#although i still didnt make her that much justice
cult-rangoons · 4 months
can i hear about your fallout oc/s? it would be cool to chat about an interaction too, I want to know how chaotic this could end :)
YESSSSSSS ABSOLUTELY!!!! Thank you so much for the question!! A chat would definitely be fun and chaotic >:)
Ok, this is going to be kind of long, but a disclaimer first. These characters aren’t originally made for Fallout, they’re from my original project thing I’ve been working on for like. 3 years now? Yeah that sounds right. but i wanted to put them in fallout, (4 specifically, i am very new), and see what kinda stuff i could come up with.
I have a plot for them and everything, but that’ll be a short blurb at the end.
Simone!!! She was formerly in the BOS, but left to raise her younger brother Oz, in the Commonwealth. She’s pretty much a reclusive hunter and tracker, and makes caps by selling the hide. She lives in the more northern areas of the Commonwealth, so she has to travel down to Diamond City to get restocked on supplies, and sell her hides.
She’s aggressive, a deep thinker, and tends to be the one giving the orders. But in the plot, she’s thrown into unknown territory, and unable to be the one leading. She refrains from violence towards others, but can if needed to. She’s pragmatic, but remains impulsive, yet other times too indecisive. She has a strong sense of justice however, and tends to look back on her time in the BOS with frustration.
‘Adara’!! An escaped synth, who now spends her time researching the Institute, just to take it down. She’s escorted by her basically-adoptive-father Cedric. She has repurposed lots of stolen institute tech, and dreams of getting her hands on a courser chip. Her and Cedric usually stay in Hangman’s alley in Diamond City.
She’s very intelligent, but feels a sense of alienation. She’s basically the ‘techy’ one. She has a fascination with very odd things.
Cedric!! Formerly in the BOS, (a different time than when simone was there.) and then a gun for hire. He eventually got the name, ‘The Spider’ from his appearance in the dark with his sniper gear. A mask with multiple lenses, all glowing green, giving the appearance of multiple eyes. He then found Adara after her escape, and took responsibility to help her.
He is very formal and polite. He holds many regrets, and tends to be harsh on himself. Amazing at recon and stealth.
‘Lucky’!!!!! This guy. Oh man. This one is worded purposefully vague and confusing in some parts. I have smth i might wanna make or hint to to clear stuff up, that is of course, if i didn’t word is obviously. I cant tell.
One of the VERY FEW survivors of Vault 111. In my au, many of the vault dwellers didnt die. (Although shaun was still taken and stuff, but both nora and nate died.) and for some reason!!! ohhhhh nooooo!! yeahhhhh. everyone there was killed. this guy, and his best friend were the only survivors. However, when he woke up, his friend wasnt there, and left to find them.
When he left the vault and made his way to Diamond City, he told the people there that he’s from vault 111, and is looking for his friend. They told him that he was ‘lucky to be alive’ and that apparently the vault was attacked by raiders. He absolutely knew something they didn’t, but didn’t DARE correct them. He just took the ‘title’ and ran with it.
He became a gun for hire afterwards, but claims he is better than a gun for hire, and that guns for hire are trashy, despite being a gun for hire right down to its base definitions. he’s pretty chill, and seems like he isnt even paying attention half of the time. he just seems sleepy. and flamboyant. he has a tendency to misread sarcasm, and he’s very rarely sarcastic himself. He’s kind of a slacker, although he has a small reputation for being one of the very few who’s killed a courser.
X2-13!!! A courser!! She wears a gas mask usually. mysterious and stuff. I’ll explain more of her in the plot.
Some side characters:
Anwin. Shady radio operator in Diamond City. He’s like a weird scammy-televangelist. He’s this old wrinkly dude with a weird mullet who will get drunk and pick fights with people. and everyone in Diamond City wants to kick him out, but cant because they’ll feel guilty for letting this old fart out wild in the Commonwealth. Not guilty for him, but guilty for whoever has to deal with him next.
Kestrel and Quinn!! A duo of low ranking BOS squires. Kestrel’s vocab is filled with ‘bro’ and ‘dude’ and then Quinn is afraid. Afraid as in. Just in general. They’re best friends.
Basically, Simone’s brother is taken by the institute, and she is led to Diamond City, asking ‘wheres the institute so i can destroy it and get my brother back’. she absolutely sounds crazy, so they direct her to people who have came in wondering the same exact thing. Enter, Adara and Cedric. They unite under a common goal of wanting to get into the Institute. Small problem. They dont have the chip. So they find someone who might. Enter, Lucky!! He absolutely does not keep the chips. They eventually convince him to help track and kill a courser. The courser they find is X2-13. Lucky eventually rips off their gas mask in an act of triumph, but finds that they have the face of none other but his best friend. He is unable to attack, and the others are too, probably because they’re trying to defend themselves from other synths, and not because they are absolutely devastated, but thats neither here nor there. X2-13 gets away.
so its kinda blurry here for me, but i think they eventually track X2-13 again, and they decide to take her chip, and her corpse, to see that when they get into the Institute, they can revive her or something. They dont know what they’re doing or if it’s possible, but they’re hoping it is.
Then the rest is just them wandering around the Commonwealth looking for equipment to make the teleportation machine thing. (they probably found virgil and got the blueprint from him.)
They’re all like a weird messed up found family. found family as in. cedric is making sure simone, lucky, and adara don’t get into something they cant back out of.
The au was made as a for funsies guilty pleasure kinda deal, so i try not to worry about fitting it into canon.
I drew them all too!!
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From left to right, its
Simone, Lucky, Adara, Cedric, Anwin, (old version of X2-13), Kestrel, Quinn.
(I messed up adara’s wrist so bad it haunts me)
Lucky is the character i made first to play in the game. I’ve attempted at making Simone, but i still have some ‘figuring out’ to do before i can feel content with her design in-game.
Thank you so much for the question!!!!! This was fun to write out!!
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whim-pr0ne · 11 months
we were robbed.
you could tell they had to cram 3 episodes into the season finale. I thought maybe they would throw us a bone and make it at least an hour long but when I saw it was only 30 minutes I knew it was going to be rushed to shit.
they've also written it in a way that if it doesn't get renewed for another season then it still had an ending that made sense.
it hurts my heart that we didnt get three full episodes.
one exploring stede and eds separation.
one where Ed comes back and realizes how in love he is with stede- how much he regrets leaving on a whim. how badly he needs to find and rescue stede. (the look on his face when he sees the Republic on fire and he realizes that he wasn't there to protect stede like he has been doing since the beginning)
finally tying it up with the final episode where they are reunited and have to go through escaping the English, saving their family, losing izzy and finding themselves as a couple again.
it was so rushed when we were told it was supposed to be taken slow. I wanted to watch them fall in love again. Stede still doesn't feel like Stede where as Ed seems to finally have found himself as Edward instead of blackbeard. Stede hasn't hit that part where he realizes he can just be Stede as well. he's still trying too hard to be a pirate instead of his own brand of gentleman pirate as he saw it before. I mean we hear Ed say he loves him (for the first time out loud unless I'm forgetting somewhere before) and Stede says I know instead of i love you too (although I did read a good take on how that wasn't what Ed needed to hear in the moment, but by not saying it-- he doesn't feel like Stede if that makes sense) he's not the man from the beginning of the season. killing ned really set him into this manic episode and I don't think he's over it yet or that Ed realizes he's still going through it.
don't get me wrong the good parts were good. they gave us a lot of closure it just didn't do it the justice it deserved. I'm going to have to rewatch this episode a few times just to try and process everything happening so fast.
i really hope that we get another season and its slow and domestic and Stede is able to find himself again with Ed.
but also excuse me while I WEEP over izzy calling him Eddie and dying knowing he found his family 😭
anyone else just fucking sobbing when Ed is reading the letter from Stede and then just bursting out laughing at the "YOU WROTE ME A LOVELY LETTER"
and excuse me they TATTOOED EACH OTHERS NAMES ON THEMSELVES???? AND THEY'RE NOT EVEN GOING TO SHOW IT???? Bruh (edit: I have been informed that the line could be referring to the act of grace contract and not literal tattoos but I REALLY HOPE IT'S LITERAL TATTOOS)
also the part where zheng is listing off their titles and she barely pauses between her title and Ed still makes me giggle because it sounded like "The Great Pirate Queen Blackbeard" which is totally accurate.
when they rest of the crew left after izzy told Ed they were his family and they loved him 🥺 just for Ed to stay back with Stede and Izzy on shore
he's not ready to be with that family just yet. just the two people he considered to have actually known him
ugh I could go on forever I am BROKEN
we better get another season or two 😭 I don't want this to be the end. it feels rushed and unfinished
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lem-birb · 1 year
Artfight 2023: Recap
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just sharing this year's artfight works and some thoughts on the character and my process in an attempt to start talking more (i should really work on my social skills 💀) please read it if you're interested 👉👈
[character || owner] *owner's names are the ones on artfight
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Xenith || lemonteaaa_
i have had this character bookmarked since last year and wanted to draw so bad, he just looks so cool like he can actually be a canon character in genshin, i just had to draw him! i loved reading about him and the entire time i was lowkey brainrotting about how this character would actually be in game.
i took inspo from the official genshin character birthday arts and i think i did a pretty good job. it took me so long to actually finish this one and i worked on it on and off since life was getting busy too. my hands hurt so much drawing all the details but omg was it worth it.
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Briorsena || Tarphi
also a character i had bookmarked last year and actually planned for a mass attack but that was a bit out of my skillset so i thought of a different approach and i loved her knight vibe so i thought of this dramatic portrait thing then i blacked out and suddenly its a tarot card lol
the character is so cool and detailed, it was also pain for my hands and the armor was a struggle but i had to do her justice. especially her weapon! i loved the design of it it looks so epic!! although i wouldve loved to know more about the character and her story. aksfdl i love lady knights, so cool
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Euryale || WitchyTwink
the next target is a friend's and oh my god is the design so cool, the medusa vibe and glowing galaxy hair is my favorite elements. its the perfect character for the death card.
the hardest part was the skeleton and i was mentally chanting to myself "it doesnt have to be accurate, it doesnt have to be accurate" while i slowly go insane with each rib. but i had fun drawing the sneks and making everything glow and stuff. although i think i made it look more underwater than galaxy now that i look at it again hhhhh
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Fern || gluecats
the cutest lil bean!!! shes so adorable!!! it took a bit of thinking of which she fit in but the sun is perfect. her design is so simple and cute but i took the liberty of changing her outfit a bit. i also love her unique hair braid! i wish i gotten to know this character more but alas
i took a shot at doing some backlighting but i think i still need to work on that hehe... also the sunflower brush saved my sanity because if i had to draw and paint each flower i wouldve cried (thanks to poobit who made it! there are some bits where the brush kinda did an oopsie and i only now notice it)
other thoughts:
i really liked the idea of the dnd tarot card themed attack so i will be doing this too for next year's artfight! i will keep on doing these until i've completed the major arcana! so please look forward to that!
i would think i gotten better at art this year but only a fraction since i havent gotten to draw in a long while and i missed doing this full illustrations and i think i want to do more!
life was a bit busy this july with graduating and other stuff so i only got to do 4 attacks (and a 5th one i didnt get to finish so hopefully i can attack it next year!)
if you've read this far, thank you so much!
i am on this whole self-improvement thing and one of those steps is getting out of my shell, i really need to be more social so if you're still reading, drop a comment or message me cuz i'd love to make more friends and moots on here <3
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purplekiwis · 3 years
Hiiii 💖 I love your writing and I was wondering if you would ever consider writing something about H dating a plus sized model or something along those lines. It makes me sad that everyone here describes their characters as 'much smaller than H' or mention their size difference in a way that makes it look like H is so much bigger because that's not relatable to all of us 😔
hi babygirl 💞 as someone who is chubby as well, I understand the struggle. i know there are some great plus size Y/N stories out there (unfortunantly i don't remember the authors or the titles rn, but if anyone knows any i would love to share) but your ask actually inspired me and i wrote a little something something, which is not that great but i'm gonna post it for you anyway.
here is a very small blurb of CEO Harry having v big crush on his brand-new employee Y/N.
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Harry is going insane.
And it’s all her fault.
He doesn’t know what it is about her.
In the least asshole-y way of saying it, she doesn't fit with his usual standards. No, not even close. From his younger years up until this point in his life, Harry has consistently gone for conventionally attractive, usually on the skinnier side, type girls in terms of who he wanted to date or fool around with. Mostly because dating such-like women went straight to his ego. There was nothing quite like walking into a room accompanied by yet another Karlie Kloss lookalike and watching as all the other men began to drool like starving beasts over what was his. He got off on it - the greedy eyes, the shameless glances, that were usually followed by indiscreet pats on his back that aimed to let him know he had it good, as if he didn’t know that already.
It made him feel great about himself – successful in a way. He was more than glad to let everyone in on the fact that he had the perfect life. The perfect business, the perfect car, the perfect girlfriends.
So, when did that stop being enough to make him happy?
The answer comes to him easy – Y/N.
She’s one of the company’s most recent hires - technically his hires. But he won’t take credit for it, after all he wasn’t the one who interviewed her or decided she got to have the job. That's what the human resources people are for -it’s why he’s paying them after all. Still, he had taken a brief look at her résumé. It was nothing too impressive… plain average for someone her age, but Margaret, who had conducted her job interview, insisted that she had showed great communication skills and seemed very eager to work for their magazine. Her résumé came with a good professional photo of her pretty face as well, what admittedly caught Harry's attention on the spot… although he later found out that the picture didn’t even do her justice compared to the whole package in person.
Y/N is curvy and plumpish everywhere.
The flesh on her thighs jiggles when she runs around the office in her adorable dresses and skirts, her soft tummy pudges whenever she sits down, and the pants she wears never seem to fit her body quite right. She's always fixing them, he had noticed. Either by pulling them up at the waist or pinching at the leg fabric so that it falls to its right place.
But never once has Harry thought she was lacking in some way for those things, or that she would be better not being exactly the way she is… in fact, he thinks she couldn’t be any more perfect.
He also likes her style a lot.
It's special and distinctive like her, and Harry would be lying if he claimed that he didnt purposefully look up from his computer every time he heard the hurried steps of her chunky loafers going around the corner just so he could catch a glimpse of her through the office’s glass partition.
Harry is a big fan of loafers too, but he believes she owns even more than he does. Cheaper ones too, but he thinks they’re cute none the less - and she likes to combine them with ankle socks sometimes, in a 50's collegial prep retro fashion, what truly doesn't help Harry’s fantasies of taking her over his desk the slightest if he’s honest.
Often times now, he finds himself scrolling through the women's section of the expensive designer boutiques he shops at, trying to make out which pairs she would like or dislike. Somewhere last month he had seen some unique-looking, square-toed black ones that he thought were right up her alley… so much that he struggled a bit to come up with reasons not to get them for her - she could use a new pair… her black ones were already a bit worn on the soles and wrinkled at the edges, as they were the pair she wore the most.
But no matter how much he wanted to, Harry couldn’t possibly justify getting a pair of $300 shoes for one of his employees – let alone one of the newest ones to whom he didn't owe anything aside from basic professional cordiality yet. He wouldn’t think twice about it if she were his girlfriend, or one of his regular fucks – but not even those last ones get to receive gifts from him, unless he is feeling particularly generous, or needy for that real cheesy relationship stuff.
But ever since he found Y/N, he only ever craves to experience cheesy relationship things with her.
It’s driving him mad.
He has to find a way to make her his girlfriend.
And definitely not just because he wants to get her those bloody loafers.
I did a PART 2 🐿️
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ayuki-ikuya · 3 years
I come bringing ideas and headcanons.
OK, so we all already know what The Three oldest archons abilities. So I’ve come up with my own ideas we could use for the younger archons! (And yes I’m grouping Ei, Venti and Zhongli as the older siblings since Ei Is 1000 years old Venti is 2,500 and Zhongli is 5,000-6,000 and the other archons are still in the hundreds I think)
Again these aren’t canon just stuff you can use for future Requests for Twisted wonderland x Teyvat God! Reader
For Dendro archon!Reader
Definitely a Bow User. And Is a Healer. But the their Ult can cause damage
I have a theory That during the Archon War The dendro Archin created the Regisvines to fight for them, and only two were left. I also Headcanon The dendro archon can bring plants to life and overwrite what each plant can do. (Maybe even bring mushrooms to life 👀).
Maybe They can create a giant plant from the ground that spreads Healing energies and since this is a god where talking about can Cure Curses (Ahem Vils Curses Ahem) and major Diseases and what not.
For Their Ult maybe a giant plant monster (kinda like how Gouba and Oz exists ) that will attack for them (could make for fun combos with different elements like if the dendro archon was wet Hydro Plant monster)
For Hydro archon!reader
Polearm or sword (theirs way too many Hydro Catalyst) Healer and Dps, Why? Cause I say so.
You’ve mentioned how Hydro archon summons a giant wave? I’ll do you one better and their E skill summons a giant sea creature of your choosing to soak the fighters (A cool visual is their polearm turning into a big dream catcher then going swoosh and Baam Maybe like A giant Water Koi fish finna drown your ass *ahem ace ahem*)
Now mihoyo likes to reference Their character form honkai impact into genshin impact (and since they took a characters look from Honkai and another characters abilities with the whole Dual ego thing for Raiden shogun and Ei) I’m gonna base this Ultimate Skill From a character from Honkai (for research search up Herrsercher of Sentience)
Since the Hydro archons whole thing is about Justice. Now here me out here. WATER WHIP. Just a giant whip of water that can go on for miles (maybe it’s salty maybe it’s like fresh water depends on our readers mood lolol). Like, It’s whip of water strong enough to cut diamond or whatever it would be very cool (Kalim would wanna see if he could do something like that with his UM Que jamil trying to stop him)
Maybe their hair turns into water too.
Pyro archon! Reader
Claymore. A Big strong war god needs a big strong weapon. Dps and Defense.
Now It’s not just one claymore, It’s DUAL-CLAYMORE, why? Cause it’s a war god that’s why!
I like to think the shield is like Xinyans and XiangLings combined and it’s constantly sending off tiny Fire Discs. Or just symbols shooting fire like what the Pyro Abyss mages can do
For Ultimate I like to think it’s like Childes Daggers but Bigger and on fire just a huge sword made of fire.
The pyro archon doesn’t think just BURNS. and STABE
Cryo archon! Reader
I can’t really come up with much for Cryo archon. But maybe a Catalyst that can summon a giant blizzard that drops down giant ice swords (kinda like Ganyus)
Definitely a sub DPS.
Maybe a healer too since The Tsaritsa is The archon of love?
What do you think about these abilities? Since you mentioned that the students and staff would assume their just strong mages I tried to be very creative with these abilities.
Also how I think the lore could go is maybe somewhere after leonas overblot and before azuls, Crowly has found a way to send Yuu home reluctantly. Yuu, grim and the aduece duo, and maybe some of heartslaybul or savana claw whoever you want come with them to the office to send them home. But Yuu is contemplating whether or not they WANT to go home now. But something goes wrong, maybe grim messes up the spell for the portal to work becuase (although he doesn’t want to admit it ) doesn’t want Yuu leaving, and their greeted with a surprise guest. Now this gives Yuu time to decide if they genuinely wanna go home and when teh archon finally has the materials they need to create a portal Yuu will tell them to leave the portal open (maybe put it into a tiny pocket mirror like the how we have the teapot) because they wanna stay for a little while or just until grim graduates (Que a happy fire cat ) and the archon whose grown attached to some people here was like ok “let our friends visit whenever they want, only if their headmaster allows it”
Now onto the headcanons
Anemo Archon! Reader and Mondstadt! Yuu
Everyone expected a lot of things not a person with Green eyes and (H/C) hair with green highlights. And an odd thing about them was the glowing stone on their person, Yuu didn’t have that?
Everyone’s freaking out because they’ve accidentaly taken another person from Yuus world.
And since Venti Is a well known famous bard In teyvat let’s say or Dear (y/N) is also a known bard and is not at all freaking out about what’s going on in fact let’s say our dear reader recognizes Yuu! And so now (Y/N) is now a new student (and a new headache for Crowley) in the ramshackle dorm! Yup! Just an ordinary human bard, Ehe~.
I’ll leave the rest of this up to you, Where Yuu has to explain what the world of teyvat is like (and why Yuu doesn’t have a phone (and a vision) because Twisted wonderland is far more advance in Technology and teyvat has JUST invented the Camera)
Also I head canon that people with Visions can summon their weapons and object with their visions, ok? Ok. To make things make more sense when reader pulls out a lyre from floating glitter.
Geo archon!reader and Liyue! Yuu
Same things happend here, but hey! We’ve summoned a Funeral Consultant! A very (ahemATTRACTIVEahem) Wise funeral consultant at best!
Our dear Friend (y/n) is very calm about the situation as well. After all everyone and liyue knows their god was killed and The Adepti are watching over them
So Our dear reader is seeing this as a free vacation 😊
Electro Archon!Reader and Inazuma!yuu
Since the god of Inazuma isn’t “Dead” or hasn’t left and the people know what their beloved archon looks like, Yuu will definitely Be Freaking the fuck out
insert the meme of the womens face that gets zoomed in on the second panel “the. WHAT.” 😃
And y’know how Eis “Hello” voice line where she makes the traveler her guard she says the same thing to Yuu except “I recognize you are one of my people as your archon I shall be your guard and keep you safe from any danger in this Foreign world” and let’s say The puppet will not be used and Reader will be in control becuase they don’t have to worry about erosion right now so the puppet will be resting while (Y/N) is in control protecting their Precious Inazuma citizen is ok.
Well until They can get the materials they need to open a portal. I’ll let you figure out the rest, but congrats ramshackle you now have a god in your abode 😃✨
-Plot Anon 💗
PLOT ANON-SAMAAAAAAAAAA ILY!!!!!!!!! Thank you for your hard work sob
Anyways, for skills of the archons-
Dendro Archon
I think they'd use a sword or a catalyst tbh, if the skills you listed, it makes a little more sense to have them be more of a catalyst
For their elemental skill, I think they'd summon/throw something similar to Klee's and Aloy's elemental skill except they heal if someone in your party is nearby, their healing could scale by their EM or ER.
For their burst, I like your head canon for the Dendro Archon, so I might go off from that and your idea for their burst, just more tweaking. The dendro archon would be able to summon a large plant that heals AND deals Dendro damage by sapping mobs hp. The amount of life sapping it does and the healing would scale off their original HP (artifacts that give hp won't be of use)
Hydro Archon
I agree with hydro polearm or sword. Too many catalysts
Mmm... To be honest, I think you should have the burst be her skill... The whip idea is intriguing, but I think it would work more for a skill which can allow them to use it several times before waiting for the CD to go down. I think the whip skill would work better with Crit as well.
AND AS FOR THE MENTIONS OF WAVE AND A SEA CREATURE, I'LL DO YOU ONE BETTER BUT FOR THEIR BURST!!!! They summon a large tsunami which takes form of a monster/animal and lunges at the mobs (similar to Zhongli tossing down a dumbbell), however the amount of damage the burst can do is depending on if they are afflicted by the wet status the mobs are afflicted by. If already afflicted with hydro, the mobs would receive double damage while those with other elements afflicted on them would receive the element combination DMG and normal DMG while those that aren't affected by an element, they would receive normal damage. The amount of damage the burst does is scaled by EM.
Pyro Archon
Hmmm.... I think the skill would be they set an AoE with magma, mobs will receive damage from it and will continue to receive damage if they stay on it, but those who are in party, they will receive an ATK boost that scales from HP.
For the burst, I think I'll use a character from Honkai Impact with their special move which is Murata Himeko in Vermilion Knight: Eclipse battlesuit. Pyro Archon uses their claymore and another claymore but made of pyro and is far more larger and their cut scene has the Archon raise the pyro claymore above their head and slam it down to send pyro erupting from the ground (similar to the pyro axe wielding hilichurls)
Cryo Archon
I agree with catalyst
Mmmmmm.... I'd say her skill would beeeeee... Trapping several mobs or so in ice. They can either do 2-4 ice traps depending if you got their c1. (The ice traps are similar to Mirror Maidens traps BTW but it deals or affects the mobs with cryo)
For burst, I like the idea of summoning a blizzard/swords, but it's similar to Ganyu's. SO I'LL DO YOU ONE BETTER!!!! Cryo Archon will summon a blizzard which freezes mobs without having to use hydro, the freeze status lasts for a total of 15 seconds or higher if you got their c3
Hmmm... I like the idea, but imma tweak it a bit. The archon was in fact summoned through that portal because Grim decided to mess it up just for Yuu to stay a little longer, and so the Archon now resides in Twisted Wonderland as well in order to aide them until they can return back to their world. That way it makes more sense and makes it more fun.
Anemo archon
Yuu would be a bit jealous about them because they got a vision.
Crowley needs to hide his money
Sam has been strictly told to not give them wine that Sam stores in his shop...
Vargus is conflicted about them because they legit float without magic
Trein recurved a major headache
Divus is praying to whatever god existing to take them back
Geo Archon
Yuu feels awkward meeting the consultant of the funeral parlor having to meet the Director...
Crowley is praying for dear god for them to go away.
Train + Crewel + You = Besties
Sam was literally threatened to not joke around with you with business.
You legit did not fuck around with people when in contracts.
"Osmanthus wi-"
"SHUT THE HELL UP" - everyone
Electro Archon
Yuu is literally terrified in "your" presence.
Shogun malfunctioned due to being in an entirely new world so you had to disable Shogun's rules and create new ones regarding this world.
Yuu is still unaware of Shogun being a puppet
Crowley is no longer safe.
The staff (specifically Crewel) is supporting Shogun/You to beat Crowley's ass into shape.
Only the Diasomnia dorm knows your predicament with you and your puppet(s).
You are the definition of Queen/King/Royalty of the school. If you search up NRC, your picture literally plastered on it as the definition.
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ifandomus · 3 years
I've always wondered how different CACW would be if Zemo just gave/showed Tony the video of the Starks' deaths earlier on in the film. Honestly, I think it would have just sent Tony and an unhinged warpath to find Bucky and kill him earlier. But I've always wondered how it would have effected the teams, if anyone would have sided with Tony, at least in wanting to bring Bucky to justice (maybe Tony keeps it a secret that he's gonna kill Bucky as soon as he captures him, idk).
Thank you for the ask!!
I agree! From everything we see with Tony there is not a doubt in my mind that he would still have tried to kill Bucky. And as a billionaire with a massive amounts of resources and government ties he would have found him much easier.
Also Tony didnt give a damn about Buckys safety even before finding out. As you pointed out in an earlier ask, Tony lied about helping Bucky to manipulate Steve into signing the accords. But T’challa had already been granted extradition. Tony was never going to follow up on helping Bucky, and he was perfectly fine using his life as a bargaining chip. Which does show a certain callousness that Tony had towards Bucky.
The changes really depends on when in the movie it happens. And any other changes that might have come from that. For example, would the hydra supersoldier death squad still be a threat? Because I dont think Steve would have recruited the rest of team Cap if it was only about Bucky, so it might only have been Steve, Sam and Bucky. However judging by their past experiences I am sure the others still would have wanted to help if given the chance. I mean:
Clint was mindcontrolled and used by Loki in Avengers 1, so he could easily understand that part of what Bucky went through
Wanda is literally a telepath and was the main target of propaganda by a lot of the same politicians who were after Bucky
Scott is an ex-con, so he knows what the system is actually like
So from both that and because they are all fair minded people, I could easily see all of them wanting to help Bucky.
Now lets see team Ironman
Tony would be trying to kill Bucky
T’challa would also be trying to kill Bucky, unless he found out that Bucky was framed earlier. In that case I think he would have tried to help Bucky and make amends to him for trying to kill him like he did in the actual ca:cw
Peter already had absolutely no idea what was going on because Tony didnt tell him anything
Rhodey would probably have wanted Bucky arrested and then let the government handle it. Because he seems to trust the government, at least during ca:cw
Vision would also probably have wanted Bucky arrested and given to the government. He clearly had no idea how messed up the system actually is
(Honestly both Rhodey and Visions sense of logic were a bit strange during the movie. Just look at the air control tower. Steve and Bucky were running towards the hangar, so Vision decided to cut down an entire tower. Thankfully Wanda held it up, until Rhodey used that sound blast on her so that she dropped it while Steve and Bucky were right under it! They might be supersoldiers, but I dont think that getting buried under several tons of rubble would have been good for either of them)
Natasha is definitely the hardest to figure out. It seems like she should have at least a little understanding of what Bucky went through from her experiences, but it doesnt seem like she did. I mean she didnt seem to have any problem with Bucky getting killed in Bucharest, and she recruited T’challa knowing full well that he intended to kill Bucky. All she seemed to care about was how it would affect Steve and the team. Its also really weird considering her and Clint in avengers 1. She saw her best friend being mindcontrolled into fighting for the enemy and did everything she could to help him. I really dont understand what was going on with her this movie. (This isnt anti Natasha, Im just saying that she was written a bit strange) So Im not sure what she would have done.
As I said it depends on when in the movie, and any changes that could have come from that. What I am sure about is that Tony would still have tried to kill Bucky. There is a possibility that he would join forces with T’challa (if he still thought Bucky killed his father), but that depends on if T’challa would have agreed to it or wanted to do it on his own. Either way Bucky would have both Tony and T’challa doing everything they could to kill him, and at least most of the rest of team Ironman trying to arrest him but not seeming that concerned with him surviving (although they wouldnt have been ok with straight up murder, if he had died in Bucharest, Berlin or the airport however...).
So yeah, what I can say for certain is that Bucky would definitely have been in a lot more danger, which is really saying something. And that would have put anyone trying to help him (like Steve) in more danger.
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abnormallynice · 4 years
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The World Evolves With You
The long-awaited personal take on a TWEWY-Digimon crossover is complete T3T/
Keep reading if you like headcanons and text! (TWEWY spoilers inbound):
The wolrd/AU follows alongside the TWEWY story with minor changes: - Players are partnered with a Digimon, not other players. Though, groups sticking and working together helps (as Shiki says in W1) - If the human or Digimon in a team is erased, they other will also cease to exist in several minutes. No Digimon nursery/rebirth or data downloading. - As a Player has personal growth, their Digimon will show equal in growth and digivolve into higher stages. - Digimon are In-training on Day 1 and outside of battles but automatically digivolve to at least Rookie when the battle initiates. In rare instances, some humans have Digimon higher than Rookie stage. - Where player’s prize for winning the Game is a second chance at life, Digimon have a chance at reincarnation into the human world, in a form of their choice. - Noise are mindless Digimon with tribal markings and appendages.
Neku and Monodramon: Evo line: Monodramon > Strikedramon > Cyberdramon > Justimon - Since Neku is our lovely protagonist, he gets the coveted dino/dragon Digimon. This was an amazingly hard choice to make (At first I wanted to go with Impmon, but ultimately I decided it suits Beat better). I did like the idea of Neku having rough, violent looking digis up until Mega, then showcasing a change of heart via the look of the final evo. - During the last day of W3, Justimon appears, a stark contrast in look and personality compared to prior forms. Justimon represents Neku’s final growth as a person, with a less aggressive shell but strong sense of justice for the friends he’s made, people he’s helped and a world he promised to get back to. - Notably, Neku’s Digimon is the only one that doesn’t have a set of wings in Mega. Let’s say It represents his stubbornness to not accept death, even when he was forced into the UG over and over. - It’s not surprising that Neku does NOT like this little, chubby purple creature that keeps following him around at the start of W1. It’s Shiki that helps convince Neku they have to work together (they still meet on D1W1. She and BlackGatomon saved Neku and Monodramon’s collective butts). Sloooowly, Neku and his digimon’s relationship betters and by the end they are 100% in sync.
Shiki and BlackGatomon (Mr.Mew) Evo line: Salamon > BlackGatomon > LadyDevimon/Angewomon > Mastemon - In contrast to Neku, Shiki’s Digimon was a painfully easy choice, lol. She always refers to her Digi as Mr. Mew as well, as they surprisingly resemble a stuffed animal she had when she was alive. In reality, her digimon IS her stuffed animal (thanks to data collection on the digimon’s part, it knows and understands Shiki). It’s one of the reasons that Mr.Mew is a champion level when they first meet. Mr.Mew only ever devolves to Salamon after Shiki’s first encounter with Higashizawa in W1. - Mr.Mew’s evo line is the only one that doesn’t follow ‘traditional’ evolution. The first time they go to Ultimate, the evolve to LadyDevimon; representative of Shiki’s still inner turmoil. When facing Higashizawa on D7, they slide evolve to Angewomon; representing her accepting herself (This is one of the reasons she is the winner of the Game in W1). In the final battle, the two evolutions combine to make Mastemon (I recommend looking at a pic of this digi because wow <3 ).
Joshua and Lopmon Evo line: Lopmon/Lopmon X > Cherubimon (Good) X - I knew knew knew Josh had to get Cherubimon as his Mega. Where most of the other’s Digimon Megas have somewhat seemingly human forms, Churubimon looks out of place as this massive pink bunny with winged ears, indicative that Joshua isn’t human like other players. Cherubimon X looks even more alien and ethereal (seriously, google it. The floating notes/digicode is perfect imo). - As part of Joshua’s deal with Kitaniji, he took a handicap and his powers were lessened, which made Cherubimon X a Lopmon. His Digimon appears as a regular Lopmon when meeting Neku for the first time, which helped mask his identity and assume his role as a regular player. However, Neku will soon notice that Lopmon never digivolves higher than Rookie (whereas his own Digimon was steadily evolving to Champion level). - When Joshua reveals his innate power in W2D5, his seemingly regular Lopmon transforms to Lopmon X. X-antibody Digimon are unheard of, and much stronger than their base-level counterparts (I tease at this in the image by giving Johua’s Lopmon a fluffy tail, which regular Lopmon don’t have. If anyone questions it, Joshua would explain how its a clip-on and looks much cuter than the stubby tail, lol). - Cherubimon X is only ever revealed right at the end of the final battle, when Neku and Joshua face each other. Joshua dares Neku into killing him, but Neku can’t bring himself to command Justimon to do it. Cherubimon X then attacks both Neku and his Partner.
Beat and Impmon Evo line: Impmon > Meramon > SkullMeramon > Beelzemon - Pairing Impmon and Beat just felt natural. They both share an innate need to be badass but are also unwittingly dense and easily embarrassed. They constantly bicker with each other but when it’s time to fight, they can’t wait to get in there and show what they’re made of. - On W1D3, Rhyme still sacrifices herself to save Beat (he knew Rhyme was his sister from the start so he and Impmon stuck around her and her partner). Although Beat didnt get erased, he still made the choice to become a Reaper. - When Rhyme gets erased, it sees a shift in Beat’s motivations and personality, which naturally affects Impmon. Impmon permanently evolves to SkullMeramon and is mindless fighting machine during W2, just operating off Beat’s whim. When Neku gives him Rhyme’s pendant, both Beat and his Digimon soften up. - As a reaper, Impmon could evolve and stay at Ultimate level without issue. When Beat rejoins Neku in W3, he loses that ability and his Digi has to start from square one; In-training level. Impmon (or Yaamon, in this case) wasn’t too happy. Eventually, Impmon gets back to comfortably sitting at Rookie during W3. - W3D7, at the dead god’s pad, (when facing Kitaniji and Shiki) with Beat’s resolve and growth, Impmon evolves right into Beelzemon (indicative of how Beat wants to become more capable and help people he cares about while looking awesome), saving Neku. Beelzemon also helps Neku, his Partner and the other Player’s Digimon to take on Kitaniji’s final form.
Rhyme and Kudamon Evo line: Kudamon > [ERROR] - Kudamon have cool, collected personalities and can conduct precise assessments, even during battle. For this reason I really liked it for Rhyme’s partner. It’s the most pleasing choice close to squirrel-shaped! I liked this version of Kudamon in particular as well (vs the 2006 anime version), since the markings on it were very Noise-like! - When Rhyme sacrifices herself for Beat in W1D3, Kudamon is at risk of being deleted. As a counter, Mr.H binds Rhyme’s soul to the Digimon, keeping it alive (although Rhyme couldn’t speak through Kudamon, the Digimon could feel her emotions and hear her thoughts). - During Beat’s Reaper stint, Kudamon was with him, but no matter what they said, Beat wouldn’t break away his focus. He loosens up eventually and can take Kudamon’s words to heart. - Kudamon accompanies Neku, Beat and their partners through W3, and does get captured by Konishi on D1. - Although Kudamon never evolves (or devolves) beyond Rookie, they do help immensely during the battle with Konishi on W3D7. They are at the final battle as well.
And that’s all for now. Thank you for reading all of that >v<’‘‘\ Hope you enjoyed!! Give me you headcanons and ponders if you like! Maybe someday I’ll get to the Reapers..... ‘‘‘OTL 
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mizuki-nikki · 2 years
my personal thoughts over the male love interest in "death is the only ending for villainess" manhwa ✨
so lately i've been obsessed with this one manhwa that i found on tiktok. a reverse harem manhwa has always been my favorite genre but this manhwa deserve a standing applause. not only that the story is intriguing, the art was just mind blowing. i fell in love with each of the male lead in this manhwa (note: spoilers ahead. read by your own risk)
lets talk about each one of them 😘
1. derrick eckhart
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black hair and pale skin. what could possibly go wrong with that?
on a first sight, this guy sounds like the typical male lead character that you found in every manhwa. cold, harsh, mature and responsible. he truly acts like the oldest kid in the house.
i truly like derrick's physical appearance to be honest. he fits the type of male lead character that i usually like. however, sometimes i just felt like he should trust the mc more (okay, with her reputation, i know hes just being logical and rational). but still, he's my top 3 pick for this manhwa.
2. reynold eckhart
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i wasn't a big fan of reynold in the beginning of the story.
only in the beginning. he set the trap for penelope and shouted at her most of the time (everyone does but still) although his hatred to penelope made me annoyed during the first chapters, he started to change a lot and grew in my heart. i really like his interaction with main female character, how he started to accept her, helped her and protected her whenever she needed help.
compared to derrik, i think reynold can interact freely with penelope. this made their interactions become more alive.
3. callisto regulus
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hell yeah, who wouldnt fall for the crazy bastard like the crown prince in a otome game?? 💛
if i can name my number one pick for this manhwa, i would definitely choose callisto. crazy, unpredictable yet has a soft spot for the female lead. who wouldnt fall for this kind of character? WHO??
this guy made the whole conversation with the mc super intense yet funny at the same time. i really hope penelope would choose callisto by the end of the story. he made the story progressed in a very interesting way. he believed in penelope but also protected her as much as he could.
dang im so in love with callisto.
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4. winter verdandi
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this guy is too good to be true.
first of all, dont get me wrong. calm, gentlemen, kind hearted and seemed like a stable guy. i would definitely choose him if i found someone like him in real life. i mean who wouldnt tho?
i personally thought that the manhwa didnt fully uncover his potential. he seemed boring to me.. maybe because he didnt have that many interaction with the mc in the manhwa. their conversation feels boring for me..
5. eckles
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the one and only knight concept.
same like winter, i feel like the manhwa didnt do any justice toward eckles. as much as i love the idea of loyal knight for one princess, i didnt like penelope's attitude toward eckles. it feels like he was brought to the place without any objectives at all. sometimes i was confused whether he truly likes the mc or is he just using her to survive..
final verdict
this is a very recommended manhwa. they dont have kiss scene etc, but the subtle interaction will make you scream around. i would definitely choose callisto if i could play this game in real life, and putting also derrick and reynold as my second and third pick
youre missing out life if you havent read this manhwa yet
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osdd-1bitch · 3 years
Notes on why specific alters formed: (by Cassie)
Chloe (Integrated) she/her
So, Chloe was a easy one. shes very maternal because we(im just gonna refer to everyone else at any given time as we bc idk when this happened) were v young and had 0 fckin communication w other people and absive parents.
our bio parents were neglectful and absive and our grandparents who did a lot of the work raising us did not speak *any english* for a long time and we never learned their language, so we had literally no one to talk to and struggled to communicate basic wants/needs as a child a lot.
Chloe was that sort of ideal mother figure, soft and loving and wise. She was also incredibly quiet, preferring to listen instead and provide nonverbal comfort which was vital to our emotional state at the time, where sharing any negative emotion,  would quickly elicit a yelling match or confusion at any more complex or abstract issues.
Owen Grady (Active) he/him
Now, Owen, who is still around, is obviously a fictive, but we've never directly interacted with his source. the portrayals of him were rather chaotic and we werent particularly sure why we split him. His role never seemed obvious to us and we had no idea wtf he was doing here...but taking a step back he makes a good ISH. He's a natural in the jungle which is full of more animalistic alters and trauma, and he's incredibly patient and kind with these guys. He might also count as their gatekeeper as he keeps them from leaving their part of the headspace (and causing major issues throughout the system). He's brave and loves exploring which are good traits for that subsystem. He isnt a large part of our collective, but his presence is known and valued (by me lol)
Sia&Nia (dormant?) she/her both
Sia and Nia are twin catgirl alters, and exist to be cringy in a way. Both were important protectors, but are currently mia due to a traumatic event that sent the vast majority of known jungle alters into dormancy.
anyways Nia was a social/emotional protector. She was loud, and defiant and very sure of herself. She knew she was 'cringe' and didnt mind being mocked or teased at all, and she was very moral and energetic. She helped a lot with self advocacy because she would not stand back and let us be ignored, although that ultimately led to her tenure being so short.
Sia was the physical protector, who didnt particularly care about others opinions or ideas on what they could do to us. She also had a strong sense of justice and was a important protector.
Ranboo (unknown) he/they/end
Ranboo was actually a rather important trauma/anxiety holder. the beginning of 2020 was incredibly stressful and traumatizing, considering now we were trapped in an absive home, w a//phyx///ia//tion being a strong trigger, black, and very close to certain...events. this made the host at the time feel incredibly unsafe and dissociated, and they momentarily hyperfixated on Ranboo the streamer. His presence took a great deal of pressure off of the host at the time, and well he is/was a rather small part of the system, his split was still helpful
PostContent (Active) it/he/they
PostContent is a fictive of a character on this one youtube channel by the same name.
tw///mentions of dth, crpses, eds, sui
on said youtube channel PC's 'corpse self' (the videos are highly up to interpretation as intended so I'm summarizing a lot) is in constant conflict with the main character due to being more self aware. it knows what if feels and wants and is very blunt doing so. at the very end of the first season the two seemingly 'merge'. this was something that really, and obviously, spoke to us and this split was actually needed for a long time.
see, theres been a basically lifelong fight between Need and Independence. Need is dependant, craves toxic relationships, is obsessive and, well, needy! if you give it a inch, it will want miles and miles. i dont know if it can even feel full bc whenever its in power we eat so fckin much and are always hungry. attention, food, whatever. Need feels emotions explosively and wants validation
On the other hand, Independence wants no dependence on anything. it cuts off friends, doesnt eat for days at a time, is cold ect ect. It believes things like being hungry or tired are inherently bad and 'weakness' that must be trained out of the body. Emotions are an even larger weakness that must be destroyed.
PC calms both of these factions by existing. he feels incredibly deeply, it's a very deep and dark depression, but, being dead he can simply ignore it and put it off. is being dead not the ultimate freedom from needs? is being dead not the ultimate freedom to do and want whatever you want? he also fufils both sides su//ici///dal thoughts, bc hes already dead.
PC did not end this internal war, not even close, but has helped us cope with it, making him a large and rather influential alter in our internal politics. *deep sigh* id rather deal with american politics sometimes..
///////// tw over////////
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possiamo-andare · 4 years
Midsummer pt.4: JJ Maybank
JJ x Reader
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(gif by @rudypankows )
word count: 5.4k
a/n: hello friends! I know this took forever but I didnt want to post anything in light of what is going on in the world right now concerning the Black Lives Matter movement. Even now, as I write this, it feels wrong. I think it's because I want to make sure that no one goes back to normal because George Floyd is not the only victim of police brutality. Please use your voice. Stand up for what's right. Sign petitions. Go to rallies. Donate money if you have the means. I have saved some money over the past weeks to donate and it would help me greatly if you could comment below and tell me a good charity I can donate to that supports black lives. Obviously, I will be donating to the Black Lives Matter movement but any other charities that you feel that are just as important, please comment below. No justice, no peace!
When you were a child, there was a time where you read old Nancy Drew books. They provided you with an escape from reality; a means for you to daydream. Your parents were so consumed with their jobs and getting you the proper schooling, you rarely had time to be a child. The Nancy Drew series provided that way out. Although you enjoyed all the books equally, there was one book from the series that you particularly read over and over again. It was called Nancy Drew and the Legend of the Lost Gold. It was a short novel and, as one would guess, it's about Nancy and her friends discovering lost gold during their vacation on a coastline.
You loved this book for many reasons. One of the reasons was because the idea of finding long lost gold, was just about the most exciting thing for an eight year old child. Secondly, it made you realize how desperate people were to become rich. You had lived comfortably your entire life and to read in a book that people would do anything for a chance at stolen gold, was a real shock to you.
Now, as John B. drove back to the chateau, you realized that you're not shocked anymore. Someone was willing to shoot you and your friends just to get some of the gold. If they knew where the rest had been, you didn't want to think about all the other things they were willing to do. This was a scary thought and you knew now that not only did you need to protect that gold, you needed to protect your new and old friends who were chasing after the gold. Your mind instantly went to JJ, who sat beside you in John B.'s wagon. He was so hell bent on getting revenge but you had calmly talked him out of it. The last thing you wanted was a bullseye on JJ's head because he stole money from a drug dealer.
Finally, John B. parked near the chateau. You had never been here but John B. said you all needed a place to lay low until they could come up with a better plan. They obviously couldn't go back to the only cash for gold shop in OBX and they couldn't go to the police, because how would you explain where you got the gold? You agreed with John B. You all needed to take a moment to breathe and sort everything out. You believed in the people around you, and you believed you all would figure something out eventually.
"So, what're we gonna do?" Kiara said, plopping herself down in a chair. Pope sat across from her as John B. and Sarah sat beside each other.
"I have no idea." Pope sighed, rubbing his temples. You didn't point it out but you could see his hands were still shaking.
You sat down on the last remaining seat and looked to JJ who was standing beside you, arms crossed over his chest. You motioned to the rows of chairs behind him. "Wanna sit?"
JJ vigorously shook his head, still fuming. You didn't want to argue with him, especially after everything you had been through, so you let it go for now.
"Well, if we can't sell it, maybe we can put it in a security box in the bank?" Pope suggested, looking to John B.
John B. nodded. "We could. My main focus is on how we're gonna get the rest of the gold."
You all sighed. JJ had told you that there was much more; $400 million worth of gold down the well still. John B. had only taken a handful. This means that they had to somehow get pounds and pounds of gold up from a well and into John B.'s wagon to take it to a bank. As if that wasn't suspicious already. This all seemed impossible. You realized that maybe finding the gold was the easy part, everything after was the hard part.
"That's gonna cost money though." JJ started, his jaw set. You could tell he was still pissed about everything that had happened today and you didn't blame him. "We need supplies, like rope and wire and tools and a place where we can load the gold onto."
You nodded along to what JJ was saying. "I can look in my garage again but I doubt I have half of the things we all are looking for."
You looked to Sarah, who had been quiet this entire time. When you made eye contact, she finally cleared her voice to speak. "We could look for some supplies and buy the rest we need. Pope, I'm sure your dad has some stuff. Kiara too. And Y/N, your dad must have something in his garage. The rest we can buy with the money we have."
Everyone nodded along, silently thanking Sarah for her optimism. No one spoke for a moment, but then John B. reached for Sarah's hand and grabbed it. "We can do this."
You smiled as you watched Sarah squeeze John B.'s hand. You could tell how in love they were. It made you want to cry. You were so happy for her. You smiled up at JJ, who finally was starting to relax a little. He smiled back at you, his elbow leaning against your chair.
"So, we'll grab the supplies we can get, meet at my place tomorrow morning and go back to the well." JJ planned, a smile on his face.
It didn't last long. Before JJ had any real time to be happy, John B. interrupted that. "I can't tomorrow morning. Ward is taking me out on his boat."
Everyone looked to John B., frowns on everyone's face. JJ, now angry again, was the first one to speak up. "Seriously dude?"
"Yeah," Pope agreed with JJ. "It's $400 million in gold. Can't you bail?"
John B. shook his head. "No. Ward took me in when child services wanted to take me away from OBX. I owe him." John B. looked to Sarah, smiling lightly at her. She smiled back, a glow you had never seen before in her eyes.
No one seemed to want to argue anymore, understanding where John B. was coming from. Everyone but JJ, who was now mad again.
"Seriously? This is my only way out and you can't make up an excuse?" JJ placed back and forth, his face going red. "If you won't get the money, then I will."
You knew exactly what he meant. He was going to go back to the drug dealers house and steal the money. Somehow JJ knew that he kept over $25,000 in cash in his house and he was determined to find it. Even though you had talked him out of it once, you weren't sure if you could do it again.
"JJ, no." You pleaded, getting out of your seat and following him. He was practically out the door when you stopped him. You grabbed onto his shoulder and forced him to turn to you.
At first he couldn't look into your eyes. "Y/N..."
"Please don't do this. You're gonna get hurt." You pleaded, grabbing onto his hands.
JJ pulled away from you, an ashamed look on his face. "You don't understand. Without this gold, I'm screwed. It's my only way out of this hell hole. I need that gold."
You nodded, understanding his reasoning but still holding onto the fact that it was incredibly dangerous. "Please, we can find another way."
For a moment, it almost seemed as if JJ was going to listen to you but the moment was over before you could take it in. Then, JJ became furious again and stormed off, leaving you with an enormous weight on your chest. You were scared for him. JJ was not being level headed, which meant he was going to make rash decisions. Rash decisions rarely ever were successful and JJ's plan, whatever it was, was not going to be successful either.
As you made your way back to the table everyone was sitting at, Sarah stood up to comfort you. You accepted her hug willingly. You wanted to cry out of frustration but you knew you couldn't now. You needed to focus. Maybe if you all came up with a good plan, JJ wouldn't have to do anything stupid.
Everyone stayed silent as Sarah comforted you. You knew they were all weary of what they should say. JJ was putting himself in a terrible situation and if he didn't stop, he would not end up in a good place. You knew this but you also knew it was JJ's decision at the end of the day.
Finally, Kiara spoke. "Do you think he's gonna go back to his dad?" She's not looking at anyone but you can still hear the sadness in her voice.
The entirety of OBX knew JJ's dad as a gambling drunk who was in no position to raise a son. You were honestly surprised with how good JJ turned out considering he had a terrible father. There was also a rumour floating around OBX that JJ's father hit him. You didn't want to believe it but you'd be lying if you said that when you saw JJ's bruises on his face, your first thought wasn't that it was from his father. You never pressured JJ into talking about it because you didn't want him to shut you out or feel uncomfortable but you hoped one day, he would tell you if there was something going on at home.
Pope answered Kiara. "I don't think JJ ever wants to go home. Not when his dad is drunk at least."
Your stomach dropped. Pope confirmed your suspicions. This meant that the bruises on his face that you saw during the Midsummer party were in fact from his father and not from a fight he instigated. You felt bad for thinking it had been his fault. You had let the rumours about how terrible JJ was ruin your perception of him. You promised yourself that from now on, that would never happen.
"So, what do we do now?" You asked, sitting back down.
Everyone looked at you but didn't speak. Finally, John B. did. "We're gonna get that gold."
You all made a plan. Kiara was going to go to her dad's restaurant and see if there were any tools there, while Pope went to his dad's shop and looked for rope and supplies. Sarah and you would buy the rest of the supplies, like helmets and flashlights and everyone would meet at John B.'s house. Kiara would be parked in his backyard. You all would meet tomorrow night instead of the morning because John B. promised to go on Ward's boat.Once the gold was extracted, then you all would figure out a way to keep it safe from greedy people in OBX.
Once everything was planned, you all went your separate ways. It took awhile for you all to separate from each other but you eventually did. The tension lingered in the air; telling you all that this might be the last peaceful time any of you had for a while. You didn’t want to believe this but that gut feeling never left you. Even as you walked back to your neighbourhood, with Sarah and John B. following you, you couldn’t shake this gut feeling that something terrible was going to happen.
“You ok Y/N?” John B. asked, watching as you silently walked beside him and Sarah. John B. and Sarah were having their own conversation and you didn’t seem to be contributing. This was very unusual because, even though John B. only knew you for a moment, he recognized that you were a very chatty girl.
You looked up at John B., forcing a smile. “Yeah,” you sighed deeply, trying to come up with an answer. “Just worried about JJ.” This technically wasn’t a lie. JJ had left you hours ago and in those hours, your mind was leaping to conclusions. You hoped for the best and thought maybe he turned around last minute and decided to not steal anything. But you knew JJ better than you knew yourself and you knew what he was capable of.
John B. and Sarah both nodded but only John B. spoke again. “Me too. When JJ gets into these mindsets though, it’s hard to convince him otherwise. He’s stubborn like that.”
Sarah scoffed, a playful look on her face. “Sounds like someone I know.” You know she’s talking about you and you can’t help but smile. You knew you were exactly the same.
You didn’t bother to reply to Sarah, knowing she was right. Instead, you stayed silent as John B. continued to go into detail about how excited he was to spend some quality alone time with Ward. You only smiled and nodded along with what he was saying, your mind elsewhere. More specifically, your mind was focused on JJ. You wondered where he was and with who. If he was safe, or if the drug dealer had caught up to him. You wished he was less stubborn, if he only listened to you. It was too late now. The only thing you could do was wait and hope he was alright.
Once you got to the fork in the road, you finally spoke up. “I take a right here.”
John B. and Sarah nodded, finally letting go of each other to hug you goodbye. First was Sarah. She hugged you way too tightly and you couldn’t help but giggle. She let you go instantly and apologized. Then, John B. hugged you briefly and thanked you numerous times. Of course, you told it was no problem but you were lying to yourself if you didn’t think, even for a second, that maybe you regretted getting into all this trouble. It had only been a day but you already had a gun pointed at you by a drug dealer. You didn’t voice any of your regret to John B. or Sarah. You didn’t want to make them feel bad. This is why you needed JJ. You could tell him this type of stuff without him judging you. Because he knew. He understood you. He saw you.
Your house had a long ass driveway. Sometimes, if you walked slow enough, it would take you five or so minutes to get to the front door. You never made it the full way though. Halfway to the front door, you remembered you had lost your key and were now locked out of your house. Tonight was date night for your parents and you knew they weren’t home at this time and probably wouldn't be home for a while. Instead, you made your way to your backyard, where your dad kept a spare key underneath a pot. Finding the pot wasn’t as easy as you thought. There were almost ten pots in your backyard since your dad took up gardening so you had to individually check under each pot before you found the pot where the key was being held. Finally, you unlocked the door with a sigh. You were gonna have your key sewn into your skin so you’d never forget it ever again.
Before you could internally complain any more, you were caught off guard by a hand wrapping around your mouth. You had only made it one foot in the door before someone came up behind you, putting a hand over your mouth and pushed you all the way inside. You tried to scream for help but it was no use, this person was clasping their hand over your mouth too roughly. Once they had closed the door behind you, you took the opportunity to get the upper hand and you kicked them in the shin with your heel as hard as you could. You then grabbed their hand covering your mouth and twisted it. The stranger let out a yelp and they fell to their knees. Finally, you turned around to see the perpetrator.
“Jesus woman!” JJ yelled, trying to release his hand from your grasp. It was no use. You had it twisted so the more he struggled, the more it hurt.
Once you recognized JJ, you instantly gripped harder, only causing him to yell out again in pain. “What the fuck JJ.”
JJ scoffed through the pain searing through his wrist. “You broke my wrist!”
This time you scoffed, letting go of his wrist finally. JJ got up quickly, a pout on his face. “I didn’t break it you idiot. Don’t sneak up on me like that next time.”
JJ rolled his eyes. “Sorry, I didn’t know you were a fucking ninja.”
You turned around this time, walking away from JJ. You had to remind yourself that you were upset with him. He was so charming sometimes that you forgot.
“Y/N!” JJ hissed, grabbing onto your elbow before you could get far away from him.
You instantly broke free from his grip. “What’s your -”
A loud bang on your door stopped you in the middle of your sentence. You looked to the door, then back at JJ. You raised your eyebrows in confusion but before he could answer you, the voice on the other side already did.
“Y/N!” It was Rafe. Your eyes widened and this time, you looked to JJ in shock. Had he known Rafe was coming and tried to push you inside?
“I was at the Wreck today and heard him talking about coming over to your house tonight. He knew your parents weren’t home tonight. I wanted to make sure you were alright.” JJ whispered to you, explaining what you already suspected.
“Y/N! Are you inside?”
Before you could answer, Rafe banged on your front door again. You and JJ were in the back of your house anyways so you weren’t scared he would hear you.
“We need to hide for a little but I’m still upset with you.” You frowned at JJ, finally tiptoeing away from him.
You could feel JJ at your heels, following quickly behind you. “Why?” He was still whispering and you knew you would have to as well because now you were way closer to the front door.
You stopped and turned around, glancing at the backpack JJ had on. “Is that his money?”
JJ frowned, instantly knowing what you were talking about. He nodded solemnly. “I’m giving it to my dad tomorrow.”
You rolled your eyes. “That’s why.”
“Y/N!” Rafe banged on your door again, this time calling out for you desperately.
JJ rolled his eyes, looking to the front door where Rafe was on the other side. “Does this guy ever give up?”
You scoffed. “How ironic.”
You tried to turn away from JJ again but he grabbed a hold of your shoulder, preventing you from doing so. “Hey,” JJ said softly, looking in your eyes. You tried to not make eye contact but you couldn’t help it. You felt yourself turn into putty as he grabbed onto your hands. “I told you, as a Kook, there’s some stuff you don’t understand. I need this money.”
You shook your head. “You’re right. I don’t understand.” Your anger boiled over again and this time you ripped away from JJ’s grasp. You could tell he was hurt by your actions but before he could say anything, you both heard a terrifying sound come from the door.
A key was unlocking the door. Rafe had a key to your house.
You acted before JJ could, grabbing onto him and pulling him farther and farther away from the front door. You tried to think of a place to hide in the small amount of time the both of you had but you couldn’t think fast enough. JJ saw you start to have difficulty and tugged on your hand, signalling to you he knew where to hide.
You looked to him, hearing the front door open. He pointed forward and you followed his finger to where he was pointing. When you saw what he was pointing at, you almost wanted to roll your eyes. No way. JJ could see your grumpy expression but before you had time to argue, he pulled you forward and opened the door to the closet in your hallway.
This was the closet where your parents kept all their cleaning supplies so the second you entered and JJ closed the door behind you, you were hit with the smell of disinfectant. Thankfully, the door had a lock on the inside and you locked it quietly.
“Y/N?” Rafe calls out for you, still adamant that you were home.
Both you and JJ stay completely silent, listening to Rafe’s footsteps. He doesn’t pass the closet but instead makes his way upstairs, hoping he’s lucky enough to find you in bed. When he’s finally upstairs, JJ speaks first.
“Why does he have your key?” He’s infuriated now, thinking you gave him your key and still haven’t asked for it back. Maybe you still had feelings for Rafe and were waiting it out until JJ screwed up to go back to Rafe. JJ’s insecurities were swallowing him whole.
“I don’t know…” You whisper, not looking at the angry blonde. You remember your lost key. You hadn’t seen it for weeks, just after your fight with Rafe. Had he stolen it from you? You didn’t want to believe it but you wouldn’t put it past Rafe. He was always possessive. But this was too far and now you were scared. How many times had he entered your house without your knowledge since your breakup. Would he watch you sleep? You felt your body go cold.
JJ could see the petrified look on your face and his face instantly softened. Although he wanted to tackle Rafe and hurt him for scaring you so badly, he knew that would not help the situation. You both had to just wait it out until he left. So, as you waited, JJ wrapped his arms around your body in an attempt to comfort you. You gladly leaned onto him and let his warmth envelop you. As much as you were angry with him, he was the only person that could calm you down.
“How many times have we hid in closets since we met?”
You laugh lightly at his attempt to joke at a time like this. “This is the third time.”
“Every couple has their cheesy thing. This is ours.” JJ continued to joke, running his hands through your hair.
You pulled away from his chest only slightly, just to get a better look at his face. “We’re not a couple.”
JJ smirks, leaning millimetres away from your lips and looking down at them. His hot breath fans your face. “Yes we are.”
You lean forward, trying to close the gap between you two. JJ pulls only a little farther away, not letting you kiss him. You let out a disgruntled sigh. “Say we are.” JJ pleads quietly.
You only nod, too proud to agree with him.
“I wanna hear you say it.”
You gulp, his whispers sending shivers down your spine. “We are.”
Finally, JJ closes the gap between the two of you allowing you two to kiss. The kiss is passionate and it makes your stomach flip with excitement. Everything else melts away for those moments your lips are on his. He’s all you ever need. You need him like you need oxygen. You want to mad at him but you can’t. Not anymore. You’re addicted. You wonder if this is what love feels like, but you already know the answer. You love him.
Before you can even come to terms with this new revelation, you hear the sound of a door slam. You both jump back, anxious that you’ve been caught. You hear the ignition of a motorcycle start and drive away, signalling to you and JJ that Rafe is gone. You both wait another minute to make sure and once you are, JJ unlocks and opens the closet door. He lets you exit first and he follows after you. You look out your window to make sure Rafe is gone and once you see that his motorcycle is actually gone, you feel a weight lift off your chest. You turn back to JJ, who is looking in his backpack.
“Let me see.” You demand, walking back to the blonde.
JJ swings the backpack over one of his shoulders, smiling at you. “See what?”
His jokes were not amusing right now. “Seriously JJ.”
“I’m never serious, hun. That’s part of my charm.” He quickly replies, placing a chaste kiss on your lips before walking ahead of you and opening your front door. “You shouldn’t sleep here tonight. Just in case that creep comes back.”
Although you agree with JJ, you could hear the smugness under his tone and you knew what he was implying. “I’m not having sex with you.”
JJ rolls his eyes, grabbing onto his chest as if to say you have hurt him. “I’m a gentleman.”
You rolled your eyes, approaching JJ at the door. “Not even close.”
“You’re the one who brought up sex Y/N.” JJ smirked, closing the door behind you. You walked hand in hand down your driveway, only stopping once so that JJ could tie his shoe.
“I only brought it up because I knew what you were insinuating.” You defended, resting your head on his shoulder as the both of you continued to walk down the road, towards JJ’s house. It was on the other side of OBX so you both had a long way to go.
“Well, since we’re insinuating, I’d say you want to have sex with me. Why bring that up if you didn’t think of it too.” You know he’s only half joking but he was right.
You scoffed, hiding the blush on your cheeks. “No I don’t. Let’s talk about something else.” You fidgeted with the hem of your shirt.
You both stay silent for a moment and JJ only speaks up when you round the corner, finally leaving your neighbourhood. “Have you never…”
You gulped. “Only once.” You thought of Rafe and frowned. It was your first and last time with him. There was so much pressure, both by Rafe and yourself, and you promised to never to do it again. Not until you were 100% sure.
“Well,” JJ said, kissing your forehead. “No pressure here.”
You smiled up at him, your chin leaning on his shoulder. You loved him so much it hurt.
JJ’s bedroom was nothing like yours but you liked it way more than your own bedroom. Although it wasn’t painted any colour and was messy, it had this cozy feeling to it; something no room in your house had. It was smaller and darker than yours but you felt the warmth of his room envelop you as you entered. The rest of his house was occupied by his father’s spirit, which was anger and emptiness but this part of the house was JJ’s and it felt like his too. His bed had dirty clothes thrown all over it and it looked like he hadn’t made his bed in weeks. He had one wooden cabinet with clothes spilling out and then, on top of the cabinet, one singular picture.
“Sorry for the mess.” JJ mumbled as he grabbed a handful of dirty clothes and threw them into a pile in the corner of his room. As he quickly made his room more presentable, you ventured over to his cabinet, wanting to see what the picture was of.
The picture was of JJ, Pope, John B, and Kiara but way younger. They were maybe twelve or thirteen and all their arms wrapped around each other smiling. This photo was a selfie of the young kids and JJ was the one holding the phone. While his friends were smiling sweetly, JJ was the only one pulling a cheeky grin with his tongue sticking out of his mouth. You smiled lightly, wishing you could’ve met JJ when you were younger. When he was more innocent. You believed that you would’ve been attracted to JJ’s rambunctious personality even if he was younger.
“I was twelve in that photo.” JJ says from behind you.
You turn around to him and smirk. “You look like a little delinquent.”
JJ chuckles. “I was.”
You pass JJ once again and move to the other side of his room, where his bed lay a little less messy. “I like your room.”
JJ followed right behind you, laughing. “Don’t lie.”
You whipped your head around, smiling. “I’m not. I really do.”
JJ raised his brows. “Your room is much nicer.”
“Your room is cozier.” You rebuttal, softly sitting down on the edge of JJ’s bed.
JJ follows after you, sitting down beside you. “You’re welcome here any time my dad’s not here.” He grabs your legs and lets them drape across his own. You scoot closer to his body and wrap your arms around his neck. He smiles down at you, wrapping his arms around your back.
“Your dad’s not here right now?” You question, leaning forward.
JJ shakes his head, leaning close to you. “No way. He’s out gambling. Will be there until tomorrow morning.”
“Good.” You smirked, finally closing the gap between the two of you and kissing him.
JJ kisses you back instantly. He’s kissing more passionately than ever and you kiss him just as passionate back. You feel the word love is stuck in your throat, just begging to come out. You want to tell him but you’re so nervous. You figured he felt the same but to be so vulnerable...
“Y/N...” JJ whispers, breaking your kiss.
“Yeah?” You ask, breathing heavily against his face. You were so wrapped up the kiss your eyes were still closed.
“I love you so much.”
Those words hit you like a ton of bricks and your eyes instantly fly open, revealing JJ’s beautiful face. You can see the look in his eyes and you know what it means. You always thought you would say it first because you knew how much JJ hated being vulnerable. You never thought - believed - that JJ would ever want to be that openly vulnerable with you. Especially if he was taking a chance.
“I love you.” You say back, kissing him quickly on the lips.
JJ smiles, his hands moving from your back to your jaw. He applies pressure and you instantly know he wants to kiss you again. You indulge him and let him kiss you again but only for a second before you pull away. In the utter happiness of the moment, you don’t think twice before letting go of JJ and grabbing the hem of your shirt and lifting it over your head. You discard it quickly and toss it to the floor before looking back at JJ.
He smirks slyly. “I knew it.”
You rolled your eyes, wrapping your arms around his neck again, pulling him close. “Shut up.”
JJ laughs loudly, the blush on your face deepening. “Are you sure? Or are you just trying to boast you can take off your shirt faster than me.” In those moments, when JJ was laughing so vibrantly, you wished you had a camera. To keep the memory forever.
“Yes, I’m sure. And how the hell do you take your shirt off?” You watch him with a smile on your face as you watch your boyfriend awkwardly slip one arm out of his shirt and do it with his second arm before slowly pulling it off.
You’re laughing hysterically now. When he finally has his shirt off you want to stop laughing but the tired face he has on is so funny, you can’t help it. “What the hell was that?”
JJ pouts. “I’m sorry, that’s just how I do it. Don’t make fun of me.”
You nod and stop laughing. You only smile at him as you lean forward again to kiss him again. He closes the gap and kisses you back. His hands are all over your body and you kiss him but your hands stay in his hair. Before he can deepen the kiss in any way, you start to laugh again.
JJ pulls away, a smile on his face. “What?”
“You look like a prisoner trying to take off their straightjacket.” You giggle, still thinking of how he awkwardly took off his shirt.
JJ playfully rolls his eyes. “We’re literally about to have sex and you’re laughing at me.”
You shrug, cupping his face. “I love you.”
JJ’s face softens. “I love you more.”
And in that moment, you both felt as if the happiness would never end.
But, it would.
taglist: @dolanfivsosxox @obxrush @bellakellyrose03 @belledutchess @sexualparkour @lueurglow @itsriasblog @maries110911 @ebonyyyy-e @teamnick @tangledinsparkles @sarahsmaybank @91912512 @shawnssongs @ssjiara @amarachoren @haute-shawn @blog-hannahnicole @xlittlemissydjx
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bigskydreaming · 4 years
Making this its own post because replying to the ask got so weirdly formatted I can’t even. Oh tumblr. You work so well.
@themessofthecentury  asked:
jsksjf my tumblr notifs are bugging and i didnt see your post but!!! The patron Saint of Robins?? I am much intrigue!!
(This is from this ask game, just....gotten to late, lololol. And I still have more I’m getting to, no worries. Just had a rough couple days is all, laid me up a bit.)
Okay, so The Patron Saint of Robins is kinda like the situation at the end of Grayson, except also not at all. And actually this is one of my older WIPs, and according to Scrivener I started it in 2015 afhislfhalhfalf, so it really has nothing to do with that. Also, its Young Justice-verse, but for two specific reasons:
1) YJ-verse is my go-to for Good Dad Bruce Wayne, when I don’t want to actually tackle the issues I have with his and his kids’ dynamic in comic book canon. I don’t carry over things like the adoption issue or the Robin succession into YJ fics, as I don’t think there’s anything that suggests they’re ever a specific issue in YJ and I don’t feel a need to make them one. So pretty much anything and everything I write in YJ goes with the backstory that Dick’s already adopted by Season One, and he’s the one to grant each later Robin permission to use the mantle, with no conflict over that, and more of a pre-Crisis transition to Nightwing than the post-Crisis firing from Robin. And this fic inherently needs Good Dad Bruce Wayne to work, lol.
2) I needed Klarion the Witch-Boy. Who of course exists in comic book canon, but is muuuuuch different there, and I just needed him to be a little demonic evil shithead, who sets everything in motion to get payback on the heroes for thwarting the Light in Season One, and he targets Robin due to being the oft-cited ‘first of the baby brat heroes’ and the ‘heart of the cape community.’
You don’t really need to be familiar with YJ canon at all for this one, as it goes sharply AU from after Season One, and only faintly and vaguely references specific events from that season. And I use my own YJ-ized version of the Titans as much as the actual YJ Team.
So basically, the plot of this one is to take revenge on the heroes for spoiling his game in Season One, Klarion plays a new game, by putting a chaos curse on Robin. It essentially erases him from peoples’ memories, though he’s perfectly able to make new ones. If he re-introduces himself to someone ask Dick Grayson, for instance, they don’t suddenly remember who Dick Grayson is or was, but they don’t forget about him again from that point onward, its like they meet him for the first time as a stranger.
But the curse part of things is only Batman can break it and restore everyone’s memories of Dick and his actual history, and only by identifying him for who he really is. And Dick can’t be part of breaking his own curse or else it seals it and makes it permanent and unbreakable forever.
Which of course leaves Dick completely miserable at first, understandably, and Bruce (and everyone else Dick knows, to varying different degrees) feeling some kind of loss but with no idea what it is they think or feel that they’re missing. Dick makes some half-hearted attempts at starting a new life for himself in Gotham, and in the process befriends a street kid named Jason Todd, though Dick introduces himself to Jason with just the name Robin.
The way the curse operates is it restitches together peoples’ memories to cover up the gaps where memories of him would go. So for instance, even though Jason never knew Dick before the curse, he was familiar with Batman and Robin just as much as any Gothammite was.....but due to the curse, the name Robin, upon meeting Dick, had no special meaning to him or anyone else. As far as he knew, Batman had always operated on his own in Gotham, the first teen superhero was that Speedy kid in Star City, etc. So when Jason first meets Dick, he just thinks he’s some dude whose name happens to be Robin.
Eventually, because Dick’s been kinda torturing himself by spying on Bruce just to ‘keep an eye on him’ and still watch his back, and he’s recognized by now that Bruce is mourning his loss without even knowing that he’s missing something....so Dick, who has also kinda come to see Jason as a little brother figure due to watching out for him as well....decides to kill two birds with one stone, unfortunate pun not intended. (Jason doesn’t die in this one, lol). Basically, Dick puts in motion the chain of events that lead Jason to stealing Batman’s tires, because he doesn’t know EXACTLY what Bruce will do but he knows it’ll get his attention in a big way and Bruce will take it from there.
One thing leads to another, Jason ends up living with Bruce and when eventually he wants to be trained by Bruce so he can do what he does and protect kids like he used to be.....when asked to pick a name....Jason names himself after the guy who always looked out for him, and who led to him being found by Bruce in the first place. He doesn’t know that his friend ‘Robin’ steered him towards those tires deliberately, just to bring him and Bruce into contact, but he does credit him with making the suggestion that ‘inadvertently’ (as far as he knows) enabled his and Bruce’s introduction, and so he names himself in honor of the boy who helped him and who he tried to track down again to similarly help, after Bruce adopted him, but was never able to find again.
Over the years, Dick also ends up steering Tim, Cass, Duke and Damian to Bruce in different ways than comic book canon (Steph and Babs’ debuts remain their own, as family adjacent but not family specifically) and thus is integral to the forming of the Batfam and has a connection with them even before the curse ultimately ends up broken and he’s able to reclaim his full identity. And each of them end up Robin at least briefly, like Steph is never Robin in this AU, and sticks with Spoiler, whereas Cass IS briefly Robin before becoming Batgirl after Babs. I did this for a few different reasons...
One, I really like that Cass is never Robin in main continuity as it creates a different dynamic between her and Dick than most of their siblings have, BUT I’ve always been curious to play around what Cass-as-Robin might even be like, just for an AU. Two, part of the Black Bat and Batgirl but never Robin sequence of mantles for Cass in the comic book continuity is like.....although it doesn’t get explored nearly enough, Babs was as much a kind of mother figure for Cass as Bruce was a father figure, despite Babs’ young age. So it makes more sense for Cass to stick more to just Bat-mantles than to ever be a Robin in the comic books. But in YJ, Babs is even younger, and just way too young to have the specific kind of dynamic that leads to that in the comic books, so its not as unreasonable IMO for her to have a different dynamic in her early days in the family here, before becoming closer with Babs and taking up the Batgirl mantle after she moves on to become Oracle.
And then also, and this is also the primary reason for making Duke a Robin briefly, before Damian is old enough....I got hung up on the title and it just didn’t work as well if it was Robins + Cass and Duke, lololol. See, in addition to helping steer the family into the points of introduction that make them a family, over the years he also acts as like, a guardian angel figure to the various family members, looking out for them and interceding in times of extreme danger, like when Jason is almost killed by the Joker. He’s always in disguise, but the kids eventually compare notes and realize there’s a singular figure behind each of their introductions to Bruce and the guy swooping out of nowhere to save their behinds whenever they’re most in danger, and Jason eventually connects this back to the guy who apparently NOT so coincidentally suggested he go after the Batmobile’s tires that fateful night, and the kids end up jokingly/not-so-jokingly referring to this figure as the Patron Saint of Robins. (Shout-out to the occasional mentions/allusions of Jason’s Catholicism).
They never tell Bruce about this figure (at least before Bruce starts to put together clues on his own), because they all figured out that for whatever reason, this person despite wanting them all to meet Bruce seems to want to avoid Bruce himself, and they kinda want to respect that as a kind of payback for his help, and also like....Bruce, even a kinder, gentler Bruce, is still Bruce. And when Bruce is gonna Bruce, that means Batparanoia. And all of them for various reasons DO trust that this guy has nothing but good intentions towards them, and so they don’t want to like....ruin or tarnish the positivity they associate with his intercession in their lives with paranoia or treating him like a bad guy. Which ultimately is really just smoke and mirrors for saying that he’s kinda a ‘just for them’ secret. Its a Robin thing.
(Until its not).
Because meanwhile, Dick, in between meeting the various Batfam members and pulling strings and looking out for them from the shadows, at first travels the world looking for ways to break his curse. But when ultimately its clear that the only way to break it is the loophole built into it already, Bruce identifying him for who he really is, but without Dick doing anything to steer him towards the answer, Dick settles into a new hero identity as Nightwing, and forms the Teen Titans, a public group of young superheroes (minus Roy and Wally, unfortunately, but still with Donna, Garth, Raven, Kory, ignoring season 3 Vic and also Terra because AU redemption arc what what, etc). And the Teen Titans avoid both the Young Justice Team and the Justlce League with EXTREME measures, much to the other heroes’ confusion and aggravation, because in the early days of the Titans, in a moment of what he’d term weakness, on one of his ‘bad days,’ Dick tells them enough of his story that they’re able to put together a good sense of what happened and who he really is by reading between the lines and what he leaves unsaid....
BUT as a result, all end up extremely committed to not mixing and mingling casually with the rest of the cape community because they don’t want to risk dropping any hints about the guy under Nightwing’s mask, in case that might count as steering Batman towards clues and seal the curse for good. So I have a lot of fun with having the Titans just nope out of the scene the second the bad guys are defeated even when they have to team up with other heroes, leaving the other heroes confused as hell and trying not to be all ‘WHY DON’T YOU LIKE US??”
Anyway, so yeah, that’s the gist of this one, lol. With it of course following the eventual plot that like...the Batfam starts to Detect and put things together.
Damian versus Klarion: Round One
“Aww, its adorable that you think you’re in my league,” the Witch-Boy cooed in an absolute mockery of sympathy. Damian bristled, but before he could do anything more than that, he was faced with a much more pressing matter as reality completely lost its mind.
The walls of the cavern fell away in an instant, only to be replaced with a whirling dervish of winds all around them, as if they now stood in the center of a cyclone that bled red and silver and black. It shrieked and wailed in a chorus of voices just on the other side of being comprehensible, a symphony of the damned that set every nerve in Damian’s body aflame with a primal instinct to get out, to find silence, to be anywhere but here.
He’d barely staggered a step backwards when the ground erupted beneath him, splitting apart into jagged obsidian shards that bobbed precariously in the sea of magma barely glimpsed through cracks now spiderwebbing their way across the floor. Spears of lightning burst upwards through them, stabbing impossibly at the heavens rather than raining down from them. They hissed and crackled as they flickered like forked serpent tongues of electric violet and black. The forks becoming branches, the pillars of sky-shattering light transforming into the trunks of great trees that grew upwards and outward, weaving a canopy overhead. One that wept violently red leaves that fell gently to the ground, only to hiss and bubble like acid once they did.
“See, normally this is when I’d hit someone with a little razzle-dazzle like this,” Klarion called out over the song of madness he’d created, as it crooned and careened wildly all around them. He snapped his fingers, and in the span of a second it all ceased. Reality reaffirmed itself, and all was right with the world once more…except now the two of them stood at the end of a hallway in Wayne Manor.
Damian stumbled, the sudden reappearance of firm ground paradoxically being the thing to challenge his balance. The demon boy standing beside him crooked his thumb and forefinger in the semblance of a gun, the smile pasted across his face one of wickedly gleeful malice.
“But you, kiddo, you’re special. Cuz there’s nothing I could do to you now that could top what I’ve already done, so why try when I can just savor the moment instead?”
“What are you babbling about?” Damian demanded roughly. In the wake of what the Witch-Boy had just conjured up with nothing more than a gesture, he was keenly aware of how flimsy a shield his bravado made. He just had absolutely no idea what else to fall back on.
Klarion only threw back his head and laughed though, skipping merrily down the hall as he did.
“I know something you don’t know,” he sing-songed and Damian lost what little grasp of his patience he’d managed to hang onto.
“You overestimate my need for an answer. Attempt to intimidate me all you wish, but I have no desire to indulge your little game any further.”
Klarion jerked to a stop and spun around, his face screwed into a childish pout. He stomped his foot, petulance personified. “I’m not intimidating you anymore, I’m gloating! Ugh, you’re so stupid! They’re completely different, how can you not tell?”
Every light in the hallway flickered and fizzed abruptly. The walls wavered, bubbled, momentarily molten as if made of wax.
Again Damian was reminded just how mercurial this being he was faced with was, and how dangerous. Perhaps, as Father would say, this was not the time to indulge his own instinctive inclinations. Or as Todd would put it, just because you’re already fucked, that’s no reason to fuck yourself over more than you have to.
Crude as his older brother was, there was occasional merit to his…pithiness. Not that he would be admitting that any time soon, of course.
“Fine. What is it you wish to gloat about then?” Damian grated out. The appeasement, such as it was, tried its best to stick in his throat before finally clawing its way free. But at least it proved worth the effort when the godling’s mood reverted back to impishness as readily as with the flip of a switch.
“Well. Its like this, you see.” Klarion said. He dragged it out as he folded both legs underneath him to sit cross-legged in the air, plopping his head into his hands. “I did a baaaaaaaaaaaaad, bad thing to your family, a loooooong time ago. And none of you have done anything about it, because you don’t even know! Isn’t that funny? Doesn’t matter how big a hero Daddy Bats is if he doesn’t even know what needs saving huh? Little Catch-22 there, you might say.”
“Yes. Quite hysterical,” Damian said dryly. “So what is it you claim to have done then?”
The Witch-Boy just sat there, regarding him with amusement, and the seconds marched on into minutes. Damian’s skin crawled. Prickling with impatience and possibly something…more. He wasn’t quite ready to name it anxiety or something as melodramatic as all that yet. In fact, he’d rather not put a name to it at all, but today did not appear to be a day for configuring things to his liking.  
Klarion’s wicked grin grew as if sensing his thoughts, though to the best of his knowledge (and Damian did quickly ransack the library of his memory just to be sure) there was no indication telepathy was included among the Chaos Lord’s many, many powers. And still that detestable smile stretched slowly wider all the same, in perfect synchronization with the rising tide of Damian’s unease. Perhaps the Witch-Boy’s file was in need of annotation.
“How many doors would you say are in this hallway?”
“What? Seven.” Damian snapped out his answer, annoyed by the non sequitur. Not to mention baffled. Was it too much to expect even a semblance of linear thought from the Chaos brat?
“Are you suuuuuuure?” The Witch-Boy stretched his query out obnoxiously. “Maybe you should count again. Just for kicks and giggles.”
Damian throttled back each and every retort attempting to spring to his lips, stuffing them back down and cramming a lid on everything he most dearly wished to say to this most vexing of…shitheads. Once again, it appeared as though nothing less than Todd’s preferred form of nomenclature would suffice. Wonderful. On top of everything else Damian had to deal with today, he seemed to be finding common ground with the man all over the place. Was there no end to the indignities he must suffer?
But marshaling his own formidable willpower, Damian took a deep breath and indulged the Chaos Lord, glancing his eyes down the length of the hallway and counting out each doorway one by one. There was his own room of course, with Cassandra’s to the right of his, and the room Brown used when staying over to the right of hers. That was three. Then there was Thomas directly across from his own room, with Drake to his right and Todd just beyond that, with Father’s room at the very end of the hall, his master suite staggered and with no direct opposite like the others. Seven.
Except all of a sudden there was a door directly opposite his father’s. For a total of eight.
Damian’s brow furrowed in consternation. The faint whispers of uncertainty already seeded throughout him bore fruit, ripening into poisonous stabbings of doubt.
“That’s not real,” he stated with as much conviction as he could muster.
The Witch-Boy’s smile only grew wider still. “Isn’t it, though?”
“There’s never been a door there before,” Damian persisted, striding confidently down the hall towards it. The Chaos Lord flitted ahead of him, inverting til he was upside down and skipping merrily once more, though this time from the ceiling.
“Or has it been there all along?” He sing-songed some more.
“I would think we might have noticed if it had been,” Damian growled.
“Yes, you’d think, wouldn’t you? You are all supposed to be a family of detectives, I thought. Makes you wonder…if you could miss this, what else might you have failed to notice?”
Damian snarled to himself and did his best to shut out the demon boy’s prattling. He quickened his strides, eating up the length of the hallway in his haste to reach its end. He wasn’t sure what opening the door would prove, let alone what bewilderment the godling had conjured on its other side, but it appeared the only end to this game of his was through it, so let there be an end to it already.
And yet, for all his certainty - or best facsimile of it - he couldn’t help but pause once he reached the door in question. His hand hovered within reach of its brass knob, but some instinct, some…caution, held him at bay. As much as he wanted to dismiss all this as just one more of the Chaos Lord’s inane charades, there was a tension in the air that felt too weighty to be the product of just magical conjuring. Something more was in play here. Real forces were at work. His father might disdain magic, but Damian had been around enough of it himself to know when true power had been raised. And the span of empty space between his hand and this hither-to-unseen doorknob held more of it than Damian had felt throughout all the mad warpings Klarion had made of reality thus far.
“Are you sure you want to do that?” Klarion asked from somewhere overhead. His voice, usually pitched to carry, was so soft for a moment Damian mistook it for his own inner doubts. “Some doors are easier to open than to close again, you know.”
Even knowing the goading for what it was couldn’t stop Damian then, and with a simple breath to fortify himself, he reached for the knob, spun it once, and shoved the door open all in a single sharp movement.
The Witch-Boy giggled up above.
The door swung wide, a forceful arc that should have revealed anything and everything within it all at once; the better to react quickly to whatever that might be. Fine in principle, perfect in execution, but thwarted by one small detail:
There was nothing on the other side.
And not in the sense of it being just an empty room, but true nothingness. A pitch-black abyss darker than the deepest night, yawning forth from the doorway in a vast, impenetrable shroud. Nor was anything hidden in the darkness, Damian knew, even if just intuitively. He could feel it, that he stood on the edge of an impossible cliff, that there was nothing beyond this threshold but an aching chasm of emptiness and loss. The surety of it hung in the air, thick and heavy, a miasma that seeped through to his side of the doorway and clung to him like the moisture of a fog beads upon the skin.
Klarion’s head suddenly popped up alongside him, hovering just over his shoulder.
Albeit still upside down.
“Well that doesn’t seem right,” he mused, tapping at his lips with a forefinger. “What do you suppose is meant to be in there?”
The last of Damian’s brittle patience shattered.
“Enough! What is the meaning of all this, demon? Speak plainly, for once in your miserable existence!”
His self-preservation instincts and the reminder of just who it was he was shouting at kicked in too little too late, but he wouldn’t take his exasperated fury back even if he could. He was who he was after all. But fortunately, that described the Witch-Boy just as accurately, and rather take offense or perceive any actual threat from Damian’s rage, the Chaos Lord just shrieked with laughter and sprung backwards. He flipped right side up, still hovering in mid-air, and clapped his hands with glee.
“Oh, I should have done this ages ago,” Klarion sang out. “Why, you’re almost as fun as he used to be. Back before he got all droll and serious, that is. He’s no fun at all anymore, nothing like this. Never wants to play, always just running back to his tower with that little bitch of a demoness.”
His face soured like he’d just sucked on a lemon. But rather than stop there, his countenance kept morphing into an increasingly savage scowl, the longer he ranted. The hallway was suddenly sweltering, baking with unseen heat that twisted the air into shimmering ribbons. The small horns sprouting from his forehead burst into scimitars of flame that cut through those ribbons and set them similarly ablaze.
“Always putting on airs like she’s some kind of royalty, just because her Daddy Dearest put the fear into a few peasants back in the day,” the Witch-Boy snarled viciously. “As if that’s enough to put her on par with the likes of me. No one is the likes of me. NO ONE!”
Reality itself quaked with the force of his shout. White-blue flames spat forth and crescendoed down the length of the corridor, splashing against its walls and searing them to a crisp. Damian braced himself for all the good it would do, keenly aware of the void still gaping hungrily behind his back, but before the fire could become an actual danger to him as well, all was quiet once more.
Silence hung in the air much like the demon boy, poised yet motionless. Suspended. Waiting.
And then Klarion simply inhaled and brushed his hands down the front of his garments, smoothing out the wrinkles as he reclaimed his calm. The corridor restored itself to its former self, curtains of vintage reality unrolling from the ceiling to the floor as though papering over the damage. Damian felt rather than saw when the portal behind him swung shut and was replaced with the expanse of ivory paint and ornate sconces he was used to seeing in its place.
“I am one of a kind, after all,” Klarion finally remarked. It was a casual drawl offered forth almost off-handedly, as if more a reminder to himself than uttered for anyone else’s sake. He used one hand to spell out letters in the air. They appeared and vanished again in bursts of fireworks and fluorescent flame. “U-N-I-Q-U-E.”
“As I, apparently, am not,” Damian said, seizing upon the Chaos Lord’s restored calm and good cheer. “Who is this ‘he’ you mentioned? If I’m to be pitted against him as entertainment in your eyes, might I at least know his name?”
“Nuh-uh-uh,” the Witch-Boy scolded. He wagged his finger at Damian. “No spoilers. That’s not how the game is played.”
Keenly aware of the boy’s power once more, Damian gritted his teeth and pressed on. “Well, if there are to be rules, shouldn’t I at least know what those are?”
Klarion sucked in a deep breath, drawing himself up along with his inhalation as though preparing for some great speech…and instead just toppling backward, flopping onto an extravagant fainting couch that suddenly appeared beneath him, though similarly floating in the air.
“I can’t recall at the moment.” His now-faint voice drifted up from where he lay buried amid a mountain of pillows. “I’ve had a terribly exhausting day. But you’re supposed to be a detective, remember? Go…I don’t know. Detect things.”
He flapped an arm at Damian dismissively, and then crooked a finger into a twirling motion that set his divan to spinning in lazy circles.
“Isn’t life grand?” Klarion sighed fondly. “With all its twists and turns, its eddies and swirls. I mean, take the two of us. Scant hours ago, we were mortal enemies, and just look at us now.”
The Witch-Boy lazily rolled his head to the side as the couch drifted to bring him face-to-face with Damian. His lips spread wide in that malevolent, wicked grin of his once again, but somehow it managed to be even wider than any he’d shown off before. His eyes blazed with a hellish inner light, and his voice, when next he spoke, dropped deep into a demonic register. A bass that boomed forth and set Damian’s very bones to rattling.
“Ain’t we got fun?”
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bisexualallya · 4 years
Can i ask what you think the characters we meet post-season 3B zodiac signs are?
absolutely! I didn’t do them originally because there was no canon other than approximate ages to go off of, so this is all my own thoughts and feelings and we can go from there!
also sorry it took me so long to get back to you about this, but I wanted to think these through all the way instead of going with my initial feeling (which was only right half the time)
liam dunbar -  aries or gemini
okay, so liam is a textbook aries. literally, look up aries in the dictionary, and there is a picture of season four liam next to it. main negative character traits are impatient, moody, short-tempered, impulsive, and aggressive. 
however, in my heart, hes a june gemini. he is sweet and soft and so utterly romantic (as we see throughout his hayden and theo storylines) and honestly just needs a hug. he can be changeable but that makes him adaptable as well, and it also makes him a good leader (as we see both in his lacrosse storylines and in being scott’s second). so I say gemini and chalk up the anger to his general frustration and self-confidence issues instead of general aggressiveness.
mason hewitt - libra
mason is such an interesting character, because as much as he is supposed to serve as a parallel to stiles, he is much more in tune with scott in personality and mind (similarly to how scott/liam parallels derek/scott but liam parallels stiles in personality - just an interesting thought). mason is a ride-or-die with a lot of lofty, philosophic intelligence. he is sharp and fair-minded, while also just kinda happy to be there. but also, he gives a lot of grounding vibes for liam, so im placing him as a september libra.  
theo raeken - cancer
I didnt even need to think about this one, it just leaped at me. he is emotional and sneaky, but it comes from a place of just craving acceptance and love. yes, he can be manipulative, but he sticks to his loyalties (in theo’s case, he is loyal to himself until his redemption arc and decides to be loyal to scott and the pack). someone please just love this boy and tell him hes doing a good job so he can stop shoving people away and indulging in self-pity, which can often be a cancer’s downfall. I would say hes more emotional than others, so its definitely july cancer. 
hayden romero - scorpio
100% a november scorpio (I am giving her derek’s fake birthday of november 7). she openly admits to being vengeful, and her entire personality is just prickly. girl is stubborn as all hell, but passionate when she opens up, and can hold a grudge like no one’s business. she is independent and single-minded when she wants something, but is still in tune with the situation around her. 
corey bryant - virgo
corey is the ultimate softboi and I admire him so much. he is incredibly connected to his humanity despite his supernatural abilities, and excessively kind. what sets him apart from other earth signs and places him firmly in virgo is his shy and worrisome nature, while still being loyal and practical and willing to put in the work. september virgo because hes overly critical and can often get bogged down in the details. 
tracy stewart - pisces
first of all, justice for tracy. I originally placed her as an air sign, but the more I thought about it, the more I was drawn to pisces, specifically march pisces. she is exceedingly sensitive, often times coming across fearful and sad (understandable considering the everything about her character arc). but she is also gentle and passionate, which we see with her crush on and eventual “relationship” with theo. 
brett talbot - leo
this is without question. brett is a natural born leader, and comes off arrogant, self-confident, and dominant. however, as the show evolves, we see that he genuinely does care about liam, and how he takes initiative in season six, caring for his sister and other betas from satomi’s pack. he may not like dealing with things, but he has no trouble stepping up when he is needed, and solving difficult problems to calm other’s worries. I think hes an august leo because of how dominant a personality he is. 
braeden - taurus
braeden is stability, plain and simple. although she plays a variety of roles throughout the show, she remains a self-possessed, independent woman who is reliable and practical. her relationships with both malia and derek show that she is willing to help without being overly intrusive and taking control. while this may seem like a soft choice for her considering her career, I think that her inherent practicality allows her to compartmentalize. but I also just like her so. I would say may over april taurus because there is a more romantic side to her. 
meredith walker - gemini
this is one instance when two personalities really does lead you to gemini. meredith is incredibly worried, nervous, all of the ways she presents. what we see in season four, however, shows the downside of the gemini - able to talk themselves into anything under the guise of “the ends justify the means.” she can be cruel when she thinks its necessary in order to achieve her goals. all of this, of course, happens inside her head. I would say may gemini over june solely because my experience with may geminis suggests that there can be self-righteous like its a sport.
gwen - aquarius
this one might seem out of left field, especially because what we know of gwen is stubborn, determined, blind loyalty and confidence that she is correct, which would suggest another scorpio. however, I think the uncompromising and temperamental way in which she pursues her sister’s disappearance suggests aquarius, probably february aquarius. she can be seen as timid until it stands in her way, and then she will bowl you over. she wants to logic her way out of her situation, and, despite a call to action, uses her brain to make sense of the world changing around her.
nolan holloway - pisces
oh, the NERVES on this boy. another that I originally placed as air until I thought about it more. nolan changes sides because he sees the cruelty that is occurring around him, and that really disturbs him. for the rest of the series, he is gentle, sad, often quite fearful. he places himself in a position to be a martyr for the good, helping the pack take down the hunter infestation. and oh boy, the crying that occurs. he is what Isaac would be if Isaac’s main personality trait was not being a smart ass. another february pisces. 
could also be a gemini, but I think he is lacking that layer of changeability that gemini’s require. he is not as defensive of his emotions that way that geminis can be. 
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viriyanon · 3 years
that one (or two) #jesusreference that i absolutely love from ep 15
today i officially throw all my biases away and admit that tdj's approach towards finale is super delicious. this episode is the real definition of chef kiss. making the antagonist step on the almighty protagonist an episode before finale? other-worldly. "killing" both yohan and gaon without touching any of them? show-stopping. #jesusreference throughout the episode like hansel and gretel's bread crumbs? love it. this is the first drama that successfully reels me back to my early excitement and anticipation, after those two dreadful episodes full of tug of war, uncertainty, and pessimism.
i kinda had seen it that kang yohan would not actually back down after min jungho and kim gaon's press con. (talking about min jungho i really want to know this man's background) he's always on the civilians' side, never leaving them from his consideration. although it seems like he's pulling a pontius pilate (damn, another #jesusreference), shifting the power of his decision to his people in the name of democracy, it's not entirely wrong. theoretically, it is democracy that we all wished for but couldn't achieve. for the sake of law and order and quick process. but really, it made me question myself again, who are those people to decide that progress should be quick? that the democratic process to reach a consensus must be done in several days, weeks, months? well, i'll get back to this very very later.
then at one point, during yohan's quarrel with gaon in his office, a thought flashed in my head. i used to... question myself, what kind of madness a kang yohan is? what makes his monstrosity more tolerable than jung sunah, cha kyunghee, heo jungse, and their gang, even the jukchang and madame chacha's son? yohan also manipulated people, caused casualties, beat up people, and almost shot a bus driver. even though it's for a good purpose but what is good and what is bad is always subjective to the owner's moral sense. then, it came out clear to me.
"ah.... kang yohan is not a monster. he is a child."
it appeared to me that yohan's childishness didnt stop at his endless bicker with elijah and his pouty pout whenever gaon pulled him out of his tough turtle's shell. he was trying to bring down all hell that these powerful evils created with his childlike mind.
when he said he's just providing "the quick way", and he apologized for all the accusations min jungho threw to him, and the mass didn't give up on him, it clicked. when he was mad at gaon for calling him a monster, and insisted that he's just giving "the quick way" for the poor and oppressed in this corrupted society. it freaking clicked.
kang yohan, people's guardian angel, was a child in a middle-aged man's body. look back to the day he killed the bird for the girl. he SAW fear in the girl's eyes (thats why dont be an overdramatic bitch) and immediately responded to it. he lived with fear every single day without knowing the safe solution to it. he knew how it felt to be very scared and noone stood up for you. so he "killed" the source of fear for the girl.
but then? his friends couldn't understand it. hell, even his teacher just spacedive into conclusion. i assume they didnt even call his dad to resolve the situation. cus it'd be no avail with his jackass dad. plus, self-righteous brother, ignorant maid, and psychopathic same-age maid. young yohan who was not well cared and taught to be empathetic had his character building imperfect and impeded.
im not a psychologist cant really talk abt it but i felt like kang yohan was pictured as a child who was responding to the world, well, in his child way. this reminded me of thag one verse from Matthew about having an innocence of a child. it goes like:
He called a little child to him, and placed the child among them. And he said: “Truly I tell you, unless you change and become like little children, you will never enter the kingdom of heaven. Therefore, whoever takes the lowly position of this child is the greatest in the kingdom of heaven."
that's why kang yohan placed himself among the poor people, giving justice to the wronged and weak ones. that's why no matter how cruel the accusations he received, he still could humbly admit it and everyone supported him. it's cus yohan was seen and depicted by the writer as a child.
he was like a little boy who hadn't known abt bureaucracy and the nook and crannies of this crooked world, encouraging him to take the dark, quicker alleyway. generally, children are innocent and simple. by opening a live court, he quickly took an action and solved a problem without much complication. therefore, his straightforward approach was more favourable than other formal courts. but some people thought he was being a barbarian.
when he asked gaon to let go soohyun to be able to finish their goal, it felt like a baby's babble. "i want this car toy, i dont want other toy! if you dont buy me this toy, i wont eat." smtg like that.
soohyun needed to be avoided bcs she didnt know anything abt yohan while yohan's just executing his plan that only gaon knew. the people surrounding yohan didnt try to understand yohan too and could possibly mislead her. with soohyun giving gaon false information abt yohan while theyre working tgt, their goal could fail as the judge had to reassure gaon over and over.
lastly, the thing that differentiate yohan and other antagonists is yohan didn't kill, even in the heat of the moment. because the "child" in him knew killing wasnt acceptable and a child usually doesn't have the mean to hurt others completely even until die, unless there are other factors. while those antagonists, their dirty works must consisted of killing one or two men. and that's why they're the real monsters. yohan was a guardian angel that has a monstrous facade.
and he couldn't be understood by the "older" people (gaon, soohyun, the maid, elijah is just another baby, min jungho, the devil gang) bcs he was simply a child who was extra careful to handpick the person he could trust his little secret to. and gaon was the only person who could do that.
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bayrut · 4 years
thoughts on me 😌 jk Okay, thoughts on every solo album from each former member of one direction (but just the ones you wanna do, don’t do anything that makes you uncomfortable 👉🏽👈🏽)
thoughts on ceci: truly iconic i love her. best gifs, edits. funniest person. sweatest heart ever. deserves better. underrated.
i put my thoughts on each solo album under a cut because it got very long (took me 30 mins to write) and sorry i did not proof read i wanna go shower
okay let’s gooo
mind of mine-zayn: i’m gonna be honest, back when it came out i didn’t love it because it wasn’t my music style at all (still isn’t) but i knew it was good. like music can be good even if it’s not my style you know? but i had a few tracks i really loved a lot (for example, it’s you, she, intermission:flower, truth) that i loved a lot. but i have been relistening to the album for the last year and i think it’s really growing on me. but i still dislike pillowtalk, haven’t heard it since it came out, and probably never will again sorry i do not like it
hs1-h: when it came out i listened to it like 1 time, some songs i couldn’t finish, and i honestly don’t remember what they sound like (meet me in the hallway, carolina, only angel, kiwi, ever since new york, woman), the rest (sign of the times, two ghosts, sweet creature, from the dining table) i was like okay, maybe they’ll grow on me, so i listened to them for a while, maybe a month or two, still, they did not grow on me. some of the lyrics are quite sexist imo and make me uncomfortable. then i didn’t listen to them at all, apart for sott since it was played on radios etc. i heard hs1 one last time (not completely, only partly) around july 2018 because i watched a livestream of his last show? but i got bored halfway so didn’t watch it all. it was his only live show i’ve seen videos off. i’ve never heard those two unreleased songs he used to sing live ever (medecine, anna)
flicker-niall: i would like to send a kiss to mr niall james horan i love this album so much!! okay not all songs, but the majority make me feel so warm and i love them!! shout out to this town, seeing blind, paper houses, since we’re alone, flicker, and on my own. i don’t really like on the loose and slow hands, but not because they’re bad, i just can’t relate to them oops. also the orchestra version? amazing, probably the best decision niall has ever done his entire life!!! in conclusion, i love it, what a great opening for his career, iconic, i knew niall would deliver, but, it deserved better.
icarus falls-zayn: thank you king for all this good food i love it. no but really, zayn was like here’s 30 songs enjoy! like wow awesome. ok i don’t love the collabs on it, tbh i don’t listen to them. i like the vibe of the album, the story, the visual videos, etc a lot. it’s a very different feel from mind of mind, very refreshing, i love it a lot. although it’s thirty!!! songs, it leaves me at the edge of my seat asking for more, i can’t wait for his third album. my faves are definitely: let me, natural, common, stand still, flight of the stars, there you are, i don’t mind, satisfaction, entertainer, good years. it has a feel of a 3am drive with a friend, but you’re both not talking and you’re both going nowhere. that sad summer nostalgia. love it, makes me wanna cry.
lp1-liam: i honestly liked liam’s ep, and his singles, a lot better than his album. but he didnt write too many songs on them, it’s a bit weird because i can’t really judge liam’s music from it, since i don’t think it’s completely him. remember and heart meet break are probably my two faves from it.
fine line-h: thank God i have not heard any of those songs, and i hope i never will. i’ve read lyrics of it. very sexist i hate it thanks and can he stop singing about fruit? i like eating fruit he’s ruining it for me
heartbreak weather-niall: okay tbh the teasers were so cute and i was very excited for this album, the whole story concept etc, the colours etc. still to this day idk if i prefer flicker or HW because they’re both really good!! i think in terms of music, you can see a clear evolution from flicker to HW, he improved a lot. but still i love flicker because the songs make me wanna cry. some songs i can’t relate to at all: small talk, arms of a stranger, new angel, etc because niall is horny (which is valid but i’m asexual). but surprisingly i’m addicted to small talk from his live performance... makes me wanna scream i love it. my faves are heartbreak weather, dear patience, everywhere, still. i think still is the best song niall has ever written ever he can’t possibly outshine it it’s too good. 
walls-louis: ok i did them all in chronological order but left walls for the end because i just!!!! love it so much i will cry. there are only 2 artists for which i can not skip any songs at all and louis is one of them i’m not exaggerating. any other artists i like (even like, mika) have made some song-mistakes. louis no. never. never has and never will i know it in my heart. walls means so much to me but before i get into that can i just say i love the 4 pre walls songs???? they deserved better rest in peace 2017!lt1. ok so now walls. it is so personal, the lyrics are so so clever, the music is beautiful. my faves are kill my mind, don’t let it break your heart, two of us, we made it, too young, walls, habit, always you, fearless, perfect now, defenceless, only the brave, (and yes i am adding the japan bonus tracks because i am BITTER), just hold on, miss you. yes i did just list the whole album no i do not care you are not allowed to complain about that. this summer at work i was so bored i’d just sit in the sun and sing all of louis’ discography in my head on loop. and i’d listen to walls 1/2 on my way to work and 1/2 on my way back home. the album is so beautiful ceci sorry i am not making sense i am not eloquent at all but it means so much to me i can’t believe his album was delayed so long. i think because it was delayed, maybe the songs aren’t as coherent as in other albums. so let’s think about that for a second. if it’s a bit patchy and this good, what about lt2? it’s gonna be amazing so good he’s gonna kill it he’s just gonna get better and better and better i can’t wait to see it. i’m so thankful that we are allowed to experience louis as an artist, and louis growing as an artist over the years, because he will, and it’s gonna be so beautiful and i’m gonna cry a lot. my description did not do walls justice but know that i love it a lot okay
ask me about my thoughts on stuff 👀
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ruffiorocks · 4 years
She Ra! This show was amazing! (Long post)
Omg! I stayed up until 4.00am to binge watch the last season of She Ra. I'm gutted that before I put it on I opened Twitter for a second and the Catradora kiss was ruined for me! 😞
But what a bloody season! What a show! I grew up watching the original She Ra and the original He Man. Mine and brothers favourite movie was "The Secret of the Sword" (the He Man and She Ra film where she is first introduced). That show was brilliant for its day, it depicted strong women who didn't need men to save them. Plus She Ra was so much better than He Man, she could heal people, talk to animals and turn her sword into anything she liked! She also had a flying unicorn that could talk! What else could a girl want in a show?
When I heard this was going to be revived I was a bit apprehensive, especially after the failed He Man reboot and the failed Thunder Cats one. (Dont even get me started on that monstrosity they call a reboot! At least the anime version was cool).
I decided to give the show a watch, convincing myself that is was for nostalgic purposes only, and wow! I could not stop watching it!
This version is great, because it wasn't trying to be the same as the original. The basic premise was the same but the story and the characters were fleshed out so much more. The relationships between the characters was just something else. I loved how they de-aged them, so it was teenagers and not adults this time.
Making Adora and Catra best friends? I loved it! The fact that this friendship/enemies story between the two became the heart of this show was something else. The original series had Catra being jealous of Adora and becoming a force Captain after Adora left but that was the extent of their relationship.
I love how Hordak wasn't even all the fussed about conquering Etheria. He had so much more depth to him than the original one did. OG Hordak was a bumbling idiot who laughed evilly and could turn himself into rockets and canons. The most interesting thing about him was he used to be Skeletors mentor. The very idea or Hordak caring for anything or anyone other than imp was unthinkable. This Hordak has a tragic back story, he's had it rough, he has a specific goal and conquering Etheria seems to become less and less important to him. He's even able to form a close friendship with Entrapta.
Shadow Weaver being a maternal figure for Adora was something the original had but wasn't mentioned much at all. The fact that she was the foster mother of both Catra and Adora and favoured Adora to the point of obsession in getting her back gave the back story so much more. The fact that Shadow weaver is more connected to the other characters and has her own back story and then a redemption, I love it.
I also love how the relationship between Shadow Weaver and Catra was really explored. It made Catra so much more than just a boring villain of the week when you see the neglect and abuse she went through. How her only solice was Adora, you can totally understand why she feels broken when Adora leaves everything they both know. But I also love how even though she was villian she kept her sense of humour and she just couldnt get over Adora no matter how hard she tried to.
Glimmer? So much more character than the original. Her relationship with her mother was brilliant. Angela was so funny and I was gutted when she died. In the original it was Angela that had been gone a long time and had to be rescued by He Man and She Ra to be reunited with Glimmer. Her father didn't show up, but it was rumoured that a mysterious red knight who Angela thought she knew could have been him.
Bow? This bow was amazing with all of his tech and his sass and his sensitivity. The original bow was OK but he wasn't the character you watched the show for. I'm also glad they didnt have him pining for She Ra like the OG did. The fact he has two gay dads was amazing! I do wish they had kept Kowl though.
Swift Wind is hands down by favourite side character! That horse is so sassy he just make me crack up no matter what he does. I'm glad they did him justice, because when I was younger I always wanted a white horse and to call it Spirit like the Original She Ra and so that meant a lot that they just improved on him.
I love how everyone knows who Adora is, there is no secret identity.
The fact that the princesses have so much more personality and backstory than their OG counter parts did is brilliant. My absolute favourite is Mermista!
Scorpia? I love how she wasn't just a bad guy like her OG counter part was. This character is so much more interesting. She goes on her own journey, she doesn't even seem to grasp what she's doing half the time because she is just desperate to have friends. She never gave up on her friendship with Catra, even when Catra didn't want her she was still there. I love that.
Sea Hawk? Omg! One of my favourites! A far cry from his OG character. I'm so glad they didnt have him and Adora as a couple like the OG did! "ADVENTURE!!"
This show had everything! So much more humour than the OG one. It allowed violence as well which is something the OG one didn't allow. If you ever watch it you'll notice She Ra doesn't hit any one who is alive (Robots don't count) she would beat them in ways they couldn't be harmed, like she ra throwing into mud or water. But this? This show has some ass kicking going on!
The shape of the characters is also brilliant. I love how Glimmer is slightly bigger than than the other characters. How we have them in all shapes and sizes. The OG characters were always drawn using the same template. The footage was also constantly reused in every episode.
Now for the change I love the most! The LGBTQ rep! This would have been unthinkable when the OG show was on! No one would have dared suggest it. (Although He Man always had gay under tones, especially after the live action movie happened). But when I was watching this show being gay wasn't something people discussed and certainly not with children. The most we saw was the occasional gay couple on a soap. For me it was Tony and Simon in Eastenders and Zoe Tate on Emmerdale. But a children's show? NEVER!
I wish I had had this show when I was a kid. It took me until i became an adult to admit that I liked women. If I had had this show and these characters in my life perhaps things would have been easier. It would have helped me understand myself better. Unfortunately for the time it still would have been frowned upon and even though my family are much more accepting after a lot of education I don't think I would have been allowed to watch this show this way when I was a kid.
But kids now are so lucky! They are exposed to the LGBT every day. It's everywhere! It isn't hiding anymore, it's so much more accepted. Even when I was a teen at school a lot of gay people were still in the "we know you exist but we don't want to know about it" phase.
This show handled it so well!! There was no coming out story line, no trying to figure out why they had these feelings. It was treated the exact same way any hetro storyline would be. The fact that there was a canon lesbian couple from the get go said it all. As the seasons went in they progressed and gave us Bows gay dad's. They had Adora crushing on women. They didn't even try to hide what they were doing with Catra and Adora. I love how this last season gave more screen time and story to Spinereella and Netalia rather than them just "being there". It was just handled so well. None of the characters battered an eye lid at the thought of Adora and Catra as a couple. I'm just gutted its over. They even gave us an epilogue!!
Last point, maybe it's an unpopular opinion but I feel like they didn't need to put Glimmer and Bow together. I always adored how they had this wonderful best friend relationship between a boy and girl that didn't need to end in them falling in love. I never saw them as a couple, just best friends. Plus I always saw Bow as asexual.
Catradora reminds me so much of Supercorp from Supergirl. It gives me hope that maybe the show will be brave and give us a canon Lena and Kara. But I won't hold my breath 😅
All the kudos to She Ra!
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kinoko-koe · 3 years
Story Overview and Basic Organization
Im not really getting around to typing down the larger posts of individual stories so im just placing down some basic information about the ones i have at the moment so i can come back and expand when i actually feel like it
-Stories are listed in the order i have created them not necessarily in chronological order nor are most of them directly related-
(usually when i say things like “over time” im skipping things)
Still cant remember what i called this one lol
The Ascension of the Demi-God of Chaotic Destruction
Using some generic tropes from isekai stories, a group of 5 college-aged friends (2 men 3 women) are suddenly transported to another world with baked in gaming elements that all its inhabitants are aware of. The summoned group have random skills assigned to them and the kingdom that summoned them wanted to find good skills from the summoning.
The main character of this story is one of the men who has been given skills that are more of a support-y mage type, the other man has skills well suited for being a warrior and is sent to the military and one the the women is given to the church to become a cleric, the other 3 including the MC are less valuable to the kingdom and are sent off to improve themselves with minor support from the throne. On his first adventure out with some novices he finds it difficult to relate to the people of this world and also loses his left arm when attacked by a maniac.
Over time the MC gains the class “Infinite Chaos” after being tempted by it as its a strange class not known or available to others. The class grants skills at random times and prevents further class changes among other things. This leads to the MC’s main combo of using the randomly acquired Oil Magic and exploding it from a distance with Fire Magic. The game like system in the world is setup by a deity masquerading as the Grand Deity of Order and this class’s availability, among other complexities, was added by the Ancient of Chaos without the deity’s awareness.
As the MC keeps coming back to the kingdom’s capital every now and then he finds his friends to be different then they used to be and over time become unrecognizable to him (except the one that just became a chef in the capital) although he is also changing to them from the influence of his class. As he feels the only people he can relate to changing he becoming increasingly alone and reckless in his combat while adventuring
While its hard to list all the small changes that happen over time from the class Infinite Chaos and all the non overarching plot events (as i dont want to keep on just this one story) everything reaches a climax when his friends are killed by the Demon King, a mountain-sized giant with absurd dexterity and and enormous sword. He sees this through Farsight rushes to the area, crushing all the monsters and demons in the way. The fight between the MC and the Demon lord triggers the Apocalypse skill they both have from their classes and the world descends into darkness and madness. The Goddess of Moonlight attempt to interrupt the fight but as the two are both almost Demi-Deities in strength together they dispatch her quickly causing the artifical moon she placed to fall towards the planet; and through the gamelike system giving exp from the kill and the Infinite Chaos class allows the MC to ascend into the Demi-God of Chaotic Destruction, a being made of eyes and oil (probably not like youre thinking) and through his Authority can destroy the skills the Demon King uses and wins the battle as the world ends from the moon crashing into the planet.
The Gods of the Sky
Uplifting a civilization to stall an invasion
A sci-fi story about an alien invasion and an alien scientist stalling for time for their federation to arrive with military support. The POV switches between a human female bureaucrat and the alien scientist. The humans are starting out their industrial era, their cities are built around giants that their “god” left on the planet. These giants are robots set to protect the planet from outside invaders. The story starts as the bureaucrat is leaving a city by train as alien ships descend from the sky and the city’s robot starts up as heavily damages the city as its launches itself into combat. Although the robot is able to defeat the scouting ships it is heavily damaged and stalls outside the city.
Later the bureaucrat reaches the city and gives a report on what happened, and the country leaders launch an investigation. The aliens send more ships and have their crew dismantle the worn-down giant robot, where the humans see the aliens for the first time, they are 6 limbed (2 legs 4 arms) creatures with obsidian-like exoskeletons and solid gold eyes. The church declares these aliens to be “demons” here to destroy the giants their “god” left behind.
POV swaps to the scientist who is in a observation ship in orbit, annoyed at the failure of their ship’s alarm system, sends an emergency message to their federation military for “protection of the innocent” from out of federation invaders. They descend their ship to the planet to help assist the humans from the invasion, where a giant robot attacks and is one-shot by their Matter-Annihilation-Cannon. The scientist is a starfish-esque creature that always wears a high-tech mech suit.
The government is obviously skeptical of the scientist at first and the scientist fight the first wave of the “demons” alone with only their ship and utility robots. The scientist finds the “demons” to learn weaknesses in equipment very fast and concludes that they are a hivemind. By using the Matter-Annihilation-Cannon aimed at their commanders the first wave is repelled, but the Cannon can only be fired 3 times before breaking down from its own mechanics and the ship is a science ship without much combat prowess. The goverment now trusting them a bit more the scientist starts using their engines along with advanced handheld weapons to make primitive fighter planes to fight with.
skimming over some stuff eventually a diplomatic spaceship from the federation arrives before the military reinforcements as they were nearby for a new planet colonization ceremony, where its revealed that the federation already has humans in it and the humans on this planet were abducted from Earth thousands of years ago. Along with the scientist’s species and humans there are three other alien species in the federation. A jellfish-esque species that communicates through bioluminescence and has a computer attached that translates for them, a slug-esque religious capitalist species that wears high-tech rugs on their backs as status symbols, and a sapient parasitic plant species that infested human livestock and intentionally bred them to be easier to control and move around in.
Even with this addition to their fighting force the “demons” have an absurd advantage in numbers and, over time, the humans on the planet are reduced to one last city and its giant robot when the federation arrives and completely annihilates the “demons” using terraforming technology to molecularly deconstruct the “demons” on the surface and use Matter-Annihilation-Cannons to destroy their ships. The starfish species that leads the federation dont even think twice as the entire species has a unified strong sense for justice as the planet was violently invaded the invaders are guilty and mercilessly destroyed.
(I swear theres a story im forgetting between these two)
Arisen Anew
Ambition-less Reincarnation and the Demon God Cult (aka everyone hates the Goddess of Resonance)
....Honestly this one went through so many changes and i dont actually like them all and i just kinda dont want to type it.
The basis of this story was a adventurer woman has her party wiped by a bunch of demonkin while on a guard mission and a unrelated mage to their party also took the guard quest and kills the adventurer and the demonkin by just nuking the whole area in fire and the mage has the Demi-Deity of Burning Resurrection (a phoenix) bound to them and the adventurer that is killed get reincarnated and eventually in the new life of the adventurer a cult is formed around the Demi-Deity of Congealing Biomass and they view the reincarnated MC as “the Betrayer” that is in their prophecy that betrays the religion set up by the Goddess of Resonance but... the story kinda got away from that premise, the cult is still around but they were manipulated by the Deity of Non-Physical Connections and i just idk im not that interesting in continuing typing about this one.
(this was typed before i typed to mini-summary) Honestly i think this story was better when i was building it without the ambition-less thing but it just kinda ended up that way when i was finding reasons for the MC to give in to the temptation of the Deity of Non-Physical Connections and the cult and after realizing that she really didnt have any ambitions for anything she was doing the whole time soooooo.......
Hero Killer
Ive just legitimately forgotten a lot about this one almost didnt put it here at all lol
This one is about a True Mimic, a being that can mimic anything (appearance not powers), who is given the Soul Shattering Spear by the God of Obscure Knowledge and uses the spear to kill the plethora of heroes summoned by the Goddess of Judgement to slay the Demon Lord. The True Mimic MC is in a romantic relationship with the Demon Lord so the slaying is more than just a loyalty thing.
The Demon Lord is a strange monster the closest thing is like a satyr with spiral staircase horns and three eyes. She wears a veil at all times and never talks as her speech has a strange power of a kind of soft mind control that makes monsters feel loyalty and makes humans feel disdain.
Honestly outside of the raid on the Demon Lord’s castle while the True Mimic is distracted killing a different hero there wasnt really a whole lot of events beyond that that were actually put in an actual order or were actually relevant to the overarching plot
Amongst Gods (in development)
The story follows a group of humans that like in a massive cave city under a mountain. Outside the cave is a world filled while powerful destructive creatures whose biology doesnt appear logical. A being made of floating mirrors that incinerates things prevents the humans from leaving their city farther than the forest they hunt lesser beings in. One day “The Sky Legs” pass by and destroy the mirror being after it attacked one of its legs. The group of humans go off past where the mirror being held them in.
Past this location they run into a steel being that looks like a horse that starts killing them and a humanoid dragon that helps the survivors and brings them to the dragon settlement. The humanoid dragons are humans that made a pact with the Demi-Goddess of Dragonic Multiplication thousands of years ago and became half dragon. Their settlement is protected by the Demi-Goddesses’s children.
that basically it so far and i probably wont develop beyond this lol
Heretic (in development)
A world where the deities directly interact with humans personally, a grand system of schools have been set up under individual deities to teach humans magic. Each deity tests humans if they are compatible with their teachings and add the worthy to their branch of their overarching school. There are four overarching schools; Arcane, Elemental, Nature, and Dimensional.
Major cities are set up to have several deities with as many “school branches” as possible to scout as many new members as possible. Even larger cities exist solely to help mages progress their magical studies in well regulated “school cities” with over 100 different deities each with hundreds of students.
The story begins with the MC, a magic uh... fan? that recently became an adult, coming to a school city to find a deity to learn from. However, she constantly fails the deities’ tests for compatibility for a week, after 10 days without finding a patron deity her city permit expires and is basically kicked out.
As she is getting a bit desperate, a small strange shadow beckons her and she follows, this continues until the shadow brings her to the back of a strange house and the shadow lets her in and leads her to the basement. Obviously she’s a bit suspicious but also a bit dumb, and opens the way to the basement after some effort to open a strange old door. Inside the basement is a Deity. A shadowy skeleton beast with meter long finger and toe bones and a dinosaur-esque skull with six eyes with wing bones and its back that are layered in shadows.
The deity before the MC explains that the shadow owe it a favor and brought someone compatible with it before it, and that it knows that the MC couldnt find a patron deity and offers its own test. A simple test; it vomits a black liquid into a cup and tells her to drink it. A seemingly gross test thats truly about the trust she will place in the deity. After immense hesitation she drink the liquid and passes out, along with passing the test. The deity and the shadow from earlier bring her back to the room shes rented for her stay in the city, and the deity hides in her shadow.
After the obvious confusion that would occur, the deity starts to teach the MC about shadow magic through the rather forceful method of possession (as she really isnt that cut out for normal magic lessons) The deity also heavily avoids direct questions about its exact powers and school classification.
This is about what ive got so far theres is some general events after this ive got but they arent really fleshed out yet, however the deity that the MC found is the Deity of Inevitable Demise, and its School is the Heresy school that the other deities intentionally suppress as its consists of magic only useful for harming or destroying, such as mind control, necromancy, and instant death.
Why can the Deity of Inevitable Demise control shadows you ask? well thats because it has influence over the end of everything. The end of life, light, movement, fate, space, and time. Although its ability to manipulate those attributes is depended on how close those ends are to the current location, but darkness, the end of light, is readily accessible in most scenarios.
Thats all for this post this has been loitering as a draft for a few weeks and i didnt double read it so somethings might not make sense but oh well done and posted is better than nothing.
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