#alys rivers supremacy
bohemian-nights · 2 years
I don’t know if you’re on twitter but the threads D*emyra shippers create on why she should be excluded from the show is😡
Like this one: https://mobile.twitter.com/barbie_comuna/status/1600893822182883333
I don’t know what’s more problematic them talking about racism against the Velaryons and using Rhaena to cyber yo their own racism towards N or creating these threads in general. It’s so telling how it’s incomprehensible for these people that D can be in love with N but him having paternal feelings towards her or sleeping with her without having any feelings towards her be stans of age difference is more acceptable to them.But really that’s how many fandoms see WOC anyway so it’s nothing new this one is like that as well I guess. And ofc Rhaena and the rest of the Velaeyons are the “acceptable type”of black fir them since they don’t affect their white ship in any way and serve them like the good black servants they are despite D/R disrespecting them and treating their kids and Laena’s kids like trash.🙄 Honestly I’m convinced even if D/R weren’t “romantic” (they love to make this excuse that the show making D/R young downhill will doom it imo)people would still be shipping them and/or D with someone of his relatives and would hate the thought of him getting with a non Targaryen.I mean look what’s currently happening with Aemond. The posts that go and on about Alys are very similar to the ones about Nettles.
I’m an old young person so the only social media platforms I use is this and Pinterest. Lol, yeah I’ve seen people post things from twitter and it’s a mess. Dead at them trying to pretend like they actually care about the racism the Black/Blackish characters have faced🙃
Them trying to replace Nettles with Rhaena is just pathetic at this point. It shows that you not only hate Nettles, but you don’t really care about Rhaena like you say you do.
Cause she has her own storyline that is going to play out, but you want her there because you know deep down that Daemon did not see Nettles as his daughter. It makes absolutely 0 sense to swap out Nettles for Rhaena and adds absolutely nothing to the story.
They can tolerate Black/Blackish women characters as long as they aren’t with their faves. Rhaena(and Baela) are fine cause they’re Daemon’s kids therefore they pose no threat to Daemyra(this ship has literally become my most hated ship due to the crazy fans it attracts).
Seeing Black/Blackish women in a more subservient or non-romantic roles is what they are used to. And like you said this happens in a lot of fandoms.
They are already trying to say that Rhaenyra is somehow the love of his life and they’ve got no chemistry so you know that Daemon and Rhaenyra would still be a thing even if it wasn’t canon. Take a look at Aemond and Helaena for reference.
Yeah the treatment of Alys is similar to Nettles. Some Hellman’s fans have linked up with some Dumbnyra stans and have taken to rewriting canon so that their hell ships can live on.
The only thing I can say about the Alys/Aemond situation is that they can’t deny canon like they do with Dumbnyra. Hellman’s is not in the book at all and is 100% made up cause they wanted Aemond to have an incest ship. Rhaena is right there people and it would make more sense, but you know why they don’t ship them 🫠
Bottom line is these shippers can’t stand to see Daemon “leave” their Targaryen queen for Rhaenyra 👸🏼for Nettles 👩🏾🐑🐉, a non-Valyrian(Black woman) character.
So they pretend like all the accounts(literally every account says they were/likely lovers) is not factual somehow. Yet nowhere does it state in the books that Rhaenyra is the love of Daemon’s life. Delusional I tell you.
Anyway for me it’s gonna be Nettles 👩🏾🐑🐉 and Alys Rivers 👩🏻 supremacy from here on out. I’m going to watch the break downs from salty (non canon compliant) shippers like this when we see them getting their men on screen
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lorhaghanima · 2 months
so, it finally happened. writers of the hotd finally destroyed everything good about it, any potential it once had, all for some kind of... agenda?
they were destroying greens slowly during the whole season two. aemond, being hateful and vengeful, but not towards ones, who deserve it (the blacks), no - to aegon, his brother, his king. aemond not having any interaction with alys rivers, instead of it the whole season and a potentially large part of their relationship was given to daemon - prophecies, visions, support in war, romantic implications. helaena, whose scene of great loss was cut, happened because of incompetence of writers royal guards (absolutely impossible for a setting), somehow her mother's affair (which is also impossible, since there's know way criston could be the only and personal protectpr of helaena and kids), and she was robbed of her burden (choice between sons) and her grieve (she is already unhappy most of the time, not cheerful, not beloved, and her loss doesn't haunt the narrative the way it should - the way it traumatized the whole family daeron who). aegon crippled not in battle and with glory, but by betrayal of his own brother (supposed to be his supporter), also deprived of his rightful grieve and anger, and even his dragon - the most beautiful, the most loyal, sunfyre, so important for the original story and our understanding, how strong and unbreakable this bond can be - erased to one scene. alicent - oh, my sweet alicent, i will remember the one, who could've been - the one we lose completely. alicent, who always loves and protected the monstrosity and beauty and destiny of motherhood and queenhood, what have they done to you? alicent, who stands in front of dragon, to protect aegon (at least try to protect him), alicent, who cuts her husband's beloved daughter and heir to the throne because all of the injustice done to aemond, alicent, who loves, loves, loves, her sweet daughter helaena (even in first part of season two she says - but what have they done to my daughter?). alicent, the actual queen, alicent, beloved by the smallfolk, alicent, respected by the council, alicent, loyal to her family to the core. where did you go, my beloved?
And to the worst part - all of this was done for one purpose - to remind us once again about this targaryen supremacy. that they are chosen ones, that they are supposed to save everyone, that they are gods, not men, and they will not be punished by the story, instead - they will be victimised, they will be martyred, they will be rewarded for cruelty. The blacks have only two options in season two - they are either absurdly boring (cause they can't have any flaws, and supposed to be heroic - that's why it safer to make them blank and dull), or they are chosen, special, destined - to rule westeros, to ride dragons, to get whatever they want. this, of course, are qualities of the right kind of targaryens - the blacks, the connected with daenerys ones, not the whole family, obviously. This is the reason, why rhaenyra has nothing to do with the death of a child, somehow goes to the king's Landing and tries negotiations with alicent, breaks up with not-so-perfect daemon, tames bronze fury just because she can, and acting incredibly passive most of the season. This is the reason, why we don't have nettles - girl of color, of unknown birth, younger and more beautiful, who tames the dragon using only her wits, survives the story, surpasses the tragedy. of course we don't have you, dear nettles - you are a mirror, where targaryen, mostly daemon and rhaenyra, were supposed to see their flaws.
I remind you, that hotd is supposed to be an interpretation of a very specific story. One where dragons dance and house targaryen falls. One where smallfolk kills the dragons, where dragons are monsters, destroying cities, and targaryens are false gods and precarious rulers. The cursed war - kin against kin. The narrative, where everyone is dead long before the beginning, everyone is doomed. It's not supposed to praise house targaryen, on the contrary - it says 'look, what they've done, look, what they do', 'look, how treacherous, flawed, hypocritical, unnatural, brutal, unreliable they ALL are, even to each other', and what is most important - 'look, they can be killed, look, they can fall, look the dragons and their riders bleed, and we can destroy them'.
and all of this potential, all of this greekish kind of tragedy, lost... and i have no idea, what for.
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If Nettles was white, she would be as popular as Lyanna, Brienne or Arya, and y’all know it.
She grew up a homeless orphan (which is why it’s so insulting when people try to act like she’s a freaking idiot who doesn’t know how to bathe herself yet she can tame a dragon🤦🏽‍♀️ Put most of the highborn women in her position and they wouldn’t survive a day in her shoes).
She’s the only known non-Valyrian dragonrider who claims a wild dragon. A prince who believes in Valyrian supremacy falls in love with her to the point where he’s willing to sacrifice his life for her. Nettles singlehandedly disproves the whole idea of Targaryen exceptionalism and their blood purity. She slowly earns a dragon’s trust by bringing him sheep, and gradually he lets her closer, and then forms the dragonrider bond and lets her fly. up until this point, nobody had tried a strategy like that before.
Nettles is self-made. She’s self-taught. She’s loved for herself. She survives a freaking war and becomes a fire goddess/witch. Who wouldn’t want her ? Who wouldn’t want to be her ? Unlike Rhaenyra and Alicent, she’s the final girl of F&B.
Once again, I don't understand where you got that I'm anti Nettles? I'm anti Nettles x Daemon, but other than that theory, I very much am a fan of Nettles as a character. I won't say that there isn't racism and unfairness that happen regarding Nettles' character (though I haven't seen it personally), because people can be really shitty. But me personally, again, I'm not anti Nettles, I just dislike certain groups of her stans.
Again, I don't deny that Nettles was a strong woman. She endured many things most characters in F&B don't and most likely survived the Dance. However, I do disagree with some of the ideas you're stating as fact.
For starters, we don't know if Nettles is non-Valyrian; that's one of the many theories surrounding her, but it's not confirmed, so stating it as fact is misleading. Just because she lacks traditional Valyrian features doesn't means she isn't a dragonseed.
Jace and his brothers don't look Valyrian but they very obviously are of Valyrian descent. Rhaenys, the queen who never was, had black hair; Duncan the son of Aegon V looked like his mother, Betha Blackwood; Aegor Rivers also had black hair; Baelor Breakspear had dark hair; Daeron son of Maekar had sandy brown hair; Rhaenys the daughter of Rhaegar had her mother, Elia Martell's features.
Moving on, Daemon's relationship with Nettles is ambiguous. We don't know if they were in a romantic relationship or if his attack on Aemond was purely to save her (though I'm sure that was part of his decision). Again, you are stating a theory you believe as fact, even though it's unconfirmed.
I'm not going to touch the whole thing of Targaryen exceptionalism, because, as I said earlier, Nettles' parentage is unconfirmed. But the whole blood purity thing still hasn't been disproven at any point of GRRM's works; they intermarried to preserve their magic blood, the magic blood still exists in ASOIAF due to the incest.
Nettles is an important character in the story of the Dance, but she isn't the "final girl" you claim she is, let alone of the whole book. There are several dragon riders who survived the Dance and thrived. Rhaena is the ancestor of the Tyrells in the main series. Aegon III is the ancestor of Daenerys, the Baratheons, any remaining Blackfyres, and possibly Jon Snow and Young Griff. Baela and Alyn are the ancestors of Aurane Waters and the Velaryons.
The book of F&B is so much more than the Dance of the Dragons. Saying that Nettles is the "final girl" of the book doesn't make any sense when she only appears in a few sections. That's like saying Alys Rivers is actually the main character of the book. Nettles disappears after the Dance and doesn't appear in any other event. She does nothing else after her disappearance and has relatively little impact on the history of Westeros post Dance.
I have absolutely no idea where you're getting the whole "fire goddess/witch" thing. However, you have already been throwing out theories and your personal biases as fact, so I don't think it matters. I'm not trying to control who your fav is, I totally understand wanting to be a certain book character. But that doesn't mean you can act like everyone else is wrong for not having the same fav as you.
It's that kind of entitlement, thinking you're better than everyone else that makes people not like Nettles stans. It's almost on par with stansas and Alicent stans. People like you project so hard onto your favs, you take any perceived insult, critique, or argument as a personal attack. It's exhausting interacting with people like you.
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bl00dlight · 4 months
i saw this ask on another blog and then recently i came across a reddit post abt this exacttt thing. but it did make me wonder, cause I know u got some opinions but, what do u think about Aemond being a blood supremacist? alot of team greens deny it but idk... he literally says it in the show? the blog also disagreed I think to. also love love love ur fic nd I like how u haven't made aemond and visenya like besties. cause I agree with ur other rant to, there is soooo much soft, Mary Sue stuff with aemond and it dosent really fit him as a character at all.
First of all thank you sm for reading the fic. I literally just cracked open my mother fucken laptop one day and was like "IM OVER IT!!!". But yes, I agree, so many fics really like project an idealised version of Aemond. Which is totally fine, no hate no hate but, I just prefer canon accurate characterisation with everything.
But to answer your question, I feel like it's pretty straightforward and I'm also really surprised this a debate? Yes, Aemond is obviously a valryian supremacist. Almost all the Targs are to some degree and the Velaryons. But Aemond quite literally references the importance of keeping their valyrian blood pure and is deeply obessesed with dragons. "It would keep our Valyrian blood pure." Coming from a 13 year old boy is like a clear indicator that, yes homie is pro-targ supremacy. He is also the mirror of Daemon... who is also pro-targ supremacy.
I don't believe that Aemond commented on Helaena in ep7 just to display how "dutiful" he is. We know for a FACT Aemond is not dutiful, he is ambitious/power hungry. That is his whole arc, especially in Fire + Blood. Homeboy is dutiful in the same way Daemon is. It's not about actually caring for what is right or wrong, it's about his own proximity to power. I think alot of people really misinterpret Aemond's lines regarding duty as being a display of dedication. When in reality, it's narcissistic grandiosity lol. Like straight up. His envy of Aegon isn't "ugh I'd be a much better King because I care about protecting the realm, helping the smallfolk, maintaining order, doing what is right." It's "ugh, I'd me a much better King because I'm BETTER." We can see that in ep 9 when he literally gives out a list to Cole, why he would make a superior King to Aegon. Not once does he mention anything outside of what he perceives as his own brilliance. This is a book Aemond quote when he becomes Prince Regent and wears Aegon the Conqueror's crown "It looks better on me than it ever did on him,". So here we have another indicator that this isn't about being a good dutiful brother, this is about him living out his Rogue Prince fantasy.
I feel like people may bring up Alys Rivers as a counterpoint but again, I don't see why? Because remember, Aemond literally slaughtered her entire House because he hated the Strongs. He would make fun of Jace and Luke's appearance in Fire and Blood for like lack of Valyrian features. He left Alys alive so he could take her as a "prize" to use as a 'bedmate' / 'paramour'. This wasn't recorded as a consensual reltionship, and of course Alys went with it because what else is she gonna do? Fight him? He just slaughtered her entire bloodline, just BECAUSE of their blood. She's on thin ice. By today's standards she was put into sexual slavery. (unfortunately fire & blood is an unreliable text and it was written to be contradictory, so literally there is no actual canonical understanding of their relationship) Also a significant amount of fire and blood was written by those from the Greens side, and there are claims she bewitched him etc etc so that he wouldn't kill her. Regardless, the point is, Aemond fucking Alys isn't a marker of his progressive belief that Targaryen's aren't superior? If anything it reinforces it because he has literally chosen a woman who in every single way is completely socially 'inferior' to himself. Again, it's about power and vengeance. Him taking Alys is saying "look at me, I can do whatever the fuck I want. I can burn the Riverlands down, I can slaughter an entire House and then, I can fuck the last very last woman left because I CHOSE TO KEEP HER ALIVE." And he did it again, he abandoned Alys at one point and left her captive to another mother fucker just to get more vengeance on the Blacks after Helaena's last child dies (i can make a post on the suspicious Helaena x Aemond parallels in fire and blood) and then eventually came back to get her again. He don't really give that much of a fuck, in my opinion. She is not an example of him not being a bigot. And we see this in the real world too. Powerful bigots have historically sexually enslaved whom they oppress. *cough cough, literally ww2*. Sex is a power exchange in many ways, and Aemond taking Alys to fuck, after he spent his entire life loathing her family and KILLING THEM, is not some star-crossed lover shit. It's him continuing his reign of abuse on the Strongs. He kept one of them alive, just to fuck. That is an active example of his supremacist beliefs. There is also speculation Alys got pregnant, but it's never confirmed. However, his son would be another Strong bastard. And it wouldn't mean shit to him, because is that not the ultimate "haha im superior" to interject himself into the Strong line? To be the one which controls it's survival?
Also again, we see it time and time again with Targ men. They believe in Targ supremacy, actively want to participate in their 'traditions', while also wanting booty calls. Daemon does the same thing, homie fucks women left and right, yet still loved /married Rhaneyra because she was a Targaryen like him. Viserys iii also, fucked other women, yet canonically wanted to marry Daenerys once he assumed the throne to continue their bloodline.
Because marriage is very different from sex in this universe. Marriage and sex are two completely separate ideas. So it makes sense for Aemond to believe that Targaryen's should maintain their Valyrian blood through marriage because it is a marker of supremacy; while he also wants to exclaim is dominance through having sex with a woman who is 'beneath' him. Aemond is also an actual misogynist in the books too. So again? In what world does he look at Alys as his equal?
Thus, why marriage/love/legitmate children is reserved for Targaryen women, and sex is reserved for prostitutes, bedmates etc. People be forgetting, in this society women are used at the whims of men, LAWFULLY - like it's their right to do so, and women are very much given social status based on how men view them sexually. Madonna/Whore complex.
Which is kinda interesting if we even go further to talk about Helaena and Aemond...
Funnily enough, this exact topic will come up in my fic. Anyway, that's my take on it. That's kinda why the strong niece fics never made sense to me, because it is so contradictory to the motives behind what he does.
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petrified-aspen · 4 months
Been hearing a lot of people parroting the propagandized idea that "From the River to the Sea, Palestine will be Free!" is an inherently anti-semitic slogan. Immediately upon hearing it, this stinks of anti-Palestinian bias; only the worst faith interpretation of the phrase possible could be taken as even slightly problematic, and I doubt Columbia student protestors mean it in that bad of faith.
But there is a specific assertion that I found particularly fishy:
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(if you harass this person, i will be disappointed in you. Feel free to block though.)
This is a big claim: That the phrase originally called for Arabic supremacy over the land, and by saying a 'translated version' of it that has a completely different literal meaning, you are also calling for Arabic supremacy and the ethnic cleansing of Jews. If this is true, this could mean there are violent anti-Semites at your child's school, revolting in support of a new anti-Semitic state! Gasp!
Wait, wait, slow down, don't get wound up so quick! before we act on what we just heard and repost it without a second thought, let's look into it and find a source that isn't complete conjecture from a Tumblr blog!
There's an easy place to start: Wikipedia. I know, I know, you shouldn't cite it in your essay, but it might have some sources that are useful for us! Okay, scrolling.. perfect, a blurb detailing exactly how it was used in the 60's!
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Okay, so immediately, we have an example of a pro-Palestinian organization, which predates Hamas, using the phrase to mean something completely different from what the commenter claimed. Now, they would probably wrinkle their nose at the original intent, the "call for an Arab state", and interpret it to be a call for ethnic cleansing. I would like to point out, though, that Zionists have been calling for a Jewish state encompassing Mandatory Palestine for, like, a century (more on that later). Knowing this, it's complete hypocrisy to wrinkle your nose at the implied call the PLO once made while turning the other cheek at Zionist rhetoric which says functionally the same thing. This hypocrisy is made even more obvious by the PLO's revised usage of the term.
See, if you actually wanted to engage with pro-Palestinian protestors in good faith on this topic, you would reasonably assume that the students at Columbia mean the phrase as a call for an Arabic and Jewish state. At the VERY least, you would entertain the idea that they are just as likely to be benign as they are likely to be ideologically aligned with Hamas.
But let's see what the article that Wikipedia cites has to say, just because I'm curious.
Here is a paragraph from page 77 of "From the River to the Sea to Every Mountain Top" by Robin D. G. Kelley:
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Turns out, slandering people for their benign use of the phrase "From the River to the Sea, Palestine will be Free" is nothing new, having occurred when Marc Lamont Hill used the phrase in a speech to the UN in 2018. Just a reminder of exactly how deep and how far back these lies run.
The article goes on to identify the ACTUAL origin of the phrase--and what do you know, it isn't Palestinian! In fact, it isn't even Arabic:
"First, the odious phrase in question began as a Zionist slogan signifying the boundaries of Eretz Israel. The Likud Party’s founding charter reinforces this vision in its statement that 'between the Sea and the Jordan there will only be Israeli sovereignty.'" (Kelley, 78).
The hypocrisy deepens. Not only does "From the River to the Sea, Palestine will be Free" not have anti-Semitic roots, it has Israeli supremacist origins, and was appropriated into a rallying cry for solidarity by the Palestinian Liberation Organization.
"But Hamas is still using it in an anti-semitic way, and you shouldn't contribute to that," you might say. I'm glad you did, because it begs the question; why do Hamas and the PLO have such different ideologies, despite both fighting for Palestinian liberation? Why don't resistance fighters in Gaza align with the PLO rather than with Hamas?
Well, Hamas is really the only group with the funding, equipment, and ranks able to put up an organized resistance against the Israeli attacks on Gaza. There's a very specific reason why; the organization that would become Hamas, as Andrew Higgins wrote in WSJ, was influenced heavily by Israel:
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TL;DR: Israeli government officials with jurisdiction over Gaza promoted the development of charities that would fund and build the foundation for Hamas, all because Hamas' right-wing militancy made them an enemy of the Palestinian Liberation Organization and Fatah.
So let me get this straight. Zionists created an Israeli-supremacist slogan, a leftist pro-Palestinian organization (and generations of pro-Palestinian activists afterwards, including Angela Davis) appropriated it to be a rallying cry that promotes cross-cultural and ethnic solidarity, then the Israeli state propped up an anti-semitic group who then re-appropriated the phrase, and now there are politicians, journalists, and likely members of your community spreading lies about the meaning of the phrase to slander a humanitarian movement as anti-Semitic. Did I get everything?
This is what we mean when we say that Zionist propaganda manufactures accusations of anti-semitism to rally more people to their ultimately genocidal cause. All I had to do was open two Wikipedia articles to find evidence of a decades-long effort to project every flaw of Zionism, in all of its senseless violence, onto Palestinians. It took FIVE MINUTES for me to think critically, do a bit of research, and come away from this a more educated person.
I don't doubt that many of the people who are raising the alarm about anti-Semitism in the Palestinian liberation movement are acting in good faith. As a Jewish person, I am grateful for any legitimate, moral defense of my culture. But if you aren't willing to put the work in to analyze if what you're reading (and repeating) is actually true, then you will only harm the movement in the long run; at best, you're depriving yourself of crucial tools for solidarity, such as this rallying cry. At worst, you're slandering people and and risking their livelihoods and their safety.
Here's my citations, I highly recommend you check them out:
Oh, and I almost forgot: From the River to the Sea, Palestine will be Free!
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Ballad of Dragons and Ravens Headcannons
1. Rhaella, Aemond, Aegon and Helaena are polyamorous soulmates and when Aegon, Aemond, and Helaena died, Rhaella become unhinged and driven to go back in time and save them.
2. Rhaella has Jaehaerys, Maelor and Jaehaera’s toys in her bag, when she goes to Old Valyria to perform the ritual along with her and Aemond’s children’s possessions.
3. Rhaella and Helaena kissed when she was fourteen, and Helaena was fifteen.
4. Aegon fathered one of Rhaella’s children in the dark timeline, and they named him Aenys.
5. Aemond stayed by Rhaella’s side throughout each of her pregnancies and they named their firstborn son, Aemon in honour of her paternal great grandfather and father.
6. Rhaella threatened to feed Alysanne, Cregan, Sabitha, Samantha and Jeyne to Silverwing, Cannibal, and Grey Ghost after the blacks wished for her to marry Cregan.
7. Before performing the ritual, Rhaella asked Alys Rivers to intern her next to Aemond, their children, Aegon II, Helaena, their children and Daeron.
8. Rhaella saw her father murdered by Blood and Cheese on Daemon’s orders.
9. After going back in time, Rhaella and Helaena are the only ones at first to remember but then Aegon, Aemond and Daeron remember.
10. Rhaella hates Valyrian supremacy and she’s considered an embarrassment by Rhaenyra but beloved by her Bracken, Blackwood, Royce, Karstark and Ryswell relatives.
11. Due to changing the past, Rhea Royce is alive and married to Gwayne Hightower.
12. Aegon and Aemond saw Rhaella and Helaena kissing and were aroused by it.
13. Rhaella is only close to Joffrey and Rhaena. When Joffrey died, Rhaella went into a fury and gouged out the Shepherd’s eyes.
14. Helaena murdered Mysaria, for her role in killing Jaehaerys and Aerion.
Face Claim for Rhaella
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cafeleningrad · 2 years
For the ask game: Fire and Blood, Rhaenicent, and Daemon Targaryen and Dalton Greyjoy :)
Send me fandoms... characters... or ships... 📩 Thank you so much for this picnic basket of question! They were such fun to answer. :D Preface: I haven't watched the show, only learnt about it via gif and meta tumblr osmosis. The answers are entirely based on Fire and Blood alone, additional to my interpretations of the events.
001 | Send me a fandom and I will tell you....[Fire and Blood]
Favorite character: Nettles
Least Favorite character: Unwyne Pike
5 Favorite ships (canon or non-canon): (oh boy here we go...) Visenya Targaryen x Sharra Arryn, Rhaena Targaryen x Alyssa Farman, the Riverland lads (including Aly Blackwood) x being the most metal 5eva), Johanna Lannister x Dalton Greyjoy
Character I find most attractive: Kermit Tully (I played enough Fire Emblem to know what war criminal is good dating material and this one has red hair too!)
Character I would marry: Kermit Tully
Character I would be best friends with: Tyland Lannister (have I mentioned how much I love, love, love realpolitics? But also he was so understanding and kind to Aegon III, Aegon staiyng with Lord Tyland was a sign of their quiet bond of trust)
a random thought: This book convinced me to a 100% that Mirri Maz Duur and Bobby B. did the world a favour by guaranteeing the Targaryen dynasty would end with Dany. (Nothing personal, Dany.)
An unpopular opinion: I don't get the Jaehaerys hateboner the fandom has for him. At least not the intensitiy. Maybe I'm too much of a law nerd to dislike a character who creates a codified law system and long term benefit infrastructure to scorn someone who's your regular run-off-the-mill misogynist in Westeros. (Personally, I take more offense with his aggressive Targaryen supremacy propaganda efforts...)
My Canon OTP: Alys Rivers x Aemond Targaryen
My Non-canon OTP: Mushroom x a book deal
Most Badass Character: Benjicot Blackwood closely, tied to Roddy the Ruin
Most Epic Villain: (in the limits of what qualifies as a villain in this universe) Maegor the Cruel, a mama's boy who couldn't function without Visenya direction his every action.
Pairing I am not a fan of: Daemon Targaryen x Laena Velaryon
Character I feel the writers screwed up (in one way or another): Hmm, Martin wrote this book as barely anything more than fleshed out bullet points with the purpose of narrating a semi historic account. Obviously in this format details and characterisation would be left less detailed and left for speculation. Yet I think Tess could've been given more than just a few lines.
Favourite Friendship: Rhaena Targaryen and Maegor Towers, Tyland Lannister and Aegon III Targaryen
Character I most identify with: Lyman Beesbury
Character I wish I could be: Alyssa Farman
002 | Send me a ship and I will tell you: (Preface: This is the only category for which I will base my answers on the showverse. Their ship is based on a dynamic that couldn't exist in the book verse due to their ages in the book.) - When I started shipping them: Actually I didn't, the concept seems intriguing though if I wasn't sideeyeing the writer's competence in writing fleshed out female characters with agency. - My thoughts: no great ones, except I'm really happy that a F/F pairing made it into the ranks of most popular ships in the fandom - and the girls remain interesting without watered down pastelcoloured uwu-fication (at least from I can gather from my mututals). - What makes me happy about them: The actresses for all time periods having put so much thought in the dynamic that the tension in the Dance of Dragons isn't "just" based in misogynistic sentiments and aspiration of power in a misogynistic system - but also in deeply personal tragedy. The original script didn't even consider Alicent's misgivings with her former friend beyond, let's call it unceremoniously, slutshaming and religious righteousness. The queer character of their relationship carved out by all four actresses enriched their conflict in it's core. - What makes me sad about them: Maybe misogyny cages them both yet Rhaenyra can live so many liberties with her father's blessing. Alicent will always remain an outsider, deprived of any Targaryen privileges, any sense of agency, her anger at Rhaenyra's arrogance is so palatable. - Things done in fanfic that annoys me: haven't read fanfic about them so far. -Things I look for in fanfic: Smut, Alicent on top, religious guild as zesty topping for dirty talk. :P - My wishlist: The Catch 22 of women in media is that any agency can easily lead to demonisation and ignorance to what the story wants to tell about a woman's fate by a larger fandom. Chanving off a lot of the agency, the men remaining the only villians behind the unfolding conflict, Alicent and Rhaenyra are stripped of agency, therefore undermining the theme of misogyny in the Dance of Dragons in a weird way. I don't know if such a story about the fallout of a queer lovestory and the bitter remains held by female characters would be given the grace by a format intended for mass consumption... Yet, in the books there was such a loud untertone of Alicent exercicing power through the men around her in contrast through Rhaenyra's direct action. Alicent found a way to cheat the system she upheld, the conflict felt so much more personal. The show defanged them and it's theme in a round about way. It would've been interesting to see how Alicent's resentment, fear, and actual anger could've become an action that would've added to the thematic depiction of women navigating their limited range in an overlooked way. (C'mon, HBO, how could you pull off Livia Soprano 25 years earlier but Alicent is damned into motionlessness from minute 1?) -Who I’d be comfortable them ending up with, if not each other: Alicent should've had the Lavender wedding with Laenor and found company in Laena. Rhaenyra could've had Daemon if she wanted, but anyone of her choosing would've been fine too. -My happily ever after for them: Rhaenyra would've ascendet the throne with Alicent's belssing, they both would've raised their kids better so they would've grown up as siblings, both had a lavender weddings, while Alicent warms Rhaenyra's bed.
003 | Give me a character & I will tell you: [Daemon Targaryen]
How I feel about this character: Until his meeting with Nettles where he appears to have had a change of heart I didn't care much of him, even absolutely understood why Viserys I exiling him repeatedly.
Any/all the people I ship romantically with this character: "Sir, please step away from that teenage girl." If it has to be someone, Corlys Velaryion then...
My favorite non-romantic relationship for this character: Caraxes.
My unpopular opinion about this character: As dubious I think his motives to turn towards Nettles are, not out of a change of heart against the war atroscities commited in Rhaenyra's name, at the end of his life he seems to have reflected on his past deeds, shown resignation.
One thing I wish would happen / had happened with this character in canon: During his journey in the free cities, he would've found a medicinal remedy which could serve as Essosi equivalent to a chill pill.
Favorite friendship for this character: Corlys Velaryion
My crossover ship: God forgive me for the crassness but an evil thought crossed my mind: Since Daemon is so darn set on dragons, violence, and fornicating with any sexually avaible female character... wouldn't that make him an ideal partner for Angelus in Drakengard?
003 | Give me a character & I will tell you [Dalton Greyjoy]
How I feel about this character: Full of himself, arrogant, cruel! He's the absolute worst! Obviously, I love him.
Any/all the people I ship romantically with this character: Johanna Lannister
My favorite non-romantic relationship for this character: His crew. No seriously, his voice barely stopped breaking, he leads an entire fleet against an army of dragon. Dalton must've earned some absolute loyalty for a good reason.
My unpopular opinion about this character: I really hope he becomes the fandom's new hyper problematic sexy man. There's nothing redemptive about anything he ever did and yet I already have visions of bodice-ripper-themed x reader fanfics with him.
One thing I wish would happen / had happened with this character in canon: I would be curious if there's a fanwork/plans for the showadaption detailing his pillaging through Tess' eyes. Not only do I think she desperately needs a voice, it would be a good perspective on the civilian casualties during the conflict. Sometimes the spectacle around the political characters overshines the explicit anti war elements.
Favorite friendship for this character: ?
My crossover ship: An introduction course for 101 feminism "Women are people too".
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ao3feed-rhaewin · 9 months
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aegor-bamfsteel · 4 years
Hello! I was hoping to add a bit to your thoughts on Bloodraven. I agree wholeheartedly with you that Bloodraven is a terrible person and made terrible decisions. But I disagree with you that he’s rewarded for it. The novels do quite a but to frame him as an evil person. Yes he’s a magical greenseer and has a lot of magical power, but he’s also a scary tree person with roots growing in him. He lives in a dark cave he can never leave with creepy elves that have probably killed Bran’s friend. There’s also a lot of theories that Bloodraven drove Euron crazy when testing Euron for magical abilities like he tested Bran. GRRM looks to be setting him up as a dark twist to the wise mentor trope while the show treated him like Gandalf.
Hello, Anon! Bl00draven as a villain is actually a very controversial opinion/theory in tumblr fandom, (which is why I misspell his name and use his anti tag) with at least some considering him a straight-up hero trying to save the world, or an anti-hero who commits atrocities to achieve “noble goals” (including, if I remember correctly, the same person who wrote at least part of the theory that Euron is Bl00draven’s ex-student). I believe Bl00draven is “a terrible person [who] made terrible decisions”, but I’m probably in the minority, (you’d probably find a better discussion with people who think he’s a hero in your analysis of how his character is framed), but you haven’t indicated why you don’t think he’s rewarded for his actions. 
I have written about how the narrative protects Bl00draven from the consequences of his actions in the post you’re responding to, in a response to warsofasoiaf, and a response to godihatethisfreakingcat. In summary:
The two times BR suffers any setback (losing an eye; being sent to the Wall for high treason), it ends up working out for him in the end (not being affected by monocular vision at all if he held his own in a second duel against Aegor Rivers, getting a “scary” reputation and possibly greenseeing powers; having 200 of his personal guard and Prince Aemon accompany him, getting to keep the only Targaryen ancestral sword when he’s supposed to be punished, getting elected Lord Commander despite his horrible tenure as Hand, and deserting the Night’s Watch to become an immortal greenseer despite desertion being a death sentence)
When it looks like BR is going to suffer other setbacks, they magically go away (he and Baelor have a dispute over how to treat the defeated Blackfyre rebels, but Baelor dies before he can become king; he mocks Maekar in front of his own son and unsubtly threatens to kidnap Egg, but is said to have become Maekar’s Hand; his spy network fails to capture Aegor Rivers multiple times and couldn’t keep an eye on his ship as it made way for the Wall, but he isn’t punished for failing to do the one job he promised to do)
BR never had to work to gain anyone’s trust or his positions of authority, despite being terrible at his job (his mother was a friend of Da3ron II’s from birth; he was granted an ancestral Valyrian sword as a teenager despite not being the best swordsman; he gets his first Small Council position by age 20; Da3ron II trusts him enough to start a war on his say-so; Aerys makes him his Hand over his more competent brother Maekar; Maekar keeps him as Hand despite resenting him for decades; he’s made Night’s Watch Lord Commander). Maintaining so much power either undermines your claim that the narrative frames him as a villain (if he’s so untrustworthy, why do the supposed protagonists keep giving him jobs?), or it makes the characters who’ve granted him this power into idiots (at least 2 of whom are lauded as intelligent or clever).
Other villainous characters have done less harm than Bl00draven, but are punished for it while he gets to keep his power:
The infamously corrupt High Septon was torn apart by starving King’s Landing smallfolk during the bread riots of 299
The corrupt Rego Draz, who levied high taxes and tolls on the smallfolk (abuse of the smallfolk amidst a humanitarian crisis? sounds familiar), was stoned to death by a starving mob during the harsh winter and plague of 59
Rhaenyra was believed to have murdered Helaena Targaryen, and her husband did arrange for the murder of Helaena’s son (a parent and two young sons murdered in cold blood? sounds familiar). Thousands of smallfolk rioted out of desire for justice for the three, which caused the death of 5 dragons, Rhaenyra’s remaining son Joffrey, and Rhaenyra’s own flight from the capital. She never regained the throne again
Mysaria of Lys, explicitly compared to Bl00draven as Mistress of Whispers, also arranged for the murder of Helaena’s son Jaehaerys, informed on Nettles to Rhaenyra resulting in a warrant for her death (informing on someone to a monarch baseless rumors resulting in a warrant for their arrest? sounds familiar), and may have contributed to Helaena’s suicide that the riots were about. When King’s Landing fell, she was stripped naked and whipped to death as she was forced to walk out of the city.
Tyanna of Pentos, similarly mistress of whispers like Mysaria, tortured the king’s nephew to death (after having him imprisoned? sounds familiar), tortured dozens of men and women including rumored lover Alys Harroway, kidnapped children to ensure their mother’s good behavior while being repeatedly raped, and allegedly poisoned her fellow queens in order to be Maegor’s true wife. She was brutally murdered by the man she sought to influence, her heart thrown to the dogs
Bl00draven deliberately shot 2 unarmed 12-year-olds in front of their father to win a war, ordered the smallfolk back to their lands during the midst of a drought and after the Great Spring Sickness, caused the death of a young man under suspicious circumstances, threatened to keep the son of his rival a hostage, killed a man he promised safe passage to, denied critical aid to the crown’s vassals during ironborn raids, and created a reign of fear and paranoia that resulted in the deaths of innocent smallfolk. Bafflingly, while there are apparently riots and violence and rebellion, he makes routine trips into Flea Bottom to keep the people in line (yes, the smallfolk in King’s Landing are so complacent to authoritarian rulers as I just mentioned) and survives all of them (relatively) unscathed. Not only does he keep his position as Hand, or gained a new position as Lord Commander, but he lives to a ripe old age before running away to the cave to be an immortal greenseer with infinite knowledge. My point in comparing the actions and consequences of characters similar to Bl00draven is that if the smallfolk or the Targaryens were written consistently, he would’ve been horribly murdered for corruption or insubordination long before he ever met Bran. I understand he would have to live into canon era to be Bran’s mentor; but GRRM broke the rules of his own universe by letting Bl00draven get away with too much to be believable while giving him even more power. It is inconsistent writing that makes his survival due to authorial fiat than any skill or allies. That’s why I consider him possibly the worst-written character in the series.
Bl00draven has not committed enough good deeds to be a hero (in my opinion; other people consider keeping Da3ron’s progeny on the throne for a few generations longer to be heroic). But neither has he suffered for the consequences of his actions like a villain. We know that the Freys and Boltons will face comeuppance for their atrocities in the Red Wedding and at Winterfell because it’s already clear they have sown the seeds of their own destruction; the Freys’ violation of guest right contributed to the breakdown of the rule of law that made honorable parley impossible, and their murder of Catelyn Stark led to Lady Stoneheart in the Riverlands killing Freys with the Brotherhood, and their murder of Wendel Manderly led to his father Wyman orchestrating some of their deaths; the Boltons’ role in the Red Wedding led to nearly universal hatred among the northern lords, and caused the mountain clans to ally with Stannis to get them out, and Ramsay’s rape of who they think is Arya Stark just gives them further cause to resent their traitorous overlords. I don’t have to explain how Tywin’s cult of Lannister supremacy doesn’t survive his death as he’s offed in the most humiliating manner by the son he despised, since Jaime, Cersei, and Tyrion are either imprisoned, enslaved, or in a trial for their life by book 5. Contrast Bl00draven, because the family he most wronged (the Blackfyres) are either no longer around or are uninterested in seeing him brought to justice; he certainly sowed the seeds of destruction, but he never reaped them himself (if anything, he got more powerful); instead the Targaryens did. I don’t see how he will be getting any personal comeuppance in the future, unless he is somehow unplugged from the weirwood network and executed as a deserter to the Night’s Watch (the Starks do have a pattern of executing those guys, so maybe it will be Bran’s turn). Until then, I don’t foresee him being a good asoiaf villain either.
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bohemian-nights · 11 months
This is how I find out an anti-nettles tag exists of Tumblr people are so shallow minded and miss the point George's original story people really think just because these dumbass show runner decided the race-bend an entire group of characters for cheap brownie points of representation that it means Nettles no longer matters like no, it may no longer be about race just because the writers are trying to force feminism onto Rhaenyra's character but it's still about class. A low born orphan at just the age of 17 was capable of doing what dozens of well trained knights failed to do. She survived one of the biggest civil wars in Westeros history, she had one of the last surviving dragons of the dance (who cares who's the biggest, oldest, most shiny etc etc it was Nettles and her dragon that outlived them all in the end) AND she was capable if creating an entire culture around herself (the tribes could've easily over powdered her but instead chose to worship and respect her) mind you all she had was a dragon, she had no titles just her name. Also, she's a few of the very few characters in the books that show care and remorse, she mourned Jace someone she barely knew and cried for Driftmark despite having lived a life previously where she was mistreated and starving on the streets. I swear these Dumbnyra stans deserve their names (Dumbnyra), and just because some of us are pro-Nettles, it doesn't automatically make use of team Green, Team Green can kick rocks as well because they are such hypocrites, whining and complaining about how their fav characters were stripped of importance and reduced to a singular thing yet they turn around and strip Nettles's character as a gotcha moment towards to Dumbnyra stans, as if her relationship with Daemon is the only thing important to her character. These stans also need to realize the Nettles is one of George's favorite characters whose stories he'd like to continue.
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👆🏽That’s for the fact that this racist(who I should mention I’m blocked by for no reason🤣) actually knows how to tag things properly. I’ll give her that, but who exactly died and made her an authority on Black representation?
Dumbnyra stans this is exactly why people keep calling you people racists:
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Do tell me how white a** Alys Rivers(no disrespect, but come on) had more purpose than a girl who shows that Targaryen supremacy is a lie? The girl that shows you don’t need Valyrian blood to claim a dragon.
The girl that George himself said he wanted to write a novella on(never heard him say that about Alys, Addam, Alyn, any of the other dragonseeds, Rhaena, and Baela)🤷🏽‍♀️
They are so blinded by the fact that she “ruins” Dumbnyra(which isn’t what they claim it is which is why they are scared sh*tless of her being on a show they claim doesn’t matter) that they make up lies about Nettles being the most irrelevant character in Fire & Blood.
This can never be irrelevant/unimportant/unnecessary/whatever else you want to say to demean her:
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That happened long after the Dance boo boo(when Missy Anne’s a** was long dead 😊).
And if the one who wrote that garbage happens to be reading this(because I know you people are stalking me), f*ck you. I mean that from the bottom of my heart. You've crossed the line.
You’re a bigot. You have no right to speak on Black representation let alone say we are good on representation that doesn’t even affect you and that you have no understanding of.
And you definitely don’t care about representation because if you did you wouldn’t want Rhaena who has her own arc to replace Nettles who according to you wasn’t Daemon’s lover. If she’s just his daughter or his mentee, well then you have nothing to be worried about. Her presence on the show shouldn’t disrupt your putrid little white supremacist ship or make Missy Anne look bad since what happened at Maidenpool was all a big misunderstanding and Mysaria’s fault😊 You shouldn’t give a second thought to her.
Yes, Black people care about this issue(and even if some of us are a part of Team Green because that’s the majority I see from Team Green actually caring about her, then so what🙃).
Do you see how we are portrayed by the media? Do you see what happens to Black characters in TV shows and movies? To Black women characters? Do you see how they are treated by production and the fandom?
What you people are doing isn’t new. Just look at The Bear, Sleepy Hollow, Vampire Diaries, Star Trek, Star Wars, GOT(see how Missandei was done), and Marvel fandoms(there are more than that I’m just too tired to get into it).
The moment there is even a hint of a possibility that a Black woman might be in a relationship with the fandom hottie, hell the moment a Black woman doesn’t have a stereotypical role, all hell breaks loose and you people look for every excuse and spout out the same tired crap on why so and so is irrelevant, is a terrible character, doesn’t need a man, needs to be cut, should be killed off, should be replaced, etc.
So just because you don’t care doesn’t mean we should accept scraps, or our “irrelevant” characters being cut, or swapped out with race-bent characters. Black people aren’t all the same sweetie and we deserve more than what you feel we do.
If that’s too much for your diminutive brain to handle why don’t we just combine Ulf and Hugh? It’s not too late to cut out one of the two’s roles in post-production. After all, they serve the same role and they are both white.
You know what? How about we combine Black Aly and Jeyne Arryn while we are at it😀
Should we view Helaena and Rhaenyra as the same? I have a hard time telling them apart since they are both white and blonde. They should wear name tags that way we don’t get them confused 🙃
Let me stop there.
Sorry for ranting anon, but I’m so tired of the disrespect. Like how does one character who’s supposedly so unimportant cause so much uproar?
I go in on Dumbnyra stans a lot(and that person shows exactly why), but you are right that all sides of this fandom treat Nettles like she’s trash. If it’s not saying she’s a plot device sent to ruin Dumbnyra from Team Black and that anyone Black can replace her it’s how Team Green is so worried about her being abused and how maybe it’s for the best she gets cut.
Their behavior is utterly disgusting. It's anti-Black, but no one takes anti-Blackness and especially not misogynoir seriously.
Nettles may be a secondary character, but she’s the most important secondary character during the Dance. She starts out literally homeless. She claims Sheepstealer by determination, not by blood. She’s the only one to claim a wild dragon. The only non-Valyrian dragonrider that we know of.
She gets the Rogue Prince to fall in love with her to the point where he’s willing to die for her and disobeys his wife’s orders to save her. She survives the Dance with a dragon intake. Becomes a fire witch and is worshipped by a mountain clan in the Mountains of the Moon(she’s still worshipped by them during the main series). Her legacy is cemented.
I love her relationship with Daemon, but she’s so much more than just Daemon’s love. She’s a survivor. She’s the final girl. She would be seen as special as she is if she was white.
A character like her will never not be needed especially in a world where the representation of Black women in media, particularly fantasy stories, is still pretty bleak.
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kny111 · 5 years
There are many startling things about the Emmett Till case. But, 63 years after his death, perhaps the most startling of all is the fact that Americans know his name, even recognize his face.
Back in the summer of 1955, when J.W. Milam and Roy Bryant savagely beat the 14-year-old Chicago kid, shot him in the head, weighted his body down and dumped it in the Tallahatchie River, they thought that was the end of it.
Till had whistled at Bryant’s wife Carolyn, or spoken suggestively to her, or laid hands on her — the story kept changing. It was the classic Southern tale of a black male accused of violating the region’s taboo against interracial intimacy. Literally thousands of African American men were lynched under such accusations.
The civil rights leader Aaron Henry once remarked that the most surprising thing about the Till story was not its horror but the fact that white people even noticed. After all, black boys had been lynched for decades with impunity. African American bodies were not supposed to reemerge, and they certainly were not supposed to stir national and even international outrage.
But this one did. Killing Till and dumping his body did not end the story, quite the contrary. Thirty-eight articles in TIME magazine have discussed Emmett Till since 1955. Daily newspaper databases reveal even more extensive coverage. In the New York Times alone Till appears in 600 articles.
Most of the Till coverage came in the first six months: The discovery of the body; the deeply emotional funeral in Chicago (to which 100,000 South Siders came to pay their last respects); the indictments and trial, when nationally famous reporters swarmed tiny Sumner, Miss., and television cameras caught the scene outside the courthouse. Day after day, Till was headline news.
But then the story disappeared. There were few articles in the press commemorating the tenth anniversary of the Till slaying, even fewer on the 25th. Early histories of the Civil Rights Movement barely mentioned him.
More accurately, the Till story became segregated, living on among African Americans, not whites.
Young black activists, who sometimes referred to themselves as “the Emmett Till Generation,” carried his memory into their struggles of the ’60s. John Lewis, Anne Moody and Muhammad Ali all recalled their shock at seeing Till’s funeral photos in Jet magazine, Emmett in his coffin, his face a grizzly ruin. They recalled too how the story gave them grim determination to change things. The photos became part of “Jim Crow wisdom,” visual lessons parents gave children about growing up African American.
Seared though they were into the memory of the Till Generation, very few whites saw those pictures. No mainstream newspapers or magazines published them in 1955, or for three decades thereafter.
That changed in 1987 when the photos reemerged, most prominently in the popular documentary Eyes on the Prize, which began its history of the Civil Rights Movement with Emmett Till. Rather than avoid Till’s face, Eyes on the Prize lingered on it. Only then did the truism that Emmett Till’s martyrdom launched the Freedom Struggle start to take hold among whites.
What about the Till story today? Look more closely at those 600 Times articles focused on Emmett Till. One-third of them appeared in the last five years, and it is roughly the same for other newspapers and magazines. Histories, novels, television reports, news stories, websites, on-line publications, historical markers, scholarly essays, documentaries—all have come with growing frequency this century.
Current events brought Emmett Till’s name back. Oprah Winfrey called the Till memorial in Washington’s new African American History Museum “profound,” and added that Trayvon Martin, Michael Brown and Laquan MacDonald gave us “a new Emmett Till every week.” A few months later, LeBron James held a press conference when someone painted an ethnic slur on his front gate. The first thing James talked about was Mamie Till Bradley’s refusal to be silent in the face of her son’s murder. Then late last year, Dave Chappelle ended his comedy special by discussing Carolyn Bryant’s confession that Emmett Till did nothing to deserve his fate.
This year alone, Emmett Till was in the headlines again when someone shot upthe historical marker where his body was dumped, then again when Carolyn Bryant recanted her recantation that she lied about Till back in 1955, and again when the FBI announced it would reopen the case.
Why so much attention to a story once mostly forgotten? Because it speaks to our growing awareness that racism is on the rise, that it did not disappear with slavery or Jim Crow, that we never became a “post-racial” society.
Till’s is a story we can grasp, not of unnamed millions but of a single knowable martyr to racial hatred. The sadism of his killers, the horrific beating they inflicted on the boy still shock us today. The Till case also reminds us of our long history of racism in criminal justice, from policing all the way through trial and incarceration. His fate reminds us too that white supremacy was never just a set of ideas and opinions, but a charter for violence inflicted on living bodies.
Above all, the face of Emmett Till embodies America’s tragic racial history, the good-looking lad smiling on Christmas Day, that same innocent face smashed to a hideous death mask on the long lonely Mississippi night of his murder.
Racism is the shape-shifting demon that America wrestles once again. Lies proliferate about minorities, the kind that got young Emmett Till lynched. So we continue to retell his story, to probe its meanings, to expose and explain what happened. Just as Anne Frank became the young martyr whose story helps us grasp Nazi horror, so Emmett Till’s is the face that reveals white supremacist depravity. His ghost haunts us because his murder exposes racism’s bloodthirsty heart.
And so, 63 years later, we know his face, we know his name. In his lynching lies shame, in remembering it lies hope.
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djemerald · 5 years
My ‘sweetest’ Favorite 2019
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もはやただのメモ!だけど、今年もやっぱりやっておこう。 ということで、2019年のスウィートな音楽をずらりと。 画像はアルバム・LP・EPのみの分をコレクションしてみました。 去年書いた「過去最高のスピードで世界中の音楽が聴けるようになった」のは、今年も継続中。 ただ、画面の中で自動的にレコメンドされるよりも、周りの友達に「これよかったよ〜」とか、「これ好きそう」とか教えてもらう方が、断然、うれしい。 ジャンルは相変わらずいろいろだけど、ジャズ的な要素が増えた気がする。(dublab.jpの影響か、原雅明さんの影響かしら、どうかしら) あと、今年はアルバム通して聴く機会が多かった、というか、その方がフィットしてた。もともとCDを買っていたときの感覚に戻ったようで、なんだかしみじみしちゃう。 そして、11月あたりからじんわりとミニマルハウス〜テクノに惹かれ中。シンプルがゆえに、好みを見つけるのがむずかしい、でも楽しい。新しい境地。 DJ MIXはほとんど聴かなかったなぁ。音楽の聴き方って、1年の間にこんなにも変わるものなのね。 dublab.jpでラジオ番組をはじめたことも大きいかな。 ありがとう、グッドバイ2019年。 2020年は、審美眼を磨きつつ、軽快に。生身の肌で感じたい。 *アルファベット順です *今年リリース以外のものも多くあります *Vanessa Paradis、Marlene Dietrichは常時アイコンなのではぶきます * - My ‘sweetest’ Favorite 2019 - ▽▼▽ ALBUM / LP / EP ▽▼▽ AFK & Bludwork / Loyalty N Service [100% Silk] Akira Rabelais / CXVI [Boomkat Editions] Alexis Le-Tan & Jess present / Space Oddities [Permanent Vacation] Amazondotcom / Mirror River [SUBREAL] Ambien Baby / En Transito [FATi Records] Ana Roxanne / ~~~ [Leaving Records] Anna Homler ‎/ Deliquium In C [Präsens Editionen] Archie Shepp, Jasper Van't Hof ‎/ Mama Rose [SteepleChase] Bartosz Kruczynski, Poly Chain / Pulses [Into The Light Records] Basil Kirchin / I Start Counting [Trunk Records] Basil Kirchin / Primitive London [Trunk Records] Black Boboi / Agate [BINDIVIDUAL] C.Tappin / Ashes to Ashes [Melting Pot Music] Charlie Haden & Pat Metheny / Beyond The Missouri Sky [Verve Records] Chihei Hatakeyama(畠山地平) / Void XIX [White Paddy Mountain] Chocolate Lips / Chocolate Lips [Sony Music] Derric Gobourne Jr. / Supremacy [P-Vine Records] Deweekend / Deweekend [OutOfStock] Dome / Dome 2 [Editions Mego] Eberhard Weber / Encore [ECM Records] Eleventeen Eston / Delta Horizon [Growing Bin Records] Emahoy Tsegué-Maryam Guèbrou / Ethiopiques, Vol. 21 [Buda Musique] Eric Serra ‎/ Le Grand Bleu (Bande Originale Du Film) [Virgin] G.S. Schray / First Appearance [Last Resort] Giovanni Guidi / Avec Le Temps [ECM Records] h hunt / Playing Piano for Dad [Tasty Morsels] Helena Deland ‎– Altogether Unaccompanied Vol. III [Luminelle Recordings] Holdie Gawn|Micawber ‎/ Gleech Huis|Parsec Telemetry [Sylphe] infinite bisous / Period [Tasty Morsels] Ion Ludwig / A Better Future To Long [Metereze] J!N /pink stm & wite ptl [Hizz] JAB / Erg Herbe [Shelter Press] Jacqueline Humbert & David Rosenboom / Daytime Viewing [Unseen Worlds] Jai Paul / Do You Love Her Now|He [XL Recordings] jan and naomi / Fracture [cutting edge] Jan Jelinek / Loop-Finding-Jazz-Records [~scape] Jeff Majors / Yoka Boka (For Us All) [Invisible City Editions] Joao Gilberto / Amoroso [Warner Bros. Records] Joe Tossini and Friends / Lady of Mine [Joe Tossini Music] Joseph Shabason / Anne, EP [Western Vinyl] Juan Hidalgo / Rrose Sélavy [Discos Transgénero] Kali Malone / The Sacrificial Code [iDEAL Recordings] Khotin / Beautiful You [Ghostly International] Kit Sebastian / Mantra Moderne [Mr Bongo] Leech / Data Horde [Peak Oil] Leonardo Marques / Early Bird [180g x Disk Union] Leonore Boulanger / Practice Chanter [Le Saule] Les Yeux Orange / Ghost Dog [Good Plus] Lifted / 2 [PAN] Liv.e / ::hoopdreams:: [Not On Label] Lloyd Miller / A Lifetime In Oriental Jazz [Jazzman] Loren Connors / Evangeline [Recital] Loving / Lately In Another Time [Last Gang Records] Lucas Arruda / Onda Nova [Favorite Recordings] Lunz / Lunz 3 [Curious Music] Mary Lattimore / Hundreds Of Days [Ghostly International] Mega Bog / Dolphine [Paradise Of Bachelors] Meitei(冥丁) / Komachi [Métron Records] melodiesinfonie / A Journey to You [JAKARTA] Molinaro / What The Future Was [Apron Records] Nadia Reid / Preservation [Basin Rock] Neu Balance / In My Life, I've Loved Them All [Budget Cuts] Nia Andrews / No Place Is Safe [rings] Nico Rico / Primitive Thinking EP [Not On Label] Nina Keith / MARANASATI 19111 [Grind Select] Nitai Hershkovits / Lemon the Moon [AGATE / Inpartmaint] Normal Brain / Lady Maid [Vanity Records] Olsen / Dream Operator [100%Silk] Operating Theatre / Miss Mauger [Allchival] Pejzaż / Pejzaż Remiksy [The Very Polish Cut-Outs] Powder / Powder In Space [Beats In Space Records] Priori & RAMZi / Jumanjí [FATi Records] Profit Prison ‎/ Six Strange Passions [Avant!] RAMZi / Multiquest Niveau 1: Camouflé [FATi Records] Regularfantasy /Sunsets & Sublets [Total Stasis] Repetentes 2008 / Galaxia Fini [Superconscious Records] Repetentes 2008 / Gelo Gerônimo [Gop Tun] RIP Swirl / 9TEEN90 [Public Possession] Robert Minden Ensemble / Long Journey Home [Otter Bay Recordings] Robert Minden Ensemble / The Boy Who Wanted To Talk To Whales [Otter Bay Recordings] Robert Minden Ensemble / Whisper in My Ear [Otter Bay Recordings] Robert Wyatt / Shleep [Domino] Rupert Clervaux / After Masterpieces [Whities] Santilli / Surface [Into The Light Records] Sarah Davachi / Pale Bloom [W.25th] Sebastian Gandera / Le Raccourci [Efficient Space] Simone De Kunovich / Mondo Nuovo Vol. 1 [Superconscious Records] Sipprell / I Could Be Loved [Sipprell] Sonia Sanchez / Full Moon Of Sonia [VIA International Artists] Sonny Sharrock / Black Woman [Vortex Records] Soundwalk Collective / What We Leave Behind | Jean-Luc Godard Archives [mAtter] Sparrows / Berries [flau] St. Joseph / Player Nr. 1 EP [Dokutoku Records] Stephen Steinbrink ‎/ Utopia Teased [Western Vinyl/Melodic Records] Takayuki Shiraishi / Missing Link [Studio Mule] Tamaryn / Dreaming The Dark [Dero Arcade] Teebs / Anicca [Brainfeeder] Teiji Ito / Music For Maya [Tzadik] The Caretaker / An empty bliss beyond this World [History Always Favours The Winners] Tim Hecker / Anoyo [Kranky] Tujiko Noriko / Kuro(OST) [PAN] Unknown Mobile / Daucile Moon [Pacific Rhythm] Vanishing Twin / The Age of Immunology [Fire Records] Various ‎/ I Am The Center (Private Issue New Age Music In America, 1950-1990) [Light In The Attic] Various / Visible & Invisible Persons Distributed In Space [Numero Group] Various / Wys! V&a Ep [WYS! Recordings] Various / زمان يا سكر = Zamaan Ya Sukkar - Exotic Love Songs And Instrumentals From The Egyptian 60’s [Radio Martiko] Various Artists / 4 Down [Deek Recordings] Various Artists / Turkish Hamam House Disco [Arsivplak] Viola Klein / A Passport And A Visa Stamped By The Holy Ghost [Meakusma] Violet / Togetherness [Togetherness] Voices In Latin / Voices In Latin [Morgan] Wilson Tanner / II [Efficient Space] Yasuaki Shimizu / Music For Commercials [Crammed Discs] Yohuna / Mirroring [fear of missing out records] Yoshiharu Takeda / Aspiration [METANESOS Records] Yoshinori Hayashi / γ [Smalltown Supersound] Zenit / Straight Ahead [P-Vine Records] 元ちとせ / 元唄 幽玄 ~元ちとせ 奄美シマ唄REMIX~ (Remixes) [Au(g)tunes] 孔雀眼 JADE EYES / 渴望 [香港商黑市音樂股份有限公司台灣分公司] ∞σ / DG Hadi [Hizz] ⣎⡇ꉺლ༽இ•̛)ྀ◞ ༎ຶ ༽ৣৢ؞ৢ؞ؖ ꉺლ / ⣎⡇ꉺლ༽இ•̛)ྀ◞ ༎ຶ ༽ৣৢ؞ৢ؞ؖ ꉺლのʅ͡͡͡͡͡͡͡͡͡͡͡(ƟӨ)ʃ͡͡͡͡͡͡͡͡͡͡ ꐑ(ཀ ඊູ ఠీੂ೧ູ࿃ूੂ✧ළඕั࿃ूੂ࿃ूੂੂ࿃ूੂළඕั✧ı̴̴̡ ̡̡͡|̲̲̲͡ ̲̲̲͡͡π̲̲͡͡ ɵੂ≢࿃ूੂ೧ູఠీੂ ඊູཀ ꐑ(ʅ͡͡͡͡͡͡͡͡͡͡͡(ƟӨ)ʃ͡͡͡͡͡͡͡͡͡͡ [༈೧ູ≢)ꐑʅ(Ɵↂↂ. l̡̡̡ ̡͌l̡*̡̡ ̴̡ı̴̴̡ ̡̡͡| ̲̲͡ π̲̲͡͡.̸̸̨̨ ఠీੂ)༼ू༈೧ູ࿃ूੂ༽(ଳծູ l̡̡̡ ̡͌l̡*̡̡ ̴̡ı̴̴̡ ̡̡͡| ̲̲͡ π̲̲͡͡ ɵੂ≢)_̴ı ̡͌ ̲|̡̡̡ ̡ ̴̡ı̴̡̡ ̡͌l̡̡̡ꐑ*:・✧(ཽ๑ඕัළඕั)ꐑʅ(Ɵↂ๑)✧*:・ı̴̴̡ ̡̡͡| ̲̲͡ π̲̲͡͡.̸̸̨̨ ఠీੂ)༼ू༈೧ູʅ(ƟӨ)ʃ ꐑ(ཀ ඊູ ఠీੂ)༼ू༈೧ູ࿃ूੂ༽(ଳծູɵੂ≢ↂ. l̡̡̡ ̡͌l̡*̡̡ ̴̡.]
▽▼▽ SONG ▽▼▽ Akis / New Age Rising (Part VIII) [Into The Light Records] Anatolian Weapons / Ofiodaimon (Tolouse Low Trax vs Anatolian Weapons Remix) [Beats In Space Records] Anna Karina / Pierrot Le Fou-Jamais Je Ne T'Ai Dit Que Je T'Aimerai Toujours (いつまでも愛するとは言わなかった) [Barclay] Baba Stiltz / Showtime [XL Recordings] Bartosz Kruczyński / Pastoral Sequences [Growing Bin Records] Beatrice Dillon / Workaround Two [PAN] Bee Gees / How Deep Is Your Love [RSO] Bell Biv DeVoe ‎/ Poison [MCA Records] Betonkust, Palmbomen II / Rejected Demo Tape [Dekmantel] Blue Gas / Shadows From Nowhere [Archeo / Best Record] Bobby Hutcherson / Tranquillity [Blue Note] Bohren & und Club of Gore - Karin [[PIAS] Recordings] Cécile McLorin Salvant / One Step Ahead [Mack Avenue Records] Cigarettes After Sex / Heavenly [Partisan Records] Cleaners From Venus / Corridor of Dreams [Man At The Off Licence] De Beren Gieren / Broensgebuzze 8.2 [Sdban Ultra] Dolphins Into The Future & Lieven Marten Moana / Lava (Long Version) [Edições Cn] DOS / Need U [Nerang Recordings] Dove, Le Makeup / Angel Diaries [Pure Voyage] Duval Timothy / DYE [NTS Radio] Eliza Dickson, Braxton Cook, Lauren Desberg / Gold [Tokyo Dawn Records] Emilie Levienaise-Farrouch / End Scene [130701 (FatCat Records)] Empress Of / When I’m With Him (Perfume Genius Cover) [Terrible Records] Fafá de Belém / Aconteceu Você [Som Livre] Gary Burton / Las Vegas Tango [Atlantic] Hanne Mjøen / Sounds Good To Me [Spinnin' Deep] Haruomi Hosono (細野晴臣) / 薔薇と野獣(New ver.) [Speedstar] Jay Som / Superbike [Lucky Number] John Cameron / Half-Forgotten Daydreams [KPM Music] John McLaughlin, Mahavishnu Orchestra / You Know, You Know [Columbia] Joni Mitchell / Shine [Hear Music] Karen Gwyer / Ian on Fire [Don't Be Afraid] Kelsey Lu / I’m Not In Love [Columbia] Klein Zage / Womanhood (DJ Python Remix) [Orphan Records] Kllo - Back To You [PLANCHA] Laurie Anderson, Tenzin Choegyal, Jesse Paris Smith / Lotus Born, No Need to Fear [Smithsonian Folkways] Laurie Spiegel / The Unquestioned Answer [Unseen Worlds] Leon Vynehall / I, Cavallo [Ninja Tune] Lucrecia Dalt / Tar (Jan Jelinek Remix) [Rvng Intl.] mabanua / Call on Me feat. Chara (Knxwledge Remix) [Lawson Entertainment] Madeline Kenney / Nick of Time [Not On Label] Marc Johnson, Eliane Elias / Swept Away [ECM Records] Marcella Bella / Nell'aria [CBS] Mary Lou Williams / It Ain’t Necessarily So [Jazzman] Matthew Halsall, The Gondwana Orchestra, Josephine Oniyama / Into Forever (feat. Josephine Oniyama) [Gondwana Records] Mehmet Aslan / Beat Two Chase [Highlife] Mehmet Aslan / Lobster Is Coincidence [Planisphere Music] Men I Trust / I Hope to Be Around [Men i Trust] Michael Andrews / I’m Not Following You [Everloving] millennium parade / Plankton [PERIMETRON] Murlo / Ferment (Yamaneko’s Flashback) [Coil Records] Noname / Self [Not On Label] Nusrat Fateh Ali Khan / Mustt Mustt (Massive Attack Remix) [‎Real World Records] O Terno / volta e meia [Risco] Octo Octa / I Need You [Technicolour] Ralph Tresvant / Sensitivity [MCA Records] Ratna Das / Rajuan Bulan [Rice Records] Roberto Musci / The Advent of Rose + Croix [Les Disques Victo] Ronald Langestraat / Lowdown [South of North] Salami Rose Joe Louis / Nostalgic Montage [Brainfeeder] Simon Hinter / Makros [Purveyor Underground] SKRS / Dub Shoulda Known [Ancient Monarchy] Smoke Trees / Man in the Moon [Urban Waves Records] Steve Hauschildt ‎/ Strands [Kranky] Tash Sultana / Salvation [Mom + Pop] Tei Shi / Even If It Hurts (feat. Blood Orange) [Downtown] The Golden Filter / Autonomy [4GN3S] Tyme./Tatsuya Yamada / Catch A Fire [astrollage] Unknown Mortal Orchestra / Hanoi 6 [Jagjaguwar] Will Saul / Room 9 [Aus Music] WONK / Sweeter, More Bitter [EPISTROPH] Yo La Tengo / Eight Candles [Verve Forecast] ギターウルフ / バッテラ惑星 [GuitarWolf Records] ちあきなおみ / 泣かせるぜ [TEICHIKU ENTERTAINMENT] んoon / Gum [Flake Sounds] 近田春夫 / 超冗談だから [Victor Entertainment] 佐藤千亜妃 / Lovin' You [EMI Records] 小沢健二 / 彗星 [Universal Music] 大貫妙子 / タンタンの冒険 [Dear Heart] 中原理恵 / ヒーローはあなた [CBS/Sony] 優河 / June [P-Vine Records] (Sandy) Alex G / So [Lucky Number] ▽▼▽ DJ / LIVE ▽▼▽ Sapphire Slows at SUPER DOMMUNE [28 Nov] Nia Andrews at Blue Note Tokyo [31 Oct] Julianna Barwick / Mary Lattimore / DJ Shhhhh at Shibuya WWW [1 Jul] Meakusma X dublab.jp at Shimokitazawa Cage LỒNG VÀ QUÁN [28 Apr] 東京楽所第12回定期公演「奉祝の雅楽」 at サントリーホール[2 Feb] 12月25日のdublab.jpの番組《In Every Second Dream》内で、一部楽曲をON AIRしたのでそちらも是非◎ アーカイヴはこちらから↓
愛を込めてxxx DJ Emerald
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brookstonalmanac · 4 years
Events 11.3
361 – Emperor Constantius II dies of a fever at Mopsuestia in Cilicia; on his deathbed he is baptised and declares his cousin Julian rightful successor. 644 – Umar ibn al-Khattab, the second Muslim caliph, is assassinated by a Persian slave in Medina. 1333 – The River Arno floods causing massive damage in Florence as recorded by the Florentine chronicler Giovanni Villani. 1468 – Liège is sacked by Charles I of Burgundy's troops. 1492 – Peace of Etaples between Henry VII of England and Charles VIII of France. 1493 – Christopher Columbus first sights the island of Dominica in the Caribbean Sea. 1534 – English Parliament passes the first Act of Supremacy, making King Henry VIII head of the Anglican Church, supplanting the pope and the Roman Catholic Church. 1783 – The American Continental Army is disbanded. 1793 – French playwright, journalist and feminist Olympe de Gouges is guillotined. 1812 – Napoleon's armies are defeated at the Battle of Vyazma. 1817 – The Bank of Montreal, Canada's oldest chartered bank, opens in Montreal. 1838 – The Times of India, the world's largest circulated English language daily broadsheet newspaper is founded as The Bombay Times and Journal of Commerce. 1848 – A greatly revised Dutch constitution, which transfers much authority from the king to his parliament and ministers, is proclaimed. 1867 – Giuseppe Garibaldi and his followers are defeated in the Battle of Mentana and fail to end the Pope's Temporal power in Rome (it would be achieved three years later). 1868 – John Willis Menard (R-Louisiana) was the first African American elected to the United States Congress. Because of an electoral challenge, he was never seated. 1881 – The Mapuche uprising of 1881 begins in Chile. 1898 – France withdraws its troops from Fashoda (now in Sudan), ending the Fashoda Incident. 1903 – With the encouragement of the United States, Panama separates from Colombia. 1908 – William Howard Taft is elected the 27th President of the United States. 1911 – Chevrolet officially enters the automobile market in competition with the Ford Model T. 1918 – The German Revolution of 1918–19 begins when 40,000 sailors take over the port in Kiel. 1929 – The Gwangju Student Independence Movement occurred. 1930 – Getúlio Vargas becomes Head of the Provisional Government in Brazil after a bloodless coup on October 24. 1932 – Panagis Tsaldaris becomes the 142nd Prime Minister of Greece. 1935 – George II of Greece regains his throne through a popular, though possibly fixed, plebiscite. 1936 – Franklin D. Roosevelt is re-elected President of the United States. 1942 – World War II: The Koli Point action begins during the Guadalcanal Campaign and ends on November 12. 1943 – World War II: Five hundred aircraft of the U.S. 8th Air Force devastate Wilhelmshaven harbor in Germany. 1944 – World War II: Two supreme commanders of the Slovak National Uprising, Generals Ján Golian and Rudolf Viest, are captured, tortured and later executed by German forces. 1946 – The Constitution of Japan is adopted through Emperor's assent. 1949 – Chinese Civil War: The Battle of Dengbu Island occurs. 1956 – Suez Crisis: The Khan Yunis killings by the Israel Defense Forces in Egyptian-controlled Gaza result in the deaths of 275 Palestinians. 1956 – Hungarian Revolution: A new Hungarian government is formed, in which many members of banned non-Communist parties participate. János Kádár and Ferenc Münnich form a counter-government in Moscow as Soviet troops prepare for the final assault. 1957 – Sputnik program: The Soviet Union launches Sputnik 2. On board is the first animal to enter orbit, a dog named Laika. 1960 – The land that would become the Great Swamp National Wildlife Refuge is established by an Act of Congress after a year-long legal battle that pitted local residents against Port Authority of New York and New Jersey officials wishing to turn the Great Swamp into a major regional airport for jet aircraft. 1964 – Lyndon B. Johnson is elected to a full term as U.S. president, winning 61% of the vote and 44 states, while Washington D.C. residents are able to vote in a presidential election for the first time, casting the majority of their votes for Lyndon Johnson. 1967 – Vietnam War: The Battle of Dak To begins. 1969 – Vietnam War: U.S. President Richard M. Nixon addresses the nation on television and radio, asking the "silent majority" to join him in solidarity on the Vietnam War effort and to support his policies. 1973 – Mariner program: NASA launches the Mariner 10 toward Mercury. On March 29, 1974, it becomes the first space probe to reach that planet. 1975 – Syed Nazrul Islam, A. H. M. Qamaruzzaman, Tajuddin Ahmad, and Muhammad Mansur Ali, Bangladeshi politicians and Sheikh Mujibur Rahman loyalists, are murdered in the Dhaka Central Jail. 1978 – Dominica gains its independence from the United Kingdom. 1979 – Greensboro massacre: Five members of the Communist Workers Party are shot dead and seven are wounded by a group of Klansmen and neo-Nazis during a "Death to the Klan" rally in Greensboro, North Carolina, United States. 1982 – The Salang Tunnel fire in Afghanistan by kills 150–2000 people. 1986 – Iran–Contra affair: The Lebanese magazine Ash-Shiraa reports that the United States has been secretly selling weapons to Iran in order to secure the release of seven American hostages held by pro-Iranian groups in Lebanon. 1986 – The Compact of Free Association becomes law, granting the Federated States of Micronesia and the Marshall Islands independence from the United States. 1988 – Sri Lankan Tamil mercenaries attempt to overthrow the Maldivian government. At President Maumoon Abdul Gayoom's request, the Indian military suppresses the rebellion within 24 hours. 1992 – Democratic Arkansas Governor Bill Clinton defeats Republican President George H. W. Bush and Independent candidate Ross Perot in the 1992 U.S. presidential election. 1996 – Abdullah Çatlı, leader of the Turkish ultranationalist organization Grey Wolves, dies in the Susurluk car crash, leading to the resignation of the Turkish Interior Minister, Mehmet Ağar (a leader of the True Path Party, DYP). 1997 – The United States imposes economic sanctions against Sudan in response to its human rights abuses of its own citizens and its material and political assistance to Islamic extremist groups across the Middle East and Eastern Africa. 2014 – One World Trade Center officially opens. It is the replacement for the World Trade Center Twin Towers, in New York City, after the towers were each destroyed by airplanes during the September 11 attacks.
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laceyspencer · 5 years
Juniper Publishers- Open Access Journal of Social Sciences & Management studies Juniper Publishers - Role of European Military Officers in the Army of Ranjit Singh: A Case Study of Its Training and Expeditions
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Authored by Ahmad Ali
The ascent of the Sikhs, as another power in Northern India, was not sudden, rather it was a continuous procedure extending admirably over the whole eighteenth century. Disobedience had not only shaken the Mughal Government but also ascended the full anger of imperial reprisal. Bhangi Sikhs, being utilized at the time in raiding and looking for assets, or in demanding tribute in Multan and Bahawalpur regions, failed to manage the cost of aid [1]. 
Numerous liberty Sardars, who had previously attached themselves to the Bhangi Misl, exchanged their services. Meanwhile, Abdali’s son, Timur Shah, pushed them from Multan and protected his colonies of Bahawalpur, Mankera and Sind from their violation. (Jafri) During this period, the British were able to intrude the undertakings of the Sikh Sardars of the Malwa and influence of Ranjit Singh[1].The whole goods, tributes, incomes, Rakhis and fines went into the state treasury and they were not disseminated among his officers.Along these lines, Ranjit Singh set up his own inconsequential Kingdom and sowed the seeds of the Sikh government and acquired his patrimony[1].
During the early days of his rule, Ranjit Singh needed to battle and stifle various chiefs to unite his kingdom. He crushed the Afghans and pushed them outside the Khyber, which is presently the Western border of Pakistan. The accomplishments of his army might be credited to its inspiration and a rich legacy[2].Ranjit Singh was totally valiant and a conceived trooper. Whenever, he found his officers and soldiers in a trouble in the battlefield or considered them unable to triumph over the adversary, he at once appeared on the scene and proceeded with his tempered sword and pushed the foe away from the combat zone. He was dauntless and extremely attached to hear the stories of valour[3].
Ranjit Singh, due to courage, valour and headship qualities, demonstrated keen concentration in employing the Hindus in his military. Undoubtedly, mostly subjugations, when he was struggling to launch his kingdom, were happening with them. He was assisted in his regional enlargement by them and raised him from the chief-ship to the Monarch of the Punjab. The European strategies, which had brought triumphs to the East India Company against the monarchs like Maharaja Sindhia, Tipu Sultan and Juswant Rao Holkar, could not retreat Ranjit’s consideration. Most of the Sikh army consisted of Katiyawand who originated their own horses and got a binary share of the prize[3].
The Maharaja observed the benefits in the rising of artillery and infantry units. He, in perspective of increasing infantry divisions, was eager for employing ex-sepoys of the Company. In 1809, when the British called a pause to Lahore Sarkar’s triumph about the Cis-Sutlej states, it induced him to train his military to check the proceeding of the British.Go to
Ranjit Singh And His Interest About The Expeditions
On the eve of Ranjit Singh’s intrusion, there were some autonomous empires, which had sorted out themselves under their tribal pioneers. These pioneers were the Pathans of Kasur, Chatthas of Rasulnagar, Sials of Jhang, Tiwanas of Shahpur and Baloch of Khushaband Awans of Sahiwal. Ultimately, these States, governed by the Pathans, were running on behalf of the king of Kabul. These were Multan, Dera Ghazi Khan, Mankera and Peshawar, Bahawalpur, Bannu, Tonk and Hazara. (Imperial Gazetteer of India, 1908) To unite and shape a unified political union of all the above narrow-minded chiefs, it was necessary to inspire them to form a cautious military organization against external attacks. (Imperial Gazetteer of India, 1908) A brief sketch of Ranjit’s victories, to defeat the Muslim tribes in the North and the central districts and acquisition of Multan, Kashmir, Peshawar and Derajat, has given below[4]
.Multan was ruled by an Afghan family, who was appointed as Nawabs in 1738, at the time of Nadir Shah’s invasion. The Mughal Government, which was very anxious to strengthen its distant provinces by a system of decentralization, was too weak to control it[4]. For the first time in 1802, Muzaffar Khan saw Ranjit Singh, who had marched from Lahore to Multan. After covering the distance of thirty miles, Nawab came out to meet him and the chiefs, having interchanged valuable presents, parted as very good friends[4].At that time, the area of Multan had prolonged its limits to the Chenab, Ravi and the Sutlej. Besides this, Muzaffargarh, Moradabad, Khangarh, Rangpur and Ghazanfargarhhad also been merged in Multan. While Lodhran, Kahror, Mailsi, Dunyapur and Kabula, though located on this side of the Sutlej and the Ravi, were excluded in Multan [5].The length of Multan region was 110 miles and the broadness was 70 miles[6].
A little area, close to the river, was rich, yet the remaining region was infertile and meagerly populated. During the Sikh political agitation, numerous towns were demolished. Total income of Multan was 500000 rupees, of which 250000 was settled at the tribute and paid routinely to the Afghan King[6]. Nawab’s army was comprised of 2000 men and 20 firearms, however the number could be increased in crisis by gathering 10000 to 12000 civilian army. Muzaffar Khan made adequate plans for the barrier of the Fort and the city. He developed a store for ammunition in the Fortress. He provided extraordinary consideration to the enlistment and the preparation of his officers. He was very kind to cavalry therefor, a noteworthy portion of his customary armed forces was comprised of cavalry [6].The Sikhs were hopeless because they could not assault Multan for over 6 years[7].
The reason was that Nawab Muzaffar Khan had set up sincere relations with all the conspicuous Muslims of India. He gave them donations and paid regard to everyone who came to his Kingdom since, he was aware of the whole political circumstances in Northern India[6].He had attempted to merge the Muslims of Multan, however, observing their shortcomings, he decided a constant battle to defend his State from the hostility of the Sikhs. He, with such an extraordinary certainty, began to govern in Multan that Timur Shah could not attack India after 1789 [6].When Timur Shah expanded the amount of revenue in Multan then he needed to gather the revenues with the cruelty which was disdained by his kin[6].Though, his government had to face non-stop battles, nonetheless, he focused his consideration for the betterment and improvement of his subjects. He founded Musan Hattion that road which leads from Multan to Dera Ghazi Khan [8].
He wished to construct a fortress, so, in 1794, the city and fort of Muzaffargarh was founded[8].The year 1801 saw many crucial incidents because Shah Zaman was ousted after 9 years disturbed rule in Afghanistan. His elder brother, Mahmud, was professed the King with the assist of the Barakzais. In India, Ranjit Singh succeeded in seizing a massive territory of the West Punjab. Nizam-ud-Din, the Nazim of Kasur, also proclaimed his supremacy. The family disputes of the Saddozais endorsed Ranjit Sigh to fulfil his terrible plans towards the Muslims of the Punjab and Multan[8].Due to this converting scenario, Nawab Muzaffar Khan also organized himself to obtain political advantages. Throughout the reign of Shah Mahmud, Afghanistan was certainly dominated through his Wazir Fateh Khan Barakzai. Nawab Muzaffar Khan also halted the yearly tribute to the Kabul. All above events inspired Ranjit Singh to attack on Multan. He was an imperialist and expansionist while the weaknesses and alarming situation of Afghans, the Saddozai chiefs and the Subedar of Multan provided him a golden opportunity to quench of his policy of expansionism.Ranjit Singh, a formidable Sikh chief, appeared in the scenario of the Punjab to make his State circumvallated by a sturdy border. 
He, initially, faced serious dangers to establish his splendid authority over some huge or small States located in the Southern parts of the Punjab. Multan, due to its socio-cultural resemblance and geographical cohesion, might be conquered by the aid of overseas strength so that a Sikh Kingdom could be established in the Punjab[9]. To Ranjit Singh, all was fair in expanding the maximum limitations of his State so, he used all fair and foul strategies to acquire his intention of expansion[9].Due to this converting scenario, Nawab Muzaffar Khan also organized himself to obtain political advantages. Throughout the reign of Shah Mahmud, Afghanistan was certainly dominated through his Wazir Fateh Khan Barakzai. Nawab Muzaffar Khan also halted the yearly tribute to the Kabul. All above events inspired Ranjit Singh to attack on Multan. 
He was an imperialist and expansionist while the weaknesses and alarming situation of Afghans, the Saddozai chiefs and the Subedar of Multan provided him a golden opportunity to quench of his policy of expansionism.Ranjit Singh, a formidable Sikh chief, appeared in the scenario of the Punjab to make his State circumvallated by a sturdy border. He, initially, faced serious dangers to establish his splendid authority over some huge or small States located in the Southern parts of the Punjab. Multan, due to its socio-cultural resemblance and geographical cohesion, might be conquered by the aid of overseas strength so that a Sikh Kingdom could be established in the Punjab[9]. To Ranjit Singh, all was fair in expanding the maximum limitations of his State so, he used all fair and foul strategies to acquire his intention of expansion[9].the Sikhs regime, was a part of the Mughal Empire. It, along with Sind, was generated by Ahmad Shah Abdali in 1757. In 1767, the Bhangi Misl made their first attempt to capture it, yet, in 1772, they were invited to intervene in a dispute for the governorship of Multan between Shuja Khan Saddozais and Haji Sharif Beg. They defeated the combined forces of Shuja Khan and the Nawab of Bahawalpur. The Bhangis, instead of giving the region to the host, detained the fort and proclaimed Multan as a Khalsa territory [11].
Their rule continued for seven years. In 1779, Timur Shah walked to Multan with a huge armed force and, after the siege of 40 days, constrained the Sikh battalion to empty it. (Griffin, The Punjab Chiefs: Historical and Biographical Notices of the Principal Families, 1890) He nominated Muzaffar Khan as Governor of Multan, who, from that point until his demise in 1818, involved in consistent conflict of arms with the Sikhs[4]. In the beginning of the nineteenth century, Abdali’s empire was demolished due to the civil war. Thus, the territory of Multan became the objective of Ranjit Singh’s expansionism[5].After the occupation of Lahore, Ranjit Singh had not only provoked the chiefs of other Misls but also the Nawab of Kasur to launch his expeditions of extension. Infrequently, he traced the course of an objective and thus, his expeditions expanded over several years. He went back and again going back and thus, recurring to his objective without observing to any constant time, he succeeded to capture Multan, Kashmir, Mankera and Peshawar.Go to
Multan On The Eve Of Ranjit Singh
The Province of Multan was 175kms long and 120kms wide. Four important rivers, the Indus, Ravi, Chenab and the Sutlej, ran through it. It was an antique and wealthy city which located on the East bank of the River Chenab in the mid of massive waste land. It was the most essential trading hub for caravans which entered from central Asia through the Bolan Pass. Many Victors adopted the Multan route to reach the heart of Hindustan [11].It was located on the edge of the rivers and was enclosed through a wall about five km in perimeter. The external side of this wall was sixteen meters high. The wall had plentiful towers and six gates. In 1808, Elphinstone Mountstuart, who toured the city, writes that: It was 6.5km from the river banks and was bounded by using a wall between 40 to 50 feet high. The country was productive, plane and had appropriate soil. Although, it had canals for irrigations, yet it was a nicely cultured country going to decline[12].
He also discovered that the government was demanding heavy taxes and insatiable anarchic troops indulging in every kind of exploitation. At that time, the military of the Nawab consisted of probable 2000 sturdy men with 20 guns, however 10000 militia could be called out at the time of disaster[12]. When Ranjit Singh’s military power was on expansion, he comprehended the capability of his armed forces so well that he liked to exercise the economy of exertion. He did not escape in the bombastic endeavours for wonderfulness like Napoleon in Russia. He, having a Guerilla approach, never delayed cancelling a military undertaking for one more day[9].He adopted the same tactic with Multan. He did not utilize the entire armed forces in a single effort because his policy was not to kill his effective enemy in a single stroke. However, he strokes at him until he grew as vulnerable as to submit voluntarily or to be defeated without loss of men, cash and material [13].
In 1802, he started an investigative campaign till Multan by passing Jhang, then in 1805, he compressed Jhang and endangered Multan[12].This was recurrent in 1807, 1810, 1816 and 1817. Lastly, in 1818, he took the control of Multan Fort and employed his own Governor to control it. It was noteworthy that the campaigns of 1802 and 1807 were mere initial evaluation. Their purpose was not to capture Multan. An extended campaign indicates the arrangement as well as the homework of the armed force which creates a specific courage. Jhang was situated on the East side of the River Chenab. It was 150 km North-East of Multan. By its distinctive feature and geographical location, it ruled the Doab among the Chenab and the Ravi[14].Similarly, the Sial leader of Jhang gave him the capacity to accumulate many unbalanced tribal to form a military which was dispatched to capture Jhang and Multan. In 1803, he dispatched his diplomats to Ahmad Khan, the chief of Jhang, and demanded praise as well as a promise of regular payment[14].When the negotiations ended with unclear promises, which Ranjit Singh was expecting, he issued the orders for the diminishing Jhang to his infantry battalions in unification with weaponry and Ghorcharas. The war continued till evening and the fatalities on each side had been very tremendous[15].
Ranjit Singh overwhelmed the city at night and lock down the transportation and infrastructures. The blockade continued for three days. When the Sial Chief realized himself isolated then he escaped to Multan with his family. His massive treasure was sent to Lahore while the rest was robbed by the soldiers. After that, Ranjit Singh advanced to attack the cities of Ouch, Sahiwal and Garh Maharaja[14].Their Muslim Chiefs were forced to pay currency and horses. Ahmad Khan Sial also advanced to present a tribute of 60000 rupees annually. His agreement was admitted and Ranjit Singh allowed him to go back to Jhang[14,15].In 1806, when Ranjit Singh was again on the way to Multan, Muzaffar Khan visited him at Mahtam which was situated 20 miles away in the North of Multan. Muzaffar Khan presented him costly gifts along with 70000 rupees. Ranjit Singh accepted the presents and returned to Lahore[4].
On his way back, he came to know about Holkar, who was crossing Sutlej to pursuit Ranjit Singh. Leaving his commander Fateh Singh, to acquire the tribute, and bring up the weapons and heavy luggage, he rushed to Amritsar[16].This was the first occasion when he met face to face with the English and the Marathas. Qutb-ud-din Khan, a Pathan chief in Kasur, was the best friend of the Nawab of Multan. In 1807, Ranjit weakened Kasur and forced its Nawab to confine to Mamdot. The same year, he captured Dipalpur and gave it as a Jagir to his son, Kharak Singh, and then advanced to Multan with a massive armed force. To save his territory, Muzaffar Khan was compelled to pay a tremendous payment. After this, Ranjit Singh went to Bahawalpur.The Nawab sent his Vakil to him and, after a friendly settlement, the Khalsa Armed forces vacated it[7].A dispute, amongst the British and Ranjit Singh over Cis- Sutlej states, was turning into battle clouds which was resolved in 1809 by the Treaty of Amritsar[6] After this treaty, he triumphed Kangra in 1810, and then met with Shah Shuja ul-Mulk, the exking of Kabul, near Khushab on February 3, 1810[14].
They negotiated to get Kashmir and Multan with the collaboration of the Sikh army[17].However, Shah Shuja was doubtful about the Sikh strategies and could not reach any accord with Ranjit Singh. Hasrat[14].Ranjit Singh made a pact of justification with Shah Shuja, who had genetic right over Multan, for giving a challenge to Muzaffar Khan because Ranjit Singh had dual purpose in his mind [12].First, it was an effort that if the Nawab of Multan abdicated Multan, he might be capable to keep him away from extended expedition for Multan. Secondly, as next activities will display, he will able to reap marvelous power by preserving his strategies over Khushab, Sahiwal and then Multan[14].Ranjit Singh marched to Sahiwal hastily, yet Fateh Khan, the Bloch chief, was not deceived and the Sikh armed forces saw him ready for a fight. Vakils were dispatched to dispel Fateh khan’s dreads and summon him to visit the Sikh court. But he, as a substitute, sent Lal Khan with wealthy gifts. Ranjit Singh accepted the gifts as per tradition and sent obvious gratification [14]
But after a few days, Ranjit Singh came back and attacked the fort, which completely amazed Fateh Khan and his subjects. The fort was seized and Fateh Khan, along with his relatives, left for Lahore [17].This incident ensured Zafar Khan, the chief of Khushab, that Ranjit Singh had not gone back. He retreated himself from Sahiwal and then seized Khushab[17].He had consequently attained a dual wonder. The Bloch chief should not have anticipated that he, after taking the presents, will go. The Sikh military also demanded tribute from Ouch and Bokhara[17]. Ranjit’s claim, to give up the province of Multan, had been rejected by Muzaffar Khan and had started precise arrangements for its protection[12].Muzaffar Khan stocked the citadel with water and foods for an extended siege. The Sikh military reached Multan on February 24, 1810 and took ownership of the capital on the next day[17].His arrival frightened the neighbouring Chiefs a lot. Muhammad Khan, the leader of Leia and Bhakkar, paid 120000 rupees for the safety of his territory whilst Sadiq Muhammad Khan, the Nawab of Bahawalpur, presented 100000 rupees. Nawab’s tribute was not accepted but compelled him to provide 500 sturdy horse regiment for the Sikh army to attack Multan[7] Ranjit Singh had paid full consideration to schedule and the groundwork of logistic facility. Widespread measures, by land and water from Lahore and Amritsar, were made and the entire means of the country were wholeheartedly hired for the military authorities[17].
Muzaffar Khan capitalized the fortress and the positions for placement of artillery weapons were explored cautiously to perform powerful fire. For the Musket shot, all the buildings of the citadel were levelled. Hurdles were fixed, and minor canals were run out to retard the operations of the besiegers[16]. Besides this, the positions of attacks were chosen. The excessive rewards were assured for those chiefs who might discriminate in this action. Ranjit Singh had brought Zamzama, the Bhangi Gun, from Lahore to hit the walls of the fortress[17].The remedy to withdrawal was undertaken, however, the besieged were countermined. A substantial weaponry bombardment was kept on for some days. A little arrangement, which was made to defend the fort, had intensified the fervor of the besieged[17]. The weapons, from the high walls of the fort, could hit the farthest area [11].The opponent fired at the Sikhs and killed Sardar Attar Singh Dhari along with twelve other Gunners.Ranjit Singh protested this strategy to the British government and required their help[12].Hasrat writes that:To counteract the Saddozai Nawab’s move, Ranjit Singh made a ludicrous proposal to the British Agent at Ludhiana for a joint conquest of Multan. The move for cooperation in the Sikh ambitions towards Multan was, however, rejected by Fort William[12]. In February 1811, the Maharaja reached PindDadan Khan as well as the territories between the Indus and the Jhelum, and then captured the strongholds[17].It was not difficult to guess that these actions of Ranjit Singh had generated apprehension in Kabul because the Sikh court had acquired the facts that Shah Muhammad, as the head of 12000 Afghan soldiers, had traversed the Indus. Ranjit Singh instantly advanced to Rawalpindi and took a position there[17].He sent Fakir Aziz-ud-din to Shah’s camp to discover his actual goals.Deceptively, the rapid reaction of Ranjit Singh compelled Shah Muhammad to undertake the reconci1iatry approach and Fakir Aziz-ud-din was informed that he had come to frighten the Afghan Governors of Attock and Kashmir, who had recently reinforced him[14].
Comforted with the respond and an affirmation from Sardar JeewanSingh, who had specified that the Shah and his troops were not threat to Lahore Durbar, Ranjit Singh reverted to Lahore [16].Under the supervision of Mohkam Chand, a part of the Sikh military was sent to subdue the areas between Multan and Majha[6].Desa Singh Majithia, with the resource of Artillery under the supervision of Ghous Khan, was directed to reach the fortress of Kotle and capture it.Meanwhile, Ranjit Singh engaged his Generals to fall the last autonomous chiefs and their forts so that they could be merged in the Punjab slowly and steadily.In September 1811, Mokham Chand detained the ownership of the FaizalpuriaMisl of Jalandhar, Phillaur, Patti and Hetpur. For his obvious services, he was appointed as a Diwan and a wealthy Khillat was granted to him. Moreover, a sword set in diamonds and an elephant with a golden Howdah had also granted him[17].In 1812, Kharak Singh married with Chand Kaur and Sir David Ochterlony was invited as a visitor. He came here with a galloper gun which Ranjit Singh had anticipated to look[18].The same year, Ranjit Singh wished to dispatch Diwan Mokham Chand to complete the investigation of Kashmir so that an expedition could be dispatched. Fateh Khan, the minister of Shah Mahmud of Kabul, suggested to send this expedition with him to conquer Kashmir. In 1813 at Haidaru, a battle was fought for Attock and then in 1814, Ranjit Singh made the primary strive on Kashmir[19].
In February 1816, the struggles for the subjugation of Multan were repeated. To acquire the tribute from Bahawalpur and Multan, an unbalanced assault was made on Multan. Phula Singh Akali, along with Diwan Bhawani Das, was dispatched to Multan, yet they agreed to withdraw on the price of 80000 rupees. Due to reversion with worthless tribute, Ranjit Singh eliminated Bhawani Das from the command of the troops and imposed a fine on him [12].In 1817, the army, under Diwan Chand and Ram Dayal, was once more dispatched to Multan which had also retreated with a price of 100000 rupees as tribute. After that, extra arrangements were set in. Troops were gathered in power and the transportation system, to provide arms and communicate with scattered army, was rationalized[12].When all these endeavors, to diminish Multan, were happening then Ranjit Singh seemed anxious with the collective approach about the assistance of Muzaffar Khan by the Afghan ruler. Consequently, he conveyed his troops to bring under oppression the heads of various districts. After a triumph or seize of a fortification, he treated the defeated with mercy and generosity[14].
The Sardars, who had been the pioneers of the few confederations which he over-tossed, were cut from fairness of respectable subjugation. Besides this, there was a huge gathering of Muhammadan Khans and nobles whom he carefully joined to his fortunes.The leaders of the Mussalman tribes of Sials, Ghebas, Tiwanas and Kharals were also merged in his group. So, by end of 1817, The Punjabis had isolated from the chain of those little States around Multan which were loyal to the Afghans[14].In January 1818, a military of 20000 men, with a variety of guns under Elahi Bakhsh,dispatched from Lahore for a crucial and conclusive warfare to carry Multan expedition to a successful cease. The selection of this time was the most appropriate because the Kabul authority was in a state of inadequacy and turmoil. Wazir Fateh Khan, the strongman, was concerned within the siege of Herat[19].From Kabul, no assistance could be predicted for Muzaffar Khan. Remarkable consideration was paid to logistics. Raj Kaur, mother of Kharak Singh, set up her camp at KotKamalia to supervise the movement of materials[19].All of the boats at the Ravi, the Jhelum and the Chenab were demanded to hold substances and stores for the troops. Preparations for postal stations between Lahore and Multan were made for quick verbal exchange of information.On the way, the Sikh military captured the forts of Khangarh and Muzaffargarh[19].
Nawab Muzaffar Khan was not unconscious of these vast scale arrangements and speculated that this time he would not have the capacity to purchase Lahore Durbar. Once again, he attempted to energize the Muslim farmers for a blessed war against the unbeliever and he arranged the city and fort for an extensive attack. He wanted to shield himself in three phases: in the farmland, in the city, and in the fortress. The main appointment was in the open place, where he furnished his Ghazis with swords and lances. For martyrdom, they looked for a reason to restrain troops outfitted with cannon. This fight continued just a single day and Muzaffar Khan pulled back the remainder of his forces behind the city walls[14].
The second phase started with Lahore troops that were encompassing the city and assaulting its walls. The guards held them for a couple of weeks. At the point when the city walls disintegrated, the protectors, to battle the third and last phase, withdrew into the fort. The citadel was encompassed by an extensive and profound ditch (canal). Although there was no water in the ditch. It was sufficiently wide to keep cannon at a sheltered distance from the walls and profound to make the job of miners exceptionally dangerous[14].For an entire month, Elahi Bakhsh’s batteries beat the enormous walls without creating any impression. March swung to April and the warmth got to be distinctly unendurable.The rainstorm was not far-removed. If the fortress, before the ditch was loaded with water, was not taken then it would never abdicate[14].The city was overcome by the Sikhs, yet the fortress suspended on for nearly four months. The harassed Afghan battalion counterattacked with impressive boldness and perseverance. The Sikh cannon made ruptures in the dense mud and brick walls of the fort which encompassed it, however the Ghazis soon topped them off. The bombardment demonstrated inadequate[12].In April, for the diminishment of the fortification, the Zamzama was stirred from Lahore to Multan in 12 days under Jamadar Khushal Singh. [12].
Till the second of June, the siege went on a whole day, the Zamzama fired four times and two vast breaks were made in the walls. While the guard’s energies were focused in hindering the harm of the crowd of Nihangs. Under the shelter of dusk, the Sikhs laid an excavation in another section of the walls.The following morning, a colossal portion of the fortification was blown sky high[14].Several attacks were made by the Sikhs and they, on one event, were rebuffed with the loss of 1800 men. The doors were blown in, yet the army raised behind them on which they battled hand to hand with the Sikhs. The guards of the fortification were finally decreased to a few hundred fighters and a large portion of which belonged to Muzaffar’s own family or tribe[14].The rest had been slaughtered because they had been intensely betrayed their lord and a lot of them were not able to oppose the temptation. Finally, on the second June, Sadhu Singh overtook with a few nervous devotees into the fortress and captured it by shocking the Afghans [14].
When the Sikh forces sighted this achievement, they proceeded to the attack and reached at the Khizri gate.The old Nawab, with his eight children and the rest army, stood with sword in hand and decided to battle until the demise. Thus, many the Sikhs fell beneath the sharp Afghan swords so, they stepped back and started shooting with match lock at the little party. The Afghan uttered a slogan “go ahead like men”. However, this was an invitation which did not accept by the Sikhs[14].The old Muzaffar Khan, along with his five sons, was martyred by the Sikhs while one son, Zulfiqar Khan, was seriously injured. Other two sons, Sarfraz Khan and Amir Beg Khan, were remained safe. Diwan Ram Dayal took Sarfraz Khan up on his elephant and gave him a great respect to take his own tent. A few of the battalions got away with their lives, and the entire city was given up looting. Besides this, the jurisdiction of Shujabad was decreased too and five guns were taken from it. After this, the walls of Multan were mended, and an army of six hundred men, being left in the fortress under the charge of Sardars Jodh Singh and Dal Singh, the Sikh armed forces came back to Lahore[15].Go to
Ranjit’s Army And Role Of European Military Officers
To support the altered tactics, it was essential to advance the artillery and infantry so that a harmonized fire from muskets and guns could break and halt a cavalry. However, the Sikh army had placed very slight confidence on artillery and nil on infantry. The foot warrior had only to protect the fortress. The Sikhs were so scorned for this arm that Ranjit Singh had to register Purbias and traitors from the East India Company to form a new infantry which could communicate the Sikh infantry[20].All this altered completely when he joined parades and granted substantial support and prizes to them[20].How famous it had become can be traced out from the table[20] (Table 1).It is said that each division contained on almost 800 men. He, with his vision and instinct in military elements, provided his solemn consideration to artillery. It was lucky for him that the Sikh soldiers did not have any sturdy hatred to artillery, as they had demonstrated at the time of registration of infantry[20].
Since 1822, he engaged several Europeans to train his soldiers and be able to form the guns. In artillery, Alexander Gardner and Galud August Court were the most obvious[20].Similarly, there were many swivels and guns in the Sikh artillery, of which detail has been provided below(Table 2).Artillery divisions consisted of Topkhana Jinsi, Gavi, Aspi and Hoboth. There were also the Zamburks and Ghumbaras[20].The quantity of guns in a Jinsi battery was 10-25 or more, whilst a horse battery had 6-10 pieces. DeraZamburakkhana consisted of about 60 swivels, yet, later on, their amount was reduced from 25 to 38. In Lahore, Ranjit Singh had a Foundry for forming the Guns. These guns were as good as utilized in the British armed force. It hesitated in our mind that the art of making the guns was innovative in the Punjab in the early 19thcentury [20]according to Barr.
The two guns on the right side of the battalion were six pounders and were the similar that William Bentinck had offered to Ranjit Singh. The remaining were formed by himself and seemed nearly equal. They were very decent, and all the blast was shaped of beaten iron whilst the price of each was one rupee. Many of the ammunitions was collected with pewter, which he stated to us well. The men costume was approximately like the British artillery, but without helmets. They used to fasten red turbans which hang down to shelter the rear and cross belts; and a black leather cover with lengthy boots; black waist and black leather muffler.Go to
How Much He Succeeded In Training Of His Army, Lafont Demonstrated It In These Words
All the noblemen went at day interval to Ranjit’s assessment andreturned rather embarrassed. He had approximately numerous troops. They were relatively as well-organized rather healthier dressed, repeated the equal armed movements and some others more complex and in brief, nobody identifies what to say about it, so that they say nothing but that they are sure the Sikhs would retreat in a real combat[21].Ranjit Singh exhibited his insightful sense in restructuring his cavalry. Most of the Sikhs was basically soldiering, and he saw no maltreatment among them to join his soldierly service. He kept his military in Ghorcharas as well as the consistent cavalry [20].The troops of the Sardars of Kanhia and NakkaiMisls were fascinated into the groups, which were controlled by the princes Sher Singh and Kharak Singh respectively. [20].
Though there was no fixed structure of regimentation in the grades of the Deras, yet some executive positions of the regular units, like Commander-in- Chief and Major, had been fascinated. To develop management and control in combat, the minor Deras were kept together and were positioned under the charge of an officer[20].The Jagirdari cavalry was sustained on the feudal norm where each Jagirdar had to provide a definite number of wellresourced troops. Their number was resolute by the worth of their own Jagirs. These troops were staying on their Jagirs and each Jagirdar was bound to submit a vivid enrollment of all the figures of his dependent. The exercise of labeling the horses was familiarized and had to present them every year on the day of the Doosehra anniversary. A harsh assembly used to hold by Ranjit Singh in which the attendance of every person, from the highest officer to the usual soldier, was mandatory[20].Any breach of the principles resulted in instant chastisement.After the decline of Napoleon, two French officers, Captain Allard and Ventura, joined the Maharaja’s service in 1822. They were to be wellorganized on the similar lines as was the example of a cavalry unit in Europe[22].
After examining the first qualified units, Ranjit Singh contented that the foreign officers would produce outcomes if they were granted large salaries.Ranjit Singh had 52 European in his army such as English, Russian, Spanish, Greek, German, French and Austrian. Sixteen were French, in which General Ventura and General Allard were distinguished. These two were accountable for making Fauj-e-Khas which had completed many fruitful campaigns[21].Its noteworthy characteristics were to be ready for travelling at two days’ notice with all its apparatuses at thrilling speed. Allard’s Brigade contained on 3 regiments, while Ventura’s on 5 divisions[21].Two others French Officers, Avitabile and Court, also joined Ranjit Singh’s armed service. The Court was assigned the obligation to develop the artillery division. By 1830, the Maharaja had three developed and fullfledged Brigades[21].In 1833, Ranjit Singh ordered to restructure his entire regular military on the pattern of Fauj-e-Khas. Observing such happenings, the British ordered their mediators to be attentive and detained any French military officer connected with the Maharaja’s army[23]. Ventura and Allard had introduced the system of officers “En pied” and “Ala Suit” which had been introduced long ago in the French armed forces.Thus, the brigade, whatsoever loss of officers, may survive in the field[23-25].Due to these well-organized battalions, nothing could be measured in any field of life in the Punjab. At Ferozshah in 1846, these skilled battalions and brigades were handed over to the British armed forces. This was the only tragedy which they ever experienced[21].
0 notes
isiyasy · 5 years
Wiladat Anniversary of 10th Imam Ali an-Naqi (A.S.)
Birth Imam Ali un-Naqi (A.S.) known as Hazrat Hadi was born in the mid of ZilHajj, 212 Hijrah in the vicinity of Madina, at a place known as Surya. His father is Imam Jawad (A.S.) his mother Samana was a maid with excellence, virtue and piety. Imam (A.S.) got the post of Imamate after the martyrdom of his father in the year 220 Hijrah.
Although he was not more than 8 years of age, yet he was the focus of the attention of Shias and the Abbasade caliphs were extremely scared and afraid of him. They set their hand to his exile and torture. Such as "Mutawakkil" brought Imam (A.S.) from Madina to Samarra and he stayed then till the end of his life. The Special Moral Features of Imam (A.S.) Imam (A.S.) was unique in asceticism, devotion and prayers. So that, when the agents and officials of Mutawakkil attacked his house, they saw him busy praying in a simple room.
He had a great attachment and affiliation with the holy Quran. Whenever he was free from the works of the people he would recite Quran. He conducted people with smiling and bloomed face and when he walked he took slow steps. He attended and helped the afflicted ones. Sometimes, he would grant up to thirty thousand dinnars to the have nots, needy and problem stricken people.
So that when "Mutawakkil" sent thirty thousand dinnars for him he gave all of it to a needy and poor Arab. The mother of "Mutawakkil" had become enamored and fascinated by the devotion and asceticism and faith of Imam Hadi (A.S.). On the day when Mutawakkil fell ill, his foot was injured and the physicians got unable and helpless regarding his treatment. His mother sent "Fatah bin Khaqan" to Imam's (A.S.) house to request him for a medicine. Imam (A.S.) recommended a medicine to him by which Mutawakkil was treated and cured and all the physicians were astonished at it. His mother send a thousand dinars as a gratitude in connection with his being cure. He distributed all of that money among the afflicted ones.
Imam's (A.S.) Attends the Distressed
Once "Younas Naqqash" came terrified and trembling to see Imam (A.S.) and said, "Oh the son of the Prophet (P.B.U.H.) I am at the verge and threshold of death, you help my family." Imam (A.S.) asked him as to what was the matter. He said so, "one of the courtiers of Abbasade caliphate has given me a gem to engrave a design upon it. During the work, the gem broke into two pieces. Tomorrow, he will send someone to collect the gem. If he comes to know about the matter he will kill me." Imam (A.S.) bent his head downward then he raised it saying, "I prayed for you, be satisfied no harm will reach you from him, instead, this work will end to your benefit. Get up and go you will face no trouble tomorrow." The next day Younas moved towards the house of that man with trembling legs along with one of the officials deputed.
Not very long afterwards, the owner of the house arrived and said, "Oh younas it was settled that you engrave a design over that gem but two of my daughters have a conflict upon this gem." If it is possible, break the gem into two pieces, and engrave the design on each of the two parts of it. I will give you a reward too, for that, Younas said, "Permit me to think about this matter." He came out of that place and returned happily to Imam (A.S.) and expressed his gratitude and thankfulness over the kindness he had shown to him.
The Hardest Period
The continuation of combat and opposition of Imams (A.S.) to the tyrants and the brutal rulers is one of the pride and passions of the history of Islam and Shiite school. They, by their un-comprising attitude toward tyranny and siding with the poor and desperate flared up the anger of the tyrants and cruel to the extent that they deprived them off their sleep and comfort.
Although Imam's (A.S.) period of life was coincident with seven of the Abbasade Caliphs, yet the hardest and toughest period of his life as that of the caliphate of "Mutawakkil" because he was a fame fan, wicked and faithless person. If he posed to be religious that was only in view of promoting his political causes. In the year 226 Hijrah, Mutawakkil ordered that the grave of Imam Hussain (A.S.) be washed away by diverting (river) water and the place be ploughed for agriculture so that people may be deprived of the visiting the martyrs of Karbala.
Mutawakkil knew pretty well that each of these graves was a strong fortress against him, which continuously attracts the self-sacrificing and devoted soldiers, and heart burnt lovers from all over the world towards itself. So far so, that Mohammad Ibn-e-Idrees, one of the scholars sided by Mutawakkil. He instigated people to ask the solution to their (religious) problems from Mutawakkil so that they may gradually take distance from the family of Ali (A.S.).
Following the terrible crime of martyring the Imam (A.S.) Mutawakkil never had peace of mind and remained continuously sad and gloomy till the Turks killed him.
Imam (A.S.) and Unseen Aids
One day one of the flatterer and glib tongued person said to 'Mutawakkil', "Why do you command your court offices to honor Imam, and when he arrives they must raise the curtains and open the doors for him.
This itself is against your conduct. Let Imam (A.S.) come and go like the rest of the people so that he looses his worth in the eyes of people." Mutawakkil agreed to his demand and ordered his officials not to hold the curtains and open the doors while Imam (A.S.) comes or leaves. One day, one of his servants came rushing to him and said: "Imam (A.S.) is coming and to whichever part of the court he arrives, the doors open and curtains are drawn automatically.
This thing attracted the attention of all and if this continues on the superiority and supremacy of Imam (A.S.) will become clear and evident to all, thus your government will be endangered. Mutawakkil at once ordered that the officials must adopt the previous conduct with Imam (A.S.) and honor him more than ever.
Martyrdom Due to Truthfulness
One day Mutawakkil asked Ibn-e-Sikkit the tutor of his sons, "Do you love my sons more than you love the sons of the Prophet (P.B.U.H.)." He at once answered with valor and bravely, "I love Qambar the slave of Ali (A.S.) more than I love your sons." Mutawakkil was enraged and furious like an injured wolf and ordered that the tongue of this man be extracted and pulled out of the back of his head (neck) and so that great man died at the age of 58 years.
Mutawakkil Pressurizes the Family of Ali (A.S.)
Mutawakkil got famous and well known for his extravagant and lavish expenditure and misusing people's wealth so that he spent one million and seven hundred golden dinars for building a strong fortress which is present to this date in Samarra. With all these extravagances and plundering people's wealth he was so very strict in his behavior with the sons of the Prophet (P.B.U.H.).
So that the daughters of the Prophet (P.B.U.H.) led their lives by yarn spinning in Madina and did not even have a pair of new dress to wear. Mutawakkil had a bad and ill conduct with the sons of the Prophet (P.B.U.H.). He got friendly with the enemies of Ali (A.S.) and gave them money to make fun of Ali (A.S.) and his family such as he was always accompanied by a stooge who cut jokes and made fun of Ali (A.S.) and made him laugh. He would laugh loudly and lunatic ally.
The rigid, tough and harmful attitude of Mutawakkil regarding sons of Ali (A.S.) went to the extent that he wrote to the governor of Madina, "whosoever wishes to help the family of Ali (A.S.) or visits them, punish him severely." Mutawakkil banished the Imam (A.S.) through one of his officials from Madina to Samarra in the year 243 Hijrah. He accommodated him along with his son Imam Hassan Askari (A.S.) in a military camp near his palace. And kept him under observation till the end of (Imam) life.
This is the very reason why Imam (A.S.) got known by the title of Askari, became Askar means army or military.
Imam's (A.S.) Knowledge Status
Since the knowledge of Imam Hadi (A.S.) originated from the Prophetic school thus the light of knowledge shone over his heart and made him aware of the secret of creation.
1. One day, the emperor of Rome wrote to one of the caliphs of Bani Abbas, "We have read in Bible that there is one Surah (Chapter) of the heavenly Surahs, which if read by anyone and practiced upon it's content God will not send that person to the Hell. You write me as to which one is that Surah? Because we did not find it in Bible." The Abbasade Caliph gathered all the wise men and asked them the question and all of them failed to answer it.
The Caliph summoned Imam Hadi (A.S.) and put to him that question Imam (A.S.) opened his lips for the reply and said, "That surah is Surah "Hamd" which every Muslim recites a number of times in his prayers at day and night time." Then Imam (A.S.) gave some explanations about it, which surprised and astonished all the wise men. The answer of Imam (A.S.) was sent to the emperor of Rome who, having read it, was much pleased and embraced Islam.
2. "Yahya bin Aqsam" who was one of the wise men of Mamoon's age and the caliphs afterwards asked Imam (A.S.) many questions through a letter which were replied by him. The questions of Yahya and the response given by Imam (A.S.) are as under: 
Question No.1. When "Sulayman (A.S.)" demanded the throne of queen "Bilqees" of "Sheba" his minister "Asif Barkhia" said, "I can bring the throne for you in the time of winking of an eye" why did Sulayman (Solomon) (A.S.) himself not do that? Did he himself not have the knowledge? Answer: Whatever Asif did was through Sulayman (A.S.) and he had received his wisdom and knowledge from him since, Sulayman was a Prophet he had the capacity and power to perform all these works. But because of it, that he wanted to introduce his successor to the people and make them aware of his station he assigned him this work.
Question No.2. On the basis of Quranic version when Yaqoob (Jacob) (A.S.) went to Kanaan along with his sons to see Yousuf (A.S.) all fell down into prostration before Yousuf (Joseph) (A.S.). Why did a Prophet like Yaqoob (A.S.) performed prostration for Yousuf (A.S.). Whereas, prostration is specified only for God? Answer: This prostration was not for Vousuf (A.S.) but as a thanks giving to God, just like the prostration of the angels for Adam (A.S.) even though, they did not perform it for Adam (A.S.), but prostration to God as a gratitude and thankfulness, regarding this creation, to Him.
Question No.3. Based upon the Quran's narration, if the edibles and beverages of Paradise are for the sake of pleasure then, why was Adam (A.S.) forbidden to eat the grapes and was expelled from Paradise? Answer. As God wanted to try and test Adam (A.S.), He commanded him not to obey his wife Hawwa (Eve) (A.S.) and not to eat from that tree. But he opposed it and as a result he was ousted from the haven.
Question No.4. Why did Ali (A.S.) order his men in the battle of Jamal (Camel) to chase and bring into effect the pursuit of only "the warriors" and not to kill those who ran away, or were not armed, or injured? But in the Siffeen battle he ordered to kill them all, whether armed or unarmed, injured or uninjured, whomsoever they found and laid hands upon. Why was this difference in the order? Answer: Since, the battle of Jamal was a battle of Islam verses Islam and a battle between a deceived Muslim against another Muslim but the battle of Siffeen was a battle of infidels against Islam. 
It was a combat between Muslim appearing infidels and the real Islam. The next day Yahyah bin Aksam asked all the wise men present in the assembly of Haroon: When Adam (A.S.) went to perform Hajj and visit the house of God, who shaved his head off? All of them were unable to give an answer to him. Then they put question to Imam Hadi (A.S.). He said, "Gabriel the angel of God." Yahyah took pleasure and enjoyed the answers of Imam (A.S.) and admitted to the knowledge station of Imam (A.S.) in the presence of all.
The Imam's (A.S.) News about the unseen
People observed from lmam Hadi (A.S.) due to his connection with God and the unseen world, works which were considered to be the specimen of God's might and power. One of the friends of Imam (A.S.) traveled from Iraq to Madina and had the honor to visit Imam (A.S.). Imam (A.S.) enquired from him the condition of Al-Wasiq the Abbasade caliph and he replied, "when I left Iraq he was fit and fine, and Mutawakkil was in prison and Ibn-e-Zayyat had become famous and well known among the people. Imam (A.S.) after a moment's silence said, "That which is God's will, shall take place, and there is no way to stop his orders and commands. Oh my friend be aware that Wasiq has passed away and Mutawakkil has succeeded him and Ibn-e-Ziyyat has been slain upon the behest of Mutawakkil."
I asked, "When was it?" He said, "Six days after you moved out of Baghdad."
Imam's (A.S.) Judgment
In the age of Mutawakkil regime a lady claimed that she was Zainub the daughter of Fatima. He said, "Many long years have passed since that period when Zainub lived and you are quite young." She replied, "Yes, but the Prophet (P.B.U.H.) drew his hand upon my head and prayed for me to remain young for ever. As such, after every forty years I turn back to become young." Mutawakkil called upon all the wise men to visit him and enquired from them, "What do you say about the claim of this women" All of them said, "she tells a lie." 
Mutawakkil said, "I know that she is lying, but what proof and logic do you have to condemn her." They said, "We do not know, Imam Hadi (A.S.) should solve this problem." Mutawakkil at once summoned Imam (A.S.) and told him about that matter.
Imam (A.S.) said, "send her to the cage of the lions, if she is telling the truth, because the beasts do not molest the children of Fatimah (S.A.) and do not eat their flesh. Mutawakkil said to the woman, "what do you say?" She said, "This man wishes that I may be killed. If he is right then let him do it himself." Mutawakkil said, "she is right, you must do it first yourself." Imam (A.S.) replied, "There is no hurdle to it" He went to the lions in the cage and sat among them. All observed with amazement, that the lions sat very respectfully before the Imam (A.S.) and sometimes caressed themselves against his body and he caressed their bodies with his hand, affectionately. When Imam (A.S.) ordered that they might move to a corner, all of them crept to a nook. Then Imam (A.S.) came out of the cage and went to Mutawakkil and said, "Oh woman now it is your turn." The woman started crying and begging saying, "I told a lie, I am the daughter of such and such man, and wanted to play a trick and a hoax but it did not work."
Imam (A.S.) in Mutawakkil's Assembly
Mutawakkil, who was a self conceited and egoist Abbasade caliph, was much annoyed about the attention of the people focused upon Hadi (A.S.) and was all the time immersed in the thought of annihilating Imam (A.S.). One day, he was informed that Imam (A.S.) wanted to bring about a revolt and has gathered money and weapons, for this purpose, in his house. Mutawakkil ordered the officials to attack and break into the house of Imam (A.S.) at midnight and search it and whatever money and weapons are discovered be brought to him along with the Imam (A.S.).
Mutawakkil had arranged a merry making party in his palace for his own relaxation and amusement and the musician played music and the singers sang sons for him. He was counting moments and waiting anxiously for Imam to be showed in. The agents and officials climbed the roof from the backside of the Imam's (A.S.) house and break into it. They found Imam (A.S.) busy in offering his prayers in a room. 
Howsoever, they searched the rooms but could not find anything except a certain amount of money and one sword. They picked these up and presented to Mutawakkil along with the Imam (A.S.). When Imam (A.S.) arrived Mutawakkil seated him beside himself and presented the dirty drink (wine) to him and asked him to take it. Imam (A.S.) said, "By Lord, I shall never at all touch my lips with it." Mutawakkil who was intoxicated and did not have attention towards anything turned his face to Imam (A.S.) and said, "Thus you must recite some poem (rhymes) for me." Hazrat Imam (A.S.) said, "I do not know any of them except for a number of them, which are left over as a monument of my grandfather Ali (A.S.)." Mutawakkil said, "Recite that" Imam (A.S.) recited the rhymes, of his forefather Ali (A.S.), which were striking and awareness creating. A tempest took shape in his interior. So that he came to his senses, out of intoxication. He wept and ordered that Imam (A.S.) may be sent back to his house respectfully.
The money, which was brought from his house, may be returned with sane addition to it.
The Translation of the rhymes is as under:
1. They made the high peaks, their residence, and permanently and always, stationed armed guards to watch that. But none of them could stop the death from approaching them.
2. Finally and consequently, they were dragged from their grand palaces into the ditches of graves and with how unfortunately they arrived it.
3. At this time, the voice of the caller of God raised which said, "Where did those decorations, crowns, magnanimity and ostentation and grandeur go?" Where did those faces brought up in coquetry and endearment and which were nurtured upon the wealth of others, and showed their pride and mincing air to them, go.
4. The grave made them anonymous and their faces turned into the fields of attacks of the insects and worms.
5. One day they ate and drank whatever they desired, without any care but today they have themselves become food of the animals. The rhymes, which were totally admonitions and advices, hammered the brain of Mutawakkil, and made him so ecstasies that he was awakened from the deep slumber and threw his cup of wine upon the earth and his eyes shed tears like it was raining.
Imam's (A.S.) Martyrdom
After the tyrant caliph Mutawakkl's death Imam (A.S.) was still in agony, pain and discomfort till the time he was martyred by "Mutaz" at the age of 42 and was buried in the land of Samarrah.
The Pupils of Imam (A.S.)
Although Imam (A.S.) was strictly under observation and he was being put under vigilance from all aspects but a group of his lovers, enthusiastic and amorous lovers of the spring of his knowledge contacted him confidentially and secretly and used to quench their thirst from that spring up to their utmost means. Some of his friends were:
1. Abdul Azim Hasani: He was one of the great and wise men of his age and was much renowned for his piety. Imam Hadi (A.S.) would usually say to his friends "whenever a difficulty crops up for you ask Abdul Azim and convey my Salam and Salutation to him." Once, he put forward his beliefs before Imam (A.S.). Imam (A.S.) said, "By Cod, these are the same beliefs which God has liked (approved) for His slaves."
This son of Imam (A.S.) was pursued and followed up very strictly and severely and concealed himself in the city of Rai and sometimes he came to visit the grave of Hamza, which is situated near his own. After sometime he fell ill and passed away and was buried at the same place.
2. Hasan Ibn-e-Saeed Ahwazi: Who was one of the friends of Imam Reza (A.S.), Imam Jawad (A.S.) and Imam Hadi (A.S.) and narrated traditions from all of them, lived in the beginning in Kufa then he left along with his brothers for Ahwaz and from there he shifted to Qum. He died over there. He authored about 30 books regarding Jurisprudence and the Islamic ethics and morality. The wise men accept the tradition narrated by him. Allamah Majlisi and Allamah Hilli had mentioned him with great respect and held him in high esteem.
3. Fazl bin Shazan Nishapuri: He was an informed, knowledgeable and strong jurisprudent and orator. He always had confabulation with the friends of Imam (A.S.) and benefited from them. He himself is considered one of the companions of Imam Hadi (A.S.). He wrote a large number of books, which attracted the attention of the wise men. Some of them say he wrote as many as a hundred and eighty books.
Following the demise of Imam Hadi (A.S.), he became a part of the companions of Imam Hassan Askari (A.S.). One day, when he visited Imam's (A.S.) assembly, he praised and recommended him to the people of Khorrasan so that they may get benefited from his books. Since he was pursued on account of his being a Shia, he traveled to Behaq and after a period he became ill and died in the age of Imam Askari (A.S.). Brief Sayings of Imam (A.S.)
1. The one who spends his life in refuge of God, world's discomforts will become easy for him.
2. The one who carelessly commits sin and throws away the curtain of modesty, God will make him ignanimous, desperate and wretched.
3. The one who does not counsel with others in his matters will be harmed.
4. World is a bazaar in which one group makes benefit and the other faces loss.
5. Cutting jokes and mockery is the activity and enjoyment and amusement of foolish ones.
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Special Report: In a hospital ward in Yemen, the collapse of a nation
ADEN (Reuters) – Nahla Arishi, chief pediatrician at the al-Sadaqa hospital in this Yemeni port city, had not seen diphtheria in her 20-year career. Then, late last month, a three-year-old girl with high fever was rushed to Arishi’s ward. Her neck was swollen, and she gasped for air through a lump of tissue in her throat. Eight days later, she died.
Soon after, a 10-month-old boy with similar symptoms died less than 24 hours after arriving at the hospital.
Two five-year-old cousins were admitted; only one survived.
A 45-day-old boy, his neck swollen and bruised, lasted a few hours. His last breath was through an oxygen mask.
One morning in early December, 16-month-old Sameh arrived at the hospital carried by his aunt and delirious with fever. Arishi immediately recognized a new case of diphtheria. “Put on your mask,” she ordered the aunt.
Sameh’s father, a fighter in Yemen’s three-year war, rushed in, grabbed his son, yanked off the baby’s shoes and threw them on the floor. “Sameh is the light of the house,” he wailed, feeling the boy’s feverish brow and body.
This is the emergency ward to a nation. After three years of warfare, cholera and hunger, Yemen faces a new battle: In the past four months, doctors across the country have recorded at least 380 cases of diphtheria, a bacterial disease that last appeared here in 1992.
Arishi, like her country around her, is struggling to cope. Every month, she and her team drip-feed dozens of Yemen’s half a million severely malnourished children. Her ward has also treated hundreds of the one million people infected by cholera.
This spring, Arishi and her colleagues reopened an abandoned wing of al-Sadaqa hospital, fenced it with chicken wire and created a makeshift cholera treatment center. Now, they are converting part of that center into a diphtheria ward, cordoning off isolation units by barring hallway doors.
But with rusty oxygen tanks and only two functional ventilators in a different part of the hospital – and with the expectation that the cholera epidemic will worsen in coming months — her triage upon triage is no longer working.
“We’re getting more patients but we can’t deal with them. We don’t have supplies. We don’t have money,” said Arishi, “This war has got to end.”
For the past three years, Yemen has been the combat zone of a struggle for regional supremacy between Saudi Arabia and Iran. Riyadh and some of its Arab allies jumped into Yemen’s civil war in 2015 to help quell an uprising by the Houthis, an Islamic political-religious movement backed by Iran. In addition to airstrikes, Riyadh – with U.S. and U.N. backing – has positioned ships in Yemeni waters as a way to stop arms reaching Houthi militia.
But the blockade has ended up isolating a country that was already the poorest in the Middle East. Vital provisions – food, medicine, fuel, medical equipment, batteries, solar panels and more – are not getting through. Humanitarian shipments of food and medicine have mostly been allowed into the country. Yet Saudi-led forces have severely delayed aid shipments or closed ports outright, especially in northern Yemen where fighting and the humanitarian crisis are most acute.
The war and blockade have also thwarted Yemen’s vaccination programs.
Seven years ago, 80 percent of children were fully immunized with three doses of diphtheria, whooping cough and tetanus vaccine, or DTP as the combined shot is called, according to Zaher Sahloul, a critical-care specialist who cofounded a nonprofit called MedGlobal. Now, he says, that has dropped to 60 percent.
Poor record keeping means there are discrepancies in data related to vaccine coverage. Yemen’s Ministry of Health says 85 percent of Yemeni children have been immunized against diphtheria, whooping cough, tetanus, Hepatitis B and bacterial influenza since the beginning of the conflict, a mere two percentage point drop from pre-war years.
In late November, the U.N.’s World Health Organization (WHO) sent a shipment of diphtheria antitoxins – designed to treat those already infected – and vaccines to the capital Sanaa. The vaccines were delayed by the Saudi blockade for a week, the WHO said.
In July, the Geneva-based International Coordinating Group on Vaccine Provision earmarked a million cholera vaccines for Yemen. An initial shipment of 500,000 doses was sent to the African Horn country of Djibouti, and was ready to send on to Sanaa. But the WHO and local authorities in Sanaa decided together to scrap the vaccination plan, citing logistical and technical issues.
“Yemen needs a Marshall Plan,” said Sahloul, who was visiting al-Sadaqa’s treatment center in December. “It is difficult to foresee an optimistic scenario if the current conditions persist,” he said.
Arishi began her medical career in the mid-1990s after Yemen unified following years of conflict between communist and pro-western forces. She joined the al-Sadaqa hospital, which was built in the 1980s with funds from the Soviet Union.
In her two decades at the hospital’s pediatric ward, Arishi has seen Yemen slowly come apart again. Even in the mid 2000s, the country faced widespread hunger because of rising food prices. The feeding center of al-Sadaqa’s hospital, she said, was crowded even before the new civil war began.
In the spring of 2015, Houthi forces, aided by the now-deceased former president Ali Abdullah Saleh, advanced south from their stronghold in the Yemeni capital Sanaa and took over Aden’s airport. It was then that the coalition of Arab states led by Saudi Arabia joined the war and began launching airstrikes against Houthi-held enclaves. Fighting raged until troops backing the officially-recognized government wrenched Aden from Houthi control in July of that year.
During the first months of fighting, al-Sadaqa filled with hundreds of wounded children and adults.
By the middle of 2016, another group of patients began pouring into the hospital. A cholera outbreak that started in Sanaa had spread to Aden. Dehydrated children, their condition made worse by malnutrition, flooded into her pediatric ward. Many did not survive, Arishi said.
Cholera can kill because patients quickly lose their fluids through vomiting and watery diarrhea. When caught early, it can be treated by replacing fluids.
When a second wave of cholera infections swept Yemen in April this year, Arishi and her colleagues decided to set up the new treatment center. They picked a building away from the main wings of the hospital to avoid contamination and repaired it with funds from the WHO and medical aid group Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF). Converting the building, which had been abandoned for two years after the war, required “heavy cleaning work, electricity, water system repairs as well as installing air conditioners,” according to MSF.
Yet, like the country itself, al-Sadaqa was overwhelmed by the cholera epidemic. Nationwide, a million people have been infected, according to the International Committee of the Red Cross. The WHO says cholera has killed more than 2,200 people.
Nahla Arishi, a pediatrician, checks a boy infected with diphtheria at the al-Sadaqa teaching hospital in the southern port city of Aden, Yemen December 18, 2017. REUTERS/Fawaz Salman
Most of the infected were in the populous north of the country. But al-Sadaqa, which took in patients from across south Yemen, was also unprepared. Arishi and her colleagues had expected 10 patients at a time. Instead, by the summer, they were treating more than a hundred, mostly adults, a day.
Since September, the spread of cholera across the country has abated. However, doctors agree that a new wave of infections is likely in March, when the country’s rainy season returns. Cholera spreads more easily in wet weather, because the bacteria live in rivers and coastal waters which swell with the rain. Rain brings sewage into sources of drinking water.
In August, a new disease began to emerge. In Ibb governorate, 170 km south of Sanaa, a 17-year-old boy was diagnosed with diphtheria, according to the WHO.
Diphtheria is caused by bacteria that mainly infect the throat, nose and airways and send toxins into the bloodstream. It has largely receded as a global health threat, because much of the world’s population is protected through routine immunization.
But the disease is highly contagious once it takes root, doctors say, since it spreads in the droplets from coughing and sneezing. Small children are particularly vulnerable because toxins from the bacteria build up a coating of dead tissue that blocks their small airways.
Since the mid-August case, more than 380 patients have been admitted to hospitals across Yemen with diphtheria-like symptoms, according to the WHO. Doctors diagnosed the cases based solely on patients’ symptoms. Close to 40 of the patients have died, by WHO estimates.
The first case of suspected diphtheria reached al-Sadaqa in November. Of the seven children who arrived within a fortnight, nearly all were initially misdiagnosed with mumps or flu. Four died.
Arishi faced the problem of isolating children with symptoms of diphtheria. She asked hospital administrators to block a hallway door with a cupboard. Behind it, she tried to isolate those who might infect others.
But she lacked basic resources to treat the new disease. Al-Sadaqa hospital, like most others in Yemen, does not have the reagents needed to test for diphtheria. In fact, none of Arishi’s diagnoses has been confirmed by laboratory tests.
Marc Poncin, an MSF emergency coordinator in Ibb governorate, said the lack of recent experience means it could be harder to treat diphtheria.
“There has been a loss of knowledge regarding its treatment, because it’s become something of a neglected and forgotten disease,” he said.
After a diagnosis, treatment is far from easy. Doctors can prescribe antitoxins and antibiotics. But until a few weeks ago, Yemen had no such antitoxin stocks.
The United Nations Children’s Fund and the WHO have imported more than 5 million doses of vaccines to immunize children in the worst affected areas. The WHO has already distributed antibiotics to patients and, as prophylactics, to their families.
Some diphtheria patients need emergency surgery to remove blockages from their airways or need machines to breathe. But most of Yemen’s hospitals don’t have such equipment. As of early December, only two of al-Sadaqa’s three mechanical ventilators were working, and the hospital didn’t have an isolated operating room for diphtheria patients.
The lack of resources has caused strains with the hospital’s supporters. When Arishi cordoned off a part of the cholera ward for the incoming diphtheria patients a couple of weeks ago, the WHO was not happy with the decision, according to Hussein Hassan, head of the WHO’s Aden office.
“We cannot confidently say that cholera is over. It is a seasonal problem and it may come back. What happens if another wave starts and the ward is filled with diphtheria patients?” said Hassan.
Arishi says there is another sign that Yemen is breaking down: parents’ waning faith.
She sees more examples of families that have not vaccinated their children because they distrust both their government and international organizations.
Earlier this month she confronted Saleh Khaled, the father of a five-year-old boy called Yasir, who arrived with severe diphtheria symptoms.
“Why did you not vaccinate your son?” Arishi asked.
Yasir’s first cousin, who was also five years old and unvaccinated, had died a few days earlier. When the first symptoms had appeared on Yasir’s neck and chin, the boy’s parents had given him honey.
Khaled said he had heard rumors, years earlier, about children who had died after healthcare workers had allegedly switched vaccine vials with insulin during a door-to-door vaccination campaign.
“I didn’t want to lose my kid because of something like this,” he said. “We don’t trust the people who work in the health department.”
Others in the al-Sadaqa ward that day echoed similar fears.
“We live only because of God’s mercy,” said Khaled Nasser, the father of 16-month-old Sameh. Nasser, a member of a local armed group that fights alongside Saudi-allied forces, said fellow fighters had helped him buy medicine when Sameh got sick.
Arishi herself barely ekes out a living. She makes $210 a month at al-Sadaqa and works at a private clinic three days a week to supplement her income. The mother of three treats neighbors and relatives without getting paid. Her husband, also a pediatrician, works at another clinic in Aden.
For Arishi, war is both burden and inspiration. She says it has made her commitment to medicine stronger.
“If I leave and my husband leaves and everyone leaves, who will stay to treat our patients?” she said. “Aden is my city. It is my responsibility.”
Additional reporting by Kate Kelland in London and Stephanie Nebehay in Geneva. Edited by Alessandra Galloni and Simon Robinson
Our Standards:The Thomson Reuters Trust Principles.
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