#also: it’s ep 9 for anyone wondering :D
tumblinglikeduckling · 9 months
Hinata plays volleyball the way Osamu eats his food
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wala-ala-nano · 8 months
People I Wanna Know Better Tag Meme
Thank you to the amazing @pinkwesker for this tag meme/ask game! XD
Last song?
It's really fun to have this, the new Super Sonic Theme for Sonic 3 and Knuckles on Sonic Origins, but the Genesis fan-made remix, on loop :]
Favorite color?
Green :D
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Currently watching?
Nothing currently, but recently I rewatched Megaman X OLB, a sprite animation series on Newgrounds that is on cliffhanger as of Episode 8...Episode 9 where are you! The series from eps 1-8 was great overall and is one of my main inspirations for me to sprite animate myself :]
Last movie?
Spiderman: Across the Spider-Verse...it was a decent follow up to the first one imo. I preferred the first one overall as it felt to me like a more classical Spiderman story and the Spider verse stuff in that one felt more like a surprise. This new one, felt more ambitious I'll give it that, and I liked the new nemesis Spot. But idk, the Spiderverse stuff in this new one was weird and I didn't like the leader of the Spider society. Also dat ending...eh. Despite that, I'm glad I watched it at all, and probably would eventually see a new one.
Sweet, savory! And for spicy, I'd like it mild if anything...not too big on spicy
Relationship status?
I am single
Current Obsessions
Bayonetta 2, Devil May Cry 1, Megaman X (always), Sonic 3 and Knuckles (always), the Wii U which I recently got a Nyko extended battery pack for it's Gamepad controller, sprite animating my latest animation when I feel like making more to it, tentatively titled Megaman X and Allies :]
Last Thing You Googled
Google Maps
Selfie or another pic you took?
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This is my current computing/video game setup! My current computer is a Surface Pro 6 that I got as a birthday gift in 2019, I have it hooked up to my curved monitor I got recently! I got a HDMI Switcher that has the computer, and several game systems hooked up to it. I have a little remote for it that lets you switch between the connected devices :] I have a custom made mousepad for OG Resident Evil 2 XD that I started to use again. To the right of the image you may see some of my games like DMC1, The Wonderful 101, and Sonic 3 and Sonic and Knuckles up there on display! They are behind the PS5 and Series X. There is the table with the Nintendo consoles like the Wii U and red Wii! So yea that's a lil' peek at my room as of now! :]
Tagging the greats @m00nshee @resievilchic96 @thatdamnokie @zoraswaterfall @koudelka @cat-mermaid @imscaredbutimback @the-nuclear-chaos @lesbianaerith @interludes-after-midnight and anyone else who sees this and is willing to do this!
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hughungrybear · 1 year
Me watching Laws of Attraction Ep. 3:
1. Oooh, Charn's backstory (at last!). I see, Charn's ring pendant necklace came from Mum. So, I guess mum's dead? <after 5 seconds> HOOOOOLD UUUUP! How did Charn and mum end up from celebrating a case won to being blindfolded and kneeling/crawling in the mud??? Wtf. 😵
2. It has come to my attention that Tanthai is sort of dumb. I think somebody is due for some anger management therapy. He is letting his anger cloud his decisions. I mean, really? Asking the minions to disobey his corrupt dad's direct orders on a whim is peak stupidity.
3. Okay, since I still do not know what the goons are looking for, am legit afraid for Tonkhao's bestie. Looks like she accidentally chosen the thing that caused Tonkhao's death as a souvenir 😭😭😭 Also, grandma, I thought you gave Charn all the dolls in Tonkhao's room when he asked. Why the ever loving fvck is there a treasure chest full of dolls still (not to mention the one found inside Tonkhao's bag)????
4. I'm wondering: what exactly is Charn's relationship with Miss Clubowner? Is he a nephew or something? Also, got to admit that Charn's happiness is also my happiness atm (the bank deposit notification, that is) 😅
5. <my paranoid self seeing the icecream truck outside Tin's dojo> Oh, no. Not the kids!!!! 😟😟😟😟 <after 5 seconds> Gawd dammit, Charn. I almost had a heart attack. 😭😭😭
6. Of all the things that Charn should be stressed about, it's the kids (and Tin) calling him "uncle" that triggers him the most. Lol 😂😂😂
7. I can understand Charn's logic. You know how they say "first impressions lasts"? It is really applicable when swaying public opinion. It's the reason why so many effing politicians prosper - they know how to project a likeable image despite a rotten core. Still, I doubt a person as honest as Tin would play the game. If I were Charn, I would change tactics. If he couldn't convince Tin to let go of his moral beliefs, he might want to design a new plan that would (even superficially) accommodate those beliefs.
8. Why do I find Charn's bodyguard/assistant highly sus? Must be the paranoid in me lol 😅😅😅😅
9. Got to admire Charn's talent to push all of Tanthai's (angry) buttons. It took him less than a minute to threaten Tanthai. The guy has a natural talent for getting under anyone's skin 😂😂😂
10. Ugh. I still maintain that Tanthai is a dumba**. He should know how to play his cards right. If he has a leverage against his dad, he should be wise and get the timing right. 😑
11. OMG. They fired Tin??? Wth. 🤬 Also, why kill the dog too? What did the dog do to them? 😭😭😭😭
12. Sorry, no sweet moment can topple that dead dog image in my mind 😭😭😭😭
13. Again, Tanthai's stup*dity will be the end of him. Stop being rash and mad, goddamn it.
14. Really? A fire? What the hell. Wait, what is Charn doing there? With an extiguisher?? That's pretty convenient. 😑 Also, the assistant filming the whole thing? I smell BS.
15. The fvck does the eng sub mean "kids singing"? That was anything but singing lol. Also, I have been saying that Tanthai is stup*d, but is he stup*d enough to leave a traceable evidence in a potential crime scene? 🤔🤔🤔🤔
16. See, his rage would kill him (by the hands of Tanthep) one day. Tanthai needs to control his emotions so that he could one upped his dad when the time is right.
17. Yep, pretty sure Charn started the fire at Tin's house. His friends from the club probably lifted Tanthai's ring without him noticing <after 5 seconds> wait, I think Tin is also suspicious of Charn, judging by the looks he is giving.
18. Seeeeee? Tin is smart. I'm so proud of him. 😄 Also, Charn knows where all the cameras are, it is easier to evade them.
19. I guess Miss Clubowner sums it up pretty nicely. Tin cares for so many people that he naturally worries. On the other hand, Charn is pretty strict on caring only for himself (since his mum died) that he cannot even begin to consider the possible consequences of his actions to other people.
20. I am getting frustrated with Tin. Yeah, it's admirable that he has unbreakable morals but he has to accept that "good" does not always prevail against "evil". Not in the real world anyway.
Anyways, am not sure where the story will go with this black-and-white perspective of good and evil. On to the next episode.
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hellsbellschime · 2 years
Daemon and Rhaenyra in ep.7: We’ll have everyone believe that we killed Laenor so they can fear us!😈
D and R in ep.8: How can Rhaenys fears us because she believes we killed her son?! When that was our intention in the first place?!😱
That and Rhaenyra kind of forgetting why she married D in the first place and referring to the upcoming war as “his”makes me think if the writers have any idea what each of them write in the episodes they’re given. No wonder Matt and Emma were confused over the chocking scene with D especially even though it’s not OOC for him to do this he’s been given no actual POV since the first big time skip it actually hand me Jon s7 especially s8 vibes where all he did was be subservient to Dany and repeatedly say “You are my queen! and” I don’t want it!”while D was reduced to smirking evilly in the corner waiting for when the action will happen. Don’t get me started on the show trying to paint R as being this amazing queen to be when the shoe has shown no indication of that. All she’s done the whole season has been composing about being “burdened”with being named heir,begging the men in her life to save her and isolating herself at DS while still expecting to become queen just because daddy made the lords half of whom are now dead to swear loyalty to her while neither her nor she doing anything to back up her claim.This tells me the writers have never opened a history book ever yet they reduced this conflict to be between “punk rock Rhaenyra’s”and “woman for Trump Alicsnt” which btw anyone who suggested this should be fired because seriously WTH?!
LOL and similarly, Daemyra in episode 8: chops Vaemond's head off from behind because he correctly stated he is the rightful claimant to Driftmark over Luke because Luke's a bastard.
Daemyra in episode 9: shocked Pikachu because the people who literally watched a rightful claimant get beheaded decide fuck this shit and put the person they believe is the rightful claimant on the Iron Throne without waiting to see if Daemyra will also chop their heads off.
I mean, I enjoy the show and I get what they're trying to do with a lot of things but good lordt maybe acknowledging this kind of shit once or twice would make the story easier to follow and more compelling.
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lenievi · 1 year
snw2 #10
My personal episode ranking based on my enjoyment: 3 - 9 - 6 - 4 - 10 - 2 - 8 - 1 - 7 - 5 (might change after I do a rewatch)
I loved the whole season so much <3
Sam Kirk is really lucky that he can't die lol
Why was I right thinking that there would be another legacy character surprise in the finale? [I'm kinda not a fan of how much he's trying to copy the original tho...]
also La’an just remembering the roster of Cayuga… reading Jim Kirk’s personnel file (but apparently not Sam’s?)
glad to know that my prediction that Spock and Chapel won't end on a bad note this season came true (I mean, yes, at the beginning of the season I thought they would end it (because I didn't expect them to end Spock and T'Pring), but as the season progressed, and especially after the musical, I was like nah, they're still not finished with Spock/Chapel, and it's nice that their relationship ended on a hope - considering the looong hiatus. I mean maybe they both apologize, Chapel leaves, and that's it, but until then...)
(before the musical, before the whole business with Kirk/La'an, I was like, yeah, the season might end up with Spock/Chapel separated, but when they broke La'an's heart, I was like there's no way they're gonna end all three romantic relationships as separated by the end of the season)
Marie isn't dead either, so there is also hope for them to figure out how to save her. idk like they can freeze her, can't they? (that's typically what happens when a character is put into a stasis at the end of the season - well, they might subvert the expectations, but I think letting her live is already subverting the expectations) [if she can't be saved, I don't think Pike would start another romantic relationship... not with anyone in Starfleet, at least]
The finale doing what I more or less expected with the relationships, makes me feel good about what I still expect for Kirk/La'an (don't wanna people start saying La'an's gonna die in the first ep of s3 now tho - like what writing would that be if she lost a love, got her heart broken, and then was immediately killed by the Gorn who took her entire family and were half of the cause why she can't be vulnerable and is distant from everyone?)
guess only babies are really really aggressive and adult Gorns are more like the one in the Arena
kinda fun that I expected the Enterprise crew to be split up, but a bit differently - i.e. Pike's group stuck on the planet
now La'an is back among the Gorn (that was also a cliffhanger I expected) :( With Sam and others. Maybe in the first episode of s3, Kirk will come and save the day LMAO (I don't want that but it's just fun to think about - fun things to think about VS what I want to see in the show are two separate things) (yes, don't @ me that Kirk didn't know what a Gorn was)
"Sam, trying to play a hero?" "Shut up, Jim."
(and then the Farragut will take in Scotty. Even though some novels did always have Uhura and Scott serve under Pike - maybe SNW will give us background for Scott/Uhura 👀 (even though I personally like Chekov/Uhura)) But no, I don't expect Scotty to stay.
s3 bring on McCoy!
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janiedean · 2 years
How are you Lavi? I was wondering, have you have shared your opinion about the end of Supernatural? I would especially love to hear your thoughts about Destiel and that love confession.
hey! I'm... extremely tired because a lot of stuff is going on that I will partially share on main about soon but has been sapping my energies a lot (i'm OOOLD) but it could be worse, thank you <3
also, wrt spn: I think I did say it in scattered posts but if you want the condensed version:
I had quit spn like early s12 at the hitler episode then I finished it after the ending because I figured I owed it to them after watching the finale live as it aired so... it was something but going in order
I actually greatly enjoyed s12-15 up to the end and I was pleasurably surprised - like okay it was the usual crazy shit half of the time and it def had gone on too long but 12-15 were eons better than the slug that was 9-11 and I had a lot of genuine fun when watching them and like they actually look/are extremely coherent for spn standards so I mostly have positive stuff on the topic like the apocalypse universe was cool, the ketch redemption arc was cool, tombstone and the tarantino episode were a masterpiece (and the 80s rock episode too sdlgkjd same as the scooby doo crossover) and I loved chuck as the villain and how meta that was
concerning deancas and the love confession: I mean as the resident idiot who had written her first deancas fic after 4x03 aired I always thought that they didn't know what they had been doing until like s5 when they realized what they were doing (sorry no one convinces that 5x03 wasn't written by someone who didn't have the deancas agenda in mind in spades) but like I generally thought that if it went somewhere it was gonna end with sam retiring and being a man of letters or smth like that and deancas going off to fight monsters in a way where you could frame it as THEY ARE BEST FRIENDS™ in places where them being gay would be frowned upon
I also thought that if anything happened whether like... either canonization or adjacent-canonization it was gonna be the last five minutes of the series finale because otherwise some parts of fandom wouldn't have let anyone involved with that show live which is why I was pleasurably shocked the confession was in ep 18 and not 20
now: I think the network authorized it and then chickened out when covid hit because the way the entire thing is structured... like sorry but this story starts with cas rescuing dean from hell, in 18 cas ends up in the empty from which he can obviously be rescued, in 19 every single plotline gets wrapped except that one in an episode that can work as a finale-finale if you leave it at that and I'm supposed to think that the og plan for ep 20 didn't include a reverse thing where dean got him out and they made out? sorry at this point bite me I'mma put my money on that esp given that...
... episode 20 is the most useless finale i've ever seen in the sense that literally nothing happens in it, the show itself had fillers where more shit happened like honestly I've never seen 40 minutes of a show that were more... a waste of time and resources and effort as that one, it looked like they told the writers they needed to have dean and sam be bros™ one of them had to die and they met in heaven again and they did that but just that X°D like sorry but the vampire porn diaries had the exact same finale template - one brother dies the other lives a happy normal life and they meet again in heaven -, s8 of tvd was vastly worsely written than spn s15 like i'm not even arguing that, but if you look at tvd finale actually shit happens in it and when you watch it it actually looks decent/wraps things up/makes you feel stuff, the spn finale is just stupid but I can't even be angry at it because imvho it's obvious they did it on purpose X°D but like tldr if the og plans hadn't been scrapped whatever they were they would have had an ep 20 where shit actually happened and that wasn't the drag it was, and like if it had come at the end of a badly written season (like tvd) I'd have just shrugged and whatever but... it came after an actually well-written season that was actually coherent with the previous four ones so I can't believe that was the real endgame content really XD
anyway: the confession was imvho absolutely ic and coherent with the entire thing starting from s4 because like sorry cas being in love with dean since then is just blatantly making sense, I never thought once it was baiting or teasing because only ppl who never watched the show would think the delivery was bad or that either misha or jensen were cringing while saying their lines, cas saying exactly the stuff he said made absolute sense in context, dean's reaction (as much as I'm sure they cut stuff) was absolutely sensed as well and no one tells me he didn't reciprocate bc the entire thing was built so that he'd admit it to himself at the very end and I mean anon my friend my comrade when I watched that episode I cried for twenty minutes straight after I finished it so X°D
like okay yeah part of it was the SEE WE WERE RIGHT ALL ALONG FUCK THE DENIERS but most of it was that I honestly was moved and I found that entire speech extremely heartfelt, meaningful and a whole lot of things I'm not sharing on main because I don't want people deciding stuff based on it but like I have zero negative things to say about that confession, I'm glad it happened and I don't regret catching up also because it happened as it really felt like the natural reaching point of cas's whole arc, I'm just sad that whatever the fuck went on with the cw they didn't let dean have a decent ending bc honestly what the fuck was that thing and they deserved to be happy without presuming they met offscreen in heaven or whatever the fuck but honestly all my issues with spn's ending are with the cw obviously getting cold feet concerning episode 20
tldr: the ending-ending sucked but up until 15x19 I thoroughly enjoyed most of what I saw nonsensical or not because at that point spn was the kinda thing you watched bc you liked it with all the faults it has, I 100% believe that the last episode sucked on purpose because I've never seen a finale done with so little effort after four seasons full of effort ever like not even penny dreadful whose finale imvho sucked on purpose sucked this much but like getting there was worth it and deancas being canon in itself was smth I never thought we'd get this explicitly and I'm very very very happy it happened, peace
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devious-kat · 2 years
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I posted 178 times in 2022
8 posts created (4%)
170 posts reblogged (96%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 11 of my posts in 2022
#iswm - 4 posts
#in space with markiplier - 4 posts
#stranger things - 2 posts
#i was probably 11 or 12 - 1 post
#edit: - 1 post
#stranger things season 4 spoilers - 1 post
#byler - 1 post
#spoilers - 1 post
#st spoilers - 1 post
#stranger things spoilers - 1 post
Longest Tag: 83 characters
#some of you didn't see update on this post where i summoned 6969 crabs and it shows
My Top Posts in 2022:
I’m already onboard with Our Flag Means Death and I haven’t even seen it yet. But the funniest thing to me is having played the Assassin’s Creed series, these two characters are very familiar from Black Flag…
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Stede Bonnet
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And Edward Thatch/Blackbeard
So I keep picturing them in my head XD
9 notes - Posted March 26, 2022
15 notes - Posted May 6, 2022
Some thoughts on Stranger Things volume 2 and Byler.
So I get that like, they couldn’t suddenly be together this season, that wouldn’t be realistic.
But Will Byers still got shafted. He had a beautiful moment with his brother, I loved that.
But pretty much no reconciliation with Mike. You telling me in a 9 hour car ride Mike never thought “I can’t believe El commissioned this painting. Wait I thought she said she hadn’t seen it and had no idea what it was!”? That Will gave him this painting he worked hard on and Mike was like “oh that’s cool” and promptly erased it from his mind? Like I get the situation didn’t call for casual chatter, but like I said they were on the road for a lot of hours.
Not gonna lie, with the way El did it, and the title piggyback, I was expecting Vecna to go after Will by piggybacking into her mind. Or even once they reached Hawkins to like “feel him”.
For the first few seasons it felt like this was personal. That something about Will was causing the Mindflayer/Vecna to choose him. Why did the upside down go from just a hellscape to a copy of Hawkins on the *day* he got pulled in?
I’m really wondering how the 5th season will go. Overall, I felt disappointed in most of the last two eps. Jopper was beautiful. I was stressed about everyone living or dying. I feel so bad for Dustin. And Lucas. They have been traumatized. And poor Max, she broke my heart.
I don’t know that I’d call it queerbaiting only because like I said, I don’t think they could have gotten together in this time frame. But I also understand I may not know the complete definition of it.  And I’m sorry to everyone hurt by it. 💔
17 notes - Posted July 1, 2022
Dude, anyone who makes any kind of ISWM merch that mentions fixing it from the outside, they’re gonna make a FORTUNE off of me. Or ‘pop ‘er in reverse’. I had to rationalize not getting a jumpsuit I’d have like, 2 occasions to wear.
32 notes - Posted April 9, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
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Y’all. I’m sure we’ve noticed this, but I haven’t seen anyone mention it yet
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They just always have to be touching and I’m HERE FOR IT
197 notes - Posted June 7, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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mindmeltonabun-blog · 3 years
Doom At Your Service: Analysis & Theories for EPs 9-10
Anyone mentally exhausted from watching DAYS? Well, you’ve come to the right place where I do the thinking for you, so you don’t have to! As always, if you have any questions, feel free to click on the ask question button! Happy Readings !
The Contract Revisited
While reviewing the contract, I realized there was something major that I had completely missed! Anyways let’s go over the contract again to clear up some confusion.
The Contract is as follows:
1) Dong Kyung must ask for Myul Mang to destroy the world before she dies (It could be rephrased as Dong Kyung must ask for Myul Mang to destroy the world before her tentative expiration date)
2) During Dong Kyung’s last 100 days, Myul Mang will prevent her from feeling any pain
3) Myul Mang has to grant her one real wish
4) If Dong Kyung breaks the contract (does not wish for the world to be destroyed) then the person she loves the most will die
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If Dong Kyung does not violate the contract as in she wishes for the world to be destroyed, the person she loves dies anyways because you know.... the world is non existent. If Dong Kyung does violate the contract, meaning she does not wish for the world to be destroyed, the person she loves dies too because her doom is transferred to them. Some have also wondered whether she can has to ask for the world to be destroyed in order to get her one real wish to be granted. In my opinion, I don't think so. I think she can still get her one real wish to be granted regardless of whether she wishes for doom upon the world or not. Other things to note is that nothing will happen to Myul Mang if he does not stick to the terms of the contract (i.e keeps Dong Kyung pain free and granting her one real wish) because as Dong Kyung said "If I violate" not "If either you or I violate".
Now something to pay close attention to is #4. In Ep 2, Myul Mang had said he would take Dong Kyung’s doom (brain cancer) and transfer it to someone she loves. This is the part I missed! I’d thought that all Myul Mang was doing was transferring the death that was meant for her, not that he was actually removing her source of death which was her brain cancer. Therefore, if Dong Kyung breaks the contract, she will live because her brain cancer is removed and is subsequently transferred into the person she loves, causing them to die instead. I feel incredibly stupid for missing this important piece of info. In light of this new info, I will therefore retract my previous theory that Dong Kyung’s one wish will be to cure her brain cancer.
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For those who were confused by that scene of Dong Kyung going to the beach and staying away from everyone, here are my thoughts on that. Dong Kyung was trying to find a loophole. The loophole was that she was planning on violating the contract while protecting the people she loves. This means that Dong Kyung was planning on ending herself at the beach (you can't wish for doom upon the world if you're already dead) and accepting her doom (her doom can't be transferred to anyone else because she accepts it in herself).
Who’s Going to Get Dong Kyung’s Brain Cancer and Die?
I recently had a eureka moment a few days ago before Eps 9-10 aired that led me to formulating a new theory -- it's actually Dora who will inherit Dong Kyung’s brain cancer and die. Let’s think through some things first, “the person you love the most will die”. The most obvious choice is Myul Mang. However, if you think about that statement in a more abstract way, you can see that if Dong Kyung loves her life, then the person who will die is Dora. Remember that Dora is basically the personification of life.
To further add evidence that supports this theory, I present to you Exhibit A, Dora’s massive nosebleed. We know Dong Kyung has a rare type of brain cancer and it’s located in her frontal lobe. As days pass, the brain tumor is growing or metastasizing. In theory, the tumor could grow into nearby areas such as her nasal cavity and cause Dong Kyung to have nose bleeds (FYI: In real life, I’m a scientist with experience in the field of oncology and most of the time brain tumors don’t grow outside of the brain. It can happen, but it is very rare!). Now, think about the events that occurred before Dora's nose bleed. For example, Dong Kyung was out and about enjoying her time with Myul Mang and her family and friends. Essentially, Dong Kyung was beginning to love her life. This causes Dora to suffer because she is taking in Dong Kyung's illness into herself. Subsequently, this leads to Dora experiencing some of the symptoms of Dong Kyung's brain cancer (e.g nose bleed). Thus, as Dong Kyung is beginning to live, Dora is beginning to die.
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Exhibit B: Adventures of Pinocchio. At the end of the story, the Fairy (Dora) heals an ailing Geppetto (Dong Kyung) as a reward for Pinocchio (Myul Mang) becoming a good boy. Following this, we don’t hear much about what happens to the Fairy except that she’s in laying in a hospital on the verge of death. It is implied that in order to heal Geppetto, the Fairy had to take his illness into herself. Afterall, nothing is without consequences, someone must pay so that others can be happy. Much like the story of Pinocchio, Dora is doing the same thing as the Fairy. Dora is taking in Dong Kyung’s illness so that Dong Kyung can freely love her son, Myul Mang, without consequences (e.g Myul Mang dying).
Exhibit C: Dong Kyung walking around like she didn’t have brain cancer while in seclusion. You would think that since she didn’t see Myul Mang to recharge, she would be experiencing some severe symptoms, but nope she was walking around as if she was cured! I wonder where her cancer went.......DORA!
Exhibit D: Dora telling Dong Kyung to be madly in love and live. Basically Dora saying, "Love my son and live, don't worry about your brain cancer or him dying because I'm taking care of it."
Why Dora Didn't Want Myul Mang To See Her
For those wondering why Dora didn’t want Myul Mang to see her, here are my two cents. One explanation is that Dora probably didn’t want him to figure out that she was inheriting Dong Kyung’s brain cancer. It would’ve made him feel guilty to see that his mother was willing to take on even more pain just so he could be happy. Another explanation is that Myul Mang still has a lot of growing up to do (to become human). Dora didn’t want him to get the idea that he’s out of the clear just yet. Meaning if Myul Mang had found out that Dora was doing this for him then he would’ve thought life was a breeze now and have no further motivations to want to grow, thus ruining Dora’s plan for him (to grow up to become a good human). There’s no better motivation to make someone grow than the thought of their love ones dying.
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Final Theory on Dong Kyung’s Wish
In my previous post, I had discussed that without knowing the limits of what one could or could not wish for, it was difficult for me to accurately predict what Dong Kyung’s wish would be. However, in this week’s episode, I was finally given the limits: the wish must be a wish that is doom in nature. I thought to myself, what could be a good thing to end? Oh, that’s right, Myul Mang’s immorality. Dong Kyung must say “I wish for your immortal life to end” or something along those lines. The combination of Dong Kyung’s wish + Myul Mang’s willingness to sacrifice himself for her + Dora’s plant = the rebirth of Myul Mang into a real boy....oops I mean real hu-man.
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The Ending of DAYS
So, what kind of ending will DAYS have? Prepare yourselves. I think it’s going to be a bittersweet ending because it goes with the one of the main themes DAYS which is dualism. I think Myul Mang will be reborn as a human, but still have his doom responsibilities (so more like a fake human). He will probably end up becoming like Dora in the sense that he gets to experience the cycle of life and death over an infinite amount of time. Dong Kyung won’t be reborn in his next life cycle (remember Myul Mang tells that crazy lady there’s no afterlife; humans only have this one life). I guess the notion that the love he and Dong Kyung share will always be with him and forever serve as a shining beacon even in his loneliest days is sweet, but still I want a happy ending!!!
Now excuse my language, but to hell with dualism and what is logical! I want a happy ending where Myul Mang becomes human, lives with Dong Kyung, and when he dies that’s it. No coming back to doing his doom job in a different life. Dora can create another herald of doom. Dora did it once before and she could do it again lol. Or if Myul Mang must come back in a different life, at least allow Dong Kyung to be reborn at the same time. I mean you can grow the same plant again…. EVER HEARD OF PROPROGATION DORA?!! Metaphorically speaking, if Dong Kyung is a sunflower, then wait until she dies, harvest her seeds and grow her again…. it’s that simple Dora!!!
Some Thoughts on the Writer of DAYS
The writer (Im Meari) of DAYS is at best, pretentious and at worst, derivative. She’s more or less just rehashing the works of other great philosophers (Nietzsche, Schopenhauer, Deleuze, etc). She presents DAYS as a collection of major philosophical concepts with the intention to differentiate herself from that of other kdramas writers. She goes onto placing great stress on the idea that in order to innovate or bring about a new beginning, one must deviate from the norm, yet she herself does not diverge from the ideas of other philosophers. She does not present any philosophy of her own. In this aspect, she is a hypocrite to the very ideas she tries to preach. Oh well, to each their own. Who knows, maybe my opinion of Im Meari will change by the end of the series. Anyways, I’m still here for the romance between the actors and actresses and solving mysteries!
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Ep 11 Preview Predictions
Here are my predictions for Ep 11 based off of the preview, they may or may not be correct !
Dong Kyung takes back the bracelet from Myul Mang after their conversation on the beach. Honestly, I’m growing tired of this whole giving/taking the bracelet type situation lol.
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Dong Kyung enjoys a nice vacation with Myul Mang on Jeju island.
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Dong Kyung returns from the vacation because she finds out that her aunt is sick (probably from worrying about Dong Kyung). Dong Kyung beats herself up about it.
Dong Kyung is sick again (probably from hating life...remember that I had theorized that the more Dong Kyung loves her life, the sicker Dora will be become) and Myul Mang in his desperation pleads with Dora to help him, but Dora’s version of helping him is to …. surprise surprise… teach him another lesson. The lesson is that the grass isn’t always greener on the other side and that Myul Mang and Dong Kyung complete each other for the better. Dora shows Myul Mang what their lives would've been like if they had never existed in each other’s lives.
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Dong Kyung having never experience any kind of suffering would live a healthy life but become the most unappreciative and spoiled person ever. She may go on to finding that life was pretty meaningless and would want to put an end to it all. And Myul Mang having never met Dong Kyung wouldn't have any motivation or desire to grow as a person and so he would remain stagnant. And who knows… maybe at some point, that Myul would’ve became so angry with humans that he would personally go around killing every last one of them.
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nikkiwriteswords · 3 years
Hi! I would love to hear your thoughts/predictions/hopes for s3, now that we got the episode titles :D
Hey Nora!! Let me go grab my tua theory hat real quick. Spoiler alert, it looks exactly like the umbrella hat on the 3 right here:
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Full disclosure, I've only got like a pinky toe in the tua fandom right now, but I'm still going to see what BS I can spin from these titles.
1. MEET THE FAMILY. The description on imdb is "The siblings get to know some more of the 43 children in an alternate timeline." So, I think this is pretty self-explanatory. Netflix likes to start things off with a bang, so s3 of TUA will probably be no different: we'll probably get a vague flashforward/flash-sideways to a "what if" scenario that will make sense by the last few episodes, and the rest of the episode will be sowing seeds for the s3 plot. The big question is, what family are we meeting? I think this episode will revolve around themes of family (no-brainer) and redefining the relationships between our Umbrella siblings in light of the season 2 finale, as well as their new Sparrow 'replacements'. To that end, initial Sparrow sibling parallels will be presented and subsequently complicated in this first episode. I also predict we'll see varying reactions to this alternate Reginald, as the Umbrella siblings are thrust into an outsider perspective that follows on from season 2.
2. WORLD'S BIGGEST BALL OF TWINE. This is going to be a multi-layered metaphor. I can feel it. It will no doubt refer to the plot that's about to unfold (is it an outside threat to both parties - the Umbrellas and Sparrows - from, say, the Commission, or is it more to do with the two rival Academies?), but I wonder if it also refers to the Wizard of Oz type scenario the Umbrella siblings find themselves in: they aren’t in Kansas anymore. (But you know what is in Kansas? The world's current biggest ball of twine.) Also kind of want to see Klaus knitting again in this ep - perhaps as a way to subtly re-address his ongoing addiction issues, especially now Ben is gone.
3. POCKET FULL OF LIGHTNING. This probably has to do with powers. Sparrow powers, Umbrella powers. There'll be a lot of new flexes in this season, so who this refers to is anyone's guess.
4. KUGELBLITZ. Here's where it starts to get interesting, because this title carries forward the subject of lightning from the last one. According to a very quick internet search, kugelblitz literally means "ball lightning" in German, and refers to both a) a glorified WW2 tank designed to take out aircraft (a certified Big Boi), and b) a theoretical black hole made from light/radiation rather than matter. So this is absolutely going to be a new, unseen power - probably from the Sparrows. Hopefully from Christopher because a cube executing a move named after a sphere just makes me chuckle. Ah, fun with shapes... But in addition, this power is probably going to pack a huge, debilitating punch to whatever narrative is underway at this point in the plot. I'll bet money that whoever wields this power is the tank character in their party or they are after this at least.
5. KINDEST CUT. This throws me back to the barber shop meta, I'm not gunna lie. Someone's going to get hurt, either physically or emotionally, and it's going to be the lesser of two evils. If it's a follow through on the barber metaphor, then Reggie will be the one to orchestrate it. Or, in a surprise twist, will he be the one gTetting hurt or being silenced? (Remember that cutthroat allegory that chases the siblings through the first season, particularly Allison and Klaus. It was about becoming voiceless.) 6.MARIGOLD. Big shout out to this post for spreading the word on the marigold symbolism. I'm pretty sure this will be Reginald backstory, which ties in with the creation of the Umbrella Academy. Also, because I'm a sucker for flower symbolism and reading into things, consider that marigolds:
a) fall into two families, the calendula which means "little clock" and the tagetes, which is named after the Etruscan prophet Tages. The Etruscans believed heavily in predestination - some events are set in stone, and cannot be changed. (Consider the way the apocalypse seems to always come for one set of siblings...) b) are named as such colloquially because they were offered in place of money to the Virgin Mary. (More divine imagery, and reference to a pure mother figure...) They are Mary’s gold. So maybe it’s a reference to Reginald’s wife, which would fit with the flashback scene we see in 1x10.  c) are a flower of duality. They have strong connections with the sun and resurrection, yet the marigold is thought to be a flower of grief because it blooms in autumn. Again, think about that flashback in the first season. At the end of the world and a wife dying, there was the promise of rebirth. d) It's also a very common flower. Remember, there's actually 43 siblings out there. We've only met 14.
Also Netflix loves to do this thing around the halfway point (usually episode 5/6) in a season they're producing. They'll switch up the narrative with a twist or turn that provides a new perspective. 7.AUF WEIDERSEHEN. Once again, a German connection. And, obviously, a goodbye. Considering the last season focused on Kennedy, are we going to get some earlier Cold War time-travel shenanigans? Or maybe WW2? I think Blackman has said something about the Berlin Wall, which is interesting. A country divided... Umbrellas and Sparrows allegory? But as an aside, I'm also kinda lowkey hoping it's a nod to Auf Weidersehen, Pet. If you don't know the show, here's the wiki summary for the first season:
Auf Wiedersehen, Pet is a British comedy-drama television programme about seven British construction workers who leave the United Kingdom to search for employment overseas. They find work on a German building site in Düsseldorf but despite promises of hostel accommodation, are forced to live in a small hut that reminds them of a World War II POW camp. The rest of the series is driven by the interactions and growing friendships between the various characters.
In episode seven, three of the “Magnificent Seven” visit an intercontinental hotel. Just saying. If s3 was to go this route, my money would be on Luther, Diego and Five getting up to shenanigans in this one. I miss 125 shenanigans.😢
8.WEDDING AT THE END OF THE WORLD. Honestly, I’m holding out hope that one of our fave siblings gets married. I feel like that’s a trap though... Actually I feel like it might actually be a trap. As in, this is when the rising action really kicks it up a notch. But also remember the title of 1x01: We Only See Each Other At Weddings and Funerals. Maybe the siblings get split up, possibly in episode 3/4, and they’re trying to reunite through episodes 5-7. Also thinking about hotels and apocalypses...  There’s something very fatalistic about these titles so far. I have a feeling that the B-plot or the subtext is going to reveal a lot more about Reginald’s history and the destruction of his world.
9. SIX BELLS. This makes me think of church bells, which is some nice continuity with the wedding of the last title. But church bells are rung for all sorts of reasons - as a call to worship, or in celebration or mourning, or to tell the time. (Thinking back to those marigolds suddenly.) But why six? Now I’m thinking of bell ringing (change ringing), and the way different bells have different cord lengths to control the time of their chimes. It’s a highly mathematical process. Will this episode be Five’s time to shine? Will he coordinate his siblings through a large attack? 10. OBLIVION. Does anything even need to be said about this one? Hotel Oblivion baby ✌✌ Any further theorising would require more knowledge of the coming plot tbh.
Edit: I wrote most of this at 2am, so I’ve just tidied it up a little. Thank you for the ask, Nora! This was fun to think about. 
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sknewmuse · 3 years
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[August 20, 2021] 2021년 33주차
This weeks hot topic boy group The Boyz take the lead in chart toppers! They impressively ruled over Gaon Charts taking #1 in not just Album charts but also took top spot in the Download & BGM charts. This is the first time since The Boyz debut that they’ve sold over a whopping 500,000 albums. 
“There are so many emotions related to that word. Whether it be nervousness, the nerves you feel before getting on a ride, the fear that you feel when you’re about to go on a drop, and the joy that you feel at the end of it, with those different elements we made an album that relates to those emotions, so you’ll find that as you listen to the entire album, start to finish, you’ll feel the emotions that you feel as if you were on an actual roller coaster.” -Kevin
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One of the hottest up and coming boy bands to hit the K-Pop scene is ONF. The group topped the music charts with their new summer album. ONF has now broken into one of the top 10 places on the Gaon Albums chart with all of their projects, bringing them to now landing eight placements in the important region. Seems we have new summer music kings on the scene.
“I hope more fans in America will listen to us and love our songs. I hope that ONF can enter the Billboard chart as well. Someday, I want to appear on a TV show to perform in front of many people!” -J-US
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#3- 공감 - The 1st Mini Album
Do Kyungsoo, member and main vocalist of acclaimed boy group EXO known by stage name ‘D.O.’ made his long anticipated debut for his solo music career, and as expected it was an instant #1 chart topper a few weeks back and still remains in the top 5 this week.
“After deciding the theme of the album would be ’empathy,’ one of the things I thought of was love, an emotion that anyone could feel, and I felt that it would be nice if my songs could comfort others like my previous song ‘That’s Okay’, so I tried to write the lyrics myself.” -D.O.
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#4- My Collection 
Park Jihoon, former member of Wanna One and actor continues to prove years later he will always be a solo successor. The singer and actor alone has now charted five top 10 albums in South Korea. Easy to say Jihoon is still collecting hearts of many fans.
“Park Ji Hoon is gazing at multiple art pieces while calling himself one and boasting about all his features that make him a desirable being. Another one of our top moments is when the video shows him within the skies asking for fans to ‘sit in a special seat’ dressed in a sharp blue suit. A hint of skin can be seen when he moves on the increasing tempo of the song, now joined by dancers in a flickering room inside the gallery.” -Ayushi Agrawal from pinkvilla.com
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#5-  1/6
Lee Sunmi, one of Korea’s hottest solo artists and heartthrobber of the K-Pop scene. Former member of girl group Wonder Girls under JYP Entertainment, continues to break the barriers of the K-Pop industry’s expectations for solo artists. 
NME’s Angela Patricia Suacillo praised Sunmi on her work, “ability to take the lively, upbeat elements of synth- and dance pop and use them to confront her anxieties.”
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#6- Select Shop
Another former Wanna One member takes the top of the charts! Ha Sungwoon, also former of the boy group HOTSHOT, this set serves as a reissued version of his recent EP Sneakers, and coincidentally, they both peaked at No. 6. Select Shop is Ha Sungwoon’s sixth solo placement inside the top 10.
“Strawberry Gum,” the album’s title track featuring Don Mills, is a retro funk genre song composed by Flow Blow, Christian Fast, and Maria Marcus. The lyrics written by really6(153/Joombas), Jo Yoon Kyung, and Don Mills compare someone’s growing feelings of love to blowing a pink strawberry-flavored bubble gum. Fans will be able to get a taste of Ha Sung Woon’s youthful side as well as his sexier, more mature side.” -D. KIM of Soompi
Summer concept kings and icons ASTRO after taking number 1 spot last week, the group still remains in the top 10 with latest release Switch On. 
“I would recommend “Don’t Worry”. Everyone has been working hard at such a time recently, and may not be in a good mood. The lyrics “I got u back don’t worry” convey positive power.” -Cha Eunwoo
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The ace group of K-Pop. Bringing in at #8 is aesthetic and concept pleasing talent A.C.E. Siren : Dawn which holds more than 70 spaces to return to the top 10. The set rose all the way to the runner-up spot this past June when it had first released.
“This album, SIREN:DAWN is full of thrilling and deadly love stories. Our title ‘Higher’ is a love story of a mermaid dreaming a fatal dream, which is reinterpreted through A.C.E’s eyes. We are back with a love story that contains more of a mature and sexy visual. Please show lots of love to ‘Higher.’ -Chan
The charisma and personality driven boy group SF9, one month ago in counting, ‘Turn Over’ made it to the second place rung on the Gaon Albums chart. The EP shoots to No. 9, becoming one of two previously-released efforts to re-earn their top 10 title.
“When we worked on “Believer” and “Tear Drop,” I remember it was so hard that we recorded a few different options and chose the final lyrics from there. And “Hey Hi Bye” is memorable because it took a longer time to work on compared to the other songs.” -Youngbin
The boys everyone knows and loves, global legends BTS. BTS close out this weeks #10 spot. Known for their ranging of concepts and new leap into English titled tracks that was long awaited by ARMY’s everywhere, they continue to make K-Pop history on chart topping globally as their fanbase count rises everyday.
“Of course, the moment when we reveal our song and music video — nothing can match that momentary satisfaction, it doesn't last long, but that flashing moment really hits us. Surprise!” -RM
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kolbisneat · 3 years
Hey March was a weird month what with all the pandemic anniversaries and such but here we are. It’s March. Goodbye March.
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Attack the Block (2011) After about 20 minutes my partner asked if this was basically a British episode of Goosebumps and....she’s not wrong? I liked it back when it came out but it’s aged really well. Tight script and casual class politics along with the very good space stuff.
Who Framed Roger Rabbit (1988) It turns out I’d remembered so little of this movie that it was essentially a fresh viewing. The artistry and ambition still holds up today plus a noir set in L.A. is always good time. But then you add cartoon hijinks and it’s all just that much better.
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The New York Times Presents: Framing Britney Spears  (2021) So we watched the ep on Britney Spears and...it didn’t really seem to cover all that much. It kept feeling like it was about to start and then after an hour and a half of that it just sorta wraps with a small legal victory. I know this isn’t fiction so I’m not expecting a happy ending, but I don’t know what it wanted to say.
CBS presents Oprah with Meghan and Harry  (2021) I mean I don’t think anything said or shared was surprising anyone. Though I appreciate Oprah not letting either of them sidestep a question. Either answer or say you won’t; none of this fancy poetry.
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Great British Bake Off (Episode 9.01 to 9.04) This is our first season without Mary Berry, Sue, and Mel and it’s a real shift! But despite all the new faces, it still feels very much like the good-natured GBBO I’ve come to love. Great stuff.
City of Ghosts (Episode 1.01 to 1.06) I hope all that I’m seeing about this means that Netflix will greenlight another season and more television like this. The artistry is fantastic, the concept allows for both whimsy and poignancy, and it’s casually funny in a way that I can’t fully describe. Great stuff.
WandaVision (Episode 1.09) So this didn’t quite stick the landing for me. I figured there’d be some blasts and magic and zooming around in the sky, but I also assumed we’d get some resolution (maybe even consequences) for what Wanda did to the town. Sure, she’s not the villain and it wasn’t intentional, but the show appeared to be built around this theme of denial and acceptance yet abandoned that in the end. But I will give it this: it really has sold me on the relationship between Wanda and Vision.
The Night Manager (Episode 1.05 to 1.06) You know I think I’ve been so primed by Bond films and action set pieces that, while I won’t spoil the ending, I was pleasantly surprised by how it wrapped up. It was a nice change of pace. 
The Bachelor (Episode 25.09 to 25.12) What a season. It was a mess, sure, but I also think it was the uncomfortable mix of stagnation and progress. The show needs to evolve and I feel like the finale and aftershow really highlighted that the change has to happen. Maybe it’s starting to happen already or in future seasons it’ll change whether production likes it or not.
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Gideon the Ninth by Tamsyn Muir (Complete) Really fantastic read and such an effortless blend of science fiction and...necromantic fantasy! Dark and gross and light and funny all at the same time. 100% recommend and am very excited for the next entry despite this feeling whole and complete on its own.
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The Wonderful Wizard of Oz by L. Frank Baum (Complete) I want to work my way through the series (or at least the original 14 written by Baum) so we gotta start at the beginning! There’s such a light air about the book that everyone kinda just rolls with everything. Sentient objects and talking animals and lots of murder are just met with a “Great! on to the next adventure!” and I love it.
The Marvelous Land of Oz by L. Frank Baum (Complete) It’s really great that the second book has a lot of the same core components (human child meets a bunch of wacky sidekicks while on a very small adventure) yet casually expands the mythos and world. It even builds on the plot established by the first book (the main conflict revolving around Scarecrow being overthrown as leader of Oz ever since the Wizard disappeared). Great stuff.
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Ozma of Oz by L. Frank Baum (Complete) Bringing back Dorothy and it’s really a merging of characters from book 1 and 2. If anything, this series is shaping up to be about making friends and the genial conflict resolution is really heartwarming. Now i’m keen to watch Return to Oz.
Dorothy and the Wizard in Oz by L. Frank Baum (Complete) This might just be me but I find a mostly human cast (outside of Jim the Cab Horse) to be far less interesting than the diverse adventuring parties of the first three books. Lots of fun stuff in here and playing fast and loose with the world-building works well; highlight the fun parts of a land made of wood and then continue on to the next location! Great stuff.
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Delicious in Dungeon Vol. 9 by Ryoko Kui (Complete) It feels like everything is starting to come together and wrap up and I’m totally here for a story that knows what it wants to do. And while there doesn’t seem to be as much room cooking with the overarching plot that is driving the story, it never feels like it’s moved away from the heart of the characters and for that I can’t recommend it enough. Excellent world-building, excellent cast, and really great humor.
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: The IDW Collection Volume 9 by Kevin Eastman, Tom Waltz, Mateus Santolouco, Dave Wachter, Pablo Tunica, Sophie Campbell, and many more! (Complete) The human/secret agent stuff will always be boring to me (even if they’re hunting the turtles) cause that’s not what I want in a comic. I don’t want Batman hunting burglars, I want bright colourful villains for our bright and colorful heroes. Luckily we get into a pocket dimension for a toad god and his relatives during the second half of the volume. Overall, still my favourite ooze series.
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Musicalsplaining (Podcast) Great host dynamics and hot dang I love a good musical.
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Neverland: A Fantasy Role-Playing Setting (Andrews McMeel Publishing) The group has taken a break from the infected giant colony to sort out some Pirate drama! Further session breakdowns are over here on Reddit!
Dungeons & Designers (Podcast) I had the rare chance to play in a D&D campaign instead of run it and it’s even up online! They also air the sessions through their podcast!
And that’s it! As always, let me know anything you think I should check out and thanks for reading.
Happy Wednesday.
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drunkkenobi · 4 years
Watcher Viewcounts - First Year Round-Up
Welcome, one and all, to the one year anniversary of Watcher’s YouTube launch! It was a year ago this very week that I started recording every episode’s weekly views. It’s been a fun and interesting journey! I am also delighted that so many of you are interested in these updates and I appreciate all of the likes and reblogs so much.
Since it’s the anniversary week, this will be a big update, so let’s go behind a cut.
As of today, January 11, 2021, the top 10 highest viewed videos on Watcher are:
Top Five Fast Food Chains -  2.139 million views / debuted Feb 6, 2020
Puppet History: Stealing the World’s Most Expensive Necklace - 1.98 million views / debuted Feb 27, 2020
Puppet History: The Dancing Plague - 1.971 million views / debuted May 22, 2020
Puppet History: Life During the Black Plague - 1.932 million views / debuted January 10, 2020
Puppet History: History’s Luckiest Woman - 1.695 million views / debuted April 10, 2020
Too Many Spirits season 1, ep 1 - 1.541 million views / debuted October 8, 2020
Tourist Trapped: LA - 1.474 million views / debuted February 21, 2020
Are You Scared? Voice in the Walls - 1.451 million views  / debuted June 19, 2020
Too Many Spirits season 1, ep 2 - 1.311 million views / debuted October 15, 2020
Puppet History - The Donner Party - 1.211 million views / debuted October 2, 2020
Since Watcher likes to do pilot episodes/seasons for their shows, I thought I’d compare the pilot episodes for every show the weekend they debuted vs where they are now.
Puppet History: Life During the Black Plague. 
Opening weekend: 188k views
As of today: 1.932 million
Watcher Weekly 001
Opening Weekend: 148k
As of today: 384k
Spooky Small Talk with Zach Kornfeld
Opening weekend: 157k
As of today: 556k
Weird and/or Wonderful World: Mystic Museum
Opening Weekend: 181k
As of today: 1.186 million
Homemade Dumplings
Opening weekend: 96k
As of today: 488k
Top 5 Beatdown: Fast Food Chains
Opening weekend: 124k
As of today: 2.139 million
Grocery Run: Philip Wang
Opening weekend: 70k
As of today: 171k
Tourist Trapped: LA
Opening weekend: 189k
As of today: 1.474 million
Social Distancing & Dungeons & Dragons Ep 1
Opening weekend: 115k
As of today: 324k
Are You Scared? Voice in the Walls
Opening weekend: 367k
As of today: 1.451 million
Too Many Spirits
Opening weekend: 598k
As of today: 1.541 million
Dish Granted: Mac & Cheese for Shane
Opening weekend/today: 266k 
This is all to say that Dish Granted had a very good opening weekend for one of their pilots and I’m so happy because it’s such a good show! Also fun fact, Dish Granted gave a small boost to all the existing Homemade episodes. Go Steven!
Next, I wanted to do was see the average amount of views for each series. Here they are:
Are You Scared? averaged 1.261 million views over 8 episodes
Grocery Run averaged 107k views over 4 episodes
Homemade averaged 478k views over 4 episodes.
Puppet History averaged 1.27 million views over 13 episodes.
SD&D&D averaged 141k views over 8 episodes
Spooky Small Talk averaged 444k views over 4 episodes (a big gap between most views/least views here)
Too Many Spirits averaged 978k views over 8 episodes
Top 5 Beatdown’s average is 947k views over 4 episodes, but there are almost 2 million more views from it’s most viewed ep from it’s least, so...I don’t think it’s statistically sound. Obviously, the solution here is more episodes!
Watcher Weekly averaged 191k views over 40 episodes
Weird and/or Wonderful World averaged 635k views over 9 episodes
I also looked at video “likes” versus views. I did a quick scan so it possible I missed one, but it looks like the very first Puppet History has the most likes, at 114k thumbs up. The more popular videos tend to have more likes, of course, but Puppet History in general does very well there. (meanwhile, Top 5 Fast Food has 67k likes, about 20k less than the average PH ep)
Overall, Watcher has garnered 60,328,034 views over the past year! That’s an average of 533k per video (of 113 videos). I know their launch year wasn’t what they expected, but I think they made adjustments to their productions very well and were still able to produce high-quality and fun shows. I’ll be interested to see if they stick to one-video-a-week beyond January, or if they have plans for a new Wednesday show. I don’t think Watcher Weekly will return until they can film it safely in person, so I don’t see that coming back for awhile (if it does). And while I’d always love to see more TMS, I can see them maybe not wanting to push too many out at once and save it for the spooky season again. The one thing that we know best about the Watcher team is that they love to surprise us and are pretty good at keeping secrets, so I’m sure there will be a delightful surprise coming sooner or later.
As always, my inbox is open if anyone wants to know anything specific or has any questions/comments! Thank you for reading!
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an0nymousghost · 3 years
simblr asks v2
here are my answers! find the questions here.
i wrote soo much ahaha. like however much you think i wrote, i wrote more than that. imo everything i write is gold though
1. are you going to buy the new pack (cottage living) when it comes out? no, it looks really nice but i legit never ever buy packs at launch, especially cause this one is a expansion and it will probably go on sale at some point
2. do you p*rate your dlc or buy it legitimately? buy it legitimately 👌
3. what’s your favorite world? brindleton bay, it gives like seaside cottage vibes. willow creek is good but it’s boring. 
4. if you use a queue, how many posts per day do you set it as? 3 or 4. i used to do like 12 lmaoo what even was wrong with me
5. do you watch sims on youtube? yes, i watch mainly malixa, oshinsims, and msgryphi
6. what are your thoughts on the most recent pack? (dream home decorator) those sectional couches look good! but honestly im kinda annoyed because now it’s even harder to have all the items filled in when i place lots from the gallery. like i’m just saying like a lot of builds will use that pack probably and if i don’t get it then i can’t really use builds/save files 
7. how many packs/kits do you own? lemme count
expansion: all - 10/10 game: 5/10 stuff: 9/18 kits: none xo
24/38 - 63%
8. what’s your origin id? is it the same as your url? 🤗 it’s in my title, it’s celeschul. it doesn’t look that nice in my title but i use celeschul in my package files and i’m guessing people search things like, “celeschul penny hair” or something like that in order to find my cc- so i keep it in there so the search results are easier. i do want to change it though..
but no it’s also not the same! well i mean it’s the username i use for cc. my origin id used to be an0nymousghost but i changed it. i wonder if anyone’s taken that one?
9. is your simblr your sideblog or main blog? main blog ✌️ my old blog @stardze​ is a main blog as well.
my old old simblr was a sideblog but it had like 1 follower and it literally a bot so i don’t think that counts. i have a multifandom sideblog though 
10. do you have a cc finds blog? i wish. i was thinking bout it earlier and that would be sooo neat but sometimes i download stuff that doesn’t have a tumblr post attached to it, and also it’s stressful to keep up with so nah
11. are you wcif friendly? yes sir. in fact i bring the trouble of wcifs onto myself but doing them even when nobody asked.
12. what’s your favorite sized household to play with? (ex. 1 sim, 4 sims) gonna have to think on this one, honestly 1 sim is really fun and stuff goes by so fast. doing stuff with astrid when she was on her own, it was much more efficient. 
for families, i haven’t done that in a while actually. 5, 2 parents and 3 kids is cute tho. why did i write this this is honestly such a hard question
13. if you have c&d, do you play with pets? i feel like i haven’t played with cats and dogs in forever. honestly i just have no paitence. noelle fae was supposed to get a cat (there’s a food bowl + cat bed in her house) but when summer vacation started, the amount of time i spent playing ts4 decreased a lot. (this doesn’t really make sense, i have a lot more time. honestly it just has to do with my recent obsession with a certain anime/manga and some other personal thing)
i did random nightmares in may though and i had pets frequently. g5 didn’t because sofia scarlett lived in an apartment, but g2/3/4 had cici, and g1 had all the cats. but that was back in march so it’s been a while.
14. what lifespan do you use? i really want to do aging off but then i feel like it drags on. but aging legit stresses me out, sometimes i just want to sit down and do some cas stuff but i only have 2 hours in real time and there’s like 4 days left till one of my sims’ birthdays. 
15. if you own a lot of packs, how many of them have you actually played through? just so everyone is aware this question was made for me
i feel like eps require a specific save made for testing them out, but the only save i’ve ever made for an ep is noelle fae’s get famous save. 
that is literally a lie - i made a save for island living with one of my 100bc kids, maisie acapella. i did actually post it on tumblr BUT then i deleted all the posts BUT i reblogged them on my alt account BUT i privated my alt account so i honestly forgot about it
i have never played through discover university or watched anyone do it on youtube, i’ve read gerbits’ story about it so i think i’m pretty qualified. i’ve always wanted to do one with periwinkle acapella but i never got around to it
another ep i know nothing about is get to work
i tried doing a eco life playthrough but i hadn’t watched any videos and i was like..what is going on. so i quit lolx d ;;;;; i mentioned it but the whimsy stories legacy was the first time i had played with the eco lifestyle features so technically i think i know what im doing
i got outdoor retreat literally on monday of this week so i haven’t played through it yet. 
jungle adventure i still don’t know what’s going on. i remember last year before i bought the pack i was brainstorming, and wanted to do a ja playthrough with luna and cedar, who are a couple who i did a random legacy with and it was all queued to post when i deleted everything (if you’re wondering why, it’s because my queue was literally 200+ posts). except this time i didn’t save them to my sideblog so i lost them. 
i still havent had a restaurant in dine out 
also never did the vet thing from cats and dogs
i have no idea what that rock climbing thing is from snowy escape but i did most of the other stuff because rn g5
city living i did through psc stage 5 and also it was the first pack i bought anyways
the rest of them are either stuff packs or i ended up playing them through casual gameplay (seasons, parenthood)
16. what do you do as you play sims? (ex. listen to music) i listen to music most of the time, or listen to commentary youtube videos because i am an alpha chad. i also used to talk with my friends on voice call but i don’t do that anymore 🥲
17. which sims challenges have you tried? random legacy, whimsy stories, perfect sim challenge, 100 baby, legacy (just the plain get-to-10-gens one), random nightmares, berry zodiac, astrology legacy, apocalypse
i feel like im forgetting some.. honestly most of the stuff i did before simblr was either 100 baby (i love that challenge) or random saves that lasted for 2 seconds. 
18. do you like the new(ish) hair swatches? nah. 
i do appreciate that most cc hairs have a true (ish) black, thank god! and the fact that the hair update is what inspired me to update and fix a bunch of hairs with different issues is pretty nice. but will i use them? no. 
plus it takes up like 5 gb? depending on how many packs you have.
19. post the latest screenshot you took 📸
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i live in cas
20. what is the cc/ingame hair that looks the most like your own? i think that dream home decorator side part hair looks a lot like my hair. honestly i havent see much like my hair but that one is kinda-? close
21. who is your favorite sim of yours and what is their story? noelle and alari fae i think! 
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noelle is blonde and has blue-grey eyes. she wears purple contacts pretty often though (because she wants to 😌)
alari has light brown hair that is kinda curly, and she’s got pretty vibrant blue eyes. 
they’re sisters, alari is 3 years older than noelle. noelle was 19 and alari was 22 when they got spotted
they worked as models when they were young adults. their jobs involved dyeing their hair blue/pink, and they would model like clothes and stuff. anyways, they were pretty successful. like not ultra famous but they had enough money to not work for the rest of their lives. 
their modeling group was made of 4 girls, the others were named paisley autumn and they were green and red, respectively. some things are: 
paisley and alari started dating during this 
autumn was a single mother to a little girl named destiny
noelle dated many people during this but never ended up finding the one <3
when their contract ended after like 6 years, paisley and alari went to go live together and noelle decided to get into acting. so thats when get famous playthrough started!
there’s more but basically they’re like oc’s with sims on the side. xoxo
22. if you use cc, are there any cc creators that you have like ALL of their items? this is such a good question! i hoard hair very heavily (my folder is 11gb) i so i have like 97% from most of the popular hair creators. 
i think i had legitimately EVERYTHING from simstrouble though, i went through multiple times to check and i also have all of her retired stuff. 
i have everything from ridgeport i think-? because of the fact that she uploaded all her stuff in one big zip. 
i think that’s it.. for a long time i also had everything by clumsyalienn, but then i ended up deleting it and only keeping my faves. 
and looking at my collection, maybe ah00b? i might be missing a couple but i at least have like 99%.
23. what’s one pack you think is underrated? dine out, it’s laggy af yes but it’s such a nice thing for my sims to do. 
24. what are your favorite sims stories/legacies? melons by gerbits always and forever
this question was inspired by this ask anyways so 
25. if you could change one small thing about ts4, what would it be? most of my suggestions are pretty complex but literally just - when you add tray files, they appear at the top. my life would be so much easier
this took me literal hours to answer
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koizumicchi · 4 years
I'm following you, and u keep talking about lipxlip and it made me curious. So I was wonder where do i start? Do i need to follow a specific order?
Hello anon and thank you for the follow!!! This may be late now but nice to meet you!!! And I apologize for this late reply!
It's a bit hard to map out but I'll do my best to make a guide :D This is long so buckle up!
LIP×LIP is an idol unit by HoneyWorks (haniwa for short). Haniwa is a music-inclined group producing their own original songs. The main members are: shito and gom, in charge with the songs, and yamako the main illustrator. There are also other support members like mogelatte and the band members, etc. Haniwa is known for their songs and the MVs they release that tell the stories of their characters. Before, they only upload their videos on nico nico douga (that's where I discovered them but correct me if I'm wrong, anyone) but they have their own youtube channel now.
LIP×LIP is a 2-person idol unit composed of Shibasaki Aizou and Someya Yuujirou. When they debuted, their last names weren't revealed so everyone got used to calling them by their first names. Aizou is the blonde with the hair tie; he is the 'wild' image of LIP×LIP, the cool guy, the sunshine brimming with energy, but in truth, he's resentful and usually seen openly angry at anyone when not in idol mode. Yuujirou is the blue-haired with uneven bangs; he is the calm side of LIP×LIP (like the moon), the gentle tones, the pretty boy; but outside his idol persona, he looks down on others inferior to him, and glares at anyone he doesn't like. Off-cam, he and Aizou don't have a good relationship; they argue and disagree with each other a lot... but they got along somewhere somewhen and are now partners or 'rivals' as they like to put it. They may be two-faced jerks, but trust me, they are valid (once you know where they are coming from) and eventually got better as a person. I'll let you in on a secret: they are soulmates but they just don't realize it yet.
That's basically the general summary. I try to avoid mentioning major spoilers but if you have more questions about them, you can try checking the wikia site and if that's not enough for you, my ask box is always open!
I knew LIP×LIP during their debut period but tbh right now I'm not exactly sure what direction should I point you to XD i guess you can start with their MVs. that's where I got to know them anyway. liplip wasn't that popular at first; they were meant to be side characters, I assume, but the fans love them too much and so LIP×LIP got too powerful and landed several collabs which lead to growing popularity.
MVs (they're on youtube dont worry, just search using their kanji titles) : 1. Romeo - debut, Feb 2017 2. Nonfantasy 3. Hitsuyou Fukkaketsu - only a short mv 4. Koi wo Shiyou - a collab so liplip isnt the focus 5. Yume Fanfare 6. Yappa Saikyou 7. Rodeo 8. Choco Kano 9. Chiisana Lion ft Minami
After Romeo, you can watch these in any order you like since they can stand on their own, except for Yume Fanfare and Yappa Saikyou - those you gotta watch consecutively.
Then there are the other MVs which liplip is featured: Heroine Ikusei Keikaku and Heroine Tarumono, among others. There's also the short drama video wayback in 2017 focusing on Aizou and Yuujirou being a bitch on this girl fresh out of a province (excuse me this makes me laugh everytime i remember it), subbed by Denzero - he has an fb page of the same name and he uploaded it there. Hopefully he hasn't deleted it. Watch it before Nonfantasy for more context.
And then there's the Docchi Kiss episode, released last year. I translated it myself, and with the help of some friends, we were able to sub it! I recommend you watch it after Yume Fanfare since it was released after that MV. You can actually watch it after Romeo (the ep is the making video after all) but I think the 'fanservice' wouldn't be that believable XD and of course the 2 drama tracks featured on docchi kiss!! I've made a sunmary of that as well!
The songs w/o an MV :'(( - Judge - Tsuki no Hime - White Day Kiss - Repaint - Fiancee (also on youtube but sung by vocaloids gumi and miku) - Seika (Yuujirou's solo) - Yellow (Aizou's solo)
I have translated these (except for Fiancee) as well, you can find them under my /translation tag. Please do not omit Seika and Yellow. I cannot stress this enough. That's where you'll understand Aizou and Yuujirou's relationship and their thoughts on each other.
There's also the light novels. I think there are about 3 now? For heroine ikusei keikaku, romeo, and kono sekai no tanoshimikatta. It isnt available atm unless you buy them of course. There are also short stories, written in Japanese but translated from Spanish by Mar @yume-fanfare, you can read them on their blog!
And of course, the big project!!! The anime film!!! Kono Sekai no Tanoshimikatta or How to Enjoy this World, to be released on 25th of December this year! It will reveal their pre-idol days, the audition, the days before and after their debut! You can check /HoneyWorksMovie on twitter for more information. and check out Haru's blog @takanenene for translation of the info. The OP and ED songs for the film, sung by LIPLIP themselves will be released on Dec 23 so we'd probably get an mv or two before that date!
Well, that ends it! Sorry for the lack of photos or direct links; our connection here isn't exactly stable for the past weeks :
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unforth · 3 years
May Trope Mayhem Fill Day 13: First Kiss
Fandom: Star Wars Eps 7 - 9
Ship: Finn/Poe Dameron
Rating: Gen
Tags: Post canon, fluff with a splash of angstful pining, love confessions, first kiss
Words: 1,987
First time in like a week one of these fills was short enough that I felt it was appropriate to post the whole thing to Tumblr. Also, first time since the event started that I didn’t write either Chinese or Japanese fandom. :D Here, have some Stormpilot.
Xposted to AO3
Rolling onto his side, Finn swung a hand behind himself to catch his balance before he could tumble off the edge of the narrow X Wing nose (was it even called a nose? Finn wasn’t sure, and wasn’t in the mood for the good-natured ribbing he’d sustain if he asked). Poe lay beside him, so close that their sides had been pressed together before Finn moved; he made holding his position look effortless, as effortless as he made flying look, as effortless as he made rebelling look, as effortless as he made smiling look. Lips spread in a relaxed grin, Poe stared up at the night sky over D’Qar, reflected stars sparkling in the depths of his dark eyes. A breeze tousled brown locks over his face and shifted the folds of his loose shirt.
He’s gorgeous.
Am I allowed to think that? I wish I knew. I wish I could ask. And...maybe I can...I wish I knew why I feel like I can’t…
...don’t be an idiot, FN-21-- Finn. I feel I can’t because I’m scared of what’ll happen if I say something I shouldn’t.
I can’t risk losing what we have now.
So - let’s keep things safe, instead.
“What happens now?” Finn asked. Even speaking barely above a whisper, Finn’s voice sounded loud in his ears in the forest night. Insects chirped, branches creaked, leaves rustled, something called low and eerie from the darkness, and Poe’s breathing ebbed and flowed in sof rushes of air. Speaking seemed to shatter something, and Finn wished he hadn’t, but Poe didn’t react as though he’d done anything wrong; he wiggled onto his side, slid an arm under himself, set his elbow on the hard metal of the X Wing and propped his head up on the hand, and directed toward Finn the same easy look that, moments before, had stared up at the sky. One of those gusting exhales brushed over Finn’s face, warm and humid, and stole Finn’s breath away.
“What doesn’t happen now?” Poe replied avidly. “The sky’s the limit, literally. Rey’s got that whole Jedi-Sith fusion plan going on, and the politicians are doing, I dunno, the same crap they always do, and I’m still training folks at the academy...there’s sure enough to keep busy with! I guess the question is - what do you want to happen now? What do you want to do, Finn?”
(read more)
“I want to stay by your side.” The answer, the truth, slipped from Finn before he could stop it. A dash of panic set his heart to racing - what if Poe misunderstood what he meant? What if Poe understood what he meant? - and he continued in a rush, “You know. Rehabilitating the former Storm Troopers. Helping them integrate. Retraining the ones who want it. All that kind of…” Searching for the right words, he raised an arm and waved vaguely at the ait; tiny bugs flitted away as though he movement threatened them; it didn’t - the only threat was to his own precarious perch, and he caught himself with a foot thrown behind himself and a boot stomped hard against the angled side of the ship. “...stuff like that.”
“Awesome stuff like that, yeah.” Poe’s eagerness was spectacular, his implicit support calming. “But honestly? Not exactly what I meant.”
Poe shook his head; even that didn’t damage his positioning. Truly, the man was a wonder in everything he did.
But he didn’t answer.
“Something wrong?” Finn asked leadingly, nervously.
“No...and yes,” Poe sighed, slumping onto his back and pressing his palms into his eyes. “Fuck, I’m bad at this.”
“Bad at what?”
“Usually, it’s so easy.”
“What’s easy?”
“I just...go to the person, say how I feel and what I’d like to do, they go, ‘cool, yeah, let’s do that!’ or ‘I’d rather not’ or, at worst, ‘ew, no, get away,’ and that’s that - it’s all good, we do what we do, we don’t do what we don’t do, and life goes on.”
“I literally couldn’t have less idea what you’re talking about.” Finn scowled, disgruntled. He knew that Poe was forward in stating his desires and approaching people he was interested in. That was part of why Finn felt so sure he wasn’t allowed to want - all that confidence had never been directed toward Finn, at least not ‘like that.’ If Poe wanted what Finn wanted, why hadn’t he just said something?
Takes one to know one, Finn - I feel how I feel, and I want what I want, but I haven’t said anything either…
“But you…” Poe directed his speech toward the fathomless sky, not sparing Finn’s interjections a reaction. “...Fuck, I don’t know. What am I even saying?”
“That’s what I’m wondering,” said Finn. “ ‘Cause it almost sounds like you’re suggesting that you’ve got feelings and...doings...that you want to say, except for whatever reason, you’re putting me in a different category than...like...everyone else?”
Please don’t...please tell me I’m just another person…
“Uh, duh?”
...or say that. Oh, that stings.
“Oh,” muttered Finn. Shifting his leg, he let gravity take him and did a controlled tumble down to the runway, landing in a squat.
“Finn?” Poe called after him. Glaring at nothing, Finn rose and stalked toward the barracks.
“Wait up!”
He knew he was being unreasonable.
“Come on, don’t be like that!”
He knew he was being unfair.
“Will you just stop?”
He knew that, if he wanted Poe to talk to him, his current behavior was guaranteed to produce the exact opposite result.
“You don’t understand!”
He knew, knew, that Poe didn’t see him as merely an ex-Stormtrooper, merely a former soldier, merely a murderer who had to learn to assume the facsimile of personhood.
“Aaargh, you’re being impossible!”
He doesn’t see me that way.
“This is exactly why I didn’t know what to say!”
I see me that way.
“I love you!” Poe’s voice, breathless and sincere, shouted out loudly enough in the night that the birds and animals went silent.
Finn froze.
Pounding footsteps raced up behind him and Poe sprinted to his side, overran by several steps, stopped huffing and puffing with his hands on his knees and his breath making foggy clouds in the chill night air before him.
“I know...I know what you’re thinking,” Poe said. “I get what you’re afraid of. And you’re not wrong.” I’m not? “I don’t see you like those people. Because you’re not those people. They could be anyone, but you’re Finn.”
“Is that supposed to make me feel better?” asked Finn acidly. I’m sure it is. He said he loved me. He said...he really said…
“If I cared less, I could talk about it more.”
“...that sounds like something I’ve heard before…”
“Whatever, it’s from some book the General recommended, it doesn’t matter,” said Poe, waving away Finn’s words. “What matters is you. You matter too much for me to risk hurting you. You’re too important for me to take for granted. You’re too special for me to sanguinely accept that if I say the wrong thing, you’ll walk away. And then I said the wrong thing anyway, and you did walk away, and I don’t know how to fix it.”
He looks so earnest, so genuine, so beautiful, that Finn’s heart ached.
“Can I fix it?” Poe implored.
His concerns sound so similar to my own...he comes from a place of experience, and I from a place of inexperience, but the fears are the same.
“Tell me how, and I’ll do it.”
And now I know - there’s nothing for me to be afraid, because he’s told me how he feels, and I know it’s the truth.
“Because I’ve lost everyone - almost everyone - and I can’t lose you too, Finn.”
I’ve told him nothing.
“You won’t,” Finn said; a moment of shame and worry had him looking around, looking down, his toe scuffing the dirt of the path...and then he shook his head, crossed the couple steps separating them, threw his arms around Poe’s shoulders, and pulled him into a rough hug. “You never will.” A helpless noise burst from Poe and then he relaxed into the embrace, putting one arm around Finn’s waist, another around his shoulders, and holding him like he never meant to let go.
“I love you, Poe,” Finn murmured, shifting his head against the side of Poe’s face, delighting in the tingle of scruff tickling against his cheek, adoring being able to whisper the truth into Poe’s ear. “Seriously.” Poe breathed a word - it might have been yes! but Finn wasn’t sure - and hugged him more tightly. “I really, really, love you.”
“Really, really?” asked Poe, voice rolling with laughter.
“Really, really.”
“Just to be abso-fricken-lutely clear, you don’t mean, like...bro-love?”
“I mean, like, I can’t remember the last time I looked at your face and didn’t imagine kissing you senseless.”
“That’s...that’s really, really.”
“Awesome.” And Poe dropped an arm, leaned back, and hesitated a moment as he gazed at Finn’s face...and he lifted a hand to Finn’s face, ran calloused fingers over his cheek, and then leaned forward and brought their lips together softly, slowly, gently.
Finn had seen a lot of people kiss since he joined the Rebellion.
Finn had been kissed, and kissed others, a whole mess of time - in grief, in celebration, in relief, in greeting. So many cultures kissed casually, he’d learned to do the same.
Finn thought he knew what a kiss was.
Easing into lip-on-lip contact with Poe, Finn realized with crystal-clear, fuzzy-warm clarity, he had no idea what a kiss was.
And he was really, really looking forward to finding out.
He and Poe would have to experiment a great deal until Finn understood, profoundly, how all those other kisses were different from exchanging tender intimacies with the man he’s loved and wanted since roughly 10 Standard Minutes after they met.
Too soon, the kiss ended. There was a soft mwap as they drew apart. Finn’s lips tingled pleasantly, warmth suffusing his chest; flicking out his tongue, he moistened the skin and delighted at the flavor of Poe in his mouth.
He opened his eyes.
Poe was staring avidly at his mouth.
“That good, Finn?” he asked, voice low and throaty.
“You tell me,” Finn replied.
“How about we both work on the sharing-and-caring?”
“It was fantastic, Poe.”
“Right?! It really was!”
“Really, really!”
“Super really, really!”
“Ultra really, really.”
“Mega really, really.”
“Ice-cream-with-a-cherry-on-top really, really.”
“Where did you even learn that?” laughed Poe. “Ginormously re--”
“Anything, Finn.”
“Why are we talking about it when we could be doing it again?”
“...valid. Really valid.”
“Really, really valid?”
Snorting, Poe smacked a quick kiss on his lips again - Finn chased him futilely as he leaned away - and broke their embrace to take Finn’s hand.
“My bunk or yours?”
“My bunk is literally a bunk,” replied Finn.
“And mine isn’t?”
“Yeah, but yours is in a room, with a door, and no bunkmates.”
“...they haven’t given you your own room?!”
“How do you not know that?”
“You literally saved the galaxy.”
“We all literally saved the galaxy.”
“I...you...fucking damn, okay, tomorrow, we’re going to fix that.”
“And right now?”
“Right now...my bunk. Definitely my bunk. Right, Finn?”
“Really, really right, Poe.”
“Stop that,” groaned Poe, laughing again.
“Never,” promised Finn with a grin, and delighted in the matching grin he got back.
“That’s right. Never. Never stop.”
“I really, really won’t.”
“Fuck, do I love you…”
And, beaming, beyond happy, Finn allowed himself to be drawn to Poe’s room.
Had he truly been so worried about how things would go if he spoke his heart?
Now, he was really, really not worried.
And he knew - he was in for a really, really, excellent night…
...and he’d never have to really, really, worry about Poe’s heart again.
Really, really.
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soonhoonsol · 3 years
One of my friends LOVES the American version!! It's one of her favorite shows!! I'm currently doing research for my thesis I won't have it written until the end of the school year in May but I've researched the show before for smaller essays.
ATLA is one of my favorites because it's so well thought out and the world building is just AMAZING!!! Plus I have good memories of watching it with my dad 😊😊 New Girl I just found super funny and it's one of the only sitcoms that I've REALLY enjoyed. The kdramas just have such good actors in them and the stories are so interesting and well done!!! It's Okay that's love deals with mental health and how it impacts relationships while still building up a beautiful romance!!!!! Signal has some time travel elements in it and is based on a true serial killer case in Korea!! I like mystery and its a perfect thriller!! Goblin sits at the same table as DAYS!! The fantasy romance is just TOP NOTCH!!!!!
ANOTHER SOO HYUK FAN 😲😲😲 I remember being interested in him when I first started watching dramas (which was almost 10 years ago aaaaaa) but watching him in DAYS had me flipping out and now all I watch are his dramas!!! He was on a variety show last year and he's so happy in it 🥺🥺 I'm way too obsessed I could go on all day. I'm currently watching scholar who walks the night and it's the last show on viki that I have to watch. Then I'll have to find his stuff elsewhere but I'll find it. I know viki has pipeline for rent!!! But I'm not sure if that's only in the US or if it's available elsewhere. I do know it's only English subtitles. I watched it as soon as it was available HE LOOKS SO GOOD IN IT!!! I'm on my 3rd evil soo hyuk role in a row hehe oh gosh I've written so much about soo hyuk
I did not see them film it!!! I'm pretty sure they filmed it over the summer when there weren't many students around!! - 💛
All I do anymore is think about Lee Soo Hyuk 😔😔 your carat anon is turning into soo hyuk anon so sorry - 💛
i totally see why!! despite all the medical jargon that i don't understand, the show is really good!! it's interesting, it's funny and it's also really cool to learn about the medical industry. my only issue is that i've watched like 9 episodes so far and like every single ep has a patient with cancer???
i love the way you talk about your interests it's so wholesome to see you get excited 🥺🥺 really warms my heart!! Signal sounds interesting! i do love a good time travel story <3
PLEASE DO GO ON ALL DAY!! i love hearing about soo hyuk <3 what dramas would you recommend? i started watching High School King of Savvy and frankly the first 2 eps were so slow i found them boring but... soo hyuk handsome... must pull... through....
VIKI!! i've never heard of it ashjahs hopefully i can find a subbed version because i wanna watch it so badlyyyy >< soo hyuk looks so good but seo in guk tho... i'm a sucker for long hair on dudes 👀
ooh no wonder!! but still that's so cool :D
i now dub thee carat soo hyuk anon <3 BUT OMG have you seen svt's Anyone performance on... m countdown? the one with the white fits!! DK reminded me of soo hyuk so much i was going insane
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