#this is a cold take someone prob said this already but i just realized that lol
fluffypotatey · 2 years
the squires of the round table: headcanons
in case you haven't heard, there's some new feral children in camelot and they are my babies and i have thoughts
so, what better way to begin my descent into madness rambling about my little squires is by sharing little characteristics these squires have.
Lucan is the self-proclaimed level headed friend of the SotRT but this is Sir Leon squire propaganda. He is, in fact, one of the top 5 unhinged squires (guess who's #1) and this is solely because he loses his shit at the most mundane of things such as Sir Leon calling Gareth "the most proficient with crossbows"
Gareth: "just admit you're jealous and move on" Lucan: "HISS!!!!"
Roland will commit war crimes. She hasn't yet because Merlin won't allow her to, but once knighted, it's all over for camelot's enemies.
Dagonet is the only one who can be on par with Nathan during duels and it pisses Nathan off to no end. Like how dare this squire walk in here, swipe his blade out of his hands in seconds and get praised by Elyan???? This means war
Feirefiz is here for the drama, he will stir the pot that is a promise and a threat. Do not take him lightly. Every story he tells the squires of his homeland? Absolutely true, but he only gives vague info out of context and they all find it very hard to believe him
Bedivere, aka Beddy, aka Baby, does not understand how to wash dishes. In fact, he hates it. It's the worst chore Sir Percy ever placed on their chore schedule, and if possible, he would fight it with his sword. Roland finds his complaints hilarious because god does he sound like a privileged noble, but his face is all scrunched up and he looks too cute.
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thatsrightice · 1 year
It's hard to remember because so much of his personality is based on this ice-cold, no-mistakes persona, but Iceman isn't the lone wolf of the flyboys. People may just be tentative about approaching him because of his resting bitch face and his no-nonsense demeanor in a jet. He allegedly* got his callsign for the way he flies; he's by the books, never makes mistakes, and is ice-cold in the air. Never said anything about his personality on the ground. He probably (definitely) had a rough childhood with his family and sexuality and shit, but he found his people in the Navy.
The ordies (ordinance officers) and maintenance crews love him because he treats them as equals, not servants or lowly mechanics. He'll take time to talk with them, even if only in passing. Oh, he's great with names and I'm convinced that's one of the main reasons he made it so far in life because names hold so much power to friendships. Knowing someone's name instantly makes them feel appreciated like you care enough to remember their name, while may seem trivial it genuinely means a LOT on a ship of 5,000+ individuals where the pilots are basically royalty.
Maverick is the lone wolf. He's the socially awkward one. I mean people of the opposing gender are no problem for him because they're easy to impress. But his fellow aviators? Not as easily impressed. And when Maverick finally realizes he likes guys, too? Train wreck. Complete and total bumbling, fumbling idiot. If the shower scene has taught me anything, it's that he just avoids awkward social interactions whenever possible. A hot man trying to help him and give him advice (albeit a little rude, he's prob crushing hard too soooooo)? His first instinct is to turn around and not say a word like WTF was that Mav???? Just ask him out already!!!!
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darkicedragon · 1 year
darkicedragon how does kentas deal w if hes actually pissed m off? bc werewolves probably just fight it out and then move on, but m holds Grudges and trust needs to be built up again after a fuck up (theres maduke, but he also probably held a grudge BECAUSE he couldnt just fight it out w muzaka and get the result he wanted) and asking m to fight after upsetting him is just going to upset him more so kentas is just ono???? ococo They would probably need intervention Cause both of them deals with it differently And to be honest i dont think Kentas is smart enough to realize that M is holding his issues in XD They probably gonna have a big fight To the point kentas thinks that they have broken up darkicedragon or that its his fault. oh no 'hey, you seem kinda grumpy/down today. wanna spar to perk you up?' o3o 'are you FUCKING serious??' '.....yeah? thats why i asked?'
ococo Cause M would def say something like "I dont want to see you, and I dont want to hear your fucking voice" ococo Yess Franken and Muzaka would have to middle darkicedragon muzaka just like OHO 'oi, kentas. here, NOW!' kentas just like O-O??? while frankenstein steps in to go distract m before m goes for kentas' throat 8') azure honestly, if M got angry at Kentas Kentas done fucked up for real bc I can't imagine M like being upset with something small, or annoyed esp when M would be the type to take a loooong ass time to trust someone so Kentas would've had to fuck up BIG to break M's trust and get him angry ococo Yup Probably kentas deserves to be kicked in the ass XD azure imagine they go searching for M's past and they find out that some/all of the M series ppl were like criminals and Kentas is like "good, they deserved their fate 😤 " and he meant well, like criminals need to be punished but M is livid darkicedragon maybe m is v much 'want to be left alone rn' vibes, but kentas cant read that, which keeps making m more annoyed bc pushing ms comfort boundaries is going to make him vvv techy darkicedragon oOOOH BOIIIIIIII ococo OH MY GOD darkicedragon could depend, bc kentas prob flips between the warrior mentality and 'well. almost all the ww warriors were also criminals so...' ococo HE NEEDS TO BE SLAPPED ON THE FACE azure if M would stop and think, he'd understand why Kentas said that but he's angry Kentas said that about what was like his family ococo And I like the concept! M "are you saying that I also do deserve to die?" azure M would get cold bc there's one thing getting angry at an enemy who you know is gonna attack you and it's something else when it's someone you trust back stabbing you ococo Ohohohohoh 🤤 darkicedragon m just stops interacting w kentas completely blanks him ococo Kentas screwed up Muzaka would also tell him in the face That M needs space and he better give it to him azure gets worse when they find out M was actually a criminal himself had to serve some good years for something bad darkicedragon kentas trying to figure out how to make up and muzaka just shooting them down 'so i should go spar w him?' 'no' '?? talk w him?' 'no' 'but.... what do i do?' ono 'keep out of his way and dont try ta force your way back in. yer LUCKY hes still letting you even see you rn. hes not a ww, so he doesnt act like one. remember that' ono azure bc M realizes Kentas thinks he should pay for his crimes as well ococo M starts to feel as awful as when he was first adopted.. feeling that he is not worth the second chance, and his boyfriend thinks the same darkicedragon 'i guess i should have just stayed in the union where i belong...' ococo Qwq T2 if they exist in this au they would very much be like hisssssss at Kentas too azure Kentas not understanding what he did wrong bc subtle things like these just... don't cross his mind he's v straight forward ococo He thinks M already redeemed himself but it sounded like if M didn't get the chance to be at frankens household that he also ought to deserve whatever happened to him darkicedragon kentas' thought processes are like 'hes at frankenstein and muzakas house and accepted here. hes strong now. past is in the past' and thats all that matters 'me helped me realise the other ww warriors were shit and move on from that, so i should do the same' not realising theres a difference between ww warriors and being experimented on bc of past deeds (that they dont even remeber) azure Kentas going to ask Franken and Muzaka what's wrong bc he simply doesn't understand and they ask him what he said or what their convo was Kentas tells them and Muzaka goes 😬 and >^> at Franken bc Franken goes =_= "While I do understand your line of thought, Kentas, you must understand you said that about what was practically M's family. At the same time, it sounds like you think M does not deserve redemption." "You are not wrong to think one must face the consequences of their actions and punishment for their wrongdoings, it's not always a black or white matter. There are grey areas." ... what would M be convicted of? 🤔 I'm thinking fraud or theft or like maybe some criminal activity stuff darkicedragon gang member? òvó azure yesss ò0ó darkicedragon basically a smaller version of the union w no experimentation 'hah... it would explain why i took so well to the union...' azure >w> and finds out he was a target bc he was an orphan who was taken in by the gang so no one would miss him so no family in the first place, except for the gang that used him darkicedragon so even no past in his past >w> or his gang also got destroyed bc they were trying to encroach on the unions turf azure yesss òwó Franken will prolly advise Kentas to think from M's perspective and understand why it hurt him so and to talk to him
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jiminrings · 3 years
they're interactions would prob be always in campus like at the library, class or even in a café or sth cuz i don't think stem!koo is the type to go to parties eXCEPT he's dragged invited to a party and approaches y/n since they share classes and are kinda acquaintances
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stem koo isn’t for the party scene and absolutely doesn’t know any better
cold senior!y/n x stem major!koo masterlist :D
jungkook wants to go anywhere but here
literally ANYWHERE
he’d actually enjoy studying on a friday night than to be here, a party, where he doesn’t know anyone besides jimin
it hasn’t even been a full hour since they arrived???
how the fuck did that guy even manage to talk him into accompanying him into this party :O
oh right
“i think i have a friend who has a friend that makes your lunches. it’s jUST a hunch but-“
jimin didn’t even manage to finish his sentence and jungkook already agreed
jungkook doesn’t care for the party scene at all. he doesn’t.
but that doesn’t mEAN that he doesn’t care for what other people think about him
he cares about your input pLS don’t say it to his face when it’s negative :((
uhhh he doesn’t exactly have party clothes
by party clothes, he doesn’t have what jimin has in his clothes
jeon jungkook does not own a sparkly sheer black long-sleeve shirt :D nor some leather pants :D or even a button-down shirt that in fact, does not have any buttons :D
what kook DOES have is a new red hoodie that he hasn’t worn before
it’s a red hoodie and that’s the equivalent of him dipping his toes in lava!!!
it’s spicy enough as it is
the only other change he’s gonna make is how the fuck he’s gonna tackle his myopia
he traded in his glasses for contacts tonight!!
they’re just clear and he might’ve had to struggle for thirty minutes to try and pop them in,,, inclusive of pep talks,,, but it’s still new!!!
(his glasses case is in his hoodie pocket)
that should be enough
the only thing that jungkook is lacking now is a familiar person
..... a familiar person.... who is in turn a safety blanket..... a comforting figure anongst strangers...... in a completely different environment
god there hAS to be a way that jungkook can find jimin so he could get home with ease, while simultaneously (passive-aggressively) chewing him out for abandoning him
easy!!! just easy breaths!!!!
it’s just like navigating a circuit that you made that you know the schematics of!!
only difference is that you didn’t make this circuit and there are no instructions!!!!!!!!!
<3 he’s doomed <3
jungkook bumps to numerous people and at some point, someone stopped him, nodded, and gave him a cup
what’s he SUPPOSED to with it????
alright think
a couch!!! yeah!!!!
jimin could be there and could be sitting because who doesn’t love sitting? right? why do people in parties not sit on couches exactly
“pick up, please. just pick up...” he keeps muttering under his breath, peering urgently to wherever his eyes could land on
that must be jimin
“man, that was not cool! how could you-...”
jungkook immediately claps his hand to blondie’s back, even squeezing the flesh when he realizes that.... oh? why is the fabric not as coarse as what a glittery sheer shirt would be?
.... holy shit
that is definitely not jimin.
it’s his senior!!!!
his senior who’s blonde and looks intimidating and soft at the same time but dEFINITELY looks intimidating rn
d-did he just clap min yoongi’s shoulder
yoongi looks the furthest thing from pleased and it’s his sharp eyes that make jungkook’s impossibly wider
“i-i’m so sorry. i am so, so sorry-...”
his senior only casts a look to the person beside him, deciding to stand and completely walk away from jungkook
he is so.,,., lost
yoongi looks at you from beside your seat beside him and only pinches your thigh, making you knit your brows in irritation
did he literally just walk away from you
what was that about ://
you turn your head for what could be yoongi’s old trick, only seeing a face you clearly did not expect to be here
jungkook recognizes you before you could recognize him, chest immediately deflating
oh that’s him alright
you sigh slowly, “jungkook.”
the boy wastes no time in eagerly yet shyly sitting beside you, occupying yoongi’s deserted spot
the cushion’s still warm tho
“thank god you’re here. i-i don’t know anyone in this party.”
your eyebrows raise at that, clearly finding no thought to it. “you should leave if you don’t know anyone here, jungkook.”
“b-but you’re here, so i’m good!” jungkook nods, correcting his statement, “i came here with my friend but he’s missing now.”
that’s unsafe!!!!
who is this friend and why do you feel like giving him some stern words >:|
“i mean, i am here but you don’t want to be here.”
.... you’re right
jungkook clearly glosses over to what you just said because you are eXACTLY right
yeah sure he found you but that doesn’t necessarily mean he wants to be in this party
it’s nice he found someone familiar but it doesn’t mean he wants to stay!!!!
you could only chuckle under your breath, drinking from your cup and planning your route to find yoongi throughout
“you should probably go home, jungkook.”
the boy visibly mulls over that option but he looks nervous, his knee bouncing up and down then that you can’t help but notice
“or are you gonna wait for your friend?
did you just give him an even bigger dilemma
jungkook swallows the lump in his throat, a nervous giggle coming out from him even before he could restrain it
“i-i can’t find him anyway. but that’s okay, right? jimin always comes home one way or another.”
you’re gonna pulverize him when you drop by yoongi’s chess club again ://
“then go home.”
your affirmation makes jungkook nod resolutely, making his mind up
he stands up rather unsurely, sheepishly nodding to you before he takes two steps away from you
jungkook turns to you almost nervously, eyes wavering that you only then realize that he isn’t wearing his glasses, seeing his bambi eyes a bit more clearly
“i-i’m very sorry to ask, and if it’s not too much trouble, a-and you don’t have to if you don’t want to but uhm — can you uh, can you walk me home?”
you’re pleasantly surprised from what jungkook’s asking of you, head tilting that he misinterprets and tries to backtrack
“i-it’s just that i feel safer with you. b-but i completely understand if-“
that’s nice
you stand up abruptly, leaving your drink by the table because it might seem a little funky to walk down a street with a blatantly red cup lol
he hears you reply simply, seeing you walk ahead of him with your hands in your pockets
jungkook is so grateful for you
you only share some classes here and there, and he’s only properly interacted with you once, and he doesn’t even have your number — but here you are, walking him home from a party he can’t stand to be in and is too anxious to walk away from alone
at some point, jungkook placed himself beside you so he could tell you where his apartment’s at,,
and also for the reason that he feels safer beside you and not behind you
you’re a warm presence if that makes sense
you’re team captain of your soccer team and you’re yoongi’s right-hand woman (and he’s your right-hand man slash nemesis) and he feels like everyone could count on you if they needed to
you’re not exactly outgoing nor warm nor approachable,,,, but jungkook doesn’t exactly mind
jungkook doesn’t mind because his senior is walking him home and he’s never felt more comforted before.
he starts tearing up at the edges of his eyes and it’s with a faint sniffle that you only turn your eyes at him, narrowing at the sight
you don’t even ask but he explains anyway, pointing in front of him
“nothing. just the wind. a-and i’m wearing contacts!”
you only nod curtly, continuing on walking when jungkook sees you pull out a goddamn bottle of eyedrops from your pocket, offering it to him like it’s no big deal
his eyes ARE scratchy
“how did you-“
“i carry it around. yoongi and i have dry eyes.”
you don’t exactly stop when he drops them to his eyes, but you do slow down in the slightest
jungkook finds himself in front of his apartment complex soon enough, almost disappointed that the walk home was quick
you turn without even waiting for a thanks from him, completely surprised when he yells out for you and tries to jog in an attempt to your retreating figure
“t-thank you so much, y/n! it means a lot and i-i probably would be still in that party crying or whatever until i could find jimin. i’m so sorry still and i hope i can make it up to you and-...”
“good night.”
you only flash a small smile, similar to yoongi’s :] before leaving jungkook in front of his complex
he’s still a little perplexed but he doesn’t question it
jungkook’s still holding your bottle of eyedrops in his hand, the only thing reminding him that his senior did walk him home
he’s gonna return this to you
he will
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my-pink-yandere · 4 years
Prompt: Yandere Bakugou, Midoriya, and Todoroki (separately) has a crush on Y/N...who is actually obsessed over a fictional character.
C/N: Character Name
Warnings: Yandere Tendencies, Swearing, Also this is sorta long cause I wrote a lot ;-; 
💥Katsuki Bakugou💥
❥ This boy is angered when he finds out about this
❥ Like wow he’s super pissed
❥ If you’re unfortunate enough to ever have a Yandere Bakugou take a liking to you, when he realizes that you’re obsessing over someone who isn't him, a fictional character nonetheless, he’s... well...
❥ “Very upset” would be an understatement
❥ He sees that as basically losing to a person who doesn’t even exist
❥ The chaos begins when he’s in the middle of his daily routine of admiring staring at you from afar, and when you stand up with one of your friends and begin walking out of the cafeteria, he hears a few... interesting statements escape your mouth as you pass him by
❥ “I can’t believe you actually like them, Y/N! You’re totally hopeless when it comes to love, huh?” His head was tilted your way, seeing your friend looking disappointed and you looking flustered. “It’s not my fault they're so perfect!” you answered, practically radiating embarrassment. He smirked, assuming you were talking about him. I mean, who else would you get so worked u about>
❥ “Besides, I’m not the only one who simps for C/N! So shh-”
❥ ...
❥ All that’s going through Bakugou’s head right now is why that name wasn't his
❥ He’s gone eerily still, and all of his friends sort of stop and look at him
❥ “Bakubro? You good-”
❥ Bakusquad is going to have to hold Katsuki back from blowing up the entire cafeteria
❥ This b*tch only sees red rn
❥ he got murder on his mind :0
❥ Despite how angered Bakugou is, he’s not a complete dumbass, believe it or not
❥ He’s not going to confront you about it, at least not right now.
❥ Once he calms tf down, he’ll come to his senses and have his top priority being to get rid the competition first, meaning he has to hunt down whoever C/N is and delete them from existence
❥ When he learns that C/N is actually a fictional character from some anime tbh he just feels extra insulted
❥ You chose a f*cking fictional character over him >:(
❥ It’s now where he begins to get even angrier when he realizes how easy it should’ve been for him to notice sooner. All the stickers on your school supplies, the pins on your bags, how you’d sometimes sneak in their merchandise to show off to your friends at lunch
❥ It was when he overheard you possibly owning a body pillow where he went feral
❥ Will go out of his way to steal your shit and burn all of your merchandise of C/N, or anything that would remind you of the character
❥ He’d catch you when you were alone, and would shove you off your feet as he’d grab your bag and roughly go through it, angrily tearing off the stickers on your notebooks and pins off your bag as your crying and screaming at him to stop
❥ At this point he doesn’t care about how you feel about this at all. It’s never even crossed his mind (blind rage)
❥ His plan is to pluck C/N out of your life, replacing all your thoughts of them with just him, so you’re only thinking of him
❥ It doesn't matter to him if they're good thoughts or bad thoughts
❥ All that matters is that you’re thinking of him
❥ Only him.
In a nutshell, he’s gonna steal all of your items that have any reference to C/N and get rid of it all. He doesn't care how much he’s hurting you by doing this, he’ll concern himself with your feelings later. He’s going to hang around you more despite your protests for him to just leave you alone, quite literally forcing his way into your life so that he infests himself into your brain and become the only thing you think about, so that you can truly understand how he feels about you.
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💚Izuku Midoriya💚
❥ Bold of you to assume he doesn't already know about this “obsession” of yours
❥ This child takes notes on EVERYTHING and ANYTHING related to you, so he obviously knew about your love for this certain fictional character
❥ At first glance, he believes your obsession with C/N is similar to him with All Might- just an innocent but deep admiration for them
❥ He’ll buy you their merchandise and gift it to you at school (accompanied by some flowers and sweet little cards of course ❤)
❥ He was nervous to do this at first, his crush on you rendering him a stuttering, blushing mess whenever you so much as glanced his way, but he pushed through his anxiety just to see your cute smile and feel your warm hug when he gives you those gifts
❥ He cherishes those moments more than anything, to see you so happy
❥ (Especially because  it was him to make you so excited! Not Kirishima or Uraraka... him)
❥ He’ll binge the entire show as fast as he can and memorize everything he deems as important just so he can chat with you about it at school
❥ “Isn’t C/N so cool?” he asked you, and you had quickly turned to him with a surprised and then starry gaze. “Izuku, you like them too?!”
❥ You were both on a first name basis now ;D (You even gave him a little nickname: ‘Zuku. Let’s just say he was a bit more than ecstatic when you began referring to him in such an informal way. You must really like him! ❤)
❥ And Midoriya, being the delusional little yandere he is, sees this as you both basically dating
❥ You both hang out everyday at school, discussing the show and characters, who your favorites were, how the plot was going, etc.
❥ You see him as one of your closest friends now, and eventually you trust him enough to bring him to your house to chill without your family home ;0
❥ The thing was, Midoriya noticed how you would never invite anyone from school to your house, always brushing it off and just saying how your parents would get angry or how dirty your room was
❥ This was the first time you’d ever invited anyone from U.A. over to your house
❥ His thoughts were running wild as you both walked home together: ‘What’s Y/N’s house like? Will their parents be home? Why have they avoided anyone coming over until now? Have they only invited me because we’re dating? Are... are we going to kiss?????’
❥ (For clarification, even with the dorms in place, over the weekend you like to hang out at home where you’re more comfortable)
❥ “We can re-watch some of the episodes for awhile. I think I also have some snacks...” you grinned, and he memorized every detail of your house as you both made your way to your room
❥ He was greeted with a room filled entirely with C/N merchandise, but caught his attention the quickest was your bed
❥ You had a body pillow of C/N
❥ Now Midoriya, like I said before, is a very delusional yandere
❥ He has excuses for literally everything you do. You love him just as much as he loves you after all!
❥ But this
❥ This he cannot ignore
❥ He was just staring at the pillow with a blank face as his eye twitched
❥ “’Zuku? What's wrong?”
❥ “Hmm?” he hummed, turning towards you. “Oh, nothing! It’s just, um, your pillow...”
❥ You felt your face catch on fire as you moved to block his view as you tried to quickly shove it under your bed. “UHM, HAHA SORRY ‘BOUT THAT I FORGOT IT WAS THERE-”
❥ Midoriya was quiet as he watched you struggle at hiding the pillow
❥ He was thinking
❥ He loved All Might a lot, but he’d never buy a body pillow of him
❥ What type of love did you have for C/N?
❥ “Hey Y/N?” You turned to look at him, but the moment your eyes met you felt a shiver run down your back. Izuku was smiling at you, but his whole vibe was different...
❥ ‘Was he angry?’
❥ “Why don’t we watch a different series today?”
In a nutshell, he’d go along with your character obsession up until you cross the line, and that would be either him finding out about you reading fan fiction of C/N, a body pillow of them, or some... questionable fan art you have of them saved on your phone. Then he’d do anything in his power to distance you from that show, hiding your merchandise and distracting you with more hero-related hobbies, like geeking over pro heroes or training. Just please stop simping over C/N. You’re making the smol boi jealous of a fictional character :( Why can’t you just pay attention to him a bit more?
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❄️Shoto Todoroki🔥
❥ Tbh he doesn't really acknowledge your love for this certain character for awhile
❥ All he focuses on is that you look really happy and cute when you talk about this show
❥ That’s all that really matters to him 😊
❥ Similar to Izuku, he’ll buy you all of their merchandise just to see you all adorable and excited
❥ And Todoroki is a rich boi so that’s a plus
❥ Will probably buy u all the expensive merchandise and you’ll just be 🥺️💞💞💞
❥ The only reason he never really gets angry is because he doesn't understand what's so terrible about your little obsession with the show/character
❥ He just sees it as a little hobby of yours that you’re really passionate about
❥ Despite his cold demeanor, Shoto is always trying his best to support anything you do
❥ While he can get very intense as a yandere, we gotta remember this is Shoto we’re talking about
❥ He probably has no clue what simping even is
❥ He only gets bothered when you own a body pillow or compliment C/N looks too much (he doesn’t appreciate you getting so worked up over someone who isn’t him... even though you both aren’t technically dating)
❥ But he wont flip out like Midoriya or Bakugou
❥ If you both are on the couch at the dorms and you're just going on and on about C/N he’d prob just like-
❥ Reach over and grab your hand and just state how cute you are
❥ He’s a bit of an idiot when it comes to flirting, but he notices that whenever he touches you in an affectionate way you sort of freeze up and forget what you're talking about for a few seconds
❥ Because of how supportive Shoto’s been you sorta developed feelings as well 
❥ Cause I mean who wouldn't ;)
❥ He becomes your close supportive weeb friend :D (even if he doesn’t completely understand what a weeb is...) 
❥ But Todoroki doesn't like that title that much
❥ But he’ll take it slow because he loves you and wants you to love him back :)
❥ “I like it when you smile like that, Y/N.”
In a nutshell, Yandere Todoroki is prob the calmest of the three. He doesn't understand how simping works and the idea of you passionately loving a fictional character more than him has never crossed his mind. But he uses your love of the show to get closer to you. Closer and closer and closer-
Until maybe he can just be the one to make you smile, and not just that character from the show :)
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spices-and-cherries · 3 years
Rampage (Chapter 3)
Chapter 3 is finally out! Is it rough? Yes. Is it months late? Yes. Do I care? No. Why? Because I’m having fun writing it! This chapter does feel a little rushed even though I tried to draw it out. I dunno. Is he too ooc?
I did not reference race, gender, sexuality, or physical appearance. If I missed something, please let me know so I can change it!
Warnings: violence, death, car chase, car accident, alcohol, angst
Chapter 3: Parcel
James had been too preoccupied to bother following the movements of the remaining men, but he had heard whispers a year ago about a club being formed with some very similar faces affiliated with it. 
What if Keery's husband hadn't died afterall? And this was some sort of sick and twisted revenge plan? 
For the first time in a long while, James had genuinely no idea what to do.
"Hey." A hand waved in front of his face. "Hey!" He blinked as his eyes focused on the woman in front of him. "Are you okay?" He runs a hand through his hair. 
"That paper could be the key to save someone's life. Just... Let me look at it and I'll give it back. I promise."
After a long pause, she holds the paper out in front of her. Taking it, he quickly reads it. Like he thought, it was a receipt involving some sort of business deal with The End Club. Arms trading?
"How did this get into the hands of Slane?"
"That's what I want to figure out too." The woman snatches the paper back. 
"What's your connection to them?"
"...Why should I tell you?"
"Depending on what's going on here, I can help you."
"It's a secret." She turned and started for the door.
"Judging by the fact that you have a gun and sneaking about a place like this, you're out for blood, but the thing is, you don't really know how to shoot, do you?"
"...I don't see how it's any of your business!" She stopped, her back turned to him and her fists clenched. 
"Well, if we were to run into each other, which we undoubtedly will, I don't exactly want to be shot on accident in the crosshairs." He walked towards her. "You help me by telling me everything I need to know and I'll make sure your bullet hits the mark."
"How do I know you're not lying?"
"Because I have a strong feeling we're looking for the same people."
"I know a place where we can get a booth." The girl - Violet - pulled out of her parking spot, apparently dead-set on getting a drink. He, for once, could very much do without. Drinking vodka martini's were just the distraction he very much did not need at the moment. But he needed information and was now working on someone else's time. Maybe the drinks will chase the worry away.
Had they hurt you? Did you get fed? Had they taken advantage of you? Were you injured? 
A finger snapped in front of his face. 
"Wake up! We're here!" When he got out of the car, the cold air hit him right in the face. It brought him out of his little spell - or at least enough to make him think coherently. 
"...Vodka martini. Don't care how."
"And a chocolate martini, please."
"A what, miss?"
"Make that two vodka martini's." He butt in, ordering for her. 
"What the hell?"
"I should be asking you that."
"What? Chocolate martinis are good."
"And for children."
"...So what will it be?" Asked the waiter, looking confused.
"Just get me a martini." Violet sighed, glaring at James before going back to the menu. "Could you please add mozzarella sticks to that?" The waiter nodded and rushed away. She clasped her hands and looked him straight in the eye. "So. What do you want to know?"
"...My father used to work for a meat company." She leaned back in her seat and put her hands in her lap. "At one point, when I was really little, the company was taken over by a new owner and they renamed the place to End Club Meats & Co. My father - being one of the engineers or whatever - was one of the people they kept around. I guess his type are hard to come around. As the years went by, he seemed to be home less and less until one day, some men knocked on our door and informed us that he had died in a work accident." She paused when the drinks were set on the table. "A few years ago, I was contacted by one of his coworkers who claimed that there was more to it than that. Apparently, he'd been called to the head office and never came out. I've been trying to find out who did it and why ever since."
"And Slane?"
"I found his name somewhere and thought he was connected somehow. I was trying to find out how when you found me."
"What are you going to do now?
"Uh, trace the receipts back to who was involved and kill them. Of course, that's easier said than done considering I have no idea what I'm doing." James briefly wondered how she hadn't been killed in her sleep already.  
"Are you familiar with the name Stone? He's a henchman of sorts."
"...No? I don't believe so. Now, can you please tell me what any of this has to do with you? I'd like to know my protector a little more." There was an edge of sarcasm in her voice that he simply didn't feel like humoring. 
"I work for her Majesty as an agent, meaning-"
"You're a copper. Got it. Move on." He really didn't like her tone.
"Meaning, that I go after people in the underground who are like Slane and worse. A few years ago, I had to track down this man named Keery. His drug trafficking organization had a headquarters in France, disguised as a very large butcher warehouse." A look of realization dawned on Violet's face. "Keery died with many of his subordinates, but I seemed to have overlooked one."
"So the missing person you were talking about is the one you... forgot?"
"No, not exactly." He took a sip of his drink. The burn cleared his mind a little. "My life expectancy is, statistically speaking, low and..." James paused, realizing that he was talking more about himself than he normally would. It felt wrong.
"And it's the same for those close to me." It felt wrong, but he found it liberating at the same time. 
"So something happened?" Violet's voice became soft.
"Yes." James rubbed his face with his hands, suddenly feeling a wave of exhaustion. 
"So let me guess, the End Club is run by someone who wants to take revenge on you by taking this... person away? And now you need to find them?"
"...Normally I wouldn't do this, I still can't tell if you're lying or not, but let me take you back to my place. We can come up with a plan and get some rest..." James looked up at her incredulously. "What? I got this far - you're not getting rid of me until all this is over. Besides, I have my own bone to pick..."
"- And that's the couch where you'll be sleeping. I'll be right back - I need to get you something to sleep in..." She disappeared into her room. After several minutes of muffled cussing and the sounds of things falling over, she came out. "I hope this is okay. It's all I got." She tossed a bundle of clothes at him. It was a pair of basketball shorts and a t-shirt. 
"No prob-" She was interrupted by a beeping noise at the door. 
"Ms. Dunby, there's a parcel for you downstairs."
"Shit. Okay, I'll be back. I forgot that I had something coming." She hurried to put some shoes on and rushed out the door. At first, James thought nothing of it, but when he checked the time, realization dawned on him. It's almost two in the morning. Who would be getting a parcel at this time of the night?
Grabbing his gun, he ran out into the hallway and hopped three stairs at a time in the stairwell. Violet wasn't in the lobby. He hears a car door slam out on the street. He caught a glimpse of Violet's face pressed against the window of an expensive black car just as it drove away.
Without a second thought, he ran out into the street and, seeing Violet’s old camry, he punched the window to let himself in. After making quick work of hotwiring the vehicle, it came to life. 
Tires screeching, he chased the black car through tight alleyways and around sharp turns, when suddenly they were on a main road with surprisingly little traffic. 
He stepped on the gas. 
In seconds he was within feet of the vehicle. The driver tried to swerve in an effort to out maneuver him, but James didn't have the energy for playing the race game. 
In a burst of speed, he ran his car into the back of the black car - hard - and pushed it so it scrapped against the guardrails along the side of the road, sparks flying. They came to a bumpy stop when they plowed into a lamppost. 
He clambered out as soon as he could, stumbling over a scrap of junk, and made his way - gun out - to the wrecked car. The driver seemed to be dead, but he couldn't-
"RAGHH!" A big figure slammed open the car door and leapt on him. He flew to the ground with what felt like a ton right on top of him. His gun spun away, leaving him defenseless. A fist slammed into his face. Not having a lot of room to move, James jabbed the man's neck as hard as he could. It gave him a few moments to get the man off of him and identify his attacker.
It, with some stroke of luck, was Stone. The very man he was looking for.
Stone got up, spat, and then threw himself into his stomach - forcing him back down to the ground. The two of them rolled around on the asphalt. One second his face was being ground into the road and another he'd be holding Stone in a choke hold. 
"Where did you take them?" James growls, kneeing Stone in the gut. 
"Who the fuck are you talking about?" Stone's big hand slammed James's face into the ground. His ears were ringing.
"Huh. You must be James Bond." Stone smiled, but it was wiped away with James's elbow. James managed to roll away and get back up.
"In the flesh." 
"Well, I'm afraid to say that I won't tell you shit." Stone barreled into him again, but this time James was ready and managed to keep his feet grounded. He kneed Stone again and again - slowly letting his frustration loose. 
"Then I'm afraid I'll have to make you." Stone's grip on him tightened as he knocked James's feet out. 
"Not like this, you won't." After a couple hard punches, Stone gripped his neck. His hands scrambled, trying to get Stone off of him. He was beginning to see double. "I'm starting to feel sorry for ya." Stone laughed. "Don't worry - your partner is just fine. They're getting fed - but that was as of yesterday."
A shot rings out, the grip on his neck leaves, and Stone's shoulder is bleeding. But James doesn't notice.
All he can see is red.
What a big man. A scary looking man. He was the big scary looking man that took you. Where are you? Why won't Stone tell him where you are?
His fists are burning.
And then suddenly Stone is under him, saying something. He watches as his nose slowly crumples, as his teeth were turning red, as his eyes became glossy, as -
"James!" Hands are on his shoulder, nails digging in. He growls as his fist seamlessly gets ready to strike. A clammy hand wraps around his wrist. "JAMES!" Violet is looking at him with frantic eyes. "He's already dead, so stop it!" He looks back down. Stone's face was almost unrecognizable.
Had he done that?
Whoops. Angsty Bond feels... Anyway, this is the first series I’ve written in a long while and the first I’ve ever written for Bond, so feel free to give me some feedback! Just be nice about it - I’m sensitive. Also! I'm in the middle of reading Layercake. When I’m done I’ll watch the movie - so look out for some headcanons on our nameless protagonist in the near future! If y’all have any ideas, feel free to send them my way!
- Simpy
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lafox · 3 years
Hello, I've been reading I lot of your fics and fell in love with them. You writing is great♡♡
Will it be if I ask for Zenigata x Injured Reader? Like the two of them are partners on a case and they get hurt protecting . Thank You. :>
Thank you so much for this request!! i was waiting in my dark, gloomy room for this one hahah!
It’s gonna be pretty angst XO
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This is going to be pretty long cause i really got carried away! but i really hope you enjoy. Prepare you tissues and a pillow to squeeze your frustration! Please send me more Zenigata stuff i beg!
You were both on your daily mission to get Lupin in his gang over the cold, rusty metal bars. You had planed out what could possibly be the tricks and outplays that could play out throughout the day. Zenigata was a dedicated man and you learnt that throughout your journey with him. He was creative, strong and a bit clumsy but how can you not with such a strong figure walking around.  
"So we have everything ready?" you asked inpatient. He started at our notes and blue prints intensively.
"Almost." He paused and lifted his head to meet your eyes. 
"We just need to confirm everything." You groan but deep down, you enjoyed spending time with him, even if it was things that wasn't your cup of tea.
After checking once more and giving each other quizzes on the different situations, the only thing you had to wait for the radio to alarm us of any Lupin activities. You stood up out of your spot and directed yourself to the kettle siting on you right. You reached the top drawer and took two noodle cups. He formed a smile on his face and closed his eyes in approval when you showed him the cup. You were both eating when you asked a question that wasn't in the blue prints.
"What do we do if one of us gets hurt..?" You said with hesitation. His eyes widened as he raised his brows. For a split second he didn't move until he swallowed his noodles. He looked away, trying to think for an answer. 
"What are you saying, it will never happen cause I'm here!" You laughed at his response and smiled at him.
"Seriously Koichi-" You stopped your trail of words as his eyes were looking through yours. Was it a mistake that you called him by his first name? He frowned and looked away.
"Well if it happened then-" Zenigata get's cut off by the radio signals and quickly reaches for it. 
"We have located Lupin and his gang around the Louvre Inspector."
"Do not move until I command you too!" He replied. He grabbed his coat and you followed him. At the scene the both of you join Zenigata's officers and salute them. They salute you back and explain the situation. There was a high chance that they would be more gangs than Lupin's so Zenigata had to take a decision. Haft of his forces on the hunt, the others on the watch. They would take the main door to the Louvre as both of you would take the exits. Everyone were ready, like robots with their own commands.
"They are... very well disciplined." you said uneasy.
"We only have the best for these kinds of cases, that's why you are here." You said as he flashes you with a smile. You didn't budge until we started to move. You followed him, still flustered about his comment.
You were almost at the exits of The famous Louvre until you heard something from afar, Inspetor Zenigata didn't move or react to it until it was too late. 
The cop was right...
 You saw the light afar and push the inspector way. 
It happened so fast.
You never felt this kind of pain before.
The intense warms in your lower abdomen told you everything you need to know about the situation.
You fell to the ground almost unconscious. 
Zenigata grabbed his gun in a flash and shot at the right direction. There was a heavy silence. You looked at the city lights, concentrating on the beautiful Parisian lights.
Someone called a name, multiple time, until you realized it was yours. You opened your eyes a bit more and felt your body being flipped to your back. You saw the Inspector's face of worry but, it reassured you. He was a comforting presence to be with.
You saw him call the radio in panic until he ripped your shirt to see the wound. He got to work and took the ripped part of your shirt and covered the wound for it to stop bleeding but- 
"Stay with me would ya!" 
'I'll stay.. i'll stay' You said to yourself. You knew you were losing a lot of blood, 
You knew,
He knew. 
"Please don't close your eyes and look at me!" He yelled. It woke you up a bit of your thinking. 
"I-" You managed to say as you grit your teeth when his hands pressured your wound.
"What do we do." You exhaled,
"If one of us get hurt?" you finished. His eyes widened at your question.
"Tell me." You struggled. You budge him out of his shock.
"We stop the mission, we stop everything!" he answered.
"Why?" Zenigata frowned and grit his teeth. You saw his sweat slowly falling down his cheek to his chin. He took his hat off and gently put it on your chest. You help a grip on it, of all the strength you had to not fall unconscious. You felt your slowly being heavier and heavier. 
"Don't leave me like Laura did..." That was the last thing you heard. 
The next thing you knew, you felt a sheets covering your lower body. You tried opening your eyes but the room was so light. You blinked a few times before your eyes fully opened. You looked down at your arms already habited by needles in your skin. You were still holding Zenigata's hat, now it was all bloody from the event. You looked to your right and you saw the grey door, closer to you the liquid going into your body, standing there. You slowly turn you eyes to your left. You saw a big figure, sitting there with his eyes closed and crossing his arms like the men in their 40's sleeps like when they sleep on a couch. You didn't want to wake him up until you accidently knocked out the radio sitting on the left little table between the two of you. You couldn't reach it from down here, your abdomen was on fire. His eyes met yours, you felt like you were caught.
"Good morning." You said with an awkward smile. He reached for the radio and put it back on the table. He was silent in his movement. You didn't budge a centimeter, it was unlike him to be the silence type. His got closer to you with his chair. You felt yourself being wrapped up in his big arms, your head was resting on his chest. after a few seconds, he let go and you looked back at him. He looked horrible, he had dark circles under his eyes, yes, even more than usual and his eyes were red, like he cried.
"Are you okay?" you asked him. he didn't respond to you and laid his head on the bed close your waist and became silent. You understood his message and laid down as comfortably as you could be and watched him sleep. You really wanted to run your fingers on his hair but hesitated. Now isn't the time to show that kind of affection, so you put your hand on his shoulder and rested.
 Later on when a nurse came in to check up on your condition, you signaled them to be quiet as Zenigata was in a deep sleep. You talked to the nurse a bit and learnt that Zenigata had stayed all night and all day to keep a watch of you. You didn't even know how long that must've been. More detailed came out the nurse's mouth. He almost never let go of your hand, cried some nights and always pushed his work away. You looked back at Zenigata's sleeping figure and sat there, shocked. After the nurse left, you felt horrible and had many questions in mind;
-Why did he not continue and chase Lupin?
-Why did the other cops didn't come to help?
-Who is Laura?
-How many people did he lose?
You looked at Zenigata and directed your hand to his head, running your hands through his hair. It felt satisfying, it gave you some sort of serotonin boost. You stopped to concentrate on a book you request from the nurse. Suddenly you felt a hand gently grabbing yours, he directed your hand around his hair. You smiled and ran your hand in his hair again. You heard a a sighed of satisfaction from his and you continued reading your book.
Later that day, Zenigata woke up from his slumber. He opened his eyes to see you, reading your book in peace. He bolted of joy and raised himself of your hospital bed. 
“You’re awake, you’re awake!” he said. You only chuckled at his childish side and he sat back down. Last time he woke up, he was so exhausted he forgot. 
“Good afternoon Koichi.” You smiled at him. He paused his tracks and looked away all flustered. You smiled at him and put your book down. 
“How are you feeling?” He asked. 
“Only some abdominal pains, nothing more.” You responded. He grabbed your hand and enfolded it with his hands. You directed your eyes to him and he closed his. 
“I won’t let this happen ever again, I was not focus, I'm sorry.”
"Koichi..." You sighed.
"I am just glad, that you are still living why did you do it!"
"Well..." You paused.
"We only have the best for these kinds of cases, that's why i'm are here"
Koichi only smiled and stayed next to for the rest of your trip at the hospital. He was glad, glad to have one the best partners in the world.
Thank you so so much for this request!
You probs have seen that i'm way more active. Thats because school is almost over so i have some time off YEY! So there will be more writing from now on!
My Ask is still closed sorry..
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fangirlovestuff · 4 years
Hi! I love your work!! If you are free, can you do one where the reader, who is an actress, is rumored to be with someone else she worked with and Chris Evans actually starts believing it and they fight which leads to a break up? I'm sorry it's really dumb.
Rumor Has It
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a/n - nonnie, your request isn’t dumb!!! it’s a very good request and tysm for asking it, i really hope this is what you wanted and i could do your request justice. also yes, the title is from the Adele song, i just couldn’t resist lol. enjoy!<3
Word Count: 1k
Warnings: angst, cursing 
edit - this turned into a series🥰: part 2 part 3
You were returning from set when you read the headline of the article and snorted. Seriously? Don't these people have anything better to do but speculate about coworkers "dating"?
Entering your house, you shut the door behind you, knowing Chris was already home. "Babe?" you called out, putting down your bag.
"Hey," you heard Chris say in the living room. He sounded off, maybe even angry. You frowned and came into the living room, plopping down on the couch next to him.
"You alright?" you asked, pouting slightly at his expression.
"I don't know," he shrugged.
"You don't… know?"
"I don't know. Is my girlfriend cheating on me?" he finally turned to look you in the eyes, his expression annoyed.
"Excuse me?" you said, your eyes widening in shock.
"You heard me," he grumbled and took his phone out of his pocket. He opened it and the first thing that popped up was the article you just saw, open on some pictures of you and your friend David getting lunch on set today.
You rolled your eyes. "Very funny, Chris."
"Is it though?" he said bitterly and raised his eyebrow.
"C'mon, you can't be serious about this," you chuckled and cupped his face with your hands. "You know I'm not dating him, right?"
"I dunno, this seems pretty compelling to me," he said coldly. "listen to this – 'the two stars met on set for their hit new show, and sources state they immediately hit it off. They've been rumored to be involved for quite a while, but new pictures from the set today—'"
"Alright, I've heard enough," you cut him off, "we're just friends, and we went to get lunch. Obviously, the press blew it up like they love to do so much. You know this," you squeezed his hand in yours.
"Well yeah, but is it true? I mean, did you two really hit it off? Are you dating now?"
"God, do you really believe that crap, Chris?" you stood up and started pacing, unable to contain your anger.
"What do you want me to do?" his voice rose, his frustration evident. "Every fucking day you're dating someone else, and it's never me. How long until that turns true?"
"Never! It's never gonna turn true Chris!" you were exasperated. "Now, are you going to trust me? Take my word on this?"
"Considering the fact that everyone else says something different than you, it's a pretty hard thing to do." His tone was lower now, eyes fuming, and jaw clenched.
"It shouldn't be!" you lashed out, "You don't know these people! But you know me!"
"Yes, I do. That's how I know how anyone would jump at the chance to be with you." He looked into your eyes and you stared right back, still angry. After a short pause, he spoke up again. "You didn't answer my question."
"No, Chris! The answer is an obvious no! I'm not fucking around, I'm not in love with my coworker, or whatever it is people are saying about me. It doesn't matter, because I'm with you, and that's how I wanna be. The fact that this stupid gossip means something to you tells me that you don't. If you actually wanted to be with me, you would listen."
"I do want to be with you!" he said, taking your hand in his, "I just don't want anyone stealing you away from me. And when you go out to lunch with David," he spat out the name, "maybe make sure you're not all over the fucking tabloids, and then we can avoid this argument and you can lunch with whoever you want."
"Green was never your fucking color, Chris. Especially when you refuse so adamantly to trust me."
"Look, we both do what we do. We know what it's like to be someone you're not. And sometimes, it feels like if you wanted to lie to me, you could, because you're just that good. And if I was David, I'd do everything I can to be with you. You know I love you, but you can't blame me for having a hard time trusting you," he said, frustrated.
"Oh my fucking god!" you yelled, "You're an actor too, Chris! And guess what, I still believe you! So yes, I can blame you for not trusting me, because if you actually loved me like you said you do, you'd trust me!" tears of hurt were streaming down your face now, the truth of your words sinking in.
"I'm done making excuses for you, and I'm done with you," you said, your voice cold and leveled, strong. Meanwhile, your heart shattered.
"Oh, really? Is it because you don’t love me, or is it because you love him?"
"None. And the fact that you can't get that through your thick skull tells me I'm making the right call."
You took a deep breath before walking away, picking up a bag and starting to stuff your clothes in it, your phone, everything you needed to take with you. God knows you're not coming back here again.
Chris didn't follow. Maybe he thought you just needed some time to relax, maybe he didn't want to stop you. You didn't care.
Wordlessly, you slipped out, your stuff with you, already calling your friend to let you crash at her place. You passed the living room entrance and saw Chris on the couch, Dodger in his lap, watching the TV. You could join them, whispered a voice in you, like you always do, and then it'll be okay.
But it won't. You couldn't be with someone who didn't trust you fully. You couldn't give your heart to someone who took the press more seriously than he did you. You couldn’t compromise your soul like that, not even for Chris. You went outside, slamming the door behind you. By the time Chris noticed, you were far enough from him to realize you did the right thing, the only thing you could do.
You walked away.
i’m don’t love my writing in this one a hundred precent, but i really wanted to get it out because i know i’ve been taking forever with the requests, i really hope it was good anyways🥺 also this is very angsty but i’m posting a very fluffy headcanon soon (probs gonna queue it up today) so keep an eye out for that<3
Taglist:  @horny-nd-bored​ @shannon124 @perfectlyharolds​ @wintersoldierslut​ @iceebabies​  @sleepingpapermouse @steverogerswasalwaysworthy @holtzkinnon @angelicl-y @stydia-4-ever @thatoneperson5000 @fangirlfree​ @kaitcordx25 @bequeening​ @steve-barry-damon-logan​ @itscrazycherryblossomcollection​ @hollandxmarvel​ @stargazingfangirl18 @readsreblogsfics @onetwo3000 @beritmetal @harrystylesholland @jazbot2000 @anobscurename @xxxtwilightaxelxxx
if you wanna join / be removed from this taglist, comment/message me! much love <3
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gojology · 4 years
Clubs Aren’t My Thing. (1/2)
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𝑨𝒖𝒕𝒉𝒐𝒓'𝒔 𝑵𝒐𝒕𝒆 | i’m REPOSTING this because my already bruised ego absolutely rejects the fact that my writing got 33 notes, that, and i just don’t want to continue this if it doesn’t get any traction. i’m not good at nsfw, so i feel like if not a lotta people wanna read my work, why try hard on something i’m bad at? anyways, this whole club concept is totally from @/mystic-sky or skyfelt on ao3. pls check her out. if anything is inaccurate its prob bcuz the only reference i have is the club penguin dance club teehee. 
𝑾𝒂𝒓𝒏𝒊𝒏𝒈𝒔 | mentions of sex, drinking, you’re literally at a club.
𝑷𝒂𝒊𝒓𝒊𝒏𝒈 | Gojo x Female Reader
𝑾𝒐𝒓𝒅 𝑪𝒐𝒖𝒏𝒕 | 2847
𝑺𝒖𝒎𝒎𝒂𝒓𝒚 | You’re alone, at a bar, waiting for the end of the night to come. Then again this was bound to happen, as clubs weren’t really your thing, but promises of snacks and money from your friends were really what you came for. A mysterious, yet intriguing white haired man approaches you, and eventually he piques your interest. Little do you know, you had piqued his as well, and he’s having a hard time trying to hide it.
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Bright, flickering vivid lights was all the human eye could see from where you were sitting.  You’re sitting at a bar, legs restless and rhythmically bumping against the table. You had come here for a “fun night”, even though they promptly ditched you for the lively dance floor afterwards, you assumed to pick up guys and have some encounters in the bedroom.  It wasn’t quite your thing though, well, you didn’t know yourself, you were far too shy to find out, though.  That’s how you found yourself alone, at a bar, completely sober.   Your friends pushed you, (which was a bit weird since they were no where near you now- so really now, what was the point?) luring you with yummy snacks and treats to come out of your house for once. Hesitantly agreeing, you didn’t expect to have them dress you up as well.   Fighting them off and running for the bedroom door, you hated the very idea of even interacting with anyone. Moaning and groaning like a child that you weren’t getting enough for going to a social event, and not wearing your beloved baggy hoodies and sweatpants.   “Okay, okay!” your friend stood up, hands above her. Shaking her head and letting out an exasperated sigh.   “We’ll add on a free dinner- on us.”   Raising an eyebrow, you scrolled through your phone. This wasn’t a bad deal, not at all. You decided to not reply, though.   “Ugh, (Y/N), Okay. A 50 DOLLAR GIFTCARD TO YOUR FAVORITE STORE. Do we have a deal?” Your friend blurted out, sitting down on her chair with a huff.   The girl clearly wanted you to go to the club.  You grinned evilly, realizing just how much you can get.   Of course, you wouldn’t spend the money without spoiling some of your girlies, but you had gotten even more then you asked for, and well- sure it was a bit mean, but you figured afterwards you could go out with them without the bargaining.   And so, facepalm after facepalm ensued, offering you more and more unnecessary amounts of money and food, you finally broke under the pressure of being a tad too mean. You weren’t planning on torturing your friends for life.   At that point, who could really resist?   Now, enthusiastic with your eyes only on the prize, you allowed yourself to be dressed up just this once. Your friends had whipped up the nicest outfit they could without it showing very much skin (per your request!).   Your friends had let you borrow a rather short white plaid skirt they had paired with a casual simple t-shirt. Slightly sheer, and a warm, yet soft cardigan that was kind of scratchy. Donning a pair of tights that you had picked yourself and your favorite pair of beaten up Doc Martens. You realize that it didn’t look half-bad on you.  For once, you thought you looked nice.   However, it seemed to pale in comparison with the scandalous outfits your friends seemed to prefer. Dresses hugging their curves, showing as much of their skin as possible without being full-blown naked, you wonder how one can hold so much self-confidence. But you ignore the feeling, repeating to yourself that you looked good in your own ways.  You wave for the bar tender, feeling a rush of self confidence as you glance down at your outfit. The rather disgruntled man eyes perked up at the request, rushing over.  “May I offer you something, ma’am?”  You gulp, the self confidence rapidly crashing back down, almost as soon as it had come up. You weren’t quite the drinker, and you weren’t looking to find if you were. Running a hand through your already tousled hair, you stutter out a short sentence.  “Can I have some.. Water? With, uh, ice.”  He nods, seemingly shocked that you weren’t ordering any alcoholic beverages before turning his back on you and quickly whipping up the rather simplistic drink. Well, then again, judging by the outfit, one glance would be enough to tell him that you were forced to come, or shy.    Shocked by how comprehensible you had been when speaking to him, your lips curve slightly into a warm smile. Working around your fear of talking to people in unusual places was good.   Handing the glass of water to you with cold fingertips, you nod back. Skimming his hand as you did so. You grimace, contact felt weird.   Taking a sip, you looked away and hoped not to make conversation.  You heard a rather loud laugh, which was an understatement, because you could hear it even through the mass of chatter and movement of the club.  Curious by who could possibly be louder than the sheer deafening cheers of a drunken crowd, you look towards the other direction, before setting your eyes on a ridiculously white haired man.  He was laughing again now, and your eyes immediately drift over to his very defined jawline. No wonder so many girls were around him, by the looks of it, he looked like a famous model.  His head high above all the females crowding around him, you notice the man next to him. A disgruntled, yet polite looking individual you assumed to be his friend sat next to him.   He was also towering over the women, nodding and smiling at the many girls tempting him with their bodies, but he seemed so clueless that you doubted he even had a clue of what was going on.   Fidgeting and playing with his hair, he was clad in an unbuttoned Hawaiian shirt. The crowd of women around him wasn’t as large as the white haired man, you noted, but still large nonetheless.  “Oh, him?” the bartender blurted, you turn to face him again, cursing yourself for being so obvious in your endeavors.  Wiping a cocktail shaker down with a towel, he ducks his head, studying the remaining water droplets. You stare daggers at the bartender for interrupting your train of thought, before cursing yourself for being so mean.  “He’s a regular, gets drunk quite frequently, and he’s Prince Charming to the ladies.”  Rubbing the back of your head, you stare back at the bartender. Unsure what to make of his approach on conversation.  Reconsidering like the good person you are, you thought about how annoyed the guy got talking to a bunch of drunk college kids. He seemed like he had good intentions, and talking to someone that was sober was sure to be refreshing.  “Yeah, I can tell, the guy has a lot of girls around him. He looks really... Lively. To put it simply.”  The bartender laughed, relaxing himself as soon as he heard the friendly words leave your lips. He finished wiping down the cocktail shaker and proceeded to the neatly stacked cups which had just been washed.  “No, the guy’s just friendly. Real hit with the ladies, especially his.. Uh, physical attributes. See his friend over there? Lil bit more modest, he started coming here recently. Don’t let that good natured face fool you though, they’re both the same..”  You rolled your eyes, Typical. Taking the last few gulps of your water before you slammed it back down. The bartender took the cup, refilling it hastily and giving it back to you.  You heard several girls giggling, and you glanced back in the direction of the men. The long, raven haired man had his arms wrapped around dozen or more girls, swarming him as if he was a celebrity.  The bartender was right, he looked so bored when you had studied the two, but here he was now with the same army of girls heeding his every call.  That left the white haired man alone.  Shaking his head with a small chortle, he took another swig out of his drink before looking down at the empty glass, he stood up, and by God were those legs long, before walking to the empty stool next to you.  “Yo. Bartender. Refill?”  The bartender set down the cup he was scrubbing down, rummaging his hands through various shelfs, filled with various drinks and add-ons, before taking the mysterious man’s glass.  Curious, you take a small peek at the man, almost jumping back when he was staring unflinching at you, too. Taking this as an invitation to gape at such an incredibly well-fit body. Your eyes stare up at what you could; starting with his collarbones.  Paired deliciously with a simple gold chain, you had to admit, it was a good touch. The simplicity of the chain was enough for you to gape dumbly at anything else that was interesting, and was left dumbfounded by the sheer hotness of... Well, him, and those incredibly prominent collarbones.  You look downwards, and he’s wearing a black, simple t-shirt. Not a wrinkle, nor specks of lint in sight.  Well toned arms, and incredibly strong looking ones at that rested idly against his sides. An expensive watch glinted in the light.  He hadn’t quite said anything yet, so you look down even more without hesitation. Almost like you couldn’t control yourself.   Tucking his shirt in neatly was his belt, you could easily tell it was a high-end brand. Casual, wide flared black jeans, the guy really loved black you noted. The accessories made up for it though, various chains were lazily thrown in, and it made the outfit so much more hotter, especially on him.  “My eyes are up here, girly.”  Feeling your cheeks become full to the brim with warmth, your hands fumble about, words formulating at the tip of your tongue to apologize profusely, you look up.  Circular black shades concealed the white haired man’s eyes, and your heart pounds more. Something about him was so intriguing.  About to blurt out nonsense about actually being very interested at a wall, he held his palm up, a large toothy grin gracing his features.  “It’s okay, I’m into hot chicks ogling me. Especially hot chicks with cute outfits.”  Everything on your mind was suddenly wiped clean, you open your mouth before closing, unsure about what to say.  He thought you were hot?   He thought your outfit was cute?  He laughs, and you snap out of your daze. Muttering a quick thanks when the bartender handed his rather sugary exotic drink to him.  “Saw you looking at me earlier, sweetcheeks.” he hums before tipping the glassware near his glossy lips, sipping the drink, looking down at you as he did.  “No, I think you saw wrong... Are you blind?” you asked, still recovering from the compliments you hadn’t ever received in your life prior to this strange encounter. Desperate to get out of the advancingly awkward conversation, you had never been placed in such a weird setting.  He snorts, taking another deep sip of his drink.  “Nah. People think that, though. People think I’m... Old, for some reason?”  “Hm, I wonder why.” replying sarcastically, you felt yourself jolt up, a mix of uneasiness and excitement bubbling up inside of you. By your experience and tips from your friends, these type of guys seemed to like sassy, teasing girls.  Whipping out your phone from your bag, you try to appear casual, even though your excitement was starting to die down by his silence, turning into dread.  Whistling, trying to look like you didn’t have a care in the world, you physically wince as you realize how stupid you potentially look. Wondering what your friends would say about such an attractive guy seemingly hitting on you, then again, they didn’t seem to really care.  No new notifications, and no familiar faces running up to you with open, friendly arms.  He chuckles again. “I like your style, missy. You come here alone? That’s a shame, pretty girls like you deserve to have someone to come with.”  You look down, struggling to contain the growing smile. Doing a small little victory dance in your head as you realize that he had literally stated that he liked your style.   “I did come with someone, my friends.”  “Where’s your friends?” he inquired.  “Partying at the dance floor, flirting with guys probably.” you nonchalantly reply, struggling to hold your tone, but even then it wavered. You didn’t get hit on often, and when you did they were there to help you.  “That makes two of us, my friend Geto pulled all my chicks, and my pussy for tonight.”  He said it so nonchalantly, you almost spat out your water.  “What are you here for? Some good dick?” he shifted his arm to rest against the table, his hand against his head, lazily looking at you.  You study his figure once more, ignoring his previous question. He looked like he came straight out of a magazine, or a movie. Broad, yet strong looking shoulders.  He looked straight up fake.  He towered over you, and you estimated that he was over 6 foot. His hair seemed soft, and manageable, and so, so fun to play with. A Deep, yet playful voice that would probably make everyone within a 6 mile radius instantly melt.  “Hm, cute. I like straight-forward girls.” he poked fun at you, grinning carelessly.  “I’m not being straightforward in any shape or form, what do you mean?” you flutter your eyelashes innocently at him, knowing damn well what he meant.  “You’re fucking studying me like a textbook before finals.”  “You still haven’t told me your name!” you shot back without thinking, you didn’t want to be caught doing something so scandalous. He winked, you took this as a sign of him following suit.  “That’s what makes it fun, baby.”  “Here, lets trade.”   You had decided that you really liked his style, after letting you off the hook so easily like that. He was shrouded in a cloak of mystery, and you found it hot. That, or maybe he wanted to just fuck around and have one night-stands, which wasn’t your style at all, but you still wanted to see where this would go.  “Tell me your name, and I’ll tell you mine. Fair right?”  He stroked his chin with his unoccupied arm, contorting his face and making you giggle a little, even though it wasn’t very funny. With him, you felt like you could strangely be yourself.  “Hmmmmm....” stroking his chin more, he began to pick up and sip his beverage as if it was a tea cup, holding opposite ends of each other and deeply drinking. He set the cup down.  “Nope.”  Exasperated, you slam your cup down.  “That aside, let’s get back to the point!,” he leaned closer into you, smiling a little as you jumped back. Your confidence when you talked with him had dissolved into thin air.  “You’re really cute.”  Frozen in place, you gawk back at him.    He was straightforward, no doubt it, but you didn’t think he was this straightforward. Most men you knew played a game of cat and mouse, only if you caught them you were rewarded.  Opening and closing your mouth, no sound came out. He snorts, taking another sip and waving the bartender to come back, who was now washing cups awkwardly on the other side of the bar.   You almost pitied the bartender, the guy had ordered so many refills at this point, you wouldn’t be dumb to assume he was either a raging alcoholic or another dumb college kid.  “Refill, again.”   The bartender nodded solemnly in reply, swiftly taking the cup. You realize how overworked the poor guy was, wondering how many refills the mysterious white haired man had gotten before you had even step foot in the vicinity.  “I’d love to take you to the bedroom, baby.” he nods as the bartender returns, sipping and looking back down at you.   You bolted upwards, cursing as you realize you’re slouching, not very attractive. The straightforwardness from him was, though. No doubt it, but you were really not looking to break your heart over a fuckboy.  “Uh, um.”  He tips your chin upward, and your heart leaps out of your throat. There was something so undeniably attractive about this act, maybe it was the way he knew how to make you into pudding, or maybe it was the aura of dominance.   Haughtiness literally radiated off of him, as if he knew he could pull a girl in under 1 minute. Well, then again, he probably did know.  Fuck, what were you thinking, this was a complete stranger that could probably pull chicks more attractive then you, times 100.  “Aw, shy? Cute. Don’t worry, you’re intriguing, and if you’re bad at sex, not to worry. I’ll do it all, and I’m good. Maybe give you a few lessons here and there.” he chirped, tilting his head, curiosity evident.   “But, it’s all up to you, sugar. I’m not trying to force you into this.” the man added.   He did seem hot, and this was really a one-in-a-million chance. No one had really looked at you that way at the level of attractiveness that he had. You didn’t want to regret anything, and getting out of your shell was good right?   What could go wrong?   “...I wouldn’t mind.”   A crooked smirk spread across his face.   “I’ll call an Uber.”
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carnationcreation · 4 years
7 with Luke please
TITLE: Uniform troubles (Luke Patterson x reader) [Marching Band AU]
✌🏻Masterlist Taglist, Requests, and Works in progress!
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Request: 7 with Luke please (Marching Band au)
Prompt/summary:  Luke really likes to bother the drum major in the marching band.
Word Count: 1,219
Authors note: I KNOW LUKE PLAYS GUITAR NOT DRUMS BUT HE GIVES ME CENTER SNARE PERCUSSION VIBES!!!! Also I didn’t really know where i was going with this so sorry if the plot seems weird, I was writing in between my online classes today
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Some people say all drum majors have an ego.
I’d truly like to think I don’t, but I would be lying if I said I was always humble on my podium above the band.
It truly is a rush, having everyone stare at and rely on you to lead them in the right direction. I couldn’t do it all on my own of course, my section leaders are a big help in keeping everything in order. My band director handles things that are too big for me.
I never had any problems with section leaders. Well, except for a few.
Reggie Peters and Luke Patterson. 
Both high brass and percussion section leaders.
AKA dumb and dumber to the rest of the band.
I ran into the uniform room to see the youngest member of the percussion stuck inside a drum case while Luke and Reggie frantically try to unlatch the case.
“It’s stuck!”
I set to work on the other latches, “What the hell happened?”
“I don’t know!” he says, “He asked to be put in there!”
I rolled my eyes, finally after a few minutes of hitting at the rusted latches on the old drum case the boy finally popped his head out and wriggled the rest of his body to freedom.
“I swear Patterson if someone gets stuck in another case you’re on your own.”
His eyes widened, “Don’t tell Mr. Lockmore.”
“I’m not that cruel, just make sure it doesn’t happen again. You too Peters,” I said.
 Game days brought a different kind of hectic. Everyone running around trying to find uniforms, instruments, and equipment made it to where you couldn’t take more than a few steps without running into someone. 
Color guard always got ready during forth block. They took the most time due to having to curl and style hair as well as apply the show makeup they chose for this years theme.
After they cleared out of their room I would begin my process of getting ready. My hair took the most time so I did that first after putting my uniform on. 
The door burst open causing my to drop my curling iron.
“Fuck!” I shouted as the iron hit my thigh.
“I’m so sorry! Are you okay?”
I saw Luke trying to zip up the back of his uniform, “I’m fine. What’s wrong?”
“Everyone’s lining up, can you zip me?”
I sighed before carefully zipping up the back and adjusting the rest of the uniform, “You really need to start actually folding this.”
“I always have to load up the percussion equipment.”
“Ah,” I said, I sighed, “Well hand it to me tonight and I’ll put the uniform up.”
“Really?” he said, his eyes lighting up and i giggled lightly.
“You’re the best (Y/n)!” he shouted as he ran back to the percussion cabinet to grab his snare.
The schools fight song played loudly over the screaming fans. Everyone wore wide smiles as we filed out of the bleachers and back into the band room. After loading up my podium onto the band trailer for the competition the next day, I slowly walked back to the school. Most students had already left by the time I got there.
I saw Luke struggling to tell his section what to do and fiddle with folding his uniform.
“Give it here.”
He turned with a wide smile and handed me the rest of it, it took me a second to realize he was shirtless and my face started to turn hot.
He slipped a cut band tee over his head and started lifting the drum cases into their storage area.
I folded the suit carefully before placing it in the bang and hanging it up on the rack under his name.
“You really have it bad for him,” I heard from behind me. 
Alex Mercer, the color guard captain, gave me a smirk and patted me on the shoulder, “Don’t worry, half the band has a bet going on when you two will get together.”
“What?” I squeaked, my face growing hot again.
“Don’t worry about it. See you tomorrow!”
I went into the color guard room to get ready to go home. I let my hair down from it’s decorative style with a sigh of relief. 
I reached behind me to unzip the back of my uniform, I fumbled for it with my fingers for a few moments. Sighing, I stood up to try and get a better reach. 
“Need some help?”
I jumped at the sudden sound, “You scared me, and yeah can you get it for me?”
He brushed a few strands out of the way, his fingertips against my neck caused goosebumps to raise on my skin. I felt the cold air against my back and for a second I was worried he saw my bra.
Thank god I always wear a tank top underneath.
“Thanks,” I said, it was almost a whisper.
“I didn’t see your parents, do you have a ride home?” he asked.
“Ugh,” I said, my arms held the uniform up against my chest so it wouldn’t fall down. 
He noticed my discomfort, “Oh I’ll-”
“Yeah can you-”
“Turn around,” we both said at the same time. He gave me a shy smile and I giggled.
He turned so his back was facing me.
I slipped the uniform off and grabbed my comfy clothes to change. The leggings and baggy sweatshirt felt great after a long night in the tight uniform and cold air.
“So, do you need a ride?” Luke asked again.
“I was gonna wait till my mom got off at midnight, but if you’re offering I’ll take it.”
I went to move past him but just as I did he turned causing my to crash into his chest. My hands caught on his arms that had wrapped around me
“Sorry!” he said.
I giggled.
“I always seem to be causing you trouble, don’t I?”
I smiled and pulled back, my hands still lightly on his arms, “Not any more trouble than I can handle.”
“Oh, so miss preppy drum major likes trouble?” he smirked.
“Preppy? Who calls me preppy?” I tried to play off my blush as confidence.
He giggles, “No one except me. But I don’t think preppy is the right word.”
“What is the right word?”
“Pretty-” he says quickly before realizing what he said. His eyes go wide.
“You think I’m pretty?”
“I- I’ve always thought you were pretty. I was glad when you became drum major cause it gave me an excuse to stare at you...”
I smile and duck my head, again to hide the blush forming. 
His hand slowly lifts my chin up and his palm goes to my cheek.
My eyes must’ve been filled with shock or nervousness because his next question confuses me, “Is this okay?”
“More than okay.”
His face got within an inch of mine and I really, really, hoped he couldn’t hear my heart racing.
My phone buzzes.
“Sorry,” I wince but giggle, “Well I guess I really do need that ride, my mom won’t be coming home till late.”
Luke stares at me.
“Huh? Oh, yeah, we should get going.”
I lean forward and place a light kiss on his cheek before rushing out to his car. 
Luke whispers to himself, “I owe Alex twenty bucks...”
*If you signed up for my taglist but don’t see your name please message me!
Taglist: @thebookwormlife @talksoprettyjjx  @coolreallyfuzzystudentuniverse  @igotabadfeelingabouteverything @larrystylinson-sus @lovesanimals @aunicornmademedoit @thexhotmess @ssprayberrythings @registerednursejackie @nicolewithasoul @homealone200 @hemmingsness @persephonequeenofthedead @bookfrog242 @itz-jas @smol-book-nerd @thewifeofhades @igotissuesmister @carnations-red  @catieiscute2001 @julieandthephantomsblogduh @fangirling-allday @ashleyleblancx @alltimekp @unipanda1006 @disgustedchild @aberette13 @dpaccione @whyworry27 @number-0-iz @musicconversedance @owlgirl1209 @angelxfics @hamdehlesmis @marinettepotterandplagg @spooky-season-bitch @chenellearose @voguesir @thegirlwholikestomanythings @mandiscadelinha @crybabyddl @jasm1nesdragons  @daisiesforlacey @khiaraaa-in-spacee  @bookdealer5 @echocharm17618 @sunsetcurvenotsunsetswerve @i-should-prob-be-asleep @twist3dtinkerbell @fangirlangioma  @lavender-writer @tinyboxxtink @justalittleweirdoo @al1fet1me-away @thegirlsadventuresinwonderland @writella @amazinggracy @sarcasticallywitty15 @meangirlsx @xxmrshoranxx  @readinthegarden12 @sunsetcurve-h  @peresphoncs @lolychu @starenemy @caitsymichelle13 @kiss-themoongoodbye @noncannonships @cherrybombboom @etherealexsistence @itskindyl @heidimortensen123 @ficticiouscreativity  @lukeys-giggle @emotionalbruv @tenaciousperfectionunknown @delicatelukepatterson @dmcfarland1  @thegirlwhocriedwerewolf @ifilwtmfc  @badwolf00593 @rangerelik @meanergreener @teti-menchon0604 @wonderful-writer @purple-phantoms @imrileyclements @voidmalfoy
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recurring-polynya · 3 years
i’m gonna try out my luck for the renji bday thing😭
- renji being a mediator between rukia and ichika(idk why i feel like rukia and ichika would get into rly dumb arguments and just fight like they’re the same age)
- renji and ichika get a tattoo
- jealous rukia(of course)
- anything that takes place in inuzuri, i loved your ‘dumb teens stealing kisses’ snippet so much 😭
- more of the tattoo artist renji falls for a client AU
I hope you’ll forgive me for cheating a bit, but when I saw this, I said, “what if I just gave you more of the dumb teens stealing kisses” fic? because honestly, it’s just sitting here.
For people who don’t obsessively follow my incoherent ramblings about my own WIPs, this is an excerpt for i can’t believe i found you in that town, a story that takes place during Renji and Rukia’s last year in Inuzuri. Two out of their three friends have passed away, their powers are growing steadily stronger, and they are starting to face the fact that they aren’t children anymore. I have two more parts of Heart is a Muscle to get through first, so I never work on it, but it is very close to my heart.
PS: This is not going on ao3 at this time, because I really do intend to finish it eventually, so consider this a Tumblr exclusive.
❄    ❄     ❄
In a strange confluence, all three of them have found gainful employment at the same time.
Renji is guarding crates. He does not ask what is in the crates. He does not want to know what is in the crates. He stands next to the crates and his size deters most people. Occasionally, he is called upon to punch someone in the face. It’s good work.
Fujimaru got him this gig, actually. Mameji was good with numbers and he taught Fujimaru a lot, and now Fujimaru has a gig keeping the books for the guys who own the crates. That seems like pretty good work to Renji, too. Fujimaru says he wishes it involved more punching people. Renji wishes his job involved punching fewer people. Everyone’s got complaints.
Rukia has found work in a shop. This is charming and hilarious to both boys. It’s a pawn shop that paradoxically seems to buy about three times as much junk as it sells. It’s obvious that the only reason the owner hired Rukia is because the clientele likes to come in and look at her, but the fact is, she’s an amazing bargainer, and she’s making him a ton of change.
Renji stops in one late afternoon when his own shift is over, and watches her sell a man a knife that looks like it will break if he looks at it funny. She offers to throw in a shitty ball of twine and the man agrees to pay what is easily four times what the knife is worth, and leaves smiling. Amazing.
The shop owner eyes Renji warily. Renji never starts trouble, and he’s even stopped it once or twice, but at the same time, his presence is cramping the appeal of the pretty shopgirl.
“I’m off,” Rukia tells her boss.
“See y’tomorrow,” the seedy man grumbles.
“You don’t get paid every day?” Renji asks Rukia loudly. “I get paid at the end of every shift.”
“She gets paid at the end of the week,” the shopkeeper grouses.
Renji flexes one arm experimentally, admiring his own bicep. “It’s nice getting paid every day. Makes you want to come back the next day, y’know.”
“She comes back every day so she can get paid at the end of the week.”
Rukia’s eyes dart between them.
“Ah, you must be a great boss, very trustworthy,” Renji comments, stretching his back. “Although gettin’ paid every day is a nice way to show trust, too. Hey, Ru, you wanna stop at Takahashi’s on the way home? I heard they got in some dried mackerel and I,” he winks at Rukia’s boss, “got paid today.”
“Pfft,” Rukia huffs, wrapping her shawl around her shoulders. “I’m sure it’s a scam. We need rice, though, and more water.”
“Hey, girl,” Rukia’s boss spits out. “You had a good shift! Here’s your pay for today, as a reward for doing so well. Come back tomorrow, okay?”
“Of course,” Rukia agrees, taking the coins with a sly smile.
As they head out of town, she jabs him in the ribs with her elbows. “You’re so obvious.”
“Got you paid, didn’t I?”
“You did, thank you. He hates you, you know.”
Renji sighs dramatically. “How can I live with myself?”
Rukia snorts. “He’s gross, I hate him. I hate that whole job. Smiling at people. Acting kind to horrible people. It’s so fake. I don’t know why you like working so much, I’d rather just steal.”
“I’ve seen you working, what you do is not much different from stealing.” Renji rubs his hands together. It’s getting cold, especially with the sun setting. “I appreciate the effort, though. I mean, we do. Me and Fujimaru. I like this. Having money, that is. It’s nice.”
Rukia regards him out of the corner of her eye.
“Do you? Do you appreciate it?”
Renji frowns. “Yeah, of course I do. I know you don’t like it.”
Rukia stops walking and turns to him. “C’mere.” She gestures toward herself and makes the pointing motion she does when she wants him to bend down to her level. Even though this results in a cuff to the back of his head more often than not, Renji obeys. “If you really appreciate it, I think you should do something nice for me.”
Renji should know by now to be wary of such an ominous statement, but he falls for it anyway. “Sure. Name it.”
“I want to kiss you again.”
Renji tugs at his ponytail. “Again? Really?”
It was probably six years between the first and second time she had wanted to kiss him, but the second time had only been a few months ago, last spring, after he broke his arm saving her from a large, angry man she had attempted to pickpocket.
“You said you were open to the idea,” Rukia scowled.
“I...did,” Renji stammered. To be fair, he had been in immense pain at the time and probably would have agreed to just about anything. He could have used that as an excuse. It seemed like Rukia was thinking the same, he could tell she was already getting herself wound up to be hurt at his rejection. That stung a little, the idea that she expected so little of him. “No problem. Anything for you. Go for it.” He bent his knees a little deeper and squeezed his eyes shut, bracing for impact.
“You gotta relax a little, man, it’s not a punch in the nards,” Rukia scolded, grabbing ahold of his ears and laying one on him.
Renji didn’t fantasize about kissing girls. He liked girls well enough, but he liked guys more. There was one exception to that rule, and that was Rukia. He liked her more than anyone. It wasn’t right to fantasize about Rukia, though, in his opinion, because he lived with her and it wasn’t respectful and also… also, if he spent too much time thinking about things like kissing her, he might want to do it. So, he avoided the slippery slope of girls in general, and restricted his spicy kissing fantasies to the lean, knife-eyed Rukongai punks that hung out on street corners and had really sexy ways of saying “heeeeeey.” Renji was perpetually working on his “heeeeeeys.”
But Rukia was kissing him now, and it seemed equally disrespectful to pretend she wasn’t. Her lips were soft against his, and curious. Her fingers relaxed their painful grip on his ears and snuck around to rest on the back of his neck. She must have been keeping her hands in her sleeves, because they were warm, and they felt so good and this was good, this was so, so good and it occurred to Renji that maybe he was meant to kiss her back, she had never mentioned anything about--
“There, that wasn’t so bad, was it, Abarai?” Rukia was saying.
It was over.
Renji blew air out his cheeks. “Naw, it was fine. Ah, did you, uh… was it everything you hoped and dreamed?”
“It was okay,” she shrugged, but her eyes twinkled. She started walking again and Renji had to do a little skip and a jump to catch up. “Fujimaru’s probably home already. How come he didn’t come with you to pick me up?”
“Oh, there were extra crates today, so he’s working late. But we can have the rice ready and surprise him!”
“Mm, yes, that sounds nice,” Rukia agreed. She hummed a little as she walked. “Hey, Renji?”
“Back at the shop-- did you call me Ru? What was that?”
Renji made a face. “I dunno. I thought it was cute.” You’re cute, his brain added, and suddenly, he couldn’t unsee it. She was unbearably cute, wrapped up in her shawl, that little piece of hair hanging between her eyes, those beautiful eyes. “If you don’t like it, I’ll--”
“You’ve known me for nine years and you decide, just now, to give me a nickname?”
He shrugged. “Things can change, right? Even out here in the ass end of Rukongai?”
She regarded him for a moment. “It is cute. I will allow it, but only from you, and don’t do it around gross people like my greasy boss.”
“Yeah, no prob,” he agreed, squeezing his hands under his armpits. He had a bad feeling that they were in for a brutal winter this year.
“Hey!” Rukia said, and he realized she was holding out his hand to him. Gingerly, he took it, hoping she wouldn’t mind his own cold fingers. She didn’t seem to.
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Take your time then.
Aizawa x gender neutral reader
Story under the cut :)
Unedited but like edited but still not properly edited :)
Hope you enjoy!!!
a/n: it’s been a hot min since I’ve written a fic. I think the last time i was 14 and it was shit and on wattpad. Ha. I hate myself. N e way, I was recently writing some shit for an au me and my friend thought up and in the back of my mind I was like, “you should start writing fics again bc this is kinda fun”, soo lo and behold I made a post asking if anyone would be interested, shared a little too much personal shit in it but whatever, and have now decided to write this mother fucker. (3/25/21)
a/n: not sure if anyone will care about this series of a/n’s but I’m just chronicling thoughts ig. rewriting rn bc my first draft was short and ass. Also I’m thinking about opening requests after this is posted, will go into detail in a diff post maybe. (3/28/21)
a/n: deleted everything, rewriting. I just want to make something that might be decent and if I can give that feeling, y’know those chills you get when you read something utterly gorgeous, but I’m bad at writing. sadge (3/28/21, like several hours later)
a/n: ugh (4/1/21)
a/n: ugh pt 2 electric boogaloo. I can’t seem to move forward with the writing. I realized something like this might happen bc to solve a problem feelings need to be discussed and I fucking hate doing that so you can see where I’m fucking up lmaooooo (4/2/21)
a/n: I read angst to fuel my writing brain. So, read some angst, finally writing agian. This first section is probs as long as the story itself LMFAO(4/5/21)
Started: (3/25/21) Finished: (4/5/21)
Warnings: uh angst, curse words, like a lot, (i saw someone else put this as a warning, do I actually need it?), avoiding problems instead of actually facing them, mentions of shit so-so parenting, mentions of not being able to live up to high expectations, y’know, the works
Synopsis: Aizawa takes in Eri without running it by you first and expects you to be okay with it. That’s funny. He was wrong.
Can I preface this with a thought? I’m going to anyway,
all the fics I read paint him as the sweetest partner and I’m sure he is but I think they miss out on how blunt he is and his whole “Mr. Rationality” thing. So as much as I adore him I think there are situations that he’d be a bit more colder towards, a bit more straightforward about. Maybe even like a bit insensitive about but maybe bc he doesn’t have the full picture or something. so I guess this is another warning but aizawa is a little insensitive in the beginning (but like not really but kinda. it’s complicated)
Rain pattered softly against the window. The smell of some old random Bath and Bodyworks candle you’d dug out from a box you’d never bothered to unpack smothered the room. Some Netflix show idly played on a low volume on your computer, you’d lost interest in watching tv awhile ago. You needed a break. After the eventful month you’d been having you really needed this. 
Now of course your whole year so far had been eventful. What with all the villain attacks on you and Shouta’s class and the kidnapping of one of your students, to just dealing with the more mundane problems with your students. No. You had no problem with that. The villains, although not easy, were something you were trained to handle. The smaller problems with your students weren’t arduous either, after all you weren’t too much older than them. 
When reflecting on your situation, from and outside perspective it could be seen as the straw the broke the camels back, which sure, makes sense. After all, you’re bound to be stressed out by everything else, so why would this seemingly insignificant thing weigh heavier than a villain attack? Well if that is the situation why does this single straw feel like it weighs a ton? This is not that. This is not culmination of the events of this year draining the life from you. This is something entirely different. A panic inducing life change that completely took you by surprise mixed with your inability to actually face your problems. 
You don’t blame them. You can’t. They’ve done nothing wrong. A child. A small, probably mentally scarred child is your problem. Well not her personally but the fear taking care of her instills in you. Despite working in the field that you do, you cannot for the life of you handle actual children. Sure you’re a little awkward with your class but at least they’re young adults and (vaguely) mature and independent to a certain extent. The fact that your long term boyfriend just came back one day, small child in tow and said “Hey I’ve gotta look after this one now” not verbatim obviously, for a lack of better words, fucked you up. He basically solo adopted a kid and, let’s be honest, he probably expected you to help out. But how could you? How could this man look at you and think “I want this person to help me raise an already fucked up child?” Ok sure, he doesn’t at first give off the “I’m totally father figure material” vibe but in the end he is extremely competent. You on the other hand, not so much.
You’d never been good with children. Tried your best to steer clear of them. Didn’t matter the place, didn’t matter who’s kid, you couldn’t handle them. You would just stand there, awkwardly, not entirely sure of what to do and petrified that there was the possibility of making some mistake which would upset the child and then oh wow look, your head got chopped right of your shoulders. That’s hyperbole of course but it does sum up the insurmountable fear that overcomes you whenever you have to deal with a child. So considering the fact that your long term boyfriend had suddenly decided to adopt and not at least warn you, didn’t sit right with you.
So, the best and most obvious choice, was to avoid your problem. Avoid Shouta, avoid Eri. Avoid the mention of them and you, avoid it all. And honestly you’d done pretty well so far. You were able to have as little contact with them as possible considering the close proximity of your living quarters in the teacher’s dorms. After all they were legally supposed to give you two separate rooms but you never actually used yours, well until now. You were living it up honestly. Did you feel awful? Of course. He is your boyfriend after all and you were sure Eri doesn’t deserve your cold shoulder but this is probably for the best. What could you offer her? You weren’t sure that you were a good role model for her or anyone for that matter. What did you know about raising kids? it’s not like you had parents to set a proper example for you. Of course they might have shown you what not to do but where do you go from there? Is shit like that really avoidable? You don’t want to be like them. You strive to be better but what if you can’t be. There’s also the added bonus of the fact that raising a kid seems taxing on a relationship. Now matter how strong you were sure that the stress of a kid could break a relationship down that then festers into something toxic and unrecognizable. You didn’t want that. God you couldn’t let that happen. No. This was definitely for the better.
Of course Aizawa didn’t feel the same. He was confused on why his partner had been so blatantly avoiding him. Did he do something wrong? He doesn’t remember doing anything that might’ve upset you. So why now? Why pull away now? He had to get down to the bottom of this but catching you was the hard part. You had been taking on more work, offering more assistance to the other teachers, picking up extra patrols, doing everything and anything to stay away from Shouta. It took him a month but he finally caught up to you. You were tired, worn out he knew that. Instead of loading yourself with work you’d decided to hole yourself up in your room. It was now or never.
You were pulled out of your peace at the sound of a few gentle knocks to your door. You really didn’t want to get it. You honestly couldn’t be bothered. 
“(N/n)? Are you in there?” He hadn’t gotten it wrong right? He hadn’t been too distracted earlier and missed you leaving right?
“What’s up?” You hummed from your place by the window, not bothering to actually open the door.
“Can I come in?” Shouta asked, voice soft. You could barely hear him above the patter of the rain and the low humming of your laptop.
“Uh, no, kinda busy. Got loads of work to do. Need to focus, sorry. Maybe later?” You hesitantly spoke. Not sure if you were convincing enough. 
Apparently you weren’t.
He sighed. “It’s been “later” for an entire month. Please (Y/n) just let me in. Whatever this is we can talk it out.” You had predicted that eventually Shouta would start to try to crack down on whatever the issue was but you didn’t expect it so soon. 
“Uh...no?” You tried, hoping that maybe he’d just give up but that wasn’t Shouta.
“No, you don’t get that option, now please, open the door.” Although it was still soft his voice had taken a more stern tone.
“Oh no I’m dead. I guess I can’t open the door. What a shame. I guess the only way to talk with me now is in the pits of hell.” You quipped, trying to lessen the tension that already ran thick.
“(Y/n).” Aizawa sighed.
“Jeez fine. Talk about pushy.” You quipped once more to no avail.
Opening the door you were met with, well exactly what you expected. He stood there, arms crossed, a stern yet gentle look in his eyes, his lips pulled into a slight frown. 
“Come in.” You mumbled as you stepped further into your room.
“So tell me. What’s wrong?” The sentence stirred so much. Of course you wanted to tell him. You wanted to spill your guts to the man you loved in hopes of comfort but you just can’t. You know you’ll just scare him off. You know you’ll make things worse.
So you stay silent.
He says nothing as he grabs your hands gently and leads you over to your bed. He sits the two of you down on the edge, muting the movie on the laptop sitting behind him.
“You know you can tell me if something’s bothering you right?” Shouta sent you a warm smile. 
You weren’t very comfortable with discussing your feelings sometimes, it mostly stemmed from the fact that you never really could discuss them with anyone growing up which made it harder to confide in anyone now, as at this point bottling things up was a habit. But this was also just something that you were sure that you couldn’t talk about.
Silence answered him once again.
Now he took sometime to think about his approach, think about what could’ve happened that made you pull away. What did he do that was different from his norm? He was genuinely stumped and the fact that you weren’t helping him confused him even more.
You decided to take this time to lament the situation too. What was he going to do? Should you actually tell him or play it off? If you play it off will he still insist that something is wrong? If you tell him will he leave you? If you don’t tell him will he leave you? You risked a glance at him, he was still deep in thought.
Why did you have to adopt this fucking kid without at least warning me?
“What?” Your head shot up at the sound of his shocked voice.
“What?” You asked, genuinely confused.
“Eri’s the problem...?” He spoke slowly, not entirely sure if he’d heard you right.
“Did I say that out loud?” You squeaked.
“I’m pretty sure you mumbled something along the lines of “why’d you have to adopt that fucking kid”.” Shouta said, unsure if he’d heard wrong. Wanting to have heard wrong.
“No no no no no no! It’s not like that! I mean it is like that but not like that!” You frantically waved your hands in hopes of defusing the situation.
The way he looked at you made you want to cry. You felt horrible. You felt like the biggest asshole in the world and, at this point you probably were. He looked at you with such a look of heartbreak and disappointment and confusion it made you sick to your stomach. You felt light-headed and started shaking. You were right. You were right. You were always right. God why did you have to be right! Why did you have to be like this? Scared of raising a fucking child! It was asinine and irrational and you could probably move past it  but thanks to your stupid fucking brain you just sealed your fate.
You scooted away from him still waving your hands frantically as no’s tumbled endlessly from your lips. You tried sputtering an apology, anything so that he wouldn’t look at you like that but nothing stuck. Nothing was comprehensible. Nothing worked. Nothing would work. Nothing will work. You were hopeless. It was hopeless. 
“If it isn’t like how it seems then tell it to me straight.” Shouta finally spoke up.
You took a second to come down from your panic. You steeled your nerves as much as possible before you spoke. 
“Um well, I have nothing against her it’s just that a little heads up would’ve been nice? I’m not all that great with kids so this is just kind of weird is all.” You were purposefully being vague in hopes that he’d understand what you meant and also maybe drop it.
“Not great with kids? You’re literally a teacher.” He pointed out.
“Yeah you know but she’s like a kid kid and let’s be honest I’m not too great with the students either.” You awkward laughed. So he wasn’t getting it.
“Wha-you’re fine with the students and I’m sure you’ll be fine with Eri, there was no reason to avoid me over this.” Shouta sighed. As good as he was with dealing with people, he was equally as shit. Or maybe it was just the fact that you gave him very little to work with. It was probably a bit of both. Still his dismissiveness was not helping you right now.
“No, no, no, no. I think I’ll stay here. Uh, good luck with your parenthood escapades and sorry to leave you high and dry like this but that’s going to have to be a no from me.” You rambled. He seemed to be getting a little tired of this.
“(Y/n) stop being irrational. She’s not even our kid I’m just looking after her for now. Why are you being difficult? I told you you were fine with the students and you’ll be fine with Eri, what else do you want to hear?” Shouta grumbled.
“Well uh I don’t know, uh...” You trailed off, this seemed to be going in a direction you really didn’t want it to go. A slight hostility settling in the air.
At your lack of a proper answer he clicked his tongue. He took a moment to reassess the situation. There had to be something he was missing. After all you were getting really worked up but if you weren’t going to talk to him there was nothing he could do. He shook his head before running a frustrated hand through his hair.
“(Y/n), please, please, just be honest with me. Whatever it is that’s bothering you, you can tell me. But I won’t be able to understand if you don’t.” Aizawa sighed, deciding that getting worked up about this was not the way to go, especially when you seemed to be especially distraught.
“Uh, god the thing is I don’t know entirely what to say to put the shitshow in my head into perspective.” You mumbled, trying desperately to figure out what to say that could clear the air but nothing seemed to be coherent enough.
“Take your time.” He decided that this was the best approach to things, making sure neither party got too worked up lest this turn into a fight.
The rain continued to patter softly against the window and your candle continued to burn an slightly off floral-ish scent.  A deafening silence hung in the air because even though he was being as patient as possible some of his frustration leaked through, it was bound to though so you couldn’t exactly blame him. After all, you were probably equally as frustrated with yourself too. 
“I’m just not good in a position like this. I’m not good with kids, especially someone like Eri who’s already so broken. You have that nurturing nature, it comes natural to you but I’m not on that level. I  don’t know the first thing about caring for a child let alone one as already traumatized as her. I’d fuck it up and only make things worse. I don’t want you to reassure me that I’ll be okay with her, I want you to understand that I’m not comfortable with this and that it might take me awhile to come around. I’m sure I sound like the biggest asshole ever but please understand that this just isn’t something I’m ready for.” You had rambled a bit, you were aware of that, but it was the only way that you could properly express your feelings without making things too complicated.
Aizawa said nothing. Trying to figure out how to go about things.
Was he upset? Yeah, you two, even after several long years of being together, hadn’t discussed moving forward in your relationship in depth. And if he’d tried you seemed content with the point you two were at so he left it be, no reason to try and move forward when what you had was already fine the way it was. But recently he’d been craving more. Some mornings, when he’d be the first to wake, he’d study your features in the soft light of the sunrise and wonder what it’d be like to properly settle down with you. Get married, start a family, all that jazz. He’d taken in Eri only because it was the most rational decision. His quirk would be good for quelling hers had it ever gotten out of hand. But it also seemed to quell his musings of something more with you. He had imagined you being a good parental figure for the little girl and it made his heart flutter and his stomach explode with butterflies. But now seeing that that wasn’t what you wanted and how you weren’t ready for it, it stung. But in the end, he loved you. He’d easily give his life for you. So, if that meant waiting he’d wait. He’d wait a million years if he had to. He could do it.
Once again he spoke,
“Take your time then. I can wait.”
Tagslist?: @captainchrisstan (I think you said you wanted to be tagged but I’m also just small brained lol If u didn’t want to and I misinterpreted things just let me know :) )
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chrisrainicorn · 5 years
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Fair Game Week Day 4: Birds/Soulmates
A classic tattoo AU. Qrow realizes almost immediately Clover could be his soulmate because it’s obvious af, Clover isn’t sure right away because people named after birds are relatively common in Remnant so he needs more proof than that. 
One day he rescues a bird from the snow thinking the poor thing is probably lost and freezing after flying so high to Atlas and Qrow is freaking out internally after seeing his mark because it’s totally him!
So... my original plan was to try to write a fic for this. Tho I knew I wouldn’t be able to complete it on time, and I would need more time to just stop and figure how the story was going to go exactly cuz I’m the kind of person that likes to plan a lot before putting stuff on paper.
I still have a little prologue tho, but I decided not to go further until I’m more sure about the plot so it doesn’t end up forced. Hopefully, I can one day I can go back to it and complete it!! Still, you can take a peek at what would probs be the first 2k under the cut:
Qrow was born with a bond mark.
He was still a rascal of a kid, who ran barefoot and chewed with his mouth open, tripped on the ropes that held up the tents of their current campsite, and liked to try to peek at the new shiny items the tribe people had stolen from their most recent raid only to be caught at the same second - though he still didn’t know they were stolen, or understand what a raid was - when someone finally explained to him the weirdly shaped spot on his abdomen he kept scratching wasn’t just a normal birthmark.
They explained to his sister too. He actually was intrigued enough by the story to settle down on the tent’s floor to hear about it, though she brushed all of that talk off with a “yeah, whatever”, rolling her eyes at the existence of magic symbols that would appear on your skin, connecting you to a person who, at some point of you life, you would realize they mean a lot to you.
“It’s like a guaranteed best friend!” He had grinned with a mouth that missed a few teeth as the explanation was concluded. 
The explainer only smiled at him, letting out a pensive hum before shrugging and deciding on “Yeah, you could say that kid.”
He didn’t understand why his sister was so grumpy after that. How the premise of a friend didn’t get her excited - they barely had kids their age to hang with on the camp, the younger ones were annoying and the older boring, he could get behind the idea of some company besides his moody twin. And when he had asked, “Hey, what does your bond mark look like anyway?” She flicked at his direction one of the pebbles they had been throwing at the river to see them skip, and stormed off without a word.
He was still a restless kid, yet now one that had learned to avoid the ropes before he could get his foot caught on them, when he found out a bit more about the marks. How they could appear at any time of your life, or not at all, how you could get a new tattoo before actually meeting the person, or after years of knowing them. How his sister didn’t have one yet, how she didn’t like the idea of her lame brother having something she didn’t. 
How some people would consider lucky he was born with one, how many would give everything to have a mark appear that early.
That would be the last time someone thought of him that way - lucky. Because soon he was tripping over the ropes again and taking tents down with him, and that was just one of the minor consequences of what they later would classify as his semblance.
The people of their tribe had thought it had been a funny inside joke naming the kid born with a mark shaped like that after a bird that was popularly known as a bad omen. Now it was just rightfully fitting. And not even the permanent tattoo on his skin of a four-leafed clover could serve as a good luck charm against the misfortune that now followed him wherever he went.
As he grew up as an outcast teen, the novelty of the marks went away together with the childhood wonder. Maybe because at his tribe, there weren’t many bonded people - they also weren’t really open about talking about this mushy stuff, so maybe he never knew about them. Or the ones who talked about it, did that because it came together with an almost-always tragic tale about how they were betrayed, backstabbed or straight-up stabbed by their match, or how they perished in some gruesome way, so he didn’t have a lot of positive examples to work with - perks of growing up around bandits. 
Guaranteed best friend was now just some naive though he scoffed at. He was so stupid as a kid, maybe his sister was wise to just go “whatever” since the beginning - he would never admit that to her in his lifetime, of course. (In the future though, there would be a point his sister wouldn't make a face to the mention of bond marks anymore, and then a good while later he would stop to really think about how her semblance worked. And he would connect the two dots - he still never saw the marks, but they had to be there, right?)
Who decided those things were a good idea? They could pop up on you any second, without a warning, with just a random shape to tell you about this random person you were supposed to meet one random day. People would talk about letting fate run its course until you would meet them, and how there would be a moment when you would just know. It sounded so unreliable, and too much for him to bother worrying about when he needed to survive frequenting - or infiltrating as his people would have put - a Huntsman Academy.
Yeah, they would have some impact on your life. But that could mean anything apparently. You could be bonded to your parents, to your siblings, to any relative, you could be bonded to someone you looked up to or who would look up to you, you could be bonded to someone who you would only interact for a few months, days, minutes, or less. Or, the most coveted of all, you could be bonded to someone you would fall in love with. Those cases even had a specific name - soulmates. How special.
You could even have more than one. If you thought having to worry about a single unknown individual could make someone paranoid, just imagine having multiple marks! Thankfully, he just had one.
That was good. Because it would be just one person that would have to put up with him. He wasn't exactly the person someone would dream to meet, much less be bonded with. Who would want a bad luck magnet connected to them anyway? Just unfortunate, how the unsuspected match would have to deal with it. At least it was no one from the tribe, that would only hinder them down - those were the kind of things people talked about him at the camp, on the rare times they dared to make the cursed kid a conversation topic anyway, and he was just unlucky enough to eavesdrop it.
He also didn’t want more because he despised the one he already had - he would say he had never liked it, but it was just his sour mindset clouding the childhood memories about him happily imagining how his friend would be like. It had to be a sick joke. A small symbol that represented everything he couldn’t have. Years and years went by with it just there, mocking him constantly.
He had met many people he would have said they had influenced his life, yet apparently none of them were the one. Unlikely his sister, he wasn't bonded with anyone from his team - he assumed her semblance only worked on him because they were related. He wasn't bonded to the man who mentored him and gave a purpose in life - though after finding out the truth, he supposed that was a good thing. He wasn't bonded to his nieces, who were more family to him than his own blood, girls he had watched grow up from hyperactive, sweet-toothed brats to strong, independent young warriors - they were still a bit of a brat though.
So, at his age, he assumed that his semblance affected him in such a way he would never have the luck of finding the person. Fine by him. He stopped caring about that long ago anyway.
And that meant that, at his age, at this place, in the middle of what he could only call the beginning of a war, he should have not been thinking about any of this.
But here he was. Halfway through undressing to take a much needed shower to relax and warm him up after the mission at the dust mines. Feet planted in front of the bathroom mirror. The mark still just there, right at the end of the scar he got from a scorpion tail as if, by some stroke of luck, it had barely avoided being slashed in half. He instinctively grimaced at the sight.
Even if he strongly didn’t want to think about it, it felt as if there was a force preventing him from shoving the thoughts to the back of his mind, not allowing him to ignore the signs.
He had seen the pin when they were captured on the first day. Heck, he even did a double-take at the shape that was unfortunately too familiar. But there were other more important things on his mind at the moment - like how they were being arrested.
Later he found out that was literally that guy’s name! And he didn't like how the information made a cold settle on the bottom of his stomach.
And then James partnered them up. He didn't like the idea, it had been too long since he had worked with other huntsmen on the field - and that happened for a reason. The company made him feel weirdly numb. Or that was him not being used to the cold of Atlas anymore, being in a mine with ice-covered walls certainly didn't help - how he just strutted along without sleeves?
Yet, he did his best to focus on the mission. Ignoring how Clover made sure to match his pace and walk by his side as they scanned the tunnels for any sign of the Grimm that had been wrecking the place. The silence would only be broken from time to time with inputs coming from his earpiece, and it had been just a step away from being uncomfortable. So he decided to not make this situation more unbearable for himself, taking a breath, he took a risk at the grueling task that was small talk.
“Gotta say, I’m still not really used to working with other huntsmen in the field.” He was surprised with how casual he made himself sound.
“But you were on a team before, weren’t you?” How Clover seamlessly encouraged the conversation with a question also surprised him for some reason.
“Long time ago.” He sighed, gaze dropping to the floor. “I just found working alone tends to be for the best.” Great. With just a second into their talk, he had managed to bring its mood down. Not an unusual occurrence for any kind of interaction he was involved though. So why this time did he feel so… bothered?
It was just this entire situation bothering him - he rationalized with himself.
"Well, I think that’s a shame." Of course you would.
He didn't know how to respond, yet he didn't even have the chance. One misstep, and his foot left the ground with a slip. What prevented him from making more of a fool of himself by crashing his face on the icy floor was a quick strong grip on his arm, catching him mid-fall and pulling him back up without seemingly any effort whatsoever.
Clover patted his shoulder as he regained his balance and he didn't hold back the frown on his face. He just walked forward as he responded to the voice coming from his communicator, and it took him a second to realize he was glaring at his confident walk on the grounds he had just proved to be extremely slippery. 
Who does this guy think he is?
Of course, they found the Grimm first, of course, it made himself stronger right in front of their eyes, of course, it ran away, and of course, there was now a gigantic hole on their path. One his partner there could have been at the bottom of it if he wasn't used to his semblance playing tricks just at the right time. 
And when he dismissed his thanks for the head ups with a brief explanation about his semblance, his reaction was like no other he experienced before. No weird glances, no steps back, no awkward ‘that sucks’, just a nonchalant "that so?" 
"Well, hey, don’t beat yourself up about it." He continued, and with a swing of his weapon, he made a new path for them to continue down the tunnel. "My Semblance is good fortune. Lucky you, huh?"
He punctuated his sentence with a wink before walking forward, completely unaware of how that revelation had shaken him to his core. He was still frozen on his tracks as if the ice from the floor had risen to his shoes and stuck him in place. 
Good fortune. That guy was a walking luck charm! 
Everything he couldn’t have… 
His eyes were downcast, flickering everywhere as his mind processed the events. Yet now he wasn’t staring down at the icy ground, but the smooth tiles of the bathroom of his room provided by the Atlas academy. Though his expression was the same from when the words had just reached his ears hours ago.
Looking up by a fraction, the ink of his mark seemed more lively than ever against his skin. He hadn’t truly looked at it for a good while, avoiding it like he avoided the eyes of strangers, and doing so now, he found out he was unable to divert his gaze off it as quickly as he used to do before.
A pin. A name. My semblance is good fortune. A wink.
You would just know.
He let out a dry chuckle, the sound devoid of any emotion. That couldn’t be right. He barely knew the guy. And he didn’t need any of that cluttering his mind right now.
Lucky you, huh?
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stargayzingidiot · 4 years
In The Eye of The Storm
Previous chapter | Chapter five | Next chapter
Summary: In a world where some people are blessed with powers, Patton feels cursed.  
This chapter: Patton meets Logan
Characters: Patton Sanders, Virgil Sanders, Logan Sanders
Pairings: Eventual romantic Moxiety, brotherly Analogical
Words: 1417
Patton and Virgil had been texting for about a week before Patton mustered up the courage to set up a meeting with Virgil and his brother at their apartment.
It was raining a bit, and Patton was carefully walking up the street.
Virgil had recommended wearing headphones and listening to distracting music to tune out the thoughts when he was outside. He had even made Patton a playlist with some of the music he listened to when anxiety got the best of him, as well as some songs he thought Patton would like.
Right now, a song from My Chemical Romance was playing. It was bringing Patton back to when he sat alone in the bathroom, listening to music while eating lunch in school. That was before he dropped out because he couldn’t concentrate and moved to online school instead.
Patton was actually kind of mad at himself for not thinking about the idea before. It would have made so many grocery-trips a lot more bearable. But he was extremely grateful that Virgil had cared enough to give him the advice. He still didn’t think he deserved any of the kindness, though.
The music helped a lot. He could still hear the thoughts of the people walking past him, but it was more muffled and much easier to ignore. 
He was so distracted that he almost bumped into someone. Patton realized that he had also missed a turn. He walked back, and it didn’t take long before he stood in front of a tall apartment building.
This was it, Virgil’s apartment.
Patton saw two signs on the front door.
“Emile Picani: Specialized ability therapist”
“Power work-out! Get control - Remy Aureli”
Patton’s heart skipped a beat. 
‘those must be the people Virgil told me about’ he thought.
He got nervous all of a sudden. Thoughts of failure plaguing his mind. What if he couldn’t get control? What if this was all there was? A life full of noise. But the small voice of hope made him ring the doorbell.
It didn’t take long before he was buzzed in. They lived on the highest floor, but Patton chose to take the stairs to get time to collect his thoughts.
Patton had barely knocked on the door one time before it was opened. Before him stood a tall man with slicked-back hair, a button-up, and glasses. He must have been by the door when Patton reached it. 
“Ah, salutations, you must be Patton. I’m Logan. A pleasure to meet you,” the man said as he reached his hand out to Patton. 
He slowly took it, still getting over the shock of how quickly the door was opened.
“Hi. Nice to meet you too,” he said, trying to smile. He was not sure he was succeeding, though.
Then he heard Virgil from inside the apartment.
“Invite him in, Lo. I can feel his nervousness all the way from over here,”
Patton felt a smile tuck on his lips as he heard Virgil’s voice, but he quickly forced it down when he saw Logan staring.
They went to the kitchen, where Virgil had already put down three cups of steaming hot tea. When he saw Patton and Logan walk in, he gave them a small smile and a wave.
“Oh, um, small question, Logan,” Patton said, waiting for Logan to acknowledge that he was talking before continuing, “how did you open the door so fast? I feel like I didn’t even knock before you opened,”
Logan looked confused for a second. For him doing stuff fast was an everyday occurrence. He sometimes forgot he did it.
“Ah, I can see why that would be confusing,” he said “I was blessed with the power of speed,”
Patton flinched at the word ‘blessed’ and Virgil felt his discomfort at the mention.
“Okay, let’s sit. I would like to drink my tea before it gets cold for once,” he said, trying to lift the mood.
Patton gave him a small smile, and Logan huffed.
“Maybe you should stop forgetting about the tea and then finding it days after,” Logan chuckled.
“That was one time! I mostly just forget about it for thirty minutes!” Virgil protested.
Patton’s discomfort had shifted to delight, and Virgil couldn’t stop the smile forming on his lips. It was nice feeling something other than sadness from him.
They sat down and started talking. Patton briefly wondered why he didn’t hear much of Logan’s thoughts, but then he remembered why he couldn’t hear Virgil’s and just figured that his brother learned to control his thoughts better too. It was nice to have a conversation without all the extra noise. Now that he thought about it, Patton couldn’t recall when the last time he had more than a brief conversation with someone was.
The conversation carried on for hours. They talked about everything from movies to music.
He could get used to that, having people to talk to.
But the nagging thought that it would all eventually crash and burn was still there.
“So, Patton, you remember those people I told you about at the park?” Virgil asked, “the ones who might be able to help you?”
Virgil felt the spike of excitement in Patton, and it was impossible to stop the smile it brought to his face.
“Yes!” he answered but quickly became embarrassed by how loud he was. “I mean, um, yeah, I think I saw their signs outside earlier?”
Virgil didn’t even try to stop the chuckle that came out of him. He could feel the small sliver of hope blossoming in Patton’s chest. 
“Yeah, they work in this apartment. I’ve already talked with them, and they’re more than happy to help you,”
Patton threw his arms around Virgil and kept muttering ‘thank yous’. Virgil made sure to absorb a bit of the pain still residing in his new friend. Enough so that it would make a difference whilst Patton also wouldn’t notice he had done it.
Logan watched the hug from the sofa. He wasn’t much of a touchy person, so he was okay just knowing that Patton appreciated what they were doing for him. Logan knew his brother, though, and he could see that this supposed destructive, evil man was special to him. He really hoped there was more to the vision than what he saw. His brother deserved someone who could make him smile like this. Logan wished with all his might that this whole thing wouldn’t blow up in their faces and hurt Virgil.
“Oh, Patton, one more thing,” Virgil said after they had finished the hug, “since Remy and Emile are here in this building, you are more than welcome to stay in our guest bedroom if that would be easier than traveling every time you have an appointment,”
“Really? Are you sure? I mean, I don’t know. I don’t want to be a bother -” Patton blabbered on nervously before Logan interrupted him.
“We assure you that it is fine, Patton. We are here to help,”
“Then yes! I think I would really like that,”
‘Good’ Logan thought, ‘now we can keep an eye on him’
“Keep an eye on me?” Patton asked, confusion painted on his face.
Virgil sensed Logan’s panic and stepped in.
“Yeah, of course, Pat, we want to make sure you’re okay,”
“Oh, okay, thank you,” he replied, feeling a flutter in his stomach upon hearing the nickname.
He looked at the clock and realized how late it had gotten. It made him sad that he had to leave, but the animals at the pet shop he worked at needed him.
“I’m sorry, I really have to leave now if I want to keep my job. I can’t thank you enough for this,” he said, walking out to get his jacket and shoes.
“It’s okay. I’ll text you later to figure out how we’ll do the whole move thing, alright?” 
“Okay, Virge” Patton nodded, gave Virgil and Logan a smile, and waved goodbye.
And just like that, the brothers were once again alone in the apartment. Just like Patton had a few moments before, Virgil felt warmth swirling inside when he heard the nickname. 
While Virgil was busy blushing, Logan was already thinking about how they would go about this whole situation. The easy part was getting Patton to their apartment. He made a mental checkmark now that that had been accomplished. The hard part was figuring out why Patton was going to destroy the city and how to stop him.
Heya, writing will probs be a bit lazy from now on. I just wanna get the story out lol.
Taglist for this fic: @radioactivehelena @residentanchor @omgsomeonesomewhereonearth @magpiemorality @the-office-cat @fandomfan315 @croftersjam15 @kawaiikat54 @chaoticturtledream @sunshineluve @aricana8 @wellhellothere09 @librowyrm @rainbowemonightmare @trash-noodle @irritating-lady-knight
General taglist: @naturaldee-saster @ent-is-undecisive @patton-pending-123 @anxiousnotaesthetic @gayformlessblob @idont-freaking-know
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slightlymore · 5 years
Pride | Part 1
Pairing: CollegeStudent!Doyoung (main), Y/N, CollegeStudent!Johnny (not really a love triangle but you’ll understand better as you read lol) Genre: Series | Smut | Angst | Crack | Prob fluff if you wear magnifying glasses Warnings: Swearing, alcohol, throwing up (not graphic tho) Words: 4.5K
Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4 |  Part 5 | Part 6 | Part 7 | Part 8 THE END
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"You think he's cute," smiled Johnny, knowingly. 
You looked at him as if he had just said something terrible. The corridor you were walking through was filled with people, either crying, laughing hysterically or high.
It was finals week. 
You sighed. "He is objectively good looking," you replied while doing your best shrug. Johnny rolled his eyes. "You can say it if you like someone, Y/N. It doesn't mean that you're going to date him or marry him just because you admit that you have a crush.”
He has been saying that for the past two years during which you refused to like someone. Johnny couldn’t understand why you didn’t want to go out with anyone. He thought that maybe you liked girls and spent a full 15 minutes soliloquizing about how it was okay to be attracted to the same gender. He then spent another 15 minutes talking about how it is possible to not be attracted to anyone at all and you had to reassure him that you were actually straight and you did have crushes before. It was just because you didn’t like anyone and he just had to leave you alone. 
Because you liked him. But you didn’t tell him this part. 
"Well, I don't have any crush to admit to," you replied to him while entering the exam room and sitting down. 
You were talking about this guy Johnny brought along for your last study session before hell started. He was studying some sort of engineering. The dude explained it but honestly, you weren't that interested and didn't listen.  You didn't talk much that day, everyone concentrated on their own work, so you actually didn't have any opinion on him. How can one develop a crush on someone just like that? But Johnny was sure about it. 
"I just think you would make a good couple," Johnny commented, sitting behind you. You ignored him with a huff. 
It was not only later that week, during the university party celebrating the end of the semester that you had the opportunity to talk to this Doyoung guy. 
It wasn’t necessarily natural but not awkward either. It was just chaotic. A whole disaster. 
For a split second, as your gaze drifted down, trained on the way your beer spilt on Doyoung’s white shirt, you thought that maybe it could be the start of a cute romantic story like the movies portrayed. Maybe Johnny was right. He would never date you, you knew that. It took you a long time to come to term with that, but you were ready. It was time to get a new crush and he was the right choice. But then you saw the dude’s eyes widening and darkening with rage and you knew that it wasn’t the case at all. 
“Just fuck off,” he replied as you tailed him to the bathroom, mumbling something along the lines of “oh my god, I'm so sorry”.  You weren’t that sorry. Actually, to be completely honest, seeing Doyoung’s mouth open as if in slow motion was pretty funny, but you weren’t that mean as to just leave him deal with that alone. “I know where the stuff is in this house. Johnny is my best friend,” you said to him with your arms crossed on your chest, standing in the frame of the door, as to explain why you were standing there minding his business. Doyoung washed his hands before swearing something under his breath, and just taking his t-shirt off completely, pulling it by the collar. His glasses got crooked in the movement and his hair got all messed up. “Yeah, as if I need help to find the soap,” he commented with a killing glare, fingers already squeezing the product and lathering it up. 
You closed your mouth and just stared at his naked torso without being able to say a word. He was just average, an average guy getting his top off, just like other guys were probably doing at that moment downstairs and just like other guys you’ve seen before. But for some reason, you didn’t expect Doyoung to do it. Not like that and not at that moment. You blinked a few times, rather awkward and unsure of what to do next. 
He didn’t need any help. You were just a creep watching a guy washing up. So with a single movement, you turned around and walked to Johnny’s room, hoping he wouldn’t get mad if you lent one of his shirts to the Doyoung guy. 
The room’s door was closed and you opened it fast as if it was your own house and walked over the closet without thinking. “Y/N!” you heard a thundering voice. You turned around in shock. Johnny was on the bed, not alone and doing something with someone which definitely required the closed door. 
You felt your cheeks burning. 
“Fuck,” you gasped. “No, wait, what? I meant, God, I’m so sorry,” you mumbled putting your hands to your eyes but still watching through your fingers. 
“What do you want?” he asked. “Just leave.”
He wasn’t that mad but looked fairly irritated. 
 “I need one of your shirts,” you mumbled indicating to the closet. Your voice sounded very feeble even to your ears. 
“Hey, do you think I can borrow- whoa!” Doyoung barged in but suddenly stopped as if meeting a glass wall, eyes darting around from you to the bed and back to you. He was still topless but he was the less naked in that room anyway. “Guys, what the fuck. Just go away” Johnny whined, exasperated. The girl underneath him laughed. “I’m just going to take-,” you started, opening the closet and throwing the first thing you found to Doyoung’s face before closing it loudly and, grabbing the naked and shocked boy by the forearm, you walked out in a hurry. “Oh, no, babe, you got all soft,” you heard the girl say as you closed the door behind you. 
You were a little panting. That was so embarrassing. 
And it was all Doyoung’s fault. 
“Okay but what the fuck is this?” you heard him laugh as he was putting on a floral shirt. “Just wear it and shut up,” you replied making him laugh even more. 
After he buttoned it all up he looked at you as if about to ask your opinion but closed his mouth upon noticing your gaze.
“It’s fine. There’s no need to feel so mortified,” he tried to reassure you. 
It was kind considering how he wanted to kill you just a few minutes before that. 
You shook your head. 
“I am fine,” you replied walking away. “You look very mad though.” Now he was the one tailing you. 
“Leave me alone” you commented, waving your hand in his direction as if getting rid of flies. 
You had to get away somewhere quiet and be alone for a second. You descended the stairs and eyed the backyard. It was cold outside and no one, besides people smoking, wanted to adventure there. 
You opened the glass doors and made your way to the swing. It was a very pretty one, those big swings that could fit almost three people. You and Johnny would sit there at dawn and watch the colours of the sky. 
As you got near to it, you almost couldn’t see anymore because of the tears that veiled your eyes. “Fucking-.” you mumbled wiping your face with your forearm. 
It made you so angry. You were so sure you were over him. What was going on? Johnny wasn’t dating anyone but he would hook up with different people, it wasn’t a secret and you knew. But the fact that he was always beside you, instead of some other girl, gave you hope. Seeing it with your own eyes was a cruel reality check. 
You weren’t over him at all. 
Still sobbing in your hands, you jolted and raised your head when you suddenly felt the swing move. Doyoung was sitting beside you looking at the noisy house. Without saying anything he handed you a water bottle. 
You looked at his hand for a few seconds, almost confused, then accepted it. The boy then sighed and took a sip out of his beer. 
You expected him to ask questions or to try and cheer you up. But he just stayed there, not saying anything and you had nothing to do besides copying him. 
After a few other sniffles and last cheek swipes, you realized just how cold outside actually was. 
“Let’s go inside, you’ll catch a cold,” you told him with hoarse voice while standing up and straightening your pants. 
“So what? Would you be sorry?” he replied getting up as well. 
You scoffed. “I would feel in debt with you. I already marinated you like a piece of barbecue with that beer before. I don’t need any other stuff to feel guilty about.”
“You got me a shirt. Not the coolest one, I’ll admit, but still a shirt. You don’t need to feel sorry for marinating me.”
“I didn’t say I was sorry,” you explained walking towards the warmth of the house. With the corner of your eye, you saw Doyoung smiling. 
Making your way through the crowd. you suddenly didn’t know what to do and you couldn’t remember what were you doing before that. 
Having fun? Dancing? 
You thought about it for a second and walked towards the kitchen counters. Doyoung followed you and rested his body weight on his elbows while looking at your movements.  “I don’t need a babysitter,” you poured yourself a whole glass of vodka. Doyoung’s lips tightened in a perplexed smirk, eying the big ass glass. “That’s not how you drink that.”
You ignored him and drank half of it in one go. The boy didn’t say anything but you could tell he was impressed and perhaps slightly worried as well. 
“Where are your friends? Aren’t they waiting for you?” you asked him before finally downing the whole drink and slamming the glass on the counter maybe a little too harshly. 
“I’ll leave when you get to yours first.” “Mine are having sex upstairs. They won’t be here any time soon” you replied.  
Doyoung went silent for a second. 
“Then you’ll have to hang out with me,” he said in the end. 
You looked at his intense eyes. They were judging the hell out of you trying to pour yourself another drink. Then he raised his gaze.  Yours was daring him to stop you. 
He didn’t. He just watched as you got drunk by yourself. 
You couldn’t remember how the party ended. Or if it did at all. Or how come you were floating on the road directed to the apartment you shared with your roommates. 
Laying on your stomach, legs wrapped around something rather solid, you could swear that there was someone’s hair in your mouth. 
“If you puke on me I’m going to sue,” you heard someone’s deep voice very close yet far away. 
Trying to open up your eyes you understood what was going on. 
Doyoung was giving you a piggyback ride. You laughed. 
“I can’t believe it, she thinks this is funny,” he commented under his breath before stopping and adjusting your weight on his back. You jolted at the movement and felt your stomach doing something. 
“I feel like throwing up,” you mumbled. “Fuck you if you do,” he said. 
You laughed again. Everything was so amusing. You couldn’t recall why you were so sad before. 
“I’ll throw up on you,” you warned him with a chuckle. The boy sighed and let your legs down. You tried to stand up but almost fell on the side. 
“For fuck's sake,” he grabbed your arm. You wiggled around for a bit before finally standing straight. 
“I think I’m fine,” you started. “I don’t think I need to-”
But you did need to. And you almost did on his shoes. 
“Shit,” he jolted away,  looking at you disgusted for a moment before giving in and holding your shoulders. 
After you were done, your head magically felt much better as well. You looked up at him then at your bag on his shoulder and laughed. 
“Nice bag.” He rolled his eyes and opening it up he retrieved your water bottle. 
“What time is it?” you asked as you rinsed your mouth. 
Doyoung looked at you with hands on his hips. “Late.” What a mom.  You put a piece of chewing gum in your mouth and got up a little wobbly. 
“I’m sorry you had to see that.” He looked fakely shocked. “Wow, you’re sorry? That’s a first.” 
You smiled. “I can be sorry sometimes.” Then you checked your phone. You secretly hoped that Johnny would call or ask if you got home safely. But there were no missed calls or messages. 
“Johnny is still busy,” Doyoung said, reading your mind. 
You recalled seeing him during the party, through the drunken fog, as he approached you and Doyoung, commenting something around the lines of how great it was to see you two together. You remember smiling while ignoring the girl he had his arm around on. 
Sighing, you let your phone fall in your purse again and just started to walk away. 
“Slow down,” Doyoung ordered linking his arm with yours. 
You scoffed. “I can walk,” you tried to slap his hands away.  Doyoung didn’t budge and gripped your harder. “Yeah, but not straight.”
Then you didn’t say anything else, the only sounds were your breath and your shoes on the asphalt. 
“I’m comfortable with you,” you heard yourself whisper after a while. It was so silent in that neighbourhood that you felt like keeping your voice down. It resulted in a confession. Doyoung laughed unfazed. “I see.” “I mean, the silence is comfortable,” you went on trying to gesticulate but failing. “And you don’t try to talk me out of stuff or give me advice,” you added. 
“I don’t even know you,” he explained. “Also, there’s nothing to say,” he shrugged. 
“Why are you taking care of me?” you asked after another silent moment.  “I have morals.”
You snorted. 
“Do you find me attractive?” you asked again. 
Doyoung sighed as if talking to a toddle. “I don’t know you. I have no opinion.” 
“Yeah, but objectively,” you went on, unable to understand when ending a conversation in the drunken haze. “Like, you’re objectively handsome. Am I objectively beautiful?” you mumbled stopping for a moment, touching his chest then touching yours as if he needed some visual representation of what you were talking about. Your head was still so light that it was difficult to think. You could see that you were embarrassing but the alcohol got rid of all of your inhibitions. 
“Yes,” he replied dryly, dragging you slightly to the side to not make you stumble into a road hole. 
“You don’t mean it.” 
Doyoung rolled his eyes. “Why are you asking me then?” 
“I just want to know if-,” you started but stopped as your voice got stuck into your throat. 
“God, don’t tell me you’re about to- yeah, alright, good, great, amazing. Fucking awesome,” Doyoung sang his irritated mantra as you stopped to sob uncontrollably in the middle of the road. 
“What did I do to deserve this,” he whispered under his breath again as you crouched down. 
“Hey, come on. It’s not like he doesn’t like you because you’re ugly or something,” he said crouching down beside you and trying to look at your face.
“Then he doesn’t like me because-” you stopped to sniffle “-I’m stupid!” you whined loudly. 
Doyoung whined as well but out of frustration. “Just let us arrive home first, alright?” he said trying to lift you up. 
“Let me go!” you whined again pushing his arms away. 
“It was so fun when you were out of it,” he commented when finally succeeding in putting you on his back again. Exhausted and completely drained out, you let him do it and just wrapped your arms around his neck, feeling powerless. 
“I know you’re upset but don’t choke me,” he warned you. 
_____  Doyoung thought he was a strong guy. 
Independent. Someone people could lean on. 
He would joke about his friends falling in love at first sight or cry over a partner that wasn’t even that awesome in the first place. 
He was so sure he wouldn’t have that fate that, when he saw you, it felt like a cold shower turning his world upside down. 
You wouldn’t remember it. It happened some months ago. He was minding his own business in the university main corridor when he heard a cry and raised his eyes. A girl was on the floor, books and pens all spread around her and a big guy was hovering over her. 
“Watch where you go next time,” he was saying. 
Doyoung furrowed his eyebrows ready to intervene. He was pretty sure that the guy had to watch where he put his fucking feet. 
“Who the fuck do you think you are?” asked a voice. 
“And who the fuck are you?” the guy replied in the same tone. In front of him materialized a girl with hands on her hips and flaming eyes. A guy she was with was helping the fallen girl to stand up. 
“Someone that’s going to whoop your fucking ass if you don’t apologize right now,” you said. The guy laughed. “You heard her, big boy,” Johnny said with a monotone voice.
And that was it. The guy actually apologized. 
Doyoung was impressed. Was it his tone or his gaze? He looked so cool just now that it made Doyoung almost mad. 
“Why do you always butt in?” you asked Johnny with a huff. “I had everything under control,” you puffed your cheeks. 
Johnny laughed. “Of course,” he replied ruffling your hair. You faked being irritated by the gesture but as Johnny turned his back to you, Doyoung could see the way you smiled.
He didn’t want to check up on you but for some reason, you were always under his eyes. Walking to class, having lunch, fighting with Johnny as he smiled at you. He would hear your voice in the crowd and without wanting to he would turn his head as a reflex. He would catch you laugh and it really irritated him that it wasn’t his jokes to make you so amused. 
“Are you in love, Kim?” his friends would joke when he didn’t listen to what they were talking about or when he unfocused his gaze thinking about apparently nothing. Doyoung would snap out of it at their nudges and slap their hands. 
“Stop being ridiculous,” he would say. 
“Then why are you getting so irritated by it? It must be true.” someone would comment.  “Is it that girl over there?” one of them asked, once. 
Doyoung secretly cursed at himself for staring so much. “I don’t know who you’re talking about,” he said, acting as if concentrating on his work. 
“You mean Suh’s girlfriend?”  “Oh, they’re not dating” the first one replied. “He’s on my basketball team. He said they’re just friends. You might have a chance Kim,” he smirked at Doyoung.  
The boy scoffed as a reply and the conversation died there. 
But his heart was feeling more alive than ever. You and Johnny weren’t dating. He could really have a chance. He could date you. He could date you? Doyoung could date? Holy shit.  He could just go there and talk to you and you would smile at him the way you smiled at Johnny, right?
Yeah, right, he would reply to himself sarcastically. As if you would be interested in him in the first place. 
That was all he could think during his insomniac nights when he would indulge in thinking consciously about you. It was the only time in the day when he admitted to himself everything. In the morning he would forget about it and would act as if it never happened.
But then he officially met Johnny. 
He couldn’t lie and say he didn’t hate him but he objectively didn’t have a solid reason to actually despise him either (besides being a blind idiot and not realizing how his best friend was in love with him), so he tried to make an effort to be friendly as he offered his hand for Doyoung to shake. 
It was a small party. Doyoung wasn’t so big on parties but it was the last one before the finals so he thought he could use some fun. 
In reality, he hoped to see you there, but no one should know that, not even his conscious side. 
You weren’t there. He didn’t ask but his friend did and he had to stop himself from punching him on the teeth. Because Johnny picked up on that and looked at Doyoung with a knowing gaze. 
“Are you free tomorrow?” he asked. 
Doyoung took his time to reply and sipped on his drink. “I’m starting to revise tomorrow.”
“Great,” Johnny said hitting him lightly on the shoulder. “Y/N and I are revising as well. Meet us in the library.”
He never realized that he didn’t know your name until that moment. Doyoung thought about it the whole night and rolled it on his tongue when he finally was able to be alone. 
_____ You barely looked at him. God, it made him feel so upset. 
Doyoung was sitting there, in front of you, watching you scribble away with furrowed eyebrows and when you had to look up, your eyes were on Johnny all the time. 
Doyoung wasn’t sure you even remembered his name. 
He gave in, he admitted to himself that he had a crush on you, he actually did something that involved feelings and now he felt so fucking stupid. 
He was an idiot. 
He felt so embarrassed. Especially as Johnny would look at him with that gaze of his as if being sorry. 
Stop fucking pitying me, he would scream in his mind. 
Doyoung made an effort and didn’t think about you for the whole week afterwards. Or so he liked to lie to himself. He knew he actually didn’t do much to win you over or something, but seeing how he never did anything at all, it felt a lot anyways. Everyone used to say how prideful he was, or cold, or something else that wanted to be an insult but what Doyoung interpreted as a compliment. He was strong. He was independent. He didn’t get stupid crushes. 
This time Doyoung really hoped you wouldn’t be at the party. 
You weren’t there last time so it was natural to think you wouldn’t be present this time either. 
But he was wrong. 
He saw you already as he entered the house and had to close his eyes for a second to catch his breath. It made him so mad. 
He was so fucking mad. 
He hated it. He hated feelings. He hated everything. 
And then you spilt your beer on his shirt. 
He lost it. 
As he was washing himself up and you turned your back in the corridor upstairs he felt guilty to have spoken to you that way. That was your first real conversation and he acted like a fucking douchebag. He followed you. He wanted to let you help him as you offered yourself to. Maybe he could apologize. 
And then he saw your face, mortified and shocked. 
This is not ideal at all, he thought when he saw what made you look like that. 
Not ideal for you, but, he was ashamed to admit, ideal for himself. That was the ideal situation for you to snap out of your unrequited crush on Johnny and maybe, just maybe, look finally at him. 
But then he saw how your soul almost left your body. He saw you going downstairs and almost run into the backyard, not being able to hold yourself up and just crush down in an agonizing cry. And he thought that it wasn’t indeed an ideal situation even for him. Because he hated seeing you like that. Fucking John Suh, I swear-, he cursed at him while following you. Doyoung couldn’t understand how Johnny wasn’t in love with you. People could have different tastes, alright, but it was unfathomable to Doyoung to have you around so often and not wanting to kiss you every second. He wanted to say something. He wanted to help. It was painful to see you in love with someone else but it was even more painful to see you suffering because of it. 
But he couldn’t think of anything nice to say. 
And then you worried about him catching a cold and he felt so touched that he almost wanted to cry himself. 
Yet he acted like a douchebag about it again. 
His hands itched to grab that motherfucking vodka bottle out of your hands but he had no right. And when Johnny came down with his lady he felt like pushing him on the ground and just beat him up.  
It didn’t take a long time for you to pass out on him. Doyoung held you by the shoulders and thought about sitting down with you, but there was no space. He wanted to take you away from that place as soon as possible. But he had no right even this time.
“John,” he called. The boy turned around and looked around before realizing whose voice was that. “Yeah,” he replied. 
“She needs to go home.”
Johnny looked at you for a moment, asleep on Doyoung’s shoulder. 
“Damn, you’re right. I’ll give you the address” he took out his phone. 
“Are you letting me taking home your passed-out best friend? You barely know me,” Doyoung couldn't help but comment. 
Johnny looked up surprised. “I trust you,” he paused. “But I can ask somebody else if you’re not feeling like it.” His gaze was intense. He was warning Doyoung to be careful or he won’t be alive the next day. 
It was enough for Doyoung. “It’s fine. I’ll do it.” _____
You woke up with your head hurting as if you’ve banged it on the walls all night. 
It was the doorbell. It sounded like satan’s laugh and it drove you crazy even if it ringed just once. 
“I’m coming,” you mumbled, walking towards the entrance door barely able to see. 
It was Doyoung. 
“What are you doing here?” you asked confused. Doyoung rolled his eyes at you and walked in without being invited. He made his way to the kitchen where he freed his hands of what he was holding: breakfast and coffee, a small bag from the pharmacy on the other side of the road. 
“Eat then take these pills,” he ordered placing the stuff on your kitchen counters. 
You walked over him even more confused. “How do you know where I live?” 
He looked at you as if you said that the earth was flat. 
“Do you remember anything from last night?” 
You thought about it for a second and the mental exercise made your head feel even worse. You took the coffee and gulped a few times. 
“I remember seeing Johnny’s dong,” you joked trying to make the situation feel lighter. 
Doyoung didn’t laugh and looked at you with a weird gaze. 
“What?” you asked seeing him almost sorry. 
Then you remembered. Crying once, then getting drunk, puking on Doyoung, crying twice, getting carried home, whining about not wanting to go to bed, whining about not wanting Doyoung to go home, whining about wanting to sleep with Johnny instead of him, crying about Johnny thrice, whining when Doyoung wanted to go home again, then falling asleep. 
“Shit,” you sighed as you hid your face in your palms for a moment when the realization hit you like a truck and then looked back at Doyoung. 
He acted as if nothing big happened and you found yourself thankful for his ability to hide feelings. 
You watched his hands as he took out some breakfast sandwiches. Then you watched his back as he opened the fridge and handed you a glass of water. 
“Drink some water first,” he said. And you obeyed. 
“I’m sorry, Doyoung,” you said after you drank it all up. 
“It’s alright,” he said. 
“And thank you” you added. “Really,” you insisted. 
He nodded as if accepting your gratitude. 
Then it got awkward. 
“I’ll go now,” he scratched the back of his head after the moment of silence. “Don’t forget your meds. You’ll feel much better afterwards,” he reminded you as he was already walking to the corridor. 
You didn’t know what to do. 
You owed him a lot and didn’t know how to behave after being seen at your almost worst. 
“I’ll make it up to you,” you said hurriedly as he was almost outside the door. 
He stopped at your words. You got closer. 
“Is there something I can do for you?” you asked. 
Doyoung slowly faced you. 
You looked back at him, expectantly. 
“Let me take you out on a date.”
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lovely-necromancy · 3 years
A Cure for Insomnia CH.6
You wake up sometime around one. Not too late in the day given your morning. With a decent amount of sleep under your belt you roll over and start striping your bed of its sheets. Then you make your way across your room, picking up stray clothes as you go to your hamper and dump your collection of dirty linens and clothes into it. You carry the hamper to the bathroom where you load half into the washer. There's no real point in separating the clothes from colored items and pastels or whites. You're only twenty-four and don't have your life totally figured out yet. You can be a little lazy with laundry.
Once your first load of laundry is being washed you go to do your weekly tidy of your home. The one good thing that came from the paranoia of your car's break in was you rearranged all the furniture of the home, thus cleaning as you went. So that means it's more of a quick wipe down of counters and sweeping today. Maybe you'd organize your art supplies while doing your laundry. It's an activity that wouldn't distract you too much and make you forget you had laundry in the wash.
You finish washing the dishes from this morning you begin wiping the counters and tabletop when you notice your fidget cube is still on the table where Toby left it earlier.
'Don't want to lose this. Back to the bookshelf where you belong.' When you get to the living room's bookshelf you notice one of your book's is missing. Ironically it's The Book Thief.
'Tobias probably picked it up and put it down somewhere.' you'd keep your eyes peeled for the book while you cleaned.
After wiping down bookshelves, tables, counters, even the mantel over the fire place you still hadn't found your missing book. You probably picked it right up and placed it right back down without even realizing. You'll just keep an eye out until you find it. You don't even reread books, you really just kept a copy to lend out to people when they ask what your favorite books are. It isn't a real big deal if you can't find it, plus there's bound to be a copy floating somewhere in a thrift shop or yard sale.
The washer chimes right as you grab the broom to sweep. Pausing this task to go retrieve your laundry and do the rest. You empty the dirty clothes left in the basket onto the floor and place the clean wet ones inside the basket. After starting the final load you carry the basket out back. As nice as this home is its still small and doesn't have a dryer, which early summer is fine but come fall and winter might be more cumbersome. Seeing as you have to hang the laundry out to dry outside. Maybe when it gets cold you'll just do smaller loads and hang them up in the bathroom or over the fire place. But that's a thought for future you. Right now current you is struggling yet again to get a fitted sheet to sit on the line. Fitted sheets are probably Satan himself in disguise.
When you finish stringing all the laundry up you take a moment to just enjoy the quiet and the peace that comes with the outside. It's nice out here, maybe after you finish the last few chores today you can come out and just draw, it'd be a good way to also keep an eye on this weather in case it turns. While it hasn't happened yet you're very aware of the risks you take by ignoring the existence of meteorologists. And by that you mean just not bothering to look up the weather for the day.
Heading back inside you restart your task of sweeping. Like you thought you've finished before the washer has even completed it's first cycle. The house isn't too big so it's easy to clean it from top to bottom within a day normally, but today you had even less to do thanks to this week's rearranging. So you move on to organizing your art supplies and separating all materials by medium.
Of course arranging materials is never easy, after all you end up staring at all your horded empty sketch books and note how your thumbnail notebooks are just covered in doodles and random scribbles but no real art or ideas. Maybe it's time to start kicking yourself into gear. You ran into a major period of burnout before moving and now with this fresh start you might be able to focus on progressing with art, even if you don't pursue it as a career. You've always loved the ability to draw and create images that make others happy. But right in this moment you just want to make yourself happy. Maybe you could start small just a few still lifes and see how you feel after that.
Hearing the chime of the washer you hurry to finish putting away the supplies in their newly assigned places. Just as before you transfer the wet and clean clothes into the awaiting basket and take them out to be hung to dry. You don't have another fitted sheet this go round so it goes by much faster than it previously had. Now with all of your washing for today hung you head back inside to grab a fresh sketchbook.
Having never been one for scenery, more of a portrait artist, you start off with small things. A few stills of a flower under the window, the old tire swing on the tree, and even the blue jay that dove for dinner right in front of you. Of course all of these were warm ups done in a few minutes, though you really wish you had more time on the blue jay one. You really need practice with things that aren't people.
The warm ups of course don't look very good, but you can still see what you'd been going for. The hatching and smudging you'd done, to increase depth and give the quick drawing more life, did help a little but it was clear this was an area where you weren't skilled. But that didn't deter you, after all you  needed more practice and wouldn't be getting better without it.
Deciding to draw the scene before you, a small open meadow surrounded by trees, in other words your backyard with your drying laundry. You start off slow and make sure to actually look and take in the yard in front of you, doing your best to not just make up the trees and their shapes as you go. Soon you are lost in the meditative muscle memory of drawing. The scratching of pencil scrapping across paper further lulling you into a trance like state as you etch out the scenery.
A harsh breeze blows through and the loud flapping of sheet hitting sheet knocks you loose from your trance. Checking to make sure none of your laundry was flying off, it hadn't the laundry was still secured to the line. Smiling you glance down to actually see what you've sketched out so far. It isn't too bad, though you aren't sure how long you've been working on it, the trees all have a distinct shape rather than your typical cartoon one size fits all attempts. Scanning the page your eyes catch onto something off, out in the tree line it looks like you'd drawn a figure hiding behind a tree.
Hearing the beating of your heart that's currently hammering against your chest you look around. Did your mind do that as a joke or had someone genuinely been watching you draw? Your mouth is dry as your eyes scan the tree line for any sign of what could've been mistaken for a person, but you saw nothing. No one was there. Had anyone ever really been there? Why would you draw that? Why wouldn't you remember doing it? You don't feel safe out here anymore. There are eyes watching you you can feel it. They may not physically be there but the phantom eyes that surround you and cause your skin to crawl make sure you know of their presence. You take that as a sign to head inside for the evening, one that doesn't need to be repeated.
You lock the door immediately behind you and check your phone. It's seven, and you have an email notification. Thanking whatever power for the distraction you slide down your back door and open the notification. It's from Hollis!
YN r u  coming to SND? It's that teen beach zombie movie u love. Y;know the awful D list one Blk and wht with the 50yos playing teenagers
Lemme know I'll save your seat.
Sent 6:47 P.M.
They're so sweet to remember you loved this awful D list zombie movie. Horrible subplots and main plot and all. But you're a little spooked right now and watching even that joke of a horror movie is probably too much for you. You doubt you'd feel better by the time ten rolls around to watch it. Not to mention your battery's still drained from Toby this morning. And knowing for a fact you'd probably stay late to talk till morning with Hollis, Jake, and Kirby you decide it's best to skip this week. Just not having the energy to handle Saturday Night Dead.
Nah, sorry man. Battery's dead from being social earlier. Thanks tho, I do appreciate you! ….....,.... lemme know what next week's movie is!
Sent 7:10 P.M.
It'd probably be a good time to make something for dinner, there's a box of mac n cheese in the pantry. Simple but always beloved. As you wait for Hollis to respond you start on boiling water. But you didn't have to wait too long since they'd answered near instantly.
Chill, don worry we'll catch ya next week
ot not...Kirb's said it's the start of watching the entire warren file collection
starting from the beginning
...well the first movie released, Insidious. LOL we probs won't ever see you again.
Sent 7:12 P.M.
How dare Kirby betray you like this. First off those movies are awful, and like not cheesy awful just awful awful. Not to mention he knows how you feel about the Warrens and their cases. You have a power point presentation ready for that dick the next time you see him. ...well not literally but you'd make one to prove a point!
Where's Kirby now? I just wanna talk, I just wanna talk is all.
Sent 7:18 P.M.
Already ran off toy vermont probably
will we get blessed with a ted talk nxt week?
Sent 7:20 P.M.
I can't tell if you're joking or not. If you aren't then yea I can make a power point and we'll play that instead of the movies. Every week until this town understands the severity of this.
Sent 7:21 P.M.
Ya just jkin.
Your passionate hate is funny tho, so could be good to do something mid warren marathon.
Sent 7:23 P.M.
Guess the dissertation on how horrendous the “exorcisms” were will have to wait. They'd just been joking. This is probably a good ending of the conversation anyway, it's hard to tell sometimes but you feel you'll just run in circles with the current topic or worse fall into a rant that they won't read all the way through because they'll have left with the rest of the stunt gang to get dinner before heading over to the Cryptonomica for Saturday Night Dead. Hollis is typically a real good sport about this kinda thing but you'd rather not bog down their night with your hate boner for the Warrens.
'I'll let them know later that I'll still come to Saturday Night Dead next week.' you think as you dump the pasta into the water that finally came to a boil. It's quiet as you cook your macaroni dinner. You'd normally not notice the lack of sound or life in your home before, but maybe having Connor and Toby over put things into perspective. Guests aren't really a thing you've ever had, you always feel rude if your social battery runs out before someone's stay is over. But maybe you're lonely, and it's put you on edge.
Though this week would've put anyone on edge, you have still been alone in this house for two months. That can't be healthy for your mental well being, humans are social creatures by nature after all. Maybe you could get a pet, something that'd make it's fair share of noise and give the home a bit more life than your normally hollow shell wondering the halls. Are you even sure you want a pet? Do you have time for one? You have the standard nine to five, but what about when you're off on a nightly trip because of your sleeplessness? What if you forgot about them? Hell your brain's been so foggy these last few months, it wouldn't be surprising.
Like a sign from the divine themselves, the pot of water boils over. Steam is rising as the sizzling is heard. Your head snaps twice to the right as you scramble to lower the heat and raise the pot off the eye. Putting it down on an unused eye you give it a quick stir and thankfully no pasta got burned to the bottom of the pan....this time. The pasta seems a little crunchy but a texture you'll eat so you kill the hot eye and start on the cheese portion of your mac n cheese.
As you eat you continue your original debate about getting a pet. Ultimately deciding that you just aren't ready for that kind of responsibility right now. Sure you'd had tons of pets in your parents' home but that was with a financial safety net and back when your mental health wasn't all over the place. Not to mention the pets were family pets and responsibility was split three ways.
There isn't much room in your home for you to have a roommate, and that presents a whole nother set of challenges. You could try to make friends through online forums again! It's hard to talk to people in general but you always get scared off before replying to a comment or post. Or overshare to the point people infantize you. Even better trying therapy out could help with your loneliness. Hah ok good one, even if you had money for it consistently you don't think you could trust someone knowing all your secrets but not knowing any of theirs. And while that in and of it self is an example of why you need it, you're rational enough to realize you aren't ready for that either.
After finishing your meal you put away the left overs and clean the dishes. You'll be happier tomorrow knowing they aren't your problem to deal with. You start to make your way to your bedroom but freeze just before the hall.
'You shouldn't stay here...you need to leave.'
A glance at the time tells you it's eight thirty-nine, if you left right now you could make it to Saturday Night Dead with time to spare. You don't need to fill the loneliness with new friends, just spend time with the ones you already have. Duh. Turning you grab your keys off the bookshelf and take one of the masks hanging from a hook by the door.
Checking your door was locked and locking your car once you were in, you're ready to drive. Knowing you're still overstimulated you forgo the music on this drive, hoping it will calm you down enough to enjoy the movie and some down time with friends. And that would help put a pin in your self isolating habits. It'd really be nice if you brought movie snacks over to surprise the gang. You're pretty sure the mini mart carries everything you need. Jake likes swedish fish, Hollis is addicted to those extreme sour airhead ropes, and Kirby's a weirdo with his love of red vines and surge. Hahaha that man will die before he's thirty-eight.
Still having the extra time you deiced to stop by the mini mart and grab the candy. What's the worse that can happen you have another panic attack in front of strangers. Plus you hadn't seen Magnolia the last few times and you'd hate for her to think you'd been ignoring her. Pulling into the empty mini mart parking lot you take a breath to steel your resolve before leaving your car.
Tim looks at the door when he hears the chime and stiffens when he sees you. Fuck you did have a panic attack in front of this guy last night, plus you really haven't formally met. But didn't Toby say his roommate was named Tim? And he and Brian were both here talking with Tim last night before you came in. That can't be coincidence.
“uh...hi?” you say awkwardly standing in the doorway, door closed behind you.
“um, hi?” perfect he's just as awkward in this situation as you are. You can work with this.
Moving through the first two isles you keep your eyes peeled for Magnolia, even though you can make this an in and out trip for candy, you do miss the little bodega cat.
“Wh- hey are you, are you even ok to be here?” Tim calls as he rounds the counter and makes his way to you.
“Huh? Oh...oh yea. I'm chill now.” you hear the bell before you see her. The little ting tin ting of her bell that comes with the grace only fluffy cats have.
“You literally collapsed on the floor last night after blacking out while driving.” his tone is very stern. He and Nate would probably get on like a house on fire. The grumpy old men who secretly care a lot duo.
“I don't remember collapsing...but I know I didn't drive.” well you don't know that but you do firmly believe that.
The man is just turning into the isle when you spot the floof sauntering just behind him. Magnolia didn't spare either of you a glance as she made her way to the counter. Probably going to her bed, an old shipping box for apples, you'd just meet her over there then. With no warning to the man you squeeze past him and and follow the cat. Agitated footsteps following after you in your quest to pet the cat.
Magnolia perks up upon seeing you, the flicking of her tail letting you know she's anticipating her pets. The huffing Tim hovering behind you isn't as pleased with your actions as the cat is. The man is radiating negativity, annoyance maybe or is it concern that breeds frustrated anger? The second he starts to clear his throat, as if to remind you of his hovering, you roll your eyes.
Looking back at him over your shoulder you see him in all his grumpy man glory.  His brow was furrowed so hard his thick eyebrows nearly covered his eyes. But with the way his lips emoted the man before you looked more like a pouting muppet. It would be funny if it weren't for the foreboding feeling of the moments before being reprimanded by a teacher.
When you straighten up you take note that your eyes meet perfectly. He's the same height as you that's surprising, you thought he'd be taller than 5'7. His eyes widen slightly at seeing your full height, it must've thrown him off since the first time he saw you, you'd actively been trying, and had succeeded at looking smaller.
“What are you doing here?” well he doesn't get thrown off for long.
Running a hand through Magnolia's fur a few more times as you respond, “Petting Magnolia.” you really are a little shit sometimes.
“No...no, why are you out? Toby had to take you home last night, you shouldn't just be waltzing around town after that.” maybe it was frustrated concern.
“Oh I'm fine now.”
Magnolia at this point has jumped up on the counter and is headbutting you for more attention. Chuckling you turn your attention back to her. Meanwhile Tim behind you is at a loss for words.
“Fine?? You don't just...bounce back from a panic attack.”there's personal experience behind those words.
“I just rationalize things fast.” Hearing the trill of the clock on the wall reminds you that you need to grab those snacks and head over to the Cryptonomica for movie night.
Going to the candy isle you grab one of each of the gang's favorites, you snag a bag of white cheddar popcorn on the way to the counter and place your items there. Tim doesn't get a word out before you rush off to the cooler near the back that is in all honesty pretty sketch. Like who even makes  Fruitopia anymore? That stuff got discontinued in the early 2000s. The cooler even has Hi-C Ecto Coolers...you might actually check if they're in date and grab a few.
Rummaging around the cooler you finally spot the weird tech green and black splattered can proudly stating SURGE. It has no date...questionable at best. But hey it's only Kirby drinking it, and it's been well established that man will die well before middle age.   Grabbing a can to check the Ecto Coolers, luck is on your side! These cans are from the re-release that happened as a promotion for the Ghostbusters revival a few years back, they'll be good for another two years! For now you'll just take one so you won't have to worry about lugging cans around for the movie.
Once your new items are placed on the counter the expression on Tim's face cannot even be described. The questions of the surge are probably the ones easiest to read...or they're just the most predictable.
“Kirby likes red vines and surge, sickening right?” Maybe a little joke will break the ice.
“...Like that little round pink...thing?”  What?
The laughter is coming out before you can stop it, the image of said pink Kirby consuming red vines and surge only to accessorize as your friend comes to mind. It's adorable and cursed at the same time. Adorably cursed. You'll have to draw that and print a few copies to hang around the Cryptonomica.
“No,” you're choking on giggles at this point, “Kirby, the owner of the Cryptonomica.” catching your breath and regaining your composure, “It's that tourist trap just across from the RV park.”
“Oh.” normally such a short cold reply would make you shut down the conversation. But This is Toby's roommate, and if you want to be friends with Toby, you'll probably run into him a lot more. Plus if he's a new night shift cashier it wouldn't hurt to be on good terms with him for when you're out on adventures.
“Yea, hey Toby mentioned you three just came to town, so you might not have known but the Cryptonomica does a weekly movie night on Saturdays. Saturday Night Dead. Normally it's awful old horror movies but next week they're starting a Warren Case files “arch”.” Tim doesn't take the conversation bait at the pause.
“It's a great way to meet other locals, you guys should check it out if you get the chance. It starts at ten and runs till one or so on most weeks.” Olive branch has been extended.
Tim relaxes for the first time since you got here tonight. The sheepish look on his face and twitchy pupils give the impression he's thinking it over. He sighs and nods before saying, “Yea, that sounds...nice.”
Olive branch skeptically taken! You'll count this one as a win in your book. With the mood lightened Tim breaks the ice a bit further.
“Surge and red vines can not be good for you.”
“Right! If living off mountain dew and pizza rolls doesn't kill him, this for sure will.” you both have a small laugh at that. It's nice to finally have cleared up the mix up from the beginning of the week. Which reminds you.
“Oh...um...I'm YN by the way. It's nice to meet you...sorry for the two,” your neck tics to the side, “previous nights.” you finish.
“Tim...and it,uh happens sometimes...'s fine.” Score awkward acknowledgment of previous meetings and you can now erase those from your nightly anxieties.
Tim finishes ringing and bagging your items and you pay. Giving another pet to the curled up kitty on the counter you nod farewell to Tim.
A trill rings out from the clock on the wall. It's ten.
Two heads snap to look at the wall. You take a second glance at your phone while Tim checks his watch. Both say the clock on the wall is correct. But it just turned nine not even ten minutes ago. Right? You can brush off yourself loosing track of time but when you involve another person that just doesn't make sense. Tim looks just as concerned as you. Only Magnolia lays unaffected by the lost fifty minutes.
“I should go.” Tim nods numbly to you as you exit the store.
You won't be able to make it to the movie, well you could but you'd disturb someone if you walked in mid movie. Choosing to go home instead you drive, once again without music. Entering your home you hang your mask back on the hook. Putting away the drinks and snacks for next weekend, you make your way to your bedroom. Once again freezing just before the hallway. Turning to your living room you can see a book in the middle of your coffee table. You definitely don't remember the book being there, and doubt you'd miss it out in the open. But as you got closer you could confirm, even in the dark, that it was The Book Thief.
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