#americas gun culture
perseuspixl · 15 hours
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Well Regulated Meal-itia
#embarrassing af
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queerism1969 · 1 year
Gun violence is now the leading cause of death among children in the USA.
Every developed nation has people with mental illness, video games, disgruntled ex-employees, alienated people, homicidal and suicidal persons, etc. Why does the U.S. have the problem it
It's the same things it always has - the number of firearms, access to them, fetishism surrounding the 2nd Amendment, and the immense political power of the firearms industry.
Not a single politician has the courage to step up.
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watermelinoe · 3 months
independence day is such a ridiculous movie and i love it
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sixbucks · 18 days
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godisarepublican · 5 months
Consider for a moment that people were silenced, deplatformed for referring to Hunter Biden's laptop as "Hunter Biden's Laptop." That people are STILL being persecuted for calling into question a highly questionable election. People were deplatformed for reading the warning label on the box their masks came in; the one that said masks won't protect you from a virus. Consider all this. Remember, and consider it:
Our so called leaders are evil. Period.
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jongupscrookedteeth · 2 months
NCT, Johnny -
zombie apocalypse moodboard
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Please note that I created the collage but the photos are not mine credit to original owners
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dylandhindsa · 1 month
The culture shock of going to another country and seeing the lack of guns is WILD. I went to Ireland and learned that the police there ARENT ARMED?!! I DIDNT KNOW THAT WAS AN OPTION HELLO?!?
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leaves-fall-down · 10 months
"There's other arab countries for Palestinians to go to!!!" This is gonna blow your stupid little mind but much like how Canada isn't just America: Second Edition™️ and how not all Latinos are Mexican, Arab countries aren't the same! They just aren't! Some arab nations speak dialects of Arabic that are literally unintelligible to each other when compared! MSA exists because of this! North Africa has many differences by itself! So does the levant! So does the gulf! If you think Morocco is the same as Lebanon or Iraq you are literally just super fucking racist quite frankly! If you're response to Palestinian's suffering is "oh well there's enough similarites between them and these other people just chuck 'em over there!" you're not only bizzarely culturally insensitive but are also racist to an extent that is probably borderline sociopathic and don't even realize it!
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tilbageidanmark · 16 days
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(All the other memes I’ve made..)
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vibewiththy · 2 months
"I'm only here for the lore and story🤓🤓" then go read a book or something?? I promise Capitano will still show up if the characters are darker
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aci25 · 1 year
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perseuspixl · 2 months
Republican white kids must stop trying to assasinate Trump. Even worse than a Trump presidency would be a hillbilly Vance presidency
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Americans Abroad in Europe
I’m not so sure about other continents, but us Americans always sound so traumatized talking about out time spent abroad in Europe. I have heard multiple posts of people saying they were worried to pay for a doctors visit that in readily cost them only 100-300 euro…Europeans apologize to us for charging 100-300 Euro for a Dr’s visit and it’s like…no…no you don’t understand I will happily pay 300 euro do you have any idea how much more this would cost me in America??? WITH insurance??? Do you know what I would do to not have to question whether or not I really have to go to the doctor? Even as a kid I was scared of being so sick I had to go to the doctor because my parents wouldn’t take us to the doctor unless it was really really bad. Dont get me wrong, they took care of us and I was lucky to have a roof over my head but we didn’t have enough to just go to a doctor.
Then for the Americans who work overseas telling us the rumors are true…I’ve read papers and magazines saying in France if you’re sick you’re sick and you don’t have to use up “sick days”, in Eurpoean countries pregnant people get MONTHS of maternity leave but I never fully believed it. In America you are told out of politeness to “take care of yourself” and “don’t come to work if you’re sick” but no one really means it. They tell you that because we have certain labor laws they want to pretend are better than they actually are, they want to make it seem like they aren’t going to make you drag your ass into your shift when you’re coughing and sneezing and you’re pretty sure you’re going to vomit, you just haven’t yet because you’ve trained yourself not to because at a young age you were punished for being sick from school.
We are surprised when your cops don’t have guns. We are surprised when the car backfiring wasn’t a gunshot. We are surprised that you don’t take note of the exits when you enter a building, that you don’t stare at the person getting on the bus with a big hoodie on to see if he’s concealing a gun (because chances are you’ve learned to tell the signs of someone concealing a gun).
It’s beyond culture shock. Culture shock is realizing that German trains are punctual and that there is still a heavy Catholic influence in Ireland. It is the same culture shock as finding out that weed is illegal in most European countries but the drinking age is much lower than it is in America. It is the same culture shock one would get from moving from Nebraska to Oregon and finding out that most stores close at 7-9pm and you will seldom find anything open 24/7. It is the same culture shock one would get moving from southern Texas to the Rocky Mountains and seeing just how long the snow stays on the mountains. That, THAT is culture shock. Being shocked that education is affordable, that healthcare is affordable, that people are given vacation time, PTO, decent paternity and maternity leave…that is trauma.
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godisarepublican · 6 months
Bears repeating:
"NOW, THEREFORE, I, JOSEPH R. BIDEN JR., President of the United States of America, by virtue of the authority vested in me by the Constitution and the laws of the United States, do hereby proclaim March 31, 2024, as Transgender Day of Visibility."
It's on the Whitehouse website. Google the above. Find the proclamation. Skip down to Paragraph six. Apparently Biden is now denying that he ever said it..though it's on the Whitehouse website.
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theconjurervfx · 6 months
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uzumaki-rebellion · 2 years
Yeah, male rap is done for as a genre. Low vibrational behavior being around any male rappers of today. That French Montana video shooting is going to have some serious repercussions in the industry. People will begin to reevaluate if male rappers should be around for anything industry related or in the public at all due to safety fears.
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