#amir from the burn unit
mattzerella-sticks · 6 months
I think it'd be great if Eddie gets so unidentifiably jealous of Buck and Tommy that he goes out one night, get hammered, and hooks up with another man which sets him off on his journey to understand himself and his feelings.
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kinardscake · 4 months
My speculations and predictions about the 2 upcoming episodes
Gerrard. I think it’d actually be a great way to show Tommy’s vulnerability. He’s grown a lot over the years, overcoming his cap’s influence but old scars still hurt sometimes.
I think Chimney, Hen and Tommy will interact with him. (Because I want more scenes with these three, pretty please) And Buck will see the tension. Tommy and Buck will talk about his years at the 118, how it wasn’t a good place until Chimney showed up and shook things up for Tommy. (Hoping they’ll grow even closer to each other, and a public kiss in front of Gerrard would be a cherry on top of all bucktommy scenes)
Hopefully this talk will make Buck think about how lucky he was to end up working under Bobby’s leadership which will lead to the nice Bobby Buck moment.
Bobby. It could go two ways: he’ll either relapse or hurt himself in some way. Based on the hospital info, I’m leaning towards the second thought. Athena asks for help, Chimney will say it’s not the first time he’s been acting this way. None of their plans to help Bobby will be successful. But there’s a fire coming, if someone from the team gets hurt, Bobby will jump in with no hesitation (and no gear) to save them. He succeeds but ends up in a hospital (and it probably won’t look good because if Peter was filming ep8, he’s probably not featured much in eps9,10). Also if he’s in the burn unit, it’ll explain Amir’s presence on the show.
Eddie. Ryan said Eddie will feel isolated from everyone. Buck will find out about Kim, a big blowout incoming. Not just with Buck, but with his family probably too. (Because families are messy and they will always find things to fight about)
He hasn’t talked much to Hen or Chimney about his personal problems as I recall. The only person he’s always confided in was Bobby. (Like when Shannon died and Bobby showed up at the hospital, that was the first moment he let himself feel the pain that day). With Bobby in the hospital, in critical condition, and with Buck not speaking to him, he doesn’t really have anyone else in his life. And if Kim and Marisol find out about each other, his life will blow up in even more ways, which will create a path for a pretty great arc for him in S8.
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captain-hen · 4 months
the weirdest part of getting the characters to a certain place is that ... tim basically already had a pretty blank slate to work with after the mess of s6 finale. only big plot points he was really working with were madney wedding and henren adoption. but buck and eddie were in basically nothing relationships, and athena and bobby were happy to have some time off. and even 7x01/the cruise arc was probably enough to set up what they wanted to do with bobby and eddie this season without the introduction of amir and kim. like have amir be a one episode arc where we get the burn victim stuff and the AA meeting and then just let bobby have a mental health scare instead of all the cartel stuff?? instead of eddie admiting to "shannon"hes upset he never got a goodbye from her, just have chris and eddie reflect on their relationship with her and let eddie have the emotional moment with chris instead (hopefully we will still get this next season but could have been done without all That in the finale). and in making the eddie and bobby stories a bit smaller you probably leave more room to explore bucktommy and get mara back with henren this season (imagine a finale with the 118 uniting to get mara back to henren!!) idk just odd choices all around this season
^^^ exactly, all of this! it's like they've gone out of their way to make things particularly nightmarish and horrible, and it's so bizarre
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ranbling · 5 months
I don't think Bobby being responsible for the apartmant fire is public knowledge ('cause I'm sure Taylor would have brought it up in s2, but correct me if I'm wrong)
I think the look we see in the stills from Amir (the burn unit nurse) is that he recognises Bobby. Not as someone who started the fire, but as someone he knows lost his whole family in the fire and still decided to go into fires every day to save others.
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sunflowerdigs · 5 months
I feel like both Bobby and Eddie are going to need a heroic moment in the finale in order to recover emotionally from the back half of the season, so I hope they get to be Big Damn Heroes and save their families from Amir, the avenging serial arsonist/burn unit nurse.
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edmundobiaz · 4 months
amir spinoff show about him living as far away from LA as possible and working as a burn unit nurse while learning to live life for himself instead of the family he lost
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lemotmo · 5 months
Let's watch 911 7x07
All right guys, let’s do this. I’m finally able to sit down and watch episode 7x07. I'll type out my thoughts and feelings as I'm watching.
Disclaimer: This is a fictional show with fictional characters. These characters go through some of the wildest things. This time we have a cheating storyline for Eddie and while, in real life, it would be a big no no, on a TV show like this it’s a narrative I can get behind. These people need to go through dramas to come out on the other side as reborn. It’s what TV is for, an escape from reality. None of it is real. So yeah, while Eddie cheats on Marisol, I will still watch this show and I’ll still be intrigued what this means for him and his narrative. Ultimately this part of his story will serve a purpose and I’m here for that.
So, let’s go!
That first call going to Maddie. She is so damn good at her job.
Oh no, they crashed!
2. No no no, Chimney! An explosion! Stay away Eddie! Oh no, she’s burned badly, isn’t she? Inhalation burns.
Where is the baby?
Why is Athena the only police officer working these cases? There is never another police officer on call.
Where is the baby? Please don’t hurt the baby!
That poor lady.
Where is the damn baby?
3. That’s right, no screens during dinner. I have the same rule at home. My son is used to it by now.
Mara! Denny knows about her baby brother, Tyson. Oh that poor sweet girl.
4. Oh, the ice cream Marisol scene. I’m afraid now! Christopher really seems to like her. That poor kid is going to go through it, isn’t he. Another woman who will eventually leave him, for good reason I know, but still…
Ooooh, fake Shannon! Cue Eddie having a flashback of Shannon. Man, grief can be so hard sometimes. The moment you think you’re doing better, something happens to throw you back in the middle of it. Imagine seeing a döppelganger of your deceased wife. That has to be hard on anyone.
5. Hen is such a great mother. I love how she talks to Mara and really understands what is going on with her.
That’s right baby! Denny is nice. Of course you miss him.
Has he been taken by the foster system?
6. What do you mean her husband is in Alaska? Who is that guy? And where is the baby???
Oh Maddie, this has to be hard for her. All of those memories. That’s right Josh, talk some sense into her.
7. Foster families are important, but it sucks how siblings are separated.
Oh… Mara’s mother had an affair. Man, there is a theme running through this episode.
I don’t think the system can do a lot in cases like this Hen. Sometimes hands are tied.
8. The burn unit. Oh, that is Amir huh? 'The only one responsible is the driver, the rest of us are left to clean up the mess.' Auwch! This is the guy who is going to go after Bobby, isn’t he?
Side note: Theo Huxtable was my favourite on ‘The Cosby Show’. I know, I know, we’re not supposed to watch it anymore and shit, but I grew up with that show, so yeah.
He seems like a nice guy. Are we sure he’s going after Bobby?
Maddie, you’re a nurse… mask up when you visit a burn victim!
9. No no no, I don’t want to see this scene! No Eddie, don’t do it!!!
Of course fake Shannon would walk out to talk to him. I would! I mean, the guy looks gorgeous.
A candle? Instant stimulation. Noooooooo, don’t do it babe! On the beach with Shannon.
Ryan, the actor that you are. Your eyes speak to me!
Nooooo, you aren’t single babe!!!! Have you forgotten about Marisol without a last name? She was right there in the beginning of the episode, eating ice cream with you.
Edmundo… really? This harkens back to Ana times.
Fake Shannon is called Kim.
But really, Kim is the spitting image of Shannon. How can he resist this? All he’s ever wanted was to be enough for Shannon and now he has another chance. Of course he’ll take it. The loveable idiot!
The S keychain… I mean, Eddie babe, she isn’t Shannon. She’s another person. You can’t just replace your deceased wife with a new copy. It doesn’t work that way. She looks like her, but she’s a completely different woman.
10. Mommy and me classes. Hen and Karen stalking yet again another parent of one of their foster children. Well, not the real parent, but you know what I mean. They’ve done this before. This isn’t healthy ladies. I understand your motivation, but it just isn’t healthy. You’ll end up being kicked out of the system if you continue like this.
11. Maddie, stop obsessing babe. It isn’t healthy. Where is Chimney?
Aaaah, that’s right! He’s her husband now!!!! YAY!
Oh, Chimney, you are the best husband. You get it. You understand her so well.
This scene is gold! GOLD!
Oh, this guy isn’t connected to the lady at all, is she?
12. OMG! He’s the neighbour! He has to be.
That poor mother.
13. Wait… is that Shannon or Kim in bed with Eddie? Please let it be Shannon! I’m not ready for a full-blown sexual affair.
Side note: it is so weird that the women on 911 always have their bras on when they have sex. Meanwhile the TV-shows that get made in my country have full-blown nudity and very explicit unapologetic sex scenes, and no one bats an eye over it.
What is going on? Is it Kim? It can’t be!
Whose room is that? That isn’t Eddie’s bed, is it?
Oh, it’s a memory… or is it? I don’t think he slept with Shannon before she saw him at Christmas, did he? I remember that scene where they had sex upside down on the bed and then she quickly had to leave because Chris came home. This is so different.
O_o Dude! No! Marisol is right there. I have no love for this women, since I hardly know her, but this is a big no no! Not in front of her salad.
14. Oh, he was a handyman. A real stalker.
Maddie is calling the sister? Isn’t that against protocol? This show just throws every single rule into the bin.
Kyle had to make a fresh start from what? Oh no, his wife left with the baby. This guy is full on psychotic, isn’t he? He’s living in a delusion where the victim and her baby are his own wife and child.
What is he feeding that baby?
Oh no, this guy is crazy! A new mommy?
Maddie, you genius you!!! I love you! You understand creepy guys like no other.
Someone save that baby!!!!!! Nooo!
Chimney knows!
Oh Buck tackled that guy! His back has to be broken! That dude is massive!
The woman is safe!
15. Oh no, Amir’s eyes! He knows Bobby. Such a great actor.
Bobby is in trouble.
16. Tyson, yes. So happy that Mara gets to see her brother again.
Of course he remembers here. Kids always do.
17. Buck is cooking. I don’t want to watch the next scene, because I know what is coming. But okay.
This is so homey and cosy. The three of them together.
Smoke though? Foreshadowing?
Good cologne? We won’t wait up for you? Oh Buck… if you only knew what your best friend was up to. You could have stopped him to talk some sense into him.
This scene though. They’re a unit, the three of them. One day…
But first Eddie needs to deal with some of his demons. Let’s go.
18. Thank God, some Madney first. I need a little break before disaster strikes. Jee is sooo cute.
No more bad dreams tonight? Yeah, maybe not for Jee. I’m about to have a full blown nightmare in 3... 2... 1... and there it is...
19. Pffff, Eddie Eddie Eddie. I’m so disappointed in you right now. Don’t get me wrong, I still love you to bits and you’re still my fav on 911, but what are you doing? Not only to yourself, but to Marisol, Kim and Chris?
If you wanted to date this woman so badly, why didn’t you break up with Marisol first? It would have been the most decent thing to do for everyone involved.
Do you think this will bring Shannon back? It won’t you know. Kim is a different woman. Next to that, you are idealising your marriage to Shannon. It’s blinding you and stopping you from moving forward in life.
You need to let go of Shannon. Lay her to rest.
But I can see that you aren’t planning for that.
This is all going to come to a very messy ending and you’ll be left in the dust my friend. I just hope Chris doesn’t get pulled into this. I don’t ever want him to know.
Wait until Buck finds out. Not looking forward to that scene. It’ll be hard to watch.
I wonder if they are going to make this in a full-blown sexual affair, or an emotional cheating affair. And how long will it last? One episode? Two? What will make him see that what he’s doing is self-destructing? I’m convinced that this man is hurting deeply and he just wants to feel happy again, no matter the cost. He has this illusion that everything was perfect with Shannon, but it wasn’t. All of this will come crashing down and he’ll be left in the dust, alone.
If we have to believe Ryan’s interview, he’ll eventually crawl out of the pit of despair as a new man. Which is a good thing. But he’s going to go through it first and I’m here for it. I'll gobble up every single scene and the gut-wrenching heartbreak Eddie will go through the moment he will realise that he has f*cked up so badly.
Side note: We have now seen three people of the 118 cheat, in different ways, on their partners by now. I wonder if there’s something in the water?
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njwinterquartz · 5 months
Okay but like where is this going to end like Eddie? Hen maybe?
Wait oh shit, it’s gonna be Bobby next. He’s gonna bring the baby in and see Amir and that’s where they’re gonna pick up next episode “step nine”. He recognizes Bobby I don’t know what to expect next episode. Like him having the burn he’s definitely from the fire. God I hope they don’t make him bad, like make Bobby face what happened but don’t have him be evil or anything.
AHHHHHH THE BROTHER!!!!!!!!! God they’re so fucking cute. Now she has two brothers.
Definitely going to end on some notes from Eddie. Oh? Ending with Buck Eddie and Chris. Okay so date for Eddie, but cute Buckley Diaz family time.
Okay so not ending on Eddie, but definitely can see how they’re spending time the next few episodes on Eddie’s trauma. God the Buckley Han family unit is so fucking cute.
Wait no nooo what the fuck what the fuck what the fuck nooooo Eddie don’t be a fucking idiot.
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By: Amir Zaki
Published: May 27, 2023
“What is your original face before your parents were born?” This is a famous Zen koan attributed to the sixth patriarch, Pinyin Hui-neng. 
Another way of putting the question may be, “Who are you?” When one sits with this question intently, countless ideas come and go. The more one sincerely searches, the less one finds. This can be unsettling and also profoundly liberating. What this exposes, undeniably, is that one’s identity is always changing and need not remain rigid nor tied to a language one inherits.
In this essay, there will be no graphs or surveys. You will find no mention of any races that serve to superficially and sloppily label vast swaths of people for the sake of making yet another point about “group disparities,” which, in turn, serve to prop up any number of arguments falling anywhere and everywhere along a political/ideological spectrum. If I may, I’d like to illuminate the topic of identity from a much rarer perspective, looking inward and with a different lens.
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[ My father and mother ]
My 23andMe ancestry report indicates that I possess substantial chunks of DNA from African, European, and Asian populations. My father, who immigrated to the US, had quite dark skin, and my mother has a fair complexion.
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[ My father holding me ]
In my childhood, I spent much of my free time outdoors playing with friends. Sunscreen was non-existent in my suburban, 1980s Southern California world, and as a consequence, I spent many summers absorbing a lot of sunlight and taking on a fairly dark hue, rarely burning. My deep black hair became very curly when I was a teenager, but not quite a proper afro. However, this didn’t stop other children from referring to my ‘fro’ on a regular basis. I have dark brown eyes, thick eyebrows, and a pronounced, medium-wide nose. In my adulthood, bald and adequately sunscreen protected, my hue and lack of hair have substantially changed the way I look, compared to my childhood.
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[ The author in Alexandria, Egypt, in 1985 ]
To confound things further, I apparently present quite differently to different people and in different contexts. I am often asked, because of my name and appearance, if I am Persian, Arab, Israeli Jew, and even Japanese (with a last name like Zaki). There has never been a consensus. I traveled to Turkey and thought I looked similar to many people there. My DNA ancestry also suggests I have some Italian heritage, although no one on either side of my family knows of any Italian ancestry. 
So, what’s my race? My two children, of course, inherit all of my DNA plus that of my partner, who adds South and North America to their heritage stew. They are truly “global” citizens, and they look like it, blended from ancestors who inhabited most of the world's continental land masses. So, what’s their race? 
In 2023, It appears painfully evident that the concept of different and distinct races is a myth. From a biological perspective, this is nearly indisputable. Yet, legends die hard. In the United States, perhaps more pathologically than most other places on earth, people seem to hold onto this race myth as if their lives depended on it, as both oppressors and victims. The topic takes up an incredible amount of bandwidth in the media. Statistics show this trend has, ironically, been increasing despite the world's ethnic populations and cultures rapidly mixing with one another. This can be partially explained by America’s unique and tarnished past, exceptionalism, and isolation/provincialism. It can also be partially explained simply by habit. We made this bed. And we’ve been sleeping restlessly in it for centuries now. 
Participation in race-based language may have some utility because it’s easy to go along with social conventions, but it is ultimately short-sighted, and I argue that we have to rip off the bandaid sooner or later, and I prefer yesterday. The reification and constant reinvention of the concept of race is deeply regressive and keeps everyone in an endless, discriminatory, divisive loop. As Carlos Hoyt, Jr. beautifully puts it, “For some of us, this false logic justifies discrimination and violence. For some of us, it leads us to try the best we can to bring about some sort of state of separate but equal state of racial equality. But we can’t. Race is predicated on separation. Separations that aren’t equal. Separate and unequal is the essential logic of race.”
The concept of separate and distinct races, as we currently understand it, is somewhere around 400 years old, which counts for roughly 0.1% of our human history on Earth. For comparison, the belief in witches lasted roughly 300 years and seems utterly absurd to almost everyone now. This is the way we evolve. Bad ideas don't last. The lesson to learn from our embarrassing history is that we must abandon erroneous ideas and move on, leaving the injustice of the past behind us and accepting the fact that there is no way to atone for it. It is the only true way to heal. This is where some fundamental Buddhist ideas can be especially useful. Realization and acceptance of the present, as it is, with all of its imperfection and suffering, is a form of liberation. 
Imagine if, in order to remedy the injustices of the witch trials, we continued to speak about witches and non-witches indefinitely, blaming non-witches for discriminating against witches. That is clearly the wrong strategy. Gradually, we had to accept that witches didn’t exist and that we are all human in order to move on. The only reason race is still a powerful concept is because it serves political purposes, and it is the path of least resistance. It's a weapon used by people who have a spectrum of intentions, negative, positive, and neutral. 
On one end of the spectrum, current social justice movements seem to believe that constantly acknowledging race-based systems (mainly in the form of  systemic racism, an abstract force that both explains every injustice yet cannot ever be concretely located or remedied) is a way to eventually overcome racism. It’s often spoken about in terms of a seemingly endless process where folks must “do the work” for the foreseeable-to-distant future. And on the other end of the spectrum, far-right identitarians like to double down on race for obvious, old, yet sadly more rational reasons because their identity depends on racist ideas to maintain their power in a game they will, and are, losing (because melanin is a dominant phenotypic trait). Period. The human race is slowly tanning.
My view is that all parties trafficking in race are serving to maintain the status quo, which will always be inequitable, divisive, and exclusionary, especially toward those who don’t fit into any racial categories. Proof that these strategies are failing can be observed easily by looking at the toxic relationships between racialized groups as expressed by the loudest and most powerful voices on social media. We have a billion-dollar anti-racist movement with an invisible enemy. This is a recipe for an endless battle. 
Given the circumstances, it is reasonable for people like me (and the millions of others who don't fit in this antiquated paradigm) to experience resentment and frustration. Every study or survey that investigates any phenomenon and uses race as a variable fundamentally ignores, within its premise, the thoughts and beliefs of anyone and everyone who cannot and will not, with a good conscience, participate and “check a box.” In a world with now 8 billion humans, many of whom can fly on airplanes across the globe in a few hours and make babies with one another, these racial categories become more absurd, literally by the minute. 
Despite this reality, who is asking those of us who have parted with the delusion of race about our beliefs? Do we not have important opinions and contributions to the dialog? For example, if there were any surveys about the views that different people had about police presence, wealth inequality, immigration, taxes, political affiliations, favorite movies, or preferred ice cream flavors, the opinions of millions of people who don’t wish to self-identify in a rigged system would not be counted simply because we refuse to check a box to indicate which mythological race we belong to. The result is that we are rendered invisible and unaccounted for. Sometimes, an intellectually unsound attempt to correct this comes in the form of a “mixed race” box. I wonder, is 1/3 witch, 1/3 werewolf, and 1/3 vampire a mixed race? Mixed race is an oxymoron. There are no races to mix. 
Every person who is proud of their avowed race, or denigrates others because of their perceived race, serves to maintain a delusion. Humans have a hard time letting go, especially when our egos are so embedded in a certain kind of worldview. To invoke Buddhism once again, this clinging to delusion is a major cause of suffering. Many people are searching for their original face before their parents were born, but with their eyes closed. 
Now, to anticipate an obvious retort in the form of “Oh, you are one of those naive color-blind folks who pretend they don't see color,” I have a straightforward response. Color is not race. Color is color. An ethics ought not be derived from the ability to simply observe differences. When I see a person who is 5 foot 6 inches, about 150 pounds and has skin of a particular hue, I notice those superficial attributes like I notice when a tree is blossoming or which stage the moon is in. There is no causal jump from noticing color to assigning race and all the baggage that goes along with that categorical error. 
Another response that I anticipate goes something like this: “That's all fine and good for you to pretend that we don't live in a racialized society, but other people will continue to discriminate against you and others, and this has consequences that lead to inequities.” To this, I say that I completely agree that I have little to no control over the way most other people think or act, even when they are wrong. This is just a fairly obvious truth that applies to many things. However, that is a weak argument for continuing to believe and perpetuate a myth. I also obviously recognize that we live in a profoundly racialized culture and that racial bigotry exists and has had awful consequences. But it's still a grave error to drink the poison simply because you are thirsty. The only thing I can do and feel obligated to do is to model the beliefs and behaviors that I know are true and to do so with the hopes that, in time, others will follow. I can, and do, treat myself and others as complex individuals with unique life stories without race, speak up when possible, and avoid treating people as part of superficial groups. I will not accept the status quo, capitulate to intellectual dishonesty, or play by the rules of a game that is fixed. I will not wait for others to stop believing in witches before I do.
My partner and I raised two children to adulthood. We intentionally did not racialize them and do not speak about anyone else in racialized terms. We did not indoctrinate them into a paradigm that doesn't stand up to intellectual or ethical scrutiny. We successfully explained the invention of the concept of race and its dire consequences without reifying it. It is surprisingly easy to do. Consequently, they have an outlook that is not racialized and do not self-identify racially. Yet, they know exactly who they are. They are honest, intelligent, compassionate, and kind humans with a rich and beautiful heritage from all over the world, like countless others. They know their original faces before their parents were born. This is how we will evolve, without race. 
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warningsine · 5 months
Qantas has been forced to pause its non-stop flights from Perth to London to avoid Iranian airspace amid fears Tehran is planning an imminent attack on Israel.
As the world braces for a potential flare up in the region, the airline’s Perth to London flights will instead operate via a stop in Singapore for the foreseeable future.
The roughly 17-and-a-half hour flight to London’s Heathrow airport – the only non-stop regularly scheduled commercial flights between Australia and the United Kingdom – are only achievable on the Boeing 787-9 Dreamliner with a route over Iranian airspace.
A Qantas spokesperson confirmed the non-stop flights from Perth were operating to a modified route due to concerns about Iranian airspace.
“We’re temporarily adjusting the flight paths for our flights between Perth and London due to the situation in parts of the Middle East,” the spokesperson said.
“We’ll reach out to customers directly if there’s any change to their booking.”
The Perth-London service, normally QF9, has now been assigned QF209, and stops via Singapore to refuel.
The return leg, from London to Perth, will continue as a non-stop service. The same aircraft, a Boeing 787-9, can fly to a modified path to avoid Iranian airspace without requiring a refuelling stop.
This is because fuel burn and flight times are slightly reduced when flying eastwards due to jetstreams.
On Friday, the foreign minister, Penny Wong, said she had called her Iranian counterpart, Hossein Amir-Abdollahian, urging the Islamic Republic to “use its influence in the region to promote stability, not contribute to escalation”.
“Australia will continue working with partners who have influence in the region to stop the conflict from spreading. Further conflict will only add to the devastation in the Middle East,” Wong said.
Australia also updated its advice for citizens travelling to Israel, warning “there’s an increased threat of military and terrorist attacks against Israel and Israeli interests across the region”.
“The security situation could deteriorate quickly, with little or no notice,” the warning said.
“This may also result in airspace closures, flight cancellations and flight diversions, and other travel disruptions. Airports may pause operations due to heightened security concerns,” the warning said.
Wong’s message comes amid a push from the United States and its secretary of state, Antony Blinken, calling for governments to pressure Iran out of following through on its threats to retaliate against Israel after its attack on the Iranian embassy in Damascus.
Overnight, US president Joe Biden has said he expects an Iranian attack on Israel “sooner rather than later” and issued a last-ditch message to Tehran: “Don’t.”
“We are devoted to the defence of Israel. We will support Israel. We will help defend Israel and Iran will not succeed,” Biden told reporters on Friday in the US.
The White House comments came as several countries, including India, France, Poland and Russia, warned their citizens against travel to the region and Israel’s defence minister, Yoav Gallant, said his country was “prepared to defend [itself] on the ground and in the air, in close cooperation with our partners”.
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blueiscoool · 3 years
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Officials Recover 1,900-Year-Old Roman Coins, Bronze Jug in Jerusalem
What began as a routine pullover of a suspicious vehicle by police in Jerusalem turned into an archaeological discovery harking back over 1,900 years ago—inside the trunk of the vehicle, Lev HaBira detectives found a box containing ancient “battle spoils” captured from Roman soldiers by Jewish rebels during the Second Jewish Revolt.
Inspectors from the Israel Antiquities Authority Robbery Prevention Unit were called after officers in early December made the startling discovery inside the vehicle, stopped for driving the wrong way on a one-way street in the Musrara neighborhood. Suspecting something was afoot, the detectives initiated a search and uncovered a wealth of ancient artifacts dating back to the Bar Kokhba Revolt, (fought around A.D. 132 to 136).
The trove of “remarkably well-preserved” ancient items included two 2,000-year-old ornamental bronze incense burners, a bronze wine server, an ornate stone tripod bowl, Roman ceramic lamps, and hundreds of coins dating from the Middle Roman period (second to third centuries).
It was determined that the artifacts were illegally excavated from an ancient rebel tunnel complex once used as a hideout in the Judean foothills, which had been under surveillance in recent months; and that the suspects made their way into Jerusalem with items, intending to sell them, before being apprehended.
Such bronze artifacts are relatively rare finds in Israel, the Authority stated, as metal was (and still is) an expensive commodity that was usually melted down for reuse. “Such finds are generally recovered from archaeological sites where they were deliberately concealed, or in tunnel complexes left after being taken in battle during the Bar Kokhba Revolt,” the statement said.
It’s hypothesized that the objects were spoils seized by Bar Kochba rebels from Roman soldiers during the said Jewish revolt, after the second temple’s destruction. But they would not have been used by the rebels themselves, because the Roman artifacts were decorated with pagan symbols and figures that would violate their prohibition of idolatry. “If the Jewish fighters wanted to use such artifacts, they would deface the figures to prevent idolatry,” the Authority stated.
The ancient bronze censers, used for burning ritual incense, probably belonged to affluent Roman houses or temples, researchers added; depicted on the bronze wine vessel is a Roman banqueting scene with a reclining figure holding a jug of wine.
As for the suspects, the Authority has launched an investigation that they said has “reinforced suspicions that the items were brought to Jerusalem to be sold to an antiquities dealer.”
Meanwhile, director of the Authority’s Robbery Prevention Unit Amir Ganor credits the actions taken by Lev HaBira detectives, stating that their “vigilance led to the finds’ recovery and the success of the investigation, thus thwarting the attempted sale of unique antiquities.”
Director of the Israel Antiquities Authority Eli Eskozido said they are “working day and night to combat illicit excavations at antiquities sites around the country” in cooperation with Israeli law enforcement agencies.
“These ancient finds embody the country’s history, but for robbers and dealers they are merely a commodity, sold to the highest bidder for pure greed,” Eskozido added. “It is tremendously important to prevent any attempts to deal in illegal antiquities, to recover valuable finds and to return them to the public and the State. When legal proceedings against the suspects are complete, the Israel Antiquities Authority will ask the court to confiscate the finds and hand them to us for conservation and further research.”
BY Michael Wing.
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kemetic-dreams · 5 years
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A slave name is the personal name given by others to an enslaved person, or a name inherited from enslaved ancestors. The modern use of the term applies mostly to African Americans and West Indians who are descended from enslaved Africans who retain their name given to their ancestors by the enslavers.
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Changing from a slave name to a name embodying an African identity became common after emancipation in the 1960s by those in the African diaspora in the Americas seeking a reconnection to their African cultural roots
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A number of African-Americans and Afro-Caribbeans have changed their names out of the belief that the names they were given at birth were slave names. An individual's name change often coincides with a religious conversion (Muhammad Ali changed his name from Cassius Clay, Malcolm X from Malcolm Little, and Louis Farrakhan changed his from Louis Eugene Walcott, for example) or involvement with the black nationalist movement (e.g., Amiri Baraka and Assata Shakur).
Some organizations encourage African-Americans to abandon their slave names. The Nation of Islam is perhaps the best-known of them. In his book, Message to the Blackman in America, Nation of Islam leader Elijah Muhammad writes often of slave names. Some of his comments include:
"You must remember that slave-names will keep you a slave in the eyes of the civilized world today. You have seen, and recently, that Africa and Asia will not honor you or give you any respect as long as you are called by the white man's name."
"You are still called by your slave-masters' names. By rights, by international rights, you belong to the white man of America. He knows that. You have never gotten out of the shackles of slavery. You are still in them."
The black nationalist US Organization also advocates for African-Americans to change their slave names
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Assata Olugbala Shakur (born JoAnne Deborah Byron; July 16, 1947, sometimes referred to by her married surname Chesimard) is a former member of the Black Liberation Army, who was convicted of the first-degree murder of State Trooper Werner Foerster during a shootout on the New Jersey Turnpike in 1973. Shakur was also the target of the FBI's COINTELPRO program, a counterintelligence program directed towards Black Liberation groups and activists
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Afeni Shakur (born Alice Faye Williams; January 10, 1947 – May 2, 2016) was an American activist and businesswoman who was the mother of American rapper and actor Tupac Shakur.
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Chaka Adunne Aduffe Yemoja Hodarhi Karifi Khan.  Yvette Marie Stevens (born March 23, 1953), better known by her stage name Chaka Khan, is an American singer, songwriter and musician. Her career has spanned nearly five decades, beginning in the 1970s as the lead vocalist of the funk band Rufus. Khan received public attention for her vocals and image. Known as the Queen of Funk,Khan was the first R&B artist to have a crossover hit featuring a rapper, with "I Feel for You" in 1984. Khan has won ten Grammys and has sold an estimated 70 million records worldwide.
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Mutulu Shakur (born Jeral Wayne Williams; August 8, 1950) is an American activist and former member of the Black Liberation Army, sentenced to sixty years in prison for his alleged involvement in a 1981 robbery of a Brinks armored truck in which a guard and two police officers were killed. Shakur was politically active as a teen with the Revolutionary Action Movement (RAM) and later the black separatist movement the Republic of New Afrika. He was stepfather to the late rap artist Tupac Shakur.
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Sekou Odinga (born Nathanial Burns) is an American activist who was imprisoned for actions with the Black Liberation Army in the 1960s and 1970s. In 1965, Sekou joined the Organization of Afro-American Unity (OAAU), founded by Malcolm X. After Malcolm's death the OAAU was not going in the direction he wanted and in 1967 he was looking at the Black Panther Party. In early 1968 he helped build the Bronx Black Panther Party. On January 17, 1969 two Panthers had been killed by members of Organization Us (a rival Black Nationalist group) and a fellow New York Panther who was in police custody was brutally beaten. Sekou was informed that police were searching for him in connection with a police shooting. At that point, Sekou joined the black underground with the Black Liberation Army.
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Yafeu Akiyele Fula (October 9, 1977 – November 10, 1996), better known by his stage name Yaki Kadafi, was an American rapper, and a founder and member of the rap groups Outlawz and Dramacydal. Kadafi's parents, Yaasmyn Fula and Sekou Odinga, were both members of the Black Panther Party. Fula and Tupac Shakur's mother, Afeni Shakur, were close friends, and Kadafi and Tupac were friends until their deaths in 1996.
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Louis Farrakhan Sr. ( born Louis Eugene Walcott; May 11, 1933), formerly known as Louis X, is an American minister who is the leader of the religious group Nation of Islam (NOI), which the Southern Poverty Law Center describes as a black nationalist group. Previously, he served as the minister of mosques in Boston and Harlem and had been appointed National Representative of the Nation of Islam by former NOI leader Elijah Muhammad. 
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Sundiata Acoli (born January 14, 1937, as Clark Edward Squire) is a former member of the Black Panther Party and the Black Liberation Army. He was sentenced to life in prison in 1974 for murdering a New Jersey state trooper
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Prince.  Abdul-Rahman ibn Ibrahima Sori (Arabic: عبد الرحمن ابن ابراهيم سوري‎) (1762–1829) was a Fula nobleman and Amir (commander or governor) who was captured in the Fouta Jallon region of Guinea, West Africa, and sold to slave traders in the United States in 1788.[1] Upon discovering his noble lineage, his owner Thomas Foster began referring to him as "Prince",[2] a title he kept until his final days. After spending 40 years in slavery, he was freed in 1828 by order of U.S. President John Quincy Adams and Secretary of State Henry Clay, after the Sultan of Morocco requested his release.
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Omowale or Malcolm X (May 19, 1925 – February 21, 1965) was an American Muslim minister and human rights activist who was a popular figure during the civil rights movement. He is best known for his controversial advocacy for the rights of blacks; some consider him a man who indicted white America in the harshest terms for its crimes against black Americans, while others accused him of preaching racism and violence. He has been called one of the greatest and most influential African Americans in history.
Born Malcolm Little in Omaha, Nebraska, he spent his teenage years living in a series of foster homes following his father's death and his mother's hospitalization. Little engaged in several illicit activities, and was eventually sentenced to ten years in prison in 1946 for larceny and breaking and entering. In prison, he joined the Nation of Islam (NOI) and changed his name to Malcolm X because, he later wrote, Little was the name that "the white slavemaster ... had imposed upon [his] paternal forebears". After being paroled in 1952, he quickly became one of the organization's most influential leaders.
Expressing many regrets about his time with them, which he had come to regard as largely wasted, he instead embraced Sunni Islam. Malcolm X then began to advocate for racial integration and disavowed racism after completing Hajj, whereby he also became known as el-Hajj Malik el-Shabazz
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Tupac Amaru Shakur; born Lesane Parish Crooks, June 16, 1971 – September 13, 1996), also known by his stage names 2Pac and Makaveli, was an American rapper and actor.He is considered by many to be one of the greatest rappers of all time. Much of Shakur's work has been noted for addressing contemporary social issues that plagued inner cities, and he is considered a symbol of resistance and activism against inequality
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Kareem Abdul-Jabbar (born Ferdinand Lewis Alcindor Jr.; April 16, 1947) is an American retired professional basketball player who played 20 seasons in the National Basketball Association (NBA) for the Milwaukee Bucks and the Los Angeles Lakers. During his career as a center, Abdul-Jabbar was a record six-time NBA Most Valuable Player (MVP), a record 19-time NBA All-Star, a 15-time All-NBA selection, and an 11-time NBA All-Defensive Team member. A member of six NBA championship teams as a player and two more as an assistant coach, Abdul-Jabbar twice was voted NBA Finals MVP. In 1996, he was honored as one of the 50 Greatest Players in NBA History. NBA coach Pat Riley and players Isiah Thomas and Julius Erving have called him the greatest basketball player of all time
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Muhammad Ali (/ɑːˈliː/; born Cassius Marcellus Clay Jr.;January 17, 1942 – June 3, 2016) was an American professional boxer, activist, and philanthropist. Nicknamed "The Greatest," he is widely regarded as one of the most significant and celebrated sports figures of the 20th century and as one of the greatest boxers of all time.
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Kwame Ture (/ˈkwɑːmeɪ ˈtʊəreɪ/; born Stokely Standiford Churchill Carmichael, June 29, 1941 – November 15, 1998) was a prominent American socialist organizer in the civil rights movement in the United States and the global Pan-African movement. Born in Trinidad, he grew up in the United States from the age of 11 and became an activist while attending Howard University. He eventually developed the Black Power movement, first while leading the Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee (SNCC), later serving as the "Honorary Prime Minister" of the Black Panther Party (BPP), and lastly as a leader of the All-African People's Revolutionary Party (A-APRP).
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Amiri Baraka (born Everett LeRoi Jones; October 7, 1934 – January 9, 2014), previously known as LeRoi Jones and Imamu Amear Baraka, was an American writer of poetry, drama, fiction, essays and music criticism. He was the author of numerous books of poetry and taught at several universities, including the State University of New York at Buffalo and the State University of New York at Stony Brook. He received the PEN/Beyond Margins Award, in 2008 for Tales of the Out and the Gone
As long as you around here wearing the white men’s name bragging about this so called democracy, you will always be looked down up, by the rest of the world-Malcom X
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sleepysera · 3 years
2.23.22 Headlines
Ukraine: Tells citizens to leave Russia (BBC)
“As we've been reporting, Ukraine has urged its citizens in Russia to leave the country immediately, as it braces for a possible invasion. So how many people could be affected? A lot. When Russia conducted its 2010 census, there were around two million Ukrainians living there as Russian nationals and permanent residents, plus a further 1.6 million economic migrants.”
Climate Crisis: UN says wildfires getting worse globally, governments unprepared (AP)
“A warming planet and changes to land use patterns mean more wildfires will scorch large parts of the globe in coming decades, causing spikes in unhealthy smoke pollution and other problems that governments are ill prepared to confront, according to a U.N. report released Wednesday. The Western U.S., northern Siberia, central India, and eastern Australia already are seeing more blazes, and the likelihood of catastrophic wildfires globally could increase by a third by 2050 and more than 50% by the turn of the century, according to the report from the United Nations Environment Program.”
Holland: Hostage taken in Amsterdam Apple store praised for ending Dutch drama (BBC)
“Dutch police have overpowered a hostage-taker by knocking him down with a police vehicle as he ran out of an Apple store in Amsterdam. What began as an armed robbery evolved into a five-hour hostage drama, reportedly involving a 44-year-old British man held at gunpoint. When the gunman asked for water, the hostage seized his chance and escaped. As the hostage was chased out of the shop, the gunman was deliberately run over by a police car.”
Benjamin Smith: Suspect in deadly Portland shooting faces several charges (CNN)
“The suspect in a weekend shooting that left one woman dead and four people wounded during a protest in Portland, Oregon, faces several charges, including murder, prosecutors said Tuesday. The shooting unfolded Saturday night after Benjamin Smith, described by police as an homeowner, allegedly confronted a group of demonstrators who were protesting the killing of Amir Locke by Minneapolis police, authorities said. Locke, a 22-year-old Black man, was killed on February 2 by police conducting a no-knock warrant on a residence. The killing had sparked protests in Minneapolis along with calls for an end to no-knock warrants by police.”
Covid: Pregnancy-related deaths climbed in pandemic’s first year (AP)
“Pregnancy-related deaths for U.S. mothers climbed higher in the pandemic’s first year, continuing a decades-long trend that disproportionately affects Black people, according to a government report released Wednesday. Overall in 2020, there were almost 24 deaths per 100,000 births, or 861 deaths total — numbers that reflect mothers dying during pregnancy, childbirth or the year after. The rate was 20 per 100,000 in 2019. Among Black people, there were 55 maternal deaths per 100,000 births — almost triple the rate for whites.”
Pollution: Vets worry polluted base made them ill (AP)
“Recruits tossed live grenades into the canyons of “Mortar Alley,” sprayed soapy chemicals on burn pits of scrap metal and solvents, poured toxic substances down drains and into leaky tanks they buried underground. When it rained, poisons percolated into aquifers from which they drew drinking water. Through the years, soldiers and civilians who lived at the U.S. Army base didn’t question whether their tap water was safe to drink.”
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octavejohn2-blog · 4 years
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Nevertheless, it is essential to remember that although your external look will certainly look healthy and balanced and recovered, inside your body will certainly still take 6 to eight weeks to recover completely. The outcomes of the Principle ™ Facelift procedure will certainly leave your with a natural, fresh as well as vibrant appearance that lasts up to ten years. I really feel so excellent regarding myself and also can not think how much far better I appear to look. I would very advise having surgical treatment with Amir at Bella Vou. I really feel much more youthful and also revitalised in my look, as well as it's all thanks to Bella Vou.
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Can you get frostbite from cryotherapy?
Frostbite is possible if someone has wet clothing or is overly sweaty during the session. Make sure the client is completely dry before they enter the cryotherapy chamber. If not make sure they dry off any water or excess sweat from working out with a towel.
What Can I anticipate during My Cryopen treatment?
Hi-Fu.co.uk hifu Daventry: full feature set will certainly ask you concerning the results you're wishing for and also deal with you to attain the best end result. Springfield Medical facility opened up in 1987 and is just one of Essex's leading private healthcare facilities. It is a 64 bedded device containing fifty 8 private bedrooms 4 of which are 2 bedded moms and dad as well as child areas and a high observation system with 2 beds. The operation is performed under a basic anaesthetic and also normally takes two to three hours.
What is the cost of ThermiVa?
The Non-Invasive, Non-Hormonal Option Average Cost: $2,650. Range: $1,250 to $3,900 for 3 treatments for the first year. One follow-up appointment per year: $1000-$1500 per year afterwards. ThermiVa is NOT covered by insurance or Medicare.
Tea and coffee are high in caffeine, so we suggest you to keep those to a minimum. Also, attempt to stay clear of foods that are high in sugar and salt as high as feasible. These include the advancement of a blood clot, nausea or vomiting as well as vomiting, as well as postoperative pain. As the surgical treatment entails the use of an anaesthetic representative, it is likewise feasible that you may create anaesthetic issues. At the end of the surgical procedure, the registered nurses will certainly move you to a recovery space. Below, you will slowly wake up from your anaesthetic under close guidance.
My skin is tighter and also more flexible, stretch marks are hardly noticeable, as well as I make certain I wouldn't even get approved for abdominoplasty surgery anymore.
As the ultrasound waves are focused throughout the treatment areas, you will certainly really feel small quantities of power transmitted with to accurate depths under the skin.
Dr Dhillon will evaluate the skin and assistance figure out if HIFU is the most appropriate treatment to deal with any type of concerns patients might have, factoring in the condition of the skin and the individual's unique goals.
A full HIFU face as well as neck procedure normally takesbetween minutes, while an upper body treatment on its own will certainly take about thirty minutes.
A gel is applied to the location that will be treated as well as the ultrasonic tool is overlooked the skin.
Routine touch-up treatments will certainly aid keep the skin producing new collagen and also prolong the longevity of results.
Some clients delight in an initial result immediately complying with the treatment, yet the ultimate results will take place in simply 2 to 12 weeks, as exhausted collagen is renewed as well as renewed.
There is no special prep work or recovery as well as usually on the face it usually takes one treatment to obtain a recognizable outcome on the body a program of 4 therapies generally obtains the preferred outcomes.
two therapies.
The procedure takes in between 1 - 1.5 hrs, can be performed either under local anaesthetic or sedation, and is treated as a day case. The natural aging process will certainly proceed from the factor accomplished following the procedure.
You want to redefine your face by lowering loose, drooping skin. The appearance of your face is making you look older than you feel.
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Cryomatic Ii Cryo Console.
We have actually invited an option of the country's very best specialists to join us at the Cadogan Center to ensure that you can be sure that whatever the nature of your treatment, you will be seeing one of the top professionals in the country. A 'mini-lift', or 'mini-facelift', is an innovative anti-ageing procedure that uses the most recent minimally intrusive medical strategies to transform the clock back on the age of your face by about 10 years. I really felt entirely safe and guaranteed, he explained every little thing in fantastic information and I really felt really confident that I would get the appearance I wanted, and also I did I'm thrilled with the end result. Among the Bella Vou group will certainly give you a phone call the day after surgical treatment to see to it you're well, have actually had a great evening, and to address any kind of questions. Prep work for your treatment can help reduce the danger of infection and also boost recovery. Shower and also laundry hair everyday as well as quit smoking cigarettes as well as e-cigarettes to minimize the danger of healing issues. Sometimes people present earlier, in their early forties as well as the treatment can be successful in the seventies, eighties or even nineties.
The benefit of the Principle ™ Facelift is that it is under local, not a general anaesthetic, making it much safer for individuals with existing clinical issues. Bella Vou is committed to offering fulfillment, the highest possible requirements of treatment, and a very personal touch throughout the client journey. The highly-skilled, professional personnel are enthusiastic concerning helping people achieve the results they desire, but likewise making their experience delightful, stress and anxiety, and convenient. You will have little bruising, swelling, or scarring complying with the Concept ™ Facelift. Many people can go back to their normal regular within an issue of days.
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Burn more calories than you eat or drink. Eat more veggies, fruits, whole grains, fish, beans, and low-fat or fat-free dairy; and keep meat and poultry lean. Limit empty calories, like sugars and foods with little or no nutritional value. Avoid fad diets because the results don't last.
I feel more certain, I felt there was a more youthful person waiting to venture out, it has actually made a great difference to me and also how I feel. The entire experience has actually been superb as well as I'm over the moon with my outcomes. The treatment defined on this web page might be adjusted to meet your individual needs, so it is very important to follow your medical care professional's guidance and also raise any kind of inquiries that you might have with them. Also after you've left medical facility, we're still looking after you every step of the means. Once you're ready to be discharged, you'll need to prepare a taxi, pal or relative to take you house as you will not be able to drive. You must additionally ask if they can run some light tasks such as looking for you as you won't be really feeling up to it.
Woodland Hospital has 28 solitary areas, all with en collection facilities, 10 short remain beds as well as a 2 bedded high dependency device. If you would like to talk with somebody what is included and also just how much the procedure will set you back, call our team on, or leave us a message via our online query type here. Other sorts of facelift include the mid-face lift and composite facelift and also include lifting much deeper layers of the face. A healthy diet regimen is an essential factor in assisting you to heal and recoup after a facelift. Eat great deals of healthy and balanced environment-friendly veggies, fresh fruit, and high-protein foods such as chicken, fish and also legumes.
Does Cryo hurt?
HOW WILL MY BODY REACT TO THE COLD TEMPERATURE? Cold air therapy in the whole-body chamber uses dry, oxygenated air, so you won't experience shivering, goosebumps or other reactions that you might associate with being cold. Because of this technology, unlike an ice bath or immersion, cryotherapy is not painful.
There are many various other anti-ageing solutions readily available, both surgical and also non-surgical. Ask for a telephone call from among our client advisors or publication an appointment at the Cadogan Center if you would love to review your problems in more information. You may function from home the following day, yet it will certainly rely on just how sensitive you are to the discovery of current surgical treatment, as to when you head out to fulfill individuals. The factor is that you will certainly not be jeopardising the result by going out. Our Surgical Client Expert, Ellie, addresses our patients most regularly asked inquiries. Adhering to the procedure, you will certainly recuperate in our ambulatory healing rooms for in between two to three hrs, depending on the scale of the procedure. Once our professional nursing team more than happy that your first recuperation is full and also you are secure to return home, you will be permitted to leave the Clinic come with by a good friend or participant of your family members.
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The results of Mini Face Lifting surgical treatment are anticipated to be stable for 3-- 5 years, however note that as you mature your face will certainly transform throughout the years. For instance, the tissues around the cheek will remain to be influenced by the aging adjustments and also gravity. People can go back to their normal day-to-day tasks after 1 week, however prevent difficult exercise/ activity for 6 weeks including any contact sporting activities. Mini Facelift Surgery usually takes approximately 1 -2 hrs to carry out depending on the complexity of the surgery. Muscles additionally shed their size and stamina as well as with loss of bone particularly around the upper as well as lower jaws, the face handles the regular functions of aging. The skin loses collagen as well as hyaluronic acid, with sun-damage and contamination, pigmentation, fine blood vessels as well as wrinkles show up.
Is Cryoskin better than coolsculpting?
The product of these improvements is Cryoskin: a treatment system that is faster and more effective than coolsculpting. Cryoskin fat-freezing treatments are faster than coolsculpting and are more customizable. Cryoskin technicians hold an instrument that gets cold, then they move it around your targeted areas.
The skin loses flexibility and also ends up being lax, fat reductions and also comes to be displaced by gravity creating the common jowls, level cheek and reduced eye bags. Please supply a little more information so we can obtain the most effective member of our team to call you back each time to match you. The Cadogan Clinic is an award-winning boutique exclusive healthcare facility on Sloane Street in the heart of Chelsea. We offer one of the most sophisticated medical and also non surgical strategies in our fully-fitted consulting rooms, advanced operating theaters and purpose-built aesthetics as well as laser collection. The Micro-Lift treatment is made to assist alleviate very early indications of aging and also moderate loss of flexibility loss. Picking a surgeon who is an expert in their field and also concentrates on face-lifts will certainly make certain you get the very best outcomes possible.
Clifton Park Medical facility which opened in 2006, is located just outside York city centre. The healthcare facility has actually been rated 'Great' by the Care Top Quality Compensation and also has 24 beds, 2 theatres, a day situation system, a huge outpatients department with x-ray facilities and on-site physiotherapy, including a tiny fitness center location. Free auto auto parking is offered for simple accessibility to our easily positioned hospital just outside of York city centre. Our health center is registered with the Treatment Quality Payment and has superior facilities. We offer fixed price packages for our facelifts so you can feel confident there won't be any economic surprises. We suggest you to refrain from any type of exhausting activity for the very first 8 weeks. You can expect to return to work after one to two weeks, and after 3 weeks if you have likewise had a blepharoplasty.
You can contact our clinical cosmetic team anytime, day or evening if you have any worries or questions. Timberland Hospital is just one of Northamptonshire's leading exclusive hospitals situated in Kettering.
Both nurses who I handled were superb, as well as the whole team got along however specialist, and actually put my mind comfortable. That I was able to remain later than I probably required after my surgical treatment to harmonize my husbands routine was substantially valued. If you have any type of concerns or questions please phone call to talk to among our consultants or demand a recall to talk at a time that suits you.
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antoine-roquentin · 5 years
In a bid to end the paralysis, President Barham Salih gave political blocs until Saturday to name a replacement to Abdul Mahdi or else he would appoint his own candidate. On Saturday evening, Allawi posted a video to Twitter saying Salih had nominated him as the new premier.
"After the president appointed me to form a new government a short while ago, I wanted to talk to you first," he said, addressing the camera in colloquial Iraqi dialect. "I will ask you to keep up the protests, because if you are not with me, I won't be able to do anything," Allawi said.
There was no formal announcement from Salih or other government bodies, and the main protest camp in Tahrir Square seemed split on his nomination. "Allawi is rejected, Allawi is rejected!" some protesters chanted, but others appeared to rally in support of him.
According to the constitution, Allawi now has one month to form his cabinet, which would need a vote of confidence from parliament. In Iraq, the cabinet is typically formed by consensus among political rivals after intense horsetrading over influential posts. "If the (political) blocs try to impose their candidates on me, I'll come out and talk to you and leave this nomination," Allawi said.
Allawi served as communications minister twice under former prime minister Nouri al-Maliki but resigned both times, alleging corruption.
Shortly before Allawi's announcement, protesters in Tahrir expressed reservations about anyone with previous government experience assuming the premiership and frustration with the slow pace of reforms. "Anyone who hasn't been involved in politics before is acceptable," said Abu Amir al-Rubaye, 50. "But if Salih does not find a way to form a government backed by the people, we'll hang his picture in Tahrir with an 'X' across it," he added.
Protests in Tahrir swelled on Saturday as supporters of Shia cleric Moqtada al-Sadr returned to the streets. Sadr controls parliament's largest bloc and many ministerial posts, but he backed the protests when they erupted in October and his supporters were widely recognised as the best organised demonstrators.
A week ago, he appeared to rethink his support for the protest movement and his hard-core backers dismantled their tents in protest camps across the country. Within hours of the Sadrists withdrawing, riot police moved in to burn or tear down protest camps and around a dozen demonstrators were killed, medics and police said.
But on Friday he seemed to flip again, calling for his backers "to renew the peaceful, reformist revolution". They flooded in the streets on Saturday afternoon, setting up tents in Tahrir with portraits of Sadr and blaring music praising him. The violence dropped markedly, too. "Since the Sadrists came back, we've implemented a sort of ceasefire and haven't fired tear gas at protesters," a member of the security forces told AFP near Tahrir Square, the main protest camp in the capital.
More than 480 people have died in protest-related violence since October, the great majority of them demonstrators killed by live rounds or military-grade tear gas canisters.
Protesters in Tahrir Square had already publicly rejected a number of names floated for prime minister. Their portraits, marked with large "X"s over their faces, were hanging in the square along with a big blue poster calling for the United Nations to intervene in the crisis.
iraqis are already trashing him on social media for his press photo in which you can see reflected the former prime minister’s chief of staff, mohammad baqir al-hashemi, a member of the political wing of the badr organization and widely considered iran’s point man in iraq
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oftheflamingheart · 5 years
Lingering Doubts, Overgrown
Inktober Day 14: Overgrown 
Rupert returns to the former site of the King’s Hollow, to find an overgrown patch of weeds and tangled thorny bushes.
Rupert’s POV
It was, perhaps, natural of me to want to return here. Even more natural that I would have worries before a big day like a wedding uniting two countries who’ve been enjoying an uneasy peace after years of war and countless atrocities and horrible bloodshed. Who wouldn’t be stressed, naturally? But here, in this place where two kings spent eighteen years as tangled angry tree people, I stand surrounded by nature. And I wonder, were those thorns always there?
In a shady spot off to one side, away from the dandelions and other perennials, is a patch of foreboding looking black bushes. It doesn’t blend in with the green scenery. The thorns themselves have flecks of color running through them. Red as blood. With how much has changed, it’s impossible to tell for sure, but my mind comes to the conclusion that this is where my father’s body lies.
As I approach the patch, I try not to remember the sight of him and Amir’s father getting sucked into the ground. Breaking the curse, it doomed them surely. But to what fate? Death? Or another form of life the forest found more suitable? Would the forest simply let them rest in peace? Would they even know how?
Too many questions and no answers as to what this bush even is. Natural or unnatural, the final resting place of two dead kings or a continuation of their cursed existences? I stop just short of being able to reach out to these evil looking thorns. There are scars in various places from the thorns I encountered in the maze before getting to the hollow.
A breeze picks up, sending a chill down my spine. In the rustling of the leaves I remember my father’s voice calling me to the forest. Calling my name. As inevitable as fate but yet as indiscernible as well. Prophecies could be misleading. My father certainly couldn’t have predicted that Amir and I would fulfill the prophecy in our own way.
I thought my father was killed by a bear. After meeting him, I wished he had been. The conniving, devious, bloodthirsty man couldn’t have been more different than me if he’d tried. Then again, if he’d tried to be a better person and set aside his greed and warmongering, he’d never have been turned into an evil tree. Amir had at least heard how his father had screwed up.
Wordlessly, Amir steps up beside me. At the sight of the bushes, he draws his sword and hacks at the thorns. The sap is blood red as well, and I pull him back as the vines regrow. Unnatural then. We’re both panting as we back away. But the bushes don’t overgrow their boundaries.
I’m shaking and I don’t realize it until Amir pulls me close to him. He’s shaken too, I can see it in his eyes. I reach for his arm and feel a wet warmth. He’s gotten a little scratch on his arm. My hand comes away with his blood on it and I fumble for a handkerchief on my belt as he pulls one out to stem the flow on his arm.
We don’t speak. Our eyes lock and it’s like I can see the thoughts in his head. Can we ever truly be rid of the influence of our fathers? They didn’t even raise us, but their legacy hangs over our heads. And now a thorny patch where they once stood is just there staining the scenery as they once stained the ground with blood.
Amir takes hold of my handkerchief and wipes at my face. I’m sweating, probably crying as well, my distress likely written all over my face. He smiled and shakes his head. He puts his fingers in his mouth and whistles. A sound of wings flapping fills the air and Porridge lands, facing the evil thorns.
Placing a hand on my chest, right over my heart, Amir leans in and kisses me. My hand hand comes up and I can feel his heartbeat under my palm. I feel the heat before I hear the blast as Porridge breathes fire onto the stubborn thorns.
I’m not my father. His legacy began in hatred and was ended by love. My love. Amir’s love. The thorns are the only things seemingly catching fire. Amir and I hold each other as the overgrown patch turns to ash. Whatever I have that once belonged to my father, I reclaim as my own. And not just mine but Amir’s as well. Our country, our forest, our legacy.
As I wake up in Amir’s arms, overwhelmed yet elated, I turn and snuggle in closer. Whatever doubts I had, these overgrown worries, they too could burn. And in the light of that fire, we’d have a brighter world.
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