#also- also I don't think stretch realized you can feel his intentions if he lets u which will give him a heart attack when he does finds ou
oops-its-a-fanwork · 1 year
Borrowed the one piece pirate au from @mega-punani again, check 'm out! Part 2 of reader with different devil fruit abilities:
Reader with devil fruit: Communication fruit!
After eating the fruit, you have gained the ability to have some degree of communication with any other living being based on its intelligence/sentience, its needs and its ability to communicate. For example: you may communicate very simple concepts with plants (intelligence), like if they've gotten enough sunlight (the plant's needs), by touching or being near them, as plants don't communicate with body language or sound but with chemicals (their way of communicating). You can't ask a plant if they've seen a specific person though, because the plant can't see or hear, and likely wont recognize who walked past. A falcon, however, might be asked to look for someone with a certain description, and can communicate back with some details it's seen and the direction they're headed in, bc they're a hunter who uses sight to track prey!
Communicating with people is more like we're used to, but there's still some things to note. You can now communicate with anyone speaking any language, and you can hear the intention they speak with. The effect is not applicable to written text though, Cowabummer :( Additionally, you can't lie in languages you are not fluent in, since people will always hear the intention you're speaking with. You have adapted to this by being some definition of blunt, but since your intention can be felt when you speak, its rare for people to get mad at you for this: it always feels sincere, even if it would sound rough from someone else. However if you're mad at someone, its near impossible for them not to feel some of that spite.
On to the boys!
Lie detection? Is that supposed to intimidate you? Sorry Sans, but that's just your life. Your honesty is probably what got his attention in the first place, and even after learning the reason for it he still truly appreciates it. You talk and joke together all the time, and you're always bugging him about using his judgement on the flies and fish around the ship to see if it works. He tells you it wouldn't work because a fly doesn't need to lie. You agree but you pester him about it anyway. He's not a huge fan of you being able to detect his true feelings (how's your own power taste sucker!), but you always handle them with respect which he appreciates. In fact, being on the receiving end of something like this makes him a little bit more considerate towards the people he uses his judgement eye on. Mainly because you're right next to them giving him the stink eye, though.
Oh so refreshing, someone as genuine as Papyrus is like a breath of fresh air! He just says what he feels, and its usually positive too! You're a little less likely to become a blushing mess if he flirts with you while intending it platonically, but the amount of genuine positivity he showers you with may leave you flustered anyway. You help him out in the garden a lot, and he is very happy to have you tell him exactly what each plant needs. You both have, in the past, named some of the plants for fun. But you guys got attached... Now plants only get a name if they either live for a long time (like Patricia the grapevine) or if they can be named after the dish they will be used in (like Stir-Fry the cauliflower).
Blue often brings interesting plants and animals onto the ship to ask you what they're saying. It's usually something along the line of 'God help me I'm gonna get eaten by this big strong predator!-' but you can usually help ease the creature into relaxing. You both admire them for a bit and ask some questions, then put it back where you found it. ...Unless it says it wants to stay here, where it feels safe and protected. The both of you are softies, and Edge has had to chase both of you quite a few times in order to stop the ship from turning into the ark of Noah. Although the time you guys managed to sneak in a pair of ostriches and their young and hide them away for 2 days was admittedly quite impressive!
Stretch doesn't believe you when you say you can't lie. That would be awfully convenient wouldn't it? He won't fall for those kinds of lies, no matter how charming you are. And then Sans has to ruin it by saying you're not lying when you say that. That being said… Please stop giving him genuine compliments. He can feel how true they are to you and how is he supposed to respond to that?? He's gonna damage his banjo with how hard he grips it when you do that, give a guy a break! He kinda wishes he could make you feel his true intentions when he sings to you… Well, here's to trying right? At some point he might try to play and sing songs in different languages for you, just to see when you can or can't understand the lyrics. It's a fun little experiment for you both, and it makes him try way more different genres and cultural classics than before. It's a real win-win!
Hey another blunt person! Welcome to the club darlin'. Oh you didn't intend to be? That's still hilarious love. Red can really appreciate both someone who's very honest and clear, and someone he can tease. So whether you're a blunt hard worker who doesn't take shit, or a slightly bashful person who just can't lie even if they wanted to, this is a great deal for him. When he tells you you're cute he means it and he thrives of of your flustered reactions. He asks you to tell the rats to fuck off not chew on important stuff on the ship, and to tell Doomfanger to stop snitching on him to Edge when she catches him lazing about. Which leads to him being effectively extorted into giving her some of his dinner every day. Edge is gonna notice eventually anyway, either because he realizes she does it less, or because he notices her getting chubby.
I think that since Edge loves archeology, he might be interested in different cultures as well as their histories. That being said, you have some stories to tell him about different places you have visited and the stories people told, and the both of you ask locals about interesting historical events and myths from the area when you get the chance to. You even share a little notebook you write these down in, and you only occasionally doodle little drawings next to the texts. He loves tolerates them, and only nags about them when they bleed onto the next page. Speaking of which, Edge's nagging is incredibly endearing when you can feel how sweet his intentions are. There's no intimidation factor left to be honest. You make sure to treat him sweetly in response, resulting in a slightly confused, but pleased (and bright red) skeleton.
Razz thinks your skills could make communicating with the locals about the surrounding area much easier! Not that he wants to talk to anyone mind you, but he'll have you act as an interpreter for him when necessary. Not to mention you being able to talk to fish and other water creatures makes mapping underwater areas interesting option too! It's never been done before, which sounds like a challenge for someone magnificent~ ! Boasting aside, it truly is a genuinely good and helpful idea! Locating jagged rocks for boats to avoid could make areas much safer to navigate and could open up new trade routes for locals in rough territory. Not to mention locating sunken ships full of treasure sounds like a real adventure!
You can immediately pick up on it if Cash wants something for suspicious reasons, (and, more rarely, for non-suspicious reasons,) which makes you one of the very few people able to understand his reasoning and intentions pretty quickly (not as good as Razz, but pretty close in such a short time). This makes him... awkward, for a while. He can't even hide behind a mischievous mask with you when his intentions change from "bothering you because he's bored" to "bothering you because he wants your affection attention". He comes around after you insist on being around him and treating him kindly even after, well, everything, and it makes him especially soft on you. He's still a mischievous dork, of course, but he's very relaxed with you, to the point where you could even nap in the same room as him and not get pranked!! ...occasionally ;3
…oh no.... You're talking to the herbs in Paps' garden again. You do realize we're gonna eat that right?? Do you really want to become friends with it??? Bear actually isn't entirely wrong there: you can't join him when he's preparing fresh food, but luckily most fruits and veggies are not an entire plant, but only a part of one. You have also assured him that you have come to terms with the fact that something has to die in order for you to eat: that's just nature, you see it around you all the time. He actually really appreciates that sentiment more than you may have realized, given what he and Cinnamon went through. He may not tell you that, but you can feel the relief in his sigh. This also makes him feel more at ease creating vegetarian dishes just for you if you'd prefer them: you're not judging anyone on the ship for choosing otherwise.
Welcome to the extra senses club!! You and Cinnamon talk and relate a lot about the ways you perceive the world, and the way the world perceives the both of you. Actually, Cinnamon turns into a bit of a philosopher when you talk about yourself and about the life experiences of different creatures. You two have long conversations about the importance of intentions, the way different experiences can shape someones life and other such topics. These conversations are surprisingly positive for someone who has been through so much, but you suppose you couldn't expect anything less from a sweetheart like him. Don't tell him you think that though, for the moment you do (or give him any other kind of compliment) the conversation is cut short by him furiously trying to hide blushing face.
Sometimes the boys will have the interesting experience of finding you talking to the air below deck, only to find that you're actually talking to an insect or another little critter. Or to Doomfanger, since you two hang out a lot.
Edge and Razz are a little disappointed you cant actually speak a 100 different languages (cuz that'd be hot), however they would scream in delight if they found out you could talk to ancient creatures and mythical beings should you ever encounter them. What are they saying??? Secret knowledge about days long past, cities lost to the sea ages ago?? The answer to questions about the universe? The meaning of life itself-- "The weather is nice today isn't it?" "Yes, truly! This sun feels marvelous on my scales." "Oh they look amazing in this light, is that iridescence? That's so cool-"
You can actually get a free pass through certain sea monsters'/creatures' areas if you play your cards right (and if the boys don't immediately do something stupid). Perks of being able to talk to huge terrifying creatures! They tend to be of somewhat similar intelligence to humans/monsters, they just communicate differently.
Papyrus will sometimes help you and blue hide another creature on the ship, however Edge has implored him to tell him immediately if you guys have a creature and he's very conflicted about who to be loyal to… you guys just don't tell him unless you have to now, to save him the stress. (and to avoid Edges wrath)
Same thing for Cinnamon, except instead of it being a loyalty problem, he just can't lie to safe his life. If its a small animal however, he's your man. He's the only one actually allowed to keep a pet, since he actually takes care of them well and since they behave really well when they are with him. He'll keep the little critter with him until you guys can find them a good home on another island.
Sometimes, when you've talked to the sea dwellers of the area for a while while sailing through, they might help you out when you fall overboard. Everyone is very surprised when you fall overboard, only to be brought back up by a group of dolphins! You did promise them lunch for their little rescue though, so the rest of the day is spent fishing for them. Opinions on that are mixed.
You and Cash overhear someone telling the story of the Pied Piper of Hamelin and immediately decide to bother stretch about it. Surprisingly, he was bored and amused enough to go along with it, and it actually somewhat worked? With a combination of bargaining and convincing using your translation skills, you manage to recreate the scene with stretch playing his banjo (since he refused to use the flute Cash "grabbed" for him) and a row of dancing rats following behind. In the aftermath there's a lot of startled cries and laughing from the witnesses, but also an unexpected information network of rats, communicating through interpretive-rat-dance and banjo music when you're not around... What an interesting day!
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yourfavoritewitchbitch · 10 months
Evermore - Part 8
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Summary: It’s been 7 years since the love of your life left you behind for his career. When he decides to come back, is it too late to start anew? Will you decide to start over or realize what's been right in front of you this whole time?
Chapter Summary: Resentment and unresolved feelings finally come to a boiling point when you are left face to face with Eddie.
18+ Only! MDNI!
Warning: AFAB reader! Minimal use of Y/N. Reader is given the nickname Peach. Angst (would you really expect any less?). Anger. Brief assault (Eddie gets slapped and pushed by reader). Please don't try that at home folks. If I missed any, let me know.
Word Count: 4.1K
Suddenly all too aware of how quiet the house was made you uncomfortable. Taking a deep breath, you slowly made your way down the hall to the living room as your heart was pounding in your chest. The thought of being face to face with a sobered Eddie made you a little unnerved.
You subconsciously started to wring your hands together but willed yourself to stop the closer you got to him, opting to attempt smooth out the wrinkles on your pajama top and finally letting your hands fall to your sides.
You could easily tell him to get his shit and get out. That could be the end of it. But something else gnawed at you.
There was something in the way he looked at you the night before. The way his eyes shined for you and for just a moment you could still imagine no time at all had passed. You could picture yourselves still above the Hideout in your little apartment and taking care of Eddie after he had indulged a little too hard after a small gig. It was the way he used to look at you as if you were his entire world.
He had tried to kiss you and you almost let it happen. Your heart ached at the thought. Would you really let someone you claimed to hate so much get that close to you? You had let your guard down; let the façade you held so tightly falter.
You padded softly, approaching him from behind, slowly examining his tall and lean frame. He had his hands in his back pockets peacefully staring at your photos.
He had heard you enter, but he was nervous. He knew a conversation was far overdue and wasn’t sure which way this was going to go.
He tried to ignore your gaze which he could feel on him the moment you had entered, letting you take the lead, but the longer the silence stretched the more anxious he got. It was only a few seconds but seemed like an eternity.
“I can hear you thinking from here.” He finally spoke, smirk adorning his face as he turned to you. “You always did like to overthink.”
You were civil to each other the night before because you took pity on him but now, could you still look him in the eye and remain levelheaded?
“I… Uh…” you began, struggling to find your words as he gave his undivided attention, eyes zeroing in on you.
“Do you want some coffee?” You finally blurted out. Shifting a little from side to side.
He released a small breath he hadn’t realized he’d been holding and grinned wider as he spoke, “would love some.”
“And I would also love some Advil.” As he followed behind, rubbing his temples.
You laughed out then, a bright, genuine sound. “I’m sure you would Munson.”
You grabbed a mug from the cabinet and poured him a steaming cup.
“Sit,” you ushered him to a stool at the counter. As you settled on the other side, to keep some space between the two of you, setting the mug before him.  
You watched him intently as he perched himself on the seat. He looked a little rough, you could tell he was feeling less than stellar. The bags under his eyes were a little darker than the day before.
Taking a hair tie from his wrist, you watched his deft fingers pull his hair up into a messy bun. His shirt pulled taut against his chest and biceps as he worked. God, why did he have to look so good doing it? And why the hell were you thinking of him like that?
He finished and took a sip from his mug, eyeing you above the rim, quirking an eyebrow as if he knew what you had been thinking.
Your cheeks heated momentarily before you remembered the Advil turning away, and shuffling to the cabinet where you kept it. Taking the bottle and shaking a few of the pills out into your hand.  
“What did you say to Steve?” you finally asked, pulling yourself together, turning to hand him the pills. He held out his palm, as you dropped them, avoiding any direct graze of his skin with your fingers.
“Um yeah… that. I uh…” he was trying to choose his words carefully. Taking a moment to pop the Advil washing it down with his coffee.
“He pissed me off, so I asked if he just knocked you up and decided not to pursue a relationship when it didn’t work out how he wanted.”
He looked toward the floor, feeling ashamed under your scrutinizing gaze, each word coming out in a flurry, each one a little quieter than the last.  
“What the fuck Eddie?” You could practically feel the steam coming out of your ears.
“Look,” he pinched his nose, trying to put his pounding headache aside. “He started it, so I shot back. I know I don’t know the whole story, but I do know he doesn’t live here so something must have happened.”
“The whole story? You don’t know any of the story. You have no right to even make those assumptions! You have no idea what any of us have been through, especially Maddie and Steve! God you are such an asshole!”
“Well, why don’t you fuckin’ enlighten me then, Peach. I’m just dying to know all about you and King Steve.” He scoffed.
“Get your head out of your ass for starters. Maddie isn’t mine. And I don’t feel like it’s my place to tell you anything concerning her.”
His face fell. Confusion flashed as the words seemed to settle over him.
“Oh.” He finally said. “Well, how the hell was I supposed to know that? You didn’t correct me.”
 “No, Eddie, you’re completely right. I should have thought to tell you when you showed up on my doorstep out of the blue. Or when you were so drunk you wouldn’t be able to remember. Why didn’t I think of that?”
Yeah, he deserved that. He hadn’t made the smartest decisions the past couple of days. So, Maddie wasn’t yours. It sent his head spinning for an entirely different reason. You and Steve weren’t together.  
You turned to leave him there. Instead, he quickly hopped up from the stool taking just a few strides to cut you off from exiting the room.
“Move, Eddie.” He was met with fury in your eyes.
“Look, Peach, I know I am the world’s biggest fuck up. Could you at least hear me out?” When you didn’t immediately reply, he let out a small “Please. I don’t want to argue.”
“Hear you out, this shit again? When are you going to realize I don’t want to hear you out? There is nothing you could say that would make me forgive you.”
You felt the familiar sting in your eyes as fresh tears began to build. Thinking back to that night and how the following week he completely ignored your persistent calls. Any kind of explanation now would never satiate the years of resentment built within you.  
He was stunned into silence but knew exactly what you were referring to. He searched your face, but it gave no inclination of backing down anytime soon.
“I’m going upstairs to get dressed and then I’m taking you back to your car so you can go back to LA or wherever the hell you call home these days.” You shoved past him.  “Where you should have just stayed.”
He deflated with those words and watched you ascend the stairs. He pinched the bridge of his nose and breathed out slowly through his mouth. He knew he wasn’t getting anywhere with you. With each passing moment he felt like his chance at redemption was slowly fading. He did nothing to appease you, only making things worse.
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Once you made it behind the safety of your bedroom door. You leaned against it, letting those unshed tears flow freely.
You were currently regretting last night’s decision to bring him here knowing exactly what the morning would bring. Somewhere deep down you thought maybe he would just slip out while you were sleeping and blissfully unaware.
You were so caught up in your own head, you hadn’t heard the footfalls on the steps leading to the second floor nor heard when they were just outside the door.
He knocked softly, but it still came as a surprise. His voice came through slightly muffled as he was also speaking softly.
“Peach, I’m sorry I upset you. Look, you don’t have to drive me back to the Hideout. I’m going to go call Wayne and get out of your hair.”
He waited a beat, listening for any kind of response but was met with silence.
He picked his head up and turned to go back down the stairs. One step away from the door and he heard it click open as you slowly came into view. Your eyes were red rimmed, you’d been crying again. He wished so desperately you’d let him hold you and wipe them away, be the reason they dried instead of causing them.
You wiped your eyes with the back of your hand and sniffled.
“That’s the stupidest thing I’ve ever heard. We’re both adults, I think I can handle a car ride with you for another 15 minutes. Don’t call Wayne and interrupt his day. God knows he’s been through enough with you.”
He chuckled at that and nodded as he made his way back down the stairs so you could finish getting dressed.  
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The quiet between you was filled by the radio softly playing, not easing any of the palpable tension in the car and not really distracting your mind from replaying your entire relationship over and over. Being this close to him the past was all you could think about.
He was looking out the window for most of the trip, fingers drumming a beat on his thigh and humming a tune you didn’t recognize. You were trying to focus on the road and ignore him in the process. It wasn’t working as your eyes began to drift once more.
He still wore rings on his fingers, but they were a definite upgrade from the ones he used to wear. The ones he cherished, finding them at local rummage sales or thrift stores. Most didn’t fit properly, so he fitted them with tape, but each one hand picked and worn with pride.
Then you noticed it, he was wearing one you recognized because you had bought it for him on the last birthday you spent together. 
Your breathing hitched, as a little sound came from your throat. He heard and whipped his head in your direction.
“Hmmm? D’you say something?” he asked, your face burning hot under his questioning wide-eyed gaze.
“Nope.” You replied looking straight ahead, clearing your throat. “Throat’s a little scratchy.”  
“Oh.” He mumbled.
He went back to drumming.
It was then you heard a familiar, velvety smooth voice through the speakers.
“Oh shit!” Eddie’s boisterous voice startled you. He reached over and turned the volume up a couple of notches.
“Shit, sorry. This is off the new album. I didn’t think they were releasing it until next week.” He smiled, nodding along to his own voice coming through the speakers. His voice always made you melt. Even now you can’t deny the effect it had on you. Except, he isn’t just singing for you at a small gig, he’s singing for the entire world.
You had thoroughly avoided Corroded Coffin’s music at all costs. You’d turn off the TV or radio as soon as you recognized the tune or voice. You hated admitting to yourself how good this song was.
“It’s good.” You hummed.
“Yeah? This was the best song. The rest just didn’t feel right. Felt like… Feels like we’re just losing our spark. Or maybe I am. I don’t know any more Peach.” He chewed his lip and stared out the window once more watching Hawkins pass by.
You weren’t sure how to respond, as you pulled into gravel lot, spotting his rental car. The only vehicle in front of the bar.
“Well, at least they didn’t tow the damn thing. Maybe Hopper talked to the owner for me.” He chuckled.
“Yeah, maybe.” Trying to hold back a grin and a laugh.
You parked next to the sedan. He suddenly didn’t want to go. He had a sinking feeling of impending doom knowing this very well could be his last goodbye. He hesitated, hand held tight to the handle but not moving.
You surprised him by opening your own door and quickly stepping out. 
He followed suit and hastily exited. He watched as you started walking toward the bar. The very closed bar.
“Uh Peach, where y’ going?” he called after you.
“It’s ok, I know the owner really well.” Shaking your keys toward him as you made it to the front entrance taking one and slotting into the lock.
“I didn’t think Hank owned it anymore.” He shouted back, jogging over to you.
“He doesn’t.” You chuckled, turning the lights on as you entered.
Randy and the night waitress left the place in pretty good shape for opening. You had to take inventory, putting it off yesterday because Eddie had been holed up in the parking lot.
He followed behind you, albeit a little hesitantly.
“So, Hank retired about 2 years ago. But uh… he wanted to keep it in the family. Unfortunately for him his son, you remember Paul from school, right?” Eddie nodded wondering where this story was headed as you continued.
“Pauly didn’t want it. But fortunately, he did have an only niece that did.” Your grin was wide as Eddie let it sink in.
“You own the Hideout?” Eyebrows disappearing under his bangs as he pointed at you. Your turn to nod.
“Mmmhmm. Yep. She’s all mine.” You turn to look around the desolate space not missing the way Eddie was now gawking in disbelief.
He put his hands to his hips, studying your profile a moment.
“Full of surprises Peach.” He finally settled.
“Well,” you finally let yourself turn back him. “I need to do some inventory since someone messed it up for me yesterday.” 
“Oh, yeah. Sure.”
You went to the back room grabbing your clipboard ready to put this morning and the last couple of days behind you. The sooner he leaves the better off you’ll be. Back to life as usual.
When you re-emerged, he was wandering around the empty space, seemingly lost in thought.
The seat he was avoiding at the end of the bar last night was now calling to him. His feet were carrying him as if by their own volition.
He scooted the stool out from under the bar, squeaking a little on the floor as it went and lowered himself onto the vinyl padded top.
He ran his finger across the etching still there in the bar top as he smiled to himself.
“Still there huh?” he smirked your way as you looked up from the clipboard.
“Yeap. Still there.” Your eyes met his. “Don’t flatter yourself Eddie, I haven’t gotten around to changing the bar top.”
“Ah,” was all he could manage, his elbows sat on the edge as he looked back down at those letters that didn’t mean much to anyone anymore, he supposed. A moment captured in time. Created by someone who was very much in love. Very much still in love if he was being honest with himself.
“If you say so,” he finally muttered.
“Eddie, if you don’t mind, I’m busy. You can go at any time.” You didn’t make an attempt to look up as you spoke, jotting some numbers down on the paper in front of you. You could feel him looking at you.
“Yeah, yeah sure. I’ll go.” He stood, taking one last glance, resigning himself to failure once more. This is the longest you’d two been in a room without being at each other’s throats and it was nice. He could almost picture the way things used to be.
You brushed some hair behind your ear, as you chewed on the end of a pen. He thought it was cute the way you still did that when you were thinking. The way your nose would scrunch slightly when something was bothering you. He knew something was still on your mind.  
He got up, pushing the stool back under the bar. Inhaling a deep breath, taking a step toward the exit before your voice stopped him in his tracks.
“Eddie,” your voice was soft, and timid. He didn’t turn around.
“Why?” It was a simple question. One he had been prepared to answer since he got back to Hawkins. “You at least owe me that.”
He slowly spun around, meeting you eye to eye.
“I thought…” he took another deep breath.
Don’t fuck this up Munson, he thought to himself before continuing.
“I thought if I asked you to move out there with me, you were going to say no. We were in such different places; I knew you would never leave Hawkins and everyone here. So, I ended things before you would have the chance to do it first. I know it sounds so stupid when I say it out loud, but I hurt you before you got the chance to hurt me, Peach.”
Seven years. Seven years of heartache with no closure. This is his explanation. You felt nauseated.
You knew Eddie’s past. His dad always pushed him away, leaving for weeks or months at a time. He never properly delt with those unresolved issues and he pushed it back onto you. He was never afraid of commitment, but he always voiced his concerns about you “wising up and leaving him someday.”  
So, this was it. All of this could have been avoided had he stayed with you until morning. You would have gone to the end of the Earth with him had he asked. Time you could never get back. Time you could never replace.
You swallowed down the bile threatening to rise. Willing your eyes to stay dry. You hadn’t realized when he had stepped closer into your space, but he was suddenly right in front of you.
“Seven years Eddie. You waited seven years to tell me that? And you didn’t even give me the chance to give you an answer.” Your heart felt like it was breaking all over again.
“If you had given me the choice, I would have said yes.” His face shot up.
“I would have gone anywhere with you if you had just asked. If you had stayed instead of making that decision for me, you would have known. I had it already planned out.”
Looking a bit more confused at that statement, he furrowed his brow. You pinned him with a burning gaze.
“I was planning on transferring to be closer to you that fall. I had this big speech prepared; brochures laid out. Instead, you did what you thought was best for me but maybe you just did it because it was best for you. You didn’t give me the chance to make up my own mind. And I hate you for that!”
Tears now streaming down your face, you couldn’t stop them if you tried. You stalked over to him, determined, fists clenched at your sides. You pushed him with all the strength you had.
Stumbling a step back, he let you assault his chest with your fists.
“I hate you Eddie! I hate you! I hate you!” Repeating it over and over. The resentment you had been holding finally boiling over.
You continued this onslaught until you collapsed into his chest. Fists closing in and wringing the fabric of his shirt through your hands. He stayed silent letting you get out all that you needed as sobs wracked your body. Hot tears pooled and dampened the cotton of his t-shirt.
He cautiously wrapped his arms around you, placing his cheek to the top of your head. He started humming and slowly swaying side to side. It was purely instinctual. He just wanted to comfort you.
“Sweetheart, I’m so, so sorry. I know you’ll never forgive me, but I need you to know that I regret that decision every goddamn day of my life.”  
The anger slowly faded. Pulling yourself together a tiny bit and with all the courage you could muster, you dared to look up at him.  
He sent you a genuine smile. The kind that made your stomach do flips. His face flashing something you couldn’t quite read. His eyes darted to your lips and back up. Had you not been intently staring you would have missed the small movement.
“Don’t hate me for this, at least more than you already do.”
“For wha” The words died on your lips.
In one fell swoop he moved his hand cupping your jaw in his warm palm, letting the other fall to your hip. His lips met yours with a feverish need. Warm and inviting. You could taste the lingering coffee he had from earlier.
All at once you felt fuzzy and all you could do was melt into his embrace as he invaded your senses. His taste. His smell. It surrounded you. Until your brain finally caught up with what was happening.
You quickly took a step back, and without thinking smacked him across the cheek. The sound echoed in the quiet building.
“Um… Yeah… I deserved that.” He said, rubbing the fresh sting you had created, skin already turning red.  
You held your hand to your lips, still buzzing from the small amount of attention.
“I’m sorry. I… You…” You were suddenly at a loss for words.
“I’m not sorry.” He whispered. “It was worth it. At least one last time.” He looked directly at you. Eyes now pleading.
You’d be lying to yourself if you didn’t at least feel some electricity still buzzing beneath your skin. The electricity between the both of you. The spark that only his touch left in its wake.
“Eddie, I…” you took a small step toward him. Your mind was screaming at you to turn away. Leave it be. It’s not worth it. He’s going to stomp on your heart all over again. But there was something there beneath all the noisy chatter.
“I think you should leave.” You quietly spoke but you were staring into those deep, chocolate pools that you had spent so many days lost in. You were starting to feel a little lost at this very moment. Something in the back of your mind, pulling you in and telling you to let go. Maybe this time would be different.
What if he stayed? And that thought scared you more than anything.
The seconds ticked by without either of you moving away.
He searched your face but wasn’t sure what you were thinking.
“Can… Can I kiss you?” He asked apprehensively.
“I don’t think that would be a good idea.” Speaking without any real intent as you inched closer into his space. No, this was a really bad idea but in this moment, you didn’t allow yourself to care.
“You aren’t going to smack me this time, are you?” He chuckled, moving both of his hands up to cup your face. His warm palms inviting in stark contrast to the cool metal of his rings that sent a shiver down your spine.
“Shut up, Eddie.” You drew closer tilting your head slightly, noses just skimming until your lips slightly ghosted over his. That was all the confirmation he needed.
Letting your eyes fall shut and allowing him to finally close the rest of the distance.
His lips slotted perfectly against yours, just the way you remembered. The soft, supple muscles moving perfectly in rhythm with your own. You sighed into the kiss, melting a little more into his embrace.
You moved your hand up to his chest, clutching the fabric of his shirt to ground yourself. His chest warm beneath your touch, even through the fabric you could feel his heart beathing erratically.
He dared to glide his tongue across your lower lip begging for entry. You were about to grant him the access you both so desperately craved when you heard the front door swing open with a loud squeak.
You had forgotten to lock it.
You pulled away from him and jumped back as he followed suit, putting some distance between the two of you.
“Hey Peach, Max told me you’d be …”
Taglist: @josephquinnschesthair @theawkwardbutterfly @munsonmecrazy @jadedhillon @pettydonuts @angelina16torres-blog @justheretoreadleavemealone @heyyimmisunderstood @micheledawn1975 @devilslittlebabyxx @blackstabbath6 @bebe07011 @yunnie-f1 @akiratoro420 @evansslutt @sheerfreesia007 @tlclick73 @bakugouswh0r3 @vintagehellfire @feelinglikeineedlotsofnaps @ali-r3n @sashaphantomhive @foreveranexpatsposts @ahoyyharrington @somethingdeep @munsonzgf @sheisjoeschateau
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mayhem-things · 1 year
Pelle Ohlin x reader / pull of death
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Another oneshot today cause why not.
Dead and his girlfriend climb on the rooftop and soon they talk about death and its meaning
(1218 words)
tw: mentioning of suicide
Pelle sat in his dimly lit room, surrounded by posters of his favorite black metal bands. His girlfriend, Y/N, watched him curiously as he stared out the window, his eyes reflecting the fading light of the setting sun.
"Pelle, what are you thinking?" she asked, concern etched across her face.
He turned to her with a mischievous smile, his eyes gleaming with excitement.
"Let's climb onto the roof," he said. Her eyebrows shot up in surprise.
"Are you serious? That's insane!"
"That's the fun about it,"
Dead replied, his voice filled with an odd mixture of enthusiasm and darkness. He pushed the window open and began to climb out, his pale figure disappearing onto the rooftop.
Y/N sighed, realizing she had no choice but to follow him. She carefully made her way out of the window, her heart pounding in her chest as the air of the night waved upon her skin. She knew this was a stupid idea, but she wanted to keep an eye on Dead to ensure he didn't do anything too dangerous like jumping. The fear of falling rushed through her veins yet she managed to safely get on top.
They stood side by side on the rooftop, feeling the cool night breeze on their skin. The world stretched out before them, the stars shining brightly in the velvety skye.
"You're absolutely insane, Pelle"
Y/N said, shaking her head.
"What possesses you to do things like this?"
Dead looked at her, his eyes softening for a moment as honesty spoke for him.
"Sometimes, Y/N, I feel like I don't belong in this world. The darkness inside me can be overwhelming, but it's also what fuels my creativity. It's what makes me who I am."
She listened intently, her eyes searching his face for answers. She knew there was a deep pain within him, hidden beneath his enigmatic persona.
"I can't change who I am, Y/N," Dead continued. 
"But when I'm with you, I feel a sense of peace. You ground me, you make me feel alive. And in this moment, with you here beside me, I don't feel alone."
Touched by his vulnerability, she reached out and took his hand in hers.
"You're not alone, Dead. I'll always be here for you, no matter how crazy your ideas are."
He smiled softly, his fingers intertwining with hers. Leaning in, Dead placed a gentle kiss on her forehead, the gesture filled with tenderness and gratitude.
As Dead and Y/N sat on the rooftop, their bodies huddled close together, the weight of the night pressed upon them. The conversation shifted to a topic that resonated deeply within Dead's tormented soul
"Y/N" Dead began, his voice filled with a mixture of sorrow and curiosity,
"have you ever thought about death? About what lies beyond?"
Y/N gazed into Dead's eyes, searching for a glimmer of understanding. She knew this topic was a wellspring of complex emotions for him, and she wanted to tread carefully.
"Yes, Pelle" she replied softly, her voice laced with compassion.
"Death is a mysterious and profound concept. It's something we all face, yet it remains shrouded in uncertainty."
A heavy silence hung between them, as if the weight of mortality itself had settled upon their shoulders. Dead's grip on Y/N's hand tightened, seeking solace in her presence.
"I've always had an uneasy relationship with death," Dead confessed, his voice tinged with vulnerability.
"Sometimes, I feel its cold embrace beckoning me, whispering its seductive promises. Other times, I'm gripped by an overwhelming fear of the unknown, of what awaits on the other side."
She listened intently, her heart aching for the pain that Death carried within him. The way he let out those words sounded almost as if he planned on finding out, which resulted in her, feeling a wave of uncertainty how to reply. She squeezed his hand reassuringly, her touch serving as an anchor amidst the swirling abyss of his thoughts.
"You're not alone in your contemplations, Pelle" she murmured, her voice steady.
"Many people grapple with the same questions, the same fears. It's a journey we all embark upon, whether we're ready or not."
Dead's gaze turned to the starry sky above, as if seeking answers amidst the celestial tapestry. He was oddly quiet as that was the usual response he would get when asking that question
 "Do you think death is the end,Y/N? Or is there something more?"
She pondered his words for a moment, choosing her response carefully.
"I believe that death is a gateway to something beyond our comprehension. Whether it's an eternal oblivion or a continuation of existence in some form, we can't say for certain. But perhaps, in the face of uncertainty, it's the meaning we find in life that truly matters."
A gentle breeze rustled their hair, as if nature itself whispered its wisdom into their ears. Dead leaned his head against her's, their foreheads touching in a shared moment of contemplation.
"Perhaps you're right," Dead whispered, his voice laden with hidden thoughts of finding out what death actually means. 
"I love you Y/N" he assured her , calming her down to not embrace her to the real thoughts of his. Dead didn't want her to worry  about him.
She smiled, her heart swelling with love for the complex soul beside her. 
"I love you too Pelle."
As the conversation about death subsided, the both of them found themselves yearning for a moment of respite from the weighty topics that had consumed their thoughts. They decided to lie down on the rooftop, their bodies intertwined, seeking comfort and warmth in each other's embrace.
The night sky stretched out above them, a canvas of twinkling stars that seemed to mirror the countless thoughts swirling within Dead's troubled mind. He cradled her close, his arm wrapped protectively around her, cherishing the solace they found in each other's presence.
Y/N nestled her head against Dead's chest, listening to the steady rhythm of his heartbeat. She could sense the lingering weight of his contemplations, but she respected his need for privacy. With gentle strokes of her hand along his arm, she conveyed her silent support.
The wind whispered softly, carrying their worries away into the vastness of the night. Dead closed his eyes, his mind consumed by thoughts of mortality. He grappled with the darkness that often threatened to consume him, but he couldn't bear to burden her with the depth of his despair.
In that moment, Dead made a silent promise to himself. He vowed to cherish every fleeting breath, to find solace in the moments of light amidst the shadows for every second he spends with his beloved girlfriend. He would guard his thoughts, shield her from the darkest corners of his mind, for her love was a beacon of hope, a reminder of the beauty that still existed within the chaos called life.
Y/N, sensing the weight of Dead's unspoken struggles, pressed herself closer, as if trying to convey her unwavering presence and understanding. She traced delicate patterns on his chest, her touch radiating a soothing warmth that penetrated the layers of his sorrow.
A sense of tranquility settled over them, cocooning them in a bubble of shared affection. They lay there, side by side, hearts beating in sync, finding solace in the simplicity of touch and the profound bond they shared.
As the night deepened, the stars continued to twinkle above, lending a gentle luminescence to their private sanctuary.
For now, they allowed themselves to exist in this tender moment, a sanctuary amidst the uncertainty of life and the haunting specter of death. 
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freesia-writes · 1 year
Dates with Gregor: Cooking For You
This date's idea comes to us courtesy of Fireandbubbles on Ao3!!
"He absolutely has to cook for her. This is Gregor, after all. Maybe she starts out trying to do it, but is miserable at it, so he takes over? I don't really know, but one thing I'm sure of is that Gregor still knows how to make food. Even if it's not Big Bongo."
Gregor x Reader: A Series of Dates - CT-9902 - Wattpad
No content warnings (sweet kisses, that's it). Word Count: 3.2k (I get carried away when it comes to food) ;)
Open to requests for future dates! <3 Story below the cut. FANART BY @gregorsmissingarmor!! :D :D :D
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You'd been having the longest day at work when the door opened and an unexpected guest walked in. It had been the final stretch -- the last twenty or so minutes that always seemed to crawl by as long as the previous two hours before it. But suddenly, everything was looking up, as Gregor strolled in, his bright smile accompanied by the cheerful jingle of the bell. 
"Can I help you?" the receptionist asked, smiling right back at him, noting his button-up linen shirt that was just loose enough to make him look like a breezy island local and just tight enough to show off his undeniably well-built frame. It was a sky-blue color that stood out in stark contrast to his richly dark golden skin, and he was actually wearing pants today, also linen, which made him look more formal and distinguished than you'd yet seen. 
"Yes! I'm looking for... ah! That one!" he said cheerfully, pointing you out as you stood from your desk. You sidled up to reception, leaning on the outside of the tall counter that framed her entire area, feeling disproportionately flattered (and a little smug) to have such a tall drink of water looking for you, and you could feel the eyes of your coworkers on your back. 
"Hi you," you said, feeling particularly warm and fuzzy after the intimate vulnerability of your last encounter. The sensation of his gentle kisses was still fresh in your mind and brought on a new wave of tingles every time you thought about it. It had been extra hard to get work done today.
"Hello beautiful!" Gregor chimed, and you were beyond giddy to realize that he had eyes for only you, despite a few others in your office being noticeably attractive, in your estimation. "I was hoping to snag you as soon as you got off work; I hope you don't have dinner plans yet?"
"Nope! You caught me early! What were you thinking?" 
"Do you like surprises or would you rather I tell you?" he said with the classic eyebrow arch and a wink. The receptionist leaned back in her seat, and out of the corner of your eye you could see her intently watching the entire exchange. 
"Heh... I'm not normally one for surprises... but I'll let you keep your secrets if it's fun for you," you decided, subtly smoothing the front of your blazer. 
"Perfect! It's a date. Can I wait here til you're free?" 
"Sure!" came the answer from your manager, startling you from behind as you hadn't heard her approach. She was taller than you, a bold and confident woman with an air of authority, someone who always seemed to get what she wanted. Somehow, she always made you feel self-conscious and nervous, despite the fact that you'd been working here for years now. "Would you like to take a seat here? Or if you're interested in some of the beautiful homes we have for sale, you can come take a look in my office."
You felt yourself bristling at her forwardness. Was she seriously hitting on someone who was here to pick you up for a date? You wanted to quit right then and there but instead delighted yourself with a little mental image of clobbering her across the head with the stapler on the receptionist desk next to you... until Gregor's reply broke you out of your daydream. 
"Aha!" he giggled nervously, "Thank you! This seat looks perfect!" He backed up a few steps and plopped into one of the cushy green chairs near the windows at the front, not giving her a second glance but sending an adorable wink your way. You smiled, heading back to your desk and pointedly avoiding your manager's gaze as she also returned to her corner office. As you took a seat, Gregor suddenly popped out of his chair and dropped into the one next to it, so he could see you around the decorative plants that were between you. You began typing at light speed to finish the contract you'd been working on, looking up every so often and occasionally catching his eye, sending another burst of excitement through you. 
And just like that, it was time to leave, and everyone was packing their things. Giving your coworkers a few cordial goodbyes, you try to hide the bounce in your step as you took Gregor's arm and headed out the door. 
"So what do you have planned tonight, Captain?" you said playfully, hoping it sounded better to him than it did to you, but you were always self-critical. He was back to being a ray of sunshine again, and he gave you both a little giggle and a salute.
"I'm going to feed you, my lady!"
"That makes it sound like I'm an animal being led out to pasture," you laughed. 
"Oh no!" he said, looking legitimately concerned for a moment, running a hand through his hair, "No no -- you are a guest of honor being served hand and foot on this fine evening!" he rephrased, giving a cheerful nod to a street vendor as you passed. 
"I was just kidding," you reassured, giving his arm a little squeeze before lowering your hand to entwine your fingers with his. Another burst of tingles, and another giggle from him, and you were feeling on top of the world. The two of you continued walking to a slightly different part of the city that sat lower on the mountain than your house; it was full of apartments at first, but then gave way to slightly more space between homes that looked more like little cottages of various bright colors. There was more greenery and foliage here as well, and the two of you suddenly found yourselves entering a beautiful community garden.
It was filled with large planter boxes, strung up with trellises and wires for vines and plants of every shape and size to spread out across. There was an impossible variety of vegetables and fruits growing bountifully on trees and shrubs. The fragrance was otherworldly -- a blend of herbs and flowers that was mouthwateringly complimentary. 
"You are taking me out to pasture!!" you accused, laughing again and pushing Gregor slightly. He stumbled with a giggle, waggling his finger at you, and pointed to a cottage on the far side of the garden that you'd almost missed as it was entirely overgrown with vines and surrounded by trees. Now you were intrigued... Was it a hidden restaurant? Or were you going to forage for your dinner? He gave your hand a squeeze as the two of you stepped onto the porch, and when he opened the screen door, he paused before continuing. 
"This is the community garden for this side of the island, and this is the cottage for its caretaker. In exchange for the labor, he gets to live here and enjoy this beautiful place!" Gregor explained enthusiastically. "And I've heard he's an amazing cook!" he finished with a wink.
Confusion replaced the curiosity as you considered the thought of some random gardener cooking for the two of you, but you forced yourself to keep an optimistic attitude as he swung the door open. It was dark inside, until he ventured in and flipped a few light switches, and it was then that the realization hit you. 
"You live here?!" you asked, dumbfounded and unable to hide it.
"Home sweet home!" Gregor chirped, flipping a few more light switches in the kitchen and living room. As the warm glow of the lamps illuminated the rooms, you took it all in. It did not look like any sort of setting for a military commando, and as he lumbered about, tidying up a bit while humming to himself, you smiled at the contrast. The cottage was a bit old, and had clearly been through a few owners, each of which had left their own unique mark behind. It was a fun jumble of colors, and not one single chair, couch, lamp, or wall art matched another. 
The main room housed a cozy little sitting area with two large wingback chairs that faced a wood stove, off to the right from the entryway which had a simple bench and some scattered shoes underneath it. Further in sat the kitchen, with a low-hanging lamp that Gregor clearly had encountered a few times, as he was careful to move around it. It had brightly-tiled counters and appliances that looked a couple decades old, including a metal pour-over caf maker that you'd only seen in old holos. A small hallway led off toward the left, likely to the refresher and bedroom, and the other corner of the main room had a small round table with two knobby wooden chairs. The entire place exuded charm, as though it were the joint effort of generations of gardeners who clearly loved the place. 
"This is amazing," you said quietly, moving in more to admire the old photos on the wall. Some were of people, some were paintings, but all had intricate frames made of various materials. Gregor was banging around in the kitchen, digging in a cupboard, and popped his head up.
"Did you say something?" he asked.
"Just that this place is amazing!" you repeated, venturing further in to join him in the kitchen. "And you're cooking for us?" 
"Yes ma'am!" he said, diving back into the cupboard for a moment before reappearing with a triumphant "Ha!". In his hand was a rumpled bunch of fabric, and as he shook it out, it took the shape of an apron. It was a dingy white, with tiny blue flowers all over it, and had ruffled lace all along the trim. With a mischievous grin and an eyebrow waggle in your direction, he pulled it over his head and tied it behind his back. It was a glorious and comical sight: a muscular hunk with voluptuous pecs and delts, and a snatched little waist, all highlighted by a flowery vintage apron. 
"Try to restrain yourself," Gregor attempted to purr, but squeaked a bit on the first word which made you both giggle. 
"I can't promise anything," you replied, drawing closer to lean against the counter. "Can I help with anything?" 
"Absolutely not! You are the guest of honor. Well, you can do one thing -- allow me to serve you the drink of your preference? We've got a bottle of fizz, some sparkling water, a honey wine, or freshly-squeezed meiloorun juice."
"Honey wine sounds like a treat!" And it was in your hand a mere moment later. 
The minutes melted by as Gregor's counters slowly filled with a beautiful array of vegetables and herbs, which he meticulously cut and prepared as the two of you chatted. You leaned against the counter for a while until you decided to perch on top of it, waiting til his back was turned to test its strength and try to hop up in the least ungraceful fashion you could manage. The counters were wide, and the wall-mounted cabinets provided a convenient backrest. 
An indescribably fragrant sauce simmered on the stove, bubbling contentedly at the perfect temperature, filling the room with its mouthwatering scent. A small dish of crackers and cheese was set on the counter next to you as Gregor puttered about, chopping greens and carefully painting the sauce over some thick pieces of fish. When everything was neatly arranged on a tray, he slipped it into the oven and began pulling some fruits out of the refrigerator. Conversation ebbed and flowed as he mixed them all into some kind of compote, which took the place on the stove, shifting the scent to a deliciously sweet, fruity one that made your mouth water. 
He added a splash of this, a dash of that, and gave it a final stir, lifting the spoon to his mouth to give it a taste. With an enthusiastic "mmm!", he dipped the spoon back in and gave it a swirl before picking it up again, holding his hand under it and carefully coming over to you. 
"Fancy a taste?"
You felt a little self-conscious, but his unabashed glee at his creation was too much to resist. So with a nod and a smile, you leaned forward to take a sip off the spoon as daintily as you could, and Gregor's response of a little happy dance at your approval made your heart swell in your chest. He set the table with a motley array of random silverware, each in a different style, as well as a few plates and bowls, all of which were a unique pattern. It was a charming view. 
An adorable little ding from the oven was answered with a cheerful little "whoo!" from Gregor, bringing a wider smile to your face. Within a few minutes, as the two of you finished the topic of conversation, the small table was filled with the final pieces: fresh, warm bread wrapped in a little basket, a tray of salmon fillets on a bed of roasted vegetables, and a fresh fruit compote to be poured over ice cream. He brought the bottle of honey wine, as well as a pitcher of ice water, and beckoned for you to join. As you sat, he scooted his chair a little closer to yours, gently leaning his shoulder against yours.
"I'm really glad you're here," he said quietly, still with a little squeak. 
"Me too," you replied, leaning into the touch and feeling your heart skip a beat, "And thank you so much! This looks incredible! How did you learn to cook like this?" 
"Well, gardening only takes so much time, and before I met you, I had a lot more free time on my hands. Plus, I learned a few things when I was working for Borkus..."
"Borkus?" you laughed, choking on the sip of water you'd been taking, "What a name!"
"He had the character to match," Gregor giggled, "Quite the grump, from what I remember."
"Well... I'm incredibly grateful. This looks delicious. Thank you so much," you said earnestly, meeting his eyes with admiration. His cheeks grew slightly red, but his characteristic eyebrow arch accompanied his reply.
"Don't thank me til you try it!" 
* * * 
It was everything you could have dreamed of, and more... The flavors, the textures, the scents... not to mention the company! You shared more about your past, opening up about your childhood, your dating experience (or lack thereof), your insecurities, and your dreams for the future. Gregor listened to all of it with the disproportionately rewarding enthusiasm that accompanied so much of his endeavors, smiling widely, giggling unabashedly, and asking questions with genuine interest. 
The warm food and delicious wine resulted in both of you leaning back in your chairs, unbelievably content with full bellies and good spirits. After taking a moment to bask in the glory of it all, Gregor stood up to clear the plates while you finished your glass before bringing more plates to him in the kitchen. Content to work in silence for a few minutes, you continued clearing the table while he organized the dishes in the kitchen, finally settling in to wash them by hand in a sink full of soapy, hot water. You came up behind him, laughing that he was still wearing his apron, and snuck your arms around his waist, leaning your cheek against the back of his shoulder. 
"If there's nothing else I can do, I figured I'd just be here to support you," you said, hoping it came across as confident and foxy but also kind of just laughing it off.
"I'll be washing dishes all night if this is what I get!" he exclaimed with a little chuckle. 
But it only took a few minutes, and he was drying his hands on a towel before tossing it over his shoulder. How could he make something so simple look so effortlessly attractive? That yearning within was growing yet again, and before he could turn back to face you, you grabbed the strings of his apron, pulling them to release the neat little bow he had tied them into. He whirled around with a grin, eyebrow doing its work again, and you laughed a bit sheepishly. 
"Just thought you might need some help..." you attempted.
"So very supportive..." he mused, taking a step closer and making your heart rate increase steadily. "Go ahead, finish the job!" he invited, laughing and bowing his head. You stretched up to pull the apron off over his head, accidentally messing his hair up a bit and leaving it scattered across his forehead instead of smoothly slicked back. You mumbled an apology but he brushed it aside, running his hand through his hair to return it to the general direction it was in. Tossing the apron onto the counter, you slipped your hands around his waist, leaning into him as rested against the counter behind him. 
"I can't thank you enough," you said, eyes finding his. "You are more delightful every time I get to see you." 
He smiled, tilting his head a little bit and lifting a hand to your cheek, resting the other on your hip. "The pleasure is all mine, you beautiful thing you," he crooned, leaning in toward your face. You thought he was headed for your lips, and had slightly opened your mouth in anticipation, but felt a little silly once he placed a sweet little kiss on the tip of your nose. But he didn't seem to notice, and lowered his hand from your cheek to your shoulder as he continued talking, "The fact that you keep agreeing to see me, the mess that I am, is more meaningful than you know." 
"We're all messes, Gregor," you said softly, squeezing him affectionately.
"Well I'll be your mess as long as you'll have me," he giggled, lifting both hands to cup your face. This time, his mouth met yours, sending a thrill of excitement through you immediately. His lips fit effortlessly between yours, and the soft yet firm, gentle yet intent sensation was electrifying. He pulled you close against him, parting momentarily for a quick and adorable gasp of air before diving in for another long, blissful kiss. When he retreated, he smiled breathlessly and had an irresistible expression on his face -- a mixture of giddy delight and a darker, more intense hint of passion that you found intoxicating. It was something you looked forward to exploring. 
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kitashousewife · 2 years
snowed in
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an: i have been so excited for this one!!!! i love ennoshita he is so handsome and beautiful to me heehee
pairings: timeskip!ennoshita x fem!reader
warnings: reader is also in school with ennoshita, just not taking PT classes, one bed trope, friends to lovers ish (more classmates to lovers), mentions of food and eating, lots of fluff!!!! lowercase intentional
ennoshita is your favorite classmate this semester. the history class the two of you are in is tough, stressing you out more than you had planned. thankfully he's incredibly knowledgeable, helpful, supportive, and kind. he's always helped you when you needed it, even answering your very late-night texts to help you with an assignment.
that's why you couldn't refuse his offer to work on your group project this weekend. you may owe him, but he's also very handsome, so you couldn't say no.
besides, how hard could the assignment be?
"how's your section coming along?" ennoshita asks from behind his laptop, words laced with a little bit of nervousness. the two of you decided to work at his place, a very old but cozy home that he shares with narita and kinoshita. it may look a little beat up, but it's relaxing, cozy, and has much faster internet than your apartment.
"it's...going!" you give him a weak, very tired smile. you have your workstation set up at his kitchen table, and ennoshita is sprawled out on the living room floor. he groans and rolls onto his back.
"i mean, if we would have done the project right the first time, we would probably be finished by now."
you sigh. "it's not our fault that the assignment was worded like that!" unfortunately, you both read the instructions wrong. after hour three, enoshita realized the grave mistake, meaning it's been about six hours of work.
"i'm almost done, thank god," he mumbles, rubbing his eyes before looking over at you. ennoshita is also quite glad that you decided to come over today. he's sure that you're the prettiest girl he's ever seen. but, between pt classes, his part-time job at the clinic, and his other classes, he just hasn't found the time to ask you out.
narita told him that he's making excuses, but ennoshita swears he isn't.
"i think i'm about done, too. do you want to send me your part?" ennoshita hums, and a few seconds later an email enters your inbox.
he stands up with a stretch, hands placed on his lower back with a wince. he feels a little bummed if he's being honest. now that the project is done, you're free to go home.
"h-hey, are you hungry?"
you look up from your screen with a small smile. "a little, but it's okay! don't worry about it,"
he shakes his head. "it's the least i can do! you drove here, and you're editing my work, which is deserving of an entire three-course meal," he smiles as you let out a laugh. "unfortunately, since my roommates already left for break, i don't have much food. is take out fine?"
your eyes skim over the last section before you save and shut your laptop. "i don't mind, ennoshita! i can't be too picky since you so graciously offered."
"chikara," he corrects with a grin. "and okay. i'll order from my favorite place, i promise you'll love it."
while waiting for the food, the two of you clean up a bit before sitting in the living room, getting to know each other. you share a bit about your friends and family, plus your current job. ennoshita laughs when you gripe about your stupid boss and co-workers. he also takes his turn, sharing his love for volleyball and sports, even telling you about the rec team he plays with a couple of times a week. you learn that he's currently working a few hours a week at a nearby physical therapy clinic, which you can tell he loves by the smile on his face.
"and you mentioned roommates, how did you meet them?" you ask from the opposite end of the couch. you almost wish the couch was just a bit smaller so that you would have no choice but to get a little closer. the smell of his cologne is intoxicating.
"i've known them for years. we played volleyball together in high school," he starts, motioning towards a picture frame that hangs on the wall near the tv. "when i found this place, it was perfect. rent was a little high, but thankfully they wanted a change of scenery and decided to move in to help with the cost. they're really awesome guys," he laughs a little, shaking his head. his mouth opens to continue, but a few knocks on his front door grab you two's attention.
"oh! must be our dinner," ennoshita walks towards the door, and checks the peep hole before opening it.
"oh my god."
"is everything okay? was the order wrong?" you try and peak around the corner, but it's no use.
"have you looked outside at all?" his previously light and joyful voice is now filled with worry and concern. you quickly shuffle to the front door, and immediately understand his reaction.
everything is covered in a blanket of fresh, white snow. and by covered, you mean absolutely buried. besides the fresh snow tire tracks down the driveway, you feel like you are in a snow globe. the tires of your car are lost, the road is nowhere to be found, and the very crudely hung christmas lights swinging from the gutters glow dimly through the snow. while it's beautiful, you have absolutely no idea how you can get home.
"let's get in and eat. i'll turn on the news. maybe there's a storm we didn't know about?" ennoshita's warm palm rests on your lower back, lightly pulling you away from the chilly air sneaking in through the front door. he shuts it, hurriedly placing your dinner on the counter before flipping on the news. you open the containers up, dread filling your body as the broadcast plays.
headlines reading freak snow storm and road closures run across the screen, a man who's voice and smile far too cheery for the situation explains the effects citywide, and lists off school closures for the following day.
"that's much more exciting when you're a kid," ennoshita sighs, and walks into the kitchen, grabbing a couple glasses for the two of you.
"you don't happen to have a car that's good in the snow, do you?" your tone is hopeful, but you feel the complete opposite. you know for a fact that your car won't make it home, and with the roads the way they are, your friends wouldn't be able to get you either.
he lets out a nervous laugh before joining you at the counter.
"does a bike count?"
you snort. "as much as i appreciate that, i'm going to have to pass. i'm sure the bus is running! i can always get my car another day."
ennoshita picks up a couple of the containers. "i wouldn't mind walking with you to the bus stop! we can eat on the couch and can walk over when you're ready. no rush!" he smiles. you feel better already. one of your favorite things about him is how he's so calm, so sweet, and caring. without him, you are positive the report from earlier would have never been finished. you smile back at him, before reaching for the last container. his fingers brush yours, pulling away quickly before grabbing your glass of water. the two of you brush it off, but your heart definitely skipped a beat.
you take a seat on the couch, very ready to dig into your food.
"thank you, chikara. this was really sweet of you," you place your hand on his leg, and he about chokes on his dinner. he nods, swallowing his bite. "no problem!"
the two of you eat, the conversation never stopping for long. the two of you chat about school, hopes and dreams, favorite movies, and everything in between.
"that was so good! i can't believe i've never ordered from there," you exclaim, taking ennoshita's trash for him to the kitchen. he laughs.
"i'm sure they know who i am at this point. i'm almost positive i order at least once a week," he scratches the back of his head, slightly embarrassed by his habits. thankfully, you giggle in response giving him a honeyed smile.
"well, i guess it's time to head to the bus sto-"
the two of you turn your attention to the tv, where the same reporter as before informs the two of you that the bus will, in fact, not run until tomorrow.
"you've got to be kidding me," you groan checking your phone to see tons of messages from friends about the snow. "what do i do?"
ennoshita feels selfish. he feels terrible that you're essentially stranded, stuck with someone that you don't know terribly well. his heart sinks when he sees you, lip pushed out into a pout, worry written all over your face. the other part of him feels a little happy.
he wouldn't tell you, but he's very glad that you're stuck with him.
"you're more than welcome to sleep here! i don't mind at all, i'm happy to help. we have tons of extra blankets, and i have an extra phone charger somewhere," he puts his hand on your shoulder tentatively, worried he might scare you. thankfully you don't mind, even leaning into his touch a little.
"are you sure? i feel like i've imposed so much today," you feel your cheeks warm up a little bit. you feel a little excited. if you had to be stuck somewhere, you're glad that you are stuck with ennoshita. even if it does feel like a bad rom com.
"you're not imposing at all! i'm so glad you came today-" he stops himself, worried that he said too much. you look up at him with a shy grin.
"i'm glad i came, too."
ennoshita blushes, a pretty pink that makes his brown eyes stand out. he looks at the clock on the oven, shocked at how late it's gotten.
"you can say no, but if you'd like, you are more than welcome to borrow some of my clothes," he manages to get out, hoping the nervous tone doesn't show too much. he thinks you would look adorable in one of his hoodies, maybe even his sweats. "only if you want to, of course."
"s-sure, thank you so much!" you respond quickly. you want to smack yourself. was that too much?
ennoshita leads you to his room, patting his bed for you to take a seat while he grabs some things for you. he returns from his closet quickly, handing you sweatshirt and sweats.
"if you want a t-shirt, i got plenty of those too. are these okay?" he looks at you, brown eyes full of concern.
"it's perfect, thanks chikara."
the two of you stand in silence for a few seconds, before the two of you speak at the same time.
"d-do you-"
"i'll let-"
the two of you laugh.
"i was just going to ask if i could change somewhere,"
he nods. "the bathroom is just right next to my room. feel free to shower, take a bath, or do whatever you'd like. i even have extra toothbrushes if you want."
you can't help but smile. this is the nicest anyone has treated you in a while.
"you are so sweet. thank you so much."
ennoshita sinks back to his bedroom, changing into sweats and a sweatshirt of his own. he tries to straighten up anything he can before you come back, even fluffing the pillows a little. he feels so nervous and so excited at the same time. the intimacy of having you in his bedroom makes his heart race.
you emerge a few minutes later, and ennoshita has to force himself not to coo at how adorable you look. sweatshirt sleeves hanging a bit past your hands, sweats a little loose on your figure. you look as adorable, if not more than he thought you would.
meanwhile, you feel dizzy. his smell is so perfect, so intoxicating. now you're swimming in it, every sense is consumed by him. you just want to crawl into his lap, wrap your arms around him and fall asleep.
"i would offer one of my roommates beds to you, but i wouldn't sleep in them myself," he explains, grabbing extra blankets from one of the closets. you snort. he turns to look over his shoulder at you, giving you a smile.
"chikara look out!"
a few extra blankets come tumbling off of the shelf and onto his face, and ennoshita is ready to hide. he's embarrassed himself more than enough for one night.
"well, at least that's taken care of," he huffs. you can't help the giggle that sneaks out, which thankfully puts ennoshita at ease.
"the couch is very comfortable, but if you any extra blankets or pillows let me know. my room is-nevermind, you were just there-"
"this is perfect. thank you so much chikara, you're so sweet. you didn't need to do all this for me," you shake your head, setting up your bed. "i'll find you if you need anything, though."
he takes a step backward, putting his hands in his pockets. he's not quite sure what to do. do i hug her? do i just say goodnight? do i walk away?
"goodnight!" he gives a little wave before flicking off the lights and walking down the hall.
"goodnight, chikara!"
you're not sure what time it is when you wake up. it's still dark, the only light pouring in from the street lamp outside, dancing off of the snow that continues to build. you're freezing. even with the few heavy quilts and very cozy clothes, you shiver. patting around your blankets you finally find your phone, which blinks back at you. 3:22 am. you sigh, wrapping the blankets even closer around yourself. you quickly realize your phone hasn't been charging. unplugging and replugging, but nothing changes. moving to a different outlet, but still nothing changes.
the creak of ennoshita's bedroom door catches your attention, along with the call of your name.
"it's freezing, are you alright?" he whispers. you nod, hugging one of the quilts around you.
"just a bit cold is all, but i'm fine!"
you can't help but look at him. chocolate hair a little messy from sleep, sleep shirt hugging tight to his biceps. his fingers fumble with the thermostat for a few seconds, before he covers his face.
"oh no," he murmurs through his hands.
"what? is it broken?"
he shakes his head. "i think we lost power."
your mouth drops open. he rushes into his bedroom, grabbing his phone to call his landlord, who thankfully picks up on the first ring. ennoshita paces back and forth, and a muffled conversation carries through the hallway before he hangs up.
"well, we lost power. my landlord lives a couple doors over and is going to hook up our generator, but it might take him a bit," he rubs his eyes. "you don't have to, but it might be good if we just share my bed for a bit? it's getting cold quick,"
you nod. "i-if you're okay with it,"
he grabs your hand and walks you to his room. "please, the last thing i want is for you to get too cold."
you slide in to his bed, pulling the covers up. his bed is still a bit warm from before he left. you're drowning now, the clean smell of his sheets and the lingering smell of his shampoo envelope your senses. ennoshita slides in next to you, not too close though. he's worried about making you uncomfortable.
a few minutes pass by, but you can't seem to warm up.
"chikara?" you whisper in a small voice in hopes not to wake him up.
you clear your throat. "u-um, you can get closer if you want, i don't mind,"
his brain short circuits.
"are you sure?"
"yeah, i'm sure. i'm still a bit cold actually."
he nods, not that you can see him. he moves closer, bodies only inches away from touching. the heat of his body is nice, helping you to feel a bit more at ease. without thinking, you reach for his arm to pull it over yourself.
you freeze. he freezes.
"i-im sorry i didn't-"
"i c-can move it if you-"
"no," your voice is small. "you can keep it there if you want."
he pauses before relaxing his arm a little, involuntarily pulling you a little closer. he doesn't want to pull you in anymore, because you could probably feel his heart beat.
each second that goes by causes the two of you to relax, and both of you warm up quickly. the warm glow from the christmas lights seeps into the room through his blinds, coating the two of you in a slightly orange haze. the rhythm of your heart lulls him to sleep, breathing becoming steadier. your eyes flutter shut, and your mind races. you haven't felt this comfortable, this warm, and safe in so long.
just as you begin to drift off, the sharp beep of the smoke detector cuts through the air, followed by the rumble of the heater.
"power's on," ennoshita sleepily whispers, pulling you a little closer.
"yeah," you whisper back, lacing your fingers with his.
the two of you fall asleep in each other's embrace, deciding to worry about how everything will play out in the morning. although neither of you figured this would happen, neither of you complain.
thankfully the weather gave the two of you the push you needed, even if it did cause both of you to be snowed in.
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msmargaretmurry · 2 years
Hey if you're still doing the ask meme- would love either BTS for a scene from head above water or between our bodies OR if you have any, BTS/deleted scene vibes for HAW of what was going on off screen since we don't get Leon's POV - like did you have an idea of what was going on from his side and then filter that through Matthew's unreliable narration? Or was it vague/just hints in your head just like the reader has to kind of infer things
(see, i AM still working my way through these! i WILL finish them!) hi friend thank you for asking! to answer the question, yes i did have an idea of what was going on in leon's head in HAW — not always word-for-word his thoughts, but always at least his general feelings and motivations. i think that was necessary for me to know for him to make any sense at all, because matthew sure as shit didn't know what was going on over there, lmao. i like to know what all my characters are thinking/feeling, because otherwise how am i supposed to know what they should do or say?
under the cut, some extremely long-winded commentary on the first kiss scene from head above water 😂
Gingerly, when every movement isn’t sending uncomfortable threads of electricity up his spine anymore, Matthew relaxes the grip of his thighs. Leon rolls his hips like he can’t help himself, even though the movement makes Matthew clench around him. Matthew can feel how he’s mostly gone soft, but he can’t help thinking that if it weren’t for the condom, he would be fucking his own come even deeper into Matthew, and that sends a different kind of feeling up his spine. [first of all: matthew, buddy, relax. brady says in chapter one that matthew hasn’t relaxed in years or something like that, and he’s right. second of all, this is a more mild example, but throughout the fic matthew has these thoughts about sex with leon that are like… horny, yeah, but also kind of about leon claiming him, part of the fantasy being this idea of just giving himself over to being given what he wants.]
“Okay,” Matthew says. Leon eases out, using Matthew’s knees as leverage to sit up. Matthew hisses through his teeth at the loss, and Leon rubs an apologetic hand up and down his thigh. 
“Do you want the shower first?” he asks.
“Honestly, I don’t think I can move yet,” Matthew says, then, “Don’t start,” when a hint of smugness tugs at Leon’s mouth. Leon, unfazed, props his chin on Matthew’s knee. [leon’s spent most of their hookups so far keeping himself from being as tactile as he’s inclined to be, but he’s basically given that up at this point. from a writing perspective, not just here but throughout the fic, matthew’s point of view is deliberately obtuse about leon’s potential feelings and intentions, so we get a lot of matthew registering the physical actions leon performs and refusing to analyze them.]
“So are you still mad at me?” he asks.
“I wasn’t mad at you to begin with,” Matthew groans, dragging a hand over his face. “You were mad at me. I was mad at myself.”
“Both of us mad at the same person, wow. I think that’s the first time that ever happened.”
Matthew laughs hoarsely. “Fuck off and go shower.” [just like in the previous scene i did this for, my favorite parts are often these little moments where things are easy between them — a little flirting, a little honesty, it’s nice!]
Leon rubs Matthew’s thigh one more time, then pulls himself away to do just that. Once he’s gone, Matthew lets himself splay out with a sigh, stretching his legs the length of the bed, testing his sore hips.
It would be great if he could be fucking normal about this. [matthew’s whole character arc is embedded in this idea of having to be normal and tick off certain boxes to be valued and loved the way he wants to be valued and loved, which i tried to thread through the story in a way that when you get to the last chapter and leon says “i don’t give a fuck about normal” you really get hit with the realization of how differently they were each seeing/approaching this whole situationship] He decided weeks ago that sleeping with Leon was okay as long as he kept it to the important things — getting off, a little eye candy — and yet it feels so much more complicated. He lays his forearm over his eyes and tries to will it all away: Leon being here, him wanting Leon to be here, every missed scoring chance, every turnover. He is better than he played tonight. He’s no McDavid, no Johnny Hockey, but he is better than that. He knows it. [in my humble opinion matthew is a better overall hockey player than johnny, no offense johnny, but, to matthew, johnny is perfect obviously]
Matthew is still taking stock of what a fucking mess he is when Leon reappears in the doorway. [literally and metaphorically! :)]
“Here,” he says, tossing something. The wet washcloth lands next to Matthew with a soft thump. By the time Matthew has processed this, Leon has disappeared again and the shower is running.
Matthew looks from the washcloth in his hand to the bathroom door and contemplates hauling himself up on his wobbly legs to join Leon in there. Pros: Leon; cons: moving. Pros: maybe round two?; cons: that might be — too much. And not just physically. [i liked having matthew make these little pro/con lists in his head because to me they felt like a kind of internal scoreboard — if he goes with the side that wins then obviously he’s making the correct choice. of course, this list gets him nowhere because he’s too aware that he would have to acknowledge his feelings to make an accurate list.]
At least cleaning himself up is enough of a chore that it’s distracting. The washcloth is not enough; he will still need a shower, but he’s slightly less disgusting by the time Leon emerges, patting himself dry with a stolen towel. Matthew’s chest feels tight again, and he focuses his gaze on the ceiling instead of watching him get dressed.
Except instead of getting dressed, Leon climbs back onto the bed, flopping on his stomach next to Matthew. He crosses his arms on the pillow and rests his head on them, closing his eyes.
“Wake me up when you’re done showering,” he says.
“Sure,” Matthew says, but he still can’t get up. Or he could, like, his legs are working, but nothing in his brain wants to. He twists the corner of the washcloth, which is now cold and damp instead of warm and damp, and looks at Leon. At the smooth curve of his shoulder, half-hiding his face. His slightly parted lips, his soft eyelashes. The way the tension that seems to always be tugging between his eyebrows has melted away for once. Matthew has a fleeting fantasy of smoothing his thumb across Leon’s brow, of stroking his knuckles down the scruffy beard on his cheek.
Get it together, he thinks, as panic rises in him like floodwater. Get it together, Tkachuk. Come on. [i was really proud of “as panic rises in him like floodwater” as a thematic simile here, lol]
Leon opens his eyes. Matthew is convinced for a second that he could feel him staring. Maybe he could. Maybe he can read every thought on Matthew’s face. His brows twitch together, the corners of his mouth turning down. Matthew feels like he is fully underwater.
Leon shifts closer, moving like if he does it quietly enough, no one will notice, even though Matthew is still looking right at him. He closes the gap between them so he’s almost on top of Matthew again. Touches the bony edge of Matthew’s eye socket, where the skin is still the ugly yellow of an old bruise. Matthew should school his face into something neutral, but he can’t remember how.
“What,” he croaks. It’s supposed to be something like What are you looking at or What’s your deal right now, but that first word is as far as he gets. Leon’s gaze drops to his mouth. Maybe it shouldn’t be a surprise when he leans down, but the brush of his lips over Matthew’s is such a shock that Matthew forgets to breathe.
And that’s all it is. A brush of lips. The barest hint of Leon’s beard against Matthew’s skin. It might not even technically count as a kiss. Leon tilts his head, a tiny movement, and their noses nudge against each other. Matthew’s heart is pounding so loud that he’s sure Leon can hear it, and yeah, that’s embarrassing, but he cannot exist in this limbo. He can’t.
Matthew takes one deep breath, then another, and says, “If you’re gonna kiss me, can you at least do it right?”
“This is so stupid,” Leon mumbles, but the next one definitely counts as a kiss. [there are several scenes from this fic that i wrote at like 1am in my notes app in the dark squinting at my phone with one eye before i really had a story to put them in, and this first kiss sequence was one of those (as was the sex scene where matthew first gets leon to choke him). i rarely write scenes out of order, but i had a few scenes come to me SO clearly that i wanted to get them down as soon as i thought of them, and then i became determined to develop a story they would fit into.
that being said, a brief detour into leon’s head here: leading up to the nye facetime call, leon had been very tentatively feeling his little feelings, but after the nye call, he was maybe for the first time actually optimistic about matthew being on the same page as him, feelings-wise. the evening got off to a kind of rocky start, but they got back on track, and he thinks things are going well, so he finally, finally goes for this kiss he’s been thinking about for months. he’s felt so weird about doing the things he’s been doing to matthew but not kissing him, but up until now he hasn’t felt like he was allowed, and he’s still not sure, but he’s being a brave little toaster and going for it anyway.]
It’s almost tentative, just for a second, but the moment Matthew kisses back, Leon cups his face in both hands and it turns messy and demanding faster than Matthew’s brain can follow. It’s been months and months since Matthew kissed anyone, and longer since he kissed anyone like this, all teeth and reckless urgency. Way longer since he’s been kissed the way Leon is kissing him, like it’s a competition to see who can climb inside the other person first. [i love when characters kiss but i think writing good kissing is so hard and i was really pleased with how this kissing sequence turned out :)]
It really is stupid — the way his toes curl, the way the sting of Leon’s beard against his chapped lips just makes him want more. The way it feels like that first gasp of air after kicking frantically for the surface. [there is so much water motif in this scene but i think it works tbh! i love my water motif!] Matthew pulls Leon closer, bites his lip, digs his fingers into the flesh of his ass, licks the moan from his mouth. He wraps a leg around Leon’s waist, trying to get friction against his stomach. He’s hard again, Leon is more than halfway there, and Matthew can’t help arching up so Leon’s cock slides against the cleft of his ass.
“I’m getting another condom,” Leon says, barely intelligible, and Matthew says, “Yeah, yeah, yes, fuck.”
The ten seconds it takes him to pull away and glove up are torture, but then he’s on Matthew again, and they’re kissing as he pushes into him. Matthew is slick enough from before that the stretch is the good kind of rough. A punched-out sound escapes him as Leon fucks him open again, their open mouths sliding together as they pant for breath.
It doesn’t take long, for either of them. Afterward, Matthew feels shaky with overstimulation and a little hazy from coming so hard. His legs have stopped trembling, but he still wouldn’t trust them to hold him up.
“That was good,” Leon mumbles, very close to Matthew’s mouth. Matthew’s lips are buzzing, half-numb. The only upside to how chapped they get is no one will know that half the redness is from beard burn. He bites Leon’s lower lip in agreement, and relishes the snap of teeth that gets him in return. 
He is pointedly not thinking about how normal [oooh we’re thinkin about normal again, but this is a different kind of normal — a normal he could create instead of the normal that’s expected of him] this could be: lying with Leon after sex, coming down together. Maybe even basking a little bit. Already, as the high wears off, dread is creeping back into his bones. He doesn’t want to think about that, either. He doesn’t want to drag himself into the shower and then lie here alone all night, drowning in his own thoughts, his whole body raw and tender to the touch.
He wants — who fucking knows. He wants to not feel guilty for feeling this good. He wants to have won the stupid game tonight.
Leon is clearly not plagued by such things. He trails his fingers through the mess on Matthew’s stomach, lightly over his spent cock, between his legs, and dips one fingertip inside him, meeting no resistance. Matthew jerks, swearing.
“You have practice tomorrow?” Leon asks, far too self-satisfied.
“I hate you so much right now,” Matthew says.
“Good,” Leon says, but his eyes are on Matthew’s mouth.
“Leon,” Matthew starts, but he has no idea which question to ask. What are we doing? What does this mean? They all feel like something out of a teen drama. Do you think doing this makes me a bad teammate? A bad captain? Leon wouldn’t care. Do you know I think about you every day? That I count down the days until we get to do this again? He can’t say that out loud. It’s all so stupid. This whole thing is ridiculous. Matthew pushes forward to press his lips to Leon’s again, and is wholly unprepared for the lazy, contented way Leon kisses him back. For how gently his hand comes to rest on Matthew’s waist. He smiles against Matthew’s mouth, and maybe it’s just one of his stupid smug smirks, but feels like one of those rare, real smiles. The kind he always tries to hide when it’s Matthew who’s causing it. [this is the most tragic moment of the story to me, because leon is SO happy. he’s so pleased. he really thinks they’ve finally figured this thing out and they’re really on the same page now and he cannot imagine that matthew’s about to kick him out again.]
Matthew’s lungs fill with panic again, and he jerks away, making himself sit up. He takes several breaths before looking back at Leon, who is still lying there, watching Matthew with a furrow between his brows. So much for his shower — he’s a mess from round two. His mouth is swollen. He’s not smiling now.
“I,” Matthew starts, but has to steel himself to get the whole sentence out. “I think you should go.”
Because he has hit Leon in the face before, Matthew knows exactly what he looks like when he’s been hit in the face. Which is way too close to what he looks like now.
“Are you kidding me?” Leon asks, pushing himself up, too. Matthew looks away. “No, fucking look at me.”
Matthew does not. He stares forward, at his dresser, where Leon’s blue Puma t-shirt is folded neatly. [~the t-shirt is a metaphor for leon’s presence in his life~] He has to swallow before his voice will work again.
“I mean, I don’t think I have another round in me,” he says. “So if we’re done here. You should probably go.”
There is an excruciating silence before the mattress shifts. Matthew flinches when he feels Leon’s body heat at his back, but the fight he’s braced for never comes. Instead, what he gets is Leon’s chest against his shoulder blades, Leon’s hand sliding around to span his throat. Lips soft behind his ear, then, with a sigh, pressed to the crook where neck meets shoulder.
Matthew closes his eyes. He wants the hand on his throat to tighten until he sees stars. Until all he can think about is the lack of oxygen.
Finally, Leon says, “Okay.” [as much as leon loves to squabble about petty things, he doesn’t like to fight about the big things. he thinks he’s made his feelings clear, and if matthew doesn’t want them or can’t handle them, he’s not going to embarrass himself by begging for more.]
He pulls away, and Matthew sits there, slumped in defeat, as he pulls on his clothing without bothering to clean himself up. Leon doesn’t look at Matthew, but Matthew can’t not look at the crescent-shaped fingernail marks in his back, or how the tips of his ears have turned redder than his well-kissed mouth. That awful, uncontrollable need-want that always comes with being near him surges up in Matthew’s chest again, except this time it has nothing to do with sex, and this time, for once in Matthew’s goddamn life, he pushes it down instead of letting it win. [there is a version of this story that i might have written as a younger writer where matthew lets it win, or leon is a little more stubborn about staying, or in some other way they get through this moment without the breakup, and the story more or less culminates here, but — obviously not, lmao. matthew has spent a lot of time wallowing but he has not his rock bottom yet, and for a satisfying character arc he needs to let fear win here so he can confront his issues without leon, have his dark night of the soul, and then make the decision to choose leon instead of just letting leon happen. so instead we got that one perfect high moment to give him something to fight his way back to once he gets to that point.]
Leon shrugs his coat on and stands there in the middle of Matthew’s bedroom, fully dressed except his shoes.
Matthew says, “Don’t forget your shirt.”
“Fuck the shirt,” Leon says, and leaves without it. [~the t-shirt is a metaphor part two~: leon never wanted it back in the first place, he wanted matthew to keep both it and him. he can’t force matthew to do the latter, but he sure as shit can leave the shirt and hope matthew feels like an ass whenever he sees it :)]
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"Our future signed in letter"
Chapter 1
Somewhere far away, in a quiet place:
A young woman with black hair cut into a short bob is dozing on a wooden bench. Around her neck she wears her old, red scarf that she received from her childhood friend. A lukewarm breeze surrounds her on this warm late summer day in the mountains. In front of her is a harmonious landscape in the middle of untouched nature. A lake, a forest and a wide meadow stretch out in front of her. No people . She is only here with him, with whom she has spent so many years. She remembers joining the Survey Corp with her two friends, he was there too. Eren's rescue from the female titan, with whom she would never have made it without his help and probably would have lost Eren even then. But why are these thoughts coming up in her right now? She feels the comforting warmth of a hand resting on her shoulder. She slowly opens her eyes.
“Eren!” She says tiredly and rubs her eyes. A young man looks at her with emerald-green eyes that are so familiar to her and yet have appeared different for some time. The bright color has remained the same, but his facial features. Dark eye sockets frame these, as if he has not been able to sleep for a long time. They carry a deep grief that she didn’t know from Eren. He's also been wearing his hazel brown hair for some time with an undercut that she didn't recognize from him. He hands her a mug of tea that exudes a sweet scent of orange, rose hips and rose petals. She sips at it and breathes the scent. Strange when does Eren know about tea? She thinks. At the thought of the otherwise bitter drink she thinks of another person with whom she has built a close bond over the years of working and always kept a watchful eye on her and Eren.
"Where are Armin and the others?", Mikasa looks around searchingly.
The young man looks at her intently, almost as if he is staring at her, “ Don't you remember Mikasa? We both left everything behind when you told me your honest words in Liberio. You advised me that we should flee and that you wish that I should live my last years in peace. "
He continues, "I couldn't bring myself to start a genocide and had to sacrifice Historia as an incubator and feel as if I had betrayed her." At the name of the young queen, his eyes change to the one she was familiar with. Carla's eyes look at her after so many years, his look is sad. "Mikasa, I feel guilty to left behind her such a fate ... And Armin and the captain are probably looking for us", her young friend begins to cry. A nagging feeling of jealousy flows through her. Why does he have to start about Historia when they are both alone here in nature. Actually, his thoughts should only apply to her, that doesn't feel right.
In the distance she hears a desperate "Mikasa, stay with me!" She looks at Eren doubtfully, his titan markings are clearly visible, "Did you say something, Eren?"
"You think about him all the time", he looks at her knowingly, "and you realized that you have to let me go. Mikasa, please throw away the scarf and please forget about me!"
Then she remembers kissing Eren's cold lips covered in blood. Her first kiss. A morbid kiss ...
On Paradis:
A gentle breeze blows through the window, the curtains sway with every draft. Birds sing their songs outside, an idyllic calm, accompanied by the songs of nature. The sun is in the east and lets the first rays shine into the room of a small hut in which a young woman sleeps peacefully and alone. She was exhausted last night and fell asleep crying again. During the day she can distract herself from the pain and memories, what scares her are the lonely and cold nights.
Frightened and with a loud breath, Mikasa wakes up covered in sweat. The well-known throbbing behind her forehead is clearly noticeable and she touches her forehead. For 6 years she has had the same dream over and over again. Her alone with Eren somewhere far away in a place so peaceful and calm. Then this desperate plea to stay with her, another person who has become an important anchor in her life. It was his voice, that much is clear, and then again Eren's voice that asked her to forget him.
Forgot Eren? She couldn't, to reassure herself she grips her scarf, which has become holey over time. Tired, she sits up in her bed in her simply furnished, small house, which is divided into two rooms with a bathroom with an adjoining, spacious garden. Queen Historia and Diplomat Kijomi Azumabito had built this little cottage according to her wishes. It's not much, but it's enough for a simple woman like her. In her bedroom there is a wooden chest of drawers with a mirror. She looks into her reflection: the young, muscular soldier has become a grown, attractive woman. 25 springs has been counting since February 10th. It's summer time now.
Her black hair, which she wore short in the war against Eren, has now grown down to her lower back and she mostly wears it in a simple braid. On special days, mostly when she visits Erens stone, she sometimes wears it as a plait. She stares at herself with her silver-gray eyes, which, depending on the incidence of light, also had a purple sheen in them. The Asian features are still unmistakable on her, her porcelain-white skin still has the youthfulness, Armin says that she looks much younger for her age. Her rosy lips have grown fuller over time. The rest of her body has also changed, where once there were strong muscles ( she is still strong, stronger as the averrage Eldier) , feminine curves have formed. The perfect likeness of her mother.….
At 1.78 m she has even grown a bit and is bigger than the average in the female population. She is most uncomfortable with this body feature and wished she were a bit smaller and the size she could have been kept as a man. She towers over many men on Paradis. It reminds her of someone. Someone who looked at her admiringly and distorted at the same time. She can still feel these looks very clearly on her skin and get goose bumps at this memory. But that was years ago.
Not that she cares about herself and her appearance, as Jean did 3 years ago and she rejected him. How could she love Jean if she missed Eren so much.
Mikasa believes Piek wasn't upset about her disapproval of Jean. Armin mentioned that they both got married a year ago and live in Marley. Both should now have become parents with their first child.
She remembers the reunion of her former comrades 3 years ago and the disappointment that an important member was missing ... What if he had spoken to her instead of Jean? She shakes the thought away, depressed.
Mikasa, don't kid yourself. The way you treated him the last time. Without a word of goodbye, you left him and everyone else, with Eren's head in your arms. Goosebumps form on her forearms at the thought of what macabre sight she presented to everyone.
She stands up slowly and stretches her body to keep moving. It's time to start her morning routine. It's the same as every day. First she washes herself with cold water and soap, then she ties her hair in a plait and pulls her old white blouse with the old, worn, beige-colored skirt with a dusky pink jacket. It used to be her go-out clothes, now her everyday clothes. With her generous pension, she could afford new clothes that corresponded to current fashions. Historia and Kijomi even had a wardrobe made for special occasions. She didn't care, however. For whom and for what occasion in her life? Her only purpose in life is to mourn the old days, to visit a cold stone every day and to look after and cultivate her garden.
She sighs and pulls herself up. Today her second oldest friend Armin comes to visit with his 3 year old son Jonathan. At least for Armin she shouldn't look so tired and exhausted today. It is a welcome change for her, even if it is the only visit she receives regularly. She hears a knock on her front door, she looks at the clock: 9 o'clock.
Way too early. Armin is not expected before noon because he has a different rhythm of life with Annie and her firstborn. In addition, Annie is 7 months pregnant with their second child and needs a lot of help with their household. Everything has changed in the last few years. Just not her...
She goes to the door to see who it could be. It's one of Historia's messengers who brings her a small package every two months. She knows who the sender is, judging by the scent the package exudes. In return, she writes to the sender monthly about her condition, her everyday life. Sometimes about the change on Paradise, sometimes about the last survivors of the Survey Corps and about herself and her thoughts. At the memory of him, a small smile forms on her face.
With red cheeks and stuttering, the young man delivers the package to her, apparently he has been confusing for some time that this smile is not meant for him. She is lost in thoughts, because the scent remembers her of someone .
The young messenger nervously tugs at his hat and begins to speak, " Mmm ... Mmm ... Mmm ... Miss Mikasa i ... i ... I would like to invite you to the summer evening party this Saturday," stutters the messenger with a red head.
Mikasa is torn from her dreams of earlier times and looks up from the little card to the face of the young messenger with red hair and a beard, who is not yet a full-fledged beard. How old is he? 18, 19, maybe 20 springs? If any . Definitely not older. A child in her eyes.
" Sorry. I just got my long-awaited package from my fiancé and he will not be pleased that I received such an indecent offer. Please forgive. I wish you a nice day! ", She says coldly and slams the door in front of the messenger's nose. She quietly apologizes to her former captain that he is an excuse for her and that every foreign admirer is pretending to be her fiancé.
Of course, he wouldn't have such romantic feelings for her. She is not that naive to believe such a thing, but it is still a help for her to push away unwelcome admirers. Mikasa assumes that they only have contact with one another because they are the last of an old gender and do not want to lose sight of each other. 3 years ago she decided to establish contact with him by mail, after which he did not show up, and had hoped for no reaction from her captain. She had been so nervous and afraid of his answer back then, would he coldly reject her or at best just ignore her? However, Armin had strengthened her decision and helped her to overcome her fear. In the end, however, she was surprised and had received news from her captain immediately after two weeks. Since then, they have been writing to each other at regular intervals.
She smells the package and taps that there must be a new type of tea in it.
The only one who knows about her lies is her old friend Armin, whom she can confide in everything. She can understand Annie why she fell in love with him 6 years ago and started a family with Armin. Armin had always had this knowing, sensitive nature. In addition, he has become more and more attractive over the last few years if he had been her type.
But he is not. Over time, however, an intimate brother-sister relationship has developed with him, which she clearly prefers. She already hears Armin's scolding words and has to grin, for rejecting the next young man. But she's not interested in anyone since Eren died and who should be interested in her, if she ignore the strange young men. Mikasa had always had a problem with building new relationships and preferred her small circle of fellow human beings. She resigned herself to ending up as an old maid and made peace with those thoughts.
She opens the package, a sweet scent of orange, rose hip and rose petals flows towards her. In it is a briefly written letter in which it is written: “To the gloomy brat. I hope to give you other thoughts and try to smile every now and then like when we all were at the sea for the first time or shortly after Historia's coronation. All right?
Greetings L. Ackermann. "
For some time she has been amazed that he no longer says goodbye with his title, but with his name as normal. Her captain is not the kind of person who would allow anyone to speak to him by name and so she is not sure how to write to him in her next letter. Perhaps she should ask Armin for advice, he is always good at assessing things like that. But the thought evaporates again when she opens the package.
In the package there is a small box with a card. She opens the box, there are dried tea leaves with dried citrus fruits in them, which are usually very expensive on the market and are a small treasure. She looks at the card and giggles at what she has to read.
"You get really creative with age, Captain" and she goes to her kitchenette, lost in thought.
Meanwhile in London:
“Do you also sell coffee?”, a dirty young worker has just entered a well-known tea shop in London. Another idiot who preferred this dark broth to his favorite drink. The man behind the counter wrinkles his nose in disgust at the sight of the customers.
“If you want to drink this liquor, you have to go to the street vendors on the next corner or to the next pub three doors down. There's only tea here! ”Behind the counter there is a small, if not unattractive man in a wheelchair. You can tell by the man in his late thirties that he is a war veteran. His facial features look like those of a young man in his mid-twenties, but his scars make him appear older. A large scar extends on the right half of the face, it extends from the right eye socket to the lower left lip. His right eye is blind and he has three smaller scars on the left side of his face. An unpleasant memory from Zeke Jaeger, Eren's half-brother. If its appearance alone doesn't put off most customers, then at the latest his difficult character…. He sends the customer outside harshly.
“At least you don't have him with your growling OUT OF HERE! Like you sent those outside the last time“ , Onyankopon says sarcastically to Levi. The black Brit, in his mid forties, has been working with Captain Levi since the war against Eren Jaeger and the Jaegerist and both of them have decided to run a tea shop in the past. Onyankopon is more responsible for the clientele, while the captain takes care of the tea expertise.
The former captain of the Survey Corps does not send any tea connoisseurs out of his shop angry and his luck is that London is a metropolis of tea lovers and thus his shop keeps afloat with the regular customers and his good pension. However, customers die or move away for professional reasons, making it difficult to attract new customers with the captain's eccentric nature.
But behind his eccentric, angular facade hides a sensitive man who cares about his closest confidante. He usually only shows this page to two other members of his circle of friends. The two Marley children Gabi and Falco, who have meanwhile grown into young adolescents, and especially one other person with whom he is in regular correspondence. Onyankopon noticed how soft his facial expressions become every time he receives a new letter from this person. Onyankopon can imagine how he would act behind closed doors if he were alone with this person. Just as the 14th Commander Hanji Zoe once described it.
Levi only replies with his short "tch" and moves in the direction of the tea kitchen, which has a large oven, a water basin, a sideboard with tea sets and a desk. In this room he creates new types of tea and comes up with romantic, melodious names for it and probably thinking of someone special. The tea shop is divided into two floors. On the upper floor there is a bedroom with a double bed, in which he almost never sleeps, and an empty room. The lower floor is more generously divided: a spacious tea room and in the back the tea kitchen, a small storage room and a bathroom with a spacious bathtub, which he can only use once a week if Onyankopon helps him. His injured leg makes it impossible for him to get into the bathtub or to be able to move freely at all, he is happy when he can walk up the stairs alone with severe pain if he has to lie down at night so that his leg can rest for a few hours.
Onyankopon hears the doorbell ring and Gabi and Falco enter. “Gabi, Falco! It's nice that you two are here ”, Onyankopon greets the two audibly, so that Captain Levi can hear who has entered. Both Marley children have become young adults. Gabi to a beautiful young woman with large forest green eyes, olive skin and shoulder-length, dark brown hair. Her boyfriend Falco, who has been fiancé for six months, will soon no longer show the boyish features. With his 1.80 m and broader shoulders, you can see very little of the tender boy from the past. However, his friendly, gentle character has not changed from before.
“Did he piss off new customers again? ", Falco sees Onyankopon's frustrated look, who in turn just points annoyed at the tea kitchen.
"I don't understand , that with this lovingly creative tea menu, the shop must be full and teeming with customers", Gabi reads the new tea menu curiously, "word of mouth alone should be enough. White Beauty = A white, oriental tea with the sweet aroma of dried oranges, rose hips and rose petals. "
“That he's a romantic now. It's new to me, "jokes Onyankopon dryly.
All three hear an annoyed “Snout!” From the tea kitchen. Gabi has to laugh. " Do you believe . He's thinking of her? ”She whispers to the other two.
“Probably,” replies Onyankopon matter-of-factly, “I wish he would devote himself to his customers with enthusiasm as well. Thinking up romantic names for new types of tea and developing new types of tea is not enough to keep the shop going ”, Gabi and Falco look at Onyankopon's frustration. And the numbers in the financial books don't exactly brighten his mood.
“Maybe that's why he's in such a bad mood, because he's worried about her. According to the news in the newspaper, there are riots on Paradis and former members of the Jaegerists are on the verge of coming to power. Rumor has it that Queen Historia fled with her child and husband and asked for asylum in Hizuru, "says Falco thoughtfully and most of the time he is right with his assessment. All three look worriedly at the tea kitchen. There is no answer ... The phone rings ...
Onyankopon answers this by accepting an order. But judging by his reaction, it is not an order and seems very serious from his casual and friendly greeting. Judging by the reaction, it doesn't seem like a pleasant conversation. " Hello ! Greetings. Yes, I read the news… ”, a moment of silence. Gabi and Falco look worried in his direction. Onyankopons can be clearly seen when the complexion is pale, if that's even possible in a dark-skinned one, “I see. I'll be on my way straight away, ”he says curtly. He hangs up, takes his jacket and hat, “Falco, you take over everything from here on. I'll be back as soon as possible. But allow three days for my absence. I have something important to do” , he says goodbye in a hushed voice,“ and not a word to him! ”Onyankopon points to the kitchenette,“ I have to go to Paradis. It's serious ... ” So he's gone too. Gabi and Falco stand there with their mouths open, Gabi takes Falco's hand, “Falco. I don't have a good feeling about this phone call, ”she says quietly to him. Falco looks in Onyankopon's direction, "Neither do I Gabi ..."
Levi hears the phone ring, which they- have had for a short time because Onyankopon insisted on having one in order to be able to take orders more easily and thus offer more service to new customers. If it was up to Levi, everything could have stayed that way. Should people place their orders directly or by letter. Levi found it difficult to do new things in his life, just as he found it difficult to keep new people in his life. But that's what the other three were there for him and his brat from earlier days. He thinks of her often, actually every day. He remembers how they met, that their relationship with her wasn't always easy, but he's not easy either. Now she understands him the best, just like Hanji and Erwin did back then and she got him out of a dark, depressive phase of his life 3 years ago when she wrote to him for the first time.
He wished he had the courage to visit her on Paradis. Get her out of this shit hole. But he's a scared mutt for that matter, and he doesn't want to push her into anything she isn't ready for. But he has to admit that he misses her with every fiber of his body. She will probably have developed into a beautiful young woman who must have many admirers. With every letter from her he expects the news that she will soon get married and with every letter that he receives, he can calm his fear for a while.
Recently, however, a new concern has arisen. The news in the paper is worrying about Paradis. According to the news, former Jaegerists strive for power and tried several times to coup the Queen. Should they come to power, the last members of the alliance will no longer be safe. Armin, his family and Mikasa still live there ... Everyone else decided to move away years ago. Armin stayed there to maintain diplomatic relations between Paradis and the other nations. And Mikasa ... she's just too stubborn to force a change in her life. A stubbornness that he also knows in certain aspects of life.
The first letter from her three years ago surprised him all the more. At the time, he didn't expect that she would seek contact with him on her own initiative. He remembers the feelings that came back after a long time when he received her first letter. There wasn't much in it, except that she wanted to inquire about his position and she told something about her life on Paradis. Even if it was just polite phrases back then, it was enough for him. That she is fine and that she must have thought of him. He remembers how he immediately wrote back to her how happy he was to hear from her. Since then they have been writing to each other regularly and he is eagerly waiting for her next letter. He kept every single letter from her and read it several times. Gabi is now joking about him. That he's turning into a romantic and shit like that. What does she know in her naive, youthful way?
But she is right in her assessment. He also reveals himself again and again. Not with his language but more with his facial expressions and gestures. Every time someone talks about Mikasa, he gets red in his face and has wet eyes, which betray every emotion. The other three know that too and don't talk about her too often so as not to upset him. His thoughts wander back to her ...
Mikasa ... Please take care of yourself, are his thoughts on her and tries to get back to his work.
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creamyychann · 2 years
Hey can u make a ran haitani x f! Sibling x rindo haitani. After naive little Y/n comes back home after her dance class complaining about her cramps due to dancing, her 2 older brothers couldn't hold back and give her a nice "massage" to help her feel better.
Massage... Wanna know smth? This request reminds me of an audio abt a guy asking for a massage service from the listener but then the listener end up having sex? Pleasure him? Idk I forgor & the guy is also like those innocent, cute guy, SO, I'm taking an inspiration from that 🤩
Also, I really like their original hairstyle (not bonten ///sorry) so, this taken at Kanto Manji Era.
Ran (21)
Rindou (20)
Reader (19)
Tags: DEAD DOVE: DO NOT EAT, INCEST, Dub-con, Threesome, Double penetration 1 hole, Naive reader.
Don't like it? DON'T READ IT!
You've been warned.
Read at your own risk.
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The Front door could be heard opening, the 3 brothers rushed quickly to meet their sweet, darling sister. "Welcome home Y/N! " they both greet, but then they notice your appearance. Limping, holding your back & hip, not to mention the pained expression displaying on your face.
"Ahh.. Hi nii-chan! " you greet back after struggling holding up yourself. "Y/N, are you ok? Want me to carry? " Ran spoke as he carefully hugs you in worry. "Uhh,, I didn't stretch good enough today & I ended up with muscle cramps, haha" you explain trying to ease out the pain "Here here let your big brothers handle you Y/N" Rindou gently lift you up & carry you to their bedroom.
You sat on the bed then arch your back, making out a satisfying crack. "Y/N, you really seem in a lot of pain, do you want your big brothers to give you some nice, relaxing massage? " Ran spoke as he wrap his arm on your shoulder while staring at you longingly with his classic smile. "Yeah, that would be great isn't it? Besides, you've worked really hard" Rindou kneel down to match your vision, his usual scowling expression now replaced with a gentle expression that only you & Ran ever seen him like this.
"Sure, I think that'll be a great idea" you agreed with a warm smile.
Ran & Rindou smirked at this
You're completely naked. Your breasts squeezed onto the bed while your bottoms are covered with a blanket, though Ran was against covering it but the room has an AC in it so you don't want to freeze. Besides you Rindou watch your glistening back so intensely while Ran pour oil massage onto his hand. You shivers as Ran's warm oily hands touches your back. Your face flushed red as Ran sensually massage you.
You shriek when you feel another 2 hands rubs & massage your legs. "It's tense here, you really overworked yourself" you heard Rindou spoke, feeling his large rough fingers dipping onto your soft thighs. You moan at the relief when Ran hit the spot. You didn't realize the effect you cause from that moan you let out.
As they continues to massage you, Rindou trail his hand up & up till it reach your upper thighs, just below your buttocks. Meanwhile, you're slowly drifting off over how relaxing it is, not aware the real intention they have. Hands slowly come up your ass & then grip it. You let out a moan when Rindou did that, while at the same time, Ran trails his hand to the side of your breasts & slowly gets under it.
"Hey, Y/N, do you want a 'special massage' session? ~" you hear Ran whisper to you while he slowly massaging your breasts. "H-hm? What kind of special massage? " Feeling arousal start to build up as Rindou slowly massaging & groping your ass. "You'll see~ ♡" He whisper again & finally pulls away from you.
You feel the blanket covering your ass get taken off but you didn't think much of it. You could hear sounds off clothes moving or cluttering then a sound of falling clothes. The sudden change of atmosphere crowding the room as you half sleepingly lay on the bed. The bed dip as you feel something hard rubbing against your ass.
"Hmmm? Nii-chan? What's that? " You ask trying to see behind you "oh, it's part of the special massage! You'll love it! ♡" Ran soothe you as he spread your ass not before giving it a firm grip. "Go on Rindou~ Don't keep your baby sister waiting~" Rindou tch-ed at his brother exclamation but do as he told. "Be ready Y/N, it'll hurt at first" Rindou said as he plunge his dick into your pussy.
Your eyes widen & whines at the sudden feeling. "Ah! ~ what's this! ~" "Relax baby~ it's part of the special massage~ we promise it'll feel like heaven~" Ran strokee your hair as you moan, clenching around Rin's dick as he let you adjust his length. A few minutes later, Rin start to move.
"How does it feels baby sister? ~ it feels good right? ~" Ran whisper, gliding his hand on your buttocks, watching it bounce every time Rindou thrust. "I-it feels good! " you continue to moan as your arms change position into gripping the bed sheets.
Rindou suddenly stopped along with Ran pulling away from you. You look back in confusion, seeing your big brothers eyeing each other. "Baby, do you think you can take the 2 of us? " Ran slowly pumping his semi hard dick whilst looking intently at you. "I-i think so? " you answer, not really getting what he meant. Your answer makes both brothers smirk & ready to pounce
A hand hold down onto someone chest to avoid falling down while the other wrapped around someone's neck to sloppily makes out with him. Your mind filled with nothing but pleasure. Feeling their 2 dicks in one hole feels so painful yet so good. Their thrust is not slowing down at any moment, knowing how much heavenly noises coming from your mouth if they keep doing this. Pulling away from the kiss, a string of saliva still connects your tongue as you & Rindou looks intensely at each other.
Feeling left out, Ran pouts & give you a hard thrust making you yelp. He pulls you onto him, crashing both lips on each other. You wrap your arms around his neck as you continues to moan at their never slowing thrust.
They're getting close, so are you, but you can't hold it any longer. You squeezed your walls so tight at your orgasms, not forgetting to moan so loudly onto Ran's mouth. The sudden tightness triggers their own orgasm resulting with them happily filling you up with cum.
You 3 pants as you 3 lay on top each other. Feeling so drained & tired, you slowly drift to sleep. "Nii-chan... " you barely let out whisper, but it still get caught by Ran & Rindou's ears "yes Y/N? " Rindou response between heavy breaths "thank you... Can we do it again sometimes? " you ask slowly closing your eyes, & drift off to your dream land. Ran & Rindou smirks devilishly, as Ran strokes your hair, Rindou answer your questions.
"We'll happily do that Y/N ♡"
ೋ❀❀ೋ════ ❀ ════ೋ❀❀ೋ
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rinnepegger · 3 years
Hello! Can I request the big 3's (diavolo, Lucifer, and barbatos) reaction to you staring at them for a long time and when they ask why you're staring you tell them they're just so unbelievable pretty?
AYOOOO FIRST ASK??#! THANK U SMMM!!! <3333 And of course you can! I'm so thankful as well behrhhehhewbb. Also sorry in advance if diavolo and barbietoes is slightly ooc hehe haven't played the game in a hot moment, but I still do hope you enjoy this post!
TW/CW: fluff, GN!Reader
Staring at Diavolo, Lucifer, and Barbatos then telling them they're really pretty
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★☆ Lucifer
You two were in his study while he was doing his regular paperwork and you were on your D.D.D.
You set down your device as you sighed and stretched out your arms since you were practically turning to stone as you sat in your seat without movement.
You looked over at Lucifer and didn't even realize you were staring him down so intently tbh.
his well sculpted face, the way he bites down on his bottom lip as he was skimming through each individual document.
the warm glow from the burning fireplace next to his table radiating onto his face which only accentuated his already well defined features even more.
this perfect view of his face from where you were seated only reminded you about one of the many reasons as to why you even fell for this grandpa in the first place.
clearly you were so caught up in your thoughts that you didn't even notice that you were staring at him so intently that you could have possibly made him feel uncomfortable, though you highly doubt so.
"MC, is everything alright?"
As expected, he asked rather nonchalantly, barely even making eye contact with you as he returned right to his paperwork.
"Oh it's nothing. I just think you're rreeaalyy pretty."
He tried to look unbothered, not letting his facade falter in the slightest. However the slight hitch in his breath and pink which dusted his cheeks told you otherwise.
You could visually see him tense up a little bit as he brought up one of his slender fingers to rub on his temples.
"Don't be stupid."
"But I'm not."
"You're lying aren't you?"
"I wouldn't lie to you!"
He brought up his elbow to rest on his desk as he pressed him palm to his cheek, and you swear that you could've seen a smirk growing on his face.
You knew deep down that he only called you a liar and stupid just to get you to reinforce the fact that you weren't lying to him, as well as to feed his pride.
But hey, as long as you get your compliment through that thick skull of his, it's a win either way.
★☆ Diavolo
It was during a date night at Ristorante Six.
He was going on and on, talking about how embarrassing Lucifer could be at times in private without his brothers around.
The way his face lit up as he reminisced the past events that were probably abnormally long ago for a human like you.
The way the corner of his eyes crinkled up as he burst out in his boyish laughter for the nth time that evening.
The way he radiated such a child-like aura from his close-eyed smile only made you fall deeper in love with the soon-to-be Demon King.
The longer you stared at him for, the more you fell into the downward spiral called love.
His hair has slightly ruffled, clearly due to a failed attempt to gel his hair back for the date. His broad shoulders and the way his posture seemed to carry so much pride in him, either from his high ranking as a well-respected demon, or to have you as his significant other, though we al know and believe it to be the latter. dont forget his big tits as well.
"MC, are you okay? You've barely touched your food. Does it taste bad? I can ask them to get a replacement for you."
You giggled at how concerned he was for you , and also due to the fact that there was absolutely no issue with the food either.
"The food is perfectly fine. It's just that I think you're really pretty."
He takes a second to actually absorb what you said but once he did, he chuckled and his tan cheeks turned an ever-so-light shade of red.
"I think you're really pretty too MC. Especially tonight! You look stunning and I'm surprised no one has said anything about how gorgeous you look!"
Oh how the tables have turned hahah
Your cheeks too turn to a deep shade of red.
Honestly you should've expected him to respond like this, but it still manages to catch you off guard.
On the way out of the restaurant, he pasted a big fat juicy smooch on your temple as he rubbed your shoulders.
"I love you a lot MC."
★☆ Barbatos
The two of you were baking in the Demon Lord's Castle.
He was mixing and preparing the pastry cream as you pulled a tray filled with goods out from the oven.
You set the tray down on the kitchen island to cool down before piping the cream into them with Barbatos.
You looked up from your work station and saw Barbatos working intently on his confection.
He looked very calm and at peace, probably as a result of mastering the art of baking through centuries of practice, as well as having this rare opportunity to work with you.
All his features were relaxed and there was a slight gleam in his eyes still present.
He already had felt you staring at him for a little, but it was only later on that he decided to look back up to you.
"Yes, MC?"
He said as he tilted his head slightly to one side
"No it's nothing. It's just that you're really pretty when you're so focused."
He smiled warmly as slight red dusted his pale cheeks.
He reacted so nonchalantly about it that it was honestly really underwhelming.
He walked over to you and reached out his hand to your face.
You widen your eyes in surprise and your cheeks flush red ///////
He caressed your cheek and swiped his thumb along your smooth skin, before speaking.
"You know that you're still more beautiful than me right MC?"
You averted your gaze to the wall next to you due to the sheer embarrassment you were feeling that words alone couldn't express either.
He laughed at your reaction before pressing a chaste kiss to your nose.
"Alright alright, let's quickly finish this up so we can spend some time together in my room. How does that sound?"
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mewtwoandme · 2 years
About your thing you said about Giovanni:
First of all, very well put and good to hear your reasoning with clear points
And second; it sucks to say but I have a friend who is plenty closed-minded when it comes to some things in media, I mean I already brought this up with TC but to make it TL:DR he has this warped and tight view on characters such as how in their source material they’re evil, but in well written works there’s a creative possibility for the option of redeeming oneself, yet in his work redemption is measured on how much atrocities they’ve committed or how doing something that wouldn’t be “entirely OoC” is just lost on him.
All in all: I like what you said and I believe everyone is entitled to their own answer if they can write it to make it believable instead of making it a plot-given pass or not. It’s better to expand creative writing rather then let people limited it just to go by their standards.
I honestly don't understand why people get so uptight about it. I feel bad for authors and movie producers who go through the same thing with people cause they felt like redeeming a villan character.
I honestly just think that giving Giovanni a redemption arc is just an interesting concept to explore. It all really comes down to character development. Its just the idea of "Well, what if this villan turned good, what would their personality be like? How would they change? What would they do differently?"
I also think that some people forget Mewtwo is an ex villan at times too. Sure Giovanni is a mafia boss and steals pokemon from people and uses them as tools for his own gain for power, just to name a few things. But Mewtwo planned a mass world wide genocide...destroying humans and the pokemon who served them along with reshaping the world to his own liking with him as ruler of the world. And it had to take the literal murder of a 10 year old for him to finally realize how wrong his ideals were. But yet we still love him nonetheless.
Now, I'd by NO means do a redemption arc for Giovanni just for the sake of making people love him, even that is a big stretch that isn't my intention. I'd only do it cause I'm genuinely curious how different Giovanni would be from his canon character personality. Im not asking people to like it. But if I do a redemption arc and people actually come to like this redeemed version of Giovanni than cool, so be it. That's the magic of making AUs. In one AU I could have Giovanni turn good. In another AU he can remain evil and I could have Mewtwo be rid of Giovanni once and for all by killing him himself. I'm honestly not opposed to either option.
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sonianvmd · 3 years
thh characters with a crush on you
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warnings: none, maybe some swearing but otherwise nothing major
oH and mentions of murder and death but this is danganronpa so im going to assume u expected as much
a/n: so we kickin this blog off with a bang, writing for LITERALLY THE ENTIRE TRIGGER HAPPY HAVOC CAST LMFAOAOAOAO (excluding hifumi, yasuhiro, and the two despairs doe bc i’ve already made that clear)
also some character’s sections are shorter than others im sorry i just couldnt think of as many bullet points for them *tiktok cry emoji*
spoilers under the cut!!
★ 彡 ★ ミ ★ 彡 ★ ミ ★
makoto naegi
when he realizes he likes you, he doesn’t necessarily panic or anything, but he does get nervous
nervous around you, that is
y’all saw how he was with sayaka
if he says anything that might sound intimate then he’ll immediately rephrase it or reassure he didn’t mean anything by it
he really only does have good intentions but his wording just kinda flops sometimes
he appreciates how you listen to him and value what he says
you don't make him feel dumb or inferior compared to a bunch of ultimates with actual talents
he’ll muster up the courage to tell you eventually
let’s hope his luck comes through 😁
byakuya togami
now when THIS man realizes he likes you, he a bitch nigga bout it 😐
he can't believe he fell for a common plebeian such as you
but it was hard not to
the way you preferred to get to the point
the way you were aware of your situation and didn't sugarcoat how you felt about it, although you certainly were nicer with it than him
he's ruthless
you knew your priorities and spent no time trying to use your resources
he noticed how much you had in common; in you, he saw himself
and we all know how this mf feels about himself 😐
he’ll be quick to defend you in class trials
he won’t realize he’s doing it but he just subconsciously protects you
but just because he doesn't notice it, don't mean the rest of the class brushes past it as well
yeah they on his ass LMFAOO
kyoko kirigiri
kyoko is very good at keeping her composure so she won’t be very obvious
she’ll probably just hang around you more
she’ll also defend you in class trials, calmly
“oh, it couldn’t have been [name]. i remember seeing them in their dorm around the time the murder took place.”
hifumi probably finna say some dumb shit like “aye what was you doin in their dorm doe” but anyways
she finds you respectable
if you have anything to contribute, she’ll let you take the floor
when she tells you, she’s very composed, but also very indirect LMFAO
she’s not too sure on how to express her interest in you but maybe she’ll go about it like “well, [name], now we’ve made it here, would you like to step back into the world with me?” or somethin else along those lines idk
take her hand
toko fukawa
y’all know her whole “master togami” shtick
yeah so 😁😁😁😁
no but fr, toko ofc still has her borderline stalkerish 🧍🏾‍♀️ tendencies
she’ll often find herself staring at you, either in the library or in the morning meetings everyday at breakfast
but she isn’t as straight forward as she is with byakuya
i actually think she’d be mad shy and non confrontational
the whole thing she kept up with him ? yeah, never again
if you approach her first then she’ll be able to get a few words out but for most of the conversation, she’ll just nervously play with her braids
you’ll most likely put two and two together
unless ur a makoto kinnie bc then you’ll have to wait till someone else puts it in place for u but anyways
if you decide to approach her about it, you’ll kinda be backing her into a corner bc she’s just bad at deflecting things lmao
she’ll eventually confess (begrudgingly but hey i mean its better than nothing)
expect much stuttering and a gesture like giving you a small gift
and not to be that writer that uses japanese terms in english writing but toko seems like a tsundere but not really if that makes sense?? so she’d probably shove it in your hands and if you try to say something then she’ll just try to play it off as not a big deal lol
calls u a baka 😍😍
aoi asahina
i know y’all all see how she is with sakura
aoi is the kind of person who’d like to spend time with their crush rather than shy away from them
she values you and your friendship very much
bring her donuts
just trust me bring her donuts
she doesn’t really realize she’s into you like that for a while but believe me, she is, the whole time
and yeah i think she’d be nervous to tell you bc that’s just natural but ultimately she’d be cool about it
uh oh looks like we goin for a swim
sakura ogami
similar to kyoko, she’s very calm
despite her big and bad appearance, she really is a sweet girl
she cares for you and your well-being very much
will indeed go on x games mode for you
the way she tells you is very sincere and well spoken
kith her
im sorry this is like the shortest one i couldn’t think of much for her 😔😔
leon kuwata
flirtatious ass mf
and he’s lightskin
so this just cannot go well
y’all know that bit where it’s like the guy yawns and stretches his arms up and then wraps one around your shoulder
yeah that’s literally him LMFAOO
he’s very confident
he was fairly well known with the ladies at his old school so you know he’s rhockin wit it ‼️
you feel.. different than usual ??
those girls were just lil flings n dates bc he was nice enough to accept their confessions and it boosted his ego anyway so it was a win win
but you
he was genuinely interested in you since he had saw you the first time
he didn’t just acknowledge your appearance
he learnt about your personality and your hobbies and what you liked and such, and he really cared and wanted to hear you talk about it all
he felt the need to really make an effort to show you how much he respected and had affections for you
he doesn't tell you in a grand way
probably just asks you out to a movie or somethin
he's chillin
mondo owada
you know
for being the biggest, baddest, most respected biker gang leader
or just for being in a biker gang period
mondo’s a huge softie lol
yeah he gets violent but he’s a sweet guy who cares about and is loyal to his friends
so mfs need to be nice to you
or they gettin whooped
when he decides it’s time to tell you how he feels, he thinks over his words and he’s all confident there’s no way you’d reject him but then he sees you in the halls and goes 🧍🏾 LMFAOOO
he’ll push through but it’s like he’ll walk up to you and look away from you because he refuses eye contact and just go
“so y/n, would you wanna.. tch.. come to a drive-in movie with me or somethin’?... dumbass.”
real smooth mondo i think you got em good job
please tease him LMFAOO it’d be so funny
he’d probably yell but you can tell he’s not mad so you just keep going with it
but once you’re done tormenting him, you do agree to the movie, don’t worry 🙏🏾
also mondo would call his s/o doll
that is all
chihiro fujisaki
my fav dude in a dress <3
chihiro would be quite shy, but that’s just how he is tbh so no surprise there
he’s very kind so he’d check up on you often just to see how you are
he cares about you v much
the way he confesses is one that consists of a red face as he offers you a box of candy or something similar
and he’d feel honored that you reciprocate his feelings
he’d be very scared to tell you his secret but once he does, he’s delighted to hear it doesn’t make any difference to you
he doesn’t know how he got so lucky with you
not only because woooo they like me back but also because you like him despite,, well everything about him LMFAOO
sweet lil boy
i’d feel like he’d talk about you to alter ego a lot
and when u meet the program for the first time, he’s like “oh! you must be [name]! master’s told me all about you :)”
sobbing i miss him
kiyotaka ishimaru
okay here’s the thing
if taka were to like someone
i can’t tell whether he’d be more strict because he doesn’t want them to get in trouble (and also so it would hopefully divert any suspicion that he DOES like you since he treats you the same as everyone else, only more)
or if he’d hold back more because he favors them LMFAOO
so imma write a lil bit for both
in the case that he was even stricter:
he’d prefer to be around you because he believes the best way he can make sure you stay out of trouble is to make sure you don’t get into any in the first place
of course it’s impossible to monitor you every second of every day but he does his best to make sure you’re doing well
if he sees you do anything out of line, he’s shutting that shit down IMMEDIATELY
but in the case he let up:
he’d still lecture you but noticeably less than the other students
if your feet were resting on top of a desk, he’d ask you to move them and then leave you alone rather than yell at you and forcibly move them himself
if you notice his behavior towards you in comparison to the other students do not tease him about it he will go as red as his eyes /hj
either way he’s confessing to you with a polite but exaggerated bow while holding out a well thought out letter with both hands
sayaka maizono
she will tell you
idk why but i feel like she’d be straight up lol
she’d make sure she’s sincere
she is the ultimate pop idol and all so she wants to make sure you know that she really does like you and isn’t playing a sick joke on you or anything
ok bc
while i do think she’d tell you
i’d feel like she’d be a little indirect just to see how you feel
like she’d give you a free ticket to one of her upcoming concerts with a kind smile
and naturally, you're like :o
and of course you come to support her
and seeing you smile at her from the crowd and cheer her on was the encouragement she needed to push her to ask you out
for real this time
she asks if you wanna come to a concert with her and ur like “oh yeah i love ur shows!!” bc ur dumb and then she’s like “no i mean.. for another artist” and eventually it hits you that she’s asking you out and ur like “oH YEAH YEAH SURE THAT SOUNDS GREAT YEAH OK” LMFAOO
i really hope that this is good LMFAOO this is my first time writing for dr so 😃👍🏾
fun fact i finished toko’s section first and taka’s last 😁😁
and i’d like to thank @mius-imagination @bloodygir n the rest of the discord for helping me figure some of these characters out *simultaneously whips and nae naes*
bye ive been working on this for like weeks this took forever
edit: here’s a deleted section bc i kept blanking for this character 😍
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roll-da-credits · 3 years
SC: Pro Heroes' S/o's Pet Not Liking Them
Characters: Keigo Takami (Hawks), Rumi Usagiyama (Mirko), Taishiro Toyamitsu (Fatgum)
A/n: this fic is brought to you by my rabbit who has unrivaled hate for any man except my dad. He would literally cuddle with my dad but the moment my friend comes who let me tell you ADORES my bunny, he would COMPLETELY ignore him and sometimes even bite him, not like nibbling like bunnies do when they're happy. No, full-on bites like incredibly hard, anyways hope you guys enjoy it. (Also, this was longer than I planned)
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Keigo Takami (Hawks)
You would think Hawks would have a good relationship with birds right? Wrong.
Hawks in the eyes of birds was a bird of prey, which only means one thing, he's dangerous. This unspoken rule amongst birds who are usually weaker doesn't exclude your own pigeon.
It all started when Rumi (Mirko) decided that the group's movie night would be at your house for the first time ever. Obviously, you were rather excited, of all the times you had these movie nights they were never in your home. Another exciting reason was you couldn't wait to introduce Keigo, your lovey lover, to your budgie.
"Hey, birdie." Once you opened the door to your apartment Hawks was leaning there in front of you with a small bouquet of flowers, wearing some casual clothing. Giving a quick to your forehead, you led Hawks into your humble abode.
Your budgie, as always, flew towards you to greet the guest, like he would usually. But instead of landing on your shoulder, he instead flew around Keigo and dove to bite his ears and the exposed skin everywhere.
"So this is the friendly bird you've been telling me about???" Keigo slightly confused and panicked tried to lightly shoo away the flying menace.
You at this point didn't know whether to panic or to laugh at the situation. Your budgie was incredibly kind to everyone, even strangers you just met, and yet here he was, squawking at Keigo trying to bite him.
After a few minutes, you were able to calm your bird down, letting him rest on the crook of your neck and reassure Keigo that he was usually really kind to guests, which Keigo doesn't believe at this point. It wasn't until Rumi came knocking that you stood up to greet her.
Keigo, watched from a distance, excited to see Rumi get attacked by your menace of a bird. "What?!" He exclaimed pointing a judgemental finger at your bird who was now on Rumi's shoulder nuzzling her cheek.
"Scared of a birdie smaller than you Keigo?" Rumi's laughter mocked Keigo, and you couldn't help but let out a few giggles yourself.
"Awww love don't be like that!" You walked over to Keigo and enveloped him in a reassuring hug, still slightly giggling, "I swear I don't know why he doesn't like you."
When the movie started, you and Keigo were cuddling as usual with Rumi slightly third-wheeling, not that she really cared. Weirdly enough you felt a weird tension around you, when you looked over at Keigo, you saw he was staring at your budgie who was on Rumi's shoulder.
Both looking at each other with so much menace it made you burst into laughter. "Is there some kind of bird rivalry?????" Rumi now realizing what was happening laughed extremely loud. "Are you jealous of Y/n's BIRD???"
She teased Keigo, who in retaliation threw a pillow at her. He groaned and pulled you closer. "Whatever, but we're never having movie nights in your house again." You laughed a little before snuggling more into him, "Sure you big baby."
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Rumi Usagiyama (Mirko)
"I'm telling you, that little piece of long-looking mouse stole my stuff!" Rumi yelled at you pointing an accusing finger at your ferret who was simply staring up at you her head slightly tilted as if confused about the whole ordeal.
This all started when Rumi decided to come to your apartment straight after patrol, something she's never done. She looked exhausted and in need of some comfort, so you let her in and gave her some clothes to change after showering,
When she walked in, she noticed your ferret staring at her. A weird sense of foreboding crept up onto her. She always had a slight suspicion that the creature didn't like her very much. Whether it was because she was taking up most of your play times with it, or something else, she couldn't care any less.
It was in the ferret's eyes, how they stared at her with intent and a glint of mischievousness. Though when she brought it up with you, you'd brush it off since ferrets are incredibly mischievous and smart.
But the icing on the cake was when she placed her clothes on top of a dresser, including her gloves, to take a shower. Only to come back with both of her gloves missing from the pile. The ferret looking up at her, as if challenging her.
"Rumi, love, why would she even know to hide BOTH gloves. She'd probably steal only one!!" Rumi's mouth fell agape at your statement. You were defending the THIEF???
"You said so yourself didn't you?!! Ferrets are SMART, SHE MUST'VE KNOWN." At this point it was borderline hilarious, so between your next words, you laughed and giggled.
"You probably just misplaced it, come on I'll help you search it. I'm sure we'll find it soon."
You both did not find it soon, it had actually been 30 minutes of nonstop searching. Searching your entire apartment close to twice already, you and Rumi both flopped on the couch, exhausted.
"Ok, maybe I should check her toys." Her being your ferret, you finally caved in and searched around her toys.
Low and behold.
"I TOLD YOU!!!" You found both Rumi's gloves tucked away in the long rubbery-plastic tunnel you made for your ferret.
Rumi crashed on the floor in a fit of laughter, with you holding the dirty gloves looking at your ferret rather disappointed at her. Your ferret looked up with its adorable eyes as if it had done nothing wrong.
"Your ferret's a demon I'm telling you!" Rumi wiped a tear from laughing too much.
"I'm sorry for not believing you." You said followed by an exasperated sigh. Rumi walked over to you and enveloped you in a bone-crushing hug, "It's fine, this was actually more fun than just watching random movies like we planned."
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Taishiro Toyamitsu
Taishiro loves animals and animals love him. Both skinny and fat form, he's just a lovable person for every single living being. Animals, humans, plants, all of them thrive when being cared for by him. Including you, but excluding your cat.
Taishiro knew the moment you said you had a cat that he would have to work a little bit harder to get her to like him. What he didn't expect was for your cat to completely ignore him no matter what he did.
"Trying to woo her again?" You smirked a little bit when you saw him in his skinny form holding a small bag of catnip smiling rather sheepishly.
"No cat can resist catnip." He paused shortly, "Right?"
You giggled at his adorable antics, reaching up to slightly ruffle his soft hair. Inviting him you watched from afar as Taishiro approached your cat who was sunbathing near a window and, as usual, ignoring him.
He slowly approached her, his big hands slowly opening the bag. When he did, her head immediately darted at him, you stood up straighter at this. Really curious at the first time your cat acknowledged his existence.
Taishiro couldn't feel more excited at the moment and slowly got closer to her, shaking the bag slightly. Your cat's irises expanded, showing that she might be rather happy.
But just as Taishiro was about to pet her, she stretched from her position and walked calmly away from him. Ignoring him once again.
You stifled a laugh at his dejected form, shoulders slumping down and a dark aura surrounding him.
You draped your body over his back, a small attempt in hugging him, "Hey you'll get more chances, I'm sure she'll warm up to you eventually."
Taishiro looked up at you with watery eyes and a small pout, making your heart melt at the sight. "How about this? You'll get even more chances if you live with me."
Your eyebrows wiggled at him, and his slumped figure immediately brightened up. Crushing you in a tight bear hug and shaking you around. "I'll make sure your cat loves me."
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buckybarnesdiaries · 3 years
white wolf: “the show must go on”
first part — second part
third part — fourth part (soon)
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© gif credits to the author, i found it on google. if you're the author lemme know your @.
bucky barnes x reader. ⎢ masterlist.
Sam helps Bucky to ask you out for a date and it’s a disaster, but he gets it.
word count: 1'9k.
warnings/tags: none. bucky being so innocent gives me life. + he being so damn cute as always.
author notes: none of my stories contain reader’s body descriptions to be inclusive.
Join the tag list here.
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“Have plans with your girl tonight?”
Bucky clicked his tongue, putting down the weight to the holder, not turning to Sam still doing squats and an awkward noise out of breath. His partner couldn't help but raise an eyebrow and giggle while shaking his head, fast enough to steal the soldier's clean towel before he reached it.
“She's not my girl”.
“Not yet, you mean, uh?” He joked then, using the clothing like a whip to hit the metal arm. “But, you have plans or not?”
“Yeah, we have plans”. Bucky admitted eventually, glancing at Sam also stealing his bottle of water. “She invited me to watch a movie”.
It was the innocent and unworried tone of voice from him that made Sam choke, cough, and laugh at once.
“Oh, man… Can't believe you're sinful enough to do what we do but too innocent to not see what that means”.
“It means we're gonna watch a movie”.
Bucky was confused at the laughter, trying to understand what he was referring to as he rested his back against the wall and crossed both arms over his chest. Expecting anything else from his wise friend.
“This is the twenty-first century, you ancient. We don't watch movies”.
“What d— What do you mean? You have Netflix, HBO, Prime Video… What's the point?”
Sam was deadpanned, staring in silence at the soldier, not believing what his ears were hearing. “We, guys, don't watch movies with girls, even less when they are the ones inviting us”.
Bucky squinted at him, tilting his head like a lost poppy would do, not being able to read between lines. His partner gasped exasperated, running a hand up and down his face.
“You know, man? Sometimes I feel alone, not having anyone to laugh with about that forties' manners of yours. Should I call Sarah, maybe?”
“Cut the show”. He hissed standing up and passing him away.
“Oh, no, no, no… the show has just started, man, and I have my popcorn ready”.
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Bucky had been beating around the bush the whole day, trying to let it out of his mind. Of course, it was something that would happen sooner or later, and —more than of course— he wanted it to happen. The mere fact of thinking about you and him, flesh against flesh, hearing you moaning his name and making you feel good caused him goosebumps and an awkward sensation beneath his black jeans. Suddenly, swallowing saliva turned impossible, biting his lower lip while ringing the intercom of your apartment. Your response didn't last more than a couple of seconds, opening the door downstairs and waiting for him at the entrance of your apartment.
The butterflies fluttered within your bellies when Bucky stepped out of the lift, showing you that charming smile that could make you kill anyone who dared to erase it from his face.
“Trying to get me drunk?” You joked as he raised the bottle of red wine in his left hand.
“Missed you today”. You whispered at the soft kiss on your lips and his arm getting wrapped around your lower waist.
“So did I”. He sighed, sounding a little tired, caressing your nose with his.
Yesterday he talked to you about a routine medical check-up the government used to do every six months until he earned his pardon. Four hours of intense exercise to make sure the supersoldier serum was still doing its effect, as he started to feel somewhat tired since he stayed in Wakanda. For Bucky, it was really easy to open up himself with you and talk about his past and some of the things he did. And he didn't complain when you helped him to take off his leather jacket, watching him rubbing his left shoulder.
“I, uh… also was this morning with Sam. Training”. He told you, following you to your kitchen to find a couple of glasses. Turning at him, you couldn't help but raise an incredulous eyebrow. “Don't look at me like that… I know to perfection what you're thinking”.
“You're a telepath now?”
“God, no. I have enough with the voices inside my head, to hear someone's else”. He chuckled resting against the fridge. “But you're very expressive and I was trained to read body language”.
“So, what am' thinking?” You asked driven by curiosity, entertained on opening the bottle of wine.
“Look at this guy… He looks hotter than a barbecue”.
You broke into a loud laugh, shaking your head as you grabbed the drink and the glasses. “Not even close, Sergeant”.
“Liar”. He blurted into your face, passing him away to the living room where the Thai takeaway was waiting for the two of you.
“I'm not lying! You're a lousy body reader”.
“So… you can do it better, uh?”
“Didn't say so, but… yeah”. You replied, placing the wine and the glasses on the coffee table next to the big green sofa.
“Okay, go ahead. What am 'thinking, genius?”
Standing in front of him, some inches away, you squinted at his eyes in advance of touring his posture from top to bottom with your orbs.
“Look at that girl… she's hotter than a volcano”.
“Not even closer, soldier”. Bucky repeated your words, kissing his teeth and causing you to laugh again.
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The night went on, enjoying your dinner and watching the first part of Scary Movie. Since Bucky told you that he loved the horror genre, you thought that it'd be a good start. As you finished the Thai dishes, you two cuddled on your sofa, and it felt nice to be embraced by his muscly arms and had your head rested on his shoulder. He had never been that happier before, imagining for a moment —staring at you by the corner of his eyes— that he wasn't a retired lethal assassin controlled by a bunch of psychos, just a guy watching a movie with his girl.
For some reason that increased his pulse, having to clear his throat as the thought dried it. You couldn't let it go, wrinkling your nose with curiosity, raising your face slightly at Bucky trying to focus on the movie, and pretending everything was going okay.
“What?” He murmured about to laugh nervously, putting his head back a couple of inches to look better at you.
“Seems like you're gonna have a heart attack, what's the matter?”
The soldier breathed heavily through his nostril, expelling all the air in a sight through his parted lips. A lower giggle escaped them as your eyes widened a little more interested in his response to your question.
“Sam… Sam said something this morning”.
There it was. Your grimace turned skeptical, sitting up to borrow the control remote and pause the movie. Turning to face him and placing an arm on the headrest, you puckered your lips in a funny gesture watching him click his tongue.
“Things are different nowadays and… y'know, we used to watch movies”.
“And that's what we're doing”.
“Yeah, but… it's like… now there are some kinds of non-speak social rules”.
You knew exactly what he was referring to and seeing him somewhat troubled and tense just made your heart melt. It wasn't that he was scared, but it almost felt like.
“Is it your first time since the forties?” You dared to ask, clearly with no intentions of making fun of him.
“I've never really… y'know, I was in my twenties when I left Brooklyn. I me— mean, 'm not stupid, okay? I've done things but not… sex like… to the whole point”. Bucky didn't have his eyes on you when he made that confession, rubbing the bridge of his nose by inertia as his nervousness increased. “And now everything… is pretty different”.
“It doesn't have to”. You just replied, stretching a hand to his right one to intertwine your fingers. “Listen, Buck… We don't have to, okay? We don't have to do anything if you're not ready. We can watch the movie and then… you can go, or you can stay to sleep with me”.
“I'd like that”.
“Yeah, totally, if you excuse me, ma'am… I gotta leave” He clearly joked, about to stand up until you pushed him down to the sofa bursting in laughter. “Nah, I, uh… I mean, I'd like to sleep with you tonight”.
“I'd like too, and to wake up tomorrow morning with you”.
“Yeah, would be very awkward if you go to sleep with me and wake up with another guy in your bed”.
Bucky smirked at you, biting his upper lip before leaning to press both on yours. He couldn't believe you were being so comprehensive with him, not making any other uncomfortable questions, nor kicking his ass out of your house. At that moment, he realized he was madly in love with you, bringing you closer to himself so he could embrace you tenderly between his arms. And you let him, not wanting anything else than to be with him.
At the moment the movie finished, you both stretched your hands to the ceiling with a yawn opening your mouths. You palmed his thigh to beckoning at him, urging the soldier to follow you as you rubbed your eyes using your knuckles, a little sleepy. Turning off the lights on your way to your room, you changed your clothes for a baggy Iron Maiden's t-shirt, as he stripped himself leaving his clothes on the chair in front of your bed, only wearing a pair of black boxers at the end.
You were about to ask him which side he preferred when the words died on your tongue, glancing at him with his flesh hand over his dark grey shoulder. It was the first time you saw the vibranium arm in all its glory and Bucky gave you the impression of being embarrassed. He'd never stop surprising you with plenty of emotions for things that for you didn't have any importance actually —like the fact of not having two real arms.
“Come here”. You murmured, kneeling on the mattress and palming the other lateral, observing every one of his actions till lying next to him, in the middle of the gloom of your room.
Covering both of you with the sheets and turning on your sides to face each other, Bucky took the initiative of wrapping you close to his chest, as he placed his head on your pillow. He couldn't help but take a soft breath from your heavenly smell impregnated in, provoking a smile to grow on your lips. Surrounding his neck with your arms, you sunk your fingers in his short hair, gently caressing his scalp while you started to spread tender short kisses all around his face.
“This feels good”. He purred with such a pleased tone of voice, closing his eyes as he adventured his warm hand under your shirt to draw invisible patterns on your back.
“So good”. You affirmed, peppering his cheek with a bunch of noisy smooches.
Bucky squeezed you between his grip, hiding his face into the gap of your shoulder and neck, causing you goosebumps because of his exhalation against your skin. He was comfortable being that close, with no distance separating your chests and your legs intertwined in a bundle. You saw how relaxed he was when he pulled his head back to the pillow, noses touching and his eyelids closed.
“Good night, Buck”. You whispered, still feeling his caresses on your back, leaning to kiss him one last time.
“Good night, doll”.
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a / n: i hope you have enjoyed the fluffiness of these three chapters because the fourth is gonna be... chaotic.
feedback is appreciated, please, leave a comment to let me know if you liked it.
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tag list: @whatrambles @phoenixhalliwell @homesicam @marvel-diaries @amelia-song-pond @heartbeats-wildly @met4no1a @weenersoldierr @petlaufeyson @sillygamingartghost @wildflowergubler @isnt-it-loverly @zealouspursecowboydeputy @rvgrsbrns @artisancowbells @plagooey @tinylumpiaa @hemsbucky @bxmaaa @quxxnxfhxll @soldierstucky @knowyourworth-sellyoursoul @hateinthemorning @asemistablehundredyearoldman @purpleelfwizard @twinerd14 @nikkixostan @stolenxkissess @wintersfilm @whoreforsamwilson @thatcrackheadsadbitchtm @baconmuffins1216 @28cnn @hxlyhoax @lieswithoutfairytales @angrybirdxx @clownerlyluv @kait-is-always-late @marvel-ousnesss @natashadeservedbetter @ebxny27 @fanofalltheficsx @spider-man-lover @masterlists101 @lewd-alien @warm-sensations @stealapizzamyheart @talk-on-the-street @theresnoplatypus
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alixinwwonderland · 2 years
“Your body fits perfectly with mine while dancing.”
part of the add his initial to my monogram series. also, sexytimes (or at least sexy talk about sexytimes) ahead.
"Lenny," Midge groans, "You can't just say shit like that. Especially here."
They're trying. Which is unusual for them, given how much of their relationship up until this point has been based on how effortlessly they seemed to float into each other's orbits, banter and flirt, maybe get a little vulnerable (but never too vulnerable), then glide away until the next time.
Now, they've officially been on four real, honest-to-god dates, each one to some different little hiding spot around the city, and yet somehow, no one seems to have picked up on the change in their relationship. That itself, Midge supposes, should tell them something about how natural this progression has been, and how utterly unsubtle they both have been this entire time, whether they themselves realized it or not. They're not hiding, exactly, but they're also not making a fuss. Lenny's request, mainly. He's still not out of the legal woods yet - in fact, it's getting bad again - and he refuses point-blank to tie Midge's name to his any more than it needs to.
(The sneaking around is also a little silly and a lot sexy, they've found).
Which brings us back to tonight, and a network party that both their managers made them put in an appearance at, and a bunch of TV people in various states of inebriation who aren't likely to even notice who's dancing with who. The band isn't as good as the one in Miami, and the bland, repurposed studio lights aren't nearly as atmospheric as those ever-changing vibrant colors. But Midge's cheek is brushing Lenny's shoulder, and his hand is splayed out on her waist, and it's all fine. Or it would be, if Lenny hadn't decided to stretch Midge's ability to be nonchalant to the breaking point.
"Tell me you didn't think about it too," he murmurs, quiet enough that no one can hear them over the music. "After that night in Miami, after you put your head on my shoulder and let me trace down your arm like I wanted to trace every part of you. Tell me it didn't make you wonder the other ways your body would fit mine."
"Lenny," she hisses, but it's not angry this time. He smirks, noting the breathiness of her voice.
"Do you want me to stop?" he whispers. She shakes her head.
"I'll be quick, then, the song doesn't have much left," he continues, deftly maneuvering them around the other couples on the dance floor. "What should I tell you about, then, hm? How I dreamed about that dance for months? How I dreamed about the softness of your hands, your arms... smooth and soft, but so much stronger than you'd think... how I could feel your hips moving under my hand, like they are now..."
"I knew right then," he rasps, and even in her increasingly turned-on haze Midge feels a ping of satisfaction that it's getting to him too. "I knew we'd be fucking spectacular. I knew I'd have to take my time with every inch of you. That you'd have me on my knees like I was praying to a god I don't even know if I believe in. That we'd fit together perfectly and we'd get the rhythm just right because we always have and you'd never be more beautiful than when you tipped right over that edge, and no applause would ever be as satisfying as that sound from your lips."
He pulls back as the song ends. He's a little flushed, and his eyes are dark, but there's that smirk on his face that suggests he needs a little payback for what he's done to her with just words.
"Thanks for the dance,” she says, and it takes all her might to remain casual and stroll away. His jaw drops and he scurries after her, grabbing her wrist gently but firmly.
“I don’t know about you, but I feel like getting out of here,” he says, low and fierce and completely clear about his intentions.
Midge grins.
“I’ve still got to make the rounds! New kid on the block, gotta make plenty of friends,” she says cheerfully. “But in the meantime,” she adds, leaning over so she can murmur in his ear, “you keep thinking about all those dreams of yours, and if you’re nice, we’ll see what we can do.”
“Nice, huh?” Lenny asks, unable to keep the smile forming even as he rest his hand over his mouth out of habit.
“Or not. We’ll see how it goes.”
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lalaangeldust · 3 years
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𝐬𝐞𝐫𝐨 𝐡𝐚𝐧𝐭𝐚 𝐱 𝐠𝐧!𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫 [ 𝟑𝐤+ 𝐰𝐨𝐫𝐝𝐬 ]
[ 𝐰𝐚𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬 ] : gross sticky icky fluff // friends to lovers troupe <3 // hanta is a huge dork, we all been knew this // hanta is also sickeningly sweet and affectionate // GOD, I JUST LOVE HIM SO MUCH
[ 𝗱𝗲𝘀𝗰𝗿𝗶𝗽𝘁𝗶𝗼𝗻 ] : on a clear night, you go out to stargaze on the dorm roof; nothing out of the norm for you but in the middle of admiring the stars, sero comes out to join with something big he needs to get off his chest.
[ 𝐝𝐢𝐚𝐥𝐨𝐠𝐮𝐞 ] : you - blue // sero - orange
[ 𝗺𝘆𝗸𝗶𝗲'𝘀 𝗻𝗼𝘁𝗲 ] : i'm totally not projecting my fantasies onto sero and i'm totally not a sucker for friends to lovers fics :| /s
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Sitting on the cool concrete of the dorm roof, the night illuminated by nothing but the streetlights below you and the stars above as you lay in silence with your legs propped against the roof's ledge. You've always thought the best part of UA was how it was out of the way so the stars are clearer than they were back in the city. Although graduation is soon and end of year exams are menacingly looming over you, you couldn't resist the urge to come out and soak up the full moon's gorgeous light. Nights like these, alone on a clear night, soft music playing through your headphones, scanning the vast sky, connecting the dots as your eyes wander to make constellations of your own are arguably one of your most favorite things in life.
The only thing that could possibly make this better is... him.
Eyes trailing to the brightest star you can find and admiring how it sticks out from everything else in your vision, your mind uncontrollably wanders to Sero. How that star kinda reminds you of him...
Ugh! what a ridiculous thing to think! Damn him for always finding a way to worm into your thoughts. Your hands fly to your forehead with a smack, outwardly groaning as you drag your fingers down your face in an attempt to shake off your thoughts. You've been friends with him for nearly three years! You would think you'd be over your petty crush on him by now. You two are practically siblings with how you two are almost always attached at the hip, always causing trouble together, always there when the other needed it, always making you feel safe... It would be weird to have feelings for him... right..?
But before you could rationalize your emotions any further, a hand reaches for your headphones, lifting one side off your ear as you hear a soft voice murmur behind you, “The moon’s beautiful tonight, isn't it?”
You practically jump out of your skin, immediately shooting up to take a defensive position. Although you can’t make out the silhouette you’re now facing, the all too familiar laughter that comes from them is more than enough to give away who this false intruder could be and you sigh in relief.
“Sero! You scared me half to death!!” you exclaim, relaxing your shoulders at seeing his familiar frame emerge through the dim light.
Tall and lean with a smile that could nearly rival the sun, the boy chuckles at you. His long pitch black hair he's been growing out for the past year cascading down the sides of his face, just barely brushing past his shoulders framing his face in a way that makes his dashing features stand out even more. Sero approaches you wearing a loose muscle tank top with his hands tucked in ill fitting sweats and a pair of black stud earrings he stole from you in his ears.
“I'm sorry, I'm sorry," Sero chuckled, "I didn't mean to scare you so bad, doll". You send him a deep glare through the darkness and he throws his hands up out of his pockets to either side of his head in defense.
"...Maybe you shouldn't sit out here with music blasting in your ears,” Sero snarks back, “I could’ve been a villain,” he continues mockingly, “Not to mention that horrible stance you took. I don't think you’d fair very well against a villain while sitting down,” he teases with a wide grin smeared on his face. You scoff and roll your eyes in response.
“Are you only here to tell me how much of a hazard I am? Or do you want anything else, tape face?” you grumble.
“Oh, you wound me!” Sero exclaims dramatically, “I was simply wondering what my lil’ muffin was up to,” he muses, the dimples on his cheeks becoming visible as his grin only stretches wider as he speaks.
“Oh god, muffin!?!? ew!” you groan, “What the hell, I thought we agreed on no more stupid pet names,” you say with a giggle while scrunching up your nose.
“I didn't think it was stupid,” Sero huffs as he plops himself down next to you and wrinkles his nose back at you, “Muffin is a valid nickname. You just have no taste,” he concludes with a short nod, still smiling like an idiot.
You just roll your eyes and stick your tongue out at him before tilting your head up to go back to looking at the stars. Sero chuckles softly, staring at you for a moment while admiring you as you look at the sky with a softened smile on his face.
“Why you up so late?” he inquired.
“I could ask you the same thing, Sero,” you reply while throwing your head back down to look at him.
“Mmm, well, I was sleeping but… I suddenly woke up and couldn't go back to sleep,” he grunts as he adjusts himself into a more comfortable sitting position next to you.
You hum in acknowledgment before you look back up to the stars in the sky and Sero is left to admire you once again. How your eyes glimmer with the stars as the full moon softly illuminates your frame is a breathtaking view he would never tire of. The look on your face when you gaze at the sky, the look of pure adoration and awe is a look he hopes, prays, dreams you’ll give him one day.
“What’re you thinking, hun?” he softly asks, hoping you’d give him just the slightest glimpse of what goes on in your head. You pause for a moment, taking in his question and wondering how to answer it.
“Just thinking. Thinking thoughts. Nothing notable or important, I can assure you. Just enjoying the clear night,” you say, swerving his question to avoid the real answer. him.
“Ah, that was a rather vague answer,” he jests, mildly disappointed that you didn't let him in and you only hum in response.
“What about you?” you ask, “What made you wanna come up here?”
“Oh, well..” he begins but is held back by a lump that suddenly lodges in his throat, not really wanting to fully admit why he came up here with you.
In reality he hadn't slept at all. He’s embarrassed to admit it but he couldn't stop thinking of you all night, all day in fact. You just about consume his every thought and tonight, no matter what he did, he just couldn’t shake the thought of being with you.
After being so close with you for years now, people often assume the two of you are dating but the idea is almost always dismissed by a shy laugh and an averted gaze... Sero would be lying if he ever said he didn't relish the idea of being in a romantic relationship with you but... You never seemed all that interested in the idea and Sero was too scared to push the idea you may like him even half as much as he likes you. Never going farther than light hearted flirting and banter, some may call him a coward maybe but to him? Being your friend was enough. Well, that was until Mina and Kiri gave him a harsh wake up call earlier that morning.
They were scolding him on how painfully obvious it is how both you and Sero are nearly head over heels for one another, how they've spent the past year pining for one another, yet the both of you have stayed so blind to the fact you have feelings for each other. Absolutely dumbfounded by this, he asks what he should do about it, about you, to which they immediately and overwhelmingly demand him to confess his feelings for you. That is the real reason he came to find you.
“When I was trying to go back to sleep, I thought about something someone said… about taking chances,” he spoke in a soft and thoughtful tone, “Taking that blind leap of faith into the unknown things we’re afraid of because... what’s the worst that can happen…?” he pauses, rubbing the back of his neck, suddenly realizing how silly he probably sounds as he looks at you, “I dunno- sounds kinda dumb now that I say it out loud,” he says dismissively.
“No, no. I don't think it sounds dumb at all. I think it’s very insightful” you say, ushering him to continue by resting your head on your palm as you look at him intently to show your interest.
“Well, uh,” butterflies swarm to his chest as he tries to find the words to speak, finding it much harder to talk when he knows he has your full attention.
“Well, it led me to think about you 'cus I know that's something you talk about a lot as well… and I figured since it's a full moon tonight, you'd be up here,” he concludes. His gaze nervously shifting to his feet, averting his eyes from you to try and calm the fluttering nerves in his chest.
“I’m glad you did,” you hum, a low warmth growing in your chest from knowing he thought about you, “I enjoy your company,” you add thoughtfully. Though you probably just meant it in a friendly way, it didn’t change how much it meant to Sero to know you like having him around.
“I’m happy to hear that,” Sero chuckles nervously, a light blush dusting his cheeks as he slightly scooches closer to you. You take notice and you subtly tilt to the side, leaning in his direction not yet touching shoulders but leaving an opening to do so if he wanted.
“I uh- I also wanted to tell you something- In regards to what I was thinking about…” Sero mumbles nervously, hoping you didn’t catch what he said so he would have an excuse to not go through with his confession. Pretend like nothing happened and move on to just enjoy the simple friendship you two share.
“Oh?” You inquire, “What do you want to tell me? I’m all ears,” Sero fiddles with his thumbs, taking a moment to gather his thoughts before he speaks as you patiently wait for him.
"I- uh, I love you," he blurts, head swimming as he looks at you, eager and insatiably nervous to hear how you may respond, horrified you may not reciprocate his feelings and ultimately ruining what relationship you two did have.
"I love you too, Sero," you giggle.
Sero's heart drops, confidence dwindling as he assumes you thought he said "I love you" in the way you two always have. Just as friends. But he didn't. He meant it. He meant it in so many more ways he couldn't even begin to describe. He didn't expect you to reciprocate his feelings in the first place but that doesn't make him hurt any less.
"No, you don't understand," Sero sighs as he runs his hands through his long, thick hair, "I'm in love with you," You turn you head to him, Did he-? eyes widening at what Sero said, unsure if what you heard was a wishful hallucination or not. When you said "I love you" back, you genuinely meant it in the same way he does now. God, you've been in love with him for what seems like the first moment you two met but you would've never guessed Sero felt the same for you.
You sit in silence for a beat trying processes what Sero had just said to you. Your friend, your closest friend, is in love with you..? Something you've dreamt of becoming a reality. You start to get dizzy from the overwhelming euphoria and anxiety the realization simultaneously brings. You look at Sero, placing your hand on his to ground yourself as you look up at him, a warm smile spreading on your face.
"I love you too, Hanta," you say earnestly. Sero's heart leaps in his chest at your words. Not only did the person of his dreams reciprocate his feelings but they also addressed him by his first name?! He might as well be dreaming. Hearing his name fall off your lips like warm honey for the first time sends him flying through cloud nine.
"Y-you mean it??" Sero stutters, still unable to believe it. You give him a heartfelt smile as you squeeze his hand before standing up. You wordlessly walk around Sero and crouch behind him.
Utterly confused and growing increasingly flustered at your sudden close proximity, Sero opens his mouth to ask what you could possibly be doing but you shush him before he can say a word. Leaning against him, you ask permission to grab his hand and Hanta lets you guide his finger to the brightest star in the sky, hyperaware of every subtle shift, adjustment and breath you take behind him, clinging onto every passing moment.
"You see that star? The really really bright one right there and how it's brighter than the others?" you ask.
"Yeah... why.?" he questions, eager to hear what you have to say.
"Forgive me if this is too cheesy but it sorta reminds me of you," you say softly.
"Wh- I don't think a follow," Hanta replies and you give a short, breathy chuckle in response.
"Out of all the stars in the sky, you stick out to me to most. You're the brightest star," you murmur close to him, guiding his hand back down and you make your way to sit next to him. Hanta takes a moment to process what you said. Him? A star? He doesn't understand how you view him in such a way when there isn't much special about him in the first place... but he tries not to pay any mind to those thoughts as his eyes are glued to you sitting back down beside him.
"Pff, that was super cheesy," he snorts.
"Shut up, I'm trying my best," you grumble, "And... that's what I was really thinking about before you came," Hanta looks at you in awe, nothing but love and kindness filling his eyes as he gingerly grabs your hand, lifting it up level to his face.
"It's aright, doll, I was only teasing.. I think it's cute and~," he hums before placing a soft kiss on your knuckle, "I'm ok with cheesy," he concludes with a wink. Heat blooms on your cheeks at his action and you throw your head to the side, covering your mouth and cheek with your other hand in embarrassment. Hanta chuckles, just about ready to burst at how adorable you are and gets a sudden burst of confidence coursing through him from seeing your flustered form.
"Aw, don't get shy on me now, love," he coos, tugging your arm to usher you to look back at him. You look at him with a flustered scowl and Hanta isn't sure if you did it to intimidate him or what but all it did was make his heart scream for you more. His hand slides to your forearm and his other hand goes to grab your other arm, pulling it away from your face.
"Here, come here, baby," he murmurs, pulling your arms to guide you to his lap. You give little resistance as you follow Hanta's hands, shifting around to make yourself comfortable against him as you settle between his thighs. As soon as you got comfortable, Hanta's arms find their home around your waist, hugging you close and breathing you in. You sigh contently as your back rests against his strong chest, never feeling safer than you do right now in his arms.
"It's ok if I call you baby now, right..?" Hanta asks, not wanting to be too much at one time.
"Well, it would be if we were dating," you tease with a raised brow.
"Wha-?" Hanta looks at you confused for a moment before he realizes, "Oh! How could I forget," he chuckles softly, cupping your face in his large palm, guiding your face too look at him, his dark eyes practically engulfing you in his loving gaze.
"Would you care to be my partner..?" he purrs, voice dipping to a soft and low tone that sends goosebumps down your spine.
"W-well, when you put it like that how can I say no?" you mumble, not being able to help the heat rising up your neck, painting your cheeks pink once again from how small you feel under Hanta's enchanting gaze.
"So... is that a yes..?" Hanta inquires, hand still placed tenderly on our cheek. You nod your head against his palm, fingers caressing up and down his forearm as he holds you.
"Mhm, I would love nothing more," you reply in a soft and tender tone. Hanta melts at your words, feeling on top the world and like he can do anything. An uncontrollable smile erupts on his face, charming dimples ornamenting his cheeks as he hugs you tight to his body not wanting to ever let go.
You shuffle in his arms to turn yourself around in his lap. Now facing him, you tuck your face into the crook of Hanta's neck, wrapping your arms and legs snuggly around his torso. Hanta holds you equally as close, affectionately running his fingers up and down your back in complete bliss with you snuggling up to him.
"Can I kiss you..?" Hanta asks, voice just barely above a whisper. You lift your head up to look him in his deep eyes and you cup his face in your hand. Hanta leans into your touch, grabbing your hand on his face and guides it down just enough to plant a chaste kiss to the edge of your palm. You sigh and softly smile, nodding at the boy's question.
"Please kiss me," you murmur, leaning closer into his body. Hanta places his hand on the back of your neck, pulling you and a colliding your lips together. Though it was clumsy at first, you quickly adapt and your lips lock together like puzzle pieces. Tenderly, Hanta pulls away from you and rests his forehead against yours. The kiss you shared was short and sweet but still left the both of you breathless and yearning for more.
"May I kiss you again?" Hanta questions playfully and you giggle in response while nodding your head against him. He leans in, smiling against you as you mash lips with together, the both of you sighing into the other's mouth. This kiss a lot more confident than the last as Hanta takes the lead to explore every bit of you he can, taking note of every noise, movement and reaction you give. This time you pull away, surfacing for air from Hanta's intense hold on you.
"I can kiss you again, right?" Hanta asks again.
"How many more kisses do you want??" you giggle.
"That is a dangerous question to ask, my love," Hanta purrs into you, his breath ghosting your neck as he nuzzles his face underneath your jaw and lays a soft peck where his face lies, "I'd take all of them," he says, scanning your face for any discomfort but once he sees you're ok with him continuing, he lays another peck on your neck.
You laugh at the ticklish feeling, lacing your fingers through his dark hair as he continues showering you with short kisses.
"Let me know if I'm being too much, yeah?" kiss on your neck, "I don't wanna be too much," another kiss on the neck, "or overwhelm you," kiss on your jaw, "'cus that would be sad," kiss on the corner of your mouth.
"Hanta!" you squeal through giggles.
"I'm sorry, hun" kiss on your cheekbone, "I just can't resist," kiss on your cheek, "you have no idea," kiss on the chin, "just how long," kiss on the nose, "I've wanted," kiss on the eyelid "to do this," kiss on the brow, "And now," kiss on the temple, "I can't," kiss on the forehead, "Stop,"
Erupting with giggles, you desperately try to squirm away as Hanta continues to relentlessly shower you with kisses.
"No, no, no! Hanta!" you cry through your laughter, "No more!"
Giving you one last peck on the lips before pulling away, Hanta finally gives into your pleas and stops his assault of kisses. He presses his forehead against yours as you calm down from your laughing fit, pulling some giggles from Hanta as well because of your contagious laugh.
"I love you," you sigh once you've finally calmed down. Hanta hums in response, placing his hand on the back of your head, letting his fingers lace through your hair.
"I love you too," he says, heart feeling full and beaming with joy.
Forever and always~
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𝒇𝒊𝒏 . ✩
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[ lil easter egg of sorts for those of you who don't know~ in Japanese when you ask someone "The moon is beautiful, isn't it?" or
『月が綺麗ですね』 // "tsuki ga kirei desu, ne?"
it's actually a very poetic way to confess your love to the person you're asking ]
[ I think it's literally so fucking cute 'cus i myself am deeply in love w/ the moon :) ]
[ if this were a thing in English and someone confessed to me this way, i would immediately demand for their hand in marriage >:| ]
[ god, japanese culture is so cool, i love it sm ]
"would you care to be my partner?" UHBIJNIJAHHHH LITERALLY SO ROMANTIC AND GENUINE HOLY SHIT- i'm making myself simp
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d6rkroom · 3 years
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— ‘𝗻𝗼𝗯𝗼𝗱𝘆 𝗱𝗼𝗲𝘀 𝗶𝘁 𝗹𝗶𝗸𝗲 𝘆𝗼𝘂 𝗱𝗼.’
finn mcnamara x top!male reader. (wc; 1.7k)
#a/n: this took way longer than it should've, my apologies fer’ that! BUT THANK YOU ELIAN FOR GIVIN’ ME THE GENERAL IDEA FOR THIS, I HAD A TON OF FUN WRITIN’ IT! YER’ BIG BRAIN AS HELL!
warnings. forced breeding, dubcon, mentions of cheating, possessive behavior, degrading k., dumbification, brat taming, sex infront of a mirror, manhandling, belly bulge, cum inflation, implied mpreg.
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it was expected, it was only a matter of time before his olden behavior caved in on him and he relapsed right back into those sickly habits from nothing more than a year prior.
finn mcnamara was a slut. a dirty, good for nothing cheater. you knew his loyalty was short lived— his drive for exploration and choas secured that lucid notion in your brain ever since the two of you had started your dating journey.
how naive were you to untrust your heart with him, so utterly idiotic.
there you were, fingers curled around the doorknob as you lay in wait for your boyfriend to take note of the new presence clouding the room. your face was sheathed in coats of not shock, nor distaste— just inflicted with an expressionless disappointment. whatever bit of rage that fogged your mind swiftly dissolved along with his sexual mate that accompanied your spot on the bed.
nonchalant as ever, he sent a sloppy smile your direction; probably as a result of whatever poor pounding he just received from the rather small looking guy who was just in your room. pathetic, he couldn't even wait a few hours for your attention so he tossed aside his pride and let his greedy hole get creamed by someone at least half your size.
“satisfied with yourself, whore?” a satirical snear contorted your lips. one he knew a little to well, one he could tell apart from your usual one. the one you would often flicker as the two of you conversed. he knew you loved him, as did he; yet, the outcome of pushing your buttons was one he couldn't shake the craving for.
“hah, as satisfied as ever— sweetheart.” his first mistake was underestimating your tolerance for his bullshit. the second was letting that sour chuckle rip past his throat.
he was already exposed, clothes abandoned along side his dignity. letting such a inexperienced and second option hook-up ruin his beautifully stretched hole was baffling to you. was he really that desperate to have his ass filled and feel full for the remainder of the evening? you already knew the answer to your own inquiry.
he sputtered out a few words that glazed past your ears and straight out the back of your head. you had no care to hear any other soft attempts to convey how what he committed was mistake or how his body was now yours for the night. you had tunnel-vision set on his spend, plump ass that was already wiggling in the air— contrast from his cheek, which was pressed into the matress.
you give a harsh smack on the milky flesh, making finn’s lower half jolt in retaliation; halting his train of thought and stopping his tongue mid monologue. his hands instinctively sink into the pillow beneath his neck. you shift your weight, prying his thighs apart and spreading his cheeks wide open; the perfect view. the head of your cock, flushed red and throbbing gives a few pokes at his pulsating rim which is already venting around nothing.
you give his hole a few, firm slaps from the length of your shaft. beckoning that bratty inclination from out from beneath him— you wanted to hear those lips bark out your name. persuading you to rock in and out of his useless body.
“you want that? my cock to just slip right inside you without need for an apology? without regard for what i just caught you doing in, our bed?”
you almost give in, but you're smarter than to let finn get what he so desperately wants, that easily. rubbing your palm into his hips, small pats connecting with the side of his abdomen insinuate he fetches the mirror from the corner of the bedroom. no words were required in the exchange, he knew his place— plain and simple. and he sure as hell knew what you silently commanded he do.
an exasperated groan grumbles from the depths of his chest, his tongue clicked in annoyance at the sudden expectation for him to remove himself from his lewd position. so stupid, he throws away your years of love to get fucked by some stranger and then complains as you whisk him away from the sheets. he had driven you to your witt's end.
“excuse you, cunt? did i just hear you protest, after cheating in my bed, in my house? don't forget who owns you.”
his blood ran cold and the hairs on the back of his neck sprung to life with an accompanying chill that relished up his spine. his shoulders visibly cringed at your tone as he wasted no time flipping over and hoisting the mirror slowly to the foot of the bed. with the reflective piece of glass now fitted nicely as it leaned against the bedframe— finn crawled atop the messy array of sheets.
“y/n look.. m’sorry don't-” he wasn't allowed to finish, at least not anymore he wasn't. you weren't going to let him disrespect your authority under your roof any longer.
without thinking your hand reaches to unbuckle your belt, fingers toying with the zipper and button respectively. tugging your pants and boxers down without caution— you carded a few free fingers into his messy, mop of hair. digging into and only making it a much more noticable mess than before as you yanked his face to meet yours.
you felt a guley glob of spit collect under your tongue, shooting the wad right between his eyes; saliva leaking down the bridge of his nose and bleeding onto his upperlip. you knew how he adorded being tossed around like trash, better yet, treated as such. he was getting off to this, his eyes pooling wide with lust everytime a vulgar insult leaped from behind your teeth.
he tries not to let his words slur as you play with his still, very tender asshole. breath hitching every step of the way as you spin him to face the direction of the mirror. his hole was still lubed and wet from his previous visitor, giving you very easy access with little push or resistance.
his eyes roll back, you keep your gaze attentive on his decoy on the other side of the glass. your fat cock streaching him out has his lips parting to release a squeal of appreciation, a lavish burn following close suit as you sink deeper inside of him. he's not regretting his choice to unturn his devotion towards you; not yet at least.
“getting off to this slut? look at yourself, i haven't even started to really fuck you yet. pathetic.”
finn’s eyes are trained on his reflection, the look of tragedy curling over his spit-slicked lips. he could feel how deep you were, reaching spots he didn't even know were there. he can also make out the veins on your cock dragging along his walls and you're right; he is getting off to this. it felt so good— he felt so good— it all was good.
you rut into his ass like a feral animal, grunting cocktailed with sour remarks to keep the tension rising. instinctively he clings onto the fabric beneath him for dear life, knuckles fading from bright red to a pale white. through the fog of pleasure clogging his mind, he can only keen out an audible ‘yes’ to all of the questions and words that jumbled from your mouth.
with your eyes fixated on the way his skin ripples and jiggles against your hips, the fat riding up onto yer’ waist with the brutal pace you keep. he attempts to protest with how close he feels himself getting, only to be cut off by one hard slam after another— cock drilling into his tight little hole with intentions to impregnate him.
concepts of his usualy flat tummy growing round and bloated as you fucked it full of your little swimmers now press into your mind. each seed racing to see which will be the one to knock up your boyfriend; rendering him yours forever. your vigor prevails, motivated by the sole image of your slut giving birth to one, maybe two of your genetic creations. your offspring.
finn wonders if the cheating scandal really has your stamina skyrocketing, that is until through the intoxication of your speed— he realizes. fuck, you don't have a condom. he can't get pregnant, as much as he'd want to settle down with you he has way to many jobs that would release him from employment if they found out he had a baby in his belly. you wouldn't do that to him, would you? you knew how near and dear traveling from place to place, job to job was to him. was this punishment?
“sweeti- ah! y/n c-condom!”
even with his tongue tripping over ever other word, you could decipher the clutter of gibberish all too well. he had figured out your plan to breed his tiny body.
“oh? that silly thing? i gotta make you my wife, remember? just a stupid little whore who can only work from home. nobody wants to fuck a pregnant bitch. maybe that'll teach you to keep it in your pants.”
“n-no— ah-! fuck..”
your words sent tingles over his scalp, squelching noises resonate through the air mingled with your bitter laughter. drool starts to seep from the corners of his mouth and tears begin to well up in his eyes as he watches his mirror double get impailed by the outline of your cock. he knows soon that a small child will fill the roll of your shaft, he can't do anything but try to resist as the idea of your warm, stick love flooding his womb only grows on him.
at this point, all finn is doing is whimpering on your cock, degrading making the pressure behind his thighs hotter and his ass tighter. that familiar knot twisting in his lower stomach begging to snap as you roll into his prostate with a hunger glistening in your eyes. you flip finn on his back and catch his bottom, wet lip between your teeth and tug with the push of your hips. eye contact is never broken as your hot load spurts long and sticky ropes through his ass and into his belly. so full, he's so positively full as he feels your genes enter his boy womb— effectively impregnating and painting his gummy walls with white fluid.
soon a bunch of mini you’s will roam the empty spaces in your home and you'll start the perfect family together. you had planned to make him your bitch for quite some time, but the cheating only sped up the inevitable. finn sobbed into the crook of your neck; protruding tummy poking at your abdomen as he loosely attached to you.
the whole ordeal would be burned into his brain and yours, the mirror serving his eyes a sick reminder that he was now tasked with carrying your kid. forever.
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