#always the wallflower
trafficpan-ic · 4 months
Taylor Allison Swift said i could not.
She was right. She was so damn right.
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wovi · 11 months
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perks of being a wallflower / a little life / matthias & maxime / frances ha / at a dinner party by amy levy
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cupiidzbow · 5 months
omg I realized I never posted this
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I did this like last month I made a sona for the tv show universe so like. alternative au. like personalities are different and so is our appearances so like yknow
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shortnotsweet · 2 years
all bets are off [1/3]
Lucemond High School AU drabble [part 2], She’s All That (1999)
“Am I a bet? Am I a bet, am I a fucking bet?”
“Yes.” It comes out quietly, which makes it all the worse. Luke would have expected Aemond to sneer and look down his long nose at him like the Hightower side of the family had for most of their lives. Luke wishes he would. It would have made it easier. Aemond’s face reflects no relish, or even satisfaction. Instead, it is pale and unreadable. Fitting, perhaps; as it turns out, Luke had read him wrong this entire time.
“Would you have told me before it was over? Before you humiliated me in public?”
The silence speaks for itself.
“Alright,” he scoffs, “that’s it, then.” The bitterness in his voice has an unfamiliar edge, and it sounds mean even to Luke, but it’s right. That’s how he feels. “You played your little game, you had your fun. I get it. It’s over.”
“It’s not over.”
“It is if I say it is. I don’t want anything from you, and you—you can shut up about debts, or what I owe you. We don’t have to know each other after this.” It’s true; they don’t have any classes together. They run in the same circles but that’s nothing some convenient maneuvering and strategic avoidance can’t fix. Their sides of the family voluntarily meet up for a miserable dinner once every three months and holidays. Luke can make it work.
Aemond’s remaining eye widens and his mouth thins. His face is readable now, at least; he’s livid. In a second, he lunges forward and grabs ahold of Luke’s wrist, trying to drag him back towards himself, to reel him in like he had all those months ago. Luke digs his heels into the ground instinctively, bracing away from the pressure. Luke used to like how big Aemond’s hands were in comparison to his own—the encompassing warmth, the difference in size—but now his grip tightens and locks like a handcuff, squeezing Luke’s wrist to the point of crushing. It hurts. He’s hurting him. Aemond is older and bigger than Luke, he always has been, and now he presses in like a storm cloud blocking out a clear sky.
“Luke, it wasn’t—it started like that, alright? It was like that in the beginning, but not now. It’s different now, I’m not—just look at me!” There’s something frantic in his words, the way he hovers over Luke like his shadow alone will cage him in. This isn’t the first time Aemond has struck the flight instinct in him, or the urge to fight, but it resonates through Luke’s core nonetheless. There is too much of him near. “I would’t have told you because there’s nothing to tell, not anymore.” Luke cranes his neck to peer over Aemond’s shoulder, searching out the best escape route. “It’s not over. You don’t mean that. We just…this is a rough patch, that’s all. It doesn’t matter how it started, it matters what it is. It’s good now, isn’t it? I’m good for you, I can be whatever you need, I’ll keep you happy. You like me, right? I know you do. I know you like me. Just get in the car, and we’ll talk about this later. Not now. Not like this. Look at me, don’t—don’t be like this. Luke.”
“I’m going home.”
“No. It’s late. You’re going back with me.”
“Let go.”
“Not until you listen.”
“Get off of me,” he snarls, launching himself backwards and ripping out of Aemond’s grasp. “Don’t touch me.” Aemond rears back at this rejection.
“Who else is going to do it? Lonely little Luke, eating lunch alone. Stupid, useless, weak. Can’t play sports, can’t speak in Debate Club, Mommy pays his tuition. He almost wets his pants when someone pulls the fire alarm. Who else is going to touch you, other than me?” Aemond’s mouth curls into a grin; he’s done it before, all sly and cruel. It looks ugly. He never changed, did he? How did Luke never see it before? “You didn’t fuck, didn’t drink at house parties, didn’t go to the beach past bedtime—hell, you probably never rode in a car without buckling the seatbelt. You were so eager for it, and I took you so easily. No one else could do that. No one else can touch you now, not like I can.”
It would have been true five months ago. Poor, common-looking Luke, who blended in with the walls, kept his head down, and startled at car alarms. That Luke was surrounded by gems, by brothers and uncles and friends who excelled at something, who carved names out for themselves. The Luke from five months ago would have balked at this, would have shrunk into himself and cowed to the truth. That Luke thought no one watched him, but he would’ve known if he just looked up. The Luke from now knows what the truth is, for the first time, and it’s nothing that comes out of Aemond’s mouth. Luke knows himself better than he ever has, and knows Aemond like he never wanted to before.
“I don’t think that’ll be any trouble, Uncle. Don’t worry about me,” Luke snorts out without thinking. “If I need someone to give me a ride, it won’t have to be you.” It doesn’t. It won’t. “I can buckle my own seatbelt; better yet, someone else can buckle it for me.” The uncle in question stills.
“Say that again.” He blinks, a curious expression settling over his features. “Say that again.”
“I said, it doesn’t have to be you. Other people will touch me. You’re not the only one around here with a working dick and something to prove. You lost an eye, not an ear. I should’t have to repeat myse—” before he can even finish the sentence, Aemond grabs him again, fingers curling over his shoulders like talons. Luke’s breath stops in his throat. Aemond’s face is so close they could kiss. Instead of leaning into it like he might have a few hours ago, Luke cringes backwards. Never again. The wounded expression on Aemond’s face gives him some satisfaction, but then his mouth morphs into a snarl and Luke would bet anything—his mother’s money, his own life, or whatever Aemond must’ve taken when he made that bet in the first place—that both of his eyes are glowing right now. The prosthetic below the patch shines like a jewel in its socket anyway, but the working eyeball in his head works furiously, searching across Luke’s face for something.
“What did you say, you little shit?” Aemond seethes. “Is there someone else? You have someone else, you were thinking about someone else?” he hisses into Luke’s face and furiously shakes him like a child would a broken toy. “Who is it?” he demands, sounding desperate now. “When? Is it Stark? Aegon? Greyjoy, that waterlogged rat? Daeron? Did one of them touch you—did you let them? Did they kiss you? Tell me, you fucking bastard.” Luke tells him the truth.
“That’s not your business anymore.”
“Not my business? Not—hah, not my business?” He’s so angry he’s spitting. “Of course it’s my business. It always has been. You’ve always—always, there’s never been a time when—you little idiot. Don’t you get it? You’re mi—”
Luke slaps him.
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curameleven · 2 days
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femmehysteria · 8 months
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I'm doing a series of "Best Character Named X" polls where all the characters have the same first name but are from completely different media, feel free to send in name/charcacter suggestions, I'm posting one poll a day, check my pinned post for active polls
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hillerska-official · 8 months
Something that always really resonated with me in The Perks of Being A Wallflower was the line right near the end when Charlie says "there are people who forget what it's like to be 16 once you turn 17" and maybe it's just because I was 16 the first time I watched the movie and I felt like nobody ever listened to me because I was young, but I promised myself I would not forget what it was like to be 16, or any age that I had been, and that I would extend the respect and understanding that I so craved to others. And I forget to do that sometimes, but whenever I play the perks soundtrack on vinyl (cause I'm a 2014 hipster in my spare time) that speech plays into the last track and I hear it and remember that I need to do that. So anyways if you're 16 and you feel like nobody ever listens to you or remembers what being 16 felt like I'm sorry. I promise I do. Relish in the good parts while you have them and know the bad will be over soon 💚
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lesbianturrets · 3 months
Nobody really cares or understands my brain BUT IN THIS CASE I HAVE PROOF!!!
So Mr Mosley right…He’s my bbg in this fandom, my favorite wallflower that I eat bread crumbs of any art of him :’) I have a little headcanon that him and Griffin are besties, and has a queer platonic crush on Lavender (aroace rep) You may be thinking “Charlie that’s stupid” YEAH IK BUT!!!! They’re always together with him!
Exhibit A with Lavender
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Exhibit B with Griffin
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(And then we also have them 3 together too pssstt)
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allfortzu · 1 year
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what if i EXPLODE
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freakshowtwopointoh · 8 months
Fast Car
It's a strange thing, having real friends. Jordan was an expert at finding a posse - people to spend free periods with, a way to ensure they didn't feel like a complete loner all the time.
But that isn't the same thing as having friends. That's not to say that they were entirely callous before college. It's just that they didn't ever let their guard down. They didn't know if they knew how to if they were honest. And then they met Luke.
Well, to be fair, it was a group project. Knowing what they knew now, they wouldn't be surprised if Brink had put the three of them together on purpose, another one of his strange social experiments. It didn't do to speculate on the intentions of the dead.
But they couldn't help themself. And it wasn't just Brink.
Luke. The perfect golden boy. The son their parents would have killed to have. And yet he wanted to be Jordan's friend? It really was a suitable name for him - he could smile at you and make you feel like the actual sun was shining on you and you alone.
They would never forget the first time they saw Luke cry. It was just a few moments but it made their heart twist and ache. It made them wish they could have grown up together. That they could have iced his burns, dried his tears, and stood by him.
Maybe then, they could have actually talked him down. Maybe if they had been a better friend, they wouldn't have had to fight their friend. One of the few real friends they had.
A few months into sophomore year, just as Luke, Andre, Cate, and Jordan were becoming close, Luke took them in his fancy car on 'an adventure.' You would think that their favorite part would have been the drive - and it almost was. Going way too fast, they almost felt drunk, holding onto for dear life. They took turns driving down this deserted road. They parked on top of a grassy hill overlooking a suburb near GodU. The stars were so bright, they could see the galaxy itself.
They walked, they talked, they laughed. Andre danced to nothing. It wasn't the first time they smoked weed, but it was the best joint they ever smoked. There were wildflowers on the hill - tiny daisies. Cate had started putting them in Jordan's hair, saying she wanted to put the stars in their hair. Jordan had never felt so beautiful in their life, not even when they were trying on that stunning black gown for prom in junior year.
It was the first time they saw a friend cry and cried with them without fear. It was the first time they looked into their friends eyes and felt really seen.
There was a moment. A brief moment as they sat on top of this grassy hill, watching the stars, and Luke put his arm around their shoulders, and Cate leaned her head on their shoulder, and Andre was holding Luke, and if Jordan hadn't lived it they would say it sounds like something out of a coming-of-age movie. They hadn't understood why people cuddled with their friends until that moment.
Your arm felt nice wrapped round my shoulder. And I had a feeling that I belonged. And I had a feeling I could be someone.
And then it was gone. The moment was gone. Then their friends were gone. Barely a year later and they are sitting in a room with no doors, and the magic is gone. They fought one friend until he committed suicide. And then they watched as the other two destroyed themselves and each other and them and all they want anymore is for everything to go back to that moment on the hill.
What could they do differently to prevent this from happening? If they had only been braver, if they had only been smarter, if they had only been stronger... maybe then their friends wouldn't be gone.
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afairycreature · 1 year
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moments I'm made of
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catts-stuff · 5 months
academic motivation:
(from fandoms and characters that actually motivate me to do any revision/to pretend to be!)
- Charlie got straight As in perks of being a wallflower through his ENTIRE freshman year
- Neil Josten is a maths major and is insanely good at maths
- Todd and Neil both work hard in school and have joint study groups with the poets
- Even Richard papen graduates (eventually)
- Regulus, Remus and Lily with their (fannon) study sessions in the library
- Annabeth could do all those riddles EASILY
- Don't you want to be able to get into the ravenclaw common room?
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house-of-slayterr · 6 months
@the-limp-linguine help, I need to design a new banner for my music channel and I have zero ideas for what I should do.
My band is called A Cure for Wallflowers but drawing anything with flowers seems cliche and boring. I can’t tell what aesthetic this name gives off and I’m struggling.
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i rewatched perks of being a wallflower for the first time since i was 12 and MAN
this movie (because i’ve unfortunately never read the book so i can’t speak on it😔) will always be so special to me because it’s one of the coming of age movies that truly do encapsulate how being a teenager feels
admittedly, watching the movie i had pause every 10 seconds because i KEPT GETTING SECOND HAND EMBARRASSMENT but that’s why i love it SOO much because everything is embarrassing when you’re a teenager!!!
& i remember seeing a tumblr post that talked about when teenage characters actually act like they have the disease of being a teenager and i think that perfectly describes perks of being a wallflower (w/ all the affection in the world!)
tldr: i ❤️ accurate depictions of teenage hood in media
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aha-chuu · 5 months
my life would be so much easier if I was a kaveh stan and not an alhaitham stan because really I'm living in a world of painful nuance that no one else can seem to grasp
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mermaidsirennikita · 10 months
a) of course Starz picked up up Mary and George, as the channel that is basically "historical shows for women who want to see nudity onscreen" (said with respect)
b) of course Starz is doing that Outlander prequel about the dead parents we know die horribly like the one who has a heart attack or some shit after the trauma of seeing his son basically flayed alive instead of adapting, I don't know, a historical romance series in which it's literally period piece content for women who want to see nudity, which doesn't actually have any rape
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