#am areading
cinnonym · 1 year
Regarding jacket potatoes: I think it is perhaps because they are still wearing their little jackets, or skins. As opposed to some other situations where they would be peeled. This seems like what the US calls a baked potato, except we have slightly different toppings: cheese, sour cream, chives, bacon bits. Lots of butter, of course.
Oh!! That is an excellent theory and makes total sense to me, thank you for weighing in!!
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monratarot · 6 months
Hiii dear i am here to say u thanks for doing areading for me thanks for ur precious time ur totally correct the reading resonated i was also feeling like this thanks for guideing me i really appericate ur time and effort thanks alot ....
Sending u love
Hello dear! Thank you for your feedback! Glad to hear that the reading resonated with you! Hope that everything will be ok for you!
Wish you only the best!🍀
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andiwriteordie · 2 years
idk if you noticed but i've been binging i know better (but you're still around) and, respectfully, i loved it!! and i'm in your walls!! right up there with descent for fics with areading experience i wouldn't wish on my worst enemy!! (<- the highest praise i swear) i cannot figure out which is more brutal in threats i made to you, the comment i left on chapter 18 or the notes on my bookmark for descent!! anyway i love everything you've ever written please just look away from the borderline death threats<3333333333 also it's 2:30 in the morning i'm worried i'm being a little unnecessarily insane
rori hi hello!!!
borderline death threats mean i'm doing my job correctly, so i am so sorry for making you feel things and i hope to always make you and anyone else who reads what i write feel So Many Emotions 🥳
(on an unrelated note because i know you like hadestown. have you heard this cover before? i have so so many emotions about it)
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puppersforsale · 1 year
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clarislam · 2 years
Book Review: "Carrot Cake Murder" by Joanne Fluke
What happens when a family reunion ends in murder? Find out in "Carrot Cake Murder" by Joanne Fluke! #murdermystery #bookreview #JoanneFluke #CarrotCakeMurder
I’m back with another book review, and this time I’m reviewing “Carrot Cake Murder” by Joanne Fluke! I’ve read many of Fluke’s books from this series before, and I either enjoyed or despised them. Here’s a quick summary so we know what the book is about: “Between baking up a storm for The Cookie Jar and unravelling the mystery of her cat Moishe’s recent strange behaviour, Hannah Swensen has a lot…
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butchyena · 3 years
a tiktok cosplayer killed someone because they were playing around with a loaded gun. anyway how can we get gun safety psas in front of more faces i feel like the internet has failed in this way
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m19vergil · 6 years
that feeling when you accidentally cause five of your class members to get detention bc you cant read social cues well and snitch on them like an idiot
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goth-girlfriend · 4 years
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GIF originally posted by Demigodxtonio
Enji Todorki/ Endeavor x Student areader
After the sports festival you spend a week with the man who’s company accidentally sent you a request.
Notes: No fluff or Smut, slight ooc
Part: 1/?
“Hey, Todoroki.” I looked at the split haired boy.
We recently become, friends? He doesn’t do much talking rather then listening and staring.
“Hm?” He hummed his answer back.
“How tough is your dad?” I asked pulling my long sleeves into the center of my palms.
“If your not up to his standards he will break you down and remold you in a way that leave you feeling empty for his own sick pleasure of being able to take down the number one hero.” Todoroki kept a straight face but his voice was colder.
“Okay then.” I nodded and kept following. “Why didn’t you stop me when I said I wanted to take this offer?”
“The thought of being alone with my own father was unbearable. With the company of someone I know and am comfortable with, I thought it would be easier.” He didn’t look at me.
May heart warmed, the company of someone he’s comfortable with, usually he just refers to me as someone he knows. I smiled, and looked down.
“Honestly I don’t think he wanted me, It was probably some mistake.” I shrugged.
“So are you sure your okay with my crush on your dad and being this close?” I asked nudging his shoulder with my own.
He let out the friendly version of a scoff, “Just don’t do anything weird when I’m around.”
He nudged me back and I grinned, “Got it, keep the weirdness of the down low.”
We stopped in he shadow of a large building.
“It’s huge,” I felt a familiar line coming, “Sure it’s big enough, but just look at the location.”
I laughed at my reference, Shoto let out like two laughs before he gave me a look.
“Oh right, no weirdness got it.” I coughed to clear my throat.
“We should watch another DreamWorks or Pixar movie. Or like go to Univesal, I’ve only ever been to the one in Florida, and I live in Japan you would think this would be the Universal I got to but no.” I talked to Todorki.
He nodded not really listening but taking it in. Then, we entered the Lobby. There he was, all six foot four and two hundred and forty pounds of daddy.
“Shoto.” He greeted his son.
“You must be (L/n),” he eyes me, I felt nervous but if it showed he’d probably shun me.
So instead I took a deep breath, stood straight and puffed out my chest. I looked him dead in the eye and did a quick bow.
“Yes Sir, I’m (Y/n) (L/n) of Class 1-A” I held my breath, if I die, it’s because he rejected me.
“Well, you know how to present yourself at least.” He scoffed and turned around.
I sighed and deflated, I looked at Todoroki, he had a faint smile but nodded at me.
“I’ll just follow you.” I sighed catching my breath.
“Yeah, you did better then what others have done. They think submission is the way to go. No one understands that to work here you need to be assertive but respectful...” Shoto said looking down.
“Why would you want a coward for a Hero?” I asked out my left hand on his right shoulder. “Also it’s probably a bad time but I’m hungry.”
I whispered the last part hoping Endeavor wouldn’t hear me.
The day passed quickly, we learned what we’d be doing. I’d go on patrols with whatever hero I could, and do coffee runs for the office. I mean I didn’t work myself to the bone to be a secretary. Endeavor took Shoto away so I wouldn’t even have anyone to talk to. I huffed and made my way to the elevator.
“Stupid coffee, stupid card, stupid barista, stupid man who bumped into me and made me go back to buy more coffee.” I mumbled and stepped into the elevator.
My phone rang, “Hello?” I asked.
“Yes, (y/n)?” It was the secretary from the floor Endeavor was on.
“Yes, how can I help you?” I asked the same line over and over.
“The meeting is about to begin, do you have the coffee and breads?”
“YES,” I seethed through my teeth aggravated as the elevator stopped and no one was there.
“I’m coming up right now.” I spoke through clenched teeth.
“Alright, thank you.” She spoke.
I stripped my cloak off, revealing the mesh bodysuit I wore under leggings, and the other things I wore. I tightened the black strips of fabric around my wrist and began fidgeting.
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“You’re late.” Endeavors message Pushed it.
I rushed out of the elevator and to the secretaries desk, “Do your job you lazy scum I shouldn’t have to run coffee and bread and papers back and forth, I’m on an internship you get paid to do this I’m not here to do your job I’m here to learn what being a hero is like.”
I slapped my cloak onto her desk, the coffee splashed onto her crisp white shirt and stained her papers. I turned and rushed down the hall to the meeting room. I shoved the door open and gently placed the coffee and bread on the table. I turned to Endeavor, he seemed aggravated at my disturbance.
“Sir, you look aggravated,” I played and stepped in his direction, “Maybe you should take a break.”
I faked worry, Todoroki was staring at me and whoever was at the other end of the table was staring.
“Maybe you should take a break, it’s what I do when I’m aggravated.” I looked at him, anger emitting from him.
I sat on the table, “I mean, today, I’ve taken it all, someone’s wrong breakfast order, all over the back on my cloak, four cups of hot coffee to my chest and stomach. A perverted man harassing and then groping me when I was running papers for your secretary.”
I crossed my right leg over my left leg, “Every patrol opportunity I was given, has been cancelled, or I was told I was not allowed to go.”
I looked at to my left, there sat the guest, I smiled and nodded. It was hawks.
“Hello, hope your having a good day, would you like some bread?” I offered the bag.
He took it and offered some to Tokoyami.
“Also, I have gained little to no experience, I have five days to learn something, and so far everyone who works here acts like they hate me, and honestly I’m starting to hate it here.” I smiled at Endeavor.
“So, I quit.” I tossed my tag at him.
He caught it with one hand, he watched me as I slid off the table.
I walked to the door, “Make sure Karen or whoever knows how you like your coffee, God forbid she have to run back to the coffeeshop five times in an hour.” I snarled and slammed the door open.
I walked out before I heard laughing, And then a growl. I took the stairs and rolled my eyes, I’ll just call Aizawa and study under him if it comes to it. I’ll even take Present if it comes to it. Making to the lobby I looked down at my phone. I opened it to call the contact number Aizawa gave us, just as I went to push call my phone was snatched. I looked up to meet golden eyes and glasses.
“Your boss is looking for you babe, better go back.” He laughed and his red wings flared slightly.
I stared at them, “nice wings, be a shame to lose them.” I said and ‘reached’ for my phone.
He pulled his hand back and left me and opening, between his shoulder and neck I reached right over and touch his wings. His eyes widened as his wings closed to his back.
And some sprouted from my own back with sick cracks.
“What did you do?” He asked.
“Give it an hour, you’ll be fine.” I shrugged and took my phone out of his hand.
“She is able to permanently copy quirks of others if she can touch it physically. It leaves her opponent at a disadvantage of not being to use their own quirk for a certain amount of time.” Tokoyami said and stepped around.
“Must be nice having a chill guy for a boss.” I told Tokoyami.
He sighed and closed his eyes.
“Hey, Get back here I don’t wanna do this alone.” -❄️🔥
I sighed and turned around to the elevator, “Todoroki needs help.”
👌- ☀️🖤
I got into the elevator and headed back up. Todoroki was outside his dads office, I haven’t even been in there.
He had a huge smile on his face, I pouted.
“I wanna go home.” I smacked my head into the closest wall.
“Yeah, no. He wants to talk to you so have fun.” Todoroki opened the door and waited for you to go.
“Come with me.” You whispered.
“Ok.” So you took a deep breath and walked in, only to hear.
“Yeet.” And the door closing.
Did, Shoto just yeet?
I looked up, Endeavor was standing in a window, the sun casting its glow over him. He was taking out over the city. It’s a sight I’d like to enjoy if I weren’t so aggravated.
“Sit down, we have a lot to discuss.” His voice tumbled and I sighed.
“Alright.” I was tired of taking orders, he didn’t specify what seat so I took his desk chair and turned in it to face him.
“What?” I asked.
He turned to me, and with a very hard stare told me to get out of his seat. I sighed and got up and stood by his desk.
“Why are you upset, you embarrassed me and my agency in front of guests.” He said and sat down, his legs spread a bit for comfort.
“Well Incase you didn’t understand, I’m just a secretary. I didn’t come here to be a secretary.” I sassed looking at him.
“I see,” he turned him his chair towards me.
“Come here.” He pointed in-front of his lap.
I flushed and hesitated, but walked over.
“Get on your knees.”
I dropped and looked down I couldn’t stand the embarrassment.
“Give me your hand.” I prepared my self for lewd actions.
I flinched feeling a burning sensation as a loud smack filled the room. I looked up at him tears in my eyes from the pain. He held a thick flat stick. It resembled a ruler, he placed it on his desk.
“Stand up,” I stood and tried not to flinch.
“Your going to wait here while I rearrange the schedule.” I nodded and turned to go Alejandro the desk.
“I said wait here.” He grabbed my wrist and pulled me down into his lap.
I was burning, this is embarrassing. He leaned foreword, his arms came around my shoulders and his chin on my shoulder. I watched him move papers and write down a few things. It was hot, Why was I so nervous. There’s no way this is real right?
Sitting in the lap of the number two hero, my crush, best friends dad in his office at his agency? I let out a breath I didn’t know I was holding.
Well things didn’t get worse, but they got slightly better.
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spacemancharisma · 3 years
Homeslice if youre in the Olympia Washington aread grubhub,Doordash,and uber are having hiring bonuses and if you switch services you could get it
oh that’s super rad and I appreciate you mentioning it but unfortunately I am no where near there lmao
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newsnerd-ooc · 5 years
Meet the Nerd behind the Rommel
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NICKNAME. Lat. Nerd. 
REAL NAME. If you know me well, I’ll tell you. Or just look through my backlogs
ZODIAC. Sagitarrius, but TBH I find zodiac shizz meaningless
HEIGHT.  5′11″
FAVORITE MUSICIANS / GROUPS. Depends on the day. ATM I am listening to an excess of NF, Simple Plan and Walk off the Earth
OTHER BLOGS. @netherstrike​ @malrovar​ @eugeniarommel​
DO I GET ASKS? Yes, typically done in a reciprocal manner. 
HOW MANY BLOGS DO I FOLLOW? 1894. Yes it’s a lot. If ya’ll want recommendations,  I do know a LOT of people from this server ;3
TUMBLR CRUSHES. Eh. Crushes is such a weird phrasing. I admire a number of writers, but to list all the ones would require an ENTIRELY SEPARATE post. And typically listing them is more a way to stroke the ego and get brownie points, something I don’t see as helpful. So if you’re areading this, there’s a 70% chance that I respect something about you and your character.
WHAT AM I WEARING RIGHT NOW? A sweater with my school’s name on it, jeans, a light hoodie and a generic pop culture shirt.
DREAM VACATION. London. Or Disney World. Yes Disney is taking over the world BUT I AM CAPITALIST NERD TRASH OKAY. 
DREAM CAR. I don’t really do cars, but Mini-Coopers are a personal fave. 
FAVORITE FOOD. Sandwiches. 
CELEBRITY CRUSHES. Eeeeeeeeehh. Male: Taika Waititi/Lin-Manuel Miranda/Chris Pratt Female: Jodie Comer/Gina Carano
RANDOM FACT. I write for a living. Well. sort of. I’m a grad student with a GAship that allows me to spend time writing and pitching shit. NOT AS EASY AS I’D LIKE.
Tagged by @olivia-lovecraft​ (also stolen from @henessy-wow​)
Tagging: NOBODY. MWAHAHAHAH. Ya’ll can use this to sparkshit if you want. 
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laceymorganwrites · 6 years
Word Count:1,763 Pairing: None
Warnings: coma, swear words, gore
A/N: I really don´t know what to do with this...there´ll be more parts, I just haven´t written them yet. Afrodite is an OC of mine, but I think I´ll make this areader insert.
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I opened my eyes and it felt like hell. The sudden bright lights made them water and sting instantly to an amount where I got a headache from it. It felt as if the whole room was spinning, shit, I was gonna throw up. Where the fuck was I? I tried to sit up, wrong decision, a migraine shot through my head, but I still dared look around. I was in a hospital room, good, so they found us. I smiled, I couldn´t wait to see my friends again. On my nightstand there was a clock which read 1 a.m. It was early, or late, depending on your lifestyle. But that couldn´t be...the battle took place around that time, so how long have I been asleep for. “Don´t you dare shut that machine off!” I heard someone yelling and jumped slightly, there were footsteps near the door which opened almost an instance after. A nurse entered with Aizawa-sensei. “It´s been a year, she won´t wake up...” the nurse said. Were they talking about me? Have I been asleep for one year? What was going on? “But she´s still alive, I won´t let you kill her...” Aizawa told her off. “It´s no killing, I´ll just put her out of her misery...” she moved closer to my bed where I sat with frightened eyes. As soon as she saw me she let out a shocked scream. Aizawa rushed to her and then looked at me dumbfounded. I tried to smile and say hello, but only creaks would leave my mouth. The nurse shakingly handed me a water bottle and I drank it eagerly. Then I coughed and tried to speak again: “What´s up?” I grinned. “Y-you´re awake...I-I have to tell All Might, and your parents, and Afrodite...” Aizawa was about to rush out of the room, but I held him back, eyes wide agape at the sight of my thin wrist. I had lost a tremendous amount of weight. “It´s really been a year, huh?” I whispered. Aizawa sighed and sat down next to me. “Yes...we should probably talk...” he told me earnestly. I gulped. “What happened?” I already knew the answer, but I felt like I had to hear it from his mouth to truly believe it and to live with it. “After you blacked out, everyone was slaughtered, nobody lived but Afrodite and you…then All Might came and carried you to the hospital. Afrodite woke up three days later, but you...” he put his hand on my shoulder as a sign of comfort, I gladly appreciated. “What now?��� I hoarsely tried to talk to hold back the tears, it has been one year and I couldn´t even say goodbye to everyone, I couldn´t even go on my date… “There´s one thing you should know before you can go: the media and everyone else blames you for the incident. The video they took of you has been uploaded, you can still watch it...the police haven´t been able to take it down. They made a huge story about it and call you the angel of death. People hate you” he balled his fists. I chuckled. “So that´s how it is, huh? What about school?” I couldn´t imagine what happened in the world in this past year, I couldn´t picture what drove the people to think of me that badly and I really didn´t know what to do next. “You just woke up from coma and think about going back to school already? Well, I should´ve known...you´d be in third year now, but I think it´d be best for you to start over” he resembled. I nodded. “I need to train, how much time do I have left before the next year starts?” I asked, ready to go. “Three months, but take it easy, don´t overwork yourself” he shot me a glance. I nodded again. “Can you stand up?” the nurse asked. I pushed back the blanket to horrendous unshaven legs and tried to get up, but my legs shivered too hard and I almost fell down. The only thing that kept me from falling was my quirk. I had to train that too. I tried to get up for two hours and finally I was able to walk, clumsily and shivering, but I could walk again. “Am I allowed to leave?” I asked and the nurse nodded. “I would recommend you to stay for the day. There are people who´d be glad you´re back. At least wait for them” she smiled and I nodded. I wasn´t in the mood for talking. “Where´s the bathroom? I haven´t showered in a year...” I chuckled. The nurse showed me the way and put my clothes in my hands. I shut the door and locked it before undressing. Then I looked down at myself, there were a few scars on my legs and arms, a huge one on my back as I saw in the mirror and I was thin, almost anorexic. I got a clearer look at my face in the mirror and couldn´t recognize myself. The girl in the mirror had pale skin, dominant cheekbones, empty eyes, long hair with long bangs that fell in her face and chipped lips. But the worst thing were the scars where the beast had slashed her. They were deeper than she thought and she could remember the blood in her eyes and the pain before she blacked out. Well, I looked fucking ugly. Not even cutting my hair would help my face now. The cuts went all over my cheeks, eyes, nose and mouth. I was surprised my face overall was left. I let out an unladylike grown and then giggled, so what if I had scars now? I shook my head and stepped into the shower. I let the water flow over my body without moving for twenty minutes before cleaning myself. So let me think: I was in coma for a year and in three months I would go back to school. Simple, just like that. I liked it, sure, the situation was weird, but I wouldn´t give it a thought, at least not now. I never understood why people wasted thoughts on things they couldn´t change, it just didn´t make any sense. To me anyways. “(Y/N), your parents are here!” the nurse called and I balled my fists. Parents. That meant my mom and not only my dad. Shit. I decided now was time to think, or rather freak the fuck out. My mom would never let me live this down, she´d yell at me like always and I was so not in the mood for that. Well, at least get it over with. I stepped out of the shower, dried myself and slipped into the clothes of last year which were too small, so I finally grew a tad, yay. I opened the door and met my parents with a big old cloud of steam. “You could´ve died! What were you thinking?! That´s why I keep telling you girls can´t and shouldn´t be heroes! But you never listen, do you?!” mom shrieked at me with her hands on her hips. If I didn´t know better I´d think she´d kill me right on the spot. “Yah, well, I didn´t die...you wanna know what I was thinking? I was thinking: fucking hell, we won´t make it out alive. You know what I did? I tried to solve everything, I tried to save people and defeat the villains, but well, you know what happened, don´t you?” I shot back through gritted teeth, I was so sick of her. I wish she would´ve stayed home. Whenever my mom was around I got enraged. “Would you not argue for once? We thought we´d lost you...” my dad said and hugged me deeply. “I´m fine, dad...” I tried to reassure him. I felt my lungs and heart squeeze in the bad way and looked down, fighting back the tears. It was my fault all of this happened, if only I had never tried to save anyone, if only I was stronger...if only I listened to my mom and never attended UA. “What did they do to you?” my dad asked worriedly as I pulled away from the hug. “Tch, didn´t you see the video?” I crossed my arms. “We couldn´t bear it...it was too gruesome to watch...” he admitted and I chuckled. “Now imagine what it felt like” I grinned threatening. “I can´t do that...” he whined. “Then don´t judge the actions you think I did!” I yelled at him, my voice determined to make them leave, of course they wouldn´t understand. “I told you it was a bad idea to come here. She´s not our little girl anymore!” mom screamed and they left the room. “I never was...” I said to myself. I searched for my phone and when I found it, luckily it was charged. I searched for the incident on the internet and I got my answers. The media made it look as if I couldn´t control my quirk and killed all of them, they called me the angel of death. Lovely. I bet it was Endeavor´s idea to do this scam, to protect the public and prevent a panic. If people found out what really happened, they would lose it. I also found the video he took of me that night. It was quite disturbing and looked odd, it couldn´t picture any of the emotions I felt at that moment. It really made me look like a villain. Next I watched the news of last year, there were many new heroes. Before I could finish my research, Aizawa and the nurse entered again, bearing gifts. “They´re from your friends and some civilians who sympathize with you.” Aizawa told me. “People visited me?” I couldn´t believe it, after all that I´ve read about the incident. “You already had a look on the news, I see” he pointed at my phone. “Well, as you know the journalists didn´t report the truth, because it would´ve caused a panic. We wanted to be sure that people stay calm, so we made up that story that you went berserk. Everyone thinks your dead, but your friends, the teachers, the heroes, everyone who knows better, knows you weren´t at fault. So, please don´t be mad, it was something that needed to be done. I hope you understand” I listened thoroughly. So not everyone hated me, that was...nice, I guess. I couldn´t really tell, because I didn´t really know anyone. My friends? I didn´t even know who they were anymore, I thought they all died.
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revitakid · 2 years
[Hunter thought I was exaggerating how bad I am at Revita but so far I've taken like 10 hits in 2 areas meanwhile I watched him almost no-hit the first to aread on his run.]
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aldokraasuniverse · 3 years
Try to remember
That our father
Want us to respect
Each other
Try to remember
That our father
Want us to respect each other
Try to remember
That we have our moments in life
That sometimes we will be happy
Another times we will be sad
Try to remember if you need
To cry go aread and cry
Don’t hold back you tears
We will understands
That you are going through
Hard times in you life
Try to understand
That we will always be there
For you
We will not abandon you
We are telling you the truth
I don’t expect you to be perfect
Because you can’t
Also no humam beings are
Perfect and they will never be
It is time to stop procrastinate
By putting things off in you life
You have a life to live
Live it
Don’t procrastinate about you health
You are responsible for you health
That my father gave you to you
I know you are carrying a heavy load
That contain all you problems
And instade of solving it
You keep putting if off
End I believe that it is the worst thing you
Can do for you self
Also I feel that you are afraid to
Take risk in you life
Also I must tell you that life is though
And I never said it is a bowl of cherries
Also you need friends in you life
Don’t tell me that you can’t live without it
Because that is a lie
You can’t live without friends
You will be very lonely
I am telling you the truth
Please start to make some friends now
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ebonix · 7 years
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Yes! I have limited time for anything else, but studying towards my aspirations. I didn't even realize how attainable it is and how much effort I have to put in, but it's soooo real right now. I have school Monday thru Friday. Work all weekend. I'm drained. Can barely fit laundry time in. My boyfriend and I will probably not see each other very often. Heck with both of pur crazy schedules we barely have time to talk on the phone. But he knows I have school and work and I know he has work. I'm making new friends aka my study buddy aka my lab partners in class. 😂 I luv them already. It's the 2nd week and I feel bonded. No1 knows how overwhelming being pre-med or pre- nursing other our peers. I'm just trying to stay afloat this week so, I can studying before and after work this weekend. I have 2 Exams in Microbiology and 1 Quiz next week. 4 chapters to read in Micro. 3 to read in Chem. Plus PowerPoints, notes, etc I went to tutoring today for Chemistry. I'm going to need to learn how to memorize this whole book. I'm tired of having this feeling of not reaching my potential. It is really uninspiring. Like yes, this year is about challenging myself beyond my own expectations. 1 month in and I've already met new expectations in so many aread of my life. Improvements are always to be made. I don't know what I don't know. That's why I'm grateful for every person who takes the time to be patient with me even when I'm not patient with myself. Patience is a virtue. I'm going to be very busy this semester and I thank God for steering my life because honestly I feel like I make directions that aren't as clear to my present me how I am still in a decent position in life. I feel like my days of being uninspired could have led me into worse situations but here I am 3 classes away from admissions to nursing school. Yikes. 6 classes from transferring. I'm not going to rush myself either. Everytime I do that... I get overwhelmed when something doesn't go right. Just remembering to breathe and focus on the now is really important to me.
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btcmanager · 4 years
ICON (ICX) Set to Vote on Proposal to Further Decentralize Economic Reward System
ICON (ICX) Set to Vote on Proposal to Further Decentralize Economic Reward System
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Decentralized blockchain project ICON (ICX) is slated to vote on a governance proposal that seeks to change the economic reward system for the network’s validators or block producers. Per details shared with BTCManager, voting on the IISS 3.0 Proposal will commence April 23, 2020, 07:30 AM UTC onwards. Towards a More Decentralized Future In aRead More
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made-from-galaxies · 5 years
I am the Marvelholic shirt
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Anybody with brains knows creatures in the I am the Marvelholic shirt days were all montrous in size, the biggest creatures we have today are peaceful animals mainly, whereas back in the day the predatory creatures were absolutely ginormous, what is our biggest predator today Maybe the great white An orca On land be like aRead More
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TAGS: avengersmarvelvingadores
Source: https://opengeekhouse.com.br/2019/08/20/i-am-the-marvelholic-shirt/
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