#amby bamby <3
leania112 · 1 year
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Am <3 Ambs <3 Ambi <3 Bambi <3 Rose <3 AmBRO <3
I still have no idea how to draw him...
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lexezombie · 8 months
I realize I should post these on here since tumblr might like them more than twitter did
I wanna preface it first by saying: some of these were requested by my friends and were made back in 2020 + 2021 so some of these are outdated/other people have made the same thing - but I feel like showing them anyway
I made a whole twt thread about them in 2022 for pride month : )
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Bambi Lesbian (ace lesbian) In the 80s there was a term for lesbians that were specifically ace: Bambi (stripes: butch, stem, femme, andro, nonbinary & trans) I'm not actually sure how true this is, but I remember seeing a post about it
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2. Fem-Nonbinary (she/they) + Masc-Nonbinary (he/they)
These are basically outdated completely since other people have created very similar versions; if not the exact same thing
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3. Queer Army
This one has a lot to explain. I am in no way a supporter of war, obviously- but I've noticed the closest thing gay-veterans have is the flag that's for an army kink; and that doesn't... feel right?
I felt it was needed since being queer in the military is discriminated against both while both in AND out of it-- so this one is for all of the gays, queers, etc that had to go into the military for any reason (to put themselves through school, to get benefits(?), draft, etc)
(each of the stripes in the background represents the branches of the military Light blue: Air-force, Pale blue: Marines, Pale cyan(?): Coast Guards, Dark blue: Navy, Green: Army)
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4. Ambi
er... kinda? I made this before I knew about the term ambi (within the context of mono/poly) specifically for myself since I didn't feel 100% mono or 100% poly
tbh with the infinity sign and seeing it again myself its giving me autism vibes so ig younger me accidently made an autism-poly flag?? Has anyone made a QPR flag...?
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5. Parsexual (masc) + Parsexual (fem)
This one is important to me: its one I made specifically for myself, as a label to use after people got angry at me just calling myself gay & I felt the labels I did have were long-winded to say & 'queer' didn't quite fit. The original one I made had symbols on it (heart and spade; heart for sexual/romantic & spade for ace/romantic)
the main difference between Masc + Fem is the colour swap The Masc one is sexual/romantic towards men/masc & ace/romantic towards women/fem; so the Fem is reversed
The name is a combo of partial & sexual (it made sense to my brain)
(Stripes: Colours: light blue - femme men, darker blue - andro men, purple - masc men, white - nonbinary/andro/fluid/etc, pink - femme women, orange - andro women, dark orange - masc women)
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cardboardfeet · 2 years
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sa fiends come get ur food 🥸
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grumpygayming · 7 years
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                                     Ambrose “Bambi” Young
Nickname(s): Ambi, Ambi Bambi, Bambi Age: 15 Gender: Trans Male (He/Him & They/Them Pronouns) Sexuality: He’s not sure…But he’s rolling with it. Birthdate: October 7th, 2002 Occupation: Barista/Whatever odd job he can pick up like babysitting, dog walking, etc. Family: He has A baby sister, he hasn’t seen her in a year since his parents kicked him out though. Which is about where the relationship with his parents ended. He came out as trans to his very Catholic mother and Father who decided they were better off without him. Verbal quirks: A slight stutter. Physical quirks: Freckles! Gestures: He fidgets a lot when he talks but if he’s comfortable then he moves his hands a lot too. Work habits: As many hours as he can get, he gets. So it’s a lot when he’s not in school/Volunteering. Sleeping habits: On account of work and school he doesn’t get much sleep at all. Annoying habits: Lip biting and mumbling when he talks to people. Irrational habits: Checks his locks at least four times before going to bed, though he’s states away he’s deathly afraid of his parents finding him. Eating habits: He eats whatever & whenever he can afford it/when the home he lives at has communal meals. Healthy habits: He does exercise thanks to school requirements… Unhealthy habits: Lacking sleep all the time & not eating. Talents: He used to do ballet but has since given it up due to not having the time or means, and survival being his only focus since his parents kicked him out.
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thelanguageoflovers · 4 years
tyrus, ambi, bandi, bambi, carty (i don't know what other shows you like so this was kind of hard)
a bitch rlly said carty huh (also im really into a ton of shit. gilmore girls, ianowt, shameless, skam, druck, doafp, odaat, the politician, the society, stranger things, tons of random gay shit) 
1) tyrus 
2) ambi 
3) bandi 
5) bambi
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I was tagged by @deanwanddamons
Rule is to tag 21 people you wanna get to know better. Eh, you can tag whomever if you want. We dont follow rules here. 
Nickname: Ambie Bambi, Ambo, Wolfie. 
Real name: Amber
Zodiac: Leo Baby!
Favorite musicians or bands: I like it all. I guess if I have to pick a favorite, I do love me some Eminem when Im in a mood. 
Favorite sports team: Ultimate Napping
Other blogs: none
Do I get asks: I wish I got more .Send me questions about anything. 
How many blogs do I follow: Loads!
Tumblr crushes: So many. I love the community here. 
Lucky numbers: 3
What am I wearing: Black pants, pumpkin orange shirt, bumble bee jasper pendant
Dream vacation: Right now I just want the ocean back in my life. I miss my home away from home, NC right now. Yellowstone, I need to go see the wolves. 
Favorite food: How can anyone pick one? Coffee. Coffee is a food
Drink of choice: Coffee
Instruments: My own random noises. They are quite epic (scary)
Languages: English. Barely. I should just make up my own language. 
Celebrity crushes: Chris Evans, Love me some Sebastian Stan, Chris Pratt, Tom Hardy all damn day, Ryan Reynolds, Jensen Ackles is my forever love. Umm there are others but those are the six Im all about these days. 
Random facts: Good god, I dont know? Im a hot mess all the time, Im slightly alot addicted to coffee, im like the most boring person in existance. My favorite book is Watership Down. Mmmmhhh. I have 6 tattoos. Halloween is my favorite holiday. Boom. There you go. 
21 tags of people who I’d like to see play along: If you want to play, consider yourself tagged. I dont want to bother people. Your tagged! I tagged you! 
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thinkinaboutambris · 6 years
ambi soulmate au
Theres a story of how humans were originally connected to the one who they would spend life with, platonic or romantic. But the gods decided the human connection like that was too powerful and separated each pair. Some were lucky and found each other again. Others decided it was time to find a new match. The way you find your match is by hugging them. The indication is you swap eye color. 
Enter Andi and Amber. The skeptic and the believer. Andi who’ll read stories of people discovering their soulmate and grinning when she sees her parents eyes reflect each other.
Amber who wishes these stupid stories would stop because not all soulmate stories turn out like that, look at her parents unhappily sticking together because of a story. 
 Then Jonah happens and she thinks this is proof that even if you aren’t soulmates you can be happy with someone else! Hes sweet, funny and likes listening to her. She almost wishes after their first hug that her eyes would change to that deep green. 
But Andi Mack appears and Jonah is obviously liking the girl, the look back, how he taught her frisbee and the bracelet. She becomes resigned to the fact that no matter what her relationships won’t work.
Jonah and Andi break up and Libby comes along, she and Jonah click like puzzle pieces and give each other a hug. Its no surprise when their eyes switch colors almost immediately.  
Andi Mack reaches out though and becomes her friend. Who would have thought that both of Jonahs exes would become best friends! Andi is funny and way too invested in soulmates but she also laughs at Ambers jokes and gives her a second chance after the Ferris Wheel and visits her at the Spoon to ta- oh no.
She and Jonah are great exes so she calls him immediately 
Amber: JONAH TELL ME THE TRUTH IS ANDI CUTE?                    Jonah: Amber...are you okay?                                                            Amber: I am having a crush disaster please h e l p
Andi is cautious about her hugs if shes going to be honest. She doesn’t want to miss the one where her eyes begin to change. Amber isn’t comfortable with hugs but sometimes she’ll grab her hand and they’ll smile at each other. It makes her feel happy like when Walker made her the shoes. 
They go the Andi Shack one day and Amber is in awe. Theres so many things to create and a CD lamp??? She is totally on board and they spend the day creating bracelets and laughing at each others funky doodles or necklaces. 
Amber notices various paper cranes around and asks about them. Andi picks one up “Well Cece was going to sell the house so I tried to make a thousand of these to get a wish, I reached 998 before they decided they weren’t going to sell so it worked!” 
Amber is like !!! Can I make the last two and one of us can make a wish? 
Andi shows her how to make a crane and while the first one is lopsided it works. She helps her make one more and then Andi smiles “How about you get the wish?” she shrugs and writes her wish on the last crane, hoping it might come true. 
The crane goes home with Amber so she can check if the wish comes true sometime. It doesn’t that night. But even if she doesn’t know it the wish will come true very soon. 
Fast forward to summer, they are canoeing in the lake. Andi has gotten a little bit better at staying in the boat but still they’ve flipped a few times. They agree to try one more time to get across the lake 
Spoiler: They flip
But something happens when Andi’s life jacket slips off, Amber immediately swims over and loops her arm around her so they can grab the lifejacket.
After they reach shore they head into the bathroom to dry off and change. Amber is still breaks into giggles when thinking about Andis shocked face when they fell again. 
She walks into the bathroom to find Andi staring at the mirror. 
“Bambi? I know we got wet but its nothing we can’t fix”                           “No no its not that, come over here”
Amber comes over, worried that shes hurt and stops. Oh my god. Andis eyes are turning bluish-green. And hers are turning brown. 
Needless to say there is a lot of freaking out. Yeah we thought each other was very cute but this??? 
Its Andis dream and Ambers nightmare. 
Andi realizes she is freaking out a bit and gets her to sit down, remembering how Ambers parents have turned out as soulmates. 
After breathing for a few minutes Amber feels like she can talk without crying or screaming
They sit by the lake and braid flower crowns while talking. (Ambers is purple lilac and Andis is ambrosia)
After talking through it a bit Amber admits she already had a crush on Andi and was having fun hanging out, soulmates or not. Andi was hesitant to say anything because of the ferris wheel making her doubt it and she wasn’t sure if they were soulmates or not.
Nothing happens then but they both go home, oddly satisfied and very happy
The fair is coming back into town and Amber decides its a now or never shot “Hey Bambi? Would you want to go to the fair with me? As in a date?” 
She says yes immediately!!
In the end both of them have a great time and are really happy with each other. And if they kiss on top of the ferris wheel well then good for them <3 
Bonus: Amber starts to deconstruct what soulmates are and realizes while her parents didn’t work out, she and Andi will. 
This is dedicated to (sorry if this is weird): 
@bambikippen. Thank you for leaving comments and being so awesome! You are so supportive and just wiewphtioehtpote. You motivated me to write again <3 
@theobligatedklutz your ask made me feel like I should finish this and post it! Thank you for being super nice <3
@tyrusvibes Oh frick all my uwus are spilling everywhere! Thank you for leaving kind comments and being ammmaazing <3 
@heart-eyes-kippen because you made me feel confident enough to write! Thank you for being awesome and one of the nicest people in the friendom <3 
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sunflowerpostsposts · 6 years
happy valentines!
Surprise! I’m your valentine @lovinmullen! Happy Valentines Day and I hope you enjoy these little headcanons!💖
thank you so much to @swingsetboys for organizing this and generally being amazing!
-After Andi got grounded for the high school party her phone was taken away for a bit. Amber freaked out at first thinking that Andi was mad till Cyrus (lord bless his peace making soul) filled her in on the situation. A letter arrived two days later in Andi’s mailbox, guess who it was from? Amber. It was an explanation to her parents and a was signed with “Sorry if I got you in trouble! Heres my address and keep exploring the world Bambi! There are many more things like that pool in Italy” (Andi has that note in a scrapbook)Thus begins a pen pal relationship, full of not so unrequited crushes, scribbled hearts, holding of hands and eventually after stealing a flannel from each other...a kiss. 
•Cyrus saw it coming from a mile away. No one just decides to go to the Spoon on every single day Amber is working and sit there with hearts popping from her eyes. 
 Andi will call Buffy or Cyrus and gush about a moment that happened. Little does she know that theres group call happening between the Kippen siblings, Marty and TJ are about to knock Amber out “Oh my god Amber if we hear about Andi’s eyes one more time!”. It becomes a cycle of calling. They even drew a diagram of how it would go. 
Andi calls Buffy calls Cyrus in groupcall, then afterwards Cyrus calls TJ who calls Marty who calls Amber to confirm that feelings are present who calls Andi to talk about her annoying brothers. Then everything repeats.
This can repeat for hours but hey it works.
-Ambi becomes official and everyone e x p l o d e s. It was expected but WOAH IT FINALLY HAPPENED? The pining is finally over thank schnitzel
-To celebrate one month Andi made a bracelet for Amber, she was hesitant at first and said “Are you okay with a girlfriendy thing?”. Amber acts chill about it but internally is screaming.
-(They worked out Amber somehow getting Jonahs bracelet a while ago). Andi gets her phone back soon and they are the couple who uses 22 emojis per text but its adorable! 
-In the end when they do the lanterns again Amber doesn’t put anything in hers. When Walker asks why she glances at Andi and shrugs “I already have everything I could wish for”
Bonus: Their first kiss was in a canoe! It flipped over causing them both to get soaking wet. On shore Amber lifted up their towel to block anyone watching right as Andi leaned forward to kiss her her again.
-Marty learned that Buffy moved away and that was the first time he messaged her since their fight, he apologized and said he hoped that she would have a good life in Arizona. 
-She kept him waiting for a few days because she’s still trying to figure out her feelings, friendship or crush?
- “Marty, thanks for apologizing. Can we talk when I visit?” He immediately says yes! 
-Once she comes back they talk. Its has a few embarrassing moments, some sad as well but in the end they both leave, hearts pounding and thoughts occupied with how even if they were friends how it could be different someday. 
Bonus: Marty comes out to Buffy as trans and Buffy comes out to him as bi. They go to parades together and will wear their respective flags with pride! Marty is the one to paint the flags on their cheeks. 
Bonus bonus: Its been almost 5 months since they talked about the crush situation and the FaceTime calls keep getting longer 
Bonus Basketball: Buffy and him play during the off season of basketball, soon Marty joins the guys basketball team. They still play against each other every Saturday morning.
Heres some Hogwarts shenanigans! 
Gryffindor: TJ, Buffy and Leo the Locker Boy
Slytherin: Amber, Reed and Natalie
Hufflepuff: Cyrus, Marty and Iris
Ravenclaw: Jonah and Andi!
The GHC became friends in 1st year, interhouse friendships for the win!
Marty joins the group 3rd year after the Yule Ball, he and Buffy dance so the group adopts him 
Buffy and TJ’s rivalry starts in 2nd year after a fight with who got the Quidditch field, then he insulted her and her skills. Not even a rap apology was going to be enough for him to be admitted into the group. He is Quidditch-Player-Who-Must-Not-Be-Name
TJ lashed out at her because he wanted to be Quidditch Captain but she was the one who got the position
They make up after Cyrus has a Charms class with TJ, the reason? Both agree that Cyrus is a very soft kid and we will protect him at all costs. 
(Buffy suspects more but doesn’t push at the reason why TJ does that little smile when Cyrus figures out a spell)
He writes an apology, near the end of the letter it says “You were right. You are the best Quidditch captain Hogwarts has seen” After this their rivalry is more of a friendship.
Andi finds the Room of Requirement and decides its going to be a LGBT+ club (she gets permission), the next time she walks in a pan flag appears above her head.
Cyrus helps her set up a network of kids who might want to attend 
Amber, Iris and TJ are more of the popular group so when Amber and Iris walk into the Room on a meeting day you can imagine the surprise. 
“Are you sure that this is the meeting Iris? They won’t stop staring” 
Andi is shooketh because holy heck my crush is coming to the meeting be chill Andi, b r e a t h
She greets them and after some snacks from the house elves everyone feels comfortable talking to each other and introducing themselves
Amber and Iris say they’ll be regulars.
Andi had to lie down after that meeting. 
Cyrus has Potions with TJ during 4th year. Mrs. Deborah, the teacher, sat them by each other to make a potion and it exploded first try. TJ got frustrated because he mixed up some numbers but Cyrus just laughs “Its okay! We can try again” 
Thus begins Smitten Kippen 
Don’t get him started on when they made Amortenia, they were supposed to share with the class and Cyrus declined. 
TJ in that moment: Oh my god what did he smell
Cyrus to Buffy and Andi later: I don’t see what the big deal about Amortenia is? It just smelled the same as when TJ sits by me like he does in Poti-wait                                                                                            Buffy and Andi: Are you okay??
TJ and Cyrus are the disaster gays of Hogwarts. 
They’ve tried to ask each other out almost 30 times now. But it always gets interrupted by something, a troll, a werewolf turning etc. 
Cyrus has almost given up until 5th year where at a Quidditch game he gets TJ’s scarf.
It was like the meme where someone says their cold and the other person piles warm clothing on them. 
He only needed the scarf because the blush was real in that moment, nothing could cool him down. He hugged TJ said a very rushed thank you then ran to the stands. 
After that game he gave TJ a sign that said “I’m not Kippen when I say I like you” 
It becomes almost a game to see who can out flirt who
Special blueberry macadamia muffin was delivered to the Gryffindor common room. Book about lizards sent to Hufflepuff with a note in the cover. Plenty of notes sent to each other during classes.
The one who makes a move is Cyrus, TJ writes him a small poem and he marches up to TJ after dinner to say “TJ Kippen will you go out with me?”
Nothing interrupted him and TJ said yes so fast it was like something possessed him
They have a cute Hogsmeade date <3
Buffy and Marty are the most competive friends anyone has seen. Mention Quidditch? They jump for the chance to see who gets the Snitch. Spells? Get under cover this is going to be a BATTLE
Due to these competitions they get sent to the hospital wing many, many times. 
They ate too many Weasley sweets and didn’t realize they both ate a vomiting one. 
Madam Pomfrey banned Weasley treats after that, said that students were too irresponsible (a healthy black market trade arose)
Once they got out and realized they both had actual physical harm happen because of a competition Marty proposed something
Marty: Look Buffy I love our competitions...but could we stick to banter for now?                                                                                                    Buffy: You know what would be convenient? Lets go on dates, easier way to banter with each other                                                                        Marty: *screams* 
He agrees after falling down a staircase they were walking down. 
(back to the hospital wing Marty) 
By the next day it was back to regular banter! With the occasional hand holding and kiss if one of them said something a little too silly
This is the one year Jonah and Walker are beaten in the Best Couple Competition. 
Speaking of Best Couple Competitions...the year Cyrus and TJ become public is the year they almost beat Wonah (the nickname for the pairing) 
Cyrus kisses him on the cheek, his hand and on tiptoes he’ll kiss his nose but never the lips. 
TJ is totally okay with this but wonders about it sometimes. 
Skip ahead to the final Quidditch match, they’ve been dating a few months. 
TJ (about to get on this broom): Hey how about a kiss for good luck? Its the last game it might work                                                                  Cyrus (rolling his eyes): Okay you dork
Cyrus pulled him down by his collar and gave him a brief kiss
TJS FACE WAS BRIGHT RED and Slytherin was crushed by Gryffindor in a record amount of points.
Amber and Andi are a background couple most of the time, content with sitting in the library by a window. You can find them if you know where to look, the tree by the lake or near the kitchens where they sneak into for a snack. Amber is always wearing a headband from Andi and Andi will be wearing a charmed ring from Amber.
Bonus: After they both graduate, TJ is hired on a Defense of the Dark Arts teacher and Cyrus is the Arithmancy teacher. TJ goes on to be the headmaster! He makes new policies that allow students to be more comfortable with their sexuality and genders/
Bonus Bonus\: TJ and Cyrus go to Andi’s GSA weekly meeting and thats how they come out to each other. They walked in and both went “Shit”. That was the quietest they have ever been together. They walk out together and separate after throwing each other a quick smile.
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tantamountess · 6 years
amber!! for the ask thing!! - tjskipping
ooh yay!
do I like them: uhh YES i LOVE HER
5 good qualities: she’s outspoken, witty, a talented dancer, tenacious, and proof that people can and will change.
3 bad qualities: she’s insecure, dramatic, and controlling.
favourite episode/etc: the snorpion, because of all the ambi content before...you know.
otp: ambi!!
brotp: camber!!
ot3: bambi (mostly bc of the name if i’m being honest)
notp: jamber ugh
best quote: “i don’t want to be the mean girl!”
head canon: she actually loves plants and gardening. this helps her bond with bowie and cece when she and andi start dating. she likes to make andi specialized bouquets like in the victiorian era, and andi has a lot of fun decoding the messages they send. yes i did get that from dream daddy, and what about it?
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frisbee-camp · 6 years
Let Me Help
AO3 Link//Wattpad Link
Tj and Cyrus have been friends for a long time, but will that change after life comes crashing down and impulsive decisions catch up to them? (Angst, Ambi, love notes, slow burn, aged up so they're all in high school, god tier ships, mental health, and like a whole bunch more ladies! Let’s get this angst.)
Chapter 12 The Ocean is Six Miles Deep
From Muffin 😸: SKKSKSKSKSKSK WHAT IS THISS Sent: IDK lmao some kid on the basketball team sent it to me From Muffin 😸: I- From Muffin 😸:Best thing I've ever seen!!!!!!!!!! WHAT A TINY KITTTYYYYY AWWWWW Sent: Cutest thing ever right???  From Muffin 😸:Thank you for making my day Tyler James  From Muffin 😸:OH I FORGOT TO TELL YOUUUUUUU Sent: What?? whats wrong??? From Muffin 😸:NOthing,,,,,, but Nala is going to have puppies!!!!!! Sent: OH,...mygod.... From Muffin 😸: IKNOW RIGHT Sent: uhh they're mine now sry not sry From Muffin 😸:ybflhbdsonsj don't worry we'll have our own puppies someday,, my parents already have people who want them 😭 Sent: That's the worst thing I have ever heard in my entire life  Sent: what type of puppies do you want ill get you some for our future home From Muffin 😸: YES our future home must have at LEAST 30 puppies at all times From Muffin 😸:I WANT ALL OF THE PUPPIES GIVE ME ALL OF THEMMM Sent: hahaha i'll try my best  Sent: Ok Cy i really gotta gooo but i'll see you tomorrow? From Muffin 😸: NOOOOOOOO 😭😭🥺 Sent: Underdog...........its so late oh my god go to bed. GOODNIGHTTT 😊 TJ rubbed his eyes and looked at his clock, it was already 3 am and it was Sunday night. He knew he'd see Cyrus at school tomorrow. After last week's winter market, TJ had found himself gravitating towards Cyrus and his friends. He now considered them his closest friends. Wherever Cyrus was, he was there too. Cyrus had even gone over to TJs house to play video games Cyrus was extremely horrible at, they ended up eating canned peaches and playing Mario Cart (TJ let him win every time). Things were finally feeling stable, It felt like old times. He finally felt accepted, and yet there was always something off about the situation. If Cyrus really liked him like everyone told him, then why hadn't he said anything about it?  "Hey stranger," Cyrus had said to him the next morning after plopping his backpack on the table. TJ didn't care that he had to wake up thirty minutes earlier to talk to Cyrus in the mornings, he was glad to see him. "Hi," Tj smiled. He was only slightly tired.  "How'd you sleep?" Cyrus said lightly. "How did you sleep?" TJ retorted.  "Me? Like a baby." Cyrus smiled and laid his head on his backpack. Tj grinned, but he still felt like something was off. TJ laid his hands on the table, lightly fiddling with the straps of Cyrus' backpack. Cyrus put his own hand on Tj's. Tj's hand stopped moving, but his heart was about to beat out of his chest. They both knew they were something more than friends, but neither of them knew how to talk about it.  "So," Tj said.  "So...what?" Cyrus said  "Um," Tj bit his lip, he didn't quite know what to say. "I used to like Jonah," Cyrus said, as he played with TJ's fingers, "Is that okay with you?" Cyrus looked up at him, Tj didn't know if he'd ever seen such nice eyes in his life.  He nodded, his lip faintly curling, "Used to?" he said. Cyrus nodded slightly and looked away, "Yeah, well he's with Walker now...so I can't anymore,"  TJ felt his spirits drop, he whispered: "So, you still like him?"  "That's not what I meant," Cyrus sat up and took TJ's hand in both his hands.  "Then what do you mean?" TJ frowned, he didn't know if Cyrus was telling him if he liked him or Jonah.  "I just wanted you to know that I'm gay," Cyrus gave him a shy smile and looked up at him under his eyelashes. His cheeks were lightly dusted pink, Tj had never wanted to kiss someone's cheek so badly.  He swallowed the feeling down, he didn't want to complicate things. He liked Cyrus too much to confess, he was sure he'd mess it up if he did. He didn't want to hurt him. "Why didn't you tell me before? I thought we told each other everything?" He said.  Cyrus simply shrugged and said, "Well it didn't matter before." "And now it does?" Tj asked. What was he trying to say?  "Maybe, and you know," Cyrus slowly said as he traced TJ's palm, "You don't have to keep coming to school so early, I know you like to sleep."   "The morning is...nice," Tj said, looking around, he actually hated the morning, but at least it was sunny today.  "Tyler James, just say you wanted to see me and move on," Cyrus said, grinning.  TJ gave a fake gasp, "ME? Never," he said laughing, "Actually, I'm not even here right now! I'm a figment of your imagination, so take that." Cyrus rolled his eyes and gently shoved TJ, TJ ruffled his hair and laughed with him.  "Okay you two, get a room," Marty said, walking up to them. He was followed by tired looking Andi, Buffy,  Jonah, and Walker. TJ knew Amber was meeting with the student government to go over what still needed to be done for the dance in a couple weeks, so this meant she'd be extra moody when she gets home.  "Yeah guys, we gotta study for bio, the final is soon and I really really need an A," Walker said as he sat down next to Jonah. TJ noticed that Cyrus had let go of his hand. He saw Cyrus look towards Jonah, TJ felt a pang of jealousy. The rest of the morning consisted of the friends struggling to understand basic biology. During the school day, TJ was met with hesitant yet genuine smiles from his classmates. He didn't feel like he needed to intimidate them anymore, he felt normal. He walked around with his friends, shared food with them, and even gave Andi advice on how to deal with Amber. However, Tj couldn't keep his eyes off Cyrus. He seemed fine this morning, but now he looked deflated. TJ knew the smiles he gave him were fake. He had asked Buffy and Andi about it, but they just looked at eat other quickly and told him to brush it off. TJ couldn't help but notice Cyrus' absence during the second half of the week. TJ tried calling and texting, but he didn't answer. He thought it was something he had done. Was it because he didn't make a move on him? Nice going TJ, you ruined this too.  Friday night, while TJ was quietly playing a video game he'd gotten for his birthday, Amber burst into his room still in her work uniform.  "STOP BEING SO LOUD!" Amber yelled. "I'm literally playing with the sound off Amber what the hell!?" TJ said.  "You're just UGH" Amber threw herself dramatically onto his bed. "What's your problem?" TJ said.  "You're being too loud with your emotions," Amber said into the pillow.  "What are you even talking about?" Tj said confused.  "Twintuition" Amber said, "You're thinking too loud. Have you told him you like him yet?"  "No..." TJ said, looking guilty, "But soon." "That's what I thought. You need to tell him soon so that you can shut your mind up and give me some damn peace and quiet. Here, I'll call him right now." Amber went to reach for his phone, but TJ snatched it away from her line of sight.  "Bambi! Stop being so weird," TJ frowned at his phone screen, he had no notifications, "He's not even answering my texts." Amber sat up on her elbows, she hummed, "That's weird, I'll text Andi" a few moments later Tj saw Amber sit up and bite her lip.  TJ immediately stood up and took Amber's phone from her hand, he read a long desperate message from Andi saying Cyrus hadn't been answering their calls either, and when their friends went over to check on him, he barely acknowledged them. Andi said that his parents said he hadn't been taking his meds and that they were trying their best, but they couldn't do anything other than make sure he didn't hurt himself. Andi suggested TJ talk to him, maybe he needed to see a new face. Andi had sent his address in the text.  TJ frantically packed an overnight bag, "Come on!" he said to confused Amber, "will you take me?" She nodded skeptically.  TJ really hadn't thought this through. He really did not know what he was doing knocking on the Goodman's door at 10 pm on a Friday, he just knew he couldn't sit around like last time.  A man in a dark colored robe answered the door, he was holding a steaming mug, "Yes?" The man asked as he looked TJ up and down.  "Oh move Norman, it's one of Cyrus' friends," TJ saw a kind looking woman move Norman aside.  "Hi um Mr and Mrs Goodman I'm TJ, we've met before, I came, to" Tj pulled on his duffle bag strap, "I came to see if Cyrus was alright" He gave them his best handshake and smile.  "Ah," the woman raised her eyebrows and gave Norman a suspicious look, "So you're the one he's been talking about. Come in come in. I assume you're staying since you brought your bag and everything?" TJ shrank, he really didn't think this through, "If that's okay with you? I don't mean to intrude." "Oh sweetie no need to use that formal voice, you're here for Cyrus, you can stay however long you want," The woman opened the door wider and motioned for him to come in. TJ had been to Cyrus' before, but not to this house, he did have two sets of parents of course.  "He's with us this week, " The woman whispered in front of his door, "Please try to get him to take his meds," TJ saw her walk away and whisper something to Cyrus' dad who solemnly nodded.  TJ softly knocked and received no response. He knocked again. No response. He gently twisted the door open, "Cyrus?" he whispered into the darkness. "Cyrus?" he asked again as he stepped inside and dropped his bag. He saw Cyrus sitting on his bed, bundled in what Tj could only assume were all the blankets in Shadyside. Nala was sitting beside him as he stared into his blue computer screen. A breeze ran through the room, someone had left the window cracked open. TJ walked over and closed it, startling Cyrus. "TJ?" Cyrus asked confused. TJ knew that if he looked at him his heart would break, he looked at his dog instead.  "Yeah," he said as he sat next to him, "Your dog's here." "Yeah." "Does she always follow you?" "Yeah." "Uh, Whatcha watching?" TJ sat next to him. He didn't know what to do with his hands, or his feet, or his with his words for that matter.  "What are you doing here TJ?" TJ saw Cyrus stop petting Nala, she looked up at them both.  "Just thought I'd visit is all" TJ quickly glanced at Cyrus, he was right, his heart broke. Cyrus looked completely miserable, he was hollow. "What are you watching?" "Ocean documentaries." "Oh yeah? About what?" TJ really really did not know what he was doing, he just knew he had to be here. "The ocean." "What about the ocean?" TJ said grinning slightly. "What are you doing here TJ? I don't want you to see me like this," Cyrus whispered. He looked on the brink of tears, TJ hated this. He hated that Cyrus was sad, he hated that he couldn't kiss him, he hated that they were dumb teenagers with too many feelings.  "I wanted to see you," Tj said, forcing himself to look at Cyrus' sunken face. Tj wanted to cry too.  Cyrus looked down and back to his screen, he pressed play. They watched the movie in silence. Tj didn't know what it was about, he was too busy playing with Cyrus' fingers.  When the movie ended Cyrus burst into tears.  He leaned onto TJ's shoulder, "I don't know why I'm like this," he sobbed, "I don't know what I'm doing, I have nothing to be sad about." TJ didn't know what to do, so he sat there and rubbed his back as Cyrus' tears soaked his shirt. I wish I could take away your pain. TJ had to blink back his own tears. They sat there until the credits ended and Cyrus' sobs turned into sniffles.  "Another?" TJ asked softly. He felt Cyrus nod. TJ played another Ocean documentary as Cyrus clung to his shirt. Tj eventually felt Cyrus' breath even out. TJ tried to pay attention to the movie, it had something to do with the Mariana Trench and pufferfish, but TJ couldn't concentrate.  "Why are you so nice to me Tyler James?" Cyrus quietly asked.  "I'm your friend" "Friends don't do this," Cyrus said, still clinging to TJ.  "You just-" Tj thought to himself, "You get me, and I want to get you too. You know what I mean?" "You're easy to understand," Cyrus said.  "What do you mean?"  "You avoid your own feelings by fixing other people, you like feeling useful." Cyrus let out in one breath, "And so do I" he added.  "So I've heard" Tj chuckled to himself.  He heard Cyrus let out a breath, "Are you staying over?" "Yeah." "Don't you have cool jock stuff to do?" "This is my cool jock stuff," Tj grinned and squeezed Cyrus. He saw Cyrus' lips quirk up. He didn't know a smile could be so rewarding.  "I'm glad you came today and not yesterday. I was a mess yesterday." Cyrus sighed.  "Why?" TJ said, "I could've handled it." Cyrus let out a breath through his nose, "No you really couldn't have. My parents almost called all the psychiatrists in town." TJ stayed silent for a moment, simply tracing circles on Cyrus' back and hearing him breath. He wanted to stay like that forever. But, he knew he couldn't, "Why'd you stop taking your meds Cyrus?" he asked gently.  Cyrus was quiet. TJ thought he had fallen asleep, but he finally answered in the smallest voice, "I just want to be normal." Tj bit his lip, "Normal is what you make of it. You need to take them Cy, they're there to help you." Cyrus sighed and buried himself deeper into TJ's chest, "I know," Tj heard him say faintly. They stayed like that for the rest of the night, watching ocean documentaries under all the blankets in Shadyside, until they both fell asleep. Cyrus didn't let go of TJ the entire night.
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kippielovesyou · 6 years
20 questions
Stolen from @trash-god
1. Name: Amber
2. Nickname: Ber, Berger, Ambie, Bambi
3. Zodiac sign: Leo
4. Height: 5'8
5. Languages spoken: English and Mandarin (don’t ask me to read Mandarin tho...takes too long)
6. Favourite drink: Orange Juice
7. Favourite season: Fall
8. Favourite scent: lilacs or lavender
9. Favourite thing about myself (not to do with personality): My nails grow really fast? I don’t really think about this flesh prison beyond caring for it so I don’t die.
10. Favourite thing about me (to do with personality): i don’t really know? Anything I think of sounds self congratulatory.
11. Favourite animal: OCTOPUS
12. Favourite fictional character: I can only speak for right now and it’s Izuku Midoriya. MY SON.
13. Favourite food: I’m fixated on noodle soups right now. so Ramen, Beef Noodles, varieties of soba and dipping sauces, tofu soup with noodles, pho, I want it all
14. Coffee, Tea or hot chocolate: Tea
15. Number of blankets you sleep with: 1, but winter has yet to come. So that will change.
16. When was your blog created: 2009/2010 I think?
17. Favourite movie: Spirited Away
18. Favourite band/artist: How can I choose?
19. Favourite book: Xenogenesis Chronicles by Octavia Butler
20. Pet peeve: People who treat introversion like it is a mental illness and must be treated.
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I was tagged by both @because-im-real​ and @foresthuntermajrach​ to do this one haha Thank you guys ^^ Rules: Answer 20 questions, then tag 20 bloggers that you want to know better. 1. Name: Amber (or Evaldrynn) 2. Nicknames: Abmer, Ambi, Ambrosius, Ammy, Bambi, The demon child, etc etc 3.Height: 5′4  4.Orientation: Polyamorous(?) heteroromantic and heterosexual  5. Nationality: Dutch 6. Favorite Fruit: lychees, golden kiwis, and honeydew melon 7. Favorite season: Spring and Autumn 8. Favorite Flower: Forget Me Not (Myosotis) and Munstead English Lavender 9. Favorite scent: Vanilla, the woods after it has rained, the sky before a storm, lit fireplaces, freshly baked bread, lots of flavours of tea 10. Favorite color : Darker shades of green 11. Favorite Animal: Dragons  Any felines (Tigers, lynxes, ocelots, everything), otters, foxes, wolves, and lots more 12. Coffee, Tea, or Hot Chocolate: Tea and sometimes Hot Chocolate (with whipped cream ofc) 13. Average Sleep Hours: I think 6 - 7 hours 14. Dog or Cat Person: Both, but I have a slight preference for cats 15. Favorite fictional Character: Loki, Grillby, and many, many more 16. Number of blankets you sleep with: At the moment two 17. Dream trip: Spending quite a bit of time in Japan with a couple of friends or an s.o and really getting to know the culture; or travelling the world with one or two friends or a s.o for a year or two 18. Blog created: I think in August or September 2011 19. Number of Followers: 277 20. Random Fact: I’m currently writing chapter 72 for my LokixReader fic Fǫruneyti and I’m really happy I managed to keep it going for so long!
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toonablog · 7 years
Tagged by the lovely @ambi-bambi​
1ST RULE: Tag 10 people you want to get to know better 2ND RULE: BOLD the statements that are true
@onpanwa @flickerlight @kunaroll @moldy-mold @homoserine @rlervine @lacrymae @extremus-vida-essentia @ackercode
I am 5'7" or taller I wear glasses  (just for reading) I have at least one tattoo I have at least one piercing I have blonde hair I have brown eyes I have short hair My abs are at least somewhat defined I have or have had braces
I love meeting new people People tell me that I’m funny Helping others with their problems is a big priority for me (*mostly worrying about their problems) I enjoy physical challenges I enjoy mental challenges I’m playfully rude with people I know well (chlore and schyph both say that I’m a troll) I started saying something ironically and now I can’t stop saying it
I can sing well I can play an instrument (used to..??) I can do over 30 pushups without stopping (used to........) I’m a fast runner I can draw well (how well is well) I have a good memory I’m good at doing math in my head  I can hold my breath underwater for over a minute I have beaten at least 2 people in arm wrestling  I know how to cook at least 3 meals from scratch I know how to throw a proper punch
I enjoy playing sports I’m on a sports team at my school or somewhere else (does gumdo club count) I’m in an orchestra or choir at my school or somewhere else I have learned a new song in the past week I work out at least once a week (I’VE BEEN LAZY LATELY) I’ve gone for runs at least once a week in the warmer months I have drawn something in the past month FANDOMS ARE MY #1 PASSION I do or have done martial arts
I have had my first kiss I have had alcohol (wine at church LOL...) I have scored the winning goal in a sports game I have watched an entire season of a TV show in one sitting (MANY REGRETS)  I have been at an overnight event I have been in a taxi I have been in the hospital or ER in the past year I have beaten a video game in one day I have visited another country  I have been to one of my favorite band’s concerts
I’m in a relationship I have a crush on a celebrity I have a crush on someone I know I have been in at least 3 relationships I have never been in a relationship (and I don’t want to be in one thx) I have asked someone out or admitted my feelings to them I get crushes easily (only squishes/friend crushes) I have had a crush on someone for over a year (a really long friend crush cuz I never got to befriend them 8′)....) I have been in a relationship for at least a year I have had feelings for a friend
I have at least one person I consider a “best friend” I live close to my school My parents are still together I have at least one sibling I live in the United States There is snow right now where I live I have hung out with a friend in the past month I have a smartphone I have at least 15 CDs I share my room with someone
I have breakdanced I have had a teacher with a last name that’s hard to pronounce I have dyed my hair I’m listening to one song on repeat right now I have punched someone in the past week I know someone who has gone to jail I have broken a bone I have eaten a waffle today I know what I want to do with my life I speak at least 2 languages I have made a new friend in the past year
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grumpygayming · 7 years
Tumblr media
                                                Cuddly Buddies
Izzorah bought Bambi a Stitch plush for his birthday & he loves it.
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angietumblz · 7 years
Getting to Know People!
I was tagged by @ambi-bambi​!! ‘o’! It’s been a long time since I’ve done a tag game like this, so I’m joining in! 
If I tagged you it’s cause you’re a mutual that I’ve been too shy in trying to be forward, but have been shyly interested in connecting for a while, cause we seem to share some common interests ‘w’ No pressure to participate in this. 
@burnt-biscuit​ @suetsukata-yume​ @secondlina​ @trecomics​ 
I am 5'7" or taller I wear glasses I have at least one tattoo  I have at least one piercing    I have blonde hair I have brown eyes I have short hair My abs are at least somewhat defined (I have much squish) I have or have had braces
I love meeting new people People tell me that I’m funny (probably not often enough to bold this, to be honest....)  Helping others with their problems is a big priority for me (It used to be a big problem for me in the way that I would ignore my own problems to help someone with theirs, but now I know that helping someone can just be listening to them and it’s a much more healthy way to help) I enjoy physical challenges  (I’m not athletic, but I was someone who just loved to MOVE. Climb, obstacle courses. My negative view of my body image holds me back a lot, though. . .)  I enjoy mental challenges (Until I don’t anymore... this is video games for me) I’m playfully rude with people I know well I started saying something ironically and now I can’t stop saying it (I can’t remember what they are anymore, but I know I’ve done this)
I can sing well (I used to sing, and I miss it. I was complimented on my singing, though) I can play an instrument I can do over 30 pushups without stopping  I’m a fast runner  I can draw well
I have a good memory (It depends on how much I care about the thing)
I’m good at doing math in my head I can hold my breath underwater for over a minute   I have beaten at least 2 people in arm wrestling I know how to cook at least 3 meals from scratch  I know how to throw a proper punch (TKD!) HOBBIES: I enjoy playing sports (I used to) I’m on a sports team at my school or somewhere else I’m in an orchestra or choir at my school or somewhere else I have learned a new song in the past week I work out at least once a week (does... walking my dog count?) I’ve gone for runs at least once a week in the warmer months I have drawn something in the past month (. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .*hangs my head in shame*) FANDOMS ARE MY #1 PASSION I do or have done martial arts (Did it when I was 13-15. Dropped it and picked it back up at 18 and continued until I was 23!) I have had alcohol (But I don’t think I have ever been drunk... tipsy, yes. But not ever really drunk) I have scored the winning goal in a sports game I have watched an entire season of a TV show in one sitting (so many that I can’t remember anymore) I have been at an overnight event (Comicons!) I have been in a taxi I have been in the hospital or ER in the past year (not in the past year, but I was in the ER two years ago...) I have beaten a video game in one day (I don’t think I ever have. I get stuck in video games very easily. . . .) I have visited another country I have been to one of my favorite band’s concerts (not yet!) RELATIONSHIPS:
I’m in a relationship I have a crush on a celebrity (They’re a celebrity to me buuuutttt probably not what people would consider a celebrity? Dunno...) I have a crush on someone I know  I have been in at least 3 relationships I have never been in a relationship I have asked someone out or admitted my feelings to them (I seem to be the one to admit feelings first) I get crushes easily I have had a crush on someone for over a year I have been in a relationship for at least a year I have had feelings for a friend (one resulted in a “relationship” for a time!)
I have at least one person I consider a “best friend” I live close to my school My parents are still together   I have at least one sibling I live in the United States There is snow right now where I live I have hung out with a friend in the past month (But now I’m on the other side of the countryyyyy waaahhhhh) I have a smartphone I have at least 15 CDs I share my room with someone
RANDOM SHIT: I have breakdanced I have had a teacher with a last name that’s hard to pronounce 0 I have dyed my hair I’m listening to one song on repeat right now I have punched someone in the past week I know someone who has gone to jail I have broken a bone (does... does my nasal cavity count? I cracked the area of my skull that leads to my nose) I have eaten a waffle today I know what I want to do with my life (not the fine details, but I want to work with dogs and draw somehow. Does that count?) I speak at least 2 languages (not enough to say I speak it fluently, but I know infant level Japanese! ;D ) I have made a new friend in the past year (Today, in fact!)
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clover-doll · 7 years
Getting To Know You Meme
Tagged by @internet-jesus
1ST RULE: Tag 10 people you want to get to know better 2ND RULE: BOLD the statements that are true 
@lovelareinerouge, @neverbackingd0wn @ambi-bambi, @galactic-cadet @charleston4life @jrt86az @youngvoolcano
Feel free not to do it if you don’t want and I’ve tagged you. Also feel free to if I haven’t tagged you and you want to. ~Inclusion and no pressure~ (I added one more, because why not. If you’re wondering why you aren’t on this list it’s because I saw you tagged or I didn’t think you were the type to do these memes, it’s all love).
I am 5'7" or taller  I wear glasses  I have at least one tattoo  I have at least one piercing  I have blonde hair I have brown eyes I have short hair  My abs are at least somewhat defined  I have or have had braces
I love meeting new people  People tell me that I’m funny  Helping others with their problems is a big priority for me I enjoy physical challenges  I enjoy mental challenges  I’m playfully rude with people I know well  I started saying something ironically and now I can’t stop saying it
I can sing well I can play an instrument 
I can do over 30 pushups without stopping I’m a fast runner I can draw well I have a good memory (just not for where I have left my phone…) I’m good at doing math in my head  I can hold my breath underwater for over a minute I have beaten at least 2 people in arm wrestling  I know how to cook at least 3 meals from scratch  I know how to throw a proper punch
I enjoy playing sports  I’m on a sports team at my school or somewhere else I’m in an orchestra or choir at my school or somewhere else  I have learned a new song in the past week  I work out at least once a week  I’ve gone for runs at least once a week in the warmer months  I have drawn something in the past month FANDOMS ARE MY #1 PASSION  I do or have done martial arts 
I have had my first kiss  I have had alcohol I have scored the winning goal in a sports game (only if PE class counts) I have watched an entire season of a TV show in one sitting I have been at an overnight event  I have been in a taxi I have been in the hospital or ER in the past year
I have beaten a video game in one day I have visited another country  I have been to one of my favorite band’s concerts 
I’m in a relationship  I have a crush on a celebrity I have a crush on someone I know I have been in at least 3 relationships  I have never been in a relationship I have asked someone out or admitted my feelings to them I get crushes easily  I have had a crush on someone for over a year I have been in a relationship for at least a year (not my current one, but past relationships) I have had feelings for a friend
I have at least one person I consider a “best friend”  I live close to my school My parents are still together I have at least one sibling I live in the United States  There is snow right now where I live  I have hung out with a friend in the past month  I have a smartphone  I have at least 15 CDs
I share my room with someone 
I have breakdanced I have had a teacher with a last name that’s hard to pronounce I have dyed my hair  I’m listening to one song on repeat right now I have punched someone in the past week I know someone who has gone to jail I have broken a bone I have eaten a waffle today  I know what I want to do with my life  I speak at least 2 languages I have made a new friend in the past year
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