#am i supposed to like this dude? will he get his redemption?? will i care if/when he does?????
c-nan · 1 year
almanzo is kinda pissing me off rn 🧍
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I am prepared to pay any amount of money for a Leverage: Redemption scene that’s just Breanna explaining what Polyamory/Ethical Non-Monogamy means to the team (for a job, she swears), with the caveat that these have to be their exact reactions:
Harry: visibly surprised/bemused, but in the same “ok cool, I guess this is a thing now” vibe he has when he discovers a new humanly impossible thing the team is capable of.
Sophie: Keeps staring fondly into the middle distance, clearly reminiscing about SOMETHING. Makes a few comments like “that was the part my 5th husband never understood,” or (coyly) “oh I didn’t know there was a word for that.” At one point she starts a sentence with “You know Nate and Sterling…” But doesn’t get to finish because everyone is yelling and making disgusted noises.
Parker: Extremely focused on the presentation, actively taking notes. Has the exact same expression she uses while picking a lock or planning a heist. After Breanna’s done speaking she looks directly at Eliot, starts to say something, and then sees Hardison shaking his head frantically behind him, so just shrugs and says “cool. Got it.” and adds it to her Human Behavior Flow Chart.
Hardison: nodding along encouragingly but lowkey paying WAY more attention to everyone’s (Eliot/Parker’s) reactions This is clearly not the first time Breanna has given him this spiel, but he has apparently never shared the info with the team.
(The next two are edits because I changed my mind. Sorry if you saw this before the edits lmao)
Eliot: Gets defensive-angry-flustered in the exact same way he did when he kept insisting that video games aren’t a sport. Eliot is very open-minded and caring, but he’s also a 50 year old white dude raised to be good old southern boy. Literally says “That’s not how relationships WORK, Breanna. Relationships aren’t… they’re SUPPOSED to be between….”
Breanna: is deeply unimpressed but also unsurprised by Eliot’s reaction. Low key planned this talk specifically for Eliot lbr. “No, no. Please finish that thought Eliot. Relationships are supposed to be what??? Between one one man and one woman?” *raises eyebrow with the queer glare of shame*
The conclusion of the episode is the team screwing over an asshole that was hate-crime-ing a poly group for financial reasons. Then as they hang out with the folks they saved, getting to know them and having a drink etc., the camera zooms in on Eliot who glances over at Parker and Hardison laughing at something, a thoughtful look on his face. Breanna and Sophie exchange a knowing smile while Harry looks confused but happy to be there.
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This is going to be long/a rant.
I dislike all the ships. Even Percabeth, heck, especially Percabeth, even though I used to adore them. I read most of RRVerse when I was younger but now that I am rereading them as an adult with actual healthy relationships... I just feel as though they're not necessary to push the plot (Caleo, Frazel, Solangelo, you name it).
Or even good.
All characters have the potential to be very interesting and have more nuanced arcs that are not dependent on romance but noooo.
They need to be paired off.
The MC needs to get the pretty girl.
I believe that majority of Percabeth shippers only ship it either because it's canon, Riordan based it on his relationship with his wife, they ignore all the blinding red flags that could be seen if they just... read the book and actually think about what's happening instead of just taking the words at face value.
Luke's redemption is undeserved. And I'm pretty sure I like Luke more than the average PJO fan.
If it was ever even hinted in PJO that he cared instead of acting akin to a cartoon villain, it might have been more realistic.
Show him struggling against Kronos when it showed that the titan was no better than the Olympians. Show him caring for the TA, the demigods that the books claims he wanted to have a better life (Ethan, Alabaster, etc.)
He was fighting for a good cause, only it felt like Riordan didn't even know where to go with the guy. The majority of his characterization are seen through fans that actually try to understand his ideals in the book and those who watched the TV.
The TV part because he didn't look like he meant any of the kids any harm and was only really there to recruit for the TA.
All the Olympians suck, except Hestia. Yes, even Poseidon. We only like him because he calls Percy his favorite, and even then why?
That doesn't make him any less unlikeable. He shouldn't have favorite children in the first place. I know it might seem silly to judge a non-human character using human standards but he's still a bad father.
The leap from TLO to CotG, where Poseidon tells Percy that he had a price to pay for being alive (paraphrasing)? No wonder the dude said Poseidon was his dad in name only.
Speaking of, Percy is not without fault either. His fatal flaw is supposed to be personal loyalty. But in HOO it basically turned into loyalty to Annabeth only.
Wtf was that treatment of Nico now? Telling the rest of the crew some stories to the point that it made some of them doubt if they should save Nico in the first place?
Like??? Dude, you spent THREE books making sure that you are the hero in the Great Prophecy so that Nico doesn't get it??? Hello???
Where did the Percy we grew up with go? He's just so obsessed with Annabeth now? Is that all he is now?
Am I the only one that sees this?
Someone please rewrite the entire series lol. I love the fanfics that stage a mutiny against Riordan's canon— making it more complex, nuanced and basically just better.
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doodlegirl1998 · 1 year
Hello! I'm here to ask your opinion on a certain future seeing man named Nighteye.
Not only is he one of the many adults that failed Izuku by teaching him squat on his work studies, but he's a special kind of scum by actively TRYING to make Izuku feel insecure enough to give up OFA and pass it on to Mirio instead!
Like, dude! Seriously!?
Imagine being so butthurt over not being able to choose who the next successor of OFA should be (Even though it was ultimately All Might's decision), that you take your frustrations on the person you're supposed to train.
Couldn't be me!
And sadly, much like Bakugou and Aizawa, he never gets called out for this and is treated like a wonderful person who died for a worthy cause.
Fuck Nighteye I swear.
Hi @theloganator101 👋,
Absolutely fuck Nighteye. I never, ever liked this guy and despise how the narrative tried to treat him as a 'troubled but good guy' coupled with the manipulative redemptive death when actually he was a nasty piece of work.
Let's go over real quick exactly why I hate him, you actually covered some of it already;
His treatment of Izu in his workstudies. You covered this already but I'll add my 2 cents - work studies are meant to help the hero student whereas Nighteye does nothing of the sort for Izuku. Mirio helps Izuku more (the one good thing that came from this is Mirio and Izu being good friends but Nighteye has squat to do with that.) Nighteye actively undermines Izuku (when the poor kids confidence was already on the damn floor) and tries to force him to give up OFA to Mirio.
His treatment of Mirio - while I can buy that Nighteye cared for Mirio to a degree, this isn't some benevolent mentorship no matter how the narrative tries to paint it now. Nighteye looked at Mirio and saw All Might 2.0 - a young version of All Might he could manipulate and mold to his own wims. That is vile. What's more vile is that Mirio is never given the courtesy of finding this out. He's left with this, wrongfully benevolent memory of Nighteye laughing while Mirio remembers the good times of his mentorship with him which feels ick to read when you know Nighteye's true intent with Mirio.
His treatment of All Might - I always got the vibe that instead of treating All Might as a friend and an equal, Nighteye seemed to treat AM as a thing he wanted to own. The key examples of this are; trying to dictate to AM when he should retire (could be read as concern on it's own) then leaving as his sidekick when AM refuses to do as Nighteye wants. As well as trying to dictate who gets OFA next, not respecting that All Might CHOSE Midoriya. Then lastly all the AM merch Nighteye owns doesn't come off as innocent fanboying like Izuku. It comes off like Nighteye is trying to own All Might's visage when he can not own the actual man. *Shiver* (I have no idea why so many fics paint Midoriya as a creepy AM fan - guys Nighteye is right there.)
To conclude, Nighteye always came off to me in how he acted as a Narcissist, in how he treated Izuku, AM and Mirio. So to then have the narrative give him a 'redemptive death' to also write out his foresight really left a sour taste in my mouth. To make matters worse I don't think he actually apologised to Izuku ever...
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bougiebutchbitch · 11 months
I am genuinely so sorry for the Izzy betrayal
This feels like a betrayal between writers and audience on the level of supernatural tbh
(Even the naruto ending feels better if the posts I'm seeing are to be believed)
yeah it's really.... not great
Like the reason we were all like 'I bet he's going to die' is because WHENEVER a character has a cool redemption arc OR a queer character comes out and experiences genuine queer joy for the first time in their life, their chances of dying go up by 90+%. But it was such a disappointment to be proven right. I think we all expected better of the writing team, as they've committed to doing genuinely new and interesting things with this story in the past, rather than just trotting out tired old tropes!
People say they want more Zuko-esque redemption arcs, but we can't have that if every character who was A Bit Of A Dick at first just gets killed off. And just the whole arc of Izzy finding a family in the crew, and healing after being abused awfully for ages, and finding happiness, and openly embracing his queerness and disability.... then just randomly getting shot by a dude? Not even as a dramatic 'protecting someone' sacrifice? He just randomly got shot?? And we're all supposed to feel sad about that rather than just kinda let down?
Yeaaaaah, I do not think they achieved what they were going for. I understand that a lot of that was because they had to shorten the series SO MUCH more than they wanted, but still.... it would have cost nothing to let Izzy just sail away with the rest of the crew as the Captain of the Revenge, which is what it felt like they might be building towards all season, while Ed and Stede retired!! Hell, that would've been a more meaningful progression for all of their characters.
We could still have had the scene where Izzy tells Ed he has family and that he's loved! We could've had a fake-out death where we had all the drama and expectation that he would die! Then in the last scene he comes out as the new captain to officiate Lucius and Pete's wedding! We'd have Ed and Stede letting go of Blackbeard for good and building something new together on land - but we'd also have Izzy finally moving beyond the 'Blackbeard' persona he helped Ed create (and, arguably, did more for than Ed!). He'd be a captain who actually gives a shit about his crew, and who has learnt from Stede and Ed the importance of being a bit softer and gentler rather than brutally efficient 24/7. And he could inevitably drag Stede and Ed back in next season! It would've been perfect.
But no, they had to kill him off because the OT3 potential was too strong, and bury a career pirate on land. Meh.
I'm tempted to watch the next season, if there is one, just for Olu/Jim/Archie/Zheng, but I can't say I care that much about the writing anymore. I won't be crying if the show does stop here, but I will be crying over everything that could have been!
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winderlylandchime · 1 year
2/2 he is now groaning loudly cause Stockwell is on ‘oh fuck you. Fuck him. And fuck your mom for fucking your dad without a fucking condom. Brian IS a genius which is why I am confused why he has decided to piss me the fuck off with this Bushy Trump bitch. THE GAY AND LESBIN CENTER?! WHAT THE FUCK? THEYRE SUPPORTING HIM?! Dude come on, if this isn’t a sign that this guy is after you, i dont know what more you need. BRIAN HE HAS YOU TO THANK! oh he just compared him to the gay and lesbian center, i know he’s offended. I’m offended! Do you think those two are gonna reveal the true Brian Kinney to this Bush Wannabe?’ ‘I know I am not a proud owner of a *looks at me confused and then snaps his fingers* uterus but Lindsay is being bitchy. I mean it’s not her fault if the pregnancy is being a bitch. What the fuck lindsay?’ ‘Shit Hunter is gone. FIND HIM BENNY! I NOW CARE ABOUT HIM LIKE HE IS MY OWN CHILD! I mean he’s a little shit but i see potential somewhere deep deep deep down there’ ‘Look at Brian! He is for sure looking for Justin, i mean when isnt he? FUCK HIS SECOND HOME IS LOCKED! SEE BRIAN! I FUCKING TOLD YOU THAT HE IS GONNA DO THIS, WE ALL TOLD YOU! PLEASE SOBER THE FUCK UP MY MAN BECAUSE YOU ARE HURTING MY LOVE FOR YOU! *looks at me with a smile* this is what dad calls “tough love”, i still love him *whispered softly while partially covering his mouth* team Brian forever.’ And now thee scene with Britin being vigilantes is on ‘thats right Blondie, FUCK THE GOVERNMENT! Shit he got caug- *stands up fast with his fists up* ITS MY BOY BRI BRI! I KNEW HE WOULD COME AROUND! MY BOY HAS DUMB MOMENTS BUT HE IS SMART! HELL YEAH! THE GAY AVENGERS ARE HERE! JT AND RAGE READY TO FIGHT! Ha, i know they went home and fucked, my boy Brian gets turned on by weird shit sometimes’ he was supposed to take his pills after the episode but he got scared because of him saying him and Ted are twinsies, I actually had to force a grown man that those two things are different. This is getting ridiculous.
Hunter’s growing on him! He’s such a little shit but I love him too.
SEE BRIAN! I FUCKING TOLD YOU THAT HE IS GONNA DO THIS, WE ALL TOLD YOU! PLEASE SOBER THE FUCK UP MY MAN BECAUSE YOU ARE HURTING MY LOVE FOR YOU! *looks at me with a smile* this is what dad calls “tough love”, i still love him *whispered softly while partially covering his mouth* team Brian forever.’ <- LOL I love this
The whole dynamic between Lindsay and Melanie during this pregnancy is wild to me. Who treats their partner this way?
The moment when Brian shows up to help Justin with the posters. Redemption! It’s such a good moment.
He’s worried about taking his pills because of Ted? Bless. That is so sweet.
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the-rat-house · 2 years
💖 - What’s something you like about your muse?
💔 - What’s something you dislike about your muse?
Said muse being all of them owo
posting this on the wrong monday but hey. it still counts.
under a read more cause there are many of them lol. Also I realize I touch on a lot of stuff more related to canon than my personal interpretations on here so... whoops
Daroach: He is just... so fun. Even with how little we get in the games, he just was fun to see and battle - and the fact we get to actually see him fleshed out in a silly but actually sort of in depth way via his dialogue in Mass Attack just makes him all the more endearing; he's a ladies man while being a fucking dork.
Spinni: Gremlin energies. She is small and fast and throws ninja stars and how can you not love how she manages to be cool and chaotic at the same time?
Storo: I want to hug him. But also the damage he deals. Delight cannot describe how happy I am when I get to show him stomping the shit out of enemies when summoned in Star Allies. Look at him go! And he is canonically called a softie.... so he is strong AND kind.
Doc: They really looked at the cute little Squeakers and went "what if one of them was a mad scientist?" and then did it. Well, as much as we can get with limited lore anyways. Really just the fun bit of variety he adds!!
Galacta Knight: His story is so fucked up. So fucked up. I see him and I am so driven to explore everything about him because THERE IS SO MUCH THERE JUST HIDDEN AWAY!!!! The drive and inspiration this orb inspires in me!!!! Living in my head rent free always!!!
Patch: My baby. My beloved. I'm biased cause I created them so like, picking one or even a few things is hard. One thing I suppose would be the fact that even though over the years there definitely have been changes, they are still very much the same at the core. I've tried many different things with them outside a Kirby setting but I always come back to them being this chaotic neutral to evil entity with the same things driving them and like... I guess that just feels comforting, almost? That the character has remained the same despite a bunch of changes... I like that. Like feeling like I'm on the same page as my creations.
Morpho: Morpho is still so mysterious that I am discovering them as I write them; nothing about them is solid and that is fun. I can make shit up and do what I want (this is also my dislike but I'll touch on that in the dislike section). I just have this weird little dude in my hands and that mysterious nature is so fun.
Magolor: I want to marry this egg- In all seriousness. He's cute. He's mischievous. He's smart. He actually got a redemption. I cannot truly tell you one thing I like or love because I adore everything about him. He is by far my favorite character in the series and the bias I feel is unreal. He is my little meow meow. My problematic fave. He can and will commit crimes and I will support him.
Bon: No thoughts head empty. Baby.
Dark Taranza: Ngl one of my top favorite things about DT is how they look. Like, I want them and want to be them. And I definitely write them with that in mind. Obv I don't want to be an arguably evil ruler but like, the vibes, yknow?
Dark Meta Knight: He's an evil asshole that does not give up and I respect him for that. I love edgy characters and he is no different. Exploring the mirror world starts with him and I'm sitting here holding in my hands all these ideas and lore thanks to him existing!!!
Daroach: He is... so hard to write consistently. It's mostly a skill thing, but he exudes confidence that I naturally do not have so I'm constantly at odds when writing him like... am I appealing to this somewhat pompous but still caring leader or am I writing an asshole that is clearly faking it to make it? I Can't Tell. And like... the fact that he has such conflicting vibes sometimes leave me sitting there squinting at him.
Spinni: She shares a lot of personality traits with Patch at times but... it feels more obnoxious, almost, coming from her? And like, that's the point, she is supposed to have her times being childish and obnoxious. And I enjoy that she is! Again, this is a issue with my own writing confidence.
Storo: He is kinda... boring, almost? Just because he is a mostly normal dude. Kind and caring and the big muscly guy... but it is really hard for me sometimes to go deeper than that. Part of my skill, and lack of canon info, and overall just struggling to gain a lot of inspiration with how little I am given from a design perspective... mind you, I still absolutely love him and wouldn't write him if I didn't want to! Just sometimes I sit here looking at him and go... yeah you sure are existing, bud.
Doc: Similar issues with Storo and most characters I like in that I just have so little to work with coming from canon. I like this sometimes, but other times it makes things really really hard. At least he has an interesting design but also,,, in that I have a guy that I don't feel smart enough to write orz
Galacta Knight: Grabs him. He's a fuckening.... idiot sometimes and another consistency issue cause we get So Little in canon (the most we get is in a non canon game AND REALLY BEYOND HIS INCLUSION IN STAR ALLIES WHERE HE GETS EATEN BY MORPHO HE IS NOT A CANON CHARACTER WHICH AAAAAAAAAAAH-) despite his potential and I'm just. Shaking and vibrating cause I want to make him cool but realistic but he's so old and out of touch and it all mixes to make this fucked up man whose existence is really really hard for me to grasp coherently cause I have so many thoughts all the time!!!!
Patch: Literal problematic fave. Patch, with their canon story but even on here, has some very bad things that they do and I cannot express them to their full extent without getting in trouble and it just. Shakes fists. I wish I could be attached to an OC who isn't like them but I just can't. It's boring. But I still feel stifled when writing them cause of that.
Morpho: Everything about them is vague and my ideas, while some solid, are also mostly vague and fluid so while I enjoy writing them, I am super nervous about it because you guys are getting surprises at the same time I am. There is so much possibility which is fun but also frustrating.
Magolor: Taps my fingers together.... genuinely cannot think of something I don't like about him. Even his bad traits I love. My dislike is I cannot write how much I love him or portray him the way I see him because if I did that it'd be insufferable.
Bon: They are listed as a muse but... that's mostly because they act outside of Patch sometimes? So I guess a dislike is that... I dunno where I rank them in regards to muse or NPC. I need more time to flesh them out in my mind. I gotta rotate them in the microwave for awhile, let em cook, yknow?
Dark Taranza: I have very little to go with with them since their place in canon (non canon?) does not line up at all so I get frustrated trying to come up with stuff sometimes cause I am just... battling my own self doubts about telling canon to fuck off (despite me doing a lot of that with my interpretations in general) while trying to keep to whatever the character is... even if what we have isn't a lot.
Dark Meta Knight: Similar with Patch in that I'm never gonna be able to write and express him the way I want because it just... isn't palpable to a lot of people. And again, I still get most of what I like about him across and enjoy him and am excited to write him more since I haven't really had a chance to.. but I know that I won't get to be as mean with him as really fits.
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emphistic · 5 months
hi emm! Since it’s prom season could u make basketball sukuna reacting to someone from the team asking you out for prom?
A/N: hii! i actually received a vv similar request a long time ago and i deleted it because i didnt know how to write it, so maybe this is a sign from God — my redemption time, LMAO
PS: sorry to all my readers who are actually jelly lovers, i am not one of you
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“So,” Gojo started, while shoving fries into his mouth, “have you got a date yet? Prom’s comin’ up real quick, y’know?”
The basketball team had just won their last game of the season, and all the players were eating out together in celebration. Sukuna was planning on just spending the rest of the night celebrating with you, like usual, but Gojo dragged him away and you only gave a thumbs up in encouragement. What a girlfriend you were, Sukuna scoffed, handing off your dear boyfriend to Gojo Satoru.
“Why do you care?” Sukuna grimaced at Gojo’s messy eating habits. How could one dare to speak while stuffing their face? Sukuna thought Gojo grew up wealthy, and, hey, aren’t rich people supposed to be, like, super into decorum? Where is this man’s etiquette?
“Sheesh, sorry for asking. I just wanted to know if my friend here,” he nudged Sukuna with his elbow, “needed some help getting a date. No need to be ashamed, Captain. I could hook you up with one of Utahime’s friends.”
“Yeah, no. But since you’re so curious, Satoru, I do have a date, actually.”
“No way, seriously? The big, bad, captain of the basketball team, has a date? For prom? I have to tell Suguru this.” Gojo whipped out his phone and, with his sauce-covered fingers, started typing like a madman.
Sukuna cringed, looking away and biting into his burger. This did not taste as good as your cooking. Why oh why did you let Satoru take him away? he thought. Sukuna would much rather be with you right now, even if it meant having to sit through one of your godawful rom-coms. Any of those would be better than Gojo fucking Satoru.
“I cannot believe he is missing this because he’s sick. Sick! That’s actually sick of him. Haha, get it?” Gojo leaned back in his chair, and Sukuna wished he would slip and fall backwards.
“There’s nothing shocking about me having a date, Satoru. I’m not some kind of loser.”
“Yeah, well. Yorozu’s not attached to your arm right now, so I thought—”
“I told you, I don’t like her like that. I don’t like her at all, matter of fact.”
“She’s, like, obsessed with you, dude.”
“I know,” Sukuna ran a hand down his face. “Just wish she would leave me alone, I’ve been trying my best to avoid her. And I haven’t seen her as often, so I think it’s working.” If Yorozu didn’t take the hint sooner or later, Sukuna would make your guys’ relationship known to the whole campus if he had to. Hell, Gojo didn’t even know yet. No one did, actually.
“Damn, so cold. You just gonna ignore her and break her heart?” Gojo laughed, but that quickly came back to kick him in the butt when he started choking on a fry.
“If you’re not joking, that fry will be the last thing you eat. I swear on your life, I do not want anything to do with that bitch.”
Gojo continued coughing and choking and shaking, but when all subsided and the white-haired man regained most of his posture, he posed the question, “So, you’re not gonna, like, ask me?”
“Ask you what? Ask you to prom? The fuck?”
“No, no, no. I mean, unless you wanted to,” Gojo tucked an overgrown strand of hair behind his ear, a stupid expression on his stupid face. “But, I’m talking about what I asked you. So, you gonna ask me if I have a prom date?”
“I don’t give a fuck if your lame ass has a date or not,” Sukuna spat out.
“Have you any idea how hurt I am now, because of you? Ehuhwaaa,” Gojo let out the fakest ugliest cry Sukuna had ever heard. “You think my ass is lame? Do you know how many would pay to see even a glimpse of my tush?”
“No. And I hope it stays that way.”
“I—how dare you.”
That night, Sukuna had to run away from Gojo in the parking lot of an In-n-Out. Otherwise, Gojo would’ve probably never left him alone. And, you might be thinking, Gojo is a fast runner. How did Sukuna get away? Well, it may or may not have been because Gojo had scarfed down three double-doubles prior. And he could barely stand upright without having to lean against Sukuna.
But, fear not, Sukuna did make it home, into your arms. And even though he did have to sit through your stupid rom-coms, he was so fucking glad to finally be away from that white-haired idiot.
Unfortunately for Sukuna, that peace and tranquility was short-lived. The next morning, he was woken up by your overly obnoxious doorbell. Seriously, when were you going to replace it?
Sukuna groaned, whispering into your hair, “Didn’t know you were expecting visitors, babe.”
“Hm?” Your voice was muffled; your face pressed impossibly close into Sukuna’s bare chest.
“Visitor, sweetheart. Someone’s at your door.”
“Huh?” You stuck your head up from your human pillow, and though missing the warmth, you were quite confused. Visitor? Since when?
It’s safe to say you were even more surprised to see Gojo Satoru outside when you opened your door. But you weren’t the only confused one, not for long, at least. Gojo raised his brow when he saw Sukuna emerge from behind you in all his glory: shirt nowhere to be found, hair unruly, and sweatpants hanging low on his hips.
“Captain? What are you—?” Gojo cleared his throat, “Whatever. Anyway, will you, Y/N, do me the honor of being the jelly to my peanut butter and going to prom with me?” Gojo flashed a smile so bright Sukuna almost fell backwards.
“Uhh, I’m sorry—”
“She doesn’t even like jelly, dumbass. And what’s with this horrendous sign? That’s seriously the best you’ve got?” Sukuna gestured with his chin at the poorly drawn and colored peanut butter jar and jelly. Not to mention, Gojo was also dressed as a sandwich, with two slices of bread on either side of his body.
“What the hell? How would you know if she liked jelly or not?”
“Because I’m her prom date.”
“And—and, what are you doing at her house?”
“I’m her boyfriend.” Sukuna glared at the white male, and slung an arm around your shoulder, out of spite.
Gojo paused, finally putting the puzzle pieces together. “Ohhh. So that’s why you didn’t want to come eat with us yesterday. And that’s why you were so desperate to go home. And that’s why I haven’t seen you with another girl in months.”
“Uh huh.”
“Anywho,” Gojo turned back to you, shoving his sign all up in your face. “Will you go to prom with me?”
Taglist: @beyond-your-stars @sad-darksoul @mochimoee @r0ckst4rjk @lillycore @deepchromatose @yinyinyinyinyinyin @fivehoneyharg @desihopelessromantic @taiyakii @hannas16 @acroso @msvalsius @call-memissbrightside @kelerina-ballerina @emikokomura
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might as well do this with heartstopper too. my live thoughts i texted my friend, spoilers beware. also, i’ve cut out their replies. they also follow me so if you’re seeing this, hi :)
Im reading on webtoons and I love Alice oseman’s captions lol
“stares angstily out window”
“I don’t think he’s straight” OH REALLY
“The bisexual struggle” real
Poor man
Wait Aled is in this??? Do they have the same name or is Charlie’s friend same guy from radio silence???
Miss Singh is a legend I love her
Oh shit not ben again boo
Fun fact: when I see mlm I think multi level marketing lmao
**continues doing it**
Taras gf is an icon I don’t care if she had one line I love her
We stan Charlie sticking up for himself
They kissed already??? We’re literally 31 pages in chill my dudes
31 chapters*
Still percabeth is the ultimate slow burn and I stand by this
I guess it wouldn’t be called heartstopper and be a romance/coming of age if it was a slow burn tho haha
damn Charlie is one of the biggest people pleasers I’ve seen in a book
Hes so me
Alice oseman is so British I love her
I read so much British stuff that I’m pretty sure my internal monologue is slowly become a ya British thriller
agggtm core
(they replied that they read swear words in nick nelson's voice and i thought that was hilarious)
Her ship has sailed
She is also so me
“Was that not obvious?” “I’m an idiot” yes u are he just made out with you and cried into your shoulder and had a full on gay panic because of you YES HE LIKES YOU OMG
I mean after what happened with ben I suppose it’s very very justified
They’re so clueless I love them
This honestly has no reason to be this cavity inducing cute
“Why are you so great” he’s literally doing the bare minimum by not outing you you don’t have to thank him bestie
Get these boys some therapy
Why is tori always just appearing out of nowhere to ship them lol
Tao and Aled are delusional if they STILL think nick is straight
Fuck sai
He can die in a hole, disrespectfully
But also… redemption arc?
Manifesting sai and harry’s redemption arc
Not harry- these last few pages
Awww tao and elle <3
Elle is so cute! she is hair goals
… I guess all illustrated characters are hair goals.
Oh wait
I overreacted :)
Nvm I love him again
This group is friendship goals tbh
Oh wait I guess it’s kind of my group a little bit? Wait who am I?
I will not take a which heartstopper character am I quiz I will not take a which heartstopper character am I quiz I will not take a which heartstopper character am I quiz
I took the quiz. two actually. i got darcy on the first and elle on the second. I literally know nothing about either one so let’s see if they are accurate!
The waiter lol
Also I love how everyone is just silently shipping them it is percabeth all over again but like fast moving
Not them kissing behind a menu
“Not because im dirty not because im clean! Not because I kissed a boy behind a magazine!” - Charlie and nick, probably
Craftybookworm25 feel so spoiled by the author. Author, you’re paying my dentist bills for all of the cavities you are giving me.
I love the comments section
Is Alice oseman actually writing down math for their homework? THE EFFORT I COULD NEVER
Oh darcy is taras gf that I liked earlier
Shes a trumpet player??? No sweetie don’t go to the dark side
my band teacher has a story about how he gets awful ear pains if he’s exposed to noises about a certain decibel because of a trumpet player blasting into his ear
“WHAT! WE’VE FOUND ANOTHER ONE!” Darcy recruits people for the gay agenda confirmed
“…why are straight people like this” I don’t know tara I ask myself that every day
Not Darcy being tara’s gay awakening
Omg tara is that one clarinet player who dates a trumpet player
Adding actual spanish conjugation? Alice oseman doing god’s work here
“Why do think they call it a cram session, Pete, god!” -literally all their friends rn
Ok I have theories rn
I shall wait and see if im right (i was not)
“You kind of are a gay nerd” me fr
Oh ok sai is being less of an asshole
We love character growth… even if it happens off page
Harry being a dick as per usual, nothing new there
Bro how do people just fall asleep I don’t understand
making out in a photo booth
So cringey and yet very adorable
Love that he had to clarify
Like yes, you’ve been making out and being obnoxiously cute for months, but hey, he’s just a friend, lol, no homo
Who tf would make THAT mistake?
🎶everyone is dumb dumb dumb dumb dumb dumb dumb dumb dumb dumb dumb dumb 🎶
“I wasn’t born in 1920” lmao
Oh my god my wall of text has become the Great Wall of china im so sorry
“hanky panky”
aw we love ally jocks
Best platonic bros~
Actually what im calling my friends from now on
Oh shit the coach caught them
They’re not even trying to be subtle at this point
Oh she is an icon
If she was my teacher I might actually enjoy pe
This is so wholesome omg
Oh shit the brother
Tara casually lounging on Darcy’s lap
She gives passenger princess vibes
why are you whispering and can I be involved — she’s so me
“Boys and girls may not share rooms!” sly gay smirking. laughing, even.
oh and nick’s brother is a piece of shit and i hate him
“Why can’t I see any fish?”
Tao is a night person i love him
Aw he’s so clueless
They all are
Harry redemption arc-
Wait no
I’m gonna cry :(
“god i really want to just push you against a wall right now”
“twilight levels of pining” i’m not sure if anything could ever reach that extent
Not the arrows saying “did not think of that” at the “borrowing makeup from the girls” suggestion, I cackled
The teachers have a better love life than me
Where the hell are people finding these communication skills?
“Why are we like this” count: 3
Or is it 4?
I don’t know
Sahar is so cute I love her
Alice oseman is so pretty omg
She can 100% be my wifey
Oh Jesus I’ve read a thousand pages of this
I believe that if I pull an all-nighter I can finish this
"Why are we like this?" count: 5
at this point i stopped because i’m pretty sure they were asleep but i finished! it took six hours but that’s not bad for 1578 pages :)
i’m obsessed. literally take my money (i have approximately five cents in my bank account)
0 notes
nuppu-nuppu · 2 years
What helped me be less distressed about the whole manga situation is like... How many themes are left if Bakugou doesn't make it? Save to Win/Win to Save is literally one of the biggest major themes in the series, and that's only possible with Bakugou.
From the very beginning, Bakugou and Midoriya have been used to show the neligence of Hero Society and Hero culture, which really sucks for him, sob because he's always in danger and always getting shit. Which like, I know I got pretty upset the past two weeks at everyone cheering for Midoriya to come and help Bakugou, just because he's been helped so many times. He deserves to stand on his own and fight this battle-
Especially given the fact that Shigaraki was the one who kidnapped him.
Another reason why he's not going to die, because that would just be so severely underwhelming on so many parts; in addition to just... genuinely not adding anything to the plot. What? Midoriya sees him dead and rages against ShigaAfO? Ignoring the 'control your heart' thing he's got going on (also related to Bakugou, as it came up during Black Whip's reveal) AND the "Don't go playing Hero on your own" line (also said by Bakugou and brought up again during his apology).
Horikoshi has been so careful interweaving Bakugou into things from the beginning- and like... I won't say they've been good to our boy, because seriously the dude can't catch a break (which is so astounding when antis say he hasn't suffered enough, because he is like?? Literally always suffering sob), again, another reason why it doesn't make sense to kill him off.
What? Is the message supposed to be that if you try your hardest and do your best, that you will still fail always?
One of the other main themes in the series is redemption and atonement- it's about not judging people by their past actions, and killing Bakugou off before he finally gets that atonement recognized... Again, it kills one of the major themes.
None of the villains can hope to be redeemed if Bakugou doesn't make it out of this (also Shigaraki can kiss his redemption goodbye because there's literally no way that Midoriya would forgive him after that, possesssed or not). Bakugou is the foreground, the basis of all redemption. If they don't redeem the dude who was kind of an asshole in middle school, how are they going to redeem literal murderers?
Not to mention the sheer work put into his character- what author would willingly throw all of that away? For no reason, even, like??? What would Bakugou's death add... to anything?
The Heroes failed to protect an innocent person yet again, Midoriya loses his inspiration and closest person, Bakugou's narrative is forever incomplete and staring lamely into the void.
There are things to worry about. I worry that Bakugou's moment will get overshadowed, yet again, because he's written as and displayed to be strong; but most of the time he fights it's with someone "out of his League" or his strengths are immediately washed out by some other character.
I'm honestly tired of him always needing 'saving', because it's been ages since he came to terms with his own weakness. The War Arc seemed to be a turning point in his relationship with Midoriya where Bakugou took the lead. Bakugou saved Midoriya. Bakugou hunted down Midoriya to take him home.
I'm worried about this comparision being stuck in canon (Bakugou's only worth being Midoriya, the fact that he's compared himself to Midoriya from the beginning, and I'm not sure of the connotation behind 'Can I reach you' (whether it's a call to their childhood and his regrets over not taking Midoriya's hand or him comparing himself to Midoriya again), but, even as excited as I am for these BakuDeku crumbs, I don't want all of Bakugou's hard work and dedication to just be attributed to Midoriya. HE'S the one that put in the hard work to and to be better. Even if Midoriya inspired it, the only one guiding Bakugou's redemption and his journey was himself.
A lot of the fandom seems to have forgotten just how double sided BakuDeku's relationship is now that we're finally getting Bakugou's side of things (over Midoriya's, even), but Bakugou has been such a huge inspiration for Midoriya- yes, he is Midoriya's closest person, but we tend to forget why, how much Midoriya cares about Bakugou even in non life threatening situations.
Bakugou and Midoriya both believed in each other when no one else did...
It's reasonable to feel distressed or upset, but Horikoshi has put so much time and effort, love and care into these characters... Why do all that work to rip them away?
At least, these are the things that I remind myself as I try to avoid the echo chamber that is the fandom right now. Seriously, it's either get rid of all Bakugou/BakuDeku conent from my dash or see leaks and 'he's dead' posts everywhere. There's no winning.
It really is up to you on what you want or need in the future, but it's important to step back and realize where this distress is coming from. If you need to step back from the fandom do it. Try to dig up some old conetent you used to enjoy.
Only you can tell if thinking about him More or Less would help (if you can break away from this distress, do so, but only if it won't make things worse)..
Woah I’m speechless please everyone read this!!!!!!
First of all your analysis makes so much sense and you’re like a god with all this writing you’re so smart
I also feel like it would be a disservice to Bakugou’s character if they killed him off now and so many things would be left hanging
He is occupying 90% of my mind right now I can’t stop thinking about him
I think after all he’s been through it would be cruel to just kill him. He deserves kindness and gentleness ;;;; my babyyy
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notlycheesden · 4 years
Rearview Mirror
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Heyyo ✌🏻 this is my first written piece for Endeavor , as a gift for my friend @kogo for the evil exchange. so I hope you like it my dude 👍🏻. A piece I will def be coming back to write more for sure.
⤍ Endeavour x reader
⤍ 3.6k
⤍ TW.incest, TW.dubcon, TW.father/daughter
⤍ Summary:
Enji was trying to be a better father, a better man.
And you never lied to him.
Guess it was a time for a lot of firsts.
Everything was always red between the both of you.
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It's past four when his phone rings.
He was awake. even on his day off -those becoming more frequent now- years of routine were still strong. His body alert and aware way before the break of dawn for hours of training before patrol, and later to go to his own agency, the literal empire that wouldn't run itself.
He was pretending to be asleep, unmovable laying on his stomach, face buried on his pillow. Deep breaths in and out in a rhythmic pattern. His massive frame takes most of his king-size bed that for more than a decade he slept right in the middle, no reason to let the right side of it unoccupied.
It was almost meditation-like. There in the quiet and calm of his bedroom between his sheets, he could organize -or at least try- his thoughts. A time in his day where he gets lost in self-reflection. The things he would have to do that day, what work in his agency he would have to supervise, and even stubbornly he would do a little steaming out, analyzing his “actions and emotions”, passing commentary from the resident agency therapist threw his way.
“A strict but good man, if not for some, mishaps, from your intense and fiery nature.” was his professional opinion about Endeavor. The man really lived to throw things his way.
It used to help calm his turbulent mind. But lately there was nothing in his head but turmoil.
It was something he would do until 6 AM, when he couldn't take any longer and had to get up, body and muscles aching from staying in bed for too long, the sun already rising on the horizon, painting the sky with yellows, pinks, and reds.
The silence of his room is broken by the ring of his phone. Instead of the familiar tone of the morning alarm, it was his normal ringtone. When he opens his eyes, the room was not bright as he expects, still shrouded by darkness. Endeavor sits on his bed at once, alert.
Getting it from the bedside table quickly, his posture falls when he catches the time and the already saved contact of who was calling him: Natsuo.
Enji picks up, but before he could question the call, the time, or even say hello, Natsuo speaks, voice grave and serious.
“You need to pick up your daughter right now.”
It’s a punch to the gut. One that makes all the air from his lungs escape at once. In a second, he feels like he is thrown into a rollercoaster.
The only thing he can muster in his shock is a guttural and deep bark of incredulity “What?”
Natsuo cuts Enji off immediately. His tone triggering him into snapping, memories hushing in -not the time for this- “She just called. She was a crying mess, begged me to come for her but I live two hours away-Shouto is on patrol and not picking up and Fuyumi is with her fiance's family at the onsen-”
Enji inhales sharply. Dread takes hold of him while he can't even see straight with the sudden rush of adrenaline, sirens blasting off in his head.
“She was supposed to be with fuyumi at the onsen.” His voice echoes back at him in his bedroom walls, he doesn't realize he is shouting.
“Look, this is really not the time. She has no money and her phone’s dead. I was able to get her to tell me an address before the call dropped. she's all alone there. Are you gonna pick her up?”
Natsuo calms his own breaths now after snapping and shouting back, and he can hear shuffling noises on his father’s side of the line. The older man was up in a second, not really seeing anything, rushing through his stuff picking his keys and wallet. He hates the way his father could make him snap so easily.
Enji was completely distraught.“She said she was going to be with fuyumi…” He mutters under his breath while running through the corridors, even forgetting the phone by his ear, his son still on the line.
But Natsuo hates even more the blatant difference in the way his father treated all of them and you in comparison. Always. Like he could fix his mistakes. Hide his sins.
“Well. Think your little princess lied to you old man.”
Enji didn't even register the venom in his son's words, nor when he hangs up on him.
He’s out of the house in a blink. He tries not to rip the door out of its hinges on his way out.
He drives fast, almost no other car in the streets making it easier to speed up in his nervous state. The GPS voice droning about the directions, a forty-minute drive that he would make in twenty.
you said you were going to spend the weekend with your sister.
You lied to him.
Enji’s heart hammers in his chest and his flames burst multiple times on his face out of control. His grip on the wheel tightens to ground his shaking hands, his jaw set with such force that he could feel a headache already forming.
Thoughts were flying through his mind a mile a second. Where are you? What happened to you? Who were you with? Were you safe? Why were you crying?
Why did you lie to him?
It was like his heart was being squeezed by dread and being broken at the same time.
You were his youngest. After he realized what he did to his children as a father, he tried his best to do better; connect, communicate, but he was emotionally and socially stunted -Thanks doc.- and by the time he tried to reach out, it was just a little too late.
Fuyumi was the pillar of the household, replacing their mother too much young and having to fit in a mould not meant to be hers, barely holding the treads of the family and house together. Natsuo was out of the front door as soon as he finished high school and got into med school, choosing to live in the dorms and work part-time rather than stay at the manor. Shoto was another history in itself.
And there was you, a couple of years younger than your now up-in-the-ranks pro hero brother, at the time just a pipsqueak. Too young to remember Rei, remember the worst of Endeavor.
And when he tried to connect, you were there. As if just waiting. Wanting your father to look at you. Frail and innocent and just in want of care, of attention, of love. You welcomed him into your life with open arms and heart.
Enji did try to make it right by you. And for some time things were progressing, even his other children were starting to turn their heads around his direction.
Until Touya’s incident.
The media cracked down on him and his family with a vengeance, almost nothing was left unturned or whole.
Natsuo was the first to cut ties. Shouto threw himself into his hero work, completely closing himself off. Even Fuyumi decided that she was done, took the next step, and went to live with her now fiance, completely ignoring whatever Enji tried to shout about costumes or honor.
Then it was just the two of you.
He tried to be a good father.
He was a quiet man in his private life, strict and with a violent nature, but he reached out for outside help to make it right. An older and trustworthy housekeeper to not chain his daughter down at the manor, guidance from therapist to help him become a better father, a better man, anything to do right this time.
Call it atonement, call it his redemption, call it hypocrisy, he didn't care.
He only cares that at the end of the day, you were there at his side, happy.
This morning he saw the note on the fridge.
Going to onee-san family trip,
Be back on Sunday.
You never had lied to him before.
Guess it was a time for a lot of firsts.
The music blasting through the night tipped him off even before his car's GPS tells him he arrived at the destined location.
He parks way down the street and assesses the place inside the darkness of his car.
Enji’s way out of the city now and inside the industrial district, the building seems old and falling to pieces, people are lingering all around the street, but it’s thicker there. At surface level the building was empty, but the music was definitely coming from there.
He dreads the worst.
Getting out of the car still in his sleeping sweatpants and tee, he throws the hood of his workout jacket over his hair to conceal himself. He’s going for discretion, get you and get out, no need to make this a public affair. Not with this, not with you, not right now.
He searches around but still can't find you. Half an hour has passed since Natsuo called. He's in a frenzy. Endeavor forces himself to calm down and think.
His son didn't mention music. He looks far into the street and he can see the entrance of an alleyway, he hushes there.
His stomach tied in knots when he sees in the dark your small figure crouched down beside a dumpster. your shoulders ate shaking with silent sobs holding your dead phone for dear life, trying to make yourself smaller than you already were, head down.
Enji barks your name and your head snaps to the entrance of the alleyway in shock, your body trembling and fat tears running down your smudged makeup.
In a second you were up and running, throwing your body against him and hugging his middle. He doesn't know what to do first, but he opts for following his instincts. Enji hugs your shaking form, shushing you lightly while petting your head. He doesn't know if it's him or you who's shaking more.
He doesn't remember how, but he manages to walk both of you to his car without being seen, his hulking form covering your smaller one.
He's shaking. When Enji puts you in the passenger seat and the car lights momentarily shine everything in an amber glow, rage fills his chest. You are in a dress he has never seen before, he knows it was not yours. He would never allow a thing like that or let you use it in public. Your makeup that before being ruined by your smudging and crying, was heavy and meant to seduce.
He closes your door and gets in the car.
He's shaking.
Enji can only control himself enough to not rip the wheel or step on the gas right through the flooring for only three blocks. and thank the gods again for the hour, because he could not quite see the streets in front of him. If they weren't deserted while he drives double the velocity permitted, it would be likely that the fears of his family being again under the cruel and ravenous judgment of the public eye would become reality, although for a completely different reason from the ones he has been dreading until this point.
When he reaches the fourth block, he makes a sudden stop, turning and parking harshly with the front of the car almost all the way over the curb, the tires skidding loudly into the quiet of the night and scaring you out of your still shell shock state. your small sniffles stop when you let out a muted yelp of surprise.
Enji quickly pries his hands that have a death grip on the wheel and smash the roof of the car to turn the lights on in such a way that later he’s impressed he didn't send the entire ceiling flying. As fast as he did that and the darkness of the car is now cast in warm gold, his hands are on your small frame like a striking snake, a big calloused one gripping your face between meaty fingers, squeezing your wet cheeks and the other one in your far shoulder, turning you in his direction with a barely controlled yank. Enji wasn't sure if the shaking was coming from your body or his.
He's frantic, hectic, eyes going up and down your body trying to find anything, something. “Are you hurt? tell me,” His voice is harsh, too loud into the small space. You jump startled, but his grip locks you in place, he doesn't notice.
Why did you come to a party? Why are you dressed like this? Why did you do this?
“Are you?? Someone did something? Gave you something, touched you?” He barks again louder, bending and twisting to be in your face now, eyes scanning all over your body. But again and again, they would be drawn to the too short hem of your dress, from your ruined tearstained makeup and down again to your soft and creamy thighs, trying to find a mark, a scratch, a stain. Anything, something.
“Fucking answer me!”
“Dad please!”
Enji lets you go as if you just slap him in the face. He blinks.
You are shaking. Looking at him in fear, silent tears running down your cheeks. Your jaw is set as you try to hold your whimpers back, his fingers make red marks bloom on your face and arm under his digits.
Memories come back rushing. Phantoms scourging in blue flames.
He releases you as if you burn him.
His hands hover in place, and he doesn't dare to move, still crowding you. Both of you staring at each other in fear and confusion as if something would break.
He slowly backs away, and you keep still. He turns the light off and stares at the road.
Enji couldn't take more things between both of you breaking.
He takes a deep breath. Starts the car again to drive back home.
Friday nights are your nights.
Enji doesn't really remember when it started. But he knows it wasn't something that was spoken of or agreed beforehand. It happened once, then twice, then his job got in the way, then thrice, and when he noticed, it was a routine between him and his daughter.
Like most things between both of you, it just… fell into place. And it just felt right.
Endeavor would arrange his schedule in a way so that his Fridays would be empty, any emergency at the agency could be easily solved that way, patrols and hero work set on the weekends so he could come home at a sensible hour, just by dinnertime.
He would be just taking his blazer and shoes off at the entrance when Enji would hear your running steps from the kitchen, your pinky apron-clad figure hushing to meet him with a bright smile, eyes shining.
you would get a hold of his tie and gently tug down for him to bend at the waist to your level, your arms were thrown in a warm hug on his neck and a sweet and lengthy kiss on his cheek after he steps through the threshold. you would giggle against his face from the tickles you got from his stubble while warmly welcoming him, the food still hot on the table.
It was one of your multiple habits together, just the two of you. And it felt right.
It was routine. And it felt so domestic, warm and right.
Friday nights are your nights. After he gets home, you guys have dinner, something you cooked by yourself, sending the older housemaid away earlier.
Sometimes it is a new recipe, sometimes something you already tried before. But it's always good, and when Enji compliments your cooking skills and how much he enjoys it, your cheeks blush red. You daintly try to hide your smile as you thank him, bashful behavior so alluring even when he knows is just a little act, playing coy. There's warmth in his chest.
The lights in the dining room cast everything in this whimsical warm glow and maybe it's the beer, but Enji thinks it reflects lovely on you and the color of your blouse today. He says so.
“Looking so pretty tonight, princess.”
The red on your cheeks grow stronger. From across the table, he hides his smirk behind his can at seeing how you fidget in place, trying to contain your coquettish smile while biting your plush bottom lip. The warmth spreads lower.
Only later it dawns on him. Enji was flirting with his own daughter. And it was a habit.
It was routine.
Enji is sprawled on the big sofa comfortably, already showered and in his sleeping clothes after dinner, the second movie of the night halfway through.
It was a period drama and he tries to pay attention to the main points for your quiz about it the next day, but he was mostly checked out, lulled by the comfy dark of the living room, the buzz of the beers he drank, sleep and your warm body draped over his.
He doesn't really remember when it started, but he knows it was gradually. One day in your Friday movie nights, he notices you were glued on his side, and on the next one you had an arm draped over his torso while both of you were laying on the reclining couch, and since then, you were always over him, arms and thighs and breasts glued to his body, but most of the time cutely laying on his chest.
That night was no different. You are laying on his broad chest, using your arm as leverage to look down and back at the tv in front of the sofa, and for you to not slip he has one big palm over your waist and the other in a secure hook on the slope of your knee, propping your bent leg higher across his stomach. Your breathing matches his, and if not by your little grunts and noises of surprise, the redhead would have thought you had fallen asleep on him. It would not be the first time.
The clothes you are using are small and had hiked up a long time ago, a loose tank top and booty shorts, both of them old and worn out, sleep clothes.
From where he was, he could see all your body over his. From the crown of your head to the slope of your waist as it dipped under his scarred hand. His gaze follows the curve of your thigh draped over his waist to the fat of your ass pointing high. He muses in a daze that he could see the inside of your tank top, the soft swell of a breast making an appearance. He leers.
You move a little, and this time, he can make out the shade of a nipple. It’s pert and small and pretty, and blood rushes to his clothed cock, but is late, and he's tired and buzzed out. It doesn’t connect in his mind.
You move. you are getting yourself higher on his chest. Enji feels small hands wandering under his shirt. Presses of lips on his neck. Wet kisses on the stubble on his jaw.
The soft touches pull him deeper. There's a young and wanton body over his. It’s been so long since he truly touched another, let himself be touched. Smooth lips and an uncertain tongue were kissing him, and he wants to devour them. It’s hot and burns and makes his insides coil, his cock hard and heavy inside his pants. A warm slit humping it.
Could have been the tiredness, the beer, the comfort of the situation, anything really.
Enji kisses you like a man starved. Head moving and ravaging your much smaller mouth with his tongue. His hand yanks your tank top down exposing your breasts, and now he’s pulling and pinching the sweet nipples in a way that makes you moan against his tongue with a voice he couldn't recognize.
His other hand was down at your ass, guiding your movements back and forth on his erection with vigor, the friction against your slit makes you weak, but he keeps you moving, his calloused hand encompassing most of your behind. At each needy thrust his fingers would slide down between the cleft of your ass more and more.
His meaty fingers push the bottons of your shorts aside with a flick of his wrist, and now he's touching directly your puffy lips that are messy and wet all over. Enji growls in your mouth as you moan louder when he starts playing with your pussy, a pitched whine as he flicks your clit up and down, a strong hold on your breast.
A loud bang from the TV is what snaps him back to reality.
It was his daughter.
His daughter was over him. It was his daughter that was humping his cock, that he was sucking her small tongue and tweaking her nipples until he made her squeal.
He jumps to his feet and throws you across the couch.
Different from him, you look wide awake. Flushed face and startled eyes stares up at him, exposed breasts still heaving. Nipples rosy and hard. Between your legs, a glistening trail of where his fingers dragged when he ripped them off of you. Your shorts are drenched.
There's a moment of silence.
Enji snaps. He sprints to his bedroom, leaving you alone in the living room.
He locks his door, drops to the floor, and whips his hard and heavy cock out. in three pumps, thick ropes of cum cover his hand and clothed middle.
Taking big gulps of air trying to calm his breathing, his eyes glancing everywhere in a panic state, he looks down, and spot the wet patch on his clothed thigh. Yours juices that leaked on him. Its still in his other hand, fingers wet.
Enji wants to cry.
He tried to be a good father.
He ruined it again.
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caspianjames · 3 years
Having Young Royals brain rot now about August??? I think he’s often made out to be the villain and he’s really,,,not??? Did he do a shitty thing? Absolutely. Do I think he’s a bad person? Absolutely not. He’s incredibly well written and I think in a lot of ways he’s very easy to empathize with. Here’s why.
That kid has pretty much everything going against him. Canonically he’s what? 17? 18? His dad is dead, he clearly doesn’t have a good relationship with his mom or stepdad, he’s clearly never had a safe space to process his dads death and work on recovering, he’s relying on stimulants to get through school, the girl he likes decides to date him but only cuz she can’t get his cousin, he has virtually no caring adults in his life, he’s bankrupt and terrified that the only semblance of normalcy he has left (hillerska) will be ripped out from under him. That kid is a fucking mess and absolutely the consequences of this mean he’s going to lash out. He gives so many warning signs that he’s not doing okay too. But so, to break this down point by point:
1. His dead died in a rather horrific manner, his mom moved on but clearly was not around to make sure that her son was okay. He’s often referred to a stupid or prideful for not wanting to give up part of the family estate so he’s not bankrupt except that’s the only thing he has left of his dad. And it’s not even his fault he’s bankrupt, he’s a kid!
2. Not having a safe space to process his dad dying is sort of visibly a given, but actually to take that one step further I think he DID have a safe space. It was Erik. And then Erik died and this kid truly has nothing, not even Wille because he was more interested in Simon than paying attention to what August was going through (which isn’t Wille’s fault, he hardly knew August and clearly had different values and stuff from august. But watching the show I get the feeling August is really looking to be someone meaningful to Wille and Wille just,,,really doesn’t like him). He said this in a roundabout way to Felice, too, when he was jealous of her relationship with Willhelm. It was something like “you’re my girlfriend, you’re supposed to comfort me so that I can comfort him.” Which I think is a two fold thing where firstly, no one realizes how hard Erik’s death hit him and how much he needs someone to tell him that stuff is going to be alright, but secondly, the last thing we see Erik tell him is to take care of Wille. So now he also feels like he’s failing to do that. And Willie, the one person who he could relate to about Erik, hardly wants anything to do with him.
3. I am SO interested to see where the plot will go with the meds he’s relying on. I don’t think it’s ever actually made clear if he thinks he DOES have ADHD or whether he’s just using the meds to cope but either way it’s a problem that shows he doesn’t have adequate support, you know? Even the school counsellor dude was just like “ok guess ur gonna walk out of my office bye then” instead of altering the headmaster or his parents or a teacher he trusts or ANYTHING. And, as the season progresses he gets more volatile. Why? He’s out of meds (and, whether or not he actually has ADHD and needs meds, that means he’s low on dopamine and is going to start doing stupider stuff to get his brain to reward him). (Side note, given the role ADHD and also substance abuse plays in the series I really, really hope they do both concepts justice)
4. Felice dating him even though she has no interest. No hate to her for that, honestly, I don’t think she was really interested in anyone except making her parents happy with her. She’s under a whole different kind of pressure. But august? He clearly really likes her and is trying hard with her, until everything sort of falls out of his grasp nearer the end of the season cuz he thinks she’s in love with Wille and is otherwise not coping well at all.
SO ALL THAT leads up to him outing Wille, which we see from Wille’s POV but never really from August’s, right? We see Wille yelling at August about how he was supposed to be able to trust him, but honestly I think from August’s POV Wille broke that trust first. We said already that pretty much the only thing August had left going for him was Hillerska, and by extension his friends and community there. When Wille wants them to make Alex take the fall for the drugs to save Simon, he literally exposes August and basically rips that away from him sooner than August is ready for, because now all the boys know that he’s bankrupt. In Wille’s mind it’s not a big deal - it’s a means to an end and he already knows he’s asked his mom to cover August’s tuition. It’s a very calculated but very smart move.
Except that Hillerska is all that August has left, and in a sense, Wille takes that away from him. Can you imagine how horrible that would feel for August from someone he trusted?? And honestly there is nothing more dangerous than someone who has been wronged and feels like they have nothing to lose. You can tell when Sara sees August at the computer. He doesn’t make up a story, he doesn’t care. He just wants to hurt Wille back in the only way that he can regardless of the consequences.
I don’t even think he’s homophobic or anything, either. He took the video initially to make fun of Wille with, and then when he realized what it was he didn’t say anything. But in that moment that was the one thing he had on Wille that he could weaponize because he knew it would be taken badly by the general public. 
And then he gets the call of his tuition being paid and you can see reality crash down around him when he realizes rationally what he’s done.
Anyways. My conclusion is. This poor kid has literally no one looking out for him. Like, not a single person. And that’s what happens, you know? No one does horrible things or irreparable damage to themselves or others on a whim. There’s almost always a build-up of hopelessness or anger that has to overflow first. This is a real life thing. This shit is preventable. And I really, really hope we get to see that with August. I hope we get a redemption, but an honest one. Because no matter what led to his actions, they still have real consequences. I hope the show creates a storyline where we see him getting what he needs from the adults around him while also having to deal with the consequences of his actions. 
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goffilolo · 3 years
black clover thoughts part 5 - the rage edition
It's time for the unpopular opinions:
first of all, i fuckin hate langris. Do I hate him in general? or just the way he was handled? hard to say. but there is something about him that just aggravates me so much that i wanna go ape shit. first of all, the sheer audacity of this bitch is through the roof. He's all like “uwu how dare my older brother move out and leave all the responsibility to me?” i don’t know, maybe because he’s spent literal years putting up with verbal abuse from his parents followed by having to witness his own brother emulate the exact same toxic behaviour, not to mention the fact that he was literally told left and right by everyone, including YOU that he was a failure and a pushover and was no good as an heir, and the moment he’s not an heir it’s suddenly a problem to you? “our parents are kind to me”, bitch your parents’ love hinges entirely on your ability to perform offensive magic and being an obedient puppet you aint got shit to brag about. “if only someone was kind to me like this” GUESS WHAT? YOUR BROTHER FINRAL WAS KIND TO YOU THE ENTIRE GODDAMN TIME, HE DIDN’T SAY A SINGLE BAD THING ABOUT YOU EVEN WHEN YOU TREATED HIM AS NOTHING MORE THAN DIRT. just because you can't handle the fact that your entire self worth is dependant on performing a very specific set of skills/behaviours in order to gain approval of your family doesn’t mean you gotta take it out on finral who actually had the guts to get his ass out of that toxic family and in spite of his terrible upbringing made a conscious decision to remain kind to others. good god, go to therapy you stupid bitch. i honest to god hate the way tabata pulled the whole ‘finral is gonna try and step up his game to get his right as an heir back’. like no, my man aint got nothing to prove to these bitches, he’s too good for them. like why can’t we FOR ONCE have a character come to a realisation that their family aint worth shit and just stop chasing their approval, and yes i am looking an Noelle and the entire Silva drama (and no i don’t care for Nozel’s reasoning, he did a terrible job and him suddenly acknowledging that noelle is a strong fighter does not count as a redemption)
also what the fuck is the deal with golden dawn? the supposedly ‘greatest’ magic knight squad? these assholes barely even count as a squad, it’s just a bunch of classist cunts wearing coordinated outfits trying to pull the rug from under one another at every opportunity. i just fuckin hate them and i hate the way tabata decided to make their ‘approval’ of yuno into some emotional moment as if they haven’t been actively discriminating against him for better part of the year because of his social standing. as a result it also made their defeat at zenon’s hands feel kind cheap? like i know the story was supposed to tell me that i'm meant to be sad that they were defeated and half of them died or some shit, but i just couldn’t care less (also just to make things clear this rant excludes mimosa and klaus, and yes even tho klaus was being a cunt as well he did change his mind - although it was only after fighting by asta’s side but that’s a convo for another time). In general i feel like with the whole golden dawn situation the narrative really did yuno dirty is what i'm trying to say, you know? like he was being full on ‘im gonna get into the best squad’ and it's like you sure did my dude but, at what cost? Meanwhile, Asta who got into the ‘worst’ squad is straight up having the time of his life and once again you could argue that black bulls also barely count as a squad, but that’s because they legit refer to each other as family, and at this point we’re not even having a competition here.
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Clemence Father
(ps the screenshots all have that orange recording button bc i want to look at them without having to go through the entire route again. sorry if they’re kinda annoying!)
Aight, so Jonah proposed to MC (well, he kinda just announced that MC is his fiancee from now on but whatever), and he decided to bring her to the Clemence house for this party to meet the family. Luka was there as well, standing in a corner. MC kinda wanted to join him in the corner as well, but Jonah dragged her off to meet his relatives. But they all seemed to dislike MC because she’s not from a good background.
Then, this dude enters the scene:
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A dignified-looking man walked over here, looking at me, who is standing by Jonah, in surprise.]
And then, when Jonah goes to introduce MC as his fiancee, his father cuts him off by saying that he never heard of Jonah having a fiancee before. Like, Jonah was in the middle of a super serious and sincere introduction and his father just interrupted like that in a super cold voice. I was already starting to dislike him at this point, but I didn’t wanna fight him just yet.
Also, here’s something that kinda surprised me:
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(His looks seemed to be similar to Luka’s, but his disposition...
(It seemed to be 50 times scarier than Jonah when I first met him...)]
I found it kinda weird how Luka actually took after him in terms of looks more than Jonah did??? Like, my original headcanon was that Luka didn’t actually look very similar to his father, which could be part of why he was ignored so much, but I guess he was ignored even when he looks like his father. Ouch.
Also, whenever the Clemence father makes an appearance, the thing that MC talks about the most is how scary/stern his disposition is. He must be someone really ruthless to warrant that kind of description.
After that, his father goes on to guess that Jonah had made the decision to bring MC without consulting anyone in his family because he knew that his decision would be opposed. I suppose that Jonah’s father does know him quite well, but it actually unsettles me more, because he seems to have no regard for the effect he has on his sons. Like, Jonah literally had to fight to keep his head up under such pressure.
So Jonah goes on to explain why he chose not to tell anyone about it, but his father interrupts him AGAIN with this huge speech about how the Clemence bloodline cannot be mixed with a bloodline of unknown origins. They have kept his tradition for hundreds of years, and that every single heir has accepted this fact and chose to marry someone of high social standing. 
Jonah, naturally, was pretty angry, and told his father that he has gone too far. But guess what? This dude ignores him YET AGAIN and tries to convince MC to marry Levie instead of Jonah. Seriously. No wonder Jonah never listens to anyone else if this was the role model he had. I’m really starting to grit my teeth at this point.
Also, something concerning is how Jonah’s father knew that Levie is after MC, since that was classified information. Jonah confronts him about him, but he brushes it off by saying that he was the former Queen of Hearts and he has all the information sources he need. I wonder how powerful he was when he was Queen if he was still so influential in his retirement. And yeah, he totally strikes me as the sort of guy who would order Claudius to assassinate people...
But anyways, Jonah’s father tells him that he’ll pretend as if he heard nothing and walks off, even though Jonah tried to tell him that he wasn’t finished yet. What a guy.
Jonah leaves MC with Luka and goes after his father. Luka takes MC to his room and tells her something really sweet. He tells her that to trust “that guy” (Jonah) and to wait for him, which really showed his reliance on his older brother. Like, even though he rejects Jonah a lot and avoids him, deep down inside he still believes in Jonah. 
And after a few parts we get a flashback where Jonah recalls the conversation he had with his father after he goes after him, and this is where my blood starts boiling.
So the Clemence father reminds Jonah, in a pretty harsh way, that when he had rejected marriage alliances in the past, he has always said that he’ll find someone better. He then goes on to call MC “that kind of person” (as in, a person of low birth and social standing), and Jonah gets pretty mad at him for that:
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Jonah: Even if you’re my father, I cannot allow you to call her “that kind of person”...!
Clemence Patriarch: Don’t change the topic!
Hearing his father’s roar of fury, Jonah wasn’t scared in the slightest, and instead glared fierily back at him.]
I find it kinda interesting how the game refers to Jonah and Luka’s father as “the Clemence Patriarch” instead of “Clemence Father” or something. That would probably make more sense, because the term “Patriarch” can refer to a grandfather, an uncle, a cousin, etc., not necessarily a father. But I guess this highlights how his identity as a patriarch is prioritized before his identity as a father.
And then this scene happens:
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Clemence Patriarch: Whatever you say! There is nothing more to say, get out. 
Clemence Patriarch: In order to prevent the failure of the first, we still have a second.
Clemence Patriarch: I will disown you as my son, and make Luka the heir of the family, and then he’ll be the one to marry a high-born noble lady.]
Honestly he makes Jonah and Luka sound so expendable, and that’s really not okay. They’re human beings, his own SONS, not an object to be thrown away when it served its use. Like, if I had any doubts about why Luka left his family before, this scene just explained everything. Who would want this guy as their parent????? 
And of course, as the best nii-sama in the world, Jonah caves.
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Even though he wanted to follow through with his own ideals, he couldn’t let his important brother, Luka, be sacrificed.
Not only would Luka have to bear the burden as the heir, a burden that he has been bearing for many years, 
And he would marry some lady who he has never met before, this absolutely cannot happen!
Jonah: Just this one thing...please don’t do it.
Jonah could only bend to his father’s will.]
He’s literally in an impossible position right now. If he wants to marry the love of his life, he would have a sacrifice his precious brother, and if he wants to protect his brother, he would have to sacrifice his fiancee. If he wants to keep them both safe, then the only real solution would be to leave the Clemence family.
Come on, Cybird. Y’all made him turn against the Red Army in his original route and now you’re making him turn against his family now??? When will the torture for Jonah and his stans ever end??????????
And here’s a few other lines from the Clemence Patriarch to disgust you:
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Clemence Patriach: I am a generous and maganimous person.
Clemence Patriach: As long as the Clemence bloodline is protected, I don’t care if the heir is you or Luka.]
......I literally have nothing else to say.
Istg this dude is the worst parent in the Red Army, and the Red Army is already brimming with awful parenting skills. Lancelot’s father pretty much neglected him and Edgar’s uncle straight-up abused him, but you could still tell that they cared about their sons in their own little twisted ways. Lancelot’s father eqipped him with all the skills he would need to be King, and Claudius took all responsibility for the Bright family business in the end, protecting Edgar. And then we have the Clemence father who’s all like: i MaDE TwO kIDS foR a reASoN anD ThAt iS To HAVE ONE OF THEM REPLACE THE OTHER/USING ONE OF THEM TO THREATEN THE OTHER IF THEY MESS UP. ALSO NEITHER OF THEM MATTERS APPARENTLY BC THEY’RE BOTH JUST TOOLS FOR CARRYING ON THE BLOODLINE.
I get that this is only part 12 and he’s probably going to have a redemption scene or at least some whitewashing at the end, but STILL. I really, really, really, really, really don’t like Jonah and Luka’s father.
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guacameowle · 4 years
Jumin Han’s Bad End 2 DLC - Notes / Opinion
Y’all know me. I have to take notes for everything I play or read or watch. I can’t help it. Here we have Jumin Han’s Bad End 2 DLC. The infamous bad end. The red shoes bad end. The “kinky” bad end, to some. Not my favorite bad end, but a memorable one. With that said, let’s dive in! Spoilers ahead!
Episode 1
This DLC has multiple endings! Interesting. Depending on how I answer will determine which end I get. This has me thinking there may be a way to get Jumin back onto a healthier relationship track? I will eventually aim to achieve both endings, though.
Jumin’s hand is fucking HUGE. MASSIVE. WHAT ARE THEY FEEDING HIM? Please hold while I scream at Kristan (jalaqueeno) about this. Holy shit.
It’s been one month since Jumin went to work. One whole month! Mr. Jumin Workaholic Han hasn’t gone to work in ONE MONTH! This man has made it his sole mission to keep you locked up & stay with you. Dude, like… why are you so obsessed with me~?
MANSION? They’re not in the penthouse anymore? I mean… there are worse cages to be kept in.
I am absolutely playing the answers that subtly suggest I am not ok with this new forced live-in situation.
HE’S TRACKING HOW MANY STEPS I’VE TAKEN. Wait until this man finds out I hate walking the mile…
Jumin continues to call this a game. Says he has a therapist on standby. Does he know that HE can use the therapist? In fact, I highly recommend it.
He says you can leave at any time. Color me suspicious. I don’t believe him for one second. How far is this “game” going?
According to Jaehee, MC has been with Jumin for two months now.
Interesting how Jaehee makes a point to mention the mansion being untouched as this is where Jumin keeps his childhood toys. He brought you where he keeps his toys. Does he really see all of this as a game & you’re a toy? Can he snap out of it if you call for the game to end, or will there be backlash?
Some of these answer choices feel tricky. I’m trying to gently weasel my way out of this “game” without hurting anyone.
“Don’t say that to my master.” Listen, Jumin is my favorite man in this game, but that answer option physically made me cringe. Me? Call a man master? I could never. Not me. Not this bitch.
Wow. Ok. All this stuff with Jumin’s mom is moving fast. I can already see if he actually does lose her, it may make him hold onto MC that much more/harder. Maybe. 
Woah woah woah. I know Jumin is acting a little suspicious & out of sorts, BUT AIN’T NO ONE MARRYING HIM EXCEPT ME. ALL RIGHT? I’ll fight. I know where to get a bomb…
Excuse me? A fitness trainer? Yeah........ about that. I’m going to have to leave. Sorry this situation didn’t work out between us Juju. Best of luck, though!
Episode 2
My room is kind of cute! Wait, why the fuck aren’t Jumin & I sharing a room? If I’m locked up & tracked, you better believe I’m sleeping next to that dick.
Send a message to space? The fuck?
Oh. Duh.
“I heard that obsession comes from anxiety.” DING DING DING DING.
Omg Seven. You can’t just ask me to open my box. I’m seeing another man...
Jumin really didn’t have one woman in his life who wasn’t cold or weird to him. I know we already knew from his route he had a difficult upbringing. But I hadn’t expected them to dive into that aspect for this DLC but I can see how there’s the connection.
I told him I wanted to be alone to see if he’d respect boundaries.
Episode 3
So are we meant to see this adult Jumin, playing this “game” with MC, as him regressing within himself & falling back to enjoying fantasy? Avoiding reality? Something he didn’t allow himself to do as an actual child? He didn’t understand why people indulge in magic, fantasy, make-believe as a kid. Now he’s vastly overshot the mark to the point that this fantasy life with MC has become his “reality.”
Omg. Little Jumin is so cute. I will fight everyone to protect him.
This woman done fucked up. Look at this child, you’ve given him anxiety. He doesn’t know if you want him to be mechanical or a normal kid. Jesus. All this Work Work Work No Emotion Work Only No Feelings bullshit is her fault. Jumin’s only doing what he was taught. He was told this is all he’s good for, all he was meant for.
“I feel like I am a tool. Sometimes I want to be treated like a son.” STOP. IF THIS GAME MAKES ME CRY. I’M GONNA FIGHT SOMEONE.
Jumin is obsessed with grape juice. Grows up to be obsessed with wine. Y’all made him an alcoholic.
“I am not like her. I will not be cold. I will be warm to my family…” JUMIIIIIN. THIS LITTLE BOY IS TRYING SO HARD! IT IS POSSIBLE JUMIN! AIM FOR YOUR GOOD & NORMAL ENDINGS!
I think you have to choose the answers that gently pry you away from Jumin? He can’t force this relationship. It can’t be controlled by him. It isn’t a game. He needs to come to that realization, but he’s really not making that connection...
“I have never been involved in a deal outside a form of give-and-take.” Oh, that hurt. He doesn’t trust you to stay with him unless he can offer you something? His money/extravagance/keeping you in this “game” you started with him & him playing into it is what he has to do to keep you with him.
“Please show me that you love me. I want to know what love is.” Insert Explicit MC x Jumin Fanfic Here. I’ll show you, Jumin. I’ll show you all night long.
*Jumin snuggled closer* In my own personal canon, that means we FUCKED. SLOWLY. GENTLY. ROMANTICALLY.
Episode 4
The creepy lullaby music started up. Shit is about to go down.
Omg is this butler going to lock me in the basement?
Lmao did I fuck up with the “what’s a cage doing here?” reply? How was I supposed to know there wasn’t actually a cage there? No Jumin, I don’t want a cage. …. at least not for me, but we can discuss that later.
SHE WOULD LOCK HIM IN THE BASEMENT? That’s it. I’m fighting everyone. Stay behind me Jumin, I’ll protect you.
“Let me talk to her! I’d like a word with her!” LET ME AT HER, JUMIN. I HAVE SOME SHIT TO SAY. SHE’S DYING. I HAVE A SHORT WINDOW. LET ME AT HER.
Not little boy Jumin Shawshank Redemptioning his way out of the basement omggggg
JUMIN YOU WANNA FUCK? NOW? This man is sending me through whirlwind of emotions.
OH SHIT. I’m torn between the “whisper in his ear” option or the “let’s change our roles for just today” because as y’all may know, I enjoy being in charge.
Me: “Let’s change our roles…” Jumin: “Uhhh maybe we should leave.” Darling, you know you’re a submissive. It’s ok. No judgement.
I’M HOOTIN’ & HOLLERING. After the fade the black I said I would stay in my own clothes & Jumin says, “They’re dirtier than you would think.” DID THIS MAN JUST CUM EVERYWHERE? LMAAAOOOO
Happy End!
Ayyy we did it, lads! Unlocked the happy ending first. Even though we already gave Jumin a happy ending in that basement, you know what I’m sayin’~
Wait, turned our backs on everything? How the fuck is this the happy end? Happy for who? Jumin?
So… what the fuck was that?
The good ending just reenforces this “only us” narrative? The good ending is that this “game” Jumin & MC are playing doesn’t end? Nothing resolves. He doesn’t mend any relationships. There’s no healing or moving on. He exerts more of his control on MC & takes more drastic measures to ensure they’re together.
The CG was hot, though. Jumin in black on black on black? AND GLOVES?! Hell yeah. That’s a whole meal right there. Delicious. 
Episode 1 (Attempt 2)
Well, time to try to get the bad end (????) now I guess. Maybe the bad end is that this game of their’s actually does break. That’s what I’m hoping for at least.
Jumin already making jokes about switching roles. Jumin, my love. I am more than happy - extremely willing & eager actually - to be in charge here.
Pretending to want all of this ‘being a possession’ nonsense is making me uncomfyyyy.
Episode 2 (Attempt 2)
“Do something Jumin wouldn’t like” Lmaooo it calls Zen. HAHAHAHAHA
I think Zen’s voice acting is some of the most expressive, in this whole game.
Ah, so then I guess turning on the computer let’s you talk to Yoosung.
Not Jumin deliberately cutting my call. The audacity.
Jumin, possessiveness can sometimes be cute. But in this case, I’m not having it. Not interested.
All the toys in the world didn’t keep Jumin entertained. BUT THIS PUSSY DOES.
Episode 3 (Attempt 2)
Flew through that one just choosing the options I didn’t choose before. Didn’t seem to glean any new information except the fact that Jumin no longer has a desire to form a family, says it entirely depends on how badly MC wants a family. Continues that narrative of, if MC wants it, he will provide it... to keep her.
Episode 4 (Attempt 2)
So we’re just going to leave gold bars in that safe?
Happy End Again????
It says I got Happy End again, even though I chose entirely different answers & went along with being Jumin’s possession...
I can’t believe my first meeting with Jumin’s mother is after he rawed me in the basement & had me put on a fantasy fairy tale princess dress to make our escape. Omfg. Ma’am, your son’s cum is still dripping out of me, please give me a few minutes to freshen up first. Goddamn.
Jumin’s mom is named Carolyn!
I can’t believe I’m in the middle of a family argument while Jumin’s cum glues my thighs together.
She ain’t sick. She’s lying. I’m calling it.
“Simple - make him soft” Jumin: “Like mashed potato?” LIKE MASHED POTATO? FIRST OF ALL, JUMIN SAYING ‘MASHED POTATO’ IS SO FUCKING CUTE I WANNA SCREAM. Secondly I meant, make him soft as in help him let down some barriers & let people in.
“I heard sons are psychologically bound to be attracted to women reminiscent of their mothers.” Ok yes, that may be true but you don’t have to remind me. Bleh. Stop.
“If my consort is to leave me one day, I will be scarred for the rest of my life.” I am sad for him. So sad.
The “mind if I touch it” option fucking sent me. I’m laughing so hard. It is 1am. I might wake up my neighbor! I chose the “…..” option though. I’m sticking with Jumin through this. Let’s see what happens.
… I’ll loop back & choose the money if I can though to see what chaos occurs.
“This is exactly what people mean when they say, ‘So not cool.’” JUMIN. NOW IS NOT THE TIME LMFAOOOO
Jumin went back to work. All right, that’s progress. He renovated the basement on a happier note. Ok ok, small progress. 
“Now I wish to paint this entire place with our love.” TIME TO CHRISTEN EVERY ROOM WITH SEEEEX
Looping back to choose more options for this episode...
CALLED JUMIN’S MOM AN OLD HAG & JUMIN LIKED WHEN I DID THAT LMAOOOO. I would like to call her a lot of things.
Final thoughts:
Long story short (too late), this DLC reenforces that this is a Bad Ending path, in which you won’t find a fix for Jumin, won’t find a way to get him back on track to his true good end. And that’s ok! This is a bad end after all! Though both endings are listed as “good” or “happy” endings, they’re still set in this twisted relationship, this weak form of love, Jumin believes is real. He calls it a game, says a therapist is on standby, says MC can leave any time she wants, yet when she chooses options that distances herself, suggests Jumin pay more attention to something other than her, or shows she’d like more freedom, he immediately blocks that path in some way. Even when choosing all the options that don’t give in to the plaything/being controlled role, the conclusion is Jumin reenforcing his control harder - you both escape together to be alone, neglecting everyone & everything in your life, & Jumin insists all he has to do is take care of you in various ways - to give you everything - to keep you with him. Even following the confrontation with Jumin’s mother & turning down the option to leave Jumin for money, it shows how far Jumin will go to keep MC. He truly believes he has to provide everything (money, security, possessions, etc.) in exchange for her love, her company, her willingness to be with him. This man has slowly been broken over & over again over the course of his life & he’s finally given in to these poor teachings & selfish encouragements, & has convinced himself what he’s found is full love where he provides anything & everything to keep MC’s interest in him. A clear give & take relationship. A contract. A game. And he’s not about to let that go.
Personally, while this path isn’t my favorite for Jumin, I was still absolutely impressed with the two different ways they had this particular Bad End play out. An emotional read from start to finish & back again.
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destinygoldenstar · 2 years
So You See, Forcing People Who Want Redemption To Return To Their Bad Behavior Is Okay
(11 Year Old Arrested At School)
What did Jay do?
Honestly, have no idea. He’s faking being arrested because it’s ‘cool’ for some reason?
Even though Mikey also got arrested and Jay was cold towards Mikey about it, and no one found it cool whatsoever? (But who the F cares about plot holes, am  right?)
The dad LITERALLY, IN FRONT OF THE CAMERA, FORCES a dude into following a SCRIPT to scam his son. 
See? I was NOT exaggerating. The parents in Dhar Mann LITERALLY do this. To SCAM children.
And this is deemed as okay?!
The criminal guy just wants redemption. He wants to live a normal life. He wants to move on from his criminal days. He doesn’t even ask for money. He just wants dinner. He’s sincere with Jay about what his life is like, about the regrets he has and how badly people see him. How he’s viewed in a negative life and is deemed as pure evil. 
And we’re supposed to DEMONISE this story. Even though this is easily the most interesting scene Dhar Mann has ever made. 
The cop dad is like, “NO, DON’T be honest with the kid! DON’T give him insight on your life! DON’T encourage him he’s justified in his emotions! DON’T encourage him to make his own choices WHATSOEVER!”
You know, like a good parent. (NOT)
So Jay gets caught in a robbery, and he helps his dad stop them, and they get arrested, and SOMEHOW, JAY is deemed to have learned the lesson that you should never do bad things. 
The dad? NO CONSEQUENCES. Scammed his kid? No consequences. Was downright prejudice against the delinquent dude? No consequences.
I mean yeah the mom yells at the dad for the crime situation, but you could argue the dad had no control over the situation, and thus couldn’t control his job and his kid at once. So that’s barely something that’s the dad’s fault.
“Bad choices always have bad consequences”
What counts as a bad choice in this universe? Scamming is okay? Redemption is not? 
Redemption just doesn’t exist I guess?
What should be the message, in my eyes, is “Anyone can make bad choices. But anyone can make good choices as well.” Show the criminal wanting redemption and helping with stopping this robbery. THAT, would be a good message, to show that anyone can redeem themselves, if they truly desire.
Gosh forbid we encourage a GREY AREA, or people actually wanting to become better people!
Once bad, always bad, no redemption, your heart is never justified if you’re a bad person! Nope! Your feelings don’t matter!
Dhar Mann, I am baffled here. 
Honestly, I think this video, despite the bad message, brings an insight onto the bad guy’s lives in this universe. It’s HEAVILY buried under cringe, sure, but this video literally shows that these people are FORCED into the villain roles by society! The ‘good people’ demonize these guys and throw them under the bus, and give them no choice but to be bad guys. The criminal dude just wanted dinner. He couldn’t get it because he didn’t traumatize a child. 
It’s honestly heartbreaking.
At the end, you can see the two robbers trying to comfort each other, one of them even pleads that he NEVER wanted to do any of his crimes! They’re bros who are thrown under the bus by this society. They’re like a dysfunctional family.
But I know Dhar Mann only wants us to hate these guys and cheer at them getting arrested behind bars. “Like all bad people deserve”
Now, I’m not saying bad people don’t deserve to go to jail. They do.
But in this universe? My god. These people are literally being SHOVED into bad roles by the people who worship Dhar Mann (in universe). 
THIS. THIS RIGHT HERE. Is one of the most intriguing part for me about the Dhar Mann videos, as well as the thing that makes me find these videos such a bad influence. 
The characters are only painted in a mean spirited, negative light. Children are forced to have no opinions and commit to society 100%. People are forced into shallow worldviews they don’t want to be a part of. And it’s all run by Dhar Mann, showing them a worldview that only sees black and white.
I mean, my gosh. If Dhar Mann REALLY doesn’t want me to care about these criminals, then WHY did he show these criminals having humanity. WHY did he show them being forced into evil roles by cops? WHY did he show the robbers pleading for help, and being friends with each other?
Honestly, this might be an interesting worldview for Jay. Like, if Mikey is never redeemed (which he obviously won’t be) Jay might take this to heart. He might try to help the criminals who’ve been forced into their roles. He might learn sympathy.
I mean, from the ending alone, Jay’s mom is already leagues a better parent than Mikey’s mom. She’s not perfect, but this mom is willing to be defensive when she needs to. She puts her kid’s priorities, safety, and needs first. She hates scamming. And she also seems to take into consideration Jay’s morality, even if she’s against it. 
This mom’s okay in my book. The dad? Not so much.
But gosh forbid we teach that to kids, am I right?
(What do you guys think about this? It’s definitely something to think about.)
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