#am allowed to spoil
pixlokita · 6 months
Okay yeah angst Cassie and Cassie|Vanny but like- Imagine the severe PTSD Cassie has to go through every time she enters an elevator- She really needs (NON Fazbear Entertainment managed) therapy- Poor girl-
Why can't she just live on with her animatronic wolf mama staff bot papa (Controversial there but whatever/ +even more trauma to the already traumatized girl so we better give her the best therapy-) 😭😭😭
And it's part of the reason she gets (most likely) Glitchtrapped in the first place!!!
(I know that we believe differently when it comes to who we play as in HW2 and that's good! I like to see different opinions play out. I'm not going to unfollow you just because we have a different opinion because you're that good of an artist and I love your comics. Period.)
Lmao 😭 eyyy thank ✨ tbh can’t blame Cassie if she ends up with elevatophobia :v as someone who’s been in malfunctioning elevators =w= that is terrifying as heck every time but still better than her straight up dying from the fall >>)b I love seeing Vanny Cassie too tbh just because :v bunby ;w; 💜✨🐰 but yeah too much sad Can get depressing fast TTwTT sometimes you gotta cope with the possible happier outcomes and hope they’re canon so you can enjoy all the sad stuff without guilt
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kathaynesart · 2 months
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I have been receiving requests for any songs that inspired Replica, so here, have my personal playlist. Sorry it’s not Spotify/Soundcloud but they don’t have some of these songs available so uh… guess you’re stuck with YouTube vids. For fun I'll include my personal titles for them (which might give a few hints of what to expect in the future/end).
Replica Main Theme - “Die for You” by Grabbitz Like Father Like Son Like Brother (Omega and Shelldon) - "As Above So Below" by Alistair Lindsay Mikey's Theme / The 1st Vision - "Suzume no Tojimari" by Nanoka Hara Military (Mad) Dogs / Central Park Colony - "Imperium" by Madeon Shanghai - "Icarus" by Madeon Boom Goes the Donnie-mite (Mikey/Donnie vs the Sweeper) - "The Red Zone" by Mitsuoto Suzuki The Day the Sky Bled Red - "7 Seconds Till the End" by Nobuo Uematsu Going Out Like a Boss (Raph and Leo) - "Agape" by Nicholas Britell Remembering the Right Way (Mikey and Leo) - "The Souls of Many" - by Alistair Lindsay Mystic Hands / The 2nd Vision - "Am I Dreaming" by Metro Boomin x A$AP Book 2 Trailer - "Sea Dragon" by Covet 7 Years Later - "Iron" by Woodkid Leo's Theme / Attack on the Labor Camp - "Ego Death" by Polyphia Omega's Theme - "Touch" by Daft Punk Flat Lines (Omega Alone) - "Die Toteninsel Emptiness" by 1000 Eyes Spear - "Monsters" by Tommee Profitt Final Protocol - "The Kraken" by Katie Dey Rise / Epilogue - "Close in the Distance" by Masayoshi Soken & Tom Mills
I will admit, it's a little embarrassing since you can easily see the patterns of what I've been listening to for the past year or two. I swear I listen to more than just videogame OSTs, these songs just jive well with the story and I often find lyrics distracting when brainstorming scenes. Regardless, the music I listen to is such an important part of my creative process and some of these songs really defined the scenes I now have locked in my head. So I figured it was only fair to give them the credit they're due.
I will continue to add to this playlist, and will note in comic updates when one of these songs is applicable!
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poorly-drawn-mdzs · 8 months
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Smell Check [Easy: Failure]
MDZS Disco Elysium AU part 1 (part 2 - part 3)
#poorly drawn mdzs#mdzs#wei wuxian#lan wangji#disco elysium#MDZS Disco Elysium AU#So sad I didn't manage to get this comic out on the 15th (pd-mdzs's 8 month anniversary and DE's 4th year anniversary) but I'm here *now*#I have a very extensive and detailed MDZS Disco Elysium AU that I am Not Normal About.#I've seen a few other people point out the potential in a crossover (true) but they make the mistake in having it be set in 51!#A true crossover would take place closer to The Antecentennial Revolution!#Disco Elysium did not go that hard on its cool lore for people to only make surface level crossovers!!!#One day I'll write the fic or post my notes. I don't know who would read it but it tickles *my* brain and that's enough.#No spoilers for DE (here or in comments (please)) but please consider....Magpie Wei Wuxian B*) On his way to be an innocent.#I do think there is a good chance a chunk of the MDZS readership would enjoy DE but...it's also not a game I easily recommend#It's more of an experience you have to marinate over. It's dark in ways that are off putting to some people.#It makes you feel like a very bad person all the time. It gets extremely personal if you allow yourself to be honest in your answers#and it's also the game that saved my life. My life was truly forever changed after playing disco elysium.#If I recommend it to people it's a badge of the trust I have in you to appreciate something dear to me B'*)#If you decide to play: PLEASE go in as blind as possible. You will regret spoiling yourself.#edit: this is based on real disco elysium dialogue. HDB has many canon kinks but this is not one of them
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channwie · 5 months
good afternoon to the dash !! happy 87 followers , i hope u all are having a great day/night and plspls eat well and rest well <333
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“The new ladybug and cat had one job and it was to not fall in love—” ACTUALLY their one job was to Not have a mental breakdown about secret identities.
Marinette and Adrien were so in love and it was never a problem. They were always allowed to be in love, they just have to be cool with Not Knowing who they are as civilians. That was the thing that was crushing them and the reason they needed to take a break and get some perspective and remember how to be Kids for a minute.
If a new ladybug and cat wielder flirted incessantly and also thought that keeping their identities secret was fun and sexy then they would be absolutely fulfilling their job requirement perfectly. And in that case they could and should be allowed to kiss on the lips. In this essay I will—
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olympiansally · 1 year
There’s Atsushi, Dazai’s star pupil.
There’s Fyodor, arguably Dazai’s soulmate, a single mind in two bodies. There’s Kunikida, Dazai’s partner. There’s Oda, the reason Dazai wants to live. And then there’s Chuuya. If he asked Dazai to define him, to name his purpose, Chuuya already knows what he would hear. Chuuya is his dog, Chuuya is a slug, Chuuya is a chibi. And sure, maybe he is. But none of that is enough.
 Or, Chuuya can’t figure out what he means to Dazai exactly, but if he would only listen, he would realize that Dazai has been telling him all along.
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borkwolf · 6 days
Ya boi finally finished watching Season 11. and holyyy that was a lot
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toastsnaffler · 14 days
wellll everything could be worse.. at least we're not stranded in the arctic for years on end with lead poisoning and a Beast out to get us 😌
#watched another ep of the terror w my roomie.. qhat a stressful show lucky im too zonked so its going over my head#shes alrwady seen so shes trying not to spoil it for me its my first time 😭#i think she might be getting a cold too. so maybe we're both just coming down w smth and thats why we're so tired#not just med crash but the fog was sooo bad i keep not being able to finish sentences and slurring my speech#luckily shes familiar enough to get the gist of what imean when im so out of it anyway so its okkkk#but ahhh..if its bad again tomorrow ill probably still be able to get through movje night i can watch from bed#but might have to miss the gym :-((( we'll see how it goes maybe itll be okay#mayhe ill take 20/20 again on thurs just so i can go.. ah i dont know we'll see we'll see#whenever i hit this stage of tiredness or illness i always just wanna cuddle so bad too ahhhh#tryung to stay focused on qhat shes saying but she kept putti g her hands in her hair and i could smell her nice shampoo#like okayyyy when is itmy turn to stroke your hair im sitting so nicely here#ahhhh okay im crazy im going to sleep#i do need to be brave and ask if we can ljke hug more sometimes or something though ahh i miss being physically affectionate with anyone#and itskind of big for me like verbal affection js nice but im more of a physical person even if i dont allow myself to express it!!!!!#and i just dont want to cross boundaries or anything or get called needy again. but so what if i am needy nothing wrong eith that#anyway to bed before i start embarrassing mysrlf goodnight everyone i love u muah#.diaries
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If i had a nickle every time a huntlow shipper started a friendly conversation with me but it quickly devolved into them aggressively sending me the same 3 screenshots or repeating the same 3 ooc headcanons to convince me that the huntlow ship is canon and therefore it must be good and therefore i have to like it, i would have at least 4 nickles.
Which isnt a lot, but the fact that its happened at least 4 times means i am never going to like this ship lmao
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ishipthis · 11 months
Ididn't see this coming - Chapter 5
iDidn't see this coming (24167 words) by Ishipthis Chapters: 5/7 Fandom: iCarly Rating: Mature Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Freddie Benson/Carly Shay Characters: Freddie Benson, Carly Shay, Harper Raines (iCarly), Spencer Shay, Millicent Mitchell Additional Tags: Fluff, Drunken Confessions, Love Confessions, Phone Sex, Friends to Lovers, Angst and Fluff and Smut, Denial of Feelings Series: Part 1 of iDidn't see this coming Summary: An accidental text message sent while drunk leads to a situation Carly never saw coming. Or; Carly sends Freddie a Creddie Fan fic, and everything blows up.
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whynotimtired · 2 years
Actors have to assume that the audience only knows what they SEE. the audience SAW mike confess his love to El, so that's what the audience knows, the audience saw mike spit out an entire speech on how he loves her he loves her he loves her, so, to the audience, HE DOES. he WILL NOT spoil the show. He IS NOT going to say that "oh yeah that speech?? Totally a lie he's in love with will lmfao". Finn is one of the younger actors most seasoned in NOT SPOILING ANYTHING, he holds EVERYTHING close to his chest. He is BANKING on you thinking he's stupid so you stop asking him the invasive spoiler riddled questions. ACTORS LIE. DIRECTORS LIE. WRITERS LIE.
They will say ANYTHING to keep the integrity of their show and they REFUSE to spoil it.
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mishkakagehishka · 11 months
Also i heard drama ab gotg3 being "too gorey" and shit and like. Honestly, i'm a bit underwhelmed given the fuss youse kicked up about it
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seravphs · 1 year
knight gojo has me FOAMING at the mouth!!!!!!!!!
Lmao me too
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twistedwit · 1 year
I've been writing with @spynorth (and on @piraticalwit) for over nine years now, and in that time we've run the gamut of human emotion, we've written facets of our muses that few people ever touch upon, and used virtually every word in every combination ever created in the English language. One would think that the "magic" would be gone by this point. But there are times, like tonight, where Lucas gives me a reply that just...rips my heart out. Not because of crushing angst, not because of unrequited love or agonizing loss. No, it's because of the simple. elegant, utterly broken humanness that he manages to capture, the poignancy and fragility of a life that has been shattered and put back together again. It hurts, but it's also beautiful and sweet and it just...it reminds me all over again what a gift Lucas has, and also how very lucky I am in so many ways. His talent has always been an inspiration to me, and on nights like this the reason is startlingly clear.
TLDR; Lucas is amazing.
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o-wyrmlight · 1 year
Hello. Me again.
I wanna do a bunch of comics as I replay the games so I won't answer everything XD but to answer a basic question;
You can play as a male or female Shepard, but Bioware intended the main character to be female. But because video games they were afraid dudebros wouldn't want to play a female lead so they just gave you a choice. Both are called "Shepard" because it's the last name. (Femshep's first name is Jane).
There is also character creation. So you can create a Shepard OC. but Shepard is one of the weirdest main characters I've ever seen, because as the years have gone on... instead of people leaning more into the self insert style of mass Effect, default Jane Shepard has become more and more popular. So these days most art and fanfic will write her as a default instead of a player/reader insert. it's fucking wild!
Also I am still in ME1 so she's still in uniform, but uh... that doesn't last.
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........also yes I own the hoodie....
As for everything else... I selfishly don't want to spoil?? Even tho you can literally google it?? 😂 Because I wanna draw it because who boy.... do my babies have a storm coming....
I see! That is super cool, though--I like that female Shepard was intended to be the more canonical between the selectable characters. I wasn't 100% sure about it because I do remember seeing a mention or two about an option between male and female, but I've really only ever seen concept of female Shepard.
And I also think that it's super neat that Shepard's default is so popular! It's sort of a double-reverse of what you'd expect, and people are so baller for that, to be honest.
It sort of reminds me of how--when I play a Legend of Zelda game--I'll usually default to the names I can chose as being the canonical names. Link as Link, Epona as Epona, etc... same with the Pokemon games.
I think part of the reason for that might also be due to consistency. It seems like Mass Effect is a chronological series that takes place over the course of a period of time that features the same characters, so it'd make sense for the main character to remain the same over time.
You look at game series like Fallout, customization is much easier to get a hold of because each game (if I'm correct) features a new main character. It allows for more customization of the experience to fit around the character, but since Mass Effect is in that chronological story that follows the same or a similar cast, it's easier to have an agreed-upon default than it is to have a thousand or so different Shepherds, especially since they all end up sharing the same name (which takes away a part of that customization process).
It could also be that, as Shepard is the name given to the character, it feels ingenuine to a lot of people to have them deviate from their default--as if it's changing their identity. Already having the name implies that the character doesn't exist in a vacuum--they already existed before in the context of the game.
I! Am! Rambling! But I do find it super interesting to think about this!
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phoenix-reburned · 2 years
My boyfriend is currently in NYC and because he knows I like birds (especially pigeons) he got me this
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It's a one of a kind drawing, the artist apparently doesn't ever make a piece more than once so literally no one else will own this beautiful work of art
How do I become financially stable so I can immediately marry this man
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