#amercias ass
yes-i-am-happyaspie · 2 years
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My new pillow is friend shaped... but also 'America's Ass' 😂😂❤️🤍💙
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rzyraffek · 10 months
Hello I have a NSFWish?? Request could you do Eddie Gluskin and maybe Brahms W a pervy s/o? Like always checking them out, grabbing their booty and pecs - I know you've done some NSFWish stuff and this isn't explicit so I thought it'd be okie!
Thank you!!
- 🎨
O my god your a genius, I swear those guys are not expecting that! I hope that you don't mind adding few characters 😈 rest of notes at the end
They/them, Request open (yeah I know im taking long time to write but its summer time this person (me) is going o u t s i d e )
Slashers with pervy s/o
Eddie Gluskin
Litteraly slaps their ass back
Kinda suprised at first, not used to people being so straightforward with him... and so brave... and- oh my darling your so...so...
bro caught simping
When they slapped him first time he just slowly turns around, he is about to whoop that ass HARDD
I swear anything playfully or just straightforward creepy/pervy this dude sees as flirt and a suggestion
But completely oblivious to their stares and eyes wandering in places, untill he looks at them directly he won't notice, BCS NOONE EVER YKNOW DID THAT TO HIM HE DOESNT EVEN THINK ABOUT IT
Brahms Heelshire
I just realised that hes name is so british... omg just say it out loud BRAHMS HeelSHIRE this dude is more british than queen herself (rip btw) LIKE IF anyone in amercia or anywhere else really was named brahms fucking heelshire he would be bullied so hard. Tbh maybe that's why he's in walls
Feels threatened... he was suppose to be pervy one! Not his s/o :((
At least you guys have fun running around mansion and slapping eachothers ass??? Yay relationship goals!!!
Man says "I mean I support equal rights" just to trow them from stairs or something
Also HE LITTERALY BLUSHES when they touch him normally NOW IMAGINE IF S/O does that to his bootie
"Are you checking me out again? Stoophh"
Pls he just tries to cuddle when he feels their arms slowly moving lower and lower and- hold up what do you think your doing love?🤨😳
Asa Emory
Nuh uh
You dont
He will litteraly cut their hands off if they try to do anything skechy
Hes so dreamy
Pov: asa just cutting vegetables for dinner, vibing, then suddenly out of dark corridor, emerges goblin-like creature (s/o) with evil grin, running to attack him, he tries to dogde it, but their evil arms are too quick, goblin smacks his ass so hard he collapses(dramatically), Asa feels the wave of embarrassment and dies immediately
Its currently 4am
Tbh he kinda likes the attention, like s/o is such a simp for him rn, his ego loves itttt
If some stuff doesr make sense im sorry, its 4am and I want to clear my inbox asap cuz I feel bad for all people that are waiting for my fics. Although you still can request!!! Im just trying to get some ideas for old ones (cuz tbh some of yall dont really have ideas for requests and just say "write for this dude ok bye" 😔😔 plz ily all but I cant work with that, I need some sort of idea, even boring one or overused
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avengerslittleone · 1 year
Tᕼᗴᖇᗴ ᗷᗩᗷY
Steve:ready to get us our baby and no ones else's
Natasha:oh I can’t wait to feed my baby naturaly
Bucky:I got some more drugs to make our baby go sleepy
Yelana: ha James let’s go get me my god daughter
America: are you ready yet or is there something else you need to get
Natasha:let’s go
𝑌/𝑛 universe our current universe
Y/n:(walks around mall in avengers tee shirt and ripped jeans and green Nike’s)I can never be tired of walking around the mall
America:(opens portal)we’re here
Natasha:let’s go now I want them
Steve: patients bae I know you want them
Bucky:(walks through portal )
Y/n:(walks downs the stairs of house walks out side )
Steve:I have eyes on the baby it looks like there headed to throw trash out down that darks alley way nat Bucky now it’s your time
Y/n:(throws trash start walking the other way)
Nat:excuse me you dropped something
Y/n:(turns around oops I am sorry picks it up and throws ways the small picks of trash)thank you mam (starts walking away)
Nat:go now bucky (walks after you )
Y/n:(feels someone followed you starts running but trips )ow
Nat:(picks you up holds you in place)
Y/n:please let me go I will give you anything but please let me go
Nat:I’m sorry sweetheart but mama cannot do that you’re our baby and we have had to cross the multiverse to get you so no
Bucky:and what we are doing is for your own good because your our baby and we’re are you caregivers/mama and dada’s and we know what is good for our little baby
Y/n:(feels needle go into your neck)please help let me go le me o (falls asleep)
Steve:let’s go (walks through portal)
Bucky:ah now we have our baby home amercia you can close the portal now
Steve:come on we only have so much time before then wake up
Bucky:I will take there clothes and phone and burn the clothes and brake the phone and burn that as well
Natasha:(puts diaper and onesie on you clips pacifier to onesie)
Steve:let’s put the restraints on them so they don’t get the idea of running
Later on
Y/n:(wakes up try’s getting up)what the fuck where am I (hears someone come In)
Nat:hay baby
Y/n:let me go you fucken psycho I want you now (thrashes against restraints)
Bucky:baby stop your going to hurt your self (yells Steve)
Steve:you yelled oh that’s what you called for (hands regression shot and muscle relaxer to Bucky )
Y/n:(screams get those shots away from me )
Bucky:(gets angry I said hold still)
Nat:(pulls the railing of the crib downs holds your head straight)
Y/n:avengers are supposed to help not be kidnapping ass holes
Bucky:(sticks y/n neck)those should help)
Y/n:wa wat s it
Nat:it’s going to make you our baby faster
Y/n:no wana mama dada papa
Bucky:we now have our baby
Steve:we do have our baby
Nat:out I am going to feed then so out
Steve:you done
Nat:yes (puts shirt back on) they are taking a nap
Steve:have you told yelana or your parents
Nat:no I just don’t want you know to happen I just got my baby I don’t want them to fight over them
Steve:(walks out with Natasha closes door)
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2oppositesidesof1coin · 6 months
Alot of this Gen Z vs Millenial bullshit on the internet, especially Tik Tok, wouldnt even exist if more people branched out to have friends across generations. I cant speak for other countries but Amercia really loves to shove people into specific age groups, even in adult spaces. 20 somethings get a wild hair up their ass if they find out someone is 30+ in the club, especially in queer clubs. Alot of senior groups are really uncomfortable with younger people wanting to join even if its like a knitting club. There really seems to be this idea that once you turn 30 you're supposed to be isolated, unseen, and unheard from public society minus the occasional date with the spouse or being a cringey or long suffering parent.
Americans really seem to have set social rules across the generations and want to enforce those by making sure intergenerational friendships dont happen.
Ya'll would learn so much from people out of your own age group and those out of your age group can learn so much from you. Theres so much that generations can teach one another but instead we all refuse to talk to anyone outside our age group because of a perceived gulf of difference.
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megafandomfreak · 3 years
And above all else, a very happy birthday to America’s Ass himself, Steve Rogers!🇺🇸🦅
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jokeritadoodle · 5 years
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I hv been waiting for today to post this new pin preorder cuz It's Captain Amercia's birthday!!! Salute to the best peach in the world, you can grab one here🍑👉:
✨If you order it before today ends, it's $1 off from the regular price!✨ Reblog would be appericated💖💖🍑🙏
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skzfairies · 3 years
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yuri has upload her first ever youtube video since pre-debut on her channel, sofia kim! sofia is the name she went by in amercia. she uploaded her chaotic and interesting video on july 1st, 2021, at 12am KST. enjoy!
likes: 978k
comments: 574k
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“hello everyone! welcome to my channel :DD, today i’ll be answering your questions that you all left for me, leeeettttttssss go!”
she just stared at the camera after her intro because she had no idea what to say...
queue editor yuri arriving 😍😍
miss girl really was slouching in her bed with her hair in a very messy bun with her big ass glasses on and her classic black hoodie covering her neck and the top of her hair 😭🤞
that was very detailed but i gotta give you the VISUALS
yuri, probably sleep deprived from editing 382929 videos in one night: WHY AM I SO 🐬🐬🐬🐬 AWKWARD 😡😡
did she really put a dolphin noise to censor her cursing? ✨😍yes she did😍✨
she had the camera edited to look like it was shaking and everything 😭
she prolly woke up the whole dorm stop it 😭
she can’t have kq taking her channel away on the first day 🙄🙄
the CEO called her and told her that part was the funniest part of the video 😭😭
she realized how agressive she sounded so she was like ....😀
yuri, now regretting all life decisions she has made in her 23 years of living: i’m so sorry that was very agressive please forgive me-
“okay first question, what is your most memorable moment with the boys?”
she took awhile to think about this one
there was so many good memories between and the boys so it’s hard to just pick just one
but a lot of them were very personal and she wasn’t ready to share it yet, so she just went with one that atiny had seen, she still finds it very very memorable and she holds it very close to her heart!
“it’s hard to pick just one, because the boys have been there for me so many times, and we just have so many great memories, i would say our whole time as ateez but that would be a bad answer 😭. so my answer is when we were doing a concert in LA...i’m sure you guys know where i’m going with them. um, when we performing our last song, i just....started sobbing. the worst part was it was right before my part and i couldn’t even do it because i was crying so hard. *laughs*. so it was just silent...then everyone knew i was crying...rip me.”
editor yuri back again: GOD imange crying in front of thousands yuri, what a loser 🙄🤚
she was kidding guys i promise
“but i just remember all the boys coming and hugging me and atiny cheering for me. it was just such a special moment because the majority of my family was at the concert...and i was back in my home state after a year and could see my family and old friends, but i was here with ateez, infront of atiny, and i think that’s the moment where it really set in that we made it, you know? it was so sweet too because all the boys were trying to cheer me up :(. i love them very much! okay next question before i ramble too long.”
miss bæ almost started crying thinking back on that memory BUT WE DONT TALK ABOUT IT
“do you ever want to have your own line, like a fashion line?”
her face was like 😧😧
she never thought about that but now that she does she actually want to do it
“i haven’t thought about this before, but having a fashion like would be so fun, omg that would be so cool! maybe a like....makeup collection too. ohhh that would be fun. we’ll see hehe.”
wydm “we’ll see” bestie yuri prolly already forgot about it 😀 we stan our forgetful queen ✨✨
“how have you been recently yuri? what is something you do to help your mental health? i’ve been doing pretty good, thanks for asking! i’m kinda busy currently, but i’m doing okay :D. and things to improve my mental health...i don’t know. i journal my negative feelings down and then try and think of the positives afterwards, but that can be hard sometimes. if i can’t do that i rewatch a series or a movie that i know will improve my mood...i try not to self sabotage myself 😀. or i just go into one of the members rooms and hang out with them, they can normally make my day better without realizing it :)”
bestie talks about the boys so much omg <333 she loves them with all her heart
“what are some plans you have for the future, if you don’t mind sharing with us?”
she said 😳😳😳
she was scared to answer this question because like....what if she accidently spoils something
but then she remembered it wasn’t live so if she couldn’t share it she could just cut it out 😭
“um, i don’t wanna spoil anything...so i’ll just talk about the future future , you know 😀.”
her manager was trying so hard not to laugh at her because yuri kept looking over at her 😭
“i want to get a dog, even though i have a cat i’m sure they will get along great! leo (her cat) is very playful after he’s done being shy! also...i want to...um...😀. what do i want to do? oh oh oh, i want to meet the cast of fear street! i’d definitely be shaking in my boots if i ever did meet them 😀”
miss girl is IN LOVE with deena and sam <3
“what are your goals in life? i want to be happy, and have peace. which i have that pretty much now, but it’s hard to keep. and sometimes it’s out of your control, but you have to keep going. i want to make others happy too, and i want to be an idol as long as i can, and keep making music and keep sharing it with you all!”
she also wants to marry yuqi BUT SHE CANT SAY THAT HERE 😀
“what keeps you going? what keeps you modivated?”
another question she had to think hard about 😭😭😭
just kidding she loves them :DDD
“to be honest...yuqi keeps me modivated. whenever things get hard, i always go to her and she can always calm me down and cheer me up. she’s my bestest friend, i miss her a lot...yuqi, i love you!”
she had the biggest smile on her face when she talked about yuqi
her love eyes were ACTIVATED ‼️‼️‼️‼️
“yuri...who inspired you to write misbehave?”
hi okay giving u guys some context, misbehave is one of the songs on her solo album and the song claim is misbehave by monsta x
um....i’ll show u one of the lyrics 😀
I love it when we misbehave // They say that we got issues, but girl, that's why I'm with you // Love it when we mess things up // Every time we argue, straight into the bedroom // And we only break up, just so we can make up // And I can hear you call my name // I love it when we misbehave
there’s others too....
it’s not the most scandalous song she’s written but prolly the most scandalous song she released minus deja vu 😀
because um....song yuqi was her inspiration....but SHE CANT SAY THAT ???)/!/!/!/&/8//8
she quickly recovered from her shock tho 😭
did she edit out her going 😳😳 ???
✨ n o ✨
gotta keep atinys on their toes 🙄🤚
“i just wrote it based off...movies. yeah, no one really inspired it. i just kinda thought of a concept and ran with it? if that makes sense.”
yuri can never escape the dating scandals
i think everyone knows at this point she has a girlfriend 😀
“what’s your favorite ateez song? literally all of them. how dare you make me pick? but hm...i really like inception, or my way....because i wrote it 😏. just kidding! my way is on the top of my list because it’s just...really meaningful to me. i cant really pick a favorite song i’m sorry guys 😭”
this was before fever part 3 but if you asked her this now she would say rocky...no hesitation ‼️
“what’s your favorite thing to do in your free time ? minus making music yuri...rest bestie 💔”
her answer was literally going to be writing songs BUT ATINY KNOWS HER SO WELL
she was just like 😦😐 😪
“atiny it’s a crime you know me so well, but since i can’t say anything work related 🙄, my favorite thing to do when i’m free is probably hanging out with my friends yuqi....or sleeping. oh! i like to bake too! i made some cookies last night and they are so good!!! they are probably all gone by now though....💔”
she loves her boys...when they don’t steal her cookies
just kidding she loves sharing with them 🥰
“okay....last question! how do you get over writers block? ......you just don’t. i’m kidding i’m kidding! if i can’t think of anything to write i kinda just....leave it. i quit writing for a few days and just think about it, and slowly ideas will come to be. i just jot down the small ideas i have and eventually they turn into bigger pieces!”
“thank you guys so much for watching! dont forget to like, comment, and subscribe! i love you guys so much, stay safe and take care of yourself! see you next week :D”
bestie had so much fun making this !!!!
the video was kind of short but you know, this was kind of her tester video so she didn’t want it to be that long :))
but stay tuned for more youtube videos from yuri 🥰
taglist: @chaerincore @ateezjuliet @atzaria @shinyddeonghwa @m00niesk7 @enhycloud @lcvergirl
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spydered-arch · 3 years
On this fine day of the birth of Amercia's Ass
Catch me rewriting the MCU as a whole for Natasha as I watch through the movies again.
I'm on discord and wire.
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hydrasweapon · 3 years
// I think we can all agree that we got a new Amercia's Ass
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writingandmore · 4 years
Master-post for Imagines and Headcanons
 Genshin Impact: 
 -Ideal Date w/ Diluc
-Star Wars: 
 - Poe Dameron x badass! reader
 - Being bffs with Ahsoka Tano
 -General relationship headcanons for Leia 
 - Bucky Barnes headcanons where his s/o is a firefighter
 - Bruce Wayne overhearing their S/O sing beautifully while playing the piano or guitar.
 -Bruce Wayne with an S/O with children from a previous relationship.
 - Dick Grayson  reacting to his s/o, an asexual trans guy, having self-esteem issues
 - Pidge VLD fluffy headcanons
 - Headcannons for fluffy, more domestic Allura x Female MC
 -Lance reacting to his s/o, an asexual trans guy, having self-esteem issues.
 -Lance and Keith taking care of sick s/o. 
 -Keith, Shiro, and Lance with a tactical, strategy-minded s/o 
 -Paladins reacting to an insecure s/o. 
 -How the Paladins react to having a crush.
 -Aph America, Germany, and England reacting to a very flirty s/o.
 -General relationship headcanons for Alfred (APH Amercia) and Mathew (APH Canada) 
 -Alfred and Mathew with an s/o who always feels warm
 -APH Hungary, Belarus, Ukraine, and Belgium making their s/o food for their birthday
 -APH Russia with an s/o nervous about physical affection becoming really affectionate over time. 
 -APH Russia with his s/o who’s nervous on their wedding night (Slight NSFW)
 -APH Russia helping a depressed s/o.
 -APH Hungary, APH Austria, and APH Prussia with an s/o who gets nervous in public/crowds
 -Sasuke overhearing their S/O sing beautifully while playing the piano or guitar?
 -Relationship headcannons for Deidara.
 -Non uchiha massacre AU with Itachi x Hyuga! Reader 
 -Itachi and his s/o at the beach 
Black Butler: 
 -Relationship headcanons for the Undertaker and Sebastian 
 - Jealousy headcanons for the Undertaker and Sebastian
 -Headcanon for how Sebastian, Bard & Finny would react to something threatening her life that they could not control.
 - Headcanons for how Dirk, Dave, and Kankri would comfort their s/o with social anxiety who did terribly on a presentation.
 - Domestic Raihan fluff headcanons.
 - Raihan with an s/o that's shorter than him but can also kick ass.
 -Raihan with a mute s/o
 -Raihan, Leon, and Piers with a rock star S/O. 
 -Leon taking Hop to see his S/O’s concert. 
 -Brock relationship headcanons.
Ace Attorney: 
 -Headcanons for Edgeworth being blind. 
 - Kokichi as a dad.
 -Kazuichi as a dad. 
 Boku No Hero Academia: 
 - Bakugou, Izuku, Kirishima, and Todoroki with a reader who’s dealing with upsetting family developments. 
 - Can we get Bakugou, Todoroki, Kirishima, and Izuku dad!headcanons
 - Bakugo, Izuku, Todoroki, Kirishima, and Shinsou having an s/o with anxiety and people made fun of them for it. 
 -Platonic Bakusquad with an affectionate friend 
 - Tamaki amajiki, Mirio, Tomura, and Hawks with an s/o who overworks themselves
 - Izuku comfort hcs of him finding out his s/o has self harm scars/self harms?
 -Plantonic Izuku helping out a friend who struggles with studying
 -Izuku and Shinsou and what they want and need in an s/o
 -Shinsou husband headcanons
 -Shinsou comforting his s/o before an audition
 -Todoroki reacting to his s/o, an asexual trans guy, having self-esteem issues.
 -Todoroki getting jealous and confessing his feelings 
 - Soulmate Denki AU
 - Poly headcanons of Monoma, Shinsou, and their s/o.
 -Dabi relationship headcanons
 -Jealous Dabi Headcanons
 -Iida comforting his s/o
 -Aizawa with a homicide detective s/o
Life is Strange: 
 -Nathan Prescott reacting to overhearing their S/O sing beautifully while playing the piano or guitar?
The Arcana: 
 - Headcanons of kisses with Asra.
 - The Arcana main 6 as models.
 -Headcannons of the main six trying to help an MC who refused to rest and take a break and sometimes faints because of work.
Monster Prom: 
 -Damien meeting his s/o’s 6 member family. 
She-ra Princesses of Power: 
 -Catra with an s/o who has curly hair. 
 - Entrapta x reader. 
 -Adora with a vampire s/o. 
 Hazbin Hotel/Helluva Boss: 
 - Fluffy Sir Pentious headcanons. 
 -Alastor and Angel Dust and what they need/want in an s/o 
 -Alastor and Angel Dust with a Pure and Sweet S/O
-Blitzo and Angel Dust interacting with their s/o’s abusive parent
 -Husk cuddling headcanons
 -Loona dating headcanons
 -Blitzo relationship Headcanons
 -Blitzo proposing to his s/o 
 -Blitzo’s so proposing to him
 -Blitzo taking care of a sick s/o
 -Blitzo reacting to a trans s/o coming out
Devil May Cry 5:
  -Being Dante’s s/o headcanons
 -Dante and Virgil with a dorky s/o 
The Dragon Prince: 
 -General Modern! AU Headcanons
 -Soren with an s/o who was Aaravos’ apprentice and daughter
 -Dating headcanons for Soren 
 -Soren and Corvus with an s/o recovering from an abusive family
 -Soren and Gren s/o preferences  
 -Aaravos with a slim s/o who is insecure with their body (NS/FW) 
 -Aaravos with a human noble s/o
 -Aaravos fluffy headcanons
 -Aaravos with a child headcanons
Bungou Stray Dogs: 
 -Dazai and Chuuya with an s/o who is a sex worker (NS/FW)
 -Chuuya when his s/o gets bullied. 
 -Chuuya with a crybaby s/o. 
 -Chuuya with an s/o who is getting flirted with
 -Chuuya with an s/o who is afraid to ask for affection 
 -Ranpo with an s/o that surprises him on Valentine’s Day (NS/FW) 
 -Atsushi’s reaction when his partner brings home a pet.
 -Chuuya and Atsushi general relationship headcanons.
 -General Relationship Headcanons with Akiko (NS/FW) 
Fire Emblem:
   -Tharja, Camilla, Lucina, Peri, and Olivia comforting their child after a nightmare. 
 -Claude with an s/o from a foreign kingdom. 
 -Qrow dating headcanons
 -Sun general relationship headcanons
Persona 5:
 -Haru with an idol S/O
 -Haru and her S/O going on a romantic horse ride. 
 -Haru getting sung to by her s/o. 
 -Makoto with a Biker S/O
 -Makoto going horse back riding with her s/o 
Mystic Messenger: 
 -Yoosung with an s/o who is a huge Star Wars fan
 -Zen protecting his s/o from someone pushy 
 -Seven, Saeran, Jumin, and V reacting to their s/o coming out as a trans man
 -Seven and Zen with an s/o who struggles with BPD and Self-harm
 -Rock with a shy s/o
 -Samon starting out a relationship/fluff headcanons
 -Samon and Enki with a crush on the same person
The Alienist: 
 -Laszlo meeting his future s/o for the first time .
 -Serizawa general relationship headcanons
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floppy-ding-dong · 4 years
saw ppl saying “yeah, that’s not mexican, it’s a western culture addition” (about putting cheese on tacos) and it made me realize some americans either don’t know what “western” means or forgot where mexico is on the map kjdfhisjfoas
reminds me of the girl asking ppl to name five countries in america and muricans proceeding to name USA states jfhjksilsa 
not only did you name your country after a whole continent, now some of you think you ARE the Whole Ass Continent and come and justify to people on the internet that Amercia is actually TWO (or three) continents (not devided in regions, no...South Amercia is a CONTINENT BY ITSELF dnkjsandkjaknj) didn’t know it was the United Stated of North America kajdhakjshdka
like in english you LEGIT learn there are two different continents, that’s kjasfhkoilapoadksp so sad
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rajjchelorupdates · 4 years
contestant intros
quincy: idk but her tweet was "come rub ur dick in between these tits"
littlealii: idk i was writing. tweet: he couldnt find a tweet from her to read (couldnt find twitter)
mrsjessic: 21, canadian, irl cooking/interview content. tweet: "single and looking for a relationship with woman 26-46"
5unfl0wer: 20, from texas, studying to be kindergarden teacher.
emilyfreakingjane: 20, Australian, archeologist. tweet: "i literally just shit my pants. im not kidding i just shit my pants."
justaminx: irish but in amercia for a few months, twitch partner now. tweet: "if ur single youre probably ugly" (and hes single)
elliemoon: has been streaming for 2 months, a bijget mr beast (gets donations and redonates a portion to smaller streamers). tweet: no tweet
sleppy: ash, 19, plays ukulele, twitch streamer. tweet: "i swear to god if i get asked for feet pics one more time i will cut my feet off"
lickitthong_: licky, 24, libra, nigerian-american. tweet: "
momokomotto: computer programmer/twitch streamer. tweet: none
kaceytron: the stoner girl from the other shows, just flat out said she didnt have anything to say baout herself, likes pizza. tweet: "the worst date ive ever been on. he didnt pay and now im eating biscuits. what an ass all men are pigs"
kandyland: 19, big fan of youtube and tiktok. tweet: none
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sleepyspacebb · 5 years
Dice roll! 20, 36, 51 and 85 🖤
20) if you could have sex with anyone right now, who would it be?chris evans, amercia’s ass
36) do you like it when your sexual partner moans?yes gimme any kind of feedback whatsoever i wanna hear how good it is for them!!!!!!!!1
51) is there any food you would NOT recommend using during a sexual encounter?i am anti-food inclusion in my sex life because i do not want the mess lol
85) are you loud or quiet during sex? masturbation?during sex, i am loud. while masturbating, it depends on if anyone else is home
nsfw q’s!
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jojinx · 4 years
Heaven is Hell with Baby Blues Ch. 5
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Chris Evans x OC Olivia Ransom
Words: 3k
Warnings: 18+, aggressive Chris, light DD/lg, mature content, daddy kink, alcohol consumption
**Warnings of insinuation of mature content**
Want to see more of Chris and Olivia? 
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
A/N: I know I didn’t post for a few days, but I was feeling a bit anxious about my writing if I’m being honest. I have so much fun doing it but sometimes it just feels like I get lost in my own head and forget to be okay with it not being perfect, which I’m sure is very common with anything you feel love towards. Regardless, here is chapter 5 and I’m excited for you all to read it :)  I hope you enjoy it and as always suggestions welcome!
Series Summary: Olivia is a career driven woman who works for a big shot movie studio as a writer, she indulges in life’s pleasures and takes great pride in doing whatever and whoever she likes. Living with her best friend Poppy, Olivia is ambitious and has an appetite for the unconventional. She is living the high life until there is a shift in the dynamic of her friend trio. This pushes Olivia to find comfort in the only way that she knows how; in the arms of a tall bearded stranger with some killer baby blues. The only thing wrong is that she can't seem to shake the feeling that she knows him from somewhere...
                                                Chapter 5
I slowly woke up out of what could be considered the absolute best nap I had ever had. I languidly stretched, pointing my toes; hands reaching for the sky trying to get my body to wake up. It wasn’t until I went to scrub my eyes with my hand that I realized I was still wearing what was left of my black eye makeup…and that it was still dark in the room where I was currently laying completely naked. The events of the night hit me like a train careening off the tracks. I fell asleep. Fuck. I passed out. How could this have happened?
I slowly reached my left hand over to the other side of the monstrous bed, half expecting it to be empty. No such luck. My hand hit a huge, hard, and warm bicep, and my brain immediately started firing on all cylinders. I had to get out of here. I had to go before he woke up. Something that would’ve been a hell of a lot easier had I not passed out. Fuck.
I slowly turned my head to the gorgeous, bearded, brunette man beside me who took up the majority of what could only be a California king sized bed. He lay there sprawled out, sleeping peacefully, long eyelashes resting on his cheeks, pouty pink lips slightly parted, huge arm stretched off the side of the bed, letting out a soft snore. I had to go. Now. This man lying next to me was dangerous to say the least. Tall, dark, handsome and nothing but raw power. Men like this were the men I avoided, not for lack of fun – believe me, there was plenty of fun to be had- but because of the chaotic nature of these types of dynamics.
I sat up, realizing that my leg was laying on top of his, and pulled it off him as slowly as I could. I brought my legs up to my chest to swing them over the bed, when I felt a sweet ache and tenderness in my lady bits. Flashbacks immediately hit me, being tied up, him spanking me until I was putty in his hands, being made to… oh god, I had to go.
I slowly lowered my feet one at a time to the soft rug that stretched out from under the bed, trying to make as little noise as possible. Looking back at him, I tiptoed to the front of the bed crouching down to grab my heels and jeans, when my legs spasmed not being able to hold my weight. I went down with a soft thud and a squeak onto a pile of black which I could only assume was his dress shirt from the night before. I glanced up at my mystery stranger, making sure he hadn’t moved and got up onto my knees to make my way to the door.
“Hmmm, and where might you be off to in such a rush?” said a husky voice, gravelly with sleep.
I froze. Completely naked, heels and jeans in my hands, looking like a crazy person I was sure. I stood up straight on shaky legs, something he found quite funny.
“Now, what I don’t understand is why you’re leaving without giving me a proper goodbye.” He chuckled. “Those legs of yours don’t look to be up to the challenge of walking you all the way to the door.”
I turned slowly on my wobbly legs, hoping he didn’t see just how unsteady I truly was. I straightened my back and stood up as straight as the ach in between my legs would allow.
“I just figured I’d make it easier for the both of us. I mean we had a great time, don’t get me wrong, but the alcohols’ gone, my nap rejuvenated me and inspired me to take my ass home.” I said, trying to sound matter of fact, and direct, ignoring the tremor in my voice.
“And all without saying goodbye to me.” He tsked, sitting up in bed. He slowly moved his legs off the side to stand letting the white sheet fall off him, revealing first his strong thighs and then his firm ass. God, I could bounce a quarter off that behind. Once he was at his full height, the sheet dropped completely from his hips, showcasing his breathtaking…assets. I was embarrassed to admit that even with the ache prominently reminding me that I should head home, I felt myself clench for him. My body remembering all the wicked things he knew how to do with that mouth, with those hands…. That co- No! Oh my god, I was like a horny teenager.
He walked toward me, body on full display. He stood directly in front of me, and without breaking eye contact slowly grabbed both my heels and jeans from my hands placing them on a chair near the corner of the room. I couldn’t move. Did he want to have sex again? Did I want to have sex again? Jesus.
Once my shoes and jeans were safely on the chair, he leaned down and reached behind me coming up with a pile of black fabric in his hands. He held it out, making sense of the bundle and once organized he held it open up to my back.
“Put this on.” It was a command, not a request. Normally, I am not the type of woman anyone commands, not without some well-established rules first at the very least, but for some reason his tone held a finality to it. Like arguing would only waste time because he was the one in charge in this room. I obediently slipped my arms into the much too large black dress shirt pulling it closed over my naked body, enjoying the scent of cologne that lingered on the fabric. He came around and moved my arms from their crossed position over my chest, taking each button between his large fingers and securing them. Once he was satisfied with the number of buttons that were done up, he looked up at me. Baby blue meeting chocolate brown.
“Come back to bed.” He said softly, not an order this time; a request. Something in his eyes told me to listen, something pushed me to want to stay, all my earlier escape plans forgotten.
“Okay.” I replied softly, looking up at him through my lashes, my nerves coming through my trembling reply. I didn’t know what to make of what he’d asked of me; all I knew was that one look into those liquid blue eyes and I wanted nothing more than to give him anything and everything he wanted. This is where the danger lay in these dynamics. This is where I had to be careful, guarded. If I wasn’t careful, tall, dark, and horny would chew me up and spit me right back out again leaving me to pick up all my broken pieces.
I awoke to sunlight beaming in through a sliver between the dark curtains, slowly getting my bearings; squinting my eyes open. I went to roll over and get the sun out of my eye when I realized that I was caged in my two massive arms. The more I became aware of my body, the more I realized that I was pressed against what could only be the blue-eyed stranger form the night before. His face was pressed against my hair, letting me hear soft snores as he breathed. I know I should leave, take advantage of him being out cold and sneak off, but I couldn’t bring myself to do it. I found my curiosity peaked, and I wanted to get a feel for the man who was able to fuck me into oblivion and also cuddle me this tightly.
I attempted to turn over in his arms to look at his face, when I felt him stir behind me. With a deep groan he turned over onto his back, pulling me with him. Before I could react, a loud squeal left my lips, effectively causing a low chuckle from under me. I lay there, a little taken aback by his easy reaction.
“Good morning to you too, Bambi.” I said in a deep baritone voice. “I was wondering if you’d be here when I woke up.”
“Well it’s kind of difficult to escape when you’re being held hostage by a giant.” I grumbled, trying to push his arms from around me to get up.
I was rewarded with a deep laugh from the giant himself. I couldn’t help but smile as I pushed against his arms. I managed to get free and hop up onto my feet turning to face him in the process, when I wobbled on my still unsteady legs, only causing him to laugh all the more. I was beginning to get annoyed. It wasn’t my fault that I couldn’t stand properly, something that I was pretty happy about, albeit a little annoyed.
Reaching out to steady myself on the big bed, I finally looked up at him in the morning light. My heart stopped.
“Are you fucking KIDDING me?!” I all but screeched at his face, pulling the white sheet that had been covering us off the bed to hide my bare breasts from him.
“What?” He quickly asked, alarm laced in his tone as he reached for me. “Are you okay, what is it?”
I pulled back, stumbling over the sheet, like he was made of lava. It couldn’t be. This wasn’t happening. The beard, the eyes, the biceps, the pecs… Captain FUCKING America was currently lying naked in bed. Naked. Captain America. Bed. I frantically looked around, anxiety gripping my heart. Was I on some hidden camera show?
“You-you’re-but-Evans-Chris-FUCK!” I finally managed to sputter in between heaving breaths looking into his worried blue eyes.
He closed his eyes and threw his head back as an almost hysterical laugh broke from his chest. It looked like he was struggling to breath when his right hand came up and grabbed his chest. I could see tears streaming down his temples as he fell backwards onto the bed, clearly amused by my reaction to our situation.
“If you don’t stop laughing, I’m going to come over there and smother you!” I fumed. I couldn’t believe this jackass. I couldn’t believe that I was too drunk to realize I dragged Chris fucking Evans out of a club. I was embarrassed, and I have to say a little proud. Drunk me kicked ass.
“Holy shit…” He said, attempting to catch his breath. “I can’t believe it took you this long to notice!” Again, he broke down into a fit of laughter. “We had sex for like 4 hours!”
I stood there with my lips pressed tightly together, wanting to be furious but failing miserably. His laugh was contagious; I felt a bubble of laughter sneak its way up my throat. The more I thought about it, the harder I laughed. The harder I laughed, the more my legs shook. I fell onto the bed in a fit of giggles as the night’s events flashed in my mind. I had to stop drinking with Poppy.
We both managed to calm down enough to catch our breath. I wiped the tears from my eyes as I looked over at him only to find him already staring at me with a grin on his face.
“I just can’t believe I was so out of it that I didn’t realize I took home Captain America.” I said, shaking my head, as a few laughs spilled from me.
“Yeah well, tequila will do that to you.” He laughed with twinkle in his eye. “Can’t say I’ve ever had that happen to me before, though. So, you’re definitely a first for me.”
“I don’t know whether to be embarrassed or to be concerned.” I half groaned into my hands. “I don’t think I’ve ever woken up next to a celebrity before, so you’re definitely a first for me, too.”
I realized that I didn’t even know what time it was, I sat up looking around at the disaster that was at the foot of the bed. His cllothes strewn everywhere, shoes scattered around, and what looked like a dark tie laying at the top the chaos. My cheeks burned with the memories of the night before. Attempting to not look like an obsessive crazy person, I avoided eye contact so he couldn’t see the embarrassment on my face.
“Are you all right?” Chris asked from his side of the bed, leaning up on his elbows to get a view of my face.
“Yeah, I’m fine!” I replied with a nervous chuckle. “I’m just trying to make sense of the chaos on the floor so I can find my clothes.” I popped onto my knees and leaned over the end of the bed, mindlessly pushing my bare ass in the air.
“Hmm, well yes you are.” Came a low reply as I felt a large hand on my ass. I was caught so off guard that I jumped forward, nearly falling off the bed causing him to lean forward and catch me just in time to stop me from toppling headfirst off the edge.
“Might wanna be more careful there, short stuff.” He laughed, pulling me back into a sitting position. “Your jeans and shoes are on the chair over there.” He gestured to the corner of the room.
I quickly slid out of his grasp, managing to find my jeans and heels just where he’d said, and what was left of my panties buried under his clothes. Bummer, I liked those.
“Have you seen my top?” I asked without turning around. I didn’t trust myself to look at him. I ran the risk of either reacting like a crazy person or getting pulled into bed again, and it was time to go. I had never stayed this long with a one-night stand. Not that this was just any one-night stand, but still. I was always out before morning, mainly because this part was always awkward and him being who he was just made it all the more nerve wracking.
“I think we dropped it somewhere by the front door. Here, let me go look.” He got up out of bed and made his very naked way out the bedroom door. All I could do was stare at his perfectly formed ass as he walked away not giving a second thought to being completely naked. Incredible how he didn’t have an ounce of fat on him, and how when he walked the only thing that moved was his… package. I quickly snapped out of it, slipping into my jeans and heels. The night before rearing its head as I managed to stand up straight. All the dancing and after party antics really took a toll on my poor feet and I couldn’t wait to get out of these heels and into some fuzzy socks.
Thinking of fuzzy socks reminded me of home and that reminded me of Poppy, I didn’t even know where to begin looking for my clutch. I walked out of the bedroom and into the massive living room, arms covering my bare breasts. Chris was nowhere to be found when I heard him yell from what I could only be the kitchen.
“Found it!” He triumphantly cried holding my sparkly top in his hand. “Somehow it landed by the entrance of the kitchen.” He said with a smirk when he caught sight of me walking over to him.
I couldn’t help but laugh at the grin on his face. This was by far the weirdest day of my entire life. I felt like I was in the twilight zone. Here I was, topless in the penthouse suite of an undoubtedly expensive hotel, standing in front of Captain America himself, topless while he was completely naked holding my top from the night prior.
“I’d say you were my hero, but you’re the reason I lost it to begin with.” I laughed as I grabbed my top back. I made sense of the fabric and then slid it on, tying the strings behind my neck and back, finally covering my top half. I turned to walk to the couch where somehow my clutch had landed and started to go through it in the hopes that my phone still had charge.
“So, since you’re dressed, I’m assuming you plan on leaving.” Chris said. “I was actually going to ask if you wanted breakfast before you left. I’m starving and I was kind of hoping you wanted to stick around for some after breakfast fun.”
I was in the middle of unlocking my phone when I finally registered what he’d said to me. I looked up with raised eyebrows, wondering if I’d heard him correctly.
“You want me to have breakfast with you?” I asked in a questioning tone.
“I want you to have breakfast with me.” He nodded. “And then maybe be desert.” He finished with a panty dropping smirk. “Only if you want to of course. We had fun yesterday and I figured we should take advantage since we’re both here anyway.” He finished, crossing his large arms across his chest accentuating his muscled upper body, reminding me that he still had no clothes on.
I couldn’t believe my ears. He wanted to have breakfast. And then more sex. I was at a loss, I knew I should be jumping for joy, but I was suspicious to say the least. But I was a woman, and I had needs. Something that I knew Mr. Evans could take care of for me, which clouded my judgement to say the least.
“Fine, I’ll stay for breakfast…” I started, trailing off.
“I sense an ‘if’ coming.” He chuckled, shaking his head and looking down at me.
“IF,” I confirmed, “you agree to that including an Oreo milkshake… and you let me be on top.” I replied with a raised eyebrow. Both his eyebrows shot up at my requests, his right hand coming up to his mouth and tapping as if in consideration.
“The Oreo milkshake I can do… but you’ll have to be an extra good girl if you want to be on top.” He pinned me with his steel blue gaze and I knew today was about to get a little more interesting.
I hope you enjoyed chapter 5! This story is kind of taking on a life of its own, and it's getting exciting to see these two interact.
As always, suggestions and feedback is always welcome! 
See you in chapter 6 :)
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foxy-charm · 5 years
ALSO HI. I haven't seen you guys in a while. So uh yeah. I’m a wiccan now. I’m two semesters away from freedom and then prison again in student loans. 
How is everyone else? x’D
ALSO CAN WE TALK ABOUT AMERCIA’S ASS? I want to nibble it...
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Antifa etc
"We have a very clear trend in this country. We try one person as president, and the next person has to be completely opposite. ‘Cause no one can do the job correctly. We go right, left, dumb, smart. We give everybody a chance. We go Clinton, Bush. Then we go Bush, Obama. Obama, Trump.....
We just got out of a long-term relationship with a very boring but sensible person, and now we’re dating a whore"-Joe rogan
I can understand people who hate Trump. I get it....he's arrogant, he's offensive, rude, sleeps with porn stars and then calls them Horse face on twitter....he's a dick....it's totally understandable. Even though I see a total inability to think critically sometimes by both conservatives who think he's the second coming and liberals who have convinced themselves he's Adolf hiter, I can see why people are so angry and emotional.
The problem, in my opinion, is that when you hold these extreme points of view, it's very easy to stop seeing things clearly. Blind admiration for the man will make you dimiss or justify anything negative you hear about him and on the flip side, bitter hatred will make you unable to see anything positive. In the past I never really cared too much about people's political bias, rhetoric, and unwillingness to see other points of view. That was just politics to me.....annoyingly similar to having a favorite football team. You want your team to win and fuck the losers on the other team lol but god damn people.....shit is out of control.
I occasionally post things on facebook that piss people off...it's pretty easy to do. But the other day I posted about ANTIFA and it felt like all hell broke loose....I was actually pretty stunned by some of my more peacful/hippyish friends defending them lol Everything I've ever read about ANTIFA , seen on tv, watched on YOUTUBE, read on their facebook pages have just been so fucked up. The name sounds good lol anti facsist? I'm an anti facsist! punch a nazi? fuck nazis. They chant things like sexist/racist/anti gay go away.....ok....sounds reasonable to me lol But......as much as I totally believe that they THINK they are doing whats right, the evidence suggests otherwise.
I didn't hear about ANTIFA until last year when those fuckin loser white nationalists marched in the street and apparently ended up killing a young female who was there to protest. I didn't see any videos of the "event" and I didn't understand why Trump had to say that both sides were responsible for what happened. To me it sounded like evil white racists were the only ones to blame. I mean clearly a group fighting against racism and facsism couldn't be to blame as well. They are trying to make the world a better place .....
But then I started seeing videos of ANTIFA throwing urine on people, hitting people over the head with bats, setting shit on fire, bringing guns and knifes and throwing Molitov cocktails at peaceful protests, injuring old people.....damaging property.....?? I started researching ANTIFA more and more and it became quite obvious that they were more of a terrorist group than anything. Terrorists who apparently have broadened the definition of racism and fascism to include pretty much anyone who's not them.
They spend much of their time trying to silence speakers like Tucker Carlson, Ben Shapiro, Candace Owens, Charlie kirk, Jordan Peterson, and even Dave Rubin of all people. ANTIFA considers them fascist nazis and they are willing to shut them down ...(.and this is a direct quote from them) "by any means necessary". While like most political speakers, the people I mentioned certainly have at least 1 or 2 opinions that can be seen as controversial especially if you are far to the left. That being said, they certainly are not facsists or racists or sexists or white supremicists or any of the other names being hurled in their direction. Dave Rubin is a gay liberal, Candace owens is a black female conservative, Ben Shapiro is very conservative Jewish man who proudly wears a Yamaka wherever he goes......so I have a hard time wrapping my head around calling them nazis or racists lol
I can see not liking them, not liking their ideas......I disagree with these people on some very important issues and have even been offended quite a few times listening to Ben Shapiro. But me being offended doesn't make him a Fascist...and I have yet to hear anyone make a decent argument to back up this claim.
This is the problem though....if blind hatred can convince you that Trump is comparable to Adolf Hitler (someone who had millions of people murdered in the most disgusting ways possible.) then you can easily justify ANTIFA's violence and you can demonize perfectly decent people simply because you do not agree with them politically.
ANTIFA thinks we are surrounded by NAZIS and so violence in their minds is justified. Showing up at someone's house, breaking their door, and scaring their family is justified. Trying to deny someone's free speech is justified. I'm sure there are real nazis still living in Amercia...violent white supremacists who deserve to get their ass beat. I wont bat a fucking eye or lose a wink of sleep if you harrass those guys.....but ANTIFA has no empathy for people who do not think just like they do and infact they see them as evil and when you see people as evil you are capable of some really horrible shit. Surely they must see the irony in all of this.......shutting down free speech, vandalizing peoples homes, chanting outside, trying to break into peoples homes, injuring, tossing urine, posting addresses online so that more people can come harrass people you don't agree with.......thats Fascism
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