sifytech · 8 months
What is the future of high street store fronts - Amazon and the big-wigs
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Big retailers do self-service checkouts in many countries, so it may well be a cashier-less check out soon, but not anytime soon. Read More. https://www.sify.com/digital-transformation/what-is-the-future-of-high-street-store-fronts-amazon-and-the-big-wigs/
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jjbizconsult · 11 months
Just Walk Out Technology
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wisdomwaves · 6 months
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remahansandwich · 14 years
Connext Conference YOT Malang
Alhamdulillah, kemarin berkesempatan menjadi panitia Connext Conference (CC) YOT Malnag 2019. Meski gak banyak berkontribusi, tapi qonita dapetin pengalaman dan belajar lewat temen-temen yang bekerja hectic gimana cara mereka ngerjain ini itu dan nyelesain masalah ini itu (qonita mah hanya remahan ujung ekor udang di rempeyek hehe).
Materi CC kemarin membahas tentang “Menghadapi 2020”. Pak Billy Boen selaku Founder dan CEO YOT ngejelasin kalo negara-negara di luar sana udah berkembang pesat banget. Pekerjaan udah banyak yang berubah atau mungkin terkesan “hilang”. Beliau menunjukkan foto/video sambil cerita bebeberapa perusahaan di LN udah banyak yang gak make tenaga manusia lagi. Di perusahaan Alibaba, ada robot berbentuk tangan yang bisa membuat minuman mulai dari ambil gelas, meracik, sampe minuman itu selesai dan siap dihidangkan. Di AmazonGo (toko) gak ada yang namanya penjaga toko. Masuk tinggal “ctik” pake hape (sepertinya lewat aplikasi dan kartu kredit). Belanja cukup dimonitor pake kamera dan sensor di mana-mana. Virtual cart bisa otomatis bertambah, pas kita ambil barang di rak, dan bisa berkurang kalo kita taro lagi. Kereen, udah bisa secanggil itu loh!
Kalau manusianya gak punya soft skill khusus, lanjut Pak Billy, lama-lama kita gak berguna dan bisa tergantikan sama robot. Jadi kata beliau, kita perlu upgrade diri, perlu “berlari” ngimbangin zaman. (Hmm seminar gini nih, antara bikin makin semangat dan takut dengan perubahan zaman yang kecepetan, sementara kita kuatir gak bisa ngikutin).
Oke, doain strong ya buat berjuang dunia akhirat :’)
nb: Pak Billy Boen orangnya humblee bangeettt. Padahal mungkin beliau masuk “crazy rich Indonesian” ya hehehe. Sering banget ketemu orang besar yang sudah sukses, tapi tampilan sedanya dan mau berbagi sedekat ini dengan “orang-orang biasa.” Biasanya orang-orang seperti itu adalah orang-orang yang MURNI mau berbuat baik gak cuma untuk dirinya sendiri.
foto jadi panitia, dan pas acara
Malam setelah CC, Pak Riki (Operational Director YOT), ngundang kami (YOTers) buat makan malam gratis. Hmm, yang anak kosan antuasias jelassss Tapi kalo qonita pribadi, karena Pak Billy Boen dan staff YOT pusat juga bakal hadir, qonita langsung mikir ini bakal semeja dengan Pak Billy, PASTI banget akan sharing sesuatu. Jadi, walaupun udah nikmat di kasur, dipaksaain nyari tebengan biar bisa hadir makan malam (perjuangan uy). Dan alhamdulillah beneraaan sharing sesuatu.
Beliau sharing gini: sebelum kita berbagi, kita harus belajar dulu (Learn and Share). Kenapa YOTers selalu disuruh nge-handle acara seolah jadi EO? karena menurut Pak Billy, dari konsep sejenis EO kita belajar leadership dan manajemen. Ada “CEO” dan bawahan-bawahannya (dipikir-pikir, iya juga yaaa). Kadang kita-kita ngejalani apa yang YOT pusat suruh itu berlalu gitu aja tanpa bisa ngambil makna di balik itu semua. Semua event itu berusaha ngasih pelajaran ke kita kalau kita peka. Iya juga ya, sering kurang peka ngambil setiap momen sebegai tempat belajar.
Mas Sabil, sebagai YOTer senior, juga sharing tentang visi kita sebenernya. Kalo mau ngadain event, jangan cuma seremonial yang cuma banyak foto-foto. Tapi harus beneran ngebantu orang. Kalo mau berbagi di suatu tempat (panti asuhan, panti jompo, LSM, dll) tanyakin dulu apa yang benar-benar mereka butuhkan. Jangan langsung menyumbangkan ini itu, karena belum tentu cocok dengan apa yang mereka butuhkan, jadinya nanti mubadzir. Pernah ada suatu desa di mana mereka hanya butuh STIP. iya penghapus pensil!! Kadang, ngebahagiain orang bisa sesimpel itu. Tapi kita terlalu berambisi buat terlihat “wow” di depan orang, jadinya ngasih sesuatu itu yang luar biasa menurut pandangan kita tanpa tau kebutuhan yang paling mereka inginkan. (Pas sesi sharing ini aku sampe nangis hahaa)
Ahh, gak sia-sia maksain diri buat dateng. Bener-bener berkesan, bisa duduk dan belajar sedekat itu dengan Pak billy Boen.
Pulang-pulang di atas motor, qonita jadi banyak bengong tapi kepala berjejalan perenungan.
 Foto makan bareng
 Nb: tulisan ini sempat di post di facebook. Tapi karena akun facebook-ku sudah di-delete. Aku arsipkan di sini saja.
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#Amazon Go looks to expand as checkout-free shopping starts to catch on across the retail landscape Learn More: https://www.forbes.com/sites/andriacheng/2019/11/21/thanks-to-amazon-go-checkout-free-shopping-may-become-a-real-trend/#262f4a79792b
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terrinakamura · 5 years
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Happy Friday, guys. We're waiting for warm weather here! 🌞 Hoping it’s nice wherever you are. 🔆⁣ ⁣ Have you noticed there are weirdos who follow you, and have strange bios that say stuff like “I’m a good and honest man…?” 👨‍✈️Often they're military or pretend to be professional 👨‍⚕️ and are poorly written and have fake links. 🔗⁣ ⁣ You can tell the accounts are fake. Multiple accounts even use the same photos! It doesn't seem to help to block or report them.🛑 It seems they're trying to rapidly build large followings, but to what end? ⁣ In the early years of Instagram, people would follow each other and that would be that. 🏃 Now it feels like there’s growing instability with accounts that follow you, then unfollow. 🤷⁣ ⁣ Before it was purchased by Facebook, IG didn't seem so much like a game. 🎲 In fact, it seems to me it changed once influencers who had followings of 10K or more started getting free hotel stays and other goodies. 🏨 Then the race was on with many competing to get there. 🏆⁣ ⁣ I've been studying digital marketing and learning about the growing popularity of “micro influencers” -- people with fewer than 10K followers. 📣 They’re often more engaged and more influential than people with 10x more. Brands are recognizing tons of followers doesn't translate to tons of influence.⁣ ⁣ Are fake accounts trying to attain influence? Without engagement, what's the point? 🎯 Do fake accounts follow, then unfollow you? ⁣🏃🏃‍♀️⛹️ ⁣ If we are mutual follows, thank you. I'm not going anywhere. 😍⁣ ⁣ Photos: Visited #amazonSpheres and #amazonGo store with @steveBrogan09 and @dianebrogan when they were staying with me last weekend. We also drove to #SnoqualmieFalls. BTW, this is NOT a good time of year to visit the falls, but hanging out with friends is a win!⁣ ⁣ #Follow #followers #unfollow #unfollowers #waterfall #nature #washingtonstate #adventure #pixelphoto #pixelperfect #Pixelphotography (at Amazon Spheres) https://www.instagram.com/p/B0IMlKqA-94/?igshid=dhel32tg65x0
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amroyounes · 5 years
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Exploring #Seattle #spaceneedle and Amazon’s first cashierless store. The tech is not their yet. It took them over 1 hour to generate a receipt because the sensors and #AI is not quite there so they probably had to send the data to human reviewers to verify the purchases. #amazongo #biodome. (at Seattle, Washington) https://www.instagram.com/p/Bs7A_yLnUTO/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=7srajlqaxwse
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supersergiofabi · 2 years
I nuovi supermercati senza cassieri #amazongo https://www.instagram.com/p/CdB2K3_s8yS/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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verusanimus · 2 years
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*repost due to glitch in photos* The Iconic Amazon Spheres. There’s a banana stand outside that gives free bananas to everyone 🍌 • 🌎 Location: Seattle, WA 📸 Camera: iPhone 11 Pro Max 👁‍🗨 Valid Tag: #AmazonSpheres • ▪️ • 🔳 • ▫️ • ================================ #thespheres #downtownseattle #seattlespheres #sphere #bananastand #amazon #amazongo #amazonbiosphere ================================ (at The Spheres) https://www.instagram.com/p/CZmfmijp7dG/?utm_medium=tumblr
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nickgerlich · 2 years
Ready, Set, Go
It never fails. The most adventurous corporate players wind up dominating my blogspace every semester. They are the companies determined to leave their mark, to boldly go where no other company has gone before. And in spite of being a capitalistic economy, one that rewards innovation, risk taking, and the entrepreneurial spirit, once you get too successful in the minds of some, the criticisms start rolling.
Google. Walmart. Facebook. Apple. And--drum roll, please--Amazon. Heck, we just talked about Amazon yesterday with their new brick-and-mortar fashion shop. Not one to let the dust settle on big announcements, they followed up yesterday with word they are opening a prototype suburban version of their Amazon Go grocery stores.
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Thus far, Amazon has focused on urban environments, like New York City, Chicago, San Francisco, and Seattle, for its Go stores. These outlets feature their “Just Walk Out” technology, allowing frictionless shopping. It was a novel idea before COVID; it has a lot more street cred since then.
If you’re wondering why Amazon continues to just dabble in the BAM realm, though, you are not alone. Although they bought the nearly 500-store Whole Foods chain in 2017, they have done little since then to have a big presence in physical space. We know they are enamored of it, though, otherwise they would not continue sticking their big toe in the pool.
Whole Foods allows Amazon to continue learning about groceries, which is basically the last retail frontier for the e-commerce giant. It has allowed Amazon to offer thousands of grocery products online, providing same-day delivery in markets with a Whole Foods nearby. Amazon is also dabbling in other specialty food items online, like the fig “salami” I had delivered yesterday.
But the allure of groceries is hard to resist. In 2022, this industry alone is forecast to hit $765 billion in size, and I don’t doubt for a minute that Amazon wants a big piece of it. It’s just that they are taking their sweet time in reaching for it.
This is all another way of saying that when Amazon does think it has all its ducks in a row, it will move rapidly, scooping up otherwise vacant retail space left behind by the shops it replaced with its e-commerce operations. It will be a strategy of opportunity, because the amount of vacant real estate in the US is relatively high, thanks to COVID. At present, about 4.9% of available retail space is vacant. It may not sound like much, but when a lessee arrives with a fat checkbook, that number could change overnight.
In other words, I am predicting a big splash one of these days.
That said, while I would certainly give Amazon Go a try, its frictionless shopping is only a minor feature. As much as I would like for this not to be true, there is no single supermarket that has everything that I want. There’s always a few things that are only available at a particular place, and while I tend to gravitate toward one grocery, I do patronize others from time to time for those things I cannot find elsewhere. If Amazon Go does not have anything I want, it’s dead in my mind. Novelty alone does not drive my shopping; merchandise does, along with overall perceived value.
Given the maturity of the industry, along with many established national and regional competitors, it’s going to be difficult for Amazon to make that splash. It will have to enter markets with more than just convenience, because they will have to steal shoppers away from other outlets.
I’m sure that management is drooling at the prospects of striking gold in groceries, but their reticence thus far indicates both measured risk-taking along with recognition that this nut is going to be tough to crack. And they may never crack it.
But you can’t blame them for at least trying. Once again, Amazon leads a short list of companies willing to push limits, grabbing headlines along the way. It never fails.
Dr “What’s In Your Cart?“ Gerlich
Audio Blog
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dflux-videos · 3 years
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misscitynote · 3 years
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. . . @amazongo Seattle / February 2021 . . . #latergrams #seattlesnow2021 #februarysnow #snow#amazongo#streetphotography #thoseseattlestreet #citylife #cityjungle #moodygrams #moody#frozenintime #winterlies# (at Amazon Go) https://www.instagram.com/p/CO9Pcf0tdjF/?igshid=ulz3lpux33a2
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fdhcloud1 · 6 years
Smart retail solutions
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Do you want your own AmazonGo? Convert your store to Amazon Go model - or launch new one! 👉fdh.cloud is a complete solution for the future of SMART retail 💡ADVERTISING SERVICE 💡SMART STORE MANAGEMENT SYSTEM
A virtual storefront, completely automated management system and the opportunity to create instant events for your customers? We launched a #service to make this real!
Go to our website FDH.CLOUD and calculate the estimate cost to your business REVOLUTION!
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terrinakamura · 3 years
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Is technology accessible to most people? 📱 Last week I went into our neighborhood Walgreens drugstore. 💊 It looked like it had been ransacked. 🛒 I asked the security guard why there were so many empty shelves, 👮‍♂️and he told me it was futile to restock because so many customers have “sticky fingers.” 🤏The toothpastes 🦷were in a locked glass cabinet, as if they were aged single malt scotch! 🥃 In Seattle, if a shoplifter is caught in the act, nothing can be done until they walk out with goods in hand. 🤷‍♀️Thefts under $25 are usually not prosecuted, so some shoplifters return day after day. 💸 A few years ago, Amazon created the “AmazonGo” store. A customer gains admittance by scanning the AmazonGo app on their smart phone, 📲which is linked to a credit card. 💳 Shoppers can go in and grab what they need, and when done, leave without a word. 🤫 Miraculously, all the stuff you put into your shopping bag 🛍️is charged automatically to your credit card as you walk out the door. It’s unnerving the first time, but I’ve found it works perfectly. It’s impersonal 👤but efficient, ⏳and Amazon avoids dealing with “sticky fingers.” Theft is factored into the cost of goods. 🍞🌭🍪🍒 A service like this could help every retailer that experiences shoplifting, but it would limit access to customers 🚫who have a smart phone, an app, and a credit card. At @alkisurfshop, 🏖️especially since the pandemic, it seems everyone from tweens 👩‍👦to older baby boomers 👩‍🦳use smart phones and plastic. Limited access is already in play at stores like Costco, 🍎🥐🍕which requires shoppers to have a membership or a gift card. What are your thoughts about theft both from the standpoint of the thief and the point of view of the store owner? 👨‍💻Should technology deepen the divide between the haves and have nots? What is the solution? . . . Photos: It’s #Caturdayeveryday #caturdaynight #mainecooncatsofinstagram #mainecoonlover4ever #silvertabbycat #greytabbycat #catbuddies #catinabox #catnapping shot by Charley. #technology #amazongo #stickyfingers . . . (at Central District, Seattle) https://www.instagram.com/p/CSi6kDrrb2n/?utm_medium=tumblr
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scoprendonewyork · 3 years
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Shopping alternativo #amazongo prendi quello che ti serve e paghi tramite il tuo account 😍 #newyork_ig #newyorklife #newyorkphoto #newyorktough #newyorklove #nevergiveup #newyorkphotographer #newyork #newyorkiloveyou #newyorkstateofmind #nycgo #nyc #igersnewyork #igersnyc #ig_newyork #travellingthroughtheworld #traveladdict #travelphotography #travelgram #traveller #travelling #travelbook #travelblogger #scoprendonewyork (presso St. Paul's Chapel of Trinity Church Wall Street) https://www.instagram.com/p/CKuX_YSBFhk/?igshid=66miojzix8up
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sauvignon-fierce · 6 years
Amazon is the lover you never want leave
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Amazon is still young, too young in fact to be your lover. At Amazon it is still in Day 1 of it’s life, as Bezos writes in his 2017 shareholder letter "Day 2 is stasis. Followed by irrelevance. Followed by excruciating, painful decline. Followed by death, and that is why it is always Day 1.”
Obsessively customer focused, “Our vision is to be Earth’s most customer-centric company” Bezos writes, Amazon is the lover who makes sure every box of yours is checked before it’s over. 
The e-commerce giant is engrained into our daily lives in such a way that if a serious competitor emerged, it would be hard to switch customers from its ever expanding range of business. People know Amazon, and they know to find another who can meet all of their needs to the degree in which they are currently met will be nearly impossible. 
Their service is so wide ranging, that as an investor you have no choice but to hold on and enjoy the ride, knowing that what comes next may be a pleasant surprise. While as an investor Amazon Web Services is the what you always come back for, with $17.2 billion in revenue last year alone, and a nearly 50% market share (second is Microsoft Azure with 7%), they have a range of revolutionary products coming down the pipeline like Amazon Prime Now (Two hour delivery) and Amazon Go (Cashierless/Waitless shopping experience), and the best has yet to come. These services create an expectation which ends up transforming business as we know it, as described in this NerdWriter video: 
Just like the lover you’ll never leave, Amazon will discover, create, and learn new things you never thought were possible, execute them in perfect fashion, and transform the environment they perform in forever, making them a staple in your life.
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