#although. I don’t remember any of my own private Idaho and I feel like they have similar vibes. in a way. so maybe that’s it? idk tho
Found my list of movies I’ve watched this year bc I moved phones so I’m trying to update it and I’m really glad I did (although I wish I had done it sooner so I don’t have to try to remember or like. Find references to every movie I watched between march and September) bc I don’t remember watching a lot of these movies.
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synthetlcsss · 1 year
hello my esteemed dudes! i'm dana (she/they) and i'm so excited to be here!!! my discord is dumbasshithead and plotting is one of the greatest joys in life so please hit me up for all the plots, especially if they hurt. the worse the better!!! sorry this turned out hella long so i included a tl;dr at the end lol
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*     ◟    :    〔  timothée chalamet  ,      agender    +    he/him    〕      angelo ‘angel’ eisenman ,      some say you’re a  twenty-seven  lost soul among the neon lights.      known for being both resourceful  and  manipulative,  one can’t help but think of  my body is a cage by  arcade fire  when you walk by.    are you still a    replicant   /     associate  at  the    jade  tribe,     even with your reputation as the marionette?     i think we’ll be seeing more of you and people-watching for hours on end, shelves lined with potted plants, the blurry outline of a memory just out of reach although we can’t help but think of mikey waters (my own private idaho)  +  bucky barnes (mcu) + frenchie (the boys) whenever we see you down these rainy streets.
tw: gaslighting (like hardcore)
angelo remembers—
your father’s hostility, your mother’s indifference, your peers’ derision. piano lessons and little league soccer. bloody noses and harsh shoves. scraped knees and summers by the beach, blanket forts and hushed giggling. prom night and smoking under the bleachers. sleepless nights talking with your sister until dawn and sleepless nights keeping her company in hospital rooms. your sister— a beacon, your only friend. the burden of being her keeper, so small compared to the grief of losing her and the guilt of knowing you could have prevented it. the air in the house thick with unspoken accusations afterward, the pressure building and building until it finally blew up. being kicked out and left with nowhere to go, adrift in a world that never wanted you.
then, new york.
you can’t remember getting there or even making the decision to go, only the feeling that the world was so much vaster than you’d ever thought possible. as if you’d stepped into oz, life was suddenly in technicolor, realer than real and bright enough to blind.  you remember wandering and wandering and wandering. nights spent in the bed of whoever would have you, means for survival but also connection, however shallow. nimble fingers relieving tourists of their wallets, conning your way in and out of situations with equal grace. learning to make up for your skinny frame with a quick wit and loose morals. but clearest of all, you remember the aimlessness, the longing for some sign, some guidance, some purpose.
it’s painful to think about it now, but you aren’t scared of your memories. it’s what you don’t remember that terrifies you. the snippets of a life you never lived, pieces from another puzzle trying to force its way into yours— scars you don’t remember getting, phantom touches that make you shiver, the feeling that if you look down you’ll find hands bloodied to the wrist. how you can look at a room and instinctively know all its exits, all potential threats and assets. the way the jade tribe had called to you like a siren song. ‘you’re a natural,’ they tell you, and it’s true; you hone skills you’ve never learned with an ease that borders on eerie— picking locks, disabling security systems, slicing necks with the utmost precision. all of it like muscle memory. it scares you, how natural it feels; easy as breathing.
‘paranoid delusions,’ your therapist says when any of it comes up in your weekly sessions. or, ‘dissociation. episodic memory loss.’ their office used to feel safe, but now something feels off in a way you can’t articulate; something hidden in the pauses between their words, in their gaze, in the way they sometimes rush to scribble the notes you never get to read.  the strange, creeping sensation of being evaluated. not that you say anything; these thoughts are the very reason you need therapy, anyway.
there’s sanctity in the simple things: the flowers blooming in your apartment’s makeshift garden, the quiet purring of the stray cats you took in, the ebb and flow of people outside the window. these are the moments that feel yours, tiny revolts against a life you’ll never fully understand and for which you’ll do whatever needs doing— be it slipping poison into someone’s drink, something out of their home or yourself into their bed.
somewhere, in some fancy office in a high-rise, your puppet masters are watching. the ones who made you lie and fuck and steal and kill, then replaced your memories of it with someone else’s childhood, not expecting your body to remember what your mind forgot. the ones who left you in this strange city, without direction, just to see what you’d do, going over your therapy notes and analyzing your every choice. to these labcoats, you are so much more than a drifter— you’re a puzzle, a pet project, a revelation in the making. a replicant whose sole purpose is to not have one. they shift reality around you and study the way you stumble, wondering with bated breath if, or when, you will pull at the strings tying you and see them for what they truly are.
[ tl;dr: angel's a replicant being monitored by stoneage industries to see if/when he'll realize he's not actually human and how he deals with making choices for himself after previous "lives" where he was given explicit purposes and missions. his memories of this previous programming have been wiped, but he still remembers them subconsciously which was not the plan but that's too bad for stoneage ig. he's basically a jack-of-all-criminal-trades (or at least the ones that don't require muscle mass) and slowly realizing something is amiss. ]
an enfj for any mbti girlies out there
literally programmed to be chill about killing and is only now beginning to truly understand that murder might be kind of fucked up actually? (baby steps though. he's still p whatever about it)
very very sneaky and light-fingered. genuinely enjoys stealing and often does it just to see if he can get away with it. will steal friends' lighters or pens or whatever else for fun, then give it back (or not) once they notice it's gone.
more to come !
wanted connections
ok so i have this idea about angel being modelled after someone's dead relative, prob someone's kid? and his first ever function was to serve as a replacement for whoever that was but for some reason that went south (maybe the person realized he didn't make up for their loss and started to resent him and see him as a reminder of what they lost? or maybe they just died and angel was left at stoneage's hands? honestly there are so many ways that could go wrong lol) and angel was repurposed. but it would be interesting to have someone who knew the person he was modelled after or have something to do with that whole mess idk
under construction !
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thefakejeffreyazoff · 4 years
‘He’s our Satan’: Mega music manager Irving Azoff, still feared, still fighting
(x)PEBBLE BEACH, Calif. —  
This is not Irving Azoff’s house. Irving and his wife Shelli own houses all over, from Beverly Hills to Cabo San Lucas, but right now in the last week of October it’s too cold at the ranch in Idaho and too hot at the spread in La Quinta, so he’s renting this place — a modest midcentury six-bedroom that sold for $5 million back in 2016.
From the front door you can see all the way out, to where Arrowhead Point juts like the tail of a comma into the calm afternoon waters of Carmel Bay. More importantly, the house is literally across the street from the Pebble Beach Golf Links, where Azoff likes to play with his college buddy John Baruck, who started out in the music business around the same time Azoff did, in the late ’60s, and just retired after managing Journey through 20 years and two or three lead singers, depending how you count.
(Via LA Times) 
Azoff is 72, and this weekend he’ll be inducted into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame alongside Bruce Springsteen’s longtime manager Jon Landau. Beatles manager Brian Epstein and Rolling Stones manager Andrew Loog Oldham are already in, but Azoff and Landau are the first living managers thus honored. Azoff is not only alive — he’s still managing. As a partner in Full Stop Management — alongside Jeffrey Azoff, his oldest son and the third of his four children — he steers the careers of clients like the Eagles, Steely Dan, Bon Jovi and comedian Chelsea Handler, and consults when needed on the business of Harry Styles, Lizzo, John Mayer, Roddy Ricch, Anderson .Paak and Maroon 5. Azoff has Zoom calls at 7, 8 and 9 tomorrow morning, and only after that will he squeeze in a round.
The work never stops when you view the job the way Azoff does, as falling somewhere between consigliere and concierge. “My calls can be everything from ‘My knee buckled, I need a doctor’ to ‘My kid’s in jail,’” Azoff says. “I mean, you have no idea. The ‘My kid’s in jail’ one was a funny one, because the artist then said to me, ‘Y’know, I’ve thought about this. Maybe we should leave him there for a while.’”
Golf entered Azoff’s life the way a lot of things have — via the Eagles, whom Azoff has managed since the early ’70s. Specifically, Azoff took up golf in the company of the late Glenn Frey, the jockiest Eagle, the one the other Eagles used to call “Sportacus.” By the time the Eagles returned to the road in the ’90s they’d left their debauched ’70s lifestyles largely behind, but Azoff and Frey got hooked on the little white ball.
“Frey would insist on booking the tour around where he wanted to play golf,” Azoff says. “We made Henley crazy. Henley would call me in my room and he’d go, ‘Why the f— are we in a hotel in Hilton Head North Carolina and starting a tour in Charlotte? Is this a f— golf tour?’”
Trailed by Larry Solters, the Eagles’ preternaturally dour minister of information, Azoff makes his way down the hill from the house for dinner at the golf club’s restaurant. He’s only 5 feet, 3 inches, a diminutive Sydney Pollack in jeans and a zip-up sweater. In photos from the ’70s — when he was considerably less professorial in comportment, a hipster exec with a spring-loaded middle finger — he sports a beard and a helmet of curly hair and mischievous eyes behind his shades, and looks a little like a Muppet who might scream at Kermit over Dr. Teeth’s appearance fee.
His father was a pharmacist and his mother was a bookkeeper. He grew up in Danville, Ill., booked his first shows in high school to pay for college, dropped out of college to run a small Midwestern concert-booking empire and manage local acts such as folk singer Dan Fogelberg and heartland rock band REO Speedwagon. Los Angeles soon beckoned. He met the Eagles while working for David Geffen and Elliot Roberts’ management company and followed the band out the door when they left the Geffen fold; they became the cornerstone of his empire. “I got my swagger from Glenn Frey and Don Henley,” he says. “No doubt about it.”
Azoff never took to pot or coke. The Eagles lived life in the fast lane; he was the designated driver. “Artists,” he once observed, “like knowing the guy flying the plane is sober.” This didn’t stop him from trashing his share of hotel rooms, frequently with guitarist Joe Walsh — whose solo career Azoff shepherded before Walsh joined the Eagles, and who was very much not sober at this time — as an accomplice.
“This was a different age,” Walsh says of his time as the band’s premier lodging-deconstructionist. “We could do anything we wanted, so we did. And Irving’s role was to keep us out of prison, basically.” He recalls a pleasant evening in Chicago in the company of John Belushi and Dan Aykroyd, which culminated in Walsh laying waste to a suite at the Astor Towers hotel that turned out to be the owner’s private apartment. “We had to check out with a lawyer and a construction foreman,” Walsh remembers. “But Irving took care of it. Without Irving, I’d still be in Chicago.”
Azoff became even more infamous for the pit bull brio he brought to business negotiations on behalf of the Eagles and others, including Stevie Nicks and Boz Scaggs. He didn’t seem to care if people liked him, and his artists loved him for that. Steely Dan co-founder Walter Becker said they’d hired Azoff because he “impressed us with his taste for the jugular … and his bizarre spirit.” Jimmy Buffett’s wife grabbed him outside a show at Madison Square Garden, pushed him into the back of a limo and said, You have to manage Jimmy, although Buffett already had a manager at the time.
His outsized reputation as an advocate not just willing but eager to scorch earth on behalf of his clients became an advertisement for his services, a phenomenon that continues to this day. In August 2018, Azoff’s then-client Travis Scott released “Astroworld,” which debuted at No. 1 on the Billboard 200 chart, and occupied that slot again the following week, causing Nicki Minaj’s album “Queen” to debut at No. 2. On her Beats One show “Queen Radio,” Minaj accused Scott of gaming Billboard’s chart methodology to keep her out of the top slot and singled his manager out by name: “C—sucker of the Day award,” she said, “goes to Irving Azoff.” Azoff says he reacted as only Azoff would: “I said, ‘I’m really unhappy about that. I want to be c—sucker of the year.’” In 2019, Minaj hired Azoff as her new manager.
Most of the best things anyone’s ever said about Azoff are statements a man of less-bizarre spirit would take as an insult. When the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame inducted the Eagles in 1998, Don Henley stood onstage and said of Azoff, “He may be Satan, but he’s our Satan.”
An N95-masked Azoff takes a seat on a patio with a view of hallowed ground — the first hole of the Pebble Beach course, a dogleg-right par 4 with a priceless view of the bay. He cheerfully admits that he and his partners at Full Stop are “obviously, as a management business, kind of losing our ass” this year due to COVID-19. In another reality, the Eagles would have played Wembley Stadium in August before heading off to Australia or the Far East. Styles would have just finished 34 dates in the U.S., Canada and Mexico. As it stands Azoff is hearing encouraging things about treatments and vaccines and new testing machines, and is reasonably confident that technology will soon make it possible for certified-COVID-free fans to again enjoy carefree evenings of live music together; he doesn’t expect much to happen in the meantime.
“What are you gonna do,” Azoff says, “take an act that used to sell 15,000 seats and tell them to play to 4,000 in the [same] arena? The vibe would be horrible, and production costs will stay the same.”
He knows of at least six companies trying to monetize new concert-esque experiences — pay-per-view shows from houses and soundstages, drive-in events and so on. But he’s not convinced anybody wants to sit in their parked car to watch a band play. More to the point, he’s not convinced it’s rock ’n’ roll.
“Fallon and Kimmel, all these virtual performances — people are sick of that,” he says. “Your production values from home aren’t that good. And they’re destroying the mystique. I mean, Justin Bieber jumping around on ‘Saturday Night Live’ the other night without a band, and then he had Chance the Rapper come out? It made him look to me, mortal. I didn’t feel any magic. So we’ve kinda been turning that stuff down to just wait it out.”
In the meantime, he says, Full Stop is picking up new clients during the pandemic. Artists with time on their hands, he believes, “have taken a hard look at their careers— so we’ve grown. No revenues,” he adds with a chuckle, “but people are saying, ‘We need you, we need to plan our lives.’”
“IN HIGH SCHOOL,” Jeffrey Azoff says, “I wanted to be a professional golfer, which has obviously eluded me.” He never expected to take up his father’s profession. “But my dad has always loved his job so much. There’s no way that doesn’t rub off on you.”
The younger Azoff got his first industry job at 21, as a “glorified intern” working for Maroon 5’s then-manager Jordan Feldstein. After a week of filing and fetching coffee, he called his father and complained that he was bored. According to Jeffrey, Irving responded, “Listen carefully, because I’m going to say this one time. You have a phone and you have my last name. If you can’t figure it out, you’re not my son.”
“Direct quote,” Jeffrey says. “It’s one of my favorite things he’s ever said to me. And it’s the spirit of the music business, by the way. There are no rules to this. Just figure it out.”
Over dinner I keep asking Irving how he got the temerity, as a kid barely out of college, to plunge into the shark-infested waters of the ‘70s record industry in Los Angeles. He just shrugs.
“I never felt the music business was that competitive,” he says. “It’s just not that f—ing hard. I don’t think there’s that many smart people in our business.”
It’s been written, I say, that once you landed in California and sized up the competition, you called John Baruck back in Illinois and said —
“We can take this town,” Azoff says, finishing the sentence. “Where’d you get that? John told that story to [Apple senior vice president] Eddy Cue on the golf course three days ago. It’s true. I called John up and said, ‘OK, get your ass out here. We can take this town.’”
In the ensuing years, Azoff has occupied nearly every high-level position the music industry has to offer, surfing waves of industry consolidation. He’s been the president of a major label, MCA; the CEO of Ticketmaster; and executive chairman of Live Nation Entertainment, the behemoth formed from Ticketmaster’s merger with Live Nation. In 2013 he and Cablevision Systems Corp. CEO and New York Knicks owner James Dolan formed a partnership, Azoff MSG Entertainment; Azoff ran the Forum in Inglewood for Dolan after MSG purchased it in 2012.
Earlier this year Dolan sold the Forum for $400 million to former Microsoft CEO and Clippers owner Steve Ballmer, who’s since announced plans to build a new stadium on a site just one mile away. Despite the apocalyptic parking scenario that looms for the area — two stadiums and a concert arena on a one-mile stretch of South Prairie Boulevard — Azoff is confident that the Forum will live on as a live-music venue. “People are going, ‘They’re going to tear it down’ — they’re not going to tear it down,” Azoff says. “It’s going to be in great hands. I have many of the artists we represent booked in the Forum, waiting for the restart based on COVID.”
The holdings of the Azoff Co. — formed when Dolan sold his interest in Azoff MSG back to Azoff two years ago — include Full Stop, the performance-rights organization Global Music Rights and the Oak View Group, which is developing arenas in Seattle and Belmont, N.Y., and a 15,000-seat venue on the University of Texas campus in Austin. Azoff describes himself as increasingly focused on “diversification, and building assets for the family that aren’t just dependent on commissions, shall we say.”
But as both a manager and a co-founder of a lobbying group, the Music Artists Coalition, he’s also devoting more time and energy to a broad range of artists’-rights issues, from health insurance to royalty rates to copyright reversion to this year’s Assembly Bill 5, which threatened musicians’ independent-contractor status until it was amended in September. (“That was us,” Azoff says, somewhat grandly. “I got to the governor, the governor signed it — Newsom was great on it.”) He describes his advocacy for artists — even those he doesn’t manage — as a “war on all fronts,” and estimates there are 21 major issues on which “we’ve sort of appointed ourselves as guardians.”
He does not continue to manage artists because he needs the money, he says. (As the singer-songwriter and Azoff client J.D. Souther famously put it, “Irving’s 15% of everybody turned out to be more than everyone’s 85% of themselves.”) Everything he’s doing now — building clout through the Azoff Co., even accepting the Hall of Fame honor — is ultimately about positioning himself to better fight these fights. “I’d rather work on [these things] than anything else,” he says. “But if I didn’t have the power base in the management business, I couldn’t be effective.”
The recorded music industry, having fully transitioned to a digital-first business, is once again making money hand over fist, he points out, but even less of that money is trickling down to artists. That imbalance long predates Big Tech’s involvement in the field, but the failure of music-driven tech companies to properly compensate musicians is clearly the largest burr under Azoff’s saddle.
“These people, when they start out — whether it’s Facebook, Snapchat, TikTok, whatever — they resist paying for music until you go beat the f— out of them. And then of course, none of them pay fair market value and they get away with it. Your company’s worth $30 billion and you can’t spend 20 grand for a song that becomes a phenomenon on your channel? Even when they pay, artists don’t get enough. Writers don’t get enough. Music, as a commodity, is more important than it’s ever been, and more unfairly monetized for the creators. And that’s what creates an opportunity for people like me.”
AZOFF’S FIRM NO longer handles Travis Scott, by the way. “Travis is unmanageable,” Azoff says, nonchalantly and without rancor. “We’re involved in his touring as an advisor to Live Nation, but he’s calling his own shots these days.”
I ask if, in the age of the viral hit and the bedroom producer, he finds himself running into more artists who assume they don’t need a manager. Ehh, Azoff says, like it’s always been that way. “There’s a lot of headstrong artists,” he says. “I haven’t seen one that’s better off without a manager than with,” he says, and laughs a little Dennis the Menace laugh.
We’re back at the house. Azoff takes a seat on the living-room couch; Larry Solters sits across from him, his back to the sea. Azoff recalls another big client. Declines to name him. Says he was never happy, even after Azoff and his people got him everything on his wish list. “He hit me with a couple bad emails. Just really disrespectful s—. I sent him an email back that said, ‘Lucky for me, you need me more than I need you. Goodbye.’”
He will confirm having resigned the accounts of noted divas Mariah Carey and Axl Rose. Reports that he once attempted to manage Kanye West have been greatly exaggerated, he says, although they’ve spoken about business. “Robert [Kardashian] was a good friend of mine. The kids all went to school together,” Azoff says. “What I always said to Kanye was, you’re unmanageable, but we can give you advice.
“A lot of people could have made a dynasty on the people we used to manage,” Azoff says, “let alone the ones we kept.”
But he still works with many artists who joined him in the ’70s — with Henley, with Steely Dan’s Donald Fagen and with Joe Walsh. Walsh has been sober for more than 25 years; it was Azoff, along with Henley and Frey, who talked him into rehab before the Eagles’ 1994 reunion tour. “Irving never passed judgment on me,” Walsh says. “And from that meeting on, he made sure I had what I needed to stay sober.” If he hadn’t, Walsh says, there’s no chance we’d be having this conversation. “All the guys I ran with are dead. Keith Moon’s dead. John Entwistle’s dead. Everybody’s dead, and I’m here. That’s profound to me.”
The first client Azoff lost was Minnie Riperton — in 1979, to breast cancer when she was only 31. Then Warren Zevon, to cancer, in 2003. Fogelberg, to cancer, four years later.
“And then Glenn,” says Azoff, referring to the Eagles co-founder who died in 2016. “I miss Glenn a lot. And now Eddie.”
Van Halen, that is. I ask Azoff if he can tell me a story that sums up what kind of guy Eddie Van Halen was; he tells me a beautiful one, then says he’d prefer not to see it in print. It makes perfect Azoffian sense — profane trash talk on the record, tenderness on background.
I ask if he’s been moved to contemplate his own mortality, as his boomer-aged clients approach an actuarial event horizon. Of course the answer turns out to involve keeping pace with an Eagle.
“Henley and I are having a race,” he says. “Neither one of us has given in. Neither one of us is going to retire.”
Henley was born in July 1947; Azoff came along that December. Does Don plan to keep going, I ask, until the wheels fall off?
“I don’t know,” Azoff says.
Do you ever talk about it?
“Yeah! He’ll call me up and he’ll go, ‘I really feel s— today.’ And I say, ‘Well, you should, Grandpa. You’re an old man. You ready to throw in the towel? Nope? OK.’”
Azoff says, “I contend that what keeps us all young is staying in the business. I’ve had more people tell me, ‘My father, he quit working, and then his health started failing,’ and all that. Every single — I mean, every single rock star I know is basically doing it to try and stay young. And I think it works. I really think it works.
“I have this friend,” Azoff says. “Calls me once a week, he’s sending me tapes, it’s his next big record. Paul Anka! He’s 80 years old. OK? And my other friend, Frankie Valli …”
“Do you know how old Frankie Valli is?” Solters says. “Eighty-six. And he still performs.”
“Not during COVID,” Azoff says. “I told the motherf—, ‘You’re not going out.’”
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thisseethingcoast · 4 years
The Invisible Lesbian in Young Adult Fiction -A culture of misogyny erases the stories of queer girls- essay by Malinda Lo
The other day on twitter I saw someone tweet about their reluctance to read f/f (female/female) romance, even though they identified as a queer woman. They admitted that reading f/f could somehow feel too close for comfort; that reading m/m (male/male) romance was sometimes easier, and allowed them to relax more. Several people responded, a bit self-consciously, that they agreed.
That wasn’t the first time I’ve encountered this. Since long before twitter, I’ve known queer women who’ve admitted that they often prefer books and films about gay men over books and films about lesbians. Sometimes they seemed a little uncomfortable admitting it, but I understood. I recognized their discomfort because I’ve felt it myself.
When I was a teen, I don’t recall knowing that lesbians existed, but I certainly knew that gay men did. I remember being captivated by Maurice, the 1987 Merchant-Ivory film of E.M. Forster’s novel, about an upper-class gay boy in Edwardian England who struggles with his homosexuality. Fortunately for Maurice, he gets a happy ending.
I was also drawn to My Beautiful Laundrette (1985), about a homosexual relationship between a young British Pakistani man and a right-wing punk named Johnny. Although the film includes brutal homophobia, the two young men are together at the end.
I remember hunting for more movies like My Beautiful Laundrette and Maurice at the video store, completely ignorant of why they affected me so deeply. Later on I found My Own Private Idaho (1991), starring Keanu Reeves and River Phoenix in a story of unrequited love. It never occurred to me to look for any such movies about lesbians, and if it had, I probably wouldn’t have watched them. It would have been too shocking—too close to what I truly desired.
It was only years after I came out to myself and my friends, after I’d had my first relationships with women, that I became comfortable watching movies about lesbians. In those early years, the only way I could watch these films was by draping myself in false cynicism—by viewing “ironically,” ready to criticize bad acting or directing without giving it a chance—or by disengaging partway, not really paying attention. It was all too intense for me.
Seeing lesbians onscreen called my whole life into question. Why had it taken me so long to figure it out? What was wrong with me for taking so long? Why wasn’t I comfortable seeing people like me? Was I a terrible person for being uncomfortable with it? Had I actually internalized homophobia so deeply? Why did it hurt in this strange way to see those women together?
This queasy, dangerous feeling; vulnerability. I can’t look.
Movies about gay men didn’t affect me that way because I was not a man. I could see myself in them without seeing myself in them. They were safe, and they fulfilled my desire to experience a same-sex relationship without actually experiencing it.
I think I had been conditioned to ignore and deny lesbians. It took me years to decondition this automatic tendency to erase people like me. I had to do it by living my life—having romantic relationships with women, being in communities of queer women, and slowly, by exposing myself to fiction about them.
Sometimes it’s easier to be a lesbian in real life than it is to read a book about them. Real life is full of distractions that can dull the sharpness of what’s going on. If you’re at a party or a bar, there’s alcohol (there’s a reason for the long history of gay bars). There are other people; there are the daily demands of living your life. And we human beings are really good at ignoring stuff that makes us uncomfortable.
Reading, I think, is one of the most intimate forms of communication there is—even more than film or TV. A book’s words are in your head. While you’re reading that book, you become that book. It makes total sense to me that if you didn’t grow up seeing people like you everywhere, reading about someone like you can be an overwhelming experience. You’ve been conditioned to not see yourself. Seeing yourself turns your world upside down, and while it can be exciting and affirming, it can also be deeply disorienting and scary.
It’s easier to not look, to not engage. To seek out that mirror in a slightly distorted way. To read books about gay boys. To breathlessly watch Maurice or My Beautiful Laundrette.
A note on language
I identify as a lesbian. For me, lesbian means a woman who is in primary sexual or romantic relationship with other women. This is separate from gender identity, and lesbians may be cisgender or transgender or nonbinary. I want to note here that my definition of lesbian includes all genders.
In the YA book community, books featuring same-sex romantic relationships between girls have been identified with an evolving series of labels, including lesbian. The term f/f arose out of fandom to indicate a story that involves a romance between two female characters.
The term Sapphic has evolved in online discourse to be more inclusive than its dictionary definition, which simply means lesbian. Within YA, Sapphic now describes a female character who is sexually or romantically attracted to other women, but this character may be bisexual, pansexual, lesbian, queer,  or unspecified in her sexual orientation.
The word lesbian has always come with baggage; it is not a neutral word. It has connotations of being sexualized, ridiculed, embarrassing, exclusionary, man-hating, excessively or problematically political, or racist. And yet it’s also directly linked to the near-mythical life of one woman, a poet named Sappho who lived over 2,500 years ago on the island of Lesbos, who wrote some of the world’s most beautiful poetry about desire between women.
When I use the word lesbian, I use it knowing its complicated history and multiple connotations. I use it to claim a community that I’m part of, to draw a line through time, to underscore the fact that we have always been here.
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xxisxxisxxis · 5 years
Gateway Drug | Part Sixteen
Part Fifteen
Pairing: Douglas Booth!Nikki Sixx x OC
Words: 4.7k
Warning(s): Language, mentions of drug abuse, minor sexual situations, mentions of depression
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“It’s so good to see you again!” Tommy’s mother is as warm as she’s always been, enveloping me in to a tight hug and I gladly accept it. “You look beautiful as ever.” She assures me, pulling away to examine me.
“We’re sorry we couldn’t make it to your wedding, but we got you something.” His dad says next, handing me a small velvet box wrapped in a pretty dark green ribbon.
I take it from him, and Tommy’s bouncing on the balls of his feet.
“I helped pick it out.” He informs me, the chains and studs of his costume clanking together with his enthusiasm.
I look at him cautiously before taking the ribbon off and opening the box.
Shining silver flashes from the set lights above us bouncing off the thin diamond studded band with a tiny crucifix charm dangling from it.
I pick up the bracelet to get a better look at it and feel the weight behind it. Before I can even ask, Tommy’s confirming:
“It’s real as shit, Viv.” He beams. “Me, Ma and Pop and Athena all pitched in for it.”
“Thank you, Tommy.” I smile, wrapping my arms around his neck, and he’s grabbing at my wrist and fastening the bracelet around it once we pull away.
“Hey, Doc, where’s Nikki?” He asks when he’s done, seeing Doc walk past us. “I want him to meet my folks.”
“I’ll go find him.” Doc assures him softly.
“Where’s Roxie?” I ask next, remembering him mentioning she was here and he shrugs.
“She had to go use the bathroom, I think.” Tommy tells me before offering to give his parents a tour of the set.
I follow behind them, not completely paying attention until Tommy stops and points at Nikki approaching us behind Doc, looking guilty.
“Ooh, Ma, Dad, meet the Sixxter.” He introduces Nikki, the two sharing a high-five as Tommy’s mother immediately hugs Nikki to her.
It’s obvious he’s not expecting it, a slightly confused look on his face but he doesn’t reject her.
“It’s a pleasure.” His father greets him welcomingly, extending his hand to shake Nikki’s.
“Hey, Nikki, we could fly your family out for the next L.A. gig.” Doc offers and Nikki rolls his eyes as he states:
“Great idea, Doc.” Obviously sarcastic.
I furrow my brows slightly, but save whatever questions I have about it for later.
Moving to Nikki, I snake my arms around his waist, about to press my lips to his when he turns his head away and winces a little bit, my lips instead falling to his cheek.
I go to ask what’s wrong, but Tommy interrupts me.
“Oh, guys, I want you to meet somebody else. Babe, c’mere.” He motions for Roxie who’s observing all of this from a corner.
Nikki tenses up, his eyes seeming to be able to be everywhere else but Roxie...or me. As she passes by us, he’s seemingly hiding behind his black hair, and I look between the two of them just as Tommy’s introducing Roxie as his “fiancée”, catching all of us off guard.
“What?” I blurt out, nausea stirring in my stomach.
Nikki’s blatant “are you fucking kidding me” expression is shared with Doc, and Tommy’s parents are even more taken back by the news.
“Nice to meet you.” Roxie states as she forces her hand to Tommy’s Mother, who’s still staring at her son in shock.
“We’re getting married!” Tommy exclaims excitedly.
“What’s the rush, Tom?” His dad asks him skeptically but politely. “Marriage is a big decision.”
“A very big decision.” I echo him, causing Tommy to glance at me with a glowing grin and Roxie to glare at me.
“Exactly.” Tommy pipes back as if nothing’s wrong. “Nikki was out of his mind when he proposed to you but still knew he wanted to be with you forever. And, dad, you proposed to mom the night that you guys met. And she didn’t even speak English. That’s love, dude. That’s what I’ve always wanted. And that’s what I’ve got.” He motions to Roxie as he keeps his arm around her and she looks up at him like a sweet little angel.
Nikki steps away from the conversation, his body heat leaving me as he takes his arm from over my shoulders and starts walking away.
I leave Tommy and his family to their own devices as I go after Nikki, concerned.
“Hey, baby.” I grab at his hand gently, walking fast to keep up with him.
“Hey.” He says flatly.
“Wh-what’s up?” I ask, and he stops and looks down at me.
“I’m about to go get wrecked. If you’re in, feel free to join me. If not, leave me alone for a few.” He cuts to the chase and I open my mouth to speak, but can’t form any words.
“Nikki, you know I’m not ‘in’.” I reply to him calmly.
“I’ll see you when I’m done, then.” He pushes past me and leaves me behind, confused and a little humiliated being that some of the extras working on set just watched and heard our exchange.
He apologized within a few days.
Years later I found out he had screwed Roxie that day and he was being a dick to me because he felt like a shitty husband and was pissed off that I was too good to him because, had I been a shitty wife, he would’ve at least had justification of doing such a thing—which would apparently become a reoccurring theme in the first four years of our marriage.
The only excuse he really had at the time was that we hadn’t consummated our marriage three months in to it...mainly because my “I’m not in the mood” had turned in to constant sleeping and lack of motivation to do much of anything—including personal hygiene on some days. I was depressed, and once Doc dragged me to a psychiatrist before it got too out of hand, I was put on a daily 60 milligram dose of Nardil. Being that it took the antidepressant four weeks to really kick in, that day on the set of the “Looks That Kill” video was the first day I really felt like myself and wanted to be involved again.
The album was released about a week after that, and the band and myself were dragged to hell over it, which didn’t help me all that much, and Nikki actually noticed it, despite his newly found hobby of smoking heroin with Vince, although the both of them had no idea I knew.
To solve the issue of constant negativity from newspapers and protestors and everything else in between, Nikki proposed a vacation.
"I already have everything handled. All you need to do is pack enough clothes for a week and we'll leave tomorrow." Is what he had told me when explaining a belated honeymoon.
"Why?" I asked, blinking up at him from where I laid in our bed.
"The album's out, our schedule's clear for a while now, and we just need to get away for a little bit."
So, that’s exactly what we did.
Rockstar's Wife Attends Church Service Days After Satanic Themed Album is Released
Vivian Sixx (Kinston) was seen Sunday, October 2, leaving a quaint Church of Christ service after nearly one week marking the release of her husband's band, Mötley Crüe, debuted their album “Shout At the Devil.” The cover art of the album features a dark and twisted ensemble of red lettering and an upside down five point star which is used to often symbolize demonic or satanic presence. Vivian's mother and devoted member of the Assembly of God, Charlette Kinston, has expressed her worry for her daughter after it was announced Vivian and Mötley Crüe bassist, Nikki Sixx, tied the knot back in late June. 'I pray for them both. I'm afraid he's going to kill her. He mocks our faith, his lyrics are violent and spiteful and he's going to kill her.' Charlette reported to us when we reached out to her. Despite the scrutiny, “Shout At the Devil” continues to sell impressively well, with tracks such as “Bastard”, recently released single, “Looks That Kill”, and a cover of the Beatles' “Helter Skelter”, with the title track “Shout At the Devil."
I read the article of the newspaper Doc had read in the car ride over here to drop us off before Nikki's snatching it away from me and throwing it onto the tarmac, smacking his gum and staring down at me behind his black sunglasses.
"You don't have insurance." He uses my own words against me with a smirk.
"I was just reading what they were saying about me." I argue with a shrug, stepping up the stairs.
"Nothing worth reading." He replies, popping me on the butt to move me along.
Once we get on Doc's private plane, I plop down in a seat and look out the window.
"Are you telling me where we're going, now?" I ask him.
"I told you, it's a surprise, babe." He gives me that weird devious smile he wears so well when he's up to no good.
"I don't like surprises, Nikki."
"You'll like this surprise." He nudges me and I let out a breath and nod, giving him the benefit of the doubt although I'm full of doubt.
"I don't like tropical locations." I remind him and he brushes it off.
"You don't have to worry about where we're going being tropical." He scoffs out, resting his arm on the back of my seat.
"I don't like cold weather." I add and he rolls his eyes.
"It won't be cold, Viv." He assures me and I purse my lips for a moment.
"Big cities are what we're trying to avoi—"
"Viv." He states, raising his brows, his finger sliding his glasses down the bridge of his nose to expose his eyes to me.
"Yes?" I ask like a little kid getting in trouble.
"Just trust me." He orders with a little chuckle. "I'm not setting either of us up for failure. When I said 'get away' I meant it. Just relax and we'll be there in a couple hours."
Once we land and get off the plane, I'm blindsided by our location.
It's flat ground, and past the gates surrounding the tarmac, I see grassy fields.
"Welcome to Idaho." He pats at my hips and I look around at the completely flat ground around us.
"Idaho? We are honeymooning in Idaho?" I ask him, not skeptically, but in slight disbelief. "Isn't Idaho a bit humble for Nikki Sixx?"
"Where we're going is quiet, population 4,000, and no one gives a fuck about Nikki Sixx or Vivian Sixx-parenthesis-Kinston." He throws his arm around me as we step off the tarmac.
I had lived in L.A. my entire life, so, as you can imagine, a place such as Idaho was a shock to my system...mainly because I had no idea what the hell connection Nikki had to the state, that is until...
"Grandpa, this is, uh, Vivian...my wife." Nikki says to the older man that was waiting to pick us up in the parking lot.
I'm probably scowling at Nikki without realizing it. I look a mess in my sweatpants and tank top with my tangled hair, and in no way presentable enough to be meeting any important family members, but I make lemonade and extend a hand to the not-so-stranger and he gives me a warm smile and grabs at my hand.
"It's a pleasure to meet you, Vivian." He tells me with a slight nod.
"You too." I reply honestly.
He and Nikki pick up our bags, putting them into the bed of a truck.
"Nona's making dinner, she nearly forgot you were coming." He tells Nikki as we get in to the truck.
I want to ask Nikki if his dad or mom lives close to his grandparents, but I'm too anxious to speak openly at the moment, deciding to save it for later.
We're arriving in Jerome, Idaho within a few minutes, and on the outskirts of the town, we pull in to the long driveway of a cozy looking house.
"We're here." His grandfather announces and we get out of the truck, examining  my surroundings.
It's flat, full of fields that hold different types of crops, and quiet.
As I'm looking around, I'm being left behind, and it isn't until Nikki whistles at me from the porch that I snap out of my observing and walk up the steps, following him inside.
"Look who I scraped off the road." His grandpa says once we're inside.
"I thought you'd leave us in the dust, rockstar." The voice is soft but holds a presence, coming from a small woman as she leans against the doorway of the steaming kitchen.
His entire rockstar, bad boy, demeanor changes as he completely engulfs her in a hug, chuckling at her reaching up to palm at his fluffy hair, verbally acknowledging the color difference since she last saw it.
Nona was the most genuine, kind, and gracious person I had ever met and she adored Nikki with every fiber of her being.
I didn't know how someone so pure could welcome a devil like Nikki with open arms. Of course to her, even after hearing about all of his nonsense, he was never a devil. He was always that charismatic, driven, dream-chasing, little boy with the poetic eyes.
She's hugging me before Nikki even properly introduces me.
"Oh, she looks just like a movie star, doesn't she, Tom?"  She asks her husband, not giving him time to reply before saying, "I have been hearing about you for so long. It's nice to finally have a face to put with the name." She tells me warmly, looking up at me as she pulls away. "I've only heard all the good things, of course." She adds.
"Except for that one time you busted his only bottle of Jack." His grandfather says from the living room. "He had a bitter mouthful to say about that when he called here.”
"Because he slammed my fingers in my car door." I defend myself and his grandmother looks at him.
"On accident." He shoots back with a tiny grin.
It's now that I notice all the postcards from L.A. scribbled on in Nikki's writing and a few of Mötley's flyers from their earlier days plastered on the fridge, as Nona's and Nikki's back and forth turns in to background noise.
"You hush and go get settled before dinner." She finally gets the last word, though her tone is more so playful than harsh, the hint of a smile on her lips that he also shares.
I follow him through the house, down a hallway where the wood paneled walls are nearly completely covered with old photographs. I fall behind Nikki, taking time to look at a majority of the pictures and try to figure out who all is who in terms of relation to him.
Finally reaching the room Nikki entered, I furrow my brows slightly.
The "spare" room seems as if someone's living in it. The walls are littered with posters of artists ranging from Elton John to Deep Purple and to KISS.
There's a few pictures set up on the chest of drawers of a younger Nikki with brown hair, with his grandparents and another with what I assume is a few school friends.
"I was, like, sixteen or seventeen in those." He tells me when he notices I'm looking at the photographs.
"You lived here?" I finally come out and ask him, sitting down on the middle of the full sized bed, and he opens his suitcase and hesitates for a second.
"Uh, you could say that, yeah." He replies flatly, grabbing a change of clothes.
"What about your mom?" I knew he had her arrested or something, but I don't know if that was before or after he lived here.
He doesn't answer as if he didn't hear me, but I know he did.
"Or your dad—"
"I'm about to get a shower." He cuts me short, tugging at my ankle, pulling me down the bed so my legs are hanging off the end of it, settling between them. "You can come, too, if you want." He teases, the palm of his hand running up and down my thigh.
"...Or you could shower and I could probably just take a nap. I'm really sleepy." I tell him softly, my hand covering the top of his and stopping it before he can slip his fingers between my legs.
"It's our honeymoon, though." He doesn't give up.
I take my bare foot and place it on his shoulder when he tries to lean down, stopping him.
"You're grandparents don't need to hear us." I chuckle, his lips pressing to the arch of my foot, before leaning down over me, anyway, my leg slipping over his shoulder in the process.
"We'll be quiet." He argues, his lips brushing against mine. "I can always gag you or something."
"Go take a shower. A cold one, preferably." I state, pecking his lips and nudging him off of me.
My sex drive has been revived ever since starting my antidepressant, however, his sweet grandfather and grandmother's presence is ruining my libido.
I pull myself to the head of the bed and get comfortable, the box fan in the corner on a low setting to whisk away any heat, and drift off to sleep.
When I wake up, the sun's almost down, and Nikki's tugging on a pair of his pants before sitting on the foot of the bed.
Unable to stop myself from shifting towards him, my hand falls on the bare skin of his back, trailing across his shoulder blade as my lips mark up his spine, feeling the way his muscles ripple under his skin, starting at the middle of his back and stopping at the back of his neck before I'm wrapping my arms around his neck and pressing my lips to his cheek.
"Okay, you can't tell me to take a cold shower, and then do this." He looks at me and I furrow my brows, a little confused.
"Do what?" I ask innocently, running my finger nails across his chest.
"You..." He starts, smirking as he turns over and traps me under him, grasping one of his hands around my throat, kissing me roughly.
My legs lock around his hips, the junction of my thighs attempting to grind into him.
"The food’s ready if—oh!" Nona covers her eyes as Nikki and I scramble off of each other like a couple of teenagers caught in the act. “It’s ready. Unless you would like to wait until after you've worked up an appetite." She hints.
I burry my face in the quilt on the bed, heat rising to my cheeks in embarrassment as Nikki laughs.
"Coming.” He assures her a little awkwardly breath and she clears her throat and pushes her glasses up her nose, stepping away from the doorway.
My hand's grabbing at the pillow I was laying on earlier, hitting him as hard as I can.
"Do you not know how to lock a door?!" I whisper yell and he continues to laugh.
Once we get to the dinner table, Nona's handing us both a plate of steak and potatoes.
Except it doesn't look like steak, exactly, and it certainly doesn't taste like it.
"Um, what kind of meat is this?" I ask after a couple of bites.
"Venison." His grandpa replies and I stop chewing, blinking for a moment.
"Deer?" I ask, not wanting to sound rude.
"Mule deer." He says, taking a swig of his Pepsi.
"I soaked it in vinegar and then marinade to get the gamey taste out of it." Nona cuts in, worried I might throw up. I'm worried I might throw up, too, but I manage to keep it in.
"No, no, it's fine I just...I've never had deer before." I explain, looking at Nikki.
He's licking his lips, smiling to himself at my expense and I try to rinse my mouth out with my soda after I reluctantly swallow the piece of meat I'd been chewing, and decide to eat my potatoes instead.
"You know, we didn't expect you to come." His grandfather tells him, wiping his mouth with a paper towel. "You'd called and told us however many times before that you'd come for thanksgiving or Christmas and never did." He laughs to hide his obvious disappointment.
"Yeah...some things came up." Nikki doesn't look at him, cutting at his food.
"No, we understand. Between a wife and rock n' roll and partying with your friends, it's hard to make time for your family."
"They are my family." Nikki states, meeting his grandfather's gaze.
"So, Vivian, Nikki tells us you grew up in Los Angeles. Have you ever been out of the city at all?" His grandmother changes the subject to dissolve the tension forming around Nikki and his grandad and I hesitate to answer.
"I've been to New York a few times to visit our friend Tansy. She's modeling, now. But I've never been to a town as small as this." I admit. "You guys should come visit L.A. some time, actually." I offer, glancing at Nikki to see if he'd be okay with that.
"I've tried to get them to." He says lowly, cutting at another piece of meat.
"We plan on it, soon." Nona tells him calmly. "There's just a lot going on lately with Tom and I and you kids have plenty going on as well. It just hasn't been a good time is all."
"So, tell us about this mother of yours." His grandpa’s cutting in and I hesitate to answer for a moment.
"She hates us." Nikki informs him before I can.
"She thinks Nikki's the devil and I'm going to hell for marrying him." I explain.
"Oh, well..." Nona obviously doesn't know how to respond to that.
"But my dad's cool." I rush to say, trying to save the conversation from going sour. "He, um, told me he bought the new record." I add, remembering the letter I received a few days after the album was released.
"Does he like heavy music like that?" She asks and I lick my lips.
"I'm not sure. I've only ever heard him listen to gospel music, but mainly because my mom doesn't allow secular music in the house." I say.
"Do you like their music?" She questions next and I look at Nikki and my lips pull into a soft smile.
"I've built up my tolerance to it." It's as if I've thrown cold water in Nikki's face.
He was obviously expecting me to kiss his ass about it, and his grandparents laugh.
"Kidding." I do some damage control, gently nudging Nikki with my elbow as he looks at me unamused. "I think he's a brilliant songwriter. And the talent of everyone else's efforts match the composer's."
He rolls his eyes at me and I do the same to him, causing him to make a childish face at me and I mimic him.
"Are you going to school now or...?" She takes a sip of her drink before pulling me out of my back and forth with Nikki.
"Uh, I'm taking some time off." I tell her with a curt nod.
"She got a full ride to Juilliard for ballet, though." Nikki cuts in, taking a bite of meat. “She’s a fucking genius.” He adds proudly and I rub my lips together to hold back a giggle at the way his grandparents look at him.
“Language.” His grandad reminds him and Nikki holds back a smart-ass laugh.
“Why did you not go?” Nona asks me and I look at Nikki, who looks at me knowingly and I clear my throat.
"I didn't want to leave L.A." I explain. “Mainly my friends.”
“Well, there’s nothing wrong with that. I’m sure there’s plenty of other schools closer by whenever you decide to go.” She replies hopefully and me nor Nikki have the heart to tell her I’m probably never going back to school with the way things are going for the band. “...Of course if you have babies, it’ll be harder to go to school and be there for them, especially if he’s on the road and no one’s there to help you.”
I lose my appetite immediately, and Nikki’s reading my expression like a book.
“She’ll be on the road with me.” He tells her. “I don’t care if we have to get a bigger bus for our kids to fit.” He’s certain of it and I swallow thickly, downing a few gulps of water to calm the prickling in my skin.
“I've got a cake in the refrigerator." Nona offers, noticing I’ve stopped eating. “If you want some for dessert.”
"No, thank you. I've had a long day. I just want to sleep." I decline politely and she nods, she and her husband bidding me Goodnight.
“I’ll be in there in a few minutes, babe.” Nikki says as I stand up and I nod, kissing the top of his fluffy hair briefly before stepping to his bedroom.
I stay in my T-shirt and pull off my pants and panties before I get comfortable on the side of the bed I’ve claimed as mine.
Every now and then I hear a car drive by on the quiet country road, and sometimes Nikki’s boyish laughter echos up the hall and crawls under the door to make me smile.
God, I love him.
After about an hour of hearing his conversations with his grandparents, they’re all saying goodnight.
The door creaks open and he shuts it behind him when he gets inside, stepping to his bag to drink a few gulps of Jack from the bottle he packed.
“They fucking love you.” He mumbles to me once he’s finished, pulling the covers back and crawling in to bed.
I turn to face him, getting as close to him as I can, actually enjoying the smell of whiskey on his breath.
“Of course they do.” I arrogantly agree, my voice deliberately holds an overzealously glamorous tone. “Everyone does.” I add and he scoffs at me, causing a small chuckle to leave me.
We lay in silence for a few moments, our eyes adjusting to the pitch dark of the room, aside from the moonlight streaming through the window.
His hand reaches out to graze my cheek, his thumb rubbing over my bottom lip and my tongue darts out to taste it.
A deep breath sucks in to his chest when I do this, and I don’t give him time to think before my lips brush against his.
Just as he opens his mouth slightly to tease at my tongue with his, my teeth are playfully tugging at his bottom lip, earning a faint groan from him as he pulls me up to straddle him.
Hands snake up my waist, making their way under my shirt and along my ribs, his rough palms grabbing at my chest, his thumbs rubbing over my nipples.
Heat pours from between my thighs and I pull the T-shirt from over my head, leaning back to moan out soft enough that no one in the house can hear it.
My lips find his again, one of his hands moving to my throat.
He goes to tug at the chain of my crucifix but I stop him.
“We’re married, now.” I remind him in a whisper, taking shallow breaths. “Sex in a marriage is a form of worship to God.” I add, my hands grazing over his bare shoulders.
“Bullshit.” He says back and I shake my head a little.
“I’m serious.” I tell him with a little smile, pressing a chaste kiss to the tip of his nose.
For once I’m saying something about God that he can get behind: the sleazier and more creative the sex is, the better. For worshipping purposes, of course.
“You shouldn’t have told me that.” He says with a sly smile and I laugh as he turns over and pins me to the bed.
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man-reading · 5 years
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The Bibliophile, Drew Marvin Frayne
Publisher: NineStar Press
Genre: Gay Historical Romance
Length: 221 Pages
Reviewer: Kazza K
Purchase At: amazon.com, NineStar Press
Nathanial Goldsmith is the only son of the richest man in the Idaho territory, Jessum Goldsmith, the Silver Baron of the Western Lands, as he is called in all the newspapers. But life in the late nineteenth-century American West weaves no magic spell for Nathanial, who longs for the academic worlds his father has forced him to leave behind.
To toughen him up, Nathanial’s father has indentured him to a ranchman, Cayuse Jem, a large, raw-boned, taciturn man Nathanial’s father believes will help teach his son to “become a man.” Cut off from his books and the life he has always known, Nathanial is not only forced to co-exist with Cayuse Jem but to truly get to know him. In doing so, Nathanial discovers there is more to this silent horseman than meets the eye. And, in the process, Nathanial also learns a few things about life, about human nature, and about the differences in being a man and a boy…
I do not know what kind of man I am, or what kind of man I shall become. I do know, however, what kind of man I admire.
Nathaniel Goldsmith has kept a journal off and on during his youth, mostly when he experiences tedium or is concerned by difficult events that are out of his control, ones generally involving his father. He is the only son of Jessum Goldsmith, a wealthy man who has been dubbed the Silver Baron of the Western Lands by the press. Nathaniel has happily been away in Boston while studying for the past four years. However, his father believes in a man working with his hands and using his wiles, being a man’s man, definitely not having their head in books, or their heart in libraries and humanities. Idaho is to become a state soon enough and he has his eyes on politics for himself, for his son, and the best way to do that is for his heir to know the land and help out in the family business. It’s to this end he calls Nathaniel back home to the Idaho Territory from university, effectively ending his son’s dreams of teaching, libraries, of academia.
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Nathaniel is resigned to his fate but exceedingly disappointed his father has summoned him home from somewhere he felt he fitted in, so easily able to access the books that are his great love and passion. He knows everything has irrevocably changed for him now that he is eighteen. Although the money itself has never been something that has meant much to Nathaniel, he has known a nice lifestyle, including boarding school and the family’s private salon car. But now, for at least several months, he is to assist a man who works for his father, raising, training, and selling the beautiful and sought after appaloosas, a Scotsman who goes by the name of Cayuse Jem. He lives a rustic life in a small shack on the edge of Goldsmith land. So instead of the mines, it’s with this “slovenly” horse wrangler that Goldsmith senior believes his son will begin the education required to harden him up into the “real man” he expects his son to be.
Nathaniel is less than impressed with Cayuse Jem in the beginning. He cannot fathom what this man can teach him, other than increasing his boredom and contributing to a further decline of his grey matter. Cleaning up horse shit and giving one of them an occasional sugar cube is nothing of note. Milking a cow. Sweeping, fetching water, cleaning. None of it seems viable or valuable. He feels there are no lessons here, only servitude.
Nonetheless, I am counting down the days to when this accursed “lesson” ends.
Although I understood the differences with his father, that he was commanded and not considered, that Cayuse Jem, as a seeming extension of his father, appeared as if he would be his “jailer,” Nathaniel came across as rather supercilious in the beginning.
I may be sent here to work for this man, yet he is naught but a glorified ranch hand, and while I sometimes loathe my name, I am Nathanial Goldsmith, son of Jessum Goldsmith.
But somewhere along the way that changes. I suspect it was when he grew more dialectical in his thinking. When he became aware of other elements that help create a well-rounded individual. All I know is I became emotionally engaged as the writing suddenly became more personal with more character depth. Mostly, the person behind the main voice became someone I cared about instead of an annoyance. I went from struggling to pick the book up to not wanting to put the book down. It came to bed with me at night and travelled about with me during the day so it was easily accessed. I also remember thinking, after my change of heart, that it would have been a complete travesty had I not finished.
This book, this well crafted, intelligent, somewhat stealthy book, gives the reader a snapshot into another era via an eighteen-year boy experiencing life in Idaho, America, predominantly throughout 1888 but forward until 1890. The writing transports you, giving the reader a decent sense of time and place. It also chronicles Nathaniel’s coming of age. Everything Nathaniel experiences he relays back to us via his diarised thoughts and feelings and, soon enough, I couldn’t wait for the next entry.
Nathaniel likes to analogize his current plight to the classics, history, mythology. The story is clearly written by someone who knows and loves these things themselves because it flows seamlessly from a current event to that of someone or something of note from a book or history. Nathaniel names their milking cow Io, and the horse Cayuse Jem gifts him becomes Boadicea as she is strong, beautiful, the leader of her herd – and so on….
I have swept stalls, polished tack, and fetched pail after pail of water—pail after pail!—until my limbs felt ready to flee from my torso for their own sake and sanity. It is fitting, indeed, that my mind keeps wandering to the tale of Heracles and his many woeful labors.
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Although the journal entries can be as mundane as mucking out stables, cleaning, sweeping, to the unexpected joy of achieving something new like cooking, as time spent at the cabin passes, there are also events Nathaniel never expected he would write about because there is certainly no ennui in regards to these situations: Illness, friendship, loss, meeting and helping the Nez Perce Indians, his first sexual experience, love, and beyond. Acceptance, and becoming the best person he can possibly be, one he likes and that suits him, is a powerful theme. So is being a complete person, and finding a Heaven in an expected Hell.
That Nathaniel teaches Cayuse Jem to read is something that gives him a great deal of joy and fulfills his need to teach. It helps to build a bridge between the two men that are already developing foundations in other areas, like respect, care, and the solidarity of mutual beliefs. He also learns how to ride a horse properly under Cayuse Jem’s tutelage, and is taught how to swim by his friend Motsqueh. Both of which he never thought he could value as much as reading or studying in a formal setting, yet he does.
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It’s interesting to see the change of Cayuse Jem’s importance and relevance in Nathaniel’s eyes. To see it reflected back at him. In comparison to the small Nathaniel, he’s a bear of a man, broad, hirsute, burly. He’s strong and not particularly garrulous, and while economical with his words they are always thoughtful and positive. Cayuse Jem may work for Jessum Goldsmith, raising and training appaloosa’s – originally the Nez Perce’s breed – but that is where any similarity ends. He lives a fairly spartan existence, he’s gentle with his horses, he’s equitable with and toward others. His best friend happens to be from the Nez Perce tribe, Chuslum. Chuslum’s partner is also Nez Perce, a younger man named Motsqueh. Motsqueh and Nathaniel become so close that Nathaniel calls him brother.
The difficulty facing the Nez Perce is given page time. While it isn’t ever heavy-handed observation, it’s hard to read about people being run off the land that was rightfully theirs, about hypocritical ideas of what is ‘civilised.’
There is a definite kink to this book – daddy kink, not as in ‘call me daddy’, but as in a surrogate father figure, some expectations, and a style of domestic discipline. Not that there is any punishment, rather a sir/boy relationship where there are some quite distinct roles and ideas. I don’t remember Cayuse Jem’s age being mentioned but he would have to be in his mid-thirties plus, there’s a fair age gap. I think Cayuse Jem called Nathaniel ‘Nat’ twice in the book, at least that’s Nathaniel’s recollections, the rest of the time it’s ‘boy’. Nathaniel only ever refers to Cayuse Jem as ‘sir’ in any and all dialogue.
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He wrapped his large arms around my waist, and I rested my head against him. He took the soap and rubbed my body with it—my chest, my stomach, my own engorged member and loins. “You do understand what is happening, boy, yes?” “Yes, sir,” I sighed. “And how do you feel about it?” (…) “I am most happy, sir,” I said. In response, Cayuse Jem kissed me.
Cayuse Jem took my face in his large, brawny hands. “You belong to me now, boy. Body and soul.” “But my father—” “I am your father now,” Cayuse Jem said thickly. “I am your family. And I am your husband. If you will have me.”
This is not an easy book to review. I started off struggling for reading traction, but once I found it the book swept me away to another time and place. If you like the sound of the synopsis and my review, the quotes contained within, then check this book out. The Bibliophile opened up some wonderful storytelling to me and I’m very grateful to have had the chance to read it, it was a truly visceral experience – tears included. Nathaniel and Cayuse Jem are still in my thoughts several days after finishing and only the best books leave me feeling as if the characters were real, wondering if they’re still doing okay.
Honestly, I was surprised at just how clever and raw and charming the writing in this book was. I don’t know this author, at least I don’t believe I do, so they’re new to me. Apparently, they write under another name but wanted to write something more romantic and sentimental in nature. I’d say it’s more a love story than a romance, but they’ve succeeded. While the book finishes as a complete book, the ending could leave an opening for more. If so, I’ll be reading it. If not, cheers, guys, I hope you had a long and happy life together.
5 Stars!
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itsteaveetime · 7 years
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//And here’s fic #2: general post-factory Mike/Veruca.//
He likes girls.  That’s not the problem.
Well, it is a little bit of a problem, but an extremely embarrassing audio book his mom got him, that includes chapters such as ‘Why Am I Sweaty?’, and a general internet inquiry has assured him it’s a normal sort of problem.  That even though Ethel said ‘breast’ the other night, entirely in the context of chicken, and as a result, he has felt like he might die for almost two days now, he probably won’t.  At least: not of that.
What’s probably not normal is a Russian oligarch on his knees in a front hallway in Normalton, Idaho with his checkbook clasped pleadingly in both hands.
“Pleasssssssssse Mrs. Television,” Oleg Salt begs, despite the fact that they have both told him several times that their last name is not ‘Television’.  “You must make him be reasonable.”
Ethel barks out a laugh, because there is no making Mike do anything.  There is especially no making Mike do this.
“I will pay you whatever you wish,” Mr. Salt continues.  “You do not know what she is like.”
Mike thinks he might have a pretty good idea, and also: the man is not helping himself out saying stuff like that. 
“It is all she asks for,” Mr. Salt confides.  “And such a little thing-...”
Mike bristles, the corners of his mouth turning down into a frown.
“...a small request!” Oleg clarifies hurriedly.  “One tiny little dinner with my Veruska.  That is all!  What do you say?”
The man’s eyes dart desperately from Mike to his mother.  So Veruca Salt hasn’t changed much since the Wonka tour.  Mike, in his opinion, hasn’t changed much either.
Well.  He is shorter.
But no longer small enough to be picked up against his will and shoved in a purse, so what does he care?  He doesn’t.  There’s no such thing as height on the internet.
But a boy cannot live on internet alone, no matter how he tries.
And it’s been a couple years now, since Wonka’s, and you’d think (at least, Mike would have thought) that the media would have forgotten about them by now.  You know: the losers.  Because that’s what they are: Gloop.  Teavee.  Beauregarde.  Salt.  Golden ticket losers.
And yet the paparazzi still insist on photographing him every time he leaves the house (even as infrequent as that is).  On detailing just how short he remains.  On judging his fashion choices (which are lit, shut up).  On speculating.
They aren’t interested in interviewing him (and he wouldn’t let them anyway), all they want to do is snap, snap, snap his picture.
Not a lot happens in Idaho, okay?  He’s not sure if it’s the same for the rest of them.  He’s been ignoring them as hard as he possibly can.
But it’s no mystery, at least, how Salt knows he’s still out there, not dead or anything.  
“You’ll pay anything?” Mike asks.
Ethel shoots him a look.
“Michael,” she chastises.  But he can see her eyeing Mr. Salt’s checkbook too.  They aren’t poor, but a teacher’s salary doesn’t go as far as it could, and Mike has expensive taste in electronics and sneakers.
They settle, eventually, on Mr. Salt making a donation to the school where Ethel teaches that will keep her and her colleagues in school supplies for at least a few years, and a ‘college fund’ for Mike, which is dumb, because he isn’t going to college, but at least when he turns eighteen he can do whatever he wants with it.  
All that, just for going on a date with a girl.  Mike should (Mike thinks) go on dates with girls more often.
Of course, Mike has never actually been on a date before.  Mike has never had dinner with a girl who wasn’t his mother.  Mike has never been alone in a room with a girl who wasn’t his mother.
He reflects on this as he rides in Salt’s ridiculously large limousine, and then after that in the man’s private jet.  Mr. Salt does not try to force conversation with them, which Mike appreciates.  The man conducts business on his phone.  Mike does the same on his iPad, although his business consists mainly of owning someone on reddit and playing Candy Crush.  Ethel pops a Valium and has a cocktail and is out like a light.  It’s pretty blissful.  Plus, Oleg Salt is rich enough that they don’t have to deal with visas or whatever, and (considering some of the stuff Mike has done) that might otherwise have been an issue.    
It still takes about a day to get to Russia, and Mike does briefly entertain the idea that they are being kidnapped, but whatever.  It’s not like they had anything better to do.
The Salt estate is impressive.  And Mike is not a boy easily impressed.  He and his mother are shown to guest rooms that are probably bigger than their entire house, and Ethel tries to convince him to change into a nice button down shirt, or ‘smart’ sweater, and fails.  He shows up at the dining room in his usual baggy joggers, converse sneakers, snap back cap, and hoodie.  And then it’s just him and Veruca.
The dinning table is huge, but only the very end of it has been set.  The lighting is dim, but Mike can see that she is already seated at the head of the table.  It feels like it takes forever, but eventually he is seated next to her, in front of way more forks than he knows what to do with.
And he has no idea what to say.
He has never not known what to say before.  Words have always just come out of his mouth without having to think about them (much to a lot of people’s chagrin).  This is different, for some reason.
Veruca Salt is...pretty.
And Mike Teavee is not prepared.  
He had known, even at twelve, that she was.  Blond hair, blue eyes, pink dress: all stereotypically and obviously pretty.  At twelve, he hadn’t cared about that.
She isn’t dressed like a ballerina now.
Her blond hair is a little shorter and straighter, but still the same bright tone.  Her clothes are simple, but obviously expensive: a white turtleneck sweater in some sort of furry material, and designer jeans.  She’s more or less the same shape, and a little bit taller, but it’s her face, mostly, that makes his mind go blank.  It’s less childish.  He wonders, suddenly, if his own is.  He feels like she looks older than he does.  Next to her, he feels like a kid.
“Hey,” he says, lamely.
“I am so pleased,” she purrs, her long dark lashes fluttering, “that you have decided to join me, Michael.”
Something flutters in his stomach, and then his chest, and then definitely tries to escape out of his throat.  He in no way recalls eating any insects or anything.
“Uh,” he replies, brilliantly.
She smirks behind her water glass.
“We have much in common, you and I,” she tells him.
“Oh,” he says.  “Yeah?”
Because he’s not sure what, exactly, they have in common at all.  Ballet, for instance, is super lame.  And he’s not sure how she feels about squirrels now, but he’s definitely never liked anything small and furry.  Or big and furry, for that matter.
On the flip side, Russian social media is like years behind America’s, and he doesn’t get the impression she games or is interested in computers at all.
“But there will be time to discuss after we eat,” she says.
Mike does not have an adventurous palate, and an impressive selection of mostly unidentifiable food-stuffs is placed in front of him, and Veruca selects a single fork out of the twenty they each have to choose from, and he grasps desperately for something, anything familiar.
“Do you have ketchup?” He asks.
She looks at him like he might be crazy.
“Do you ask me,” she asks, “if we have ketchup in Russia, or if there is ketchup now?”
He stares down at his plate, and no, he doesn’t know if anything on it is supposed to be eaten with ketchup, but he likes ketchup.
“...know you have ketchup in Russia,” he mumbles.
This date is a disaster.
She rings for someone, and a bottle of Russian ketchup is placed in front of him, and he still doesn’t know where to start with the cutlery, or how to turn this around.  She stares at him expectantly.
“I...” he says.
“Yes?” She prompts.
“Uh,” he grunts.
“...,” she responds.
“I’veneverbeenonadatebeforeandIdunnowhatyouwantmetodo, okay?!?!?” He blurts.
She bursts out laughing.  Her hand flies to her chest.  Her eyes are squeezed shut and tearing up with mirth.  She practically falls out of her chair.
“You think this is date?” She manages to gasp.
“Uh.  Isn’t it?” He asks, numbly.
She laughs even harder, and he feels like he might be shrinking all over again,
“Your...you dad said...,” he mumbles.
“Oh, my papa,” she giggles, wiping her eyes delicately with her finger.  “What has he done?”
Mike says nothing.  Mike stares down at what is probably the most expensive plate of food that has ever been put in front of him.  She snaps her fingers in front of his nose.
“Michael Television...,” she says.
“Not my na-ame,” he moans.
“This is business meeting.  I have business proposal for you.”
He looks up, because as much as he wants to die (no chicken involved) that’s...interesting.
“Mr. Wonka,” she says.  “He has done the both of us...wrong.”
She adjusts the neck of her sweater, and he remembers suddenly: she was ripped apart.  If no one’s ever the same after they’ve been on television, they definitely aren’t after they’ve been ripped apart and put back together.  It hasn’t been an easy couple of years for him: he’s still physically stunted.  It probably hasn’t been easy for her, either.  Her scars are probably a lot more visible.
“So what’re you saying?” He asks.  She has his complete attention, and with his ADHD, that’s saying something.
“I want to make him...how do you say...regret this,” she says.
“Like: revenge,” he asks, dubiously.  Because as tempting as that sounds, even he knows that’s not a great idea.  Who knows what that nut job would do to them?
“No-no,” she insists, waving the idea off.  “Well...not like that.  But our own revenge.  I wish to do something to make Mr. Wonka see that he is wrong about us.  That we are not bad.”
Mike looks down at his hands, because he’s not entirely sure he isn’t bad, but still: the idea is quickly growing on him.
“You are smart,” she says.  And then, raising an eyebrow: “At least: I think you are.”
“I am smart,” he says, simply and confidently, because this is something he at least knows about himself without question.
“Good,” she tells him.  “This is what I need.”
It’s a lot easier to talk to her, after that, when he knows where he stands.  They brainstorm for hours, their heads bent close together, their words quick and excited, and this...
He hasn’t felt like this in a long time.  It’s good.
They have a plan by the end of the evening.  They’re going to do something: something amazing.  Something so amazing that even Wonka won’t be able to call them bad, or losers: not anymore.  He can see it all in his head, and she has the money, and the social skills, and the ambition to make it real.
“You are smart,” she says, as he is leaving.
“Told you,” he says, with a smirk and shrug.
She catches his hand in hers.
“You are also cute,” she whispers.
He floats back to America because they’re really going to do something and she thinks he’s cute.
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dougdigby-blog · 5 years
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When talking to Sarah about her love for Laura, it was obvious their story is one for the books. From both of them only dating men before each other, to their joint bachelorette party, to being the first same-sex female couple married in their part of the UK, and the fact that they had a ‘flower nan’, they are one interesting couple. It’s no wonder these two brides run their own blog!
Tell us about yourselves:
We are Sarah and Laura, two wives who blog at sarahpluslaura.blogspot.co.uk.
Laura is originally from Idaho in the USA and I, Sarah, am from Reading, UK. We met at work in London in 2009, moved to Australia together in 2010 where we travelled for a year before returning to London. We settled in Birmingham, UK in 2013. Our blog features travel, reviews for destinations in the UK and beyond, stories about us, our experiences, and things we love – from food, to our cockapoo Bisbee. We also dedicate a whole section in our blog to preparing for our wedding and then the day itself. Without a doubt, our wedding has been a highlight in our relationship to date.
Tell us about your love story:
In our case, love didn’t come easy. We started new jobs in the same company on the same day. Rather than bonding over the shared experience, our differences meant our first impressions of each other weren’t positive. I was seen as a ‘sour-faced, stuck up, reserved’ British sales person. Laura was an ‘obnoxious, loud, overly upbeat’ American customer services advisor.
We started to work closer together and our initial judgements subsided. After six months we went from hanging out in a group, to spending all our free time together. A few weeks later we admitted we were more than just friends and never looked back!
As we had both only dated men before, the relationship and how quickly our feelings progressed was a shock to both of us. We kept things mainly between us until we were confident that it could be something serious.
From the start, Laura’s parents were amazingly supportive and welcomed me into their home in the USA. Initially, my parents were adamantly against our relationship. It wasn’t until four years later that Laura eventually got an invite to the house. Our relationship with my family is definitely an ‘It gets better’ story.
Our wedding signalled a public stand and declaration of our love. We were the first all-female couple to get legally married in the borough of Westminster. The wedding ceremony was in Idaho. Unfortunately same sex marriage wasn’t legal in Idaho until four months later, but it was the wedding of our dreams anyway!
Both families attended our Idaho wedding and since then things for us have gone from strength to strength. We even moved in with my parents for over a year to save for our house before moving to Birmingham. Today, both families play a large part on our lives and we couldn’t be happier.
As two brides, how did you decide on your bridesmaids?
We had a joint bridal party instead of each picking our own bridesmaids. Most of the people we considered are friends to both of us. It would’ve been hard deciding whose side they would be on.
My sister Fiona was the first pick. As an early supporter of our relationship she was a natural choice and it was important to have her there beside us.
Kate, our head bridesmaid, has known Laura since she was born. Laura and Kate lived in London at the same time before she met me, and we all became close when living in Australia in 2010. She even threw us a surprise Australian wedding celebration when we visited earlier this year!
Julia is a close school friend that Laura has known for 15 years. I had met Julia on my first trip to Idaho in 2009 and we got on easily. Julia is an illustrator. She was our first pick to do our invitations and all the personal touches at our wedding.
Alison is another of Laura’s old school friends – they reconnected when Ali moved to London. As Ali lived with us when she initially moved to the UK, we all became close. I chose Ali to help me organise my proposal when we were all in Idaho for Christmas 2012. Ali, and her husband Dave, are our travel inspirations and some of our closest friends.
Did you ever consider having groomsmen?
We decided to have the special men in our lives be ushers rather than groomsmen. It wasn’t a massive discussion. The ladies in our lives were our greatest support, being there through difficult times. Having them at the front was symbolic of their role in our lives.
What tips do you have for brides who are struggling to put together their bridal party?
Start by making a list of all the people you feel you can’t get married without them by your side. If you’re having an intimate wedding, like ours, divide the list up into different roles. Besides your bridesmaids and groomsmen, you can have special people in your life be ushers or participate in readings at the ceremony. If you are still struggling with wanting to give unique roles to the special people in your life, Pinterest is a great source of inspiration.
Laura’s 90-year-old grandmother flew in from the UK to Idaho to be a ‘Flower Nan.’
One especially unique role at our wedding was instead of a ‘flower girl’, we had a ‘Flower Nan’. We really wanted Laura’s 90 year old Nan, who flew on her own from the UK to the USA for the wedding, to be part of our bridal party. (She stole the show, she was so wonderful!) Our Mums were walked down the aisle by our ushers, so they stood out.
How did you decide on your joint Bachelorette Party location and who to invite?
There was never any thought of having separate Bachelorette parties because we have so many joint friends. And at the end of the day, as well as being wives, we are best friends. So really as two brides, if we had been on separate nights out, we would have just been wondering where the other one was, and wishing she was there!
Heading to Idaho for the wedding, we knew we had to have a connecting flight somewhere. Most of the party flying out with us from England had never been to the USA. We thought about New York but after suggesting NY and Vegas to our guests, Vegas got the vote.
We had also been to Vegas before, so we had a rough idea of what we wanted to plan. As a party capital it was easy to book tables, a limo, group transport etc. In general, Vegas offers so many options that we could do things as a large group or break up into smaller groups.
The invite was open to all / any guests. As part of our save the dates we pointed people to our wedding website where we had put a rough itinerary of our Vegas plans. There was an option to select ‘join us’ at the bachelorette. We had a deadline date for confirmation so we could sort out rooms if people needed to share.
Who planned the activities?
Mainly Laura, although we took suggestions and requests. When it came to seeing a show we put out options to the group via a private Facebook group. The one that ended up being the most popular – a drag show!
We had two evenings that we had requested everyone attend. The first was a dinner and limo ride to the Las Vegas sign (for group pictures!), The second was ‘Pink Night’ where everyone had to wear something pink. That night we hit the bars and a club to dance the night away.
Other plans were made by the pool where everyone seemed to meet in the mornings. We tried to leave things flexible as we knew it was an expensive trip for everyone. We didn’t want to completely take over their holiday.
What was your favorite part of your Bachelorete Party?
Well as two brides, can we pick two?
The first was a really simple moment in the Mirage pool. The weather was beautiful and we all had giant strawberry daiquiris by the pool. In a single moment Laura and I were able to watch all of our family and friends laughing, getting on, and having a great time so far from home. It was the best feeling.
The second was Pink Night. The whole night was hilarious! It was the night I had imagined a bachelorette would be. My Mum and Aunt wore massive pink capes. The boys all rocked pink outfits and we all wore personalised matching sunglasses. Laura and I rode a mechanical bull (though not for long!). We spent most of the night in a bar that played hit song after hit song, and I just remember not wanting it to end.
What are your tips for anyone planning a bachelorette in Vegas?
Stay calm and don’t plan too much for everyone. Vegas is synonymous with drinking and gambling for a reason. Set out your expectations of what you want everyone to attend early and explain why it is important. We told everyone that we wanted a group photo at the Vegas sign, so they had to be there.
Don’t leave it too late to book group things. While there is plenty of choice of limo companies and restaurants, you don’t want your decision to be made for you so book early. Also when booking get people’s payments upfront. There is nothing worse than trying to sort out money while trying to keep things fun.
On that note, ask someone else in the party to take the role of sorting out money. Even at dinner. As a bride you don’t want to be sorting out the bill at the end of the night. It’s stressful!
Bridal showers are standard in the US, but not at all common in the UK. How surprised were you to have a mini bridal shower?
It was such a lovely surprise to have a bridal shower shower thrown for us while we were in Vegas by our bridesmaids. We weren’t expecting it at all. It was especially amazing as we had planned most of the bachelorette party ourselves.
Our bridesmaid Kate organised the shower at a gorgeous poolside restaurant. She brought mini cupcakes that tasted like delicious cocktails! Fiona created a quiz about us which was touching and funny for everyone to take. She also put together a beautiful album of photos from our childhood, and then ones since Laura has been around. It had an inscription that read how she was so happy to be gaining another sister! Tears all round.
What was dress shopping like for both of you and your bridesmaids?
Dress shopping for us was surprisingly easy. After seeing plenty of same-sex weddings where the two brides looked like they were going to different weddings, we decided to go together. As we are each other’s best friends, we knew there’d be nobody else whose opinion we trusted more than each other. We are so glad we did it this way, as it was an amazing experience!
We booked in an appointment with David’s Bridal in Boise. After the assistant got over the surprise of having two brides marrying each other (not that common in conservative Idaho, where it wasn’t yet legal) she was lovely and incredibly helpful. We had Laura’s Mum with us for support, and luckily things worked out pretty effortlessly.
With arms full of dresses we headed to the changing rooms. It was quickly evident what styles we preferred, and within the hour we had narrowed down our top choices. Even though we picked similar strapless styles I think we complimented each other rather than looking the same. Laura had a birdcage veil, while mind was a mid-length veil worn down my back. On wedding day, Laura had her hair swept to one side, while mine covered both shoulders. We both felt beautiful and that is what was important.
The bridesmaid dresses were even simpler. We had wanted to buy the dresses for the girls, which is the custom in the UK. Plus, all our bridesmaids were travelling so an extra cost didn’t seem fair. We had picked our colour, a deep purple, and knew we wanted them to be knee length with pockets. With that description I did a Google search. We quickly found a dress at a reasonable price, that met the criteria exactly and so we bought them. Luckily they fit perfectly.
How were your bridesmaids throughout your planning process at the wedding?
As we only had one bridesmaid living near where we were getting married, we relied heavily on our wedding planner. That said, our bridesmaids were quick to offer help and advice. They were so excited and supportive the entire way.
Julia recommended our band, designed and printed our wedding invites, etc. Kate did our maid of honour speech, organised our bridal shower, and kept us going with countdowns. Alison took on the role of Pink Night organiser in Vegas, which was amazing. Fiona kept my family organised and calm, which was no small task, and allowed us to focus on everything else.
Once we were in Idaho, all the bridesmaids helped with the food shopping for our stay at our wedding location. Then at the venue, they helped organise room allocation and food preparation. Really they allowed us to be part of the experience, rather than having to worry about looking after everyone.
What are your favorite memories of your bridesmaids from your wedding day?
Our professional photo session. We had our pictures taken before the ceremony (after our first look!) so that everyone looked their best and could then relax and enjoy the day. That time together; laughing, joking, pulling poses, and just hanging out was perfect.
When getting ready, they did each other’s hair and make-up. There is one photo where they were all doing up the bow on each other’s dresses. It was posed, but it really captured the mood of the day.
The pictures we had with each of them individually were also sweet moments. We took a ‘pretty photo’ and a ‘pretty silly photo’ with each of them. We gave each bridesmaid a copy of their photo as a thank you.
Do you have any tips for how bridesmaids can be supportive to their bride(s)?
As every bride is different, I think the key is communication of expectations. I think if you know a bride well enough, you will know when things are getting stressful for them. Offering support early is key.
Laura and I are very different when it comes to planning. Laura will have to-do lists for everything. The bridesmaids knew that if they were being asked to do something for Laura it was because she really needed help. The best plan of action would be doing it quickly to make thing easier for her. and I will do things as I think of them or last minute. For me, they needed to sense check if I had thought of things. Although Laura had given me my own to-do list so I was covered. (ha!)
Also on wedding day things change. Often plans that have been in place for months need rearranging. For example, our florist didn’t have bouquets for the bridesmaids, which we were expecting. So be ready with solutions and suggestions. Always be calm. Always say that you’ll look into it even if you have no clue how you’ll make it happen. That taking on of responsibility means the world. No bride should be stressing on their big day.
For more on Sarah + Laura, follow them on Instagram / Twitter / Facebook / Pinterest / YouTube
What do you think of Sarah + Laura’s love story? Share with us in the comments.
The post Think two brides are amazing? Wait until you see the flower nana! appeared first on Bridesmaids Confession.
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aamoako3 · 5 years
Friendship in its Complexity
Here we go again! Love. Love. Oh love. For the first time (from what I can remember), this is the first week where the film directly addresses the love possessed between two friends and what happens when one friend has feelings of romantic love toward the other friend, but it is unrequited. Upsetting to think about, but I can also appreciate when two people can remain friends after unrequited love has been put out into the universe. This week, we watched My Own Private Idaho, a film loosely based on Henry IV. It took me a while to realize why they were talking with a super Shakespearean dialect while also living in the 90s. It didn’t work for me at all, specifically because I didn’t feel the emotional effects that the movie was probably trying to convey to me. The modern visuals mixed with the Shakespearean dialect that didn’t match the period of the film really threw me for a loop and made it difficult for me to sympathize with other characters that weren’t Mike. As I establish my thoughts on the aspects of friendship love, let’s establish a foundation for what makes friendship love count as love.
Pertaining to one of the readings of the week, “Plato and Aristotle on Friendship and Altruism” by Julia Annas, although it seems like she’s overanalyzing things that don’t need to be analyzed, the author writes about the different ways to be able to recognize a person as a friend and establish a real friendship. The central idea of the reading is to compare the various analyses of friendship between Plato and Aristotle. The author discusses how Plato and Aristotle both consider the concept of the “nature of philia” and to feel philia for someone else means “for the sake of something and for a reason” (pg 537). Basically, it’s the notion that you care for someone else for their own sake and for their own well-being. The author also discussed Socrates, who believes that “to desire or feel affection for some person is always...to have some reason that has a reference to the agent’s own welfare” (pg 536). When considering both of these views in relation to the film, the relationship between Mike and Scott, in my opinion, seems to possess some philia. Although Scott chooses to live as a hustler and Mike, essentially, doesn’t have a choice, they are both in the same situation despite this. Scott could easily have been pushed back into the arms of his rich father and Mike and the crew could have simply shut him out, but they didn’t. They didn’t visualize him as the rich boy pretending to be a broke boy, they saw him as their friend Scott. On the other hand, although they never pushed him to go back to his father, this could have been because they didn’t know about his inheritance. The only person that knew was Bob, his mentor. Regardless of this, I believe that this means the friendship between Mike and Scott was completely genuine at the time and they cared for each other for the sake of caring for each other. Scott was always there for Mike when he’d have his epileptic seizures and always knew how to take care of him when it happened.
Based on how the story plays out, it becomes evident that Scott only cared for Mike and all the gang to fuel his source of rebellion from his father, so this is in relation to his “own welfare”. At first, I couldn’t figure out what Mike’s philia toward Scott was, but then I realized it was obvious that always having Scott to save him during his epileptic episodes was his way of feeling affection toward Scott for his “own welfare”, too. Although this is supposed to be in relation to friendships, Mike reveals his deeper feelings for Scott. Does he develop sincere romantic feelings for Scott because his philia for Scott was completely on the basis of caring for him for his own sake and for a reason? Would their relationship have developed differently on Mike’s end if he didn’t have epileptic seizures? The two of them were considered “best friends” of the group, but did Scott attach himself to Mike because he was the most helpless, thus knowing that Mike would become attached and somewhat dependent on him?
(https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MEmreSVR1NQ ===> Mike shares his romantic feelings for Scott, but it’s unreciprocated. Scott emphasizes that they’re best friends and always will be best friends, but was this ever sincere given the fact that Scott ends up turning on them?
If this is the case, then I don’t think this counts as friendship, nor did it ever, especially since Scott ends up turning on all of them (WHAT A SNAKE). In the second reading, “The Four Loves: Friendship” by C.S. Lewis, he discusses the difference between friendship and companionship. “...the companionship on which Friendship supervenes will not often be a bodily one like hunting or fighting. It may be a common religion, common studies, a common profession, even a common recreation. All who share it will be our companions; but one or two or three who share something more will be our Friends” (pg 66). I can’t tell how and if Scott was able to fake his friendship with Mike and his companionship with all the other hustlers. He related to all of them on the fact that they’re all hustlers and all struggling to make money (even though Scott could easily go back to his father and get some money, though he doesn’t so he can blend in with everyone). So, his companionship with all the hustlers was based on this, but Mike became the one person that shared something more with Scotty. The epileptic seizures and how Scotty takes care of Mike when they happen bonded them together in a way that turned their common companionship into a real friendship. I like this concept because it really does translate to real life.
We all have acquaintances and “in school friends”, and by “in school friends” I mean the people you love talking to in your classes but you would also never go out of your way to hang out with them out of class. It’s not to be rude, but it’s because you haven’t found the thing that would cause a connection to you and that other person that would invoke a real friendship. Maybe you want to be friends with them, but if you don’t have that catalyst, it’s not going to happen. There’s a quote from the Plato and Aristotle reading that perfectly sums this up: “wanting to be friends does not make you friends any more than wanting to be healthy makes you healthy” (pg 534). I’m sure Mike really wanted to have a bond with Scott, and it seems like they did, but because Scott ends up being a snake at the end, it further shows that true friendship can’t be one sided. It can’t be fake and if the friendship really meant anything to Scott, then the concept of sharing something with another person that pushes their companionship to friendship would have applied to him and Mike, but in the end it didn’t.
How can you know if the connection is sincere or not? You just have to trust that it is. I think that trust should always be a key aspect of friendship and, at least for me, I will trust you until you give me a reason not to. Maybe that’s good, maybe it isn’t, but I would hate to constantly have to be thinking about whether or not a person I think I’m having a deeper connection with is faking it or not. There are “five defining marks of friendship” that Aristotle discusses in the reading: “(1) we define a friend as one who wishes and does what is good, or seems so, for the sake of his friend, or (2) as one who wishes his friend to exist and live, for his sake...And (3) others define him as one who lives with and (4) has the same tastes as another, or (5) one who grieves and rejoices with his friend” (pg 540). It seems as if Scott and Mike possess all five of these defining marks of friendship until the very end when Scotty turns on them all. It’s evident that Scotty will never return to his “friends”, specifically during the end scene when they’re at Bob’s funeral at the same time Scott is burying his father. For one, Scott never felt any connection to his father so you would think that attending the funeral of a man who he’s specifically quoted as being a real father to him would be his top priority, but it wasn’t. The number five defining mark of friendship refers to grieving and rejoicing with said friends: he couldn’t even do that. All the five defining marks seems like the perfect baseline assessment as to whether or not a friend is truly a friend. Although Scotty possesses them at first, his character change completely ruins this. Is there a way to be able to tell when someone is faking the defining marks of friendship? I don’t think there is, but if anyone wants to somehow concoct a formula for finding out, please let me know :)
(https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=W2htcO6OA6M ===> Let’s end this with the clip of Bob’s funeral. Whether or not the desire to be with his real friends was hidden, Scott has created a wall between him and them as he watches the funeral from his own father’s funeral (a funeral that probably doesn’t matter much to him). They probably would have been his truest, dearest friends but alas ...he turned on them. Friends don’t deceive friends.
0 notes
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"texas insurance code
texas insurance code
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Car insurance excess?
I was involved in a bump on friday evening which was my fault, there's no damage to my car, not even a scratch, however I have received a call from admiral saying the other person has put a claim in and they have been given a hire car, there didn't appear to be any damage to the other persons car, just maybe a scratch, will I have to pay my excess in this case? if yes approximately how much will I have to pay? my excess is 500. thanks""
Motorcycle Insurance?
My father has his own motorcycle. I just got my motorcycle permit. Am I legally allowed to drive it (following the rules of my permit, of course) although the insurance is in his name? State: New Jersey""
What is the cheapest insurance company?
Ok so I'm 16 years I have an 08 Kawasaki ninja 250 and I live in rural California what should I expect to pay for liability only
How much is it to get your insurance license?
How much is it for the classes/exams/etc in california? I just got hired for state farm, and i need an insurance license but how much is it exactly?""
Car insurance?
My auto insurance has expired and I'm kinda looking for a new car insurance. I can extend the previous car insurance, but I just want to know about other car insurances as well so that I can make a good choice. I took a look at many car insurance company websites, but it seemed like I need to put all my personal information (not only about my car and my email address but also my home address, phone# etc) to get a quote. I'm worried that maybe they would send me all kinds of junk mail kinda stuff to my house if I put my address on the form to get a quote. Do you know any good ways of getting a quote without telling them my personal info? Any recommendation which car insurance company is good? Btw I've never got into any car accidents so I just need a cheap auto insurance. I drive '83 caddi.""
Im about to turn 17 how much is insurance for a lamborghini or ferrari cuz my parents said i could have one?
Im about to turn 17 how much is insurance for a lamborghini or ferrari cuz my parents said i could have one?
Insurance for drivers with convictions?
I have several driving convictions including drink driving in the last 5 years although ive never held a licence until now but my insurance is too high would you recommend not declaring convictions to insurance companies or changing my age to a low risk age group? please no do gooders
""Would insurance be cheaper for a '04 nissan sentra, '08 toyota prius, or '08 honda fit?""
I am making payments on my '04 nissan sentra and i'm running the numbers to see how much more or less it would cost if i owned a new prius or fit. so far for expenses i'm just figuring in payments and gas and that my nissan will need about $1,000 of work in the next 3 years""
Dual Car Insurance trouble?
I had insurance through a company called Sunset Plaza Insurance, and only agreed to do a 6 month period (from 12/08 to 06/09). I moved during the time, and never received a renewal notice at my new address, even after I gave them my new address. However, I found out that for the past 6 months (06/09 - 12/09) they have been charging me for insurance. But I never signed a renewal consent or anything! I remember explicitly saying that I only wanted the insurance for a 6 month period too! What are my options? Please..any advice would help!""
How much will my insurance go up...only airbags deployed...?
My airbags deployed...I had a relatively low speed bump, rear-ending another vehicle...there was minimal cosmetic damage to my front end and ZERO damage to the car I bumped. I currently pay about 300 every 6 months.....my deductible is 250...how much will my insurance increase if I ask the insurance company to pay to fix this....it is a 2000 oldsmobile. Any thoughts...""
Insurance help please?
hi, does anyone recommend an insurance company for 18 year olds? the quotes i keep getting are around 2000 quid. my mate has a 1.4 corsa and his is 1400 - am i missing something? thanks in advance. additional: i have a 1.4 golf, it has the same bhp as a corsa.""
My car is registered in wisconsin how can I get insurance in california?
My mother bought me a car in wisconsin and i live in california, but the car is still registered in her name in WI. how do i get insurance coverage without having to register the car in my name? is it possible?""
I have no insurance how much does it cost to fix a broken windshield (the back windshield).?
I have no insurance how much does it cost to fix a broken windshield (the back windshield).?
Why does car insurance quotes change every day?
Why does car insurance quotes change every day?
""Auto Financing Insurance, does it exist?
Is there such a thing as auto financing insurance. i know when you apply for a credit card they ask you if you want insurance in case you lose your job or accident or whatever and they would make the payments for you. But do any companies out there exist that do this kind of thing for auto financing. Im going to be buying a car within a week and wanted to know Thanks
Why do insurance companies pay out low payments?
i was expecting a good amount from my fathers life insurance after all he's been paying into their policy for almost 40 yrs. but i get a letter that after paying the funeral home, i will only get 89.00""
How much would car insurance be for a used 2006 subaru impreza 2.5i wagon or a used 2003-2004 honda civic ex
im turning 18 and im thinkin about buyin either a 2006 subaru impreza 2.5 wagon or a 2003-2004 honda civic i wanted to check how much they would cost for insurance for either one im 18 i live in california first time insured thanks very much
How to lower my auto insurance?
Ok so I bought my 2004 volvo S60 2.5T AWD on 05/11/2011 and the insurance is killing me. I'm 20 years old and had my license for 2 years. I know it goes down when you've had your license for 3 years but that won't help right now. I'm with GEICO right now paying 371.00 a month! I know and this is actually the cheapest insurance company I was able to get!! My last payment will be on 10/11/2011 and then I will have to start a new policy. However I called them and asked them if my rate will go down once I renew with them, and they said no...... Well I did a new quote online and my rate would be $318 a month so I don't know why they keep telling me it won't change!!!!! So my question is can my mom get the insurance even though it's my car?""
What's the best way to insure I get 200 grams of protein per day?
My Dad used to do protein shakes but his doctor told him to get the protein through foods, not the shakes. Now the consultant at my gym says I need 215 grams of protein per day to keep my muscle mass and build further but it's not like I can have a steak at every meal. Any suggestions?""
My son-19- is a full time college student.His Ga peach care insurance ends august 3.can he get medicaid?
He is receiving student aid in the form of scholarships and the pell grant for low-income families. I don't want him to be without insurance coverage. His only income is back child support that will end in a few months. What are my choices? Please help. Thank you. I only receive disability income from social security disability.
HOW come insurance co?
how come insurance co discraminate against people who have mental disease? I have tried in the past to get private insurance but because i have been treated for depression in the past, I have been denied by several companies. Now only I qualify for the State insurance, and it is way over-priced and hardly covers anything. This isn't fair to those of us that are self-employed. How are we able to get affordable insurance, if we are discraminated against.""
Car insurance / liability coverage?
My brother, who is insured with a different company, had an accident with my car. There were 3 cars involved in the accident. He hit the first car in the back which hit the second car and so forth. I don't know whether it was his fault or not, and we did not informed my brother's insurance because it was my car that was crash. The problem now is that, I have only had basic coverage, and my insurance is telling me that my liability coverage ($5000) can cover only one car, meaning that I have to take care of the 2 others cars. So I am wandering what should I do? Please advice""
Insurance to expensive.?
I live in Miami and i just got my license. I was excited to finally drive. But i found out that monthly the insurance would be 330 extra added to my parents policy. I rather not drive! What are my options?
Has any one used Insurance.Comparisons.org?
I saw one of those 'sidebar' ad's that seems too good to be true about discounted car insurance rates. I did not find any info about the company via Google, so have any of you guys heard or know anything about this company? I have a feeling it is one of those 'you get what you pay for' type of schemes, with vague answers to access your personal info. Thanks""
Atv liability insurance?
i am just looking at atv`s, dont have a clue yet which one i want, so i cant get a insurance quote without all the details, if liability insurance is too high i wont be getting one anyone, it seems its Mandatory in Idaho, anyone have a General idea of insurance for a new, say 7,000 one would be, just a estimate. Also i hope i misread that i need to take a course to get a license for the atv, like a motorcycle ? Anybody know of states that do this ?""
texas insurance code
texas insurance code
Would insurance be greatly different for a grand am gt and a grand prix GTP?
Im thinking about getting either a grand am gt or (preferably) a grand prix GTP. Would the insurance for those two cars be greatly different in cost if all the other things like coveerage, driver, etc is the same for both? thanks!""
Periodontal Insurance in Iowa?
I have major gum resession and I need a transplant, which means I need to visit a peridontist. Problem is, I can't find one in Iowa that takes my insurance. (Hawk-i) I really need the surgery and I've been searching for months and haven't had any luck. Please, someone help me out, please.""
How can I get health insurance for my foreign-born mother-in-law?
We live in California, she's from Japan and is 74 years old.""
How much would car insurance cost for a 16 year old girl driving a 1997 Ford Mustang GT?
The car is a V8 and has 170+ miles. Please do not post answers with websites linking me on how to figure it out on my own.
Car Insurance moving from one state to another?
I'm moving to TX from PA. My car got inspected in pa a couple months ago. When i move to TX im going to need to get new insurance because my company doesnt cover in that state. When i go to get new insurance does my car have to be inspected in TX to get insurance?
Car insurance-what happens if I crash ! and the car insurance is in someone elses name?
I'm down as a second driver of my mums car.if there was some sort of accident/crash what would happen? Yes the insurance would go up but would it go on my mums record or mine?
About how much will insurance cost on a 2011 Aprilia RSV 1000 factory?
Have a squeaky clean driving record
How much should i expect to pay for insurance on a ferrari?
Or any other exotic car
Can you get maternity insurance only? Without regular health insurance included?
I am not pregnant yet.
Is there a type of car insurance where anyone who drives is covered?
hey is there a type of car insurance or a plan of car insurance where anyone who drives the car is covered and not just the person who is under the insurance Thanks P.S. I also need to know how much it would be
Whats a cheap price for apartment insurance?
Renting a fleaflat n lilmexico, houston. they require an additonal $20 for insurance can i use my own insurance company? does anybody outthere use apartment insurance? i do not have any insurance of any kind so stop bundle answers""
Car insurance?
i am a first time driver, can anyone advise me on who is best for car insurance?""
I have an insurance question?
If the government regulates and requires auto insurance, why dont they provide it? Flood insurance is provided by the government so why not auto insurance?""
Motorcycle insurance for a 16 year old male?
I'm 16 and live in Texas. I will be getting a gsxr 750. Can I get on my moms car insurance plan with the motorcycle? How much will my insurance be?
Why doesn't Obama want people to be able to get health insurance from other states?
wouldn't this create more competition in the insurance business?
""Looking to buy a car, what kind of cars will raise my insurance?""
Ok, so I'm getting ready to buy a different car and I'm wondering what kind of things will make my insurance go up. I'm 20 years old and right now I'm paying $100 a month, and that is cheap. Any advice?""
How much does street bike insurance compare to a sport cars?
Right now I have an 06 wrx sti, insurance is crazy with me being 19 and not having the greatest record. i've been wanting to get a bike(starting with a ninja 250 probably, no ...show more""
Why is my car insurance going up?
I can't understand why my car insurance is going up and I've never claimed.... I am 24 years old and passed my driving test in 2007. I brought my first car in september 2008 which is a Vauxhall Corsa 12v 1Ltr. I still have the same car but each year the insurance is going up and up and I'm only going for third party fire and theft. 1st year - 77 2nd Year - 111 3rd Year - 130 - 199 I can't understand it.
Why do I have to be added on the car insurance?
Im 17 and I got my license yesterday. I do not own a car, but I will be using moms car occasionally. My question is if she has car insurance, why do we have to pay extra just for me to drive it? Wouldn't the insurance she already has cover me? Dose that mean that every car I drive (that I dont own) I will have to pay for extra insurance? I just dont under stand it. If any one could explain it to me I would be great-full. Thanks""
Is it possible to get different car insurance under the same household?
Hi, So I have a question regarding different car insurance. MY family has allstate for the car insurance. However, I do not want to go under allstate for family reasons. I am trying to get geico for my car. However, my father states that if you were to get geico you would still have to add everyone's name under the insurance policy. I am trying to get my own individual policy without adding anyone under the car insurance policy. I wanted to know if it is possible to get different car insurance under the same household? Thanks :) P.S: I am 23 years old. About to turn 24 years old. I wanted to get my own individual policy without adding anyone on the car. The car was a gift from my parents to me.""
Does your home insurance go up when you have a boat?
I want to buy a 21 foot boat and keep it in my back yard when not in use. What costs am I looking at? The boat and trailer need new registration but is that just a one time payment and I'm good to go? thanks
New Car Insurance?
I just bought a new car. I put down $7,000 and am paying $197/month for five years. I purchased car insurance, and the monthly premium is $358. Is this too much? I'm 18 years old, and I live in Colorado. I know it's going to be high because I'm a teenager and it's a new car, but does this seem like it is too high?""
""Just passed driving test, INSURANCE!!!?""
I just passed and for insurance on a simple 1 - 1.3 lt, the cheapest i have found is 2200. IS there any cheaper way?""
Car insurance question?
I recently passed my test, and was looking at car insurance quotes and they're all pretty expensive. I was wondering if I were to just wait until I'm about 23 or 24 before I purchase a car, would the insurance be cheaper, even if I didn't have any driving experience? Thanks in advance.""
I was driving my firends car and had an accident. Whos insurance covers the wreck? My friends or me?
I was driving my friends car and wrecked it. My insurance says that insurance covers the vehicle not the driver. Is this the opinion of all insurance companies?
texas insurance code
texas insurance code
What are some good insurance companies?
I am 20 years old, working part-time, living on Connecticut and making around 800 a month. I was wondering if any one has some ideas of good but affordable health insurance I would be able to buy on my own?""
Good question about financed car and insurance.?
I'm insuring two cars and my rate is high. I would like to know, Is it possible to tell my insurance company that my car is no longer finance (even if it still is) so i can switch to a liability coverage and lower my rate. Is my insurance company going contact my finance about detail...""
Motorcycle Insurance?
My son has had his motorcycle in storage and has been paying insurance on it. He has had to pay for monthly insurance as if he had been driving it. Is this right?
Is there a difference between homeowner's insurance and mortgage insurance?
Is there a difference between homeowner's insurance and mortgage insurance?
Insurance for a 17 yr old girl?
How much would insurance be for a 17 yr old girl in a mustang in NY? I took drivers ed, btw. Or insurance for any car, doesn't have to be a mustang.""
How Much Would A 2001 Trans Am Cost On A 18 Yr Old Males Insurance?
How Much Would A 2001 Trans Am Cost On A 18 Yr Old Males Insurance?
Why are my car insurance rates so high?
To start, my girlfriend is insured completely separate from me and in no way affects my policy. My girlfriend was recently in a car accident. This is her second at-fault accident in a 2 year period. Her car was totaled in the accident and she was trying to get quotes for insurnace on a new vehicle she will be financing. She has been getting quotes around $270/mo and below with the history I stated above. She did have one company give her a quote of $170/mo, then State Farm said they could forgive her first accident and she would have to pay around $136/mo I have never been in an accident, I have never received any type of ticket, I have nothing on my record. Getting a quote on the exact same car (2004 Toyota Rav4), just in my name and with the financing in my name, my quotes average $300. This is insane. My car is currently going through my parents insurance so I only pay $40.00/mo to them and it's all good, but I decided to get some quotes on my car just to see how much it would be... The car is a 1994 Toyota Corolla, 4DR sedan. I am 19 years old, will be 20 very soon. Like I said, I have a CLEAN driving history. My quotes on this car are as follows for liability coverage: Allstate: $113/mo Progressive: $162/mo State Farm: $262/mo Now, to me, this is insane. My girlfriend's insurance was about $50.00/mo on her Dodge Stratus. She wrecked it. The insurance on her new car, which was only liability again, was just $60.00/mo. Now she is getting the $135 to $170/mo quote for full coverage on this Toyota Rav4. If anyone can help me understand how she can get cheaper FULL COVERAGE insurance with her driving history than I can get of LIABILITY insurance with my history, please do. This makes no sense to me at all.""
Buying life insurance for unemployed adult son?
I have a 24 year old unemployed son who works only temp jobs when they are available. I'd like to make sure he's covered if anything happens to him - what's the best route to take? I live in California, he lives in Ohio. Can I add him onto my job's insurance policy, or will I have to purchase it some other kind of way?""
How much would a 1 million dollars liability policy cost per month for a fright transport company?
Im starting a small hot shot trucking transport company. I need to know how much a 1 or 2 million dollar policy will cost me per month. Or what kind of Insurance I would need. I will be hauling oil field equipment, cars, pipe, tanks, air fans, motors, things like that.""
First car + First insurance policy tips?
Alright Y!A? :) Right, so I'm 17 and I'll probably be doing my driving test pretty soon because I'm far into lessons and I've passed my theory test already. (UK - Northern Ireland, Belfast) I'm just wondering what tips you guys out there have maybe from first hand experience or what your friends, siblings or general family have done etc. I'm getting around 3200 in the June when I turned 18 because of a car crash I was in when I was like 9 so I'm hoping to get a car + a year's insurance for around 2500 at the maximum. (Hopefully) I'll probably get a car of a maximum price of about 1000 because in reality I don't need anything fancier than that, the max engine size I'd consider would probably be 1.2 and I'd want my insurance to be such that I can use the car for work such as delivering pizzas or chineses etc. so I have more options trying to find a job atm. I'm just wondering what tips you people have? Could I realistically get insurance for 1500 (Max) or under on a 1000 (Max) car with a 1.2 (Max) Litre engine? I might have to borrow money off my parents and pay them back when I'm 18 if I pass a good few months before my birthday. I'm not coming here telling you to tell me where to get cheap car insurance, I hate questions like that lol cheap car insurance doesn't exist for 17 year olds because we're all boy racers Bla-bla-bla, it's head melting! I just want to use my car to drive to college (5 minute drive), possibly work in depending on if I get a job at this bar or not and drive to peoples' houses if I need to and other general driving. I'm not just going to drive it for the craic at 3am down the motorway doing 100mph, I couldn't be bothered with all that. All I want is tips to get it as cheap as humanly possible like what I should do about named drivers, voluntary excess and anything else that might drive down the price. When it comes to it I'll ring round every insurance company available to insure people in Northern Ireland and haggle them all quoting them against each other and hope for the best. Please don't tell me specific insurance companies to go for unless you know that they definitely include NI, a lot of them exclude us. P.S. I'm a sensible guy, I'm paying for it all by myself (as far as I'm aware) so spare me the irresponsible, kid, joy rider, inexperienced, spoilt comments that so often creep up in these areas. Thanks! :)""
Which insurance company is best ?
im 15 going on 16 and i need car insurance im getting either geico which is my mom's insurance or farmer's which is my dad's my mom had farmers but farmers is too expensive the car i will be driving is a 2000 Nissan Sentra SE (automatic) http://www.edmunds.com/flipper/do/MediaNav/styleId=9585/firstNav=Gallery it looks exactly like the red one except its green and it has brown leather seats and a new radio system :]] its my brothers old car he hardly uses it since he has a brand new 2008 Nissan Altima so my Sentra is free :]] my dad will probably pay for my car stuff .or they will split it . i live in a city around the houston area . p.s can you give me your guess of how much i will be paying a month for insurance or perhaps every 6 months ? and which insurance company should i get ? p.s idk if this helps but my mom drives a 2004 Infiniti G35 Sedan and my dad drives a 2001 Jaguar XJ8 .
Car insurance question?
So im 16 and over the summer im going to make a lot of cash, by the winter I will have a Jr license and might want to buy my own car, if i am under my moms insurance but i get my own car. will her rates go up a lot? Can I still be under her insurance if i own my own car?""
Minimum insurance for heating/plumbing business in Ca?
What is the minimum insurance that an owner of a heating/plumbing business must have in California?
Whats the best and affordable health plan to get?
I have never gotten health insurance my whole life and for once in my life I am getting it for myself. I want to go see a dermatologist, and its way too expensive to pay out of pocket, whats a good and affordable health plan should I get? Got any suggestion to where I can go and get some help? Anything will be great, thanks!!!!""
Can i get car insurance at an affordable rate after declaring bankruptcy?
Can i get car insurance at an affordable rate after declaring bankruptcy?
How long can you go without car insurance in Michigan before becoming high risk?
I just got screwed by my insurance place, and i want to cancel my policy immediately, but i won't be able to get car insurance again for at least a week. How long until i would become high risk in Michigan?""
How to convince my dad to insure the car? Thanks?
I had a car accident in my 2004 Honda under my dads insurance. Im 19 and I didnt get dropped from insurance. The accident had 3 claims of bodily injuries and a total loss car & I was at fault. I have the money to buy another vehicle but my dad wont insure it till the case settles. How do I convince him to insure me now while the case is settling? Hes afraid I might crash before the case is settled but I learned from my car mistake. What do I say? Thanks
What does liability mean when getting auto insurance?
What does liability mean when getting auto insurance?
HELP me on Auto insurance...?
Sooo when i get a car im curious about how much insurance would be a month...obviously i'll be 18 pretty soon..and am planning on buying a scion tc most likely 2005-2007...around how much do you think monthly the insurance might be?
Insurance Company?
Does anyone know personally about the celtic health insurance. is it a good insurance company? I am needing insurance and I recently found the celtic health insurance company, and Humana. what do yall know about these?""
Car insurance without my name on the policy?
Where can i get a car insurance where my name cannot be on the policy. the car dont have my name either. can I do that in california and which insurance can provide me that even I want the full cover its because due some legal status i dont want my name on the policy.
Car Insurance Cancellation Question?
My father's car insurance was canceled for non-payment. He pays for the insurance every six months. Apparently they stopped mailing him bills and sent a bill to his email account. It was an old out of date email account. The sent the notice of cancellation to this email account as well. Since, he no longer has that email account he didn't get either notifications. He has 3 cars under this policy and has been a customer for over 30 years. The insurance company told him that he would have to pay for the months (Aug - Dec) that he was not covered in order to reinstate the policy. This seems unfair to me. He wasn't covered during those months and they wouldn't have paid a claim so why does he need to pay for it? Anyone with any advice would be greatly appreciated.""
Someone hit my car and driver has no insurance i have full coverage will my insurance cover me?
my cousins roommate reversed into my car with his friends truck and he said he doesn't have insurance. i have full coverage with a deductible of 500 will my insurance cover me even that it wasn't my fault and driver has no insurance?
How much content insurance do i need?
my insurance company needs an answer asap. we close in 2 days. small bungalow with finished basement, approx 2300 square feet in total. Master bedroom spare bedroom, office, rec room, kitchen, dining room, great room, full bath, 2pc & 3pc bath, 3 flat screen tvs, usual appliances, all rooms furnished modestly. Would $50,000 be enough?""
Do you have to have full coverage on a used car?
im 21 at the moment and my gf has told me that if i get a car it has to have full insurance but thats kinda strange because they have other types of coverage that i wouldnt need
texas insurance code
texas insurance code
""How much do you pay for car insurance in dorchester,ma ?
2006 Nissan Murano SL AWD or similar car.
List of health insurance in the phils?
i am looking for less expensive medical insurance coverage
""If I bought the DB9 they wrecked in the Bond movie, where can I get it repaired really cheap.?
Is insurance cheap and can I drive it really fast because it was used in a movie?
Is Gerber Life Insurance any good for my daughter?
Is Gerber Life Insurance any good for my daughter?
Is a Land Drover FreeLander 2 cheap to insure?
Both of my parent's drive 2011 Range Rovers so they have experience with the Land Rover brand- and they said that as I'm living at home.. my dad could be the policy holder and I could be a named driver. I may be buying a 2010 model when I'm 18, I'm 16 currently as people have told me that it's not really worth buying a brand new one. Just so the car is old and isn't new. I'm not in to small cars..""
I am looking for a name for my insurance agency I deal in Life Insurance and Health Ins.&annuities?
We deal with all ages and alot with seniors We do not deal with home or auto insurance
Got a Speeding Ticket in NJ. Will my Insurance Rate go Up?
Got a speeding ticket in NJ, and the cop said I was going 66 in a 45 zone (which is untrue, but that's besides the point). 1. Does this put points on my license? If yes, how many? 2. Willl my Geico Insurance go up? If yes, by how much? 3. Will a defensive driving course help at all? I'm 20 years old, this is my first offense ever, and and I own the car and insurance.""
How much is an Audi A4 to Insure?
I don't want a quote, and I don't want an american insurance bracket or whatever they're called, just, if you could, name a car that would be about the same as an Audi A4 to insure. 1.8 litre, say, 2000-2002, I hear they're cheap to insure but, if anyone could confirm or deny I'd appreciate it.""
Car insurance and moving?
I'm going to buy a car soon, And then move pretty much right after that...It would be a good idea to get the insurance and plates and stuff before I go, obviously, but what will need to be done once I move? I heard that as long as I live in my parent's house, the insurance would be cheaper, well, I'd be moving out...so I have no idea how to get everything straightened around.""
What do you need to get car rental insurance if you dont have car insurance?
Ok my husband and i are planing a trip and would like to know what we need as far as car rental insurance he has a clean driving record but we do not own a car hence the rental and there fore dont have car insurance so we dont know were to start or how we even get it. Someone plz help. Oh and he is 26 so we dont have a problem in that department lol.
CAR INSURANCE?!?!?!?!?!?!?
well my older brother is going to go on my dads insurance on his own car. It comes to 100 a month. i was wondering if i can also go on the insurance, and if it would cost any more for me to do so. And please say if there is any other policy i an go o where me and my brother can go onto my fathers insruance.""
Business Insurance?
I want to start a roofing company in MN and I was wondering what kind of insurance I need for me and a crew of five or six people. I was also hoping someone could help me with the required licenses. Thank you
Should insurance cover repair cost?
My cars engine is having a problem. It takes like two tries to start it up and it's a new car. So will my insurance cover the cost of repairing the car?
How much would the insurance be for a Porsche Cayenne Diesel a year?
The insurance would be for a female driver with over 25 years of experience. How much would it cost a year, and also how much would the monthly diesel bill be? Thanks""
Insurance website says differnt car?
Ive been looking at cars on eBay and looking how much insurance would be for them and I found one car, but when I put the number plate in the insurance website it says that the car is a different make all together. Is this just a glitch in the system or something illegal and I should stear clear of?""
What is the cheapest car insurance in New York?
What is the cheapest car insurance in New York?
Do I have to pay 30 in advance on my car insurance?
I live in Florida and my car insurance says I have to pay 30 days in advance. Is this true? Does anyone know the statute?
Can a 17year old get kit car insurance?
I'm 17 and thinking of getting an old mini and doing it up, I'm not sure if I can get kit car insurance, I have no points on my licence and if I could get one does anyone know how much it will be? Thanks:)""
Who has the cheapest FR44 insurance in Florida? Help!?
I have Geico now and they are really giving me a hard time about keeping the insurance because of a DUI. I've had them for 6 months. They insist that I pay in full for my 6 month policy and last time I could barely afford it, but this time I definitely cannot afford it. I had my DUI in 2009. Anybody know of lower-cost FR44 insurance that you can make in payments monthly?! P.S. DO NOT drink and drive...even if you had less than three drinks. If you didn't hurt/kill anyone else, it will definitely ruin your life financially for a LONG time!""
Does your insurance go up?
If you park in a bus stop zone, in NYC, and get a ticket. Does your car insurance go up? What happens? I paid it off right away in like 2 hours, will there be something else?""
Car insurance question?
I recently got into a car accident that was my fault. The total damages is around 2000 dollars. the owner of the car has contacted me and asked if we could resolve it with out involving the insurance Company. What would be better to do? i have had one other accident that was not my fault. how much will my car insurance go up and for how long?
I need help with a car insurance issue?
My boyfriend recently got into an accident with another driver, resulting in no injury to the driver, minimal damage to his parents' truck and side damage to the other drivers' car. That was a week or two ago, he found out today that he has been excluded from his parents insurance plan. This is the first he's heard about it since moving back in with them in November. His parents knew about it though. I'm worried that he may lose his license and also his job. I've tried searching but I found nothing on this. The state is California by the way. I'll appreciate any answers and will give the best answer points (is ten good?).""
Can I get some advice about car insurance?
My and my wife are both insured on our car (Fully Comp.) and we are now about to get another car due to our work situation. Would the following method be the most cost-effective way for us both to be covered ? 1) For me to be fully insured for one car and my wife fully insured for the other, allowing us both to drive each other's car if necessary ? I am currently the registered keeper of our current car and I am the policy holder for it as well. I would be driving the new one when I get it and my wife would take over driving the current one. Thanks in advance""
What if I am pregnant and I don't have insurance?
I live in California if that helps any. I am 18 years old and was supposed to start my period a few days ago. I already live on my own in an apartment with my boyfriend and we are nervous about if I were to et pregnant how would we pay the bills? Is there anything we can do do get health insurance quickly if we find out that I am pregnant? Would we get approved fast enough and would people even approve me? How does that all work? Thanks
Question about car insurance?
if someone gets a car and payes it to the owner in monthly rates, and he gets a insurance for that car. but th car is not signed over to you yet, so legally it is not yours yet. and before you make the first payment you get in an accident. you pay the car off with the insurance money, but the insurance gives you more money than the owner wanted for it, who gets the rest of that money????? you?""
texas insurance code
texas insurance code
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