#amd i have plans for my costume
onejellyfishplease · 1 year
I saw your SnapDonnie and immediately decided he is a subject of my art now I will tag you when I post it
I really really love your Donnie AUS and especially SnapDonnie bc I don't see much horror nowadays and it's spooky season so I gotta change that
Have a good day/night!!
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guys you're killing me here.
Snapdonnie hasnt even existed for a week
srsly tho, that would be awesome!! i cant wait!!!
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there’s always tomorrow ~ billy loomis and stu macher;scream
word count: 2069
request?: yes!
“Hi !
Can you do a one shot where billy and stu are having sex with the reader ( who tey are in love amd obsessed with ) and she leaves during the night but theres always tomorrow at school right?
Happy ending pls ?”
description: it was just a hook up. a one time thing. that’s it, nothing more to it...right?
pairing: billy loomis x female!reader x stu macher
warnings: swearing, mentions of smut but nothing full on
masterlist (one, two)
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Billy and Stu did everything together.
They went to school together, they hung out with their friend group together, they murdered together.
They had sex with (Y/N) together.
(Y/N) was supposed to be one of their victims. She lived next door to Sydney and they came up with the idea that they could say she had witnessed Sydney’s dad going crazy and killed her too. It was a solid plan, and it would add another kill to their body count. Nothing could go wrong.
That was until both of them, dressed in their Ghostface costumes, snuck into her house one night while she was alone. Billy was on the phone with her as Stu crept up to her bedroom, waiting to ambush her. But when he threw open her bedroom door, he was shocked to find her laid out on the bed in just her underwear, and, oh boy, was it a very tiny pair of underwear.
It took a moment for Stu to remember what was happening, and that moment was (Y/N) screaming and throwing her phone at him. It missed, but he was still in his dazed state that he didn’t react right away as she ran to grab her robe and try to escape. Stu threw himself at her, knocking her to the ground and pinning her with her hands over her head. He had his knife raised, ready to stab her, when she brought her knee up to hit him in the stomach.
Stu groaned, falling to the floor. (Y/N) grabbed his knife and held it up to him, ready to attack, but took his incapacitated state as her opportunity to also unmask him. When Stu’s mask fell to the floor, she gasped in shock, her attack paused momentarily. It was a perfect moment to take her by surprise and kill her. She had seen his face, he knew she had to die.
But he just couldn’t bring himself to do it. He panicked, grabbing his mask from the floor and quickly racing down to the front door where Stu was waiting.
“What happened?” Billy asked as Stu ran past him.
“Just run,” Stu said.
When they got back to Stu’s house, he explained what happened.
“And you didn’t kill her?!” Billy snapped once the story was over.
“I couldn’t, man!” Stu argued.
“Why not?! She saw your face, she knows who Ghostface is now. Our only option is to fucking kill her!”
“I know that! I knew I had to kill her. I just couldn’t. Man, you should’ve seen her when I walked in. She was practically naked! She had a body better than Tatum’s and that’s saying something. You can’t blame me for getting distracted.”
“There’s getting distracted and then there’s being an idiot.” Billy started to pace Stu’s room. “We have to do something about this. There won’t be long until she goes to the police and they arrive here to arrest you. And there’s no way I can convince my dad to bail you out when there’s a witness to you trying to kill them.”
Stu’s leg started bobbing anxiously. “I can’t go to jail, man.”
“We’ll figure this out.”
The two spent the night anxiously awaiting for the police to arrive for Stu. They were both suspicious when no one came, and they were both dreading having to go to school the next day. If the police hadn’t arrived in the night, there was a chance they were about to be ambushed there when they arrived.
To their surprise, there was no police waiting at school either. Principal Himbry wasn’t at the doors waiting to take them away, there were no calls for them to go to his office. Nothing. Almost suspiciously nothing. Billy wasn’t sure how much he was trusting this whole thing.
It wasn’t until after lunch that (Y/N) finally approached Billy and Stu while they were with their friends. Immediately Stu felt a nervousness settle over him. She wouldn’t say anything in front of everyone, would she? She’d have the decency to wait till they were in private...right?
“Hey,” she said, drawing the group’s attention to her. “Mind if I talk to Stu alone?”
Stu and Billy exchanged a look before Stu stepped away from the group and followed (Y/N) a little ways down the hall. He couldn’t read her face. He couldn’t tell if she was scared, angry; if she was about to out him to the school.
He also couldn’t help but imagine how beautiful she looked laid out in her bed the night before, her perfect body on full display. He imagined taking those tiny panties she was wearing and ripping them off her body before getting the chance to ravage her.
He snapped out of his thoughts when (Y/N) said, “So...you’re the one going around killing people?”
That’s when Stu remembered why he was in this situation, and the fear returned. “Did you call the police?”
“Answer my question first.”
Stu sighed. “Yeah. Yeah, it’s...it’s been me. All me.”
If this was how he was going to be taken down, he wasn’t going to take Billy with him. At least Billy could continue their plan if Stu ended up in jail.
“Why did you try to kill me last night?”
He was a little stunned by the question. “It’s...complicated. There’s this whole plan in place - ”
“A plan that includes me?”
“Like I said, it’s complication. Listen, are you going to turn me into the police or not? I did let you go last night.”
“I think you were forced to let me go considering I had kicked your ass and took your mask.”
Stu scoffed. “You didn’t kick my ass, you kneed me once and took my mask off. You hesitated, I could’ve easy killed you in that moment. But I didn’t. So, can we just, you know, keep this between us maybe?”
“We can, under one condition.”
Stu rolled his eyes. “Fine, I won’t kill you.”
“Oh, I know you won’t kill me. If you did, you would’ve last night.” She gave him a knowing look before stepping closer to him, closing the already small space between them and pressing her body against his. “But you did also get an eyeful when you came in last night. I figure you may want to see the rest of it. So, here’s my proposal: I won’t tell anyone about you if I can come over to your place on Friday.”
Stu tried to stutter a response, but all the blood had been removed from his brain and gone somewhere a little lower in his body instead. When he couldn’t get his words out, (Y/N) smirked at him and said, “I’ll take that as a yes. See you Friday.”
She started to walk away when Stu called, “Billy’s my partner!”
(Y/N) stopped and turned to look at him. “There’s two of you?”
Stu nodded.
The sexy smirk came back to her face. “Tell him to come, too.”
And that’s how the dynamic duo of Woodsboro found themselves fucking the same girl on Friday night. They shared her evenly between them until all three of them were satisfied and laying back on Stu’s queen sized bed.
“That was great,” (Y/N) commented. “I’ve never done a threesome before, much less with two serial killers.”
“Congrats on losing your threesome v-card,” Billy said.
(Y/N) giggled. It sounded like music to both Billy and Stu’s ears. They glanced at each other over her head and knew they were thinking the same thing.
“Didn’t know you had a thing for serial killers, (Y/N),” Billy said.
“Call it the adrenaline I felt from almost being murdered,” she responded. “I don’t know, after Stu ran off I was terrified. I tried to call 911, but I just couldn’t bring myself to rat on him. I didn’t know why, but I tried to go to bed and get my mind off of everything. Then I found myself fantasizing and dreaming about Stu in that costume, with that knife, pinning me to the ground.”
Stu shifted so that they couldn’t see his member hardening again.
(Y/N) looked over at Billy and smiled. “Imagine my delight when I found out there was two of you.”
Another shared look between the two boys.
(Y/N) sat up and moved towards the edge of the bed. Billy and Stu sat up and looked at her in confusion.
“Where are you going?” Stu asked her.
“Home,” she responded. “This is all I came for, wasn’t it?”
They were both hesitant to answer. They didn’t want her to go. Sure, she had come over just for sex so that she’d keep their secret, and it was certainly mind blowing sex for all involved. But at some point during the sex, it stopped just being for pleasure. At some point, both Stu and Billy looked at her blissed out face, glistening with sweat and the string of moans spilling from her mouth, and they felt something stronger for her than lust in that moment.
(Y/N) pulled on her clothes and grabbed her things to leave. She paused at the door of Stu’s room to smile at both boys. “See you two on Monday.”
Billy and Stu were distracted to say the least the that weekend. They drifted through Saturday and Sunday, and even the start of the day on Monday they felt very distant. Randy even poked fun at them for being so absentminded when they came into school.
“What happened? Did you guys break up or something?” he teased.
Their first class of the day was with (Y/N) and they were both dreading it. They weren’t ready to see her so soon, to have her ignore them and pretend like Friday never happened.
But they were both shocked when we walked into the classroom and immediately walked up to their desks.
“So,” she said, sitting down in front of Billy, “here’s the thing, I know Friday was supposed to be a one time thing...but I can’t stop thinking about you guys.”
They shared a look before looking back at her. “Really?” Stu asked.
“Yeah. I...I just keep thinking about you guys, and not just in the sex way.” She started nibbling on her lip. Billy started thinking about how bad he wanted to kiss that lip she as biting. “Is that weird? I shouldn’t be thinking of both of you, should I?”
“I don’t think anything about our situation is normal, babe,” Billy said. The pet name sent chills through (Y/N)’s body. “We couldn’t stop thinking about you from the moment you left.”
She perked up at this news. “Really? Huh, so I guess we’re on the same boat here.”
“I guess we are,” Billy agreed. “So, what do we do about this?”
Before any of them could say anything, the bell rang signifying that class was starting. (Y/N) spun around in her seat to try and pay attention to the teacher who was talking. Stu started writing something on his notebook and held it up for Billy to see.
let’s try to be a three person relationship.
Billy gave Stu a look and wrote a note in response. are you crazy? we can’t do that. that’s not a thing.
but it could be.
Billy snuck a glance at (Y/N). There was no way he could date her in good conscious knowing that Stu liked her too, and he knew Stu felt the same way. But they both liked her so much, and apparently she liked them just as much. Was it so crazy for both of them to try and date her.
He ripped off the bottom of the page he had written his note to Stu on and wrote on it. He folded it and quickly tossed it over (Y/N)’s shoulder. It whizzed past her, causing her hair to move with it, and landed on her desk. She looked over her shoulder at both boys before slowly unfolding the note.
movie date with billy and stu? check yes or no
She covered her mouth to stifle a giggle before turning to look at both of them and nodding her head, mouthing, “Yes!” before turning back in her seat.
Stu and Billy shared a quick fist bump in celebration.
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My go to plan as soon as I get totk:
Get through the tutorial area (probably in the sky then need to get back on to the surface)
Go to hateno. See if the zelink living in the hateno house together fanfics were real.
Check out something specific relating to the art book leak. (Not describing or sharing the leak so don't worry about spoilers from me! :)
Find a horse that at least looks like the one I had in breath of the wild, my beloved baby boy Romeo who can do and hasn't done nothing wrong ever in the entire 6 years of his life (he kicked me off a cliff four separate times):
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Go to Gerudo desert because out of all regions it's the one I'm the most interested in seeing the state of post Ganondorf resurrection(?) murderous pissy fit.
I'm going to build me a big fuck off Zonai tractor.
Zelda. I need to know if she's alright, I would like to find out this earlier on but that's probably going to be found out through story and I really do want to take my time with it.
I need to see what the hell is happening with this korok with a backpack:
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Speaking of the koroks, uhm... korok forest is gone. I definitely want to check that out. (Sorry this picture so so fucking blurry with how it's zoomed in but the forests gone)
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I need to find out if I can glue two Royal claymores together (or an equivalent) to make a big fuck off abomination claymore that does double claymore damage that looks like this:
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Go back to eventide. I wonder if they added something there. It seems like something thats a no brainer to do.
Check out what the fuck is going on with the labyrinths I can't find the screenshots now but I remember seeing some of them floating with the sky islands at some point.
If if I can find a sky island resembling at least a little bit of skyloft. I feel it in my bones that Nintendo would pull that type of shit. Or not because this is also Nintendo.
Documenting literally every even hint of a zelink moment in the entire game so I can make several posts gushing over it in the future.
Take lots of screenshots! I actually played breath of the wild on wii u and never on switch so of course I never really had that screenshot or recording capability so I finally can really go all out in this game.
The dragon that is 10000% a fucking Gleeok on the bridge of Hylia I've already determined is going to be the first overworld boss I fight. 🙂 I can't wait to fight it with only five or so hearts 🙂
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Amd finally since amiibo support is confirmed and costumes are too - the artbook actually confirmed it but I don't really think that's a spoiler because it's a very obvious mechanic to bring back than just having them be used once only for the paraglider skins you get that was officially confirmed here below so I can't wait to get my ocarina of time and twilight princess gear back that I can wear for the whole game!
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Over all I just really want to have fun in this game and really it looks like it's going to deliver. I can't wait to sink hundreds if not thousands of hours into and I REALLY REALLY hope it can at least fix a lot of it's predecessors issues, especially with how it executes it's story. I keep saying it, breath of the wild *had* the potential to be one of the best zelda stories ever but it was done so extremely poorly trying to tell it, majority of it is just ruined. I sincerely hope Nintendo has learned their lesson from that and actually let the Link/you the player actually play throughand experience the games narrative instead of just... having it exposition dumped onto you over and over in flashback cutscenes as stuff that's already happened and can't be changed. I went having this game with very low confidence it was first revealed in 2019, but the more and more I keep seeing it now the higher my optimism gets and I actually genuinely hope this game is really good.
I'm actually wishing the best for it and desperately hope it doesn't disappoint. We've all waited so long, and now we have only a little bit more to go.
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s-i-m-p0 · 2 years
Epel x f.reader
(I'm not even ganna try and be cannon,sorry)
Halloween masquerade
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"Sooo.you going to the Halloween ball?" I look at the voice to see epel. "No, I wasn't really planning to going if I want asked"
" Well wanna go with me?" He asked shyly. "W..well we could go as friends if you'll like!" He add/blurts out causing the class to look at us.
"OK,OK I'll go with you, keep you're voice down" I laugh. "Will I be picking you up or...do I meet you there?" The lavander haired whispered. "Uhh... meet you there" I whisper back.
He nods and continues listening to the lesson with a red face, wich for a fact didn't go unnoticed by a certain hunter.
~~~after lesson~~~
Epel pov:
"Rook please leave me alone..." I sigh. "Oh no,... non amour I must find out what made you so Chery in lecture!"
I roll my eyes " fine...I.. May or May not asked y/n to the masquerade!" Rook gasps before a massive smile "we must tell roi de Poison!" NO!"
It was already too late the little French man ran off to the sparkly jealousy issued queen. I groan and sit on the stairs next to me.
I kept my head hung below my knees.
Third person pov:
"You ok there epel?" The voice belonged to the female who stood next to the sulking male. She sat next to him eating a cupcake. Eoel lifted his head "no..rook is ganna tell vil I asked you to the ball thing before I could mention if you wanted to go as friends..."
She nods biting into the cupcake. ' where they ever this good at baking here?'
"Want a peice?" She asked holding up the cake cuped in her hands. He only nodded and pulled of a peice with frosting "I guess the word wil let 'round quickly..." the duo said in unison.
Y/n pulled a nother cupcake from its boxing and handed it to him. "I have to go before ace and Deuce kill eachother" he only nods biting into his cake.
"Uh...you have a little something..." she pointed at her nose. "OH gah shit" he muttered rubbing his nose with his sleeve. " I wish you luck with vil!" She chimed running up the stairs quicker then sonic.
"I'll need it"epel mutters.
~~~time skip cause I'm boreddd~~~
"Vil, please calm down!" Epel yells as the fashion icon kept running around trying to arrange a good costume. "Absolutely not!, you're going to the Halloween ball with a girl! You must have matching costumes" the lavander only rolled his eyes and layed his head on the dressing table.
A bowl cut frenchman decides to join in vils little fantasy and whispered a important detail in his ear: y/n l/n halloween costume.
Amd within a matter of minuets vil had the farmers costume ready to be steamed. "Oh epel! You have to see the outfit roi de Poison chose!" Hesitantly he rose his head remembering all the embarrassing outfits they put him in before
Epels eyes widen at the sight of the outfit. Nothing poofs, a decent suit with a cape. "Soo..what do you think??" Vil smiled. "I'll wear it."
~at the ball cause it halloween rn and I have so little time :)~
Epel stood timidly at a party and help a elegant glass cup In his hand. Themusic wasn't his kind of taste. It was slow and romantic while epel had grew up adjusted to country and barn music.
"Oh epel, this isn't you're first party we've had many at Pomefiore, go out there and dance, or... are you waiting for someone" Rook teases taking epels glass. "I saw her entering the main campus a few miunets ago, she's dressed very,very, well~" and with that Rook disappeared into the flashing light of the hall.
"Who's that?" A voice asked "I think that's Ramshackles vice president" a nother whispered. "She's so pretty"
On the other side was you shyly entering the ballroom dressed all elegent. A lovely white dress decorated with grey stars sleeves fell off the sholders. Hair was curled/kept natural and was neatly tied back. Start earing connected to a smaller pair fell past her jawline and near the crevasse of the neck
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Y/n wiped her sweaty hands in her dress before scanning the crowd for the lavander date. Her eyes lock ones with a purple pair and y/n let out a sigh of relief . She walked down the stairs quickly and hasted towards the male.
A few steps away she stops in awe "Were matching" she smiles. Epel smiles too "I wasn't my idea to be fair but I hadn't even knew what you were going as" he laughed. Y/n let out a laugh too. Now that epel had a close up he could see all the amazing detail and sparkling in her hair caught his attention.
Hair pins he had saved up most the year to give to her. "You wore them" he whispered stepping forward and reaching his hand out "mhm, I though it would look nice and match" she laughed.
Epel hugged her tightly," would you care for a dance l, though I'm sure neither of us would be great dancers" y/n smiled and nodded.
"Alright, my phantom"
Happy Halloween everyone! Its the last hour before November! Whay did you do this halloween, I went trick or treating with my mates,
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poltergeist-coffee · 11 months
It's all devil anon fault, it's all their fault
The headcanon- not the headcanon
Amd that had to be pac's Halloween costume
I'm not joking about it being stuck in my head, but devil anon it's a genius
They are a nice guy(gender neutral) actually, can't blame them, they are only spreading the ultimate truth
Now I have this hc more stuck on my head than it was before and I don't know what to do with it HELP-
What do you do with headcanons? Scream? Make a essay? Hit your head in the wall hoping the bloody mess left will please the voices that are going absolutely insane about it only to not be enough to stop their demands for much time and lose your mind and-
I've been hit with the two(2) brain rots that never truly leave me, mermaids and vampires
On the first chance, when I think I am over it, they come back stronger and hit me with a metal chair several times until my skull is absolutely destroyed
Don't ask about why I'm up to do violent metaphors, I don't know neither
No jellyfish today unfortunately because I have to study to some exams:(
But I want to talk about damselflies and dragonflies for a moment, damselflies will commit cannibalism when there's no much food but dragonflies might do it even if they don't need to
Lil psychopaths
Oh, yeah and they bite, they don't have any venom but as far as I know they can bite hard enough to make you bleed
- 🍽️ (<- spend way too long doing a research about dragonflies for no reason, shouldn't be allowed to have total access to internet)
Devil anon manifested so hard they made it real u-u we owe this to them adkjvsnkasj
kjnadjvakj THE TIMING IS SO BAD HALLOWEEN IS ENDING AND YOU HAVE VAMPIRE PAC STUCK IN YOUR HEAD XDD it's okay halloween and being spooky can be be all year not just October
violent metaphors because Cell is back it's what he would want
OOOH PLATE ANON HAVE YOU SEEN MY VAMPIRE AU? i sort of thought of one ages ago, i think i was going to do a post about insaneduo vampires but i never did.... it's in my drafts... somewhere....
thinking of vampires... pac's skin today reminds me of marceline from adventure time so much >:)) so i am planning to draw him like her heheh
dragonflies and qcellbit comitting cannibalism even when they don't need too <33
that's so insane omg jasndvkjas what silly bugs
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dear-ao3 · 3 years
alright tumblr. riddle me this.
i have a friend who i love very dearly but i am at my absolute wits end with her and here is why.
over the summer she had a job with this guy stage crewing a show. in about august she started to develop feelings for him.
he is a year younger than her in college and in a different major but he is still very familiar with carpentry and metalworking and the like (she’s a costume design major). during the fall semester he assistant stage managed a show that she was stage managing. he’s not a theater major even remotely. he had no business ASMing for her. but he still did.
they also would walk around campus at very late hours and smoke weed. they've trauma dumped on each other. they’ve talked about dates. they’ve gotten dinner several times just the two of them. he’s cancelled plans to hang out with her. she finally (after no less than six entire months of this) went to hang out with him and his friends in his dorm and he was dressed much nicer than usual. he walked her home at like 2 am, which was about a mile away from his dorm and the road was entirely ice. he wanted to ASM with her again just to hang out this semester because he doesn’t see her often anymore. he’s respected like every boundary she’s ever had.
and, here’s the real kicker:
now. every few weeks she calls me and tells me all about the latest update which usually turns into her being like. “i don’t know i think i like him and i want him to ask me out but like i don’t know cause it could still be platonic and he’s doing this in a friend way and i don’t think he has feelings for me cause this is very platonic.”
meanwhile, hes making her a ring and also witnessed his friends basically telling him to shoot his shot.
for context, this all started in AUGUST which was SIX MONTHS AGO. in that time, i met, befriended, denied that i liked, and then started dating a guy and we just had our four month anniversary.
amd she’s known him for NINE MONTHS. you could literally create and birth a whole entire fucking CHILD during that time.
but she thinks its platonic. because making a ring for a girl is clearly a very platonic thing to do.
i was on the phone for two hours with her and had to eat half a pint of ice cream at midnight just to refrain from driving the eight hours up to her school and smacking sense into her.
this is literally chapter 547/? of a 700,000+ unfinished multi chap tagged as coworkers to friends to lovers??? idk read to find out!! but it’s also tagged as slash. and they just got to the accidental hand holding.
so tumblr, does he like her.
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fncreature · 3 years
A bad jump, a cute boy, what could go wrong?
A/n: Remember that post about ice skating AUs? Here we go, I'm actually super proud of this. Also if any skaters read this then they're probably Freeskate 2-3
You stepped onto the rink to see the cutest boy you had ever seen.
He was just doing laps, so he was in the same session as you, he had gotten on the ice a couple minutes before you. You did a few laps, and then signed in and set your water bottle down.
You turned to continue skating and then you realized the boy was right behind you. Gorgeous brown eyes and cute brown curls.
He reminded you of that girl that was on your sessions sometimes, he would always smile when he looked at you, but his didn’t seem fake.
You left your jacket on the side, and swiped your keyfob. The rink had special ones for the music systems so you could do your programs. You tied the cloth belt around your waist so people would know not to get in your way while doing your program.
You got into your starting position, waited for your music to start, then worked through your program.
You finished, out of breath, took a sip of water, and noticed the boy skating over to you.
“Hey, um, that was really good” He said.
“Thanks. Anything I should do better?” You asked.
“Uh, yeah I think you could get a bit higher on your flip, and maybe add some arms on the way down the ice with your lunge” He offered.
“Yeah, I’ve been planning to add arms to the lunge. But you’re right, my flip needs work”
“I’m Peter by the way” Peter said awkwardly.
“Y/n” You told him.
“Hey, um, who’s your coach? Mine’s pretty good teaching flips so you should try to schedule something”
“I have Jamie” You told him.
“Try to schedule something with Coach Brandon, he’s my coach” Peter said.
“I might. Thanks for the help, Peter. Mind if I watch you run yours?” You asked.
“Uh-uhm, okay” He said nervously, setting his jacket down next to you, and grabbing the belt, swiping his key fob, amd getting into his starting position. He was pretty good, his flip was great, but you noted that his spin was kind of wobbly and to short. And something felt off about it. Something was missing.
He skated back to you, and asked, “Well?” “I think your spin was a bit wobbly and short, but that’s it. But I feel like something’s missing from it, y’know?” You asked, and he nodded.
“Yeah, I felt that too” He said.
Then it hit you.
“It shouldn’t be a solo” You said. “You should find someone and make it a duet.” “That’s a great idea!” He smiled. “ Would you mind helping me figure some of it out now?”
“I would, but I’m a leftie. It wouldn’t work as well.”
His face lit up. “Yes it would, c’mon!”
You followed him over to the corner where you did jumps.
“So I’ll move my flip over here” He traced the outside of the right circle. “And you should go here” He traced the far end of the left circle with his marker.
“Frick, you’re right. We should do a duet.” You said
Peter smiled. “Okay, let’s start from the top.
“So, we should probably choose costumes” Peter said.
“Oh” You mumbled. “We probably should, yeah”
“Any color ideas?” He asked.
You laughed a bit. “You should choose colors. I either choose neutrals or blue”
“What do you think about red? Maybe I could do like a maroon shirt with black pants, would that look good?” Peter asked.
“Yeah, red’ll work. And the maroon shirt is a great idea, Pete” You told him. “I guess I need to find a dress now”
He enjoyed watching over your shoulder as you looked through dresses. He commented on a few he liked, many he hated. You both agreed on one, so that was the one you choose.
But Peter’s favorite thing, that was your dress rehearsals. Especially for the duet.
He would never tell you this, but he loved the way you looked in your dress. He loved the fact that you two got to hold hands in the start and end. He loved it all, and he loved you.
People would say that love is a strong word.
It is, really. And it’s accurate, describing how Peter feels about you.
And you loved Peter’s rehearsals. Especially the duet, for the same reasons.
He loved you.
And you loved him too.
And neither of you was ready to confess.
You two had the summer show coming up. So Peter decided.
The program went well. Peter loved it, so did you.
You grabbed his hand for the end, you two got into your ending pose, and the music ended.
You were about to smile at Peter and curtsy. You got as far as looking his way before he kissed you. He was about to pull away when you kissed him back.The applause in the background sounded like thunder now. You pulled away, curtsied, Peter bowed, and the two of you skated off of the rink.
You let go of his hand to pull on your guards.
“So I did that” Peter said.
“You did” You remarked.
“So, um- Did you-”
“You need more practice but it was great” You told him.
“The-the program or the kiss?” He asked.
“Both” You smiled at him.
You cut him off by kissing him again.
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Ok, so you’re very into fashion. Did you not have a lot of imput when it came to Bunty’s costume?
Victoria Yeates: No input at all. Colleen Atwood is a complete master at what she does. That was one of my favorite bits of doing these movies was costumes because the attention to detail is so exquisite, like the linings of things, even the way that my coat is cut. It's all cut in a special way. Silk shirts. The hat was a reproduction of a 1930s hat that they made. I mean it’s absolutely incredible, but I didn’t have any imput. It’s all in Colleen’s head. I don’t really think people's happening to have imputs, because Colleen is Oscar winning. She’s got the eye. You trust her, and I think she really got it right. Because, you know, Bunty isn’t going to be a flashy dresser, but I liked it. It was very kind of 30s film noir-esque, spy, war, undercover, and that’s what they went for. I thought it was really great. I want my coat. I did like that coat. It's very good coat, yeah, and I thought the hat was cool as well. Yeah, I liked it, and what was amazing is that I was filming until I was 37 weeks pregnant. Obviously the coat kind of can cover me quite a bit, but they cut it on the bias, and it basically kind of stretched with my bump, and they did this amazing thing where they shaded it with spray paint, so you couldn’t see the bump, the baby bump, and they didn't use any CGI on me. It's pretty amazing. This is incredibly, yeah absolutely. If you shot me from the front, you couldn't really see, but then like I have the coat open and things when I'm doing the suitcases to cover my little bump. But, yeah, I was 37 weeks by the end, which is why the green costume at the end in Bhutan was perfect, you couldn’t see anything there. Yeah, I felt like I was in Star Wars in that costume. It was a bit Star Wars. I was like, "I'm being in a Star wars movie. This is cool." Really I was like, "Oh." You know, one of the good guys in a Star Wars movies.
So how much did you personally get to contribute to the character other than obviously the portrayel?
Victoria Yeates: I spoke a lot to David Yates, especially in the first movie. So we were introducing Bunty, and the plan when I signed the contract was that her part would grow through the next film. So the first film we had to really establish her. So I spoke to him a lot on the phone. We got a backstory from Jo. Yeah it was just lots of those conversations, so when I turned up on set I kind of had somebody fully-formed, because then I was presenting her for another four movies. So, then for this film, just on set, we would... Eddie's very generous as an actor, so me and Eddie would talk a lot and David, just to make sure that I didn't come out of character or... We were keeping her... She’s very sort of understated and shy. It was nice in Otto's bookstore where you suddenly saw that kind of slight zaniness come out, amd it was important to me to have like a little bit of spark come out was important to me. Yeah, but it's a real collaborative process and David Yates is a real actor's director. It’s all about character for him. It is amazing. It's not about special effects This is about character. So he really talks to you a lot. He's very very involved. He's really great. He's a lovely lovely man.
So you mentioned that Bunty is like a little bit more subdued and shy, but then we see her arrive at Queenie and Jacob’s wedding in that super extravagant outfit, and everybody's like, "Bunty!" She was like, "Wow!" Just like why we don't see this outfit? It's amazing. Can you describe it a bit?
Victoria Yeates: I know, it's gorgeous. It was written in the script she was gonna arrive in a gown covered with roses, so the fabric was this beautiful velvet that was made with roses in midnight blue and this incredible midnight blue coat. But I was quite pregnant then. I'm having to stand a bit like that. When you see me in the wedding scene. So it could be maybe they took a shot and you could just really see that I was pregnant, but also it just shows kind of her transformation. She’s arrived in New York, she’s let Newt go and it’s a new life for her, a new part of her life. She’s blossoming like the rose.
You spoke about the reproduction of the hat and the coat. Did you look up the fashion and history of the era a lot to help you portray the character?
Victoria Yates: I’ve read a lot of history books. I was going to do history at university. I did it for A level. So I know a lot about both world wars and I've watched a lot of films from the 30s. So I think it was just all in me really, and also it's got because of Berlin, it has got that 30s vibe. That was all very much in my mind, the kind of espionage and nod to espionage 30s movies. I just think that what I was going for with her is it's that secondary character who becomes the heroine. You can achieve something no one else can, and the truth is, if you want to be a spy, you have to be someone that no one would suspect. To achieve at the thing at the end, she can’t be the flashy girl, because she is going to be seen. You know, if it was Lally, people would know. But then Bunty would be somewhere, kind of secretly somewhere in the corner, who could go and get into an office, get, you know. She’d be the kind of person that would be secretly living in France, cracking codes and things and sending secret messages. Definitely. She’d be very good at it, I think.
What are your hopes for the character should the two final  movies still happen?
Victoria Yeates: I mean, I would like to see her a bit more rambunctious. So there was a scene that was cut where I really tells off Teddy, and I think you can often forget that the background of the character is she spends hours and hours every day looking after... She has a hard job. It's a hard slog, very physical, and she looks after terrifying animals and has to wrangle them. So there's a strong part of her, and her surname's Broadacre, so I think she definitely grew up on a farm. It’s a very kind of old farm English name. So she's got a very strong side of her, to be able to do what she does, and so I'd like to see that come out, and she’s very stoic, very brave, but also I think there is a real zaniness to her like in the first film and I just say, "Would you take off your shirt. Like she can suddenly come out with things like she does in the bookstore where she says, " He loves me, yeah, because I love him." So I'd like to see more of that comedy and I'd like to see her have a love interest. I really would like for her to have a love story
Bunty and the young niffers are obviously very keen of each other, because every second they get, they get all over her, but which is your personal favourite beast?
Victoria Yates: It is the Qilin, after this movie. There was a line in the script that was cut where Dumbledore says that he picked Bunty because she's like the Qilin because she's pure of heart. I just adored that Qilin. I know, beautiful, and just what it represents as well. I thought was really... When I kind of first read it, maybe I didn’t really get it until I saw the movie. I didn’t know if people were going to connect with it, but when I saw the movie, I just thought, "Wow, everyone connects with this Qilin."
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master-of-fluff · 2 years
Revising my bnha /ninjago crossover au that im now gonna name the 'Mistakes made Au'
i cant remember who it was but someone has the hc where basically the reason the FSM and his descendants have such bad luck is because the cloud kingdom is mad and a bit scared that FSM's family seem to be 'destiny defiers' at times, so they constantly make bad things happen to them.
So yeah im yoinking that for this au except with my own twist of sorts.
Ok so this takes place after s5 in which after discovering that the cloud kingdom guy tried to sell the ninja out, the rest of the cloud kingdom look into the guy to try and see whatelse he's messed with (or maybe they write in his scroll that he confessed to everything he did and that's just how trials work in the cloud kingdom ?)
Anyways they cant change whats been written so characters that were never supposed to be villains (Garmadon, Morro and Haurmi to be exact) instead of going to the afterlife (yes harumi actually died in this au) get asked if they'd like to have a second chance somewhere else since theyre first life was botched.
They all say yes.
They all come into this new workd differently idk why yet maybe the cloud kingdom did what they thought the recipients would like best, maybe different authors write each one idk.
But anyways Garmadon wakes up in an apartment with the basic knowlege of this world in his head and a note saying that everything was payed for the next few months but after that he's on his own.
He ends up working at McDonald's or something until he saves up enough to open his own self defense/martial arts dojo. One that doesn't allow quirk discrimination of any kind. He also gets several online degrees on psychology.
Harumi is reborn as Hatsume Mei's twin with her memories intact and she is quirkless but her family doesn't care and after seeing how the quirkless are treated she decides to become a hero that will open it own agency and school specifically for quirkless/'weak quirked' people.
And then morro wakes up as a like 5 or 6yo to this random family that abandons him for having a 'dangerous quirk' but gets adopted by inko and is now the older brother of Izuku midoriya.
Morro does think izuku can be a hero because he has the kindness that morro didn't and so he trains him (not as hard as Wu did him but morro definitely didn't go easy on Izuku)
Morro also doesnt stand how the bakugo's treat izuku or eachother so katsuki and his fam are a bit more chill.
However since homeschooling isnt legal in japan (yes that's actually true I just looked it up) and they can't exactly afford to switch schools or sue they have to suck it up, bakugo helps with bully's when he can and Morro and Inko do however document everything.
A few years before UA Izuku decides he wants to clean up diagoba beach.
So morro and izuku devise a plan to organize a big clean up for it
they meet Harumi and Mei there becuase Mei wanted dibs on any scraps despite the fact that their parents can buy them any parts she wants.
Then it turns out that harumi and izuku alreayd knew eachother from a quirkless forum/website that they were both on.
So they excange numbers and Izuku jumps on the chance to join harumi in becoming quirkless hero's together and making a free of discrimination hero school with Mei as their weapons/costume designer.
Morro dodoesn'tnow how but he ends up training harumi too, who recognizes his moves as spinjistu but keeps it to herself because unsurprisingly she's not sure how to ask him if he's from another world.
Izuku sees that a new dojo has opened up that takes quirkless students and suggests him and harumi train there.
Morro and harumi are skeptical but agree and morro amd inko go with them just in case.
The when they get inside the harumi and morro just freeze because 'oh crap is that my uncle/the guy I revived the evil part of and wanted to adopt me?'
Garmadon freezes aswell when he sees morro (he however doesn't know harumi)
But they all brush t off as a coincidence. I mean theres no way anyone else was goven a second chance or if they were theres no way they were all put in the same world right? Right?
So they all act like nothings going on until izuku does some ninjitzu moves that morro taught him and garmadon is like "oh my gosh that is my nephew"
later harumi uses her coding skills that she has thanks to being a hats u me and creates a private group chat thing for the 3 of them that only they can use.
Harumi and morro both explain what theuve done to lloyd and express some regret and garmadon is really pissed but decides to forgive them because 1. If they were here that meant it was partly the cloud kingdoms fault 2. They're both children and were also children in ninjago. And 3. their trying to change just like him so as the adult (or at least the only adult from ninjago that they know of) he should probably try and set a good example right?
Though just becuase he understands and forgives them doesnt mean hes not still upset that they hurt his son, but it is nice to be able to talk fully about ninjago and thier traumas and make jokes that no one else would get an eventually he warms up to them.
anyways they all agree thay izuku is gonna be an amazing hero and decided to team up to make sure that happens no matter what
and thats all i have for right now :)
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bonbonthedragon · 4 years
Oooo maybe a head canon or story about the reader who’s bakugou and midoria’s childhood friend, but had to move away, and ended up going to Shiketsu, who they meet again in the provisional licenses exam. (your choice if you want it to be platonic or romantic with either one of them) thanks! I love your works ❤️
Hope you like it! :)))
Bakugou x reader & deku x reader
(How ever you wanna see it)
Warnings: cursing
Note: the reader has a quirk like Wanda power from the MCU
Not my photo
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You were a tuff cookie but also sweet, that’s probably why your were able to be friends with deku and bakugou
You had two friends and two friends only in your life, that was midoriya amd bakugou
Deku was cute, he was a bit shy but super friendly, and so was bakugou! That was...until he got his quirk...then not so much
So when he began to have an attitude and bully poor deku, you turned on him, mainly hanging out with the green haired boy and defend him or scare off Katsuki when he tried to beat him up
And yes, this blond boi was a lil intimidated by you
You had a powerful quirk, dare you say it was more powerfuls than bakugou’s
That’s what landed you in this situation
It was either UA or Shiketsu, apparently both schools were more than interested to have you as their student
You were definitely going to pick UA, deku would be there and so would bakugou, give you all the more reason to kick his rude ass and put him back in his place after so long
But of course life had other plans, your father had a job change and was moved to the other side of Japan
Just so happen that one of the closest hero schools to your new house was shiketsu
You didn’t want to go, but you really didn’t have a choice
You said your good byes to the two boys, even if the blond didn’t seem to care (he did) it was made up by midoriya’a hugs
That’s what led to you to here
You walked by inasa, one of your classmates
You weren’t really paying attention
Until you bumped into the large boy as he bent down, head hitting the concrete as he screamed “plus ultra!” To a class
Like what? Tf man, chill
And now he was causing a commotion, yelling and such
You looked back at your teacher for permission
He nodded
You used your quirk on him, red dancing at your finger tips and around him as his eyes grew heavy
“That’s it...” you mumbled “let’s take a little nap” 
He began to wobble, stumbling a bit as cami and seiji caught him and gently laid him on the ground
You didn’t realize all the eyes on you
Aizawa just sighed “(L/n) (y/n)”
“You know her mr.aizawa?” Uraraka asked
“Yeah, top scores in all recommendations and test,” he turned to his students “I know I tell you all to go for the top no matter what, but stay away from her, I mean it, unless you want to fail this, then you won’t interfere with her quirk” he warned, making some of the students tence
Except for two people
Bakugou and deku just starred at you as you bowed to the class and apologized for your classmates actions, beginning to lug the sleeping inasa with your friends and into the building
Of course deku wanted to go say hi, after all, it’s been like 2 years
Bakugou wanted to fight you, duh...and maybe say hi or whatever
When you did run into them, it was during the first faze
You know, the one where they stick 3 targets to themselves
The announcer had said he would call out anyone who passed and how many opening were left
Low and behold, you were one of them along with a few others
Since you got through the first round, you decided to walk around, maybe help your classmates
That’s when you ran into the pair, both arguing about how they shouldn’t split up
“Deku! Kat!” You yelled, running toward them
Both boys tenced
Into you or not, your were more matured now and that tight hero costume on you...oof
You were next to them now “it’s been forever!”
“Y-yeah!” Deku piped “I didn’t know you’d be here! Let alone being so high ranked! I proud of you!”
You blushed a bit “heh, yeah well...” you shrugged “thanks, what about you? I saw you on tv at the sports festival!” You turned to bakugou “congrats on winning”
He ‘tched’ turning his head around, hiding his light blush “what ever”
You rolled your eyes, coming closer to him and wrapping your arm around him, hugging him and throwing him off guard
“What the fu-“
“I missed you guys” you squeezed him harder, then opening your other arm to invite deku in, who happily obliged
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shyestofhearts · 3 years
Hotel Transylvania! AU but make it JonDami with overprotective daddybat and himbo jon. And maybe chaotic bat-siblings on the backgorund.
Haha yes!
According to Damian's siblings, they'd all gone through a similar experience for their 118th birthday
That is: a protective Bruce not really being ready to let them go yet
Damian isn't sure how to handle that yet
Meanwhile Jon who just happened to be exploring nearby finds the hotel
Bruce "No Humans in my Hotel" Wayne absolutely snatches him up to figure out how he got here and send him away without people panicking
Of course, in attempts to hide that he's a human so people don't panic he lies about Jon being a monster like them
Yeaa Jon winds up sticking around far longer than Bruce would've liked
And Jon and Damian meet which Bruce also hates
Bruce spends the rest of the time trying to keep them separate and get rid of Jon
Damian spends the rest of the time curious about Jon and trying to plan the party with his siblings who managed to convince Bruce to let them handle it
Jon spends the whole time sorta trying not to anger Bruce, but also trying to see Damian because O H
They get moments alone together where Damian is eager to hear about all the places Jon's been and Jon learns Damian's....never really left the hotel
They mess around and just have fun in some rooms of the hotel and Bruce is still trying to get Jon to gtfo
So the big birthday party comes
When the big reveal of Jon being human does happen Damian kinda
"Yea I know?"
Amd Bruce who looks worn down like the man has never known sleep just
"H O W ?"
"You put him in very obvious costume makeup?"
Lmao, anyways Damian and Jon stay together at the hotel and Bruce starts letting up on his protectiveness
So Damian and Jon start planning their own adventures :)
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nerdgenie · 4 years
My love for Anthony Bridgerton: A journey
A new Netflix series, lovely! I love the colors! And the setting! And the costumes!
Two brothers and a lot of sisters. Hello, exposed arse. I think I'll like this brother.
Hello your grace
Overprotective brother.
Overprotective bro is an ass but clearly he's getting some development because he's getting way to much screentime
Daphne holding on to Eloise's hand, and Eloise wanting to stay with her sister. Love the sibling energy.
Oh, friends to lovers trope. I like!
They don't know how to turn on the stove. Haha Cute. In a privileged not their fault way.
Is that the same girl he's fucking?
I don't like opera girl.
Ooh, bro is such an ass to opera girl.
"Second sons have all the fun" wait, that's not overprotective bro? Im confused.
Okay, so which brother is smoking with Eloise?
Okay, I get it now. I think I can recognize their faces now.
I love how there's no sibling rivalry whatsoever like Anthony's (yes, I finally know his name) like you get everything if I die to Benedict (I know his name AND I CAN FINALLY TELL HIM APART FROM ANTHONY), and Benedict's totally thinking but I don't want it. Amd Colin is just... Colin.
I like how the brothers call Daphne "Daph" and Eloise "El" it's cute.
ABC trying and failing to escape Lady Danbury
ABC trying and failing to escape Mama Bridgerton's matchmaking
ABC shutting the door in Daphne's face and Daphne's ugh is peak sibling dynamics
Two brothers teasing their mama when Eloise asked where babies come from. I got confused between AB again. I know for sure one of them was Colin because Mama B said so.
I have my episodes mixed up I'm sure. I was only invested in Simon amd Daphne at this point.
All that pining and angst! That hand on her back, holy moly! He went home instead of going to opera girl! He kept the painting!
Ooh, he pulled out. That's not good.
Does he plan on pulling out until Daphne hits menopause??? What is the plan here???
Damn, I feel so bad for Daphne. Sex education is important.
That scene. Dafuq daphne.
This is feeling toxic. Kinda done with them but I also want them to be happy please be happy
Mama B snarking Anthony.
Is Benedict gay?
Oh, is he bi?
Ooh, Anthony is back with opera girl. Is this his endgame? Should I like this? I want Anthony to be happy but I'm not convinced with opera girl. Anthony's an ass, but so is she.
Anthony finally giving opera girl what she wants and including her in his world by asking her to the ball. K fine. Should be getting behind this?
She doesn't want him to take her to the ball and change her??? What about that whole speech about love in darkness not during the day or something. Isn't Anthony taking her to the ball loving her "during the day"??? Girl, what do you want???
Poor thing. He brought flowers.
Anthony and speech about love being a waste or something. I feel like season 2 will be about this dude.
I need more Bridgerton. I'll rewatch Pride and Prejudice.
I still need more Bridgerton. Friend: here, I have books 1 and 2. It's a book?????
I'l skip one since I already know Daphne amd Simon's story.
Oh, so it's not swearing off love because he got his heart broken but rather about his dad. I like it. Less bland.
With this expanded backstory told from Anthony's point of view, it's clear opera girl was an escape, a reprieve from all the pressure he puts on himself. Dude clearly needs a therapist.
Anthony and Kate are my precious babies.
Benedict and Colin books.
Anthony and Kate are still my precious babies.
Should I read Eloise? Eh, I'll just skim to all the ABC parts. Anthony talking about and missing and loving Kate.
Gregory book. I swear all the Kathony goodness in this book is too good.
Gregory's POV of Anthony is precious. I just really love Anthony.
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thomotomo · 3 years
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First and foremost: Oscar Isaac is fine as fuck here 🥵 Like please the man is going to be my doom lmao.
It's the first movie with Timothée Chalamet I see and I don't know if the character is also like this in the books or if it's Villeneuve's idea to make him play like this, but he felt a bit "plain" like there's something missing in his acting to make him more human I guess.
But I plan to see the French Dispatch ASAP so I'll judge a bit more his acting once I see him in this movie.
Edit: After speaking with one of my friend who know more about the universe than I it's normal and has something to do with his character and the Bene Gesserits so cool cool.
The costume were absolutely magnificent, honestly I really really wanna reproduce Paul's desert clothing like it's hella cool I love it.
The Baron is terrifying I absolutely love the way he's floating, no really he's terrifying sksks.
Let's not even talk about the sound design, it's really really good, there's not too much music and the silent phases are terrific.
The visuals are really good, though sometimes it feels like there was something amiss, but maybe it's just bc I really love neon images (like Blade Runner 2049, the scene where K "discuss" with the giant publicity woman its definitely one of my main inspirations lmao I digress).
One thing I didn't like as much, was that we fucking get it that Paul is lowkey in love with that woman he saw in his dreams like yeah we get it she's important and shit, but I just hope that Villeneuve is going to take us by surprise and do something like idk kill her (which I doubt, considering she seems like a big character) but at least not do something romantic? (I'll have to read the books to know if the situation is similar or not) but imo it was the main dark point to me. But unless she's just some kind of person that is able to make someone see what she sees in the future I'll stay wary of it.
Let's dive more into the scenes I enjoyed:
- The scene with Leto and the Baron is exquisite. Like the look of the room and the way Leto is like naked, on the verge of death is absolutely fantastic, his position lowkey reminds me of a painting with the Christ but I can't name it but it felt like a Christian painting lowkey.
- The scene with the sand worm that show its big ass mouth to Paul and his mom, it's incredible, we really grasp the size of this thing, I love how it looked like they were communicating (idk if I'm the only one who got this impression lmao).
Overall great great visual, I really love the design of the palace on Arrakis, Oscar Isaac plays very well (this definitely doesn't have anything to do with my attraction to him...) I really like the music amd the lack of it at many moments (which fits extremely well when it's needed) I mean with Hans Zimmer it was nearly sure the music would be awesome!
Idk what to say more lmao the movie is great and I'm kinda excited for the next part :)
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tyronehugh · 3 years
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The messenger came, and brought nine hundred dollars in money, the gift of a grandson of John Jacob Astor. "Everyone should know that you can wear them and look chic at the same time," she says.. David Beckham's soccer shirt and shorts costume from the movie "Goal 2." The shirt is marked with his number 23 and features Beckham on the top. And the ever present specter of debit memos scared off others.. The late Bob Thomas, a NASA glaciologist who helped to popularize the idea, went so far as to uncork a bottle of wine and pour some out to demonstrate the effect during his talks.. Their presentation has since led to an invitation to publish their research in a book and they plan to submit their work to a peer reviewed journal more feathers in the cap of Sumayya's research career. Once past the chamber door, the chill was palpable. It says the dozens of trips they made to Greenville were also a significant expense.. But Sato realized, "Buying retail is not the way to create a billion dollar company." By 1998, Bargain America shifted gears again. batteria ai polimeri di litio amazon “Lady Arya. When you go with the crew cab, there's plenty of room for full size adults in the front and backseats. Photos of peaks More photos added to help you identify peaks. Supplier to any other manufacturer, Conner said.. The researchers then determined how the odds of having or developing heart disease varied across these main haplogroups.. Ergo these drives can only facilitate tethered usage. At the same time, we are simplifying the user experience, making it easier to find and buy our products. I have sworn to speak out,” Natasha went on, irritated. Wun Wun did not hear or did not understand. Much like this Milkin winner. Please value the country you live in, for if you don . That's because you start to lose muscle mass in your 30s, especially if you don't strength train. The orator often addressed himself to him, apparently appreciating him as a listener worthy of his attention. The prince gave him an encouraging and flattering smile. Show me the blood.”. Beyond her walls the yellow tents of the Yunkai’i stood in orderly rows beside the sea, protected by the ditches their slaves had dug for them. Those are papuci de casa din paslavery tasty … sweet and hot … yet he never touched so much as one himself … Selmy rubbed his temple. I hunt with the hounds and I run with the hare. No amount of prayer would put him on the Iron Throne, however. C'est ma raison de faire le film. Miller and Thomas Middleditch star in a Baton Rouge shot comedy about two guys who after ruining their buddy's wedding
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try to make it up to him by rescuing him when he ends up naked and stranded in Mexico. In New York.. But by the end of 2010, China was trying harder to get along with its neighbors and Clinton's warning seemed to have done well. She made the sign of the cross several papuci de casa din pasla times to bless me on my way, sent a special blessing to Natasha, and almost shed tears when I absolutely refused to come back again that evening, unless anything special had happened at Natasha’s. 11), Steve Maddock (Oct. I told him to come in. What would she look like now? Would he even know her? Arya Underfoot.
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amazinggrace00 · 4 years
7x03 My Boi Sousa is Here and I'm Thriving
My boyfriend Daniel Sousa is on tonight
Whens my other boyfriend Fitz coming back
And my other boyfriend Hunter
Anyways area 51, my gen z brain is excited
I forgot about Enoch
My baby
What a simp
Whose that actor he looks familiar
Marvel saw our plans to raid area 51 last year and ran with it
whose this hoe
Go off Mack
Omg this reminds me of Roswell lol
I forgot are they back together?
I love the fashion
The costumers are probably glad not to only have black jackets and dress shirts
Go off Costumers
Omg when was the last Coulson Simmons scene
Remember what happened last time they went undercover together
Wait there was fitzsimmons gif released wtf Im thriving
I miss Agent Carter
Loved that fucking show
I felt bad for this bitch now I dont
Omg Sousa gonna show up and be like thats not my bo bo
Jemma sure has made a sacrifice
Wtf is this
My boi
Omg I cant
Yeah thats my wife (John Mulaney voice)
Go off Deke
I saw that single wtf
Thought we were ignoring endgame
Omg I can't
The cringe
Sousa omg
The fucking cringe I cant Sousa just tell her that your Carters boyfriend
Coulson what are you doing
Dekes moment to shine
Its cause your white
"Stupid white privilege"
What report
Im so proud at how much Deke has grown
omg its the blonde waitress
The sousa memes on Tumblr are amazing
"He really is"
May whats goong on
Omg they locked Sousa in there
I swear to god if they kill Sousa I will sue
They wouldnt do that
Omg I forgot she was a hacker
Dont hurt my baby
but it will probs be enoch lets be really
Omg is this how area 51 becomes a thing lol
Wish they didnt waste an end credit on that
i miss fitz
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afoxysunny · 4 years
Trixie as Lucky Bug
After a lot of consideration i chose Trixie for the title role
For you who only have a short while to look at the "art" I'll start with that and dump my way too deep thoughts underneath but first a little context. I based them all on random character bits i found in my time in the fandom so i hope it all makes sense
As a smart, naturally curious, young woman in an always moving household filled with only men Trixie quickly learned that these traits are not cool. Already as a child the playful bullying from her older brothers lead her to play up the tough tomboy, god forbid anyone found out she enjoyed learning. One day she wakes up to find Lazytown completely emptied of adults.
Showing a knack for planning and reasoning she gets chosen to become the owner of the Ladybug Miraculous
For now, also have some of the references i used. I hope that'll clear some things up that my drawing doesn't convey too well
Side note, I haven't decided if i want her to actually be non-binary or not but in any case i think she wouldn't be too comfortable being called mister or lady after years of denial of even being a girl in the first place
In this version of events it was Trixie who moved into town later on in her teen years so she is a little more removed from the others. Hopefully that'll make sense in the more detailed description below
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Design notes:
Two pig tails for antenna - i doubt she'd still have that same hairstyle in her civilian design, but as a callback to the show and fitting the animal theme i thought they'd look good and with thw undercut it doesn't look too childish
Climbing shoes - i wanted to give her flexible and funktional shoes, this worked out perfectly as the shape of these also kinda resembles the feet of a ladybug
Black plates on front - i really wanted to give a nod to the completely black belly of ladybugs amd even though the suit is magic and indestructible i think she'd feel cool with a more armored suit
Back: wing shape - with the belly symbolized i couldn't not shape out the wings a little more. In canon of Miraculous Ladybug the costumes are simple and effective, i am not. It's way more extra than it had to me
Black gloves - though part of the suit they are shaped like a tab for archery, technically this style is called a three fingered shooting glove but semantics. I know the Lucky Charm power gives each Ladybug a random object they can most effectively solve the given problem with so i figured Trixie would have an increased chance of giving a shooting based object
More piercings - i figured if and when Trixie got her ears pierced she'd go all the way and get a lot more than just the standard lobe piercings where the Miraculous are placed
Trixie is a very underrated character in my opinion, she went from the deepest character in the first musical to being barely existent in the show. One of my first thoughts was to give her the black cat as the power of destruction definitely would fit her recent characteristics best but overall i think the power of creation is in good hands with her. Thoughtful, inventive, adaptable and clever are exactly the traits the Ladybug Miraculous Holder needs and i think Zrixie fits this description best
Her family hopped through many towns throughout Trixie's life so when she arrived in Lazytown in her teen years she really liked her new school mates but had no real hope of staying around long enough for them to become actual friends; especially with her rather rough attitude. The others were definitely friendly with her but she just couldn't fully see herself as part of this group.
As she wakes up one day to discover all adults, including her older brothers, gone her first thought actually is that they left for another town and left her behind. Seeing the house and even the car abandoned and not cleaned out she knows that's not the case though. Regardless she spends the first few days in complete freedom to do whatever she wants, that being staying at home and reading and learning as much as she can now that nobody is around anymore to judge her for it. When the food runs thin at home she goes out for supplies she realizes the entire town is empty. Now worried about the people she'd closest consider her friends she wanted to bring her new supplies home thwn go look for the other teens.
She finds the others save and grouped together, learning they only didn't get her because nobody knew where she lived. When she gets back home the box with the ladybug miraculous is in her room and Tikki, her Kwami and new friend explains a little of the situation
Thank you so much for your attention, this is by far not all i thought of but with every word i feel more and more guilty over how long this is getting. I sincerely hope you enjoyed my rambling and thanks again
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