nothing really interesting happens in that tag, or my more negative “persona problems” type tags), I know I need to be better at tagging my asks, but if you like my original content then just.....go to the OG content tags (aka videos/pictures/edits/coloring)? That way you avoid anything not made by me? Or if you don’t have a reason and you’re just here to be mad cause someone doesn’t like your game, then block me. You don’t seem to like me, so just....why are you here? You seem to want to ask why I’m here with P5, and I have my reasons, but if you don’t have a reason to be on my blog then why are you on it?
I’m not saying this to be mean, but I don’t want to be policed, esp if someone is going to be hypocritical about it. And it’s annoying to see vaguing (cause imo you are as bad as someone who sends anon hate, but you don’t have the balls to just send it to me directly XP)
Ok now where’s my stance on P5? I don’t like it, but it’s a part of a larger series and lore which I do LOVE! Which means, considering I’m a LORE WHORE, it doesn’t feel right to just skip a game esp if it could contain info about the MegaTen/Persona lore (or even Character lore) I want to know. In fact, I really hate it when I’m talking lore with someone and if expanded info is brought up from a side game they are like “Oh I didn’t play that game so it’s not canon” No Bethany, just because YOU didn’t play a game doesn’t mean it’s not canon. And no, no one is bullying you over the fact you didn’t play it, you just don’t like being wrong and the person was like “Ok well it IS canon and it’s in the game, you don’t have to play it but you.....can’t ignore this fact, also why are you arguing this part of the lore when it’s heavily established in said game you ignored???? I mean you do you but don’t get mad when someone corrects you. No one’s forcing you to do anything.” Ahhhhrrrrgggh so many convos I’ve seen happen, I’m not going to be on the end that I hate. DX<
Also, P5 is not the entire Persona fandom, so while I put up with it and indulge in it by association, it doesn’t have the ownership of the fandom (like with all the original games+ spinoffs+all remakes/ports and P5S/P5R included, but not mobile games, it’s only 23% of all of Persona in terms of game entries, and that’s overlapping with crossover games, and if we included other stuff P5 is def a minor aspect in terms of entries). It’s not that hard, I’m just a bigger all around Persona fan than I am a Persona 5 critic (I don’t want to say hater, because it feels like it sounds like I’m hating it just to hate it, when really it was a game I was excited for and loved and then it just burned me bad and I’m just dealing with the scorn). Always keep in mind, I loved P5 before I hated it, it’s probably why I’m as salty about it as I am, because I love P5′s potential and....I was just let down (it wasn’t unrealistic expectations, like I said earlier, P5 contradicts itself.....all over the place, it’s hard to ignore and it’s not something that was as big of an issue, or even an issue at all, in other games). 
Why do I still post P5 stuff when I don’t like P5 (by which I mean...posting about the OG manga raws, or wanting to do a partial game to anime dub or even would be willing to help with editing a fandub for the anime)? Because I remember being a newbie Persona/Megaten fan, getting into the series, and wanting to know more about it and it’s side materials but then not being able to have access it any of it (because it was still prettty niche when I first joined and I had no money at the time). I want to give people access to it! Sure it’s harder for me to now to devote time to it (than it was a few years ago), but I want to help with giving access to this Persona/Megaten stuff now that I have some ability! And it also means P5 as well gets some of that love. 8U
As for why I was replaying P5, so this is one thing that’s making me wonder if you are a regular on my blog or not because I’ve been talking about playing the Korean version (but in my one post I forgot to type “silly plays P5/Persona 5 KOREAN” so yeah I forgot to specify Korean at the end). So tbh....I’m actually ignoring P5′s writing while I play (cause I’m just going through the gameplay motions), cause I don’t know korean. 8U And I’m mostly using that tag as a means to point out different things in the korean ver (no that much, but yes Ryu’s shoes ARE censored 8U). But why? Well.....I talk about it here and there but anon/person....1) I’m a trophy whore, I love plat trophies and P5′s is super easy I can get it (and I’m not above playing bad games, oh yeah burn, I’ve played a lot of bad games for plats, and I’ve also played the same games multiple times for plats, I do this to myself but really I don’t mind replaying P5 4+ times for 4+ plats esp since I don’t really have to pay attention). 2) I’m a big MegaTen/Persona collector, I want all the plats I can have (I plan on platting the other versions of the all the dancing games on Vita and PS4, P4G, and the versions of Catherine I don’t have, like I legit have a gd excel sheet keeping track of the versions of Megaten games I don’t have yet....I’m just doing P5 cause it’s 1) one of the easiest to do and 2) it was easier to get my hands on them atm). I don’t talk about my trophy hunting on here that much tbh, but that’s.....really a big reason why I’m doing it (plus with the Korean/CHinese ver I don’t have to pay attention to any story so it’s all good! :D) Yeah I do it to myself, but I don’t really mind. 8U And I mean I tend to keep most of my P5 issue on my blog too. I think the only two posts that I put in the P5 tag were 1) a few consistency issues I wanted to meme about (aka the I’m about to head out post, which was actually the 2nd post I made on that topic but I decided to just meme that one, so I thought it was better than me just bitching, at least I tried to make it a bit funny yet informational 8U), and 2) something that I tbh had an issue since I back when I liked P5 (aka wishing they worked on speeding up the loading times and the fast forward feature), so since I was playing the game I was like “That reminds me, man I hope they fix this in the re-release!”. As for english P5, the only reason I’ll be playing P5 OG in english is for either archiving reasons or research reasons (probably both at once so I don’t have to play through it more than once again).
As for P5R, uhhhhh I’m excited for Kasumi (Jose is cool too, and the new dungeon has me interested too, and all the P2 demons coming back to it makes me wonder what else is/if anything is coming back), she’s my main draw. Yeah it’s connected to P5R, but she looks so much like Hamuko I JUST HAVE TO KNOW WHAT’S UP WITH HER! Hamuko’s my girl, and I need to know if Atlus is going to do something with that, or if I need to be pissed for them literally lifting Hamu’s face! Am I gonna get pissy about P5R’s new add-ons (aka, I’m aware that P5R is probably going to keep the issues from OG P5, so I’mma just judge P5R based on it’s new content)? Yeah, if they kept up the same writing P5 OG had. So yeah, I’m probably going to get pissy if they eff it up, but I’m not going in pissy, going in with really low expectations tbh, but I’m giving it a chance. But if they don’t eff up the new stuff then......that’s good! It means they did something right. So far Kasumi is not Marie so we’re off to a good start. I’m hoping the keep that momentum. 8U
So yeah, I think I have valid reasons for staying, maybe you don’t like it anon/person, but they are there. 
tldr; someone feels like the need to police me despite the fact they could just ignore me (even tho it seems like they specifically came to my blog to get mad, rather than me clogging up the tag, like I post there maybe once or twice every 2 months). My stance on P5 is that I deal with it cause it’s part of a bigger fandom I’m a part of and the fact I love the lore of that bigger fandom so it’s not like I can ignore it. I also have a Playstation trophy problem. 8U And I’m excited for Kasumi is that so bad???? (also I didn’t mention it, but Anne/Haru are enough to keep me around 8U)
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paradoxhamartia · 5 years
About me
I was tagged by @nimudashh. Thank you so much for thinking of me! :D
- How tall are you?
Haven’t checked in a while, but last time i was 1.86 cms.
- What color and style is your hair?
Black. About the style...do i even have one? My hair are so afro that it’s almost impossible to find a way around their consistency, in order to give them some kind “of style”. I tried multiple times, in so many ways, to make them softer so that they could be worked with, but...it was always a failure. The most i can do is get a regular ass haircut. Eh.
- What color are your eyes?
For the longest time, i just assumed they were two pits of absolute, dark black. Turns out, they’re actually an extremely dark shade of brown. But if you look at them under a direct/strong light, you can clearly tell that they are brown.
- Do you wear glasses?
Yes, i do. They are a part of me, at this point. I’ve been wearing them since i was...seven? Eight? Still, it’s been a long ass time. They are my most valuable tool for living, cause without them i literally cannot see a single thing. I would die in something like, 30 minutes. If you want to kill me and get away with it, literally just take my glasses away and i’ll do the rest on my own.
- Do you wear braces?
Nope, never had to. The dentist always said that i have the most beautiful teeth he ever saw.
- What’s your fashion sense?
I’m really just a huge slut for beauty and elegance. Still, multiple individuals told me that my style is really close to that of an hipster. I guess.
- Full name?
I have two names. An italian one (Marco) and a senegalese one (Youssoupha).
- When were you born?
October 9th 1997 (i’m a libra).
- Where are you from and where do you live now?
I was born in Dakar (Senegal) and i lived there until i was around one, with my motherly relatives. At that point, my italian relatives came in and took me with them. Since then, i’ve been living in Abano Terme (a thermal city extremely close to Padua, near Venice).
- What school do you go to?
At the moment i’m working, but in the past i went to this Liceo Classico named after Tito Livio (in Padua). I’m also preparing myself for an audition at a drama school in Milan. I’ll probably give it a shot in around a year.
- What kind of student are you?
The smart but extremely bored one. Every professor had to go extra hard in order to keep me entertained. I was lost in thoughts 90% of the time.They always joked about how i was a philosopher that time traveled into the wrong era, lmfao. And my classmates always asked photos of my notes.
- Do you like school?
I loved it. When you go to school, you get to learn something new. You get the possibility of looking at reality from yet another, new viewpoint. Also, going to school forces you to stay with others. And i’m an extremely social individual. Being alone kills me. So, yeah. High school was dope.
- Favorite subject?
Mostly the ones related to human sciences. Aka ancient greek, latin, philosophy and history.
- Favorite tv shows?
My fave ongoing show is Shameless. Yes, i know it’s basically a shadow of its former self. But it’s my dear child and i’ll always love it, even tho it has obvious flaws. I recently discovered Now Apocalypse. It’s most likely fave material, can’t wait for season 2 to drop. If we’re talking about shows that already ended, Awkward (known in italy as diary of a superstar nerd) was my shit. Started a rewatch the other day. I love it so much.
- Favorite movie?
This will probably put a smile on your face, but it’s a tie between LaLaLand and Moonlight. They both resonate with me on extremely deep levels.
- Favorite book?
South of the border, West of the Sun (by Haruki Murakami). I could talk for weeks about this book. I resonate with Hajime so. Fucking. Much. Looking for an event to consider the “real beginning of your life”, so that you can completely invalidate the past that you simply cannot accept, is something that i do as well. Always looking for “rebirth”, basically (coff ken kaneki complex coff). But the one character that really pierced my heart was Shimamoto. We both are that kind of person that naturally attracts others, but is unable to be understood by them. We both are that kind of person that finds inconceivable the idea of being completely honest about the situation we’re living, even with those that are extremely close to us. That book is a gem. I’m rereading it asap. Higly recommended.
- Do you have regrets?
Having regrets is basically my main personality trait. Most of the time i’m unable to focus on the present cause i’m too busy wondering about what i could have done differently, and the scenarios that could have been but will never be cause of the choices i made.
- Dream job?
Actor/writer (for both books and series/movies).
- Do you like shopping?
Yup. As i said, i get easily bored. So i need to keep myself stimulated with new stuff.
- What countries have you visited?
Oh boy. Need some focus for this one. Italy (fucking duh, Marco), France, Spain, Germany, England, Sri Lanka, Senegal (again. no shit sherlock) aaaaand...that’s it? I think so. Dunno tbh.
- Scariest nightmare you have ever had?
I had this recurring nightmare where i was running aways from Gollum (he scared the shit out of me as a child), and while he was fast as fuck boiiiii i was extremely slow (imagine running underwater) so he always managed to get me and eat me alive. But if we’re talking about something recent...i would say my two cases of sleep paralysis. The first time it was about the main hunter from Bloodborne. But the second one is the one that really scared me. Korekiyo Shinguji came and, unlike the hunter, he didn’t just stare at me from a corner of the room but he legit came on top of me and chocked me. It was so surreal cause i could physically feel his hands around my neck. Weird. Especially cause i, like, really love Korekiyo as a character.
- Any enemies?
Not really. I’m that kind of person that goes along with everyone.
- Do you believe in miracles?
If with miracles we mean extremely positive but random events, yes. If we’re talking on the religious side, i dunno. My whole thing with religion is that i really don’t care about it (aside for the philosophical side of it) cause even if there’s actually a God i wouldn’t really be ok with how he’s managing this whole humanity thing so, yeah.
- How are you?
Don’t want to seem like a major edgelord so let’s just SKIP.
I’m too awkward to tag anyone, and also 90% of y’all probably already did this. So, if you see this and feel like it, just go for it.
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