#although Bree would have to explain it all to her beginning to end
themoonandtheprincess · 4 months
Can't decide whether it's Bree/Skylar who's love language is bullying each other or Kaz/Chase's. OR if their love language is also listening to the other person rant about something for hours and semi getting interested in it too.
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theeholytrinity · 2 years
Although Legendborn is now one of my favorite books right up there with Circe, (especially as an African American girl who's never had this kind of representation before) , I do have a few critiques.
For one, the characters should have been older, especially with all the innuendo and euphemisms that at times made me raise an eyebrow whenever I remembered the characters I'm reading about are like 16/17. Simply making them regular 18,19,20 year old college students wouldn't have really hurt the plot or magical systems. Just have Abatement happen when their 40, which according to some is where young adulthood ends and mid-life begins, and have their prime magical Scion years be 18 to 25 or 18 to 30, when most people will be at their physical and mental adult prime anyhow.
It would have made more sense to, story wise, for Bree's mom to freak out about an 18 year old Bree going to NCU, because she'd actually be enrolling a full 4 years into college, instead of a simple early college program. It also would have been more symbolic, because that's the age Bree's mother attended that college. I just feel like the author had to go through these unnecessary hoops to explain why a 16 year old was in college, far away from home, surrounded by adult college students, when simply making Bree an 18 year old college student would have resolved that issue. In my opinion, making the characters older would have made the story unfold more naturally.
Another critique I have is the pacing. While reading the book it felt like weeks were going by within the story only to find out the whole story transpired over the course of one to two weeks. I feel like stretching it to five weeks would have been better. Same story, same plot and character development, just over the course of 5 weeks instead of one or two. That way it realistically makes sense for Bree and Alice to eventually reconcile, for Bree to come to terms with her mothers death, for Bree to gain the trust of the round table (with a few exceptions of course), for her volatile powers to grow, for her to learn the ins and outs of root/aether along with the lore related to both magical systems, and for her relationship with both Nick and Sel to evolve into something more. Pacing is crucial to character/plot development and world building.
The story was already phenomenal on its own but with simple pacing and older characters it would have been better.
Other than that this book was a 9.5 outta 10 for me and I can't wait until Bloodmarked comes out this November!!!!
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Blood calls to blood.
It Does My Heart Good: Chapter 1 || Chapter 2 || Chapter 3 || Chapter 4 || Chapter 5 || Chapter 6 || Chapter 7 || Chapter 8 || Chapter 9 || Chapter 10 || Chapter 11 || Chapter 12 || Chapter 13 || Chapter 14 || Chapter 15
“That’s it, Rab!”
Jamie almost doubled over, breathing heavily, beaming with joy as his six-year-old son pedaled down the road on his bike, wobbling just a bit.
“No training wheels, Da!” Rab shouted, almost not believing it himself.
Jamie took deep, heaving breaths. “Claire!” he croaked. “Where are ye?”
Claire poked her head out of an upstairs window, peering down at her husband and son in the street. “What? Everybody all right?”
“Mama, look!” Just then Rab pedaled back to the house.
“Oh, lovie!” Quickly she darted inside, raced down the stairs, and flew out of the door, almost colliding with Jamie who still clutched to the mailbox to hold himself steady. 
Rab absolutely glowed, smiling ear to ear as he pedaled back and forth in front of his parents. “Look, Mama and Da!”
Slowly, carefully, Jamie pulled his phone from his front shirt pocket to take a video of Rab racing up and down the street, giddy with joy. 
“Has he fallen yet?” Claire asked, trying to not sound worried.
Jamie shrugged. “He’s a boy. It happens.”
“That’s not exactly comforting - ”
“Have ye had a message from Bree today?” he interrupted uncharacteristically.
Her brow furrowed. “No. Why?”
Jamie held out his phone so that his wife could see the screen. It was a text from Brianna, sent about half an hour previous: I need to see you and Claire tonight. We’re fine. I’ll explain later.
Silently Claire counted to five before responding. “Well I’m worried.”
Jamie watched as Rab ground the bike to a halt at the end of the road, stood up, caught his breath for a bit.
“I hope it isnae the bairn. She’d tell us, aye?”
Brianna and her husband Roger were expecting their first child - Jamie and Claire and John and Isobel’s first grandchild. It had been a surprise - Brianna had become pregnant only about three months after her wedding and six months after starting her new job, and although the two of them were young and early in their respective careers, they loved and cared for each other. And they could provide for a baby - a baby that clearly they both wanted.
Claire nodded. “She would. Same if it was some kind of problem with Roger. I know it’s been stressful, and that they’re still trying to plan for what they’ll do when she goes back to work.”
Jamie tucked his phone back into his pocket and wrapped an arm around Claire’s shoulder. “The puir child has four grandparents to care for it, not to mention two decrepit great-uncles who have gladly said they’ll be full-time carers.” That was true - Lamb and his partner Fez had told Brianna as much during the dinner they’d organized to celebrate her pregnancy. With Lamb retired and Fez on sabbatical for the next year - and with Isobel Grey only working part time, and with Jamie himself fully in control of his schedule at the bookstore, this child had an entire network of people to ensure his or her comfort and care.
“I can’t help but worry.” Claire sighed. 
Jamie squeezed her shoulder. “You’re her Mam. It’s your job to worry.”
Rab raced his bike down the road again, whizzing past them, hitting a rock, and wiping out in spectacular fashion.
“Thankfully he’s wearing his jeans today,” Claire muttered before racing over to her son, too drunk with joy to feel any pain.
“That’s a huge scrape you’ve got there,” Brianna politely observed as her brother showed off his skinned knees.
“Yeah. And I was even wearing pants! Mama said it was a good thing I didn’t wipe out in the dirt.”
Bree smiled, rubbing her six-month-pregnant belly. “That’s certainly true.”
“How old were ye when ye learned to ride a bike?” Jamie spooned up the last of the peas Claire had made to go with the roast chicken and mashed potatos she and Bree had cooked for dinner.
Brianna frowned, thinking. “I think I was about seven. It was the summertime, I remember that. I was wearing shorts, and my legs were covered in bruises and my arms were covered in mosquito bites.”
Rab wrinkled his nose. “Gross.”
She laughed. “You don’t need to tell me that.”
Jamie swallowed his last bite and stood, pushing his chair away from the table. “All right, wee Rab. Help me clear the dishes. Bree - you and Claire can sit in the living room if ye like?”
Carefully Bree stood, stretching. “Sounds like a great idea.” 
Claire stood too, and took Bree’s hand. Bree squeezed it, and together they retreated to the soft chairs in the room off of the dining room.
For a while they sat next to each other on the couch, not speaking, listening to the low hum of Jamie’s voice speaking quietly to Rab and the clink of dishes and silverware as they washed and dried. Claire wanted Bree to make the first move, but soon enough Bree spoke.
“I had a realization this morning. Well, two, really. And I wanted to talk to you about it.”
Claire nodded. Patient.
Brianna looked down at her lap as she spoke. “The first is...I almost feel terrible for saying this, but I’m glad not just that you’re a doctor, but that you’re my mother, and I can talk to you about being pregnant and all of the weird things about it, because I can’t talk to my Mom about it.”
“Because she was never pregnant,” Claire said softly.
Bree nodded. “I feel terrible even thinking that - she’s the greatest Mom, and she’s known me all of my life, but -”
“But it helps to talk to someone who has experienced it firsthand. I understand.”
“I remember when you were pregnant with Rab - I  remember asking you all about it, and learning about it. Because I’d never had that growing up. But it’s all so different now.” She paused. “I feel terrible even saying that about my Mom.”
Gently Claire rubbed the back of her daughter’s hand. “Don’t feel bad. I think she’d understand. And I’m so glad that I can help you, Bree. That this is another thing we can share.”
Bree swallowed, still not looking up at her. Claire felt her daughter’s hands shake with emotion.
“Are you all right, honey? Is everything all right with Roger?”
Bree let out a breath. “Oh, Claire, he’s so wonderful. He takes such good care of me. He’s a goofball and it’s really, really endearing.”
“I’m so glad you have that love in your life. Having a child with the man you love - it’s an incredible experience.”
Inexplicably Bree began to sob. Working from an instinct she couldn’t even begin to name, Claire leaned in to hold her daughter close. Comforting her, sheltering her as she cried and cried and cried.
“What’s wrong?” she crooned softly. “You can tell me anything, lovie.”
Brianna hugged Claire even tighter. “The other thing I realized today,” she whispered, “is that I can’t even begin to imagine my life without this baby in it. And then I realized that that’s exactly what you had to do, with me.”
“Oh, sweetie.” Claire rubbed her back soothingly. “That was different. I was unmarried and alone.”
“But still - I feel such a bond with him already, and I can’t imagine disrupting that. For most of the time before I was born, you knew me - and you knew that you wouldn’t be able to keep me.”
“Yes. But I made that choice. Jamie and I made that choice together, because it was the best choice we could make for you.”
“I can’t even imagine making that choice.” Bree took a deep, shaky breath. “And it really, really hit me today. I feel like I finally understand. And I want you to know...” Now she pulled back to look at Claire, wiping away the tears still streaming down her cheeks. “I want you to know that I love you so much more for what you did for me. Because I don’t know if I’d ever have the strength to do that.”
Tears welled in Claire’s own eyes. “Jamie said something to me, before we left each other in Glasgow, during those few precious weeks we had together when we knew you were coming and before I came back to Boston. He said - love forces a person to choose. You do things you never imagined you could do before.”
Bree smiled tearfully. “He’s right.”
Claire wiped away her tears, and cradled her cheek. “Of course he is. I kept saying that to myself over and over and over before you were born, and after you were born, and after I’d moved to North Carolina.”
“I’m sorry if I scared you earlier today when I texted Jamie. I just - ”
“I know, sweetie. I know.”
Just then Rab darted into the room, oblivious to his sister’s tears. “Ice cream for dessert?”
Bree sniffed and looked at her watch. “Roger should be here in fifteen minutes or so. Mind if we wait until  then?”
Rab careened out of the room, intent on setting another place at the dining room table.
“Had I not made an adoption plan for you, Bree - I never would have had Rab.”
Bree turned to her mother, incredulous. “Oh my God. You’re right.”
Claire smiled tightly. “So. Everything is worthwhile. You never know the happiness that will come from the sadness.”
Bree squeezed her hands. “My life has become so much happier with you and Jamie in it. And Rab, too.”
Claire’s heart soared. “Oh, lovie. Ours too. Ours too.”
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msfilmdiary · 4 years
The Twilight Saga: Eclipse (2010)
Starring: Kristen Stewart, Robert Pattinson, Taylor Lautner, Nikki Reed, Ashley Greene, Kellan Lutz, Jackson Rathbone, Peter Facinelli, Anna Kendrick, Elizabeth Reaser, Billie Burke, Michael Sheen, Dakota Fanning, Jamie Campbell Bower, Christian Serratos, Bryce Dallas Howard, and Chaske Spencer 
Screenplay by Stephanie Meyer and Melissa Rosenberg
Directed by David Slade
Cinematography by Javier Aguirresarobe
I do not own any of the pictures posted. 
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Eclipse begins with the vampire Victoria attacking Riley Biers in hopes of creating an army of newborn vampires in order to get her revenge on Edward for killing her mate James. Back in Forks, Edward and Bella discuss the complications of becoming a vampire, as well as marriage, to which Bella expresses aversion to because she, now eighteen years old, is so young. Edward, however, refuses to turn her into a vampire until they are married, with his argument being that she would miss various human experiences, including her high school graduation. 
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Charlie Swan then begins to investigate the disappearance of Riley Biers, and Edward suspects that the disappearance was caused by newborn vampires. His suspicion is furthered by Riley’s intrusion into Bella’s room. 
Edward now fears for Bella’s safety, to which Bella states that Jacob and his wolf pack would never hurt her, and Edward is ultimately unconvinced. Bella goes to La Push to see Jacob, returning unharmed. Jacob confesses that he is in love with Bella and forcibly kisses her. Furious, she attempts to punch him and sprains her hand in the process. Edward finds out and threatens Jacob, telling him to only kiss Bella if she asks him to. Bella then invites Jacob and his pack members to her graduation party, but when Jacob apologizes for his behavior, she forgives him. 
Alice sees a vision of a newborn army attacking Forks led by Riley Biers. Jacob, Quil, and Embry overhear this, leading to an alliance between the Cullens and the pack. After this, the Cullens and the pack agree to meet to train and discuss strategies. During training, Jasper tells Bella that he was created by a vampire named Maria to control a newborn army. He despised his original existence upon meeting Alice and joined the Cullens in order to be with her. 
Despite her reluctance to marry so young, Bella realizes that spending eternity with Edward is more important to her than anything else and agrees to marry him. Edward and Bella then hid in the mountains to hide from the newborns. During the nighttime, Bella overhears a conversation between Edward and Jacob where they temporarily put aside their differences toward one another.  Jacob overhears Edward and Bella discussing their engagement and takes off. Bella then desperately asks him to kiss her, realizing that she has fallen in love with him. Edward finds out about the kiss but is not upset, and Bella says that she loves him more than Jacob. 
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When Victoria appears, Edward kills her and Seth kills her accomplice, Riley. The Cullens and the wolf pack destroy her army, with Jacob facing injuries after saving Leah Clearwater from a newborn. Several members of the Volturi arrive to deal with the newborn army. They also notice that the Cullens are protecting Bree Tanner, who had refused to fight and surrendered to Carlisle and Esme. Jane torchers Bree to collect information, instructing Felix to kill her. Jane then notices that Bella is still human, but the Cullens inform her of Bella’s transformation date. 
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Bella then visits Jacob to tell him that she is in love with Edward and that she has chosen to be with him. Although he is upset by her choice, he agrees to stop trying to come between them. 
The film ends with Bella and Edward in their meadow, where she agrees to marry him and then be transformed into a vampire. She explains that she is not normal and will never be and that she has felt out of place her entire life, but she feels stronger and complete when she is with Edward. The film ends with Bella and Edward deciding to tell Charlie about their engagement.  
Now, here’s my summary of Eclipse: Bella, a sweet and mild-tempered girl is forced to choose between two tall, dark, and handsome men while also trying to fight off a newborn vampire army led by the redhead antagonist Victoria. 
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Now, I will say that Eclipse is ten times better than New Moon, but it centers around dragged out conversations between Bella and Edward, Edward and Jacob, Jacob and Bella, and so on. This movie really reminds the viewer that there is a love-triangle in Twilight, (although, I think it’s pretty evident as to who Bella will end up with, but that’s just me.) 
Another thing I want to talk about in this movie is the idea of sex and traditionalism. Which, I think, is taken to a whole new level that I was uncomfortable with while watching the film. Meyer is a prominent member in the Church of Jesus Christ and Latter Day Saints, so it’s no surprise that religion influences Twilight. As you may have noticed, there is no drug or alcohol usage, or sex, for that matter, which isn’t my problem with it. 
My problem with it is that it’s made to be this be-all and all-right thing, and that the act before marriage would take away Bella’s purity. Eclipse is the film that I feel completely pushes gender stereotypes to the next level, more than its procedures. I will say, I do believe that at some points Meyer’s Mormon theology in the story is complex and perfectly fits in, but this was different. The topic of sex in both the Twilight novels and the films have always made me uncomfortable, mostly because I think Meyer builds the act up as being such a big thing that has to wait until after marriage, which, in most cases (in modern times, at least) is not the truth. 
I feel that if you’re a Mormon writing about sadistic vampires and shape-shifting wolf men, then you have to be comfortable with the truth of sex. Most teen romances do not portray sex accurately. I know that. But Twilight as a whole, especially Eclipse, pushes the harmful idea that having sex means giving up purity and goodness, which is not realistic, nor is it the truth. 
However, entertainment wise, Eclipse was more fast-paced than both New Moon and Twilight, and had more of an interesting and easier to follow dialogue. This film was definitely not boring. Action happened at every turn, and I believe that it kicked off the storyline for Breaking Dawn–Part 1 and 2. 
Overall, I believe that Eclipse was the kickoff for the series. Although controversial in my opinion, it was action-packed and full of soapy human-vampire-wolf romance, and for nostalgia purposes, it’s crucially significant. 
Overall rating: 7/10
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hystericalweenie · 4 years
Just Another Day at the Office Series - New Experiences
George MacKay x Reader Series
Part Seven: Confessions
Summary: Y/f/n Y/l/n had found herself stuck in a scenario she’d never thought she’d ever have to face: she’d been catching feelings for a coworker. While she attempted to adapt to her new job and work load, she also had to get used to these new feelings and figure out what the fuck to do with them. George made her want to take risks, she didn’t care about the potentiality of a broken heart with him, because falling in love with him made it seem worth it. Is George falling for Y/n too? Will he be able to reciprocate her feelings?
a/n: I have absolutely no personal experience in magazine/journalism career, so the information in this fic will be provided with the knowledge I have conducted from research. With that being said, please don’t be mad if this is not accurate!!! Also, thank you to all the anons that sent in ideas! They were so helpful! I can’t figure out how to screenshot them and put them in here :( but y’all know who u are <3 
Warnings: This is a slow burn fic, their relationship won’t happen in one night, so if you’re not into that, check out some of the beautifully written imagines that you can most likely find under the george mackayxreader tag. I might eventually write some of my own too :P At least one person’s saying “fuck” and there’s some extreme smut y’all... NSFW content, continue at your own risk
“What are you doing here?”
My arms were crossed and my eyebrows looking angry. A confused expression painted his face, telling me that he wasn’t sure why I was upset.
“You weren’t answering my texts, I just wanted to make sure you were alright,” he confessed, his eyes softening in embarrassment. 
“Oh.” I looked down at the floor, not sure what to say.
He brought his hand to the nape of his neck, scratching awkwardly.
“I, uhm, I’ll leave,” he announced.
“I saw you and Faith at that restaurant down the street,” I blurted, my words jumbling together quickly in anxiousness and fear that he’d leave. 
“Oh.” He dragged out the “o” vowel, accentuating the word, making me more nervous.
I held myself back from bringing my fingers up to my mouth and gnawing on my nails, not wanting to show him how anxious he’d truly been making me. 
“She’s my ex-girlfriend,” he confessed.
I think my expression was able to display the emotions I was feeling, considering I could feel the color drain from my face in shock and that familiar nervous knot in my stomach made me feel like I could bend over and retch all over his shoes. 
“No,” he began, putting his hands up defensively. “Not like that; we broke up, because she’s gay, Y/n.”
My eyebrows angrily furrowed as my confusion heightened and I wasn’t able to form words. 
“Huh?” I was able to muster, given the situation I’d just been informed of.
He chuckled lightly, bringing his index finger and thumb to the bridge of his nose, looking down for a moment as if he was searching for the right words to say.
“Remember when I told you about my last relationship? That things just didn’t work out?” He used his hands to gesture as he attempted to explain the situation to me.
I nodded, recollecting the memories from my sofa.
“Your last relationship was in college?”
I gulped. Did I let that detail slip?
“Yeah,” I began, scratching the back of my neck. “I haven’t really had the time for a relationship since I started working full-time.”
I hoped he wouldn’t be able to tell that I was lying. I prayed that my inevitable blushed cheeks wouldn’t turn scarlet. I begged that he wouldn’t think I was weird for not having been in a relationship for so long.
“How long has it been, then?”
I chewed my lip. Fuck. I felt like Bree had asked me the same question just yesterday, except in a different context, of course. Though, my answer remained the same.
“Two years,” I cringed at my own answer, before gesturing my hand out to him. “How about you?”
“Almost a year,” he admitted with a shrug. “Only lasted a few months, things just didn’t work out.”
“Well, I wasn't receiving much from her side of the relationship, figured she just wasn’t into me,” he used his hands to gesture again, staring into my eyes as he explained himself. “Well, that’s how the relationship ended. But, she told me a few months ago that it had nothing to do with me; she’s gay, she’s been gay, she just wasn’t in a place where she felt comfortable to come out until then. Since then, her and I have been friends and sometimes she’d hang out with Dean and Andrew, as well. Yesterday, she came with us to visit Andrew in rehab. We went for lunch afterwards, which is when you saw us.”
I froze at the explanation, realizing how dramatic I was being and how much I’d overreacted without letting him explain himself first. I groaned, bringing my palms to my face.
“God, I feel like such an idiot!” I exclaimed, my voice muffled against my hands.
He grabbed my hands, gently bringing them to my sides as his amused expression stared back at my exposed face.
“You were jealous, huh?” He chided, smirking down at me.
I rolled my eyes as I felt my cheeks redden. 
“Love, you have nothing to be jealous about,” he brought his hand to caress my face, pressing his lips to my forehead. “Although, I find it adorable.”
I tried not to melt right there, my cheek in his hand as I looked up at him, admiring the way his locks sat perfectly on his head and his pink, plump lips were curled in a lazy smile. His eyes were soft, blue abyss staring down at me lovingly, whilst I attempted not to get lost in them.
I brought my face to his, my lips brushing softly against his own. I knew I could have tried, but I was in too deep. The taste of his lips brought me peace, the scent of him brought me serenity and eased all of the anxiety I’d been previously experiencing. There was no way in hell I would’ve been able to just let him slip through my fingers; I wouldn't allow it.
That week had gone by fast, much more quickly than I would have liked. George’s birthday was on Friday, and I had no idea if it was expected of me to get him something or not. Hell, I wasn't sure if he’d wanted to spend his day with me. 
Nonetheless, I woke up extra early, so that I’d have time to do my hair in waves and put a little more effort into my makeup than normal. I wore a sexy black pencil skirt, knowing that he loved that way it hugged my figure. I paired it with a blouse, showing enough cleavage that I knew would drive him crazy. I finalized the look with a pair of heels, making my exposed legs appear longer. Satisfied and giddy, I rushed out of the apartment with endless thoughts of his reaction.
Grinning as I greeted the receptionist and getting into the elevator, chewing anxiously on my lip, I awaited my floor. Once the doors slid open, I made my way to my desk, my legs carrying me with a confident stride. Dean’s eyes lingered on me over his computer, as I sat myself down in my chair. 
“Hi, Dean,” I spoke to him, leaning my head away from my computer to meet his eyes.
I noticed a faint blush on his cheeks, his eyes peeling from his screen to look at me.
“Morning Y/n,” he began, clearing his throat. “You look lovely today, by the way. Not that you don’t look good any other day, bu–”
“Thank you, Dean,” I interrupted him, grinning at the adorable brunette.
I kept to myself, working silently until my nerves took over me. My heels were tapping nervously on the ground, wondering what his reaction would be like. I fantasized about his fingers wandering up my legs, grasping my bum with his large palms. I could feel the wet patch in my panties beginning to form at the thoughts, finally getting up from my seat and marching toward the elevator. Pressing the button as the doors closed behind me, I flattened my skirt and tousled my hair, hoping to perfect my appearance during this intermission. 
The doors slid open, revealing a figure in a button up and slacks.
It was him. 
I gulped, grabbing his collar and pulling him into the elevator with me, pressing the closing door button along with a bunch of random floor buttons, truly not caring about anything else but him. His lips attached to mine in an instant, his hands resting on the small of my back before lowering to my bum, squeezing my ass, causing a moan to escape my lips. Our tongues fought for dominance, my fingers wrapping around his neck and pulling at his hair eagerly. 
“I can’t take you here in the elevator, love,” he complained, his voice raspy with lust and his minty breath hitting me before attaching back onto my lips again.
The doors opened, causing us to quickly peel away from each other as someone entered the elevator. We exchanged glances, eyes wide at the intruder. They reached over, pressing their desired floor before pulling their phone out and entertaining themselves with the tiny device momentarily. The multiple lit up buttons flashed back at me, reminding me that I’d pressed buttons at random. The next floor that the elevator stopped at, George and I piled out quickly, laughing at the awkward situation. We found the stairs, opening the door to the abandoned, dimly lit flights of narrow stairs. He grasped my face with his palms, bringing me back to his lips.
This time, our lips moved with less eagerness, instead at a slow pace, our tongues less involved. He pulled away, finalizing our kiss with a peck. 
“Happy birthday,” I sighed blissfully, my lips swollen.
He bit his lip, bringing my face toward him again to peck my lips once more, resting his forehead against my own.
“Best birthday ever,” he admitted. “Thank you, my love.”
His thumbs stroked my cheekbones before he pulled away, grasping my hand as we made our way down the stairs. I intertwined our fingers, trying to bite back the giddy smile that threatened to make its way onto my lips. My stomach erupted with butterflies, as our footsteps echoed throughout the abandoned flights of stairs.
“You have any plans today?” I asked, gently swinging our hands.
He shrugged. “I think Dean wants to get drinks somewhere after work, but that’s it.”
I nodded, wondering if he was hinting at making plans. Once we’d reached his floor, he brought the back of my hand to his lips, pressing a soft kiss before untangling our fingers.
“Text me tonight? We can do something?”
I blushed.
“Of course, George.”
He walked over to me, fixing my hair for me before fiddling with my blouse and skirt, flattening the wrinkled fabric and fixing the disheveled top. He stepped away, scanning me and smiling in satisfaction before pressing a quick kiss on my cheek and opening the door, leaving me a blushing mess. This man was going to be the death of me.
I slipped my heels off, my sore feet carrying me to my bed. I plopped onto my stomach, pulling my phone out. 
Me: What do you feel like doing later?
George: Hmm...
George: Wine and movies at mine?
I grinned.
Me: That sounds perfect.
George: Does 8 sound good? Sorry if that’s a little late, Dean and I are going for dinner and drinks right now.
Me: Nope, perfect. Have fun, don’t get plastered ;)
George: I know my limit, love
George: I’m not like you ;)
Me: Omg. That feels like forever ago now, when the hell are you going to live that down?
George: Never.
George: I’ll text you when I get home
Me: Sounds good. See you then, birthday boy!
George: *insert... Is there a birthday emoji?
George: Never mind.. See you, Y/n
I was glad my hair was at least done, it was one less thing for me to do. However, with two hours to spare, I wished that I had something else to do. I fixed my makeup, powdering the spots that’d managed to get shiny throughout the day and reapplying my lip stain. I began picking out an outfit, shoveling through the hangers in my tiny closet. I settled on my usual jeans and flattering top, dressing myself and leaving my bedroom to watch television with Bree, listening to her rant about her day.
After enduring her complaints about her coworkers, I received a text message from George.
George: I’m ready whenever you are
I looked at the time on my phone, realizing it was already past eight o'clock, and I’d lost track of time. I grabbed my purse and rushed out of the apartment, practically jogging to my car. I started the vehicle, hearing it roar to life before making my way to him.
Finally arriving to his building, I texted him, letting him know that I’d arrived before I waited for him to meet me at my car. He walked me inside, leading me to his apartment as I eyed his outfit, which consisted of jeans and a white tee. With such a casual outfit, he managed to make it look so good. We entered his home, the familiar scent of sandalwood and vanilla welcoming me. A bottle of wine and two empty glasses sat on the coffee table in front of his sofa, awaiting my presence. I smiled at the gesture, taking my jacket off and following him to the sofa. He poured the red deliciousness into my glass before pouring himself a glass and bringing it to his lips.
He grabbed the remote controller, starting some random movie and wrapping his arm around me, pulling me into his side as the opening credits rolled. I sighed in content, breathing in his scent as my head lay against his chest, his skin warm through the fabric of his shirt. His fingers traced my arm, drawing shapes and patterns at random whilst his eyes remained concentrated on the screen. The simplicity of this moment, yet the weight of sincerity it held, made my heart ache for him. It was at this moment that I’d realized I was fully emerged in George, there was absolutely no way that I could have turned back, even if I’d wanted to. I longed for him, I needed him.
“George,” I called to him softly, turning my head to look up at him.
His eyes gazed down at me, his eyebrows furrowed in concern. His deep blue eyes bore into mine, awaiting an explanation for the way I called his name, his curly light locks contrasting. His skin looked soft and calm, no angry creases or lines except the concerned ones between his eyebrows. His lips were slightly puckered in a curious pout, slightly stained with wine. I devoured these features, wishing I could look at him forever. But staring at him made me miss the physicality of him, the sweet rhythm of our lips together and the feeling of his hips rolling against mine.
I needed more with him.
I needed him to make love to me. I needed to feel him inside of me, filling me up like his dick was meant to be there. I needed him to stretch me out and fuck me into tomorrow. 
I needed this; I needed him. 
 “Y/n?” he brought his hand to my face, gently stroking my cheek with the backs of his fingers. “I need words, love.”
My lips trembled from my thoughts, my core dripping and aching in agony as I devoured his features once more. 
“You,” I whimpered, with a gulp. “I need you.”
He bent his face down to me, his hand moving to my chin to lift my own up to meet his lips. He stilled, his lips barely brushing mine.
“You have me, love,” he confessed, his thumb moving to drag across my bottom lip. “Any way you need me; I’m all yours.”
I moved up to my knees in an instant, crashing my lips onto his as my hands went to grasp his face, my lips moving feverishly against his. His lips adapted to my rhythm quickly, tongue slipping between my own. He was quick to grab at my thighs, pulling my legs around his waist before standing up and carrying us to his bedroom, our lips still connected. He waisted no time, kicking his door open with his foot and closing it the same way behind us, gently laying me on the bed. He kicked his shoes off, peeling the fabric of his shirt off of his torso. I did the same with my shirt, revealing my lacy black bra that I’d worn in case he’d end up seeing me in my undergarments. I scooted myself up on the bed as he made his way on top of me, his lips finding their way back to mine. 
His lips began trailing down my jaw to my neck, finding my sweet spot and gently sucking. My fingers went to his hair, tugging as breathy sighs left my mouth, the feeling of his mouth nibbling and sucking at the pleasurable spot. Positive that he’d left a bruise, he moved to my chest to repeat the same thing on one of the valleys of my breasts. His locks tickled my face, erupting my senses with the smell of his shampoo. I lifted my body as his fingers slowly wrapped around the band of the bra, going to the back to unclasp it. Successfully moving the bra off of me, his mouth went to latch onto one of my nipples, causing me to moan at the sudden sensation. 
The feeling of his tongue lapping at the bud, his hand moving to massage the other breast, was almost enough to drive me over the edge. I could feel the obvious wetness in my panties as my core dripped more and more by the second, my hips bucking for some kind of relief. His mouth left my nipple, moving to the other one and repeating the same actions. My fingers continued to thread through his locks desperately, my hips bucking against his stomach. 
His lips released from my nipple with a pop, looking up at me and meeting my y/e/c eyes with his blue ones, looking darker than ever with lust. His eyes continued to gaze into mine as he unbuttoned my jeans. I lifted my hips, helping him slide the fabric off of my legs. He moved himself down, his lips pressing over my clothed core. I moaned aloud, the sudden tease giving me stimulation. I could feel him grin, his fingers hooking around the band of my panties before painfully slowly peeling them off of me. His arms hooked around my thighs, pulling them apart as he gazed at my heat. 
“Christ, love, you’re dripping,” he observed in awe.
I watched as his lips pressed to my mound, to each inner thigh, before finally latching to my clit. My jaw went slack as I watched him, his dilated pupils meeting mine as his tongue moved against me. The sensation made my eyes roll to the back of my head, giving me relief and better pleasure than I could have ever imagined. As his tongue lapped slowly at the sensitive bud, I felt his finger tease my folds, my hips bucking in reaction. His finger finally entered me easily, slipping and curling right into my clenching walls. He kept at a slow rhythm before adding another finger and lapping at my clit more quickly. His fingers began to speed up at as well, causing my back to arch. 
I felt my climax near, before he pulled away. I gasped at his action with a frown. He quickly unzipped his pants, his briefs following suit as his cock slapped against his stomach. My lips parted at the sight, before he moved to his nightstand. 
“You don't need one,” I cleared my throat, my legs still open as I lay there. “I’m all covered.”
He eyes widened, and I swore I saw precum beginning to leak out due to my words.
“Shit, are you sure?” he asked, his eyebrows furrowing. 
I nodded, recollecting memories of taking my birth control on the dot for the past week, knowing that this moment was inevitable. He walked back over to me, moving back on top of me. He pressed his lips to mine, giving me a sweet kiss before pulling away and positioning himself.
This is it.
He rubbed his tip up and down my heat, coating his tip with my wetness, before slowly pushing into me. His face hovered above mine, watching my expression as I felt him carefully slide his entire length into me. It was uncomfortable, his large size was something I’d not been used to. He stopped, pressing a kiss to my forehead. 
“Let me know whenever you’re ready for me to move,” he assured me, his hand coming to my face to stroke my cheek and push a few strands of hair out of my face. 
I nodded, my eyes closed and my forehead creasing at the pressure as he allowed me to adjust to him. I forced myself to open my eyes, meeting his blue ones. I concentrated on the blue orbs, eyes moving to the freckles on his nose and the disheveled waves on his head. His swollen, plump lips called for mine, as I attached mine to his without thinking. I pulled away, eyes absorbing his features once more, and I felt myself open up for him. It amazed me that I could find such comfort and peace so quickly in his features. I gave him a nod, letting him know that he could begin moving. He pressed one more gentle kiss onto my lips before slowly pushing himself out and moving back inside of me.
His hips moved gently against mine, still keeping at a careful pace. I was quick to adjust to the movements, beginning to find pleasure in the feeling. I could feel him stretching me, feeling all of the veins and ridges of his bare cock against my walls. I sighed, giving him more confidence to pull more of himself out and reenter me with a little more force. Our lips attached to each other, moving together at a rhythm, similar to the one he’d been fucking me with. His hips rolled against mine, feeling him go deeper into me as my fingers went back to his hair, needing to tug on the soft locks. 
I wrapped my legs around his hips, giving him more access to fuck me deeper. I moaned against his lips as his pace began picking up, hearing the sounds of him moving through my juices, his skin slapping against mine. His thrusts became deeper and harder, bringing me close to my edge.
“I-I’m close, George,” I informed him, my lips pulling away as our foreheads rested against each other.
“Cum for me, angel,” he encouraged me, thrusting himself deep enough to brush a certain spot that drove me to my orgasm. 
My eyes shut as my vision went fuzzy, feeling myself clench around him whilst I rode my high through his thrusts, bucking my hips to meet his own. He quickly pulled out of me, his hand going to his cock as he pleasured himself. I moved myself under him, causing him to finish himself over my breasts, his mouth agape and his eyes half-lidded. The sight of his cum on my breasts was enough to make him hard again, his pupils dilated at the sight underneath him.
“Can you go for another round?” I asked, looking up at him after noticing his already-erect penis.
He blissful, fucked-out expression turned into a smirk.
“I thought you’d never ask, angel,” he admitted, bringing me back up to his lips. 
We kissed with much more force this time, as I rolled myself on top of him, his juices meeting his chest as well. But we didn’t care–we needed to feel each other again. I sat up, straddling him, before raising myself up and positioning his dick at my entrance once again. I slowly lowered myself onto him, feeling him blissfully fill me again. I didn’t need to adjust this time, instead, I began swirling my hips almost instantly. His hands immediately went to my hips, his fingers digging into the skin, guiding me against him. My own hands went to his chest, looking down and watching as I moved against him. 
His hands snaked up my back, pulling me down to meet his lips. We kissed sloppily as I began moving faster against him, feeling him deeper and deeper inside of me, hoping he’d hit the spot inside of me again. I pulled away, sitting back up and rocking my hips faster, feeling my second climax approaching. Without warning, he lifted me up by my hips and began pounding into me, chasing his own release. And with this faster, harder, and deeper pace, he hit the spot I’d been searching for, and he hit it over and over. I screamed in pleasure, clenching around him, as I felt him spurt inside of me, hitting the spot again whilst I rode my high, the stimulation causing me to roll my eyes back and my thighs quiver. 
I raised myself off of him, watching his juices, mixed with my own, slowly drip out of my entrance. I plopped next to him, my chest heaving up and down, my body exhausted from all of the energy I’d just exerted. 
“I need to take a fucking shower,” I breathed with a laugh, looking down at my chest, still littered with his juices whilst more of him dripped out of me.
I turned my head to look at him, noticing he’d already been looking at me.
“Be mine, Y/n.”
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‘someday, someday’ :: tumblr edition, #20
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For a brief moment I looked up across the space in front of me—beautiful Royal Albert Hall. The house lights were up and the stage empty and still. I was aware of the chilled air, the distinct smell of upholstered seats and comfortingly stagnant air took me back to all the times I stood in an empty venue the day of a show and just let myself be overwhelmed by the space.
My eyes dropped back to the program in my lap, cracked and folded open on the most precious few paragraphs I'd read in years.
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There was so much I hadn't known about her.
… the youngest female horn player in the orchestra’s hundred year history …
… the youngest player to be invited to join the Blackpool Symphony Orchestra …
… finalist for the BBC Young Musician of the Year … winning the following year …
… Protégé of Maestro Vincent Ward …
“Holy shit,” I breathed aloud after my second read through, rubbing my hand over my chin as I scanned the whole page again. Nina was in the middle of the page, below her section lead, listed as Co Principal Trumpet. I felt like my heart was going to beat out of my chest.
The headshot beside Nina’s paragraph was beautiful—it captured her pretty eyes and was lit in a way that gave her mystery and soulfulness—but I was more impressed by the biography written in the program. I felt as though I needed a few moments to process each line. It was like meeting her for the first time all over again, and it was hard to attach the young woman I was reading about onto the Nina I knew when it seemed she was constantly underselling herself.
I'd never considered before just how humble Nina was, which was more a reflection on my not fully grasping the scope of her musicality than on Nina's attitude. Still, I was sure if I had been privy to the level of talent she was Nina would have still behaved the same way.
"I think Harry's going to cry," Max leaned forward and hitched his elbow on the armrest between us to look at Rodger on my other side, "He's read Nina's bio about a hundred times."
"I thought I heard sniffing," Rodger smirked, keeping his eyes ahead.
I looked between them both, "Would it really have killed either of you to sit me down at some point and just say 'FYI Harry, Nina's legitimately a genius.' I don't even know what half of these words mean but she’s amazing," I waved the program in front of Rodger's face.
He turned to looked at me, “Gifted,” Rodger corrected, “Nina's not just a genius. She's gifted. And it all means that Nina's way out of your league."
I rolled my eyes and hunched a little in my seat, "Thanks, mate."
"I'm teasing," Rodger said more gently. "Nina hated writing that. She might have even been a little bit serious when she said joining the orchestra wasn't worth feeling like such a twat, so I ended up writing it for her."
I smiled, imaging Nina having to write about herself in third person, "I can imagine. But she should be proud."
"That's what I told her," He said.
I scanned down the words again, "I didn't realised she went to Cambridge when she was sixteen. That's so young."
"They would have taken her sooner," Rodger supplied, "Richard was insistent she finish school with her mates first."
Nina's dad was also a discovery, she had definitely played down his status—whether deliberately or not I wasn't sure, although I was inclined to think it wasn't calculated. Nina spoke about her parents as parents, and she had only ever given details of Richard's job in terms of her family traveling around and living abroad depending on where he was working. I should have pieced together that he was significantly accomplished.
Reading the brief line about Richard certainly explained the Grand Tier seats we were ushered into and why he seemed to be stopped by half a dozen people in the foyer. Especially when I had only noticed one lingering glance aimed at me.
Richard was now standing next to his seat two rows above where Rodger, Max and I were seated, shaking the hand of a man who seemed to have a lot to say to him. I wasn't exactly sure what the title of 'Maestro' next to Richard’s name meant in classical music circles, but I knew enough to know the Italian label would be linked to some kind of prestige I'm sure was hard earned.
Something ugly balled in my stomach and I shifted uncomfortably in my seat.
Bree's father had weighed heavily on my brief relationship with her. In hindsight (and a little bit at the time as well) starting anything with the daughter of a record label executive had been unwise. Bree knew how to throw her father's name around and despite seeing the sinister side to it, the calculating and manipulative, I hadn't the good sense to avoid or stop myself being put in the situation I should never have been in. Even more stupidly, I was only ever halfway in the relationship—one foot out the door, or on the plane back to England—because while I liked her enough to physically be with her, I wasn't interested in anything more. All the while, I knew for Bree it was mainly about who I was and what it did to her ego to be seen with me. She was very in that world.
Nina wasn't from a world anywhere close to that, but I was certainly discovering a new world that she definitely was a part of. Everything outside of the actual music made Nina uncomfortable though, that much I knew. She was acutely aware of what was expected of her and I thought it was a credit to her for the way she fought against it to try to sort out what she actually wanted.
Nobody had quite let on how talented Nina was. I’d even been to a performance before, but that was only a few weeks into her joining the orchestra and so to now see her featured in the program as a soloist with her credentials clearly laid out I was coming to see how much my assumptions had undersold Nina. To have proved herself to the conductor and her seniors to such a degree in such a short space of time was remarkable in itself.
“Now you see why everyone lost their minds a bit at her quitting,” Rodger said quietly, pulling me out of my thoughts, “Whatever happened at Cambridge with that fucker sucked all this out of her,” He gestured to the room, “She’s brilliant, Harry. Brilliant. You don’t even know the half of it.”
“I think I’m beginning to,” I said slowly, my eyes flicking back to the photo in my lap.
I hadn't been so enthralled by music in a long time.
It reminded me of the night of our first date when Nina and I went to see Les Miserables on the West End. I spent that night engulfed in music that hadn't previously moved me but suddenly with Nina did. I'd spent a good portion of that night watching Nina over what else was happening which was half of the magic. I would never have thought making a girl cry on a date could be a wonderful thing, but her emotional reaction had brought out one in me as well.
In Royal Albert Hall, my eyes were glued to her from the moment the lights came up on stage to reveal the orchestra and the conductor was introduced. I spotted her easily, standing in a back row on a riser with two other horn players. The first few pieces I watched her, hearing exactly where her part sat from seeing when she had her instruments to her lips and when she lowered it again.
I felt nerves like I've never felt before when she was introduced and started making her way to the from to the orchestra for the first song she was the soloist on. Her conductor introduced her as a “richly talented multi-instrumentalist” with “remarkable musical instincts”. I watched her while he spoke, she ducked her head but then graciously smiled at the audience, accepting the praise. I was surprised to see she stood with nothing in front of her—no music stand or sheet music.
I instantly readjusted myself in my seat and sat forward when I got a proper view of her. I hadn’t seen Nina today yet, and she had managed to skip over what she was wearing for the performance every time it had come up in conversation. She described it to me as floor length and boring, black and completely over the top. I squinted, annoyed she was so far away and craving seeing more.
It was floor length, with full lace sleeves but the dress was far from modest. It clung to her silhouette, mapping her curves perfectly with a low cut on her chest. What had me biting my lip painfully was the sinful split that went halfway up her thigh, showing off her legs and making the dress not at all boring and incredibly sexy. Desire for her burned, as if witnessing her talent alone wasn't going to be torture enough. My mind wandered back to having her up on my kitchen bench a week ago, my waist slotted neatly between the legs I was now trying unsuccessfully not to dwell on.
Nina’s performance was incredible, it started slowly and built. Nina commanded the attention of everyone and the melody was so beautiful and gentle my heart hurt with emotion. The sound from her instrument filled the room and witnessing the Royal Albert Hall alight with applause for her at the end of the song was overwhelming. I looked around Nina's friends and loved ones—everyone had tears in their eyes or were dabbing at their cheeks. Georgie couldn't seem to stop a very un-classical music whoop out, laughing at herself when it drew the attention of a few of the other audience members. Both Nina's parents had tears streaming down their faces, hands clung together.
After the second song Nina stood as the soloist, I clapped until my hands hurt and shook my head to myself in disbelief. Hearing a whole orchestra pushing her playing along, but feeling the tension in the fact that really she was leading them. The conductor was constantly glancing her way to make sure he directed the other players in order to showcase Nina's talent as best he could.
Nina's passion and talent was so attractive and it lit her up from the inside out. I was so proud to know her, even prouder to see that strength and power was inside her when I also knew some of the battles and struggles she faced.
There wasn't an inch of doubt in her performance, her shoulders squared and she was unwavering in her control of the notes she produced. Nina was a young woman capturing the entire Royal Albert Hall with her gift and I watched her gain the admiration and respect of them all.
I was baffled by the thought that I'd so seemingly just waltzed upon her in my life. I was initially so inexplicably drawn to Nina and had thought it was because she felt normal—she represented a kind of life and person that I'd come to appreciate the value in over the years. I was so used to people behaving strangely around me due to my public image that I had selfishly assumed she was intimidated by it.
Those initial few times I'd spent time with her she seemed to do everything in her power to not be the focus. There had been something about her that I was so captivated by though, and everything I'd learned about her since only served to intensify that feeling and reassure me that my gut feeling that knowing Nina would be special was worth it.
And now to have been completely humbled by how much more special she was than I had first though. Nina wasn’t normal at all—not by a long stretch.
My feelings for her were on fire and I just wanted to have her in front of me so I could tell her how brilliant and dazzling and remarkable she was.
The foyer was full to the brim with friends and family of the orchestra, all waiting with excitement for their loved one to appear from the door. The room was buzzing happily, and every few minutes another group of the musicians would exit from the backstage door and be met by happy cries.
Nina eventually emerged with her section lead, Ryan, they shared a few words and a hug before parting ways. I knew that Nina was grateful to him for reaching out and including her right from the beginning, it could have been a hard transition socially to be the new player but from all her reports she had settled in well with the group.
I watched impatiently as Nina's dad appeared in front of her first, pulling her into a tight hug. She had a leather jacket over her dress now, but the low cut and split up the leg were still deliciously prominent.
I tuned out of the conversation Rodger and Max had been having about the best venues they'd been to and watched the exchange between Nina and her Dad. I angled myself so I could hear them better, not wanting to miss Nina getting the praise she deserved. Her cheeks were flush but her eyes were bright and happy. My gaze dropped to her exposed leg and then slowly back up, I swallowed thickly.
She looked positively radiant, and she met my lingering gaze on her, smiling at me and then tilting her head to one side in question at whatever she saw.
"Magnificent performance," Her dad said, drawing her back to him, "You shone up there, bravo."
"Thanks Dad," She said over his shoulder as they hugged again, Nina's eyes met mine again and I winked at her, earning a deeper blush.
“I mean it,” He continued, “I wouldn't have said a thing if you’d decided to never play again. But I’m so glad you did, Nina. So glad.”
"Dad," She replied quietly, looking briefly at her feet.
"How do you think it went?" He asked, watching his daughter closely. Richard's question wasn't a pushy one, there wasn't a sense of him being a 'stage parent'. His question was genuine, encouraging.
"It felt good," Nina started slowly, "It's taken a bit of time to feel like I'm gelling with everyone. But tonight felt good."
He put his arms lightly on her shoulders and levelled down so she was eye height, "Tonight was good. So good."
"I know I was sat in a dark spot, you hardly would have seen me," She said bashfully.
"You were brilliant, I heard every note," Richard said with finality. "Your tone and the buoyancy of your solos were magnificent."
"I get all my talent from my Dad," Nina grinned cheekily, "I owe it all to him." He smiled, "You owe it all to yourself. I'm so proud of you."
"Thanks Dad."
He took her shoulders in his hands again and turned Nina around to face where the rest of us were standing, "You blew them all away too," he gave her a gentle shove in the right direction after pressing a kiss to her cheek, "For five minutes pretend you enjoy the attention, you've earned it."
I watched Nina take a deep breath before she stepped out, I hung back, feeling as though this was a moment for her family to have with her first.
"Darling!" Mae, Nina's mum got to her before anyone else, "You were spectacular! We're so proud of you!"
"Thanks Mum," Nina said, blushing when she looked back over to me and I was still watching her. I was passed worrying about being caught out staring at her.
Mae showed restraint I don't know that my own mother could have, still, I put it down to her understanding her daughter and knowing Nina didn't want to be made a fuss of, much less in the public foyer area. They had a conversation so quick I missed it when Bel and Georgia bumped into me trying to rearrange the bunches of flowers they had to give Nina.
"I'm going to go find your dad and we'll go back to the hotel," Mae hugged Nina again and kissed my cheek, "You come whenever you're ready. Champagne will be waiting for you."
She turned and left, and I watched her briefly as she approached Richard and as soon as he felt her arm on his shoulder the pair of them happily smiled at each other. The love between Nina's parents was obvious.
Nina's girlfriends engulfed her next and I was dragged back into conversation with Rodger and Max. They were bickering with Nina's cousin Josh about a film I hadn't seen but for some reason I needed to be a deciding vote on. I ended up turning to the smallest body, Nina’s youngest cousin, Olivier, who was looking around appearing to be a little lost in all the adult conversations around him. His eyes were trained on Nina though.
“I bet if you went and pounced on her for a hug it would make her night,” I told him, sinking some of my height so I was on a more even playing field with him.
His eyes widened and brightened as he looked up at me, “I want to,” He said, but then seemed to think better of it, “But my mum said I’m not allowed to get any marks on my new suit … Which means no tackling.”
Oliver’s hands brushed down the lapels of a suit that looked about three sizes too big and was probably brought large in the hope it would last him the next few years. It was clear that he had been specifically told tackling wasn’t allowed and I smiled, I could remember being that age and finding wrestling my cousins the best way to pass the time at family events.
“It is a very dapper suit,” I reasoned with him.
“Did you enjoy tonight, Harry?” He suddenly asked, all the guise of a kid who had been taught good manners and how to have conversation with grown ups. The words didn’t quite match the little personality I’d come to know him as, but I loved his effort.
“Very much,” I told him, mimicking his polite tone, “How did you like it?”
“Good, Nina is so good,” He gushed, “My dad says she’s a miracle.”
The admiration Oliver had for Nina was evident and it filled me with an additional serve of happiness. He was watching Nina being doted on by her friends shyly, despite the fact I knew they were familiar to him.
We both lifted our heads when the circle of girls beside us broke into laughter
I instinctively turned around when I heard Nina cry out her friend's name. She was bright red and trying her best to scowl at the other three who were all still laughing at her. My gut told me her friends were using me to embarrass her, just like they’d been doing all evening.
“Go sneak in,” I told Oliver, pointing to the circle, “I’ll run interference if any of them try to block you.”
He grinned at me and then shuffled forward, dodging under Sam’s arm and attaching himself to Nina’s waist in a hug. Nina’s face melted at the contact and she shoved the flowers back into Bel's arms, told her friends to "sod off" and wrapped her arms around Olivier’s body, swaying him in a hug. They had a little chat before Nina looked up and held a hand out to her other cousins who all briefly congratulated her before being called away by their parents to get back to the hotel. Oliver trotted after them all.
“Rodg,” Nina finally joined our conversation and the need to reach out for her had me clasping my hands together behind my back.
“Fucking brilliant,” Rodger said, throwing his arms around her and giving her a tight squeeze, “Lungs of steel.”
Max kissed her cheek and whispered something to Nina that had a gentle smile gracing her face, she nodded and gave him a hug that lasted a little longer than Rodger’s. I watched, knowing that despite his outgoing nature, Max had a special knack when it came to Nina. They were kindred spirits in a way somehow, she brought him down a level and conjured out a version of Max I rarely saw.
“Now, go talk to this dapper young man,” Max said loud enough to shake me out of my thoughts, he was smiling at Nina and pointing at me, “His jaw has been hanging open the whole night.”
Nina gave him her instrument which had been hanging heavily at her side or on the floor between her legs while she spoke to everyone else. He briefly confirmed the name go the hotel we were all heading to and gave her another one armed hug before walking away with a waiting Rodger.
Everyone else had cleared out of the foyer, Nina’s parents and extended family left into the night and her girlfriends were chatting to a young guy who had been walking around with trays of drinks earlier. He was bright red and looking around to be rescued from the band of attractive women before him.
"Hello," Nina said, smiling up at me.
“Hi,’ I returned, “Saved the best until last, right?”
She rolled her eyes fondly at being caught out avoiding me, “Absolutely,” Nina said, but then she softened slightly and an adorable pinkness rose to her cheeks, ”Thank you for being here, I’m really happy you came."
"Me too, I will honestly never forget tonight," I continued slowly, holding one hand face up out to her, "You were—are—astounding."
Nina put her hand in mine and let me pull me forward slightly, "Thank you," She said as I pressed my lips to my cheek softly and breathed in her perfume. I felt her squirm slightly. I desperately wanted to kiss her properly but didn’t want to risk it in such a public space. I was sure she was conscious of the beady eyes of her girlfriends and family on us.
“Can I also just say that dress is breathtaking. Truly,” I held her gaze for a second before curling my fingers around the bottom of her jacket and pulling it open a little more, “I am far from bored looking at you in it.”
“Harry,” She gushed.
“Oh, come here," I laughed, pulling her into a tight hug, "I thought I would burst from pride while you were playing. You're amazing. And absolutely gorgeous as well.”
"Alright Mr. Brit Award," She returned quietly, a rare acknowledgement of my job coming from her.
I settled my lips on the crown of her head and pulled away from the hug, but then draped my arm around her, "Trust me, if they gave Brit Awards out for talent you'd have a hundred of them before I'd figured out which way was up."
"Have they given you shit all evening?" Nina asked of her family, gracefully jumped the conversation away from my compliment and I smiled at her.
"Not at all," I dismissed easily, looking over as her girlfriends left through the automatic doors on the other side of the room to stand with Rodger and Max outside, “I really like your people.”
And I’d really like to kiss you right now.
"Are you going to come back for a drink, or do you need to head off?”
“I’m coming,” I assured her quickly, “Your mum has already checked twice. I’ll drive you and the girls … If they don’t get in a cab first.”
“I think they’ve already had a few wines.” “I can verify that,” A thought suddenly coming to me, “Hey, can you sign this for me?
I reached for the program that had been rolled and tucked into my back pocket, unfurling it in front her. Nina’s face was exactly the reaction I had been after—her eyes bulged and she looked absolutely horrified.
“Put that away!” She cried, covering her face on the page with her hands and pressing it against my chest, “Who gave that to you?”
I grinned, “I bought it, they were selling them as we came in.”
"You weren't meant to buy one!"
"Me specifically?" I was enjoying teasing her.
"Yes! You specifically!” She pointed a finger to my chest and I grabbed it in my own.
"You put my name on a list somewhere as someone who was categorically not to be sold a program?"
"I should have," Nina grumbled, she snatched the program out of my hands and held it behind her back.
I took a step closer to her so our chests were almost touching, before Nina could step away I'd wound my arm around her back and while I held her gaze I was able to tug the booklet out of her hand. She looked up at me quietly, watching my face closely. The only indication that she was affected by my being so close was the breath she had taken in and was yet to release.
If we were anywhere else right now I'd be kissing you silly.
"Breathe," I prompted her gently, sure she was thinking she same thing I was. "You should be very proud, Miss Lawrence. This is an extremely impressive wrap up. And if you won't sign the booklet for me then I'd like you to please come hold my hand while I get 'I'm dating a Protégé' tattooed on my forehead."
"You're such an idiot," She said quietly.
"Compared to you, we all are," I said back slowly, “Now, come outside with me so I can find somewhere to kiss you because I doubt you'll appreciate if I do it here.”
Nina held her breath again for a second but then squeezed my forearm where she had been holding it.
I smiled and nodded toward the doors, “Let’s get out of here.”
We got out the front and everyone seemed to have left already. If Nina was at all perturbed by them else leaving without us she didn’t show it.
“My car is this way,” I said, holding out my hand to her when she had finished wrapping herself up in her coat and scarf.
“They’re all such alcoholics,” Nina said, slipping her hand into mine, letting me lead the way.
We were both quiet on the few minute walk to the street where I managed to find a park earlier. I wasn’t sure what Nina was thinking about, but I was thinking about how fucking brilliant it felt to have her by my side. To be walking down the street of an evening, our hands linked, just being with her. But to have Nina want to be with me as well was breathtaking, and one that I’d found myself circling around all night. I watched that incredible performance and wondered what on earth that gifted young woman was doing with me.
The morning after I had learned of her depression I’d stumbled upon a similar feeling; Nina choosing me. She’d come down the stairs and sat next to me on the sofa, Rodger and her cousin watching her. To have Nina come and chose me in a room with the people who had always been there for her felt like a breakthrough I was overjoyed to have arrived at, even though in the moment it had churned worry in my gut at her pushing herself to it. Somewhere along the line something great clicked and Nina wasn’t as hesitant and nervous around me.
We got to my car and Nina went to walk to the passenger side. I didn’t relinquish my hold on her hand though and as soon as she turned to me in question I stepped right up to her and kissed her, mindful of keeping her new dress from touching the car behind her.
She took a breath under me, and I dropped her hand to frame her face with my own. I held my lips against hers for another second before moving my head to the side to start deepening it. As soon as my tongue parted her lips Nina opened up to me completely, she wound her arms around my back and moved her mouth against mine deliciously.
My hands went up under her jacket to roam her back, feeling the curve of her waist and then back up to trace the side of her breasts. She took a deep breath in at the sensation and stepped even closer to me, I didn’t hide from her just how turned on I was and she didn’t shy away from it either.
“Jesus,” I breathed, moving away from her mouth to kill down her neck where I had pulled her hair back, “You do crazy things to me, Nina Lawrence.”
Nina moved her arms up over my neck and pulled her body up mine slightly, her chest pressed highly against mine, giving me more leverage to move my lips over her exposed skin. She stumbled when they pressed against the shell of her ear and I laughed as I caught her weight.
“I haven’t made out against a car before,” She whispered, and I pulled back to look at her in the streetlight. She was flushed and the area around her lips was pink where I had smudged her lipstick. She looked utterly ravishing.
“Get in,” I said slowly, “Before I say something undignified.”
“Undignified?” She teased out with a wicked smile.
“Yes. Like asking how difficult would it be for me to convince you to stay at my house tonight?” I asked boldly, knowing I probably shouldn’t but being unable to deny the slight chance she might take me up.
“I thought we were going slow,” Nina countered. “That was before you were a protégé,” I hummed.
She laughed, one of her hands going up to her own mouth to remove any smudged lipstick. I raised my hand to get a bit she had missed, waiting for Nina to say something.
“The girls are staying with me …” Nina gave me an unsure but concerned look, letting the words hang.
I kissed her gently, “Say no more,” I said, not wanting her to gain any unease at thinking she had disappointed me. “Get in, let’s go.”
She reached up to give me a chaste kiss before turning to the door and opening it. I stood dumbfounded, watching her legs disappear into my car when the split of her dress rode up as Nina sat.
I walked around to the driver’s side quickly, pausing for half a second before I opened my door to take a breath and get ready for relinquishing Nina back to her family for the rest of the evening.
Nina reapplied her lipstick while I drove us across London to the hotel her family were staying at. I stole glances at her as I drove, she had pulled out some heavy duty looking lip balm to apply first and Nina easily explained that after a performance her lips were tender from the pressure from her instrument. She gave me a sly look when I suggested the kissing was my attempt at helping to soothe.
I drove into the car park under the hotel, deciding the exorbitant cost was worth not having to drive around the streets outside. Nina unclipped her seatbelt quickly once we had parked and she was out her door before I had collected my phone and wallet from the middle console. She had rounded the car and was waiting for me when I jumped down and pressed the lock key.
“Keen for a drink?” I asked, smiling at her, swallowing hard as I looked over her. Nina had taken off her jacket and had looped it through the small back evening bag across her body.
“Not particularly,” she said, taking a step closer to me. I looked down and the tips of our shoes were almost touching, her left leg exposed past her knee.  
“I swear to god, Nina,” I strained when I looked up and watched her tongue dart out over her bottom lip. She knew exactly what I was thinking and when she leaned forward and melted her body into mine all restraint I might have regained on the short drive flew out into the night.
She kissed me softly at first, holding back sweetly until Nina felt my hands curl around the back of her neck. We moved against each other hotly, I could taste the mint from her lipstick and her hair was crinkly from hairspray between my fingers. Making out with Nina was maddeningly sexy and I kept my hands where they were in an attempt to control my raging hormones while our mouths moved together.
It was when I felt Nina’s hands move from my back around to dance just above my hip bones at my belt that my own hands felt out to cover them to halt her movements.
“Neens,” I moaned, pulling my mouth back from her, “We’ve gotta stop.”
She pressed her lips back to mine for a brief second, “Sorry.”
I held my forehead against hers and shut my eyes for a moment, “Don’t bloody apologise. Don’t ever apologies for this feeling.”
“I really love you in a suit,” Nina said quietly, letting me tightly hold her hands. She looked down at my chest and then back to my face slowly.
It jogged my memory to something I couldn’t believe I had forgotten, “Give me one second, I forgot something.”
I rounded to the back of the car, popping it open and slipping off my suit jacket as it rose. Nina arrived at my side and watched with a confused expression on her face. When I started undoing the buttons of my shirt I smirked at the horrified shock that came over her.
“Harry!” She all but screeched, “What are you doing!”
“You’ll see,” I said cryptically, watching as she failed to keep her eyes from wandered down my bare chest when I pulled the shirt off my shoulders. My body hummed, more than anything to hold her like this, but I reached for the folded t-shirt Rodger had brought to the studio for me during the week.
“You’re going to hate this, which is why I love it so much,” I explained, leaning forward to peck her lips quickly. Nina’s eyes were wide as she watched me, completely baffled as to what was going on.
“I have no idea what is happening right now,” She trailed off when I pulled the white t-shirt over my head, pulling it down around my hips and then turning to face her properly.
“Ta-da,” I gave her jazz hands and a laugh burst out of me when Nina’s hands came up to cover her own cheeks.
“Harry what the fuck is that!”
Nina’s cousin Josh had messaged me on Whatsapp the week before asking what size t-shirt I was, and when he went on to explain the novelty shirts with Nina’s face on them and a music pun the family was getting made up. I was chuffed to be included in the joke, and he told me he’d give my shirt to Rodger for me to collect.
Her cousins, brother and Rodger and Max were all going to be wearing them when we got upstairs.
Josh had dug out a photo of Nina holding her trumpet up to be printed onto the middle of the shirt and underneath the words ‘Life without Nina would B♭’ in terrible, tacky font below. They weren’t made to look professionally done, which was part of what I loved about the shirts to much.
I grinned down at her, “Do you love it? Be nice,” I hurried in a mock pleading voice, “It’s new.”
Nina’s mouth was still hanging open, “You’re completely mad!”
My laughter spilled out, “Sure am, baby.”
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calliecat93 · 5 years
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So to recap briefly, the heroes made it Atlas! But they are now going to jail! Is that the fastest that everything has gone wrong in a volume? Anyways! We’re now going from the grimy city of Mantle, to the so-called utopia in the sky. What will happen now? Will our heroes become jailbirds and we get the RWBY rendition of Jailhouse Rock? Or will ironwood be able to bail them out… although if he does, I still would love a RWBY version of Jailhouse Rock. Someone tell Jeff Williams to get on that! But I guess we better answer the question, so to the review!
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Atlas personnel are airlifting RWBYJNRQO to Atlas along with some random guy. As Nora tries to chew her way out like I do when I can’t get a bag of chips open, Jaune complains about how easily they got taken down with Weiss confirming that the Ace-Ops are Ironwood’s specialized forces. This catches random guy’s, who the credits reveal is named Forest, attention. He’s surprised since, in his own words, they are Ironwoods personal attack dogs so them going after anyone is kind of a big deal. He himself got arrested for protesting about the mistreatment of Mantle… well okay, it was because he threw a brick at a ship, but same deal! But from him, we learn of a woman named Robyn Hill and the Happy Huntresses, who are graduates of Atlas who stayed in Mantle to defend the people and try to make those people’s lives better. Robyn’s fighting for a seat on the council to end Ironwood’s ‘tyranny’. Weiss questions that last bit as dramatic, with Forest calling her out for living a cushiony life due to being a Schnee. To which Weiss can only reply that she isn’t anymore.
Things take a turn, however, as the gang isn’t taken to jail. Instead, they are taken to Atlas Academy. As they’re taken inside, Ruby isn’t sure what to do but says that they should be careful with that they say and Blake says that they’ll all follow her lead. Everyone is led to Ironwood and, to the surprise of Weiss, Winter. Oh, and Penny’s there too! Yay!!!  Winter has the guards free them, or she will start hurting them. Ironwood apologizes as he leads everyone into his office, having assumed that the ship was stolen… and Ruby confirms that’s the case. Winter gets angry due to how dangerous and irresponsible that was… but she’s stopped when Weiss hugs her. Weiss explains that they had to, to which Winter calms down and hugs back. Aww~ That being said, she’s not happy that Qrow allowed it, which leads us to the topic at hand. Qrow says that they have confidential intel to give… but to his and everyone’s surprise, both Penny and Winter are fully aware of the Relics and Maidens. Yep, Ironwood told them as well as Ace-Ops, but he does have a reason.
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He explains that when Oz died, he had to formulate his own plans in order to ensure Atlas’ safety against Salem. Ace-Ops gave him the Relic of Knowledge after the arrest, with the Staff of Creation safely sealed in the Vault and the Winter Maiden is in stable condition. But now we get to the topic of Atlas’ current image due to the Embargo, the troop recall, the closed-off borders, and as the teens point out, the discourse and poor treatment of Mantle. This makes Ironwood look… well, bad, and he knows it. But again, he explains the reason why. Remember Amity Colosseum? The location for the Vytal Festival? Well, the plan is to turn it into essentially a satellite and with its launch, they can re-establish global communications and as such, even if another CCT were to fall then they can avoid that issue again. Which… is a good thing! It is a huge handicap for everyone across Remnant that locks them from the rest of the world, and fixing that is a very good idea. The problem? Well…
The second part of the plan is to go public about Salem. Let me repeat: the plan is to GO PUBLIC about SALEM. You see the problem with that, right?! Well, this is why Ironwood has his troops on high alert. He knows that this will cause mass panic and thus mass Grimm attacks. So he has all of his forces on standby to be ready when all Hell breaks loose. After everything is secure, then he’ll go global with the reveal. Essentially, Ironwood thinks that keeping the fight secret is now outdated, especially after the Fall, and as the title suggests, it’s time for a new approach. With Ozpin not there to guide them, Ironwood is doing what he feels is best despite knowing how many lives that Oz spent keeping the secret.  It’s at this point, however, that they reveal that Oscar is the new Ozpin. He’s happy to hear this and begins to express this to Oz… until Oscar breaks it to him that Oz is currently gone. Which naturally gets Ironwood to question how that is.
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Before Oscar can say anything, Ruby steps in and answers the question… by saying that after the train crash, he was just gone. Nothing about Jinn. Nothing about Salem and Oz’s history. Nothing about Salem’s immortality. Oz was just gone, and they don’t know the reason why. When pushed about what Oz said about the Relics, she says what Oz originally told them; that the questions had all been used up, which she fully well knows is not the case. Ironwood seems to accept this and assures Oscar that he’s safe in Atlas. He then gives Ruby back the Relic of Knowledge as a sign of trust before offering the resources of the Atlas Military to help get the gang upgraded and ready for the fight ahead.
Everyone is free to go, and they briefly encounter the Ace-Ops. Clover apologizes for what happened earlier and that he and the others are looking forward to fighting alongside them. We also get to see and hear the other four and the credits reveal their names as Elm Ederne, Marrow Amin, Harriet Bree, and Vine Zeki. Harriet seems to be clearly based on The Hare from Tortoise and the Hare and Marrow could be one of many things since Aesop had a lot of wolf-inspired stories. But due to his brief fib about not looking forward to working with the team, I’ll say The Boy Who Cried Wolf. Not 100% sure about Elm and Vine, though there is a fable called The Elm and the Vine so that could be the inspiration, but we’ll see when we learn more about them. As Penny goes to give the gang a tour, despite their exhaustion and just wanting to go to bed… and not being pleased that they have to stay in dorms like the Beacon days, Ironwood stops Qrow. Why? Just to tell him that he is genuinely happy to see him again. He even hugs him! Aww~ Hopefully, THAT won’t lead to anything horrible later!
Speaking of horrible, remember in V6 when Tyrian revealed that he and Watts were being sent to Atlas? Weeeeellllll… 
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We cut to Watts, a suitcase with who knows what in hand, walking through Mantle during a rainy evening. He and Tyrian are using mobile communications since being in one location makes it easier for them to be found out. He seems to have full control over the security tech of Mantle since unlike Atlas, the coding is never updated and we learn that he helped write said coding. He demonstrates this by knocking out the cameras and we end with Tyrian (with his fancy V4 coat back!) exiting a building. He walks away, a pool of blood spilling out from the cracks, and the cameras fail to see the man who caused it. A dark sign of what’s to come…
HO BOY, do we have a LOOOT to talk about. So, we’re not gonna waste any time. Let's talk about Ironwood and his current plan.
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Let's weigh both sides here. On the one hand, Ironwood’s plan… makes sense. At least logically. The plan to use Amity Colosseum to reestablish global communications is a sound one, and is something that should be done. Doing so could also help clean up Atlas’ tarnished image after all the recent decisions and after being painted as the bad guys at the Fall of Beacon. His plan about going public also does have a legitimately good point. What has keeping the fight secret solved? All they’ve ever been able to do is push Salem back, never stop her. The people deserve to know what’s actually happening, especially after the Fall where many got killed because of it. Ironwood is keeping it secluded to Atlas first and needs his forces ready for the fallout as well as all the ammo and safety precautions needed. It explains the Embargo. It explains the police state. It explains the closed borders. You can look at all of Ironwood’s actions, and it makes sense when you look at his plan. Chaos is going to break out, and he has to be ready for it.
But, of course, we have the other hand. For one, he’s depriving other kingdoms of safety and resources due to his actions, making it harder for them to protect themselves. And even then, Mantle is being treated like garbage, even though Ironwood should also be keeping them safe instead of acting like a dictator. Even if he accepts that as a necessary evil, there are better ways to help Mantle without making them terrified or feel like lower class. We saw last chapter that even children are fighting back against the drones and hanging up political posters. Children. That… is not a state that any city should be in. As Qrow said, they don't need the whole military for the Amity Colosseum, and there are better ways to prep troops without causing panic. Ironwood did this at the Fall when the Vale Council gave him control, and he had a huge army set out. The result? Well… I don’t think I need to recap that. He is doing the exact same as before, but without anyone there either capable or willing to talk back against him.
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But now we get to the public plan. This is a horrible plan. As they said in V3, this breaks pretty much everything that the world ever knew and is going to cause mass panic. IDC if the army is ready for it, they are severely underestimating the results of this decision. Ones that are going to cost the kingdom. Badly. Like… brink of destruction levels of badly. Plus again, Ironwood is doing exactly what he did the last time. He’s opening the floor up for the exact same results. Even if they updated their coding, Watts will likely find a way through it. Look at how easily he did it in V3 with the virus he supplied Cinder. The same thing is bound to happen again, only this time I highly doubt that they’re going to get things under control until… well, there’s nothing left to take back.
This is insanely risky. Too risky. Now, could there be a way to break the news to the world without the same risks? I don’t know. But I do know that this is the wrong way to do it. It has too much room for error and doesn’t take into account any of the things that went wrong so badly last time. Then again, with Ironwood’s paranoia, who knows what else is going on that he just hasn’t said yet? Trust seems to be the theme of this volume, and Ironwood seem willing to give the gang his. But… IDK. Something feels off. There are some theories going around about him using the hug to bug Qrow, or bugging the Relic. IDK if I belive that, but I’m not ruling it out either. Maybe he does trust them, but the ‘what-ifs’ are too much in his mind and he can’t help himself. After all, as he said in V4, Oz didn’t listen to him. What’s going to stop anyone else from doing the same?
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This is why I don’t blame Ruby for lying. Anyone can tell that Ironwood is on edge. How dangerous and reckless his current plans are. Ruby’s in no real position to argue, nor does she likely have an argument. So the best thing to do, until she can think of something better, is to go along with it and try to help the people. Yes, she is lying as Ozpin did. Some have argued how she didn’t technically lie since the train crash did happen and she did tell Ironwood what Ozpin told them, just as he asked. But it’s STILL not being truthful. She’s telling half-truths. She’s giving answers that she knows are false. Now I will say that this isn’t exactly like with Oz. Ruby is only lying to Ironwood and has a valid reason to do so, along with having very little time to think of much else. As she said before going in, they had to be careful with what they said, and she was. Oz lied and it wasn’t without reason, but he did so even without reason and to the people risking their lives for his quest that he didn’t explain the full extent of. Plus unlike Ruby, Oz had years to master the facade. Ruby had to make a split-second choice, and she was clearly uncertain about it in her body movement and in Lindsay’s performance. There is a big difference in this instance and in Ozpin’s instances.
But it’s a slippery slope, isn’t it?
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No matter how much you justify it, it’s still lying. It’s doing the same thing that they called Oz out for in V6. I’m not calling Ruby a hypocrite though. Why? Because them doing this? This is a good thing. This is what I wanted to happen. Ruby is now the leader. She has to make difficult choices and face the consequences due to said choices. Previously, she only lead Team RWBY and she didn’t have to make many hard choices then. With Team RNJR, it was more or less the same except not as much since it wasn’t her team technically and when Qrow and Oz came into the picture, she didn’t have to make choices at all. She did as she was told because those who supposedly knew what they were doing were there, But then they were either gone or incapable of doing the job, so she stepped up and despite the setbacks, got them to Atlas with minimal consequence. I mean we just saw here that Ironwood let them free, so that solves that issue.
That’s not going to be so easy now. These choices are going to cause problems. Maybe Ironwood will find out on his own or if he did infact bug them. Maybe Ruby or someone else like Oscar will tell him the truth and he takes it badly. Maybe Ruby says nothing, and it leads to a disaster that she could have prevented if she had spoken up. No matter what route the show goes down, Ruby is about to get another harsh reality lesson, and that is how difficult leadership can be. This isn’t like at Beacon where if she messed up, they could solve it easily. No, this time she’s part of something much more complicated. She has to make the choices that Oz has had to make for centuries. I think that this will help her see where Oz is coming from and allow them to reconcile, but also allow Ruby to see where Oz went wrong and better herself. She’s not just going to understand Oz, but she’s going to become better than Oz. But that’s going to come with a lot of hardship, and it is something that she will have to deal with. Not just with herself, but chances are, with her team as well…
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Okay, that’s enough on harsh and complicated topics. This is our general set-up episode, and it does a very good job! We have the plan for the arc established, setting up Amity Colosseum for launch and in the meantime doing work around Atlas and Mantle with Ace-Ops. We get to see Atlas Academy, and it looks gorgeous. We get to properly see Winter again, and Weiss hugging her just melted my heart. Makes me worry about later considering Winter’s loyalty to Ironwood and Weiss clearly not liking what’s happening, but still, I’ll take the happy for now. Penny was a delight, especially with the tour, which excellent animation there! Man, it’s just a joy to have her back~! Forest was fun and we learn about Robyn Hill and her group from him, which will likely come into play later. Especially since we can confirm that she’s going up against Jaques for council. That’s… gonna be interesting, to put it lightly.
This was Kiersi Buckhart’s first episode as a writer, and she nailed it! The exposition wasn’t boring and the characters felt very strong here, Ironwood especially. You know that he’s making bad choices, but the writing makes you understand why and that and Jason Rose’s’ performance as Ironwood was genuine with his views. I could understand all of these decisions, even if I don’t agree, and that’s what makes for good and compelling drama. It was strong in the character department and the pacing, os good job Kiersi! Connor Pickens directed the episode, and it looks excellent! Especially for all the camera angles as Watts walks through Mantle. Like when he steps into a puddle with the reflection of Ironwood on screen? Excellence!. Great job Connor~!
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Speaking of that scene though… yeah, that was dark. No idea who Tyrian killed, maybe some kind of informant or something that's no longer needed. But man, what a grim (no pun intended) scene to end on. But it establishes the threat very well. Tyrian we all know is not a force to be taken lightly. But neither is Watts. He did his job in Mistral perfectly, and that only failed because of Cinder taking control and keeping Watts out of it after the new plan was made. But he’s the one in charge now and he is in his wheelhouse now. He has control over Mantle’s security, and if he could break Atlas’ before, he can probably do it again. And remember the Election Map that he had in the opening. IDK what the plan is, but with Watts heading it, it's gonna be bad. Add that with Tyrian, and we indeed have a lethal combination. Will our heroes be able to stop it? Only time will tell…
Chapter Three Predictions
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It’s all but guaranteed that this is when we’ll get the new outfits, the haircuts, ad the new gear. It’ll probably be a bit of a lighter episode and maybe allow some nice character stuff and maybe even see the Ace-Ops more or see more around the Academy. But I do think that Ruby may have a bit of conflict as a follow-up to here. Remember the line in the trailer about her being uncertain about if the best thing is right? Well… IDK who she was talking to. Could be Oscar. Could be her team. Could be Qrow. IDK, but I imagine that it may very well bein this episode. Either someone confronts her (which judging by his expressions might be Oscar) or someone sees that something is wrong and get her to talk. Maybe it’s even part of some talk where Ruby expresses her uncertainty but tries to get spirits lifted and ignore her own conflicts as she normally does. Either scenario is possible.
Still, I imagine that it will be a lighter episode with some fun hijinks and maybe some emotional like Blake getting her haircut… or hilarious if they play up Jaune’s horrible haircut. Maybe we could get a bit of a glimpse into stuff with Robyn and the election or we see the Schnees again or something else. I think that it might end with the scenes in the trailer of the girls jumping out of the plane, ready for a mission, and it will lead to the scenes of everyone fighting in the mines that’ll cross into Chapter 4. Either way, as I said, we’re at least guaranteed the upgrades next volume and those are gonna be fun~! I can’t wait~!!!
Episode Stats
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Favorite Character: Ruby Rose  Favorite Scene: Penny’s Tour Least Favorite Scene: The airlift to Atlas, the lighting looked kinda off to me… Forest was a delight though. Favorite Voice Actor: Jason Rose (James Ironwood) Favorite Animation: Final scene in Mantle. The camera angle when Watts is walking through Mantle in the rain were amazingly done, especially with Ironwood's reflection in the puddle. Final Ranking: 9/10
Final Thoughts
This chapter was fantastic! It’s a setup episode done very well. We learn all that we need to know for now, and it works with strong character personalities. It was funny, it was heartwarming, but most of all it was intense. THere’s a lot of good, compelling drama here and sets up so much for later on with Ruby, Ironwood, the villains, and the plans for Atlas. There’s a lot that’s coming, and if it’s already this intense then I can’t imagine how the remaining 11 chapters are gonna be. But I’m ready for it… I hope… still, great chapter!
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teenybeanielinguine · 6 years
Outlander Season 5 - A Girl Can Dream
 It’s been a little over two weeks since the Season 4 finale... and DAMN, the withdrawal is hitting me hard.  I’ve rewatched all my favorite scenes, re-read all my favorite passages, and scoured Tumblr for every piece of fanfiction available.  But nothing seems capable of filling the Outlander-shaped void in my heart.
Since I clearly have nothing better to do (not true; there are A LOT of other things I should be doing), I’ve decided to grace you all with my unsolicited thoughts (no need to thank me).  Season 5 has no announced release date, but I’m not known for my patience, so I’m hopping on the crazy train a little early.  Destination: The Fiery Cross. (Spoilers ahead.)
About The Fiery Cross
I’ve read quite a few posts that label Drums of Autumn as the pivotal point in the series.  I respectfully disagree.
DoA felt like the next step in a gradual evolution.  It’s true that Bree and Roger gained their independence from the J/C plotline in DoA, but DG had been prepping us for this divergence for quite a while.  Claire was our only narrator in Outlander, and while she remains the only 1st person POV, other characters have been quietly adding their voices to hers.  Roger joined her in Dragonfly in Amber, followed by Jamie and John Grey in Voyager, and we finally get Brianna in Drums of Autumn (that’s RIGHT: in the main books, we hear Roger’s POV before we ever hear Jamie’s).  Because of these constantly expanding POVs, DoA just felt like a natural progression, rather than a huge departure from the status quo.
The Fiery Cross, on the other hand, feels like a turning point.  Not only is it the first book to not get a newly added POV, but the story starts to get a little... unpredictable.
All of the books have a fair amount of twistiness and unpredictability, but our characters have pretty clear goals in each installation so far: get back to the stones, save Jamie from Black Jack, prevent the Rising, prevent Culloden, make Brianna believe the truth, find Jamie after 20 years, rescue Young Ian, establish the Ridge, warn Jamie and Claire about the fire, rescue Roger...  I know I’m generalizing here, but you get the point.  Our heroes all have clearly defined end goals, and they’re putting all their energy into achieving them, despite the twists and turns that DG throws their way.  The characters may not always succeed, but you, the reader, always know where the story is headed.
By the start of The Fiery Cross, the goals are a little broader, more nebulous.  There may be unrest in North Carolina, the American Revolution may be looming in the distance, but basically the Fraser family just wants to live in peace on the Ridge.  That’s it.  No daring rescues, no dramatic reunions; they just want some peace and quiet.  Of course, they aren’t going to get it, because this is Outlander-verse, where Murphy’s Law is on steroids.
So the Frasers play it by ear, taking on every new challenge as it comes.  There is no clear path forward, they just have to react as best they can to the events around them.  In consequence, the reader gets a series of smaller meandering stories, with the distinct feeling that something bigger is happening in the background.  I personally love this, because I have no clue what’s going to happen next, so when something big happens, it takes me completely by surprise.  And you get to see the characters just exist in day-to-day life, which is the best.  Some of the characters still have personal goals (spoiler alert: Stephen Bonnet definitely did NOT die in that explosion), but the pursuit of those goals isn’t driving the story nearly as much as in past installments.
This is all to say that, while Season 5 is going to have to hit some major plot points, there is (in my opinion) a fair amount of breathing room for interpretation, and lots of fun to be had.  I’m fascinated to see the show tackle this new challenge.
My Wish List for Season 5
When I say “wish list”, I don’t mean to imply a series of demands.  I have no creative control over the adaptation, and I’m not listing these wishes in the vain hope that someone on the production team will notice.  This is just for fun, and I will be perfectly content if none of these make it into the show.  Also, not all of these are pulled from the book; some of them are just things I would love to see.
So here are my top ten wishes, in no particular order:
Roger the Fangirl.  In the midst of all the Roger-hate this past season, the OL fandom has forgotten one crucial fact: Roger is the ultimate J/C shipper.  This romantic idiot is the whole reason that Claire went back in time to find Jamie!  You’d think Jamie’s fists would have beaten the ship right out of Roger, but if last season proves anything, it’s that Roger doesn’t give up easily.  He’s gonna keep shipping like his life depends on it, and there are some really cute moments in TFC where he fangirls over how adorable Jamie and Claire are together (also, Jamie is going to become his new idol).  I suppose it would be unrealistic to hope that he and Murtagh form a fan club next season...?
Brothers and Sisters.  Am I the only one who wanted to scream when Brianna and Fergus were right next to each other in the Wilmington jail and they didn’t acknowledge each other?  By the end of S4, we don’t even know whether Fergus and Marsali know about Bree’s existence (I mean, Fergus helped capture Bonnet, but he and Marsali didn’t say a word about Bree), and that frustrates me to no end.  The books skipped over the getting-to-know-you stuff too, which is crazy considering that they are siblings (adopted or not)!  I would kill for a scene where Jamie and Claire are struggling to explain why they have a fully-grown daughter, as well as some bonding time between siblings.  Bree and Marsali are definitely going to get along, cause badass women stick together.
The Snake Bite.  The snake bite incident (aftermath included) is one of my favorite sequences in TFC.  It brings Roger and Jamie closer together, it shows the courage of the Fraser women in a crisis, and it rallies the entire Ridge community in their worry for Jamie.  I suppose it’s sadistic of me, but I loved watching everyone freak out when they thought Jamie was going to die or lose a leg.  And then the 20th century women come to the rescue!  An entire episode dedicated to that whole plotline would be amazing.
Grannie and Grand-da.  Claire and Jamie are not only adorable as grandparents, they’re relatable AF.  They might love their new grandson to pieces, but that’s not going to stop them from being honest about the realities of childcare.  Jamie in particular is hilarious; he builds an entire house at top speed to get away from the screeching baby (and his newly reunited parents), and then he compares Bree unflatteringly to the white sow (not to her face, of course; see Chapter 30 for a good laugh).  I’d love to see that side of Jamie and Claire next season.
Wolf’s Brother.  We might have said a tearful goodbye to Young Ian in the S4 finale, but we haven’t seen the last of him.  My guess is that he’s going to make a dramatic reappearance in the S5 finale, but I really hope we see him before then.  Showing Young Ian’s time among the Mohawk would give Outlander a chance to showcase the amazing First Nations actors that appeared in S4 (Braeden Clarke, anyone?) as well as explore how Ian slowly blends his Highland upbringing with Mohawk customs.
Claire the Science Nerd.  So far all of Claire’s medical expertise has been utilized in life-or-death situations, but establishing a medical practice on the Ridge gives her the opportunity to geek out over plants and experiment in reproducing 20th century medicine in the 18th century.  Over the course of TFC, she gives genetics lessons, performs two tonsillectomies, and produces penicillin (among other things).  This passion for her craft is one of the reasons I love Claire so much.  And her nerd moments aren’t always serious: one of my favorite scenes in the book features Claire and her microscope giving Jamie a hilarious lesson in reproductive biology.
Fraser’s Ridge.  We didn’t get to see much of the Ridge community in S4, although Jamie did allude to the farmers who contributed the grain to make whisky.  The community is comprised of a growing array of Scottish immigrants, and the drama they bring to Claire and Jamie’s lives wavers between amusing and disastrous.  I don’t think the show will have time to explore the entire cast of characters, but I’m hoping to see Thomas Christie and his children introduced, at least.  I’ve always found Tom Christie a strangely compelling character; his children, on the other hand, are nothing more than a necessary evil.  I also really hope we meet the twins, Josiah and Keziah Beardsley (Lizzie’s story is about to get really interesting).
The MacKenzie Bloodline.  Despite all the time-traveling she’s been doing, Claire has yet to meet any of her ancestors (that we know of...  DG might be holding out on us).  Roger, on the other hand, is not going to be so lucky (if you’ve read all eight books, you’ll know that Roger runs into his ancestors A LOT).  By the end of S4, I’m not sure Jamie is aware that his daughter is married to Geillis Duncan and Dougal MacKenzie’s descendant, but I wanna be there when he and Murtagh find out (a perfect opportunity for some good dialogue and tension).  And while Roger may be able to explain his ancestry to Jamie and Murtagh (both of whom are fully aware of the existence of time travel), he’s not going to be able to give the same explanation to Jocasta.  In the beginning of TFC, there’s a really great conversation between Jocasta and Roger where Jocasta is kinda fishing around for clues about Roger’s family.  Roger, of course, can’t tell her that he’s actually her great-great-grandnephew (give or take a few ‘great’s).  My hope is that the show includes some version of this conversation and continues to play around with Roger’s MacKenzie heritage (and all its implications).
Future Talk.  With three time-travelers in the family, there’s bound to be some discussion of the future.  Especially with the tension mounting in North Carolina and Murtagh aligning himself with the Regulators.  I am yearning for some deep discussion between Jamie, Murtagh, and the travelers about the events to come.  I have a hunch that either Claire or Bree has already informed Murtagh about the American Revolution, based on a comment he made to Jocasta about a “different ending”, but I want to see it actually played out on screen.  The interplay between the characters who know the future and those who don’t is fascinating to me, and I want more of it.
Jamie the Protector.  Jamie’s protective instincts have had some disastrous consequences this past season, but he is going to redeem himself next season.  Early on in TFC, Jamie claims Roger as the “son of his house”, and he proceeds to stand by that claim throughout the book, especially in the aftermath of Roger’s wrongful hanging at the hands of Governor Tryon.  This time, Jamie’s protective feelings aren’t going to result in a beating, though it’s a close call.  I love this shift, from Jamie beating Roger to Jamie protecting/avenging Roger; it’s a very satisfying development.
Bonus: Geese.  Brianna and Roger may have a child together, but they have never lived together as a married couple.  They also don’t have very much experience being in a serious relationship (S4 showed us that they really don’t know how to argue properly).  However, they have both grown up quite a bit since their hand fasting, and you get to see them learning how to coexist in Chapter 33 of TFC.  It’s a great scene, where Roger’s just come back with the militia, and he and Bree have a meaningless fight because she hasn’t had it easy since the militia left.  But they resolve their argument peacefully as Bree vents her frustrations to Roger and gives him a drawing of some geese as a Christmas present.  A really wonderful everyday moment.
There are, of course, more things I’d like to see, but these are my favorites.  I thought I’d list them out now, since this is going to be a LONG Droughtlander, and I am sure to get obsessed with something else eventually (the new A Discovery of Witches show looks promising).  Also, I’m going to temporarily forget about Season 5 if Bees comes out first.
What are your wishes for Season 5?  If you choose to respond, please be kind and respectful.
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trashforhockeyguys · 6 years
Wholeheartedly /11/ Auston Matthews
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A/N: In honor of that damn overtime win. I give you part 11. 
“Are you feeling any better?” Auston asked you a few days later.
 You shrugged, “Yeah, I just feel off still.”
 “As in, not quite right,” You explained, “I think I’m still trying to bounce back from the season.”
 “Do I need to cancel our date night tomorrow?” He questioned.
 You could tell that he was still genuinely worried that you weren’t feeling well. Normally the two of you were a bit off and groggy for a few days after the season ended, just because of how intense playoffs could be. Add in the jetlag from coming back to Arizona, and everyone liked to sleep for a while.
 But it was unusual for it to stick around with you for a while. Normally you bounced back first, because you had to take care of the boys, and Auston. You survived off of coffee and other sources of caffeine, while the boys acted like zombies for a while. However, this year it was the opposite.
 “No, don’t do that. You’ve been planning whatever it is since we came back,” You shook your head, “I’m fine, I probably just need a good nap or something.”
 “Are you okay for me to go to the gym for a bit?” He asked, fully ready to stay if you said he needed to.
 “No, go. I’ll probably just go crawl in bed and call my mom or Erika,” You replied, “Or sleep, since your parents have the boys for the weekend.”
 He smiled and kissed your forehead. You whined, motioning for him to come back. You pulled him down enough to properly kiss him. You sighed when he finally pulled away, knowing that he had to leave or he’d be late for his session. He brushed some hair out of your face, with a promise that he’d be home as soon as he finished.
 You tried to pick up the house some, but all you wanted to do was go crawl back in bed, preferably with Auston next to you. But, rather than wallow in the fact that he had to leave, you picked up the phone and called your parents, or to be more specific, your little sister.
Erika was in the middle of summer workouts in preparation for her next season. But, she was quick to answer the phone when she saw it was you. She was still out of breath from the run she’d just come back from a long run. But that didn’t stop her from automatically asking about the boys.
 “Jesus, Jake really threw his golf club like that?” She questioned.
 “Well, he didn’t throw it, so much as he just let go of it,” You replied.
 “Damn, I hate that I missed that,” She sighed, “I miss my little dude. And Bubs, of course.”
 “They miss you too,” You sighed.
 “Like hell they do,” She laughed, “Alex and Bree are filling that void.”
 “Lies, they do miss you,” You giggled.
 “Is that Y/N?” You heard your mom ask.
 “Mom, back off, she called me!” Erika complained.
 You shook your head as you listened to the two of the fight over who was going to talk to you. You pulled back the covers on your bed, and climbed in. You wrapped the covers around you, instantly feeling more comfortable. Your mom and your sister were still fighting, so you ended up hanging up on her. Two seconds later, you were connecting to a FaceTime call, so they could both easily talk to you.
 “Better?” You questioned.
 “Why are you in bed?” Erika questioned.
 “You try having two boys under the age of five, and a professional athlete as a husband, then you can ask why I’m in bed,” You shot back, half joking.
 “Honey, are you feeling okay? You look a bit pale,” Your mother stated.
“Ma, I’m fine. It’s just been a busy few days,” You shrugged, “And you know it takes a few days to adjust to being back in Arizona, with the time change and the heat.”
 “Oh my god!” Erika suddenly squealed, “You are so pregnant.”
 “Erika!” You and your mother both exclaimed.
 “When have I ever been wrong about this?” She questioned, “I’m the one who told you to take the test when you were pregnant with Jake.”
 You sighed and rubbed your face with your hand. Although Erika was right about that, she didn’t know everything. You’d started your period late last night, which was another possible reason that you were nauseous. You’d had hopes that you were already pregnant, but all of the signs kept pointing to no.
 “I’m not pregnant Riks,” You shook your head, “Sorry to burst your bubble.”
 You talked with them for a few more minutes before Erika announced she had to go shower before a date she had, and then hung up on you. You loved Erika, and you loved the way that she was pretty blunt about everything, but at some point, she’d have to slow down. Especially with college looming overhead.
 You snuggled further into your bed, deciding a quick nap before Auston came home wouldn’t be a bad thing. You could only attribute your constant fatigue to the fact that you hadn’t stopped to take a minute for yourself since before playoffs ended. Everyone had kept you rather busy.
 You woke up a while later, to the sound of presumably Auston, rustling around in the kitchen. You smiled, hearing him sing along to whatever music he was undoubtedly playing through his headphones. You rolled over, burring your head in his pillow. You just wanted a few more minutes, then you’d actually get up and probably have to figure out what you two were going to eat for dinner.
 Even if your stomach was still upset and food was the last thing on your mind, you did have to keep Auston fed. Chances were if he tried to cook something, he’d burn the house down. Or at least, if he cooked without supervision. But the more you tried to pull yourself out of bed, the more you just wanted to stay there.
 A few minutes later, you heard Auston starting to make his way up the steps towards your shared room. He was trying to be quiet, because he assumed you were still asleep. His eyes lit up when he noticed you were awake though. He smiled softly as he dropped his bag before making his way over to the bed.
 “I’m sorry, did I wake you up?” He questioned softly.
 You shook your head, “No.”
 “Scoot,” He motioned for you to move over a tad.
 Once he climbed in bed, he pulled you back towards him. You grinned and cuddled into his side. He started playing with your hair, brushing through it with his fingers, as softly as he could. Your body started to feel at ease again. You could feel him begin to relax as well. You wrapped your arms around him and smiled contently.
 “Are you feeling better?” He questioned.
 “A little,” You shrugged, “The nap helped.”
 “Did you talk to Erika? She texted me while I was at the gym,” He told you.
 “Yeah, she’s being nosey,” You laughed softly, “Plus, she’s in the middle of her summer training. So, her social life is a little limited to hockey.”
 “Has she decided where she’s committing to yet?”
 “No, she wants to tour some places again before making the big decision,” You mumbled, “Can’t say that I blame her.”
 He laughed, understanding how stressful it could be to decide your future. It was well known that Auston chose a very unconventional path, forfeiting his college eligibility to go play in Switzerland, before being drafted and starting his NHL career. You knew it was tough on him to choose that path, but you also knew he didn’t regret it.
 You only hoped that whatever Erika decided, she’d be happy. You remembered how stressful it was to decide where you’d spend your college years. Then of course, came the injury that ended your hockey career. But you still didn’t regret where you chose, because you still remained close to your old teammates. Plus, those relationships you’d formed there is what ultimately lead you to Auston.
 “She’ll be fine, babe,” Auston promised, “She learned from one of the best.”
“Six years of marriage, and you’re still sucking up,” You joked.
 “Just doing my job,” He whispered, kissing your forehead.
 The two of you had a pretty relaxed night. You reheated some pasta from the other night, deciding that both of you were too lazy to actually try to cook. After that, the two of you just laid around and watched movies before actually deciding to go back upstairs and crawl in bed. Auston kept you wrapped up in his arms. Mostly because you didn’t have any little boys trying to crawl into the bed for once.
 But early in the morning, you woke up feeling really hot. Your head was spinning by the time you shot out of bed and ran to the bathroom. You hunched over the toilet before empting your stomach, until there was nothing left. You leaned against the wall and tried to breathe. You didn’t feel like you’d get sick again, but your stomach was still clenching.
 You tried to think of what you might have eaten, but nothing came to mind that would’ve caused you to actually feel like this. You’d eaten the same thing that you’d had a few nights before, and it hadn’t messed with you before. Or at least, didn’t make you feel any worse.
 Your mind wondered to what your sister had told you yesterday. You knew you had one box of pregnancy tests in your cabinet, but you didn’t allow yourself to believe that you were actually pregnant. You and Auston never actually tried before, there was no way that it would be this easy.
 Not to mention the fact that you’d started your period. Sure, it was lighter than it had been in years, but you’d come off of birth control, and all of the stress from the last few weeks couldn’t be helping. You wouldn’t get your hopes up. You wouldn’t wake up Auston.
 You were shaking when you finally pulled the box out of the cabinet. You slowly walked back towards the toilet. You weren’t going to get excited. You weren’t going to let yourself believe that you were pregnant. You wouldn’t be able to deal with it if you weren’t.  
Those five minutes, waiting for the test to finish, were always the longest. It didn’t matter if you wanted the baby or not, it always felt like a lifetime. You would say time and time again, those few minutes felt like a lifetime. You tried to distract yourself by playing around on your phone, but you couldn’t stop thinking about that little plastic stick.
 When the timer finally went off, you felt like time had slowed to a stop. You took several deep breaths before you finally reached for the test. But you still couldn’t bring yourself to turn it over and actually check it. You almost didn’t want to, you were afraid if you were being completely honest.
 It wasn’t that you weren’t ready for a third, because you were. You knew that it was something that you wanted. But at the same time, it’d change so much. You were both ready for another, you both wanted it, yet, you couldn’t help but think about how everything would be different.
 Your breathing was uneven and almost labored as you finally turned the test over to look at it. You started crying almost immediately. You really hadn’t expected it to be positive, and super positive at that. You were used to taking one and it coming back with the faintest line possible, but enough for you to know you were pregnant. But there was no mistaking this.
 You stumbled back against the counter. You almost wanted to laugh, but all you could do was cry. Despite the fact you were crying, you had the biggest smile on your face. You were in shock, you knew you were. Your body was shaking. But you were also so overwhelmingly excited. You hadn’t really had the oprotunity to be excited like this as soon as you found out.
 When you found out you were pregnant with Brian, you’d been too afraid to do anything but cry. With Jake, all you could do was question the timing and fear what life with two babies would be like. But things were different this time around. You both wanted this, you’d somewhat planned for it. But knowing it was actually real, that this was actually happening, just felt so different.
 Words couldn’t really describe how you felt. All you could think of was how you’d have another little one. You smiled to yourself and placed a hand over your stomach, which was potentially the most cliché thing you could’ve done. You knew you wouldn’t be able to feel anything, but something was there. There was actually a baby.
 You heard Auston rustle in the bed. He’d probably somewhat wake up soon. You tried to pull yourself together and gain some sense of composer, but all you wanted to do was shout it from the rooftops. But instead, you slowly made your way back towards the bed.
 Auston had since rolled over on his stomach, his hair was sprawled out over his face. He looked younger somehow. You smiled again and carefully climbed into the bed next to him. You propped yourself up on your forearms and took a minute just to look at him.
 Carefully, you brushed some hair away from his eyes. He shifted a bit, his body seeming to move closer to you. You bit your lip when his eyes lazily started to open. He smiled sleepily, knowing you were right next to him, even if he hadn’t fully opened his eyes yet. You tried not to break out into a big smile, but it was getting harder and harder by the minute.
 “What?” He asked groggily, “What’s wrong?”
 “I’m pregnant,” You whispered, finally breaking out into a massive smile.
 He automatically pushed himself up a bit, “Say that again?”
 You could see the hint of a smile starting to appear as he started to process it. You giggled, it actually started to hit you now that you’d said it aloud. The two of you were having another baby. Jake and B would be big brothers. Your family of four was going to become a family of five.
 “I’m pregnant, Auston,” You said again, “I’m pregnant.”
 “You’re pregnant?” His smile grew wider.
 “Yeah,” You nodded, tears starting to fall again, “I am.”
 He moved towards you and quickly wrapped his arms around you. You were both laughing and crying, but no where did you feel an ounce of fear. You knew you could do this, you’d done it twice before. You knew your boys would be good with having a baby around, because they loved the little baby leafs.
 “You’re pregnant,” He stated again, kissing your forehead
You leaned over to kiss him. Which then turned into him pulling you on top of him, holding you close to him. You could feel him smiling. You tucked your head into the crook of his neck. He tightened his arms around you, causing you to feel safe and warm.  
 “I think this is better than my anniversary dinner,” Auston laughed.
 “You’re taking me to dinner?” You asked, lifting your head to see him.
 “We got married six years ago, I figured a nice dinner was in order,” He shrugged, “But we have something else to celebrate now.”
 “We’re having another baby,” You said, still in disbelief.
 “We’re having another baby, Y/N,” Auston repeated.
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goldenchildlynn · 6 years
for good || bryder
WHO: Ryder Lynn and Bree Brown @basicallybree
WHEN: August 3rd, 2012.
WHERE: Lynn Residence.
WHAT: The last time Ryder and Bree ever saw each other/spoke to each other in person, aka the end of their relationship.
WARNINGS: N/A but lots of angst and feels folks.
Back to school...football...Los Angeles... Bree heard the words being spoken by an enthusiastic Ryder, watching as he haphazardly threw pretty much everything into duffle bags with no organization whatsoever. She was sititng on the edge of his bed, hands gripping the edge of the mattress tightly. No matter how hard she wished it wasn’t, summer was coming to an end which meant that she would be left behind. While everyone went back to their campuses, what seemed like entirely different lives. Especially her boyfriend, traveling thousands of miles across the country away from her. “Ry, sit down for a second. We need to talk.” She was cringing before the words were even out, hating how cliche this all was. Breaking up with him because the long distance wasn’t working out...although seeing everyone back together this summer had also brought back issues Bree thought had been long put to rest.
To say he was excited was an understatement. When he got his scholarship, despite less than excellent grades, he was over the moon. Football was the one thing he knew he had down, the one thing he was for certain he was great at. So having that possibly be his career, his life, it was all so surreal to him. So surreal, however, he didn't notice the unease of his girlfriend as she sat on the edge of his bed as he carelessly packed his bags. It was her voice that snapped him out of his rambling, brows raising a bit as he suddenly went from thrilled to worried, a sinking feeling now replacing the butterflies that were in his stomach. Still, he straightened his shoulders as he walked over to her, brows now furrowed a bit as he sat down beside the girl. "Hey, what's going on?" Ryder asked, reaching over to place a hand on her knee, gaze scanning her features as he pursed his lips together. "Something's on your mind, I can tell. I'm sorry, I've been so scatterbrained and what not, I didn't mean to be, like, insensitive??"
The look of concern on his face was almost enough to make her rethink her decision, trying not to let the inner tornado of her thoughts show through her own expressions. A losing battle considering this was Ryder she was talking to, but it didn’t stop her from trying. It was instinct for her to set her hand on top of his, interlacing their fingers without thought as she paused, as if she could just stretch out the moment long enough that it didn’t have to happen at all. “It’s not your fault. I mean, not entirely.” Maybe a little harsher than she intended to be, but it was the truth. Squeezing his hand once as if in silent apology Bree took a deep breath and pushed it off of her leg, crossing her arms across her chest as if that would keep her from doing something more. “Do you think we’ve been kidding ourselves this entire time? Thinking that we’d be able to keep this going? Because honestly, I don’t see how that’s going to happen. I miss you, Ry. I miss you so much when you’re not here and I just -- I don’t think I can keeping doing this.”
There was a thumping in his chest, heart pounding in what was obviously not just a simple talk but THE talk. The beginning to an end he didn't want, one that scared the living hell out of him.  A small frown settled onto his features when she spoke, glancing down at their hands which he usually found comfort in, only now finding an almost empty feeling. Just a few hours ago everything was fine, they were hanging out with old friends, they couldn't keep their hands off each other and now.....this. "I'm sorry, whatever I did or said, I probably just wasn't thinking..." He began, only stopping to let her speak when she pulled her hand away. And then she said it. His jaw clenched as he racked his brain for something to say to get her to change her mind, and he sighed as he shook his head, "I want to keep this going, I don't want to just end it. I miss you too Bree, hell I miss you all the time, I always tell you if you want to come out and visit in LA you can. Cutting this off isn't going to stop us missing each other, it's only going to make things worse." He explained, trying not to sound too panic and trying to keep calm as he looked over her face, "Bree, please, you're not the only one who gets a say here. I....I love you." Ryder reminded her, eyes trying to catch hers, to try and almost plea for her not to just give up on him entirely.
It was almost an echo of what had happened a few years ago, when it really had been just the two of them. A stupid argument over something Bree didn’t even remember now, probably boiling down to her insecurities that were evidently still at play now. But so much had happened since then: Rachel, getting back together, graduation, the year they spent falling asleep on Facetime just to hear the sound of each other breathing. It all made this, the moment they were in, so much more difficult. And both times it had been Bree who ended things, so at least she wasn’t completely blindsided. “Yeah, and when am I supposed to do that? When you’re practicing every night during football season? Or even after that, when you have your workouts with the team, or I’m teaching some dance class full of Upper East Side barbies way past their prime?” A noise somewhere between a dark chuckle and a scoff passed her lips, trying desperately not to let his words get to her. “That’s the thing, Ry,” she continued softly, lips pressing together tightly as she looked away for a moment to gather herself. So she wouldn’t break down in front of him, the simple I love you coming from his lips so easily feeling like they pierced straight to her heart. If she had one left after this, anyway. “I know that, but lately it seems like...I don’t know. That it’s not just the two of us in this relationship?” Bree’s hands moved to her forehead, rubbing her temples in frustration. How was she supposed to explain it to him? “There’s so much history here, so many people that are impossible to ignore. I see the way she still looks at you.” Not even wanting to say the name Rachel, as if it would summon her there, the girl took a deep breath, ignoring the way her voice shook on the last few words.
Her words were honest, not something he wanted to hear, but honest nonetheless. The distance was hard on her, he knew that, and often he craved to be closer to her as well. Falling asleep on FaceTime was only so good until you wanted the real thing, to feel the gentle rise and fall of their chest and how peaceful it felt to have arms draped over you. He knew that, but he didn't want to admit it. "I want to try! I don't want to throw this away, I'm trying to look at the bigger picture here Bree." He murmured, voice soft, trying to fight the tightness in his chest and focus on trying to get her to change her mind. Anything to make this not the end. This wasn't some typical high school fight, this was for real, because a girl like Bree was desired and so was he, and the thought of losing her to someone else who could give her the things that he couldn't....well, it hurt. The way she avoided eye contact made him feel cold, a shiver racing down his spine as he looked down at his lap where he absentmindedly picked at his nails. Because she didn't say it back, she didn't repeat the one thing he hoped he could hold onto, which meant things were made up in her mind. However, his brows knit together, gaze shooting back up to her now. Rachel, the main demise to their relationships and how she seemingly kept his attention for a short moment. He loved Bree, whole heartedly, but he had made a mistake one too many times. Ryder was trying to prove he'd changed, that Bree was the one who he wanted, but it seemed she couldn't let it go, "Wait, you aren't being serious? Bree, c'mon, I thought we were past that. You're the only person I want, you know that." He explained with a shake of his head as he stared her down, moving his body to face her, "I don't give a fuck about her, I made a mistake, it's in the past. History is just that, something that is in the past." He stated, wanting so badly to reach out to her but keeping his hands now at his sides as he watched her.
“And what is the bigger picture here, Ryder, hmm?” she retorted quickly, her eyes wide as she finally looked over at him for a brief moment. Her shoulders half-shrugged in frustration, shaking her head as her gaze reverted back to a spot on the wall across from them. Of course I’m being serious was on the tip of Bree’s tongue, until he kept going without really giving her a space to say it. Squeezing her eyes shut tightly she bit down on her bottom lip, feeling one tear slide down her cheek until she wiped it away quickly. “I’m just so tired. Of worrying that there’s going to be some girl in California that has her eye on you. And then, even when you’re here, of worrying that that history is going to repeat itself,” she admitted, using his own words against him. That was all that it boiled down to, really. Her own doubts that she was good enough, that she deserved everything that Ryder seemed so eager to give. Because she didn’t.Swallowing hard she lifted her gaze to look at him, one knee shifting under her body as she did so. And that simple movement, seeing the pain on his face was almost enough to break her, to have her lean forward and throw her arms around him so tightly like she wouldn’t let him go. Instead, Bree forced herself to push forward, channeling the resolve she had all through high school that got her what she had wanted every time. (And choosing to ignore the fact that once upon a time, the thing she had wanted most was the boy sitting next to her.) “I just don’t think it’s fair. To either of us. It feels like we were just heading toward this inevitable end, trying so hard to avoid it but all we did was prolong it. This is for the best, I truly believe that.” It was hard to convince herself, let alone Ryder, of that fact when they were together. But she forced herself to think of those weeks without him, the loneliness she had felt, and the slowly dawning realization that this was the only possibility for them. Even if it meant no possibility at all.
It was baffling to him that she couldn't understand the bigger picture, and he felt his face twist into an almost offended expression, "The bigger picture is us being together!" He said with a shake of his head, fingers carding through his hair in frustration as he reminded himself to keep his cool. Often, Ryder let his emotions get the best of him, his heart often too big for his body which was a blessing and a curse. But right now he was attempting to not fly off the handle, even if his body was practically shaking with everything he was feeling. Seeing that tear roll down her cheek was a sharp pain, because so badly he wanted to reach out and brush it away only for her to do so herself in a hasty manner. "So you don't trust me?" He murmured, eyes casting down to his hands again as he sighed, "Bree, no one can compare to you. But if that's what you think of me, then fine, I get it." Ultimately, he felt defeated, because even with him trying to show he had changed...his mistake would forever haunt their relationship. And, he didn't even have a good enough reason as to why he did it other than his childlike curiosity.Standing, he walked over to his bags and continued on packing, except this time it was a bit slower because his mind wasn't even able to focus on the task at hand. He let his gaze drift back to her, sitting on his bed, and he pursed his lips together, "If that's what you want, if that's what makes you happy, I'm not going to fight you on it. I'm not going to force you to stay in something you don't want." Saying the words were hard and he tried his hardest to not let that shake in his voice be heard, but it was there, and he clenched his jaw to swallow back those tears that were starting to sting his eyes. Because he didn't want to cry, crying meant it was real, and he just wanted to avoid feeling anything when he should've been excited to go back to LA. Now, however, it seemed to be bittersweet. "I'm sorry."
Did she trust him? Everything in her wanted to say yes, that that wasn’t the issue. And to be completely honest, it wasn’t necessarily him that Bree didn’t trust, it was everyone else. Both the people that she knew and the people that she didn’t, knowing how great of a guy Ryder was. Which made it even harder not to keep him for herself, even if she knew this was what was supposed to happen. “Ryder, I…” her voice trailed off, licking at her lips as she watched him move around the room again. Maybe it was easier this way, to let him think that trust was the issue and it was that simple. If that’s what would make her happy. God, how could he think that this is something that she wanted? Wasn’t he the one that was supposed to know her better than anyone else? And if this was him fighting for her, it wasn’t much of an effort. “No, don’t apologize. It’s nothing you could control, nothing either of us could control.” Despite herself Bree couldn’t help but stand and approach him, reaching her hand up to lightly trace over his clenched jawline. Seeing him like this was much worse than the thought of not seeing him again had been, and she let her fingers trail down his arm before interlocking them together tightly. For the last time, she couldn’t help but acknowledge. “This doesn’t mean that I didn’t care about you, Ry. That I don’t still-” her words hitched on a sob, hating that this is how they were leaving things. How she was leaving things, not even allowing him as much of a choice as he was giving her. “Just don’t forget us little people when you’re a sports hero, mmkay?” Her attempt at brevity would fall flat, she knew as much, but the girl still attempted to give him a teary smile.
At this point, his whole body felt heavy, broad shoulders strong enough to keep straight even if he ultimately felt like collapsing onto his bed. This was a part of growing up, he supposed, but given his childlike nature....he absolutely hated it. Hearing her voice, but missing her denial of her reasoning being that she couldn't trust him, was enough to solidify that it was a key factor here. "It's fine." He muttered, fists tightening around the strap of his bag as he pulled it open, because he was mad. Not at her, never at her, but at himself. Because he couldn't seem to not make these impulsive mistakes, even for the people he cared most about, there was always something with him. It was obvious to him from a young age, his father having no problem but to point out his flaws, and now they cost him one of the things that mattered most to him; Bree.As she stood and made her way towards him, Ryder kept his gaze entirely on the clothes he stuffed into his carry on, only to have his gaze pulled up to her face when her delicate hand had forced him to do so. His skin crawled, because he craved that touch, and now that he was going to lose it....it hurt more than it comforted. "I'm so fucking stupid, you're right, I was bound to make some dumb ass mistake sooner or later." The boy began only to feel his face soften at the sound of her words catching on a small sob, and he automatically pulled her closer in response. He didn't have much to say, because he didn't want to make her commit to him if it wasn't what she wanted, and instead he wrapped his arms around her. "I love you so fucking much Bree." Ryder spoke into her hair, closing his eyes as he shook his head, "I don't want to let you go."
“No, stop it right now.” The words were muffled as Bree suddenly found her head in his chest, relaxing into his arms without meaning to as hers slid around his waist. She meant to correct him, to tell him that the only mistake he made was giving her far more credit than she deserved. She was the one that was stupid, to think that she would end up with someone like Ryder. Even before they had inevitably headed down their respective roads that were now about to separate. “I love you, too,” she whispered, not caring that her own arms were locked as tightly around him as she could manage. She was content not to move for several long moments, even if they felt like seconds being that close to him. “But you have to.” Her forehead was pressed against the front of his shoulder, lips leaving a feather light kiss there as she drew herself back. If Bree didn’t leave now she would never do it, instead probably more willing to stuff herself into one of his duffel bags and fly to California like she didn’t have a care in the world. Sniffing a little she wiped under her eyes, sure she had left a few tears on his shirt. “Take care of yourself, okay?” Her eyes locked with his before she cleared her throat, abruptly heading towards the door so she could at least be in her car by the time she fell apart.
It was the truth, Ryder knew he wasn't exactly the smartest kid in Castleport, and the decisions he'd made in his past only went to prove that. Bree was smart, way smarter than him, so maybe he was kidding himself that this would work out and end up the way he planned it. So he chose it ignore her when she muffled her words into his chest, and he closed his eyes as he kept her there. Because he didn't know if he'd get this again, to have her close, to be engulfed in that familiar scent of the the girl who truly held his heart. When he finally heard her say it back, he knitted his brows together as he felt that lump in his throat almost choke him because he really didn't want to cry. But he couldn't help it and he kept his eyes shut for the moment being as he stayed there, but even if it was several moments, it felt like seconds as she spoke he had to let her go. "I know, I just don't want to." He murmured, voice almost breaking as that light press of her lips connected to his light grey t-shirt, broad shoulder stinging almost in the wake of the connection. His grip around her small frame loosened as he looked down at her, fingers lingering as he had to rip himself away from her almost, but still taking the moment to press a kiss to her forehead and stay there for another moment, "You too, you deserve it." Ryder had to whisper as his gaze moved around her face and he dropped his arms by his sides, once again clenching his jaw as she walked out of the door. This couldn't be it, could it? Just ending with a small take care of yourself and then out the door? That's how their story ended?
Take care of yourself, what kind of a goodbye was that? Clearly she had been watching way too many CW dramas, the idiocy of it all hitting her as she walked out into the hallway. Bree had slid her feet back into her sandals, finishing the second strap before she snapped it tightly, immediately getting up off the couch to run back to Ryder’s room. “Wait-” she uttered breathlessly, throwing her arms around his neck and practically jumping on her tiptoes to kiss him deeply. Because this was obviously going to make things better, just tacked onto the ever growing list of bad decisions she was making currently. Tugging him down to her level she tried to pour every bit of emotion, everything that she didn’t know how to say into the simple action. Breathless after pulling away a few seconds later she turned and left the room, left him, this time for good.
The pacing in his room had started as soon as she walked out, hands rubbing together as he tried to take deep enough breaths to settle the pain in his chest. It was funny, people joked about their heart breaking but it truly did hurt like a bitch. Should he busy himself with finishing packing, should he go after her, should he stay put and take a fucking nap? Honestly, he had no clue, and he was too deep in his own head when he heard his door open again and her speak. Eyes casting up just in time for her to reach him and reflexively scoop her up as she pushed up on her tip toes and drew him in with that kiss. It melted him, and for the moment it seemed like time had frozen and everything didn't hurt anymore. Arms easily holding her up, he knitted his brows together as he felt her tug down and his body followed until she was back on the ground. He didn't even have a chance to say anything before she bolted back out of the room. Shaking his head, he followed after her, hand catching her wrist as he spun her back around, "So you're going to just do that and leave me?" Ryder asked, voice soft as he looked over her face, brows still furrowed as he gauged her expression.
And this is why she should have left the first time and never looked back, because it was so easy to just stop thinking and let her emotions take over. Her instinctive reactions to Ryder, from the way that he pushed his hair back off of his forehead to the crinkle between his eyebrows when he was concerned, every little detail that meant the most to her. “I have to,” Bree told him, knowing in that moment that she was the definition of mixed messages. But if she didn’t make it perfectly clear where they stood, or the fact that there was no them anymore, she felt like it wouldn’t sink in. “I’m leaving. For good.” Tugging her arm back she intentionally made sure to break contact with him as soon as possible, not giving him the chance to stop her this time.
His lips were still tingling, trying to savor that kiss that she blindsided him with because by the way she looked at him he knew she was regretting what she did. Ryder may have been slow to pick up on things, but he knew Bree like the back of his hand, and when she had her mind made up it was done. "You don't have to." His voice was almost hopeful as he raised a brow, but it quickly fell when she ripped her arm out of his light hold, the sting enough to make him shrink back a bit. For good. The words hurt even more, and he nodded his head as he backed away from her, "Then go, Bree. Just go." He muttered, shaking his head as he retreated back to his room with a slam of his door for good measure. If she wanted to give up on him, then so be it, he'd prove everyone here wrong. He was determined to. And he angrily wiped off the tears that made him look weak as he shoved more things into his bags, only pausing for a moment when he saw one of the girl's cheer leading scrunchies on his bedside table. Walking over, he picked it up, toying with it before carefully placing it in the zipper of his bag. It was all he had left of her at this point, and he wasn't going to lose it like he lost her, he'd make sure of that.
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ronan-dreaming · 6 years
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Things are getting exciting! In this session, we meet an old... friend? of Falón’s father, meet up with some old friends of our own, and begin our journey... Beyond the Sea. 
Falón is, naturally, very shocked at being called a rat bastard and being mistaken for his father, again, by a complete stranger. When he turns around, however, she looks surprised and admits embarrassment at confusing Falón with Raf, but Falón does hesitantly admit that Raf is his father. This stranger looks rather grim at this information, but not necessarily surprised.
When she asks who his other parent is, she IS surprised to hear that it’s Esteleth, and admits that she thought Esteleth had more sense than that.
The woman goes on to say that although Raf may be charming, he’s also a “plague on this earth” and not someone that should have kids. Falón, looking very alarmed, asks what exactly Rafael did. The woman responds, “Nothing good, ever, in his life.”
Eventually we move onto the topic of what our business is in Zaramuth, and she tells us that she knows Dagra and can take us to her home. Falón asks for her name, and she introduces herself as Nalvia Steelfist. Falón introduces the rest of us, then we head to Dagra’s. On the way, Nalvia explains that she and her wife are also forgers and are essentially neighbors with Dagra.
As we walk we take a look at the forgers hard at work and notice that many things being worked on look.... people shaped. Falón asks about them, and Nalvia says “forgers forge a lot of things these days”. When he asks for more specific information, she says that they’re “insurance” against invasions. Golems maybe??
We arrive at Dagra’s! Before leaving, Nalvia says we should avoid Dovheim at all costs. Bree asks why, and she adds, “If that slimy bastard is still alive, that’s where he’ll be” and that we should really never meet him, ever. Falón looks incredibly shaken up and asks if she can tell us what he did.
Nalvia considers him for a moment, then says she doesn’t know him well enough for that story. He concedes, and Nalvia bids us farewell.
Chrys greets Dagra, who is very shocked to see us, specifically Chrys. She says that she thought were were dead and invites us inside. Chrys hints to Dagra what we came for ( “you know, the thing..... the item for the thing...”), and she very kindly fetches it for us. She confirms that Chrys is still planning to do “the thing” and also asks if we need any further help. When Chrys says it would be better for her not to help further, she offers to let us pile into the guest room, and when we settle in, Falón regarding his hunger.
Falón is doing very badly. Bree suggest we find some livestock so he doesn’t have to feed on a friend or stranger. However, when they ask Dagra about livestock in the city (using the guise of curiosity since Bree used to live on a farm and hasn’t seen any livestock in the city), we find out that there aren’t any kept below ground.
Chrys suggests that he just... finds someone, and Falón is horrified at the thought. Bree joins Chrys in offering to find someone for him so he doesn’t have to do the murdering himself, and Falón still says no. Then, Bree suggests someone bleed for him a little while he’s being held back, and Finryn thinks that could work. Falón, although hesitant, does ask Chrys to put him to sleep so they can force feed him without risk of him attacking them.
After Falón sleeps to sleep, we all take turns bleeding into one of our waterskins to carefully feed him. It takes most of the night, but after we’re done Falón is about halfway sated and remains awake for the rest of the night while the others get as much sleep as they can. 
The next morning at breakfast, Falón tries to eat some bacon but finds it revolting and can’t even keep it in his mouth. Dagra asks if he’s a vegetarian, and Falón awkwardly goes along with it before she asks us about our future plans. 
Bree tells her we need to find a port city and Dagra suggests Kalathur. We all kind of grimace at the thought and Bree mentions that there’s a warrant out of them for some “political stuff” and Dagra nods. Bree, jokingly, adds “you know, you insult someone and you act like you killed their son” and through a couple of other amusing tidbits, it’s revealed that yes, we did kill a politician’s son in Kalathur. Dagra suggests the underground river that runs below Zaramuth and passes under Kalathur as well, and asks if we’re on good standing with the Band of the Bear. Falón gladly points out that Bree is in the Band, and Dagra tells us that the river runs right under their headquarters.
We discuss when to leave, and Bree sends a Message at the table to Falón suggesting we return to the ox we left above ground for him to snack on. We tell Dagra we’ll meet her after running a few errands, then head up to the surface. Falón goes to feed on the ox... and although it doesn’t taste bad, it also doesn’t sate his hunger at all. 
Disappointed, we head back into the city and pick up some standard rations before meeting Dagra and heading deeper into the earth to the river. We pay the boatman for safe travel and he leads us onto a gondola-like boat before departing. Our travel goes well, if not boring, but we’re all nervous about entering Kalathur again.
After about 4 or 5 days of dark, silent travel, we enter a wider passage where a familiar figure stands off to the side and waves us over. It’s Rowan!!
They welcome us back and evade Bree’s questions about how they’ve been lately, before leading us up into the lower levels of the guildhouse. Once upstairs, Rowan tells us they didn’t want to talk in the tunnels, but a lot has happened. Bree tells them we’re headed to catch a ship for Dovheim thanks to being drafted by Rainora, and Rowan lets us know that Kalathur has sided with Rainora in the war. They also tell us that we’re still wanted, but not as intensely as before as Nolenor’s family has fallen from grace and is no longer one of the 4 lead families in the city.
Bree, hesitantly, asks if Achilles ever made it back. Rowan visibly winces and we realize just how tired they look. They tell us he was underground for a while while they figured things out, but then he became troubled, started hearing voices and had dreams that he couldn’t shake, and now it’s been 6 months since they’ve had any contact with him. Bree asks about the dreams and if they were about the Train, and Rowan says some were, but he also had a persistent delusion that he couldn’t be talked out of. Bree tells Rowan that they don’t have to talk about it with everyone present, and Chrys and Zoved obligingly go upstairs.
Rowan hesitates until Bree says that if anyone were to know what Achilles was going through, it would be them. Rowan then shares that Achilles had a delusion that Rowan was going to die and he became paranoid about it.
During their discussion, Rowan mentions that he believes Achilles may have gone to Dovheim for some reason, as none of their scouts have seen him on this continent.
That evening, Bree prays to the Raven Queen for guidance, and also to hope that Achilles and Tirnel are both okay. They offer up a moonstone we found in Aimo’s manor, and by morning it’s disappeared.
Once everyone has fallen asleep, Falón sneaks out. He stops an attempted mugging and chomps on the mugger, draining him completely of blood. Now fully sated and somewhat high on the thrill of it, he returns to the guildhouse to sleep.
The next morning Rowan asks if we’re prepared to head out. On our way, we see Zefír and Taranir, and Falón goes to greet them. We have a brief conversation, catching up on their lives, before we head out. Rowan leads us to a silver dragonborn in the docks, who charges us a hefty penny for safe passage to Rainora since the dragonborn nation is at war against them. We bit Rowan adieu and board the boat with the captain, who quickly disappears to make final sailing preparations.
Before we can worry about where we’re supposed to stay, an elven woman grabs Falón’s hand and says “You’ll be staying in the passenger hold, I presume?” before leading us below deck... where we realize that it’s FENNETH! When she realizes it’s us, she and Falón hug very tightly for a significant amount of time, then we do a round of introductions for those she hasn’t met yet. Falón’s attention is fully on her and seems impatient for the introductions to end.
She apologizes for leaving so suddenly a year ago and shares that she sent Eredhon ahead to stay with dear old Wrax! Now she’s planning to head overseas to meet up with them. Falón, for like the third time, tells her how good it is to see her again.
We all settle down in a little corner of the passenger hold, and watch as Kalathur drifts slowly behind us.
NOW WE’RE ON A BOAT! Who knows what the rest of this journey holds of us....
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drunklander · 7 years
Drunj!Der Yells About Outlander
Thoughts on Ep. 313
Ermagherd guys, Droughtlander. It’s here. But it’s here with Hamilton stuck in our heads, cheesetastic secksi times and the knowledge that the beginning of next season is probs the most like the oh-so-high-up-on-that-pedestal-S1A than anything else in the series. (In a strange new place! Trying to build a home! Except this time they’re doing it together! With the kiddos! Plus a doggo! *grabby hands*)
I know I’ve been on the *cough* less than positive *cough* side of things a lot this season. And last season, if we’re being honest. And I was going to apologize for that, but honestly, I’m not sorry. That’s just how I fan. I flail about what I love, I rant about what I don’t. I’m *very* aware that’s not everyone’s cup of tea and that I’m the sort of fan the cast and crew shit on in interviews and on twitter. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
But I enjoyed the finale for what it was. I squee’ed! I yelled things at the teevee! I side-eyed like whoa! So basically the same-ish reaction I’ve had to most of the episodes.
(I never bothered doing a full S2 rewatch, but I might do one for S3 just to see if it flows any better when watched all in one go, but I have a feeling it’ll still feel more like individual units than a cohesive whole.)
Anywho, beer-fueled nonsense that offers nothing of substance under the cut.
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Finding more and more that I miss the old-style title cards.
Hard pass on doing this VO twice, tbh. Like we know obvi she’s not going to die. Just have it be where it plays out in the story.
Ok but all I can think about when the carriage stops and the crowd of people walk by is the part in The Mummy when they’re all like zombified and chanting Im-Ho-Tep.
I was just about to snark on Claire apparently having a change of clothes in the damn carriage but alas, we didn’t have to headcanon that she went and changed somewhere. No snarking for me.
Although for fucking serious? She changed back into the same damn outfit?! Ffs. Let the damn woman wear a different dress.
Aw, Fergus lets his wife come with him and doesn’t leave her behind in the woods with Willie. (I heart Marsali.)
“I’ll gut you” is apparently Young Ian’s go-to threat. It’s cute he already has a signature murder-style. Now you just need a rad serial killer name, dude. Take the hiatus to think about it.
This whole thing with Claire and Geillis is like ♬ I know, you know that I’m not telling the truth. ♬
I love that the Army/Navy rivalry spans both time and country.
But for real. Lord John in this scene is my goddamn everything. Sorry, Captain Babyface. I like you, but I need my dude out of those handcuffs and LJG is fucking *bringing it* right now. Can Jamie keep the handcuffs though? They might come in handy once he’s back on the Artemis... ;)
Ok but the final lingering shot of the pining face. Why. It was such a great scene. Lord John helping his buddy. Jamie being like yep, I still get in trouble, thanks for the assist. A nice goodbye. And it could have just ended there and been perfect, but nah, gotta smack everyone over the head with 1000% commitment to my least favorite trope.
Ah a “why are you here” callback to ep. 111.
For real though, Geillis is fucking nuts. Claire knows Geillis is fucking nuts. Claire knows Geillis has Young Ian. WHY ARE YOU LIKE HAVING CASUAL STORY TIME WITH HER, CLAIRE! DON’T TELL HER THINGS!
Also, we’re just casually talking about time travel in front of Hercules? I mean, I guess since he’s enslaved, no one gives a shit what he hears because it’s not like he can do anything?
“He was one of my favorites.” She’s fucking nuts but I still do love Geillis.
*zones out through discussions about the mechanics of time travel*
I get that this is a parallel to the pilot when Claire’s watching the dancers at Craigh na Dun with Frank from the grass, but part of me is still wicked uncomfortable that they’re again using Black people as basically set dressing. I know it’s in the book, I wasn’t a fan of it there either.
How I think of Margaret during her Visions R Us office hours, basically.
Man, they really committed to this damn rabbit and bird thing. Maybe it’s some folks’ jam, but it never really struck a chord for me and the more they kept bringing it up, the more it makes me roll my eyes. Maybe because birds and rabbits were never a thing with Jamie and Claire? So it just seemed wicked random and kind of forced? Whatevs.
Hated Margaret channeling Bree in the book, hate it here.
This whole thing is so much weirder in the book, but just because they made it less weird for the show doesn’t make it good.
Like if we’re getting an exposition dump from Archibald about the prophecy, we really don’t need the weird Bree thing about someone coming to get her.
Yi Tien Cho channeling Inigo Montoya is kind of my everything. “I’m Yi Tien Cho. You are not worthy of this woman. Prepare to die.”
Petition for Rihanna’s “We Found Love” to be Yi Tien Cho and Margaret’s wedding song.
Omg so much explaining what we’ve already all figured out. We need to headcanon like 75% of Jamie and Claire’s reconciliation, but let’s spell out 2378235 different ways what Geillis’ plan is. (Maybe it wasn’t that many ways. But we’re doing a fuckton of exposition dumping in this episode.)
Ok seriously. The guy with the alligator head drinking chicken blood. Ugh. We got white savior stuff last week, but at least Temeraire had a part in the plot and got some agency at the end? Still problematic, but (maybe?) as minimally problematic as it could be if it was going to be included? This is literally just a backdrop for a conversation with Margaret. Blergh...
And then they have them carry off Archibald Campbell as Yi Tien Cho and Margaret look on in horror and omfg this is not good.
(ETA -- In which Roxane Gay says it better than I could: “It’s all very colonial fever dream, not so vaguely racist, and I honestly forced myself to let it go so I could continue with the episode.”)
“We lost Faith. We will not lose Brianna.” This line sure would have hit home a little harder had we actually seen Jamie give a crap about Bree at any point during the season. In the moment it works, but looking over the whole season *weakly gestures, tired of wishing things had been done differently*.
The goodbye kiss just in case though hits me in the feels. 
Well isn’t Geillis telling Claire “a life for a life” a nice perversion of Claire telling Jamie that he owed her a life in season two.
And then Jamie grabs her hand all gently and I have feelings about the two of them at the stones/pool, guys.
Why does dead!Geillis look super fake? I have questions.
Slash Young Ian is gathering up jewels or something, right? Before he runs out of the cave? He’s like picking shit up off the ground...
Still could have done without the bones in Joe’s office bit, tbh. But whatever.
I know she’s like a bit traumatized, but Claire holding a bloody machete is my aesthetic.
Awwww, lookit that lil family. *heart eyes*
Omg but the stuff on the ship is the eye of the storm. Like the episode is the storm. And the sex is the eye. Because in the eye of the hurricane, there is quiet. For just a moment. GET IT?! GET IT GUYS?! OK FINE I’LL JUST KEEP SINGING HAMILTON OVER HERE BY MYSELF.
I’m way too proud of myself for this tweet though:
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“Surprised I dinna have a full head of white hair, after all I’ve suffered these past few months.” ONE LAST WTF, JAMIE *SIDE-EYE* FOR THE ROAD! (I know Jamie has been through some shit. But literally ever since Claire showed back up, he’s managed to make almost everything about him so even though it’s a little joke, this line is just icing on the omfg, you’re killing me Smalls cake.)
I for real thought this wasn’t going to make it into the show. I didn’t think the quickie in ep. 309 was going to make it either. Glad they both did.
Claire being like yep, I can remedy the I’m still wearing clothes situation, stat, is my everything.
It’s so cheesy, guys. I love cheese.
Jamie’s bangs though, guys. Can we get the man a new wig haircut before next season?
Omg, that ass grab. That ass grab is my everything. Idk why. But omg. RIP me.
They def have made the sex a little less explicit this year. Except for the rape that they decided to shoot like a softcore porn, wtaf. But like, that doesn’t matter? It’s never been about the amount of skin showing? It’s about showing the two characters being wicked into each other, because if they weren’t then going through all the shit they go through wouldn’t be worth it? I’m *rull* glad that the show has finally realized that that’s an important thing to actually have on screen instead of condescendingly telling us that it doesn’t matter or we should headcanon it like they did all last year.
Ok, here for Claire going full mama bear at Young Ian, but girl. How much doctoring do you really thing you’re going to be able to do in this exact moment if you go up on deck.
Slash, what was she waiting for the whole time everyone else, including the two people she was with, was clearing the deck? I know, I need to just go with it, but this is silly.
Ok this is the only time we needed to see this/hear this VO. Beautifully shot. The Faith music is gorgeous, but like I’m not reading anything into it like she’s watching over them or anything. More just like Claire’s in a liminal state between alive and dead like she was when Faith died.
Dude, kiss your wife when you’re both on the surface and it’s been established she’s alive. (I mean, it’s super sweet, but SWIM, JAMMF, SWIM!)
All snark aside, there’s something a little beautiful about Claire spending half the season basically drowning, unable to really save herself and no one else around who cares enough to save her. And now here she is again, literally drowning and unable to save herself, but this time there’s a handy ginger around to lend a hand. Because she’s not alone anymore. And I have feelings. So many feelings. All the feelings. Feelings.
As they’re floating on their scrap of wood, let me take the obligatory detour into the 20 year old grumble that there was definitely enough room on the door for Jack too. WHAT THE ACTUAL FUCK, ROSE.
The thought of crawling around in the sand in wet clothes gives me hives.
“I told you I’d never leave you again.” ilu, claire bear.
Ok but they’re both so sad that the ship went down and everyone’s dead and stuff and it’s moving and yay for hugs, but like. You know nothing about where you are? Why jump to the worst case scenario? The beach is literally littered with stuff from the ship? You made it so other people might have too? Also, clearly all of the important people lived because otherwise this whole half of the season was pointless?
That being said, these two are really good at making their faces show feelings.
It’s really not a strange question to ask where you are, Jamie. You were in a shipwreck. GPS isn’t a thing. I’d say it’s a pretty normal question to have, bro.
Literaloling over the rando family just walking away like yeah, uh, you guys do you.
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theunderdark · 8 years
Chapter 5: The City of Blades
Our intrepid adventurers have so far escaped drow captivity, witnessed the razing of a city by a powerful demon lord, travelled for days through endless caverns, losing and finding friends along the way, and are now sailing towards Gracklstugh, the City of Blades…
In the boat:
The cunning gnome JimJar
The thoughtful wizard Sariel
The brave dwarf scout Eldeth
Your pal Adrik the bard
The kindly cleric Miri
Poor Bree the halfling, lifeless but for her freaky, twitching arm
Stool, shivering in fear and clinging to
Akta, the sensitive but deadly tiefling rogue
Hemeth Ironkeel, a duergar rescued from Sloobludop,  
And an empty seat where your fearless dragonborn friend Torinn should be.
Alone on The Darklake
The rescued duergar claimed that Gracklstugh, his people’s city, was 5 days sail away by boat. The group quizzed him cynically about his intentions, his history, and the nature of the city, demanding to know whether he could secure their safety.
Hemeth explained that Gracklstugh is an industrial city, its forges kept alive from the fire of a red dragon called Themberchaud. To the group’s concern, he also mentioned slavery and hard labour in the metalworks. 
Most of the city is off-limits to non-duergar, and the city is policed by The Stone Guard, an elite private militia who have pledged to protect the city and its leader, the DeepKing Horgar Steelshadow. Indebeted to you, it seemed all he wanted was to buy you a hearty round of drinks.
Suspicious, but hopeful that they could find some way to the surface, and keen to head in the other direction from the newly awoken demon, the group sailed on.
The boat narrowly avoided rockfalls and dangerous underwater obstacles, thanks to some mysterious but highly effective transmissions from Bree.  
Miri used powerful magic to speak directly to her, learning that she was hiding in a forest on another plane of existence, a savage wilderness filled with fiends and monsters that whispered the name Demogorgon. She was able to make out a three-towered fortress in the distance, topped with fanged skulls.
True to form, Akta gave her no advice or reassurance whatsoever, but was satisfied by the idea that Bree could somehow warn the group of possible dangers ahead.
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Hemeth Ironkeel…
Four Doomed Dwarves
Working in shifts for 3 days and nights, Adrik’s magical campsites were extremely convenient, providing much needed water and recuperation.
Nevertheless, a senseless attack from a mad aquatic troll was fended off, thanks to JimJar’s fierce don’t-mess-with-me powers, Akta’s blinding shuriken, and a vicious mockery of words from Adrik. Hemeth also threw his javelin into the lake needlessly.
But Hemeth was to prove a worthy comrade on the following day, when he skewered an annoying bat-like stirge that was hassling the boat.
On the fourth day, another boat appeared on the lake. Eldeth was quick to recognise them as her dwarven compatriots, and they were in high spirits!  And dwarves they certainly were. Never before had the group seen such dazzling, lustrous red-haired beards flowing from the chins of these four women. 
The dwarves explained that they had left their hometown of Gauntlgrym, on a mission from King Bruenor to establish new trade contracts with the cities of the Underdark. 
So far, they had been unsuccessful. Eldeth, their scout, had been captured in Velkynvelve. The Duergar merchants of Gracklstugh seemed loopy and had kicked them out - although they had heard of a Dragonborn working there. And now Sloobludop had been destroyed? 
They didn’t believe your hallucinations about demons (”they’re just folk takes!”) but intended now to head for Menzoberranzan, the City of Spiders, before eventually returning to the surface via Blingdenstone.
They invited Eldeth to join them, but after some alarming hand-signals from Bree, she was convinced that should she do so, she would never make it back to the surface alive. And after all, she exclaimed, “these brave folk are my kin now!” They wished each other good luck.
An Ominous Arrival
The next morning, Adrik used his powers to confirm that Torinn was indeed somewhere in Gracklstugh. The air became warmer and thicker, and soon the sounds of clanging iron and steel were ringing in the wind.
A large city, set back from the shore, was ahead. On JimJar’s suggestion, the group decided to pretend to be traders from the Zhentarim Clan. The boat was abandoned by a “welcome” pier and the group set out on foot, Akta carrying Bree’s body with Stool’s help.
Approaching a massive bronze gate, six heavily armoured duergar suddenly appeared from behind. A harsh voice hissed from a nearby crossbow slit: “State your names and business!”
Despite some audacious attempts at diplomacy from Miri, Adrik and Hemeth, the guard was not convinced by any of their brazen lies. However, a cryptic message from Bree led JimJar to offer a dagger as a bribe. Despite her lack of discretion - “ooh, isn’t this dagger nice!” - the plan worked and the guard nervously accepted the offer. 
“Go to the Darklake Docks and find a duergar named Werz Saltbaron. Give it to him. Tell him that they are gifts for Gorglak. He’ll know. And I will check with Werz at the end of my shift! If it isn’t there, I will have you all arrested.”
He vanished, and Bree confirmed that some duergar have the ability of temporary invisibility.  
With a groan of heavy machinery, the inner gates opened and a gust of hot, ash and smoke-filled wind rushed in. Compared to the quiet of the Darklake, the roar of furnaces and the sound of hammers striking anvils was overwhelming. They had arrived in Gracklstugh.
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The City of Blades…
Reunited in Room Eight
The group’s journey to the docks was not as straightforward as they had hoped. 
At the ramshackle Darklake Brewery, Hemeth learned that another Clan had taken over the Ironkeel business. He steeled for a fight but the group managed to stand him down. Bree alerted the team that the newly brewing kegs of ale were likely poisoned.
Inside Ghollbrorn’s Lair, an underground inn, they saw all kinds of races but few duergar. A serving lad explained that this was one of the two inns in the city that would serve “outlanders,” and rolled his eyes at the idea of days and nights. Here in Gracklstugh, time is measured in “rotations” of hourglass oil lamps.    
Another of Bree’s messages from the beyond was decrypted by JimJar, who set out with Akta to find Torinn in room eight. Meanwhile, Hemeth bought a round of ale, declaring a toast! Optimistically considering his debts repaid, and feeling conscious surrounded by non-duergar, he downed his ale and left abruptly. 
Before they could consider this, Torinn arrived, to great acclaim! 
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Hearty food was a welcome sight in The Ghollbrorn’s Lair
Dragons, clerics and other complications
The group were eager to hear how Torinn had come to be here in Gracklstugh. Similarly, he was overjoyed to once more be together with his companions!
Torinn explained that he had been kidnapped by Duergar who had forced him to work in the city’s forges, hammering out spiked rocks for its catapult defences. Fortunately, he had met The Keepers of the Flame, a group of powerful psychic clerics who had recognised him as a dragonborn.
The Keepers work for Gracklstugh’s leader, DeepKing Steelshadow, helping him crush any potential mutinies. They also manage Themberchaud, the great red dragon who keeps the city’s smelters ablaze. 
Every morning, The Keepers meet Torinn outside his lodgings at Ghollbrorn’s Lair, telling him if he is needed for work. And if so, they escort him to the dragon’s cavern and back, each timing crossing some kind of deep trench.
Poignantly, Torinn described how he had become very fond of the dragon, working as his assistant (though under constant watch from The Keepers). Torinn had learned that Themberchaud was tragically doomed to be slain before he grew too strong. The Keepers have been secretly nurturing another dragon egg. 
Shocked to see that Bree was no longer entirely alive, Torinn suggested that the Keepers might be powerful enough to revive her. 
Noticing that the oil lamps were burning down, the group set out for the Docks.
Assassins, interrupted
The streets became crowded as the group entered The Blade Bazaar, an intriguing market of treasures, weapons and armour. They counted ten stalls in total. 
Another message from Bree was interpreted: someone here might help the group to leave the city. But all this bustle was considered a distraction, and they marched on, soon feeling the cold air off the lake. 
A number of large galleys, and dozens of smaller sail craft were moored on the jetties. It was eerily quiet, but for a lone duergar at the end of a pier. Bree warned the group of assassins nearby, and Adrik indeed heard footsteps, but nothing concrete could be ascertained. 
So, very carefully, Miri called out to him, in such a delicate tone that the figure knew at once that she could be trusted. He started down the pier.
But before conversation could begin, two duergar clad in black cloaks appeared, cutting him off. They pulled out glowing blades and went to attack! 
He cried to the group desperately for help, and JimJar jolted the assassins long enough for him to confirm that he was indeed Werz Saltbaron. The group rushed to his aid. Eldeth held back, taking care of Bree.
Adrik stormed in with his mace, Sariel unleashed a cloud of daggers, and after Werz had been stabbed in the gut, Torinn and Miri stabilised him with spells of healing. Akta deftly seized one of the assailants by the neck, and soon the two would-be murderers were both unconscious. 
At the sound of approaching Stone Guard, Werz persuaded the group to flee, though not after Adrik had (rather uncharitably) stolen his wallet. Demanding that he quickly explain himself, the group learned that this was some kind of inter-clan quarrel, as both his and another clan were trading with merchants in Blingdenstone.
Werz was brought to the nearby Shattered Spire Inn, where Adrik paid for a private booth, and where the next move (and what food to order) was thoughtfully considered. And with Eldeth and JimJar now firmly part of the group, the BASTAM Adventurers were gloriously renamed to MajeStab.. (!)
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readbookywooks · 8 years
WHAT had really happened was this. When Aravis saw Shasta hurried away by the Narnians and found herself alone with two horses who (very wisely) wouldn't say a word, she never lost her head even for a moment. She grabbed Bree's halter and stood still, holding both the horses; and though her heart was beating as hard as a hammer, she did nothing to show it. As soon as the Narnian lords had passed she tried to move on again. But before she could take a step, another crier ("Bother all these people" thought Aravis) was heard shouting out, "Way, way, way! Way for the Tarkheena Lasaraleen!" and immediately, following the crier, came four armed slaves and then four bearers carrying a litter which was all a-flutter with silken curtains and all a-jingle with silver bells and which scented the whole street with perfumes and flowers. After the litter, female slaves in beautiful clothes, and then a few grooms, runners, pages, and the like. And now Aravis made her first mistake. She knew Lasaraleen quite well - almost as if they had been at school together - because they had often stayed in the same houses and been to the same parties. And Aravis couldn't help looking up to see what Lasaraleen looked like now that she was married and a very great person indeed. It was fatal. The eyes of the two girls met. And immediately Lasaraleen sat up in the litter and burst out at the top of her voice. "Aravis! What on earth are you doing here? Your father-" There was not a moment to lose. Without a second's delay Aravis let go the Horses, caught the edge of the litter, swung herself up beside Lasaraleen and whispered furiously in her ear. "Shut up! Do you hear! Shut up. You must hide me. Tell your people-" "But darling-" began Lasaraleen in the same loud voice. (She didn't in the least mind making people stare; in fact she rather liked it.) "Do what I tell you or I'll never speak to you again," hissed Aravis. "Please, please be quick, Las. It's frightfully important. Tell your people to bring those two horses along. Pull all the curtains of the litter and get away somewhere where I can't be found. And do hurry." "All right, darling," said Lasaraleen in her lazy voice. "Here. Two of you take the Tarkheena's horses." (This was to the slaves.) "And now home. I say, darling, do you think we really want the curtains drawn on a day like this? I mean to say-" But Aravis had already drawn the curtains, enclosing Lasaraleen and herself in a rich and scented, but rather stuffy, kind of tent. "I mustn't be seen," "she said. "My father doesn't know I'm here. I'm running away." "My dear, how perfectly thrilling," said Lasaraleen. "I'm dying to hear all about it. Darling, you're sitting on my dress. Do you mind? That's better. It is a new one. Do you like it? I got it at-" "Oh, Las, do be serious," said Aravis. "Where is my father?" "Didn't you know?" said Lasaraleen. "He's here, of course. He came to town yesterday and is asking about you everywhere. And to think of you and me being here together and his not knowing anything about it! It's the funniest thing I ever heard." And she went off into giggles. She always had been a terrible giggler, as Aravis now remembered. "It isn't funny at all," she said. "It's dreadfully serious. Where can you hide me?" "No difficulty at all, my dear girl," said Lasaraleen. "I'll take you home. My husband's away and no one will see you. Phew! It's not much fun with the curtains drawn. I want to see people. There's no point in having a new dress on if one's to go about shut up like this." "I hope no one heard you when you shouted out to me like that," said Aravis. "No, no, of course, darling," said Lasaraleen absentmindedly. "But you haven't even told me yet what you think of the dress." "Another thing," said Aravis. "You must tell your people to treat those two horses very respectfully. That's part of the secret. They're really Talking Horses from Narnia." "Fancy!" said Lasaraleen. "How exciting! And oh, darling, have you seen the barbarian queen from Narnia? She's staying in Tashbaan at present. They say Prince Rabadash is madly in love with her. There have been the most wonderful parties and hunts and things all this last fortnight. I can't see that she's so very pretty myself. But some of the Narnian men are lovely. I was taken out on a river party the day before yesterday, and I was wearing my-" "How shall we prevent your people telling everyone that you've got a visitor - dressed like a beggar's brat - in your house? It might so easily get round to my father." "Now don't keep on fussing, there's a dear," said Lasaraleen. "We'll get you some proper clothes in a moment. And here we are!" The bearers had stopped and the litter was being lowered. When the curtains had been drawn Aravis found that she was in a courtyard-garden very like the one that Shasta had been taken into a few minutes earlier in another part of the city. Lasaraleen would have gone indoors at once but Aravis reminded her in a frantic whisper to say something to the slaves about not telling anyone of their mistress's strange visitor. "Sorry, darling, it had gone right out of my head," said Lasareleen. "Here. All of you. And you, doorkeeper. No one is to be let out of the house today. And anyone I catch talking about this young lady will be first beaten to death and then burned alive and after that be kept on bread and water for six weeks. There." Although Lasaraleen had said she was dying to hear Aravis's story, she showed no sign of really wanting to hear it at all. She was, in fact, much better at talking than at listening. She insisted on Aravis having a long and luxurious bath (Calormene baths are famous) and then dressing her up in the finest clothes before she would let her explain anything. The fuss she made about choosing the dresses nearly drove Aravis mad. She remembered now that Lasaraleen had always been like that, interested in clothes and parties and gossip. Aravis had always been more interested in bows and arrows and horses and dogs and swimming. You will guess that each thought the other silly. But when at last they were both seated after a meal (it was chiefly of the whipped cream and jelly and fruit and ice sort) in a beautiful pillared room (which Aravis would have liked better if Lasaraleen's spoiled pet monkey hadn't been climbing about it all the time) Lasaraleen at last asked her why she was running away from home. When Aravis had finished telling her story, Lasaraleen said, "But, darling, why don't you marry Ahoshta Tarkaan? Everyone's crazy about him. My husband says he is beginning to be one of the greatest men in Calormen. He has just been made Grand Vizier now old Axartha has died. Didn't you know?" "I don't care. I can't stand the sight of him," said Aravis. "But, darling, only think! Three palaces, and one of them that beautiful one down on the lake at Ilkeen. Positively ropes of pearls, I'm told. Baths of asses' milk. And you'd see such a lot of me." "He can keep his pearls and palaces as far as I'm concerned," said Aravis. "You always were a queer girl, Aravis," said Lasaraleen. "What more do you want?" In the end, however, Aravis managed to make her friend believe that she was in earnest and even to discuss plans. There would be no difficulty now about getting the two horses out of the North gate and then on to the Tombs. No one would stop or question a groom in fine clothes leading a war horse and a lady's saddle horse down to the river, and Lasaraleen had plenty of grooms to send. It wasn't so easy to decide what to do about Aravis herself. She suggested that she could be carried out in the litter with the curtains drawn. But Lasaraleen told her that litters were only used in the city and the sight of one going out through the gate would be certain to lead to questions. When they had talked for a long time - and it was all the longer because Aravis found it hard to keep her friend to the point-at last Lasaraleen clapped her hands and said, "Oh, I have an idea. There is one way of getting out of the city without using the gates. The Tisroc's garden (may he live for ever!) runs right down to the water and there is a little water-door. Only for the palace people of course - but then you know, dear (here she tittered a little) we almost are palace people. I say, it is lucky for you that you came to me. The dear Tisroc (may he live for ever!) is so kind. We're asked to the palace almost every day and it is like a second home. I love all the dear princes and princesses and I positively adore Prince Rabadash. I might run in and see any of the palace ladies at any hour of the day or night. Why shouldn't I slip in withyou, after dark, and let you out by the water-door? There are always a few punts and things tied up outside it. And even if we were caught-" "All would be lost," said Aravis. "Oh darling, don't get so excited," said Lasaraleen. "I was going to say, even if we were caught everyone would only say it was one of my mad jokes. I'm getting quite well known for them. Only the other day - do listen, dear, this is frightfully funny-" "I meant, all would be lost for me," said Aravis a little sharply. "Oh - ah - yes - I do see what you mean, darling. Well, can you think of any better plan?" Aravis couldn't, and answered, "No. We'll have to risk it. When can we start?" "Oh, not tonight," said Lasaraleen. "Of course not tonight. There's a great feast on tonight (I must start getting my hair done for it in a few minutes) and the whole place will be a blaze of lights. And such a crowd too! It would have to be tomorrow night." This was bad news for Aravis, but she had to make the best of it. The afternoon passed very slowly and it was a relief when Lasaraleen went out to the banquet, for Aravis was very tired of her giggling and her talk about dresses and parties, weddings and engagements and scandals. She went to bed early and that part she did enjoy: it was so nice to have pillows and sheets again. But the next day passed very slowly. Lasaraleen wanted to go back on the whole arrangement and kept on telling Aravis that Narnia was a country of perpetual snow and ice inhabited by demons and sorcerers, and she was mad to think of going there. "And with a peasant boy, too!" said Lasaraleen. "Darling, think of it! It's not Nice." Aravis had thought of it a good deal, but she was so tired of Lasaraleen's silliness by now that, for the first time, she began to think that travelling with Shasta was really rather more fun than fashionable life in Tashbaan. So she only replied, "You forget that I'll be nobody, just like him, when we get to Narnia. And anyway, I promised." "And to think," said Lasaraleen, almost crying, "that if only you had sense you could be the wife of a Grand Vizier!" Aravis went away to have a private word with the horses. "You must go with a groom a little before sunset down to the Tombs," she said. "No more of those packs. You'll be saddled and bridled again. But there'll have to be food in Hwin's saddle-bags and a full water-skin behind yours, Bree. The man has orders to let you both have a good long drink at the far side of the bridge." "And then, Narnia and the North!" whispered Bree. "But what if Shasta is not at the Tombs." "Wait for him of course," said Aravis. "I hope you've been quite comfortable." "Never better stabled in my life," said Bree. "But if the husband of that tittering Tarkheena friend of yours is paying his head groom to get the best oats, then I think the head groom is cheating him." Aravis and Lasaraleen had supper in the pillared room. About two hours later they were ready to start. Aravis was dressed to look like a superior slave-girl in a great house and wore a veil over her face. They had agreed that if any questions were asked Lasaraleen would pretend that Aravis was a slave she was taking as a present to one of the princesses. The two girls went out on foot. A very few minutes brought them to the palace gates. Here there were of course soldiers on guard but the officer knew Lasaraleen quite well and called his men to attention and saluted. They passed at once into the Hall of Black Marble. A fair number of courtiers, slaves and others were still moving about here but this only made the two girls less conspicuous. They passed on into the Hall of Pillars and then into the Hall of Statues and down the colonnade, passing the great beatencopper doors of the throne room. It was all magnificent beyond description; what they could see of it in the dim light of the lamps. Presently they came out into the garden-court which sloped downhill in a number of terraces. On the far side of that they came to the Old Palace. It had already grown almost quite dark and they now found themselves in a maze of corridors lit only by occasional torches fixed in brackets to the walls. Lasaraleen halted at a place where you had to go either left or right. "Go on, do go on," whispered Aravis, whose heart was beating terribly and who still felt that her father might run into them at any corner. "I'm just wondering..." said Lasaraleen. "I'm not absolutely sure which way we go from here. I think it's the left. Yes, I'm almost sure it's the left. What fun this is!" They took the left hand way and found themselves in a passage that was hardly lighted at all and which soon began going down steps. "It's all right," said Lasaraleen. "I'm sure we're right now. I remember these steps." But at that moment a moving light appeared ahead. A second later there appeared from round a distant corner, the dark shapes of two men walking backwards and carrying tall candles. And of course it is only before royalties that people walk backwards. Aravis felt Lasaraleen grip her arm - that sort of sudden grip which is almost a pinch and which means that the person who is gripping you is very frightened indeed. Aravis thought it odd that Lasaraleen should be so afraid of the Tisroc if he were really such a friend of hers, but there was no time to go on thinking. Lasaraleen was hurrying her back to the top of the steps, on tiptoes, and groping wildly along the wall. "Here's a door," she whispered. "Quick." They went in, drew the door very softly behind them, and found themselves in pitch darkness. Aravis could hear by Lasaraleen's breathing that she was terrified. "Tash preserve us!" whispered Lasaraleen. "What shall we do if he comes in here. Can we hide?" There was a soft carpet under their feet. They groped forward into the room and blundered on to a sofa. "Let's lie down behind it," whimpered Lasaraleen. "Oh, I do wish we hadn't come." There was just room between the sofa and the curtained wall and the two girls got down. Lasaraleen managed to get the better position and was completely covered. The upper part of Aravis's face stuck out beyond the sofa, so that if anyone came into that room with a light and happened to look in exactly the right place they would see her. But of course, because she was wearing a veil, what they saw would not at once look like a forehead and a pair of eyes. Aravis shoved desperately to try to make Lasaraleen give her a little more room. But Lasaraleen, now quite selfish in her panic, fought back and pinched her feet. They gave it up and lay still, panting a little. Their own breath semed dreadfully noisy, but there was no other noise. "Is it safe?" said Aravis at last in the tiniest possible whisper. "I - I - think so," began Lasaraleen. "But my poor nerves  - " and then came the most terrible noise they could have heard at that moment: the noise of the door opening. And then came light. And because Aravis couldn't get her head any further in behind the sofa, she saw everything. First came the two slaves (deaf and dumb, as Aravis rightly guessed, and therefore used at the most secret councils) walking backwards and carrying the candles. They took up their stand one at each end of the sofa. This was a good thing, for of course it was now harder for anyone to see Aravis once a slave was in front of her and she was looking between his heels. Then came an old man, very fat, wearing a curious pointed cap by which she immediately knew that he was the Tisroc. The least of the jewels with which he was covered was worth more than all the clothes and weapons of the Narnian lords put together: but he was so fat and such a mass of frills and pleats and bobbles and buttons and tassels and talismans that Aravis couldn't help thinking the Narnian fashions (at any rate for men) looked nicer. After him came a tall young man with a feathered and jewelled turban on his head and an ivory-sheathed scimitar at his side. He seemed very excited and his eyes and teeth flashed fiercely in the candlelight. Last of all came a little hump-backed, wizened old man in whom she recognized with a shudder the new Grand Vizier and her own betrothed husband, Ahoshta Tarkaan himself. As soon as all three had entered the room and the door was shut, the Tisroc seated himself on the divan with a sigh of contentment, the young man took his place, standing before him, and the Grand Vizier got down on his knees and elbows and laid his face flat on the carpet.
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ronan-dreaming · 6 years
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New header for our DnD campaign notes!! I’ll be posting the uncropped image soon, too, on my art blog.
Last night’s session was probably the longest we’ve ever had to date (around 6 hours), with a massively long fight. To learn more, read on!
We woke up to Ama making us breakfast, and explaining how to find people to offer our help to (as we’d promised her the night before we would lend a charitable hand in exchange for her housing us). Bree is less than enthused about the whole idea.
We first go see Nell for a handful comprehend language spells (which she casts on Bree, Falón, Chrys, and Elithros). We begin to barter for healing potions in exchange for Finryn helping her out, and then we go off again.
Falón, tirnel, and Bree end up along trying to find people to help. Bree gets roped into helping a willowy woman fish, and Falón and Tirnel get asked by a petite woman to help cleanse a sacred pool of bad energy. Both of their tasks go well, although Falón had to resist reaching into the pond a few times for something sparkling at the bottom.
Around 12, all of us reconvene, and Ama talks a little bit about the energies she can sense about us. Naturally, she says Bree’s is loud and angry, but Tirnel’s is also loud, just in a different way. She also says that the two of them have an interestingly “harmonious” energy together. After that, we all head off to the mysterious Cracks that we promised her to investigate, with 3 greater healing potions in Finryn’s possession!
For several hours, we walk through hot, humid jungle to get to the Cracks. Bree and Chrys recognize waves of heat as volcanic (fun fact: Tirnel didn’t know what a volcano is! so Bree got to explain). Through an Arcana check, Bree can pick up on a gut feeling that the barrier between here and the Nine Hells is thin.
After Bree explains why they’re no nervous around these cracks, Ama gives everyone more information on the Nine Hells. Bree tells Tirnel they know about this because they were taught about it growing up, but didn’t give more information.
Tirnel rolled a NAT20 to investigate the cracks, and notices that they seemed to form a sigil like shape. He points this out to Bree, who scales a tree and see that it is a very familiar sigil, related to Asmodeus.
They briefly explain why it’s so dangeous, without naming names, and Chrys concurs that it’s definitely not good. After some more investigating, Bree n Tirnel decide the best way to stop whatever it is is to break the sigil. Ezra finally agreed to help, “if we beg”, but declares that he’ll help in exchange for someone doing him a favor later. He casts Wall of Stone and breaks the sigil.
For half a moment, Bree breathes a sigh of relief. Suddenly, the ground quakes beneath us and cause Ezra and Elithros to tumble off the edge, barely hanging on. Tirnel successfully pulls Elithros up, and through the combined effort of Falón, Bree, and Chrys, we pull up Ezra as well. 
As we run away, the cracks split and begin to follow us through the forest. FIre and lava erupt around us, scorching the very world as it falls apart. Bree’s blood is no longer singing the Nine Hells song though, and when Tirnel claims “I thought this was supposed to HELP?”, this conversation follows: ��At least the entrance to the Nine Hells is closed!” (Bree) “Oh good, although this situation isn’t much better!” “Would you rather he be loose around here?” “Who is HE?” “Asmodeus! Just keep running!”
The cracks stop as we reach the settlement where Ama is from. She tells us once we find everyone she can transport us all to the ethereal plane for safety.... but we can’t find anyone else. Bree uses thaumaturgy to try and yell for people, and Tirnel bursts into a house, but still can’t find anyone. 
We begin to find bodies, torn limb from limb. Then, screams. We take off towards them and see a group of ancient elves fighting a horde of demons.
Suddenly, Bree recalls (thanks, nat20) that what we broke was a summoning sigil, for a Devil. Suddenly, a large, boney demon that we affectionately named Bone Daddy growls out from the lake. 
Chrys, Ezra, and Ama rush off to take care of the big bone demon, and we move on to try and take care of the waves of demons.
Notable combat moments: nat20 + sneak attack from Bree, eviscerating a demon with one strike; Tirnel delivering the final blows to all 3 of the demons in the second wave of attacks, and....
Elithros dying. We end up all very battered, and Falón and Tirnel end up unconscious as well. Elithros gasps out a dying request to the 3hp Bree, to “tell Ezra he made the right choice.”
Bree rushes out as far as they can and again uses thaumaturgy to yell for Ezra; he and the other two immediately rush over, and while Chrys and Bree collapse against each other, Ezra runs to Elithros’ side.
Ezra more or less immediately blames Bree for Elithros’ death, as they’re the only adult left (barely) alive against the two remaining demons. Ama, as a dying wish, tells us we don’t have to stay here to die because we weren’t supposed to be here anyway... and then she uses Powerful Magic to thrust us all back to the future.
We arrive back in Calen Tower in the same place we had left beforehand. Finryn, after declaring “I can fix this!”, casts Revivify and brings Elithros back from the dead.
And... then we end.
This episode was INTENSE, you guys. Can’t wait for the emotional fallout next time!
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drunklander · 7 years
Drunj!Der Yells About Outlander
Thoughts on Ep. 309
*puts Lonely Island on repeat* Shipnanigans are here!
I was originally kind of not looking forward to the second half of the season because this part of Voyager is absolutely batshit bananas. But then I was wicked underwhelmed by the part of the season I thought I would love.
So fuck it. Bring on the ridiculousness.
I like this episode. But only if I try to watch it pretending like the first part of the season didn’t happen... Because if I watch it with the other episodes in mind, I just get mildly ragey that we skip over the important emotional work Jamie and Claire still have to do in favor of fluff followed by another separation. And yeah, I love fluff. I love secksi times. I love Fraser snuggles. But the jump from the end of ep. 308 to the start of ep. 309 leaves me salty that we’re yet again asked to headcanon the reconciliation between Jamie and Claire. *side eyes the similar jump between ep. 207 and ep. 208* Whatever.
Get your towels ready it's about to go down. Everybody in the place hit the fuckin’ deck. But stay on your motherfuckin’ toes. We runnin’ this, let's go.
New credits! And the title card... Take a good hard look at the motherfuckin’ boat.
Ok this opening bit. Like Jamie was an asshole for the last two episodes. Claire never actually got to tell her side of things. She basically was like nope, I don’t think I even want to be here. But now it’s like all good, she’ll go on this 18th century sea voyage to find Jamie’s nephew. For real? They couldn’t have made a handful of tweaks last week and the beginning of this week so she could say she was going because she wanted to be with Jamie and keep working on their relationship? And Jamie’s apparently never going to apologize for being a massive piece of shit toward her? They do a good job over the course of the episode of showing them together but still with the insecurities and stuff, but jumping from where they were on the cliff to where they are in this episode makes me side eye the show like whoa.
And yes, I know that she’s really going on the ship because she wants to try to make it work with Jamie, but geez, let her say that. Let her tell him that he’s been a dick to her but she knows he has it in him to be not-shitty and she’s going because she thinks he can be better than he is in the last couple episodes. I don’t know why it bothers me so much when they make us fill in the blanks ourselves on stuff that seems definitely important enough to actually show. And then make it seem like we’re dumb or bad fans or something for wanting to actually see things instead of just headcanoning them in, because that’s how this production team rolls.
Replacement Rupert and Angus just aren’t the same as the originals. Like no one can replace Rupert and Angus, but like, I can’t bring myself to give a crap about these randos?
For real though, Claire’s inner monologue is probs like yeah, never thought I'd be on a boat. It's a big blue watery road...
And I get her 20th century scoffing at superstition, but like, girl. You’ve been in trouble for being a “witch” enough times now that c’mon. Don’t act like you don’t understand what’s going on with the sailors.
Marsali is my everything. I love her. I love her so much.
As much as I want Jamie to stand up for Claire, I do like that Fergus does it. Because Jamie, my dude, you deserve everything Marsali’s throwing at you.
Claire’s “No. You don’t.” as she drags Jamie away is also my everything.
Oh hey, a trunk of clothes! Got some swim trunks, and some flippie-floppies. But not a nautical themed pashmina afghan in sight. Welp. Can’t have everything.
I know it’s supposed to be sweet that Jamie wouldn’t let anyone get rid of Claire’s clothes. And a nice inverse to Frank burning her clothes. But I’m still just kind of chuckling because it’s not like he ever saw them? What with him living in a cave and then prison and then Helwater and then with Laoghaire. But whatever.
“Would you care to dine with me this evening? We drinking Santana champ, cause it's so crisp.” This captain is seriously the human equivalent of  ¯\_(ツ)_/¯. Like dude. You’re the captain of the ship and you’re just like welp. Can’t do anything about the men. They’ll do what they’re gonna do. It’s not like I’m the one in the position of authority or anything.
High fives to Fergus for calling Jamie on his bullshit revisionist history.
Although it’s kinda icky that Jamie knows all of the girls who Fergus has banged? And also fuck him for being super chill about Fergus banging tons of girls but so fucking uptight about Marsali and Bree. I know, I know, it’s a different time. That doesn’t make him not a hypocrite though.
Slash Jamie’s the last person who should be lecturing *anyone* about the importance of honesty right now. But whatever. No real consequences for lying soooo... *pretends the last few eps haven’t happened*
Yi Tien Cho convincing Jamie to do acupuncture is also my everything. Seriously, I know I had a *rull* low bar for how that character was going to be changed, but I’m really, really loving him.
I for real can’t wait for more of Claire and Marsali. Like yeah, Jamie’s marital status *was* Claire’s business, and Jamie hadn’t been living with Laoghaire and the girls for ages so Claire also wasn’t really breaking up a family or anything, but I really like that Claire just lets Marsali’s comment slide. Like call Jamie out on all of his bullshit, please, but Marsali’s a teenager whose life was thrown through a loop and I feel like trying to talk to her when she’s in this kind of mood isn’t going to get anywhere. So by just being like “well the whore should get the bigger bed, shouldn’t she” it’s like telling Marsali that she’s not going to be cowed by the snark and also that she doesn’t need to justify her place in Jamie’s life to a rando. Like she’s not going to concede power by trying to explain herself to Marsali.
But for real, I love Marsali.
I honestly don’t get Jamie’s aversion to Fergus and Marsali though. Like they’re not making the age difference a thing in the show. And Jenny’s fucking kids have apparently been married and spitting out babies since they hit puberty. Like I get it makes for some tension with Laoghaire, but who gives a fuck? She hates them all already?
Claire and Yi Tien Cho are my favorite pair that I was not expecting to like so much. But like her being genuinely interested in his story and him being open with her, which is probably the first time he’s gotten to talk like that with anyone since he got to Scotland, is so great.
Oh. Another VO. Cool. It’s basically like I'm on a boat motherfucker take a look at me. Straight flowin’ on a boat on the deep blue sea. Bustin’ five knots, wind whippin’ out my coat. You can't stop me motherfucker cause I'm on a boat.
Ok this insecurity in Jamie about hurting Claire’s feelings about the tea and acupuncture is adorable. Asshole Jamie’s insecurity of the past few episodes wasn’t. He was just an asshole.
And also, broseph, this is the kind of secret it’s ok to keep. Small, insignificant, adorable. The other one, not so much.
“My return has been confusing and frustrating. But it’s never been a question of whether I love you.” Confusing and frustrating is putting it a bit mildly, Claire, but apparently we’re done having real talk and Jamie doesn’t have to own up to being a fuckwad. Bqhatevwr. (Don’t get me wrong, I’m 1000% here for the fluff in this episode. I just have to pretend they actually did more of the hard convos in order to get to where they can have the fluff again.) And I’m pretty sure it *literally was* a question of whether you loved this Jamie, Claire. We all know you loved the old Jamie. But like, the whole thing on the cliff was literally about whether you loved the new Jamie. Y’know. The thing they never bothered addressing beyond the question being asked. Because lol nothing matters, fans can headcanon it and if they don’t they’re whiny and #badfans.
Whatever. *actively doesn’t think about past episodes* Here for pincushion heart eyes. Lookit how cute they are.
Cause of death: Claire telling Jamie about reading Bree Goodnight Moon.
And I love them talking about the moon like with the science of men flying there and the folk tales of the man in the moon representing each of them. They’re gonna fly this boat to the moon somehow. Like Kevin Garnett, anything is possible.
“You miss her.” “Terribly.” Glad they’re highlighting Claire still feeling the loss of what she gave up to come back to Jamie. Still salty at his non-reaction to learning about his kid. And even here, like one line from him about Bree to let Claire know he loves her too? Or thinks about her too? To let Claire know she’s not alone in missing Bree? Please? No? Ok.
Here for the cuddles. I want the fluff. Believe me, I am trash for the fluff. I just wish again that the fluff felt more earned because they’d actually come to an understanding about where they stand with each other rather than just glossing over the hard part of coming back together. They showed the angsty set up then skipped the resolution and went straight to the fluff.
Whatever. Back to pretending the last few eps didn’t happen. Give me all the fluff. It’s fucking wonderful. I love fluff. I am a broken record.
I feel like the gif of Claire saying “that’s insanity” is going to come in quite handy...
Jamie going to save his dude like fuck land, I'm on a boat, motherfucker. Fuck trees, I climb buoys, motherfucker. I'm on the deck with my boys, motherfucker. And no one is gonna mess with his Ardsmuir boys.
Really reaching to fit some of these lyrics in and I’m not at all sorry.
The way they chant Jonah is def the angry mob way to chant it, but in my head I def kept being like Jo! Nah! Jo! Nah!. Like pumping someone up at a sports thing or something. You’re doing it wrong, brain.
I have a lot of feelings about Yi Tien Cho giving up his story and letting it go before he wanted to in order to save Jamie and his men. Yi Tien Cho really is the best of them.
And honestly Jamie telling the captain to let YTC speak is maybe the most decent thing he’s ever done for the man.
And then the papers fly off in the wind and I realize that I give not a single fuck about the actual plot of this episode.
But Claire saying thank you to Yi Tien Cho is so much more than just thank you for quelling the fight. Like this guy just told the story of his life, of where he’s from, and now he needs to give it up. And she recognizes and respects and appreciates what it’ll cost him to give it up since she too is from a place the fuckers on the ship couldn’t possibly understand. And he did it for this group who, as he so passionately said, thinks the worst of him. I have so many feelings about Claire and Yi Tien Cho, guys.
They kept in the ship quickie! I def thought they were going to cut it! Bless them for keeping it. Blesss. Same feelings about the rest of the fluff still apply, but this show is probs always going to pull stuff like this so I clearly just need to get over it and accept the fluff I’m given like a #goodfan.
Jamie’s like believe me when I say, I fucked a mermaid.
(I swear, I *hated* the line last week when Jamie said Jenny would sooner believe Claire was a mermaid than from the future, but at least it means the most ridic lyric in the fucking song fits perfectly.)
And Jamie being cute about Claire’s hair. Awww.
I hate the king of men line. Hate it. Hate that the production is so fixated on that. And that they think it’s cute to keep including their weird in-jokes in the show itself.
But whatever. Snuggle time! Yay for snuggles! Embrace the fluff! Forget your issues with the show! Stop being a sourpuss!
Oh snap, the British are coming!  Never thought they’d see the day, when a big boat comin’ their way.
RIP Lt. Babyface. Long live Capt. Babyface!
Yay for Claire telling Jamie about her oath. And yay for Jamie actually getting it and respecting what she needs to do. It’s like ep. 306 Jamie again with the whole respecting Claire’s calling thing. So like, we should just ignore ep. 307 Jamie? Because he was an asshole about it.
Oh man, next week is gonna be rough, isn’t it. *All* the puking. This ain't Seaworld, this is real as it gets.
For real though if the puking noises next week are like the brothel noises in ep. 306, I’m going to just watch on mute or something with the closed captions because it’s over the top, show.
Ok if Thomas Leonard is Capt. Babyface, I guess that makes Elias Pound Midshipman Fetus.
Oh man the cook being all like I'm flippin’ burgers, you at Kinko's straight flippin’ copies. Don’t fuck with Claire when she’s in Dr. Claire mode, my dude. You will not win that fight.
Yeah. If I pretend like this episode is the first one of the season, I like this episode. I’m kind of pissed that the show managed to make me salty about fluff. I love fluff, why you make me salty about fluff, show? And now I just want a goddamn fluffernutter.
And since I’m ignoring everything that could have been up until now, it doesn’t bug me that Jamie and Claire are separated...again. Because lol nothing matters.
Fucking give me all the badass Dr. Claire you have, show.
She’s on a boat motherfucker, don't you ever forget.
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