#alto clarinet
arewebeholdingaman · 2 months
The alto clarinet
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thespeakersystem · 8 months
Hey ‘cause I know several current and former clarinettists follow this blog: Anyone have any tips on how to use an alto clarinet? We’re writing a quartet for four different clarinets (E-Flat, B-Flat, Alto, and Bass w/low C extension) and wanna make sure the alto’s being utilized to its fullest potential.
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bearbench-img · 21 days
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frnkiebby · 2 months
that’s really cool tho. i have a pretty serious distaste for a regular Bb clarinet but christ bass clarinets are fucking hardcore my guy.
is that your first woodwind? i kind of hope it’s not bc you’re gonna need some serious breath control and work up a killer embouchure.
regardless, your lips and cheeks are gonna be sore, numb, and tingly as fuck~🎃
edit: tenor sax reeds are like identical to bass clarinet, so check these guys out. i use a #3 for my sax but if you’re just starting on bass clarinet i’d go for a #2 or #1.5 imo.
(for other’s reference, first is a Bb clarinet that’s about a 3lbs and close to 2ft and the second is a bass clarinet which is 3ft and 15lbs)
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ALRIGHT tried the tenor sax time to ramble about it
first off the model that the music shop lended us was very nice. it was an oxford model with an antique-finish? so it had a nice flower engraving on the bell and also cost $1000.
second up, there was like, no resistance when playing. especially when i was playing high register which is crazy. like, the whole reason i switched to bass clarinet was because i had trouble with high register. so like. being able to play really fucking high notes with little trouble was insaneee
on the other hand, i had a lot of trouble with low register. like, couldn’t even get the note out without it switching to high register type of trouble. but i think that’s because of my embouchure so…
that leads us into embouchure. even though my form for clarinet SUCKS, it was still good enough to be able to play fairly well. which means it was tight, cause that’s the type you need for clarinet. but for sax you need a more loose embouchure??? which was impossible for me to do so i DEFINITELY need to work on that lol
also my ligature that i got isn’t great. but hey, it works as a ligature, so it’s fineeeee
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necromancy-savant · 2 months
In high school band sometimes our teacher would challenge us with "sight reading days" where he just threw a medley of a Broadway show at us and let us struggle through it. I knew these shows and I could barely play any of it. We did Wicked that way. We did Fiddler on the Roof that way. I'd been playing in Klezmer band for like 3 years so you'd think I could play Broadway Klezmer. But it was ugly. The clarinets, poor things, really fucked up my favorite part of the whole show
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spirirsstuff · 8 months
hear me out. connor murphy but musically educated
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walnutcookie · 3 months
non-brass players will never experience the torture of having your lips just stop working. if you dont know the way you play a brass instrument is by buzzing your lips, and to play higher notes you have to tighten them so you use a lot of lip muscles !! after youve been playing a lot (especially loud and high notes) your lips start to just Fucking Die and give out on you and its the worst. Like you just physically cannot play any high notes anymore. and if its really bad you cant even get a sound out. i dont know how to describe it because it feels so strange and so frustrating because youre just fighting for your life to play a note
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toastymangoes · 2 years
i broke my mouthpiece instead of my reed today, just to change things up a bit
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justsingersandbeats · 2 years
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Care to talk to him...?
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Meant To Be Yours
https://www.tumblr.com/saturnalia-shebang-art/748101881420791808/opening-music-commissions?source=share <- commissions :)
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silvrash-797 · 10 months
Do you have a favorite instrument to play and/or listen to?
I do! I've played a lot of instruments, actually! I've been playing the flute since the fifth grade goodness, that's been nearly 20 years 😳 and the piano a few years longer than that. I love playing the flute in bands/community concerts or at church, but piano is something I do to relax, not perform (definitely haven't practiced it as much!) I also took some methods courses in college and got to play a few other woodwind and percussion instruments there. As a whole, my favorites to play are flute (and its related instruments), piano and alto sax (when I can get my hands on one), and my favorite to listen to is generally piano, although any instruments in a woodwind quartet have great solo/ensemble music as well!
And even though it's not technically an instrument, I really love singing, too!
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Other funny things:
Director being called Barbie
Security walking into the auditorium and being confused by the 100+ kids sitting around because they forgot band camp existed
Altos: we have one new freshman!
Clarinets: We just doubled last year’s section. Help.
***Director: SET 5!!! EVERYONE GO BACK 2 TO SET 5!!!
Alto H (Now Drum Major H): SHE MEANS SET 4!!!!!!!!! ***
Alto L seeing teacher trying to unload a whiteboard and a wagon of papers and pens: Do you need help?
Random Teacher: Thanks, but it’s not like anyone is going to steal this!
Alto L and Alto T, tossing pebbles at each others’ feet and making rock puns.
Random trumpets and low end randomly start throwing normal rocks at each other.
Director: No throwing rocks!!!
Alto T and Alto L: 😶
***This happened daily!!!***
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ragan-a · 7 months
its about to be my last year in my band and my assistant director let me try all the woodwinds we got. i have two different saxophones with me now.
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wouldntyouliketokno · 2 years
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Gentle reminder for my people out there from my band director!
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vimbry · 8 months
I really need to find out how to generally learn about music more, bc I always want to know which instruments were used to create a specific sound and how, and tho there's fortunately a wealth of information easily accessible online compared to how much harder this would've been to find in the past so I can hardly complain (but I will), it's frustrating to look up the credits for a song and it just says like. "drums"
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