#among many many other things lol
roxy206 · 1 year
I got it- bones but make it t and k centered… think and it think about it👀
Stop it wait … like … Booth & Brennan get called in on a case where there was a dead body found in a theatre or drag club & they have to interview T & K?
Booth would not understand drag at first & Brennan would talk about drag in other cultures, & probably about how it’s been incorporated into events she’s been to in another country but it seems that drag in the US is much different
Sweets would have a fucking field day trying to analyze T & K. His head would spin with all the information he would learn in such a short amount of time, & then he would conclude that they’re in love & that like Booth & Brennan, one of them has to finally make a move
Angela would be absolutely enamored with T & K. She’s been to her fair share of drag shows, but she’s never watched Drag Race because she doesn’t have cable. She’s heard T & K’s names in passing, but didn’t recognize them. And if the victim was a drag queen she would do an initial facial reconstruction of them out of drag, then one of them feminizing their face — then detailing it again later after the ID with their signature hair & makeup
Vincent Nigel-Murray would be the intern in rotation for the case & he would be flustered by the attention T & K gave him. Hodgins would be secretly upset that he wasn’t getting any attention from them & ask Angela why that was
T & K would be obsessed with how chic Cam is, & Cam would accidentally reveal that she watches Drag Race by the end of the case even though she’s been trying to hold it in. And she would ask if she can have Michelle swing by because they started watching it together when Cam got custody of Michelle
K would be SO intrigued by everything at the Jeffersonian. T would be going through it having to confront death & mortality. The wills would definitely come up
That would be really interesting to have two dynamics to work with & have them interact & to find where they mirror each other & where they foil each other
Hmmmm. I definitely have some other T & K writing to get done first, but y’know what Anon … I AM thinking about it now lol
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mickeym4ndy · 16 days
I always think a lot of Mickey’s trauma that he buried pretty deep will hit him really really hard post canon.
He’s been in survival mode his whole life so he suppressed a lot of what happened to him just to get through life. He didn’t have the option of dealing with it.
Post canon, things will likely finally slow down for him - less money worries because they have their business, no threat of Terry coming after him, not doing many illegal things so less constant fear of getting caught for something and going back to jail.
So he’ll finally be able to relax a bit and, in his mind, start living and enjoying things in life.
But I think once life slows down, all the trauma from his childhood all the way to adulthood will hit him like a truck. Even things he hasn’t thought about in years will really start affecting him.
And I think he’d get frustrated with himself because he wouldn’t be able to understand why he’s doing so much worse when things are finally good.
But that’s actually why he’s doing so much worse. Because he doesn’t need to constantly prepared for something going wrong, so there’s space for other things in his mind, so everything he’s buried would come right to the surface.
I feel like he’d go through a pretty hard time before he can start to get better because he’ll have to face things he’s suppressed head on, because he won’t be able to bury them any more.
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babybells123 · 1 month
There is something so beautifully anvilicious about these quotes;
" I am a bastard too now, just like him. Oh, it would be so sweet, to see him once again. But of course that could never be. Alayne Stone had no brothers, baseborn or otherwise." (AFFC, Alayne II)
"The dream was sweet . . . but Winterfell would never be his to show. It belonged to his brother, the King in the North. He was a Snow, not a Stark. Bastard, oathbreaker, and turncloak . . ." (ASOS, Jon V)
Both Jon and Sansa are yearning for Winterfell and the feelings/memories/family associated -but both are intrinsically restricting themselves based off of their bastard status. The notion of Sansa being the only Stark (and character) to transition from a high-born noble lady to a baseborn bastard cannot be overlooked. (And then of course, the notion of Jon being the only Stark (and character) to transition from baseborn bastard to lord commander, cannot be overlooked.) Jon has risen to the top whilst Sansa has lowered to the bottom.
She (GRRM) makes the comparison to Jon herself, meaning that GRRM makes the comparison himself. this isn't something interpreted by fans - it is right there, explicitly within the text.
Sansa's desire to reunite with Jon is "sweet," it'd be almost like a dream come true. Jon's "dream was sweet" as well. But "Winterfell could never be his" and seeing her brother once again "of course, could never be" (possible).
And then later on in the text, Jon is offered the chance to become Jon Stark, and have Winterfell in name. Thus his decidedly unsubtle desire (that he dismisses as an entirely impossible dream) is fulfilled by Stannis' offer, even though he eventually rejects it in truth "Winterfell belongs to my sister Sansa."
There is also the quote that precedes Jon's "sweet dream," where he fantasises about a beautiful little romance with Ygritte; showing her a flower from the glass gardens, feasting her in the great hall, bathing in the hot pools, and loving beneath the heart tree. This dream is directly connected to Winterfell and is obviously sexually + romantically charged.
So whilst Jon's desire is partially fulfilled (even if he doesn't accept it) can we possibly assume that Sansa's simultaneously unsubtle "that could never be" may also be fulfilled? Since GRRM seems to really be beating us over the head with how 'that could never happen' from Sansa's internal monologue "no one will ever marry me for love" is reiterated multiple times (just you wait sweet one!) and Sansa desiring to reunite with her brother who she has modelled her bastardry after, who is supposedly the only brother left to her, is immediately dismissed by Sansa because she's accepted the fact that she'll never be with her family again, (and that she shall never encounter true love).
The connections only keep connecting!
So to summarise:
Jon & Sansa both have "sweet" dreams/desires that connect to Winterfell/family.
Jon's dream is sexually/romantically charged, involves a red-headed girl, and establishes Jon's suppressed desires as actually romantic.
Both Jon and Sansa are bastards in these contexts.
Both Jon and Sansa woefully dismiss these dreams/desires as impossible as "that could never be" and "it could never be his to show."
Jon's desire however is later offered on a silver platter by Stannis Baratheon, to which he mulls over and states that he "has always wanted it" (to be his). Though he later refuses Stannis' offer on the basis that "Winterfell belongs to Sansa" - twice over he says this.
Jon 'giving' Winterfell to Sansa is in direct contrast to Robb (Sansa's image of an honourably idealistic older brother) flat out rejecting Sansa's claim on the basis of her marriage to Tyrion.
Jon thus establishes himself as the only character who respects and protects Sansa's claim. Who does not abuse or exploit it. (Even though he was given the opportunity for it and it's been his innermost desire since childhood.)
In a way, this further conveys Jon as Sansa's unspoken, subconscious hero who is protecting her interests and instilling all those heroic ideals (such as the Janos Slynt situation) - though she does not realise it and has accepted that "there are no heroes" at all. But Jon is the true hero, hiding in plain sight.
So, whilst Sansa believes there are no heroes, Jon fulfils those ideals. Whilst Sansa believes no one will marry her for love, Jon exists as the embodiment of all the chivalric, romantic ideals that she's so desperately wanted.
Can we now assume that Sansa believing that she will essentially never see Jon again as entirely anvilicious as she will in fact see Jon again?
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imaybe5tupid · 1 day
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#Touden father#dungeon meshi#laios would never set foot in his hometown ever again but in my dreams he visits Melini for some reason#and him and Laios reenact Bergman’s film Autumn Sonata#my favourite genre is the domestic drama and so naturally his Everything entranced me#the entire Touden family could easily fit in among Ibsen’s dysfunctional nuclear families (toshiros too for that matter moreso even)#and BEFORE non-Ibsen heads who only know A Doll’s House think I’m comparing him to Torvald I AM NOT#ITS A NONSENSICAL COMPARISON BUT I CAN SEE SOMEONE WHO ISNT CRAZY ABOUT HIM OR IBSEN THINKING THAT#so i needed to nip that in the bud NOW!!! because just the thought of someone thinking I feel that way makes flames crawl up my face#anyway Im really obsessed with him…what hes doing now that his children are grown doing their own thing what were his dreams long ago….#what is his relationship with his frail and severely nervous wife…do they even really have one? how did he learn about elf mythology?#did he go to school? Does he have any magical aptitude? what are his plans now that his children have flown away?#who will lead the village when hes gone? Is he trying to find a suitable replacement? Does he have any extended family?#What kind of letters did him and his wife write to Falin? How long until they stopped writing Laios?#Did they ever stop or has Laios just stopped reading them?#How often do he and his wife write Falin? Does he really not have any friends or is that another of child Laios’ misconceptions?#ahhhhh so many things….so many feelings in my heart….#Also “Faren” is father in norwegian :) since that is where i hc toudens from#bc of the mountains and vibe the other parts of scandinavia cant even compare it wouldnt make nearly s much sense to be any of the others#lol i just move on when I dont agree with certain interpretations but i get so heated seeing them hc as another scandi country lmao#like BE SO SERIOUS#NORWAY IS THE MOST TEXTUALLY SUPPORTED AND ITS NOT EVEN CLOSEEEE
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becomedog · 4 months
absolutely tossing my hair that my potential bosses are replying to my updates on application stuff within two minutes
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journey-to-the-attic · 4 months
Genuinely part of me wants to print Satan's poem out and stick it up somewhere......... he means so much to meeee
What if he called IK 'Paws' as a lil nickname sometimes 🥺
oh that's so dang cute :(((((
feel like i need to start keeping a running tally of all ik's little nicknames (both hypothetical ones that i've only ever used in my head and the ones she gets called in-story)
ooh on a similar note i had this idea about everyone having their own specific little nickname that they use when ik's upset and they're trying to comfort her - the level of sappiness is highly variable, and would you believe me if i told you lucifer's ranks at like number three
(number one is asmo, and number two is diavolo)
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twinvictim · 5 months
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@dancehallcrasher tagged me for 9 movies I first watched this year! I actually watched more movies than usual and loved all of these ones specifically I hope I get to watch more <3
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irhabiya · 7 months
silky you scared the crap out of me 😭😭 i haven’t been on here in 2 days and ofc the first thing i do is go to your account only to find it’s disappeared 😭 did they terminated you or did you remake ??
i got quite a scare as well because my account was termed☹️ i literally went to shower and finish up a presentation then came back and the account was gone and i had to sign out from the app :/
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got tagged by @greypetrel for WIP Wednesday earlier this week so. consider this a wip whenever x'D Had to clean up a couple things before i felt ok showing my progress lolol but! I am still working on this :]
hair is very low on my priority list rn lol, and color won't come into play until i'm at least 80% done with everything else. I am mostly trying to figure out how to arrange the clothing & extras layers to make them work together properly (gonna maybe do that with hair later too to make them fit with horns better, but not rn). Also me @ all the picrews with sparse beard options: watch me
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fragmentedblade · 7 months
I've actually found a coherent (negative) criticism on Jingli.u's quest!! Wow!! It's in Chinese on weibo
This user said her behaviour is very double standard. That she criticises and condemns both Dan Fen.g and Yingx.ing severely for trying to bring back Bai.heng in any way, but then she goes to visit Bail.u and tells her that seeing her is better than any medicine. And the user is right! That's exactly why they did what they did (well, I've always been of the opinion that Dan Fen.g had more reasons going on based on the in game information), so why the insistent asking to Blade?
The user also says that Jingliu doesn't really behave at all like a friend, that while very believable that she loved and was close to Bai.heng, it's hard to believe the same thing when it comes to Yingxi.ng and Dan Fen.g. They said that nowadays we still see instances through the Xianzhou in which they are both spoken about in positive terms, that Yingxi.ng is talked about as a legendary furnace master, and we can even stumble upon good opinions on Dan Fen.g, but that Jingli.u never shows that kind of understanding for people in theory she loved, knew personally and was close to.
I don't agree entirely with this, I do think there was a lot of fondness from Jingliu shining through despite everything (especially towards Yin.gxing, in my opinion), but I do think it's a somewhat fair criticism. I loved how they mention that despite everything the Xianzhou's view on Yingxin.g and Dan Fen.g isn't just negative. They're right, and it's a detail I love.
#I think these kinds of pseudo incoherences‚ such as Dan Fen.g's and Yingx.ing's acts or even Jingliu being so angry with them#but wanting to see Bai.heng in that echo and then visiting Bail.u‚ actually make a lot of sense in the context of human emotions and acts#I think these paradoxical acts and flaws often add a lot of depth and humanity‚ and tbh they make the characters imo often more believable#But even though I still think it makes sense I do think this time the criticism pointed out some interesting inconsistencies#in Jingliu's characterisation. I loved that they brought up both these subjects and that they didn't have as black and white view#on either Dan Fen.g or Yingxin.g and their acts‚ and that they commented the thing with the Xianzhou. Finally someone else points this out#ngl I've been reading a lot of Chinese opinions on weibo and forums and I like the Chinese fandom a lot more than the western? xD#I agree with a lot of the comments they make. Most of them in fact. Seeing the western twitter fans I expected some other opinions#to be the most expanded among Chinese fans but to my surprise they aren't. I guess the western fans just focus on what they want#Often I agree with the Chinese fans but we come out with different emotions towards the story. Like‚ we reach the same conclusions#But they dislike the characters and writings and I actually like them for the same reasons lol#Like many things around Dan Fen.g#I don't know. I've had a lot of fun reading many of these opinions#Even when they're most callous and show their dislike about the story and characters they are often very clever and fun#As a conclusion of a sort of summary/interpretation of the Xianzhou arc someone said (as negative criticism) something along the lines of#'there's only two normal people in the whole Xianzhou‚ Fu Xua.n and Jing Yu.an' and it made me laugh a lot xD#I talk too much#I should probably delete this later#Traces#Fragments and scraps#Perhaps#There were more things they said/I wanted to comment but I started writing this post‚ got distracted and finished it many hours later#So I think I've forgotten a lot of stuff. I'll try to recall and add them later#Funny thing this time I was looking for opinions on Jing Yua.n and I found everything but that lol
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catcake24 · 6 months
I made the mistake of logging onto Twitter for some fandom news and…
Everyone on there has the “Fuck you, got mine” mentality huh?
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fingertipsmp3 · 4 months
I’m never beating the “grew up in Innsmouth” allegations forreal
#this memory surfaced of me being.. maybe 8 at most and i was at a sleepover with some of my friends#and they were comparing their webbed fingers and toes. they weren’t in costume and this was not a bad dream either#literally 3 or 4 of my childhood friends had a webbed membrane between at least a couple of their fingers and toes#i know this is not an insanely rare thing to happen but 4 different people… and we were 8 years old and it had never been corrected#worth mentioning that i grew up in a small coastal town where the economy was primarily built on fishing#also Everyone was related somehow. and it’s very insular. i moved there when i was 3 and was still considered an ‘outsider’#the people who were willing to be friends with me were always fellow outsiders or poorer kids whose families had lived there a long time#but they weren’t counted among the ‘old’ families because they didn’t have money#all of these kids with webbed fingers and toes? from that town. and probably related to each other#honestly it’s probably just genetics but i find it very weird how many similarities my town has with innsmouth lol#i told one of my friends about this today and she was like ‘are you from a fucking hp lovecraft novella’ i don’t KNOW#i will never beat the allegations at this rate though#personal#also i wanted to mention i looked up syndactyly and none of my friends had any of the related conditions.#another thing to mention is i wasn’t alarmed at the time. i thought it was soooo cool and was kind of bummed that none of my fingers#were webbed. i think i asked my parents why and they were like ‘??? they’re not supposed to be’
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navramanan · 1 year
I go through these short periods of time feeling very okay and good even only bc i distract myself from what pains me until it catches up again and the cycle repeats itself
#i think it's verrrrrrrrry close to catching up again after i've had normal 2 weeks lol#so many ifs and buts and would things be better had i made a different decision lived in a different place or time etc#but i'll never now i'll always only have the here and now and the unchangeable past#and the very incertain scary future i'm trying so so so hard to be hopeful about but seeing things as they are right now. i really dont kno#i can only fake it to some point. i cant fake it till i make it. i'll fall apart countless times and then wont make it anyway#i feel like. i feel like all the circumstances i've been in have all always been against me#like i'm the only unlucky one among the people i know#i try so so so hard to remind myself that people who seem to have it so much better have their own problems too#but then also i remember something i wrote down once as a teen. the phrase you typically hear#''i have been battling (?) with this problem but am lucky enough to have a support system / loving friends etc''#and idk how right i am with thinking this way but no matter what problems you have.#it's the toughest thing to lack deep connections with at least 1 person ideally like 3 i guess bc it's such a fundamental thing#you know having someone you can ALWAYS turn to without feeling bad and you know that they can and do turn to you too#and i do have a few wonderful friends i love so so much but i feel and know that no one needs me like i need them#every friendships feels so fragile to me. no one depends on me turns to me for advice or to vent etc#and when i feel like i need to do any of those things i cant turn to any of them#there's still inevitably a sort of disconnect i feel#and it terrifies me that i'll never find someone i connect with on a deeper level and it's mutual and we both can depend on each other#and there are no boundaries no shame no unspoken words#i dont know how true any of my feelings are but. but yeah#nesi rants
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yooniesim · 2 years
little late to your recs post but johnnysimmer has amazing unisex hairs!! i know that you are against early access but he only does 2 weeks and releases soooooo much content that it really makes up for it :) all of his cc is very game friendly too!!
Thank you, nonny! 😚 even though it's early access, I still appreciate his cc a lot! I personally think two weeks should be the standard time period for eacc, and the amount of content he releases while still seeming fresh/creative is impressive imo. As an oldie, I also appreciate that he updated the old hairs of vevesim for free as well! I enjoy his work in general and it seems more worth it than what's become the standard from other creators.
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fury road. when furiosa has one evening of downtime for the first time in two days and also two decades and goes blankie mode
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#she's everything. obviously#the rich genre of ppl driving around killing people then respectfully Not having a convo literally face to face#presumably not just downtime but also abt having had a [furiosa's big day] or two lately#your arc as a protagonist Just had its low point. you can't just walk over normally like so anyways....#walk over normally but Cozy Mode while getting through mutually coughing up blood over the effort of a brief exchange. never gets old#anyways i'm obsessed with literally everything she does at any point & think of any of it all the time b/c. i've simply seen this film#obsessed with things other people do also and even go ''yeah this action movie is like an action movie to me'' for once but You Know#everything i could cite is like this is so funny. and so excellent. and so [aaarghhh i - ]#tangential but when i learned they were originally trying to produce this film in the 00s......god delayed that#for one thing i couldn't have seen it like at least once a week for as many weeks as it was in theaters if that happened lol#partly just so happening to go see it the first time like going ''ah. i see'' over & over after various shots like well. i'm different now#blankie mode not necessarily among them lmao but hey. 7 yrs later N viewings later you can appreciate specifics afresh#there was something or other i only Got watching it the other year for the zillionth time that wasn't even like meant to be like#an easter egg or tiny detail or anything. i just missed something / needed to receive the info totally afresh lol like oh okay [parses]#the other day it was like damn haven't read through this narrative comic in ages & that means i forget plenty of details / how they connect#had only done a handful of Straight Through catchup rereads Ever but only this time was i like ohh. i've connected some dots so much more#clearly in a case or two like [didn't quite Get this one plot point but kinda had breezed past it] [a Mystery point is obvious now]#anyways#i've gone ''did the blanket somehow survive / make the transfer'' (not so far as i can tell) like oops doing more media analysis like nice.#there's threads here....have your last seen exchange while more literally coughing up blood. more literally face to face & Yet Only Kinda..#okay anyways. she's everything. and [cinema]
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vampyretaemin · 2 months
my state just passed its very own trans bathroom bill 😁👍 so glad they’re passing so many anti lgbt bills these days this is going to be so good for all of us 👍👍👍
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