#alternate masterminds
candiso-p640 · 11 months
Mastermind designs for Alternate Masterminds
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Jack Hause, "Ringleader of Despair"
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Ruben Goldsmith, "Mammon's Oracle"
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Tord Lawrson, "The Red Leader"
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Matt Haergraves, "Narcissus"
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Mark Evans, "Bookworm of Despair"
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Thomas Bingbong, "The Puppeteer"
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Hellucard Fox, "Average Joe"
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Paul Janssen, "Tinman"
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Patryck Albert, "Tinman Jr."
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Todd Vasilyev, "Red Terror"
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galactic-blitz707 · 16 days
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Random piece of Naga!Wesker, snake loaf of sorts, whatever it is- he's just a bundle of Uroboros at this point.
One of many ways Wesker's sleeps, either in a ball like this, a bundle mess of coils, or just wrapped up around places like a tree boa or hanging off of ledges with his coils in the air (just don't smack them, he'd sure as hell drop on ya and you ain't getting away)
Either way Enjoy!
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tied-ash · 3 months
Levi Mastermind AU!!
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I've been thinking about him a lot ^^
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Mastermind Makoto — Free Time Event (1)
CONTENT WARNING — mentions of sexual harassment, diet culture, and unsafe work environments. Stay safe out here.
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I spent like three weeks on this, and it's not even that good.
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fantastic-nonsense · 2 years
"vigilante shit" is the Kaz song, "Karma" is the Inej song, and "Mastermind" is the Kanej song, thanks for your time and consideration when working on your midnights edits
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poffyfluffnugg3t · 8 months
MM Kiyotaka: I'm the true embodiment of order and discipline. Chaos has no place in my world.
Hifumi: Can someone please shut this guy up?
Celestia: "I'd love to, but I think he's beyond help.
Mondo & Togami: I think it's hot.
Mondo: 👀
Togami: 👀
Mondo: 🪓
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captainkirkk · 2 years
broke: jiang cheng is an extremely complex character in this essay i (goes on for another 4000 words) WOKE: Jiang Cheng is having an existential crisis about being a side character in a romance story involving his brother and he has decided to make that everyone elses problem
Jiang Cheng being the only character with meta awareness is,, a hilarious concept
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thatstroubling · 1 year
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presenting the students of The Ultimate Academy for Gifted Weapon Meisters
(inspired by this post (and my love for Soul Eater))
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alright, so if we do end up fighting Kris in the last chapter of Deltarune, we will most certainly win. For we are the player, and we have the power of saving and loading. Debatably, Kris has this too, but either way the end result is the same- This will be a fight of iteration and endurance.
I hypothesize that this fight will have two (or three, depending on how you look at it) endings: You persist, or you relent. Persistence would likely look like a LOT of grinding, figuring out which actions in what order will allow you to "win" and take control back over Kris. And relenting, or perhaps convincing them to relent, would look like A: fleeing or mercy, or B: the same thing as persistence, but choosing to pursue mercy. The third option would be death, and subsequently giving up.
Now, we must remember that Deltarune is a 2018 video game developed by American indie developer Toby Fox. Deltarune originally came from Toby's fever dream portraying the ending of a video game. So there's every chance that rather than having the option to either fight to achieve mercy or simply give up and die, you can only die. That IS the only way to free the game from the player. Any other way, and you'd still be in control.
This option also would align with Toby's "there is only one ending"- The ending is persistence, and taking over Kris again. The other "endings" are just death.
This alone makes me inclined to believe that that's exactly how it's gonna go. The only thing that makes me doubt this is how Deltarune is a commercial venture, and that's a pretty unsatisfying "ending". But I could absolutely see Toby doing it anyway.
For we are the player. And if we fight for it, we WILL win. But winning means making Kris suffer, and the only way to avoid that is to no longer fight.
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salbertwolf · 1 year
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Talent swap Au - Part 4
Celestia Ishimaru Ludenburg - Ultimate Fashionista
Mastermind of the Biggest, Most Awful, Most Tragic Event in all of Hope's Peak Academy History
Much like canon Junko she keeps herself hidden of the rest, however her way of handling Monokuma is quiet different as this one appears to be more "composed" than canon Monokuma, naturally.
Still a liar, big liar. She lives for the applause.
"But why?" "You don't ask a bird why it flies or a fish why it swims, don't ask me why"
Her and Taka are siblings so sue me.
"There wasn't a body left to bury" "Are you sure?" "Huh?" "Are you sure there was even a body to bury?"
That's most for her, I love her so much, lives in my mind rent free.
Actual recreation of events on how her and Toko started working together:
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Friend's words: I keep forgetting Toko's ultimate is soldier, lol what's she gonna do being a knight this girl is barely a wet sock Me: Bold of you to assume she doesn't still look like a wet sock
(I'm sorry for all Toko fans out there for this probable slander I have not played Ultimate Despair Girls okay? You may insult for the Toko slander, agreed? We cool?)
Part 3 <-
Part 5 (UDG) <-
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kokichaai · 4 months
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Im not saying that NQ's Mastermind and Darkest Faerie are connected but they seem to be rocking the same/similar outfit and colorscheme and only further proves that the two games are connected-
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galactic-blitz707 · 4 months
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"Sacrifices must be made to feed a God...."
Or something idk-
Anywho! More Naga!Wesker stuff since you people seem to really love it and I can thank you guys enough for the support on all Naga!Wesker stuff I've been making out. Slowing getting back into the swing of things, gonna go poke @ask-naga-albertwesker-blog with a stick to wake him back up cause I know that snake be snoozing lol.
Either way I hope you enjoy!
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tied-ash · 5 months
Danganronpa THH Spoilers!
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I love the MM! Chihiro AU, but have any of you considered a Traitor! Alter Ego AU?
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Protagonist Junko and Mastermind Makoto in a universe where everyone's moral alignment is shifted (AU name pending), with some shitty concept sketches and ideas.
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thelemoncoffee · 2 years
What if Au where either Shuichi or Kokichi (or both) is the mastermind- but the Killing game is very different as a results.
by different i don't just mean different kill order either. i always thought it was weird that all Alt MM aus had any character doing the exact same formula and setup that Junko did, despite them probably having very different ideas of what kind of stuff they could do to create despair. So! this Au is one where the Killing Game rules and "how to play" are fitted more to how either MM would handle it.
For Shuichi, i see a less in your face situation, more like a "they don't know there's even a game until the first person has been murdered" type beat. Shuichi would influence the players with note and blackmail style motives that's not actively broadcasted to the others, basically trying to make a more eerie and cold feeling murder mystery for them to trudge through. after the first kill only then would his Monomascot reveal itself and tell them cryptically how to save their own asses in the trial, then rarely appeare unless summoned by calling it's name or if it's there to give someone some info that might get them to do something. The mono of course over sees the trials but is much less dramatic about it and give everyone a very uneasy feeing. it'd be way more mystery oriented and way less spectical.
For Kokichi it's like the canon killing game got cranked up to 11. He's all about the spectical, having his mono refer to him as "the ringleader" and going for a much more compettitive game-show approach. he isn't as keen on the killing part as he's still pasifictic, but he has lackies who can handle that for him, only getting blood on his hands indirectly. He wants to see them all struggle though, he wants to watch them go through any challenge he throws at them be it game or riddle or random countdown to beat, their panic and struggle under presure gives him pure joy. His mono would frequently appear to dramatically give them new bullshit to go through and put strain on the players and their sanity till they eventually snap and kill someone- triggering a trial ofc.
both would absolutly be hidden amongst the players but in two very different ways. Shuichi wants to see things from the ground level and directly influence it, he wants to get the satisfaction of giving these people a beacon of hope in such a scary situation only to turn around and be the source of their despair. Kokichi is there just for kicks, he said it himself- he loves playing life on hardmode- he'd absolutly want to pose as a player just to get to play his own games and risk his own life, he'd act alot less malicious than he does in canon as to divert attention from himself but he'd still be there wedging distrust between eveyone and getting his ass put in the hotseat for fun.
The two of them working together actually might end up with something similar to a canon Killing Game, what with Kokichi handling all the spectical and chaos while Shuichi does the dirty work of creating the mystery and exicuting people. it wouldn't be exactly the same of course, Kokichi wanting a more circus theme and more games/puzzles/challanges to trip them up, and Shuichi trying to make the mysteries more dire and complex than your average Junko would by keeping some motives secrete until it's too late. Hell, in a team up i could see them playing the "innocent couple" having everyone believe there's only one MM and playing a pair would easily put them in the clear, any fake fighting they may do would freak the other players out and add tension, and them being a couple would allow them to be around each other alot to plot together. They'd both love despair but their own ideas of what despair is are very different; Shuichi seeing it as a cold and painful thing that suffocates, and Kokichi seeing it more like a game prize. MM!Shuichi is a sadist, MM!Kokichi is an adrenallen Junkie.
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