redrabbitspod · 4 years
I've been looking at the BLM tag for the past few days. I've been talking with my roommates and my boyfriend about everything that's happened. We plan on going to a protest this weekend, we're in the South. I'm scared, because one of my roommates is POC and I'm trans. I was wondering, then, if you had tips for us? My roommate has asthma, though it hasn't affected them since childhood and I bind, so a main concern is if we get hit with tear gas and struggle to breathe.
OOC: I know you probably wanted Seth or someone to answer, but I’m answering this ooc because I think it’s important. Your roommate that has asthma, I think should just consider the state of their lungs and should go to planned, organized event, and get out early. I’m in New York and I’ve been to every protest in my area dealing with BLM in the past 5 years (most in Baltimore). But I think I can speak for many downstate New Yorkers (I’m on Long Island), that most of us know someone that has had Covid. And most of us know someone who’s died. It’s no joke. Its absolutely fucking horrific and if I didn’t have asthma, putting me at a higher risk, and if the family I live with were not over the age of 65, then I would be out there, in NYC too.  But my asthma is also pretty bad, so if they haven't had problems since childhood, their lungs are probably strong. 
Now about you and binding, if you struggle to breathe, then realize that running will be a struggle as well. And running is your main asset when the protests turn. And since you are trans, know that the police may treat you differently. I’m not trying to be all doom and gloom, but this is serious and I think you all have to look at the cons as well as the immense pros in this. This has to do with your safety though. 
With all of that being said, I think going to an organized protest would be fucking amazing. Yesterday especially there were dozens of beautiful protests around the country. Most start at 11-1 o'clock and can be found on facebook. Go if you feel you are safe from the virus or can safely distance! (which i stand by is very very important to consider. But I am also a New Yorker at risk, so I have a different perspective.) 
Some tips are to keep your eyes and ears open. It only takes one instigator - may that be the police (in MANY MANY CASES) or others, always keep an eye and an ear out for people looking to turn the crowd. That is very VERY important. 
In 2015, I went to an organized protest near City Hall in Baltimore, Maryland. it was only a small group of us. Like VERY small. And after facing off with mustache asshole from Fox news, we all headed towards the inner harbor to meet with other groups of protestors from other schools. When we all met up, a woman came running and saying, ‘don’t go near the jail. it’s a trap and they’re going to arrest all of you’. This was after the national guard was already in the city, and we already had the unrest the previous Saturday in the inner harbor. The first ‘riot’ in Baltimore. I turned to my friends and we had to ask ourselves if we wanted to get arrested. We were in sophomores in college and that would affect our scholarships. We decided we couldn’t take the risk and walked all the way back to our dorms. 
The moment I got into my room, I heard shouting from outside. I raced to my window and the crowd grew by the THOUSANDS. My window faced North Ave, the notorious street in Baltimore. I threw on my shoes and I grabbed my phone and I ran back out there. Split decision. I didn’t have any friends with me, no buddies. And I (perhaps stupidly), threw myself into the fray. It was the most fucking amazing experience of my life. And it was the biggest protest in Baltimore at that time. I didn’t have to know anyone, because we were all screaming for one cause. It wasn’t until we walked around the entire city, through Sandtown where Freddie was killed, that we reached the inner harbor and I found my friends. But it was 8:30 by then and approaching curfew, which was 9 o'clock. We raced to get home before that struck because the police had been getting violent in previous days. That’s where this picture was taken from.
I heard that the tides were going to change. That the police may get violent and this was after already experiencing the police yelling shit at us, flipping us off in previous college organized protests, and watching them beat the people every fucking night. You HAVE to be conscious of those around you. If you hear that people have started to throw shit, unless you’re about that life and want to take the risk, LEAVE. And as non-black people, DO NOT BE AGGRESSIVE IN THE UNREST. The best thing you can do is create a barrier around the black protesters. The best thing you can do is try to help those around you. But don’t be one of those fuckin idiots that are spray painting on buildings, throwing shit, setting shit on fire, because it reflects badly on us. We will be blamed for it. Not saying I think you would do that, but keep that in mind. 
Here are some quick tips summarized:
Watch out for unrest. The people start getting violent? leave. You cant continue the fight if you get hurt. 
the POLICE START GETTING VIOLENT?! Get. the fuck. Out of there. And help anyone you see that needs it. 
Keep your eyes out for a med booth or those supplying first aid. I’ve heard they are spread all throughout the protests, ready to aid.
Bring your inhaler
Write the number of your friends on your body. This day and age people don’t know each others numbers. It’s very easy to lose your phone when shit pops off. And if you get separated, you’ll be happy that you have it written somewhere. Just make sure its non-visible. Some people ended up getting doxxed during the last uprising. 
Write the number of a friend that is not there, someone you trust, as well, in the same manner. If someone is handing out the number of someone representing legal counsel, take it. 
Bring water with you. That is vital. And snacks. Keep your energy up in the sun.
I saw many things saying unlock your phone so people can get to your information. Do not unlock your phone. If it gets stolen then you’re fucked and if it gets in the hands of the police, you don’t want them searching through your shit. On your lock screen put all necessary information. Your picture, name, age, phone number, and the phone number of the person you trust. 
Bring a black sharpie. You need to write shit down like the name of someone getting arrested? you’ll be happy for it. 
stay together. try your best to not get separated. One goes, you all go. You do not want to lose someone in the fray. 
tie back your hair if you have long hair. 
wear baggy black clothing. you want to be as non-descript as possible. you do not want the police to be able to easily profile you. 
stay far away from the fuckin cops. we saw in ft Lauderdale yesterday that it takes ONE COP to start it all. 
If you have medical supplies? bring them. 
If you see opposing parties trying to start shit like the trump supporters and white supremacists infiltrating the crowd? RAISE THE ALARM. TELL. OTHERS. 
POLICE ARE INFILTRATING THE CROWDS AS WELL. I’ve heard that they're changing armband color every day. So if you see an armband, tell the people around you. It’s usually on the upper bicep and keep your eyes open for anyone else like that. This is important. 
AOC posted this fantastic guide:
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And you can find the entire thing here
Please stay safe, stay alert, stay aware, and thank you for fighting. 
Black Lives Matter.
- BloodyDamnit
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dailymerfolk · 4 years
I loved the post you reblogged about the sirens and merfolk! I dunno that most people understand that sirens are Fae. I've actually done a ritual with them before and, being respectful and offering them food and water and a space to play and reside in from their long journey to my location (I live in a relatively landlocked area), they delivered on their end of the ritual. I made sure to clearly state only they were welcome and tried to make their stay as comfy as possible. I love your blog, btw
thank you so much! clearing up misconceptions is something that i would like to use my blog & platform to promote. :) and thats wonderful to hear that your ritual went well!! ♥ 
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atalienart · 5 years
amordantia replied to your post “Done reading Twilight. It was fun :)”
Why all the craze for Jacob and Edward, I always had a crush on Carlisle
Exactly, I love kind and calm Carlisle! He’s honestly the most attractive with his personality!
(Also, yes, I read all the books, and I’ve already watched three movies xD) 
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zeearts · 5 years
Sorry if youve gotten this question before but what iPad do you use?? You make lovely art btw
iPad Pro 2019! The 11.5inch one, with 256GB storage and no cellular option.(the pic below is not mine, but an example i googled)
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the fact that the pencil charges magnetically makes me feel better because I have a tendency to lose my things! (ALSO THANK YOU)
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ao3commentoftheday · 5 years
Hi! Ive been meaning to ask, do you have any advice writing for a fandom w an AU that isnt recent?? I have smth in the works for Gravity Falls and since the show ended a few years ago, im not even sure anyone will read it, but more pressing ive gotta decide on smth for the characters in the AU but i cant think of anyone to ask since none of the blogs i follow are GF based :/ should i just stick w my gut feeling on this? Thanks!!
Just because a fandom isn’t active and canon is finished doesn’t mean that people stop loving it. I stopped watching The West Wing when I moved overseas in 2002 (and the show ended in 2006), but that didn’t stop me from writing a fic for it a month ago. I still love Star Trek: TNG and that’s been off the air since the mid-90s. 
Do a tumblr search for Gravity Falls and I guarantee you’ll find people are still posting about it. I know, because I see stuff on my own dash about it - and I’ve never even seen the show. 
If you want to make a thing, that’s all the reason you need to make it. For the rest? Make a post. Tag the fandom. You might be surprised.
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mandysimo13 · 5 years
Mandddyyyy hit me w that good omens shit 😍😍😍😍😍😍
Picture post-armageddon Crowley walking into Aziraphale’s shop. 
It’s after closing. Customers have long since gone and there’s some soft piano and violin duet filtering through the ancient gramophone on Aziraphale’s desk. The door was locked for most people, of course, but the door has always been open for him whenever he wanted to visit. He miracled the bell to silence, wanting to surprise his angel with his visit. 
He walks through the cozy little shop, eyes sweeping the shelves to look for the new editions that had miraculously appeared when the shop rematerialized. Soft steps brought him to the back office where he finds Aziraphale in the midst of pouring himself a steaming mug of cocoa. He turns on his heels and the smile that stretches Crowley’s lips is everything he had wanted all day. 
“Angel,” he said with fondness, leaning into the door frame. 
“Crowley,” Aziraphale replies, sagging into a more relaxed posture as he gestures with the mug in his hand. “Fancy a spot of cocoa? I’ve just made a whole pot! I’m trying something new. Sweet chili flakes in a dark chocolate concoction that’s loosely based on that edible sludge the Mayans and the Aztecs drank. Say what you will about their technological advances, and they were brilliant, but chocolatiers they were not!” 
“If you wouldn’t mind.” He stepped into the room, swaggering his way over to Aziraphale. 
Aziraphale handed him his own mug. “Here, take mine. Won’t be but a moment to dig up another mug.” He pushed the mug into Crowley’s hands before putting the pot of cocoa back on his desk. His quick steps took him around the room, opening and closing cabinets and drawers, searching for a spare clean mug. 
It never occurred to him to miracle one of the old ones clean again. 
After watching a moment to the whirlwind that was Aziraphale on a mission, Crowley stepped up behind him and put a hand on his shoulder to still him. “Don’t worry yourself, Aziraphale.” He took a sip before extending the mug out to him. “I think that, after 6000 years, we can manage sharing the one mug between us.” His sunglasses drooped down the bridge of his nose, allowing them to make unguarded eye contact. “Don’t you think?”
Crowley watched as Aziraphale swallowed, detecting a touch of nerves. But then the angel smiled and took the cup from him. “You know, you’re quite right.” He took a sip of cocoa and let a small hum of satisfaction rumble from his throat. “Marvelous.” 
“Yes,” Crowley replied, not at all talking about the cocoa. He wrapped his hand around the mug in Aziraphale’s hand, drawing him closer. He bent his head as Aziraphale tilted his up, anticipating Crowley’s next move. “Marvelous.” 
Their kiss was slow, unhurried, and deep. Aziraphale’s lips soft, open, inviting, and tasting of chocolate. When they pulled apart, Crowley nuzzled his nose against Aziraphales, eyes closed in contentment. “Simply marvelous.”
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svrssnp · 5 years
About the church scene when azi gets a gun pulled on him,,, i dont think it was overacted. I think for who azi is and how badly he didnt wanna fill out paperwork it was great. Plus michael sheen is always cute and a belssing 💙 but thats just my opinion
honestly i totally agree with you!!! when i said “over-acted” i just meant that there would usually not be an instance other than aziraphale to be soo enthusiastic/dramatic :)) <3
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poetryforplebs · 5 years
tap, tap, tap
set everything into place
fix the little things
but, then, who—
who’s going to fix you?
~ @amordantia
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thotinshield · 5 years
Hogwarts House? Patronus?
I’m a Hufflepuff! Aaand uh I honestly can’t remember my patronus right now. It’s kinda like a ferret. 
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klimtandbencbatch · 5 years
Mint and chocolate DO taste good together 😣😣 (I'm not being paid very much..)
i’m sorry but science and The Lord say you’re wrong
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arealtrashact · 5 years
I DID. AND I PLAN ON DRAWING MORE! Thank you so much for the kind message! ! !
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cruelfeline · 4 years
amordantia replied to your post “I’ve probably written about this before in some fashion, but good luck...”
blerpderp32 I agree!! The only reason people started liking his character was because people started shipping him with Entrapta. Which like, cis het people have this mentality sometimes where the girl can "fix" the guy and make him "better." Which is incredibly evident in the context of the show and how fans (particularly cis het) perceive it. It's toxic and you can't sympathize with a colonizing abuser. He churned out soooo many child soldiers.  
 And think about it, not only did he make child soldiers, order strikes on civilian towns, literally kill the indigenous people of Etheria. He didn't do some of these things directly? He ordered it. You're a cis het fan who wants a straight ship? Angella and Micah. Mermista and Sea Hawk. But don't obsess over the only other straight ship that involves a colonizing war mongering villian.
In a mostly queer show, romanticising and sympathizing with an abusive war leader just because he "has feelings" for someone, is gross and ignores the perfectly healthy queer ships in the show. Hordak didn't have the best relationship with Horde Prime and yes, he struggled in the past, but his trauma does NOT excuse his actions or abusive behavior. You can like whichever character you want, but the minute you misconstrue or ignore their problematic behavior,  you're okaying that behavior by not acknowledging it.
Hello! I’m replying to this in a proper post because it is easier to format, allows for greater length, and lets others weigh in. I don’t like tumblr’s in-note reply system; I’m sure you understand.
Now, I’m not going to discuss whether or not Hordak deserves sympathy. I’ve done that ad nauseum, and I can see that what I say won’t matter because... well, just look at you go! I’m also not going to try to explain the definition of colonization because... well, such things do seem to be beyond some people, after all.
What I am going to do is address a portion of your “argument” that I frankly find offensive. Friend and neighbors, I may come off as somewhat sassy in this content, so be forewarned. Apologies for the spice, and all that.
So, with that out of the way, please sate my curiosity: why do you think that people who sympathize with Hordak only do so for the sake of the Entrapdak ship? And more importantly, why do you think that we’re cis-het?
Now, I’m not going to ask you what exactly is wrong with being cis-het; I understand at this point in my tumblr-ing that it’s quite fashionable to use that identity as an excuse to look down upon people and their opinions. I won’t bother asking you to explain your reasoning there.
But I will ask why, exactly, you think that the reason I and others like myself enjoy Hordak is because we have a particular gender/orientation combo? 
Do you know me? Do you know what my orientation is? Do you have any actual idea? Of course you don’t. And you don’t know that information for the majority of the other Hordak stans and/or Entrapdak shippers out there. 
Do you know why I love Hordak? Do you know why I started to? Or when? Or what emotions I have for him now? Of course you don’t; you’ve never had the courtesy to ask me. You apparently just assume it’s for the sake of liking a ship. As if I, of all people, would require the promise of imagining characters fucking to feel compassion for one of them. 
I don’t expect everyone to enjoy the same characters I do. Or for the same reasons. And that’s fine; to each their own, y’know? But I find it shameful and vulgar to have some stranger assume deeply personal things about me as a way to avoid actually providing relevant counters to my arguments. 
Because that’s what I think you’re doing: instead of taking the time and effort to provide actual points to address mine, you attribute everything to “welp, it’s just those wacky cis-hets!” Which is wrong, insulting, and honestly just sort of embarrassing to see. It prevents me from having the respect I wish I could have for you. 
If you’re going to reply to these sorts of posts, either mine or someone else’s, I would recommend you take time to come up with something better than whatever “mentality” cis-het people are supposed to have. Perhaps you’ll come off as less... disappointing.
And that’s as mean as I’m going to be today, friends and neighbors. I really try not to, usually, but honest-to-the-gods, heterosexual! Me! I just cannot.
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Thesis publication update
Hi all! You may remember me as the person who was writing a thesis on Johnlock. I know many of you have been wondering when you might be able to read this thing, as promised, and I have made progress!
I’ve done some research into publication options and I would now like to ask for your input. How would you like to read my thesis? Would you like a printed copy? Do you have accessibility requirements or price constraints? Let me know! It’s completely anonymous so please be honest. It will only take a couple of minutes, just click the link below:
TJLO's "The Elephant in the Room: Authorship, Queerbaiting and Sherlock" Audience Investigation 
This is a very quick survey to look at how people would most like me to make my thesis "The Elephant in the Room: Authorship, Queerbaiting and Sherlock" available for you all to read! There will be a free digital version of some kind, and I'm also considering a limited run of print copies, if people are interested. I'm also looking into what reading style people prefer, so when I edit it for publication, you will all get the most out of it!
Thank you so much for taking the time to fill this out. Much love!
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Here’s the thesis book I made and handed in for marking, as an example of what a physical book would look like. 
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Tagging anyone who has previously shown interest in may thesis posts plus the usual suspects under the cut, message me to be added to or removed from this list!
@fellshish @sherlockedcarmilla @thepersianslipper @todaywearesoldiers @obsessedwithsherlockandjohnlock @crazyfangirls-stuff @feifeicuttie @che232 @apezdispenser @theconsultinglinguist @v-ream @johnlockismyshockblanket @emounicorn2006 @strangeps3lyricsmuffin @ravenclaw-wise-girl @dalekliz @thehierofgryffindor @why-cant-people-just-think @mickiperspicacious @88thparallel @mypatronusisaunicorn @myleetleversailles @the-seven-fandom-solution @cherrycat0209 @idiotdotdotdot @srebrnafh @hapartshapchap @ithinkthereforeiamaswell @thinkanddoodle-batch @aratinga4 @gentle-assbutt @je-n-ai-aucune-idee @itsallblogtome @skittles-rainbow-cat @bearly-mama @1stbonesfan @yourwhatisstuckwhere @clear-shades @flowery222 @susandwrites @absentmindedsstuff @prettyrealisticjohnlockfanart @saratsuzuki @obotligtnyfiken @benzedrine-calmstheitch @stupendouspickleeggkid @nineteen-4 @sparking-otter-hedgehog @probably-alive @claireybo @amordantia @these-boots-are-made-for-rocking @rainbow-nerd @laurusalexandercrown @sixfuries @aeveris @cat-r-adora @dark-side-of-banana @eternalloveanddevotion @cuumbertomybatch @orchidrainfall @glitterybibliophile @sofias-kardemomme @221teabees @sarahthecoat @repressed-happening @sherlockcrossing @teaat4am @yepperonipizzadetective @doctorwhogirl91 @ellaharveyolderr @penguin-grl @rainbowdolphinsattack @shadyscroller2 @kangaroo-rats @huunous @johnlockismyreligion @prideauxwho @221teabees @something-blurr @klainecrisscolfer12 @fooledbysecrecy @noethee @christlovez @fanfictionrecommendations-com @sashasthoughtsaretakingover  @tealiosk@fangirlstormborn @maractususu @burningwombatzombie @yaboigrass @leleonora2000 @from-scarlet-to-pink @kneeltothegodofmischief @jknapier @brians-interplanetary-dust @221b-dramaqueens @you-did-nothing-to-me @a-lot-of-stuff-about-queen @221b-brett @ashengem @yaykitty3 @merlinoar @hairpincat @anniemarie96 @catwillowtree @musicalbookie @yourfairyqueermother @flaming-shapeshifter @roxy50angel @khorazir @somethingabouttheway @whynotlife4ever @randomusername-us @panicking-madison-nichole @monsternumber27 @eleiaisagoodgirliswear @sussexfields @jadethebidino @iamnotinnocentanymore @raggedyblue @trust-me-im-doctor-watson @frxmlxnely @angels-for-ghosts @teenlinguist @youwentonthetubelikethat @bertholuci @deiyingburd @stonfordpines @immaculate-benediction-batch @sameeramirez @deliriousdeaddruid @mailbirb @panicatthepartyblog @johnlocked-221-b @bluebellofbakerstreet @thegirlfromthesouth @saratsuzuki @heartduct @the-painter-and-the-poet @ozzaur @1bookadaykeepspeopleaway @wildishmazz @sherlockppu @jaebounce @cumberfoil @almosttomorocco @flyinpigs @jobooksncoffee @gosherlocked @clancy-way @hafsicle0786 @alyaskaa @thewhippedcreamhand @sherlockedmik @hermionejeangranger1979 @achemicaldefect @originalgay1895 @theloverofbooksandshows @laporteusedemort @inkbloodthrall @missyprissy98 @the-moon-loves-the-sea @winchester-1895 @iamhamishwatsonholmes @greenkitchentile @error-2211 @minerva-holmes @tunalock2k17 @inkstainedsoul @glitterybibliophile @ahyperactivehero @abs-of-chocolate @hartyrollins @temporarygravity @theonewhoischosen @yes-im-the-violin-girl @im-that-gay @vampyre-arsenal @andieb4650 @belligerentbecca @blackandblue-09 @deaninacloset @bluepaintlake @rubiks-to-the-third-power @sydster999r @ifihadadragon42 @cavoto-dragon @fantastic-fans @star-b-24601 @silentauroriamthereal @marshmalhoe @alanisrb19us @quirkychicky @ofmindandmagic @mistyatethestars @artistically-frustrated @johnlock-is-religion @rilymoonlight @anniemarie96 @weirdo-ing @itsa-me-leaf @aro-acedumbass @thatsgodscomma @bellflower-s @avengersassemble9 @floofyfluidfluff @here-comes-the-moose @sofini @genkezelt-szuperkukac @worshersherpotato @nimium-amatrix-ingenii-sui @lett-them-eatt-cake @sibbiwinchester @abitteroptimist @panagiotiszois @angel-nem @one-more-miracle @barbsiebabe @maiaemerald @5ammi90 @thezefronposter @itsalwaysyou-jw @amazing-tessa @notjustamumj @know-you-for-real @utrada @meatball-winchester @laurenthewarren @marathefallen @mayograce @trencqotum-seqil @animalconference @avanisblog @destiel-honeypie @kair0s-x @aylee-eliza @temporarygravity @hello-herp-derp-me @bl00dsvck @neeerd @monsternumber27 @bearly-mama @philliphooper @hannahdwinchester @writers66block @rosecheeks221b @eternaljohnlock @hunterofbakerstreet @breath4soul @crooked-straightlines @captain-bumble @justasociopath @myladylyssa @joanwatzon @kitschesque @all-things-johnlock @juliette-tango @chained-up-cha @snowymary @yellowsubmarine-queen @mirrorslock @agzeret @halogenie @totallyintrovertedfanfiction @luna-sharp @trampledcactusboy @octoberobserver @flowersandkisses00 @iammeonearth @her0-gr0und-zer0 @thereallifecath @japanesepeacetea @sovereignoblivious @shermaylockedbutnotme @truestorymaybetold @underestimatemethatwillbefun @benjamikaela @sithiere @notasinglesoul1 @whyjohnstays @treefairy52 @softbunny52 @johnlockunicorn @gingerninjaa02 @allmannerofsomethings @chuumimi @abigail-has-knees @giles-the-anarchist @mystalyx @julia-irian @watsonpersonality @mobilestates @waitsorryimconfused @jadethebidino @soo-lin-yao-teapots @casuallyghostlywonderland @just-a-smol-death @flowery222 @eis1222 @atenea394 @hei-pottu @happy-humpback-whale @laurusalexandercrown @spoonietimelordy @weeshi-art @urgent-exit-required @white-dress-purple-shirt @insaneworld21 @9ish-ships @justarandomgreenie @emovoltronfreak @heavenlyberth @unicorniorules @amordantia @patesuqui15 @one-sleek-noodle @berjoru @jennaa92 @doctorwhogirl91 @volume007 @queerbaitinglock @cumberblocked @lovelylinks @jncnicole @purrhime @shylockgnomes @inevitably-johnlocked @hpswl-cumbercookie @ba-ba-baker-street @shelleysprometheus @holmezyan @steadymentalityengineer @mandapanda8 @221beelieveinjohnlock @thejoyofdeduction @callofthewilde @will-mchope @itislove @bisexualwvtson @cat-clawz @whiteroserebelsinscarves @anonymiae @polk-a-dop @one-thousand-splendid-stars
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atalienart · 5 years
longagoitwastuesday replied to your post “amordantia replied to your post “Done reading Twilight. It was fun...”
Carlisle was very cute. And Jacob? Jacob was super useful. I really liked Jacob xD (he always seemed so ethereal, especially after Bella gets transformed and sees the scars, white and moon shaped if I recall, so white over his so white skin she had never seen them before. I loved that scene, like seeing something secret). Sweet Emmet was a keeper too. I think to recall I liked his relationship with Bella the most, but it's been more than ten years so I'm not sure xD
You mean Jasper, not Jacob (Jacob was a wolf), I liked him very much too, I’d make a use of his powers all the time x) The only thing that annoyed me in his story was that “the youngest officer” cliche. He and Alice were really cute together. Hahaha, Emmet, yeah, I didn’t like his sense of humour so... He and Rose are my least favourite.
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gold-from-straw · 5 years
Backstage of the Universe - ch2
Erik introduces the Holistics to Charles, Raven and Hank, and then tries to leave them. Bart’s not having any of that.
Read on AO3 from the beginning if you like!
By the time Charles was settled and dosed up with morphine, Erik had coaxed the last of the children out from behind the curtains. There was even a middle-aged man in a coma laid out carefully on the floor, and how all of them had managed to hide, Charles wasn’t sure - for that matter, how Erik had managed to get them into Charles’ bedroom, he didn’t think he wanted to know.
Erik put his hand on the red-headed girls’ wild locks. “This is Bart,” he said. “She seems to be able to open any door she wants and, uh… she’s rather…”
“I’m a holistic assassin,” she said cheerfully. “This hot chocolate’s really good, Mr Hank.”
“A holistic--” Charles shook his head. “A holistic assassin?”
Erik met his eyes and shrugged helplessly. “She, uh… she kills. Very effectively.”
“And I can’t be killed,” she added. She must have been eight years old, dressed in a grey jumpsuit, swinging her legs over the edge of the desk.
“Right,” said Charles weakly.
“This is Mona,” said Erik quickly, moving on to the girl with black hair. She was wearing a shapeless white dress and sat on the sofa, poking at her marshmallows. “Mona is a shapeshifter, she can--”
“I’m a holistic actress,” she said in her dreamy voice. “I can be anything I like.”
Charles smiled at her. “I’m sure you’ll get along very well with Raven here,” he said.
“These four boys are holistic vampires, they say,” said Erik, pointing at the group of teenagers and the little boy in the middle of them. The three older ones hunched slightly towards the little one, casting suspicious glances around the room. “Martin, Cross, Vogel and Gripps,” Erik said, pointing at each one.
“And what does a holistic vampire do?” Hank asked suspiciously.
“We feed off strong feelings,” said Gripps. He put his cocoa down and glanced at the final child, huddled in the far corner of the sofa, who hunched his shoulders even further.
“Are you hungry now?” Charles asked, concerned. “Do you not eat regular food?”
Martin side-eyed him. “Whadya gonna do about it?” he asked.
“Well,” he frowned, considering. “I don’t know what I can do about it, but… can we help? I don’t want anyone to get hurt, but--”
“They scare you,” said the last boy, peering up at him out of big eyes. “They… they yell and scare you and then eat it.” He looked over at them, and then ducked his head right over his drink.
Charles looked up at Erik helplessly. Erik sighed. “This is Svlad,” he said, patting him gently on the shoulder. “He led us out of the complex after someone set a self-destruct.”
Svlad flickered his eyes up to Charles, then back down. Mona drank the last of her hot chocolate and climbed over the vampire boys to Svlad, wrapping her arms around him. “Do you want me to be a jacket for you?” she asked.
Svlad smiled and patted her arm. “Yes please,” he whispered. He glanced up at them. “Can it… can it be yellow, please?”
One minute she was a little girl, the next, there was a yellow jacket with a black stripe draped over Dirk’s shoulders. He smiled to himself and snuggled into it.
“And what about…” Hank gestured at the comatose man he was checking over.
“That’s the boy,” Mona said cheerfully. “He’s the holistic dreamer, the nice snail told me so.”
There was silence. Erik shrugged. “I couldn’t leave him.”
Charles took a deep breath and glanced between Hank and Raven. They shrugged. “You’ve already made your decision, Charles,” Raven said, a fond smirk twisting up one cheek.
“I’ll see how many rooms we’ve got clean,” Hank sighed.
“Thank you my friend,” said Charles, squeezing his hand, his fingers sinking into the soft fur.
Vogel was staring at Svlad hungrily. “Hey, kid,” said Raven suddenly, jerking her chin at him. “You eat anger?”
Vogel and the other boys nodded vigorously.
Raven glared at Erik and spread her arms. “Eat your fill.”
Erik just rolled his eyes and nodded at the boys. Martin, Cross, Vogel and Gripps approached Raven and stood around her, glanced at each other, and opened their mouths. Charles watched, half in fascination, half in fear for Raven, as a blue light ran from her body to their mouths.
Vogel whooped and jumped onto the table. The other three stepped back. Raven slumped, and Charles reached out immediately, but she sat up and shook herself off. “That was weird.”
“Are you OK?”
“Yeah,” she said. “Bit tired. But mostly it’s… it’s like I’m not pissed off at him any more.” She frowned. “Damn.”
Charles smiled, and found himself catching Erik’s eye, and for a moment it was like the old amusement was sparking between them. Then Erik turned and went to the window. “I’ll be off, then.”
“Hey, wait, you’re going? Just like that?” Bart demanded, leaping off the desk to run after him.
Erik glanced up at Charles again, not long enough to hold his gaze. “It’s for the best,” he said.
“But… but you’re my friend,” she said, anger rising in her voice.
“Charles will be better at looking after you.”
“I don’t care about Charles,” she snapped. “I care about you. I like you. You’re my friend.”
“No, you said I could be your friend!”
Erik dropped to his knees in front of her, his hands on her shoulders. “I am your friend,” he said, holding her gaze with absolute conviction. “I always will be, OK? But it’s not safe for me to be around you, and Charles doesn’t want me here, and--”
“And perhaps you’d better let Charles speak for himself,” Charles snapped.
Erik’s jaw clicked shut and he looked over to Charles.
Charles glared at him. “You don’t get to bring a group of traumatised children to my house- my school, simply tell me their names and leave again. You need to face the consequences of your actions, Erik. And…” his shoulders slumped a little. “Well, we probably need all the help we can get.”
Erik stood up again, his face impassive, giving nothing away. Finally he nodded. “I’ll go help Hank with the rooms,” he said, and marched out the door.
Tags under the cut
Tagging all you wonderful people who interacted with the last chapter! I hope you enjoy this too ^_^ Thank you! @amordantia, @akasanata, @thewritersspeaking, @ratemyprofx, @itsnotsoawesome, @fandoms-are-my-air, @literarysynergy0210, @demonlady, @ikeracity, @kenisle, @cuddleallgorgeousmen, @vivavelle, @muddled-mayhem, @thorun93, @obsessedwithrogertaylor, @why-cant-people-just-think, @thelavishloser, @hanshaped, @iwillshipyouman, @lovemcdanno, @sencallista27, @medio-melon, @cerespinku, @broadway-omens-and-more, @sparklypoms, @x-hanshaped, @insanedestiny09 
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ao3commentoftheday · 5 years
I sent smth similar to this but idk if you got it? Anyhow im writing a star trek im SUPER excited about involving one of my ocs crushin hard on spock but?? I dont want the romance to seem rushed or ooc esp for a vulcan (or otherwise emotionally distant person if youre unfamiliar). Do you have any tips on writing romance b/t characters that feels natural? And any w that but w an emotionally distant character opening up?? Thank you!!
It must not have come through because this doesn’t sound familiar :(
I think one key thing to keep in mind if you’re attempting to write a slower burn (which it sounds like you might be?) is to take it slow. If you can’t wait for that moment when the love declaration or the kiss or the smut happens, write it out now and then put it away somewhere to come back to later. You’re not there yet. 
Establish the relationship. Show the characters interacting. In the case of the crush-er, show their thoughts/feelings and any actions that might betray those thoughts and feelings. In the case of the crush-ee, decide how much they realize what’s happening. Are they utterly oblivious? Is it completely obvious to them? Is it somewhere in between?
Then it’s a matter of the crush-er getting braver (or less able to hide their feelings) and the crush-ee realizing what’s happening and deciding how they feel about it. 
Anyone else have advice to share?
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