#am i not like the medieval writers who added their own knights????
fluffypotatey · 2 years
the squires of the round table: headcanons
in case you haven't heard, there's some new feral children in camelot and they are my babies and i have thoughts
so, what better way to begin my descent into madness rambling about my little squires is by sharing little characteristics these squires have.
Lucan is the self-proclaimed level headed friend of the SotRT but this is Sir Leon squire propaganda. He is, in fact, one of the top 5 unhinged squires (guess who's #1) and this is solely because he loses his shit at the most mundane of things such as Sir Leon calling Gareth "the most proficient with crossbows"
Gareth: "just admit you're jealous and move on" Lucan: "HISS!!!!"
Roland will commit war crimes. She hasn't yet because Merlin won't allow her to, but once knighted, it's all over for camelot's enemies.
Dagonet is the only one who can be on par with Nathan during duels and it pisses Nathan off to no end. Like how dare this squire walk in here, swipe his blade out of his hands in seconds and get praised by Elyan???? This means war
Feirefiz is here for the drama, he will stir the pot that is a promise and a threat. Do not take him lightly. Every story he tells the squires of his homeland? Absolutely true, but he only gives vague info out of context and they all find it very hard to believe him
Bedivere, aka Beddy, aka Baby, does not understand how to wash dishes. In fact, he hates it. It's the worst chore Sir Percy ever placed on their chore schedule, and if possible, he would fight it with his sword. Roland finds his complaints hilarious because god does he sound like a privileged noble, but his face is all scrunched up and he looks too cute.
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fyrapartnersearch · 3 years
Flip the script
Ello there >:3 To all of you out there, call me Imp.

I’m a woman, I’m in my twenties and I have a penchant for roleplaying; writing and art. The Holy Trinity if you will. I am a lover of the aesthetic and a proud nerd. One of my main passions being video-games, illustrations, comics, live-action films, series and anime/cartoon shows; everything that shaped me during my years of growing up.

It’s been a while since I’ve posted my first ever ad on any website, and I was positively surprised by the amount of people that have reached out to me.
I’ve been roleplaying for a few years now and gradually gathered a good amount of experience throughout the years, but it’s always fun to meet and learn something new. I have a few original ideas that I’m very interested in trying out. Concepts will be posted down below.

Pseudonym: Imp

Age: 28 years

Experience: 12 years

Preferences: 1:1 Roleplaying

Partner: My partner should be at least 20+ or up. I only accept mature partners.  
Content: Very NSFW (considering it will involve mature topics, violence, fantasy, etc) Timezone: Important to note! I am from Europe, so there might be a sliver of a chance that my timezone could differ from yours.
I am very spontaneous, so I can always adjust to a new setting, depending on how good and compelling the concept is.

Inspirations come from various sources and origins, be it a fandom (an already existing universe) or an original storyline. 

Please read through these paragraphs carefully before you decide to contact me! It’s important to avoid any misunderstanding later! And I would less likely respond to a message with the title ‘Hey, wanna rp?’, or very vague messages that has little to no substance.

°°°·.°·..·°¯°·._.· ☥ ·._.·°¯°·.·° .·°°° °°°·.°·..·°¯°·._.· ☥ ·._.·°¯°·.·° .·°°°

This is a lookout for adult roleplayers who have no issue with NSFW themes and are experienced with darker, more mature plots. 

With that being said, I have very detailed and elaborately written rules and guidelines that convey who I am as a writer, what the partnership entails and what I am looking for specifically. To give you a better understanding of what I’m all about, I have linked a google docs for you to read.:
https://docs.google.com/document/d/1_-wtpMNjBzWRWwEEW3ewwksbY_Q1qrMm_fGIUKd64Dk/edit?usp=sharing °°°·.°·..·°¯°·._.· ☥ ·._.·°¯°·.·° .·°°° °°°·.°·..·°¯°·._.· ☥ ·._.·°¯°·.·° .·°°°
Now to the important bits! 

I’ve been inspired lately… by gritty takes on the superhero genre (cue Invincible or The Boys for example); and sinister worlds revolving around dark medieval fantasy with a more grounded take on characters.

I have two specific plot ideas that I am craving to do, but I am also open and willing to your ideas, additions and personal spin on the story. So if my ideas do not fully suit your tastes, or if you feel the need to add something to make it better, I am always open and willing to plot with you! 
So don’t be shy on letting me know your thoughts, feelings and opinions. We can also make things up as we go... I am more of a go with the flow kind of gal. So nothing here is set in stone.
Idea 1 
A hero not so super: Capulet City; a gargantuan metropolis known for its towering edifices and world-leading economical achievements. Gleaming in glitz and glamour, it was a city forged by gods. To make it in the industry, be it business, acting, art, or music; Capulet was the place to be. But it soon turned into a cesspool of heavy crime and injustice. With each passing year, evil spiked and there was no end in sight.
That was, until the beginning of the 70s, the world’s first superhero descended from another world. His name was “The Sentinel”. Like a whirlwind, he purged criminals from the streets, saved the innocent from certain death, and re-inspired the people to be better again.
After things were kicked into motion, more and more superpowered people and entities made their presence known throughout the world. Some good, some self-serving… and others, ruled by chaos and destruction. The world became a battlefield for gods and monsters, leaving many to worship or fear their superpowered equals. Following the Sentinel’s footsteps, many strived to become superheroes in their own right. But only the Earth’s mightiest were able to become the greatest of them all. Meanwhile, some began questioning the narrative… if things were really what they seemed. Just as the first superhuman made himself public, others followed suit.
The cases of superheroes being reckless, accidentally killing or destroying other’s livelihoods, even abusing their powers for their nefarious purposes enhanced an ever-present problem. Though not many lived long enough, to tell the truth. Some disappeared off the records entirely; whilst others fell victim to bribery.
Those who have vanished, however, had one thing in common. They knew about an island… an island called “Isla del Sol”.
Idea 2 Sworn through swords: In a faraway land where kingdoms, war, greed ruled, we tell several different stories within that world. Many struggle to live and see another day, whilst others are born into lavish, luxurious lives only very few catch a glimpse of. The continent of Mundus is versatile, governed by nine kingdoms that are mostly united through unstable alliances but would often battle for territory, resources, and riches. It was a brutal world. In only recent years, tensions began to rise between the several kingdoms, as armies and knights became the pawns of wealthy kings and queens. As they drenched themselves in blood and misery, they failed to notice another threat that was on the rise. Magic; a force of both godly and demonic origin. Only a few humans were born with a sensitivity to magic, giving them all sorts of abilities that made the general public fear and hunt them down. Throughout history, magic has been disregarded as a myth. But as days grow darker, magic becomes stronger once more, reclaiming its hold over the world.   Those with magic in their blood, also known as faeys, have been driven to the edge of near extinction, seeking a reclusive refuge in their fortresses, studying the occult and arcane in secret. Thousands of years ago, Faeys learned that with the help of a peculiar mineral, a blackened stone that was carved with various unknown engravings, could give them the ability to transcend their humanity; doubling their powers by a tenfold and turning immortal. But at a price. Apostles, as they are called, are described as terrifying monsters, demons, or creatures of the dark world who were able to assume the original human form, but hold powers beyond imagination, far more than that of a normal faey. That knowledge has been long lost since then when magic had faded from the world. That was… until now.
So that's everything from my side. I hope it sparked some sort of interest. And if you are curious, feel free to message me! :) Best regards, Imp
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winterwriter8845 · 6 years
In Love With My YouTube Hero
Story Masterlist
Chapter 3
My lips parted as I couldn't believe what I was reading.
Hey, are you okay? I was just checking to make sure you're okay.
The message was from Xavier. The bold words reading "XavGame." I nearly squealed with excitement. I looked over at Teegan.
"What is it?" She raised her eyebrow. "Look at your face! You're bright red."
I pointed at my screen, hiding my face from my blush. My hair fell over my face, hiding my eyes.
"Xavier messaged you?! Looks like he's interested in you."
I shook my head. "N-No... Why would he be interested in me?"
"Because you're smart and beautiful and passionate," Ms. Weeks intervened.
I blushed even more. "No, I'm not..."
"Well, respond back," Teegan said.
I bit my lip as I started to type back:
Yeah, I'll be fine. It's nothing to worry about.
Ms. Weeks walked over and sat down at the desk beside us. "So who is Xavier?"
"He's a YouTuber from England," I said.
"And he's famous. He has over 11 million subscribers on YouTube," Teegan added.
"Oh, so you're a gold digger?" Ms. Weeks joked.
"Totally." I giggled.
I heard the ding of the Discord notification go off, and I read the message.
I'm glad that you're okay. I was just curious because I could see blood on your face.
I smiled, looking down at my lap for a moment. "He's really persistent on seeing if I'm alright." I typed:
Yeah, it's fine. It's nothing I'm not used to. But thank you for your concern.
The bell rang, and everyone came into the classroom as Ms. Weeks was setting up the food on the round table in the corner of the room. She called it "The Round Table." Every Friday in creative writing, we would have an event called "Knights of the Round Table." It was where people would share their writing that they had worked, whether it be a personal work or a class assignment, and we would eat food as well.
I continued to message Xavier throughout the block, and we just talked about random stuff. It was nice to talk to him, and I wasn't just saying that because he was famous. He genuinely cared about me and made sure I was okay.
The class ended, and I moved my stuff to my other seat as Ms. Weeks was also my creative writing teacher.
I sat in a group of desks in the corner with three other people. Their names were Michael and Kylie. Michael was in my grade, and Kylie was a freshman as creative writing was one of the few classes that mixed different grades in together.
I continued to talk to Xavier. Then he brought TwitchCon.
Hey, are you going to TwitchCon?
I typed back:
Isn't it in like a few months?
I sat there, waiting for a response. Michael walked in and sat down at the desk next to me. He was actually a good writer when he was stoned. He said one time, that he was tripping and he was watching FOX News at like 3 am. And he was freaking out as well from the drugs and so write a piece called the American Obituary. And it was like a prophecy, and it was excellent.
"Hey, wassup?" Michael asked.
"Nothing much." I smiled up at him, glancing at my laptop screen every now and then.
"Why all anxious?" He asked as he noticed me looking at my screen.
"Umm, nothing." I giggled.
"Alright, who's made you all giggly? Who's the guy?" He turned my laptop to face him. "Who's XavGames?"
I groaned. "He's a Youtuber.... and he lives in England." I smiled as I pulled up another tab and went to YouTube. I pulled up a video of Xavier playing Friday the 13th: the Game. "He had donated some money on my stream last night, and then my father did what he always has done, and I had to end the stream early. Then he started to message me and made sure I was alright."
"Well, damn. Get yourself some good dick." He smiled. "I'm so proud of you, my little girl is all grown up." He faked cry, wiping away fake tears.
I laughed. "But we're literally not even friends yet. So I'm not getting the D."
"I doubt I ever will," I said as I looked up at him.
"Don't say that. You're smart, beautiful, creative. You're too kind for your own good. Who wouldn't like you?" He smiled as he pulled his laptop out from under his seat.
"I mean apparently since I think Xavier is cute, Danny is getting jealous."
"Well, if he can't respect your life decisions on who you want to date, then he's not the man for you. He has to respect all of your decisions unless they're bad ones. Then he can say something. But he has to respect your personal space."
I smiled. "Thank you."
The bell rang for class to begin, and everyone got settled into their seats. I noticed that Kylie wasn't here.
I began to search through my writing to find something to share for Knights of the Round Table. I found a piece that I had written a while back for my Medieval narrative for English class. Though it didn't have to be set in the medieval times, it had to have some kind of element of medieval narratives in it. So I chose to write a piece that had a lot of scenery and description.
Once Michael had finished reading my work, which I stuttered a lot when I read and have to have someone else read my work, everyone went ballistic. I burrowed my face down in my arms as a blush came onto my face. Everyone was saying that they wanted more, but I didn't have any more to share.
We read a few more writing and ate as did. Michael shared his piece of writing, which was kind of prophetic.
The class ended eventually, and I packed up my books and laptop. "I expect you to tell me all about this Xavier boy tomorrow," Michael said.
I smiled. "I will." I picked my books up and left the classroom.
School went on, and it was pretty much the norm. Teachers who don't know how to teach, lots of homework, and tons of drama over petty stuff.
I reached my car and sat down in the passenger seat. I noticed my phone had turned on with a Discord notification so I looked at the message. It was Xavier.
Hey, so I was wondering if you wanted to collab with me on some videos. Maybe play some game together.
And I nearly lost it. I grew excited and immediately replied with a yes. I sat in the parking lot, in my car, waiting for a response. And one came.
Great. What kind of games do you play? I play mainly single player games though.
I typed back:
Same. Maybe we can play some Golf-It with some other friends. Maybe Cards Against Humanity.
There wasn't a response after a few minutes so I decided to drive to my work so I wouldn't be late. I worked at this small little café called the Witt Stop. They made food like hamburgers but they also served muffins and coffees. It was a very small place, and they had recently just opened, so very few of us worked there who wasn't family. It was owned by a woman and her fiancé and brother. They were the ones who worked there most of the time and handled all of the big rushes, like the mornings when the elderly people came in to have breakfast and read the paper and talk about politics.
Then there was me. I wasn't family but a friend of a friend of the family. My boss, Rosie, was friends with Nina, and Nina had recommended me since they still needed a few people. And Nina had known of my situation and explained it vaguely to Rosie. So Rosie hired me and then hired Teegan so I wouldn't be completely lost around people. I stayed in the back and made food and cleaned dishes while Rosie and Teegan handled the cashier and taking people's orders.
I drove away from the school and drove towards town. My town was small, it was a place where everyone knew everyone and there were no secrets. The town had a population of about 1,000 people, and it took about ten minutes to walk from one side of town to the other.
I arrived at work about fifteen minutes later as it wasn't far from the school. I checked my phone to see it had gone off from another message from Xavier. It read:
That sounds great! Let me know when you're free to make a few videos.
I smiled and blushed. I typed back:
Okay! I will.
I got out of the car and walked into the small store. Rosie was already at the cashier, ringing up an elderly man.
She looked up at me and saw my busted lip. "Everything okay?"
"Yeah... It's nothing to worry about." I looked down, shifting my feet. My bangs fell over my face, hiding it.
"You know I worry about you." She leaned against the counter.
I walked behind the counter and through the door to the kitchen. I pulled my hair back in a ponytail and started to wash dishes. Though it wasn't the best job, it made enough money for me to have some money to get food and help support mom.
I eventually finished up the dishes and walked out to stock the drink fridges. I brought the crates for soda out to the fridges and started to stock them. I finished up and took the empty crates back to the back of the store. I finished up my shift without any incidents.
I got in my car after work and went back to Teegan's house. I sat down at my desk and pulled up my class assignments. I had a few assignments to do as Ms. Weeks gave homework to do on the weekends. They weren't hard assignments as they were just free writing assignments within a certain topic. She had decided to take the medieval narrative from my English class and make it a creative writing assignment. So I decided to write an imagery scene of a fight scene between a vampire prince and a werewolf alpha.
I finished the first writing assignment, then I pulled up Discord. I started to type.
Hey, guys. No stream tonight. I'm not feeling the best.
It wasn't a lie. I just needed a mental health day. The discord group started to blow up.
And I saw the One Unread Message icon pop up next to his name.
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Fanfiction Writer Appreciation Day!
So I didn’t know this was a thing till last night. But it seemed like a sign to do an update rec post. Some of these are copied from my previous Reylo fic rec post, but there are new ones added.
By the amazing @perrydowning:
Star Wars universe 
Thwarted - This is in everyone’s rec list, isn’t it? I mean, if it isn’t I assume that’s cause people just assume everyone’s already reading it.
Decision - Like, she breaks our heart by starting this story with Kylo killing Rey. But she starts to visit him as a force ghost.
By the completely and utterly amazing @juuls
Star Wars universe
Codega - I held out on reading this for awhile cause I was just like not into the idea of a Rey/Kylo/Hux dynamic but I gave eventually and okay, this story is awesome. 
Gradations - Slow burn, Kylo is left for dead after Snoke decides this apprentice is defective and he needs a new model. He is found by the Resistance and is now a Resistance prisoner. Rey, training with Luke, is feeling more at odds with her master, and having a growing force bond and connection with Kylo.
Mitzvah - This is an arranged marriage canon compliant Reylo fic. And it’s good, so very very good.
I’d Start A War For You - I find the ideas in this fic regarding the knights of Ren and Snoke’s manipulation brilliant. 
Feedback - Smut, but smut that’s a good character study too, IMHO.
Haze - AU as it’s an omegaverse fic, but still trying to be closely canon compliant.  I’ve been wearing my “Reylux Smut!” hat since the end of chapter 3 as I eagerly await what is coming in chapter 4. And Reylux isn’t even my ship!
By one of the queens of smut @pissbabysithlord 
Star Wars universe
Bathwater - Wait, this shameless smut started to get a plot?!? This is explicit, very explicit, but has been getting interesting.
Captain - One shot smut with a smuggler Ben AU.
Witch/Demon AU
Honeysuckle - Smutty one shot in a demon Kylo/witch Rey AU. Good, funny, smutty.
Obsidian - An equally smutty sequel to Honeysuckle.
By the great @these-are-the-first-steps
Star Wars universe
Prey  - Like Thwarted, this should be on everyone’s reading list. 
Exigence in Force Majeure  - Renperor hate marriage AU. Very very good.
By the awesome @ava-dalo
Star Wars universe
Take No Prisoners - This fic is dark, kinda creepy, but funny as all hell and has my favorite Rey characterization of all time. Just completed. The entire series it’s a part of is excellent.
Battle Tactics - Answering the question of how easy it is to sneak off and bang during a battle when you’re wearing layers of armor and clothing. Answer- not easy at all. Funny and smutty, read it.
Modern AU 
Under Skies You Could Drown In  - Modern AU but paranormally. Really really good. I’m slightly obsessed with this fic.
By the super cool and talented @kyloheyo
Modern AU’s
An Empire’s Fall - Immortal and Soulmate AU. Rey wakes up on a beach in Chicago with no memory. Things start getting interesting and weird from there.
A Shadow of You - Ghost Kylo and spirit seeing Rey AU. 
By the talented @nottheyounglings
Star Wars Universe
When The Day Loved The Night - The Resistance had fallen and Rey has been forced to marry Kylo. All is not exactly what it seems. The prose is beautiful and the story has some unexpected twists.
By the awesome @otterlyanonymous
Sci-Fi non-Star Wars universe AU
Xenophobia - This story is such a unique AU. Read it, just read it. It’s good, I promise.
By the phenomenal @hauscrashburn
Mixed Star Wars ‘verse and AUs
Conflicts Internal - One shots, lots of smut, so good.
Silence of the Lambs AU
Her Becoming - This fic is so so so so so good. I mean that with all my heart. Violent (it is a Hannibal/Red Dragon/Silence of the Lambs AU so that should be expected) and heart pounding in places, heart wrenching in others. 
By the great @terapid
Star Wars ‘Verse
The Kyber Slipper - A cinderella Reylo retelling. Really good, kinda smutty, I’d love to see it expanded.
Modern AU
Sanctuary - Archangels and demons AU. Sexual tension and some smut and a very gripping story.
By @mollymatterrs
medieval AU
A Worthy King - King Kylo seeks Lady Rey to be his bride. Some smut, but so good. I’d love to see more in this AU.
By @peradii
Star Wars ‘verse
Don’t Go Gentle - Reyux one shot that is a brilliant character study. 
By @ns0241
Star Wars ‘verse
Dark Possession - Forced marriage stolkholm sydromey Rey.
By @darth-ej
Demon AU
Demonology 101  - For some reason I kept bypassing this fic. It just wasn’t seeming that appealing to me. Do not make the same mistake. This fic is amazingly well written and very unique and you should be reading it now.
By @oscarius
Zombie AU
Lockjaw - A zombie AU. Let me stress here that not only am I kinda meh often on AUs, but I also really don’t like the zombie genre. It doesn’t matter. This fic is awesome and the writing is great, and I wait on pins and needles for the next update.
By cobwebbing
Star Wars ‘Verse
Made To Measure - PWP, but really enjoyable.
By Arrowswillguideyou
Modern AU
Tonight You’re Mine  - This is the type of fic I don’t usually get into at all and I’m very into this one. I love the characterizations. Modern AU.
Vampire AU
Enjoy the Silence - Vampire Kylo gets all obsessy about Rey
By @lucidlucy
Greek Gods AU
Aegis - A bit of a retelling of Hades and Persephone. It’s so so so good.
By PontMercy44
Medieval AU
Primae Noctis - Baron Kylo and Serf Rey. Smut, longing, an arrogant Kylo and a stubborn Rey. Read the end notes for interesting comments about historical accurancy and inaccuracy.
  By @kylorenvevo
Star Wars ‘Verse
Landscape with a Blur of Conquerors - Arranged Reylo marriage and they really don’t like each other. Wonderful so far.
By @shwtlee4reylo 
Vampire AU
Nightwalker - Vampire Kylo and Rey. Love it so far.
 By iliveinthemoon
Star Wars ‘Verse
Huntress - Smuggler Ben and Dark Rey. Love it.
By @waterlilyrose​
Modern AU
Respite - Modern AU with damaged people and love and longing. Just read this. It’s good.
Fics I like but haven’t been updated in awhile
Unfinished Matters by adelheid - Star Wars universe au. Okay, warning that it’s a really dark and icky to start with, but lots of potential here. Only two chapters so far.
Culmative Illusions by ElmiDol - Really interesting Star Wars ‘verse enemies forced to work together fic.
The Newlywed Game by Sundaethroughfriday - Arranged marriage, slow burn, a bit cracky, but really was enjoying it.
My own fics (I’m on AO3 under CaraRose), for anyone interested
Chained - Kylo Ren has found himself fixated on the girl he captured on Takadona. The girl who had somehow managed to best him on Starkiller. The girl who he now realizes is the one from his dreams, the girl in the veil who he has endlessly chased and never catches. The girl that he now appears to be strangely linked to, able to feel over light years of space. If there is one certainty in his life, it's that this girl will be his, that he will capture her and she will submit to him. Rey survived Kylo Ren and escaped Starkiller, only to find him haunting her. Whispering in her head and finding her in her dreams. Sent to find Luke Skywalker, Rey finds herself training, learning to use her powers, soon realizing that she was being hunted by the monster she defeated but left alive. The monster who's mind now seems linked directly to hers.Chained together by a force bond, the two adversaries begin to understand the potential and dangers of this link between them.
Bonded - Sequel to Chained. Kylo Ren finally has his scavenger, an agreement for her to travel with him for the next year in trade for information he provided the Resistance on the First Order, yet she remains resistant both to him and to being taught by him. With the First Order and Supreme Leader Snoke hunting for them to punish him for his betrayal, he struggles to win Rey's trust, trust he needs if the two of them are going to survive.In a journey that leads them through the edges of the outer rim to the unmapped reaches of the wild space, the two find themselves following old legends as they attempt to find a better understanding of the Force. In taking on this journey, they will find more about themselves, their feelings towards one another, and the connection that binds them.
Pro Forma -  This was written using Elithien's gorgeous illustration as my prompt. 
Apathetic Synergy - An AU where Rey found herself captured at the end of TFA.
Snare - Oh, this story is so much fun. It’s a flip script of TFA, so you’ll find scenes that are familiar but retold with different situations and different characters. Lots of twists and turns and can be a bit unpredictable. It starts with the premise that the Resistance set up an ambush for Kylo at San Tekka’s village.
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darthrevaan · 8 years
Medieval secret relationship with ASOSAS Rexsoka? ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
The first half of this has been languishing in my drafts, waiting for it’s moment. I cleaned it up and added some more to it, just for you ;) Hopefully this does not disappoint! 
Accepting prompts from the Fanfic Writer’s Palette Challenge
The Siege of Oldtown will be written about in the historybooks, the sellswords say. It will be immortalized in song from the deserts ofDorne to the snowfields of the North. A glorious day; a sweet and hard-foughtvictory.
Rex doesn’t care about any of that. He cares about doing hisduty – protecting the princess, at whatever cost.
The breach in Oldtown’s outer wall is considerable – a huge,treacherous tumble of broken stone and mortar – and the last time Rex saw PrincessAhsoka, she had been charging through it on her huge black destrier, firelightglinting in her silver hair. He had been too busy fighting off a horde ofHightower men-at-arms to follow, but now the fighting is just about over in the city, andhis first priority is to find her again.
By the gods, don’t lether be dead, he thinks, scrambling up the side of the fallen stone. Threeof his brothers fall in beside him, hands on their pikes and swords; thepossibility of unexpected attack is not entirely gone, and it is wise to becautious. The stones shift under them, unstable, threatening to collapse at anygiven moment. Rough edges of broken and chipped rock bite into Rex’s hands ashe grabs out to steady himself, hauling himself up the slope. Please, not dead. By any god who willlisten, let her not be dead.
Inside the city walls, chaos reigns. Buildings are burning,the thick stench of smoke and blood clogging the air. Each breath Rex draws inmakes him cough; his tongue tastes like ash and death. Smallfolk cower in theirhomes or dart away down shadowed streets as they move through the city,encountering groups of their own soldiers and fighting off straggling groups ofHightower and Tyrell men.
The sellswords and some of the knights are turning toplunder (and, Rex is sure, murder and mutilation and rape); he has standing ordersfrom the Queen to stop such transgressions, so stop them he does. Messily, insome cases.
With all those distractions, it’s a long time before Rexreaches the docks at the edge of the river. The quays are crowded with men, butPrincess Ahsoka with her silver hair and bright mail is easy to spot, sittingon her stallion near to the water’s edge. She looks, Rex is relieved to see,entirely unharmed.
She smiles, wide and a little wild, when he comes near.“Bring my captain a horse!” she shouts. “We ride for the bridge soon,” she addsin a quieter voice. “Our inside man will come through for us any moment.”
A squire comes rushing over with a horse, and as Rex swingsinto the saddle, he shares her hope, but also harbours doubts. Their “insideman”, a tower guard with some grudge against Lord Hightower that Rex has neverlearnt the details of, has been promised great riches if he opens the gate tothe High Tower for the invading army. But it will be a hard task for one man –and could spell their doom if he fails.
“Gather my riders! On me!” Ahsoka shouts above the hubbub.Instantly men begin leaping into saddles, checking their armour and weaponry,making ready for the assault. Princess Ahsoka has handpicked the men she wantsat her side leading this charge; Plo Koon is the first of them to arrive,reining in his horse on Ahsoka’s other side. He and Rex share a respectful nod.
“I need quiet,” Ahsoka says, and Rex signals to Fives, whohammers his long halberd on the ground several times, the sound echoing aroundthe docks. Soon enough there is quiet – not silence, but enough to hear thePrincess shout. “When we breach the gate, be right behind us!” she instructsher men. “We cannot be cut off inside the courtyard, or this will all have beenfor naught.” She raises her sword high. “Forward! For the Queen!”
Her shout is taken up by the knights and soldiers; the docksbecome a bustle of noise and activity again as lines begin to form, the menorganising themselves into companies.
Ahsoka laughs as she brings her sword back to her side.“It’s going well, don’t you think?” she asks Rex.
He nods. “So far, Your Grace.”
She grins, fierce and fey. “Let’s make it end well, then,”she says.
She doesn’t kill the Hightowers who surrender, but she doestake their High Seat.
Rex enters the Great Hall to find her alone, sitting in thehigh-backed chair on the dais that almost merits the name throne, smiling downat him like a satisfied cat.
“Padmé will no longer be able to deny my prowess in battle,”Ahsoka says, beckoning him forward. “Nor will she be able to treat me as achild. I am a commander of men, tested and blooded.”
“All this is true, Your Grace,” Rex says, coming to stand atthe base of the dais. She will be furious when she hears we attackedwithout her leave, however.
“In the end, then, our gamble was fortuitous.” Ahsoka placesone finger on her lips, a studied pose of contemplation. “I wonder, when willwe be able to move northward?”
“Not for many days yet, Your Grace. We must fully subdue thecity still, and make sure our hold on the hinterland is secure.”
“As you say.” He watches her shoulders tense slightly. “Still,this will force Padmé to take me seriously. It must.”
“It will, Your Grace,” Rex assures her quietly.
She favours him with a wicked grin. “Such faith, Captain.Come here.”
Rex obediently ascends the dais, coming to stand before her.“Is there something you require, Your Grace?”
She smirks up at him. “I do find myself in need of relaxation,and perhaps refreshment, after such a long day.”
Rex feels his lips twitch. It is not in his nature toexpress emotions openly on his face, but when she looks at him like that, itmakes him want to. “Might I suggest the Lord’s suite, Your Grace? With LordHightower in the cells, I doubt you will be disturbed.”
“What an excellent suggestion, Captain.” She risesgracefully from her seat, standing only a few inches away from him. “You willjoin me?”
It still sounds like a question, though she knows how hewill always answer. There is something tothat, Rex thinks. Hesitance on her part? Or a willingness to allow hisdecision?
There is no decision, of course. She has ensnared him, bodyand soul.
“I will, Your Grace,” he murmurs.
“Good.” She slips past him, making for the door. “Though, itwould please me if you would tarry a moment and instruct the maester to send araven to my cousin,” she tells him over her shoulder. “To inform her of ourvictory.”
“I will do so, Your Grace,” he says, bowing, “and then I shallbe with you post-haste.”
He doesn’t miss her smirk as she disappears through thedoor.
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hermanwatts · 4 years
Sensor Sweep: Viking Bikers From Hell, Lovecraft & Hemingway, Hadon of Ancient Opar
T.V. (Bare Bone E-zine): But Milius’ mark on Sutter’s creative process may go far beyond simple story and dialogue.  A more concrete clue lies in Milius’ end credits when Miami Vice scenes and the superimposed B-movie episode title “Viking Bikers from Hell,” pseudonymously written in 1987 by Milius, flash across the screen with other clips from his filmography.  Though Sons of Anarchy is stylistically, tonally, and philosophically different from Milius’ episode, it is not a leap to see how it put the gas in the tank of Sutter’s imagination.
  Horror (DMR Books): One of Lovecraft’s earliest stories written as an adult is “Dagon.” After his ship is sunk by German U-boats, a castaway finds himself on an unknown island. There he encounters the title creature. This story is one of Lovecraft’s earliest and one of his lesser ones; however it still has elements of genuine terror.
Games (Walker’s Retreat): Ghost of Tsushima is out now. In case you missed it, it’s this: Yep, a game set during the Mongol invasion of Japan. Gameplay is very reminiscent of the well-regarded Breath of the Wild for the Nintendo Switch blended with the more recent Assassin’s Creed games. Yes, playing in Japanese with subtitles is an option, as is playing in Black & White for the Full Kurosawa effect. This has the Death Cult in games mad, especially when Japanese outlets have been positive about this game. The meme below summarizes aptly.
Fiction (Rough Edges): A while back, I read SON OF GRENDEL, a novella that’s a prequel to this full-length novel. Now I’ve read BATTLE FOR THE WASTELANDS, and it’s a fine post-apocalyptic yarn, just as I expected based on my enjoyment of the novella. It’s the future, of course, after some disaster that has left vestiges of what people call the Old World. The countries, states, and cities that we know are gone, but firearms technology remains (although at a much lower level for the most part) and dirigibles are still around.
RPG (RPG Pundit): The newest issue is out, and RPGPundit Presents #102: The Woodsman is a very short issue, but it’s also only 99 cents! In it, I present a brand new character class for Lion & Dragon, that can also be used in other OSR games: the Woodsman! This is essentially a non-magical ranger-style class, based on Medieval-Authentic concepts of what a Woodsman was and did. If you want to play a native English (or Welsh) character who has ability in hunting, trapping and wilderness lore, this is the way to go!
Lost Race (Cirsova):   In Hadon of Ancient Opar he presents a tale of the Ice Age in Africa. Some readers will not care for the earthy, rough sexuality which still has the power to shock and disturb, despite the passage of decades.  Willy Ley’s “Chad Sea” and “Congo Lake” (Engineer’s Dreams, 1954) are present here as Mediterranean-like basins, while cities of a Jakob Bachofen-type matriarchy (Mother Right, 1861) flourish all around. Hadon, a sports champ/gladiator, is to become king but is instead sent on a deadly mission, and we’re off into whitest Africa, with Rider Haggard’s characters Laleela and Paga appearing alongside the Hercules-like Kwasin and the mysterious “grey-eyed god” Sahhindar.
Writing (Wasteland & Sky): We’ve talked many times about the awful state of art right now in the modern world, but we haven’t offered much in the way of solutions aside from the obvious: just keep trucking. Today that changes as I introduce to you my newest book due out at the end of this month: The Pulp Mindset!
  RPG (The Other Side): Astonishing Swordsmen & Sorcerers of Hyperborea (AS&SH) is more closely aligned with “Advanced Era” D&D, but its feel for me has always been more OD&D, though over the last few years I have been treating it as another flavor of Basic.  I have mentioned in the past that I see AS&SH as a good combination of B/X and AD&D rules.  Essentially it is what we were playing back in the early 80s.
Writing (Pulprev): Updated Call for Submissions: Pulp on Pulp. Misha Burnett and I are working on a free collection of essays for writers. Titled Pulp on Pulp, this collection offers practical advice on creating fun, fast-paced fiction. This collection is aimed specifically at writers who want to create pulp-style fiction, though writers from other genres may learn something new from this collection. This project is a labour of love, allowing writers to share everything they have learned.
Fiction (Tentaculii): Ernest Hemingway published his first novel in 1926, just as Lovecraft was writing “The Call of Cthulhu”. Over time Lovecraft’s star dimmed away almost to nothing, while Hemingway struck the world like a meteorite. So much so, that Robert Bloch once remarked that it was difficult to conceive that Lovecraft had actually been living and working in the same era as Hemingway. Another protege, J. Vernon Shea, also observed that… “Part of the reason for Lovecraft’s unpopularity with the literary critics of his day lay in the fact that mainstream literature, following Sherwood Anderson’s and Hemingway’s leads, was turning more and more toward simple sentences and action–packed narration”.
Non-fiction (Marzaat): In “Slaves of the Death Spider: Colin Wilson and Existentialist Science Fiction”, Stableford talks about Wilson’s Spider World series in a way that convinces me there’s probably not much of merit in them. He finds them not that original – specifically derivative of Star Wars and Murray Leinster’s “Mad Planet”. He finds it ironic that Wilson, who once accused science fiction of being fairy tales for adults who have not outgrown fairy tales, has written, inspired by his occult interests, a story that seems to suggest, a la L. Ron Hubbard’s Dianetics, that mankind’s salvation will come. In short, Stableford says Wilson neither delivers a new plot or anything conceptually satisfying.
Fiction (Jon Mollison): Celebrate your independence from authors that hate you, the good, the beautiful, and the true.  You should pick up your copy of The Penultimate Men today, and I’ll tell you why. or starters, it includes a new Morty and Kyrus story from Schuyler Hernstrom.  If you have read any Hernstrom, you already know his entry is worth the price of admission alone. In addition to that story, you get Jeffro Johnson’s inimitable break-down of the post-apocalyptic genre, a pair of tales from my own pen, and something you’ve never seen before.
Art (DMR Books): The artist, John Byrne, turned seventy today. I would reckon most DMR Books fans know him from his work on superhero comics like The X-Men and The Fantastic Four. However, Byrne has a long history of drawing heroic fantasy characters. Back in 1971, barely in his twenties, Byrne wrote and drew his first published comics story which was published by the Alberta College of Art and Design in Calgary. The protagonist of the comic was called “The Death’s-Head Knight” and the plot was firmly within heroic fantasy parameters. Check it out here.
Pulp Fiction (Adventures Fantastic): I read “The Black Gargoyle”. It was the cover story for the March 1934 issue of Weird Tales.   It is available in the collection of the same name. Set on Borneo, the unnamed narrator and his companion, Martin Gow, are traveling upriver to join a museum expedition. They stop to rest at an outpost run by a man named Gomez. Gomez is an evil man, the very stereotype of the white oppressor. Gomez has given them a hut in which there are several skulls and a shrunken head on a shelf above the beds. Also staying in another hut are a man and his wife.
Pulp Fiction (Pulp Net): I have posted previously on the prolific H. Bedford-Jones (1887-1949), who is considered the “King of the Pulps,” having written over 800 short stories, 200 novels, and more. While he had several series of works with single characters, many of his longest series were instead around certain themes. Kind of fictionalized histories or docu-dramas. Many of these were done for Blue Book, one of the “Big 4” of pulps. The longest of these series was his “Ships and Men” series that ran for 34 parts from January 1937 to November 1939.
Fiction (Superversive SF): Probably the best known of the series, THE BLACK CAULDRON follows the Companions as they seek to stop Arawn from acquiring more cauldron born. It is very different from the Disney movie version. The silent, stalking soldiers cannot be slain but weaken the further they get from the land of the dead. The companions have a mission—steal the cauldron and destroy it. That’s not as easy as it sounds. However, the one who jumps in must know it will cost his life. One of Prince Gwydion’s main allies turns traitor, and one of Taran’s new companions is out for his own glory.
Culture Wars/RPG (Grey Hawk Grognard): Sometime over the last couple of days, Wizards of the Coast decided to put up the following disclaimer on all D&D products earlier than 5th edition, plus a few 5E items as well. Setting aside the typos and grammatical errors of this hastily-done disclaimer, I can’t say I’m surprised that Wizards of the Coast has decided to bend the knee to the SJW crowd.
Fiction (Pulp Serenade): Robert Silverberg’s criminal past has been coming to light—and I, for one, am thrilled, just as readers were undoubtedly thrilled decades ago. In 2011, Stark House Press republished two of the sci-fi master’s earliest novels,  Gang Girl (1959) and Sex Bum (1963), both of which originally appeared under the pseudonym Don Elliott. These are from the heyday of smut paperbacks, a time when rising talent (like Silverberg, Donald Westlake, and Lawrence Block) were cutting their teeth on T-and-A-tastic yarns, honing their writing skills and getting paid for it.
Sensor Sweep: Viking Bikers From Hell, Lovecraft & Hemingway, Hadon of Ancient Opar published first on https://sixchexus.weebly.com/
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esonetwork · 5 years
Will Ashley survive the Game of Thrones?: Thoughts on the series from a first-time viewer
New Post has been published on https://esonetwork.com/will-ashley-survive-the-game-of-thrones-thoughts-on-the-series-from-a-first-time-viewer/
Will Ashley survive the Game of Thrones?: Thoughts on the series from a first-time viewer
At this point, it feels like I’m the last person in all of my social circles who hasn’t watched Game of Thrones.
I know that’s probably not true, but as a geek, it feels weird not being part of the discussion surrounding such a hugely popular fantasy TV series. However, by the time I started experiencing major “fear of missing out,” the show was almost over.
So, I decided to wait until the last episode had aired, and then watch the series in its entirety. I’ve already heard a number of spoilers for the show (I know how all the major character arcs end, and I know who ultimately ends up on the coveted Iron Throne).
While knowing these spoilers does take away from the suspense somewhat, I thought this prior knowledge might actually make for an interesting viewing experience. Since I know how the story ends, I can watch for clues along the way, to see how the writers get our characters from beginning to end. I won’t be worried about how certain character arcs wrap up; instead, I can watch this series more through the lens of wanting to see if the writers justify how we arrive at the ending.
I’ve heard the controversy surrounding the show’s final season, and I’m curious how knowing some of the criticisms ahead of time will impact my overall perception of the show. Also, after eight years of buildup, can this show live up to the hype?
Political games
***Warning: From here on, there are tons of spoilers for the entire series!***
In terms of narrative scope and cinematography, Game of Thrones is probably the most impressive TV series I have ever watched. A lot of times, you can tell that TV shows have smaller budgets than big screen movies, but all the costumes, sets, and special effects here are top-notch. It really helps create an immersive world that can compete with the caliber of most any big-budget blockbuster.
One of the things that first intrigued me about Game of Thrones was its similarity to real-life history: the Wars of the Roses in medieval England. A couple years ago, I fell down what I’ll lovingly call a “historical rabbit hole” triggered by the BBC miniseries “The Hollow Crown: The Wars of the Roses.” This miniseries covers several of Shakespeare’s historical plays depicting the Wars of the Roses, a brutal period in England’s history plagued by conspiracies, betrayal, backstabbing, and fierce competition for power. (Sound familiar?)
Anyway, I was so intrigued by this show that I immediately went searching for books on this time period, so I could learn more about it. During this time, my husband was forced to hear a LOT about the Wars of the Roses, and he very patiently listened to all the reasons I found this time period so fascinating. (Side note: “The Wars of the Roses: The Fall of the Plantagenets and the Rise of the Tudors” by Dan Jones is a great read, if you’re curious. And if you’re missing Game of Thrones, you should definitely watch “The Hollow Crown.”)
Apparently original Game of Thrones author George R.R. Martin at least somewhat shares my obsession, as he reportedly used the Wars of the Roses as inspiration for his own series.
Despite the show’s fictional setting, there’s a sense of “realness” that grounds Game of Thrones, and I believe this in no small part contributes to the show’s popularity. Plus, even though we may no longer live in medieval times, political maneuvering and backstabbing are behaviors that are still going on today (just look at some of those political mailers that inevitably show up in your mailbox around election time).
Who’s who in Westeros
There’s probably never been an ensemble cast quite like the distinguished crew of actors gathered for Game of Thrones, many of whom have gone on to successful careers outside the show. In terms of characters, if you’re looking for noble knights and benevolent rulers, you’ll have a hard time finding them here. However, there’s more nuance to be found than you might first suspect.
After the first couple of episodes, I felt pretty sure that ALL the Lannisters deserved to be pushed out a very high window. Yet as I kept watching, I could tell some of these characters were going to get a deeper, more layered character arc. I’m definitely #TeamStark all the way, but I am intrigued by pretty much all the major characters. And of course, you always need a few characters that you love to hate (looking at you, King Joffrey!).
This show is grittier and bleaker than a lot of the fantasy stories I’ve read or watched previously, and it took me a couple episodes to adjust to the tone. I would say there’s more villains than heroes, but again, I can see several characters that may wind up as anti-heroes or even heroes at the end. There’s a lot of tragedy to be found in Westeros, as well; I can see how some of the nastier characters, like Cersei, have been trapped by their circumstances. It’s an environment that doesn’t exactly allow them to flourish and become their best selves.
Sadly, one of my favorite characters is already gone (R.I.P. Eddard “Ned” Stark — Westeros was not worthy of you!). He’s noble, loyal, and genuinely trying to do the right thing and protect his family. Tragically, he’s outmaneuvered in the game of thrones going on around him, and the price he must pay is his life.
While I’d like to watch more of the show before commenting on what themes I think it’s trying to communicate, I have heard some say that Game of Thrones presents more of a nihilistic viewpoint, where it doesn’t matter if you try to be a moral person. However, I don’t think that’s necessarily the case. Ned Stark isn’t rewarded for doing the right thing, but I’d argue that you should do the right thing because it’s the right thing — whether you’re rewarded or not. Sometimes in life, bad things happen to good people. That doesn’t give you an excuse to just give up and be a bad person.
Ned Stark’s selflessness gets him killed, but, because I already know the ending, I find it fitting that one of his children (Bran) claims the throne and another is Queen in the North (Sansa); they become two of the most powerful players in the political games going on around them. Again, I’m curious to see how all these journeys are handled, but at least right now, I believe one very well could argue that Ned Stark does triumph in the end.
Room for improvement
Well, you can probably tell by the fact that I’ve already written 1,000+ words in this article that I’m officially a fan of Game of Thrones now and I’m really glad I decided to start watching this series. But, I feel like I do have to address one of the most common criticisms I’ve seen about the show, because this issue did bother me while I was watching.
If you Google “Game of Thrones and its portrayal of women,” you’ll find multiple articles on how the series has not always done right by its female characters. And it’s frustrating, because we live in an era with Wonder Woman, Rey, Katniss Everdeen, Captain Marvel, and so many other authentic and powerful female characters.
A number of the male characters in Game of Thrones don’t treat the female characters with a lot of respect (with the exception of the Stark family — again, I’m definitely #TeamStark all the way!). The writing and cinematography also seem to objectify and sexualize women to a much greater extent than their male counterparts.
On the one hand, yes, this series is based on medieval Europe, and women in that society probably were not treated very well. It’s important to remember that history, so we do not repeat it.
However, this is a fictional fantasy series written and filmed in the 2010s — if you’re going to do a period piece showing a society that is oppressive to women, you need to be responsible in how you showcase that oppression.
Case in point: although unlike Game of Thrones, Downton Abbey has practically no graphic violence, the women in that show are also held back by social constraints. The key difference is that in Downton Abbey, the female characters are given space (and a voice!) to communicate their frustrations and struggles with the limits that their society places on them.
In the first season, I desperately wanted more scenes with all of Games of Thrones’ rich female characters — Cersei Lannister, Sansa Stark, Catelyn Stark, Arya Stark, and Daenerys, to name a few — discussing their fears, thoughts, and feelings. Hopefully I’ll find more of this as the series goes on. I want the show to convince me it cares about its female characters as much as it cares about — and respects — the male ones.
Closing thoughts
Since I started drafting this blog post, I’m now about halfway through season 2, and I’m enjoying it even more than I enjoyed season 1. The show has also added several new female characters, which I’m excited about, and I think the portrayal of the female characters is improving.
I’m planning to keep blogging my way through Westeros as I watch through the stories, and I can’t wait to see more!
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