#am mostly active on discord than tumblr
patches-of-thistle · 2 months
i wonder how talented people find multiple, actual supportive friends. seems like ive been missing that all my life because so far i only know one (two if i count a moot from here)
ive been praised for my writing but it still feels extremely hollow because. like. now what? i look cool cause i can do amazing naturally, but no one even cared to tag along. in fact, the people that did wanted to rip a part of me out for their keeping
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liies · 2 years
Tumblr media
   -`   ⏳  ´-
                               — but  i  decide  my     D E S T I N Y   !
# LIIES : an independent , private , and selective blog for LOKI FRIGGASON , primarily inspired by the marvel cinematic universe , the agent of asgard comic series , and a multitude of personal lore && headcanons a myth woven by STORM since september 14 , 2014 . rules && misc below .
i haven't been overly active on tumblr for the past few years , so please bear with me as i get used to how the rpc has changed in my absence i am using the BETA EDITOR and you can click through loki's blog pages to read more about his canon divergencies and such : i am the old fashioned bitch with the container theme . for quicker / mobile access to this blog's rules , please read below . sometime soon i will make clearer reference posts for different canon divergences , but the main things are : loki's main verse involves him working with the avengers much more often , and his default loki show verse features him being taken by the tva for faking his death during infinity war having supposed to have been a fixed point in time for him to die there . bits and pieces of the loki prequel novel , where mischief lies , are also relevant to this blog's lore such as loki having had a short - lived relationship with theo bell in the 1890's .
despite this blog primarily fitting into the mcu timeline ( more or less ) , i am also happy to do things set in something inspired by 616 or avac ( may avac rest in peace ) .
some notes :
mun is 21+ , they / them pronouns . i'm autistic and extremely #Normal about loki . i enjoy character and media analysis , and love to make original characters in addition to writing for canon muses . i primarily rp on discord rather than tumblr these days , so if we've interacted or chatted a bit , feel free to ask me for it !
i use small / subsmall text with some bold , italics , etc thrown in for flavor . if this is hard for you to read , i'm happy to do something else for you on request !
i am in mountain time ( utc-7 ) and am generally around in the evenings / nights as i often work during the day .
mature content may be present on this blog and will be tagged , but i'll probably never be interested in writing smut save for the potential of incredibly rare exceptions with people i'm very close with ooc anything explicit will fade to black by default .
th/rki , as well as other inc/st , p/do , etc ships are not welcome here . you will be blocked if you try to interact with me in this manner , and i will not follow you back if it seems to be a regular facet of your blog , especially untagged .
loki is bi and this blog is multiship based on chemistry ! i absolutely love a wide variety of loki ships . that being said , though , he is also demi , so romantic relationships might not be a priority for him . loki uses he / him and they / them pronouns . they identify as transmasculine , non-binary , and genderfluid -- though they much more commonly shift from masculine to agender as opposed to presenting femininely .
i am personally not interested in playing sylki as a romantic relationship , and prefer to see them developing a sibling , familial , platonic , etc . bond instead . all interactions with sylvies will assume this as a default . please don't attempt to force a ship on me .
i have a job , i'm disabled , and i'm in grad school my activity on here tends to be pretty sporadic , and my replies can be very slow . if you've seen me active on here doing other replies and you've been waiting a long time for a response , feel free to ( gently ) remind me .
have fun !
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wyldblunt · 3 months
Hi, it is 6 AM here and I have to sleep but I'm writing to you to let you know that I'm very concerned about what I've been reading in the past day.
I heard of the gwg/Logan incident on the day of it happening, but that's not really what I'm worried about. What concerns me is what seems like a consistent & long term systematic marginalization of POC in GW2 fan spaces. To be honest I'm not that surprised, I've had my suspicions since 2020.
I'm not active on GW2 tumblr or any social media at all, other than posting the Tyria Pride announcements once a year, so I don't have much impact outside of the Tyria Pride discord, but I still want to do something. I have some ideas, and am also always open to suggestions.
I would love to chat at some point (it doesn't have to be now, and I totally get it if you're not interested). The Tyria Pride discord isn't huge but it isn't small either, and maybe I have some influence that I can use for good.
Tyria Pride Lead
P.S.: I know this can be a source of exhaustion so please do not worry about tone policing yourself or rewording your reply for ages to be "just right", if you do reply to me. (I just spent an hour doing that so I get it, it is now 7 AM). I'm on your side. I'll meet you where you're at.
hey — i hope you don't mind that i'm posting this publicly, but i want to because waking up to this message was a huge relief to me. and as i've tried to explain in other conversations about this, i KNOW there are LOTS of people who have been really uncomfortable through this entire convo but have not felt willing or able to speak up publicly (bc of open threats of ostracization for "being mean" AND observed behavior towards those of us who have said anything) and i hope that reading this will be a relief to them too.
thank you not only for reaching out but also for GETTING what our actual concerns are, bc one of my biggest frustrations through all of this has been people repeatedly twisting the issue so they can dismiss it as squabbling about fiction and then they don't actually have to address the broader patterns we're talking about here; thank you for the assurance that i won't be tone policed, because that's been repeatedly used against us as well ("okay i guess you guys are making some good points but you're being so ANGRY"); and thank you for acknowledging how tiring this is, because i've been made to feel like if i don't keep showing up and being vocal about this, leaving behind mostly the white allies who have been sticking up for us and using their privilege to make corrections and take some of the brunt of the ridicule and backlash, the whole thing will be dismissed as a non-issue anyway. and frankly i don't fucking want to anymore! i'm tired lol!
but i also wanted to springboard off this really kind and reassuring message from you to say it isn't the only one i've received, and that as angry and exhausted as i am, i want to highlight and acknowledge that i have NOT been alone in this. people have been checking in on me, listening to what i and others have to say about it and boosting our statements, changing their minds if they jumped to conclusions earlier, and offering private support and conversation among those of us who still don't feel comfortable braving the environment out here on tumblr — obviously the bad experiences i've had through this are sticking in my head and are really demoralizing, but honestly in terms of quantity and quality i have had MORE experiences of people supporting me and making sure i'm okay. this fandom has massive problems but it also has more of a solid, positive core than i was willing to hope for in the beginning.
i spoke up initially because it was horrible how isolated i felt when this all kicked off; the wider problem is absolutely not fixed, but i can confidently say i don't feel alone or abandoned anymore, and that gives me a ton of hope for figuring this out.
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dumplingsjinson · 2 months
Long post ahead, read if you want.
tw: mental health, mention of depression
So I've been very inactive these days, and it's because I am Dealing With My Issues irl, which is sucky and shitty and I'd really rather be living on Tumblr and writing prompts all day but sometimes... Life just doesn't allow that luxury. Especially when you're feeling stuck and your mental health is getting in the way of you functioning properly without feeling stuck in the same vicious cycles of your own brain's doing.
In all honesty, I haven't been feeling the best for the past few months, and I feel like my mental state has been on a decline, and I feel like it's gotten worse now that I'm in a relationship.
This is not to blame my partner or anything but to say that getting into a relationship involves your issues, that have always been there, surfacing properly. And when I mean surfacing properly, I mean you become so much more acutely aware of shit you've been able to suppress for a long time and never bothered addressing. You become aware of yourself as a person, you start to realise all of your flaws in such a vicious and cutting manner, and that shit hurts like a bitch.
You finally get to see a reflection of you, plus the issues you've been carrying on your shoulders for way too long.
I've been crying so much these days, I've been overthinking a lot, and feeling like complete and utter shit. I've been getting into more frequent fights with my mum, I feel like a failure in basically all aspects of my life, and like I'm not good enough, and like my insecurities are eating my alive, which isn't helping my mental state at all. My mood has just been on the low most days. I need constant distractions, otherwise I will have to sit with my own thoughts, and that scares the living shit out of me.
Because what do you mean I have to sit there and process my feelings? Eugh, brother, eugh! Fuck no!
But on a more serious note, all of this shit has finally got me up on my feet, so I'd do something about them and get the help I've needed for quite a long while now. My partner encouraged me to finally make this step, even though I have thought of seeking help for quite a while now but just never did so. It's mostly for reasons and the fact that I was scared 'cause I didn't know what it would be like to actually reach out and spill my guts out to some stranger.
I saw a counsellor at my university for the first time this week and it went better than expected. For one, I didn't cry during the appointment! He's a very nice dude, and it felt nice talking to someone who could put my thoughts in order and give me actual solutions. Venting to friends is nice, but it gets to a point where even that doesn't help, or you feel like you're bitching too much.
I did get told I could be heading into a depressive episode (fucking fun, I know) and my depression/stress score was pretty high, although my anxiety score isn't too high (which is surprise considering my overthinking), so we're trying to work through that.
Next appointment is in around two weeks' time, and until then, I live in my head once more and have to deal with my emotions without going into breakdowns every two business days.
I don't know when I'll be properly active on here. I've kind of just abandoned everything (this blog, my Discord server, my social medias) in the midst of it all, but I'll try to come back and post more often.
But yeah. That's where I'm at.
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olderthannetfic · 1 year
The "reblog, don't like. Liking hurts creators" stuff has always gotten on my nerves, who are you to tell me what to put on my blog? But I jsut saw this post, which put it in a different light. https://mayahawkse.tumblr.com/post/691239174316097536/heres-a-little-comparison-for-people-who-say
I' got on Tumblr in 2013, quit around the porn ban, and only came back pretty recently. I didn't realise that people had actually stopped reblogging things from each other.
I guess the "likes hurt creators" thing might have some validity after all. I still really don't like the tone of entitlement or the idea that expressing your appreciation to OP with a like is an insult instead of an expression of appreciation.
The comment section probably cuts into the reblog counts; people have conversations there instead of in reblog chains, and don't have to reblog an entire post just to point out one quick thing or make the same joke as everyone else, but I don't think that comments account for the ratios in that post, especially since the screenshots don't show posts with hefty comments.
So yeah, guys, likes don't hurt creators, but Tumblr is for passing posts around. If you see something you like, you can just reblog it to be all "look at this cool thing I found". You don't have to worry about adding anything meaningful in a reblog, and if you and all your mutuals reblog the same post twelve times in a row, well, that's just how Tumblr works; if someone gets anoyed they can block the post through xkit.
Eh. I'd beware of anecdata like that.
I used to get like 2 notes a post and no asks ever. On the rare occasions that I reblogged heavily in a hot fandom of the moment for a month or two, I got a lot of engagement once people realized I was a place to go for that fandom, and I particularly got a lot of reblogs because people wanted that content on their own tumblrs.
Currently, I get a decent number of reblogs, but I get a lot more other interaction because things here tend to be discussions and debates and people don't necessarily want them on their own tumblrs.
In my case, I don't like the framing that it hurts creators because that's assuming that a person would have reblogged if they hadn't liked. In reality, they probably just wouldn't have interacted.
People pass posts around all kinds of ways, including pasting links to mine into various discord channels for fandom drama or sending me links to others' posts via chat messages here.
I also don't like the framing that it hurts creators because this only makes sense if you mean that it hurts the ability of visual artists to earn money.
Am I not a creator of a kind? Do I not write copious meta even if a lot of the content here comes from others? My ~engagement numbers~ are not harmed by failing to reblog. My engagement numbers don't matter full stop.
Or maybe, maybe, it's not about money, but it's about clout-chasing nonsense. Boo hoo, my gifset doesn't do numbers because it's not 2012 and I'm not in superwholock fandom now. Oh well. Chase the crowds to another site or chase the megafandoms. That's the only way to get those numbers back.
I do think that some time after 2012, people became increasingly afraid of harassment and may have pulled back on interactions, particularly contentful ones, because of that.
But mostly, tumblr has cleared out. Fewer people are using it, and fewer of the ones remaining are using it actively in a way where it makes sense to fill their own blog with content.
Maybe part of the change is that you can't become a BNF of tasteful curation so easily now, so there's no point in reblogging unless it's for yourself?
Maybe it's gifsets that are out of fashion? I don't know.
I never had much interest in "look at this cool thing" sans commentary back then, and I have little now. I have my activity page set to hide all that.
The changing phases of a site can be interesting, but we need a bit more than one person's top couple of posts to reach any conclusions.
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suspiriumspectrum · 3 months
Marauders RP search
Hi, I'm currently looking for an RP partner to write Wolfstar/marauders-era roleplays with. Feel free to text me if you're interested!
Details I'm 23 yr and looking for someone around this age category (nothing under 18). NSFW content is alright, but should not be more important than the story and character dynamics. I prefer to write in a literary style, ranging from one to a few paragraphs depending on the moment. No need to be the next Shakespeare, but I’d prefer it if your writing is a bit structured and furthers the plot/RP. Though I'm posting this on Tumblr, I'd rather use Discord for the RP.
Plot I have not set a specific plot out yet; we can work on this together. I do really enjoy the 70s setting, am a big fan of the music in that era (and music in general) and generally ship Wolfstar (other ships can also be discussed, of course). To give a bit of reference, my head-cannons are mostly based on the fics “All the Young Dudes” and “The Cadence of Part-Time Poets”. I’m best fit to write Remus, but open to switch things around.
Note: I'm looking for an active partner who has the time and energy to develop a thought-out story with me. You can be as creative as a brick, truly, but I value dedication over skill.
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jeonqkooks · 1 year
goodbye :)
not really lol this was clickbait 🤠
BUT now that i have your attention, i am going on a semi writing hiatus tho. i feel like this is long overdue. i'd like to start off with a couple weeks, maybe a month, maybe longer, idk? we'll see how it goes.
i'll still be relatively active on tumblr - answering asks and whatever bullshit i usually do - and discord (bc let's face it, i have nowhere else to be lmao) so i guess this is mostly a formal announcement for myself so that my brain can process the fact that this! bitch! needs! a! f*cking! break! 👏 it's not like i even have a regular update schedule to begin with, so for most of you things will probably feel the same. but tbh for me, writing doesn't feel as fun as it used to. it hasn't for a while, and neither has being on tumblr in general (some days it fully feels bad being on tumblr but i'm still Here bc i do not know what to do with myself lol).
don't get me wrong, i still love writing and i still want to write. but i just want to be able to actually enjoy it instead of feeling pressured to do it, yk? so i just need to find the spark again bc right now it feels like a chore and we definitely don't want that 😕
also - i feel like most writers go through this at some point - i keep (unintentionally) comparing myself to other writers and a bitch just cannot stop lmao. i've noticed that whenever i feel stuck while writing, i'd look to others and i'd think "damn, why can't i do this or that?" and that'd just make me feel worse lol miss girl gotta work on that. i mostly keep stuff to myself and lately it's been a little More than usual and i don't want to keep going when i obviously need a break only to end up overflowing one day and impulsively deleting my account (i probably won't lol this is my permanent address)
i'll use the time off to get back into reading too - god knows i haven't been reading fics as much as i used to. apologies to all the writers whose works i've been dying to read for so long but just haven't had the energy to sit down and dig in. reading is one of my main sources of inspiration (i made this blog bc i loved reading so much that it inspired me to write my own shit!) so hopefully that'll help the process too ✌️
unrelated to the writing bit but i also kinda want to use the extra time to start working on a professional portfolio and maybe jump back into my wack ass redbubble shop lmao
sooo yeah. i'm not gonna pull a one direction and just ride off into the sunset for good lmao. if anything, i hope i'll pull a bangtan and bounce back with even more content and vigor than before. maybe this is jeonqkooks chapter two 😎
maybe this was a bit dramatic lmao but anyways, sorry to anybody who thought i'd be leaving. unfortunately, you're stuck with me until tumblr gets swallowed up by the sun <3
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I have been away since the MCC, and I haven't been really posting things or keeping up with the group activity. Imagine my fucking reaction when I wake up on a Sunday morning to Discord exploding over night.
I have some conflicting emotions towards CCs talking so openly about fanfics. Part of me is glad that they acknowledge our existence, like I know a few of them are here, and even seen my own posts, like OMG MY STREAMERS KNOW I EXIST. And fanfics, it's huge! It's a step up from liveblogging and headcanon posts, it's a fanart in its spirit, but painted with words, and similarly poured the author's soul into.
But there's like that thing with...prejudice? I've seen people mention fanfiction in Chilled's streams before, and in yt as well, and there were not exactly positive opinions. I know they were talking about there being very few smut works, but it feels like they were bringing them up the most, and it's just frustrating to not be understood in the right way. After all, everything we do here, and everything we write on Ao3 is us expressing our love and support in the ways we can, none of us have any malicious thought or want to be hurtful and spread hatred or smth.
Do you think there's a world where they could speak of Tumblr/Ao3 part of their community from a bit of a different angle? Do you think that fanfiction should be acknowledged and spoken about more?
(Also, I know it's stupid, but I feel just the tiniest bit salty. I wrote good stuff, why won't they talk about me too?!)
Yeah, I have very conflicting emotions about it too. (Mostly I feel betrayed by whoever was linking Platy fics LMAO)
Tumblr and Ao3 get a bad rap for being “cringe” I guess. Personally I think that they are the only places left on the internet that are well-known and not too corrupted by capitalism and algorithms (especially Ao3 my beloved). But I really don’t give a shit - I hate cringe culture with a passion.
But yeah. It’s the whole thing of like. You can’t post works on the internet and expect people (especially the streamers themselves) to just not see it? Because it’s out in the public. They have every right to view it.
But, I’d personally rather my fics NOT be spoken about on a livestream, in front of thousands of people. That’s just my preference, because honestly the reason I post fics at all is this is a very small fandom, and they won’t blow up or be noticed and judged by multitudes of people. I’m far more comfortable with a small audience, and I would not want my fics to be mentioned on stream where lots of people (far too many for my liking) may go looking for them. (This is why I post more about PR1 than mcyt, even tho I love both equally).
But i think if the streamers are fine with fanfic being posted, I see no reason for people to hate on fanfic??? In fact, I see no reason for people to hate it at all? You can inform someone that a creator is uncomfortable with fanfic/certain types of fanworks and ask them to take it down without being a hater. Decency is not difficult, and when you’re in a fandom that is not against fanfic and stuff I don’t see why you’d ever waste your energy hating on something that literally doesn’t effect you?
It’s the same thing with any type of hate comment. If there’s no reason to be upset by something other than the fact that You Don’t Like It, take some preschool advice and walk away. It doesn’t concern you. (Btw Tasha, I don’t mean you specifically, I mean the Royal You!!! Sorry if this was confusing I just realised lmao)
Sorry for getting pretty serious, but I am just quite upset by people who discourage artists when they haven’t done anything wrong.
That said, if a creator has expressed a desire to not have fanworks made of them, then I implore you to respect their boundaries. It’s just the kind thing to do.
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idlingsomewhere · 3 days
tales from the shadow realm (ive been shadowbanned) (send help) (pinned post)
Tumblr media
Hey. Welcome to my blog. You may know me as @shiftedelsewhere (which previously had the URL that this account has now), but unfortunately Tumblr has shadowbanned that account. I'm going to try to recover it, but for the time being, this is where I'm active, I guess.
"girl who tf are you"
good question! I wish I knew.
I go by "N" on the internet; I'm 17, and I use any/all pronouns. Call me whatever! it really doesn't matter to me all that much.
"why are you here"
to post about my interests
"which are?"
music! mostly. my 2 favs at the moment are porter robinson and jane remover. i also really like a lot of other stuff too; you'll figure it out easily since it's the main thing I post about on here
i like a good videogame sometimes. In particular I'm especially fond of zelda games, pokemon, splatoon, and those mii games on the DS!
i do NOT watch shows very often. i can count the number of tv shows I've seen in my life on my fingers. my favourite show is gilmore girls because I'm a massive autumn fiend. living my best life rn. whenever i finish a show i tend to write down my thoughts and share them. currently, I'm trying to watch community, big brother (season 26), and am on my 5(?)th rewatch of gilmore girls.
other than that i like math and physics and transit systems and some other stuff that evades my memory right now ! we will find out what i like together, in due time..
"ok, and?"
general ground rules/vibes
feel free to dm me or chat with me in the comments, just keep in mind I'm a VEERRRRY tired stem student and can't get back to you immediately. send recs or tell me about your day or show me a meme! we can be friends if you'd like :)
uhrm don't be weird lmfao. I'm not gonna tell you where i live. u can figure out the general area VERY easily but. dude im not giving you my ip address
no tagging system at the moment - let me know if you need me to tag something (i.e., a tw or something) and I'll do it :3
i like a good tag game. if you DON't want to be tagged please let me know. i used to have a system but its gone now! awesome!
"if your tumblr goes down again, where else can i pester you?"
art instagram
porter robinson fanpage (LMFAO)
apple music (this is where i listen to stuff)
spotify (this is where i post playlists. also we should do a blend :3)
feel free to ask for my discord or something if u want
yeah and that's all! thx for reading. they really deleted my old pinned post too..crazy. what did i do to displease the tumblr algo? i don't know. let's hope this doesn't last too long
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kedreeva · 1 year
hi Ked! hope the snakewatching is going well. I've been meaning to ask, because I know you've been writing fanfiction for quite a while: do you ever feel as though community engagement has trended down over the years? and if so, do you have any advice for fighting the feeling that you're wasting your time/energy for a silent audience that just consumes and moves on?
I think it has, but I think it hasn't. But I think our perspective on it has changed, vastly.
The thing is, fandom back in the day was just plain old smaller and more tightly-knit by necessity. Before the net was so big, spaces we could go were limited, mostly fan-controlled, often difficult to find, sometimes clunky to use if you were learning (waving at IRC, hello, I hate you still), and due to all of this were often just... smaller. You could know MOST of the people in a fandom space. You had some degree of genial relationship with readers because you talked to them. Archives outside of ff.net were common, curated spaces with amounts of fic that were relatively consumable in total, as in you could go to a fan-run archive, read every piece of fiction there, and then have to find a new one, which probably had at least some of the same fic on it. Even ff.net, a lot of the fandoms present in the early days it was just like. you had 20 fics, you had 100 fics, whatever the number was, and because the spaces were small and the population online was smaller than now, there just... weren't enough creators to constantly have access to new fic or art. I remember waiting for archives to update their collections because most of them you couldn't just add your work to yourself. And I remember that the best way to encourage that to happen faster was to go and get the creator worked up/excited about their thing again by talking to them about it.
Now, fandom is easily accessible. Now, there are platforms all over the place. If you don't like the section of fandom you're in, it's easy to find another, even within the same platform. Don't like this part of tumblr? Block some people and follow others. Don't like this discord server? leave and join a different one (or make one). Don't like twitter/instagram/tiktok/tumblr/livejournal/wattpad/pillowfort/whatever the fuck other platform? Try a different one!
I am grateful for this sprawl. I'm grateful for fandom being easy for everyone to access, for it being so much easier to find somewhere you can settle and have others who like things you like. I think everyone should have a home.
But that does mean sometimes fandom spreads thin. It does mean that instead of 100 creators, there could be a thousand. There could be two thousand. And instead of one place to find it all, there's a gabillion.
But... the amount of story and art a single human being is physically capable of finding and interacting with (reading, viewing, commenting on etc) hasn't gone up. I can only read at the pace I read at, same for anyone. The fandom I'm in has created AT LEAST 29,000 works in the last 11 months, on one platform (AO3). That's almost 90 fics a day for 11 months. And I know for a fact that not all of the stuff that's been written gets posted there, that's just the stuff I KNOW for SURE has been written since a specific date because I searched a character tag for a character that didn't exist before a certain date.
I don't know about you, but I'm not Readers Georg. I can't engage with every fic in a fandom anymore. I can't even engage with a tenth of the fic in fandom anymore just to purely read it, and by the time I'm done reading one, there's 7 more to take its place.
So, I don't think engagement has trended downward so much as I think it's spread out as fandom spreads out. I think it's more important now than it was before, to try to actively engage with creators, because of this. And I think it's important for creators to try to engage back, too. But I also know it's impossible to go back to how things were, and impossible to make a large fandom behave the way a small fandom did. I also also know that if you ever go into a small fandom, like a rarepair, you will almost certainly see an echo of the past with regards to engagement. I wrote a couple things for small fandoms more recently, and because they have far, far less fic available, they seemed to comment more on what was there. They engaged in community ways, going back and forth in comments instead of just "good job""thanks" the end. they have more time for it. A small enough fandom may go days or weeks without new fic, leaving them time to do those sorts of things, without the fear they're missing out on one of today's 90+ fics.
I can't offer any kind of quick fix, because I don't think it's necessarily broken. But I can say that you should always try to be the change you want to see. When you read something, leave the kind of comment you'd want to get. There's another fic around the corner, yes, but you can't read 90+ fics a day for 11 months straight. And neither can anyone else, and remembering that might put it into perspective.
If you want community, read the OTHER COMMENTS when you read stuff, and engage with the other readers; if anything, THAT is the major missing factor in this day... readers engaging each other over fan creations, rather than just creator-> consumer or consumer-> creator. The most fun i ever had writing on AO3 was when I was writing Siren's Song and readers started talking to each other in the comments about what would happen. A whole little community sprung up around readers talking to each other about what happened after one of my other fics ended. I think that's a missing element that often goes unspoken, and maybe that could help a lot if you feel like the audience is silent. Maybe they are. Maybe they don't know it's okay to talk to each other, too. Go into the audience and make some noise.
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neonbutchery · 5 months
it's the 16th here now, so, without further ado, raffle update!
first of all, the imporant news:
i honestly never thought that any donations would be raised let alone get to that amount. thank you from the bottom of my heart to everyone who donated, shared, and supported this. i honestly can't describe how happy i am. as per tiltify's tos, all of the money has gone directly to the pcrf. i can't even begin to thank everyone, both in and out of the bg3 fandom, for making this possible.
still, please don't let this be the end of your activism for palestine. here's a list of mostly free resources to learn about palestinian culture, history, and keep yourself updated with the latest news. if you have money to spare, here's a list of fundraisers to help palestinians with evacuation and other expenses, and here's another one. if you're able to, attend local protests and actions in your area (if you reside in catalonia or spain please dm me for resources related to that!).
that being said, the winners are:
please dm me with your discord username (or any other preferred method of communication that isn't tumblr dms bc they suck) to talk prizes! you can choose between a custom head, a custom hairstyle, or a custom set of horns (all for once race and one bodytype only). you have 24hs to claim the prize, if you don't in that timespan, another name will be drawn.
once again, endless thanks to everyone for participating and helping share this. sometimes things might seem too big and too overwhelming to tackle, but that shouldn't discourage you from taking action even if it's a small one. if fandoms can pool together to raise money for ao3 or billboards about a show being canceled, we can do the same for causes that deserve urgent attention. even if you think you're a nobody with a small following, your actions can have more impact than you think, and i encourage everyone to do something as small as it might seem.
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proof of winners above ^
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rphunter · 1 month
howdy howdy ! this might be a bit of an odd request but myself (23 + they/he) & my close rp friend (30 + he/him) are searching for a (RP!!) third 💀 we have more chaotic activity + asocial tendencies so while we prefer group settings it's not more realistic than 1x1. but we would adore an additional weirdo (pos) to do more of a mini group vibe! we do occasionally play more than one character between the two of us so another person would likely be perfect!
in terms of who we'd work best with, we'd want someone 21+ likely no older than 33 (although if you are REAL CHILL and fw with this, 20 y/os or under 40 may reach out too) preferably somewhere in the us (i'm est and he's mst) but truthfully we're night owls so not a requirement! as stated, our activity varies but we're usually online daily to chat and post anywhere from 4 hours back and forth one night to a few replies over two weeks -- communication is never an issue with the handy server that we'd invite ya to. your personal activity is your tea but as long as you can vibe with our more hectic ones, we gucci! both my friend and i are queer/lgbt so we'd prefer fellow fruity folks (and aren't JUMPING to include cishet men but as always, exceptions can be made for a gr8 fit) & we're both poc (myself black specifically) so either being of color or having proper nuance/understanding or at minimum the ability to be open minded and listen is required.
when it comes to writing preferences, we're generally pretty flexible and also relatively random. i don't have many fandoms but he does have a fair few (at the moment we mainly align on being potterhead kids that have disowned joke rolling ™️ but do enjoy the universe the fans have created at this point if we're being real). i adore a lot of supernatural or otherwise beyond realistic horror/unknowns and dabble in sci-fi of the blade runner or scanner darkly universe variety. he fucks heavy with cyberpunk (the genre and the 2020 critically acclaimed vidya game) and not as much with supes but sometimes i can convince him. regional gothic, real life with spice like crime or political intrigue, really the only sparse territory is historical fiction (which i am HAPPY to utilize my mostly useless trivia on the 19th & 20th century for, but i don't typically go game of thrones type way back). smut is not an issue and a great source of giggling / entertainment for us but not necessarily REQUIRED since fade to black is cool too. not really pwp writers to be fair, though! we just don't shy from it when the plot allows.
pairings wise i write all and lean to fxf & mxf (incl nb/gq muses) while he writes primarily masc or otherwise nb muses. we gay, our characters usually are in some way, and it's never going to be the heteronormative wattpad good girl x bad boy round here. we also don't shy from most darker/taboo pairings or plots (barring minors or animals) but don't care for trauma porn / excessively awful backstory -- there's just not much that we will outright say NEVER to without context. finally, we are big on headcanons, character development, and really building our darlings to harm beautifully!
we write on forums (jcink to be specific) and i am a creature of habit who is an old man about discord rp aka likely will never get into it. we are both very patient and happy to show any tumblr or discord writer the ropes, especially since it'd just be the three of us writing more than joining a whole group rp. i think this covers the most important bits, but if any of this appeals to you, reader, like the post and we'll reach out as soon as we can (we'd prefer to reach out vs adding direct contact for comfort!)
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janedeleon · 2 months
this week is going to be really busy but i'll finally get some more time on my hands starting next wednesday so i’m now back to looking for future besties 1x1/mumu writing partners because i’m brimming with muse and have a lot of ideas and fcs i wanna play, so if you wanna be annoyed with lots of headcanons, muse posts, songs that i think would work for our pairing(s) and manips by someone who really delves into ships and practically lives on pinterest starting next week, hit that like and i’ll come to you ♡ i write both on tumblr and discord (preferred), can play/play against mostly anyone, am more than willing to double up (preferred), have no triggers and am very smut-friendly! can be kinky too lbr because i have no triggers as long as there’s still an actual plot. however, if you only play white fcs or only play female muses, let’s not waste each other’s time. i’m not interested.  for plots: i’m mostly into slice of life plots (angsty exes, good girl x bad boy, fake dating, older brother's best friend, enemies to lovers), but lately, i’ve also been really wanting crime plots, reality tv plots especially love island (!!!), celebrity plots & anything that’s super angsty! i'm literally gonna be like tell me who you want to play, tell me who you want me to play against them, and tell me what plot you want to play them in and let's do it because i'm literally up for mostly anything! additional note: i do want to be friends with the people i write with, and i’m online everyday but currently do have low activity because of school but i'll be on a four month break soon so as long as i'm not at work, i’ll pretty much always around if you want to talk! ♡  for a sneak peek of fcs i've been REALLY wanting to play/play against lately, check under the cut!
priscilla quintana, ok taecyeon, mason gooding, dilraba dilmurat, mint ranchrawee, danny ramirez, ozge yagiz, clayton cardenas, henry zaga, reina hardesty, alba baptista, miguel gomez, bensu soral, maris racal, melisa pamuk, danny griffin, go minsi, da'vinchi, chay suede, mookda narinrak
peter gadiot (!!!!!!), casey deidrick, greta onieogou, hannah dodd, kim mingyu, jessica henwick, madelyn cline, drew starkey, adria arjona, melissa barrera, kim jiwon, prang kannarun, camille hyde, emilio sakraya, alycia debnam-carey, karina
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voxxisms · 2 months
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okay!! tiny lil life update since i posted on yesterday that basically immediately turned kinda irrelevant! i just got hired on somewhere full time starting wednesday! this is super good news for me && hella important since i just moved states.
what does this mean for tumblr?
previously, i didn't have too restrictive of a schedule, because i think most people i write with have external schedules busier than mine && before i worked openings at a gas station from like 4 am to 11am. this time its looking more like 9-5 type scheduling since i have to walk there && back. training looks like itll be 10-4, but if that changes, yknow, ill update folks.
mostly this means my hours of activity will lean towards being much more consistent to a specific time of day / heavier towards days off. i may become a little harder to reach on discord since i wont be on my phone all day or anything, but !! its all good news i hope!! i have to start paying bills n then slowly saving up. its only a dollar less than my last job but with double the hours so i am not complaining even a little.
in other news! today && tomorrow i will be half - shifting focus towards my neglected blogs, mainly charlie ( @hcllishdreamer ) && ( @hcllishqueen ). i may possibly be dropping the other side blogs i have ( ozzie / emily specifically ) since i havent really touched those two && don't really have specific ideas for them or much going on. the rest i will cling to with my cold dead fingers.
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legendarybelmont · 3 months
hello friend i need someone to be insane w/ me about zead
(hi do you want my discord? im going to be a bit busy for this week but whenever im free i would be quite delighted to talk about zead with you and/or be talked at about zead. i would be overjoyed, even! i check discord notifs more often than tumblr notifs is all)
i think zead is very interesting. it's 7 am so forgive me for any incoherence, but i think the idea of death just being able to assume a spectacularly human guise whenever he wants is by its own merits a topic of great intrigue. imagine the kind of people-watching he could do! reconnaissance! manipulations (sorry hector <3)! we rarely get to see death apart from the castle and it's interesting that he's even around without its presence in CoD itself, so i find it very amusing that all three times it's depicted (aside from like, castle proserpina, bloodlines) he dresses up as (or posseses the body of) a Regular Human Man before getting up to anything. it's obviously the best course of action, subtlety is everything, death is a skeletal monster deity thingamajig so i understand exactly why he decides to go incognito, but! zead specifically is probably my favourite example of it, because he just... goes up to hector. as a priest. hector, who has a history of alienation and ostracism for being not of god. he dresses up as a priest and he goes up to hector and it fucking works? as well as this, zead personality-wise is interesting. he talks very quickly, seems level-headed but with a hint of vivacity that doesn't quite suit a so-called man of the cloth, he falls off into his own personal mutterings (death also does this fairly often), seems generally like an eccentric even when his goal should be to fit in as someone 'normal' - also he just runs the fuck away when germain is about to show up one time, so that's pretty funny, too. speaking frankly zead as a persona isn't actually all that subtle? he's still a weirdo! seward is a lot less of an open oddity in comparison, so he must have learnt where to tamp it down a little, but zead is just strange. the thing that works mostly in his favour is like, the entire rest of the surrounding cast, because when you put zead next to characters like isaac, trevor and germain, then yeah, he looks completely stable! very trustworthy. the curse as well definitely seems to hinder hector's logic and reasoning a bit, so he doesn't find zead overly questionable... as far as death's guises go, zead seems to be something like a rough first attempt. works situationally, but if i, hector, while sound of mind, were to meet a strange man in black priest's garb with an apparent interest in dracula's curse, even ostensibly to get rid of it, i would be... concerned. especially since zead also actively encourages hector to hunt down isaac, which is exactly what hector wanted to hear during the moment but sounds crazy in retrospect... damn. zead in this sense - very clearly weird and manipulative but situationally trustworthy - is actually pretty similar to genya arikado in aos, which is funny as fuck, thanks, but i digress; the biggest thing is that all this stuff about zead reflects back on death himself, since its literally just death playing at being human, and apparently not doing it very well, either! zead is weird and eccentric because death is weird and eccentric, just scarier and more grave about it! zead has an out-of-nowhere rivalry with a victorian time traveller? that means it's death's out-of-nowhere rivalry with a victorian time traveller! it's all really really good.
note: zead seems to be a reference to death's depiction in the 1957 film 'the seventh seal'. i have two thoughts about this, especially since seward later on is a reference to bram stoker's dracula, of which some rendition happened canonically in the castlevania timeline.
a) death knows a time traveller. death somehow acquired a copy of 1957 film 'the seventh seal' from saint germain and liked it enough to base his zead persona off of his depiction in that film.
b) death's depiction in 'the seventh seal', in the castlevania universe, was based off of some kind of past records of zead. or possibly germain bitching about zead to some poor filmmakers. or possibly death himself getting involved with the filming process. who knows!
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dearmero · 2 months
introduction post
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hey i am nana ( ^__^ ) i am a girl but i use any pronouns . i am aroace spectrum and lesbian ! my birthday is may 16 . i speak both russian and english fluently . i am a fujoshi , himejoshi , and yumejoshi ! idk if tumblr is chill like that , so if you think i am ‘ fetishizing ‘ anyone please do your research lol.
i do not care about proship discourse ship your brothers all you want i have bigger problems but if you post about it without any warning please block me or i will block you . it is very triggering and makes me uncomfortable to see that without any warning .
i am autistic & hyperfixated on death note ; more specifically wammy’s house & meronia ! i will block you if you dislike any of my favorite characters or ships . i am very attached to mello & near so if you say certain things about them ( mostly just saying you are near irl or you are mello’s partner ) i may block you too ! it is kind of the equivalent of ‘ i like ___ more than you ‘ . please know this is not personal i am sorry ( T__T )
i am also into rhythm games & vocaloid ! my favorite right now is D4DJ , but i am farming for events on project sekai right now ! i kinda suck at them though
i am not very active on here , so if you have anything important to say to me , my discord account is @ chuunibyon ! feel free to add me !
i draw sometimes but i am in an insane amount of art block ( i have not drawn since october ) so if i end up drawing again i will post that ! i also cosplay , but i have not since may 2023 because all of my cosplays are too loose on me now . . . i will post that when i get cosplays that fit me ! i also will post normal selfies on here and just talk a lot lol . this is the safest platform to say i ship meronia so i will be ranting about them a lot . if you couldn’t tell from this post i talk a LOT because i think a lot
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